#how about we stop and get ramen on the way back. my treat.
chocochozi · 2 months
The Other Woman.
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Pairing : Sanemi Shinazugawa x Hashira! Reader.
Warning : Spoilers for the anime/manga, angst, second choice reader, some fighting
From the very begining, i always knew that i was just a second choice.
It has always been her it will always be her.
Shinazugawa and me met during our final selection.
He was harsh at first but warmed up to me the next few days together in the Mount Fujikasane. Truth be told, he didn't even want me to stay, i was the one following him around because he was the only one that caught my attention i didn't know why. But something about him just makes me drawn to him.
We fought in the mountain infested with demons side by side. During those times, my then unrequited love for him developed.
Time past by and we were promoted to be Hashiras. Though, it was ashame when Kumeno; the man who helped Shinazugawa and introduced him to a proper trainer, tragically died during both of their encounter with one of the holder of Lower Rank One of the Twelve Kizuki.
There, we met her.
And i can't blame Sanemi for falling for her charms. Shes beautiful, kind, sweet, patient, and has an easy-going personality.
How can i ever compare to her? Im not even close.
Kanae was easy to get along with, after becoming the Ice Hashira, we've sometimes been paired up by Master Ubuyashiki for missions. Therefore, we knew each other quite well.
Seeing the way Sanemi looks at her with heart eyes shatters my heart knowing he loved her, not me. The look in his eyes says it all.
How could I hate her? She's such an angel.
She's perfect where i fail.
"Nemiii~" i whined, impatiently waiting for him to stop training and come with me to eat.
"What?" The white haired man still kept his stance not once even glancing at you.
"C'monnn, you said you'll come with me to the ramen shop near byyy"
Huffing in annoyance, he straighten his body, turning fully to you a defeated expression plastered on his face. "Fine," "Your treat." He added.
"Alright, Let's go!" I grabbed his hands dragging him out then suddenly, Kanae's crow came flying to us informing about the unfortunate event's that led to Kanae's inevitable death.
The news, of course made me upset, she was my friend after all. But Sanemi took the news harder if not, the third hardest after the other two Kocho's. Talking to him seemed impossible after Kanae's death. He avoided me, he avoided everyone. When i try to have a converstation with him, his respond is always just a short answer or a simple hum.
Master Ubuyashiki summoned us two, to inform us about a mission, where we're both paired up. The walk to the place was quiet accompanied by the occational noises of cicadas. I was tired and didn't want to waste my energy to a one sided conversation so i stayed quiet.
As we were walking i felt a presence of someone behind my back, quickly turning around, i saw that a demon was launching at me, while his clawed nails reached for me. A hand wrapped around my waist hopping backwards to get away from the demon, a groaned escaped my lips,
"You okay?" I felt Sanemi's warm breath on my ears i felt a head rushed to my cheeks as i regain my composure. 'Its so hard to focus when im working with you.' I thought.
"Y..yeah. im okay, yeah." I patted the back of my neck and looked at my hands.
"Fuck," i tilt my head up and glanced at the demon, a smirk on his face i pulled away from Sanemi taking my sword out of its sheath and drawing it towards the enemy. I took a deep breath and released it out my mouth.
"Ice breathing, first form, Freezing Slash." I launched towards the demon rapidly and precisely strinking him and his neck. Pieces of him dropped to the ground, his detatched head rolling to the ground as it disappears into thin air.
Sanemi walked towards me. "Come here." He softly says, and i obeyed like a puppy. He patched up the wounds on the back of my neck and that day, we reconciled our friendship.
There were times where i wanted to confess to him but didn't want to take advantage of his vulnerable state. Then, that day came where i finally mustered up the courage to finally confess to him, at first he thought i was kidding but once he realize i wasn't, he became nervous. But he did gave the relationship a chance, and we began dating.
But i could never shake the feeling that i was just a replacement, a second choice for the woman he really loved.
"Sanemi! Nemi! Wait!" I yelled running after him.
"What's your place to interfere with me and my brothers problem huh?" He stopped walking and turned around to look at me, a dissapointed look on his face was visible.
"Im sorry, i though– i though it would help.."
"Help with what?!"
"I..i don't know. When you told me about that story about your mother i–" a shaky breath escapes my lips.
"I know how to handle my own brother, and you're out of it." His tone as cold as ice.
"I thought that maybe it will help you move on.."
He stepped towards me, one of his eye brows upwards with a confused look on his face. "Move on from what?"
"From every thing thats keeping you from moving on."
"Why? What do you even know about how i feel? Do you know all the things i had to go to?" His eyes shifted. "Of course not."
"So stop acting like you know my pain, and stop acting like you own it!" His voice raised on the last sentence. "And you can't just say to me when i can move on."
I stood there, in silence. My glossy orbs looking at him.
"Even Kanae who is with me in everything, who knows everything, didn't interfere with my decisions."
That was my last straw.
"Im not Kanae, so stop comparing me to her!"
"You're right, you're not Kanae, and you will never be Kanae." He pointed his finger at me. I looked at him in the eye a tear sliding down my cheeks.
"Kanae is dead. She's not coming back Nemi, but until now you're still acting as if she is here."
"Because she is! She's here!" He pointed at his chest where his heart is.
"If she's there then where am i?.. " my voice quiet but shaky. "Forget it." I walked passed him heading to the door that leads out of his estate. My hand made its way to my mouth to stop myself from crying even louder, the other slid the door open.
I wanted him to chase after me, to tell me we will be okay. But he never did.
How foolish of me to even think that you will. I wonder, if i were to be her will you chase after me?
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strawberrystepmom · 7 months
gojo x f!reader. gojo and reader are in an semi-established relationship although he is referred to as boyfriend in this. cw: food, tantanmen is a spicy ramen soup. hurt/comfort if you squint, bad day lamentations, and one of my personal favorite gojo facts: man hates spicy food. i also hc him as a picky eater so here we go.
wc 1.5k | divider by cafekitsune
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“I want tantanmen.”
Satoru’s bottom lip begins sticking out as soon as he hears the first letter of his most dreaded of your post-stressful day cravings leave your mouth.  
The bane of his existence - spicy food. It overwhelms his senses, a fact you’re well aware of, making it a rarity that you would even ask. That’s how he knows today has been capital-R rough for you and although he wants to help make your difficult day better, there’s hesitation in his step and he stops you on the train platform to put his hands on your shoulders. His grip is just firm enough to bring you comfort and you glance up at him looking so dejected he almost thinks better of his next question. Consideration - something he is not always the best at doing - be damned, he cannot stop himself before the words slip out.  
“Are you sure you don’t want something else instead?”
Hurt flashes across your face and you don’t bother to hide it. Every single one of your boyfriend’s whims is surrendered to no matter how ridiculous it is, trips and meals and sex positions and a million other tiny things you do to make him happy despite his insistence he doesn’t need them. Sure, it’s unfair for you to expect the same in return given you do it with no expectation of reciprocation but for once it would be nice to not have your choices questioned.
“You told me I could get anything I wanted and it was your treat. Are you changing your mind?”  
You raise a brow, slacken your jaw, and harden your gaze that is pointed upward in his direction. 
“I’ve had a rough day, Satoru. All I need is something so spicy it makes me cry.”
The tears threatening to fall from your lash line aren’t fake or for “getting your own way” purposes, you genuinely feel like you’re on the brink of tears and have all day. A scolding from Yaga, a disagreement regarding curriculum with Utahime via intense text message exchange, blatant disrespect from your students that they have yet to apologize - every bad moment piled up into something heavy to carry that weighs down on your chest. Thankfully, Satoru knows you well enough to be able to tell that you are being honest about the way you feel and arguing is futile.
“Fine,” he agrees with a loud exhale. “But on the way home we’re going to stop and get something edible to people who aren’t crazy, okay?”
Reaching for his hand, you nod and snuggle into his arm. Lacing your fingers between his, the stress visibly melts from you and a minuscule part of him feels bad for putting up an argument to your wishes at all. Is this really how he’s going to act when you are so undeniably sweet to him when you want to be? How many of his whims do you give into without having to think about it at all? Sighing, he leans toward you and kisses the top of your head, crowding you closer against his body. 
“You’re not going to make me try it this time?”
“No. I only did that once and besides, their menu is big. You are bound to find something you like if you just look.”
Giggling, you cling to his side and shrug playfully. The distinct shine of tears in your eyes has dissipated and your smile seems warmer than earlier, making him feel slightly less guilty for his blunder. 
Guilt isn’t something that he really dwells on often, as impermanent as the rest of his emotions tend to be, but it’s different when it’s you. Keeping you happy is just about the only thing he hasn’t been perfect at on the first attempt yet he keeps trying and figuring it out a little more every day. He figures you out a little more every day, honestly. It’s what keeps him coming back.
“But I like eating the same thing as you.” Satoru pouts again and you roll your eyes, squeezing your arm that is wrapped around his bicep. “I know but sometimes it doesn’t hurt either of us to try something new or different from the other.”
He hums his disbelief and the two of you walk alongside one another toward the gate.
Ordering your spicy soup with a smile at the front counter while your boyfriend situates the table the two of you will be sitting at, you check over your shoulder once before leaning in the direction of the young woman taking your order.
“I have a really weird request.”
She nods politely and you take a deep breath, knowing how rude it is to ask for changes to menu items when there are so many. Despite the impoliteness, you feel obligated to give him a little break while taking into consideration the one he has given you tonight.
“So the tantanmen…is there any way I could get just the broth and noodles without anything else?” The young woman blinks at you unenthusiastically and you straighten your shoulders, putting on your most winning smile. “How about a child’s serving with less spice? Is that something you could do?”
Wordlessly, she glances over your shoulder at the table your over six and a half feet tall man sits at in search of a child that could possibly need this kind of accommodation for their food. She spots none, only your boyfriend who is grinning down at his phone and laughing to himself.
“It’s for him. He doesn’t do spice very well, I know that’s ridiculous but we always order the same thing and I understand if you can’t do it. I just had to ask.”
She hums and presses the buttons on the screen in front of her, turning it to show you. One order of soup, extra spicy for you. One order of soup, just broth and no spice for Gojo. Gratefully, you bow your head and she plays it off with a smile. Even she can’t be terribly annoyed at a couple that clearly has figured out one another’s whims and she instructs you to go and sit at your table to await your order.
Sliding in next to him on the same side of the booth, as always, you grin and he puts his phone down immediately to wrap his arm around your shoulder. 
“What’d you order me?”
You shrug playfully and he gasps.
“You know I’ll simply go on hunger strike if you got me something spicy…” he trails off and you laugh, reaching up to tug on his earlobe the way you always do when he’s running his mouth. “You’ll just have to see what surprise I have in store.”
The two of you chit chat for a few minutes but the soup comes more quickly than you expected. Satoru’s face lights up when his eyes glance down at a bowl full of silky broth, pulling apart his chopsticks delightedly. It’s the same thing you have, just a little different and exactly how he likes it.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have!”
Laughing, you shake your head and follow his lead, glancing down into your own steaming bowl of relief. Opening your chopsticks, breaking them apart, giving thanks for the meal, they’re all as natural as breathing at this point and you smile at him again as he glances down into your bowl.
The broth of your soup is as red as anything he has ever seen.
“That looks like the fire of Hell,” he scoffs, scooping broth into his mouth and swallowing quickly. 
You take a sip from your spoon and sigh in relief, shoulders relaxing into a natural position instead of curved forward sadly. Despite his earlier protests, there’s nothing he’d rather do than sit here and watch you eat your troubles away, pinkies of both of your free hands touching below the table. 
“It just might be.”
The spice makes you sniffle and he’s quick to pick up a napkin, dabbing at the tip of your nose to make sure no dribbles have occurred. This is another habit he has picked up after all this time watching you challenge yourself to meals he wouldn’t touch if he had to. Wiping your nose and cheeks and making sure you drink water.
“Thank you for treating me.”
Leaning over your bowl, you slurp a mouthful of noodles and chew it thoughtfully. He watches your mouth and jaw move, reaching up to cup your face but stopping himself from kissing you with your mouth full. It wouldn’t be the first time but that damned spicy broth is all over your lips and he won’t take the risk as badly as he wants to.
“Thanks for letting me, you freak of nature.”
Giggling, you shrug and lean into his touch.
“It takes one to know one.”
No argument from him.
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callmedaleelah · 1 month
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— Pinnacle [ tsukishima kei university au series ]
— i keep recalling things we never did ; why are you eating ramen and burnt cheesecake in a café with him? what if people think that you’re on a date?
author’s notes : no mention of (y/n), written in second person pov, semi alternative universe, timeskip!tsukishima, college life, not proofread, english is not my first language
[ masterlist ] | [ ask daleelah go to box box 🐭 ]
The morning air was cool as you stepped into the classroom, your heart heavy with anxiety. The exhaustion from the past week clung to you, but there was also a small flicker of gratitude in your chest. Tsukishima had been there for you all night, helping you cram as much information as possible. He had even insisted on dropping you off at class, carrying your bag and other belongings because your hand still hurt from the IV needle. He made sure you were settled in your seat before leaving without a word, a gesture that left you both touched and a bit bewildered. You promised yourself you would find a way to thank him properly after this exam, maybe by treating him to something nice or doing whatever he wanted.
As the exam began, your worries resurfaced. Despite Tsukishima’s help, you still felt unprepared. Some of the questions seemed foreign, and you found yourself leaving several blank as the clock ticked down. By the time it was over, a sense of dread had settled in your stomach. You could barely remember walking out of the classroom, your mind too preoccupied with thoughts of failure. All you wanted was to get back to your dorm and rest, but the nagging uncertainty about the answers kept you flipping through your book as you walked.
“Loosen up, the exam is over,” came a familiar voice from behind you.
You turned to see Tsukishima standing there, a slight grin playing on his lips as he approached. There was a teasing glint in his eyes as he reached out to close your book gently. “Your body has been telling you to stop looking at your books since yesterday when you collapsed at the infirmary, and here you are still studying even after the exam is over.”
His words, though spoken with his usual dry tone, held a touch of concern beneath the surface. You wanted to tell him how much you feared you had failed, but the thought of burdening him further made you bite your tongue. Instead, you pushed your emotions aside and mustered a warm smile. “How was your exam?” you asked, trying to shift the focus away from yourself.
“Good, think I did pretty well,” he answered, his confidence evident as he began walking beside you.
You nodded, taking a deep breath. “I want to treat you to something since you took care of me yesterday,” you said, your voice sincere.
He frowned slightly, his expression questioning.
“It’d be impolite of me not to return your kindness,” you replied, hoping he understood how much his help had meant to you.
“Kindness?” he chuckled, a sound that was almost amused. “I told you the doctor asked me to help. I was just doing her a favor.”
“Yeah, but still—” you began, feeling a bit flustered by his nonchalant attitude.
He cut you off with a shrug, a small smirk on his lips. “Okay, if you insist. Let’s get some ramen and burnt cheesecake at the café downtown.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his choice, surprised that someone like Tsukishima would have such a specific dessert preference. But you agreed, the thought of resting at your dorm forgotten as the prospect of spending more time with him took over.
The café was as cozy and inviting as you remembered, a favorite spot for university students to unwind. The space was filled with warm lighting and soft music, creating a homey atmosphere that made it easy to relax. Around you, couples occupied most of the tables, enjoying quiet moments together, sharing laughs, and indulging in sweet treats. You couldn’t help but notice how many of them were on dates, their conversations and gestures filled with affection.
As you waited for your order, Tsukishima excused himself to the restroom. Left alone, you glanced around the room, taking in the sight of other students. It struck you suddenly that, from an outsider’s perspective, you and Tsukishima might look like just another couple on a date. The thought sent a brief flutter through your chest, but you quickly shook it off, not wanting to read too much into it. After all, this was just a simple thank-you meal—nothing more.
Or at least, that’s what you kept telling yourself as you waited for him to return.
Two bowl of ramen was steaming, the broth rich and savory, and two slice of burnt cheesecake you ordered sat beside it, looking almost too beautiful to eat. You both settled into a relaxed rhythm, exchanging conversation that flowed more easily than you expected.
“This place is nice,” you commented, glancing around at the cozy interior. “I’ve never been here before.”
“Yeah, I usually come here with Yamaguchi,” Tsukishima replied, taking a casual sip of his tea. “It’s quiet enough, not too crowded. Perfect for avoiding people.”
You chuckled, finding his usual avoidance of crowds almost endearing. “Sounds like you,” you teased lightly. “So, do you always order the burnt cheesecake?”
Tsukishima smirked, a small curve of his lips that was more subtle than full-on amusement. “Only if I’m in the mood,” he said, his eyes glancing at you from beneath his blonde bangs. “I didn’t peg you as someone who’d enjoy this kind of place.”
“I guess I’m full of surprises,” you said with a grin. “But honestly, I’ve been too busy with exams to explore much.”
“Typical freshman,” he muttered, but there was no malice in his tone, only the familiar teasing you were starting to appreciate. “How are you holding up with your classes?”
You sighed, feeling a bit more at ease talking to him than you would have expected a few days ago. “Barely. This semester has been a lot tougher than I imagined. Sometimes I wonder if I’m even cut out for biochemistry.”
He raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. “If you weren’t, you wouldn’t have made it this far.”
You blinked at his straightforward reply, a warmth blooming in your chest at his unexpected reassurance. “I guess,” you murmured, your voice softer.
As the conversation continued, you found yourself noticing the small details about him, details you hadn’t paid attention to before. The soft freckles scattered across his face, faint but noticeable when the café’s warm light hit him just right. The way his lips quirked into a half-smile when you said something he found mildly amusing. How his eyes, sharp and intelligent, would flicker toward you, only to quickly look away as if he didn’t want to be caught staring.
There was a moment when he laughed—a deep, rich sound that made your heart skip. His nose scrunched slightly, just enough to soften his usual stoic expression, and you realized you liked seeing him like this, more relaxed, more open.
You couldn’t help but wonder if this was a side of Tsukishima that few people got to see, a version of him reserved for moments like these, where the world outside the café didn’t matter.
You smiled, feeling a comfortable silence settle between you, the earlier tension from your exam worries fading into the background. It felt nice, this moment of connection between you two, and for a while, you let yourself forget the pressures of university life.
But just as you were settling into the calm, your phone suddenly buzzed on the table. The sound broke the quiet bubble you’d been in, and you glanced down to see the reminder flashing on the screen—Take your ginger tonic and vitamins.
You quickly snoozed the alarm, feeling a slight flush rise to your cheeks, but it was too late. Tsukishima had already stolen a glance at your phone, his lips quirking up into an amused smirk.
“So, you like ginseng tonic?” he asked, his tone teasing as he raised an eyebrow at you.
You nearly choked on your food, shaking your head furiously. “No—my mom makes me,” you replied, a bit more defensively than you intended.
Tsukishima seemed taken aback by your quick response, but the surprise quickly faded into another teasing comment. “Seems like your mom really knows how to take care of you,” he said, his voice laced with a playful edge.
You tried to laugh it off, but your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes. “She says I’m too clueless to take care of myself, so she has to intervene,” you joked, though there was an undeniable bitterness beneath your words. You hadn’t meant to let it slip, but Tsukishima’s perceptive gaze caught it instantly. His teasing demeanor softened slightly, but he didn’t press further, sensing that there was more to the story.
Instead, he reached across the table, his hand moving with surprising gentleness. Before you could react, his thumb brushed against the corner of your lips, wiping away a small spot of broth you hadn’t noticed. The contact was brief, but it sent a jolt through you, making you freeze as your heart suddenly sped up.
The world seemed to slow down for a moment, and you could feel the warmth of his touch lingering on your skin. Tsukishima’s expression was unreadable, but his eyes held a softness that made your breath hitch. The café around you faded into the background, and all you could focus on was the tenderness in his gesture, the way his eyes flickered with something deeper than just casual concern.
Neither of you spoke, the silence hanging in the air like a delicate thread. You could feel your cheeks growing warm under his gaze, your thoughts a jumble of confusion and a budding realization that perhaps, just maybe, there was something more between you two than just a reluctant mentor-student relationship.
Finally, Tsukishima broke the tension with a small, almost imperceptible smile, his hand retracting back to his side. “You missed a spot,” he said lightly, but his voice had a gentleness to it that made your heart flutter.
You managed a weak laugh, trying to shake off the overwhelming emotions that threatened to spill over. “Thanks,” you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper.
The moment passed, but the memory of it lingered, etched into your mind like a secret you weren’t quite ready to share, not even with yourself.
As you both continued to eat, the earlier playful banter faded into a more comfortable silence. Yet, the unspoken understanding between you two grew, and with it, a warmth that neither of you could deny, even if you didn’t fully understand it yet.
The café had grown quieter as the afternoon wore on, the soft hum of conversation and the clinking of dishes providing a comforting background to your shared meal. You and Tsukishima had settled into a relaxed conversation, the earlier tension gradually melting away as you discussed everything from university life to random observations about the people around you.
He had just finished the last bite of his burnt cheesecake, and you were savoring the final spoonfuls of your ramen, the warmth of the broth lingering in your chest. You felt surprisingly content, more at ease than you had in weeks, thanks in no small part to Tsukishima’s presence.
As you set down your spoon, you reached for your bag, ready to pay for the meal as you had promised. But before you could pull out your wallet, you caught the attention of the waiter, gesturing for the bill.
The waiter approached with a polite smile, holding a small leather-bound folder. “Your bill has already been taken care of,” he said, handing the receipt to Tsukishima instead.
You blinked in surprise, your eyes darting between Tsukishima and the waiter. “Wait, what? No, I was supposed to pay—”
Tsukishima looked at you with a calm, unbothered expression, his hand already tucking the receipt into his pocket. “I got it,” he said simply, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
“But… why? I said I’d treat you. You took care of me, remember?” You couldn’t hide the confusion in your voice, your brows furrowed in disbelief.
He leaned back in his chair, a faint smirk playing on his lips. “What kind of man do you think I am, letting a woman pay for the lunch I chose?”
His tone was light, but the weight of his words made your heart skip a beat. There was something undeniably charming in the way he said it, his usual teasing edge softened with a hint of genuine chivalry that caught you off guard.
“But—” you started, but he interrupted, holding up a hand.
“You can save your arguments for next time,” he said, his voice steady and calm. “Consider this a thank you—for putting up with my attitude this past semester.”
You felt your cheeks warm at his unexpected admission, your protest fading into a soft smile. “You’re not that bad,” you said quietly, though your heart was racing a little. “I mean, you did help me a lot.”
Tsukishima’s eyes met yours, and for a moment, you saw something in his gaze that made your breath catch—a fleeting softness, a quiet acknowledgment of the connection that had been growing between you. It was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by his usual guarded expression, but the memory of it lingered, making your chest tighten with a mix of emotions you weren’t ready to untangle.
“I’m serious, though,” you continued, trying to regain some composure. “Next time, it’s on me.”
He raised an eyebrow, a small, amused smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “We’ll see.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, but couldn’t help the warmth that spread through you at the thought of a next time. The idea that there could be more moments like this, more shared meals and conversations, filled you with a quiet sense of anticipation.
As you both stood up to leave, Tsukishima casually picked up your bag, slinging it over his shoulder as if it were the most natural thing in the world. “Let’s go,” he said, his voice steady and unhurried.
You followed him out of the café, the afternoon sun casting long shadows on the pavement as you walked side by side. The day had taken an unexpected turn, and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for this moment—one that felt like the beginning of something you couldn’t quite name.
And as you walked together, the light breeze ruffling your hair, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this wasn’t just the end of a shared meal, but is it just you hoping for more?
taglist (free to mention) ; @theweirdfloatything
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bluemari23 · 6 months
Hello Mari, how are you? I was very happy with the new notifications! Your writing is one of my favorites🙃❤️.
If you feel comfortable, could you write a headcanon aimed at the BTS members where we are the boys' romantic interest, being the 8th in the group? Maybe a foreign member.
NOTE: Thank you very much for your attention! I'm happy to see you back, a big hug❤️.
Hello! thank you so much!
and i took this almost as a poly idea the second i read it, so thats kind of how i wrote your ask if that's okay! :)
bf!namjoon who constantly tries to hide negative comments about you during live, not wanting you to see any hate for being their 8th member. He and the boys know that your relationship with them is a secret, but cant help but to still try to protect you from anything and everything. Knows when something is wrong during an interview and immediately will send a signal to their manage that the interview is over. Tries to be a confidant to you and help you integrate into idol society as their new member.
bf!jin who just tries to do whatever he can to help you in any way. "Oppa will do it". Knows you are independent but loves to help you with the little things like opening a jar of pickles. Will keep snacks near by for you knowing how you tend to stress eat. Will forever be your cooking buddy despite you loving to bake. Wants to try to bake for you but you might need to help him not put too much baking soda into the baked good.
bf!yoongi who may not show it, but is so in love with you that he knows everything. he is so observant and knows exactly how you like your orange peeled (with none of the white stuff left because you can't stand the texture of it). Loves that you will hold his whenever he wants and for as long as he wants. Will never move first when cuddling on the couch, waiting until you make the first move. Is the first to sense something wrong by watching your facial expressions and body movements (like how you rub your fingers together when nervous or anxious).
bf!hoseok who takes extra time to help you learn all of their choreography so you don't falll behind with their new music/choreo. Is the best at getting you up and out of bed when you feel down from the hate youre getting online. will bring you your favorite coffee/tea when he knows you have an early morning. buys you your wardrobe (along with jimin) as they both want to dress you and take pride in the fact that you were the clothes they buy you. loves to dress you up in matching outfits.
bf!jimin who is very cuddly and affectionate. loves to lean on you and have you lean on him. spends a lot of time just being a buddy while you do chores or are getting ready for a schedule. just loves to being your ocmpany, not needing anything planned. will just lay in bed with you for hours, keeping you from stewing too long on things not in your control. stops the company from putting you on a diet for their next comeback because you are absolutely perfect to him and the boys.
bf!taehyung who loves to go explore with you. any new city you guys go to he likes to take you out to explore life in the city and find new places. loves to buy you accessories like scarves and sunglasses because then you guys match. taehyung who reads out all the "marry me y/n" and maybe makes some up just to see you smile and politely decline. loves trying to get a reaction out of you and maybe tag teams with jungkook to see who could get you flustered the most first.
bf!jungkook who loves to assert his dominance and "throw you around". loves to pick you up in his arms and throw you onto the couch or bed before smothering you in kisses. keeps you favorite treat in his bag so he can share it with you before jin sees. loves to do karaoke sessions with you on live and gets frequently caught by army staring at you in awe. jungkook who insists on sharing verses with you because he loves how your two voices mesh together. jungkook who knoes exactly how you like your ramen and makes it up before bringing it to you with a grin on his face.
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twst-drabbles · 11 months
Heartslabyul 6
Summary: While you didn’t go out trick-or-treating like Crowley wanted to, you did get a bucket full of candy. A little too much candy. You decided to throw some of the excess to the plant nymphs.
(Hehehehe, I made a neocities website right here. I’ll be loading all my writings up there eventually for safe keeping. But yeah, check it out!)
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“Alright, ready for the next round?” You asked from your lawn chair, fingers drumming against the big and overly fancy black pumpkin bucket you got from Crowley for Halloween, “I think the next layer is white chocolate.”
Ace jumped up high, shaking his arms and legs, almost screaming in impatience that you won’t just start already. Deuce was stomping around in excitement, ready and revving to catch some candies and added them to their combined pile.
“Don’t scream, you’ll blast my ears out,” you deliberately slowed yourself down as you rubbed at your ear, dropping your scoop of candy right back into the basket just to annoy Ace further, “though, I am getting sleepy. Maybe we should do this another day.”
Then, you heard something else fall into the candy treasure trove you have. Looking over, you saw a pair of leafy legs wiggling about. Righting himself up, Trey presented the wrapped sweets high above his head before throwing it towards Ace and Deuce. Trey turned towards you with the sweetest look on his face, giving a little determined chirp before patting a little fist against his chest.
Leave it to me, he’s probably trying to convey. Adorable. He thinks you’re actually falling asleep in your chair and is trying to take up your duty for you.
“That’s alright Trey, I was just kidding,” you gently grabbed him before setting him down, “Go on. Grab some candy of your own before Ace and Deuce make themselves sick with it.”
As Trey walked to the candy zone with a nod, you shot your arms out and captured the basket that was in the process of being carried away by Cater and his clones.
“Stop that Cater,” you flicked one of the clones legs. It tripped and puffed into smoke, “I know you hate sweets but you can’t destroy them yet. Wait until the game’s over.”
The true Cater planted his butt on the table, kicking his legs out in annoyance. You patted his head.
“I’ll get you something nice later, alright? So stop with the tantrum just because I only have candy right now.”
Cater turned his head away from you, as though that wasn’t enough.
You tucked a finger under his chin, guiding him to look at you. “How does that new spicy ramen I found sound?”
Only then did Cater perk up and clap his hands with a trill of chirps escaping him. He hopped right up, dusted the dirt off his knees and ran off towards Ace and Deuce, probably to mess with them.
“You want to join in, Riddle?” You looked to your shoulder as soon as you felt a weight press upon it. You had a scoopful of small candies in your palm. “Those roots of yours will throw better then my hands ever could.”
Riddle’s little face creased with curiosity. He bent down and grabbed a candy, turning it this way and that before commanding a root to wrap around it and throw it over the heads of Ace and Deuce. Deuce decided to be a little menace and tripped Ace before speeding off towards the candy.
You snorted and Riddle gave a soft laughing trill of his own. A rope of roots grabbed each individual candy from your hands and threw them in high and wide arcs. Trey spotted something he liked bounce on the ground and slide under a tree’s roots. He slid right there with it, getting his butt stuck.
Cater had his clones at the ready to grab as many candies as possible, but one heavy lollipop bounced on his head, then onto the heads of the rest of his clones in succession.
“Whoops,” you said with a sigh, “threw it a little too well, Riddle.”
Just to ease the worried look on your Roseling’s face, you unwrapped a strawberry cream candy and held it to his face. He only took one sniff before practically wretched it from your hold.
Adorable. They’re all adorable.
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mixu · 1 year
Naruto and H1n0t0's wedding chapter confirms SNS
For part 4 of Shippuden’s last chapter analysis, and how it actually confirms sns, we’ll go back to the events previous to the wedding.
Pt 4. On how Iruka failed Naruto
As I mentioned on pts. 1-3, the chapters leading to the wedding always seemed odd to me. Something about the flow of dialogue made me feel like there was something I wasn’t understanding. There was one scene in particular in which I felt one of the characters was overreacting about something that shouldn’t be that big of an issue. That scene is where Naruto asks Iruka to attend the wedding as his father.
First, I’ll let you watch the clip (sorry about the quality and lack of sound)
The scene starts with Naruto visiting Iruka. There’s some small talk until Naruto mentions his bachelor days are numbered and wants to make the most of that time, to which Iruka reacts by shouting at him and recriminating him for how hard Hinata has been working for the wedding.
Look at Naruto’s face
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He doesn’t understand Iruka’s reaction, and I agree. Why is Iruka so upset? Naruto’s joke might have been in poor taste, but it was a joke. Granted, planning a wedding is a pain in the ass, but Hinata mentioned in the previous episode that her father had taken care of most of it. Hell, she’s the heiress to the wealthiest most powerful Clan in Konoha. Everything gets done for her (she had fucking bodyguards during the war!) She is not doing the planning alone if at all.
Then, Iruka says he failed to raise Naruto as a decent person (blow #1), which is an overstatement because a couple of ramen bowls and heartfelt conversations don’t equal raising a child, then tries to drag him to Hinata’s house to apologize for raising such a thoughtless man (blow #2). Naruto stops him and says they can’t go to Hinata because if Hinata is present, he can’t say what he wants to say… seriously? Iruka asks what he wants to talk about and Naruto responds he’d like to talk about it over ramen (his comfort food) and some drinks, and Iruka cuts him off.
Look at their faces after that
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Naruto is nervous because of Iruka’s reaction
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Iruka is pissed. I know that face. My mother made that face whenever she was about to tell me how I had fucked up something, and it was never pleasant. But why is Iruka so pissed when Naruto hasn’t even said a thing? What does Iruka suspects or knows Naruto to be guilty about? Then he goes and throws this bomb on Naruto (blow #3):
“I guess I didn’t need to mull over what to say and how to congratulate you.”
「おまえをどう祝ってやるべきか何を伝えればいいのかいろいろ考え必要はなかったな」 I leave the original dialogue too, but it’s pretty much the same:
Like, what? That must have hurt, and it did because look at Naruto’s face when Iruka is walking away.
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As I see it, Iruka’s line can be interpreted two ways. Either he knows about sns and that’s the reason Naruto has neglected Hinata, so Naruto doesn’t deserve the consideration of his words. Or, he suspected Naruto was planning to call off the wedding, in which case there was no need for Iruka to prepare a speech.
There’s a pause before Naruto says he has something to ask from Iruka. This makes Iruka turn back because he wasn’t expecting a request (what were you expecting, Iruka?) and notice we don’t get to see Naruto’s eyes but he’s mouth is tense.
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When we see his eyes again Naruto looks sad. Why? Okay, maybe he doubts Iruka will grant his request after the way he has been treating him. Or, maybe, he has realized he can’t trust Iruka with what he actually had wanted to say.
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Naruto seems lost in thought when he asks Iruka to attend as his father, which softens Iruka’s face like effective immediately. And Iruka is like “Oh, that was it? I thought you were about elope with Sasuke.” And once more, Iruka’s body language doesn’t make sense to me. The tears, ok, it’s an emotive moment, but the clenched fists and the eyes (as if he is containing himself from doing or saying something) before he accepts, don’t add up to me.
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Naruto doesn’t look happy, just relieved. Again, not the right reaction in my opinion if his original plan was to ask Iruka to attend the wedding as his father. Naruto should have launched himself at Iruka like he did after Iruka gave him his headband in the first chapter. Instead, they go all formal and thank each other, then Naruto makes a haste exit. Where is he going? Just before the conversation went awry, he was insisting on them having ramen and drinks. Shouldn’t they be celebrating? Moreover, why couldn’t Hinata be present when Naruto presented his request to Iruka? Just a couple of scenes later, Hinata herself says she knew about Naruto making his request.
And why does Iruka starts sobbing when Naruto gets out of sight when they have seen each other cry before? This reeks of guilt and explains why he was behaving the way he did during the wedding.
Imagine being Naruto full of doubts, searching for the support and understanding of the person he trusts the most, the closest thing he ever had to a family and getting this reaction. No wonder their relationship is inexistent in Boruto.
Stay tuned for pt.5
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A Sweet Mishap - Chapter 7
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader 
A/N: I just want to start by thanking everyone for all the love on this story so far. Here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.
A Sweet Mishap Masterlist | Main Masterlist
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
The days leading up to Christmas pass in a blur. I work almost constantly either in the cafe or at home helping Stella with Wedding plans. My contact with Jensen falls back to sporadic texts during lunch breaks. It feels impossible to build any connection with so little contact, but he’s been so understanding, claiming he’s also busy now that he’s home.
When I finally flip the sign on the door to ‘closed’ at six o’clock on Christmas Eve I’m utterly exhausted. I check my phone on the walk back to my apartment.
Hey Darlin’, About to get on the road. It’s a long trip, if you’re not too tired after work, I’d love to chat
I pass a packed restaurant and glance through the large windows at the couples and families sharing a lovely pre-Christmas meal. Knowing I’m going back to an empty apartment, the loneliness wins out and I decide to call him. 
“Hey, Darlin’.”
“I knew that would sound so much better in your Texan drawl.”
“Sorry ‘bout that. It tends to come out more when I’m at home.”
“Don’t apologise. How’s the drive?”
“Been on the road ‘bout an hour and a half, still got two to go. Been a little lonely so far, but it just got a little better. How long you free for?”
“Three and a half hours? That’s not really a long trip…But I’m almost home now so I guess I can keep you company for a while.”
“In a car by myself on my way to see my family…yeah, it’s a long trip.”
“I guess I can understand that. I bet there are a few thoughts going around your head at the moment. I know I’d be spiraling…”
“I don’t know about spiraling…But yeah…My sister’s bringing her husband, as expected and my brother’s bringing his latest flame, so I’ll be the awkward seventh wheel turning up alone. Can’t wait for Mom’s twenty questions about when I’m finally gonna settle down. It’s not enough to just be famous, she wants grandkids…”
“That actually makes me feel better about spending Christmas alone.”
“Sorry…My family’s great and I’m glad I won’t be alone. I shouldn’t complain.”
“No, it’s okay. I get it. Vent away. Plus, we haven’t really had a chance to get to know each other, and I’ve already learnt a few more things about you. Tell me more.”
“Well, it might give you a little more context if I tell you I’m the middle child. Wait. You’re not taking notes, are you? Gonna sell my sad story to some journalist for a pretty penny?”
As I listen, I put a tray of frozen butter chicken and rice in the microwave to cook before kicking off my shoes and collapsing on the couch. “They’d pay for that? Maybe I should. Pay off some student debt while I’m at it, or maybe just something that’s not ramen and frozen dinners.” 
“Don’t tell me that’s gonna be your Christmas dinner.”
“You get used to it. The frozen meals are getting better. Roast beef, shepherd's pie, al la Chef Ramsay.”
“Gordon Ramsay sells frozen meals?”
“I’m still taking you out for a proper meal sometime. No, you know what. I’m gonna send you some money. Go out for a proper Christmas dinner, on me. Please.”
“And sit amongst all the happy couples and families like the loner I am. No thanks.”
“At least buy yourself something nicer to eat alone then?”
“Don’t worry, Nick’ll cook something. Stella won’t let me wallow here alone.”
“Good. Buy yourself something nice then. Treat yourself to a new dress or jewelry or…”
“Jensen, stop. I’m not taking your money, okay? I’m not a gold digger. I’ll stumble through on my own. I always have. Plus, I’m the one that owes you a shirt.”
“You’re eating ramen and frozen meals and you want to replace a shirt that cost more than your monthly salary? Forget it.”
“You shirt cost-Wait! Are you trying to figure out how poor I am?”
“We all start somewhere, Darlin’. When I first moved out to LA I had nothing. I was mucking out horse stables to get from one audition to the next.”
“Yeah, but I bet you did that right out of high school…not after taking a gap year to follow around a dropkick and then trying to get your life back on track after being cheated on, only to fall for the same shit again with a different guy. Thus putting your study and life on hold again. Only to then find yourself quickly approaching your 30th birthday with nothing to show for it…”
“Wait…Wait. I’m pulling over. I can’t process that while driving.”
“Sorry, no. Keep driving. We will talk about it some other time…or not at all.” You hang your head and mentally chastise yourself for divulging so much information at once. You blame the loneliness and exhaustion. 
“I should get gas anyway. Just hang on, Darlin’.” I sigh and pull out my tight ponytail so I can run my hands through my greasy hair. “Alright. I’m parked now. Let’s talk. Cause yeah, you’re right, I did go straight out of high school. But I wanna hear more about these dropkicks.”
“There’s nothing to tell. It’s my fault really. I should’ve been better, stronger.”
“Hey, hey, no. Don’t blame yourself. Did they? Did they blame you? Tell you it was your fault?”
“Don’t all guys? But they didn’t have to…If I had satisfied them they wouldn’t have brought other women into our bed…” I sigh, “Who am I kidding? Why are you still talking to me? I could never satisfy the likes of you. You’ve probably been with all sorts of supermodels and actresses…”
“Y/N. Darlin’. That is not on you. And no, not all guys. Those boys didn’t deserve you. You deserve a real man who would treat you right. Also, never compare yourself to supermodels or other actresses. ‘Cause yeah, maybe I have slept around a bit, but where the fuck are they now? They wouldn’t spend hours talking me through a road trip. You’ve satisfied me more than anyone else ever has, in just the last few days.”
“Jensen…You know how that sounds right?”
“That’s not what I meant. I’m a gentleman. I promise, there’s been no hand-to-dick contact to thoughts of you.”
“That’s reassuring. Same here, just so you know…no hand-to-…You know what I mean.”
His low chuckle reverberates through the phone, warming me and alleviating a little of my anxiety. “Yeah. I know what you mean. So, uh, back to the point…Who are these guys that I need to ruin?”
“They’re nobody. I don’t want to talk about them anymore. Can we go back to your problems? They’re less…they’re just less.”
“You know what I mean!” Feeling a little better, I drag myself up and bring the now-cooled dinner from the microwave back to the couch. “Middle child problems are less heavy than a string of douchebag exes.”
“At least we can agree they’re douchebags.”
“Jensen!” I chastise. 
He chuckles and then sighs. “Let me actually get gas and snacks and get back on the road. Then you can hear more of my life story, seeing as you just divulged a big chunk of yours, which we will talk about more in the future by the way. I won’t force you to dwell on it tonight, but I want to know all about you. I know there’s more interesting stories there.”
I eat while the line is silent. Part of me feels like a fool for sharing the story of my exes with Jensen, even if it was only one tiny part.
When Jensen finally comes back to the phone we continue talking until he pulls into Richardson. He shares stories about himself and his siblings growing up and his plans for Christmas, which he doubts will be white, considering the mild temperatures in Texas. I enjoy getting to know him more intimately and as a person, more than just his career. But he also tells me all about his passion for music and how it’s similar to his passion for acting. He tries to get me to open up more but reluctantly accepts when I say I’m tired and more interested in hearing his stories. Undeterred, chills run down my spine when he says, “Someday, Darlin’. Someday you’re gonna return the favour. I’m gonna know everything there is to know about you.” He reluctantly cuts the night short when he pulls into his parent’s driveway. “Thanks for the company, Darlin’. Merry Christmas Eve.” I argue that Christmas Eve is still three hours away, but wish him a Merry Christmas anyway before the line goes silent. 
As I stare at my cracked home screen I decide to come up with a nickname for him. If he’s going to insist on melting my heart with that delicious, deep, drawl, “Darlin’”, then I intend to come up with something that causes a similar effect.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Taglist: @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27, @n-o-p-e-never
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
Aiden BPD headcanonsssss because my dad is being weird and I feel weird too
(Most of these are based on my experiences living with somebody who has bpd, and maybe myself but we won't talk about that haha)
Tw for all the things bpd tends to cover (self harm, abuse, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation, brief mention of cannabis in a medical context)
-definitely a big source of trauma is his parents basically abandoning him for long stretches of time
-Prone to splitting regarding them. When they're not around its so much easier to be like "Whatever, fuck them, I don't care." But when they *are* around, they're always so affectionate, a lot of "it's not their fault they're busy", "they don't mean it", kind of thoughts...it's okay Aiden, people can still love you even if they treat you badly :/
-y'all know he's self destructive. Yall KNOW. He's been in 7 different go-kart "accidents", once broke his hip trying to impersonate Tony Hawk, and he WILL be crashing his car into a tree after binge drinking.
-Self harms as a form of stimulation sometimes. He just gets SO bored. Usually will slam his head on the nearest hard object or cut himself with his compass.
-has been to a "wellness center" (mental hospital) after an episode where when his parents were on a trip, they returned and found him catatonic on his bed, he hadn't gotten up for almost 8 weeks and his mattress was stained with urine. Not to mention he'd gotten extremely sick after eating only Ramen. Called this a "blip" and hasn't done anything like this again, but only cuz he hated the hospital so much :/
-not really good at managing his anger. He gets pissed off easily (his jaw starts clenching), but has definitely eased off with the yelling and picking a fight with the person. May say some things he may or may not regret later :/ might like kick the wall or smth too-
-his feelings of emptiness and boredom get really exacerbated when he tries to sleep, so he just doesn't sleep until he passes out from exhaustion.
-extremely rare, but if he cries its almost never the appropriate time.
-his favorite person (and I mean this in the bpd way not just the usual way) was Ben, now it's Ashlyn. She asks Ben for advice sometimes on how to understand him better. Is trying to get better, but he just wants all of her attention all the time. He could make a soliloquy of all the things he loves about her. She's the one who pushed him to go back to therapy and told him "hey, I think you have somethinh"
-Weirdly protective but in a hands off way?? Even tho he really doesn't handle himself well? He knows his friends can take care of themselves but it doesn't stop him from running through the worst case scenario. Freaks out if people are late, especially if they're punctual. Also really defensive of them, they do no wrong in his eyes (except when they do :/)
-used to push people away to avoid disappointment or abandonment, especially because they needed to move so much. All his relationships were very superficial. Ghosted people a lot.
-Has chronic pain as an adult because of all the injuries he suffered through as a kid, not to mention his shitty posture. He takes painkillers, but they leave him zoned out and with even worse insomnia so he doesn't take them a lot. Sometimes uses medicinal weed if the pain is really bad. Ash tries to help by rubbing his back, though she says she's not that useful. He always feels better afterwards tho ❤️
-Smokes if he is really stressed, but he's ashamed about it and tries not to do it too much. Picked it up after stealing some of his mom's cigarettes when he was younger.
-his inner voice is extremely negative and he is generally under the impression that everybody hates him. Tries to act like this doesn't bother him and acts like a nuisance because if everybody hates him why even bother filtering his thoughts or actions?
-why were you even born? Who'd love a screw up like you? Your own parents didn't even want you.
-rejection sensitivity and gets really depressed if he's upset one of his friends. Will usually self harm to cope because he think lashing out will make things worse and he just doesn't know what else to do.
-he loves deeply and he's fiercely loyal. He's good with children. He's a wonderful artist. And he is so very incredibly kind. His bpd does not define him as a person.
I don't know if anybody needs to hear this, but, having BPD is not a death sentence. You're not doomed to be a bad person or an abuser, and I say this as somebody who was abused by someone with BPD (my own father). People with BPD are scared, they are struggling, and most of all, they're tired. If you or somebody you care about thinks they're have bpd, try to contact a doctor or specialist and seek professional help.
I'm gonna go cry in the shower now :)
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m00nsbaby · 1 year
Glitter & crimson II.
Marc Spector x F! Reader.
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Tags & warnings. + 18, college AU, no mentions of Jake or Steven, cheating, dry humping, suggestive, no use of y/n. (For my Pedrito Pascal / Oscar Isaac girlies I’m so sorry but Joel is indeed based on Joel Miller pre-outbreak lol.)
Part 2 of “Glitter & crimson.” Word count. 2.4k
Summary. The guilt should have been enough to stop Marc. Was it fair what he was doing to you? He had noticed how happy you were with Joel, and despite the many differences in your lifestyles, he had done what was necessary to accommodate with both of you.
It wasn't fair; Joel Miller was worth it, he was aware of that.
But his selfishness had won this battle. After kissing you, he only confirmed that this was the little push he needed to convince himself that he wouldn't rest until you were his and his only.
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The subject was never brought up again. As much as it hurt Marc's heart when he realized the kiss didn't mean as much to you as it did to him, he had to silently accept that no words would come from your mouth about it.
That he could handle, but defeat, never.
Even now, as he called your phone repeatedly, knowing you wouldn't answer because you were busy with Joel.
Well, talking to him, because during the week it was difficult for you to see each other spontaneously. "What a shame," Marc thought to himself.
He grabbed both bags of snacks when he confirmed he wouldn't receive a response from you and started the journey back to your apartment. You must have been ready for your impromptu movie afternoon.
As he was about to leave the supermarket, his gaze fixed on the bouquets of flowers displayed near the exit.
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“What’s up with that?" you said, frowning as you covered the phone's receiver with your hand for a few seconds. "Wait, Joel, Marc's here."
"It's for you." He put on his best smile as he handed you the bouquet of sunflowers that had cost exactly $23. There went several days of ramen in an attempt to earn points with you.
You always said your standards for guys were so high because of how Marc treated you. Always so chivalrous, affectionate, and caring that no other guy had managed to reach his level. But flowers? That was new.
"Hello, Joel," he said, approaching the phone with that cynical smile of someone who knew things were going just as he wished. The twinkle in your eyes only fed his ego in the way he needed.
"Marc." His charming accent made you smile. Oh, sweet Joel, doing his best to tolerate your best friend. "How are you?"
"Incredible, a bit busy right now. Did she tell you we were having a movie afternoon?" He took the phone from your hands as you grabbed the bouquet of flowers, heading straight to the kitchen with a huge smile.
"Yes, she did." He cleared his throat, trying to decide if he was just teasing him or if he innocently told him about his plans with you as a way to make him feel more secure about it. "Well, I won't interrupt any longer then."
"Oh, you're never an interruption, Miller." If they had been face to face, he would have winked at him to complete his perfect performance. "Enjoy your work."
He didn't let him respond before ending the call.
"He had to hang up, said he had to get back to work," he shrugged as he entered the kitchen, leaving your phone on the counter.
"Thanks for the flowers, Marc. They're beautiful." You cupped his cheek with your hand to kiss the other, leaving a lipstick mark on him.
"It's nothing. I saw them and immediately thought of you." He felt like a puppy that had been patted on the head and told he was a good boy.
"Did you bring the..."
He lifted the bag in his hand, chocolate pretzels and sea salt flavored potato chips.
"I love you."
"I know." He rolled his eyes as he stepped aside to let you pass and leave the kitchen. "Have you chosen the movies for today?"
"The original Star Wars trilogy."
6 hours of duels and space politics? Was there a love stronger and deeper than his for you? Probably not.
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"And how are things with Joel?" The silence was driving him crazy. After one and a half movies, Marc had to find a way not to collapse beside you on the couch.
You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. It was a strange question to ask so suddenly, it actually made you scoff.
"With Joel? Incredible." You shrugged as you ate another pretzel. As if his internal suffering wasn't enough, you decided to lick your lips to clean the chocolate off them.
He was on the verge of going to a psychiatric ward.
"Really? You hardly saw him last week."
"You know he has to work. His brother doesn't give him extra time off just because they're family." You brought the rest of your pretzel closer to him, offering it to him.
"Did you ever imagine dating someone who works in construction? It sounds like the most boring job you can imagine."
"It's actually quite interesting. The other day he was telling me about a house..."
You hit his shoulder when you heard him fake snoring, and laughed.
"Don't be silly! Besides, if we get married, he'll be able to fix any flaws in the house, and our kids would have the last name Miller, it sounds nice, don't you think?"
An expression of disgust appeared on his face. Not because Marc wasn't a hopeless romantic deep down inside, but because the idea of you dreaming about marrying someone other than him caused him tormenting nausea.
"I've heard better last names." He gave your thigh a squeeze as you rested your legs on his.
The only consolation he had was that while Joel could live on illusions and dreams, he was the one who was really with you. He could touch your skin, smell your perfume, and even hold your hand if he wanted. To him, the physical aspect meant so much more than any other nonexistent plan.
"Han and Leia are adorable, don't you think?" You avoided further discussion by resting your cheek on Marc's shoulder.
"Mhm." He leaned his head against yours. "Perfect for each other."
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You exhaled heavily as you lazily stretched your arms. Your eyes had been closed for a while as you listened to the nonsense that Marc was watching on his phone.
You finished the marathon after the second movie. You knew your best friend was just about ten minutes away from descending into madness due to all the space discussions, so you chose to have compassion for him.
"Look at this." For the eighth time in about half an hour, you opened one of your eyes to see one of those kitten videos that seemed to enchant him. "It looks like you."
"Really? Like the last 4?" You rolled your eyes with that smile that screams 'I love you, but sometimes you're so dumb.'
Marc had already interrupted your attempt at a nap enough times that you ended up stretching. You turned toward him and pushed your body against his to get a closer look at his phone as he continued scrolling through his million kitten videos.
He prayed internally that you wouldn't notice how his heart was racing now that you were in that position. He had always been aware of his feelings for you, but ever since you didn't reject his first advance just a few days ago, his world had been turned upside down.
He had gone from 'I'll take this secret crush to the grave' to 'I'll get rid of any obstacle that might come between her and me' in such a short time that he couldn't even fully grasp how much he loved you.
"Look, another one." Marc also turned his head to let you see the phone better. His gaze fixed on you in the seconds you watched the video.
When it repeated for the third time, you looked at Marc.
"What 'what'?" He was staring at you, his huge brown eyes practically glued to you.
"Marc, you're looking at me."
"I'm not looking at you." His eyes were practically fixated on you.
"Marc, you're looking at me."
"I'm not looking at you." He lowered the phone as if to let you know that all his attention was now focused on the fake argument. You pressed your lips together to keep from laughing.
"I can literally see you doing it right now."
"Who says I'm looking at you?" His hand slowly positioned itself on your abdomen, that part where your shirt didn't cover your skin since you lay down.
"No, no, no! Marc Spector, I swear if you..." Before you could threaten him, his fingers started tickling your sides, causing you to squirm clumsily on the bed, laughing.
"I wasn't looking at you!" Marc's laughter, calmer, accompanied you as you fought against his hands, trying to push him away from you.
It was more than clear that it wasn't going to work, not with Marc's stupidly strong arms. In fact, within seconds, he was on top of you, his hips between your legs, and holding your arms against the bed.
Both of you were breathing heavily, cheeks flushed, and eyes sparkling like that extra detail that always betrays the immense love between two people.
"You were looking at me," you whispered, still smiling.
"I'm looking at you now." Your heart stopped at the change in Marc's voice. It sounded exactly like in the dimly lit kitchen during the party.
You swallowed hard.
"Yes?" You teased. Logic was screaming at you to push him away as hard as you could and, if possible, leave that room, but it was like your brain shut down almost immediately. You could only think about the way Marc was watching your lips.
He almost seemed hungry.
"I always do." It was the last thing he said before leaning closer to you. His lips didn't waste time, finding yours and devouring them with wet and desperate kisses.
Guilt flooded your chest within seconds. Because you loved the taste of his lips, their perfect rhythm, and the way his tongue explored your mouth. Your desire wasn't purely physical; mentally, Marc was beginning to unravel you.
"Marc," you whispered against his mouth, almost like a moan. It was your last shred of sanity trying to call his attention.
His cock twitched against his jeans.
“Mhm?” When he adjusted his body to avoid crushing you with his weight, he realized he was at the perfect angle to move against you, finding some relief in the friction between his growing erection and your clothed cunt
You didn't answer, instead, your hands went to his neck as a way of begging him not to stop.
You sucked his tongue between your lips, making him moan against your mouth and he gave you another fake thrust. Maybe this was his chance to show you how good he could make you feel if you agreed to be his once and for all.
"L-Let me keep going, yes, love?" He whispered between gasps making you tremble. He was almost begging you. "Please please. Hurts."
It was a cheap trick and you both knew it but it was enough to convince you. You weren't explicit with your answer, but letting him continue was clear enough.
His lips left yours when they were sore from the bites. Marc slowly began to lower, kissing your chin and then your jawline at a stormy slow pace.
His hips had already taken a stable rhythm in his movements, and although both of you began to feel pain from the rubbing of the fabric and the way it was getting hot from the friction, there were no complaints about it, only moans and groans from you filling the room.
"M-More, please, Marc, more." He was sure that he had died and gone to heaven because there was no way he had you like this, begging him not to stop.
You heard the bed creak from the force of his movements, which were complemented by the clumsy way in which you raised your hips towards him looking for more.
He was hidden in your neck, you were looking at the ceiling that in your eyes began to fill with stars merely from pleasure. This wasn't at all like the nights with your hand or one of your pillows, and it wasn't like Joel either, as painful as it was to admit it.
This had layers on top, and the fact that it was forbidden was probably the one that fueled the passion the most.
He would have loved to see your face when you reached your orgasm but he was too busy pressing your wrists against the bed and sniffing the perfume on your neck for proof that this was real.
When the spasms started and made your legs shake, Marc gave a moan that was going to stay in your memory for the rest of your days, that sound alone would have been enough to make you cum a second time.
Not only was it visible the way his jeans began to form a darker stain from getting wet from his cum, it was perceptible to you, you could feel the moisture from your panties combined with Marc's fluids beginning to seep through the fabric.
In other circumstances, you might have considered using them to masturbate.
He stayed on top of you for a few more minutes, enjoying the way both of your breaths slowed down and were perfectly synchronized. Both remained silent and you decided to run your fingers over his back a couple of times as you had done many times before to relax your best friend.
"I should go change." He whispered after a while, slowly getting back up.
"Your clothes are in the guest room." You spoke just as low before clearing your throat.
Has Marc always looked this good? This image gave you just enough to fantasize about how perfect his after-sex glow would be. His cheeks were still flushed, his lips swollen and pink from your kisses, his messy hair, his eyes sparkling, and there was something so…attractive about the stain on his pants still being so visible.
You swallowed hard and tried to give him your best smile as he followed your directions with his visit to the guest room.
When the adrenaline of the moment was dying, the oppression in your chest returned. How could you be doing this to Joel?
And, a little worse, how was it possible that you were willing to risk your friendship with Marc for a few minutes of pleasure?
Your stomach turned immediately and you felt your eyes fill with tears the moment you picked up your phone. You took advantage of your moments of solitude to send a stupid goodnight message to Joel, hoping that this would calm the guilt that you felt starting to eat away at you.
Marc, meanwhile, couldn't have hidden his smile even if he wanted to. He wanted to jump, to scream, to raise his arms high in triumph now that he had no doubt of your feelings for him.
You both had reached a point of no return.
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This is going to be a 6 part series!! <3 Love y’all.
Tags: @kingtwhiddleston​
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idk6123 · 1 month
Standing Up For Yourself (Ryuji Sakamoto X Male reader)
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Rank 1
The school is looking just a bit better, despite the many other problems. Now that Kamoshida is behind jails, The Phantom Thieves are making their start. No one knows that it started with 4 students in Shujin, all of them felt victim to Kamoshida one way or another. Even though they defeated him, most of them felt closure, except one member, Y/N.
Ryuji knows his classmate a bit before him joining the team. He’s part of the volleyball team, and whenever he got bruises, he’s more standoffish and more timid then the day before. Even though the teen got his courage when fighting his abuser, Ryuji knows whatever happens still affects him to this day. Knowing he needs a friend; the blonde is more than happy to help him.
“I prefer ramen, but this ain’t bad.”
At Big Bang Burger, Y/N and Ryuji are eating a burger and some fries. “I’m more accustomed to this then eastern food.”
“Oh yeah. You’re from America, right?”
“Yup. Definitely recommend visiting it.”
Ryuji smiles. “Was already on my bucket list.” He takes a bite of his burger. “Jesus… I’m already feeling stuffed.”
“You’re almost done with just one burger.”
“I know, but I’m not used to this.” Ryuji sighs. “I should probably think of burning these calories…” He mutters. That’s when he got an idea. “How about we go running sometime?”
“Like jogging?”
“Sure. Since we’re both on the team, we need to pull our weight. Besides, now that we’re Phant-” Ryuji let out a yelp after getting kicked by Y/N. “I mean, now that we’re… in a new team, we need to increase our stamina.”
“True. I haven’t lost my skills… but it’s probably better to not neglect them.”
Rank 2
On a free day, both teens get in their jogging clothes and run around the area. After several minutes, they stop at the park and sit down a bench to rest.
“How’re ya holding up?” Ryuji says through breathing.
“I’m fine.” Y/N replies. “I have to say, I did miss this.”
“Running and sweating?”
“Yeah. There is just something fun about it.”
“I know, right?” Ryuji agrees wholeheartedly. His smiles drop. “…Do you also miss being in the volleyball team?”
“…Sorta.” Y/N answers. “I miss my friends and moving my body… but I couldn’t look at it the same way then before all this happened.” He let out a sigh.
“Do you think you will ever rejoin?”
“I doubt that. Anyway… how about we continue running. Bet I’m faster than that.”
Without a respond, he runs away, with Ryuji quickly following him. Tbe blonde did notice Y/N quickly changing the conversation.
Rank 3
Both teen run again. They rest again at the same bench then before.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you something.” Ryuji speaks up as they both do some stretches. Y/N is curious what he’s going to say. “I’m sorry.”
“About what?” Y/N has no idea what he’s talking about.
“Before. I didn’t want to pry. I’m just worried about you.”
“Oh.” Y/N put his left foot back on the ground. “It’s just a sore spot… that’s all. But you don’t have to worry about me. With Kamoshida gone, I’m getting better.”
“…But you’re not… fully over it?”
“…Yeah.” Y/N answers with some difficulty admitting to it. “I just need some time to process what happened. I still hold a grudge against him… and me for not doing anything.”
“Y/N…” Ryuji looks sorry for him. “Remember that in the end, you did stand up against him, and you stopped him. And you didn’t do alone. You have friends. And with us, you don’t have to worry about being treated like shit.”
Y/N smiles. “Yeah… That’s true.”
Rank 4
It’s another day for the teens to jog. Each time they do, they get better and better. During their break, Y/N looks at the environment, while Ryuji is drinking water. Far away, Y/N sees two guys hanging around, which reminds him of something.
“I’m happy I got friends like you.”
“Eh?” Ryuji is looking a bit off guard. “Whaddaya mean?”
“You don’t remember?” Y/N asks as he looks back. “You said I’m not alone anymore. And even though I’m often scared to stand up, I remember I’m not alone, and I got support by my friends. That’s why I need to tell you something”
Ryuji is intrigued. “What can I help you?”
“…I’m getting bullied.”
The delinquent looks immediately furious. “What!? By who?!”
Y/N remains quiet. “Look, I don’t want you get into a fight because of me. I want to try to fix it by myself.”
Ryuji can’t believe what he’s hearing. “Didn’t you just said it was nice being supported by friends?”
“Yeah… b-but I want to try to do it on my own.” Ryuji looks doubtful at him. “Please. I promise I will go to you if things go south.”
Though not liking it, Ryuji gives in. “Fine.”
Rank 5
When Ryuji walks in the hallway as he goes to the restroom, he hears people inside it. What makes him worried is that they sound like they’re fighting.
“You really think you’re better than me!?”
“I’m not! But that doesn’t make it right to treat me like shit!”
“But you are!”
Ryuji quickly gets in the bathroom to see the bully closing in on his friend. The blonde quickly runs to him, grabs his shoulder and pull him away.
“If you want to deal with him, then you have to deal with me!”
The bully scoffs. “Whatever.” He walks away, out of the restroom.
The delinquent looks back at his friend. “You OK?”
“I’m fine…” Y/N looks still startled. “Thanks for helping out.”
“You’re welcome. …He’s not going to stop anytime soon.”
“I know.” Y/N respond. “Just let me think of how to deal with it…”
“He won’t stop.” Ryuji said again. “You’re method didn’t work.”
“Ryuji, I need to be the one to stand up.” Y/N says insistently. “I appreciate the support, but I need to be the one to help myself. I can’t rely on others 24/7, but I do on myself. Please, let me think of something.”
Ryuji sighs. “If you say so.”
Rank 6
Y/N once again tried to stand up for himself and end the bullying. He again meets up with his bully somewhere isolated and away from the other group. Someplace outside at the seating area, Y/N hopes his deeds will succeed.
“Look, I don’t want to fight anymore. We both just get hurt. None of this is worth it. Can’t we just move on?”
“Why should I?” The bully responds with some snark. “You deserve it.”
Y/N frowns. “Why do I deserve it then?”
“Because you’re pathetic, even now.” The bully gets closer to Y/N. “And it pisses me the fuck off!”
Suddenly, the delinquent appears with a glare. “That’s enough!” Without bothering for a respond, he runs to the bully to give him a sucker punch. The bully looks shocked, as does Y/N. “If you ever thought you can lay a finger on him ever again, think again.”
The bully tsked. With one glare back at his target, he walks away, leaving the two alone.
“You’re okay?”
“I’m fine, b-but you shouldn’t helped. I had it under control.”
Ryuji doesn’t expect Y/N to raise his tone. “He was just about to hit you!”
“And I should’ve faced it.” Y/N argues. “You can’t always have my back, and I need to learn to rely on myself. But with you helping me, all I’m doing is rely on other people!”
“Well, excuse me for caring!” Ryuji frowns. “All I was doing is looking out for a friend, and you couldn’t even say thank you.” He let out a grown, as both teens continue to look annoyed. “Fine, have fun relying on your own.” With that, he walks away, making Y/N tiredly sigh.
Rank 7
“Don’t you think there is something wrong?” Ann asks to her friend, Makoto. Both of them are talking on the roof. On the other side, Y/N is chatting with their leader and Morgana, while Ryuji is talking with Yusuke. “They used to be inseparable. And now they barely look at each other.”
“Maybe they had a fight?” Makoto suggests. “I can sense they hold some irritation for each other.”
Ann frowns. “And they don’t make things up.” She sighs. “I guess they’re guys after all…” She then has an idea. “We should help them. If they won’t do it, we need to.”
“As much as I would like to help, we can’t force them to be friends.”
Ann thinks of something. “I got something.”
After sharing her plan, the two girls got it to action. Ann is currently at Leblanc with Ryuji. When the door opens, the blonde is surprised to see Makoto and Y/N. There is instantly an awkward silence, as the other two walk towards them.
“What’s going on?” Ryuji asks.
“You guys need to make up.” Ann speaks up. “You two were supposed to be best friends. It really kills moral that our two goofballs don’t get along.” So, the other two sits down, starting the conversation.
“How about we start what started all of this?” Makoto suggests. “How about you talk Y/N?”
Y/N sighs. “I got this bully who harasses me.” The two girls look surprised. “And I wanted to deal with him. …I know I’m not the most… outspoken, but I want to proof to myself I can stand up for myself. When I tried fixing things, Ryuji overheard… and punched him.”
“The guy was about to hit Y/N! I gotta do somethin’!” Ryuji defends himself. “I’m trying to help, but he kept saying he can handle it, but this guy won’t stop.”
“I think I know this is about.” Makoto speaks up. “I think we can blame this on miscommunication. Ryuji, do you understand that Y/N wants to improve his self-confidence and be more independent?”
“And Y/N, do you understand despite your protests, Ryuji wants to help you?”
“And about the bully, how many times did you faced him?”
“Two times.”
Makoto hums. “Y/N, give yourself some credits. You stand up for yourself, despite him not stopping. It takes some real guts to do that. But there are times when we need other people’s help. Let me handle it. I’m sure I can help you.”
Y/N hesitates. He looks back at Ryuji, knowing what he would say. “Alright.”
“Good.” Ann looks happier. “I guess that means you two made up.”
“Huh? We did?” Ryuji asks.
Makoto closes her eyes. “How about we leave you two to figure things out.”
Thus, the two girls left the café, leaving Ryuji and Y/N alone.
“I meant it when I said I was trying to help you.” The blonde says. “And I know you wanted to prove yourself, and you did, but there is nothing to be ashamed to ask help.”
Y/N hums. “I guess so… I’m sorry, Ryuji.” He smiles. “And thanks for being my friend. I appreciate I got you watching over me, like everyone else.”
Rank 8
Inside of the student council classroom, Makoto summoned Y/N and Ryuji to it.
“Thank you for coming.” Makoto speaks up. “Thank you for speaking out, Y/N. I got a lot of info for it, but I’m afraid we need evidence in order to get him punished.”
“Are you shitting me!?” Ryuji yells. “This guy is harassing innocent people, and the school can’t even do something about it?”
“I get how you feel. I wish the school took stuff like this more seriously.” Makoto looks disappointed, but that soon disappears. “However, I won’t let this slide. If the school wants evidence, we will get some.”
“What do you mean?” Y/N asks.
“We record you talking with him, and if he threatens you, and even better, confessed for what he did, then we can use it.” Makoto suggested. “However, that would mean using you as bait.”
“I’m up to it.” Y/N says.
Makoto looks proud at him. “Good. That’s why I wished to speak to you as well, Ryuji. If he tried to hurt Y/N, you jump in. But try not to use violence.”
“As long as he gets what he deserves.” Ryuji responds.
“He does.” Makoto assures. “It looks like we got a plan.”
Rank 9
It’s finally the day the bullying is going to end. Everything has been set up. Y/N lured the bully to the empty student council room with his phone calling with Makoto, who’s recording it. She, as well everyone else of the team except Yusuke are outside of it, who can’t get in the school. Their leader, as well as Ann and Morgana learned about the plan, and want to help, so there they are.
Inside of the room, the bully is quick to glare at him. “You really think third time is going to be the charm?”
“I take every time if it means you’re bullying is going to stop.” Y/N knows he needs his confession, so he gives him the bait. “I just can’t understand why you’re doing this.”
The bully scoffs. “I already told you, you dumbass. You deserve it. You’re just pathetic. It’s no wonder Kamoshida hit you.”
Although knowing he comes out on top, hearing it hurts Y/N. “So ever since he started to abuse me, you think it’s fine to do it to me too?”
“I don’t see why not.” The bully comes closer to Y/N. “What are you going to do? Stand up for yourself. Isn’t it funny how much you try, it’s not good enough.” Right about as the bully grabs Y/N’s shirt, the door opens, revealing the thieves.
“I advise you stop.” Makoto demands. Every member glares at him. Ann is even filming the scene.
“It’s over asshole!” Ryuji quickly gets besides Y/N, daring the bully to touch him.
Being shocked and speechless, the bully quickly panics and runs away, getting pass the crowd of thieves. When everything seems to be over Ann stops recording and Makoto stops calling Y/N. With the evidence they gathered, it appears everything is over. The group walks over to Y/N.
“You did well Y/N. Now that we got this, I will make sure he’s going to punished.” Makoto assures.
“To be fair, he mostly dig his own grave.” Morgana comments with some snark.
“Are you okay?” Ren asks.
Y/N remains quiet for a second. “I… I guess I don’t fully realized it’s over…” The team looks at him with sympathy. “Can you give me some time alone? I just need to process this.”
“Sure thing.” Ann gives a kind smile. “Let us handle the thing. You just make sure you rest.”
With that, the group walks away. Y/N, however, wants one person to stay. “Ryuji? Can you stay?”
The blonde is a bit surprised but find it okay. “Sure.” They sit down at the table. With them being alone, Ryuji can tell how fully vulnerable he is. “You’re alright?”
“I’m fine.” Y/N shows a small smile. “It feels weird though. It’s like when we changed Kamoshida’s heart. I think it’s too good to feel true.”
Ryuji chuckles. “Yeah…”
“But even though I didn’t do it by myself, I feel proud. I feel much stronger than before, even considering what I can do in the Metaverse.” Y/N smiles. “I make sure to never allow myself to be treated like dirt.”
“I’m sure you won’t.” Ryuji assures. “And remember, we always got your back.”
“Yeah.” Y/N smiles. He looks a bit nervous. “…With me getting braver, there is a thing I want to confess…” Ryuji wonders what it is. “I know you won’t make fun of me, and it’s fine if you… decline.”
The blonde looks confused. “No way I’m making fun of you.” He smiles widely. “I’m here for you.”
“Thanks.” Y/N smiles. “I think I like you… as more than a friend.”
Ryuji looks surprised and quickly blushes. “O-Oh…!”
“But like I said, it’s fine if you don’t feel the same!” Y/N is quick to make the situation less awkward. “I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable and-”
“Y/N, wait!” Ryuji quickly stops him talking. “I-I feel the same.”
Y/N then looks surprised. “You do?”
The delinquent blushes hard, scratching his head. “Y-Yeah…”
His teammate let out a relieved sigh. “I guess that makes you my boyfriend.”
Ryuji gives his goofy smile. “It sure does.”
Rank 10
“And? What happened to him?”
At the bench where they stop for resting, both teens sit. This time however, they just chat and eat their lunch instead of jogging.
“Apparently, after some other investigation, I wasn’t the only one getting bullied by him.” Y/N begins sharing the news he got from Makoto. “Mishima and the other volleyball members had the same problem. With so many people speaking up, and having the evidence, Makoto was quick to make him confessed. He’s going to expelled.”
Ryuji smiles. “Good. He got what he deserved. You know, I thought about what happened, but we could’ve avoided this by taking his heart. But dealing with this in the real world, it’s like you said, it makes me feel powerful.”
Y/N smiles back. “I wonder if one day we can’t rely on the Metaverse. But when that day comes, we need to learn to stand up on our own. This was the perfect opportunity to do that.”
“Not just that. You managed to catch yourself a handsome and awesome boyfriend.” Ryuji says with a cheeky smirk. He put his arm around Y/N.
“And that’s because I dared to confess.” Y/N feels really proud for himself. “I was scared for rejection, and I know in the future things won’t always turn out like I want to, but I make sure that won’t stop me.”
Ryuji hums. “Saying you stuff like that makes me wonder how strong I am. I mean, sure, in the other world I am, but here?”
“Ryuji, you never stop yourself for speaking out for injustice. Although I think you can often overreact, I wish I had your spirit.”
“You’re way too sweet.” Ryuji turns a bit red. “Guess this is one of those situations where people say the grass is always better at the other side.”
Y/N raises an eyebrow. “Don’t you mean greener?”
“Oh.” Ryuji looks surprised, though he won’t let that bother him. “Anyway, let’s make sure to stick together. As Phantom Thieves and partners. That way, we don’t get screwed over by any assholes.”
“That’s a promise.”
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salted-caramel-tea · 9 months
i was having a really bad day n spent most of it offline but i was talking to my bf and he makes me rlly happy so here’s a list of things my bf does that i think is very sweet / makes me feel very nice
- bought me a polaroid cam bc he knew i liked them and immediately asked to keep a photo of me after we went outside to take some pictures (still has it in his wallet and shows me it every so often) (he kept a photo of me kissing him on the check and says it’s his favourite)
- set a random fit check i sent him after i bought a new skirt as his lock screen on his phone AND watch bc he thought i looked pretty and shows it to ppl
- bought me a silly sushi jelly cat plushie on a whim bc he passed by a shop one day and saw it and knows i love sushi
- text me at 2am to see if i was awake so he could come over to my flat just so we could sleep next to each other bc we hadn’t seen each other in a week due to exams
- genuinely appreciates my cooking and asks me to make him gnocchi all the time bc he likes jt (so much he told his mum about it and asked me for the recipe)
- made me pork belly ramen almost when i stayed with him over summer bc he knew closing shifts made me tired
- makes a point of going in the ferris wheel at the christmas markets so he can kiss me at the top
- randomly brings me little snacks bc he knows i like little snacks
- made little cosy movie date nights for me when we were trying to save money by folding out the couch bed bringing through the sheets and blankets and my favourite plushies n making me waffles or crepes with strawberries bc he didn’t want to stop making the effort while we were trying to cut back on spending
- actively treats the highland cow plushie he bought me as his son
- tries his best to understand my sexuality and asks me questions all the time bc he doesn’t want me to feel pressured or uncomfortable
- told me he thinks about me a lot and will randomly look through his camera roll at photos of me bc he thinks i’m pretty
- bought me a blanket to keep at his flat bc i get cold easy and it has bees on it (i love bees)
- watched drag race with me despite his complete lack of interest just bc i liked it and wanted to watch it
- gave me a framed photo of us together and put a secret note telling me how much he loved me and wanted to stay with me for my birthday last year
i could probably go on but i feel im very lucky to have someone who goes out of their way to make me smile and who genuinely loves me just as much as i love him it makes me blush and giggle every time he talks does or talks about these things he makes me rlly happy even when im having a shitty day and i’m very happy to have him w me
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bleachanimefan1 · 1 month
Desert Flower Part 36
A Day in the Leaf Village,
The next day, Yuri decided to go grab something to eat at Ichiraku ramen. Once she reached the shop, Yuri was surprised as she saw Kankuro standing around outside. He appeared to be lost in his thoughts and didn't even notice her when she came over.
"Hello? Anyone in there? Yoo Hoo!" Yuri waved her hand in front of the shinobi's face, startling Kankuro.
"Where'd you come from!?"
"I was going to grab a bit to eat when I saw you standing out here." Yuri told him. Then she heard Kankuro sigh.
"Hey, is there anything wrong? What's with the sigh?"
Kankuro narrowed his eyes at her. "It's none of your business."
"So, why are you still here in the Leaf? The festival's over." Yuri wondered.
"Temari thought it would be a good idea to stay a few days in the Leaf." Kankuro told her. Yuri's eyes widen a little. So, Gaara's here as well.
"Hmm...How about a bite?" Yuri offered. "My treat. But the next one is on you." Kankuro blinked at her, confused.
"Let's go to Ichiraku's. You can tell me what's wrong." She told him and pulled Kankuro by his arm.
"H-Hey! Wait!" Kankuro protested as he was dragged inside. The two sat down and ordered some ramen.
"Are you this overly friendly with other people, too?" Kankuro asked her.
"I guess so. I mean we're friends, aren't we?" Yuri told him. "It's common sense to help someone in trouble, right?"
"Actually, I wish I could be as outgoing as you." Kankuro murmured. (If only I could talk to him like this...) Yuri blinked and looked at him, surprised, thinking to herself. Why is he being so nice?
"Uh, thank you?" she smiled. "Well, I usually just try to think of what to say before I say it." 
"Think about what to say?" Kankuro questioned. Yuri nodded.
"Yeah, you know. Ask them how their day went, maybe certain hobbies they're interested in, or something they like to talk about or places they like to go to." She told him.
"So those are the main steps when talking to someone?" Kankuro asked. Yuri stared at him. Steps? Oh boy...This might be a little hard.
"It can be like that. Just look at them straight in the eye and say what you have to say. Just be honest. Otherwise, the conversation doesn't go anywhere." She told him.
"Heh. I get it." Kankuro smiled. (Next time I see him, I gotta look him straight in the eye.)
Yuri's eyes widened and she looked at Kankuro. Did she hear that right?
"Did you say something?"
"Nah, it's nothing." Kankuro shook his head. "But there is another thing I'd like to ask you."
"Okay, what is it?" Yuri asked.
"Let's say a guy likes this person but they can't exactly talk together-"
"Are you trying to say that you like Yukina?" she smirked. Kankuro sputtered, looking at her in shock.
"How did you know that I was talking about her!?" he stammered.
"I've seen the way you look at her. And I know that she seems to like you as well." Yuri told him. Kankuro's eyes widen a little.
"Really? Who would've guessed."
"Just do exactly what I've told you about talking to people. If you want to ask her out, I'm fine with that. But I only have one thing to ask of you when you do." Yuri told him.
"What's that?" Kankuro questioned.
"Don't make her cry. If you do, I'm going to make you pay." Yuri threatened. Kankuro stared at her, slightly scared, and nodded slowly.
"Good!" Yuri smiled and went back to eating her ramen, finishing it off. "Well, I'm full." she sighed, happily. Just as she was about to pay for the ramen, Kankuro stopped her.
"I'll pay for them." He told her.
"Are you sure? I mean, I can-" She stammered then Kankuro cut her off.
"I insist. And I like you to have this too." He told her and handed Yuri a small wooden practice puppet. Yuri blinked, staring at it.
"Uh, thanks." She smiled. "But why are you being so nice all of a sudden?"
"No special reason. I-I just happened to have this with me." Kankuro stammered. "Anyway, thanks for the chat." And Kankuro vanished, disappearing in a cloud of smoke, leaving Yuri still confused.
"Weird." Yuri murmured to herself. "But he does seem a lot happier now."
Yuri left the shop, deciding to roam around the village a little. Then she saw Temari standing in front of a shop. "Hey! Temari!" Yuri shouted, waving, and walked over to her. "What are you doing?"
"Well, I heard the dumplings are to die for here, so..."
"Do you want to try them? Let's go in!" Yuri smiled.
"Hey! I didn't say I was ready to eat, did I?"
"Come on!" Yuri pulled her along, dragging Temari into the shop. They ordered some food and went back outside and sat down on some benches, waiting for their order. A waitress came out carrying a tray of steamed dumplings. Temari and Yuri both sat, eating their dumplings together, quietly. Yuri glanced over to Temari to see her eating another one. Then another. And another. "Pretty good, am I right?"
Temari continued to eat her dumplings quietly.
"You're being a lot quieter than usual. Are they not good?" Yuri asked her.
"No. I was just enjoying the flavor." Temari told her.
"Leaf Village dumplings are the best of the best!" Yuri smiled.
"I'm not sure why you're so personally proud, but Heehee...I really like this place." Temari smiled.
"That's great. It's nice being able to talk to you like this. Maybe you'll come by more! Gaara and Kankuro, too!" Yuri told her.
"The Amaguriama is great. I'll definitely be back." Temari told her.
"And I did run into Kankuro on my way here." Yuri told her.
"Was he nice to you?" Temari asked.
"Yeah, he was acting a little strange. But it's all good. He admitted that he liked Yukina, well, more like I figured it out from him." She told Temari. Temari spit out her drink and looked at Yuri in shock.
"You're kidding!" 
Yuri smiled. "It's true."
"Aw, that's nice. My little brother likes someone. That's definitely going to be fun to tease him about." Temari smiled. Then Yuri saw Temari ordering another plate of dumplings.
"You're ordering some more?" Yuri asked, surprised.
"I'm getting some for Gaara and Kankuro." Temari spoke.
"Huh...I never thought those two have a sweet tooth." Yuri replied.
"Congratulations!" A woman shouted.
Both Yuri and Temari blinked, a little surprised and looked at the shopkeeper, wondering what she meant.
"You are the 10,000th customer to set foot in our shop! Allow me to present you with this wonderful prize!" The woman smiled and handed Temari a teakettle with a Shukaku design on it. Temari stared at it.
"And as a bonus, feel free to eat as many dumplings as you like!" And the woman walked away. Temari stared in shock.
"I can take the teakettle if you don't want it. My mom's a big collector." Yuri told her. Temari handed her the teakettle.
"Thank you." She smiled.
"Want to order some more dumplings?" Yuri asked her.
"Of course!" Temari nodded. Temari and Yuri both ordered many dumplings.
"I don't think I can eat any more. I'll explode." Yuri sighed. Temari laughed.
"Ha, is that all you can handle?" She spoke and continued to happily eat her dumplings until she was finished. She packed up the remaining ones. "I guess I better take them their dumplings now. Anyway, I'm off. See ya later."
"Bye!" Yuri nodded.
It was evening as the sun was starting to go down. Yuri was heading back to her house as she jumped from roof to roof on the other buildings. As she leaped to into the air, Yuri's eye widened when she saw Gaara standing by himself, with his arms crossed, on a tall platform. He seemed to be lost in thought, taking in the scenery around him.
"Hey, Gaara!" Yuri called out to him. Gaara looked up and saw Yuri coming down and landed beside him. "What are you doing up here?"
"I don't get out to this village too often, so I'm having a look around." Gaara told her.
"I can give you a tour if you want. I know the best spot in the village! Naruto showed me when I first came here." Yuri smiled. Gaara nodded. Yuri took him up to the Hokage stone faces and the two sat down, seeing the entire village in front of them. Yuri turned to look at him, seeing Gaara, silently looking.
"What do you think? You can see the whole village from up here!" she told him. Gaara stayed silent, taking it all in. More minutes went by and neither of them said a word. Yuri glanced over at Gaara in worry. Why was he so quiet? Does he not like it?
"The Hidden Leaf Village is a nice place. There's so much to take in." Gaara spoke, softly. Yuri blinked in surprise.
"Yes, it is, isn't it." She smiled, laughing a little.
"Hey!" Gaara and Yuri both saw Naruto jumping up towards them and he landed down a few feet from them.
"Hey, Gaara! Yuri! What are you two doing up here?" Naruto asked, walking over to them.
"Naruto." Gaara greeted him.
"I was showing Gaara the-" Yuri spoke before Naruto interrupted her.
"Are you two on a date?" He smirked. Both Yuri and Gaara's eyes widened.
"No! I was just showing Gaara the village!" Yuri told Naruto.
"Oh! Heheh, how about I take you both for some good food?" Naruto asked them.
"Good food?" Gaara asked.
"I'm a little full but I'll come." Yuri replied. Naruto took Gaara and Yuri to Ichiraku's. He ordered some ramen for himself and Gaara.
"Well, pretty good, huh?" Naruto smiled.
"It's...tasty." Gaara spoke, softly. Naruto giggled.
"Hehehe! See, I told you so!" Then he looked at Teuchi, the ramen shopkeeper. "Hey! You're a genius as always! Great ramen!"
"Glad to hear that. How about another bowl on the house?" He asked them.
"Wahoo! You're the man!" Naruto grinned.
"I guess, I can order one." Yuri spoke, ordering some. "Then I'll take some home for my parents and Yukina." The three ate their ramen together. Gaara sighed.
"Hmm? Is something wrong?" Naruto asked him. Gaara shook his head.
"No." He spoke and thought to himself. Someday I'll be more like you. They finished their ramen and stepped outside the shop. Yuri carried a small take out bag of ramen, for her parents and Yukina.
"Well, we had our ramen, now what?" Naruto asked them.
"I'm a little tired. I'm going to head back. It's starting to get late." Yuri told them. 
"Oh, okay. Well, I'll see you tomorrow!" Naruto smiled. Yuri waved Naruto and Gaara goodbye and went back home. She walked inside to find her father passed out on the couch and her mom and Yukina in the kitchen, starting to make some dinner.
"I brought some take out. If you want any." Yuri told them and set the food down on the table. Her father immediately got up when he smelled the ramen and started rummaging in the bag, pulling out a box.
"Oh, but I made a nice healthier dinner to eat." Yuri's mom sighed. Yukina began to dig in, taking out a box, eating as as well.
"Why not have both?" Yuri asked, walking upstairs to her room.
"You're not going to have any?" Her mom asked.
"I've eaten enough for today. If I eat any more, I'm going to burst." Yuri told her.
As Yuri walked into her room, she noticed something different. She walked over to the window and opened it to see a plant sitting outside. It was a small cactus with a small red flower blooming on it. Yuri picked up, admiring it. 
Who could have left it here? 
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kawaiigirly21 · 4 months
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Doggos pt 1 🐶🐶
Ever since she was a little girl, Maki wanted a dog. A best friend she could spend all her time with and play all sorts of games, roll around in the mud etc. But she unfortunately never had the chance or joy of getting one. Now older with a stable job, the woman immediately jumped at the chance to get the pet she always dreamed of having. Going to various shelters and pet shops, she finally found the pet for her. A tiny cocker spaniel puppy who she named Natasha. Mai couldn’t have been more happy with the dog she spoiled so much. Natasha was a diva in all the senses.
She only drank bottled water with ice cubes that were shaped like rainbows, only ate the finest wet food and slept on the softest blanket in the house. Nothing she owned wasn’t of any colors but pink, white, silver or gold. Natasha settled for nothing but the best. As she thought she was the best, all her blue ribbons from dog shows and princess puppy pageants said so. But despite her refined tastes, the cocker spaniel wasn’t above sharing her treats and spoils with others. She showed respect to dogs older and younger than her and never boasted about her victories to others.
She was graceful and beautiful. The way a princess would be. Gorgeous with a heart of gold. That’s exactly how Mikey, a stray pomeranian who lived around the neighborhood, saw her. And due to thinking she was such a beauty, Mikey tended to jump the fence just to play in the backyard with her. And that morning wasn’t any different when Maki opened the patio door the moment she heard the little paws scratching at the door. “Good morning Mikey.” Maki chuckled as she watched the pomeranian lick her hand before barking happily the moment Natasha came running out and tackling him with her slightly smaller body.
“I have a lot to do today guys, so I’ll be gone all day. Mikey? Will you keep my precious girl safe while I’m gone?” Maki smiled knowing the pomeranian took his job in protecting Natasha seriously. Ever since the day the male ran in saving her from a dog who was definitely trying to forcefully mate with Natasha, Maki struck a deal with the strangely strong dog. He used his strange yet useful little skills to protect Natasha and in return he got treats and good food. After watching the woman leave, Mikey jumped over the fence once more. Something Natasha couldn’t do.
“Uh Mikey-kun? I can’t jump that high.” Natasha said as she paced the fence trying to find a way out. “I know! I’ll be right back with someone who can get you out. Sit tight Tasha-chan!” Mikey said as he took off down the street, over a few train tracks and across a small bridge to where he was sure his friend, Draken was napping and sure enough, Mikey found the greyhound napping on the steps of a small yet quaint ramen shop. A place the pair along with their pack frequented due to the nice humans and delicious ramen. “Ken-chin!” The pomeranian yapped at his friend who opened an eye to see the smaller dog in his face.
“What is it Mikey?” Draken asked while sitting up and yawning. “I need a favor! Can you help me dig out something? I would do it myself, but my paws are too small!” The greyhound simply stretched while agreeing to help his friend. “Great! This way!” Following his smaller friend, Draken noticed how quickly the neighborhood changed. From really dingy and dull to beautiful and upscale. “Mikey? Did you really bury something in a rich neighborhood?” Mikey only barked before skidding to a stop right in front of Natasha’s home.
“Around here. We gotta get her out!” Draken tilted his head as he followed his friend. “Get who out?” Finally stopping in front of the fence, Mikey smiled. “I’m back Tasha-chan! Don’t worry! My friend Ken-chin will get you outta here!” As Drake looked at Mikey, he went to ask just who this so-called ‘Tasha-chan’ was and why he was getting her out from the other side of the fence, when he heard her voice. “Oh thank goodness! I was beginning to worry! I hope you and your friend didn’t encounter any trouble on your way here. You had safe travels yes?” To him, hearing her voice was like crystal clear water finally running through a trench that was long dried up.
Draken immediately got to work digging under the fence. “Wait, how big are you? How big is she Mikey?” Mikey, who was lying down in the background, simply smiled. “She can’t be any bigger than me.” At that, Draken nodded and continued to dig. “Oh my, you’re quick aren’t you?” Natasha asked as she watched Draken’s snout become more and more visible. Suddenly, the greyhound pulled away and sat next to Mikey.
“I think it's big enough for you now. Come on out.” Natasha, who was practically buzzing with excitement, shimmied her little body under the fence and through the space Draken provided for her. As the cocker spaniel shook off the dirt and dust that stuck to her shiny coat, Draken stood there in complete shock. No wonder Mikey was always coming back to the pack’s den smelling like a pampered pup. He was sneaking around with one!
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theomnicode · 2 years
A small genosai idea I had this morning...
Genos annihilates a bathtub monster that had sprayed water on him and coolly backflips back to Saitama's side, who's watching the interaction from the sidelines.
"Nice job Genos, you got that monster good," Saitama compliments Genos with a small smile. Genos was so cool and amazing, honestly and it was a rare treat to be able to observe the young guy fight a monster. His movements were always striking in battle.
Genos rises up from his crouching position. "Thank you sensei, but that small fry was nothing." Water drips down his short and absolutely soaked blond fiber hair and his short sleeved tee and Genos casually cards his hair back, looking roguish as he surveys his handiwork.
Saitama's brain stops working for a moment and he stares.
There's something about Genos that suddenly made him forget what he was about to say next and he can't help but look at how Genos' wet hair that he has pulled back frames his face and how water seems to glisten on his artificial skin. His shirt is plain to see through thanks to the monster spraying water everywhere and Saitama's mind jumps to a scene on a manga he had read recently. There is…something different about Genos today.
"Are you looking at my hair, sensei?" Genos' sudden inquiry makes Saitama realize he had indeed been staring at Genos, his face and his hair and even at his chest.
"No no, I'm not, ah hah ha…" He lies through the skin of his teeth and laughs awkwardly. There's no way he's going to get caught staring at Genos' hair, he was going to think he wanted hair transplant again or something.
He suddenly notices a sign behind Genos and points at it. "I was looking at that uuh, Ramen sign behind you. I'm hungry, we should go eat lunch," he says and prays that Genos buys his explanation.
Genos says nothing and Saitama starts sweating bullets. Genos dark eyes betray no emotions.
"It is already 13:47 PM, so lunch sounds like a good idea," Genos finally comments. "Lead the way, sensei."
He bought it. Sweet. Saitama innately sighs in relief and bounds towards the Ramen stand, eager to try and occupy his mind with something else besides Genos with windswept wet hair look.
He never notices the scheming smirk adorning Genos' face.
Sensei - 0 - Disciple - 1 -
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lavender-long-stories · 8 months
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Spoilers for Wheels | Chapter 2 | Rated T
Hinata rolled her chair up to her desk, sighing comfortably, looking at the massive stack of paperwork that needed her attention. She handled all the low-priority mission paperwork for the Hokage office, writing summaries, making corrections, rejecting incomplete paperwork, and suggesting who the paperwork should go to next. It was constant, could never be finished, and was consuming. 
And she loved it.
It was hours out of her day when no one would bother her, and she didn’t have time to think about what she was outside this room. She thrived off this paperwork. She would stay late just so she didn’t have to go home.
At this desk, Hinata was useful, and no one cared what she used to be able to do.
Occasionally, someone would even yell at her for their paperwork not being done yet. It felt good not to be treated like glass. Behind the desk, few could see her wheelchair.
“Hinata.” A coworker peaked their head into her office as she picked up her first folder. “The Hokage asked for you to see him when you came in.”
Hinata rolled her chair back out of her desk with a frown. “Do you know what for?”
The coworker shook their head. “He just wanted to make sure that you were told.”
“Do you think that it was urgent?” Hinata knew it wasn’t, but she didn’t want the unneeded attention that came with the Hokage calling for her and her disobeying orders.
The coworker shrugged. “He came down himself. I was surprised to see him.”
Too late. Hinata wheeled her chair out toward the door. “Thank you, would you mind sending a message that I will head to the meeting room on this floor when he is ready.”
The coworker nodded. Hinata headed to the meeting room. She had to be on the ground floor. There was no way for her to get to the upper floor. Permanent injuries in nin were so rarely permanent enough to make walking impossible, and when they were retired, there was no need to put in accommodations for them. She was the only current exception as far as she knew. You think you would put in something for the civilians, though.
Naruto beat her to the meeting room in an attempt to make sure she didn’t leave, saying she had too much work to wait, or maybe he had been waiting for her senses he asked for her.
“Hinata.” Naruto perked up.
“You wanted to see me?” Hinata asked.
“Uh, yeah. I have a teaching position I thought that you might be interested in. Civilian children ages 10-14.” 
Hinata pinched her eyes closed for a moment to resist an outburst. “Hokage-sama, is there something wrong with my current performance?”
“No, no, you do more than nearly anyone we have ever had at that desk,” Naruto waved his hands.
“Then please stop trying to find my new employment,” Hinata stated plainly, hoping this time he would hear her. 
Naruto scratched the back of his head with no explanation that wasn’t going to be. ‘I feel bad that you’re crippled and want to make myself feel better by giving you something I think would be more fulfilling.’
“Was that all?” Hinata asked, putting her hands back on her wheels.
“Oh, Uhm, I wanted to invite you out for dinner tonight.” Naruto blurted.
Hinata stared at him blankly.
“You know, with uh, Sasuke, we go a few nights a week, not like a date… or” Naruto started to turn red as he realized how it had sounded. 
Hinata felt herself cringe at the idea of her love confession. It felt so long ago, even if she had the crush most of her life. Like many other things, she had lost her admiration for him with her legs. If he couldn’t get around it, then there was no relationship that could be had. 
Hinata wanted to say no, but maybe she could turn this in her favor. “If you will stop looking for work for me, I will go.”
To her surprise, Naruto didn’t ask her to meet at his favorite ramen shop. Probably because her chair was too short for the bar. Naruto got up when he saw her at the door. He tossed a chair to the side and proceeded to move her into it.
Hinata stiffened as she lost control of the chair. She resisted the urge to slam her hands down to break.
Sasuke raised an eyebrow from across the table, catching her usually well-hidden scowl of annoyance. Hinata suppressed her frown and adjusted her chair as Naruto went to get a waiter.
“Hello again.” Sasuke nodded his head at her, interested in her reaction.
“Hello.” Hinata greeted sheepishly, looking down at the menu.
“You know, I think you screwed up my shoulder with that cart-leaning recommendation.” Sasuke wasn’t taking his attention off of her. He actually wanted to talk.
“It’s not a very natural position. Maybe a cross-body shopping bag would be better.” Sasuke seemed to accept the answer, but he looked surprised. “What?”
Sasuke shook his head. “I was expecting an apology.” 
Hinata’s face scrunched in confusion, unsure what he meant by that, just as Naruto returned with a waiter.
Sasuke was impressed. Hinata had grown confident over the years, though she didn’t seem to want to seek out pleasantries. She used to apologize for everything, even just making eye contact. On top of that, he didn’t expect her to continue offering suggestions.
From Naruto’s description of her, he would have assumed Hinata would revert to her shy, mousy ways, but it seemed she became bolder with the addition of a set of wheels. He doubted the two weren’t connected.
Naruto started rambling on about how it was so nice to see her out and how glad he was that she had agreed.
Hinata didn’t smile at him, but she did look at him respectfully and nodded to his appreciation.
“So, are you collecting cripples, then?” Sasuke asked Naruto jokingly.
Now, if it had been just him, Naruto would have laughed, but because Hinata was here, he turned red. “Sasuke!” Naruto snapped, staring at him in disbelief. 
Naruto opened his mouth to rant further, but the damage was already done. Hinata was laughing.
She covered her mouth to more politely giggle into her hand. Sasuke grinned triumphantly.
“That was rude,” Naruto complained as his confusion overrode his anger.
“It’s alright.” Hinata waved her hand, giving Sasuke a smile as a reward for his efforts.
“I think the lady that lives under me is deaf, and we can invite her as well,” Sasuke added.
“Okay, that one was mean.” Hinata scolded, despite her continued giggling.
Naruto looked at him then with complete confusion.
Their food came, and dinner went on. Naruto tried to change the subject, but Sasuke made a point to undercut it with whatever disabled joke he could, just to see how much he could make her laugh. By the end of the night, Naruto went from confused to dazed.
Hinata refused a walk home with an ‘I’m not walking’ and a giggle. She gave Sasuke a wave and smiled as she left.
“I haven’t seen her smile like that in a long time,” Naruto said quietly. “I don’t think I have seen her really smile since before her accident, at… anyone.”
“Think it might be because no one thinks she can take a joke?” Sasuke put his hand in his pocket, leaning back. “When is the last time anyone told her a joke? Or didn’t start a conversation with ‘how are you feeling’?” He didn’t get that. People knew he could handle it. The only person who asked was Sakura, and that was a different issue entirely. Sasuke would go insane if no one could have a conversation with him without mentioning his arm. He couldn’t imagine how it would take the politeness out of someone who was actually polite.
Naruto rubbed the back of his head. “I never really thought of it. I’ve always been so worried. When she got out of the hospital, I asked her out before me and Sakura got together. You know, she had this thing for me, apparently. She said she couldn’t. I’m worried that she is going to cut herself off so much that she’s just going to stop taking care of herself.” 
“Well, I don’t think pestering her is going to help.” Sasuke offered. 
Naruto sighed.
“And maybe don’t touch her chair.” Naruto looked up curiously. “She looked ready to kill you when you pushed her in.”
“I was just trying to help,” Naruto mumbled.
“I don’t think she wants help,” Sasuke told him.
Hinata set her keys on the counter. She had a nice time, the first time in a long time. It was nice to be joked with, and Sasuke seemed to make a point of it to raise Naruto’s blood pressure. She couldn’t help it. She had to laugh. She hadn’t in so long. Her chest hurt from doing so much of it in such a short time. 
She appreciated it. 
From what little Hinata knew about Sasuke, he did not like company. So she especially appreciated his willingness to make her smile. Maybe it was because he knew that she had no interest in him back in the day.
Maybe he had changed a lot. 
Maybe he was willing to sacrifice some of his pride to get a rise out of Naruto.
Whatever the reason, Hinata appreciated the night. It was just sad that it would likely not happen again.
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Pairing: Sasuke x Hinata Rating: T
Description: After an accident, Hinata is bound to a wheelchair. She and Sasuke find common ground in their disabilities. Friends to lovers. Light-hearted fluff.
Tags: Romance  |  Friends to Lovers  |  Fluff  |  Domestic Fluff  |  Slice of Life  |  Happy Ending  |  Disabled Character  |  One Arm Sasuke  |  Hinata in Wheelchair  |  Hyuuga Neji Lives  |  Big Brother Neji  |  Post-War
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Image by rohan_g
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feuqueerfire · 2 months
My Stand-In Ep 12 Live Blogging
Sadness and despair at the fact that I couldn't watch it yesterday because I got home at like almost 10 and had a few other things I had to do. but today's the day!! Mostly spoiler-free except the very last (??) scene with the ramen on the table lmfao
Ep 12 (July 13)
Joe never escaping Ming's clutches fr
oh, the Sol and Ming convo is nice ig
the mothers speaking together
MingJoe are cute for no reason
lmfao Joe gonna be hungry as fuck if he waits for Ming to feed him bc ppl keep interrupting
Ming's apology
even the dad came around, I was kinda expecting that because in romance shows, generally the wealth isn't actually permanently cut off, they either get their inheritance back or they build it up again by themself
i still had Tong though agh can't we at least kill him? and also hashtag free May
what the hell Joe, take the fucking credit
well IIIII don't think Tong deserves a second chance!
I don't want May with Tong T.T and I don't wanna see them talk either, why the hell would I wanna see Tong get a happy ending aghh
Tong daring to ask May if she'd still love him if he didn't have fame oh my godddd i need to kill him
being reminded that Joe looks like a different Joe is the worst even though maybe they should actually remind the audience more often lol
who even is that? are we pairing Sol up randomly at the last second. oh well idc
idgaf about the brother and secretary Jim romance either i've gotta be honest
a cute dinner with Ming's mom, how sweet
oh yeah, I've remembered that the guy who's a Sol fan is a styling who's Joe's friend
the way Joe's original life ended and all the people who still remember him is so tragic man
i never really cared much about Joe's movie journey because it felt so hand-fisted every time like start as a support c'monnn
ah, starting their relationship all over again
"You can't stop me" makes another appearence
lmfao the ramen bowl shaking and the sneeze. cute
I wish this ep had more Ming/Joe scenes alone or even like cutely together (the dinner with mom was cute).
How does Ming live knowing he never faced Joe's original body while having sex?! That fact will haunt me like this show I feel like didn't touch enough on the horrors and despair of a permanent body switch bc I think in most fiction, the people switch back but here... Joe is just stuck in this random guy's body forever while his own body was cremated... horrific omg.
I knew going into the show that Ming is supposedly a terrible person who treats Joe shittily and Joe keeps going back to it and I think that preparation helped me really enjoy the show. The show redeems Ming by the end but it doesn't necessarily pretend that Ming actually treated Joe well back then, Ming's shittiness was the point. It's a fun show and I was excited to see Ming realize how much Joe truly meant to him rather than his crush on Tong.
I found Ming and Joe so cute together man, like when the times were good, they were soooooo good. I know people at the start wanted Joe to grow a spine and move on but I was curious how they'd make it work.
Why did they try to redeem Tong at the end?! I still hate that guy and May should've divorced him fr, I also can't fucking believe he dared to ask "would you still like me if I wasn't famous, May?" like motherfuckerrrr she's staying with you despite you causing so much trouble and getting into so much debt, how dare you accuse her of such shallow things? You're the one who is there for money, you piece of shit. aghhhhh fuck him fr
I feel like this ship would be soooo good for character study fics but I'm not skilled up, how sad.
Overall, a good show, definitely one of the better BLs this year and one where I wasn't disappointed compared to the hype.
Rating: 7/10
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