#hes drinking some cola btw
monocrowee · 1 year
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saloon blues
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rpreaperperson · 6 months
Reader is a combat medic, a BIG sweeth tooth and a mother to 141 boys (dont forget can cook too) a waifu material
In case with ‘Captain’ John Price
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Remember when you said Price is like your grumpy bear dad? You took over your mother's duties after she passed away to take care of the men in your family. Of course, your brothers help one another when necessary.
But there’s a time when your father came home late tired, and grumpy, after took your brothers to sleep you took care of him he always insisted on sleeping in the bed without eating his dinner and bath
Annoyed you pulling his ear to take a shower first and eat his dinner , while eating his dinner he grumbled that you took after your mother too much
Still he is grateful for your patience and for taking care of the family, after hearing that you’re going to be a medic in the military...well you could say that he sulking and getting more grumpy at you..
“Captain? You inside?” you announce yourself then enter Price's office after he allows you to enter, a disheveled looking Captain welcomes you
A cigar scent fills your nose, let out a cough you wave the scent away from your nose
“Need something love?”
“Y-yeah I’ve done the report for today”
“Good good, just put it here...” he pats the space of his desk, cause his desk full of paperwork not looking up from his paperwork
“been sleeping these day Cap?”
“Nah..just...dont have the time” he grumbled
‘cause the paperwork...God he need some rest’ shaking your head, you snatch the paper away from him
“You need a rest Cap..you even got a bags under your eyes”
“Sorry Doc...just..a few more paper then Im done”
“....Captain..I have taking care of 5 little rascals boy and 1 grumpy bear Dad, and I know that a ‘few more’ means all of it...enough its enough you need rest” command you
“Doctor order Price” you sternly gaze at him as you take the paper away from his desk, then you walk out from his office to make him tea and food (if Soap didn’t chomp out the leftovers)
Fortunately there some leftover in the fridge, some raw minched meat, 2 egg and a carrots
‘hmm..there’s not enough vegetables here...I should make the boys buy more vegetables need to feed them more vitamins’ taking the ingredients out of the fridge you start to cook
Meanwhile, Price who waited in his office could not help but shut his eyes for a little while a memory of the first time you met when Laswell introduced you to team 141
Shy, timid, soflty spoken always shied away from men gaze
But after known you better they began to call you Doc...but there’s another code name for you that was made by the 141 Mom, not so often you called Mom but it was popular among the recruits because of the way you took care of the wounded one
One day after completing a mission you rushed into the kitchen and made all of them meal...he could remember clearly the savory flavor and the juicy black pepper Chicken, the warm and creamy cream mushroom soup and GOD you forbid them to drink cola or alcohol that kinda drink, so you made them berry smoothies instead, the sweetness its just...perfect
‘Bloody Hell...its just make me hungry if I think about her cooks...’
Then he heard a rushed footstep outside his office door slammed open, with you holding a plate like a dear life panting, sweat rolled down from your forehead locking the door with your one hand
“Sorry for the delay Cap...there’s 2 hungry beast trying to devour your meal when I done making it” you sigh
You shriek while Price snaps his head into the door
The Captain's eyebrows raised flabbergasted, as you put down the plate on his desk
The moment you were done making the meal those so-called hungry beasts came to devour the dish you made (btw it was Soap and Gaz, while Ghost was sneaking in your office snatching some sweets)
The scent of the meal made him sit properly looking at the appetizing meal
“new menu you make?”
“kinda ,a burger steak with BBQ sauce and egg...ah and make sure you eat those carrot Cap, anyways we need to buy groceries for the fridge...Soap is getting sneakier lately” crossing your arm against your chest a frown planted on your face, annoyed with Soap who always nomning the food down to his throat along with Gaz his partner in crime when it comes to food, particularly your cooking
“I want to put onions in the meat but alas there are no onions..luckily there is egg and milk luckily it has not expired yet, anyway put some salt and pepper in the meat and found some BBQ sauce in the cabinet” you rambled, again Price amazed that you could make such delightful meal with the remain ingredients in the kitchen
When he cut the burger with his fork the juices flowed down to the plate, then he took a bite of the burger
“hmm its good..no wonder the boys was chasing after this” Price humming in delight in a moment all of his fatigue gone
“Thanks Cap...oh God Im forgot about the tea –“
“Nah love I got water here”
“You sure?”
“Positive..” he smiled at you, his sincere smile making you blush
After finishing his food, Price took a sip of water from his glass, you saw that the plate was clean, not even a trace of the BBQ sauce.
Sighing in relief you took the plate, happy that Price enjoying his meal
“you know you dont have to do all of this” suddenly said Price gaze at you, then you snap your head at him
“you know what I mean love..” in moment you pursing your lips looking at the empty plate, sure you know being a 'care taker' is not part of the job...but
“...still..I kinda love doing it..cooking for you, the boys..even the recruits..taking care of all you makes me feel at home” you sheepishly grin  
“oh Doc...you’re gonna spoil them rotten” shaking his head, Price propping his head with his fist smirking
“heheh~ that’s why I called Mom no? Ah should make you some tea?”
“Im gonna take some rest...thanks for the meal...Mom”
“You’re very welcome...” as you open the door you sneak a glance at him
“Dad~ heheh” then you leave him flabergasted, a red blush covering his cheeks covering his mouth his his rough hand  Dad...he thought of a marriage life with you..
“God damnit woman..hrghh...she gonna give me a heart attack” moving out from his chair Price tidied up his paper and ready to take some rest in his room
‘Wouldn’t be so bad...be wed with Doc..’ then he saw 2 head pop out from the door
Soap and Gaz stare at him with disdain and jealousy, Price smirks at them giving them a smug face
“I am the Dad now boys” They growled as Ghost walked up from behind munching the sweets he stole from your office, wondering what he missed.
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billskeis · 20 days
Heyy I thought of this and its kinda weirdly specific so sorry if its weird
a fluff where reader (fem) had an 'almond mom' growing up and bill finds out she never tried any fast food and fizzy drinks so he takes her to a Mcdonalds drive through and she tries everything and really likes it and idk what else but something along these lines?
ily btw💗
ᡣ𐭩 macky’s feast endeavours
you’ve never been one to indulge into the many delicacies of food. it was always kept pretty simple, pretty plain, and most importantly; pretty small. your mom was an extreme one who’d instil the emphasis of portion control and nutritional value, none of that fast food junk. oh god no.
now it wasn’t like you totally had the worst relationship with food. you just ate it to, eat it. simply curve the natural instincts of hunger and then go on with your day.
bill had no knowledge of it, but he did have some suspicions. whenever you guys were to go out to eat and grab food with either the band or just the two of you, you never ordered anything too exquisite, too loaded. small portions, barely any flavours, and it mostly consisted of greens. at this point, he was convinced that you were some rabbit.
so to his obvious surprise, when he asked you, “have you ever had a mcdouble, like, ever in your life?” and you shook your head no, his chin for real dropped to the ground. you had to explain to him that because of your upbringings, you were never really privileged with the so-called delicacies of sugary sweets and treats of fizzy sodas and a simple cheeseburger.
“oh no.. oh nonono i gotta take you right now—it’s the best thing ever!!” he exclaims while dragging you on your feet, beelining for the car. by the way, it’s 2am
you’ve never seen him so excited before, the whole car ride and i swear i mean the WHOLE car ride, bill was nonstop ranting about the menu and the millions of things that you two can try together. you can’t help but smile, he’s so cute. the pitch of his voice gets all high and squeaky. and he speaks fast, almost too fast that you as him to slow down, to which he finds himself becoming bashful over how passionate he is about mcdonalds.
pulling into the drive-thru, you stare at the enlarged kiosk of the mcdonalds menu, “do you know what you want to order? did i explain everything? oh, that’s what you want? wait—no, that one? fuck it i’ll just get everything!!”
you were indecisive, overwhelmed with the many varieties of what could be a burger, what drink to get, a soda or a milkshake? ooooh what about a side? chicken nuggets or fries?
bill on the other hand, knew exactly what to order. for him, a mcdonalds connoisseur, he gets a big mac, specifically six chicken nuggets, and a vanilla milkshake. classic, you thought to yourself. while passing through the first window to pay, you take out cash to give to bill for your portion of the food, he immediately holds his hand over yours, squeezing it.
“y/n, my treat. i want your first time to be memorable. ‘m the one who took you out, so let me pay, please? also, so you’re definitely the only person i’d do this for, don’t tell tom, okay?” you couldn’t fight back since he asked so politely. and knowing bill, he’d never make you pay. later, you’ll think of a way to repay him the favour.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
sitting on the curb of the parking lot, the two of you sat beside one another as bill began to pull out the food items one-by-one from their signature paper bag. the scent of the food wafts as he passes you a cheeseburger, you’re already salivating at the mouth, impatient to try it.
“smells good right? enjoy!” you open the carton to reveal a small burger, the bun almost perfect. bill places a beverage to the side of you, “cola! a classic, thought you’d like it for sure,” “thank you billy.. i really appreciate you doin’ this f’me.”
he shakes his head but smiles, “how could i not?? my best friend deserves this! no hate to your mom, but she was definitely punishing you by hiding this.. y’kno, i get sooo much mcdonalds, like, everyday, even more than that fatty tom! my grandma calls me macky ☺️,” he nods his head in approval to that nickname, how adorable. you think it fits him quite well.
awaiting, bill watches as you begin to take a bite of the burger. flavour runs over your tongue as you’ve felt like you just consumed ambrosia. your tastebuds are dancing, very joyous indeed. your eyes widen and you physically gasp with food in your mouth as you look at bill. there’s a glint in your eyes but his shines brighter to see such a positive reaction out of you.
it makes him happy to know that he could be there to see you enjoy what he loves. you end up taking more consecutive bites out of the burger until it was completely gone. scarfing it down, you chew, no words shared between the two of you as you both muck on what’s know become one of your favourite foods.
who knows? maybe this could become a daily thing, pray for your wallets, “oh my god.. this is so fucking good!?” “i know right??—oh wait, there’s a little sumn’ on your face..”
bill reaches out his hand to swipe away at the sauce that’s stuck on the corner of your mouth. seems as though you lost control of how messily you were eating that there was food on your face.
his touch was soft, gentle. as he uses his thumb to clean you off, he brings it into his mouth to lick off the remains as if it were nothing. you stare at him in shock, mouth, again, full of food as you were stunned and in no way capable of speaking. that was so, action forward. a heat transforms to your face as bill stares at you, innocently confused.
“what?” he asks, eyebrows a little furrowed as you lack a response. then, the realization hit him. what he did, was in fact, veryyyy intimate. hiding his face in his hands, he feels like he wants to scream. you notice his ears burning a vibrant pink, as he taps his feet in embarrassment.
he peeks at you through his fingers, “sorry! it was just instinct, i-i didn’t mean to, uh, do that..” he struggles to hold eye contact with you, putting a chicken nugget in his mouth.
giggling at him, you take a sip from your large coca cola, smiling with the straw between your teeth. putting the cup down on the ground, you lean in to place a small kiss on bill’s cheek “it’s okay, thank you billy, really, the food was amazing,” waiting for his reaction, he sits there still as a statue, until immediately slapping a hand onto the cheek you kissed him.
“you’re blushing, bill,”
“shut up before i eat all your food.”
nomnomnom , good eats .. ily 2 anon
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keis makes an appearance once more !! how many more until she quits :p jk i’m just overly consumed by work
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h-33-s-3-ung · 8 months
Sleepover with Jungwon
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Synopsis: you and Jungwon have been dating for exactly a month and it was about time you two had a sleepover.
10 Am:
💬: You wanna sleep over tonight?
💬: Well good morning to you too wonnie😗
And btw YES!
💬: Phew! I thought you would say no…I have been wanting to ask you for about a week now but I always got shy.
💬: You are still shy around me?You literaly fart and burp in my face all the time and you are shy to ask me if I could sleep over?😒
💬: No need to expose me like that😔
And yes I was shy because…I don’t have an explanation actually…
💬: Well I do want to sleep over at my cute boyfriend’s house tonight.☺️
💬: Stawp I’m gonna blush
💬: But seriously, are we going to watch a movie (or 4) with some snacks on the side?🧍‍♀️
💬: I have already bought every single one of your favorite snacks! I got Doritos with sour gummy worms and a Hershey’s chocolate bar. Oh and I also got some sprite for a drink (they were out of coca-cola😭)
💬: OuT oF cOcA-cOlA?! HOW DARE THEY?!🥲 (I’m fine.)
💬: Not dramatic at all?
💬: Nope.
💬: Oh and I know you’re into older horror movies so I have prepared The shining AND Halloween.
💬: I knew it😎
💬: Anyways, I have to get ready for work🤮
I’ll talk to you tonight okay?
💬: Okay☹️
💬: I love you my little baby cat!❤️
💬: I love you too!❤️
5 Hours later.
You knocked at Jungwon’s door, your hair was frizzy and you makeup was flaking. You had just finished work and your boss allowed you to leave early since there weren’t many customers.
"I’m coming!"
You heard your boyfriend yell from the other side of the door.
He opened the door and barely even let you step in that he had already jumped in your arms. He was much taller than you but he always acted like a little kid (and you loved it).
"You finished early?" He asked, his hand resting on your left cheek caressing it.
"Yeah, the store was dead so my boss let me go home early." You explained.
He saw how tired you were and so he suddenly picked you up and kissed your lips softly before taking you to the living room. He had basically built a pillow fort. Your favorite blanket was laying there ready to cover the both of you for your long movie night.
"Oh I got something else for you. Close your eyes!" He said, his dimples showing slightly.
You did as he said and soon you felt something in your hands.
"Try and guess what it is."
You pretended to be confused for a few seconds when in reality you knew it was sushi from your favorite sushi shop because you recognized the packaging.
You opened your eyes and even tho you knew what to expect, your mouth fell open and your eyes widen. It was all your favorite sushi together.
"Niki told me to get these types, he said they were the best. Is it okay?" He asked shyly.
"You got all of my favorite ones!!" You said hugging him tightly.
"Well good, shall we start the movie?" He asked pointing at the pillow fort he built.
Without replying, you jumped in and dragged him with you. You quickly opened your sushi platter and started eating like you haven’t eaten in days.
"Can I have one?" Jungwon asked with boba eyes. He knew you couldn’t say no to him, so you gave him a piece. He danced cutely at the flavour and leaned over to lay his head on your shoulder.
Your eyes were starting to get heavy already. You were munching on some Doritos when you told your boyfriend you were too tired to watch a second movie.
"Awn is my girl too sleepy?" He asked pouting.
You rubbed your eyes and nodded. You didn’t realize but you had accidentally rub off your mascara and eyeliner in the process.
" ugh, I still have makeup on. And I didn’t brush my teeth." You said yawning.
Jungwon picked you up in his arms and took you to his bathroom. You had your own skincare products in a mini form at Jungwon’s house. He sat you down on the counter and easily tied your hair up in a ponytail.
"I can wash your face for you." He said confidently.
"Please Wonnie. I’m too tired to do it myself." You replied.
He grabbed your makeup remover and some cotton pads, poured some of the product on the soft material and then gently removed your eye makeup, making sure to get every little particle of makeup. He then grabbed some more makeup remover and removed the little remaining of your lip makeup. It got rubbed off when you were eating. He was so gentle, it felt like you were getting a mini massage session from him.
"Okay I’m gonna wash the rest of your face now." He narrated.
He grabbed your facial cleanser, poured two pumps of it on his hand (he knew the correct measurement), added a tiny bit of water and washed your face effortlessly. He loves washing your face since he got to admire every single one of your features for longer than usual. He rubbed over your fluffy eyebrows, rubbed your cute chubby cheeks and your perfect nose.
"are you asleep baby?" He asked.
"Almost~" you replied softly.
"You’re adorable." He said giving you a kiss on the top of your head.
After rinsing your facial cleanser, he applied the rest of your serums and creams before grabbing your toothbrush.
"Open up!" He said.
You did as he said and he started to brush your teeth, just like your mom use to do when you were still a kid.
"Brushing your canines, your front teeth, your back teeth, give me a big smile!" He kept narrating in a cute tone. "You’re so beautiful." He added.
You felt yourself blush as you were gradually falling asleep on the cold bathroom counter.
"Okay, we’re done." He said picking you back up like a sloth. "Do you need something to drink before we go to bed?" He asked.
"Water" you replied in a whisper.
He poured you a big glass of water and brought it with him in the room.
He set the glass down on his night stand before letting you fall softly on the mattress.
"I’m gonna go brush my teeth too okay? I’ll be back in a second." He said, kissing your forehead softly.
You understood but couldn’t respond due to exhaustion. You quickly fell asleep as soon as your boyfriend left the room. He came back after a few minutes, saw you fast asleep in the bed and quietly got under the covers with you. He placed you on his chest since you loved listening to his heartbeat and soon, you were both asleep in each other’s arms.
"Good morning sleeping beauty." You heard your boyfriend say in a cheerful voice. He was on his phone bombarding his fans with messages on weeverse.
"What time is it?" You asked.
"It’s 11:06 Am"
"When did I go to sleep?" You asked confused.
"Around 10 Pm, why?" Jungwon replied.
"Man I slept for 13 hours?!" You replied confused.
"Don’t feel bad, you needed it." Your boyfriend replied softly giving you a small kiss.
"Do you want breakfast sleepy head?" Jungwon asked smiling.
"Waffles?" You simply said.
"Anything you want honey." He said making his way to the kitchen to prepare your yummy breakfast.
This was my fist time writing fluff, I hope you like it. I didn’t want to write smut for Jungwon yet (it feels kind of wrong idk why lol) but maybe in the future if you guys want to and if I’m ready. Let me know if you want me to keep on writing this kind of story. You can also let me know if you have some suggestions. I’m thinking of writing part two for my sunoo story, I was also thinking about a story with Niki (FLUFF) or another heeseung story. Anyways I’ll see you next time!❤️
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lakesbian · 9 months
what do you think the undersiders gas station orders would be. or just alecs
yay questions to answer while i am sick and dying
taylor: sunflower seeds (salt and no other seasonings). that's it. would consciously reject bottled cold tea in favor of waterbottles in the car already. eats them with the shells on and finds nothing unusual about the matter
brian: protein bar or somesuch. chocolate flavored protein drink also possibly because he genuinely thinks it's a delightful and tasty little treat. also having some of taylor's sunflower seeds but he's eating them normally. might get more substantial food like a hot dog if sufficiently hungry and he doesn't think it looks like it's going to kill him. also brian laborn LaCroix enjoyer.
lisa: pistachios and a can of iced tea. and maybe a twinkie to get silly with it. sea salt kettle chips. possibly going to obtain something to prod taylor to share with her like a hot pretzel
rachel: wants something of substance instead of just a snack. hot dog or chicken nuggets or burger or whatever. or multiple of the above. i think she's a bbq sauce type of girl for chicken nuggets btw. and bonus points if they have bags of dog treats for her little guys
aisha: having a very fun time in the candy section. sour gummy worms full-size twix bars sugar babies et cetera. grape soda. cola icee. hot pretzel w/ cheese. multiple chip varieties. chex mix. brownies or cookies. She's thriving.
alec: blue raspberry or coconut icee. mayhaps root beer or sprite for later too. hot pretzel or burger also. sharing many of aisha's snacks with her but he also has a bag of yogurt covered pretzels just for him. maybe some peppermint patties as well.
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ambersbloodyknife · 3 months
Mickey Alteri x Randy Meeks
From film partners to sex partners
Rickey smut BTW aka randy and mickey.
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Style of genre: Smut.
Also, please don't copy or steal my work. If you want to copy some of it, please give credit.
Warnings: 18+, Smut, gay kink, knife kink, bedroom sex, a little bit of blood usage, tying up, blowjob, Cock sucking, and cream pies
It was December 9th, 1997, and the new semester had begun. Mickey Alteri was making his way to film class, and as he entered, a new student had joined. Miss Smith said to the class that this is the new student. Randy meeks make him feel welcome. Randy, why don't you take a seat next to mickey Alteri at the back, Miss Smith said. Randy sat down next to mickey and said hello, I'm Randy." Mickey replied," Hey dude, I'm mickey it's nice having someone new in this class who likes horror. So mickey, what are your favorite movies? " Randy asked ".
Mickey replied, "Halloween, Friday the 13th, The godfather part 2 and terminator 2. What about you, Randy? "Mickey asked." Randy replied with," I love Friday the 13th, chucky, Texas chainsaw massacre and stab 1. Nice picks, mickey said. Hey Randy, do you wanna meet my friend group at the sorority party tonight. Yeah, mickey, I'd love to go with you.
A few hours pass, and Randy shows up at the sorority house and is looking for mickey. Randy grabs a beer and goes outside to see mickey Alteri with some girls talking. Mickey turns around to see Randy. Hey Randy, how are you doing? "Mickey asked." I'm good, mickey. How are you?"Randy asked." I'm still a little off edge from these murders of some guy in a ghostface mask,"Mickey replied. Well, we're in a public area. we will be fine for now, "Randy replied. Hey mickey, you wanna get some drinks. Sure, Randy, let's go now. Mickey and Randy went inside the house and made some mixers with some Rum, vodka, and some coke cola. 2 hours passed, and mickey and Randy were starting to get drunk and were swaying around as they tried to walk. Randy went to the gate and threw up everywhere and fell to the ground. Everyone looked in shock and then started laughing. Mickey picked up Randy and said, "Let's get you all sobered up and safe. Mickey and Randy share a dorm room, so Mickey takes Randy to the dorm. Mickey gives Randy some water and places him on his bed.
Mickey didn't know how to tell him he was the masked killer.
Randy groans and wakes up. Mickey went over to him and told him to shush. Randy, it's okay. Go back to sleep. It's gonna be all good.
A few days passed, and mickey and Randy didn't really talk that much, but they were still very close friends. Hey Randy, you alright. Yeah, mickey, I'm good. I've recovered from the other day. Mickey started to take notes from the teacher, but Mickey kept on looking at Randy for short periods of time. Randy didn't know about mickeys secret about being a serial killer. Mickey is having this weird obsession with randy also he wants him to himself. Hey Randy, can we meet in our dorm after our classes. Yeah, Mickey, I'll come over. Mickey started to smirk as Randy was falling for his trap.
Later that day, at around 10pm randy walked through the dorm. Hey Randy, you alright. Yeah, what is it you want, mickey?. Shut the door and lock it for me Randy it's very important. Uhh, okay, "Randy replied. Good now, sit down, Randy. Remember when we were talking about the masked killer. Randy nods his head. Yeah, I do. Mickey smirks and says well I'm the killer, Randy,and you fell into my trap."
W-what, "Randy replied no it can't be. " Oh, but it is Randy, and you're in trouble. Mickey pinned Randy against the wall and picked up a piece of rope. Randy started to panic and beg mickey, please don't. Mickey ignored his pleases and started to wrap the rope around his wrists and legs. Randy whimpers in fear, trying to convince him to stop. Mickey had finished tying him up and threw Randy on the ground. Mickey pulled out his buck knife and placed it next to Randy's face. Mickey, no, please don't. Randy starts to cry and beg. Shh, Randy, this might hurt a little. Mickey clamps his hand on his mouth and slices Randy's cheek. Randy makes a muffled whimper and starts crying. Mickey licks up the blood and removes his hand.
What a good boy meeks. Now i wanted to say that I love you, Randy, and I'm obsessed. But I'm not gay "Randy says. Well, if you aren't gay meeks, then why are you hard right now? mickey smirks. Mickey unbuckles his jeans to reveal his huge dick. Mickey bends down next to Randy. Randy, open your mouth for me like a good boy. Randy opens his mouth, and mickey shoves his dick in his mouth. Randy sucks on mickey cock as mickey groans and pulls on Randy's hair. Randy gags on mickeys hard dick. Mickey saw him gagging and started smirking. That's it meeks get it all wet for me like a good boy. Randy continues to suck his cock and goes faster. Randy I'm gonna fucking cum in you. Mickeys dick twitches, and his c-men goes into Randy's mouth. Swallow it down meeks. Randy gulps mickeys cum. Now it's my turn on you meeks. Mickey undoes Randy's jeans and starts using the blood from the knife as a lubricant. Randy groans and starts to breathe heavy. Fuck mickey you're making me wet. Mickey started laughing a little. Aww, what a gay needy guy you are for mickey Alteri. Mickey strokes Randy's penis more and faster. Oh fuck I'm gonna cum mickey. Oh yes randy cum for me like a gay bitch that you are. Randy leaks all over mickeys hands. What a leaking mess you are meeks. Just for you, "Randy replies.
Now get ready for me to fuck you meeks. Mickey lined up his erected dick against Randy's ass. Mickey shoves his hard dick into him and starts to pound him. Randy moans as mickey pounds him fuck less. I'm gonna make cream pies in you, Randy, and you're gonna take it all. Randy nods his head and groans and mickey fucks him. Oh fuck I'm about to cum again randy. Mickeys penis twitches again and realises his c-men in Randy's ass. Mickey stuck his fingers in his cum and shoved it in Randy's mouth forcing him to lick it up. You're mine forever. meeks, never forget that.
I gotta go kill again. I will be back for round 2 meeks. Mickey unties Randy and leaves him on the floor.
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bigtittiecomitte · 6 months
Story time with bigtittiecomitte
Everyone remember the How To Train Your Dragon franchise? Yeah same
The third movie came out and me, my dad and my little sister went to go see it. The thing about my dad is that he loves cheaper things (for an example, my dad got me two rip off N and Uzi plushies from Aliexpress instead of buying the offical ones because the official ones are deemed too expensive)
So that’s my dad, really loves cheap things and when we go to see a movie in the movies (we mostly call it movies or movie theatre here, cinema is for fancy people) usually we go to the supermarket first to grab snacks like popcorn, drinks, etc. The only time my dad would pay for food in the movies is for important movies (something like Sonic and Fnaf cause we’re geeks lol)
We went to the movies that was in a mall that we usually go too so we didn’t need to make two stops to the supermarket then the movies. Got popcorn and a bottle of coke (this is important)
Something that’s probably not important but kinda if you’re thinking of watching a movie in New Zealand. Some movie theatres will not allow outside snacks, some do but most movies I’ve went too never allowed it although they don’t really so crap if you do have outside snacks because it’s just smart to carry a bag with you, lesson for anyone wanting that nz movie experience (I don’t know if this is common in other countries tho it could)
The movie theatre that we went to didn’t allow outside snacks so we had to do the really suspicious move and have my little sister carry a bag with heavy stuff in it and the staff probably noticed we were sneaking food in but they didn’t care cause we got in and had front row seats
Halfway through the movie, I grabbed the bottle of coke (the large bottle btw) and it was unopened and I was thirsty so I opened it without fully looking
Worst. Mistake. Of. My. Life
The fucking bottle exploded all over me, I was dying by stupid Coca Cola while people were just watching the movie unknowing this 13 year old was drowning in Coca Cola
So when that was over and I was covered in Coke I immediately told my sister about it and she tried telling my dad but he was too invested in the movie to hear her
To this day I still remember this like it happened yesterday and it got so bad that I recreated the exact moment of fear in my eyes
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purposefully dumb ooc ow hcs my friends and i discussed:
🦊‼️ shimada brothers + kiriko edition
hanzo & genji do like bbq actually. genji prefers honey bbq the most though; contrary to hanzo's favored type. it's not like they constantly argue or anything but it's up to you if they reach an agreement. kiriko's a ranch type of girl fr. for chips? kiriko's sour cream n onion (not self projection).
"oh hey guys so uh haha i got some chips for us!" kiriko pipes up, accidentally walking into a provoking conversation the shimada brothers were discussing (honey bbq vs standard??). they both turn around and look at her; the girl holding an ever-so familiar green bag—sour cream and onion flavoured chips.
hanzo drinks coke and genji has sam's cola as his fave (they're literally like the same i think). kiriko prefers pepsico products because they're sweeter to her (pepsi, dr. pepper, mtn dew). also genji would like lemon lime stuff maybe possibly indefinitely.
also hc that he probably was a soda junkie or something in his youth. over time though he kinda savors it like a "fine wine"; where he'd prefer to not have it by himself. rather, he'd drink it to complement a certain food he's having. this one actually makes sense somehow.
hanzo's a playstation person, genji's xbox, and kiriko's nintendo. basically colour coded fr. apparently also: hanzo's pc, genji's console, and kiriko's mobile. though, my friend INSISTS that genji's a mobile player (he plays mobile fortnite and probs got that samsung galaxy skin).
hanzo plays fortnite also to "practice his aim". genji (un)ironically gets all of the anime collab skins and somehow is goated with pickaxing the poor players early on. kiriko is their supplies manager and carries all of their meds and shields because the brothers are busy collecting all of the cool broken guns.
i'm unsure who'd be super good at building. i feel like they'd purposefully play on no build because "only the most talented players don't rely on building" or something dumb as kiriko instinctively pressed the buttons to build stairs as they get third-partied.
btw kiriko loves driving cars esp the fast sports ones and makes one of them sit on top of oit (since only two players max can get on it). she interrupts battles that other plays are in and has genji and hanzo pick off the surviving ones like little scavengers.
they're so good and can actually get into comp stuff, but they'd rather not since they're "lighthearted" (hanzo's upset he's getting bot lobbies and genji's getting reported for "hacking" whilst kiriko's the string holding the whole team together).
if they played splatoon obvs you can tell hanzo's stringer, genji's splatana and maybe kiriko's something supportive like n-zap whilst still having great frontline potential.
i know a lottt more about 2 than 3 actually. i'd say maybe genji would like things with echolocator even if that's more of a widow thing. i thought of reg. squiffer first but that's my main but i think mainly it's how genji can rush in and w aggressive front/mid-line squiffers you just see them go in and out of the ink, trying to kill you w either trickshots or something dumb (it's ok ily guys). also genji's ranged too as well.
maybe also he might play roller because 1: technically melee (his sword) + in reference to his shurikens, the vertical and horizontal spray of the roller can be in reference to his. or maybe he's ANNOYING and plays carbon roller (deco) with ninja squid. ninja squid.
hanzo plays pure mpu bamboozler and then shits on other players for having pure gear because "it's way more affective to have a mixed, sorted array subs instead of trying to make it all the same"/j
tbh the whole "genji, hanzo and kiriko" stuff is just literally splatoon 3 splatfests honestly. hanzo's vanilla ice cream, genji's chocolate, and kiriko's strawberry. i don't know how to explain it.
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tuxalfredo · 1 year
~ Eddsworld Deathnote au ~ (character roles introduction post)
To start off, I haven't drawn the characters in Light and Misas roles, but I will spill who the characters are. Larry and Bing are the roles of Light and Misa, but they are VERY different from Light and Misa.
To give a brief rundown, Bing finds the Deathnote first, but he's dumb as rocks, and so Larry is the smarter one who takes the lead and is chill with Bing just taking the credit lmao. Bing has the Shini Eyes in this au, and is more Misas role, but it's complicated. I blend a lot of roles into one, this AU isn't one of those copy+paste AUs with copy+paste personalities and exact storylines over different characters.
ALSO Kira in this AU isn't called "Kira", they're called "Zanta"
This was at first a joke, but then it stuck cus yes. I have no explanation it's just perfect and comedic.
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Tom plays Ryuks role in the story, basically (and also has some of Rems roles in this AU rewrite). Tom has more of an obsession with fruit in general, unlike Ryuk, being only obsessed with apples. Tom likes pineapples and apples most :3
Ryuk is honestly the only correct role for Tom to ever be in in any DN au, it is goddamn perfect, in general if he is not a Shinigami in any other DN au u are just blatantly wrong✌️🧍‍♂️*griddys away to next character*
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^L!Tord (aka "T" or "Toad")^
Ofc, Tord is Ls role in this AU. A lot of aspects of Ls character is changed to fit Tord, but nevertheless, they are still honestly very alike. Like Toad eats a lot of bacon and meats in general rather than sweets like how L does, but Toad has replacement for why L does this cus the explanation is to "store energy" since L barely sleeps. Toad just chugs energy drinks 24/7 and also barely has a sleep schedule. There's other quirks, but that's an example 👍
To bring attention to the sock notes, there's also no "foot scene" in this AU LMAO
What??! You want me to draw Tord fondling Larry's feet??? You want to IMAGINE that?? *insert Kurtis Conner clip* UR FUCKIN NASTYYYY🫵🫵🫵
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^Near!Edd (aka "E" or "Eel")^
Edd is Nears role in this AU. Near is an insanely perfect role for Edd, they are honestly SO alike (MANGA Near specifically. In this AU most of the lore is based off the MANGA btw). I imagine Eel to be sassier than Near, more smug and outward about his pride when he backs Zanta into a corner.
I love Eel he is so 💚💚💚💚💚*ueueue* I love drawing him
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^Mello!Eduardo (aka "e" or "Emu")^
Eduardo is Mellos role in the AU. Eduardo is so insanely perfect as Mellos role brooo also Near and Mellos dynamic is LITERALLY Edd and Eduardo shjsjdj. Lil quirk change, Emu eats dark chocolate and not milk chocolate like Mello. Just smthn I changed a tad bit cus Eduardo likes diet cola (that sounds kinda like an insult it's not lmao I personally prefer dark over milk chocolate- diet cola nasty tho I AM insulting that💥💥/lh /j)
These pieces of him are rlly lazy and noticeably unfinished, ik, making this mans refs were the literal reason I've taken so long to post this, I've given up. I WILL make finished art of him in the future tho ofc.
That's all for the introduction post, but I defs have more characters and other info to introduce!! So stay tuned for more if u care about any of this :)
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tunabesimpin · 11 months
Omg omg omg omg hi. HELLO HELLO, I BECAME A RECENT FAN OF YOUR BLOG. I really like your art style(especially the lipstick one) LOLOL and your ocs are really adorbs. TUNA & FLOYD = forever. And congrats on your milestonnnesssss!!! You deserve it 💪
I've been shying about the idea of sending you a art request (The sea-side party one) , cause like what if I mess up on it and stuff BUT I've finally gathered enough courage to send you it. ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Please don't force yourself to do this particular request if you're not feeling like it btw!
Soooooo................... MY SECRET IS THAT I STILL DONT KNOW HOW TO SWIM :( I'm too scared of the deep waters 😬 so I'd probably just be sitting on my butt while drinking my coca cola! I would be wearing an extra large white T-shirt with blue swimming trunks and some sunglasses 😎 cause I look like a total boss with them on! My favorite color is Periwinkleeeee!!
I would be drinking my coca cola then suddenly, I would probably be flapping in the air trying to pull away from Floyd's strong grasp, HE WAS GOING TO THROW ME INTO THE OCEAN??!!
"Wait a damn second! Floyd LEECH, im bein serious! Don't betray me like this!!"
"Fugu-chan can't just sit around doin' nothing at a party as fun as this! >;D"
And then Jade would come up from the ocean and promise to catch me, obviously I wouldn't trust his cunning dumb ahh!
"Floyd is correct, please loosen up and have fun, Prefect-san."
"In that case, I promise I will catch you. Oh, and wouldn't you want your sunglasses back? They happened to fall while you were flailing around. :)"
"....... SOMEONE HELP A PERSON OUT! ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ"
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Hehe... I'm so bad at drawing that I just used picrew to give you a more accurate picture of my oc...
Her name is Jessica, nicknamed Fugu-Chan by Floyd! Shes a very energetic individual... (No worries about the ooc-ness, I would still love the effort and your generosity for doing this request.. JUST LIKE CROWLEY BUT BETTER!!)
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--- Despite all of Jessicas plans of staying on the shore and pleas to the leech twins, she somehow still ended up being dragged into the ocean.
"Ahaha~! Don't worry Jade is in there somewhere~" Floyd proudly remarked as he carried Jessica over his shoulder. The water was no longer shallow enough to see the bottom, no less see any sign of Jade nearby. Jessica clenched onto Floyd's back as she yelled "No way! No way! He's not even close! Just bring me back to shore!!!" Floyd rolled his eyes, letting Jessica's words roll through one ear and out the other. He finally stopped in his tracks and pulled Jessica forward enough to be face to face.
Floyd gave a pout and frowned "You really want to go back to the shore?" Despite Floyd's puppy-like face, Jessica was firm "YES." A sinister smile got rid of any sort of faux innocence the eel had tried to show "Too bad~" Without warning, Floyd chucked Jessica into the air towards the sea. She screeched with all her might as she braced herself for the water.
"My my, have you no trust in me at all?" Barely a toe in the water, Jessica peaked an eye open to see Jade somehow managed to catch her. Jade shed crocodile tears "I must say it's heartbreaking you belived we would abandon you here." Jessica blinked, still processing all that happened. At the sound of Floyd's maniacal laughter she finally came back to reality "You two!!! I'm going to barbeque you i swear! Don't you dare drop me!" ---
>V< Thank you for the kind words aaa you're submission was wonderful I appreciate your understanding sm!!! The way you wrote too was so fun to read I just had to play off of it too!!! >O< <3 Thank you for participating in the event I hope you enjoy!!! ^^
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atypical-artisan · 1 year
Did you do soda popinski hc's? If not, can give you some
Hell yeah!! I've been so excited to do cokie cola man!!!!
(Btw, feel free to send multiple asks about the same character, Esp aran or joe, I have a lot of thoughts about those two)
Soda grew up in a very poor family with just his mom and sister. His dad (mother's boyfriend at the time) just... walked out and never came back. His sister has a different dad than him and his mother got a lot of shit for it. Despite all that, he grew up fairly happy.
Total momma's boy, absolute suck-up to that woman... to the dismay of his sister. His mother is a very non-judgemental and open minded woman and loves her children over anything. She did everything she could to care for him during his addiction and still does everything to protect him from the government.
Him and his sister (7 years his junior) fight a lot, but they always have each other's backs when it matters. He's currently helping her get her law degree and more than proud of her.
He had an older brother too, but said brother died of lukemia before he was born. His mother was terrified of losing any more children to cancer and hawked over both of them growing up.
He developed an alcohol addiction as a teenager to deal with his autism and trauma. He got sober after he had an emergency liver transplant, but even today he can't drink for fear of relapse. He only tells someone 'no' to alcohol (And mentions he's a recovering alcoholic) once before he starts swinging fists about it.
He was treated badly when he first came to the us. His English was terrible and people made a lot of anti-russian jokes towards him. One reporter repeatedly called him "Vodka Drunkenski".... when soda met the guy face to face, that man left the building in an ambulance. Needless to say, the bullying tapered off from there.
Outside boxing, one of his favorite things to study is chemistry! Most people think he's stupid because he's a super jolly guy, but he's quite the opposite. He'll often sneak into the lab and play around with what the scientists he works with are currently working on. He's actually the reason why his magic soda even works! A pinch of phosphorus here and a few drops of magically altered chocolate there, throw in some carbonation and boom! (Of course, he keeps this a very guarded secret- he doesn't want his managers knowing how smart he actually is)
His career is funded by the Russian government. As such, Soda has a LOT of pressure on his back to maintain a high status in the wvba. He's watched and controlled very heavily- not allowed to hold a job outside of boxing, see his family unless under certain circumstances or even go to a doctor that isn't government assigned. Soda hopes to gather the strength to seek asylum in the us one day and have his manager's abuse properly punished.
Despite his troubles, he tries to keep his head high and a smile on his face. Hope is something he always has on hand and his determination towards a better future for himself and his family is an endless well.
Reads people like books. He is incredibly empathetic and compassionate and the kind of guy always willing to lend an ear and a fist to those who need it.
He's terrified of any animal smaller than the average housecat. It used to just be rodents but for some reason the phobia expanded to small animals in general.
Dude is super outgoing, he makes friends everywhere he goes. It's genuinely quite hard for people to actually hate him because he's so earnest and sweet.
He can't cook for shit, mostly because he gets extremely excited and ends up burning his food or isn't careful enough to read the directions. With chemistry he's much more careful because toxic chemicals, but still. He does do good in mixing smoothies and (non alcoholic) drinks, and basic sweets like rootbeer floats in general, though.
He has a great taste for flavor mixing despite his poor cooking skills- all of his sodas taste very weird and very good.
Crazy strong sweet tooth. This man cannot get enough sugar in his system, lmao.
Shit driver. Never put him behind the wheel ever.
Shit handwriting. He's about 90% sure he has dysgraphia.
"Winter is a concept." - Ivan Valentinovich 'Soda Popinski' Polyanski, moments before stepping into a blizzard. (Seriously, this man just doesn't get cold.)
Russian orthodox... but very unorthodox (HA) about it. He's amazingly tolerant of other religions and belief systems and super open minded and protective of minority religions. Proselytizing grosses him out and he refuses to do it ever. He's also very anti-homophobic/transphobic and pro queer rights and protections (Being not straight himself). He loves listening to the rest of the world circuit talk about their religious beliefs and very eager to learn about them to be a better friend. He visits the mosque Bull goes to and works at with him quite a bit, the atmosphere is very calming and peaceful to him.
He shaves his head because he finds it more practical. His hair is quite dense, fluffy and coily and Soda doesn't have the time, energy or knowledge to figure out how to take care of it. He thinks he looks better bald anyways. And he likes being twinsies with bull!!
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pegplunkett · 2 years
jeb can have a little bj. as a treat. (this is @gorillaprutt’s fault btw)
ao3 link here
in the back row 🎃
pairing: jeb x OG val
word count: 1368
rating: what, are you new here?
more jeb and val: long hot summer
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The night was crisp and leaves crunched under her boots as Val readjusted her scarf and pulled her coat tighter around herself. Despite the chill in the air, she loved this time of year. The gradients of orange and brown in the trees, the excitement for Halloween, hot chocolate and sweaters, there was a lot to be said for summer but fall had her heart. And it wasn't the only thing that did. She smiled when she thought back to Jeb’s face when she had suggested tonight’s date.
“The Texas… Chainsaw… Massacre?” he’d asked, looking less convinced with every word.
"It'll be fun, I promise!" she'd insisted.
It was a late showing in a theatre a few towns over. Val had taken the bus because she wanted to check out some of the local bookshops beforehand and Jeb was going to meet her outside the theatre. As she rounded the corner, she could see his silhouette under the marquee lights, his breath misting in the air. Long coat and broad shoulders, he’d be an imposing figure if you’d never met him before. But as Val well knew, Jeb Magruder was about as imposing as a Pomeranian. 
“Hello, handsome,” Val grinned, reaching up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek. “You ready?”
“Nope.” He was smiling but his big blue eyes gave him away every time. All the same, he held up two tickets in front of her. "I still don't know how you talked me into this," he muttered.
Val squeezed his shoulder. “I'm very persuasive. And you’re being very brave,” she intoned seriously. She linked her arm in his and beamed up at him as they walked through the doors into the foyer, enveloped by the smell of tobacco mingled with melted butter. 
Popcorn and drinks in hand, Val steered Jeb to the back row of the theatre when they walked into the darkened room, lit erratically by a trailer on the screen for a black and white comedy about Frankenstein. They settled into their seats and had the entire row to themselves. There was a scattering of people further down, but overall it seemed like a quiet enough screening.
A while later, Leatherface was terrorising poor blonde Sally and while Val was having a blast, squealing at every scare, Jeb’s face was a picture of misery. Oh no, Val thought to herself as Jeb flinched at another loud noise. She wanted him to have fun and thought he might get into it, but Jeb's forehead, lit by a stripe of silver, was creased with dismay. Taking pity on him, Val reached over and squeezed his hand and Jeb almost jumped out of his skin, looking over at her in terror. 
“Aw honey,” she whispered, suppressing a laugh. This wouldn't do, she wanted him to enjoy himself. An idea occurred to her. “Here, let me distract you.” 
Val unbuttoned the front of her shirt halfway down, revealing the lace bra underneath. Jeb looked even more terrified than before, if it was possible, clearly panicking that someone might see. But the only other people in the theatre were several rows ahead of them and everyone was glued to the movie anyway. 
Val shifted in her seat and turned to face Jeb, giving him a better view of her full breasts, illuminated by the screen and half hidden in red lace. His mouth fell open when she reached across to his lap and pressed down on the hardening bulge she knew she’d find there. 
“Val, I don't thi-” She put a finger to her lips and his mouth dutifully snapped shut. Slowly and quietly, Val unbuckled his belt and tugged the front of his trousers open. He was about to say something again, and Val leaned over to whisper in his ear. 
“Just close your eyes, baby.”
Glancing around to make sure no one was looking, Val slipped out of her seat and onto her knees in front of Jeb. The floor was sticky with spilled Coca Cola - at least that’s what she hoped it was - but really she didn’t care, not when she could feel him hardening under her touch like this. Her fingers slid around his dick and she gently released him from his clothes, sliding her hand up and down the shaft once, twice, Jeb gasping quietly each time. 
What was she doing? Oh Jesus, right here? In a movie theatre? With other people around? Jeb swallowed and tried to fight the panic rising through him. He gripped the armrests of his chair, his knuckles white, and watched as Val leaned forward, her hand so warm on his cock, her beautiful eyes looking up at him, gleaming in the half-light. When her full lips parted and her tongue slowly licked a teasing circle around his glistening tip, Jeb exhaled shakily, his eyes riveted on her. As he did his best not to make any noise, arousal bloomed from low in his gut, desire overtook all his senses, and the realisation dawned on Jeb that his panic was actually excitement. Anyone could turn around and see what they were doing. Someone could walk in right now and they'd see this gorgeous woman on her knees with his dick in her mouth. And oh fuck, she felt so good.
He watched Val in amazement as she wrapped her lips around his cock and slowly sank down along his length. He knew his mouth was wordlessly opening and closing and that he must look ridiculous, but that mouth of hers, God that mouth of hers. She did things to him he never even thought possible and she let him, no, encouraged him, to do the most unbelievable things to her. Val was a kaleidoscope of soft curves, quick wit and auburn hair and that mouth of hers had changed his life in more ways than one. But right now, Jeb would have struggled to recall his own name, let alone the title of the movie they were there to see as Val’s mouth, so hot and wet, took his cock. Her hand gripped the base with a pressure that made Jeb’s head spin. One of his hands hovered over her head as it bobbed up and down, some primal urge to grab her hair had unfurled in him and he didn't dare give in to it because fuck, what if she stopped? Val must have noticed his hand in mid-air, as she grabbed it with her own and pushed his fingers into her thick hair. Jeb gripped a fistful, and Val looked at him with such undisguised lust, he felt his jagged nerves unspool as he surrendered to sensation. The entire world had dropped away and fucking Val's mouth was the only thing he knew. As she stroked him with increasing speed and her tongue flicked out as she licked and sucked his reddened, throbbing cock, Jeb could feel himself reaching breaking point.
God, she loved it when he looked dishevelled like this, his eyes bright with lust and a slight sheen of sweat above the curve of his Cupid’s bow. He was rock hard in her mouth and Val could feel herself getting wet, it just turned her on so much when he looked at her this way. They were going to have to pull over on the ride home so he could fuck her in the car, that much was certain. She worked him faster and sucked harder, every quiet gasp she pulled from his lips spurring her on. Until finally, Jeb’s hips bucked upwards and he spilled in her mouth, his cock pulsing as he emptied into her. Val swallowed and licked her lips for extra effect, before neatly tucking him back into his underwear, her touch still causing Jeb to twitch where he sat. She buttoned up her blouse and slipped into her seat, daintily taking a sip of her Coke as if nothing had happened. Jeb looked over at her, his eyes glassy and his pants still undone as the credits rolled.
They never did find out how that movie ended. 
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faetaiity · 1 year
can you write about the red one eating a burger (lettuce, no tomatoes, there’s also onions and ketchup and mustard and cheese) and fries(ketchup as a sauce) with a coca cola as a drink with no ice he also should have chicken nuggets as a side order with barbecue sauce
I'm fucking shitting myself laughing, Eighth, what the fuck is this monstrocity
Also, wtf dym 'red one' his name is raph since now I know ur talking about him and not red guy from DHMIS, you sad excuse of a drunk new york sewer rat
btw ur days r numbered now that I know ur tumblr
watch ur back, whore. /lh Onto this clusterfuck that my friend wants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Raph pulls up into the Mcdonalds drive thru in the turtle tank
"Can I get a..... uhhhhhhh....." he trails off, forgetting what he wanted to eat until like two minutes later
"Can I get a Burger, Lettuce, Onions, Ketchup, Mustard and Cheese, no tomatoes, a large fry, Chicken nuggets with BARBECUE SAUCE, and a coca cola with no ice" he says
"Pull up, hoe" a voice eerily similar to Leo says
He pulls up and takes the food, driving away before he paid
He committed thievery of food
He went into an alleyway, ate the food like some starving rat, and a few days later died of food poisoning
Because Meat Sweats wanted revenge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What was happening while I was writing this horrible clusterfuck
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floplvl · 2 years
I can’t believe I almost stayed home today (i knowww, boring bitch) just because I was so depressed over failing antology and physiolgy for the second time even though I studied this time! I was still in bed at 15 and hadn’t even hit the showers yet. Then I tried hyping myself up ’heyyy, you’ll go on your first-ever-sitz, that’s exciting’. It lastly boiled down to the fact that I paid for my ticket already, so I hopped in the shower and got ready.
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Oh, man, it was so much fun!
I got a great table with one Swedish boy named Rob, and a Fin-Swe nicknamed ’Jesus’, and then three Germans (and then the rest, but they weren’t sitting within earshot). We ate some yucky food and sang some really bad songs and then we cheered every few moments and took a sip of our drinks (i drank pepsi and coca cola) and played fun games (btw, I flipped the cup on my first try!)
Cell phones were not allowed and were punishable if caught
So we couldn’t take any pictures. But on one of the breaks ’Jesus’ asked a tutor to take a picture of him and me, but the tutow thought we wanted a selfie with him. It’s the only picture I have from the night so here you go:
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I was so happy, because a lot of people wanted to shake my hand and introduce themselves to me and they were really impressed that I stayed sober, and told me it wasn’t noticeable ’cause I was still outgoing and fun. Yes, i am bragging, because I feel PROUD that awkward, shy, anxious little me has come out of her shell 😉
Jesus even said:
’Wow, you don’t drink, you don’t smoke, you don’t use social media - you have your shit together. That’s an inspiration, actually.’
if he only knew i went through rehab to get here … jk!
Whereas I jokingly said it looks like I’m taking over the Jesus role from him.
This events’ overall mark
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Anywaaay, someone said I look like young Salma Hayek (latin actress) , what do you think?
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astrochemstry · 3 years
Heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy how are u? Can i please have some headcanons for the main four eddsworld boys with a reader that drink a lot of coffee with no sugar? Thank you!
Hello anon!! Doing good and Thank you for requesting :D this is an interesting request huhu
This can be interpreted as romantic and platonic
Gender neutral reader
This guy loves cola
Su ga r
And if hes drinking coffee, it hAS to have sugar
“How do you drink that???? Why?? whY?? How?” “with a cup and swallowing it”
Hes okay with it but just intimidated as hell
Especially since you keep drinking it a lot
“Im just concerned Tom, what if they die from all that Coffee?” “You drink Cola everyday- now find the answer.”
He makes coffee puns btw
“Hey! You better stop drinking a latte-” “oh theres a cup of coffee! Where has it bean your whole life?”
He even got Matt into it lmao
“Edd, we’re going to the mall-” “I can’t fully espresso my excitement!” “oh my god.”
He once broke your coffee maker and managed to buy another one
“Hey (Name)-” “Look, Edd, i don't-”
And then you see him holding the box for the coffee maker and a coffee in his other hand
“I made a pot of coffee, espresso-ly for you.”
What a dork
Ah the ginger bread man
bro is terrified of coffee
If you thought Tord just punched him
Not on purpose tho
Matt and Edd tried to scare him and he was drinking Coffee so
He does think its bad for you to drink A LOT of coffee
“(naaaaaameee) stoooooop!! That coffee is distracting you from my beautiful face!!”
Uh he tried it once actually
When he got zapped by that gun which makes u forget?
He saw ur coffee and went “oH????”
He uh didnt know how to make coffee with the coffee maker
So he just drank yours
Hes runNing around hES up the rooftoP HE brOke ur coffee maker and probably at Eduardo’s house now
In the end he swore to never drink coffee again
He woke up at a dumpsite after he didnt feel so energetic
But i mean he can be unaware sometimes and he doesnt even realize hes drinking your coffee
He wonders why theres ‘mud stains’ on his face after he leaves the kitchen
But deep down, somewhere,
He knows.
Ehh hes just neutral about it? but
Concerned tho abt u drinking coffee a lot
Very concerned
“Im just concerned, Edd. I don't want them to die after some- coffee crash-” “Ok- didnt i talk to you about this before? Also you drink smirnoff all the time.” “Touche.”
Hes the one hiding the coffee from u whenever it gets too much
Tried to hide the coffee maker, broke it but managed to get away with it actually
But felt guilty and did tell the truth to you
Tord drinks coffee too and youre coffee buddies and hes uh
“Stay away from this guy hes dangerous” “we’re literally drinking coffee?”
Yeah not after The end
I mean it could be expected he hates the coffee bcs Tord drinks it too buuuuut
that aint gonna stop him from trying new things just bcs some guy he hates drinks it too, hes a mature guy
Hes tried it before and he drinks it only when hes feeling tired
Vv tired and stuff
One time Edd got everyone (except Matt) to drink coffee with sugar
Actually i mean mixing it with his Cola
Tord didnt like it, tasted weird but he felt REALLY energetic
Though the aftermath wasnt so good
Edd, of course, loved it but said “still not better than the real thing.”
And actually Tom likes it too
“Not like smirnoff buut, its good.”
He actually drinks with you from time to time since Tord went off
Hes pretty chill abt it tbh and sometimes forgets you drink a lot
Like the last three, concerned but
Hes just yolo, your life, your problems, your pain tbh
He drinks coffee
Not that much like everyday
I mean when he was still livin with the guys
But since he left and went around to make some thing
He stays up a lot to finish a project
So he needs coffee to energize the fuck outta him
Though it doesnt affect him that much now, cant be energized with something hes tasted for like 365 days and 2 years
So before he went away
You guys drank coffee together
Like you and him will get out of your rooms and make coffee
“Tired?” “very.”
And yk just chat about stuff
Pretty chill stuff until you get close
Bro starts making challenges
Even worse than cola in coffee
“I think i can sneeze the coffee out of my nose- hey lets try it whoever does it fir-” “oh my god”
Actually he started selling some of them using your coffee maker
Managed to make a couple of cash
But he broke it
Yes all 4 of them broke your coffee maker equally
He used his recently gained money for it lmao :’)
Actually you don't see him much with coffee
Most of the time he drinks it inside his room or at early mornings
He invites u to hang out tho
Coffee and bird watching
Until he shoots one
Pretty good shot tho
oK so he leaves the gang to pursue a dream
You guys keep in contact through skype, zoom whatever app you wanna use lol
You guys just drink coffee with cameras on while working on stuff
And having a convo
“Hows the gang?” “same old same old, what about you?” “eh, been alright.”
And uh after The end, bro still drinks it
But it aint making him energized
Oh boy does he wish he didnt ban cola
Overall, very chill with the coffee and he doesnt drink it with sugar either
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uinuvien · 2 years
Now that I have learned I have ADHD and gotten it diagnosed (thanks to Teen Wolf fics, btw) it has kinda started to bother me when people write Stiles as having ADHD and taking Adderall AND drink coffee AND be just fine.
Yeah, I take Conserta, not Adderall, but as far as I can tell, the same thing happens with both if drinking coffee and you know what that is?
"I have accidentally driven myself to meltdowns with a nice cup of latte" levels of anxiety.
Drinking coffee while medicated for ADHD can also make you jittery, and some people actually get this right (accidentally or not), but I have also seen Stiles written to have that reaction to Adderall alone, which would indicate that he doesn't actually have ADHD (I saw a theory sometime ago that he actually has childhood PTSD misdiagnosed as ADHD and I think that was a very good point)
Also, while not everyone with ADHD react to caffeine the same way, it's really common that caffeine and other stimulants can make us tired and sleepy and it can also be used as a "stabilizer". I have accidentally and intentionally made myself fall asleep with energy drinks more than once when I misjudged the amount, but I have also managed to stabilize myself when I was ricocheting between fatigue and vibrating out of my skin in 5 minute intervals and calm down anxiety. I got addicted to tea when I was 10 and later in cola which in a hindsight were my unconscious attempts at self-medicating. They didn't and still don't make myself not-tired but they make it bit easier to focus when not medicated.
This very poorly structured post was brought to you by me forgotting to take my meds this morning and trying to patch things up with caffeine (because taking my meds after certain points means I won't sleep that night) and kinda failing and also making a mistake couple days ago and forgotting to order decaf latte and needing to listen EDM music on high volume to counter the resulted anxiety that almost made me throw up ✌️
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