#honestly if y'all want me to make this into a spotify playlist i will
carmenized-onions · 2 months
Don't Say It. | Closing Out
logline; just say it in every way but the one way that makes it weird.
[!!!] series history; did y'all notice the banner rebrands? tell me you think they look nice and good and cool or i'll. start crying.
Spotify Playlist, if you like to listen while you read. I listen to it when I write :) Constantly gettin’ added to. how is it more than 7 hours. my god.
portion; 14k was hoping we'd reenter our single digits era but we ball
possible allergies; two mentally ills battle it out (romantic).
pairing; Carmen ‘Carmy’ Berzatto & Fem Reader almost certain there are gendered bits/pronouns but can't honestly completely remember.
(new!) kofi; I have one now! if you've enjoyed the series, perhaps you wanna tip!
moving into a new place literally in two days!! high stress. so thank you for waitin' as always pwease enjoy and pwease tell me what you think!
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You take a good long breath, sitting on the counter in the bathroom. Right. Time is linear and you’re in New York again— Never left. Right. Carmen’s sitting across from you, it’s kind of a shock this floating sink counter hasn’t collapsed under the two of you yet. How long have you been here? Swapping stories took a long fucking time, and there’s still, disgustingly, a lot to unpack. 
“Any shoes left undropped?” You drum your hands against your knees, the question is as much for yourself as it is for him.
Carmen opts to open with a soft ball. “You called me Carmy?” Before you knew me, you called me Carmy?
“I called you a lot of things.”
“Like virgin Michelin Star chef?” He’s failing to hide the upturned corners of his mouth, when he says it. 
You snort and nod, “Like virgin Michelin Star chef, or Carmy, or Carm, or baby boy, baby bear, mister New York— Basically all Mikey’s, I think the only one I coined was Charmin.”
“Like the—” He finishes with you, “—Toilet paper bears.” and whether he should be or not, he cannot stop laughing, when you confess this. 
“I thought it was a good bit!” “Cause I’m a piece of shit?” “Bitch—Cause you clean up, and you’re a bear, and Carmen sounds like Charmin, and Charmin sounds like charming and I—”
You pause, cringing, parasocial relationship coming to a head now. When your best friend wants you to get with his hot talented brother living in the Big Apple, it’s hard not to fantasize about, alright? “...I found you very charming.”
God, it’s just far too easy for you to render him completely speechless. It’s really not fucking fair. Carmen looks like a deer in headlights, he looks how he did in your car, a month or so ago, when he bit the bullet and asked you out. Well, promised to ask you out. He swallows, no more glass in his throat, but it does feel a little scratchy, kinda like, like pop rocks?
Pop rocks, yeah. Sweet, salivating. “Do you still?”
You squint, like he’s a moron. He is. “Of course I do.” Cherry pop rocks. Yeah, that sort of spritz feeling, on the tongue, and the way it continues to simmer all the way down. “I don’t want you to stop being you, by the way, Carm.”
“Huh?” What’s that supposed to mean? Of course you want him to change, he sucks.
“I—” You’re quick to clarify, straightening your posture. “I think it’s great to— to do the work, and therapy and reading and self-care— That’s all— That’s very good, and you should do it— For you, not me, but I— One bad night is not how I’ll think of you— You’re— You’re not a bad person, is I guess all I’m trying to fuckin’ say.”
You’re sweet. Sweet but with depth, slowly developed, caramelized, tart. Maybe a fruity molasses.
Carmen swallows, it’s hard to digest the sweet. “I— I’m not a bad person, but I could be better.” Pomegranate molasses. It’s got an acidic kick. Sort of like balsamic.
“I could be better, too.” Could you? Please God, don’t try, he can’t compete. No, shit, hold on, stop pedestaling. “You kinda got my ass, with peoples’ princess.”
Carmen cringes, there’s the acid. “I should not have said—”
“I have a fucking saviour complex, Carm. And it’s just as bad for everyone else as it is for me.”
Bite, yet tender. You continue on. “I do need to work on that. And I should’ve explained more when we first met, it was just— You know… I know you know.” Medium rare, steak medallion— No— rectangle. 
Pomegranate molasses, thick—Nearly sorbet thick. Poured onto the plate, centered, perfect circle. Medium rare wagyu steak— A3, maybe; too much fat would ruin the composition. Rectangular, off center. Dust with cherry pop rocks. Bizarre, but it might actually be something. Bad, but something. Not tired or overdone, that’s for sure. Anything but dusty.
Carmen missed you for a lot of reasons this week, but it’s almost annoying how merely being in your presence for a few hours has given him more inspiration to work with than he has had in the last one-hundred and sixty-eight hours, without you. But who’s counting?
It’s easy to make things, when they’re for you. When they’re about you.
“I should’ve listened, when you were ready, but I got defensive and—I— I do that a lot, clearly, I just—” Carmen tries not to bite at his nails and fingers, because his therapist, Sara, said not to do that. What the fuck does she know? A lot, actually.
“That’s just kinda how— we’d do things. Like that’s how we—” Carmen frowns, memories dawning on him. “…I guess maybe we never really talked.”
You don’t need to ask who we is. His family didn’t particularly set Carmen up for success. And every figure after his family didn’t really lighten the load. There’s not much for you to say or do beyond, “I like talking to you.”
“You’re allowed to still be mad at me.” Carmen reassures, he’s not sure why he feels the need to do so. “You can— You can tell me to go fuck myself.” 
You shake your head, shrugging. “You can tell me to go fuck myself.”
He shakes his head, immediately, squinting, like you’re a moron; you are. “I would never tell you to go fuck yourself.”
It’s a silent moment of exchanging hard stares and trying to glean something from the other. Once you gather your findings, you finally return to your era of speaking in sync again, with, “I don’t hate you.”
It's a hellish realization, that you thought it was possible, let alone certain, to hate you. He could cry again. “Why would you ever think I hate you?”
You raise your brows, because how could you not think Carmen hates you? “Because you said—”
“I didn’t mean a fucking word.”  He says it differently than he did before. Like it’s a final warning. He immediately recoils at his own voice and its aggression.
“I’m sorry.” Carmen scratches his nose, continuing for the both of you. What more can he say? He’s already said it a million times, so what’s one more? When you try to speak, he doesn’t let you. Because he knows you. He knows you’ll brush it off. “I don’t want you to forgive me, right now. I want to prove I earned it.”
“You don’t have to prove yourself to me.”
“Yeah, Sara said that, too. You’re both wrong.”
“Yeah, I don’t think your therapist can be wrong, in this scenario.”
“Please.” Carmen props his knee up on the counter, his hands, in some way, mimic a prayer. He holds eye contact, he thanks whoever is in charge that you’re holding it again, too. “Let me earn it.”
Carmen will learn that he doesn’t need to earn anything or prove anything to anyone eventually. He’ll need more than six therapy sessions crammed in during his lunch breaks, for that. But right now, he needs to prove this. Needs to earn you. For now, you'll give it to him. For now, you just nod. 
Carmen chews his bottom lip, he doesn’t want to say it but he has to. “When I said—” You failed Mikey. “—What I said— I didn’t mean it how I said it.”
You bring your legs up, criss crossing them. “How’d you mean it?” How else could he possibly mean it?
“I meant it like— Like— Of course he died.”
They’re Berzatto men, they’re doomed. “Nothing you could have done would have stopped him from dying— And I— It hurt cause it felt like— In—In that moment— In my head—” He puts a hand up, pausing to reassure, “Nothing you did. But I felt like I was ‘Round Two’ for you. Charity. I—”
Carmen swallows, looking down, can’t meet your eyes for the moment, but he points at you. “You didn’t fail Mikey— He failed to know he was worth saving.”
A wound closes up, a little bit, somewhere in your head and heart.  “I think in some ways, I was trying to make up for something—”
You’re quick to clarify, too. “But not cause you’re you— Cause I’m me.” Have to do it all. Have to fix it all. Have to save it all. “Like— I think I might have that edge of paranoia for like, like a long time, if not… forever?”
 You frown; what a bleak idea. “Fuck, I may need to go back to therapy, too.”
“You want Sara’s card?” “Sliding scale?” “Sliding scale.” “Is it weird to have the same therapist?” “Probably.” “I’ll look into it.”
You both laugh, the weighted blanket of tension over you both is finally lifting. Carmen’s capable of looking you in the eyes again. “You did literally everything someone could think of.”
You kiss your teeth, you could’ve done a couple more things. “I mean, location—”
“He never would’ve given it to you.” “That’s exactly it, though— I should’ve put my foot down more. I was never as strict as I was supposed to be.” “But if you were strict he wouldn’t let you help him.” “Sponsors are meant to be strict.” “Then he wouldn’t’ve let you be his sponsor.” “Then I shouldn’t have been his sponsor!” “Then he would’ve never joined the program!” “Well—” “It’s not your fucking fault!”
Carmen doesn’t hate you, Carmen doesn’t think you killed his brother. Heavy exhale of too many emotions and a touch of relief. But you can see yourself in his expression. You can see Richie in his expression. The guilt. The haunting. You swallow, “Not yours, either.”
“I could’ve called more.” “He wouldn’t have answered.” “I could’ve realized why.” “And how exactly could you have done that?” “...I dunno, could’ve— Could’ve been the guy, for him.” “Carmen you were the guy, for him.”
Carmen shakes his head. “You were the guy, for Mikey.”
“I— Okay—” You click your tongue, this is hard to explain. You shift on the sink counter, trying to get more comfortable. You won’t. It’s a fucking sink. “I was the guy, but the guy to another guy isn’t much— you—” You snap your fingers, pointing at him. “You’re not the guy, Carmen. Never will be.”
“No— You’re something much more important than the guy. You’re— You’re the, the cat.”
He can’t help but smile, confused. He’s so used to bear comparisons. “I’m the cat?”
“You’re—” You keep pointing at him, thinking the metaphor in your head through. “...The guy is— Is like the host of the house party. He keeps the jokes going, the room light, the drinks and food stocked— He talks people through panic attacks while they sit in the bathtub, he loses at beer pong on purpose to make the other team feel better, the guy makes everyone feel like they’re the center of the universe.”
“And the cat?”
“The cat is upstairs, locked in his room, because the cat will get all jittery if he’s around all that yelling and all those people. The cat doesn’t even like those people. And the guy doesn’t want his cat to go through that. But then, when the guy finally gets all jittery and can’t handle all those people himself—” You sigh, honestly stressed by your own metaphor, thinking of all the moments in your life you needed the cat and didn’t call.
“He’ll go upstairs, to his room, and the cat will be there, and he can talk to the cat— Because the cat likes him. And nothing will be solved, but it’ll still feel good and the cat will still think his guy’s perfect and wonderful even when the guy is just— just him— And the cat asks literally nothing of the guy— Unlike everyone else downstairs— and that’s exactly why the guy wants to give the cat everything over anyone else.”
God, you’ve been talking about cats and guys too much. “Not everyone needs a cat, but the guys that do, really do. And you’re… You’re the cat— Mikey’s and mine.”
Carmen can’t say I love you, because that would be an insane response. That would be weird and bad and too soon and stupid. But it’s the only thing he can think of. The only thing he can say besides that, is, “You’re very good to me.”
You’re not exclusively for Carmen, he knows that. You’re not made for him— You’re made for many things. But maybe you’re curated. The Bear wouldn’t exist without your advocacy. And it’s hard to believe, but there might’ve been even more broken shit at The Beef, if you hadn’t been there before Carmen got there. Mikey got to be your friend, before Carmen did. And you got to be Mikey’s friend, when Carmen didn’t. But you both kept him in mind, you told Mikey to text, you drew schematics for his restaurant, you said you’d talk to him. You thought he was charming. You still do. You’re Mikey’s pick, for Carmen. And it’s not like Mikey’s opinion matters that much, but it’s nice to have approval. Though he didn’t fucking ask for it.
“Such a cat response.” “Is that like being a Leo or some shit?” 
You both laugh. Ah, thank fuck, it’s you two, again. There’s a comfortable silence while you think for a second, before asking, “Can I add another thing to your non-negotiables?”
“I don’t want you to be different for me.” You think back to being in his kitchen, the way he tried to hold back, when you were around. “I get you, work you, home you— If you want me to be your fuckin’ mixologist, you’re gonna have to get comfortable working with me.”
“You still want to work for me?”
“I shook on it, didn’t I?”
He laughs through a deep sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God.”
“Damn,” You snort, “Are you only with me for my skills?”
“No, I’m with you because you’re— You.” The kitchen needs you, The Bear needs you, Carmen needs you. He’s the cat, he doesn’t need anything more than you. He can work on his codependency issues in therapy, okay? “I— I like having you around.”
You readjust your posture again, it’s hard to get comfortable on a sink. “Well, you better get paid soon, then.”
“‘Bout that.” Boy came prepared. He rifles through the pockets of his black jeans, and pulls out a folded slip of paper. He does a yoga class worthy stretch to hand it to you, from across the sink. A paystub, from The Bear, to Carmen. Officially on fucking payroll.
Yeah, turns out, just a bad week, last week. Being in the red doesn’t last forever. Neither does being in the green. There are ebbs and flows. Next week will probably be shit, and yet the wheel still turns. Carmen also might’ve very well plugged in half of the numbers wrong, according to Sugar, when she eventually got to looking at it. But that’s neither here nor there. So he’s reactive. What’s new? Should’ve believed the you in his head, when she said there will be good and bad weeks. He’s still working on being the only voice in his head. But you’re a good replacement for the other guy, for now.
You stare at it, like an ancient scroll. It’s real. He’s really getting paid— Pretty decent too, he could finally buy some fucking furniture, with this. “Okay.” You look up from the slip to him. He looks like he’s on fucking Shark Tank, anxiously awaiting your approval. “And you’ll act like you?”
“I will act like me.” Even when he doesn’t want you to see it, Carmen will act like Carmen. 
And that’s all you could ask for, really. You’re about to approve the deal, but then you think again, frowning. “The Exec.”
“Ah.” Carmen shuts his eyes, embarrassed by his own brain. “I know.”
“So you thought about it?”
“I didn’t think about— It—” Carmen doubted his own conviction, because he doubts all of himself. But it really was not ever on the table, to give your number…That said— “I thought about loopholes.”
“Catfishing him?” You guess, and he affirms. “Catfishing him.” Hey, great minds think alike. Doesn’t make Carmen feel any less scummy, for considering abusing your likeness for sake of approval. 
“Did you go through with it?” 
It’s Carmen’s turn, to blink, slow to realize that you actually don’t know. “Richie didn’t tell you?” You still live in a world where Carmen isn’t completely batshit. 
You tilt your head, “Did Richie catfish him?”
“No, uhm—” He seems suddenly sheepish now. Can’t look you in the eyes, again. He nods and points to your pockets. “You got your phone?”
“Uh, yeah—” You pull it out, haven’t gotten any sudden creepshow texts, to your knowledge. “Should I be scared?”
Carmen shakes his head. “Nothin’ worse than what you’ve already seen.” He snaps his fingers at your phone, “Look up uh— I think it’s— Chicago Bear on Yankee Chef turf, or some shit.”
You have to take a moment, before typing, to just look at him with genuine pause. “...What?”
“Just do it.” “Did you kill someone?” “I do not have blood on my hands, the Tribune is just dramatic—” “The fucking Tribune?! Shut the fuck up, Carmy.”
Absolutely no way he’s in the Chicago Tribune.
Okay. Upon searching. Absolutely yes way he’s in the Chicago Tribune. Carmen’s trending on Twitter— Or rather, Chicago, The Bear, Bear, Carmy, Michelin Beef, Fuck the Yanks, and a million other keywords are trending— Local trending, but still trending. Chicago Tribune’s made an article archiving a handful of reaction tweets, summarizing whatever the fuck happened. Alright, this is taking too long, maybe you should just ask the man in front of you— “Oh my fucking God, there’s a video.” 
“Oh, I wouldn’t watch—” Carmen is interrupted by his own voice coming through your phone. “—And what kind of fucking Chef doesn’t like black pepper? I’m white and overdone, but you’re an entire other goddamn beast—” “...That.”
It’s a screen recording of some patron’s Facebook Live at some New York restaurant David owns or whatever. Empire? That’s what the blurry signs in the video’s background seem to say. What’s his title at this point, anymore? Doesn’t matter.
It’s nice to see his blurry little face around ten to twenty feet from the camera get yelled at by a Carmen that is also many feet away, but his voice seems to be projecting throughout the whole restaurant; enough to be heard clearly through recording, anyways. “And it’d be enough to just be an asshole— But you’re a creep too— Never fuckin’ pray on my— my— bar staff, or I swear on my life—”
“Can’t make direct threats in New York, Cousin! Penal code!” You laugh when you hear Richie’s voice ringing out in the background. Thank God for whoever’s filming, because they pivot their phone to catch Richie, pretty much next to their table, calling out to Carmen. “It’s a fine!”
He looks tired but wired; they must’ve taken a pitstop here, before heading to the hotel. What a fun road trip finale. Richie is such a motherfucker for not telling you all of this first thing while you put on his cufflinks— This is not dirty details, this is front page shit! Literally! God, he buries the lead like it’s his fucking day job.
“Who gives a fuck about a fine? Everyone—” And back to Carmen. “This is David Fields, he’s the head of the head of the head, in their heads— He’s a fantastic chef, I don’t think he eats or sleeps or knows what another person’s hands feel like— He is fuckin’ brilliant at making the same three fuckin’ plates every fuckin’ day— With the most minute differences— And—And—And— He doesn’t even make them! He takes dishes from prozac riddled fucks like me, makes them worse and then puts his name on it! Unoriginal, a narcissist, and fucking bad at it!”
You don’t look up from your phone, eyes glued to the screen. “Holy fuck, Carmen.”
“Yeah, I’m aware.” “Is this good marketing?” “Wait for it, I guess.” “...Are you actually on prozac?” “No. I kind of blacked out. Made a point though, right?” “Yeah, I’d say so.”
“Sorry, miss. Could I—” …Fak? Guess he did third wheel on the road trip to New York. He grabs the streamer’s phone. There’s a ‘what the—fuckin— excuse me?’ from behind the camera as Fak pivots the recording to himself. 
“Hey World, I’m Neil, that’s my best friend Carmy the Bear, over there.”
“Jesus Christ.” You look up from your phone to Carm, who was at first embarrassed and is now just trying to hold a straight face, hand over his mouth. “I’m aware.” He repeats. 
You squint, thinking.“...Best friend?” “...I guess he is?” “That’s— Okay— I don’t— Alright, we’ll come back to that.” And return to your phone.
Fak continues, taking advantage of the sudden screen time. “He’s a really good Chef, knows his shit, if you ever want to see how he does it, please come eat— Dine— Dine with us at The Bear, we’re in Chicago— on North Orleans and Huron— You can— Can book with us at The Bear dot—”
“Don’t have the site yet.” Richie interrupts the impromptu ad, hovering over Fak’s shoulder, barely whispering. “Still The Beef.”
Neil nods and continues. “The Beef dot squarespace—”
“It’s Wix.” “It’s fucking Wix?” “Your problem isn’t with the lack of a domain?”
“It’s Google Sites, actually.” You correct for no one, really, looking up from your phone to Carmen, again. “I made him change it so it wouldn’t have that ugly freemium bar.” 
Carmen snorts, shaking his head. Of course you did. “D’you design it?”
You let out a loud, “Ha!” before turning back down to the screen. “I think web design might be the one trade I can’t do.” But you’re willing to learn, if he needs.
Ah, the videographer managed to foist her phone back, returning to catch the very end of the Carmen Show. And it’s a wonderful finale, from Carm.
“—Fuck your two elements, fuck your face— Fuck everything about you— I cannot believe we gave you service— Let alone our best— For a guy in hospitality, you have no fucking right treating my host and somme like that. Fuck you—”
“Fuck you—” Finally a response from David, though it’s quickly interrupted, as Carmen finally starts to back away, not wanting a genuine fight if he doesn’t have to do it, but he certainly wants the last word. “No, fuck you—”
“Fuck you.” “—Chef— Stay in your fucking city— Stay in your fucking city— New Yorks great! Stay in it! We don't play in Chicago— Fuck you!”
Carmen comes back to his road trip squad, he notices the woman recording, and walks up to the camera. For a second, you genuinely think he’s going to square up with her— You’re pretty sure he at least thought about it. “Is she recording?”
“Streaming.” Answers Fak. “It’s the new thing.”
 Carmy opts to use his words, possibly because he could maybe get arrested. “Sorry, sorry— I just want to make it clear—”
He gestures to the fucker in the background, bouncers seems to be approaching. Carmen keeps going, face red but calming down, chasing his own breath. “This man worked— and works with wonderful Chefs who I learned a lot under— And— And— I have all the respect for them, and always will— But-But— when it comes to David Fields specifically—”
Your cherry and lamb dish was perfect. David’s palate is just not worth appealing to. Carmen won’t make that mistake again.
“—What he serves is consistently vapid, dusty, and dead on arrival— like his heart— And—And— When you pay him, dine with him, work with him, you are lining the pockets of some fuckin’ creep that pulls rank on honest cooks and servers. So. Decide if you want that. And uhm— Uh— Tip your servers. Don’t ask for their numbers— Like he does. Be normal. Thank you.”
“Carmen Berzatto, folks! Come— Come to The Bear!” Yells out Neil, as security finally seems to be coming for the Chicagoans.
Richie grabs Fak by the back of his coat, knowing when to bounce, shouting, “No legal names! Godssake— This has been Carmichael Burrowski, folks! Don’t call no one—!”
The screen recording ends, not long after that. You’re going to need maybe a… fifty minute nap, to process that. Maybe, somehow, this is good publicity— Maybe in some way, this is putting The Bear on the center stage. But one thing is fact, Carmen completely abandoned the idea of keeping appearances and getting a star through kissing ass. He completely abandoned the idea of being appealing to the man in his head. 
And he did that for you— And Richie— Which, honestly, makes it mean even more. Carmen’s a good boss. Not always. Definitely not always. But when it fucking counts, he is. Carmen's a good man. A good friend. A good not-quite boyfriend. Ugh, boyfriend? What kind of word is ‘boyfriend’? That's fucked.
You put your phone away, quietly nodding and thinking, not looking at Carmen. You shrug, attempting to be nonchalant. “Contract and I’ll be your mixologist.”
“Yeah?” There’s such a brightness, to the way Carmen asks. Like a spritz. “Okay. I’ll— I’ll send you a Docusign.” Aperol spritz. There’s more to it, than that though. 
You’re so zoned out, looking at the sinks instead of Carmen, he starts to get worried. He just got eye contact back, come on. Was the yelling too much in the video? He was loud and mean. He always is. He told you not to watch. 
“Tony?” What kind of bitters suit him? A slice of grapefruit might be nice. Bright but acquired.
“Are you good?”
“Wha—” You shake your head out of it, turning your gaze to Carmen. He jumped off the counter to stand by you. His hand hovers by your head— He considers grazing your hair, and chickens out. But he can’t put it down.  “Sorry, was— I was uh— Just thinking of what we could put on a cocktail menu, that’s all.” Yeah, that’s all.
“Don’t work on it, without me.” It’s with a, dare you say, panicked quickness, that he requests this. “Cocktail menu, coffee menu, we should— Should do R and D, together.”
“Yeah, f’sure.” Fucking Chefs, so particular about their menus. “I think it’d be good to uhm— Build it around the main menu, anyways. Sorta match stuff up.” Thankfully, you like particular.
He really needs to not be standing this close, though. Your brain keeps zoning in and out— It’s really not the time to be feeling any sort of type of way about Carmen cursing out that fucking chef and going to therapy for himself and you and he smells nice and he’s reading books and he worked bar all night with you and he looks so nice in bartender black in lieu of his Chef whites and he is trying so hard and— And you cannot say you love him because that would be weird. That would be weird and bad and too soon and stupid. 
And you can’t forgive him either— Well, not aloud, because Carmen wants to prove that he’s done the work— Wants to prove that he’s going to keep doing the work. He’s rendered you with nearly zero options here, to show your affection. 
“Yeah, that’s— That’d be good. I was thinkin’ we’d put your station by Marcus.” Why is he still talking about work? He’s so stupid. He’s wonderful. This is the worst. This is hell. “Coffee machine’s already there, and you’ll tend to share a lot of elements, anyway— I think.”
You shift your butt on the counter, turning to face him head on, he’s just slightly between your knees as your legs dangle off the counter. “Carmen.”
“Yeah?” “I’m going to kiss you.” “Yeah, okay.”
Light, nervous, sweet, lifting, soft— A delicate kick to it. Pink peppercorn bitters. That’s it.
Aperol— Vibrantly orange liqueur, derived from bitter rhubarb. It’s an acquired taste. Some say it’s citrusy and herbal, others say it tastes like cough syrup. Either way, it’s awakening. Then prosecco. A splash of soda— Lemon-lime would be best. Aperol spritz. It’s an Italian cocktail. It sparkles. Everything in it fizzes, almost competing with each other. It’s meant to be enjoyed before dinner. It’s refreshing. Pink peppercorns and grapefruit would only add to that brightness, that light. It’s not for everyone, but it is everything to some. That’s Carmen. That’s your Carmen. Oh, maybe a syrup on the rim?
You try to be delicate, the way you put the palm of your hand on the back of his head and pull him in, but it’s just not possible. It’s the first time in a fucking month you’ve initiated— It's been one-hundred and sixty-eight hours since you've seen his face, let alone touched it— It’s just not possible to be kind.
Thankfully, based on the way he’s leaning you back on the counter, hands on your waist, it doesn’t seem like Carmen wants kind. There's a sigh of relief, to just kiss you. He’s fine with the touch of hair pulling, on your part— Possibly more than fine. Possibly way more than fine. The faint whining and pulling your hips to his seem to indicate it’s a lot fucking more than fine.
It would be weird and bad and stupid and too soon to say I love you, but you can mouth the words against him and he can’t tell what you’re wording but at least you know. It’s funny that he can do the same to you, and despite knowing the trick, you can’t tell either. 
Carmen pulls back, just a centimeter, or two. He wants to say something. He’s opening his mouth to say something. He's all dopey and half-lidded. Man, he’s pretty. He knows that right? Yeah, he knows that. “You’re so pretty.” You tell him anyway, speaking into his half open mouth. 
Whatever thought he had, it’s dead now.“—Jesus fucking Christ.” He moves his hands to hold your face. It’s nice. It’s nice to get peppered with kisses— Yeah, pink pepper fits perfectly with him. 
Carm’s voice is heavier now. Maybe from the lack of oxygen. He’s fighting to revive his brain. He’s so serious, when he firmly kisses you, forehead against yours, lips still grazing, saying, “I’m not a fucking virgin.”
You laugh way too fucking hard for his ego. Your hands untangle from his hair, but your arms continue to rest on his shoulders. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He’s still amped, too bad you’re you, and you have to ruin the mood to poke at him.
“That a recent development?” “Shut the fuck up—” “I’m just wondering, if he was accurate at the time—” “Why are you doing this to me?” “Did you have a tantric affair in Denmark, the people wanna know!” “I— There was no time, alright? It got away from me—” “Remember when you had your first kind of girlfriend like a month and a week ago?” “It was a recent development, okay?” “Darn. Sorry I was late.”
He pauses the banter to just stare at you, take in your features, take in that you’re here and real and half underneath him. “Not forgiven.” You should’ve shown up sooner. You should’ve injected yourself so completely in Carmen’s life eons ago, and made yourself intrinsically impossible to remove. Absolutely not forgiven, for being late.
“Yeah?” Your eyes upturn, deeply amused. Carmen really is the baby brother. Entitled, bratty, cute. You’re planning to say something coy, something playful like ‘Ohoho, how do I earn your forgiveness?’ But you remember something Carmen said, when he was summarizing his Friday night for you— And for Carmen, what you opt to say is so much worse than hot banter, for his brain. 
“I don’t think your mouth tastes bad.” It’s your turn to take in his face and all its features. “I think it’s nice. It’s like the only way I can try cigarettes without getting a headache.”
“I wanna fly you to Paris.” It’s so quick, from Carmen. Choked quick— Like he fought to hold it down but you’ve just opened the Pandora’s box that is his mouth. He keeps going. Your surprised face firmly smushed in his hands.  
“I’ve wanted to take you to Paris since I asked you to run bar— I’ve— I’ve wanted to take you to Paris since you washed my hair— I—I—” Too much affection to contain in words, he has to kiss you, and then he has to keep going, and then kiss you between the ‘ands’, and then keep going. Like a shot and a chaser and a shot and a chaser and a—
“I want you to be permanent and carved in my tables and I want you to wear my jackets and I want you in my kitchen and in my menu and in every dumb fucking conversation I have at Christmas tellin’ family what the fuck I’m doing— I want you in every sentence.”
It’s not ‘I love you’. Because saying I love you would be weird and bad and stupid and too soon. But it might very well be more than that. Trying to avoid saying it might be forcing you both to say something that means more than that.
It’s hard to generate a response as poignant as that. Especially because your cognitive abilities seem to have gone completely offline. Your brain is telling you to kill the moment so you don’t have to face the feeling, telling you to say something stupid like, ‘Why Paris?’, because if you don't, you might say it. But you can’t. You’re totally speechless. 
Eventually, you manage to choke out, “I would like that.”
“Yeah?” “Yeah.”
“Good.” Ah, a smile from Carmen with teeth. What a rare gift you’ve been bestowed. He tries to celebrate this occasion with another kiss that will inevitably lead to a million more but when he goes for his classic move of sticking his head in the crook of your neck to bite you like a cannibal— You get the chance to look somewhere other than Carmen’s face, and realize you are both still very much so in a fucking bathroom at a fucking wedding in New York. 
“Fak is still outside, I’m pretty sure.”
Carmen groans, there’s no way you’re doing this to him again, come on, neither of you have to go this time, you have all the time in the world, in this bathroom. Time isn’t real here. That’s how bathrooms work. “He’s not.”
“Carmy’s right, I’m not.” Says definitely totally not Fak, behind the door. “You guys kissin’ yet?”
“Christ.” You put a hand on Carm’s chest, pushing him back from you as you push yourself up with your other hand. “Mood dead.”
“No—” He grabs your wrist, holding your hand in place against him. “Mood not dead— Mood present and alive—”
There’s some fumbling behind the door. “Wait— Are they?” Oh, so Richie’s here, too? Good. That’s great. “Ain’t no fuckin’ way— Cousin, be a gentleman—”
Carmen leans over and all but screams into your shoulder. “I am being a fuckin’ gentleman, Richard!”
You kiss your teeth, shaking your head, shrugging. “Yeah, it’s dead.” Them’s the breaks. 
A slow, heavy, arduous exhale, from Carmen, coming up to lean his forehead to yours for a second. Enjoying the liminal space before it’s permanently ripped out of your hands. “I hate my family.”
You smile, pressing your forehead firmer against his, nuzzling noses. “You love your family.”
“I love my family.” He sighs. He gives you one last kiss, soft, sweet, perfect. “Thank you for taking care of them.” 
You shrug. “They’re mine, too.”
God, you’re so quick and mind-bending, he has to go for another kiss, come the fuck on— “Mood’s dead.” You laugh, so cruel, jumping off the counter, maneuvering past Carmen, but you’re sweet— Cruel but sweet— Carefully switching his hold on your wrist to holding your hand, dragging him with you. 
You might be leaving the bathroom together, but Carmen’s pretty sure a part of him is going to stay there, like a ghost of a feeling, for the rest of time.
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“Okay— Is everyone waiting to piss?” Is your first question, for the crowd awaiting you and Carmy outside the bathroom. Not strangers, though—Well, mostly not strangers. Richie, Syd, Fak, some guy that looks like Fak. There’s no way they all need to piss, there were three other bathrooms available, it's not like you were hogging. “Is fuckin’ anyone runnin’ bar right now?”
“Marcus is.” Syd answers, hurriedly, as she runs up on you, immediately enveloping you— Practically an attack. It’s not in her nature to hug, but you’ve forced her hand here. Carmen hasn’t even exited the doorway behind you yet before you’re stumbling back into him from the force of her. 
The words come out of her like a flood, no spacing between the words. “I’m-sorry-I—  We-finished-serving-and-listened-in-on-everything-super-invasive-couldn’t-help-it— You should’ve called me.”
This— These motherfuckers. Oh well, saves you the trip to Denny’s. And frankly, you would hate to re-explain all that. You return the hug with your free hand, the other one still in Carmen’s. You put your chin on her shoulder. “I know.”
There were so many times where you could’ve just gone upstairs. So many times you could’ve just called your old cat. Should’ve just called Syd. She would have been there. Maybe that’s exactly why you didn’t call. 
“I should’ve called you.” Maybe that’s exactly why Syd never called her guy, when she needed you, too. 
“Well,” You pull her back by her shoulders, “We will next time.”
You can’t let the moment stay sincere for long though, shit-eating grin growing on your face, “You’d give up a star for me?” Nuzzling your face into Syd’s cheek as she desperately tries to get away from you now— Oh how the tables turn.
“Get fucked—” “You love me— I’m all you got, Syd? Woww—” “After my dad I said! After my dad!” “A single widdle tear from me isn’t worth a star?” “It was not widdle— Little— Fuck—”
“This is cute princesses but everyone get the fuck out of the way before I clog an artery.” Richie unnecessarily shoves his way between the Faks to get to you. 
You release Syd to face the man, pensive, waiting for a slap, honestly. Richie just looks at you, now that he’s in front of you he’s dumbfounded, awkward. He knows he wants to say something or wants you to say something but neither of you know what that is. What it should be.
Before he can figure it out, you do. “I should’ve told you.” Besides your therapist, Carmen is the only person you told about the phone call— Well, intentionally, that is. 
That doesn’t really seem to be the thing he cares about. He’s not going to slap you, and you don’t need to grovel. “Am I dead, to you?”
Your brows furrow, for a second. “Wha—”
Richie grabs your free hand, pressing it to his neck. “Check my pulse, am I dead, t’you?”
“First of all, wrong placement.” You have to wiggle your hand out of his grip to take his pulse correctly. “It’s under the chin, align it with your eye—”
“Do I have one?” “Yes, Richie, you have a pulse.” “So I’m not dead?” “You’re not dead—” “Then call me.”
When your breath hitches, he continues. “I’m not a ghost. I’m here. When shit happens, you call me.”
“I know.” Is the only thing you can say without your voice cracking. “I will call next time.”
“You will fucking call, next time.” Richie grabs your face, smushed in his hands. “And you’ll answer my calls, next time.” He forces you to nod— Not that you wouldn’t, but wants to make sure. “Am I heard?”
“You're heard.”
Richie can see over your head, so he barks at Carmen, who’s very innocently behind you, still holding your hand. “Get your weird little hands off my Chip, you perv—”
“I don’t have weird little hands—” 
Syd pipes in, squinting. “Why is that the thing you refute—”
“Why does God let these moments happen to me?” You grumble, words muffled with your face still compacted by Richie’s hands. 
“I think it’s beautiful, actually.” Says some guy that looks like Fak. You just stare at him with your partially forced closed eyes. “Just the vibes, so— like— tender.”
“Who the fuck is this guy?” You deadpan, pointing at Other Fak. “Has this guy just learned shit I haven’t even told my own father?”
“We definitely just got here.” Lies Fak, next to Other Fak. He continues, “We didn’t hear anything about the really sad way you both actually did attend the funeral but didn’t—”
Other Fak astutely interrupts to add, sniffing. “But if we did it’d be like, like really meaningful that you both like, did that.” Is he tearing up? Richie needs to check your pulse, are you dying?
“Everyone please back the fuck up?” Carmen sighs, behind you, then beside you, letting go of your hand to put it on your shoulder. “Like maybe give two solitary fuckin’ seconds?”
There’s a stuttering of apologies as everyone realizes yeah, maybe a bit much to immediately jump you. Richie drops your face, everyone takes a step back.
You keep staring at Other Fak. Squinting, you point to him. “Ted?” Guy who they called instead of you?
He nods, “Hi—”
“No.” You wave your hand in front of his face, cutting him off. You turn to Carmen, just shaking your head plainly. “No.”
“Y’know how going to a different barber is like cheating—?”
“No, like I got it—”
“This is like times a thousand—”
“I am hearing the note—”
“Fak can— Neil can fix shit, I took his spot, it’s fair— Outsourcing someone though—?”
“Won’t do it again.”
“No, you won’t.”
“It was— Should I have called you back in?”
“No, you should have had a broken light until we talked it out or let it be broken for the rest of your life.” There is not much you could ever find yourself getting genuinely jealous about— This, however, is a knife to the heart. Another handyman is a child out of wedlock, practically.
“I spent way too long stalking you.” Interrupts Syd, she’s looking at her phone, a jumble of aggravated misspelled texts coming from the work group chat. “Fuck, I’ve gotta help Tina with clean up— We’ll—” She sticks a hand out, you reach out and hold it, for a moment. “You’re still— We’re still sharing, right?”
You tilt your head, confused, oh— “I’m still gonna sleep in our room, Syd. You weird pervert.”
Syd lets go of your hand, shaking her own hands around her head, talking just as fast as she speed walks away to the kitchen. “I am not a weird pervert, I’m sexually normal, don’t be weird, goodbye! Love you, fuck you, see you later!”
Richie claps his hands, “We’re closing out, so I’ve gotta go pick up vases or some shit— Faks, c’mon—”
“Y’know we’re just regular guests, right?” Says Ted. They let Fak come on the road trip despite not doing a job? Medals of Valor need to be doled out.
“Pbbt, come the fuck on, here boy.” Richie starts to walk off, and the whistling is condescending, but they listen anyway. Rich looks over his shoulder, snapping his fingers at Carmen. “Probationary forgiveness.”
Carmen nods, “Thank you, Chef.”
“Dee-Dee’s here, by the way.”
Carmen’s relaxed posture immediately pulls into a taught physique, he’s considering chasing Richie to get more details. “Isn’t Sug here, too?”
“Have they—” “They got grouped at the same table. Unc and Stevie have been keepin’ the peace.” “How’s that going?”
“Your guess is as good as mine!” And with that Richie fades into the crowd of straggling guests and clean up crews. 
You don’t know much about Donna, which was a very intentional choice on Mikey’s part. And that kinda tells you all you need to know. You turn to Carmen, pensive. “You wanna go find out?”
He itches at his collar, thinking. “I think if I say I don’t, I’m a bad son.”
“You didn’t ask to be her son.”
“Oh, fuck, okay.” He stumbles for a second, you immediately cover your mouth. 
“Sorry! I just—” Inside thought got outside. “I just meant— That was a lot. It’s just like, I dunno, you can’t be bad at something you never opted in for, y’know?”
“No, yeah, that— That’s kind of… a good thought.” He nods, looking at the ground, swallowing the words. “I— I should be a good brother—and—and Uncle, at least. Say hi to Nat.”
You don’t start walking until he starts walking, intent to follow his lead. You’ll stroll casually, until they crop up, making no deliberate effort to find them. You’re both silently hoping you don't. Carmen brings his head back up to you. “You ever meet Mom—? Donna?”
You shake your head, “No, that was kinda one of our few red lines. For Mikey and me. He’d like—” You gesture with your hands as you explain. “He’d talk about her, and I saw like… photos of them from babyhood, but I never met her or heard details— Never like, came over to the house. It was just kinda like a silent agreement. Hard for him and hard for me with the whole— Uh—”
“Drinking thing.”
You nod. “It’s uh— I’m not easily triggered anymore, though, so I think I’m fine.”
Carmen sniffs, scratching his nose. “Well, if you end up not being fine, we can not— Like not talk to her.”
He’s sweet, he’s smart, he’s the cat. You nod. “You don’t have to talk to her either, y’know. Could just text Nat—” “She’s right there.”
You whip your head up in tandem with him saying, “Don’t look fas— Fuck.”
You put the back of your hand on Carm’s chest, you both stop walking. “That’s Dee-Dee?”
“Yeah, with the—the leopard print belt and the floral dress.” Carmen’s been growing meeker with each step. You’d think his biggest fear is clashing patterns. This is not the same bear in the Chicago Tribune. “Why, you— You do know her?”
“She looks fuckin’ familiar…” You kiss your teeth, trying to roll back in your memory— Come on, you don’t forget shit, where is she from? You’ve seen photos but those were blurry and she was so much younger. You remember this version of Donna, you remember her from somewhere.
“Fuckin’ — Something with Pete— I saw her with Pete— Nat’s husband—” You point to him, across from Donna, at the table. “Him, yeah.”
“Just them?” Carmen gently pulls your arm down, you’ve gotta remember your manners.
“Yeah, I was— Oh, I was—” You squint. “Did Donna come to your opening?”
“No, she was invited, but she didn’t show.”
“Okay— So, she did, actually.” “Huh—?”
“She was— She was outside, when you were in the walk-in.” You nod to yourself, still thinking through the memory. “Yeah, she was outside— I thought Pete was like her son— It looked like they were fighting or crying so I just kinda— Kinda let it be. You were locked in a fucking freezer so I chose my battles.”
“Oh.” Carmen nods, trying to make it seem normal in his head. It’s not. And he can’t seem to force it. “He definitely didn’t tell Nat.” Because Nat would’ve told him.
You hum, rocking on your heels. “Yeah there's no chance we're going to go say hi now, is there?”
“Yeah, that might be best.”
You fold your lips in a line, still staring at Donna, she looks normal, which makes it feel even less normal. Way too much to unpack, if you go over there. Instead, you’ll stand here in the middle of the banquet hall, and unpack the carry-on luggage, so to speak. “Christmas is in a week.”
It’s a freight train of realization, Carmen drags his hand down his face. “Fuck me.”
“I know.”
“I have to go, don’t I?”
You frown, turning your head to him, not wanting to say what you’re going to say. “Do you think she’ll plan anything?” First Christmas without Mikey. Will she have the willpower to plan something, like she usually does?
“Oh, fuck me.”
“I know.”
Carmen holds his hand over his mouth, words somewhat muffled. “I’ll ask Nat, see what she’s doing. Baby’s first Christmas, or whatever. That’s a thing, right?”
“Baby’s do traditionally experience time, yeah.” “You n’ that smart mou—”
Despite staring at their table, the two of you did not notice Natalie approaching you, baby Michaela swaddled in her arms. “Oh my God, I haven’t seen normal human beings that aren’t screaming or shitting constantly in so long— Please— Say something normal and fun.”
You pucker your lips, trying to come up with something. “Ah— Fuck, I can’t think of anything— Oh fuck, sorry I said fuck— God— I’m just gonna stop talking.”
Nat lifts her hand up for a moment to wave you off before re-supporting her baby. “No! No, don’t! Say fuck so much. Say it all the time. She can’t understand, she doesn’t care. I wish I was her.”
“Will do.” You just nod, holding a hand up to Michaela, waving. She grabs one of your fingers, holding on tight. You can’t help but coo. “Hey, baby! Have you been fuckin’ with your mom’s sleep schedule? Awe, yes you have! Yes you have!”
Nat laughs and hums, “Richie told me you used to babysit Eva.” 
“He’s exaggerating.” You leave your hand with Michaela, but look up to Nat. “There were just some weekends he was working and daycare wasn’t running so I’d take her around the city for a couple hours— More like playdates than actual babysitting.”
“That just sounds like you’re a fun babysitter.” Carmen rebukes, Nat nods. 
“I’m good when you only need a second.” You sigh, half taking the compliment. You glance over Nat’s fatigued face. “You need a second?”
“Yes, fuck, could you?” In the same breath, she’s handing you baby Michaela. “She has in fact been fucking with mommy’s sleep schedule— And no one tells you— ‘mommy strength’ or whatever, needs to be developed— My lats— I think they’re lats? Are insane now. Just from holding her!”
You bounce the baby in your arms, sidling her on your hip. She’s a grabber, that’s for sure. Grabbing your hair, your top, Mikey’s chip— No longer tucked under your clothes. You let her. Well— Not the hair— She could cut off her circulation— Relax, EMS. You’re off duty. “How’s it going with—”
Nat knows what you’re asking before you finish the question. “Better than normal, which makes it feel worse. Does that make sense?”
You nod, “Completely and utterly.”
Carmen’s staring at Pete. He’s not typically a snitch but this is his sister, “Did Pete tell you—?”
“That mom was there on our fucking opening and he told her we were having a baby? Yes, about five minutes before she sat down.” Nat says it with a perfectly practiced smile and a simmering anger.
Your hands slip just slightly, you readjust your grip on Mickey. You and Carmen speak together, “He what?” 
Nat doesn't mean to ignore your both but she does, “How'd you find out?”
“I just told him.” You pipe up, guilt covers your face. “I saw them when I came that night. Sorry, I didn't realize that was your mom— Or husband, for that matter.”
Sug shakes her head, waving off the apology. “Not your fault, his.”
“Yeah.” Carmen nods, “Back to that, by the way?”
“Yeah, he realized it was kind of a hard lie to uphold— Because mom sucks at acting surprised.” She sighs, “She’s taking it well publicly but I’m expecting a full blown meltdown in the bathroom of which I can’t escape, so. Beautiful wedding.”
“Yeah, those are kind of unavoidable.” You just had one yourself. “Fingers crossed you make it out alive?”
“Oh, I’m making it the fuck out, it’s her you should pray for.”
You have to respect the power in that. “Damn.”
“I didn’t ask to be her daughter! If she hands it to me I’m handing it fucking back—” Nat’s brain is always running like a faucet, she cuts off her own thoughts with a new one. “Christmas is in a week.”
“We know.”
“Fuck me.” She sighs so hard it blows strands of hair out of her face. “What the fuck are we gonna do, Carmy?”
“Was gonna ask you.” Carm’s distracting himself with Michaela, she reaches for his hand, she doesn’t grab a finger, she traces his tattoos. God, babies are cute sometimes. “Can we figure it out later?”
“Yeah, like everything else we do, I guess.” Sug groans. But she just as equally doesn’t want to think about it as him. And honestly, she’s just happy to see him acting like a fucking uncle for once.  “Tony, will I see you at work on Monday? You’re onboarding, right?”
You don’t notice the way Carmen’s face stones up, like a secret has been revealed. He’s been preparing for you to say yes. He’s got that Docusign in his inbox, ready to send. Had Nat budget you in. But you don’t seem to be upset about it— Or maybe you just didn’t catch that Carmen selfishly was hoping you’d come right back to him. Maybe it’s just that you don’t think it’s selfish.
“Oh— Uh, yeah, I guess you will.” Michaela starts to smack you for not giving her attention for more than seven seconds. You turn your head to her, bouncing her again, “Pbbt—Pbbbt— Mat leave over?”
“Gonna need to be.” Nat laughs when she says it, like you’re both on some sort of inside joke. Yeah, The Bear’s kind of a nightmare, of course Nat’s always needed. You laugh back, though there wasn’t really a joke anywhere in there.
“Make sure you get your rest.” Sug scoops Michaela out of your arms, rejuvenated from her second of peace. “Your boss is kind of an ass.”
Unfair drive-by, Carmen waves a hand like a white flag, “Alright—”
“I know, I like him anyways.” “Gross.” “I know, it sucks.”
“Okay, okay,” It’s way too obvious how happy Nat is that her brother has someone. “Both of you get the fuck out of here before she sees you, I told her you’d be too busy in the kitchen to say hi.”
She knows her brother, and Carmen’s grateful for it, but, “Are you sure? I can—” 
“I love you, Bear.” Nat gives him a kiss on the cheek, and you a quick hug. “But fucking run, seriously.”
Carmen nods, “Heard. Love you, Bear.”
You quickly dash off together, blending into crowds to go unnoticed. Mumbling plans out as you sprint. “I’ve gotta help Marcus close out the bar.”
“I’ve gotta pack up our equipment.” “You’re on the fifth floor too, right?” “Yeah, you’re rooming with Syd?” “Yeah, you and Richie?”
“I got my own room.” “Okay, rich boy.” “I— It’s a fuckin’ Holiday Inn, it’s not that bad—” “Oooh, Charmin gets his first paycheck suddenly he’s all that—” “You wanna come up to my room or not?”
“Oh?” You practically skirt on your heels when you suddenly stop walking, “He’s bold now—”
“I— That’s not— Like we—” He can’t dig himself out of this one, and his darting eyeline is giving him away. “You told Syd you’d still sleep in your room— I just meant like— Like we could— hang out.”
“We could hang out?” “Stop—” “I’d love to hang out, dude.” “We can watch a movie or somethin’—”
You gasp, thought occurring to you. “Yeah, let’s watch a movie. I wanna watch a movie.”
“I don’t like the look that just happened in your eyes.” 
“Yes, you do.” Your turn to smush Carmen’s face in your hands, kissing him with a comical, all too wet, and in no way seductive muah—
Which somehow just makes it all the more entrancing, for him.  “Yes, I do.”
You smile, letting him go, splitting off from Carmy in favour of your bar. “I’ll meet you in the lobby, go be a good boss.”
“Yes, Chef.”
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“How are they not seeing him fuck up the soup— That— A whole pot—” “You’re literally saying exactly what Remy is saying right now—” “I— Good. I’m still mad about the five star thing.”
Carmen likes Ratatouille. Likes it enough to nitpick. He relates to the weird rat with a complex family dynamic and having a brother that means well but fucks with him so much. He relates to the no credit, the starving, the death and desire of feeding the ego, Carmen relates to feeling like a freak in his own kitchen. 
It is weird to feel seen by a rat. 
But it’s nice to have you in his room, in his bed, watching some dinky little red-head try to survive in a French kitchen. It’s nice to occasionally watch you instead, out of the corner of his eye. He thought of roughly… fourteen more recipes since leaving the bathroom with you? Who would’ve thought that watching someone use a makeup cleansing balm would be inspiring?
What? It melted beautifully. Or maybe you’re just beautiful? Whatever. You emulsified it in your hands. Emulsion? Coconut emulsion would be interesting; very similar creme texture. On top of a souffle? Delicate. But it still needs zip. The glitter from your eyeshadow makes him think of zesting. Lemon zest. Needs more scent, though. Oh, maybe Kaffir limes. That’s a weird dish. That’s never gonna work. He has to get better at subtracting around you. 
He’s doing pretty good at not saying I love you, though, so, that’s something. 
“The houndstooth pants are cute.” You hum, as Linguini finally kisses Collette— Though by a rat’s volition. A win is a win. You lean into Carmen’s side, watching the movie pirated on his laptop, because hotel tv pay-per-view was so overpriced for no reason. “Oh, fuck, what’s my uniform gonna be?”
“Chef whites, no?” His arm is around your shoulder, it’s nice. “I can get you a jacket—”
“Well, your servers wear black— And I’m gonna be like, like both right?” You turn your head to him. Bad idea. He’s still very pretty, if not prettier in pajamas. “Like, making drinks in the back and then acting as somme out front. So all black?”
“Hm.” Carmen tries not to frown. Tries not to see you wearing black as you being on the other team. “I guess.”
“Richie’s not getting me in a fuckin’ button up, though.” You don’t notice his expression’s minute faltering, crossing your arms, thinking. “Sleeveless black turtleneck? Maybe black palazzo pants, could do what fuckin— Linguini’s doin—”
You point at the screen. “The bright red converse? Could do all black and then bright blue converse? Would that be cute or is that deeply unprofessional?”
Carmen tilts his head back and forth, trying to let you down easy, “I wouldn’t call it deeply unpr—”
“Heard. Okay, maybe like— Like a red bottom heel—” You kick your foot up in the air, for no real reason. A shoe isn’t suddenly going to appear on it for display. “Like not actual ones, duh— Like a black boot and I paint the sole blue—” 
“What’s with you and blue?” He's deeply amused, or maybe that's just Carmen's constant state, right now, twirling his fingers through your hair without a care in the world.
“It’s like, Bear colours. You do blue. Aprons, baskets— I guess I’m thinking of The Beef, but like, your lighting is kinda blue.” You shrug. “I wanna match.”
He nods, eyes on the movie, thinking far too much— Well, for the average person. For Carmy it’s a perfectly normal amount of thinking. “All black, blue sole, blue earrings, maybe? White apron for when you’re in the back?” 
Please say yes to the white apron. Please say yes to his team. He'll get your initials monogrammed and everything.
“Yeah, that’s a cute look. As long as it’s easy to take off.” You hum. “Oh, y’know, Richie wanted to—” 
Speak of the Devil, and he shall call you for the fifth fucking time. “Fuckin— Pause it, hold on—”
Carmen pauses the wonderful rat chef in tandem with you answering the phone with, “I’m not fuckin’ comin’ to pool, Cousin!”
In one ear, out the other. “Fuck you! When are you getting here?” 
“I am not getting out of bed to play pool— A game I have not played— With a bunch of fuckin—”
“If you’re not down here in five minutes, Chip, on God—” “I’m gonna fuckin’ hang up again you motherfucker—” “And what? You’ll just answer again, won’t you?”
Richie’s tone gives him away. He’s giggling, bubbly, absolutely tanked on dirty shirleys. But there’s a very genuine joy to it. You’ve answered his stupid meaningless calls every time, the last four times, despite knowing they are in fact, stupid and meaningless. And that is rife with meaning. 
You sigh, but you’re smiling. “Yeah. I’ll answer.”
“Good.” You can hear his smile mirrored through the phone. “Sell your Greyhound ticket to Fak.”
“Bitch, fuck no—” “We can go aroun’ the city tommorow! We’re closed! C’mon have some fuckin’ fun before you start working in hell!” “We’re gonna be stupid New York tourists?” “Eva wanted me to get her face on some m and m’s—” “You want me to come with you to the fucking Time Square M and M store?”
That’s when Carmen shoots up, shoulder against yours, panickedly muttering into the phone, “We cannot go to Time Square a week out from Christmas.”
There’s a pause on the other end of the line. When you realize why there’s a pause, you shut your eyes tight, knowing exactly what you’re gonna get. Carmen realizes after watching your face scrunch up, he puts his face in his hands, “Shit—”
“You’re fucking Carmen!”
“No—” “You said you’re in bed! His bed?!” “We’re watching Ratatouille—” “Without me? You’re coming to the fucking M and M store— Also that big ass toy store—” “This is not a betrayal—” “Matter of fact, we’re gonna go see that big fuckin’ tree, too—” “You just want me to drive us home because you’re gonna be too hungover.”
“No, I want you to drive us home because I love you.” Richie’s slurring when he says it, like it’s some sort of gotcha. “So fuck you, actually.”
Carmen bites back laughter next to you, you just shake your head, tutting. “I love you, too, Cousin.”
“If you loved me you’d come play pool.” “I don’t fuckin’ know how to play pool!” “We’ll fuckin’ learn you somethin’ then!” “Fuck off! I’m already coming to fucking Time Square with you, don’t be whiny.” 
“You’ll come?”
You massage your brow bone, “Syd’s not gonna wanna sit next to Fak on the bus, you got room for four?”
“Yeah, but someone’s gonna have to sit on the console.” “I nominate Carmen.” “I second the nom.”
Carmen, now with two votes to sit on the console up front, presses his face into your shoulder. “What the fuck—” You peer down at him and whisper, “We’ll do shifts, don’t worry.”
“Put me on speaker phone.” “You’re talking so loud that Carmen can very clearly hear you.”
“Put me! On speaker phone!”
You put Richie on speaker phone. Carmen clears his throat, gruff, “Yo, Rich, can we finish the fuckin’ movie?”
“Patience is a virtue, or some shit. D’you see the resos?”
You mouth to Carmen, ‘Reservations?’ Carmen nods. “Yeah, I saw.”
“Gonna be fucked.” You frown when you hear that, but don’t want to interrupt. You silently word, ‘What happened?’ Carmen puts a finger over his mouth, he’ll explain in a second. 
“Gonna be fucked, yeah.” Carmen sniffs, swiping at his nose. “Good kind, though.”
“Yeah. Good kind.” There’s a sigh from Richie on the other end, that heavy sigh. Practically sobering up with just one sentence. “Christmas is in a week.”
“I know.” Carmen kisses his teeth. This is going to be the worst, for all of you. The missing link is going to be all too apparent.  “Good time to be busy.” 
“Good time to be busy.” Richie echoes. “Only way out is through.”
“Heard.” Carmen nods, what else is there to say? “We’ll talk tomorrow.”
“Aright. Don’t fuck in a fuckin’ Holiday Inn Chip’s worth mo—” 
That’s when you interrupt, “Alright, what a wonderful phone call this has been goodbye, fuck you, love you, don’t call again, be safe!” You hang up before Richie can reply, head flopping over.
There’s a long silence before Carmen speaks again. “...I’m not tryna do that by the way—”
“No, I know, I’m worth more than a Holiday Inn.”
Snorts of laughter fill the stale air of this shitty little Holiday Inn one bed. Carmen pulls you back into him, arm on your waist. Before you can start the movie again, though, you have to ask. “Reservations fucked?”
He hums, tucking your hair back so he can see the side of your face better. “We started taking reservations last week— Just to test it out. N’ it was goin’ smooth but ‘tuh…” He squints. “Trending today with the whole uh— Chef thing. We’re kinda booked full ‘til the end of the year. And January.”
“Oh shit.” Word on the street is true. Any advertising is good advertising. Even when promoting the wrong fucking website. 
“Yeah, good kinda fucked, but like. Fucked.” Carmy nods, and after a second, grabs your hand. “But Christmas— Christmas Eve ‘n Christmas is off— And New Years— So, so you won’t be overwhelmed, hopefully.”
Your brain is already shooting miles ahead, you’re mentally back in Chicago, already. “We really gotta get on that cocktail menu.” There’s so much to do. New job, new menu, Christmas—
“And coffee.” Carmen sounds calm when he says it, which is deeply unlike him.
“And coffee.” You echo, eyes distant. You shoot back up. “Fuck, road trip is gonna be such a time sink. Okay— Well, okay— We’ll just— I’ll make a list tonight—”
 You’ve gotta figure out your hours. You don’t want to lose Chicago’s Kindest completely— Can’t be available 24/7 anymore, though. Mattina Tony’s gonna hate that. But he’ll be happy for you. Gotta tell Eden’s Club you’re not going to pick up shifts anymore. They’ll say they’re happy about it, but curse you behind your back. That’s fine. 
“List for what?”
“Christmas shopping.” Your eyes flick to him, still thinking. “I win Christmas every year.”
You’re getting Richie new cufflinks— But what of? Can’t just do initials, that’s lame. Fuck, what do you get Carmen? Can’t just do something cooking related— That’s lamer. But it’s also like— His only hobby.
“Don’t think that’s how Christmas works.”
“It fully is. And being in Time Square is gonna widen the fuck out of my search radius. Fuck what do I do for Syd? Fancy knife? They sell fancy knives here?”
Carmen shrugs, “I know a guy in the area.”
“Fantastic. I’ll get a list, you’ll help me out with stores. We’ll get coloured pencils at FAO, we’ll draft up a rough menu on the way home—” “Hey—” “It’s twelve hours of driving, so I think we can get a good chunk done. And then test out and finish on Monday—” “Baby—” “I was thinking we could do a section of house cocktails and coffees named after Chefs—” “I said don’t work on it—” “So like, each one would be themed after what I think of when I think of you—” 
Carmen grabs your face with both hands. “Tony.”
“Cannot believe I’m saying this to another person, but loosen your grip.” He strokes your cheekbones with his thumb. It’s nice. “You don’t have to do it all.”
It's a long silence of just staring back at him, so much so Carmy’s worried he has failed at this whole self-help thing. But then, you say, “Sara’s a good fucking therapist.”
“She’s got a pretty flexible schedule, too.”
Your face is still in his hands, you’re basically unblinking. “I think you’re a pink pepper aperol spritz with a slice of grapefruit. Maybe like a cherry syrup rim? Or is that too much? That might be too much.”
Carmen sighs in a way that sounds like a laugh. “How many drinks have you made in your head?”
“Just that one. But I think Richie would be something with whiskey and peaches— And somethin’ about Syd makes me think about figs, I don’t know why, which would go good with—”
Carm pinches your cheek, frowning, though there’s an admiration to it. “I said don’t work on it.” 
You push his hands away, “I haven’t written anything down! I can’t stop my brain from thinking! How many fuckin’ plates do you have in your head?”
He thinks, tilting his head back and forth. “A couple.” It’s a lot more than a couple. “They’re all bad, though.” 
“Bad, how?” 
“Bad, like weird.” Carmen gestures to the dimming screen of his laptop. You shake the touchpad awake. Rat chef is inspiring, and a good reminder of what he's meant to do, as are you. “It’s uh, it’s a good movie. It’s good to make new shit. But like, I need to be controlled.”
You tilt your head, “I don’t think so.”
“No?” Despite the fact that you’re disagreeing with him, there’s a happy hum, in Carmen’s voice.
“No. I think we should make really bad weird shit. At least in like, R and D.” You lean back down, against him. “Gotta try it before you brush off the idea. That’s the fun thing about art, y’know? Might work, might not.”
“I think that’s life.”
“Life is art, art is life, food is both.” 
“Woah.” “That was kind of a bar, wasn’t it!?” “Kinda tough.” “What’s your bad weird idea?”
“Steak with pop rocks.”
“Oh my god.” Your eyes go wide, but with a smile. Shocked but delighted. It's absolutely going in Carmen's top five favourite expressions of yours. You lean into him further, back of your hand slapping his chest. 
“I know, but I was thinking the sugar would be good—”
“Like a sort of maple or sugar curing thing?” God, you just get it. And you give a shit about getting it.
“Exactly, n’ then it makes you like— Like salivate.” “I don’t think it’s that crazy an idea.”
He’s so excited to have someone encourage his ideas, for once. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You nod assuredly. “We should do it. Try it, at least.”
“Okay. Cool.” Carmen tries and fails to not light up at the prospect of ‘we’. “You’ve still got a hard out at twelve?”
“Syd said she will be knocking violently if I’m not back at midnight on the dot, yeah.” You unpause the movie. “And she’s gonna be pissed when I tell her I’ve volunteered us for a tourist spree, so I gotta be on her good side.”
Carmen shrugs, turning his attention back to the movie, arm around your shoulder. “It’ll be fun, if you’re there.”
It gives you both away.
Every sentence gives you both away. The way you speak, the way you act, the way you pose. It gives you both away. The way he moves your hair out of your face so you can see the movie clearly. The way you lift your head so he can tuck his arm under the pillow, so it doesn’t go numb under you. All without asking. The way you see each other, the way you are constantly doting and thinking of the next thing you can make the other—All without checking in. The Berf shirt you wear for pajamas, your refilled toiletries in his hotel shower. The domesticity comes all too easy to both of you. It gives you both away.
“Remy kinda sounds like Carmy, y’know—” “Don’t.” “My petit chef!”
You say I love you in every way but the way that makes it weird and bad and stupid and too soon. 
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“Good God.” Is the first thing Sydney says, when you return to your shared hotel room. Face and voice filled with disgust, that is really only half sarcastic. “You’re beyond saving.”
You push past her, bumping shoulders as you do, smiling all the while. It’s nice that she can see you again. Even if she’s seeing that you’re down bad. “I didn’t even say anything—”
“Yeah, no, it’s that face on your face— God, it’s over—” “Baby, just say you’re happy for me.”
“I—” Syd blinks, rapid, hands in the air. “I’m happy for you— Tentatively.” Pending Carmen. Probationary forgiveness. 
“Thank you. I’ll take it.” You squat down to grab a water bottle from the mini fridge, when you do, you’re able to give Syd a once over.
She’s adorned in an old jazz club shirt from your highschool, boxers, and a long bonnet so old you recognize it. You recognize all of it. It’s nearly enough to make you cry. 
Funny, she’s thinking the same thing. Together, you speak. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t call.”
“Double jinx!”
“Triple Jinx!” It’s on the third one that you decide to let her win and not say it a fourth time. 
It’s on the fourth one that Syd decides she doesn’t want to win. “Quadr— Man, this sucks.”
You know exactly what she means. You fall out of your squat, sitting on your butt with a frown. “It literally would’ve just taken one phone call.” You could’ve been doing this for years.
She sits down next to you, back against the front of the bed. “There were a lot of moments, where I thought to call you, honestly.” 
“Yeah. Like uhm—” Syd’s face scrunches up her face, she’s already opened her mouth so she has to tell you, but she’s realizing she probably shouldn’t tell you. “There was this fucked day at The Beef, where we set up online orders, and I forgot to tick off pre-order—”
You unscrew the bottle cap, squinting. “I feel like that should automatically be off.” 
“That’s what I’m fucking saying!” She slaps your knee with the back of her hand, “But uh, no it was fucking on— And we got like— Like fucked— Said that already. Hundreds of orders. And it was so much and and— Richie was, at the time, kind of a dick—” 
“You don’t have to mince, I know what he was.” You take a sip of water, nodding. He’s a work in progress, as are you all.
“He was being a bitch and— And— I might’ve maybe lowkey stabbed him.”
“Holy fuck?!” You have to laugh, out of sheer shock. You choke on your water. “Syd?!”
“It— Swear to God—” Syd raises one hand, and puts the other over her heart. “Was an accident. Like— Like I was saying I would, and also I was like—  Thinking about it— But I didn’t mean to actually do it— Like he walked into it—”
“Jesus Christ, Manslaughter Sydney—!” “No! …A little. On occasion.”
“You ever wanna stab Carmy?” “Oh, all the fucking time.”
“Fair.” You hand her your water bottle when you spot her looking at it. You see each other, you take care of each other, without being asked. 
“And after a brutal stabbing—” “It was barely a graze, to his ass.” “—You thought to call me?”
“Yeah. You’re like. I dunno. I—” She sighs, taking a beat. “I’ve heard people talk about like— When they’re in a life or death scenario, or panicking, their first thought is like ‘I gotta call my mom’.” Syd clutches onto the water bottle like it’s a life preserver. “But I like— Like I don’t have that instinct, duh, dead mom club— But like, like my instinct when I’m scared is to call you.”
“You should’ve.” You want to take her hand, but don’t. Still working on that hesitation. You’ll both get there.
“You should’ve, too.” Syd lightly punches your knee. She tucks her lips in a line, thinking. “I would’ve been there.”
“I think I kinda got stuck in the same thought Mikey had, with Carmen.” You prop your knee up, hugging it to you. “Didn’t wanna drag you down with me. Didn’t want you to know I— That I’m not really uhm— That I’m not all that great.”
“I didn’t ask you to be great.” Syd says it before she thinks it, and it’s enough to make your eyes water. In a good way. She continues. “I didn’t ask you to be my somme, either. I always thought you were cool. I would always think you’re cool.”
“I…” You clear your throat, controlling your micro-expressions poorly. “I— I know. I think I just… Always do too much? Like I do everything to make myself like— Needed.”
If they need you, they can’t leave you. Though, that didn’t really stop you two from growing apart, so there goes that theory. 
“You are needed.” Syd nearly rolls her eyes at you, but realizes that might be insensitive.
Syd could’ve called Terry, when the walk-in door broke. She called you. Syd could’ve called Claire— They’re not all that close, but she could’ve, when Nat went into labour. She called you. Syd could’ve called Fak, when Carmen’s oven broke. She called you. It’s insane that you’d ever think you weren’t her lifeline. 
But she clarifies anyway, “Not that— Not that you need to be needed though, for me to want you around.”
You snatch the water bottle from her. “Well, I know that now.”
You all but chug the water, God you’re dehydrated. Syd laughs, “It’s not gonna fucking run away from you.”
“We don’t know that for sure.” You grin, screwing the cap back on. Sniffing, you sober up a little. “We’re never not gonna be friends again.”
“Yes, Chef.”
“Lest you go full on He Had it Comin’ on your fuckin’ co-workers again.”
She scoffs. “I promise to try to not stab someone in your presence.” 
“Deal.” You both laugh. You put your hand out to her, and without confirmation, do a handshake that must be more than a decade old. Dap, up-down, jellyfish out. Though, for your purposes, squid out. 
Incredible, you’ve hit Syd with love and nostalgia, she has to say yes now. “We’re roadtripping with Richie and Carmen instead of taking the Greyhound.”
“It’s so crazy that you think that’s gonna happen—” “It will be fun—” “Define fun for me, right now—” “We can get Christmas shopping done—”
“Fuck. Christmas is in a week.” “I know!” 
Syd scrunches up her nose. “What do I get my dad?”
“Sounds like you need to do some window shopping.” You could probably recommend something if you thought about it for two more seconds, but then you wouldn’t have an excuse to drag her along. “We could go to a Tiffany’s or something.”
“What and get him a locket?” “I’m honestly just naming stores, at this point.”
She’s thinking about it, really thinking about it. “...Could go to the MET, go through the gift shop. He’s a tchotchke guy.”
You hum, nodding. You can get her to fold. “Look at some expos, get some artistic inspiration?”
Syd’s eyes roll back, and she rolls her head back with them, head on the edge of the bed, in dismay. “...Are we doing gifts?” 
You shrug, “Was thinking I’d get you a little something.”
“So super over the top and extravagant?” “What’s the fun in telling?” “I hate you.” “So you’ll come?”
She sighs, husky. “Yeah…” She says it like she’s upset but you both know Syd is a little excited. 
You pump your fist, delighted. A win.
A comfortable silence fills the room. You flop your back down on the floor, laying on the carpet. “Thank you for helping Carmy.”
“Didn’t do much.” Syd shrugs, lazily turning her head on the bed to you. “He just needs pushing, sometimes.”
You hum, nodding. “Well, thank you for pushing.”
“You’re so welcome, dude.” You both laugh, and after another long gap of silence, she kicks you. “Stop lying on the dirty ass hotel floor, we paid for a bed.” 
“There’s something about laying on the floor, man.” You shake your head. “Get down here. I can see the scope of the universe from down here, actually.”
With a profoundly deep sigh, Syd rolls over to you. Your shoulders touch as you both stare at the ceiling. She hums, pointing to the popcorn tiles. “Oh yeah, secrets of the universe, right there.”
“I told you.” You nod, wisely. You frown. “...When do you think it’s like, too soon, to say ‘I love you’?”
“Oh my fucking God it’s that bad—” “Just answer!” “Definitely right now is too fucking soon!” “Well, yeah, I fuckin’ figured—!” “I’d say like, another month or two, minimum.”
“I think I might explode, by then, if I’m being honest.” You turn your head to her. “I’m really worried I’m gonna forget I haven’t already said it and I’m gonna say it at a stupid moment and it’s gonna be lame and embarrassing and bad.”
Syd turns her head to you. “Yeah, that’s probably what’s gonna happen.”
“Okay, so you’re no fuckin’ help.” You snort. 
“What do you want me to say? You love to the point of embarrassment.” She shrugs, smiling at your demise. But then Syd sobers up a little, turning her body to face you, leaning her head on her hand. “Are you sure, though?”
“I think so, yeah.” You cross your arms, nodding, assuring yourself, practically. “I feel what I think can only be described as emotionally violent— affectionately. And I think that’s what love is. Pretty sure.”
“Hm.” Syd watches you watch her. You’re absolutely getting lost in your own brain. She pokes the space between your eyebrows, you wake back up. “What’s in there?”
You blink, “Thinking of all the worst ways I could say it.” In front of everyone, accidentally while saying goodbye, off-handedly while hanging up, over text, and so on and so forth.
“Okay, that sounds awful and unproductive so let’s go to bed, huh?” Syd grunts, sitting up. She reaches for your hand to help you stand up with her. “Just try saying it normal.”
You take a breath, looking her in the eyes, say it normal. “Love you.”
“Yeah, just say it like that.”
“Oh, so I can say it—” “In two months.”
“Wait, is one more month hard off the table now—” “Now it’s three.” “Fuck, it’s gaining interest?!”
Just try to make it to next year without saying it, you’d take that happily. Just make it to Christmas. Okay, maybe just make it until you get back to Chicago…Maybe just take a vow of silence. 
You shake your head, coming back to reality.
“Wait, what the fuck, Syd, say it back!”
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was it everything you expected? i hope so. or hope not? suspense and what not. i won't rant too much about it because i'm loopy from staring at my computer at work all day and then answering asks all night. but please send thoughts!!
if you enjoyed, again I have a kofi now! I also just love to hear your thoughts on things, so please send thoughts !! but tips are also appreciated!!
tag list time, fingers crossed it mostly functions! I add ya if you ask and send in an essay ! and if you don't send in an essay it means you don't read my little post scripts and it makes me sad!! please stop making me sad baby!!
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slvtformatts · 11 days
I miss when Tumblr was about Matt giving back shots to the reader. Now it's about him apparently making fun of Johnny and grace being childish in their relationship or just childish relationships in general. Also, I remember going into Tumblr and reading stuff about Nick being hot or silly but now he's getting CANCELLED? when was this. Also WHY. I'm pretty sure multiple influencers made Hellen Keller jokes and they've YET to get cancelled. If it was about him saying smth about Chris stimming or WTF and it being obnoxious is insane. I'm pretty sure I called my brother fat 46800 times for glancing at food or talking about it and I've called him every gay slur (it Oki, I can say, I gay 2) in the book. It's honestly kinda stupid. He most likely was saying it to Chris. If it wasn't he wasn't talking to ANYONE cause no one else was "stimming".
I love Matt sm. I made a playlist, I can link it if anyone wants to listen to it. It's basically just filled with songs that remind me of Matt in any particular way. LET ME KNOW IF Y'ALL (literally anyone that sees this) WANT IT AND ILL LINK IT OR YOU CAN JUST SEARCH IT UP ON SPOTIFY. ITS CALLED M.S. ❤️
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10 Epic Songs for the Divine & Otherworldly💫🪽
It's a deity & divine kin songlist so I've focused on epic covers & originals as a focal genre to link to the 'species.' For those who haven't encountered "epic" music before, it's often orchestral music made to mimic stuff found in trailers & movies. The maladaptive daydreaming playlists were let loose on this one! I'll probably do a less specific deitykin playlist in the future but see what you think. All song names link to Spotify. 10. Smells Like Teen Spirit by Tommee Profitt & Fleurie. Society forces me to be normal about Fleurie's music but I'm genuinely so in love with everything she makes or is featured on. This is an amazing cover of Nirvana's original. The choir at the end pulls everything together. A 2nd epic cover that y'all might also like is by Malia J and was the opening song to the Black Widow movie. The opening to that movie still haunts me to this day and I love it.
9. Beyond by Tommee Profitt & MILCK. This song is exactly how I imagine the freedom of flight. It's that feeling of watching the sunset above the clouds on an aeroplane. The song feels like something luring you into the world of fantasy.
8. Losing My Religion by BELLSAINT. I suppose this is more the antithesis of deitykin but I'd still consider it fitting in a more ironic way. I really can't decide if I prefer this to the original. It's more my style but it lacks a lot of the gritty and grounded tone of REM.
7. Dream On by Cinematic Pop & Cosette. The ways this song has changed me. Personally, I'm an Aerosmith fan, but this cover just adds a whole new level. In relation to deitykin, it makes me picture a deity stuck in a mortal body, waiting to be free again.
6. Immigrant Song by SOAK. When hearing this song, some think of Thor Ragnarok, some think of Shrek and some will think of the actual Vikings. Which are you? I'm unfortunately all 3. On an actual serious commentary note, if the original version is a battle cry, this is a warning growl. It's so sinister and says so much with so little.
5. House of the Rising Sun by Lauren O'Connell. Second day in a row I've featured a cover of this song, though this one is honestly my favourite. I can't disguise I might have just snuck this one in here because I love it but I still think it could apply to the right deity out there.
4. It Had To Be You (Dark Version) by Tommee Profitt & Tiffany Ashton. Wrathful deity of love anyone? Ashton's vocals are so sinister and truly captivating. Profitt's choppy violin is the finishing touch. Gives me shivers every time.
3. Genesis by Ruelle. Biblical references in a song about transformation and rebirth. What more do you want from me on a deitykin songlist? This is an enormous fave of mine and I hope some of you can have the same connection.
2. The Call by 2WEI, Louis Leibfried & Edda Hayes. No one does epic music quite like 2WEI and their collaborations with League of Legends has produced some masterpieces. The way the army of vocals build at the beginning with the marching beat only to erupt into the animalistic pounding of drums has me gagged every single time. If you do like this one, my second choice would be Still Here.
1. LABOUR - the cacophony by Paris Paloma. This was already such a powerful song when it first came out. This new version is utterly breath-taking. I distinctly remember showing my mother the original on a roadtrip home from visiting relatives. I had to find her phone in her bag to add it to her Spotify whilst she was driving! For those who don't know, labour is a song about feminism and the burden of being a woman and/or afab. Really a listen for yourself moment.
Would recommend listening to these in a dark room... or maybe on a long roadtrip...
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pearl-kite · 5 months
I have been TAGGED (by the wonderful @evilbunnyking thank you muah <3) to share 5 songs I really like, so! Let's Get to It (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
Ultimate favorite #1: Under Pressure by Queen. Do I need to link it? Y'all know it.
You know how sometimes it's hard to pin down a favorite something-or-other? Not song, this is hands-down my favorite. Ever. Always. I was a full-ass adult in my 20s before I realized that when it says Queen and David Bowie it meant David Bowie is actually singing in it I was ASHAMED how i I even whaaaat Fun fact: the CD I grew up with that had this on it has a slightly different edit than the regular one, so any time I hear it on spotify or the radio I go a little crazy because it's off.
The rest are going under a cut because I'm linking in youtube videos so you don't have to go anywhere or interrupt any current playlist you've got going <3
#2 Currently on Repeat: Can't stop listening to Matt Maeson's Problems
I don't regularly use the repeat button, actually, I'll just hit back at the end as many times as I feel like, but I've done it, I've put this on actual repeat. I've also been alternating a bit with his Sanctified as well, idk what it is but both of them are an infection right now.
#3 A long-term favorite: Paranoid by Sfven
Found it ages ago and it really jived with Gale; if it shuffles through I'll give it a good listen or four. Not sure why the video looks like it was made in the early 90s. Honestly a little off-putting to me but the audio is what matters, okay.
#4 A LONG-long-term favorite: Jewel's Amen
Oh man. I fucking love this song. Top 5 probably. My dad had this CD and I kind of made it mine. Then lost it. So I bought a replacement. And lost that one. And third time's the charm I still have the replacement's replacement. I think. Somewhere. She ended up being the first concert I went to, a small little acoustic one in the local Shriners' center.
But just. The feel of it, the imagery, I still want to draw something for it that really connects with me for it but it's just uakygfkfausdgf I can't :C
#5 (Sort of) Local Plug: I Hope You Know by Supaman ft. Ashley Hall
Supaman regularly visits the first school I worked at, and so many of the students there look up to him for good reason. He's a good guy, he fancy danced at the Macy's Parade, and he makes music that relies heavily on blending rap with traditional instruments and vocals. If I remember correctly, some of his videos show him dancing, if you're interested. I like this one in particular because Hall's vocals are so pleasant, I love multilingual songs, and they sampled a western meadowlark and you cannot go wrong with western meadowlark noises. I hadn't actually seen this video version before and it's very sweet 🥺
Honorable mention musicians/groups that I don't see mentioned often but deer lord this kind of got out of hand already: Run River North Forrest Day Isador Magic Bronson The Hush Sound
Do NOT under any circumstance assume there's a theme or common element across any of these.
I suppose I'm supposed to tag people, so hmmmmm @glassbearclock @taelonsamada @andr0leda @inedibleobject @fooltofancy @elemenepee And uhhhhh anyone else. I have some new mutuals and I am not brave enough to be the first person to tag in this relationship, and I also don't want to just tag EVERYONE so there are still people to pass it along to, so if you don't see your name here pretend it is (if you want)
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Sleeping Playlists for Well-Deserved Rest
[If you want the playlists, skip to the end. I'm going to gush a bit first.]
Well puppykitties, we managed to capture just over 11.4 million YouTube views for Like Crazy's music video. Not as high as I'd hoped, but I must admit I'm proud of how much we were able to learn, absorb, and put into practice in the last two weeks. Despite astronomical competition, bullshit filters and freezes, and plenty of opposition from haters, we did our very best for Jimin--and Jimin did well.
We studied tutorials. We voted for Jimin in MCountdown, Show Champion, and Shining Awards contests. We bought both physicals on WeVerse, Target, and Amazon. We bought the digital pre-release single and full albums on iTunes accounts, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. We learned how to request funds and use multiple gift cards. We streamed manually for 24 straight hours this week and last week on various premium Spotify and YouTube accounts. We Shazamed. We joined Stationhead's streaming parties via both Spotify and Apple Music accounts.
(I even purchased on Stationhead, too. Normally I can't afford to buy multiples of things, but this was part of my birthday present to myself, because I almost didn't make it to 44! I am gonna unsub from all the premiums within 30 days, but I'll do my best to keep streaming hard until then!)
I honestly don't know what more we could have done, realistically. Probably a lot, but this was my first time supporting an album release and I feel pretty chuffed about all we were able to pull together!
I dunno about you guys, but I was compelled to work hard because Jimin is a wonderful artist and person, and he and BTS gave me the joy and calm I needed when grieving my Nana and battling uterine cancer last year. It's not hyperbole to say I found them exactly when I needed them most, and they saved me. And it was Jimin who recruited me. So I am very honored to do a small bit to repay him for all his tremendous work.
Still can't believe we got some subtle Jikookery in Jimin's first album. Such a wonderful surprise. So happy. Our boys!
But now? Now I am queuing up playlists and crashing HARD into bed for several hours because I am Old and Tired, y'all. I'm so goddamned tired.
Please rest up and remember we still have the rest of the week to work hard--but now we can use playlists, so it's a little easier!
Remember to avoid patterns and bot behavior:
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Save these Sleeping Playlists:
Thanks to @chikooritajjk for the overnight Apple Music list!
Amazon long list
Thread of Lists:
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Good night, puppykitties. Thank you for all your hard work!
Love, Roo
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omgitsaime · 4 months
Movies I'll Probably Never Make: Open for Business
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Three quirky best friends go against their principal's wishes and open up an anonymous advice column in their high school's dying newspaper.
Written: 2015-2016 (I was 14 and 15, y'all!)
If you liked these, you'll probably like this: Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986), Sixteen Candles (1984), To all the Boys I've Loved Before trilogy (the books especially, given the time this script was written), Paper Towns (2015), Pitch Perfect (2012), Pitch Perfect 2 (2015)
Characters: Allie (14, Not Like Other Girls, always knows the right thing to say, aimlessly in love with Brad, clueless about Peter's feelings for her)
Peter (14, video game enthusiast and definitely smarter than you, fiercely loyal, always coming up with new ideas, has a crush on Allie)
Trevor (14, class clown, golden retriever boyfriend, the only things in life he takes seriously are Brianna, the advice column, and his friends)
Brianna (14, rich girl cheerleader with a heart of gold, fashion forward, always trendy, Allie's soon to be step sister, Trevor's girlfriend by the end)
Brad (15, popular football player of the junior varsity team struggling to find himself, well meaning but easily influenced, big heart, Not Like Other Jocks, redeems himself by the end)
Callie (16, lead writer of school newspaper, book smart, but not all that street smart, determined and not afraid to break a few rules to get what she wants)
Ben (17, editor in chief of school newspaper, quiet, reserved, a little more reluctant to break the rules, but will do anything to get into a good college)
Principal Cochran (late 40s, principal of the school (guys, it's been almost a decade, I don't remember the name of the school lol), stuck in his ways, overly strict, money obsessed, think Principal Rooney)
Why I stopped writing: I literally lost the script. I know I sent a draft to an old friend of mine, but that email has been lost to time, and now that I don't have the base, I can't remember which direction I was going in with the story before I stopped writing.
Themes from this story that appear in my other stories: Found family, platonic love, individuality, fighting manmade systems, lots and lots of 80s pop.
One interesting plot thread/character arc is that almost a full decade before the likes of Andrew Tate came onto the scene, telling young boys to be "alphas" and that they need to discard "low value women," Brad's plot was that he felt guilt over the prank he pulled on Allie to secure a spot on the varsity team, and over the course of the film, decides that being a man lies not in who he hurts, but who he helps. I was literally a fourteen year old girl writing this. I don't know what prophecy came to me in my sleep, but...holy shit.
Would I revive this story: Hell yeah! This is such a cute and solid story, with 80s influence, sweet moments, and honestly, the kids need a fun high school romp that is just about enjoying life and being 14. @sizzlingsandwichperfection-blog, I'm so sorry. I am so, so sorry for the abuse we put you through back in the day. We really took you for granted.
Fun Fact: The one and only surviving artifact of this film is the Spotify playlist. It is peak mid 2010s quirky teen comedy, and if you're old like me, this'll take you straight back to high school. I think you guys will love it.
Let me know if y'all think I should make this a series! I have a lot of scrapped scripts that I lowkey still think about lol
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toournextadventure · 2 years
Hi. So am I the only person who has playlists of sad, thematic music/soundtracks that are just put together, purely to be able to let out all the feels? (I hope so otherwise what the heck is wrong with me?) Anyway, I was listening to one and the song 'Ben's Sacrifice' from season 2 of The Umbrella Academy came on (it makes me sob everytime I think of that scene in the show and it's such a lovely, heartbreaking piece) and then, out of nowhere, I started thinking of Bird!Reader taking a hit for Wednesday/sacrificing herself in the fight with Crackstone and it being almost fatal (but not) and it was triggered by that song. So now I'm just going to re-read Pt12 over and over again until pt13 comes out...and maybe delete that playlist.
I do! I have playlists like that ALL over my Spotify/youtube. Like, it's honestly what I listen to when I'm writing, it helps give me inspiration. I either have those, or VERY specific tiktoks that I keep saved and listen to on repeat.
But listen, Bird!Reader taking a hit for Wednesday because, I mean, Wednesday is the one who's going to go places, she needs to get the opportunity to live her life. And when she wakes up and Wednesday is borderline catatonic from not resting and just waiting and hoping and, dare she admit, praying for Bird!Reader to wake up. And Bird!Reader has to lay there and think, "did I want to save Wednesday? Or did I just want a reason to die?"
Oh shit, y'all don't get me started on the angst of this stuff, I have so many plans for our sweet Bird!Reader and Wednesday
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hummingbird-games · 7 months
Dev Diaries
March 5th, 2024
So. We're 3 months into the new year. Huh.
Updates from me? I started a new job! I've been reading/catching up on a toooooon of manga lately (I'm also sloooooowly making my way through a nonfiction read and can't help thinking how Corey would heavily sympathize with me. Sigh.)
I also got another free month of Spotify (lol, I think I'm the only person I know who only uses the free plan because I'd rather spend that money elsewhere??) so I've been on a listening spree and flagging songs for a writing playlist I will use for the majority of the HSDJY 2 drafting process moving forward.
I still have yet to play BG3. My family gifted me the physical edition, so I've been impatiently waiting for it to ship out. It's been 84 years JFJEHFJHJF!!
Hmmm...nothing else interesting has happened to me (that I can publicly share ☠️) so on with the game development updates!!!!!
What Has Gemini Been Up To? -> TKD (again)
March 16th!!! Y'all, this is the deadline the team and I are working towards for a finished and published game 😭 unfortunately my plans for full voice work won’t be realized by then (but they will be realized. Just in a few months. Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if y'all get the updated HSD 2 demo before the fully voiced TKD….)
What Has Gemini Been Up To? -> HSD:JY and Ko-fi
Ko-fi first!!
It’s only been a few months (since November??) but I’m super proud of my posting consistency! Granted, I’m a little anxious about how posts will look moving forward once I start moving major updates and general silliness to Tumblr. But. We shall cross the bridge when it appears.
March snuck up on me and I only have the free and any-paid-support ready, but the subbies are just There™️. That being said...when I'm quiet or posting non-Hummingbird content here, there's 99.9% chance I've made a free post on ko-fi.
Tumblr is looking like the other social media platforms right now with its flagrant support of AI, and it gives me a headache trying to decide how to keep everyone informed as well as share posts from my peers and new kids on the block. Anyhoo!!!
High School Daze goodies??
At the time of this post, a couple things have been happening that I haven't had the time (or the energy) to talk about. The obvious? HIGH SCHOOl DAZE: JUNIOR 2 HAS AN ITCH.IO PAGE!! I...have no idea when the full game will be out. I have an idea...but I don't want to say it and feel obligated to make that deadline just so I don't disappoint players. (I'm well aware that some people took one look at Crushed, went "Aww, that's nice, Gemini. Now where's HSD??" 🤣)
The first round of sprites have been commissioned!! If you peeped the key art (also done by my sprite artist, heehee she's lovely) you might notice some new outfits, some new hairdos. Fingers crossed I'll be able to update the page--to mirror the debut game's page--at the same time the new demo goes live (which will showcase all of or at least 75% of the common route of the full game. Stay tuned to find out if we'll focus on the friendship route or if I can defeat the Coding Monster to include all the variations for the romances too aha).
Writing wise? Five of the six total routes are outlined. (Florence's I've…barely started 🥲…this pre-production thing is kicking my ass). I’ve started drafting out the friendship route too, as seen by the random posts I’ve made about HSDJY 2. Well, a combination of friendship route + the common route with its lovely variations that aren’t a nuisance at all. Nope. *eye twitch*
I alsooooooo discovered that all the raw and edited music I created for HSD and for personal projects over the years using GarageBand were deleted. And I never backed them up. So. The tracks I made, the jingle for the splash screen, the main theme and it's 2 variations, and alllllll the little cute things I made that are as old as my own high school days are....gone.
If I sound very calm about this, what an astute observation! But my anxiety is being used elsewhere, and I decided that I while I can't go back to the original files to tweak them, I've backed up the other files. And I don't mind starting from scratch with this.
But also y'all, please back up your shit. Please. Don't be caught slipping.
That poll I made a while back that now has results and I totally didn't forget about?? The boys won!! And I'm not surprised 🤣 I haven't decided yet if I'll do a live developer stream or a prerecorded one, but either way it'll happen closer to October, the 2nd anniversary date.
What Will Gemini be Up To?? -> Rest?!?!?
I assumed a lot of things about what would be done or not done by March, and that led me to loosely block out March as a 'rest' month. I wouldn't work on any projects, and instead would read, play console and computer games, and basically take the break I didn't take in December.
Well. The Knight Dance is still in production. And I commissioned sprites earlier than expected. And I didn't plan enough ko-fi content to be scheduled in my absence. LOL and I started a new job!? 🥹
But!!! But but but, I do need to take some type of break so I'll do my best to be scarce in this space (and lower the temptation to work because I see y'all are working LOL). Cool? Cool!
- Gemini 💛
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theokoz · 1 year
(a Call of Duty: Ghosts fanfiction by T. L. Valentine)
genre: action, thriller
tags: violence, profanity, subtle romance, minimal angst
will constantly be updated per chapter!
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Synopsis: After the final events during the mission, the Ghosts fall into despair after the certain tragedies that befell on them. Elias and Ajax are dead. Rorke has gone off to be a mindless traitor. And with Logan missing, The Federation continues to slowly recover months later by taking hold of the entirety of the East. Their new goal: to take hold of nuclear weapons and establish their own form of governance and strike back with full force on America once again which they will ensure no matter what happens.
Meanwhile, in the shadows, a private clandestine organization in Europe takes notice of the affairs. There, a mysterious and peculiar man is called upon to investigate and infiltrate the terrorist group. Despite the lack of men and the near non-existence of American military and law forces to assist, and the unwillingness of organizations in Europe and Asia to pay attention, he crosses paths with Keegan Russ, a member of the Ghosts—one of America's last line of defense. From there, the two come to an agreement and perhaps... an alliance.
In this riveting tale of bloodshed, betrayal, and friendship, this piece of fiction explores the depth of terrorism—its maniacal desire for power, driven by a principle of madness and greed, the changes that the human mind undergoes in life or death situations, and the grief we suffer for those who've fallen.
With secrets to uncover and battles to be fought, how will the world recover from such an atrocity?
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From an excerpt of Dante's Inferno:
"Noble demands, by right, deserve the consequence of silent deeds," reflects the barren, transitioning state of 2027.
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Platforms Available: Tumblr, Wattpad, AO3 and more!
[Images used in cover are merely borrowed and I do not own them. This is a piece of fanfiction and should be taken lightly as the author's headcanon.]
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-Author's Addendum-
Hey, there! Thank you for taking the time to read. If you like what you see, please follow me for updates! I've always wanted to have a sequel for the CoD: Ghosts and man, it's been an entire decade since then. So I decided, why not make my own? It's not gonna kill anyone, although maybe except a few people's hearts. As mentioned, there are chapters in this so it's gonna be a little long ride. Honestly, I had a novel that I'm planning for but I decided that I wasn't ready yet because gosh, planning and researching is so much work and on top of that, you've got characters and their subplots to worry about. So to make up for it, I started this project instead. Writing can be a bore when your mind is scattered in other parts of your life and it can be a pain in the ass, especially when you don't do it daily (writer's block, ew). It's been a long time since I've ever crafted something heartfelt and complex so maybe through this, I can train myself to be better. So I hope you'll look forward to this! Once we have our summer break in school, maybe I can publish faster since I'd no longer need to worry about my activities lol.
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So with that, thank you for taking the time to look into this. Please follow me for any notices! Also for some chapters, I'll be releasing a Spotify playlist to get y'all fully immersed. Thank you again ^-^
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thestarsarehaunted · 8 months
“Nine People you want to know better” tag game
I was tagged by both @gryptids and @technicolor-technopath!
Last Song: I don't listen to a lot of music (and yet I make a lot of playlists). According to Spotify the last thing I listened to was Facade from Jekyll & Hyde.
Favorite Color: I don't really get how people pick favourite colours? Or favourites of most things, really. There are too many options and my brain gets lost trying to compare them. I do tend to be drawn to shades of blue and deep green though.
Last Movie/TV Show: I don't watch much of either, though I always mean to. I think my last movie was Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. I haven't watched any TV in a long while, unless you count catching random bits of the docuseries on cryptids my dad's been watching.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Definitely not spicy, I have zero spice tolerance. I love savory but I think sweet comes out on top (if the literal sack of chocolate next to me is any indication lol)
Relationship status: Forever alone and loving it
Last thing I googled: Luxury doomsday bunkers o.o It was for DnD!
Current Obsession: City of Mist! Honestly ttrpgs in general have been my obsession for years, but CoM has really captivated me (the game I just ran was so good y'all)
Last Book: The Haunting of Hill House, which was not really what I expected but unsettling in the best of ways. Now I need to choose which of my new books is next.
Looking forwards to: Getting my legal name change!!! Very soon I will officially be Jude!
I don't actually tag people in these things but if you're reading this and want to do it consider yourself tagged!
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afreakingdork · 1 year
Is there a weak spot playlist we've made yet? If so can I request hoizers Francesca to be added lol been listening to it while I read the whole thing again 🙈
Ah, don't say yet 🙈🙈🙈
While I love getting music recs and hearing about inspire y'all regarding Weak Spot song wise, I cannot do the playlist again!
Let me break down why!
Why doesn't Weak Spot have a user-created playlist when Crush Too Much did?
It happened so organically!
For Crush Too Much, it was like a little snowball catching snow as it rolls down a hill; one person sent over a song and then there were hundreds! They kept coming and it highlighted everyone's different experiences. When the story got sad, we as a group mourned along with the characters and the music turned. When love blossomed again, we all collectively felt that through music. It was incredible and felt like capturing lightning in a bottle because no one asked for it to happen, it just did.
2. Upkeep!
While I adored it because of the last reason, I had to catalog all the songs. At the time, cryptkillo was kind enough to maintain the Spotify Version because my spoofy has my irl name on it, but that meant a back and forth. I always had to make sure the tumblr list was correct and then double check to see the playlist was and life gets in the way and I didn't want anyone person who sent over a song to feel like I was ignoring them and so on and so forth with fussing. I do not want to go through the rigamaroll with that again!
3. Weak Spot is built different!
I honestly don't know how to explain it. Obviously on paper these are too WAY DIFFERENT fics in general; they basically only really share the Donnie x Reader relationship tag in common, but there's more there. I can't say Weak Spot is less open to interpretation because it's not like Crush Too Much was either! I don't know!! I've thought maybe it was the nature of the ending, but again I had both plotted out to their ends when writing as well. If I were hard pressed, I think maybe, maybe, Weak Spot has more turns and so much more shrouding around characters motives and actions so maybe a playlist isn't the best idea because it's not the sort of thing you can make a judgement against when you don't know the story??? Again, that's just a guess. My body tells me that the vibe is simply wrong for Weak Spot to have a user created playlist. There is a very short playlist of song I've saved to get myself into the right mindset, but several of them I cannot share because they are 'spoilers' so to speak for future chapters (two being tomorrow's).
So yeah... I'm going to listen to your song, but no playlist at this time!!
Thank you! 💖
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what-gs-watching · 1 year
This week on...
Ok gang. Here we go, I'm gonna start this thing in earnest.
I’m G. I'm a grown ass woman. With a house, and a dog and a husband, and a (difficult) job.
But I fucking love content. TV shows, movies, a good spotify playlist. Maybe my emotions are broken, but for the past few years, content has been the best way to feel something other than the everyday minutiae. And maybe we can thank COVID for a lot of that.
Because yo, once we went on lockdown, I just started binging. Basically, everything. While my husband was off doing his own thing (tiktok, amiright) I was watching literally EVERYTHING. And I wanted to talk about it.
So I started doing a thing. I'd rush into whatever room my husband was in and start talking at him about what I was streaming at the time. Spewing out these ridiculously terrible synopses of episodes with intricate plots, trying to boil it down so he could follow whatever it was I was ranting about because I had to express why the show was gnawing at me or making me feel shit. And most of the time he'd stare at me blankly and then chuckle.
Eventually I decided to start my rant by announcing "THIS WEEK, ON WHAT G'S WATCHING - " and bless his soul, he'd mostly tolerate my diatribes. (Around this time I was watching Fringe, and he'd know I was coming because he'd hear me scream "PREVIOUSLY ON FRINGE" about 45 minutes prior.)
At some point, I started doing it at my sister as well - this poor woman has two small babies all up in her house and I'd just be texting her about WTF was going on with my show, always announcing "this week, on what g's watching..." and every time she'd simply send back "unsubscribe."
So clearly, I hadn't found my audience. But honestly y'all, I think it's funny. And it's a way to get all of this, whatever this is, out. So I've decided maybe the best course of action is to just scream it into this dark and endless void. Maybe internet strangers will appreciate it. And maybe not. Either way, my sister will appreciate being removed from the mailing list.
All that to say: this week on what g's watching - Good Omens.
On repeat.
Am I literally in the middle of my third rewatch of the entire thing in only like, 2 weeks time? Yes. Should I be ashamed of that? Probably.
But fuck it. Season two punched me in the face and the butt and the heart and I went down a fucking rabbit hole. It may or may not be how I ended up on Tumblr (I guess I thought I was a grown ass woman). It may or may not be eating me alive.
Liking completely inappropriate memes? Check. Stumbled into some fanfiction? That's neither here nor there. Reading long-winded posts about whether it was Aziraphale's fault or Crowley's fault, wherein everyone has their own tinfoil-hat theory? Oh yeah. I'm in deep, folks.
I'm not gonna lie, it usually doesn't get this bad. I watched the entirety of Supernatural (all the while yelling "why are they so obsessed with each other? I don't understand why I'm still watching this!" through FIFTEEN goddamn seasons) and even still, I didn't get pulled in like this. And that fandom is so crazy.
At the time I finished Supernatural, I thought it'd be my comfort show, and I restarted it. But, just kidding.
Good Omens has taken over literally everything.
So to the actual point. A ridiculous synopsis of season 2 because I can't get it out of my goddamn brain:
A sweet looking, chubby tow-headed (kind of former? retired?) angel that owns a bookshop wherein no books are ever sold, Aziraphale, and his gorgeous, hip-swiveling (retired? disgraced?) demon companion (friend? best friend? partner?) Crowley stalk around their London neighborhood hiding a dick-faced archangel who can't remember why he is such a dick-face, from both heaven and hell, while meddling in the love lives of other shop owners and talking PAST each other about what the eff is ACTUALLY going on, and ALSO flashing back to 6,000 years worth of their own ridiculously adorable and infuriating interactions.
It's a fucking love story, kids. In the worst and most beautiful ways possible. And I just. can't.
And so. I guess, here we are? This may or may not turn into anything. But for now. Shouting into the void…
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aliminalspaceasmr · 1 year
We get to ask questions? Cool! I love asking questions!
1) Do you have any songs that remind you specifically of a character? If so, what are they?
2) Are Serena and the Revenant one of those slow sloooowww burns or like.. an average slow burn?
3) If someone hasn’t resurrected for the first time and is still considered mortal, can a Revenant still sense if that person is immortal or is it only after they resurrect the first time?
4) Are there any more traits that Revenants have other than immortality?
5) How did Verena and Odette even stumble upon the thoughts of Revenants? That just doesn’t come out of the blue..
6) Are pets allowed in the Tower? I’ve got a funny thought in my head of a dog just running recklessly around the place 😭
7) Where did you get inspiration for Resurrection?
I’ll return the next time I have urgent asks, thank you for your time and for all the effort you put into your work!
Oh, of course! This is genuinely making my day that y'all are interested!
Yes! I've got a whole playlist on Spotify (I believe it's linked on the YouTube channel), but I can name a few specific ones from it! I Found - Amber Run (for Serena) tired of me - Karina Grace (for Kaylee) There's also some on there for characters that have yet to be introduced in the story.
Well, they had their first kiss in the finale, and they will definitely develop their relationship over the course of Season Two. We delve into some of Serena's backstory, and within that it will deepen their relationship. So, it might be a liiiittle bit of a slower burn, but for the sake of creating a deep amount of trust between the characters.
So this is actually a plot point! They can't sense that the mortal person is actually a Revenant until after the first resurrection, as a lot changes about your body (and genetics) when the first resurrection is triggered. I suppose it's a tiny spoiler, but also established, that that's one of the things Helena is trying to figure out at Aeterna- how to tell someone is a Revenant before they've died the first time.
I'm going to delve a lot deeper into that especially during Series Two (which, if I stick with the current plan, will be Seasons Five-Eight), but I can go ahead and talk about it some here. The Revenants ability to resurrect, and subsequently live forever, is based on a "healing immortality." So, I tried to imagine what that would look like over time, as the body continues to heal and improve itself. I imagine eventually, a Revenant wouldn't need to sleep, eat, etc. and would have improved memory, cognitive function, etc. as their body has worked to heal and improve itself.
Verena and Odette definitely didn't stumble upon Revenants, but for now, I'm going to have to keep the how a secret. It's going to come up in the series! (Either in the later part of Season Two or in Season Three, depending on how the episodes work.)
Oh, my God, I love that so much! I've not thought about pets before, but honestly, I'm very into that idea, that's so cute!
Well, I actually wrote Resurrection as a TV pilot like four or five years ago! That version was quite different than what we see now, but I still have the script. I live in NYC, and I wanted to set something in the city, and write a genre I haven't written before (sci-fi). I don't remember how the specific idea of the characters being able to resurrect came to me, but if I'm honest, I think I might've seen a quote on Pinterest that inspired it (I have Pinterest boards for every project I write, as well as one for writing inspiration for later). Thank you so much for the questions!!! I appreciate you taking the time, both to listen to the series and to write me, so much!
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euclydya · 2 years
i'm doing alright, we just got lost a nail at work and dr. crane is a madman who just wanted us to?? continue work as usual? so i dipped. i do not have his level of pain tolerance. y'all's last song recommendations were really good; i ended up downloading every single one.
today i am recommending a bunch of shauna dean cokeland's music bc she is releasing a new song on spotify at midnight!
my recommendations are: this song saved my life by sdc for billy, moving in place (the song she is releasing this song tonight!) by sdc for eddie, electric blue by sdc for steve, reflections on the screen by superorganism for your jonathan, and "listen to your heart" "no." by cheekface for will. i hope he is doing alright over there.
dr. crane also wants poe to listen to truth is in the dirt by karen elson
Jesus christ that sounds painful what the fuck ausixiaks
We're glad y'all are okay though!! Those are all super great songs too, we don't fuck with TikTok but DAMN are there a lotta good musicians on there apparently omg
Our recs!:
Howard - Cake Bake Betty
Very,,, Haunting, I guess is the right word? We don't listen to her much at all but I Love the sounds and vibes of her music so far!! -Steve
The Mind Electric - Miracle Musical
ok now we're diving into the Important Songs™ JDJDIDKDKF
I suggest listening to this on YouTube cuz the first like 2 minutes is in reverse and it is. Cool but annoying to listen to. But anyways!! This song is. Super important to me! For some fucking reason! Cannot explain How Or Why but I. Love It. Especially this mashup that has like Every existing version of the song in it HFJFKF -Eddie
Tumbleweed - Puscifer
When we need to ground ourselves, this is one of our go-to songs,, It's also one of Those Songs™ in our library that has a lot of meaning/symbolism to a lot of people in our system, but for Billy and I specifically it's just... a good reminder to keep fuckin going tbh. -Groves (Billy's asleep rn lmao. She's fine just tired)
Good Morning, Captain - Slint
I don't,, know how this ended up on my playlist? I don't remember Listening to it before today actually lmao but looking through collective memories I can see Why it's on there, the ending lyrics are a punch to the gut honestly they're just so. Raw And Emotional. As are the rest of the lyrics, but those last few at the end of the song,,,, damn. -Jonathan
Daydreaming - Radiohead
I am doing just good I tthink! I'm getting used to. Being a person again and! talking! and! being! a person! :D /genuine
and ummm our Jonathan isn't letting me suggest the song I had in mind because it's "disturbing sounding" and "fucking unsettling" and he's like "what the fuck?? are you ok????" and i Am I just like songs that sound horrifying apparently! HDHDDHD
This is a good alternative though !! very very soft and quiet and feels like a soft blanket, when I make my playlist I'm putting this one on it ASAP (along with the song you recommended for me too!! I love it thank you!!) -Will
(His original choice was fucking. It's In My Blood by Coil, if you're curious. It's just,, 4 minutes of ambient noise and weird screeching with barely any lyrics it is So Goddamn Unsettling to like Everyone in the system, god fhfjdjd
Poe really likes the song Dr. Crane suggested for her too btw!! Her suggestion is Grace For Sale by Terrance Zdunich! -Jonathan)
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remusmoonbaby · 7 months
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Songs That Remind me of Remus Lupin
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🤎 here you will finds songs that remind me of Remus w/ the reason why I thought of these songs! Of course this is just how I see him, but feel free to comment some other songs that remind you of him!! I’d love to hear them :)) link to the Spotify playlist here!!
🤎 please do enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed writing it <3
divider credit @chaefilm 🤎
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ೃ⁀➷ Home by Cavetown
honestly…this song reminds me of the way Remus struggled after James’ and Lily’s death, along with Sirius being sent to Azkaban. made me think of the way everything happened at once for him and just the spiraling feeling that was happening within him :/ ITS SO SAD !!! especially when you’re thinking of it of this way 💔
ೃ⁀➷ Water Fountain by Alec Benjamin
…if I’m honest I thought of Remus for this song in such an imaginative state here. I don’t know why I think that Remus did have some sort of a “first love” moment while he was in hogwarts but it just didn’t work out :( IM SO SAD LIKE WHY AM I DOING THIS— 💔 but of course he thinks back on it and he’s glad that it didn’t work because now he has his ONE AND ONLY TRUE MATE
ೃ⁀➷ Stressed Out by twenty one pilots
again, this reminds me of the time Remus was alone basically. he doesn't have his best friends being his rocks anymore...werewolf regulations are SO MUCH stricter when all of this is happening, that Remus just thinks about the times of when they were younger. it was so much easier then !!! he could act like a normal teenage wizard boy and not think of the consequences.
ೃ⁀➷ idfc by blackbear (but on the playlist the slowed down remix is made by DJ espinos)
Okay, just like water fountain, this also deals with the "first love"...i feel like Remus will try to make things work between him and the person even if it is lies but...he's so cold about it with them at the same time. he will literally act like he doesn't care about them but we all know he's hiding and holding back on them :/ our poor baby
ೃ⁀➷ Animals by Maroon 5
DO I GOTTA SAY MUCH HERE!? LIKE !!!!! LET'S NOT ACT DUMB HERE WE ALL KNOW THAT REMUS IS A FUCKING FREAAAAAAK IN THE SHEETS!!!! Like this man goes feral every time...don't get me wrong he definitely has a soft spot but one little unhinged moan from you...he snaps. instant switch! it's hot ;))
ೃ⁀➷ Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys
guuuuuuuuuys i literally think of this the way Remus teases you. like this is his type of foreplay and does he get the fucking rise out of it when he sees you reacting the way he wants you to. omg this man is literally towering over you staring at you with a knowing look in his eyes and that fucking smirk he has when he's up to no good...oh my gods i'm on my knees for him
ೃ⁀➷ As the World Caves in by Matt Maltese
y'all....this song is literally my prime definition of Remus and Tonks. like, i'm so serious when i first heard this song they were the first thing to pop into my head. i'm so serious when i say that is literally their ride or die (CRYING HERE HOLD UP) song to me...like go and read the lyrics and you'll get what i mean 💔
ೃ⁀➷ Moonlight by Chase Atlantic
this song is literally how i think Remus will think of you when he's starting to actually notice you and become interested in everything about you. the song is literally giving "you make me so curious" vibes just LJHDFHEFKJENF:IHEF
ೃ⁀➷ PARANOID by Chase Atlantic
another song that reminds me of the hardship Remus went through when he was alone. i honestly believe that Remus HAD to have gone through some sort of hysteria that really, and i mean really, made him paranoid that he really couldn't function properly :(
ೃ⁀➷ Teacher's Pet by Melanie Martinez
this song is here for the sheer fact that we all met Remus as the DADA teacher and oh my gods was i living that teacher x student fantasy with him !!! YEAH IT"S BAD WHEN I THINK OF IT NOW but...it's just hot
ೃ⁀➷ Persephone by Tamino
tbh i first thought of this song and just thought this fits Remus' aesthetic...? though i know its pretty much agreed that this song deal with Hades and Persephone but i don't know why I always think that Remus' love is just like Hades love for Persephone...just something about it makes me so freaking warm and fluffy inside that i could just cry in joy honestly.
ೃ⁀➷ Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex
if Remus wrote you some sort of poem...this is the song. like, i feel like it fits the way he would want to describe his feelings for you through paper, because the poor man cannnoooot say it in your face
ೃ⁀➷ Fairytale by Alexander Rybak
this is solely here for the aesthetic vibes but also for that other imagine part i've always thought that fits Remus, where he was in love with in school but was scared to approach you in a romantic way, but years later he sees you again and it's like those feelings never went away. he felt like he was back at school just watching you from afar.
ೃ⁀➷ Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood
another Remus Lupin aesthetic song !! this song honestly fits him so much just for the overall vibe i get from him and everything :))
ೃ⁀➷ Marinero by Maluma
i had to sneak in a Spanish song here, especially this song!! for those that don't understand Spanish, there are English lyric translations on YouTube, trust me it won't disappoint you. I have this song here just because i feel like Remus will take advantage of the way you feel for him because he doesn't know how to handle it. Excuses I know, but it's the hard reality for him and you.
ೃ⁀➷ Nobody by Mitski
i feel like this song kind of describes Remus's desperate need to have some sort of connection with the outside world, but at the same time he's overthinking it due to the past experiences and he doesn't have his people to weigh him down in case of anything :/
ೃ⁀➷ Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood
...do i gotta say much. this man has daddy issues because of the way his father was with him. he's in that club with us, but also it also speaks of the way he is with relationships, especially sexual relationships to me.
ೃ⁀➷ Runaway by AURORA
this song is literally Remus reconnecting with life. He finally has Harry in his life, and he finally has Sirius back too. he feels complete but that nagging feeling in the back of his mind makes him want to run away from it cause he's finally back home.
⁀➷ Who (feat. BTS) by Lauv, BTS
i honestly have this song in the playlist just for the sheer fact that Remus WILL overthink your relationship just because his wolf hasn't claimed you as their mate, and it makes him absolutely anxious. because what if his true mate is out there and it isn't you in the end? what is he going to do?
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Could you pls give some classical music recs? Pretty please ? <3
my god, what on earth did i do to deserve this BEAUTIFUL question 😭❤️ i love you nonnie.
TLDR: TOP 3 ALBUMS (i list top tier ones from these albums individually below)
The Four Seasons- Vivaldi, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Music for Mindfulness- Various Artists (just look for the album with the mountain/lake scenery)
The 50 Greatest Pieces of Classical Music- London Philharmonic Orchestra & David Parry
STRINGS (my fav)
Adagio for Strings- Samuel Barber, London Philharmonic Orchestra (don't listen to this unless you want to fucking cry at the 4:11-6:15 mark)
THE FOUR FUCKING SEASONS BY FUCKING VIVALDI (listen, i can't help it that every single track on this disc slaps. my favourite season is BY FAR Summer (ironic since that's my second least fav season irl). also listen to the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra version)
Symphony No. 3 "Symphony of Sorrowful Songs" II. Lento e largo- Henryck Górecki, Kazomierz Kord, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
Concerto for Flute and Strings in G Minor, Op. 10, No. 2, RV 439 "La notte": 5. Il sonno (Largo)- Vivaldi, Aurèle Nicolet & I Musici
Schlusshymne- Luke Howard
Good Night, Day- Jóhann Jóhannsson, Anthony Weeden, Air Lyndhurst String Orchestra & Hildur Guðnadóttir
Appalachian Spring 1945 Suite: 1. Very slowly- Aaron Copland, Los Angeles Philharmonic & Zubin Mehta (there's some wind instruments in here too)
Spiegel im Spiegel- Arvo Pärt, Nicola Benedetti & Alexei Grynyuk
Suite for Solo Cello No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: I. Prélude- Johann Sebastian Bach, Yo-Yo Ma
Concerto No. 21 in C Major for Piano and Orchestra, K. 467: Andante- Mozart
Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, K. 550: I. Allegro Molto- Mozart, London Philharmonic Orchestra
Violin Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 26: I. Vorspiel. Allegro moderato- Max Bruch, Joshua Bell & Academy of St Martin in the Fields
CHORAL (my second fav)
The Spheres- Ola Gjeilo, Tenebrae & The Chamber Orchestra of London
Te Lucis ante terminum- Helen Tunstall, Edward Higginbottom & Choir of New College Oxford
Ubi Caritas- Paul Mealor & Tenebrae
Oculi omnium- Eric Whitacre
Serenity (O magnum mysterium)- Ola Gjeilo, Tenebrae, Matthew Sharp & Kristian Kvalvaag (this one SLAPS cos it's got strings in it too 😭✌️)
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen- Michael Praetorius & Jan Sandström, VOCES8
Gnossienne No. 1- Erik Satie
Gnossienne No. 3, Lent- Erik Satie
Stay in the Dark- Lambert
Nocturne No. 2 In e Flat Op 9 No.2- Frédéric Chopin, Emile Pandolfi
Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 27 No. 2 "Moonlight": I. Adagio sostenuto
Comptine d'un autre été, l'après-midi- Yann Tiersen
Gymnopédie No. 1- Erik Satie
Any Other Name- Thomas Newman, Music Lab Collective
Vladimir's Blues- Max Richter
Nuvole Bianche- Ludovico Einaudi
Fairytale- Ludovico Einaudi & Marco Decimo (this one got a cello in there too, the flavour 🤌)
The Earth Prelude- Ludovico Einaudi (the spice of the strings in here too *chef's kiss*)
I giorni- Ludovico Einaudi
Echo- Helen Jane Long
Porcelain- Helen Jane Long
Eclipse- Helen Jane Long
Benedictus- Karl Jenkins, Music Lab Collective
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor- Beethoven, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
Carmen Suite No. 2: II. Habanera- Georges Bizet, David Parry, London Philharmonic Orchestra
Danse macabre, Op. 40- Camille Saint-Saëns, Philharmonia Orchestra
One Last Bar Then Joe Can Sing: (Bar 238) Freely- Gavin Bryars, Nexus
First Day of Spring- Secret Garden
Steps- Secret Garden
Moving- Secret Garden
Sleepsong- Secret Garden
Nocturne- Secret Garden
Windancer- Secret Garden
Arrival of the Birds of Transformation- The Cinematic Orchestra
Eclipse- Suzanne Ciani
Sargasso Sea- Suzanne Ciani
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