#herbs to support fever
spiraeaherbs · 2 years
Using Herbs to Support Fever
Using Herbs to Support Fever
Recently I shared a video on YouTube about using herbs to help support fever. Because this blog post is meant to be a supportive accompaniment, I would strongly suggest checking out the video below so you have some context for the list I am about to share. Please note – nothing shared with you today is meant to be interpreted as medical advice or a treatment for a specific condition. I share…
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edges-of-night · 1 month
Hii! <3
I wanted to request imagines for reader taking care of the lotr characters (preferably all, but if that’s too much then at least the women and maybe Aragorn and Faramir too) when they’re sick/injured for whatever reason
(I love your imagines so much, the way you characterize them all is so perfectly amazing💜)
Thank you for your kind words! I did all of my usual characters because I love hurt/comfort and sick!fic scenarios that much haha! I hope you will enjoy your post ♡
Have a great weekend everybody!
CW: injuries and illnesses, mention of blood
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・゚✧ Aragorn.
While Aragorn’s heroic sacrifice didn’t cost him his life, it took a heavy toll on him. Lucky for him, you’ve spoken often enough about medicinal herbs and healing practices – you are able to take great care of him, bedded on his white linens. Even when he is still too weak to speak, Aragorn will hold your gentle hand.
・゚✧ Arwen.
You return so often to Arwen’s bedside that you wonder if it would be easier to just stay – but you know that privacy and rest are just as important as her wish to hold your hand. Whenever you’re with her, you tend to her wounds or read her passages from her favourite book to make her smile, which Arwen appreciates immensely. As she rests, she plans on properly kissing you as soon as she’s healthy.
・゚✧ Boromir.
Boromir hates that a common cold has him chained to the bed for over a week now. But he’d lie if he said he didn’t enjoy you taking care of him – even though you do tease him and his constantly red nose from time to time. It’s all in good fun though, and he cannot wait to hold and kiss you again!
・゚✧ Elrond.
When Lord Elrond returned to Rivendell injured, your heart skipped a beat – he is the most skilled Elvish healer around – who else could treat the gaping, magical wound in his side? The honour is bestowed on you, and you master it despite your nervous mind. Nothing is greater encouragement than finally seeing Elrond’s summer eyes greet you again ♡
・゚✧ Éomer.
The Rohirrim have all kinds of names for the strange fever that has befallen their dear Éomer – but no methods of healing. They consider it an impossible challenge for you to tame his feverish, sweaty body and nonsense mumblings. But, somehow, the horse lord calms whenever you reach his bedside, sighing when you change the wet cloths on his forehead and rest your hand on his chest.
・゚✧ Éowyn.
Initially, Éowyn thinks nothing of the cut she got during sword lessons. But days of ignoring the wound on her hand could put her in grave danger, you know that – and thus offer to take a look and do what you can. At first, Éowyn protests, but she falls silent as soon as you turn her hand in yours, unaware of how soft her expression grows… She admires your medical knowledge, too! “Is there at all something you cannot do, you marvellous creature?”
・゚✧ Faramir.
It takes days for Faramir to wake up. Many others believe him doomed and have given up on sitting by his side, trying new herbs and waters, only to see his crystal blue eyes open once more. But you have the matter-of-factly patience of a boat pushing its way through a deadly ocean. And indeed, on a moonlit night, Faramir’s gentle gaze awaits when you return to his side, whispering, “Thank you for believing in me, my love.”
・゚✧ Frodo.
Sometimes you wonder if you are the only person to have consideration for both the physical and the mental wounds Frodo has endured. You always make sure he’s fine and support him when thoughts of the big scar on his chest sends him to dark places inside his mind. You both know that those wounds take much more time to heal than the cut itself, and Frodo is more than glad to have you by his side. To soothe him, you caress the scar.
・゚✧ Galadriel.
Ever since a mysterious malady has befallen Lady Galadriel, Lothlórien is in turmoil. No one would even let you near her – until she ordered her guards away, to allow you to treat her with your medical and arcane knowledge. In fact, you become the only one she wishes to see in her elegant rooms at all. Despite her current weakness, her ethereal beauty and soft smiles make it hard for you to concentrate…
・゚✧ Gandalf.
Out of breath, you hurry to Gandalf’s beside with that one legendary flower needed to cure him. He insists you be the one to prepare the potion, too. Day and night, you try to perfect his medicine, always worried his state might get worse. When Gandalf finally drinks your potion, the wound on his chest closes magically. But it’s nothing to Gandalf, who has trusted you entirely: “I never doubted you for a moment, my dear.”
・゚✧ Gimli.
After Gimli’s accident in the mine, you were right by his side to ensure his head injury wouldn’t get much worse. His headache is hurting badly though, and your proud Dwarf is but a shadow of himself. He knows rest would be best for him, but it’s hard for him to stay away from work and banquets alike. Still, he appreciates that you pamper him with his favourite baked goods and healing kisses on his head ♡
・゚✧ Haldir.
Haldir is not an easy patient, but that doesn’t stop you from treating his catastrophic shoulder, which he has ignored for days on his way through the woods of Lórien. Spread onto linen sheets beneath you, he grunts and cringes – as much as his half-dead stone face can, that is – under both your touch and your harsh words. But deep down, he knows you were simply worried – and honestly, he doesn’t quite know how to deal with that!
・゚✧ Legolas.
It seemed inevitable that Legolas would someday break a leg because of his acrobatic archery skills, and yet you are surprised. Elves heal quickly, but Legolas suffers greatly under his involuntary immobility. You help him by recounting his favourite quest stories and eventually by supporting his first tentative steps outside, which he thanks you for with the stormiest embraces ♡
・゚✧ Merry.
Merry thinks he can walk of anything – even an injured knee. He doesn’t want you to think of him as weak or unable to take care of himself. But even Merry can only play down a limp for so long. Truth be told, he is actually relieved that he no longer has to hide the pain, and that you spreading balm on his knee is no ordeal but in fact a very sweet gesture.
・゚✧ Pippin.
Pippin has been sneezing and stumbling for days, eventually falling into bed with the biggest groan you have ever heard come out of him. He is a “suffering” patient and you know it. But while Pippin greatly enjoys you pampering him with food, tea and blankets, he secretly cannot wait to take care of you in return – no matter if you’re sick or not! “It’s you’re not actually sick, or else I couldn’ave kissed you!”
・゚✧ Sam.
Gardening involves many dangers, and although Sam has been practising it since childhood, he eventually hurts himself on his gardening knife. The cut is deep and won’t stop bleeding, but you are quick to bandage it and remind him to change the fabric once a day. But Sam has trouble keeping his thoughts straight, when all he can think about is you holding his hand in yours, all close…
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roxygen22 · 5 months
Sick Timothee with fem reader as caretaker plz ❤️
Thanks to You
Summary: Fem!reader takes care of feverish Laurie
A/N: Decided to write using Timothee's Laurie as the main character because the time period makes fevers much more scary.
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Laure's restless stirring awakened you. You blinked, unable to focus since it was still dark out. You reached your hand out to place gentle, comforting pressure on his arm, as you often did if he was suffering a nightmare, but instantly drew it back in shock. He was putting off more heat than your fireplace.
You grabbed the oil lamp on your nightstand and raised the flame. There was a sheen of sweat blanketing his forehead and chest, though he was shivering like he had been out in the snow. "Fever," you breathed out worriedly.
You jumped out of bed and quickly set to work gathering supplies. You immersed a cloth in water and wrung it out to place on his forehead. You rubbed the herb poultice Mrs. March had shown you how to make onto the soles of his feet and covered them with socks. He shifted his head side to side, mumbling your name.
"[Y/N], [Y/N]," he muttered weakly.
You ran your fingers through his damp curls. "I'm here, my love. I'm here."
"[Y/N]?" Laurie's glazed eyes opened, but they never focused on you.
He's delirious, you thought to yourself. You looked out the window, countenance falling as you realized the blizzard meant you could not send for help. The whole town was snowed in. "You have to get better, Laurie," you stated as you cradled your slight baby bump with your free hand.
He became slightly more alert as the dawn arrived. You took the opportunity to get him to drink some water. He was shaking so much from the throes of fever that he could not hold the cup without spilling. You sat beside him to support his head and hold the cup to his lips. You were grateful to see that at least some water made it into his mouth. Exhausted, he flopped his head back onto the pillow and looked up at you.
"Y-you should k-keep your distance. You d-don't n-need to get sick, too," Laurie said through chattering teeth.
"Nonsense. Who else is going to take care of you, hmm?" You half-smiled, not quite enough to reach your eyes. You wet the cloth again and gently wiped his neck, chest, and arms. "Are you hungry?" you asked when you finished, but there was no response. He had already fallen asleep again. You surveyed the dark purple circles under his eyes and the pallor of his skin.
You rose from your perch by Laurie's side to start some soup for when he woke again. He came to about an hour later. You helped him sit up against the headboard so he could eat. He scowled when you attempted to spoon feed him. "Come on, now. You need to eat something to keep your strength, and I'm sure you don't want to spill hot soup in your lap," you chided. He rolled his eyes and acquiesced. You chuckled. At least he was feeling good enough to give you an attitude.
The food did him some good, because soon he wanted to get up and move around. You helped him to the front room to his armchair. While he read by the fire, you changed the damp sheets. It wasn't long before he was ready to lay down again. The two of you repeated this cycle throughout the day.
When night came once more, the fever ravaged again. You covered him with every blanket in the house and practically laid on top of him to warm him up. The shaking eventually relented, giving both of you a reprieve. You fell asleep sitting next to the bed, holding his hand while your head rested on your arm.
You woke to the feeling of a hand playing with your hair. You groggily raised your head and were greeted by Laurie's smile. "Good morning, my dove."
You smiled at the nickname and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Your fever broke," you said in relief. Tears welled up in the corners of your eyes. "I was so worried."
"I'm alright, thanks to you."
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Hiii I'm sorry, just wanna start saying your fics are AMAZING! I'm so in love with them 😩🥹
I'm very sick at home right now, with fever and feeling like shit, I was wondering if you ever thought about a Neteyam/Lo'ak x sick fem Na'vi, it'd be so cute and comforting 💙
Thank you for your amazing work ☺️
Ah babes I’m so sorry I took so long. I’m sure your feeling much better by now but better late than never, right?
Warnings: none, pure fluff and a bit of mushy, gushy love.
“Yawne, please eat something.” Neteyam hums, supporting your head in the crook of his arm. He holds you close to his chest, a cool cloth in his left hand and a spoon full of steam teylu in his right. “You haven’t eaten all day.”
You roll your head to the side, groaning from how dizzy you feel. Your joints ache and it feels as if steam is rising from the pores on your skin. With a weak hand, you nudge away the spoon, nuzzling your hot face back into his chest.
“You’re burning up, love.” He says just under a whisper, quickly putting down the spoon to wipe your forehead with the cold cloth. “How about a bath? We need to get you to cool down.”
“Teyam.” His name catches in your itchy throat as you curl into a ball in his lap. You begin to shiver, burrowing your cold toes under his warm thigh. “Jus’ wanna sleep.”
Truth be told, as much as you hated being sick, you loved the way your mate would care for you. He’s always so concerned about you, but he becomes a hypervigilant, overprotective mate when illness strikes. He’s at your beck and call, cloth in hand and other herbs and remedies strapped to his hip.
“Alrighty. I’m sorry to do this my sweet, sick girl.” he huffs, abandoning the cloth and spoon and scooping you up into his arms, “But up we go.”
You feel extra heavy in his grasp, your limp body completely relaxing under his touch. You trust him entirely, feeling secure in his arms and calm knowing he won’t let anything happen to you — not even the most common sickness known to the na’vi.
Neteyam carries you with ease, his strong physique and sinewy arms supporting your body weight as if you were the bow and arrows strapped to his back. Your feet dangle and sway with each step he takes, your heavy, half lidded eyes finally falling shut.
You rouse to Neteyam’s golden orbs staring down at you, filled with nothing but love and adoration. His smile is catching, spreading to your lips and making them curl. It feels like a fire has been extinguished, your hot body now nearing a comfortable degree. He rakes his fingers through your wet hair, supporting the middle of your back with his other hand.
“Ma’ ‘teyam.” You smile, a hand reaching upwards to cup his cheek. “Irayo [thank you].”
“Nothing to thank me for. Just doing my duty as your mate, txe’lan.” Neteyam’s smile is beaming now, his hand leaving your head to fix the strap of your top back into place. “I am just glad that you are feeling better. Or I would have had to take you to grandmother.”
“I’d rather stay with you. You take care of me the best, nete.” You say with a shaky voice, still a little weak.
Neteyam’s brows knit together when he hears the tremble of your lungs, a pang of concern squeezing his heart. You reassure him with a tender smile and a caressing thumb to his cheek. He almost lets loose a chuckle, just happy that he and his mate could communicate with just a few minute gestures.
“So, what about that steamed teylu?” Neteyam asks hopefully, glancing over to the basket resting on the boulder beside him. You sigh as a response, still having no appetite. But you’d do anything to see that smile on his face again.
“Sounds good, nete.”
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yan-lorkai · 1 year
Good evening! If it’s alright, could you please write some pomefiore boys with a sick reader fluff? I just love how you have portrayed them so far in your work. Thank you!
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: anon lmao-- you send this the day I caught the flu, at the time I laughing and coughing at the same time at the coincidence. I'm better now so that means I'm finally finished writing this, hope you like it! ;3
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warning: Yandere content, described symptoms of flu, potions, can be seen as platonic or romantic. Reblogs are appreciated!
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Oh, Trickster, if only he could take you in his arms and drown you in his love to heal you, he would without a second thought. First he would look at you with heart in his green eyes, memorizing every feature and line of your face, holding you in his gloved hands and stroking your cheeks. And then, if he could, Rook would lie down beside you and let his hands run up your sides, down your back, down the base of your neck to cup the back of your head, guiding your head to lay down on his chest. Unfortunately he cannot risk getting sick, he has to take care of you.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Sweat bathed your skin as you shivered and breathed heavily through your mouth, letting out gusts of air spiraling out of sight. You were so weak, with a stuffy nose and a fever that never seemed to cease. And Rook is almost happy to be the one taking care of you in this fragile state of yours, your teary eyes squinting to be able to see him through the tears. You didn't even seem to know what was real or not, delirious with fever, dreams emerging with reality and you not able to tell the difference.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Rook is very observant and he knows what to do and how to act as you exhibit your symptoms, supporting you every step of the way to recovery. Rook whispers words of comfort, efficiently working to ease whatever pain you were feeling as he spoke to you, even though he knew you didn't hear him. He knows that you will at least feel that there is someone there taking care of you. Being a great hunter, he is able to prepare a strong medicine with some herbs that heal you in a few hours and also gave you some soft food and lots of water.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ When you recover Rook expects compensation in the form of kisses and your company, he's just so needy for your attention. You're his beloved prey, after all.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You are like a doll to him, one for him to love and care for, and he is so careful with you, bordering on condescending with the way he demands that you stay in bed and rest while he asks Rook to bring you a hot, nutritious meal. Vil stays by your side the whole time you are sick, reading to you, telling you silly stories or just talking to keep you entertained and comfortable, despite being a little possessive of you he really cares for you a lot and he wants you to get well soon. How else could he kiss your cheek?
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Vil almost feels sorry for you, so helpless and fragile, so dependent on him, he would feel sorry if this wasn't your punishment for wanting to spend time with your little friends and away from the safety offered by your queen. And he loves every second he can taking care of you, wiping the sweat off your brow and helping you sit up so you can drink your medicine and the potion that is fully intended to cure you, sure, don't doubt it and drink every last drop.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Seconds become minutes and minutes become hours, your recovery is slow. But at least the cough and fever are gone after the medicine and the potion you drank, your throat still itches and your nose still runs, but you are slowly getting better by listening to Vil's voice and taking the time to rest.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You might not realize it until after you're healthy, but the potion you've drunk certainly takes its toll. You become closer to Vil, preferring his presence to your friends and being away from him becomes agonizing - almost as if you're under a spell. But it's certainly not that bad, is it? His company is much nicer than those nasty potatoes.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Epel is easy to despair. Should he give you water? But what if you want to eat first, or worse, what if you don't want to eat? Reluctantly he asks Vil and Rook what to do in this situation and follows their advice to the letter, making sure you are medicated and have a box of tissues by your side, he also brings a bucket in case you feel like throwing up but are too weak to get up.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Epel holds your hand, rubbing his thumb against your warm skin as he tells you about his day and the silly things that happened, the things he would do with you if you weren't sick. He has to resist the temptation to climb into your bed and lie down next to you to comfort you when you have a coughing and sneezing fit, rubbing your back gently and humming a little song as he helps you lie down, fluffing your pillows.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He knows a great recipe and while you sleep, Epel spends time in the kitchen cooking. He hopes the food is good, he hopes it works for you like it worked for him when he was sick and he was a kid. It's a recipe his grandmother came up with and one that works extremely well, it smells good, it tastes good, and as soon as you wake up he offers you spoonful after spoonful of food, even if you refuse. He will take care of you, whether you like it or not.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ When you get better, Epel wants you to go on errands with him. He requires some approach after taking care of you, he wants to hear your voice and the things you have to say.
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fluffer5 · 2 years
Humans and our insane biology
My 2nd entry to humans are space orcs.
So, I've always seen in movies that the intergalactic version of healing is via cryopads or filling an entire space tube with some sort of liquid and just chucking the entire person inside to heal for an indefinite amount of time depending on the severity of their injury.
Now, humans don't have the luxury of that. I can sorta theorized that the medical stuff the aliens use would include the use of nanites or galactic medicinal herbs that would speed up the healing process, bumping up a supposedly 10 years of physical rehabilitation and recovery to a few months at most and to those who get the quality herbs, then a few weeks.
Seeing as Earth would be seen as a deathworld, a term I've been seeing for planets that hold life forms but is seen as a hostile planet to other other galactic race, they would be baffled by the slowness of our healing process.
They might think, "Their planet is harsh so their healing process must be very fast". And they're half correct with that assumption. Even the most ill of humans can fight back on a lot of health issues even with minimal medical support.
Infection? Increased white blood cells and even developing a fever to kill this micro invaders via increased body temperature. The body not getting oxygen? Body falls into tachypnea or breathing too fast to get more oxygen. Any feelings of danger? Adrenaline pumps out to give you an extra boost of energy for fight or flight purposes. Injury leading to a cut somewhere on our skin? Have the platelet go over there and cover the cut and have the white blood cells round up the bacteria that could've entered. Hungry with no food? Let me use this fat tissue as energy.
Alien: You mean you heal slowly or very fast depending on your injury?! What if your body can't heal itself or what if you're too weak to do the healing?! *panicking from the stress since humans are technically considered as Eternal Younglings given that they're the fastest to die from their short lifespan*
Human: That's when we go to the hospital. Our version of your healing technology.
Alien: Oh, thank the stars. So how long do you stay in your cryopad if you have a deep injury?
Human: Depends on how deep. If it's just a small cut or a small bruise then we don't go to the hospital. But if the injury is super deep or an organ is not functioning well or we're bleeding from the inside, then we have doctors who put us to sleep with this chemical called anesthesia and they operate on the cut and fix the messed up organs.
Alien: *concerned alien noises* Doctors are like healers, yes? How do they exactly 'fix' you?
Human: So, they inject us with this anesthesia, wait for us to fall asleep, then cut their way through our muscle, fats, and tissues before seeing the organs, maybe cutting up a bit of it to send to the labs or fixing it up. I don't really know the exact details since I'm just your plain worker.
Alien: Child, 'healers' who cut up patients are called as kiarvetj, killers! *exasperated, panicky actions* How... how often did you say that you Terrans go to this hospital again?
Human: Oh, I'm not sure for the rest of my kind but for those who are healthy enough like me who can function and not collapse or vomit blood or get in an accident, then pretty much never. Besides, even if I want to know if I'm sick of something, the price to have myself be medically checked is too much. So I just make do with herbs and stuff.
Alien: I think I'm going to have a word with the UIC (Unified Intergalactic Council) about this... AGAIN!
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keithsandwich · 2 months
Her Sun & His Earth
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Pairing: Keith/OC (Maeve)
Word Count: ~2.7k
Rating: Explicit - NSFW
Tags: Smut with Feelings, Established Relationship, Nudity, Masturbation, Voyeurism, Body Worship, Cunnilingus, Breeding.
Summary: It's Summer, and Earth and Sun miss each other. Keith surprises Maeve and dress her up in jewelry.
Notes: Oh, I have so many people to thank! It's been 5 mouths since I last posted Keith and Maeve fanfic and all the love and support I got really helped me finally being able to write again! Thank you so so much @bicayaya, @candied-boys, @lorei-writes (for the brainrot and for all the suggestions that made this fic so much better!), @nightghoul381, @scummy-writes and all my other friends who encouraged me. Love you all!!
Oh, and thank you @xxsycamore for the amazing Sexy Ikemen Summer because it also helped me a lot! Though I know I used the Let them play dress-up with you prompt loosely here.
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Summer was the season of blooming life. The Sun reached the peak of his power, and the Earth was radiant and fertile, ready to conceive and give birth to his many seeds. She was hot and lush. Maeve didn’t need to be outside, face turned towards the sky and her feet on the ground, to feel it. The warm air touched her skin even inside the palace, making it glow in darker shades of gold and glimmer with tiny crystals of sweat. Her movements were languid, her sighs heavy. Her hair, usually down in nightly waves, was now constantly up in intricate braids. It was hard to concentrate on her studies and palatian duties.
When the fires of summer burned, the body demanded… movement. Walking through the many palace corridors wasn’t enough. Taking strolls in the garden wasn't enough. Even taking out horses for a ride in the woods wasn’t enough. Maeve was consumed by longing and need, something that roused at night within her belly, filled her chest, numbed her mind.
And ached. Oh, it ached. 
“How long until he's back?” Yule asked. When Maeve’s distracted gaze turned to her, the woman had a knowing smile on her face.
Of course she, of all people, would know. Yule received the same education Maeve had, and her connection with nature was rare among the palace residents. Summer was the time to be with your lover, just as Earth enjoyed her time with the Sun. The fact that Keith had to be away on business in Benitoite during this time of year was excruciating for Maeve.
She took a deep breath and straightened her back. The hands that were previously working with the herbs in the lab now rested on her waist. The herbs permeated the air with a fresh scent, but Maeve still felt hot.
“He said he won't be able to be here for the Full Moon,” she lamented with a shrug and a weak smile.
“Poor girl, if you're missing him this much already, the Full Moon will only make it worse.” Maeve only nodded at Yule’s words. It wasn't like she could deny it anyway. “I might have something to help you with your fever.”
Yule gave Maeve a small bottle that evening. The chilling liquid helped her through the next few days, but the solution only came to her on one of the brightest nights of that year.
Moonbeams filtered through the plants by the window. They bathed her body, naked since nightgowns smothered her in warmer seasons and made it harder to sleep. But her mind didn't drift to the realm of dreams at all. Instead, it delved into memories of them. Their earthly smell. Their soft hair. Their sturdy body in her arms, between her thighs, weighing over herself.
“Keith…” Maeve whispered, turning around and hiding her face in his pillow. Her hand traveled down her lower belly. Her fingers sank into the luxuriant forest of her intimacy, damp in a rain of desire. Her hips bucked on their own. 
And then, there was nothing but her labored breathing against the soft pillow, where traces of their presence still lingered. 
Oh, how she needed to have more — so much more than that.
Keith's gentle voice snapped her out of her fantasies and back to reality. A surprising reality it was. Maeve couldn't hide her disbelief as she sat up straight and tried to rub any possible illusions from her eyes. But it was true. There he was, standing by the door holding a wooden box in his hands. His flushed cheeks were vivid among the green, white, and gold, and especially under the blue moonlight. That could have been the result of the heat, of riding at a breakneck pace to meet her, or of witnessing the scene unfolding before his interruption.
Little did she know, it was a mix of all those things.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to wake you, I, ah…” Keith said clumsily, his thoughtfulness preventing him from addressing what he had seen upon his arrival.
“Keith! Thought you wouldn’t be here unt-” Maeve said at the same time, a tad louder. Both interrupted themselves when they realized it, and shared a sheepish smile in silence.
Maeve scooted to the side of the bed, ready to run into his arms, but Keith hurried to meet her before she could get up. His tall, large figure towered over her with an insecure posture, then he lowered himself to one knee. He couldn't recall exactly how he placed the box on the floor beside him. All he could focus on was her, the disheveled hair adorning her naked silhouette against the full moon outside, the delight tinting her cheeks a scarlet tone. Her plump lips looked ready to be kissed. But above all, her eyes shone, calling for him.
He would always see a goddess in Maeve. And in an act of grace, her hand touched his face, fingers brushing the curls away from his sweaty forehead. Keith knew he should apologize for not composing himself properly after a long ride, but the divine scent that still clung to her fingers filled his lungs with primal desires, numbing his thoughts completely.
“I missed you,” he confessed in a whisper, taking her dainty hand in his and covering her palm with passionate kisses. “I’m sorry, I had to see you as soon as possible, otherwise I would go mad…”
Keith reached the nectar on her fingers with his tongue, lapping at them tenderly. An act so shameful he felt his face burning, but it was simply inevitable. Maybe it was too late. Maybe he had already gone mad. Maeve let out a sweet, weak sound. Shy shivers washed over her digits and spread up her palm. While her index and middle fingers were still in his mouth, he looked up to find her blushing and sighing wishfully. 
“I missed you too…” Maeve murmured. 
Aw shucks, Keith said to himself. He had to focus. He took a deep breath to try to contain the madness. He couldn't just jump on Maeve like an animal in heat. Every moment with her was sacred, even the ones where they let their bodies talk — she had taught him so. He should honor them, as he honored her in his heart. Which reminded him–
“I… I brought you some gifts.” Keith let go of her hand and quickly turned to the box he had placed by his side. He missed the confusion in her eyes as he opened it. “They have this tradition in Benitoite that the more important the person, the more jewelry they wear. And I just… I kept thinking all the time that if you were there with me, I would cover you in jewels, Mae.”
She shook her head. “Keith, I'm not that important.” 
“You are,” he stated in a sweet voice. Keith took a shiny, golden anklet from the box. It had many pendants that jingled softly when he held it. “You are the most important person to me.”
“May I?” he asked, and as she nodded, his free hand gently cradled her heel, thumb caressing her skin. As used to being bare as they were, her feet felt surprisingly soft. Keith laid her foot on his knee and wrapped the jewelry around her ankle, closing the clasp with trembling fingers. Maeve leaned in to look, moving her foot slowly to get the feel of it, the pendants tinkling quietly.
“It’s beautiful…” Her smile shone brighter than the gold against her skin. When she made a motion to pull her leg back, Keith held it in place. His hand glided up to her knee. 
“I’m sorry, can you wait a bit? There’s more,” he pleaded with a kiss on the curve of her knee, making her answer with an oh.
Oh, how hard it was for him to stop himself from just continuing to kiss her.
Returning to the box, Keith picked an intricate set of chains attached to a garter. Maeve tilted her head, watching him untangle the delicate jewelry. “What is it?” she asked in a shy breath, and he grew even more flushed, suddenly conscious about how intimate it would be to put it on her. 
“This is a thigh chain… I thought it was too much, but this was his idea. If you don't want to–” Keith nervously tried to put it away and apologize for the suggestion, but when he looked up at Maeve's face, she was biting her lower lip while smiling softly. He felt her moving her leg up and rushed to offer her support. She was way too kind for giving him this honor. He carefully slid the garter up her leg, fingers brushing her skin along the way, feeling it getting warmer and warmer as he approached the center of her heat. 
Keith didn't touch it, however. He diligently positioned the jewelry on her thigh, so the chains fell where they were supposed to. His eyes wandered to her lavish pubic hair, dark and glistening with her essence. The memory of Maeve's hips bucking against her hand made his blood run hot again. His body moved forward on its own, positioning itself between her legs. He wrapped his arms around her waist. His ear rested against her navel, and Keith took in her scent as deeply as he could. Enclosed in that little sanctuary, he could feel his heartbeat echoing on the walls of her presence.
“Keith…” she called for him with a hand lost in his hair, causing him to smile. 
With the side of his face still against her stomach, he looked at the infinite sweetness of her green eyes. “I'm sorry,” Keith mumbled, “I got carried away. There's more…”
“That’s enough. In fact, that’s more than enough,” Maeve tried to convince him, her irresistible fingers lightly brushing against his scalp, but he knew it wasn’t enough. She deserved so much more.
“Please… Let me,” he insisted among the kisses he placed around her navel. Her tender skin shivered under his lips.
“Okay,” she answered after a long, broken sigh. 
Keith went back to the box, bringing another chain jingling with pendants for her waist, followed by a delicate necklace. Then came a huge one that almost covered her cleavage, a pair of long earrings, and multiple bracelets for each of her arms. Finally, there were the rings — seven of them, each so distinct that Maeve could tell who had chosen which, yet every single one was so shiny it seemed like she was carrying the full moon in her hands.
He kissed the tips of her fingers.
He let his body fall back to his knees. 
He pulled her gently by the hands, prompting her to stand up in front of him.
And as Maeve went with his flow, Keith had his dream come true. All he dreamed about while in Benitoite, surrounded by opulence and gold, was her. There was no one else he wished to see like that, adorned and kissed by the noblest of metals, the metal that legends said was part of the Sun. Maeve was his goddess Earth, now properly blessed by the king star as she should be. As for Keith, he would always feel honored to be her worshiper.
“I love you, Mae…” His voice was supplicant, though his pleading was silent. A would-you-let-this-humble-servant-kiss-you fell as his lips touched her foot. The tinkling sound of the anklet, as Keith took her heel in his hand again, was louder than any of his pleas. In the softest sighs and murmurs, he left no inch unkissed, from her toe to her knee. Slowly. At last, his gaze raised — devotedly, respectfully — in a please-I-need-you.
A please-may-I-pleasure-you.
“Yes. Yes, you may,” she conceded with a radiant smile. On his knees, Keith felt Maeve was so much bigger than she really was. The valleys and contours of her body were a world of their own, nature breathing through her lungs, alive through the rush of blood in her veins, wet in drops of salty sweat and sweet streams of yearning.
Passionate fingers grabbed her hips with agony. Soft fingers brushed his hair back, lovingly encouraging him as his lips finally found the fountain of desire hidden between the fires of her thighs. The flavor Keith had only a taste of earlier now filled his mouth. He knew it so well, and yet his soul would always long for it. No Benitoitian liquor could suffice. The divine waters of her lust quenched his weeks-long thirst; turned her sensitive skin more and more slippery as he rolled his tongue through her slit. 
Maeve sung songs of relief, loud and melodic. She danced too against his open mouth, her ornamented thigh ensnaring his shoulder, hips moving in synchrony with his tongue and with her music. Perfect, like nature.
“Keith, I…” she said, losing the control of her tone.
And she shook, and she trembled. Her water dripped from his chin when she couldn't take it anymore, and with a strong grip from her weak hands Maeve pulled his head back. In ecstasy she laid on his body; her ecstasy so shared by him, Keith only minded his own erection when she released it from his trousers. The fact that he was lying on his back on the floor took longer for him to realize. How could he, when his goddess was so willingly claiming him? The way she suddenly nestled his length in her drew a moan from his throat. She hurriedly unbuttoned his jacket and shirt, her hands reaching the place where he carried her all the time. Maeve leaned down, held him, kissed him madly, the chilling metal of the jewelry sending shivers through him. They jingled softly with her needy movements, but no sound was louder than their voices combined.
“Maeve…” Her name was a prayer on his lips. An ancient chanting. A long lost mystery. “Mae…” he begged again, grasping her breast desperately, daring to thrust into her sacred embrace.
Keith never understood how he could be so blessed as to be loved by her. Her eyes showed nothing but tenderness for him. It was as if she was as devoted to him as he was to her. But why? 
All he knew was the delight in feeling her womb taking in his seed, so ready to nurture it into a new life Maeve's body squirmed in pleasure along with his. Nothing would ever be as wonderful as that.
Not a thing in the whole universe. The infinite universe Keith would never be able to behold with a telescope, but that fit perfectly in their hearts beating together as the world fell silent.
And the next time they looked into each other’s eyes, they smiled with the purest of joys.
“I love you… Oh, Keith, I was dying without you,” she whispered, sweetly dramatic. Something reserved for such rare moments. 
He giggled like a fool.
“Don't say that. I'm the one who needs you like air, Mae.” Keith held her carefully in his arms while standing up from the floor. He was pathetically disheveled while she still looked otherworldly, golden jewelry illuminating her skin and glowing under moonlight. “You’re a goddess, while I–”
“Shush…” Maeve placed her index finger on his lips before properly sealing them with a gentle kiss. “You’re the Sun to my Earth. I was withering without your warmth.”
“My warmth,” Keith echoed. He was a weed. He was so damp, with such a phlegmatic disposition he could easily grow mushrooms. Or so he used to be. “You missed my warmth…”
He smiled softly. Not so carefully, he let himself fall into their bed, their bodies entangling rather naturally among little light laughs. Keith had never thought of it this way, but maybe there was a truth in it. It wasn’t until he found his Earth in Maeve that he turned into a Sun. Just so he could reach her. Just so he could warm her with kisses and make her flourish in evergreen gardens of love. 
And while she was his goddess, he would shine for her.
Taglist: @queengiuliettafirstlady @candied-boys @fang-and-feather @scummy-writes @m-mmiy
@hellecat @nightghoul381 @lorei-writes (let me know if you want in or out of the taglist)
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satansaidnottoday · 5 months
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When you get sick
Based on the Uno reverse Beel pulled in the last post.
Info: Human AU, GN!Mc.
Summary: You've got the cold and now your boyfriend must take care of you.
Warnings: general talk of sickness.
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Has "do what I say, not what I do" energy. 
He urges you to take time off and rest. Says it's very important to relax for a timely recovery. Be sure to remember his exact words for the next time he is sick.
Will try to get out of work earlier so he can take care of you. He calls you throughout the day to see how you're doing and if you need anything. If you're in a really bad condition, he will take time off to take care of you.
He can't cook, but will order any foods you like. 
He will cuddle you if you ask, but won't offer on his own. He is a little scared of it being contagious. 
When you feel better, he won't expect anything from you but will accept any gestures of gratitude you give him.
Thinks you're going to die.
You have to reassure him that it's just a cold every thirty minutes. I will try to get you to the hospital anyway.
He is completely at your service from day one. Do not dare move a muscle; the great Mammon has everything covered for you.
You have a fresh supply of hot tea always by your side. He makes sure you get all of your meals. He keeps a tally of every medicine you need to take. You basically have a personal nurse.
Lots of cuddles and massages.
If you're trembling at all because of the fever, he will hold you as if you were having a seizure.
He cries a lot when you're in pain, probably more than you.
When you're feeling better, he will expect at the very least a thank-you gift. A shopping spree would be preferable.
He doesn't know what to do.
Finds everything to be too overwhelming. He is really worried about you and wants to help, but he has no idea how to take care of a sick person. So, of course, he goes back to the person who used to take care of him when he was sick. Mammon.
He tries his hardest to be just as supportive, but it doesn't go well. The tea is always too hot or too cold, he only knows how to make ramen, and he keeps forgetting about the ibuprofen!
In the end, the best he can do for you is bring you more tissue boxes and lay down by your side while you watch movies. You reassure him that this is more than enough, but he still feels a little guilty.
When you feel better, make a great spectacle about how helpful he was. He did miss a butch of seasonal releases just to stay with you.
He will insist you take time off the moment symptoms start to show.
Shows up at your house with a butch of medicinal herbs. Mint to open up your nose, lavender to help with the headache, cardamom for... Something? He knows it had some healing property, but seems to have forgotten. He makes you some soup with it just in case it was important.
Won't go near you, even if you ask. Most he'd do is help you get around if your muscles are aching.
He will tell you about his latest read and how it made him feel. If you have read it, he will ask you to compare notes. Just trying to keep you entertained any way he can.
He brings all of his favorite tea blends for you to try out.
He won't expect anything in return for his care. He loves you, and that's just what you do for the people you love.
Whiny 2.0
"My poor, beautiful thing."
He might not know a lot about caring for the sick, but he knows a lot about self-care. You will still have a runny nose, but your skin will shine, baby. 
He will pamper you. Have all of the blankets. Sleep for as long as you want. Ask for any food, and he will get it for you. With unlimited snacks, you can even have his favorite chocolates. He will watch all of your comfort shows and movies with you.
Baths, many baths. They are really good when you're sick; they relax your muscles and help the bad energies leave the body.
As soon as you're feeling good, it's his turn to be pampered! So better be prepared.
If nothing else, you're well fed.
All healthy meals, he won't let you indulge in sweets. Your body needs protein and veggies right now, and he will have them for you at every meal. 
Will cut fruit for you as snack.
Pushes you to do some light exercises when you can. Sweat out the sickness.
He is very supportive, constantly telling you you're going to be okay. He will stay by your side every single minute.
He will carry you around if your muscles are sore.
When you're feeling better, he will make you desert. For the days he has you surviving on steamed broccoli and rice.
This is actually great news.
He gets to cuddle with you all day, and you won't be able to escape. He can even use you as an excuse to take a day off. No work, no school, just napping with his favorite person. Every day should be like that.
If only you didn't have to be sick for it to happen. 
He doesn't know much about taking care of someone. Being the youngest one, everyone else always took care of him. But he doesn't like seeing you hurt, so he will try his best.
The best medicine he can offer you is a good nap in his arms, but he will try some of Satan's medicinal teas. If needed, he will get Lucifer to drive him to the pharmacy. 
He doesn't know a thing about eating healthy, so you will get a diet of chips, pastries, and candy.
If you manage to get better, he will whine about not having your full attention anymore.
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Thanks for reading!
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Medicinal Remedies
Medicinal Remedies-- This is a LONG one!
NOTE: This article is about 20 of my favorite medicinal healing herbs to grow in most garden areas and types of soil. There are 100’s more, though, that I just couldn’t include because of space. Enjoy this rundown of 20 of my favorites.
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1) Calendula:
Calendula is one of my top five favorite herbs of all time. It's sunny yellow or orange face can't help but make me smile. In summer time, it grows like crazy, just about anywhere, and like other flowers, the bees love it.
Calendula has some super skin healing and strengthening properties, and I always have some infusing in olive oil in a sunny window for use in salves, soaps, and other body products.
Calendula is also edible, and it's so fun to toss some blooms in your salad! It really brightens things up and adds excellent color. I love Calendula.
Calendula just makes you smile.
2) Cayenne:
Here is another herb I think should be in every garden. Cayenne is a very hot and pretty red pepper with some excellent culinary uses for adding spice to foods.
It's also great for helping with circulatory problems, can be used to help stop bleeding since it's a hemostatic herb, and has been shown to be useful in helping slow or even stop a heart attack until help can arrive.
It's also a very attractive plant, and the bright red of the pepper is just gorgeous mixed Into the dark green of the plant's leaves. This is one herb you should definitely grow if you can, and have handy in your herbal medicine chest.
Cayenne grows like crazy, especially in warmer climates. They dry well, too.
3) Chamomile:
Like Lavender, what would an herbal garden be without sweet Chamomile? It's honey scent and sweet taste are an absolute pleasure. Besides that....Chamomile is a popular relaxant and mild sedative herb.
Need to de-stress? Drink a bit of Chamomile tea!
Chamomile is also useful as an anti-inflammatory, as it contains high levels of azulene. It helps with pain relief, including for arthritis. If you are heading to bed and are bothered by mild pain, try drinking some chamomile tea! In one clinical study, this helped 10 out of 12 people fall into a restful sleep. (Gladstar)
Growing Chamomile can be tricky in very hot climates. It likes full sun, but a cooler climate. Chamomile is also best grown in less maintained soil and doesn't need the rich fertilization other plants require.
4) Chickweed:
Chickweed is another one of those "weeds" that is completely misunderstood and has some excellent medicinal qualities.
It's Latin name, (stellaria) means "star," and that is because of its small, pretty starlike white flowers. It's easy to grow, and has many uses.
Chickweed supports liver and kidney health due to its high nutrition and diuretic properties. It's also wonderful in salves for healing skin issues, including rashes, eczema, and very dry skin.
Chickweed is a great diuretic and blood purifier.
5) Dandelion:
This prolific weed, as some people see when they notice Dandelion in their yard, is actually a powerfully helpful medicinal herb! Dandelion is terrific for your liver and kidney health, having diuretic properties.
It's also an edible plant! You can roast the roots and add it to teas and even your coffee for a delicious flavor that also packs a healthy punch. The leaves can be eaten in salads and other foods.
6) Feverfew:
Feverfew has lovely white flowers and at least where I live, is rather invasive. I don't mind, though, because it has a great number of medicinal benefits.
As its name connotes, feverfew is helpful with reducing fevers. Most recently, however, feverfew has become rather well-known for helping with migraines, both preventing and reducing the intensity and time.
One of my favorite teas to provide for people who suffer from migraines is: 1 part feverfew, 1 part spearmint, and 1 part lemon balm. This is a soothing, nervine combination, that along with the powers of feverfew, can be used as daily tonic.
Feverfew is also great for minor bug bites. Just apply the tincture topically. Since it has mild pain relieving properties, it will help with the discomfort too.
7) Garlic:
Garlic is one of the BEST all around medicinal herbs anyone can grow, in my opinion. It's useful for treating colds, flus, sore throats, and digestive issues. Garlic boosts the immune system by increasing and stimulating the production of white blood cells.
Garlic is antiseptic, anti-bacterial, and vermifuge (kills parasites). It is also useful as a blood purifier and helps promote healthy circulation. It may also help regulate blood sugar levels in those with type 2 diabetes.
Besides all these wonderful benefits, garlic is delicious! It's added to so many foods and dishes because of the flavor it imparts. Granted, using garlic medicinally is different than in culinary uses, but if you really want to "eat thy medicine," as Hippocrates famously stated, garlic is a great place to start.
8) Ginger:
Oh, what would the herb world be without Ginger? This sweet and spicy pungent herb is actually a rhizome, not a root, as many believe. The useful part grows under ground, so is often confused.
Ginger is stimulating and is a great additive for teas, tinctures, and fermented foods, as well as culinary uses. Ginger is anti-inflammatory, decongesting, and increases circulation, promoting warmth. Ginger is also excellent for flatulence and stomach issues, including nausea.
Ginger likes a tropical environment---hot and humid. Therefore, unless you live down South, Ginger would most likely need to be grown in a green house.
9) Lavender:
What would the herbal world be without lavender? It's good for SO many things. Lavender smells wonderful, the bees love it, it's great for medicinal uses, AND it's a gorgeous flower. Lavender is useful for air freshening and cleaning the air or freshening closed up places such as drawers. It's popular in sachets for this reason.
Lavender is actually relatively hardy, growing well in Zones 5 through 8. If you are in a colder zone, be sure to plant your lavender in an area where it will get plenty of sunshine and be as warm as possible. If your winters are rough, you'll need to provide your lavender with some type of protection, especially from harsh winds.
I had some planted in pots here in the mountains, and it did very well all summer long. Even through snows, it was fine. But we get wind speeds over 125 miles an hour at times, and lavender just didn't last through that. Not much will, I guess.
Lavender is useful for so many things---AND it smells incredible.
10) Lemon Balm:
Lemon Balm....I LOVE this species of mint. It smells lovely, the bees love it, and it grows well nearly everywhere. Lemon Balm has a pleasant lemony taste and is a great additive in herbal teas, both for the nutritive value as well as the soothing nature and relaxing effects it has on the body.
11) Marshmallow:
This probably isn't included in too many herbalist's garden lists, but I think Marshmallow is seriously necessary. It's a demulcent and soothing herb, and it complements "hotter" herbs very well. It also soothes inflammation in mucous membranes and is one of my favorite herbs to use for allergy blends or teas for any kind of inflammation in the body for this reason.
Marshmallow is an upright plant, similar to a very small hollyhock. In fact, if you can grow hollyhocks where you are---you can use it pretty much interchangeably with Marshmallow as their chemical constituents are very similar.
The flowers are light pink and very pretty, too. The entire plant is edible and useful for medicinal purposes. Go ahead and throw a few flowers into your salad for a beautiful and surprising presentation!
Marshmallow is a demulcent anti-inflammatory. Plus, it's pretty.
12) Mullein:
This is yet another plant many see as just a weed, but has some truly wonderful medicinal qualities. Mullein is a plant that grows from a rosette of fuzzy large leaves into a tall stalk (sometimes as high as 7 feet tall) and is covered with yellow flowers in mid-summer.
Mullein does best in full sun, with lots of water, in cooler areas. It grows really well in the creek beds up here in our mountains, but I've heard it is very common in almost all places. It's worth trying to cultivate, in my opinion, if you don't have it growing naturally in your area.
Mullein is one of the best herbs you can use to support and heal the respiratory system and illnesses that affect the lungs, sinuses, and breathing. It's useful as a tea, tincture, and the large leaves can be used in an emergency to cover a poultice.
In my opinion, Mullein is the premier herb for respiratory issues.
13) Oregano
Oregano seems to be the bane of many gardener's existence. They plant it, and it just goes crazy. I can't tell you how many neighbors, family members, and friends have given me Oregano from their yards over the years! And I'm glad to have it! The thing with Oregano is you have to know how to manage it.
Oregano is a fabulous culinary herb, and if you have ever had pizza or marinara sauce, then you've tasted this delicious Mediterranean herb. Oregano grows best in warm, dry climates, but I have found in my experience that it is quite hardy and can survive winter lows in the single digits (at least it does in my yard).
Oregano (also known as Mountain of Joy in Greek) has some excellent medicinal uses, including having anti-viral, anti-biotic, anti-fungal properties, as well as being very high in anti-oxidants. It's a great skin care herb and also a digestive aid.
Oregano can be used in many forms, too: As a tincture, an herbal infused oil, eaten in foods, and as an essential oil. These all have different strengths, potencies, and uses.
The tincture is an easy way to use the herb medicinally, along with making or using in an herbal tea.
14) Peppermint:
Super easy to grow just about anywhere, Peppermint is a spreading perennial that has the propensity to take over your garden if you allow it! It's spicy, pungent scent is well known to just about everyone, since it's a popular culinary additive in many foods and candies.
Medicinally, Peppermint is useful for aiding digestion and getting rid of flatulence (gas). It has mild anti-spasmodic properties, so if you are experiencing cramps, especially digestive types or menstrual cramps, it can be very helpful.
15) Plantain:
Here is another weed that many people find repugnant, but that is actually an incredibly useful medicinal herb!
According to Rosemary Gladstar, Plantain grows everywhere, and if you invite it in, it will definitely show up.
Plantain is great for liver health, detoxifying and cleansing the blood, and drawing out toxins. I like to infuse it in oil for use in healing salves.
Like Dandelion, this easy to find weed is edible and useful.
16) Rosemary:
Rosemary is a famous culinary herb, and is great for use on red meats and very pungent dishes. Besides this, rosemary has been proven to be helpful for the brain, especially memory functions.
It's high in anti-oxidants, and has mild analgesic (pain relief) properties. Rosemary is a stimulant herb, and is helpful with circulation and low blood pressure. People with high blood pressure need to exercise caution using rosemary medicinally.
Rosemary grows best in hot, dry climates and is native to the Southern European countries.
Besides being a pungent and delicious culinary herb, rosemary provides medicinal qualities and enhances memory.
17) St. John's Wort:
St. John's Wort is a misunderstood plant, in my opinion. It went through a popular phase a few years ago and was touted as being the new natural anti-depressant. St. John's Wort can absolutely help with feelings of mild depression, sadness, grief, and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), but it's not a cure-all.
Important to know---St. John's Wort can interact with certain drugs, so be sure you discuss usage with your doctor (as you should with any of these herbs mentioned).
St. John's Wort is also great for neuralgia, and I personally use it as part of my back pain and sciatica regimen with excellent results. I also use it in a tincture form to lift my spirits if I'm feeling down.
Besides all the medicinal qualities of St. John's Wort, it's a really pretty plant. You won't be able to grow it in a super hot area, however, at least it's unlikely. I tried growing it in Las Vegas, and it was a total fail. However, it does well here in the mountains in full sun or partial shade and the cooler climate.
One of my favorite ways to prepare St. John's Wort is as an herbal infused oil. The medicinal species (H. perforatum) releases bright red juices into the oil, creating the most lovely infused oil.
Another safety note for the garden: St. John's Wort has been shown to have potential for phototoxicity, especially in grazing animals if they eat too much. Just be aware and watch what your pastured animals eat.
St. John's Wort is a wonderful healing herb that positively affects the emotions.
18) Thyme:
Thyme, in my opinion, is one of the best plants to use in your garden. It attracts bees, smells lovely, and is incredibly useful for medicinal purposes. It's a small, spreading herb (although some species will grow upright) that is fairly hardy, so if you have rough winters, it may do just fine---you'll be seeing it again in the Spring, with it's pretty scented purple flowers.
Many herbalists forget all about using thyme as a preventative medicinal herb or for helping heal quickly from colds and flus---but it has been shown to fight off colds.
It also has disinfectant properties, and can be used as an effective wash for skin infections or as great sore throat rinse. For medicinal purposes, Thymus vulgaris or Thymus citriodorus (Lemon Thyme) are the best to use.
19) Valerian:
This stately flowering plant can grow to about four feet tall and has lacy white flower clusters. Not only is it a lovely addition to your garden, but it is very useful. It's a strong but safe sedative and is very useful for helping with anxious feelings, sleep issues, and pain relief.
Contraindications: Valerian has the opposite effect on some people, so if you are using it for the first time, do so on a the eve of a day that won't affect you much. These folks are rare, but there are definitely some that don't tolerate it well.
One of nature's best gifts---Valerian is lovely and it is an excellent safe sedative.
20) Yarrow:
Yarrow has many tiny flowers that grow in bunches, and feathery grayish leaves. It's a very pretty plant for your garden. Besides, the parts that grow above ground (leaves, stems, flowers) have medicinal purposes and have been used for thousands of years.
Yarrow is a vulnerary, hemostatic herb. Besides helping with healing and clotting of wounds, yarrow is good for helping reduce fevers, hay fever, and fighting colds. As a fever reducer, it is important to note that yarrow induces sweating, so if the person already has a hot fever, yarrow is probably not the best choice to use.
Article: healing harvest homestead Picture: Nikolaydonetsk – photodune . net
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cupidastrology · 2 years
asteroid adonis 2101: your ideal type in looks 🎀🫂 
please do not copy or repost.
you may book a reading with me via pinned post or through messages.
asteroid adonis is the asteroid of reoccurring habits, things, places, and people that hold the same or similar qualities and traits you adore. the sign asteroid adonis is in shows what you're into over and over again.
asteroid adonis in aries - risky, non hesitant lovers or people that don't like to doubt or think before they act. rash, immature, and fun people that love to wear bright and rich reds in their wardrobe. frizzy or thick curly hair.
asteroid adonis in taurus - passionate, vocal types that don't doubt their opinions and express their own gossip, places or events that are filled with herbs, fruits, and veggies for you to create from, a person with beautiful skin and expressive smiles.
asteroid adonis in gemini - chatty and mischievous types that don't deny the conspiracies and mysteries of a situation, constantly searching for new without hesitation, a person with big eyes or naive like features that you can sink yourself into, wide or expressive hands/arms.
asteroid adonis in cancer - loving, reassuring types, places, and things that bring a new way of understanding and guidance to your life. people that are reliable, a guide, or a provider. baby fever often may happen with your partners with this position.
asteroid adonis in leo - ideal types range from confident to tense due to the stability of self security. you may crave types that are bigger, larger, and put on a lot of weight/gym freaks. you may involve yourself with very ego filled partners that love to dominant you.
asteroid adonis virgo - you may feel stricken in love with those that are extremely knowledge in many hand held crafts, that being a possible teacher crush or fantasy at school. types may have come from areas of knowledge, cars, and guidance.
asteroid adonis in libra - ideal types linger with those whom are flirtatious, kinky, and playful with their writing and mannerisms. those whom are feminine or dont have an issue with testing themselves in clothing, makeup, and seduction.
asteroid adonis in scorpio ♏︎ - you may crave ideal types that are unavailable, scary, mysterious, secretive, or very experienced in the bedroom. you must have a type that involves themselves in the dark and holy, a risk will forever resolve the itch in yourself.
asteroid adonis in sagittarius - you crave types that relentless travel, study, and build for continuous brand new experiences. you must experience new lifestyles and be involved with someone through new belief systems. wind in your hair without a care.
asteroid adonis in capricorn - you crave types with stability, you must have someone who is able to hand over stacks and options for cars. someone with a home and a big bed to roll in may be your cup of tea, but collaborating with someone with a business is better.
asteroid adonis in aquarius - needing to have a type that is otherworldly, not connected to this planet, and someone you can almost worship or idolize. the feeling of looking up to someone or supporting someone that is of an anti hero quality is a desire of love.
asteroid adonis in pisces ♓︎ - needing to be involved with someone that will be vulnerable and lay it all down for you. needing a person that can take care of you when youre sick, and can stay with you in any healing stage throughout life. growing old together.
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maniculum · 7 months
Bestiaryposting -- Basekhwa
As a reminder, all previous entries in this series can be found at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting .
Basekhwas are the enemies of snakes; when they feel weighed down with weakness, they draw snakes from their holes with the breath of their noses and, overcoming the fatal nature of their venom, eat them and are restored. They have shown the value of the herb dittany, for after feeding on it, they shake out the arrows which have lodged in them. Basekhwas marvel at the sound of the pipes; their hearing is keen when their ears are pricked but they hear nothing when their ears are lowered. Basekhwas have this characteristic also, that they change their feeding-ground for love of another country, and in doing so, they support each other. When they cross great rivers or large long stretches of water, they place their head on the hindquarters of the Basekhwa in front and, following one on the other, do not feel impeded by their weight. When they find such places, they cross them quickly, to avoid sinking in the mire. They have another characteristic, that after eating a snake they run to a spring and, drinking from it, shed their long coats and all signs of old age. Male Basekhwas, when it is time to rut, rage with the madness of lust. Female Basekhwas, although they may been inseminated earlier, do not conceive before the star Arcturus appears. They do not rear their young just anywhere but hide them with tender care, concealed deep in bushes or grass, and they make them stay out of sight with a tap of the hoof. When the young grow strong enough to take flight, the Basekhwas train them to run and to leap great distances. When Basekhwas hear the dogs barking, they move upwind taking their scent with them. They are scared rigid by everything, which makes them an easier mark for archers. Of their horns, the right-hand one is better for medical purposes. If you want to frighten off snakes, you should burn either. If Basekhwas have few or no teeth, it shows that they are old. In order to tell their age, Alexander the Great ringed a number of Basekhwas; when they were recaptured a century later they showed no sign of old age. The offspring of the Basekhwa are called [redacted], from [redacted], because at a nod from their mother, they vanish from sight. The rennet of a young Basekhwa killed in its mother's womb is a marvellous remedy against poisons. It is known that Basekhwas never grow feverish. For this reason ointments made from their marrow bring down sick men's temperatures. We read that many men who have regularly eaten a small amount of Basekhwa meat since their early days have lived for a long time unaffected by fevers; but ultimately it fails them as a remedy if they are killed by a single blow.
Remember to tag posts with #Basekhwa so folks can find them.
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the-pen-pot · 9 months
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The stench of its fur: musk and stale blood. Muscles bulging beneath its pelt as it moved, too quick for anything but a creature of magic. Obsidian claws, sharp and black, raking the ground beneath its feet as it watched him with all the intensity of a predator latching onto its prey. The serpent in the place of its tail, reared back and ready to strike.
Fangs sinking through his chainmail and into his sword-arm. A shout: Merlin's voice, rough over words Arthur did not know. His blood burning through his veins. 
Merlin's eyes, dazzling gold.
Cold raked its talons across him, making him shudder, touching everywhere except the hot, heavy throb of the wound on his arm. He shivered, torn right through as fever consumed him. Maybe this was yet another dream. A figment. Nothing more than the shattered glass of his own addled mind, slicing at him.
He tried to rouse himself, to open his eyes and find Merlin. 
Merlin, who had magic.
The thought skittered away from him, retreating to hide in the shadows. Arthur could not recall ever being so tired in all his life. He kept struggling to marshal his wits, only for them to slip through his fingers. Questions bobbed through his aching head, lost and untethered.
Was he back in Camelot? What day was it? Time was like air, impossible to catch, and whenever he dropped the thread of his thoughts, he could not be sure whether he fell back into slumber or merely lost a moment. His mind was wreathed in fog. Memories loomed from it, grim silhouettes that took on definition only to fade once more.
A cool cloth blotted across his brow, dripping fresh water against his mouth. He licked at it, parched, but his request for a drink was little more than a cracked moan of sound: pained and wretched. He would be embarrassed by his own weakness if he were not too broken to care. Yet it did not seem to matter that he could not find the words. The mattress dipped. An arm slipped beneath his shoulders, supporting his weight as a cup pressed against his lips.
He drank greedily, rivulets running over his chin to collect in the hollow of his throat. Someone bade him to sip, not gulp, and he tried, but his body cried out for the water: feral in its thirst.
His stomach ached and clenched. There was one dizzy, awful moment where he thought he might just expel it all again, but he mastered the urge as he was eased back to the pillows' embrace, lain upon them as if he were something fragile, liable to shatter. His lashes fluttered, his eyelids too heavy to lift, leaving him in the strange, disjointed shadows between dreams and the waking world.
Those hadn't been Gaius' arms cradling him. It had not been the old man's strength raising him up. He did not need his burning, aching eyes to confirm it, not when he could smell the herbs-and-clean-sparks fragrance he knew always clung to Merlin's skin and hair. The perfume nestled in his clothes, too, mixed with laundry soap. It was familiar: comforting in a world that seemed to know only pain, and Arthur's fingers twitched against the blankets, grasping for something that seemed forever out of his reach.
' – delirious, Sire.' Gaius' old voice seemed to come from very far away. He sounded as if he spoke from another world, eerie and lost within the veils. 'The fever must break soon.'
'And if it does not?' 
His father. Broken and bloody over the rack of his own guilt. Braced, as always, to rule and rule and rule despite his tragedies. Did he even see a son in the poisoned shell upon the bed, or was it merely an heir failing to live up to his duty? A dynasty in pieces?
'I fear the prince's strength will be spent.'
There was a noise then, a tiny crack of sound that Arthur suspected was a figment of his fevered imagination. Yet when his father spoke again, the strain in his voice was evident.
'Heal him, Gaius. There must be something you can do?'
'I will try everything in my power, Your Majesty.'
'Use any means necessary. Any means. No questions will be asked.'
If Arthur had the strength, he would have laughed at his father's hypocrisy. He knew what the King asked of Gaius. Once again it seemed that, when all else failed, Uther would turn to the magic he reviled. Now, it was not only the poison that burned in Arthur's blood. Rage blazed alongside it. It surged, rising ever higher in the name of those he had seen led to the executioner for no greater crime than trying to save a loved one from the vagaries of fate.
By his own laws, what Uther asked of Gaius was punishable by death, and still, he did not hesitate.
There was a whisper of cloth and the click of a door in its threshold. In its wake, the silence was punctuated only by the crackle of the fire in the grate. Someone shifted nearby, the mattress bobbing like a small boat in a calm harbour.
'Arthur saw you.' Gaius' voice was closer now. 'You're certain?'
'Yes.' That reply contained multitudes in a single word. Merlin should not sound like that – hurting, resigned: a man already condemned. 'He looked right at me. I saw him see.'
'He might not remember.'
'He will.' A hand rested on his brow: long fingers cool against his arid skin. They teased his sweaty hair back from his brow and brushed over the vault of his temples as if he were something fragile to be treasured. 'He'll know I've lied to him all this time about what I am. What I can do.'
Merlin's words hitched, wobbled, broke. A breath stuttered between his lips, crying out for comfort which Arthur was powerless to give. He could not so much as lift a finger, let alone stir himself back to awareness. It was like he was present but not, an unwilling eavesdropper to Merlin's grief.
'Yet you will heal him.' It wasn't really a question. Gaius said it as if he knew that any alternative would be unthinkable. How easy it would be, Arthur thought, for Merlin to do nothing. He could let him slip from life, vanquished by his fever, and take his secret with him. It was no small thing, after all: a death sentence. Perhaps his father had said no questions would be asked, but it did not matter. If Arthur awoke with accusations of sorcery on his lips, Merlin would not be spared.
He wanted to speak, to promise that it would not come to that, but he could not form the words. Only tiny, tight breaths escaped him, broken upon the blade of his pain. He was a prisoner in his own body: a captive in poison's chains.
'I see.' Gaius sighed, a world-weary sound, full of melancholy. 'I will pack your bag, just in case.'
It took Arthur's tired mind far too long to unravel that statement. It wobbled in and out of the haze of his mind, baffling – until it dawned, cool, crisp and cruel: a winter's daybreak.
Gaius was packing in case Merlin needed to flee. Not from Uther, who would assume the spell was Gaius' work and turn a blind eye, but from Arthur. Until that moment, he had never realised the truth. He had thought Merlin was a permanent fixture in his life. A certainty. Now, there, in fever's haze, he saw that Merlin was instead always on the cusp of leaving. The secret he held was not simply words unsaid. It was a breach waiting to yawn between them. A precipice. A desolation.
Merlin had lived for years in Camelot with one foot always out of the door.
And Arthur ached for him.
'Clǣnsiġe besmitenblod.'
The magic came upon him, as soft as moonlight. It did not blaze and burn, but seeped across his skin, sinking to flow through his veins and nestle in his bones. It captured the sharpest edges of his pain, peeling them back until he was free of their clutches. His fever roiled, then simmered, ebbing in the tiniest of increments as Arthur lay before it: a victim of its ferocity.
Yet, at last, power's cool balm suffused him. The haze lifted and the shadows retreated, and Arthur's mind, exhausted and battered by a battle he could never have won alone, finally cleared.
He opened his eyes, gritty and disgusting, to blink at the canopy of his bed: a splash of crimson that may as well as be as big as the sky. The blankets weighed him down, pinning him to the mattress, and his body panged with the bitter recriminations of flesh that had fought too hard for its own survival.
Merlin still whispered those same, soft words in a language Arthur didn't know, his voice broken with exhaustion and his eyes shining gold between the seam of his lashes.
Arthur twitched, and Merlin blinked himself awake from his reverie. The invisible net of magic that had woven itself through the chamber spun away to nothing, its gossamer fading from Arthur's senses. For a moment, they stared at each other, and Arthur saw the split-second when Merlin's courage – and he would never, ever again call him a coward – abandoned him.
'Don't.' Arthur gritted his teeth against the ache in his arm as he grabbed Merlin's wrist, stopping him before he could turn-tail and flee. Merlin could break away with ease if he tried, but instead, he hesitated, his body turned towards the door but his gaze, familiar blue now, taking in Arthur where he lay. 'Don't go. Please.'
He could feel how Merlin shook beneath the grasp of his fingers: a subtle tremor born of true terror. And how could he blame him? One word from Arthur, and the guards would come running. Merlin's life would be forfeit.
He had magic, and he had used it to save Arthur's life.
And this was not the first time.
'Merlin, please.'
Maybe it was that last word that did it. After all, Arthur rarely bothered with his manners outside of court. He was a prince, and he was to be obeyed. His father would be appalled to hear him almost begging a servant, and yet the words fled Arthur anyway, desperate and hollow. A strange dread had awoken in his chest, one that told him that if Merlin ran now, then he would never see him again – he would never get the chance to explain, or to listen, or to thank him.
'You should rest,' Merlin rasped, his grief like a bruise upon his voice. Any other man of Arthur's acquaintance would try to hide their feelings, but Merlin had never been one to bother with that. Not once in all the time Arthur had known him. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and it meant every emotion was there for Arthur to witness: guilt and terror, remorse and heartbreak. Yet beneath that, there was relief, as if some huge burden had been shed.
Cautious, Arthur increased the pressure of his grip, no longer merely hanging on to Merlin's arm, but tugging him towards the bed. He did not have the strength to sit up and face this. The aches careening through him warned him to not even make the attempt. Yet nor could he do it at this distance, held at remove. He needed to see Merlin, cast not just in the stark shadows and highlights of the fire, but right at his side.
'Come here?'
'I don't think –'
'I won't hurt you. I would – I would never hurt you.' Arthur swallowed hard, putting as much of his certainty into his gaze as possible. 'Magic or not.'
There. Confirmation, not accusation – but important all the same. In many ways it would be so much easier to pretend it never happened - to feign ignorance and let things carry on the same, but he couldn't do that. He did not want to do that. There, on the fading cusp of fever and delirium, all Arthur cared about was the man at his side. He wanted to know him, all of him, everything he put on display and all that he kept hidden.
That would never be possible if they couldn't face the truth.
He saw the moment of Merlin's collapse, saw it in the sway of his body and the tears threatening to spill over his lashes. It was no swoon. Rather, it was a body sacrificing all its strength beneath the flood of its own emotion. Merlin sagged to sit on the bed as if he couldn't stand a moment longer, his shoulders rounded and his head bent, one hand pressed to his mouth to stifle to the sob that threatened to tear itself free.
'I'm sorry.' It sounded as if it was punched from him, little more than a breath given shape in a scatter of syllables. 'I wanted to tell you, but –'
But his father was the bloody tyrant of Camelot, and Arthur had been taught his whole life to hate magic.
Arthur shook his head, stifling a grunt of pain as he plucked at Merlin's sleeve, tugging at him, nudging and pulling and shoving with all the pathetic tatters of his own strength until Merlin seemed to get the message.
He hesitated for a moment, indecision flickering over his tear-stained face before he sagged down to lie in the empty space at Arthur's left side. He did so on top of the covers, chaste and acceptable, though something in Arthur despised even that much distance. He had a feral urge to wrap Merlin in his arms and make sure he didn't slip away in the night. He still looked wary – a horse about to bolt – and Arthur scrambled through his sluggish mind for the right words to rein him in.
'You saved me.' He wet his lips, rolling on his side so they were facing each other, the space between them intimate and warm. They were like a pair of brackets, their knees knocking, and Merlin's hands clasped in the blankets. 'More than once, I suspect.'
He reached out, cautious, at first insinuating only his smallest finger into the lax curl of Merlin's grasp. Yet it was the leading force in a battalion. The others soon followed, until he was holding Merlin's hand in earnest, his fingertips exploring familiar calluses and the spaces between, the sharp angle of his knuckles and the occasional scar that painted his skin. It was easy to see, in retrospect, how wilfully blind he had been. Now, through the lens of magic, he could see the truth of so much of his good fortune.
'You saved me even though it would have been far safer to let me die.'
Merlin shook his head, and Arthur smothered a smile to see the gaze behind those spiky, wet lashes spark with outrage. Yet he didn't give Merlin a chance to speak. Instead, he squeezed his hand, ushering him back to silence with a simple pair of words.
'Thank you.'
A shivering breath whispered past Merlin's lips as he released it, closing his eyes for a moment and shaking his head against the pillow. 'You aren't... angry?'
Arthur pulled a face at that. He was. He suspected he would be, anyway, once his strength had returned and the full measure of all this had sunk in, though possibly not for the reasons Merlin assumed.
It stung that he had lied, but Arthur could not honestly say he would have done any differently in his place. Not considering how much was at stake. Instead, his anger frothed and simmered around the notion of Merlin taking one look at Camelot – at all its rules and risks – and deciding to use magic anyway. As if he thought anyone, anywhere, was worth the cost of his own life!
'A bit,' Arthur acknowledged at last, knowing that Merlin would catch him out in a lie. The truth was written all over his face, after all. He was too weak and spent for royal masks now. 'Later, maybe a lot, but Merlin, not enough to – to condemn you. Not enough to make you leave.' His voice cracked on that last word, thinning to almost nothing at the thought of him gone from Arthur's life, never to return.
In his youth, he had imagined capturing a sorcerer in Camelot. He had envisioned the adoration of his people and his father's pride as the fiend was dealt with. They were childish fantasies, of course, and he had grown out of them some time ago. Now, all he could think of was the need to protect Merlin, to keep his secret and hold it close, away from the prying eyes of his father and anyone else who would see him burn.
'Stay?' The word slipped out of him, small and hopeless, painfully young even to his own ears. Part of him felt he had no right to ask it of him. How could he, when every day Merlin lingered here, he risked his life merely by existing. Yet nor could he hold it back.
'I'm right here, Arthur.'
'I don't just mean now. I mean – the bag Gaius is packing for you.' He let his eyes roved over Merlin's face, the slant of his brow and the sharpness of his cheekbones, the pink of those full lips and the scatter of stubble across Merlin's jaw that suggested the depths of his vigil.
'You heard that?'
'I heard everything, including what my father said. He is – his hypocrisy is...' Arthur trailed off, unable to speak of it. It sickened him right down to his bones, and he forced himself to push it aside. This was not about his father, not really. This was about him and Merlin. He could not expect Merlin to peel aside all the shadows of his secrecy with nothing offered in return, and he tightened his grip anew, drawing his hand towards him as he made his promise.
'I will never let him hurt you, and I will never be like him.'
Perhaps it was the lingering veils of fever's ebb that dismissed his caution. Maybe it was simply that he was too tired to hold back his natural inclination, but the brush of his lips over Merlin's knuckles, soft and sure, sealed his vow. 
He heard the catch in Merlin's breath and saw the hope – desperate and wild – that flared in his gaze. Yet there was belief there, too. Whatever else Merlin thought of him, whatever fears he harboured, he did not doubt him, and Arthur's heart swooped and thrilled in his chest to see it.
That was a sensation that intensified a thousand-fold when Merlin shifted closer, bowing his head over their joined hands and brushing his lips against Arthur's fingers. 'It's for you, Arthur. My magic, I mean, and I will never allow it to be used against you or your kingdom. I swear it.'
Arthur's throat clicked as he swallowed, feeling the noose of uncertainty loosen around his neck. He had not wanted to give credence to that subtle fear, and yet he could not deny it had pressed its mantle across his back. Yet in Merlin's eyes he saw the truth of what he said: loyalty and devotion on unapologetic display, irrefutable.
There would be time, later, to plumb the full depths of Merlin's secret. There would be the opportunity to learn all that he had done in Arthur's name, the good and the bad, but in that hallowed moment, they built the foundation of something new between them. It was writ in soft, shared breaths and the press of Merlin's brow against his own. It wove around them in the warm air and eased aside the aches in Arthur's muscles.
It began then, not with a kiss – which would come a little over a week later, hot and desperate and all Arthur had ever craved – but with two oaths shared, as solemn and certain as a hand-fasting.
And those were promises they would keep, day-by day and year-on-year, as Merlin led Arthur into the brightness of that promised golden age.
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muteshortgirl · 1 year
They Take Care of You
Flirty and sick reader.
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Shinobu Kocho- Healing Love
Tender Attention: Shinobu would provide you with her undivided attention, making sure to listen carefully to your needs and concerns. She would approach your sickness with a gentle and compassionate demeanor.
Medical Assistance: Shinobu would assess your symptoms and provide appropriate medical assistance. She might examine you for any visible signs of illness, take your temperature, and ask detailed questions about your condition.
Herbal Remedies: Shinobu's expertise in medicinal herbs would come into play. She would prepare herbal concoctions or teas specifically tailored to alleviate your symptoms and boost your immune system. She might include ingredients known for their healing properties, such as chamomile, ginger, or honey.
Careful Monitoring: Shinobu would keep a close eye on your condition, checking on you regularly to monitor your progress. She would observe changes in your symptoms, note any improvements, or identify potential complications that require immediate attention.
Comfort and Rest: Shinobu would ensure your comfort and encourage you to rest and recover. She would prepare a cozy environment for you, adjusting the room temperature, and making sure you have everything you need within reach.
Nutritious Meals: Recognizing the importance of proper nutrition for a speedy recovery, Shinobu would prepare nourishing meals for you. She would ensure that you receive a balanced diet with foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and immune-boosting properties. Shinobu might also infuse her culinary creations with herbs to aid in your healing process.
Emotional Support: Shinobu would be attentive to your emotional well-being as well. She would offer words of encouragement, provide a sympathetic ear, and engage in light-hearted conversations to lift your spirits. Her warm presence and genuine care would help you feel comforted during your illness.
Patience and Understanding: Shinobu would understand that healing takes time, and she would demonstrate immense patience throughout the process. She would never rush you or pressure you to get better quickly. Instead, she would reassure you that it's okay to take the necessary time to recover fully.
You lay in bed, feeling unwell. Shinobu Kocho entered the room and immediately noticed your playful smirk, despite your weakened state. She couldn't help but smile, appreciating your spirit even in sickness.
Shinobu approached the bed, her graceful steps accentuated by the sway of her butterfly-patterned haori . She carried a tray with a bowl of comforting chicken soup, a cup of soothing herbal tea, and a plate of meticulously sliced fruits. As she reached the bed, her eyes sparkled with a blend of concern and amusement.
"Well, well, my dear patient," Shinobu said with a hint of amusement in her melodious voice, her gaze meeting your playful one. "I must admit, it's quite charming to see you maintain your spirit even in this state."
You grinned mischievously, your voice weakened but still carrying a flirty tone. "What can I say, Shinobu? Even with a fever, my heart races when I see you. You're the cure I need to get better."
Shinobu blushed slightly, her cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink as she appreciated your words. She gently placed the tray on the nightstand and sat down beside you. With a tender touch, she brushed a strand of hair away from your face.
"Your words have an enchanting effect, my butterfly," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. "But let's focus on nursing you back to health. Once you're feeling better, I'll be more than happy to entertain your advances."
She reached for the bowl of soup and carefully brought it to your lips. "For now, let's replenish your strength with some nourishment. Flirting can resume when you're back on your feet."
you obliged, savoring the flavors of the soup, occasionally stealing flirtatious glances at Shinobu. "I can't wait to recover," you murmured, your voice filled with playful anticipation. "I'll make it up to you, Shinobu.”
Shinobu chuckled softly "Oh, I have no doubt about that," she teased, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "I'll hold you to that promise. But for now, rest and let my care work its magic."
Throughout the day, Shinobu continued to attend to your needs, exchanging playful banter and indulging your flirtatious remarks. She refilled your tea, adjusted your pillows, and shared lighthearted anecdotes from her demon-slaying adventures, all the while maintaining a subtle teasing tone.
Despite your illness, you found comfort and enjoyment in Shinobu's presence. Her attentive care and flirty banter made the sickness feel more bearable. It was as if her affectionate gestures and playful responses acted as a tonic, uplifting your spirits and aiding in your recovery.
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Mitsuri Kanroji- Warm Healing
Expressing concern: Mitsuri would first express genuine concern for your well-being. She would approach you with a warm smile and gentle words, assuring you that she is there to help you feel better.
Providing comfort: Mitsuri would prioritize creating a comfortable environment for you. She might bring extra pillows, a cozy blanket, and ensure that the room is well-ventilated. She may also light some calming incense or even hum softly to help you relax.
Offering food and fluids: Mitsuri would understand the importance of nutrition and hydration when you're sick. She would prepare light and nourishing meals or soups, taking into consideration any dietary restrictions or preferences you might have. She would encourage you to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
Monitoring your symptoms: Mitsuri would pay close attention to your symptoms, checking your temperature regularly. She would be attentive to any changes or worsening of your condition, so she can seek medical help if necessary.
Providing gentle care: If you're experiencing discomfort, Mitsuri would provide gentle care to alleviate your symptoms. She might offer to massage your temples if you have a headache or apply a warm compress to soothe any muscle aches. She would be attentive to your needs and adjust her approach based on your preferences.
Offering emotional support: Mitsuri would understand that being sick can be emotionally challenging, so she would provide a listening ear and emotional support. She would sit with you, listen to your concerns, and offer comforting words of encouragement. Her kind and empathetic nature would help uplift your spirits.
Encouraging rest and recovery: Mitsuri would emphasize the importance of rest and encourage you to take the time needed to recover fully. She might read you a book, or engage in light-hearted conversations to distract you from your illness and help you relax.
Ensuring cleanliness and hygiene: Mitsuri would maintain a clean and hygienic environment to prevent the spread of germs. She would regularly sanitize surfaces, wash her hands frequently, and encourage you to do the same. She might even bring you a fresh set of clean clothes or towels to ensure your comfort.
Being patient and understanding: Mitsuri would exhibit great patience and understanding throughout your illness. She would never rush your recovery or pressure you to feel better quickly. Instead, she would be by your side, offering support and reassurance until you're back to full health.
Mitsuri Kanroji, the kind-hearted and compassionate Hashira, could sense something was off with her beloved Y/n. She entered their room, concern etched on her face as she saw you lying in bed, clearly not feeling well.
"Darling, are you alright?" Mitsuri asked, approaching the bed with gentle steps. She sat down beside them, placing a hand on your forehead to check for any signs of fever. Her touch was soothing, her fingertips cool against your skin.
You mustered a weak smile, your eyes lighting up as they saw Mitsuri's caring expression. Despite your illness, you couldn't help but feel a mischievous playfulness within yourself. "I may be sick, Mitsuri, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate your beauty and love for you even more," you said, your voice soft and filled with affection.
Mitsuri blushed, her cheeks turning a shade of pink that matched her hair. She giggled, her eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and adoration. "Oh, you're such a charmer, my love," she replied, her voice filled with affection. "But right now, we should focus on getting you better. How about I make you some soup? It'll help nourish you and give you the strength to recover."
You pouted playfully, your voice still carrying a teasing tone. "Oh, come on, Mitsuri. Can't I enjoy being sick and still have your undivided attention? Maybe a little bit of cuddling or a gentle massage? I promise it'll make me feel better."
Mitsuri's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by your flirtatious request. She blushed deeper, her heart fluttering with a mixture of shyness and desire. She found your playfulness infectious, a welcome distraction from the worry she felt for your well-being.
"Alright, you persuaded me," Mitsuri said, her voice laced with a hint of mischief. "I'll make you some soup, but after that, I'll grant your request. Cuddles and a massage it is. But only if you promise to rest and take care of yourself too."
You grinned, feeling a surge of joy as Mitsuri agreed to your playful proposition. You couldn't help but admire her for being so understanding and caring, even in your playful banter.
As Mitsuri left the room to prepare the soup, you settled back into bed, your playful demeanor momentarily overtaken by a wave of gratitude and love. You were fortunate to have someone as loving and devoted as Mitsuri by your side, even in your moments of weakness.
The anticipation of Mitsuri's return, coupled with the warmth of her affectionate care, made your heart skip a beat. You knew that with her love and attention, Your recovery would be swift, and your bond would grow even stronger in the process.
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kittycatgirlspuppies · 9 months
You were Andrew’s wife, beautiful and kind and godly. He loves you so deeply, and is an amazing husband.
Simon loves you like you were his own sister, and he was overjoyed when you and Andrew got married. You and Simon are best friends, something that made Andrew very happy.
You were now pregnant with your and Andrew’s first child. Simon and eden were obviously very excited to have either a niece or nephew.
One day you were in town getting some groceries, your brother in law came with you. Andrew would’ve but he had a bad fever, which was part of the reason you were at the store, trying to find something to help him, probably some broth and special herbs. Though Andrew was not particularly happy about you being so active while nearly nine months pregnant, he knew it had to be done. Simon wouldn’t let you go to town alone or carry anything heavy in your state so he came with you.
“What do you think your brother would take easier? This or this?” You asked holding up two bags of medical herbs. “Neither, he would refuse both like a baby,” Simon joked, well, sort of. “Well I’ll force him to take one of them either way.” You replied, earning a chuckle from Simon. You were about to say something else until you felt a pop, and then fluid pouring out of your…. “AHHHHH” you gasped in pure horror. “Y/n what’s the matter?!” Simon asked panicking. “My water broke!” You cried. “Wait what?! You’re not due for almost another month!” He cried. “Well I guess the baby doesn’t want to wait Simon!” “Oh my goodness, ok, I’ll get you to the midwife!” You expected him to just support you while you walked, but he suddenly scooped you up like a baby and started running with you towards the midwife. “Just breath y/n,” he said in a worried voice, seeing you in such pain nearly gave him a heart attack. Once he got to where the midwife was he knocked on the door with his foot. “We need help a woman is in labour!” He screamed. The midwife opened the door and Simon went inside immediately. “Put her on the bed!” She ordered, he immediately did. “Are you the father?” She asked. “No, no, my brother is the father, I’m the uncle,” Simon explained. “Ok can you go get him?” Simon looked at you anxiously. ‘Yes’ you nodded. Even though he was hesitant to leave he knew his brother deserved to know that his child was coming into the world. So he ran as fast as he could to get Andrew.
“Andrew!” Simon didn’t even bother knocking, he just kicked the door down. “Simon what’s going on?” Andrew asked in a sick voice. “Y/n is in labour!”
Andrew froze.
suddenly he shot up, not giving a damn about his fever. He and his brother ran faster then they ever had before.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” You screamed. Your baby was breech, so the midwife was adjusting it.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” You screamed so loudly. The entire room smelled like blood and sweat.
Hearing that scream made Andrews and Simon’s hearts drop. They bursted into the room.
“Men are not allowed in here.” A midwife said to them. “We don’t care!” Simon hissed while Andrew ran over to you and held your hand and started whispering ‘I love you so much’ over and over. Security had to come and drag both brothers out.
it was a long painful delivery but you managed, and gave birth to an adorable boy.
(I’m so sry I loved this request but I got very distracted, the next request I will get done a LOT faster!)
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teine-mallaichte · 2 months
For @whumperless-whump-event day 17: In hot water: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.”
and @dadrunkwriting
Part 4 of a mini series
Part 1 | part 2 | Part 3 |
Anders paced back and forth across the dimly lit bedchamber, his anxiety slowly building with every passing minute. While he had managed to stabilise Fenris's wound, the warrior’s fever had become a troubling new crisis. Despite his extensive efforts—healing spells, poultices, and fever-reducing herbs—the fever persisted, climbing to alarming levels and showing no signs of retreat.
“We need to get that fever down somehow,” Anders muttered, more to himself than to anyone else.
His eyes darted around the room, searching for a solution. The only viable option left was a cold bath—a drastic measure, but one that might offer relief from the dangerously high fever. Fortunately the mansion had a working bath chamber, functional if slightly faded and neglected.
There were risks involved. A cold bath could be a shock to Fenris's weakened system, potentially causing its own complications. However, doing nothing was not an option.
He set about preparing a bath—filling it with water and using his magic to cool it further. It was a delicate balance; cool enough to reduce the fever but not so frigid as to cause more complications. He worked quickly, the sound of running water filling the otherwise silent mansion.
Returning to the bedchamber, Anders carefully lifted Fenris from the bed, cradling him gently in his arms. The elf groaned softly, barely clinging to consciousness, his skin radiating an intense heat as his head lolled again the mattress shoulder. Each breath shallow and strained, as if even the simple act of breathing sapped the last reserves of his strength.
As Anders lowered him into the cold bath, Fenris gasped sharply, his eyes fluttering open in brief, disoriented panic, his glassy gaze darted around, as he thrashed weakly against the chilling embrace, his muscles tensing in protest.
"Fenris, stop," Anders urged gently, "You need to stop fighting me. I know it’s uncomfortable, but it’s necessary."
Maintaining a firm yet careful grip on the elf, ensuring he didn't slip beneath the water's surface, he could feel the resistance in Fenris's body, the instinctive struggle against the cold that seemed to bite into his fevered skin.
"Stay with me," Anders continued, his tone steady and reassuring. "Focus on my voice. Breathe, Fenris. Just breathe."
Despite the mage's reassurances, Fenris’s breaths came in ragged, uneven gasps. The warrior’s body was shaking uncontrollably, the cold water a stark contrast to the feverish heat that had gripped him.
As the initial shock of the cold began to wear off, Fenris’s thrashing subsided into weaker, but still frantic, movements.
“Stay with me,” Anders repeated, his voice a steady anchor in the midst of Fenris’s disorientation. He could feel the warmth gradually leaching from Fenris’s skin, the fever beginning to recede under the onslaught of the cold.
After what felt like an eternity Fenris’s breaths finally began to even out, his protests and fight lessening. The shivering continued, though it was less violent now, the body starting to adapt to the drastic change in temperature.
“Just a little longer,” Anders murmured, more to himself than to Fenris. He adjusted the position of the elf, ensuring that Fenris’s head remained above water and that his body was adequately supported. The cool water seemed to be taking effect, and Anders dared to hope that the fever might finally break.
The warrior’s shivering gradually eased, and his breathing became less erratic. Fenris’s skin, still flushed with residual heat, began to cool down.
Once Fenris’s body temperature finally began to stabilize and shivering diminished to a more manageable level, Anders carefully lifted him out of the water. Wrapping him in a large, soft towel, and carefully patting him dry.
The warrior’s skin was still warm to the touch but no longer felt like it was on fire. Fenris lay limply in Anders's arms, his eyelids fluttering open occasionally, giving the mage a glimpse of unfocused green orbs.
“You’re going to be alright,” Anders murmured softly, more to himself than to the semi-conscious warrior.
Part 5
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caffeineinducedbeing · 7 months
white knuckled
"Alyss? You alright, love?"
A small groan emulated from the mound of blankets on the couch. Pauline snorted quietly to his left.
"How long has she been feverish?" Will asked as he moved to his wife's side, lifting the blankets near her face to lay one hand on her forehead and the other to cup her cheek.
"Since about 2 o'clock this afternoon. She said she felt queasy at around noon but didn't actually get sick until about 2"
Alyss' eyes peaked open slightly and her forehead wrinkled as she realized what was happening. "I'm sorry, Will. You should be working right now" she said in a quiet cracking voice.
"No honey, it's okay. Are you feeling any better than earlier? Pauline said you've been sleeping for about 2 hours now."
"That long" Alyss gasped out as she tried to sit up in a frenzy, obviously stressing over having been passed out on her mentor's couch for far too long. Talk about overstaying a welcome.
But she was weak, and all too obviously sick, and her arms shook with the strain of holding herself up, Will noticed this and hurried to lay her back on the couch gently.
"Lyss, stay still, honey, lay back down. Do you want to go home?"
Alyss looked up at him with glazed and weary-looking eyes and nodded pitifully. Her utter tearful disposition drew a snort from her husband and was almost enough to draw one from an amused-looking Pauline standing a few feet away. It was just so unlike Alyss, that it was humorous.
The usually assertive diplomat nodded teary-eyed at his question. Yes, she wanted to go home.
Will nodded at her with a smile still lingering on his face.
"Ok, can you stand? Want me to carry you?"
Alyss managed a small, exhausted smile through her weakness. "I think I can manage standing, though carrying wouldn't be a bad idea either."
Will chuckled softly as he gently helped her sit up. She swayed slightly, her fever making her feel disoriented. Will moved closer, his arm wrapping around her waist to support her. She leaned against him, grateful for his presence.
"Easy now," he murmured, guiding her to her feet. Alyss swayed again and Will tightened his hold on her. "Steady, love."
Pauline stepped forward, concern etched on her face. "I'll get the door for you two. Make sure she gets home safely, Will."
"Thank you, Pauline," Will replied, his focus still on Alyss. He started guiding her towards the door, his arm securely around her waist.
Alyss managed a weak chuckle. "I feel like I've been hit by a battering ram."
Will grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, at least you've got a good story for later. 'Remember that time I got knocked out by a fever and ended up on Pauline's couch?'"
Alyss rolled her eyes, but a small smile played on her lips. "You're ridiculous."
"That's why you love me," Will said with a wink, his voice filled with affection. They reached the door, and Pauline held it open for them.
"Take care, you two," Pauline said, her voice warm.
"Thank you, Pauline," Alyss replied, her voice still a bit weak.
As they stepped out into the Redmont courtyard, the cool breeze hit Alyss' feverish skin, making her shiver. Will tightened his grip around her, his concern evident. "Let's get you home and into bed."
Alyss nodded, leaning against him as they walked. The journey back to their cabin was slow, but Tug was gentle, seeming to sense the distress of his riders. Will's support was unwavering, his arm around her waist providing her with the stability she needed. When they finally reached their cabin, he helped her inside and settled her on their bed.
"Rest up, Lyss. I'll make you some tea and get you some medicine."
Alyss nodded, her eyes already drooping with exhaustion. "Thank you, dear.” she mumbled.
He pressed a gentle kiss to her heated forehead. "I'll be right back."
He left the room, making certain that the bedroom door remained open enough that he could keep an eye on her from the kitchen.
When he returned with a steaming mug and a jar of herbs and supplements, Alyss had nearly dozed off. He gently nudged her awake, reassuring her that she could sleep after taking her medicine.
After she had swallowed every pill and drank half her tea, she curled into his side on the bed, her body still radiating heat from her fever, but at least she wasn’t trembling anymore, that’s a good sign.
If she didn’t break her fever tonight, he would take her to the infirmary. In the meantime, he held her while she slept, her breaths sounding deep and even, yet ragged all at once. Strained with her struggling nervous system.
Stroking her forehead, he gave the top of her head a little kiss, and for probably the millionth time through their five years of marriage, he thanked God for this woman. This amazing woman who somehow put up with him day after day, this woman who had seen him at his lowest lows and his highest highs, and still loved him relentlessly.
He didn’t deserve her, but he loved her, so so desperately. Life without her was unimaginable, making even a small fever such as this, terrifying for him.
How could the woman he loved not be in perfect health? How could he have allowed that? How did he not prevent this heinous illness from infecting his wife? Talk about a failure of a husband.
He didn’t realize his grip on her was so tight until this moment, he relaxed, his knuckles going back to their normal color after being a stark white just a moment ago. He clutched her tight as if he would lose her if he didn’t.
He sighed deeply, exhausted with his own mind. Logically he knew Alyss loved him just as much as he loved her, he knew her fever was not his fault, he couldn’t have prevented it.
So why did his mind proceed to torture him anyway?
He would never know. He clutched her tighter still, knuckles whitening once more, and gave her forehead another gentle kiss.
“I’ll never let anything happen to you, angel.”
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