#hes never not looked good and that really upsets me
kittyfrisk9 · 15 hours
IdeaDpxDc—There are better ways to meet someone.
Note: Sorry, I don't know English, so please use a translator. I apologize if you don't get the idea.
Dead On Main. Soul mates.
"Exactly... what does this ring do?" The shining ring was still attached to his finger. This wouldn't worry him if it weren't for the fact that, with each passing minute, the ring emitted more light, and that can't be good.
The cult leader refused to speak. He wouldn't even look at him, seeming particularly attentive to the material the floor was made of. Very funny that now he was scared of him when, an hour ago, he was giving a very cliché speech about how humanity was doomed because it would summon the evil of evils.
It wasn't very smart of him to perform his summoning precisely in Gotham City, home of the Dark Knight.
Red Hood was getting impatient. He placed the hand without the ring on his weapon; if words didn't work, a real threat to his life would. And this didn't really break Bruce's 'no killing' rule because the gun was only loaded with rubber bullets. However, just as he was about to advance and shoot the guy, he saw Batman grab the leader's tunic collar and lift him up.
The man, of course, screamed in fear. "Speak, what does that ring do?" No jokes. Batman's voice was deeper than usual, showing that he was upset, no, rather angry.
Or worried, but Jason could never consider that possibility. For the moment, he was only surprised, although it didn't show through his helmet.
"I-I don't know," the leader replied. Poor guy, he seemed about to cry. Batman, not content, tightened his grip even more; he wasn't willing to tolerate a lie this time.
Red Robin raised an eyebrow. "You managed to gather a bunch of magical artifacts for your summoning and you don't know what they do?"
The man looked away. "No..." The rest of the cult members also looked away. Very brave and stupid of them to all agree to lie to the bats. Jason himself wanted to mock them, but the ring kept shining. He couldn't mock when the ring kept shining and he didn't know what it meant.
From the communications, Robin could be heard. "Tt, this wouldn't be happening if Hood hadn't put on the ring." Jason suppressed a growl.
"Kid, I didn't put on the ring. This thing stuck to me the moment I touched it." It was true. In the middle of the operation to stop the ritual, Jason had pulled the ring, which at that moment was a kind of necklace by the chain that ran through it, from a member who was wearing it. The ring in his hand began to glow and suddenly teleported to his ring finger, then stopped shining. It was when everything calmed down that the ring began to release a different, but constant light.
Approximately ten minutes have passed since then, he thought as he looked at the ring, ignoring all the magical stuff; it was actually a very simple ring. Suddenly, the ring began to blink.
Oh, no. That couldn't be good.
Batman, fed up with the leader's silence and his followers, threw the man meters ahead. "Oracle, call Zatanna now, we need more information about the ring," he ordered as he approached the man who was in pain from the fall. The guy, terrified by the violent aura of the Dark Knight, tried to retreat.
Finally, Nightwing stepped between the man and the brutal beating he would receive if he didn't speak.
"It's okay, B, calm down." With his hand on his father's shoulder, Dick tried to ease the atmosphere. "I understand your concern. We are all worried about what the ring might do to Hood. But we can't let fear and anger control us. Hood is important to all of us. He is our brother, your son. We can't lose our cool now. Let's call Wonder Woman. If no one wants to talk, she can help us with the lasso of truth."
Total silence. Jason didn't know what to say; he didn't think his family would react like this over a blinking ring. That is... he doesn't know. Suddenly, the ring's light began to blink faster.
Batman, after Nightwing's words and seeing the change in the ring, understood that he couldn't waste time with someone who wouldn't talk. "You're right, thank you Nightwing." Looking at the others, he said: "We need to act quickly, we don't know the effects the ring might have on Hood. We need to take him to the cave for a thorough analysis, no discussions." The last part he said looking at Jason. "Until then, don't try to take it off or use it."
Jason scoffed, as if he would.
"Oracle, you heard, call Diana. Red Robin and I will take care of the rest of the cult. Nightwing, take Red Hood to the cave." Batman began giving orders as he reached the leader and began dragging him towards the rest of his cult. The leader, in a failed attempt, tried to resist. "Agent A, please prepare a stretcher. Understood?"
Everyone nodded.
On the other hand, the touching speech and the strange family moment of the bats seemed to soften the heart of a girl from the cult, who in a whisper said: "The ring, nothing will happen to him." Although she spoke quietly, everyone present heard her.
The leader, panicking that the information would be revealed, exclaimed: "Catrina, shut up!" However, he was struck by Batman, who was already fed up with the guy.
"What do you have to say about the ring?" he asked.
The woman hesitated to speak. "We thought of using the ring to subdue the king of the dead and make him listen to our orders..." She paused, not knowing how to continue. "There is a real legend about the ring. A long time ago, a witch wanted to know who her soulmate was, so she created the ring. This allows one to be guided to their soulmate through the red thread. I think everyone already knows what the red thread is." Nervous, she looked around. Only Nightwing nodded, and that was enough for her to continue telling. "Well, the witch's red thread connected with a prince. Unfortunately for everyone, the prince was not happy that his soulmate was a witch. So he had her killed." The girl looked at her hands; that part of the story was sad. "The witch was angry, but still wanted her soulmate to accept her, so she rewrote the ring's original purpose. It was no longer something that united you with your soulmate, but now it was something that allowed you to subdue your soulmate... uh, this." She pointed to a book that was lying in a corner. "With another spell, in fact, it can be used to subdue anyone, even a king of the dead."
With the whole story already told, Red Robin asked: "So, what is the ring doing to Red Hood?"
"It's tracking his soulmate. I... didn't get to put the other spell on it. I could only activate the ring's primary function. Your brother will be fine."
That definitely changes things. Jason swore he could hear his heart beating. A soulmate, wow. He admits he's read many romance novels and maybe once dreamed of it, but for it to actually happen, wow.
Suddenly, the ring stopped blinking. Five seconds later, everyone saw a red thread shoot out from the ring's gem. It quickly moved in one direction, went through the wall, and kept going. The process was like a fishing rod when it catches a fish.
"Does this mean it already found its soulmate?" Red Robin asked. Astonished by the red thread, he tried to touch it but his hand went through it; apparently, the thread was intangible to anyone else.
"Yes," the cultist also seemed astonished.
Jason felt a look on him, turned, it was his brother. Oh no, not that look, he knew that smile; Dick would tease him so much in the coming days. For his part, Batman sighed in relief. Well, it wasn't such an extreme danger, but it was still dangerous. "Agent A, cancel the stretcher." He never imagined this would mean a soulmate case. "Oracle, don't cancel the call to Zatanna or Wonder Woman, we need to verify the information. We'll stay here until the police arrive."
How nice it would be if everything ended like that, right? With Dick joking with Jason, Tim analyzing the thread, Barbara laughing at the turn of events, Bruce relieved and Damian surprised. However, one must remember the story.
The witch changed the ring's original purpose. Unexpectedly, the thread began to retract, as if it had caught something. It did so so quickly that Jason grabbed his hand in pain. It was then that everyone had a bad feeling. The wall the thread had previously passed through suddenly exploded, the noise and dust alerting everyone, especially when once the chaos disappeared, something horrific could be seen.
An arm. A fucking arm. Apparently freshly torn from its owner. Oh, no. What did it do to his soulmate?
Somewhere else in the world, somewhere in the United States, Danny gasped in pain. What the hell? What was that? Ancients! Where is his arm?
Note: Sorry, I don't know English, so please use a translator. I apologize if you don't get the idea.
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biolumien · 2 days
to call home.
pt 4 to the samurai!hoshina fic. pt 3 is here.
notes: i will attempt to tie this up with a neat bow in pt 5... i forgot how frenetic multichapter fics can be... i much prefer the single stuff...!
samurai!soshiro hoshina x fem!reader definite descriptions of gore and blood word count: 1426
“for the last time, hoshina, i do not want to hear about your current wife problems,” gen narumi grumbles. “i cannot begin to tell you how fucking little i care.” he crosses his arms. “you’re here every single fucking day. i told you that we signed off on the alliance papers, right? it’s all in order? your wife’s the one that’s supposed to be going through those. she should be seeing right through your bullshit. i’m not your fucking friend.” 
“please,” hoshina says. “it’s not like i have anyone else to talk to about this.”
“talk to the the old man,” gen deadpans. “what was his name… hibino? the blacksmith?” 
“he’s madly in love with ashiro and is of little help to me,” hoshina replies flatly. 
“ugh.” gen rolls his eyes, leaning forward. the front of his kimono slips a bit, revealing more of his chest as he leans against the table. “so what the hell’s the issue now?” 
hoshina sighs. 
“we sparred the other day. she seemed upset,” hoshina says. “i just wish she’d tell me what she was actually thinking instead of just… staring at me like that.” that look that you give him, where it seems like you want to rip out his stomach and devour it whole. that look that you give him, where you so clearly just—want him dead, more than anything. 
“did you do something to piss her off?” gen asks. 
“no. i just…” hoshina worries his lip. “we haven’t even really done anything.”
“not even sleep together?”
“no, that we did. because we had to,” hoshina says. 
“ugh. of course you can make even the act of sleeping with someone sound dastardly unsexy and so fucking boring,” gen yawns. “what’s the problem, anyhow? we don’t marry for love. it’s duty. i thought you knew better than to believe in childish notions about true love.”
“i believe in true love as much as the next person,” hoshina says, “which is to say that i don’t. not in this life. not in the next.”
gen rolls his eyes. 
“why don’t you just talk to her?” gen asks, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. hoshina supposes that it is, but something about gen saying it to him filled him with some kind of petty rage.
“i’m glad that you seem to think it’s so simple,” hoshina states flatly. “given that you don’t have a wife yet–”
“just can’t keep your mouth shut, huh?” gen’s glare was unimpressed, his hand lowering to the wakizashi at his side. “get out of here before i stab you.”
“ouch, so prickly,” hoshina sneers, but gets up anyway. 
gen stares up at hoshina, yawning inelegantly. 
“i think instead of pussyfooting around this whole thing with your wife you ought to talk to her, quite frankly speaking, about the kind of relationship you want with her. that’s my advice.” 
“hm. that might sound good coming out of anyone else’s mouth but yours,” hoshina says with a leering smile, but the longer he thinks about it, the more gen seems to be right. he’d never truly tried to get to know you, right? nights spent in his own quarters were usually quiet—because he’d always attempted to respect your privacy to the best of his ability. 
you’d wanted nothing to do with him, after all—you barely even mentioned the night you spent together. was he really so clear and obvious in the ways he tried desperately to avoid conflict?
probably, now that he thought about it. 
as he settles down for the night, though, something doesn’t feel quite right. he chalks it up to simpler paranoias at first—general anxieties and unrest, the way you’d stared at him during dinner, with a stare so vicious it could kill on its own—up until he hears a bloodcurdling scream.
he bolts out of bed immediately, snatching up his wakizashi and katana, storming towards the source of the noise before he hears the clashing of blades—or a singular crack of one. 
hoshina watches as you cleave an assassin by the neck with a sweep of your naginata, blood splattering across your kimono as you heave out a low breath. as he approaches, you raise your naginata in sudden alarm before lowering your blade. 
“shinobi,” you say, sharply exhaling.
“so it appears,” hoshina says, drawing his katana, stepping behind you with his sword raised in a ready stance. “are you hurt?”
“clearly not,” you say, voice cold even now. “they breached the maids’ quarters. seems like they thought i’d have switched rooms or something out of paranoia.” you level your naginata, adjusting the sleeve of your kimono as you slam the blade into the wall, with an accompanying thud from another assassin.
“a bad actor, you’re saying?” hoshina’s eyes glance across the darkened hallway, his ears straining for any possible sound. he thinks he hears the thudding of footsteps somewhere close, and he raises his sword defensively. “from within the house?” 
“i don’t know,” you respond. “this could just be your family’s enemies. representatives from the narumi clan?” 
“doubtful,” hoshina says. gen wouldn’t be that stupid. “my talks have been going well.”
“well clearly, someone’s fucked up somewhere,” you shout back at him. he wonders why you look beautiful in this moment, blood staining your white kimono and across your face—and then your eyes widen in panic, your lips parting to let out a shout. “soshiro, behind!” 
he whirls around, his blade sinking into the chest of a faceless attacker—he feels the sinking of his blade into the flesh, and he grits his teeth. 
“you saved my life,” hoshina says, not turning to face you. 
“you’re welcome, jackass,” you respond. “keep your eyes and ears open. i’ll fucking kill them all.” 
hoshina laughs. the venom in your voice, usually targeted at him, now freely dished out to your aggressors was a terrifying sound and sight. he thanked the gods at least that he wasn’t your enemy—at least for the moment. 
the house was in disarray—screaming punctuated with the sound of blades, and the darkness made it hard to tell what was really going on, shadows mixed with dark shapes creating an inky blur of sound and physical sensation—but he could carve a path of bodies through it, coat the ground with enough viscera that there would be less sounds of clashing blades. 
as his blade finds the neck of another assassin, hoshina exhales. 
is it over? hoshina wonders. he strains his hearing for the moment, hearing no more footsteps. and yet the air is abuzz with energy–and something doesn’t feel right.
though, he amended, it hadn’t felt right since he’d gotten ready to go to bed. there was terrible unrest. something in the air.
“it’s over, i think,” hoshina says warily, still keeping his sword drawn.
“maybe,” you say, your voice terse.
hoshina leans down, examining one of the bodies, trying to look for an insignia, anything–but the assassins knew better. they bore no symbols of other houses, their weapons nondescript.
and then he hears you shout, and he turns to see you gritting your teeth as you swing your naginata at the same time as the final assassin’s blade connected with your side, having been knocked slightly askew–
you’d saved him.
hoshina moves on instinct as you collapse to the ground, gasping in uneasy pain, trying to hold your side, pulling away to find your hand and sleeve coated with blood. his sword finding the assassin’s stomach–it wasn’t an elegant cut by any means, and he grimaced at the sound of ripping flesh, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care as he rushed to your side, just trying to take in the sight of your blood spilling against the floor.
you cough.
“soshiro,” you whisper, looking up at him. “am i going to die?”
“no,” hoshina says, but the truth is he’s really not sure. he checks your wound–it’s deep, but if a doctor could stem the bleeding, there’d be a chance you might live. “that was stupid of you, you know. you didn’t have to do that.”
you cough, laughing weakly as you press your hand against your side. he pulls you up, holding your head in his arm.
“it’s my duty as your wife,” you say.
“you don’t have to do it if you don’t love me,” hoshina replies softly. your eyes flick to his face, narrow a little before you look away.
“it’s a shame that i think i do,” you say, and there’s not even a shred of resentment in your voice.  
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scoonsalicious · 3 days
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10.4 Major
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, alcohol consumption, drunkenness, brief mentions of sexual situations.
Word Count: 3.6k
Previously On...: Bucky ran to Lily for comfort after running out on you. Despite her best efforts, Bucky realized he done fucked up, A-aron.
A/N: Sorry for the delay. Everything but this and all of you is shit right now, lol.
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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After Bucky had stormed out of The WarZone that evening, you had tried to call him. Dozens of times. At first, he’d declined the calls, but soon, they went straight to voicemail, and you knew he had turned off his phone. Either that, or he’d blocked you. 
You knew he would be upset when he saw the contents of that envelope, but for him to make those accusations of you, and then to run away without even giving you an opportunity to speak or explain yourself? To say you were pissed off would be an understatement. So, you did the one thing that came to your mind as a way of dealing with the pain and frustration you were feeling: you went home and drank.
You’d been obsessively staring at her phone screen as you put back glass after glass of wine, willing Bucky to call you and apologize, to text asking for your side of the story, for anything, really, but after hours of his silence, you finally had enough and composed a single message to him:
>> When you’re done with your temper tantrum and want to talk like a grown up, you know where to find me.
Probably not the most mature thing you could have done, but you had been drinking, after all. Besides, it’s not like it had mattered; he’d never answered, anyway. You’d probably never hear from him again. That thought, amplified by the alcohol, had sent you down a dark tunnel of tears and ugly sobs. You honestly couldn’t remember ever crying this much over a man– not even when you’d found out about Connor’s affair, and you’d been married for nearly a decade; no, that had felt more like a relief, like finally having an answer to a question that had been stumping you for ages. But now, here you were, a blubbering mess over a man you hadn’t even known for a full week. 
You weren’t sure what hurt the most about it: the fact that he thought you went looking for that information, the words he’d said to you, or the way he ran out without even hearing your side of things. You didn’t even have the bandwidth to consider the betrayal of him going through your private papers.
There had just been so much potential with Bucky. So much promise. It could have been something beautiful and amazing, and now, it was over before it had even had a chance to really begin. And that just made you sad. Sad, and lonely. Maybe you’d finally get yourself a cat. Yeah, that seemed like a good idea. Perhaps it was finally time to embrace your destiny as a spinster cat lady, just like your mother had always threatened since your divorce. Why fight the inevitable?
A soft knock at your door took you out of your depression spiral. You quickly glanced at your clock– 10:45 pm. Far too late for a social call. Most likely, your nextdoor neighbor, Jeremy, had locked himself out of his apartment and wanted to hang out at yours until maintenance came by with the master key, again. 
Wiping the tears from your eyes, you made a move to stand, but the alcohol sent a wave of dizziness through your system and you almost fell stumbling back down to the couch. This time, you moved more slowly, holding on to furniture for support as you shuffled toward the front door. When you made it about half way, you heard a voice from the hallway that definitely did not belong to Jeremy. You froze.
“Sugar? Are you there? Will you open up, please?” 
Shit. What the fuck was Bucky doing here? You couldn’t possibly talk to him right now– your face was an absolute mess from crying and you were still so drunk. And what if he was still angry? 
You considered your next course of action. Opening the door was a no go– any conversation could only end in disaster. For the same reason, you couldn’t try to talk to him through the door. Knowing the effect he had on you, it would probably only be a few minutes before you were letting him in, begging him to fuck you. No, the best thing to do would be to retreat to your bedroom and hide until he went away. Maybe he would just assume you weren’t home.
Yes, that was the way to do it. To your wine-soaked brain, this seemed entirely logical.  You turned to head back into your bedroom, but you missed-stepped and banged your shin into one of your end tables.
“Fuck,” you hissed in pain, trying to keep your voice down as you rubbed what would no doubt become a spectacular bruise.
“Doll?” Bucky called from the hallway. “I know you’re in there. I just heard you. Please let me in. I just want to talk to you.”
Damn it. 
Without another thought, you hightailed it back into your bedroom, throwing yourself under the covers. Just hearing the sound of his voice through the door brought back the memory of his tirade from earlier in the day, and the words he’d spoken to you:
“You wanna know how many people I killed that didn’t make it into those files, because I promise you, sugar, there’s a hell of a lot. You want to know about the time Hydra sent me to kill an ambassador, told me to leave no witnesses, and I took out his wife and his two kids, too? ‘Cause they couldn’t have been more than ten years old. That kind of thing get you off, doll?”
The rage in his voice had been palpable, and if you were being honest, it had scared you. Not the rage, itself. You knew he was capable of it. No, what had frightened you was how quickly he had turned that rage on to you.
The thought brought a fresh wave of tears, and before you knew it, you were crying yourself into a fitful, restless slumber.
There was an incessant pounding coming from the living room that echoed the pounding in your skull. Moaning, you rolled over and picked up your phone to glance at the time. 1:47am. The pounding persisted, and it took your now hungover brain a moment to realize someone was knocking on your front door. 
With a groan, you shoved your head under your pillow, hoping whoever was there would go the fuck away and leave you to die in peace. 
“Ms. (Y/L/N), it’s the NYPD; please open your door.” Well. That got your attention. Sitting bolt upright, you jumped out of bed and nearly tripped trying to get to the door in a hurry. 
You checked the peep hole, making sure it actually was one of New York’s finest, and opened the door. 
“Can I help you, officer?” you asked, leaning against the door frame.
The officer gave you the once over and smirked, and it was then you remembered you’d chosen a pair of boyshort panties and an off-the shoulder cropped Army t-shirt for your pajamas that night. With a scowl, you crossed your arms over  your chest. 
“Are you “(Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” the officer asked, obviously amused by your discomfort. 
“I am,” you nodded. “What is this about?”
“Do you know this man?” the officer stepped aside, revealing Bucky, who was standing sheepishly off to the side of the door where you hadn’t been able to see him at first.
“Hey, doll,” he said with a shameful half smile and small wave.
“One of your neighbors found him sleeping against your door and called us. He claims he’s your boyfriend and he was just waiting for you to let him in. Since he’s an Avenger, I figured I’d give him a chance to prove his story before I booked him for trespassing.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. You were far too hungover to be dealing with this right now. “He’s not my boyfriend,” you clarified, and you didn’t miss Bucky’s face falling at your words. “But we are dating.” You stood back from the doorframe, making some space. “Come inside,” you told him with an exasperated sigh.
Bucky gave the officer an “I told you so” smirk and shoulder checked him before going inside your condo. You rolled your eyes at the childish display of machismo. You thanked the officer and moved to close the door, but he put a hand out, preventing you from closing it.
“Are you going to be safe if I leave you alone with him?” he asked you in a low voice, all trace of his earlier smirk gone. “Do you have any reason to fear for your life?”
You couldn’t help it– you snorted in laughter. “God, no,” you said. Yes, Bucky’s anger had frightened you, but you couldn’t believe he would ever go so far as to actually hurt you. He just wasn’t that kind of man, right? “I promise you, officer, I’m perfectly safe with Mr. Barnes. I mean, he’s an Avenger.”
The officer nodded. “Just making sure, miss. My partner and I will stay in the area; if there’s any trouble, call 911 and we’ll be nearby.” You thanked him for his concern, but assured him it wouldn’t be needed. He tipped his cap to you and headed for the elevator. 
You closed the door and leaned against it with a sigh. You needed to get some liquid in you. Immediately. 
Without sparing a glance at Bucky, who was standing by your coffee table, studiously avoiding looking at you,  you made your way into the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water.
“Boyfriend, huh?” you said eventually, keeping your back to him as you ran the glass under your refrigerator’s water dispenser.
“Yeah… I wasn’t sure what to say to him to get him to let me stay,” he said, and his voice was closer now; you could tell he’d followed you to the kitchen.
“What are you doing here, Bucky?” you asked. You took a couple of sips from your glass before finally turning to face him. He looked… rough. His hair was disheveled, his clothes were wrinkled, and his eyes were red-rimmed, as though he, too, had spent some of the last several hours crying. 
Bucky swallowed thickly. “I came to apologize if you’ll let me,” he said, looking intently at your face. “Shit, sugar– have you been crying? Did I– fuck– I made you cry, didn’t I? I’m so sorry, doll.”
You let out a short bark of a laugh. Part of you wanted to throw your arms around him, bury your face into his shoulder, and never let him go, but what he had said to you earlier in the day was… well, it was horrendous and uncalled for, and you couldn’t, out of respect for yourself, just let it slide without some kind of explanation, and some real groveling.
“Explain yourself,” you said shortly, crossing your arms over your chest once again, as though putting a physical barrier between the two of you. 
Bucky swallowed and moved back toward your living room and began to pace. You followed, keeping a decent amount of distance between the two of you.
“I freaked out when I saw what was in that envelope,” he said. “As you no doubt know by now, I did a lot of shit, back when Hydra had me, that I’m not proud of. I’m… well, I guess you could say ‘sensitive about it’ would be an understatement. I carry a lot of guilt for what they made me do, and a lot of shame. Ever since I…” he paused, mulling over his word choice, “came back to myself, for good, I’ve been trying to make amends for all the harm I caused. To make things right. I know I can never erase all the pain I inflicted, bring back the people I killed, but I try to… to make things better. Where I can.”
He slumped down into one of your armchairs, a look of defeat crossing his handsome features. “It’s never going to be enough,” he sighed. “I know that. There are always going to be people who look at me, and only see the Soldier. No matter what I do, how much I atone, or how many lives I save, they’ll never see Bucky Barnes.”
“I told you from the beginning, Bucky,” you said, leaning against the wall that divided the living room from the kitchen, “it was obvious to me that you were blameless. A victim. And so, for you to accuse me of getting off on—”
“I know, sugar,” Bucky interrupted. He was looking up at you with sorrowful eyes. “I never should have accused you of that; I was an ass. I was…” he averted his eyes, embarrassed to admit this next part to you. “I was afraid.”
“Afraid.” You rolled the word around on your tongue. “Bucky, you’re a super soldier. A fucking Avenger. What the hell do you have to be afraid of?”
“I was afraid that if you saw the real me, what I had done, you’d run screaming in the other direction,” he admitted without looking back at you. “Or, that the only reason a dame like you could be interested in a guy like me was because you were attracted to the darkness. To the monster. That it wasn’t actually me you were into, but the Soldier.” He finally looked up at you in time to see the puzzled look you gave him.
“It happened before,” he said, voice low and shamed. “There was this girl– her name was Jessica– and I thought I was in love with her, you know? Thought maybe I’d finally found my person. Was gonna ask her to move in with me but, turns out she just had a thing for the Soldier. She got off on the violence of it.” He looked down at his vibranium hand, flexing and unflexing his fist. “The old one did so much damage. They had me use it to hurt so many innocent people, and then I found out she searched for Winter Soldier choke porn on my computer. This thing that had caused so much pain, brought me nightmares, that woke me up screaming at night, and it was her fucking kink.” 
He looked back up at you, eyes desperate and pleading. “I couldn’t stand to go through something like that again. Not with you, Major. Especially not with you. So, I panicked, and I was an ass, and I hurt you before you could explain, because I didn’t want to give you a chance to hurt me.”
You sighed and moved away from the wall. He was weakening your resolve to be pissed at him by the second. In fact, your heart was breaking for him. 
“And now I’ve ruined things between us,” he said, “before they even really had a chance to begin.” He leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am, and I understand if you don’t want to forgive me. I was awful. I just… I just want you to know that I’ll always look back on the time we spent together as some of the best days of my life.” He made a move to stand up, but you took a step toward him.
“Oh my god, sit down, you idiot.” You walked closer, putting both your hands on his shoulders and slowly moving down to straddle his lap, his hands slipping almost subconsciously to your waist. “I don’t know if this is going to come back to bite me in the ass or not, but I forgive you.” You draped your arms around his neck and softly kissed the corner of his mouth. “Were you dumb? Yes. Did you overreact and behave like a child? Yes.” He narrowed his eyes at you, but you just playfully wrinkled your nose at him. 
“But are your concerns understandable, after everything you’ve been through? Also, yes.” You began to toy with the short hairs at the nape of his neck. “Next time you find yourself feeling like that, or questioning my motives, please promise me that you’ll talk to me instead of yelling at me and icing me out, okay?”
“Yeah,” Bucky said, nodding profusely, “I can do that. I promise.”
“Good. Now, I feel this goes without saying, but I want to make sure we’re both on the same page, here,” you said to him. “ I did not seek out those documents. Someone sent them to me, anonymously. I didn’t tell you about them when I got them because I didn’t want to offend you or remind you of a past I know you don’t enjoy reminiscing about. I meant it when I said that I only want you to tell me if and when you’re ready, so I hadn’t done more than peruse the documents to get an idea of what they were and see if there were any hints as to where they came from. The only clue I have to the sender’s identity is a note where they wrote “Do you know who you’re fucking?” in black marker, but the letters are all blocky, so it’s not even like I can compare handwriting samples or something.”
Bucky’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “Oh, shit. Sugar, I’m so sorry. If someone is targeting you because of me…”
You blew out a raspberry and waved your hand dismissively. “I’m a big girl,” you told him. “I can take care of myself. I have a ton of guns and awards for marksmanship, so don’t worry about me.”
A corner of Bucky’s mouth tugged up. “That’s actually really hot,” he admitted. “Remind me to take you on a date to the shooting range sometime.”
You tried to bite back your grin, but failed miserably. “Cheeky of you to assume there’ll be more dates,” you teased him.
Bucky tightened his grip around your waist. “Are you saying there won’t be?” He looked genuinely concerned, and you didn’t want to tease him.
“That’s gonna depend on you, Bucky,” you told him. “I’m not Jessica, and I’m not going stand by and let you punish me for the ways she mistreated you. I can tell you right now: if you ever talk to me again the way you talked to me in my office, it will be the last time you ever talk to me, at all, do you understand?”
Bucky nodded. “I don’t want to lose you, Major,” he said, and you could feel the sincerity in every word; and you hoped that he would be true to his word. “I promise to never let my anger get the best of me and speak so disrespectfully to you ever again.”
You nodded, satisfied for now. “Good,” you said, standing up from his lap. “Then we can call it a night.”
Bucky rubbed his hands on his knees and stood up. “Uh, yeah,” he said. “I’ll, uh, just be heading back to the Compound, so…”
You tilted your head. “No. It’s late, Bucky. Come to bed.” You reached out a hand, and Bucky’s entire demeanor changed, his face lighting up with surprised, but cautious delight.
“Really?” he asked, as though he almost expected you to pull your hand away from him and tell him you were just joking. 
You shrugged your shoulders. “I missed you,” you said simply. And it was true– it had only been a few hours, really, since your fight, but you had missed him. You had seriously considered that the two of you might be over for good, and you didn’t want to waste an opportunity to be close to him. 
Bucky reached for your hand, pulling you into him in the process. You let out an ‘oof’ as you collided with his chest, but soon his arms were around you, the fingers of his flesh hand tangling in your hair. 
“I missed you, too,” he said, leaning down to kiss you, and you felt yourself melt into his hold, the rough skin of his calloused right hand dragging along the exposed skin of your hip, the cold metal of the left tracing delicate patterns up and down your side. You could forgive him practically anything when he kissed you like this.
“We should go to sleep,” you said, breathlessly pulling away from his lips, “before we get ourselves worked up into a situation.”
He followed you into your bedroom, and you did your best to not ogle him as he stripped down to his boxer briefs. The second he joined you under the covers, you scooted over to snuggle yourself against him.
“You said we can’t get each other off,” you reminded him as you burrowed your head against his hard chest and rested a hand on his ass. “You didn’t say I couldn’t cop a feel.”
Bucky chuckled, wrapping his arms around you, and you could hear the rumble of it through his skin. “Yeah, that’s definitely a loop hole, sugar,” he said. He kissed the top of your head and rested his cheek against it. Slotting his knee between your thighs, the two of you fit together like perfect puzzle pieces. 
“Goodnight, Bucky,” you said, trying to fight off a yawn.
“Goodnight, doll,” he replied, running his hands up and down your back. “Thank you for giving me a second chance. I promise, you won’t regret it.”
As you drifted off to the sound of his heartbeat, you couldn’t help but hope he was right.
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Love Game 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your fiance suggests incorporating roleplay in the bedroom to keep the spark alive, but playing pretend turns out to be all too real.
Characters: Andy Barber, Lloyd Hansen
Note: I did this because I could.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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'You ready?' 
A tingle accompanies the text. Your stomach tosses and turns at the thought. You think you're ready. As ready as you can be. It's all so new to you. 
You hover your finger over the automated reply suggested by the OS. You tap on 'yes', too shaky to type it yourself. You're not scared, just nervous. 
When Andy first brought up the idea, you laughed. It was so absurd. Silly really. 
You remember how the look he gave you was like hands on your throat. The hurt with an edge of agitation strangled away your laughter. You apologised and asked him if you heard him right. Then he explained and it made sense. Kind of. 
'If we're going to get married, we need to keep the flame alive,' your fiance said as you stirred the contents of a pan with a spatula. 'Trust me, I know. A dead bedroom can kill everything else.' 
You frown at the memory. You hate when he mentions his first wife. He's engaged to you now. You're not her. Besides, things are pretty good. That's why you laughed. There was nothing bland to spice up. At least, you hadn't thought so. 
'You know the plan?' He texts. Always thorough, if not persistent. 
'I think' you type as you squeeze your phone tighter then think better of the reply. You backspace. Remember the plan. 'Yes, sir.' 
You blow out between your lip and put the phone on the counter. You look in the mirror and pick up the bottle of moisturizer, smearing it over your face. Half the day you've spent prepping yourself. Everything has to be perfect. Andy is always certain of that. 
You snap the cap shut and peruse the rest of the basket. He thought of everything. New soaps, wax, perfume, and all sorts of goodies. You didn't need it all but he insisted. 
Everything about Andy Barber is pristine and tidy. His house not least of his carefully curated existence. So it is that you often feel as if you don't quite fit it, even when he tells you the opposite. 
Your phone vibes and you look down at the screen as the notification flashes, 'good girl.' 
Your lashes bat and you giggle thinly. You've never done anything like this. You struggle to get a precise grip on the tweezers and have to still your hand with the other. This is wild! 
You rub your thighs together and strike hotter the flame of your anticipation. As much as the whole thing has you uncertain, it has you alight. You steady yourself and lean into the mirror, just a few stray hairs. It shouldn't matter, it'll be dark, right? 
Your phone goes again. You pull back and glance down. You trade the tweezers for the cell and press your lips together. 
'Did you find your surprise?' 
You look up and search your expression. Surprise? You lower your brow and peer around the bathroom. There's more? 
'Bedroom' his next message comes bluntly. 
You chew your lip and leave the mirror behind. You go down to the main bedroom and ease through the door. The room still smells of his cologne. The whole place is drenched in him, meanwhile most people wouldn't guess at a glance that you lived there too. 
You see it on the bed. White silk and lace. The lingerie is sheer enough that you may as well forego it. You near and touch the scalloped hem. You know it must be expensive, funny how so little fabric can be worth so much. 
You step back and take a picture. You send it to Andy and wait, your thumb between your teeth. He replies. 
'Put it on.' 
His blunt orders add to the thrum coursing through you already. It seems he's already in character. You need to get yourself together and do your part. 
'Yes, sir.' 
You set the phone on the corner of the mattress and trade your bathroom for the lingerie. The thong, while high-waisted has you on full display. Not ass, no crotch, just lace straps that trim your thighs and bottom. The top is an open teddy with cups that do nothing to censor your pert nipples. Just wearing it sends a thrill through you. 
You take the phone and return to the bathroom. You use the full-length mirror to frame your reflection with the lens. You snap a few pics and sift through for the best one. You hesitate before you tap the little arrow. You're a mess of paranoia and lust; you shouldn't send photos like this and yet you can't help yourself. 
You wait for his reply. Wait and wait and wait. You have to stop yourself from staring at the phone, knowing that your hyperfocus will only slow time. You cross to the counter and place the phone near the edge. 
Your attention is drawn to the sheer fabric acrosd your chest. You can't suppress the moan that leaks from you. You can feel how excited you already are but your eagerness might just get in the way of the whole thing. 
You sigh and the buzz draws you back from your anxiety. You read the message, almost disappointed. 
That's it. That's all he has to say. Was the pic not good enough? Is this part of the roleplay? You don't know. 
As ever, Andy has you guessing at what he really wants. Hopefully this time, you get it right. 
10:47pm. You’re wired. You’re trying to settle down. You have freshly laundered bedding and a glass of wine; all the perfect ingredients to lull you to sleep. That’s all you need to do. Fall asleep. 
Yet knowing what’s coming won’t let your mind stop. Ugh, your heart is racing again. You need to finish the wine. You push yourself up and have another gulp. You lay in the glow of your phone, a Get Ready With Me playing on low volume. Usually this all works. 
Not tonight. You’re too buzzy. Too frazzled. Too eager! 
You empty the glass and lay back down. You were generous, filling the wide body of the glass to the halfway point. At least two regular glasses worth.  
Your head meets the pillow and you start to feel it. The acidic burn spreads through your veins and you sink into the soft sheets. You turn your head to watch the small screen of your phone, vision slowly hazing as the contoured woman applies her lip liner expertly. 
Your eyelids cling and start to itch. Your heady is swishy, your tummy too, and your limbs weaken. It’s working. You try not to think too much about it, not wanting to counteract the alcohol with your self-awareness. 
You roll onto your side and drift into a half-conscious daze. Your brain swirls and your blood burns hot. Your breathing slows and piques only when your rouse, glancing at your phone as a new video plays. The time stamps into your vision; 11:25. 
You curl your shoulders inward, more tired than anxious now, and slip back into your tipsy stupour. The screen is just a glow on the other side of your eyelids and the audio a scratch in your ears. It fades beneath the even ebb and flow of your quiet snores. 
As the light fades out and the sound dwindles to nothing but the still of night, you wake again. Your eyes open to the darkness. You’re alone. Confused. 
You feel around on the bed for your phone. It must have timed out or the battery died. You don’t find it. Instead, your wrist is trapped in a strong grip and dragged away from the duvet. You gasp and remember what’s going on. It’s starting. He’s there. 
“Ah, ah,” comes the grizzled tut as your other arm is seized and your hands are brought together above your head. 
Andy’s shadowy figure straddles you, pinning you to the mattress as you squirm. You let out a squeak and he hushes you. You still and arch your back, trying to push your chest up. 
“Please, who are you?” You whine, doing your best to play into the scenario. “Please, my husband will be home soon--” 
He shushes you again, holding your wrists together as he leans back to reach behind him. You can hardly see through the dark and your foggy tipsiness. The curtains have been drawn, obscuring the room to fuzzy lines and pulsing shadows. 
He hooks something around your arm; a leather cuff, then secures your other wrist. He keeps your arms up and reaches behind the mattress. He attaches the wring between the cuffs to some unseen hook. Where did that come from? 
You writhe as he stares down at you. You squint back at him, trying to see through the dim. Something feels off. He’s so quiet and forceful. It must be part of the roleplay but it just doesn’t feel like him. He feels like a stranger. 
He backs off of you, peeling back the duvet to drop it on the floor. He prowls along the foot of the bed and you kick your feet, whimpering as you strain against the cuffs. You keep forgetting it’s a game. You have to play your part too. 
“Please, don’t hurt me,” you beg. 
There’s no answer. Andy continues to pace, back and forth, back and forth. He's really transformed. Where he would usually have his hands on his hips, he has them folded behind him, shoulders squared, his steps lighter. 
He stops and lets out a willowy rasp. He unzips his jacket, slipping off the sleeves slowly, deliberately. You lift your head as you try to see him clearer. Did he change? He must have dressed up too. 
Then he pulls his shirt over his head and huffs out again, a growl catching in his throat. He drops the shirt with his jacket and the duvet. Andy never leaves a garment outside the closet or hamper but this isn’t Andy, remember? This is an intruder! And you’re the helpless housewife. 
You nearly moan at the thought. Something about it is so hot even if it makes you a bit squidgy too. You tug again on your wrists as you hear his zipper slice through the din. 
“Please--” you beg. 
He kicks the footboard and the loud bang silences you. You can’t help the pathetic noise that trickles from your tongue and you swallow. He’s doing good. It feels so real. 
He continues to undress. Your heartbeat picks up as you wait for him to really start. He bends to pick something up then climbs over the footboard onto the bed. For a moment, you wince. His silhouette is slimmer. Or seems so. The difference is so minuscule it might be your wine-laced brain playing tricks. 
He catches your kicking feet and pushes your legs wide. He trails his hands up them, a piece of fabric tickling beneath his left palm, and firmly hooks them around him as he moves between them. He stops at your pelvis, his rigid length hovering over you. He stretches the black cloth across your eyes, blotting out what little sight you have. He knots the band behind your head and you gasp. 
He traces along your cheeks and your jawline, as if he can see you through the dark, as if he’s learning you by touch. His fingertips dance down your throat and across your shoulders. You feel fragile as he toys with the strap of the lingerie and feels along the flimsy cups, circling his thumbs around your nipples as they pebble beneath the sheer silk. 
He gropes you and growls. The noise is guttural and raw. It flutters into your core and has you twitching. He pushes his knees against your cunt, moving so the friction flurries in your clit. You babble and raise your chest, hungry for his touch. 
He flicks your nipples and his hands crawl onward, down your torso, doting on the soft flesh of your stomach, and framing your hips as he draws back on his knees. He snarls and bends over you, bowing as he grips you tightly. His nails dig into your skin and you whine as you feel his hot breath against your folds. 
He nuzzles along the edges of the panties, growling as he does, squeezing your harder, then at once, buries his nose in your cunt. He wiggles his head and drags the tip of his nose up over your clit and swipes his tongue up to further set you aflame. You moan and curve your back, planting your heels as you urge him on. 
He delves into you, lapping and licking, suckling and swirling. His arm reaches up and he kneads your chest, blindly pulling the lingerie under one tis. He pinches as you cry out and he rolls your clit between his teeth. You puff out shallow breaths, swept up in the sensations. 
This is so different. Unlike he’s ever been before. He’s almost feral in how he touches you, how he feels you, how it seems he wants to consume you. There’s something else different, something strange you can’t place.  
Did he shave? You can’t tell, It must be the wine. His cheeks feel bare against your thighs and yet you swear you feel that scratchy tickle against your cunt. You don’t think about it; it’s all too much to focus. 
You squeal as you cum, spasming into his face as he drinks up your orgasm. You’re heaving and hollow as he doesn’t let up. He laps at you until you’re begging him to stop. Until you’re quaking, nearly sobbing in overwrought pleasure. Until you have a second, a third, and a fourth. 
Your slickness smears over his face and across your thighs. As he parts, his breath is humid, and you can smell the sweet scent of your release. You shiver as he raises himself up and the bed jostles. He snarls and slaps your thighs, squeezing until you whimper. 
He shifts and slides a hand under your leg. He flips you onto your stomach so your arms twist and your face is buried in the pillow. You pant into the linen as he smacks your ass with both hands and growls as he fondles you. You murmur as his touch sends tendrils down your legs and up your back. 
He grips your hips once more and raises your ass. Oh my god. It’s only a few times you’ve done it like this, often Andy prefers you on your back. He says he likes to see you.  
He pulls you back against him, his length resting between your cheeks as he bends over you. He inhales the scent of your hair and snarls against your crown. He reaches down to feel between your legs, spreading your swollen cunt as he angles his hips. 
His tip slips down and he uses his fingertips to guide it to your entrance. You’re so wet he slips right in. He sounds just as surprised as he gasps. He sinks into your limit and you whine. He retracts his arm, hooking it around your neck, and thrusts. 
You squeal as he buries himself even deeper. He does it again; harder. It hurts. You croak and press your chin down into his arm. You feel a ripple of fear. His chest feels... bare. Andy has that trim of fur that you like to play with. Maybe he got rid of it? For the roleplay? 
He snaps his hips again, staying deep before slowly rearing back. He pauses, then bucks again. The impact of his pelvis on your ass is painful and he’s hitting your cervix. 
“Ow, Andy--” 
“Quiet,” he grits in a deep sneer and brings his other hand up to smother your mouth. 
He leans his weight on you, your neck and shoulders aching from the angle of your spine. He dips into you again, again, again. Each pause between grows shorter as he tilts into a full rut. The entire bed shakes with his motion. 
You squeeze your eyes shut and curl your fingers into your palms, the cuffs slowing your circulation. You huff into his hand as he continues his rampant fucking, skin slapping, bones aching. Harder, deeper, faster, until you’re delirious. 
“What’s your husband going to think when he comes home to his wife being fucked like a slut?” He rasps and nibbles your ear, “huh? How’s he gonna compare to this, baby? Your husband can’t fuck like me can he?”  
He taunts and you cringe. You don’t like it anymore. It’s not fun. You don’t want him to be this man. To be this rough and rude. You want him to be Andy. You try to say his name again but only taste the salt of his palm. 
“Keep your mouth shut, slut,” he sinks into his limit and stays there, his voice echoing in your head. His tone is just... off. “I’m not done with you yet.” 
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heaven444child · 1 day
Pick a pile
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which pile drawn your attention choose it and please take what resonates with you and leave the rest ✨🍀🫶💜
AND Read these readings mindfully 👻and if you want a personal reading then DM me✨🍀
Pile 1
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pile 1 You and your would-be spouse are getting out of a car 🚘 You are wearing a dark green dress 👘💚 When you and your would-be spouse both get out of the car, your husband gives you pink flowers 🌷 and you get very happy seeing those flowers 👱‍♀️ and you both are going inside together like a couple with your arms around each other 👫 and then your husband like a gentleman pulls back the chair for you so that you can sit on it 🤵 and then your would-be spouse is calling someone for the surprise he had planned for you 👋 but you feel something strange 🤨 You get worried that your husband is paying his attention to someone else other than you 🤣 due to which you get upset but when you come to know that he had planned a surprise for you only and then you get happy outside 🥹 and realize your mistake 👀 And you tell this to your husband that you felt that you were paying more attention to that waiter than me 😅 Then your husband smiles and tells you that it's okay but I am happy that you shared your feelings with me which were bothering you 🫠 Oh... your future life partner is very nice, really a gentleman 🤵
(I hope this reading resonates with you) ✨💕 Stay blessed 🫶❤️ AND thankyou for your support ✨🤝🍀😍
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Pile 2
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pile 2 Mostly you and your boyfriend will be working together at the same job 💕 I think you or your colleague will go on a date 🥰 I think you will be wearing a white top or dress 👰🏻‍♀️ I think your colleague will take you to a place where you both have never been before 😍 and you will feel like wow😲 this place is so beautiful🍀🪴 you will ask him why didn’t you bring me there before 👩 then your colleague says to you that then how will this place be special 😱 then you say “special” then your colleague says because if I had brought you here before then where would I have brought you on a date today 😜 and hearing this you start laughing ☺️ and you both enjoy a lot on your first date 🥰 you both click a lot of pictures of yourself 📸
(I hope this reading resonates with you) ✨💕 Stay blessed 🫶❤️ AND thankyou for your support ✨🤝🍀😍
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Pile 3
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pile 3 I feel like your first date will be such that your crush 🤵 will become your lover 🫅 🍀 I feel like your crush/lover will call you 📱 and when you pick up your crush/lover's phone, then your crush/lover tells you that I am sending you an address, please come there 📧 and when you go there, you have no idea that they have invited you for a date 🎏🎀 and I feel like you go wearing a red colored dress 👗❤️ and when you reach at that address, then your crush/lover sees you coming from the window 🪟 your crush/lover then starts setting his/her hair 👻🤭 and when you enter inside, then your crush/lover is unable to look anywhere else after seeing you 👀💕 and your crush/ Seeing you coming closer to them, the lover/ crush stands up from his seat 😁🫣 Your crush/lover also doesn't know why he starts feeling like this after seeing you 😱🤔 He feels that you have cast a spell on him 🔮 📿 Or you are so magical that he can't stop himself ❤️‍🔥 🫠 And when you look into their eyes, you wish that I wish you had invited me for a date today 🍀🩵 You have so much love and feelings for them in your heart 💖💓 And then you both greet each other 🙏🏼👋 And then your crush/lover asks you to sit 👩‍🦰🧑‍🦰 And when you sit on the chair, you ask him why have you invited me here 👀😏 Then your crush / lover asks you what happened to you 🧐 Are you in a bad mood ☹️ Then you say that there is nothing like that 😌 You feel good when they care for you 🥰👀 Your crush / lover tells you that you know everything that I date anyone but I don't feel the way I should 😐 You know that I am not getting the kind of relationship I want. That's why I haven't dated anyone for so long 😬 Because I was not getting any girl the way I want 🫨 Then you say hmm…. I know. 🙄So what do I say now 😑 Then your crush/lover asks you if you would like to date me 🫣 And when you hear that your crush/lover has asked you for a date 😳 And then you were drinking water or juice at that time 🍹🥤 And you get shocked at that time 😨And your crush/lover calls you taking your name and asks if you are okay? 😲 And he gives you a tissue and pats your back lovingly 👀 and you feel very good seeing that he cares for you 🥺🥰 and he says that you can take your time to think ⏰ and then give me your answer 🍀 then both of you are about to leave after finishing your dinner 👠 then your crush/lover tells you that he will drop you home 🚘 then you say no, I will go myself 🥰 but then he holds your hand and takes you to the car and opens the car door for you 👀 and you sit 🚘 and when both of you reach your home, your crush/lover gives you some gifts 🎏 these look like two tinydolls to me which he gives to you both 🎏 and you say while smiling 🤭 you keep one and I will keep the other one 🤭 and then you hug them 🫂and they hug you back 🫂 They will love it when you hug them 💖🍀 and then you both say bye to each other👋
(I hope this reading resonates with you) ✨💕 Stay blessed 🫶❤️ AND thankyou for your support ✨🤝🍀😍
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rapunzelbro · 1 day
Hi! Could you write an Angel Dust x Reader (Platonic) oneshot. Where the reader comforts him after his day with Valentino. And in return, he comforts them when their feeling sad
I find comfort in you…Angel x Reader
An: thank you so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy this. I accidentally made it longer haha. Enjoy it! Any feedback’s appreciated.
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Masterlist Taglist
If you had a penny for every time you comforted Angel after meeting him, you'd have a room full of pennies, and then some. Angel was super protective of others seeing his true feelings, he didn't want to have to risk the people he cared about getting hurt by being his friend, he didn’t want Valentino to find out by any means. He kept his guard up a lot around you when you first met him. But after time of just talking, he finally slowly started opening up to you, which led to him finding comfort in you.
The first time he came to you, he was a crying mess, you instantly rushed out of your bed wrapping your arms around him, he instantly did the same back. You gently hummed trying to soothe him the best you could. You never seen him like that before. Ever. You guided him to your bed, not letting your hand leave his side, he didn't want to let go quite yet. “Angel… Angel please look at me” you softly spoke, wiping his tears. He looked at you still a mess of emotions “Please just, try to copy my breathing” you said before taking some emphasized breaths, trying to get him to calm down. Thankfully it ended up working, averting his eyes to look at the light blue blanket that rested on your bed.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you start looking at him with concern. Angel sighed, not saying anything for a while, leaving you two in a comfortable silence “It's my boss Val, he is a piece of shit you know?” he finally spoke looking at you, you just nodded letting him continue “He always has me as his little fuckin toy and I can't get out of it if I wanted to” Angel laid back on your bed,groaning as he focused on the ceiling now. “Y/n, do you ever wish you could go back to the past and prevent yourself from doing something stupid?” Angel glanced at you “Believe me Angel, I really wish I could, everyday I do” you muttered laying back too, looking at the ceiling with him, gently squeezing one of his hands “But then we’d never be friends you know?” you smile, earning a chuckle from Angel “You make a good point.. Thank you..” You let out a hum in response just laying there as Angel scrolled on his phone.
This became a common occurrence for you two. He always came to you when he was upset, he felt like he could trust you and you were more than willing to be there for him. While he was open with you, you didn't often show your feelings to him. He had enough issues as it was, you didn't want to add yours to the list, which leads back to when he first comforted you.
Angel arrived back at the hotel late. Putting it simply, he looked like shit, but you’d never say that. Sitting at the bar. You held your head up with one arm that rested on the table of the bar, while the other hand swirled the ice cube that remained in your drink using the tip of your nail. You could hear him walking in, but you didn’t look at him just watching the icecube. “Did he hurt you again?” you mutter, loud enough for him to hear, you sounded tired.
Angel walked over to you, obviously put off by how blunt of a statement you made “Straight to the point toots?” he sighed before going around the bar and grabbing a whole bottle of vodka, sitting next to you. “Yes, but nothing I couldn’t handle, ya know? Hey wait, are you okay?” Angel paused trying to look at your face, noticing you haven’t looked at him since he walked in. “Angel don't worry I’m fine” you looked up from the glass, removing your nail from the glass, drying it with your shirt. “Cut the shit Y/n, what happened?” Angel looked concerned, noticing your usual makeup was smeared, like you were crying.
You stood up wanting to walk away from this conversation but Angel grabbed your hand before you could leave “Oh no you dont, you deal with my shit, I deal with yours too. What happened?” His voice was full of concern as he felt your hand start shaking, that's when he pulled you into a hug, you not returning it for a while, until you started to sob holding onto him like you'd lose him if you didn’t. He picked you up with one of his many hands, taking you both back to his room, before putting you on his bed, grabbing a box of tissues for you.
He’d never seen you like this, you never seemed upset around him, or anyone in the hotel. I'm sure the only other person who would've gotten any light clue of the feelings you hid would be Husk, being the way he is. Angel comforted you the best he could, he honestly didn’t know how to be of much help except by keeping too close to him, waiting until you were ready to speak. “I just, I feel so lonely okay?” you finally spoke hiccuping as you tried controlling your sobs
“I know that.. Everyone at this hotel cares in their own way, and I know you do, but I cant help but feel like everything I had while I was alive is just, all I ever had'' you stared down at your shaking hands, Angel taking one of your hands just listening to you “I don’t regret anything I’ve done, but what if what I did was all for nothing?” you muttered looking at Angel “I feel like that too darlin.. All you really can do is focus on the future.” He started “Look I’m.. not the best when it comes to comforting someone, but if anyone has changed things around here for the better it’s you” he smiled slightly at you. “And so what if you didn’t do enough while you were alive? You have another shot here, and that’s enough ya know?” Looking at Angel you gave a faint smile looking at your friend “I think you’re doing great Y/n” he finished before you gave him a hug, which he returned
Angel would check on you often after this, and you would continue to check on him. Sure you both ended up in hell, but you're glad you were in hell with him. And he was glad you ended up with him too.
Angel dust Taglist @vendetta-ari @brithedemonspawn @satansmanager @storydays @saturnhas82moons @zamadness @fizziepopangel @saitisfied @the--rebel--fae @mcueveryday @rainbowbunny15 @molaroo @bonkbonkbobk
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smiling friends playing minecraft ; ☆
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is the one who thought of the idea in the first place #socialmediamanager
brought it up to mr. boss as a "team bonding activity" LOL
in charge of their minecraft server and mediates any conflict that happens within it
the ultimate gamer actually a gamer GOD
is in the game 24/7, they never stop the grind
definitely the first one to find diamonds
yo glep the typa guy to have his whole house and storage decked out by the first day
has an automatic farm for everything (cobblestone, iron, gunpowder, slime, etc) like u name it they have it for some reason
he doesn't let everyone use them for free though
he makes the others "pay" (read: do something embarrassing, run an errand for him, give him iron or something) to get access to any of his automatic farms of their choosing for a whole day
they can negotiate w them tho
like if one of them comes up to him and they have something that he doesn't find valuable then they DO have a chance to convince him of its value but otherwise it won't work lol
in fact he'll be quite offended
like u think that red dye is enough to get access to my automatic iron farm?! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
undeniably the most powerful person in the server
his minecraft skin is definitely either one of those meme skins with an oddly realistic face on the torso or a skin that looks like some sort of lizard dragon monster thing
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mr. boss
honestly barely knew what minecraft was before glep brought it up
he did assume it was some kind of game when he hears the word
like any other video game, he had to be introduced to it by the ppl around him
despite him approving of the game, he's barely ever joins the server
^^^^ he's more into rhythm games and fps
has no clue whats going on in the server tbh
he just gets bits and pieces based off of what others say to him or around him
because of that he tries to join the server more often but he really really can't get ahold of minecraft in general bc he gets bored very easily and needs outside stimuli
is the type to log into a server he hasn't touched in a hot second and be upset that everyone else is so far ahead
he always spawns in the middle of nowhere every time bc he hasn't made or slept in a bed yet
^^^ because he usually leaves the server within 5 minutes which isn't long enough for the day-night minecraft cycle to commence (minecraft days are 10 minutes long)
when he logs on while its nighttime in the server he literally BREAKS into allan's house (much to his dismay) and forgets to patch any hole he left in his walls or windows
he hits/kills everyone else in minecraft for fun
literally just logs in to cause chaos then leave
^^^ everyone is thankful that he doesn't have access to tnt yet
definitely uses the alex minecraft skin
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allan red
he took a while to accept that they have a minecraft world together
he found it kinda obnoxious (he joined the server anyway)
determined to have the best house in the game
if he had to take any role, he would be the builder
the first thing he did when he logged in was start building a house... like wood enters his inventory, he just makes a fuckin axe then uses the rest of the wood to build his house ;w;
he's actually pretty good at it since he already is very detail-oriented and shit so he can definitely make a fire house
when it comes to mining or combat tho he's so shit
^^^ glep helps in this aspect LOL
only went to the nether for glowstone and it pissed charlie off once
bc theyre already pretty close, glep is more lenient on him and is usually on his side when it comes to any conflict that occurs in the server
not only does he put a lot of effort into his houses, he also puts a lot of effort into the outside of his houses
he just be building shit
built a whole mansion for his minecraft dog once (just bc)
every time he dies in minecraft he's like "ok that means its time for me to log off"
surprisingly has a very healthy balance of play time. he plays just enough to get very far in the game and keep up with everything and ALSO keep his real life stabilized and normal
he has a creative minecraft world outside of the server that he tries redstone in to get lights in his normal minecraft house to work without it looking too bulky and ugly
^^^ he also uses it to make booby traps for anyone entering his house without permission
^^^^ they never fucking work on mr. boss
he made his minecraft skin himself and its just him if he were yassified
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charlie dompler
oh god fucking finally was probably what ran through his mind when he heard the news
he probably joked about it once to pim and was surprised that it actually came true
this guy is second to glep when it comes to gaming
like srsly bro probably has a gaming setup and/or is saving up for one
he was the second to join the minecraft server (second to glep again)
he is the opposite of allan; he hates building and only ever mines or fights mobs
in fact he made his whole minecraft hideout in the side of a cave and it only has like. one crafting table, six fucking furnaces, and like 10 chests full of random drops and bulllshit, then his singular bed in the middle of the room with a big path leading down to a random ass cave
looking at his minecraft hideout would make a minecraft builder CRY their eyes out its worse than u think
would often vc with pim and play with him on the server
spends a concerning amount of time on minecraft bc he always has something to do on it, he just gives himself random side quests
despite the disorganization of his minecraft home he's actually more organized in minecraft than in real life believe it or not
he probably hasn't touched grass since he joined the minecraft server
him and glep duel it out sometimes for fun, or they do like fighting challenges with each other like who can kill the most zombies without dying
extremely attached to a wolf he tamed when he first joined the server
he watched minecraft gaming youtubers and bc of that he enchants everything he owns bc those were his favorite episodes
his minecraft skin is some sort of character from one of his interests, like mr. frog or a random salty's mascot bc he finds it funny
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pim pimling
his poor cheap office laptop can barely run minecraft omfg
when he boots minecraft up, it'd lag so hard and the fans in his laptop would go crazy, then after five minutes minecraft runs "as normal"... like it's playable but not to ppl who are used to 250 fps
^^^ it happens every fucking time he doesn't know how to fix it
he's ok with it though he's like ok give it a sec this happens all the time ^w^
^^^^ was the last person to join the server bc of this
sings a song while he's doing a minecraft chore, like in the silly halloween special episode when he was singing picking up twigs! picking up twigs! that'll be him while getting wood or something similar
he's real careful about how long he plays bc he doesn't want his laptop to overheat
his combat skills r pretty good bc of his experience playing gwimbly's games when he was younger
his favorite thing is definitely farming though
he's at a constant dilemma of using bones for either bone meal or taming another wolf to add to his mini army
^^^ the mini army is only making his lag worse charlie Really doesn't understand
settled down in a village in one of those empty houses and fight to protect them from any raid that occurs
talks aloud to minecraft villagers as if they can hear him
his village house is filled with many animals actually
he is charmed by baby zombies and baby villagers
^^^ he adopted a baby villager in minecraft once
^^^^ she died in a freak accident during a raid
^^^^^ pim was heartbroken for days
he does a lot of side quests with charlie for fun
like charlie, his minecraft skin is a character from one of his interests,, most likely gwimbly or a character from that game
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polaris-stuff · 19 hours
I swear there was a whole sector of episodes after NM's arrival where there was a big conflict and boiled over to "New Moon is NOT Old Moon and Does Not want to be compaired to him because they Aren't the Same". I thought it got resolved at the time but I see now that I don't think any of the other character ever dropped it, and maybe never even had enough respect or care for NM to do so.
Like I get it's same face, same body, but damn!! Really doing the one thing you know gets him horribly upset and insecure with himself while trying to make him 'evil' isn't a good look! especially for his 'family'!!!!
Also, sorry I'm just answering this ask now oops xd
spoilers for today's episode:
Also, in today's episode, the little "oh" from New Moon when Dark Sun told him that they (puppet and monty) were building a new body for OM it hurt me so much. NM now knows that he is being replaced, he legitimately has no place to return to, he has no family, he is alone and being discarded.
And FUCK, Solar is the solution to curing New Moon! All this time we were right! Moon NEEDS Solar
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ashoss · 16 hours
For the bat x pjo thing, I’ve always loved the idea of Jason as a son of poseidon. I know that one’s probably overdone, but I love it a lot!
Just think about it—he’s got the looks, the sheer physical and probably even mystical power, the changeability…he’s just as intelligent as Percy believes he (Percy) isn’t, especially strategically. He was resurrected during heavy rain, which could be an explanation, like Poseidon’s upset his kid died so he’s sending rain to bring him back. He died in the desert, where there’s not a lot of water, and I know it’s a lazarus pit, but he regained his faculties in the water, and in both the comics and the movie, he’s extremely disoriented and falls/is pushed off a cliff into a body of water—but more than that, even if he preempts betrayal later on by leaving first, he is EXTREMELY loyal and will do anything for his friends.
I don’t know if you’ve already heard it, but you should really listen to Ruthlessness from Epic the Musical, with Jason confronting Bruce with the Joker in mind. It’s perfect for that, and that’s actually how I got the idea before I read anything on AO3 with Jason as a son of poseidon.
And I love the idea of Roy as a son of Athena too, you know, extremely clever, invents things but also fights very well, and, even if he’s not great at lying as a leader, is a very good leader anyway. (Kori and Bizarro have their own things, but Artemis, even though she is from Bana-Mighdall, is still descended from the greek amazons, and could be a legacy of a child of Athena, Ares, or Apollo).
And yeah, okay, I feel like Damian kinda has to be a legacy or something, BUT what if he were more like Carter Kane in The Red Pyramid? A vessel for Horus, or something, but a powerful warrior-magician nonetheless.
For Dick, I really liked in your other one him as a child of Hermes, but I feel like a son of Astrape, goddess of lightning, would work better. Astrape for sheer, you know, flashy power that still puts you on your ass, and arcs through the sky even if it can’t fly on its own necessarily (although that’s just a lot more representative, of course his abilities would be the result of hard work, as usual). And the fact that Astrape and Bronte are in Zeus’ entourage, and his shield/weapons bearers just fits Batman and Robin’s first thing and then Nightwing and Batman’s whole thing after very well, I think.
As for Tim? I honestly think he should just be a clear sighted mortal. He’s never seemed that much like any one child of anything to me.
Stephanie as the daughter of Dionysus is just inspired, and I can’t believe I never thought of it!
And Alfred I feel like would be, even if not the son of anyone, or a legacy, a sort of disciple of Hestia or something.
Babs I just love as a daughter of Athena, but also, she’s kind of taken the role of Oracle for herself, and I was thinking, you know, she should be a clear sighted mortal who became the oracle of Delphi, like Rachel.
And Cass I love as the daughter of Nike, but I feel like a daughter of Hades just fits her so well! Disappears into shadows, often called quite creepy and yet has no patience for what she sees as trivial when she could be attacking something with her fists instead (and has something against contributing to the overpopulation of her father’s realm 😆).
And Duke I liked in the other one too, able to see something vaguely…Other about his foster family, and the gods already seeming much too bright, but just with his meta ability.
Heh, I know I focussed a lot on Jason and the Outlaws, but they are very much my blorbos 😅.
god i do really love Poseidon kid Jason (especially if we give Jason more of the earthshaker powers). he's definitely very similar to Percy in a lot of ways like you mentioned. HOWEVER while you bring up a LOOOT of good points for Poseidon kid Jason i think i want to stray away from having any of the batkids being kids of the big three? i feel like it might to into like,, mary sue territory (even though they're not really OCs but I'm lowkey kinda strict with my PJO aus and want to stick as close to canon as possible - meaning the big three only broke their oaths to not have kids with Percy, Jason and Thalia.) maybe ill do another au or something with Poseidon kid Jason because i really do love it lol
Athena kid Roy is interesting! unfortunately i don't know much abt Roy himself to really refute it or anything
as for Damian i definitely was playing with him being a magician, and maybe a legacy on Talias side? I'm not too sure on that part.
Astrape kid dick is also interesting! i haven't really looked at any of the more minor gods/goddesses for any of them but i can def see it! it's taking some of the traits of Zeus and toning them down a bit without really taking away the power. i still think I'm kinda attached to Hermes kid dick, but if we really want to give him flight we can give him the shoes similar to the ones Luke gave Percy in tlt
honestly mortal Tim does make sense and can also play into his insecurities on not being enough to fit dick or Jason's shoes as robin, since he's not a demigod he's just a regular kid. (however i think i am attached to Aphrodite kid Tim now lol but i do think mortal Tim could be good)
i think i may need a bit more swaying on Dionysus kid Stephanie but i do think its cool - it's definitely something i haven't seen before.
and yes i think Babs should just be a clearsighted mortal no matter how much i like Athena kid Babs. i did really want to play into the oracle name itself and her being the oracle of Delphi is good (however i don't really think her being the oracle itself - like Rachel- would fit in the au? unless they were all at camp i don't really know. i don't think the batfamily themselves need an oracle ? maybe she could be blessed (or cursed) by apollo )
i do like hades kid Cass but like i said with dick i kinda don't want any of them to be kids of the big three. but i think it fits her character - especially with her being a bit creepy as black bat/batgirl. but it might be interesting in terms of her childhood - if David was aware of her parentage he might have had higher hopes for this killing machine he wanted. this child of hades who is a master at reading body language and could kill with the touch of a hand? it could also tie into her adverseness of death itself - because she couldn't handle the feeling of death because of two contributing factors - her understanding of death through her hades powers (like Nico) and her understanding of body language. (hmmm maybe i might make an exception of my refusal of big three kids for hades Cass)
and yes!! i love the ideas of just meta Duke with no godly influence. it might be interesting for him to not be clearsighted - but that could bring in more ideas for how his powers affect his life. do you think he could see the outline or the shadow of a monster? or that his new foster family's eyes tend to glow slightly too bright and there seems to be something golden in their veins? maybe one of them could have some control of the mist like hazel does and would lift the mist later on for duke.
very good takes!! you're definitely making me think about these tho lol
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discotitsposts · 3 days
allow me
reid insisting on carrying readers bags
use of she/her
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After being dragged out of bed by Penelope, whose apartment you had spent the night at after having a little too much to drink, you go into her bathroom and try to make yourself presentable for work.
When you arrive you and Penelope continue giggling about last night. You plop down at your desk laughing. Spencer is staring at you so you wave at him and his pen flies out of his hand and lands on the floor.
“I was not that drunk. I knew where I was.” You say.
“You asked if we had landed in Oz yet.” Penelope giggles. The corner of Spencer’s mouth turns up in a slight smile at the thought of you, sloshed, asking if you were in Oz yet. Penelope says good bye to you and leaves to go back to her bat cave. Then Hotch steps out of his office and looks down into the bullpen.
“Reid, (Y/L/N),Morgan. You’re going to be going with Rossi for a conference in California. Pack for warm weather, you’re leaving tomorrow is that alright?” You three all nod excitedly. You guys would have to be crazy to not want to go to sunny California to escape the freezing cold of Virginia in January.
“Oh come on!” Prentiss complains. “I wanna go!”
“We need you here Emily.” Hotch stares seriously at her. Emily scoffs and rolls her eyes at you.
You laugh at her mockingly. “Ha ha! Hotchy needs you here. No sunny California for you.”
“Not fair.” She crosses her arms and leaves, presumably to go complain to Penelope.
“Wonder if we’ll meet any special ladies, how about it Reid. You like Cali girls?” Morgan punches Reid’s shoulder jokingly. Reid rubs his arm where Morgan punched him. “Not really.” He looks up at you.
“Hey how about you Princess, you like the beach guys with surfing muscles.”
“She doesn’t.” Reid quickly shuts down Morgan’s statement annoyed. He knows you well.
“Yeah Reid’s right it’s not really my thing. I like my guys weak and nerdy. I am excited to see the sights though.”
“Only sights I’m excited to see are the ladies!” Morgan cheers and walks off.
You shake your head and giggle.
“How about you smarty pants?” You ask nonchalantly. Using the nickname you had coined for him when you’d met.
“How about me what?” He cocks his head confused, much like a puppy would.
“You excited to see the beautiful people of California.”
“Oh, no not really.” He looks away.
“Maybe he’s excited to run into Lila again.” Morgan had come back with more coffee. He places an extra mug on your desk. You thank him and sip it. Feeling your heart break like a fragile glass vase one had thrown at a wall. You had just finally forgotten about the fling Reid had had with the actress.
“Actually, if we ran into her I’d run and hide. We didn’t exactly end on the best of terms. I think I said something wrong. She never spoke to me again.” Spencer frowns.
You can’t stand hearing this. He deserves someone wonderful.
Unfortunately, that someone couldn’t be you.
Could it?
You stand up, starting to grow more upset by the second. Feeling the tears pinch the back of your eyes. You speed walk away to the nearest empty office and keep pushing the tears back until you lock the door behind you.
“Why, hello.” You hear someone say. You scream as the rolling chair spins around. It’s Penelope.
“Pen, you startled me.” You put your hand over your heart to slow down the rapid beating.
“Startled or interrupted a crying sesh?” She taps her chin with her fluffy pink pen.
“I wasn’t crying.”
“Sure you just have pink eye or something then.”
“What are you even doing in here?” You ask her trying to change the subject.
“Well, pumpkin, I was trying to have some much needed me-time to journal without seeing icky things on my computer. Plus, Prentiss keeps trying to convince me to hack into the directors computer and put her name on the list of agents who are going to the lovely C.A. Let’s not change the subject though. You,” She slams her journal shut, “Came in here to cry.” She leans forward like the Godfather.
“On the day of your daughter’s wedding?” You imitate the movie line and laugh. Penelope cracks up and loses it laughing, “That was really funny but you’re trying to distract me. I know what goes on with you people, you’re my family.”
“Ok fine, I got a little bit upset because Reid and Morgan mentioned the whole Lila situation. What if he sees her again in California? What if she realizes she made a mistake and wants him again? What if he-“
“Pump your brakes.” Penelope quotes Morgan, “I’ve been telling you, Morgan says Reid won’t shut up about you when they’re hanging out. He’s crazy about you.” She says while spinning in the chair staring at the ceiling.
“We should make this into a girl cave.” You admire the bare office. Penelope points at you. “Good idea. We’ll only tell Prentiss and JJ though.”
“For sure.”
“Task at hand now, If you won’t tell Reid you’re also crazy about him, I’ll get Morgan and we’ll do to you and Reid what we did to Scott and Pamela.”
You gasp. “You wouldn’t dare you evil woman!” You say in shock, only half joking, a little scared.
The context was, Scott and Pamela were two people who used to work in the BAU long before you and Reid got there. They were best friends who were in love but too oblivious to see it. One day Morgan and Penelope realized they needed to team up and make this happen. Morgan told Scott he’d meet him next to an old office and Penelope had told Pam the same thing. When they arrived, Morgan and Penelope pushed them into the office and locked it. The two, stuck in the same room for a period of time talked about their feelings and had been in the middle of a hot and heavy make out when the door unlocked. They had gotten married and were now on their sixth child. Happy as can be. They were legendary as the greatest love story of the FBI.
Penelope picks up her phone. “Beep boop beep.” She pretends to dial Morgan. “Hey Morgan, we need to pull an Operation Love Makers again.” You’re laughing until she puts the phone on speaker and you hear Morgan’s laugh. “NOO!” You yell.
“Oh, it is on you smart beautiful woman.” Morgan praises Penelope. She smirks at you. Mortified at what may happen, you run out of the office and race home to pack for California. You think about fleeing the country to escape your feelings but decide against it. If anything went wrong you could follow your best friend’s advice from back home, “Deny, deny, deny.” As she had always said.
When you’re packing up your car at 4 a.m. you start to realize maybe you over packed. It was only a week, but it was also a week! Who knows what may happen. You needed all of this stuff. Both your suitcases and four duffel bags later, you arrive at the airport on the dot. 6:53 a.m.,your watch reads. You groan groggily and pull into the space next to Spencer’s car. You can hear Morgan chanting excitedly, “Private jet, private jet, private jet!”
“Allow me, m’lady.” You hear from behind you. You spin around and see Spencer reaching for your bags.
“Oh no, I have too many you don’t need to do that!” You try to pry some of the bags from his hands but he doesn’t let you. Morgan starts cackling when he sees Spencer weighed down by all your bags, stumbling. You racing to keep up with him and making sure he doesn’t topple over.
“Spencer why are you doing this? I overpacked please let me carry something. I feel really bad.”
“No I’m your baggage claim boy today.”
“What?!” You yell after him. Spencer got a sudden energy burst and ran to the jet as fast as his legs could carry him and all your luggage. “Spencer wait!”
Morgan sneaks up behind you, “Operation Love Makers is a-go. Thank you your sexiness.” He says to Penelope over the phone.
“I will anxiously await your return my handsome hero! Keep me updated!” She hangs up.
“Oh this was your doing?”
“Hey, all I said was it’s considered chivalry to carry the bags of the girl who’s the object of your affections, he’s the one who ran with it.” You look up and notice Spencer struggling to get up the stairs of the jet. He falls backward and hits the tarmac.
You run to him and yell, “Spencer! Are you alright? I told you you shouldn’t have carried that much!”
Spencer lets out a strained, “I’m fine.”
“Pretty boy just bruised his ego a little. Come on kid, you’re ok.” Morgan takes the weight of your bags off him and brings them onto the jet. You try to help him up but he refuses.
“I’m alright, really.” He stands up and gets onto the jet. You feel really bad, he got hurt because of your luggage. You’ve been feeling like the more he’s around you, the more he’ll get hurt. Maybe you should avoid him for a little bit.
When everyone’s settled on the jet, you pick one of the sofa seats and lay down. You see Morgan whispering to Spencer.
“I brought you coffee, your favorite flavor.” Spencer’s standing there smiling and holding a mug. You’re about to take it when the jet hits turbulence and poor Spencer spills the hot coffee all over himself.
“Morgan get a towel. Oh my god, Spencer I’m so sorry.” Morgan runs over with a towel and you rub it on Spencer’s shirt trying to get the coffee out.
“It’s not your fault. It’s fine, I’ll just go change.” He stands up and grabs a shirt from his bag and leaves to change in the restroom. You all hear him let out a blood curdling scream. You feel worse. Poor Spencer kept getting hurt whenever he tried to do something nice for you. You turn to Morgan.
“Stop making him do things! Operation Love Making off! I can’t stand to see him keep getting hurt.” You whisper-shout.
“It’s Operation Love Makers actually and yeah maybe it went a little off the rails. Maybe it needs to be a more ‘vanilla’ task next time. Get it?” Morgan says laughing while holding up the vanilla flavored creamer Spencer had used in your coffee. You scoff and walk away. “Come on that was funny!” He calls after you.
You don’t go near Spencer the rest of the flight. Afraid you’ll jinx him again. Your theory was turning out to be true, when you were all leaving the jet, Spencer had yet again grabbed your luggage and got down the stairs all right. Unfortunately, you two were going to be sharing a hotel room. It was when he brought them to the hotel room, he had accidentally slammed the door and didn’t realize his tie was caught in the door making him smack his face into the wall.
“Not again! Spencer are you ok?” You open the door and get his tie out.
He groans and falls to the floor. “Just fine. I look like an idiot though.”
You sit down next to him. “No you don’t. Maybe it’s me. I’m starting to think I’m a jinx.”
“No no don’t say that. It’s me, I’m just clumsy.”
“This has been happening whenever you’re around me. If you want to switch rooms I would understand.” You touch his face where he hit the door. He winces at the pain and you grab some ice wrapped in a towel and hold it on his cheek.
“Why would I want to switch when I got lucky enough to be in the same hotel room as you?”
“Lucky? Spence look at yourself. You’re bruised all over.” You frown. “You practically got third degree burns on the jet.”
“Oh so you’re the one who made the jet run into turbulence?” He smiles softly.
“No but I…”
“It’s not your fault.”
“You’re right it’s Garcia and Morgan’s”
His eyes widen, “You know?” You nod and he looks anywhere but you, he’s so ashamed for trying to get your attention.
“Spencer, you didn’t need to do all this. I was already infatuated with you from day 1.”
He throws his hands up dramatically. “Why didn’t Morgan tell me? Why didn’t you tell me?”
You shrug. “I thought you didn’t like me back.”
“The eiffel tower has 20 apartments inside it.”
“What?” You ask confused.
“I thought we were saying things that weren’t factual.”
This makes you laugh. “How many apartments does it have?”
“Really? Can you imagine living inside the eiffel tower?”
“That would be the worst. No privacy. All the tourists.”
“What if you were just walking around your apartment naked in the morning and someone takes a picture.” You say giggling. This cracks Spencer up too.
“I have an actual question.” Spencer’s face turns serious and it scares you.
“What?” Your eyes widen.
“Why did you bring so much luggage?” He laughs.
“Oh, you never know what you may need. I’d rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.”
“Good advice. Got any more?” He leans in slightly, testing the waters.
“Yeah, when a girl tells you she’s liked you back since day one it’s considerate to kiss her.”
“Allow me,” He kisses your lips, enjoying the feeling. It was like when two puzzle pieces fit together perfectly. You pull back to answer.
“Oh I allow it. You can do that whenever you want.” You say leaning back in. The pieces falling together yet again.
One hour later
Derek Morgan and Rossi are walking down the hallway of the hotel. They’re going to invite Spencer and you to have dinner. When they get to your door, they notice something.
“Do not disturb?” Rossi reads the little sign hanging on the door. “The hell are they doing?”
Morgan presses his ear to the door and hears faint moaning. “I think we should let them be alone.” He pulls away from the door and they leave.
the end
i’ve had this in my drafts forever!!!!
tags 🍓-
if you would also like to be tagged in future works pls comment a 🍓
@gallifreyan-idiocracy @reidsatellite
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papayatori · 8 hours
Matcha Green
Oneshot! x fem!reader Okkotsu Yuta tw: angst, mentions of mental abuse, parental toxicity, fluff
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Yuta was my best friend. He never failed to be there when I needed him, especially right now.
I was sitting on his couch, pouring my poor soul out to him. Did I feel guilty? Immensely, but he would never show it if it bothered him.
His hand rubbed my back gently, comforting me as I cried. I wasn't sure why life had decided to kick my ass specifically today, but, it wasn't like I could change the events of the past.
"You're gonna be okay, I'm right here." He whispered gently, not even bothering to ask me why I was crying like this, of why I had brought my suitcase. I nodded at him, leaning on his shoulder for support.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered in between my sobs. I shook, not knowing what else to say, what else to do. He shook his head directly.
"You have nothing to be sorry for.." He whispered back. "..though, if I may ask, what happened?" His voice was laced with concern, and I felt stupid for not mentioning it before, but I just couldn't.
My parents had kicked me out of the house, well, they hadn't really done that, more like packed my bags for me and left them outside. It was so sudden I didn't even know what to do, or even where to go. My parents had never been great to me, but they had never done anything physical, or anything as drastic as this. "I'm not even really sure myself, if I'm being honest." I mumbled, crying easing up a little. He waited for me to continue, gazing down at me. "They kicked me out, Yu.." I whispered, not looking him in the eyes. I saw his expression change from that of shock and disbelief to an angry look rather quickly.
"What?" He said, his jaw slightly locked. I shook my head, willing him not to be angry. I wrapped my arms around him, tucking my head into his chest.
"I don't know what I'm going to do." I mumbled, squeezing tightly. He shifted to make me more comfortable, his arm wrapping around me completely.
"You can stay here with me if you're comfortable with that.." He mumbled, still angry. "I've got the spare down the hallway, it's not like you don't practically live here anyways." He chuckled slightly.
Sadly, I couldn't argue. I stayed here a lot to avoid my parents when they got angry or upset with me. Most of the time, they wouldn't even give me a reason, and if they did, it was over little things.
"Thank you, Yu." I mumbled, my grip tightening on the fabric of his shirt. I could feel his eyes on me without having to look. I couldn't help but feel the flutter of my heart, no matter how much I wanted to deny it.
"Do you have your things? All of them?" He asked. That was a question I didn't really know the answer to.
"Not sure.. I have some of them, but I didn't pack them. When I got home from work I found my things in the yard, the rest of them are in the car.." I mumbled. If he wasn't angry before, he most definitely was now.
"And they didn't explain *anything*?" He asked, his muscles tensing slightly. I shook my head.
"You know my parents, Yu. They never do." He shook his head to my statement, disappointed. "Besides, I don't want to go back." I mumbled, a little defeated. His gaze softened with his touch, rubbing circles on my arm slightly.
"I can't say as I blame you." He said with a chuckle. "Either way, its safer for you here regardless."
"As sad as it is, you're right." I let out a large sigh. I was honestly just exhausted.
"You hungry?" He asked, doing his best to lighten the mood again. I looked up at him, a small smile on my face.
"Always." He chuckled at me slightly, I felt the rumble in his chest as he did so. My cheeks heated significantly.
He stood, and I felt the cool air surround me where his body had once been. I felt the pang of disappointment as he walked into the kitchen. I stood, following him.
"I wasn't planning on having anyone else to share this with, so I think it's a good thing I bought extra." He stated, holding up a few packs of ramen. I was practically drooling.
"Couldn't be more thankful." I said, my eyes wide with anticipation. "I haven't eaten anything today." His eyes looked at me with a concerned look at first, but didn't refute. Instead, he chuckled lightly.
"You can't keep doing that, y/n." He looked at me, a glint of worry in his eyes that was masked by his smile. I nodded.
"I know, I know." I said, crossing my arms a little and looking down at the floor.
The water had started boiling, I could see the steam rising as he stood over the stove, stealing glances at me occasionally as I sat on a stool at the island. He was whistling to himself, keeping himself busy. I couldn't help but find it cute, though I would never tell him that. I suppose he felt my gaze, because he looked back at me with a small smirk on his face.
"Something tells me you're not staring at me like that because of the ramen." He joked, laughing softly. I averted my gaze, pouting a little that I had been caught. My face turned a dark red.
"Who said I was staring?" I mumbled. He laughed again.
"The way you're acting tells me that you were, even if you deny it." I glared at him playfully. His hands went up playfully in surrender. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry." We both giggled a little then, enjoying whatever it was we were doing. Though, this didn't feel like a normal conversation we would usually have. The growing silence felt tense, and I found myself nervous and uneasy.
He handed me a bowl of the ramen that he had so generously decided to share with me.
"Thanks, Yu." I mumbled, digging in without any warning. He chuckled from beside me.
"Slow down, you're going to burn yourself." He chuckled, smirking at me slightly as he ate his own. I groaned in acceptance.
We ate quietly, just sort of enjoying the company of the other. I missed this feeling. I loved how carefree I felt here with him, how I didn't have to hide my emotions or feel like I was walking on eggshells constantly. That was something the sanctity of my *own* home couldn't even provide, though I suppose I couldn't call it *my* home anymore, could I? I shook my head softly.
"It's odd to think that I'm happier here with you than I was in the one place that was suppose to be my comfort." I mumbled, eyeing him cautiously. He smiled.
"I'm not sure if I'm happy to hear that, or mildly concerned." He chuckled a bit, reaching over to squeeze my shoulder slightly. I tiled my head to lean on his hand. "I guess I'm happy to be the one to give that to you.."
"You're always so kind, Yuta." I mumbled, thinking a little bit. A thought came to my mind. "Matcha." I said excitedly, snapping my fingers a little and looking over at his confused expression.
"What?" He smiled a little, amused.
"You know how, when you sit down in a coffee shop, with a warm cup of matcha, you feel at ease? Sort of like comforted simply because of the warm vibes, the comforting and homey green color of the matcha setting the tone. I don't think I've *ever* been sad when I drink matcha..." I rambled a little. He nodded, still confused.
"Sure, but, where are you going with this?" I giggled at his confused expression.
"That's sort of how I feel about you, too. You always manage to make me smile, to comfort me, even in times like this." His expression softened as he took his hand in mine.
"That's what I'm here for." He mumbled, his face tinting a soft shade of pink that matched my own. "What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't give that to you?" He said.
"A pretty shitty one, but that's why you're not shitty." I giggled a little, squeezing his hand. I felt myself lean forward a little bit, instinctively. He was doing the same, and my heart was beating a little rapidly.
"Well, I'm definitely not shitty. Especially not with you complimenting me so much." He chuckled. He placed a gently kiss on my forehead, sending me in to shock as he stood and grabbed both of our bowls, carrying them to the sink the rinse them lightly. I was left dumbfounded. He turned around slightly, a smirk on his face.
"Too much?" He asked, too confidently. I shook my head vigorously, not being able to form sentences. He chuckled lightly, drying his hands off. I caught his gaze again as he walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my seated position. I was a flustered mess, though I still let my head fall to his chest. He took a deep breath, rubbing circles on my arms.
"This is either going to ruin everything, or makes this situation a hell of a lot easier." He mumbled, sitting his chin on top of my head. I looked up at him questioningly, feeling my heart beat rapidly in my chest as I urged him to continue. "Have you ever wondered *why* I'm like this with you?" I pondered for a second, not ever really being aware of the thought ever crossing my mind.
"Not really, I just sort of took it and ran with it." I said honestly. He squeezed my arm.
"My feelings for you won't allow me to be anything else with you." He mumbled softly, kissing the top of my head so gently it set my heart ablaze. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, terrified of where this was going, but excited. I couldn't deny the fluttering of my chest. "I like you, you know? I was wondering when you'd catch on."
My eyes widened, and I pulled back slightly to look him in the eyes, making sure he was serious. He smiled down at me, a little bit of uneasiness in his expression lingered the longer I chose not to speak. I took a breath.
"I don't think I ever would have had you not said anything…” I mumbled. Though, I smiled big at him. “But at least I know now that the feeling is mutual..” I heard him release a breath he was holding in.
“I think I might’ve had a heart attack had you said anything other than that…” he whispered, his eyes distant as a small smile crept onto his features. I giggled a little bit, feeling better already. “..but, with that out of the way… do you think you would be ready for something?” He asked kindly, reaching his hand to gently hold my cheek. I blushed furiously. “You know, with me?” He asked anxiously.
I grinned wide, already knowing my answer.
“I would be a fool to say no to that cute smile…” I said, reaching up to touch his face. He leaned into my touch, smiling bigger.
Without another warning, his hand gently pulled my chin up to meet his lips. His kiss was gentle, soft, and welcoming. I giggled into it, knowing I would never be able to be as happy without him.
He pulled back, staring down into my eyes with a giddy glint in his own.
“Now that that’s out of the way, how about some Matcha?”
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idontego · 15 hours
We Should Make Up | Kaji x Reader
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Summary: This is kind of a part 2 to the break up headcannon i wrote. Kaji sees you entering a bar and can’t help but seek you out and try to make amends with you after your breakup.
A/n: This was so rushed bc i have somehwere to be so i will more than likely go back and make adjustments to this! Let me know what you think! ALSO TOMORROW’S EPISODE WE GET TO SEE OUR MAN AGAIN IM SOOOO EXCITED!!!!🤍
Warnings: breakups, alcohol, suggestive toxic relationship habits, co-dependency, swearing
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It was out of the norm for you to go out, and by go out i mean bar hopping, drinking in public places with your friends or worse- strangers. It had been a few months since you and Kaji split up and as much as you didn’t want to, your friends finally convinced you to go out with them. You wanted to hurl at the idea of Kaji finding out about you going out and even worse, drinking on top of it. It was one thing that he would be upset over, strictly because he always felt the need to watch you and be with you out in public only to protect you and it was another thing, because he imagined how easily you could be taken advantage of if you were intoxicated. Just the thought of these things could easily set him off.
You entered the bar wearing a black mini dress with a corset top, squeezing your rib cage and extenuating your breasts and a regular pair of heels that were semi comfortable, nothing over the top. You didn’t know where this night would end but your friends were sure they’d help you make the most of it.
Meanwhile, Kaji sat in his room preparing to patrol and do his almost daily routine of also checking up on you from afar-watching. He was walking down the same street you were on and was concentrating on individuals around him-scanning the area for any threats, and that’s when he saw you. His eyes immediately widened and his jaw dropped almost to the floor as his lollipop hit the ground. He was shocked seeing you in such close proximity to him and you were wearing that?! And you were here?! But you looked so good, so tempting. His eyes examined your figure until he shook his head and ripped open another lollipop wrapper, tossing it in his mouth. His face of shock quickly turned into anger. He looked left, right, and left again to see if anyone he knew was about to see him enter the same building you were in. Kaji did not go out, ever. He didnt like the people, didnt like the setting, didnt like the idea of sweaty shit faced people rubbing up so close to each other, especially you.
His eyes met yours amongst the crowd- if looks could kill, he would be the embodiment of it. You’ve never seen him glare this hard before. Or at least not at you. “Oh shit.” You mumbled under your breath. You swiftly turned your head around in the opposite direction, which was a sad attempt at playing off seeing him-hoping he didn’t recognize you.
To only make matters worse, when you turned around, you bumped into a guy’s chest causing him to spill his drink. “I’m so sorry. Oh my gosh.” You apologized.
“No worries! I’ll just get another one. Why don’t you come with me to get something for yourself as well.” He said with a big grin on his face.
“Uh, sure!” You replied following him. Could this be your escape from Kaji’s glare? Did he lose you in the crowd by now?
You approached the bar and waited on your drinks when you heard a gruff voice behind you and their body heat against your back. “Hey!” Kaji said with the same glare on his face.
“She has a boyfriend ya’ know.” He proceeded
“Oh, really?” The guy questioned.
“She does.” Kaji confirms. Kaji already made his point very clear to this man and you and his stance and the look on face had ‘do not fuck with me’ written all over it.
You closed your eyes in an attempt to disappear but this was actually happening.
“I dont actually.” You blurted out. “In fact-“ Kaji cut you off grabbing your waist and leading you out side of the bar.
“What the hell are you doing her-“
“Did you really think finding some random drunk guy here would solve all of your problems? What were you thinking? Did he try to get with you?”
“Kaji, that’s not what i was hoping would happen. The girls wanted me to go out with them just for tonight because I’ve declined every other time because it still just didn’t feel right to do something like this even though we aren’t together. You know just as much as i do that i never liked going out or drinking.”
“This dress looks really good on you by the way. It’s a shame i never got to see you in it til’ now.” He said rolling his eyes and completely disregarding what you said.
You blushed at his compliment and your heart began to flutter again. Gosh.. why does he have to have this effect on you. “Kaji, we need to talk.” You said, looking at the ground.
He lifted up your chin, so you’d look him in the eyes for what he was about to say. “I agreeI just want to start off by saying that you don’t know how hard these past few months have been for me. Losing you was one of the hardest things for me. I didn’t know how to cope. My friends tried to help me, but i pushed them away. Everythin’ everyday made me think of you and i was completely consumed with the idea that you were gone for good. I was obsessed with the thought of why we ended things the way we did and I felt like i couldn’t protect you as much as I’d like which drove me even more crazy. I lashed out on anyone that we’d get in fights with-exceeding my limits and going over board because i wanted to make sure people like them never got a hold of you. There’s so much more but i-“
You cut him off with a kiss and your eyes were filled with tears. You had the most intense feeling of regret and sorrow for him and also the mourning of your relationship. You wanted him back. You needed him just as much as he needed you. You wanted to make things right. He rested his hands on either side of your waist and you kissed you back-matching your passion.
“I’m so sorry, baby.” You pulled away from the kiss wiping your tears.
“It’s fine. missed you, y’ know?”
“I can’t ever lose you again. I knew we’d come back tho.” You managed to smile and even let out a giggle while saying.
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head-first-4halos · 16 hours
sorry im houseposting. i finished it and now im in distress
wilsons piece of furniture representing him for his new condo being a gift!!! for house!!! is wild .
i like huddy in theory but i actually dont think they're good for each other. like i love their weird little enemies to lovers thing going on but i dont think there was any way that it could have ended well... AND cuddy breaking up with house was so mean. idgaf that i just said they didnt work out girl you KNEW he was an addict and yet you dumped him when he relapsed!! instead of trying to understand and help!!! please!!! "erm well house is impossible to help-" actually no he isnt because he got better the first time. no one is impossible to help they're probably just difficult.
also... i lowkey dont understand why his vicodin was that big of a problem considering how when he went through withdrawls in the earlier seasons he genuinely couldn't work....like yes how he got his prescriptions was illegal but everything he does is illegal Also that was his only way to manage his pain and everyone just shamed him for it... STOP THAT!!!! who would have guessed that the guy who feels the pain knows how to handle it the best... wow....
i need to see more masters appreciation because she is actually so cute. yes it was annoying how she followed the rules but also at least she sticks with her morals!! everyone was so mean to her and for why?? like??? shes so cutie and her outfits were so cute and she was genuinely just a nice person and no one in the diagnosis gang could handle that!!! "oh, so youre a whore... oh, so youre a dumb whore!" I LOVE YOU MASTERs
also love how the episode where she left was all serious. and then. house and wilsons bullshit going on in the background. her, laying in the dark in the ddx room going through a moral dilemma and then wilson sneaking in to kidnap his kidnapped chicken, only for it to be a fake chicken and house locks him in his office, so he jumps across the balcony outside.... i hate them and their pranks theyre so insane
HELLO the end of season 7 is CRAZY!!! i didnt expect that. i was watching it with my dad and he was like "...why would he do that... can't he just be normal...."
dr adams looks like the girl from the ghost of you music video by mcr. like scarily like her. SHES SO PRETTYY
park and adams...... toxic doctor yuri..... trust me guys......
house and wilson's synchronization will be the death of me. thats so great i love them
hilson is so heartbreaking im actually ripping my hair OUTT!!! "i need you, okay... i need you to stick around as long as possible, because i don't know what im gonna do without you." oh my glob run me over with a car right now. the way they are both each other's support. the way no one else would deal with their bs. wilson sticks by house even throughout everything because he needs house to need him... and how he spent more time with house than he did with his wives..... its even sadder in houses case because he genuinely has no one else but wilson. wilson is the only one who really understands him. stacy ruined him, cameron didnt think he could love, cuddy thought he was insane, and wilson was by his side the entire time. the whole "universal recipient/universal donor" house drains and wilson gives. BRO. i hate them actually so much. theyve ruined me
also makes me wonder whats gonna happen once wilson is gone... like.. he ws right. house only had his job and wilson and he gave up his job for wilson, so once he's dead, house will have nothing left. i genuinely think house is gonna die with wilson, because nothing else mattered to him.
"cancer is boring" ok kill me
whos gonna homoerotically speed off on a motorcycle with me...
thats all. thank you for coming to my ramble i needed to get this out and i felt bad for bothering my friend with this. (shes never watched the show but wilson is her favorite and she was very upset by the ending)
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lemonhemlock · 18 hours
I want to discuss why Criston having sex with Alicent is different.
Sex with Rhaenyra was about her sexual pleasure. It was about scratching that itch, which Criston is not for. He has a different view of sex. The act with Alicent has passion behind it. It's about two lost souls uniting and finding comfort in each other. So no he's not a hypocrite for not wanting to have sex with Rhaenyra. There's a deep emotional bond of devotion between the two.
He's allowed to feel used by Rhaenyra but be all Take Me to Church with Alicent and her WAP.
I won't touch on other points of why they aren't hypocrites for doing the devil's tango, as there are a variety of posts that articulate that but I have yet to see someone bring this up.(if they have good for them, great minds and all). Targaryen dick riders have a fucked up way of discussing SA and consent. That's all I'm saying that. (disclaimer this is not aimed at those who enjoy the Targs for being a fucked up dynasty and find them fascinating but those who think they are gods cause there's a difference.).
Welcome back, coffee queen! ☕Hope you're enjoying the new season 🫶
Love this take and your lexical choices crack me up!! I think that, at one point, Criston was a bit of a playboy, as he does explain with his own mouth that he's had dalliances in the past, but most of my thoughts on that I've put into this post here (so as to not repeat myself). Also this addition here. But, I agree that, fundamentally, Criston has had years to develop his feelings for Alicent, whereas, during his affair with Rhaenyra, he was a young man in awe of a pretty fairy tale princess. So it would make sense why his connection to Alicent would be deeper and more meaningful by now.
Also! People are allowed to "break up" and then get with someone else!
Haters forget that he can be legitimately upset at Rhaenyra not just because she unknowingly placed his life in danger, but also because she was so callous about it. She was proposing that they have occasional hook-ups, whereas he was ready to be very serious about her. So there was this disproportionate emotional involvement in their affair where Criston was risking a whole lot for someone who didn't really care for him, while Rhaenyra wanted casual sex and risked a slap on the wrist for it.
In any case, they quarreled and parted ways. Honestly, the reason doesn't even matter as much - who hasn't broken up with a bf/gf at some point over some dumbass reason, left and never looked back?* Are they supposed to hold a candle over that past relationship forever (regardless of how "legitimate" the grievances were)? The Dance of the Dragons didn't happen because of anything Criston did to Rhaenyra in revenge, she made a lot of bad political decisions herself to compound on the succession crisis engineered by her father. He is allowed to cross over to Alicent and "support" her side if he wants to; it's not the reason Rhaenyra got into trouble.
Not to mention that, after his mental breakdown and freaking suicide attempt, he's had years to contemplate the question of what being a knight and breaking one's vows means and what he boundaries he would be comfortable crossing. The Criston who's that's that me espresso with Alicent isn't the same Criston who slept with Rhaenyra and had a crisis of faith in the aftermath. He knows what he's getting into and he actively chooses to do so, isn't just put randomly in a situation from which he can't extricate himself.
*EDIT: Not that Criston's reason was dumbass, but even if it were, he's not beholden to being sexually available to Rhaenyra forever just because they fucked one time. (I feel like you have to include disclaimers for every gosh darned thing on this website). And the fact that Rhaenyra stans don't understand the concept of consent and how much it colours one's experience is just.... 🤦‍♀️
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johnnysgir1 · 19 hours
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Apparently her ability is made to lure victims into a state of false security until another one of the family members strikes? I wonder how well that could execute in game without it being so op?? Honestly seems like a very interesting concept from the voice transcripts she seems to be a big crybaby which honestly who doesn’t love crybaby murders? I’m definitely not gonna complain!
(Dolly’s Leaked Voice Transcripts)
/To make it easier to read I’ll color code her responses!/
Interacting with the family (Dolly Hart)
Dolly Sees Sissy
“(crying) I can’t do this, I can’t.”
“Awh sugar, what's with those tears? Ain’t you having fun?”
“(crying continues) No.”
“Nancy is really startin’ ta get on my nerves.”
“Pay no mind to the old woman Doll, she's just a bit upset that her boy is payin' more attention to you than he is her.”
“I’ll try.”
“I-I’m really not supposed to be talkin to ya.”
“Did Johnny tell ya that sugar? Don’t listen to him..I’m always here if ya wanna have girl-on-girl talk!”
“S-sounds like fun! But let’s keep this secret please.”
“Of course sugar, whatever ya say. (laughter)”
“(crying) It’s everywhere, they’re everywhere.”
“Come on Dolly, smile! I know you aint used to this but it gets easier over time I promise!”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.”
“(fake crying) Is this makin ya feel better? (small laughter)”
“(crying elevates) NO!”
“You haven’t seen Johnny have ya?”
“Sweety with all due respect how do ya put up with the bastard?”
“Oh well, he’s real sweet to me when he wants ta be even when he gets mad I know he means well.”
“(laughter) Well good luck you sure got yer hands full.”
Dolly Sees Drayton/Cook
“Where are they, damnit.”
“Hey you! Doll or whatever go roun' back and check on those damn gates. Make sure they're nice an' secure understood?”
“Y-yes sir! I’ll g-get right on that!”
“Quite that damn cryin’ before I give ya somethin’ ta cry about ya here girl?!”
“(crying) O-okay.”
“An' quit just noddin' at everything I tell ya dammit! Like some damn beaten ol' mutt, I swear there isn't any normal person roun' here. (annoyed grumbling)”
“Umm D-Drayton, not to be a bother but who’s this girl Johnny seems to be so fond of?"
“That damn girl is the soul reason we're in this mess! If that boy woulda jus' stop bringin' all of them girls to the property, we wouldn't be chasin' roun' stupid kids!”
"T-There are more of em?”
“Drayton you really gotta show me some of your recipes, yer cookins real good!"
“Quit tryna butter me up, and focus on actually gettin' the job done instead of havin' everyone finish it for ya!”
“Yes sir. (disappointed sigh)”
“Y’know that recipe ya showed me last time?”
"(annoyed sigh) Yes Dolly, I remember."
“Could ya show me again? I umm forgot what goes in the sauce.”
"Jus' ta stop yer yamerin' I’ll show ya again once we kill all these damn vermin okay?”
Dolly Sees Johnny
“I really do love it when you cry, Dollface. (laughter)”
“(slighty aggitated) Johnny who’s this girl everyon' sayin' yer so fond of?"
“Awh c’mon Doll, yer not jealous now are ya? You know yer always gonna be enough for me, Dollface.”
“(crying) Johnny, I wanna go back home."
"You think I wanna be here all day chasin' these vermin'?"
"(crying) N-no I jus-"
"(tuts and taunting) Awh, cmon' Dollface quit poutin' already an' help us out with that little act of yours.”
“(screams of distress) Help me! Get it off! Get it off!”
“What's the matter, Doll, can't handle a bit of blood? (laughter)”
"(hums "Look At Your Love" Sissy's song)"
“You ain't talking to that hippie now are ya darlin?"
“(stops humming and in panic) N-no! I would never!”
"(sadistic tone) You know I'll find out if you are."
“(small cries) Johnny, you love me, right? You promised you wouldn't leave me, right?"
“Nancy tellin' ya shit again? (annoyed sigh) Don't worry, Doll, I'll handle her. You just keep yer distance.”
“Johnny! C-can I stick with ya for a bit? I don’t w-wanna be alo-"
“(frustrated sigh) Dolly Baby, why don’t you go and smash some heads in, instead of hoverin' all over me like a damn dog and let me finally breathe!”
"(crying) I-I’m sorry."
“(crying) There’s so much blood."
“Bloody and a Crybaby, darlin' you really are for me! (laughter)”
"I-I am?”
“I can’t knock 'em down right with this no matter what, they just keep runnin'!
“What not likin' the mallet? Try smashin' harder, so that way you can get the job done much faster. Now isn't that an idea, sweet thing?"
"Ah! O-Okay I’ll make ya proud!”
"(laughter) I’m sure you will.”
Dolly Sees Nancy
"(crying then gasp of realization) Shit, not her."
“Of course yer crying. What else would you be doing? Yknow, I can't wait till my Johnny finally gets bored of ya."
“(sniffs) Johnny cares about me more than anything in the world I know he does, right?”
"Just like all the others, you ain't nothing special. (laughter)”
“Heard you and Johnny tusslin' trouble in paradise, Doll? (laughter)
"(verge of tears) Please not now."
"Oh girl, you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. once he's done with you, I'll make sure to take care of you myself.”
"Johnny doesn't want me talkin' to ya leave me alone."
“Stilk fallin' for his act, huh? Johnny may like ya, but does he actually love ya? (laughter)”
“Nancy have you seen any of em kids around?"
“Of course, you’d let one get away! (frustrated grumbling) Well? Go get 'em I ain’t helpin' ya!”
Dolly Sees Nubbins/Hitchhiker
"Nubbins, do ya have any idea why Nancy is so I don't know mean all the time."
“I d-don't get why that old lady’s all mean t-to you! Y-yer pretty, and nice a-a-and she's just a m-mean o-ol hag that's what!”
“(sniffs) That’s real sweet of ya Nubsie.”
“(crying) Why can’t they just die."
“W-Why you al-always cryin' for? Don't you ever get a headache from all that w-whining?”
"(crying dies down) O-oh umm yeah b-but I’ve gotten used to it by now.”
"Sissy says I should use more accessories as a way to get Johnny to notice, but I'm not sure what?"
“I think a nice b-bone bracelet would l-look real nice on you! I c-can make you one if you want! (laughter)”
“(gasp) R-really?! I would love that, thank ya, Nubsie. I really do appreciate it. I can’t wait to see it!”
“Yknow the o-only reason they pick on ya is because y-yer to nice gr-grow some b-backbone o-once in a-awhile!”
Dolly Sees Bubba
“Heya Care Bear!"
"(affection grunting)"
"Woah n-now! Don't get so close swingin' yer chainsaw aroun it could hurt someone.”
“(crying) I don’t think I can do this by myself, Bubs. I really don’t wanna hurt em.”
"(very concerned grunting)"
“Yer lookin' real s-scary with that blood all smeared."
"(very concerned grunting)
"Don’t worry I’ll help ya clean yer mask once this is all over.”
“Heya Bubs, how's the huntin' goin' for ya?"
"(happy/affection grunting)"
"(laughter) I'm glad yer havin' some fun."
“If I find one of em you’ll be the first to know!”
"(comforted grunting)"
Dolly Sees Hands
“Wow Johnny wasn’t kiddin' y-you really are an intimidatin man.”
“I heard a lot bout yer hunts with Johnny, ya mind teachin' me a thing or two? (nervous laughter)”
"Not much of a talker, huh?"
“(crying) I-I can’t do th-this alone."
"(sniff) Ya min' given me a hand? (laughs lightly)”
"(small laughter)"
“Hands! Glad I caught ya when I did. You wanna try this new recipe I’m workin on for Johnny it's with h-hum- well meat."
"(grunts in affirmation)"
"I’ll t-take that as a yes”
“(screaming in terror) Oh! (laughs lighty) it's just you."
"(grunts in affirmation)"
"Ah, silent, but deadly I’ll have to learn from that.”
Match Start Intro
“H-how did they escape?! God, this needs to end quickly.”
“Of course, the cat plays with their food and the mice find a way to run wild. I really don’t wanna hurt em.”
“(crying) W-why couldn’t they have just stayed in the damned basement and die! Ya’ll kids better die this time.”
“Don’t worry Johnny I’ll make ya proud. I hope.”
“(crying) I never wanted to do this yknow but you gave me no choice I have to kill ya now!”
“Sissy was right it really does get easier the more I do this.”
“(laughter with tears) I really am a terrible person.”
“This is gettin' old! Come out already!”
“I can’t do anything right. (crying) Hell! I can’t even kill someone right!”
“What was it that Sissy said to me once? Laugh and smile and everything will get easier. (Manic Laughter) Yeah, no.”
“Go ahead, lil bunnies. The big bad wolf is gonna find ya soon enough.”
Feed Grandpa
“Don’t bite me, Don’t bite me, Don’t bite me!”
“Open wide, don’t choke now.”
“(crying) Please, let this work Johnny’s countin' on me…”
Find Hidden Victim
“(screams in excitement) I actually found one!”
“(crying) like a dog I’ll always fetch!”
“(crying) You're all real bad at hidin’ no wonder they always find ya.”
“You think yer hidin will do ya any good (laughter) then yall are dumber than you look!”
“(crying) Don’t hide without me! Make some room!”
Hit Enemy
“GRAH! Just stand still will ya!”
“(crying) Can’t ya see I’m tryin' to help! Just let me take away yer sufferin' already!”
“(crying) This is hurting me more than its hurtin ya.”
“Cry all ya want! (crying) It won’t change anythin!”
“(crying and laughter) Yall are making this way too easy. I feel real bad for ya.”
“Trust me, it's better if I’m the one who kills ya!”
Dolly See Blood Trail
“Looks fresh, your close ain’t ya.”
“(crying) You poor things I’m so sorry you havta suffer like this, I’ll help ya don’t worry”
“So much blood.”
“The more blood yall lose the easier it will be when he finds ya!”
“Well looky here a little red road!”
“(crying) This will be yalls demise.”
See Enemy First
“Run rabbit. (crying) Run!”
“Oh c'mon now, don’t just run off without me!”
“Just a few smacks to yer pretty lil skull will do the trick trust me!”
“(crying) I can see you.”
“I ain’t gonna bite ya! I promise.”
See Enemy Sub
“Johnny’s gonna be real pleased once I tell him how I found ya’ll!”
“It’s over. You better start runnin'. (crying) Right now!”
“Found ya!”
“(crying) Don’t even try runnin' it’s useless now.”
Encounter Start
“(crying and struggling) Let go of me!”
“(laughing with tears) well, looky here! Cmon, kill me! Yknow ya wanna!”
“Don't you dare, touch what's his!”
“Try me! I dare ya!”
“(crying) I just wanted y’all to die. Is that too much to ask?! Huh?!”
Exit Interaction
“AH! This could’ve ended badly. Good thing I caught it before any of em really did run off.”
“God this is frustratin’ just stay on dammit!”
“No wonder I didn’t hear no vroom an’ boom!”
Lose Enemy First
“Dammit, dammit, dammit! Johnny’s gonna be so mad!”
“No! This isn’t how it’s supposed to go!”
“Gah! (crying) The hunt just started, and I already messed up! Shit!”
“(crying) Johnny, trust me, this isn’t my fault.”
Lose Enemy Sub
“Run all ya want I’ll find ya! I hope.”
“Go ahead, run from fate!”
“(crying) No, please! Let this end! For the both of us.”
“(crying) Come back! Please I’m beggin' ya, please!”
Lose Enemy Long
“Yall were already dead the very moment you set foot on this place.”
“(crying) The more yall struggle the more painful this is gonna be!”
“I know yer here come on out! This is pointless. Please just go away.”
“I was like the rest of y'all once I too ran from death, but look at me now head over heels for him. I’d do anythin’ for my Johnny.”
See Family Member
“Keep yer eyes peeled they're here, somewhere”
“(crying) O-Oh! I didn’t see ya there. I’ll be quiet now.”
“I-I need yer help, please?”
See Trapped Victim
“Like a bug, disgusting.”
“(crying) That looks like it hurts! Here let me help!”
“I told ya, didn’t I? We’d find ya one way or the other, dead or alive.”
“Go ahead! Struggle, easier for me ta kill ya this way.”
“(crying) Please understand this is really for the best.”
“I-I need ya to stop movin yer makin' it harder to aim.”
See Victim Escape
“No, no, no, no, no! (cries and screams in frustration) What am I gonna do!? What am I gonna do?!”
“No wait! Please don't go! Please! Let me free you!”
“Bleed, bleed out, and die for all I care (crying) I tried helpin’ ya but yer too stubborn to care!”
“They got away, shit! (crying) I really am useless. What’s Johnny gonna do with me now if I can’t even finish the job! N-no, he wouldn’t do anything like that. Would he?”
“(crying) Johnny. I need Johnny!”
Use Ability Blocked
“They ain’t nearby yet. Gotta wait for the right time.”
“I don’t see anyone here.”
“Can’t deal with crowds. Gotta wait till they scatter.”
“No one is here to help.”
Use Ability
“Help! Help me! Please?!”
“No please don’t hurt me! Please someone help!”
“We gotta run! We gotta hide!”
“Y-yer not one of 'em are ya thank god! (crying)”
“(crying) Please, don’t leave me alone. I’m scared!”
“(crying) We’re not safe here! Please, we have to go!”
Use Ability Success
“I’ll take us somewhere safe! I promise.”
“(crying) I’m so glad you stayed. I was so scared, please don’t leave me.”
“(crying) I was stuck here for so long. I’m glad yer here to protect me.”
“You got so much blood on ya, I’ll clean ya right up once we're out of here!”
“We’re gonna be safe again, I just know it.”
“(crying) I’m sorry! You gave me no choice!”
“(crying) Blood, blood so much blood!”
“Why won’t you stop twitchin'!?”
“(crying) I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm sorry!”
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Isn't she so cool! I need to know more of her lore, honestly. Can't wait for them to talk about her next stream if they even do.
(I hope ya like my oc!!!)
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storiesbyjes2g · 23 hours
3.134 Parenting
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Once Desiree was satisfied, I placed her in the bassinet, snapped a picture to send to everyone, and called Mama. Naturally, she thought I was still at the hospital, so I told her our heroic tale of home birth. It upset her at first because anyone in their right mind would have been concerned about giving birth unassisted. But in the end, she said she was proud of me. Dad was still over there, so she told him of his new granddaughter, and he came over immediately. Sophia was supposed to be resting, but was much too excited to sleep and eager to spend time with Desi. I mean, she was probably the best baby ever born, so I didn't kick back too much when she appeared at the door when Dad arrived. She promised to go to bed as soon as he left.
"She's beautiful, son. I'm really happy for you both."
"Thanks, Dad."
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Knowing Sophia couldn't sleep because she wanted to hold our daughter, I probably should have given Desi up, but I couldn't part with her. At least not yet. I asked if Dad wanted to hold her because it was the right thing to do, but I was glad he declined. He, like me, was skittish about holding her, even after having two children of his own. The more I held her, the more comfortable I became. At that rate, I'd be a professional newborn handler in no time.
"When you were a toddler," he began, "I was still afraid of you. Of course, you were bigger and less fragile then, but I had never really been around children before and didn't know what to do with you."
Looking back, I saw evidence of that all the way through our childhood. He was naturally a laid-back guy, but his parenting style was also very hands off. He basically let us do whatever we wanted, only stepping in when it was critical or we came to him. Mama was kind of passive too, but she checked in with us from time to time to see how things were going and how she could help. What kind of parent did I aspire to be? I certainly couldn't see myself as a helicopter, but I think I'd like to be less be passive. Only time would tell what I'd become.
"I learned quickly how fickle children are at that age and was deathly afraid of you having a tantrum, so I tried to talk to you nicely when it was time for a bath or whatever I needed you to do. You thought it was funny and would mock me."
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"Really?? I did that?"
"Sure did."
"I bet you were so adorable," Sophia said.
"He was. They both were. And now you both have your own. I wish I had more time to see them grow up, but I'm happy just knowing they exist."
"Don't talk like that, Dad."
"I'm old, Luca. I won't be around forever."
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Sad doggie whimpers saved me from that conversation. It's not that I didn't realize my parents had gotten on in age, but I didn't want to discuss it yet. I was still high from becoming a parent for the first time. He could burst my bubble after my birthday, and he better not die before then.
"What's the matter, Rosie? Did you hear the baby? You have a little sister now. Come here. Let's get you introduced."
I put down Des, picked up Rosie, and brought her to the bassinet.
"This is Desiree. She's gonna be your new playmate soon, and I'm gonna get you and Kooper some treats so you can play with her for a really long time."
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She licked my face, so I guess she forgave me. I hadn't completely neglected them, but she and Kooper definitely got lost in the shuffle.
"We still love you and Koop. You were our first babies! But this baby is gonna need a lot of help, so don't think I don't love you if we don't go jogging every day, okay?"
"You're such a good daddy," Sophia said.
I think I detected a hint of flirt in there, but I kept that thought to myself. Maybe when she wasn't struggling to keep her eyes opened I'd revisit, heh. She excused herself to go to bed a few minutes later. Desiree began fussing again, but I didn't have to guess what she needed that time; I could smell it. Dad had gone downstairs, probably to see what he could do around the house to help, so it was on me to get Little Miss Lady cleaned up. It was surprisingly not that hard. At least I hope I did it right.
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