#highly doubt the author wants u to see it and go oh yeah this is so cute i ship
blackpinksoo · 2 years
house of dragon and game of thrones fans how does it feel to have your brain so fried you unironically ship incest and pedophilia and justify it by saying it’s normal for that time
normal does not mean justifiable? godforbid you call rhaenyra and daemon getting together fucked someone will hop on your ass for it jumping thru hoops saying “she’s of age” like oh y’all need to be put on a list
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thegingerjameson · 2 years
Fate Adjacent - Chapter 2
Warnings: MOM spoilers, repurposed and out of context. Some swearing.
Doctor Strange x Fem!Reader, multi-chapter fic. Slightly A/U.
Prologue * Chapter 1
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Chapter 2 - Stephen
I’d seen far too much in my short lifetime to believe in fate.
I believed in choice, and in the direct repercussions or, conversely, rewards, of each one made. I’d made the choice to become a neurosurgeon many years ago, and had also made the foolish, ego-centric choice to text while driving; the latter leading to a devastating accident that ruined my hands and effectively ended my surgical career.
Rewards and repercussions.
Fate, like religion, was a fairytale that parents told to their children in an effort to make them believe that there was someone, or something, out there looking out for them.  There was, but it wasn’t fate, and it wasn’t religion; it was an army of masters of the mystic arts sworn to protect the very reality that we inhabited. It wasn’t fate that had led me to join their ranks; it was research, dedication, grueling work, and the desperate need to give my life purpose after the accident had stolen mine away from me.
It was a choice.
That was how, on an otherwise ordinary Thursday afternoon, I’d ended up once again forgoing the quiet comfort of the Sanctum to deal with yet another alien life form rampaging across the city and threatening the lives of the people in it.
After a humiliating car chase and a relatively brief battle, Wong and I stood side-by-side on the bridge across the Hudson, tensed and ready to spring back into action if the creature we’d just killed and sent sprawling into the river found some way to reincarnate.
“The Sorcerer Supreme just saved your ass. It would be considered customary to bow,” Wong suggested.
“Yeah, I’m aware of the customs. Did you see the runes?” The alien had been covered in golden-glowing symbols, similar to our magic, but slightly altered.
“I did.” Wong relaxed his stance, using his sleeve to wipe the sweat from his brow. “Eldritch magic, but… different.”
“The last person to use our magic with malicious intent was Kaecilius, and I highly doubt that Dormammu was feeling generous enough to release him from his eternity of servitude,” I remarked.
“I’m going to go to Kamar-taj and get a headcount. I’ll check in with the London and Hong Kong Sanctums, too,” Wong pronounced.
“Great. I’ll head back to the New York Sanctum and see if I can find anything in the ancient texts about those runes.”
Wong opened a portal and quickly stepped through, then turned back and raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”
“Sure about what?” I frowned, confused.
“That you want to spit in the face of the ancient customs.”
I paused, then bowed slightly, imbuing the action with every ounce of sarcasm I could muster. “My apologies, oh great one.”
“Much better.” He grinned and closed the portal behind him with a wave of his hand.
I turned to survey my surroundings; as a doctor who’d sworn an oath to do no harm, it was always difficult to view the aftermath of a battle. I’d had to learn to justify the greater good at a smaller cost, but that didn’t mean that it ever got easier. I’d also had to learn that despite my medical training, the nerve damage to my hands meant that I was useless in the face of medical trauma, and once the danger had passed, there was little else I could do to help those who had been caught in its path.
I sighed to myself and began to open a portal back to the New York Sanctum, when out of the corner of my eye I spotted the woman who’d driven me across town. She was examining someone who had what appeared to be a fairly superficial facial laceration with an air of authority and professionalism that I knew all too well. A doctor, then, I thought. What was foreign to me was the indescribable way that I felt drawn to her; like running into someone you knew on the street, someone who was a part of some core memory that you couldn’t quite place. I knew I’d never met her before, but also, somehow, impossibly, I knew her.
Shaking my head in an attempt to dislodge the feeling, I watched as she applied a butterfly bandage to the man’s forehead before moving on to the next patient. I wanted to thank her – she’d risked her life to help me, after all – but before I could take a step, an EMT urgently grabbed her elbow and pulled her away into the crowd. A pang of disappointment ran through me, taking me by surprise. I didn’t understand what I was feeling or why, but it didn’t really matter - I certainly didn’t have time for it. With a quick gesture of my hands, I opened a portal back the Sanctum and stepped through, closing it behind me.
Hours and multiple volumes of ancient text later, I still had no idea where the alien or the magic propelling it had originated. The mystic arts had been founded by Agamotto thousands of years ago upon his discovery of the ability to draw power from alternate universes to create magic. There were as many possibilities for the altered runs embedded in the alien as there were alternate realities - an unfathomable number – and I was not any closer to narrowing them down than I had been when I started. I closed the book in front of me and re-shelved it just as Wong re-appeared through a portal from Kamar-taj.
“Any luck?” he wasted no time in asking.  
“None. You?”
“All students are present and accounted for, but there is always a possibility that one of them is hiding in plain sight.”
“And the London and Hong Kong Sanctums?” I inquired.
“Secure with no signs of any threat.” Wong paused, then continued. “Maybe the alien was summoned by accident during training, and the student doesn’t want to come forward. I seem to remember a similar situation during your own time at Kamar-taj,” he grinned, referring to a time early in my mystic arts training when my mispronunciation of an incantation had resulted in the manifestation of a Demogorgon. To say the demon was unhappy about his sudden appearance at a sacred temple in India was an understatement. It had taken four more experienced sorcerers to bind him and return him back to Hell, and Wong would never let me hear the end of it.
“You’re hilarious, Wong. Truly,” I grumbled.
“I know. I’m also starving, and could go for some of those wings from that bar down the street. It seems, however, that I’m currently out of money.”
“For the love… not again.”
“The Sorcerer Supreme is a slave to much higher concerns than his budget,” he responded haughtily.
“Fine, fine. You win. Just let me get changed,” I conceded. If I had been the type of man who could afford to have friends, I would have considered Wong one of my closest, but that didn’t make him any less of a pain in my ass. He’d been named Sorcerer Supreme in my absence after Thanos, a genocidal alien warlord hellbent on collecting the Infinity Stones – six singularities that existed before the creation of the Universe, each a source of its own immense power - had defeated the Avengers and succeeded in his misguided quest to bring stability to the universe by wiping out half of all life forms. I’d been one of them; reduced to dust until The Blip five years later, when the Avengers had retrieved the stones from different timelines and used them to resurrect the lost.
As the guardian of the Sanctums, Kamar-taj, and the safety of Sorcerers across the world, I both understood and in no way envied the weight that Wong carried on his shoulders. Truth be told, I was glad he was able to find a sort of levity about it all, even if it did come at my expense – though there was no way in hell I’d never admit that to him.
I headed to my room to trade my blue robes for some sweatpants and an old Columbia University t-shirt and tucked the Cloak of Levitation around my shoulders before meeting Wong in the foyer. As I approached him, I heard the soft strains of music coming from his phone.
“You’re never going to get this one.” He was so sure of himself. It was really quite entertaining that he thought he could beat me at this game.
“Come on, Wong, give me a hard one. Layla, by Derek and the Dominos, released in 1971, the 13th track from their one and only studio album, Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs.
“Ha! I can’t believe I finally got you!” Wong crowed, pumping his fist in the air. “This is Eric Clapton, not Derek and the Dominos!”
“Actually….” I trailed off.
“Oh hell,” Wong muttered, his smile fading quickly.
“….Eric Clapton was a member of Derek and the Dominos when he wrote and originally recorded the song. It was inspired by his relationship with Pattie Boyd, whom he eventually married.”
“You’re the worst, Strange.”
“What can I say? I just can’t help myself.” I threw him a shit-eating grin. “Does this mean you’ll buy your own dinner?”
“Sorcerer Supreme. Slave to higher concerns,” he repeated as he zipped up his jacket and headed out the front door.
“Right, right,” I nodded somberly and followed him out onto the sidewalk. It was a beautiful late spring evening, and the bar was only a few blocks away, so we walked there together in amiable silence. In the back of my mind, I continued to search my memory for anything that might make sense of what we’d seen today, though I kept coming up empty. Who sent you, and what did they want that could be found in Greenwich village? I wondered silently.
As we turned the corner, a cab pulled up in front of us, and I glanced up just in time to watch the woman climbing out of it lose her footing and go sprawling face-first towards the pavement. Both instinct and the Cloak of Levitation propelled me towards her and I grabbed her wrists as gently as I could, pulling her up and out of the fall and giving her a moment to re-adjust her balance before letting go.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
Then her (y/e/c) eyes met mine, and everything I believed about fate and choice was immediately and chaotically thrown into question.
“Doctor Strange! Thank you for saving my friend from herself,” came a voice from behind me. Still reeling at the coincidence, and at the way that the eyes holding mine held secrets that I found myself wanting to uncover, I somehow managed to turn around and immediately recognized the woman who had been in the back seat of the car earlier that day.
“I suppose we’re even,” I mused with a half-smile.
“I suppose you are,” the woman agreed. “I’m Wanda, and this is my friend (y/n).”
I turned back to (y/n), my eyes searching her face as I tried to place her; to figure out why everything about her felt so damn familiar. “I’m – well. You can call me Stephen, and this is Wong.” I turned to Wong and added, “(y/n) and Wanda were kind enough to drive me across town when I lost my sling ring earlier.”
“Nice to meet you, ladies, and thank you for helping my friend. I wish I could say it was an anomaly, but he needs saving almost as often as the universe does.” Wong grinned at them, and I shot him a death glare before turning back to (y/n). She was staring at me openly, and I felt my heart begin to race under the intensity of her gaze. The feeling was as uncomfortable as it was foreign.
“I came to find you earlier to thank you, but you were so busy with…” I trailed off and gestured vaguely with my hands. “You’re a doctor?”
“Yes. Neurosurgeon, actually,” (y/n) affirmed.
“Really.” Another coincidence. They were certainly adding up quickly.  “Well. Thank you for, as Wong here would put it, ‘saving my ass’ today,” I offered, wisely opting to keep it simple in lieu of peppering (y/n) with the questions I desperately wanted the answers to.
Who are you, where did you come from, and why the hell am I so drawn to you?
“Yeah, well, the whole “do no harm” thing and all that.” (y/n) offered, glancing up at me with a broad smile that hit me like the warmth of the sun after a dark winter and rendered me momentarily speechless.
“I’m no expert, but I’m fairly certain that the Hippocratic Oath doesn’t mention anything about high-speed chases,” Wong chuckled.
“We like to go above and beyond,” Wanda said with a wink, then abruptly linked an arm through mine. I turned to look down at her in confusion; I wasn’t used to that kind of familiarity from strangers – or anyone, for that matter – and the gesture took me by surprise.
“Come on. Have a drink with us,” she pleaded.
“We appreciate the offer, but…” I started, but Wong was quick to interrupt.
“We’d love to,” he replied.
“…we’d love to,” I echoed, opting quickly to change course in an effort to save face.
I didn’t know it then, but that miniscule, seemingly insignificant choice was the beginning of the end.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading my little fic/love letter to Dr. Strange! I’d love to hear from you if you’re enjoying it. <3 
Taglist: @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @drstrangesgirl91​
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lacontroller1991 · 4 years
Have You Seen My Shirt? (Daryl Dixon x Reader)
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Anon Request: can u write a daryl smut where daryl walks around the camp shirtless with the intent of distracting the reader and sexual tensions arise between him and you
Warnings: Smut 18+, also Language, because Merle
He had to be doing it on purpose. Because normally Daryl Dixon would never remove his shirt in front of others. Then again, you were away from most of the group, opting to place your tent away from others so you wouldn’t be bothered by all of the drama.
“What’s the matter with ya boy, put on a damn shirt,” Merle yelled at Daryl as you shook your head with a smile etching it’s way on your face, turning back around and continuing on with the laundry. Washing your clothes, you hummed a small tune before he decided to pop up from behind him, cigarette in his mouth.
“Have ya seen my shirt?” He asked, blowing out a cloud of smoke, intentionally flexing his arm muscles while crossing them over his chest. Smirking, you stared at him.
“What shirt? I haven’t seen you wear a shirt around me in at least a week,” you retorted, turning around and rinsing off a pair of underwear, making sure he could see the red, lacy thong that you had somehow managed to keep in good shape despite it being the end of the apocalypse. Upon seeing the thong, his cheeks burned bright red as a hand went to scratch at the back of his neck. 
“Whatever,” he huffed out before walking away from you, leaving you to your thoughts about the redneck.
He still continued to walk around you without his shirt on, ignoring the constant remarks from his older brother who was insistent on making you and him uncomfortable.
“Come on boy, just fuck ‘er already. It’s pathetic,” Merle stated as you slowly crept up on the brothers, silently listening to them, wondering who Merle was talking about.
“She ain’t like tha’,” Daryl replied, taking a drag of his cigarette, wearing his flannel that had the sleeves torn off.
“Baby brother, ya so fuckin’ clueless, that bitch has eye sex wit’ ya all tha time.”
“Don’t call ‘er a bitch again. Ya hear?”
“Well, Darlia man up and take ‘er.” Scoffing, Daryl stormed off toward your tent as you tried to silently walk up on him to see what he was wanting.
“What’s up,” you spoke up, causing him to lightly jump, though he would probably deny it.
“Damn, girl. Sneak up on me again an’ it won’t be pretty for ya,” he replied as you rolled your eyes in annoyance.
“I highly doubt that, Darlina.”
“Wha’ you say to me?” His ears were burning as he stared at you who had a grin plastered on your face.
“Who’s the girl?” You asked innocently, secretly hoping it was you he was defending and not Andrea.
“Why does it matter to ya?”
“Just curious?” Shrugging your shoulders, you knotted your hands behind your back, wringing your fingers as he approached you as if you were prey.
“Ya gonna be the death of me,” he whispered before crashing his lips to yours. Melting into his kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair while his hands grasped your hips. Leading you into your tent, he fell backwards with you on top of him, not breaking the kiss. You slowly started to grind down on him, causing him to moan into the kiss. Breaking away, you quickly zipped the zipper to your tent shut before removing your top, leaving you in your bra. You saw his pupils dilate as he stared at your breasts while his hands returned to your hips, pulling you flush against him. Turning you over, he now leaned above you, leaving wet hot kisses down your neck while you clawed at his shirt.
“So did you really loose your shirt or were you just trying to impress me?” You asked between moans as he sucked on your sweet spot just below your ear.
“Shut up,” kissing you again, his hands roamed to cup your breasts while you pulled the hem of his shirt over his head, leaving him topless. Bucking your hips up into his, you felt his member against your inner thigh, causing him to groan at the slight touch. Dipping his head down, he trailed kisses between your breasts and onto your soft stomach, leaving you whimpering for him to touch you where you needed it most.
“Ya sure ya want this?” He asked, looking up to you as you smiled at him.
“Yes, get those pants off of me,” unbuttoning your pants, he pulled them down, taking your shoes off with your jeans, exposing your covered core to him. Pressing a soft kiss against your sensitive clit, he moaned, sending vibrations through your body.
“Oh my God, Daryl,” you moaned as he moved your panties to the side, lapping up your juices, tracing patterns against your clit with his tongue. Arching your back, you tugged at the strands of his hair and grinned up to his face as he continued to eat you out. You suddenly felt a small knot forming in you as your breathes grew more rapid.
“Don’t cum yet,” he commanded as he stood up, taking off his boots and pants, leaving him naked before he returned to you, leaving a bruising kiss as he stroked himself, collecting some of your juices to use as a lubricant. Slowly, he pushed his tip in, causing you both to groan. Pushing further into you, he hitched one of your legs up to his hip, allowing you to get accustomed to his size and allowing for better leverage.
“You can move,” you whispered as he nodded, taking himself not completely out before snapping his hips back into you at a steady pace. Slowly but surely, his thrusts got more erratic and your whimpering got more, you knew you both were close to coming. 
“Daryl, I’m going to cum,” nodding his head, he continued to thrust into you at a fast pace, bringing your end as waves crashed over you, “Daryl,” you moaned out as he continued to thrust into you, coaxing you through your high. He groaned as you walls clenched around him before quickly pulling out and jerked himself off before he released his load over your stomach with a moan. Collapsing next to you, he took your face in his hands, placing a soft kiss against your now bruised lips.
“That was amazing,” you stated out of breathe as he smiled in agreement.
“Yeah, it was. Won’t be last time either,” he replied as you laughed softly, nodding your head.
“Good, I’m glad.”
Author’s Note: Hope you enjoyed!
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svnarintaro · 4 years
meeting the kids
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authors note: OKAY LISTEN- i honestly need to learn how to write good imagines (especially about the aged up characters) so i’m about to get serious lol- but i hope that people give me some criticism on my imagines :’)  
synopsis: you and shota have been in a relationship for almost a year but you get the feeling he is hiding something from you, so you find out he has kids, and you just so happen to meet all 20 of them.. in the mall.. when one of them was hitting on you..
warnings: fluffy fluff :’)
word count: 1.6k words 
aizawa shota x !fem! reader
shota has been crazy busy ever since the new school year started, it was 1 am in the morning and he still had his face shoved in his laptop constantly typing away. the two of you moved in together a month ago and you understood that being a teacher was really hard but now it felt like he was barely in your shared apartment, heck he barely spoke now. you brought him a cup of water and he thanked you and got back to work, so you sighed and put your head down on his shoulder and proceeded to inhale his scent. “you've been at it for a while shota.. i think you need to take a break,” your voice was muffled by his neck. “kitten i really need to get the this report done, i’ll go to bed in a few minutes i promise i’ll be there soon,” he groaned out out of stress, and kissed your forehead and turned his attention back onto the unfinished report. you sighed and walked towards your shared bed and got comfortable underneath the blankets and checked the time once more.
“why does midoriya have to get into trouble 99% of the time, i just want to go to bed already..” complaint after complaint the report was almost finished, he turned back to you laughing at your cute bed head as you tossed and turned in your slumber, oh how he wished to just hold you and go to bed already but this group of first years were troublesome so he worked harder than ever to spend more time with you, his kitten.
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you have been on edge for quite some time now. ‘is he really hiding something from me?’ for the past month your boyfriend has been undeniably busy with his job and you were 100% sure that there was something going on. as a secretary of fatgum’s agency you knew of only one U.A student and that was amajiki but he was a third year and you highly doubted that he knew anything about shota’s class. ‘what if it is a teacher?’ you really did hope it wasn’t that given scenario. nothing made you more sad than the fact you barely could see him at work. 
meanwhile at U.A the students were talking amongst themselves. “did you hear about how aizawa sensei might have a significant other?” ochaco whispered to tsu and jirou as they were walking through the halls. “all i know is that they have been together for about a year or so based off of his conversation with all might..” tsu and ochaco nodded at the given intel, the entire class was really curious on their teacher ever since the school year started. “but shouldn’t we be focusing more on training as of now? since we have to keep up bakugou.. ribbit” as the three girls got to the class they stopped at the door to see everyone making plans. 
“as class 1-A’s representative we as a class should become closer to form more unity between all of us, thus will make our group stronger,” everyone looked around to see each of the students nodding in agreement. “ohh let’s go to the mall! there is a karaoke place and a really good manga store at the one near the school,” the black haired girl had stars in her eyes at the thought of spending money, todoroki just wanted to waste his fathers money while everyone else was excited for karaoke. “that is a great idea momo! we can scope out all of the hotties” everyone took the time to stare down at mineta. “I’LL GO IF ONLY THAT GRAPE HEADED FREAK STAYS AWAY FROM ME.” “calm down bakubro.”
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“thanks for coming with me shota i really need to get something for my friends birthday,” your boyfriend smiled at your thoughtfulness, you always had a generous demeanour so he couldn’t help but go with you to the nearby mall on his off day. “it’s okay kitty i worked out something with the ladies at the front desk to carry on my work for me, so you have my full attention.” an arm was lazily draped over your shoulder, “doesn’t one of them have a thing for you?” you asked, the feeling of guilt flooded you because doubting him was never something you would do but with how busy he was at work it felt weird to think about it; he could’ve given his co-workers his work and spend more time with you and this feeling in your gut made you feel so selfish. 
he stopped you from walking any further, and gently got you to face him and hooked his fingers under your chin to tilt you head to look up at him, “why would i dwell on that when i have you kitten.” you felt like you were on cloud nine and it made you feel safe and loved. you smiled and looked straight into his eyes, and kissed him on the lips to really show that you were happy in his arms and the two of you were on your merry way to the mall to pick up the items you needed. 
on the other side of the mall however was chaotic. the class 1-A gang, was charging towards the building, “please refrain from causing trouble, i will not have our school’s reputation be tainted by our outing!!” “iida calm down your yelling is creating a scene.” it was a sight to see 20 children together all at the same time. “how about this, since the boy’s are likely to whine about following the girls on a shopping trip it let’s split up and come to the food court at around 2 pm giving us two hours to get everything done and then we can spend one more hour after we eat to do karaoke.” toru asked the class in which they agreed. in full honesty everyone was trying to avoid bakugou’s rage in public. 
however mineta had other plans..
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his plan was to follow the girls until they got to a bathing suit shop, for his own ‘research purposes’ that involved a camera. so he did everything he could to not get caught by the girls. so the moment he got to the shop he had a sickening look on his face. but what really sought his eye was a silhouette in the store that he couldn’t resit from taking a picture or two. unfortunately that lady was you..
the longer you took to choose the bathing suit you wanted to give to your best friends you felt an odd presence and you knew for a fact that it was not your boyfriend because you know he was getting you a drink from the food court. since you ‘ate too little at home.' you stopped what you were doing and you looked around, really got spooked, but there was no one watching you. the only other people in the store you saw was a group of girls that were engrossed in the variety of choices to choose from. 
all was good until you felt a breeze shoot up your skirt, and with your luck you weren’t wearing  any shorts underneath and you also heard a camera click. you looked down and screamed, “help t-theres a p-pervert!!” the store clerk looked in your direction, the girls in the store did nothing except face palm at the sight of the ‘pervert’ a few seconds later a bunch of high school boys ran into the store, “MINETA WHAT ARE YOU-” “sir, calm down please there are police officers are coming to handle this situation."
you couldn’t believe it, you were an adult and you were getting peeped on by a high school boy. you were trying to get as far away from the guy as possible and prayed that your boyfriend was coming soon.. “y/n are you okay?! i came as soon as i heard- MINETA WHAT IN WORLD ARE YOU THINKING HARASSING A WOMAN IN PUBLIC.” you were purely confused because you have never seen shota so angry, and most importantly you were confused on how he knew the pervert. 
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“so you’re telling me you left mineta unsupervised, but you forced bakugou to go with an entire group?” “in our defence sensei, bakugou is technically a weapon of mass destruction.” you were amused at the sight of aizawa acting like a teacher was undeniably hot to you. “and you,” he snapped his head towards ‘mineta’ “you will have to be on class duty for the rest of the year for hitting on my girlfriend, do you understand me?” and thats when chaos ran loose with the girls. “THIS IS HIS SIGNIFICANT OTHER?!” “WOAH I THOUGHT THEY WERE FRIENDS” “ I THOUGHT HE WAS DATING PRES MIC” and thats when aizawa face palmed and you peeked behind aizawa, "you should introduce yourself y/n."
“u-um hi, my name is y/n l/n and yeah i’m dating your teacher.. you don’t have to call me sensei or anything and i forgive you mineta, i’ll make shota’s punishments lighter on you i promise.” you timidly say to the class and they were dumbfounded. “CAN YOU BE MY MOM?!” “AIZAWA SENSEI SHE’S THE ONE.” "MARRY THEM ALREADY." and you just stood there and smiled and interacted with them for a little while until you told them all to go home. 
as the two of you were walking back home you took shota’s hands to stop him from walking any further and let go of his hands to now cup his face, “so this is why you were being secretive, cause you have a pervert, a weapon, and a bunch of our shippers in your class. what an interesting group you got there,” and you proceeded to kiss his lips with a smile on both your faces. “yeah every time you asked me to go to bed i was writing baout my problem children.” he laughed and you were relieved. “sho can i tell you something?” “yes kitty you can tell me anything on you mind.” "have you thought of marrying me?" shota giggled,
"i wouldn't have it any other way."
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yikeswtfmate · 5 years
(1) New Message from Unknown Number
main masterlist // (1) New Message Masterlist // next part
Summary: Y/N is drunk and can’t remember her ex’s number.
A/N: Hello, it is I, the idiot who writes Social Media AUs when she’s drunk but is too lazy to put them in the proper format and just leaves them to die somewhere on her laptop
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Social Media AU - that’s a lie, it’s actually just texts in Word format 🤡)
Warnings: swearing, dumbassery
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Unknown Number: Hey asshat so listen
Unknown Number: I kno we hvnt spoken since like
Unknown Number: High school but whateve idc
Unknown Number: U’re an asshle so I dnt even care that its like…
Unknown Number: 3 in the morning nvrmd
Unknown Number: Ive ben dared to txt my hottest ex by these evil witchS so
Unknown Number: Here u go
Unknown Number: At least u had decent abs so congrats on tht jfc
Unknown Number:  also u dnt get to complain abt this txt bc like
Unknown Number: u dated me for 6 months on a dare so U KNOW WHat this shuold feel like ya
Unknown Number: Wow dude that sounds like a dick move
Unknown Number: Seriously who the hell dates someone for 6 months on a dare?
Unknown Number: Doesn’t that only happen in movies though?
Unknown Number: hey bitchass dont act like u don’t kno what im talkinG abt
Unknown Number: Oh shit yeah, sorry. I don’t know who this asshole of an ex is but I sure as hell am not him
Unknown Number: Dude sounds like a complete waste of human space
Unknown Number: And I think I wouldn’t get to live it down if my friends would hear I did something that shitty
Unknown Number: Wait lemme ask Sam
Unknown Number: Nah, he says Steve would’ve beaten my ass if I were to do that so there u go
Unknown Number: m sorry who tf are u
Unknown Number: Bucky
Unknown Number: what kind of stupid name is bucky
Unknown Number: Shit man, u’re the one blowing up my phone at 3 in the morning, sending me weird ass messages when I don’t even know u and u dare say my name is stupid???
Unknown Number: Sheit srry
Unknown Number: Is been A long night
Unknown Number: nd week
Unknown Number: Actlly make thAt the whle entire fuckin month
Girl with asshole ex: Srry fr bothering u
Unknown Number: It‘s cool
Girl with asshole ex: Hey the witches ask if ure hot
Bonky: Yeah
Bonky: U wanted me to lie?
Girl with asshole ex: Fair point
Girl with asshole ex: They wnt a pic
Girl with asshole ex: Pic or it didn’t happen punk
Girl with asshole ex: Tht was nat
Bonky: What kind of party are u at that you can constantly text me?
Girl with asshole ex: Wanda’s place
Girl with asshole ex: Girls night
Girl with asshole ex: Getting hammered on wine BITCH
Girl with asshole ex: Also dnt change the subject
Bonky: I don’t even know your name
Girl with asshole ex: Why would I tell u my name I just want to see a suppsdly hot asssd
Bonky: You know mine and now you want me to send u a pic of me
Bonky: Bit of a disadvantage here babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: BABE if I tell u my name will u send a pic of u so we kno u arnt a 60yr old perv
Bonky: I’ll think about it
Girl with asshole ex: Hey fuck u
Girl with asshole ex: Not fair
Bonky: How do I know you’re not the 60yr old perv?
Girl with asshole ex: Cuz she got big tiddies to prove
Girl with asshole ex: And that was wanda
Girl with asshole ex: So now u know my fridsn
Bonky: Still don’t know your name tho babe
Bonky: Also tell Wanda she shouldn’t give out this type of info to strangers
Girl with asshole ex: ure not a stranger anymore bonky
Girl with asshole ex: ure my babe nao
Bonky: I’m going to let that Bonky slide just bc u’re cute
Bonky: But I’m also going to stop replying until you tell me your name
Girl with asshole ex: U think im cute?
Girl with asshole ex: 
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Girl with asshole ex: I mean u havnt even seen me but thats fair
Girl with asshole ex: Wand and nat say its true so ill believe u rnt lying to me rn
Girl with asshole ex: But I wanna see if ure cute
Girl with asshole ex: Wait why r u up st 3 in the mrng I mean we re drunk but wht r u doing
Girl with asshole ex: Babe u need to take better care of urself
Girl with asshole ex: Babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Ph shit ure actually ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: I dont like this
Girl with asshole ex: I actually like talking to u
Girl with asshole ex: Pls stop ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: COME BACK AND LOBE ME
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: It’s Y/N
Bonky: Now, that wasn’t so hard was it? 
Babe: fcuk u
Bonky: I’m up at 3 bc we ordered pizza and decided it’s time to beat Sam’s ass in Mario Kart once and for all
Babe: Nd how’s that going for ya?
Bonky: Bitch has been beating us for the past 3 hours
Bonky: Thor is the only one getting at least close to him now so we’re about to give up
Babe: Wait shit how r u replying so fast if ure playing Mario kart tho
Bonky: I gave up two hours ago
Babe: Quitter
Bonky: Just gotta know which fights to pick babe
Babe: Heads up I might be fallin asleep soon
Bonky: Drink some water before that, maybe get some food in u as well to soak up all the alcohol and have an advil close for tomorrow
Babe: Ok MOM
Bonky: Hey Wanda willingly told me you have “big tiddies” so your friends don’t seem to be doing a good job of taking care of you
Bonky: Might as well let me do it so you don’t die tmrw
Babe: Ohhhh so u careeeee babe im touched
Babe: Kkkkkk Ill talk tu u tmrw ill be dead soon
Babe: Nd I do have big tiddies
Bonky: Good night babe
Babe: What the shit
Bonky: I see you survived
Babe: Barely
Babe: My head might explode soon and I feel like I’ve vomited for an entire lifetime
Babe: TMI sorry
Bonky: I’d like to point out I’m glad I don’t have to decipher your texts anymore and that you can actually spell properly
Babe: Fuck you Buckaroo
Bonky: I would also like to remind you that I have on good authority that you have “big tiddies” so don’t make me use that against you
Babe: I am going to kill Wanda
Babe:Ugh I need coffee
Babe: I’ll talk to you later
Bonky: I’ll be waiting for you babe
Babe: So
Babe: BABE
Bonky: Yes baby?
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Bonky: Nah, you love it
Babe: Fine
Babe: You still haven’t sent a pic of you though. I might be able to rise Nat and Wanda from the dead if you do
Bonky: What do I get in return?
Babe: The promise that I will keep replying even though you might turn out to be an ugly orc?
Bonky: Not enough
Babe: Fine. I’ll keep talking to you until you want me to stop. Or until I get bored of you
Bonky: Eh, you can do better
Babe: What do you WANT?
Bonky: A pic of you in return
Babe: I’m not sending you nudes, perv
Bonky: If I wanted to see you naked and be a dick about it, I could’ve asked last night, don’t worry
Bonky: But if you’ll know how I look it’s only fair I should know how you look
Babe: That sounds reasonable
Bonky: I’d say it’s a fair exchange
Babe: Fine, you first then
Bonky: If you don’t send me a pic of you afterwards babe I will stop replying, just so you know
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Babe: Did you type super hot guy with the most beautiful eyes in the world in Google or something?
Bonky: I’m touched but no. Sam took that photo at a work event
Babe: Bitch do you really expect me to believe this is you? That looks like a guy who just stepped out of a magazine, I highly doubt I would have the luck to text him instead of my ex when drunk
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Bonky: Are you always this annoying?
Babe: …
Bonky: What? Do you want me to take a selfie with the fucking newspaper now? I read the news online babe, I’m not getting off of this couch just so I can buy a stupid newspaper to prove it’s me
Babe: Do you have one in a suit?
Bonky: …why am I putting up with this?
Bonky: Hold on
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Bonky: It’s been 5 minutes, are you going to reply?
Bonky: You still have to send me a picture of you though, a deal is a deal you know
Bonky: Fine, I warned you
Babe: Shit sorry
Babe: Hi Bucky, this is Natasha
Bonky: Hi Natasha. Is Y/N alright?
Babe: Uhm how should I put this?
Babe: Y/N is crying right now and she can’t reply herself
Bonky: What? What happened? Is she okay?
Babe: Oh yeah
Babe: She’s just crying because (and I’m quoting here) you’re “so beautiful, it’s like all my wet dreams and fantasies have come together. I swear this is some cosmic joke, this is not happening”
Babe: I’m not sure if she’s laughing or crying now
Babe: But she keeps yelling at me that I have to send you the most perfect picture of herself that has ever existed or you will stop talking to her
Babe: I think she started crying again because “I will never live up to that level of perfection, he told me that I have to know which fights to pick”
Babe: Uh yeah so here
Babe: 1 Photo Attached
Bonky: Hey Nat, could you tell Y/N that I would like to talk to her now?
Babe: Sure
Babe: Hey
Bonky: Baby?
Babe: Yeah?
Bonky: You picked the wrong fight if you think “you will never live up to this level of perfection”
Babe: Oh God
Bonky: Stop being an idiot
Bonky: And listen to me
Bonky: I would really like to keep talking to you. Mainly because you’re an idiot who makes me laugh, but it’s also the fact that you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my entire life
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koala-otter · 4 years
hi!!! do u have any zukka fic recs?? (preferably modern aus but any would be so appreciated!)
hi babe!! ok im gonna be honest, im kind of a snob when it comes to fic, especially modern aus (my definition of “modern au” is “having modern amenities” more than anything else, so i really struggle when authors make their setting the US, i won’t lie, like if the gaang interacts with a character named kevin?? it feels so wrong to me), so i don’t have too many of those to recommend
but here are a few fics I picked out! and you can also always take a look through my bookmarks on ao3 or through my fic rec tag here on tumblr for more.
1. “before the storm” by @dickpuncher420 this one takes place during sozin’s comet! and I really enjoy it because it’s from sokka’s perspective. it’s very sweet, basically about sokka dealing with his feelings for zuko before they have to separate for the comet. it’s a nice change from the “older ambassador sokka-firelord zuko” premise (which is of course wonderful!!) that is typical of zukka fic, and it’s really well-written. *also ambre just generally has a great blog and she makes a lot of beautiful zukka fanart, so I highly recommend following if you don’t already!
2. “@boomerang-guy” by @meteor-sword GOD I LOVE THIS ONE. it’s a youtuber au where zuko watches sokka’s videos (he makes planners and reviews weapons, it’s perfect). and yeah all around just super cute. I don’t know whether emily plans on completing it, but they are a really lovely writer, and this fic as it stands has a satisfying end, so whatever they decide, it shouldn’t be an issue for you :)
3. “The Road Between Action and Inaction” by @donvex I feel very privileged that I got to talk to donte while he was working on this, and it honestly came out even better than I expected. the premise is sokka picks up a hitchhiker named zuko in alaska on his way down to california (I know i said i don’t like modern aus set in the u.s., i meant it, it’s normally true, this is the exception to the rule). very sweet scenes follow, including camping and sightseeing and singing. the hoodie scene just gets me.
4. “blue’s clues” by asperula UGH THIS ONE. it’s cute af. you get vigilante blue spirit zuko, journalist student sokka, “and they were roommates” in a republic city university setting, and it’s just so much fun. i loved it, i have no doubt you will too.
 5. “Wishful Thinking” by mindbending ok spoiler alert: this one ends up the way you want it to, but god what a trip to get there. sokka is making so many romantic gestures, and zuko cannot see, for the life of him, that they are all for him. it is the height of dramatic irony, you will be frustrated, you will be distressed, you will be sad, but in the end it will all be worth it. *i’m a big fan of mindbending, they have a few other high quality zukka fics, my other favorite of which is “Intimate Counselors,” and I recommend reading everything by them basically lol
oh one last one  6. “Alchemy” also by mindbending (told you i loved mindbending lol) this one is a noir parody. takes place in caldera featuring a detective sokka investigating the disappearance of the mob prince zuko, the identity of the blue spirit, and the scar of his favorite teashop worker, lee. it’s hilarious, it’s so sweet, i could go on about everything i love about it. oh, and toph is also in it, which is super fun!
I think those are my favorites at the moment! more modern au in there than i thought there would be, so hopefully they are fun for you and you haven’t yet read them! let me know what you think of them, and if you have any recs of your own feel free to send some my way :)
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themilky-way · 5 years
Tired Mornings {t.h}
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gif credit: tomhollandcouk on tumblr!
pairing: tom holland x female!reader
summary: you walk into a coffee shop near your apartment to get some breakfast, but you end up walking out of it with more than just a coffee. 
warnings: um not really except this is purely fictional so please don’t actually hand out your personal information to ANY stranger it’s for ur own safety 
author’s note: my brain cells are going through cell division and I am busting out new fics left and right and I’m so proud! thank u for all the love  on my last fic and my motivation levels are thru the rOOF right now so enjoy this. this has also been done before so I did not come up with this fic idea, credit to the lovely person who did!
waking up late didn’t always have its benefits. the immediate hunger you would feel as soon as you opened your eyes in the morning would show itself in a very loud grumbling noise in your stomach. the sun that somehow made its way through the tiny openings of your curtain didn’t help the situation, either. 
you struggled to lift your head up from your pillow but eventually you did, gaining the sufficient amount of energy to get up, fold your blankets, and rearrange your pillows together. you grabbed the silky red string that you always used to tie the curtain together and folded a simple knot when you had gathered it all up. beginning to feel like your normal self once again, you walked over to your closet and selected a dark red knitted sweater with some black jeans to accompany it. you tucked your sweater in once both items were fully adjusted and slipped your everyday sneakers into your feet when done. 
after your attire for the morning was complete, you parted your hair into two sections and proceeded to braid it, ending up with two neat French braids in the end. you didn't look bad, you thought to yourself as you gave your appearance one more glance in the mirror. for someone who’s apparently starving, you did a pretty great job at getting ready in a slight rush. 
deciding that you were better off getting breakfast at a nearby coffee shop, you grabbed your apartment keys and started your journey through the now very crowded streets. you were fully awake now, feeling the fresh morning air flow around you giving you the boost you needed to reach the shop. the light jingle of the bell on the top of the door let the employee who was working quietly behind the counter know that you had entered. since you had rehearsed your order countless of times on your way there, you knew everything word by word with no trouble. walking up to the friendly girl who was ready to type in your order, you told her your desired breakfast.
“Hi what can I get for you today?”
“Hey there, can I get one medium hot chocolate with some extra marshmallows on top and one chocolate chip muffin, please?”
“of course! your total will be six dollars and eighty-seven cents,” the cashier announced. you gathered up the bills and coins you needed and handed the cash to her. once she had returned a couple cents back into your own hand, she motioned for you to wait on the pick up here side of the counter. you both mutually wished each other a good day and you walked over to sit in one of the free chairs they had. you plucked your phone out of your pocket so you could scroll through media while you waited, soon finding yourself enthralled the different posts you found. 
a smooth voice broke you out of your thoughts and you looked up to see someone, a man, standing in front of you. his eyes were fixated on your own and it took you a couple of seconds before you realized he was waiting for a response. 
you blinked a couple of times while shaking your head as if breaking out of concentration before speaking. “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. could you repeat it for me one more time, please?” you asked. your voice was light and softer than he had expected it to be. 
“Oh yeah, of course. I was just saying how you must be craving a lot of chocolate this morning, ya know, since you ordered everything with chocolate in it,” he repeated. it came off as more of a ramble, something he soon realized because he started rubbing the back of his neck a little awkwardly. 
he thought he had ruined it, made you think he was a weirdo for paying very close attention to your order. he looked at you and he noticed you were staring at him, eyeing him up and down lightly. is she checking me out? he thought. he decided he needed to break this perplexing moment and stuck out his hand in a handshake. 
“I’m Tom, by the way. my apologies if that was a little weird but I couldn’t help to overhear you.”
you relaxed a little, and your eyes stopped at his again before a genuine smile formed on your lips. you reached out and locked your hand in his to complete the handshake.  “I’m (y/n). and yeah, chocolate was the only thing that sounded appetizing this morning. no worries, I didn’t think anything bad about you, tom.”
tom, from your perspective, was rather attractive. he was toned and not short or tall, either, but the perfect height for a guy in his early twenties (at least you assumed so). his voice was gentle and not too rough like almost everyone out there, a British accent also adding itself into the description. you shook hands thoroughly and tom could see things were starting to fall into place now that you both had introduced each other. 
“oh thank goodness, I don’t want to be make you uncomfortable,” tom replies as he places a hand over his chest in relief. you laughed gently and you reassured him you were not uncomfortable but instead taken aback. with all the confusion cleared up, you motioned for tom to have a seat in the chair in front of you, to which he happily obliged. soon enough, a steady and pleasant conversation was created between you and tom. so pleasant that you almost didn't hear your name being called out for your order. 
you got up from your seat and excused yourself to go get your items, giving the barista a “thank you” before heading back to tom. as you were walking back, tom stood up and walked a few steps to greet you on the way, evident that your original plan was not to stay since you got a to-go cup. standing a little to close to one another, you looked at him while trying to figure out something to say. 
you wanted to see him again, without a doubt in your mind. the only question was, did he? you found yourself attracted to him, intrigued by him in more ways than one. you finally figured out a sentence, one that would hint at another possible meet-up, when he broke your thoughts. 
“by the looks of your cup, I assume you don’t plan on staying like I am,” he states. his voice is shaking a little bit and he doesn’t understand the full concept of that yet. it’s never happened before with anyone. “although it was quite short, the time I spent with you this morning was highly enjoyable. very entertaining, actually. so I was wondering if you would like to go out somewhere and get to know each other some more. only if you feel comfortable, obviously.”
he added the last part fairly quickly, his way of telling you that you had the right to reject him if you wanted to. of course, you didn’t plan on rejecting him and you let him know that when you answered his question. 
“I would love to go out with you, tom. and if I didn’t feel comfortable, you wouldn't have gotten this far, so stop worrying about that.” you chuckled lightly which caused tom to let out a hearty laugh, eventually dialing down to a soft grin. he nodded his head while looking down at his shoes momentarily and let you know that he would stop worrying, eventually asking you if he could pass you his phone number.
you agreed and you handed him your phone so he could add himself to your contacts. you told him you would text him later in the day as soon as you would finish your daily duties. you and tom both said your goodbyes after that and gave him a soft smile before completely walking out of the warm coffee shop. you left tom with a grin on his face and a rosy hue creeping up on his cheeks while he, in return, left you walking with a skip to your step. 
perhaps waking up late this morning wasn’t so bad as it seemed. 
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fresh-outta-jams · 5 years
Plastic Heart - Part 20
Namjoon x Reader Author: Mo Summary: When you get the highly-anticipated BTS dolls for Christmas, your life takes a turn in a way you never could have expected. Note: Oof I’m excited to see what u guys think of this part <3 I really like how this story is going so far, and I have some really big ideas going forward... Warnings: None? Word Count: 1.3k
Prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
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It had been a few weeks since Yoongi had become human. The three of you had settled into a new normal of sorts. While you were in class all day, Namjoon worked at the tea shop in the library, and he was good at it, too. He was friendly with the customers, often memorizing people’s orders, serving them with that handsome dimpled smile.
In his free time, he’d started his own Twitter account on his brand new phone, and he already had a lot of followers. It helped that RM had finally made an official statement using a bunch of cute pictures you’d taken with Joon, explaining that he was his brother from another mother or something. It was cute. In the meantime, your Joon had kind of become a meme around campus. Everyone knew him as the cute RM-looking barista that made them feel like they were living in a coffee shop au every time they went to order tea. Needless to say, your boyfriend had a lot of repeat customers.
That said, he did have a favorite repeat customer, and she was on her way to the library after her last class to get her chai fix.
Once you’d set your backpack in the chair at your favorite table, you got in line at the counter, where Namjoon was standing in his adorable little apron. He smiled brightly at the sight of you, his dimples jumping out of hiding as he punched in the order of the person in front of you. Then, there was only a counter between the two of you.
“Hi, how can I help you?” He asked, unable to wipe the smile from his face.
“Hmmm...I think I’ll have a large iced chai with soy milk.” You stared at him for a second longer before adding with a smirk, “and a study date with the cute barista.”
Namjoon grinned to himself as he punched in the drink order before jabbing a thumb towards the back room. “Oh, sure, want me to see if he’s here?”
“Dork.” You shook your head.
“You love it, though.”
You scrunched your nose, pretending to think about it. “Yeah, I think I do.”
“Usual table?” He asked, and you nodded, walking back to your seat. When your boyfriend emerged, he was clocked out and out of his apron, holding his usual and yours. “How was class, baby?” He kissed your cheek before sitting down next to you.
“It was good. How was work?”
“It was good! I think I’m getting a lot better at making drinks.”
“I’m so proud of you.” You leaned against him, soaking up his warmth. “You really stepped up when I needed you to. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Babe, you’re everything to me. Of course I want to make sure you’re taken care of. We all do.” He turned his head and kissed your temple, rubbing your shoulder. “So, what’s the homework of the day?”
“Just a worksheet from my Stats class.” You told him. For once, you didn’t have any papers due in the near future. “It’s not too hard.”
“Mmm.” He hummed, nodding. Joon took a sip of his tea, arm still wrapped around you. He took his phone out of his pocket and plugged in his earbuds, slipping one into his ear and the other into yours before playing whatever new music he had discovered.
“Well, if it isn’t the cutest couple on the planet…” Luna smirked, sitting in the seat across from you. “I was just at the bookstore down the street from your apartment and I ran into perhaps the handsomest shelf restocker I’ve ever seen. When did Yoongi start up there?”
“Few days ago. He likes it so far.” Namjoon answered. “The old lady who runs the place has no idea who BTS is, but she’s really sweet.”
“Apparently the resident cat is in love with him. He gets cuddles all day.”
“That’s about the cutest shit ever.” Luna held a hand over her heart. “Glad he’s adjusting well.”
“He really is. Thanks for everything, Luna.” Namjoon’s words held so much weight. He owed so much to you, but he also owed about a dozen favors to Luna, and he was sure by the time all of his friends were human too, he’d owe her a few dozen more.
“Don’t worry about it. Forgery is fun.” She shrugged, cracking open her notebook. A little while later, Melody and Ella showed up, too, each of them grinning at the sight of you and your handsome boyfriend. It was still insane that you were in love with someone so perfect for you, but they were happy that you were happy. And whenever you were with Namjoon, you were BEYOND happy.
Eventually, you got your work done, so you and Namjoon packed up and headed home. When you got there, Jin was waiting eagerly in the kitchen for you, standing on the counter by the sink. Joon found Koya, who had been on a little adventure in your apartment, exploring with his little blankie dragging behind him.
“I’m ready.”
“You’re ready?” You giggled, putting your hair up into a ponytail and pulling a package of cookie mix out of the cupboard. You’d mentioned casually to Namjoon and Yoongi the day before that you’d been wanting to bake some cookies for a while, and Jin had been all over that idea, despite the fact that you wouldn’t let him anywhere near the oven, for fear of melting your little plastic friend. “You know, it’s just cookie mix from a box, Jinnie; it’s not that exciting.”
“I’ve never baked anything ever, so this is a start.”
“Do you want to bake things? You know, when you’re human?” You asked.
Jin thought about it for a long time, looking up at you. He smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I do. I really do. I want to find a bakery to work in and learn how to bake.”
“It’s good to have a passion, Jin.” You started mixing things into the dry mix after you set the oven. “I’m sure you’ll pick it up pretty quick. The other Jin is good at cooking, too.”
“Yeah, I’ve been watching cooking videos while you guys are all out of the house, and I can’t wait to be big enough to do things.” Jin’s excited expression fell a little bit, his posture slouching. “I try not to, but...sometimes, I just feel so small…”
“Aww, Jinnie…” You swore your heart melted. “Sweetheart...I know it must be so tough. And it can’t be any easier that Yoongi and Namjoon are human now, but...you’re not going to be a toy forever, alright? You’ll be baking cupcakes and cookies and brownies before you know it. I promise.”
“Thank you. This never got to me before, but now...I don’t know. It’s just that now that I know there could be more to life, I can’t wait to have it.” He sighed dreamily. “You know, even when this was all there was for me, I always dreamed of falling in love.”
“Well who knows? I mean, Joon did it, didn’t he?” You glanced at the living room, where Namjoon was standing, Koya cradled against his chest. He kissed his little blue head a few times and you felt something flip in your chest, sunshine bubbling up inside of you.
“He did, didn’t he?” Jin laughed, looking much happier than he had a few moments ago. “Maybe there is hope.”
“Oh, Jin, once you’re the handsome guy working in the bakery, I doubt you’ll be able to keep the women OFF of you.” You smirked. “The men too, probably.”
“You really think so?”
“If you turn out half as handsome as BTS’ Jin, um, hell yeah.” You chuckled. “And given that Yoongi and Joon both look like clones of their BTS counterparts, I’d say you have a pretty good shot of that, too.”
Jin sat on the counter, a giant smile on his face as he watched you scoop out balls of cookie dough onto your pan. “I can’t wait.”
Tagged: @iie-wakarimasen, @lilgaga98, @catbugsugarpea, @demonic-meatball, @backtonormalthings, @kbowen9, @honig-bienchen, @coolcat494, @ffantasylandd, @feed-my-geek-soul, @ayoo-bangtan, @xxqueenwxtchxx, @cap-lu20, @finninpoposu, @coldbookworm, @sitkafay, @daniawinchesters21, @okaysoplshelpme, @zamirayinyue13, @douseeme16
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acelezz · 6 years
“L is For Luna” (Part 1): A Saluna Fanfic
A/N: ok, so I got this idea for an episode for The Loud House a few nights ago when I couldn’t fall asleep from drinking too much Dr. Pepper (I’m very sensitive to sugar) and thought it would make an excellent Saluna short story. I had so much energy that I wrote the whole entire thing out in my head but that was a few nights ago and I don’t remember the exact dialogue so this is slightly altered from the original (and probably better since I had more time to think it out), but the concept remains the same. I hope that you guys enjoy my first TLH fanfic!
Title: L is For Luna
Summary: When Luna finds a love letter in her locker, she hopes that it is her crush Sam, but is doubtful. With the help of her ten siblings, Luna will find out whether her dreams of being with Sam will ever be a reality or not.
Part: 1
Author: L-is-For-Loud-House
Fandom: The Loud House
Ship: Saluna (Luna Loud and Sam Sharp)
Timeline: A few months after “L is For Love”
Genre: Fanfiction/Romance
Word Count: 1,425
“Ugh, it’s just another manic Monday,” 15 year old Luna Loud sighed as she walked to her locker.
Her morning so far had been disastrous. She had almost been late to school because her family van, Vanzilla, had broke down on the side of the road. This was a common thing for the Loud family since the vehicle is older than their own father. Luckily, Luna’s little 6 year old sister, Lana, who is highly educated in mechanics, was able to repair the alternator, which had been completely fried.
“What an awful way to start off the day and the school week!” She stated as she had finally reached her locker, “What good can this day possibly be?”
Luna soon realized that she had spoke too soon. As soon as the rocker had opened up her locker, a white envelope fluttered out and danced its way down to the floor. Luna noticed that the words “L. Loud” had been written on it with red marker and were surrounded by a bunch of hearts.
“Whoa, a love letter!” Luna exclaimed as she bent down to pick the letter up. “Rockin’!”
Luna excitedly opened up the envelope and took the letter out to see that it read:
“Dear L. Loud,
You will always be able to stand out to me even in the largest crowd. You have always been able to catch my eye due the fact that you have never been afraid to be your unique self. Sorry for the wait, but I realized that if I never told the girl that I have a crush on how rad I think she is, I would never be able to live with myself.
Your Secret Admirer”
“Secret Admirer?” Luna questioned. “Bogus! Now I gotta spend who knows how long figuring out who wrote this lovely letter!”
Luna started to gather the books that she needed for her first few classes when she had made a realization. “Well, maybe I shouldn’t have said that because getting frustrated over the fact that my admirer chose to remain anonymous would make me nothing but a hypocrite.”
Luna then thought back to when she had first started to write love letters to her crush and good friend, Samantha Sharp. She had been crushing on the girl ever since she had moved to Royal Woods when they were both in 8th grade. Luna had been meaning to confess her feelings for awhile but never had the guts to do it. However, one day a few months ago, Luna’s 11 year old brother, Lincoln, found a love letter in their mailbox that had been addressed to “L. Loud”. Luna and her ten siblings were all excited and since they are all “L. Loud”, they were all curious to find out who the letter was for. Luna’s 8 year old sister, Lucy, had the excellent idea for everyone to give their crushes tokens of affection so that more letters would be sent so that the Loud siblings could narrow down who it was for. Luckily, Lucy’s idea worked as the family received more letters. Eventually, the Loud siblings had narrowed down that all of the letters were meant for Luna due to the fact that the secret admirer spoke of someone who had brown hair, who loves all things British, and who loves music. Luna was confused with how the letter could be meant for her since she never sent any tokens or signals to Sam because she was afraid that she would react negatively if she was not into girls or if she did not feel the same way. Yet, the letter described Luna perfectly so she decided to go to Bangers and Mash, where her secret admirer told her to meet up for a date.
Upon initially not being able to find Sam but her own parents instead, Luna and her ten siblings soon learned that all of the love letters were actually from their own mother and that they were for their own father. Luna was a bit bummed out that she was not going on a date with Sam, but her mother’s story of being too nervous to talk to the man of her dreams but eventually winning him over with her love letters totally inspired her. It was that in that moment, Luna realized that she needs to stop waiting around for Sam and that she needs to stop being a chicken and finally talk to her about her feelings. So of course, like her mother, she began to do this through love letters. Luna is too nervous to let Sam know that she is the one who has been sending her love letters so until Sam figures out that it’s her or until Luna feels confident enough to finally sign her name on a letter or tell Sam that it’s her, she will remain anonymous.
“Hey, Lunes, are you ready to rock it today in band?” That voice that Luna always found to sweet and cool asked, interrupting Luna’s daydreaming.
“Oh, hey, dude!” Luna cooly replied as she slung her backpack over her shoulder and slammed her locker shut, “Yep, I’m totally ready, mate! I’m so excited for Ms. B to give us a new piece today! I really wish that we had band first period instead of second period.”
Since Luna and Sam have been classmates and good friends since 8th grade, Luna has mastered the skill of remaining cool around her crush. However, every once in awhile, her cool does slip from her when she’s around Sam.
“Yeah, it’s totally bogus that I have to sit through a whole period of chemistry before band!” Sam complained.
“Yeah and you have Mr. Carter too, don’t ya?” Luna asked.
Sam nodded.
“Man, that really bites.”
“Yeah, he’s totally insane! I swear he can’t even teach! All he ever does is goes on rants about the most bizarre things and expects us to ace every test despite of that! Dude, you have no idea how lucky you are to have Dr. William and not Mr. Carter for chem!”
“Man, that’s rough. And yeah, Dr. William is a really cool dude. I wish that you were in my class.”
“Me too, dude.”
Then all of the sudden, the bell rang. Sam and Luna started to make their way towards their first period classes. Luna has Algebra 2 first period and lucky for her, that’s on the way to Sam’s chemistry class, allowing for the two to walk to class together.
“But anyways, you looked totally spaced out when I walked up to you,” Sam pointed out. “What were you thinking about?”
“Should I tell her about the letter?” Luna thought to herself. “I really want for her to be my secret admirer so if she’s not, I’m going to be really bummed.”
“I-I u-umm...” Luna managed to stutter out as the two began to climb up the stairs that lead to the second level where both of their classrooms were.
“I totally understand if you don’t want to share,” Sam told Luna, realizing how uncomfortable her question made her friend.
Suddenly, a sense of confidence came over Luna. “Well, if it was her, if I don’t speak up now, I may never find out.”
“Well, I did find a love letter in my locker today,” Luna finally said as she revealed the envelope and letter that she had folded up in her hand.
They then reached the second floor and Sam suddenly began to twist her blonde hair with her fingers as she and Luna continued to walk to class. It was a cute little habit of hers that always drives Luna wild. “Wow, that’s awesome, Luna! Do you have any idea who it’s from?”
“No unfortunately. Whoever wrote the letter signed it as “Your Secret Admirer”. I just found it a few minutes ago so I haven’t had the time to try and figure out who it’s from.”
“Man, that’s sure is a bummer!”
“Yeah, I know right? Well, I mean the last time someone told me that they liked me was all the way back in 4th grade so it’s still really rad that someone’s even crushin’ on me.”
“Well, anyways, I gotta get to chem unfortunately.”
“Ok, see y-”
Luna had been cut off by the sudden embrace of her crush and good friend. Sam normally was not much of a hugger so it completely surprised her. However, the hug was quick so Luna did not have time to react and hug Sam back.
“You know, I really am excited for you, dudette,” Sam admitted as she let go of Luna and started to walk towards her Chemistry class. “See ya in band, Lunes!”
“O-ok, s-see y-ya l-later!” Luna managed to reply as she stood there, confused for a few seconds.
(Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Check out “Lincoln’s Concert Catastrophe”!
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
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starryseo · 6 years
I was away for the entire day. So like lets say Minho was 2 and the sibling was like 1 and one day they were playing on the playground and when their mom was calling for them and only Minho came back to her. And they spent days looking for her. Years to be exact. And almost everyday Minho thought about her and were she was and how was she doing and how she looked like and so on. So one day his parents get a sudden call from the police station asking themto come there.
And when they all go down there. So the police officer explains that by miracle somehow they finally (after 16 fucking years) they found the daughter. So when they enter a room they see a confused 17 year old girl who looks like Minho sitting by the table looking very confused and scared. And then Minhos mom runs up to her and hugs her saying like i got my daughter back. But she pushes her away saying that she has a mother but she was taken into custody.
And then the police explain everythung to them. And they take dna testing and so turns out teah she is the mjssing sister and she is forced to go live with Minhos parents. And she doesn’t really like it. But she warms up to Minho and. Skiz members and spends more time eith them. And eventually warms up to her oarents to. Yeah idk hiw to end this
reply under the cut bc this is long lmao
this is a rly interesting idea but like theres a few problems(?) for me,,,, if minho lost his sibling when he was 2 years old, i highly doubt he’s gonna remember them when he’s older (lets be real who actually remembers when they were 2 :/). and i just dont think his parents would rly wait until hes older to go “oh u lost a sibling when u were 2, we still havent found them, but we thought u should know anyways” like,,, why would parents do that to their child if the other kiddo hasnt been found?? they probably wouldve hid any pictures of the kid just so that it wasnt a constant reminder and so minho wouldnt ask questions. and like, the phone call just seems so random?? why would the police randomly go Oh Hey we found ur Lost kiddo, if theyre in a perfectly fine family - or even, how did that family take in/ adopt the kid without alerting authorities that this was the kid that went missing x years ago?? this kinda ties into another issue for me,,, that is, how did the kid go missing in the first place but still end up with a good family?? like, if they were kidnapped, how did they end up in a good family?
i rly dont mean to sound judgemental or anything but i wanted to give some feedback bc i do still think this long lost sibling! au is interesting, but i just dont know how well this plot would turn out??? unless you can think of answers, ofc!!
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violettemcon · 7 years
Circle’s end :: Jearmin College AU
SUMMARY:  Armin’s a welfare kid with a sordid past. Jean’s a prep school graduate living in the cushy upper middle class. Scholarships and the simple Privilege of the Rich grant them entry into the renowned Trost State University, and by the begrudging grace of Eren Jaeger, these two end up as roommates.
Author: azxrae 
Rating: mature 
Pairings: Jean/Armin + other side ships 
Warnings: read tags on ao3
Read here
check out the first chapter below:
Eren Jaeger peered at his best friend. Across from him, a rather distracted blonde was all but inhaling his steak burrito bowl. Delicate features wrought into what was presumed as bliss.
“How is it?” he asked with a grin.
“Mm—” Armin Arlert caught himself when he swallowed, a hand rising to cover his mouth while eyes widened in embarrassment.
“Just good?” Eren chuckled tauntingly and dropped his own burrito into its basket.
The two had come to Chipotle straight after Eren and his mom picked Armin up from the train station. The blonde asked to eat there out of curiosity; they didn’t have Chipotle in Shiganshina, and he knew it was both Eren and Mikasa’s favorite place to eat. Armin wanted to experience the hype for himself.
That, and he was super hungry; he’d only had a bag of Doritos before the six-hour train ride into the city.  
“I’ve never brought anyone here who wasn’t in love,” Eren said matter-of-factly, “It’s like a rite of passage, ‘MIn. You come to Trost, you gotta eat Chipotle at least once.”
Armin fixed the brunet boy with a smile. “It’s yummy. Definitely some quality Mexican cuisine.”
Speaking with Eren face to face was certainly surreal but in the best way. It was nice not having to rely on a Skype call to get his attention for once. And those letters were always a hassle to keep exchanging. Of course, packed away in one of his moving boxes was a New Balance shoebox filled to the brim with each one he’d received from Eren, as well as Mikasa. Keeping the letters was mostly for sentimental value though; reading them over would’ve undoubtedly sent Armin right into depression.
He pushed his fork through his burrito bowl, trying to even-out the lettuce piled at the top.
“Hey, Eren?”
Eren paused mid-chew. Beneath the table, the blonde poked Eren’s calf with the tip of his shoe.
“I really missed you… that’s all.”
The green-eyed boy’s gaze had softened. Clearly, he’d not expected Armin to get all emotional on him. But it was well-received – or at least it appeared that way by Eren’s smile growing and him poking right back under the table. 
“Aww, come on. You know I missed you too, ‘Min.” He reached across the table to give his hand a squeeze.
Armin was happy, but his bliss wasn’t what it could be, not when he had yet to reunite with the third of their trio. Mikasa was currently attending a dance camp another town over and wouldn’t be back until the end of the month. It was, to say the very least, unfortunate. Armin’s impatience to see her was becoming a nagging ache.
“I just wish Mikasa could be here…” The blonde puffed his cheeks out. “Feels incomplete without her, doesn’t it?”
Eren agreed with a nod. He tapped his phone’s screen and peeked down at the date. “But hey, only sixteen more days. And then ErenMikArmin will be back at it again.”
It was visibly difficult for Armin to keep his laughter in. Evidentially, Eren was still holding onto that ridiculous nickname he’d created for them in middle school. The blonde shook his head and rested his cheek on his palm, grinning.
“You’re the only one who calls us that for a reason, you dork.”
Eren’s lips turned into a grin of his own. He’d started to retort to Armin’s comment, but a call to his left promptly claimed his attention.
 “Yo! You on a date, Jaeger?”
Armin blinked at the unfamiliar voice. He looked over and up, meeting the questioning stare of a pair hazel-brown eyes – that belonged to a rather attractive boy if he should say so himself. This mystery boy had a smirk wiped over his lips, one that seemed to rouse irritation in Eren because he hopped from the stool the instant he noticed his presence.
The unnamed youth stood only an inch or two taller than Eren. He had dusty brown hair and a long face that one might compare to a horse if they were fishing for insults. But Armin thought he was handsome. Really handsome. He was clad in a pair of Adidas shorts and a muscle tee of the same brand. ‘Did he just come from working out?’ His limbs were thin, muscled and hung lean against his lanky build. Everything about his appearance was long.
“Fuck off, Jean. No.” Eren growled at the other male. “Did you forget my best friend was moving here in June? This is Armin.” He gestured to Armin with his hands.
This “Jean” character raised those perfectly-arched eyebrows – one of which had a barbell pierced into it – and tilted his head. “Oh yeah, Armin! That friend you and Mikasa talk about nonstop.”
There were faint hints of what was presumed as a French accent in Jean’s speech pattern, which was interesting.
Eren rolled his eyes. “He’s right here, dumbass.”  
Armin dabbed the corner of his lips with his napkin. He swung his stool around to face Jean and held out a small hand.
“Hello…. Jean, is it?” He smiled, hoping he wouldn’t notice just how shy he felt. “I’m Armin.”
The grin Jean wore broadened as he grasped Armin’s hand. Armin expected a callous feel but was instead greeted with soft, smooth skin. He noted the designer clothing he was wearing and suppressed a snort. ‘I bet he’s never worked a day in his life.’
“That’s me. Sorry, I was kinda rude, but it’s nice to finally meet you, Armin.”
Armin didn’t understand why he was suddenly so enamored by a complete stranger, but he was, and as he sipped his Cherry Coke, the boy felt his smile growing.
“You too.” He drummed his fingers on the side of his cup. “So, um, I’m amusing you’re French?”
Jean nodded. “Oui. Je m’appelle Jean Kirschstein,” he said it with a smirk, “My grandfather on my dad’s side is German, though. S’where the last name came from.”
“I highly doubt he cares about your lineage, Horse Face.” Eren clapped a protective hand on Armin’s shoulder, and the blonde playfully stuck his tongue out while biting back a giggle at the nickname.
“That’s for me to decide,” Armin said, “And I decide I care.”
Jean’s expression was triumphant as he peered at Eren. “As you should. Eren mentioned you’re staying here permanently, right? That means we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.”
Armin brought his drink up for a sip. He tried to put Eren’s scowl to the back of his mind, but it was difficult. The curiosity surrounding why he seemed to so intensely dislike him was there. But, knowing Eren, and with the bit of information he’d gathered about Jean, he couldn’t help but think it was something stupid.
“Maybe...” He cleared his throat and spoke up, “Maybe a lot more if... Well, are you going to be at Trost U in the fall?"  Jean had done well at making him feel comfortable enough to be more social. It was similar to the buzz a person got after having a drink at a party full of strangers.
“Ay, just so happens I am!” The words left him enthusiastically. 
“Really?” Amin lifted his head. “What’s your major?”
“Studio art. Yours?”
Jean whistled, clearly impressed. “Astro—? So, like, you wanna be an astronaut or what?”
“Um, no…” Armin shook his head, the corners of his mouth rising into a small grin. “I’d really like to just… study the cosmos and, in a perfect world, write books for NASA.”
The taller male was blatantly awestruck. “Cosmos? Sorry, I pretty much slept through astronomy in tenth grade.” He let out a sheepish chuckle. Armin didn’t understand how anyone could sleep through a science course (or any course, for that matter), but he didn’t speak on it. It would undoubtedly make him sound like a nerd. And, for some reason, he wanted to leave the best impression possible on Jean Kirschstein.
“It’s the universe, you idiot.” Eren returned to his seat and took another bite into his burrito.
“Eren, not everyone knows scientific terms...” Armin sighed.
“Yeah, Eren.” Jean punctuated the second syllable of his name. “No need to be a condescending ass.” When he looked back to Armin, his expression softened notably. “Armin, I’d love to talk to you about space one day. Though, it’d mostly be an info session since I don’t know much aside from the name of the planets.”
“Careful, Jean,” Eren warned, chuckling as he looked straight at Armin, “Armin might just take you up on that and talk your ear off. I know from experience.”
“Oh, hush.” Armin kicked the brunet’s shin under the table. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know a whole lot more about what goes on outside of our galaxy because of me.”
Eren didn’t even pretend the impact of Armin’s shoe hurt him. “You’re just proving my point, ‘Min. Once you get started about space, there’s no stopping you.”
“I don’t think I’d mind.” Jean leaned against the wall and crossed his foot over his ankle. “Yo, Eren, you bringin’ him to Karaoke Night?”
Armin’s attention piqued. He looked between the two boys questioningly.
“…Karaoke Night?”
“Yeah. Next Saturday. Our friends rented out a room at this sick karaoke bar downtown,” Jean informed him, “It’s a noraebang. A Korean karaoke joint. You should come since you’re gonna be going to uni with us. A friend of Eren and Mikasa’s is definitely a friend of ours.”
A sense of warmth settled in Armin’s chest at his words. Friends. He’d never really had many of those. Only Eren and Mikasa, and when they moved away Armin was, for the most part, alone. Sure he had his school peers, but he wouldn’t consider them actual friends. When it came down to it Armin spent a great deal of those years on his own. He never complained though. He always had his books and his grandpa, and that had been enough to sustain him.
Until now, at least.
“I’ll bring him.” Eren’s words brought Armin back. “Just so happens Armin's got an amazing singing voice.” The tanned boy shot his friend a smile, to which Armin blushed.
“Hey... don’t exaggerate."
Jean took a step forward when the line moved, but remained a close enough distance where he could keep his voice at a leveled volume.
“It’s a damn shame Mikasa’s still in Yalkell.”
“Dude.” Eren rolled his eyes at Jean for the second time that afternoon. “Let go of that crush already. As her brother, I can tell you she’s not interested.”
‘Crush?’ Armin’s eyes widened slightly, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit… well, actually, he didn’t know what he was feeling. He knew it wasn’t difficult to develop a crush on Mikasa, considering her appearance, and the fact that she was well…. Mikasa. Armin poked his tongue to his inner cheek.
‘I wonder… does that mean Jean’s interested in women? Exclusively?’
“Shut up, Jaeger,” Jean growled at him, “You know I left that shit behind ages ago. I was just saying, ‘cause she’ll miss Karaoke Night and it’s Squad tradition.”
“You guys… are in a squad?” Armin cocked an eyebrow in faint amusement.
“Yep.” Jean seemed proud to bestow this knowledge on him. “Consists of me, my best friend, his girlfriend, Eren, Mikasa and this little blond girl that looks freakishly like your female doppelganger.”
Eren nodded with a chuckle and surveyed Armin’s appearance. “Kris does look a lot like you, Armin. It’s actually weird.”
Armin took the final sips of his cola, huffing softly when he realized it was empty. He decided to focus on eating for the moment. He didn’t want his food to get cold. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jean push himself from the wall.
“Can I… ask where you’re staying, Armin? It’s kinda important.”
‘Why would my living arrangements be important to him?’ Both confused and curious, Armin licked away some lettuce from the corner of his mouth.
“Um…well, currently, I’m staying with Eren. But it’s temporary. I’d like to start renting a place in the student-housing district pretty soon,” Armin informed in his soft voice, waiting for Jean to elaborate on why he’d asked.
“Oh yeah?” The handsome boy inclined closer, interested. “That’s awesome news, because—”
“No.” Eren’s head whipped around instantly. “Don’t even suggest it.” He sent Jean a sub-zero glare, just as Armin’s brows raised in curiosity.
“Suggest what?” He blinked.
Jean crossed his arms and his lips fell into a smirk. The Apple smartwatch on his wrist lit up but he ignored it in favor of speaking to the boys before him.
“My best friend and I have been searching for a roommate.” His eyes were on Eren as he spoke. “We’ve got a pretty nice spread, and the rent’s hella cheap ‘cause it’s near campus.”
Armin could feel Eren’s hands grab his own, and he heard the growl he emitted, but he couldn’t help but consider it. It would be ideal to live with the Jaegers, but Armin was too prideful to lean on them any more than he already had. Being self-sufficient was more important to him than anything else. He would not allow himself to be a burden. 
“Wow, I’ll admit that sounds—”
“It sounds awful,” Eren cut in. “You’re not… really considering it, are you?” He looked to the blonde with pleading eyes.
Armin groaned, but he wouldn’t deny he looked horrendously adorable pouting at him like that.
“Eren…” He spoke sternly, but was sure to disarm him by taking larger hands in his own. “This is exactly what I’ve been looking for, and you know it. All that work I put in last year wasn’t for nothing. I’ve already saved up enough for a few months’ rent and I have a job. It’d be a good idea to put my finances towards something productive.” It had always pleased him to speak of things he knew would ultimately progress him in life.
Jean whistled again. “Sounds like you’ve got it made, Armin.” A taupe gaze shifted to Eren then. “I think he should at least come look at the place. It wouldn’t hurt.”
Truthfully, Armin was considering doing so whether Eren approved or not. His opinion mattered of course, but the boy was fully capable of making decisions for himself. As Jean had said, exploring his options couldn’t hurt.
“Jean, tell me more about the apartment, please.” Expectant eyes lifted to the taller male. 
Jean beamed, though he did seem hesitant when he stole another glance to his smartwatch. “How about you give me your number instead?”
The suggestion was unapologetically bold. Armin was stunned. He saw Eren grimacing out of the corner of his eye.
“I mean so I can text you and give you the details,” he elaborated, a sigh escaping after he said it. “I don’t think I can chat much longer, as much as I’d like to. Connie – that’s my best friend and your maybe-future-roommate too – very explicitly said he wants burrito waiting for him when he gets off work. He’s been texting me nonstop to make sure I don’t forget.” Jean looked up at the ceiling for a short while and then flicked his eyes back to Armin. 
“It’s weird, but for some reason, I’ve got a good feeling about you, Armin,” He said, smiling faintly, “We could FaceTime. And maybe I could give you a virtual tour?” Jean looked hopeful. Strangely, Armin found it to be kind of cute. He sunk his teeth into his lip and decided to focus instead on what his new acquaintance had said. A proposal for a new apartment on his first day in Trost. What were the odds? Honestly, it seemed a bit too good to be true, and Armin had always been rather pessimistic, (according to Eren at least – he’d just called it realism), but he supposed, for now, he’d go along with it. He could see no better choice but to do so, anyway.
Wordlessly nodding, he watched Jean retrieve his iPhone, unlocking the screen with his thumb. Armin quickly did the same and they exchanged mobiles.
“I can’t believe this,” Eren was saying as Armin’s phone chirped with a new text just an instant later. “You do realize he’s a fucking douche, don’t you?”
Armin huffed and looked down at the message. He punched in his contact as “Jean”, deciding he’d personalize it with an emoji when he got to know him a little better.
The taller boy seemed exasperated by Eren’s so very apparent repulsion at their exchange. Armin pocketed his phone and pushed his food across the table, walking around to sit next to him. He rubbed his arm gently.g
“I should probably go.” Jean stared at Eren momentarily, then he shot Armin another, smaller smile. “Nice meeting you Armin.” He began to walk backward towards the line, which had grown significantly shorter. “See y’all around.”
Eren waved his hand, and Armin returned the smile with an even brighter one.
“Bye Jean!”
Jean waved back before jogging off to order his food. When the smaller male turned back, Eren was staring at him with this smug, knowing look in his eyes.
“I saw that, Armin.”
Armin was confused. “Saw what?”
Eren reached behind him and held his nape, drawing him in so their foreheads were nearly touching. “You were giving that bastard googly eyes the entire fucking time.” He spoke in a low murmur.
“W-What?!” Armin practically squeaked and jerked backward, then remembered where they were and settled for a fierce whisper. “I was not!”
“You so were.” Eren’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You like him? Is that why you wanna room with him?”
Armin pushed his bangs out of his eyes, staring at his friend in disbelief. “No, I don’t like him. I just met him like fifteen minutes ago!”
That God-forsaken look persisted on Eren’s face, though. He swigged his Nantucket Nectar then returned his attention to Armin. “Do you at least…. think he’s cute?”
That was when Armin stopped short. He rested his elbows on the metal surface of the table, sinking his head into his palms dramatically. He really hoped that Jean hadn’t somehow acquired a superhuman hearing ability and was able to hear him from the other side of the restaurant.
“Maybe a little."
Eren scoffed, though he didn’t seem too surprised by this knowledge. “I really don't get that," he sighed, “How the hell can anyone find Jean Kirschstein cute?”
Armin was digging through what remained of his burrito bowl, avoiding eye contact with that intense, marble-eyed stare.
“From what I’ve seen, he seems to be… nice.”
Eren rolled his eyes. "That's just 'cause he has yet to rub his dickery all over you."
Armin curved his brow upward. “Why do you hate him so much?”
Eren shrugged. “I don’t… hate him. I’ve known him since I moved here and he’s in my circle of friends. Guess our personalities just clash sometimes.” He bit his lip. “Most of it's just playful bantering. It’s what we’re used to, I guess.”
“Oh.” Armin nodded thoughtfully. For a while, they finished up their food in silence. Armin reached into the shared bag of chips and dipped one into the guacamole.
“Yo, 'Min." 
He looked over at Eren curiously. “What’s up?”
The other boy leaned in a bit closer to him. His voice had grown quiet again. “If… if you do become his roommate,” He looked almost shy then – which was certainly a cute look on him. Armin bit back a smile.
“—you won’t start to like that bastard more than me, will you?”
The blonde blinked at the question. The notion of him liking anyone more than Eren was entirely ridiculous, and he should know that. Armin suddenly felt inclined to smack him upside the head for asking something so stupid.
“You’re seriously asking that?” Armin shook his head, poking lightly to the side of Eren’s cheek. “Don’t be ridiculous, you dummy. You should know by now. You’re the only guy for me.” His tone was playful but the words were deathly serious.
“Good.” Eren was clearly satisfied by the reassurance. He squeezed the boy’s arm gently.
“Let’s hope it stays that way.”
- - -
Jean had been right when he said the apartment was nice. It had sufficient space, with three moderately-sized bedrooms as well as a living area, and an open kitchen with an island-bar to serve as a dining space. There was one bathroom at the very back of the apartment. Compared to a place not so close to campus, the rent was cheap. But it was definitely on the luxurious end of things.
Of course, the decision to live there was made quickly. After all the paperwork was finalized, Armin began moving his stuff in. The lot of his things that he didn’t immediately need was kept in the Jaegers’ storage, though, so the process seemed to breeze by. Armin wouldn’t deny he enjoyed spending time with Jean and Connie whenever they were hanging around the apartment.
It was all so surreal to Armin, and the feeling hadn’t worn off, not even on the following Thursday when Armin gripped his brand new key (wrapped in a Trost University holder) and fitted it into the lock of Room 305.
He paused when a hand touched his shoulder.
“Y’know, It’s not too late to change your mind and come live with me instead,” Eren said. The seriousness of his tone provoked the softest of laughs from Armin. Of course, he’d make such an offer when Armin’s mind was already completely made up.
“It actually kinda is.” He turned to smile apologetically at the other boy. He’d admit it was endearing how clingy he was to him, but Eren had to know this would be good for him. Armin had always craved a life where he relied minimally on the support of other people. Renting an apartment – even if he currently was sharing it with two guys – was a start along that path.
“But hey,” Armin looked up at him, “We can still see each other at school. And work. Remember that.”
Eren grumbled, but it was the truth. After his graduation Eren had been in dire need of a job, so his friend found work for him waiting tables at Olive Garden, a job Armin had for several months before he moved to Trost and was relocated.
“School doesn’t start until the end of August.” Eren pouted slightly. “That’s like a whole two months of not constantly being in each other’s presence.”
“We managed it before,” Armin reminded. He closed his eyes at the memory of those years spent without his best friends. He couldn’t be more thankful that they were going to the same university in the fall, honestly; there was so much lost time that had to be made up for.
“I don’t know how we did.” Eren took the liberty of opening the door while Armin swallowed down his anxiety. His eyes were immediately drawn to the side of the den, where Jean stood at his easel. His back faced them and he was singing rather loudly to some grunge song blaring from the kitchen.
“Yo Horse Face! Stop being a tool for a second, will ya?” Eren rolled his eyes and walked in front of Armin, tossing the overnight bag he’d been holding at the couch. The noise made Jean jump and spin around, nearly dropping his pallet in the process. He narrowed his eyes.
“Mother fuck— you’re early.” Sitting his art utensils on the stool, he wiped his hands on his smock and strode over. 
“I definitely was not expecting you to bring him, Armin.”
“I needed an extra hand. Couldn’t lug all this stuff over here by myself.” Armin smiled and surveyed the perimeter of the room. He set his bag of pillows down in front of him.
“You’re here alone?” 
“Yeah.” Jean looked down at his pillows, then back at Armin’s face. “Connie went grocery shopping.”
Eren laughed and leaned on the arm of the couch. “Connie went grocery shopping?”
“By that I mean he went to go restock our ramen supply." 
“Sounds more like him.”
The guy in question, Connie Springer, was their third roommate and also Jean’s best friend. Armin always thought he was short for his age – being the smallest in his graduating class and practically dwarfed next to Eren – but when he met Connie he was stunned. He could see why he was close to Jean though; they were both ridiculously dorky but in the most endearing way. That and he was really nice. Something told him he was the one that kept Jean in check most of the time.
The blonde ran a hand through his hair and joined Eren on the couch. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” He nudged him lightly with his thigh.
“Are you kicking me out, ‘Min?” Eren feigned a sob, his legs kicking up on the coffee table. “I’m hurt.”
Jean scowled at him. “This isn’t your house, Jaeger.”
“It’s not yours either, Kirschstein,” Eren said matter-of-factly, a small chuckle following. “It’s the landlord’s.”
“Aunt Carla said she wanted you back before three.” The softness left Armin’s voice, and he looked at his friend sternly. “You do remember that, right?”
“Mommy setting a curfew for you now?” Jean walked back to his easel and picked up his pallet to check if any paints had dried out.
“Fuck off, you bastard,” Eren hissed, “There are relatives over and she wants me there.”
Armin hoisted him by the arm and they stood together. “Go home, Eren.” He walked behind him, lightly pushing him towards the door. “I don’t want your mom flipping out at you.”
Eren turned to him and sighed beneath his words. “Fine, fine. I’ll leave. But if Jean does anything shady call me. I’ll be over like that.” He snapped his fingers on the last word to emphasize just how serious he was.
“Everything will be fine. Promise.” Armin smiled reassuringly at his friend and patted his arm. His eyelids fell when Eren began messing his hair, then he very lightly kissed his temple.
“I’ll see you at work tomorrow, okay?” The blonde’s eyes opened again after a pause.
“Sure thing, Armin.” Eren poked the tip of his nose, not bothering to say anything to Jean as he left the apartment. Once he was gone Jean sighed dramatically and returned his attention to his easel.
“Good fuckin’ riddance.”
Armin only smiled at that. He knew Jean and Eren thought fondly of each other, despite the constant verbal abuse. That much was made clear when he looked at the pinboard of Polaroids posted above the TV. At the center was a photo of Jean, Connie and Eren that he presumed was taken a few weeks before at their graduation. Eren was in the middle and Jean and Connie both had their arms draped over his shoulders. All three of them had wide smiles painted over their lips. Armin thought it was adorable, but it did make him kind of sad. He’d graduated early so he never got to experience anything like that; all he’d gotten was his diploma in the mail and a congratulatory letter from the principal.
Armin sighed at the memory. It was in the past, so there wasn’t a need to dwell on it. He walked back from the door and crossed the room to stand a few feet away from Jean.
“What are you painting?”
The taller youth smiled, though his eyes remained on his work. “My parents’ anniversary is coming up. They spent their honeymoon in Venice so… I’m painting a Venetian cityscape.” he told him, “Y’know how there are those canals running between the buildings there? The hotel they stayed at was like that. I’m trying to recreate it for them.”
Armin craned to see the painting and was impressed. Jean’s artistic talent was far beyond his expectations. There was so much detail, and the portion of it that was painted was so vibrant. For that moment, Armin couldn’t take his eyes away. He admired it with a silent smile.
“Also,” he continued, “peonies are my mom’s favorite flower so, in front of one of the buildings, there’s a pot of those. See?” He pointed to the little flower pot with the tip of a long finger. Armin’s eye followed.
“Jean, this is amazing,” the blonde commended excitedly. “You’re so talented! And this gift… it’s so thoughtful! Your parents will love it for sure.”
Jean wordlessly eyed the piece. "You think?"
"Yes, I think,"  Armin said, nodding earnestly. 
Jean snapped his pallet shut and dropped his paintbrush into a cup of water. 
“Thanks, Armin. It really means a lot to hear that.” His tone was sheepish as he untied his smock and pulled it off his body. "Yo really have no idea." 
The blonde’s smile grew a fraction. “You’re very welcome, Jean.”
The taller boy scanned over Armin’s appearance for a second, then met blue eyes.
“So, uh… hey, I… made some iced tea earlier. Do you want some? I need another person’s opinion on the taste and Con’s not here.”
The offer made Armin nod with sudden fervor. Tea was his all-time favorite beverage, hot or cold. He didn’t think there was a time when he wasn’t in the mood to drink it, truly.
“I’d love to have some.” He tucked some hair behind a pierced ear. “Tea is, like, my favorite thing to drink ever.”
Jean peered down at him, chuckling. “Well damn. Armin. Now your opinion's gonna be biased.” He walked past him into the kitchen. Armin instinctively followed.
“I promise it won’t be!” he said while plopping onto a stool at the island counter. When Jean turned to him, Armin’s eyes held unwavering intensity. The idea of not having the tea wasn’t something he was willing to accept.
Jean chuckle grew into a broad laughter. “Shit… don’t look at me like that. I wasn’t gonna deprive you.” The assurance came gently. Armin observed him approach the fridge and produce a plastic pitcher when he opened the door. The taller boy had a tiny smile on his lips whilst pouring the darkened liquid into a glass he’d acquired from the cupboard.
“Here you are, my good sir.” Jean slid the tea over to him.
“Thank you.” Armin smiled and lifted the cup to his mouth. As he sipped it, he let his mind wander, and found himself thinking of Eren’s actions before he left. He knew his friend had a tendency to get overprotective, so the wariness wasn’t unlike him. Armin wondered if it was warranted, though. Something was telling him he’d get along living with Jean and Connie just fine, and he was an excellent judge of character.
But he knew there was something that could pose a problem if he let it. Jean happened to be the hottest guy he’d seen in a while. That was, to say the least, unnerving. Armin would just have to be thankful repression was one of his greatest talents. It was a sad thought, he knew, but there was no way someone so filthy was deserving of anyone.
Armin stared into his glass, hoping his features remained composed despite where his mind had gone. The blonde took another sip of tea to calm himself, suddenly remembering why he was drinking it in the first place.
“This tea is delicious, Jean,” the boy complimented, sending him a smile when he looked up. “It’s not too sweet or too bitter. It’s just right.”
At that, Jean looked something akin to a dog who’d just been told they did something right and received a treat for it.
“Yeah?” He grinned. “I’m glad you think so, Armin.”
‘He’s cute.’ It was becoming apparent that Armin wasn’t doing as well at controlling his thoughts as he’d like, but saying those things within the protection of his mind... That was okay. That had to be okay.
‘I’m completely allowed to think something harmless like that.’ The blonde rested his cheek on his fist and sighed to himself.
Jean seemed oblivious to the goings-on of Armin’s mind, which was fortunate. He smiled at him and poured a glass of tea for himself.
“So hey, after this, would’dja like some help unpacking?” he asked. “Pretty sure I’ve got an empty storage bin that’s perfect for under-the-bed space somewhere around here...” Jean lifted his tea up to his lips. “You can use if you like.”
Armin was prepared to deny the help even though he knew he needed it, but he made himself stop. The honesty of Jean’s smile was a little unsettling, as was how fixated the blonde suddenly became on watching the bob of his Adam’s apple whilst he swallowed his tea.
‘I really need to chillax. I’m not some rabid animal...’ Armin tore his eyes away. He remembered reading somewhere that victims of… what he went through often acted out in terms of seeking sexual partners. Armin may not have been doing something as extreme as that, but this effect Jean was having on him at such an early stage was definitely something to worry about.
“Yeah, sure thing,” he said despite the minor inner turmoil. He put on his most convincing smile and downed the remainder of his tea.
Jean beamed. “Awesome!” He too finished off his tea and carried both their cups to rinse in the sink. He was placing them in the dishwasher when Armin moved to grab his belongings from the living room, then together they exited the space and made for Armin’s bedroom at the very front of the hall.
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ladylilithprime · 6 years
All numbers divisible by 3, 5, or 7?
Ugh, math at three in the morning? XP
3: What season finale was your favorite/least favorite?
Hm. I really can’t pick a favorite, simply because every season finale is either bittersweet or very obviously leading Somewhere Bad. For the complexity, I’d have to say Swan Song is the leader, just barely edging out “Do You Believe In Miracles”. Least favorite is definitely season twelve, if only because it felt so sloppy and kind of rushed.
5: Which episode makes you cry the most?
I actually can’t answer that as I still haven’t seen all of the episodes, and my reasons for crying vary between gutpunch and rage, so… I dunno. We’ll see.
6: Which episode was the funniest to you?
Hands down, 6.9, “Clap Your Hands If You Believe”! XD
7: What’s your opinion on Megstiel?
Probably my favorite canon pairing for Castiel, and I’m sorry we didn’t get to see that explored more in the show.
9: Which episode title do you think is the funniest?
Tough choice there! I think I’m going to go with “Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester”. Sorry, Dean-o, Margaret you are not.
10: What’s your opinion on Garth?
Answered that one!
12: Who is your favorite angel?
Castiel, though Gabriel is a close second!
14: What’s your opinion on Wincest?
You do know they’re brothers, right? ^_~ In all honesty, I can see it about as well as any ship for either brother, but I have to be in a certain mood for it and it needs to be handled with the utmost consent on both sides.
15: What’s your opinion on Lisa? (And Ben, if you want)
Lisa could have been great, both as a character and for Dean. I think the biggest problem was that she and Dean alway seemed to come together when they both needed different things from each other, and when Dean tried to be what Lisa was looking for it kept rubbing up against the fact that what he needed most wasn’t her. Both she and Ben were badly harmed, not by Dean being in their lives, but by his inability to be wholly in their lives because part of him was still on the road and in the Hunt, and by his repeating Mary’s mistake of “living normal” meaning no protections against the baddies he knew damn well were out there and would happily come a’calling for their pound of Winchester flesh, which he also knew could happen considering Adam Milligan lost his life to ghouls who wanted revenge on John Winchester for his killing their parent. Erasing her memory was a dick move and will in no way protect her from anything because sometimes it doesn’t matter what a person knows or feels for someone else, but what the bad guys think they know or feel– or know the first person feels for them. Overall, two great characters who were poorly handled by “plot”.
18: Do you have a favorite Dick (Roman) joke?
Probably a line from @rodiniaorzetalthepenquin ‘s fic Out Of Purgatory, “After you and Cas disappeared in a shower of exploding Dick….” (Go read it, it’s great!) Although Sam’s line about Dean using his computer for “More anime, or are you strictly into Dick now?” is priceless canon material. XD
20: Who do you ship Sam with?
Consent! (Also Castiel, Dean, Gabriel, Michael, Chuck, Anna, Max Banes…. XD Yeah, I think it would be easier to list who all I don’t ship Sam with. ^_^U)
21: What’s your opinion on Destiel?
Thanks, I hate it. No, really, you want to hear an unpopular opinion? Destiel in canon makes as much sense as the Joker and Harley Quinn, and is just as abusive and unhealthy. Harley should go be with Poison Ivy and Castiel should go be with Sam and leave the Joker to laugh at his own bad jokes somewhere he can’t hurt them anymore. Could it work? Maybe if Dean got a shitton of real, actual therapy and pulled his head out of his ass, or in an AU scenario, but as far as canon goes? Their friendship is already unhealthy enough and you want to add sex into it? (And let’s face it, most Destiel shippers do.) Thank you, please exit to the left, goodbye! (It takes a really careful handling and really fucking great writing to get me to read it, and you had better be bribing me with something amazing if you want me to write it.)
24: Do you read smutty fanfiction?
Not as much as I might if there were more of the pairings I want to read. As it is, the fics for my preferred pairings usually lend themselves more to plot than porn, with some notable exceptions.
25: Do you think Destiel will become canon in season 9? (Regardless of whether you want it to or not)
I really don’t. Oh, they’ll throw in some teasing here and there, but it would take the series ending for good before Dean, Castiel, OR Sam gets a canon relationship they can keep.
27: Which episode is the scariest to you? (Horror-movie type scary)
“The Benders”. As Dean put it, “Monsters I get. People are crazy.”
28: What’s your opinion on Sabriel?
I like it a whole lot better than Destiel, which really makes it frustrating considering how many times that pairing is used to “pair the spares” and give Destiel writers a couple of shipping cheerleaders. That said, there are Issues with the pairing itself that stem from canon, “Mystery Spot” in particular. Healthy communication and closure, or even just serious canon divergence is necessary for this ship to sail strong, but it can be done and done well! The frustration is still just as strong whenever it’s handled poorly or Sam’s very real and valid trauma is brushed aside or ignored. They both deserve better than haphazard narrative.
30: Do you have any friends off of the internet that watch Supernatural?
Sure do! At least three that I know of, including @jupiterjames , and probably a few more who don’t talk to me about it because they know why I didn’t go near Supernatural for years.
33: Do you like AU fanfics?
Sure! I usually have to be in a certain mood for them, and there are some AU scenarios I just can’t get on board with, but that’s a matter of personal preference just like any other aspect of fanfic.
35: What’s your opinion of Samifer?
Creepy and terrifying and an absolutely brilliant job of acting by Jared, both in “The End” and in “Swan Song”. (I would not ship them in a box, I would not ship them wearing socks, I would not ship them here or there– I WOULD NOT SHIP THEM ANYWHERE!!)
36: If you have an OTP, at what point did you start shipping it?
From the first moment I realized that it was possible to ship them, I have shipped Sastiel.
39: Which actor would you most like to meet in real life?
I’m told that Jared’s hugs are not to be passed up if given the opportunity, but in all honesty I want to meet Felicia Day.
40: If you could be any character on the show, would you want to? If so, whom? If not, why?
Answered that one!
42: What is your opinion on Sastiel?
You found my OTP! (Hey, you know me!)
45: What’s your favorite moment from any of the gag reels?
Answered that one!
48: What’s an unpopular ship you have?
If by unpopular you mean I ship I have that just really doesn’t have a lot of content, probably Samichael or Sam/Chuck.
49: What’s your opinion on Wincestiel?
Dean needs so much therapy…. ~is jabbed in the ribs~ Uh, I mean, yes! I ship that! It’s actually tied with Casabriel for my OT3.
50: Can you dig Elvis?
Leave the poor man to his rest, huh?
51: Do you listen to Carry On Wayward Son even when you’re not just watching a finale?
Sure, it comes on the radio plenty of times.
54: Do you think Sam should have completed the Trials?
Honestly, that’s a difficult one to answer. On the one hand, it’s entirely possible that closing the Gates of Hell would have been another “Nice Job Breaking It, Hero” moment this series is so fond of, creating a backup of damned souls with nowhere to go like we saw happen with Heaven, and it’s a popular theory that the two sets of Trials would mirror each other. However, I actually don’t think that the spell Metatron used to close Heaven’s Gates was even close to the real Heaven Trials, nor would it be in any way the same as the one for closing Hell’s Gates. We won’t know for sure, because Sam didn’t finish them, but Metatron’s spell ejected all the angels. Pretty sure Kevin would have seen if the Trials to close Hell were going to eject all the demons, considering he was banking heavily on all the demons being locked away so he could go home and not have to worry about Crowley and his demons breathing down his neck. That said, the Demon Trials were definitely taking their toll on Sam, but it’s all speculation as to whether that was because the Trials were killing him because that was the Trials, or because Sam’s demon blood was reacting badly to the influx of Power, or what. That’s up to fanfic authors to explore, but since canon didn’t take us in that direction we’ll probably never know.
55: How long would you survive as a hunter?
I’d do well enough, provided I wasn’t a victim of unfriendly fire, ie other hunters coming after me because they’re extremist assholes. I’d do better as part of the support system, running a hunters’ bar/restaurant and information network and phone tree.
56: What’s your opinion on Calthazar?
Balthazar deserved better than to be stabbed in the back by a Hell-corrupted Castiel.
57: Do you have a Netflix account? If so, what’s your username and password? Wait a second, just the first part.
I have no idea what the family Netflix username is since I’m usually not… using it? At all? Because my kids take over the television to watch Paw Patrol and Bubble Guppies and Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood?
60: If you could change just one thing about the series, what would it be?
Fire BuckLemming.
63: What’s your opinion on Sam/Crowley?
I could see it happening, maybe. Crowley certainly respects Sam. The problem is that after Ruby and the continuous Sam-shaming over her that Dean/fandom does, Sam is really not keen to get involved with another demon like that, especially not after some of the things Crowley’s done to Sam and to people Sam cares about. Work with him as a wary ally, yes, but a relationship? Highly doubtful outside of AUs.
65: What’s your favorite (or at least a memorable) pop culture reference that has been made on the show?
Dean calling Sam “Velma”, particularly after Scoobynatural where we got canon Salma. Jinkies! XD
66: Just a random confession you have regarding the show/Asker makes up their own question.
I most likely would have continued to not watch this show if I hadn’t been drawn in by the fanfic first, and indeed actually started watching the show so I wouldn’t be breaking my own rules of not writing fanfic for a fandom for which I haven’t seen the source material when I inevitably gave in to the plot bunnies nipping at my vulnerable brain.
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18tpaz · 7 years
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@damereyevents summer exchange: for @strong-bottle-of-jyn 
Aaaaand here it is!!!! Yoooo damerey buddy!!!!
You asked for a fic about scavenger!poe and pilot!rey (ooooohh)! lol and because I love all my damerey and my damerey buddies I also made a little gifset to go with it :D
I have to admit, it’s been years since I last wrote a serious fanfic so forgive me if my writing’s a bit rusty (and if the style feels childish it must be because while making the fic, I was reading the young kids’ version of ROTJ by Tom Angleberger — I highly recommend, it’s fun! hahaha). And this story has no title yet...hmm, would you like to do the honors? :) Hoping to hear from ya soon!!!
Summary: Poe Dameron has made a decent living as a scavenger on Yavin 4, but a chance encounter with two Resistance fighters may finally bring him to his destiny to fly with the greatest heroes of the galaxy. Maybe dreams do come true.
Words: 4,903 ( i kno it’s short :( )
Edit: the title for this fic is "You Need a Scavenger" lol!
“Oh no. Oh no. Oh no,” Finn gaped at the mess of a ship he just came out of, “This is bad. Real bad.”
 “Damage report?” Rey, still stuck in her blue jumpsuit-sans-helmet, peered at the smoking wishbone ship before sharing a wince with her best friend.
 Ordinary people would have accepted their death at the hands of an endless jungle.
 But Rey and Finn weren't ordinary beings.
 Running on instinct, the duo scouted the area for something useful (that wasn't another gigantic tree). Finding nothing but endless greens, they decided to to immediately set up camp by their downed vehicle.
 “Another dinner of tasty rations,” Rey grumbled at her veg-meat as Finn chuckled, opting instead to take a nap on his sleeping mat.
 “Good night, peanut.”
 “Sleep tight, Finn.”
 - -
 The fourth moon of Yavin wasn't particularly a competitive market for junk and it suited Poe perfectly fine. Besides, the farm being tended by his father could sufficiently feed them both; his scavenging was nothing more than a hobby that happened to bring extra credits to the table.
 After setting up his father’s breakfast, Poe and his droid BB-8, headed off on his self-constructed landspeeder for their next salvaging adventure.
 “So, where are we off to today?” Poe turned to his round companion who beeped and chirped animatedly, “Hmm… yeah buddy maybe we should take a break from scouring the abandoned Rebel base and try our luck on something else. Scan around for unusual readings.”
 The droid responded by making annoyed noises, “Yeah yeah, I know I'm too obsessed.”
 Dee-deet! Dee-deet! Poe’s scanners were picking up a mass of potential scrap  ahead of him. Slowing down his speeder, he pulled out his quadnocs to take a peek. He could see smoke lightly dissipating from a hidden cockpit. The magnified image made his heart leap. It was a real, functional Y-wing!
 Never in his life did Poe drive his speeder with utmost urgency. It was one thing to stare at holoimages of fancy ships or pick around distended parts for selling. But to catch a whole, real (REAL!) starfighter? He felt like the luckiest man in history since Han Solo's legendary win in a game of Sabacc (of course Poe knows about Han Solo! Poe’s probably a walking encyclopedia of the Galactic Civil War). His mind raced with possibilities and ideas.
 I should try the sublights on this thing.
 Maybe I could bring home a nice helmet from this too.
 Will BB-8 fit the astromech slot?
 I can finally know the feeling of flying a bomber!
 His imagination was cut short by a blaster bolt that almost singed his favorite jacket. Filled with panic, he didn’t realize that the pilot might still be alive!
 “Who's there?!” screamed a bold, male voice. Poe could hear the rifle being prepped for another shot.
 “I mean you no harm!” Poe quickly answered, hands up in the air,  “I… uh… saw your ship! And I uh… came to offer my services!” His mind was nimbly threading a legitimate excuse, “You see, I run a small business of fixing stuff and selling parts. My house is just a few klicks away.”
 The pilot must have been a little desperate as he lowered his blaster and moved closer to Poe's position.
 Dark complexion, clean haircut, and very determined eyes. Complete trooping gear and a classy flight jacket.
 The man, bearing a brawny build and an equally assertive stance, inspected Poe to ensure that he wasn't hiding any weapons. But what he wasn't counting on was the stinging electric shock delivered by BB-8 on his ankle, “Ow!” he stumbled and grunted.
 “Hey buddy, it’s okay. I was about to score a job,” Poe intervened before his loyal companion could send another shock current on the man. The reassurance caused BB-8 to roll backwards and bow his domed head in apology, a light ‘dwoooo’ sound echoing his speakers.
 Deciding to play friendly, Poe helped the stranger up, “I'm Poe. Poe Dameron.”
 “Finn,” he responded, “You said you could fix our ship?” the man inquired.
 “I gotta take a look at it first, of course,” Poe replied. True, he had to assess the damage. But his true motivation was the chance to see and touch a real Alliance vehicle. He just had to pull out all his tricks for this chance!
 Finn, Poe, and BB-8 approached the Y-wing in haste. And as Poe was about to get his first touch of the ship, a gloved hand grabbed his forearm.
 “What do you think you're doing?” growled a female voice this time, mezzo-soprano, (and obviously very angry).  
 Her air of authority placed Poe in a state of partial paralysis. He slowly looked up to see a fair and regal face, sprinkled with dust and slightly tanned. The upper part of her blue flightsuit was unzipped to reveal a worn, sleeveless, gray undershirt (and immaculately toned arms). Poe dared to look into her hazel eyes and gulped. If Finn felt like dealing with an elite shocktrooper, the girl was probably Lady Vader.
 Nevermind that the girl’s gauntlets were dripping grease on his favorite jacket.
 “I'm uh, Poe. Poe Dameron?”
 “He wants to help fix the ship,” Finn intervened, hoping to defuse his friend’s aggression.
  “As you can see, I can handle it myself,” the girl replied, oozing with sass. She pointed a Pilex driver at Poe, “And no offense, but you look like a scruffy scavenger about to steal my ship.”
 Damn, caught so fast. Maybe I should have listened to Dad and shaved.
 “You'll need parts though,” Poe adroitly picked himself up from the girl’s tripping wits, “I sell! And, I can see that your coolant’s leaking. We could work on that.”
 The scavenger’s right. She huffed, “I do need some more bonding tape.”
 “Hey, I can get you some new parts for that instead!” Poe exclaimed, “My finds will fit well with an Alliance classic like your bomber.”
 Of course the girl had her doubts, but after a silent deliberation within herself (actually, it was just one long sigh), she relented.
 And they all got to work.
 - -
 For the next few days, Poe learned a couple of things from his new customers.
 1.    The girl's name was Rey - and she was probably ranked as high as Captain, based on how Finn addressed her.
2.    Rey and Finn were probably Resistance agents, scouting around the sector until they got hit and landed here.
3.    They were in a hurry to fix their long range comms. But so far, no luck.
4.    Kes Dameron, Poe’s dad, came down to see what they were up to and offered some koyo melons from their homely ranch. A warm, ambient environment ensued.
5.    Finn did most of the talking (he was a very friendly chap when you got to know him). Captain Rey on the other hand, was a quiet sort of buddy.
6.    But Rey has a very special heart for machines. She bonded with BB-8 instantly while making a lot of technical remarks about Poe’s landspeeder. (Of course Poe took lots of notes! Had to learn more about this girl - I MEAN LEARN FROM A REAL PROFESSIONAL STARFIGHTER PILOT).
7.    Also, this meant that Poe's sly attempts to sell his worthless junk (as he usually did with unknowing offworlders) didn't succeed under Rey’s watchful eye.
8.    Nope, a shaved face didn't help his cause either.
 “25,000 credits?! This is a rusty 30-year-old U-wing thrust engine!,” Rey frowned at the chunk of metal being put down by Finn and Poe from the landspeeder.
 “On the contrary,” Poe began, shifting his gears into salesman-slash-Galactic Civil War expert mode, “I believe this lovely piece of vintage was part of Operation Fracture, which — ”
 “ — was the mission to uncover and stop the Death Star,” Rey supplied, “and if my memory is intact, most of Blue Squadron’s U-wings met their grave on Scarif.”
 Poe was flabbergasted. It was perhaps, the first time he was caught spindling a lie about history. Finn simply chuckled and patted BB-8, “Sorry Poe-my-good-man, but Rey is a hardcore geek when it comes to these things. Girl knows her stuff.”
 “Look Poe, we’re not museum collectors. I need functional thrusters if we are to make it as far as Mandalore,” Rey explained.
 BB-8 chirped something in response.
 “You need the money for what?” Rey raised her eyebrows and began crossing her arms.  
 “Don't listen to him,” Poe panicked, realizing what his droid had just said, “Okay...look...we can go to my usual hauling areas and find another thrust engine.”
 “You know if you were so bent on signing up for the New Republic Starfighter Corps, you could join us in the Resistance! I can gun for you if you like! I'm actually a big deal in the Resistance and I am pretty damn sure that I am one of the best gunners out there,” Finn grinned, pumped up with excitement.
 But Poe nervously chuckled and cleared his throat, “Let's not get carried away guys. Now wanna go check out that old Rebel base?”
 - -
 Many would have thought that the Rebels took everything with them when they evacuated the Massassi temples on Yavin 4, and that graverobbers would have nothing left to salvage from the ancient rocks.
 But Poe Dameron was a persistent one.
 Driven by his deep desires to rediscover his deceased mother, an ace of the Rebel Alliance, he poured all his efforts on uncovering concealed caches, cracking codes, and absorbing whatever intel was left behind. What lacking information he needed, he sought through Holonet searches when he visited the main town. Sometimes a family friend, a retired veteran Duros pilot he fondly called Uncle L’ulo, shared what he could to the eager boy. Along with Kes Dameron, they reminisced Green Squadron’s finest moments when Lieutenant Shara Bey, Poe’s mom, did the wildest heroics in the name of freedom and justice.
 The secret outposts found by Poe were stashed with enough supplies and parts to sustain a lost platoon for 5 standard years. Though they couldn’t find a good set of thrusters, Rey and Finn were admittedly impressed. BB-8 also helped set up temporary long range communications through an old terminal, so that Finn can report to Resistance High Command.
 Meanwhile, Rey and Poe decided that they could build their own thrust engines from the spares. The two tinkerers were quiet for the duration of their work — Poe was determined to help his new friends get going while Rey began contemplating on the idea of acquiring another useful recruit. She knew that the Resistance needed more manpower, but at the same time their job required a deep sense of commitment and utmost loyalty, qualities Rey wasn't sure that Poe had (For one, Rey knew a lot of skilled people who were nothing more than mercenaries). Still, she decided that a little probing might help around.
 “Why do you want to be a starfighter pilot?” Rey inquired while fiddling with her toolkit.
 She could sense the emotions brewing beneath the scavenger.
 Poe tilted his head, scrunching up his face a bit as he continued to work, “Mostly because of my Ma, I guess,” he picked up a hydrospanner and inserted it into a damaged slot, “She flew for Green Squadron while my Dad served under the Pathfinders.”
 Rey nodded in understanding. She also began installing some bolts.
 “How ’bout you, Captain... uh, why did you want to be a Jedi?”
 If Rey was surprised, she didn't show it. (Actually, she was. But of course she's better than that.)
 “What makes you think I’m a Jedi?” she calmly challenged his query.
 Poe shrugged, still engrossed in his work, “I saw your lightsaber clipped next to your belt. The only time I saw that kind of thing was on a holo of Luke Skywalker in his X-wing attire.”
 Rey couldn't help but grin. He's an observant one. Good. “Let’s just say it's also tied to family.”
 Poe nodded.
 Silence ensued. But, it was comfortable kind, knowing that they stood on the same ground and were somehow, drawn to the same endless stars above them (How did assembling thrusters become such a dreamy setting?). Before they knew it, only a few couplings were left to be installed.
 “Finn’s not done yet, is he?” Poe mused.
 “I’ll tell you a secret — that boy has a rather colorful love life,” Rey mischievously replied and they shared laugh, “If I have to place a bet, it’ll be on one of those sisters he befriended on the maintenance crew…”
 “Must be tough love.”
 “Maybe if you join our ranks you'll give him some competition,” Rey joked.
 “Nah. My old man needs me here,” Poe shook his head.
 Rey was about to respond when Finn came back with BB-8. He seemed more relaxed after that long chat with the base.
 “Hey Rey, General Organa wants to talk to you,” Finn bent down, positioning himself to take over her work. The captain quietly stood up and accompanied BB-8 back to the terminal.
 “General,” Rey curtly greeted Leia Organa with a nod.
 Leia on the other hand, continued to stare dotingly at Rey, as though her compassion could be transmitted all the way from D’Qar to Yavin 4.
 “Rey, I wish I could tell you to take your time but — ”
 “Time is of the essence, I know,” Rey sighed, rubbing her forehead, “I'm doing my best to fix the ship and I swear we’ll be on track to Mandalore before you know it.”
 “No, that's not it,” Leia explained, “We're picking up First Order transmissions. They're in your area, trying to find a Force-sensitive tree. Several TIEs have been dispatched. They might also be the group who shot you down.”
 “A Force-sensitive tree?”
 “I know Luke had given one to the Dameron family. Finn says you've made contact with their son?” Leia asked.
 “Make sure the First Order doesn't find it,” came Leia's swift order.
 “But what about the emissary to Mandalore? We have to coordinate with them soon,” Rey frowned, unconvinced by the tree’s importance.
 “Finn says that Poe Dameron is seeking enlistment with us. And I know his parents well, especially his mother. Recruiting him is as good as finding our contact in Mandalore,” Leia replied, her voice driven by conviction. Rey could feel ripples of the Force flowing between them. Leia's natural intensity as a commander not only made her an effective leader, but also an undeniably strong presence in the Force.
 Like Master Luke. Like Ben. And all those lost Jedi.
 Memories of pain flushed her into a deep silence.
 And Leia of course, was able to pick up on it, “I know it's so hard to place trust on people. Especially after what happened to your father…” her voice began drifting, her own emotional struggles reflecting that of Rey’s.
 But unlike an amateur such as Rey, Leia was firm in resisting her grief. Decades of experience brought her that ability to endure, “I had once entrusted my life to Shara Bey and I did not regret it. And if Poe is anything like his mother — or even his father, you will not hesitate to seek his help.”
  “Yes ma’am.” Rey, suddenly stoic, affirmed.
 Leia sighed. At least she is trying, “May the Force be with you.”
 - -
 “So, you like our little scoundrel of a princess?” Finn jabbed at Poe.
 “Wh-what?” Poe stuttered.
 “Oh come on! The only time I saw that kind of look was when Rey got to fly the Falcon!” Finn continued to tease, “And believe me, I’ve been through a lot of fodder with that gruffy girl and it's definitely been an adventure of a lifetime.”
 Poe frowned. They began to tow the newly-constructed thrusters back into the speeder.
 “I know she likes to look tough. Have you seen how she likes to be scruffy and show off her guns and all? She wants folks to respect her. And I guess I can't blame her for trying to live up to an inherited reputation…” Finn began rambling, immersed in his discourse of his best friend.
 “But I know, deep in my gut, that you’ll be good for her,” Finn continued, “I've seen her rip a gundark with her bare, muddy hands and I was there when she wore silvery garments and stole glances from everyone in a senator’s party. Of course the other pilots like Jess and Karé love her with all their being. But she needs another kind of friend, a relatable one. Someone who also memorizes all the skirmishes after the Battle of Hoth. And can re-wire a navicomputer with eyes closed. Someone who knows what it’s like to be a child of a legend. And if these docs are right, your Mama was one helluva pilot,” Finn wriggled his eyebrows, waving a datapad in front of Poe.
 The scavenger just gaped at him. Somehow, Finn’s datapad had just downloaded all of Lieutenant Shara Bey’s Alliance records. Not just Shara’s but Kes Dameron’s files too.
 “You know when Leia treats us all Resistance babies like her own children you get access to many amazing things,” Finn winked.
 “Now if you’re trying to lure me to join — ” Poe began shaking his head.
 “I don't know what’s stopping you either.”
 “Dameron!” shouted Rey's voice. The young Jedi was jogging towards them with BB-8 rolling in the same quickened pace.
 “The tree. Where is it?” Rey grabbed Poe’s collar.
 That gesture must have terrified him because he froze in place.
 “Whoa, calm down Cap. What did the General say?” Finn patted Rey’s shoulder.
 “The First Order is here, looking for a tree that Master Luke gave to Shara Bey. We need to protect it at all costs,” Poe and Finn could feel the panic seeping among them.
 The tree. From Luke Skywalker himself.
 Poe's mind was running in circles, remembering how his parents revered the damn plant. How he was made to personally care for it when he accidentally burned it in a hurry to finish his chores, many years back.
 He flicked his comlink, contacting his father.
 Shhhhhhssssshhhh. Static.
 If his comm was jammed, that meant the First Order was here. On this moon. On their backyard.
 The trio (plus BB-8) hurried back to the homestead.
 - -
 Kes knew that he'd never outgrow the instincts he’d bred as a SpecForce soldier. So, when he saw an indiscriminate man heading straight for the Force-sensitive tree, he immediately grabbed his old blaster from a hidden compartment. Setting up for a snipe shot, he quietly aimed at the thief.
 Ah, that satisfying hit meant that he was still a true Pathfinder.
 Kes slowly moved towards the incapacitated man, inspecting the thief's gear. There were network sensor jammers in one pocket and other tools similar to former Imperial Security Bureau agents. He could also hear at least two speeders within his area, one he identified as Poe's and another that was probably the burglar’s reinforcements. Making a wild guess, he ducked before a second thief tried to shoot him, and then fired back.
 He missed. And the second man accelerated his vehicle, retreating back into the forest.
 “Dad!” Poe, along with BB-8, hurriedly approached his father.
 Kes raised his thumb up before gesturing to Rey and Finn to catch the escaping intruder.
 Rey immediately took over the controls of Poe's ride while Finn readied his rifle.
 Poe glanced back at them, hoping that Rey would take care of his baby.
 “I’m okay, son. I’m okay,” Kes grinned cockily. Sometimes his boy was such a worrier, like Shara secretly was back years ago.
 “Was it the First Order, Dad?” Poe peered at the dead body.
 “Definitely,” Kes nodded, “I knew they'd be after the tree one day. It was Skywalker’s last request from our family to keep it safe.”
 Kes couldn't help but give his son a rather wrinkly smile. He could read Poe and all his hopes and fears like plain Aurebesh.
 And he knew exactly what he had to say to give his kid a final push. “Destiny calls us. The Force, even. That's why I wounded up serving under General Solo back on Endor, why your mother flew alongside Luke and Leia. We decided that we couldn't allow innocents to suffer. Now you have to make your choice. Will you help them too?”
 “But what about you? Who's going to take care of you?”
 Kes boisterous laughter filled the air, “I'm tougher than I look, son. Your old man still has that Pathfinder spirit,” he pounded his chest proudly. He shifted gears and mellowed the mood, “Poe, I know you’re worried for me but I'll be fine here. Shara used to think that way, too. Afraid that she couldn't stop flying once she got into her green flightsuit and left you behind.”
 He held his son's face, looking into his eyes that was so much like his wife's — that same soul yearning to explore the heavens, “You'll know when to fight and you'll know when to back down. We've raised you to be smarter and tougher so that one day you could take your place in this universe,” he slipped a data chip into Poe's hand.
 The launch codes for Shara’s old A-wing. An old ship, long hidden beneath a tarp, parked half a klick away.
 A beauty waiting for its reawakening.
 “I give you my blessing, son. It's been a long damn time and now you should quit holding yourself back!” Kes laughed again, “Who knows our small family might get one helluva pilot as daughter-in-law again!”  
 Poe palmed his face, recently cleaned of facial hair (also done to secretly impress the Y-wing captain). His dad was too quick of a thinker sometimes.
 - -
 With the infinite obstacle of trees, Rey can only steer the speeder so much. That was probably the seventh time she had to avoid the blaster bolts from hitting their borrowed ride.
 “Are you ever going to fire back, peanut?!” Rey exasperatedly whined at Finn.
 “I'm trying!” Finn grumbled back.
 “What ever happened to the Resistance’s best gunner…” Rey muttered, slipping a grumpy joke as she usually did during troublesome times like this.
 “I heard that!” Finn shot back, simultaneously hitting the thief's motivators.
 The speeder in front of them was yanked out of the route, but the man luckily escaped. He continued running towards a pair of strange-looking TIE fighters (probably modified).
 “He's going to fly out!” Finn pointed at him.
 “I know that!” Rey screamed back. With a blink of an eye, she stopped the speeder and leapt in the air with her activated lightsaber.
 Finn shook his head, but realizing that their Y-wing was only a junction away, he drove back to their campsite to re-install the new thrusters and maybe, get going.
 He’d seen Rey make miracles and hopefully, they wouldn't need their dysfunctional ship to take chase on those pristine TIEs.
 But being not much of a mechanic himself, he was probably the one who needed to make a miracle.
 - -
 Rey effortlessly deflected the blaster shots from the thief, who was backing away and nearing his ship.
 This agent is crippled by his fear.
 Rey threw her saber at his ship's twin ion engines, a smirk forming on her face.
 You’ve got no escape this time.
 Catching back her blade like a boomerang, she Force-pushed the thief into a tree, knocking him unconscious.
 She turned to the other TIE fighter, not realizing that the pilot inside had prepped his ship for take-off and had began gunning her. She continued to deflect its strong bolts until one blast hit an enormous branch, which was about to topple her. Rey rolled out of the way and unfortunately, it allowed the TIE to escape.
 Panting, she regretted her failure immediately.
 Luckily though, Finn was able to pull a bit of a miracle. Their battered Y-wing was floating in front of her, cockpit opened.
 “Let's test-ride this new thing!!!” Finn cheered. Rey smiled back and gracefully jumped to her seat. Following the TIE ahead of them, the Y-wing began to hit the skies.
 Apparently, it was going to be harder than expected.
 “You did not recalibrate this thing, did you?!” Rey groaned, the wishbone-shaped fighter jerking despite her focused controls. The TIE was now flying farther away.
 “Well we were in a bit of a situation. I had to hurry!” Finn retorted.
 Rey muttered a few things before resetting the guns and cannons. Finn, working in tandem, immediately tested his aim.
 Well, at least their guns are working.
 Now it was a matter of reaching their target. But the TIE suddenly tumbled itself backwards.
 “It’s behind us!” Finn warned.
 “Deflector shields up!!!” Rey flicked a few buttons, wanting to pivot her stubborn fighter around to hit it and end the day.
 The Y-wing whined in protest. Rey was trying her best to stabilize the gyroscopes. Finn knew that if she didn't do it fast enough, they'd be dead toast.
 But suddenly, the sensors showed another ship approaching, hitting the TIE on their tail!
 “Wooohooo!!!” Poe whooped, opening the comm channel to the Y-wing.
 “Poe!!!” Rey and Finn exclaimed in relief. BB-8 was also beeping happily in the background. The droid was excited to be part of the adventure.
 “I'll get him off your backs. And prepare to fire! His shield’s too strong for an old A-wing gun,” Poe advised.
 The A-wing began baiting the TIE to follow him.
 Poe yanked the controls and the old ship yielded to his maneuvers smoothly. A-wings were extremely nimble, and the TIE fighter (an unusually different model, Poe mused) had a hard time catching up with his swoops and barrel rolls. He dropped his ship too sharply, feeling the wild rush turning his insides. And then, he suddenly pushed his stick the opposite way.
 No way could the jerk follow that crazy path.
 Rey had somehow anticipated the path and soon, the Y-wing was onto the TIE’s trajectory.
 “Clear shot, Finn!” Rey queued.
 Her friend carried out the orders suavely and the TIE was swiftly blown to pieces.
 The new friends hollered together. It was a memorable first victory.
 “Now what?” Rey grinned at the comm, still hearing Poe’s laughter.
 “I’ve brought some cargo with me and we can do repairs when we land on Mandalore,” Poe suggested.
 “You sure?” Finn gasped excitedly, enjoying that their mission was going to proceed so instantly.
 “Alright, sending coordinates to you,” Rey smiled to herself. Maybe the three of them were complete adrenaline junkies, after all.
 The two rebel ships zoomed into hyperspace.
 - -
 The Resistance transport was up in their sights, already beginning its landing cycle.
 “Hey, don't be nervous,” Finn patted Poe on the back.
 How could he not be nervous?! Poe was finally meeting Leia Organa in the flesh. The Princess of Alderaan was a living legend among young dreamers like him. And Poe wanted to leave the best first impression for his long-time idol.
 “Don’t worry. General Organa is like a mother to all of us,” Rey winked and Finn just rolled his eyes.
 The door opened and the refined woman, despite wearing practical work clothes, was as elegant as the holoimages Poe had seen back home. The troops escorting her dispersed, giving the trio enough leeway to approach the General.
 Poe finally understood what it was like to face an icon that seemed to innately exude strength from her mere appearance. It was a familiar feeling, one he had encountered back a few days ago when he tried to steal a Y-wing from a powerful Jedi and her fierce friend.
 Leia immediately met eyes with Rey and embraced her warmly. Letting go, Leia looked at Finn and firmly gripped his arms with the same tenderness.  
 The duo ushered Poe towards Leia and the formerly confident junk dealer turned into a bashful boy.
 Leia understood, gently placing her hands on his shoulders (and perhaps imparting some of her fortitude on the newcomer), “Welcome to the Resistance, Poe Dameron. I see that you take after your mother.”
 She turned to her followers and said, “Now we have a lot to talk about and we already have jobs lined up.” Resistance personnel and other delegates began following General Organa towards the Sundari city proper.
 And that left Rey and Poe alone. (For some reason, Finn was inside the empty transport, probably having his own errands to do with BB-8. )
 Maybe Finn’s comming his girlfriend again, Rey thought to herself.
 Poe was looking at his old, black-brown boots. The poor guy must still be in shock after meeting Leia. It wasn't uncommon for people to be starstruck after meeting the Princess-turned-General.
 Rey grinned, deciding to do something. Besides, she hadn’t thank Dameron for saving their skins back in Yavin.
 She slowly wrapped her arms around him. It still startled Poe, since he reflexively lifted his arms in defense. But he slowly relaxed when reality sank in.
 Oh, but he's definitely blushing too.
 Sometimes even Rey surprises herself (by tuning down her sulky attitude from time to time).
 “I think your mom would have been proud of you,” she whispered softly.
 A small smile formed on Poe’s lips.
 And inside the Resistance transport’s compartments, Finn and BB-8 secretly shared a thumbs up.
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cakelanguage · 7 years
Hey whenever you get some spare time (I know it's a long shot for you I know pls pace yourself) but could I just ask u to write me something w bros! Ichigo and Rukia not being able to see each other for a long time and then reuniting? I miss bleach and I miss my friends and if I can't see you guys then projecting is my next best coping mechanism
ABSOLUTELY MY DUDE! I miss you so much ;-; I hope you enjoy this reunion fic (I may or may not have slipped in a ship or two oops). Also, sorry for any errors I only got like two hours of sleep last night, but I tried to proof read it so hopefully it’s okay.
You can also read on AO3
Real world stuff kind of took priority in Ichigo’s life fora while once he started actively trying to get his medical license. Sure hestill had time to quickly dart off and destroy a few hollows every now and thenbut even that was getting hard to do while trying to balance all his classesand his part-time job. Therefore while he was focused on succeeding in class,his social life dwindled far below what it used to be. This included visitingone of his best friends: Rukia.
See, Rukia was also busy trying to learn the ropes to being avice-captain and fill in the shoes that Kaien had occupied all those years ago.From the few smidges of information Ichigo managed to pry out of Orihime on hislatest visit to the bakery she worked at, she was doing an excellent job andher squad respected her authority. And while he was happy for her and happywith what he was doing he felt lonely.
The last time he had gone this long without seeing Rukia waswhen he lost his powers which left him unsettled and sometimes made himhyperfocused on the presence of Zangetsu and Tensa in his soul. His friends hadbrought it up a few times, that he needed to take a break and go visit, but healways had an excuse it seemed whether it be work or school.
But after a couple weeks into his third semester he receiveda text from Rukia.
It was a straightforward text, very Rukia bluntness thatbasically said that he needed to get off his butt and come see her because she’dtaken time off but couldn’t get clearance to take a trip to the world of theliving at the moment. Apparently it was much easier to get clearance when youwere an unseated officer of a division because power levels didn’t have to beblocked or whatever in the same way.
Ichigo was kind of thankful that he didn’t have tounderstand how Soul Society worked.
He made the arrangements with his work, promising to work anextra shift or two when he came back but they waved him off. Apparently he wasone of the few who hadn’t taken any time off before and they had debated onforcing him to take an off day. He tirelessly worked until the late hours ofthe night before to finish all of his homework before leaving in the morning.
He was finally going to see Rukia again after all this time.
Getting to Soul Society was relatively easy. It was dodgingeveryone so they didn’t sidetrack him on his way to see Rukia that was the hardpart. He liked a good number of the soul reapers, but that didn’t mean hewanted to talk to them right now. He had more important matters to deal with.
Seireitei looked the same, not that he expected otherwise.When eternity stretched out that far he supposed it would be hard to reallyacknowledge how much time had gone by. He enjoyed his stroll through thestreets leading to the Thirteenth Division. While it was Rukia’s off day hedoubted that she’d have left the barracks to return to the Kuchiki FamilyManor. Something about it being too fancy for her sometimes or something. Hewaved good-naturedly at the few squad members he passed who hesitantly wavedback.
It was sometimes hilarious to be so highly regardedespecially when they gave him the bug-eyed look after he acknowledged them.Maybe Ishida was right, maybe his head had swelled a little with all thepraise, not that he’d ever admit that to his face.
Without realizing it he’d made it to the gardens that were locatedjust outside the captain and vice- captain quarters. The water in the pond andthe rustling of the trees created a peaceful ambiance that Ichigo hadn’trealized he missed. His life now usually consisted of long, grueling lectureson the body and medicine with the cacophony of other student’s chatter fillingthe silence.
Suddenly he was tackled by a blur that had him stumbling andscrambling to find his footing. When he’d steady himself he turned his gaze tothe person who was now wrapped around him.
His face softened and a smile crept up at the corners of hismouth. “Rukia,” he said, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a softsqueeze. She seemed to have grown a little since he’d last seen her based on whereher arms were on his body. Not that would stop him from calling her a midget torile her up.
A mumbled conversation barely met his ears and he laughed. “Mightwanna speak up, midget.”
A light headbutt was all he got for his ribbing, but hegrinned all the same.
Rukia pulled away slightly. “I said I missed you, you idiot,”she said.
Ichigo grinned. “I missed you too.”
The two fell into a serene silence, just holding each othercomfortably as if afraid that if they let go the other would disappear. Slowly,Ichigo managed to get them down on the ground before letting Rukia go. He tooka minute to really take in Rukia now.
As he thought, she’d grown a little. The baby fat that hadgiven her a childlike appearance had completely disappeared leaving behind amore angular jawline and sharp cheekbones reminiscent of her brother. Eithershe hadn’t grown a lot or she’d requested a new uniform be made for her. Whatreally caught Ichigo’s attention was her hair. He’d only ever seen her with onehairstyle, the ends flicking outward in a swoop, but not anymore. She’d cut itinto a bob, the strands brushing against her jaw. From what he’d seen in Ishida’smagazines, lots of girls were turning to the style.
“You cut your hair,” he finally said, breaking the silence. “Itlooks nice like that.”
Rukia blushed. “Yeah, I got it cut last time Orihime came tovisit.”
“Orihime comes to visit you?”
“W-well sometimes, she has more free time and likes to bringlittle gifts when she comes.”
Ichigo smirked. “So, you guys go out together?”
Rukia raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”
“Like a date?”
Rukia’s eyes widened and she sputtered while Ichigo burstinto laughter. “I-I—N-no it’s just—Orihime and I—“
Ichigo waved his hand as if to brush away her excuses. “I’msorry I’m just teasing you, but it’d be fine if you were going on dates.Orihime’s a sweet girl, she’d be good for you.”
Rukia grumbled the blush still dark on her pale face. “And Uryu?”
Ichigo cocked his head. “What about him?”
“Orihime’s been telling me how much time you guys have beenspending together.” She waggled her eyebrows playfully. “Lots of alone time.”
It was Ichigo’s turn to flush at the comment and he felt afunny fluttering in his stomach at the accusation. “We’re in medical schooltogether, of course we spend alone time together.”
Rukia hummed skeptically. “Oh of course, that’s definitelywhy you two went to the last festival together.”
Ichigo stared. “How do you know about that?”
Ichigo sighed and ruffled his hair. “We did go together, but uh- I don’t think it really meant anything toIshida.”
“Ooh, you’ve graduated to using ‘Ishida’ now?”
Ichigo rolled his eyes. “Yes I call him Ishida now. Didn’treally think I could keep calling him Uryu, considering,” he gestured to hisheart, “y’know?”
She snickered. “That’s so cute, Ichigo.”
“Oh shut up.”
They fell back into tranquil silence and updates on theirlives with ease. It felt so natural to talk to Rukia, he didn’t feel the needto force the conversation along or fill the silence when it fell between them.It was almost as if no time had passed. He hadn’t registered how much he’dtruly missed her in his life until they were reunited.
They’d ended up lying down at some point and Ichigo turnedhis attention from the gently floating clouds to look at his best friend again.
“Hey Rukia,” Ichigo said softly, his voice nary a whisper inthe wind. She turned her head towards him raising an eyebrow in confusion. Hesmiled softly and turned his attention back to the clouds. “I really did missyou.”
Rukia smiled before she too turned her attention to the sky.“I missed you too, Ichigo.”
Ichigo felt all the tension he’d unknowingly been carryingleave him and chuckled. No matter how far or how long it’s been, true friendsfall back into the puzzle of your life and snuggle close to your heart.
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artsyfartsyaono · 7 years
Damien and Lilith: Wait a minute. are you jealous?
This was gonna start off as something funny about Damien being jealous of Lilith being taller, but then it turned into something actually kinda sweet! Didn’t use the exact quote, but it’s close enough >:U
Damien reached up as high as he could. He stood on the very tips of his boots, his arm straining up to the highest shelf of the bookcase. Despite his best efforts his fingers only just barely grazed the spine of the novel he wanted.
He huffed and dropped in defeat. Just as he was about to turn and look for Daniel, an arm reached past his head. Startled, Damien yelped and spun around, nearly smacking heads with, “Lilith! You scared me!”
Lilith glanced over with a smirk, “Ah don’t be so dramatic. Ya wanted the book, didn'tchya?”
Damien looked over to her hand and saw she was in fact holding the book he had been trying to retrieve. He couldn’t help notice she had reached it effortlessly, without even needing to stretch up at all.
With a slight pout he reached for the book, “Thank yo-” only to have it held up high above his head. His arms stopped mid-reach and he glared lightly at Lilith.
The girl held her smirk and cocked an eyebrow teasingly, “Hey hey, never said I grabbed it for you.”
At that Damien crossed his arms and gave her an incredulous look, “Lilith, I highly doubt you want that book.”
“Oh? And why not? Why wouldn’t I want a book ‘bout-” she brought the book down into view and squinted her eyes at the cover, “uh, Will…am…Shack…shake…speah…”
Damien sighed, not in irritation, but rather in sympathy, “William Shakespeare, he’s an author. It’s a book about his most famous plays said to be hundreds, possibly a thousand years old.”
Lilith looked down to the well-worn book, then back to him with furrowed brows, “Why the heck would ya wanna read that?”
“I like reading books to fall asleep to, and since the inn has a small library I thought I’d find one and-”
“Ew, you read to fall asleep?” She scoffed and tossed the book to him which he just barely caught. “Whatever, go read your big book with your big words and sleep like a nerd.”
Damien looked down to the book in his hands, then back up to the half-demon, “Lilith, are…you-”
“Jealous?” She nearly shouted as she interrupted, “Me? Never! Hah, why would someone like me be jealous of something stupid like reading?”
“Ah, those weren’t the exact words I was going to use but…” Damien tried searching for what to respond with. He wanted to be careful about what he was going to say next, not wanting to upset the girl on the obviously sensitive subject. “Um, Lilith…I’m going to be helping Alexander with some writing and stuff later. Did you…want to join us? I mean, you don’t have to join in, but maybe as something to do so you don’t get bored later…” He caught himself starting to ramble, something he did when he grew anxious. It was an honest offer, and not one that was out of the way. Alexander had asked him if he could give him lessons in reading and writing, and they were still covering the basics. While he knew Lilith was different with her learning, he hoped that he could help her in some way. It was something that obviously bothered her, but he was always too afraid to offend her by offering to teach her anything.
Lilith frowned at the suggestion but said nothing. His fear grew and as he was about to retract offer until she grumbled, “Yeah, sure. Better than sittin’ around doin’ nothin’ I s’pose…”
Damien silently sighed in relief and smiled slightly, “So, see you here in an hour?”
“Yeah yeah,” she waved her hand to him while looking away to nothing in particular, “But don’t think I’m gonna join in or nothin’. I’m just comin’ cuz it’s rainin’ all heavy and I’ll have nothin’ to do.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle at her response, “Right, sure, no problem at all.”
She was about to walk off before she stopped, “Uh…we’re not reading that one, are we?”
Damien did his absolute best not to laugh at the hint of fear in her voice, “No no, this one is hard even for me. We’ll be reading an old classic about magic. I think you’ll like it.”
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seyaryminamoto · 8 years
Considering their large age difference, and the fact that Azulon had been a famous general against the EK (and thus probably absent for long, long campaigns), it's quite probable that Iroh had been the main father figure actually present during Ozai's childhood.
Well… let us agree to disagree on this headcanon, if anything ^^U
See, I highly doubt this was the case because we’re shown that Lu Ten is like… well, 12 years old at most when Zuko is a baby. 
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Tbh saying he’s 12 feels like too much, if you ask me. He doesn’t even look 12. 10 is more like it, if not less. Those are clearly Zuko, Iroh and Lu Ten, right? So Lu Ten and Zuko would have, at most, a 10 year age gap, if not less.
By the time Zuko is ALLEGEDLY 11, Lu Ten is already serving in Ba Sing Se. So that means that at 21-years-old Lu Ten is already involved in matters of warfare.
Why am I bringing this up? Because while Iroh has no canon-established age (I think), he must be at the very least ten years older than Ozai and if you ask me he’s probably 15-20 years older instead. Basically… for Iroh to stick around and look after his brother as you might imagine he did, he would have had to be an early teenager while Ozai was a kid, and it doesn’t look like that would be the case. Much as it was with Lu Ten, Iroh must have started his military career early, it’s known he was out “hunting dragons”, it’s known he sieged Ba Sing Se. 
As Azulon’s prized firstborn (which he undoubtedly was, as proven by Azulon’s rage when Ozai asks him to make Ozai himself his heir), Azulon surely sponsored and encouraged Iroh’s military career from the get-go. Iroh is a known master firebender, Azulon was said to be one too: chances are that this ability of Iroh’s was what made Azulon all the more eager to have Iroh as his heir… and that likely is what prompted Azulon to push Iroh towards imitating him in matters of military achievements as well.
This is all relatively subjective, but the distance the show portrays between Iroh and Ozai doesn’t suggest that they were ever close. Iroh never looks back on how nice Ozai used to be, or how sad he is that he couldn’t help his brother or anything of the sort, so it looks like he treated Ozai just as he treats Azula (… well tbh I think he treats Azula worse yet but don’t mind me). Not a lot seems to suggest that there was any closeness to speak of. I’m more willing to think Azulon trained and groomed Iroh into a “perfect” soldier and stepped back once he trusted that his son, youthful and strong, could carry on leading the Fire Nation in the battlefields in his stead. 
The way I see it, Ozai’s brother was only ever his brother, and his father was that figure of authority that he revered and feared but could never ever please. I really see a lot of Ozai and Zuko’s relationship in that between Ozai and Azulon. Ozai wanted the praise he’d never get, the opportunities to prove his worth just like the ones Iroh got, but Azulon didn’t care to give them to his second son. He was perfectly happy and proud of Iroh as he was. He didn’t want Ozai, young, inexperienced in military matters and extremely rash, to taint his family’s record by doing anything stupid which… he would have probably done. Sorry Ozai. ILU but you’re kinda silly :’D.
Of course, you are welcome to believe otherwise, but also by looking at Azula’s likely learned behavior, she treats Iroh with disdain even in Zuko Alone’s flashbacks. She talks about Iroh dying in the battlefield so Ozai can be Fire Lord and I’m like 99.99999% sure that sort of stuff didn’t just occur to her, it probably came from her Father’s oh-so-innocent ideas on how he could take the throne for himself. It’s the same when it comes to her dissing Azulon for not being as great as he used to be. Ozai isn’t treated quite wonderfully by his father the only time we see them interact, so chances are he harbored resentment both against Azulon and against his older brother because of Azulon’s behavior towards him…
Alright, I’m getting sidetracked xD but anyways, I don’t think Iroh would have been Ozai’s father-figure because of all the reasons I explained above. I also doubt Azulon was gone all the time, he probably spent certain periods of time home and then took off to any battles that looked like promising victories, or to battles that required his strategic mind for the Fire Nation to win them. But yeah, I really doubt Iroh was cooped up home until he was 30 to chase dragons and then 50 to destroy Ba Sing Se while his father kept fighting, especially when Lu Ten is shown to have been in the battlefield at most at 21 years of age (if he joined the siege from the start he probably was there for practically two years, too). If anything, I imagine Iroh and Azulon sometimes would head into the battlefield together as Fire Lord and Crown Prince… while Ozai stemmed in jealousy and resentment back home over being too young to join them. 
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