#holds hands out uvu
saviortrope · 2 years
i have ishihime brainrot so bad and every time i look for fics, the tag is filled with infidelity plots and i’m like..... CAN WE HAVE SOMETHING A LIL MORE WHOLESOME PLS?
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ambitiouslyher · 11 days
just wanted to say real quick and be soft on main that i really appreciate you guys for being a part of the nina experience. i love her so so bad so it's nice to have you all along for the ride < 33
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
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     she holds out her hand expectantly -- what do you do??
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seangelfish · 4 months
I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR A LONG TIME YEIII amh I could ask for headcanons for bae and kanata with a cute mc fem from the town who just arrived in the city therefore she doesn't know anything about paradox or hiphop or the city in general je but she is open to learning new things uvu that would be all ~ thank you
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Featured characters: Allen Sugasano, Hajun Yeon, Anne Faulkner, Kanata Yatonokami ♡ Tags: Headcanons but also a bulletpoint fic, mutual crush, casual romance, she/her pronouns, not really proofread! Not really sure what to write for Hajun, so I'm sorry if it's not up to standard! ♡ Word count: 1,895 ♡ Synopsis: You, a newcomer, was introduced into a city of hip hop. You didn't quite understand it, but you were eager to learn from the people around you.
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You have moved here for university, not knowing what this city was actually known for. You just assumed it was any other ordinary city...
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Allen, who was one of your fellow classmates at university was an odd one. He didn't look friendly so you didn't try socialising with him at first, but when you saw how he acted towards his friends, you decided to at least try.
You found out that he was just awkward. He greeted you in return when you introduced yourself, but his eyes started sparkling when you mentioned that you were new to the area. He asked whether you're into hip hop, but if you weren't, he had some recommendations for you to listen to.
"Is hip hop that big here?" you asked him curiously.
"Yeah!" he exclaimed. "There used to be this place called Club Paradox where..."
You listened to him ramble on and on about hip hop and these legends called 'Buraikan' who founded these so-called 'Phantom Lives.'
It was all a little confusing, but it had you intrigued. Because of this, the two of you had exchanged contact info so Allen would be able to send you his recommendations. When you were finished listening to them, you would text him your thoughts. Gradually, you started having a taste for hip hop that in your free time, you'd visit record shops looking for songs that you haven't heard of yet!
Allen was always so appreciative of how willing you were to indulge in his interests — in his life. He wanted to show you more about the city and about hip hop, but he also just wanted to spend more time with you.
"I also produce and write my own songs!" Allen said one day, hoping that would impress you. "Would you like to listen to them?"
"Seriously? That's so cool. Of course, I'd like to listen!"
"Alright, just meet me at the club! I'm performing there as BAE with Anne and Hajun."
"Oh, haven't you been to a club before? Then I'll accompany you before our performance starts. It'll be fun!"
Why not? you thought.
Allen picked you up before his performance and showed you around the club. It was an interesting yet fun experience, but what you found kind of weird was how he kept holding your hand throughout it all. You didn't think too much of it though. He was probably doing that in consideration of you, so you wouldn't get lost in the crowd.
"So yeah, that's pretty much the gist of it!" he said. "Will you be okay here? We're starting in ten minutes."
"Yes, I'll be fine," you replied. "I can't wait to see you perform!"
"Alright, see you later, (Y/N)!"
Watching him perform live was amazing. You finally understood why people here liked watching 'Phantom Lives.' They were incredible! You were so drawn into Allen's performance that you couldn't see anything else but him.
"Haha, how was it?" he asked you, panting.
"It was so cool!" you chirped. "And that was the song you wrote too? It was great!"
"Hahaha, thanks, (Y/N)!"
So whatever Allen did with hip hop, you were there too. You became closer to him than before that he no longer was a classmate to you, but someone even more special.
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Just like everyone else, you were drawn to Hajun's prince-like charms, but you never dared to speak to him. He was definitely on another level than you, and you didn't want to disturb him with your plain, ordinary presence.
However, fate brought you together when Hajun spoke to you first. He picked up clues that you were new around here and wanted to help you familiarise yourself.
Confused but thankful, you accepted his offer. He was like a tour guide, bringing you in his limo around the city. It was kind of awkward at first, but he eased you into it when he would ask you where you came from and why you decided to move. He was friendly, but you could taste the way he teased you too.
After bringing you to so many places, Hajun had asked you if you knew about hip hop or anything to do with phantom lives. When you denied it, he merely chuckled and said that you should watch him perform. He didn't go further than that, so you had to find out yourself what he meant by it.
BAE was his hip hop group where they performed phantom lives at clubs. You entered by yourself, waiting for the show to begin. Hajun was up there on stage accompanied by Anne and Allen. Their performance was spectacular. The way Hajun rapped was something you didn't expect coming from him, but at the same time, it made perfect sense.
"So you made it," he teased. "Did you enjoy the show?"
"Y-Yes, it was good!" you exclaimed. "Those were the illusions you talked about? They were pretty! How were you able to do that?"
"With my phantometal, of course," he replied, showing you the feather ring on his finger. He let you touch it due to curiosity. "Isn't it cool~?"
"It is!" you giggled. "Can I watch you perform again next time?"
"Haha, sure."
Not only did Hajun help you with familiarising yourself with the city, but with university work too. You should be grateful though because he wasn't doing this for just anyone. However, he was also questioning his actions when he thought about it.
He supposed that he was helping you out so much because he was also in a similar position when he arrived in Japan. He just wanted to make your experience here easy for you.
Plus hanging out with someone cute like you was actually fun. He loved answering whatever questions you threw at him especially those relating to hip hop. He always looked forward to your daily greeting in person and text.
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Anne had caught an interest to you almost immediately. Of course, it was because you were cute, but it was also because your outfits were embarrassingly plain. They wondered if you'd allow them to dress you up. So one day in class, they introduced themselves.
Once Anne took in the info that you were new here, they were even more excited to become your friend. They wanted to show you everything! Entertainment, fashion, music, everything you were interested in!
And that's how you were introduced to hip hop too.
Taking in the knowledge of the city from Anne was like homework. They dumped everything on you so quickly that it was hard to grasp, but as they pulled you around the city, it was always so exhilarating.
"Oh, I'm also a part of BAE," they said. "It's the hip hop unit I'm in with Allen and Hajun. We usually perform at clubs, but we're going to be competing in Paradox Live next!"
"P-Paradox Live?" you queried. You knew of phantom lives since Anne mentioned those before, but this was different.
"Yep, it's gonna be huge! We're going up against other hip hop units to win ten billion! You'll come support us, right?"
Of course you were.
But standing in front of Club Paradox was intimidating. Everyone around you looked excited out of their minds, but you were the opposite.
"(Y/N), over here!" called out Anne. As you turned, they linked your arm with theirs and led you inside with Allen and Hajun. "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to leave you here," they continued. "But watch us closely, okay?"
Watching Anne perform that night was thrilling. Even when the rest of the units performed their songs, Anne's performance was something you couldn't shake off. The illusions that they described to you through words could not compare to the real thing.
After that, you would always watch Anne in person whenever they were performing with BAE in Paradox Live; cheering them on and voting for them. Anne would always look for you in the crowd too, happy that you appeared in their life.
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Unlike BAE, you didn't meet Kanata at university. You bumped into him on the streets to university. You were lost and that's how you ended up at the slums. He thought you were an idiot, but he helped you out anyway.
You explained that you were new to the city, so you still didn't know your way around. Kanata was disinterested, but when you asked him why hip hop was so prevalent around here, his ears perked up.
He explained everything, but he also mentioned how there's 'real hip hop' and those who desire to make hip hop but fail. You were curious about what he meant by this, so you pressed him further into showing you what 'real hip hop' was.
He was about to refuse. He didn't really want to get close to you to begin with, but seeing that sparkle in your eye made him think otherwise. It also didn't help that you were kind of cute.
"Fine," he breathed. "When do you finish uni? I could show you today."
And so he did. After dropping you off at university, he picked you up straight after you were finished. It was evening by then, so the streets you walked on were crowded with people waiting for a team called 'Cozmez' to perform.
He grabbed your wrist and dragged you into some shady underground business, situating you in a corner where he was sure nobody could disturb you.
"Just stay here," he said. "You'll be okay."
"W-Wait, where are you going?"
"I'm performing."
Before you could say anything else, he grinned. "You'll see what real hip hop is, (Y/N)."
And he was gone. You noticed that he was with someone else too, someone that looked oddly similar to him that you just knew he was his brother. When they were on stage, the crowd cheered louder than before.
That's when Kanata started rapping. You watched him intently, your eyes following his every movement, his every word. The music was loud, but it was exciting.
"So this is a 'phantom live'..." you murmured to yourself as you watched the illusions the twins were creating. "It's beautiful..."
You didn't expect Kanata to come back to you right after performing, but he did, asking you what you thought of it. You caught the slight bit of excitement in his question which also surprised you because even if you had just met him today, you already had his character noted down in the back of your mind. He was rude and aggressive, but he was also kind in a way.
You smiled. "It was awesome! I can't believe this is what I was missing out on!" you replied. "You were amazing, Kanata!"
His cheeks heated up, but you couldn't tell as it was dim. "Thanks," he said casually.
"Eh~ who's this?" asked his twin. "Kanata, I didn't think you were that type of person–"
"I-It's nothing like that!"
Nayuta introduced himself because if his brother was willing enough to bring a random girl to a place like this, he was sure that Kanata was a little interested in you.
"Be good to my brother, okay?" he whispered into your ear teasingly.
From then on, you became close to the Yatonokami twins, but you were even closer to Kanata, the boy who helped you on your first day. He became a lot more patient with you as he introduced you to even more places around the city, familiarising yourself with hip hop and the story behind it. It was always so fun learning more things when it was with Kanata.
And perhaps, Kanata was a little thankful that you got lost in the slums that day too.
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Intro page | Paradox Live masterlist | Request rules
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Asmo is the personification of "I'm a delicate beautiful flower uvu" and then throws hands when someone disagrees, MC is just there to hold his stuff when he beats the stuffing out of some poor demon. Afterwards he pretends like he didn't lose his shit and threw hands because someone said that x wasn't his colour
I see this as him starting to watch wrestling because of all the hot muscular people in it (remember that chat when Beel gets tickets to either a body building competition or a wrestling match and asks MC to come along but when MC suggests Asmo, because he'd like it, Beel says that's precisely why he can't take Asmo) but then he really got into it because of the actual wrestling & violence (whether or not it's fake isn't the point)
Okay but, I love Asmo so much???? He gives off this ditzy yet sweet air most of the time which contrasts greatly with how vicious he actually is? ;
He's the most vicious, out of the lot, to Mammon when he's pissed off - with his lines being brutally cutting
His entire Desire speech to MC in S1 which sounded like a villain monologue
When he finds out MC was lying about Belphie and why they wanted to make a pact with Asmo in the first place and he threatens to rip their heart out if they lie to him again and this is after they're technically friends!
How condescending he sounds during his solo in the group song with Levi & Beel
Princess Asmo going evil in that one anime episode was hilarious but honestly what did you expect would happen
The whole thing with Helene and how not only was he unapologetic he didn't even seem to realise he did anything wrong
Or the hints at the Sarah storyline which if they follow the irl story is very dark
The fact that (assuming that Levi's animal is a giant sea serpent rather than a snake) he's the only one with a venomous animal and I'm 100% convinced his demon form is venomous
His demon form consists of a bleeding heart as his marking, plus a scorpion which is obviously venomous and roses which would definitely have thorns
The fact that like I said in this post Asmo equates his place in the family to his beauty and then suddenly he fell and changed (and didn't the devs say that in the version where they have more demonic forms that Asmo hated his?) and that would have seriously messed him up
Like I really wanna know what it was like for him right after the fall becaue look at this and tell me he wasn't absolutely deranged
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I haven't given Asmo any long scenes in my fics but I love writing him;
Asmo side eyes him, gaze sharp and calculating before his mouth thins into a parody of a smile. "Don't worry about it, Belphie," he says with an almost condescending pat to his cheek before he practically saunters away. 
Belphie watches him feeling mildly irritated but as equally amused and fond. He has always respected Asmo, found familiarity in the wicked sharpness he hid under bubbly giggles and hypersexual ditziness. 
There's a reason why it's called blood lust
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kyojurosprettygirl · 10 months
Hi hi hello! May I request a fluffy Genya x fem!reader?
Something like he got injured during a mission and she gos to visit him at the butterfly estate to surprise with slices of watermelon to cheer him up! ((Cuz you know that’s his favorite!)) maybe even gentle kisses on his fresh new scars? Idk just anything sweet and fluffy! I’ll be happy either way!^^✨
a/n: HOW CUUUUTEEEE!!! im such a sucker for Genya content (>_<) i love ur idea and i hope you enjoy reading this. this is inspired by summertime sadness since, watermelons r a summer fruit, no? (UvU) Also, tumblr deleted the post so i had to copy and paste, but i don't know if it chipped some things off. LET ME KNOW!
late is better than never .
Genya Shinazugawa x Fem! Reader
as the sun slowly crept its way into view, Genya had realized then he had once again missed one of my your dates. he holds as many wounds as he can with his one useful arm tighter and winces, cursing himself for doing this to you. he stands for a moment, thinking how he could make it up to you.
you gasp as you gently wrapped your arms around genya's and pulled him toward you, leaning your head onto his shoulder. "Genya look!" you point ahead. "huh?" he looks curiously to where your pointing and immediately sees what your seeing, you both look at each other and smile big, running towards the watermelon stand. the old couple running the stand knowingly look at each other and laugh, standing up and readying themselves to greet you and genya. they quickly thought of how they were once young and in love, you and genya easily making them reminisce their teenage love. once you were standing infront of the couple, you excitedly spoke to them, any anxiety leaving your body. "I hadn't realized they were in season!" you smiled wide, the old lady nodded at you, her smile never leaving her face. "well they are, my dear! would you and your boyfriend like a slice? on the house!" you gasped and held your cheeks, disregarding the boyfriend comment. "your serious?" she nods and pushes the tray toward you. you gently grab the prettiest slice and push it towards genyas face. "say ah" genyas ears turn red and he opens his mouth, allowing you to feed him. he also disregards the boyfriend comment. his eyes widen and any nervousness he had before had completely left him, the slice tasted amazing. he gently grabs the slice from your hands and feeds it to you, and your eyes widen back at him. he laughs at yours and his expression, "it's the best isn't it?" he says, and you nod. "the best i've ever had!"'you eat more of the slice, "we should get an entire melon! no, let's get three! two for you and i to share and one to share with the others!" as you and genya speak of the melon, the old couple look fondly at the scene. "she reminds me of you my dear," the old man says, she snickers and looks at her husband, "and he reminds me of you, always behind me waiting for me to speak for you." they share a laugh, and as you reach into your pocket, genya steps infront of you and looks at the old couple, "how much for the entire stand" you gasp and grab his arm, "genya!" the old lady laughs and the old man widens his eyes, "are you serious?" the man says, genya scratches his neck. "well, not really." he looks to the side, and takes out as many coins as he has, "but i'll take as much as i can get." before the couple says something you take some of your coins out as well, placing them down with genyas, before he can say something you move your hands to form a 'shut your mouth' motion and look at the couple, "this will get us more right?" you and genya left with two woven baskets full of melons, each one holding 7, leaving the old couple with two melons left to sell. he wouldn't let you carry even one melon to make the load easier. "let's do this again" genya says, smiling at you, you nod and smile big, "we should! i had a lot of fun today" he shyly looks away and grabs your hand, "how about next week?"
it's the third week he's said that.
"-r arm." genya snaps out of his thoughts and looks next to him, it's Tanjiro. "huh?" genya says, looking at Tanjiro will his full attention. tanjiro smiles, a warm aura oozing out of him, trying to calm down after the hard fight. "i was saying if i could bandage your arm" genya looks over at his arm as tanjiro points, his blood is practically decorating the floor. but before he could answer a sharp pain hits his rib. his vision gets blurry as his breathing becomes labored and he begins to pass out, your shadowy figure filtering his vision just before he closes his eyes.
he wakes up in one of the rooms in the butterfly estate, it's about noon and the comfort he feels pisses him off. he shouldn't be there, he should be apologizing to you, again. he looks to his side, the action hurting, and he sees Tanjiro speaking to some of the girls in the butterfly estate. "is y/n going to be here?" Tanjiro said, already aware of genyas affections towards you. one of the butterfly girls nod, "y/n should be coming soon, she mentioned she had slept late when she came by in the morning so we sent her back home to rest a little longer. Aoi sent someone to get her." guilt begins to eat at his heart, you had waited for him the entire night, regardless of the fact that you had promised to help the girls clean in the morning, "i see," tanjiro says, looking at genya. he jumps at seeing his eyes open, "your awake!" he smiles, "what a relief," tanjiro says. genya nods and closes his eyes, sighing, "what a relief," he says back. he opens his eyes and sits up, one of the girls quickly rushing to his side, "slowly genya! your ribs are still broken, you have to take it easy." he grumbles, rolling his eyes. he sits up fully and looks around the room, "can i be alone for a moment." he pauses, "please." and they all nod, leaving him be. "Aoi is almost done with the food, so you should be getting your lunch soon." one of the girls says, smiling before he closes the door. he looks over himself and noticed many fresh scares adorning his flesh, and he can't decide wether to love or hate them. they look and feel ugly, but he feels a little stronger than before, a familiar feeling of weakness creeping up his chest. he won't amount to sanemi, ever, and these scars make him feel ugly, not strong like they usually do.
Aoi hands you the plate of food, warning you that it's hot and to be careful. you quickly brush her off and thank her as you barge into genyas room. as he prepares to cuss out the person who came in against his wishes, he calms down as he sees you and looks away. he can feel his throat get tight and his eyes gloss over. you exhale in relief but your movement remain frantic, excitedly running to him. you close the door and rush to put his food on the table next to him, placing the box you held behind you and straddling his legs carefully. you grab his face and make him look at you, and since he can't bring himself to push you away, he just holds onto your wrists tightly for support. your hair is messy and not done in its usual style as your eye bags remain prominent and your face is puffy, a telltale sign that you had just woken up. he looks at your lips and sees they're still a tad bit glossy, not allowing himself to continue to look at them. it feels like a punishment, but the feeling dies out as he looks at your cheeks and nose. your cheeks a tinged with pink, and your nose is still sun burnt from the time you'd gone to the markets together. your hands are warm against his cold skin, and he leans into your touch. you smile wide in disbelief and a few tears roll down your face. he moves his hands to wipe them as they come down , his brows furrowing. "no no no, don't cry, please.." his throat is tighter than ever and he swallows every word he was thinking of saying, he wants to cry with you. you close your eyes and hug him softly, a great contrast to your usual bone crushing one's, and feel all around him. his hand gently makes its way up to your head, and he cradled it, digging his fingers into your hair. "just-" you choke out, "you're alive. your physically here, oh my god." you pull away, although hesitantly, and take him in. he was wearing a loose patient shirt, and it gave a full view of his arms and neck. you rested your fingers on the buttons of it, and looked at him. your eyes met his, 'can i?' he nods, his eyes speak for him, 'you can do whatever you desire.'
you unbutton it he lets you see his upper body freely. you can see many fresh wounds, some bandaged and some are already scarred, his demon powers you think. he shrinks into himself as you gaze and you nod no, "you're beautiful, genya." you exhale, and push him down slowly in a means to not irritate his wounds. "i was worried sick," you cry, he continues to wipe every tear that makes its way to your chin, "when Aoi woke me up, and told me what happened, i wanted to scream," you hold his hand and lean in, "i was so pissed-" you choke, "why didn't she tell me right away? why did she wait until you were stable to tell me, i mean-" you breathe in, "what if something had happened during your treatment, and i had spent my time sleeping through it," you shake your head. "i would never forgive myself, im supposed to be with you through it all, through every second ." he nods at you, "but i'm okay." he says, and you laugh. "you're okay, yes." you sniffle as you smile but frown soon after, "they were surprised you survived. a lot of blood loss, i saw all the bloody rags outside.. i felt my heart drop to my stomach genya." he can only imagine how he'd feel if he was in your place. "im just glad the news i got of you was that you were expected wake up, and not your time of death." he takes a hand off your face and holds your hand. he hasn't smiled at all, and his gaze is distant. you move your head, and kiss his palm gently. he blushes and as his lips part in shock he shuts it when you lean into his chest. you take a second to hear his heartbeat and when you feel it's enough you kiss the spot. he debates on holding his breath or not. you slowly get up and trace the new scars, kissing them when your finger meets the end. and you do this all over his chest, stomach and arms. "i don't know how you do it," you softly say. "all these," you kiss the biggest scar, "and you still remain standing. Tanjiro told me how long you held out, i really don't think i'd ever be able to do it." you grab his arm with the most wounds and sob, "they make you look so tough," you giggle as you squeeze his bicep after noticing the muscle flex when you grabbed it, "gyomei fed you well, didn't he" he blushes and exhales a small laugh. mainly out of disbelief. you kiss all over his arm gently, and begin to give him butterfly kisses up to his neck. you begin to position yourself comfortably and rest your head in the crook of his neck to continue to give him butterfly kisses. you place your hand on his heart and he places his hand over it, not wanting you to take it off. he wraps his arm over your shoulder and pushes you closer into him as he kisses your head, letting it linger for a second more.
you both lay there for a moment before you suddenly gasp. "Genya your food!" you push yourself up too fast for his liking. you grab his food
and set everything up as you help him sit up. before you can feed anything to him he grabs your hand. "i need to apologize." he whispers, and you lean your head in confusion. "what do you mean?" you say,
"last night," he pauses, " i left you waiting." your mouth forms an 'o. "you're here now, aren't you? you were only a few hours away from me, if i had waited just a li-" he clamps his hand over your mouth, shaking his head no "you shouldn't have needed to wait, y/n" he is serious, and you know he feels guilty, he isn't being playful with you like he usually is. he takes his hand off your face "i would wait forever for you." you whisper. he silently winces and his chest tightens. "you're only a day late genya.. your here with me. better than never right?" he nods. "i forgive you, genya, but i promsie you i do not mind." you begin to grab the utensils to feed him, "were slayers, and you're a higher rank, i knew what i signed up for. it's okay." you feed him a piece of his food, and he realizes that it's true. he had nothing to worry about, your understanding nature quickly eased his worries, why was he so worried. "i forgive you, because i know you'd never do it intentionally." he nods again. "you're my happiness genya." you smile at him. "oh! one more thing." you reach behind you and the box you had, watermelon slices overtaking his vision. you smiled wide, " cut some melon up for you!" he hugs you tight, albeit suddenly, and when he pulls away he kisses you. it was a lingering kiss when he pulled away, and he takes you in, the sun rays peeking in from the blinds making you look even more beautiful than before. "i love you, and i've been wanting to tell you for a while now." he blushes and you follow in suit, " love you too.." and you hug him again, knocking the wind out of him, "oh sorry sorry! i forgot.." you say. he waves his hand 'it's okay' and you both share a laugh.
that night, you and him had danced under the moonlight right outside of the estate. not that he knew how, but he wanted to spend the night with you in any way possible, eager to be close to you. it was a sight that had made shinobu smile fondly at you both, thinking of how he could bring it up to gyomei when he sees him again. you had worn the clothing he bought you, and he spend the entire night telling you what you missed, ready to listen to what he had missed from you. it was late, but neither of you needed to wake up early the day after.
funfact! every time watermelons are in season, the old couple awaits yours and genyas return. when the summer you and genya hadn't shown up came, they had a hard time closing for the night, telling themselves you and genya had simply moved.
right before closing, Sanemi came over and bought their entire stand, cutting and giving the watermelon out with Giyuu to the village kids.
they had intially mistakened him for Genya, asking where you were, and Sanemi had to sadly explain that you and genya were no longer alive.
Since then, the couple gave flowers to Sanemi for him to place on yours and his graves, until one summer their stand was never put up.
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campwillowpeak · 1 year
Could we get Harper SFW Alphabet?
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Harper is super affectionate! He shows it though physical contact (if you're ok with it), acts of service, and some light teasing
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) Absolute gremlin. Playfull bullying. Throwing rocks at your window at 2am to come out and join him for some questionable shinanigans. He's all about being an absolute goof and having a good time. Though if you ever need anything he'd insist you don't hesitate to come to him, he'll help out a buddy however he can (Whether by legal means or not :) )
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Harper fucking LOVES to cuddle. He'll wrap his long ol arms around you and hold you as close as he can without hurting you. Nuzzling his face into your hair with the biggest, goofiest grin… Good luck getting away from him any time soon :)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) He likes the idea of having a family some day, but he won't raise a fuss or anything if you're not for that! He's an excellent cook since its one of his main hobbies, and he likes to keep things fairly tidy… He isn't very diligent about laundry though… putting it away neatly anyway, he more often than not has a pile of unfolded clean laundry frequently being transfered between his computer chair and his bed. He does keep the dirty ones in the hamper though
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) HAHAHAH Break up? HHAHAHAHA Thats funny :)))))))))))
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Harper already ready to get down on one knee the moment he gets you to like him back… fuck he's prolly ready before even that
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) He can be very gentle if thats what you prefer! He's a big guy but he knows how to be careful. Soft tender hugs, holding your hand in his, gentle kisses to the cheek. As far as emotionally, with you he's more than happy to open up and let you know just how much he adores you, going on and on about every little thing about you that makes him smile
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) He loves hugs! He'll take em any time he can get em. Hugging you close while cuddling… Hugging you from behind while you're working on something… Man could just be looking at you for a few seconds and he's just filled with the urge to wrap his arms around you~
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) Dawg already been saying it to you while watching you sleep for like the past year LMAOOOOO
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Ahah… Ahahahah…. Ahahahahahah.. You remember that guy you told Harper about who was hitting on you last night? It looks like they're now on fucking fire… shame really ( ovo)
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) His kisses can range from soft and gentle to rough and firm depending on the mood. His lips are very soft n you kno he keeps those suckers moisturized He loves to kiss your thighs and neck, also leaving little nibbles as well uvu Personally he loves to be kissed on the cheek, lips, and on his scars… Just makes him feel all tingly inside |D
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Harper is pretty ok around kids, he def tolorates them better than he does older people, especially if they match his goofy gremlin energy. He's very much one to egg them on to be mischevious and if they're all going gremlin mode you'll 100% catch him playing and messing around with them, letting them hang off his arms, giving them piggy back rides, playing video games with them, ect. He'd also be very protective of em. He def has a soft spot for kids… And if they were his own then even more so
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Harper isn't the most early of risers, he's a lil slow to wake up and usually goes through 2 whole ass pots of coffee before he's even functioning, then even more throughout the day He also takes a little bit of time to get ready in the morning just tending to his teeth alone, he has a whole routine for them that takes up half an hour. And expect to be spending at least another half hour even before that just trying to convince him to let you go so you can get out of bed
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) If its not a date night or anything then usually chilling together, watching movies, playing games, doing whatever fun little activities you guys can come up with. Though he'd love to take you out frequently for nights on the town, shopping and taking you to nice resturants and events. He wants to spoil you day and night but he also knows the importance of down time uvu
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) He'll start slow, trying to get you to warm up to him. But once you're official he'll gradually open up more and more… Though there are some things he'd rather you never find out :)))
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) At you? Rarely if ever. At everyone else? They're on thin ice just being in the same room as him… and even more so the same room as you :)))
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) Harper memorizes everything he can about you. Every little bit of information he can get his grubby, oversized hands on he's already commited to memory and he knows more about you than even some of your closest friends thanks to all that good ol fashioned stalking he been doing uvu
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) When you both first reached the camp and he realized now he'd be able to openly interact with you without you easily being able to get away uvu
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Mega protective, the minute Harper even thinks something or someone is a danger to you he's immediately putting that big ol body of his between you and whoever/whatever it is. And if you were ever hurt? Whoever is responsible is going to be finding their subscription to breathing being cancelled real soon
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Oh the man is going all out on special events like those if you let him… Fancy dates, taking you to your favorite places, making you the absolute BEST food if not taking you out to wherever you wanted to eat. He'd make sure every date, anniversary, special event with him is one you'll never forget0 As for chores, he doesn't mind doin em, especially things like cooking :)
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) He doesn't bother with small things like matching his socks. And he has a bad habit of picking at his fingertips especially when he's nervous
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Harper likes looking cleaned up but other than that his style and vibe is pretty chill. Not like grungy or anything but also not super fancy… I guess just slightly above average attention to it?
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Very much so, he wouldn't be able to bring himself to function much past taking care of his Nonna, and when she's gone he'd pretty much just… give up
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) He makes random noises when he's bored or focusing on something, half the time he doesn't even realize he's doign it. But sometimes he'll just look at you, freeze for a few seconds, and then make some silly noise before giving you a goofy laugh
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) He hates avacados. He also doesn't like things being super messy/dirty
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) He talks in his sleep sometimes… Sometimes its just random gibberish, others you could hold full, if not very strange, convorsations with him while he's sleeping
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haunted-creations · 1 year
My Top 10 Fictional Guys' HC's
I didn’t know where or who to start with writing, sooo here’s my personal top boyos! Instead of giving my personal reasonings, I’m giving headcanons for each! This took me way too long to do. uvu Man there's gonna be one heck of a tag list pfff-
#1 Mirio Togata (My Hero Academia)
♡ When He Likes You: Mirio knew he’d like you, but he didn’t expect to like you this much. It’s kind of hard to tell that he does because he’s pretty friendly with everybody, but his friends notice that his smiles are a little bigger and he seems a little more excitable when you’re around, not to mention that hint of blush on his cheeks. He’ll use his quirk and act a little goofier than usual just to hear you laugh and see your smile. He even goes out of his way to spend what little free time he has with you because he enjoys being around you that much.
♡ Asking You Out: It happens on a random day almost out of nowhere. Mirio’s been thinking about asking you out for a couple days now trying to think of the best way to approach you about it without making you feel uncomfortable or forced to say yes. He really wants to make sure if you do say yes, it’s 100% your choice. But after all the thinking it just feels off for him not to be direct, so he just casually asks you one day when there’s a break in the conversation: “Hey, would you wanna go out sometime? Like on a date. You don’t have to say yes or answer right away if you wanna think about it, either way is fine with me. I just think you’re pretty cool.” When you say yes, he has the biggest smile on his face as he grabs your hand and tells you he’ll come up with the best date ever.
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ If you’re ok with physical affection, this man has plenty to provide. Mirio will always interlock your fingers and hold your hand wherever you go. He gives the most AMAZINGLY warm hugs that make you feel like nothing could ever hurt you with him around. Forehead and head kisses are his way of showing his utmost affection for you especially when you’re cuddling together. If you happen to return said affections, he melts and returns it again ten fold. ♡ Whenever you’re feeling ill, in pain, or just feeling down in general, this man is on it. Need medicine? A heating pad? Good warm food? Comfort foods and soft warm blankets? Just ask and he’ll go get it or make it no question. Even when you’re sick he’ll hold you and make sure you’re able to fall asleep. He’s very attentive and wants to make sure you’re feeling your best or as comfortable as possible. ♡ One of his favorite things to do is share food with you. There’s something sort of intimate about sharing food that really makes him feel like a couple with you. He also finds amusement in the way you eat, but also this gives him a chance to not only feed you food, but for you to feed him food as well. While he enjoys feeding each other in a classic couple-like fashion, sometimes you two will opt to be silly about it and make funny noises while you do it or straight up miss each other’s mouths on purpose.
#2 Kagami Taiga (Kuroko no Basket)
♡ When He Likes You: Kagami’s a complete dork around you. He’ll try to impress you with his basketball skills and occasionally it’ll work, but sometimes he’s so focused on looking cool that he doesn’t pay attention and ends up tripping over something or running into his teammates. When it comes to one on one interaction with you, he‘s pretty blunt about his curiosities about you since he’s too impatient to have any tact with a conversation. Despite his rough behavior with most people, he’ll be his own version of polite and respectful with you and keep his more fiery side in check when you’re around.
♡ Asking You Out: You’d think Kagami would just straight up ask you, and he does, but you have to ask him to repeat himself because he either stutters the whole question or says it too quietly to hear. At one point even he gets fed up with himself so he sighs and finally asks you clear as day. “Will you go out with me? On a date?” He chokes on air when you actually say yes and then cheers and punches the air in celebration. You also think you hear distant cheering somewhere you can't see that totally isn't his teammates.
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ If anybody gets a little too friendly or flirty with you, Kagami steps in instantly glaring them down. He won’t even say anything, he’s just scary enough to send people running. God forbid anyone try to put their hands on you without your consent, he won’t hesitate to deck them and full on FIGHT. ♡ One of Kagami’s favorite activities to do with you is to cook together because he didn’t get many opportunities to do stuff like this with his own family. If you don’t know how to cook he’s happy to teach you and surprisingly patient with you (it really baffles his friends and people that know him, it’s like his hot headed side shuts off when interacting with you). He’s a little more iffy with baking, so if you know how to bake he’s eager to learn. If neither of you know how to bake, it’ll probably be a bit of a hilarious disaster that's still fun for you two. ♡ When you guys sleep in bed together he likes to be the big spoon because you’re quite comfortable and the perfect hugging size for him. Even if you guys fall asleep separately somehow he’ll still end up wrapping around you in his sleep in some way.
#3 Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
♡ When He Likes You: You can hardly tell that Sebastian likes you since he’s a pretty closed off person, so it’s the subtle things that give him away. Despite his loner tendencies, he lets you hang around even when you stumble upon him having alone time. He’s not much for conversation, but he’ll genuinely ask you how your day was or how you’ve been, maybe even ask about farm life and your interests. But every now and then you’ll catch him off guard with something you say and he’ll let a smile slip or a small chuckle followed by a look of appreciation for your presence.
♡ Asking You Out: Sebastian wants to ask you out, but to be honest he doesn’t really know how so he’s been putting it off until one particular day. You two are exploring the mines together since you know your way around pretty well and he wants to see if he can get a Frozen Tear for himself. When you two finally find one, you get swarmed by frost bats. Sebastian grabs your hand and you two make a run for it. When you’re finally outside the cave, you two are laughing in disbelief and then there’s a pause before he suddenly asks you out. You say yes and he can’t hide the excitement on his face. “Cool. Maybe we could go see the city on my motorcycle some time.”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ Sebastian ends up getting pretty invested in your lifestyle so he tends to help out on his days off. He likes to tend to the animals (and slimes if you have them). If you need any mine resources he’s totally down to go with you and ends up being your cover from monsters while you mine. Any other activity that involves exploring or going to strange places, he’s your right-hand companion to make sure you come back safe and also feed his own wanderlust he didn’t quite know he had. ♡ After a long or particularly rough day the two of you go to the Spa together to relax in the hot spring. If your muscles are aching Sebastian doesn’t mind massaging them for you as long as you return the favor. On the occasion that you guys might get bored while sitting there, your relaxation will turn into a little splash fight. ♡ It catches you off guard at first, but Sebastian will sometimes suddenly express how grateful he is to have met you and how lucky he is to get to date you. He always felt like the odd one out in this town finding it hard to really connect with anybody and his life felt pretty stagnant, which is why he wanted to move to the city in the first place. But now that he’s met you, he’s grown a lot more optimistic about his future and he smiles a lot more than he used to. He never wants to take all that for granted so he makes sure to let you know that.
#4 Rin Matsuoka (Free!)
♡ When He Likes You: Rin doesn’t want you to know it so much he hardly wants to admit it to himself. He’ll act pretty irritable with you due to this, but if he sees he’s upsetting you with his attitude he’ll instantly drop it and try to cheer you up. As you get to know each other more though he starts to really open up and relax, even playfully teasing you and giving you sass to draw out a reaction from you.
♡ Asking You Out: Rin’s pretty troubled at first because he feels like asking you out would cause things to be awkward if you say no, but he can’t deny his feelings for you any longer. So he seeks you out one day looking rather irritated (as a tsundere does) and at first you think you’re in trouble for something. “Oi! I need to ask you something. Would you…go on a date with me? It’s fine if you say no, you can just forget I asked or whatever…” But you say yes and he’s shocked, but grins and has the gall to tease you about liking him back.
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ First and foremost, Rin wants to swim with you. If you don’t know how to swim, he’ll definitely teach you. But if you’re not too keen on learning how, he’s ok with just spending time in the water with you. He’ll even push you around on a floatie or hold you and slowly pull you around. If you’re on a floatie he loves diving and jumping out at you like a shark. ♡ Despite how active he is, one of his favorite things to do with you is chill at your place or his (or both if you guys live together). There’s nothing he likes more than to just lazily cuddle up on the couch or bed with you. If you like music, he’s all for laying there and sharing your music tastes or new songs you found with each other. If you wanna watch any shows or movies, he’s ready to attempt getting invested, although even if he’s not interested he’ll still hang around. If you guys are bored and have nothing else to do, he’ll suggest building a blanket fort and of course there will be snacks and drinks to be had in it for a job well done. ♡ Rin doesn’t outright admit it, but he likes when you play with his hair. He finds it relaxing to feel your fingertips on his scalp or your fingers run through his hair, so he tends to lay his head on you a lot to prompt you. He’ll even let you braid his hair or style it however you want.
#5 Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man)
♡ When He Likes You: Aki can be hard to read sometimes, but his aloof nature cracks when it comes to you. He’s very protective of you and always wants to make sure you’re safe (and not bothered by people unworthy of your presence). You can hardly tell when he’s particularly happy or excited, but when you offer (or accept his offer) to hang out you manage to get a small blush and eager smile out of him. He's also the type to check himself in the mirror and straighten out his clothes before he goes to see you. He always wants to look his best around you.
♡ Asking You Out: Aki’s actually kind of nervous about it and has to hype himself up a bit to ask you. He plans a specific day and specific time to ask you to get a coffee/drink of your choice with him framed as a casual hangout. However, his fellow co-workers manage to stumble upon you two and ruin the moment consistently every time he tries to pop the question. In a built up fit of frustration, he slams a table and blurts out, “Would you go away already?! I’m trying to ask them out!” He goes red as he realizes what he said. After a moment of silence, you pipe up that you would in fact like to go out with him. He’s thrilled of course, but the amount of torturous teasing he gets from everybody afterwards is almost unbearable.
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ It takes Aki a bit to get used to physical affection if you’re into that. He’s kind of shy about it so you’d probably have to initiate, but once he gets more comfortable he more so offers affection rather than outright giving it to you. He’ll open his arms for you to step into the hug or he’ll hold out his hand for you to take, things like that. ♡ Aki’s the type to pay a lot more attention to you than you think. Have you been coughing lately? He’s got cough drops on hand. You mentioned you ran out of your favorite snack? He happened to buy extra you can have. Are you sweating a lot? He’s got a small fan for you to use and knows an air conditioned place nearby with drinks. His gifts to you are also pretty top notch because he remembers a lot about your conversations and interests. ♡ While Aki is more used to tending to others, he likes it if you make a bit of a fuss over him even if he says he’s fine. It makes his heart flutter when you worry about any sustained injuries he has or if you’re concerned about his lack of sleep because it’s been awhile since someone’s really cared about him like that. He’s an incredibly efficient workaholic and usually pretty good with keeping up basic self-care, but sometimes when he’s having a hard time he can falter in those aspects. If you happen to catch him when he’s emotionally vulnerable and comfort him with a hug or hand hold, he unravels pretty quick but that’s when he knows he’s truly found a treasure.
#6 Masato Hijirikawa (Uta no Prince-sama)
♡ When He Likes You: Masato’s caught off guard by his feelings for you and doesn’t know how to handle them, which can cause some jealous and protective outbursts at times. When he’s not guarding you though he’s very sweet and a total gentleman. However, his usually aloof personality breaks if you two make physical contact. If you try to hug him he’ll look like he’s ready to combust on the spot.
♡ Asking You Out: Even though he’s nervous, Masato wants to make the experience romantic. He’ll ask you to meet him somewhere private yet beautiful (like a botanical garden) and have flowers in hand when you come to meet him. As he presents them to you, he’s blushing with a determined look in his eyes. “Would you do me the pleasure of going on a date with me?” When you say yes he smiles affectionately and gently takes your hands, bowing until his forehead meets them. “Thank you. I will do my best to take care of you.”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ Physical affection isn’t Masato’s strong suit so he doesn’t dish it out often, but that makes his displays that much more meaningful. He considers physical affection to be very intimate so he prefers not to do it in public, though he is ok if you wish to give him small kisses and hugs. Hand holding is ok too, but he prefers you two to link arms. It’s his personal exception for being closer to you. ♡ Despite Masato being on the more reserved side, he likes to take you out to one of those private karaoke rooms because he may or may not want to show off his singing skills while also serenading you. He’ll even bust out the boy band moves for you! Regardless of whether you’re good at singing or not, he encourages you to try too just for the fun of it and will use whatever little instruments they have in there to cheer you on. ♡ Masato’s not too keen on trying new or different things that might appear unseemly for someone like him due to his upbringing, but his inhibitions relax if you’re involved. It’s actually pretty amusing for you to have him try things and see his reactions. You find out that he can get pretty competitive while playing video games as he has little childish outbursts of amazement and frustration. He takes watching cartoons a little too seriously and actually gets emotionally invested. And at first he’s hesitant about trying adult coloring books, but soon enough it’s one of his favorite ways to relax and he’s pretty good at it.
#7 Zen/Hyun Ryu (Mystic Messenger)
♡ When He Likes You: Zen flirts with you. Constantly and with zero shame at all times, there’s no way you don’t know he’s into you. At first it might seem like a shallow attraction, but once he really starts to get to know you he’ll start to point out things he really likes about you like little habits he finds cute or your laugh or how excited you get when you talk about your interests. He’s positively smitten with you but he will respect your boundaries if you tell him he’s overdoing it.
♡ Asking You Out: Technically Zen’s already asked you a handful of times, but you never took them seriously and brushed it off as playful flirting. Unknown to you Zen has been genuinely serious, so when you wave off his attempt once again he’s pretty disappointed and he gets uncharacteristically meek. “Oh ok, I get it. You’re not interested…” You stop him and ask if he actually meant what he said to which he responds of course, he’s been flirting with you for weeks! But you both apologize for the misunderstanding and when you finally accept, he’s so excited he almost wants to go on the date right that second. “Should we go right now? I know a lovely restaurant nearby. What do you mean you want to get ready first? Ah I get it, my cutie wants to look their best. Then let’s go out later and I’ll make sure I look my best too <3”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s:  
♡ Zen wants to show you off to everybody and will gush over you to anybody who will listen to an embarrassing (and perhaps exhausting for others) extent. Anybody that tries to flirt with him is immediately shut down with your picture in their face and how lucky he is to have you. That one Will Smith meme where he’s got his hands out presenting his wife (or whatever, idk his life lol), that’s Zen. He couldn’t be more proud of having you as his significant other. In his eyes there couldn’t be a better couple than you two. ♡ He loves going out with you and spoiling you wherever you two go, but his favorite thing is when you two go out at night. Seeing all the city lights or just seeing the starry sky takes him back to one of his favorite moments with you that he’ll always cherish. He’ll grab your hand and rub his thumb over the back with reverence and smile at you as he pulls you closer as you two walk. ♡ Zen gets excited at the thought of being domestic with you, so when you two start dating he wants to do all the things: cook together, clean together, grocery shopping, sleeping together, do some skin care together, exercise together if you’re into that, maybe even get a pet or plant child to take care of together. Even if you simply need to run some errands he’s more than happy to go with you and help out where needed.
#8 Brett Hand (Inside Job)
♡ When He Likes You: You catch Brett’s curiosity right away and he’ll chat you up to try to find out all about you. This might be an issue if you’re not much of a talker, to which he might have to ask Reagan for advice with getting closer with you. Once you two are fairly acquainted he’ll definitely want to hang out more and will always check in with you to make sure you’re doing ok. Eventually you’ll start to notice that his usually smooth conversation skills start to fail him when talking to you and he’ll start to stutter and stumble over his words if he’s not already blurting out embarrassing things by accident.
♡ Asking You Out: Brett is a wRECK. He usually isn’t this nervous about dates, but he’s never liked someone this much before and he doesn’t want to mess this up. It doesn’t help that he gets flustered around you. He even asks his co-workers/buddies for help and advice, but their suggestions were pretty intense and some not all that legal. So he settles for the old fashioned way of just asking you. Brett tries to approach you smoothly, but ends up tripping and falling. After you try not to laugh and help him up, he tries to drum up some small talk and compliment something normal about you, but it’s kind of awkward. So he takes a deep breath and just goes for it, closing his eyes afterwards to brace for the answer. And you say yes. “Wha- Really? Oh wow, uh, thank you? No Brett that’s stupid…um, I mean, great! Is there anything you want to do or anywhere you wanna go? I’m down for anything!”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ Brett’s kind of a rom-com guy, so in kind he does a lot of very cheesy and cliché things except he tends to mess them up. Setting up a romantic candlelit dinner? Something (probably him) catches on fire. Sharing a kiss in the rain? He slips and accidentally headbutts you. Bringing you flowers? Somehow they get destroyed on the way to you. But even when things go wrong, you two find a way to make it better. From laughing over the incident as you tend to any injuries and clean up, taking turns drying each other’s hair and snuggling up with warm drinks, to using the surviving petals as romantic and fragrant decoration. It seems like nothing can truly deter your relationship. ♡ Due to his work, Brett’s very nervous about your wellbeing. If you’re not involved with what his job does, he tries to make sure you stay far, far away from it so that you stay safe and don’t end up mysteriously disappearing. If you happened to be a co-worker that he started dating, he’ll check in with you frequently to get you food and drinks and also let you vent about work since he knows working for Cognito can be rather stressful. ♡ Since his family sucks to a high degree, he takes spending time with you and all celebrations with you quite seriously. He will go all out for your birthday especially. If you’re ok with parties, he’ll throw you the best one according to your preferences. Either way his one requirement is to have a dance with you. Whether it be high energy, go crazy dancing or a slow and romantic dance, he’s happy to be close to you.
#9 Kanji Tatsumi (Persona 4) 
♡ When He Likes You: Kanji blushes just from thinking about you, much more looking at you. He tries to cover it up by looking even meaner than usual but his friends know better and tease him endlessly about it. He’s pretty bashful around you and has a hard time making eye contact. If you’re receptive to him, he’ll gift you handmade keychains and plushies of your favorite animals or things you’re interested in. If you’re still wary of him, he’ll try his best not to seem so imposing around you by lowering himself if he’s taller than you, keeping his hands in his pockets, and practicing smiling more though that part might backfire from how much he forces it.
♡ Asking You Out: There were a couple failed attempts before he finally just goes for it. There’s not really much of a set up for it to be honest because his friends force the situation on him when they all plan a way to get you two alone. There’s a briefly awkward exchange between you two when he suddenly just blurts out asking if you would go on a date with him followed up by an apology. “I know I’m not as good looking as some other guys and I don’t exactly look like someone you wanna take home to your parents ya know, so I get it if you say no. No hard feelings or nothin.” So he’s taken aback to say the least when he hears you say yes. He even asks if you’re sure and once you reassure him you mean it, he does a little cheer before clearing his throat and saying, “Cool, cool. It’s a date then.”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s:  
♡ Kanji really loosens up after you two start dating and lets his more dorky side come out since you make him comfortable to be himself. He scowls a lot less and tends to smile more genuinely especially when you’re around. Make no mistake though, even though he’s friendlier he’s still willing to intimidate and throw hands if anybody tries to mess with you. ♡ You tried on Kanji’s clothes once for the sake of impersonating him as a joke, but it turns out he was really into it. He thought it was really cute. So he doesn’t mind if you steal any of his clothes for pajamas and will offer his jacket to you if he sees you shiver even the tiniest bit. ♡ When you guys are having a more chill day inside sometimes you two pick out crafts to try together. Kanji is pretty handy with sewing so he has no problem learning or leading the way with crafts around that department if you’re not knowledgeable of them. You two will usually make a matching pair of whatever craft you’re doing and Kanji will proudly display your guys’ crafts in his room.
#10 David (Camp Camp)
♡ When He Likes You: David’s sort of obvious and cliché since he’s usually a pretty open person. He’ll blush around you, give longing looks while you’re not looking, and give you compliments over seemingly minor things. His affections are even more obvious when you’re brought up in conversations with others because he’ll start rambling about how much he admires you and how amazing he thinks you are.
♡ Asking You Out: There’s a big camp bonfire coming up so David decides it’s a perfect time to ask you out. What’s more romantic than making smores by the fire under a starry sky? Unfortunately for him, nothing ever goes as planned in Camp Camp. Some camp kids start throwing melted chocolate and marshmallows at each other, others are throwing random things into the fire to see what burns, and amidst the chaos David briefly catches on fire himself. After the fires are safely put out and everyone’s returned to their cabins, you take David to dress his burns. Deciding that he’s got nothing to lose at this point, he finally asks you out on a date to which you accept. He can’t believe it, but he’ll take it. “As much as I love these kids, I’m definitely making sure Gwen watches them when I take you out.”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ As disastrous as the confession was, David wants to make up for it by taking you out to a campfire minus the kids this time. The stars are beautiful, the smores are delicious, and he has a surprise for you as he takes out his guitar. At first you expect a campfire song, but instead he has a sweet and tender love song he wrote to sing to you. Afterwards you two share a kiss and cuddle next to the fire. ♡ You two plant a tree together and it becomes your plant child. The type of tree and name is up to you, but you two go all out with its care giving it the best quality soil and water, decorating it around holidays or just for fun to make it cuter, and talking to it like it’s your guys’ actual child. David couldn’t be a prouder plant daddy. ♡ David doesn’t seem the type, but he can get pretty jealous if he sees anybody showing more than friendly interest in you especially if the person seems tougher or more masculine than him due to previous relationships. He’ll end up inserting himself into the conversation feigning friendliness and wrap an arm around you while standing as tall as he can to make things clear you’re unavailable. He might seem like a pushover, but when it comes to you he won’t back down for any reason.
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mllllonsknlves · 1 year
Knives’ Knives
Reposting another twitter thread I made for archival purposes. Its literally a copy and paste and more images are shown on the original twitter post just because tumblr is janky when adding so many images to a text post.
So I was watching tristamp for the hundredth time and noticed something I hadn't picked up on before. Millions Knives' blades have different modes. Four that we've seen so far to be exact.
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The one shown here is most common. A default state, folded and seemingly duller than others. Even the wire connecting the blades is rounded. This is the form we see most often, and the only form shown directly in front of Vash (that we've seen so far, will touch on again later.)
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These seem to be an attack stance for the blades. The wire even expands into what could cause more damage than just the blades alone. The first are pointed outward while the second is pointed inward, depending on the purpose being served- attacking versus grabbing.
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We then have the detached blades. They start in the default state but seem to expand as more form.
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Even in the preview for episode 11, Knives uses the folded, almost rounded blades. Because he's in front of Vash and doesn't REALLY want to harm him, at least not more than necessary.
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Obviously, Nai uses the folded blades when trying to connect with the core. He does not want to harm it. The end of the blades act at a connecting point, and its likely very similar to how he connected with Vash in the first place.
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What is particularly fascinating is that even when attacking Meryl, his blades are folded. It's most likely due to the fact that Vash is RIGHT BEHIND her and doesn't want to get him in the crossfire. His blades are still folded upon impact with Vash's gun.
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He does not extend the blades at the start of their fight. Not once do they open beyond the folded state, not at a distance, and not hand to hand.  Even when theyre out in the open and hes flinging Vash around, theyre still folded. We see him manipulate them with extreme accuracy, and yet even when they're in freefall, he does not USE THEM AT ALL. Not to grab Vash or the cube.
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Even after slaughtering all the soldiers and he floats menacingly above Vash to continue their argument, his blades are folded. So, either he can still cause that damage while folded, or the more likely thing, is that he refolded them after killing them to confront Vash again.
The entire rest of their fight. Folded. Grabbing the angel arm. Folded.
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HOWEVER. AND THIS IS THE MOST HEARTBREAKING THING OF ALL. ONCE HE HAS DECIDED THAT THE NAI THAT VASH KNEW IS DEAD. That is when the blades expand. Because he's snapped. Broken. He has /truly/ and /wholly/ become Millions Knives in that moment, because he has lost Vash.
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Its also worth noting that his blades and his wings are burned off before he lets go. Something something symbolism. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the agony uvu
I found more things to add to the things that were said above upon another watch through. Not sure theyre particularly poignant, but thought they were interesting enough to tack on. 
So I was watching ep3 and noticed how many times Knives swaps between the modes. The initial grab of the first women, the blades are pulled in the back position, but the second woman is grabbed with them in the forward position and dragged away and killed with the back position.
Immediately after, we see Knives advancing the steps and his blades floating around them in the forward stance. When they shoot forward to seek out the Plant, theyre back. As he goes to jump, theyre forward again.
As soon as the Plant is grabbed, the blades are folded, showing the care he has for them. There is one instance of them being forward, but likely just to get a more secure hold. Otherwise, always folded.
The ONLY INSTANCE (save for those final moments in 12) where Knives uses an "attack stance" of his blades in front of Vash is when he's using them to block bullets. In defense.
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He is INCREDIBLY deliberate with how his blades are used and shows a high level of skill. He wields them with PURPOSE. Anyway, thank you for tuning into another episode of my hyperfixation o/
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selenemoonlite · 6 months
hiiii! I can ask for some hdcns for hajun, allen, kanata with an orphan mc fem who also has a younger sister whom she loves very affectionately and teaches (things like sums, reading, etc.) since they can't attend school je, well In summary, how would they react to a tender relationship between sisters~ (since we have seen several brother relationships in the anime, so I was wondering how things would be with a fluffy and sweet relationship between sisters with a lot of hug uvu) I hope I have explained myself well ;u; tell me if something was not understood and I will rephrase it again, tkm <33
┈➤ that's such a cute request! Hopefully, this will suffice for your scenarios, please enjoy!
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Allen Sugasano
he notices you with a scratch paper you hold with. Allen was quick to take an interest in
Aware of the circumstances your life has been through he is sure to ask why you have that paper along with you. It didn't shrug the fact you said you want to teach your sister back at home today.
Allen wanted to help and the care and concern he shows he visiting you two at your house
It wasn't pretty much shabby nor abandoned as you mainly took care of everything around. Managing only you and your little sister, which Allen admires that of you
He sees your little sister at the front door directly she greets him before rushing you with a big hug
How cute isn't it? Allen was a bit cautious about wherever places he went, shy enough to bow as he walked inside
You prepared a small table with the scratch paper on your hands and placed it along with a notebook and a pen
"New lesson to teach her?" Allen asked as he watched you
You answered yes to the hip-hop genius with a soft smile showed your face. When your little sister arrives back to see you handling a new topic she has quipped her attention to you as you speak
Something Allen felt was genuinely unconditional that you wanted to help her know the bigger things and the outside world which he had a heartfelt weight on his chest. Chuckling as he also joined the discussion.
Wholesome moment when you put a lot of effort into telling your little sister what's good and bad, and there's nothing to be afraid of risking challenges in it too
You were a standing mother to her, she is more important to you than anyone else which Allen understands as he listens to you.
There are random conversations that relate to your new topic and yet rambles that your sister will find entertaining even in the slightest thought. Allen stares at you without any notice as you are focused on telling more about your sibling.
There are moments Allen grew fonder of your sibling relationship that he caters his time to talk with your little sister too.
He knows how hard it is to live up to the reality you've been facing. As Allen was supposed to leave, he chuckled and smiled at you saying "You know what? I think you'll be a great teacher someday. If I were to help you. I thank you for such a good role model for her."
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Hajun Yeon
Such an observer, he would help you out about things with you and your little sister
But you were a persistent older sibling to her no matter what which Hajun respects
Something Hajun finds in someone that he wished to feel for throughout his past life with a rich family. Love wasn't something he saw nor felt within his presence before, until the picture of you and your littlbutister's bond
Hajun can only think and imagine how life was been for you to pursue just for this little lady. He sometimes assists you around when you need him. Education is a treasure that he believes in, despite the difference in his experience between the two of you. He wouldn't miss a chance to help out as well
Funny that sometimes Hajun would slide sarcastic comments about your teachings to your little sister which ends up with him and your sibling picking a tease on you. But who doesn't it? Hajun as his ways to do so
He feels like he is also part of this bond you two had. Even your little sister starts to call him "oppa" when he comes around visiting your place.
He makes sure to bring some books, papers, notebooks, and pens to find. He showers your little sister with gifts he knows she can appreciate.
Of course, you're not missing out. Hajun isn't the type to be verbal, but showing his side of effort and gifts are his ways.
Aside from that, it's a relief you're not the only one helping out to teach your little sibling. Hajun gives the best learnings for her to share as he was given the best education. So he wouldn't be shy about it.
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Kanata Yatonokami
As Kanata relates to this kind of situation. He always reminds him and Nayuta in this case. He sees you with your little sister laughing as you discuss lots of things going on. The world outside is mysterious and something to explore.
He simply agrees with a few things you teach her, there are times when Kanata's words are full of direct bluntness which he says they should know as early as possible before they can step up the reality.
In hindsight of this relationship that you and your little sister had he couldn't deny thinking of Nayuta the way you take care of her. Every patience, every moment you worded for her about the things she should be grateful for and that she doesn't need to do for their living survival? Thus, other things you would do to sacrifice in order not to lose someone special, and a family? Kanata felt that.
You're like a mother to her the way Kanata stands up doing odd jobs for a living, a standing parent for their siblings. Finally, another one who can relate to his struggles
When you're out going to buy some new notebooks for your little sister which are mostly used for her random scribbles. Kanata simply talks to the kid randomly while you're away
Your little sister is just being a child of her own, scribbling on her notebook as she presents it to Kanata.
He blinked and laughed noticing this little kid drew him, "You're something huh?"
He never felt like this being close to someone and yet welcomed. Like how he and Nayuta only had each other, he could only hope that Nayuta was here with him. Pretty sure you'll be the only person Kanata understands more by how this situation is meant for you two to talk about.
As you go home by the time, Kanata is just talking to your sister as she still scribbles in her notebook. You noticed Kanata's doodle of him and your sister together playing. There's a note from your little sister that says "big brother" on her paper.
Chuckling aside, you excused Kanata to let your sister behave and they shall start their learning fun. Kanata is willing to stay for long as he sees what bond you two have.
He didn't find it boring when you talked about other things aside from how to write and read. You taught your little sister some basic math you know. Even kidding aside if Kanata knows something which he slyly ignores that you find adorable his reactions are.
Daily he goes to see you and your little sister having quality time together there are no instances that your bond with her reflects where he and Nayuta spend.
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magickittywrites · 19 days
hii hh here's my request! I'll do two so you can choose or just do both if you like :]. i was thinking of little yaku so it can be a moodboard and if you'd like to write a one shot it could be with cg!kuroo =^. .^=
little!yaku x cg!kuroo haikyuu
hope u like it uvu ♡
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yaku left the ball fall making everyone confused. it wasn't a difficult ball to get but yaku didn't even try it.
-yaku-san!! why didn't you go for the ball? -lev screamed, making yaku frown.
-i just need a moment. -yaku shook his head and left practice, going to the club's room. everyone looked at each other without really knowing what to do, but kuroo followed him without doubting, he knew he couldn't leave him alone.
-can you tell me what's wrong? -kuroo said, walking inside the club's room. yaku was sitting there and taking deep breaths.
-i... feel like i'm slipping.
kuroo got closer and smiled.
-everyone in the team know you regress, i don't think it'll be a problem, just let it be, i promise it will be okay.
yaku crossed his arms, frutration only made him slip faster.
-it's alright, kiddo, you can slip. -kuroo ruffled yaku's hair making this one frown. -you wanna go play with us or you prefer to stay here?
-let's play -yaku said in a happy voice, smiling this time.
-alright, let's go. wanna hold my hand? -kuroo extended his hand towards yaku, who grabbed it and, together, got out of the club room and went back to the gym.
at the gym, yaku ran behind a ball and went back with kuroo, everyone immediately noticed yaku was regressed so they let kuroo play with him while they kept training. inuoka and lev wanted to play with yaku too but kuroo sent them back to training.
yaku was a pretty skilled player and that didn't change a lot even when regressed, it took him a bit more to react than usually so he didn't get every ball and that frustrated him a bit, but kuroo encouraged him every time so he would feel better and it seemed to work since his frustration disappeared thanks to kuroo's words.
frustration was an usual emotion in yaku's regression, but kuroo knew how to manage it with words of encouragement and support.
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idv-sunsxin3 · 2 years
hello sunshine <3
can i please get jade and floyd's reactions(not separately) with f!reader who can turn into a ghost and she can turn others into ghosts too?
sending love ♡
// Hi Polly. Here’s a flower for the delay. 🌸✨
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Jade and Floyd with Reader who can turn into a ghost.
Headers’ art via Twisted Wonderland Official Game {edit by me}
Female! Y/N
I keep having weird thoughts about this topic thanks to some voice line I heard before like-
I also just saw a funny edit pic of Floyd in a ghost busters outfit which doesn’t help at all help-
I see the Leech twins using your ghost perk to make some kind of haunted room reservation business or something- yay, time to get rich—/ih/jk
If you offer them to turn them into ghosts, Jade would merely politely decline. Probably foreign to your abilities as he prefers to study them through observing rather than experiencing it- UvU
On the other hand, Floyd would either go “lol sure” or “can ghosts eat tokoyaki-?” kind of chaotic response before gladly accepting-
Which leads to Jade mentally contemplating if he should stop Floyd from becoming a ghost or be a ghost too if Floyd wants to be a ghost- (kinda like the ‘if Floyd falls then I’ll fall too’ twin situation hhhh-)
If the ghost transformation only lasts temporarily before going back to normal, then Jade won’t have to worry much about it if that’s the case,,,, 🤭😅
Floyd likes to fool around with you the most out of the twins, he would have you hold his hand so he can temporarily get invisible as well. Then jump scared some random student in front of them once he stops going invisible… ówò;;;
I feel like Floyd would start calling you “Ghost Fishy” instead of “shrimpy” affectionately,,,-
Floyd// Ghost Fishy! Did you know that a ghost fish is something that's been seen before, but never has one been witnessed alive?
Jade// They live so deep in the ocean that they get no sunlight. This fact probably accounts for their pale ghostly appearance.
Jade// It's a fish without scales, and its sunken in eyes completely lack pigment…
You may run as you like, but they won’t stop tracking you down as if they’re ghostbusters whenever they want to stick with you- they just love to,,, You just look so interesting to look at whenever you’re in your visible ghost form- x’3
It’s mostly Floyd reacting a lot as he waves his hand around through your transparent ghost form, in awe by how you can also be touchable yet untouchable-
Probably Jade// Floyd, be polite with the lady- she might jump scared you afterwards- UvU;;;
It’s sometimes pretty hard to surprise Jade when going through walls out of nowhere, he’s surprisingly calm around you despite how very curious he tends to be about you.
He might also tease you if you try to peek in when he’s trying to dress up- like what you see~/ih ;)
Of course, he’ll still act polite around you like the gentleman he is- he doesn’t want his dear ghost fish to run away just yet out of embarrassment~ 😉
Floyd probably can be curious at times or just being goofy by asking you random questions he comes up in mind as well-
Floyd// I wonder if we become ghost, we can become ghost eels, would that be possible~? Wait no- How would we look like if we become ghost eels ~???
Jade// … That’s something you can figure out, as our dear Ghost is right here with us to help, Floyd~
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Since Kaiju Grim! Is bigger than lil Yuu! (Presumably - correct me if I'm wrong) does he, like, try to be a big bro? Do he scoop the tiny human (and fail because he's a clumsy fool) once he's emotionally attached? (I'm a sucker for familial bonds lmao)
Also also - are there any Kaiju who you feel would be confused as to what to do/how to react when they encounter Yuu and Grim (like how some people don't know how to hold babies and worry about how they seem so small and easy to accidentally bump or something - which I feel may be a Deuce thing to do hehe)
And on the flip side - any who would immediately be all grabby hands 'lemme see the babyyy!' type of deal (I know in my deepest heart and soul that Lilia would be like that) - or at least correcting other Kaiju on how to handle Grim and Yuu if they lift them up wrong (perhaps Leona?)
Kaiju!Grim is approximately the size of a medium-large horse (maybe a little bigger if you wanna imagine him carrying the main first year gang on his back!). c: Don’t worry, I’ll get a height chart out on these guys soon! It’s just a little tricky figuring out the best conversion for maximum fluff and terror. 😂
Anyway, yes! Grim would try to be a big brother to his tiny hooman sibling~! It takes a lil’ while though (just keep giving him yummy snacks, scritchies, and tummy rubs though, and he’ll be putty in your lil’ hands~!), and at first it might seem like he’s only with them so Crowley and Crewel don’t chew him out…literally and figuratively! But it does create situations like this:
Yuu: *-trying to reach for something hanging from a branch over the ledge of a nearby cliff-*
Grim: *-annoyed-* “If ya fall, I’m not gonna catch you.”
Yuu: *-hand slips and they pitch forward with a shriek-*
-0.2 seconds later-
Grim: *-half hanging over the edge, claws digging into the rock as Yuu dangles from his teeth by the seat of their pants-* “Ur ooh thupid!?!”
Don’t worry, he does care! He is family after all~ UvU (Found family is my ultimate weakness if you haven’t figured this out yet. If I could turn it into a hoodie, I’d never wanna take it off!)
Another sibling aspect is that Grim and Yuu would literally fit the “needs the get-along-sweater” because they keep getting into bickering fights with one another (especially when he tries to steal their food)…except, they don’t have a sweater. So how would this work? Easy:
Crewel and Crowley utilize the “discipline branch” by hanging/setting the two on the edge of a precarious branch on the highest point over the edge of a cliff, and neither of them can get down without getting injured or having one of their adoptive dads get them down. Needless to say, the moment Crewel gives the warning growl, both stop “misbehaving” and play the quiet game for a bit. 🤣
Now, as for the other Kaiju, yes, there would be some (*cough* ALL *cough*) who might struggle to figure out how to react to the smallest members of the “Teacher’s Pack” (this is just a placeholder name until I figure out what to call the staff in this AU 😅 Suggestions are open if anyone has any thoughts though!). Deuce and Jack were prime examples of Kaiju who would either freeze/lock up into a pure ball of anxiety worrying they’re going to knock them off/hurt them, or moving slowly—ever so slowly to keep them from falling.
Kinda like the kitten and bulldog from Looney Toons! (Except even bigger 😂)
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Funny enough, Idia wound up climbing the highest point of a tree the moment the tiny human squeaked up at him unexpectedly (he was okay afterwards, just momentarily spooked! He grows fond of Yuu/MC/reader the same way his in-game self adores kitties, so he’ll likely want some human snuggles—an SSR event he never thought he’d get to experience!). Idia becomes one of Yuu’s biggest fans, if I’m being honest, because who can resist the tiny cuteness? 🥰😍🥰
On the flipside, Kaiju like Cater, Floyd, Rook, Ortho, and Lilia would absolutely be the ones who would be “I wanna see!!! Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie~!” towards Yuu and Grim (mostly Yuu). Unfortunately, more than half of this selection would have unintentionally given the two nightmares! 🤣
“But Faun! What about Kalim? Surely he’d be happy to see Yuu and Grim too!”
Well, dear reader, you’re right: he would be happy to meet them…under normal circumstances. Here in this AU, though, he had a rather bad series of interactions with humans in general. If they weren’t attacking him out of fear (before the researchers arrival), they were trying to capture him for his ability to create gold and jewels (pre- and post-researcher arrival but not the researchers themselves). He just wanted to make friends, but human fear and greed say no. ;^;  (this is tied into how his in-game self would go through similar plots by the way, just on a monster scale!) Poor baby was so scared after one recent attempt left a scar on his nose, that he started pushing piles of his treasure hoard towards Yuu on first meeting and tried to hide. Q^Q
Have no fear, though! Like a skittish dog or cat and with gentle love and affection, our favorite ball of sunshine will be singing and playing with the tiny human friend in no time~! >w< In fact, you could say that Yuu is his first human friend ever to join his many other Kaiju friends!
Also, you’re right that a couple of the Kaiju (outside of the staff) would absolutely correct the others on how to properly carry the smol ones. Riddle and Vil are notorious for this, while Sebek might accidentally startle the one carrying them. XD Generally speaking, though, it takes a while for all of them to figure out what works, and in the end, Yuu/MC/reader will become the best Kaiju rodeo champion in the world! ÒvÓ
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So may i ask If you could maybe do some comfort fluff with Aether , Xiao and maybe Venti ?<3333 like uh the reader is not really doing so well and just ran to them crying- how would they react and how would they comfort them? (So sorry if it's weird aaaa)
YESS of course! nooo it's not weird it's cute!😎 I hope you are doing okay!!
And THANK YOU for a request !!
btw sorry if it's short :(
word count: 1,368
Characters: Aether, Xiao and Venti
T/w: None just fluff &lt;3
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Aether was taking a little rest under a tree when he started to hear small and soft sounds of sobs, he looked over at Paimon who also looked confused.
As the sobs and sniffling got a bit louder he decided to follow it seeing as he started to feel that it sounded familiar. The closer he got the clearer it became and once he turned the corner he saw your figure sitting under a tree near a pond huddled up leaning against the tree and with your knees to your stomach and your arms wrapped around them.
You hanged your head down low crying, Aether was token aback but also super worried, he went to you and was about to tap your shoulder before you looked up at him with teary eyes, he saw how hurt you were and it crushed his heart to see you like this and all he wanted to do was make you smile.
You looked up at him before pushing yourself up and jumping on him making the both of you fall down, once hitting the ground you hugged him tight crying into his chest he hugged back with one hand on your back tapping it gently in a soothing manner while the other one is on the back of your head
"it's okay.......let it all out..."
He said softly, then asked some questions but if you didn't answer he didn't push you to at all, he did fall silent to let you calm down with the sounds of the forest as he started stroking the back of your head gently.
He closes his eyes and slowly gets up and holds you up in his arms, you still being in the same position.
he walks back to both of your guys home and walks you to you shared room before softly placing you on the bed, as he took a seat next to the bed (you had fallen asleep on the walk to the house)
he smiled at your sleeping form as he let out a sigh, not because he was tired of you but from seeing you cry just worried him, he didn't know what happened and did want to know but also he didn't want to push you into saying what made you so sad.
you slowly opened your eyes to find your Aether sitting with a small smile. You slowly got up remembering what had made you cry and began to tear up. He saw that and quickly went by your side and put his arm around you, you leaned your head on him. A tear fell from one of your eyes before the other one fell.
".....it's okay....i'm here..come here let's go make something to eat together to try and clear your mind?...."
he asked as he wiped your tears away and gave you a small kiss on your head before getting up with you.
You guys ended up making your favorite desserts (Yum) he tried his best to make you happy while cooking, he would put some of the flower on your nose or whipping cream and you'd try to do the same as he was running away so you wouldn't get him but he would stop sometimes so you could get him though.
At the end he decided not to ask what had gotten you so sad in fear that you would get mad or become even more sad, he would just wait for you first if you feel like telling him then he'd be all ears and do his best to comfort you.
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Xiao heard a very familiar sound. It was your voice but more sobs as he heard you call his name, quickly he appeared in front of you.
He saw you crying with your hands on your face trying to wipe the tears away but they just kept falling.
Xiao wasn't all too familiar with the mortal feelings and how to comfort them but he tried.
He went up to you as you kept calling his name threw your sobs not realizing that he was already there, he slowly pulled one of his arms out to you and brought you into a hug, (like Aethers he had one on your back and the other on the back of your head)
he stood there holding you as you cried into his chest and you also holding on to him, he then slowly picked you up and walked you to the balcony as the sun was setting, you looked up at him and he spoke to you quietly
"I'm...not the best with this stuff......but I know that...you are stronger than this feeling you have..."
He said quietly not really knowing if it'll help or not. You look out at the sunset and feel a slight breeze blowing away your sorrow to somewhere far far away.
a smile appeared on your face as you watch the sun go down and a couple of birds fly by, Xiao was relieved that you were now smiling again and it made him happy to see you smile even though you may have gone threw something terrible-(possibly) you were still able to put a smile on your face.
He was proud to see that you overcame that emotion and proved that you are strong. Yes crying is good but you didn't let it bring you down.
After that day on he made sure to always be by your side no matter what and make you smile and laugh, even though there might be days where he might have to be far from you he'd make sure to keep an eye on you and hear for his name to be called again by you at anytime and he'll be there.
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Venti was at the tavern drinking away and probably getting you and him more into debt, it was late at night and out of nowhere the doors to the tavern were flung open to reveal you crying.
You ran over to Venti and jumped onto him crying "Huh...Windblume?..what's wrong?.." (Hiccup) he held you in his arms and saw that you were crying. Instantly he picked you up with ease seeing as you were getting weird looks from people around you both, he gave them a glare that made them all look away (Scary glare 😎) .
He took you out of the tavern with you in his arms then he started flying up and to the windrise tree, Setting you down under the tree and taking a seat next to you as he wrapped his arm around you and pushed you a bit closer that you leaned your head near his neck and cried softly as he tried to soothe you with gentle wind with the smell of your favorite flowers.
He started to sing to you quietly (one of your fav/childhood song?) you started to calm down and fell asleep on him he smiled but also felt sad that you were feeling under the weather today,
he wondered what was going on and if he could do anything to help because he loves to see you happy and make sure you are having a good time and if something is bothering you he'd make sure to fix it-(if it's the weather or the wind then he'd change it to your liking, just for you)
Once he saw that you were asleep he soon joined you. For the next few days he'd be spending them with you and push his drinking for later because you are more important than that (And that means a lot)---(And if someone were to make you feel such ways like that when you were sad then he'd make sure to pay them a visit---- "I just wanna talk to them")
I hope you liked it!! And if you wanted something to be different then
PLZ TELL ME I would love to hear what I could do to make it more to
your liking, Also I didn't know what you wanted the reader to be my
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mejomonster · 11 months
Mysterious lotus casebook, just fun things~
Li Lianhua calling his old rival A Fei which is just such a familiar name (I'm only used to Zhao Yunlan asking a crush to call him A Lan so). Like what a choice. Can't figure out an alias for ur super famous rival? Call him an intimate nickname. Sure.
Fang duobing being the MOST territorial man to ever live. Grabs hold of li lianhua and won't let go and moves himself in. Doesn't like li lianhuas other friends. Actively tries to Beat the shit out of them and give them bad food. On a mission to drive them OUT. Absolutely enraged over said nickname A Fei. Ready to throw hands nonstop
Fang duobing being That Bitch who says "you're my partner" nonstop within like a week of meeting. He could shake hands with Wei Wuxian calling Zhou Zishu his soulmate by ep 8 of Word of Honor lmao. But like genuinely, while partner im gonna interpret only as meant to be "detective partner/work partner" I still think it's Mighty Clingy of him to force li lianhua to be his partner lmao.
Fang duobing being such a fucking little liar who lies. "Fine I'm going my separate way" proceeds to move into the guest bedroom and eat all meals together. "Fine I'm not going to ask you to solve a crime with me" except I'm absolutely going to drag you into my shit until I get you mixed up in the case anyway uvu then insist you MUST help (and you won't want me to die so you will... and eventually fang duobings strategy DOES work... because eventually li lianhua goes back for him, like in the tomb, instead of leaving him behind anymore).
Fang duobing being like "You're ordinary, I'll protect you!" And like while in a way he's right, it's hilarious he's saying that to the Once Upon a Time second best fighter in the world. I also love how he immediately took the job of guard dog to heart: he is ride or die ready to do anything to protect his new coerced partner li lianhua.
I also like that him being ADAMANTLY ready to save li lianhua and protect him at all times, means we get plenty of rescues that aren't even a big deal. I think it's funny to compare the rescues to Ultimate Note and wu xie for two reasons. 1. Because Joseph zeng is playing the rescuer this time, and fang duobing is way more vocal about wanting to save li lianhua than xiaoge ever is, so it's cute to hear how intently up for Heroics the rescuer is. 2. Ultimate Note, like pretty much all dmbj for some reason, goes Really Shippy whenever it would do rescue scenes (you know what I mean... romantic music, long gazes into each other's eyes, romantic framing). It's interesting to see this show NOT do that, despite possibly even more frequent rescue scenes. I think it's a good idea but like... for a few reasons? First, li lianhua is experienced in fighting so he's not naive damsel in the way wu xie is, and he assumes he'll die so he doesn't really have major fear when he's in danger. Second, the whole tone of the show is more practical. I think the positive of this is we get really nice emotional scenes between the main trio that don't feel like jokes, and feel important as major relationships (which would also I guess be good for ships), and while it therefore doesn't really hit romance tropes (making bl potential scenes thankfully not get overt attention but also making it more vague, doing the same with women love interests so their scenes likewise feel less overtly intense as well) it does mean the weight of all scenes feels more balanced. I would compare it to how The Untamed handled all scenes romantic, platonic, familial in extremely similar ways in terms of feel. It made the romance stand out less, but it also meant the familial ties and friendship scenes felt Equally weighted. Which is a positive trait for this kind of show, I think, to weight all relationship types equally. While yeah it means ships of any kind become more subtle, I think it also makes all dynamics feel like they're closer to equal importance.
Fang duobing being a rich boy hypocrite is just The funniest fucking. It's so clear he's used to getting his way and it's part of why he grabbed li lianhua and didn't let go. He's got a mix of "genuinely wants to help people" that drives him to do good things like try to stop murderers and protect people until proven guilty and pursue evidence and the truth. Then he's also got that inherent quality of he's always gotten what he wants, he doesn't think he should ever Stop getting it. He's broke and starving, but only Very Nice tasting food he particularly craves is worth saying yes to. He's arrested? Use his family name and status and Baichuan courts sway to get himself free and bully the suspects into cooperating more. Li lianhua doesn't want him? Insist he's a Generous Hero for offering to protect/help li lianhua and no one should refuse such a Gift (so fang duobing simply won't be refused). A fei shows up and clearly has an existing (closer) relationship to li lianhua? Be a complete bitch to him to the point where it's leaning into harassment, try to chase him away, because if li lianhua is HIS then obviously he should be HIS more than he should be close to anyone else. Like an extremely territorial pet, he wants the most attention the most given to him from li lianhua and he does NOT want anyone to get as close to li lianhua as he is. Or at least as close as he Wishes he was (which is partners in solving cases and Life that travel the jianghu together... which... its fascinating he's really locked onto an "ordinary" person for this desire, you would think he'd want a martial arts master for that... but I think fang duobing enjoys feeling like the powerful one who can show off, impress, protect, and teach his partner... especially because his ego takes a hit with struggling to get into baichuan and being a subpar investigator compared to doctor li lianhua. It's clear fang duobing is used to being The Best, and while he wants to learn from li lianhua to fix his own shortcomings in investigating, he also probably appreciates he's BETTER at this ordinary man at things like fighting and it helps keep his ego from tanking. He could go find a jianghu martial arts master... but then they'd be better than him in All areas potentially. And then he'd just feel like shit. Hed rather have a teacher to learn from, who he can also feel NEEDS him. Fang duobing wants to be a hero, a damsel who repeatedly finds himself in danger is a great person for him to have around as it gives fang duobing repeated opportunities to show off how he's Valuable and Talented and Impressive and Needed by others. And oh boy... there's probably a LOT to say about how fang duobing grew up sick, weak, struggled to make progress and put in intense effort to be the best fighter of his age and best baichuan candidate, and how that pursuit means he really wants to Prove he's valuable outside of his family name. Because family name was all he started with, and he wanted to be like his uncle who proved himself Outside of the political system. He wanted to be like li xianyi who was a hero among those people, who even wanted to bring laws and justice to the jianghu, who treated fang duobing fairly and equally even as an ordinary weak young boy. Fang duobing INTENSELY desires to prove he's useful, needed, and has proven himself as capable in his own right. Li lianhua Feeds into those emotional needs a lot, and that alone would be enough for fang duobing to want to cling SO hard to him.)
Yeah more of just. How much I love fang duobing the lying liar who lies. He will be against tomb raiding but want a treasure to heal li lianhua. He will say he's fucking off and not going to bug former suspect li lianhua anymore then turn around and stalk him. He'll get told to leave and barge in and eat the man's fucking food. He is very set in getting what he wants, and he's not beyond doing whatever he wants to Get those things. Sure, he wouldn't kill someone or steal from a living person (at least not yet... he does have a lot of upstanding morals). But he's not above bullying an ordinary person who can't push back except intellectual, or trying to strong arm said intellectuals close friends to back the fuck off Fang Duobings PARTNER, or strong arm anyone who starts refusing him with whatever tools he's got (from his sword to his family's power to baichuan connections).
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kyojurosprettygirl · 11 months
Pretty please, Kyojuro Rengoku with a plus sized strongwoman reader? As in, a fellow slayer who's basically like one of those Olympic weightlifter women, chunky and hella strong.
a/n: Pretty Please? HOW COULD I EVER SAY NO, OFCOURSE!!! So sorry it took so long, i just didn't know how to go about writing this at ALL, but i think i do now!. Kyojuro with a plus sized strongwoman reader?? SO CUTE! Not sure what you style you wanted me to write it in, but i'll try my best to fulfill your request! (UvU ) ENJOY! X) ps, the wedding bells kyo heard was actually tinnitus XD
when the sun meets the earth
Kyojuro Rengoku x Plus Sized! Fem! reader
Kyojuro embodied the burning flame of the sun. He wasn't the star itself, no, but he was even better than that.. he was the flames that made it burn oh so bright. the flames that put the title "star" to shame. This earned him the title 'the sun of the corps' very quickly. With his perfect and bright smile, his burning eyes that gleam with so much passion, and his burning energy, he could make even the strongest weak in the knees, and he did just that.
Kyojuro never accepted any of the many marriage proposals he was offered. He had his fair reasons, but no matter what order he listed them in, only one of those reasons always came out first. 'It would be unfair to them! I am a Demon Slayer, a Hashira at that! I could never put my beloved wife under that stress. I won't always be home, I won't be able to protect her, I couldn't bare being the reason they're endangered!" A big smile and a raised head gracing his figure, only Kyojuro would say all that energetically. Regardless of this, he knew that if he was ever going to marry a woman, it would either be once he's retired, so a long time from now, or a fellow slayer, where he wouldn't need to worry of endangering her. He prioritized his career so heavily that he never even thought of marriage, that was, until he saw you. he swears he heard the wedding bells ring in his ears.
He was so infatuated with you the moment he laid eyes on you, he hadn't seen you before. You were a newly appointed Tsuguko, and you had taken up crystal breathing. it derived from stone breathing in a similar way that Mitsuri created love breathing. You were currently with Gyomei, excitedly explaining how your breathing technique worked. You were graceful with the way you spoke and your voice was almost like a whisper, regardless of his deafness. It was a contrast to your 'flashy' appearance. you had a uniform similar to Mitsuri, the chest opening needing an extra button to hold your chest well enough to avoid flashing somebody. you wore a long loin cloth styled skirt that only had a flap covering your front and behind, showcasing your thick thighs to everyone. Your Haori was white and adorned small clear crystals on it, making you shine when you walked in the sun. you also adorned many extravagant hair and body accessories, highlighting your technique. As you walked, he noticed your leg muscles subtly flex, and he felt the the air leave his body. Gyomei had handed you his weapon, and you very easily held up the heavy thing without a stutter, making Kyojuro smile, you were very clearly strong and the soft appearance of your body made him melt. He decides now's a good chance to introduce himself to you. When he does, you realize people were right, he really is the sun of the corps. With pink dusitng your cheeks, you sneak a glance at him and you meet eachothers eyes. You get pinker and maintain eye contact, being enthralled in his flaming eyes, literally. He gets pink on his ears and stutters, something he hadn't done in awhile. You smile at him and bow, "Hello Rengoku, i'm l/n, Gyomeis tsuguko." He bows back at you, smiling, "It's a pleasure to be in your presence!" Your eyes widen and you snort, "likewise! it's an honor actually." Your giddiness eases him and he allows himself to admire you and continue conversing with both you and gyomie. your crow lands on Kyojuros shoulder and delivers it's message, "Your presence is wanted at the Butterfly Estate! Head over before noon!" You smile and pet your crow, "Okay Koko! I'll be right over, thankyou!" Your crow flies away and you excuse yourself from them both. Before you walk away to leave, you look at Kyojuro, contemplating if you should ask to see him again. You fluster and begin to overthink. Your about to turn around to walk away, but Kyojuro speaks first. "l/n! I would like to see you again! When will I have a chance to speak with you!" you mirror his big smile before quietly saying, "Today in the afternoon, if you can, at the garden that's near the butterfly estate." 'perfect.' he thinks, getting giddy. You wave at him goodbye and run. Gyomei hums, "She isn't usually that quiet around others, regardles of rank and knowingness. she might be smitten with you, Kyojuro." Gyomei smiles at Kyojuro and Kyojuro laughs loudly, a deep laugh. "I see!"
Kyojuro Rengoku absolutely loves your skull crushing thighs.
He's always touching them or grabbing them when he can. Sometimes, he'll even lay in between them as you read or eat when your on break while he eats. If he can't be inbetween them, he'll lay his head on them, the plushness of them when theyre not flexed offering something comfortable to lean on. Sometimes, he nips at your thighs playfully and blurts out his iconic UMAI! making you both laugh. Once, when his crow came to give him a letter, he asked you for a sheet of paper and your writing utensil to write back. You happily obliged and gave it to him, and he kissed your thighs. You had stiffened up from the unexpectedness and he said 'Perfect! Keep them like that!" and he used your thigh muscles as a table. He got the idea from Mitsuri and Obanai, she was excited when she caught him doing it once.
Kyojuro Rengoku absolutely loves how easily you can throw him around.
you both train together often, and it usually leads to roughhousing and playfully wrestling because you both just can't take anything serious.. Kyojuro quickly realizes he has no chance with you and before he can escape, you have him in a chokehold. 'Give up Kyo!' you say, and he laughs. 'I'd rather die!' you giggle, 'As you wish~!' and you slam him down, expertly and quickly knocking the wind out his lungs. He cackles as he tries to recover from the blow and grabs onto your bicep in an attempt to drag you down, instead doing the exact opposite. He feels your muscles flex and is snet into panic and he's thrown back onto his feet, 'Sorry Kyo!' you laugh and he can't help but laugh too because of how much of a drastic difference your voice is from your actions. Tengen, from afar, allows bewilderment to overtake his features as he speaks to Inosuke. 'I'd like to see you beat her, kid' Inosuke yells, 'Is that a challenge! I could beat her in battle any day!' Aoi begs to differ. Tengen had grouped up the kamabori squad to see Inosuke fight you and had winced harshly just two seconds in.
Kyojuro Rengoku absolutely loves biting you, because 'your too cute.'
he doesn't do it in a sexual manner , more in a playful loving way if anything. he just loves how although there is alot of muscle in your body, there's more skin that accompanies it and it's soft enough to sink his teeth into. He's a hungry man, and savors every meal, even if that meal is you. He worships your body and the bite marks are proof of it. He nips at your cheek, hands, calves, thighs, anything and everything he can get his hands on. He sometimes bites your muscles just to do it, theres no reason, he just likes the hardness of it when you flex. His favorite place to bite you is your cheeks, they seem to have a natural blush and softness to them that he just can't stop himself from biting them.
Kyojuro Rengoku absolutely loves eating with you.
he loves seeing you eat, and he loves eating, and he loves you, and he loves himself, so honestly? it's all his favorite things put together and its a perfect day. He just loves how you put everything people dish out away in one go without any set backs. You explain to him how eating is important to the soul, and its the key to health and wellness, and how it helps create more muscle because 'you can't build on just your bones'. He listens intently with all his focus and agrees, sharing this information with Mitsuri and Shinobu, who both agree. Mitsuri decides then and there your her new best friend, much to Obanais distaste, and Shinobu hums proudly that you know the importance of meals. Shinobu started using you as an example in the Butterfly Mansion, without your knowledge. All the younger demon slayers look up to you and eat three meals a day religiously. You found out when a slayer had scolded their buddy for skipping lunch and that 'y/n would be dissapointed'.
funfact! On yours and kyojuros funeral, the sunset had lasted the longest it ever had that entire year, and "the sun always meets the earth" was engraved on your shared tombstone.
Overall, I feel that you would be very compatible. He loves extra skin on his women, especially those who eat as much as he does. He can eat with you all day long with no issue and he finds the curves you get from it sexy. He also loves muscles because it affirms to him that you are very strong and he would be at ease knowing you can protect yourself. He also just likes being thrown around I feel, since he's always the stronger one. He likes a challenge and although you are very strong, he will never use his full strength on you because he likes to have you thinking you can overpower him any time. He doensn't bother hiding it during your wedding though; he's carrying you bridal style for hours.
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