#how many songs there are doesnt matter. no rules
pristine-starlight · 1 year
I think it is important and good for the soul and whatnot for every person who considers themself to be even marginally Music Aligned to have collected a list of songs that are, in some shape or form, Them
I don't mean your favourite songs, I don't mean whatever sounds best, I don't mean making a playlist for yourself like you were a fictional character
I mean songs that feel so intrinsically linked to your very being that they might have just taken up residence in your soul. Songs that are somehow part of your story, your experience, your...you
Grab those songs. Put them in a pile. Make a playlist and listen and watch and feel as its heart starts to beat, a monument to you
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fandomsandfeminism · 2 years
"Romeo and Juliets romance is just so unrealistic! It's not what a romance is like in MY experience!"
Oh? Oh really? You, adult living in 2022, you never went to a fancy Venetian masquerade in the 1590s and met a mysterious stranger and then your first conversation spontaneously forms a perfect sonnet? That's not a totally relatable experience for you?
Is Macbeth unrealistic because of the witches? Is Midsummer unrealistic because of the love potion?
Like, there's no explicit magic in Romeo and Juliet, but it still exists in a heightened reality, and overlooking the role that language plays within the text itself kneecaps your analysis of the intent.
When we hear of Romeo, his dad and friends are discussing his recent sad mood- he's upset because the girl he likes has no interest in him. His friends try to distract him from it with a party, but dont really seem to...connect with or fully empathize with his sadness. When we first hear of Juliet, her father and Paris are planning her marriage (without her input.) They are both talked about but not really listened to. The way they are spoken about isolates them from others.
Then they meet, and with no knowledge of each other, not even their names, they click into perfect rhythm. They finish each other rhymes. They form perfect ABAB quatrains in conversation, their sentences form a rhyming *couplet* at the end.
You know the song Ana sings with Hans in Frozen? Love is an open door? We finish each others- Sandwiches? Yeah- it's riffing on this. The idea that you meet someone perfect and right away your souls can make poetry together. The immediate intimacy of being so in sync that your introduction is a love poem.
I don't know, yall. Romeo and Juliet isn't a gritty hyper-realistic Oscar nominated docu-drama. It teters on the edge of fairy tale and myth, it leans on its language to convey deeper emotional truths that a 5 act play doesn't have the time to develop as deeply as we, in our world of movie montages and long form TV, are more accustomed to. This isn't a slow burn, pining, enemies to friends to lovers. It's soul mates love at first sight, and when you accept that, the play can get on with the business of saying what it wants to say about hate and the cycle of violence and social rules and decorum and how grudges and blood fueds can destroy the magic in the world if we let it.
"It doesn't matter if they are really in love. They should be allowed to be stupid hormonal teenagers without dying" I see many people say, and while I think that sentiment is true, I DO think it matters that they are in love. I think it matters that their meeting sparks a sonnet, and that poetry is snuffed out by the violence around them.
I think it matters that what they had wasn't an arranged marriage or a "good match" made by approving friends- that it was spontaneous and instant and inexplicable, but that the world couldn't let that be because it defied all the rules. Because it wasn't set up by parents and wasn't politically convenient, because it wasn't part of a proper, prolonged courtship with chaperones and social approval- it was love and poetry that defied all of that and so it was snuffed out. That they are pushed to such extremes not just by the killings, but by Juliets impending engagement to Paris, they have to act now because their love doesnt fit into the proper pattern set out by society- I think that matters.
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Homestuck Mythical Creature au / Cryptid Au
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Very tempted to make an ask blop :p need to see if anyones inch rested
thought processes under the cut (bc some choices are wild)
Johns a pooka, an irish fae trickster who shapeshifts into animals. his favorite form is the bunny. john and jane are both fae, so their pranks range from harmless to mentally scaring to life altering. absolute chaos grimlins. dirk is also an irish myth, so he knows them well and is often trying to get them to not ruin the local population of humans. so they do pranks on him insted. john loves to steal dirks head and hide it places.
rose speaks to the eldritch horrors and is slowly becoming one herself. she wants to become a litch.
Dave is a harpy! a very chill one who doesn't tend to sing with his full chest, so people dont start crashing into his doorstep. dave dies in some magic accident that caused davesprite to rise up from the ashes. but dave harpy is ALSO fine no ones really sure how. may have been roses doing.
Jade is a werewolf obv. but shes also a witch and has formed a coven with rose and roxy.
Jane is ur avrage fae faerie/sprite. her favorite fae rule to get people to break is "dont eat their food."
Roxy is both a cat who is also a wizard i need not elaborate
Dirk is a headless horseman. not to be confused with THE headless horse man. thats another dullhan with a well paying halloween gig. dirk is often subject to losing his head, so he made a magic pumpkin to pilot the body when this happens. he does have a very large and scary but beautiful horse.
Jake is the bigfoot. and one of the most well hunted (and well travled) cryptids. thus, his friends often make jokes of not ever seeing him except in blurry images. its not his fault hes very large and loves to travel! and is also not very photogenic...
Aradia is a monthra!!! however she made a deal with a devil and became a ghost... not sure WHY yet or why it kills her. but it does. its all in her plan or smth, but that doesnt stop sollux from being very upset that hes the one that has to take and keep her soul. she is reserected later by the coven, still soulless but it doesnt matter bc her soul is in good hands and thus she still feels it. shes much happier now.
Tavros is a minotar self explanatory he is a small minotar, tho. a mini minotar if u will.
Sollux is ur run of the mill soul for potato chip demon. an excuse to give him twin tails and horns. him an kitkat gave me the most trouble! but then i went with a solkat devil angel motifi and im kinda attached t9 it now. even if its sorta a cop out. i simply couldnt find twin creatures that werent gods or children of gods. nor any crab creatures...
Karkat is an angel. he WAS human notably he was human for awhile even good friends with kanaya before he died. he never found love but helped so many with theres that he became an angel that was a lot like cupid. thus he was a small angel incharge of match making and also likened to a baby and hes very much NOT happy about this. it pisses him off, solluxs often gives him a hard time. about it. (extra angst is that kitkats also really fucked up about never knowing what love felt like but having to give it to others. and he has it in his head that that means he never will know, bc no ones matchmaking the matchmaker. but theres a song he hears everyonece anwhile by a stray harpy that makes him feel a lot lighter.)
Nepeta is my go to cat creature a nekomata. a two tailed cat yokai.
Kanaya is a vampire. obviously.
Terezi is a dragon! still blind! still licks. but can now transform and has wings, very scary. shes basiclly just her lusus lmao.
Vriska is a spider lady. i have arachne here bc its similar, but shes not arachne the myth proper. shes just a spider with the top part of a woman at the head. A Jorogumo a spider lady yokai and is basically actually what im picturing.
Equius is a centar and fuck if i ever have to draw him....
Gamzee is a clowwwn, just a clown, just a silly lil guy. What do you MEAN clowns arnt mythical creatures??? what do u mean u saw him under ur bed when you were a child? u must be mistaken. as a nod to ICPs boogieman. when gamzee is not high as a kite and is just a clown, he is one of the most terrifying and unkillable creatures known to children kind.
Eridan is a selkie. basiclly a mermaid but part seal. personally, I'd like to make him part seahorse. but not in the hippocampus way. i chose this bc he can shapeshift, thus he pretends to be a high elf sorcerer, yes he does get dunked on about this.
And finally, Feferi is a siren! who happens to be able to become very VERY **VERY** BIG. she doesnt lure people to drown them but she DOES love to keep live captives in cages :)
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lepoppeta · 3 months
For the song asks: Charlestor
charlastor/radiobelle has the benefit of relating to a lot of tropes and aesthetics in media that i already really enjoy and have a lot of content for. that being said, the songs ive chosen for them relate more to the pilot versions of these two characters, where it was speculated that alastor was going to be more of a mysterious, unflappable background mentor figure. ive heard their relationship being compared to that of clarice starling and hannibal lecter from silence of the lambs and hannibal, and i think some of that can vibe definitely be used here.
the first song that ever came to mind for these two (in recent memory) was a dangerous game from the jekyll and hyde musical (sung by anthony warlow and linda eder).
at the touch of your hand, and the sound of your voice, at the moment your eyes meet mine - i am out of my mind, i am out of control, full of feelings i cant define.
its a sin with no name, like a tiger to tame, (and though no-ones to blame) its a crime and a shame, and the angels proclaim its a dangerous game.
im a bit of a sucker for melodramatic gothic musicals, and the vision this song brings to mind is charlie wandering the empty halls of her dilapidated hotel and cautiously dancing with alastor and his army of half-sentient shadows. it relates to charlies pov more than alastors (as in this case he would be singing about her) and how they would have to tread carefully no matter what kind of close relationship they choose to partake in.
next up is me and mr wolf (the real tuesday weld).
you have the thing i love but the fear in me is way too much. if i open wide one of us may get lost inside. me or you, one of us is going to need to die.
my favourite version of this relationship is them being mutually fucked - alastor has never really given much thought to romantic love and hes shocked that hes willing to break so many of his own rules for this silly little slice of heaven in hell; charlie responds well to alastor setting clear boundaries against her sometimes-invasive behavior, and, like any good theatre kid, he "yes-and"s her (instead of vaggies pretty consistent "no"s). however, this song also touches on the fact that charlie is (or should be) at least alastors equal in power, if not far beyond him, and its a warning that neither of them should overstep in either love or anger.
the last one ill leave you with is actually one that was made canon by helluva - its look my way (paranoid DJ, but the alternate version sung by bryce pinkham) and its a bit of an ooc situation from alastors point of view.
unless its me, and no matter what in this world i could give - its not enough to get through the walls youve conjured up to live. is this what you feel? scorned by a world that cannot comprehend what you are, so ill grant you this mercy - this bind on our souls needs to end.
this is taking into account the deal that charlie makes with alastor in the penultimate episode of the first season of hazbin. the idea is that alastor (or at least, the speculative pilot version of alastor) strongly admires charlies perseverance against her own people - the very beings shes trying so hard to save. while charlie is a relatively open book he knows that she probably doesnt let anyone, not even her own girlfriend/best friend, see the emotional toll this project has taken on her (again, this tying in more to the pilot personalities of these characters), and hes upset that her deal with him has only made things worse in that regard. he makes the choice, to his own detriment, to sever the deal without her knowledge, so that if she doesnt keep her end of the bargain it will be of no consequence to her.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 8 months
ofmd s2e4 rewatch where i pause to jot down my thoughts and other random shit
it's been a busy week since last thursday and shit's only gonna get busier for me after tomorrow so hopefully i can get through these two episodes out before i go to bed lol!!! anyway once again these posts are just me rambling so i can process the insane amount of information in these episodes and if u want to read them too that's fine.
s2e1, s2e2, s2e3, s2e4, s2e5, s2e6, s2e7, s2e8
rip everyone who wanted homoerotic sword fighting in the gentebeard reunion. have a headbutt as a consolation prize.
obsessed with stede holding raw room-temperature meat against his bruised face bc that's not even a little bit how that works. i love this show.
ok so jim saying "he'll probably get around to killing you after he's rested" in response to stede saying ed needs to regain his strength actually gives some pretty good context to why they want ed of the ship so bad. bc they DID fully try to kill ed and now he's here and alive and like. if i were jim i would be pretty worried abt ed holding a grudge abt that.
wont lie stede being like "we dont just banish people, that's not us!" makes me thinkg abt how they fully banished izzy from the ship in e6. i mean technically izzy banished himself on accident but. lol.
also izzy's absence in this scene indicating he is not yet considered part of the entire crew
roach: i need that steak back, it's dinner stede: (pulling the steak away) oh, right fang: maybe let's put the banishment to a vote? stede: (steak back on his face, apparently having forgotten he was literally just about to give the meat to roach) aw do we have to :(
ed chained to the ship is doing. a lot for me. i wont lie.
buttons saying he's been to the gravy basket a few times... how many times has this man almost died??????
it is deeply funny to me that they edit the split second flashback of the drowning and mermaid hallucination to look all creepy as if that whole scene wasn't set to an incredibly sappy 80's love song (said with immense affection)
OBSESSED with stede trying to be like. encouraging to izzy. and being like "he cant hear you he's got no head" about izzy yelling at the ruined figurehead. this fucking dork.
so ive seen ppl talking abt how the crew's in a deadlock abt banishing ed and which ppl they think were pro-banishment and which were against, but the scenes with the crew make it look like everyone's voting for ed to get kicked out. so tbh i think like either of the following interpretations are pretty valid: the crew is split 50/50 on if they should banish ed OR the crew 100% wants to banish ed and stede was gonna try and leverage izzy's vote to try and get more ppl to change their mind. doesnt rlly matter either way tho
also the fact that izzy was the one to keep ed's body is. interesting. the others must've known abt it and helped izzy hide the body in the secret room. but izzy being the one to be like "no we're not throwing him overboard" is. something. no conclusions abt this atm im just rotating this fact in my brain.
i also just have a lot of thoughts abt the mutiny and the fact that like, jim's a trained assassin and the others are also pretty experienced killers and they probably knew they hadn't completely finished the job. and there was plenty of opportunity for them to do something about that. but instead they hid his body and waited for ed to succumb to his injuries. it feels kinda like ed's "technically i outsource the big job" rule. idk. thoughtssss.
frenchie in this scene is so funny bc he seems both actually apologetic abt kicking ed off the ship but also very relieved/vindicated to see him go.
didnt realize olu almost said smthng to ed lol i thought ed was just saying "fuck you" to him for no reason ghfjkghjkfh
"first time i've ever been on this side of a walk of shame" wee john i have so many questions. how many times have you been banished from a ship.
obsessed with archie just being like "way to make this awkward brah." her shitty boss put her life at risk in an attempt to make her and her coworkers kill him in a weird roundabout suicide attempt and her summary of the situation is "well, this is awkward :/"
"shitty sailing with you" sick burn, jim
"you're making it really hard to look up to you, man" LOVE how black pete is still a blackbeard stan. despite everything.
just ONCE i want someone to appreciate roach's sandwiches :(
"dont you want your sammy" STEDE I WOULD DIE FOR YOU
also i disagree with the subtitles here im like 99% sure says "you're no fuckin mermaid" not "you're not a fuckin mermaid" but that's just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
stede looks SO sad abt not being a mermaid
love how everyone in this episode just sort of nods and is like "yeah okay" every time buttons tells them he's turning into a bird
altho with stede in this scene specifically im convinced that he's just jumping at the chance to follow ed to the island. he was absolutely gonna come up with some shitty excuse to go ashore anyway but it's nice of buttons to give him plausible deniability
i love how much ed hates nature
why do the subtitles say "gyp-" this has been bothering me all week. the line is "like a drifter"
i also love ed's line delivery of "a wolf?"
anyway dumb posts abt the spider tattoo backstory: 1, 2, 3
i love to see ed getting hugs... wish i could give him a hug :(
ok also buttons talking abt the gravy basket made me think ed needed like some sort of spell or smthng to snap out of it but instead it just kinda wore off by the end of the episode (maybe, depends on how you read the whole buttons turning into a bird scene). this is very funny to me for some reason
anne rubbing the cup she's holding against her tit. queen.
stede bonnet idiot dumbfuck moments
i LOVE anne's line delivery of "eddie motherfuckin teeeeach" like yeah that's cj's girl alright. or was cj's girl. who knows.
SECRET HANDSHAKE im cryinggggg. i love them.
stede's voice sounds so weird when he says "i wasn't looking for you" and that's because he's fucking lying through his teeth
LOVE how anne and mary look at each other after the "shipmates" "former" interaction like they are immediately on the same wavelength. and that wavelength is fucking with ed and his ex. they sniffed out a messy relationship dynamic and were like "oh hell yeah we need more of this in our lives"
ed is SO bitchy this whole scene i fucking love it. ed's face when he says "him?" fdhjksgfjhdgkj
ed: whatever 🙄 anne: whatever? 👀 mary: whatever! 😈
wee john getting more goth is so good
drunk izzy rambling at the ship's figurehead is so funny to me tho i miss drunk izzy
ed's crew lady macbeth "out damned spot" moments
i like how there's a goat in the background of this scene in anne and mary's house and it is unexplained and also never seen again.
ed's face after stede says "that's romance" is soooo good this bitch is so pissed. like oh would you have met me at the docs if i peeled the guard's face off instead of just paying him off? is that what fuckin does it for you???? not that it matters bc i dont care. but. cunt.
yeah im just focusing in on all of ed's faces in this scene. "quite the shift going from wearing people's faces to antique collectors" gets ed to freeze in the middle of bringing his drink up to his lips and just kinda stare off into the distance.
"how did you meet" has ed kind of frowning for a split second before stede starts answering and then he rolls his eyes very dramatically and sighs deeply
ed immediately being like "actually i was gonna kill him myself!" trying to undermine stede's meet-cute story. also anne and mary nodding along in complete unison bc this is just normal pirate conversation to them.
also as someone who has been team "no ed was dead serious abt the plan to steal stede's identity" this was very vindicating for me. it's a bad plan and it doesn't make any sense but logistics literally dont matter in this show. what matters is giving this story the "falling for the mark" trope makes ed's character arc in season 1 that much tastier!!!!
ed and stede going back and forth telling their story i cant fucking wait until theyre happily together telling this story and instead of ed trying to downplay it and ruin the meet-cute-iness of it they're just building on each other and being sappy and adorable
"more like i relented" one of the biggest lies i've ever heard this man say fjhkgjkfdhk
"until he completely boned it" SAY IT. FUCKING SAY IT. SOOOOO TRUE ED.
auauhghgh the beard bit......... crying
THE!!!!! QUIETEST LITTLE "thank you" OF ALL TIME. TIED MAYBE WITH ED SAYING "thank you" AFTER "i think you're very sophisticated" IN 1.05
i dont blame stede for trying to get ed to open up right after that bc that was the first bone ed's thrown stede's way since he woke up. unfortunately ed is not in the mood to talk abt his near-death experience and mermaid hallucination sequence.
LOVE anne's little gesture when she says "rabbit" and the little hip cocking
stede being like "uhhhh we could leave" during the knifeplay exhibitionism moment
i giggle every time at the way the crew is instantly like "fuck closing our eyes we're doing any fucking surprises"
ngl idgw the crew yelled abt the piñata reveal. but ok
loooove stede's half of the crew just blowing past all the screaming and tension from ed's half. jim screams "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!!" abt the blindfold and roach is like "you won't want to stay the fuck away from this caaaake!" like roach fdhsjfgdhfjkghkj read the room?????
i love how much stede just. completely misses all of annie's flirting
ed coughing during the blunt session i love himmmmm
ok but ed's trying to be like "im totally over stede i dont even like him" and then ed reminiscing fondly with a distant smile abt the 1.06 stabbing scene
"and that was the... second time you left your wife?" underrated line
love how annie's been all quiet and seductive and then when she goes to make her move she's just like "WOUND THIS" and aggressively sits in stede's lap
also ok. "they're gonna be so jealous" is that annie talking abt ed and mary or is that annie using they/them pronouns for mary.
also i love how they have that one medusa painting just. in their kitchen. im obsessed with the interior decor of this lesbian antique store that annie and mary live in
the way she's so touched by the poisoning attempt hjfgfjksghskjhgjkh
buttons being like "aahhhhhh do i give her... this bowl......????" fhjkghkfsjhk
"yeah, babe" TEALORANGES WIN
im honestly sad izzy's pathetic wet beast moment only really went for like three tiny scenes in one episode bc this shit was so funny to me. crawling away saying "you're born alone you die alone" over and over again. sir what are you even doing.
god buttons in this episode is so fucking funny bc i keep forgetting he's there. also why is he even there. like was he even invited to dinner or did he just sit down and annie and mary were like "oh ok i uh. guess we'll go make another plate??"
ed's face after buttons says the bit abt "i can tell this rabbit was intelligent" is soooo funny why is he so fucking pissed fdhsjkgyjdfkghjk
stede talking abt the sea when what he's actually talking abt is ed part 2 electric boogaloo
ed very calmly. standing up. and smashing the chair. im obsessed with him.
stede bonnet stupid dumbass moments
ed's voice is so quiet at the start of this scene he's not even yelling at stede until stede says "it's not fair" ohhhhhh my babygirl is so fucking sad........
"you ditching me without a note or anything" ed's literacy confirmed
"expecting me to just melt back into your arms" eddie my man. stede has not given literally any indication that he expected this at all. you are telling on yourself fhdjskghfkjshd
this scene is so fucking good i barely have anything to say abt it. just. u can rlly tell david jenkins wrote this ep himself lolll
"i was all in, mate. i was all in." IM SOBBING
oh nooooo i forgot that ed's line delivery of "im sorry my horrible naked chin disgusts you so much" isnt actually as sarcastic as the words itself make it seem. like it feels like ed wanted to say that all angrily and bitter but instead he just sounds sadddddd
ok ok but the way stede says "i love your chin naked or otherwise" and then after a pause (during which ed is keeping INCREDIBLY still bc u know otherwise he's just gonna burst into tearssss) stede whispers "ed" and ed is immediately like "don't" and then. stede going in for the "i love you" but like the way he's so slow with it?? he's literally like "i. love." and idk if it's bc he's trying to make this as clear as possible or if he's giving ed enough time to cut him off if he doesn't want to hear it
and ed DOES he DOES cut him off with "you don't get to say that to me" and he like. keeps glancing at stede out of the corner of his eye but not quite looking at him directly bc he knowwwwws it's like staring into the sun baby and ed knows if he looks at stede's face it's literally all over.
but also ed's face after stede pivots to "i love everything about you" he's SO pissed. he quietly groans and rolls his eyes bc this bitch. finding stupid loopholes to not being allowed to say "i love you." fuck this guy ed hates him so fucking much (lying)
oooooh when stede says "you don't have to say it back to me" ed's mouth opens and closes a bit before "not about to" bc this man is trying. SO hard not to cry (so am i but it's not working sorry there are tears on my face right now)
idk idk idk smthng abt "it's nice. feels good." makes me hurt so fucking bad bc the entire time since ed's woken up stede's been getting headbutted and snarked at passive-aggressively but stede's still like "i love being near you it makes me happy :)" brb i need. a fucking moment.
honestly tho how did annie and mary even overhear that bit bc they were on the other side of the room and stede was whispering SO quietly. opposite of when ppl in this show dont hear things despite the things being said like two feet away from them (1.03 geraldo and jackie talking abt how blackbeard was looking for stede, 2.01 zheng saying the indigo was worth way more than she spent on it)
LOVE how anne being like "stede likes the ladies" is how ed figures out "ohhhh wait ok theyre just fucking with us, got it" bc this guy??? liking women????? lmao
this also HAS to be why he gets over mary like his brain mustve gone "wait hang on why the fuck would he go back to her he doesn't even like women. guess maybe he really did panic huh" hdjksghfckghkjsh
obsessed with these TINY tiny details abt the ed/jack/annie/mary polycule dynamics we're given. ed would've expected as much from annie bc she's a fucking psycho. mary apparently used to not be like this. im putting the pieces together im connecting the dots.
ed and stede's knowing smug looks at each other. im obsessed.
annie being rlly sensitive to the word "bitch" im considering that more hints abt the polycule backstory
yayy fanny newspaper
"really? i mean she stabbed you, you poisoned her, and then she jumped on my face" stede this is all part of their very elaborate and deeply toxic sex life ok stop kinkshaming them
curious if ed and stede are too distracted by mary spelling out their worst fears to comment on all the smoke coming into the room
"everything must go" like a fucking clearance sale. this is such a silly line. this is a silly show. i love it here.
wait are they crying while they hug??? bro these girls are so fucking messy i love them
ed saying "see you guys" before he leaves them in their burning house. i would die for him
ok team arts and craft time while making a prosthetic for izzy. obsessed with how the b plot of this episode is literally "the crew struggles to get along but they eventually set aside their differences and work together when they realize there's someone even more cringe and pathetic than any of them"
"YOU ARE!!! HARASSING A CRIPPLE!!!!!!" is suchhhh a funny line im sorry im gonna miss izzy at his lowest fhsjkhjksf. literally they just knocked on the door my dude calm downnnn
obsessed with izzy being genuinelly touched and expressing it by saying "fucking cocksuckers." this man is allergic to having feelings.
stede and ed painfully talking over each other bc everything is awkward and difficult. i love them.
ed's face when stede offers to let ed stay. his very quiet "yis." the way he says "might be nice" and then VERY QUICKLY looks away
stede yelling GREAT at the top of his lungs fhdsjkguydfgfjkhl
i love when these guys try to play it cool bc theyre so fucking bad at it hgdfgvjfxdkgjjdkkgjhfdkh
stede bonnet dumb idiot moron moments
ed staring off lovinglyyyyyy
buttons jumpscare
also is that fucking sage. are we doing cultural appropriation here
buttons saying "Earth Wind and Fire i wanna go higher" hfjkhgfdjkhgjkh
i love how ed. does not question this "fuck yeah, brother. fly."
ed teach lovesick fool moments
i love how happy ed sounds telling stede abt buttons he sounds like his old goofy self for the first time all season.... im gonna cry
also i like how the crew adopts izzy as their new creature. 10/10
post credits scene is annie and mary at dinner with buttons. i guess it's after stede goes to comfort ed but before they go eavesdrop on that convo.
buttons enjoying his last meal as a human. and also he's like "there's too much fucking on that ship i need to get away from it all." and his way of doing this is becoming a bird. love that.
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idyllic-ghost · 2 years
seventeen reacting to your group having a sexy summer comeback
request: I hope this doesnt go against your rules but could you do a reaction/short blurb about being svt's s/o and being in a girlgroup and they see you doing a "sexier" summer comeback? (Like Bingle Bangle - aoa, shake it - sistar,...)
a/n: i hope this is what you meant! it's my first time writing small blurbs about all of them
cw: a lot of comments about looks
genre: blurbs, fluff
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
jealousy is an ugly emotion, and seungcheol knows this. however, he can't help that he is so painfully aware that other people are looking at you when you look so incredibly fine. for most of your comeback, he's pouting - and for the remainder of the time he's thirsting after you. because no matter how jealous he is, he would never deny that you are the most gorgeous person that he has ever seen - and he needs you to know how much he loves you. he does this through many different kinds actions. praising your performance, listening to the album, and of course telling and showing you himself just how much he liked it. "you always look so amazing... now especially."
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
he would tease you, so much. obviously, he loved it - but he wouldn't tell you that. definitely liked the fact that others got to see you like this, because he knew that at the end of the day you were his. whenever you would perform it, his eyes were stuck on you. not so surprisingly, he was very good at keeping his composure. even though his eyes darted across the stage, his face told audiences nothing - and nobody could tell that he was looking at you. he also loved the outfits you were wearing, and hated the fact that he wasn't close to you when you were wearing them. "why don't you wear this at home?"
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
joshua quietly appreciates you. always smiling when seeing you, leaving lingering touches on you whenever he can, sneaking in a few kisses here and there... but in his brain there is nothing but absolute chaos. he's trying to be a gentleman, and support you through the promotions of this very well made album... but he's also pretty jealous. because of your comeback, you're very busy, and he wants to (needs to) spend time with you. of course, he wants you to focus on your job, and not him... but he also kind of wants you to focus on him and only him. when your promotions ends you will not get his hands off of you, this new and sexy image of you burned into the back of his eyes. "you did so well on your comeback... i've missed you."
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
he would seem indifferent, but he wasn't. he was freaking out, but he didn't want to show the fact that he was a little bit jealous. if you really paid attention, you could tell that he was getting extra touchy every time he saw you - especially if he had just seen one of your performances. when you would ask him what he thought of the performance he would get super flustered. "well... it's cute... you did very well..."
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
he would ask you to teach you the dance immediately, as soon as the song was out. if you were too embarrassed, he'd just learn it without you. and if the song came on the radio, literally anywhere, he would start dancing to it. he would be so proud, and not even care that it was provocative at all. "y/n, this is your part! wait don't go, i learned this part so well!"
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
quiet, but wouldn't be afraid to show you how much he liked your new comeback. he would wait up every night, even if you came home very late, and take care of your tired self. while helping you getting ready for bed he would make small comments about your performances, complimenting you. if you were to ask him what his favorite part of the song was he would start blushing, and mumble out that he was focusing more on the dancing. "you did so well today, baby."
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
jihoon would be complimenting the composition of the song to avoid having to talk about your performance. if he were to be asked about your performance, he would start blushing and stuttering - and that would definitely break his pride a bit. he really loved your comeback, especially the fact that it was a side he never usually got to see of you. you were usually so cute, and your comebacks were usually like that too. he had no idea that you could act like this. if he were to be in an anime, he would have a constant nosebleed. "well, i really like this part of the song when you sing-... ah... the performance? i... it was nice, yeah... you-... you looked very nice."
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
he's so happy to see your comeback doing well. doesn't get jealous at all, he's just happy you're getting attention (as you should). but he does find himself watching the music video over and over again, especially if you're not around. when you're home he will be very hands on, and ask about your day and how promotions were going. "you look so pretty, oh my gosh... hey wait, don't pull away just yet - i want to hug you more!"
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
he's absolutely transfixed on your new comeback. from time to time, you'll hear your song playing a few times over in your apartment. absolutely adores this concept for you, the happy but sexy look is very good on you. definitely wants to watch you practice, especially if it's just him and you in the dance studio. he gets a bit upset that you didn't warn him about the concept for your new comeback. "you know that i can't control myself when it comes to you, right?"
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
another quiet type. he'd ask to see you practice, alone, because he wanted to see your technique. you knew that was a bullshit excuse to just look at you dancing, but you didn't call him out for it. he would give you pointers while practicing, about the most miniscule things - just so that he could have an excuse to touch you. sometimes he would get so caught up in watching your body move that he would forget to actually look at your dancing. when you would then ask him if you should change anything he had nothing to say. "uh... no? no. you're doing good, just... keep doing whatever you're doing."
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
he would be so EXCITED! you had shown him a snippet of the song earlier, and now he couldn't stop humming to the tune everywhere. you would have to stop him from singing it in public, and ask his managers and members to stop him from singing it in vlives. once the song was out, he was constantly singing it proudly. he wanted to learn the dance with you, but you said you were to embarrassed to do it with him. at first he didn't understand, but then he saw your first performance. he was still very excited, but also very flustered. "... maybe i should've listened to the lyrics better..."
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
he would immediately post the song to his instagram, leaving people a bit suspicious. so you asked him to take it down, but he refused: saying that you deserved the attention for such an amazing comeback. he really just wanted everyone to know how hot you were, because even though nobody knew you were together he wanted to make them jealous. in all honesty, he was incredibly proud of you for pulling off the concept so well... he just wish he would've known you could do all of that sooner, and he's definitely not scared to express that. "i didn't know you could be sexy and cute at the same time..."
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
he is very happy about the comeback, he loves it. he listens to the song everywhere, he looks at the music video almost everywhere, and he constantly tells you what a good job you did. only after asking you if you're comfortable with him talking to you about it, will he start telling you how good you look in it. "you look so incredibly sexy."
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
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krabmeat · 3 years
𝟷𝟶𝟶 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜? 𝚝𝚘𝚍𝚊𝚢? 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔? 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛?
guys, i really dont think you see how insanely mental this is. like what?!?! i joined here cause a friend of mine was gushing about a writer here and eventually convinced me to get tumblr. they called me their "noob reading friend /affectionate" and now look at me!! not even a year in and ive gained a crowd? thats so damn cool to think about!! to think that this many people are willing to put aside time in their day to read some fics made by me, im floored man!! all in all though, i have no one to thank but my wonderful mutuals and followers who have helped floor and construct the fantastic beginnings of this blog. which is why im here to bring you all this event that i sincerely hope you guys enjoy!
only 2 people per prompt
despite me not writing romantic fics yet, all participants are absolutely welcome to!
no smut/nsfw, im not that kind of blog and i do plan on reading entries so please dont submit anything related!!
any and all fics glorifying and supporting bigoted or misogynistic ideals will not be tolerated or respected. this is non-negotioable but if the fic has any of this that results in the putting down of or generally recognizing these ideals as negative then that is completely fine!
you are to use the quote prompts in your fic (im gonna be loose on this though so dw!! :DD)
you can use as many different prompts as youd like!!
please keep submissions in mcyt territory as thats who i write for most. but this doesnt confine to just mcyts in the dsmp! go wild dudes, hermitcraft, third life, pop off!!
keep all fics for minors platonic and platonic ONLY
generally know and respect the boundaries for ccs
when asking for a prompt, please put who you will be writing for!!
you can use and interpret the prompts any way you want! doesnt matter if its in the angst section, you see fluff potential? go for it, vice versa!!
"I swear, if you make us late one more time I'll tape a clock to your wrist." "Isnt that a watch-?" "Shut it!"
"Look! I think it likes me!" (@ohworm-writes with cc!beeduo)
"Man, how did I catch such a good person?"
"Yknow, your parents really did something great when they made you."
"Take a picture, itll last longer~" "Okay!" "Wait you actually did that-?"
"That does NOT fit you." "Yeah it does! Just gotta roll it up a bit!"
"You aren't 'built different', you're just stupid." (@ohworm-writes with cc!tommy @jschllatt with cc!sapnap
"If it ever happens again, tell me. You know i adore you."
"Well..they dont even deserve you anyways! Just look at you- gorgeous!!"
"No, youre amazing!" "Then why arent i treated like it?"
"Do it again, see if i care."
"Put the damn drink down and talk to me!"
"Its about time you get whats due, you know."
"So not only do you think im stupid, but you also think im still naive?"
"Just take me seriously for once in your damn life!"
"You'd better start running in the next 5 seconds."
"What do you take me for, a joke?!" "Wasnt that obvious?"
now that thats done, heres the ask game part of the event!!! send me the corresponding emoji in my ask box and ill respond!
👽~ ill tell you a weird or memorable occurance that has happened on tumblr between friends and moots!
😳~ ill kin assign you and try to guess who you kin! (friends and moots only)
🍒~ ill rate your blog aesthetic on a scale of 1-10
🥀~ ill give you a bunch of emojis that remind me of you! (friends and moots only)
😎~ ill tell you obscure things i think are very neat!
🌺~ ill tell you a random interesting fact i know!
🦑~ if you send me a description of yourself, personality etc then ill write you a short ship fic with a mcyt!! specify if you want it to be platonic or romantic and if you want it to be c! or cc!(this is to work on my romantic writing!! friends and moots only)
💃~ ill tell you songs that remind me of you! (friends and moots only)
📕~ ill tell you something small or obscure i secretly think about you! (friends and moots only)
now...onto the final part- HONOURABLE MENTIONS!!!
@myceliummenace ~ these guys got me into tumblr, some of my closest friends and theyve been supporting me since day one. i couldnt be happier to breathe the same air as these guys, they all deserve a crown and if you disagree i will chomp your hand
@niceimafan ~ an absolute saint!! i came across inks former writing blog and fell in love with both them and their wonderful work /p!!!! theyve helped me through some hellish times and are all around so damn open and accepting
@jschllatt ~ istfg this lady is just-- SOOOO BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT??? nat is incredibly talented and has encouraged me throughout my time here and i couldnt be happier with how weve grown as friends!! and i know, despite how wholesome and soft nat seems to be i promise you she knows how to keep a bit going like no other. an amazing moot, stay funky :]
@im-an-ungodly-mess ~ okay look,, i know i havent interacted with these guys for a lot buttt...CAN YOU REALLY BLAME ME??!!? LIKE CMON THEYRE ALL JUST SO COOL!!! the moment i met them i knew our chaotic energies would merge and boy did they merge alright. also theyre just insanely nice and super willing to endulge with me in my random interest which is always a sexy trait to have. 10 out of 10, these guys are neato
@ohworm-writes ~ ahhh wormmm, delightful all around and just a sweetheart....BUT THEYVE GOT SHENANIGANS- as well as being extremely skilled as well like, dayummm!!! i live for our bond over fandoms outside of the mcyt fandom and i feel blessed to have you be a moot! much love, dear!
@marcooze ~ bro....whyd you have to do me like that dude? being so gosh damn kind and accepting like that like sheesh all the stuff you reblog is gold!!! it can be the most cracked out post or the most serious and informational one. idgaf that youre a reblog blog, you mean the world to me and i shall place a supple kiss on your hand as bros do <3
@ramzawrites ~ THE FIRST WRITERS BLOG IVE EVER FOLLOWED!!! ramza dear, if no one has ever told you how iconic you are then PLEASE LET ME BE THE FIRST!!! everything you do leaves me in awe and despite your talent, you still have miles and miles of kindness and generosity? you are one in a million, ramza. you deserve everything and please know how much you mean to me. thank you for supporting me so much for so long, and i hope your days are filled with really cool rocks :]]
33 notes · View notes
khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
first of all, this chapter right here is my comfort chapter from now on. i said what i said. I will be rereading it again and again just because i can. it was PERFECTION
here's me going crazy at 2 am yesterday.
alec shaved his beard because it made him look older
magnus and alec are the oblivious parents istg
“Are you decent?” Max yelled. “I don’t want to be traumatized again.”
“Hey! We agreed not to talk about that!” Alec yelled back.
Im not even surprised at this point
“Happy anniversary, bapa!” Rafael kissed him on the cheek and handed him the flowers.
“Where are my flowers?” Alec asked.
Rafael plucked a rose from the bouquet and threw it at Alec. “Here you go.”
“Thanks, son,” Alec mumbled.
“David made it,” Max said shyly. "
Oh,” Alec replied and then shrugged. “Well, the icing could be a little sweeter I think.”
Ever since Max started dating, Alec had become incredibly protective. Alec liked David of course – it was impossible to find someone who didn’t. But that didn’t mean Alec approved.
And it didn’t help that the blond boy was absolutely terrified of Alec.
“I don’t know,” Alec analysed the card. “David used too much glitter.”
“Since when do you have a problem with excessive glitter?” Max demanded.
“I didn’t use him!” Max huffed. “He was thoroughly compensated for his efforts!”
“Compensated how?” Alec asked.
“Uh,” Max said. “With donuts.”
when i saw donuts i immediately thought of rose and luisa from jtv
but should i continue the show? i got tired of jane continuously embarrasing herself
“You expect us to follow rules?” Alec asked in surprise. “In our own home? On our anniversary?”
The warlock boy grinned wickedly before leaning close to Alec.
“You better do it, or I will tell everyone about your secret,” Max whispered.
Alec blinked at that.
the secret...
is highschool musical that bad? i havent watched it. should i?
what if i cried
i just wanna hug alec??? but i cant say it'll be ok because it wont
“Is that why you are not attending?” Magnus grinned at his friend. “Or is it because you are terrified of Georgia?”
“That child is the reincarnation of Christopher Lightwood!” Ragnor complained. “I heard she made explosives out of demon ichor! Who makes explosions out of demon ichor?”
how tf do you think we have survived huh??
medicine that's how
vaccines, anti biotics and what not
stop being close-minded and fucking do it
ok i know the risk is great
it was different for warlocks. The Shadow World was their universe. The nephilim kept it safe. At one point in their lives, they had learned to coexist with them, out of necessity and out of obligation.
And now here they were – working together in the name of friendship and love.
how things change...
say what
the causes are what
ok let's not jump to conclusions
im fucking crying wtf
alec doesnt deserve this shit
all he's done is make the world a better place
hes worked so hard on this
what am i supposed to say to my parents if one of them comes to check on me and im sitting here crying at 2 am
He didn’t want to believe in a reality that would punish Alec. Alec who only wanted to do what is good and right.
Alec was who was losing his hope and strength every passing day. Alec who was struggling. Alec who was turning to desperate measures to cope with all the stress.
please alec
no please
Because if Magnus found out Raziel was the one causing all this pain for Alec, he would march up to heaven and set the bastard on fire himself.
blue and gold
The shadowhunter was a good influence on him. Magnus hoped Alec would see it sooner rather than later.
“Max isn’t allowed to do a lot of things,” Magnus chuckled. “But he does them anyway.”
thats my boi
rafael is growing into the consul voice
they grow up so fast
nope nope he's still the little 5 year old
voice cracking what do you mean he's 20
im glad hes happy with mila. or is he...?
Magnus had deduced as much. Alec lived in his beautifully oblivious world. But Magnus noticed.
He noticed the hickeys. He noticed the late-night visits. He noticed the tense phone calls.
well thank god there's at least one non-oblivious person (alec i love you so much but you are very very oblivious)
“What’s stopping you then?” Magnus asked.
"2554 miles,” Rafael chuckled sadly.
me with all my online friends
probably more miles
Magnus tried to do the math but promptly gave up.
But Alec did lie though. Magnus pushed the thought away.
“Except melt it?” Rafael chuckled.
“Yes,” Magnus chuckled back. “As you can see, the bar is extremely low in the Lightwood family.”
i have no clue what the words describing the outfit are
time to google
Fifteen years. Fifteen years of loving and Alec still made his heart stutter.
dont do this to me right now I WILL CRY
“What the hell?” Max exclaimed. “Why are you all dressed up?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, it’s my anniversary,” Alec chuckled.
Fifteen years. Fifteen years and Magnus still took Alec’s breath away.
it's not funny MY EYES ARE WATERING
“Bapak is a good looking one in the family,” Rafael pointed out. “You are the chaotic one and I am the smart one.”
“What am I then?” Alec asked dryly. “A sack of potatoes?”
“You’re the sexy one,” Magnus grinned. “A sexy sack of potatoes.”
Alec grinned back and leaned forward. Magnus put his hands around Alec’s neck and kissed him. He kissed Alec with all the love he had inside his heart.
Just like the first time. Just like the hundredth time. Just like the thousandth time.
Because with Alec, every kiss mattered. Every single one.
muffled sob
“Stop making out, oh my god!” Max groaned.
Magnus sensed a pillow coming their way but Rafael caught it before it hit them.
“Max, stop!” Rafael scolded. “You will wrinkle dad’s suit and ruin bapak’s hair! I spent hours ironing both!”
why is max me when i see people display affection in front of me
“They are here,” Rafael said. “You two better look exactly the way you did when I left with Max or I will raise hell.”
Selena was wearing a blue crop top with the words “MIND YOUR OWN UTEREUS” written in gold.
i need that top
The argument of “who gave the best gift” had started when Jace and Izzy had gotten drunk on vodka. It didn’t help that Alec had gotten drunk as well. All three Lightwood siblings had then proceeded to have an argument about who had the best spouse. The whole night had been drunken chaos. Magnus, Clary and Simon had let them have it since the Lightwood siblings had a tendency to carry the world on their shoulders even when nobody asked them. They rarely ever let loose ever since their worlds had plunged into sickness and demon attacks. Especially Alec. So, Magnus had let his husband be that 18-year-old boy again. The boy who got drunk and fought with his siblings and sang songs about Magnus’ pretty eyes.
Georgia considered that. “I’m not allowed to melt it, right?”
“No,” they all replied in chorus.
“Dad,” Max said. “Can you keep a picture of me wearing this necklace in your office?”
“Why?” Rafael asked.
“I think it will piss off the boomers,” Max giggled.
“Nice!” Lexi grinned. “A downworlder wearing a shadowhunter heirloom? They will lose their heads. Uncle Alec, you must do it.”
“I will do you one better. I will hang a tapestry,” Alec chuckled.
he actually gave to camille first-
Why couldn’t this boy just cause chaos during his travel year like the rest of them? Why did he actually study and do his research as recommended?
why would you NOT study and research during your travel year????
oh shit
well well well
david bby stfu
i love you but pls stop speaking for all our sakes
“Holy shit,” Max said. “It is expensive then!”
“Don’t pawn the ruby!” Rafael warned.
oh no
pls dont fight
oh so i was wrong about magus confronting him from that snippet
all you need to know is im sobbing right now and grammarly is the only thing making this coherent
dont mind me just
don't do this to me at 3 am
thank you for adding light into my life again
(me while editing this: today really isn't my day huh? i just slipped in rainwater outside my balcony because I heard rain and ran there. now my knee and back hurt and I think I sprained (?) my toe-
wait im gonna go check out the rain and then continue editing this
ok i got bored of the rain)
that made me laugh through my tears
“Objectively good looking?” Jace snorted. “Excuse you, but my parabatai is smoking hot! He is a freaking prize, okay? If we had a magazine for hot shadowhunters, you would be on the cover page. Every single issue.”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Alec interrupted. “Magnus, are you happy? Now all my friends have told me I am pretty.”
“I said smoking hot,” Jace corrected.
“We are not being biased,” Clary pointed out. “It is the general consensus, Alec.”
“It’s true,” Lexi said. “So many people have asked me for your number, Uncle Alec. And I would have given it to them if I wasn’t worried about being turned into a marshmallow.”
“Dad, I don’t know why you are so worried,” Max said in a bored tone. “You’re a told DILF.”
David choked on his champagne and Jace patted him on the back.
“What the hell is a DILF?” Alec demanded.
“Oh, I know this one!” Jace said excitedly. “It means Dashing and Irresistible Looking Father. Max is right, you are a total DILF.”
“Mr. Herondale-” David raised a hand.
“I heard one of the shadowhunters in their travel year calling me a DILF too,” Jace said proudly.
“It’s not a rumour,” Selena spoke up and passed her phone. “There is a group chat at Scholomance just to thirst after you.”
add me to it
“Alec Lightwood can run me over with a Maserati and I would thank him.”
“Give me that,” Izzy grabbed the phone and started giggling. “Petition for Consul Alec Lightwood-Bane to stab me with his mortal sword.”
“Isabelle!” Alec hissed, cheeks flaming. “Stop it!”
“I want one!” Jace grabbed the phone now. “By the Angel!”
“Read it!” the kids yelled in chorus.
“I would gladly let Consul Lightwood-Bane inspect my mortal instruments,” Jace chuckled and threw the phone at David.
David shook his head vehemently and threw it at Max.
“My body is just a hole for Alec Lightwood,” Max read out loud and started laughing so hard that he fell off his chair.
Lexi grabbed the phone and giggled. “I want the Consul to strip off my runes among other things.”
She passed the phone to Gigi, who looked at the phone and look at Alec.
“Uncle Alec,” the girl said. “This person wants you to crush them with your massive archer arms.”
“Give me that,” Rafael grabbed it now. “Aw, this one is a classic, dad. Alec Lightwood turned me gay.”
He threw the phone at Simon, who stared the screen and looked up. “Uh, I don’t think I can read this one out loud in front of the kids.
“Is this the one about the basement?” Selena chuckled and Simon nodded.
google translator time
oooo Rafael's gonna talk with Mila
Magnus you're such a good father
“Sometimes things are just sad. So, you need to let yourself be sad.”
Alec and Magnus hiding under the bed and spying on them is just-
Jace had tried to give Max the shovel talk and had gotten a little too emotional.
of course, he did smh I love him so much
“David doesn’t need a shovel talk,” Alec smiled. “He knows what would happen to him if he hurts my son.”
David gulped. “You will throw me into the silent city?”
“I will ask me husband to portal you to hell,” Alec said – Consul Voice. “We have relatives there.”
the beloved relatives yes
“Goodnight,” Jace gave them a salute. “Have fun inspecting Magnus’ mortal instruments.”
damn it
oh my god guys he said he'll stop smoking
just lemme have this moment
my boy's lungs will be intact
“I can’t wait to see all the messages on the chat after that,” Magnus giggled.
Alec looked up. “I’m more than a tall glass of water, Magnus!”
In his dream, he saw them again. But they weren’t smiling this time.
nope nope nope
Nah I don't know what you're talking about
damn, I think I really hurt my back...
OK BUT THE IMMORTALITY ANGST???? WAS SO SO GOOD???? I know it makes me cry but is it bad that I'm always so excited for angst written by you because of HOW GOOD it is????
"When I die I will love you from my grave" I NEED THIS ON MY FOREHEAD OH MY GOD I LOVE THESE TWO SO SO MUCH
alright I need to get something for my back and my knee (I'm home alone so this will be fun)
OK, I THINK THE NEXT CHP WILL BE ANJALI'S POV I JUST FEEL IT!!! I miss my girl so much I hope she's doing ok. Jaime too...
I'm rereading all of these chapters after chapter 10 because why not. Bye!!
I hope your knee and back feels better soon!
also fuck that teacher yelling something doesn't make people understand it any better ugh dumb piece of shit anyway screw that person.
I hope you get some good rest and recovery from this rollercoaster of a day.
Take care!
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clementineesotsm · 3 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 16, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
JTE now back to Korea after the reset. You know i loved thought out small detail right? We can see the photo on JTE id card is back to the origin, no tied hair and navy jacket. Please see it.
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Everything was back in order, she lives in a same old world with a same old activities but where Gon and KSJ doesnt exist. This was so heartbreaking. Esp when she remembers how Gon was always there to come to her.
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And next we got a glimpse of her team leader story about his loneliness. Many people think this scene was unnecessary but since the writer wants to make closure for everyone she need to made this. Also to clear some misunderstanding. Because for me i thought he is one of LR minion before 🤣 and also maybe to show that our leads live in a world full of people who practice kindness. Hence why all of them has this stoic quality. Im fine though. They are kind of cute.
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Also the side effect of the reset was JTE see Gon doppelganger on the street walking pass through her just like that.
And also they shows us Gon WAS ON THE WAY TO CROSS ALL UNIVERSE TO SEE JTE. But since there are so many universe he need to open many door before finding his way to her. I can say, JEONG TAE RA was mood! Im a tera byte!
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Then suddenly on 1 night in 2021, a year later. Nari calls JTE to inform her that her father buys a horse and that someone was standing next to it. JTE are rushing home to see HIM. This is so emotional. I loved how they make the meeting also parallel to eps 1. With JTE put on the sirene - the rest was history. The disbelief in JTE face, the relief in Gon face, the words, the music, the KISS! Im glad they find each other again 🥺🥺
Back to Corea, apparently JY also has his memory. So at the end yoyo boy keep the memory of 3 person involved in making things right. I suppose as a gift? Thank you yoyo boy. I almost had heart attack when Gon said to JY about twins haha i thought it was Gon’s, but no its JY siblings and he name it after Eunbi Kkabi. Im so soft for him. And we can see Luna and KHM also the revelation of cctv record that Gon saw in eps 9(?), 27 May 2022. Also Luna future is to become police/good guy because she is adopted by GSR mom. So both are siblings 🤣🤣 i like that. Also i like we got to see Kim Biso becoming guard of GSR in prison. Fate it is. Like what the whole story was all about.
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So the flute when in a whole, had a lot more fun. It allows our couple to travel through time and universe. They choose always universe that did not have them as doppelganger. So most of the time they travel to past. But since there are no rule now inside the gate, they cannot choose where they may end up and just follow the fate. How i really loved this insight. Relating it to real life, we never knew where we go and which door led us to. But if we just follow the destiny it definitely bring us to the right time and place. Eventually.
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At 1 time they got back to Kingdom of Corea at the same time, dates. I loved Lady Noh now, very sneaky 🤣 also JY and MSA actually flirting/dating 💕💕 and the iconic cctv room KISS!!!
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I appreciate they show us how both lovers still pretty much doing a good job in their respective universe. JTE with her team and Gon doing his King work. Its shows how equal they are. And we got to see Secretary Mo as the new PM. And the fact they touches the working mother issue was everything i want to see!
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And to hear Gon iconic line for the last time makes me emotional. It was the last time we can hear him introducing himself 😭 the cinematography was amazing and can make you feel the sadness of saying goodbye to this characters. Not only Gon but also JTE.
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Then last scene! Both arrive in the past i think around 1960(?). Both travel together, doing all the things they skipped, just smiling, laughing, be happy, until they old. Seriously this ending was great. Quoted their last words “no matter what kind of a door opens before us in life and even if the moments we share makes us sad at times, i wish to love tirelessly. Just like that, we decides to love the fate that chose us. Just today and only today. Forever” then we got to see them hands still holding until they got old and DREAM song!! It was all just to beautiful. So apparently this series was touching much about being stoic and carpediem - brb crying until years after -
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How it made me feel:
What a roller coaster ride. This series made me laugh, cry, grin, angry and warm. At first 1-6 episode it will left you uncertain about what they want to do with it, but 7-16 all become darker and darker, better and better. Im impressed by the script, the characters, the development, the acting, the cinematography, the directing, the editing (it has it flaws but it gets better anyway), everything. Im a bit emotional in writing this because it feels like im saying goodbye to them when i dont feel like it yet. Also i need to thank them because of them i saw something beautiful and they basically save me from a devastated year of 2020. No matter how this world treated this art badly, this remains masterpiece.
“Those who judge will never understand, and those who understand will never judge”
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vs-redemption · 3 years
My thoughts for Soft Sunday if you don't mind.
Oikawa doing your daughters hair whenever she needs it because you cant do hair and he is skilled with his fingers enough to get some really cute and intricate styles for her.
Omi holding you because you aren't able to swim and he is the height of the water and your personal rock.
Tendou getting really excited for your weekly date night because you guys where cute couple clothes and it was his week to pick what y'all are wearing.
Tendou (post timeskip chocolatier) testing his new flavors of chocolate out on you to make sure they get your stamp of approval before going on the menu.
Kuroo always making you lunch for work when he packs his because you have a tendency to forget and he doesnt want you to starve.
Bokuto always carries and extra hoodie in his car for you so no matter what you are doing if you get cold he's got you covered.
Akaashi reading you to sleep because you have insomnia and his voice is the only thing that can put you to sleep.
You and tsukishima having seperate playlists that you add songs to that remind you of the other person. They are a bit chaotic at times but they hold a lot of memories.
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I don't mind at all ♥ Thanks for hopping in my inbox!
I love that it's a universal rule that Oikawa would have a daughter because he absolutely needs a princess to spoil. And you just know she's going to refuse to let you even touch her hair after getting so many compliments from people at school, in the park, and at the grocery store the first time. From then on, it has to be daddy that does it. smh
Of course Omi isn't going to let go of you or leave you to fend for yourself in the water, but I'm not sure you're going to escape his teasing for not being able to swim. He might be nice enough to hold his tongue but you're still gonna see the mirth in his eyes as you hold onto him for dear life.
I need more Tendo headcanons in my life, especially sweet ones like this. Because I read a lot of stuff that makes him out to be way crazier than I think he is, but little quirky things like this feel right on the nose. I'm sure sometimes he's gonna have you dressed in something a little odd, but if you're having fun who cares? Also, yes, I'll taste all the chocolates but he better warn me if he adds something spicy or surprising.
It's so nice of Kuroo to think of you and pack you a lunch so you don't go hungry, but you just know that little sneak is gonna put something in there to annoy you. Like you get to work and open up your lunchbox, excited to dig in, and you're like why the hell did he put a boiled egg in here? He knows I hate those!! He also leaves cute notes on your napkin, but a lot of times they have weird chemistry humor that you have to try and decipher.
I'm in love with this Bokuto headcanon!! What a precious bean! And you're right, I can definitely see him doing this. He's always thinking of you and your comfort, so he probably has all sorts of things stashed up for you just in case. He really is perfect ahhh!
This one got me because I often have trouble sleeping when my anxiety is really bad. Akaashi probably lets you curl up into his side as he reads, and every once in a while he glances down at you because he likes seeing your reactions whenever something exciting happens in the the story.
Yeah, I can see Tsuki being into the whole playlist thing. He's not the type to express himself verbally or make huge romantic gestures, so music is probably a comfortable and fun way for him to let you know how he feels. It might also be interesting to make it a challenge, like when you play the songs for each other, you can try to guess when and why each song was added.
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hungwy · 4 years
it never fully occurred to me that people actually don’t like music. music IS to me a hallmark of existence and it means a lot to me and goes straight to my soul and all that dumb stuff so it’s really interesting for me to hear that some people just think music is music and it doesn’t matter that much. i’m not trying to sound condescending right now i’m like genuinely fascinated at how different of an opinion about something like music can be. that shits brazy bro
yeah its interesting to think about our consumption of music as relative to our personal experiences and culture. many people have enough musical experience to be moved by it. music is a lot like language in that you dont implicitly understand the rules of how to comprehend it, but through enough experience with music you do gain a sizeable vocabulary and understanding to appreciate different songs, albums, artists, genres, etc. you dont have to understand the circle of fifths or whether or not there was a modal interchange in the jazz solo (there probably was) to understand why a piece might sound happy or sad or mysterious -- our emotional understanding of music can largely be chocked up to constantly reinforced associations, just like language. these are all “words” and “phrases” for a larger musical language with many, many dialects, and you need to be exposed to music for quite some time to learn it. music isnt always so complex, either; some cultures might use set beats, patterns, and notes that they rotate around, never straying far away from the original contents of the “song”. some will have event-specific songs like for funerals or birthday parties. some cultures might have a completely different and highly complex musical theory that you will only "get” with years and years listening experience.
but frankly its all too possible to not be interested in music. sometimes you just dont want the experience -- you have to hear it, focus on it, notice how it changes or doesnt change or what genre it is or what the lyrics could mean or maybe its in a language you dont understand or maybe the voice is too weird to tell or maybe theres no voice at all and youre focusing on how the different instruments might play predictable or unpredictable chords or how the song in general subverts or conforms to your expectations or maybe youre just desperately trying to focus on something else and you really dont need to be distracted by something so pounding, screeching, whooping, drowsy energetic fresh old springy light heavy grating whatever. its easy to be overwhelmed by the complexity that can come with music and some people just prefer silence. and if youre going to have it playing in the background and not focus, maybe its just better to turn it off.
as mentioned before the natural world is, for some people, filled with enough noise. for others they may only prefer to hear music in certain settings or by certain people. for many people the context in which music can be played is particularly universal. for others its kind of annoying to have music playing all the time. it would be interesting to see how much music people from previous decades actually listened to -- my gut feeling is that before the invention of radio it was probably a lot less. in other cultures throughout history music was restricted to special occasions or spaces. artists have always been entangled in politics and social norms; sometimes certain types of music could only be played in the king’s court, or at a funeral, or to woo your lover. then there's the endlessly argued topic of what constitutes as music.
i think its fine if music is really important to you. its like gardening or knitting or writing; it can be casual or highly involved or you may not even do it. people dedicate their identities to all sorts of things and music is a pretty common one in this day and age. but realizing that music has a time and a place -- and that time and place being personally, communally, and culturally relative -- makes for good self-reflection, i think!
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thoodleoo · 4 years
hello sarah! sorry if youve talked about this before but i was wondering how important you thought pronunciation is when learning or teaching latin? ive taken a year of latin in uni so far and my profs have always been like pronunciation doesnt rlly matter bc we aren't sure and you'll be reading stuff anyways. when you teach latin do you teach students general pronunciation rules, eg those lightly rolled rs, or not so much? thank u!
ngl i misread this as asking me about punctuation and i straight up thought your professors were making you read latin like a fuckin. ancient roman looking at an inscription
ANYWAY. i actually do touch on pronunciation quite a bit! there’s a couple of reasons why i do this. the first is that i think it’s important that students experience language in as many ways as possible. there’s a great value in having students not just translate, but also read and speak in a target language even if language production isn’t the main goal. this helps engage students who don’t learn as well just by reading, and having a bit of spoken gives me an opportunity to teach vocabulary that i might not otherwise get to teach, such as weather and emotions. it’s a great cross-curricular conversation starter, too, since it allows me to touch on things like why some of the songs students learn in their chorus class have different latin pronunciation than i teach.
it’s also just more practical to go ahead and teach pronunciation from the start. that way, when i’m talking about things like word endings, we already have a standard for how things sound when i say them aloud. this helps prevent confusion and gives students a basis to work from when we do things like chanting our charts. further down the line, having a good understanding of pronunciation is helpful when students get into poetry and need to learn scansion rules
plus it’s just more fun to be able to say words out loud and to talk about pronunciation! i teach middle school so like, i’m gonna use every excuse i can to say the word diphthong lol
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neo-shitty · 3 years
hehe glad i could make you laugh, oooh that sounds awesome! yeah id love to be tagged it sounds great :)
YES the differences are so fucking weird. like, they do know they're the same age right? i feel like its just an exagguration of how much the persons role in the group matters, like we see chan being held up as such a mature, old leader while jungkook who is literally the same age, is still babied etc. like enha hyung line is basically the same age (if a bit younger) as chenle and jisung but somehow the rules are different?? as you point out, still legal but still bizarre. hehe yeah, i mean where else are we going to rant? quora lol. mmm, hopefully more people can just write less smut abt people who are barely adults
ah, no prob it didnt take long. yeah i think thats right (i keep forgetting you know my url lol) mmhmm :( i think if that happened irl there would be some major trauma going on. knock wood it never happens to you or me lol (/hj)
hehe same! oooh glad Redemption For Cheese was realised! yess we cant rllycomplain that theyve written/produced too much good music lol. yeah, ive dragged him into being a stay so *dusts hands off* mission accomplished. mmm yeah, they tend to have a certain vibe but tbh it couldve worked if they were any other group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ahh ur one step ahead of me on the stages of listening to ssick i think, still not convinced but thats okay! hehe, it had to be said. yesss the itch in the back of my brain is very satisfied by sorry i love you, felixs vocals deserve to be appreciated! (side note i feel like hes trying to sing more like his speaking voice, sorta husky, but tbh i wouldnt be mad if he sang like in glow, his sweet honey vocals made my life lol. but i think ive heard him say he doesnt like singing like that cos it makes his normal voice less husky, so what can you do)
> YES SOMEONE SAID IT. seungmin rap KING, he sped thru that rap like it was nothing, he deserves more rap lines. i do like how they gave minho some melodic rap lines this comeback, my guy deserved to show off those skills that made him not be eliminated (flashbacks to stay collectively wanting to murder jyp) and we already know changbin can sing, my man murdered masked singer. hyunjin can obviously sing as can jisung and felix, and i want to hear chan rap more! i feel like he started as part of 3racha (as a rap unit not producing) and then just became a vocalist (which im fine with, but it could be nice to hear him flex his rapping skills) and was partially replaced by hyunjin. anywayyy
back to album talk. lmaooo sad music to twerk to PERFECTLY describes silent cry. yes secret secret is and will always be, a masterpiece. hehe glad i could make you laugh :) i just felt like they have similar vibes. putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised. oh my beloved track, red lights. ahh thats okay, we can have different opinions, but by god the lyrics are *chefs kiss*. *banging on table* TWISTED AU TWISTED AU TWISTED AU. yess id love to see ur take on it! sdfghjkl it would have been glorious
no no! not stupid, just able to predict my brainwaves. ooooh thats so cool! makes me want to go there (wherever there is lol) yeah the waves are pretty good here, but none of my familys a surfer, so we dont rlly enjoy the full potential lol. YES moving on to gone away, it is indeed a heartwrenching track, but the vocals and the bloody key change? makes me want to brave being sad just to listen to it. mmm yeah, good point :( i feel like ive just gotten used to overthinking so much so that it doesnt matter what mood im in, ill do it anyway, so might as well just do what i feel like doing anyway.
yeah i think ur right! it is quite comforting knowing that all the tracks will get the love they deserve. i feel like also people assume kpop is just one genre which is utter bs. there are so many different vibes and feels and songs, i couldnt get into kpop (of which i thought only the bright cheerful present day bts stuff existed smh) until i heard gods menu so... idk where i was going with this but yeah. :)
YES FUCK YG, theyre literally on the brink of being kicked out of the big three and they are holding their salvation hostage without letting them do ANYTHING. idek what thought process goes thru their minds but arghhh its so infuriating. yess lisa's cb will be awesome but ot4 is the gold standard here.
hehe, glad u could get to this point. no no! u dont sound like a cult member at all lol yeah, i loooove some of their songs but the whole 23 members thing is getting to me. thats prob a common problem with nctzens but what can i say? im a simple girl with a limit to how many korean boys i can give my money to. atm im just trying to get into ateez and finish memorising enhypen's faces. also kard is kinda sucking me into their fandom atm, as well as eric name lol. ah what can you do? ooh thats good!
hehe i love it too! its exactly like online penpals, that was rlly well put. aww ty! hmm im okay, recovering from a bad case of rsv so thats fun. im doing okay mentally, starting therapy soon (after having to convince my mother that its not just smth i can brush off). physically i wont go into, basically i should be doing stretches to help but they dont completely fix it so my lazy ass doesnt do them, plus i got told recently im going to be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life so thats fun! ah, before you type smth dw abt me ill be fine. the weather atm is cloudy but warm, its been raining on and off today which is good for the garden. uhh i just finished reading sunburnt veils and im in the middle of prom theory which is rlly good. ummm ive got a concert tonight? that i may or may not be able to sing in (bc of the whole rsv thingo) and uhhhh idk. my dog is cute? im drinking tea rn? ive got a school dance coming up?
wbu? hows ur day going, how are you? whats the weather like on ur end? done anything interesting lately? found smth that makes you rlly happy? just any random thing youve been dying to tell someone?
no no! dont apologise, i love these exchanges. i think im happy to continue them for a long time :) on the other hand, if you get tired of them, feel free to just not answer at any time. goodness gracious this was a long ask haha hope it isnt too annoying
<3 w.a. 🐺
sorry it took me a bit to reply, i was fixing my theme ;n;
yeah, i figured it was because of the roles too. my friends and i still get taken aback when 3rd gen idols are the same age as 4th gen ones. in my head it doesn't add up sometimes. PLS THE RANT AT QUORA SKJDK tbh tho it's just going to be normalized as the years pass? esp that the boys are growing older and the amount of explicit fics will just increase. i might have to start blocking tags.
i had to look up the previous ask to remember what we were talking about xd i hope the events in champagne problems never happens to anyone. realistically, it probably happens a lot. damn i really won't wish that pain on anyone. dragging your brother into being a stay i whEEZED JFKSA additional noeasy music enthusiast o.o and ALL I CAN SAY WITH YOU GUSHING ABT FELIX IS AHA WHIPPEEEED OML can't blame you tho, i also want to hear felix sing more in other shades (if that makes sense HAHA) i really hope they'll do the role exchange in the next comeback :( or like in the near future bc i know they can do it :( the day i hear seungmin rapping it i will respectfully pass away. minho was given more lines this comeback thank fUCK i could rmb my irl being vocal abt her frustration. i don't get why minho barely has center time/lines in title tracks??? like the line distribution in the past eras just made me ???? if seventeen can balance lines with 13 members why cant a group of 8 do the same? moving on. i haven't watched the stray kids show simply bc i don't want to cry HAJS but i've seen clips. imagine if skz debuted without minho and felix?!?!? i rmb another irl catching bias feels towards changbin bc of the masked singer only to find out that the man's a rapper. i love how skz's vocals were highlighted this comeback :c there were a lot of mellow tracks! i find it cute when chan sings/raps bc it gets kinda obvious that he's a foreigner? the accent (im not even sure if it's the accent) it just shows. "putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised." CORRECT.
abt the twisted au o.O i'll inquire my irl if she wants to write it or not. if she doesn't want to, i'll do it. i miss writing twisted aus <3___<3 and i also miss going to the beach with my friends :' ) but it's starting to get cold here and i don't think i'll be able to enjoy the beach as much as i would if i went beaching in the summer. so maybe next summer? gone away really has an sm-ballad vibe. the thing about skz being a self-producing group, their songs don't sound like typical jype songs? and i just appreciate that bc in all honesty im not a fan of jyp groups at all. PLS the overthinking. i wish i could mute overthinking.
anyone who assumes kpop is just one genre obv hasn't listened to a single track. if kpop was just one genre why do i like some tracks more than the others??? oh you've only recently become a kpop stan? tbh im not a fan of the bright songs of bts either. i liked their older ones *chefs kiss* really matched high school vibes. yg has good artists and they're just wasting the talent ~.~ that strategy they have will get tiring eventually. people will stop waiting on blackpink and move on to newer more active groups ://
HAHAHAH yeah the 23 members is pretty overwhelming! it was the reason i didn't bother stanning before quarantine started. i don't regret stanning tho, met my ult bias in that group <3___<3 i don't really purchase albums unless i like the tracks xd ohhh getting into ateez just in time for the comeback! let me know what you think about them! i was fond of them at some point but grew out of it. good luck with memorizing enhypen! it took me a while to distinguish to people there XD i haven't checked out kard yet but chan plays their songs during lives and they're sexc hype music me likey *u*
i had to look up rsv im sorry. i'm glad you're recovering! please rest more and don't stress yourself out. bro i wish i could go to therapy too bc i have weird issues i can't justify and i need a professional to tell me what's the reason behind it. stuck with what condition btw? what happened? i'm sorry in case i just forgot. yesterday was a bit rainy for me too :(( it's not the type of rainy that makes me anxious so B) oh concert! good luck and i hope you'll be able to sing but i also don't think it's best for you rn :c what's your dog's breed? and yes i just finished drinking tea too. AAAAA i miss school dances :(( the last one i was supposed to have was cancelled bc of covid.
i was less productive today and i'm teetering between being mentally stable and becoming a hermit again. i'm anxious with a lot of things atm so like : D not the best state. today it was a bit sunny but not hot hot which was nice. i changed my theme today bc i couldn't wait for sept. 1st. and no i haven't found anything that makes me happy HAHAHA shit like that's hard to identify. don't have anything to say too, i'm just thinking about why i'm procrastinating too much atm T_T and i'm listening to this rap song atm and one of the rappers sounded like han.
it isn't annoying! i enjoy the long exchanges but i do admit it takes me awhile to type down a reply. so if i get more busy, it'll prolly take a bit longer for me to reply.
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stellarune · 4 years
kotlc yt au hc bc i want to write but cant *actually* write so its the next best thing
biana makes historical versions of famous costumes (disney, barbie, you name it) shes basically the cosplay queen. she did a lot of stitching by hand before her accident which cost her her arm, so now she mostly does it with a machine (look, amputee!biana is in every single on of my human aus). her videos are very chaotic bc shes mostly just making it up as she goes, but in the end, she gives a proofed step by step how to for the dress/coat/wtv. since shes so rich, all of her paterns are free as well. she has around 3m subscribers. she does charity streams.
dex is a maker. he does reproductions of weapons he likes from video game, movies, animes you name it. he has an ongoing series called “will i finally manage to make a lightsaber this year ?” it comes out every year in july, and is one of hs most viewed videos. he also works to make his own patinas and experiment with different kinds of finnish for his pieces. he took a year off off youtube at one point to learn how to make jewellery, and now hes back with a store, and some custom rings ! he has around 1.5m subs, but some of his videos can get as many as 10m views. he never monetizes his videos.
fitz is a baking youtuber, in theory. the first few years on his channels were basically just baking tutorials without voiceover. but he did one live strem for 100k and the fans were absolutely shook at his voice and face, and he just never could go back to anonimity. how did he get that many subs ? well, all of his videos had the fuck ups included, and step by step guides on how to fix these mistakes. also the editing job was flawless. now he does baking experiments, and some cakes on request. he has a few monetized videos, but only with small companies that really need advertizing, or ridiculous products. (hes been known for doing a video sponsored by chin workout equipent) he has around 3m subscribers as well.
keefe is the random guy. he does art challenges, and trends, and just videos that seem pulled out of nowhere (”i set up a fake shower in the middle of the street lol”) he takes part in drama, as in he watches from the sidelines, then makes a shitty edit summarising the whole thing. hes never pretended to eb serious, and the people watching him know hes not. hes released one song on spotify that is just a compilation of everytime katherin bennett said urinoirs in That Video. hes fairly unproblematic though, and everytime he sets up soemthing crazy like the bathroom stall, he finds a way (legal or not) to let anyone that might need it use it. he has arund 6m subs, and definitely does big charity dnations
linh and marella are gamers. they dont have the same channel, but their content is fairly similar, even though their approch to it is wildly different. marella always tries to follow the rules so much she creates chaos, and linh generally gets distracted by side quests for a whole episode. theyre mostly known for their extremely different DBH gameplays, with marella ending up with the bad ending somehow, even though she mostly followed the good storyline, and linh killing way too many people unnessessarily by panicking. they both have around 5m subs
tam and sophie both are editors. theyre the ones that make the videos. sophie works with biana keefe and fitz while tam works with linha and dex. marella has jensi. theyre the ones that get the crew together. 
linh and marella decide to do a collab, but jensi cant edit marellas half, since he has to leave for college or wtv, so sophie, who watches a lot of tams side videos (conspiracy theories) sends him an email being like “hi, i heard you needed an editor, and i dont sleep ever and editing keeps my mind off things i dont wanna think ab, so im here if you need me. oh and btw, links to the channels im the editor of” 
since sophie is a vv good editor, tam answers like “oh yeah thatd be great heres my number !” and now theyre chatting, both for work and just as friends. 
then comes the actual collab
its nothing special, ut its a fan fave, both linah and arella win a ton of subs from it
then fitz, one night, is like “oh, btw, do you know anyone who lives near **** bc im looking for a roommate” and sophie is like “yeah i gotchu, y cous dex lives nearby, and hed appreciate a bit of help for the rent so ill hook u up” 
anyways, theres a small “wait youre THAT sophie ????” from tam, but it doesnt matter, fitz and dex move in together. 
soph and biana are long suffering parents looking at their children who have a crush on each other, without realizing they also are the children who have a crush on each other. 
marella and linh get together quite easily, comparing to the rest 
they simply did a qna; and one of the questions was like “are you dating ???” and marella is like “nah, i wish” and linhs like “id be down”. and thats it.
dex and fitz egt together after an accidental kiss
sophie and biana are tipical oblivious wlws, and start dating after a kiss to piss off homophobes (its in character dont @ me)
no one knows wtf keefe and tam are. they dont know if they are dating, or hate eachother, or have the bromance of the century. its confusing to everyone and they like it that way.
does anyone want a part 2 ??
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pink-imagines · 4 years
heart strings
request: Ay, i adore your work! you are amazing. could i request a izuku x reader, where reader can play guitar, but keeps it to herself bcuz she's abit reserved. like she isnt mean, she just doesnt talk with the rest of 1.a that much. but shes pretty close with izuku (not a couple, just friends), and so oneday izuku discovers her guitar talent? maybe through a love song, idk, i just like fluff. just a random idea i had.
a/n: i hope you like it!! i think it’s pretty cute :)
warnings: a few cliché’s here and there
requesting rules
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Playing the guitar was some sort theraputic thing for you. When you played it felt as if there was nothing else that mattered and all your bothersome thoughts disappeared. But as it was this personal, it was never something that you showed anyone. Sure, when you were younger you’d play on your room and maybe, without your knowledge, your parents would hear it. Back then it didn’t matter, it was just your parents afterall. Now that you lived in the dorms of UA it was harder to be private with it. You ended up simply not playing as often as you maybe should have to feel relieved. No one actually knew about your talent, not even your best friend Izuku Midoriya. It was your little secret and if anyone would find out and make it a big deal the magic of it would disappear. 
You hadn’t played in a while and you honestly just needed to take a moment for yourself. Everything felt like it was crashing down around you. You had so many tests, you felt like you were falling behind everyone whom had such powerful quirks and probably worst of all you started getting feelings for your best friend. Well, you didn’t start catching feeling. You’ve actually always had feelings for him, since you were kids, but repressing your emotion seemed to be another one of your talents.
You just needed to let off some steam, and while some would do that at the gym you had to play the guitar. So you made your way to a secluded area of the school, making sure to take the less populated corridors even if that meant walking for longer. Your secluded area was just walking as far as you could before coming to the wall around the school, with surrounding trees that functioned as both another wall and a roof. And so you sat down comfortably on the grass and pulled out your guitar out of it’s case. As soon as you got to simply hold it you felt a sense of relief and you slowly started picking at the strings, thinking of a song to play. There was a song which had been particularly stuck in your head for a while now. Crazy by Aerosmith, maybe not the best song to play on an acoustic but you had done nothing but listen to that song during the latest few nights. It was a song that you’d want to dance in the middle of an empty parking lot in the middle of the night, while it was playing on a speaker in the background, with the love of your life... and you’d obviously been lying if you said that it hadn’t been Izuku you’d imagine yourself dancing with.  “I go crazy, crazy baby, I go crazy. You turn it on, then you're gone. Yeah, you drive me crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby. What can I do, honey? I feel like the color blue.”, you sang quietly as you started strumming. You got so lost in it, you couldn’t hear anything else- you got lost in your own world again. Finally you felt as if nothing could hurt you, all the stress you had before simply fell apart.  It was impossible for you to hear anyone else’s steps coming towards you, or their heavy breathing. Your eyes were closed in pure bliss as your head was finally empty for once, so of course you couldn’t see them walking up to you either. It was only when they first spoke that you even noticed they were there. “You’ve never told me you played guitar.”, Izuku’s words echoed through your head, disturbing the beautiful chords that were once there. Shit... “I... um...”, you watched, startled, as he sat down next to you. He had his workout shorts on and his gray t-shirt was drenched, he had just been out on a run- which explained the heavy breathing. “Didn’t think you’d ever hide something from me, Y/N.”, he chuckled, “I-... that was a joke! I’m kidding, I’m sure you don’t tell me everything- not that it’s a bad thing! You don’t have to tell me anything! Unless you want to of course-” If you only knew... “It’s fine, Izuku!”, you smiled and put a hand on his shoulder, “I get it.” “Alright... alright...”, he let out a nervous laugh, “... so, guitar? Since when?” “I’ve been playing since I was 10, actually.”, you looked down at your guitar, “I just didn’t want to tell anyone.” “Why? What you just played right now sounded amazing! What song was it?”, he asked. “Crazy... by Aerosmith...”, you smiled at him, “... and I wanted to hide it. It’s special to me.” “Oh, I’m sorry! I’ll leave, pretend that I never heard it- you know?”, he said and tried to get up and leave. “You’re special to me too.”, you grabbed his hand before he could leave, “... you can stay, if you’d like.” “Are you sure?”, he sat back down. “Yeah...”, you nodded and slowly let go of his hand, “I was gonna stop playing, either way.” “Really? It sounded really good, I was hoping to hear you play some more.” “Izuku, I-” “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked! I forgot- you wanted to keep ut secret.”, he rambled once again. “Izuku...”, you chuckled, “I told you, it’s fine. You’re special to me too... what do you want me to play?” “Whatever you want.”
This kept happening week after week, you’d go outside to play your guitar and sometimes Izuku would stop by after his run. He’d listen to you play, but he didn’t make it such a big deal- he didn’t take the magic out of it. On the contrary, he brought more magic to it. There was something so wonderful about playing a song that pulled at your heartstrings, only to look up to see his big smile and shining eyes. It was nice to spend time with someone who you slowly had fallen out of touch with because of your studies. 
Eventually Izuku asked if you could teach him how to play guitar, which made you end up sitting closely next to him and letting him strum while you took the chords. “You’re a natural.”, you said with a laugh. “You’re doing most of the work.”, he chuckled. You glanced at him, turning your head ever so slightly, only to see that he was looking right back at you. Your faces were mere inches away from each other, and you could feel his soft breathing against your lips. His breath smelled like rasberries, as you had brought a few with you for a snack for the both of you. The two of you looked away quickly, and you felt your cheeks blossom with different shades of red and pink. “Well, we should pack up.”, you muttered and put the guitar on the ground. “We should...”, he nodded. When you were about to get up he grabbed your hand quickly. “Actually I-” The sudden movements made you trip and fall over... right over him. The two of you tumbled around in the grass and when you opened your eyes you found yourself on top of him. “Sorry!”, the two of you said simultaneously. “Are you okay?”, you asked quietly. You were so incredibly close to his face, but unlike last time you seemed as if your body didn’t want to move away. It was a pretty scene afterall, your legs straddled his hips and your elbows were right next to his head. “I’m fine, sorry about that.”, he smiled awkwardly. There was a pause of silence, where both of you just stole glances at one anothers lips before flickering your eyes back up. “This is gonna sound really weird... and if you don’t want to then just forget I said anything...”, your face went red once again, “... but can I kiss you?” Izuku was quick to wrap his arms around you, pushing you that final bit to actually touch your lips to his. It started out kind of awkward, with noses bumping into each other and teeth crashing against one another, but after a while it smoothed out. Was this a dream? In that case you never wanted to wake up. Izuku brought one of his hands to the back of your head and the other stayed steady on your hip. With one easy turn he was now on top of you and looked down at you. Your lips met again as your fingers brushed through the back of his hair. “This isn’t weird for you is it?”, you mumbled against his lips. “What do you mean?”, he pulled away from you, though he was hovering merely a few centimeters above from you. I should’ve stayed quiet... “I mean... we’ve been friends for so long...”, you whispered. “That doesn’t have to change.”, he pecked your lips, “Nothing could ruin our friendship, even if we do... get together.” He rolled off of you and laid down beside you. You curled up close to his side as he held you tightly in his arms. “You wouldn’t mind going on a date with your best friend?”, you asked. “I don’t think so...”, he shook his head, “It couldn’t hurt to try... besides, I’d probably regret it eventually if I didn’t ask you out some time.” “... I’ve liked you for a while, you know...”, you whispered with a smile, “... could you pinch me? Make sure I’m not dreaming?” “Sure.”, he laughed before pinching your cheek, “You’re not dreaming.”
permanent taglist: @theoceanphoenixhasrisen | @raven-r0ses | @darkbeautyswife | @sondering-thoughts | @gowoneandonlyone | @bnhabadass | @queenblackcat | @jayetheanimefreek101 | @witchy-anna | @cutest-celestial-princess | @missymysa | @karebear5118 | @weebartistinc |
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spacesnaill · 4 years
Holds you at gunpoint. Every question for Jupiter. (you can skip some if you want-)
i love you, you motherfucker 🔫
1. what is your character's relationship to the traveler?
jupiter is aether’s and lumine’s big sibling, so they all get along very well. i like to think aether and lumine are way more brash and “act before you think” kind of people, while jupiter usually is the one who takes lead (both because of the big sib energy and because they are way more analytical). that being said, jupiter is aware that the twins are very much capable of surviving on their own and fighting if there is any need for that, which is why even after losing touch with them in tevyat they know that the twins will manage somehow, they just need to find them
2. is your character proud of, ashamed of, or indifferent to their feelings towards members of a certain gender?
i’d like to think that the species/society the trio comes from doesnt give a fuck about gender and sexuality so jupiter would never feel ashamed or upset about their feelings towards specific genders. i dont think they would rlly label themself but they are definitely not straight. as to having feelings towards others: they are usually straight forward in their approach
3. what is your character's relationship with themselves?
jupiter knows their purpose and objective very well, but that often clouds their true desires. i like to think that they havent really been thinking for themself up until they were stranded in tevyat and had to rely on themself. they came to realize their own opinions and perspectives that they carry with themself everywhere they go. tho, their views are rather flexible, because they are very much willing to learn if an oppoturnity arises. that being said, they dont quite know themself well just yet, they are still learning after all
4. what is their favorite region? why?
with how much of the game is available rn, liyue is definitely their favorite so far. it’s culture is incredibly rich and full of fascinating stories and legends. i personally am looking forward to the release of sumeru, but what will come out of it is yet to be seen
5. what is their relationship with Zhongli? do they have one at all?
oh they very much do. while his charm and politeness are qualities that they very much enjoy, what originally drew them closer to him was his vast knowledge over liyue’s traditions and customs. at first during their stay at liyue harbor they would wait to catch him during his afternoon and evening strolls around the city to ask him things and carefully listen to everything he has to say. id like to think that zhongli appreciated having such an active listener and even a conversation partner at some point. eventually their little friendship grew into fondness for each other and they would seek each other’s company, until jupiter straight up confessed. id like to think their relationship is fairly innocent and very much founded on mutual respect and admiration. they both value honesty and communicate with each other rather well. and even though, zhongli hesitated before agreeing to travel with them, leaving liyue behind, he doesnt regret doing it
6. who is their love interest? If they do not have one, who is their closest friend?
while zhongli is both their love interest and their dear friend, venti is their first close friend. during the events of chapter I they both bonded. venti seemed like someone containing a vast amount of knowledge that jupiter was eager to discover. it quickly became apparent to them that the bard doesnt particularly like to talk about the past in detail, but venti still would surprise them with how much he knew about art and the culture surrounding it. they are both pretty light spirited so they always enjoyed each other’s company and their bond only grew stronger during their travels.
7. what do they think of Mona?
they are curious about and intrigued by her methods. they can also very much relate to her pursuit of lost/forgotten knowledge. they like to ask her about astrology and theorize with her, asking her to teach them little things for an exchange of a hot, homemade meal
8. what do they think of The Knights of Favonius?
their opinion on the knights is mixed. they can very much see that most of the people working for them are underqualified and not cut for the job or only doing it for the renown. while the idea of a city without a ruler is appealing, in practice the knights are the ones ruling over it and jupiter was left feeling sceptical when thinking about their methods and the possible future. they dont have anything against the individual people in the organization, but they do think their approach is highly flawed
9. wine is Mondstadt's most popular drink. do they drink wine?
while they do indulge in alcohol from time to time, they dont seem to be able to get drunk or even tipsy. they’ve concluded that since their body is built differently than a person of this world’s, its very probable that they dont react to certain foods and products the same way. alcohol is like any kind of a drink for them and many people are terrified when they see them consume it in large quantities
10. what do they think of Kaeya?
they like his playful nature and think he is a highly intelligent person, who doesnt show anyone what he is truly capable of. his methods, while very  cunning, seem rather brash, which somehow reminds them of their siblings. while they are very much curious about his motives and history, they dare not to pray if it isnt welcomed. during their stay in mondstadt they would often times catch kaeya lurking in the tavern and spending time with the local gangs and bandits in order to extort information from them while drunk. in the rarer occasions where he would be alone, they would sometimes keep him company, filling the night with talks about nothing in particular
11. if they were forced to make the choice between killing their love interest/friend or killing themselves, what would they choose? why?
that very much depends on when that would happen. pre-separation with their siblings, they would very much operate on the hard logic of “whoever has more information/more important information should survive”. however after spending time in tevyat and meeting its people, jupiter learns to greatly value life and their inicial stance would change to a more selfless one. the more they get to know about the world the more they are willing to put their life on the line to preserve life in it, especially if its the life of someone they hold dear
12. what do they think of Childe? 16. is there a canon character your character hates? why?
at first they were open to the idea of being childe’s friend, however with time they started noticing that something was wrong with his overt friendliness. when he revealed his true intentions, jupiter was not surprised, but learning what he had chose to do made them absolutely despise him. staying in liyue has taught them a lot and made them care about the people living in this world. however childe seemed to have no disregard to them. they will not hesitate to fight him if their paths do cross again
13. do they carry a lot of Mora?
having a large amount of mora is basically a requirement when travelling with zhongli and venti. jupiter does take on a lot of jobs and comissions, though mora is mostly a secondary issue for them. they do find themself owning quite a lot of it at times until they overspend with their companions and are forced to rely on their survival skills in order to save up enough to get a roof over their heads
14. does your character side with Kaeya, Diluc or neither?
when it comes to the family feud: neither. jupiter doesnt like to pry into family matters and they understand both kaeya and diluc never talking about their issues with one another. while they cant imagine siblings behaving like that, due to their own experience, they dont feel like its their place to judge.
when it comes to the knights of the favonius: jupiter slightly leans more on diluc’s side, recognizing the many weaknesses of the organization as it is, however they both come from different places when critiquing it.
15. what do they think of Venti?
venti has become their best friend and they value him deeply. they worry about him sometimes, aware of the origin of his appearance and the history behind it. they like how venti seems to perceive life in a very poetic way and are fascinated by it. they get along very well and venti often fill their time during their travels by his songs, both known and not yet named
17. how did they acquire their vision?
they seem to be blessed with the same ability as their siblings when it comes to being granted powers without aquiring a vision themself
18. what is your character's weakness?
their curiosity and hunger for knowledge
19. what is their strength?
they utilize the knowledge they have gathered into things they can use to their advantage be it in battle or daily life
20. what is your character's theme song?
pure gold by half·alive
21. what weather do they love the most? why?
they love when its sunny. jupiter very much enjoys the feeling of sunlight on their skin
22. what do they think of Paimon?
jupiter would be Ecstatic to get to meet paimon. her vast knowledge in all matters would make her a valuable companion. in the current story they have no idea who she is as of now though
23. what do they think of the Fatui?
while they do not approve of the fatui’s methods, they cant help but think that something much deeper must be going on. jupiter wants to believe that the tsaritsa cant be simply evil and that perhaps she has some other, hidden motivation for her actions. having spent time with and got to know the fatui in liyue, they also know that not all of them are cartoonish bad guys
24. what do they think of the archons?
overall the concept of archons seems very new and intriguing to them. they do try to get as much information about their godhood out of venti and zhongli. they wonder whether this world really needs the archons as much as it claims to
25. what is the worst thing that could happen to your oc?
either losing their siblings or losing their memory (its a great fear of theirs)
26. what does your oc want the most?
their long term dream is to write down all the knowledge they’ve gathered so far and make it accessible and understandable to anyone willing to read it
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