#honestly this makes me realise yet again how different my life would be if i had never played mass effect andromeda
ziskandra · 2 years
I fucking love Crazy Ex-Girlfriend! I don't think I've met another fan in the wild!
What's your favorite song?
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is such a good show! (And semi-relatedly, my fifth-most written for fandom after my main three and ... HP). Choosing just one song was too difficult, so I've gone with some of my favourites.
(NB. It would be remiss of me not to note that the way I got into Crazy Ex-Girlfriend in the first place was through @daishannigans sending me a link to Oh My God I Think I Like You saying it reminded her of my Ryder sdjksd) Gettin' Bi Oh yeah, I'm lettin' my bi flag fly Not gonna hide it, not gonna lie I'm a bi kinda guy There's no reason to be shy My, oh, my, it's a fact I can't deny I'm bi, bi, bi until the day I die Where's the Bathroom Don't interrupt me, you're always with the talking I just got off a plane, give me a moment to catch my breath It's the least you can do since you lived inside me for nine months And you still haven't told me Where the hell your stupid bathroom is Oh My God I Think I Like You Are there condoms that can prevent these feelings? Is there spermicidal lubricant that can kill the fluttering in my heart? Is there an IUD that can stop the image of you and me?
Getting married on a hillside Surrounded by ducks And then we get into a rowboat I Go to the Zoo Man, when's it gonna stop? When's it gonna end? Sometimes even the zoo isn't enough So then
I go to the aquarium It's like a zoo for fishes
A Diagnosis For almost 30 years, I've known something was wrong But Mom said weakness causes bloating, so I tried to be strong Fake it till you make it, that's how I got by And when I tried to find the reason for my sadness and terror All the solutions were trial and error Take this pill, say this chant, move here for this guy But now there's no need for regret 'Cause I'm about to get A diagnosis! Don't Be a Lawyer Law school debt, daily regret Is that what you dreamed of as a kid? Or did you hope one day That you'd find a way to spend four years Working on a pharmaceutical company's Merger with another pharmaceutical company?
Anti-Depressants Are So Not A Big Deal
From the moment that we learn to walk and speak Our parents tell us, "Everyone's unique" Now, I'm not saying that advice is bad But honey, you're not special 'cause you're sad (Not special, no you're not)
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cheriladycl01 · 5 months
I’d rather take my Whiskey neat - Lando Norris x Whiskey! Reader
Plot: Reader thinks she’s not good for gentle Lando Norris who has a smile bright as the morning and is soft as the rain…
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It can't be said I'm an early bird It's ten o'clock before I say a word Baby, I can never tell How do you sleep so well?
You never woke up early, you went to bed never earlier than 2am and were never up before 10am. It was a habit you'd got from university and it carried over into post graduation.
For Lando, he never found it an issue. In his mind you would have the bulk of the day together and everything he needed to do for racing, like his work out of time on the sim he could do when you were sleeping. Sometimes he liked to treat himself and have a lay in with you but for the most part Lando was an early riser.
Some mornings he really just loved watching you sleep... pushing your hair back a little before placing a kiss on your cheek and leaving for his morning run round Monaco.
You on the other hand hated it, but you couldn't help it, going to bed late was just part of your lifestyle now but guilt ate away at you, feeling as though Lando deserved someone better, someone who could cater to him better than you.
Despite you coming to bed, hours later than him he always felt most content when you were there with him, even if he couldn't cuddle into you because you were on your phone, or writing on your laptop he just liked the smell and feeling of your presence on the room.
You keep telling me to live right To go to bed before the daylight But then you wake up for the sunrise You know you don't gotta pretend, baby, now and then
"Come on baby, getting up early isn't bad, it's so good for your mental and physical health and honestly i don't think you'll have these thoughts..." he's chuckle at you, sending you into yet another self-hatred spiral that makes you reconsider everything.
"Baby, you just need to fall asleep earlier, sometimes your still up when i wake up!" he chuckles at you and you'd frown, looking down again. You knew that some nights, on the bad ones that you'd be up until the sunrise, and hadn't yet slept, whereas Lando would be waking up, the golden rays across his gorgeous body.
Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake? Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze? If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great But while in this world
You were salt, he was sugar. He was the sun and you were the moon and sometimes you worked together beautifully like sweet and salted popcorn, or an eclipse but other times you were at these crossroads that made no sense.
You were an introvert, and Lando could be an introvert too, but that didn't mean he didn't like to go out and party, and ... of course that was great for him and you never stopped him but sometimes when he forced you to come out with him, it felt like you were in a completely different world. All of his friends were ... well they were friends with Lando and while having their own personalities, they werent the opposite to him.
Lando seemed so happy and content with his life, especially when out with friends, maybe it was because it was the only time you could stare and not be caught because there was so much present in bars and clubs he found himself, and you never saw the adoring looks he reserved for you at home when you were both wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa in matching pyjamas.
I think I'll take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three You're too sweet for me You're too sweet for me
One of the first moments when you realised a start difference between yourself and Lando was when you first went out for drinks win London with him and a few other drivers and their girlfriends.
"And the lady ..." the bartender asks with a smirk after he'd taken Lando's order of just a coke to start off with. Despite having only been together for a month, Lando was pretty protective of your guys relationship and his arm had come around you as the bartender waited.
"Just your house whiskey please, neat" you'd asked and all of his friends stopped their conversations to look round at you. Even the bartender seemed shocked.
"What?" you asked them all wondering if you'd said something offensive or rude.
"Nothing, don't even know how you and this Muppet are together, total opposites" Carlos had laughed before turning back to Rebbeca to continue their conversation.
"Whiskey, Neat? Tough Drink" Max had said before reaching out to hand Kelly her drink.
You'd been confused but that was what had started your thoughts.
Lando Norris, was far too sweet for your ... taste!
But that was according to everyone else. Even though you were the same age as Lando, because of how you spoke and who you'd surrounded yourself with in your earlier life people thought you were already pretty mature, but placing you next to Lando made him look like a kid in a candy store and you as his mother.
Lando Norris was everything you wished you were. Bright, happy, silly, kind ... and some says you felt like you were just Dark, Dispersed, Strict and Bitter.
And you'd convinced yourself you were sucking the life out of Lando Norris.
I aim low, I aim true and the ground's where I go I work late where I'm free from the phone And the job gets done But you worry some, I know
"Come on for once cant we do something spontaneous ... and I don't know out of your comfort zone, like ... not your job" he sighed one day.
He was a little ratty from the complicated previous race weekend that you'd had to miss due to work. And then you'd been working since he'd come back... into the late of the night. But you had deadlines to meet so it wasn't like you really had a choice. People were expecting stuff from you and you weren't going to not deliver.
"Baby, you know i cant. Next week once this is due in!" you'd sighed looking over at him for a split second before looking back at your laptop.
He left, going up to bed ... sad you hadn't come up with him again.
But who wants to live forever, babe? You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate The rest of you like you're the TSA I wish that I could go along, babe, don't get me wrong
The conversation you were about to have with Lando you knew would be the hardest one you ever had.
He was so perfect, and pure and you could see you were slolwy starting to taint that. He'd started to sacrifice his sleep schedule to stay up late with you. He wouldn't hang out with his friends as much as he used to and you hated he was changing himself for you.
It didn't feel like you were with Lando Norris anymore. And that's why you got with him in the first place.
And god you loved him for those attributes.
You know, you're bright as the morning, as soft as the rain Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape If you can sit in a barrel, maybe I'll wait Until that day
He was bright, like a morning. Sometimes if it was around 4 or 5am and you'd just finished up with your work you'd purposely wait until the sun started to shine through the blinds just to see his back light up golden and his face smushed against the pillow his soft lips in a pout.
But you ... you were cold like a December Morning, when you would refuse to get out from under the covers and when you did slippers were a must because the cold wooden floors weren't a polite awakening.
He was soft, like a light drizzle along a pagoda where you could sit and listen to the water hit the ground for hours.
And you were a rain-storm, so harsh that when you went out in it the water would sting as it hit you.
He was pretty, so fucking pretty it hurt when you looked at him, pretty as a vine winding up the side of a castle that how flowers spurting from it.
You were the gnarly kind, with thorns that wrapped around and antient tree that looked like it was strangling the air from it.
Lando most of all was sweet, sweet like a grape when you bite into it and it has the crisp outer layer before the sweet juices explode in your mouth.
But you were like a crushed grape being made into fine wine, maybe a dry like a Cabernet Sauvignon.
And you would wait for him, maybe when he was a little older, more mature and maybe it was you who was destined to taint him and turn him into that bitter old man who had experienced the world as you had seen it.
But ... now wasn't the right time.
You would always take your Whiskey neat.
And Lando ...
He was far too sweet.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul l @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
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miley1442111 · 6 months
thank god for dr. spencer reid
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a/n: this was written with a fem!reader in mind but imagine what you want, reader has a period (same girl) :) spencer us such a cutie in this :)))))))
summary: your shitty family is in town and spencer is away, what will you do?
pairing: spencerreid x reader
warnings: heavy family issues, mentions of stress and sickness, very brief mention of abuse (litch not talked about just referenced dw), kinda cursing (just realised i've never warned this before... opps) and i might've missed some!
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My eyes are glued to the screen with a perpetual frown playing on my lips. It’s hard to try to care about my job when I have this looming feeling of dread hanging over me like a cloud. Spencer has been MIA for days now. He left in a hurry on Monday night for a case. It’s Saturday now and he hasn’t been responding to my calls. On top of that, I have dinner with my mother and father. Both of them make it abundantly clear that they’re disappointed in my career choice, which is ridiculous because I’m a lawyer. Not the right kind of lawyer they constantly say. I’m an environmental lawyer and I make good money. The only way to satiate their insufferable whining is with Spencer. They love him. They probably love him more than me at this point. Alas, I will just have to deal with them alone tonight. And today has already been one hell of a day. First, Morgan called me,asking where Spencer was, telling me that they finished and that they should be home soon. He had not come home yet. Secondly, I feel like shit, an allergic reaction, my period and some random nausea all add up to making me feel itchy, gross, and practically vile all over. Thirdly, a huge pimple has decided to pop up on my face and  just know my mother will comment on it. My mother is one of those women who look effortlessly put-together 24/7. I am not one of those women. She does not like women who don’t look effortlessly put together. Aka, she barely tolerates me. 
I sigh and close my laptop screen, unable to reread the same few sentences again and again, hoping that they would get into my brain. I’m defending a client, one of my firm's biggest clients, in court next week. They were accused of illegal dumping (dumping they did not commit) and now they’re being sued for 2 million dollars. I slump out of my desk chair and out of my home office, locking it behind me for the weekend ahead. If I have court next week and Spencer is coming home after a difficult case, then we’ll need a day or rest and relaxation together. That is, if he even bothers to come home. I busy myself with getting ready and try to push those thoughts out of my head. 
The last hour of my life has been 60 minutes of absolute misery. Why did I ever accept this invite? My mother excuses herself to the bathroom and my father excuses himself for a cigarette, I nod along. Then it hits me… my dad doesn’t smoke anymore. I stare at the door and before I can stop myself my face contorts into a frown once again. Amelia, my sister. The sister that I haven't seen in years. The sister that bullied and abused me throughout our teenage years. Fuck. 
“Amelia?” I question, looking at the blonde woman who looks… different. She’s obviously older than I remember, and a bit more… I don’t know how to put it. Her blonde hair surpasses her waist and she seems to be pregnant? Her blue eyes seem dull and lack a certain vividness they used to sparkle with. She’s the typical peaking in high-school mean girl who became a nurse girl. I honestly can’t believe I used to look up to her. 
“It’s so good to see you!” She smiles, one of her fake-bitchy smiles and I grimace as she tries to hug me. “I just wanted to know how you’re doing, especially with the baby on the way, I’ll need all the help I can get!”
My heart drops. “Oh!” Is all I can manage. She sits in the seat beside me and I instinctively move further away. Just as I think this stupid dinner can’t get any worse, her pervy fiancé, Johnny, walks in.
“No Spencer?” He smirks. “What? Did you two break up? He was always too vanilla for you, you need a real man-” 
“No, sorry. I was just late. I had to come straight from the jet,” Spencer smiles from behind him. My parents' eyes light up, as Amelia and Johnny’s faces fall. I smile appreciatively at him as he hands the flowers he brought over to my parents and sits beside me, a comforting hand on my thigh. 
“How’s work, Spencer?” My father asks, his undivided attention on Spencer.
“It’s good, strenuous but good. Our cases recently haven’t been too difficult- though there was one that had a puzzle I thought you might enjoy…”
I walk inside our house behind him, a million thoughts at once flowing through my head. We walk to the kitchen, he sits me down and takes off my shoes for me, a true gentleman. 
He presses a kiss to my cheek and smiles. “You look beautiful.”
I just nod back, a small smile on my lips. 
“Is everything alright?” He asks, turning to me, his hands resting on my waist. 
“Fine,” I tiredly smile. “Just… you know, it’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
“You know, saying that makes me worry more, right?:” He smiles softly, though we both know he’s serious. 
“I just… I can’t believe she just showed up, like 7 years  of not seeing her and she just shows up? Like it’s casual? And then asks for our help with her baby? Like she did nothing to me? Like she-” I stop myself, determined not to cry right now. 
“Angel, it’s ok, let it out,” he soothes, a hand on my back, rubbing comforting circles. 
“I don’t want to cry though, they’re not worth crying over.”
“Then how about we get ready for bed, yeah angel?” He offers, a tired look in his eyes. I nod and press a soft to his perfect lips. He smiles against my mouth, his hands finding the sides of my face. I run a hand through his hair. He pulls away softly, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” I smile. “Thank you for coming, my knight in shining armour.” 
“I enjoyed it. Watching your father fail to solve a simple puzzle was amusing.” He smirks, a mischievous glint in his eye as I roll my eyes. 
“We’re not all geniuses,” I remind him. 
“You are.”
“And how am I a genius?” I chuckle.
“You’re dating me, you clearly have superior taste and intelligence,” he says matter-of-factly. I gigle at his antics and kiss him again. He pulls away and grabs my hand, leading me into our room. We both opt out of brushing our teeth and washing our faces, a makeup wipe sufficing for removing my makeup. He pulls me into bed with him, and finally, after a long week, I finally lie down in bed with him, his arms around me in a bear-hug of sorts. This is heaven. He’s my knight in shining armour. Thank God for Dr. Spencer Reid. 
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koolades-world · 4 months
Hello! Congrats on 2k followers!!! I’ll be honest, with the way you write so beautifully I really assumed you might have had 5k if not more :0! But, I’m sure it’ll happen quickly without any of us noticing! Anyway! I was thinking of Satan x shy fem! MC who actually confesses to him!! I’m thinking that in one of Asmo’s Friday night games Asmo dares MC to kiss someone who she would date. So she bashfully gives Satan a soft cheek kiss and runs off to the planetarium. When she realises Satan’s presence near her, she spills her heart out using prompts 6 and 36! Prompt 6 to explain her initial attraction to him, and prompt 36 after listing out and explaining the things she loves about him (seeking knowledge, gentle nature, observant, considerate, you know it all!! :))! Sorry if it’s too long, you can cut out any details you don’t like or think are too tedious or completely change it to any other plot you like!
Have a lovely day/night!
thank you!! great to see you again :)) been working on your other request but i'm not sure when i'll have it ready haha
no worries about being too specific and whatnot, it helps me since I don’t actually need to come up with the idea on my own haha. the concept is very cute! you know me, I could rant about all the things I love about satan so actually that part might just be me speaking haha
asmo have friday game nights is SO real I think I may need to expand on that concept later. monopoly is 100% banned in that household, but we can save that fun stuff for later
enjoy <3
prompts 6 and 36 w/ Satan
Despite how busy the household might get during the week, Friday evenings were typically reserved for game nights, hosted and organized by Asmo. It started off as something small with just himself and you because they actually wanted to play games, Mammon because he was simply following you, and Levi because he saw an opportunity to show off. After that, it began to develop and take on a life of its own.
As more people joined, things needed to be more coordinated. Food had to be ordered or turns needed to be taken on who was making what, a schedule of what was going to be played had to be made, and even a seating schedule so nobody would argue over who got to sit next to you.
Tonight, the group would be playing something a little different. In all honesty, it seemed like the perfect game. It didn't require anything but the players themselves, and didn't have a limit to how many could play. Unfortunately, that game was the bane of your existence: truth or dare. You didn't have the heart to tell Asmo of all the horrors that games had brought you when you were younger. But, you'd never missed a game night and it wasn't about to start now. Who know, you might even enjoy it.
So, you took your seat in the circle against your better judgment. Today, you were seated between Satan and Diavolo. Diavolo was always very into the games, but sitting next to Satan made you nervous. Not because of his rage, but because of the effect of being near him had on you. After coming to the realization that you had a crush on him, being around him got so much harder, but you didn't want to disrupt the schedule. It was only one night, you thought you could power through it.
The night was a blur, and the only thing you could focus on was how close you were to Satan. You were squished next to him on the couch, and every time you touched, you felt almost stunned. You could only hoped nobody else noticed your suffering. Unfortunately for you, Asmo never missed that kind of thing and decided he was ready to be your matchmaker, if you'd take the chance.
"Mc! You haven't said anything yet. I'm honestly surprised nobody else has called on you yet. So, truth or dare?" Asmo's words shook you out of your stupor. You sat and thought for a moment about his question. He'd for sure use truth against you in some way, like asking who your favorite brother was. That would start a war. So, instead you opted for dare, hoping he'd just ask to use you as a living mannequin.
"Dare, I guess?" You nervously glanced around. You would have thought at this point you would've grown used to the stares of many eyes at once, but it still never failed to make you nervous.
"I dare you to give a kiss to somebody you would date. Preferably me." He puckered up. Of course you knew your answer, but did you have the courage? The easy way out would be giving Asmo the kiss, but that wouldn't be true to your heart. You could feel the gazes of the others trained on your every move, silently hoping you'll pick them.
"Uhm. Can I back out? Or at least can everybody close their eyes?" You couldn't meet anyone's eyes.
"You heard her. Close your eyes. The quicker you do, the quicker I get my kiss." Reluctantly, everyone in the room shut their eyes, the last being Satan himself. The two of you held inexplicable eye contact, as if he knew about the choice you were about to make before you did. After everyones' eyes were finally shut, you could feel yourself relax a little. But not enough to make it less stressful.
Finally ready to make your move, you got up from your spot and stood in the center of the circle. You stood in front of Satan, studying his features. You could spend hours looking at him. His long eyelashes, his bright blond hair, his full lips. But, you couldn't keep everyone waiting. With all the courage you could muster, you stepped forward, and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. His eyes shot open and for a long moment, you stared at each other.
Suddenly, all the confidence you'd managed to gather vanished. Panicking, you ran out of the circle through a small gap between Levi and Mammon. You fled to the only place that brought you comfort: the planetarium. Once you were there, you sat down on the ground and looked up at the stars. Finding the constellations brought you comfort. Behind you, you heard the door to the planetarium open. You turned to the sound of the approaching footsteps and was greeted by the man you'd kissed under an hour ago.
"Mc. I thought I'd find you here." Satan sat beside you, following your gaze up to the sky. "I never thought you'd date me of all people." You looked at him from your peripheral vision.
"What make you say that?" You questioned him. To you, he was perfect.
"Well, I always just assumed you'd prefer my brothers' personalities. They all have something going for them, and I'm just me. I'm not as special." His expression didn't change.
"You don't sell yourself enough. You're smart, you're thoughtful, and you're a joy to be around, not to mention how handsome you are. You give me butterflies." You absolutely wouldn't stand for him putting himself down like that, even if it meant confessing in the process. You'd already kind of kicked that off to begin with, so the least you could do was follow though. "But, that's not all. You care about the people close to me. You followed me here, didn't you? That's one of the many things I love about you. You always know exactly what I need when I'm feeling down. You're sensible, you're always honest with me, you're witty, and you have a more mischievous side. You pay attention to detail and you're gentle. I have a hard time thinking about what I don't love about you. To me, you're perfect." At the point, Satan was was looking right at you. This time, you weren't afraid to make eye contact and you met his emerald eyes.
"I could list all the things I love about you, but we'd be here all night. If you give me time, I'll make a book for you. If that was a confession, I accept." He softly smiled at you. He was positively glowing with the compliments you gave him, yet he still seemed to doubt the reality of it all. His cheeks were a light pink, and he held his hand out to you. You took it with a newfound conviction.
"I think it was." You found yourself growing a little bashful again, but didn't let go or look away. You enjoyed the feeling of his hand in yours.
"We could go back to game night, or we could go out? I have this 24 hour cafe in mind I've been meaning to try. It could be our first date." He ran his thumb over your knuckles, pressing a tender kiss to the back of your hand that echoed the one you'd given him not too long ago.
"I'd like that." With a smile, you let him pull you to your feet. The way he smiled at you made you realize you wouldn't regret your decision to step out of your comfort zone.
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alanaartdream · 24 days
Oh hey there it’s Artist Alana from Alanaartdream (the tumblr; the YouTube; the instagram; the TikTok and twitter witch is trying to go by X now but most of use still just call it twitter… I also have a fb but I don’t go be alanaartdream on there and only mostly use it to keep track of what my family is up to and see how a friend who refuses to use anything but Facebook and YouTube ;-; I’d really wish she’d use tumblr again because Facebook is full of trouble honestly)
As some of you who been following me on YouTube/ tumblr/ TikTok and instagram would know I have adhd ( one of the 3 types of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
My parents discovered I had it when I was seven but at the time Dr use to think kids would outgrow adhd so just gave my mum medication 💊 for it and left it at that so my dad was of the idea I didn’t need to know what I was taking medication for and left it at that BUT my mum who cared about me and actually paid attention to me realised yeah that wasn’t the case and that the medicine wasn’t really helping so took kid me to all sorts of tutors and trying to find people who could help kids like me at the time And informed me I have adhd when I was a teenager (witch at the time felt like a slap to the face but glad she at least was trying her best to help me deal with best way she knew how and with what help was available at the time;; she really had to take me to all sorts of places and try out different teachers to help kid me to learn abcs so I can at least read and sort of write this out to you all now (my spelling & grammar still isn’t great but at least you can read what I write out now disspit all the mistakes) also there’s a few other adhd people on TikTok I follow who give great advice to help deal with adhd and talk about it in ways to help explain it better and one of them is who I was watching while drawing some Fairly Odd parents Timmy Turner and Danny Phantom while watching them being as my adhd brain likes to draw what it likes to focus on and one of it’s favourite things to focus on is cartoons/ animation as well as manga/comics it will be what I end up drawing most of the time
Also part of why I’ll forever be a defender of Timmy Turner because I can see a lot of his schooling troubles are because the human adults in his life are so blind to his struggles and don’t really care to help him like his found family do and he could do so much better if he truly had the support he needed to do better I believe he would
Like his parents don’t even try to help him with his homework or to make sure he does it; they can hire a babysitter? But not a tutor
Heck his mother was a stay at home one yet she chooses to ignore him or go spend money on the shopping network and leave him with a babysitter (and the dad is even worse) look my own mother was a stay at home mum but she didn’t ignore my sisters and I and once we got to age where we didn’t need as much watching went back into working (because dad I think starting travelling overseas for work and was losing interest in being a family man (think he didn’t want to be married anymore by this point)) what the heck is Timmy’s mum even doing??? Like she only has one child to raise at least she doesn’t have 3 and she’s ignoring him to go shopping?
My mum would make sure we did homework by sitting down with us to help if we were struggling; heck at least once or twice my dad did too when it came to big projects but never once did I see Timmy’s parents do that for him (( and then they had the nerve to blame Timmy’s bad grades all on him hello it’s on them as well they never sat down with him to make sure he’s doing homework or to check if he needed help; parents are supposed to help their kids with the homework and if Cocker wasn’t such a bad teacher he would’ve called Timmy’s parents in to rain them in as well; never once did cocker ask to meet up with Timmy’s parents to talk about his bad grades; only time he did was to try to enroll Timmy into his fake boot camp/ army school) butch never through to address these issues and would just blame it on Timmy half the time when his parents were just as much to blame
No parent now can afford to be a stay at home parent;; but they cannot afford to ignore their kids now because now everyone is more aware of these issues but when fairly odd parents was frist out people didn’t really think about these things like they do now but I hope they don’t gloss over how bad Timmy birth parents were
I just hope Timmy’s doing better away from his human parents in fairly odd parents a new wish series if they get around to another season of it hopefully
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armins-main-hoe · 7 months
MHA x avatar
MHA navi x Fem!reader
Okay so far we only have met the forest na’vi and the reef na’vi. We don’t really know much about what other variant of na’vi there are yet, at least not 100%. I know there was a mention of fire na’vi but then again, we all don’t know much about them that much. But I think I’ll still make some characters be other types of na’vi other than just reef and forest. I might make up my own too, just to give me more options. But I’d honestly love to hear your ideas as well, the one reading this. If you think differently or have another idea for a na’vi type.
So I’m thinking I’m just gonna do head cannons for now, then later on when I can think of an actual plot line, I’ll make a whole fic for this.
I'm only gonna do the main three for now, if you guys like this and want other characters let me know!!
(and i'm gonna write a little smut drabble for the three soon too)
Midoriya na’vi x reader
I honestly think he’d be a forest na’vi, that’s just the type of vibe he gives off.
He’d be really in tune with his surroundings, a keen observer, since he doesn’t come off as the talkative type.
Though he is well liked by the others, there always is one other na’vi who doesn’t quite share the same opinion of him as others.
Despite his constant attempts at dismissing bakugo’s taunts and challenges, he does sometimes find himself not being that confident in his own skills and abilities.
But that changed when he got closer to you. You, a kind and loving na’vi who honestly nobody could hate. You were always there for him. Sometimes you’d find him sitting alone on some tree top, looking out at the view around him. You’d sit down next to him silently.
Together, the two of you would quietly enjoy each other’s presence and relax.
"You are strong Isuku. Stronger than you think."
Honestly, i believe you both would have a puppy love trope, enjoying everything the forest has to offer.
From sharing sweet, juicy fruits to running across thick branches of the trees.
Though you both had yet to make anything official, it was clear to the whole clan that you two would choose each other when the time comes.
While the two of you were what most would consider 'googy-two-shoes', you would sometimes sneak out at night just to spend time together. To go to the trees of souls where the woodsprites would float around you both, softly landing on you both as you hold hands.
Even Ewya would agree that the two of you were perfect for each other.
Bakugo na'vi x reader
Just to keep the rivalry between midoryia and Bakugo, I would put Bakugo as a forest Na'vi too.
The entire clan and the other clans around would know about Bakugo and his feisty temper. Many would look down at him for viewing life through such fire, but not many would dare to confront him about it.
Despite the clan looking down on his behaviour, they were quick to recognise his strength in being a strong warrior for the clan. Even the Olo'eyktan recognised this and praised him for it.
You were a strong huntress, you never missed a shot. Sometimes you would be sent out with the warriors to fight the human machines that would try and invade your part of the forest. Thats when you saw Bakugo and realised why everyone praised his strength. You used to admire it too before you found out how cocky he was.
The two of you would bicker, he would get on your nerves too much and you weren't one to let him do whatever.
As others would pass you both arguing, they would either roll their eyes at your usual antics or laugh to themselves.
Though one day it wasn't so funny. One day, it wasn't a bit of banter. One day you were at each other's throats. That day, you both hurt each other.
Others were quick to pull you both apart. Both of you had busies and busted lips. The amount of scolding you both received from the Olo'eyktan drew much attention from everyone around you. No one had seen the leader that angry.
The Olo'eyktan had sent you both out, out of the clan. Not to come back until a week later. He said that you both must survive on your own with only each other to rely on.
Fair to say even more arguments happened during that week, more arguments that somehow turned into making out.
Nobody saw that coming, nope, definitely not. Who would have thought.
Todoroki na'vi x reader
Now as much as we would like to see the trio together, I would say that this one was a produce of two navi from different clans falling in love.
Lets give him a somewhat decent family in this AU okay?
His father from the fire na'vi clan and his mother from the na'vi that live up in the cold, snowy mountains.
Their love though wasn't appreciated by either clans. They were forced to choose, either stay in love or stay in their respective clans.
They chose to leave their clans and start their own family. But it wasn't that easy. You don't quite realise just how much easier it is to live with a whole clan, where food is shared and and roles are divided.
It was hard. Harder so when other clans around them would not let them enter their territory. But Ewya blessed them both by letting them stumble across a small bit of unclaimed land out in the middle of the ocean. It was small but the land had trees which bore fruits, ocean which had plenty of fish and small cave for shelter.
Even with this blessing, it wasn't easy. Not when one na'vi was used to the harsh heat of the volcanoes and another used to the harsh cold of the mountains.
Though with time they were able to start their own family. Four children. The youngest being Shoto.
Shoto was content with his life, he never met any other na'vi apart from his siblings and parents but that didn't seem to bother him. He didn't know life outside of the island and the waters around.
But that didn't bother him.
You can't miss something you never had.
Not until a young reef girl called y/n who happen to have swam out too far and came across the todoroki island. The young girl who he quickly became friends with and who began to tell him all about her clan by the reef.
Thats when he began to truly wonder what was out there beyond his little island in the middle of the ocean.
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nishloves · 10 months
after crying- bawling my eyes out at seventeen's mama daesang speech, i am finally here. having stanned bts since 2018, my expectations from groups have always been very high (considering that i fell out of bts too in 2021-22) bts will always have that special place in my heart- a haven preserved only for them. but seventeen, seventeen is different on so many levels- if bts introduced me to kpop, svt helped me to stay in it; if bts helped me to love myself, svt gave me that drive to move forward. i would have been totally out of kpop scene if i hadn't discovered seventeen during that HOT era.
i had honestly tried- tried stanning many groups but no one resonated like seventeen- and it was probably because how similar their and bts's situation was and how easy it was for me to see their genuineness, to fall in love with them.
they finally won a MAMA, they finally fulfilled one of their dreams and i can't help but wish for them even more- to support the boys so much that they are yet again able to taste the sweet apple of success like they deserve to.
their win made people cry, and not just them and carats, but actual artists who are supposed to be neutral, who are supposed to be their competitors, who might not be their fans- but they cried, they cried because they saw a deserving group (a group which should have already bagged a daesang years ago) win, they saw a genuine group of real idols win, they saw amazing and the most down to earth artists win. and when you do something good in your life (even if your family or friends don't support it) you are bound to an applause, you will make people stir, you are due to respect and the vast majority of earth (who know about your deeds and hardwork) will support you.
if i could only move people like seventeen does, if my life brings happy tears to someone- i will consider my life fulfilled, i know they don't think that highly of themselves- any sane human really can't put themselves on such a high pedestal but- i hope they realise, just how many people they regularly motivate to get up, to have something to be happy for; just how they have proved that if you work hard- you're bound to succeed.
thank you sebongies- just plain, thank you. and well done for working so hard.
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ask-monster-men · 4 months
Jaakobah is doing things to me. He's so uncomfortably uncanny with his presentation and voice... and yet hes so hot to me.
How would he structure his deal differently with the reader character? It sounds like he'd rather bind their soul to him or keep them close physically as a trophy/plaything rather than just take it to sell to someone else
You hit it right on the head with that one, good job anon 👏
Your completely right, he doesn't love people he loves to OWN people. He gets sexual gratification out of it as for some reason owning things and people (mostly humans) really gets him going.
He's a manipulator and ropes people into his web of lies and abuse by promising them everything they want and then stripping them of everything they had leaving only him and them.
He doesn't just own people in the sense that he has them chained up but they could escape and never see him again-no no he owns their soul, their soul becomes part of his making him not only more powerful but more greedy for control. Depending on how much control he has over you (how much of you soul you give away to him) He can control simple things in you're body such as temperature or white blood cell count...these simple things can and will have horrific effects on you, he uses it as punishment or just when and whenever he's bored.
God forbid your one of his favourites.
If he realises you find him hot he's gonna use it against you, he'll play along and play nice or dirty if that helps. He'll keep a hand on your back or bring you gifts, affectionate words ANYTHING to get you to relinquish control over your own soul.
He'll rip apart those bitchy fuckers who bullied you when you where kids or he'll leave a scratch card on you parents door that wins them millions, he will do anything that floats your boat and he will do it with that deep and attractive accent, his body will move in away that compliment yours to real you in closer and closer.
Once your soul is his well its easier if I just write it.
He had been so kind to you, giving you gifts here and there and words of encouragement and hell he even saved your poor old parents from the load sharks, the police are still picking parts of them out of the floorboards.
You had grown up with the tales of beats and demons twisting poor people to give up their souls but Jaakobah had told you that giving a soul is the most intimate thing a supernatural being and human could do, that it's a sacred ritual that binds and tethers two beings together...he framed it to sound so pleasant...like marriage..and he had been so so good too you the least you could do is give him something you didn't think it was worth any value, I mean what could he do with a soul anyways?.
But there you two where, you where standing opersit him twiddling your thumbs together with nervousness burning your sense of self apart, he looked down at you he knew exactly what you where about to give him and he buried the malicious emotion of greed as so his face wouldn't switch to it with a ding.
"Mmm everything alright doll?" Doll, a nickname he gave you that you thought was just a cutey couple thing but you had no idea how accurate the name was. He spoke with fake concern lacing his voice, he bended down a little to reach you- his hight was quite intimidating and completely towered over even the tallest humans.
You looked up at him and smiled "I wanna do it... my soul I want to bind it with yours" binding was the only word you where told but in reality he would own and engulf your soul into his like a barracuda and a little clown fish.
His face twirled round with a bell like ring to a happy one, he stretched out his hand and hummed a laugh, he acted like you had just proposed to him and honestly you felt like you just had.
"Just shake my hand, shake it and anything you could ever want shall be yours" his words were intoxicating, you never had shook a hand so fast in your life a smile as bright as the sun placed itself neatly on your face until...his face, it spun around and around at a speed you haven't seen, it only lasted a few seconds until his face landed on a horrid face..it was evil and full of malicious intent, the floorboards started to dance as lights and smoke from under them poured out and he laughed
"Hmhmhmhm yess....yessss" the walls started to pound as a snake quickly shot out from behind him and wrapped around your two hands, preventing you from running away as it quickly sunk its teeth into you wrist, he only laughed harder in your face as he suddenly spun you around and let go of you to fall onto the ground, the snake curlled up and turned into ash.
You looked around in horror trying to comprehend what the hell was going on but suddenly Jaakobah plunged his hand into you chest and pulled out your heart but ehen you went to reach for your chest it felt fine
"you've got what you wanted"
He said the floorboards and walls still pounding as if there was an angry mob pounding to get it, he then stood at full height before he opened up his robe thing on tucked your soul away...suddenly you felt less like a whole inside you had just been excavated. A chain wrapped around your neck and it glowed in greens and pink sealing your fate.
"And you've lost what you had."
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walpu · 6 months
Aventuriene is one of my favorite character and a favorite make character. Honestly, I'm not a fan of male HSR characters. I love Luka, but now Aventuriene scored him higher. Blade and Dan Heng are interesting but I don't super love them, I do like em though. At first I dislike Dr. Ratio becouse he seemed to me judgemental, but then I realise I misunderstood him and Penecony even made me love his character. I know that's lots of fans Sino for Jung Yuan and Sunday, but in my opinion they are to overted and I think their design is boring.
Now here is what I love about Aventuriene. At first, I liked his design but I was also neutral to him. I wasn't fan of his personality but after watching the play troughs (since I'm taking a break from playing the game) I changed my mind. I like how realistically Aventuriene is written. I realize that there still others HSR characters written realistically, but honestly Aventuriene is the male character that is written like a real person, and not just as fan service. Of course that's is my personal opinion and I understand if you have the different one.
I genuinely think that Aventurine is probably the best written character in hsr. Since 2.0 it was pretty obvious hoyo handles his character well, the leaks only confirmed it, but holy shit, they did so good in 2.1. They managed to deliver his story and make him sympathetic but without overdoing it to the point when it feels like a tearjerker. Like, you look at him and think "yes, it's a very realistic trauma response. yes, he has a lot of conflicted feelings about pretty much everything, from his religion to his own life and I would probably feel like that too". Honestly I'm so happy Shaoji was the main writer for Penacony arc even if he caused me a lot of stress lmao
I remember the first time I saw Aventurine's design I thought he looks cool. I also remember me and my friend joking that he looks like he's Reigen Arataka coded. I named him mr scammer and all that 💀 People make mistakes okay. Then I learned he's from the IPC and said yeah you lost me here I don't fuck with capitalists. Then the whole "slave" tattoo discussion started and he caught my attention again, then the 2.0 happened and well.
I like the rest of the male cast too tho and for a very long time Gepard was my favorite, so I didn't plan on pulling for Aven since I already have a blonde preservation bbg. Well, things change 💀 I get yiu about Ratio, I wanted to punch him the first time I saw him but like. Affectionately. He was funny af to me. I like the way they handle his character so far tho and I honestly have a lot of thoughts about his arc.
I think the thing with a lot of hsr characters, both male and female, is that we didn't have enough time with them yet. Which is not a bad thing since the story has basically just begun. It may be more noticeable for the male characters since its fewer of them tho. Plus the Lofu storyline was a bit messy in general tbh, I hope they'll handle it better in the future. Since we now have the POV switch mechanic, there are a lot of great opportunities to let us understand the characters better.
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nahoney22 · 2 years
Hey love! Wanted to pop in and say I fucking love the shit you post, it gives me life honestly even when everything is rough rn. But I wanted to ask how our beloved batches react and or join in to their SO who is a dancer. But instead it’s a different style for each such as Tango for sweetly techy, ballet for Crosshair, Pop/Hiphop for Hunter, 1950s (correct me if I’m wrong) swinging for wrecker, and jazz for echo. I’d just die from having a SO who is a dancer since I myself can no longer do it to medical stuff, but once again I love you and I hope to see more of your work! MUCH LOVE ❤️
Thanks you for the request and kind words. So sorry this has took forever! It’s been lost in my drafts ☹️♥️ enjoy @nativeomega369
Dancing Shoes
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All Bad Batch Boys X GN!Reader
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You were a dancer before you met your significant other and you were eager to show them exactly what you can do.
warnings: none, fluffy goodness
A/N - I am in no way shape or form a dancer so please don’t be an arse if I don’t know all the technical terms to some dances. I’m allowing my love of Strictly Come Dancing to give me ideas.
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🪩 Echo
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When he first ever saw you perform he was enamoured and fell hard and fast.
You were a show performer at one of the Jazz themed bars they have on coruscant and one of the main leading dancers.
From the way your expressions shifted with every move, how you could elegantly yet powerfully walk with your shoulders rolled back… it was magnificent for him and he had to ask you out.
Unfortunately due to his accident, his confidence dwindled. Often he would have joined in dancing with you when you were both alone years ago and he actually became rather good at dancing. For now however, he was just fine watching you with a satisfied grin on his face.
“You’re amazing, mesh’la.”
You’re hoping one day he will dance with you again.
🪩 Hunter
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Hip Hop
When you first approached Hunter about incorporating dance into his fitness regimes he thought you were joking. However when one day you brought out a radio Tech created and played some lively hip hop music he realised how little you were joking.
“I don’t dance.” He tells you with his arms crossed and you can only grin and shake your head at him at how easy it is for him to dismiss ideas.
“Well it’s a good job I used to. Watch me and just copy.” So he takes a step back and watches you. Admittedly, he thought you were going to make a fool out of yourself. Since you were not very hand-eye coordinated and had walked into too many walls to count, he was expecting a disaster.
How wrong he was.
Your body was locking in places he didn’t know you could lock, he watched in sheer amazement as you managed to (on beat to the music as well) roll up into a one handed handstand. All the while you looked so good doing it. Once the song ended, you turned to him to see his mouth hanging wide open and stuttering over his words.
Eventually he managed to say, “I didn’t know you could move like that.” He gapes at you, watching you brush the sweat off your brow and he could hear how fast your heart had accelerated.
“I’m a little rusty but I feel so pumped! You sure you don’t want to try and dance with me?”
After what he witnessed and very doubtful he could be as good as you, he saw the benefits and joy in it so from then on merged some hiphop dancing with you into his morning workouts.
🪩 Wrecker
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It was such a joy for you when Wrecker said he wanted to try and learn dancing with you. He knew you could dance and had seen you dance with your dance partner back on your home planet so he wanted more than anything to learn with you.
He told you that ‘since you’re coming with us, I don’t want you to stop dancing forever!’
As Wrecker was a gentle giant, with you anyway, it was not really a surprise that he was considerably flat footed and would stomp his feet when he danced. He would grumble how he didn’t know the difference between a rock step and a triple step and would curse at himself when giving you the wrong hand. But you never complained. You were just lucky to have someone dance swing with you.
He was eager to try and do some lifts with you but you had a feeling it was to show off his strength more than anything. You felt safe with him, of course, but you certainly would not attempt these lifts in front of others as it could be dangerous and very embarrassing if he were to drop you.
His favourite dance move was doing a back to back lift/flip with you. There was something fun in him being able to lift you backwards and flip you over his head carelessly because he knew you would be able to make it look good and it wasn’t majorly dangerous.
🪩 Crosshair
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He’s not a dancer and did not care for it. Until he met you.
Crosshair never knew you could dance until he walked in on you with a pair of headphones on doing the most mystical looking spins and elegant jumps he had ever seen. At the time you weren’t dating so he teased you a little for ‘prancing around’ but he had secretly hoped he would walk in on you dancing again.
When you did start dating you did ask Crosshair if he would ever do Ballet with you and he practically scoffed in your face. Whilst your face dropped he panicked at how rude he was and apologised. “I’m sorry cyare, it’s just not something I would be interested in.”
It did sting a little and thought it was a shame since Crosshair had the perfect lean and tall physique for a ballet dancer. But, you never stopped from doing your love of dance. After all, you had trained on your home planet for years and years. Why stop now?
One evening you’re all staying in a rather luxurious hotel on Naboo thanks to a mission going amazingly well and you were in awe to see that it had a theatre room with a large stage where they would sometimes put on shows.
Now, you’re a mischievous one and snuck out of yours and Cross’ room that night and swiped up your ballet slippers and clothes and headed straight to the stage.
Crosshair had stirred awake once he heard the door close to the room and he waited a few minutes before following after you, curious as to where you were going.
He pauses outside the door to the theatre room once he hears classical music playing from within. He had not seen you dance since he walked in on you that one time months ago so was more than eager not to get caught.
As he watches you once he sneaks in, he’s in awe. If he is to be honest as well, he is quite emotional.
You looked so elegant that you made every move so effortlessly. Although he didn’t want to take part in it he had heard you talk about different positions such as pirouettes and arabesques. He thought they sounded silly but he didn’t realise how difficult they looked either. The sheer strength in your core and feet were second to one and once the music ended and you stopped, he made his presence known by clapping aloud.
You’re startled and almost horrified until you realised it was Crosshair who had been watching you from the back.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
🪩 Tech
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“What are you watching, darling? Is that you?” Tech didn’t mean to pry into your personal space but when he sees you watching a dance clip on your holopad and sees you, he’s widely curious.
You smile and nod. “It is. I used to dance back home.”
“I was not aware you were a dancer. A seemingly good one at that.” He compliments, pushing his goggles up the bridge of his nose as he leans over your shoulder to watch.
“Thanks Tech. I miss it.”
He raised a brow at you. “Why do you not continue?”
“Nobody to dance with. The Tango isn’t so great to dance if there’s only one of you.” You sigh, clicking off the video and placing it back on the control panel before standing. “Anyway, I’m too busy looking after you lot.”
Tech watches you leave and in an instant hatches up a plan to make sure you continue to do the thing you love.
When you’re about to head out for a mission, Hunter pulls you aside and tells you that you and Tech need to do repairs to the ship.
“But we did it yesterday? What could have possibly been broken now?” You frown, crossing your arms.
“The uh, hyperdrive is faulty. We’ll be back soon anyway.” He tells you and by his tone you know he’s up to something.
So, you let him go and join Tech up in the cockpit once called for help.
What you weren’t expecting however was to see him suited up and had a hand outstretched to you. You’re almost shocked for words.
“W-what are you doing?” You question with slightly wide eyes.
“I am hoping you will accompany me while dancing the Tango with me. Albeit I’ll need some lessons and advice on how to perform. Research has left me confused as there appears to be more than one type of dance.” He explains and you’re almost overcome with emotion.
Gladly, you take his hand. “You want to dance with me?”
“I don’t see why not? I am interested in your hobbies just as much as you are in mine.” He grins, pulling you close and straightens his posture. After all, he did his research. “So, where do we begin?”
You’re surprised to say the least but pleasantly. Alas, you put him in the correct hold and for some reason being pressed to him sent chills up and down your arms. You never thought this would interest him so you were happy to see him take note of your words and move with you.
With a renowned new power and stride, Tech felt his confidence increase with every step and once you applied music to the lesson, he only realised how sensual the dance was as well.
He couldn’t help but gaze at your face, so strong and powerful looking that it was extremely attractive. You allowed him to caress your body, his breathing getting a little ragged as you both expressed your seeming emotions in synchronised movements.
As the music descends to its finish, your arched your back and elongated your straight leg back as Tech kept a protective hold onto you.
“You’re a good teacher, darling.” He says breathlessly, pulling you back flush to him and you peck him on the lips, grateful.
“And I have a mighty good student.”
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Requests are Open. Please read my Masterlist at the bottom to see what I won’t write about to avoid disappointment. Please also tell me if you’d like female, male or gender neutral reader and if you’d like NSFW or SFW. Thanks ♥️
tags: @twistedstitcher27 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @jennamelinda12 @nunanuggets s @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease e @megafrost4 ost4 @adriiibell ell @theroguesully y @equalityforcats cats @rexandechosandwich @mustluvecho @inagalaxywickedfahaway @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @sadspring @chxpsi @alexandrisonfire @arctrooper69 @salaminus @by-the-primes @torchbearerkyle @tech-aficionado @shawtyitsyou @in-the-crosshairs @therealnekomari @cyarikadarling @a-c-lee @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @mylifeinthetardisforever @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings @the-good-shittt @buddee @s1st3r @imperialclaw801 @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater
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sandraharissa · 1 year
Even tho ‘Nina makes Crowley realise he’s in love’ has become quite a popular interpretation I’m still sticking with my previous interpretation of ‘Crowley knew the whole time, likely since the Eden wall scene’. It’s bcos this twist on their relationship does nothing for me and all I see from other ppl who liked it is ‘Oh Crowley’s such a dum-dum, of course he’d just do all those things but remain oblivious, he’s so silly’.
Now I’m not mad at anybody specifically for having a different interpretation but I wanna share my own thoughts about the interpretation itself, and by ‘share my thoughts’ I mean bitch about it.
In s1 so much of Crowley’s behavior is so intentional, he’s the one always pushing for them to have more interactions, he was the one who suggested the arrangement, he’s always inserting himself in Azi’s life, he’s the one insisting they are on their own side, he’s suggesting running off to Alfa-Centauri, he’d do anything like postpone Satan and any other of Azi’s whims just for him, he’s the one who at the end when they’re waiting on the bus appeals to Azi again trying to reinforce that they’re together on the same side, but probs the most obvious example of all the ‘you go to fast for me’ scene. There’s so much potent drama and tragedy there for Crowley if he’s pursuing Azi the whole time, how else would you even call what he’s doing in s1?
“Well, can I drop you anywhere?”
“No, thank you. Oh, don’t look so disappointed. Perhaps one day we could… I don’t know. Go for a picnic. Dine at the Ritz.”
“I’ll give you a lift. Anywhere you want to go.”
“You go too fast for me, Crowley.”
So when I watched this exchange the first time and assumed it has a deeper meaning cos they’re both talking in code and using the car as a metaphor for being ready to take their relationship to the next level I wasn’t right and the scene isn’t really that deep or romantic cos Crowley was really just suggesting spending more time together that evening like always and had no deeper desire or meaning to convey and also completely missed the meaning of Azi’s words?
For the love of God he walked into a church burning his feet for Azi’s sake in this grand sweet gesture just completely unaware of why he’s actually doing it? Doesn’t it take away so much depth and agency and meaning from that interaction? If it’s not intended by Crowley as a grand sweet gesture cos ‘he’s the love of my life, I’d do anything for him’ but as far as Crowley’s aware he’s doing it just because?
I think that’s why I dislike it so much, it exchanges the imo super compelling drama and a tragic angle to Crowley’s character with ‘oh it’s just so typical of them to be so smart yet stupid ha ha’. Like honestly, yeah sure, I get it, it fits the Pratchett-esque type humor, it IS in character for them to be dum-dums but it’s kinda disappointing imo if this comedic aspect of their characterization was taken so far as to be used as an explanation for really serious aspects of the development of their quite tragic relationship.
I think part of this is also this paradox of how having inhuman characters in stories doesn’t mean anything cos fundamentally they still need to behave human in order to be relatable to the audience and not come off as flat and simplified versions of ‘human’, what ppl often think of as poorly written characters. And oftentimes attempts to create ‘otherworldly’ characters that are still compelling simply result in cishet writers making all their robots/aliens/angels aro/ace/trans, so creating completely human characters with human experiences. I think there’s a limit to how far you can take a character who’s lived with humans for 6k years and presumably loves them and say that he wholly misunderstands the most basic and important aspect of humanity like ‘feeling love’ before the character becomes ‘silly’ beyond understandable or relatable.
Azi being clever yet stupid cos his internal character conflict results in him not knowing how to reconcile his relationship with heaven to his relationship with Crowley? Fantastic. An extremely human experience of dealing with an abusive family too, and not at all anything truly celestial/alien.
Crowley knowing Jane Austen personally from a heist but missing the fact that she wrote novels and their cultural relevance, a la grandpa who lives under a rock? Or him organizing a heist to *looks at notes* steal holy water, a la demon who doesn’t know how christianity works and that he could get it for free by asking? Hilarious. Crowley having character quirks like his thing with ducks? Great.
Crowley spends 6k years consistently and vigorously pursuing one person (one!!!) and performing grand romantic gestures but sike, it was unintentional cos he’s so removed from the human experience and emotions that he’s got no self-awareness? Meh.
It’d be another thing if the whole time Crowley was shameful and in denial of his feelings and behaved like Azi e.g. “we’re not friends and I don’t even like you”, with him I totally agree that he must have realized recently and has still not processed it and his family trauma, but the intent and purpose and intensity with which Crowley pursues a relationship, even just a friendship, with Azi in s1 really makes it unbelievable to me that he’d do it completely unaware. During the talk with Nina he may have realized that his relationship with Azi is comparable to the human romance and opened his eyes to the possibility of e.g. kissing and realized he needs to make a move and stop dancing around the topic but I completely reject the idea that he didn’t know he loved Azi.
Warning. Bitterness incoming: Currently waiting for s3 to inspire an interpretation that *that scene from s3* is when Azi realizes he’s in love, cos he hasn’t done so in 1941, s1 and s2, and during the kiss scene apparently.
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It really bothers me how the adults in Nathan and Haley's lives reacted to them getting married. They all put their own baggage on Nathan and Haley.
Perhaps the most surprising reaction is Karen's because Karen is not Haley's mother so I believe that she should have been a bit less opinionated. Though Karen did come around pretty quickly and decided to support Haley, which I appreciate. But the following line does bother me cause it's another situation of an adult in Naley's lives forcing their baggage onto them...
KAREN: Haley…I know that you and Nathan are in love and you know that I was also in love in high school but sometimes, love fades…and, I just hope with all my heart that…it doesn’t fade for you.
I'm not saying that what she's saying is wrong. But what she's forgetting is that she was dating Dan and Haley is married to Nathan. Dan and Nathan are not at all the same person. I saw that video of Dan and Karen at that school dance while they were dating. I can't see how the Karen we see in the show could be into that blowhard, arrogant, asshole. Also the fact that Nathan proposed to Haley shows the difference between Nathan and Dan. Dan would never have proposed to Karen and the only reason that he proposed to Deb was cause she got pregnant but so did Karen. The reason he chose Deb was because she fit into the life HE WANTED. He also liked the money that she had through her rich family. Everything is about what someone can give Dan.
Deb really annoys me cause I guess I expected a bit better. I'm not surprised that she was upset but Deb reacts in a truly horrible way. Her knee jerk reaction is to call Haley names and accuse her of ruining Nathan's life. But even worse, she accuses Nathan and Haley of causing Dan's heart attack. Even though Deb knows it's her fault if anyones. She was the one who slept with his brother. She was the one who watched as he had a heart attack and refused to call 911 at first. And yet, to make herself feel less guilty, she puts that on her 16 year old son and his 16 year old wife. Deb's behaviour during this time is all manipulative and conniving but I wanna shine a light on a specific interaction with Karen. Karen has decided that she's gonna support Haley and has come to believe that their marriage could work and this is the exchange between them...
DEB: How can you be so at ease with all of this?
KAREN: I know this is hard for you Deb.
DEB: Oh don’t tell me you honestly think this can work?
KAREN: Haley’s been like a daughter to me.
DEB: And Nathan used to be a son to me. On top of that, you can’t possibly know what they’re up against Karen. You didn’t get married when you were their age.
Again another situation of the adults putting their baggage on Naley. Deb's marriage is failing and she puts that baggage on her child.
Dan always put his own baggage on people so that was no surprise. Dan was in his normal form. Nathan told him they had gotten married and this is the exchange with Dan....
DAN: So that’s it for basketball.
NATHAN: Why should it be?
DAN: You’ll see. You think you can do it all now but, one day you’ll look up and realise all you have to live with are your mistakes.
NATHAN: It’s not a mistake dad. We’re both happy. It’s a good thing.
DAN: I was talking about my mistakes too Nathan. Sooner or later we all choose a path. Sometimes you never look back and sometimes life forces you to.
This is the problem with Dan. Everything is about HIS mistakes. Deb's life and decisions, Nathan's life and decisions. Everything revolves around Dan as far as he's concerned. And what he needs to realize is that he made his decisions for very specific reasons. And he didn't achieve his dreams because of who he is as a person and the decisions he made. But not just his decisions but also because of the way he chose to react to his decisions. But not because he married Deb and had Nathan.
Something I love about Naley is how their marriage lasted and thrived despite everything they were up against. They had to deal with parents who were actively working to destroy their marriage or at least rooting for it to fail. Dan tried to pay someone to seduce Haley. Dan tried to get Nathan fired from his job so that they would have money issues. Deb went to a lawyer and tried to find ways to delegitimize it. Dan preyed upon their vulnerability and tried to pit them against each other while they were vulnerable. And that's only one thing they had to deal with. They went through so much but there marriage doesn't show the scars of their past. They deal with their issues, they forgive each other and they get past it. They don't constantly bring up each other's past mistakes. They make it through stronger and more in love than ever.
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kiwiana-writes · 9 months
▵ For With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest).
Love your work, thank you for all you do.🥰🫂
GOSH that's lovely, thank you!
▵ pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite line for With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest)?
ONE favourite line??? IN 65,000 words?????? No way, you're getting a few. One outside the cut, the rest under it!
“Out of curiosity, do you talk to all your clients like you’re a film noir detective and I’m the leggy blonde asking for your services? Or is that just for me?” The very first line I wrote, sent to @ships-to-sail in DM at 3am because we'd just started talking about the idea for this fic and I was in bed and hadn't created a Google doc yet. I went and found it, because I'm not kidding about the time OR how little it changed between this and publishing:
Tumblr media
He mulls over that one for a minute, wondering what it would be like—to be bi in a time when Google wasn’t at your fingertips to help you figure it out; to have people speculating on your sexuality four centuries later. It feels… weird. Invasive. Something. BECAUSE YOU ARE ALSO BISEXUAL, MY LOVE.
“I am not seething,” Alex seethes. Speaks for itself, honestly. One of my absolute favourite literary devices to use.
Another message, right underneath the picture: do you think when i tell you while you’re in disguise ‘i am sure he is in the fleet: i would he had boarded me’ i’m lowkey talking about wanting you to rail me? because i could play it that way Henry places the phone down gently on the mattress, picks up a pillow from the other side of the bed, puts it over his face, and screams into it. This joke went through so many iterations, both of the line from the play Alex was referencing as well as originally it was "Betrius is lowkey wanting Benedick to" and making it more personal really ramped up the torture towards Henry hahaha.
“So Betrius isn’t saying ‘if only I were a man’, because he is. He’s saying ‘if only y’all saw me as a man, gave me the respect of a man, but you don’t, because I’m not out picking up chicks on whatever the sixteenth-century equivalent of Tinder is’. Right?” This entire conversation, actually, but this line in particular. As much as I had to skim over some of the practicalities of flipping Beatrice's gender in Much Ado, it was important to me that doing so was more than a one-and-done plot device to enable Alex and Henry to play these roles.
He thinks maybe he’s always going to be a little different now that he knows what it’s like to be touched like this, by someone like Henry, who cares just as much about the putting back together as he does about the taking apart. One thing I think CMQ does an amazing job of in the novel is just how fucking clear it is that Alex is ALL IN in love well before he's realised it, and I was trying to capture a little bit of that with this.
“I think maybe I’ve done it again? Pushed myself into a space so small, and cramped, and hidden away, I don’t know how to find my way back out.” This isn't a version of Henry with his canonical reasons for staying closeted, but nor did I want him to be someone with a lot of self-loathing around being gay, because the lack of that in canonical Henry is such a breath of fresh air. I wasn't sure about how well I'd gotten that across with this line (and the whole bit that preceded it) but I had a few people reach out to tell me just how true this rang for them, which, ❤️
“There is nothing,” Alex says quietly, “on this planet that could make me stop loving you. I swear to god, H, you’ve… fundamentally fucking changed me. If you tell me to go again, I’ll go. We’ll pine at each other in the wings for the next six weeks and then I’ll fuck off back to America and we’ll both be miserable forever, probably doing some maudlin shit like only taking roles in the tragedies so we can channel our pain or whatever, but I’ll still be in love with you. You’ll be the one that got away for the rest of my life, you obtuse fucking asshole—” Reworking/retreading canon without just copying and pasting huge swaths of the book is such a difficult line to walk and I was particularly proud of this part of doing that.
It is, in the end, the easiest decision he’s ever made. :) :) :) :) :)
[fic ask game]
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
hi cas, reg kin anon back already haha
(again, cw/tw for medical stuff and complicated family dynamics)
firstly, thank you for your supportive and kind words, they really do mean a lot to me (and everyone else you help; youre genuinely such a wonderful person and deserve everything good in life ♡)
i think ive come to the conclusion that i havent really processed the whole situation yet, honestly. even though i wrote it to you, i havent actually said the words out loud about my mother's diagnosis (and honestly writing them out again is a struggle haha, like my fingers are blocked from doing it), and it kind of feels like saying it makes it real? does that make sense? i dunno. it feels so impossible to imagine my mother being genuinely sick with something so serious. 'my mother' and 'cancer' dont fit in the same sentence.
but i didnt really realise until now just how major of a major life event this is for everyone and everything. because (and remember, i have a very complicated relationship with my mother. i once defined it as 'i dont have to like you to love you' and i think thats really relevant to now, too) my mother was going to help me with moving out (both buying things ill need, as well as actually moving out on the day) but she told me yesterday that ill have to go out to get things myself because she physically cant right now. i didnt think id mind so much, i like having my own independance and doing things myself, but i went out today to buy everything i need and i was struggling so much more than i thought. i genuinely almost had a breakdown crying in the first shop i went to.
honestly part of that was because i had no idea what i needed or where was best to get it or what any of the fancy words about different types of stuff meant (like, who even knows what depth their mattress is to buy the right bedsheet?? what is a tog??? whats the difference between a bath sheet and a bath towel?? they look the same!) but also because that was something we were supposed to do together. i dont like her and theres so much about her i want to change, but theres a huge part of me that was looking forward to a parent/child experience that so many normal families have, especially because i didnt get a lot of other typical 'growing up' moments with my parents due to how my family is.
part of me, in all honesty, considered waiting to move out, partly so that she could still be part of it, and partly so that i was in a better place emotionally to be able to handle the change. but if i were to do that, id have to wait another year (im moving out to go to university, and i already put it off last year to get a job instead because i was scared and anxious about university) and i dont know that i could go a whole extra year stuck at home. theoretically, i could afford to move out and rent (or buy, if i went to one of the cheap areas) when i felt ready in however many months time, but itd be a huge drain on my savings and would be nowhere near where ill be for school the following year so itd be a waste of money and time. itd be stupid and silly for me to put off university for another year, but i did consider it. i wont, but part of me is scared and wants to.
i met up with my older brother for lunch while i was out (who, sticking with the black family dynamics, is kind of like the andromeda of my family. he moved out 5 years ago to break away from the family and rarely comes home, and is probably the one person in my life who i feel genuinely comfortable and safe around) and we talked about it which was nice, especially considering my family is typically very much a 'do not talk about your feelings at all' sort of family, and as a whole we have not discussed anything further about my mother's health or how we're all handling it since that first conversation. he was super gentle and caring and honestly that in itself made me want to cry a bit because hes just so not at all like our parents?? idk who raised him but i wish theyd raised me too hahaha
but anyway, he was really open and supporting with me. he talked a bit about how he was feeling (which was super validating, because he was also hit hard by it and had complex feelings about it all) and he was really clear too that if i needed anything at all, i could always go to him and would always be welcome at his flat if i needed time away, even when i move out. (seriously, who raised this perfect older brother????) basically he was everything i needed in that moment and i am really genuinely thankful he exists, so at least my parents made one decent thing haha
still, though. i think its starting to hit me now just how many things are going to change and, as selfish as it is, how many things im going to lose and miss out on because of it. i dont like my mother, but i want her there to help me take that next step in my adult life, yknow? she, nor my father, have explicitly said she wont be able to help on moving day, but its not likely, and theres no way on earth i could ever ask whether she will (again: selfish thinking.)
my brother did mention, though, that the type of cancer our mother has is apparently one of the worse types if it isnt caught early enough. as far as i understand it (which isnt much, honestly, i dont understand much with medicine), she has cancer in her abdomen and its usually caught too late to get rid of. i didnt know this until today, i think our father didnt want to worry me? but i dont actually know how far along the cancer is (which stage it is? i think thats the right term) and i dont know at what stage it becomes too late. my brother also didnt seem to know, but now thats put a new worry in my head because my father explicitly did not mention that to me, so of course my brain has jumped to conclusions about why and what that means. im trying not to spiral, but ever since i found out about her diagnosis, i dont actually think ive gone ten minutes without 'fuck, my mother has cancer' or something similar going through my head, and restarting the breakdown id just pushed down again.
as expected, my sister was already making inappropriate jokes about it by the next time i saw her. i spoke to my brother about this too (hes cut contact with her entirely, like i plan to) and that was part of why he offered to let me stay with him if i ever needed; to escape our sister as much as our mother. i dont understand how she doesnt care a single bit. i know shes never got along with our parents but like, at least have a little decency and sensitivity?? she was literally laughing about it and i just... i dont get how someone could be such an awful person. sure whatever, she doesnt have to be upset if she really doesnt care, but thats crossing a fucking line.
this is getting to be another long ask so im gonna stop here for now, but before i do i just want to say thank you again for being such a safe place for myself and others. you are so, so wonderful cas ♡
- reg kin anon
Hi hon ❤️❤️❤️
I know there’s not a lot I can say right now to make you feel better because unfortunately I don’t know the future. I don’t know how this will turn out and neither do you. But I want to say again that your feelings - all of them - are okay and valid and none of them are bad or shameful. It’s okay to mourn the things that you might miss and it’s okay to have mixed emotions. No feelings are right or wrong here, and I’m here when you need to vent. Also I know move in Day will be hard but I’m so proud of you for continuing to prepare for university.
Sending so much love ❤️
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yukiwhitetm · 1 year
AO3 is back online! But don’t rush to reload all your tabs because you don’t want to overwhelm AO3’s shiny new Cloudflare set up. Ease back into using AO3 for now. I am sure everything will go back to normal soon.
However, this has made me think it is time to announce what is happening with You will always be Monarch Butterfly! Many of you have asked and waited patiently for an answer so here it is.
It is exciting news!
Let me start from the beginning.
I started writing You will always be Monarch Butterfly! in the latter half of lockdown for the sake of my mental health. I put everything in it that made me happy to write about – magic and heroes versus villain (and secret identities – the best kind), friendship and romance, performances and fictional Japan, redemption arcs and royalty. Just like all of you, I fell head over heels in love with the story.
But I saw early on that the Kokichi Ouma I had moulded from the clay that New Danganronpa V3 gave me was different from the source material. He was young and disabled and just muddling his way through life without the adult support he should have had. And I related to him, just like I know many of you related to him. His You will always be Monarch Butterfly! character and story became truly precious to me. I didn’t want to let him go, to let the story I was writing about him disappear into the abyss of fanfiction to be read and forgotten or, worse, lost entirely due to outside forces. This has been highlighted as a possibility to me again and again – it could be “learned from” by AI or AO3 could be taken down by hackers or any number of things could happen.
You will always be Monarch Butterfly! was a story I didn’t want to lose.
And yet, for the longest time, I felt that it was too tightly tied to its fanfiction roots. “I can’t make this into an original work,” I said every time my mum and friends suggested rewriting it into an original work, even though what I wanted to say was I can make this my own. “It’s a fanfiction, it’s tied too tightly to New Danganronpa V3 and Miraculous Ladybug to ever be its own original work. How could I ever separate this?”
Until a day came where I realised this simply wasn’t true. There are some fanfictions that are so tightly tied to their fanfiction roots that they can’t be separated, that is true, but You will always be Monarch Butterfly! was not one of them. I researched how to make fanfiction into an original work and then I knew I could do this. I pulled out a notebook and started planning, What needs to be changed completely? What needs to be just a little different (a little to the left, I would say)? What needs to be cut? How can I make this my own original work?
That was when my original work Truth, Lies and Butterflies came to be.
A lot of things are different now (characters, magic, lots of small details). The important things kept to core of their original idea and a couple things that were my original ideas anyway remained very similar. It follows the same overall plot.
However, I hadn’t planned on removing You will be Monarch Butterfly from AO3 before it was finished. I had intended to finish it as a full first draft for you all to read and then take it down and rewrite it into an original work after that. Companies setting their AI to sifting through fanfiction on AO3 so as to “learn” – or more likely steal – from them changed that.
Admittedly, I panicked, I panicked a lot.
I announced that I was going to lock all my fanfiction to AO3 members only and I did that. But then I worried and fretted over the possibility that the AI might still gain access to You will be Monarch Butterfly!, which I planned to rewrite into an original work, and steal from it so that I couldn’t rewrite it… Honestly, the thought of that terrified me. So, I did the only thing I felt I could. I archived it so that it still exists on AO3 (just in case) but no one can read it but me. No one, including AI.
I started writing my original work Truth, Lies and Butterflies that was inspired by You will always be Monarch Butterfly!
I didn’t announce this immediately because it wasn’t the right time yet. The right time is now.
I hope that you will love Truth, Lies and Butterflies just as much as I do. And that you are as excited by this new direction as I am.
If any of you would like to be beta readers for Truth, Lies and Butterflies then DM me! Beta readers are always greatly needed and much appreciated.
Thank you for all your patience, understanding and support until now. It really means the world to me.
Your friend,
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Chapter one of the Distance Between Us - I 🥺🥺🥺
it’s SO GOOD??? omg my word Cyno had my heart in actual pieces on the floor!! I was truly sucked in to because when ‘Nari’ first answered the phone call I was like -woah WOAH????!! But that transition was BRILLIANT and oh my word just- Cyno curled up and sobbing 😭 poor baby!!!!!!! I can’t!! And how disorienting too to have gone from midly unwell to FULL ON sick.
other details I’m obsessed with- I LOVE how Cyno is determined to keep up appearances even in this context. The juxtaposition of him internally *desperately* needing Tighnari while outwardly trying to keep it together had me in a choke hold. It was awesome too seeing how he interacted with Kaveh while sick!! And KAVEH!!! omg you nailed writing him!! The panic the dramatics the chaos (the window kaveh ??? please??🤣) But also steadfast and would do anything for his friends. Love him. Love him always. also! Cyno being shorter than nari as seen through pants 😭😭😭😭😭 my FAVORITE
also also- idk if this was intentional but, the comment about the restraints he imagined when he first woke up, I really love that detail cuz my mind was like “oh he’s remembering his past life in the Canon AU and in his delirium for just a fraction of a second he was in another life” very very cool!! Like a little Easter egg
I am so excited for chapter 2 tho I’m MANIFESTING Tighnari gets summoned and Cyno can get the hugs and care he deserves!!! I have a feeling he may not be out of the woods yet and I’m SO ready!!!!
Criminally amazing work as always idk how you keep doing it every time 😭😭
I tore poor Cyno to shreds in this one, I feel like he deserves a formal apology 😭
YES! It felt so strange writing that, because you just know Tighnari would never answer the phone that harshly if it was Cyno calling him! Especially in the night! I was reminding myself "this isn't nari, this isn't nari, this isn't nari" as I wrote it, up to the point where Cyno realised his mistake.
ARGH AND CYNO!! Writing him just fighting to keep everything together when he's very much falling apart broke my heart. He was having such a bad time here, if it wasn't for Kaveh, he wouldn't have fought for appearances at all. (Not saying Kaveh's presence was a bad thing... If it wasn't for Kaveh, Cyno would likely still be on the bathroom floor) AND KAVEH! Help, he was so much fun to write! A little dramatic, definitely chaotic, but so warm hearted, I love him to bits. A true best boy!
I absolutely love the lil' headcanon that Nari is just a tinyy bit taller than Cyno. Like the difference is so small you probably wouldn't even notice it with shoes and all, and Cyno being more muscular than Tighnari. But it's there and I love it!
YES YES!! Honestly I did not even consider it that way, but I LOVE that take?? The idea that this au is kind of like a different life, maybe a next life, after their canon lives! Makes my heart melt because of course they're together in every life 🥺 I'm absolutely gonna have this in the back of my head forever now, I seriously love that!
I'm very excited to continue the fic as well, things are only going to get worse before they get better. Cyno deserves many hugs, because he's in for a bad time!
Thank you so much again!!
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