#hi i’m back with another headcanon. au? whatever
himboblaze · 7 months
blossomfall being closer to daisy than she was her own mother for as long as she can remember. daisy being there to comfort and reassure her when millie and briarkit got moved to the abandoned twoleg nest as they were sick with greencough. daisy offering to play with blossomkit when she was scolded by millie for playing ‘too rough’ with briarkit, a kit slightly weakened by sickness.
blossomfall, a newly made warrior, beaming with pride as her and bumblestripe watch briarlight finally become a warrior alongside them, her mood only dampening when she sees how hard millie and graystripe are cheering briarlight’s new name. she can’t remember millie cheering that loudly for her and her brother, but she remembers how proud daisy looked. daisy always looks proud when a new apprentice is made a warrior, no matter who that apprentice may be.
blossomfall, a slightly older warrior, being lost in the tunnels under their territory alongside fellow dark forest trainee ivypool. she’s hit in the head by a falling rock as they attempt to traverse the darkness, and briefly, while struggling to maintain consciousness, she’s reminded of a memory from her childhood. bumblekit is there, alongside briarkit of course, but the molly watching them play from afar is.. blurry, non-distinct, ever switching between grey, and pale cream. no matter how hard she tries to focus, that cat stays ever unidentifiable.
blossomfall finding out that, as she’s scolded in front of her peers by her mother for getting lost, this inability to remember whether millie or daisy were more present in her childhood doesn’t bother her as much as it probably should.
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maidragoste · 4 months
Chapter Three: He ruined it
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The Hunger Games AU
Katniss!Jacaerys x Peeta!Reader
Chapter One Chapter Two
A/N: I'm happy to bring you a new chapter of this series, sorry for the delay in publishing and I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments or reblogs. Thank you for reading 🥰🥰💖💖
My inbox is open so I’m always willing to read your headcanons, opinions and answer your questions 🤭💕
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes
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The elevator ride takes less than a minute since the training rooms are below the floor of your floor, but Jacaerys could still feel the tension in the air. He doesn't know if it's because you're nervous like him about seeing who they'll have to face in a few days or if, like him, you're upset because Larys told you two to spend all your time in public close to each other. Jace doesn't understand the reason behind his uncle's instructions, first, he made you two hold hands at the parade and now it seemed as if he wanted you to become friends while training. Jace doesn't like this, he doesn't want to get attached to you. That would only make things more difficult in the arena, but when he complained his uncle reminded him that he had already promised that he would do whatever he told him. He had to do it if he wanted to return home to Lucerys and Joffrey.
When they both get out of the elevator they find a giant gym full of weapons and obstacle courses. It's not even ten o'clock, yet you two are the last to arrive. The rest of the tributes are gathered in a tense circle, each one has a piece of cloth attached to their shirt with the number of their respective district. While they give his number, Jacaerys in a quick assessment realizes that you two are the only ones who are dressed alike. Was it another way to appear like a united front to others?
Once you and Jacaerys join the circle the head trainer steps forward and introduces herself as Atala and then begins to explain the training schedule, how each position has an expert in the skill in question, that some positions teach tactics survival and other fighting techniques. She also warns that it is prohibited to perform combat exercises with another tribute and that if someone wants to practice with a partner, there are assistants.
“We don't have to be together all the time if you don't want to,” you whispered to him, once Atala finished reading the list of skills and gave them the freedom to start training.
“But Larys said”
“Larys isn't here,” you interrupted, making him frown. “He's not going to know if we don't follow what he tells us one hundred percent.”
“If you don't want to train with me just say it” he snapped, feeling annoyed although it made no sense because he should be happy that you don't want to train with him either after all Jacaerys wanted to avoid spending as much time with you as possible.
“I'm not the one who complained at breakfast,” you reminded him, making him blush and feel ashamed of himself for his attitude. If he weren't so impulsive he would have at least waited for you to go to your room before complaining to his uncle.
“I'm sorry about that,” he apologized, scratching the back of his neck.
“Okay,” you shrugged, downplaying it, but even so, your district partner still felt like a fool because of his attitude. “Where do you want to start?”
“Let's tie some knots,” Jacaerys responded, thinking that his uncle had said not to attract attention so he was forbidden to take a bow at least until the private session with the gamemakers. Besides, Jace had no desire to be around the professional tributes, who had gone straight to the weapons that looked more deadly and handled them without difficulty, nor the trembling tributes who received their first class of knives or axes.
The stall is empty so the coach seems excited when the two approach. When he realizes that Jacaerys knows something about traps, he teaches them how to make a simple trap that would leave another tribute hanging from a tree by their leg. They practice for an hour until they both master the technique well and then move on to the camouflage station. Jacaerys notices that you seem more excited in this position as you mix mud, clay, and berry juice on your skin. It also seems easy for you to braid costumes out of vines and leaves. The coach for this position is excited about your work.
"I make the cakes" you blurt out of nowhere.
"The cakes?" He had been concentrating on watching Royce Baratheon swing a mace directly into the chest of a mannequin.
"Those from the bakery. I make the decorations"
Jacaerys remembers those cakes, which are on display in the shop window, with flowers and other pretty designs on the icing. Before he went to live with Uncle Larys he was never able to eat one of those but since they lived with him there was always cake for special occasions like birthdays and New Year's. Every time they went to buy the cake Joffrey and Lucerys always argued about which one looked the best before choosing which one to take. If he came home he didn't think he would be able to accompany them back to the bakery. He couldn't see your father and brothers in the face again. Nor could he see the disappointment in his brothers' eyes when they saw that the cakes were no longer as pretty as before.
"They're cute, but you won't be able to glaze someone to death," he hadn't meant to sound so scathing but thinking about your death, your family, and his siblings put him in a bad mood.
"You never know what might be in the arena what if…?"
"Let's continue with another position" he interrupts you, he wasn't in the mood for some joke.
"Okay, go ahead with whatever you want, I'll stay here a little longer. I'll catch up with you later" you responded.
The smile on your face had disappeared and Jacaerys felt a tightness in his stomach but he decided to ignore it, he just nodded and went to the fire-making station. He is so focused on the coach's instructions and getting the technique right that he doesn't even realize that he has spent so much time there until they announce that it is time for lunch. Jacaerys looks at you with the idea of telling you to have lunch together. He frowns when he sees that you are no longer alone but are talking to Jason Mallister, the thirteen-year-old boy from District 4. What were you doing? Larys said not to attract attention and you found yourself talking to one of the professional tributes, of course, that would attract attention.
Annoyed, Jacaerys went to the carts that had been brought with food and began to serve himself and then sat alone at one of the tables. Professional tributes gathered around a table. They were loud, unlike the rest they seemed carefree, as if they were not afraid.
A few minutes later you sit next to him. Jacaerys can't hold his curiosity for long so he asks you.
“Why were you talking to him?”
“Stop frowning, we're supposed to be friends,” you scold him in a whisper and he struggles to put on a friendlier face. “He reminds me of Joffrey,” you admit.
“My brother is nothing like him,” the brunette denies instantly. He wouldn't tell you but when you two saw the District 4 reaping he also thought about his brother when Jason appeared on screen. But he couldn't allow himself to see his brother in one of his opponents, that would only hurt him in the arena, so he instantly forced himself to push that thought away from him. The only thing in common between the two of them was that they are both thirteen years old, he just repeated to himself.
"I just showed Jason how I made my camouflage and I remembered when I tried to teach Joffrey how to frost a cookie." Jace must have made some funny face in his surprise because you were smiling again. "He made a mess, I don't know how he ended up with frosting on his hair and face, the only reason my mother didn't get mad is because Joffrey bought the cookies he ruined. If you ask me, he didn't ruin them, he just took artistic liberties" You said the last thing as if you were telling him a big secret, leaning towards him and putting your hand a few centimeters from your face, hiding it from the other tributes, as if you didn't want to they will try to read your lips. At your antics and the image of his younger brother covered in icing, Jacaerys can't help but laugh.
"I didn't know Joffrey spent so much time at the bakery."
"And with you", he added in his head. He couldn't help but wonder why his brother never told him. Although he shouldn't be surprised because at home there is always some bread or cookie from the bakery, but he always thought that the one who was going to buy it was Uncle Larys. He might have missed some things by spending so much time in the forest and the Hob with Baela.
"Your brother is addicted to sugar so he usually comes often after school to buy something. He says he deserves a treat after spending hours locked up in hell."
Jacaerys notices the affection with which you speak of his brother and he can't help but feel warm. He has the feeling that you have even more stories to tell about his brothers and he wants to hear them all.
"Yeah, that sounds like Joffrey," he agrees with a smile.
During the rest of the days of training, Jacaerys feels a whole mix of emotions fighting within him. You two continue training together in some positions such as setting up shelters, recognizing edible plants, and throwing knives and spears, but at some point, you always end up separated by your decision because you want to train with a partner so you look for one of the assistants. In those moments Jace can't help but distrust you because for a while he sees you fighting with the assistant but then the next time he sees you you are in the same section as the professionals, he never sees you talking to one of them but he still can't avoid feeling restless. On the other hand, he can't continue denying that something is forming between the two of you; it's impossible not to form a kind of friendship after sharing so many anecdotes during lunch. At first, you were the one who did most of the talking, telling him more about Joffrey's visits to the bakery, but then Jace wants to know about you and starts asking you more about you and your brothers. And before he least realizes it, he is also sharing his own stories. He tells you how Uncle Larys once made them believe his house was haunted only to make them stop wandering around at night because they wouldn't let him sleep. You laugh when he tells you how he once challenged a bear to fight in the woods to keep a beehive and how his father had never scolded him so much.
On the second day of training before you go to train with an assistant you whisper to Jacaerys that he has a shadow. When he turns to see Rue, the little girl from District 11 spying on them, you encourage him to talk to her but Jace refuses because he has no idea what to say to her and also because he is afraid of meeting her and she will remind him of his brothers or Baela's little sisters.
When the private sessions arrive with the gamemakers it is evident that both you and Jacaerys are nervous because neither of you tries to have a conversation while waiting your turn or even when the two of you are alone after Rue enters.
"Good luck," Jacaerys wishes you as he stands up when he is called. He couldn't tell you later because once a tribute finishes the session he has to go to his apartment "Try throwing the weights, impress them."
"Thank you" It is evident that you were not expecting his words because you keep looking at him impressed "Lucky for you too. Remember to shoot well" you smile at him.
He nods and starts walking towards the door.
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He ruined it. What the hell was he thinking? No, he didn't think about it. He just let his anger get the best of him, he was outraged that the guards had stopped paying attention to him after he missed his first shot, he was furious that he could die within a few days and they wouldn't deign to watch his entire performance, so he took the arrow and shot at the gamemakers' table. Of course, he didn't shoot any of them, his arrow hit right where he wanted it, in the apple that the pig had in its mouth. When all eyes were on him he sarcastically thanked them for their time while bowing. He didn't wait to be fired, he stormed out of the training room still feeling his blood boil. Only when he was alone in the elevator did he feel the weight of what he did, he felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest and his throat was burning. He ruined it. He hadn't tried to kill any of the gamemakers but maybe someone would think that. He was sure he must be the first tribute to do something like that. He lost any chance he had of winning the games. But what scares him the most is that because of his attitude, they will now punish his brothers. He would never forgive himself if something happened to them because of him.
When the elevator doors opened, tears had already begun to roll down Jacaerys's cheeks. He ignored the questions from Effie, who was waiting for him in the hallway, and locked himself straight into his room. It didn't take long for knocks to sound on his door and the woman's voice asking him to come out but he didn't move from the bed. When silence came he thought that he had finally given up and they would leave him alone. But minutes later he heard the cold voice of his uncle:
"Jacaerys, open the door. Stop acting like a child."
Jacaerys was about to ignore him but then he realized that the only one who could help him protect his brothers was his uncle. So he took courage and got out of his pile of blankets. He unlatched the door and nervously opened the door. For a moment he thought he saw something different in his uncle's eyes. He couldn't figure out exactly what but that only made him more nervous. Without saying anything he went to sit on the edge of the bed while he watched Larys enter and close the door again. Surprising him, did his uncle think that he would try to escape in the middle of the conversation?
Larys took the chair that was at the desk placed it in front of the bed and then sat down.
"I ruined it," said Jacaerys, his voice breaking when he saw that his uncle did not seem willing to start the conversation. "They are going to punish Luke and Joff because of me." The teenager's desperation was clear by how he tugged at his curls as he spoke."You have to do something, uncle, please. It's my fault, let them punish me."
"What did you do?" the victor demanded to know.
Then Jace told him everything, how the gamemakers were drunk and how after he missed his first shot they stopped paying attention to him, missing the circuit he made and how he hit the center in the rest of his shots, that he didn't think about his actions, that he got carried away with anger and shot at the apple that was in the mouth of the pig that the gamemakers were about to eat, gaining their attention again and how he left the training room without waiting to be fired but not before thanking them sarcastically for their attention. As Jacaerys continued speaking Larys's hand turned white from the strength with which he gripped his staff.
"I told you that you won't attract attention" his uncle's biting tone only made Jacaerys' discomfort increase and he couldn't help but take one of the blankets again and wrap himself in it. It's not like he expected Larys to comfort him but he also shouldn't have been surprised that the first thing he did was scold him. "But you can rest assured, they're not going to punish your brothers." There was that strange look in his eyes again.
"Are you sure?" The uncertainty in his voice was clear, he wanted to trust his uncle but at the same time, he couldn't help but think that Larys would tell him any lie as long as he kept concentrating on the games.
"If they are going to punish Lucerys and Joffrey, they would have to tell what you did in the entertainment center so that it has some effect on the districts, but they won't because it's secret," Larys explained with a little more patience. "The only one you hurt with your actions it's you"
Upon hearing that nothing would happen to his brothers, Jacaerys felt that part of his discomfort disappeared. He still had to worry because surely the gamemakers would now make his life miserable in the arena but at least he knew that his brothers would be safe.
"I know, the gamemakers will make my life miserable in the arena" he stated "And today they will give me the worst score so I won't have any sponsors" he sighed thinking that now it would be even more difficult for him to survive in the arena without sponsors, the food wouldn't be a big problem because he knew how to hunt but if he got hurt then he would need medicine.
"Don't worry about the sponsors, I'll take care of that," Larys promises and this time Jacaerys doesn't doubt his uncle because he looks too confident. "Well, it's done, it's not something we can change. Stop getting depressed and let's go have dinner before they give the scores."
During dinner, Jace barely joins the conversation and feels your worried gaze the entire time. It seems that Effy told you about the state he arrived in after his private session.
In the middle of dinner, Effy can't stand his curiosity anymore so he asks them both how it went. Jacaerys wasn't going to say anything until he heard you speak.
"I don't think I impressed them, some paid attention to me but others were more focused on whatever was on the table," you said resignedly.
"It's my fault. I'm sorry" he apologized, feeling guilty because apparently he had also harmed your private session.
"How is it your fault?" Cinna asked curiously.
"I shot them an arrow," Jace replied.
At first, he ignored Effy's indignation and the rest of the team's questions, focusing more on your reaction. You still looked at him with concern. He was relieved to not see you angry. The truth is, he couldn't blame you if you got angry with him after all his act had attracted the attention of the gamemakers when it was essential for you to have a better score.
"I actually shot an arrow at the pig's apple they were about to eat. They were drunk and I got angry because they weren't paying attention to me."
"And what did they tell you?" You asked anxiously and looked at the doors as if you were expecting that at any moment the peace officers would come in to look for him.
"I don't know. I left"
"Did you leave without permission?" Effie asked to see if she understood correctly.
"I gave it to myself" Jace replied and a laugh escaped your mouth, you quickly stifled it with your hand before Effie's gaze. Jacaerys was pleased to see the worry disappear from your face.
"Larys, aren't you going to say anything about it?" Effie questioned evidently expecting the victor to side with her and scold them.
"It's done, Effie. There's nothing we can do," he responded boredly as he buttered a piece of bread.
"What was their face?" you asked, looking at him curiously.
"They seemed terrified. A man stumbled backward and fell into a punch bowl." At the time Jacaerys had been so angry that he couldn't enjoy the watchman making a fool of himself but now he remembered it with fun.
Everyone laughed, except for Effie but she seemed to hold back a smile so Jace didn't take it the wrong way.
“Oh, I would have loved to see that,” you said with a smile. If Jacaerys hadn't been so focused on you then he would have noticed that his uncle seemed to be studying the two of you.
Once everyone finishes dinner they go to sit in the living room to watch the scores announced on television. How every year a photo of the tribute appears while Caesar Flickerman and Claudius Templesmith announce the score. What is striking with the group of professionals is that this year not everyone has a score between eight and ten like previous years, but the boy from District 4 gets a seven. The same score that Rue gets, Jace can't help but wonder how she managed to get that score. But any thoughts of the little girl from District 11 disappear and are replaced by euphoria when he hears Caesar announce his score. An eleven.
Applause and congratulations filled the room. Jacaerys smiles until he realizes that his uncle is quiet and doesn't look as excited as the rest about his eleven. He starts to feel the anxiety in his body and he wants to ask his uncle what the problem is but he doesn't want to have this conversation in front of everyone.
“Good” is the only thing Larys says after they also announce your eight. And Jace feels stupid for worrying so much, surely his uncle didn't say anything before because he was still hanging on to your score after all he wasn't the only tribute Larys had in charge. “You should go to sleep, you have a long day tomorrow” he ordered them while motioning to the avox to bring him more wine.
You and Jacaerys say goodbye to the entire team and head toward the hallway where your rooms are.
“Tell me, what does it feel like to break the bad streak of twelve and go down in history?” you said while leaning on your door.
“You're exaggerating,” Jace said, trying to sound exasperated by rolling his eyes, but there was no annoyance in his tone.
“I'm not,” you shook your head, smiling. You just beat the score of the professionals, I think it's impressive” you said while crossing your arms. “Surely the entire Capitol is talking about you and you are going to monopolize all my sponsors.”
Your last words brought Jace back to his senses. You two were in a competition and his live were at stake. He couldn't keep joking with you. He should be focused on making a good impression on Caesar and the people at the Capitol tomorrow.
“We should go to sleep,” he said abruptly, resting his hand on the handle of his door, trying not to feel guilty as he saw how the spark in your eyes seemed to go out at his tone. “Have a good night,” he didn’t even wait for you to respond before walking into his room and closing the door. His father would be disappointed in his treatment of you.
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a/n: I'm grieving because I had to delete the scene I had with Larys and Sea Dragon bc if I left it, then there were going to be things in Cathing Fire that didn't make sense 😫
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, as I always say the comments and reblogs are very appreciated 🥰
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Hello you amazing wonderful awesomely awesome person! I’m so madly obsessed with your work
Very curious on your thoughts on this: zombie apocalypse au
Do you think Jason and readers first meeting would be need to be more in a life threatening situation in order to stick or would they be able to meet in a calmer environment and stick together?
This isn’t a push for you to write any one shot! Just curious what you think and any additional thoughts or headcanons you might have for this au 👀
Tysm for continuing to put out awesome writing all the time!
The Death Stench
Ahh, asks like this is why I love taking requests!! Thank you, nonnie!! Seriously, so many great ideas come through my inbox that I never would have thought of myself! I was actually so excited when I finally sat down to write this. Sorry it took so long! :)
~1.4k words
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Gotham has always been a cesspool of filth and rot. It's something Jason has long grown used to. But the hoards of groaning, decaying zombies are something he's still learning to live with.
It's been four– no, five months since the world fell apart, since the apocalypse broke down society. The government is in shambles, if it still exists, and Jason hasn't seen or heard another living person in weeks.
He thinks he owes his survival to whatever the pit did to him. The corpses that line the streets just seem to ignore him and shuffle past as he breaks into a little corner store for supplies.
It's why he's started to get complacent. It is so easy to not double or triple check your surroundings when the undead treat you like one of their own.
It's a fact he didn't realize until he's staring down the barrel of a gun and maybe the only other living, breathing person on Gotham.
He blinks at them. They blink at him. "You're not one of– you're alive," You half question, surprise and shock clear in their voice.
Jason slowly raises his hands, the last thing he wants to do is get shot when his medical supplies are dwindling, "I'm alive."
He stares at you for a minute, and you stare back before slowly lowering your gun, "I was here first."
He laughs. It's ridiculous. The world ended, he hasn't had a proper conversation in weeks, and you're trying to lay claim to a corner store in shambles. But, he steps back anyway and gestures to the ransacked aisles, "All yours then."
He quirks an eyebrow when you actually look panicked. "Wait," You start, and lower your gun completely, "I'm sorry, I just– haven't seen anyone in a while. I think I forgot how to talk to people."
You're both aware of the risk you took admitting that, to tell a stranger you're completely and utterly alone in this city, that there's no one waiting for you to return.
Jason has the overwhelming urge to make your risk worth it. He can't explain it, but he chalks it up to some form of loneliness.
So, he smiles at you, easy-going and every inch the charming grin that used to win over the old ladies at charity galas, "I haven't been around people in a while either. Maybe we can figure it out together?"
His heart stutters when you smile back, so clearly relieved. "I'd like that," You admit and holster your gun.
The two of you carefully pick through the store, and an uncertain but steady partnership forms between the two of you.
It takes some time, but he learns which shots you can make and which you can't. You learn which knee hurts him when he jumps over chain wire fences. You both learn to cover each other's blind spots, to trust each other to make decisions.
You haven't quite learned that zombies just don't seem to detect him, and he hasn't found a good way to bring it up, to explain that, 'Hey, I was dead and apparently I qualify as one of them. But don't worry! I won't eat you!'
Yeah, Jason figures you wouldn't be too comfortable with him sleeping near you if he said it like that.
He doesn't really get the chance to explain until he has to use his uncanny ability to blend in with rotting corpses to save your life.
It was supposed to be a normal supply run. Pick over what's left of a pharmacy and get out. Cut and dry. Something you've both done more times than you can count. Until it goes wrong.
He'd cleared the area, he'd been so careful, you both were. But you hadn't been lucky. It was no one's fault, when you open a cabinet and a skittish raccoon jumps out at you, sending you falling back.
The animal knocks over cans and boxes as it frantically scampers to get away. It's loud. Too loud.
The two of you froze, when the sounds of shuffling feet start to make their way to the door. Jason weighs his options, and the piece of his heart that had become undeniably yours won quickly.
He grabs your arm and hauls you to your feet. "C'mon," he mutters, dragging you towards a supply closet.
"We need to run," You say quickly, tugging at your arm and trying to push him towards the exit.
"We won't make it," he says firmly and shoves you into the tiny space. He follows you in and pulls the door shut. The door doesn't lock, and he reaches around you to grab an extension cable off a shelf.
"Jason," You half hiss, eyes wide as the groans start to get louder.
He shushes you, heart racing as he ties one end of the extension cord to the door knob, and the other to the metal poles of the shelf.
It's a start, but it wouldn't stop anything from breaking down the door. "Sorry," Jason mumbles. He returns your confused look with an apologetic one, and immediately crowds you against the wall.
He grabs the back of your neck to press your face to his chest. His other hand grabs at your hip, almost desperate. Jason realizes he hasn't been afraid in a long time.
He buries his face in your hair and silently wills you to understand. If he can keep them from getting your scent, hearing you, you'll be safe. He can protect you, he just needs you to stay like this, hidden and sheltered against the dirty wall of the closet.
He knows you can't begin to guess why he's doing this, but you don't make a sound. Your fingers curl into his jacket as the zombies shuffle around the pharmacy. Grunts fill the air as they pass by the door, and Jason feels you stiffen against him.
It's instinctual, when his thumb starts to rub back and forth across your hip. He wants to help, wants you to feel calm and safe even as the smell of death fills the air.
He's surprised when you do relax against him, tucking your face further into his chest. He's not sure how long you stay like that. His thumb never stills, and eventually, the sounds of undead fade, and he's left with just you.
Jason lets himself linger for a moment, savoring your closeness, before slowly untangling himself from you. "You're okay," he says softly, he means for it to be a question, but it comes out as a fact, a complete certainty that you are okay.
You look up at him, eyes wide, "How are we even alive? I've never seen– they've never just ignored people before."
He winces, "I'll– Let me explain. Please. Just not here." He deflates a little at the uncertainty that flashes across your face, but you nod and follow him back to the rooftop that's become his and your base.
He tries to explain, really, does his best to talk about the Pit, who he was, what he used to do. You never interrupt, you listen to every word he says as he lights a fire, methodically making food over the open flame.
You don't say anything as he admits the undead have never been interested in him, but you do let him sit next to you to eat.
He runs out of things to say, as the sun sets over a desolate Gotham. Jason thinks you're going to leave. Or ask him to leave. But you don't. You lean your head against his shoulder, and all the air leaves his lungs.
"I'm glad you're here, Jason," You tell him. And for the first time in a long time, Jason is too.
"I'm glad you're here, too," he echoes, and he hesitantly lowers his head to rest against yours. He breathes a sigh of relief when you don't move, only relax into his side.
Jason closes his eyes to bask in the moment, in being with you, and swears there's not a thing he wouldn't do to keep you like this. To keep you with him, to keep you happy, to keep you alive.
He thinks it might be the reason he's still breathing.
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whalesforhands · 11 months
mini headcanons of your life in the aftermath (nsfw)
DYF AU AFTERMATH; short edition
warnings: fem!reader, this is all consensual, p in v, baby batter, dry humping, etc.
geto suguru
- extremely needy, down-bad and perverted but hides it. jacks off when he’s sure you’re asleep while right next to you, biting moans back with a large hand slapped over his mouth. if it gets real bad, he’ll give in; waking you up with his tongue inbetween your legs and your thighs around his neck as he desperately gets himself off. (he purposely wakes gojo up to join. not that he needs to, satoru was well aware of what was already occurring.)
- actually insane amount of self-control. plays the waiting game and leaves you with lingering kisses on your skin, arms wrapped around you from behind when you prepare breakfast with him in the kitchen. your thigh is constantly nudging against a particularly hard erection that refuses to die down unless given some… special attention. “I can’t help it… You look so pretty.”
- eases you into heavy makeouts, his hand sneaking up your dress or down your pants, fingers rubbing against you through the underwear he picked out for you this morning, pushing you closer and closer to relief— Before he pulls away. “I’m sorry darling, I have a mission brief with Satoru today.”
- fails to hide his smirk when he sees you squirming, pout on your embarrassed face as you practically pounce on him right as he gets home. “Oh? What’s with that look? Missed me so much?”
- gentle, tender, so loving. sometimes, anyway. if you make him angry or displease him; good luck. you’re not going to be walking straight or sitting comfortably for a while. has the gall to act like it wasn’t his fault afterwards. “What’s wrong? Sore?” He’s kneeling before you as you sit up, your feet hanging over the side of the bed. He gently tucks a strand of hair back as you hold him for support due to your jelly-like legs.
- not very into choking or cutting you— due to chapter heave your nausea, but he will restrain you. and boy does he love that. shibari, bondage, ballgags, toys. anything that leaves you begging and whining out for him, helpless with your only saving grace being him. likes it best when you’re being so cute and obedient.
- enjoys finishing on your face or skin. loves painting your pretty skin, enjoys watching it drip down your cheeks, sliding onto your lips and watching your cute tongue peek out to taste him before he’s getting hard again.
gojo satoru
- if you think suguru is clingy, this man in contrast is insufferable, and he’s so open about it too. oh, he’s horny? no matter, he’ll just get up and off to find you, suguru or both. slings both arms around both of you whilst making light chatter, leading you unsuspecting duo to the bedroom or shower. you don’t even notice his intentions before he stops mid-sentence to ask: “So, sex?”
- actually kind of rough. really likes holding you down, and likes it even more if you have some fight in you. “come on, come on~, struggle a little bit harder. if you get on top of me, i’ll let you do whatever~” it’s vice versa for him too. lose and you’re entirely his for the day.
- “just a quick one, okay?” no. your legs are trembling, ankles digging into his back and you’re barely holding it together mentally as he buries his face into the crook of your neck, your thighs held around his hips when you feel him finish inside for the 3rd time that morning. “phew… that hit the spot. how about we go for another? suguru’s gonna come home to a pretty sight~” (TOTALLY NOT A REFERENCE TO MY KOFI FIC)
- “gojo satoru speaking!” down on your knees, you’re sucking on the tip as your hands slowly stroke him, your eyes looking up at him as his hand gently threads through your hair. “oh, you’re looking for her? not picking up her phone? sounds like a shame.”
- finishes inside. all the damn time. calls you his little eclair afterwards. you want to slap him.
bonus: satosugu
- the showers are not safe. you locked them out once and in the next moment, you had satoru crying into your neck and whining as suguru debates on removing the door entirely.
- them? loud? no. never. you, on the other hand; are a prime target. the door may be shut, locked, kids out with nanami/haibara/shoko/yaga for the day, and you still get embarrassed. messy with it too. almost any one of the mentioned can tell they did a number on you when you’re not the one opening the door.
- love love love seeing you in cosplay. you are absolutely not safe from their whims, and their bottomless pit of money. cat ears, bunny ears, extremely lewd lingerie, etc. you’re not safe at all.
- pictures. lots of them. and the fact that they show them off exclusively only to each other.
most popular headcanon gets the scenario written. bcs it’s october and i have no kinktober contributions yet lol. thirsts are also a-okay to send, i wanna read what some of u think pls
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sweetkpopmusings · 10 months
bang chan coworker headcanons <3
a/n: i'm once again sorry it has been so long !! life is chaotic, so my writing time had been reduced dramatically :-( regardless i hope this (and the other posts i'm forcing myself to finish soon) will bring you joy ! i really really wish chan was my coworker :,-) pics not mine <3
content: fluff, nonidol!au | wc: 0.9k | warnings: none! | pairing: coworker!bangchan x gn!reader | requests: open
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you met chan while staying late to finish up a huge report before the quarter was over
you stayed so late that the lights in the office automatically turned off, so, phone in hand as a flashlight, you walked through the dark office and hoped you could get this sorted before you completely lost all will to finish your work
unfortunately, your phone flashlight did not have a wide enough range to capture everything around you, which meant you were completely unaware of chan walking toward the same spot
you were made aware of his presence when you two bumped into each other and screamed
while you caught your breath, chan asked if you were okay
you replied, still unable to see much in the dark office, “who are you?” which made him laugh
“i’m chan, usually the only one who has to bump into things in order to find the override switch”
you laughed, and, once the lights came on, you realized you recognized chan from his frequent trips to the coffee machine
he recognized you by the fact you usually had headphones on at work, visibly enjoying whatever you were listening to that day
as you walked back to your respective desks, you made introductory small talk, feeling much calmer now that there was a very small chance of another jump scare
by the time you wrapped up, it was far too close to being the next day for your liking
chan, being as caring and responsible as he is, didn’t leave until he knew you were safely headed your way home
as a thank you, you decide to bring him a coffee the next morning
he was so focused on his work that you gave him a good jump scare when you said “hi,” which immediately sent both of you into a giggling fit
that solidified the chemistry between you two, and the rest was history
chan’s coffee habit benefited you, as he would buy a coffee for you on the mornings he stopped by a cafe
you always told him he didn’t need to, and he always said it would hurt his feelings if you didn’t have as much of a morning boost as he did every morning he saw you
his cheesiness aside, you were moved by the sweetness of the gesture
he’s also very much the "iced coffee is a meal" and "this is a latte so it counts as breakfast" kind of coworker i may or may not be that coworker so you put fruit or granola bars on his desk in the mornings
chan beams with joy every time he sees it, but he never lets go of believing coffee counts as breakfast
chan also makes several playlists for different moods at work 
he sends them to you whenever he has finished a new one, buzzing with excitement while he waits for your review
he'll send you an old one too if he knows you need to be uplifted, get in the zone, etc.
when you make him a playlist, he practically melts into a puddle on the floor
all of his friends have that playlist memorized because he plays it all. the. time.
and yes, all of his friends know just about everything about you because you are chan’s favorite part of the workday
chan invites you to little dinners or hangouts with his friends pretty regularly since they’re all dying to meet you
you are surprised by how much chan has told them, and fairly flustered by how much chan remembers about you from quick conversations 
he teases you for blushing, but his ears are bright red which seungmin points out immediately 
one of his other favorite things is when you can hang out after work just the two of you
sometimes, if you can get off early, he’ll insist on “going on an adventure” because you’ve been gifted with rare free time
the adventure often ends up being a trip to target or something casual, but you both have the time of your lives
your coworkers always know when you two are hanging out by the sound of laughter echoing through the office
chan’s dad jokes have gotten so much stronger since he met you because he finally has someone he can pester with them all day long
if you two can’t chat during the day because you’re swamped, or because your supervisors told you you needed to stop messing around so much, chan will message you a dad joke every hour and peek over his desk to watch you open the message
you two have to hold your hands over your mouths to keep from bursting into laughter
at this point, it’s so normal that your coworkers don’t get concerned when they see tears in your eyes
your coworkers also know when one of you is out sick or on vacation because you two are so different without the other in the office
lowkey they miss you two being together like you’re entertainment for the whole office
sometimes you end up staying late at the office together, but, instead of scaring each other while looking for the light switch, you listen to music while you work in peace
or you have deep conversations because you can’t handle looking at a document for another second
you’re both enchanted by each other’s minds, and it’s so easy to have life-changing revelations whenever you open up to each other
so, while working overtime isn’t ideal, you can’t complain because you get to do it together
chan would never tell you, but on the night you met, he had finished his work before you and  decided to stay so you didn’t have to be alone <33 
what he will tell you, over and over again, is that night was the best overtime he had ever worked because it brought you into his life <33333
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hannah-h-pleb · 1 year
Eric bragging to his friends about how loud you are in bed and how pretty you look when you’re crying from just his tongue. Literally none of them believe him, even Kenny is skeptical 💀💀
Because like, Cartman? Eric Cartman who’s not shit in bed??? Eric Cartman who’s slept with his gf??? They simply don’t believe it and it’s just him desperately trying to convince them for a sec
Harley you’re a genius. I’m sorry it took so long to get to this. But since I’m feeling extra silly let’s really talk about it
Gonna write these as headcanons but who knows, maybe I’ll write a blurb about it 🤭
Eric Cartman x Reader: Bragging to His Friends About You
Content Advisory: Smut (18+), minors DNI, aged up characters (think “college AU”)
When you and Eric first got together, everyone immediately assumed he was going to be abusive towards you the same way he was with Heidi back in the day. Miraculously this claim was proven to be false as they watched Eric treat you with actual respect, although there were some that still claimed it was “fake” or that he was just “manipulating you”. Therefore another claim was made about you and Eric…”Their sex life must be horrible!” “There’s no way she actually sleeps with him” “I bet he has a tiny dick”
Even Eric’s closest friends, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny, all had their doubts about Eric’s performance in bed. They pinned him as one of those guys who brags about the size of his dick when in reality, it’s not that big. Therefore, they found it really hard to believe that Eric could actually successfully please his girlfriend in bed
Plot twist….he really does…and nobody believes it. But you on the other hand, you’ve experienced it…..
Eric was never one to coddle you in bed. He wasn’t one of those “soft and sweet” boys in the bedroom. When you guys do it, it’s rough, primal, and downright kinky. Eric was pleasantly surprised to find out that you actually enjoyed how rough he was and it only agged him on to give it to you harder. He could be kind to you of course, but when he gets you alone it’s a completely different story
He’s mean. He does one of two things while eating you out: He edges you on his tongue, or he continues to eat you out after you orgasm to overstimulate you. No matter which option he chooses, he aims to make you cry on his tongue whether it be by begging him to let you cum or begging him to stop because “it’s too much”
He would also make you ride his face as he eats you out. This way he could grip your thighs and hold you down on his face while he edges or overstimulates you to his hearts content
Eric is almost always in control and he wants you to know that. He controls your orgasms, he owns your body, he will fuck you as hard he was wants, use whatever toys he wants, and you don’t get a say in any of it. To some, this seems cruel, but to you the feeling of being utterly powerless under Eric and letting him hold all the cards is just so hot. Plus this man loves control so he thrives on making you a needy mess for him
He wants you to beg for what you want. In fact, he wants you to prove how much you want his cock by making you ride one of his dildos before giving you his cock. “Prove it. Prove to me how bad you want this cock. Go on, show me that you’re a good whore and maybe I’ll give it to you”
And when he finally fucks you he shows no mercy. He manhandles you, forcing you down into a mating press and fucking you as hard as he wants. Or, he bends you over and fucks you into the mattress while pulling on your hair, smacking your ass, or digging his nails into your skin. Even if you’ve came for him once or twice already, it’s not over until he says it is or until he gets tired
He has surprisingly good stamina though. The adrenaline rush he gets from the control he holds over you is enough motivation for him to keep going until he can’t. Once again, if he’s not making you cry, he’s far from finished
Your crying and sobbing only turns him on more. It’s the POWER he loves. Knowing he’s the one who can bring you so much pleasure that you start to cry is nearly enough to make him cum on the spot
Oh, and then there’s the name calling and the mocking. He WILL call you names, he will mock you for being a “needy little slut” for him, and he just loves it
Now imagine him sitting at lunch bragging about all of this to his friends. He doesn’t spare any details either. He tell them everything, how you cry and beg him to fuck you, how he licks the tears off your face, the marks he leaves on your ass, everything
And do his friends believe him….of course not. Because why would CARTMAN of all people actually be good at sex? Not to mention Kyle would be the one to speak up and say “You’re not supposed to hit girls or make them cry in bed”, and Kenny would chime in with, “Maybe she cries because of how bad you are”. While the table erupts with laughter, Eric goes “You guys are probably just jealous because I’ve got a hot girlfriend who lets me fuck her however I want and you assholes can’t even get a girls number”. Stan rolled his eyes, “Just keep telling yourself that dude”
Despite his desperate attempts to convince them, they simply don’t believe him and that angers him beyond belief. So just be ready to have some dark hickies all over your neck. This way, everyone will know who you belong to and who makes you feel good
Who knows. Maybe he’ll “accidentally” leave his phone lying around on record well you guys fuck. This way, he’ll have irrefutable proof that you enjoy how cruel he is to you, and that he and he alone makes you cry and cum on his cock over and over again
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Cod Monster Au Facts and Snippets
Requested: Yes! [Would love to see more headcanons on ur monster au, if you have anymore to spare 💖💖💖]
Warnings: slight angst and mentions of death in Ghost’s, implied mental torture in Alejandro’s
A/N: Enjoy!
As mentioned in the previous part, Ghost is a fairly new vampire, turned back around the 50’s or so
He’s not sure exactly WHEN it was for two reasons
1) because of how much time had passed
2) because he spent like twenty or so years in a coffin six feet under after someone found him lying in an alley with his throat ripped out (and the poison takes a WHILE to fully set in)
Digging himself out of that one was…..weird. And disorienting.
Part of him was a bit sad to have probably missed the rest of what was left of his family’s lives with no clue on any of the future generations
But at the same time, he always felt himself a burden, something that brought torment into the lives of everyone he knew
He thinks they’d be better off without him anyways
Until you convince him otherwise
“Tommy had a kid, probably had another one or two after I was gone.” Ghost grumbles quietly, wondering why he let you talk him into this. Whatever sucker cursed with sharing blood with him was probably better off without his interference. But at the same time…..he yearned to know what had become of the rest of his family. To set things right for being forced to leave them behind all those years ago. “He’d be about 80 or so now, I think.”
“That’s a good start.” You tell him, resting your hand on his. With you, he was sure that he could do this. Even if it hurt that everyone he knew, even Tommy’s little baby, were probably gone.
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In love with snout rubs and kisses
But not opposed to belly rubs as well
He takes such pride in his skin, making sure it’s always clean and pristine, shiny and smooth
Once he’s gotten a bit more comfortable with you around his skin, he’ll be begging you to touch it all the time
Might even ask you to wear it (*coughinbedcough*)
Low key curious if there’s a way to turn you into a selkie
If not, he’ll try and find just about anything else to turn you into cause he doesn’t want to live the rest of his very long life without you
Can and will explain selkies in depth to you with little to no prompting
Which leads to him blabbering about his family as well
“I’m the best swimmer in my family!” Soap tells you one evening as you walk together in shallow water on the beach, his smile full of excitement.
“Oh?” You ask, your own smile full of amusement.
“Yeah! My eldest brother, Jack, is the slowest. But my dad is pretty fast. And my sister, Isla, is pretty slow too, but not as slow as Jack. And my littlest brother Luca is almost as fast as me but not quite, and my little brother Harris is almost as fast as him. And my older brother Leo is-” Soap continues, blabbering so fast that the words all seem to blend together. But at least he was happy!
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So so fluffy
Like a big giant reddish-brown cloud
I hope you’re okay with slobber cause once he’s transformed, he’ll be all over you
Licking anywhere he can reach
He’ll also be very whiny if you try to stop cuddle sessions for any reason, even if it’s a necessity like going to the bathroom
It’s all part of his territorial thing, needing you to smell like him
HATES scented soaps and lotions and stuff for this very reason, cause it washes away his scent so much faster
“Seriously?” You asked, your arms crossed over your chest, eyes narrowed.
The giant bipedal wolf in front of you at least had the decency to look a little bit ashamed, surrounded by all the shredded up bottles of scented soaps and shampoos and other washing material. His ears folded back, a low whine rising from his giant maw.
“You’re lucky you’re so cute.” You grumble, making him perk up a bit, a dopey look of joy rising onto his face as his tail starts to wag, slapping against the wall and knocking over various items from the shelves. “…..you’re cleaning that up.”
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Alejandro likes to hang out in dreams a lot, even when he’s not making them sexual to feed off of someone
For you, he’ll always make your dreams good (when he’s not making them sexy anyways)
And while usually he doesn’t interfere in the dreams of others, he will not hesitate to give anyone who pisses him off nightmares
This includes people who get close to you
Nobody is safe on the off chance that they’re unkind to you
“Yes, Mi Amor?” He asks, an innocent look on his face. One that means he is certainly not innocent.
“Why is my cousin in a mental hospital spouting about demons in his dreams?” Your brow twitches as you say this and Alejandro can’t help but find it cute.
“I don’t know! Maybe someone thought he was treating his family horribly and deserved to be taken down a notch or two.” Alejandro says, his smile growing mischievous, even when you flick his ear. “Ow.”
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haoboutyou · 3 months
idk if ur reqs are open rn but i was thinking maybe.. a titanic au with mingyu? hehe.. i love angst. honestly it's up to you to twiddle around with the plot but mingyu as jack dawson.. my mouth is watering rn BUT LIKE HE DOESN'T DIE YK AAAA what am i doing
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I’m genuinely sorry this is now a headcanon fic. I cannot for the life of me string this into a coherent story. also real sorry 1) it's not angst 2) it took so long :'))
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right so
this is a strangers 2 lovers type beat
also modern-day cruise so it passes all the safety checks (no dying here)
oh gyu is on the boat with hao because they’re on a cruise with a friend group and y/n’s on the cruise with her family
gyu’s just like “Ugh why cruise? there’s no internet or whatever. with the same amount of money, I could’ve gone to Italy.”
y/n’s like “Omg cruise!!! I love young Leonardo Dicaprio!!!”
they bump into each other at like the swimming pool deck and y/n’s like “Why are you so grumpy? It’s a cruise!"
and he’s like “It’s a cruise. you’re stuck on a ship miles away from land. Have you seen the Titanic?? we can drown and die!!!!”
to which y/n’s like “Bro I fucking love the Titanic. I want to do all the Titanic things minus the r21 parts and the dying parts.”
he’s like “Recreating Titanic? I guess that’s not so bad. Do you need some help?” and y/n’s all “omg please I don’t want to recreate them with my family members”
titanic is where “you jump, I jump” came from right? cause I can totally imagine y/n and mingyu doing this at the cruise’s pool just before they dive in
“If you jump, I’m gonna have to jump in after you.”
mingyu is saying this to y/n because they’re on the diving board and y/n is too scared to jump, so he brings up that line.
y/n’s surprised he knows the exact lines “I thought you said the Titanic was stupid” “Well, Leonardo Dicaprio was hot” and with that, she manages to steel herself for the jump and goes “Well, if you jump then I’ll jump, right?” and then they jump together
(meanwhile, hao's watching on the sidelines like "... that is not how the movie goes but okay" hao is waiting for his turn to jump behind them)
They hear that there’s a caricature artist on board and mingyu’s like “I can’t draw very well, but we can pay this guy to draw us?” “neat. a souvenir!” (they go up to him and mingyu’s flabbergasted that it’s hao because remember: he doesn’t actually work there; he’s also a passenger, but he’s so bored out of his mind that he started drawing and people were noticing that he was drawing and going up to him like “omg artist?? can you draw us????” so he’s like hmm sure ig more money for me)
(i know it's dumb but hao was just this random character that keeps popping up no matter what they do. breakfast? he happens to be sitting at the table they pick. pool? he happens to be tanning there when they stroll past and she almost trips into the pool. drawing? he's the artist. photos? he might as well.)
yes so they do the whole “king of the world!!” and they’re getting another kind passenger to take a picture of them (not hao). he still has an arm around her waist when she takes back the phone from the passenger and the passenger goes “oh to be young and in love again. you guys are such a cute couple!” y/n’s cheeks are red and it’s not because she forgot to reapply sunscreen
he leans over y/n’s shoulder to peek at the phone. “can i see?” y/n is suddenly hyper aware of his close proximity and she’s gone super still as he’s scrolling through the photos.
and then he selects all the photos he likes and airdrops them to himself
mingyu: "do you know what else jack and rose did while they were at the top deck? "
y/n, whispering, well aware that jack took rose’s first kiss (idk that’s what wiki said): "i don’t remember all of a sudden" 
mingyu, leaning in: they kissed
ok so there’s a bar on the ship and hao’s asking gyu to come because “bro the cruise is gonna end (it literally just started) and you still haven’t gotten your money’s worth of booze” so gyu naturally invites y/n. she’s skeptical at first but he goes “didn’t (jack and rose) go dancing too?” she relents and so she goes with him and gyu is just STARSTRUCK at how pretty y/n is even at day ?? of being out at sea
when mingyu and y/n disembark from the ship after the week was over, and mingyu realises that for all the time they spent together they did not exchange numbers At All so he RUNS. the hug when they found each other is so cute. like, it's peak romance. 
i want that.
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davinashifts333 · 10 months
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⚫️summary; this shall be what i believe my first post for ATEEZ my loves in honor of the final EP. of “The World” albums! Here is some seriously much needed and thought about Sannie Boi headcanons i have for you all. mucho love, STREAM CRAZY FORM! also reader is also famous so not a nonidol au or whatever, we ALL famous here bitch. STRESM CRAZY FORM!
⚠️warnings; iNsAnE fLuFf, some smutty topics, swearing, San, because he is too beautiful for us to handle, etc.
-Dating THE insanely talented, superbly gifted, (insert Lady Gaga meme) astonishing, loving & handsome Choi “TINY MOUNTAIN” San is something you never expected.
-he is super flirty when you first meet at some random awards show/dinner & a bit tipsy at this point but once HongJoong exchanges numbers with you, you expect to hear from him soon.
-ironically, or maybe not, you hear from San first & it’s basically him apologizing for being too forward & making you feel uncomfortable or anything to which you giggle at & accept his apology but also admit, you found it cute.
-he offers to take you out for coffee, ramen or whatever you like to get to know each other better & you agree.
-after coffee you guys walk around & just click so easily that time flies by. laughing & vibing, you end up walking to a near by convenience store & notice your similar yet completely different taste in snacks. one sweet, one salty, one nostalgic & a drink.
-taking the snacks, you go to the han river, suns down, people are out at street markets, etc.
-he begins asking more about you, the deeper shit & you feel so safe & comfortable that you do the same.
-complimenting one another on your respective areas of work & realizing you both are fans of one another.
-he can’t keep his eyes OR hands off of you, with consent of course, he is so shy & different from the one stage demonic talent he is that you find it endearing.
-his nervous little tics make you smile the same way yours make him find you even more adorable, if possible.
-he asks so many questions & ends up giving you his sweatshirt because it’s a bit chilly.
-loves your smile & how open you are about your life, career, passions & everything but mainly loves how great of a listener you are.
-apologizes for rambling but you quickly tell him to continue, that you like listening to him talk & he simply grabs your hand & continues with a huge goofy smile on his face.
-rants about the other band mates & tells you about everything he dreams of with them.
-you guys eventually end up lying on the ground next to a gorgeous tree & the conversation slowly gets deeper.
-he sheepishly admits he’s had a crush on your for a while but rever knew if he would meet you & how embarrassed he was when HongJoong & Mingi exposed his drunken antics.
-you giggle at how he described his mindset in that moment as “I needed to impress you but I ended up not even remembering the photo we took, which is now my screensaver.”
-mah boi id CRUSHING MAD HARD. but! when you admit he was your crush wayyy before you even became famous, he loses it.
-you show him the photo card you have of him from an impulse buy of their latest album & he smiles even bigger, if possible (most likely not, his cheeks were sore the next day from how hard he was cheesin).
-if you’re a musician as well he asks you what your inspirations are & what your concepts are leading towards (if you work in something else he asks questions to learn more about it a.e. you.)
-he walks you back to your apartment after realizing it’s damn near 2am & you guys left like at 6-7pm.
-“i’m so sorry i took up most of your day off, i bet you have to be up early tomorrow. get some rest.” he mumbles & you giggle, kissing his cheek after giving him a tight hug.
-“i can actually wake up whenever i please tomorrow but, your schedule is probably packed so maybe you should get going. i had a great time & hope we could do this again?” you question batting your eyes at him, flirting just to see those adorable cheeks pink up again & he simply nods excitedly hugging you tighter, placing a little kiss to your cheek in return.
-your both so engulfed in the moment that you take your time letting go but, when you both pull away from the hug he gives you a cute little bow & holds your door for you before heading back to spill to his dorm mates.
-he texts you as soon as he walks through the door to his room & you guys end up making lunch plans for the following day.
-from that day on you guys are together as much as you can be due to your busy schedules.
-the other ATEEZ boys love you entirely & gush about how awesome you are & how humble & giving but mainly talented & beautiful you are.
-they tell you all about Sannie’s crush & how he always kept tabs on what you were up to but lose it when you admit he was also your crush.
-they all cackle & torment you jokingly after seeing the photo card in the back of your phone case.
-you practically become their baby sister & end up at the dorms whenever you have time off.
-movie nights with OT8 are a must once or even twice a week.
-your first kiss is after the first official date aka the 2nd time you guys hang out.
-he is so gentle with you & so affectionate that you genuinely think you’re going to explode from how attracted you are to one another.
-Sannie officially asks you to be his girlfriend after a month of being so absolutely head over heels.
-the emotional & physical attraction just grows from there. you guys become practically inseparable.
-fans begin to see you guys together more & more & your fans absolutely love it knowing that he was your crush for a while.
-ATINY however, are like fina-FUCKING-lly because they always saw him name you as his ideal type or even give hints that he was a fan of yours on lives.
-your fan bases are so supportive & loving of your guys’ relationship & do their absolute best to block out the haters (which are there but your fans are better)
-Sannie buys you plushies & gives you his sweatshirts all the time.
-you buy HIM plushies & new sweatshirts for you to steal back later all the time.
-he is 10000000% an ass & thighs man so he has hands on you 24/7.
-is very emotionally & physically affectionate but, so understanding & caring that you genuinely feel like your in the worlds healthiest relationship.
-even when you guys argue (which is usually over stupid shit) you settle it & fix it in MINUTES because he simply cannot imagine life without you now that he has you.
-Wooyoung & Mingi are your children. always with you guys & join you & Sannie for breakfast, lunch & dinner all the time.
-Sannie takes you to meet his family & visit his hometown of Namhae about 3 months in & you click with his mom so well.
-Byeol becomes yours because she does not leave your side whenever you’re around. San admits he had to print out a picture of you so she could stop meowing in the middle of the night from how much she missed you.
-he buys you a Shiber Jr. & says that he must travel with you everywhere so you can have a piece of him like he has Shiber Sr. (yes he chose to add the Jr. & Sr. for specification during convos about said plushies).
-to end part 1 (because i’m at work & have an hour left & am so exhausted i might pass out) Sannie is PEAK boyfriend material.
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nothums-from-tj · 2 months
Returning to my series of “barely anyone else cares abt this ship that I’m crying over so I’m gonna make a post abt them myself”: Mordeson edition
If you don’t like the ship please just fuckin scroll I don’t need anyone clowning today thnx
I have so many things I want to write and draw however I am so overwhelmed so I’m spewing my nonsense onto Tumblr to feed the like 3 people paying attention to these dorks <3 for the most part here are just like tiny little hcs/moments/ideas of them that have infected my brain. Cut provided to make it not unbelievably long for the rest of my followers
Categories: headcanons, ideas, “cutaways” (basically my iterations of what happens post-episode endings or in the midst of flashbacks/stories, between scenes, etc.)
I’d also like to thank @mushtoons for letting me yap abt them in DMs/on Discord, some of these in which I’m copy/pasting from my side of conversations with them <3
-Mordecai sometimes patches up Benson’s hand(s) after usually breaking it by punching something out of anger on varying occasions
-the way they likely comforted one another during the Margaret, CJ, and Audrey heartbreaks with Benson probably gave Mordecai harder/grosser jobs to keep his mind off things and Mordecai gave Benson excuses to head home late to lessen the chances of bumping into Audrey
-the car radio along with show/movie nights consist of more bickering than watching/listening to anything
-Benson is the Worst backseat driver and Mordecai has to try to politely tell him he’s going to lose his mind if he tells him where to make the correct turn to both of their place of work; that said, for both of their sanity, Benson usually drives when they’re together
-there are days where Mordo has to literally force Benson to stay home bc he's either so sick he can hardly stand, so overwhelmed he can't think, or is in so much pain his body is practically crumbling beneath him
-sometimes when Benson gets reeeally into a beat, drumming on the steering wheel or a pen against his clipboard or something of the sort, Mordecai will try to start singing along to it so he’ll remember it for practice or whatever
-he has thrown hands over people trashing Benson behind his back
-and he has to semi-frequently talk/hold Benson out of a self-deprecating spiral
-Mordecai's parents absolutely adore Benson and were some of the first people to say "so when's the wedding!!!!" when first introducing him as his bf
-the opposite happened when Benson introduced Mordecai to his parents; I’d say his parents got divorced when he was young and his mom was kinda chill though his dad was kinda passive aggressive and just didn’t really put in a lot of heart, though Mordecai learned a lot more abt him from his dad than his mom
-Mordecai is the first to say “I love you” and Benson bawls on the spot
-Mordecai draws/doodles Benson during meetings/assignments when he starts to develop feelings for him
-Mordecai gets crazy flustered at pet names bc he doesn’t expect them whatsoever; he’s always been the one giving them rather than receiving, though he always appreciates them
-Benson is also crazy touch starved while Mordecai can be pretty jealous so usually in public they’re always seen touching in some way; one leg over the other when sitting, handholding when walking, an arm around the other’s waist/shoulders, etc.
-they prob hooked up at least 1 (one) time pre-relationship and swore they’d never tell anyone abt it
-Margaret and Mordecai are platonic soulmates as much as it is a dismay to most their romantic relationships; Benson is the first/only one of Mordecai's partners to fully accept this
Ideas (if anyone writes these before I get around to them pleeeeease please send it to me I’d cry /pos):
-swap AU of sorts where they have a secret relationship while Rigby and Eileen are more “center of attention”
-in addition, switching up Benson and CJ in a lot of scenarios make a lot of sense (specifically thinking of “New Year’s Kiss” and “Thomas’ Play Date”)
-Benson is such a little cuddle bug, Mordecai gets totally thrown off guard by how affectionate he is when they start dating
-Benson gets stuck having to watch his sister’s kid for the day while on the clock and as much as he loves seeing and hanging out w them he can’t do much while at work, asks Mordecai and Rigby to hang out w them for a bit until he’s done what he needs to and he later gets confused why his heart does weird flip-floppy things to see Mordecai being an amazing babysitter later
-Benson having a rough day mentally and asks to reschedule a date, which Mordecai asks if he’s ok and wants company which he doesn’t wanna “be a burden” or thinks Mordo won’t want to be around his sad self all day and he has to be kinda regularly reminded, “You’re my boyfriend, Ben. I always want you around.”
-Benson getting nightmares and/or flashbacks of the dome experiments and Mordo does his best to help through the severe paranoia and skittishness in the morning, unless he wakes up to it happening and he’s able to help him through it/get back to sleep
-“In The House” Benson was nowhere to be seen until after Rigby finished his house/wizard story which Benson was like right next to Mordecai so I like to think Benson walked in early-ish into Rigby’s story and it’s Mordecai that beckoned him over to include him in the storytelling
-“Weekend At Benson’s” post-ending in which Benson maybe just felt too horrible to bring himself home so he hangs out at the house where Mordecai figures if he and Rigby feel awful already, Benson’s gotta be going through the same thing 10 fold so he sits with him all day doing his best to provide comfort and consolation while Benson spends half the day vomiting and sobbing from the searing pain in his throat
-“Eggscellent” after Benson getting punched, in which Skips probably had to be the one to tell Benson in private that while it’s ok for him to be scared and concerned and to feel betrayed and disrespected, what he said to Mordecai also wasn’t cool before explaining Jonathan Kimble and the journal he found; after apologizing to Mordecai he tries so hard to prove himself by being his biggest cheerleader, trying not to question the eagerness to be by his side and sudden overprotective urges
-“Return of Mordecai and the Rigbys” I think maybe a little bit too much abt the times they’re sent to the hospital and being the first two awake to have a few minutes to chat privately, and some of the dialogue I had in mind to not make this post even longer
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-“Dumptown, USA” particularly when Benson went after Audrey broke up w him; maybe he left his phone behind, maybe he didn’t, and I doubt he was gone nearly as long as Mordecai, though he might’ve still been gone a few days to a week and incredibly hard to reach, leaving everyone else panicking over Benson not showing up to work to the point of sending a wellness check and getting ready to file a missing persons report by the time he comes back; Mordo’s the first to see him and instinctively runs to give him a hug, surprising them both
-“White Elephant Gift Exchange” with Benson being pretty OCD coded, similar to the first hc above following the “glove incident” where Benson likely washed his hands like 6 times to the point of cracking bc he didn’t feel “clean” enough (speaking as somebody with OCD and similar experiences)
This isn’t even remotely all of what I have this is just long enough already and I’m trying to figure out how I wanna execute the rest LOL. Anyway if anything here strikes inspiration feel free to write/draw/whatever and tag me bc I’m itching for more content of them I’m losing my mind <3 feel free to talk to me abt these dorks in DMs or my ask box too!!!!
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nyxomniax · 9 months
jason todd headcanons
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⊱ ── {.⋅ general sfw headcanons ⋅.} ── ⊰ these headcanons are more appropriate for an AU or softer overall interpretation, ala wayne family adventures or similar. they are out of place for storylines like new 52 or rebirth. this is a repost from my old account, @andaworldoftroubles, since i'm migrating accounts and i want to consolidate my stuff.
before his death, jason needed glasses to read. afterwards, he doesn’t, but wears them out of habit anyway, and because he thinks it’s a nice fashion choice.
a lot of people assume his handwriting is like chicken scratch, but he actually has extremely neat and pretty handwriting. he doesn’t write in cursive, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to - he actually is very good at amateur calligraphy.
his favourite thing to do before bed is read. it is his go-to method of relaxing. he has a very fancy reading light he rigged together himself by his bedside table; it is long and flexible and can basically swivel in any direction so he can read while sitting up, laying down, on his side, whatever it takes to get comfortable.
despite his rough and tough bravado, jason is quite pensive and gentle when he is alone. he loves animals and nature, and one of his hobbies is gardening. when he stays at the wayne manor, he is always sure to set up the bird feeders and tend to the gardens. he does this in the dead of night, though, because he loathes it when people watch or ask him about it. 
speaking of animals, jason loves them and they love him. he’s a natural magnet to dogs, cats, birds, all sort of animals, wild or pets. even selina’s most bratty, spoiled cat who hates being touched or looked at becomes a purring lap cat when he’s around.
he doesn’t like to talk about his hobbies, which is why he does everything alone. he doesn’t want the small talk, doesn’t want to constantly go through the pattern of surprise, confusion, then pestering questions and sometimes (well meaning, but still annoying) condescension that comes with it (“who knew you had such a sensitive side?” “i knew the tough attitude was just a mask” “who are you and what have you done to jason?”)
the only hobbies he really does around other people is training or tending to his bike - because they are also necessities, so no one asks stupid questions or makes aggravating comments
in fact, tending to his bike is the only hobby he’s really happy to partake in with others. its a passion he shares with dick and duke in particular since they’re the only ones who actively ride their bikes, and it has become one of his favourite ways to bond with them. bruce sometimes joins in, but not very often anymore. 
jason is a very good cook, and he’s the only one alfred allows in the kitchen, everyone knows this. he mostly only ever cooks for himself - occasionally he will make breakfast for both him and alfred - but once in a blue moon, if he’s in a particularly good mood, he might make breakfast for the whole family. everyone knows not to make a big deal out of it though, because jason hates the attention - the first time it happened, they all made such a fuss he got frustrated with the praise and finished his breakfast in his room. he didn’t cook for them again for almost another year.
in a similar vain - he struggles with praise. immensely. it feels awkward and unnatural, no matter how genuine it is. everyone in the family knows this, so they all have adapted to praise him in their own ways - an approving nod from bruce, a pat on the back from dick, a simple “good job” from barbara. the only exception to the rule is alfred; jason is bashful when he praises him, but he’s the only one jason says “thank you” to when he gives a compliment.
jason is closest in the family to dick, tim, duke, cass, and alfred. aside from cass and alfred, most people would not be blamed if they thought jason actually hated dick, tim, and duke. his relationship consists of dry sarcasm and banter, but that’s just jason’s way. they know how he works and they roll with the punches and throw some back in return.
jason and dick butt heads constantly, but they love each other dearly. their arguments get loud and heated though, and out of all the siblings, they argue the most. jason thinks dick is too soft, dick thinks jason is too rash. but none of the siblings quite understand each other the way jason and dick understand each other.
duke and jason rarely talk or hang out, but they also almost never argue, and duke respects jason as jason, not as red hood or a former robin. jason appreciates that duke treats him like anyone else - he doesn’t sugarcoat things, treat him like he’s fragile, or dismiss him because he’s jason.
most people in particular don’t realise how much jason trusts tim - they originally hated each other and didn’t get along at all. it took a lot of maturity and time for them to reconcile, but they did, and they are closer than ever.
jason isn’t one to ask for help or advice, but when he needs something, the first person he will go to is dick. the second person he will go to is cass. 
he goes to dick, because the two of them are the oldest, and the closest, and while they aren’t ones to announce it, they are each other’s best friends. dick understands jason implicitly and knows the best advice that suits his frame of thinking and how he works. and while they argue and banter constantly, dick actually knows jason enough to know to never pick a fight when his brother is willingly coming to him for help.
he goes to cass, because while they don’t spend a lot of time together, cass understands jason in a way that a lot of other people can't. they do not banter or tease, because cass is always honest with jason and can see through his facade. cass knows exactly what jason needs, what jason wants, how jason works. she knows exactly what should and should not be said to him. she knows his triggers inside and out and knows exactly how to read his expressions and body language. she is the first to know if something is wrong.
plus, jason appreciates the quiet relationship he has with cass; it’s comfortable. they can sit together in complete silence, just reading their own separate books. and jason knows that no matter what he says to her, if he asks for her silence - he gets it, and she will never tell another soul his secrets.
jason never goes to bruce for advice or help. their relationship is complicated. they love each other and will do anything for each other, but this is one cut that never seems to scab over, no matter how hard they both try.
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headfullof-ideas · 9 days
All right, i decided on a whim to share a rough reference i use in my head of what teenage Ant looks like. Depending on what story or AU I’m writing a teenage Ant for, his appearance changes, but for this one we’ll say it’s my ‘canon’ version of him. Rather, the teenage Ant I have in my head following my internal interpretation of the canon timeline as it takes forever for new seasons to come out, but that I make sure to update as we get new seasons. Also involving a lot of my headcanons for him, most of which explain certain things about either his appearance or mental health, cause our boy is TRAUMATIZED.
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Ant is about sixteen to seventeen here, the typical age for teenage main heroes. Except he has already been through being the main hero and is a little sick of it. Or maybe a lot sick of it. A few years prior to where he is in the drawing, the prophecy ends. After defeating the Monumentials and saving the earth from what would have been a devastating rampage, Ant tried to pretend that everything was okay and normal for a while. You know, blocking all of his trauma and acting like nothing’s wrong as is the norm from teenage protagonists. After a while though, Ant realizes that his lifestyle was never really normal to begin with. Ant has a bit of a metal breakdown, not on par with the one Alpheus had or anything, but he has a meltdown when trying to go back to his normal life fails and he realizes he wants a break from everything. From all the families missions and all the adrenaline they experience on a weekly basis and all the danger he hasn’t realized he’s experienced for a majority of his childhood. Fontaine feels guilty for being so proud of her little brother wanting to do normal, not-submarine things, and so Ant starts his own little journey of doing things beyond the titanium hull of the Aronnax.
Now that I’ve gotten the mini bio, or whatever that was, done, time for the headcanons!
- Ant joined his sister in begging their parents to let them try land school, and ultimately Kaiko and Will caved, due to everything the family had just been through. Fontaine went straight to high school while Ant did a year of middle school due to age before moving to high school, with both kids using Kaiko’s maiden name at Ants request. This was because while Ant didn’t hate being a Nekton and was proud of his name, he didn’t want to attract any sort of attention at all. Fontaine wasn’t immediately thrilled by it, but didn’t complain either.
- Ant ended up growing his hair out a bit, and started wearing a beanie as well. He’d alternate how he wore his hair, sometimes keeping it back but usually having it in a sort of half-up half-down style. Mostly because he didn’t want to try to hard with his appearance, and wanted to try something a little different to what he used to wear all the time. (I usually draw adult Ant with longer hair too)
- Ant got his ears pierced when he was fifteen, deciding on a whim that he wanted to. Fontaine was the one who ultimately took him, leaping at the opportunity. He still wears his communicator all the time, but Fontaine convinced him to try a few other bracelets as well.
- After Ants meltdown, he decided to try and separate himself from most of his childhood as much as possible. Not necessarily in a negative way, but more in a manner of trying to find stuff outside of submarine life. Ant felt he didn’t have too many hobbies outside of anything that came in handy with working and living on a submarine, and so started trying out all sorts of activities to find other things he liked to do. This was another thing Fontaine was eager to jump on board with. He still goes out in the Shadow Knight, and he still loves swimming and working on the Aronnax with Kaiko, but he doesn’t spend nearly as much time doing these things as he did when he was younger.
- Another aspect about Ant trying to branch away from submarine life is his clothing. He didn’t wear casual clothes too much as a kid, almost always wearing a wetsuit. As an older teenager, Ant doesn’t wear his wetsuit too much anymore. He has one, and he does use it, but not nearly as often as a kid. He tries to focus on finding a style he likes, which Fontaine is also ecstatic about. Doesn’t always agree with what he picks out, but she’s super excited nonetheless
-As Ant gets older, he starts to develop some more of Kaiko’s features. Ant always felt, to me, like someone where you knew he was Kaiko and Wills kid, but you never saw any similarities until you put him right in between his parents. As Ant gets older though, he starts to lose baby fat and looks a little more discernibly like his parents, especially Kaiko whom he subtly looks more like in regard to facial structure. (Fontaine is, like, a perfect blend of her parents in my opinion. Ant somehow looks exactly like and nothing like either of his parents in the show)
- Ant starts to develop a bit of muscle as a teenager. He’s not Will, and never does get that muscular, but he’s a teenage boy and that sort of thing just tends to happen to teenage boys. He’s still fairly active as well, which helps. His hair also gets a bit thicker because of puberty, and a tiny bit wavy. Not enough to be actually noticeably though, at least until it gets humid out.
- Ant didn’t grow too much between the ages of twelve and fourteen, but then started shooting straight up at fifteen. Will jokes that it’s all the growth spurts he missed in his early teenage years hitting him all at once. This however leads to Ants usual perfect balance due to life on sea being royally screwed up as his center of balance continues to change makes him abnormally clumsy over the next few years until he stops growing so fast at eighteen/nineteen. Being so clumsy leads to a few accidents, like the one that gave him a scar in his eyebrow. Ant usually doesn’t tell people how he got the scar, cause it’s embarrassing to him after spending so long on the ocean. During a summer between school years, the Nektons were on the Aronnax, and Kaiko just gently tipped the Aronnax into a dive. Nothing Ant shouldn’t have been unable to adjust to with ease. Instead, he slid on the floor, lost his balance, and went tumbling down the hall and crashing into a random room with an unfortunate door open where he wound up twisting his ankle, breaking his nose, and cutting his eyebrow deep enough to scar.
- In line with the prior note, Ant has some scars from all the adventures his family has been on. Fontaine does as well, and these only drive home how desperately they want to experience some sort of normalcy, despite still loving their life on the Aronnax.
- Ants clothing style tends to reflect his mental state; how well he’s doing, if anything’s bothering him, that sort of thing.
I’m sure i have plenty other headcanons, but my brain’s struggling to focus on anything new, so here ya go.
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sparrowsortadrawzzz · 10 months
Okay I’m on another thought train and you are the designated person to travel with me on these trips. So. Consider. Reverse omens, right? Classic. Sometimes it’s all the angels and demons flipped, sometimes it’s just the husbands. But consider. Reverse omens but ONLY ineffable bureaucracy gets switched. If anything I think this has the possibility to be the MOST interesting variation of this au because, like, if only Aziraphale and Crowley are switched it changes some things but they’re like…middle to upper-middle class in terms of ranking? Not much about the structure of how things work in heaven and hell changes. Everyone gets switched? More variation but arguably too many moving parts and characters to keep track of. Just Beelzebub and Gabriel (or as Beez would probably called according to our headcanons Zuriel. And …whatever Gabriel is called in this. Any thoughts?) get switched? Throws the whole system into chaos! Like here’s how I see it. Season 1 Gabriel was a total asshole. No doubts about it. Heaven was institutionally fucked up and half of it was probably his fault. Beelzebub though? I’ve always had more of an impression that hell was bad because it’s, y’know, hell. Not that Beelzebub themself was an awful boss. Like aside from killing Eric that one time and yelling a bunch they actually seem like a pretty fair boss. Just evil because that’s their job. So like in this universe hell would be like…infinitely worse. But heaven? I feel like it would actually be substantially less fucked up with Beelzebub calling the shots. The other archangels and the metatitty would likely still cause problems as always but I genuinely don’t think it would be as bad. Crowley likely has a bunch of trauma now so oops but like Aziraphales boss is pretty chill so he likely isn’t as messed up as usual. They probably do still have that firm belief in Armageddon and all that but there probably less “we’ll kill you if you don’t go along with this. pick a side Aziraphale” about it and more “Look man I’ve been ignoring you and my brothe- (yes I’m bringing ssiblingzz shit into this. You probably know my brainrot well enough by now to have guessed I would.) Crowley’s shit for millennia I can’t do that any more. It’s time to fight. Please stop being stubborn I don’t wanna have kill you you’re the only bitch I respect up here.” (Beelzebub has always seemed more aware of Aziraphale and Crowley’s situation than Gabe so I kind of think in this situation they’d actually be the type to turn a blind eye to it?)
I do have more thoughts but I need to make food so enjoy this for now and share any of your ideas. I’ll probably be back soon with more.
OOOOOH WAIT YOUVE GOT A POINT THERE- I think Gabe would be some demon like perhaps Camio (from googling, he seems to be "Demon of persuassion and communication", which seems very up his alley, and his Wikipedia article mentioned him being leader of a bunch of demons, so it makes sense-), and he'd treat Hastur, Shax, and Ligur like he treats Uriel, Michael, and Sandalphon. Beez would for sure be dry, and tired, but I think ze'd be a pretty good boss too- the other Archangels may treat zir with an actual respect! ze might also give Aziraphale some slack for interacting with Crowley, since a) it's zir brother, and b) ze might understand how he feels 👀 Demon!Gabe (Cammy?) tho, he'd smell more of plastic-promises, be more manipulative and conniving, and maybe even be more in his element, cuz being a demon doesn't take a "I'm smart and mighty, follow me" mentality, it takes an obey-or-die mentality. I mean, "t-o-s-t...e. TOAST!!" put great emphasis on that ADHFH- (also him possibly being considered as Lucifer's brother? and fellow starmaker with Angel!Crowley?? SO MANY ANGST OPPORTUNITIES-) however, he would probably be extra with keeping track of the intentions of Crowley's miracles, and yeahh poor Crowbro may be kinda frucked up even more-
I think once he sees how Zuriel actually cares about him and sees him as someone other than a big scary demon, as an actual friend and companion who understands him, he puts down his guard and fight-or-flight, and changes for the better with zir. (maybe he didn't particularly enjoy having to manipulate and scare others into doing what he'd been ordered to do, but had to in order to survive? or maybe he and his possible brother team up and are conniving little shits, whatever you think is best ^^)
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yumecel · 9 months
mysterious stranger 💙
fallout au!yandere!dabi x fem reader
fallout lore intro (short), headcanons + drabble, then fallout au ramblings
dark content ahead
I promise I’m over 18 and I consent to seeing dark content and I know I will be haunted forever should I lie [yep! ⬇️] [i can’t promise that! ↩️]
necessary fallout lore talk: wasteland refers to, funnily enough, the entire american wasteland. raiders = nogooders who try to kill you for resources or fun and are generally morally deficient. come in gangs. ghouls = irradiated people that are “immortal” (ish), in fallout radiation profoundly affects skin appearance causing it to appear burnt (you see where this is going. dabi’s burns may actually be from radiation in this au!). vault = safe underground place where “vault dwellers” live, can be seen as naive by surface dwellers. but in fallout nearly all known vaults have an experiment inside that is generally detrimental to the vault dwellers. like. psychological stuff or long running social experiments or illegal drug testing. yeap! lets get started
- So imagine being fresh out the vault, having escaped your long-running experiment as your fellow vault dwellers chose to instead stay behind. You know virtually nothing about the wasteland. You don’t even know if anyone above even speaks the same language as you anymore.
- You have a gun, but you’re a terrible shot. You can sneak around potential assailants, but you’re dreadfully clumsy. All you want to do is make your way to the nearest settlement, but you’re struggling to make a map of the place and too paranoid to ask anyone for help.
- You think you’re so stealthy sneaking past that gang of raiders, unaware of the blue eyes watching you from a makeshift guard post. You’re not exactly hard to spot, you see. The vault jumpsuits are always bright blue and yellow, making for poor camouflage even in the dead of night. Your watcher just looks on in mild amusement, putting out a cigarette in the ashtray. It’s like watching a newborn deer stumble into the world. You really don’t have long until the wasteland eats you up.
- “Twice, take over for me. I need to head out.” you hear. They’re moving. It’s best to lay low, but you what you don’t understand is that you’ve already been spotted. Whoever Twice is, he responds with a comical “Ay-ay, cap’n”, as you hear someone slowly traverse creaking steps.
- “Bring back victims!” you can hear a female voice say. You shudder. The first voice, calmer, responds “Maybe. But Shiggy put a ban on torturing people inside the camp.”, followed by another voice- “Shiggy”, you presume- interjecting with, “Of course I did, it always smells like shit.”
- You were practically shaking against the bush you were attempting to hide in. Real murderers, people who violated every sense of your vault-dweller morals, could casually talk about killing and maiming other human beings right out in the open. You’d only spent a week or so in the Wasteland, barely surviving, and still trapped within a seemingly endless culture shock. But this was more than that and it made you nauseous to your core.
- You can hear footsteps approaching your hiding place. A dark silhouette moves closer, and closer… you know you stick out like a sore thumb, but you pray for the mercy of whatever’s out there to be on your side.
- When he points the gun at you, you don’t raise your own- you cover your face with your hands. Cute. Pathetic. He chuckles a little, and watches as you flinch. His… comrades are currently arguing over the matter of where to torture intruders. You could vomit there and then.
What do you think, Princess?” He asks, slightly raspy. “Do I shoot?”
You can barely comprehend the idea that he’s asking you anything, and you only manage to weakly shake your head in response. Scared into silence. Lowering your hands, you observe the man in front of you. There’s small pieces of metal embedded across his face and they shine dully in the moonlight. His skin- it’s like he’s half of one of those ghouls, stitched together like Frankenstein’s monster. You briefly wonder if he would even get that reference. You wonder about the man whose hands you’re going to die at.
“No?” He prods.
“No.” You whisper. “Are you g-going to do it anyway?”
He bends down, and you see those burning blue eyes up close. “Now don’t go around giving me ideas, doll.”
He lowers his gun- only slightly- as his other hand reaches out for you, gently running over your vault suit. The dead giveaway of your complete naivety. You try not to shake as his hand caresses your shoulder before slowly drawing back. “From a vault, huh?”
“That’s right.”
You inhale shakily as he takes a slight step away.
“I would know even if you weren’t wearing that damn suit. It’s like you were born yesterday.”
Part of you wants to call out his unfairness and argue for yourself, but another, more rational, part of you demands that you remain silent.
“…Poor thing. Must be some sadists running those places to send you out all unprepared.”
You keep quiet, but cower a little further into yourself. If you have his pity, that’s surely a road to leaving this encounter alive. The man thinks for a moment, running his free hand along the piercings embedded on his face whilst the other stays firmly on his lowered gun.
“How about this? You can come back to my camp with me and I’ll teach you the ropes of the wasteland.”
“In exchange for what?” You reply, bitterness tinging your voice. In all honesty, after overhearing the conversation between him and the people in his camp, you had no intentions of going anywhere with this stranger. The man seems to scowl a little, but his tone remains even.
“You know it’d just make my heart ache to leave a vulnerable thing like yourself all alone.” He responds, sickly sweet.
“I doubt that.”
His shoulders slump and he lets out a sigh, almost convincing you that it would’ve been wiser to take him up on his offer. Almost. “This is the kind of idiocy that’s going to get you killed, princess. Maybe you can call my name as a last resort.”
“Which is?”
You nod, and anxiously respond with your own. He only gives a wry smile, telling you that it’ll be good to be able to put a name to the mysterious corpse of a vault dweller in a few weeks time. Then he leaves you, still half in the bush, picking twigs off your vault suit.
- Dabi knows the rest of his gang will be pissed at how he’s going AWOL. It doesn’t matter to him. He’s done it before. It’s just that he’s never really did it to play guardian angel for a naive vault dweller before. He wants to drag you home with him- to safety- but he can’t deny there’s an entertaining factor in watching you flounder in the throes of nuclear fallout.
- You last… surprisingly long. The greatest survival tool you have is that you know when to pick your battles, and you pick very, very few of them.
- Some kinder souls in settlements offer you places to sleep and things to eat, and kinder yet show you how to procure those things on your own. When you start running around with an ex mercenary who’s teaching you everything he knows- perhaps out of a lifetime of guilt, or boredom, or because he just wants to rip off that vault suit and indulge in what’s underneath- Dabi draws the line.
- It’s selfish. Dabi knows. He doesn’t care. You’re his lovely, weak, afraid, vault dweller fantasy. And you have so much to thank him for. He takes care of you in ways you don’t see. He burns down entire bases of raiders that try to assault you. When you’re asleep, he slips an extra canister of water into your backpack. He sneaks into firefights, eliminating gunmen from afar. And he pays a higher price than you could ever offer for that ex-mercenary to fuck off somewhere else.
- All he looks forward to is the day you finally bite off a little more than you can chew, because he wonders if you really will cry out for him. He’ll save your life in exchange for your lifelong compliance and permanent companionship. There’s so much he can teach you, too.
- No matter what, you will end up by his side. Finders keepers, and you’ve been found for longer than you’ll ever know.
[PS to people who have played fallout or are just interested, or willing to understand more about the fallout universe so i can ramble. tw misogyny, rape, slavery mentions
things with explanations have ❤️, things without have 💙 and won’t make much sense unless you’ve played fallout:]
- ❤️Yandere!Mysterious Stranger!Dabi lol . for non fallout fans mysterious stranger is an in game ability to randomly have this guy (a “mysterious stranger”) show up and kill hostiles in game
- 💙/❤️ Gunner hawks questionmark? MacCready type hawks questionmark? Ex mercenary hawks that’s extremely jaded telling you all the ways in which the wasteland is so scary and how you need to stay by his side forever, unlike dabi, who i think would be sorta like “well if i could do it you can too. but it’s better if i’m there”… taking advantage of his experience to present himself as trustworthy and resourceful, but he just wants you for himself
- 💙 For those of you that have played nuka world: i know toga is a little out of character from the short passage i wrote like yes i get her character shes not just randomly stabby stabby but what i’m going for is that in fallout she would totally be a disciple or ex disciple . The inspiration for shiggy’s one line in this fic is how i imagine the disciples hideout smells.
- ❤️Slavery is a thing in fallout so dabi could technically do that with one of those collars that blow heads off (yep! Horrifying!), too. Interesting to think about… actually in fallout it confuses me that nobody ever tries to enslave the sole survivor given that we are a walking bright blue flag of naivety
- 💙Deacon!Twice . Thats all.
- 💙Shigaraki is a synth.
- 💙 I love the power imbalance between inexperienced vaultie reader and a raider/gunner character but i think courier reader from new vegas being manipulated left and right after the traumatic brain injury of being shot in the head would also be fun for me.
- ❤️Also, just thinking of Fallout 1 (to recap even for fallout players: vault dweller leaves vault to replace necessary water chip and must return within a set amount of days or the vault will fail) i think there’s something so grisly about the vault dweller meeting a “bad end” in a wasteland they’re so inexperienced in. Even in fallout 4 it’s admitted that they were basically seeing how long you could make it in the wasteland. I think in the fallout universe there would be a sort of novelty in kidnapping and keeping a vault dweller of all people (and the canon misogyny in fallout makes me deeply and genuinely afraid for female vault dwellers sent to the surface). This kind of thing happening to fallout 1 vault dweller is depressing as hell because there’s also that sense of failure with being unsuccessful in obtaining a water chip. Very few have played fallout 1 compared to later games, but i want to say that for the first playthrough the game is actually stressful. The pressure of a time constraint for the water chip is FELT. Just the idea of vault dweller reader resigning to their fate because they have nothing to return to…
- 💙I still wouldnt write a reader insert where the character is part of Caesar’s legion though. Gives me the ick. Maybe something like miruko rescuing you from them would be more my speed
-💙 I feel i could also slot in yandere aizawa as nick from fo4 even if admittedly they’re pretty different personality wise. I think its more the idea of aizawa helping the reader but actually, no, give up
- please please please shoot me asks if you are interested in any of this + i can explain fallout lore to you or how certain things would work in the universe + i can also respect if you just dont care and like a good post apocalyptic au
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kyojurismo · 1 year
If its okay, can I ask an emergency request? I live in the north-east coast of the US and the air right now is so bad the sky is brown and I have a sensitive respiratory system so ive been light headed and choking for the past few days,,
I was wondering if I could request just some comfort modern!au genya headcanons spending the day with his s/o to distract themselves from the bbq air? I hc Genya also has a sensitive respiratory system, so admittedly knowing the love of my life would be able to sympathize where others think im being dramatic is helping me thru rn 😭 Thank you so much if you do end up writing these, genuinely 💗💖
# genya shinazugawa
tags : gn!reader, fluff, comfort, not proofread.
a/n : i’m so sorry to hear that. i’ve seen what’s going on and i’ve been genuinely concerned, i hope it gets better soon ): sending you a big hug <3
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genya would propose to watch a movie
maybe something funny so you can distract yourself from what’s happening you know
also proposes to make popcorn or whatever you prefer
but popcorn is funny for him
cuddles with you on the couch the whole time
and gives you kisses on your cheeks and your forehead
when the movie time is over he would help you put the food away (if you didn’t finish it)
genya would try to find different activities to do
reading a book, listening to music, watching another movie bc why not
he would also propose to bake a cake
not that he would be a chef but he would find the whole process really funny
“you got some flour here,” genya chuckles and then kisses your nose making you smile
overall, genya does his best to keep you distracted
when you’re explaining how the air is making you feel he would have your back whenever someone is mocking you, saying that you were too dramatic
“yeah, i feel the same way,” he would offer a smile, “it’s unbearable sometimes, i just feel like my whole chest is burning or something.”
of course he would send deadly glances at whoever is mocking you heh
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reblogs & comments are super appreciated! thank you for taking your time reading it, i hope you enjoyed it. have a good day / night <3
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zwy01 · 1 year
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Original Noble Clans + Clan Leader OCs!!!
I’ve wanted to do these for a while now!! Specifically, new soul weapons with different powers, and character designs of their respective owner(s) in general. I had a lot of fun drawing them and I’ll be drawing them in the future too!
These characters aren’t necessarily exclusive to a specific/fixed setting. They can be interpreted as headcanons that exist/fit in the canon storyline, characters specific to my Millennium AU, characters that exist by themselves and don’t fit anywhere,…etc. Anything really, as I do want them to have some flexibility. So feel free to interpret them as whatever makes the most sense to you. Personally, I see them as existing in both the canon storyline as my headcanons, and in my Millennium AU. In this post I’ll be (mainly) approaching and discussing them in the context of my Millennium AU, though there will also be some references to canon/pre-canon events of my interpretation.
Onwards to the backstory and concepts… woohoo!!! I’m sooo excited to introduce them!!!
In this drawing, there are two clans total, with two characters in each clan. The blue-haired ones are the “Volo”, and the orange-haired ones are the “Pyradros”.
For context, age-wise these Clan Leaders belong to the previous generation so they’re around Previous Lord’s age. Maybe a little older, maybe a little younger, but basically that. In terms of title/position, they were appointed as Clan Leaders by the time PL became Lord. Currently, they are still active as Clan Leaders in Raskreia’s reign, so technically they can be grouped with the current generation of Clan Leaders (aka Raskreia’s peers). The heirs of these Clan Leaders are around Raskreia’s age, maybe a little older, maybe a little younger, same thing.
No one would have guessed that the Previous Lord had a different plan all along. As the years passed, witnessing the rapidly changing world had prompted PL to think of the possibility of entering voluntary eternal sleep with his Clan Leaders. Asking Gejutel to stay behind and guide the next generation weren’t the only things he did. Long before PL even mentioned anything to anyone, he came up with another idea, a different way to protect Lukedonia: sending two of his Clan Leaders to the outside world, as far as possible, to the corners of this planet. Zephyrus Volo and Leona Pyradros were his close friends and trusted allies, and PL entrusted them with the mission of completely separating themselves from influences within Lukedonia, including PL himself. They were to walk every corner of this planet and see the world for themselves, for what it truly is. Try leading others, try being led. Expand your perspective, because it is crucial. PL’s instruction regarding their eventual return to Lukedonia was that they were to return during Raskreia’s reign, and many, many years well into it. In a way, this was PL’s last resort. If Lukedonia is still holding up and doing well under Raskreia’s leadership, they can simply settle back and continue on with their lives. And if Lukedonia is suffering for whatever reasons such as unforeseen circumstances or bad leadership, they can help rebuild Lukedonia and guide them back to the right direction, since they had spent a vast amount of time outside and thus accumulated valuable experience. PL had hoped that this would be Lukedonia’s last choice. By not leaving all of his eggs in one basket, he was certainly preparing for something. Since Zephyrus and Leona were his close friends, he could fully trust them with this mission. For safety purposes, no one knew about this mission except for the three of them. There was a mutual agreement between them, and it was kept secret from everyone else, the entirety of Lukedonia. Not a single one of their fellow Clan Leaders, including the eventual traitor nobles, knew why they departed Lukedonia. They only had a vague idea that PL assigned them on some sort of mission, but none of them knew that they would never see the two again. Perhaps it was also a sacrifice on their part to leave behind their home and everything they were familiar with. They respected PL, so to them this mission was of great importance, even if it meant that this would be a permanent farewell to the rest of Lukedonia. Their fellow Clan Leaders. And most of all, their beloved friend and leader. After sharing one final moment and goodbye with PL in private, Zephyrus and Leona silently and quickly depart, never to be seen again. The drama regarding the traitors would occur much, much later. Their journey began there, and they lived many lives as different people, in different places. They had nothing else except for each other, but that was enough for them. Gradually, their mutual friendship blossomed into something more. They fell in love with each other. Sometime later, Azurine was born. Then Rufus was born. Together they would raise their children and continue on with their journey around the world, completely oblivious to everything around them, just as PL had intended them to. The plotting, the murdering, traitor nobles leaving Lukedonia, Raizel and Muzaka’s fight, the invasion of Lukedonia, even Crombel’s nukes… these events simply didn’t exist to them. The two stay loyal to their mission post-finale and continue to explore the world. They would change locations every few decades to avoid suspicions of their lack of aging. Their now young adult children, thanks to their lifestyle, are very well-informed.
(This is where context starts to become vague/flexible/divergent, for the purpose of my story I choose to have them exist in my Millennium AU.) The four of them return sometime during the events of my Millennium AU, where Lukedonia has already seen birth of a new generation. Prior to their return Azurine and Rufus had never met any of the current generation of Clan Leaders, as they were born and raised entirely outside of Lukedonia. Even Raskreia is surprised. Explanation done, questions cleared, carry on. They settle back in Lukedonia. From then on, the story continues. How will they view the current Lukedonia and what will they do? Is this what PL had foreseen? For the better or worse? Seemingly, another “journey” for them begins.
(will continue to expand on this stuff in future posts!)
Moving onto the clans and characters!
The Volo Clan specializes in all-rounders. Their spell-based attacks are ultra wide-range. Clan members can cast buffs on themselves and their allies, and debuffs on their enemies. Usually, the most powerful spells are cast by the pureblooded Clan Leaders and their line of heirs. The fighting style varies depending on the enemy. Due to the nature of their clan, one typically performs the best in fights as support for allies. In circumstances where they’re alone and/or all allies have been defeated, a well-trained Volo can also fight solo. The symbol of this clan is the Healer. Healing is their specialty and almost all Volo CLs and their heirs go through an extensive and unforgiving training regimen specific to their clan. One would find this to be extremely hard to endure. To them this is viewed as a necessity.
Soul Weapon: Octavio. Appearance is a crystal ball set atop a golden base that has eight red gems embedded on its surface. User can choose to hold it or have it levitate on its own. The crystal ball itself for the most part is a dark shade of color such as black, purple, blue etc. and glows other brighter colors when its user chooses to activate its powers. Can summon a wide range of spells. Most spells are not meant to be offensive, as they are intended to be secondary support, though there are a few attack-based spells too. Minor to moderate wounds can be healed repeatedly, though not indefinitely. The number of times Octavio can cast a healing spell depends on the user’s remaining energy and/or occasionally, willpower. E.g. if the user is worn out and/or injured badly, other spells may still be summoned but a healing spell cannot be summoned. When a healing spell is active, the crystal ball glows a bright cyan hue. Octavio’s ultimate skill is not an attack but rather an ability. When activated, the user can transfer a serious and even fatal blow from an ally to them self. Or, they can transfer a serious or fatal blow that they received to an ally. Due to the nature of this ultimate skill, it is rarely ever activated but if the situation is dire, the user can summon the skill and, in the process, decide who to save. Both parties involved need to consent and agree to the injury transfer for it to carry out. Contrary to its appearance, Octavio cannot be used for fortune telling. You can stare at it all you want but all you’ll see is a boring, unflattering reflection of your distorted nostrils.
Zephyrus Volo: the current Clan Leader, and Leona’s husband. Tall and fairly slender, though the slender part isn’t always visible because his layers of clothes cover it up. Wears black eyeshadow. Doesn’t talk much even though he has a lot of thoughts in his head. Some of them might as well stay unspoken, since they’re quite funny but mostly annoying. A very kindhearted man in general but sometimes seen as aloof because he’s always tired due to the nature of his powers as a healer as every single spell, even the most minor ones, will drain his energy. Will extend his hand to help others around him with his powers even if it’s not an emergency, something very minor that people can probably heal by themselves with a bit of time. He takes his job very seriously and it could be a bad thing. His wife Leona keeps him in check and makes sure he isn’t going around fixing everything he can and as a result draining himself dry of his own energy and passing out somewhere with his face planted to the ground. Very affectionate but is shy to express it. Reaaaally likes holding hands. Loves it when Leona picks him up and carries him like a princess. Calls her Leonie.
Azurine Volo: the clan’s heir, Zephyrus and Leona’s first child, and Rufus’ elder sister.
Very beautiful and has a mysterious aura to her. To some she may appear to be cold, because she doesn’t smile much and prefers nodding and other subtle body language for communication rather than talking. However this completely reverses where she becomes super chatty if you get close to her and gain her trust. Just like her father she is passionate about helping others. Unfortunately, she is in the same situation as him where she needs to trade her own welfare for it. She does it a bit differently though. In contrast to the Tradio who specialize in poison, she specializes in antidotes. Specifically, she purposely inflicts herself with poison and/or other injuries, then tries to find a way to fix it. Literally putting herself through pain and enduring through all of it so she can find a solution for others, since she believes experimenting on others is inhumane. There has been several times where she had almost died from self experimentation, but it never stopped her. She does this for centuries after centuries, and there is virtually no one else with the willpower and mental capacity to do this. Her arms are always, always covered either in bandages, long sleeves or other accessories to hide her scars from self experimentation. Occasionally blood oozes out from fresh wounds that haven’t completely healed yet and it scares people. She insists it’s fine though. Karias’ on-and-off lover and in a sense Kaelestis’ not-stepmother.
The Pyradros Clan specializes in both close-range and long-range combat. Attacks are mostly melee, and are super destructive and explosive in nature. The only purpose is to destroy. Not to weaken, not to contain, not to subdue. The only goal is to completely destroy the enemy with no concern about what state they’d be left in. This style of combat takes a lot of training to master. Insufficient training could lead to injuring oneself, so those who want to wield this type of fighting style must be very experienced. Even an experienced user needs to be careful, Clan Leaders and heirs included. Typically, combat training starts at a very young age and safety precautions are the priority and taught first. The symbol of this clan is the Sun. Beautiful, dazzling, and destructive. Too much or too little of it, you die. It’s all about control and balance.
Soul Weapon: Soleil. A flail. The handle is mainly black with golden tips on either end, with a massive spiked sphere attached to one end. Typically used for swinging attacks that use brute force to puncture and/or smash enemies to bits. Attacks are virtually impossible to defend against, and they are designed to inflict a great amount of pain. Even enemies with superior regeneration fear this weapon, as they will relive the trauma for every single blow they receive and recover from, where the process repeat over and over again. Sometimes even Soleil’s appearance alone is enough to instill fear into the enemy and make them lose their will to fight. In general, Soleil is unforgiving to both the enemy and the wielder, as the former will usually perish within receiving one or several blows, and the latter needs to be extremely cautious too or they may injure themselves in the process. User can also choose to fight long-range as Soleil can also release aura like a typical SW, though most users prefer melee to bring out the full extent of its raw swinging and smashing power. The spikes on the flail’s sphere can detach and reattach on command. User can command Soleil to detach its spikes and the spikes will hurl themselves at the enemy as powerful and fearsome darts. After the enemy is pierced, Soleil’s spikes can be recalled (vanishing from enemies’ body) and reappear on the flail’s sphere. And repeat process if you wish. Soleil’s flying spike darts are very hard to dodge, though it is still possible to dodge them. Soleil’s ultimate attack is summoning a self-destructive blinding light that could possibly temporarily blind everything in the area (user and allies included) and a massive field of sharp crystals in the same fashion as the spikes will emerge from the ground to pierce anything within its reach. Due to the nature of this soul weapon, fights are best done solo just because of how destructive it is. Teamwork is possible but needs to be coordinated very, very carefully.
Leona Pyradros: the current Clan Leader, and Zephyrus’ wife. Has a great smile and radiates energy that can be felt by anyone near her. A bright and bubbly person who is most often found chatting with just about anyone. The weather, new recipes, your kids doing stupid things, just mundane things. Though, as inviting as she seems, she is actually pretty selective and doesn’t let people into her inner circle easily. Or at all, really. They don’t even know that she has functionality blocked them off because she’s so good at handling it and making them feel like they’re important to her (even when they’re not). Probably knows all of the latest gossip. In a way, she’s very good at collecting intel. Enjoys fighting and will fight anyone who is willing to spare some time. Sometimes refers to her SW as “little sunny” and talks to it as if it is capable of conversation. Aww, little sunny is feeling a bit bloodthirsty, aren’t you? Me too me too. Stuff like that creeps people out sometimes. Very protective of her husband and hates it when people expect him to fix just about anything. Will chase them away so he doesn’t spend his energy on them. Will shoot spike darts juuuuust a little past your ear barely grazing it as a warning to back off. Hah. That’ll do. Though if someone really needs healing she’ll let him help. Calls her husband Zeph and sometimes Windy if she’s feeling playful. Loves a good ribcage-crushing hug (usually the one giving it)
Rufus Pyradros: the clan’s heir, Zephyrus and Leona’s second child, and Azurine’s younger brother. Quite muscular in general but that part is usually invisible because he wears so many layers of frills and furs. A bit shy and instinctively covers his eyes when he sees his mother and elder sister because he hates the sight of blood and is quite afraid of it actually, and more often than not they are bloody, with the former loving spars and the latter injuring herself for research. Will scream “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!” if frightened. A big sweetheart in general and his love language is gift giving. If he likes you you’ll find that he’s always handmaking something for you. Loves makeup and often makes his own from scratch. He loves his momma and wants to make her proud but he is pretty much lacking in terms of fighting ability because he’s SO scared of blood to the point where she can’t even train him properly without him crying and begging for a break and/or quitting at the sight of any open wound really. They just keep trying and momma is very patient. He’s very sorry about it and thinks he won’t ever be able to wield Soleil, even when she tells him not to worry. Loves potato chips. The really salty kind that always leaves your fingers all greasy and sticky.
That’s it for now! Excuse me for any typos a bit sleep deprived lol see you later will draw them more in ghe future!
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