#hey guess what i'm currently trying to watch
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I've been writing down my thoughts for every movie I've seen since the start of 2023 that I havent before and its color coded by likes and dislikes and just neutral thoughts and ramblings.
Number one dislike so far: lighting is too dark I can't see shit
Number one like: the cinematography (for example. when the shot starts to tilt as the character becomes uneasy or to add to the eerieness of the scene).
Most common rambling: IS THAT [insert actors name here]
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sungbeam · 3 months
𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧
nonidol!choi san x gn!reader (no prns mentioned)
turns out your upstairs neighbor has a cat who adores climbing through your window — oh, and said neighbor is also fine as hell.
3.7k words, neighbors au (2 lovers), fluff, maybe like two swear words, drinking, lots of mentions of food
a/n: low-key just read this like ur watching the highlight reel of a romcom lol but @jaehunnyy for u 💖 i hope u like it :'))
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It all started about seven months ago when a gorgeous Thai cat waltzed into your apartment via the open window. It was a late July afternoon, stiflingly hot and sticky, meaning you had your window opened and the mobile fan set up to blow cool air into the apartment.
You were, for once, not at work. Because the art museum you worked at downtown was currently undergoing reconstruction, you were stuck in your apartment trying (failing) to sell prints off your low-traffic Etsy shop while also trying (failing) to make popsicles.
“Why is this so complicated?” You grumbled aloud as you sat on top of your kitchen counter with your knees pulled beneath your chin. You scrolled down the recipe again on your laptop screen, nose wrinkled at the amount of convoluted steps listed. “Too fancy,” you decided, slamming your laptop lid closed.
Immediately, you hissed, lifting the lid to make sure you hadn't cracked the screen from closing it too hard. Thankfully, there were no cracks visible and you breathed out a sigh of relief. You could not afford a broken—
“Holy shit!” You nearly fell off the back of the island counter at the sight of a light gray cat with black tipped ears, paws, and tail seated on the floor before you.
The cat meowed an innocent greeting.
You pressed your hand to your hammering heart and shifted to get a grip on your position atop the counter. “How—? Where…?” Your eyes drifted to the open window.
Oh. Well, that would explain it.
You glanced back at the cat, who peered up at you once more. “Meow.”
Carefully, you climbed down from the counter as to not scare the creature with any sudden movements. “Hey, baby. Where did you come from, hm?” You cooed, extending your hand out as an offer to be sniffed.
The cat unfurled its tail out from around its body and crept toward your hand. With an experimental sniff, you were deemed safe, and the cat rubbed the side of its face affectionately against the back of your knuckles.
Your chest nearly exploded from the cute interaction. You lowered yourself to your knees, gently taking a peek at the silver charm attached around the collar. There you found the engraving of a star in the metal circle.
“I'm guessing this has something to do with your name?” You hummed, reaching up to scratch the feline behind the ears and head. At least you had an inkling that this little one belonged to someone. You just didn't know how to find out who they were.
“I guess you can hang out with me,” you sighed and stood up with your hands on your hips. You didn't mind the company, after all, and maybe this could be a point of inspiration.
About three hours later, the summer sun still hung relatively high in the sky and you were trying to figure out what to feed the cat when there came a sudden knock at your front door. Really, the “sudden knock” was a series of rushed, panicked DUDUDUDU sounds. You nearly jumped out of your skin for the second time in one afternoon, and even the cat seemed to leap.
Well, the cat only looked mildly annoyed that her nap was interrupted, but she seemed content to give a languid stretch and join you in seeing who was so alarmed at your door.
When you peered out the peephole, your eyes shot open.
There was a pretty man at your door.
You glanced down at the cat who looked back up at you. You mouthed to her, pointing at the door, ‘Do you know this guy?’
As expected, she did not answer. Lovely.
You weren't exactly in appropriate garb to see people. You had thrown on something cool enough to not make you melt like one of the popsicles you weren't able to make earlier, and enough to cover any necessary areas. You were sure your hair looked about as luxurious as a barn, and there wasn't a lick of cosmetics on your face.
It was fine, you told yourself. You probably weren't even going to see this guy ever again.
You opened the door. “Hello? Can I help you?” You asked through the chain linking the door shut.
The man flashed you a flustered, dimpled smile at you. His dark hair was damp, like he just came out of a shower, and he had on a muscle tee that was definitely doing its job, and a pair of basketball shorts. “Hi! So sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you've seen a Thai cat wandering around here about yea high—?”
“Meow.” The cat at your feet shoved her way between the gap you made with the door and out into the hallway.
Your eyes widened another smidge, until the man outside released a gasp of relief and bent down to scoop the feline up into his arms. You unlatched your door and opened it fully now, the man holding the cat to his face as if he was communicating with her telepathically.
“That's the cat, I'm guessing?” You mused.
He tucked her back into his arm and his smile became sheepish. “Yes, I am so sorry about her. I came back home from work and she wasn't in the apartment, but thank you for dealing with her for however long she was here.”
You waved off his concern with your hand, sending him a kind smile. “Don’t worry about it, really. She's adorable. What's her name, by the way?”
“Oh, this is Byeol,” he cooed, lifting Byeol's paw up to wave at you.
Swoon. Your smile widened as you waved back at them both. “Well, it was nice to meet you, both Byeol and…?”
“San,” he answered. God, he was gorgeous. That smile… “And you are?”
“Yn.” You shook each other's hands in the dim hallway light.
“Nice to meet you, too, Yn.” He lit up, pointing up to the ceiling. “Hey, I'm pretty sure I'm your upstairs neighbor!”
You opened the door to your apartment wider so you could show him your open window. “Well, that would definitely explain how she got down onto my fire escape,” you chuckled.
He whistled lowly. “Man, cats are scary sometimes. I'll definitely try to keep an eye on whenever she's near my window now.” He ran the back of his knuckles down Byeol's spine. “I don't wanna take up any more of your time, but thanks again.”
“No worries! Have a nice night.”
“You too!”
San began walking back toward the stairs at the end of the hallway, and you were about to close the door when you thought you heard him chastising his cat in hushed tones. You laughed to yourself as you locked up your front door. You wouldn't mind if Byeol came traipsing down your fire escape again.
And she would. About three times a week when San had a later shift at the boxing gym he worked at (yes, a boxing gym… good lord). Byeol oftentimes expected you to have your window open, and if you didn't already have it open, she would sit out on the fire escape until you did.
Two months into the fire escape escapades, you gave up and left the window open just enough for her to squeeze through while you returned to work.
San would always come down to your apartment to retrieve her, and at some point, decided to swing by your apartment on his way up instead just to make sure she wasn't already here.
By month four when the days were shorter and the nights dragged longer and colder, you couldn't exactly keep the window open, lest you wanted to freeze your ass off in the safety of your apartment. Byeol would hop down the fire escape in the evenings when you were back so you could let her in, only for her owner to come barreling down the stairs, dimpled cheeks flushed and exasperated.
“I swear she likes you more than me,” he guffawed from where he stood out in the hallway as he always did. He shook his head as he watched the Thai feline waltz around his legs once, then circle back into your apartment. He arched a brow at her. “Look at her strutting. She knows exactly what she's doing.”
You swore there was a dash of red gracing his cheekbones now.
You bit your lip through a smile. “Well, you're welcome to come in. I was just about to eat dinner and I don't really think I can finish this roast chicken alone.”
“Ah, I don't really wanna impose,” he drawled, scratching the back of his neck and peering at you from beneath those lengthy lashes of his. He knew what he was doing—he had to know what he was doing. If Byeol could strut, then so could Choi San.
He promised to take you up on your offer as long as you let him run upstairs to grab a bottle of wine to contribute.
The last thing you expected to happen was to hear a knock on your window less than ten minutes later. You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound, folding over in laughter when you saw him waving to you on the other side with cold-bitten cheeks and a red-tipped nose. He clutched a bottle of red in one hand and gestured furiously to the window latch. “It's fucking freezing!”
“Okay, okay,” you grinned, walking over to let him inside. “Just so you know,” you said as Byeol welcomed her owner into your apartment, “usually it's just cats who come in this way.”
“Well, you might have to get used to a cat and a human coming in now,” he teased. San presented you the wine bottle with a flourish. “Milady, your beverage.”
“Why, thank you, good sir,” you jested and accepted the offering. “Make yourself at home!”
What you didn't expect was for such a statement to be taken so literally, and yet, you had no complaints.
Three months further along—making it seven in total since that first hot July day Byeol came in through the open window—you and San (and Byeol) were cooped up in your apartment as usual. It was a Friday night with dinner on the table, a TV show playing in the background, and a pair of wine glasses for the pair of you. Over the past few months, sharing a dinner together had become a weekly event wherein San would come in via window, and the two of you would have the evening together.
Sometimes it was just dinner, sometimes it was dinner and a movie, and sometimes it was even dinner, a movie, and drunk Pictionary. But every Friday night was yours and San's night.
Plus, he turned out to be a much better cook, so you definitely couldn't argue when he somehow wrestled his entire Le Creuset pot down the fire escape to feed you the most divine lobster mac 'n’ cheese you had ever tasted. (As if you'd ever had lobster mac 'n’ cheese before…)
“I feel like it would just be more convenient if I came up to your apartment instead,” you said with enthusiasm, your free arm flailing around as you melted dark chocolate on a double boiler upon the stove top. While San had the right side of the stove for his chicken and gnocchi soup, you had the left to prepare tonight's mousse for dessert. If San made dinner, you figured you could at least learn a thing or two about a dessert course.
He chuckled, “I mean, I'm not opposed if you ever get tired of hosting. I'm kind of a creature of habit though, which is why I don't mind coming down every week, but it's up to you, sweets.”
Oh, right. And the nickname. You couldn't even pinpoint when that started, but again, you weren't complaining.
“I don't mind hosting either,” you told him, “it's just that it's either you leave your super expensive cookware here or I go upstairs. I don't think Le Creuset has fire escape insurance.”
“You're not wrong about that.” You felt his hand gently brush against your waist as he slipped past you to get to the spice cabinet on your left. “Behind you,” he murmured by your ear before grabbing the jar of Himalayan salt (also his) and returning to his station behind his pot.
You couldn't deny the pitter-patter of your heart around him either. Things were coming to a point that you didn't know how to label. But perhaps that was the beauty of everything slipping into place. You carried on, “I think I've seen your apartment once, and that was when Byeol wouldn't stop meowing until I followed you guys.” You laughed to yourself at the memory. That had been an interesting night.
“If it's any consolation, your apartment has much more life in it than mine.”
“That's a lie,” you said pointedly. “Yours is just more meticulous.”
He snorted. “Meticulous. Might as well be as barren as a clinic.”
You passed him a glance. “I offered to paint your walls…”
San beamed back at you, dimples creating divots in the apples of his cheeks. “And I never said no! But—I do think that it should be something the both of us do together.”
Your brows creased as you took the chocolate off the stove to fold into the other mixture you'd set aside. “You wanna paint with me?”
“Yeah,” he said, almost bashfully. “I think it'd be a fun bonding and learning experience. And it would be cool to see you in your element, besides when you're drunk.”
The latter comment had you turning away to laugh. “Fair enough.”
When dinner was ready to be dined, and the mousse was freezing in the fridge, you and San sat at the kitchen island with your matching bowls of hot soup and glasses of lemon water for the night. Neither of you had remembered to buy wine for the week (surprisingly), but one week without alcohol wouldn't hurt.
The two of you clinked your glasses together, toasting to another week survived.
You took a sip, then spooned the soup into your mouth, wiggling around on your stool in a little happy dance as the flavors did their own dance on your tongue.
San smiled around his own bite. He swallowed, then said, “You know, I always know I did well when you do that.”
“Do what?”
“That cute little dance,” he chuckled. “I’m glad it tastes good, is what I'm saying, sweets.”
Your skin warmed, and you managed to convince yourself it was the soup or the heater or something and not the beautiful man beside you. “Then get used to the happy jig, because everything you cook tastes divine. You should be a chef, San.”
“I could've,” he shrugged, “but I kind of like this little life.” He gestured to you with his spoon, a twinkle in his eyes. “Don't you?”
For a moment, you let the smile slowly unfurl onto your lips. You lifted your own spoon in agreement. “You're right. It's a lovely, little life.”
Now that you were in agreement, you fell into a comfortable silence as you both enjoyed your dinner in one another's presence. Byeol was hunched over her own bowl of food just by the foot of your stool, against the adjacent side of the island. You'd gone out and bought her a pair of food and water bowls, as well as her preferred food. San had been touched by the gesture, and Byeol most definitely appreciated it.
San wiped his mouth with his napkin. “Oh, by the way, next week.”
You hummed. “What about it?”
“Are you doing anything?”
You perked up, eyebrows lifting to your hairline. “Why do you ask?” It was usually unsaid by now that Friday nights were set aside for the two of you to share an evening, which was why you were confused by his question.
And then he explained, “It's Valentine's Day, so I just wanted to make sure I didn't interrupt or assume anything.” He'd said it so casually and easily that you nearly missed the slight nervousness in his voice, or the minor intonation of hope. “I mean,” he fumbled, “if you do have something planned, then it's no worries, really. There are plenty of other weeks—”
You shook your head, finishing off your water after having scraped your bowl clean. “I'm not doing anything,” you said. “Well, besides what we usually do.” You chuckled to yourself, “To be honest, Valentine's Day completely slipped my mind this year.”
And if you were truly being honest with yourself, every Friday felt like Valent—no. You shouldn't think like that. It would only make things worse about how you felt for him now. Plus, these past few months with San felt far too casual, too domestic, to be like Valentine's Day. Was Valentine's Day not for grand gestures and romance? This wasn't grand… though, you could probably argue about the romantic part…
“No, I feel the same way,” he nodded. “My friend Wooyoung just asked today if I was up to go to a single's party, which was why I suddenly remembered.”
Ah. “Oh, are you planning on going?” Wine sounded pretty good right about now.
He grimaced. “Probably not. I—I was kind of hoping you wanted to still do dinner next week—but, like, it doesn't have to mean anything besides how it usually is. If that's what you're comfortable with.”
It doesn't have to mean anything besides how it usually is. What if you wanted it to mean more than how it usually was? There was nothing inherently wrong with how it usually was, but you couldn't deny that a part of you yearned for more. That part of you imagined what it was like if San didn't have to come see you via fire escape, and he was always in the same space as you.
There was a pause as you wrestled with your own conscience about how or if you were going to admit it to him.
He pressed his lips together. “I've made you uncomfortable.”
“No, you haven't made me uncomfortable,” you assured him swiftly. “I just…” You sighed, pressing a hand to your forehead then returning it to your lap. “Of course, I would love to have dinner with you next week, but I’d like it to mean something else—if you are comfortable with that.”
You watched as that beautiful smile you'd come to grow more fond of blossom onto his face. “I'd be more than comfortable with that—I’d be really happy with that, actually.”
“Good,” you said softly, unable to bite your own smile away. “Then dinner next week, it is.”
There was something fundamentally different about this next Friday night compared to the others. Specifically, the context by which you and San went into the Friday evening of Valentine's Day was completely different. The apartment was aglow with the same warmth as it usually boasted, but there was a bouquet of blood red roses in a glass vase on the kitchen counter beside a bottle of red wine.
San was at the stove, finishing off the last bit for dinner before it needed to simmer for a good thirty minutes. You were in the living room portion of your apartment, flipping through the vinyl records to play before you pulled one out and set it up. As you moved the needle onto the record, you placed the empty cover back into its slot and turned toward the kitchen.
You froze in your spot, skin warming at the sight of San leaning over the island counter with an adoring look in his eyes as he watched you. “What?” You laughed, subconsciously adjusting the sleeve of your blouse.
“Nothing,” he smiled. “You're just—you’re gorgeous.”
You were sure if your face didn't give it away, there must have at least been hearts floating around your head. “You cannot just say that,” you chided weakly as you walked over to where he was, your expression growing shy.
His smile widened and he rounded the counter to stand in front of you, your back pressed against the edge of the counter. “I can, too,” he teased. He stepped back once and held his arms out, fingers flicking toward him to beckon you forward. “C'mere. Can you dance?”
“Some.” Your eyebrows arched upward as you stepped forward and took his hands in yours. “Dancing and romancing, Choi San? What magic do you hope to enchant me with tonight?” You joked, moving your left hand to his shoulder.
“Perhaps magic that will leave your window open for me on nights other than Fridays,” he said sheepishly as the two of you began to sway to the music waltzing out from the record player. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your fire escape—”
You let out a laugh, ducking your head toward your chests. He did the same, an embarrassed grin coming onto his face as his nose nudged against yours.
“That was god awful,” he winced in apology.
“It was,” you agreed teasingly, “but I'll let it slide because you're cute.”
He shot you a bright smile. “Oh? So I'm cute? I guess that makes two of us.”
You weren't really sure at what point you realized you had fallen for this man. It was sometime between the Himalayan salt lectures and the dancing like an old married couple in your kitchen, maybe. You thought about the day he showed up at your door panicking about a missing cat, and to a future where you might have found yourself in his living room painting murals on his walls. Or perhaps… not his living room, but both of yours.
As you danced with your chests pressed together, hearts beating rapidly in sync, you gazed into those beautiful, dark brown irises of his and sank further and further into those feelings. They were gradually making themselves a home in your chest.
“What're you thinking about, sweets?” He murmured as you tucked your head against his shoulder and the arm he had around your waist rubbed the small of your back.
The smell of his cologne made you inhale deeply. You could get used to this—his smell, the feel of his body under your fingertips, his presence intertwined with yours taking up space in the best possible way. “I'm thinking that Byeol is a good matchmaker.”
His chuckle rumbled through him and softly into your ear. “You're definitely right about that.”
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a/n: pls remember to reblog and comment if u enjoyed!
atz m.list
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girl-of-many-fandoms · 6 months
Ocean Blue Eyes // 2
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Pairing: Percy Jackson x Reader
Warning: none
Part 1 Part 2
From afar Percy could easily make out the silhouette of the girl who unknowingly stole his heart. He couldn't take his eyes off of her as she sat on a log staring out into the horizon.
The cool breeze caressed her skin sending a shiver up her spine. Y/N regretted leaving her zip-up jacket in her cabin but she didn't initially plan to sit here this long. However, when the sun began to set she couldn't leave without taking in the beauty of the sky. Hues of yellow and gold painted the sky as the sun slowly said goodbye to Camp Half-Blood.
It's been a few days since her and Percy shared a moment together a couple feet away from where she currently sat. She vividly remembers the way he stared at her, his touch, the way his soft lips felt against hers.
Percy has been trying to find a way to talk to Y/N. He wasn't sure if he had made the right choice kissing his friend or if he blew his shot entirely. He saw her shiver once more and removed his grey hoodie before making his way over to her.
Y/N jumped slightly at the feeling of something being draped over her shoulders. She didn't have to guess whose jacket now laid on her shoulders as the familiar and comforting scent of her friend filled her nostrils.
"Hey you."
"Hey stranger."
Percy joined her on the log and for a moment they didn't say a word, they just sat in each other’s presence, both trying to figure out how to approach the elephant in the room.
"So uh-"
"I'm so-"
The pair giggled at their attempt at sparking a conversation. The blue eyed demigod gestured for her to go first.
"Ladies first." He said.
"Well...uhh..how have you been?"
"Seriously?" Percy quirked an eyebrow at her with a smirk on his face making Y/N’s cheeks heat up. Y/N nodded her head causing Percy to laugh.
"Fine. For the past couple days I've been trying to figure out if I may have eternally screwed up our friendship and I might have since you've avoided me since then."
"I wasn't avoiding you." Y/N immediately got defensive but Percy proceeded to list out the many occasions she avoided him.
"Oh really? You haven't jogged past my cabin since then like you normally would, you've changed your route. I tried to have lunch with you yesterday but you took off when you saw me heading towards you. You also ditched training with me to train with Clarisse."
Truth be told he was hurt. Hurt by the fact that she chose to avoid him at all costs. Y/N turned to face him and he did the same, their knees now touched each other.
"I only kept my distance because I didn't know how this conversation would go. I wasn't ready to hear you say that you made a mistake by kissing me and that we should remain friends, isn't that what you're going to say?" Although she didn’t show it, she was anxious. She didn't know what words were going to come out of his mouth but she was betting on him regretting the kiss.
"For someone so smart, you're so clueless sometimes." Percy's lips turned up into a smile, watching as confusion etched its way onto her face.
Without giving her a chance to think about what's happening, Percy cupped both her cheeks with his hands and pulled her in for a kiss. Y/N didn't hesitate to kiss him back as she gently held onto his forearm.
This kiss was much more intense compared to the last one as they both tried to pour all their emotions into it. Somewhere along the line they both remembered they needed air and slowly broke the kiss. Percy pressed his forehead against hers and interlaced their fingers together.
"Did that say I want us to be just friends?"
"No, not at all."
Percy kissed the top of her head as she snuggled closed into him. He didn't know where this would take them but he knew for sure that he would do anything for the girl in his arms.
As for Y/N, she too didn't know what the future holds but she was certain that they'd face whatever comes their way together.
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optimist-pine · 4 months
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: people are naked, but it's barely even borderline suggestive
Summary: You need a bath, but there's no way you're going alone
Era: Season 1, the Quarry
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Your skin practically crawls from the buildup of dirt, sweat, and who knows what else that's managed to accumulate over the past three days. You still haven't quite adjusted to the reality of not having on-demand access to a hot shower and your scalp is all oily, and itchy, and eugh - gross. A little shiver runs down your spine at the thought - well, maybe that's just more sweat...
The bold shades of the sunset are beginning to fade as you make your way to the Dixon brothers' camp. Currently they're the closest thing you have to neighbors, your tent being between theirs and the rest of the group. You're dying for a quick dip and rinse in the pond, but you don't actually want to die for a bath, and you know it's a dumb idea to go alone. Everyone else seems busy though and you've come to the conclusion that Daryl seems to be your only option.
Most of the others actively avoid the brothers, and you can't say you blame them. Merle's constantly stirring up trouble and being a general annoyance, and Daryl's quick to jump to his defense. But, on the rare occasion when Daryl isn't being held under Merle's thumb, you catch glimpses of a very different person than what he usually puts out.
He's sitting in an old lawn chair by the side of a fire when you approach, poking a stick around in the coals. Little sparks shoot off where the fresh evening air hits them, and the smell of woodsmoke fills your lungs.
"Hey." You greet. A spot of doubt begins to arise within you, but you quickly stamp it out. With recent events you were beginning to discover that there wasn't much room left for second guessing or overthinking anymore.
"Need somethin'?" He asks, eyes flicking up to you for a moment before returning to the flames.
You hang your thumbs in your belt loops, fingers tapping against your hips. "If you're not busy, I was hoping maybe you could go down to the water with me? I'd ask someone else but they all seem rather occupied at the moment... and I don't think Shane'd let me go alone." You say.
He looks up, jaw set awfully close to a scowl. "I ain't gonna be yer damn bodyguard." He huffs.
"No- I don't want you to watch me or anything like that- I guess I'm just asking for companionship?" You reply. "You could do whatever you're gonna do here, but just do it down there?" You hike your thumb over your shoulder in the direction of the pond.
He stays silent, but a sudden chorus of laughter flows out from the direction of the rest of the group. You study the way the firelight smooths out his rough edges, and you can't help but wonder if the look in his eyes is just boredom or if it's really loneliness.
"Unless you prefer Merle's company, then by all means I'll leave ya to it." You continue, trying your best to ignore Merle sawing logs in the tent, and erase the image of his hand too close to his crotch from your mind.
He jams the stick into the dirt hard enough that it remains standing when he lets go. "A'ight. Lemme get 'mah stuff."
"Awesome, I'll be over at my tent when you're ready." You smile, pleased and a little surprised that you'd managed to get him to say yes. Admittedly, Merle wasn't so bad when he was passed out, but it was reassuring to know that you were at least preferred company over an unconscious jerk.
Dirt and gravel crunch under your boots as the two of you walk, your knapsack bouncing steadily against your back with each step. "Thanks for coming with me. I'm not necessarily afraid of the dark or anything, but there's a lot worse things in the woods now than just coyotes." You explain. "And it's just nice not to be alone."
He simply grunts in response.
Good thing you didn't ask him along for his conversational skills.
When you reach the edge of the water you find a rock close to the shore to set out clean clothes and a towel. You see Daryl settle down, back propped against a boulder as he starts rummaging around in his own bag. "Whatcha gonna work on?" You ask.
He pulls out a whetstone and a couple large hunting knives. "Cleanin' mah tools." He replies.
You begin to undress, but a feeling of uncertainty causes you to pause. "Man, I wish I didn't feel like he's sitting up there right now with those binoculars..."
"Who? Shane?" He asks sounding surprised.
"Yeah." You shudder. "Guy gives me the creeps."
You hear scrape of the knife grinding against the sharpener. "Well, hurry up an'ere won' be anythin' ta see." He says.
"Yeah..." You keep your eye on Daryl while you finish, but he doesn't lift his gaze even once beyond sharpening his knife. "I won't be long." You assure him as the cool water rises around you.
As soon as you're far enough in you dive forward, the rush of water instantly reviving and refreshing your whole body as it flows past. You rise upwards as giddiness fills you and you break the surface with a laugh. "This is heavenly!" You gasp. You continue diving and twirling, every sore muscle and painful bruise easing away.
You pause to catch your breath and a small splash has you immediately alert. You left your knife up on the shore with Daryl, but you hadn't heard any sounds of alarm from him so surely it's not a walker. But when you look to the shore the sight has you almost equally as shocked. Daryl is chest deep in the water - bare chested that is - ripples being sent out across the still expanse as he sinks further in.
"Hey!" You yell. "I asked you out here because I thought you weren't some sorta pervert!" You hope it's dark enough that nothing in the water is visible because he's only getting closer.
The moon is full and bright, and the way it reflects off the water makes him look almost ethereal. "Can't protect ya if I'm up'ere an' yer alla'way out 'ere." He reasons.
"I don't need protecting." You roll your eyes. "And all the weapons are up there, Dixon!" You send a splash of water directly into his face.
He returns the splash. "Looked like I was missin' out on alla fun." He shrugs. "'Sides, ya never know when somethin' might jus'-" he disappears under the surface of the water and barely a second later something wraps around your ankle, tugging you under the surface.
When you're released you bob back up to the top wanting to be stern, but you're too busy giggling and swallowing mouthfuls of water to do so. When he surfaces behind you, you turn and splash him again sputtering, "Daryl you- that's not- I can't-" and end up full on belly laughing while trying to stay afloat.
You think you catch the shadow of a smile on his lips before he turns and floats away, like he's done nothing worthy of retaliation. 'Oho boy is he gonna get it.' As quietly as possible you lower yourself in the water, and using shadows from the moonlight, you swim under his head. Reaching up with both hands you use all your strength to grab his shoulders and pull yourself above the surface while pushing him down as hard as you can. Then you make a break for it.
You hear him gasp for air, coughing and sputtering as you swim as fast as you can in the opposite direction.
"Get back 'ere, woman!" He shouts, his tone highly amused. "Yer gonna hafta pay 'fer that!"
You don't realize how loudly you're laughing until the beam of a flashlight is suddenly shining directly in your face.
"Everything alright here?" Shane questions, standing on the shore not far from your and Daryl's discarded clothes. A few of the others are with him; Dale, Andrea, T-Dog, and Morales.
Even in the chilly water you can feel your skin begin to flush all the way down your neck. "Yes! All good!" You squeak out, squinting in the harsh brightness.
"We heard yelling." Andrea chimes in.
You're confident that in all your life you've never been more embarrassed. "That was laughing, guys. I wanted a bath and I asked Daryl to be my bodyguard. We were just, uh, blowing off some steam and I guess we got a little loud... Sorry if we worried anyone." You glance at Daryl who appears to be doing his best impression of the invisible man.
You can make out Dale's hat exceptionally well even in the darkness. "Are you sure you're okay?"
Their hesitation to leave sparks frustration within you - do they really think so lowly of Daryl? Is that what this is all about? Sure, nobody really knows him all that well, but you're all practically strangers and he's done alright by you. The desire to defend him takes over and you snap at the group, "Ah, what're y'all, the fun police? Go ruin somebody else's night and leave us be."
You don't take a good breath until they're all headed back to camp, and it's once again quiet and dark. You sigh, tilting your head back to watch the stars so high above as you float. "Dead people walking around eatin' living people - ya think they'd have bigger problems to deal with than a couple'a skinny dippers." You remark.
A quick exhale of a laugh, not quite a snort, echoes across the pond. "People're always jealous of'a good time if they ain't havin' one." He says quietly.
You pull your fingers through the water, feeling the tension push against them. "So... are ya feeling jealous, or did ya have a good time?" You ask.
"S'pose it wasn't too bad." He says. "But I ain't yer damn bodyguard."
And you grin.
Yeah, maybe it's a little awkward getting dried off, getting dressed, and walking back to camp but you sleep more soundly than you have since you arrived. And maybe you're a little annoyed with the way everyone seems to have nothing better to do than gossip, but that new gleam in Daryl's eye when he looks at you wipes it all from your mind. And maybe a lot of things suck, but at the end of the day there's someone who actually likes you, and maybe that's enough.
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dearhargrove · 3 months
Sink or swim
summary When the tsunami hits you're at the pier, watching in confusion and shock as the huge wave nears. You're swept away with a dozen others but gain back consciousness with a weirdly attractive guy and his.. son?
tags medical inaccuracy (I made everything medical up pls ignore it), blood and injuries, one POV change, cursing
word count 2831
a/n just watched the episodes with the tsunami and oh my god? I’m so in love with Buck, Chris and Eddie. These three are adorable. Also these episodes were just good as hell, wtf? Andddd I hope I didn’t make any of them OOC (out of character) but if I did forgive me yall 🫶🏻 also English isn’t my first language, so… 🥹
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Maybe you should've guessed what it meant when the sea started retreating and a huge wave built up more by the second. But somehow it seemed so surreal that you didn't. You clung to the thought that it was an optical illusion, after all there was no way a tsunami would hit that one time you're at the pier.
Now moments later you regret not running faster, earlier or simply finding a spot to hide. You're pulled under the surface every few seconds, swallowing mouthfuls of salty seawater that makes your nose burn and eyes blur.
You're choking when you're swept against a hard object, it's sharp edge digging into your waist. “Fuck!” you curse, though it ends in a gurgle when more water sweeps over you.
When you resurface you're facing an object that turns out to be a sunken fire truck. The red is striking against the blue and Grey around you and you could cry at relief when you manage to hoist yourself onto it.
You're exhausted, your side hurts and you're dizzy. Your phone is useless, the water having destroyed the technology. Cursing, you pocket it again and lean back. You're about to relax, aware that it could take hours for emergency services to reach you when you hear high pitched screaming. You look up, just in time to see someone with a yellow sweater being pulled towards you with the current, screaming at the top of their lungs.
“Jesus,” you swear and crawl to the edge of the truck, yelling to get their attention with your arm reached out as far as possible.
You almost faint when the person turns around and a small child looks at you, red glasses full of water and messy brown hair. He's crying, reaching out as he's struggling to stay afloat.
“Hey! I'm here, grab my hand!” You yell and lean over the ledge as far as you could. As soon as you saw that little boy you knew you'd jump after him if he couldn't grab your hand now.
“I got you, sweetheart, come on!”
Your assurance seems to help and he kicks his legs, managing to move closer to where you are. In a split second you grab his hand and pull him over the railing and onto the truck, holding the little boy close to your chest in relief.
“Thank you,” he mumbles, coughing a little as he adjusts his glasses. You try to look as calm and collected as possible, gently smiling at him and beckoning him further away from the railing and rushing water.
“Are you okay? Does anything hurt?” He shakes his head, biting his lip as he looks out at the water again. He must've been with someone else, you guess when he sits up at every piece floating by.
“Are you looking for someone?” You ask gently and he nods. He slowly speaks, hands fidgeting in his lap, “B-Buck. He's a firefighter.”
You stop yourself from cooing at this adorable child and nod, “We're gonna find him, okay? Just stay here and it'll be okay.”
He looks worried but slowly nods. You go back to sitting between him and the railing, looking out for anyone else.
Just as you spot someone, the small boy moves rapidly and pulls your shirt, “Buck! It's Buck!” He stutters loudly.
You whip your head back around to the rushing water and try thinking of a way to save him too. You couldn't just grab his hand, he would probably just pull you off the truck and you wouldn't risk leaving the kid by himself.
“Shit,” You mumble as you look for a way to help the man, the boy desperately crying out for ‘Buck’ behind you.
It seems you don't need to do much when something slams into the truck and seconds later the man pulls himself up and next to you.
And, damn. He was attractive. His dark blonde curls stick to his forehead as his blue eyes fixate on you and then the boy, strong arms holding him up as a smile builds on his lips, “Christopher!”
You move a bit as the two reunite, the boy- Christopher throwing his arms around the man's neck and giggling wildly.
You watch with a smile, the adorable sight momentarily distracting you from the tsunami keeping not just you but these two strangers trapped on top of a fire truck.
He turns around after a minute, keeping Christopher in his lap as he looks at you. He clears his throat and nods, “Thank you for saving him.” You shake your head and wave your hand in dismissal, unsure how to deal with compliments.
“No, really. I was going crazy when I couldn't find him,” his eyes are fixed on your face and you blame the heat creeping up your neck onto the temperature changes from the water and sun, smiling nervously. “It's all good. Your son is a sweetheart.”
He chuckles, “He definitely is. Though he's not my son,” he mentions, poking the boy's side when he mumbles something. You quickly nod, embarrassed. “Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed-” he shakes his head and a relaxed smile sets on his face.
“It's fine, don't worry. Did you have any luck reaching 911?” You shake your head and hold up your broken phone, screen flickering sadly as you do. He sighs and brushes a hand through his hair (you try not to stare at the hot sight because wow, what are the odds of meeting such an attractive man in the middle of a tsunami?).
“We're probably just gonna have to wait. It'll take time to get boats and units here. It probably looks like this everywhere,” he explains and you tilt your head in surprise before remembering that the kid had mentioned he's a firefighter. Meaning he knew the protocols.
“Right. Christopher mentioned you're a firefighter.” You smile when the boy perks up, a seemingly never faltering smile on his face. “Guess I'm lucky to be stuck with you. Safest I could be.” You shrug, a bashful smile on your face.
“Buck will s-save us all,” Christopher proclaims proudly and you coo at the cute boy. The man now seems a bit uneasy and sighs before his eyes widen, “Shit, right, I'm Evan. Everyone just calls me Buck, though.” You shake his outstretched hand and introduce yourself in turn, biting your lip as a nervous habit.
“So you're a firefighter?” You prompt curiously.
“It's a bit complicated right now…” He sighs, a frown setting on his forehead. You're about to apologize for overstepping when Christopher speaks up again, “He threw up blood.”
Your eyes widen and Evan- Buck pinches the boys’ side in reprimand. “Blood clots,” he elaborates as he looks at your slightly shocked expression. You hum sympathetically before realizing something. “Wait. You were the one trapped under that fire truck? On the news?”
He chuckles (which makes him even more attractive, what the actual fuck?) and nods, “Yep, that's me.”
You grimace in sympathy at the memory and automatically glance at his leg, “Is it all healed? You don't have to talk about it, it's fine if you don't-” he waves you off assuringly, looking relaxed.
“It's fine, don't worry. Yeah it healed fine, had some physical therapy and stuff but now I have blood clots kicking my a- butt.” He stops himself from cursing with Christopher on his lap and you almost smile at the adorable expression of confusion on the kid's face, when Buck presses his hands over both of his ears and whispers what he was originally going to say.
You laugh at the two and a relaxed and almost light atmosphere surrounds the three of you, momentarily disregarding your situation.
“It's kind of ironic isn't it?” He starts and you tilt your head in question. “You saved me, a firefighter, by pulling me onto a fire truck,” he elaborates and you can't help but chuckle, “Right. It should've been the other way around,” you sarcastically add and he holds up his hands in mock surrender.
You relax back against the railing, your eyes drawn to Buck again just to notice him already looking at you. You cock your head questioningly and he bites his lip before grinning, “Sorry, you're just- like, really beautiful.”
Your jaw drops momentarily before you compose yourself and hide behind your hands, “Stop! Geez,” you laugh and he does as well. You exaggerate a shake of your head as you look at Christopher who giggles happily and exclaims, “He likes you!”
Now both you and Buck fluster as he continues, “He's always angry but n-now he's happy.” You notice the small struggle of getting his words out but you couldn't care less, you'd wait hours for this sweetheart to finish a sentence if you had to.
“Oh, really?” You ask in mock surprise and he eagerly nods before Buck intervenes, “Woah, Woah. I'm not always angry. Just.. grumpy.” Christopher makes it a point to look at him and then at you, rolling his eyes and shaking his head which makes it hard to refrain from laughing.
When Christopher busies himself with leaves floating around them Buck lowers his voice a bit as he speaks to you again, “Don't get the wrong impression it’s just, it’s hard. Not being able to work, saving people and all that.”
You nod quickly, “No worries. I’d go insane if I was in your place. I’m guessing they’re keeping you from really doing anything ‘dangerous’?” You ask, careful in case of him wanting to change the subject.
He nods and drops his head back against a siren light, “It is. They’re trying to put me behind a desk! I mean, I’m supposed to be out here, saving lives, fighting fires. That’s my purpose.” He frowns and you hum to show that you’re listening.
“I know they just want me to recover, but…”
“It feels like they’re holding you back?” You finish for him. He chuckles in surprise at the accuracy of what you said and nods.
“I’m probably in no place to tell you this, but trust me, it’s worth it. Get better, do the light work and sooner than you think you’ll be back doing what you love. But if you start now and ignore your health.. it’s going to catch up with you. And it’ll be way worse than a few weeks behind a desk.”
He looks thoughtful for a moment before slowly nodding, “You're right. Thank you.” You smile and put a hand on his leg, making sure he doesn’t mind before adding, “I mean look at you, crushed by an entire ladder truck and you’re up and running already.”
“I’m just that great,” he sarcastically pats his own shoulder and you both break into laughter.
You don't know if it's been minutes, seconds or hours when you wake up, laying on top of destroyed concession stands and other things. Something is digging into your back, your leg is awkwardly bent and your ears are ringing.
Groaning you sit up, wincing in pain when a sharp pain strikes through your back at the movement.
Around you is just more trash and destroyed cars, you see an arm laying on one of the cars and decide to avert your eyes as quick as possible for your own sake.
Every step hurts but you keep going; walking through the flooded streets with your eyes looking for either of the two boys you’d spent earlier with or other survivors.
The sun is starting to set and you’re starting to get hopeless. You have no clue where you were, completely disoriented as you pass houses that look entirely the same. Your phone is useless and you’re alone. Shouldn’t you have met at least one person by now?
Your back has gone practically numb, same as your leg, when you see faraway lights in the distance. Your steps get quicker as you see people and to your utter relief firefighters. You don’t know if the tears in your eyes are of joy or utter despair from what happened but you couldn’t care less when a man with short, brown hair spots you and approaches.
You’re trying to walk closer when a small voice somewhere close stops you. You’re not sure if it’s your imagination but you turn around, squinting your eyes in the darkness. And then you see it. A small boy, waddling your way with his arms stretched out like he couldn’t see.
Could it be..?
“Christopher?” You see his head perk up and he tries going faster, stumbling over his own feet. Your heart drops in relief and you gather your last strength to run to him, “Hey, you remember me right?” He nods and you note the missing glasses.
“There’s help, come on,” you point out but he doesn’t look happy. He looks almost angry, “Buck.” You had almost forgotten about the charming firefighter. But your priority right now was Christopher.
“We’re gonna find him. Let’s get you help first,” you say with fake enthusiasm in your voice. He doesn’t look okay with that but stays silent and you awkwardly wrap your arms around him after making sure he’s okay and lift him into your arms.
It’s hard to avoid any obstacles while walking but you manage, seeing the brown haired man from a few minutes ago still there.
“Hey! I need help! It’s a kid!” You yell.
He waves you over while walking towards you and as soon as you can actually see him you’re once again surprised. What was it with these firefighters and their good looks? Jesus.
When he’s close enough you nudge Christopher, “There’s help, he’s gonna make sure you’re okay,” you nod at the man and he stands still before running the last feet over to you, basically ripping the child from you.
“Chris!” He cries, clutching the kid with all his might. Oh, this must be his father.
You smile, relieved that they found each other. He looks up at you with gratitude, “Thank you so much. Thank you.” You just smile.
“He’s found us himself. I couldn’t find him after..” you don’t even know what happened- you just know you passed out and woke up alone. Sighing you rub your temples and shake your head.
“You should get checked out, too. You’re barely walking,” the medic (you guess) advises. You take in the people behind him, the full cots and stressed professionals. “I’m okay. There’s people that need more help,” you nod.
He frowns and shakes his head, “I could tell you at least two injuries of yours that need treatment. Come on.” He nods his head in the direction of one of the tents and you chuckle but follow him. At least you try to. Four more steps and your legs give out, you clutch a random person's arm to prevent your fall, mumbling a sorry when they just barely catch you.
The ringing in your ears is back and you groan when you’re laid on one of the cots, your back protesting painfully.
Your vision is blurry and you can’t understand what’s being said - what the hell was happening to you?
“Wait, she’s- she was with me and Chris.” Eddie looks up in confusion as he hooks you up to an IV, checking your pupils with a small torch. “What?”
Buck nods, “Yeah, she saved Chris and then me. When the last wave happened she was swept away- we were all swept away.”
Eddies brows furrow and she looks down at you, your hair a damp mess, clothes dirty and bloody. “She saved Chris?” His best friend nods and crouches down next to you - Eddie notes the pained groan he tries to conceal as he does so - extending a hand and awkwardly patting your shoulder.
“Will she be okay?”
Eddie's answer is interrupted when you open your eyes and wince at the lights surrounding the tent.
“Hey, you feeling okay?” Buck asks before Eddie can get a word out, and you almost faint again seeing these two fine men looking down at you with concern. Great first impression, you think.
“Feel like I was in a tsunami,” you grunt and both of them laugh a bit. A third voice pops up next to you, “We were in one, silly.” Leaning over your head and looking upside down at you was Christopher, a smile on his face.
You huff a laugh and hum, “You’re right. Smart boy.”
Eddie looks at Buck at the exchange and he just shrugs with a grin. Chris walks to Eddie and leans into his side, eyes still on you.
“Is there something on my face, or..?” You ask half joking as three pairs of eyes stay trained on you.
“Just beauty,” Buck grins and there’s a second of silence before Eddie gags and rolls his eyes, “That’s so creepy, díos.” You laugh as Buck tries defending himself, simply looking just as cute to you as earlier.
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lilrainbowcloud · 3 months
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Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Pairing: Jet x Earth Bender Reader
Genre: Friends to Lovers
Word count: 1.85k [masterlist]
a/n: theres not much fic for him, why? also this is based on dwoht and am currently listening to it rn.
Taking a deep breath, your foot came down on the earth, making four medium sized rocks burst from the ground.
Focusing your energy towards the wooden circular target that was mounted on a tree trunk, you let out the breath you held and along went the rocks, flying towards the target. Transforming into sharp spikes before impaling themselves into the wood.
An annoyed sigh left your lips. Two of them missed, one went into the outer ring and the other one hit the tree trunk above it instead.
"You're getting better."
Shocked, you turned around to see Jet standing a few meters away from you, in his usual armored attire and hair free from a tie. Didn't even realize he was there watching you the whole time. Didn't even hear his footsteps coming.
"No. I don't know. I guess?" Flustered by his presence and comment, you shook your head trying to clear off the thoughts and went to sit on one of the logs. He joined you right after.
"You are though. It's better than last week." He was watching you. You could feel the weight of his gaze but you just couldn't look back at him.
Were you shy? Yes you were.
To be honest, it was kind of random how you two met.
One day you were practicing your bending by the river. Setting up river stones on the big boulders and trying to hit them with your bending. But, to your luck, or unluck, one of the spikes flew straight past the head of Jet as he was walking to the city.
The day you met was the day you almost potentially killed him.
After that, you had joined his little secret club. It was awkward and it still was with him. Was it guilt and embarrassment that held you back from him? But that was months ago. It was something else here.
You just didn't want to admit it.
Your feelings for him, that is, grew over time. With every time you spent with him, with every encouragement he gave you during your practices, he made you feel safe and secure yet there was a wall separating you from him.
It was you who made that wall. He couldn't see it.
"I almost hit pipsqueak last week," a smile formed on your lips as you recalled the memory. In your defense, he was in the way.
That emitted a chuckle out of him. The sound was lovely to your ears. Your smile remained as you stared at the bonfire in the middle of the pit.
"Hey, come on," Standing up, he offered his hand to you.
Humming in confusion, you looked up at him and took his hand regardless.
"Try it on me," He gave you that smile that just tugged at your heartstrings, playing it like a harp. A melodious sound ringing in your ears.
"What? As in, fight you?" You stared at him as if it was the most ridiculous thing in the world.
"Yeah, fight me." Picking his swords up, he gave them both a swing.
Oh he was serious?
"No, I'm-I'm tired already," Rose bloomed on your cheeks as you once again looked to the ground, avoiding his eyes.
"Aw come on. You've been practicing with non-moving objects," Stepping closer to you, he lowered his voice even though you two were the only one there, "If you're worried about hurting me, don't be."
With every hit he blocked, he took a step forward forcing you to take a step back.
It was a sort of dance. Your feet mirroring his. At times you moved forward, he moved back. Neither gaining or losing as it was balanced. He matched your pace well.
The intense look of his eyes made you realize that he was learning your fighting style and movements. The moment it clicked to you that you had been using the same movements too. Smart on him but careless on you.
Your spikes and dics clashed with the sharp blade of his swords. Dust filled the air between you two as the rock burst into tiny pieces.
Pushing your arms forward, your discs flew in random directions towards him at rapid speed, more quicker than you had done before. Adrenaline pumping in your veins, you could hear your heart beating in your ears.
He blocked all of them swiftly, with every hit he moved forward closer to you but this time you didn't step back.
The last one he crossed slash it about one meter away from you. Some of the little rocks landed in your hair.
You were mesmerized by him. His chest rising and falling with every breath matching yours. His hair matted on his forehead. That was the end of that session.
For a moment it felt like time stopped. With only the sound of rustling leaves in the atmosphere, you both stared into each other's eyes. Dropping his swords carelessly on the ground beside him, he stepped towards you.
You've never been left alone with him before. This was a new situation you had to adapt to. But he was Jet. You know him to an extent, he was your friend and you were his. So why is your fight or flight reaction kicking in?
Even then, you stayed glued to your spot.
Lifting his hand, Jet brushed his fingers through your hair, cleaning the debris, "That was really good," As his eyes trained on the rocks in your hair, you had a chance to look into his. A proud smile on his face, "I told you, you're getting better."
Returning his smile, you thanked him. Silence followed as you looked to the ground again. The leaf covered earth was interesting to you out of all things. I don't know, like the boy in front of you that's looking at you with furrowed brows. But you didn't notice that because you were looking to the ground! Look up please!
"Is everything okay?" Concern laced his tone, "You're being very quiet around me lately." His voice low with the last sentence.
Raising your head, you now realize he was so close to you. So close that he was stepping into your personal bubble. You didn't move away so this was a welcomed presence.
Mouth falling agape, your mind raced to find an answer that wouldn't make him feel like you're pushing him away. You... wanted him to stay.
"What do you mean?" Crossing your arm across your torso, you tilted your head with the question.
"Well," It was his turn to avoid your eyes, kicking his shoe into the ground, "I saw you laughing with them and joking around but when you're with me you're, well," Once again he looked at you, "Quiet."
"Why?" Something in the air changed. It weighed heavy on you. Your heart beating irregularly as with that one word he stepped forward closer. The gap between you almost became nonexistent until you moved back.
Dead leaves crunched under your shoes until your back met the trunk of a tree. He saw it before you did and smoothly put his hand on the back of your head, cushioning it from hitting the hard bark. The gap now? Extinct.
To allow some control, you put a hand on his chest. That was the only little space you had left. You could push him away and he knew that. He moved no further into you and you didn't move away.
The answer didn't come sooner. Your tongue wouldn't move as you tried to focus on breathing with his chest nearly meeting yours. You felt his fingers at the back of your head slightly clutching your hair. How are you still standing up, you didn't know.
"You don't like me?" There was no place you could look except his demanding eyes. Trapped in your own world, you didn't realize it was sunset. The golden light reflecting in his iris and hair made a golden halo around him.
"I do," Emphasizing the last word, you cringe internally as it sounded desperate, "I do like you," You repeated softer.
A second passed.
"Then what? Do I make you nervous?" He was teasing you, his tone. Testing your limits, he pressed himself more into you. You allowed it, hand still on his chest.
Before it was just a single rose, now you were sure a garden was blooming on your face. Body temperature rising, you had to control your breath through your mouth. The oxygen wasn't getting to your brain fast enough, you felt light headed. You would've fell if it not for his other hand which you didn't noticed held your waist in place.
You seem to have lost your bearings with him. It was dangerous, being put under a spell that was tearing away at your guard.
"I," Almost biting your tongue to utter that one word, you gulped. Can he just stop? But at the same time you didn't want him to. If only you had the brain functions to respond to him properly.
A little chuckle vibrated his chest, you felt it in the palm of your hand. Thankfully he read your mind, because you wanted this as much as he did.
"You're adorable, you know that?" The hand that was pillowing your head came around your face as he cups your cheek. Thumb swiping over it once before he pulled your face meeting his and your lips connected.
It was soft, his lips. The kiss lasted a moment. Sweet and innocent. Your senses bursting into vibrant colors. Bright ribbons swirling all around your closed eyes. You could feel his smile against your lips as he pulled away first, still keeping close to you.
His arm that was on your waist wrapped itself around you, pulled your body to him.
Sensing you were comfortable and alright with it, the shy smile on your face told him all, he pulled you back in again. Back into a shared realm, where your heart beats in synchronized sequence, bodies fitting each other perfectly.
Looping your arms around his neck, your fingers mindlessly played with the ends of his hair. A soft hum emitted from him which made your body react in a way it never did before. The grip on your waist got tighter. You decided you loved hearing that little sound and the way his hands gripped your body.
It was you who pulled away first, him chasing your lips but you stopped him with a hand on his chest yet again. You were breathless. Looking up to his eyes as he was still trained on your lips, but he respected your wishes even though he was also out of air.
"I like you," You managed in between breaths. Smiling as you did as the relief of the invincible wall crumbled down and vanished between the space of you and him in your spiritual mind.
The space was established. Whatever force that was keeping you away from him had dissolved. Only his gravity now pulled you towards him.
He smiled too, loving the way your body melted into his.
"I like you too."
a/n: a little rusty on the writing after 2 years out of practice man.. i hope this is okay
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alphajocklover · 19 days
Hey- I'm one of the presidents of our university's honor fraternity. And its great, don't get me wrong or anything. But we're essentially just a group of skinny white nerds and calling us a "fraternity" is a bit of a stretch. I was hoping to try and use your app to give some of the members a real "frat" experience, especially since its summer now. I thought I'd just test it on me and the other members of our frat's leadership, just to make sure its safe. But I'm having a hard time setting reversal parameters and I'm unable to stop this stupid countdown. Any help please?
You know, for a self proclaimed nerd, you really didn’t do a lot of research. I know that InstaJock is mysterious and not very well known, but what I mentioned in my previous posts should have been enough for you to figure out a few of the issues with your idea. Just to clarify though, let’s go down the list of issues
InstaJock can only be used on one person at a time: the person currently using the phone to set up a profile. The only person you’re about to turn into a Jock is yourself, though I imagine the rest of your frat leaders will get the app too, after you send it to them.
InstaJock is not ‘my app.’ I report on it, and I know a lot more about it than most people, but I didn’t make it. I’m not sure anyone knows who did. If you’re looking for inside information about the app, you’re out of luck.
Reversal Parameters. The app doesn’t have those.
Yes you read that last one correctly. One of the first things most people learn about InstaJock is that it’s irreversible. Sure you can change something about yourself after the fact using the settings, but you can never go back to being the nerd you were. I don’t know where you got your information about this app, but I think someone has been trying to trick you into turning yourself into a jock. I can almost prove it too. See, another basic rule of the app is that InstaJock is, well, instant. There is no flash or growth spurt on anything. One moment you’re a nerd, the next you’re a dumb muscular jock. There shouldn’t be a countdown. Not unless… someone added it to your phone for a specific reason.
Someone wants to watch you squirm, watch you panic as you realize there’s no hope and that you’re definitely going to turn into a dumb jock, and probably drag your entire frat along with you. It might be another person in your frat who thought the app was just a joke and never expected you to find a real version of it, or a jock who wanted to take you and your frat down a peg and turn you guys into proper frat bros. But whoever it is, they’ve got you good. I’m sorry but there isn’t any way out of this. If you’re lucky you might be able to alter the settings a bit, but I imagine whoever did this to you already thought of that. As soon as that countdown ends, you’ll be a jock.
I am really confused as to who did this to you though. For it to be one person, that person would have to be a jock who had access to InstaJock and could invite you, but also would have to be smart enough to plan this all out and close enough to you to gain access to your phone. That could only be a few people. Maybe one of the mysterious app developers knows you personally?
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I guess it doesn’t really matter to you now. Hope you enjoy being a beer drinking, muscle flexing, popular and sexy frat bro. I hope the rest of your frat likes it too.
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ivnxrori · 3 months
When Sun and Moon meet - S1
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Zuko x Fem!WaterBender!Reader Enemies to Lovers
As one of the Princesses of the Northern Water tribe, you were blessed with a gift by the moon. However you were permitted to be allowed to use the gift at all costs. From many hidden waterbending usages, the aftermath of the avatar visiting the Northern Tribe had led to your beginning journey, hiding yourself as a water bender as a princess from the Northern water tribe
Warnings: mentions of arranged marriage
҉ * ‧͙ ⋆ ⁺ ༓ ☾ Chapter 1 - Welcome Avatar
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“The avatar is here” The guard spoke up as my eyes widened in shock. “The…avatar…?” The guard nodded at my question. I genuinely thought the avatar had died a while ago but I guess they were just rumors? “Chief Arnook wants both of the princesses and prince to attend the gathering for the avatar” I nodded as I went to get up to follow the guards. It's been a year since Sivoy, our youngest brother, was born. Not a lot has changed over the years, except knowing probably this year is going to change us the most. Yue is getting engaged to someone who she has been crying about. I will never forget when she broke down in front of me in my room. I held her, that's all. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't whisper any reassuring words to her or tell her it's going to be okay. The truth is, I was consumed by my own fears of my own arranged marriage next year. It's selfish yes, especially it isn't my situation currently but it will be sooner or later.
We both make it towards the feast, also having Yue’s special announcement of her being able to get married. What everyone else doesn't know is that she is already engaged. I follow her lead, sitting next to her at the edge of the table looking at the variety of foods, which is all seafood. I take a quick peek of our surroundings and see our sister tribe. A sister and a brother which I assume, including a young boy with a blue shaped arrow across his head. “The Avatar is quite young” I whisper to Yue as she nods. I continue watching the show Master Pakku has been presenting to us. It was intriguing, for sure but what was more enjoyable was a southern water tribe member poorly flirting with my sister. Getting called out by his own sister already. I stifled a laugh and just when I knew it, the whole thing has already ended. ҉ ☾
It was quite late at night, the moon spirit was shining brightly. I bowed slightly towards the moon and put my mask on. The mask was carved like a full mood with room for eyes, including feathers surrounding the mask. I pull up my hood from my jacket and go outside, quite far away from the other male waterbenders who were practicing. I mimic the movements that were taught to them. Yes, this is how I'm able to learn and use waterbending. I never know when to give up, I have been told many times by a variety of people. My dad specifically. “Hey! Young one!” I snap my head towards the sound of guards and before they could even ask a question, I disappear. “Where did he go?” one of the guards asked, clearing the mist lingering in the air from my leave. Home. I went home heavily breathing from almost getting caught. I'll just try again tomorrow.
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“It wasn't as fun after you left…” I wanted to drown. Oh how much I just wanted to flip this boat upside down to stop Yue and this Southern Water boy from flirting, and I could have flipped this boat around if there were no restrictions. The next thing I know that stopped me from day dreaming was the southern water boy falling off the ledge. I laughed softly, asking Yue “Do you even know his name?” while she was waving off to her new crush. “Sokka” She responded dreamily with a hint of red on her cheeks. My eyes widened with sudden worry “Yue…” The way I spoke was intended to remind her that she was an engaged lady. I doubt father would allow her to marry someone else, especially if he is constantly traveling. “I know” Yue cut me off with a disappointing tone I felt nothing but sorrow in the moment, what's worse I couldn't do anything to save her. I stayed silent, leaning slightly back hearing the water move around us.
I was able to stop by Yagoda’s place, there was no reason to but she taught me when I was very young, it was a way to make use of my water bending by my father. She only taught how to heal however but what more can you do in this kind of situation. It's only fair I show respect for her by bringing her food, supplies, trinkets or even my presence. Before I stepped foot I overheard her talking to��someone? I take a little peek, leaning my body so only my eyes would be visible towards the door. It was the southern water tribe girl! What is she doing here…? Looking further towards the door only to realize she’s a waterbender…She's a water bender! I could use her to somehow convince Master Pakku and my father. Yes, it sounds horrible. Using an important guest to my own advantage but it's beneficial for everyone, even her so it's not entirely selfish. I wasn't able to convince Master Pakku. Instead he told my father my plan which led me to get in more trouble than I already was. I'm just a princess, and that's all I will ever be. My head snapped up as I heard the Southern Water Tribe girl coming closer. I took the chance to grab her wrist and pull her to the side. “Hey! Who-” “It's me!” I said pointing to my very obvious white hair. “Oh you're the younger princess! What happened?” “You can waterbend? Correct?” I asked already knowing the answer “Yes…why?” “Because I feel like you can convince Master Pakku to allow us girls to waterbend” I whisper “A lot of girls have water bending abilities however they’re forced to keep it in because of the strict rules but!” I pointed at her “Your the southern side of the water tribe, maybe somehow show him your abilities and possibly convince him to allow girls to water bend” She looked at me confused. “How am I able to do that when I can't even learn whatever he is teaching?” I thought about it for a second until an idea popped into my head “Get it from your avatar friend! He is getting taught, right?” Her eyes widened as she nodded “You're right! Then I'll get it from him. Thank you…uh- princess…” I giggled “Y/N, just call me Y/N” “Katara” “Thank you Katara” I smiled as she walked away.
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And this was the last thing I wanted. Seeing Katara and Master Pakku fight with waterbending. “This is all my fault” I muttered under my breath. “Your fault?” Yue attempted to confirm my statement. “What?” I look at her confused. Did I really say that out loud? “You said something” “I'm sure I did not” “But I hear-”
A big wave of water hit the ice, hearing the splash turned me away from the conversation. Both Yue and I were wincing from the sound of the impact. Last thing I see is Katara with a bunch of icicles surrounding her. She…lost…
I sigh sadly as I go to grab Katara's betrothal necklace that laid on the icy floor. But before I was able to, “This is my necklace…” Master Pakku grabs it gently. I immediately walked back. Ah…so the southern tribe existed because Katara’s family members did not want to stay in an area with unnecessary rules. It was quick to piece together. I heard Yue’s breathing become unstable, so I turned to look at her but she didn't look back. She was slightly shaking and tears were brimming her blue eyes. “Yue…” I spoke softly and sadly, reaching for her shoulders but she ran, covering her eyes with her hands to prevent more tears from falling. “Yue!” I yelled, already planning to chase her only for the southern water tribe boy to pull me back. “I’ll get her” He gave a reassuring smile then ran towards Yue. Both of them slowly disappearing. I wonder if he knows why Yue was crying. I furrowed my eyebrows in pity and turned on my heel to go back. “Y/N!” Katara yelled out for me, I turned towards her direction. “Thank you” she said out of breath. “I didn't really do anything” “You helped me gain confidence” She smiled “Well…your welcome and thank you for…all of that” I patted her on the head and she laughed. “You're an amazing water bender” I said and turned to go home. I sigh sadly wondering if Yue is alright.
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a/n: I finished this quite quickly! ALSO THERE IS STILL NO ZUKO IM SORRYYY! I PROMISE ZUKO WILL BE THERE IN CHAPTER 2. The masterlist should be out by the time this chapter is out. This whole fic is COMPLETELY last minute like I started writing all of this today. BUT WOO impulsive decisions led me to post this. Also surprisingly, S1 of this series is literally almost ending LMAO. I think S1 is only like 4-5 chapters? I only finished Chapter 3 currently so im not sure. However I think S2 and S3 will be PACKED and im planning to add some extras in there too :D ALSO If you want to be in the taglist pls go ahead and comment or ask me :) Have a nice day!
-- Taglist: @luvkvni @katovano
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urfavskzlvr · 6 months
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Bangchan x GNreader 😻
you really didn't mean to. it was an accident. you didn't mean to find your best friends Onlyfans.
You were just on your couch on Twitter scrolling through. You came across a small clip of a guy teasing if he would take his shirt off. you could see his large bulge through his black sweats. you couldn't see his face but you still found it hot. you watch the video twice and you're turned on. fuck. it wouldn't hurt, would it? you click the link in the caption and it brings you to his onlyfans. $45?! Who does this guy think he is? well, he is really sexy... and you are horny... and you got paid yesterday... what's the worst that can happen?
you put in all the information and hit confirm. it unlocks a whole world of jack-off videos, whimper audios, and a plethora of boyfriend roleplays. holy shit. the fucking jackpot. which one do you choose first? you scroll aimlessly until something catches your eye. "Jack off instructions" goddamnit, it's perfect.
you click the video and it starts. you slip your hand into your pants.
"Hey love." you shut off your phone. what the fuck? it can't be. why did that guy sound like Chan? God no. you're just mistaken. you have to be. you open your phone again and press play again.
"here's a new gift for you. I know sometimes you need a little hel-" You shut it off again. it's him. it sounds exactly like him. his accent, his tone, it has to be him. what are you supposed to do? you just spent $45 on your best friend's Onlyfans.
just ignore it until it goes away, that works. But you are still really horny. no you wouldn't. but you just paid $45, might as well put it to good use. HE'S YOUR BEST FRIEND THAT'S WEIRD. but he's so sexy. what if he finds out? but what if he doesn't? what he doesn't know can't hurt him. fuck it. you open your phone and continue to watch the video.
"I'm only here to help you feel some relief. if you're not already, go ahead and start touching yourself, slowly. you can listen, right?" shit. you feel your face starting to get hot. this is your best friend and you are currently jerking off to his voice, on his Onlyfans.
"you're doing so well. such a pretty look for you. do you want a little more? go ahead, go a little faster." why are you listening? why are you doing this? you feel so gross, but so incredibly good.
"you want to cum? hm? go faster, baby" you let out a small groan as he says baby. you listen and go faster. fuck. it's so good. you feel yourself being embarrassingly close.
"you can hold out for me, can't you, love? or maybe you can't. such a greedy baby." holy shit. your body shakes as you inch closer and closer. "i guess you've been good enough to cum. go ahead. cum for me, baby" your body jolts forward as you finally go over the edge. your legs shake wildly and you feel like your heart is about to jump out of your chest.
"you did so good, baby. look at you. so needy for me." he chuckles. you lay there looking up at the ceiling while trying to catch your breath. you can feel your arousal in your underwear. how the fuck did you just cum that hard? you feel embarrassed and ashamed. you just came the most you have to your best friend's voice. you want him to come and lick it up. WHAT? don't be thinking such things.
sorry if it seems short or unfinished. i hope you liked it either way <3
Pt. 2? 👀👀
reblogs, comments, and ASKS highly appreciated <3 (please leave me asks i love doing them so much)
Okay. love you bye <33
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joeys-babe · 6 months
Joey B Blurbs: More Than A Woman
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Summary: You’re back with more antics and poor Joe is on the receiving end of yet another Tiktok trend. This time it's asking him to name a random woman’s name out of nowhere to see what he'll say…
Warnings: slight angst, unserious/funny
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
*No specific date for this fic!*
(y/n’s pov)
Joe and I were sitting on the couch watching The Office while we waited for Ja’marr, TB, and Tee to arrive for dinner.
I knew Joe would tone down the coupley stuff when “his boys” arrived, so I was currently savoring the feel of my boyfriend's body against mine.
When I walked into the living room earlier to find him comfy on the couch, I immediately crawled on top of him and laid my head on his chest.
Joe grabbed a blanket and put it on top of us before he slipped his hand under my sweatshirt to rub my back.
Now and then he'd kiss my head or comment on something in the show since the episode currently playing was quite the doozy.
If you know anything about The Office… you probably feel some type of way about the words “Casual Day”.
The episode was messy nonetheless and pretty unforgettable. We had seen it so many times but it still made Joe laugh so many different times.
Since we had seen it so many times, I was increasingly getting bored.
Time to do a little trend with Joe.
I went through my mental folder of different things I could do with him without getting up from my comfortable place in his arms. That's when the idea hit me.
“Hey, baby.” - you
“Mhm?” - Joe
“Name a woman.” - you
“Name a woman?” - Joe
“Yup.” - you
What’s he going to say? I thought.
“Uhm… I don't know, uh… Meredith.” - Joe
“Meredith?” - you busted out laughing
“Yeah.” - Joe nodded
“Like the one in the show? The one’s who's boobies you just saw? Jeez, now I know where your mind is at…” - you
“What?! It's not like that, she was just the first woman that popped into my head. They were blurred out too! I don't need to see some rando’s boobs when I can see yours anytime I want! I swear I wasn't being creepy…” - Joe
The entire time he was seriously trying to defend himself, I was holding in my laugh. I was just teasing him but I'm guessing he didn't pick up on that.
“Joe, I was just playing around.” - you laughed
“Good. I thought you were being for real for a second and I was worried I was going to be put on the couch tonight.” - Joe chuckled
Mmm, Imma mess with him.
“Who said you aren't being put on the couch tonight? I'm kinda disappointed you didn't name… I don't know… me!” - you
“Aye! That's not fair, you don't count.” - Joe
“Joe, why wouldn't I count? I'm a woman, aren't I? That was the criteria.” - you
“You’re more than just a woman though… you're my gorgeous, smart, sexy, kind, and amazing girlfriend.” - Joe smiled
Joe leaned forward to press his lips onto mine in a sweet and thorough kiss, but when he pulled away with a sly smirk on his face I decided he wasn't getting away with it that easy.
“Stop trying to butter me up, boy. You're still sleeping on the couch.” - you grinned
“Damn it!” - Joe grumbled
I giggled as I spread kisses all over his cheeks before finally planting one on his lips.
“I'm just kidding.” - you
Joe opened his mouth to talk but the sound of the doorbell cut him off.
“The guys are here.” - you went to crawl off of Joe but he stopped you
“Come in!” - Joe
The front door opened and in walked the wide receiver trio. I gave Joe a skeptical look but he just kissed my cheek and pushed my head back onto his chest.
He was really not trying to sleep on the couch tonight.
Authors note: kind of a niche blurb… iykyk.
Request for this fix;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
hi there ! i love your blog and your writing ! if i may, can i request something from the yandere spiderverse series ? maybe miguel orders someone like pavitr to watch you as he is out on a mission or something like that ?
Watching Over You (Yandere Spiderverse x reader)
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Not super Pavitr focused, I got kinda carried away. So sorry if this wasn't what you wanted. Hope you enjoy.
"Y'know you're not obligated to stay here or anything just because Miguel said so."
"I know! Don't worry, I like being with you."
"Suit yourself."
It's been about an hour since Pavitr came to supposedly "check up on you." You knew it was Miguel's idea for Pavitr to watch you while he went on a mission, but you really just expected him to stay for a few minutes and then leave, go hang out with Hobie or something. Instead, he's inspecting every nick and cranny of your room, asking you tons of questions about everything he finds, and currently reclining on your bed while reading a comic book.
While he's usually pretty talkative, Pavitr's pretty engrossed into his comic, allowing you to get some work done. Miguel's been hounding you to look at some footage and identify and prospective anomaly. Because of your friends, namely Hobie, taking up your time, you haven't been able to really work until now.
"Hey, whatcha working on?" You jumped at Pavitr's sudden appearance behind you. He was gazing over at your main screen, eyes locked onto the footage of the blurry anomaly.
"Just trying to identify this anomaly but the footage Miguel sent me is super fuzzy." Your words are mixed with the sounds of you typing as you leaned in closer towards the screen like it would suddenly become clearer if you were closer. You faintly hear Pavitr hum, slowly moving towards the screen as well.
Pavitr give you a small pat on the back. You turn to look at him, almost being blinded by his sunny smile. "Well, you've been working too long, come take a break." Your back straightened while you eye Pavitr with a furrowed brow, shaking your head.
"I haven't been able to work in a while." You look back at your screen, missing as the smile on Pavitr's face drops. "I have to get this done or Miguel-"
"Don't worry about Miguel." He interrupts with a shake of his head, his hair falling in front of his face slightly. "He won't do anything, you know that." He states the obvious. You know he won't do anything, but it doesn't mean he doesn't scare you. Pavitr grips the back of your chair and spins you around, so your back is facing your screens. "Come on, up!" He gives you a small push, finally you're out of your chair. Pavitr links an arm with yours, leading you out of the room.
"Aye, we're you two going?" It's Hobie, of course.
"We're getting lunch!" Pavitr beams, Hobie nodding along. He moves to the side opposite of Pavitr, motioning for you two to continue moving, which Pavitr does happily. You groan as Pavitr continues to lead you through the hallways of HQ.
"I guess we're getting lunch." you mumble to yourself.
"Hey, stop touching my food." Pavitr yells at Hobie, slapping his hand away.
"You mean our food." He says, shoving fries into his mouth, Pavitr pushing his face away playfully.
Hobie takes quick glance at you, "You've barely touched your food." Pavitr looks with a raised brow.
"Do you not like it? I can get you something else?" You shake your head, messing with the fries on your plate.
"Nah, I'm good, just tired."
Hobie rolls his eyes, sneering with a slight shake of his head, "It's all that work Miguel's shoving on you." Pavitr nods, looking at you with concern.
"Yeah, Hobie's right. When was the last time you slept, have you been eating good? You do look kinda sick, right Hobie? Don't they look sick? Y'know, I think we should have a talk with Mig-"
"Oh, look! Gwen's here!" You interrupt Pavitr from his worried ramblings, getting Gwen's attention. She waves at you, Pavitr's mood instantly changing as he waves back at her.
"Hey, why wasn't I invited?" She sits down at an empty chair next to you, smiling as she takes some of your fries. You move your tray over to her, which she happily takes.
"When'd you get back?" Hobie asks, ignoring her original question. He's referring to the mission her and Miles were on together. She simply shrugs, swallowing the bits of food in her mouth.
"Just got back." She answers. "Wasn't anything big." She subtly brags. You nod along with her words, in your own world. The conversation becomes fuzzy in you dissociation before Gwen snaps in your face, breaking you out of your stupor.
"Hey, what's got your head in the clouds?" You open your mouth to answer, Pavitr beating you to it.
"Miguel's been giving them way too much work, they've barely gotten a break." Pavitr answers, his tone serious. At the mention of Miguel Hobie groans, throwing his head back in annoyance. Gwen chuckles at him, crossing her arms as she slouches back in her chair.
"That's classic Miguel for ya." She utters. You turn your head towards her.
"Look guys, it's fine, it's not even that much work anyway." You attempt to reason, maybe because Miguel is your father figure, maybe because you don't want to admit your overworked and tired. Either way, the three give you a questioning look, causing you to look away in embarrassment.
The three looks at you for a few more seconds before turning their heads in sync to the side. Must be the Spidey thing, you assume. You turn with them, spotting Miles coming towards you. You groan, laying your head on the table as Gwen waves at him.
Miles moves a chair over to your table, sitting down with a smile. Gwen moves to share her, well, your food, with him. You feel a tap on your head, lazily moving your head up. You see the group staring at you, all watching as you sit up slowly.
"Sorry." You mumble, rubbing your forehead. Miles eyes dart in between you and Gwen.
"Are you good (Y/N)?" You nod your head silently, not exactly the answer Miles wanted. He looks like he wants to say more, before Gwen speaks up.
"We should go back to your room, maybe you'll feel better there." Pavitr nods enthusiastically, Hobie shrugging.
Before you can answer, you swept up by Hobie, how links his arm with yours. You try to protest, but your voice is drowned out by Miles and Pavitr.
Hobie looks at you, ruffling your hair with a teasing smile. "Stop complaining, it's not all that bad. It's our job to watch over you."
You huff, looking away, "I can watch after myself." He snorts, nearly laughing at your response.
"Sure you can."
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tonyspank · 1 year
Warnings: Literally do not know..
A/N: I wanted this chapter to be longer but I also wanted you guys to get an update.
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
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"No! Emma! You're not listening." Jenna yells at her from the other side of the phone, and the other side of the country as well.
"How am I not listening?" Emma asks, attempting her best to not laugh at the situation. Jenna had been on the phone with her since 9 PM, it's currently 12.
"Because!" Jenna scoffs, throwing her arms around like a maniac. Emma covers her mouth with her hand, laughing into it.
Jenna's eyes whip to her screen. "How the hell is this funny?!" Emma shakes her head and her hands, "It's not! It's not! I promise."
"Why are you stressing so hard? It's just an outfit?" Jenna groans at the girl's words, "I want this date to be perfect."
"And it will be, Jen. So relax..." Jenna takes in a breath, visibly relaxing. "And put on that outfit." Jenna smiles at her best friend, who immediately smiles back.
Little did Jenna know you the same thing was happening on your side?
"Jack! Is this too much?" Jack looks up from his phone, "Yes!" He immediately says, standing up from the couch.
"Dude. Why are you wearing a suit?" You scan your outfit, "Because this is a date?"
"No, no, no." He undoes your tie, "Take this off, you're just walking around downtown. It's not like you're going out with the president."
You throw your head back, groaning out loudly. "Fine."
"What a silly individual." Jack laughs to himself, sitting back down, waiting for you to show him your new, and hopefully improved outfit.
You come back out in shorts and a shirt, Jack shakes his head, "Too casual."
You go back, changing again.
"Paparazzi will notice you from a mile away, too flashy."
And again. "Uhh, too boring."
Again. "I don't know. I'm just not feeling it."
"Boring! Next!"
But finally. Jack approves of your outfit when you step into your living room, "Wow!" He stands up, clapping his hands together.
"This outfit is brilliant," He wipes a fake tear, "I'm so proud of you, daughter." You bit down on your lip, holding back your laughter as Jack continues with his performance.
"You're all grown up." He places a hand on your shoulder, bringing you into a hug.
He pulls away, smiling. "But in all seriousness. You look great! I'm excited," You smile back at your best friend.
"Me too." Jack pinches your cheek, making you send him a slight glare before slapping his hand away.
"Ouch." He mutters, rubbing his hand. "We should rehearse." He then suggests, you scratch your eyebrows confused. "Rehearse? For what?"
"For what you're going to say to Jenna?" He says like it's the most obvious thing in the world, "You can't just go out there unprepared." He adds on.
"Okay. Fine. I guess?" You agree, Jack motions for you to sit down as he stands up in front of you.
"Okay! Okay! I'm Jenna and you're you." He informs you may be a little too excited.
"Hey, Y/N. You look great. As always." Jack says in a slightly high-pitched voice, mocking Jenna while he twirls his long imaginary hair.
"Ummm... Thank-" You burst out laughing, Jack stares at you seriously, hand on his hip.
"Focus!" You wave your hands in front of your face, "Jack. I can't take you seriously."
"Jack? My name is Jenna, Y/N." You laugh again and Jack can't help but join in.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket, and suddenly you're extremely nervous. Jack watches you pull out your phone with a slight smile on his face, once you read the messages your eyes meet his.
"She's outside." You stand up, repeating yourself. "Jack! She's fucking outside!"
"I know." He replies, finally removing his hands from his hips. You walk to the door, Jack following right behind you.
"Y/N." You turn around at Jack's words, facing him as you put your phone in your pocket. "Don't be nervous be yourself."
You nod at his words, trying to calm yourself down. You could really use a smoke right now. But again, this whole thing was so you could quit smoking.
Jack's hand reaches to your cheek, but before he could pinch it you slap it away. "Enough." He laughs giving you one last pat before you exit your apartment, and slowly make your way downstairs slowly because you were nervous but, surely indeed.
Once you exit the building your eyes land on Jenna immediately, your heart starts racing, but at the same time you feel relaxed, Jenna smiles at you and it makes her even more inviting than ever.
"Hey," She smiles, engulfing you in a hug. You immediately reciprocate it. Due to your height difference, her head lays on your chest as her arms wrap around your waist, she pulls away, but a hand stays on your waist.
"Hey Jenna, you look great. As always." You mentally slap yourself for repeating Jack's words. Jenna laughs, "Well... thank you. So do you."
You flash a smile, muttering out a thanks before you two enter the car together, it looked like the same SUV Jack had picked you up from that night.
Once the two of you are seated the driver pulls off.
You faintly hear The Weeknd playing in the background as Jenna explains her date idea to you, "Are you listening?"
You met her eyes, shaking your head. "Of course... not. Yeah, I wasn't."
"Dude. I'm about to kick you out and make you walk." Jenna jokes, you dramatically drop your jaw in shock. "Wowww! So you'd want a sweaty date?"
"It'll help you learn to listen." You shake your head, still laughing. "You can't expect me to listen while The Weeknd is playing."
"Oh shit!" If it's possible Jenna's smile widens, "You know this song?"
Girl, bring your friends, if you want we can share. Or keep it simple, baby, we can just— ride with it, ride with it...
"Yeah! It's like one of my favourite songs in my playlist." Jenna scoots closer to you, pulling out her phone. "Here show me your playlist."
You pull up Spotify, typing in your username before handing the phone back.
You watch Jenna scroll through your playlists with a smile on her face, "Here let's listen to this one."
Kali Uchis then plays through the car speakers, Ooh, never thought I would be without you...
The rest of the car ride was enjoyable, you and Jenna spent the whole time singing, dancing, and talking about your favourite songs, bands, artists and other things of that nature.
You get out of the SUV, holding the door open for Jenna, she thanks you before resuming her sentence. "— I've always wanted to play guitar or piano, but the cello is also fun."
"Oh, yeah! I remember hearing you say you learned the cello for Wednesday." You say, not really thinking about what came out of your mouth.
Jenna smiles at you, you walk by her side and finally look at her after noticing the silence. And that's when it hits you. Jenna herself never told you that, you heard her say that from an interview.
"Oh, my god." You mumble and Jenna laughs, placing an arm on your bicep. "No— it's kind of cute that you watch my interviews."
You cover your face with your hands, "Bro! That is so embarrassing." She laughs again, removing her hand to hold her stomach slightly.
"This date is officially cancelled." You joke, removing your hands from your face, Jenna's hand is back on your arm, and you don't miss the slight increase in your heartbeat.
"Okay! If it makes you feel better," Jenna starts off, clearing her throat. "I found your Instagram."
Your eyes widen, and you let out a small laugh. "How on earth did you find my Instagram!" She subconsciously squeezes your arm, "Y/N, I actually like went through Jack's following and found it."
She continues as you watch her with a huge smile on your face. "And I sat in my bed and scrolled until I got to 2016."
Your mouth opens slightly, "WHEN I HAD MY BRACES?" You nearly shout, a few people walking by look back at you, either scared or confused. Jenna can't help but laugh extremely loud, bringing herself closer to you if that was possible.
With joy you eye her, as her eyes shut, her dimple takes shape with a massive smile on her face.
"Yes! You looked so innocent!" She gushes, and the smiles are permanent on your faces. "You know when you looked innocent?" Jenna hums in response, grinning up at you. "When you wore that SHOOK shirt to the Spider-man Homecoming red carpet."
Jenna gasps, "There's no way you know about that!" You laugh, "And since you wanna stalk my Instagram, I'll make it easier for you and make you my profile picture."
You pull out your phone, instantly going to Google, looking up 'Jenna Ortega Shook Outfit.'
"Dude!" She yells laughing, attempting to grab your phone. You raise it so she can't reach it.
"If you do that then you've become my profile picture as well!" You pause, holding up your hand in surrender. "I surrender!"
"You better." Jenna looks at a shop to her left, which has a big sign reading, Fun Hats. Your match Jenna's line of sight before speaking up, "We should definitely buy some hats."
She sends you a quick smile, letting go of your arm, and you quickly miss her touch, but it surprises you when she then interlocks your hands, dragging you along with her to the store.
Hand in hand you and Jenna search throughout the isles, stopping every now and then to try one of them on. You're near the back of the store, and all of the hats have a match.
Jenna picks up the hotdog hat, laughing and you pick up the burger with a grin on your face.
She turns to you adjusting her hat, you reach out to help her before fixing your own. "I need to get a picture of this." She giggles, you by her side when she finds a mirror taking a picture of the two of you.
"Now this. This is Instagram-worthy," You say, jokingly, but Jenna nods her head seriously. "Can I post this?"
"You don't have—" She cuts you off, "I want to. We look cute." Your face heats up, but you play it off shrugging. "Sure then."
Your phone vibrates and when you pull it out, Instagram has notified you of a tag.
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↳ jennaortega i hate u
jackchampion they grow up so fast. 🥲
melissabarreram you guys are so cute
lucas_hevean22 who is that lol
"I guess we do look kind of cute." You say as you put your phone away, Jenna does the same. "We do."
"Here let's go buy these," Jenna connects your hands again, walking to the register to pay for your matching hats.
Even if you two looked like complete idiots, you both didn't care. You didn't know why you were so nervous earlier, Jenna had managed to calm you down the second you laid eyes with each other, and she absolutely makes your heart race.
Jenna makes you feel alive, cliche, yes, but it's true. You honestly can't stop laughing, nor smiling when you're around her and she was right about being a professional, you were so comfortable and peaceful you weren't even thinking about smoking.
The feeling was mutual. With you, it felt as if Jenna could finally get a breath of fresh air, no media involved. She could be herself, and joke around with you like she had no worries in life.
Her love language was physical touch and she could not keep her hands off of you. Whether it be holding your arm, holding your hand, or your hands ever so slightly touching as you walked side by side.
Your date had ended by the time the street lights were on, Jenna and you were back in front of your apartment, right where you had first greeted each other.
"I really enjoyed today," You tell Jenna. She smiles up at you. "Told you I'm a professional." You playfully roll your eyes.
There's a comfortable silence in the air.
Jenna comes closer, embracing you in a hug. You hug back, rubbing her back gently. She pulls away ever so slightly, staring into your eyes and then glancing at your lips.
You feel the tension, and you want to kiss her you really do but.
"There's six more dates to go." You say softly, "No need to try and kiss me on the first one." You joke, letting out a chuckle.
Jenna laughs, pulling away and placing a hand on your chest. "That is true. You don't hear these hear turning?" She says, pointing at her head.
"I'm going to get my kiss, Y/N." She backs up, pointing at you. You watch the brunette walk away backwards, looking at you before turning around completely.
"Good night, Jenna!" You yell out as she gets inside the SUV.
taglist: @laylasbunbunny @smromanoff @friedryes
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
for #PL1 can you please do some jake seresin fluff with 15 18 👀💗 also congratulations on reaching the milestone!!!! u deserve it sm ♥️♥️
15 - “She’s/he’s not my boyfriend!”
18 - “I think it’s adorable how easily you blush.”
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Okay what else do we need?” You asked your daughter as you strolled the isles of the grocery stores looking at your list as you both did this week's weekly shopping haul. 
“Aunty Nix said we need plums—“ Isabella reminded you politely as she held onto the side of the shopping cart. “And washing powder, because Rooster broke the glass jar, remember?” Neither of those items were on your list—but both items you needed. 
“Okay, you go get the plums for me and I’ll grab some ham for your sandwiches alright?” You watched as your seven year old nodded and let go for the shopping cart. “Okay, grab about eight? And watch out for bruises okay.” 
“I got it mum!” Izzy called out as you chuckled softly and watched her make her way through the fresh produce section as you strolled over towards the deli and took a number. 
You and your daughter had moved to Fightertown for a few months after you and your husband finally settled your divorce. You were still looking for a place to settle into so you were currently living with your half sister Natasha. From your mom's second marriage. Seems as though you were following in her footsteps when it came to love.
For a while it was just you and Izzy—but then you finally met the one and only Jake Hangman Seresin. To be quite honest Natasha was purposefully trying to keep you and Jake from meeting as long as she could. She knew once he’d met you it was game over, he’d weasel his way into your life on a more permanent basis eventually. 
And that’s exactly what Jake was trying to do. 
“Hi there Izzy girl.” Jake beamed as he ran into your daughter by the plums in the fresh produce section of the grocery store. “Stone fruit season is pretty good isn’t it?” 
“I guess, whatever the hell that means?” Izzy shrugged, focusing on picking out the best of the bunch. Jake just chuckled out his nose as he looked around, trying to see if he could spot you.
“Where’s your mum?” Jake asked as he picked up a quarter of a watermelon and placed it in his basket. Izzy just pointed in the general direction of the deli. Jake followed your daughter's trajectory and soon enough he felt the heat rising in the apples of his cheeks as he caught the sight of you. “Ah, hey—do me a favour will you and say this to your mum when you go over to her.” 
Jake crouched to whisper in your daughter's ear and she giggled. She knew you liked Jake and that Jake liked you. She saw the way he looked at you like you were some sort of goddess who walked amongst mere mortal beings. Bradley looked at her Aunty Nix the same way and they were engaged, surely it had to mean something right? 
Izzy knew that Jake really liked you because she couldn’t ever remember a time when she’d seen her dad look at you the way Jake does. 
“Child labour is a real thing you know.” Izzy sighed as she turned all her attention to Jake, he absolutely adored your daughter. She was so vibrant and witty and kept everyone around her on their toes. “What’s in it for me?” Izzy asked as she kept Jake's stare, just waiting for him to fold. 
“Five bucks—“ Izzy contemplated Jake's offer for a few seconds before she politely accepted the transaction. She could buy a few lollipops with five dollars. What a score. “Go.” Tussling Izzy’s hair, Jake grinned as she laughed organically. “Before I call child protective services on your mother for letting you out of her sight.”
Isabella took off without much to add with her bag of plums in her hand and a cheeky grin smeared across her face as she ran back toward where you’d just ordered two handfuls of shaved ham off the bone. 
“I'm back.” She exclaimed as she held up the bag of fruit. “I ran into your boyfriend too.” Izzy laughed as she watched your eyes widen in shock horror at what she’d just said. “He said to tell you that he thinks you’re really pretty mommy.” 
Looking around the fresh produce section, your eyes scanned every square foot before they landed on none other than Jake Seresin. Immediately you felt yourself getting hot with embarrassment, 
“He’s not my boyfriend honey.” You tried to play it cool as Jake made his way over, ever so casually placing a gentle kiss to the warmth of your cheek. It made you melt into a puddle at his forwardness. The feeling of Jake's large hand splayed across the small of your back made your heart do leaps inside your chest. “Hi Hangman—“ 
“Hi mama, fancy seeing you here on a Sunday morning?” Jake cooed, his signature smile plastered across his perfect face. You’d only just made it back to your sister’s place this morning before Izzy was waking up, you’d stayed the night at Jake’s after dinner at Alfonso’s diner. 
“Just doing the weekly shop—“ You replied as Izzy watched the two of you interact, watching a live story play out before her very eyes. “What about you, Flyboy?” 
“Same thing, maybe we could carpool next week? Save on gas?” Jake teased as he watched you try and calm down, still flustered to the highest heaven after your daughter had referred to Jake as your boyfriend. “Oh you should see your face Y/n, I think it’s adorable how easily you blush.”
Leah’s 4K celebration 🎊
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wondersinwaynemanor · 5 months
Dick finding excuses just to get hugs from his sister and brothers.
Dick groans loudly: Ow, Ow.
when Jason looks up at him from across the couch in the Manor library, Dick closes his eyes
Jason chuckles because he catches this: What's wrong, Dickface?
Dick opens his one eye, pouting at Jason: I already told you I broke my arm, Wiing.
which is true, but his arm has gotten better already. nevertheless, he continues his drama.
Jason: Want me to get you anything for the arm?
Dick opens both of his eyes now, grinning like an idiot: If we sit beside each other, I'm sure I'll feel better.
Jason: You are such a boy scout, Goldie.
Jason stands up with the book on his hand and sits beside Dick which is still far for Dick's liking.
Dick scoots closer to Jason, their arms hitting. after a few seconds, Dick leans even closer and glances at the book that Jason is reading, purposely nudging Jason's arm.
Dick: Watcha reading, Little Wing?
Jason scoffs but he smiles: I know what you're doing, Dick.
Dick: Which is?
Jason: Sheesh, Dickie. If you want a hug, just let me know.
Dick: You're so smart, Little Wing!
Dick wraps his good arm around Jason, trying his very best, with his one arm and with Jason's large frame.
Jason rolls his eyes as he wraps both of his large arms around Dick, carefully avoiding his broken arm.
Dick ends up sleeping with his head on Jason's shoulder. Jason continues to read until Dick would wake up to avoid disturbing his older brother's rest.
Does Dick need to keep pulling out the broken arm strategy? Yes.
Dick: Ow. Ow. *pretends to sniffle and looks at Tim who is at the batcomputer typing something*
Tim turns his chair around: Hey. That arm really hurting, huh?
Dick pouts: Very much so, Timmy. I can't even scratch my back.
Tim takes a sip from his coffee mug before walking to Dick: I got it.
Dick bites his lips to avoid from smiling. This dork doesn't even need his younger brother to scratch his back, but he's so extra.
Tim reaches for Dick's back and before he knows it, Dick is leaning forward and puts his chin on the top of Tim's head.
Dick: Thank you, Baby Bird.
Tim smiles because he knows what Dick is doing. Tim wraps his arms fully around Dick's waist, giving a warm hug to his older brother. Dick hugs back.
Tim: Like I said, I got you, Dick.
Dick: You always do.
Dick peers at the entrance of the dancing room in the Manor, where Cass is currently practicing her routine for her ballet presentation next week.
when Cass is done with a routine, Dick is grinning widely and clapping loudly.
Dick: Wow! Well done, Cass.
Cass bashfully smiles and motions for Dick to come in.
Dick: Are you done practicing for today?
Cass nods.
Dick: Are you tired already? Maybe you can teach me a few steps.
Cass raises her brow : You dance?
Dick: As long as it's with you.
Cass nods enthusiastically and she teaches Dick a few of the ballet moves, the simple ones, which are mostly twirling and such. And how is Dick an acrobat when he keeps falling on his butt? Was he doing this on purpose?
Cass laughs and offers an arm to Dick. Dick takes it and wraps his arm on Cass's back when he stands up.
Dick: Guess I'm clumsy on the dance floor.
Dick doesn't take his arm off Cass by the time they arrive at the door of her bedroom. Cass looks at Dick's arm and then at his face. Cass knows.
before entering her room, she hugs Dick and Dick automatically complies by tightly hugging back.
they were at the movie room, watching The Lion King when Damian received a text from Dick, who was just here a few minutes ago beside him. and the text was just a hug emoji? Damian wonders why the random text from his older brother.
after a few minutes, Dick re enters the movie room with popcorn and cookies and soda.
Damian: Why the random text, Richard?
Dick has the audacity to act oblivious: Huh? *he sits down beside his brother and offers the other container of popcorn* Oops, must be a wrong sent, Dami.
Damian leaves it be. Damian is already aware that Dick always pulls him close whenever they get to hang out, but he senses that the message was for him.
by the time the movie credits are rolling, Damian hugs his older brother because he knows. Dick is taken by surprise, but his heart is warm because he felt like hugging Damian tonight. if he's being honest, it's always.
Damian: Thank you for the movie, Richard.
Dick tightens his arms around his brother's little form: Thank you, Dami.
Damian: And I know the message was intended for me.
Dick laughs and pretends he doesn't know what his little brother is talking about.
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zombiesturniolo · 23 days
part 1
Chris Sturniolo x Female Reader series
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Tattoo Artist!Chris Sturniolo x Tattoo Artist!Fem!Reader
Warnings !! : Fingering, p in v, praising, pet names (princess, baby, sweetheart), drinking, i dont really know what else so lmk if i missed something
Summary : You and Chris had been working together as tattoo artists for quite some time now, probably about 2 years. You've always had a little bit of feelings for him in the back of your head, but you've convinced yourself that the feelings aren't real. Though, you can't help but feel jealous as Chris always flirts with every single one of his clients.
Authors note : Sorry for not posting 😭 anyways, if anyone likes this then ill probably write another part !! enjoy :3
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You currently sat in your room, bored out of your mind. You scroll on your phone, trying to find something to do. Your attention is caught as you see a new text message from Chris appear at the top of your screen. "Hey, I'm about to head out to a party. You wanna come?" It reads. Chris would often invite you to come with him to parties, though you rarely said yes due to being busy. However, right now, you had nothing to do.
You smiled as you sent him a text agreeing to go with him. You sat up, walking to your closet and picking out an outfit. You tried your best to get ready quickly, swiftly applying your make up. Once you're finished, you take one last look at yourself in the mirror before heading out.
You arrive at the party, walking in, looking around for Chris. You eventually find him, in the kitchen, a red plastic cup sat in his hands. His eyes light up a little as he sees you, "Hey loser." He says, smiling slightly. You roll your eyes at him playfully before responding. "Hey dummy. Are you having fun?" You ask him, pouring yourself a drink. You stand next to him, taking a sip of your drink. Chris shrugs dully, "Yeah, I guess. The party's alright. Kinda boring, maybe it'll be funner now that you're here." Chris takes a sip of his drink, looking at you, smiling. "Maybe," You mumble in a quiet tone, looking at him.
You and Chris just talked for a bit, you guys seated on a couch in the living room. You're rambling about whatever, that's when you feel Chris shift his hand to your thigh. You slightly freeze, shutting up quickly. You don't know if he did that on accident, or on purpose. Either way, you could feel yourself growing more flushed. You stare at Chris, having nothing more to say.
You watch as his other hand moves to your jaw, his thumb stroking your cheek softly. "You know, I've always though that you were so pretty." He states in a gentle but flirty tone. You only feel the blush on your face spread. "R..really?" You mumble out in a slightly stunned tone. He nods a little, before pulling your face closer to his.
You and Chris' lips meet, your hand moving to his jaw as he kisses you. The kiss grows more passionate over time, and one thing leads to another. Now you're in a random bedroom with him, on the bed, with him on top of you. He kisses down your neck, his fingers tugging at the hem of your shirt. Chris looks up at you for approval, in which you nod back. He takes your shirt off, admiring your body for a minute, before going back to kissing your neck.
Your hand runs through his messy hair, you let out a low groan. He kisses back up to your lips, before pulling away again to take his own shirt off. You grab at his belt desperately, which causes him to pull away, looking into your pleading eyes. "You're really that desperate for me, huh?" He says in a teasing tone, before pulling off his belt.
You take off your own pair of jeans you had on, watching as he takes off his own. He gets back on top of you, kissing your neck again. He pulls your underwear to the side, pulling away from your neck and watching you as he starts to rub light circles on your clit. He smirks as he feels how wet you are. He hears you whimper, applying more pressure to his touch. He slips a finger into you, causing your breath to catch in your throat. After a bit, he slips another finger into your entrance. "There you go, princess. Gotta get you ready for me." He says, still smirking as he listens to your whimpers.
You let out a whine as he removes his fingers from your core, watching as he gets up and takes his boxers off. You swallow, his tip leaking with precum. He gets back on top of you, placing a light kiss on your lips. He slowly pushes himself into you, letting out a low whimper at the feeling. He strokes your cheek gently as he steadily moves his length into you. "It's okay, sweetheart..." He whispers in a soft tone.
Chris gently kissing your neck once it's fully in, "There you go... good girl..." He groans, continuing to kiss your neck as he thrusts slowly. You let out a moan, in which he places a warm hand over your mouth. "Shh baby... there's a lot of people here..." He whispers to you, causing you a nod and whimper against his hand.
His thrusts grow faster as he continues, trying to keep his own moans down as well. It's not long until you feel yourself grow closer to finishing. Chris feels your walls tighten against him, sensing that your close. He picks his pace up, trying to get you closer to releasing. You let out a loud moan against his hand as you feel the knot in your stomach break. He doesn't finish much longer after you do, burying his head in your neck to muffle his whimpers. He pulls out of you, before laying down next to you. "I've wanted to do that for so long, princess." He says in a breathless tone, watching as you let out heavy breaths.
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