#hope to never use that tag again.
electricea · 4 months
i don't really like making posts like this because i don't want them to become a habit and i'm not really used to talking about my personal feelings, but i did want to say, i'm sorry for seeming spaced out and absent. 2024 just hasn't really been my year and sometimes i get into these ruts. it's not due to any person or thing that happened, sometimes i just get into these ruts and it can take a bit to pull myself out. i just hope i've never come off of as absent or disinterested or irritable. time and trying to focus on the positive always helps. just thanks for being so patient and kind to me, always. if i can ever do the same for you, just reach out and i'll do my best to listen. 🌻
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sneakyvulpine · 3 months
my hsr fan textposts from that one site. thought id share them :3
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miyuskye · 3 months
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I found this scene in particular so odd and out of place in the new episode. Apart from the fact that Stolas has no right to be angry at Blitz for "not saving him" when Striker kidnapped him nor to be upset that he didn't tell him about Striker's attempt at shooting him. In Loo Loo Land he's perfectly capable of defending himself (even when he hired Blitz for protection!), why is he complaining that an imp, the lowest class on the hierarchy isn't protecting one of the highest?
In that scene Stolas accuses Blitz of not understanding "how much he cared about him", but has he forgotten that he was the one who couldn't stand up not to Asmodeous nor to the accusations of him "sleeping with an imp"?
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This reaction shows the actual opposite of what he's telling Blitz he did.
I read that Stolas is supposedly also not aware of ~things~ but why is the narrative conveniently forgetting about his faults as well?
Onto the "apology tour" subject: I fail to understand why Blitz owes Stolas an apology. The only time he was shitty to him was actually in Ozzie's when he asked him on a (fake) date without telling him all the story. But they didn't talk about that not during that episode neither during Apology Tour. Is it because doing this would have forced the narrative to acknowledge that also Stolas was at fault during that episode?
All the other times they interacted (on and off screen, their chats don't really mean anything since it seems that's the way Blitz writes in general), Blitz was being good to him (not that he had any other choice, due to their society ranks and their deal).
To me, this looks like bad writing. But if someone has a different take, I'm happy to hear their interpretation.
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Close-up of the Night Pool acrylic photo card ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄♪
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1moreff-creator · 11 days
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The fork was in the clock. The fork. Was in the fucking
It was right in front of us for a fucking year
I KNOW! I'm kinda mad it's the one damn theory I didn't bring up in the LGI video, because I did see a few posts at the time speculating this particular twist, I just thought it was too unlikely. I did get the connection to Xander, but assumed it was calling Xander "a broken clock that's right twice a day" considering the context of the MV. So close.
What I'm getting from this is that I should suspect Eden more. Not only is she the CH2 culprit and the one who ripped out Xander's eye, she's also the MM and the CH1 culprit somehow! This means Min wasn't executed, so she'll come back, trust (/j).
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wonderlandsakura · 28 days
Ok for some reason my brain is hyper focusing on Johnlock again like I won't regret it 2-3 business days from now when I come out of it with 5 new open AO3 tabs (out of my already 156 open AO3 tabs not counting other unfinished/unread fic/fic I've not caught up on, full disclosure) for fic that I probably won't finish reading and/or while being unable to find the. Very Specific. fic I want to read and just having like an open half-filtered tab... But Anyway.
Here's a Very Rare Johnlock Post from me lol
Imagine after all the seasons are over and Johnlock are old and have finally talked about their feelings and properly, actually, gotten officially together
(and subsequently gotten married in like 2 months cause Sherlock filled out the paperwork while John was not actually at home and then actually having a discussion about it when John finds out it happened cause Sherlock casually mentions it and actually agrees after Sherlock mentions (read: steamrolls over him, anxiously) them practically already being married by common law and just officialising it for the tax benefits... they only have a proper wedding, maybe on their/an anniversary when Mrs Hudson finds out probably 6 months later or sth and complains,, but I've gone on a tangent again)
Anyway Rosie is a teenager, with after-school activities and a phone.
I'm just imagining Sherlock dragging John out on a murder case (read: date) and deciding to feed him midway through (like always, tbh,, sth sth that post about feeding the depressed man that tends to forget to eat but I digress)
So Rosie gets a text and a voicemail from the two of them (cause Sherlock prefers to text and tell me John is not the sort to leave voicemails, like he would have put it on the voicemail machine if they had one he's so old man sometimes)
And it goes something like:
[Text from Papa]
Ragù Bolognese, Angelo's, 7pm. Hugs. -SH
[Voicemail from Dad]
"Hi honey, it's Dad.
Sorry we won't be able to make it to dinner with you, your father's got a case and you know how he gets...
Anyway, Mrs Hudson is going out tonight remember, so your Papa is booking the usual table at Angelo's for you... You still like the Spaghetti Bolognese right?
Don't worry about us, we'll eat before we get home. And the reservation is at 7, so don't be late. This will probably take a while so don't wait up either and go straight to bed young lady, you hear me?
Anyway I've got to go, loveyoubye."
Anyway I think it would be very cute, like they love and care about her, even if they're old men who laugh at crime scenes and whose ideal date is trying to catch a murderer together, and they show it by taking a moment to make sure she's fed with her favorite food even when they're busy solving crime, so yeah.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 5 months
Jewish women and folks who feel this also applies to them, I want your thoughts and opinions.
I ask this because I hold jewish women's thoughts and feelings in high regard, and am genuinely curious about their thoughts on this. I do not use this term for anybody, and do not plan to ever, this is solely to see the opinions of you all because I have seen this term defined as derogatory by plenty of sources, and I also notice some jewish women embrace jewess as a term. I am interested in the potential nuances of this conversation.
This poll is for anybody who feels it applies to them. However, please don't vote just to see the results when it doesn't apply. I'm queueing this post for after the poll has concluded, as even I won't know the results until this poll is concluded. I genuinely want to have somewhat of an idea about the diversity of jewish women's thoughts.
This poll is inclusive to jews of trans and/or intersex experience, or experiences that aren't solely in the binary womanhood sphere. Those who genuinely are in the process of becoming jews, feel free to weigh in if this applies to you. This poll will not be used to judge or shame jewish women or justify what terms you should or should not use for yourself or what terms you ought to be comfortable with. Anything that is derogatory to jewish women and their feelings is not tolerated and you will be Banished.
Feel free to share this post if you'd like. If you want to see the results but cannot vote, please queue this post, like this post, or wait for this blog to reblog this poll. I cannot emphasize this enough.
And if nobody has told you: jewish women, you are amazing. You deserve love and respect, and your thoughts matter in every conversation you are in.
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It is I, fanart anon! I bring an offering. I'm still trying to figure out how to draw dragons so my bad if they look wonky.
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(if the quality is shit I'm going to yeet myself down a hole)
((Also yes the credits is to c3dar. That is indeed me this is just a sideblog purely for tf stuff. I don't like to post on my main and I don't know why))
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kg2hub · 21 days
🎭 Kindergala Starter Prompts!
here's a collection of prompts you can send into people's ask boxes to interact with them if you don't know what to say, or find it easier to just copy & paste something and send it!! :D
ofc, feel free to change, alter, or expand on these prompts if needed! these are all for different scenarios, but i'm sure you can figure which ones are which from context :'''D
❝Your mask is cool! What's it supposed to be of?❞
❝Ew. What are you doing here?❞
❝Are you... supposed to be me?❞
❝Oh my god. I am so sorry! I didn't mean to spill my drink on you!❞
❝This is really weird... You remind me of someone I know. But different.❞
❝Have we met before?❞
❝There's so many people... I'm getting kind of nervous.❞
❝What are you doing all by yourself? The party's over there.❞
❝Is it really you...? I thought you were dead!❞
❝Oh no, you are not getting the last slice of cake if I have anything to say about it! It's mine!❞
❝Fancy seeing you here. I didn't think we'd meet again.❞
❝I didn't know they let plebians in.❞
❝Why are you so old?❞
❝I remember being that young. I wouldn't ever go back to that.❞
❝Excuse me? I don’t think that's a very nice thing to say.❞
❝I noticed you staring at me for a while... Why?❞
❝I thought I should say hi to everyone here! So hi!❞
❝What even is up with all this multiverse stuff... Have you ever thought about it, like, on a philosophical level?❞
❝So... any mysteries from your world you can spill about to a total stranger?❞
❝I'm under a lot of stress here, so can you stop being so annoying!?❞
❝Do you think past lives are real?❞
❝How do you feel about dying?❞
❝I wish I got a better mask... Mine doesn't fit me that well.❞
❝You're carrying a lot of food there! Need some help?❞
❝Man... I hate the 'no violence' rule. Do you know what I'd do if that wasn't a thing?❞
❝You look like you're having fun! Can I join you?❞
❝You just look like you need some company. I can sit with you for however long you need.❞
❝Did you bring a date for the gala?❞
❝I'd really like to dance with you... Do you feel the same?❞
❝So. We're in the void, huh? I've never been here before...❞
❝You have a nice outfit. Very fancy! I want your style so bad!❞
❝I feel kind of silly, all dressed up for something like this... How about you?❞
❝I came here alone... Can I hang out around you and just be friends for tonight?❞
❝Whoa, hold up! What are you doing?? Isn't that dangerous!?❞
❝I'm about to pull the biggest prank ever, but I need some help. Are you in?❞
❝I bet I can chug all the punch in less than a minute. Wanna watch?❞
❝I'm glad I'm here with you. I'm glad we're here. Coming to this place with you was the best idea, truly."
❝—Wait, is it your birthday? Happy birthday!! Good place to have your party, huh?❞
❝I didn't actually want to come... I was dragged here, kicking and screaming.❞
❝I didn't think I'd have this much fun, but I am!❞
❝Hold on for a second— Your mask is crooked. And there's no mirror nearby... Can I fix it for you?❞
❝...Have you been in the bathroom this whole time?❞
❝Where have you been!? I've missed you!❞
❝Hey, my favourite song's on! Have you ever heard of them?❞
❝Do you think we'll get kicked out if we put ghost pepper powder on all the food and drinks?❞
❝There's so much space to run around and be free! Let loose a little, okay?❞
❝I guess we can't play hide and seek here... Unless you can turn invisible or something. —Wait, can you turn invisible??❞
❝I challenge you to a duel!❞
❝I wanna dance so bad... I'm so scared, though. I'll probably look terrible. I have zero sense of rhythm! I can't dance!❞
❝My group needs someone to take our picture! Can you do it? We'll treat you after, if you want!❞
❝I can't believe I cancelled plans for this.❞
❝Wow... How are you so cool?? I can't believe I'm meeting someone like you!❞
❝What did one mask say to the other? 'I got you covered!'❞
❝I don't think I've been this... calm... in a long time.❞
❝You have such a beautiful smile.❞
❝Jeez, you look like you really need to talk to someone. Like a therapist, maybe?❞
❝I took too much food at the snack bar... Do you want some? Please? I'm begging you, I seriously can't eat all this myself—❞
❝Do you ever know someone, but you don't really know them?❞
❝We might have gotten off on the wrong foot. Can we start over?❞
❝You just arrived? Welcome to the Kindergala! You're a bit late, so the dessert might be all gone if we don't hurry—!❞
❝Did anyone lose a wallet?❞
❝—Hey, is this yours? You dropped this while you were walking.❞
❝I am not cute. Don't you dare call me that.❞
❝I always do something funny before a picture is taken so the smiles are more genuine.❞
❝I thought there would be more adults here. Why is this a daycare??❞
❝The real question is... Where's Waldo?❞
❝...I can't read this. Can you read? What does it say?❞
❝...Sorry, who are you, again?❞
❝Come on, don't look at me like that!❞
❝Coming here was a lot nicer than I thought it'd be!❞
❝This place is so... away from everything. Like, in a good way. It's cozy and quiet— Can I stay here too?❞
❝Would anyone notice if we just take a nap, right here, right now?❞
❝I... brought a gift for you. I hope you like it! Here you go!❞
❝You should let your hair down more often.❞
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celestialecho · 2 months
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on childhood best friends.
via ill give you the sun by jandy nelson // via the art of ponyo by hayao miyazaki // jack johnson, we're going to be friends // a message from my childhood best friend // mitski, i guess // via a little life by hanya yanagihara // adventure time, island song (come along with me) // via unknown // abba, chiquitita
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asureblogs · 1 year
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Happy Pride!!! 🌈🌈🌈✨
(Feel free to use~)
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cent-scratchnsniff · 3 days
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here together
#lobotomy corporation#lobcorp#lobotomy corp spoilers#lobotomy corporation spoilers#abram lobcorp#i didnt know that the song that plays during day 48 ending is called 'here together'.#couldnt hear it well because i typically have my sound low (sensetive to louder sounds) and also the dialog fucked me up#so when i pressed on it to hear it. to actually listen to it. then to see the name and remember what it Looked like#i got teary eyed. sorry.#it happened quite. afew times when finishing this shitty thing#i was thinking of how camren's not quite corpse looked as if it were reaching out to him inside the container#how it looked as if she had wings. abrams words. the line from one story that was--#something like 'we were hoping it was just one big prank and she would hop out fro. around the corner with a smile on her face'#how do you move forward when all you think you cause is pain? when everything else youve done only brought to bring people you love to thei#downfall and demise inside agony and fear as they lay dying. none of that was merciful. none of that was just. they were told to carry on#her dream and he views as if all he had done was to become cruel and wasnt fit and never even began to finish what she started.#it was so striking to me. the language he used. sleeping. alseep. waken. when all the others never sugarcoated it#in lobcorp they always said it straight. 'suicide' 'killed' 'dead'. but he used something far more.. peaceful? kind in wording in a way.#softer. describing death as if it were a merciful thing. an end that suits them and not something to be afraid of. to just... sink. to slee#to be with carmen again. to put everything to an end#the place they built with their hands. to have it just... stop. not in a way of repeating and staying in the moment#but of a permanent end. to 'sleep'. to die. to just.... stop. forever. to see no more. to do no more#to not be able to do Anything for when ever he had done Something it just cause agony. cruel hands partaking in acts he so deeply#regrets. everything is just regret. it sounds nice. to move on. to just move forward. but how can you move forward when all you think you#bring to those you cherished and couldnt leave behind is pain?#ill likely move this somewhere else as well. ive been meaning to talk about abram#the rest as well actually. mostly just the few final days w abel adam and abram since i am STUCK ON DAY 49#oh dear i uh typed a lot in the tags. oops
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
it was late, possibly past midnight, when there was a knock on the door.
her boys were upstairs, “going to sleep”, as james had phrased it, but euphemia could still hear their laughs from her son’s room; fleamont had some issues to deal with in the ministry. he said he’d be home for dinner, but euphemia was not exactly upset that he hadn’t been — she knew difficult everything was, at that moment, and, in times of war, she was glad that she had someone who worked for a change in her family, besides her slightly reckless son.
she groaned as she stood up, and hoped that whoever had taken the time to show up on her doorstep was not someone of high importance; her hair was messed up by sleep, and she was wearing just a nightgown, in opposition to her usually elegant appearance.
when she opened the door, she didn’t even have to know the name of the person in front of her, because the resemblance between her and the young man upstairs was striking — the same sharp jaw, the same raven curls, the same hooded eyes. walburga black had always been of an aristocratic beauty, and, while she was usually of a graceful elegance, the dim light accentuated her sharpness so much she looked like a caricature, and there was something that resembled a mad grief in her eyes.
“walburga black,” she nodded politely, admittedly slightly uptight, “to what do i owe the pleasure?”
“hello, euphemia potter. i came to see sirius,” she answered, clasping her hand around her cloak.
“i’m afraid i can’t help you with that, he and james have already gone to bed, and they must have fallen asleep. besides, unfortunately, i don’t think he wants to see you very much.”
“he’s my son,” she said, and there was something pained in her voice that made her want to hold walburga. after all, was she not lost soul, a mother, too?
“he’s not your son anymore,” euphemia whispered, and she was surprised by the slight tinge of melancholic sadness in her voice.
walburga looked away from her, blinking quickly, so as if to not let her tears escape her eyes, and, for the first time ever, euphemia saw the woman’s shoulders sag. “i am sorry i have come to disturb you as such an hour, mrs potter.”
euphemia stayed silent for a while. “may i at least offer you a cup of tea?” she asked, feeling like it was the only suitable thing to fill their silence with. “after all, your trip from london to here can’t have been that pleasant. it’s the least i could do. we could go drink it in the garden, if you don’t want to come in.”
“i don’t think i should stay,” she retorted, but there was a certain hesitation in her voice.
“very well, then.” euphemia nodded and, right as walburga turned her back and began to move, she gently grabbed her hand in hers. “walburga, i know how you must feel; i am a mother, too, and i would not want to be in the situation you are in right now. however, i also want sirius to be safe and healthy, and if that means keeping him away from your family, at least for now, that is what i will do. i am sure you understand.”
walburga nodded, biting her lip. “indeed, i do.”
“if, by any chance, he willingly wants to talk to you, without being coerced into doing so, i will let you know, one way or another.”
she nodded once more. “thank you. good night, euphemia potter.”
“good night, walburga.” she watched over the younger woman as she disappeared into the night, and only then did she walk back into her home, her mind filled with grieving mothers and lost sons.
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hiscurlsorhissmell · 1 year
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musubiki · 5 months
hello! quick question, i know this is very soon after you posted the comic of young lime trying to bully mochi, and i’m sorry if a question like this has been asked before, but when mochi sees the candy bits and is able to recognize what spells they could be used in and the effects they have, is that from studying magic a lot or is it like a natural identification ability/instinct that she has? thank you!! i hope you have a good day :)
oh thats a great question actually!!!! it comes from studying!!!!
as a kid she was already trying to be a very diligent witch-to-be!! she would spend a lot of time with her mom while she was making spells, so between reading a lot of spellbooks + hanging out when her mom was making potions + wanting to be like her mom, shes good at spotting things that could be used in spells even from an early age!!
(that being said, as a kid she still messed up a lot on the right ingredients. shed bring home random items and be like "I got us spell ingredients!!" and tiramisu would be like "Oh!! Thanks sweetie!!" and didnt have the heart to tell her that whatever she brought home was some useless piece of grass or something jkldj)
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skullsandcorals · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @darlingjunebug !!!!!! This took me way too much time to render that it's not even funny. I hope you like it 🥹🫶 I love you so so much and I hope you have an amazing birthday!!! 🎉✨
(click for better quality if you're on the mobile app. don't repost.)
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Other versions under the cut hehe 💃✨:
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