#her fourth kid!!! woohoo
simgerale · 2 years
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another branham thanksgiving, which means another excuse for gramma roma to take tons of family photos 📸
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spopsalt · 7 months
spop fans:
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Me: yeah, 'cause when C*tr* is abusing, toture or gaslighting Adora you spop fans and C*tr* stans act like " woohoo, go queen go " but when Adora is deffeding herself from her abuser you are like " boo, how could you Adora after you betray Catra ".
spop fandom:
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Me: dude, what the fuck ?! C*tradora's whole arc is about how the abuser literally dates her own victim and doesn't give a fuck about anyone but herself, " Adora inspiring Catra to be selfless " yeah 'cause for sure C*tr* felt bad for killing Angella, killing and hurt innocent people and abusing Adora but i don't remember when she feels an ACTUALLY sorry for what she did, " Catra teaching Adora to be selfish " WHAT ?! Adora is not selfish and she would never be, you C//A stans says you know both C*tr* and Adora but you don't because Adora would never be selfish and C*tr* would never be selfless because we saw how the show explaine it.
people, when they see a man abusing a woman: omg, that's terrible, poor girl
people, when they see Catra abusing Adora: omg, sexual tension, lesbians, they are so gf
me: wow you guys are monsters literally, when you see a man doing awful things to a woman you wan't to kill the man so bad but when C*tr/ does the same to Adora you are like happy. If you are like this i don't wan't to imagine how would you react a woman abusing a men because...
well friend, here i am roasting C//A tweets, also i find very disrespectful how people normalize that when a man abuse a woman they find it horrible but when C*tr* does the same thing they are okay with it and that's so wrong , idk what was Nate thinking about creating she-ra and making kids believe that abuse, torture or gaslight the person they love would actually make them fall in love automatically with them and how normalize girls can abuse girls and still be in love. Also if you think about it shipping C*tr* and Adora is like shipping Valentino and Angel Dust in hazbin Hotel because both C*tr* and Valentino abuse Adora and Angel Dust
Hello! Please cut out or censor the usernames whenever you react to tweets and as usual do not harass these users!
yeah, basically Catra will manipulate Adora (and brag about it!) And that's perfectly find, but Lord forbid that Adora fight back! For the second tweet, most of this is just Catra being selfish "What do you want Adora? " and when Adora tells Catra what she wants Catra left and whined about Adora not wanting her. And the first 2 had selfish intentions. And the fourth one had nothing to do with Catra??
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jinlizz-dragondrama · 9 months
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The Rise of a Demon
"Thank you for this amazing turnout!" The mayor says
"Woohoo!" I shout
"Let's hear it for Monkie Kid! Hero of the city!" Mei exclaims while excitedly destroying furniture in the restaurant
The mayor hands MK the key and explains that it is a key that can open anything. As soon as MK touches it the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I get the slight sense of danger. It doesn't help that the mayor laughs like a maniac and quickly says something some ancient artifacts then poofs out of existence.
"Wow, a key that can open anything," MK says
We immediately go out and try the key on different things. We hit the arcade, helped set free some puppies, bought shoes, partied up at a DJ booth, went swimming in the weather room, raced our vehicles, got all the toys out of the claw machines, ate a bunch of ice cream and so much more.
*Gasps* "Mei! Nuwa! OK hear me out! We knew the key could magically unlock anything. But maybe...it can also magically lock anything too!"
"You described all keys... " Mei says And I nod in agreement
We end up locking Pigsy's restaurant and we laugh watching Pigsy trying to break into his restaurant.
"I've never missed a day of work, since I was 13... *fourth wall break* "No guys this isn't child labor stuff I like sweeping and helping make the noodles. I took my job very seriously back then....and still do...moving on. *End of the fourth wall break*
As we are too distracted laughing, we get pushed over the edge of MK's fire escape porch. I land on top of some boxes with a grunt and pained moan I look up to see what or who did this.
"Noodle Boy finally" Red Son sneers
"Ugh it's you, why are you so obsessed with us? Get a hobby!" I say while angrily shaking my fist at him
"What are you doing in MK's house?" Mei asks
"Your house is depressing, I almost feel bad for stealing stuff from you. But I'm gonna need that magic key....oh and you girl your apartment is trashed too" Red Son says nonchalantly
"You big ole....wait...how did you know I lived above MK? You better not have touched my stuff!"
Red Son uses his powers to nab the key and he zooms into his Bull Tank. Mei whistles for her bike and goes after him on her bike. I get into my quad and follow suit. We end up leaving MK behind...oops. Mei and I catch up with Red Son rather quickly.
"Can't you little Peasants let me plot in peace? Just one time!" Red Son shouts as he explodes into flames
"Easy there hothead don't want you to break anything, I think you need to cool off!" I pull out a fire extinguisher and spray the foamy mixture at him.
He disengages from the main tank and descends into his race car. Catapulting the tank at us we scramble to get out of the way.
"Not cool man!" I growl
"So long 'Dragon Horse Girl' and 'weak little nobody'! Here's a tip! Next time, pick one animal, -and...." Red Son gets cut off by the huge Monkie King staff and gets flung a few feet down the raceway.
MK grabs the key and looks at Red Son.
"What do you want with this key anyway?" He asks
"Why spoil the surprise? Now hand that key over and quit wasting my time" PIF coos
"Not a chance," I say as I pull out two hairpins from my hair that elongate to the length of a small dagger and we jump to attack her.
She knocks us away with her magic fan, knocking us into a wall and MK ends up dropping the key which Red Son quickly grabs.
"Come, Red Son. We have things to do" PIF says
"Thanks for the key losers!" Red Son teases and they both vanish.
"What could they want with that key?" I ask
"Whatever the reason is, we have to keep our guard up" Mei states
The hairs on the back of my neck stand up once more and the feeling of danger comes back again. But this time it's harder to shake off the feeling.
A disembodied voice whispers in my ear "Freedom"
Mk and I pile onto my quad and Mei rides her bike back to Pigsy's.
A few days go by and MK and I are in Monkey King's cave.
"You know when I found I was going to be trained by The Monkey King, Great Sage, equal to heaven. I had no idea...that I'd be stuck here hammering walls 12 hours a day!" MK shouts while throwing the hammer
"Or that I'd be helping!" I shout as I pick up heavy rocks that had fallen onto the ground while MK hammered away.
"That's what happens when you go snoring around in places where you don't belong," Monkey King says while he relaxes on his cloud.
I groan and wipe swear from my brow
"Monkey King, where are you?" MK? Where are those two?" I sigh as I shout for them.
I shrug my shoulders and go looking for that shrine again. I find it once again, pushing the vines out of the way, I make my way down to it, fresh offerings and incense are lit once more. I kneel before it and sigh.
"Ugh next time Monkey King asks me to come train I'm gonna say no" I fold my arms with a hmph
But I can't get Red Son's voice out of my head "Weak little nobody"
"Am I a weak nobody?" I say quietly while clenching my fists
"Hey, what are you doing down her kid?"
I jump and turn around awkwardly laughing
"Hey Wukong, um you see...I was..uh...you know...exploring....since you guys were nowhere to be found and I stumbled upon this shrine....." I shift from side to side
Wukong lifts a brow at me not convinced by my lie.
"Woah what's this Monkey King? Who's she?" MK asks while pointing at the picture
"No one, let's go it's training time," Wukong says
*End of Flashback*
"Was she your girlfriend?" I ask teasingly
Wukong sputters, blushes, and falls off his cloud.
"No, and it's none of your business!"
"Yeah that's not convincing at all, give us the deets!" MK says
"You're supposed to be training, Now get back to it" He summons the cloud again and hops back on.
"Ugh, how am I supposed to do the hero stuff if I don't know the fighting stuff? Mk whines
"Yeah, and I can't protect anyone by lifting rocks. I'll get more muscles but not get better at fighting" I say while flexing my nonexistent arm muscles
"Ooohoooh. So you want to know the 'fighting stuff, huh?' Like this?" Wukong throws the staff at the wall that MK was hammering at, both of us ducking out of the way and it leaves a giant hole.
We both have star eyes and we shout together "YES!"
"Exactly like that! I am ready for some awesome!" MK says determined
Wukong laughs at us and tells MK he needs practice and then points at me
"And you, you just..." wukong gets cut off by MK's phone ringing
"MK we really need your help!" Mei says on the FaceTime call.
Looking at the monster causes me to have a memory flash, but it causes me to have a slight headache thinking about it. I'm soon dragged out of the cave screeching while MK wildly runs out of it.
Making it to the city we see how big it is. A sweat drop rolls down the side of my face.
"Uh MK I think we should...and there he goes" I sigh
"Yep," Mei says
"Here comes Monkey-" MK shouts
He's thrown back down to the ground creating a crater next to Pigsy and Sandy.
"Yeah we already tried that MK" Mei says embarrassed
"Wait is that?" I squint at the figure that comes zooming towards the creature and easily defeats it.
"Is that Monkie King?" MK asks and rushes off to see if it is him.
Groaning and chasing after him, I get to where I saw him run off and see it isn't Monkie King but an unknown monkey.
"Um, I'm sorry who are you?"
"Macaque. Actually 'The uh...Siz-Eared Macaque' is, you know, my full name. Well.. see you around, MK"
Mk starts to fan girl so hard and I roll my eyes a bit but also had to admit that it was pretty cool what he did. So many questions start to pop into my head.
Why is this guy showing up now? Is he just as powerful as Wukong? Why is he so hot? Um, forget that last bit. But it is odd, the again Monkie King was hiding away til he found a successor so maybe the same kind of thing was happening with this guy. Something seems a bit off about him.
It was decided that against my better judgment would take Macaque as a new mentor. He practiced long and hard with this Six-Eared Macaque until he finally proved what he learned by doing the same move Wukong did to another part of the wall.
"Woah....How'd you learn to do that?" He gasps "Have you been running around with other mentors?" He questions 
While they argue I'm just being nosy and sweeping the air, moping the walls you know how it is. Mk storms off and I see Wukong's expression to one of concern.
I tailed MK to the location of the "demon".
"So many stairs..." *inhales deeply and chugs water* "Oh my God, I'm outta shape. MK imma comin'"
I reach the top just in time for Monkie King to appear, I see Wukong stare down at MK and turn his attention back to Macaque.
"Hey so Monkie King it would have been nice if you had given me a ride up here you jerk, ugh I need to lie down," I say while breathing heavily and falling to the ground.
Macaque and Wukong start an epic battle, while Macaque is distracted I go over to MK and try to pull the staff off of him.
"This is stuck on good I can't get it!" I grunt and try using all my strength to pull it
"Sorry guys nothing personal," Macaque says while summoning the shadow demon
We both scream and I use my body to protect him
"Kid, Nuwa I'm coming" Wukong yells
When the pain from the punch doesn't come, I turn around to see that he came just in time to block a punch from the Shadow Demon.
"Kid we're definitely gonna have words later, but it's time for the hero stuff!" Monkey King grunts
MK and I get the staff off him, I step back and let him swing the staff.
"Patience. Focus. Step into the strike" We all shout
The staff hits the shadow demon which causes an explosion. Wukong rushes to protectively block the rock debris from hurting us. It felt oddly familiar and I smiled to myself. Later on, we are back in the cave, and MK is busy cleaning up a storm. I'm busy meditating and balancing books on my outstretched arms and my leg up in the air.
"This is totally gonna be a do the boring chores and learn awesome Kung fu...right?" MK says
"Ummm, sure," Wukong says hesitantly
After several days of training, we return to the city and it's a lot more blue than usual. All of a sudden some bull clones surround us and their eyes and mouths glow a very bright icy blue color. We start to panic, I start running but I realize my legs are moving but my body is not going anywhere, they start to ounce on us but Pigsy's food truck plows through them.
Out steps the gang in full apocalyptic gear.
"Guys! You look so awesome!" Mk says
"Yeah. So, uh...some stuff happened while you two were away and got kind of intense." Mei says awkwardly
"But I left you with one of my boys!" Mk says
"Oh he's been super useful," Tang says
The clone shrugs his shoulders and poofs out of existence
"Tang!" I shout while rushing over to hug him
"So what happened?" Mk asks
Tang puts a hand out which makes contact with my head, I still try to plow through to hug him but the hand isn't budging. He cleared his throat and pushed his glasses close to his face.
"Well after you left, the bull clones attacked. But they were different, more powerful than before. We believe it's all tied back to the Demon Bull King himself. MK....Nuwa...He's conquered everything." Tang finishes solemnly.
I groan and Sandy points to the mountain where they hear a strange noise. We pile into the food truck and head straight for it.
"All right, what's the plan?" Sandy asks
"Uh, I don't know. I was just gonna wing it" MK says unsure
"Sounds great let's go," Sandy says all hyped up
Pigsy revs the engine of the food truck and we all give MK a thumbs-up signaling that we will help him no matter what. Pigsy hits the gas and we start zooming toward to entrance of the town room, Sandy tosses MK, Mei, and me to the giant hole in the ground. We fall a good distance until Mei pulls out her sword and jams it into the wall slowing our descent down to a halt.
"Now what?" MK asks
"Uh guys," I say while looking around us and we spot Bull clones all over the walls like bats seemingly in a resting state. But it didn't last long Mei's phone began to ring and soon woke up the clones.
She scrambles to grab it and accidentally lets go of her sword, MK quickly grabs onto the sword, but I lose my grip and start to fall.
"Nuwa!" They both shout panicked
I close my eyes feeling the wind rush against my face then it stops, I slowly open my eyes and see I'm floating.
"No way!" MK says shocked
"What, what WHAT!?" I shout
"You've got wings," Mei says excitedly with star eyes
"Huh?" I say confused and look at my back and sure enough black leathery wings protrude from my back and are flapping.
"Geez I ruined my favorite hoodie.....but I can fly" I start to zoom around and giggle.
Mei's phone continues to ring as it was an update for Monkey Mech. They both look at each other and grin.
"Here comes Monkie Kid" we all shout while MK jams the staff into the nearby wall and creates the Monkie Kid Mech.
"You hold off the zombie bull clones. I'll get down and finish this" MK tells Mei from inside the Mech.
I'm flying around the outside of it and notice the bull clones are plummeting towards us, I then hear MK being thrown from the Mech and screaming his way down. I start flying after him, catching him and not being able to stop, wrapping my wings around us and crashing into the ground. While above us Mei is holding her own fighting the bull clones like the boss she is.
We crashed and landed in between DBK, Red Son, and PIF.
"Noodle boy and...?" Red Son says surprised
"Littke thieves," DBK says annoyed
Standing up, stretching our backs, and groaning
"Yeah I totally saved us" I shout
"You?!" Red Son shouts as he points at me and his eyes look at my wings
Following his line of sight I blush out of embarrassment
"One crisis at a time Red Son!" I sigh
Red Son still has the surprised Pikachu face and DBK starts charging after us. We dodge out of the way of every throw he makes until PIF uses her fans to move us out of the range of his attacks and directs us to the canisters on DBK's back.
"OK, time for round two" MK exclaims
I stretch my wings out and get into a fighting position.
"No! This time, we fight with you." Red Son says while sprinting off
"You two will have one shot. Make it count" PIF says darting after her son.
Both mother and son attack together, but they are pushed back by DBK's immense newfound power. DBK storms menacingly towards his family. I fly in front of DBK's view of the two and MK throws rocks to distract him. But DBK smashed his hand onto MK and pinned him to the rock wall. Thankfully while I was in DBK's view for a brief few seconds MK made a copy of himself and sent clones of himself to attack at once.
"Here comes Monkey Kid!" MK shouts as I fly to him grabbing him, spinning and tossing him towards DBK for the finishing blows.
The canister is knocked off of him and it explodes sending icy blue energy dispersing everywhere. The DBK family throne room starts to collapse. They make their quick escape and I make one last eye contact with Red Son before he disappears.
"You can't just! Ugh again" MK shouts and dodges rocks that are falling. I grab him and start flying and dodging the rocks. But a huge rock starts its descent toward us and I can't move out of the way in time thankfully Mei comes to the rescue with the Monkie Mech and stops the rock.
"Let's get out of here you Monkie Kids," she says.
After all was said and done, we sat on the Mech's shoulder and ate celebratory noodles.
"You did it guys, you defeated DBK again!" Sandy says
"I don't know if we did, whatever was powering him up it made him...different.
"On another note...where did those wings come from?!" Tang says while pointing at them
I flap them a few times and shrug
"I don't know they just appeared when I was in danger. I kind of don't want to think too hard about it...." I say a bit awkwardly while swirling my noodles around
*sigh* "Who would have thought that adopting these two little orphans would cause our lives to be so adventure-filled" Pigsy says while ruffling my hair
We all share a laugh, finishing our noodles and putting a pin on the "wings" conversation. I decide to go for a walk, I walk past an alleyway and see a little girl reaching for her kitty. I tuck my wings into my hoodie and walk over to her.
"Here let me help you," I say startling her
"Oh thank you," she says gratefully
Handing her the kitty and smiling at her, I see a puff of blue smoke bouncing its way toward us, pushing her out of the way. Before I know it my line of vision blurs, and I feel ice-cold, my head is swimming with unintelligible voices, and pain courses through my body as I become pospassed. I open my eyes to see myself floating in pitch-blackness and a blue skull floating in front of me. Then my consciousness was pushed forward, I could see my surroundings but I couldn't move my body. My mouth moves but I hear an evil laugh that wasn't my own.
"Oh no..."
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wormwiggle · 1 month
gonna do the warriors 20 questions thing just for fun woohoo!!! I did it a long time ago but my opinions have changed a lot since then and new blorbos have been gained
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1. seri pixel biologist who i was really into as a kid did a sims 4 warrior cats challenge and thats how I first learned abt the existence of the books. when I looked it up I was super confused on who everyone was but it was still really interesting to me. eventually my school went on a field trip to the library where I picked up the first book of OOTS. I was confused asf cuz that was a horrible place to start reading but then I learned that it was the 1st book of the FOURTH arc. and I set out to find a guidebook and the first book of the first arc. the rest is history,,,
2. probably AVOS or TBC . or just the first one. I havent read the 2nd or 3rd arcs but I love the family drama that comes from them
3. lost stars
4. super edition is crowfeathers trail or crookedstars promise. I like way too many of the novellas to choose a favorite but pinestars choice and goosefeathers curse are up there. manga is a shadow in riverclan
5. shadowclan in AVOS
6. again I have way too many but briarlight, dovewing, longtail, brightheart, feathertail, and shadowsight hold a special place in my heart
7. thistleclaw
8. moonpaw
9. crookedstar, tallstar, or pinestar
10. darktail
11. shadowsight . mothwing got knocked out bc of her treatment of him im afraid. jayfeather is an honorable mention
12. ivypool
13. shockingly brokenstar? I feel like people don't appreciate kit to warrior him he was very interesting to me
14. snowfur is kinda like goldenflower jr to me
15. idgaf if they have to be canon moonpaw x the moonpool . objectum yuri has me acting unwise
16. squirrelflight and bramblestar. also sunbeam and nightheart sorry not sorry
17. jayfeather and briarlight I used to ship them tho
18. the ending of OOTS till this day I feel like that was the perfect ending to warrior cats and was so beautifully written but then they kept making more books
honorable mention is when violetpaw walked into that guy trying to kill darktail , and he went to kill her, and then darktail killed him, and needletail was shook as fuck after. I was staring at the book in horror for a min
19. briarlight was unnecessary and was one of the few deaths that made me cry
20. it wasn't really a fight scene but when violetpaw and twigpaw had to fight I was like damn
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marmiteprinter · 8 months
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The twins went straight to bed but Evan still had one more thing on his mind before he and Kenya followed suit.
"So, it's been a while since our wedding night..." he said. "Do you want to?"
Now that they didn't have nooboos or toddlers to worry about, Kenya was all for it.
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After a bit of flirting and making out, one thing led to another and they were climbing into bed for some Woohoo. And then some more Woohoo.
Oh boy, you guys aren't even 30 and you already have three kids - please don't get pregnant again! I love how their family has grown so far but do they really need a fourth kid? (The answer is no LOL!) We really need Verity to get to the top of her career ASAP so we can get some freely-available birth control in town!
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chibigaia-art · 1 year
ough (day 2 - 4, tho I haven’t finished the fourth day yet)
-get this guy out of my front yard rn
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- I love that there is no further elaboration, he’s just an idiot. that’s it. artemy is fucking fuming and rubin is an idiot
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- top 10 lines that made me turn on the lights in the room
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- I was dying of hunger when I said this
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-wonder bull :]
- I clap my hands and go ‘woohoo’ whenever they mention the ‘eart good, sky evil’ thing and also whenever they talk about the town as if its alive
- the dialogue options in this game make me positively insane because they all really feel like something artemy could say to ppl, but in a way that sometimes just shows further how conflicted he is on certain topics, ESPECIALLY when it’s about his place in the town and how he sees the Kin’s methods of healing, so I was positively delighted when I saw this line during the theatre play
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because yeah!!! I can keep picking the options to tell everyone that I’m part of the Kin and I trust the traditions, but I will always know what Artemy thinks and how leaving the town made him doubt all that stuff. Dialogue in this game is my reward for the pain I’m suffering
- lines from videogames that make you project on fictional characters
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- day 3 was extreme torment for me, my previous mistakes are biting me in the ass AND now that the sand pest hit I am in a panic and keep thinking I should’ve used my time better. I could’ve probably done better!!! But I have to keep going
- house of the dead killed me on the spot, my anxiety didnt mix well with it. 10/10 with what they were going for!
-found her sitting with the kids, that was cute
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- I hope he’s calling him a little bitch
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- this exchange
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- big bird :)
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- fucking destroyed me when I walked back in the house and saw the vision death puts there to taunt you. had to put the game on pause
- then I had to reload a save because I realized I was abt to die of hunger, and since I was infected & I could’ve probably avoided some mistakes,,, I’m just gonna try it again tmrw
I am NOT having fun but also. I am constantly thinking about this game. BUT ALSO I actively choose to stop playing it, I don’t try to stretch my gameplay for more than a couple hours (or even less) because I always reach a point where I get overwhelmed and need to pull back and think. definitely not having fun but also too engaged to stop
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changingplumbob · 11 months
Villareal Household: Chapter 4, Part 3
Alfred and Rilian are now infants. Luna carried them and is feeling run down after the experience
TW Deals with postpartum depression
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In this part Luna finds it difficult to bond with the boys, the family have a park trip, and Devin shoots her next acting gig which is all kinds of bizarre.
With both Alfred and Rilian asleep the women can head to bed.
Devin: Come here amore mio, you did so well today
Luna: You don't think our guests minded my pumping
Devin: Anyone that minded would have been told to leave
Luna: You did well to
Devin: I did didn't I. I'm parenting level 3 already, I'm amazing
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Luna: I wish I had your confidence
Devin: Maybe some of it can rub off on you
Luna: I'm too sleepy to woohoo but thanks for the offer
Devin: Now you mention it I might be a bit tired
Luna: You, the Devin Villareal, tired?
Devin: I said might be
Luna: *chuckles* I'll take first watch
Devin: I want to help feed
Luna: I'll wake you up
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Luna didn't sleep long before being able to pump. Afterwards she set about planting the new seeds from the Harvestfest gnomes. Alfred is the first twin to wake up but both boys wake up happy.
Luna: Schatz they're up
Devin: Coming
Luna: Are you hungry Alfred, I have some milk
Devin: Up we go Rilian
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Luna: Here you are schnucki
Devin: You managed to get more milk out
Luna: I did, those cookies absolutely help
Devin: Careful Rilian, you'll get gassy sucking like that
Luna: I suppose they have to learn as well
Devin: They have to learn so much
Luna: Can you burp for mummy
Devin: Oh, I got a burp
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The boys need their diapers changed. Luna and Devin take turns using the changing table. When they're not dodging waste they're playing with the toys on the playmats. Both Rilian and Alfred seem fascinated by the toys.
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I present a 4 act tragedy. First act, Rilian unlocks reaching but cannot reach. Second act, Alfred unlocks reaching but cannot reach. Third act, Alfred is put in his crib while gassy. Fourth act, Rilian pees on Devin. It's a tough 4am. Luckily Rilian has the Self Soother quirk.
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Devin and Luna manage to catch a few more hours of sleep before getting up. I forgot to check the garden when I relaunched the game so of course half the plants are glitched.
Devin: Morning Lu
Luna: Hey Devin, did you see the plants
Devin: What about them
Luna: Some seem to have reverted, so weird
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Devin: Who wants some tasty formula for breakfast
Luna: Sorry I couldn't get milk schnucki
Devin: Alfred doesn't mind do you buddy
Luna: Rilian does
Devin: Maybe he just has one of those faces
Luna: They're identical and Alfred doesn't have a natural pout
Devin: Well mama has a plan to cheer everyone
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Luna: The park
Devin: Yes! Don't you love it here Rilian, look at all the crinkly leaves
Luna: He looks worried
Devin: He is cautious I guess
Luna: It's okay Alfred, mummy is just putting you down for a second
Alfred: *whimpers*
Devin: Come on bambinos, we are building our resilience, let's be brave
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Devin and Luna begin tummy time. Hopefully the sunshine and crisp breeze will inspire movement.
Paparazzi: Mrs Villareal! Look this way!
Devin: Not now Derek
Rilian: *fusses*
Devin: Oh picollo mio it's okay
Luna: Alfred seems to have lost patience with me
Devin: That can't be true
Luna: Can we swap
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Devin: Are you making mummy feel bad
Alfred: *cries*
Devin: Nothing can be that bad
Luna: No, no, Rilian! Please don't cry to
Devin: Come on Alfred, just try turning, wiggle that butt
Luna: Can you turn for mummy
In the end after many tears both Alfred and Rilian manage to roll over onto their backs
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Luna: Thank the watcher
Devin: Are you ready for home Alfred
Luna: I'm not sure they'll be hungry yet but they definitely need naps
Devin: Oh hey Ali, didn't see you at the park
Ali: Kids don't belong in magazines
Luna: Thanks
Devin: I'll be on set tonight
Ali: Thanks for the heads up Mrs Villareal
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Devin: Nap time caro
Rilian: *snuggles*
Devin: I love you to
Alfred: *fusses*
Luna: Now Alfred, mummy's putting on the lullaby, don't worry
Alfred: *cries*
Rilian: *settles*
Luna: Alfred, schnucki please just listen to the music, you'll be okay
Eventually Alfred manages to fall asleep to Luna's relief.
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As the boys nap Devin gets in her daily workout and boosts her follower number. Luna works on a scholarly paper. Being a professor she has academic commitments to keep up with despite family leave. She takes a break to pump and notices the dust piles. Vacuuming she feels herself becoming a neat sim.
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When the boys wake up it's dinner time. Devin feeds Alfred then has some tummy time while Luna looks after Rilian.
Devin: Picollo mio I know being small is hard
Alfred: *WAILS*
Devin: You can already turn in one direction, that's halfway there
Alfred: *WAILS*
Devin: We seem to have hit a roadblock
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Luna: How about you Rilian, are you also blocked
Devin: Are you sure you'll be okay while I'm at work
Luna: Yes
Devin: And if you need help-
Luna: I'll call their nonna, don't worry
Devin: Until later bambinos
Luna: Say bye bye mama. Mama is off to be a star and get lots of money for us
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Devin: I can't believe we have to do a night shoot
Rudolphus: Could be worse, we could be in the rain
Devin: True
Rudolphus: I heard your wife had the kids
Devin: She did, they are gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as you make me look
Rudolphus: *chuckles* you know it
Devin: Seriously, you're an artist
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Emily: Don't shoot the messenger
Devin: What
Emily: I was looking and you're actually going to be twinning today
Devin: Excuse me
Emily: Not like related twin, just like eerily similar looking
Devin: Thanks for letting me know, with twins at home I was bound to think I was imagining it
Emily: Selfie
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After catching up with her colleagues on set Devin heads over to the director.
Devin: Tell me this is a family show
Norah: Of course
Devin: Then why do I have romance scenes with someone dressed exactly the same
Norah: I direct, I don't write, maybe the writer was just feeling-
Devin: Creepy
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Devin: And who's under all that
Connor: It's me ninny
Devin: Well excuse me for being fooled by the fact that I can't SEE you
Connor: I can hardly SEE out of this
Devin: My script just said suspect, nothing about aliens
Connor: Honestly I don't know what the writer was thinking, but we best start
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Devin: The worst part is you thought you could get away with it
Connor: And I would have got away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids
Devin: I am a young adult
Connor: And I'm 574. You got lucky kid
Devin: Rot for all I care
Connor: Thank goodness that's over with, now I can change
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Mina: Hey mirror
Devin: Get out
Mina: I'm half expecting someone to let slip that this is b-roll for an adult film
Devin: *shudders*
Mina: Let's get our non related clone flirt on
Devin: *laughs* don't make me laugh before we've even started
Devin and Mina manage to make it through the scene.
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Norah: Heads in the game ladies
Mina: She made me laugh
Devin: I'm focused, I'm focused
Devin: The whole precinct came together to catch the suspect, and reveal the first alien to the world
Mina: Every one of you is to be thanked
Devin: Cheers to the best detectives around, and our lawyers
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Mina: This doesn't have to be weird, just kissing ourselves
Devin: I blow myself kisses in the mirror
Mina: Well of course you do
Ever the professionals, Devin and Mina shoot the romantic climax of the episode without a hitch
Devin: Next time I'm going to check who's writing before I sign
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Previous Part ... Next Part
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
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Hewwo my dear author ! :3
First off, I hope you don't find my 3AM rambling annoying because after finishing "As Gold as the Ginkgo Trees" and "it's all that i can give to you, my dear", I almost cried my eyes out over your beautifully-written fics and I'm truly exciting to share you about my OCs (not me purposely created to ship with those handsome men UwU).
Starting with their profiles, the lady standing next to Pants Man is his wife - whose maiden name was Camicia Draconia-Shroud (yea, fiery blue hair gamerboy and tall handsome dragonman in DTW, I love Multiverse AU). Camicia was NOT Idia and Malleus' lovechild, she was, in fact, a great-great-great-granddaughter of Idia through her mother's bloodline and a great-niece of Malleus through her father's (explained her elf-like ears though).
Camicia was born as a princess of Briar Valley. Her father was a nephew of Malleus and became king after dragonman's resignation, her mother was a Shroud family member, Camicia had two elder brothers. She was raised separately from her family, by her nannies, in the royal domain of The Abbey. Her father was quite an unreliable king so her mother, who was sharp-minded and ruthless enough, took the charge. The Queen was more fond of her eldest son, the Crown Prince, than her other children so she poured her mind into educating him to make him a carbon copy of her.
A smallpox epidemic broke out in Briar Valley almost took the Queen's and the princes' life. The Queen made a decision to send her two younger children to be raised by her other family members. The second prince - who received the most severe damage from smallpox - was sent to The Queen's aunt while princess Camicia was sent to the Queen's cousin - the Duke and Duchess of Vazque.
The ducal couple had already had nine children, they adopted Camicia as their fourth child. However, the Shroud was in war by that time and they was in need of financial support, so arranged marriage was a great choice. But ! One problem was... they had no unmarried lady who had reached adulthood. Things came and went until the Duchess took matter into her own hands and wrote a proposal letter to Pantalone, offering her adoptive daughter's hand-in-marriage. And Pantalone accepted (because he wanted to own her fae-descended bloodline) ! Woohoo !
The next problem was... well... Camicia was only 15 so there were lots of hardships to finally get them married including Pantalone was lied about his bride's age (don't worry, he was aware of her real age and they didn't do anything unappreciated). Nevertheless, in their early married years, Camicia faced many difficulties such as not gaining her husband's trust, being too young to be a proper wife,... and she had to solve problems on her own... (but we don't dig too deep about it here).
Meanwhile, the lonely headshot sketch next to the couple depicting Despoinate - Morax/Zhongli's morganatic wife. She was unofficially a Shroud (Camicia's adoptive father, the Duke of Vazque, was Despoinate's uncle) but forbidden to bear the family's name since she was an illegitimate child born to a nobleman and a married woman. Nothing much was known about Despoinate except for she wasn't named until her teenage years (before that time she was only called "that girl", "the kid",...), she was abandoned to the church by her mother and was raised by nuns until a fire destroyed the church and killed almost all people. She next spent years in a workhouse, witnessing horrible scenes to the point she chose to sleep in a stable instead of inside the workhouse.
The reason why Despoinate reached Teyvat was that her father - after acknowledging and raising her for a couple of years - also abandoned her with some money and let her live on her own.
(Fun fact: the Shroud family didn't know about Despoinate's existance so both her and Camicia didn't know about each other).
Lastly, thanks for reading my rambling, dear author, I wish you good health !
Not gonna lie, did not expect the plot twist of child bride.
That said, your art is really cute! I also appreciate your support in my writing, though I do worry that you might be a little young to be reading some of my fics, namely the pants fic. I generally consider the Morax fic mostly pg-13 save for a couple chapters you can skip, but the pants fic is definitely 18+. If I have assumed wrong, my apologies! Otherwise, skip those ones.
Once again, cute art, and stay safe!
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thusspoketrish · 3 years
Fuckin' Suburbia.
CW: smut. forced voyeurism.
Draco steps outside of the house, his hands and waist occupied by tiny humans.
“Woohoo! Draco!”
He winces as Mrs Pumpernickel makes her way across the street, one perfectly manicured hand raised, waving at him as if she were the Queen of England herself. Her perfect curls bounce across her equally perfect powdered face, her kitten heels clicking loudly as she walks. “I saw you and Harry earlier bringing in those lovely hydrangeas! Do you need any advice—”
“No, no,” Draco forces out a chuckle. “Not at all, Mrs Pumpernickel, thank you!” Draco calls back, hoping this will deter her.
It doesn’t.
He breaks his eye contact with her to instead usher his children towards the monstrosity of a Muggle contraption Harry insisted that they purchase and that Draco properly learn how to use.
As he buckles Lily into her car seat, Scorpius and Albus begin to shove one another in the chest as they fight over a toy. He ignores their scuffle to ensure Lils is safely fastened. Mrs Pumpernickel swoops in then, her dated, heavy, musky, woody perfume filling Draco’s nostrils.
She smirks at him, shaking her head as her gaze sweeps over Draco’s boys. “Oh, Draco! You must pay attention to them!” she giggles. “Aren’t they just little barbarians?”
Draco carefully pulls his head from out of the car, straightening up to his full height. One hand finds its way to his hip, the other resting on the roof of the SUV as he quirks an eyebrow. “Pardon me?” he asks, voice flat.
Mrs Pumpernickel smiles blandly at him, eyes glinting. “Oh. You know what I mean, don’t fuss. Boys will be boys, after all,” she shrugs, her eyes now fixed behind Draco, on the house. “Where’s that delicious husband of yours?” she asks, craning her neck.
Draco’s nostrils flare. “Harry is at work,” he says pointedly. He’s sure she has their schedule down-packed by now.
Mrs Pumpernickel shakes her head. “Oh, Draco! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—I can’t believe Harry leaves you alone so much, and with all the babies! How unfortunate!” she cries out dramatically, her eyes widening.
Draco blinks slowly. He’s sure she spends most of her time watching his family over her own. Mrs Pumpernickel is in her late 50s, already divorced three times and on her fourth husband, and has an adult son from her first marriage that never visits. She has no bloody right to comment on his family dynamics.
“Harry works to support our family, Mrs Pumpernickel,” Draco responds, now turning to face his boys. He wrests free the toy they’re both clinging onto and then hoists them up, one at a time, into the car to strap them into their own car seat.
“I just feel like he can show you more attention, that’s all.”
When Draco finishes with the last child, he straightens up once more, fixing Mrs Pumpernickel with a frozen smile. An idea strikes him.
“Why don’t you come by later today, say, around 7? I’m about to take the kids to their grandmother’s house for the weekend. You won’t want to miss what Harry and I will be serving tonight,” Draco says, his eyes dancing.
Mrs Pumpernickel looks beside herself. “Oh, Draco!” she exclaims, her eyes lighting up. “I would be so honoured to be your guest! I’ve always wondered what your interior looks like! I would love to make some suggestions, too. You know how it goes, you can never trust two men to be completely tasteful in their décor. You need a woman’s touch, always!”
Draco smiles wider. “Yes, right. Well. Come by later. You’ll see how much of a woman’s touch Harry and I need.”
Mrs Pumpernickel beams, nodding vigorously. “Of course, of course! 7 on the dot, darling! I’ll bring a pie!”
Before Draco can respond, she’s already making her way back across the street to her own house.
Draco cackles.
At approximately 6:50pm, Harry has Draco naked and draped over the arm of their sofa that directly faces their bay windows, the curtains pulled open as Harry fucks him from behind.
“Fuck…fuck! Harry, don’t stop!” Draco cries, sweaty strands of hair sticking to his forehead.
“Yes,” Harry hisses. “You feel so fucking amazing, Draco,” Harry groans, his hands gripping Draco’s hips as he rocks his hips forward, Draco pushing back into each thrust with a sharp, uninhibited moan. “Want the whole neighbourhood to know how well fucked I leave you every morning, noon, and night.”
“Fuck, yes,” Draco whines, hands gripping the edge of the nearest sofa cushion. “Fuck, she’ll, mmm, she’ll tell all the fucking neighbours! Ah…she’ll tell all the fucking neighbours how fucking rough my delicious husband gives it to me!”
“Draco!” Harry cries out, curling over him, breaths coming out in short pants as his pelvis slaps against Draco’s arse.
A few choice spells have all but one individual able to see their antics. Draco is rewarded when he looks up at the window, his gaze meeting Mrs Pumpernickel’s.
He knew she would be there, standing in the middle of their yard, peering into their window instead of ringing the doorbell first. He has her exactly where he wants her.
Whatever pie she had made goes sliding from her hands and onto the grass, horror beautifully painting her powdery face. Despite his wanton haze, Draco’s lips twist into a savage grin that quickly turns into an open-mouthed gasp as he comes across the arm of the sofa, his vision blackening. Harry follows after him with a wild laugh.
When Draco finally gains his bearings, he notices that Mrs Pumpernickel is gone. Harry pulls him up and turns him around for a deep kiss.
“Fuckin’ suburbia,” Harry says against his mouth.
Draco grins, shaking his head.
“Fuckin’ suburbia,” he repeats, leaning back in for another kiss.
Written for the prompt Suburbia at @drarrymicrofic.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
hi eve! what do you think about a video where couples do the chapstick challenge? like jily vs coops and they compete to see what couple guesses more right! idk i think i would be fun
It's been too long since I wrote one of these--I missed them! Coops, Cubs, and SW Jily belong to @lumosinlove <3
“Welcome back, everyone!” Dorcas said with a smile to the camera. “It’s been over a month since our last big video like this due to scheduling, but we hope you’ve been enjoying our more active social media presence in the meantime. I’m here today with James and Lily Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and our lovely Cubs. How were your summers, everyone?”
“Hear that, Cap?” Logan’s grin was smug as the cat that got the canary. “I’m lovely.”
“Our summers were great,” Sirius said, ignoring him. “Lots of vacation time.”
“At our house,” Lily teased.
“Yeah, while you were on vacation. It’s called being a good godfather.”
“I’m glad you all had fun,” Dorcas interjected smoothly as she pulled three bags from under her chair. “Because we’ve got a very special game today. Inside these bags are ten blank chapstick tubes, each with a different flavor. One person from each team will apply the chapstick to their lips, and their partner will first have to kiss them, then guess the flavor. Finn, Leo, and Logan, your team will have two guessers.”
“They get two guesses?” Remus protested. “That’s so unfair!”
Dorcas shrugged. “They have to guess at the same time, and they only get one point per correct answer.”
Finn raised his eyebrows. “Y’know, Loops, you’re starting to sound pretty homophobic over there…”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Remus sighed.
The camera cut; when it returned, Lily, Sirius, and Finn were seated in folding chairs with the bags of chapstick in their laps and a small sticky note in their hands. Across from them, their significant others were sitting with large headphones over their ears.
“Can you hear me?” Dorcas called.
Remus didn’t react at all as he messed with the trailing wire; Logan squinted at her. “Quoi?”
“I can’t hear anything,” James said loudly. “This is super weird. It’s just, like, humming. Honey, it sounds like Harry’s white noise machine!”
Lily smiled reassuringly and patted his hand. “A little quieter, lover.”
“A little—nevermind.”
Dorcas’ mouth twitched with a suppressed smile. “Non-guessers, you can find all the flavors written on stickers at the bottom of each tube. Please start with number one on your flavor lists when you’re ready.”
Sirius bit his lip as he riffled through the bag, and Remus leaned forward to give him a light peck at the corner of his mouth. “I haven’t put any on yet!” he laughed.
Remus paused. “What?”
“I haven’t put any chapstick on.”
“Slower, I’m not good at lipreading.”
“Mon dieu,” Sirius muttered with a shake of his head.
Next to him, Finn had already applied his first flavor and was sitting with a happy smile as Leo and Logan thought for a moment. “Is it lime?’ Leo guessed.
“I think it’s lime,” Logan said half a second later. Finn gave them a thumbs-up and the three of them high-fived. “Called it!”
“That’s…lemon? Really sour lemon?” James guessed. Lily shook her head and showed him the tube. “Lime. Shit.”
Remus licked his lips. “Lime?”
Sirius nodded. “Oui!”
“Really? Hell yeah!”
“We���re at a bit of an advantage,” Sirius said as he put the lime in his lap and checked his list. “I wear chapstick all the time.”
“Why?” Dorcas asked, sounding rather amused.
“My lips get dry from being at the rink all day.” Sirius shrugged and put the next one on. A mischievous smile flickered over his mouth and he tilted his chin toward Remus. “He won’t leave me alone, either.”
Remus’ eyebrows pitched and he leaned forward. “What?”
“You have to go slower, I really can’t—”
“Green apple!” Logan exclaimed, slapping Finn’s knee in excitement as Dorcas covered her mouth to hide her laughter. “I remembered what it’s called!”
“Correct!” Finn announced.
“I think it’s green apple,” Leo said.
James pulled away and rested his chin on his hand. “Kind of a caramel apple, but without the caramel.” Lily turned to face the camera with a look of disbelief. “So just a normal apple, I guess.”
“Yes!” Lily turned his face toward her with a smile. “You got it!”
“I got it? Woohoo!”
“That’s green apple.” Remus wrinkled his nose. “Tastes like those shitty candy apple lollipops, though. Did I get it?”
Sirius nodded and wiped his lips off. “Number three is pomegranate,” Dorcas announced.
Finn frowned as he dug through his bag. “I don’t—there it is. Wow, this smells really nice.”
Leo paused and smiled before kissing him. “That smells really nice!”
“Does it?” Finn laughed before moving to give Logan a kiss.
“Oh, I like that,” Remus said, kissing Sirius a second time. “No idea what the flavor is, but I like it. Hmm. I have to think about that.”
“Is that frosting?” James asked excitedly as he grabbed Lily’s hands. “Do you have frosting flavored chapstick?”
“No,” she laughed, shaking her head. “What the hell? It’s pomegranate.”
“It’s what?”
“Persimmon?” She rolled her eyes and showed him the sticker. “Wow, I never would have guessed that.”
“Is it cherry?” Remus guessed. Sirius shook his head and his face fell. “Aw.”
Leo and Logan shared a look as Finn kept his poker face. “I have no idea what that is,” Logan finally said. “It’s sweet, though.”
“Is candy-flavored chapstick a thing?” Leo wondered. Finn held the tube up. “Pomegranates are tart. That wasn’t tart.”
“What the hell is that?” Logan looked to someone off-screen and held one of his headphones away from his ear.
“Une grenade!” someone called.
“Oh! That didn’t taste like it at all.”
All four guessers kissed their partners within a few seconds for the fourth—almost immediately, they pulled away, faces twisting. “Oh my god,” Remus coughed, wiping his lips. “That’s grape. Oh my god.”
James’ nose scrunched. “It’s grape. I don’t like it.”
In a moment of direct action, Leo took the wet wipe Finn had been using and ran it over his mouth while Logan stuck his tongue out. “It’s grape, and it’s gross. No more cough syrup kisses, please.”
“You’re halfway there!” Dorcas called, chalking up their correct guesses on a whiteboard as Lily, Sirius, and Finn applied the fifth flavor.
Sirius held his hand up as Remus started moving in and sneezed. “Desolee. Okay, you can go now.”
Remus kissed him and recoiled in half a second. “More cough syrup? Are you kidding me? It’s not any better when it’s cherry.”
“Dorcas,” Leo whined when he pulled away. “The first ones were such nice flavors!”
“My head hurts just tasting that,” James said miserably. “It’s that awful fake cherry stuff.”
“That’s cherry.” Logan smacked his lips with a grimace. “Eugh.”
Dorcas held up five fingers for them to see as she spoke. “Just five more, and you’re all done. Those are the only bad ones.”
Lily lit up as she applied the sixth and James hurried to kiss her. “Oh, that one is nice! You always wear strawberry. It’s my favorite.”
Remus shrugged. “Kiss was great, flavor’s fine. It’s just fake strawberry, yeah?”
“Whew.” Leo’s eyebrows rose after the kiss. “Very st—”
“Oh, strawberry!” Logan interrupted. “Katie makes me wear something like that when we have tea parties.”
Dorcas added more tallies to her board. “Tremzy, you can’t hear me, but that’s the cutest thing you’ve ever said. We need pictures.”
“I’ll find some,” Finn promised.
Sirius rubbed his lips together and made a face; Remus laughed, running the pad of his thumb along his mouth. “Stop, I can’t kiss you like that! It can’t be that bad.”
“That would give me a headache,” James said, clearly disappointed. “It’s some sort of pineapple monstrosity. Pina colada? I liked the strawberry a lot better.”
“It’s pineapple. Does that count?” Lily asked. Dorcas nodded, and she gave James a high-five.
“That’s not bad,” Leo admitted with a shrug. “Tastes like the dried mango we get at the store, the kind with all the sugar on it.”
“I don’t have the first idea what that is,” Logan said. “Knutty, I’m letting you take the reins here.”
“You’re both wrong,” Finn said, enunciating every word so they could read his lips.
“Baby—” Remus faltered with a laugh and held the wet wipes out of reach as Sirius tried to take them back. “Baby, we don’t get a point if you wipe it off. Just one kiss, okay?”
“Fine,” Sirius grumbled. Remus pressed a sweet kiss to his upper lip and handed him a fresh wet wipe. “Happy now?”
“Oh, I like that,” Remus said. “It’s definitely pineapple. I can see why you hated it so much.”
“Cap, do you not like pineapple?” Dorcas asked. His intense wiping of his lips was the only answer necessary. “We’re in the final three. Sirius, your team is in the lead by one.”
“Come on, hubs,” Lily said as she put the next one on. “This is easy-peasy. We have to beat Cap or we’ll never hear the—”
“Mint!” Leo exclaimed, looking quite proud of himself. “Ooo, it’s like Christmas.”
“I can smell it all the way over here,” Remus laughed, though he didn’t pass up the kiss. “That’s peppermint.”
“It’s like a candy cane,” James said dreamily.
“He’s not going to like this one,” Sirius said as he capped the next chapstick. “I like it, though, and that’s all that matters. Pucker up, Loops.”
“Oh, hell no.” Remus leaned back as Sirius leaned in, keeping his lips out of range. “Nope, not a chance. That’s some plastic vanilla bullshit and I’ll be tasting it all day.”
Dorcas tapped him on the shoulder and he lifted one headphone. “If you don’t taste it, you don’t get a point this round.”
“We can take the hit.”
“What? No!” Sirius protested. “I had to taste the pineapple, remember?”
“I love you and I totally want to win this, but I really, really don’t want that taste in my mouth.”
“Fine,” Sirius sighed, wiping his lips off as Remus readjusted his headphones.
James’ face split into a beaming smile after his kiss. “Birthday cake!”
“Vanilla,” Leo and Logan said in unison.
Finn pumped both fists in the air. “Yes! We’re tied for first!”
Leo gave him a high-five. “I don’t know what you’re saying, but you seem excited about it!”
“Last one,” Dorcas warned. “Whenever you’re ready.”
“You should wear chapstick more often,” James said as Lily lined her lips. “It makes you so soft.”
“He has no idea how greasy my mouth feels right now,” she said fondly with a glance to the camera.
“Tell me about it,” Sirius agreed. “Alright, Loops, don’t pussy out this time.”
Remus narrowed his eyes. “You just told me not to pussy out, didn’t you?”
Sirius blinked at him. “I thought you couldn’t read lips.”
“C’mere.” Remus cupped his jaw in one hand and kissed him, then smiled. “Orange. Did we win?”
“Mmm, that’s what the oranges back home taste like,” Leo said, going in for a second kiss.
Logan licked his lips a couple of times. “Tastes like fancy orange juice. I like it.”
“In a cruel twist of irony, my lips are getting dry,” James said when they parted. Lily raised her eyebrows as he thought. “That’s orange. We won, right?”
“Take off your headphones,” Dorcas said, miming the motion until everyone could hear her before holding her scoreboard up. “Unfortunately, James and Lily are in last place with a score of seven out of ten. Cap and Harzy, your teams are tied for first place with eight out of ten.”
“We could have won if you didn’t have a personal grudge against vanilla,” Sirius said under his breath. Remus threw one of the chapsticks at him and Sirius dropped another down the neck of his shirt.
“Boys.” They both gave Dorcas a sheepish look and she shook her head. “Thankfully, we prepared for this situation with a tiebreaker. Nobody but me knows the flavor, and it is not written on a sticker. Remus, Leo, and Logan, you will not have to put your headphones on again, but you will have to correctly identify both flavors to get their point. You will write your answers on these whiteboards. You only get one kiss to determine your guess. On your marks, get set, go!”
Sirius swiped a decent amount over his lower lip and pulled Remus in with his hands on his cheeks; Finn practically used half the stick covering his mouth before collecting his kisses. “That’s interesting,” Leo murmured, tapping his dry-erase pen on his thigh. “That’s very interesting.”
Remus jotted down an answer and leaned back in his chair with a self-satisfied smile. “You know it?” Sirius asked with a grin.
“I do.”
“Is that your final guess?’ Dorcas checked. He nodded, and she took his pen. “Leo, Logan, do you have a guess as well?”
“I think I know one of the flavors,” Leo said cautiously, bending over to whisper it in Logan’s ear. He hummed in agreement, then whispered back.
“This is so intense,” James murmured, looking between the two teams as Lily perched herself on his lap. “I feel like I’m watching the Olympics.”
“If we get one of the flavors right and Loops gets both wrong, do we win?” Logan asked as Leo wrote their answer down.
Dorcas thought for a moment. “Yeah, sure. But only if Remus gets it completely wrong.”
“What’s the prize?”
“You already get to kiss your partners all afternoon instead of running drills. What more do you want?”
“Amen,” Remus agreed.
“Alright.” Leo handed over the whiteboard pen, though he looked nervous.
“Would you like to go first?” Dorcas offered.
“Coconut and lemon?”
“That is incorrect.”
“Ah, fuck me,” Logan muttered. “Loops, you’d better be wrong.”
Remus’ smile was even more pleased as Dorcas turned to him. “Remus, do you know what it is?”
“Well, Ms. Meadowes, I’m glad you asked. That’s Burt’s Bees honey and coconut.” He flipped the board with a flourish. “And it just so happens that my boyfriend bought that exact chapstick at the store last week and has worn it every single day since then.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Leo looked between them in shock as Logan’s jaw dropped. Finn buried his face in his hands. “Of every flavor on earth—”
“I promise it was not intentional,” Dorcas said, though she was laughing a little. “I literally rolled dice to pick it while I was looking at the website.”
Sirius looked to the ceiling as he pulled Remus’ chair closer. “Thank you, universe, for my terrible impulsive habits in the self-checkout line.”
Dorcas turned to the camera with a dimpled smile and spread her hands. “Thank you for joining us for the chapstick challenge, Lions! You can find all these flavors at the link in the description. Like and subscribe for more videos like this, have a great day!”
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lizzyplaysthesims · 2 years
seven deadly sins legacy challenge: gen one
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I’ve been looking for a legacy challenge to play on stream that didn’t require every pack, and I finally found one I could do with the base game and the packs that I had: @spannersims​ ‘s Seven Deadly Sins Nightmare Legacy Challenge! You can find the rules here if you want to play along. I’m streaming it all on twitch.tv/lizzymoth if you want to watch!
Our founder is the lovely Penelope Heart, who has the serial romantic aspiration and the romantic trait as per the rules, and randomly rolled music lover, vegetarian, child of the moon (a custom trait), and hates children. Which is interesting since she has spent most of the playthrough so far pregnant. We haven’t maxed out her fitness skill yet but she’s in the athlete career which helps with that. She is in this custom boob dress which seemed perfect for her assigned sin.
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So far she has had two different baby daddies and once we max out the fitness skill and at least the first kid is a teenager, she’ll be on the hunt for the third. Her first child was randomly named Harper which is a name I actually love, so we kept it. Harper’s dad is Diego Lobo, who Penelope met at a karaoke bar and then immediately brought home for an unprotected woohoo. Harper has the glutton trait which is required for the next generation, and randomly rolled art lover and hot headed (though she also earned the happy toddler trait.) She spends most of her time stomping around being angry b/c of the hot headed trait. Harper’s eyes went from being brown as a toddler to blue as a child, even though neither or her parents have blue eyes. I’m still confused about this.
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After Harper’s birth, Penelope spent some quality time with J Huntington III, who got her pregnant with twins (!!!) and then moved in with the Heart household to take care of his kids and Harper. Despite being noncommittal, he’s a better parent than Penelope (probably because she hates children) and he’s really stepped up to be in Harper’s life. The twins are named Julia Heart and J Huntington IV, because of course if he had a son the son had to carry on his name. Julia has the glutton trait and is sort of named after the Latin word for gluttony and will *probably* end up being the heir, though I’m giving every child an equal opportunity to be gluttonous heirs. She randomly rolled gloomy and child of the sun (another custom trait.) J the fourth is also a glutton and randomly rolled child of the sun and lactose intolerant. Looks like he had just eaten some dairy when this picture was taken:
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I’ll post updates after every stream to recap the events of Penelope and her family’s sinful lives!  To see them, check the tag “lizzy ts4 legacies” where I’ll post this challenge and any others I end up playing.
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bbrandy2002 · 4 years
Happy Birthday Burnsy!
The Country AU -- I'm Gonna Live Where The Green Grass Grows
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Pairing: Drake x Alyssa, Liam x Riley, and a whole host of other TRR characters.
A/N: This was a silly little idea I had months ago for an AU built around the places and people where I grew up. I never had plans to actually write it, but I mentioned it to Burns, and well ... she wanted it lol so here we are. And she’s already read half of this and is the one who made the mood board for it and the song inspo hahaha. Thank you to @mskaneko for the edits of our OTP’s, and @charlotteg234 for pre-reading the first half of this.
Trigger warning: Gun usage, hunting, mild language ... I think that’s it
My dearest friend, when I think back at where we were one year ago, I can’t help but be reminded of the vastly different world we live in now. On February 5, 2020, there was no covid keeping us sheltered and fearful, families were complete, jobs were stable, and so many of the things we worried about then simply pale in comparison to now, Life wasn’t so bad. But here we are with all these new changes and mindsets. Through it all, one thing remained consistent: YOU. You have been my strength, my rock, the anchor that grounded me. We have cried together, laughed a lot together, worried for each other, and celebrated those small victories that were important to each other. And I get so happy when someone comments about how much they love the friendship between Riley and Alyssa because it's the most real part of Fearless. If anyone ever wanted to know what we’re like, it's all written out in that story. I’ve got your back, and you have mine. You’re my best friend and I just love the hell out of ya! I hope your birthday is amazing and that this fic is everything you wanted for this AU.
On Sunday mornings in southern Georgia, you did one of two things: You woke up early for church services or woke up late to watch NFL football.
Some people figured out a long time ago how to do both.
Sitting in the back pew of the First Cordonian Church of Everlasting Peace, Alyssa Walker sat quietly with the sweetest southern belle smile, nodding her head along to the beautiful words spoken during Pastor Hakim’s sermon and hiding a pair of earbuds lodged in each ear. 
She and her husband, Drake, had laid claim to the pew when they were teens trying to sneak a kiss or two during prayers. After ten years of marriage, they no longer needed to sneak kisses but stayed in that same seat, believing the biggest sinners should stay as far away from the minister as possible. Why be the barrier that may prevent the spirit from reaching the rest of the congregation? The couple felt it was the least they could do.
They were actually pretty good folks and well respected in their community. Alyssa had taught first grade for eight years at the local elementary school, where her two children, nine-year-old Audrey and six-year-old Patrick, also attended. Her best friend since third grade, Riley, was the art teacher there. 
Drake worked nearby as the lead mechanic at Rys and Sons Chevrolet out on North Ramsford Avenue. Constantine had owned the auto dealership for 35 years before passing it down to his sons, Leo and Liam, when he ran for and became the town's mayor. Leo peaced out, heading to South Florida, while Liam took on the sole responsibility of ownership himself. 
And while most people in this sleepy little town of Cordonia were Falcons fanatics, Alyssa grew up rooting for the team where her parents were born and raised before settling in Georgia as newlywed lawyers: The Chicago Bears.
With the game against the Packers blaring into her ear, she kept a keen eye on the rest of her fellow parishioners. When they clapped, she clapped. When they sang, she sang. She raised her hands in hallelujahs when they did. She had learned to read lips and could “Amen” and “Praise God” right on cue with the rest of them. All the while, she sat in contentment, listening to her weekly football games. 
“The score with 14 seconds left in the second quarter is Chicago -- 14, Green Bay -- 17. The Bears have the ball on the 5-yard line. It’s third and goal. If Trubisky can score here, they’ll go into the locker room at halftime with a lead for the first time in this game, or possibly tie it all up with a field goal after this down. This is a huge, HUGE play, Jim ...” 
Alyssa twined her fingers together and lowered her forehead onto them as she waited with bated breath for the announcer to call the play-by-play. As far as anyone else knew, she was praying fervently for the Hebrews crossing the parted Red Sea away from Pharoah's army that the pastor was chronicling.
“And here comes the snap. Trubisky backs up. He tosses to Robinson in the end zone. OHHH! So close… batted away by Alexender …”
“JESUS!” Alyssa yelled out in anger. With earbuds in, she didn’t realize how loudly that just came out of her mouth. Drake nudged her in the thigh. She glanced over at him for a second before he nodded to the 123 pairs of eyes that had all turned at once in her direction. It instantly dawned on her that everyone in the congregation heard the outburst.
Feeling the color drain from her face, Alyssa placed a hand over her chest and addressed, “I am soooo into this sermon, Hakim. Woohoo! Go, Jesus, go!” She pumped her fist in the air like she was rooting him on.
Drake dropped his face onto Patrick’s shoulder, who was sitting on his lap, to cover the incessant laughter that threatened to spill out of him. He was doing a terrible job of it, as a momentary burst of muffled snickers could be heard through the sound of the game playing in Alyssa’s ear. Her husband was nothing but a big kid himself -- she wouldn’t change that for anything.
“Mommy,” Audrey whispered next to her. “It’s about Moses. Not Jesus.”
Alyssa smiled, patting her daughter’s knee. “Same thing, baby. They both performed miracles.” She cut her eyes to the phone hidden under the cardigan draped across her thighs. “And the Bears need a miracle right now, guys,” she muttered, “Part those shithead Packer’s defensive line, Lord. It’s time to help my Bears get to the promised land.”
“Going for it on fourth down, Trubisky drops back. The Packer defense is putting a lot of pressure on the Bear’s offensive line. Every man is covered in the end zone. He has no one to throw to, Jim. They’re running out of time. Four seconds left. And, NOOO, they sack Trubisky on the 10-yard line … WAIT THE BALL IS LOOSE … THE BALL IS LOOSE ... he fumbled the ball. The Packers are scrambling to get it. There are green and white jerseys all over that ball. BUT LOOK … Green Bay’s Klark picks it up. He’s running the other way … and he just slipped … he just slipped, and the football fell right into the hands of Chicago’s Robinson --”  
Alyssa grabbed Drake’s thigh, her fingers digging deeply with hope and panic. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” her stressed words weren’t audible to the crowd, but they were speaking volumes in her heart.
“--Robinson’s on the 20, now 15, he’s sweeping past the defense to the 10 -- 5 -- TOUCHDOWN, CHICAGO!!!”
"FUCK YES!" Alyssa jumped up, her arms outstretched in a V shape. “Hallelujah. Holy shit. Thank ya, Jesus.” She let out a huge sigh of relief, feeling nothing short of elated, not concerned in the slightest by the heads that twisted around again.
Hakim stood slack-jawed from the raised platform for a moment, his tallish physique slouching on the pulpit, before adjusting the microphone and clearing his throat deeply. "I'm certainly glad, Sister Alyssa is ... feeling the spirit this morning."
"I am feeling it, Brother Hakim," She shook her head profusely. "I. Am. Feeling it." She shot him a dimpled grin.
Drake snorted loudly, covering his face with one hand and grabbing the side of her dress to pull her back down with the other.
They turned to each other, neither one able to control the snickering and shaking of their bodies. Drake lifted a sleeping Patrick over his shoulder while Alyssa grabbed Audrey's hand; the Walker couple decided they were too immature for church this morning.
They laughed all the way to the parking lot.
"It's never a dull moment with you, baby girl," Drake chuckled, turning over the ignition.
"You know me …” She blew on her nails before rubbing them against her chest. “... just doing the Lord's work." 
It was customary in Cordonia for families to gather together each week for a big supper after church. 
The Walkers traditionally took turns hosting with Liam and Riley, and Constantine and Regina. This week's meal was at the elder Ryses.
Sitting down at the dining room table, everyone licked their chops, hungry and ready to dig into all the made-from-scratch southern goodness Mrs. Regina had prepared: Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, coleslaw, macaroni and cheese, green beans with hamhock, corn-on-the-cob, deviled eggs, biscuits, sweet tea, and coffee. It was all accompanied by two containers of broccoli salad, Alyssa picked up from the Piggly Wiggly deli after church, and Riley's lopsided carrot cake.
There was always a lot of food, a lot of love, and what would it be in a small town without a little gossip here and there.
"Regina, you've outdone yourself on this meal," Liam raved while placing his five-month-old son in a high chair and fastening the clasps. "If it tastes as good as it smells, we're all in for a big treat."
Everyone agreed as she sat down, Constantine pushing her chair in with a peck to the top of her head. "Thank you, Liam." She looked up at her husband with a sincere smile, rubbing his arm. "Only the best for our family."
She meant every word of that as she and Constantine glanced around the table at all the cheerful faces of the people they loved most — that included Drake and his family. 
Drake's father had been the sheriff for many years before his untimely death, while the younger Walker was a teen. Connie had never met a braver, more hard-working man than Jackson; the now mayor stepped in after that death to be the father figure in Drake's life. Drake was already best friends with Liam, and over time, the family just considered him one of their own. Drake and Alyssa's children referred to them as Mamaw and Papaw Rys.
As everyone settled in and passed the food around the table, the doorbell rang; 7-year-old Ellie -- Liam and Riley's oldest -- jumped up to answer it. With everyone focused on getting their helpings, Riley leaned over and whispered to Alyssa, "Any more scoop on Savannah?"
Alyssa passed the potatoes to her and answered in a hushed tone, "I drove past her house yesterday ... Chuck was there. His big rig was backed right up into the driveway. They're not even trying to hide it anymore."
"I knew it." Riley slapped a scoop of potatoes onto her plate, passing them across to Liam. "When does Bertrand get back from that Bankers Convention in Atlanta?"
"I think Max said on Tuesday. And I guarn-damn-tee, Chuck will be there until then."
"Of course he will. Have you told Drake yet?"
Alyssa shook her head, peeking over at her husband, who was in hog heaven, dousing everything on his plate with white gravy, blissfully unaware of their idle chitchat. She turned back to Riley. "Not yet. You know how protective he is. I'll need to hide the gun cabinet keys when he finds out ... if he finds out. You remember how upset he got when Bianca got caught at the Love's Truck Stop with Landon Ebrim over the summer. His mama can do what she wants, but not with a married man."
Riley agreed with a nod before taking a sip and swallowing her sweet tea. "Ya know, I've never seen sweet Emmaline that angry."
"Yeah, me neither. She sure whopped ass that day." They both giggled lightly. "Landon's dentures flew clean across that truck lot."
"I saw her the other day at the Food Lion, grinnin' like a baked possum. Got that ol' dog for everything he had."
Alyssa huffed, "Cept' his nuts."
Ellie ran back in and hopped in her chair. "Miss Olivia is here!"
Alyssa stiffened, clutching her fork a little tighter before letting out a faint groan. Not that she didn't like the Assistant Principal of Cordonia Elementary -- she was her boss, after all, and they grew up together -- she could just be a little off-putting, sometimes with her treatment of Drake. In light of Olivia's recent divorce, she had, however, started directing most of her scorn on her ex-husband, Anton.
Everyone greeted Olivia as she strolled in behind the youngster, shrugging her jacket off and tossing it on a counter with her purse. "I smelled your chicken and taters all the way from Lythikos Drive, Regina. You know how I love a good rib stickin' meal."
"Is Travis and Waylon here?" Patrick piped up eagerly from the children's table, hoping to have some boys to play with rather than the three little girls who kept ganging up on him.
Olivia pulled out a chair and started loading her plate down. "They're with their daddy this weekend, sugar. I'll tell them you asked about them."
Drake lifted his coffee mug, not making eye contact with anyone. "Speaking of ... I saw Anton yesterday at the Dollar Tree ... with someone." He smirked into his drink. While everyone else knew who and was trying to avoid the elephant in the room, he owed her for years of squabble.
"Who? Madeleine?" Olivia spat, adding heaping spoonfuls of sugar to her already overly sweetened tea. "Bless her rotten heart, he was seeing her before our break up. Moved in with her right after the divorce was final, so I hope she's enjoyed cookin' and cleanin' after my youngins' all weekend, cause she's gonna be doin it a hell of a lot more now that she got herself fired."
Madeleine was a bank teller in the drive-thru at First Cordonia and also Leo's ex-fiancee. 
"Madeleine got fired?" Alyssa asked in surprise. "She's been there for years."
The redhead swirled the sugar around in her tea with a spoon before licking it off and continuing, "Mmm-hmm. Bertrand caught her on video, stuffing her gaudy drawers into the vacuum tubes at the bank and sending them to that bastard when he drove through to make a deposit. He was making deposits alright. Right between her scrawny, cankled ass --"
"Olivia!" Liam quickly interjected, knowing once she got going, it would likely turn R-rated with several little ears listening. "I'm dying to hear how the Christmas Festival for next Saturday is coming along." He shot a look across the table at Drake for getting her worked up. Drake simply grinned.
By late afternoon, supper had been eaten, dishes cleaned, and pants unbuttoned. After a couple of hours of chatting on the back porch and watching the kids play, the two younger couples packed up leftovers Regina insisted they take home and were ready to hit the road. 
Liam and Riley lived next door and walked out with the Walkers who were making their way to the Tahoe parked on the street.
Alyssa bounced and cooed over baby Jacob before handing him back to Riley and getting into the vehicle's passenger seat. 
Liam was leaning into the driver's side window, having a casual discussion with Drake about the opening day of deer season next Saturday and asking what time he wanted to head out.
Alyssa was half-listening and half-working the stereo when an idea popped into her head. "You know what would be fun?” Both men stopped talking and glanced over at her. “We should all go?”
Drake knit his brows. “Go where?
“Hunting. We can make it a double date. You and me, Riley and Liam. The great outdoors. Some quality time together. I’ll even make snacks for everyone. It’ll be fun,” her voice was chipper. She was excited about it. 
She was also deadly serious. 
So were the dubious looks Drake and Liam gave each other over the thought of taking their wives on the most important hunting event of their year. Not that either didn't enjoy spending time with their significant others, but hunting was a whole different world. It was a one-person sport where you spent the day away from reality and responsibilities and just enjoying the great outdoors —a place to be alone and experience the thrill of a good hunt.
“Guys, I’m serious. We go fishing together, and I’ve shot targets plenty of times. I really wanna go hunting with you. Riley wants to go too, don't you?” She cast an inquisitive glance out her window at Riley, who glared back with the biggest what-the-fuck look she'd ever made. “See, she wants to go too.”
“Baby,” Drake began softly, giving her knee light squeezes. “I don’t mind taking you, but this is opening day. We’ll be in the woods for hours, in the cold. It’s not really what someone would consider a ‘date.’ And we’re going to the Festival that night … we’ll get a chance to spend time together there.”
She held his gaze as her lips began to quiver. “I understand. You .. you need time to be away from me, and it was a dumb idea anyway --”
“No,” Drake cut in. His heart plummeted from the sadness in her voice and eyes. “That’s not it at all. I love spending time with you. And if you really want to do this, then … let’s do this.”
“Really? We can go together?” Drake nodded with a smile before she squealed in his ear and pulled him into a tight hug. “I can’t wait! Thank you!”
Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Liam let out a heavy breath as he looked over at Riley -- The woman he knew would not be a fun hunting partner next week -- still standing on the sidewalk, appearing like she might faint. “Yeah ... I can’t wait either.”
Saturday. 5:15 a.m. The cellphone alarm on Drake’s bedside table let off a series of rhythmic beeping sounds and vibrations. 
The alarm wasn’t needed. The man had been awake for hours, listening to his wife's gentle snores; the anticipation of bringing home at least a 12-pointer keeping him from falling back asleep. 
Letting out a ferocious yawn and a hearty stretch, he picked up his phone to dismiss the alarm and rolled over to wake Alyssa.
With her ass perfectly curled into the space between his stomach and thighs, his hands settled on her curvy hip, jostling her slightly. “Time to get up, my little peach. We gotta get crackin’ before all the good deer are gone.”
“I just need one more hour, okay? Thanks,” she protested with a drowsy murmur, pulling the pillow over her head.
Drake chuckled, rubbing soothing circles over her back. “No. We have to get up now. We’re wasting time, sleepyhead. Unless … you don’t want to go.”
Alyssa’s heavy eyes stung as she tried to peel them open one at a time. “No, I wanna … go ...” she trailed. Her eyes slowly shut again, and she was out.
On a day like today, Drake was usually up and ready in ten minutes. Once he could finally get his wife out of bed, dressed, and back awake again from where she fell asleep on the toilet, it was close to 45 minutes. 
Maxwell, who was also a childhood friend and the music teacher where Alyssa taught, rented the room over their garage. He agreed to come down that morning and watch the kids while the pair spent their morning in the woods. Bianca used to help out in that regard, but the kids complained she slept the whole time, and Alyssa was pretty sure her mother-in-law smoked pot around them.
Drake loaded up the truck, placing his rifle and a smaller .22 caliber for Alyssa behind the seat. Dragging herself slowly to the vehicle, the night sky still pitch black and her breath turning to thick vapors in the frigid air, she listlessly tossed a Taylor Swift tote bag on the floorboard and climbed in.
Drake looked at his phone after everything was packed up to see if Liam had sent a message about being late. It was unusual for him not to be there already. Typically, his best friend was up and at his house before Drake was even ready. He sent off a quick text to check.
Drake: Where you at, man?
Liam: Running late. Riley had to put makeup on and do her hair. 
Liam: I’m having so much fun already 😑
Liam: snark
Drake: Lyss couldn’t decide which gloves looked the best with her orange vest. I guess she wants to impress the deer before she kills them.
Liam: We’re not catching deer today. We’ll be lucky if we catch a cold. Be there in 10.
Twenty minutes later, Liam’s gray Silverado pulled onto the Walker’s gravel drive. Riley had wanted biscuits and gravy from McDonald's, and she had to run back inside to pee, so that set them back. But, with everyone now there, they were finally ready to head out.
Just down the rural road from where Drake and Alyssa lived, the current sheriff of Cordonia, Bastien, owned several acres of unoccupied land that he used for recreation. He had been a close friend of Drake’s dad and agreed to let Drake and Liam hunt and fish on his property whenever they wanted.
Turning onto the dirt road and opening the gate, the four friends arrived at their spot just as dawn was breaking. 
No one spoke much as they trekked through the mud, sticks, and brittle fall leaves that littered the path to the deer stands. Riley and Alyssa were too exhausted to say anything. Drake and Liam just weren’t used to talking at all.
"Riley, love,” Liam whispered softly. “Can you watch how you’re walking? The noise is going to scare the deer away.”
“I can’t help it if … " She reacted loudly in frustration before Liam placed a finger over his lips, and she resumed speaking more quietly. “I can’t help it if there're leaves everywhere. I’m walking on them as delicately as possible.”
“How much further? I think my toes are frozen and I need coffee.” Alyssa bemoaned while walking on the balls of her heels. Drake was basically dragging her sluggish body by the hand. Her eyes were still drooping from exhaustion with every careful step.
“Just over yonder of that fence row is our stand.” He pointed out.
Alyssa aimed her flashlight around the woods in several spots. "And where do we pee at?"
Liam lightly snorted as Drake answered matter-of-factly. "Just over yonder of that fence row below our stand."
"Oh ... " her tone was small and apprehensive, "... I guess that's ... okay." She glanced back timidly at Liam, who was following close behind.
He shielded his eyes from the beam of her flashlight in his face and frowned. "I'm not going to watch you pee, Alyssa."
Riley gasped, "Eww! I don't want Drake watching me pee either." 
"Shhhhh." Liam was quick to remind her again of the volume of her voice.
"Stop, shushing me, Liam! Those deer don't know I'm out here."
Drake grunted, then whipped around to face the three of them. "Would you keep your voices down? No one's watching anybody take a piss," he whisper-yelled. "Lyssa and I will be at least a hundred yards away from ya'll. Riley, I promise you can piss your little heart out, and I won't see it."
"We're separating?" Alyssa asked wistfully. "What if I need to ask Riley something, and she can't hear me yelling across to her?"
"You'll just have to ask her when we're done, baby girl. And ... please don't yell questions to her while we're out here. Low voices."
They continued on with their noisy hike.
"Having so much fun," Liam grumbled to himself.
Liam and Riley headed to their tree stand as Drake helped Alyssa climb up the ladder to theirs. 
The stand and ladder were made of plywood -- chipped and faded from years of exposure to the elements -- and were attached at the apex to an oak tree about twenty feet off the ground. At the top it had enough room to take a step onto, with a wooden seat just wide enough to accommodate them. One plank rail came out on both sides. 
Alyssa plopped down onto the seat, clutching her tote bag of goodies on her lap. She lifted the brim of the orange beanie she borrowed from Drake -- that smelled of animal carcass and gun powder -- above her eyes and peered out to the wilderness spread monumentally below. She closed her eyes and slowly inhaled the fresh, dewy air, taking in the sounds of twittering birds, branches clashing from the nearby squirrel frolicking on them, and the rippling of a bubbling brook streaming down the hill. 
A pleasant warmth overcame her as Drake's much larger body sat down next to her and protected her from the frosty wind blowing in from his side.
Alyssa wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggling into him. "I can see why you like this so much. It's so quiet and peaceful ... look how purty it is out here, Drake. It's just real purty, isn't it?"
Working diligently on getting their gear together, he stopped briefly to look out; affection glowed in his eyes. “It sure is, darlin’. Almost as purty as you ... and notice I said 'almost.'” He winked, and Alyssa blushed, feeling that same love trickling up inside her she'd had since they were teenagers. Drake could charm the pants off a chipmunk, but she was thankful he only used that gift on her.
"Sooo ... " She drawled in her thick Southern accent. "How long will it be before the deer start coming out?" 
Drake drew the barrel of her gun back after loading it with shells and explained, "Don't know. It could be minutes. It could be a few hours. Just whenever they head this way, I reckon."
Perplexed, Alyssa nodded slowly. "A few hours? I s'pose that's okay. What do you do while you're waiting?"
He shrugged, passing a gun to her. "You just ... sit here."
"You just sit here and do what?"
Drake leaned over to kiss into her orange cap and replied, "Wait."
"Wait." She acknowledged. "I can do that. I'll just sit here ... and wait."
Several minutes had passed, and Alyssa was already bored with listening to nature, Drake's gurgling stomach, and sitting quietly with nothing to do. Every so often, a shotgun blast was heard in the distance, signifying either someone out there had gotten their prize or Riley had driven Liam insane. It was the only break from the monotony that came with the boredom of sitting in a tree for who knew how many hours.
Letting out a giant exhale that caught Drake's attention, she propped her rifle against the railing and pulled the cloth tote that was sitting between her boots into her lap. Rummaging through the bag, she pulled out her phone and began thumbing out a message.
Drake furrowed his brows and asked, "What're you doin'?" 
"Just texting Riley,' she answered dismissively. He shook his head and leaned it back against the tree while she formulated her message.
Alyssa: You still alive over there? How's it going?
Riley: This is boring as shit.
Riley: And now my texting is apparently scaring away the deer. F the deer Liam. F all the damn deer!!!! What were you thinking, Lyss?
Alyssa: I was thinking we could spend quality time with our husbands. The men we love and cherish with all of our hearts. I’m having a great time with Drake so far 😍😘
Alyssa: And no one twisted your arm to come bitch.
Riley: Liam's just staring through binoculars. He hasn’t spoken in 20 minutes except to tell me to point the gun away from him or to quit moving. Let’s go get our hair did at Adelaide's.”
Alyssa: OHHH Yes! And get Chinese food ... CRAB RANGOONS!! I'll have Drake drive us back. Girls Day Out. Love you!
Drake let out a belch and blew it away when Alyssa turned to him with a dazzling smile and a sparkle in her blues. "Can you drive Riley and me back to the house?"
"What? Right now?" he shrieked. She answered him with a cheerful nod. "What happened to all that talk about wanting to spend quality time with me?"
"I still do. But ... we're just sitting here, not really doing anything. I could be getting my hair done for tonight's festival. I also have a ton of laundry to do, some papers to grade, and I’m supposed to be making the Devereaux’s famous peach cobbler for the raffle. If I leave now, I’ll have time to do all of it.” Alyssa knew she probably wouldn’t do half of that, and Audrey would likely make the cobbler, but it made the situation sound more urgent.
"It's opening day, baby. I'm not leaving this spot." He reached into the pocket of his overalls and pulled out his keys. "If you and Riley wanna take my truck, I'll ride back with Liam."
She gave him an exasperated look. "I don't know my way back to the truck. And I sure as hell know Riley doesn't."
He smirked, stuffing his keys back. "Then you're stuck."
The next hour was brutal. Alyssa texted Riley to alleviate the boredom for several minutes, but there had been no responses in a long while. She wasn't aware that Liam tossed her friend's phone over the hill when she started making TikTok videos of her plight -- Liam took his deer hunting seriously: No noise meant no noise.
Drake wasn't much better; he was quieter than his usual self. It wouldn't have been so bad if she could at least talk. An occasional whispered word was not going to cut it.
Alyssa sighed heavily. She wiggled around for comfort. She unwrapped a Nutty Bar. She crunched. She opened a can of pop. She tapped her fingers. She flipped the pages of a magazine. Each one got that look from Drake that let her know it was too loud. If she ever made it out of there, she planned to jabber and stir until she couldn't do it anymore.
After another half-hour of stewing quietly in her thoughts without a sign of a deer anywhere, Alyssa decided now was the time to finally just talk. 
"Do you ever think about having another baby?" It was a topic that had been on her mind for a while. To her surprise, Drake didn't give her a look or even freak out the way she anticipated. Despite his own rule of silence, he even responded in kind.
"Yeah. Kind of a lot."
Her right brow darted up. "Really?" 
Drake took a breath and shifted the gun across his lap. "I mean, of course. It's always been my dream to settle down and have a bunch of youngin's with the woman I love." He studied her lit-up face; he'd swore she'd gotten more beautiful with age. That's why he hesitated when he added, "But ... "
Her shoulders slumped at his words, and a deflated look impressed upon her face. "But ... " The word barely made it past her lips.
Drake reached for her hand and gripped it tightly. "Lyssa, we have so much going on right now. You're working on National Boards, Audrey has piano recitals and basketball, Patrick has peewee football and Boy Scouts. We barely have time -- except for right now -- for just ... us. I'm not saying,"never"... just that right now ... isn't a good time."
"I understand that, but ... we've always made it work. And don't you miss those tiny little fingers wrapped around yours? And the way they smell fresh out of the bath? And those chubby little cheeks pressed up against yours?" she goaded.
“Of course I do. I remember the first time I held Audrey and PJ in my arms -- there’s just no better feeling in the world than ...to look down ... " Drake paused as his voice cracked, and his brown eyes glistened like glass. " ... and to see someone so small ..." When she sniffled, it made it that much harder for him to speak. "... that you created with the woman you've loved since you were 16 years old. But I like who they are now, and watching them grow, and doing things with them ... And, well ... there’s no shit clean up.”
“You obviously haven’t washed Patrick's clothes in a while,” Alyssa retorted with a chuckle that brought out one in her husband.
"I’ll have to talk to him about that." He gazed deeper into her eyes. "But I do love you ... more than all the peaches in Georgia, Lyssa Claire.”
Alyssa smiled.“That’s what you said to me when you promised to marry me when we were teens.”
Drake returned his own smile. “I did. I remember like it was yesterday too. Sitting in your parent’s basement, watching Friends reruns, eating pizza, making out. And hell, it’s still as true today as it was then. Somehow, even more."
Their cold lips parted and joined halfway for a fervent kiss, with Drake's hand meandering around the subtle groove at the junction of her waist. Just as it became more intense and desirous, a rustling of twigs off in a nearby thicket caught Drake's ear, and he broke away, his eyes scoping the perimeter. Alyssa wasn't offended, she heard it too, and her heart raced with excitement.
Lifting the binoculars hanging from his neck, he spotted two deer eating from a blackberry patch some thirty yards away. He pointed in their direction; Alyssa gave a quick thumbs up, letting him know she saw them too.
Drake carefully lifted the rifle resting in his lap as Alyssa leaned forward and squinted to get a better visual. "Is that a buck and a doe?" she whispered, not moving an inch.
"Sure as fuck is." He mounted the stock of his .30 caliber, Winchester, just beneath his collarbone;  the rush of this moment coursed ravenously through his body. He lined up the scope and placed a steady finger on the trigger -- his thumb pulling the hammer back.
“Wait.” Alyssa loudly whispered. “You can’t shoot him.”
"I'm gonna. Better cover your ears."
"No, Drake. There's a doe with him. What if that's his wife? You can't just leave her all alone without him."
"Lyss, this is the whole reason we're out here."
"So you can make a widow out of her?"
"No ... so I can make deer chili out of him."
Alyssa's mouth flew open. "No. No. RUUUUUUUUN! RUUUUUUN!"
Drake pulled his face away from the scope and fired her a look. "What the hell are you doing? They're getting away!"
She tilted her chin boldly. "I don't care. That was her husband, and they're in love, and you can't take that away from them. I would be so sad if we were just out eating berries and someone came up and shot you, ALL SO THEY COULD EAT DRAKE CHILI!". 
Drake dropped his head. He knew there was no point in arguing with her. As long as he’d known her, she was stubborn, and at that moment, she was dead set in believing those two deer were living out the greatest romance of all time. Nothing he said or did would change her mind on that. 
A thought emerged while he attempted to comprehend the logic of the situation. Those deer ran off in the direction where Liam was set up. Maybe if he could give his friend a heads up, it was still possible at least someone would leave those woods with the prized buck.
Turning his back from Alyssa so that she couldn't stop him, he pulled a small walkie-talkie from his pocket and radioed Liam. Alyssa knew what was up and jumped to her feet, thrusting her arms around him in an attempt to stop the travesty.
"You can't do this, Drake," she hollered, "That’s her soulmate. And why don't I have a walkie-talkie? I want a walkie-talkie!"
While seated next to Liam, Riley was swinging her legs, purposefully making the soles of her boots scrape against the platform. Liam tried to ignore her; maybe he had been a little too uptight about every little noise and utterance she made. But this was playing a whole different ballgame now: she was now making it her mission to piss him off.
Prepared to pound his head against the tree, Liam gritted his teeth, skimming his eyes in her direction. "Love, do you have to do that?"
"Did you have to throw my phone in the woods?" She spat back.
Liam rubbed his hand over his face. "No, and I am sorry that. I apologize for all of eternity. I promise I will get you another one as soon as we get back, okay?”
Riley huffed. "Fine, but that phone had all of my contacts on it. It had our babies' pictures and videos on it ... our vacation photos. I can't get those memories back ever, and I have to find it, and God only knows where it landed. It could be ..." She stopped rattling on when she caught sight of the distressed look Liam was giving her. Knitting her brows, Riley asked, "What?"
"Nothing ... just ... can you lower your voice a little? You're gonna scare the deer away," 
He regretted it as soon as it came out. 
He saw the steam gushing out of her ears. There was no time to answer the incoming call on his walkie-talkie from Drake.
Belting out a furious screech, Riley jumped up and tried to jerk the gun from his hands. There was no question she wouldn't shoot him, but she'd sure as hell shred his favorite gun apart piece-by-piece and toss them all the way to Portavira Lake on the other side of town.
Riley tugged with all of her might. "I have HAD IT with being quiet for those damn deer, Liam. HAD IT!"
"Sweetheart, you need to calm down ..." He stood up in front of her, pulling back on the rifle even harder, surprised -- and not pleasantly so -- his considerably smaller wife had this much struggle in her.
"Don't you sweetheart me. You have shushed me for the last time, Liam Preston Rys!"
“Okay, I’m sorry! But can you at least admit us fighting over a gun is dangerous? Somebody is going to get seriously hurt, and I don’t want it to be you, Riley. Please. I won’t shush you anymore, I promise.” His face softened, eventually adorning a loving smile at his wife, who, with a sigh, was unable to resist that handsome face and relaxed her grip. 
Riley gave him a half-smile in return. “I’m sorry, too. I’ve ruined your hunting trip.”
“Yes ... you did.” Liam agreed, dodging the playful slap she nearly made to his upper arm. “But I don’t want to fight anymore.”
With the War of the Ryses finally over, they went in for a makeup kiss until Drake’s voice called out to Liam again through his walkie talkie. Liam set the gun down on the bench and leaned it against the tree before he started digging into his pocket to answer the device. Riley dropped down onto the seat, her elbow brushed against the rifle and caused it to slide away until the barrel end hit the railing and set off a powerful blast.
When the ringing in both of their ears subsided, and the smoke had cleared, Liam and Riley collected themselves from the sudden spine-gripping explosion that shook them both. While Riley explained to Liam what happened, a hysterical sounding Drake came back over the walkie-talkie, wailing, “Alyssa’s been shot! Alyssa’s been shot! Help me!”
Later that evening, in the courthouse square, the street was lit up with zig-zagged rows of red, green, and white lights. Strands of garland were wound around every lamppost in perfect spiraled loops, and red bows hung and waved with the wintry breeze.
With traffic rerouted away from the area, vendors lined sidewalks selling local goods to put the town's citizens in the festive spirit. What would this small town in Georgia have been without boiled peanuts, low country boil, fried green tomatoes, barbecue, and peach everything? 
Once Constantine had lit the 30-foot spruce, surrounded by hundreds of merry people from all walks of life that made up this small community, the festival was officially kicked-off.
In a large tent set up on the square, Liam and Riley laid out styrofoam containers and drinks they’d purchased from a barbeque vendor on one of several picnic tables inside. With their two young daughters munching away on their meal, and the stroller with their sleeping son beside them, they both sat down with heavy hearts and restless minds.
Liam bit into his barbecue sandwich, noticing Riley only prodding at her mac-and-cheese while staring off into the distance. He didn’t have to ask what was wrong; he knew what happened that morning was bothering her with guilt and worry. It wasn’t every day she accidentally shot someone.
“Are you going to be okay?”
Riley shook her head slightly with a sad look. “No. It’s just not the same without Alyssa here. You know how much she loves Christmas and the festival. She was so looking forward to it too, until --”
“You shot her.”
“Yeeeeeesssss,” she cried out. Liam reached across the table and gave her hand a comforting squeeze, his thumb caressing her smooth skin. Riley continued to sniffle as she grabbed a handful of napkins and wiped the barbecue sauce off Liam’s sticky fingers that were now smeared all over hers. “I didn’t mean to, I swear it. And the way … and the way Drake cried. It broke my heart. Now he has her on bed rest AND house arrest. He won’t let her take calls. I’ll never see or hear from my bestie agaaaain.” The tears continued to flow in steady streams.
Liam stiffened, feeling the eyes of everyone in that tent, gawking at his overly-dramatic wife breaking down. He started to tell her to lower her voice, but after the gun battle in the woods, he thought better of it. “Riley, darlin’, you know Drake is really overprotective of Alyssa. And as scary as what happened was, she only needed the one stitch and band-aid for her graze wound. Something tells me Drake won’t be able to keep her down long.”
Liam was right. As much as Drake tried to keep her in bed so he could wait on her hand and foot, protect her from the careless friends of the world who could inadvertently do his baby girl harm, and check to see if she needed a new band-aid every few minutes, he could not keep her down. She had been far too excited to hang out with the people she loved so much and celebrate at one of her favorite festivals.
Maxwell had left for the events with Audrey and Patrick an hour ago; they were part of the children’s caroling group and needed to be there early. Against Drake’s wishes, Alyssa showered, got dressed, and made sure he knew in no uncertain terms would he be able to prevent her from going. The only thing he knew to do was to go, follow her around the entire night, and make sure she wouldn’t get shot again.
They circled the block where everything was held several times, but spaces to park were impossible to find. Three blocks away was the church where they attended, and the parking lot was completely empty. Drake didn’t like the fact that Alyssa would have to walk so far in her debilitated condition and was prepared to haul her piggyback style if he had to, but this was the best spot he could find.
Drake moved the gearshift into park and reached over to grab Alyssa’s arm, who was already bounding out the door. He pulled Alyssa back inside, the chilly air blowing through her open door swept her straighten hair this way and that way. 
She cocked her head to the side and exhaled, “Drake, I can open my own door. I’m not broken. It’s just a scratch. I’m fine.”
“I know.” He smiled that tenderhearted smile only Alyssa had ever seen. The same one sending a shudder through her already chilled body. “I changed my mind,” he replied simply
Alyssa slammed her eyes shut and groaned. “I just told you I was fine --”
“No, no,” He shook his head. “About having another baby. I want to start trying.”
Saddled with curiosity, she slid back into the truck and shut the door. “But, I thought you said we didn’t have time for that --”
“Yeah, I did say that. I still believe it. But … today made me realize that yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today …”
Alyssa’s hand flew to her mouth as she laughed out loud. Drake gave her a confused look before chuckling awkwardly to himself, “What’s so funny?”
She lowered her hand, still laughing. “You got that saying from a quote on a poster in my classroom. You’re the one who hung it up for me.”
The memory dawned on him, and he lowered his head, attempting to cover the guilty grin that spread over it. “Well, hell. Here I was trying to make you think I was all insightful and smart and stuff.”
Alyssa’s hand splayed across his rugged chest as she leaned over to kiss him.“You are very insightful and smart. You know I never settle for anything less than the best.”
“I s’pose.” he said, forking his fingers through his hair. “But … I guess what I wanted to say was … I know that bullet missed you, barely … but what if it hadn’t? What if I’d left those woods without you today? Just like you were afraid that doe might. Time wouldn’t matter anymore. There will NEVER be enough time with you. You’re my life, Alyssa Claire. You’re my lover, my friend, my heart, my confidante, my soul, my everything … my little peach. I want to experience all that life has given me with you as my wife … and forever make time with you.”
“DRAAAKEY!” she bawled, spreading her tiny arms wide around his bulky body. Alyssa drew him into her so hard it nearly crushed the wind right out of his lungs. “I -- love -- you -- so muuuch!” Drake patted her back and kissed into her hair as she sniveled into his shirt. He hated when she cried, but damn if this didn’t feel good to him. Anytime she was happy made him that way too. 
They took a moment to kiss and pet each other a little before Alyssa sat up and asked, “So … when do you want to start trying for a new baby Walker?”
He shrugged. “Whenever you want, baby.”
Alyssa looked through the back window of the truck and scanned the parking lot. She bit her lip and looked back at him impishly. “What about … now?”
Drake’s eyes flew open wide. “In the church parking lot?”
Pursing her lips, she affirmed, “Yes. We’ve done it behind the Piggly Wiggly plenty of times. And let's not forget the ‘Great Ass Blow-out of 2019’ in the Atlanta Convention Center parking garage.”
“I will never forget that.” Drake shook his head as that momentous sexual experience replayed in his mind. “Mmmm, you performed magic that day, woman.”
She raised a brow and coaxed him on, “So? What’dya say?”
Drake took a tentative look around at the dark, empty lot, then back at her. “We’re so going to hell, but I’m in.”
“Eeeeeee,” she squealed, jerking his arm around in excitement. “Try to keep your ass out of the window this time, okay?”
Thirty minutes later, Pastor Hakim pulled into the church parking lot with Mara, the game warden, following behind in her truck. There had been several reports from passerby’s of loud animals howling and screeching behind the church. The stray cat population was out of control in that area, and several cats had burrowed their way inside the church on occasion. 
Hakim parked his car, with Mara pulling in beside him. They both got out simultaneously and listened quietly to see if they could decipher where the commotion was coming from. 
Within seconds, a load moan roared out, followed by several consecutive whimpers that were hard to make out by the duo.
Mara listened intently, then gestured with her flashlight to an area near the back of the lot where clusters of shrubs and dry brush bordered. Hakim ambled behind her, the noise getting closer and closer until the pastor's brow furrowed at the shaking of a nearby truck.
“Damn, teenagers,” he grumbled as they tipped toed discreetly.
Mara crouched down by the truck's tailgate, Hakim bending over while she duck-walked toward the driver's side door.
The game warden turned to the pastor and instructed, “On my three. 1 -- 2 -- 3.” They both jumped up at the same time, flashing the light inside the cab. “HAHA Caught ya! OH MY GOD!”
Alyssa, who was on top of Drake, completely naked except for the band-aid on her left arm, looked up in utter humiliation and shock. She crossed her arms over her chest to cover her breast, feeling like she might faint. Not knowing what to say at that moment to rectify their actions or why those two were still staring inside the truck, Alyssa smiled sheepishly. “I’m still feeling the spirit, Hakim.”
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lilrainbowsimz · 3 years
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The Ohaua Legacy - Gen 03 🐄🍀🐣
After Maple, the third kid, was already a kid, Arden and Fionna had their last child together baby Robin! Having three kids was no easy feat, even though they helped a lot at the farm, cleaning and feeding the animals, Arden was getting more and more done with having kids.
Thanks to the woohoo wellness mod, in her last pregnancy, Arden felt strange. She didn't know if she wanted that fourth kid, she and Fionna were farmers who worked day and night to afford their farm and raise three kids, she didn't know if she would be able to raise another one.
With a lot of reassurance from Fionna and a couple therapy sessions (from that same mod), Arden came around and learned to accept Robin. When he aged up to a toddler things got tougher but all her family did their best to help her out. After all that, Fionna and Arden decided: no more kids, Whatcher!
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mimicutie · 4 years
Pit is Autistic - A “Brief” Analysis
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Kid Icarus: Uprising is my favorite game of all time, and one thing I love about it is the characterization of Pit. Specifically, I see him as autistic. Of course, this is just a headcanon of mine, but I wanted to write out a little discussion explaining why I see him as such as well as show some of the autistic traits he demonstrates in Uprising (and the occasional reference to the Guidance conversations from Smash).
(fair warning, this is not very brief)
Difficulty Understanding Words and Jokes
It’s made abundantly clear that Pit isn’t the best at picking up sarcasm or jokes. At times, he struggles with understanding words, phrases, and context. Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 11.
Pit: Good! There are survivors! Palutena: They’re a stubborn bunch hanging on like that. [...] Pit: Uh… stubborn? Palutena: Oh, I didn’t mean it like that.
Here, Pit doesn’t understand what Palutena means by “stubborn.” It’s pretty common for autistic people to struggle understanding parts of speech, such as words being used in different contexts than what they’re used to.
Medusa: Hmm… Now this is a little… bizarre. Pit: I know right? The mouth on that guy! I’d never talk like that! Medusa: That’s not what I meant. Palutena: Sorry. He can be a little… thick.
Once again, Pit is misinterpreting the situation. He doesn’t understand what Medusa is alluding to, thinking that she is talking about Dark Pit’s brash behavior. Palutena’s last comment hints that it’s very common for Pit to misunderstand people like this.
Pit: I’m Pit, servant of the goddess Palutena. I’m here to defeat Dark Lord Gaol. Magnus: So you’re here for a slice of the pie too? Pit: Huh? Pie? Where?
Chapter 2 has several examples of Pit not picking up on obvious jokes or idioms, and here’s one. Pit takes the idiom literally, not understanding what Magnus really means at first.
Viridi: Pit certainly is devoted to you, Palutena. Hades: Only because she squeezes his head wreath when he doesn’t follow orders. Palutena: You mean like… THIS?! Pit: No no no no no! You’ll squeeze my brains out! … (sigh) Why do I always fall for that?
In this example from Chapter 15, Palutena is clearly messing with Pit, but as he stated, he always falls for her jokes. Even though it’s clear she is just teasing, Pit can’t pick up on the fact that she isn’t being serious. He consistently struggles with understanding tone.
Pit: This is so annoying. Lady Palutena, help me out here! Palutena: Deploying the Palutena Super Sensor… Pit: I didn’t know you had a super sensor! Palutena: Hee hee. I don’t. You know I like to make stuff up. Pit: I can’t believe you’re messing with me at a time like this!
This dialogue from Chapter 13 is just another example of Palutena clearly joking while Pit does not pick up on it. Even though Palutena has done this time and time again, Pit still struggles to tell when someone, even a person he is incredibly close to like Palutena, is just messing with him. These are just a few examples. Pit commonly struggles with understanding language and tone throughout the game.
Using Words Differently
We can see that Pit has his own unique vocabulary with his own creative phrases like, “Calamaried!” “Re-defeated!” “Pulverazed!” and so on. Pit also makes LOTS of noises throughout the game, all of his “woohoo”s and “woah”s and whatnot. It’s just how he communicates, even if it's a bit particular or different.
Pit is excitable. Like, really excitable. Sure, he’s a fun video game protagonist, but he’s always very happy-go-lucky and upbeat in a way that reads to me as autistic. Just look at how he jumps in excitement!
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And when he gets the Three Sacred Treasure?! Gifs can’t really do the excitement in this scene justice. (link in case tumblr embed isn’t working)
Additionally, while Uprising doesn’t have a lot of cutscenes with Pit just standing around talking, in the ones where he does he is usually very expressive, using his hands to talk and whatnot. Added with his excitability, I feel that this shows us that Pit is so expressive and emotional because he’s autistic!
Extra Help
Pit needs more help with understanding things in comparison to others. Palutena often goes out of her way to guide Pit, whether it be giving him directions or explaining how to defeat an enemy. While Palutena’s advice does work as a guide for the player, it’s clear that Pit needs the help more than someone else his situation might. The clearest proof we have of this comes from Chapter 22.
Palutena: Watch out for that heart-shaped crystal barrier! You see, it’s— Dark Pit: Reflecting my shots back at me, right? Palutena: Well… yes. Dark Pit: I got it, so stop telling me what to do! 
Palutena is expecting Dark Pit to be like Pit, where she needs to explain to him what’s going on and offer her guidance. However, Dark Pit was able to figure out a strategy to defeat Pandora all on his own. Palutena is very aware that Pit needs a bit more help and prepares accordingly for him.
Accidental Rudeness
Many times throughout Uprising, Pit is shown speaking “rudely” towards gods or characters who have authority over him.
Pit: Oh, great! You’re the guy I’m looking for. Listen, I have a favor to ask you. Would you mind if I borrow your chariot for just a little while? Chariot Master: Your foolishness is matched only by your rudeness. How dare you charge in here, flinging unreasonable requests at me? [...] Viridi: You can’t really blame him for being upset. That was kind of rude.
Here, Pit is talking to the Chariot Master very casually, treating him like a friend despite the fact he is breaking into the Chariot Master’s tower and asking him for a precious artifact. Pit doesn’t see it as rude but Viridi and the Chariot Master clearly do. He is breaking an unwritten social norm by talking so casually to someone of high authority. Autistic people often misinterpret social situations or don’t act appropriately, sometimes resulting in “rude” behavior. There are several examples of this throughout the game, such as in Chapter 24…
Pit: You know, the Three Sacred Treasures weren’t exactly durable. Can you please make sure that this new weapon won’t just fall apart? Dyntos: Palutena, you’d be wise to put a muzzle on your chicken.  Palutena: I apologize for him. Again. Pit: I… I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to be rude.
To Pit, he is just stating a fact. However, it comes off to Dyntos as Pit being rude or even insulting his work. This is something that autistic people often do; they are blunt or honest about something, which is again mistaken as being rude.
Pit is also seen being more blunt when under emotional stress, such as in Chapter 20.
Pit: I trusted you because I knew you were on the side of justice, and… and light! But something is blocking that light now. This isn’t the real you. Viridi: Someone cue the strings… Pit: Would you mind holding the commentary for two seconds, Viridi? Phosphora: There are goddesses you’re talking to here, Pit. Watch your tone. Pit: Butt out, Phosphora! The goddess of light has turned dark. Skyworld is destroyed! Everything is wrong, and it’s up to me to make things right! Palutena: Oh, Pit. You’re just as naive as ever. Pit: I’m not naive!
Phew. This scene is pretty noteworthy to me because throughout the game, Pit is never really that angry or upset. He does show hostility, but he never really snaps at anyone, much less gods, like this. But when his home is destroyed and Lady Palutena is not herself, his emotions get the better of him. He doesn’t even seem to care that he is being “rude” to Viridi. I definitely see this moment as Pit having an outburst because of the stressful situation he is under. 
Scripts / Scripting
The most obvious example of Pit using a script is with his “rally cries” that he prepares before fighting enemies. Look at the idol description for this AR Card.
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He practices his rally cries a lot in order to be prepared for battles with bosses. Pit even mentions practicing his rally cries in a later chapter.
Pit: Cells of Hades, hear my words! And, um… see my actions! Uh… something, something… I’m going to rain death on you! I can’t remember all the words, but that’s the general gist. Hades: My innards have so longed to hear your battle cry. How could you forget the words? Pit: I didn’t have time to rehearse. I’ve been busy fighting evil, okay?!
While some may see the rally cries as meaningless fun, I think it could be seen as Pit having a script that he likes to fall back to when facing enemies. 
His many references and quotes to video games could be seen as scripting, too. There are lots of instances in Uprising, and especially in Palutena’s Guidance, where Pit quotes famous video game phrases or imitates sounds. Which leads me to…
Special Interest
Pit’s special interest is video games. While Pit’s very vast knowledge of video games could just be because of Uprising’s fourth-wall breaking style of humor, I think it could also be seen as Pit having an intense interest in games. He references various video games such as Metroid, Nintendogs, and Super Smash Bros. in-game. He seems to enjoy bringing up video games or referencing video game mechanics whenever he can, which is very similar to how autistic people enjoy bringing up their special interests in conversations whenever possible. Additionally, while the Palutena’s Guidance conversations aren’t 100% accurate to canon, Pit constantly references and alludes to various video games in them, such as quoting Reyn in Shulk’s conversation or Peppy and General Pepper in Fox’s (which ties back to him scripting). It’s clear that he loves video games and talking about video games!
Pit: Those Aurum troops are doing their best Game and Watch impression! Viridi: Check out the gaming IQ on this guy! You’re a regular video game historian!
See, even Viridi is impressed with his video game knowledge! :D
Sensory Issues
Throughout the game, Pit seems to have an obsession with hot springs. It is never outright explained why he loves them so much, but I’m led to believe it is because of sensory reasons. Many autistic people use extreme temperatures to help soothe or calm themselves, such as cold showers or hot baths. It can often help with sensory overload. Hot springs, similarly to hot baths, may be a way to help soothe Pit and keep his sensory issues to a minimum. 
Pit’s habits with his tunic seem to hint towards sensory issues, too. He doesn’t like to be without his robes, stating that he keeps them on even when he’s in the hot spring. When his clothes seemingly get messed up in Chapter 21, he gets upset, exclaiming that it’s his only tunic. Wearing the same clothes or same types of clothes/fabric is pretty typical for autistic people, and Pit wearing the same tunic everyday is similar to that.
Additionally, Pit’s habits with food could be because of sensory differences. He very well could be hyposensitive to food and tastes, which is why he eats a lot and doesn’t seem to care about what he eats (as long as it isn’t vegetables, according to the Revolting Dinner short ;D ) . 
Small Social Circle
Pit doesn’t have a whole lot of people he can rely on. Before Uprising, the only person he seems to have any affinity for is Palutena. Other than that, he doesn’t seem to talk to anyone else. We don’t have a clear picture on what his relationship with the Centurions is like, but based off of the Revolting Dinner short and Chapter 17, he only really talks to them when he’s working as the Captain of the Army and not as a friend.
While yes, Pit is the only angel left in Skyworld, I still think it’s important to bring up that Pit only really has Palutena to rely on. By the end of Uprising, he has Viridi and Dark Pit as well, but his only clear and completely positive relationship is his mother-son bond with Palutena. I see this as Pit struggling to really befriend others. He’s had over two decades between the original game and Uprising to befriend the Centurions, but again, he only really has Palutena. It’s pretty typical for autistic people to have very small social circles, consisting of just one or two friends. Palutena seems to fit the role of mother and best friend for Pit, and she even remarks that he should make more friends in Chapter 4. 
Working Alone
This is a small one, but still something that I think is worth pointing out. Pit seems very adamant on accomplishing his missions on his own, telling Dark Pit on two separate occasions (Chapter 9 and Chapter 21) that he can handle the situation by himself. Similarly, it’s common for autistic people to prefer working by themselves rather than with others. Paired with the previous point about having a small social circle, this just reads to me as Pit not feeling too comfortable in situations with others.
There’s a few other points that I feel I could bring up but overall I think these are my main points summed up (and yes, I said summed up. this used to be over 2500 words) ! Thanks so much for reading! If you have any other traits that you think Pit has that I didn’t mention, feel free to share them, I’d be more than happy to hear! ^_^
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20xbetterthanu · 4 years
Tumblr Family Tree Newsletter
Welcome to the Tumblr Family Tree Newsletter. This is just a general update on things that are happening in the tumblr fam at the moment. Enjoy!
Recently @backslashdelta and @porcelain-nightbird got married!! This officially added Sim to the Tree!! yay! marriage!!
@anderhummel and @blaine-andersxn got hitched as well! woohoo!
New Children:
@lesblam was adopted by @heartsmadeofbooks and @esperantoauthor. Elise is their fourth child, after @oohbabycupcakes, @pineappletheatrekid and @20xbetterthanu
@comewhctmay and @20xbetterthanu adopted another child as well, their third. @the-veirdo is their newest child, joining @gay-tired-and-pissed-in-ohio and @mypatronusisasquirrell in the Vanderpoops
@gorgxoxus and @kurthummeldeservesbetter adopted @lgbtblaintana, their first and only child. congratulations!
@porcelain-nightbird and @backslashdelta adopted @sugar-motta-bitch to add to their mix. Jenna is their third child, following @sugarcarnation and @mostlygleethoughts.
@heartsmadeofbooks has a fic out, Sing To Me Instead, go check it out it’s amazing!! @esperantoauthor just recently finished Friends in Low Places, which is also amazing and I am also live blogging it!! @backslashdelta is currently working on It Was Only A Kiss, go check that out!! @blurglesmurfklaine finished Cornelia Street!! Go read it!!
@pineappletheatrekid, @oohbabycupcakes and @20xbetterthanu are all scarily connected by the date February 15.
@pineappletheatrekid and @oohbabycupcakes are still on a Sill shipping rampage, despite the constant threat of being disowned.
@20xbetterthanu wrote a fic where Kurt and a Traffic Light have relations, encouraged by @the-veirdo and @lesblam. @pineappletheatrekid countered with a fic of her own.
@esperantoauthor and @heartsmadeofbooks will never get divorced because Esp says Laura is the only one who has not betrayed her.
@gorgxoxus and @kurthummeldeservesbetter have introduced @pineappletheatrekid to Wes x Gavel fics.
@comewhctmay was hiding the fact that she was a Will Schuester stan from @20xbetterthanu and now Ally is considering divorce. Ally blames it on her siblings. Bad influences. 
@sugar-motta-bitch is working through a lot of Skank! Kurt headcanons
most of the children in the group want to be Canadian now.
@imaverycatgirl still shit posts as usual. Go check her blog out, its hilarious.
If you are in the family tree and you have not joined the discord server and you want to, here is the link
If you are not apart of the Tree, and you want to be, all you have to do is ask. We’ll figure out who’s kid/spouse/sibling you’ll be--though it may take a little time. 
That’s all the news as of today!! 
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Of All the Places
Chapter 4
Pairing: Loki x reader Series Summary: Washing up in a small town in Oklahoma was definitely not part of Loki’s plan when he came to conquer Midgard. There is one good thing about it, though: No one recognizes him as the one who just wreaked havoc in New York. So, Loki plans to recover from the battle and move on with his life. The only problem? He’s not sure he can leave you. Chapter Summary: Loki continues to struggle with his emotions as he tries to figure out his bond with you. On top of all that stress, he finally learns what the rest of the world is hearing about New York. Chapter Warnings: long, angsty, and fluffy A/N: Woohoo! Fourth chapter is here! Totaling almost 5,000 words, the longest thing I have written to date. Any comments, questions, or predictions? I’d love to hear them and chat with you! Well, guys, gals, and non-binary pals, hope you enjoy :) Updates every Friday.
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiantfavs​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​
✥ Start at Beginning ✥ | ← Previous Chapter | Next Chapter →
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine 
Loki hadn’t slept well in days. Between nightmares and dreams of you, his mind was a constant hub of activity. He didn’t need as much sleep as you mortals did, but after the whole ordeal with Thanos, the lack of rest was taking a toll on him. You were the first to notice, and started hovering even more than normal, something Loki was reluctant to admit he liked. In his final days on Asgard, he’d made himself a complete loner, going so far as to isolate himself from Frigga. It was nice to have some companionship again. That was as far as Loki ever let his mind wander, though, cutting himself off before he could deeper analyze the constant pull he felt toward you. Certainly there wasn’t even anything else to analyze anyway, he convinced himself. You were, after all, only human.
Before he could get lost in thought again, Loki refocused on Matt’s caramel blonde hair as he chased him between the barn and the house. The boy’s light curls were the only thing he’d inherited from his father and looked almost exactly like Ana otherwise. It made Loki wonder how he never guessed he was adopted, seeing as he looked nothing like either of his parents. This fresh air was really starting to get to him, he decided, because he was continuously going down these deep contemplative paths in his mind. It was a constant loop of his feelings for you, his true heritage, and how he was taking advantage of your family. Then again, it may have been the traumatic, near-death experiences and hours of torture that was doing this to him. That was the one thing he always liked to forget about.
“Tag, you’re it!” Loki cheered as he tapped Matt.
The challenge in this game, for Loki at least, was not to overtake Matt’s strides too quickly. It was the perfect balance of fake chasing and finding just the right moment to execute the tagging. Still, he was having almost as much fun as the child was.
“Now you’re it!” Matt declared a few minutes later when Loki let the boy catch up to him.
If there was anything to admire about the kid, it was his tireless energy. Loki was glad to have found someone to keep pace with him as far as that went. His mind, too, was kept plenty stimulated by late-night talks with you. Ever since you’d showed him the creek a few days ago, you seemed to talk into the wee hours of the morning. He’d never noticed before just how deep and intelligent mortals could be. It was quite the accomplishment that you were changing so many of his opinions in such a short time. Then he realized he was thinking of you yet again and cut off the train of thought before it could persist.
“Loki. Matt,” Ana called, waving at them from the front porch.
After scooping the boy up in his arms, Loki jogged over to where she was standing. Matt was happily transferred to his mother’s arms as he was carried into the kitchen for snack time. The God of Mischief looked out over your land, trying to give in to the feeling of contentment he was so close to achieving. If only he didn’t constantly have that voice in his head telling him he was a monster, he didn’t belong here. Maybe then he could be happy. A part of him wished he’d lost his memory for real.
“Oh, there you are,” you said, walking out of the house. “I’m heading into town if you want to come with me and see if anything jogs your memory.”
“Yes. I would like that very much.”
As the two of you made your way to the car, you repeatedly tossed and caught your keys in a nervous pattern. Loki held the door open for you as you got in and quickly hurried around to the other side. He stared at a weird strap by his seat as he sat down. You saw his look of befuddlement and couldn’t help but let out a little laugh.
“Do you not remember how to use a seatbelt?” you asked kindly as he nodded his head yes. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you came from an alien planet.”
Then you reached across his seat to buckle him in. Unfortunately, it was a bit farther than you realized, and you fell into Loki, hand splayed on his chest, his hands immediately reaching out to steady you. For a minute, the only sound in the vehicle was your pounding hearts. You cleared your throat in embarrassment as you finished your task. The air between you held a distinct awkwardness, and Loki realized that this was the first time you’d been truly alone since the creek. It sent a thrill down his spine, even as he tried to ignore his racing thoughts. Determined to look anywhere but in your direction, his eyes landed on Mama, scowling in the window. She’d made it clear that she wasn’t keen on him spending so much time with you and Matt. If he was any smarter, any braver, he would listen to her and just leave already.
“So,” you began, clearing your throat again and driving off, “how are you feeling today?”
“I am quite well, thank you. I do believe I am fully healed.”
“Promise to still take it easy, ok?”
You lapsed into silence as you cruised along the road. Loki stared out the window, hoping to find some clarity in the scenery streaking by. You were a mortal, he should not have felt any sort of attachment to you. Then again, he hadn’t spent time with one since the Middle Ages. It had all been so dreadfully dull back then, but things had changed. You and your family were so exuberant, so captivating. But he was a god, and he should not concern himself with that. In fact, he should be on his way of this planet, which was maybe not so miserable, after all.
Before long, you reached town and pulled into a small parking lot of a building with a sign that said “24 Hour Convenience Store” and had many light-up neon signs, declaring they were open. You got out and Loki followed suit.
“Anything look familiar yet?” you asked. “I know you don’t live here, but maybe you passed through.”
Lying was his specialty, and it’s what he should have done now. He could hear himself in his head, his silver tongue weaving a tale about how things were coming back to him. Then he could pretend to contact someone and create an illusion, so you believed he had a happy reunion with his family. It would be prefect; he would leave and you wouldn’t worry about him. He truly wanted to believe it would perfect, anyway, but it wasn’t. Not if he never saw you again. There must be something special about you, he decided, and the Tesseract brought him here so he could figure it out. That was it. That had to be it.
“I am afraid not,” he replied. “Perhaps I came from the other way.”
“Yeah, maybe. Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out,” you comforted him with a hug, mistaking the reason for his sadness.
His body went stiff in your embrace. He hadn’t been hugged in centuries. Granted, that was in part his fault because he was afraid receiving hugs from his mother would hurt his carefully crafted image. Now here you were, holding his body against your warm frame. Once his mind cleared a bit, he awkwardly hugged you, too, and gave your back a few uncertain pats. He should not have been encouraging this behavior, but he was. Maybe if he caused some mischief he’d feel more like his old self. Or maybe he didn’t want to be that person anymore. It was all too much. He was exhausted by the incessant back and forth of his thoughts. He untangled himself from you and gestured to the store.
“After you,” he said.
You pushed open the glass doors and were greeted by the cashier as you walked in. Loki followed you to the back where the refrigerator section was, and he chivalrously held the milk that you’d come to pick up. You also grabbed some coffee grounds and then proceeded to checkout. After setting down the items on the counter, Loki turned over a chocolate bar in his hands, feeling like a child as you took it out of his hands and put it down with the other items. You grabbed a few other bars too, flashing a smile at Loki and keeping up a conversation with the clerk all the while.
“And who’s your new friend?” the cashier, whose name tag said Mr. Berkeley, asked you.
“This is Loki. He’s staying with me until... Well for a while,” you finished, not sure how much Loki felt comfortable revealing.
“Where’re you from, sonny?”
“Unfortunately, I cannot remember. It seems I had some kind of horrid accident,” Loki explained before you could fret anymore. He was very tired of being called son by people when he was a thousand years their senior, though. “I was very lucky to have found my way onto their farm.”
“Well, that’s quite a story. You should talk to the newspaper, get the word out.”
You shot an “I told you so” look at Loki to which he responded with one that said, “We’ll talk about this later.” Before either of you could say anything, though, the news came on the TV which Loki hadn’t realized was on.
“Do you have cable back?” you inquired as Loki began to panic. “It’s still out on the farm.”
“Nah. I got a satellite on the roof. Just got it set up again this morning.
You nodded along as the anchors began the next story. “New York is still reeling from damage, but the group of superheroes, going by the name of the Avengers, is leading clean-up efforts. The perpetrator has still not been caught-”
Loki discreetly turned the TV off with his powers before you could hear any more. He’d have to make sure the satellite took significant damage before leaving.
“Dang it. I just fixed that damned thing,” the cashier said.
“What was that all about?” you asked, completely bewildered by the sudden influx of information. “What happened in New York?”
“I guess you missed it in the paper last week,” Mr. Berkeley explained. “Some crazy group of aliens attacked, led by some power hungry god. Supposedly it was Thor’s brother, but they haven’t disclosed that information yet. Reckon they want to wait until he’s caught, avoid a panic.”
“Oh my god. That’s terrible! Gosh, you miss one paper,” you laughed, trying to keep the mood light.
A dark cloud passed over Loki’s features, even as Mr. Berkeley laughed along. Despite those SHIELD agents covering this up, word had still gotten out in some capacity. He had to be careful, or else he was going to get caught, and then you’d be in danger. He cursed under his breath. Your safety should be the last thing he was worrying about, and yet it was the first thought to come into his mind. A little kindness thrown his way should not make him into the mess he was. Of course, there were so many other things to like about you, too, and he kept finding more. He didn’t want to, he didn’t want any of this, but the Norns were punishing him for something. What would have happened, he wondered, if he’d listened to Thor and just held on that fateful day? If he hadn’t let go of the staff and fallen to what should have been his ultimate demise?
“Sonny, are you alright?” Mr. Berkeley asked as you laid a hand on his arm.
“Fine, but I think we should be going. I’ll meet you outside.”
He jerked away from your touch before you could do anything else and stalked outside. At least the satellite was hanging half off the roof with a huge dent in its side. He opened his door and got into the car as you unlocked it and raced over to him.
“Loki! Loki!” you called as you hurried over. “What was that? Are you ok?”
“Nothing! Nothing at all. Can’t you see I’m fine?” he snapped, struggling with the seatbelt. “I’m fine,” he whispered again.
“Hey, look at me,” you soothed, filled with compassion and placing a hand on his cheek. “Whatever it is, just let me know. I’m here for you. Talk to me.”
Loki’s eyes fluttered shut as he enjoyed the warmth from your palm. He let go of the seatbelt and took a few deep breaths, just like his mother had taught him. A part of him wanted to hang onto this anger, knowing that it might finally drive him to leave. He knew from experience, though, that acting in moments of blind rage would never lead to anything good.
“Is it New York? Did you remember something?” you gasped. “You had felt it was important in some way.”
“Perhaps,” he said after one last steadying breath. “It may have triggered something. But really, I am just a little tired. Maybe I am not as healed as I thought.”
He turned his head away and rested it against the window as your hand dejectedly fell into your lap. It’s not that he wanted to pull away, but he knew it’s what was safest for you.
“Ok then. We’ll go home.”
Loki whispered his thanks and succeeded in buckling up. He closed his eyes as the car started and a wave of emotions crashed over him. When you said home, he immediately pictured the farm. He knew he shouldn’t, but he did.
Loki holed himself up in his room for the rest of the day, working through the new information he’d learned. He pretended to be asleep when Ana came to bring him some dinner. Notably, you had not been the one taking care of him, and he cursed himself for pushing you away. He didn’t even bother trying to convince himself it was for the best; he knew it wasn’t. After so many years on his own, he finally had a friend, and he drove you away. Why he expected anything less from himself, he didn’t know.
At some point, he fell into a restless sleep. The food from last night was still on the bedside table, but it was now joined with the Snickers bar you’d bought for him yesterday. Someone had also come and tucked him in. Maybe he hadn’t lost his friend, after all. He opened the chocolate and took a bite, delighting in the sweet and nutty flavor. He polished it off, then waved a hand over the rest of the food, causing it to disappear. He wasn’t much in the mood for eating it, but didn’t want you to worry. He nearly ran into John as he walked into the hallway with the empty tray.
“There you are!” John exclaimed. “We were getting worried. Do you need the doctor?”
“No, I am quite alright, thank you. I think I just needed some good sleep,” Loki lied.
“Only if you’re sure. Take it easy today, though, ok?”
“That’s an order,” you said, appearing behind your brother-in-law and taking the tray from Loki. “Are you hungry? You missed breakfast, but I can heat up some leftovers from you.”
“I am fine,” Loki began, but noticed you frown. “Though, I suppose I could do with a small breakfast.”
“Great!” you said a little too brightly. “I’ll meet you down there.”
“Loki, can I talk to you for a minute?” John asked, pulling him aside. “What exactly happened yesterday? We heard about New York, but it seemed like there was something else bothering them.”
Loki felt a pang in his chest at the man’s words. As if the news weren’t upsetting enough, he’d been rude to you. He could only imagine how you would feel if you knew he was the one who had caused the mayhem. He wanted to pin the blame on someone else, but the blood was on his hands and he knew he had to take some responsibility. Doing that would help him change, which he recognized was absolutely necessary after all that had happened.
“I fear I may have upset them,” Loki started, shedding his old ways by telling the truth. “I was not feeling quite right, and I turned them away. Now they clearly blame themself for it. I deeply regret it, but I am not sure there is anything I can do.”
“Just talk to them. Apologize.”
Loki did his best not to look shocked, but the last time he said sorry was when his parents caught him playing tricks on Thor, and even then it was done begrudgingly. He wasn’t even sure he could make it sound sincere.
“Listen, I’ve got an idea,” John said. “We’re heading to the city today if you want to tag along. They’re off to get some gifts for Ana while I’ve got a few potential distributors to meet with. I’m sure they would be thrilled to have your company. Unless you’re not feeling well, of course.”
“No, I’m feeling fine. That is a great idea. You have my thanks, John.”
“No problem. Now, you’d better head down for breakfast before we both get in trouble,” he laughed.
With a final nod of gratitude, Loki took off down the stairs. His light footsteps went undetected as he neared the table, once again giving him the opportunity to eavesdrop on Mama’s suspicions.
“I know something else must’ve happened yesterday. You weren’t upset over nothing.”
“It’s just the New York thing,” you replied. “I’m fine. Really.”
“You tell me what that boy did right now or so help me I’ll kick him out of this house myself!”
“Mama! He didn’t do anything wrong. I get that what happened with James hurts, believe me I do, but you can’t let it run your life. You have to be able to trust others, to trust me,” you pleaded.
“How dare you drag your brother into this,” Mama shot back, her voice cracking. “How ’bout you trust my gut when it tells me that boy is trouble. I swear-”
She was cut off by Loki doubling back and thudding down the stairs, making his presence known. He’d heard more than enough of that conversation and wouldn’t allow you to feel any more hurt than you already were.
“Good morning,” he coldly said to Mama as he walked in, nostrils flaring slightly before he regained some composure. “I am not interrupting anything, am I.”
“Only our entire lives. Why don’t you go to the police, huh? And what about the missing person ad? Why haven’t we gotten that out yet? I don’t know what game your playing, but when I figure it out, believe me you’ll be sorry.”
“Fine! You want to know what I am doing here? I do not know. I have no idea why I ended up here or why I have stayed as long as I have. So when you ‘figure it out,’ by all means, please let me know.”
“Fine!” Mama shouted as she stormed off.
Loki was comforted by the fact that in his little outburst, he hadn’t technically told any lies to you. Half-truths? Most certainly, but no outright lies. Now that he was left alone with you, though, he felt embarrassed he lost his temper. He cleared his throat before speaking.
“I am sorry,” he said, not looking at you.
“Loki, you don’t have to say sorry for defending yourself. I understand.”
“That’s not what I’m apologizing for,” he confessed, now looking into your eyes. “Yesterday I was not feeling quite right, but I should not have snapped at you nor pushed you away like that. For that, you have my sincerest apologies.
“It’s really ok, it happens to everyone. I just care that you’re feeling alright.”
You stayed where you were standing, still hesitant to move toward Loki out of fear of being rejected again. So, it fell upon Loki to close the distance between you. He took your hand in his and placed a kiss to your knuckles as a light blush coated his cheeks.
“Thank you, darling. I assure you, I am feeling more than alright now.”
Whatever was about to happen between you next was cut off by the beeping of the microwave. You finished putting together his breakfast before sitting with him at the island. Though your relationship had been repaired, the conversation was still a bit choppy and awkward as you found your footing in the friendship again. John walked in just as you were cleaning up, whistling a happy tune.
“Ready to go whenever you guys are,” he said as he leaned against the doorframe.
“You’re coming?” you asked Loki, feeling worried for his health. “Are you sure you’re up for that? I can even stay behind with you if u want.”
“Please, do not change your plans on my account. I am in a great condition to go.”
You still seemed reluctant, but agreed he could come as long as he let you know the second he started feeling unwell. He conceded, and you went to fetch your jacket with the promise you’d be back in a minute. John gave Loki a thumbs up, to which he replied with a very self-assured smile, bolstered with confidence by your latest exchange.
A few minutes later you were all piling into the car, with Loki insisting you took the passenger seat and that he’d ride in the back. He was very pleased to get the seatbelt buckled on the first try, and the two of you shared a laugh at the little inside joke. His cheeks burned slightly, remembering how you’d fallen against him. Over the next few hours, you passed time by talking, laughing, and singing along to the radio. Just as you were entering the city, a troubling thought occurred to Loki; the people here had heard the news. Even if it hadn’t been officially announced that he was responsible for New York, those rumors about him had to have included a description. Sudden inspiration struck as John parked the car.
“You don’t happen to have a hair tie in here, do you?” he inquired.
“Yeah,” you replied, reaching into the glove compartment. “Ana keeps some in here for emergencies.”
Loki thanked you as you passed it to him and quickly put his hair up in a low bun. When he turned his attention back to you, you were staring at him, and he gave you a charming, lopsided grin that had you ducking your head in embarrassment.
“Ok,” John said with a clap of his hands once you were all on the sidewalk. “We’ll meet here in, say, about 5 hours.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you agreed, before waving goodbye.
Now it was just you and Loki again as you took off towards some stores to look at some baby gifts for Ana. It would still be half a year before the baby arrived, but you were always indecisive when it came to purchasing gifts. On the way, Loki ducked into a small shop and bought a pair of sunglasses, furthering his disguise. Between that, the new clothes, and the different hairstyle, he felt pretty confident in his ability to blend in.
After two-and-a-half hours of shopping, you’d found a bunch of things to maybe get, but hadn’t decided on anything. You would go back and look some more, but you were bone tired after all the walking around. The fact that you were so exhausted made you concerned for Loki’s condition, too, not entirely trusting that he would tell you if he was feeling ill, despite his promise to.
“How are you holding up?” you cautiously asked, afraid of a repeat of yesterday if you pushed too hard.
“I am doing quite well. You, however, seem to need to stop for a spell. Come, let us rest for a minute.”
He led you over to the food court of the mall you were at and pulled out a chair for you to sit in. He glanced around at the options and, though there was nothing there that appealed to him, there was certainly something that you liked. Besides, he didn’t need to eat, but your frail mortal body would need some sustenance sooner rather than later.
“Can I get something for you to eat?” he offered.
“How about we go see a movie instead?” you proposed, eyeing up the nearby theater.
“Only if you eat something.”
“Wow. Look at how the tables have turned,” you laughed. “Fine, but you have to also.”
After a minute’s debate, you and Loki agreed on a comedy starring your favorite actor. It wouldn’t have been Loki’d first pick, but after all the stress and angst of the last 24 hours, he figured he could use a laugh. You also convinced him to try some popcorn and Pepsi. He wasn’t much a fan of the soda, but the snack was tasty enough. Though, you did end up stealing half of his after finishing your own, which was fine with him. The best part of the whole experience, though, was getting to hear your laugh over and over again. Loki thought it might be the most beautiful sound he ever heard. Well, perhaps the best part was actually when your arms brushed each other as you both went to put them on the armrest at the same time. Loki filed away all these little mental notes to dwell on at a later date. Or, if he were lucky enough to rein in his hurricane of thoughts, never again.
“Well, that killed a lot of time,” you said after the movie ended and you were stretching out, aching from having sat for so long. “We’ve still got some left though. What do you want to do?”
“I believe there was a library over by where we parked. Let us go there,” he said, quickly thinking up a plan.
By the time you walked over, there was only about twenty minutes left for him to complete what he needed to do. He hurried over to where the computers were, and though he wasn’t particularly adept with modern Midgardian technology, the directions taped to the wall were clear enough that he was able to look up a book. He sent you off to get it, claiming that the title had just popped into his head and that he was certain he used to love it, and that he wanted to check on the status of a few others. You obliged, hoping that seeing the book would bring back some more of his supposedly lost memories.
Once you were gone Loki quickly searched for information on what he learned was being referred to as the Battle of New York. Thankfully, there was as little information about him circulating as Mr. Berkeley had said. Mostly, it was just speculation and stories from people claiming they’d been there. A great number of posts and photos had been deleted, too, and Loki assumed that they were ones with more valid claims and information. Knowing how SHIELD is, Loki was sure it was all removed almost immediately, so he felt relatively safe but decided he couldn’t be too careful.
“I found it!” you said, setting the book down as Loki closed out the tab he was on.
“Wonderful! Thank you,” he replied, flipping through it. “Most unfortunately, the other books were checked out.”
You leaned over shoulder to look at the book in his hands. “That’s too bad. What about this one, though? Triggering any memories?”
“Well, I think I enjoyed reading. Other than that, I am afraid not.”
“That’s ok. We’ll keep trying.”
Your hand slowly drifted over to rest on his, and he gave you a brilliant smile. It made him wish he’d found a friend in the universe far sooner than he had. Then maybe he wouldn’t have ended up in the hands of Thanos, committing atrocities against his family and strangers alike. Then again, if none of that happened, he never would have met you. He was torn over which he preferred.
“There you guys are,” John said, walking up to where you were. “Ready to head back whenever you are.”
After putting the book back on the shelf, you were ready to leave. Loki hung back with John as you exited.
“Your plan has worked miracles, my good man. You have my sincerest gratitude,” he said.
“No problem, dude,” John said, patting Loki on the back. “Glad to bring a happy couple back together again.”
Loki’s steps faltered. Between his companion’s smirk and teasing tone, Loki knew it was meant as a joke. Mainly, anyway. John really was very off the mark, though. He and you were merely friends, nothing more. And surely that was just barely so, seeing as you were a human. There was no way you meant anything else to Loki. Right?
It wasn’t until you were back on the road, and Loki couldn’t stop looking at the back of your head, that he even began to realize just how much trouble he was in.
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