#how do you take this series. which is all about a guy who reluctantly becomes a father. and his growing bond with this little baby
sigmasemen · 4 months
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multiple blue lock characters x reader
tags: established relationship, fluff, tooth rotting fluff.
taglist: n/a currently.
characters: alexis ness, nagi seishiro, eita otoya, nijiro nanase, chigiri hyoma, reo mikage, karasu tabito, aryu jyubei, gender neutral!reader.
word count: 2156
extra notes: haiii guys!
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- Oh Ness is in absolute joy when you ask him! It's like his world lights up again and he nods. Though his playing is centralized about Kaiser, he still finds it in him to make it about you.
- He ends up renting private places for you to play with or against him as he doesn't want anyone interrupting your focus.
- He lends you his knee guards and says he can play without them. (Even though his knees are covered in dirt after.)
- He also brings a bunch of extra stuff along. Water bottles, hair ties, gloves, multiple balls, foldable goals, anything to make the strain easier on you. 
- "Ah, do you need me to that for you?" "Wait, let me fix your Jersey!" He's constantly fawning over you.
- He's very careful about how he teaches you as he doesn't want to crush your hopes to learn in any way! So he'll teach you how to play as best he can. He's constantly touching you and showing you the best ways to position yourself, complimenting almost everything you do.
- Though, eventually you ask him to play against you on a fair level. He agrees reluctantly, then sweeps the floor with you. Still, he's sighing and patting yourself head after to apologize.
- Throughout learning soccer, you also get to learn more about Ness himself. You learn his position, you see his pure passion, you feel a bit mushy as you see his small pointed smile... It doesn't feel too bad to lose for him.
- Even if you aren't really meant to play soccer yourself, you'll still be at all of his games, shouting your heart out to make sure he has the motivation to continue his goal of winning.
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- Nagi is a lot more confused when you ask. Whatever your reason is, he doesn't understand why you took an interest in it.
- "Are you sure you want me to teach you?" He asks it a few times but you always answer with the same vigor, so he ends up giving up and complying with your demands.
- Learning with Nagi is very different than you expected. He sometimes trains you by him climbing on your back as he's too tired, but usually he's telling you the best ways to win.
- He's very focused on showing you all the ropes, occasionally giving you advice he made up on the spot.
- He never goes easy on you in a match though. You try your absolute hardest but never beat Nagi. He's always putting his full effort into each match. He always gives pointers after to tell you how you can improve.
- Most training sessions are short but constant. You both usually train after school, or if you're both in Blue Lock, in a quiet room. Usually your bedroom considering you like to see how many things Nagi can trap.
- To motivate you, he occasionally bets on ice cream or on who carries who. You've accepted by now that you'll never win one. Even if he says, "You might do it this time..." You still get your ass beat.
- Reo jokingly tells him "the student becomes the master" and he realized he's taking Reo's job. It makes him a bit happy to see how far he's come.
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- "...Did my skills impress you that much?" He's a bit happy about the fact you asked. However, if you say any other reason than because of him, he sighs.
- Eita is a sucker for your attention, so he makes sure you're wearing his jersey when you play together. He just was admiring you at first, then he got serious and buckled down to help train you.
- He took a while explaining the positions and which one he played, even made some notes on your hand for you to help understand. He then tried showing you all of the ropes.
- He sometimes uses terms from random series in an attempt to explain things better to you. 
- Note, Eita isn't the best teacher. It's clear he's trying, but he has an issue with explaining things. Even if its an anime he likes, he goes off on different tangents. A lot.
- So by the time you're trying to play, you're an absolute mess who's, albeit trying, not that good.
- Karasu ends up being the one to point it out, to which Eita shrugs. He doesn't really care if he didn't explain good, he just enjoyed spending time with you.
- Also, it was pretty fun to see you fall on your face. He'd occasionally try and catch you in an attempt to woo you. Never works. He's not that good at it.
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- You bet believe he gets red in the face when you first ask. It's such a simple request however it seems to shoot stats through his mind. He's extremely into cute things you do, even if they're small actions.
- "Ah, if ya would really like me to teach ya, I will." He's a sweetheart, immediately gets all of his gear together and asks around to see if anyone has any spare stuff he could borrow for you. He ends up buying some because he's worried it won't protect you enough otherwise.
- Then he throws everything together and smiles. At first, you're really bad. Nanase is doing an amazing time with explaining, but you're having trouble keeping up.
- Sometimes he'll take a stick and draw it out on the ground to help you figure it out.
- "So you wanna keep the ball on your inner foot, otherwise ya might lose focus." He smiles at the end, "That makin' sense?"
- You always nod.
- Playing against him is always him going easy on you. Even if you tell him not to, he will.
- He lets you have his head band to make sure everything is kept in check. He even massages your back after and tells you how great you did.
- His teaching methods are a bit more successful, however they do not stick with you forever. Regardless, he's very happy you indulged yourself in something he enjoys.
- Always gives you cold water and an ice pack after to take care of you.
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- Chigiri actually pauses whatever he's doing to just quietly stare at you. He then sighs. "You really want to learn about soccer?" He wants to make absolutely sure.
- He actually quizzes you a bit before he starts teaching you. If you don't know a lot about soccer besides watching him play? He'll laugh and bit and ask if you're doing it for him. If you say yes, he'll get a dumbfounded look, with a soft blush, then nod.
- "Alright. I have to appreciate this moment." He looks a bit happy at something so simple.
- Nearly the entire time, he's fretting over you. He's a bit worried about new players getting hurt.
- Expect if you get hurt, even a little bit, he's dashing over to your aid and tending to however big a scar it is.
- While he won't give you his leg guards, he will constantly give you pointers.
- He prefers teaching you by playing on your team. He'll either get Igaguri (wants the easiest to beat player) to play against you in a match or he'll try and get Ego to let him train with the Blue Lock man. Always works out in the end.
- He's always speeding past you when you're playing and you can't help but be awestruck at his appearance at times. Sometimes you get distracted when he's running past you.
- After each game, you walk over to him and pull up his pants leg to make sure his ACL is alright. He enjoys the doting, yet tells you what you need to focus aon after watching you play.
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- Another boy that's absolutely ecstatic that you want to learn something he's so passionate about.  He ends up staring at you a lot that day out of dazedness. He loves how cute you are...
- Almost immediately, he's buying you intense leg gear for protection, he even buys you a helmet as a joke.
- He lets you borrow his soccer VR set and it goes horribly. You kick him extremely hard in the side of his legs and he choses from then on to not take any chances. The VR set is banned after that.
- He also tries giving you rewards for doing things well. He did it with Nagi, so he assumes it would work with you. The second he asked, you said you wanted a kiss for every goal.
- Best believe he was flustered and agreed. You didn't get too many kisses, but you got more than you would've without motivation.
- He constantly is leaving or ignoring important meetings just to talk to you about soccer. Whenever someone shows interest in the sport and tries to be up to the same level, he gets excited. Especially when it's his lovely partner.
- Sometimes you two will get sun burnt from being out all day, however you two just laugh it off.
- Reo enjoys whenever you clap for him after a goal, he also enjoys showing off his copying ability as much as he can. 
- If you end up taking it as serious as he does, he'll attend every single one of your matches. If you ever play against each other, expect sweet talk instead of shit talk.
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semper-legens · 10 months
178. Awakened, by PC and Kristin Cast
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Owned: No, library Page count: 290 My summary: Zoey is out on a Scottish island, recuperating with Stark from her recent brush with death. But Neferet's plans are coming to fruition. After sacrificing one of Zoey's friends, she chases Zoey out into the open, ready to take her revenge for all that Zoey has done. But all is not well outside of their conflict. Stevie Rae and Rephaim don't know how to feel about each other. Kalona is breaking free of Neferet's grasp. And cracks are forming in the House of Night... My rating: 1/5 My commentary:
We're in the home stretch now with the House of Night books - thankfully. I keep thinking that they're going to get less shit as we go, but they keep finding new ways to make me wonder how the hell these things even got published. I know vampire novels were huge in the post-Twilight boom, but still! Actually, these are less and less about vampires as they go on - kinda reminds me of the Anne Rice book Queen of Darkness, where everything gets a bit new age-y and neo-Pagan, to the point where you have trouble remembering that this is technically a vampire series. I wonder if Cast read Anne Rice? She strikes me as being the sort to have read Interview with the Vampire and, consciously or unconsciously, mimicked it. Anyway. Waffling aside. Let's get down to it
You know it's starting off bad when the book opens with Neferet using her influence to sleep with young men, cementing this series' strange attitude to sexually active women. Neferet is defined by her sexuality, her attraction to and possessiveness of Kalona being counted against her, even though there are perfectly legitimate other reasons to hate her. Aphrodite had this too, back in the day - being sexually active is a way to show that your female villain is truly bad, despite the female heroes being just as sexually active and attracted to their partners. Zoey and Stark sleeping together is never demonised, and is even shown as being a good and wholesome thing, yet Neferet is a slutty slut slut slut for having sexual encounters with men. It's not the dubious nature of the consent on show that seems to be the bad thing here, it's just her being sexually active, and it rubs me up the wrong way. Furthermore, Neferet's self-serving evil is just…not interesting. She's not hammy enough to be a Disney-villain style bad guy, but neither is she nuanced enough to be interesting. She's evil because she wants power for her sake and will stop at nothing to get it; contrast Zoey and friends, who never wanted power but were chosen to take it and do so reluctantly. Apparently ambition makes you bad, now. Who'd have thunk?
I hate to sound like a broken record, but we've got even more of the bad-boy-that-I-can-save thing going on here with Kalona and Rephaim. Kalona doesn't really know what he wants, but he doesn't want to be under Neferet's thumb, and schemes to get away from her. Meanwhile, he's invading Stark's body, but it seems only when Stark and Zoey are having sex, which is creepy as all hell. Rephaim and Stevie Rae are struggling through their whole 'I want you but I can't' star crossed lovers bullshit, which ends with Rephaim gaining Nyx's favour (despite! literally! murdering! people!) and becoming a real boy. Or, at least, not a bird boy. I look forward (sarcasm) to the widower of Rephaim's most infamous murder victim being treated like he's unreasonable for being uncomfortable that the guy who killed his wife is basically just given a free pass by everyone else. Ugh. It's clearly just here to serve that bad-boy fantasy, and we've got two separate bad-boy storylines for the price of one here! Cast…doesn't seem to know what to do with a character who isn't (for women) a reluctant hero or bitchy anti-hero, or (for men) a bad boy who can be changed or…actually, that's all the prominent male characters. The friend circle, despite being set up as being vital to Zoey with their element affiliations, have near-completely fallen by the wayside, only showing up for snarky one-liners or attempts at pathos. (More on that later.) There's just too many people in this series, and it doesn't help that Cast just keeps piling them up with each new book.
The final moment in the book comes when Neferet needs to sacrifice a wise person with ties to Cherokee history to make a new vessel to serve her - you think she's going to use Zoey's grandma, but she's out at a powwow, but it just so happens that Zoey's mother is going to visit. She ends up being the sacrifice, and Zoey is sad about it, which is stupid for two reasons. One, while it's reasonable for Zoey as a character to have complicated feelings about her mother despite saying that she hated her in earlier books, Zoey's mother hasn't come up in the narrative in a while. In fact, she's not even gotten a mention for the last few books, ever since the religious fundamentalists dropped out of the narrative. So playing the moment for pathos ultimately doesn't work, because the reader will have to be reminded that Zoey even has a mother - she's not given her a thought for a long time. Two, this doesn't make any sense as a choice for Neferet. Can't she just…wait another day until Zoey's grandma comes back? What is stopping her doing that? It just strikes me as Cast wanting to fake out that Zoey's grandma was going to die, then ultimately not wanting to pull the trigger on it. It's just clumsy writing.
And finally, let me talk about the most ridiculous thing to happen in this series to date - which, if you've been keeping up, is a title which has some stiff competition. Let me set the scene. Jack, one half of the gay couple in these books and the one whose personality basically consists of being feminine, emotional, and very stereotypically gay, is planning a party for Zoey's return. He wants to sing at it. Specifically, Defying Gravity from Wicked. Even more specifically, the Glee version. He's practicing this when Neferet shows up looking for an incorruptible innocent to sacrifice to the Darkness. After predictably failing to corrupt him, she nominates him as the sacrifice, and Jack is killed. But just the way this is written is laughable - the fervent love Jack has for Glee (which isn't at all a stereotype), ridiculous lines like Neferet asking if Jack is defying her and him responding with the lyrics, being comforted by Kurt and Rachel as he's dying, and the fact that he literally dies singing…it's all just beyond parody. This is meant to be a hugely emotive moment, but it's ruined by not only being silly as all hell, but also because Jack has been such a nonentity to this point. He got even less focus than Damien and the other non-Stevie Rae members of Zoe's inner circle, and doesn't even have a gift from Nyx. (His affinity for tech is mentioned as a gift in an early book, but that gets dropped almost instantly.) I genuinely could not believe what I was reading as I was going through this section. It's absolutely ridiculous, and yet another piece of bafflingly poor writing.
Well, that's over for now. Time for something completely different - a history of sex work in Georgian London!
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shadowmaat · 4 months
Review: Primogenitor Saga, by Robert M Kearns
I snagged the first book in this series, Smilodon, as a freebie off Kobo. It had an interesting twist to the usual shifter stories wherein some shifters became primogenitors, the extinct versions of modern critters. In the case of our protag, that means he got bitten by a cougar, but turned into a smilodon/sabertooth cat. The shifter community was shocked because the only other primogenitors they knew of were a couple of dire wolves.
Smilodon was pretty good. It gave us our protag, Wyatt, as he adjusted to the shifter world and reluctantly adjusted to the role of leader he was thrust into. The main plot involved an organization kidnapping children- not just shifter kids, but magic-users (Magi) and regulars as well. As a hook goes, it certainly caught my attention.
I enjoyed watching Wyatt coming to terms with his new life, his determination to be Good and Protective vs. bullying, and how the others around him appreciated the change he brought to their community. His determination to help save the kids at all costs was nice to watch, and having his Magi twin sister there to occasionally twist his tail was a lot of fun.
I did have some issues with the worldbuilding. I appreciate that Kearns at least mentioned that real wolves and whatnot don't have an Alpha hierarchy system, but then he dismissed it as "yeah, but it's totes different for shifters." Some great potential for originality was lost there, IMO.
I was also irritated by the indication that shifters, as a whole, tend to value power over everything else. Which I guess fits with the "Alpha" nonsense, but it's so very chauvanistic. Then add in Wyatt building a harem- sorry, a pride- of ladies horny for the kind and easygoing super-alpha and it was... more than a little cringe. I don't think it's the polyamory aspect that bothers me as much as the way the hierarchy works out and how everything is about Wyatt and making Wyatt happy and gee, we sure are lucky that Wyatt likes our worthless little selves. Kearns does try to lighten it up a bit, but that's still the vibe it gives off.
Still, the overall story was interesting enough that I was willing to put my dislike aside and read the next book in the series, Roc.
Roc introduces us to an avian primogenitor who was framed for murder and has been on the run from the Black Ops guys who framed her and want to capture her for experimentation.
The story was... still good, although I could have wished for a lot more about Sloane and her roc heritage. I'm also puzzled why a feline primogenitor is cause for shock and awe and reactions of "holy shit, there hasn't been a non-wolf primogenitor for centuries!" but an avian is just kind of "sure, whatever, nbd."
There was more politicking, too. Not just with the shifter world, but the US government. It was... bad. I may not like all the political red tape and how slowly everything moves, but for everything to just go whoosh with little to no problems? That's more unbelievable than a smilodon shifter.
More plotty stuff, more rescues, more good and more bad. Still enough to keep me reading for the next bit.
Consular Times is where it falls apart. It sets up a huge plot point: a fae war/invasion on the horizon, but everything is just unpleasant and I began to actively hate the protagonist. For all his claims of hating bullies early in the series, that's exactly what he's become. He actively kills and terrorizes people into compliance, swaggers forth with the belief that "I'm the biggest baddest badass on the planet so we'll do things my way or not at all." He calls up the US president and basically tells her "your plan is shit, so we're going to do this instead" and she just... accepts it. He bulls right over the Canadian contingent that shows up, insulting them in the extreme, and is absolutely uncaring when they take off back North. And no one calls him on it.
Here's the thing. You KNOW there's a war coming; one that no one will survive if we don't all band together. The only reason we survived the last fae war was because of Merlin and because the primogenitors were plentiful. Merlin is still around, but there's only five primogenitors and one of them is brand new. We need the Canadians on our side. We need everyone on our side. Pissing in the face of an ally is a stupid fucking thing to do.
It's already been determined that shifters and Magi will need to "come out" to the world in order to survive what's coming. Having a Canadian consulate or even a "liason" in a small random town in nowhere, Washington would raise a lot of questions that you could control the answers to while also maintaining an important link not only to the Canadian government as a whole, but to the shifters of Canada. But no, we get to have a pissy little power play instead.
Wyatt has become the very image of toxic masculinity and Kearns does nothing to raise any red flags about it or give any indication that maybe Wyatt is no longer entirely in the right, here.
I'm also getting real tired of Wyatt shifting or half-shifting as a dominance display to make others literally piss their pants. It was acceptable the first time or two it happened in the first book, but at this point it's just petty and spiteful, not only on Wyatt's part, but on the author's.
There's also a scene where, at the Canadian government's request, Wyatt and his companions head to Ontario to deal with shifters poaching sheep. He swaggers in, guts the leader, threatens the rest of the pack, and leaves. He doesn't ask why they were poaching, doesn't do anything to learn about the pack dynamics or if they're actually in trouble, and doesn't help the survivors with anything. After all, that isn't his problem. Even if he is supposedly the leader of all North American shifters.
Oh, and then there's the bit where he travels to Chicago to meet with the shifter council and flat-out murders one of them for- *checks smudged writing on hand*- ...disrespecting one of his ladies. He mutilates five others for the same thing. It's incredibly over-the-top and unpleasant to read and he apparently just... gets away with it.
There's supposedly a fourth book in the works, but while I want to know how the fae war thing is supposed to work out and how it connects to the previous storylines that were left dangling, I'm not sure I can stomach reading it. If you're going to model your protag as "I'm different from all the other Alphas because I'm kind and caring" then maybe you should have some fucking consistency so he remains kind and caring. Or have it be a whole story in itself where he's slowly cracking under the pressure and turning into the very bully he hated even as he struggles NOT to be that. But no. Instead we get this whole thing of him ONLY being kind and caring to his "ladies" and to his town while treating everyone else like shit and suddenly acting as if humans are worthless scum is frankly appalling.
It's also pretty rich that he preaches to the President about how "all of us living in Precious, WA consider ourselves US citizens" and in practically the same breath says "I don't answer to you."
Ugh. So much potential ruined.
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accendimi · 1 year
A Family Reunion { The Go Family + Drakken}
In which Drakken needs some supplies and the pair accidentally into her brothers- or well most of them.
When: Early July
It wasn’t that Sarina disliked being in Italy, in fact she had been back home within the last two years or so. But still the streets made her feel off, like her brothers would show up at any second and recognize her.
It had to be nearly a decade now though since she had seen them. Maybe they would just pass her by if they did show up.
Besides if she said no she would have to explain to Drakken who knew she had siblings but maybe not how bad she had left everything and that meant she was keeping it close to her chest. (As if she hadn’t ranted about how stupid they were before.)
No she was here to get a job down and as Drakken turn down the wrong street she grabbed his collar.
“Sometimes I wonder how you ever survived without me. We’re not supposed to turn right for another couple of streets.” Sarina started unintentionally slipping into her Italian accent. It was hard not to, with so much Italian around her.
DRAKKEN: Drakken let out a series of strangled sounds as his shirt tightened around his neck. His arms flailed, his feet trying to go in reverse to catch himself at the very sudden, and very rude, disruption to his strides. 
“Sarina!” he complained, slipping out of her grip so he could round on her. His eyes met her with a glare, frown tugging down the corners of his mouth. After a moment he grumbled to himself, tugging on the lapels of his coat and fixing the shirt underneath from where it had come loose from where it was tucked into his trousers. 
Of course he had no rebuttal to this because it was true. He had only merely survived without her, thanks to that Possible girl actually getting him locked up. There was no doubt he would have turned up in a worse state in a town like Swynlake. When he felt properly put together again he was frowning at her again. 
“What do you mean another couple of streets? It was a right 12 streets after the stop light! This is 12! I counted,” Drakken told her, one arm frantically waving to the path they’d come down that lay just behind her. 
Sarina blinked at Drakken, dropping her hand back to her side with a raised eyebrow.
"Question. Why are you counting streets instead of I don't know reading signs?" Sure they weren't in English but how hard was it to read a name.
"Would you like to try your way? We still have time if we get lost."
“It’s easier that way,” he sniffed. Coming from the guy who could barely remember anyone’s names, only caring to when the person was of use to him or had become some sort of attachment to, he had no intention of memorizing a street name he’d only ever go to the once. Granted it was for something very important but ugh. Numbers were much simpler. 
“Nooo, no, I insist! You’re the Italy know it all,” Drakken stepped sideways so that she could take the lead. “If you think you can get us there faster then go right ahead!” 
This was all said and done with the utmost amount of sarcasm he could scrape up. Which was to say, a lot. 
“How kind. It’s nice to know you’re finally seeing sense.” Sarina stated simply trying the hide the tip of her smile as she walked forward turning when she needed to. Drakken would follow he always did. The same way she would follow (reluctantly) if he was right.
Even if he mumbled and was sarcastic as well throughout it.
She just didn’t want to spend more time in this country then she needed to. 
“Am I doing the talking? What was the vibe? Threatening non-threatening?”
DRAKKEN: As he always did, Drakken was in fact quick to follow, having to take a few extra steps to match her stride at her side. 
“What’s the vibe?” he repeated, turning to fix her with a look of disappointment and a little bit of betrayal. Drakken shook his head, tearing his eyes away. “You sound like one of the ridiculous teenagers I’m stuck having to teach. Vibe, as if that’s supposed to mean anything- nyah! Whatever. The vibe is going to be perfectly fine. We’ll get in, get the mutagenic agent, and get out. I will do the talking though I am sure you will have to translate. We shouldn’t have to resort to anything threatening but, you know, if they get weird or fidgety or think they can con us out of it then we can certainly start threatening them.”  
He had not traveled all the way to Italy just to be bamboozled! 
Sarina grinned, it would probably be fun to threaten some people, she had been itching to for awhile. Constantly these days she was having to reign herself in to make sure her people were okay and it was pissing her off. 
So yeah if she could fight some assholes she was ready to do so.
Walking into the building Sarina was quick to take stock of what was around and what would be useful. Who would be useful. The girl at the front desk in pink would not be useful.
Quickly conversing in Italian, Sarina gestured for Drakken to speak. “She’s asking what we’re here for and if we have an appointment with someone.” 
DRAKKEN: Drakken went to the desk, eyes going back and forth between Sarina and the…secretary? Concierge? Assistant? He didn’t really know but was sort of impressed. Usually people just kept a minion or a goon of some sort to keep watch over visitors. He could only hope they were paying her enough for the position.
“Of course we have an appointment, that’s why we’re here. Tell them Dr. Drakken is here to get what I came for and that I don’t like to be kept waiting,” he said to Sarina. Then he glanced at the lady at the desk and felt the need to add, “Only say it with a little more umph! Like we’re angry at the audacity of them not expecting us.” 
He turned to scowl at the woman to give the desired effect, hands folded together behind his back, as he waited for Sarina to relay the message. 
Sarina’s lips quirked into a smirk before she repeated the words with the necessary umph. To her credit she didn’t flinch, in fact she raised an eyebrow as if they were stupid to try and challenge her.
But as she picked up the phone alarms sounded and doors shut and locked behind them.
“Whatever the fuck is going on we didn’t sign up for this or did we sign up to get locked in.” Sarina glared her hands ready to spark and fire up as the lady ignore them frantically calling numbers.
DRAKKEN: He had been smiling very smugly at the woman, nodding along with Sarina’s words despite not being able to understand them. When she picked up the phone and alarms started going off he tried to rationalize that, oh, maybe this was just their procedure. It was an alarm that would call their escort out to take them to the mutagenic agent. Sure it was rather annoying but he figured that was just the Italian way. Loud! 
Then the doors shut and locked and Sarina seemed on edge. All signs that this was not just the Italian welcome he had hoped it would be. He took a step toward Sarina out of wanting to be closer to the source of protection and also so that they didn’t somehow get separated. 
“Of course we didn’t!” he had to yell this in order to be heard over all the noise. Drakken looked at the woman on the phone and reached forward, wrestling it from her hand so he could hold it against his own ear, other hand covering his other ear in an effort to make out the voice on the line, “Yes, hello? Hello? There’s been some sort of mistake! This is Dr. Drakken, I’m here for the- oh you don’t know what I’m saying.” 
He slammed the phone down on the receiver. The woman made to pick it up again, and Drakken just yanked the whole contraption from its spot until it came unplugged so he could throw it to the floor. 
“Fine! Sarina, get the door,” he gestured to the one that looked most like an entrance to the rest of the building that sat behind the desk on the other side of the room to the exit. “If this is how we’re being treated, we’ll show ourselves in.” 
Sarina ignored Drakken as he yelled and stormed around to the phone. The slam barely registered to her as she looked around to find what she needed. A way out of here. The doors and windows were sealed shut and maybe with heat she could manage to make a hole but to make something they could both fit through and without alerting people…. It wasn’t worth it.
Further inside it was.
Glancing at Drakken, she shrugged before heading to the door as the receptionist told her to stop. Well she wasn’t going to do that. 
Grabbing the door handle, Sarina lit her hand aflame melting the lock before kicking it in.
Here it was more obvious something was wrong as alarms blared and people ran from room to room and around the corner a booming voice.
“Never Fear! HeGo Is here!”
Blinking Sarina stopped in front of the door way.
She did not just hear her brother’s name. She was obviously hearing this.
DRAKKEN: Having not expected Sarina to stop Drakken nearly ran right into the back of her, but he managed to catch himself, the toes of his shoes digging into the ground just behind her heels. He staggered back, waiting for her to move forward. When she didn’t he frowned, trying to peer around her to see what the hold up was. 
All he could see were bodies running from one side of the hall to the next, blurs of shapes and colors in the long passage that was flooded with the noise of the grating alarm. What even was this, some sort of fire drill? 
“Uh, Sarina,” he said, glancing back over his shoulder to give the woman at the desk who was still looking at them and yelling. Drakken smiled at her, awkward, as this was not the dramatic exit that they were supposed to have left with. He turned back, “Why are we stopping?” 
Yeah, Drakken was here. Not her brothers. Not her family. That was beyond a small chance. Not that she was that good with math to know what the chances were but that was something she would worry about later.
Especially with all the crashing about.
They needed to get out sooner then later. Reaching behind her Sarina grabbed Drakken’s sleeve so she didn’t have to worry about leaving him behind before she moved further in quickly but quietly just in case.
The hallway opened into a another room but beyond that a large warehouse and in the corner a large crate lifted in the air and wobbling as a person walked.
Yeah that was definitely her brothers. At least the older ones. 
Until two young boys scrambled infront of them screeching at they broke crates with supplies worth thousands of dollars. Potentially even the stuff Sarina and Drakken had ordered.
“Wyatt. Wendall??”
“Hector! It’s S-” The twins barely got out her name a second time before she jumped forward to muzzle them with her hands. 
“Hush up you two.”
He made a noise of surprise when she grabbed him again, wondering what was in the air today or if the jacket he was wearing had something particularly grabby about it, but could do nothing except to stumble forward in the direction she pulled him in. 
Well they were moving. He supposed that was good except…something seemed wrong. Drakken couldn’t tell what it was exactly, because they were used to this. Breaking and entering. In the dead of the night, in the light of day, into highly secure strongholds, into someone’s unlocked backyard gate. This shouldn’t have been something new that she took the side of caution on. 
If Sarina was acting off then Drakken felt uneasy, stomach clenching and bravado stepping down to its lowest level. She continued to guide them down the hall and he kept checking over his shoulder, as if waiting for someone to be following them. Or to drop down from the ceiling. Ugh, he hated when people did that. Jump scares! Cheap! Horrible! 
Once they had entered the larger area, the ceiling height far taller hanging over them and the expanse easier to see, he did change his tune a bit. Now that there was more commotion and he saw someone actively destroying product, product that could have very well been rightfully theirs, his anger took over that place of fear. 
Before he could yell out for them to stop that, or for Sarina to go make them stop, everyone started yelling roll call. And, weirdly, they seemed to have recognized Sarina. But what was the weirdest of all was that Sarina seemed to know them, too. Drakken hung back, observing with a very confused look on his face. 
The twins continued to talk underneath Sarina’s hands, despite her holding them tightly. Her mind racing as she looked up at Drakken with wide eyes. For once she didn’t really know what to do. What did you do when your past collided with your present as you committed crime infront of your brothers that were minors.
“Excuse you! Neither of you are 18 yet. What the hell are you doing?” Sarina pulled her hands away to glare at them.
“Saving the world”
“One Criminal organization at a time”
“Yeah! We’re destroying the warehouse”
“There’s a whole lot of magick things in here and if they people who own them can’t have them”
“We destroy them!”
Smacking her hand on her forehead, Sarina sat there cursing out loud.
“But since you’re here you can help us!”
“Yeah! Set everything on fire.”
The twins continued to rattle back and forth as Hector called out for the boys.
With another carton flying Sarina’s eldest brother joined the fray.
“I’m going to kill them all. That’s what I’m going to do. Murder them.” Sarina muttered to herself as she stood up just in time for the warehouses security to show up pointing guns at them.
DRAKKEN: The look Sarina was giving him was new. He didn’t think he’d ever seen her like this. Even when a plan would go wrong she never seemed to be upset or otherwise bothered. Not in the way he would get, and certainly not to the point where she was looking at him like she was… he didn’t even know what name to put to it, and didn’t have time to think about it as she spoke to the- 
What even were they? Teenagers? They certainly seemed young. Ugh. What was it with this younger generation and this do-gooder attitude they all seemed to have? Didn’t anyone want to get involved with crime anymore or was this a dying business? 
Several times Drakken thought he understood what was going on but then someone else would say something, or finish someone else’s sentence, and he would be thrown off all over again. And as soon as the much larger gentleman joined the scene he accepted that he had simply lost the plot. 
The puzzle of the situation would have to wait, Drakken’s spine straightened as soon as he noticed the armed men, hands raised to show that he wasn’t a threat. His gaze flew to Sarina, worried.
….for himself, of course! As he was the only one seemingly without magic and because the person whose job it was to make sure he did not get shot was distracted.
Sarina was surrounded by idiots.
Two of those idiots were allowed to be idiots considering they were kids but everyone else. Including Drakken because although he was being quiet- wait he was being quiet. Maybe she wouldn’t add him into the little murder spree she was planning.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. We’re just here to get what was taken and then we’ll be on our way.” Hector stated first which made Sarina tilt her head at him. 
If it was that simple they shouldn’t be making so much noise but instead they were bumbling around and just asking for guns to be shoved into their faces and considering she had her younger brothers around her she couldn’t help but usher them slightly to the side of Drakken.
She could at least protect all of them-
Nope the twins started to create duplicates of each other, their real bodies now focused on Drakken as the duplicates rushed the guards.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?”
“Who are you and what are you doing here?”
DRAKKEN: Drakken was waiting for Sarina to get on with the flipping and the punching and the disarming. Instead all she did was brush the 2 kids off to him. 
And then 2 turned into 4 and 4 into more, making Drakken startle and let out a, “GAH!” 
He watched as most of them ran off, head turning this way and that to watch, until his attention snapped back to the pair that stayed right next to him. Who had the nerve to ask him who he was! Ugh, he had known this whole undercover and lying low in a small town thing was going to do irreparable damage to his street credibility but it felt like a whole new low to not be recognized by teenage do-gooders. 
“Yes, I do believe some introductions are in order,” he said. Figuring the clones, or whatever those things had been, Sarina, and the larger gentleman could take care of the firearms just fine, he wanted to rectify this issue. As well as get in the know as to how Sarina knew them.  
“I am Doctor Drakken!” he proclaimed, then waited for any signs of recognition. “Evil mastermind? On the brink of world conquest? Ring a bell?” His hand came up to shake an imaginary one to emphasize the point. Then he sighed, “Whatever. Who are you? And who’s that guy? And why are you here destroying the place? Don’t you know there are some very valuable things in this-! …this….hm, what would you say this is? A warehouse? A hanger? Depot?” 
Sarina groaned as her younger brothers tackled the guards, gun firing shooting into the air and instead of her eldest brother rushing to protect them he started to lecture her. 
In one ear she had to listen to him and in another the ramblings of Drakken and well she wanted to tear her hair out.
“I’m going to hurt you all.” Sarina muttered jumping into the fight disarm the guards as he brother followed still lecturing her.
“Do people actually still try to take over the world?”
“That’s so weird.”
“Maybe he doesn’t mean literally?”
“Look at him he looks like he’s being literal.”
The twins went back and forth even while Drakken spoke.
“There’s stuff in here that hurt magicks so we’re here to get rid of it.”
“That way no one can use it! Yeah!”
DRAKKEN: At this point the sounds of fighting and chaos happening around him had become background fodder to what had become important: the two children arguing with him. 
“It’s not weird! It’s a perfectly valid goal to have,” he scoffed at the pair. Something went hurling through the space between where he and the twins stood but he paid it no mind. Obviously Sarina had everything under control. “Of course I’m being literal! How else would one use the term take over the world? Why does no one ever believe me when I say it!” 
He sighed, his glare growing more angry as he listened to them. Until they actually gave him valuable information. 
“What? No! Rid of it how? I came all the way here for something and I am not leaving here without it! You better not have done anything!” he said, then turned, trying to find Sarina among the crowd of the many copies of the young ones and the guards. “Sarina! Can you hurry this up, I need to get in there to see if my mutagenic agent is still intact!”   
Between her and her brother, the guards were easily disarmed though Hector was sure he didn’t accidentally hurt anyone, In fact he kind of just picked them up while Sarina was willing to knock them out.
“Sarina you really shouldn’t be so rough with them. You’ll hurt them.”
“If you keep saying my name in front of them I’ll do a whole lot worse and considering the fact, you brought the twins with you?” Sarina groaned as Hector tied up the rest of them. “Why are you even here?”
“To destroy all the stuff they are selling illegally.” Hector stated as if it was obvious… which perhaps it was but that didn’t mean that it was the best course of action.
“So you brought the twins, who are what? Are they even 18 yet? To a place where there were guns because you decided that you were what? Better then everyone for this job?”
“When no one takes it seriously then yes. People let others hurt Magicks all the time. You used to do this kind of stuff too.”
It was amazing how her family still didn’t get it. Sure they were helping magicks but at what cost. If her brothers were found they would be going to jail because they were basically criminals.
She just wanted to scream at him for risking their lives for a lost cause.
And then Drakken- Sarina took a deep breath spinning on her heel. 
“You two shut up and unclone yourselves. Get the hell out of here before I make you and people with bigger guns come here, Because guess what. The people here will kill you for the millions of dollars of damage you just created.” Sarina lectured, both boys undoing their clones but not moving.
“Drakken go find whatever it is. I’ll be there in a sec.” Turning on her heel to Hector. “If I get back here and all of your- no if the twins are still here I’m going to murder you.” And with that she stalked off to wherever she thought the thing was.
DRAKKEN: When Sarina turned around he waited to be yelled at but was surprised to find that her anger wasn’t entirely for him. Huh. Imagine that! And when she did speak to him it was as if he were an afterthought. Which would have been offensive had he not felt like he had been torn off the hook in place of the other three gentlemen that surrounded them, talking to her like they knew her and she knew them. In their fancy get ups and with their magic to boot, talking about destroying merchandise for the good of Magick kind. Maybe they’d met when she had gone off on her own? But…teenagers? Good? 
He hesitated for a moment after being granted permission to go searching for what they’d come here for, thinking that maybe he shouldn’t leave her alone with the three of them for one reason or another, but then thought better of defying her. She hadn’t put him in her cross hairs so it was probably best not to place himself there for the moment. Plus, it would be such a pity to have come all this way to leave empty handed.  
Drakken walked off, carefully stepping over lost weapons or unconscious men in uniform, to get to the inventory. He began picking over the closest pile of toppled boxes, removing the crushed containers out of his way. When Sarina joined he didn’t say anything at first but then the silence and curiosity was simply too much for him to keep quiet. 
“Soo…,” he started, going for casual. Like it wasn’t a big deal, like he didn’t care all that much even though he did. “...can I ask or should I wait until you’re not so angry?” 
Sarina took a deep breath as she walked away from her family, it wasn’t the first time she had and it wouldn’t be the last time either. But if they were still there when she came back she was ringing someone’s neck.
Drakken’s voice was the only thing that knocked her out of her murder walk and her head popped up a little like she had forgotten him in the couple moments she told him to walk ahead.
“They’re my brothers. Three of four though if three of them are here I’m sure the fourth one is too.”
DRAKKEN: Drakken’s eyes went wide with that sudden realization, the shock of it written all over his face. But they were so-! And she was-! He blinked, schooling his features and clearing his throat, continuing to act as if it wasn’t a big deal. At least, not for the reasons that she might think. If anything he was just fascinated to learn anything new about her. As much time as they did spend together, he always felt like there was a limit on things he could ask after. Family was one of things. 
He was an open book, of course, always rambling about his childhood and his mother would call him more often than not. She’d come to stay with them over the holidays, even more open than he was! And, yes, he had known about her having brothers, but he had never met them. He never thought he would, either. Which, he also realized, made this first meeting very unfortunate. 
“Why didn’t you say something! I made a terrible first impression!” he huffed. “And I’m sure whatever you’ve already told them about me isn’t going to help! Agh.” 
He sighed, angry for a reason that didn’t really make any sense to him. Why did it matter if her brothers liked him or not? He didn’t even really know if she liked him all that much but it was too late to change that opinion. 
Drakken tossed more scraps out of his way, one board getting moved away to reveal a medium sized metal box with the pictogram for danger against genetic defects. Ah ha! That must have been what they’d come here for! He bent down to grab the handle and pull, but it didn’t budge under all the other things that were piled on top of it. He tried again, with both hands. When it still didn’t move he placed a foot against the pile, then the other. Finally, he gave up, collapsing back. 
“Sarina!” he called, slightly hesitant since he hadn’t exactly helped the situation but would need her now. “I found it!” 
“They made a terrible first impression.” Sarina muttered, still annoyed they were even here. This should have never happened. They never should have met- oh god Drakken had actually met her brothers. This could be amazing, or this could be horrible - no it could only be horrible.
She continued to mutter under her breathe. Mostly curses at the whole situation but she wasn’t far behind him. 
Running her hand over the boxes as if it would help her locate whatever it was they were getting. She obviously didn’t find anything so she followed his voice.
“Where is it?”
DRAKKEN: “Over here,” he said, waving her over. As she approached he bent down to point out the metal box that was wedged under everything. “This one!” 
Drakken stayed where he was, to keep her at bay for a moment while he explained, “Now it’s important that you be firm but careful. If the box is damaged or anything it could be loose, and it would have…unwanted effects on anyone who came into touch with it.” 
He clambered out of the way after the PSA only to hover just behind her, whispering, “Steady….steady…careful…steady-” 
Sarina tilted her head to look at Drakken with her eyebrows narrowed. Sure she had listened to the instructions and she wasn’t planning on breaking it but did he really have to hover?
“I am only being steady so I don’t have unwarranted effects not because you say steady over and over.” Sarina huffed out rolling her eyes before she got back to work.
“Actually you know what take like 5 steps back or I’ll fling this at you.”
Before she could get back to pulling it out Hector showed up. “Are you trying to move something heavy? That’s my specialty!”
DRAKKEN: Drakken frowned but did step backwards out of her personal space since he, too, did not want any sort of mutation to befall upon him. Though he made a point to make it 4 instead of 5, as if to show that he still had some authority here. 
He turned his head to look as the larger gentleman approached. The gentleman who was Sarina’s brother. One of Sarina’s brothers. One of four. And now he was envisioning her having to grow up in a family of 5 children, all with magic. It had never really hit him until that moment, having to look directly at someone of her past standing right next to him and who may have had a direct impact on who she was today. It also made him wonder why she seemed less than pleased to see them. 
Maybe some sort of fall out had happened. Especially since they were on the side of do-gooders while she was…not. 
“Uh uh,” he protested, raising his hand to stop the big fella from walking any closer and keeping him right at the 4-steps-away line with Drakken, even if it was very clear that he could probably snap Drakken across his knee like a twig. “You’re one of the reasons it’s stuck under there in the first place! Leave this to the professionals.” 
“Then it should stay there!” Hector stated simply but he didn’t move to get around Drakken, In fact he just peered his head around the other. “Nothing here is stuff you should want to take.” 
Sarina just rolled her eyes as she put her back into it getting the debris off of it, the box now free for Drakken. “Save the lector Hec. Just take the twins and go and then I’ll go and then we don’t have to worry about whether or not it should be here or not.” Sarina mused as another box fell in the distance. 
This was all giving her headaches.
“You know never mind, Drakken and I are going to go-”
“Oh that’s another question, who’s this fella, you boyfriend?”
DRAKKEN: Drakken had also rolled his eyes. Ugh. Heroes. So annoying with their morals and quitter attitudes. He was about to go off about how he had paid for this fair and square, so it was well within his right to take it! But then he heard the shifting of the wood and other junk, and turned to find that the box was out from under it all. He gasped in delight, leaving his post to go fawn over it. 
So engrossed with his, yes his!!, mutagen was Drakken that he didn’t even hear the back half the pairs conversation. Only when he had the box hugged against his chest and walked to stand beside Sarina did he hear the last word. 
And he frowned, turning his questioning gaze on her. 
“Boyfriend?” he repeated, then blinked over at the larger gentleman for a moment to reassess. When he had finished he looked back to Sarina, “...I thought this was your brother? For goodness-! Is there anyone else I don’t know about that’s here? A cousin? An old roommate? Another criminal mastermind you’re working for that I don’t know about?” 
Sarina blinked at her brother, before shaking her head in disbelief. She barely had the words to use to disagree with that.
And then Drakken’s, it sent a shiver up her spine and she had to pretend to gag.
“Not me, you!” Her brother corrected Drakken and Sarina was already lighting her hands up. 
“I swear I’m about to murder everyone if we don’t just leave right now.”
DRAKKEN: Oh. Well that was rather a relief actually, for a whole multitude of reasons…that he couldn’t get into because the heat of Sarina’s magic had him shrinking back. Right. Yes. An angry Sarina was not the kind of person one wanted to mess with. He had learned that lesson. Even if it had taken him quite a few times for it to actually sink in. 
“No murdering necessary! We’ve got what we came for, ” Drakken reassured, hugging the metal box closer to him. He turned back to the brother, and- hesitated. What did one say to the brother of a colleague who was working for the opposing side? And the wrong side at that, the hooligans.  
Just as he was about to come up with something, he frowned, peering around. “Wait, what about the other two?”  
Yeah. Where were the twins. Had Hector just left them. Sure they were 18 by now…. 17? They were probably capable. But that didn't mean you should just leave two agents of chaos on their own in here. And on that where was Melvin.
Usually he was the braincell the four of them shared.
And that spike of worry was not a feeling that she enjoyed. 
"And Melvin. Is he here."
"Nope!" Hector popped the p smiling at Sarina as if nothing was wrong.
There was so many things wrong with this situation.
And there were more crashes in the distance.
"Will you go get the twins. You've done enough damage to this place I'm sure your job is done. Our job is done so we can all get out of here." Saraina stated softly. Calmly. Though her hands still glowed. 
She just wanted to get out of here.
"If I do, do you want to get ice cream later?"
Sarina deadpanned as she looked at her oldest brother. "No. Go get them before I drag the three of you out of here."
Apparently this time her murder glare was enough as he tucked his tail and ran away.
"Can we just go now" Sarina stated to Drakken, already exhausted as she gesture toward where they came in.
DRAKKEN: Drakken remained silent on the sidelines, eyes moving back and forth between the siblings as they exchanged words. While he had known Sarina had brothers, he had never thought of her as a sister. She had so many other facets to her person but that was one he hadn’t seen in person. Until today. 
It was odd and yet it wasn’t. He didn’t have siblings. The closest he had were his cousins, but he had never had much of a relationship with them. Aside from Eddie, but they hadn’t grown up together like he thought Sarina must have with these three. And maybe this Melvin person who had been name dropped. It was just another piece to the ever evolving puzzle that she was to Drakken, something that fit when he hadn’t expected it to. 
At the mention of ice cream Drakken lit up only to have to school his expression back into something serious a second later when Sarina shot it down. Unfortunate. He had been looking forward to Italian shaved ice while they were there. Or was it gelato? Whatever it was called. 
“You mean you’re not even going to say goodbye to-” The sounds of more things crashing and hitting the ground, echoing across the large room, made him startle. Drakken nodded and started off in the direction she had just motioned toward, “Yeah, okay, let’s get out of here.”  
Nope, she was not going to say goodbye to them. She would hang out outside the building until they got out and she knew they were safe but they didn’t need to know that.
No one needed to know that. Especially the brothers she had to spend so much time saving back then. 
Sarina didn’t want to start doing that again. It was exhausting. Even being in the same room as them had her ready to pull out her hair.
So she just lead the way out. “Yes my brothers are idiots. Don’t let this colour how you see me.” Sarina warned.
Drakken followed, only stumbling once over a stray piece of debris that he turned to glare at before they left the room, back into the corridor that led to the entrance. There were a lot of questions he wanted to ask, things he wanted to say. A part of him was even thinking he could take the opportunity to make a joke. There were so few moments that occurred where it felt like he had something over her rather than the other way around. 
This was family, though. People that were close to her. Or, at least, they had been at some point. It seemed like a line he shouldn’t cross without a good plan on how to get back to the other side of it. 
And he also wanted to keep his head on his shoulders. 
“No one but you could do that,” he replied, scoffing a little at the thought. Especially after only one meeting. And when they were trying to destroy the precious piece of scientific innovation. “If anything, they only proved what I already know to be true.”
Sarina smirked a little bit, it was good her personality was enough that people knew how competent she was. She couldn’t stand being compared to her brothers these days.
“And what is it that you already know to be true?” With everyone concentrated on the mess inside the warehouse it was easy to slip through the halls to the exit.
DRAKKEN: There were many ways to answer that question. None of which Drakken was going to say freely and directly to her face. She already had so much on him, he didn’t want to just hand over ammunition like that by complimenting her and inflating her ego. Plus, that wasn’t really how they did things. Just directly telling her? Blegh. No. 
The actual answer could be found in the other things he did, like ducking behind her during a dire situation or not even questioning whether she would be capable of taking out anyone in her way. He just knew she was. When he asked her to do the hard parts of a plot, like the fighting or the breaking and entering or the driving or the guarding. As it was abundantly clear, Drakken was self centered and egotistical in the most fragile of ways, and yet he trusted her with helping him achieve his life’s goal. 
“Now, now, if you want to fish for compliments you’ll have to throw bigger bait,” he said as they reached the door she had melted, still ajar and leading into the room where the desk sat. The woman was no longer there, thank goodness, but the door to the street still remained shut and locked. 
Sarina hummed at the challenge, because that’s all this was. Both Drakken’s statement and the locked door. Both puzzles she could figure out.
And she would. One of them she had to because if she didn’t they would be stuck and that was no good, and the second because as much as she complained about it, she really did enjoy figuring out what made Drakken tick.
He was an interesting guy.
“Is the fact I can just bait you with helping jobs not good enough for you these days.” Sarina stated as pulled out a few lock picking tools and got to work waiting for the proper click to get one set of doors open so she could get to the actual door.
DRAKKEN: He gave a snort, like she was joking, busy inspecting the metal box he was still cradling in his arms. His mind had shifted into thinking about his plans for what was inside, how he was going to use it to make- 
Then he thought about that statement again and blinked. Drakken looked up at her as she worked to reassess, then decided to be offended. Mostly because he was confused and didn’t know if that was a compliment or she was making fun of him. Despite all the time they’d worked together, and lived together, he still never could quite tell.
Which meant that he was going to default to being on the defense, as it was just his learned nature to be. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” he griped. 
“That I help you with jobs and that’s enough of a reason for a compliment?” Sarina stated simply though yes she was teasing him before and just trying to get out of it now before he got too huffy and she couldn’t do a thing about it.
The second door unlocked just as easily, enough to make her think they should have just done this in the beginning instead of trying to get the supplies. But oh well, what was done, was done.
“Do you wanna head back to the meeting point? I’m going to make sure my brother get out of here in one piece.”
“I didn’t know you required positive feedback in order to do your job,” he shot back now that he understood. As if she needed compliments from him when he was sure the whole world was picking up more than enough of that slack. She was a bartender, surely tips alone inflated her ego, aside from the inebriated people hopped up on liquid courage telling her about her obviously superior physical qualities. Ridiculous. 
Drakken stepped forward as he heard the clicking of the locking mechanism, hand reaching for the handle to pull it open. The outside air rushed in, and he was about to cave to give her a backhanded compliment when she suggested splitting up. 
He hesitated, eyes flickering to the corridor they had just come from. Where the destruction lay and no doubt whoever owned this facility was going to be upset with whoever should be left in the building when they arrived. Or if someone had called the authorities due to all the noise and they arrived first. He wanted to give an excuse, say that they were fine, that they were capable of walking, or point out that he had almost gotten them lost on the way there because he had no idea where he was going. But it was pointless. They were her brothers, after all. And he knew she could take care of herself.  
“I’ll see you there,” Drakken said with a nod. “And don’t be late. “
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mrbigbrother · 2 years
The scariest thing about Michael Myers that Ends was too scared to say.
I was underwhelmed by the ads for Halloween Ends, but i didn't know why until after seeing it and then taking about a week to think on it: It was false advertisement.
The previous films in James Gordon Green's H40 trilogy, promised a returning Laurie Strode, a terrifying Michael Myers (who does feels like the very same character from the original.) and a great score from a returning John Carpenter and his son. And the films delivered these things for most part. I liked the 2018 film. Halloween Kills had problems, but I liked it too. And I liked how both films took place in the same night, despite being years apart in development. Which brings me to the biggest problem I have with Halloween Ends: the set up. It should have took place that very same night as the others had. Kills had a deleted ending suggesting that that was the original plan before Blumhouse suddenly changed direction. That was a mistake. Setting things 4 years later muddys the story up. The film attempts to establishs a new lead to focus on, Corey Cunningham. Some of the ideas around him work for awhile. That "I'm the psycho, and you're the freakshow." line shows that with more time, and a movie of his own, Corey might have been a better character. But his story slowly falls apart and becomes nonsensical before being axed altogether in the end. The idea that Michael Myers and Corey are kindred spirits... i'm not against exploring that actually. Infact, I wish that Green had explored that relationship more than the poorly written and unconvincing relationship between Corey and Alison. 
Michael is an afterthought in a film about his final demise. That has historically been proven to be a mistake the series has made before. Halloween 6: curse of michael myers, committed the same exact sin of complicating the story with a Satanic cult and trying to explain away Michael's supernatural abilities, while hardly using him in the plot, because they really thought it would be more interesting to try and develop another psychopathic character in his place. Almost the exact same thing happens in Ends, with both films now considered all time lows for the franchise.
The original Halloween takes its time before unleashing Michael on his victims. In the meantime, the characters are stalked, really almost haunted by him. The genius of Michael Myers, is that he doesn't have to be on screen for his presence to be felt. If you pay attention to the background, you will notice the Shape here and there. John Carpenter wisely spent most of that film's runtime creating atmosphere, while James Gordon Green spends the runtime of this film desperately trying to develop a character, who is just not interesting. 
The final battle that the trailer promised is reluctantly delivered, as if the filmmakers didn't want to even do that much. It lasts maybe 10 minutes, including the grinder scene and the epilogue. Laurie has no real purpose in the film either, and having her be blamed by the town and by her own grand daughter made no sense at all. Karen is sorely missed here, and killing her off in Kills proved to be a mistake. Alison doesn't seem to have learned much of anything from the previous films, so her character is rendered useless, and utterly wasted too. There are some unforgivable uses of cliches where, I kid you not, Alison mistakes Laurie for having killed Corey, and storms off! They actually pulled the 'misunderstanding' story bit from Shrek! Just to stall the plot for maybe 5 minutes, and add on to the runtime...Come on guys.
I like the idea of showing a nearly dead and desolate Haddonfield in the midst of a severe depression after the Michael Myers rampage. I like the idea that Michael can actually be just a homeless man, going by unnoticed as the monster he once was/is. There are definitely interesting ideas, and sadly none of them are really fleshed out or made interesting. 
The climax could have worked if it had felt more earned. Just imaginr this damaged broken town coming together to purge it's demons once and for all. Just a somber and quiet moment. No one screaming "Evil dies tonight!" because in the end, these people are in utter defeat. Their neighbors and loved ones are still dead, and survivors are left irreparably impaired. They may have killed Michael Myers, but they'll never be able to forget him. In other words:
"You can't kill the Boogeyman."
Worse yet, (rather the filmmakers intended on it or not) the town will never know why the killings even happened in the first place. The film doesn't try to answer that question either; it accepts that there is no right answer. In the 78' film, Dr Loomis diagnosed him as being simply and purely evil, because to a psychiatrist, a person, let alone a child reaching such depths of emotionless ambivalence, was clinically inhuman. And thats what frightened Loomis so. Green and company almost said something utterly true about Michael Myers, that would have been a very scary thing to consider, but it was obscured by the film's problems. So I'll just say it here: It doesn't matter why any of it happened. 
We can't understand what kind of evil Michael was, or understand why he did what he did, because in the end, neither did Michael.
"Evil never dies, it changes Shape."
In a better film, that line would have been bloody chilling.
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oflgtfol · 2 years
man this fic series was never meant to be a genuine prediction of how mando s3 happens but i did include some things i WANTED from s3 in broad strokes, such as like, most importantly, “long journey towards din and grogu reuniting” which is such a basic expectation from s3. only for bobf to render that moot basically instantly. like sorry for constantly harping on this but im forever going to be in indignant awe over it. like what a stupid fucking decision
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Daughter of wonderwoman au where marinette finds out her mother is actually Diana and somehow it ends up with her meeting/being introduced to the batfam maybe because she has super strength and is seen yeeting some bad guys who tried to mug her... Or something.
“... you are running from your problems, Mari,” Adrien’s exasperated voice reminded his best friend. Again. She ignored him, and he threw his hands up in exasperation. “Look, you don’t have to do anything about it! Nobody would hold it against you if you decided to just, ignore that you found anything out at all. But you need to actually think about what we just found out and decide whether or not you’re gonna do anything—“ he side-stepped a piece of trash that went flying in his direction. “—or if you’re gonna move on and pretend nothing happened.”
“Isn’t that what I’m doing?” Marinette shot back, pushing her bangs out of her face and tying her hair back with one hand.
“No, you’re currently hiding away in Gotham to avoid your parents while you beat up every random group of idiots who thinks you’re an easy mark,” he retorted. Another wannabe kidnapper went flying in his direction, making him sigh and side step again. She had thrown that one with only her one free hand, showing just how upset she was. “You’re ignoring everything in your life, which is not what we meant we said you should get a little space.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Marinette dropkicked the last criminal into unconsciousness before stepping back and putting her hands on her hips. She looked over at the now seven passed out men in the alleyway, and the one very frustrated ex-model pinching the bride of his nose. “I think I’m coping just fine.”
“It’s better than being forced to suppress all of your emotions, sure,” Adrien reluctantly agreed. “But not by much. Your angry rampage through Gotham has already attracted more attention,” he raised his hand to point at a nearby rooftop. Several shadows lurked there, looming over the building’s edge. “Which, might I add, is exactly why I told you not to come to Gotham.”
“You’re the one who followed me here,” she shot back before turning to the shadowy figures above them. “Go ahead and come down! But it was self defense, and you can’t arrest or beat me up for defending myself!”
The first figure to drop down straightened your just as quickly, revealing the imposing figure of none other than Batman himself. The little white eyes on his cowl seemed to narrow on their own as he looked down at her.
“That might be true, but I’m sure you know my policy on metas in my city,” he grumbled back at her. He wasn’t necessarily threatening, but he definitely wasn’t welcoming either. With all of his limbs hidden behind the cocoon that was his cape, Marinette would never be able to predict his next move if he did decide to fight. Not that she seemed particularly worried about that as she crossed her arms over her chest and met his glare evenly.
“Oh, do you own this city now? I wasn’t given the memo,” she retorted. “And considering I didn’t even know I was a meta until last week? I think I deserve a little slack. I’m angry and if people think the tiny little girl in pink is an easy kidnapping target, then it’s their fault for making themselves into the perfect practice dummies for me to try out my newly discovered strength on.”
Adrien saw the eyes on Batman’s mask narrow even further. Marinette wasn’t exactly at her most charismatic at the moment, and Adrien didn’t wanna get the both of them into a bad relationship with the experienced superhero who always seemed to know things he shouldn’t know. So he stepped up quickly, getting in between Marinette and the Bat and holding his hands up in a placating gesture.
“Okay, Monsieur Batman,” Adrien started slowly, making sure his posture was impeccable and his smile bright. “She’s telling the truth, even if she’s not... the most tactful about it right now. She just found out some very concerning things about her origin and Gotham is the best place for her to hide from her problems and let loose a little pent up aggression. But— well,” he grimaced. “We didn’t intend to run into you guys, but maybe it’s a good thing we did.”
“How so?” Batman was clearly still incredibly suspicious of the both of them and wasn’t giving an inch. So Marinette rolled her eyes (she was still very moody) and leaned around Adrien so she could get a good look at the monochromatic hero.
“I thank my lucky spots that we ran into you, Batman!” She said monotonously. “Me and Adrien are paw-sitively excited at this opportunity.”
Batman. Froze.
Not only were those two lines the very first lines ever spoken to him by two foreign heroes a few years ago (with a few key words changed to protect identities), but they had become their code phrase for whenever they made calls to one another outside of their costumes. All at once it seemed to hit him— the golden hair and bright green eyes on the boy, the blue-black hair and normally super-focused bluebell eyes on the girl that were currently sporting very uncharacteristic frustration. Their heights. Their builds. All of this info flowed through his mind and compared to the information stored in his memory, and it only took the span of two seconds for everything to click.
Suddenly Batman was at full attention, back straight instead of looming over them and eyebrows clearly raised high under his cowl.
He knew Chat Noir and Ladybug would never take a random vacation to Gotham. Ladybug herself had nearly waxed poetic about how much the city depressed her just from the pictures she saw online. If she had willingly come to visit, it was more than to just blow off some steam.
“Batcave?” He asked, earning a relieved look from Adrien and a moody silence from Marinette.
“Please,” Adrien agreed. “You can probably help us, actually.”
Marinette leaned back in the metal debriefing chair, legs up on the table and looking for all the world as the picture of pure teenage rebellion and angst. Coincidentally, Red Hood was in the exact same position in the chair next to her.
Batman and all of his other bats and birds were in the cave with the two off-duty Parisian heroes. Everyone except Adrien and Marinette still had their masks on, since the two Parisians were still not privy to their identities. Yet.
To be fair, the bats hadn’t known the identities of the two miraculous users either before today.
“Cha Noir,” Batman started, only to get a head shake from the blond boy.
“Just call me Adrien. Chat’s out of the bag—“ he ignored the groans at the pun and soldiered on, “—so might as well use my real name.”
Batman nodded. “Adrien, then,” he amended. “Why are you and Ladybug really in Gotham?”
Adrien sighed. “I wasn’t lying, before. Marinette,” he gestured to his hero partner. “Just found out some distressing family news. Since HawkMoth is gone, she doesn’t need to repress her negative emotions anymore. But she also didn’t want to be around her parents while she processed everything. I told her to choose any other city— really, I begged— but she insisted on coming to Gotham.”
“The never ending cloud cover and constant rain seem thematic,” she finally spoke up, reaching into her big over-the-shoulder bag and pulling out a large envelope. She threw it to Batman, making the thin package slice through the air like a knife. To nobody’s surprise the seasoned hero easily caught the projectile between two fingers. He looked at the envelope and back to Marinette, silent questions floating in the air between them. Marinette decided to answer at her own pace.
“That’s what we found out. You see, one of my friends is a huge science nerd. A genius. And he wanted to compare DNA samples between us to see if there were any genetic components that determined a person’s suitability towards certain Miraculous or other magical artifacts over others. It was supposed to just be a fun side project that he didn’t expect any breakthroughs on. He mostly just wanted to satisfy his own curiosity. But instead of finding out if our DNA was linked to the miraculous, he found out that my parents are not biologically my parents.”
“Hence the whole just finding out that you’re a meta thing, right?” Nightwing spoke up, fully invested in the story. “Did they never say you were adopted before?”
“It’s not in the system,” she replied easily. “My parents have all the documentation to prove that I’m their biological child, except I’m not. When I confronted them about it, they caved and admitted that they had adopted me in secret and covered it up. Apparently a friend of theirs was involved in something illegal, and,” she waved at the envelope that Batman was now opening. “The details of what we were able to dig up are in there. The summary is this; their friend was part of a secret, illegal experimentation to create clones that could defeat the Justice League—“ the air seemed to get sucked out of the room as soon as those words left Marinette’s mouth. Everyone seemed to know exactly what she was talking about. “—a group called CADMUS. They made me, as apparently one of their early attempts. But I didn’t exhibit any of the powers they were looking for, or any meta traits at all, and my body refused to mature at the rate they wanted. They had no use for a seemingly normal human baby that they managed to clone, so they were preparing to kill me and start over. That’s when my parent’s friend stole me, not wanting to kill an infant, and begged my parents to take me in and pretend I was theirs. Low and behold, it turns out that my DNA just needed a very specific series of emotions to unlock it’s latent abilities.”
“Those emotions being..?” Red hood trailed off, earning a wolfish smile from Marinette.
“Intense anger, betrayal, and confused frustration closely followed by the desire to punch other people’s faces in.”
“That last one is just an assumption,” Adrien chimed in. “And maybe not accurate. But the first three, our scientist friend was able to confirm. The rapid experience of a lot of negative but action-oriented emotions released whatever had been holding back the powers in her DNA from expressing themselves,” he had switched to French so that he could explain everything exactly as Max had told it to them, but he knew all of them were fluent anyway so it was fine. They nodded along, processing the information.
The crinkling of paper drew everyone’s attention back to Batman, who had been flipping through the detailed break down of everything they had found about Marinette’s situation and how she was made by CADMUS.
“Uh,” Red Robin nervously spoke up. “What’s up, Batman?”
“Your genetic donors...” Batman breathed, getting a wink and finger guns from Marinette.
“Yup. Isn’t that just the most fucked up thing you’ve ever seen? They were clearly trying to make someone who could destroy the world.”
“That makes me nervous,” Nightwing admitted, getting up and going to get a look at the papers himself. “It can’t be that ba—“
When even Nightwing was left agape, everyone else who wasn’t in on it found themselves squirming.
“Just tell the rest of us, already!” Robin demanded after the silence stretched just a bit too long.
“The unknowing genetic donors that CADMUS used to make me,” Marinette spoke up, still with her legs up on the table. “Are a very mad-scientist’s-wet-dream combination of Lex Luthor, Bruce Wayne, and Wonder Woman.”
“We don’t even know why they added Bruce Wayne’s DNA,” Adrien admitted. “Although our scientist friend thinks it’s because of physique. His hypothesis is that, in order to support the genes of Wonder Woman, they had to add male genetics that could support the production of a very high muscle mass and would lean towards easy development of a very athletic body. Lex might be evil-scientist smart, but he’s a string bean. But if he added the DNA of another multi millionaire who just so happens to maintain a ridiculously fit body without putting any obvious work into it,” Adrien shrugged. “Then maybe the clone would be able to support Wonder Woman’s genetics and that of two human donors without falling apart.”
“So I’m ‘the clone’ now, huh?” Marinette snarked, earning an exasperated eye roll from her friend.
Batman just stared at the both of them for a moment. He walked away without a word, and came back with a fresh needle and a box. He placed it on the debriefing table.
“Can I do a paternity test myself?” He asked, his voice suspiciously less gruff than normal. “I trust the both of you, but I rather be safe than sorry with something like this.”
The both of them just stared at him in confusion. They traded a glance, and finally Marinette shrugged and moved to sit in her chair properly. Her shirt was already short sleeved, so she just held her arm out so Batman could easily get a blood sample.
“Sure, why not. But do you just have Lex Luthor or Bruce Wayne’s DNA sitting around to compare, or—“ she shut up when she watched Batman take off his glove and roll his own sleeve up. Realization slowly sunk in as he asked Nightwing to take a blood sample from him.
“Holy shit,” she breathed, eyes wide. “You’re— and Luthor doesn’t know— holy shit this is even worse than I thought,” Marinette rambled, not even noticing as Red Hood moved forward and took a small blood sample from her.
Adrien put a hand over his face and just laughed for a moment hysterically. “Oh my god,” he looked over at Marinette. “You could take over the world.”
“I have the blood of Batman AND Wonder Woman on MY side,” Marinette joked back, also hysterical.
When the bat’s high tech equipment was able to come back with a positive result only a few minutes later, Marinette and Adrien had to sit on the floor and just let it all sink in. Which Batman did not at all help by immediately unmasking himself and trying to make a proper introduction.
“I wanna go beat up random thugs again,” Marinette whined, pulling at her hair. “I’ll put on a mask, whatever, but just please let me punch people. I need to punch people right now.”
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5 times Merlin does something that requires a considerable amount of strength;
+1 time the gang has time to actually bring it up.
Everyone is baffled, half distracted by Merlin’s surprising buffness and half amused by Arthur’s gay panic:
The clearing fills with the sounds of a brutal fight. 
The Knights of Camelot, along with their King, had given up on trying to figure out how bandits always managed to find them in the woods. It seemed impossible for there to be so many mercenary groups that it was just coincidence for them to stumble upon each other so often, but equally, the knights moved quietly and always covered their tracks well, so... yeah, who knows.
The point is, they’re outnumbered three to one, and all of them were starting to regret not listening to Merlin’s earlier suggestion that they keep riding for another hour or so; their camp was destroyed and the fight was tiring them out.
Three to one weren’t bad odds, especially for knights with such a high level of skill, but it was exhausting and time consuming and they just wanted it to be over. Merlin was having similar thoughts as he stumbles through the middle of the crowd, trying to get out of the way. He was keeping an eye on them of course, but his friends were winning so his magical intervention wasn’t really needed; he was just annoyed that Arthur was almost certainly going to make him clear everything up afterwards.
His attention is suddenly caught when Percival’s voice rings out across the clearing:
“Merlin! Behind you!”
All of the knights’ gazes whip to the servant when they hear the giant’s yell, and they all abandon their own battles to step towards him despite knowing that they were too far away to be able to help in time. The servant takes in a sharp breath at Percival’s warning, becoming suddenly aware of a fast-moving presence behind him; he forms a fist and turns, swinging blindly with all his strength and following through even when his knuckles crunch with surprising accuracy against the temple of a bandit.
The man, not expecting the rapid attack, doesn’t have time to move out of the way, and his head jerks to the side, his entire body following as if an afterthought. He crumples to the floor gracelessly, unconscious before his head makes contact with the trampled undergrowth.
Merlin hisses at the pain bursting through his knuckles and up into his wrist, shaking his hand out as he steps over the bandit’s still form without even blinking, back to focusing on attempting to find a tree to sit behind and sulk, as if nothing had happened.
The knights only have a fraction of a second to freeze in shock before they’re dragged back to their own fights, forced to defend themselves lest they get skewered. 
The battle only lasts a few more minutes; despite being outnumbered, the knights far outmatch the bandits in skill (and sufficient armour) and Merlin was correct in his assumption that they wouldn’t need any of his DIY luck, which is a good thing really, considering how much his hand is throbbing. He peeks his head around the tree when things go suspiciously quiet, getting up and making his way to the abandoned bag of medical supplies when he sees the knights victorious.
The servant runs a quick gaze over them, taking stock of any potential injuries as he makes his way through the clearing, injured hand clenched tightly and held to his chest. He may have knocked the bandit out, but that just meant that the punch was hard enough to do damage to his hand as well as the other guy’s head. When he finds nothing more than the odd bruise on the others, he grabs a roll of bandages for himself, quickly wrapping his hand almost painfully tight, before turning to Arthur with a scowl:
“I told you we were too close to the road, I told you we should’ve kept on going. But do you ever listen to me? No, because you’re-”
He’s cut off by The King stepping towards him and taking his bandaged hand, cradling it gently and looking to Merlin in concern:
“Merlin, are you alright?”
Merlin just rolls his eyes and huffs, snatching his hand back and retreating to check on the horses, thankfully tied and uninjured at the edge of the clearing:
“No, my hand fucking hurts, because, surprisingly enough, these idiots have skulls almost as thick as yours. We need to move camps, like I said earlier. Prat.”
Arthur frowns, looking down to Merlin’s unconscious bandit at his feet, and then glancing back to the other knights, who all just shrug with wide eyes. The King sighs, reluctantly nodding at Merlin’s assertion as he stares up at the darkening sky, deciding that Merlin must’ve... hit a pressure point or... something:
“Everyone pack up, I want to be moving on in three minutes.”
Merlin had foregone his jacket and rolled his sleeves up in the surprising Spring heatwave.
Which was a sight in itself.
But what really made the knights look twice (I mean... Arthur was just outright staring, but Leon had long since glared the others into not mentioning The King’s little... crush) was the way the supposedly wimpy servant had two sets of chainmail folded on one shoulder, his arm curled over them to keep them balanced, and a few odd bits of mismatched armour clutched in his other hand. He was making his way from the training field up to the castle, presumably to find an empty room to sit quietly and clean them.
Elyan waves at him across the field, the movement just about catching the servant’s gaze as he twists around, flashing a bright, sunny grin in place of waving back. 
Arthur gulps, eyes drawn to the vein standing out from Merlin’s uncovered neck; apparently the heat had encouraged him to abandon his neckerchief as well. The King takes a deep breath, sending a scowl Merlin’s way to cover his... surprise, holding in a smirk when the servant just rolls his eyes and turns back to the castle.
His stride was strong, and though his arms were straining against the weight, he looked entirely unbothered, not even breathing deeply as he picks up his pace, jogging up the citadel steps.
Training had all but stopped at this point, the roundtable knights staring in confusion as Merlin carefully pulled the door open, making sure he wouldn’t drop anything, before nudging the door shut again with his hip. Gwaine was the first to break the silence, quirking one of his eyebrows up as he speaks in a slightly surprised tone:
“Didn’t know he had it in him. Wearing one set, when the weight is evenly distributed, is hard enough, let alone carrying two sets. And armour. Up steps. Huh.”
Arthur clears his throat, looking away with a slight blush as he asserts:
“Yes, well, knights carry the same weight in armour and weapons everyday, if not more. If you’re that impressed Sir Gwaine, perhaps you should work on your strength.”
Gwaine turns to him with a smirk, but Leon’s warning glare stops him from teasing, or saying anything else that could be considered treasonous. Instead, he rolls his eyes at the first knight before humming non-committedly and pointing his sword at The King:
“That, Princess, sounds like a challenge.”
Arthur, blush forgotten, looks up with raised eyebrows and a chuckle, noting with satisfaction the way the other knights spread out to form a circle around the two of them, swords lowered and expectant looks on their faces:
“Does it now? I suppose you’ll have to take me up on it then, won’t you?”
The knights were on some stupid (in Merlin’s opinion) quest.
The group was currently making their way through a complicated cave system. They had maps, thankfully, but they were old, and provided by a small village of locals who hadn’t spoken common very well. 
They’d had to trade away half of their supplies in return for the maps, so Arthur was already in a foul mood, but a dotted line on the page across the path they were following was worrying him. The note written next to it was in some old, almost lost native language, so The King had just resigned himself to carrying on and hoping for the best.
Which is why he let out a series of echoing curse words when they turned a corner to find a ragged overhang, about eight feet above the path. The wall curved in on itself before jutting out again at the top, making it impossible to climb, even without armour and swords and packs.
Elyan is the first to break the tense silence after Arthur’s outburst, his tone half amused, half annoyed, as he mutters:
“That’ll be why the locals kept pointing at that ladder then.”
Arthur huffs, glaring at the knight with a rare venom, but Leon gestures to the map in his hand before he can retort:
“We can always go back, or is there another way around?”
Arthur huffs louder, letting out a short growl as he thrusts the maps to Leon’s chest and paces closer to the overhang:
“Feel free, if you can find an alternative route, please, enlighten me. The village is a day’s journey away, we don’t have time to go back.”
Leon covers his annoyance at Arthur’s harshness well, but Merlin scowls at The King openly before moving to stand at the junction between the wall of the corridor, and the overhang in front of them:
“Don’t be an arse, Arthur, it’s not Leon’s fault that none of us can understand Old... whatever it was. And it’s not that high, just-”
With that, Merlin braces his foot against the wall, bending his knees slightly before pushing off and jumping up, reaching out and grabbing the overhang, his feet dangling off the ground. The knights stare in shock, but before they can say anything, Merlin swings his feet forwards, and backwards, and forwards again. When they swing back for the second time, he uses the momentum to pull himself up, his arms locking out straight beneath him as he lifts his knees up, crawling over the edge and onto the floor above them.
Arthur blinks, looking from the floor, to the wall, and up to Merlin again, trying to figure out how the hell his manservant had enough strength in his arms and core to pull himself up; he hadn’t even taken his pack off.
Lancelot clears his throat, tilting his head and frowning as he slowly speaks:
“That was... impressive. But we’re wearing armour, Merlin, I don’t think we’ll be able to manage that with all the extra weight.”
No one mentions that they don’t think they could do it even without armour.
Merlin just rolls his eyes and sits on the edge, his feet dangling below him as he gestures vaguely:
“Well if you just get your hands on the ledge then I can pull you up. Take your packs off and throw them up first if you’re so worried, you can give each other a hand up, and Percival can go last because of how tall he is. Come on, it wasn’t that hard.”
Lancelot shrugs, taking his pack off and throwing it up with all his might. Merlin leans out, catching it with ease and chucking it behind him as he motions Percival to interlock his hands. The knight does so, allowing Lancelot to step on them and throw himself up, just about managing to catch the ledge and groaning at the strain in his arms. Merlin brings his feet back over the overhang, bracing his heels against the stone as he reaches down, gripping Lancelot’s wrists and hauling him up and over the edge.
Lance yelps as Merlin yanks him up, rolling onto his back and panting at the ceiling as he blinks in surprise. Merlin doesn’t pay him any attention, frowning down at the others and gesturing at them to hurry:
“Come on, I thought we were in a rush?”
With that, they all huddle below, taking turns to be thrown up and hauled over the edge. Merlin drags Elyan up on his own, Lance still recovering from his slight shock, but the more people gather at the top, the less work Merlin has to do. Which is good, because he may be strong, but he’s not sure he could manage Percival on his own. The giant has to take a running leap at the ledge, and it takes four of them to pull him up without dislocating any shoulders or throwing out any backs.
When they’re all successfully at the top, Merlin wordlessly picks his pack up, shrugging it onto his shoulders as he begins a quick pace along the corridor as if he hadn’t a care in the world; the knights break out of their stupors and jog to catch up, knowing that Merlin was right and they needed to hurry.
Arthur was glaring resolutely at the floor, trying to psych himself up to confront whatever arsehole had managed to get the drop on him and his six best knights. The others were arguing in whispers around him, trying to figure out some way to escape the dungeon unscathed, though The King kept silent, knowing that the only way out was if someone unlocked these infernal chains first.
They’d only been there for around an hour, so no one from Camelot would have realised they were missing yet; their only hope was that Merlin was making his way back to the city to get help. He’d been off gathering firewood, and he’d already been gone half a candle mark when they’d been ambushed; Arthur would never admit it, but he had faith that Merlin would be able to sort everything out.
The King harshly shushes the knights as he hears the guards begin to yell, but frowns in confusion when he hears “They’re going crazy up there!” and “What the fuck?!” before the unmistakable sound of armoured boots running up the stairs and away from the dungeons reaches them.
The knights all look to each other in confusion, straining against their chains to try and see through the small barred window at the top of the door. A shadow passes through the square of light on the floor, and they all shuffle back against the wall, staying silent. None of them manage to hold in their surprised yelps however, when the door suddenly bursts in, the wood around the lock splintering violently and spreading shards across the dungeon floor.
A strong arm extends out, stopping the now broken beyond repair door from swinging shut again, and the knights look up, taking in sharp gasps when they see Merlin stood there, scowling disapprovingly with a ring of keys in his other hand and one foot in front of the other, as if he had... as if he had kicked the door. Leon is the first to break the silence:
“Merlin?? What are you doing here?”
Merlin’s scowl deepens as he glances down the corridor before stepping into the dungeon, sorting through the keys to try and figure out which one would open which set of chains:
“Well I’m rescuing you lot, obviously. I leave camp for barely a candle-mark and you get yourselves kidnapped. Honestly, how hard is it to not find trouble, for once?”
Arthur is too busy staring at Merlin’s apparently muscled legs to say anything, even when Elyan clears his throat and kicks him, so Percival is the next to speak as Merlin unlocks his chains:
“Why not just... unlock the door?”
Merlin doesn’t look at the largest of the knights as he moves on to the others, unchaining them one by one as he responds, his scowl still firmly in place:
“The key was on a separate ring and I only had time to grab one, figured the door would be easier to break than the chains.”
Arthur finally blinks and shakes his head free of.... distracting, thoughts as Merlin finally turns to him, holding his hands out to be unchained as he clears his throat and says strongly, forcing the waiver from his voice:
“How did you distract the guards?”
Merlin finally smiles at that, standing and reaching into his pocket to pull out a lumpy looking bit of plant:
“Snuck in and pretended to be one of their slaves, laced all the jugs with mandrake root. They’re all going loopy with hallucinations upstairs, a few of them vomited and I think one guy might have shit himself. The guards went to see what was wrong, so we don’t have much time, come on.”
Arthur nods impressed, and was the last of the group to sneak from the dungeon, pausing briefly to run a hand over the splintered wood and warped metal of the kicked-in door, before shaking his head and following the others out of the not-quite-abandoned fort.
It had been almost a year since Merlin had last seen his mother, so when the servant requested two weeks off to visit home, wanting to help the village out with repairs before the winter set in, Arthur agreed immediately, on the condition that he and a couple of the knights could tag along.
Merlin reluctantly gave in, but only after insisting that he wouldn’t be Arthur’s servant, and whoever came would have to dig in and help out. To be honest, Arthur was mentally exhausted after months of work on repealing the magic ban, so Merlin was silently grateful that he was coming; The King needed a break, and Merlin knew how secretly fond the man was of Merlin’s mother, and her simple country life. 
In the end, Leon and Mordred were the only ones who could come; Lancelot and Elyan were left in charge of patrols, Percival and Gwaine were left in charge of training, and Guinevere, Gaius, and Morgana were left to oversee the council and the general running of the Kingdom. Arthur wasn’t worried to be honest, they were only going to be gone for two weeks, and if disaster set in they were only a two day’s ride away at most.
It was chilly, the winter was setting in early so Merlin and Hunith were eager for work to start as soon as possible. There were numerous leaks and fences to fix, and one of the village’s barns needed clearing out so it could filled with grain over the snowy season.
That, and as much firewood needed to be collected as possible so they could stockpile. They normally barely had enough to last them through the winter; Arthur had nodded in approval when Merlin had meekly asked if they could take a cart of wood with them from Camelot, but they still had a lot to gather.
It was the afternoon of their first day, Leon had been sent to a neighbour’s to fix a roof, Merlin was doing something outside, and Mordred was just about to head over to one of the livestock pastures to strengthen a few of the fences. Hunith was preparing the evening’s meal and Arthur stood politely in the doorway as he spoke:
“Merlin said that firewood had to be gathered? I can get started on that if you can point me in the right direction.”
Hunith smiles over her shoulder briefly, and Arthur ignores the warm fuzziness in his stomach at the sight as she speaks:
“Oh don’t worry about that, we’ve only one axe in the village and Merlin is out by the barn chopping wood now. I know there’s a leak somewhere in the basement of the village hall, a few of the boys are already down there if you’re looking for something to do?”
Arthur raises his eyebrow at Hunith’s insistence that Merlin, his lanky manservant, was outside with an axe chopping wood, and he glances at Mordred over his shoulder, who just shrugs, nodding to Hunith’s turned back. The King responds quietly, trying to keep the amusement out of his voice:
“Hmm. I’ll go check in with Merlin and then head down to the hall, if he doesn’t need help.”
Hunith hums in agreement, but otherwise doesn’t reply, mumbling under her breath about herbs and measurements as she stirs something into the pot. Arthur smirks at Mordred and the two of them head out, neither mentioning how Mordred was following Arthur to find Merlin instead of getting to the fences.
They walk in silence, though they both freeze on the spot when they turn a corner to see Merlin, once again with his sleeves rolled up, hefting around a huge lump of wood, a ginormous axe resting on his shoulder. He gets the wood where he wants it, stepping back and wiping his forearm across his sweaty forehead before lifting the axe and swinging it down again. The stump splits easily beneath the sharpened metal, and Merlin wastes no time in repositioning the new pieces of wood, ready to be chopped again.
Arthur doesn’t even realise his mouth is hanging open until Mordred looks at him and smirks, biting his lip before giving in and snorting quietly:
“You’re the colour of our capes, Sire, and you might want to shut your mouth. Don’t want to catch flies, do you?”
Arthur’s jaw snaps shut with a clack, and he frowns as his teeth begin to ache. Mordred chuckles slightly and though Arthur is grateful that the young knight is finally comfortable enough to joke around with him, he desperately wishes he wasn’t at Gwaine’s level of comfort.
Instead of retorting, Arthur just clears his throat and turns around, striding towards the village hall:
“It appears he’s got things handled. Those fences won’t fix themselves, Sir Mordred.”
Mordred only just manages to hold in his giggle, looking up to see Merlin staring confusedly at him and Arthur’s rapidly retreating back. He waves briefly, sending a quick “I’ll tell you later.” over their mental link before turning himself and heading in the direction of the pastures.
He knows full well that he has no intention of telling Merlin about Arthur’s crush; watching them tiptoe around each other was the funniest thing ever, and he didn’t want to ruin the bet that Gwaine had going.
The fight was vicious, more so than any of the skirmishes the knights had dealt with in the last several months.
They were vastly outnumbered, and the addition of four powerful sorcerers to the enemy ranks meant that Merlin and Mordred were quickly running out of energy, having to focus on both the magical aspect of the fight, and trying to keep everyone else alive.
The metallic scent of blood was almost overwhelming, and the constant clang of metal on metal mixed with the whooshing echoes of sorcerous fire and vines was deafening. The fight went on a lot longer than Merlin had thought it would; the enemy was clearly more skilled than predicted, but the Camelot knights did prevail eventually, Percival ending the fight with the smooth slice of his blade across the last mercenary’s throat.
Merlin wastes no time in running his gaze over the knights, giving special attention to Arthur as he searches for any injuries that need seeing to immediately. The last of the sorcerers had managed to escape, so they needed to get out of there as soon as possible: there’s no way they’d survive a second attack if he came back with reinforcements.
Merlin was relieved to see nothing too serious; Lancelot had a gash on his temple that would need a thorough cleaning and a few stitches, and Gwaine was holding his wrist to his chest in a way that told Merlin it was likely broken, but everyone was on their feet and no one was crying. That’s a good start.
Merlin relaxes, but his shoulders quickly tense again as Mordred’s voice echoes weakly through his head:
“Emrys... I’m... I’m tired...”
Merlin whips around quickly, his eyes wide and panicked as his frantic gaze lands on the young knight. He’s leaning against a tree, his eyes hooded and focused on the floor. Merlin leaps towards him, catching him just before his head lands harshly on a boulder, and pulling the collapsed younger man into a more comfortable position as Arthur rushes over:
“What’s wrong with him? I don’t see any blood, was he hit with magic?”
Merlin waves him off, checking Mordred’s pulse and breathing before he relaxes again, sending a tired, but relieved smile up to The King:
“He’s fine, just exhausted. This is the first time he’s used this much magic in years, he’ll need a little while to recover his strength, but we need to get out of here in case they come back.”
Arthur lets out a relieved sigh and nods, leaning down to take one of Mordred’s arms and waving Gwaine over to pick his legs up, but before either of them get even close, Merlin stands up, dragging Mordred with him and settling the armoured knight across his shoulders. He looks to Arthur next to him, not seeming to notice The King’s shock as he quickly says:
“I know you’re The King and all, but would you mind carrying my bag?”
Arthur nods dumbly, picking up Merlin’s dropped medical bag without taking his gaze off the Warlock, who wanders around double checking that the other knights were ok and that all the bandits were dead as if he didn’t have about 240 pounds of man and armour dangling from his shoulders.
Leon catches Arthur’s eye, nodding pointedly towards the path they needed to take, trying to pull Arthur back into the present before the others notice him gawping. Arthur gulps, blushing as he nods his thanks and moves away from the battlefield, Merlin’s bag secured on his shoulders as he confidently speaks:
“Merlin’s right, we need to get as far away from here as we can. I saw a cave about two hours’ back North, we can make camp there before heading back to Camelot in the morning. Gather as much as you can carry, we’ve no hope of finding the horses before nightfall, hopefully they can make their own way home.”
The knights all nod, following Arthur’s lead as he steps carefully through the underbrush, trying not leave any obvious pointers to their direction. He keeps his gaze resolutely ahead as he hears Percival ask:
“You alright, Merlin? Sure you don’t want a hand?”
Despite keeping his gaze stubbornly forward, Arthur strains his ears to hear Merlin’s response, refusing to acknowledge the sudden weakness in his knees at what the Warlock replies with:
“Nah, it’s fine, he’s not that heavy.”
Leon subtly sidles up to walk next to The King, glancing behind him before leaning in close, talking quietly as they moved:
“Perhaps you should... let him know of you affections, Sire?”
Arthur’s blushing gaze quickly finds the older knight’s before he looks away again:
“I don’t know what you think you’re implying, Sir Leon.”
Leon just raises his eyebrow in an unusual display of amused defiance:
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Arthur. He’s been by your side for ten years, you’ve been through the unspeakable, both with each other and for each other. That, and he has a surprisingly... admirable physique.-”
Arthur’s blush deepens and he clears his throat, crossing his arms petulantly and staring resolutely ahead. Leon puts a hand on The young King’s shoulder as he continues:
The knight sighs and bites his lip again, debating with himself over whether he should say it or not:
“-you’re head over heels for him, Sire, perhaps it’s time to do something about it? Gods know he feels the same, and the Gods also know that he’ll never make the first move. He’s still... nervous, about messing things up, I think. His-”
Leon glances over his shoulder again to make sure no one could hear him before dropping his voice to a whisper:
“-his magic being outed put him... on edge, even after all these months. He won’t do anything that he think could push you away or anger you.”
Arthur sighs and nods, before turning to him slowly with an embarrassed scowl on his face; he doesn’t shrug off Leon’s hand, which the knight takes as a good sign:
“Not a word to anyone, Leon, I swear to the Gods.”
Leon holds his hand up and uses his other to wave a cross over his heart:
“I swear, Sire. Though I feel the need to tell you that... at least three of the other servants, and I do believe Lady Bronwyn and Sir Galahad, also have... uh... their eyes on him, as it were.”
Arthur’s scowl gets impossibly deeper as he huffs, muttering to himself:
“They do, do they? Well, we’ll see about that.”
Leon just smirks again and rolls his eyes fondly before falling back to walk with Elyan.
They finally make it back to the cave, though it took them even longer without horses. Merlin had requested they stop around a candle mark in so he could remove some of the heavier bits of Mordred’s armour, passing them off to the other knights, but he had once again rejected any offers of help, saying that he was slowly siphoning his own magic into Mordred so he would wake sooner. Apparently they needed to be touching for that to happen, and though Merlin had been teaching them, none of them had enough knowledge on magic to know whether that was true or not, but they did know that Merlin was incredibly protective of the young Druid, so they let it be.
A fire was lit quickly and supplies were laid out. A map had been saved, thankfully, so they could figure out roughly where they were and how long it would take them to get back home as Merlin quickly treated Lance’s gash and Gwaine’s wrist.
Mordred begins to stir just as Percival serves up food, groaning slightly and rubbing at his eyes before struggling to sit himself up. Merlin had rushed to his side as soon as he felt the Druid begin to wake, and helps prop him up against the cave wall, handing him a water-skin as he stares at him with concern. Mordred takes a long drink, nodding his thanks and clearing his throat before speaking, his voice gravelly and slow:
“This... this is the cave we passed a few hours ago...”
His voice trails off, and Arthur answers the question in his tone:
“Hmm. We had no horses, so we were never going to make it back to the city, but we couldn’t stay where we were.”
Mordred nods, yawning widely and rubbing his eyes again as he asks:
“How did you get me this far without horses?”
Arthur clenches his jaw, blushing slightly as he looks away, but thankfully Gwaine butts in, answering with a grin on his face before anyone notices The King’s flush:
“Merlin here is stronger than he looks. Carried you the whole way, didn’t use magic or anything.”
Mordred turns his incredulous gaze to Merlin and he just shrugs absentmindedly:
“You don’t weigh that much, it was fairly easy.”
Elyan laughs and shakes his head, joining in on the conversation quickly:
“Are you kidding me? I mean... sure, I could’ve carried him for maybe an hour, if I was at full strength and it was easy terrain. You carried him for three, only took his armour off in the second hour, down what could barely be classified as a path, in a barely tamed forest, after a pretty hefty fight. That’s... impressive.”
Merlin raises an eyebrow, looking around the room in bafflement as he realises that everyone is staring at him with varying levels of impressed confusion:
“You guys... you guys know that I grew up in the country, right? I spent my childhood climbing trees and running away from predators, and my teenage years chopping wood, building things with barely any help, and fighting the odd bear. I then arrive in Camelot, only to immediately be given a job that involves carrying a shit ton of heavy stuff, including, but not limited to: armour, luggage, hunting equipment, and the occasional unconscious idiot.”
Arthur sits up straight and scowls slightly when Merlin gestures to him instead of Mordred:
“You have never had to carry me anywhere.”
Merlin raises an eyebrow, gaze sinking to the floor as he smirks and coughs out something that sounds suspiciously like “Sophia”.
Arthur’s blush deepens and he jabs an accusing finger in Merlin’s direction:
“That. Didn’t. Happen.”
Merlin bites his lip to stop himself from laughing, but his dimples still show through despite his best effort and he holds his hands up in surrender:
“Whatever you say, Sire.”
Arthur just clenches his jaw and sits back against the wall with eyes focused on his food and cheeks red, stubbornly ignoring the knights’ curious stares as everyone eats their food. Merlin fusses over Mordred for a few more minutes but is quickly waved away by the younger man; the Warlock huffs and rolls his eyes, but gives in to the fact that Mordred did not need, nor want, to be babied. He moves subtly around the cave to sit down next to Arthur, barely a foot of air between them despite the abundance of space elsewhere.
Arthur forces his blush down at Merlin’s proximity, refusing to think of anything but his food and the difficult journey home, desperately keeping his gaze on his meal instead of Merlin’s strong legs stretched out next to him.
The King doesn’t acknowledge him, but doesn’t move away either, which Merlin takes as a good sign as he settles in, wrapping himself in a blanket to protect his body from the impending cold.
The other knights have long since finished their meals, scarping the lot in a matter of seconds in an attempt to gain back a little energy after the hours of riding and fighting and walking; they quickly settle into the blankets and cloaks and bedrolls they had managed to carry, though Leon seems to deliberately move slower, waiting for Arthur to glance up at him so he can give a pointed look to Merlin, just finishing his food, before laying down and attempting to sleep.
Arthur blushes with wide eyes, but Leon turns around before he has time to glare at him, and The King huffs quietly, risking a glance to a shivering Merlin next to him. He quickly frowns, not moving his gaze away like he had intended to, instead whispering softly:
“Cold? Can’t you use magic to warm up?”
Merlin looks to him tiredly, leaning his head back against the wall as his eyelids droop slightly:
“Hmm. I gave most of my reserves to Mordred, he was worse off than I first thought so he needed a lot more magic than I realised to keep him alive long enough for his energy to build up again.-”
Arthur widens his eyes at the fact that he was so close to losing one of his knights, but then shakes his head, huffing as he glares at the Warlock disapprovingly, but Merlin closes his eyes and continues before he can get told off:
“-I’ll be fine by morning, I just need-”
He’s interrupted when his body is wracked by a particularly strong shiver:
“-I just need some sleep.”
Arthur rolls his eyes, shuffling into a more comfortable position before opening his arms, spreading his cloak wide as if they were a pair of majestic wings:
“Come here, you idiot. I can’t have you freezing to death because you refuse to look after yourself.”
In normal circumstance Merlin would’ve argued, but he really was cold, so when he cracks his eyes open to see Arthur ready and waiting, he doesn’t hesitate to crawl hurriedly over. Arthur ignores the flush rising on his cheeks as Merlin clambers over one of his legs, settling between them and shoving his head under the blonde’s chin; he wraps his cloak around the two of them and rubs his cheek into the Warlock’s soft hair. 
He can feel Merlin grin against his collarbone, and it’s enough to distract him from the surprising, but not unwelcome, weight of Merlin’s muscled form against his chest:
“You know, Arthur, if you wanted to feel up my muscles so badly you just had to ask. You stare far too often to think you’re subtle.”
Arthur’s flush deepens and his body goes rigid as Merlin giggles. He clenches his jaw and lands a punch, far softer than he would normally go for, on the other man’s shoulder, but that just makes him giggle harder, and Arthur has to hush him in fear of waking the others. Merlin looks up at him through thick eyelashes, blinking tiredly with a satisfied smile on his face:
“Just let me know if you ever want carrying around, I’m more than happy to help.”
Arthur gulps, refusing to make eye contact as he stares resolutely at the opposite wall and not acknowledging the red hue of his cheeks:
“When we get back to Camelot, I’m hanging you for treason.”
Merlin snorts quietly, re-burying his face in Arthur’s chest and curling up tightly in his lap to stave off the cold:
“Whatever you say, Sire.”
Arthur gives in, smiling slightly and rolling his eyes as he tightens his hold on the other man. He lets his cheek fall back to rest on his soft hair as he closes his eyes, allowing his exhaustion to take over and descending into an easy sleep.
We stan Arthur gay panicking and all the knights (bar Leon of course, who handles it as tactically as he’s able) ruthlessly taking the piss :D
I hope y’all enjoyed reading this, I certainly enjoyed writing it! Thank you anon, I loved writing this!!!
Same as always, someone wants to write it up in full, go for it!! Drop me a message and credit/tag me :)
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fific7 · 3 years
Evil Twins - Part 1
Billy Russo & Aleksander Morozova x Reader
Summary: When two worlds which have already collided then collide with yours - that’s an explosive situation.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly a mix of fluff and angst with quite a lot of lemon zest 🍋 My Fantasy Punisher/Shadow and Bone crossover AU.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My photo edit)
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New York City
Billy Russo awoke with a start, sitting bolt upright in bed and grabbing for his Glock. What the hell? Thunder was rumbling loudly overhead and he sighed, putting the gun back under his pillow and laying his head back down. It was probably the bright flash of the lightning followed by the beginning of the thunderclap that had awakened him.
He was just closing his eyes again when he spotted something, only vaguely visible in the dim light from outside, in the corner of his room. It was…. swirling?
Grabbing his gun again, he sat up and pointed the Glock at the corner. It was getting bigger. “You’ve got two seconds to show yourself before I blow your fucking head off,” he announced, calmly.
He squinted a bit to get a better look but it didn’t make much difference. What the fuck was it?! Smoke? He decided he had no choice and leant over, switching on the wall-mounted bedside light.
The… smoke cloud?… was still increasing, becoming bigger and blacker with every second. Then he saw the vaguest silhouette of a tall figure within it, moving towards him. He leapt out of bed, on the far side of it so it was between him and whatever the fuck this was.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Aleksander Morozova - or General Kirigan, the Darkling, the Black Heretic, the Starless Saint, whichever of his many names he decided to call himself at any given point in time - could see a tall figure brandishing some kind of strange gun at him as he began to emerge from the swirling shadows.
Following certain unfortunate incidents - including a huge and furious argument with his darling mother - he’d decided it would be politic to get out of Ravka for a while, much as he didn’t really want to. But this wasn’t where he should’ve ended up. What was this place?
He emerged completely from the shadows and immediately felt something bounce off his kefta. He heard a ‘ding’ and looked down at the wooden floor at his feet. A bullet.
Looking quickly back up, he saw that the man opposite him was glaring at him, eyes wide and unbelieving, gun still pointing at him. He also realised that looking at this man was like looking in a mirror.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy was dumbfounded. He’d just shot the fucker! And the bullet had bounced off him. Fuck. He threw the gun down onto the bed and slid his hand under his other pillow, pulling out his Ka-Bar. No way he’d get past that.
He took a moment to have a good look at the dude opposite him.
Dressed in riding boots and some kinda long black tunic thing, with a black fur-collared full-length cape over it. What a freak! Was he a goth or something? But then he realised something even freakier…. this guy looked exactly like him.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The two of them were still contemplating each other, when finally Billy spoke. “Who are you? And what are you?”
Aleksander laughed. “Usually it’s me asking those questions.” Billy huffed, “You’re in my fuckin’ apartment, so just answer them!” He saw the guy draw himself up, and he said, “I am Aleksander Morozova, also known as General Kirigan, commander of the Second Army of the Grisha.”
“Means fuck all to me,” grunted Billy. “One name not enough for you? And why do you look like me? Are you some kinda shapeshifter or somethin’?”
“I have many names because I am centuries old. And I don’t know what a… shapeshifter?…is,” said the other, “…but I am the Shadow Summoner. And who are you? Where is this?” he waved a hand round at the apartment.
Billy scoffed, “Centuries old?!! Oh fuck off. You’re the same age as me by the looks of ya! I’m Billy Russo, ex-US Marine Lieutenant and now CEO of Anvil. That’s a security company, mainly staffed by ex-military vets. And this….” he also waved his hand around, “…is my penthouse apartment in New York City.”
Aleksander shook his head, “I have never heard of that place.”
Billy eye-rolled, “How can you not have heard of New York?!” he asked, incredulously. “And what the fuck is a Shadow Summoner?”
“It’s becoming obvious we are from two different worlds. I seem to have been diverted from my intended course, I don’t know why,” shrugged Aleksander. “Well maybe it’s time you took off to wherever it is you were headed for in the first place,” said Billy.
“It seems that I have been brought here for some specific reason,” replied Aleksander, “and it also seems I cannot leave for the moment, I have already tried.” He waved both hands around, firstly extending and then curling up his fingers, watching them closely as he did but it was clear that nothing at all was happening. “You see? Nothing. It is worrying to me. My shadows are no longer obeying my commands at present.”
Billy sighed and perched on the edge of his bed, “Great! Just fuckin’ great! This is just…! So when can you leave?” The other man spread out his arms, “I have no idea.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Devon, UK
Way across the Atlantic, you were already hard at work in your little bookstore in Appledore, Devon. You had a snug apartment above the store and had filled it with lots of your favourite things. It was a cute little coastal town and you loved living there. The community was small and friendly especially in the winter months, only increasing in summer with all the tourists who came to stay. As long as you made a decent living during the holiday season - which you normally did - then winter was a much calmer, chilled time of year.
You added a final book to the new display in the centre of your store and stepped back to take in how it was looking. Yeah, not bad if you did say so yourself. It was comprised of a fantasy trilogy for young adults about some ancient guy who could summon up shadows, and was a bit of a villain from what you could tell from the story synopsis on the book covers.
Not your cup of tea, to be honest. Generally speaking, all types of action stories were more your thing - something with a bit of ‘va-va-voom’. In fact, you were looking forward to tonight when you’d decided you were going to sit down with a nice tub of ice cream and rewatch one of your favourite series. The one with a relentless avenging ex-Marine whose family had been killed and his psycho ex-Marines buddy. Who happened to be rather hot to your mind.
You sighed a little, heading back behind the counter. That was the only thing about Appledore. It was a lovely place, but there was a distinct lack of hot guys.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
New York City
Billy and Aleksander were sitting on separate sofas in Billy’s living area, eyeing each other warily. Aleksander had been trying to explain to Billy all about his world, the Grisha, the Fold, volcras, Ravka, the Sun Summoner, sand skiffs - as much as he could.
It had blown Billy’s mind, to be honest. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. In turn, he’d explained all about his military career and the shitshow which had eventually developed once he’d come back to New York. Aleksander looked as equally confused as Billy.
Billy sighed, “I mean, what the hell are you gonna do? You don’t belong here. I need to go to work in a couple of hours. I’m not leaving you here so I’d need to take you to Anvil with me, and you sure as hell can’t go out looking like that.”
Aleksander looked down at his kefta which he’d unbuttoned. His cape was draped over the back of the sofa. “What is wrong with the way I look?” he huffed. “S’pose I could always say you were going to a Comic Con,” muttered Billy. “A what?” “A Comic Con. it’s where fans of fantasy comics go to have fun. They dress up as their favourite characters sometimes. I could always say it was cosplay.”
Aleksander shook his head, “I still don’t understand what you’re talking about. Are you saying I’d look out of place in my uniform? All the Grisha wear these,” he pointed at his kefta. “Not what we wear here,” said Billy, “…and I still don’t get why you look so much like me.”
“I have no idea!” said Aleksander, through gritted teeth, “I told you that already!” “Alright, alright! Calm down.” “I AM CALM!!!” roared the other man.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
New York City
Slightly later that morning, Billy was showered, suited and booted and ready for work. He’d persuaded his uninvited visitor to put on a borrowed leather jacket of Billy’s over his kefta as Aleksander refused to take it off. He’d also made him put on a pair of black trainers, which he’d done very reluctantly. These two items had instantly transformed the freaky-looking guy into someone at least a little more acceptable to your average New Yorker.
Aleksander was wriggling around in the jacket, “It’s not very comfortable.” Billy heaved yet another large sigh - he felt like this was all he’d been doing this morning - “Look, just wear it! You’ll get used to it.” He noticed the other guy sniffing at the collar of the jacket, then his eyes lifted to Billy’s, “You wear perfume?!” “Men’s cologne,” snapped Billy, “or aftershave, as it’s also known because - guess what! - you use it after you’ve shaved!”
His fingers stroking his chin, Aleksander nodded, “Okay, that I understand. We do not use this perfume in Ravka.” “Cologne!” yelled Billy. “Fine, cologne then. Why don’t you like it when I call it perfume? That’s what it is, after all.” “Women wear perfume. Men wear cologne. Okay? Now c’mon, I’m gonna be late.”
Billy strode over to his front door and tried to open it. The handle wouldn’t budge. He shook it, rattled it, pulled the door handle back and forward, exerting more and more strength but nothing worked. He stood back from the door. “It won’t open,” he said, rather unnecessarily. He looked at Aleksander, “Is this you? Or something to do with you?” “No!” he protested, “I have nothing to do with this.”
A somewhat raspy female voice spoke from behind them, “No, but I do.”
The two men swung round, both gaping as they saw that there were what could only be described as rippling waves distorting the whole interior of Billy’s flat. The light had also diminished quite drastically and then they both saw a woman’s head and shoulders start to become defined and then fully visible in amongst the ripples. She seemed to float there at head height but she obviously wasn’t physically present.
“Mother!” exclaimed Aleksander.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Devon, UK
You snuggled down amongst the soft cushions on your sofa, tub of ice cream and spoon in hand and scrolled to the series you were looking for. It was quite gory in places but you loved it - except for the bit right at the end where the hot dude got killed. That made you sad although you couldn’t deny he definitely had psychopathic tendencies.
As you were looking for the one you wanted to watch, another series caught your eye in the ‘Suggested for You’ section. Hey, it must be based on that trilogy of books you had in the store right now. Maybe you’d give it a try after you’d finished your current one.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
New York City
“Mother?” echoed Billy, “….what’s going on here?!”
The woman’s head swivelled towards him then back to Aleksander. “My two boys, together again. How sweet.”
“What!?” said the two men in tandem. She gave a bitter laugh, “How I managed to produce two such problematic children, I’ll never know.” “What are you talking about, Baghra?” ground out Aleksander. Billy was just standing there, dumbfounded and looking between the two of them when suddenly her glare focussed in on him.
“Maxim.” Billy returned her stare, “I’m Billy!” he corrected her. She shook her head, “You will forever be Maxim to me. And as I’m your mother, do not argue with me. Now…. no doubt Aleksander has been making a great fuss about how he’s many centuries old, has he?” “He did mention it,” said Billy, begrudgingly. She nodded, “I thought he might have. Listen to me, both of you. You are twins, so obviously you were born within minutes of each other. To me.” The two men exchanged glances, before looking back at her. “It became obvious to me that Aleksander - from a relatively early age - was going to cause himself and everyone around him nothing but trouble and strife, so I took a radical step.” “What did you do, Baghra?” questioned Aleksander.
“If you’d have patience, I’m trying to tell you!” she snapped, before continuing, “I got one of the few Heartrenders in existence at that time to take Maxim out of Ravka to a secret location. There, he placed him in long-term suspended animation. When you…” she pointed an accusatory finger at Aleksander, “….started all that nonsense with the Sun Summoner and hunting for the stag, I travelled with another Heartrender to where Maxim was, and brought him out of his enforced hibernation. I had to protect him as there was no guarantee you’d survive, Aleksander.” She stared at his scowling face and carried on speaking.
“He had no memories remaining of his past life and so I took him into the forest, there is a portal there which only I know of. There used to be more knew about it but I am the only one left now. Other universes can be reached through it. And I decided to send Maxim to another one. This one. It was only three months ago in Ravkan time, but in this universe more than thirty years have passed.”
“Wait… what?!” Billy was pissed. “You… you just threw me into some portal and walked away? Not knowing where I would end up?” “I had to save one of my sons!” she spat out, “…the other one had lost his mind and was on a collision course with disaster!” Billy put his head in his hands, before looking up again and raging at her, “I was abandoned for a second time by the woman I thought was my mother in this universe! She was a drug user, a total mess! I was placed in an orphanage… it was terrible!” He saw a remorseful look pass over her face for a split second, “I am sorry, Maxim! But I had no choice. Then I had to step in again when he…” pointing again at Aleksander, “….was nearly killed by volcras. I managed to get him to the portal before he fully regained consciousness. He thinks it was his idea to leave Ravka after we had an argument, but I managed to plant that idea in his mind before I pushed him into the portal.”
Billy and Aleksander both snorted in unison, then glanced at each other again. Billy looked back at her, “You’re sorry? That doesn’t quite cover it. I went to war! And now I’m in a very bad situation due to things which went down in Afghanistan during that war.” Aleksander chipped in, “And how dare you make a decision like sending me to another universe without consulting me first?”
The sigh Baghra gave echoed round the apartment. “You are a pair of ungrateful whelps! And now it sounds like I have to get you of trouble too!” She pointed at Billy this time. “I firstly had to find some very old documents about it, but I managed to find out how to enter the limbo section of the portal, which this is, because I wished to speak to both of you before I sent you on your next journey.” She lifted her hands and swirled them around in a kind of ritualistic fashion, “Be on your way to the next universe!” she chanted, and suddenly the rippling got even more pronounced.
Billy and Aleksander began feeling overwhelmingly dizzy, feeling as if they were falling but in fact realised they seemed to be rushing through time and space.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Devon, UK
It was Saturday tomorrow so because you could sleep in a bit as you opened later, you finished the first series (but not the second one - it always upset you) of the one you’d originally been watching, and had then moved on to the one based on the trilogy.
You peered more closely at your TV screen - yeah! you were right, the hot bad guy looked so similar to the hot bad dude in the other series they could be twins! Was it the same actor? You’d need to check on the credits but it must be, surely.
No reflection on the series you were watching, but having finished your ice cream you dozed off during episode 6.
You woke up - you had no idea how much later - and as you sat up slightly, realised that you were feeling very strange. Standing up from the sofa, you were so dizzy that you collapsed back down onto it. You tried not to panic, but you’d no clue as to why you felt so unwell all of a sudden.
Then you noticed that your apartment appeared to be rippling. Rippling??!! What the…. The rippling waves began to die down a little and you were suddenly aware of two looming figures standing over you. Their outlines and features slowly became more defined, more solid, and eventually you realised you were looking up at both the hot bad dudes from the TV.
Of course you were.
Okay, your reeling mind said to you, maybe the celestial Powers That Be had been listening when you were complaining about the lack of hot guys in your town.
They were both looking down at you, clear interest in their eyes. Maybe because you were wearing silky shorts with matching tank T. Your sleepwear didn’t leave too much to the imagination.
So you stared at them, and they stared right back at you, although again you were acutely aware of two sets of very dark eyes roaming all over your body.
You wondered if someone had spiked your ice cream.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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theghostwrites · 3 years
Hot take but people need to stop saying that the hunger games trilogy is THE book series that talks about fighting against oppression when it’s not???? Unpopular opinion but it’s message about fighting against your oppressors is actually terrible. The Hunger Games trilogy’s message about freedom was that you NEED to be peaceful or else you are just as terrible as your oppressive government which is a message that has been used to EXCUSE oppressive systems. The oppressed do NOT need to be gentle when it comes to fighting for their freedom. The districts had every right to use militancy to get rid of the Capitol. Using militancy or being peaceful when you fight against your oppressors are both valid and one is not better than the other. But The Hunger Games doesn’t get that. What it does instead is frame brown people (Gale) as violent for wanting freedom and say that white characters represent peace (Peeta). The author literally writes in the book that Gale represents fire and anger and that Peeta is better because he is peaceful. That’s racism 101. She made Gale into this violent monster in the end even though he cared so much for people. The Hunger Games actually excuses oppression through its writing of Gale and the other rebels while claiming that the books are about fighting for your freedom but you guys just keep on putting Suzanne Collins on a pedestal and eating up her (shitty) opinions about freedom. THG trilogy is outdated and you guys need to accept that instead of being stuck in 2012 and constantly praising it and its (shitty) white author who clearly came from a privileged background.
I love how you became more unhinged as this went on. Same. These types of random asks are the only reason I know I didn't get a completely different book than the rest of the world. I think so much about these points, you have no idea It should have been clear for everyone that a White woman from North America should not get the final literary word on revolutions/oppression when she is among the privileged herself. Sadly that's not the case. And the reason why we can't have nuanced discussions around these books anymore, I think, it's bc they've become this idyllic example of "see?? YA is GOOD!!" to detract from haters, so it makes people defensive, and nostalgia of course. Like the stupid ass fresh-as-parchment "There's no love triangle in THG! mainstream media is like the capitol" take I have to come across every other week (the trope is there 🙄, just bc it's not the central theme, doesn't magically remove it). These points you bring up I'll never get tired of shouting to the rooftops, bc we (readers) can point fingers at SJM for the lack of LGBT+ characters in her work, or at Ken Foll*t/ GRRM/ 99.9% of male authors and acknowledge that their ingrained sexism seeps into their work, but never Suzanne. Suzanne, who meant to write a story about how war damages people on both sides and only creates death... by using a revolution as a setting and completely ripping away humanity from all her revolutionaries. And I'm not talking about Finnick or Katniss herself who have personal reasons to reluctantly participate, I'm talking about those who thought about COMMUNITY and were fervent in their support. Not a concept I expect a white lib to grasp. What finally confirmed my suspicion that she truly has no fucking clue about it was her writing that cashgrab prequel about freaking Snow, which could have been a wonderful opportunity to explore the insidious nature of privilege/ nationalism/ all of the other isms 🥴, and how they evolve through time. But that would be like asking for a vegan salad from the butcher.
Unfortunate circumstances all around. I still appreciate some things about THG so I don't start shit with fans, but you won't catch me praising them either.
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spectaclespencer · 3 years
P.H. // Part 1; Alone
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
A/N; Here’s the first chapter! Let me know what you think <3 this is based off of this request I got. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Please know I know this theme/part has little to nothing to do with the actual meaning of the song, but some lines work if you ignore the rest 😅
Summary; After Gideon leaves, Reader takes up chess to comfort Spencer through the difficult time.
Category; Fluff, Angst(?), Hurt/Comfort
Content Warnings; Sad Spencer otherwise none!
Word Count; 3.5k
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It started when I found Spencer one morning. He had fallen asleep on a chair at the bau, and he explained to me that he’d been waiting for Gideon because he promised to play chess with Spencer that night.
“Is Hotch in yet?”
“No, he will be soon. We have a case, JJ is gonna brief us and we leave in 30.”
He thanked me and left the room, with his head down. He kept the same mood during the briefing, he kept drifting off as JJ was talking. Spencer was known to be stuck in his head often, but this was far more unusual behaviour. I figured maybe he slept wrong, or maybe just was simply looking forward to playing chess with Gideon. That was their usual routine, to have a game or two after cases to relax. It was understandable to see him on edge after not hearing from him all night.
As we got on the jet he didn’t sit with me on the couch right away as he usually did, instead he walked over to Hotch in the back corner. I craned my neck to try and see what he was doing and hear what he was saying. He spoke in soft whispers, seemingly asking questions I assumed were about Gideon’s presence. I saw Hotch shake his head, to which Spencer’s expression dropped. He thanked him, then made his way over to the couch beside me.
“You okay?” I asked.
He gave me a quick nod -- yet didn’t meet my eyes -- then curled up at the end of the couch to presumably take a nap before we landed.
We were all worried about Gideon, none of us had heard from him since the last case. We figured he just needed a break from the chaos; having a loved one die would take a toll on any of us. It was logical really, any one of the team would need time to recover when presented with that situation.
Spencer remained more quiet throughout the case, not engaging in conversation when it wasn’t crucial to the work. We ended up sharing rooms but even then he didn’t budge. He mostly sat in the corner and played chess against himself, often zoning out and staring at the wall. It was hard to see, and even harder to sit back and let him try to get through it. I could tell he was fighting himself in his head, probably going over scenarios on Gideon’s whereabouts. I imagine the stress was affecting him heavily -- or at least it was clear with the way his forehead had been creased all night.
Chess. Nobody on the team had a fair shot at him besides Gideon. Sitting there staring at the pieces probably wasn’t doing him too good, only making him worry more.
It wasn’t that I didn’t care because I did, but when it comes to certain things Spencer can be defensive and refuse help, so I wanted to give him a chance to get better. It wasn’t unlike him to refuse help, and I didn’t want to make the situation worse by opening my mouth. Instead, I opted to ask, “Mind if I join in for a game?”
“What? Uh- no it’s fine. I mean, okay yes. Sure,” Spencer stuttered, spooked by my sudden appearance beside him.
“Stop slouching, you’re gonna make your posture even worse,” I chuckled lightly, patting his shoulder to remind him. He shot me a small smile, watching as I rounded the table to sit across from him. I wasn’t too good of a player, but I wanted to make Spencer feel just a little less alone.
“Do you even know how to play?”
“Ouch,” I mocked offense, slapping a hand over my heart. “So cruel, Spencer.”
He raised his eyebrows in a form of asking again, to which I replied with, “Kind of. I haven’t played for years but I’ve observed you.”
“Y-you’ve observed me?” Spencer questioned, resetting the chess pieces on the board.
“Well, yeah. Kind of hard not to. You’re a pretty interesting guy.”
“Oh. Thank you.”
I smiled when he finally made eye contact with me. He looked tired -- more so than usual -- with his eyebags a deeper shade than they were normally.
The game didn’t last long. In only seven minutes, he managed to beat me. I groaned at my loss, lips pulled into a tight line. Spencer didn’t react, however.
“Okay that’s enough for me,” I said, heading over to the bathroom to brush my teeth before bed. “Goodnight Spence. Get some sleep. No offense but you look like you need it.”
He hummed at me, cleaning up the table before he climbed into his own bed.
I could tell he didn’t sleep much that night, as he kept a lamp on and littered his bed with various books. He looked cute, all swaddled up in the blanket he brings with him on every case for a sense of stability. His glasses were perched on his nose, and he was chewing his fingernails -- a habit I’ve tried to get him to kick over the past two years.
We didn’t talk during the night, but we both knew that each other were awake. I was kept up by my thoughts, trying to figure out how to get Spencer out of his slump. Re-learning how to play chess seemed like a decent enough idea -- yet one that would take some time. I was proved tonight that my skill needed to be greatly improved. It was nice in the moment, but realistically it would take a few weeks, if not more, to get the hang of.
The next day at the precinct I was stationed at the map, trying to figure out our geographical profile. I heard faint chattering coming from outside, and looked over my shoulder to see Spencer and Derek talking. I couldn’t hear much, but I did get that Spencer mumbled about calling Gideon, to which Derek answered that he might’ve just missed the call. It was possible, but likely deeper than that.
“Six times? Six calls? Something’s wrong,” Spencer sighed, rubbing his eyes.
I didn’t intervene with the conversation, instead deciding to finally speak to him about it after the case had ended.
On the last day, we all headed to our rooms after grabbing some dinner, to get a good rest before we took off early the next morning.
“Hey Spence, you awake?”
He hummed in response, and I could hear the rustle of the sheets as he rolled over in his bed to face me.
“I know you’re worried about Gideon. How about when we get back tomorrow I’ll drive you down to his cabin? We can go check on him.
“Would you really?” he asked softly. I couldn’t see him fully in the darkness, but I could sense he was looking at me with pleading eyes.
“Of course. I don’t like seeing you this stressed and down. I want to help.”
“Thanks ____, goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Spencer.”
After our conversation it was like a blanket of grey was lifted over his head. He settled in more, drifting off to sleep within minutes. I hated seeing him sad, and I did my best to try and fix his mood whenever I could. Spencer didn’t like change, I knew that, and the team knows that. A part of me had a sneaking suspicion that Gideon wasn’t coming back, and I had fear for what that would mean for Spencer.
“Do you want me to come in with you?” I asked, pulling up in front of the cabin and turning off the engine. The only sounds were the faint hum of rain outside, splattering against the windows.
Spencer shook his head and took a deep breath, before unbuckling himself and opening his door. He mumbled something about being right back, as he headed off towards the building. It wasn’t dark yet -- only being four pm -- but it wasn’t too light either.
It looked as if the lights inside the cabin were off, and I could just hardly see Spencer as he knocked on the door. He waited on the porch for a moment, waiting to see if anyone would come to the door.
Nobody did.
It was hard to just sit there and watch, as his desperation grew stronger by the millisecond.
I took deep breaths, trying to even out my intake of air and remain calm. When nobody answered the fifth time that I knocked, I reluctantly grabbed a hold of the knob and turned it. Much to my surprise the door opened, creaking inch by inch as I stood there unmoving.
“Gideon?” I called into the home, taking one step inside. “Jason?”
I wasn’t greeted with an answer, he didn’t come to the door and thank me for coming to visit. It was eerily quiet -- so quiet I took a few more steps inside to create some sort of volume.
“Hello?” I spoke again, louder this time. Shutting the door behind me I took off my jacket and hung it on the coat rack next to the entrance.
The place had been mainly cleared out, there weren’t many personal items behind. I stalked over to the kitchen, to see if there was any trace of someone within the last few days. It’s been officially a week and a half since anyone had last heard from him that I was aware of. I thought someone must have eaten, or at least left a bit of a mess behind them that would signal a presence.
As I turned the corner to enter the new room I noticed something on the table. I stopped in my tracks, leaning down to take a closer look.
Gideon’s badge, gun, and an envelope.
I swallowed thickly, walking around the table and took a seat in front of the items. When I saw the envelope had my name on it, my heart dropped. With shaky hands I picked up the paper and opened it, seeing there was a letter inside.
I knew it would be you who came to the cabin to check on me.
You must be frightened, I apologize for that. I never meant to cause you any pain. But then I also never envisioned writing this letter. I’ve searched for a satisfactory explanation for what I’m doing, all I’ve come up with is: a profiler needs to have solid footing. I- I don’t think I do anymore. The world confuses me. The cruelty, indifference, tragedy.
I stopped there, my eyesight becoming blurry from tears. I shoved the letter in my pocket, not caring at the moment if it got crumpled or not.
I was out of the cabin in no time -- choosing not to stay there and sulk in a deeper sadness.
Waiting in the car for Spencer felt like torture. It was difficult, letting him go in there alone to be met with possibly no answers. I was thrown out of my thoughts by the sound of the cabin door slamming shut, Spencer jogging over to the car.
“Hey. Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked, red flags hanging immediately as he climbed in the car, tear soaked face pointed down towards his lap. It took me a moment to realize he was crying -- the rain had completely soaked through his top layer of clothes. He didn’t reply with words, instead reaching into his pants pocket to retrieve a piece of paper. He handed it over to me, still not meeting my eyes.
I unfolded it and began to read -- it was hard, through the tear stains smudging the ink across the page.
“Oh, Spence…” I whispered and stopped after the first few sentences, leaving the rest for him. I didn’t know what to say, how to comfort him.
“He’s gone,” Spencer sniffled, wiping his eyes on the sleeves of his nearly drenched jacket. “He just left. He didn’t say goodbye. He left me a note,” he froze, taking a few deep breaths. “Just like my dad did when I was a kid.”
“It’ll be okay. Wherever he is, I’m sure he’s okay,” I assured him. “You know he cares about you, right?”
“I know he is. It’s just-” he started, trying to find the right words between his gasping for more air. “Can you just take me home, please.”
I nodded, while turning the car back on to drive away. Spencer kept his gaze towards the window, refusing to let me see his face. I’m selfishly almost glad for it, because I don’t know if seeing his heartbreak is something I could handle.
It was a long, quiet drive, taking around an hour and a half to finally reach his apartment. He scrambled out of the car fast, but I still walked him up as I usually did. He got to the door before me, thanking me for driving him home. He shut the door just as I got fully up the stairs, leaving me standing with my mouth open.
‘Baby, when you fought me at the door
Kinda hard to force what's natural
Maybe you don't want what you need most’
The next day when he came over after work he was almost back to normal. It was weird to see, to see such a shift in his behaviour after less than twenty-four hours. As much as he tried to hide it, I could tell just how hard it was for him. The sudden change didn’t go well with anyone, we’d all been informed that Gideon wouldn’t be returning and that he’d moved on from the BAU. It was especially hard on Spencer too, since Elle had just left not too long ago, and then Emily joined the team. First he loses a friend, someone who truly understood him as I did, and then someone he considered a father figure.
And neither of them had said goodbye to his face. It was scary, knowing a member of your team could walk out and never return before you know it.
We were seated on the couch, a game of chess displayed on the middle cushion between us.
It wasn’t anywhere near a fair game -- Spencer’s skills were still far ahead of mine. However I noticed it made him smile, and that’s all I wanted. For him to feel loved, and secured. It was a sense of grounding, a routine that was regular in his life. I still wasn’t very good -- not having played since high school and that night on the last case. But I downloaded an audiobook and several player’s guides for the plane ride home to study, because I wanted to learn for Spencer’s sake. However I soon realized it was easier to watch Spencer and how he plays, and to ask him questions. He seemed to enjoy it, having someone else in his life to play with.. And he loved to teach, to help people learn. He was so good at it too, his big brain being used to help people no matter the context.
Eventually he won the game as usual, causing me to groan in frustration..
“You bastard.”
“Not my fault you kinda suck,” he laughed bashfully, lips curling up into a small smile. It was nice to see a bit of happiness on his face, no matter how temporary.
“You’re so rude to me,” I joked, moving the board to the coffee table. “I thought we were friends.”
It was silent for a few moments, with me figuring out what I was going to say next.
“Spencer I know you haven’t wanted my help, but please tell me what I can do for you. Tell me how you feel, at least?”
‘Maybe you don't want what you need most’
“It’s nothing, ____,” he breathed, looking away from me and instead at the wall the couch was facing. He could see our reflection on the blank tv, and instead opted to just look down at his lap. “I’m better now.”
‘You ain't even there for me
Now you're scared to be alone’
“Respectfully, that’s bullshit.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh come on. I know you don’t want to talk about this but at least give me something. Don’t keep it all in. It’s not healthy.”
His face screwed up at my words, eyebrows furrowed and lips twitching. I could tell he knew I was right, as much as he hated it.
“I’m just- I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“I don’t want you to leave,” Spencer whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear.
‘Got me thinkin' that you scared of yourself, not me’
It all made sense -- the way he’d been distancing himself lately. It took me promising candy and Star Trek for him to come over tonight, and even then he almost declined. Too many blows to the heart made him afraid to get attached. He didn’t want anyone else from his life to disappear in a flash.
“Look at me,” I said, and he snapped his head to face me. “I’m not going anywhere. I can’t claim to be far in the future, but right now? I’m here. You’re stuck with me for a while, Spencer.”
He smiled, closing his eyes as a stray tear graced across his cheek. I used my thumb to wipe it away, and pulled him into a tight hug. He relaxed against me, I felt the tensions in his shoulders deflate as I held him.
“I’ve got you,” I whispered, pressing a kiss to the side of his head. His breath shuddered, and he wrapped his arms around my middle tighter, pushing his face into my shoulder to muffle his crying.
We sat for a while, my hands tracing patterns along his back. It took a few minutes for his cries to calm down, but eventually his breathing evened out with only a few hiccups here and there. He was practically sitting in my lap with his legs flung over mine, suddenly not caring about his personal space. I couldn’t blame him -- the boy was so touch starved he so clearly craved all contact he consented to.
“Do you want to spend the night?” I asked, quietly so I didn’t scare him with the sudden sound.
“Could I please?”
“Of course,” I smiled, pulling away. He still held on tight, not wanting to let go.
We made our way to my bedroom, repeating our usual routine. This wasn’t the first time we’d had a sleepover, and it won’t be the last I’m sure. Sometimes after particularly harder cases he would spend the night, just to be close to someone.
I went into the bathroom to change, giving him the opportunity to do the same. When I returned, he was dressed in a t-shirt and flannel pants he left at my place for sleepovers like this. He was already in bed, and when he saw that I was done in the bathroom he lifted the side of the blanket to welcome me in.
I joined him, grinning as he scooted over and pressed his back to my chest. I felt him breathing softly, my right arm slung over his torso to bring him in closer. He held onto my hand, and didn’t let me drift away. I was happy to comply, happy to feel his body warmth radiate through me.
“Thank you, ____. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight Spence.”
From that day on for the foreseeable future, I swore to myself to have check-ins with Spencer whenever it seemed necessary. Whether it was in the form of words, sleepovers, movie nights, or chess.
His smile got brighter everyday, and eventually he no longer felt as much weight on himself a few weeks down the road. He still cried to me about how he missed Gideon, but it had gotten less frequent. And I was always there for him, offering my shoulder and the promise of my embrace. I knew he appreciated it too.
After a few months since our first game, I beat him in a game of chess. We were on the jet on the way to Montana for a case, and Derek was sitting beside Spencer. He kept annoying him, doing little things like twisting his hair and fanning him with files. Spencer kept shrieking quietly -- trying not to alert Hotch of the bickering.
“Checkmate,” I said, biting back a smile.
“What?!” Spencer froze, arm raised in what looked like to be a poor attempt of whacking Derek’s head.
“Awe, pretty boy. You’ll get her next time,” Derek threw his head back in laughter.
“What?” Spencer repeated quieter, eyes darting across the board, likely running calculations in his head.
“Better luck next time,” I smirked, tilting my head to the side. I wiggled my eyebrows, my small victory boosting my ego.
Spencer tried to keep a neutral face, but I could see by the tension in his cheekbones that he was happy. He was enjoying it.
Please tell me your thoughts on this chapter here!
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hockey-fics · 4 years
Should Have Seen it Sooner ~ Vince Dunn 
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Summary: You make the decision to go visit your brother, Sammy, after graduating university. But that visit quickly becomes much more than you ever would have anticipated. 
Warnings: verbal arguments, language, smut (nothing overly detailed)
Word Count: `13.5k
A/N: Let’s all pretend that Vince isn’t about to be traded ahahaha...I’m sad. 
Your brother had always been your best friend. Even when you were kids and you refused to do so much as admit you liked him. He was the one who you would run to in the middle of the night when you were six and going through a phase of horrible nightmares. He would walk you back to your room, check under the bed and in the closet and lay with you till you fell asleep again. And when you were a little older and started having bad anxiety at school you would sit in the guidance counsellor’s office and refuse to talk to anyone but Sammy, who they would reluctantly pull out of class to come calm you down. When he had a bad loss in a hockey game he would come home and watch terrible reality tv with you, never wanting to talk about the game. He was the first person to make fun of you when you got a bad haircut but was also the first person to come to your defence when someone else made a comment about it. He picked you up drunk from many highschool parties, promising not to tell mom and dad. You helped him with girl issues, carefully constructing text messages to girls he liked, planning his dates for him and giving him pep talks before those dates. 
So when he moved to St. Louis and seemed to be settling in there for awhile you had to admit you were quite upset. Of course growing up with him in hockey you were used to long periods without him, stretches of time when he was on the road. But him moving so far wasn’t easy for you. Then you moved away for university and while it wasn’t any easier, the distraction of new people, new places, and new experiences was enough to make it more bearable. 
But once you graduated you were back to square one, realizing you were lost without your brother. So you took your degree and ran straight to St. Louis to spend whatever free time you had between graduating university and starting your life and career with Sammy. 
It had been two weeks since you got there, making yourself comfortable in Sammy and Vince’s spare bedroom. You had only briefly met Vince prior to the trip but you were quickly becoming acquainted with him, despite the fact that he spent most of his free time playing video games which you were not about to distract him from. 
“Why are you even going on a date?” Sammy asks, sprawled across the guest room bed with his phone in his hands as you stand on the other side of the room in front of the mirror over the dresser, curling your hair. “You’re don’t even live here.” 
Glancing at him through the mirror you let a strand of still hot hair fall over your shoulder. “Do you only ever go on dates if you’re imagining spending the rest of your life with the person?” 
Sammy looks over at you, his nose crinkling. “Gross.”
“What?” Your eyebrows are furrowed as you set your curling iron down, turning around to look at Sammy. 
“You’re just going on a date with this guy to get fuck-.”
“Stop,” you exclaim, eyes widening. The last thing you wanted was your older brother thinking about your sex life. “No, I’m just meeting people, going out, having fun. I’m not just trying to get…fucked,” you tell him, turning around to look back into the mirror and continue on with your hair. “If that was the case I wouldn’t be putting this much effort into my appearance when it’ll just get wrecked in-.”
“No,” Sammy exclaims, pushing himself up off your bed. “I don’t want to hear it.” Laughing you watch him walk out of your room, shaking his head. 
An hour later you’re in Sammy’s car after he convinced you to let him drive you to your date instead of taking an Uber. “Call me when you want me to pick you up,” Sammy tells you as you climb out of your car. 
“Okay, dad,” you joke, rolling your eyes as you say your goodbye to Sammy, closing the door. 
And call Sammy you did, only it was much earlier than you had expected. The date had gone terribly. It was only twenty minutes into the date, the drinks you had ordered not even at your table yet, when he suggested just leaving and going back to his place. And the suggestive comments didn’t stop, till ten minutes later and you were wondering if he was even going to let you leave at the end of the night without putting up a fight. So you excused yourself to the bathroom, pulling your phone out and dialling Sammy’s number. But he didn’t answer. So you called again, and he didn’t answer. Four more times and you were about to hang up and get an Uber when the dial tone cuts out. 
“He didn’t answer the first ten times, why would he answer now?” It’s Vince’s voice, annoyed but also distant and you’re pretty sure that means he’s in the middle of gaming. 
“Where’s Sammy?” 
“The shower,” Vince tells you, too preoccupied with what he was doing to even so much as question the six, back-to-back phone calls. 
“Can you tell him to come pick me up as soon as he’s out of the shower?” You ask, sniffling as you feel an overwhelming wash of panic come over you. This meant you would have to go back and sit with that man for even longer. “Or, could you just go like knock on the door? Tell him to hurry…please?”
“What’s wrong?” Vince asks, his tone shifting slightly. 
“I…he-he’s weird,” you mutter, anxiously running your fingers through your hair. “Creepy,” you add, making him aware that it wasn’t a matter of simply not clicking on a first date. 
“Text me the restaurant you’re at.”
“What? Sammy knows,” you tell him. 
“I’m coming to get you.”
You wanted to tell him that he didn’t have to. You hated burdening people, hated asking for help. But that was far outweighed by your anxiety about the man at the table on the other side of the restaurant. “Thank you, I’ll text it to you now,” you tell him, saying a quick goodbye before hanging up and texting the address to Vince. 
’on my way’ Vince sends back immediately. 
You spend another few minutes in the bathroom before heading out to the restaurant, slowly making your way to the table. “Hey, I just got a text from my friend. I have to leave,” you tell him, leaving a ten dollar bill on the table, more than enough to cover the drink you ordered but never even got a sip of. 
Outside you stand near the entrance of the restaurant, not wanting to stray too far from the brightly lit entrance. You’re surprised when you see Vince’s car pull up in front of you. Not because you didn’t think he would show up, but because you weren’t expecting him to be there that quickly. Hurrying to the passenger’s side door you hop into his car, silent as you stare out the front window, pulling your seatbelt across your body. 
“That bad?” Vince asks, putting his car back in drive and pulling away from the restaurant. 
“Yes,” is all you’re able to mutter leaning back in your seat, elbow on the window sill as you rest you head in your hand. 
“Too bad,” Vince comments, glancing over at you, “You look good tonight, sucks it was wasted on an asshole.”
Your cheeks get warm, palms sweaty, and you’re not sure why. All you can manage to do is glance over at Vince and mutter a simple, “thanks, I guess.”
The next thing you know you’re in a Dairy Queen drive through and Vince is looking over at you. “What do you want?”
“I didn’t…wait, what?” But Vince is pulling up to the speaker before you have any longer to question it so you tell him what you want and wait in silence till he pulls ahead. “I didn’t realize we were getting ice cream.”
“And we’re going to watch that shitty tv show you’re always trying to get Sammy to watch,” Vince tells you, clearly having already constructed a plan for how he was going to turn the night around for you. 
“Thank you, Vince,” you whisper and he glances over, eyes meeting yours before shrugging casually, as if it was no big deal. But it was. It was a big deal. He had already gone out of his way to pick you up, something he didn’t need to do. Now he was committing to trying to cheer you up. 
Before you know it you’re back at Sammy and Vince’s apartment and Sammy is lost beyond hope regarding the situation. “It’s okay,” you assured Sammy when he asked you about the six phone calls the second you walked through the front door. “Vince came to get me.”
“Why?” Sammy asks, glancing back and forth between the two of you. 
“Because you have terrible timing to go have a shower.” Tugging your jacket off you hang it up on the hook by the door. “I should have listened to you, dating is just a bad idea.”
“Well I didn’t exactly say that,” Sammy mutters, following after you and Vince as you head towards the living room. “What happened?”
“My date was a creep, I called your phone…a few times, and Vince answered after he got annoyed with listening to it ring.”
“I wasn’t annoyed,” Vince chimes in, flopping down onto the end of the couch. 
Rolling your eyes you glance over at Vince, shaking your head. “Don’t lie, I heard how annoyed you were.”
“I wasn’t annoyed,” Vince repeats, eyes locked on yours. 
“Fine,” you comment, but you were still convinced it was a lie and he was just trying not to sound like an asshole after finding out about the situation. “We’re going to watch Selling Sunset, want to join?”
Sammy furrows his eyebrows, glancing over at Vince. “You’re going to watch Selling Sunset?” He asks, directing his question at Vince. 
Walking over you sit down on the opposite end of the couch from Vince, pulling your legs and crossing them as you reach for the remote. 
“Yeah,” Vince replies, looking over at Sammy while grabbing the remote for you and handing it to you. 
Sammy stands in a stunned silence for a minute, staring at Vince in disbelief. He could barely ever convince Vince to let him pick a series and now here he was, willing to watch a reality tv show about Los Angeles real estate. “Okay,” Sammy finally mutters, settling into the love seat on the other side of the room, exchanging silent glances with you. Silent glances that asked, ‘what’s going on?’ But you couldn’t answer, verbally or silently, because you weren’t really sure where this behaviour was coming from with Vince. 
A few episodes later and you decide to put Vince and Sammy, who were trying their best to seem like they actually cared about what was on the screen, out of their misery. “I’m going to head to bed,” you tell them, handing the remote to Vince as you push yourself off the couch, stretching your arms over your head. “Thanks again, for everything tonight,” you tell Vince. 
“Anytime,” he replies, watching as you walk out of the living room and into the guest room down the hall. 
It’s not long before there’s a knock on your door and you look up from where you were laying on the bed scrolling through your phone. Sammy pushes the door open, taking two bounding steps before throwing himself onto your bed. “What happened tonight?” He asks, his tone a serious shift from his actions of throwing himself around like a ragdoll. 
Shrugging you lock your phone, setting it down and adjusting higher on your pillow so you could see your brother without fully committing to actually sitting up. “My date was just creepy…he kept trying to get me to leave with him like 5 minutes into the date.”
Sammy visibly tenses up when he hears this, shifting to sit up as he looks down at you. “So you called Vince?”
“I called you,” you exclaim, laughing as you reach other, grabbing a pillow and swinging it towards him. “But you seemed to think the date was going to last longer than half an hour.”
“I’m sorry,” Sammy tells you, and you can tell that he really means it. Normally you were sure he wouldn’t care about not being able to pick you up at the exact moment you wanted him to. He was your brother after all, he cared, but he wasn’t sweet about it. This was just a different type of situation, you knew it, he knew it, and thankfully, Vince had figured that out too. 
“It’s fine, I just won’t rely on you…ever again,” you joke. 
“That’ll last like twenty minutes,” Sammy replies, laying back down along the foot of your bed. “Till you find a spider in your room and refuse to come back in till I kill it for you.”
“Don’t put that in the universe, that’s so mean to wish that upon me.” 
You and Sammy continue talking till you’re about to drift off to sleep and he sneaks out of your room, like he did when you were six and had a nightmare. 
A couple days later Sammy and Vince had to go on a five day road trip and you considered going home, brought up the idea to Sammy. He pointed out the fact that you had a key to the apartment, you had gotten comfortable there, and it was only five days. So you agreed to stay, relatively easily at that. Because if you were being honest, you missed being around Sammy, and you were happier there than you had been in awhile. 
The morning they were leaving you were saying your goodbyes, hugging Sammy quickly. “Good luck, I’ll miss you. I promise I won’t throw any parties,” you joked. You were used to sad goodbyes with Sammy, after he would come home during the summer and you would have to say goodbye for months. This one felt so different though, knowing it was only a few days apart. It was comforting. 
When you pulled away you looked over at Vince, hesitating a second before throwing your arms around him too. “Good luck,” you told him, his arms tight around your waist. It was different than your hug with Sammy, of course it would be, but you weren’t prepared for just how different. You weren’t prepared for the the scent of his cologne, the way he held you tight to his body, the warmth radiating from him, would make your stomach fill with butterflies. “I’ll miss you as well,” you added, playing it off as a joke, but you knew it wasn’t really a joke. 
Vince had chuckled in response, your body absorbing the way his laughter rumbled through his body. “I’ll miss you too,” he whispered, sending a shiver down your spine with the quiet tone of his voice. He had pulled away, looking at you once more before the two of them headed out. 
You went about your normal routine while they were gone but the quietness of the apartment was starting to get to you around day three, leaving you longing for not just your brother but Vince as well, to be back. So when Sammy told you the time they would be back you went all out, going grocery shopping and picking up all of Sammy’s favourite foods and the few you remember Vince mentioning liking. And you were halfway through cooking dinner for everyone when they got back from their trip. 
“Hey,” you called from the kitchen, sautéing a pan full of vegetables, music playing loudly from the speaker on the counter a few feet away. “I’m making dinner, if you guys already ate I’m going to be sad.”
“We didn’t.” Shockingly it’s Vince who’s greets you first, walking up behind you and leaning over your shoulder to look into the pan. 
“How was the flight home?” You ask, turning your head to glance up at Vince. He’s closer than you expected and you can’t stop the smile that spreads on your face. You’re convinced it’s because you’re just glad to have people around again, and not because you had really started to like Vince. 
“Pretty good,” Vince tells you, stepping to the side to lean against the counter beside the stove. “How was your week alone in my house?”
Rolling your eyes you set the spatula down beside the stove, looking up at him. “Fantastic, your bed is so much more comfortable than the one in the guest room.”
“Oh, really?” Vince chuckles. “I’m willing to share.”
You’re caught off guard by Vince’s comment, unable to come up with a witty response before Sammy is in the room as well. “What are you making?” Sammy asks, walking over and giving you a quick hug before immediately plugging his phone into the nearest outlet and unlocking his phone, typing quickly. 
“Stir fry…who are you talking to?” You ask Sammy, your tone teasing. 
Sammy shakes his head but his little smile tells you that it’s not nothing. “Ooh,” you laugh, stepping away from the stove to try to look at Sammy’s phone. But he pulls it away quickly and the next thing you know you’re wrestling for Sammy’s phone like you’re both teenagers again. “Just tell me,” you laugh, hand grasping for his phone as he pushes your arm back with his free hand. 
“Her name is Anna,” Vince says. 
Pulling back from Sammy you glance over at Vince, shocked at his willingness to let you in on Sammy’s business. “Oh,” you hum, picking up the spatula again to stir the vegetables in the pan. “So, who’s Anna?” 
“A girl I’ve been talking to for a few weeks,” Sammy tells you easily. There was never really any need to keep it a secret, he was just playing the part of an annoying older brother in trying to keep it a secret. “We went on a date a couple days before we left.”
“You didn’t tell me you were going on a date?” 
“I actually didn’t think it would lead to anything,” Sammy confesses. 
“Like Y/N’s dating life,” Vince quips. 
You whip your head in Vince’s direction, gasping at his comment. “You’re an asshole,” you exclaim, laughing. “I’ll let you know, I could have a boyfriend if I wanted…I’m just not trying right now.”
“Seemed like you were trying,” Vince chuckles. 
“I swear to god, Vince,” you mutter, wielding the spatula you were holding with a joking threat. 
“Can one of you shut up so we don’t burn the house down, please,” Sammy chimes in and draws your attention back to the vegetables that were starting to stick to the pan. As you go back to finishing up dinner the boys continue on with their own conversations, discussing things that happened over the trip and the upcoming schedule for the week. 
After you all finish dinner you’re back in the kitchen to tidy up and do some dishes, but Vince is at your side at the sink quickly after. Nudging you to the side Vince grabs the wash cloth from your hand. “I got it,” he tells you. 
“I don’t mind,” you retort, not moving much further away from the beside the sink. “I’m sure you guys are tired.”
“I slept on the flight,” Vince informs you, running the cloth over a mixing bowl in the sink. 
Huffing you step away from him, “fine.” Walking to the cupboard you grab the box of tea you bought a few days prior, taking a mug down as well as you turn the kettle on. “Want some tea?”
Vince chuckles, an obvious enough answer, but he follows it up with “no, thanks,” anyway. “So did you go on anymore dates while we were gone?”
Rolling your eyes you hop up onto the counter while you wait for your tea to steep, watching Vince do the dishes. “No, nobody here was to rescue me if it went poorly.”
“So what did you actually do the whole time we were gone?”
Shrugging you bring the tea to your lips, taking a sip of the hot liquid. “Hung out with some friends a few times, explored the city, watched all your games.”
“Yes, Vince, I’m capable of making friends,” you mutter, rolling your eyes. 
“No, that’s not what I meant.” Vince chuckles, glancing over at you. “I just mean, like, you’re just here visiting and you’re still making friends? Where did you meet them anyway?”
“The gym,” you inform him, your voice quiet and deflated. You didn’t really like to think about that fact, about the reality that you would have to make some kind of move soon. You couldn’t live in this vacation-like reality forever. No matter how much you wanted to. 
After the dishes are done Vince heads to his computer to play video games and you head to the living room to watch some TV till Sammy was done unpacking and you could convince him to hang out with you and give you all the details about Anna. 
And two days later Sammy was beyond glad that he had given you all the details about Anna when he sent you a panicky text. The boys had the day off and Sammy had gone out to run a few errands while you were hanging out at the house with Vince. ‘I told Anna I would cook her dinner at my place.’
‘that’s dumb, you can’t cook’ you replied quickly, sitting on the couch and watching Vince play video games. You were trying to be more involved with that after he had started watching the occasional episode of Selling Sunset with you. 
‘that’s not the issue’ ‘I’ll figure that out’ ‘You and Vince can’t be there, it’ll be awkward’ 
Sighing you glance up from your phone screen to Vince. “Vince,” you call, standing up from the couch and making your way across the room. “We gotta go.”
“Where?” Vince mutters, not peeling his eyes off the screen in front of him.
“I don’t know,” you confess while sending Sammy a text to tell him you were on it, to give you twenty minutes and you’d be out. “Sammy is kicking us out.”
“What?” Vince asks, spinning in his chair once his game had ended. 
“He needs the apartment for a date, now hurry up, we’re going out for awhile.”
Vince groans and sets his controller down, reluctantly pulling himself off the chair. “I didn’t agree to this.”
“I agreed on your behalf.” Walking into your room you grab a jacket, your wallet, and keys before hurrying back towards the door where Vince was already pulling on his shoes. “Have anything you needed to get done?” You ask him once you had your shoes on and you were on your way out the door behind Vince. 
“I would have already been doing it.”
Rolling your eyes you reach forward and shove him playfully. “If you don’t stop being an asshole I’ll drop you off at the library for four hours.”
“It’s my car…and I’m driving.”
“No, please, let me drive,” you ask, shuffling quickly in front of him and spinning around so you were facing him. Sammy had given you permission to drive his car while he was out of town and you had loved exploring the city, not really knowing where you were going, just driving. 
“No, I’ve seen you drive.” Vince keeps his hand folded firmly over his car keys, gazing down at you.
“That was one time,” you defend.
“One time we almost died.” 
Rolling your eyes you cross your arms over your chest. “You’re so dramatic, it wasn’t that bad.”
Suddenly Vince has his hands on your arms and he’s spinning you around, pushing you towards the car. “Get in the car,” his voice is filled with urgency and you notice Sammy pulling up towards the apartment parking lot. 
Giggling at the whole situation you hop into his car, watching Sammy pull into his parking stall. Neither you or Vince had to bring up the idea of staying in the car and doing a little light-hearted spying, you were silently on board with the idea. You watch Sammy get out, trying to make it to the passenger’s side of the car to open Anna’s door but she’s already getting out and you watch as the awkwardly fumble around the door for a second. Both you and Vince glance over at each other at the same, bursting into laughter. 
“No, but they are cute together,” you comment through your giggles, watching as they laugh off the exchange, Sammy closing the door behind her. 
“He wouldn’t shut up about her over the trip.”
“That’s cute.” You watch as they head into the apartment building together before turning your attention back to Vince. “What about you?”
“What about me?” Vince turns his car on, putting it into drive and pulling out of the parking lot, no real destination in mind. 
“You must have someone you can’t shut up about…I mean, look at you,” you comment absentmindedly, not really thinking about how it would come across. 
“Are you calling me hot, Y/N?”
“Well,” you hum, laughing as your cheeks redden slightly. “I think it’s like, objective, you know. Anyone would say you’re hot.”
“So you don’t personally find me hot?”
“Oh my god,” you exclaim, shaking your head as Vince simply chuckles. He was really trying his hardest to keep you from getting out of that one easily. “Where are we going?”
“The library, I’m leaving you there,” Vince jokes. 
“Great, books are more entertaining than you anyway,” you quip.
“I was going to take you to get a coffee but maybe not now.”
“No,” you whine, laughing. Vince had clearly noticed when all three of you would get in the car to go anywhere the first time thing out of your mouth was ‘can we get a coffee’? “I take it back then.”
So a few minutes later you’re in the drive through at Starbucks and you don’t even need to tell Vince your order because he has it memorized, which you’re surprised by. He pays for your coffee even though you insist that you can buy it. Then you’re driving again and you end up parked in front of a shoe store. 
“I actually did have something I needed to get done,” Vince tells you, chuckling. 
“Oh, so you were just being rude for no good reason then,” you comment, hoping out of the car after him and walking towards the store with Vince. “Does this mean I get to help you pick shoes?”
“Uh,” Vince mutters, glancing down to your shoes. “No.”
“Take me to the library, you’re so mean,” you whine, playfully pushing his arm. 
Vince laughs, reaching over and grabbing your hand as you push him. “Come on,” he huffs jokingly, pulling you along into the store. And you suddenly can’t focus on anything but his hand, the way it so easily wrapped around yours, warm and secure. But it makes you nervous, the way it causes butterflies to fill your stomach, so you pull it away quickly. 
You’re in the shoe store much longer than you though, Vince taking an excessively long amount of time to make a decision. But you don’t mind because in all honesty, you simply liked being around Vince. Your next stop is for dinner and Vince picks the restaurant, still acting as an unofficial tour guide for you. 
By the time dinner is over you had expected to receive a text from Sammy, letting you know that it was fine to come home. But you get nothing, so you and Vince go get ice cream and drive to a lookout, listening to music and eating your dessert. Your conversation flows easily and you would happily have sat there for hours with Vince, talking and joking. But you get a text message from Sammy shortly after telling you he was taking Anna home. 
“We’re safe to go back,” you tell Vince, pulling your seatbelt back on. 
“Too bad,” Vince mutters. 
Vince glances across the interior of the car at you, silent for a second as he tugs his seatbelt on. “It’s just been more fun than I thought this would be.”
“I don’t know how to take that,” you laugh. It was nice to hear he had been having a good time, but you didn’t know if you should be upset that he was anticipating it not being a very good time. 
Vince chuckles, not saying anything else about it as the two of you drive back to the apartment. You’re back before Sammy and you head for the living room, Vince following after you and not putting saying anything as you pick the movie for the night. 
‘going to get an uber now’ 
You had gone out with your new group of friends for the night, one drink turning to two and two turning to a count you had lost long ago. You had been texting Vince all night, though it wasn’t anything new. The two of you had fallen into a routine of texting almost anytime you were apart. He had picked up on your dwindling sobriety throughout the night, as almost anyone reading your messages could have. So when you told him you were getting an Uber he was quick to reply. 
‘I’ll come get you, where are you?’
So you sent him your address, you and your friends paying your bills before heading outside for everyone to wait for their rides. Shockingly it’s Vince who shows up first and your friends are quick to make comments about how none of their real boyfriends were that quick to get there. You brushed it all off, making excuses that he was just a good friend, that he was probably speeding anyway, that you didn’t live that far. Anything to not admit the fact that you and Vince might have a connection that was becoming more than just friendly. 
“Hi,” you greet, cheerful as you climb into Vince’s car. It was so unlike the first time he picked you up and Vince was grateful for that, not just because you were in a better mood but also because it meant you hadn’t been out on a date. 
“How was your night?” Vince laughs.
“Good,” you giggle, looking over at him as he drives back to the apartment. And you can’t help but think about how attractive he truly was, how he made your heart beat just a little faster. He was your brother’s best friend and you knew the feelings you were having towards him were complicated. “Yours?”
“Probably not as good as yours,” he jokes, taking note of the way you couldn’t stop smiling, primarily a result of the alcohol in your system. But there was also a part of you that was just happy to be around him. 
“So anyway, Michael has been staying late at work all the time and Lily is starting to get suspicious about it,” you ramble as you walk through the apartment door with Vince. It’s quiet in the apartment and you realize you hadn’t texted Sammy in awhile, wondering if he was in bed. “Sammy?” You call, stumbling slightly over the edge of the doormat. 
Vince wraps an arm around your waist, steadying you as he laughs. “He’s in bed,” Vince tells you. “What do you need?”
“Nothing,” you admit, clutching onto the arm Vince had wrapped around your waist. “Just wanted to say hi to him.”
Vince chuckles and nods. “I think you should go to bed too.” He gently guides you further into the apartment, reaching over to turn the deadbolt on the door while keeping one arm around you, as if you couldn’t stand on your own. 
“Hey, Vince,” you whisper although you didn’t need to get his attention. 
“Yes, Y/N?” He steps closer now, looking down at you in the silent apartment, waiting to hear what your drunk mind was coming up with. 
“Thank you, for everything, for letting me stay here this long. I promise I’ll leave soon. I know you didn’t sign up to have two roommates.”
Vince smiles softly, shrugging. “Don’t worry about it. I like having you here. I don’t, you know, want you to leave if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“Oh,” you whisper, processing the idea that you weren’t annoying Vince with your extended stay. “I mean it though, thank you.”
“Come on, let’s get you to bed,” Vince says, changing the subject as he guides you through the apartment to the guest bedroom. He hovers near the doorway, clearly wanting to make sure you were settled in bed before leaving you.
You knew he was there, you knew you should ask him to look away if he wanted to stay till you were in bed, but you don’t. Instead you simply pull your shirt up over your head, exposing a lacy black bra you had worn for no real reason except that it made you feel confident. Shimmying your jeans down your legs you toss them aside carelessly. You don’t even look over at Vince as you reach behind you to unhook that bra, missing the way he stood there, stunned and frozen with his eyes on you. You let your bra fall to the ground, your body angled away from Vince as you grab a t-shirt from the dresser. 
“Y/N?” Sammy’s voice calls through the apartment. 
“Fuck,” you mutter, clutching the shirt to your bare chest. Your wide eyes look over at Vince who comically steps back and forth between the wide-open bedroom door, clearly not knowing what the correct move was. “Just close it.” And Vince does exactly that, from the inside. “Vince,” you groan.
“You told me to,” he defends, his hand still resting on the doorknob. 
“From outside,” you tell him. “Now this just looks…weird.”
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Sammy calls through the closed bedroom door. 
“Yeah,” you call back, spinning around to leave your back facing Vince as you pull your t-shirt on, grateful for the size and length of it. “Just getting ready for bed.”
“Okay, just wanted to make sure you got home safe.”
Home. Your eyes flick over to Vince, trying to see if he caught onto the same, subtle insinuation. But he still just looked panicky as he stands beside the closed door. “Yeah, I’m just going to bed now.”
“Can I come in and say goodnight?”
Your heart begins to race as stare at Vince in silence for a second. “Yeah.”
You couldn’t say no, he would immediately know that something was wrong. Sammy pushes the door open a second later and Vince looks to you in panic. “How was-,” Sammy begins to ask when he spots Vince, looking back and forth between the two of you. “What’s going on?” 
You weren’t sure why you felt so guilty. You hadn’t done anything with Vince, it wasn’t a lie to say that nothing was happening, that he was just making sure you got to bed safely. Maybe the reason you felt so guilty was because that wasn’t all you wanted to happen. “Vince picked me up, was just making sure I got to bed safely.” 
Sammy nods slowly, not seeming convinced. “Well I got it from here,” he mutters to Vince, nodding towards the still open door. Vince glances back at you one more time before leaving, the silence in the room painful. “What’s going on?” Sammy repeats once it’s just you and him.
“Nothing,” you exclaim, flopping down onto your bed and climbing under the covers, hoping to make it obvious that you didn’t have anything else to say. 
“You two are getting really close,” Sammy points out. “Are you sure it’s nothing?”
“Yes,” you huff, dramatically yanking your blankets higher up around your shoulders. “Go back to bed.”
“Don’t have to be so moody,” Sammy grumbles, turning off your light and closing the door behind him as he leaves your room. Once he’s gone you lay awake for most of the night, your mind racing with thoughts of Vince. Thoughts you knew you shouldn’t be feeling towards him but the more you tried to think of anything other than him the more vivid the thoughts became till your mind eventually silenced itself completely and you drifted to sleep.
“I’m spending the night at Anna’s place,” Sammy told you a few days later as he was grabbing his keys off the counter and heading for the door. 
Giggling you glance up from the book you were reading, shooting him a knowing look. 
“Don’t be weird,” he comments, chuckling. 
“What do you mean? I didn’t say anything,” you joke, feigning innocence. 
“I don’t know where Vince is, he left while you were at the gym, don’t know when he’ll be back,” Sammy informs. 
“Have fun tonight,” you call as he walks out the front door. 
A few hours later you’ve migrated to the kitchen, finishing up baking some cookies while you were trying to figure out how you wanted to spend the rest of the evening. 
Jumping you whirl around to face the direction of that the sudden voice comes from. Bringing your hand to your chest over your racing heart you laugh in relief when you see it’s just Vince. “You scared me, I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Sorry,” Vince chuckles, reaching over and taking one of the cookies off the cooling rack on the counter. “Where’s Sammy?”
“He’s at Anna’s place for the night,” you explain, leaning against the counter. “Are they good? It’s a new recipe.”
“Yeah, really good. So we’re alone tonight?” Vince asks, elbows on the counter as he leans against it, eyes focused on you. 
“Can’t believe he left us without supervision,” you joke, pulling the last tray of cookies out of the oven before turning it off. 
“What do you want to do?” 
“Movie night?”
“Sure,” Vince agrees, shrugging as he pushes himself off the counter. “Let’s go pick up dinner first.”
After a quick trip to the grocery store and your favourite sushi restaurant you’re back at the apartment, pouring yourself a glass of wine while Vince was already opening up the boxes of sushi. “Want some?” You ask Vince, gesturing to the wine. 
“Uh,” he hums before shaking his head. “I’ll pass on that,” he chuckles, walking to the fridge and grabbing a beer for himself. 
“Should have figured,” you giggle, putting the white wine back into the fridge.
In the living room you two settle onto the couch to have dinner and pick the first movie of the night. Halfway through the second movie you’ve lost your focus on the plot, eyes on your phone as you curl into the corner of the couch, scrolling through your instagram feed.
“What is more interesting than this movie?” Vince questions, gesturing to the tv and the movie he had picked that was playing on it. 
Glancing up you roll your eyes playfully. “Almost anything.” Scooting down the couch you settle in beside Vince, letting him see your phone screen. 
And within seconds the movie is long forgotten as he chuckles at a meme you scroll by. The transition from Instagram to TikTok is quick and so is the movement from you sitting beside Vince to you being tucked under his arm and leaning into his side. You’re both giggling at the short videos and the time slips by quickly, the credits on the tv rolling and reminding you of the fact that you had planned a movie night. “Do I get to pick the next one?” 
Vince reluctantly hands you the remote, wrapping his arm around you as you rest your head against his shoulder. His body is warm and his embrace is comforting and you know you shouldn’t want to stay like this with him forever, but you do.
The next movie is more interesting but you find it just as hard to focus on with the way you were wrapped up in Vince’s arms. You’re not even sure what compels you to look up at Vince, he hadn’t said anything, hadn’t moved. But he notices and turns his attention to you a second later. “What?” He asks, voice low and rough in a way that makes your breath catch in your throat. 
“Nothing,” you whisper, barely able to make any sound come from your mouth as your cheeks get hot. And you want to say the flushing is from the wine but it only started when Vince’s eyes landed on your and you know he wouldn’t believe your lie. 
“Are you sure?”
You swallow hard, shifting slightly towards him. “I don’t know.”
Vince’s lips curl into a soft smile, eyes lingering on your lips as he reaches forward to brush a piece of your hair out of your face. “Then just show me what you’re thinking.”
It’s an invitation and you know he’s saying it because he already knows exactly what you’re thinking. But it’s risky and you both know that, too scared to make the move when the potential of it ending poorly is so high. But you can’t hold back any longer. So you lean forward, just enough for him to get the message and he takes over, hand around the back of your head as he leans over and kisses you. 
And he kisses you like he’s making every second worth it if things do end poorly. When you pull back your mind is racing a million miles an hour but your body is begging to do it again. You wait a second, hoping Vince would say something. But he doesn’t, and you don’t either, and you can’t think of anything better to do than lean back in and press your lips back against his. This time it’s heated in a way that you had never felt before and you’re climbing into his lap, hips grinding down on him. You weren’t aware of just how badly you needed him to touch you until that very minute when his lips brushed against yours. 
“Are you going to actually share your bed with me tonight?” You whisper against his lips when you finally pull back. 
“I would’ve shared my bed with you any night you wanted.” Vince grasps your hips, gently pushing you away from him and helping you onto your feet before standing up with you. “Are you sure?”
Smiling you lean up, kissing him quickly again. “Yes, of course.”
Vince wraps his large hand around yours, slowly walking you through the apartment. As if he didn’t want to seem too eager, careful and tentative around the whole situation. 
But once you’re in his room, on his bed, Vince is far less careful and tentative. And the night ends with you feeling barely able to move, body having ridden through more highs in one go than you had ever felt. 
As soon as you’re done Vince goes back to being careful, considerate as the two of you shower together and he lets you pick out a t-shirt before curling up under the covers of his bed. 
“Should we have done that?” You finally whisper after laying next to Vince with your head on his chest in silence for what felt like ages. 
“I’m not sure,” Vince admits with an obvious reluctance, running his hand along your bare arm. 
“Sammy was already suspicious of us.”
“I figured,” Vince tells you, sighing. “After the night I picked you up?”
“Yeah…I told him it was nothing…I mean, like, I know it was nothing, but-.”
“It wasn’t,” Vince interrupts, pulling you a little closer and pressing his lips to your forehead. “This isn’t nothing to me, Y/N. If I just wanted a quick fuck I definitely wouldn’t pick my best friend and roommate’s sister, no matter how hot you are.”
“Oh,” is all you can say, caught off guard. “Well then, what does it mean?”
Vince is quiet for too long after you ask, the only way you could tell he was still awake in the dark room was his hand still running up and down your arm. “I have feelings for you, but other than that…I don’t know,” Vince finally mutters. 
“I think we need to give it some time, not tell Sammy this happened yet.”
“Just go back to the way things were?”
“Yeah,” you whisper. 
Vince moves his hands to your waist, pulling you on top of him. 
“Vince,” you exclaim, hands clambering for support till they find his bare shoulders, holding you up as you look down at his silhouette below you. 
“I don’t know if I can do that,” Vince chuckles, his thumbs running along your upper thighs, large hands now wrapped around the backs of them. 
“I think you can,” you assure him, leaning down to press your lips to his. But the fact that you could feel him getting hard again makes you a little wary about whether he really could. “Maybe,” you whisper, moving your hips back as you reach down, wrapping around his length. 
“Fuck,” he groans, head tipping back on the pillow. And the last thing you had expected when you crawled into Vince’s bed after the first few rounds was to be doing it again. But you were making up for lost time. It’s slower this time, both of your tired bodies just searching for another release. And you find it, easier than normal, on top of Vince still in his t-shirt, panties simply pushed to the side. 
When you finish Vince is quick to help you get cleaned up again, letting you remain collapsed on his bed. You can’t stop your heart from fluttering with excitement with him, at how considerate and caring he was. And when he finally settles back down you curl back into his side. “We need to agree on something.”
“Alright,” Vince mutters apprehensively. 
“We can’t hook up when Sammy is here, it’s too risky.”
“Fine,” Vince finally agrees after a couple minutes of contemplation. The two of you drift to sleep very shortly after. 
Your eyes flutter open to a gentle shaking of your shoulder. “Hey, babe, you have to wake up,” Vince says, voice quiet. “Sammy and I have practice in a couple hours, he’s going to be home soon.”
Groaning you roll away from him, head buried in his pillow. “It’s too early.”
“I know,” Vince chuckles sitting on the edge of the bed and running his hand along your arm. “You’re the one who doesn’t want your brother to find out.”
“Don’t act like you want him to know you railed his sister the first time he left us alone,” you mumble, still half asleep. 
“When you put it that way,” Vince chuckles, head whipping towards the bedroom door when he hears the sound of the front door closing. 
“Shit,” you whisper, suddenly fully awake as you sit up completely straight. 
“Just stay here, I’ll tell him you haven’t come out of you room yet this morning,” Vince suggests. 
Nodding you run your hands through your messy hair, anxiety creeping up on you. If you were going to tell Sammy anything at this point you would rather just admit that you and Vince had feelings for each other, not that you spent the night in his bed. 
“Don’t worry, it’s believable. It’s not like you don’t normally sleep in till one in the afternoon.”
Scoffing you roll your eyes, flopping back onto Vince’s bad. “Whatever,” you grumble. “Text me when you two are gone,” you mutter, glad your phone had been in your pocket when you made your way to Vince’s room the night before. 
And when you finally get a text from Vince saying they were gone you pull yourself out of bed, making it behind you before wandering out of the bedroom. The apartment is so quiet and you make yourself some coffee, still just in Vince’s t-shirt. Something about it feels so right, so comfortable. After making a coffee you settle down on one of the barstools at the counter in the kitchen, opening your laptop and navigating to Indeed and before you’re even fully processing what you’re doing you’ve sent out a handful of resumes to jobs in St. Louis. 
After you finish applying to jobs you move on to getting ready for the day. When Sammy and Vince finally get home you feel the weight of so many secrets on your chest. Of not telling Sammy about you and Vince, of not telling Sammy and Vince about applying for jobs in St. Louis. 
“How was your night?” You ask Sammy as he walks into the kitchen, looking up over the top of your laptop. 
“Good,” Sammy replies, grabbing himself a snack from the fridge. “How was yours?”
“Good,” you reply simply, looking back down at your computer.
“Up late?” Looking back up you stare at Sammy for a second, feeling like he was trying to catch you in a lie. “I mean, you were still in bed when I left this morning.”
Nodding you pick up your mug, shrugging. “TikTok is pretty addicting,” you comment, brushing it off as you take a sip of your coffee. “I’m going grocery shopping, do you have anything in particular that you need?”
“Just the regular stuff we keep in the house,” Sammy shrugs, not wanting to have to actually think about it. 
Rolling your eyes you close your laptop and slide off the stool you were sitting on. “Really helpful, can I borrow your car?”
Sammy groans loudly. “What if I wanted to go out?”
“Well do you?”
“I’ll just take you,” Vince chimes in, walking into the room. 
Glancing over your eyes linger on Vince’s for a second, wanting so badly to be able to say something or hug him, something…anything. “Thanks,” you finally mutter, realizing you needed to say something and not just stand there and stare at him. 
“Want to go now?”
“Yeah, sure,” you agree, gathering your things and pulling on a hoodie on your way out the door. Once you’re outside you glance behind you and up at Vince. “So, since when are you so interested in grocery shopping?”
“Since it means being with you…away from your brother,” Vince chuckles, hands on your waist, tugging you to stop and pulling you into him. Leaning down he presses his lips to yours, your head tipped back and to the side, fingers clutching at his arm. 
“You’re not being very secretive,” you giggle, pulling back and looking around the front parking lot of the apartment building. 
“Fine, I’ll wait till we’re in the car.”
Rolling your eyes you get into the passenger’s side of Vince’s car. “We’re going to get groceries…that’s it.”
You drive to the closest grocery story and head inside with Vince, pushing the cart down almost every aisle, the two of you talking and making jokes the whole time. It’s such a mundane task, grocery shopping, but somehow doing it with Vince makes it enjoyable and fun. 
Back at the apartment you lug an armload of groceries inside, seeing Sammy sitting on the couch, xbox controller in this hands. “Thanks for the help,” you call to him sarcastically. 
Sammy chuckles, barely glancing in your direction. “You’ve got Vince.”
Your heart beats a little faster at that comment, dropping the bags onto the counter and looking over at Vince. You know that he didn’t miss the comment either by the smirk on his face, the way he walks over and wraps his arms around your waist. “See, he’s already accepted it,” Vince whispers jokingly. 
“Shut up,” you giggle, rolling your eyes as you playfully push him away and turn around to begin putting groceries away. Vince continues to make subtle moves, sliding his hand along your lower back as he walks by to put a box of crackers into the cupboard, stepping up behind you to take the can of chickpeas that you were struggling to put onto the top shelf out of your hand and doing it for you. It takes you two forever to finally put everything away and once you do it’s time to start making dinner. “Are you going to help me or just be in my way?” You tease. 
“I know you like having me around.”
Shaking your head you look down at the recipe on your phone, unable to argue against that. You really didn’t want Vince to leave, even if he was really just getting in your way. Because you liked Vince, a lot more than you should.
A few days later you received a call from one of the businesses you applied to asking you to come in for an interview, to which you easily agreed. It was during another four day span of Vince and Sammy being gone so you were able to get ready and go for your interview without any questions. There was something about admitting to the fact that you were trying to find a job in St. Louis that scared you. Perhaps it was simply because it was a little crazy. You would need to find a job willing to arrange a visa for you, you would need to find your own apartment, and quite frankly, you probably just hadn’t thought it through enough. But you didn’t want to leave either, you were having a good time here with your brother and Vince, although you were trying to convince yourself that Vince had nothing to do with the decision. 
The interview went well and the next morning you got a call with a job offer. You accepted it quickly, not just because it meant you could stay in St. Louis but because it was also a job you were more than interested in.
Sammy and Vince get home later that afternoon and you pull Sammy into the living room. “I have some news.”
“Okay?” Sammy mutters, eyebrows furrowed, hands folded nervously over his knees as he sits on the edge of the couch. 
“I got a job.”
“Oh, congratulations,” Sammy says, the news processing in his head as you watch his body language sink a little. “Does this mean you’re going back home?”
Shaking your head you fidget with a piece of thread on your hoodie sleeve. You weren’t sure why you were nervous to tell him that you had found a job there. “It’s here.”
Sammy has his arms around you quickly, pulling you to your feet and into a tight hug. “You’re staying here?”
Laughing you pull back from him, staring up at him in shock. You hadn’t expected him to be that excited about it. “Yes…I mean, I’ll obviously get my own place and car and everything but I’m going to be in the city.”
“What’s going on?” Vince asks, walking into the living room. 
“I got a job here,” you tell him, voice quiet and apprehensive. You were a little worried that Vince wouldn’t be happy, that maybe he had only been into you because he figured you would be leaving, that it was a short term thing.
“Here? Like, you’re staying in St. Louis…for good?”
Nodding slowly you glance down at the ground, taking a deep breath. “Yeah.”
“Congratulations,” he tells you, walking over and pulling you into a hug.
“Thanks,” you mumble, pulling back to look up at Vince, trying to read his expression. Unfortunately you come up with nothing, sighing as you step away from him. 
It’s not till much later that night when you even get the chance to talk to him more, Sammy barely leaving your side as he excitedly looked through apartment listings with you, even though he assured you that there was no rush for you to move out. 
Once everyone had gone to bed you sneak out of your room and down the hallway to Vince’s bedroom, pushing it open slightly. “Vince?” You whisper, trying your hardest not to wake Sammy up in the process. 
“Hey, babe,” Vince says softly, making your heart flutter so easily. “Are you going to come in?”
Slipping through the door you shut it softly behind you, fumbling through the dark bedroom to Vince’s bed. “Hey,” you mumble, climbing onto the empty side of the bed and sitting with you legs crossed, watching Vince sit up and lean against the headboard. 
“What’s wrong?”
How he knew so quickly that you were worried about something was beyond your comprehension. Normally you weren’t easy to read but Vince saw right through it. “I just…if you thought this was something different because I was going to be leaving, I totally get that. We can go back to just being friends…or not, if you don’t want. We don’t have to tell Sammy, I can move into my own apartment and we can pretend this didn’t happen, it’s fine,” you ramble. 
“Y/N,” Vince says quietly, reaching over and placing his hands around your waist, guiding you closer as you slide onto your knees. “I like you…I have feelings for you. I don’t want to pretend this didn’t happen.”
“I just thought, I don’t know. Your reaction earlier wasn’t what I expected.”
Vince pulls you over his lap, hands running along your thighs. “Because you don’t want Sammy to know about us and I didn’t want him to be suspicious if I seemed too happy about it.”
“Oh,” you whisper, sliding your hands along his bare chest, resting them on his shoulders. 
Vince chuckles, pulling you closer and leaning up. “I didn’t want to be the one to suggest it, but I was hoping you would look for a job here,” Vince admits before pressing his lips to yours. And you kiss him back eagerly, arms around Vince’s shoulders. 
Grinding your hips down into Vince you feel him already getting hard. And you needed him, more than you had ever felt you needed someone in your life. 
“Our agreement,” Vince mutters against your lips. 
You can feel his breath on your lips, can feel how hard he was below you, can feel every little shift of his fingers along your skin. “Vince, please,” you whimper. 
“Fuck, you can’t say it like that and expect me not to cave,” Vince groans, hands on the hem of your t-shirt, yanking it up over your head swiftly. And it comes off easily, your lack of a bra leaving it easy for Vince to immediately bring his lips to your chest. 
Tipping your head back you close your eyes, every single kiss, flick of his tongue over your nipples sends waves of anticipation through your body. “Vince,” you moan, rocking your hips back and forth against him, desperate for some kind of contact. 
Reaching down Vince slides your pyjama shorts down your legs as you move from one leg to the other, helping him take them off. His hand slips between your bodies, fingers up along your folds towards your clit. He eases his way towards it, circling around your clit till your nails are digging into his back and your body is writhing in desperation. When he finally gets to your clit the wash of pleasure is enough to bring a quiet cry of relief from your lips. 
“Fuck, I love hearing you, but I need you to be quiet,” Vince mutters in your ear as he brushes gentle circles over your clit. “Can you do that for me, baby girl?”
All you can manage to do is nod and hum out a muffled “mhm.” 
“Good girl,” Vince mutters, replacing his fingers on your clit with his thumb, fingers travelling down towards your entrance, one finger sliding inside of you. You’re trying your hardest to stay quiet, head dropping down to Vince’s shoulder as you bite down on your bottom lip. “Fuck,” you whisper a few minutes later, a few muffled moans slipping from your lips as you reach your high. 
Coming down from it you stay on Vince’s lap, pulling your head away from his shoulder to look into Vince’s eyes. Remaining where you were you reach down, hand guiding Vince towards your entrance, a heavy breath leaving your lips as you sink down onto him. Vince groans, hands on your hips as he shifts further down the bed. It’s unbelievably quiet in the room as the two of you find a rhythm, both of you fighting with every ounce of your self-control to remain quiet. You stay on top of Vince the entire time, both of you too scared to be too loud to switch positions. But it doesn’t take you long to reach your second wave of pleasure, your body already sensitive from the first. And it’s only a couple seconds after that Vince reaches his, groaning quietly as his grip on your hips tightens. When you climb off of him and collapse on the bed beside him Vince hops up, grabbing a towel for you and returning quickly to start the cleanup process. 
After using the washroom you return to Vince’s bed, curling up at his side, head on his chest. “I shouldn’t sleep in here.”
Vince sighs, running his hand along your back. “We’re going to have to tell him.”
“Do we really, Romeo?” You joke, tugging the blankets up higher on your body despite the fact that you had just told Vince you weren’t spending the night. 
There’s a few minutes of silence, Vince’s hand pausing on your back as if all his energy was being funnelled to his brain. “What?”
“Romeo and Juliet,” you tell him. 
“You think I’m going to get your Shakespeare references?” 
“At least you knew it was Shakespeare.”
Vince chuckles and shakes his head, “I’m not that stupid.”
“Well…,” you giggle, tipping your head back to look at Vince. 
“Oh, really?” He laughs, grabbing your wrist and flipping you around onto your back. He hovers over top of you, pinning your wrists down. “That was kinda rude.”
“Too bad I’m actually into this,” you whisper, looking up at him through your eyelashes as you bite gently on your bottom lip. 
Vince groans quietly, rolling off of you and flopping back onto his back. “Why is everything you do so hot?”
“Kinda glad you think that way, seems like it gives me an upper hand.”
“Looking like that you definitely have the upper hand, for sure,” Vince chuckles, wrapping his arm around your waist as he pulls you into him. And the two of you continue talking, the whole time you were fully intending to make your way back to your own bed. 
But you don’t ever make it out of Vince’s room that night. 
“Get your lazy ass up.” You’re startled away by a voice yelling through Vince’s door, fist knocking a minute later. “We’re going to be late for practice again, enculé.”
“Oh, shit,” you mutter under your breath, grasping at the blankets on Vince’s bed yanking them up over your bare torso as you sit up. “Vince,” you whisper, shaking his somehow still sleeping form. 
“Hmm?” He hums, rolling over to face you. “What’s wrong?” 
But before you have the chance to say anything Vince’s door flies open and your eyes meet with Sammy’s. You watch him visibly try to process what was going on in front of him, eyes wide and fists clenched. 
“Sammy,” you begin, watching him step back, shaking his head in disbelief. “Sammy, wait, I…it’s not what it looks like.”
“Really?” Sammy counters, obviously knowing that it was exactly what it looked like. But he’s already on his way back out of the bedroom and you make a move to stand up but Vince grabs your arm before you have the chance. 
“Give him a second to process,” Vince suggests, glancing down at the way you were clutching his blankets to your naked body. “And maybe put some real clothes on.”
Nodding you crawl out of Vince’s bed, pulling on the pyjama’s you were wearing when you showed up in his room the night before. Vince gets up a minute later, pulling on a pair of jeans a hoodie, glancing at his phone. “We are going to be late,” he mutters, his back to you as he gathers his keys and wallet, jamming them into his pockets. 
“Vince, I’m scared.”
Vince turns around quickly, eyes on you. You had your arms wrapped tight around your body, eyes teary. “Hey,” Vince says gently, walking over and pulling you into a gentle hug, resting his chin on top of your head. “It’s okay, everything is going to be fine.”
“Did you see him? He looked so upset…he’s going to be mad, Vince. I can’t, I can’t handle him being mad at me.” 
You didn’t even realize you were crying till Vince pulls back, reaching up and wiping away the tears from your cheeks. “He won’t be mad at you, he’ll be mad at me. I’m the one who started this.”
You’re caught off guard by this, laughing softly. “That’s a lie.”
“It’s not.”
“I kissed you on the couch,” you remind him, your hands wrapped around his forearms as you stare up into his eyes. 
“I came home early and skipped going for drinks with the guys that night because Sammy told me he was going out for the night. I was hoping for what happened that night.”
You’re caught off guard by his confession, speechless and frozen in place. 
Glancing over you see Sammy step into the doorway, slowly pulling away from Vince “We have to go.” 
“Yeah,” Vince mutters, reaching over and grabbing your hand, squeezing it as he steps out of the bedroom with Sammy. 
You watch them walk away in silence, not leaving Vince’ bedroom till you hear the front door close. Slowly making your way out of the bedroom you try to busy yourself with tidying the apartment to keep yourself thinking too much about the situation. 
“Y/N,” Sammy’s voice calls later in the day, walking into the living room where you were sitting on your laptop, scrolling through apartment listings. 
“Hey,” you say quietly, looking up at him. Reaching forward you slowly close your laptop, setting it down on the coffee table in front of you. “How was practice?” 
“Fine,” he says, sitting down on the love seat beside the couch you were on. Sammy watches you glance in direction of the hallway. “He went to Jordan’s place.”
“Oh,” you whisper, feeling your heart sink a little. 
“It wasn’t his idea,” Sammy tells you, noticing how disappointed you seemed. “I wanted to talk to you alone.”
“Oh,” you repeat, not knowing what to say. Your brother had always known the details of your relationships, telling him all about your crushes, dates, when boyfriends would upset you. This had been the first time you kept something like that a secret from him, and now you were regretting it. Perhaps if you had told him earlier, when you first started to develop feelings for Vince things would have been different. But now it seemed like you two knew there was something wrong with what you were doing, needing to keep it a secret. 
The silence in the room is heavy, and it feels painful as you fidget in your seat. Sammy staring at you for a few minutes before finally saying anything. “Why?”
Staring down at the ground you try to come up with an answer to his question. “I like him,” you whisper, shrugging.
“Why him? Did you not even think about what’ll happen when things end between you two?”
“That’s really optimistic,” you mumble, eyes focused on your fingers as you pick a few pieces of lint off of your jeans. 
“Well what?” Sammy asks, voice raising in frustration. “You going to marry him?”
Finally looking up at Sammy you roll your eyes, sighing loudly. 
“God, now I see why mom got so mad every time you rolled your eyes,” Sammy mutters. “Why the hell are you even rolling your eyes?”
“Because I’m not even thinking about marriage…with Vince or anyone else. That’s crazy,” you reply, your voice getting louder and louder with each word. 
“So you’re going to break up with him, or he’s going to break up with you and then my friendship with him is going to be fucked,” Sammy snaps. “You really didn’t consider that? That you’re ruining my friendship with Vince…and for what?”
“Stop yelling at me,” you yell back, hoping up from the couch and staring down at him, tears welling up in your eyes. “I’m sorry, Sammy. I don’t know what to say, I like him.” Sniffling you reach up, wiping away tears from underneath your eyes. 
“I’m not okay with it.”
Wrapping your arms tight around your body you try to compose yourself, try to stop the tears from continuously flooding your eyes. You hated that you cried during conflict, hated that when it was conflict with Sammy that reaction was always heightened. “What do you want me to do then?”
Sammy glares up at you, shaking his head. “You already fucked it up, it’s too late for you to do anything.”
It feels like someone just punched you in the stomach, physical pain radiating through your body in response to his words. But you can’t think of a single defence for yourself. “Fuck you,” is all you manage to croak out before turning around and hurrying in the direction of the front door. 
“Where are you going?” Sammy calls, following after you. 
“I don’t know,” you tell him honestly, yanking on a jacket you had hanging up on a hook beside the door. “Does it really matter? I mean, I’m such a fuck up anyway.”
“I didn’t say that,” Sammy exclaims, watching you pull on a pair of shoes. “Can you just stop? We’re not kids anymore, you can’t just fucking run away.”
“No, we’re not,” you snap, standing up straight again. “So why are you treating me like one?”
“Because it’s my goddamn life you’re messing with.”
“You don’t have to be such an asshole,” you whisper, tears now streaming down your face with no chance of you being able to contain them. “I’m sorry I developed feelings for your friend, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about, I’m sorry I acted on it…I’m sorry I came here, I don’t know what you want me to say.” You’re reaching for the doorknob a moment later, yanking the door open. 
“Don’t say that, stop, Y/N, where the fuck are you even going to go?” Sammy asks, reaching for your arm which you pull away from him before he has the chance to grab you. “You can’t just wander around alone crying."
“Well it’s not like this apartment is feeling overly hospitable right now,” you tell him, wiping the tears off  your cheeks. “I never would have thought you would be such an asshole over me falling for a guy. I’m sorry he’s your friend, I wasn’t trying to make that happen. In fact, I was trying not to. But you don’t really care, do you? Because the situation isn’t perfect for you so why should you even try to accept it?”
With that you leave the apartment. You take an Uber to one of your new friend’s houses, thankful that she had replied before your Uber even got there that she was free and wanted to hang out. After a brief explanation of what was going on you settle down on her couch, her puppy curled up in your lap as you two talk, able to get your mind off of the situation with Sammy and Vince, even if only for a short period of time. 
You two order take out and lay on the couch, sending each other dumb tiktoks for the majority of the night. 
‘Are you okay?’ It’s a text from Vince and you switch from the tiktok app to your messages. 
‘Yeah, I’m fine. I’m at my friend’s place. You’re home now?’
“Vince texted, I think he just got home,” you tell your friend, sitting up on her couch with a sigh. 
“Did he say anything about the situation?” She asks, turning her head to look over at you. 
Shaking your head you look down at your screen, watching the three dots inside a text bubble, waiting to get the text he was typing. ‘Yes, when are you coming back?’
‘I don’t know. I guess soon, I just don’t know what to do.’ 
‘About what?’
‘Sammy’ ‘Us’ 
‘Can I come pick you up?’
And twenty minutes later you’re leaving your friend’s house, promising to keep her updated on the situation. 
“Hey,” you greet as you get into Vince’s car, glancing over at him while pulling on your seatbelt. 
“Hey.” Vince reaches over, placing his hand on your thigh, squeezing gently. “How did it go with Sammy?” 
“Not great,” you admit, placing your hand on top of Vince’s, sliding your fingers between his and folding your hand over his. “Did you guys talk?” 
“A bit.” Vince says, pulling out of the parking lot of the apartment. “What did he say to you?”
“That I’m messing up his life,” you mumble, your eyes filling with tears. “Basically I fucked up and whatever the fallout from this is it’s all my fault.” 
Vince’s hand clenches around the steering wheel as he drives with no particular destination in mind. Of course Sammy was one of his best friends and that wasn’t about to change over one fight. But friends didn’t always agree on everything, didn’t always get along. And by the way Vince’s jaw was clenched, eyes glaring through the windshield in front of him, it was clear that was the case. “That’s such bullshit. You know that’s not true...right?” 
“What if it’s not?” you croak. “Are we being selfish? Your friendship with Sammy, jeopardizing that when this ends?”
“It doesn’t have to end poorly and ruin anything,” Vince points out. “It doesn’t have to end,” he adds. 
“Vince,” you whisper, glancing down at your hands folded together. How perfect they fit, how comfortable you were with him. “That’s crazy to say right now.”
“I know,” he admits, squeezing your hand. “So it might not last forever, but no matter what happens we’ve already started...whatever this is, so why does it matter when it ends?”
You can’t really argue with that point. Your options are end it now or give it time, see how things play out. “But…Sammy,” you whisper. 
“Give him time.” 
The two of you drive around aimlessly for a little while longer till he pulls into the parking lot of the apartment building, glancing over at you. “You okay? 
Nodding you pull your hand from his, resting it on the console as you lean across it and Vince is quick to react, bringing his hand to the side of you face to cup your cheek. His lips are gentle but eager, moving with intent but not pushing too far. And for a moment it feels like everything else has faded away, worries and stress blurring till they’re no longer visible anymore. “How do we do this?” You whisper, pulling back from Vince. 
“Do what?” He asks, sitting back in his seat, body angled towards you. 
“Deal with being in there, together, with Sammy.”
Vince is quiet for a moment, tapping at his steering wheel. “We’ll just figure it out when we’re in there, see what he’s like.”
Nodding slowly you open the car door, slipping out and walking towards the apartment with Vince. With every step closer you feel a growing anxiety, each and every possibility running through your mind. Would Sammy still be mad? Would he try to pick up the argument right where it ended? Would it be worse if he just decided to ignore it? Would you all need to sit down and have a conversation like an awkward family meeting nobody wants to be a part of? 
When you step into the apartment after Vince you hear the sound of the TV from the living room. Slowly making your way into the living room you notice Sammy with an Xbox controller in his hand, eyes trained on the TV. “Hey,” you greet, sitting down on the couch and alternating between watching the game he was playing and glancing at Sammy. 
“Hey,” Sammy mutters, finishing up his game before tossing the controller down onto the coffee table and sitting up to turn and face you. “Did running away solve everything?”
Shaking your head you pull your legs up to your chest on the couch. “Should I have stayed here and let you yell at me about fucking up your life instead?”
“I didn’t say you were fucking up my life.”
“Maybe not in those exact words,” you retort. “But you may as well have.”
Sammy sighs and leans forward, his elbows on his knees, running his hands through his hair. “I’m sorry,” he grumbles, looking over at you. “I just…fuck, I hate it so much. Like why him?” His tone is different now, lighter, easier than the last conversation. 
“I mean…look at him,” you say, trying your best to to lighten the mood even more. 
Sammy chuckles under his breath, shaking his head. “I guess I really should have seen it sooner,” he comments, staring down at the ground. 
“What do you mean?” 
Sammy looks up from the ground, eyes meeting yours. “You’re exactly his type and he’s been spending way more time just hanging around here since you got here. I’m such an idiot for not thinking this would happen. I pretty much set it up.”
You wait a few seconds in silence, processing that information. You had really just assumed Vince spent that much time at his apartment normally. You figured they were on the road a lot, when they were back in St. Louis he would just want to relax at home playing video games and watching TV. You never would have thought that you played a role In keeping him there. And you definitely wouldn’t have assumed you were exactly his type either. “So you can’t really be mad then…you said it, you set it up.”
Sammy laughs, sitting up straighter and shaking his head. “I didn’t say that either…But I’m not mad, I don’t like it…maybe that’ll change, I don’t know. But I’m not mad at you. You know I can’t stay mad at you.”
You smile softly, standing up and walking over to the couch he was on, dropping down beside him and throwing your arms around him dramatically. “Good, because I can’t handle you being mad at me,” you tell him. Pulling back you let your arms drop from around him. “So, will you come look at apartments with me tomorrow so that Vince and I can-.”
“Stop,” Sammy interrupts, pushing you away playfully. “I don’t want to hear it, you’re so gross,” he says, both of you laughing as you lean back in response to Sammy pushing you. 
Out of the corner of your eye you see Vince walk into the room hesitantly and you give him a reassuring smile. “Sammy admitted he actually set us up.”
“I did not,” Sammy exclaims, laughing. “I said I pretty much did…not on purpose though.”
“Close enough…I’m going to make dinner. I don’t know how you two are going to survive when I get my own apartment,” you laugh, standing up and walking over towards Vince, grabbing his hand and pulling him with you towards the kitchen. 
“You can come over and cook us dinner,” Sammy calls as you leave the living room. 
Shaking your head you make it to the kitchen, only there for a second before Vince is pulling you into him, leaning down and kissing you gently. “I knew it would be okay,” Vince mumbles against your lips. 
Bringing one hand to the back of his neck you press your body closer to his, confident that Sammy would be avoiding the kitchen now that you and Vince were in there alone. “No you didn’t,” you giggle. “You just said that because I was panicking.”
“Kind of,” Vince admits. 
“Well I’m glad it worked out,” you whisper, sliding your hands to his shoulders. “Because if we never got around to you pinning me down like you did last night I’d be really disappointed,” you joke, looking up at Vince through your eyelashes with a mischievous smile. 
Vince groans, shaking his head. “So that’s all I am to you?” Vince asks, playing along. 
“Of course,” you joke. Pulling out of his grasp you begin to prepare dinner, but the absence of touch doesn’t last long, Vince stepping behind you and placing his hands on your hips. “Someone is a little needy.”
“I’m hurt after your last comment,” he laughs, wrapping his arms around your waist, watching you chop up some vegetables.
Pausing you turn your head to the side, looking up at Vince. “Fine, I like you for more than just sex,” you tell him.
“So when are you letting me take you on another date…a real one.”
“Anytime,” you tell him, glancing over at him as he stands beside you, leaning against the counter. You can’t help but get caught up in staring at him for a little too long. A few months ago you never would have imagined your trip to St. Louis would even last this long, let alone end with you moving there and falling for a boy. And of course you weren’t sure how it would end, but for the time being you were happy with the new adventure you were embarking on. 
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franki-lew-yo · 3 years
The Romantic (2009, R, Gothic Fantasy/Horror), aka the most forgotten animated film in the world
What if I told you there was a movie under serious threat of becoming lost media with no clear reason as to WHY it's been lost other than no one has apparently watched it besides me and a few people on Reddit? What if I told you that movie wasn't half bad and would no doubt have some interest peeked if anyone DID know about it?
The name of that movie is The Romantic.
It was released in 2009 and it's Rated R for nudity and sex scenes [insert Robbie Rotten meme here], though none of it too graphic. It was a pet project created by animator Michael P. Heneghan, originally starting as a flash project for his animation class before he expanded it into a feature film. The film was inspired by movies such as The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth, but what I see every time I look at it is a touch of Jhonen Vasquez, Tim Burton, and Roman Dirge- the guy behind Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl. It's flash animation especially remind me of the puppet-rigged toons of the 2000s (again like Salad Fingers or Lenore). It's not bad, it's just not inherently 'feature film' quality flash, nor is it exceptionally artistic like Sita Sings the Blues in it's simplicity. Like, really, if you happen to find this thing it's not the worst animated project at all it's just amateur for a professional production. I've seen worse flash movies. Heck, if The Romantic were released in separate parts on youtube or Newgrounds as a series (ala Homestuck) I'm sure it would have been really successful and totally in it's element. But it wasn't.
Because next to no one has seen it and I'm lucky to have not only ever seen it when it was available for free but have also found it recently (hush hush, I ain't telling you how) I'm going to actually give you all a plot synopsis under the cut. There will be some details I leave out and I think I've spelled some characters names wrong. It's a bit of a surrealist film as well, so you might need some things explained.
Spoilers ahead:
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The Romantic is set in an autumnal, surrealist world inhabited by humans and monsters and ruled by three gods; Po the goddess of love; Pik the god of Hate; and Pjorrc the god of time though Pjorrc was made to live inside a pumpkin moon as everything he touched rabidly aged and died.
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((Tapestry art featuring the main three gods of the film.))
A young man (called “Romance” or “The Romantic” by the other characters) performs a bull sacrifice in order to summon Abbledepopa, the unseen creator of the other gods and ‘storyteller’ of the world. The sacrifice does not conjure Abbledepopa but, when Romance spares a monster that was ready to eat him, the monster tells him of a profit named Patience. Patience is a foul-mouthed dwarf living alone with an army of babies who points Romance in the direction of Po.
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((Romance outside of Patience's house.))
Romance wants the god’s help because he has fallen out of love with his girlfriend. Po grants him his desire and restores his love only for Romance to return home and find his girlfriend with another man. Blinded by heartache and rage, Romance kills her. He then swears vengeance on the gods for ‘making’ him do it. In the midst of this vow, a corrupt prophet called Fat Daddy kills the queen of Vauxhaul (Romance's home) and her guards, and forges a new body for his newborn son with their bodies. Fat Daddy rallies the townsfolk behind him in supposedly finding the Queen’s murder into follow a new religion called "The Poetic End".
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((Romance (right) besides the monster he spared at the beginning of the movie.))
Patience accompanies Romance on his quest and tells him to take Po’s mask, which hides her true face, once he kills her. Romance buys Po’s trust by weaving her a tapestry that tells her story: in the dawn of time Po and Pjorrc were in love. However, Pjorrc gradually became distant and Po became resentful when their daughter, Love, earned Po's original title as the god of romance and love.
In the present day, Romance sleeps with Po for over a year before finally killing her and taking her mask. He and Patience return to his home of Vauxhul only to be chased out by Fat Daddy’s personal army. They flee to Marshallton, the town nearest to the god Pik.
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((Romance's hometown of Vauxhul. ))
The king of Marshallton, King Crookie, tells Romance of a prophecy he, Patience, Fat Daddy and all the gods are a part of and that the world is soon to change. Romance then fights and successfully kills Pik when he shows the god of hate his reflection in a mirror King Crookie gave him, but not before losing his hand to Pik.
When Romance comes down the mountain he learns from Patience that nine years have passed since his fight with Pik began. Patience reveals to Romance what Pik saw in the mirror that allowed Romance to take the killing blow; after Love had grown up and married, Po asked Pik to tell her where her husband was always running off to. Pik reluctantly revealed Pjorrc was disguising himself as a human and married a mortal woman. Po found Pjorrc and his pregnant second wife, forcing Pjorrc to leave his human family behind, but not before asking his wife to name their son “Patience”. In retaliation for his treachery, Po proceeded to sleep with fifty men and produce the fifty bastard children in Patience’s house.
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((Fat Daddy, the main villain.))
Marshallton and the entire rest of the world has fallen to the rule of Fat Daddy, who captures Romance and Patience. Fat Daddy tortures Patience into telling him how to get to Pjorrc but is unable to convince Romance to take part in his ‘new world’ or give him Po’s mask. Romance and Patience escape and leave the village to be torn apart by the fifty babies Po had, now transformed into veracious monsters after Patience didn’t feed them for the past ten years. Romance confronts Patience when he realizes the latter is Pjorrc’s son. Patience calls Romance out on his mantra of vengeance and points out that all his decisions are his own, not the gods, and instructs him to seek Love herself in Po’s basement. Patience then attempts to confront Pjorrc but is cornered and killed by Fat Daddy before he can do so.
In Po’s basement, Romance finds Love nailed to a wall, her face torn off and half eaten by her deformed husband. Love tells Romance that Po ripped off her daughter’s face in rage over Pjorrc’s infidelity and Pjorrc did not intervene fast enough. Po then threw Love into her basement, turned Love’s husband into a monster, and wore her daughter’s face as a mask - which Romance had broken into pieces moments ago after Patience had shown him his face in King Crookie’s mirror. Romance then finds Pjorrc hanging himself. As he dies, Pjorrc tells Romance to take the hand Fat Daddy had cut off and sew it onto himself, which will in turn help Romance defeat Abbledepopa.
Romance traverses the wasteland and does not find Abbledepopa, but instead a golden loom. Having seen all the destruction he and others had caused, Romance sits upon the loom and accepts his fate as the new ‘storyteller’ of the world, as he begins weaving a new one...
I mentioned before the animation quality of the film and why maybe that caused people to overlook it. The only other thing I could complain about on a technical level with The Romantic is it's sound design. Some of the voices and music is a little too quiet and so all these key details I had to go through the film a few times to really piece together. But that leads me to the thing I like about this movie and I'm sure others would to: the lore.
It's very hard to create a new fantasy world w it's own customs, religions, history and rules out of the blue as any YA Harry Potter/Hunger Games ripoff book could tell you. The Romantic is so unique in how it handles the pantheon and culture of these three gods and their kin; really only four or five characters throughout the entire story aren't connected to the gods or prophecy in some way, as there's the main three gods, Abbeldepappa, and the prophets Patience, Love and Fat Daddy, who make up your main cast besides Romance. There's a lot that's intentionally left unexplained and other info that must be explained, like Pjorrc and Po's marriage and Romance's feelings towards the gods, if we want to understand the former. The movie is paced pretty well and knows when to follow up on what, it's just that again some of those animation and editting shortcomings might make it hard to understand...but I don't think THAT hard. Look, if someone can enjoy Starchaser: The Legend of Orin or even better surrealist world-building films ((Fantastic Planet comes to mind)), then I say there's no reason The Romantic wouldn't have a following. There's no other way I can articulate why and what doesn't work about the story except just to recommend you watch it yourselves, but before I get into that I want to talk themes...because I love the themes and tone of The Romantic.
I revisited The Romantic a week before I made myself watch Centaurworld and The Owl House for the first time...and what a week that was~! The Romantic has the vibe of those kinds of shows along with Adventure Time and Infinity Train ((so I hear, I haven't watched the latter)). It's surreal and you'll only marvel at 'woooah wut an acid trip' for so long before you get into the vibe of the universe. It also reminded me substantially of the Broadway musical Hadestown and not just because this movie is also a self-contained, somewhat self aware fable about the relationships between humans and gods - it's very raw in how the characters talk. It's very emotional and blunt in how kind and how cruel they can be, and it doesn't make excuses or really worships any one of them. Romance himself is the world's most likable Incel: he murders a woman he thought he needed to love and blames his emotions on the gods of those passions...except the gods AREN'T the manifestations of love, time, and hate - they simply dictate and oversee it in the lives of men. It's a dynamic I really like in religious works where Gods are powerful but not all knowing or puppet masters to everyone's design- they have morality too and there is only so much you can blame and get from them.
"You made your gods into excuses and your excuses into gods!"
-Patience. This here is a cool quote. I like this quote.
No matter what, The Romantic is not gonna be a film for everyone. We all have our tastes - I think I'm drawn to it and accepting because I've come to love these kind of worlds that used to keep me up at night - these trippy 70s inspired fantasy landscapes given a whole Avatar: The Last Airbender degree of worldbuilding and character worth. It also doesn't feel exploitive in it's violence, it's sexuality, it's grimmness - it doesn't feel like it's trying to hard or going over the top because it happens to be an adult animated film, something that I love in movies like 9 or Hair High but really turns me off in stuff like Sausage Party or Wizards. Whatever go watch The Romantic...
if you can.
When I first saw this film in 2016 it was actually very accessible and was even uploaded to youtube by the creator himself. I don't know WHAT happened to Michael P. Heneghan, but simply put, the man's disappeared...like...REALLY disappeared.
Lookit his IMDB. He has The Romantic and a wapping two other projects to his name. His Twitter isn't very helpful either. He last updated in early 2020 and he says next to nothing about The Romantic. It's so odd that he would one day be happy with the film enough to host it on Vimeo and Youtube but then just cop out.
According to a Reddit user: "On Valentines Day 2011, Heneghan released the film for free online through all kinds of platforms including direct download, bittorrent, Vimeo, and even directly through Archive.org. He even joked about releasing a 300 gig uncompressed version.
I know I watched it on Vimeo probably as recently as 2016. Now I can't find it anywhere. The website is dead, the Vimeo video went private, even the archive.org version has been taken down. It really looks like he wanted to wipe it off the face of the internet. His newer website mentions it, but again, the Vimeo link is dead and even that website is closed for business."
It's weeeird. What happened Michael?
And yes, obviously, other people worked on the movie.
No - I can't find out anything about them either.
I'm betting on three theories at the moment: 1) this film is an SCP or some Candle Cove weirdness with only me and a handful of people ANYWHERE remembering it, 2) something weird is going on w Michael Heneghan and it involves too something about this film. It was a scam or a scheme or a hidden agenda weirdness, 3) Heneghan's doing okay he just doesn't like this film anymore and wants it hidden while he takes a break.
Look, I get it Michael! What was once our life's worth can become cringe as you improve as an artist - you're not the person making the stuff you were ten years ago...but you should still have the film kept alive somehow. Someway.
I'm seriously the only person to have ever made fan art of this movie on the internet. That just doesn't happen, and I don't think I like being in a fandom of one. The Romantic is a testament to the power of design and storytelling > animation quality itself. Too often I see people equate good animation with smooth animation, with a budget with squash and stretch. These animations are good but art is diverse and there's so many kinds of films out there, the value of the medium can't just be in one style/form. There's a lot of honestly wonderful pieces of art out there if you know where to look and you're willing to see where it leads you.
Don't let The Romantic be the most forgotten movie of all time. Reblog this post. Show it to your friends. PM the animation community reviewer people like Saberspark and someone who isn't Saberspark and smuggle them a copy.
Keep telling the story...
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hopelesshunny · 3 years
the love languages part i: gifts (f.w.)
pairing: fred weasley x fem!reader
summary: fred doesn't like to admit that he gets jealous when it comes to his girlfriend, after a overhearing a conversation where the love of his life is the topic he goes shopping.
warnings: jealously, slight possessiveness, greasy comments from greasy guys, kissing, fred playfully slaps y/n's butt once.
word count: 1.8k
a/n: this is the first instalment of my love language series, i'm hoping to update it over the next four mondays!! i'm starting a taglist for this series and for my future writings in general which you'll find here, i'm so excited to keep writing for this series and i'd love to hear what y'all think of it - my ask is always open and i can't wait to hear your opinions!!
*all photos are from pinterest*
series masterlist // part ii // part iii // part iv
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Fred laid back on his bed, his hands clasped behind his head as he watched his girlfriend adjust her uniform in the mirror. Fred had known Y/N for years but she had become a Weasley family staple after she rescued a very stressed Ron in the library who was pouring over a potions essay that Hermoine had refused to help with. It wasn’t until they had convinced Y/N to spend the summer at the Burrow with them this past year that Fred had finally worked up the nerve to express his feelings for her, and now here she was flashing him that sunshine smile in his dorm room, his mirror, making her way over to kiss his lips.
“You’re staring Freddie.” She giggled, as she plopped down in his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Can’t help it angel.” He replied, pressing a sweet kiss to her forehead. “You’re just too good to be all mine.”
“Well-” she started “I can assure you that I am, my love.” He chuckled as he placed another kiss to her lips. She closed her eyes, relishing in the feeling of his lips on hers for a little longer than she probably should have. In all honesty, Y/N had been crushing on Fred for years, long before he had even known who she was. She had simply intended on observing him from afar, sneaking in quiet chuckles at the jokes he and George cracked in class, stealing quick glances at him across the Great Hall as he teased his siblings. But when she developed quite the unlikely friendship with his younger brother and they had invited her to their family home, Fred started to see her in a different light. Y/N had been at the Burrow for over a month when Fred finally realized that maybe the reason he always wanted to be close to her and that he laughed the hardest at her jokes wasn’t just because he wanted to be her friend, he wanted to be her boyfriend, he was in love with her.
She was everything he had ever wanted, the perfect girl for him, but her being perfect made her quite the center of attention. Fred would never admit that he was jealous but the stares she attracted as the pair walked down the hallways always got to him. However, she never noticed the way other people looked at her, probably because she was too busy staring at him, too focused on the feeling of his hand in hers.
“Freddie.” She whined, wriggling in his grasp. “I’ve got to get to the library and you’ve got practice.” She giggled as he buried his face in her neck, inhaling her scent.
“The library isn’t going anywhere and they won’t mind if I’m late.” He mumbled which earned a playful scoff from her.
“I have a feeling that your lateness will not be excused.” She replied as he groaned into her skin.
“Fine.” He spoke before placing a playful smack to her butt, signalling for her to move off of him so he could reluctantly get ready for quidditch practice.
“Don’t worry Freddie, I'll find you once you're done.” She cooed, placing a kiss to his lips before making her way out of his room and down the hall, leaving him breathless, once again.
Fred quickly got dressed and started the trek towards the pitch, his head flooded with the thoughts of Y/N, a smile seemed permanently etched on his face. Until he overheard voices from around the corner; there stood two Ravenclaw boys leaning against the wall, and the topic of discussion happened to be his girlfriend. Fred gritted his teeth at the sound of her name coming from such mouths, his jaw becoming tight as he felt his hands ball themselves into fists.
“No, I’m telling you, she knows how to fill a uniform.” One of them groaned as the other laughed in agreement. The thought of someone staring at her, making such comments about his girlfriend made him angry, but the fact that they were looking at her like that, like she was nothing more than a body, infuriated him. She was so much more than that, sure she was gorgeous but she also helped his younger siblings with their homework when they couldn’t figure something out, she baked bread with his mother on Sunday mornings and always reassured him when he felt like the entire world was against him.
“You’re right.” The other remarked. “Don’t know what she sees in Weasley. Merlin, she could do so much better.” He added, running a hand through his hair. Fred couldn’t listen any longer, couldn’t handle the garbage he was hearing.
“And I assume you think you’re better eh?” Fred spoke as he sulked his way out of the shadows, causing the two boys to jump at the sound of his voice. “Quiet now, are we?” He chuckled.
“It’s only the truth Weasley, she’ll leave you at the sight of someone better.” The braver of the two spoke. “You’ll be tossed out soon enough.” Fred could feel the anger bubbling inside of him, but he knew that Y/N would despise the thought of him fighting, especially over her.
“We’ll see about that.” He breathed, feigning a lack of bother, the two boys stared at him, shocked at his response as he simply walked past them.
The week had melted itself into the weekend and the thought of his conversation in the hallway still plagued him, he knew Y/N wasn’t like that, she wouldn’t simply drop him if someone better came along. He knew that she loved him, knew that she barely even noticed those who were interested in her no matter how persistent their efforts in pursuing her were. But he needed something, something to prove that she was his, something that could show that she was proud to be his. After seething over this for the past week, thinking about constantly pulling his jumper over her head or maybe just never letting go of her hand in an attempt to keep greasy eyes off of her, it finally hit him and after a sneaky visit to a jewelry store he had a solution.
“Hey princess.” He spoke, excitement evident in his tone as he took his spot next to Y/N in front of the tree she was leaning against.
“Hi, my love.” She replied, abandoning the book she was reading to lay her head in his lap. He sighed with content, running his fingers through her hair as she gazed up at him, nothing but pure love gracing her features.
“I got you something.” Fred said softly as he ran a thumb across her cheek, she looked up at him, taking the hand that wasn’t occupied on her face into her own, interlacing their fingers.
“Freddie-” She started, but he stopped her, pressing a finger to her lips.
“No, no, no.” He protested. “I know you always say you don’t need gifts but this one means a lot to me.” She stared at him curiously as he continued to speak.
“I overheard these guys talking about you and I tried to not let it get to me but I- I couldn’t.” He spoke, her face softening. “I know you love me and I love you more than anything, I just wanted to get you something that could show everyone that, that could show you that.” He ran his fingers through his crimson hair and let out a shaky breath as she brought his hand to her mouth, gently kissing each knuckle. He was so nervous, he had planned exactly how to go about this in his head, but here in this situation, with her staring up at him with those eyes, all previous thoughts of smooth words and flirting were abandoned. He wanted nothing more than to spill his guts to her, tell her every single reason why he loved her, kiss every inch of her body.
“I always say I don’t get jealous when it comes to you, but I do, I hate it when other people look at you the same way I do.” Her lips quirked into a smile. “You’re the love of my life Y/N, there is absolutely no one out there better for me than you, I’m all in.”
“I couldn't agree more Freddie, all my bets are on you.” Y/N said, rising from her spot in his lap to straddle him. She placed her palms against either side of his face, resting her forehead against his closing her eyes and feeling the heat of his cheeks against her hands. Fred reached into his jacket pocket to reveal a small velvet box, Y/N’s eyes grew wide at the sight. He chuckled, sensing her surprise.
“It’s not an engagement ring angel.” He started, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “At least not yet.” He opened the box, where a simple silver necklace sat, four letters sat in the middle, his name in plain script. Y/N gasped, her hands flying to her mouth as Fred pulled the necklace out of the box and loosened the clasp.
“May I?” He asked, a grin etching itself on his face.
“Of course.” She whispered as he placed the chain around her neck.
“There.” He spoke, leaning back to admire her, she looked so pretty with his name lying against her skin. “What do you think?” He asked, his voice quiet as he searched her face for some sort of indication into how she felt about the gift. She stayed quiet for a moment, simply staring down at the necklace, she ran a finger across the letters as Fred bit his lip, nervous at her sudden silence.
“I love it Freddie.” She whispered, pulling his face to hers capturing his lips with her own before kissing his forehead, both his cheeks, his nose, his eyelids, his lips again and again. He broke into a full fledged laugh until he noticed the tears in Y/N’s eyes.
“Oh no princess, don’t cry.” He chuckled, wiping away stray tears.
“They’re happy tears Freddie.” She giggled. “Just love you so much.”
“I bet I love you more though.” He retorted, resting his hands on her waist as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. “I’ll have to buy you more gifts if you keep kissing me like that.”
Y/N sighed in response, her fingers twirled in the hair at the nape of his neck. They both knew that Fred could never buy her another gift for as long as they both lived and she would still love him as much as she did in this very moment. There was so much uncertainty in the future but right now, with his name around her neck and his arms wrapped so tightly around her waist she knew that no matter what happened in the next month, the next year and for the rest of her life, her love would be completely and utterly Fred Weasleys.
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bistevethor · 3 years
Steve Rogers Fanfiction Recommendations
Happy birthday, Steve!
I know that there are some (a lot?) of steve fans who sometimes struggle to find fics focused on him, so I am here now putting a list of Steve fics. I was going to fics that I haven't seen recommended a lot and most of the ones on this post have less than 200 kudos only, but I end up putting everything (it's probably easier to put my bookmarks as public but well...). It's a massive list (over 100 fics?), so it's will be separated into several posts/reblogs.
Not all of them are from Steve's POV or even have him as the main 'main' character, but rest assured he played an important role and is featured heavily. Lots of these are friendship-focused but I categorized them. The shippy ones are mostly samsteve, thundershield, and some rare pairings because I don't venture to other ships a lot and when I did it's to the rare ones instead lol. Hopefully, any of you can find some gems from this list and these are as enjoyable or as good as I remembered. I'll continue to update it, hopefully, every time I find new ones.
Fics are under read more.
The Rocket's Red Glare
Steve was born on the Fourth of July (no joke), so a party is in order! Unfortunately, PTSD decides to rear its ugly head. Fortunately, Steve's got an entire team at his back to help him through it. And screaming goats.
an entry in the scrapbook of absurdity
In which Steve turns into a baby and bites people.
Baby Steve Adventures
Captain America gets hit by a spell during a battle. The rest of the Avengers look after him.
Do You Remember Being Happy? ('Cause I Sure Don't)
"Dragr," Thor called them. "Demons" Clint had said. "Thieves" is what Steve labels them as. AKA, the one where Steve is captured by creatures that feed off of happy memories, and the team is left to pick up the pieces. Post-Avengers.
In Search of (Bucky, Family, Home)
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Sam Wilson
A week following the events of CATWS, Steve recruits Natasha and Sam to help find Bucky.
Sam raised an eyebrow. “Do we need to recap again? You were shot three times, beaten near to death by an enhanced super soldier with a metal arm and then almost drowned. Yeah, your ass is going to need a few more days of healing time.”
The Truth When Captains Meet
Steve Rogers wakes up on an alien’s space ship being carried bridal style by Carol Danvers. As far as first meetings go, it’s memorable.
Irish Coffee
Pairings: Jessica Jones & Steve Rogers
Jessica runs into an incognito Cap at a cafe. They form an unlikely friendship of sorts.
The Lifetimes of Steve Rogers (Series)
What happens when Steve Rogers steps onto the quantum platform to return the Stones? Where does he go? What challenges does he find? Who does he meet? How many lifetimes can one man have?
Fifty-Two Pickup
Less than a week after the fall of the Triskelion, Steve Rogers is released from the hospital. Although his physical wounds are almost fully healed, other injuries need a bit more time, and some help from friends.
little kids get big so fast
Steve ends up having to take care of the deaged Defenders.
Grampa Steve's Bedtime Stories
If Mommy was away for work, then Morgan’s Grampa Steve came over to stay with her. He’d tuck her in, let her give Mommy a kiss on video chat, then hand her the picture of Daddy for his kiss. Once Daddy’s picture was back on the bookshelf, Grampa Steve would turn off the bedside lamp so that Miss Friday could cover the ceiling with stars, and ask Morgan what story she wanted to hear.
“Captain Steve, Grampa! Tell me Captain Steve!”
Grampa Steve sometimes read to her from books and other times watched a movie with her, but her favorite by far was when he told her Captain Steve’s Adventures Through the Multiverse.
On Camping Trips
Sam is more Hermione than Natasha is, and Steve doesn't want to be Harry.
Steve loses the advantages of the super-soldier serum. This is not a tragedy.
His Dream
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
As if on cue, Steve cut him off with a loud sneeze.
"Yeah. Like that." Sam nodded. "And please sneeze into your elbow next time, dude. You could've just started an epidemic."
"Sorry. Allergies." Steve excused, and Sam raised an eyebrow.
"How do you know it's allergies?" Sam asked, and Steve sighed, putting the ingredients together and solving the mystery of what the gas had actually done.
The answer wasn't ideal. "It feels like the seasonal allergies I had before. Before the serum- and I haven't had them since the serum."
Realization clicked in Sam's head.
"The gas de-serumed you."
Steve swallowed and nodded reluctantly.
OR: Steve gets temporarily de-serumed, with his height and stature staying the same but his immune system being as bad as it was before, and has to stay in the hospital to prevent a severe allergic reaction or illness. Sam stays with him the whole time, making sure he's not alone.
A Strange Encounter
Things have gone awry and Strange is injured. With no other options, he's called for assistance from Captain America and his team.
even if we're apart, i'll always be with you
Steve finds a dirty toy bear at an abandoned gas station, on the way back from a school trip. He brings him home.
As Long as You’re Not Tired Yet of Talking
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov
When Steve Rogers tells her, “Don’t be a stranger,” as they’re all going their own ways after New York, it makes her want to laugh.
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov
Natasha like knowing what makes people tick. She likes knowing things, about her teammates and her coworkers and herself. Oddly enough, sometimes other people like knowing her too.
AKA: Natasha wants to know why Steve isn’t drawing anymore, and takes the long way round to get her answer. Because why not.
With Magic We Do Fly
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers
In Civil War we see Wanda fling Steve into the air with her magic. They must have practiced that, right?
Que Wanda throwing Steve against a wall. Many times.
Just Like We Practiced
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers
Steve had said, in the movie when he asked Wanda to lift him into the building, "Just like we practiced." But just how did they come up with the idea of her lifting people with her powers, and putting them up somewhere like an escalator? Perhaps it was because Wanda accidentally sent a certain tall, blond Avenger face-first into the floor once and he decided he would help her learn to utilize this as a confidence building exercise. Natasha keeps an eye, Thor and Sam help build the training grounds, and Wanda has found her new home. Takes place between AGE OF ULTRON and CIVIL WAR.
Black and White but Red and Blue
They're watching black and white film reels, but Steve sees them in colour.
"My shield may be black and white but it was red and blue. Just like the blue sky under which red blood was spilled. Like Bucky's blue eyes and Peggy's red lips..."
The Road Warriors
Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff
It wasn't pretty, but somehow the four of them managed to make it through two years on the run.
We'll Fix It
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov
Steve has a hard time after his battle with The Winter Soldier and isn't sure what to do with himself. After not seeing him for a week, Natasha finally shows up to his apartment unannounced to figure out how they can get back to work. There is some crying involved.
From Here On Out
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov
The Accords, the search for Bucky, the fight at the airport ... In a world where nothing will ever be the same, sometimes the road to rebuilding trust and friendship is a little rockier than it should be.
AKA, the story of Steve & Natasha and how they got to where they are.
Set post-Civil War but pre-Infinity War.
I have this breath and I hold it tight
Parings: Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers, Clint Barton & Wanda Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff & Vision
Steve finally goes to Wanda’s tiny room and taps on the doorframe, although it’s hardly necessary, with the slightly warped floorboards creaking under his feet. “Hey,” he says. “Got a minute?”
Wanda's been a little withdrawn since Steve broke everyone out of the Raft. She's had a lot to think about.
to you.
Pairings: Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton & Wanda Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff & Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff & Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff & Tony Stark
It's Wanda's birthday today. She's not sure how to feel.
New Love
Pairings: Diana (Wonder Woman) & Steve Rogers
Near the end of World War II, Diana Prince finds herself attempting to reconnect to her long-gone, beloved Steve Trevor. However, she comes across Steve Rogers instead.
Sharing Life (And Canned Green Beans)
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov
It’s Thanksgiving, and Steve is hiding in the second living room on the 8th floor of the penthouse apartments with a can of green beans.
I'm Fine
Steve slowly began to realize that the problem with being a national icon, a hero, and a role model, is that somehow, he became more than human. He become a symbol, not a person. So when he becomes increasingly unhappy, deeply depressed, and utterly adrift in a world where he doesn't belong, the loneliness and isolation are unbearable. How could anyone believe that an iconic hero like himself was really just an ordinary kid from Brooklyn, dying inside because everything he'd gained still wasn't enough to replace everything he'd lost? How could he possibly bring himself to bleed on the ones he loves? So he tells himself the same lie over and over, hoping one day, he'll believe it.
"My dog ate my mission report" An injured Steve remembers something he has to do. Unabashed Steve and dogs fluff. "Didn't peg you for a pet guy." "Allergies."
Alone In This World (Together)
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Sam Wilson
“We’re fugitives,” Steve said finally. “It might never get better.”
“The world’s always going to need saving," Sam replied. "We’re still Avengers. No one can take that away from us.” Then, like they hadn't been having an entire conversation before, “So when do we leave?”
“Once night falls.”
Do we have any idea where she is?”
“No.” Steve took a sip of his coffee. “But I know where she’ll be.”
it gets the worst at night
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov
Here's how it goes: Natasha sometimes shares a bed with Steve. It's not what it sounds like.
(In which there are Colombian drug lords, awkward boners, cuddly super-soldiers and the Avengers are all giant dorks.)
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
Sam and Steve, right after the fall of SHIELD.
Princely Bickering
Pairings: Jane Foster/Thor, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers & Jane Foster, Steve Rogers & Thor
Steve allows Sam to lean up and inspect his head for bruises and blood. He then checks out Steve’s eyes. ‘Do you know where you are?’ Steve rolls his eyes. ‘Don’t be an ass, Cap, apparently you can break.’ ‘London, England, chasing apparently useless Hydra intel despite having about five hundred international arrest warrants out for us because we’re just that stupid,’ says Steve. Sam pats him - gently - on the shoulder. Life on the run isn't easy, especially not after an injury. Fortunately Steve still has a few allies left.
And The Seconds Tick Down
AU of Civil War. How the world ended in twenty steps when Steve died.
"Grant" and "Francis" Go Shopping
Pairings: Clint Barton & Steve Rogers
Steve and Clint both have holiday shopping to do for their family of choice, so they make a day trip to an outlet mall, have a few heart to hearts, use some coupons, buy a bunch of presents, and eventually get through their shopping lists.
A Tune Without Words
Pairings: Jane Foster/Thor, Steve Rogers & Thor, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
As he and Sam prepare to begin searching for Bucky, Steve gets various offers of help—some more unexpected than others.
Tony Stark wins the fight in Siberia completely by accident.
Steve Rogers does not resist his arrest as he is taken to the Raft.
Sam Wilson, T'Challa, and Pepper Potts pick up the pieces.
Full of Wounds and Still Standing on my Feet
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Wanda Maximoff
The five times Steve looked out for Wanda, and one time Wanda decided someone needed to look out for Steve.
Three Awakenings
The first three times that Steve Rogers woke up during his first twenty-four hours in the twenty-first century.
Making Your Own Future
Characters: Steve Rogers, Diana Prince, Steve Trevor Five times -- plus one -- that Diana Prince and Steve Rogers encountered one another.
Better Living Through Pizza
Pairings: Clint Barton & Steve Rogers
Steve takes some time off from soldiering and Avengering to get his head on straight, and Clint is assigned to keep an eye on him, because apparently SHIELD believes in the blind leading the blind. Steve really needs a hobby, since modern television shows baffle him, but Clint keeps bringing him DVDs and pizza.
Five Times Clint Barton Spoke with Steve Rogers about Growing Old and the One Time He Didn't.
Pairings: Clint Barton & Steve Rogers
When Steve Rogers reappeared from the past as an old man, there was a lot of catching up to do. Clint Barton made sure nobody got left behind.
Hammer's Totally Heavy-Handed and Incompetent Revenge
"So, at the end of IM2, Justin Hammer swears revenge on Pepper. He waits until Tony and Rhodey are halfway across the world to launch his attack.
Unfortunately for him, thanks to SHIELD, Iron Man and War Machine aren't the only superheroes in Pepper's rolladex. Steve thinks Pepper's just swell and doesn't take too kindly to somebody trying to hurt her."
Cue badass!Steve and competent!Pepper
Fan Mail
Steve starts getting his fan mail and receives an invitation to the prom. Written for a prompt at the Avengers kink meme. It was a great prompt, and so much fun to write and get feedback for!
Prom. Steve 'Grandpa Iceberg' Rogers at a 21st-century high school prom. "This isn't happening. This whole conversation is just an elaborate practical joke. Bruce really just has orders for widgets or something."
Bruce waved the printouts at him. "Fraid not. I don't really do practical jokes. Messing with other people's moods just seems. I don't know. Karmically unwise."
Steve runs. People see Steve run. Steve gets adopted by the neighbourhood he runs through every week day morning. He finds this confusing. Tony finds it amusing.
Locks Not Replaced
Tony angsts back at Avengers' HQ, Ross is a bully and Steve makes sure he doesn't get away with it. In other words, there is much regret, a bit on the philosophy of locks, adventure and far too many Robin Hood metaphors.
For a prompt on the avengers kinkmeme: "...something different happens when Steve gets Dr Erskine's serum plus the Vita ray treatment... Steve does get taller and stronger, but when the first full moon hits, he turns into a big friendly looking dog. Yes, he's a weredog, not a werewolf."
Mission: Baby
Pairings: James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
The Asset finds himself in charge of the care of a small baby, but somehow he knows—he has to protect the baby from all harm, whatever the cost.
14 Tracks
Pairings: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers & Avengers Team 14 tracks from Steve's iPod and how they got on there.
Life Will Rattle Your Bones
Pairings: Erik Lehnsherr & Steve Rogers
Captain America and the Howling Commandos find Schmidt sooner than they thought... wait, what do you mean this is a *different* Schmidt?
In war-torn Germany, the paths of Steve Rogers and Erik Lehnsherr cross, part, and cross again.
come build me up
Pairings: Sharon Carter & Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
“Do you ever feel like -- like you joined up because you wanted to do good. You wanted to do the right thing but somewhere along the way, you just lost the whole fucking plot.”
“All of the time.”
Or: the one where Captain America and Agent 13 give long distance friendship a whirl.
Down in the Worn Out Place Again
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Wanda Maximoff
“You don't look a day over 85, Captain,” Wanda says.
Natasha smiles, just barely, and nudges Steve with her elbow. “She makes jokes now.”
(Post AoU, stories about friendship.)
Characters: Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Nick Fury Pairings: Natasha Romanov & Steve Rogers, Minor Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Minor Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov
In the immediate aftermath of SHIELD's collapse and Steve's plunge into the Potomac, Natasha considers her place in the world. Also the fact that Steve is depressing.
Timeless Classics
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Avengers Team Five An undetermined number of times (six, apparently) Steve unexpectedly got the reference (sort of), and one time everyone discovered something new together.
you just wait and see
Pairings: Rocket Raccoon & Steve Rogers
“Thor said you’re the captain.” Rogers says, his voice distant, sad smile growing into a sadder grin. “Tough job.”
The Small Hours
Pairings: Steve Rogers & T'Challa, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
"I'm not getting him back, am I." The words were flatly delivered – not a question so much as fatigued resignation. "We will do everything we can to help him," T'Challa quietly replied, but he wouldn't lie, not about this. Not to a fellow warrior he respected on and off the field of battle. "The possibility does exist, however, that the triggers are permanent."
The Man We All Remember From the Newsreels
Still getting used to the twenty-first century, Steve comforts himself with memories of long-gone friends. But Howard Stark, the man Steve remembers, is nothing like the man he sees in the newsreels.
we're all choir boys at best
Characters: Steve Rogers, Johnny Storm
You are totally getting laid tonight. "Please stop talking." You hijacked my brain first, this is totally not my fault.
Steve doesn't worry the first time he gets a bloody nose that won't quit. But when it happens a second, third, fourth... He, and his teammates, start to get concerned.
You Close Your Eyes and the Glory Fades
His body isn’t his own, he knows that, knew before the procedure that everything would change. That was the easiest thing to wrap his head around, actually, the physical changes. He’s used to his body betraying him, so this is just another thing to learn his way around. But the colors of everything, even the sliver of blue sky he could see, craning his head at the tiny window, look different.
Looking For Answers (From The Great Beyond)
After the Battle of New York is over, and Loki and the tesseract are returned to Asgard, Steve takes a road trip across the country, and tries to figure out what he wants to do next.
Mourning the Future
Steve's ties to the past and the future are pretty tenuous, and the serum ensures he lives in an eternal present state of ever-youthful vigour. When an old war buddy gets handed his last marching orders, Steve has to wonder if everyone will eventually leave.
Riviera Life
Sam and Steve have been traversing Europe looking for Bucky. Not everyone is convinced it isn’t an open invitation road trip.
Voluntary Bros.
Characters: Steve Rogers, Johnny Storm
"Dude, you could be twins, they tested you before they defrosted you to see if you were a clone or something, or if he was a clone," Clint said.
"I want to talk to him, I think. I mean, a girl threw her latte at me last week for not calling her back and this dude felt me up at an art gallery yesterday," Steve said.
Two Brooklynites and One Big Apple
Pairings: Miles Morales & Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
“You did good out there today,” Captain America said, brushing a layer of detritus from his unfathomably broad shoulder. “I’ll see you around.”
“Not if I see you first,” replied Miles, fingergunning with one hand as he sent a web rope fwipping off into the distance with the other, catapulting himself away at tremendous speed.
... in which two superheroes battle with bad guys, embark on community art lessons, and a friendship forms along the way.
Battle Fatigue
Steve thought he was doing okay. Things weren't going great, but they were fine, manageable even, and then suddenly they weren't.
We Become New Yorkers (or: Five Times Steve Rogers Looked For Home, and One Time Home Found Him)
New York is a million cities at the same time. This is how Steve found his.
A beautiful day in the neighborhood
In which Steve and Peter learn that the best way to get through a bad situation is together. And to avoid collapsing buildings. And that concussions are terrible, terrible things.
Leviticus 25
"You want to save Bucky Barnes? You are going to have to put your own house in order first because he is going to need a rock to cling to. You are not ready to be that rock for him. You owe it to him -- and more importantly, you owe it to yourself -- to figure things out, figure out how you can be happy in this time and place, whether or not Barnes is with you."
Sometimes the road to recovery involves bowling. Conveniently, so does the one to the Grand Canyon.
Conversation in Wakanda
“I have been told that you had the privilege to share a training session with some of our Dora Milaje,” T’Challa says. “May I ask how it went?”
“Well,” the Captain huffs. “There’s no polite way to say it: I had my ass handed to me. Repeatedly.”
He sounds and looks utterly delighted.
Contact Light
Everyone thought computers would be the thing that really blew Steve's mind about the 21st century. They were wrong. When he finds out that he missed the moon landing, it's the start of an ongoing obsession with space that maybe involves Neil deGrasse Tyson, Twitter, and Star Trek marathons.
“This is Lucky,” Clint said when a dog got between him and Natasha. Lucky’s vest was bright, like desert mornings and night explosions.
“Does he help?” Natasha asked.
Clint pressed his hands flat on the counter behind him. “He saved my life.”
Natasha looked at Steve, her expression fierce. Steve resisted the urge to yank down his sleeves. Instead, he dug his nails into the puckered skin on his forearms.
AKA An AU in which Steve is a veteran just trying to survive (or not).
Peter doesn't expect Steve to show up at his house one night when he gets home from school. He also doesn't expect to have a long conversation with him, and choose to be on his side instead.
We're Happy, Free, Confused, and Lonely at the Same Time.
"Tony isn't sure, but he *thinks* Steve Rogers is going to try and argue with him about not being a kid, while wrapped up in a fluffy blanket and plaid pyjama pants watching a Disney movie. Tony really hopes that is the case. The Captain America voice looses all affect when wrapped up in that blanket and Tony can't wait to inform him as such." - The one where Tony realises that Captain America and Steve Rogers are not the same person, and Steve is so much younger then he thought.
This Isn't A Love Song, This Isn't A Fable
Steve's not OK with people's perception of Captain America, no matter what he says or how much he pretends otherwise. It's like no one in this time period realizes that there's more to him than a spangly outfit. And yes, he's including the Avengers in that. ... or, the one where everything's all right, until it's not.
it's safe here in our new world
Post TWS. In which Natasha and Steve go shopping, have Thursday night movie nights, and learn that Natasha loves to platonically kiss Steve. Which is good, because Steve loves being platonically kissed by Natasha.
Pairings: Matt Murdock & Steve Rogers
It doesn’t matter how many times you fall – what matters most is how many times you get back up. Steve Rogers knew this lesson far too well and it was one Matt Murdock had endured all his life. With both men at their lowest, could a chance friendship bring each of them to their feet again?
Everybody Eats When They Come to My House
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
“You’ll ruin your dinner,” Sam says, gesturing with Steve with his spatula.
i fear for the calendar; its days are numbered
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
Before she goes off the grid, Natasha gives Steve her phone number. He’s honored that he’s the only one to be trusted with it, but quickly learns that she spends most of her free time texting him Dad jokes.
Status Quo Ante
Pairings: James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
A tale in which Sam suspects he should be used to this by now, for values of 'this' that involve certain folks he hangs out with and situations he finds himself in, Team Cap becomes Team Ex-Cap becomes TBD, and nobody but Clint really wants to know what happened to Scott Lang's GI Joes. (Sam Wilson from the final scene to the mid-credits scene.)
The Glass Parade
Pairings: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov
Steve thinks that he’s seen Natasha be at least three different people in the short time he’s known her, and he isn’t sure which one is real.
In which the most confusing part of the future is how much Steve has in common with Natasha, and the fact that she seems dead-set on being his friend.
Still Life
Steve Rogers and a very modern form of art therapy. (The one where Steve draws himself out of despair and into some notoriety when his cartoons hit the internet, but he's still not allowed to look at Tumblr without an okay from Pepper.)
Selective Service
The serum's given Steve a lot, but it hasn't taken anything away from him. Not even the things he never wanted in the first place.
I'm a Hustler, Baby
Steve Rogers has a talent for pool--and for making others believe he's terrible at it.
The Healing Properties of Felt-Tip Pens
Rapid healing has worked wonders on Steve Rogers' body, but occasionally it really screws with his head. In the aftermath of torture, Bruce Banner helps Steve to reconcile mind and body.
If I Die Before I Wake
It's his job, as their leader, to endure the sadistic focus of their captor, and that is the one thought that carries Steve through.
Even Gods Do
Captain America doesn't have a good relationship with sleep anymore. Also, he's not a toy.
Under My Skin
Written for a prompt on avengerkink: I want to see something where, for whatever reason, Steve's accelerated healing turns out to be a bad thing. Something where the faster healing is making things worse. I would prefer something other than the standard, super-healing allows for more torture without death. “He's lucky – to have the serum, to have you all.” Tony wasn't sure about that first part. When one faced death and destruction every day on the job, there were many advantages to having a healing factor...and a great many disadvantages as well.
A Glossary of the 21st Century
Pairings: pre-Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov
Steve's sick of not understanding what's going on, and the team are not all that helpful, so he starts keeping an illustrated notebook for further research. With the help of wiki, google and Logan he starts to settle in and find his place in the twenty-first century.
Blanket Gift Policy
“You didn’t,” Bucky said, with no real hope of being contradicted. Clint shrugged helplessly and passed him the large, soft bundle wrapped in shiny purple foil.
“Sorry.” Tony covered his eyes with one hand.
“I’m getting a migraine.”
“So,” Bruce said wearily, “counting Clint, me, Bucky, Tony, and Sam, that brings it up to five.”
“Excuse you, mine’s not a blanket,” Sam said. “Mine’s a slanket. Big difference.”
Bucky resisted the urge to throw the whole heap of parcels at Sam’s head. “Because it has sleeves? It’s still a blanket, Wilson. They’re all blankets. Even Thor’s direct-from-Asgard raven gift delivery was a cloak, which just means it’s a blanket with a strap. We all got Steve a goddamn blanket.”
One Tin Soldier
Written for a prompt at avengerkink: Because really, under any other circumstances, why would they follow him when he's some guy who's younger than the rest of them (time as a Capsicle aside), who goes around wearing that spangly outfit, who's not even used to the modern world? Why Steve Rogers, rather than a Norse god or the CEO of Stark Industries or anyone else?
“Love is for children,” she'd said, but respect knew no such bounds. The five times the Avengers accepted Steve as their leader, and the one time they followed without question.
and if there's life we'll see it
Steve is instantly taken with this idea of having the picture of the person calling you flash on your screen when they ring your cell.
Secure Your Own Oxygen Mask (Before Assisting Others)
Steve keeps going, because they need him. Being Captain America - having the serum - is a responsibility and a privilege he takes seriously, and he won't waste it by sitting around resting in the middle of a crisis. But then the work is over, and the original victims of the crisis aren't the only ones needing looking after.
Way of the Eagle
Clint introduces Steve to kung-fu movies. Things escalate quickly.
Walking Wounded
In the aftermath of the battle against the Chitauri, Steve's doing just fine. Until he's not. Fortunately, Thor is a perfect mother-hen, Tony makes decent back-up, JARVIS is a genius, and Soap Operas are life-changing. (Or, Post-Shawarma Feels.)
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babyjamiebarnes · 4 years
Part One
Featuring: Bucky x Stark!reader, dad!Tony, Peter Parker (platonic), background MCU characters
Warnings: [chapter] language; [series] language, smut, violence
Summary: The only people who knew she was actually a Stark were her dad, her step-mom Pepper, and her “uncles” Happy and Rhodey. A promotion within Stark Industries takes her from an already-sought after position in the Weapons Anaylsis Unit straight to the Avengers as a Weapons Enhancement Specialist... which means her dad is her new boss. There’s only one rule at work: no fraternizing with coworkers. There’s one more rule at home: no dating any Avengers. So what is she supposed to do when a grumpy super soldier becomes not-so-grumpy around her? At 25, do her dad’s rules still apply? Or is her entire livelihood at risk?
Author’s Note: I’ve written a decent portion of this but know I won’t keep writing it or post it unless I hold myself accountable and get it out there in the first place 🙈 I haven’t written much for Marvel yet but I’ve read plenty and have written for other fandoms in the past (not to mention the writing degree on my wall lol). I’ll try to post every 2-3 days to keep this moving! And if you like it and want to, buy me a coffee!
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No one knew Tony Stark had a daughter. No one but Tony Stark and his daughter. Well, and her step-mom Pepper. And her godfather Rhodey. And her uncle-not-uncle Happy. But no one in their everyday lives knew. She was given her mother’s maiden name and kept a secret, even when she turned 17 and moved to a small apartment near NYU’s campus (with Happy stationed right next door, of course) to start life as a truly normal adult, or as close to normal as an undercover Stark could be. When she graduated with her PhDs in robotics and electrical engineering at 25 — proving brains really do run in the family — she moved into her own apartment in Manhattan, funded by her father under the pseudonym “Michael Myers.” Subtlety was never his strong suit.
Fortunately for you, growing up without the Stark name let you live a relatively normal life. It also allowed you to apply for a position within Stark Industries without being ushered past any red tape because of who your father is. Outside of the financial advantage you had, you worked for your spot in a STEM career. You suffered through every man in your field belittling your work despite knowing less than you. You dealt with the constant interruptions and “well, actually” because of your gender. You powered through late nights and early mornings when your mind was flowing too smoothly to quit.
The last thing you wanted to do was have all that work disregarded because you shared a name with genius billionaire playboy philanthropist Tony Stark. So you filled out the application, sent in your resume and cover letter, and attached three letters of recommendation from your professors. You went through hours of interviews, background checks (conveniently redacting your father’s name), and polygraph tests until that offer letter showed up in your email. You even had to sign the Non-Disclosure Agreements that would bar you from discussing *anything* work-related with anyone outside of your department.
You spent your first year in the weapons analysis department, evaluating alien weaponry and determining how it worked and how to disable it. You had your fair share of mishaps, of course. Holes blasted into walls, fried robot dummies, even burnt animal carcasses. By the end of your first year, your supervisor sent a commendation and proposal for you for an undisclosed promotion. After Pepper Potts “thoroughly examined your resume, cover letter, and accomplishments during your tenure with Stark Industries,” as the letter read, you were awarded a position working on the Avengers’ weapons as a Weapons Enhancement Specialist. You’d never see a fight in-person, but you were assigned to work on advancements and post-battle repairs for everyone, from the Winter Soldier’s arm to the Falcon’s wings to Vision’s... everything. The only heroes you wouldn’t work on were Iron Man and War Machine (those were your dad’s territory) and Spider-Man.
On your first day in your new position, the one and only Pepper Potts showed you to your new lab on the 47th floor. It took all your willpower to look your step-mother in the eye and say, “Wow, Miss Potts. This is amazing. It’s such an honor to meet you,” with a straight face to convince any passerby that you had no outside affiliation with her. Even if her eyes stayed steady on you, you could see her mentally rolling them.
Once you were alone behind the doors of the elevator, conversation changed course.
“You’re going to be sharing a lab with someone else,” Pepper said.
“Sweet. As long as they’re competent, that’s fine by me,” you shrugged. Part of earning your degrees was learning to share a workspace with others, even those who bumbled and fumbled with no idea what they were doing. You’d had more hair singed by nearby explosions than you’d like to admit.
“He’s still in college so he’s not here as often as the others. Most of his work will be on Spider-Man’s gadgets and suit, but you can use him for any help you need.”
Walking past the familiar faces of Dr. Banner and Dr. Cho in their respective labs, Pepper ushered you into your lab, where you were met by your father and put on the same excited facade you did with Pepper.
“Oh my god, you’re Tony Stark! This is incredible! It’s such an honor to meet you, sir!”
He shook his head at you and reluctantly accepted your outstretched hand. Oh, the jokes you’d be making at family dinners.
“Yeah, anyway, this is your new lab, Miss [Y/L/N]. Make yourself at home. This lab rat over here is mister Parker. If you have any questions, he can at least bullshit an answer for you.”
The young man on the other side of the lab perked up at the sound of his name. He tugged the goggles off his face and set down his soldering rod to rush over to you.
“Hi. Hi, I’m Peter,” he said, reaching his hand out to you.
“I’m [Y/N]. It’s nice to meet you, lab partner.”
He looked to be a bit younger than you and at least relatively smart, if the MIT sweatshirt peeking out from under his lab coat said anything. If your dad gave him an internship like this, you knew you shouldn’t question it. He had to be a genius.
The kid just smiled at you, continuing to shake your hand past what most would deem socially acceptable.
“Okay, enough of that,” Tony said, pushing on your joined hands to separate you two. “Mister Parker might be in and out of the lab from time to time. He joins the Avengers on the occasional recon mission for immediate repairs but since he’s on break from classes, you’ll see him more often than not. Play nice.”
When he noticed you surreptitiously looking Peter up and down, he added, “Remember, no fraternizing with coworkers.” He pointed a finger directly at you before he spun and pointed to your fellow lab mate, realizing he should warn Peter too to save face.
“All the blueprints you need for the Tin Man’s arm are in the system. We’ll have you start on that and see what you can do about minimizing the sound that thing makes. Any other questions, give Pep a call.”
“Thank you, mister Stark. I really do appreciate everything,” you said genuinely.
“Yeah, well… don’t let me down,” he replied, patting you on the shoulder on his way out. Pepper followed close behind, leaving you alone with Peter Parker.
“So Peter,” you started, sliding onto the lab chair next to where he remained standing, “tell me about yourself.”
“Uh… what do you want to know?” he asked as he shoved his hands into his coat pockets.
“How old are you?” you asked immediately.
“I’m 21.”
Only four years younger than you. So you’d probably get along just fine.
“I assume you’re at MIT?” He nodded. “What are you studying?”
“Biomolecular and mechanical engineering.” He said it so casually, you’d think he was talking about the last song he heard on the radio.
“Damn,” you responded, eyes wide. “I thought robotics and electrical engineering was wild but fuck, that sounds like hell.”
He laughed and nodded, letting a bit of the tension in his shoulders fall. “Yeah, it’s not easy. But it’s worth it.”
He shot you a small smile before gesturing back at his project. “I should probably get back to work and let you get started.”
For the rest of the day, you familiarized yourself with the Winter Soldier’s arm to figure out how to… turn the volume down? You assumed it was the gears inside causing the noise, but part of you wanted to outfit an audio jack and speaker just to fuck with your dad.
You and Peter worked in relative silence, aside from the playlist he had quietly playing through the lab sound system. When lunch rolled around, however, you finally spoke up.
“Hey Peter,” you called, his eyes flicking from the chemical beakers in front of him up to you. “First of all, what are you doing?”
“Um, it’s Spider-Man’s web fluid. Just trying to find more durable combinations.”
“Interesting.” As much as you wanted to touch the stringy substance, you knew better than to fiddle with someone else’s lab work. “Okay so second thing, in my last position, I’d just order food and have it brought to my floor but now that I’m on an exclusive floor, what do you do for lunch?”
“Oh, there are a couple security guys who have clearance to come into this floor. They just can’t get into any rooms so you’d have to meet them at the elevator. But I usually find something in the kitchen down the hall.”
“Oh, sweet. Thanks!” you said as you made your way out the door. Before you could fully exit, you turned back to see if Peter wanted you to grab anything. Once he promised he’d take his own break ‘once I get this one thing figured out,’ you continued to make your way to the kitchen.
As you drew closer to the doorway, you could hear three voices speaking over each other. They didn’t sound angry, but they were definitely arguing. You opened the door anyway and almost immediately froze in your tracks. The Falcon stood with one hand on his own head and one on the Winter Soldier’s head while Captain America rolled his eyes before those same eyes landed on you, along with the rest of the room.
“Perfect,” Sam started. “Hey new girl, between the three of us,” he said, pointing to himself, the Soldier, and the Captain, “who has the best hair?”
“First of all, my name is [Y/N]. Second,” you continued, making your way past them to the fridge you hoped your dad kept stocked with goodies, “that’s an unfair question.”
You grabbed a soda and popped it open before turning back to the three men. “Your hair suits each of you. Cap wouldn’t look good with Winter Soldier hair and Falcon wouldn’t look good with Cap’s hair.” You took a few steps closer, leaning against the island counter between you and eyeing each of them. Your eyes settled on the Winter Soldier, unashamedly flitting across his face and admiring the sharpness of his features. “You,” pointing at him, “could probably pull off either of their looks, though.”
Bucky smirked at you, but his rosy cheeks gave away a hint of embarrassment at your compliment. Steve and Sam, on the other hand, weren’t taking it quite as gracefully.
“What?!” Sam shouted. “Okay, now I know you’re lying. I could pull off Cap’s hair for sure.”
“You know, I think shaggy hair would really suit me,” Cap said, only half sarcastically.
You giggled to yourself as the three of them started talking over each other again, all dead set on their own hair being the best of them and positive they could pull off the others’ looks. While they bickered, you searched the pantry until you found a snack to at least get you through the remainder of the day.
“Alright boys, it’s been fun but I have work to do,” you said as you walked past them again. “Actually, wait. Bucky — can I call you Bucky?” He nodded even though you continued anyway. “If you could stop by lab six today, I’d love to check out your arm in person. The digital renderings aren’t quite the same.”
“Uh, okay. Sure. I’ll find you,” he said quietly.
“Sweet, thanks!” And with that, you skedaddled back to your lab.
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