#hey at least my mom would be proud that i planned early
ashtonisvibing · 1 year
my ass all of a sudden: let's plan my christmas list now
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bensonsbobblehead · 2 years
Stand Still 
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Pairings: Olivia Benson x Daughter!OC
Olivia Bensons daughter dealing with post op alone or so she thinks. 
 Content warnings: ANGST! Abortions , sex, sexual assault, lots of sadness, basically things that would be talked about in an episode. 
wc; 1.2k
“Ryann Benson?” The nurse called softly from the door. The door Ryann had been staring at for the past two days in a row. This was it, she was doing it, alone.
The young women stood up walking quickly to the door as she turned her phone off. With her head hung low hoping no one in the office would remember her face. 
It’s freezing she thought as the nurse led her to a room and ordered her to take off her clothes. The nurse gave her and gown and left the room. After what felt like forever she returned with a million questions. 
Are you sure this is what you want? Is there anyone you need me to call? We can stop at anytime. Do you have someone to take you home? 
Ryann was on autopilot, she hated she was in this situation. It wasn’t entirely her fault Justin couldn’t take no for an answer so she just gave in. Which she knew her mother wouldn’t be proud of.
Maybe if I would’ve fought harder, he didn’t technically force me, I just gave up on saying no. 
Tears grew in her eyes as she thought about what happened. How he denied it was even his and blocked her number, leaving her completely helpless. She had to be strong, she had no choice. 
Before she knew it was time, Doctors and nurse flooding in with gear and equipment. 
“Just breathe for me” the doctors said as he begun. Ryann cried and breathed and cried again, the pain of it all was unbearable. 
“Is there anything you need sweetie?” The nurse asked holding her hand. 
My mom 
“No” Ryann whispered back wishing time would fly pass so this can all be over. She felt violated all over again. Exposed for everyone to see it was humiliating, all she wanted was her mom. To be there with her through all of this, but she couldn’t.
Olivia always knew how to soothe Ryann whenever she needed to. She’s her baby girl and quite frankly she’ll do anything to see her smile. 
When the procedure was over they gave her a change of clothes, medicine, and sent her on her way. 
She felt like she was hit by a bus but she had to hurry home. Ryann called an Uber and paid her extra to help her up the stairs, it was the least she could do. 
When she got into the apartment it was completely silent. No Olivia, no Noah, just Ryann and her thoughts. She walked to her room and laid down immediately. Stuffing the Planned Parenthood bag almost all the way under her bed. The girl dozed off finally getting some rest. 
“Ry please answer the phone sweetie, I love you”
Olivia left her 4th message to her daughter. Ryann was Olivia’s oldest, she was a responsible girl but sometimes Olivia worried about her. Of course, she was a woman living in this world, how could she not worry. 
Ryann had told her she’s been with her friend since the weekend and she didn’t need to worry. But Olivia felt it in her soul something was up. So, she called Ava, Ryann only friend honestly.
“Hi Ava, I was wondering if Ry was still with you? She hadn’t been returning my calls”
“Hey, and no she actually went home early on Saturday you haven’t seen her?”
My daughters missing
“Thank you Ava” Olivia hung up and quickly called Amanda to her office. 
“Ry is missing, I need .. I need someone to trace her phone and her bank cards and I have to go get Noah” 
“Olivia, relax we are going to find her” Amanda reassured the woman heading toward the team and briefing them. 
Olivia sat in her office wondering how she let her guard down when it came to them she was always on top of it. She wanted Ryann to have more space even if that meant not talking to her everyday. She wondered how she not notice that she was missing.
“Captain” Amanda said from the office door causing Olivia to look up, “You’re going to want to see this” Amanda sat the laptop on her desk showing her daughters latest purchases. The top one being the very pricy one with the words Planned Parenthood next to it. 
“I need to find my daughter now” Olivia stood up grabbing her belongings heading towards the elevator.
The first thing Olivia thought was why would her own daughter want her there for this. It did not matter that her daughter was pregnant but it was about her protection. Making sure there through whatever Ryann had to face. 
When she arrived at the apartment she noticed her daughters shoes and headed toward her door. Knocking softly and getting no response she peaked in. 
Seeing her daughter buried under the blankets holding Little, the stuffed cat her uncle Elliot gave her when she was 9. Olivia walked in trying not to wake her, looking around the room for anything to help her understand what happened. As she moved closer to the bed that when she seen the planned parenthood bag. Filled with papers, pads, aftercare, and an outfit. 
“What happened sweet girl” she whrispered trying not to wake the girl but failing. Ryann turned over to see her mother standing there with the bag in her hand. Tears grew in her eyes fast, “Mama I —“ she said quickly sitting up. Before she could finish Olivia was already taking off her shoes and climbing into bed with her. 
“What’s going on Ry, talk to me” As she held her trying to give her the upmost comfort. Olivia took a look at her daughters face and she looked exhausted, Olivia hated this. 
“Justin and I were making out and it started getting intense and I didn’t want to have sex yet — but he begged even after I said no a thousand times. 
 I gave up and just let him. I didn’t want to do it and now I’m here” she was hysterical, “Please forgive me mama, I shouldn’t have even been doing anything. It’s all my fault.”
Olivia had felt like she was punched in the chest. Her daughter was a … victim. 
“I’m here for you now Ryann, I’m never going anywhere.” Ryann cried even harder, tears falling all over her mother. It 
It took Olivia 30 minutes to calm Ryann down before she spoke up. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I didn’t want you to know I was weak or for you to hate me for even thinking about sex.”
Olivia knew Ryann was a strong, creative girl and he could never hate her. Ryann brought a light into Olivia’s life and it’s been shining bright ever since.
“Look at me, I will never hate you and Ryan you are so strong. he’s the weak on. I wish I was there to hold your hand and be by your side through all of this.” 
Ryann cried harder all she wanted was her mom, she was her role model. Disappointing her was the last thing Ryann wanted to do. 
“It was your choice and I have no right to question that and I absolutely don’t hate you. You’re a part of me Ryann Serena.” 
Ryann snuggled into her mom, tears still falling from her eyes. Ryann had wished she called her mom to come with her to get the abortion
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samaraannhan20 · 11 months
Austin Butler Imagine: College AU! Disney Trip
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warnings: fem!reader, anxiety, depression, college!reader
Y/H/S= Your home state
“Okay. It’s your turn.”
“Don’t you have some kind of homework or something you should be doing?”
“Probably. But at this exact moment in time I would rather play Skip Bo with you,” you tell Austin as you closely watch what cards he plays. He chuckles under his breath at the intensity on your face as you watch, before speaking up.
“After this game, you’re getting your computer, opening the school website, and seeing what homework you need to do for tomorrow, got it?”
“Yeah, dad,” you reply with a roll of your eyes and a slight chuckle. At that, Austin sets his cards down and grabs your hands. 
“Baby. I’m not trying to father you, I just want you to succeed at what you’re doing, and you won’t do that if you blow off your homework every night just to spend time with me. You live here now, and awards season is over. I don’t leave for filming again until the end of the summer. Darlin’, you don’t have to fight for time with me anymore. Come here,” he says, and taps your hands to make you stand up and move. You move to him, and hesitate before deciding to sit sideways on his lap, leaning your head on his shoulder. “I’m here. I’ll be here everyday. And now that you’ve moved in you’re going to wind up getting tired of me.”
“Aus, I’m sorry. I was being too clingy. And it wasn’t because I was worried about you having to go on a trip again. It was because I don’t want to face the end of the semester. I don’t want to have to say goodbye to my friends. I don’t want to have to stress about passing my classes. I basically don’t want anything about the end of the semester to happen,” you tell him, and he just wraps his arms tighter around you. “Plus, I still haven't processed everything that happened that was the cause of me moving in with you a few weeks early. I’m trying to stay busy to keep my mind off of it. At least until school ends and I can be positive I never have to see…”
“I know, Sweetheart. But we still have to go back that last day to get the last of your things,” he says with a short kiss on your forehead. 
“I’m aware. Which is why I need to ignore it until that exact moment. When the semester is over, then I will think about it again. Until then, I want to spend my nights with you, not worrying about anything else. At least until the morning. And all I have left is my finals. Two tomorrow and two Friday. Then move out on Saturday. And then I’m all yours for the summer. Well except for that family vacation, which my mom wanted me to tell you that you could join us if you would like we’re going to,” you say, but then he cuts you off.
“Disney World. Your mom texted me last night,” he says with a chuckle as he lets go of you and points to the game. “It’s your turn now,” he says and you scramble to grab your cards and take your turn. 
After the game ends, the two of you fall into a comfortable silence, the movie having stopped a long time ago.
“Hey, Aus?” you quietly say, not 100% sure that you actually want to say what you’re about to say, but knowing that you need to talk about it. 
“Yeah sweetheart?”
“I think I’m ready to talk about… it. I think it will be good to talk it out before I have to see… her, again.”
“Okay baby. Let’s talk about it,” he says, and pulls you into him, and the two of you sit on the floor for the next hour and talk about what had happened between you and your roommate/best friend that you hadn’t talked to in two weeks and didn’t plan on talking to ever again. You start crying about two sentences in, and don’t stop until you’ve said your last sentence, which was the reason the conversation took an entire hour anyway. 
“I’m really proud of you for telling me about it and getting it off your chest. That took a lot of effort, I know,” he tells you, and kisses the top of your head. “Now, I know I told you earlier you needed to do homework, but I think we should just go to bed. Does that sound okay?” You just nod, and stand up, before holding your hand out for him to take, and he takes it and stands up, and the two of you head into the bedroom and head to bed. 
“Austin! Austin! I’m home! Austin! Hello?” you shout as you come through the front door of the house.You start to drop your things and take your shoes off as you start to shout again. “Austin! Are you home?”
“I’m in here!” you finally hear him respond, his voice coming from the kitchen, and you drop your last shoe to the floor before sprinting into the kitchen. 
“I took my last final! And the teacher sent me a message while I was driving home that I saw when I got here, that I passed with an A! I passed all my classes. I officially only have one semester left!”
Two days after that, you, Austin, and his sister Ashley stand in the apartment you used to share with your friends. 
“Okay, most of my clothes have been moved to Austin’s,” I start, but Austin cuts me off.
“It’s no longer just mine. Its ours,” he says, and leans down to kiss the top of my head. 
“Right, ours. That’s still kinda weird to say. Anyway, all that's really left is some small furniture, and my books, it shouldn’t take that long. I think it’s all going in the spare in Aus… our apartment.”
“Okay. Let’s get to it,” Ashley says, and together the three of you pack up what’s remaining of your apartment within the hour. Just as the three of you are beginning to head out the door for the last time, it opens and in walks your roommate, the exact one you had been hoping not to see. 
“Hey there stranger!” she says with a huge smile on her face, as though nothing had happened between the two of you. You force a smile and mumble hello, stepping closer to Austin. He knows your tells, and he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. 
“Hey, Blaire,” he says with a fake smile on his face, one only you and Ashley would know is fake, but closely resembles one of his smiles from the Carrie Diaries days. “We’re just heading out. All moved out. The rest is up to you, Y/N did her part. See ya later,” he says, and then together the three of you walk out the door, and into the elevator. As soon as you get into the elevator, you turn into Austin and bury your head in his chest, and just start sobbing. You feel Ashley reach over and start rubbing your back, and the two of them just let you sit there and cry. When the elevator reaches the lobby, Austin helps you move out to the car without it being obvious that you’re crying. When you get sat down in the car, you try to start drying your face off and pull it together. 
“I’m sorry. I just wasn't expecting her to show up. I thought we had gotten through it without having to see her.”
“I know baby. It’s okay,” Austin says, and starts driving. You assume he was heading back to the apartment you share, so you close your eyes and just lean on the window. You don’t even notice he’s pulling into a drive through, until you hear the person at the speaker. 
“Uh, yes, can I get two chocolate milkshakes and a strawberry one,” he says, and then pulls to the window after they reply. He gets handed the three milkshakes, and passes a chocolate one to you and the strawberry one to Ashley in the back.
“What is this for?” you ask him as you sip on yours. 
“You’ve had a bad day. So, milkshakes. Plus they’re a great pick me up before we move this stuff out of my car and into our apartment,” he says.
The three of you spend the next hour and a half moving the stuff into the spare room in your apartment, and then spend the rest of the night just spending time together, since it isn’t often that you’re able to hang out with Ashley.
A  week later, you stand in the middle of the bedroom you now share with Austin, staring at your empty suitcase and all of the clothes you are supposed to take with you spread out on the bed. You and Austin both have a bit of a Disneyland/Disney addiction, so besides all of the matching clothes your mother had sent the two of you it seemed impossible to fit in this suitcase. 
“Hey Aus?” you shout from where you are, hoping he’ll hear you, wherever he is. 
“Yeah, Darlin’?” he shouts back. 
“Can you come here?” you ask, and then hear him begin to walk towards you from wherever he was. You zone out for a second staring at the tv show you have going in the background as you pack. It isn’t until Austin speaks again that you snap out of it.
“What do you need?” he asks as he walks in and stands behind you, placing his hands on your hips, and leaning down so his chin rests on your shoulder. 
“Apparently we either need another suitcase, or we need to take less extra. So. We know that we have to take the three matching days to match with my family. Then there’s the two other days. And then we’ll fly home. That’s 6 outfits that we’ll end up needing. Now, looking at all of this here in front of me, I think that we each have at least 10 outfits here. We do not need that many. So, pick three that you want to get rid of. I’ll do the same. Which will leave both of us with one extra, for emergencies.” 
You move to the side of the suitcase that your clothes are on and do the same thing he’s doing. It takes him around five minutes before he says he’s done. He sits down in the chair that you have sitting by the window, and grabs the book he has been reading, and reads until you’re done choosing outfits.  
“Okay. I’m done,” you say when you have finished picking outfits. Austin stands up and walks over to you, assessing what all needs to be shoved into this suitcase. 
“You know, maybe we should each take a suitcase. I mean, you and I both know that the both of us are going to get many souvenirs and new clothes. So why don’t we just each take a suitcase instead of trying to shove all of it in one. And then, you could even take an extra pair of converse, besides the two that you have sitting here already,” he says, kissing the top of your head and turning to the closet to get an extra suitcase. 
“You’re right. It was dumb to think we could pack in one suitcase. While you’re in there can you grab my blue platform converse? I think those will go great with the shirts my mom picked for day three,” you say, and hear him laugh from inside the closet. Before long he comes out with both the suitcase and the shoes, and the two of you pack together in silence for a bit. 
What time does the plane leave tomorrow?” he asks after a few minutes as he places the last few things in his suitcase. 
“9 AM, so we need to leave here by 6:30. You and I both know that LAX will be crazy in the morning,” you tell him as you shove your last pair of shoes into the suitcase. 
“Yeah it will. Okay, I’ll tell James to be here by 6, so we can get loaded up,” he says, and then lifts both of your suitcases off of the bed and rolls them over to the door. “I’m going to take these downstairs and then grab some ice cream out of the freezer. Do you want some?”
“Yes please! Surprise me with which flavor,” you say, and then flop down on the bed, grabbing the remote to choose a movie to watch. He comes back a few minutes later with a pint of ice cream for both of you, and you spend the rest of the night watching a movie and eating ice cream.
“I’m so excited!” you yell as you get into Magic Kingdom, with Austin hot on your trail and your family in front of you. You hear him laugh behind you, and pause and turn around to face him. “Are you as excited as I am?” 
“I don’t think so Darlin’, but I am excited to see you so excited, after everything that happened those last weeks of school,” he tells me, and pulls you into his arms. You stand there for a few, just holding each other, in the happiest place on earth.  “We should probably get moving. The lines won’t stay short for long. Also,” he says, and turns his head to look around, “there are about five people who have their phones out and are videoing us. We’ll be in Daily Mail tomorrow. I mean we probably would have been anyway, but we’ve been hugging for like three minutes,” he finishes with a small chuckle, and you chuckle as well, pulling away. 
“I wonder where my family went,” you mumble as the two of you join hands and start to walk towards where you had last seen your family standing. You use your free hand to pull your phone out of your pocket, and look to see if you had any messages. 
We stepped into the candy shop on main. It looked like you two needed a moment 🥰
“They’re in the candy shop. Up and to the left,” you tell him, and start slightly pulling him in that direction. When you get to the candy shop you go in and meet up with your family, before all of you head towards the castle for the photo op in front of it. You take some with your entire family and Austin, and some just you and Austin. 
After taking pictures, your family splits up, agreeing to meet outside the castle before your dinner reservations. You and Austin head to Fantasyland to go on the Teacup ride. You don’t say anything to Austin, because you know he notices as well, but you watch as fans, or people who just recognize who he is, take pictures of the two of you, more and more each time. 
“So kids, what did you do with your freetime in the park today?” your mom asks as you all sit at the restaurant table.
“Mom, we were all in the same park, we all probably did the same things just in a different order,” your brother replies 
“Not necessarily. I mean I know Brad and I didn’t really go on any of the rides, we just visited shops, did character meet ups, and stuff like that.”
“Y/N and I went on a bunch of rides and then went to some stores and character meet up,” Austin joins in the conversation.
“Yeah! I think my favorite ride was Space Mountain. And I almost cried when we met Ariel,” you say, with a slight chuckle.
“You always did love her,” your mom replies, laughing along with you.
“Um, so,” Austin starts, clearing his throat. “When we,” he pauses, and looks at you and you give him a small nod to let him know it is okay to continue. “When we told my management that we were coming on this trip with you guys, they told us the best move would be to bring security for ourselves. But we talked to each other about it, and decided that we didn’t want to disrupt the family trip with security. All of that to say, there is a very good chance the entire family will be in some kind of tabloid tomorrow, because,” he says, and then trails off. 
“Because he is famous, and he is dating someone who is not famous, so that makes the situation much more interesting to the public.  And we’ve both noticed that there have been fans taking pictures of us all day. I’m used to it by now, but we wanted to tell you guys because you’re not used to it yet. Now, since we spent most of the day separated there’s a good chance that not many people have put together that you’re my family yet, but they still might have.”
“Oh honey. That doesn't matter to us,” your mother says. “If we were worried about being in tabloids we wouldn’t have invited Austin to come with us.”
“Thank you, Lisa. It means a lot that you invited me to come with you,” Austin says, and then leans down and kisses the top of your head. 
You and your sister Ella walk away from your family to get in line for a snack, and you half listen to her as you watch Austin and your mother interact with each other. 
“Hello? Are you listening to me?” 
“Oh uh. Sorry. I wasn’t. Hey, look at Mom and Austin. Does it look like they’re talking about something serious?” you ask Ella as you get up to the counter. “Hi, a churro and a soft pretzel please,” you tell the man at the counter, and scan your magic band before stepping away from the counter and looking back at her. “So, what do you think they’re talking about?” you ask again.
“Oh. I’m sure it's just more about the article that might come out. Don’t worry about it. You’ve done everything you can,” Ella responds, but you can tell that she’s not sure that is all it is. 
“Hey Aus?” you say as you stand in the bathroom of the hotel room finishing up your skincare routine. 
“Yeah darlin’?” he responds, pausing his scrolling through the channels of the tv to give his full attention to you..
“Do you wish we would have taken the offer from your manager and brought some kind of security with us?” you ask as you flick off the light in the bathroom and head towards him, joining him on the bed.
“Why do you ask that?” he asks, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you into him.
“Because there were a lot of people ‘secretly’ taking pictures of us today, and I know that you hate when that happens, because you like to have private moments,” you respond, looking up at his face, trying to gauge what you think his response will be. 
“No,” he says after a moment of consideration. “No, I don’t wish we brought security with us. I honestly think that bringing security would have made it worse, because I would have been even more noticeable due to the security surrounding me,” he explains, and then looks down at you from his angle, he can see the compilation in your eyes. “Do you wish we had?” 
“No. Not now that you’ve said that it would be worse. When I thought it would have been better with security I thought maybe we should have, but if it would have made it worse I’m glad we didn’t. Besides, so what if we’re in Daily Mail or something just for coming to Disney World with my family. There’s nothing scandalous about it.”
“No there isn’t,” he says in agreement, leaning down to press a kiss on the top of your head. 
“You only bought our tickets and paid for our hotel room. My parents bought their own and the rest of the families. We didn’t come for free. You know what, I’m actually looking forward to seeing if Daily Mail tries to spin this into something scandalous in the morning,” you say with a slight chuckle.  Austin lightly laughs next to you, and then reaches for his phone, still laughing. “What are you doing?”
“I’m texting my manager and main PR person and telling them that my comment on anything about this trip is ‘nothing scandalous happening here, just a family vacation with my girlfriend’s family,” he says, still chuckling as he laughs. 
“No you aren’t,” you exclaim, reaching over and trying to take his phone from him. He laughs and shakes his head. 
“No, I’m not. I’m telling them to say I have no comment, because I don’t,” he says, before pausing so he can finish his message and send it out. “There, it’s sent. Now, can we please get some sleep, if I remember right, we have to get up early in the morning to get to Animal Kingdom before rope drop because your family got breakfast renovations at that one restaurant there,” he says, setting his phone down on the bedside table and turning off the lamp, before pulling you into him. 
“Yeah, they did,” you respond, and settle into your spot next to him. “I love you,” you whisper as you close your eyes. 
“I love you darlin’,” he says in response, and then the two of you fall into a peaceful slumber. 
When you wake in the morning, it isn’t because of your alarms, but because your phone is buzzing incessantly. You notice that Austin’s is as well, but reach for yours because it’s buzzing due to a phone call.
“Hello,” you mumble into the phone as you click the speaker button, still half asleep and too tired to lift the phone to your ear. 
“Y/N,” you hear James, Austin’s manager respond. 
“What James?” you ask, slightly more awake now, and reach out to shake Austin awake. 
“I’m sorry to wake you, but Austin wasn’t answering his phone.”
“Because we were asleep,” Austin says as he wakes up, and reaches out his hand to take your phone from you. You hand it to him, and curl back into him closing your eyes to listen as he talks on the phone. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. But, you were right. There were a few articles uploaded, and a couple of them have reached out for comment. Do you really not want to leave one?”
“What is there to say James? That I’m on vacation with my girlfriend and her family? Because that’s all there is.”
“Well, one of the outlets speculated that maybe you were on this trip with her family because you might propose,” James says, and Austin sighs heavily, and looks down at your sleeping form. 
“Even if I was, and I’m not saying yes or no because it would be a surprise if I was, it isn’t any of their business. When I want to let people know, they will. Until then, this is my life.”
“Okay, I understand man. Also, at least one of the outlets is waiting to possibly get more pictures before they post anything. Chances are that they’re waiting for pictures to emerge of you two with her family. If that’s the case, you should probably warn her family.”
“James,” you interrupt from where you lay beside Austin. “We warned my family the moment we started dating. And again right before we left for this trip.They know what to expect.”
“Okay that sounds like you covered it. So I’ll probably call you later with more info, if anyone decides to post anything else today.”
“Okay. That’s fine I guess. Thanks for calling,” he says, and then hangs up, and hands you back your phone. 
“Ugh. The alarm is going to go off in 20 minutes. That’s not enough time to go back to sleep,” you groan as you set the phone down and then turn back to Austin and bury your face in his chest. 
“One of us could go take a shower,” he suggests, and laughs as you shake your head, while still being buried in his chest. “Or, we could stay here. Or, and I really think you should consider this one,” he says with a small laugh, and pauses for effect before continuing. “We could go get in the shower together. That way we save the hotel some water. And since we’re up early we have the time,” he says, and then feels you laugh into his chest. 
“Fine. But let me change the alarms so that we can make sure we’re out in time to meet up with my family,” you say, and sit up, grabbing your phone, before standing and heading towards the bathroom, stopping to turn around when you get to the doorway. “Aus, why did James mention something about proposing? It’s not something we’ve even talked about before.”
“He’s my manager. He has to think about every angle that a journalist could take,” he says as he stands up. 
You nod and then say, “Well, are you coming?”
“Goodmorning,” you say as you step down the last step and stand in front of your family, Austin coming down right behind you. 
“Morning,” your mom says, with a glint of a smile on her face as silently checks her watch and then looks up at you. “I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it on time.”
“Mom, I’m nothing if not punctual. Of course we were going to make it on time.”
“Trust me, Laura. She’s trained me well. I haven’t been late to anything since we got together,” Austin says, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. Everyone chuckles, and then you all start walking towards the bus stop. You all walk make small talk with each other, when suddenly your brother speaks up. 
“Wait, is no one going to comment on the fact that Y/N and Austin’s hair were both dripping wet when they came down the stairs?” he says, and you start to blush as everyone else in your family laughs wholeheartedly, including Austin. 
“Shut up,” you mumble, turning to bury your face in Austin’s chest. 
“Okay that food was amazing,” you say as you walk out of the restaurant with your family. “What are we doing next?”
“I think,” your mom says, pulling out her phone and looking at the park app. “Yeah, I thought right. We have Genie watchamacaillits for Everest.”
“All together at the same time?” you ask, wanting to clarify, especially since you had spent the day before basically completely separate from your family. 
“Yep. At least for Everest. And then we all get to split up until the Lion King at 6,” she says, and then the family starts walking in the direction of the ride, making small talk the whole time. Not long after you start walking, Austin’s phone starts to ring. You watch him roll his eyes when he reads the caller ID. 
“I’ll be right back,” he mutters to you, and kisses you on the forehead, before swiping to answer the call and stepping away. 
“Where’s he going?” your sister, Ella, asks as he steps away. 
“I think it was James again. He called at like 6 this morning to talk about the articles that the press had released after receiving pictures of him here with us yesterday. Well, I guess me. You guys weren’t really mentioned.  Yet. Can we pause for a second?” you ask, a bit louder than you had been, so you could get the attention of the family. “I need to tell you guys something,” you say when you get your entire families attention. They all nod, and your mother tells you to go ahead, so you start. “This morning, we got a call from James, Austin’s manager,” you start, and then explain the entire situation. “Now, I don’t think that anything bad will be posted about any of you. I think it is more likely that these outlets are just drawing attention to Austin, because they know it will gain their site some more visitors. But Austin is currently on the phone with James, and James is probably telling him that there are pictures of all of us at breakfast or on the bus this morning that are beginning to circulate the internet.”
“That doesn’t matter to us,” your stepfather says from his position next to your mother. 
“That’s good,” Austin says as he steps right up next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “Because that is exactly what James just said. Just some pictures of all of us at breakfast and on the bus this morning. I think he said the title of the article was going to be something like ‘Butler getting close with the in-laws’ or something like that.”
“Oh that’s not bad at all,” your mother says, and everyone else nods in agreement.
“Okay. I’m glad none of you are upset,” you say, and then look at the time on your watch. “Oh, we should probably get to the ride before we miss our time frame.”
“Hey, I’m kinda hungry,” you say to Austin as you walk away from Flight of Passage. 
“Okay. How hungry is ‘kinda hungry’?” he asks, knowing from experience how quickly your mood can change based on hunger. 
“Um… like five minutes from the beginning stages of hangry,” you say in response, and Austin laughs and looks around.
“There’s a food stand right over here,” he says, and the two of you walk towards it. A few minutes later you’re holding a soft pretzel and he’s holding a dole whip. You sit down on a bench and eat, just looking at your surroundings. 
“Aus?” you say as you take a spoonful of dole whip. 
“Yes darlin’?”
“I love you. I’m so glad I bumped into you that one day. And that you saw more than just a college student.”
“I love you too,” he says, and leans down and gently turns your head to face him, before placing a gentle kiss on your lips. 
“Ooh that show was so good,” Ella says as the family walks out of the building the Lion King was held in. 
“I know it was!” you say, and then look at your mom. “What are we doing next?” 
“Well, I think Brad and I were going to head back to the room. We aren’t as young as we once were. What about you?” she asks your siblings. 
“Um,” your brother, Leo, starts. “I think the three of us,” he says, pointing to your sister and other brother, Ella and Blaine, “were going to go on a few more rides around here. Maybe stay til close.” You and your mother nod in understanding, and then you turn to Austin. 
“Do you wanna go to the movies in Disney Springs? I think the Little Mermaid is showing.”
“Yeah, that sounds good to me honey,” he says, and you lift your joined hands up and kiss his hand. 
“Okay, let’s get on the bus back with Mom and Brad. Then we can take the ferry thing over to Disney Springs,” you say, and then the two of you and your parents walk over to the buses. 
“Wake up! It’s the last day!” you say as you jump on the bed after exiting the bathroom, somehow managing to shower and get dressed without waking Austin up.
“I’m up,” he mumbles, and then grabs you and makes you topple on top of him. 
“This is not getting up,” you say in between laughs, laughing as Austin kisses up and down your neck. 
“I know but this feels like the better plan,” he says, not stopping his attack on your neck. 
“Fine. Five minutes, and that’s only because I’m ready to go already,” you say, and stop trying to fight back, instead just relaxing in Austin’s arms. 
“I can’t believe we’ve been here for a week already,” he says as he stops attacking you and just rests his head on yours.
“I know. Our week of magic is nearly over. And then it’s back to the real world.”
“Hunny, you don’t go back to school for another month and a half. And I still have time off before press for Dune starts. It’s not like after this trip we won’t be seeing each other. Plus, we live together now. Like it or not you’re stuck with me.”
“I love that I’m stuck with you. It makes me happy,” you respond, and then lay there in his arms silently. “Okay,” you say after a few minutes pass. “Your five minutes are up. Get up and get moving.  We have a day full of park hopping in front of us!” 
“Okay, c’mon. We have to meet my family in front of the castle for our last pictures!” you exclaim as you and Austin make it into Magic Kingdom, the last park you’re going to today. You hadn’t seen your family since breakfast at the hotel, and you were excited to take the last pictures in front of the castle and watch the fireworks with them. Tomorrow they would head back to Y/H/S and you and Austin would head back to California.  
“Where are they?” you ask as you make it to the private spot you and Austin had arranged to watch the fireworks with your family at.
“I’m sure they’ll be here soon darlin’” Austin says from where he stands next to you. 
“Um okay. We can just wait here then,” you say, and continue to look around, not spotting your family. Austin fights a laugh as he sees your family standing slightly hidden behind a hedge, noticing that your sister and mother both have their phones out and are obviously recording. 
“They better get here soon,” you mumble, still not super happy that they aren’t on time. “The fireworks are going to start any minute.” You stand silently for a minute, looking up at the sky.  You look up in awe as the fireworks begin going off.
“Y/N,” you vaguely hear Austin say as the fireworks boom in your ears. You hum, not looking away from the sky, until you feel a tug on your hand. “Y/N, look at me,” he says, and you turn and look. A gasp comes out of your mouth as you realize the man you love is down on one knee in front of you. 
“Y/N, we’ve been together for two years now, and they’ve been the happiest years of my life. I can’t imagine a life without you in it, and I am so glad to have you here with me everyday. We both have struggles in our life,” he says, and takes your hand in his. “But together we keep them from letting them tear our lives apart. I am thankful to have you by my side for any little thing that happens, from getting cast, to losing people, and random little trips wherever we want to go whenever we have the time. Life without you would be unbearable. Will you marry me?” 
Your eyes well over with tears, and you nod, unable to catch your breath. 
“Yes?” he asks, still kneeling. 
“Yes,” you whisper, and he stands and pulls you in for a kiss. You laugh and smile into the kiss, completely unaware of the claps and cheers coming from behind you. When you pull away from him he slips the ring he had been holding onto your finger, and then motions behind you for people to come in. The next thing you know your family is smothering the two of you in a giant group hug. When you all pull away you look at your mom, and see tears streaming down her face as well. 
“Mom, I’m engaged,” you say in a sort of whisper, and she just nods and pulls you into her. When you pull away you immediately get pulled into a hug with Ella and your brothers. 
“The first one to get married,” Ella says when you pull away, and you and your brothers laugh. 
“I never expected you to propose here,” you whisper into Austins chest as you lay in bed a few hours later. 
“Really?” he asks with a slight chuckle. 
“Really,” you respond, also slightly laughing. “I expected you to propose in our living room honestly. I don’t really know why, I just did. I think maybe it was because we’re always trying to avoid paparazzi or cameras, so to me it just made the most sense for you to propose at home, away from the spotlight.”
“I thought about doing it at home as well,” he says, running his hand through your hair. “But, then I decided that I didn’t really care. You deserve pizazz and a big extravagant thing. So, I planned this. The Disney trip was your mother’s idea, but as soon as I was invited I called her and asked if she would be okay with me hijacking the last nigh,” he explains.
“I really hope you actually said “hijacking” to her. She would love that,” you say, laughing. 
“Oh, I really did. And she laughed really hard. And then told me that as long as she could watch it happen she didn’t care.”  You both laugh, and then fall silent for a few moments. You run your hand back and forth across his chest, as he continues to run his hand through your hair. 
You both start to fall asleep, and the last thing you whisper is, “We’re getting married.”
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v1olentdelights · 2 years
Move in With Me
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Daddy Issues pt.2
Sweet pea x reader
Trigger Warning: drinking, manipulation, verbal abuse, screaming, mental break down, cursing, I didn’t really hold back.
Summary: It had been less than a week and you had already been berated by your father. Forced to find a new home, you are coming to terms with your new life.
a/n: :(( I'm sorry. Also I ask that with not only this piece, but any others in which there are severe/heavy topics that you keep your harsh comments to yourself. This piece was unplanned but I am proud of a couple spots, I let out a lot of emotion in this one. I will be doing a part 3, even if this one isn’t really a hit. I want to finish it! I have good plans for this next piece. Thank you everyone for your continual support <3
Part one Navigation
It hadn’t been even a week since your big fight that your father began picking again. It was small things because he knew if he pushed just a little too hard at once you’d leave. Just like your mother had all those years ago. Today he just had to say something about your outfit.
“Your ass is hanging out and I can see you rolls with that shirt. Go find something more appropriate.” His voice was gruff and full of alcohol.
“Why are you looking at my ass?” At this point you just wanted him to hit you so you had an excuse to leave.
“You are my daughter. I can do as I please.” His voice leaking venom. Grabbing your bag you walked out the door of your trashy house, but not before grabbing a zip up. Your skirt had gone down to the middle of your thighs, not revealing much at all and your shirt was skimming the top hem of your skirt.
As you walked up the school you caught the eyes of your best friend.
“Hey babe! You look cute today,” with her usual smirk Toni hadn’t realized what she had set off those emotions from this morning “do you wanna go to Pops after school?”
“I’ll swing by after if I can.” your tight lipped smile had been enough for everyone but your boyfriend. You and him walked into school in sync, hand in hand. Sweet Pea gently squeezed your hand making sure you knew he was there with you.
The day passed by slowly and all you could do was pull your skirt down, at one point you had hauled yourself and everything your father said to you to the bathroom. You had sat in one of the stalls bawling your eyes out and turning over the past few weeks in your mind. By the end of the day you had convinced yourself that if you left the house your father would probably drink himself into oblivion or something would happen to him. During lunch you were in your own world, head laid against Sweet Peas shoulder as he and the other Serpents had conversed about something that’d blown past you. Though you had been aware enough to feel Pea giving you occasional kisses on the head.
You hadn’t realized that finding you in the bathtub in that state could have and did shake him up so much. But he realized how tough it was for you to be stuck in that house. You had only one outlet and he had failed in being there for you in one of your lowest moments.
Upon returning home you found your father passed out on the couch with an empty whiskey bottle next to him on the ground. At least you had time to slip past him and not be berated. You quickly packed a small bag on the off chance you stayed the night at Toni or Pea’s house. But since you were the slightest bit happy now, of course your father had to wake up.
“Jamie, is that you?” your breath caught in your throat, he’d thought you were your mom.
“No it’s y/n, your daughter.” He rose from his lying position stumbling his way towards you. Harshly grabbing your chin he looked into your eyes.
There was a coating of alcohol and regret over his own. It was like the man your mother fell in love with was standing across from you. Though you had found out early on that your parents didn’t love each other it was simply lust that drove them to elope. Everyone knew it wouldn’t last, they were certainly right.
Your father let go of your face and immediately his eyes burned with a sense of hatred and disgust as he recognized his daughter. Before you could pull back he slapped you across the face, harder than you’d ever imagined.
That was it, you ran out the door and straight to Pop’s. It was quite a walk but you didn’t care you had finally been free, though your freedom came with an unnamed pain and tears. You didn’t know what exactly you were going to go after this, anywhere but home. You wouldn’t step foot in that house again, at least you hoped not to.
After arriving at Pop’s you pushed yourself into a corner booth knowing you had a little time to collect yourself before your friends arrived. As if someone below thought you hadn’t struggled enough, Fred Andrews and his son Archie walked in. You had never been particularly close with him or his son. But being his neighbor they heard most of the screaming and had tried to somehow soothe the pain of an abusive father through smiles.
It was made obvious by their pitying looks that you looked like trash. And thanks to whatever devil below had conjured this up, Fred began to walk towards you with that awfully kind smile.
“Y/N, how have you been sweetheart?” But of course he knew how you had been he could see it through your glassy eyes and tear stained face.
“I’ve been better Mr. Andrews, thank you for checking in on me.” You try to sound kind “But you best get back to dinner with your son. With all the crazy that has passed I do think you’d like to spend every minute with him.” He knew you were referring to the recently found serial killer and his brush with death. He returned your almost regretful smile with his own tight one. You understood that he was simply trying to be there for a lost teenage girl. But you didn’t want his love, you wanted your fathers and your mothers. Patting the table he got up, before turning he patted your shoulder.; a silent reminder that he and his home were open anytime.
A few minutes after you had cleaned yourself up and ordered a milkshake your boyfriend and his friends rolled in. It was almost as if you hadn’t had the screaming match with your father earlier, all your troubles seemed to wash away. He greeted you with a chaste kiss on the cheek before sliding into the booth and taking a sip of your milkshake. Jughead had caught the attention of the red paladin at the other end of the diner. With that the father and son dinner ended, and Fred left looking at you with a look that begged you to be careful.
“Babe, we are going to their White Wyrm after this, do you want to come? You can stay the night at my house if you want. Or I could…” Sweet Pea trailed off not really wanting you to choose the other answer.
“Can- can I please stay at your place for a while? The home situation is a bit rough right now. But I can totally find somewhere else to be too. I don’t want to intrude on anything.” Fearing the worst, that you had become some kind of burden upon him, you began to pull back not only verbally in your question but also physically. Sweet Pea noticing this took your hand in his and began rubbing circles on the back.
“You're not intruding, you are family and you are welcome anytime for as long as you want. Do you need to pack a bag?”
“No,” You say, lifting up your small bag with your few belongings. “I got it. Actually Pea, can we maybe skip out on the Wyrm tonight? I just feel a bit queasy and I need to have a conversation with you.” Upon seeing his worried expression you reassure him “It has nothing to do with you.”
“Let’s blow this popsicle stand!” He says attempting to ease the mood. And with that you are off, with only 2 minutes left and Pea’s trailer in sight it begins to rain.
Stepping off the bike you begin to feel something in your chest expanding in a painful way. Pea hurry’s off to the awning with your bag but you stop trailing after him seeping in the rain. It was cold, not the usual warm rain you get in the summer. But the random bout of cold rain that sobers every part of you, all the way down to the bone. You knew nothing was right with your life, how could it be? You had an absent mother who left to join a gang of druggies, a father who verbally abused you and tore you down. And a whole town worth of gossiping pigs who knew what was happening in your life. There you were preparing to ask your boyfriend to let you move in, of course you were going to get another job somewhere and try to help with rent and groceries. Here you were getting hit by everything all at once.
Sweet Pea noticed the look of pain on your face and the empty eyes, he dropped your bag running to you. He grabbed your wrists trying to ground you.
“Baby,” His voice was a deep, shattering noise. You felt it all push against your walls. The ones you put in place to protect your father from the most inner parts of your brain and heart. The walls you had placed to keep your friends and strangers from finding out how it all ruined you.
“Y/N!” He yelled as you fell to your knees in his arms. Your throat began to sting, you couldn’t tell your tears from the rain. It felt like your throat was being shredded.
Pea’s face was beyond scared, at this point he wasn’t even sure what to do so he simply took you in his arms as he kneeled in front of you, rocking you back and forth as your sobs got weaker and the screaming began to more resemble a drowning animal. He wrapped you in his arms carrying you to his bed.
You were brokenly sitting on the floor of his bedroom. He made quick work of changing you into a pair of his gigantic sweatpants and a worn out distressed t-shirt. Pulling back the sheets to his bed you found the mind to go lay on your side facing him.
“Pea, my dad kicked me out. And I- I have nowhere to stay-“
“Yes you do, you are moving in with me. I don’t care what your dad says or what you say. You are moving in with me.” His tone showed the finality of his words. He grabbed your cheek sweetly, something he does more often than not. “I’m gonna take care of you okay?” You weren’t sure when you had fallen asleep but it was in the comfort of his arms, and it seemed to be the best sleep you had in quite awhile.
By Sunday you had pieced yourself together, more or less. Pea and yourself were sitting at his small kitchen table eating breakfast in a comfortable silence. An Audible sigh left him before he could stop it. Prompting him to share his thoughts with a quizzical look he began his well thought out and planned speech/
“You should join the Serpents. They provided me with a family and a safe place, and I know that you need that right now. And even though I know that I can be here for you, you need more than just me and Toni. You need to make the choice of when you are ready to move on past your father and your name. But the Serpents will be there for you.” Looking up at you he saw you were considering what he had said.
“You’d want me to join the Serpents?” It was something you had considered in the past. But the Serpents were his family and you didn’t want to take that away and make it yours as well.
“Of course I’d want you to join the Serpents.”
Two weeks had passed, you had taken care of Hot Dog, and had recited the 6 laws of the Serpents before the selected leaders and witnesses of the gang. You had only 2 trials left and if you didn’t complete them, well you’d either be dead or you would be ashamed of yourself for making it that far and giving up.
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My mom is a wonderful person, but she is not a wonderful parent.
This is a scary, yet relieving thought to have.
…a long rant about my family problems and mostly about the relationship with my mother. tw: mental health issues, child emotional neglect, parentification, growing up in general
I’ve come to accept this thought recently, as I get older and think about my life in a perspective outside of what my child-self grew up with as her normal. There are a lot of things I resent my mom for which I didn’t realize I resented her for- that is, until the last few years where I’ve become cognizant of how independent I have always been. Emotionally reliant on myself, growing up where I had to seek out answers to questions that I was too embarrassed to ask her. Mainly because I didn’t have a comfortable, strong connection with her.
A large part of me hoped that this gap would be bridged in my teen years. My mom was barely 21 years old when she had me, so she wanted to have fun. Go out with friends, work, and try to build a career that was sidetracked by life (my life, specifically). I figured that- hey, once I got older I would connect with her by doing things she couldn’t do with a young kid. However, she got married right before my teen years started. A husband I didn’t necessarily like, his son a little over half a year younger than me, and his baby daughter joined my household (with two other siblings to come in the following years). This new “family” quickly knocked down any hope I had for a closer connection with her, a mother/daughter connection, especially the way I was parentified at only 13 for her planned kids.
Now, almost seven years later, I can look back at all the moments I felt like I was done for. Mentally, I struggled a lot, which was kept hidden from or gone unnoticed by the person I yearned to be closest to. To burden her with such an issue (that issue being intense bouts of depression and suicidal ideation that plagued a lot of my teen years) seemed selfish. How could I do that to someone who had two toddlers, especially when her husband was traveling a lot for work? The least I could do was help with the kids- on top of maintaining schoolwork and working at minimum 25 hours a week.
Somehow my saving grace, yet also my downfall, was March of 2020. I was set to graduate in June, and the last few months of senior year were a breeze because of the ease of online work. College came, I tried to leave but ended up spiraling and returned home, only to be made a nanny once again. The car I had was given away, the room I had was turned into a room for the youngest, but having a storage room and a place to stay with people I know was better than nothing…right?
It’s been years since my return home. Going to a state school that is closer and cheaper than my prior option (being paid for by the loans I take out on my own), working 7am to 4pm watching the kids my mom subconsciously loves more (because daycare is much more expensive than paying a 19 year old barely $9/hr for three kids under 11), and finding grad school programs that won’t suck the soul out of me because out of everything that’s happened in the last decade- I’m set to graduate college early with a Psychology degree as a first gen student with an almost 4.0 GPA. I’m proud of myself. I’m also scared for how my family will try to keep me close and undermine my value because they know how much I care.
I don’t want to leave my mom. I also don’t want to villainize her. She never did any of these things on purpose- she just needed help and who better to turn to than the person who grew up with you (even if they have been a child most of the time)? I feel comforted by the thought that none of her actions towards me have ever been malicious, but it saddens me to think that her actions were never considerate of me either.
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jjkeverlast · 2 years
new girl | chapter one
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-> genre: roommates!au, roommates to lovers, romantic comedy
-> summary: after finding out your boyfriend of 6 years cheated on you, you find yourself moving in with three guys in a loft. what could possibly go wrong?
-> word count: 3.7k
-> warnings: swearing, nudity, cheating, mentions of sex, a lot of sobbing, intake of alcohol and slight smut.
index | next chap.
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You were currently sitting in the back of a cab on your way to Ji-hoon, your boyfriend of 6 years. You had been visiting your mom, deciding to surprise your boyfriend, by coming home a day earlier than planned.
*incoming call from Mi Sun*
''I can't believe you're doing this! This is nothing like you Y/N!'', your childhood best friend Mi Sun, exclaimed as you had told her about your idea.
''Don't you think it's too much?'' You asked out of curiosity. Yes you and Ji-hoon had been together for 6 years but neither of you had done such a thing to one another. It was not really your thing to say the least.
''What? You sitting in the back of a cab totally naked under a trench coat? Or surprising him?'' Mi Sun asked, you knew she was teasing you about your crazy, not-so-like-you plan to seduce him as soon as you enter you guys' apartment.
''Shut up. The surprising part.'' You heard her still chuckling from her previous statement towards you.
She was right though. This was nothing like you. But hey, you just wanted to spice things up as you guys haven't been getting it down for a few weeks, which was nothing like the both of you. No, no you were indeed a very active couple.
So, that's why you came up with this idea, well it was actually one of your boyfriend's many fantasies, and here you were, giving him exactly that. What can you say? You're so in love.
''Girl, it's not too much. But honestly I can say I am very proud of you, knowing you're sitting in the back of a cab, with nothing but a trench coat on.'' Mi Sun praised you for your great effort in your relationship.
You thanked her for her reassuring you that this plan was killer.
You wanted this to be the ultimate surprise, so you didn't bother knocking on the door. Instead you silently opened the door with the spare key you had. He had asked you to move in with him on your 2 year anniversary. It had been the biggest step in your relationship but it felt right.
It was quiet inside of the apartment, you doubted Ji-hoon was out. It was a Sunday afternoon and knowing him, he would be at home at this hour.
You walked around the apartment trying to find him but he was nowhere to be seen. Weird.
''Ji-hoon?'' you called out. Yes okay maybe you shouldn't have done that, knowing this is not how surprises work.
Ji-hoon walked out of the bedroom, being faced with you from the living room. ''Y/N!?'' Ji-hoon exclaimed clearly surprised by your sudden presence.
You turned around, being met with Ji-hoon, him only being in his boxers. Perfect.
You smirked, slowly pulling the belt off your jacket.''I came home early.'' You started, slowly pulling the jacket off the shoulders, showing him a bit of your breasts.
Ji-hoon stayed quiet, which tempted you to continue.
''My body was starting to miss you.'' You added, now taking your trench coat off, letting it fall to the floor.
''Oh-'' Ji-hoon said with guilt written all over his face. You were confused by his sudden reaction, but decided to let it slide not wanting to get into that now.
You walked towards him, in your best way to act seductive. It was hard doing that in heels, making you bump into the green plant next to the sofa. It making a mess everywhere.
''Fuck- sorry!'' You exclaimed squatting down to pick up the plant before more dirt started collecting onto the floor and mostly on the light green carpet.
While you had been too focused on picking up the plant, you hadn't realized the young blonde, standing next to Ji-hoon in nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of underwear.
After getting up, your eyes had set on the blonde.
''What the actual fuck!'' You screamed, running back to your trench coat, covering your body as quick as possible.
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And now you were here, two weeks later, sitting in front of three guys telling them the awful story of how you found your boyfriend cheating.
They were all staring at you like you had killed someone. Well, a part of you definitely wanted to rip that blonde girl apart.
''So, that's why I need a new apartment.'' You ended. The guys kept looking at you dumbfounded, as you had said too much or maybe you had just gotten the question wrong.
''Oh- I'm sorry. What was the question again?'' You stared at all of them, waiting for one to take the bait and answer your simple question.
''Do you have any allergies?'' The guy with the dark green t-shirt asked you.
''No.'' You answered simply.
You had found the ad on Craigslist, seeing three people were looking for a roommate. The location was somewhere nice and the loft looked big and spacious from the pictures, which were true. Thankfully.
What seemed too good to be true was that the ad was written by men. You clearly remember the ad being written so well and detailed that women came to your thoughts first, which is why you applied in the first place.
''You know, when I read your ad on Craigslist? I thought you were women.'' You admitted nervously shuffling your hands.
Laughter suddenly erupted in the room, which felt nice for once. The tension had finally eased down a bit, which made you less uncomfortable.
''Why- why would you say that?'' A guy with black hair and a few blond streaks asked. He seemed a bit offended by your comment.
''Jimin wrote the ad.'' The guy in the green t-shirt, pointed out, which made more sense as to why he seemed offended in the first place.
''I'm sorry- it was just something about the words you used. Like beige-y. Took me by surprise to say the least, in a good way.'' You chuckled, to show him that, hey! Not all men are super masculine and it's nice to see some men with a bit of feminine touch to them.
He clearly didn't get the memo, rolling his eyes at your annoying comment.
He leaned back onto the couch, pulling his shirt over his head.
''What the fuck Jimin?'' exclaimed the guy who had asked you the most questions.
''Do these look beige-y to you?'' He asked with a smirk, your eyes went wide at the sudden situation. What the fuck is up with him?
''I'm sorry for his behavior.'' apologized the same guy who had been the only decent one so far.
''All good.'' A small smile appearing on your face, showing him you appreciated his apology towards 'Jimmi' or was it 'Jimin'? You had already forgotten this guys name, off to a great start.
''Hey, hey let's not forget who gave you that six pack.'' The guy in gym attire spoke up. He had caught your attention making him continue his sudden outburst of words. ''Oh right. I'm his personal trainer, this is the house that Hobi built''. He had traced his hand onto Jimmi/Jimin's six pack to prove his point. The guy in the green was not impressed.
''What are you talking about? He's clearly flexing.'' He commented with an amused tone to maybe make you a bit more comfortable.
You snorted, not being able to hold yourself back at this weird and amusing situation. God, maybe living here might not be so bad.
''Shut up Jungkook. This is some LLJ.'' Jimmi/Jimin talked back at Jungkook. So his name was Jungkook.
Wait did this guy just say LLJ? What the hell-
''LLJ? Which is short for what exactly?'' You asked out of curiosity, causing him to look at you before smirking.
''Ladies Love Jimin.'' Did he just make up his own abbreviation? Embarrassing.
You weren't the only one thinking the same thing.
''Gross Jimin. One dollar bill in the jar. Now!'' Hobi spoke earning a deep and annoyed glare from Jimin before he got up. He walked towards the main door, pulling out a one dollar bill, throwing it in a jar with already a few dollar bills stuffed inside. A pink post it note had written the words 'Douchebag Jar' on it.
Jungkook and Hobi kept throwing a few remarks towards Jimin about the LLJ comment, which he probably thought he nailed.
To change the topic of the conversation, you made a few comments about the loft. ''Wow, this loft is absolutely beautiful! There's so much light.'' You suddenly remembered how much Ji-hoon despised light and how he always preferred dimmed light in the apartment at night.
''Ji-hoon despised light.'' You added followed by a gulp, trying your best to hold yourself together as you had just mentioned his name again.
Jungkook shook his head at your comment, clearly not wanting to hear more about your cheating ex-boyfriend. You noticed which made you mutter a small sorry.
''No, no don't be.'' Jimin responded as if he understood you. Wow. You never really took him for the relationship kinda guy, not after him showing you his abs within the first hour of meeting you and making a rather douche-y comment. Which made you laugh, thank god.
''Jungkook would know, kid got dumped.'' He added while pulling his shirt over his head, covering his fitted body, which got a glimpse or two from you when he wasn't looking.
''Pff, dumped.'' He scoffed seeming like he was trying his best to avoid this. ''Yeah, I got dumped.'' adding a sarcastic tone which for some might look ridiculously funny but for some reason you didn't react like that. You knew how heartbreak felt. Hell, you were feeling it right now.
He took a deep sigh, seeming like he remembered the sudden break up that had happened to him. Poor guy.
''Okay fine! She dumped me. But I'm over it.'' He threw his hands around to make some sort of 'statement' that he was truly over it. ''It was fucking six months ago. Stop bringing it up Jimin.'' He scolded a Jimin, who gave him a 'you're lying to yourself you big dumb baby' look.
The room grew quiet, all eyes landing on Jungkook who quickly noticed the sudden glare from all three of you. ''Why is everyone staring at me?'' He shouted, clearly pissed about him being in the main focus.
You felt really bad for Jungkook. A guy who you've known for not even a full day. You didn't want the main focus to continue being on Jungkook which is why you said next, ''I want to live here!''
''Hey I mean, no offense but we barely know you.'' you heard from Jungkook. Fuck. Did you have to make a 'here's what you need to know about me' speech now? Seems like it.
''You're right. So here's the thing. I'm kinda emotional right now after the break up, so I'll probably watch 'Grease' at least eight to nine times... a day.'' You heard a muttered 'oh god' from Jimin but you decided to keep going. ''I'm a kindergarten teacher, which means sometimes when I come home from work, I either smell of vomit or poop and sometimes both.'' A disgusted face grew on Jungkook and Hobi.
''Also, I like to sing to myself, a lot.'' You sang another 'a lot'. Ending your introduction which felt more like a presentation for middle school kids on the first day of school.
''I don't know, you seem like a nice girl but-'' Jungkook started but you decided to cut him off, showing him and the rest of the guys that this was an emergency for you to find a place.
''Listen, I'm so tired of living with my friend. She's a model and her friends are all models, which can be a bit overwhelming in the end.''
Jimin chipped in, ''Uh- when can you move in?'' A smirk plastered onto his face.
Hobi and Jungkook disagreed with Jimin, which made it hard for you to know if this was happening or not.
''I'm sorry about that. I just gotta talk to my homies.'' Jimin added, before dragging Jungkook and Hobi by the arm away from the kitchen and into the bathroom.
You hated yourself for being so nosy, but you had to know sooner or later. If it was a no, you at least needed a plan B.
You had leaned your ear against the bathroom door to hear about the boys conversation.
''I'm gonna say yes!'' You could notice it was Jimin's voice but you weren't exactly sure as the voices weren't being as clear as you had hoped.
''Come on, her friends are models. Fucking models!'' Okay yeah, that was definitely Jimin.
''Absolutely not. I just want to come home after a long day of work, sit on my couch and let my balls out. But if she lives here, that's not possible,'' was said by what you had guessed would be Hobi.
Ew. Do guys really air out their balls after work?
''Mhm, you both make excellent points. But hey, as someone who once lived with a woman. I must say there are some pro's and con's.'' Jungkook expressed. It wasn't hard for you to know that this was Jungkook speaking.
''Pro's, they smell nice. Con's their moods can be a little too much sometimes.''
''Just make a fucking decision Jeon!'' Hobi shouted, clearly not wanting this conversation to take longer than it has too.
''I don't know! Rock, paper scissors?''
Is this really how men decide shit? A children's game? I mean it kinda is smart. You took a mental note to use that tactic in the near future.
''Yes! She's in.'' Sounded like Jimin had won that one. Making you exited that you were moving in! Thank god.
''YAY I'M IN!'' you had shouted out of excitement, forgetting all about you standing in front of the bathroom door.
Jimin opened the door, seeing an excited you jumping in the air.
''You are not gonna regret this.'' You pointed out.
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Not even two days later after moving in with the guys you had sat yourself in front of the TV and started crying, sobbing loudly to be exact.
'Grease' was displayed onto the screen, Sandy and Danny singing and dancing to 'You're the one that I want'. Flashbacks crashing onto your brain on how you and Ji-hoon always played this number while you were at karaoke together. You knew this was the healthiest way for you to get over him. Which was watching this on repeat until you don't cry anymore. Which could take weeks, who knows?
Jungkook, Jimin and Hobi were standing by the hallway, peeking at your loudly sobbing which had been going on for the whole day.
''Did you really find the need to let her log in on our Netflix Jimin?'' Jungkook whisper yelled, not wanting to interrupt your crying session.
Jimin shrugged like it wasn't a big deal that you had been crying for almost two days straight. Jungkook rolled his eyes at Jimin's behavior. A part of him knew that yes, you needed to let out every tear to stop yourself from crying just by the thought of that person. But something in him didn't like seeing you in this state. Every once in a while throughout the night, while you still were in your own little heartbreak bubble, Jungkook would bring you water and tea, hoping this would help you.
You had noticed the gesture and felt extremely grateful, that these guys have such a big hearts, Jungkook especially. Which surprised you. Jungkook did seem like someone who could be in a relationship, but him being someone who makes sweet gestures was hard to believe.
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It had now been a week, a week of complete torture for the guys as you hadn't moved at all from the couch.
Jimin and Hoseok had been out for a run, wanting to be nowhere near you as you needed time to process the whole breakup and hopefully be over it when the time comes.
Jungkook was standing in the kitchen, keeping an eye on you once in a while but he had officially lost it. It had driven him crazy to see you all cramped on a couch, eyes fixated onto the TV. From the whole week of you watching 'Grease' the guys had gone to bed with the whole soundtrack playing in their head, which drove them insane.
''Yo!'' Jimin shouted as he ran into the kitchen with Hoseok behind him.
''Don't 'yo' me! It has been a week of this madness Jimin.'' Jungkook expressed as he had pointed towards you hitting your pillow. You were imagining it being Ji-hoon and expressing the love/hate at the same time.
''I'm going crazy Jimin. I can't take this anymore.'' Jungkook continued, meanwhile Jimin and Hoseok had peaked at your behaviour, seeing that, yes you are in desperate need of help. You can't possibly continue crying. You need to get out of here. Start afresh.
''Fine. I'll fix this.'' Jimin gave out. Jungkook was right, he was the one who got them into this mess, so he was going to be the one to fix it.
''Hey you...'' Jimin started out, turning off the TV, gaining your attention.
''You look great!'' You rolled your eyes at the comment, knowing you look like absolute shit, mascara under your puffy eyes and greasy hair in a messy bun.
''What do you want Jimin?'' You asked, knowing he did not come to chat but to ask you for a favor.
''Well, what do you say you go out with us tonight? You know, find yourself a rebound?''
''A rebound? I- I don't know if I'm ready Jimin.''
''You're totally ready! Be ready in 10.''
You nodded your head, not wanting this conversation to continue any further.
You had put on a baby blue tight dress and some makeup. Finishing up with some mascara you heard Jimin shouting at you to hurry up.
''I'm almost done!'' You shouted back. You don't want to mess your makeup up just because Jimin and the others are worried about being late.
Jungkook owned a bar longer down from the street of your apartment. 'Ego' was the name of the bar.
You had all sat at the bar countertop, while Jungkook was making drinks for all of you.
The bar was nicely crowded. You scanned the room trying to find a hot dude that screams 'I'm good in bed'. You were caught off when Jungkook had placed you a Gin Hass in front of you.
''Look at us losers. We both got dumped.'' You joked to lighten the mood as you felt like you and Jungkook might have more in common than you think.
He shook his head at your comment, ''Y/N. It happened six months ago. I'm okay.'' He reassured.
''If you don't mind me asking, why did she dump you?'' You asked gently, just being curious about Jungkook.
''No idea. Left right after she said it.''
''Haven't you wondered? Like what did I do for her to dump me just like that?'' He raised his eyebrows, seeming a bit taken back by your sudden questions, which yes made sense.
''I- it doesn't matter now. She's in the past.'' He shrugged, showing you that this definitely wasn't the conversation he wanted to have with you.
''Do you know what happens to people who never know the reason they got dumped?'' You asked him, not giving up in this conversation.
''No please. Enlighten me.'' His hands now placed onto the countertop to hold on for support, showing you his full attention.
''They get old, angry, sad and completely depressed, because they've decided to live their life filled with regret.'' You answer truthfully hoping you could help Jungkook with his 'sort of heartbreak'.
''Wow. Or maybe I could be just like you Y/N. Sitting in front of the same movie crying for a whole week and acting like it never happened. Or maybe even sing when I feel sad.'' He told you sternly with an amused tone behind it. You didn't expect him to take your words seriously but you hoped it would bring some sense into him... somehow.
''You know what? That is exactly what you should do!'' You exclaimed throwing your hands in the air, adding on to the stupid remark he started in the first place. When in reality you just wanted to help him.
''Hey I'm Park Si-hoon.'' You heard from beside you being met with a handsome stranger, not noticing Jungkook staring him down with a frown on his face.
You had talked with Park Si-hoon for about 30 minutes. He was definitely your kinda guy. Obviously for a rebound.
''What do you say we go back to my place?'' You asked seductively, wanting him to take a hint.
He checked you out once again before nodding his head. You guys had now walked out of the bar leaving Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook.
You prayed that they would stay for another hour, just so they don't hear your cheeks clapping.
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Jungkook had just come home from work when the first thing he saw was Hoseok and Jimin's ears glued to your door.
''What the fuck are you doing?'' He yelled. The guys immediately shushed him because he was interrupting something very important.
''You're ruining the spicy ASMR!'' Jimin whisper yelled, Hoseok nodded, agreeing with Jimin. They both had crazy smiles plastered onto their faces.
Jungkook approached them and leaned his ear against your door.
''Fuck!'' you moaned from all the pleasure Park Si-hoon was giving you while pounding you hard from behind.
As soon as Jungkook heard you moan. His cheeks turned red. He didn't want to hear this.
''Guys- I'm gonna head to bed. I'm tired from the shift.'' He whispered, not wanting to ruin your rebound experience.
Jimin and Hoseok exchanged weird looks at Jungkook's sudden behavior. Jungkook would normally laugh at such a situation like they did. But this time it wasn't the case.
''Okay, goodnight.'' Hoseok answered, Jungkook disappearing from their sight.
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@pjiminbloom @vkookx @almosttoopizza @mega-adirectioner @milkykookiesworld @janedukiesworld @berryonasummerevening @jkkkkkay @callmejimmeo @sugarwithtea @luvchim
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© jjkeverlast 2022 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works
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Dad!Harry talks to his daughter about her questioning sexuality
A/N: might make this into a blurb series? so presh. if you have any concepts around this, send them my way. 
wc: 2,249
June was Harry and Y/N’s first baby, their biggest accomplishment before they were soon having another child. June was currently 13, the awkward age of Middle School, puberty, and overall questioning of identity. Y/N and Harry wanted this weird stage to be a smooth transition. They always encouraged her to express herself, with clothes, in hobbies, with their conversations. Although their first child, they both felt as though they managed to get through the difficulties of becoming a parent easily (thanks to the massive amount of parenting books, from birth to adolescence, that Harry kept buying while June was still in the womb). 
Yet, there is only so much you can prepare your child for, and surely you can’t be there to guide them through every difficulty. Harry and Y/N weren’t sure if June would question her sexuality as both of them weren’t straight, they didn’t know if the process was the same for heterosexuals. But they never skirted around the topic. If anything, they encouraged watching same-sex couples in movies and such, even having many friends who had families with someone of the same gender (or a partner that was non-binary). 
Harry hoped that this would be an excellent way to acclimate their children to the varying diversity of the world. Y/N grew up with racial diversity, but anything deviant from heterosexuality or cisgender was heavily frowned upon. They hoped that with their lack of omission of the varying aspects of identity their children would have the opportunity to understand themselves easier rather than constantly question their identity. 
They forgot to take into account that this was simply a stage in adolescence they had to endure though, as Eric Erickson put it: a fight between identity and role confusion. And June was currently right at the center of it.
June, even as a child, was usually calm and they rarely had problems with her being fussy like they do with the twins, Mazzy and Mick (named after the artists constantly playing on their home turntable). Thus, any changes were quickly noticed in her behavior. 
Picking up the kids from daycare and June from school was on the top of Y/N’s list of things to do for the day. She adored seeing everyone’s faces after a day at work and seeing their warm smiles and tight hugs always brightened her mood. 
Today, things seemed different. 
June jumped into the front seat with a grunt, a frown, and even went as far as throwing her bag onto the floor of the car forcefully. This was generally out of character, except Y/N and Harry have noticed these bursts of anger more recently. 
“What’s eating at ‘ya bug?” Y/N calmly asked, wanting to maintain a balance of emotions although knowing June was perhaps all over the place as most teenagers are. 
June rubbed her hands on the top of her thighs and noticeably took a few deep breaths; a calming tactic her father taught her when she was younger to calm herself. She took a few more breaths until facing her mother to talk. “Sage didn’t want to hang out this weekend,” she finishes, the frown being found on her face once again.
“Oh, is she busy? Thought you two were having a sleepover at home?” Y/N inquired. She knew Sage and her daughter were best friends since the beginning of sixth grade, and she hoped they would maintain their friendship although she knew the ups and downs adolescents faced it might not be possible.
“She said she’s going to the mall with Rye.”
“As in the bread?” Y/N chuckled, trying to lift the mood.
June rolled her eyes, another behavior that has risen in frequency. “No mom. A boy. That she likes.” She grumbled crossing her arms and sinking further into the seat.
“Oooooh I see what’s going on here, Sage is going on a date!” She rose her voice to a pitch of puppy love, which didn’t sit well with June. 
“We promised we wouldn’t date boys in Middle School. They’re all so stupid and ugly. I don’t get why she’s ditching me for him.” 
Y/N was a bit surprised by this. Harry and she have talked about the day they’d have to worry about June’s infatuation with others and they were dreading it. Hearing that June didn’t have interest in it now was a relief, but of course, this whole conversation was concerning. 
“I understand, not the nicest to make plans with someone when she already made some with you. But June-bug, you guys are teenagers. Of course, she’s going to take an opportunity to go on a date with a freaking boy!”
“Language momma!” Mick yelled, the three-year-olds’ well acquainted with naughty words.
“I guess. Just rude s’all.” June finished with another grumble. She wasn’t known for throwing huge fits, and her outbursts were usually this short. 
Still, Y/N knew that this would be something that would affect her for the rest of the week. Her daughter is calm but incredibly sensitive, and the two parents have learned how to work through her internal struggles. She decided to ask the usual question during June’s turmoils: “wanna talk to dad about it?” 
“Yes please.”
Harry was finishing washing the plates as Y/N was getting the twins ready for bed. The small domestic moments like these reminded Harry of how lucky he was to have a family like his. He noticed June’s mood as soon as everyone entered the house, and once Y/N confirmed they would need to talk later, Harry was preparing himself to support his daughter through her problems. Y/N and he were definitely lucky with their firstborn being like June. Sometimes he’ll credit his efforts in teaching June meditation early, and depending on the day, Y/N agrees. 
As he dries the plates to put back in their cupboards, June walks in. 
“Hiya bug. C’mere give Poppa hug.”
June rolls her eyes (he’s having a hard time adjusting to these teenager habits) and walks closer to her father. Although she’s extremely close with both of her parents, there is a timeless connection she has with her father. “Not a child anymore dad. And please, do not call yourself poppa again. You’re not that old yet.” She mumbled in his chest, clearly needing the affection.
“Mom said you wanted to talk? Want her there?”
“Uhm. Maybe we could just talk in my room please.” 
“Of course, let me just put these plates all back” Harry smiled, only letting go of the hug once he felt June move away. A small trick he learned from his mother after she attacked him with countless parenting trips: never let go in a hug with your child, let them determine when the hug is over. It gives them more comfort and stability in their lives and although he saw this as minimal, he understood its significance.
“I’ll help.”
As they walked to June’s room, they caught Y/N walking back from the twins’ room. “Hey baby, twins are done for. I’ll be in the room. “ She pecks Harry quick on the lips and turns to June to wrap her in a hug. “Love you cutie,” she winks at June as she goes to her room.
“Love you momma” June smiles, happy that she has a supportive family like this one. 
“I’ll be there in a bit,” Harry smiles, his arm going back to June’s shoulders, giving it a squeeze. 
Once they get to her room, both take a seat on June’s bed. Her back is on the headboard while Harry sits at the edge facing her, cross-legged. Every once in a while June would request to speak to Harry, Y/N,  or both of her parents on the issues bothering her. Harry and Y/N were proud of having a daughter that felt comfortable enough to communicate with her parents, and they always were looking for new ways to enrich themselves with the issues kids have a different ages. 
“Speak to me June, what’s on your mind lady?” Harry starts, initiating the push. He can tell that she’s struggling to bring her thoughts to words.
“Did you....well. How did you ... realize you didn’t like ... uhm, just girls?” She hesitantly asked, too flustered to look at her father on such a strange topic. 
Oh, it’s happening, Harry thought. “Well, I was pretty young, I guess around your age, and I realized that I just wasn’t fully straight. It developed from there I guess, I talked to a few friends about it, spoke to your grandma, and eventually met a boy I really liked. It was really scary, I’m not going to lie, figuring out my feelings at that point. After that, it wasn’t a big deal and everyone in the family understood. I just knew something like gender wasn’t a big deal to me, and if I liked someone I liked them. But it’s different for everyone. Your mom can tell you how she found out she’s bi.”
June was soaking in the information her father gave her. She knew both of her parents weren’t straight, but hearing how they found it out was something entirely different. It wasn’t that she was foreign to the concept, but in personal terms, it was utterly confusing. 
She finally looked to her father, giving him a small smile at the personal information he shared. They were a very open family, but something about this felt even more personal. “But, did you ever think you were faking it?” 
“Not really, but you already know how pretentious your father is,” he chuckled, lighting the mood. “Your mother, as she’ll tell you, had a completely different experience. Said she struggled for years thinking she was either faking it or actually completely gay! She once told me that she just couldn’t disclose it with anyone, and that led her to a lot of contemplation. But if you’re feeling this way too, I need you to know your mother and I are here to support you in any way we can.”
“Dad,” June scrunched her eyes looking down at her crossed legs. “I think I might like girls. Or at least, I think. After Sage told me she’d ditched me I just realized I don’t like her just as a friend.” 
At this moment, tears began to form in her eyes from all the confusion. Instantly Harry brought her into aa encompassing bear hug, keeping her safe in his chest. It hurt him to see her going through this dilemma, the inter-workings of adolescents were never fun. 
“It’s just,” June suddenly choked on a sob, grasping her dad’s hoodie. Harry began to rub her back for support. “I like her I think. Like really like her dad. I don’t want her to date a boy, I want to date her. But she won’t like me and...I don’t know! Why did this have to happen to me!” She continued, clearly soaking his hoodie.
“Oh baby, please don’t ever think this is a bad thing. Sexuality is a spectrum, many of our friends are somewhere on it, and you already know Elizabeth and Mary are married. This is a beautiful thing to discover baby. But yes, I won’t lie to you, it’s going to be hard. There may be times you like someone who doesn’t like girls but bug, that’s simply life.”
“What if I am dad. I don’t know if I like boys at all.”
“Then you are. As simple as that. You can label how you feel or not, it’s all about what feels most comfortable to you. As you know, your mother and I will be here to support you in any way we can. If you like girls, so be it, you’re still our daughter and you know that. If you like boys, which I mean yuck,” he imitated a gagging noise, rising a laugh out of June “then okay. Both or everyone? It’s all okay bub. I do want you to think about it, It might take some time to accept it but we’re accepting you any way you are. You’re so beautiful and strong, and your sexuality doesn’t diminish that in any way.” He made sure to hug her tightly as he said this, expressing his full support. 
“Dad, thank you.” June exhaled, releasing herself to wipe her tears. 
“Of course, June. I’m so happy you were able to tell me this, I know it must’ve been hard.”
After a deep breath, June looked calmer after her small crisis. “I knew you guys would be okay with anything but it’s just, much harder than I expected to really like your friend who doesn’t like you.”
“It’s hard, so so hard. Ask your mum, seriously I swear she told me she also liked one of her friends at your age. Universal gay experience perhaps?” Harry pondered. 
June gave a small laugh to that. “Yeah, I’ll ask. I don’t want her to think I left her out of this, it’s just that I’ve heard about your sexuality in the media more.”
“Pesky things, but I understand. It was so hard for your mom in comparison to me. Do you want me to let her know first, is it okay that I let her know you might be questioning?” He gave her daughter a sincere inquisitive look, valuing consent over everything. 
“Yeah, of course. Probably talk to her tomorrow after we drop the twins off. I really appreciate it, dad.”
“No problem bug. Let’s get you tucked away.” 
__________ part 2
OH MY GOD this is my first I HOPE YOU LIKE. please any feedback would be so sexy. 
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bridgyrose · 2 years
How about a WhiteRose roleswap AU where Ruby is the heiress instead of Weiss?
Ruby sighed as she walked through Rose manor, each step echoing as she walked. She took a few deep breaths as she made her way to the training room, her hand gripped the cloak she wore as she tried to keep herself calm. “You can do this Ruby, its just a simple exam mom wants to put you through. Its not like its going to make or break your dreams.” 
“There you are!” Yang walked up behind Ruby. “You’re late.” 
“I had to find something that would work for this.” Ruby took another breath and looked herself over, proud of the black and red combat skirt and blouse she found. Sure, the corset she wore over was a bit overkill, but it helped keep everything in place. “I didnt want to make the same mistake I did when I was at that dust shop that was robbed.” 
“You mean how you tripped over your own feet?” 
“I didnt trip over my feet! It was my dress and I was doing everything I could to keep from being recognized.” 
Yang smiled at her. “I know sis. But hey, Ozpin thought you deserved a chance to go to Beacon early.” 
“And I’m still not sure why.” Ruby stopped in front of the training room door and leaned against the wall. “Mom and dad are alumnus from Beacon, so I’m sure he’s just after their money and letting me in early because we have a bit of sway around Vale. But… this is something I’ve wanted for years. I want to prove that I can be a huntress like mom and dad.” 
“And I know you’ll do fine. But you really shouldnt keep mom waiting. She just wants to make sure you’re ready.” 
Ruby nodded and took a deep breath as she walked into the training room of the manor. The arena itself was lit up with training drones ready for practice. A large cage sat in the middle of the arena, a couple Atlas drones standing near ready to open. Ruby took her spot and pulled her scythe off her back. “I’m ready.” 
Summer stood at a balcony a couple stories above the arena. She nodded and pressed a button as she spoke. “Then let the test begin.” 
The drones came to life with red lights as they focused on Ruby. After a few seconds of scanning over the girl, they started firing dust rounds at her. Ruby rushed around with her semblance, slicing through drones and avoiding shots. Her eyes darted around to make sure she kept her eye on everything that was happening around her so she wouldnt be caught off guard again. At least, that was the plan until she felt a clawed hand slam into her gut and pushed her to the edge of the arena. 
A large ursa tore through the Atlas drones that let it out of the cage and focused on Ruby. It rushed at her, knocking her around as she tried to move around with her semblance. Ruby slammed to the ground, her aura shattering from the series of hits she took. She got up a bit too slowly, taking a swipe to her left eye. She fell back and pressed a hand to her eye, feeling the blood drip down. 
One of the servants walked over to Summer. “I think its time to stop the test ma’am. She’s clearly not ready-” 
“The test will be over when I say its over.” Summer kept an eye on her daughter, her face devoid of all emotion. “As long as she’s ready, she’ll prove it. If she’s not, then she’ll need to learn just how hard being a huntress really is.” 
Ruby stood up and glared at the ursa, rushing at it with her semblance and burning the last bit of aura she had. She slammed her scythe into its back and used the momentum to swing around into the air. She used her weight to push the blade in further, allowing the blade to pierce through the front. 
Summer smirked as she watched the grimm start to fade away. She started heading out of the training room and addressed the servants that were with her. “Attend to my daughter’s wounds. I’ll make arrangements to get everything she needs in order to attend Beacon.” 
Weiss sighed as she sat down at the makeshift grave she had made for her mother. Living in Mantle made it hard to mourn those who were lost, and with Atlas ignoring the only thing meant to keep Mantle safe, everyone was better off moving on as quickly as they could. 
“Weiss!” Jacques yelled to her. “Get back inside!” 
“Yes father…” Weiss got up and rushed back into the house so she wouldnt get punished again. “I was just giving respects to mom-” 
“I told you its time to move on.” Jacques sighed and held a brochure to Beacon Academy in his hand. “Are you sure you want to go here? Cant you just go to Atlas like your sister or stick around here with me and your brother?” 
“I want to be a huntress to protect people. You’ve seen the state of Mantle, I can do some real good if I get my license and help defend from the grimm-” 
“Fine.” Jacques waved Weiss off. “As long as its another human defending us and not another… animal… those damn faunus should stay out of the way.” 
Weiss smiled a bit. “I already have a scholarship to get there. So, you dont need to worry about anything.” 
Jacques didnt say anything more, walking over to the front room of the house. He flipped the news onto the tv and sat down to watch, no longer interested in hearing about his daughter wanting to be a huntress. 
Weiss sighed and went to her room to start packing. She picked up the rapier Winter had helped her make and smiled. “Dont worry mom, I’ll make you proud.” 
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
His Home - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Injury, Blood, Sexual harassment, implied rape, murder, NOT SPELL CHECKED
Request: So could you write a husbandbakugo x wifereader where when bakugou is away on a mission or anything, there's a villain who break into his house and kidnapped her (the reader is not a hero). And please be a happy ending :) but the rest is up to you💕
It’s been 2 weeks. 2 weeks too long for Katsuki and his family. Pro Hero Dynamight had been recruited on a mission to stop a drug dealing case out in the states, leaving his beloved son and loving wife behind. Even though Y/N wasn’t a pro herself, she could still take care of herself really well, including their baby boy. After constant reassurance that they’d be fine, Katsuki was okay with leaving for a few days.
A few days. A few days, NOT WEEKS. He had been gone for too long. Of course he trusted his wife to protect herself and their son, but he didn’t want her to have to protect them. After arguing with the chief of the mission, coming to a conclusion, and stopping the entire case himself in desperation of getting home, Dynamight could finally return home to his family. At least....that’s what he thought.
Bakugou drove home quite quickly in hopes of being smothered with love and affection from his son and wife, but as he pulled in, he noticed something was...... off. The porch light wasn’t on, it was too early for the lights in the house to be off, and even the cold chilly air stilled in silence gave him all the indications of something being in distraught. He quickly exited his car and slammed the door shut, forgetting to lock the vehicle as he hurriedly jammed the house key into the lock and busted the door wide open.
“Y/N!....Y/N?!....Katsuo??!” The blonde cried out. When his eyes finally settled to the dark atmosphere, he noticed how the bright moon lighted the house to show the terror that lay in. Glass and plates smashed on the grown, shelves and book cases thrown around, the T.V fallen from above the fireplace that had soot, ash, and stray wood surrounding it. He looked over and saw the couch out of place and on it, his unconscious child covered in scratches. Katsuki quickly ran to him to check on his poor boy.
“Katsuo,” the older blonde exclaimed as he shook his double awake, “please, wake up! Katsuo!” With a final shake, the child finally began to open his eyes and adjust to what he saw. A shadow of a man shaking him.
“Ahhh! Please, please don’t hurt me! Please! I didn’t do anything!” The younger blonde cried out and hugged himself in fear. Katsuki’s heart broke seeing his son in such fear. Who the hell did this to his poor boy.
“Katsuo! No, no, no, no, no. It’s me, it’s dad.” Katsuki reassured his son as he rubbed his back to calm him down. Katsuo turned to the man with teary eyes in shock and relief.
“Dad?” The boy questioned as he got a better look. Once he confirmed it was his father, he jumped into his arms.
“Dad! It’s you!” The boy sobbed into his father’s chest. Katsuki grabbed onto the boy, hugging him tighter as if the world was going to end, as he whispered reassurance into his ear.
“It’s me buddy, it’s me. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Who did this to you?” Bakugou asked as he examined his son’s body. The young blonde had his gray sweats teared, his white socks covered in soot and stains of blood along with his white tee.
As the child wiped his eyes, and looked at his father, he apologized.
“I’m sorry, dad.” The boy looked down in shame. Bakugou was so confused. What could his child be apologizing for at a time like this?
“I wasn’t strong enough.”
Oh, why did his son have to be exactly like him. Katsuki had to hold him once more to tell him it was all okay.
“Katsuo, none of this is your fault.” Bakugou said while holding onto his precious child.
“...These 3 men..they came in with a briefcase and said they wanted to “get something to trade.” They broke open the door as me and mom were watching T.V and told us to go with them. Mom put up a good fight, and I tried to help. I used my quirk to blow up the case they brought with them. After that though, the knocked me out. I see mom is gone, so they must’ve taken her and left me behind. I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything else.” The younger blonde said in shame once more.
“Katsuo....I’m so proud of you.” With those words, Katsuo looked up to his father in confusion.
“You’re 5 years old and you took great action to protect yourself and your mom. Not a lot of kids could do what you just did. I’m proud of you, and I’m so glad you’re okay son.” Bakugou said. His child finally showing a smile with a face identical to Katsuki’s and E/C eyes that replicated yours.
“Thanks dad.” The young boy said as his father picked him up.
“Of course. You’ll be an incredible hero in the future. The best of the best. I know it.” Bakugou said as he carried his son to the bathroom. “Let’s wash you up, change your clothes and get you to bed. You had a long night.”
“But what about mom? Shouldnt we go look for her.” Katsuo said in worry.
“Of course we will son. I will do everything in my power to bring her home to us as quickly as possible. That’s a promise, but right now, my priority is making sure everything is straight here at home. You’re mother is the strongest person I know, she will be okay, but I have to take care of you first. Okay?” Bakugou explained.
“Okay dad.”
When Katsuo was washed up and tucked in bed, Katsuki went downstairs to clean up and fix whatever he could. When he finally saw the horrible sight, terrible thoughts came to mind of what could’ve went down. The longer he thought about it, the closer he was to tears. Y/N and Katsuo are his entire life. If one of them were gone, it would throw his entire being all out of wack. But he had faith in his powerful wife. She can withstand anything they throw at her....but he wasn’t sure how long. Bakugou began to sweep the glass and soot, throw away the broken wood, mop the floors of blood, put the couch and coffee table back into place, and moved the T.V to the side. That could be fixed in the morning. Once he was done, he took a shower and headed to his room for bed.
The Alaskan king sized bed was huge. It was giant, especially for just 2 people and the occasional child, but the love of his life was always right next to him to make the cold, empty bed feel warm and full of love and happiness. Now she’s not here. As Bakugou lays with his eyes open, staring at the ceiling, he realized he wouldn’t be able to sleep. He journied out of his bed and to his son’s room. As he opened the door, he saw his child right in front of it as he seemed to have opened it as well.
“Whatcha’ doing bud?” Bakugou asked as he looked down to his mini me.
“Couldn’t sleep. Too cold..... Too scared..... Too lonely.” He son replied. Bakugou internally smiled at how his son and him were so similar. He really was a carbon copy of Bakugou Katsuki, that’s for sure.
“C’mon son,” Bakugou said as he lifted his boy up and walked towards the full sized bed. “We’re gonna need some sleep.” As the two blondes lay side by side, still staring at the ceiling, the younger one spoke up.
“.......Everything’s gonna be okay....right dad?” His son said with a break in his voice and teary eyes. “Mom will come back, and we’ll go back to being the awesome family we always are...right?” The boy said while looking at his father.
Bakugou stared at him for a bit, before pulling him into his chest and rubbing his back.
“I promise, Katsuo.”
The young child quietly sobbed into his fathers chest once more, after holding in all these tears for so long, and held a firm grip on Katsuki’s shirt. As Katsuki held onto his sad son, he too let a few silent tears shed as he hid his face atop of his son’s head.
‘I promise.’ The loving father thought to himself as he kissed the top of the boy’s head and held him a little tighter than before.
It’s been 3 days. 3 days too long for Katsuki and his worried son. They’ve been apart from Y/N for 3 days and are worried sick. After the two woke up from that sad night, Bakugou called in the Bakusquad to help find Y/N. The squad was lucky enough to be able to find DNA evidence and find out exactly who was in the house. Through the power of the internet and high tech power, they were able to track the villains and gather intel. Where they stay, what they do, their quirks, and where their base is. They’ve taken a very knowledgeable guess and estimate to find out where Y/N was, and now it was time to come up with a plan. They’ve been working for a few days and Bakugou was starting to get frustrated.
“AGH! WE’RE NOT GETTING ANYWHERE!” Bakugou exclaimed.
“Hey man, don’t you think it’s time we go to the agency and get their help and permission on this?” His best friend asked.
“I would love to get more help, especially from the agency, but there’s too many rules with them for a case like this. We have to go off the books to find Y/N, because when we do, nobody and no rules are gonna stop me from killing the idiots who thought it was okay to touch my wife!” Bakugou screamed out.
“Well you do realize how illegal this is right? We’re heroes, we’re supposed to abide by the law, stop those who break it, and kinda enforce it too.” Mina said.
“We were Y/N’s friends and family before we were pro heroes. If you’re too scared to go on, I won’t force you to continue, but nothing is going to stop me.” Bakugou calmly said.
As the silence filled the room, everyone bowed their heads. They were all confused and scared and worried for their dear Y/N.
“......How’s Katsuo taking this?” Kaminari asked.
“For a 5 year old, really well. Since I dropped him off with Deku and Round Face, he’s had other things to do but I’m sure his mom is all he could think about....I made my son a promise and I’m going to keep it. I’m gonna get her back.” Bakugou said.
With that, another silence fell upon the room. The squad came up with multiple plans but they all had major flaws. The one with the biggest risk however, would be the most efficient one. After thinking about it and having it in the backs of their minds, Kirishima spoke.
“Bakugou, let’s go with your plan.” The entire group looked up at the faux red in shock.
“Kirishima are you crazy?!” Mina asked.
“People will die if we go through with it. People who don’t deserve death as a final punishment!” Sero added on.
“Well Y/N is gonna die if we don’t do something about it right now. We have the best option right now, and yeah, it’s not the most holy, but it’s what we got! Do we wanna save our friend or not?!” Kirishima exclaimed.
After exchanging some looks and nods of agreement, the group was in. They were so lucky they weren’t doing this by the books.
“Okay then. Cover our tracks, don’t leave behind any evidence, and nobody get caught. We keep a steady flow and waste no movements. Get in, save Y/N, get out.” Bakugou explained while standing up.
“Let’s go save my wife.”
Here we are. The Bakusquad right infront of the warehouse they were keeping Y/N in. How did they get here? Bakugou’s plan of course. Go in to the HQ, demand answers, kill when getting no answers, kill when you got the answers. Kill, Kill, Kill. Blood now stained the hands of the Bakusquad both literally and figuratively. Whatever it takes to save her.
As Bakugou blew down the door with an explosion, multiple men came attacking the 5 heroes. Each henchman and goon getting killed in the process. When the crowd of people was left to just the pros, they looked around and saw Y/N right in the middle of the room. Her arms were being held up to suspend her and she was barely moving. Her body left in nothing but her panties and bra, her torso covered in blood and gashes, her arms littered with tears in the skin, her body covered in bruises, and her legs filled with cuts. The sight was torture to Bakugou as he attempted to run out to her.
“Y/NNN!!!” The blonde said as he sprinted towards his hurt wife, however, he was stopped.
“Come any closer and I’ll slash her pretty little throat.” Said a man as he showed up behind Y/N, coming out of the shadows and keeping Bakugou at bay.
Bakugou growled in frustration before speaking. “Let her go! Please! I’ll give you anything!” He bargained.
“Oh I know you will. That’s the whole reason why we took this gorgeous thing right here,” the man said while tilting your head to make you face him. Bakugou saw your blurred eyes stare right at the man in a dull manner. You were almost gone. “We want......well....we just want nothing to be honest. What we really want is you gone, but we’re aware we can’t kill you. None of us stand a chance against Dynamight BUT, there’s more than one way to destroy a person. When I kill your wife, your heart and soul, I’d be destroying you. Dynamight wouldn’t be able to function without his precious girl, and would be a shit hero because of it. More crime to the villains.”
Bakugou grunted at the whole thing, shaking in his boots. His dear wife, right there infront of him and he couldn’t do shit. Bakugou really got ticked on when the man spoke of what they did to Y/N.
“Don’t her scars look beautiful? She had the most melodious screams. It made the lot of my men wonder how she would sound in bed,” the smirked at he went to grab at Y/N’s breast.
“You bastard! Get your hands off my wife!” Bakugou screamed.
“That’s fine, I, along with others, have already had our fun with Y/N. Her pussy is completely stretched out now.” The man said with a smirk.
Bakugou saw red. “You fuckers RAPED MY Y/N?!???!!!!” The villain only smirked towards Bakugou before holding silence for a few seconds.
“Her cries were quite lovely,” the man said as he licked Y/N’s lips and kissed her. Everyone could see Y/N flinch and struggle to get away from the nasty attack. And they couldn’t do anything about it.
As the villain went on, Chargebolt noticed something. Rubber boots! How could he forget! After being on so many missions together, the Bakusquad all agreed the bottoms of their hero costumes should consist of rubber, so Denki could do his attack through the floor without hurting them. So with the villain distracted and back to talking, Denki shot 4 million volts into the floor, shocking the man, hearing him scream in pain. When Denki stopped the attack, the man was left there standing, still alive of course, but weak enough for Bakugou to take his anger out on him. Denki is such a good friend.
Bakugou blasted off and went straight to the man, grabbing his throat and beating him. He littered his with bruises and let the man experience all types of pain. It was a brutal murder and Bakugou ended it with grabbing the man’s neck and blasting him right then and there. It was over. It was done.
As Katsuki ran towards Y/N, he told the squad to clear the place of any proof they were there. Once he reached his wife and got her down and held her close and cried.
“K-Katsuki..” Y/N said weakly. Bakugou held her closer in his lap as he cried into her hair.
“I-...I’m here Y/N. I-it’s ok, I’m here. I got you....it’s over now.” Bakugou felt Y/N snuggle into him as she let a sigh of relief and comfort. Bakugou was too busy crying and saying his apologies. He couldn’t hear his sweet wife utter the most important phrase she had to say at the moment.
“Thank you.” She softly whimpered out.
It took a few days for Y/N to be fixed up again. The rape was hard on Y/N, but that’s okay because Bakugou was willing to wait for her whenever she felt ready. He was just happy to have his family back together....well..almost. After having multiple appointments with recorvery girl and extra TLC at home, Y/N was ready to get her son back. The drive to Deku’s house would be excruciating. Y/N just wanted to hold her baby boy in her arms and feel his love.
“You ready?” Bakugou asked with a smile as he saw Y/N looking at herself in the mirror. She returned the smile and walked up to her husband, embracing him in a loving hug, which he gladly returned.
“Thank you....for everything, hero.” Y/N smiled with the side of her face pressed against his chest. Bakugou kissed the top of her head before speaking.
“I love you, Teddy Bear.” Bakugou smiled.
“....Yeah...well not as much as I love you.” She said back with sass.
Bakugou’s eyes shot open at that comment.
“Is that a challenge shitty woman?!” Bakugou said while shaking her at her shoulders. Y/N only giggled before speaking.
“Nope, a challenge would be who gets to drive the new car to pick up Katsuo!” Y/N said while taking the keys out of Katsuki’s hand and running off.
“Wha- but-.....BUT I WANNA DRIVE IT!” He said like a child. The two tussled for the right to drive and laughed as they finally got to be together as the loving couple they are.
As Bakugou drove, Y/N held onto his hand. They were both smiling and couldn’t wait to be a happy family again.
“I’ve missed him so much..” Y/N said aloud.
Bakugou looked at her with content before speaking.
“And he’s missed you, Teddy Bear. We both did. It didn’t feel right with you gone.” He said while picking up your hand and giving it a kiss.
“Well I’m back now.” You said while smiling.
“And everything is almost perfect, we just need to get one more thing.” Katsuki said as he pulled into Deku’s driveway.
When the green haired hero opened the door for the couple, his eyes sparkled with joy and relief.
“Y/N! You’re safe!” The young pro said while embracing you.
“Safe and ready to see my son!” You said with excitement.
“He’s upstairs in his room. I don’t think he woke up yet, oh and I’m sorry Ochako isn’t here. She would’ve loved to see you back home, safe.” Deku said with a smile as he made way for you both.
“No worries, I’ll give her a call,” you said as you dragged Bakugou’s hand up the stairs. Before you continued, you turned to look at Deku.
“Thank you for taking care of Katsuo while we were gone, Izuku. It means a lot to us.” You said with appreciation and friendly love.
Deku nodded with a smile as he gestured for you to continue your journey to your son. As you walked into the room, you saw him with messy bed hair, a little drool on his mouth, and covered in blankets. The sight of him almost brought you to tears. As Bakugou closed the door, you sat in his bed just petting his head, waiting for Bakugou to join you. With Katsuki now by your side, you shook the little boy gently until he stirred awake.
“Katsuo...I missed you, love.” You whispered.
“Wha...huh?” Katsuo said, while looking around. When his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw an Angel. His mother right next to him, giving him the kindest smile he’s ever seen. With tears in his eyes, he jumped on her, giving her the biggest hug.
“MOM!!!” The boy loudly sobbed as he held onto you tight. The moment was perfect. The light shining in on the room, a mother and son embracing each other, and tears of joy all around.
“Hi baby. I’m home.” You sighed as you held him tighter. “I’m so sorry if I worried you, Katsuo.”
“N-no, it’s okay. Dad p-romised me you’d be back. H-he promised he would bring you b-back and dad always keeps hi-s promises.” Katsuo said while trying to fight the little hiccups coming his way.
“He really does, doesn’t he?” You said while looking over at your husband. His eyes were filled with tears and he was smiling so much his cheeks were turning red.
“I-I love you both, so damn much.” Katsuki said with breaks in his voice. He leaned into to hold the two in his arms as he teared up along side with them. The family all together again, the love for one another stronger than ever before.
Bakugou thought they should be getting home soon, but that word seemed to mess with him. Home. It wasn’t a big mansion or the buildings that could be considered a house. His home was all right here in his arms. His home consisted of his wife and his son. His home are the two people in his life that mattered most to him. His home is right here, with them. No matter where they are, where they go, or what happens, Y/N Bakugou and Katsuo Bakugou will always be his home.
A/N: y’all I’m sorry if this sucked😭 I started this about a week ago, and took a minor break and wasn’t able to finish it. I finally did, and it’s kinda sloppy but I hope you enjoyed it none the less. I really just wanted to get it out bc the person that requested it was waiting for awhile so I felt so bad but HERE IT ISSS!! I hope you enjoy it. I’m sorry for the delay. See you soon Bear Cubs! 💗🧸
585 notes · View notes
gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: June 6th, 2021
I’m back with more ask responses! You can also check our Frequently Asked Question sheet if there’s something you’re wondering that’s not answered here.
FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
Thank you for the patience with these questions  ♡
Hey in very beginning of step 3 in the scene where Mr.Holden had a thought dancing on the tip of his tongue but he kept it to himself after MC and Cove were being cute (idk if it makes a difference but this is when they're dating)... Can we know what he was thinking/ wanted to say? It's been bugging me lol 
He would’ve gone into a “look how much you’ve grown”, “your dad is so proud of you”, “I’m so glad things worked out with the MC”, and etc spiel, haha. But he resisted the urge to fawn on his baby boy, at least for that scene.
If we planned to move away for college/future plans in step 3, is it implied that MC and Cove would have a long distance relationship for sure? Could MC have convinced Cove to come with them? How is the dynamic of their relationship going to be addressed in Step 4, if that makes sense? 
Cove is willing to follow the MC where they went after everything is settled for them there, and if they’re sure they want him to come! You’ll get to decide how things shook out during those transitional years just by making choices about it during the opening prologue of Step 4.
Hi! First off, how does it feel to have created one of the best games when it comes to inclusion for lbtq+ peeps? I've never felt as validated with my identity and sexuality when playing a game and I'm seemingly not alone ♥ Second, and this might be a little too specific, but what kinds of drinks does Cove like as well as dislike? Thank you, you're the best ♥
Thank you for very much! It’s really nice to hear the game felt inclusive. Cove likes regular water and fruit juices/smoothies most! He dislikes coffee and cola, and he’s not super into most teas either.
Hi, may i ask what gb patch stands for? Specifically the gb part lol
It stands for my old, silly username I used in places like Neopets as a kid, aha. The company name wasn’t super thought out since it was originally just me making VNs as a hobby. Luckily, “GB Patch” kind of seems like it could mean something reasonable, so I didn’t have to rebrand when it did become a more serious, commercial group.
If we chose to not propose to cove in the step 3 dlc would he propose or would the mc propose in step 4 or the wedding dlc? 
Yeah, you or Cove can propose in Step 4 if you’re not already engaged! The Wedding DLC takes place after the engagement so the proposal scenes aren’t there.
will you guys announce if the early access for the new game is out on patreon ? 
When beta builds of Step 4 or whatever start coming out on the Patreon we will mention it here on social media too.
Heyy I just had a quick question about Baxter if that’s okay :)?
I saw in an ask+answer that it’s possible to casually date Baxter In step 3, but what leads up to that? I have the step 3 dlc and I’ve tried playing them In a different orders and ways but it doesn’t seem to get anywhere ^^;
The Step 3 DLC is Cove-based because he’s the default guy. There’s a separate Baxter romance DLC that’s not out yet. That’s where you can get him to date you. I’m sorry for the confusion!
Will we ever get any LI's or side characters with physical disabilities or deformities? I think your games would be a great place to have them in since they're always so accepting and safe! 
Yeah, we do hope to have representation for that in future projects ^^. Thank you for the confidence in us.
Is it possible to get Cove to take the bed and MC to sleep on the floor? 
Not in Step 3, I’m afraid.
So, I have played the prologue of Our Life countless times and I haven't gotten the [Your Life] achievement, why is that? 
Steam sometimes isn’t connected properly when an achievement unlocks and so it remains locked on your account. If that happens, unfortunately getting the scene again won’t unlock it. The achievement becomes inaccessible because the game thinks you already have it. Playing with the same Steam account on a different device or fully deleting your game data (more than the only the save files) are the only work arounds we’ve found.
Since when you talk with Jeremy in step 3 it's mentioned he goes on dates with someone (which assume is JB because who else would take this boy on dates) that makes him happy, does that sort of make JB and Jeremy the canon relationship in the first game?
The default for XOXO Droplets is that JB casually goes on dates with each of the jerks! Shiloh would’ve been harsher if Jeremy was the only guy getting her attention, haha. But the player can change that default by dating just one person the whole game for their own story and who she ends up with for real has no default.
Hi, hello! Huge OL fan, thank you so much for the wholesome content, it was very much needed during these times. Managed to get several people to join team Cove, so that's very exciting, I always have people to fawn over him with. I have a little question and I'm sorry if it was asked before, but does it ever come up in the game what Cove has told his mom about us? (who knows, with so many options, one can miss it) Or, alternatively, will it come up in the Step 4 DLC? 
Thank you very much for sharing the game with people <3. It’s really great to hear people are liking it. Right now that doesn’t come up in game. Kyra is willing to keep her mouth shut and Cove isn’t gonna have that conversation either. At least not when he’s younger, but yes, perhaps when he’s a fully grown big boy in Step 4 you can ask him about it.
I’ve been thinking about this ever since it has been confirmed that there would be two love interests for OL2, would there be the possibility of forming a polyamorous relationship with both love interests? I’m sorry if you answered this previously, I’m just curious. 
We are considering it, but it’s not a guarantee yet. It’d be really great to have but it’d add so many extra alterations that’d need to made, aha.
Hello! You mentioned how Cove would be uncomfortable with kids at 23, but how old would he be when he’s comfortable with having/adopting kids? (Same goes for the other LI’s.) btw, love your game!! 
He’d want to be at least 25, but even older would be good. Derek would want to have kids when he and his partner could reasonably support them, the age itself wouldn’t matter. If they were doing good at 22 and wanted kids, he’d be up for it. Or they could wait until their 30s or whatever. Baxter is also more of a “when it feels right” guy rather than having a specific age requirement. Cove is just especially wary of being a young parent because of his own parents. I’m happy you like the game!
does step 4 immediately play after you press "end summer" in step 3? or is there another button/transition (like the story text thingy) before the epilogue begins? what happens after the epilogue? roll credits? 😂 
Step 4 will have transition section always and there will be an extra button, if you own the Derek or Baxter DLC. By default the Cove-based version of Step 4 just plays once Step 3 is over. However, having the other guys’ storylines will mean you get to pick which version of Step 4 plays; Cove Step 4 (the basic one), Derek Step 4, or Baxter Step 4.
Happy pride, thank you for all you do for us🥰
I have a quick question though, I recently got a MacBook after my old windows computer broke, and now steam says I cannot download it, but it has no issues with other games, what can I do to download it?? I’m sorry if my English is bad
Happy pride month! Unfortunately, Our Life isn’t available for Mac on Steam right now. To be an approval application Apple requires having special notarization and we as a small group haven’t gotten that. Itch doesn’t care and lets us release the game for Mac there anyway, Steam does care so we’re locked out of putting the Mac build up on their storefront. Feel free to email us and we can try to help the situation out further!
Hello! I was jus wondering if the Baxter and Derek DLCs are still happening? I haven’t heard anything about them on here or patreon in a while so I just wanted to make sure ^^
They’re still coming and we just released a new sprite sketch on the Patreon for the Derek DLC c:. But right now Step 4 is still much more of a priority. Once that’s closer to being done we’ll focus way more on sharing previews for the other guys.
is it possible to tell cove you love him (platonically) at step 3 fondness/selecting him as basically family? i just love the mc and liz sibling interactions and it got me wondering about it (especially if you've selected that option)
You and Cove can be as close as family, but there’s not a specific scene in Step 3 where you say “I love you” in a family context. But there’s always Step 4~
do you intend on ever adding a collectors mode to Our Life? Like a way to collect achievements and CGs for the gallery without it effecting any save files? 
We weren’t considering it before. But if a lot of players would find that helpful, we could start thinking on that!
Sorry if it's a silly question haha, but (in crush/love) is Cove really aware of how cute and cuddly he seems to MC? If so, what does he think or do about it? Or does he just ignore it? 
He isn’t particular aware. Cove never truly stops being surprised that the MC is interested in/attracted to him, haha.
Would you say that the alone ending of xoxo droplets is worth playing again to get? 
Nope, haha. The goal is to make friends/get a boyfriend and so the alone ending is kind of the bad ending for the game. Though there is a consolation prize if you get it by accident.
Is there any possible situation which would ever prompt Pran to bake for his girlfriend? Like I know it's unlikely I mean even if JB broke her leg somehow I'm pretty sure he'd still be like "I considered baking you a cake and doing the frosting the way I think looks interesting but you don't deserve a cake, no one does." right but also ahhh it would be super nice if some day he just surprised her with baked goods one day out of nowhere. JB would be so shocked it would be cute. So is there any possible situation where that could/would be a thing that he would do? 
He might bake out of spite, like if he felt he had to prove her wrong on something. Or if JB used some good reverse psychology on him. Or he might do it in a relatively nice way if he could make his GF so shocked by the kind gesture that his amusement with that overrode his insistence on not being sweet. Pran is very difficult in high school, aha.
Is the "one route (where) it can be seen that Everett will drop his seemingly eternal waging with Jeremy pretty easily and can start getting along without thinking much on it" the Lucas route? I'm curious! 
Yep! Everett will side with Jeremy if it’s between him and Lucas.
Hi I hope you guys are having a great day :) I just had to ask how Cliff would feel about Cove's partner/fiancé Mc calling them dad whether it be accidental or otherwise and secondly I also wanted to ask how he would feel about being asked to be the one to give the mc away at their wedding. 
He would be very touched and excited! I hope you have a good day too :D
Hello! I saw an ask relating to whether Cliff "moves on" after Cove's grown up and stuff (and he stays single), but what about Kyra? Will she be with anyone else or will she stay single? 
She does start dating again, but she takes it slow.
Hi! I absolutely love the art for characters in OL and I wonder is this fine to draw my MC in same drawing style and upload online later? Is this something artists would be okay with? Thank you! 
Yeah, you can certainly do that C:
Hey there!
I wonder if I'm just being stupid here.. Is Step 4 a DLC? And if so, where can I find it? I can't seem to find it on Steam :< Thank you!
Step 4 is a free epilogue! It’s not done yet, but once it is finished you’ll just update your game file and Step 4 will be there after Step 3 ends.
hi! are step 4 and the wedding dlc two different things?
They are. Step 4 is a free epilogue that’ll be a default part of the game once it’s done, the wedding DLC is an optional paid expansion that takes place after Step 4.
Why did Baxter not receive a step 2 sprite seeing how he shows up later
Sprites are time consuming to draw and take money out of the budget that could’ve gone to other things. His tiny appearance in Step 2 wasn’t worth all the effort to make a sprite, aha.
I just realized, what happens if if you get the patreon exclusive moment but at a later date, when you don't have the membership anymore, it's updated (like a bugs fix update for example)? Would you have to get the membership again? 
You would have to get the membership again to redownload the build. But there’s very little chance there’s going to be an update once it’s been out for over a month. If a build gets released with errors, players catch/report them within the first few days. So by the time the first subscription period ends, any problems that were noticeable would already have been fixed. And we’re certainly not gonna be adding new content to it once it’s been released for a long time. There’s no need to worry about missing out on something worthwhile in the future if you cancel your membership. It’s being made with the idea in mind that many players are gonna be getting it and then going.
Hello! Wanted to ask about gaming choice in step 3? Once upon a playthorugh I got the option to buy Cove a bracelet for his graduation present. I played the same basic character again and that option wasn't there anymore. I'm not sure where I went wrong. My Cove wears a bracelet on each hand and my MC is into fashion and jewelry. Do I need to put an earring on him or? Sorry, love your game so much. 
He also needs to have liked bracelets in Step 2 for that to be considered a good gift option for him. Sorry for the confusion! I’m happy you love the game :)
Is Step 4 being released at the same time as the Wedding DLC or will the first come before the latter? Thank you! 
I’m not sure. Ideally they’ll come out at the same time, but the wedding DLC has a lot of art to get done and we may have to release it after Step 4.
Can mc still get confession from Cove at the end of step 3 even if mc casually dates Baxter in step 3? Such as in crush mode? 
I don’t think so. Maybe that’ll change, but generally there’s differences to the Step 3 ending if you were dating Baxter and those differences likely will conflict with getting the Cove confession.
For the patreon moments/dlcs, will it be available for all tiers? 
It’ll be available for tier 2 (Fans) and up!
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Who Would've Thought? A Government Teacher and an English Teacher (A Halstead Brothers + Upstead + Halstead Daughter! Imagine; Part of AU-gust)
A/N: Thank you for reading! Remember to like/reblog and comment! I'm also donating all the proceeds that from my buy me a coffee account to Save The Children to help the children of Afghanistan. Link to buy me a coffee.
Anyway, enjoy!
"Hey, I know you aren't a morning person," your dad said as he walked up to you sitting at the bar in the kitchen with a piece of paper in his hand.
"You're right, I'm not," you said.
"All I need is for you to look over the seating chart I made for the juniors."
"Make sure you didn't put people who have beef next to each other?" you asked.
"Exactly. And I figured, since it's your class, you'd be the perfect person to do it."
"And because I'm your daughter."
"That, too."
He set the paper in front of you. "Since I'm doing this for you, care to make me my coffee?" you asked
"The pumpkin spice one?" You nodded. "Kid, it's the first week of September. It's like 75 out (23.9 celsius). Fall's not even close. And, technically, it's still summer."
"Listen, Dunkin' came out with their pumpkin spice stuff in mid-August. And, you know the minute it hits September, I get in the fall mood."
"But you still won't go to a Bears game with me and your Uncle Will," he said.
"Dad, I don't understand football."
He pulled the K-Cup out and put it in the Keurig. "I told you that me and Uncle Will could teach you. And, you seem to understand it when you're at school football games."
"I just cheer when everyone else does. It's not that hard."
"Fair enough."
He pointed to the counter of the bar, so you looked down at the seating chart. You waved him back over to you as you heard the sputtering of the Keurig, telling you that all your coffee was almost in your tumbler.
You pointed to two seats. "These two girls have had beef since middle school, so throw them across the room from each other." Your dad grabbed a pen from his breast pocket and drew a line to put one of the girls on the opposite side of the room. "These two are dating, so unless you want them talking all the time, I suggest you at least move the guy to a different group." He drew another line on the seating chart. "And this guy dated these two girls, so you need to make sure that they're as far away from each other as possible."
"Which one is he dating now?" your dad asked as he drew more lines.
"Neither. He was dating both of them at the same time. Get why none of them can be by each other now?"
He took the seating chart from you and handed you your tumbler of coffee. "I don't drink it black," you said as you raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, believe me, I know, but I'll leave you to do that because I don't want to mess up your coffee to creamer ratio and have you get mad at me for it."
"Fair enough."
You sighed as you poured your creamer into your coffee because you thought about all the homework that was going to be piled on to your plate this year.
"What's wrong?" your dad asked.
"I'm gonna be drowning at the end of today."
"Can't argue with you there. But tell me if you think your homework load for APUSH (AP US History) and AP Gov (AP Government) is getting too much for one class. I'll talk to the teachers. And, you have me to help you with your government homework." He said the last part with a huge smile on his face.
"Dad," you groaned. "You've been waiting for me to be a junior forever now just so you could be my teacher."
"Yup, and you chose AP over me. How rude."
"Sorry, but college is expensive. It was only like 50 bucks a class when you went to college back in the olden days."
"Young lady, I am not old."
"Fine, you're vintage. Better?" He just glared at you while you finished stirring your coffee and then started making your breakfast. "But, at least Hail- Miss Upton doesn't give us a ton of homework because she knows we're drowning in homework already and have the SATs to worry about, so that's nice."
You were super thankful for your Honors English 11 teacher, who also taught AP Stats. She gave you at least half an hour each class period to do your homework since she knew that most of you had sports or after-school clubs or a part job to get to and didn't have all night to do homework. She was the one who also said to send her an email if you couldn't get the assignment done and she'd give you an extension. She said that your physical health and mental health were way more important than you finishing your homework.
Your dad was like that, too. Granted, he didn't give the students in his class a ton of homework to begin with, and he made the class fun...at least, that's what you heard from the kids who were juniors last year. The only time your dad really gave homework was when he gave out study guides to fill out. He'd give them out a week before the test and then after two days, he'd check that everyone got them done and go over them in class so that everyone had the right answers to study from. Mr. Jay Halstead also didn't give tests on a Monday because that was just cruel...and he knew that when he was in high school, he absolutely hated homework, so he didn't give a lot of it. And, he hated coming to school on a Monday when he forgot to study over the weekend, so he didn't give tests on Mondays.
"You're not going running this morning?" you asked as you cut up a banana to go into your oatmeal.
"No, I think I'll run with you guys after school today at practice."
Your dad was also the high school cross country coach. You weren't a fast runner by any means, but your best friend, Emma, had made it to regionals and was a great runner. And, your dad said that you either play a sport in high school or you get a job, so you joined the cross country team. In all honesty, you liked running for the endorphin rush it gave you after the run and just talking to some of your teammates while running or listening to music or podcasts while running. But, you weren't competitive, so that's probably why you weren't as fast as Emma, and your dad knew this. But, he was just glad you were being active in some way after school and that you enjoyed exercising even if you weren't the best or the fastest runner. He just wanted you to live a long and healthy life, and he knew starting to exercise in high school would help you build those healthy habits.
But, usually what your dad did in the morning was go to school at like six in the morning, so he'd be up at five, and then he'd utilize the weight room or the indoor track to workout. Then, he'd take a quick shower and get ready there, and be teaching by 7:30. Yeah, he was crazy for running that early.
"You know," you started, "Miss Upton likes to run. Maybe you should see if she'll co-coach with you? Or maybe she'll run with you in the morning?"
Jay shook his head and took a sip of his coffee. "Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you that Hailey and I are just friends. Nothing more."
"Says the man who lesson planned with her last week," you said, wiggling your eyebrows.
"Y/N, she's a coworker. I would've done that with anyone. It was just coffee. You read too much into things."
"Dad," you sighed. "You haven't dated in years."
"Yeah, since Abby dropped you off on my doorstep." He used to refer to Abby as your mom, but she wasn't around, so when you were around 14 years old, you just started referring to her as Abby. After all, you had never even met the woman, and she didn't want you, not even leaving an address on the note attached to your pajamas, so she didn't deserve the title of Mom.
"So, 17 years. You haven't dated in 17 years, Dad. You gotta get back out there. Even Uncle Will said you need to."
"You talked to your uncle about this?" he asked. "Oh, and put some egg whites in that oatmeal for some extra protein."
"What? You gonna make us lift weights today at cross country practice?"
He shrugged. "You never know. Now, no more talking to Uncle Will about my love life."
"There's not even anything to talk about. But, he does think you and Miss Upton would look cute together."
You added some egg whites to your oatmeal and put it back in the microwave for an extra minute.
"This has been going on for way too long now, Y/N. We're not gonna date. We're just friends and coworkers. Just drop it."
You put your hands up in mock surrender.
Ever since freshman year when you had Miss Upton for creative writing (yes, she taught one section of AP stats, one section of creative writing, and she also taught Honors English 11 and regular English 11 for the rest of her sections), you knew that her and your dad would be a great match. So, you confided in Emma and she agreed. Ever since then, you hadn't really let the topic go.
"Fine," you groaned...even though you and your dad both knew that the topic would not be dropped in the slightest.
"Now, do you want me to drive you, or do you want to drive yourself?"
Usually, since he left before you, you'd just drive yourself to school since you were 17 and had been driving for a year now. But, during the first week of school, your dad didn't do his morning workouts, so he always gave you the option if you wanted to ride to school with him.
You pursed your lips. "Fine. I'll ride with you, just cause it'll save me gas."
Jay laughed. "You're not even the one who pays for your gas."
He was right. He was the one who paid for your gas because you had always studied hard...and you played a sport, so you didn't have time for a part-time job. Because of this, Jay decided he'd pay for your gas. But, you did have to work a part-time job in the summer.
"Fine. It prolongs the time before I have to go to the gas station. How's that?" you asked.
"Miss Upton would be proud of how you worded that."
"Maybe you should tell her that, Dad. It'd be a great conversation starter."
"So," Emma began as you were warming up for your run after the school day ended, "how'd the chat with your dad go?"
You sighed while jogging. "I don't think it's ever gonna happen. He's too damn stubborn to ask her out and he claims that they're just friends and coworkers. I hate it. They'd be so damn cute together."
"I know," Emma agreed. "You know, I overheard her in the hallway between classes saying that she was going to chaperone the homecoming dance. Maybe your dad could get in on that and that's how they could talk more?" she suggested.
"Emma, that's a great idea, but I really don't want my dad at homecoming. That is awkward as hell."
Emma laughed. "Sorry, didn't think about that."
"Hustle up!" your dad yelled. "Time to stretch!"
You started your normal stretching routine before your dad started to give his normal beginning of the school year speech. "Alright, I need all of you to listen up. I don't want anybody talking over me, you hear me?" You all nodded. "Okay, good. So, I know that some of you have heard horror stories about the old cross country coach who said that if you miss a practice, then you miss a meet...unless it was for being sick." Most of you nodded.
Before your dad started coaching and the other cross country coach retired, a lot of the students hated the previous coach's coaching style. His coaching style was run more to get better at running...which sounded good in theory. But, this didn't actually work. You see, what would end up happening was that he'd make the runs longer and longer. He'd even make the athletes do a long run on Saturday and then a short run (which to him was three miles) on Sunday. If an athlete didn't send him the screenshots from apps like map my run, then they wouldn't be able to race in the next meet. This obviously was a recipe for overtraining and injuries. You heard that one girl even hurt her IT band from running so much! So, it was no surprise that most people hated the coach and so many parents complained, so he stepped down, and then your dad came in to coach.
"That's not how I coach," your dad continued. "School and your grades are really important. So is sleep. I don't want you guys not getting sleep or not getting to spend time with friends or not have other social interactions because you have to practice for two hours and then go home and do homework and get to bed late. I don't want you guys to be sleep-deprived zombies." Most of you laughed at that. "With that being said, if you're overwhelmed and feel like there's not enough time in a day, just come talk to me and we'll figure it out. Whether that's only coming to practice for an hour or taking a few days off to study for an upcoming test or taking time off for a family emergency, we'll figure out what to do." Everyone nodded. "Alright everybody, let's go run the big loop. Keep track of your split times."
You were walking inside with Emma to go grab your stuff from your locker after you had finished practice. Perks of having your dad be a teacher? You and your friend could leave your stuff inside instead of bringing it outside with you.
"Just meet me in my room when you're done, Y/N," your dad told you. "Have a good night, Emma."
"You too, Mr. Halstead," she replied.
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Jay when it's not school or practice hours?" Jay smiled and then walked down the hall to his classroom to retrieve the stuff he had brought with him for the day...with his shirt sticky from sweat since he had run with you guys today.
He walked out of his classroom with his backpack and gym bag, to come face to face with Miss Hailey Upton walking out of her classroom as well.
"Run with the team today, Jay?" she asked.
"Yeah, you know, first week of school, kind of hard to get my early morning runs in when there's so much to do on the classroom side," he answered.
"Understandable. I've been doing mine after I lesson plan and before dinner. Hopefully, I'll be back to nightly runs soon before it starts getting dark earlier and earlier."
"But, when it gets too dark, then you'll be running in the mornings soon...and then it'll be cold," Jay pointed out.
"There's this thing called a treadmill, Jay. I utilize that in the winter."
"That shows that you're an English teacher: you use big words."
Hailey rolled her eyes. "I see you reading books during your lunch period. I know you know big words, you just prefer not to use them."
"Yeah, because I want the kids to think I'm a cool teacher...not a snob."
"I am not a snob!" Hailey jokingly argued.
"I'm kidding, Hailey! I'm kidding! And, I know you lesson plan and grade on your lunch break, too instead of going to the teacher's lounge."
"Spying on me now, huh?"
"Our rooms are right across from each other and we have the same lunch period, what else am I supposed to do?" he laughed.
Hailey sighed dramatically. "Oh, I guess. Tell you what: come to my room during our lunch period and I can give you some good book recommendations."
"I get enough book recommendations from my daughter, thank you very much. But, I guess I can always use more."
"So, see you during tomorrow's lunch period?"
"See you then. Have a good night, Hailey."
"You, too. Tell Y/N I say hi and not to work too hard on all her homework."
Then, they walked down the hallway and Jay walked back towards where you were still chatting with Emma. All the while, he was thanking God that you weren't there during that conversation between him and Hailey because he wouldn't hear the end of it. But, he was also wondering what the hell he'd just gotten into.
"You will not believe what I just saw!" Emma whispered to you the next day in your AP gov class.
"What?" you whispered back.
She had forgotten her laptop in her locker and had to go get it. Which, the route to her locker from the classroom you were currently in went right past your dad and Hailey's classrooms.
"Your dad and Miss Upton are in her classroom eating lunch together."
Your eyes practically bulged out of your head. "No way!"
You received a glare from the teacher and were quiet. But, you'd be sure to ask your dad about this when you went home tonight.
"Uncle Will's coming over for dinner in an hour," your dad told you when you got inside your house after practice. You had decided to drive yourself to school today instead of riding with him. "How much homework do you have?"
"Uh..." you blanched and set down your backpack and unzipped it. Then, you grabbed your planner and flipped it open, laying it out on the kitchen table. "I have an AP stats worksheet that's due tomorrow, I have to read half a chapter in my AP bio textbook by Monday, I have to read a full chapter of my AP gov textbook by Tuesday, and I have an APUSH assignment due tomorrow. Oh, and I should probably read a chapter of the book I chose to read for my English class plus I have to annotate a few paragraphs of crappy 16th-century literature by tomorrow, too."
"Christ," your dad said. "So, what do you have to do tonight?"
"AP stats worksheet, APUSH assignment, and I have to annotate for English. I could always not read the chapter in the book I chose to read if I don't want to."
"Do you want me to just tell Uncle Will to come over this weekend?" he asked.
Jay know knew you absolutely loved his brother and that you were always excited to tell him about your day and how school was going. It had always been this way because, when Jay found you on his doorstep, he was 22, and had just started undergrad and was working on his teaching degree. Because of this, when Will wasn't studying in his last two years of med school and later working in a hospital as a new resident, he was your go-to babysitter. And you absolutely loved when he came over...despite not being able to remember much because you were so young. Apparently, you had been particularly fascinated by Will's red hair and would pull on it every chance you got. But, he'd let you play with it until it really started to hurt him because you were his favorite (and only) niece and he knew he'd do anything for you. This came in handy as you got older because you realized you had him wrapped around your finger and would always ask him for homework help. Or, if your dad wouldn't give you spending money, you'd go straight to your Uncle Will, and usually, he'd give you some.
"No," you answered. "A doctor needs to know stats, right?"
"I think so," your dad answered. "Why? Are you struggling already? Do you need to go into the regular stats class instead of the advanced one?"
You laughed at your dad's concern. "No, I'm fine. Just figured he'd be able to check it for me to make sure I did everything right."
"Oh, good. And, I'm pretty sure he can do that. Now, go take a shower so you can get started on your homework before he gets here and so I can start on dinner."
"Guess what?" you asked as all three of you twirled your spaghetti onto your forks at the dinner table an hour later.
"Chicken butt," Will said.
Jay rolled his eyes. "I swear, I wonder if Mom and Dad were lying when they said that you were older. Maybe I'm the older one and they just lied to us because you sure do act like the younger brother."
"Relax, Jay. Just because I'm more fun than you and Y/N likes me better, does not mean that I'm immature."
"Anyway," you said, wanting to tell Will what you had found out earlier today, "do you want to know what I have to say or not?"
"Go ahead," Will said.
"Okay, so today during AP gov, Emma had to back to her locker to grab her laptop. And she went right by Dad and Miss Upton's classrooms." You paused as you looked over at your dad and saw his eyes slightly widen and then go back to normal. "And they were eating lunch together in her classroom!"
"Awe," Will cooed. "My little brother's back on the market. Good for you, man." Then, he turned to you. "Upton's the short, blonde English teacher you've been trying to set him up with for years now, right?"
"He's not supposed to know about the set-up part!" you hissed.
"Oh, sorry. Jay, forget I said that."
"Y/N, I already you've been trying to set us up," your dad laughed. "It's been kind of obvious."
"Now that that's settled," Will started, "how'd it go? What did you two talk about? And are you having lunch together tomorrow?"
"You two are terrible, you know that?"
"Oh, we know," Will said. "But, you can't ground me, so I can be as terrible as I want."
Jay laughed. "She won't get grounded for that, Will. She might get grounded if she keeps procrastinating her stats homework, though."
"Need help, kiddo?" Will asked. "I have to read stats for things like new drugs and stuff, so I'm good at that. Don't know if I can help you with actually solving the problem because it's been ages since I've done that, but I can try."
"No, thanks, though. I just took a long shower so I have to get it done after dinner. I understand it all, though."
"Good, you can always come to me if you need help with it, though," Will offered. "Or, since it's Miss Upton--" He looked directly at Jay when he said Miss Upton and then turned his attention back to you. "--who's your stats teacher, you can always ask her. But, be sure to drag your dad along with you."
Two weeks later
"Might want to tell them to drink a ton of water after this, Jay, because it's so hot," Hailey Upton said as she walked up to Jay Halstead--and Coach Halstead for the next few hours--at an away cross country meet on a Wednesday afternoon in mid-September. "Or better yet, get them some Gatorade."
"Hailey?" Jay asked as he turned around, getting his stopwatch ready. "What are you doing here? And, I'd get them Gatorade if I could. I kinda forgot to pick it up last night."
"I'm here because some kids asked me to come to their meet. And, I always try to come to those things if kids ask me."
Jay cocked an eyebrow. "Would two of those kids be my daughter and her best friend?"
"Among others."
He looked down at the rolling cooler she had brought. "What's with the cooler?"
"Well, you may not have had time to pick up Gatorade, but I did. So, there's one in there for each kid plus the coach...and me of course."
"How'd you know Gatorade would help?" Jay asked. "Other than logic of course."
Hailey laughed. "I've run a few marathons in my life, Jay. I know all about proper hydration and how important it is to refuel after a hot run."
At this, Jay raised his eyebrows. He knew that she ran, but she didn't know that she ran marathons. "Oh, wow. Which ones?"
"You know, the Chicago marathon obviously. Always wanted to do like Boston or someplace, but you have to qualify for those, you can't just go and sign up like here in Chicago. Oh, and I've always wanted to do a Disney marathon. I think it'd be cool, you know? Run through Disney World, maybe hop on some rides during the race."
Jay smiled. "That actually does sound really fun."
The announcer said that it was ten minutes until it was time to race.
"I gotta get to the first mile marker," Jay said.
"Okay, where's our tent? I'll go put this cooler under it."
Jay told Hailey where the tent was and was about to leave when she stopped him.
"Where do I get the maps? I can go to the second mile marker to help out with times in case you can't get there fast enough," she suggested.
"That'd, uh, that'd actually be great, Hailey. Thank you. And, you just get the maps from the table right over there," Jay answered and pointed to a table about 200 meters away.
"Awesome, thanks. See you after the race, Coach," Hailey joked.
Jay nodded and started to jog off toward the first mile marker. But, all the while he wondered what the hell this woman was doing to him. Because he felt his cheeks heating up in a blush as he jogged off.
And, as for Hailey, well she was watching as Jay jogged away and loved the way he ran with perfect form and how his biceps flexed just enough that she could see the muscles slightly bulge.
She laughed to herself. If they ever went running together, she'd have to tell him to loosen up because you weren't supposed to run with your arms as taut as his were; he was wasting energy.
But, for now, she just made her way over to the tent and left the cooler and then went to get a map and start off toward the second mile marker to help out a fellow teacher...well, maybe he was starting to be more than just a fellow teacher. Neither of them really knew at this point. But, Hailey liked the thrill of it all. She felt like she was in high school again...a high school student, not a high school teacher.
You panted and winced as you crossed the finish line. Shit, your shin splints were really acting up this time, and God, it was so hot out and you felt nauseous and even had to walk during some points of the race. We'll see what your dad had to say about that.
Wait, was that Miss Upton coming up to you?
It is! She actually came!
"Y/N, are you okay? I saw you walking," she said worriedly while your dad jogged over since you were the last one on your team to finish.
"You good, kid?" your dad asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. My shin splints just hurt really bad and I think the heat's making me feel sick."
"Okay, well, I have to go watch the boys and make sure they're ready. Hailey, can you, uh, help Y/N? The medical tent's across from here. Maybe make sure she gets under our team tent without puking and get her something to drink?"
"I can do that, Jay, don't worry."
Emma walked up to you. "Good job!" she exclaimed.
"Girl, I didn't even run as fast as you! You flew through there. But, it's hot as hell!" you said.
"It is really hot. You gonna watch the guys' race?"
"No, Dad told me to sit under our tent in the shade. Gotta get some ice for my shins first, though."
"Shin splints acting up?"
Then, you, Miss Upton, and Emma walked over to the medical tent where you got bags of ice wrapped around your shins.
"I'll run to Mcdonald's and get you ice, too," your dad said before you got in your separate cars back at school after the meet. "What do you want?"
"Uh, a ten-piece nugget--don't forget the honey mustard--a medium fry, and a medium lemonade," you said as your dad typed it into the notes app of his phone. "Thanks."
"I'll see you at home. Drive careful."
"See you in like half an hour."
Then you drove home and decided to start on some homework while still in your sweaty cross country uniform.
When your dad got home, you gobbled down your food because damn, you were hungry after that mentally taxing race. Then, you and your dad filled the bathtub up with ice and cold water.
Time for hell...aka an ice bath. At this point, you'd do anything to prevent your shin splints from getting bad. At least the old coach wasn't coaching because, from all the horror stories you heard, it'd be worse for your shins if he was coaching and not your dad.
After you changed into a pair of spandex shorts and a long-sleeved running shirt and a hoodie, you lowered yourself into the freezing and icy water. You set your phone timer for eight minutes and braved the cold for that long.
Then, after that, you drained the bathtub and took a very hot shower. But, as you were in there, you started feeling nauseous again. You crouched down and actually ended up throwing up a bit in the shower. It was nothing major, you just figured it was from eating too fast. But, you were still really tired.
And this is what you told your dad when you got out of the shower.
"But, I still have homework," you said defeatedly. "I kinda wanna just go to sleep now. It's already 7:00 and I have at least two to four hours of homework to do."
Jay sighed. He never wanted to play this game, but he wasn't going to let you run on not enough sleep tomorrow when you weren't even feeling your best.
"What classes?" he asked.
"Uh, I have to get APUSH done which will take me like at least two hours, and then I have English and stats homework," you answered.
Jay sighed. "I'll give Hailey a call and explain the situation and see if she'll give you an extension on the English and stats homework."
Your eyes widened. "Really?"
"Yes, now go grab some water and get started on your APUSH homework. And.. it will only be a one day extension."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best Dad ever!"
Then, you grabbed your water and went back upstairs to your room.
But, all you could think about was that your dad and Miss Upton were talking over the phone outside of school. Maybe they were becoming more than just co-workers.
Jay dialed Hailey's phone number and grabbed a beer from the fridge.
"Jay?" she asked when she answered.
"Hi, Hailey. Yeah, it's Jay. Listen I have a huge favor to ask you," he said.
"What is it?"
"So Y/N puked a bit in the shower, probably because of the amount of sodium in those damn chicken nuggets she wanted, and then she took an ice bath and then a hot shower, so the quick and significant temperature change probably played a role. Anyway, how it happened isn't the point. It's just that she's really tired and she has AP US history homework that she has to finish. So, would it be okay if you gave her a one day extension on her English homework and her stats homework? If not, I completely understand because you can't just make exceptions because she's a teacher's kid and--"
"Jay, relax," Hailey laughed. "Yes, I'll give her the extensions. What is it that you always tell your team? Their physical and mental health comes first?"
Jay chuckled and then took a sip of his beer. "Yeah, that's about right. And, thank you. Y/N will greatly appreciate that."
"No problem. But, I also have a favor to ask you."
Jay cocked his head to the side and raised his eyebrows. "Oh yeah? What's that?"
"So, we're short on chaperones for the homecoming dance and I was wondering if maybe you could chaperone? And, I figured that since you have a kid and would probably want to be there for her pictures before the dance, you don't have to help us set up. Maybe just chaperone and then help us tear down? If not just chap--"
"Hailey, of course, I'll help out. Now, Y/N, she might not be happy that I'll be chaperoning her school dance, but I'll be there. Count me in."
2 weeks later, 3 days before homecoming dance
"Okay, I know I'm just your English teacher," Miss Upton started at the beginning of class that day, "but I still care about your guys' safety. So, please, please, please do not drive drunk or buzzed. Call your parents to pick you up. I can absolutely promise you that they'd be happier that you called them to pick you up than you trying to drive home and getting into a car accident."
"What if my parents will be mad at me for drinking anyway?" one kid asked.
"So, if that's the case, you can always call me and I will come pick you up from wherever you're at. I can lose a few hours of sleep to make sure that you guys are home safe." She started writing numbers on the whiteboard. "Right here is my cell phone number, if you think you'll need it, write it down or make it a contact in your phone. Again, I'd rather not come to school on Monday and learn that one of you is in the hospital because of something that could have been prevented."
You pulled out your phone, you didn't think that you'd need Miss Upton's number, but you figured you'd put it in just in case since two girls from your AP gov class asked you to be the DD for a party. You were kind of friends with them, like you studied for tests together, but that was it. But, you had debated it because it was a party after homecoming and you had never been to a party before...let alone one after a dance.
"Oh, Miss Upton," you said as you put your phone face down on your desk.
"Yes, Y/N?" she asked.
"What color dress are you wearing when you're chaperoning the dance?"
"I haven't really thought it much." She furrowed her eyebrows as she wondered why you were asking this question. "But, probably red. Why?"
"Just wondering."
And now, you just needed to make sure that your dad had a red tie and that he actually wore it when he was chaperoning the dance.
3 days later, homecoming
"What about this?" your dad asked as he walked out of his room in dress pants, a white shirt, a navy blue tie, and a sport coat.
You were already in your dress and had gotten your hair and nails done earlier in the day, so now you were just waiting to take some pictures with Emma and then actually go to the dance.
"Hmm, I don't know. The shirt and tie are kind of what you wear to work everyday, so I think you need something different. Maybe a brighter tie or something," you said and then walked into his room and opened his closet.
You sifted through the closet until you found what you were looking for: a black shirt and a red tie.
"I think you should wear these," you said and laid the two pieces of clothing on his bed.
"What? Why? You know I never wear red. That tie has been hung up in my closet since you were probably ten," he argued.
"That's the point, Dad! You need to get out of your comfort zone and wear something besides what you wear to school...or in your case, work. It's a dance, so you have to wear something fancy."
Jay groaned. He knew he wasn't going to be able to win this argument.
"Fine. I'll change."
Then, you walked out of his room.
Your plan had worked.
"Mr. Halstead," Hailey said as she saw Jay walk onto the dance floor a few hours later when all the lights were off and the cleared-out cafeteria became full of students dancing.
"Miss Upton," he greeted. She laughed. "What?"
"It's nothing," Hailey said quickly. "It's just that, well your tie..." she trailed off while his eyes raked down her body in the slightly tight (but not too tight because they were at a school function) spaghetti strap bright red dress that she was wearing. "Let's just say I now know why Y/N asked me what color dress I was wearing."
Jay groaned and shook his head. "My daughter. Always...you know, I don't know what her game is at this point, but I should've suspected something when she told me to go change."
But damn, Jay thought, she does look good in red.
God, Hailey thought, I wish he'd wear those kind of black shirts to work more often.
It was now after the dance and you and your dad had arrived back at home at around the same time.
"You're a little devil, you know that?" he asked when you were both inside.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I plead the fifth," you replied.
"Very funny. You can't do that."
"Yes, I can. You should know this, Dad, you teach government."
"You can plead the fifth in court, but you cannot do it with your dad. So, I know that you asked Hailey what color dress she was wearing just so my tie could match it."
"Oooh, so we're calling her Hailey and not Miss Upton now. I'd say that's a step up. What did you two talk about at the dance? Because I know for a fact that you didn't ask her to slow dance."
"And you didn't slow dance with anyone either, so we're even, kid," Jay retorted.
You rolled your eyes. "I'm gonna go take a shower. Get this hair out."
"Okay." Your dad yawned. "I'm gonna get to bed. Now I know why you sleep until noon the day after dances: they're exhausting."
"Tell me about it. Goodnight. Send Miss Upton-- well, Hailey now-- a text to make sure she got home safe!"
You didn't even wait for your dad's witty reply before you bounded up the stairs and into your bathroom.
But, you didn't actually end up taking a shower. You ran the shower while you washed off your makeup and re-did it into something more party-appropriate and then took down your hair and put it up into a ponytail.
After half an hour, you turned off the shower and wrapped your still dry body in a towel after you had stripped off your dress. You peeked out of the bathroom to see that your dad's bedroom door was closed, which meant that he was asleep.
Then, you tiptoed into your room and changed your clothes.
You pulled out your phone to tell the girls to park a few houses down so your dad didn't hear the car pull in the driveway or see the headlights.
Your plan of going to your very first high school party was a go.
It had been two hours since you had snuck out and it was nearing two in the morning. And, you weren't feeling too hot. You had decided not to drink because you were the DD out of you and the two girls from class. And, you had kept the car keys away from them so that they couldn't do anything stupid...and so you could keep them safe. You hadn't drank anything, but you had eaten the fruit off of the top of the spiked punch bowl and, for whatever reason, you were starting to feel lighter and happier.
Your dad had warned that fruit soaks up alcohol. How could you have been so stupid to forget that? He was going to kill you! There's no way you could call him to pick you up, absolutely no way!
Somehow, you found your friends, they were by the makeshift bar, no shock there because you knew the only reason they were there was to get drunk. Note to self: if people you only know because of one class ask you to come to a party for the sole purpose of being the DD, do not go.
Luckily for you, one of the girls' boyfriends played on the football team and wasn't going to risk his season just for one party. So, you told him that you needed to leave and that you were the DD and asked if he could get the two girls home safely. He agreed and you passed off the car keys to him.
Then you walked outside, the chilly mid-October night air helping to slow the nervousness coursing through your veins about facing your dad.
You pulled out your phone and hit the contact you had made in class a few days ago.
"Hello? This is Hailey," you heard Hailey's voice on the other end of the phone.
"Miss Upton, it's Y/N Halstead," you said.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" You heard shuffling on the end of the line and assumed that Miss Upton was standing up from somewhere.
"I mean, I'm kinda woozy I guess. But, I snuck out and my dad doesn't know where I am." You hung your head. You couldn't believe you had been so stupid.
"And you had a drink so you can't drive home?" she finished.
"Yeah." She didn't need to know the details. All she needed to know was that you needed help getting home.
"Okay, send me your location and I'll be there soon, okay? Is it safe for you? Do you need me to stay on the phone or call the cops?"
"No, no, I'm perfectly fine. Just need someone to drive me home."
"Okay good. Send me that location and I'll be there soon."
Then, she told you the model of her car and the color so you could spot her easily. Once you were off the phone, you sent her your location and she replied with a thumbs up, telling you that she got it.
Your phone rang. You thought it was Miss Upton, but then you looked down and saw it was your dad.
Double shit.
"Please don't tell my dad," you said when you pulled up to your driveway half an hour later.
"Y/N, I have--"
But, she was saved from telling you that she needed to tell your dad when the front door flung open.
Your dad must've seen the headlights.
"Go," Miss Upton said. "You're only prolonging the inevitable if you stay in here."
You sighed. "Will you walk me up?"
So, both you and Miss Upton exited the car.
The minute your dad saw you, he ran down the steps to you.
"Young lady!" he yelled. "Where were you? Do you know how worried I was? You could've gotten seriously hurt!" He paused. "Get over here!"
You knew to listen to him when he pulled out the dad voice.
He put two fingers underneath your chin and tipped your head up. "Breathe. Now."
It was faint, but it was there, your dad smelt stale vodka on your breath...mixed with a citrusy scent and teeth that hadn't been brushed since the previous morning.
He sighed and clenched his teeth. Then, he put his hands down and he finally spotted Hailey. "Hailey, what are you doing here?" he asked, unclenching his jaw.
"I always tell my students that they can call me if they need to get picked up from parties and can't drive. So far, Y/N's the only one who has utilized that."
"Well, thank you. I'm sorry she had to make you come out at this time of night." He turned back to you. "As for you, go inside. Not only did you drink, but you went to a party, too. We'll talk in a few minutes."
You hung your head and made your way inside and sat down on the couch in the living room.
Jay walked up to Hailey. "I'm really sorry about her. But, thank you for getting her home safe. How far did you have to drive? I can give you gas money for all of this on Monday."
"Jay, it's fine. I make this offer for homecoming and prom every year. You don't have to pay me. I just wanna make sure all the kids get home safe, that's all."
"At least let me buy you coffee or something. You brought my little girl home safe when I didn't even know where she was. I think that warrants some type of reward."
"If you want to repay me that bad," Hailey began, "I'm lesson planning and grading at Starbucks tomorrow. I guess you can buy me a coffee."
"Done. Text me the time and I'll be there."
"Will do."
"Now, excuse me, but I have to go deal with my daughter."
"Goodnight, Jay."
"Night, Hailey."
Then, she drove off and back to her house while Jay walked up his front steps and wondered what he was going to say to you.
"Look at me," your dad demanded when he made his way into the living room.
You looked up. "I'm so--"
"No," your dad said quickly, cutting you off. "You don't talk. You only listen. Do you understand me?" You nodded. "Good. Do you know how worried sick I was when I couldn't find you inside? I was beside myself, Y/N. I didn't know where you were, I didn't know if you were hurt. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you. What you did was stupid and reckless and please do not ever, ever do that again. Never do that again. Do you hear me?"
"Yes," you answered.
You took a deep breath before you asked your next question. "Am I in trouble?"
Your dad sighed and sat down next to you. "As much as I want to ground you, no you are not in trouble. I'm just so relieved that you're home safe. And, you made the right decision by not driving and calling someone to pick you up...even if it wasn't me."
"Do you want an explanation as to why I went?" you asked.
"No, God no. I may look calm on the outside, but on the inside, I'm still pissed."
"Can I ask how you knew I snuck out?"
"You forgot to leave your fan on and I knew it was way too quiet in your room."
The doorbell rang.
"Shoot, I forgot to tell your uncle that you're home safe. But, you better go up to bed before me and him talk and think of a punishment for you."
"So you're still mad?" you asked.
"A little mad, but mostly I'm just relieved and disappointed. I thought you knew better." You hung your head. "Now, go to bed."
"Okay." You stood up. "Goodnight, I love you." You gave him a hug.
He gave you a kiss on the forehead. "I love you, too, kid. Now, get to bed."
You went upstairs, but instead of going all the way to your room, you sat down on the landing, intent on listening to your dad's and your uncle's conversation about you.
"Hey, she's home. It's all good," Jay said as he answered the door and then motioned for his brother to come inside.
"Oh, thank God. Where was she?" Will asked as they made their way to the living room and sat down on different couches, facing each other.
"Apparently she went to a party. I know she drank because I smelled alcohol on her breath. It was just a bit, but it was there."
"If you want, we can bring her to Med and I can do a tox screen to see the level of alcohol in her system," Will suggested.
"You know, that's not a bad idea actually."
Jay quickly stood up, but Will stopped him. "I'm kidding, man! Don't do that! She was still lucid when she came home, right?"
"Yeah, she was walking and talking normally."
"Okay, then sit your ass back down and don't drag your daughter to Med. Did you ground her?"
"No, I actually didn't."
"There's a shock. You always said you'd ground your kid if they snuck out. Oh, how things changed."
"I was just so relieved," Jay said and sat back down. "When Hailey pulled in the driveway and Y/N got out of her car--"
"Wait," Will started, cutting Jay off, "Hailey picked her up? Hailey Upton?"
"Yeah," Jay answered. "Apparently she'll give out her phone number to the kids in case they need to get home safe from somewhere after prom and homecoming. And, Y/N called her and not me."
"I wouldn't call you either," Will joked. "You'd probably scream at her in front of everyone at the party."
"I would not!" Will cocked his head to the side. "Okay, maybe, but that's beside the point. All that matters is that Y/N had the wherewithal to know that she couldn't drive and she solved that problem. God, Will, the amount of adrenaline that left my body when I saw her get out of that car was astronomical."
"I bet. So, do you know where she went?"
"I just know it was some party. She got lectured when she got home, don't worry about that." Jay put his head in his hands.
"What? What's wrong, Jay?"
"Anything could've happened to her, Will, and I wouldn't have been there to protect her. I wouldn't have been able to protect my own kid."
"Jay, you can't blame yourself. Hell, most teenagers do this stuff."
"I know, I know. It's just that her grades have been slipping slightly and I'm wondering if I should have her transfer schools." Your eyes widened as you listened to that part of the conversation. "Maybe, having her dad teach at the same school isn't helping her. She went to a party, Will. Maybe it's the kids she's meeting in class, maybe being at another school would be better for her."
"Jay, you can't make a decision like that based on one stupid decision the kid did." He knew his brother was torn up about this, so he changed the subject. "What'd Hailey say?"
"I offered to pay for her gas, but she shut me down."
"Anything else?"
Jay sighed. He knew his brother wouldn't let up. "We're going out for coffee tomorrow to grade. She said I can repay her by buying her coffee there."
"Aw, you're going on a date."
"It is not a date! It's just two coworkers working in a coffee shop together...in their off time."
"Sure, keep telling yourself that."
A few minutes later, the conversation was over and Jay walked Will out, so you made your way to your room.
One thing was for sure: you were not giving your dad another opportunity to even think about you switching schools.
It was time to grind...starting tomorrow because you desperately needed to sleep right now.
You woke up around 11:00 the next day, which was Sunday. Then you got up and went downstairs to eat some breakfast.
"Morning," your dad said. "I made breakfast sandwiches. There's two in the fridge if you want one...or both."
"Thanks," you said. You wanted to ask if he was still mad, but you didn't really want to have an argument right when you woke up.
But, being around teenagers all day must've given your dad a sixth sense.
"Listen, kid, I'm not mad at you if that's what you're worried about. You just... you scared me last night. If something happened to you because I couldn't protect you-- because, as a parent, it is my first responsibility to keep you safe. Anyway, if I couldn't keep you safe because I didn't know where you were, I would never be able to forgive myself."
"Can I tell you why--"
"No. As a teacher at the school, the less I know the better. I really don't want to have to tell the administration and then get kids suspended from their sports for drinking. So, all I know is that you snuck out, went to a party, and drank. I don't wanna know who else was there or whose house it was at."
"But, I--"
"Y/N, end of discussion. Now, I have to go and meet Hail-- Miss Upton, for coffee since she so graciously picked you up when you made a bad decision last night. Don't do anything stupid when I'm gone or else you will be in trouble, got it?"
"Yeah, I got it. I'm just gonna study for the SATs."
"Good idea. Be back later. I love you."
"Love you, too, Dad."
"...And whatever she's having," Jay said and slid over so that the barista could input Hailey's order.
"Just a grande vanilla sweet cream cold brew, please," Hailey ordered.
Jay paid and then he and Hailey waited by the other side of the counter for their drinks to be ready.
Jay laughed. "You and my daughter have the same taste. You both like vanilla sweet cream cold brews."
"I'm shocked you let her get that with the amount of caffeine in cold brew," she said.
"Eh, it's just like once a week. On my rest day when I don't have to be at school before dawn to run, I'll grab her and I something from Starbucks, and then she'll just stop by my room to get it before school starts."
"That's nice of you," Hailey mused.
"Yeah, but nothing compared to Miss I have coffee in my room for the kids and you can drink as much as you want Upton."
"If you've ever heard kids talk about how little sleep they get like I do since I teach AP classes, then you'd get why I do that, Halstead. I hear kids saying that they normally only get four hours of sleep a night because they're up so late doing homework. While I don't think they should become dependent on caffeine at such a young age and need to be getting a lot more sleep than that, they need to stay awake during school. That's also probably the reason why you and I don't give a lot of homework."
"And it's ridiculous how early school starts anyway," Jay said and grabbed their drinks off the counter.
"I'll drink to that," Hailey laughed and then poked her straw in her cold brew and took a sip.
Once they took their seats, they talked a little before starting to grade and lesson plan.
"Not to pry or anything," Hailey began, "but did you ground Y/N? You don't have to answer it if you don't want to, I'm not her parent, so I know I'm not the least bit entitled to that information."
"Well, you did pick her up when she needed help, so I'd say you are entitled to that information," Jay chuckled. "But, to answer your question, no I didn't ground her just because I was so relieved that she was home. The amount of adrenaline and cortisol that dropped in my body when I saw her get out of your car was amazing, Hailey. Thank you so much." He paused and took a sip of his cappuccino. "But, we did have a talk about how she shouldn't be doing that because it's dangerous and if something happened to her, that I wouldn't be able to help her and since I'm her parent, my first job is to keep her safe. She does know that if she sneaks out or goes to a party again, I will be grounding her, though."
"Well, you had a much different and a way better reaction than my dad did when he learned that I snuck out," Hailey muttered.
But, Jay had great hearing and heard her. He put down his coffee and furrowed his eyebrows. "What happened? You don't have to tell me anything you aren't comfortable with."
"Why did you become a teacher?" Hailey asked instead.
"Why did I become a teacher?" Jay repeated and Hailey nodded. "Well, as you know I was in the Rangers in Afghanistan and, while I was there I saw so many kids walking super far to schools or us accompanying children to school. They had to go through so much just to get to school, and I wanted to make a difference in kids' lives here Stateside. So, when I came home, I enrolled in college and got my degrees in education and a minor in history." Hailey had known that he was a veteran, which explained why he took every September 11 off, but she didn't know he became a teacher because of what he saw over there. "What about you?" he asked. "You went into social work before you became a teacher, right?"
For the past almost month and a half, the two teachers had been eating lunch together in either Hailey or Jay's classroom, and during those, they obviously talked about their experience with education and what made them want to go into the teaching field. Hailey mentioned one time that she was originally a social work major but then switched it to education. But, Jay didn't know why.
"Yeah, yeah, I was originally a social work major. But, it uh, it brought up some really bad memories and I didn't think I could handle being around that all day," Hailey answered, staring directly at her coffee.
Jay cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean? Again, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to."
"Um, it's okay. It's a part of my past. So, why I said that you were a lot nicer to Y/N when she snuck out was because, well, when my dad found out that I did, he uh, he..." she trailed off.
Jay's gaze was soft and sad as he finished for her. "Physical?" he asked, referring to the type of abuse she had endured as a child and teenager.
"Yeah," she whispered.
"Hailey, I am so, so sorry that happened to you. I'm honored that you'd tell me this."
"It's uh, it's why I give those kids my phone number in case they need help. And, at the beginning of the year, it's on my syllabus, too," she said.
"In case they need a way out, they can call you," Jay said, piecing it together.
Hailey nodded.
Jay reached across the table and gently grabbed Hailey's hand in his. "You're a good woman, Hailey Upton."
She smiled sadly and nodded, grounding herself by focusing on the feeling of Jay's hand in hers.
"Do you want to get started on grading now?" she asked after a minute had passed.
"That might be a good idea," Jay laughed. Then, he let go of Hailey's hand. But, neither of them wanted that little handhold to end.
One month later
God, you were in pain. You didn't wanna get out of bed; you just wanted to sleep. Hell, you needed sleep.
Over the past month, you had thrown yourself into studying. You wanted to stay at this school. You loved all your teachers and you didn't want to leave your friends, especially your best friend Emma. And, you were also scared that if you had to transfer schools, that you might not do well on your AP exams or that you'd have a bunch of other requirements that the new school had that you'd have to do the last half of your junior year and during the entirety of your senior year.
You didn't want any of that.
So, you had come up with a plan.
The day after homecoming and that next week, you studied an hour or two hours later than normal. But, you still felt that you had work to do if you didn't want your dad to transfer you at the end of the semester. So, during your study hall hour, you'd go to the teachers and ask how you could get your B+ up to an A- or your A- up to an A. You'd even review questions you got wrong on quizzes so that you could get them right when those types of questions showed up on the tests.
Yes, the teachers probably thought you were crazy because you had good grades already and were trying to be Little Miss Perfect (or they thought that you were trying to get into another scholarship bracket for college or trying to become valedictorian), but you didn't care if you looked crazy. You wanted to finish your high school career at the school you were at now.
Also during this time, you had been "going to sleep" around 10:00-11:00, which was your normal time, just so that your dad didn't get suspicious. But, what you'd actually do was sleep for an hour-ish and then get up and study more.
It started with you studying until midnight and at the latest 1:30 in the morning...and then you'd wake up five hours later at 6:30. It wasn't ideal, but you could manage. Because, since your dad went to school earlier than you, you just brought extra coffee to school and he didn't notice a thing.
But, since all the teachers wanted to get their tests in before Thanksgiving break, for the past two weeks, you had been doing your power nap thing so your dad assumed that you were asleep, and then would wake up and do homework and study until 3:00-3:30 in the morning. This meant, that during the week, you were running on just three to three and a half hours of sleep a night. And, it wasn't like you could catch up a ton on the weekend, or else your dad would get suspicious. So, you just got like seven or maybe eight hours of sleep on the weekends. So, you were constantly in a state of sleep debt and in desperate need of caffeine.
You had done the extra cup of coffee for the first two weeks, but for the past two weeks, you had been drinking two cups of coffee at your house before school and finishing the second cup at school right before classes start, but then going into Miss Upton's classroom and getting another cup of coffee. Then, you'd also get another one from her room a little after lunch. (You made sure to never go in there during her lunch period because your dad and her still ate lunch together and you didn't want him to get suspicious.) Also, sometimes you and Emma would go to Starbucks to study after school. So, lately, you had been averaging four to five cups of coffee during the week and just two on the weekends. Because, again, you couldn't have your dad getting suspicious.
And, your dad and Miss Upton ran together in the morning before school now, so you really had to be careful about what you told Miss Upton. You couldn't have her telling your dad that you were drinking a couple additional cups of coffee. You just told her that your coffee never stayed warm long enough when you brought it from home, which is why you opted for hers. And, she bought it.
To cover the bags under your eyes, you had been wearing a bit of extra foundation and cover-up. And, to make sure that your dad didn't notice at home, you'd wash off all your makeup after school, but then quickly redo the area under your eyes.
So far, he was oblivious.
But, for a week and a half, your stomach had been super achy and you couldn't stand to eat anything in the morning before you had at least one cup of coffee. So, what would typically happen was that you'd end up eating a bowl of overnight oats in your car in the school parking lot before walking inside so that your coffee had time to digest. You figured out that you were fine after that. Well, it was still achy, but not as bad as in the morning.
God, you wish you were at that point right now.
For the past five days, you've been feeling nauseous and your stomach has been achy, but in the morning, there'd be a stabbing pain before you had any coffee. You'd roll out of bed when your alarm went off and go straight downstairs to get coffee because that seemed to be the only thing--besides ibuprofen--that would alleviate the pain.
But right now, right now was the worst you had ever felt in your entire life. You felt like someone was stabbing your stomach and it wouldn't let up. You felt nauseous like you'd puke any second. And, trying to get into another position didn't help. Nothing helped.
Fuck, you had to swallow your pride and your secrecy and go tell your dad.
You needed help and you needed it now.
So, you got up. But, that just made it worse. You swallowed, trying to keep the lump in your throat and not have it go on the floor.
You whimpered and then walked a few steps and opened your bedroom door.
Then, you threw yourself on the floor and crawled across the hallway.
You held your breath as you stood up, anticipating a ton of pain--which came--when you stood up and opened the door to your dad's room.
Then, you went back on the floor and crawled in there with tears streaming down your face.
It took all your energy to whisper, "Daddy."
Jay blinked sleepily. He thought he heard his daughter mumble "Daddy", which she hadn't called him in years. But, then he heard it again.
He looked down and saw a figure curled up in a ball on the floor.
"Daddy, make it stop, please," you whimpered.
He quickly flicked on the light so that he could get a better look at you.
"Y/N, baby, what's wrong?" he asked quickly when he saw your tears, your face contorted in pain, and how jagged your breathing was.
"Hurts," you whimpered as more tears fell and you clutched your stomach.
He jumped out of bed and knelt down next to you. "Your stomach?" he asked urgently. You nodded. "Can you sit up?"
You nodded and leaned against his bed. But, that was a bad idea because the minute you were upright, you puked right down yourself. You groaned and pressed down more on your stomach, which just caused you to vomit more and more.
The minute you started to vomit, Jay looked at the clock. He started to soothe you by rubbing your back, but then quickly stopped and ran into the adjoining bathroom to grab the trashcan and put it underneath your mouth instead.
"There you go, there you go," he soothed as he held the trashcan with one hand and rubbed your back with the other. "Get it out. It's okay. It's okay. I'm right here. I'm right here, Y/N."
But, when you puked for almost four minutes straight and were still in pain after, Jay knew something was seriously wrong.
"Don't get up, you'll make it worse," he said. You nodded weakly. "I'm gonna go grab you some water and Gatorade and put those and a bowl in the car. Then, we're gonna go to Med to get you checked out." You nodded again. "I'll be right back. I love you."
He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead and then sprinted off into the kitchen to grab the stuff he previously mentioned. Then, he ran outside and unlocked his car, turned it on to start heating up, put that stuff in the backseat, and sprinted back inside.
"Y/N, you still awake?" he asked when he walked back into his room.
"Mhm," you hummed with your eyes still closed and your hands still clutching your stomach.
"Okay, I'm gonna throw on a hoodie and my shoes, and then I'm gonna run into your room and grab you some shoes and a hoodie because it's pretty cold out. Are you okay here?" you nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll be right back. Don't get up."
Five minutes later, you had your shoes and hoodie on. You weren't much help getting those on; your dad basically had to dress you as if you were a baby again.
"I'm gonna pick you up and bring you to the car and we're gonna go to Med to see Uncle Will."
"Uh huh," you said, letting your dad know that you had heard him. Then, you felt yourself being lifted off the ground and soon felt the chill of the late November air and then the leather seats of your dad's truck on your back and the warmth of the truck.
"There's water and Gatorade. I want you to take a few sips," your dad said. "There's a bowl, too in case you have to puke again."
You drank a few sips of Gatorade and then laid back down and closed your eyes.
As your dad backed out of the driveway, he called Will to explain the situation and tell him that the two of you were on your way to Chicago Med.
After the call, he threw his phone into the passenger seat and reached his left hand into the backseat, and grabbed one of your hands. You gripped your dad's hand weakly as he drove as fast he could to Chicago Med.
He had to make sure that his little girl was okay.
"We've got a treatment room right here," Maggie said when she saw Jay sprinting into the ED with you in his arms.
She quickly led him to it and he laid you down in the bed.
Will rushed in with Natalie and April a few seconds later.
"Y/N, Y/N, can you hear me?" Natalie asked.
"Hurts," you mumbled.
"Jay," Will started, "did she puke on the way here at all?"
"No, no, she didn't. She just puked for almost four minutes straight at home and it's worse when she sits or stands up. She's been clutching her stomach since she woke up."
"Gonna- gonna--" you started to heave and a pink basin was thrust under your mouth and then you emptied the few sips of Gatorade into the basin. You started to cry even harder once you finished. "Make it stop, make it stop! Please make it stop!"
Natalie turned to your dad. "Do we have permission to administer medications?"
"Please," he answered, his voice cracking. He was terrified. He was terrified something was seriously wrong. He had never seen you in so much pain. "You have permission. Just please help her."
April pushed antinausea and pain medications as well as a light sleeping medication because it was apparent that, along with puking and being in a world of pain, you were also utterly exhausted.
"Y/N," April started, "you're going to get sleepy soon. But, can you give us your pain level on a scale of one to ten?"
"Ten. My stomach hurts at a ten," you answered while tears still ran down your face.
"Did you eat anything you weren't used to? Drink anything?"
"No, no," you panted. "Just- just lots of coffee. Not a lot of sleep. Studying."
Will and Natalie shared a look. They knew what this could be. And, at least they got it out of you now, because it was clear that the meds were starting to work and you were fading fast.
"Hun," Natalie began, "we're gonna leave April in here with you in case you get sick again. Is it okay if me, your Uncle Will, and your dad have a chat outside real quick?"
"Want my dad. Please."
Natalie smiled sadly. "Okay, he'll stay. We can talk to him later."
Your dad reached for your hand and held it and rubbed his thumb over the top while you drifted into a medication-induced sleep.
Five minutes later, you were out.
Jay looked at his brother. "What's going on? What's wrong with my kid?"
"From what she told us, it sounds like the acid in the coffee she's been drinking has been irritating her stomach lining. Has she been drinking a lot of coffee lately?" Will asked.
"Not that I've noticed. But, sometimes there's a little less in the coffee pot than I think there should be. But, even if she is drinking two cups, that can't cause this, can it?" Jay asked worriedly.
"No, two cups shouldn't. But, if she isn't sleeping a lot, sometimes lack of sleep can make people feel pretty crappy. So, if she's drinking more than her normal amount of caffeine and not sleeping, then that could be what's causing it."
"But, she goes to bed at her normal time," Jay argued.
"That doesn't mean that she's sleeping. She could be lying awake in bed. Has she seemed more tired to you?"
"No, not that I've noticed. Uh, what do I do, Will? Can't you run some tests?"
"I mean, I can run one to see if she's sleep-deprived, it's a plasma cortisol test. If her levels are elevated, that means she's not getting enough sleep. But, it wouldn't give us the reason why her stomach's hurting so bad and why she's nauseous and vomiting," Will answered.
"Then don't run the test," Jay said. "If it's not going to figure out the problem, then I don't want to put her through that. But, what do we do?"
"If it's what I think, an irritated stomach lining, then we keep her for observation for a few days, ween her off of caffeine to a healthy amount, give her antinausea and pain medications, and just wait for her to go home until she feels better," Will answered.
"Okay. I guess we wait. You mind grabbing me some coffee?"
Will laughed because they had just been talking about how you had been possibly drinking too much coffee and now Jay was asking for it. "Yeah, I can do that. My shift ends in an hour, so I'll be down here to wait with you then."
Jay smiled. "Thanks, man."
It was 7:30 in the morning the next day, which was Thanksgiving Day, when Jay's phone rang, waking him up. He answered it without checking the caller ID because he didn't want to disturb your peaceful sleep.
"Hello?" he asked groggily.
"Jay? Where are you and Y/N?" he heard Hailey's voice through the phone.
Shit, the Turkey Trot, he thought.
He and you always ran the Turkey Trot every Thanksgiving, sometimes dragging Will along if he didn't have to work. Then, you'd have your Thanksgiving feast later in the day. Granted, your dad had to keep pace with you for the entire time, so it really wasn't a race. But, it was a nice bonding experience, so the two (sometimes three of you) kept it up.
Jay had mentioned it to Hailey one morning when they were running the indoor track before school started, and she said she'd sometimes run it, too. So, Jay had invited her to run it with him and you, and she agreed.
You were convinced that Miss Upton and your dad were secretly dating.
But, Miss Upton had been waiting for you and your dad at the designated meeting spot for half an hour now. And, Jay Halstead was not one to be late.
"Listen, me and Y/N aren't going to be able to make it. She had some stomach issues last night and now she's in the hospital and the doctors are trying to figure out what's wrong," Jay said.
"Oh my God," she said as she started to walk away from their planned meeting spot and towards the parking garage where she parked her car. "What hospital are you at?"
"Chicago Med," Jay answered. "Why?"
"I'm gonna find someplace that's open and grab breakfast and then I'll be there."
"Hailey, you don't have to."
"Jay, I want to do this. I'll be there within the next hour."
Then, without waiting for him to protest once more, she ended the call.
When you woke up a few hours later, you rubbed your eyes, despite the IV in your hand, and rolled over.
"Well good morning, or almost afternoon," your uncle Will said and stood up. "How's the pain on a scale of one to ten?"
"Uh, maybe a six, seven?" you said.
But then, you looked around the room.
Why was Miss Upton here?
"I'll go get a nurse and let you three talk," Will said and then left the treatment room.
You looked at your dad and raised your eyebrows. At the same time, the achiness in your stomach started up again and you clutched it.
"Gonna be sick?" your dad asked.
"I don't know," you answered.
He handed you the pink basin anyway (a clean one because last night's was gross and went off to get cleaned) and you set it on your lap.
"Feel like you can eat anything?" your dad asked. "Hailey brought food...and coffee, but we'll have to check with the nurses about how much coffee you can drink."
"You brought it?" you asked as you looked at Miss Upton.
She smiled. "I did. I called your dad to see why you two weren't at the Turkey Trot yet, and he said you two were here, so I figured I'd find somewhere that's open and get you breakfast." She rummaged around in the bag and pulled out a container. "He mentioned you were having stomach issues so I opted for something light, so the fruit and nut oatmeal from Mcdonald's. I also grabbed a packet of syrup in case you wanted it sweeter."
She passed the food to you along with a spoon and a napkin. "Thank you," you said as you took them from her. "Sorry I messed up your run."
Hailey laughed. "It's okay. My run's the least of my problems. Me and your dad just want you to get better."
You tried to hide your smile. She said she and your dad. She cared about you more than she did other students...and you were just waiting for them to slip up and call each other babe at this point.
"Hey, I'm back," Will announced as he walked into the room. This time, he had Dr. Choi and Monique in tow. "Natalie and April have Thanksgiving off, so you have Dr. Choi as your doctor and Monique as your nurse."
You nodded.
"Hi, Y/N, I'm Dr. Choi, as your brother just mentioned. Monique here is just going to check your vitals." You nodded again. "I understand you've been having some stomach issues. Can you tell me when they started? Any changes to your diet or routine that I should know about?"
Here goes nothing.
You looked at your dad as tears formed in your eyes. "I'm sorry," you said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
Your dad moved his chair closer to you and gently grabbed your hand. "Tell me what, baby?"
"I- I went to that party because--"
"Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't want to know why because I'm a teacher? Me and Miss Upton are both teachers."
"But I didn't go to drink at all! I hadn't even planned on drinking! I didn't even drink a drink!" you yelled, causing Monique to take a step back. You took a deep breath and turned to her. "Sorry, sorry. I'll be calm so you can do your job." After a few breaths, Monique went back to checking your vitals and you continued your story. "These two girls I know from my AP gov class asked me to come to the party to be their DD. So, I went. But, when I was there, I ate the fruit from the punch bowl and I forgot that the fruit absorbs the alcohol. I'm sorry."
"And when you realized what happened, you called Miss Upton?" your dad asked.
"Yeah," you confirmed. "And, I even made sure to give the car keys to one of the girl's boyfriends who wasn't drinking because he plays sports so that they'd get home safely."
Jay smiled slightly; he had taught you well.
"Did you keep drinking consistently after?" Dr. Choi asked. He couldn't see one drink causing all these problems.
"No, God no!" you said. But, then you clutched your stomach and took in a deep breath.
"Pain?" Dr. Choi asked.
"Yeah, it's not as bad as last night, though."
He looked to your dad. "If she wants more pain meds, will you allow it?"
"Yes," your dad answered.
"Do you want more pain meds?" Dr. Choi asked.
"Please," you answered.
So, Monique started to get the pain medication ready to go into your IV and then pushed the meds.
A few minutes later, once the medication had started to work, you continued your story.
"I heard you and Uncle Will talking," you said.
"When?" your dad asked. "Me and Uncle Will talk a lot."
"The night I snuck out. You and Uncle Will were talking and you said that you might make me transfer schools if my grades don't get better. I don't want to transfer schools, Dad."
Your dad sighed. "Kid, I was mad, but in reality, I wouldn't do that. That was just me being angry and trying to find a solution when I wasn't in the right headspace. Were you so nervous that your stomach hurt all the time?" he asked.
"No," you answered. "but, I started staying up later and doing homework."
"Really? You always seemed asleep to me."
"I'd sleep for an hour and then wake up and study more." Your dad sighed. "I'm sorry. And then I was just sleeping for like three hours, so I'd drink four or five cups of coffee a day and my stomach hurt so bad in the morning if I didn't drink any coffee, so I'd eat breakfast in my car before school."
"For how long?" your dad asked. "For how long have you been bottling this up? For how long have you been waiting to eat breakfast?"
"The stomach aches started a week and a half ago. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." You started to cry harder.
"Hey, hey it's okay. We know what happened now, so hopefully, Dr. Choi and everyone else here can fix it." He looked up at Dr. Choi who had been intently listening as well. "Right, Doc?"
Dr. Choi smiled. "That's right, Y/N. And, what it seems to me is that you've just been drinking too much coffee, and coupled with the lack of sleep, have had abdominal cramping and nausea due to all the caffeine irritating your stomach lining. So, what we'll do is ween your caffeine intake back down to one to two cups of coffee per day, not go cold turkey because you'll probably feel pretty crappy if we did that, and then continue giving you pain meds and antinausea meds. We'll probably keep you here a few days upstairs in a recovery room just for observation to make sure nothing else is going on."
"So, I have to spend my whole Thanksgiving break in the hospital?" you asked.
"I'm afraid so," he answered.
"Well, this sucks." You looked at the table next to Miss Upton. "Is that coffee for me?"
"It is. I don't know if you can have it, though," she answered.
"She can have it," Dr. Choi answered. "Just, no more after this one seeing as that's a large."
You nodded.
"I got you a vanilla iced coffee. Since apparently, we have the same taste because your dad said you also like vanilla sweet cream cold brews as much as me," Miss Upton said and then handed you the coffee.
"Seeing as everything looks good, me and Monique will check on you later." He turned to the three adults in the room. "If she pukes up that food or her stomach pain gets worse, come get us."
"Will do, Doc," your dad answered.
"Jay," Hailey started, "can I talk to you for a minute? Outside?"
Jay furrowed his eyebrows slightly but nodded. "Of course. Be right back, Y/N. I love you."
"I love you, too, Dad," you said.
Then, your dad and Miss Upton left the room.
Outside the treatment room, Hailey took a deep breath, grounding herself as she prepared to talk to Jay.
"I'm sorry," she blurted out.
"For what?" Jay asked, utterly confused.
"I knew she was drinking extra coffee but didn't tell you! Well, she told me when she brought it from home, that it would get cold too fast, so she always came to my room and had two cups during the day. If I knew she was drinking some at home, too, I would've never let her have any. I'm so, so sorry, Jay!"
"Hailey," Jay began and placed his hands on her shoulders, "it's not your fault. Hell, I didn't even notice it and she's my daughter."
"I know, but I just feel slightly responsible for her being in that hospital bed--"
"It's not your fault, Hailey. I promise. I don't blame you one bit and I know Y/N doesn't either."
Meanwhile, back in the treatment room, you really needed to use the bathroom.
"Uncle Will?" you asked, causing him to look up from his phone where he was trying to figure out what restaurants were open for dinner on Thanksgiving. He really didn't want him and his family eating hospital cafeteria food for Thanksgiving dinner.
"Hmm?" he hummed and gave you his full attention.
"I really need to go to the bathroom," you told him.
He pocketed his phone and stood up and moved over to you. "Okay, I'm gonna help you up and with one arm, I'll hold on to you and with the other, I'll hold onto the IV pole for you. Is that okay?" You nodded. "Do you think you'll need help in the bathroom? I can grab a nurse if you need me to," he offered.
"No, just help me to the bathroom, please. I should be good when I get in there."
"Okay." Then, he helped you up and the two of you made your way over to the bathroom where he stood and waited while you went inside.
Back with Hailey and Jay, Jay reassured Hailey once again that none of this was on her.
"If anything," Jay began, "I should be thanking you. You got Y/N home safe after that party."
"Jay, we've been over this. I would've done it for any one of my students," she said.
"But, would you take their dad up on their offer of buying you coffee if it wasn't my kid you picked up?" Jay asked and tilted his head to the side.
"Probably not," Hailey said, a blush rising to her cheeks.
"Can I ask why?" She stayed silent. "Listen, Hailey, it's been a long time since I've seen you as just a fellow teacher," Jay admitted.
She looked up at him. "Since we're all sharing secrets today, it's been a long time since I've seen you as a fellow teacher, too, Jay."
Jay smiled and moved a piece of her hair behind her ear. He leaned in. "Can I?" he asked.
He didn't get a response because she quickly pressed her lips against his. It was the kiss she had been waiting for since she asked him to eat lunch with her that first week of school.
You and your uncle Will had chosen that exact time to make your way back to your treatment room. You two had seen everything: your dad putting a strand of Hailey's hair behind her ear and them leaning in and kissing.
You were glad that one of your hands was free because you whacked Will across the chest in excitement.
It was finally happening!
Jay and Hailey pulled away and looked at each other and smiled.
"I uh, I hope that was okay," Hailey said quietly.
"Oh, it was more than okay. I'd happily do that again, but we should probably get back into Y/N's room. She's probably wondering what's taking us so long," Jay said.
Hailey laughed. "Probably."
The two turned around and saw you and Will standing thirty feet away. Jay's eyes widened. "Uh..." he trailed off as Hailey blushed hard.
"Finally!" you exclaimed.
"Yeah, I agree with Y/N on this one," Will laughed. "But, who would've thought? A government teacher and an English teacher?" He started to help you walk back to your treatment room but turned his head back to Jay and Hailey. "Oh, don't stop on our account."
A/N: hank you guys so, so, so much for reading! Again, please remember to like/reblog and comment because I love reading all your comments and seeing that you liked/reblogged because that means you enjoyed reading the imagine! Again, I am donating all my proceeds on buy me a coffee until the end of AU-gust to Save The Children to help the children in Afghanistan. Buy me a coffee here.
As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I’d be happy to add you!
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liltaz-asatreat · 3 years
Day 2 of @taznovembercelebration : Daylight, domesticity
Davenport is surprised at how bright it is when he walks out onto the deck of the Starblaster. He usually wakes up early enough to catch the sunrise, but right now the sun is high in the sky, about ten o'clock he would estimate. Maybe he shouldn't have stayed up so long reading that novel he picked up last cycle. Not that he has anything in particular planned for today. They had found the Light a week ago, and they still have another two months before the Hunger is due to arrive which means he has a bit of free time on his hands before he has to help everyone prepare to leave.
Movement catches his eye somewhere off to the side of the ship. He looks around and walks to the railing, peering out at the field below. Merle is standing on a stool and hanging up clothes from a basket off to his side on a line he's tied between two trees. Davenport sighs and walks down the plank to greet him.
As he approaches, Merle glances over and smiles with a clothes pin held in his mouth as he pins one side of a shirt up on the line. "Hey, Cap'n. I was gettin' worried about ya. You never sleep in this late."
Davenport chuckles. "Yeah, I stayed up too late reading that murder mystery I was telling you about. Is the dryer not working again?"
Merle takes the clothes pin out of his mouth and nods as he pins the other side of the shirt up. "Yep. I asked Barry to take a look at it since you were asleep. Figured if it hasn't been fixed yet after tinkering with it mechanically, the enchantment might be what's causing the issue. Can you pass me another shirt and set of pins?"
"Yeah, just a sec." Davenport walks to his other side to get to the basket and pulls out a damp, floral pattern shirt and two more pins from the small container set next to the basket. He hands them up to Merle who nods in thanks and gets to work pinning up the garment.
"This reminds me of living back in the enclave at home," Merle says. "We didn't have a lot of the technology and appliances that the towns and cities had. We had a more natural way of doing things. We washed our clothes in buckets of river water and hung them up to dry like this in trees by our houses, and it was hell during autumn and winter. In autumn, we'd get leaves and stuff stuck in our clothes, and in the winter, it took forever to dry because it was so damn cold. We'd try to find room around the fire to hang them up during those months, but it's really hard when you have eight people's worth of laundry."
Davenport looks up at him with a start. "Eight people? You had eight people living in your house?"
"Yeah, me, my mom, my dad, and my five siblings. Can you pass me-"
"Yeah, here you go." Davenport hands him an IPRE jacket and another set of pins.
Davenport thinks for a minute. "I guess that's not so different from how we're living now."
Merle laughs. "Yeah, there's seven of us living on a ship that's not meant to house us for more than two months. At least we all have our own separate rooms. The house I grew up in only had four bedrooms, so me and my siblings all had to share."
"That must have sucked."
"Oh you have no idea."
Davenport hands him another garment and pins. "What was your family like?"
Merle hums a little as he starts pinning up the garment. "They were... fine, I guess. I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved them. A lot. But it was hard growing up in the middle of all of them. I had two older brothers, an older sister, a younger sister, and a younger sibling, and they were all perfect to my parents. They were all really into medicine and priesthood and druid magic and everything my dad wanted. And they were really good at what they did too." He says a little bitterly. "I also got into medicine, botany, and clerical duties obviously, but to be honest, a lot of the reason why I did that was because I wanted my dad to be proud of me. But I wasn't good enough for him. Not compared to the rest of my siblings anyway."
Merle brings down his hand to let Davenport pass him another piece of clothing, but Davenport holds off for a minute. "I'm really sorry to hear that, Merle."
Merle shrugs but doesn't meet his eyes. "I mean, I'm the one still... still living."
They're silent for a moment before Davenport hands him a pair of shorts. "Do you have any good memories of them?"
Merle smiles slightly as he turns to pin them up. "Yeah. Me and my brother, Charlie and my sister, Leslie, we got along the best. We used to play pranks on people a lot as kids. One of them being taking other people's laundry that were hanging up on the clothes line and swapping them with another person's clothes. It was great. The neighbors would get so mad at each other because they thought someone else stole their clothes."
Davenport laughs and hands him the last piece of clothing. "That sounds like it was fun."
Merle smiles even wider now as he pins up the pants. "Yeah, it was. What about you, skipper? Did you have any siblings?"
Davenport frowns slightly. "No, I'm an only child. I was one of the kids who grew up at the Institute in their childcare program. My mom was a scientist and my other parent was an engineer, and they... well... they didn't really have a lot of time for me, let alone to take care of another one."
Merle's smile fades a bit as he looks down at him. "Did you have any friends you were particularly close to?"
Davenport chews his lip. "Not really. There weren't a lot of kids in the program, and the ones I grew up with weren't all that interested in hanging out with me. We weren't enemies or anything. They weren't mean to me. We just had different interests, so I spent most of my time by myself reading about the stars and planes, and I read the papers the people at the Institute published about the newest experimental findings and explorations reports."
"Oh..." Merle says. "That sounds... well..."
"Boring?" Davenport guessed.
Merle laughs. "Hey, you said it, bud. Not me."
Davenport laughs too. "Yeah, there were times that I wanted to have a friend to do stuff with, but that just never happened I guess. Studying everything I could to one day be a captain and go exploring was my life, and now... there's no choice but to have this be my life."
Merle climbs down from the stool and grabs it, the basket, and the container of clothes pins. "Well, that's the reality of our life now. You're not alone in this Cap'n. And we've got time to do other things every now and then that isn't saving the world. And hey, me and the others are your friends now, and I'm happy and honored to call you my friend. So why don't we pull the foldable table and a couple of chairs out onto the deck. I can teach you how to play yooker with tarot cards if that's something you're interested in."
Davenport smiles and takes the basket from him. "I would love to. Thank you, Merle."
"Any time, Dav."
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princessphilly · 3 years
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CW: soft smut, mentions of miscarriage, fucked up doctors. 
This is definitely it. Sid and Nina’s story is over but you will see them in the other fics of this universe, including a huge part of Plain Jane
Nina stared at the boxes. It was time to pack but at the same time, she couldn’t do it. 
They were so excited. A baby so early in their marriage had seemed scary but Sid and Nina were ready. They had picked out colors, a room for a nursery, and had begun to discreetly pick up supplies. 
It was nineteen weeks; still early but they were getting ready to announce. Then there was the blood in the toilet three days ago when Nina woke up and went to the bathroom. And now, their first, a girl, was gone. 
The doctor was sympathetic, and said it happens a lot. Most pregnancies never make it to birth, she said. But it hurt that their girl was now an angel. Nina sniffled as she packed the pack-and-play back into the box. 
“Hey, why are you doing that? You’re supposed to rest!”
Nina looked up, tears in her eyes. Sidney rushed to her, lowering himself to the floor. Gathering his wife in his arms, he soothed, “Pretty girl, we’ll have more.”
Nina’s tears turned into sobs as she relaxed in her husband’s arms. Her momma had a history of miscarriages: what if that meant that there would never be a child?
As if he could read her mind, Sidney replied, “it doesn’t matter, I love you no matter what.”
Nina was sleeping, finally getting some rest. Matthew was napping on Sidney’s chest, his little boy still red but much calmer. 
It hadn’t been an easy birth for Nina. This was their third pregnancy but first child to make it past the 2nd trimester. And Matthew decided to come out three weeks early, November 26 instead of his due date of December 17. 
The door opened and Matthew stirred a bit before settling back down. Sidney looked around: his mother was curled into a chair, reading a book while Tracy was scrolling her phone on the couch. The proud grandfathers had gone out to get lunch for everyone. 
Walking in, the doctor said, “The nurse said Nina is healing nicely but we will have to do some stitches. Your son is a big boy.”
Sidney gave him a tentative grin. Matthew was 9lbs, 4 oz and 22 inches long. He was on the bigger side. The doctor continued, “When I stitch her, I can give her a husband stitch, if you like.”
“What is that,” Sidney asked, wrinkling his nose. 
Trina interjected, “Don’t you dare, Sidney.”
In a soothing voice, the doctor said, “it’s an extra stitch to make your wife as tight as she was before she gave birth.” He winked at Sidney. 
Sidney looked at his mother before responding, “No.”
“Are you sure?”
“No,” Nina managed to say, opening her eyes. “I heard about that stitch and I will sue if you do that to me.”
“You heard her.”
Sidney gave the doctor a hard look as he shrugged, preparing to give Nina only the necessary stitches. Passing his boy to his mother, Sidney said, “I’d like a different doctor.”
“What, I’ve been-”
Sidney took out his phone, ready to start making some calls. The doctor left, grumbling under his throat. Nina gave Sidney a grateful smile before dozing off again. 
One of the hardest things for Sidney was the fact that it was best for his boy not to grow up in Canada. As a proud Canadian, that rankled him. He wanted Matt to be more Canadian than American. But when a video of 2 year old Matt skating and hitting a puck dead center into the net made major news, Sidney knew he had no choice. He wanted Matt to have more of a childhood than him, to not feel like he had to be the next one. 
So, his family spent most of the year in Pittsburgh and summers in Cole Harbour or on different vacations. Sidney knew that his son was still “famous” but Matt was still treated as a kid. With Nina’s extended family, there wasn’t any preferential treatment. His kids were the same as their cousins in Nina���s family, giving his children normalcy Sidney never had as a child. 
Sidney raked a hand through his silver hair. As much as he wanted Matt to go his own way, it still freaked him out that his son chose to be a *goalie* out of all positions. He winced as he heard a shot hit the post. Then Matt made a glove save and Sid clapped.
“That’s not the talent I expected but he’s already showing signs of being a better goalie than center, Sid.”
Sidney turned to his longtime mentor and now close friend, Mario. Shrugging, he replied, “I just want him to be happy. He’s happy, I’m happy.” 
Sidney smirked. “Plus, Chloe is going to be the best woman’s hockey player ever. She’s 8 and she’s already playing with 10 to 12 year old girls.”
“True,” Mario conceded. “You’ve transitioned from pro to hockey dad.”
“Eh, can’t forget Aja and Morgan. I’m a hockey, figure skating, soccer, and dance dad. Not bad for a fifty year old washed up player.”
“Who’s washed up?”
Sidney grinned as his wife bumped him with her hip. His baby girl was holding Nina’s hand, her hair pulled up into a dancer’s bun. Chloe was right behind her, still clad in her hockey gear, Aja trailing behind with a book in her hands. 
“I am,” Sidney drawled. 
Chloe piped up, “No you’re not, Daddy! You’re still the best hockey player ever!”
“Yup,” Morgan added while Aja nodded, absorbed in her book. 
“No, you’ll be the best hockey player ever, Chlo’,” Aja stated, closing her book. “Daddy will be the best men’s hockey player.”
As Aja firmly nodded, Sidney and Mario laughed. 
Nina let out a breath. It was crazy how just one touch from Sidney made her hot, even seventeen years later. His lips were trailing down her neck, one hand cupping her breasts. “Can you be quiet for me, pretty girl?”
“Uh huh,” Nina breathed out. Sidney’s other hand was exploring her folds. She was getting wet but menopause was finally calling so Nina knew they would need some help. Leaning away from Sidney, she pulled out the lube from the drawer. 
“Thanks, pretty girl, but I’m more interested in burying my face in your pussy,” Sidney laughed. 
Nina replied softly, “No problem. You know my mom just came back from her cruise so the girls will go find her first this morning.”
“Even better. Spread your legs for me, pretty girl. You know what daddy wants.”
Nina let out a giggle that quickly turned into a muffled moan as she felt Sidney’s tongue gently lick through her pussy, his nose nudging her clit the way she liked it. He ate her slowly, bringing Nina close to the edge but never letting her go. Then Sidney stopped, kissing his way up Nina’s body before kissing her, letting Nina taste herself. 
Wrapping her legs around his waist, Nina urged, “Please, Sidney,” managing to keep her voice at a whisper. Before he could answer, they heard some girlish giggles and they both paused. 
“I locked the door last night,” Sidney whispered into Nina’s ear. Nina giggled then moaned as she felt Sidney’s fingers spread the cool lube over her pussy. Then he entered her, nice and slow.
“Love you, pretty girl,” Sidney whispered as Nina arched against him. She was clenching around his cock; he wanted to go slow and savor it this morning but Nina had different ideas. 
Nina whispered, “Love you, too,” her fingernails digging into his back. Then she squeaked as Sidney withdrew, turning her onto her hands and knees.  
“Momma, you promised to make breakfast today.”
Nina straggled into the kitchen, her robe wrapped tightly around her body. “Morg, it’s 9:30 in the morning on a Saturday, it’s still morning.”
Chloe piped up, “You’re usually up before us everyday, Momma.”
Nina shared a look with Sidney who squelched a laugh. He had planned to just go one round with his wife but it turned into three to start off the day right. 
Sighing, Nina grabbed bowls to prepare waffles. Morgan added, “Mimi made waffle batter already, Momma.”
“Thanks, Mom,” Nina sincerely stated. 
Tracey shrugged. “I figured I’d give you a break since I’ve been gone. You know I love my grand girls.”
Matthew yawned as he walked into the kitchen, his hair sticking up all over his head. “Hi,” he sleepily said before going to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of Gatorade. 
“It’s too early for energy drinks, Matt,” Sidney chided. 
“Sorry, Dad.”
Matthew was about three weeks from turning twelve and the whole teenage era was coming fast. Now, he was sleeping in and staying up late. Nina sighed, it was too early for one of her babies to grow up. 
“I would have woken up earlier but these girls had to jump on my bed at 7am, Dad,” Matthew complained. “They said your door was locked. Why do they always have to bother me?”
“Because we love you, Matty,” Aja said with a mischievous smile. “And some girl sent you messages while you were asleep.”
Matthew glared at his little sister. “Girls are ugly. Especially girls like you.”
Sid and Nina shared a look. Sid just had “the talk” with Matthew and they were both happy he still saw girls as ugly, at least for now. Tracey said, “Oh baby, that’s no way to talk to your little sister.”
“I’m sorry, Mimi,” Matthew said, giving his grandmother a kiss. “Momma, can we have blueberry waffles today?”
“Plain waffles,” Nina said firmly. “You can add blueberries, strawberries, or peaches as a fruit topping.”
“No chocolate chips?”
Chloe and Morgan gave their mother their biggest puppy-dog eyes. Nina shook her head. They then give Sidney the same look, saying together, “Daddy, can we have chocolate chips with our waffles?”
Sidney laughed as he picked up two of his girls. “You two already know the answer to that!”
Chloe pouted as Morgan laughed at the silly faces Sidney was making. Sidney added, “It’s Saturday so you know today is ice cream day after dinner. Did anyone feed Maddie?”
Nina giggled as she turned on the grill. At the mention of her name, Maddie, their dog, ran into the kitchen. Pharaoh, their cat, followed Maddie in, stretching before walking around her legs. As her family noisily talked, Nina sighed in happiness. She loved her family, life was perfect.
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lilacyennefer · 3 years
A Future with You Part II
A/N: Had to write some fluffy dad Angel after this week’s episode which broke my heart. That’s it.
WARNING: none, just dad!Angel being the cutest
Part 1
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“Angel, are you sure it’s going to be fine?” You ask your boyfriend, worried.
It’s been months since Angel and Luke met, and ever since then the two of them were inseparable, but you were always worried to leave Luke with anyone.
But now, kindergarten was closed, and you had to go to work, but you couldn’t take Luke with you.
That’s when Angel offered he would take care of him, he said it would be dumb to pay for someone to do it, when he can do it for free.
You trusted Angel, but you were always nervous to leave Luke with anyone, and Angel wasn’t an exception.
“Yeah! He can meet with Pops, and the rest of the club.”
The next day you dropped off Luke at the clubhouse, Angel was already waiting for him to arrive.
“Angel!!” Luke particularly jumped out of the car to run to the biker, who was waiting for him with open arms, hugging, and lifting Luke up when the child reached him.
“We are going to have so much fun today! Just us, boys.” You could hear the excitement in Angel’s voice.
“Can I ride your bike?” Luke asks excitedly, a question he asks at least twice a day.
“Absolutely not.” You say before Angel could reply.
“When mami can’t see it.” Angel whispers loud enough for you to heart it, watching your reaction, and sending a wink to your way.
You shake your head “It’s not funny.”
“Mi dulce, it’s going to be fine! Worst case scenario, I’ll call you for some help.”
“Alright.” You sigh, handing Luke’s backpack to Angel “Everything that he needs is in the backpack.”
“I love you.” Angel hugs you closer with his left arm, while holding Luke in his right.
“I love you too.” You smile up at him, then look at Luke, playfully pinching his cheeks “and I love you, my precious little boy.”
“I love you too, mami!” He replies, giving you a kiss on your cheek.
“Well, since we are the early birds,” Angel starts after you said goodbye, and drove away. “Would you like to meet with my Pops?”
Angel could sense the nervousness in his own voice, wondering if the toddler could hear it too.
“Your Pops?” Luke asks curiously.
“My father.” Angel nods. “Then we can come back, and you can meet with my brothers.”
The toddler agreed to Angel’s plans, he excitedly walked to the Reyes Carnicería, holding the biker’s hand in his tiny one.
“Hey, Pops!” Angel greets the oldest Reyes loudly as he steps into the shop, making Felipe turn around to see his oldest son standing there, with a child that’s not his. Or at least he never saw the boy, so Felipe suspected it’s not Angel’s child.
“Where did you get that child?” Felipe asked his oldest son.
“This is Luke.” Angel answers as he picks up the little boy “My girlfriend’s son. I wanted you to meet with him.”
Felipe was surprised at both the fact that Angel had a girlfriend, sure, he knew that his sons were popular with girls, but Angel hadn't brought home a girl to him ever since he was a teenager. He was also surprised at the fact that he would date someone who has a child, and he’d take responsibility for them.
The oldest Reyes man walked out from behind his counter to introduce himself properly to the small boy.
“I’m Felipe.” He reached his hand out for him, the toddler immediately took his hand to gently shake it.
“I’m Luke!”
“I hope my son takes good care of you.” Felipe notes.
Even though Luke was only 4 years old, he could feel the air shift between the older men, making him wrap his arms protectively around Angel’s neck.
“He does!” He states confidently, protecting Angel without actually really knowing.
Angel felt extremely grateful for the little boy, who loved him unconditionally, looked up at him, and admired him, he looked at Angel like someone who’s worthy of love, of believing in, and he’s not someone who constantly fucks things up.
Yes, Angel Reyes was a good father, because Angel looked at himself as Luke’s father, although he never called him a dad. But he was proud of being a good father.
Felipe nods at the toddler’s statement, but Angel still hasn't said anything, as Felipe’s words stung him.
“I just wanted you to meet with Luke.” Angel says, ready to leave the shop, and forget his father’s reaction.
“You could bring your girl and the little boy to dinner once.” Felipe says as he walks back to behind his counter.
“Will do.” Angel nodded, then they said goodbye.
They walked on the streets of Santo Padre, hand in hand, since Luke loved to hold people’s hands, it made him feel secure, when Angel felt the little boy tug his arm, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“You know I love you, right?” Luke looked up at the biker, and Angel could feel his heart fill with love, and his insecure thoughts that his father’s words caused in him, to go away.
“I love you too, little one.” Angel replied, making the toddler smile.
“Good. Mommy loves you too, and me too.” He notes as they keep walking.
On their way back to the clubhouse, they picked up some breakfast for the MC, since they were probably already arriving at the clubhouse.
When they arrived, Angel could see Taza’s bike parked outside, suddenly he was nervous to have Luke by his side, not knowing how the club would react.
His nervousness increased when EZ stepped outside from his trailer, looking at his older brother surprised.
“Yo, boy-scout!” Angel yelled as he walked towards his little brother.
“Boy-scout.” Luke whispered, making Angel chuckle.
EZ walked closer, meeting with them halfway, grabbing the edge of his kutte when he stopped.
“Little bro, meet with Luke. He’s Y/N’s son.” Angel says nervously, making EZ raise his eyebrows from the surprise, since he didn’t know she had a son.
“Hi Luke.” EZ squats down with a smile on his face “I’m Ezekiel, but everyone calls me EZ.”
“You are Angel’s little brother?”
“I am.”
Luke looks up at Angel then says “I want a little brother too!”
The Reyes brothers looked at each other, trying to hide their snickers.
“Yeah, you have to talk to your mom about that.” Angel says.
He knew he was ready to expend their family, but you thought it was too early for that yet.
Only life had other plans.
“Brought some food.” Angel says while lifting the bag full of burritos.
EZ couldn’t reply as the loud roaring of the motorcycles filled the air, making Luke hide behind Angel’s legs just like he did with you when he met with Angel for the first time.
It’s time, Angel thought, his brothers are about to meet with his significant other’s son.
The MC members parked their bikes, Luke was watching them carefully from behind Angel.
“Are you sick Angel? Being up so early?” Bishop asks the oldest Reyes brother as he walks towards him.
“Nah.” Angel shrugs, shaking his head, unintentionally reaching his hand behind himself to Luke.
Angel’s movement didn’t go unnoticed by Bishop, making El Presidente look behind the younger biker, noticing the small boy standing behind him.
“Who’s that?” Bishop asks, nodding towards the little boy.
Unlike his father’s, Bishop’s voice didn’t have any malecy in it.
“Luke.” Angel calls for the toddler “It’s okay, let me introduce you to my brothers.”
“They’re all your brothers?” Luke asks Angel, his curiosity making him step forward from behind Angel.
“This,” Angel taps the front patch on his kutte “means brotherhood. Despite the fact that we are not related by blood, we are still brothers for life.”
Luke listened to his words carefully, but before he could say something to Angel, the man spoke again.
“This is Luke.” He introduced the little boy to the whole club, who were watching him. “Y/N’s son.”
The whole club greeted Luke with such warmness, it made both the little boy and the biker smile.
Angel led the toddler into the clubhouse, sitting down at one of the tables with Luke in his laps, while the others were fighting over the food he bought.
“Hey!” Angel yelled at his brothers “One of them is mine, shitheads!”
Angel didn’t realise he cursed until Luke’s tiny hand covered his mouth, making the biker look down at him surprised.
“No bad words.” Luke scolded Angel.
“I’m sorry.” The biker smiled down at the little boy.
“Angel.” Luke whispered “I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Alright, okay.” Angel said while he put down Luke “Can you go alone or—“
“I’m not a child, Angel.” Luke stops him with a hand gesture that reminded Angel so much of you.
Angel raised his eyebrows with a chuckle “Okay.”
Bishop joined Angel at the table, placing a burrito in front of the younger biker.
“It’s good to see you like this, you know.” Bishop says honestly “Peaceful and happy.”
“Thank you, Bish.”
Angel tried to not show it, but Bishop’s words meant a lot to him, especially after the lack of support and interest from Felipe’s side.
Luke happily ran back to Angel, holding his hands out to the biker, making him sniff his soap scented hands, something that Luke always does to signal that he washed his hands.
The toddler sits back on Angel’s lap as he starts eating his breakfast, while casually chatting with Bishop, Luke listening to their conversation.
“Can I get some?” Luke asks Angel, pointing at his food.
Angel nods, his mouth is full with food, as he holds the burrito to Luke. The little boy takes a big bite out of Angel’s breakfast, making the adults chuckle as he starts chewing it, nodding his head, silently saying that he likes the taste of it.
The day passed way too quickly for both Angel’s and Luke’s liking, none of them realised how late it was, only when you showed up, all done with work.
To be honest, you were even late, because you had to go to a doctor, confirming something that you already suspected.
Angel had some club business to do after he said goodbye to Luke, promising that he’ll get home by dinner, so he can read a bedtime story to the toddler.
“I love you, little one. Goodnight.” Angel kisses Luke’s forehead after he finishes reading for him.
“Goodnight, daddy. I love you.” Luke says sleepily, before he falls asleep.
Angel stood there, totally shocked from how Luke just called him.
Such a simple word, 3 letters, that hold so much significance.
Angel stepped out of the toddler’s room, closing the door behind himself as he wiped the few tears rolling down his cheeks.
“What’s wrong?” You ask Angel worried, panic rushing over you as you hurry up to him.
“He called me dad.” Angel confesses, a tiny sob escaping his lips.
“Aw, babe.” You reach your hand to his cheeks to wipe his tears.
It’s time now, you think.
“You better get used to being called a dad.” You whisper to him.
“I know.” Angel nods “I’m a part of his life now.”
“You are.” You agree “But not just his.”
“Yours too.”
“Angel.” You sigh when you see he’s not getting what you’re trying to tell him “Angel, I’m pregnant.” You say nervously.
Angel’s eyes grow wild as he looks at you, then down to your belly.
“I went to check it after work, and the doctor confirmed it.” You bite down on your bottom lip as you’re waiting for his reaction.
“We’re going to have another baby.” Angel smiles.
“Yes, another baby.” You laugh.
“I love you so much.” Angel hugs you tightly, burying his face in your hair, inhaling your scent.
“I love you more, my angel.”
Taglist: @gemini0410 @rosieposie0624 @blessedboo @yourwonkywriter @chibsytelford @mayans-sauce @mrsmarvelous1995 @phoenixhalliwell @rocketqueen @witching-hour @starrynite7114 @bellisperennis0 (comment or send an ask if you want to be added)
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blueskrugs · 3 years
Mary’s Song | Tyson Jost
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happy friday! we’ve got josty this week! even better, this one’s longer and has minimal angst. I hope y’all like it, thanks again to @broadstbroskis​ for being my beta, and I’ll see you next week with the first song from Fearless!
length: 2.7k words
I looked at you like the stars that shined in the sky, the pretty lights And our daddies used to joke about the the two of us, growing up and falling in love
You’d known Tyson Jost for as long as you could remember . You had been neighbors when you were little, had gone to the same preschool and everything. Your moms said you’d been inseparable from the start. 
Well, really, Tyson had offered you some of his snack, and you’d declared that you were best friends. It had kinda just stuck.
You heard your moms laughing sometimes, and they would say that you looked at Tyson like he’d hung the stars in the sky, though you didn’t understand what it meant at the time. You just knew that Tyson was your favorite person, and that you wanted to be friends with him forever.
Take me back when our world was one block wide I dared you to kiss me, and ran when you tried
Tyson got into hockey when you were still little. He was head over heels from the start, though from the one time you had tagged along with Laura and a toddling Kacey to practice, it seemed like there was more falling than playing hockey.
“I bet I could teach you how to ice skate,” Tyson said one day after school. 
You laughed, because he knew that you were scared of falling, but Tyson was looking at you earnestly, all messy hair and bright brown eyes. You were seven, and Tyson was starting to show some talent on the ice, you knew he loved it, but you would like to keep your feet on solid ground, thank you very much.
“Aw, come on,” Tyson begged. 
“No way, Tys,” you said, but Tyson kept pushing, literally, shoving up into your space and leaning on you.
“It’ll be fun!” he tried. You just shook your head at him. “Alright, fine. Tyson’s eyes turned mischievous, and you knew then that this wasn’t going to end well for you. “What about a bet? If I win, I get to teach you how to ice skate.”
He had you there. You were nothing if not competitive, and Tyson knew that better than anyone. And when Tyson with you and competition, you would stop at nothing to win. 
“Ugh, fine,” you said, crossing your arms. “But a bet’s cheating, and you know it.” 
Tyson just grinned at you. You thought for a minute. Tyson was bigger than you, just a little, but still enough that he wasn’t above tackling you into a snowbank to get the upper hand. You knew because he had done it just last week. 
You had an idea.
“Bet you can’t catch me,” you said, and Tyson opened his mouth to complain. But you pressed a kiss to his cheek before scrambling off the steps you were sitting on, and Tyson was left staring after you, mouth still open.
You’d overheard the other boys in your class talking about cooties and teasing Tyson about being best friends with you just the other day. He’d been blushy and weird about it for a couple days before deciding that he could, in fact, be best friends with a girl, cooties or not.
You laughed, loud in the quiet of your neighborhood, as you heard Tyson shout, “Hey!” and collect himself enough to race after you. 
He did end up catching you, because you were too busy laughing to keep running. You’d never admit it to Tyson, either, but letting him teach you how to skate was fun.
Well, I was 16 when suddenly I wasn’t that little girl you used to see They never believed we’d really fall in love
In another few years, hockey went from something for Tyson to everything, and he was heading off to B.C. You didn’t let Tyson see you cry when he left you behind, but it was hard, only 12 years old and watching your best friend get on a plane for 800 miles away. You didn’t want him to forget about you.
Tyson always came home, though, and when he was too far away, he would always call, always answer the phone for you. Before you knew it, you weren’t kids anymore, and Tyson was getting drafted. You were there with his mom and Kacey when Colorado called his name. You were so happy for him, but as you watched him pull that jersey over his head, you couldn’t help but feel like you were losing your best friend again. You weren’t sure you’d get him back this time.
Except in the middle of the madness that was the draft party back home later that week, Tyson grabbed you by the arm and dragged you outside. He was still wearing an Avs hat, but it was crooked, and his cheeks were flushed.
“I’m proud of you,” you told him. You felt like you’d been saying that a lot lately, but you still meant it every time. Tyson just shrugged at you, ducking his head. 
“I wanna talk to you about something,” he said. Up close like this, Tyson seemed nervous.
“Tys. What’s wrong?”
“I’m gonna miss you,” he admitted, but there was still something he wasn’t saying. He’d left you before, that wasn’t anything new.
“I’m gonna miss you, too, Tys, but-”
“I think I’m in love with you,” Tyson blurted, cutting you off.
You froze. Tyson looked unsure, curls askew under that stupid hat, and, yeah, he was just your best friend, but you’d probably been a little bit in love with him for years, too.
You didn’t quite know how to say that, so you stood up on your toes and pressed a kiss to Tyson’s lips. When you pulled back, hands still on Tyson’s shoulders, he was grinning down at you.
“So.” Tyson’s hands found your hips. “Guess you love me, too?”
“I take it back.” Tyson was going to be annoying about this, you could already.
“Nope,” Tyson said. He kissed you again, because he could. “Too late.”
Not much changed after that. You and Tyson still spent all of your time together, except there was a lot more kissing. Tyson had always been a tactile person, always looking for an excuse to be close to you, to be touching you in some way, and now he didn’t need an excuse. You couldn’t turn around without Tyson being there, a kiss pressed to your cheek, your temple, your lips. 
You rolled your eyes at him every time, but you didn’t really mind. 
You saw your moms smiling knowingly at you two sometimes, when they saw you curled up on the couch watching a movie, and you remembered the way they used to say you looked at Tyson like he’d hung the stars. You knew what that meant now, and they might’ve been on to something all those years ago. 
You asked Tyson about it one night late that first summer together, underneath those very stars, on your backs in the grass. 
“How’d you know?” Tyson turned his head to look at you. “That you were in love with me?” You were still young, but with Tyson it just seemed right.
Tyson laughed, rolling to his side and propping himself up on one elbow.
“I think I’ve always been in love with you,” he admitted. He was blushing a little. 
You leaned up to kiss him, and when you pulled back, he was blushing harder. “Me too.” 
You weren’t able to be there the night Tyson made his debut, but he called you after the game, all bright eyes and flushed cheeks and messy curls that you loved so much. 
“I love you,” he said quietly, like he still didn’t quite believe any of this was happening.
You wished you could be there to hug him, tell him again how proud you were of him. 
Take me back to the time we had our very first fight, the slamming of doors instead of kissing goodnight You stayed outside ‘til the morning light
The distance never did get easier, especially on the days Tyson struggled with his hockey, and you wondered if there would ever come a day where Tyson would have to decide which he loved more: you or hockey.
But there were always summers together, and long weekends and spring break. You made it work. Or, you thought you did. 
“Have you ever thought about transferring schools?” Tyson asked one day out of the blue. He’d only been home a couple of weeks after the Avs had been knocked out by San Jose.  You were sitting on the front porch swing after dinner, Tyson’s arm around your shoulders, but you tensed and pulled away from him.
“Why would I switch schools?” You had stayed close to home, and you were on pace to graduate early. Most importantly, you were happy.
Tyson shrugged, but his nonchalance seemed fake. “You could come down to Denver,” he said. He was looking over your shoulder at the sunset.
You raised your eyebrows at him. You hadn’t followed Tyson to UND, and you weren’t about to uproot your life to follow him to Denver. He’d been okay with that. You’d thought he’d been, at least.
“I’m not switching schools, Tys,” you said. You couldn’t decide if you were really angry or just hurt. This wasn’t Tyson asking you to move to Denver with him; it was him asking you to give up the life you were building and planning to be his girlfriend.
You stopped yourself from reminding Tyson that he couldn’t even stay in the lineup again this season, because he knew that already.
“Why not?” Tyson looked like he really didn’t get it. “You do want to come to Denver, one day, right?”
And, yeah, of course you did. There wasn’t a future in your head that didn’t have Tyson by your side. But you were supposed to graduate first, be able to start a life of your own out in Colorado, not just follow Tyson there.
“What if I don’t?” came out of your mouth instead. Tyson's face fell. He’d hurt you, and now you’d hurt him, too. “Tyson, my friends and family are all here, how am I just supposed to leave everyone behind?” You would, one day. You just weren’t ready yet.
“I did it.” Tyson’s voice was small. 
He had, and you’d been one of the ones he’d left behind, over and over.
“And what if you change your mind about me, about us?” 
Tyson recoiled as if you had slapped him. You supposed you had, in a way.
“I won’t,” Tyson said lowly. He looked like he wanted to grab your hand. “I would never.”
You believed him, but you couldn’t do this anymore tonight.
“Good night, Tyson,” you said, standing up and heading inside. You didn’t look over your shoulder to see Tyson’s face as the screen door shut behind you. 
You woke up the next morning to find Tyson passed out on your living room couch. He was still wearing yesterday’s clothes. 
“Sweetheart,” your mom said carefully as you walked into the kitchen. “Why did I find Tyson asleep on the porch swing when I went out for the paper this morning?”
You giggled a little in spite of yourself. Like a lot of things, last night’s fight felt a little stupid in the daylight. That also explained how Tyson was currently drooling on one of your mom’s throw pillows.
“We got in a little bit of a fight last night,” you told her. “I should probably wake him, eh?” He didn’t look very comfortable, but you didn’t imagine he’d slept very well outside, either.
Your mom just smiled into her coffee.
You watched Tyson sleep for a moment before poking him to wake up. He pressed his face deeper into the pillow for a second before blinking disgruntledly up at you.
“You’re an idiot,” you told him, but it just came out fond. Tyson grinned up at you. He had pillow creases on his face.
You ended up going out for breakfast, after taking Tyson home to change into not-stale clothes. You both apologized over waffles, but you didn’t talk about it. It was fine, you were fine. The future was scary. 
Tyson didn’t bring it up again that summer. Not until you were on FaceTime one late night after the season started, when you were both tired and defenses were down. It was easier to talk about the future that way, for some reason, making plans while you were both half asleep. You dreamed of mountains that night.
Denver could wait, and Tyson would always be there waiting for you, too. 
A few years had gone and come around, we were sitting at our favorite spot in town And you looked at me, got down on one knee
Years passed. You graduated college. Moved to Denver, moved in with Tyson. You loved Denver, and you loved Tyson. And on late nights when you couldn’t sleep, you could just reach across the bed instead of reaching for the phone.
It happened back home in Alberta, though, because Tyson was sentimental like that, and home was where it all began.
You were next to Tyson on porch swing after dinner, just like you had so many times before, except tonight Tyson seemed nervous. He was clutching your hand tightly, and he was rambling, some story about JT you were pretty sure you’d heard before. When he paused to take a breath, you nudged him with your clasped hands. 
“What’s up, babe?” you asked. Tyson’s ears turned red the way they always did when you called him “babe.”
Tyson squeezed your hand, then brought it up to his mouth to press a quick kiss to the back of it. 
“Do you remember all the days we used to spend out here when we were kids?”
You did. You’d do your homework out on the porch swing on nice days, and when there wasn’t homework, you’d find some other reason to be outside. It had always been both of yours favorite spot. 
“I always hoped we’d end up back here like this one day, y’know?” 
You did know, but Tyson was letting go of your hand and sliding off the swing, down on one knee next to you, before you could respond.
“Tyson,” you breathed out instead.
There was a ring in Tyson’s hands, and he kept turning it over nervously as he continued talking. You had a half thought to hope he didn’t drop it.
“In my head, I was gonna have this great speech, and it was gonna be all romantic and shit, but now I can’t think of any words to say.”
You giggled and reached out to run your fingers through Tyson’s hair before cupping his cheek. He leaned into the touch. The sun was setting behind him, bright pinks and yellows across the sky, and it was just like every other time you’d sat right here together. 
“I love you,” you said, because it seemed important. 
“You’ve been in my life for as long as I can remember, and I can’t think of anyone else I want to spend the rest of my life with. Because that’s all I want, to be with you forever.” Tyson paused, took a deep breath. “Y/N, will you marry me?” he asked, looking up at you with big brown eyes.
“Yes, Tyson, of course,” you said, laughing. You might’ve been crying, too;  it was a little hard to tell. 
After all this time, you and I…
Alberta was home, but so was Denver. Tyson had been by your side for as long as you could remember, and he’d be there for as long as you could imagine.
You’d been lucky to fall in love with your best friend, but you’d probably always been a little bit in love with him, so maybe luck had nothing to do with it.
When you bought a new home together, Tyson insisted that you had to have a porch swing. Not that you would have objected.
“D’you think our kids will be like us one day?” he asked you once. There was a ring to match yours on his finger, now.
“What?” All those years, and sometimes you still didn’t understand half of what came out of Tyson’s mouth. 
“Like, cute, fall in love with the kid next door stuff,” Tyson said. 
You just laughed. 
229 notes · View notes
soliverse · 3 years
cinderella and the mystery of the red lipstick (sfw version) - d.sc
reader x roommate!winwin
genre: fluff, humor, (optional smut below)
warnings: a bunch of swearing, mean insults and a bit of gaslighting
word count: 2972
synopsis: this is another Cinderella fic, except for the fact that she left lipstick stains instead of glass slippers
@byutafy for the short notice beta reading. love you!
@nctcreations @kdiarynet @kpopscape @kwritersworld @culture-cafe @neowritingsnet @neoswitchnet @czennienet @nct-writers
The song it was based on was Lips by NCT 127 (although it leaned towards the demo version more)
It was also a bit upbeat because the song Cinderella by CNBLUE (the Youth With You version) has been stuck on my head for ages now.
Enjoy reading!
Love, Ellie.
It was already two in the afternoon but Winwin still stayed lying in bed, clutching his blanket close to his body in an attempt to prevent the chill of the afternoon breeze from coming in contact with his bare skin.
The plan was to stay in bed until all remnants of the vodka and last night's shenanigans have washed away. Or until he dies from starvation. But his roommates have other things in mind.
He was jolted awake by the loud noise coming from his bedroom window. Half-awake, he peeked through the sheets to see what the commotion was about.
The first thing he saw was Lucas holding his now broken doorknob in one hand, happily waving it around like a lightstick. Hendery was happily mumbling some bullshit that he didn't care enough to comprehend. Xiaojun was holding a tube-like contraption that he assumed was confetti, Ten and Yangyang were on the side, dancing like the game show girls while holding up each side of a handmade banner stating "Congrats on getting laid!" badly written with a green crayon. Meanwhile, Kun at the end of the line, leaning back at the door frame with his arms crossed while watching all of the chaos unfold right before him.
"Fuck off..."
Winwin grunted and grabbed the pillow under his head, throwing it with full force so that it ended up hitting Xiaojun on his chest.
They seem to have taken the hint because they all scrambled outside, laughing their asses off as they try to get away and avoid getting their asses kicked by a martial artist.
Meanwhile, Winwin buried his face under the thick sheets, trying his best to block the light coming from outside from reaching his eyes, heightening his already throbbing headache. He was planning to stay in bed no matter how loud his stomach grumbled, but his resolve is weaker than he expected. Begrudgingly, he dragged his tired ass out of bed to take a cold shower, hoping that will shake his hangover out.
“Holy shit.”
This wasn’t the usual statement that he says to himself whenever he would look at himself in the morning. However, as soon as he lifted his head in the mirror to wash his face, he might as well be an extra for a horror movie.
All over his upper body, especially the neck and chest area, was filled with red smudges. He also found tiny hints of it at the corners of his lips. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was lipstick.
Whoever he made out with (or had sex with) last night must’ve gone wild and tried to mark every part of him that she could place her lips on.
Winwin felt his heart sink. He couldn’t, for the life of him, remember who he was last night. Just like his body, the memories of her red lips lingered on his mind. But that’s about it.
It took him a long time to squint his eyes and try to recall the moments leading up to him getting on the bed with someone, but it only made his headache worse. Defeated, he chose to let everything go and proceeded to hop in the shower just like he initially intended.
He opened the shower, letting it get to his desired temperature before he stepped in and let the water flow from his hair to the rest of his body. He didn’t move, instead of leaning one of his hands on the wall for support as he closed his eyes and tried to soothe himself with the water pressure from the showerhead. He took a deep breath, letting the air come out slowly of his lips, eyes still heavily shut.
That’s when the memories kicked in.
He finally remembered being in that same position, in a familiar corner of their dorm, as he leaned over to kiss the girl with the red lips. He also remembered the heat, the intensity of the kiss as his subconscious made him remember that he was gasping for air afterward. And so, he resorted to kissing her jaws instead. She willingly returned the favor, which is probably where he’d gotten the smudges that he found that morning, and how her red lips formed a proud smile as she kept on going, painting his fair skin with her rouge.
He sucked in another lungful of air before opening his eyes and hopping back into reality. He’s still clueless as to how the girl looked like, but he was determined to find out who’s the owner of those red luscious lips, and he would love it all over him again.
Sicheng came out of his room already dressed up, water still dripping from his hair to the towel that he placed on his neck. He made his way to the kitchen and he found the rest of his friends sitting around the table, smiling like idiots.
He asked, already annoyed about how they’ve been acting all day, or at least, for the past two hours.
“Yangyang saw you enter your room last night. With a girl,” says Kun.
“Uhh, duh?” Ten replied, raising an eyebrow at the older as he grabbed the butter knife and spread peanut butter over a piece of bread.
“How sure is everyone that it was a girl?” Hendery squinted his eyes, trying to look intimidating as he interrogated his friend for further details about last night.
“Why is everyone so concerned if I fucked a girl or not? Or if I fucked at all?” Winwin replied in annoyance, coming out almost whiney, hoping that they would cut the questions out and leave him and his breakfast alone.
“You don’t know either, do you?” Xiaojun tried not to laugh as he stuffed a sunny-side-up egg in his mouth, failing at the last minute to the point that he almost spat some of it out.
Winwin sighed. He knows they will plague him with questions until next week and will do anything to squeeze it out of him at the best of their abilities. Him getting laid feels like some event to be celebrated because out of all the guys, he was the least interested in women. Not that he doesn’t like them, it’s that he just refused to do it unless he’s genuinely interested in the girl.
Or guy.
Was it a guy?
Winwin resorted to stuffing his mouth with as much food as he can because it would give him an excuse to not speak further and answer their questions. For how long he can keep it up is a question that he’ll have to face once his plate full of food is decimated.
By the time you get into your brother’s dorm, the whole place was so trashed that you even hesitated to proceed inside. However, your mother asked you that morning to come over to your brother’s dorm as he refuses to reply to her texts and respond to her calls that morning.
“Ssup, nerd.”
You always cringe whenever Hendery calls you that nickname. Not that it affects you or anything. It was just so… old-school. You’re a big fan of insults and you would certainly be happier if the nickname was a bit more creative.
“Ssup, failure.” You replied, sitting right beside him as you grabbed a plate and helped yourself with the food served at the table, courtesy of Kun. He’s the only one that’s competent enough to fry eggs that beautifully.
“Mom’s been calling non-stop since last night. I didn’t tell her I wasn’t with you. I couldn’t come up with an excuse so I just told her you slept early because of morning classes.”
Hendery snickered.
You and he have very different lifestyles. He was supposed to be two years ahead of you in college, but he’s always caught up in partying and having fun that he missed some subjects that he had to retake that year. One more fuck up and you’ll be joining him in classes next year. And as your parents’ only hope, you feel compelled to stay away from all the fun stuff until you graduate. That is also the reason why Hendery felt it was his moral obligation to shoo you away from last night’s party, despite sharing the same room as him.
At least that's what he told you. You have a reason to believe that he shooed you away last night just so he can do whatever he wanted without you around to snitch on him.
“Everything’s fine, kid. I already told her the same thing last night. You and I share the same brain.”
“Yes, except one of us has his brain fried by substance abuse and the other has a perfectly functioning human brain capable of making future science discoveries.”
Your eyes then diverted to the guy sitting right across you. He looked sickly and pale, his organs probably screaming inside asking to die.
“What’s up with him?” You asked your brother.
“He had done the deed with a guy last night.” Winwin, with an expressionless face, was quick to throw a flying spoon in Hendery’s direction. The milk splattered everywhere, but Hendery was able to evade it, laughing maniacally as he wiped the milk off of his arms.
“Hey, you’re good with this investigation stuff, right? Maybe you can help prince charming over here find his Cinderella?”
"Tell me what you can remember."
Winwin thought you looked ridiculous when you grabbed a pen and a notepad, looking like some low-budget investigator in the movie. He wasn't in the mood to play along, but he might as well humor you and find out what happened last night.
"This may not help at all, but I can't remember jack shit except for one thing," He paused. You raised both eyebrows expectantly, signaling him to answer faster. "Red lips. That's the one thing I haven't forgotten about."
You scribbled the word, red lips in your notepad.
You scribbled a few more words and nodded as if you understood its implication.
"Well, that doesn't narrow down the suspects at all."
You placed your notepad in your pocket and stood up from your seat.
"We shall now go and investigate the crime scene."
You decided that the crime scene was Winwin's bedroom since this is where he found himself last.
Winwin saw that you're very detail-oriented, looking at every nook at cranny to see traces of the mystery person around and aid in the investigation.
His room was cleaner than you'd expected, so finding things that stick out or are out of place will be a clear sign of the perpetrator.
You searched high and low, from the shelves to the bed, but you're only able to find two things that might help his case.
As soon as you lifted one of his pillowcases, you saw traces of red smeared across its white surface. Some of it even transferred in the bedsheets.
"Your story checks out. It is red lipstick." You lifted the pillow and walked towards Winwin, who's just sitting at one of his bean bags and mostly just observing you doing your stuff.
You pointed out the smudges to him and he nodded. You then proceeded to grab one of your magnifiers from your backpack and looked at the stains for closer inspection.
"Seeing its transferability, I can say that the lipstick in question has a satin finish. The shade, as far as I can see, is somewhere in between orange and bright red." You grabbed your notepad once again and listed down your observations.
"Know anyone who wears that often?" He proceeded to shake his head.
"Alright then. Now, we ask the witnesses."
You were about to leave the room when Winwin called you out to call your attention.
"I think there's something under the bed."
He stood up from his seat and proceeded to walk towards his bed, kneeling as he tried to reach for something below.
You were surprised to see what he found, though. In between his fingers is a piece of thin, lace material, glowing red just like the lipstick shade. It was someone's underwear.
"Yeah… I think we should keep that from the witnesses."
"Where were you at the time of the incident?"
As it turns out, the rest of the boys are no more helpful than Winwin. You just finished interviewing Kun, Ten, Yangyang, Xiaojun, and Lucas. The boys themselves barely remember what they did last night, let alone whatever their friend was doing. Meanwhile, the victim (aka Dong Sicheng) sat there right alongside you while you asked the questions. You asked them if they were helpful at all, but alas, nothing resonates to him.
"Hey, aren't you going to ask me about last night?"
Hendery popped out in the makeshift interrogation room (aka the living room) and sat down right beside you, peeking in at your notes.
"Nope. I only interview reliable sources. You can barely remember your stuff sober." You stuffed your notepad back again at your backpack, hugging it close to your body to keep it from your brother.
"I saw Winwin with someone though. He was making out with someone right just a few meters away from his bedroom."
"Go on…"
"I didn't see her well though. She was pinned across the wall and Sicheng hyung's body was blocking the view."
You sighed.
"See. It was pretty useless information."
He was about to say something else, but you cut him off.
"I'll keep them in mind, thank you very much."
You’ve finally sat down back again in the kitchen to give yourself a moment of peace to piece the things you found together. Winwin is just right beside you, just quietly observing just as usual.
Everything is laid out across the kitchen table, your notepad, the pillowcase, the underwear (which is kept in a ziplock bag for hygienic purposes).
“You still don’t remember anything?”
“I do remember seeing those before, but nothing is still coming out. I still can’t remember who she is.”
You can tell that Sicheng was getting a bit frustrated. He was trying his best to remember as he once again shut his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows, seeing if there is anything that he is missing.
As he did this, Hendery popped in again in the kitchen, this time holding a full laundry basket.
“I would just like to let you know that I am being a good brother and roommate by doing your laundry.”
“Yes, yes. Thank you Hendery. You did well." You smiled at your brother to acknowledge him, but you mostly did it just to shoo him away from the investigation room. He seems to have gotten the idea and left as soon as he showed the basket to you for one last time.
He shut the door and you were met with a deafening silence once again. This time though, you felt weird energy coming from the guy right in front of you. He stared at you for a long time, specifically your lips, and then he started to break down right in front of you.
You asked him what the problem was, but all that came out of his mouth are grunts and a string of curses.
"You alright?"
He was now going between laughing and frustration, rubbing his hands on his face as he lets out all emotions.
"It was you all along. You're red lips girl."
You smiled as you looked at your phone to check the time.
"Five hours. I'm impressed. If that was my brother, it would've taken him a week or two."
"Why didn't you just tell me? I feel stupid."
"And take the fun out of it? Nope."
You then watch him react, different kinds of emotions flooding in at the same time. You laughed as you stood from your seat and patted his back.
"What gave it away?"
He stopped reacting for a while, composing himself as he relayed his deductions to you.
"I had my suspicions when you opened your bag to get the magnifying glass. I saw a red lipstick tube scattered across but I dismissed it since any girl would have lipstick on her bag. I was also confused when you refused to acknowledge the underwear. I saw it from my point of view, but it's like you purposely didn't look under the bed just so you won't find it. You know it was there, didn't you?"
You finally grabbed a seat right beside him, interested to hear what he has to say next.
"And then there's Hendery's story. You didn't ask him to mess with him. It's because he did see us. I remember now, it's what got us in this mess in the first place…"
You nodded to acknowledge him. You've always known that he's a bit smarter than the other guys, but he was very observant as well. That's why he was quiet all the time.
"Lastly, when Hendery came in with your laundry, there was something sticking out," He picked up the ziplock and held it across your face. "The bra that came with this, it was sandwiched along with your other clothing, but the bright color stuck out to me."
"Mhm… " You nodded in approval. You didn't even notice that last one, but he was able to pick that as well.
"And then I stared at your lips for a while. That's when it hit me. It was the same lips that I claimed last night. The red lips that drove me crazy…"
You gave him a small round of applause as he finished his spiel.
"Honestly, you were on point on everything. I'm just sad that you can't remember anything."
His moment of clarity was shut down and he smiled apologetically.
"Want me to tell you what happened?"
He nodded profusely.
It was already two in the afternoon but Winwin still stayed lying in bed, clutching his blanket close to his body in an attempt to prevent the chill of the afternoon breeze from coming in contact with his bare skin.
The plan was to stay in bed until all remnants of the vodka and last night's shenanigans have washed away. Or until he dies from starvation. But his roommates have other things in mind.
He was jolted awake by the loud noise coming from his bedroom window. Half-awake, he peeked through the sheets to see what the commotion was about.
The first thing he saw was Lucas holding his now broken doorknob in one hand, happily waving it around like a lightstick. Hendery was happily mumbling some bullshit that he didn't care enough to comprehend. Xiaojun was holding a tube-like contraption that he assumed was confetti, Ten and Yangyang were on the side, dancing like the game show girls while holding up each side of a handmade banner stating "Congrats on getting laid!" badly written with a green crayon. Meanwhile, Kun at the end of the line, leaning back at the door frame with his arms crossed while watching all of the chaos unfold right before him.
"Fuck off..."
Winwin grunted and grabbed the pillow under his head, throwing it with full force so that it ended up hitting Xiaojun on his chest.
They seem to have taken the hint because they all scrambled outside, laughing their asses off as they try to get away and avoid getting their asses kicked by a martial artist.
Meanwhile, Winwin buried his face under the thick sheets, trying his best to block the light coming from outside from reaching his eyes, heightening his already throbbing headache. He was planning to stay in bed no matter how loud his stomach grumbled, but his resolve is weaker than he expected. Begrudgingly, he dragged his tired ass out of bed to take a cold shower, hoping that will shake his hangover out.
“Holy shit.”
This wasn’t the usual statement that he says to himself whenever he would look at himself in the morning. However, as soon as he lifted his head in the mirror to wash his face, he might as well be an extra for a horror movie.
All over his upper body, especially the neck and chest area, was filled with red smudges. He also found tiny hints of it at the corners of his lips. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was lipstick.
Whoever he made out with (or had sex with) last night must’ve gone wild and tried to mark every part of him that she could place her lips on.
Winwin felt his heart sink. He couldn’t, for the life of him, remember who he was last night. Just like his body, the memories of her red lips lingered on his mind. But that’s about it.
It took him a long time to squint his eyes and try to recall the moments leading up to him getting on the bed with someone, but it only made his headache worse. Defeated, he chose to let everything go and proceeded to hop in the shower just like he initially intended.
He opened the shower, letting it get to his desired temperature before he stepped in and let the water flow from his hair to the rest of his body. He didn’t move, instead of leaning one of his hands on the wall for support as he closed his eyes and tried to soothe himself with the water pressure from the showerhead. He took a deep breath, letting the air come out slowly of his lips, eyes still heavily shut.
That’s when the memories kicked in.
He finally remembered being in that same position, in a familiar corner of their dorm, as he leaned over to kiss the girl with the red lips. He also remembered the heat, the intensity of the kiss as his subconscious made him remember that he was gasping for air afterward. And so, he resorted to kissing her jaws instead. She willingly returned the favor, which is probably where he’d gotten the smudges that he found that morning, and how her red lips formed a proud smile as she kept on going, painting his fair skin with her rouge.
He sucked in another lungful of air before opening his eyes and hopping back into reality. He’s still clueless as to how the girl looked like, but he was determined to find out who’s the owner of those red luscious lips, and he would love it all over him again.
Sicheng came out of his room already dressed up, water still dripping from his hair to the towel that he placed on his neck. He made his way to the kitchen and he found the rest of his friends sitting around the table, smiling like idiots.
He asked, already annoyed about how they’ve been acting all day, or at least, for the past two hours.
“Hendery saw you enter your room last night. With a girl,” says Kun.
“Uhh, duh?” Ten replied, raising an eyebrow at the older as he grabbed the butter knife and spread peanut butter over a piece of bread.
“How sure is everyone that it was a girl?” Yangyang squinted his eyes, trying to look intimidating as he interrogated his friend for further details about last night.
“Why is everyone so concerned if I fucked a girl or not? Or if I fucked someone at all?” Winwin replied in annoyance, coming out almost whiney, hoping that they would cut the questions out and leave him and his breakfast alone.
“You don’t know either, do you?” Xiaojun tried not to laugh as he stuffed a sunny-side-up egg in his mouth, failing at the last minute to the point that he almost spat some of it out.
Winwin sighed. He knows they will plague him with questions until next week and will do anything to squeeze it out of him at the best of their abilities. Him getting laid feels like some event to be celebrated because out of all the guys, he was the least interested in women. Not that he doesn’t like them, it’s that he just refused to do it unless he’s genuinely interested in the girl.
Or guy.
Was it a guy?
Winwin resorted to stuffing his mouth with as much food as he can because it would give him an excuse to not speak further and answer their questions. For how long he can keep it up is a question that he’ll have to face once his plate full of food is decimated.
By the time you get into your brother’s dorm, the whole place was so trashed that you even hesitated to proceed inside. However, your mother asked you that morning to come over to your brother’s dorm as he refuses to reply to her texts and respond to her calls that morning.
“Ssup, nerd.”
You always cringe whenever Hendery calls you that nickname. Not that it affects you or anything. It was just so… old-school. You’re a big fan of insults and you would certainly be happier if the nickname was a bit more creative.
“Ssup, failure.” You replied, sitting right beside him as you grabbed a plate and helped yourself with the food served at the table, courtesy of Kun. He’s the only one that’s competent enough to fry eggs that beautifully.
“Mom’s been calling non-stop since last night. I didn’t tell her I wasn’t with you. I couldn’t come up with an excuse so I just told her you slept early because of morning classes.”
Hendery snickered.
You and he have very different lifestyles. He was supposed to be two years ahead of you in college, but he’s always caught up in partying and having fun that he missed some subjects that he had to retake that year. One more fuck up and you’ll be joining him in classes next year. And as your parents’ only hope, you feel compelled to stay away from all the fun stuff until you graduate. That is also the reason why Hendery felt it was his moral obligation to shoo you away from last night’s party, despite sharing the same room as him.
At least that's what he told you. You have a reason to believe that he shooed you away last night just so he can do whatever he wanted without you around to snitch on him.
“Everything’s fine, kid. I already told her the same thing last night. You and I share the same brain.”
“Yes, except one of us has his brain fried by substance abuse and the other has a perfectly functioning human brain capable of making future science discoveries.”
Your eyes then diverted to the guy sitting right across you. He looked sickly and pale, his organs probably screaming inside asking to die.
“What’s up with him?” You asked your brother.
“He had done the deed with a guy last night.” Winwin, with an expressionless face, was quick to throw a flying spoon in Hendery’s direction. The milk splattered everywhere, but Hendery was able to evade it, laughing maniacally as he wiped the milk off of his arms.
“Hey, you’re good with this investigation stuff, right? Maybe you can help prince charming over here find his Cinderella?”
"Tell me what you can remember."
Winwin thought you looked ridiculous when you grabbed a pen and a notepad, looking like some low-budget investigator in the movie. He wasn't in the mood to play along, but he might as well humor you and find out what happened last night.
"This may not help at all, but I can't remember jack shit except for one thing," He paused. You raised both eyebrows expectantly, signaling him to answer faster. "Red lips. That's the one thing I haven't forgotten about."
You scribbled the word, red lips in your notepad.
You scribbled a few more words and nodded as if you understood its implication.
"Well, that doesn't narrow down the suspects at all."
You placed your notepad in your pocket and stood up from your seat.
"We shall now go and investigate the crime scene."
You decided that the crime scene was Winwin's bedroom since this is where he found himself last.
Winwin saw that you're very detail-oriented, looking at every nook at cranny to see traces of the mystery person around and aid in the investigation.
His room was cleaner than you'd expected, so finding things that stick out or are out of place will be a clear sign of the perpetrator.
You searched high and low, from the shelves to the bed, but you're only able to find two things that might help his case.
As soon as you lifted one of his pillowcases, you saw traces of red smeared across its white surface. Some of it even transferred in the bedsheets.
"Your story checks out. It is red lipstick." You lifted the pillow and walked towards Winwin, who's just sitting at one of his bean bags and mostly just observing you doing your stuff.
You pointed out the smudges to him and he nodded. You then proceeded to grab one of your magnifiers from your backpack and looked at the stains for closer inspection.
"Seeing its transferability, I can say that the lipstick in question has a satin finish. The shade, as far as I can see, is somewhere in between orange and bright red." You grabbed your notepad once again and listed down your observations.
"Know anyone who wears that often?" He proceeded to shake his head.
"Alright then. Now, we ask the witnesses."
You were about to leave the room when Winwin called you out to call your attention.
"I think there's something under the bed."
He stood up from his seat and proceeded to walk towards his bed, kneeling as he tried to reach for something below.
You were surprised to see what he found, though. In between his fingers is a piece of thin, lace material, glowing red just like the lipstick shade. It was someone's underwear.
"Yeah… I think we should keep that from the witnesses."
"Where were you at the time of the incident?"
As it turns out, the rest of the boys are no more helpful than Winwin. You just finished interviewing Kun, Ten, Yangyang, Xiaojun, and Lucas. The boys themselves barely remember what they did last night, let alone whatever their friend was doing. Meanwhile, the victim (aka Dong Sicheng) sat there right alongside you while you asked the questions. You asked them if they were helpful at all, but alas, nothing resonates to him.
"Hey, aren't you going to ask me about last night?"
Hendery popped out in the makeshift interrogation room (aka the living room) and sat down right beside you, peeking in at your notes.
"Nope. I only interview reliable sources. You can barely remember your stuff sober." You stuffed your notepad back again at your backpack, hugging it close to your body to keep it from your brother.
"I saw Winwin with someone though. He was making out with someone right just a few meters away from his bedroom."
"Go on…"
"I didn't see her well though. She was pinned across the wall and Sicheng hyung's body was blocking the view."
You sighed.
"See. It was pretty useless information."
He was about to say something else, but you cut him off.
"I'll keep them in mind, thank you very much."
You’ve finally sat down back again in the kitchen to give yourself a moment of peace to piece the things you found together. Winwin is just right beside you, just quietly observing just as usual.
Everything is laid out across the kitchen table, your notepad, the pillowcase, the underwear (which is kept in a ziplock bag for hygienic purposes).
“You still don’t remember anything?”
“I do remember seeing those before, but nothing is still coming out. I still can’t remember who she is.”
You can tell that Sicheng was getting a bit frustrated. He was trying his best to remember as he once again shut his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows, seeing if there is anything that he is missing.
As he did this, Hendery popped in again in the kitchen, this time holding a full laundry basket.
“I would just like to let you know that I am being a good brother and roommate by doing your laundry.”
“Yes, yes. Thank you Hendery. You did well." You smiled at your brother to acknowledge him, but you mostly did it just to shoo him away from the investigation room. He seems to have gotten the idea and left as soon as he showed the basket to you for one last time.
He shut the door and you were met with a deafening silence once again. This time though, you felt weird energy coming from the guy right in front of you. He stared at you for a long time, specifically your lips, and then he started to break down right in front of you.
You asked him what the problem was, but all that came out of his mouth are grunts and a string of curses.
"You alright?"
He was now going between laughing and frustration, rubbing his hands on his face as he lets out all emotions.
"It was you all along. You're red lips girl."
You smiled as you looked at your phone to check the time.
"Five hours. I'm impressed. If that was my brother, it would've taken him a week or two."
"Why didn't you just tell me? I feel stupid."
"And take the fun out of it? Nope."
You then watch him react, different kinds of emotions flooding in at the same time. You laughed as you stood from your seat and patted his back.
"What gave it away?"
He stopped reacting for a while, composing himself as he relayed his deductions to you.
"I had my suspicions when you opened your bag to get the magnifying glass. I saw a red lipstick tube scattered across but I dismissed it since any girl would have lipstick on her bag. I was also confused when you refused to acknowledge the underwear. I saw it from my point of view, but it's like you purposely didn't look under the bed just so you won't find it. You know it was there, didn't you?"
You finally grabbed a seat right beside him, interested to hear what he has to say next.
"And then there's Hendery's story. You didn't ask him to mess with him. It's because he did see us. I remember now, it's what got us in this mess in the first place…"
You nodded to acknowledge him. You've always known that he's a bit smarter than the other guys, but he was very observant as well. That's why he was quiet all the time.
"Lastly, when Hendery came in with your laundry, there was something sticking out," He picked up the ziplock and held it across your face. "The bra that came with this, it was sandwiched along with your other clothing, but the bright color stuck out to me."
"Mhm… " You nodded in approval. You didn't even notice that last one, but he was able to pick that as well.
"And then I stared at your lips for a while. That's when it hit me. It was the same lips that I claimed last night. The red lips that drove me crazy…"
You gave him a small round of applause as he finished his spiel.
"Honestly, you were on point on everything. I'm just sad that you can't remember anything."
His moment of clarity was shut down and he smiled apologetically.
"Want me to tell you what happened?"
He nodded profusely.
(link to the optional smut right here)
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