#hope it's up to par
sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
Unknown Feelings
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This takes place in a sort of courting phase where the creator doesn't have any established romantic-like relationships
Warnings: general sagau, implied self-esteem issues kinda, fluff and flirting, honestly this is pretty tame
Paring: Venti/reader
It felt as if Mondstadt never changed, not really at least. Perhaps that was one of the disadvantages of building a city on an island, a finite space unable to really be expanded. As set as the stone that made its foundation.
And perhaps it was that unchangeable sense of consistency that got to you when everything else seemed so uncertain. It was always calm there, quiet, safe. Even back when this was all nothing more than a game that rang true, a place which purpose was simply to breathe, to provide rest and rejuvenation.
Maybe it was specifically for those reasons that you didn't find yourself spending a lot of time in the quiet nation, though that wasn't necessarily of your own choice. It was simply hard to justify, lounging in a city that didn't truly need your help or guidance.
Of course they wanted you there, the people, the monsters, the trees and flowers, and their Archon above all else. But when faced with Liyue's treasure hoarder infestation, Inazuma and its many threats, small peaceful Mondstadt was simply overlooked.
That didn't stop you from missing it though, from quietly longing for the day you'd get to return, if only for a short time. And that was exactly why you found yourselves at none other than the stone bridge, mere steps from the neglected land of the Anemo Archon.
You only meant to look, to simply gaze for a moment at the other side and then be on your merry way, onto where your presence was truly needed. That was until...
"Your grace!"
Oh no.
You spared a hesitant glance to your left, met with none other than the very Archon you missed seeing.
"How lucky I must be,” Venti continued, throwing you a playful smile, “to catch you alone like this."
The bard quickly and happily wrapped his arms around your arm, hugging it close. "You are alone, right? Morax isn't, uh… hiding somewhere back there... right?" The nervous laughter was hard to miss as he spared a few quick glances behind you, keeping a careful eye out for flying land-formations.
"Don't worry, you’re safe. Though that might not stay true if I don't get to where he's expecting me." You teased as the Archon pouted.
"Aww, so you didn't come for me after all? How cruel, and I was so excited to spend the day with you."
Venti had known from simply observing you that Mondstadt wasn't the final destination you had in mind, but what was he if not convincing?
"Hmm, why don't you come with me anyways your grace? I'd love nothing more than to entertain you on this beautiful day~"
You could get out of this, it wouldn't even be particularly difficult, but... did you really want to? Your thoughts drifted momentarily to how the rest of your day would unfold if you declined his gracious offer, sitting at a desk for hours on end, paperwork, distraught followers because you happened to sigh at the wrong time...
Your mind was made up before you spoke, and Venti's grin only widened.
"I... I suppose I could. But only today, and I need to be back before dark, and I'm not protecting you from whatever consequences 'Morax' deems worthy to bestow when he finds out."
His hold on your arm tightened as he pulled you along giddily, over the unmarked threshold that held so much weight.
"Completely worth it, I've missed you far too much to let an opportunity like this slip away."
It didn't seem like he would be letting go any time soon, dragging you ever onwards.
"Where to go where to go..." Venti mused, thinking it over rather intensely. "We could go to the Angels Share! I could even perform for you, it's been sooo long after all."
You laughed slightly, "Oh? And here I thought you'd wanted to horde all my attention for yourself. You know what'll happen if we go there."
You had a point. You being sighted anywhere in Mondstadt city would be cause for quite the commotion, he ponder this for a moment.
"I suppose you're right... Then maybe a private show hmm?" His tone started teasing, but dipped into something more genuine. "The audiences will come and go after all, but you'll be here to listen to my music forever, if you so choose. It’s the very least I can do."
You couldn't quite confirm or deny that statement, the topic of your mortality still being rather unknown territory, but you decided not to speak on it.
"How about we just go to Windrise, I don’t particularly feel like hiking up any cliffs today."
Venti giggled softly, "Well I could always just carry you, your grace. Wouldn't that be fun?"
It was your turn to laugh, "Good to know your sense of humor hasn't changed."
"Hey, I was serious." He whined, clinging ever tighter. "I'd do it in a heartbeat you know, I swear this on my honor as a bard, promise~ I am stronger than I look."
You could only playfully roll your eyes, marching onward to Windrise with him following pace.
It didn't take long for you both to be sitting together under the large tree, crystalflies curiously observing and him contently resting his head on your shoulder, listening to the wind.
The silence was pleasant, a nice break from the excessive amount of talking you had to bear the past few weeks. The never-ending stream of questions and pleas.
"I'm going to Inazuma soon." You finally spoke, causing Venti to glance up, his eyes shining softly from the light of the sun’s gentle rays.
"Hm, what for this time?" He asked lazily, happy to keep resting on you, trying hard to sound as if your statement wasn’t a big deal.
"'A concerning increase in elemental slime activity', as if that's anything more than another blatant excuse..." You mumbled the last part, a certain form of tiredness clinging to your words, one he picked up on immediately.
"'An increase in elemental slime activity'? Really, a second time?" Venti laughed lightly, “Just as bad at concealing her intentions as ever it seems.”
"Meanwhile I'd love nothing more than an excuse to come here and visit you more often."
It was stated with a light joking tone, but Venti took it deathly serious.
"I...” He was almost at a loss for words, “I can't begin to describe how much I enjoy hearing you say that." The genuineness dripping from his voice gave way to a more playful note as quick as it had appeared. "Don't be surprised if I call you over for the most trivial things then."
"Heaven knows the other Archon do it more than enough." You laughed lightly, before a more serious expression took over. "I can't say I mind all that much though, trivial things are easy to solve. Makes me feel more useful than I probably actually am."
It wasn't quite meant in a self-deprecating way, simply as a factual observation. There weren't a whole lot of world-threatening events happening, and it wasn't as if you even really knew you had the ability to stop them. You didn't realize quite how it came off until you saw Venti with a look of abject horror.
"Your grace, my lovely divine creator, please don't speak like that. All of Teyvat adores you, no matter what you do or don't want to handle. You've done so far beyond enough already."
You gave him a small smile, "'Adore' huh? I guess that's one way to put it. But I just..." You paused a moment, thinking over the phrasing. "I think it's more they worship the concept of me over 'adore' who I actually am. If that makes sense..."
It was a frustrating thing to try putting into words, it almost felt selfish to even talk about. Complaining about the admiration and unconditional love so freely given.
"That might be true, but I know you personally." Venti sat up straighter, making intense eye contact and grabbing your hand with his own.
"I will only ever speak to you with sincerity. So, when I tell you that I adore you so dearly... I hope you believe me."
You were taken aback slightly by how genuine he was being, how loving he was in the face of your doubt.
"And, believe me, I do. I simply adore you, your grace. I could never stop adoring you."
Your body felt warm, unintentionally flushing, breaking eye contact to look anywhere but his intense gaze. It only strengthened his resolve.
"I am more than happy to sing my praises of you." The bard practically chirped, laying back at your side and wrapping his arms around you, yet again, in a hold that could be considered more secure.
You scoffed slightly, still a bit flushed. "Surely you exaggerate, I really haven't done anything praise-worth since my 'descension'."
"Exaggerate?! Don't make light of my affection for you." He scolded, holding you tighter, sounding almost offended. "I don't need to have any accolades to speak well of you. Just to say that you exist should be praise enough, should it not?"
It was true that he envied every other that stole your attention, how he went out of his way to meet you in other nations when obviously not wanting or welcome by their respective Archons.
"I could spend all my days speaking of your grace, your brilliance, every truly divine piece of you... I couldn't express my love for you fully in a dozen lifetimes."
He paused a moment, soaking in your expression, as if it alone could sustain him, his voice taking on a sweeter tone.
"But I'll try to do so in this one."
You struggled to come up with a decent retort, stunned into some form of silence before finding your footing again. "Poetic as always I see." He really never ceased to amaze you.
"I've been lucky enough to find someone that allows me to put my words to good use. They'd simply be wasted on anyone else."
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes a little at how sickeningly sweet he was acting. Surely he was only acting like this to cheer you up, to make you feel a little less like a mere decoration… right? His grin gave nothing away.
You both sat there for a while, him telling occasional jokes, often with flirty undertones, and playing you a few songs, per your request. It was such a stark contrast from how you had previously been living day-to-day that you didn’t notice how much time seemed to be passing until the sun was almost barely visible.
You eventually gave in to your unavoidable fate, giving him a small apologetic smile as you parted ways after he walked you back to the stone gate. All the while left wondering just how sincere his words really were, and, more importantly, when you'd be able to do this again.
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b1mbodoll · 9 months
i dont know why hybrid breeders thought it was a perfect idea to put bunny!you in a cage with wolf!nicho (>人<;) he so obviously could break you to pieces but instead he likes to play with you! pulling on your ears and flicking your tail :( it's enough to make you whine everytime but he doesn't care !!!! and eventually when his heat comes, you can tell bcs hes twice as mean when teasing you, pushing you down and lifting your ass up so he could "play with you like normal" but the whole time his hybrid cock is running against your pussy TT n when you get really fussy it gets hard not to fill you all the way up completely (non con) ★★★ literally theres no way you're getting out of his hold! you can cry and try to push him away but hes 10x stronger than you and his heat makes him soooo hot all he can think abt is making your tummy swell up with his pups! (so unrealistic but i know you're into it but imagine him fucking his knot into you so deep it starts pooling out your mouth and your eyes are rolled back and u cant do anything but feel it completely)
love 🎀 anonie!
pairings: nicholas wang x f! reader
warnings: hybrids + inflation + knotting + breeding + blood + noncon + jealousy + a/b/o dynamics + drool + daddy kink + subspace + inflation
💌: i had to prio this bc its so dreamy like 😵‍💫 u included a lot of my fave kinks n tropes n im so thankful i love u so much for swndinf this my way idk how much i can add on bc its lrtrly perfect but i hope i do it justice !
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the first time you and nicho r forced into the same cramped cage your heart was racing and ur tail was twitching so bad :( your reaction tugged at nicho’s heartstrings but the lust he felt was overpowering any bit of sympathy. he’s not a complete monster so he doesn’t take your virginity immediately. instead the wolfboy satiates his sick need to torment you by tugging at your loppy ears and mouthing at your cotton tail, strings of saliva coat the entire thing n pool at your asshole.
he doesn’t go any further yet, has to get you used to the “tame” stuff before he can fuck you raw. tries to hold back for as long as he can but the closer he gets to his rut, the less self control he has n it’s your fault he’s got his teeth planted on your shoulder as he slips his cockhead inside. “your pussy is so tiny, bunny,” he murmers, words slightly slurred from the drool escaping him, “gonna fuckin’ tear you apart.”
before he’s able to fill you up completely, nicho’s needed in the breeding room n your handler lets you out into the gated pasture, doing their best to keep you two in seperate enclosures from that moment on.
it’s been a week since your caging situation was sorted n the wolfboy is lucky if he catches a glimpse of you through a fence. words cant describe how furious nicholas is, snarling at the sight of bunny hybrid! euijoo cuddling up to you under a tree wishing he could scare the male into submitting to him n prove to you that he’s the prime mating choice.
it’s not long before your luck runs out and wolf! nicholas corners you after your caretakers have gone to bed. he’s so large and intimidating and his cold stare makes your legs shake with fear. the silence is deafening and he breaks it by asking to play, the question making your blood run cold because in his world, “playing” means letting him grope you n leave bloody lovebites across your chest. he doesn’t bother waiting for a reply because no matter how much you refuse he’s not gonna leave you alone. he needs to touch you.
nicho decides to go about toying with you differently this time. has to put you in your place n get it through your head that you nd your bunnycunt belong to him! snarls when he gets a whiff of euijoo’s scent, “present f’me, slut” he demands and the need to obey is so strong. has you opening your legs immediately, small hands spreading your hole open to expose your pussy. he groans at the sight and his mind becomes cloudy due to his impending rut, cant take the time to prep your cunt for his huge cock so he just opts to get it over with and makes you take his entire length in one go. “knew you’d feel good ‘round my cock,” his voice is thick, “gonna make you have my pups, bun.” more filthy words are directed to you n they have you keening, fucking yourself on his cock faster n faster.
it’s easy to slip into a submissive headspace, the feeling of his balls slapping your clit and knot beginning to inflate are overwhelmingly delicious leaving you no choice but to beg. “pleasepleaseplease cum, alpha! need your knot so bad i hafta make you a daddy!” nicholas fucking howls when his seed shoots directly into your womb and it makes your eyes cross. even after his knot reaches its full size he continues grinding his cock into you, cum getting pushed so deep inside it spills out of your open mouth n trickles down your chin. he’s too far gone and can’t stand the sight of his semen dripping out, cups your jaw with his hands n covers your mouth, makin you choke on the creamy fluid <3
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noxious-fennec · 10 months
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Got the opportunity to color one of @metfell 's lovely pieces!! It was delightful :)
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15-lizards · 1 year
Let’s do some more Free Cities hairstyles and headwear! Here’s the main post
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Y’all already know the Myrish love some lace. Wealthy women wear it all the time, but the style depends on the situation. Usually they wear very detailed pieces, and have a head piece to drape over bc of length, but in mourning they wear thick lace flat over their heads to cover their faces
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Norvoshi women shave their heads, but wealthy ones wear wigs. Since the upper city is said to be grim, they definitely wear simple styles, very sleek and severely combed. They’re a sober, religious people and have a pretty serious outlook on life, but I think they still like to prove their affluence
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Lorath is cold and bleak, so hair coverings are definitely common there. Both for weather and for common sense, as women are working and need to keep it out of their face and clean. Lots of neutral and natural colors, as I don’t think Lorath is getting all the bright dyes from Yi Ti and Pentos
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Volantis is said to be super hot, wet, and just hella humid so I think the women slick back their hair so that it won’t frizz up from the weather. Because of this, keeping it neat is a sign of wealth. Hairpieces are light and beautiful, but not too big or heavy bc Volantis is just too crowded and busy for all that
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Qohor is said to be the most “exotic” of the free cities, which I take to mean they probably have more influences from farther East. Their artisans are famed, so I definitely think there’s intricately crafted face chains and headwear made of precious metals. Probably lots of small figures and charms with religious influence, for the Black Goat
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kiledra · 1 year
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There seems to be a not so secret anymore ingredient to producing the best movie of the year
(Besides handling the theme of a multiverse in a absolutely mindboggling, entertaining, mastermindlike way)
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choiliner · 5 months
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I ' M F A L L I N G . . .
CHOI LINE × GROWING PAIN | for @emoremix! ↳ for the kpopblr gift exchange hosted by kpopcreators, kpopco & femadols
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Nothing's Wrong with Dale: Part Twenty-One
It’s been a week, but you’re fairly certain your fiancé accidentally got himself replaced by an eldritch being from the Depths. Deciding  that he’s certainly not worse than your original fiancé, you endeavor to keep the engagement and his new non-human state to yourself.
However, this might prove harder than you originally thought.
Fantasy, arranged marriage, malemonsterxfemalereader, M/F
AO3: Nothing's Wrong with Dale Chapter 21
[Part One][Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four] [Part Five] [Part Six] [Part Seven] [Part Seven.5] [Part Eight] [Part Nine] [Part Ten] [Part Eleven] [Part Twelve]  [Part Thirteen] [Part Fourteen] [Part Fifteen] [Part Sixteen] [Part Seventeen] [Part Eighteen] [Part Nineteen] [Part Twenty] Part Twenty-One [Part Twenty-Two] [Part Twenty-Three][Part Twenty-Four] [Part Twenty-Five] [Part Twenty-Six] [Part Twenty-Seven] [Part Twenty-Eight] [Part Twenty-Nine] [Part Thirty] [Part Thirty-One] [Part Thirty-Two] [Part Thirty-Three] [Part Thirty-Four]
You barely contain a sigh of relief as you sit down next to Grandmother.
Perhaps yesterday’s gala’s events were more mentally taxing as you tried to keep Dale’s hands out of sight long enough for the detection colors from Dr. Louisa’s gloves to fade—not to mention the conversation preceding that mess—but today was tiring in an entirely different manner. You’ve been kept on your feet nearly the entire day and you are exhausted. Between inspecting various buildings all over the city for hours to start with and an evening spent dancing, you want nothing more than to be still.
Some of that sentiment must still be evident from your facial expression as Grandmother reaches over to pat your hand. “Have you been enjoying the dancing, dear?”
“Yes, Grandmother, but I believe I am finished for the night,” you reply and she smiles.
“I am glad you have been taking advantage of the vigors of youth while you have them,” Grandmother says. She looks over to where Grandfather is sitting and talking to a musician across the room. “Would that we were able to still dance as you do. Alas, all we have to show for our years are aching joints and lovely children.” She winks at you.
You smile back and gratefully accept the water glass your maid pours for you with a murmured thanks. While you rest, Grandmother bids good night to a number of said children and grandchildren, leaving you longing to follow them. Yours and Dale’s roles as the guests of honor make it unclear when exactly it is socially acceptable for you to depart. You’ve often been staying at least as long as Grandmother and Grandfather, if not an hour beyond them so as to ensure you spoke to all guests and showed your hosts proper respect.
You truly hope that will not be the case tonight because you’re not sure you’ll make it that late.
Dale joins you with Francesca and Charles, his cousins, who then depart themselves having sent their children up with a maid hours ago. Dale sits next to you but talks primarily with Grandmother, chatting about the others he’s been speaking to while you resist the urge to fall asleep in your chair.
A few moments later Dale says your name, rousing you. Straightening, you find you’ve indeed ended up leaning quite heavily against the back and side of your chair closest to him. Heat warms your face at practically falling asleep against Dale at a gala. “Yes?”
“Do you wish to retire for the evening?” Dale asks, his expression kind and nonjudgmental. You can hear the offer to retire as well and are grateful for it.
“I know that it is not as late as some nights have been,” you say, unable to keep from feeling somewhat defensive—after all it wasn’t even midnight yet, though it was close. “But it has been a long day. I am ready for sleep.”
“I agree,” Dale replies easily, he reaches down and squeezes your hand where it sits on the arm rest closest to him. “And we have plenty of errands to run tomorrow.”
He’s right. There are no balls or galas tomorrow. Instead you’ll be taking advantage of the time in the city to inspect the progress on the completion of various wedding clothing, decorations, food and so on to be sent on ahead to the estate. In fact, the only social event is a small dinner at the mayor’s home in the evening which is fine with you.
Besides, there’s another reason you want to be well rested for tomorrow. That had been the day marked “SECRETS” on the astrologer’s calendar. You still have no notion as to what that could mean, however, you do expect that you should be well rested for whatever it turns out to be.
“If you young ones are all already turning in, then I shall too,” Grandmother announces. “Dale, your aid, my boy.”
Dale is nearly already standing up to walk over to his Grandmother’s side, picking up her cane along with his own. You try to perk up enough to be helpful, finishing off your drink and supporting Grandmother’s other arm as she gets to her feet.
Grandmother’s maid is sent ahead to prepare her rooms, while the three of you, in addition to your own maid, begin to make your way to the guest quarters you’ve occupied this week in the Governor’s home. You’re grateful he’s allowed you to have an entire, if smaller, wing to yourselves. Such privacy means that any continuing festivities don’t upset your sleep, which given how busy these days have been, is critical.
You’ve made it halfway across the room when Grandfather walks over to you at a pace too quick for how tiring a day this has been, even if he hasn’t danced as much as you have. “Dale, there you are,” he looks triumphant as he continues, “Marquis Tiffin has finally stopped occupying Duke Yoral’s sole attention. You wished to speak to him, did you not?”
Dale’s eyes light up—only metaphorically—before he turns to you and Grandmother. “I did, however…”
“If you wish to stay, dear, do not let us steal you away too soon,” Grandmother says. “You’re a good lad, wanting to accompany me back to my rooms, but your fiance will be help enough. Enjoy yourself.”
“Yes,” you encourage him. “I know you had been attempting to talk to him all evening.” This Duke was the brother of a friend of his from abroad and he wanted to discuss sourcing certain ingredients for more foreign meals with him, in addition to comparing general travel stories as he had helped Dale’s group plan their trip.
“Thank you,” Dale replies with a grin at you both. After resettling Grandmother’s hold to your arm instead of his, he turns to Grandfather, “Are you sure you want to join us? Perhaps even the discussion of certain spices might cause your cough to come back.”
Grandfather elbows Dale in response to his teasing, “Impudent lad. Introduce me to your friend with all due respect and perhaps I shall refrain from sharing tales of your foolish youth.”
They leave in a cheery mood while Grandmother smiles after them. “I am so pleased to have Dale home where he belongs. He went through such a trying adolescence after being away at the capital.”
You hum noncommittally, but Grandmother needs no real prompting to continue to reminisce as you make your way through the quieter and cooler halls away from the main ballrooms. She only interrupts herself when you reach a large branching path before your wing. “Miss Adir, could you please go to the kitchens and see if there are any pasties that can be sent up to my granddaughter’s rooms?”
“Yes, my Lady.”
“Thank you, Grandmother.”
“My eyesight might be going, but I can still make observations. You never eat enough at these events, she fusses. “We shall have to have your measurements checked at the final fitting tomorrow.”
“The food at these events are so rich,” you protest. “Surely there hasn’t been such a difference in only a few weeks.”
“And still we shall verify the truth,” Grandmother insists. “Dale as well, though for the opposite eventuality. I informed those tailors of his ill state, reminding them to leave room for him to return to his healthier weight. I shall be interested in seeing if they listened.
“If there is anything else that needs doing, we must ensure that it is done tomorrow or our next free day in two days time. This is our last week in Connton before we return to the Northridge estate for your wedding,” Grandmother reminded you unnecessarily. “Only two more galas here. A pity, these have been so invigorating.”
You can’t help but shake your head silently to yourself, unable to find these events anything but exhausting, even if you enjoy aspects of them. Grandmother is an entirely different sort, seeming to be rejuvenated by so much activity and people.
Even now, she seems far more awake than you are, easily chatting while you feel as though you’ve used up all your words an hour ago.
You roll your shoulders, trying to dissipate the tension in them from so much activity—the danger of hosting a ball and inviting a dance troupe and their sponsors. The fewer candles and torches in this area of the house leave the light sparser and make you feel sleepier, makes the promise of slumber whisper more convincingly in your ears.
Still, you remember exactly what tips you off that something is wrong. 
Habit from these last few weeks has you watching every shadow and steering others away if they move oddly, in case Dale has a lapse in control. You’re only reacting on instinct when you see the candlelight flicker dramatically, the shadows pool unnaturally on Grandmother’s right. You pull Grandmother closer to you and quicken your step abruptly, wanting to get out of the way, not wanting her to notice.
 It’s the clash of metal the next second, the force and crack of something whizzing by both of you and into the opposite wall that makes you jump, heart hammering in your chest. Your mind catches up with your actions because Dale is nowhere in sight. Who is causing these things to happen? Are you under attack?
“Guards!” Grandmother calls out. Her voice rings through the space with all the command of a general on a battlefield and causes one of the people who are in fact attacking you to curse. 
There isn’t any way for you to tell if someone heard your call for help even as she repeats it. Without thinking about what to do next, you hitch up your skirts with your free hand and start to run down the hall with her in tow. More figures come after you from behind and out of the corners of your eyes. 
A wordless cry has you stumbling to the side as a person overshoots past you and through a doorway. Multiple people, at least three, dressed in dark clothing have come as suddenly as if they had materialized from nothing—all heading after you.
You dodge another projectile and turn the corner, flattening against the far wall. Frantically you try to remember where exactly you are in this stranger’s house and you realize you missed the turn back towards the more inhabited portion of the building in your haste. 
You don’t know what to do, paralyzed with fear and indecision, until the wall at your back falls away causing you to take a surprised step backwards. “Hurry,” Grandmother says, having realized you were backed against a door and gotten it open while your mind had still been trying to understand what was happening.
You turn and both go through, slamming the door behind you as you try to gain your bearings. You can barely take stock of the study you find yourself in before continuing forward as fast as you are able to. Your shoes are thin and pretty and so you feel the stone floor in this room harshly as you race across it. Your palm is sweaty from where it’s clutching Grandmother’s as you steer you both, her having lost her cane at some point and relying on you for that speed of movement you’re desperately trying to gain.
Adrenaline courses through your veins, every instinct attempting to help you to survive, for all the good it's doing. Your mind races wildly, thoughts of escape and who these people could be flickering through. Why are they attacking you? What do they want? Where can you go to get away?
Then all you can think of besides ‘get away’ is the ache in your arm, the burning in your lungs, the soreness in your feet.
Unfortunately, there was no way to lock the door you came through and so soon it’s quickly kicked back open. The sound of it hitting the wall makes you run faster, trying to get through this suite of rooms to the courtyard entrance you spot on the other side, where you can feel the cooling breeze beckoning you to escape—or get somewhere someone would be able to hear you.
Two arrows fly by your head and another causes Grandmother to yelp and falter, nearly tripping as she suddenly leans much heavier on you. You can’t check to see if the arrow grazed her, too focused on trying to get to the other door, when the shadows darken in those billowing curtains. At the last second you turn to the right, propelling Grandmother that way too. As you do so, you see the thinner of these, these assassins appear, daggers drawn and ready to impale you exactly where you’d been running too.
Not that you’re convinced you’ve managed to end up in a better position. You steered the two of you to the other side of the room, hopping for another door out, but the one you pull open in the end is only a closet. You whirl around to see four figures in black, fanned out and blocking any possible escape route. Panting, you brace Grandmother, who you haven’t looked to but sounds to be in worse shape given her age and possible injury. Her heavy breathing has a wheeze to it you don’t like. So does the fact that she’s not speaking up any more.
“Well now ladies,” the tallest man speaks, his voice low and condescending. He’s smug too, like the cat that got the mouse, as he steps forward twirling a dagger. “You don’t seem to have our prize stallion with you as we expected, but I’m certain his filly and granny will make perfect bait.”
[Part Twenty-Two]
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beauleifu · 9 days
I’m back in my kung fu panda phase and I’m appreciating each moment of it HEHEHE Could we perhaps get the reader who grew up with Chinese martial arts and they’re often sparring with Macaque, while Mayor just watches behind and supports them both ? this is after lbd’s whole fiasco, and they’re all platonic friends !
Thank u fren, take your time with it and it’s totally okay if you can’t do it ! Don’t forget to drink water :Dc happy holidays !
YESSSS oh gosh i loved kung fu panda, such a good phase I respect you for that fren lmao
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Lego Monkie Kid
Context: You. With the boys. Your best friends, who will support you no matter what (and also thoroughly enjoy the trials and terrors they put your sorry ass through). Today, you're training with Macaque on the temple grounds. Using weapons, like usual. What can go wrong?
CW: Language
"Carry me, I say!" You chirp, grinning widely.
Macaque stares down his nose at you, unimpressed. "It would be an insult to my strength. I've lifted stuff fifty times heavier than you."
You huff, scrunching your nose at him.
The three of you are strolling through the temple, admiring ancient pieces of Chinese weapons, offensive and defensive, as well as the armor section and a few old relics. However, your destination is the training hall, where you and Macaque shall test each other's fitness and skill levels after technically leveling up both areas. You feel confident, rolling your shoulders experimentally and tightening your grip on your signature fighting weapon.
Now, why three?
A certain bone demon chuckles. "Apologies, (Y/N), but you must carry yourself for now."
"And you won't do it instead?"
"I'm afraid not. I'd like to sit and watch," the Mayor hums, hands clasped neatly behind his back as he strolls alongside the two of you. Macaque pushes open the large, accented doors and you all head into the training arena. "We both know if I were to enter the fray, neither of you would last very long."
The shadow monkey snorts, gruffly assessing the bone demon's frame. "Sure. You're built like a twig."
You flash him a wink. "A dangerous twig with magical powers."
"Precisely why I shall extend my mercy," Mayor says, smiling lazily as he manifests a seat made of bones, settling down on the cushioned surface. "Now please, don't let me interrupt your fun."
Giving him a thumbs up, you turn to Macaque.
He's already grinning down at you, thick, dark eyebrows raised. "Ready to get clobbered?"
"It's a simple sparring match," you reason carelessly. "What could go wrong?"
"Heh. Cocky. I like it."
The two of you face off on either side of the arena, grinning stupidly at eachother. You're glad for times like these, where the three of you can just relax after the tedious and dangerous trials you went through. It certainly seems like the worst is over, though.
All at once, Macaque jabs forward, lightning quick.
You gasp with delight, ducking to the side with a gleeful yelp, and thus begins your sparring match edged with weapons and talons galore. Macaque's offensive start gives you the adrenaline rush you need to counter his attack, using your weapon to propel yourself against the wall. Knees bending like springs coiling tight, you spring forward and jut your spear at the dark furred simian- luckily the tip is dulled and capped.
"Oh ho ho~! You're quicker than usual," Macaque purrs, evading you as easy as the breeze. He takes a few steps behind you, and his tail hooks around your ankle, giving it a swift tug.
The yelp that leaves your lungs is muffled as you collide with the hard, cold surface of the temple sparring grounds, and with a grunt, you raise yourself onto your elbows. "Using your tail?? So that isn't cheating, but me throwing my shoe at you is an instant disqualification?"
Macaque shrugs, smirking. "Are I not allowed to used all parts of my body to defend myself? Unless the shoe was a part of your anatomy..."
"Oh, suck on a dragonfruit," you huff, pushing yourself to your feet.
Deep down, you know he's right, and it just entices you to roll your eyes. Mayor, of course, sides with the six-eared simian, although he doesn't verbally express his share of opinions. Merely, you catch that subtle smirk on his pale features as you spar with Macaque, the subtle quirk of his eyebrow indicating his amusement at your frustration. You're not surprised. The bone demon has yet to drop the chance to get on your nerves.
In the end, you're a breathless puddle of adrenaline with a lingering fight that becomes the only reason you can still swing an scythe. Poor you.
Macaque, on the other hand, hadn't even broken a sweat.
It's been an hour.
Does this guy ever run out of stamina??
When Mayor calls for a breather, you're all but willing to collapse on the plush couch he'd manifested for your sake, the frame made out of bone- of course. You grab your water bottle, taking a huge swing before dumping some of it over your face.
"So how'd I do, huhh?"
Mayor tuts, his trademark smile still ever-present. His eyes flick to Macaque, who joins the two of you and leaning against his staff, supported by his thick tail. The simian clears his throat.
"Good enough. You almost beat me like three times, so . . . props for sheer, absolute stubbornness."
You stick your tongue out at him, still breathless, but silent as the bone demon chuckles. "What our dear friend is trying to say, is that you're improving. Maybe one day you might have the chance to spar against myself, although . . ." He gives a sinister smile. "The chances are slim."
"Awww, cmon. You can't be that good," You huff doubtfully, kicking one leg over the other. An old man like him, putting up a fight worthy of the powerful demons in this realm? Unlikely. However, there's an odd glint in Mayor's eyes that leaves room for doubt.
Macaque's ears flatten. "(Y/N), trust me. I hate to admit it, but . . . Bones here is more powerful than ya think."
The look on your face must've gone noticed by none other than the bone demon himself, who's eyes narrow at your prolonged skepticism.
"Perhaps I demonstrate?"
You're caught off guard as he suddenly stands up, all business as he adjusts his suit and fixes his tie. With a lazy smirk, he extends his hand towards you, a display of misleading courtesy that belies an undercurrent of sinister intentions. Poor, oblivious, gullible you- who takes his hand and allows him to lead you into the sparring arena. You're practically giddy with excitement, totally ready to see what this old bag of bones is capable of.
"Oh, you're on, old man," you hum darkly, sizing him up through narrowed eyes.
Macaque takes your seat on the bone couch, arms crossed over his chest. "Hey- go easy on 'em, Bones," he calls out, looking disinterested. "I'd rather not have to explain this to MK."
"Oh, worry not, my dear," Mayor chuckles humorously, letting you go in order to cross to the other side of the arena. Once there, he spins on his heel, eyes narrowed yet entirely focused on you. "I merely seek to avenge my status, as our dear little mortal appears to doubt me."
You tilt your head, wondering if he'd taken your tease seriously or not. "Uh. Mayor, I wasn't being genuine, you know-"
"Too late!"
Your eyes go wide as Mayor suddenly grins wide. His arms outstretch, wisps of blue and ice cascading from his fingertips and setting the whole arena floor aglow in a brilliant, ice blue hue. You suck in a sharp breath, taking a step back, trying to step off of the cold, ice tiles-
Fire licks at your calves.
You yelp, spinning around- why was it cold???
Then you realize- the Mayor had created a barrier of blue fire, serving as a ring for the arena and effectively trapping you inside. The breath leaves you in a single, shuddering gasp, your fingers tightening on the weapon given to you. A weapon- you're well aware- that will prove to be useless against a demon like Mayor.
Instantly, you realize your mistake, for a moment disregarding your guaranteed safety over the blind notion that you're in danger. You know he'd never truly hurt you but in the midst of all this?? Yeah. You freak out.
"Shit- Mayor, I take it back!" You call out, spinning around-
Only to find the bone demon a mere few feet from your trembling form.
He smiles, tilts his head. "Giving up already? Now that's hardly a warrior's downfall, (Y/N) . . . Go on, give me a good fight," Mayor purrs, before letting out a delighted, unhinged giggle, and lunges.
And boy, does he lunge.
A scream bubbles in your throat, yet you manage to cut yourself off and stumble to the side as Mayor darts forward, hands clasped behind his back. He manages to keep his offense to his feet alone, the thick, black boots kicking out in a series of martial arts moves that shatters your defenses like glass.
You do your best, of course. With each lash of his foot aimed to knock the air out of you or edge you closer to the wall of blue fire, you parry his attacks with your spear.
One- two- three hits, before he strikes a fourth time, harder than the last.
Your weapon splinters right down the middle.
Mayor lets out a mad chuckle, the whites of his eyes flashing in the corner of your eye as he suddenly reaches out, arms encasing your smaller frame and pinning you to the floor.
It took you a few seconds before you'd even realized you'd lost.
"Oh. . . . hgnh . . . O-Owww . . ." You groan, tilting your head to one side to watch the ring of fire slowly dissipate. The glowing tiles beneath your smushed face return to its normal ashen brown, and you're suddenly acutely aware of Mayor's knee pressing into your back. "Ow."
Macaque, who'd been watching the whole thing, rushes into the ring the moment a break in the fire forms. It licks at his hair but he shakes it off, coming to stand in front of you two. He looks . . . concerned.
"Oh my god, you killed them."
"I did no such thing!" Mayor protests, almost indignantly. As if he'd lose control and kill somebody on accident. "All the blood on my hands has never been an accident, shadow puppet. Now- help them up, please."
Macaque stiffens, bristling- but eventually grasps your hand the moment Mayor gets off of you. He hauls you to your feet, one hand on your head.
"You alright in there, bud?"
The moment your eyes meet, Macaque gets a face full of your pissed, frustrated, and still somewhat excited expression. "Fuck you, why didn't you warn me the old man kicks ass harder than my favorite music band?"
"Oh, thank god, you're still there." The simian rolls his eyes sarcastically, finding relief in your scathing remark. It just lets him know you're okay.
Mayor grins over your shoulder. "I didn't bruise you too badly, did I?"
"Mm . . . not really. A few here and there," you hum, scanning your body, pretending to be studious about it. "Mostly my pride and honor, but, y'know, when did I have any of that, anyways?"
Both of your friends manage an amused chuckle at your feigned indifference, knowing you're gonna hold a grudge for a day or so.
"My apologies, dear, but- you did challenge me," Mayor purrs.
"I called you old."
"Same thing."
"Macaque calls you old all the time!!"
"Yessss, but- I've beaten him more times than I can count. I decided to extend my mercy~"
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the-star-scribe · 2 years
For kinktober perhaps can we get a Sova x reader (she/her or they/them doesn't matter whichever you prefer) something in public a little risky and very messy? Maybe almost getting caught? I'll let you have your fun I'm excited to see what you come up with :)
oh yes i like this one 
Desperation | Sova
Summary: After being apart for some months, the where and when just didn't matter
Warnings: public sex, unprotected sex (use protection irl pls), use of a tie as a gag
With the situation between the Alpha Earth and Omega Earth heating up, it left very little free time between missions. Which meant no time to spend with Sova as a couple. Sure you and him would occasionally end up on the same mission together, but it's not you and him can go on a date in the middle of a gunfight. At best there was a kiss after the mission.
The first and second month were no problem. You're both mature adults and honestly have been too busy to really care about the lack of sex. The third month, it started to seep into your mind. You missed his touch, he missed yours. But again, too busy for anything. Fourth month, you started thinking about him while on missions. The way he always took his time to to thoroughly enjoy your body and make you feel good? You'd do almost anything for just a night with him.
It's seven months before you and him manage to be in the same city for longer than a few hours. By now, you've become antsy. And so has he. He may be incredibly disciplined and have a lot of self control, but he's still a man with needs. Needs he aims to meet in this very rare free day you both have.
Sova made reservations at a nice restaurant and booked a room at a hotel away from the other agents for you both. He underestimated exactly how much he missed seeing outside of a mission when he saw you in that dress.
"You look amazing, my love," He says, his keen eyes not leaving you for a second.
You smile, reaching up to kiss his cheek. "Not too bad yourself."
It's not very often you get to see Sova all dressed up in a suit, but when you do it's a sight you take in gladly.
Dinner went great. Conversation always flowed easily between you and him, laughter and smiles a common sight. The three glasses of wine were no detriment to that, only loosening up inhibitions. As in you admitting to wanting a short dinner to rush over to the hotel. Given that he spent dinner undressing you in his mind, imagining the different things he'd like to do to you, he shares in that want.
Before leaving, you go to the bathroom to fix your make-up, having accidently smudged your eyeliner a bit from laughing so much you teared up. Though apparently the task is taking too long, Sova knocking on the door.
You open the door, your smile knocked down seeing the look on his face. “We have another mission, don’t we?”
“Brimstone just called. We have an hour to get ready.” He slips past the door, closing it behind him.
“Damn it... Guess we won’t get that night in the hotel, huh?” 
He removes his suit jacket, putting it on the coat hook behind the door. “Not quite.”
“Oh? Here?” You ask, sounding surprised but your hands are already working on his belt.
It’s unlike him even considering the idea of fucking in some restaurant’s bathroom, but then again, sexual frustration can make a man desperate. And considering the seven months of nothing more than quick kisses and the hour you and him have before another mission, he’s very desperate.
He sits you on the edge of the sink, pushing your dress up to allow him access. His fingers find nothing as they go up your thighs. “No panties?”
“Couldn’t be bothered with them.”
His lips are on your neck as he pushes two fingers inside you, reveling in every sound you make. Normally, he’d take his time, make you cum once or twice before putting his cock inside you. But there’s no time for all that, just enough to make sure you’re wet enough for him.
You let his belt drop to the floor, unzipping his pants next. While you’re usually not very rushed in sex with him, tonight is a different story. You slip your hand behind the waistband of his underwear, taking his hard cock into your palm and stroking.
“I need you inside me.” 
“And I need to be inside you.” Sova grins, positioning himself between your spread legs.
There’s a moment of silence and stillness as he pushes himself inside you. The relief of finally being able to melt away the desperation making any other sensation that isn’t this fade away. His hands move to grip your ass, keeping you as close as possible to him. You both almost forget the setting, that is until muffled sounds of cheering seep through the door. Not that it makes either one of you care for the publicness of it all.
Sova is a cunning and calculated hunter. Doesn’t misstep. Doesn’t miss his target. Doesn’t rush through his aim. It’s an attitude he takes into the bedroom. His thrusts are usually slow, but deep and with strength behind them. But here in this restaurant’s bathroom, he’s less hunter and more animal. 
His hips slam against yours in a fevered pace, the sound muffled by the clothes you’re both still wearing. You know you’ll be sore later but with the way it feels like his cock is hitting into your ribs, you don’t mind. Nor do you mind the finger marks he’s going to be leaving on your ass from his tight grip.
“Fuck, Sova-” Your eyes roll back as a knot forms and tightens in your lower abdomen. 
He cuts you off with his lips for a messy kiss, partly because he simply wants to and partly because he can’t have you too loud. Can’t have you and him getting caught in act. 
However, you’re getting lost in the pleasure, making maintaining a kiss near impossible. His solution? Stuffing his tie into your mouth. It works, keeping your volume low enough to avoid detection.
“You look so pretty.” He says into your ear before he drags his lips down to your neck. Your suit covers you neck, no harm in leaving a mark or two, right?
As you start getting closer to the edge, a knock on the door makes you both freeze, your hearts pounding in your chests.
“Hello? Someone in here?” The voice on the other side asks, trying the doorknob with no avail.
“Yes, someone’s in here.” Sova responds, waiting a moment or two after the doorknob stills before returning to fucking you.
Checking his watch, the hour deadline he was given much closer than he would have liked. He shifts your position, pressing your legs towards you, changing the angle he’s fucking you in. The way your eyes grow wide and then roll back tells him he’s hit the spot he aimed for. He never misses, of course.
Tears start to well in your eyes from the amped intensity, the knot in the pit of your abdomen becoming almost impossibly tight. You’re not the only one close to coming, the way he’s begun to dig his face into your neck. The nips he gives on your skin tells you he’s not far behind you.
Your orgasm ripples through you, his name muffled by the tie. A shame considering how he does love hearing you say his name. His unrelenting pace falters as your body clench around his cock, dragging him over the same edge you fell from. His teeth sinks into your skin, though not enough to break skin, keeping himself moaning too loud as he pumps his seed into you.
You pull the tie from mouth, panting. “Fuck... We needed that.”
“We did.” He slides out of you, allowing himself a moment of indulgence to watch his cum drip from from inside you. “We really did.”
Sova helps you off the sink edge, keeping an arm around you for balance purposes. It’s not uncommon for one to lose balance after getting railed and he’s too sweet a boyfriend to allow you to struggle even a second. 
After quickly cleaning up and fixing your appearances, you both dash out the bathroom with stupid grins on your faces and the hope no one puts two and two together.
And no one in the restaurant does. At least, no one who was physically present. Unbeknownst to you and Sova, Cypher hacked into the place’s camera system after Brimstone asked him to find you two as the hour mark neared. It took maybe two minutes before his facial recognition program picked up a sighting. He’s not oblivious and put together what probably occurred in the bathroom. As one of the best keeper of secrets around, he elected to omit his realization from Brimstone. No reason to publicly announce such a private thing, even if it was done in public.
“They were held up in the restaurant but I assure you they are on the way.”
It’s a secret Cypher later uses to tease you and Sova, much to the latter’s embarrassment and chagrin. Though you think it’s funny seeing your love’s face flush red at the memory.
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I have played this game's demo, and let me just say that I'M. IN. LOVE!!!!!
I really fell in love with the concept of having an ancient greek origin.
I do have to ask you though, what's the name of the background music, because I'm a bit dumb and can't find it. It would really help with listening to it everyday that's cloudy, dark and cold, cuz it's perfect.
I can't wait for the next update!! Take your time and don't overstress yourself cuz you deserve love and peace like everyone.💖💖
thank you so much! i was always interested in reading an IF about an ancient vampire but never really stumbled across anything like that so y’know what they say, be the change you want to see in the world, or however that goes.
the background music is a slightly edited version of ‘ontario’ by novo amor! i appreciate your kind words, bonnie, cause life has been stressful and i recently lost someone very dear to me. i’m hoping i can channel all those feelings into writing, even tho i’m not the best at regulating emotions 💀
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justpostsyeet · 23 days
Me to my brain : Listen, The Rings of Power is just a wattpad fanfiction of Tolkien's original works. Let's not spoil other people's joy......
Brain : But its not-
Me : NO
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Ambulatory Wheelchair user Vil Schoenheit, AU
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As a dancer and a highly active person the stress put on his joints and injuries to the hip and torso area gave him chronic pain. Formed a pars fracture and sprains became fairly common. With the additional injuries from his overblot it was decided that he would benefit from a mobility aid.
References below cut:
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#I hope the wheelchair looks right#I had to use a couple of reference photos for proportion#Spondylolysis is a defect caused by alternating full flexion and extension movements#are more common in ballet dancers than in the general population.#“Spondylolysis” is the medical term for a small crack (fracture) between two vertebrae in your spine.#the pain usually spreads from your lower back into your thigh and butt muscles .#Feels like a muscle strain in or around your lower back.#Gets worse during physical activity and improves with rest or when you’re less active.#Overuse: Repetitive motions that put stress on your low back cause wear and tear on your vertebrae. Over time#this damage can add up to cause a pars fracture. Doing physical work for your job#playing contact sports and repeatedly injuring your low back can all damage your vertebrae.#Dancers require extreme ranges of motion in their hips. They require this for many styles and performances. Hip pain and hip injury are#often seen in dancers as well as soft tissue injuries.#Dancer athletes exhibit extreme range of motion of their hips#a requirement for many styles and choreography. Hip pain and injury are leading causes of lost work and lost performance time for the dance#disney twst#disney#twisted wonderland disney#disney twisted wonderland#twistedwonderland#twisted wonderland#twisted series#vil schoenheit#schoenheit#ambulatory wheelchair user#ambulatory mobility aid user#twisted wonderland meme#vil twst#vil twisted wonderland#wheelchair
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yearningaces · 3 months
hello, hope you're doing well <3 idk if requests are open rn, but- i've been having a hard time with my disability cause of the cold and was wondering if you could write any of your characters (or a new friend!!) giving a disabled reader comfort during a tough time? particularly regarding chronic pain and joint issues?
lots of love 🤍
I specifically want to write this so badly because of my own joint issues (in my early 20's no less) and I love these topics cause there's never enough of them it seemes
As disclaimer I don't have chronic pain so if I portray anything in a way that's not realistic please point it out so I can do better by folks who deal with this. This goes for any time I write about any disability
And you get a new friend entirely, specifically while thinking of the best kind of partner to help with chronic pain I had an idea and I hope you don't mind that I'm using my own monster creation for this, but I really wanted a chance to talk about him regardless
It was already overwhelming by the time you woke up mid-morning to see the sun shining far too brightly into your room.
Your body ached, your joints strained, it was going to be a bitch of a day.
It took time to get up and move, briefly you'd wondered what sort of level you'd be riding on today, and by extension what mobility aid you'd need to use.
For now though, something to drink and something for pain. By the time you made it to the apothecary cabinet, you were ready to sit on the floor and take a few minutes of rest... The cold certainly wasn't helping and today was a really bad day.
"Hearth of my home, are you awake?" Vydon's voice rings out from the back door as he enters the kitchen, no doubt having gone out to the forest for the early morning to hunt. His voice hissing and clicking with bone against bone as the exposed skull of the nightstalker spoke in layered tones.
The nightmarish form of a prey species turned predator rounded the corner, pointed hooves clopping and his skeletal snout peered around the corner of the kitchen, turning to face you. Vydon's white glowing eyes peered at you as he moved on all fours before easily swapping to standing on his hind legs, looming straight down over you as he shifted closer. His antlers had fallen off apparently, shedding season had finally arrived. "My warmth in the cold, why are you seated upon this floor?" His voice was attempting some form of soft tones despite the natural hiss to his words.
"Can't get up." Your response has him lowering himself further, taloned hands slowly hovering over your shoulders, ready to lift you up.
"Bad day?" His jaw clicks a few times as he speaks, listening intently.
"Shit day." You reiterate, "Cold doesn't help, I just want something to knock me out for a bit at least so I don't have to deal with my body's revolt." You nod to the cabinet you had opened to rifle through the various medicines inside.
Vydon drops his skeletal snout, swinging is slowly side to side as his tail sways behind him slowly. "On an empty stomach no doubt... May I lift you, my light?" The gray fur and bone covered creature questions, hands hovering closer to you.
"I don't know..." He'd learned the places you ache the worst and how to carry you to avoid disturbing those spots further but today wasn't just a few spots, everything just hurt.
Vydon clicked his jaw lightly, ears flicking slightly as he debated something. "Then rest here momentarily. I will bring you something to drink, and rest upon until you feel you are ready to move."
The nightstalker nodded his head and with a garbled rumble, turned to the main kitchen, yet his ears remained pointed back towards you, listening still.
He returned after a moment, laying a cushion beside you as close as he could and offering a mug of something warm enough to heat your insides but cold enough not to burn so you could take your pain meds. "Now, this first then I can make something simple to eat. Something of soft texture and warm... Pancakes perhaps? Or grits?"
You listened to him ponder as you sipped on what turned out to be apple cider. Having taken your meds and the toasty feeling of a warm drink not erasing your pain, but soothing it somewhat. The cushion was nice too. Without noticing Vydon's tail circling around you, a light wool blanket was deposited onto your shoulders as well while he spoke, trying to rid you of your aching chill.
"-y dear, did you hear me?" Vydon's voice calls out in a soft hiss as he lowered himself to be eye level with your seated form.
His words bring you back to attention and make you shake your head, "spacing out, nothing to worry about." You don't want to bother him right now.
He clicks his jaw at your words. "Funnily enough, I was saying you need not act as though you are fine, that you can manage and handle this alone, that I shouldn't worry." Vydon slowly settled on his haunches as he watches you. "I hold the privilege of worrying for you, as it means you trust me to do right by you when you are in need of any assistance."
"I'm a burden." You respond calmly, it's not entirely upsetting to you, it just is.
"yes, you are." He agreed... That's what catches you off guard. Yet he continues with such affection in his tone. "Everyone is a burden at one point or another, I have been to you a monumental amount of times. You spent so long learning how to cook food that we both could safely eat. As I am a being of raw meat, and you a human who could so easily be harmed by certain types of raw food, it was a challenge for you to learn how to feed a carnivorous creature like myself." His skeletal muzzle lowers to gingerly press against the side of your arm, not risking anything else until he knew you wouldn't be uncomfortable from his actions.
"My antlers fall off in bloody heeps and each spring when they regrow the velvet falls off in fleshy bloody strands that you so often aid me with despite my objections as I know it's a messy bloody burden, but you do so because you love me, you don't love me despite such things. They are a part of me that you love, inconvenience and all." His tail slowly shifts across the floor to circle around you without touching you.
"And as such, I do not love you in spite of your ailments. Why, I wished they did not harm you so, and if I could I'd fight your illnesses one by one, but as they exist it is another part of you I will care for as you are you. I will love you through it all."
You take a moment, listening to his jumbled words. He's trying his best that's for certain, and when his taloned hand carefully holds out a heated water bottle placed into the plush bear it's made for, you take the warm item and hold it in your hands with a nod. "I guess that makes sense. Most folks would say I'm not a burden though if I said I was."
"that would be as if I lied about being a burden to you when hunting season returns and you have to find me covered in blood and hose me down. I will not lie to you, but I will never not love you either."
What is there to do other than to agree? You both sit silently for a few minutes, Vydon seems completely relaxed and at peace waiting for you to feel up to moving back to bed so he can bring you breakfast as well.
Eventually you hold a hand out to him, your body still aches, but the bed will be more comfortable than here, and with how carefully the night stalker takes your hand, you know he'll help as much as he can.
Sometimes that's enough
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seefasters · 10 months
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interesting that he says "god" not "heaven". that, of course, reinforces the idea that he (already!) believes that heaven kinda sucks but whatever god's doing must be good and right. and if only heaven had the right people in charge (not himself necessarily but you know. right people), people that really listened to what god actually wants, then it all would be good
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robotsandjunk · 15 days
I’m glad you enjoyed it anon, one boobie elaboration coming right up
So the cables in, or on, his chest primarily pump around and sometimes store excess the energon required for all of his war crimes as well as containing smaller cables necessary for addition processing and data. These cables are somewhat sensitive to the touch and when the energon inside them isn’t used up they can swell which makes them more sensitive to the extent that Shockwave will have to retract his chest plate in order to alleviate some of the pressure
If he’s continuing his work with his tiddies out he has an apron he wears over them to protect the goods from any harsh chemicals, this probably isn’t in character but I’m choosing to indulge
When his boobs swell the best method is to massage them a bit to get the energon moving but he often ends up frustrated since he can only do one at a time and by the time one’s done the other will need doing again so he ends up an overstimulated mess. If he has a partner to help him a good tactic is to grope his chest whilst sliding their spike between each boob, you know to make sure everything is evenly stimulated. And maybe they can shove their knee up against his panels since an overload or two will definitely get things moving along
Alternatively his partner can focus solely on massaging his chest whilst they sit in front of a mirror so Shockwave can properly view and comment on their technique
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foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
Man. I was hoping comics could be a source of income while I transition out of school but tips went down by several orders of magnitude after Jazz and Sabine. Leda got a tiny chunk, and the Seventh Score is practically nothin.
Time to focus on my Redbubble again, I think.
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