#however its still a whirlwind
theosconfessions · 10 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here:)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
blake- no fucking way..my boyfriend coming over to my APARTMENT. and me not going over to his house for his sisters to interrupt us anytime we wanna make out?
river- [scoffs] hey bla....[looks him over] whoa! am i interrupting something?missing a lot of clothes,dude.
blake- what? dude no. i was just working out.
river- oh
blake- i see we still have some trust shit to work on hmm?
river- little bit
blake- well ill work on that hen. getting you to trust me is important. youre important
river- [smirks] its kinda sickening how sweet you are.
blake- its kinda sickening how easy you make it to be sweet. you good? you have worried river face on right now. mr kline okay?i know he had a big appointment the other day? is there..
river- my dads okay,yeah. i mean in the moment hes alright. hes not why im here.
blake- then whats going on riv? your silence is making me nervous man. just tell me whatever it is you gotta tell me.
river- right.sorry. i didnt really plan this out i just came over because you were the first person i thought of when i got this in the mail
blake- this is some COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE SWAG! riv!thats amazing. c'mere. im so goddamn proud of you! and you did it yourself. you didnt need to rely on football or anything other than yourself
river- you always sell yourself short. you got your scholarship because youre talented blake.
blake- but not smart. but my baby here...IS. goddamn. hey come inside! fair warning i have nellie . shes asleep but...
river-ill be quiet
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bluerosefox · 6 months
Bittersweet and Sweetheart Exes
12 am brain rot
Can I get an AU where Talia, Danny and Bruce dated each other and later break up? Maybe have them meet when Bruce is in Batman training years and its a whirlwind romance between the three. Like we know how Bruce and Talia are together as exes (both a little toxic to each other, a love hate kinda thing and yet still have something) BUT Danny is the ex they always are sweet for, like he is the one they love flirting with when they see him (Talia more so regardless where and when, Bruce can only openly flirt as Bruce/Brucie, he has to be sneaky when Batman)
I want Talia and Bruce both trying to one up each other for Danny's attention. They know he's Phantom btw, and his human side as well. They however don't know he's also the Ghost King (in training at the time) Danny keeps forgetting to mention it.
Oh, oh. Let's have the Batfam find out due to a cult summoning, like someone in the League is trying to usurp Talia's rule (I want LOA leader Talia) and Damian is taken by them (which means Talia, Bruce, and the Batfam are coming to save him) and they try summoning the Ghost King to try to offer Damian as a sacrifice for power in order to take over the League.
Both Bruce and Talia weren't expecting to see their ex appear in a swirl of stars, aurora lights, and galaxies with a crown to match, a cape that looked like it had a cosmos swirling, and a Kingly outfit though.
(Or if we wanna make it extra funny, why not have them both had dated Danny at different times, and didn't know they are all exes to each other until Danny goes "DANNY!" "Talia? Bruce? What are you both doing here?" "Wait you know him/her? How?" "....Yes? And well...I dated them...")
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luveline · 1 year
I read the Derek and Spencer fainting bit and now I want to complete it with Hotch :)))
If that’s alright of course…
thank you for your request ♡ fem!reader
Aaron knows you harbour more affection for him than anyone else on the team, which is a true compliment to him, as you adore Spencer. He can never tell if you're friendly or loving, if you want some or all or nothing, the line between you blurred. 
When Morgan and Garcia first began their flirtatious friendship, Aaron thought they were seeing each other on the sly for a whole fortnight. He's a profiler, but he doesn't know everything. 
He does, however, know that something is wrong with you today. Hand held up over your eyes, you squint out over the crime scene with a wrinkled nose. The lakeside smells as bad as it looks with gore blackening the surrounding grass. He's been telling you for months to get some shades. You've been ignoring his advice. 
Your disapproval of the smell is normal. Your unsure footing is not. You take his forearm when he offers it and step across the muddy bank to the body without audible complaint, though you give him a 'this fucking sucks' narrowing of the eyes when he gives you the time. 
"Agent Hotchner," a deputy greets, "Agent L/N. We found the second body here. Bystanders pulled the first out thinking she was still alive, but that was unfortunately not the case." 
You shift unprofessionally close to Aaron. He doesn't really care. The sheriff barely looks at you both, his attention on the corpse hidden between overgrown cattails. 
Aaron hates to admit that he gives you more of his attention than is helpful. You seem odd. Call it intuition, call it plain old profiling, Aaron reads the next minute of events in the smallest twitch of your finger.
You put your hand on his back and he doesn't think, he just grabs you. The sheriff deputy startles as you fold over Aaron's arm like a marionette with strings sliced, exhaling hard as your body does its best to hit the grass beneath your feet. 
"Agent L/N!" The deputy yelps. 
"I got her," Aaron says, easing you down to the ground. He keeps a hand behind your head to lay you down flat, the other quick to leap from your side to your cheek. You'll likely have bruises in the shape of his hands at your waist. "Y/N?" 
He rubs his thumb under your eye. Quick, he leans down with an ear to your lips and relaxes at the sound of your shallow breathing. He pulls away, resting a hand atop your chest. 
"Can you hear me?" he asks, conscious of and ignoring the copious pairs of eyes watching over you. 
You don't respond. Aaron goes into emergency mode, flagging down a cop who races for a paramedic, hands at your throat unbuttoning the first button on your blouse, the second in an overabundance of caution. 
"Y/N, if you can hear me, I need you to open your eyes. Can you do that?" His tone wavers somewhere between demanding and desperate. "Come on. Come on." 
Fainting is one thing. Fainting with no signs of dehydration and little sun exposure is another, especially considering you hadn't moved from one position to another. You've passed out with no obvious cause. Any number of things could be wrong. 
He doesn't slap you —it works in the movies and not often elsewhere. In fact, Aaron finds himself at the opposite end of the spectrum. Patient outwardly and insanely panicked on the inside, he holds your face in his hand and waits for someone to tell him you're alright. 
Your breath catches, your head lolling into his palm. He straightens it, weary of your airways. "Y/N? Tell me you can hear me." 
The whirlwind of your fall and the eternity of your recovery has him holding his breath. 
"I can hear you," you mumble, again attempting to turn your head. He lets you this time. He's so relieved, he'd let you do anything. 
He fights the urge to shout, Where's the medic? instead following your face, tilting his head to the side. "Open your eyes, honey," he murmurs, for your ears alone. 
Your lashes twitch against his pinky index finger. You frown as though you're in pain and finally rouse to attention. 
"What hurts?" he asks, brows furrowed.
"Nothing hurts…" Your frown worsens. "You look really unhappy." 
"I'm not ecstatic about this," he says. He gives in, shouting, "Where's the medic?"
"Oh, no, please," you say, trying to sit up, "that is so embarrassing."
Aaron pushes you flat to the grass beneath you. "Stop, you need to stay flat. You passed out. This is the solution–" He puts his hand flat over your chest as you put in some effort. "Hey, this is what you need to do. Listen to me, agent." 
"What happened to honey?" you ask quietly. 
"That's when you were doing what I wanted." 
You close your eyes in a faux strop. "I guess I'll have to do what you want more often, sir." 
"That's enough." He sounds fond. Why does he sound so fond? 
The deputy clears his throat. "Paramedics are here." 
You groan. Aaron hides a smile. Through everything, his hand has stayed on your cheek. He doesn't pull it away until he absolutely has to, and even then, he holds some part of you. Your elbow, your wrist. He has the sense to be sheepish about it when the paramedic ushers him back, but even then, he's thinking about when he'll get to touch you next; he needs the assurance that you're okay. 
He gets it a half hour later when you're sipping on a gatorade in the back of an SUV. 
"Do I still get paid for today?" you ask, smiling playfully. "Or is this a write off?" 
He wants to joke about it with you, but there's work to be done. He sends you back to the hotel with a frankly unprofessional hug and a demand to take it easy. He's sure you'll be back stepping on his heels by late afternoon. 
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elryuse · 2 months
I'm sorry, Can I Be Yours
Winter X Male Reader
Tags : Childhood Friends, Friends To Lovers, Kiss, Teasing, Fluff, Virgin Sex, Creampie, Good Ending?
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The School bell blared, jolting me out of my reverie. I scanned the emptying hallway, searching for Winter's familiar pearly blonde hair. My stomach clenched when I spotted her surrounded by her posse, their laughter echoing down the corridor. Winter, the girl who used to chase butterflies with me at recess, now seemed like a distant star, dazzling yet untouchable.
It wasn't always like this. Back in elementary school, Winter, or Minjeong as I called her then, was the new kid, a shy sparrow adrift in a sea of unfamiliar faces. I, the self-proclaimed schoolyard ambassador, had swooped in, determined to be her friend. We were an unlikely pair – me, the rambunctious chatterbox, and her, the quiet observer with eyes that held galaxies within them. But somehow, it clicked. We built sandcastles that defied the tide, shared scraped knees and ice cream cones, our laughter echoing through the playground.
High school, however, had cast a long shadow over our friendship. Winter blossomed into an ethereal beauty, her smile lighting up every room she entered. Admirers swarmed around her like bees to a rose, and her schedule became a whirlwind of student council meetings, dance practices, and social gatherings. I, on the other hand, remained comfortably obscure, content with the company of my camera and a well-worn book.
The distance wasn't physical, not yet. We still sat together at lunch, a forced routine amidst the chaos. But the easy conversations, the comfortable silences, those had become a distant memory. Now, an awkward tension hung between us, a chasm filled with unspoken words and longing glances that pierced my heart.
One afternoon, at the usual lunch table, Winter was surrounded by her usual crowd, their voices a flurry of excitement about the upcoming school festival. I stole a glance at her, my heart sinking at the coldness in her eyes, a stark contrast to the warmth that used to reside there.
"Hey, Winter," I began hesitantly, my voice barely a whisper above the din. "They were talking about volunteers for the photography booth at the festival. You know I take a decent picture or two."
A flicker of something, maybe annoyance, crossed her features before she schooled her expression into a polite smile.
"Oh, right," she said, her voice devoid of its usual enthusiasm. "Yeah, maybe you can help out. Hana mentioned you were good with that camera of yours."
The casual dismissal stung. Hana? We hadn't discussed the festival, and the way Winter phrased it made it seem like it was Hana's idea, not mine. I forced a smile, the bitterness clinging to my tongue.
"Sure," I mumbled, pushing my untouched lunch tray away. "Just let me know what needs to be done."
The rest of the lunch break passed in a blur of forced conversation and stolen glances. As the final bell rang, I gathered my things, the weight of our strained friendship heavy on my chest. Winter barely acknowledged me as she swept out of the classroom, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Was this the end of our story? The question echoed in the empty classroom, a stark reminder of the distance that had grown between us.
The following week, a new face appeared in our homeroom class. A girl with long, flowing black hair and a face that could launch a thousand ships, but her posture screamed timidity. She shuffled in, her eyes downcast, avoiding eye contact with the sea of curious faces. The usual welcoming chatter died down, replaced by a tense silence.
As the teacher droned on about expectations and school policies, I couldn't help but steal glances at the new girl. Her name was Lee Seo-Ah, according to the attendance sheet. Unlike Winter, who captivated the room with her mere presence, Seo-Ah seemed to shrink into herself, disappearing into the background.
A pang of sympathy stabbed at my heart. I remembered all too well the awkwardness of being the new kid, the crushing loneliness of trying to navigate unfamiliar territory. Winter, once the shy newcomer, had effortlessly blossomed into the center of attention. Seo-Ah, on the other hand, seemed trapped in a shell of her own making.
When the bell rang, signaling the end of the class, the usual flurry of introductions and small talk began. But Seo-Ah remained isolated, a solitary island amidst a bustling sea. I couldn't just stand by and watch.
Taking a deep breath, I approached her desk, my heart pounding a nervous rhythm against my ribs. "Hi, I'm Y/n," I said, offering a friendly smile. "Welcome to our school."
Seo-Ah looked up, startled, her eyes wide and filled with a flicker of surprise. For a moment, she didn't speak, then a shy smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
"H-hi," she finally mumbled, her voice barely a whisper. "I'm Seo-Ah. It's... nice to meet you."
Her shyness was endearing, a stark contrast to the usual boisterousness of the classroom. "Seems like you're new here," I continued, hoping to ease the tension. "Anything I can help you with?"
Seo-Ah hesitated, then bit her lip. "Well, I'm a bit lost. I don't know where my next class is."
Relief washed over me. "No problem at all. I have the same class next. Let me show you the way."
As we walked down the hallway, Seo-Ah spoke in hushed tones, her words punctuated by long pauses. She told me she was from Busan, a coastal city known for its seafood and beaches. She loved art, particularly painting, but was too shy to join any clubs.
I listened intently, offering words of encouragement and pointing out landmarks along the way. To my surprise, Seo-Ah slowly began to open up, her voice gaining a hint of confidence. By the time we reached her next class, a hesitant smile played on her lips.
"Thanks, Y/n," she said, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. "I don't know what I would have done without you."
"No worries at all," I replied, a genuine warmth spreading through my chest. "Welcome to the group, Seo-Ah."
Perhaps, in helping Seo-Ah find her way, I had also found a way to bridge the growing distance between myself and Winter. After all, kindness, like a pebble tossed into a still pond, could create ripples that reached far and wide.
A couple of weeks flew by in a whirlwind of activity. During lunch breaks, I found myself gravitating towards Seo-Ah, her infectious laugh and bubbly personality a welcome change from the strained atmosphere I shared with Winter. We'd discuss everything under the sun – from her passion for painting to the latest K-pop group she was obsessed with. Slowly, her shyness melted away, replaced by a comfortable openness.
One afternoon, at the usual lunch table, Winter caught me engrossed in a conversation with Seo-Ah. Her expression was unreadable, but a flicker of something, maybe jealousy, crossed her features for a fleeting moment before she masked it with a polite smile.
"Looks like you've made a new friend, Y/n," she said, her voice cool and detached.
"Y-yeah," I replied, trying to keep the awkwardness at bay. "Seo-Ah just transferred from Busan. We get along pretty well."
Winter simply nodded, her gaze lingering on Seo-Ah for a beat too long before she turned away to continue her conversation with Hana. The air crackled with unspoken tension, a stark contrast to the easy banter I shared with Seo-Ah.
During that week, I discovered another one of Seo-Ah's talents. While helping her unpack her art supplies after school, she pulled out a sketchbook filled with breathtaking landscapes and portraits. My jaw dropped in awe.
"Wow, Seo-Ah, these are amazing!" I exclaimed, flipping through the pages. "You're incredibly talented."
Her cheeks flushed a rosy pink. "Thanks, Y/n. I actually joined the art club this week. They seemed really nice."
A surge of excitement coursed through me. "That's fantastic! Maybe we can even work on some projects together sometime. I'm in the photography club, and we're always looking for new angles and perspectives."
Her eyes lit up. "R-really? That sounds awesome!"
Over the next few days, Seo-Ah and I spent our free time bouncing ideas off each other. We'd discuss light and shadow, composition, and the emotions a photograph or painting could evoke. With her, there was none of the awkward silences or unspoken expectations that had infiltrated my relationship with Winter. It felt… easy, comfortable.
Meanwhile, the distance between Winter and me continued to widen. Our conversations were short and superficial, filled with long pauses and forced smiles. I missed our late-afternoon talks, the way we could just sit in comfortable silence, knowing each other's thoughts without needing to speak them. But Winter was a whirlwind of student council meetings and social gatherings now, leaving me feeling like an outsider peering into a world I no longer belonged to.
One Friday afternoon, while Seo-Ah and I were discussing camera settings in the library, Winter approached our table, her face etched with a forced smile.
"Hey, Y/n," she said, her voice clipped. "Just wanted to let you know there's a student council meeting this evening. You're… welcome to join."
Her words felt like an afterthought, an obligation rather than an invitation. Seo-Ah, sensing the tension, chimed in.
"Oh, a student council meeting? That sounds important. You should definitely go, Y/n."
Winter's smile faltered for a second, then she straightened her shoulders. "Yeah, sure," she said, her gaze flickering to Seo-Ah before darting away. "See you guys later."
As she walked away, a knot of frustration tightened in my stomach. Was I missing something here? Did Winter feel threatened by Seo-Ah's presence? Or was it simply a case of her being too busy with her own things to acknowledge our dwindling friendship?
Stepping into the student council meeting room felt like entering a different world. The air crackled with nervous energy, students flitting around finalizing decorations and posters. Minjeong, usually radiating icy efficiency, seemed to have a vibrant life of her own here. Her voice, sharp and clear as she addressed the room, held an undeniable power.
I found myself an empty chair at the back, feeling strangely out of place amidst all the organized chaos. The topic of the meeting – the upcoming school fireworks festival – was a whirlwind of budgets, logistics, and safety regulations. Hana, Minjeong's ever-reliable vice president, rattled off numbers with laser focus, while Minjeong herself managed the discussion with a firm but encouraging demeanor.
As the meeting progressed, I stole glances at Minjeong. The fierce, focused leader I witnessed was so different from the quiet girl who had been my best friend. A pang of longing crossed my chest for those simpler times. Then, our eyes met.
Caught off guard, Minjeong's gaze flickered for a moment before she looked away, a hint of pink dusting her cheeks. A shy smile tugged at the corner of her lips, a fleeting glimpse of the girl I knew beneath the student council president facade. The warmth of that smile sent a jolt through me. Was there still hope for us?
Suddenly, Hana's voice cut through my contemplation. "So, who's up for grabbing some pizza after this? We've still got hours of work to do before the week's out."
A chorus of groans and cheers filled the room. Minjeong chuckled, a soft sound that seemed foreign on her focused face. "Sounds good, Hana. But make it quick, alright? We don't want to be here all night."
As the meeting wrapped up, the room buzzed with newfound energy. Students piled into a corner, chatting excitedly about pizza toppings and movie plans. I hesitated, unsure of my place in this world.
"Y/n?" Minjeong's voice caught my attention. She stood at the front of the room, her gaze hesitant but inviting. "You coming to pizza night?"
The question hung in the air, a test of the fragile thread that still connected us. My heart pounded in my chest. This could be a step forward, a chance to bridge the gap that had grown between us. Or it could be a painful reminder of how far things had changed.
I looked at Minjeong, her eyes filled with a nervous anticipation that mirrored my own. Taking a deep breath, I offered a smile, the same shy smile we used to share in elementary school.
"Yeah," I replied, my voice a little rough around the edges. "I'd like that."
A genuine smile, bright and unreserved, broke across Minjeong's face. It was a small step, a single word in a long conversation, but for the first time in weeks, a flicker of hope ignited within me. Perhaps, amidst the chaos of student council meetings and new friendships, there was still a place for us, for the bond we once shared.
Stepping into the bustling pizza parlor, I was greeted by the aroma of melted cheese and bubbling tomato sauce. Minjeong's friends, a vibrant bunch I only recognized from school hallways, were already digging into their slices, their laughter a welcome counterpoint to the tense atmosphere of the meeting earlier.
Minjeong, perched at the end of a long table, her cheeks flushed with a hint of nervous excitement, spotted me. A radiant smile broke across her face, chasing away the serious leader persona from before. She patted the seat next to her, a silent invitation.
As I settled in, a chorus of curious glances and playful nudges fell upon me. A girl with sparkling eyes and a mischievous grin leaned forward.
"So, Y/n," she began, her voice dripping with friendly interrogation, "how long have you known our Minjeong? Spill the secrets of your epic friendship!"
A wave of heat flooded Minjeong's cheeks, her cheeks turning the color of the pepperoni slices on the table. She mumbled something inaudible under her breath, burying her face in her pizza slice. I chuckled, the sound warming the air.
"Well Actually," I said, taking a bite of my own pizza, "we go way back. All the way back to elementary school."
A collective gasp escaped the group. Stories of elementary school crushes and childhood sweethearts circulated with wide-eyed wonder. Seeing Minjeong squirm under the spotlight only endeared her to me even more.
"She was this shy little thing," I continued, my voice filled with a smile, "always hiding behind her art folders. I just decided she needed a friend and dragged her into all sorts of adventures."
Minjeong peeked at me over her pizza slice, her eyes wide and filled with a mixture of shyness and amusement. My heart stuttered in my chest. Even after all this time, her gaze still held the power to send butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
"And did those adventures include falling head over heels for each other?" one of the guys piped up, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
The question hung heavy in the air. A long silence stretched, broken only by the clinking of silverware and the murmur of conversation. I met Minjeong's gaze, a silent conversation unfolding between us.
"I…," I hesitated, taking a deep breath. "The truth is, Minjeong has always been special to me. Ever since that first day in elementary school, there was something about her. Her quiet strength, her kindness, her way of seeing the world through those incredible eyes."
Minjeong's entire face turned crimson, her lips forming a silent "wow." The rest of the table, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, remained silent, their eyes shifting between us with anticipation.
"And you, Y/n?" Minjeong finally managed to whisper, her voice barely audible. "Do you still feel the same way?"
"More than you know," I said, my voice sincere. "Seeing you all grown up, this amazing leader everyone admires… it just makes me realize how much I care about you."
The moment stretched, charged with unspoken emotions. Then, with a roar of approval, Minjeong's friends erupted in cheers.
"Oh my god, you guys are perfect for each other!"
"Finally! It was about time someone confessed!"
Minjeong, overwhelmed by the sudden outburst, hid her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking with a mixture of shyness and laughter. My own heart pounded with a mixture of hope and disbelief. Could this really be happening?
As the cheers subsided, a shy smile peeked out from behind Minjeong's hands. Looking at me, her eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't quite decipher. Was it fear? Joy? Relief?
"Well, Y/n," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "It seems like you spilled the biggest secret of all."
I grinned, leaning closer. "Only the one I felt was most important."
The rest of the night was a blur of happy chatter, shared stories, and stolen glances. The seeds of doubt I'd harbored for weeks began to fade, replaced by a warm flicker of hope. Perhaps, amidst the changing tides of high school, our childhood connection could blossom into something more. As we walked home under the soft glow of the streetlights, a comfortable silence settled between us, a silence that spoke volumes more than words ever could. Maybe, just maybe, our story wasn't over yet.
As we strolled away from the pizza parlor, the streetlights cast soft yellow pools on the sidewalk. The air was thick with the unspoken words that hung between us. Finally, Minjeong broke the silence, her voice barely a whisper.
"Y/n," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "Do you… hate me?"
The question struck me like a physical blow. Hate her? The girl who had been my closest companion, my confidante? It was a ridiculous notion.
"Why would I hate you?" I asked gently, my voice laced with concern.
"For everything," she mumbled, tears welling up in her eyes. "For how I treated you these past three years. For being so cold and distant."
I stopped walking, turning to face her. Minjeong's face was illuminated by the soft glow of a nearby streetlamp, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"Minjeong-Ah, listen to me," I said, cupping her face in my hands. "You were focused on school, student council, all those responsibilities. It's natural. You've become this amazing leader, kind and strong. I could never hate you for that."
She shook her head, a single tear tracing a path down her cheek. "But you must have felt so alone. Like I replaced you."
"It wasn't like that," I assured her, wiping away the stray tear with my thumb. "It just… it's a shame we drifted apart. I miss the talks we used to have, the silly jokes, the shared dreams."
A sob escaped her lips, and she buried her face in my chest. Tears soaked through my shirt as she held onto me for dear life.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n," she cried, her voice muffled against my chest. "I'm such an idiot. Seo-Ah is great, and I'm happy she has a friend, but… but you're different. You've always been different."
My heart ached for her, for the pain she had unknowingly inflicted. "Seo-Ah's a friend," I said, stroking her hair soothingly. "But you, Minjeong… you're so much more."
She pulled back slightly, her eyes searching mine. "More?"
"We grew up together," I continued, my voice soft. "We shared secrets, dreams, a lifetime of memories. Seo-Ah may be a new chapter, but you… you're the whole book."
Tears streamed down her face, each one a silent apology. "I-i messed up," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "The thought of losing you to someone else… it scared me to death. But I was too scared to admit it, too scared to even talk to you."
Understanding dawned on me. Her coldness, her distance, it was all a misguided attempt to protect herself from the possibility of losing our bond. The irony wasn't lost on me – her actions had almost achieved the very outcome she feared.
Enfolding her in a hug once more, I whispered into her hair, "It's okay, Minjeong. We can start over. Together."
Her body trembled against mine, a mixture of relief and hope washing over her. The night was filled with apologies, whispered confessions, and the bittersweet promise of a new beginning. We walked hand in hand, not as childhood friends, but as something more, something that transcended labels. We walked, not just towards her house, but towards a future we would write together, a future where communication replaced silence, and where the warmth of our friendship could finally blossom into something beautiful.
The walk to Minjeong's house felt different under the soft glow of the streetlights. The air, once thick with unspoken words, now crackled with a nervous energy, a budding promise. As we reached her doorstep, the weight of the emotional rollercoaster we'd just been on settled in.
Minjeong, sniffling and wiping away the last of her tears, looked at me with a mixture of vulnerability and hope. "Would you… would you like to stay?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Staying the night at her place felt like venturing into uncharted territory. Was it too soon? Yet, the thought of leaving her on such a vulnerable note felt unbearable.
"I… I don't know," I stammered, unsure of the protocol for such a situation.
Tears welled up in her eyes again, threatening to spill over. "Please, Y/n," she pleaded, her voice trembling. "I don't want to be alone tonight."
My resolve crumbled. How could I say no to those tear-filled eyes, to the raw vulnerability she was displaying? "Okay," I sighed, offering her a weak smile. "I'll stay."
Relief washed over her face, a radiant smile replacing the tear tracks. She fumbled with her keys, finally unlocking the door and ushering me inside.
The familiar scent of her home, a mixture of lavender and something vaguely sweet, instantly transported me back to our childhood sleepovers. As I entered her bedroom, the floodgates of nostalgia opened.
The walls were adorned with a tapestry of our shared history – a photo of us grinning goofily at a carnival, a drawing we'd made together during a rainy afternoon, a faded ticket stub from that time we snuck into a movie. Every picture, every memento, whispered of a friendship that had weathered storms, unspoken yet understood.
A choked sob escaped Minjeong's lips as she noticed my gaze tracing the memories on the wall. "It's… it's like a museum in here," she sniffled, a shy smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
I walked over to her, my heart overflowing with a cocktail of emotions. "It's beautiful," I whispered, reaching out to touch a photo of us on our first day of elementary school. "A reminder of everything we've been through."
Minjeong's cheeks flushed a rosy pink. As if making a sudden decision, she began to slowly undress, her movements filled with a nervous anticipation.
Shock momentarily paralyzed me. "Minjeong-Ah?" I stammered, unsure of how to interpret her actions.
She looked at me, her eyes shimmering with a newfound courage. "Y/n," she began, her voice barely a whisper, "I know this might seem crazy, but… all this time, all I ever wanted was you."
The room seemed to shrink, the air thick with unspoken desires. Before I could respond, she leaned in, hesitantly at first, then with a growing sense of urgency. Her lips met mine in a kiss that was both tentative and filled with a desperate longing.
It was a kiss that tasted of tearful apologies, unspoken confessions, and the bittersweet joy of a rekindled connection. In that kiss, we bridged the gap of lost years, the unspoken words replaced by a silent promise of a future we would write together.
Pulling away, breathless and a little dazed, we stared into each other's eyes. They held a newfound depth, a reflection of the emotions we had shared.
"Minjeong-Ah," I finally managed to breathe, my voice thick with emotion. "I… I thought I'd lost you."
"Me too," she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes again, but this time, they were tears of joy. "But we're here now, Y/n. And this time," she continued, a determined glint in her eyes, "I'm not letting go."
Hearing those words, I immediately kissed her again. This time with so much passion and hunger to love her even more. minjeong share to play with my tounge,Something that I didn't know she would ever learned.
"M-minjeong-Ah.. You're so pretty". I blurted out, My words of praise basically flies out on its own. Minjeong blushes, Before planting another kiss to my lips. Her soft and plump lips, a cushion to my own.
"I-i want to try it... I-i want to do it with you Y/n". Minjeong blushes, Her hands touching the entrance of her now wet pussy. I blushed deeply, Not expecting that we'll come this far.
But I now know, that we are meant for each other. We both loved each other. I promised, I would never let her down anymore. I would love her with all of my heart.
"I-i'm putting it in Minjeong-Ah. Tell me if it hurts okay"? I gently caresses her face. As I started to slowly thrust my dick into her pussy, Minjeong immediately moaned, Her body trembling, as her hole started to widen, and not long after that. I have successfully inserted my whole dick deep into her pussy. As her hymen broke, Blood soon come out. I panicked, Asking Minjeong if she's alright.
She seemed to be trembling, and crying. I tried to pull back. But minjeong yelled "Noo.. Don't pull it out... I-i can handle it".
I hesitated, I didn't want this experience to hurt her. I explained it to her, that she doesn't need to force herself, and we can take it slowly. But to my suprise, Minjeong push me back, before straddling me.
"No.. No.. I want this.. I need this... Please don't leave me Y/n... I can handle this.. So please... caressing my face let me pleasure you". I immediately blushed hearing those words coming from her mouth. In the end I nodded, Letting her know I'll do it.
Minjeong started to move her hips slowly, Adjusting to the pain and pleasure that her body is currently having. And after a while, She finally found her pace and started to move faster and faster. We both moaned at how good this feels, And I just can't help but to admire her fit body, and her beautiful pair of tits.
"I-i know it's not the biggest... B-but.. Please love them". Minjeong blushes, as she turns her head around. I giggled before planting a kiss to her tits. Admiring them for how perfect they were. Mineong immediately smiled, Before planting another kiss to my lips.
After a while, I felt like I was near to reach my orgasm. As I saw Minjeong Continue swaying her hips, Something took over me and I gently put Minjeong into a missionary position. Minjeong legs immediately craddled surrounding my body, as her legs tightened. Her hand gripped the back of my body, As I kept on kissing her heck.
"Y/n!!! Y/n.. I'm close.. Fuck.. I'm so close..". Minjeong cried, as The pleasure was too much for the both of us. I told her that I'm also close.
"Shoot it inside me... I-it's okay... I want it..".
"W-whatt! No we can't... It's too dangerous minjeong... I'll shoot it outside".
"Noooo.. Please... I want your cum... Please... ".
As minjeong kept begging, and as I closely reached my limit. I can't help but to shoot my seed deep within her womb. As I did this, Minjeong moaned and tightly held me. Our body trembled in pleasure, and we finally reached our euphoria together.
After panting a while, We both Chukled before kissing each other for the last time, as we finally fell asleep. We held each other close, our bodies radiating a warmth that chased away the chill of the night. The room filled with the sound of our gentle breaths and the soft thudding of our hearts, a symphony of rediscovered love and a promise of a future where childhood friendship could finally blossom into something beautiful and everlasting.
Sunlight streamed through the window, painting golden stripes across Minjeong's face. She stirred, a sleepy smile curving her lips. Glancing beside her, she found me still nestled in the sheets, the events of last night replaying vividly in her mind. A blush crept up her cheeks as she remembered the passionate confessions and rekindled love that had blossomed under her very roof.
"Y/n," she whispered, nudging me gently. "Time to wake up. We don't want to be late for school."
I groaned playfully, pulling the covers over my head for a moment longer. "Five more minutes?" I mumbled, the warmth of the sheets and the memory of Minjeong close beside me making it hard to leave.
She chuckled, a sound like wind chimes dancing in a summer breeze. "Not a chance, sleepyhead. We have a whole day of classes and stolen glances ahead of us."
Her words were a sweet melody to my ears. Sitting up, I stretched, my gaze lingering on her. "Thank you, Minjeong-Ah," I said, my voice husky with sleep and unspoken emotions.
"For what?" she asked, tilting her head.
"For everything," I replied, cupping her face in my hands and leaning in for a soft kiss. It was a simple gesture, yet it spoke volumes of the renewed connection we shared.
The morning unfolded in a whirlwind of hurried breakfasts, stolen kisses in between brushing teeth, and nervous excitement as we walked to school together, hand in hand. As we reached our classroom, I was met with a concerned Seo-Ah, her eyes wide with worry.
"Y/n!" she exclaimed, rushing over. "Where have you been? I texted and called you a million times; I was scared something happened!"
My heart twinged with a pang of guilt. Seo-Ah's genuine concern warmed me, and I realized how much I valued our friendship. With a sheepish grin, I turned to Minjeong, taking her hand in mine.
"Seo-Ah," I began, my voice laced with a newfound confidence, "there's something I need to tell you. Minjeong and I… we're a couple now."
Seo-Ah's eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of sadness flitting across her face for a fleeting moment. But then, a genuine smile bloomed on her lips.
"Oh wow," she said, her voice filled with unexpected joy. "Congratulations, you two! I always thought you had a special connection."
Relief flooded me. I was worried how Seo-Ah would react, but her understanding and well-wishes warmed the air.
The rest of the day was a blur of excited whispers from classmates, stolen glances across the classroom, and the thrill of a newfound love. After school, Minjeong and I decided to celebrate. We walked hand-in-hand down a street lined with cherry blossom trees, their delicate pink petals showering us like confetti.
"This feels like a dream," Minjeong whispered, her eyes sparkling with happiness.
"A dream I never want to wake up from," I replied, squeezing her hand.
We stopped at a quaint ice cream shop, the aroma of sweet waffle cones wafting through the air. We ordered our favorite flavors, sharing bites and laughing like children. As we savored the cool treat, I realized that sometimes, the most unexpected detours lead us to the sweetest destinations.
Looking into Minjeong's eyes, a kaleidoscope of emotions swirling within them, I knew that our story was far from over. It was a story of friendship, of rediscovery, and of a love that had weathered the storms of time and finally blossomed into something beautiful. And as we walked into the sunset, hand in hand, with the promise of forever etched in our hearts, I knew this was just the beginning of our happily ever after.
The End
A/n : Hey Guys, Elryuse here. just want to say, This is probably one of my favorite stories/fics that I've ever written so far. The characterization of Winter/Minjeong really fit in this story. But I have to say, Justice for the Seo-Ah man. Initially, In my first draft of the story, Seo-Ah would be a contender for Winter, However while I was writing, I think this is for the best. So I settled for her losing quicker in the story.
And I wanted to apologize to some of you guys, who have requested for a fics, But I'm currently focusing my priority for my ko-fi fans and for people who ordered fics personally. But don't be sad, I would still definitely do some of your requests y'all. Hope you enjoyed this story guys. 🤗
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arlertwhore · 3 months
draft #1: sneaky link series, pt. 7
completed draft - not a part, a draft - meaning there is technically no pt 7. i have no issues with people taking it as pt 7though.
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pairing: paige bueckers x fem! “sneaky link” reader.
warning(s): angsty, argument / breakup, fluff, smut, scissoring, pussy eating, fingering, spitting, hair-pulling, unedited.
synopsis: Despite your admission of feelings, Paige still wants to keep you as her secret. However, as the threat of discovery looms and you grow close with someone else, she jealously realizes she doesn't want anyone to think you don't belong to her. Even if you remain a secret, you are undeniably hers.
word count: 7.1k (what happens when ana's creativity fights to not fight)
Author Note: first ever draft i'm dropping AH! i'm so weirded out that i'm leaving this series unfinished (for now) and posting something this trash, but i think its what best for me. like i said, this isn't an official pt . 7, it's just a draft, but i have no issue if i get an inbox we can talk about like its an off pt 7 yk?? you guys are also so free to leave ideas for pt. 8 and 7 in my dms, inbox, etc.. so if i return i can get back into the groove!
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Paige, after a week of ghosting, suddenly texts: "Good News", and despite being frustrated with her, you're desperate for a study break in studying for your last exam of the year and some positivity, so you quickly respond: "?"
She tells you her old friend from Minnesota, Serena, is in town for the week at a hotel while her soccer team plays Connecticut, and she's allowing Paige to use the hotel room while she's away due to her losing a bet.
You respond with a terse "Cool", and Paige's response hangs in the air, marked by those ominous three dots. After an agonizing pause, her next text arrives: "See you by tomorrow night?"
And although you're betraying every emotion you've had at the frustration of paige ghosting you the whole week, you say, "yeah."
You felt like a total idiot for believing that perhaps now that she'd confessed, Paige would stop running from it. You should've been wiser, given your history with Paige, but the thrilling days that followed your vulnerable confession of feelings deceived you. They were a dizzying whirlwind of happiness, lulling you into a false sense of security, and masking the reality of her true intentions.
You and Paige had a fast romance, resembling a newlywed couple's bliss. You strolled hand-in-hand through the neighborhood, enjoyed family movie nights, and explored the mall together. She even surprised you with intimate gifts, like delicate lingerie, which she eagerly removed in the privacy of your bedroom. Those days were filled with laughter, love, and a sense of security, free from the fear of rejection that once plagued you. Your connection deepened so much that Paige even let you take her with her strap, a thrilling milestone in your relationship.
The experience was magical, but as the school week began, reality hit hard, and Paige, as she always did, resumed the cycle. She seemed to have perfected the art of creating distance. Her texts became short and infrequent, she stopped answering your calls, and just ghosted you.
You were crushed: you made it clear on the week she did ghost you that you hated when she did that, and the fact she ignored your pleas and chose to cowardly avoid everything was heartbreaking. But at least you had your new roommate, Maggie, to distract you. After growing up with a wayward sister, Maggie was your first taste of what a healthy sibling relationship could be like. She was everything you weren’t—energetic, popular, outgoing, and the life of every party—your polar opposite, and her presence brought a refreshing contrast to your life.
She filled your evenings with wild stories of campus drama and an endless supply of party interesting anecdotes. And also, piping hot gossip that you were more than amused by until one night, when Maggie stumbled into your room back from a party, reeking of alcohol and giggling uncontrollably.
"Paige Bueckers, aka Ms. Hollywood, is allegedly hooking up with some mysterious girl on campus who claims to be straight."
Your heart skipped a beat: you had never claimed to straight before. 
And also, both of your entire life's focus had been on your careers, and this rumor had potentially to be extremely damaging to your professional prospects. Especially for you — you had worked tirelessly to build a respectable image, and the thought of being linked to Paige's scandalous behavior was daunting.
You played it cool, dismissing the rumor with a nonchalant laugh: "Oh, really? People say crazy things." But inside, you were turmoil-stricken, unable to reveal the truth to Maggie due to Paige's strict secrecy and dislike of her for being a blabbermouth.
Maggie shrugged, "Well, Paige is in trouble; social media's onto her, and they're searching for her mystery girl. Apparently, they even go clubbing together." Your heart sank, knowing this was all too true. As exams approached, you pushed aside the rumors and pretended to be too busy to care, all while secretly suffering in silence, worried about the potential fallout on your career.
So, when you pulled up to "Serena's" hotel the next day, really Paige's place, you were exhausted, beaten down by her behavior, the looming rumors, and the fact that you had probably bombed your exam that night. You couldn't have been acting more out of character, bursting through the hotel door and pushing past Paige, who stood awaiting your acknowledgment in the foyer.
"Is there anything to drink? Maggie drank every last drop of alcohol in the house." you called out, voice laced with desperation and a hint of frustration, as if the scarcity of alcohol was the final straw in a long series of disappointments.
"Me?" she whispered softly as she crept up behind you in the kitchen, wrapping her arms around your waist with a gentle kiss to your neck. "Or Rose. In the fridge. You're lucky S I'm sharin'; S got it for us tonight." The warmth of her embrace and the sweetness of her kiss sent a buzz down your spine, momentarily distracting you from the fact she was everything wrong these days too.
"Oh, is that why you've been ignoring me? For Rose, Serena —because Paige, if we're being honest," you said, pulling away from her and striding over to the fridge to grab the coveted bottle, "I don't like sharing either."
There's a tense and awkward momentary silence as you stretch to reach the glass from up-top the shelf, and Paige approaches, her hand resting on your lower back, and her breath on your scalp. "We've both been busy - I'm not ignoring you, alright?" she says in a low, defensive murmur, her gentle touch sparking a flutter in your chest, making it hard to maintain your frustration.
Together, you manage to retrieve the glasses, but her gentle gesture  has already disarmed you, and the tension between you shifts, your  defenses slowly dropping, a fragile facade crumbling under the weight of her.
"I miss you even when we're together." you admit, looking up at her with a vulnerable gaze, your eyes locking onto hers as you bare your soul, the weight of your words conveying the constant fear of losing her, the ache of knowing that external pressures and expectations can tear you apart at any moment, and the desperation to hold on to her, even when she's right in front of you.
"I've had the worst fucking week, and- I spent most of my time in bed and not studying, thinking about why I could make you confess, but not... not stay with me." The pain in your voice as you reveal the turmoil that's been consuming you, and the desperate desire for her presence in your life is felt mutually.
"Okay," you whisper shakily, feeling tears prick at the way Paige looks at you, mutually, like she feels the same, but where you can see her resistance up still. And you know you'll never win. You have to stop thinking you can.
"I'll drink my feelings away, and then we're gonna fuck to get it off my mind, and we're never gonna bring this up again." your voice cracks as you surrender to the defeat, seeking temporary escape. 
You pour the rose in both your glasses, and Paige stands back watching, knowing that this is exactly what's happening. She's suppressing her inner fear and has no choice but to acquiesce, and not say anything because she told you her rules at the beginning, and fears if she says anything, it'll be from her heart because it hurts her as much as it hurts you.
She's trapped in her own emotions, unable to express her true feelings, and resigned to silently follow the script you've both agreed upon.
"Cheers," you say, raising your glass, and she looks confused, but reluctantly clinks your glasses together and watches through a slow sip as you down it and then pour yourself some more. The alcohol burns your throat, but you welcome the numbness, trying to dull the ache in your chest.
Paige's gaze lingers, melancholy, but more neutral, as she silently acknowledges the change in you, trying to read to lightheartedly conversate. 
"I see Maggie's introduced you to the lifestyle. You guys still getting close?'' her voice is subtly clad with a hint of detachment, an attempt to shift the focus away from the tension between you, and onto a more casual topic, but her underlying concern and curiosity are both still evident.
You nod, your eyes focalled on the alchol in your glass. "Yeah, she- we're thinking of doing a double date thing and I was gonna ask you before - y'know, but I guess it's pointless even though she already kinda knows."
You mention the fact - y'know - that you guys just suffered a breakup without even being together in a very odd manner, and that that is the weirdest thing ever. Well, to Paige, the second strangest thing of the night - the third is that how you broached the subject courageously in the first place, and the first: "Maggie knows?" she repeats, "Did you tell her?" a slight accusatory tone to her voice, her eyes narrowing slightly as she sets her glass down, her gaze fixed intently on yours, as if searching for any sign of betrayal or deceit.
"Everything." you whisper, jokingly confessing and shaking your head at her ridiculous pissed face (that's also sorta hot). 
Paige glares back at you, serious and you furrow your brows, feeling the alcohol hitting you already. "Shit, what do they put in here?" you ask, checking the label for the alcohol volume, when Paige snatches it out of your reach and demands, "I'm serious, Y/N, what'd you-" 
"Nothing!" you interrupt, exploding, "Nothing, Paige, there is fucking nothing to tell Maggie because all of this," you notion back and forth between you two, face-to-face, "Is nothing! What would I tell her, huh? That you don't text me for days on end and shit like that?" Your words spill out in a frenzy, the alcohol fueling your emotional release in the opposite sense you wanted it to.
Paige hates how that's supposed to comfort her, but instead makes her feel belittled and trivialized as she processes, now reaching for her own glass to forget about what you just told her - that you guys are "nothing." The word stings, a harsh reminder of the boundaries she's set, and the apparent insignificance of their connection in your eyes. She takes a swig, the rose souring her throat, as she struggles to reconcile the conflicting emotions within her.
Pretty soon, because you guys are weird and perfect for each-other, you're in bed and dealing with your conflicting emotions in a thoroughly unproductive way.
Paige kisses down your neck, hands roaming over you with a fervor in her eyes like she had the day at the bar, but now, times ten, and mixed in with something new. As she's stripping off your pants and kissing down your legs, she's still doing that thing where she murmurs vague stuff she knows she can deny if you try to confront her later. "So pretty, baby," she whispers, spreading your legs apart and kissing your calf, "My pretty baby." If not for the desire you have to get fucked out of your own brain, you would probably tell Paige to stop entirely or just stop saying that, but you can't, especially because it at least feels good to pretend that all just didn't happen.
By now, you've had plenty of rose, a lot more than Paige has, and under the spell of alcohol, every sensation she evokes in you feels better than the last. The room spins, and your senses blur, but Paige's touch is the one thing that feels lucid, the one thing that makes sense in this haze of emotions and alcohol.
Before Paige can put her mouth to use on you, the bedroom door is bursted open, and the once muffled call of her name that you're too tipsy to register becomes audible. "Paige! Bro, practice is cancelled, let's go-" she suddenly crashes in, who you can only assume is Serena, and walks in on the compromising sight and exclaims, "Oh shit!" standing there in awe as Paige scrambles for your clothes to cover yourself, furious, "Get out!"
She storms, jumps out of bed and slams the door in her face. The sudden movement makes your head spin, and you wince, the loudness reeling in your head from the alcohol and the abrupt interruption.
When Paige sees you lying still, eyes shut in what looks like anguish, she rushes over to you, apologetic. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, she's- she's obviously not supposed to be here as you just heard and-" - "It's fine." you interrupt, gathering your clothes hastily and getting out of bed. Once again, Paige has let you down, and it annoys the both of you equally. "Call me," you say, your tone indifferent, "Or don't."
You go to open the door and rush away before Paige can stop you, but Serena awaits on the other side, and you pause, dissecting her.
You were going to be jealous over this girl until you realize she's like Paige, just a little less tall, a lot less blonde, and skinnier. She isn't her type and she's masculine too, to your delight, and not because of Paige and her not being compatible, but at the fact its your type.
"Sorry," she says cheekily, "I thought she was here to take a break from the team." 
Serena smirks, amused. "I mean, I guess she was." and her eyes linger at the hickey on your neck. The implication is clear, and you feel a flush rise to your cheeks as you try to brush it off, the alcohol still clouding your judgment.
"Y/N," you laugh, smiling, "I'm sorry, I- I drank all your rose tonight, and you just saw me kind of naked, so probably not a great way to start things off." you chuckle, trying to play off the awkwardness,  and she smiles, exposing pearly whites, and seeming to appreciate your honesty and humor.
"Oh trust me, I couldn't mind less." and you can't figure out which way she means it before she continues again, "But... if you had too much rose, I don't just wanna send you driving home with a stranger. And better yet,  by yourself. You're welcome to stay the night if you want to." her tone is genuine, and you hesitate for a moment, weighing your options, before nodding in agreement, grateful for her kindness.
Paige is forced to watch her Serena clearly court you over the night, dressing you in her oversized t-shirt and shorts, and giving you some cold water as you guys converse on the couch in the living room. She does need time to herself after the alcohol begins to wear off and she begins to think about the consequences of her actions, the weight of her emotions, and the reality of her situation with you, but she can't do that logically while hearing you giggle and laugh at everything Serena says.
When she emerges from the bedroom, realizing she can get a rise out of Serena too, you both glance at her like she's intruding once she plops down at the couch in the living room.  Serena laughs. "Yo, are you- you staying here tonight?" she asks, her tone playful, but also hinting at a sense of not wanting Paige too, as if she's making her rethink her choice, and maybe even staking a claim on you, much to Paige's dismay.
"Well, yeah, that's the plan for the week, S," she says, eyes darting between you two, "Unless you guys want the house all to yourselves." Paige's tone is laced with a hint of sarcasm and a dash of curiosity, as if she's testing the waters, gauging the dynamics between you and Serena, and perhaps even hoping to stir up a reaction from one or both of you.
"Maybe we do," you say, leaning back on your couch, and Serena smirks, Paige rolling her eyes. 
"Well, yeah, we're learning lots about each-other. She's a huge soccer fan, and I'm a soccer player." 
Paige scoffs, shaking her head and laughing, "You hate sports. You're a nerd, what do you mean you're a-" - "I am." you interject, "You just don't care enough to know that." you shoot back, Paige's expression a mix of amusement and disbelief, as if she can't fathom you pretending to be something you're not.
Serena glances at between you both, intrigued, and curious. "So, uhh...before I ask what I do, what are you guys?" she asks as if she's navigating a sensitive topic, and her eyes dart between you and Paige, seeking clarification on your relationship status.
"It's complicated," and "Nothing," you both say in simultaneously, and when Paige's eyes narrow and she falls silent, you learn that the word "nothing" triggers her. The air is thick with tension, and Serena's eyes widen, sensing the underlying dynamics at play.
"Nothing?" she raises an eyebrow at Paige. She pauses. "Uhh... well on that case, why don't all three of us go get dinner tomorrow? Paige can bring somebody!" she suggests, hoping by the proposal, it will soften the blow of tension. 
"And... And so can you, even though I'd prefer if you don't." You smile warmly at her attempt to flirt, and also, keep things equal. "What about my friend Maggie Bowman? She's practically my sister, I think you'll love her. She plays soccer too." You offer, trying to lighten the mood and include Maggie, finally, in your real life.
Paige realizes thats how you must've been able to keep up a sports conversation for so long. "Maggie? I mean, c'mon, I-" "I'd love that!" Serena exclaims, "Who're you bringin' Paige? Maybe another hot model girl?" she teases, referencing you, who does that stupid giggle again and it takes Paige all her might not to lash out as she calmly responds, "I don't know, Azzi maybe." 
Serena nods. "That'd work." and Paige grimaces at the fact she'd try for her best-friend too.
The rest of the night is a blur and you come down from the alcohol, all eventually falling asleep on the couches, yet you awaken in bed, next to Paige, like you had become used to as of a week ago. The familiarity of her presence, the scent of her skin, and the warmth of her body engulfing yours stir up a mix of emotions, from comfort to guilt, as you try to process the events of the previous night and the current state of your relationship.
Your body may crave the comfort of her closeness, but your mind knows that giving in to these desires will only lead to more heartache and confusion in the end, so you nudge her. "Off, Paige." you whisper, your voice gentle but firm, trying to extricate yourself from her embrace without hurting her feelings, and subsequently yours.
"Hmm?" she murmurs from sleep, groggily, "No, stay," she slurs, her voice laced with a hint of desperation, as she tightens her hold on you. She has a bad sleeptalking habit, one that you've struggled with in the past to understand if she's just stupid and asleep or genuine.
It's both. And it also seems like old patterns are dying hard. You force yourself up, you exit her arms, and book an Uber back to your house, where Maggie is waiting at the doorstep with coffee. "Where were you all night? Gosh, I was worried sick, I called everybody you knew. Fuck, your friends are dicks." She scolds, her expression a mix of relief and annoyance, as she hands you a steaming cup of coffee, her eyes narrowing slightly as she takes in your disheveled appearance.
"Serena's house," you reply, "This friend of mine. She's in for the week while her Soccer team plays Connecticut." 
Maggie's eyes widen. "What? Like The Minnesota Stars playing Connecticut this week? As in the Serena Davis?" She asks, her voice laced with excitement and disbelief, as if she can't quite wrap her head around the fact that you spent the night at the hotel of a famous soccer player.
"I think," you smile, glancing down at your clothes, "I didn't catch her last name, but these are all hers. She's sweet." Maggie's jaw drops, her eyes bulging in utter shock, before she lets out a squeal of excitement, jumping up and down like a teenager at a rock concert. "OH. MY. GOD! You're a groupie! You're a total groupie!" she accuses, laughing and teasing, her hands on her hips. You nod, playing along, "Would this groupie still be one if she was inviting you to dinner with Serena? And Paige Bueckers? And maybe Azzi Fudd?" You ask, grinning mischievously, as Maggie continues to freak out, still in disbelief.
Up until 8:00, the confirmed meetup time, is when Maggie energizes.
She talks endlessly about how you're basically living a double life, how you're "rubbing shoulders with soccer royalty", and asks you what it's like to be with Serena, her questions ranging from serious to absurd. On the drive to the restaurant, you have to lecture Maggie on proper etiquette, reminding her to behave herself, not to fan-girl too hard, and to please, for the love of all things good, not ask Serena for a jersey or autograph.
"Just be chill," you advise, shaking your head in amusement as you walk into the restaurant together. You can feel Maggie's excitement radiating like a force, and you know she's struggling to contain her inner fan-girl. You shoot her a warning glance, silently reminding her to play it cool, as you spot Serena, Paige, and Azzi waiting for you at a table, Serena looking radiant and entirely too comfortable in her celebrity skin.
You underestimate just how famous the girls are, especially Serena, but when even your waiter is a little starstruck to see the three of them, telling them each she's seen them in sports, you realize that you're dining with genuine sports royalty.
You each spend the dinner laughing. Maggie and Azzi talk for some time, both self-proclaimed party-girls with mutual friends, and Paige, you, and Serena—mainly Paige and Serena—do their own thing up until you guys have finished eating and chatting, at which point Serena pays the bill with a flourish, her celebrity status evident in the discreet yet deferential service you received all evening. As you prepare to leave, the waiter lingers, still starstruck, and Serena, Paige, and Azzi graciously autograph a napkin for her before you exit.
The night ends with Maggie inviting you all to a party that you and Paige decline, however, Serena opts to go. "Might as well make the most of it while I'm in town." she says with a grin, "But... if you wanna stay at the hotel, Y/N, we'll all see you guys tonight." She winks, eyes sparkling as she ganders at you hungrily.
Azzi, the only person besides you and Paige who knows your history, a member of the "Paige needs to stay focused" club, and also her best-friend knows exactly what'll happen if you guys are left alone together, and once you say, "I think I will, S," Azzi is quick to interject, "Sure you BOTH don't wanna join us? I mean, Y/N, I remember the first time I met you. At a party." she teases you playfully, coaxing a smile out of you.
"And you remember how I embarrassed myself, Azzi?" you ask, laughing. "How could I forget?" the girl chuckles, "I wanna hear this story tonight," Maggie chimes in, and Serena agrees, "Me too." before Azzi just sighs, knowing there's nothing further she can do, and relents with a playful warning. "Just don't get too distracted, you two. We'll see you tonight."
You don't think you'll get distracted as they disappear into the distance, waiting for their Uber, and you and Paige head towards your car, walking down the street together in silence. The only sounds are the crickets chirping and the occasional passing car, but the air is thick with an underlying tension between you and Paige until you speak up.
"Can you drive? I'm too tired, I wanna take a nap." you ask Paige, tossing her your keys. She catches the keys with a hesitant smile, her eyes searching yours for a moment before she nods. "You done being mad at me?" she asks, her voice soft, playful, and a little vulnerable, like she's feeling her way through the moment, trying to gauge if the chill between you has started to return.
"I was never mad at you," you say with a shrug, avoiding her eyes and sounding utterly nonchalant. "I was mad at myself." Your tone is detached, like you're dismissing the whole thing, and your gaze drifts away from hers, leaving a sense of distance between you.
She decides not to go there with you. "So, Maggie's actually chill," she says, changing the subject, her tone light and conversational. "It's kinda weird it's all falling into place now even though we're not, y'know, 'friends' anymore." her words hang in the air, not probing or accusing, just stating a fact.
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you mean?"
She shrugs, continuing, "Well, Azzi just accepted the fact I'm staying at a hotel with you, which means they all will because she's my best friend. I like Maggie. You like Azzi. And the net is catching on."
You chuckle, amused, and she smiles, playfully teasing. You can't help but think that if you two were still close, she wouldn't be so nonchalant about this situation. It's as if she's only comfortable with this all coming to you both at once because you're no longer under her control.
The thought crosses your mind that sometimes, it takes losing something to realize its value, and you wonder if she's come to appreciate you only now that you're no longer there. You have to remind her you aren't, because with the way her eyes scan your body, your dress, her favorite color on you, black, accentuating your shape perfectly before she licks her lips, adjusting her gray Nike tech, its obvious.
"I do have to say, I like Serena. How come you never mentioned this 'friend' of yours was hot and also really talented?" you laugh, a low throaty sound, and raise a waggling eyebrow that makes Paige herself chuckle smally.
With her laughter, her inability to go there with you ever, you don't expect it at all when she looks you straight in the eye, and boldly smiles, "No you don't. You like me? Remember? Back at your parents' at the park?" there's a dash of challenge to her tone, as if daring you to admit the truth, her eyes sparkling with a knowing glint that makes your heart race.
And just like that, you fall back in.
You slip up in your words. "The car's here, Paige," but you swallow the last part, jumbling it into, "C'mere Paige," instead of repeating what you had actually meant to say. Your voice is struck with want, your brain foggy with the familiar haze of passion, as you pull her closer, your hands roaming over her body like they used to, like no time has passed at all.
Within seconds, you're inside of your car, making out with Paige as her big hands grasp your hips, and you can't at all believe yourself one bit — that you're doing it again — that Azzi was right — and letting her fuck her way back into your life again, but you did have unfinished business.
And plus, now, with it all out of the way — you didn't mind just being casual, your resistance crumbling like dust as her lips devour yours, the familiar spark between you, consuming all rational thought.
"Fuck, I-... I never wanna see you like that again, do you hear me?" she growls again, staring intensely with her hand gripping your tits, spilling out the top of your dress. "Never," she repeats firmly and pulls you back in roughly by your ass, making you yelp into her mouth as she kisses you fiercely, tongue claiming yours.
Luckily for you guys, the deserted streets are quiet and your windows have a tint. It would be a shame for anybody to witness how Paige pulls you over her lap in the driver's seat, pulling your dress down and popping your tit into her mouth, sucking on you with hungry groans, tongue flicking against your nipple as she murmurs, "You like that?"
It's obvious in the way your body responds to hers, hips bucking against her thigh, and how you moan, "Y-Yes, shit." She holds your hips firmly, guiding you back and forth sensually, and due to how wet you are, she can feel you soak her knee through her sweatpants. She softly whispers into your ear, "No panties, huh? Of course, such a slut," and she grabs your hair, forcing your head to tilt back as she suckles on your neck. "Let me show Serena who you belong to."
Those times you knew Paige would flat out ignore you or deny it when you brought up her possessiveness and control during sex, were far behind you because you knew she couldn't now, and it was clear she didn't want to, and it was the hottest thing ever.
Her passion and intensity were undeniable, and you were swept up in the fervor of the moment, loving every second of her unbridled desire.
Once she's done doing that, you can't take it. "Wait, I-.. home Paige home, it's too tight in here." Your voice is laced with desperation, pleading with her to stop or to slow down, but your words are overtaken by her intense kisses, your body betraying your mind as you succumb to her fervent touch, the confines of the car suffocating you.
You don't know how you guys even manage getting home: the want is that much. You have so much need in your body that you do the most reckless thing ever known to mankind. As Paige slams on the accelerator, you spread your legs and slip your fingers down between your thighs, rubbing on your clit, in your wetness that makes the lewdest sounds ever, second to when you moan her name breathlessly. "Paigeee, fuck…! Wish this was you, P, mmph, gosh."
She tries not to glance and she tries not to react, but when you extend your arm and put your hand right across her lap, fucking your own fingers into you with wet noises and desperate whimpers before you give her a taste of it, it's like she's possessed.
You're rushing through the hotel to get back to the room, and in the elevator, more kissing continues, but at the door, you guys tap in and are making out furiously, for what feels like hours, hotly, both stepping out of your clothes in the corridor.
Your hands are all over each other once you crash in, rekindling the passion that never quite faded as you stumble into the room, locked in a embrace that's hard to break.
You unzip Paige's sweater and remove her Nike tech pants and are upset to find the truth about layering being true now of all times -- underneath, she has a black sports bra and blue basketball shorts.
You drop to your knees, sliding them down her legs, and your mouth is on her cunt in a flash. She's insanely wet—probably the wettest you've ever had her before in all your years of fucking.
"Do I have to be standing for this?" she asks through gritted teeth, and you realize that she's complimenting your head game like that, and smile, smirking as you look up at her and delving into her pussy with a strong flick of your tongue against her clit a couple of times, moaning hungrily.
The teasing gets her weak, her knees buckling.
Your words, your touch, your gaze—all of it has her surrendering, her defenses disappearing as she gives in to the tension that's been building between you two.
It's been ages since you've gotten to do this—melt Paige on your tongue, and she tastes like heaven, and sounds like it too. When you focus on her clit, parting her folds with your fingers to angle your tongue and flick at it, she whimpers.
Your touch is so, so perfect it doesn't even feel real, and though none of it does, Paige can't help but savor the moment. She gazes down at your face, looking deep into your eyes as she grinds her hips against you, in a frenzy riding your face as she moans loudly.
"Fuck, you're so good," she groans, pulling you back up by your hair and onto your feet, eyes blazing. "Tell me you wouldn't do this for Serena. For any other girl," she demands, tugging your hair in a way that turns you on intensely as you murmur, "Just you. Always only you." And she's relentless, spitting into your mouth, her saliva thick and warm, before she pushes your face back into her cunt, making everything a wet mess through the singular action.
You pull back and marvel at her pink folds. "So beautiful," you whisper against her cunt, entranced with desire and by the way her pussy glistens and gleams, sparkles, and you suckle her clit like a connoisseur.
The signs she's going to climax emerge: her eyes shut tightly, her abs contract repeatedly, and her face turns red and redder by the moment as you work your jaw faster, slipping your finger up into her entrance, but she stops you with a yank of your head backwards.
"Seriously, I'll fall over if we—c'mon, let's go to the bed." she pants.
This time, Paige remembers to lock the door behind her before she slips in between your legs, dangling her chain enticingly in your face. "Still wet?" she softly and earnestly inquires, and you chuckle at her ridiculous charm. "Yeah, of course."
She kisses you deeply, hands roaming eagerly. "Lemme check," she whispers, and then she slides up your dress, exhaling in awe at the sight because you're genuinely dripping.
"So fuckin' perfect, fuck," her warm breath against your stomach gives you chills, and you twitch slightly in her embrace, prompting her hand to fly to your hipbone, anchoring you with a desperate gaze, afraid you might slip away. "N-no," she stammers, her voice trembling, "No, just... just stay like this, just like this."  With lustfully hazy eyes, she closes them as she nuzzles her nose against your clit, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from you. "Ah, Paige-!" you yelp, and she's quick to hush you.
"Shhh, angel, please," she whispers, her eyes meeting yours fleetingly. "Please," she repeats, more firmly this time, before her tongue teases at your clit carefully - like she just wants a small taste.
The shamelessness in her begging — begging for you to be complicit with her, coupled with her mouth, it all makes your head spin.
When you nod, silently giving into her, you watch as she indulges in you, moaning at the faint taste of you on her tongue before she withdraws. "You taste amazing," she mumbles, "Just for me."
Your eyebrows furrow at her words, arousing you further, soaking you thoroughly and making you squirm once more, much to her dismay. "Stay still," she instructs firmly, pausing. "Stay still or you won't get anything out of this… I could do this all night, I promise you."
It took you back to when you first met Paige and she told you the exact same thing. You didn't believe her at first, and then she ended up not letting you cum for half an hour, her fingers inside you changing with every stroke, LITERALLY keeping you on edge.
Your hands laced into her hair, and you tugged lightly. "'s what you get, you bitch… so fuckin' mean to me," you teased, knowing exactly how to get her where you needed her, just like she'd gotten you to where she needed you for what you were about to do. "Serena'd be fucking me good by now. She almost did last night before you came out on the couch."
That was true. You weren't just saying it, and you both knew it. That was true.
"Is that so?"
In moments, you were now both naked, her hands gripping your ass and tits eagerly. Her kisses were urgent and messy as she undressed you, her lips assaulting your neck with hungry fervor. "I'm going to fuck that out of you," she declared, her voice filled with need, her breath heating your skin. "I can't get enough of you."
"Do it."
Paige complied, her hands gently kneading your breasts as she positioned herself between your legs. You gasped softly as she settled against you, the heat of her body melding with yours as she aligned your cunts precisely. The room seemed to fade away as you focused on the exquisite friction between you, the heat intensifying as Paige hooked her leg around your thigh in a sense, drawing you closer with each movement. Her voice was a whisper against your calf, filled with need as she questioned, "Feel my clit, baby? Feel how wet I am for you?"
You whine, overwhelmed. "You're so wet, P, fuck." She had your leg bent back towards your head, her slick heat gliding against yours as she moved forward, inhaling sharply at the exquisite friction between you.
She smirked down at you. "Fuck, you're my slut, baby," she moaned, pupils dilated as she arched her back, pressing her body closer to yours.
With each powerful thrust of her hips, you could see the subtle flexing and rippling of muscles beneath her skin, a testament to her arousal. Her voice was heavy with desire as she lifted your leg higher, craving deeper access. "Fuck me back, baby, come on. Just like that." the last part a near whine as you appeased, meeting her every grind with a fervent thrust of your hips.
"God, you're so wet," she whimpered, biting onto her bottom lip to stifle her moans, "Fucking dripping, aw.. shittt." in the break, she's panting, breathing fast breaths into your ear, and then it falls silent.
The sound that fills the air between you two once it does was raw— carnal. It had grown louder as you complied, truly fucking her back, your clits sliding against each other frenziedly, eliciting a wet sound that mingled with the rhythmic clapping of your skin. Unable to stifle it, a sigh of satisfaction escaped you, breaking the silence. "So deep, Paige," you grunted softly, reaching up to fondle her firm tits, her eyes fluttering shut as she quickened her pace, urging you to keep up.
"Don't… do not fucking stop," your voice cracked with pleasure, urgent and needy without care. "Then fuckin', ohh," testing her resolve, you pinch her nipples mid-sentence, and they perk up, practically begging to be sucked. Her voice trembles so invitingly that your mouth waters.
"Then fuckin' keep up with me, ma. You can do it, angel," she encouraged, brushing your hair from your face just to look you with her glossy from determination, and then she's crying out, "Fuckk, yes!" as her hips buck against yours snugly. You're just about to ask what has her so riled up when you feel it— her nails digging into your skin at the sensation of your clit, rubbing hard against hers and pulsating, driving her insane and making her lose control. It makes you shake with pleasure. It was all just perfect — Paige never fucked you like this often just because in her own words, she didn't like sounding like a bitch.
Moaning like a girl. And... she always warned that she couldn't hold back when it came to your pussy. She'd always lose control if she took you like this, and she knew you secretly liked it when she did.
It was hot watching her internally battle the side of herself that wanted to hold the power and the side that wanted to fuck you stupid and give you all her cum.
Nevertheless, she's spilling more arousal from her hole into the mix, and the glide just gets smoother and smoother, like water on water.
You push your hips up harder, grunting with each forceful thrust, and Paige sounds like she's exerting herself at the gym, groaning gruffly as she fucks you relentlessly, babbling about how badly she wants you to cum in her.
"You do? You want it?" you tease, and she's quick to nod her head vigorously, hair flying free from its bun as she moves. "Mhm," spitting down between you both and pleading, "I want your cum so badly, baby, please give it to me, please let me have it, please make me- make me cum, shit you're gonna-"
Her eyes squeezed shut and she moaned deeply, hips bucking, signaling her impending climax. "Look at me," you urged, "Look at me, Paige, I want to cum, I want to give it to you, look at me."
When she forces her eyes open, glistening with tears, she freezes on the spot at the sight of your tits bouncing and clapping together rhythmically, the way you bite your bottom lip, and how desperate you sound once you climax at the exact same time as her, calling out her name hoarsely. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, Paige, oh—! Oh fuckkk, yes!"
She's whining and crying out listlessly as she collapses over your body, muscles contracting as she spills onto you, and with each slow movement, her cunt feels like glue against yours, so much so that you tremble.
Your skin sticks to each other, a mixture of sweat and arousal making it feel almost impossible to separate, and before you can offer to clean her up again like you so desperately want to — to finish what you started earlier and have her cum on your tongue, a firm knock is heard on your door.
"Guys?!" shouts Maggie, "What the fuck are you doing in there?"
Paige is so thoroughly fucked out that she can't move or speak or react, even though her worst fear has come true, and Maggie knows.
You shake your body, responding cautiously, and inadvertly shaking Paige in the process. "Peanut Butter?" you say. "Yeah?" she manages timidly and you press your hands on her waist, moving her gently, only for her to shudder at the sole movement. 
You chuckle at her sensitivity and general posterior as you disclose, "Secret's out," with a humorous whisper.
And to your collective surprise, realizing Serena is back too, she responds resolutely.
AUTHOR NOTE #2: i think you just witnessed the fact i can’t write angst — or maybe it’s just the creative slumping idk man show all your fav writers some love it’s rly tough out here lol! as always i am now gonna beg for you to interact with me because ily all sm - ana. ALSO TY FOR NEARLY 900 FOLLOWERS WTF!! love u all my cutiemooties, followers, anons 🤍
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kquil · 1 year
SUM. : you end up on the kiss cam but not with james...
G. : modern au ; muggle au ; hockey player james au ; secretly dating au
LENGTH : 0.7k
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You’ve been in a secret relationship with the James Potter for quite a while now, well renowned ice hockey player. It was a chance meeting actually, a chance meeting that left quite a lasting impression on the both you, several chance meetings happened after that and you eventually found yourself falling in love and happily engaging in a private relationship.
It was a whirlwind, shockingly fast but blissfully pleasant all at once, your feet in the air and flying through the skies, endlessly on cloud nine. Now, it's already been half a year and you haven't missed a single one of his games. It's still taking you a little time to get used to understanding how the game works and its rules but James was quick to assure you that that wasn't important. 
"My favourite part of the game is being able to meet you when its over for a kiss well-done," you still remember his cheeky, boyish grin and the fluttering ache in your heart. All he has to do is flash you that charming smile and you were jelly.
He's such a loverboy, so tender and sweet, a true gentleman but also goofy and ridiculously charming in his own audacious way. His liberal manner of loving meant that you didn't go a day without hearing an 'I love you' or being pulled into a sudden hug or getting a playful kiss on the cheek. In return, you tried to calm his affections but always succumbed to him in the end - like voluntarily free-falling from a skyscraper and always knowing you would land on a thick cushion of fluffy clouds and secure parachutes. 
You've never been so content in your life; naturally your eyes never left James and him you. He loves your timid affections, subtle but sweeter than honey, first unnoticeable but with a slight squint he could almost turn blind from how radiantly you emit your love for him. He's never letting you go. If there is so much as an hint of you leaving him, he's giving his all into making sure you stay, he'll shout and scream and cry and fight, no matter what it takes.
He's impulsive and hot headed, cheeks burning an almost darling pink when irritation furrows his brows and sets flames ablaze behind his eyes. James's eyes right now, however, weren't just a sea of flames but a volcanic eruption. His usual glasses weren't in the way of his eyes, only the small strands of his sweat-drentched hair provided you with some shield to his wrath. You were shocked, in your six months being together, you've never seen him so infuriated but it was then that realised you situation - you were sharing the big screen with a random guy for the 'Kiss Cam'.
The teams were on a break so of course James had seen it and was now blowing smoke fumes out of his ears and nostrils, glaring through the glass and at the guy who was attempting to lean in for a kiss as he skates his way furiously towards you. If the glass wasn't in the way, you feared that James would have beat the man to death beside you. You mentally berate yourself for having realised the situation too late and scramble say that you didn't want to partake in any kiss. You were just about to open your mouth and stop the stranger when the love of your life angrily slams his headgear into the reinforced glass before you in warning. 
"Stay the fuck away from my girl dickhead!" James shouted in anger, his thundering voice keeping the glass shaking as the stranger beside you immediately backed away. Lost in the moment and finding his unusual overprotectiveness overly cute, you step up, kiss your hand and press it into the glass in front of his lips in a pseudo kiss. 
"Thanks James," you smile, staring lovingly into his eyes that have visible softened at the sight of your gorgeous face. 
"Kiss me twice later," you do nothing but nod and he's heading back to group with his teammates once more. You suppose your relationship isn't so private anymore. 
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A/N : thoughts, darlings? i know james is typically associated with rugby but i can see him as an ice hockey player too - please someone tell me that they think the same TT_TT
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mysunshinetemptress · 3 months
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In The Moonlight
Leah Williamson x singer!reader warnings: None except shitty writing, fluff
A grin stretched across your face, wide enough to rival the jet lag currently waging war in your head. Two world tours back to back had been a whirlwind, exhilarating and exhausting in equal measure, Social media detox was the doctor's orders, a chance to reconnect with the real world however it was about to get a small pause with the absurdity of the TikTok trend.
Here you were, the hottest pop star on the planet, about to participate in a goofy social media challenge inspired by a goofy song from a sitcom.
You had stumbled upon a hilarious trend, people were reenacting the iconic scene from Modern Family where Dylan serenades Haley with his...interestingly phrased song, "In the Moonlight (Do Me)," and passing it off as their own in front of their family and friends. Laughter bubbled up in your chest as you watched one particularly enthusiastic boy singing the suggestive lyrics much to his parent's disgust and surprise.
"Right," you declared, voice thick with amusement, as you spoke into the phone"I'm breaking my social media blackout for this because I can't help but take part in this trend."
With a mischievous glint in your eyes, you grabbed your phone heading to the living room where Leah and a few of your family and friends have gathered for the barbecue. "hey guys can I have your attention for a quick second, please..I know I'm supposed to be on a break but, I can't get this new song out of my head and I need your opinion on it, I actually think it might work for a single."
A collective groan went up from the assembled group. They knew your "work" mode well, and it usually involved long nights in the studio, not impromptu living room performances. But Leah, ever the supportive girlfriend, flashed a smile.
"Alright, Elvis," she said, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Hit us with this 'new song.'"
Taking a dramatic breath, you check the tuning of your guitar, "It's eh, well you all know who it's about, the same person as all my other songs..it's called In the Moonlight"
The first strum of your guitar sent a hush over the room. They expected the usual pop magic, the infectious energy that had propelled you to superstardom. Instead, your voice crooned out the opening lines of Dylan's "song" with a hilariously exaggerated earnestness.
"The stars are falling from the sky, and you're the reason why. The moon is shining on your face, and I think it's found its place."
Laughter erupted as you finished the first verse, shattering the stunned silence. Your face turned crimson, but you held your pose, trying to maintain a serious expression as you began the chorus.
"Cause maybe, baby, I just want to do you, do you, do you want to do me, do me, underneath the moonlight, moonlight."
Your friends began to laugh silently as Leah's parents and your parents looked on horrified.
"And now we're hiding in my car, I let you see my scars, escape the dark for just one night, your heart makes me explode with light."
Leah snorted, trying to stifle a laugh. Your family exchanged bewildered glances.
"Baby, maybe, Maybe I will steal you, steal you just so I can feel you, feel you, maybe that will heal you, heal you on the inside."
The last note of your "song" died down, replaced by the deafening sound of crickets...or at least, it felt that way. Your family and friends stared at you, mouths agape, the only sound a choked cough from Leah's dad.
The tension broke as Leah doubled over, tears streaming down her face. "Oh my god," she gasped between laughs, "that was amazing! You had them fooled for a good minute there!"
Slowly, the rest of the room caught on. Laughter erupted, first in hesitant chuckles, then in full-blown roars. Even Leah's parents faces still flushed with surprise, couldn't help but crack a smile.
Your parents, still trying to process the experience, shot you a look that mingled amusement with a hint of disapproval. "Honey," your mom began cautiously, "that wasn't exactly...subtle, was it?"
You grinned sheepishly. "Maybe not," you admitted. "But you gotta admit, the reactions were priceless!"
Leah walked over, shaking her head and trying to hide a smile. "You're a menace," she said, giving you a playful shove.
You posted the video a short while later breaking the internet once again. The next morning, your phone was buzzing with notifications. Fans everywhere were recreating your video. You were trending again only this time not because of your tour.
Leah smiled hugging you from behind the next morning "You know I love you and all the wonderful songs you write about me, us, our relationship, but please promise me you will never write anything like that."
Leah smiled hugging you from behind the next morning "You know I love you and all the wonderful songs you write about me, us, and our relationship, but please promise me you will never write anything like that." You laughed turning in her arms "I love you too much to write a song just about your body and my wants for it, no I'll write about you, your soul and sometimes when I feel extra fruity then I'll write about your body and my wants for it no my needs for it."
Leah pulled you in closer kissing you softly "And I'll be your number one listener."
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beegomess · 1 month
Meeting you after the breaking up || Slytherin boys
Summary: Your relationship has come to an end, something that put you deeply down, avoiding everything and everyone as long as you could just to overcome your ex-boyfriend as soon as possible. Time has passed and you really seem to have overcome everything, he, however, believes he has done a great stupidity. Warnings: Just a little sad.
Requests are open!
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Blaise Zabini
Everything seemed different now, as if the weight of the pain had finally decreased. When you and Blaise broke up, it seemed that full happiness would never be possible again. After all, his relationship had been the foundation of everything, the center of his life. But time, always relentless and mysterious, brought with it subtle changes, and the wound that once seemed unbearable was now just a scar that you had learned to carry with dignity.
Although your feelings for Blaise have not disappeared, nor have it turned into a grudge, that desperate need for him was no longer part of who you were. The beginning of the breakup was cruel, with the pain throbbing with every memory and the longing seeming unbearable. But, little by little, you learned to navigate through these emotions, until, suddenly, you felt... well.
In the month before the summer holidays, you skillfully avoided each other, almost as if you both knew that the simple act of seeing each other could reopen wounds still in healing. His gaze never found yours, and you kept your distance, building your new world without it.
During the holidays, you rediscovered yourself. He went out with friends, laughed at silly things and realized that life was taking its course. Maybe Blaise was right in the end. Maybe you weren't really made for each other as you imagined. And now, back at Hogwarts, you were there, sure of yourself, without worrying about whether he would notice your presence or not. That kind of thing didn't affect you anymore.
But Blaise couldn't say the same. Seeing you so serene and radiant, without a shadow of sadness, brought you conflicting feelings. Part of him rejoiced to see her move forward, but another part, darker, carried a growing regret. He began to question whether he had made the right choice.
Draco, sitting next to Blaise in class, noticed his friend's lost look, the attention he clearly did not devote to what was being said. Curious, he followed Blaise's gaze until he found him fixed on you, laughing next to his friend.
- Oh, so she's the one occupying your mind? - Draco commented with a provocative smile, seeing Blaise's expression close. - What is it? Are you already sorry? Just wait until the other boys start approaching her...
Malfoy let out a low laugh, but Blaise felt the blood boil just imagining such a scene. The simple idea of someone else approaching you was unbearable.
- Shut up. - Blaise replied between his teeth, unable to disguise the discomfort it caused him.
Draco Malfoy
He knew he was going to see her that night, he was prepared for that. What he didn't expect was to find her so quiet, completely oblivious to her presence at dinner. The vision of you, so serene, messed with him in a way that he was not prepared to admit.
In recent months, Draco had gone through a whirlwind of emotions and, in a moment of impulse, ended your relationship. For you, it was a shock at the time, an unexpected pain that seemed difficult to heal. However, over time, things began to fit together, and you finally reached a point where, although there was still love for him, you would no longer insist on something he himself did not believe he was able to maintain.
So, on that Christmas night, a date that always had a special place in your heart, you appeared next to your parents, radiant as always, radiating a beauty that made it seem that every detail of what you wore had been made exclusively for you.
Your smile illuminated the room, instantly attracting Draco's ocean eyes to you. He couldn't look away, even while you, unrelated to him, greeted other people around him.
- Aren't you going to talk to her? - Narcisa's soft voice, who always had a special affection for you from the beginning of her relationship with Draco, interrupted her thoughts. She noticed her son's fixation on you and decided to intervene with a slight smile and a question that brought him back to reality.
- Oh, yes, of course. At some point in the party, for sure. - Draco replied, a little clumsy, looking away at the glass of champagne in his hands, trying to hide the discomfort that grew inside him.
- Do you miss her? - The mother, always direct when she wanted something, was not intimidated by asking what she knew that was bothering her son. Draco, however, avoided answering, pretending not to hear the question. He knew the answer very well, but admitting to himself was a battle he was not ready to face that night.
Lorenzo Berkshire
The theater was crowded that night, as always happened in the traditional year-end ballet performances, which marked the beginning of the festivities for the most traditional families. The atmosphere was elegant and sophisticated, with the murmur of the conversations being muffled by the soft chords of the orchestra that began to tune its instruments. Lorenzo Berkshire, sitting next to his parents in the cabin reserved for the family, seemed quiet, but inside, a growing restlessness took over him. He knew you would be there, like every year, and no matter how much he had prepared for the inevitable encounter, nothing seemed to relieve the tension he felt.
Months earlier, Lorenzo had ended your relationship. It was a difficult decision, which at the time seemed to be the most rational. But as time passed, the certainty he had began to fall apart, and with every event his family attended, where he knew you would also be, the regret grew.
When the theater lights went out and the curtains opened, Lorenzo finally saw you. You were in a box on the other side of the theater, almost facing him. The distance, even with the twilight that dominated the environment, he noticed every detail: the brightness of the elegant dress you wore, the way your hair was delicately stuck, and the discreet smile that appeared when the music began to fill the environment. He could barely concentrate on the presentation, his eyes constantly deflecting to you, who seemed so close and, at the same time, so inaccessible.
― Will it continue like this all night, Enzo? ― The soft but authority-laden voice of Charlotte, his younger sister, took him out of the trance. She was sitting next to him, and looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and concern.
Lorenzo disguised the discomfort, adjusting in the armchair.
― I don't know what you're talking about, Charlotte.
She let out a slight sigh, crossing her arms and casting a penetrating look at her.
― Of course you know. I saw how you were watching her. You haven't taken your eyes off her since the lights went out.
He looked away, focusing for a moment on the ballerina who performed a grand jeté on stage.
― It's not that simple, Charlotte.
Charlotte, always perceptive, leaned slightly towards her, keeping her tone of voice low so as not to disturb the other viewers.
― Maybe it's not simple, but staying here mulling about it doesn't help at all either. You still like her, Lorenzo, it's obvious. And, from what I see, she also looks different... distant, maybe. Maybe she misses you too?
Lorenzo frowned, feeling a twinge of irritation mixed with the weight of guilt. He knew Charlotte was trying to help, but his words only amplified the confusion inside him.
― Charlotte, you don't understand. There are things that can't be solved so easily.
She watched her brother for a moment, noticing the resistance in her eyes.
― I'm not saying it's easy, Lorenzo. But what if you keep waiting and lose the chance to reconcile? What do you have to lose?
His sister's insistence irritated him, and Lorenzo closed his eyes for a second, trying to control the discomfort that consumed him.
― I already said it's not simple. ― His voice came out firmer, almost sharp, while he kept his eyes fixed on the stage. ― It's not just going there and talking to her.
Charlotte raised her hands in a gesture of surrender, clearly realizing that she had pressed too much. She knew that Lorenzo needed time, but she also knew that he was hiding behind his own stubbornness.
Lorenzo didn't say anything else, he just gave a short nod, turning his attention to the presentation, although his mind was far from there. He knew that Charlotte had touched a sensitive point, and it irritated him more than he was willing to admit. As the ballet continued, he continued to watch you from afar, unable to decide whether or not to try to regain what he had lost, even if the simple idea of taking action made him uncomfortable.
Mattheo Riddle
Your relationship with Mattheo has always been a sensitive topic for you. The constant comings and goings gave the impression that everything could be just a bad phase, something that would eventually be solved. However, there came a time when you decided it was time to put an end to everything. When Mattheo announced that he wanted to finish, you made it clear that, this time, there would be no turn. He, as always, doubted the seriousness of your words, but this time you were determined.
His family, who never approved the relationship, practically celebrated the breakup. For them, Mattheo has always been a problem, and the prejudice for the fact that he is half-blood and does not have the wealth that his family valued only aggravated this vision. They often tried to push her to "good pedigree" boys, something that always irritated Mattheo deeply. Jealousy has always been a constant among you, but after the end, it seemed that this feeling had become even more difficult to deal with. Mattheo's anger at his family's behavior was only the trigger for something that was already worn out.
Months passed, and over time, you finally realized that the relationship with Mattheo was anything but healthy. It was then that you began to consider giving Lorenzo, the boy your mother loved, a chance. Initially, he thought he would be just one more, but to his surprise, Lorenzo was kind, interesting, someone who easily drew laughter from you, even if, deep down, his heart weighed every time he flirted with him.
It was in one of those moments, while you and Lorenzo enjoyed Saturday at Três Vassouras, that Mattheo saw you again, after so long. He was accompanied by Theodore and other friends, unconcernedly entering the scene, until Theodore, upon seeing you, stopped abruptly.
― Maybe we should go somewhere else... ― The boy suggested, almost in a whisper, turning to Mattheo with a worried expression.
― Why would we go? ― Mattheo replied, frowning when he noticed the tension in his friend's voice. ― What's going on, Theo?
Before Theo could make any excuse, Mattheo ignored his warning and advanced, looking around the bar until his eyes finally found you. There you were, laughing carelessly at something that Lorenzo had said, without noticing Mattheo's presence. The smile on his face, so natural and sincere, cut Mattheo like a knife. The shock and fury mixed inside him, feeding an anger that he could barely contain.
Without saying a word, Mattheo turned around, quickly leaving the Three Brooms. His friends followed him, all in silence, while the fury pulsed inside him, ready to explode at any moment. Every step away from the bar was a painful reminder of what he had missed - and that, perhaps, he would never have back.
Theodore Nott
His relationship with Theodore Nott has always been intense, but at the same time, marked by a depth that few understood. He had a peculiar way of showing affection, usually through subtle gestures and contained words, but that for you have always meant the world. However, this intensity also brought with it difficulties, especially the fact that Theo has difficulties in expressing his emotions openly. It was this emotional block that, in the end, wore out the relationship.
When you finished, Theo didn't try to stop you. He simply accepted, with that serenity that has always characterized him, as if he were waiting for it. And maybe it was. You felt a squeeze in your heart when you saw that he wouldn't fight for you, but you knew you needed to move on, even if it meant leaving without looking back.
After the end, you struggled to focus on yourself, to distance yourself from the shadow that the relationship with Theo had left. It was difficult, but little by little, you started to rebuild your world, to smile again, to feel pleasure in the little things. And it was during this process that you started going out with Adrian Pucey, a Slytherin boy known for his charm and skill in Quidditch. He wasn't the kind of person you imagined being, but Adrian managed to make you laugh and forget a little about things, something you didn't know you needed until that moment.
You two started to meet more often, and one day, you met Adrian in the Peacock Patio, one of the most beautiful places in Hogwarts, surrounded by old trees and fragrant flowers. The place, with its quiet and cozy atmosphere, was perfect for a casual encounter, and you sat on one of the benches, talking and laughing, while the light breeze shook the leaves around.
Without you noticing, Theo was passing by, coming back from a study session at the library. When he saw you next to Adrian, the world seemed to stop for a moment. Theo stood still, watching the scene with a dark look. Seeing you with someone else, laughing and looking so comfortable, caused a painful tightness in your chest, something he didn't expect to feel so intensely.
Not far from Theo, Draco Malfoy appeared, immediately noticing his friend's discomfort when following him with his eyes. He let out a heavy sigh, immediately understanding what was happening.
― Do you want to go for a walk? ― Draco suggested, trying to get Theo out of that uncomfortable situation.
― No, I'm fine. ― Theo replied, his voice low and loaded with conflicting emotions. He knew he should move away, that staying there would only do the worst things, but his feet seemed stuck to the ground.
― Look, it's not easy, I know. But staying here will only get worse, Theo. Come on, we can go to the Astronomy Tower or something. ― Draco insisted, his voice was serious, but with a touch of empathy.
Theo hesitated, his eyes still fixed on you. He knew Draco was right, but there was a part of him that couldn't move, as if he were waiting for a signal, anything that gave him a reason to believe that there was a chance for you to look back. But you were completely involved in the conversation with Adrian, the light and carefree laughter filling the air.
― Right. ― He finally gave in, his voice cold and restrained, forcing his feet to move. With one last look in his direction, he turned around, following Draco away from the courtyard, while trying to push to the bottom of his mind the whirlwind of emotions that was consuming him.
While walking, the silence between them was heavy, but Draco did not press. He knew that Theo needed time to process everything, and deep down, he hoped that his friend would find a way to deal with it without destroying himself inside. For Theo, however, the sight of you smiling with another had opened a wound that he was not sure how to heal.
Tom Riddle
The Hogwarts library was a place you've always loved. During the quiet nights, the bookshelves loaded with old books and the smell of aged parchment brought you a sense of peace and security. It was there, under the soft light of the candles, that you spent much of your time, especially after breaking up with Tom Riddle. Diving into the books was a way to forget what you two had been, or perhaps, to remember without the pain that accompanied it.
The relationship with Tom was an enigma that you were never able to solve completely. He was cold and always kept an emotional distance that left you with the feeling that he was never truly present. Still, there were times when you felt that something deeper could exist behind that impenetrable facade. It was this mystery, this insatiable curiosity, that held you to him for so long. But Tom's coldness ended up becoming unbearable, and when the decision to finish was made, he accepted with a calm that hurt more than any argument could have hurt.
Now, in the loneliness of the library, you followed your nightly routine. He leafed over a book, his thoughts wandering between the words and the memories he tried to leave behind. She was so absorbed that she did not notice the tall and slender figure that positioned herself in the shadows, a few meters away.
Tom Riddle has always been an observer, someone who analyzed everything around him with almost frightening precision. He had been there for longer than you imagined, just watching in silence. The dim light of the candles did not fully reach the place where he was, keeping him hidden, but his eyes shone with an unusual intensity as he watched you.
He hadn't come there by chance. In recent months, Tom had returned his thoughts to you more often than he would like to admit. It wasn't longing, he said to himself, but a persistent curiosity. The breakup meant nothing to him the moment it happened, but now, seeing you go on with your life without hesitation, dedicating yourself to studies as if he had never existed, you messed with something inside him that he could not name.
For some time, Tom stood still, his eyes following his every move. He knew he shouldn't care. This kind of attachment was useless, a weakness that he despised in others. Still, there he was, watching you with an intensity that bordered on obsession.
Finally, he decided to get closer, not to talk, but to feel his presence more closely. Every step he tood was silent, calculated, as if he feared that any noise could break the charm of the moment. When he was close enough to see every detail of his concentrated expression, Tom stopped. There was something about you, a serenity, a silent force that he had not noticed before.
You didn't notice your presence until you felt a slight change in the air, a shiver that ran through your spine. Raising your eyes from the book, you felt like you were being watched. And, for a brief moment, his gaze found his, hidden in the shadows. But in the blink of an eye, Tom had moved, disappearing between the shelves without a trace, like a ghost.
Even without seeing it, you felt the familiarity of that presence, and a discomfort that you thought you had overcome returned to your heart. The mystery that Tom represented was still there, no matter how far away you tried to get away. And that night, as he closed the book and left the library, you knew that he was also trying to understand something that, until then, he believed he was incapable of feeling.
masterlist here
xoxo, bee🫶🏼✨
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shewroteaworld · 10 months
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x reader
100 Follower Celebration Request: "🤨 + 'You’re braver than you think and more beautiful than you know.' "
Premise: You've been keeping a secret from your boyfriend. At the most inopportune time, it thrusts itself into the light. He doesn't have the reaction you feared.
Warnings: mentions of Criminal Minds--typical violence, mentions of nausea, discussions of chronic illness, mentions of poor self-esteem
Word count: approx. 3,000
When the unsub impaled you with the knife, you gasped awake.
You blinked open your eyes to pitch black darkness, a pulse of 200 beats per minute, a stomach frothing with queasiness, and cold skin sticky with sweat. 
Something velvety constricted your body like cling wrap. The suffocation was akin to being buried six feet under. Fortunately, the feather pillow cushioning your head and the soft foam squashed beneath your fingertips broke through your sleep-addled mind. 
It was only a nightmare. You were still laying in bed next to Aaron Hotcher.
Your breath caught, and you went rigor mortis still. Once A’s soft snoring reached you, you relaxed.
 Tiredly, you smiled at a ceiling you couldn’t see. You didn’t wake him. The last thing A needed after a horrifying case was to not only be woken before dawn but also be woken by his girlfriend gasping in terror. 
Your boyfriend of six months, Aaron, was an FBI supervisory special agent. As a civilian, there was plenty of work information to which you were not privy, especially if a case went south. Often, Aaron didn’t tell you where he flew for work. All you knew was, he’d be away for days. However, sometimes you’d know where Aaron was flying back from once the case was handled. Either, he could tell you once the target was apprehended or you found out via news report.
Based on the news reports from New Mexico that featured the BAU's media liaison, Jennifer Jareau, a cult leader ended his sadistic campaign with an AR-15 shootout and a murder-suicide that caught the state police completely off guard. The FBI caught the scent of his plan, but by the time they sniffed it out, they were 5 steps too far behind. Thankfully, Aaron nor any of his unit members died. 
Aaron returned to his DC brownstone to ceramic pans full of your best dishes— all piping hot— on his kitchen counter.  You made sure to prepare enough food to last him a couple weeks; emotionally trying work events and tons of paperwork were the perfect recipe for Aaron to not eat enough, and you weren’t going to make it easy for him. The past work weeks had been a whirlwind for you as well; you’d billed 15 plus hours every day for the past week to resuscitate a major merger on its deathbed. You set the last dirtied spoon on A’s drying rack two seconds before he unlocked his front door.   
Aaron left the details of his past case vague. He kept the details of his emotional state even vaguer. But you could tell in the extra tight grip of his hello hug that he was in need of grounding. You anchored him with a constant, comforting grip, on his calloused hands. You fed him your best mac and cheese; you even cut back on your beloved pepperjack for his spice sensitive taste buds. Later that evening, you took a soothing shower together and collapsed into bed. You broke your typical bedtime routine: instead of discussing the latest novel you’ve read or life realizations, you watched a so-bad-it's-good corporate soap and ripped it a part for its inaccuracies.  That’s when Aaron laughed for the first time since he came home. 
You were relieved you didn’t wake him. Even though food comas were “scientifically disproven,” a factoid Aaron passed on to you from his team's young genius, Doctor Spencer Reid, you hoped the welcome home dinner you made him helped sustain his deep sleep.
Your adrenal glands calmed. You closed your eyes, but, not a second later, you were rudely interrupted by a sharp pain three inches below your belly button--- right where the unsub stabbed you.
It was just a dream. With a quiet huff, you rolled onto your side and curled against Aaron’s back. 
That’s when you felt it— a tacky liquid sticking your satin pj pants to your thighs. A swell of nausea overtook you, and you feared it was not a byproduct of anxiety alone. 
Gingerly, you slid out of bed. With the nausea sliding up your esophagus and the sensation of the room spinning, it wouldn’t take Holmes to confirm the cause, but you refused to panic without irrefutable evidence.
Gently, you folded the covers back.  Not daring to turn on your phone flashlight, you tapped your home screen and raised the brightness. 
When you hovered the light over the bed sheet, deep red splotches of smeared period blood screamed against Aaron’s stark white sheets. 
Something deep and cold coiled in the pit of your stomach. You clicked your phone off. Carefully, you took a few steps back from the bed. 
Your stomach whirled. A shiver crawled up your spine. You hurriedly tiptoed across the carpet to Aaron’s ensuite. Even in your haste, you quietly shut the door behind you. As soon as the door was in its oak frame, you turned the lock.
You pulled the roots of your hair with an iron grip. Shit. Shit.
You collapsed onto the edge of Aaron’s bathtub. There was blood all over your pj bottoms. You stood in a panic. You looked back and, of course, in a matter of three seconds, you stained the white acrylic.
You went to his faucet and patted ice cold water on your cheeks. Get a grip. Stress would only make the inevitable worse. Why it was possible for your body to malfunction this severely, you’ll never understand. 
If you’d only been blessed with a normal body, one that menstruated on a timely schedule and didn’t come with a laundry list of ugly, graphic symptoms, tonight would be nothing more than a minor embarrassment.
The guilt for waking Aaron on tonight of all nights would be strong, but all you would have to do is tap him awake, apologize, and attack your blood splotches with a hydrogen peroxide–soaked cotton ball and the night would revert back to a typical night with your boyfriend.
You wished you were well enough to clean his sheets. Unfortunately, for you, it wasn't possible. You’d get even more nauseated. Or too lightheaded. You already felt sick when you woke up, which meant you were menstruating for a few hours. 
How did you not catch this? Your body at least has the decency of shooting some warning flares, and the new medication your OB/GYN prescribed three months ago was far from 100 percent effective at calming your PMS symptoms.
You ran a hand over your face and through your hair. You were two weeks early after billing unbelievable hours for that merger dispute. This was stress induced.
You forced a deep breath. You needed to find a way out of this.
Suddenly, your vision swam. With no other option, you sat on the stained portion of Aaron’s bathtub. You gripped your stomach as the pain twisted deeper into your abdomen. You hunched over yourself.
Tonight could not become Aaron’s baptism by fire into your PCOS. He was exhausted physically and emotionally. He shouldn’t have to deal with all the baggage that comes when you experience the most natural thing in the world for a woman. 
The nausea crawled up your throat, and you forcefully swallowed it back with a groan.
You put your head in your hands. You didn’t bring enough pads. Or tampons. You didn’t have any anti-emetics. What if you got a migraine? What if you fainted and A woke to what appeared to be your corpse lying on his bathroom tile? 
Your spiral was interrupted by the man in question. “Honey?” Aaron called, voice strung. 
Before you could respond, he yelled. “Honey?!” 
You stood, and Aaron’s bathroom tilted on an axis. You barely managed to stumble to the doorway.
Fumbling, you unlocked the door just as Aaron reached the it. 
His brown eyes were wide blown and wild. You'd never seen that expression on him before. “Are you okay?” He held your forearms as if he were afraid you’d crumple with too harsh a touch.
“I saw the blood and I…” He swallowed. He scanned you from head to toe repeatedly. “I thought the worst.” He whispered. Your heart fell through the pit of your stomach to the soles of your feet. 
He cupped your cheeks. “Baby, you’re really off color. I need you to talk to me. Where are you hurt?” The blood stains on the back of your pants were out of his view.
“I’m not hurt, A.” You said.
His eyebrows furrowed. “Your side of the bed is blood stained.” He said, his voice taking a sterner edge. 
“I’m on my monthly.” 
“Oh.” He released your arms. His cheeks dusted pink. “Sorry, honey, I…” He ran his hands over his bedhead. “I should’ve…I jumped to conclusions.” He sounded shocked with himself.
“You’ve had a long day.” You whispered. “Give me a minute. I’ll clean.”
Suddenly, everything went blurry. Your muscles slacked, and your forehead dropped onto Aaron’s pectoral. 
A hand was back on your forearm, this time with a tighter grip. A calloused hand tapped your cheek. “Hey. Hey. Baby. Stay with me.”
Carefully, he walked you away from the door. “Sit.” Fully supporting your back, he sat you on the floor and leaned you against the bathtub. 
As soon as your back was fully supported, his ensuite regained color. You could take a deep breath again.
Aaron knelt in front of you. “Honey,” Aaron said, his stare piercing through yours. He stroked your hair out of your face. “I need you to be honest with me. What’s wrong?”
“I told you.” More accurately, you began to tell him. 
You shivered. He pressed the back of his hand to your forehead and stroked down your cheekbone.
“I don’t have a fever.” You insisted. “It’s just my monthly.”
 He pecked your forehead. He didn’t believe you. “Is it always this bad?” He asked with a mix of concern and skepticism. 
“Yes.” You sighed. “I have polycystic ovarian syndrome.” 
“PCOS?” He asked. 
You were shocked. “You know what that is?” 
He nodded. “I’ve heard of it.” 
“It can make my time of the month super severe.” Stubborn tears leaked from your eyes. You wiped your cheeks with the cuff of your pajama shirt. 
You were supposed to be the woman who kicked ass in the boy’s club of corporate law by day and kicked ass as the perfect girlfriend by night.
He was not supposed to see you trembling before him, huddled in pain. He was not supposed to see you on the verge of throwing up from period cramps when he almost died in a hail of bullets less than twelve hours ago. He was never supposed to see how weak you truly were. 
He took over wiping your tears with his thumbs. “Scale of 1 to 10—how bad is the pain?”
“Maybe an 8?” You said. It was a 9. If you could’ve managed without your head aching, you would’ve rolled your eyes at yourself. The one thing about dating a profiler is they always know when you’re fibbing.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked. 
You sniffled. “About my condition or that I’m in pain?”
“I think those are a package deal.” He said gently.
You sighed. Your instinct was to lie, but you stopped yourself. Aaron could see right through you. He was one of the best behavioral analysts in the entire world. For the first leg of your relationship, you’d managed to avoid this confrontation which was a blessing in itself. 
“I didn’t want you to see how sick I get. How sick I am.” You toyed with the ends of your hair. “I didn’t want you to know how weak I am.” You whispered. 
His eyes softened. “Honey, you’re not weak because you have PCOS."
“There are months where I can’t even stand up.” You said, voice taught with tears.
“And that’s why I need to know." He smoothed your hair. "Have you been going through this every month by yourself?”
“Since I moved out of my mother’s place for undergrad, yeah.” You sniffled with a watery smirk. 
He wrapped an arm around your back, then hesitated. “Can I hug you?”
“Please.” You whispered
He pulled you into a hug. His hold was looser than normal, but his embrace still filled you with warmth from head to toe. 
“Darling, I love you so much.” Aaron said.  “I would never look down on you for this.”
“It’s just…I’m not used to….”
“Being this vulnerable.” Aaron finished sympathetically. 
You nod. “It’s just…I get so sick. It makes me so ugly.”
He shook his head. “Hey.” He made sure you were looking him in the eye. “You’re never ugly.”
You chuckled. “You’ll revisit that answer when you see me dry heaving at 3 in the morning.” You said, unpleasant nights resurfacing.
His lips don’t do so much as quirk upwards. Rather, he looked shattered. He squeezed your hands. “I won’t.”
“What can I do to help?” He pivoted.
“You can change the sheets.” You looked to the top corner of the ensuite door frame as more tears welled. “And go back to bed.”
“I won't ever leave you on the bathroom floor in pain, alone.”
“But you should.” You said. He cupped your cheeks with his homey hands. He gently pulled your chin back to level your gaze, but you resisted. 
“Why should I?” He asked.
“Because you’re tired. And I’m sick. And I’m broken. And there’s nothing you can do.” You make eye contact and immediately are wracked with full body sobs. 
Suddenly, every second of you’d spent building up your self-esteem went out the window as your deepest insecurities broke through. You were never supposed to be a burden to him. 
He pulled you into chest and wrapped you in his arms..“Helping you when you’re sick is never a burden. I love you so much.”
“What if you get tired of me?” What if this made him stop loving you?
“I won’t.” He promised. 
He pressed another kiss to your forehead. “We’ll return to this conversation when you’re feeling better.” He stroked your cheekbone with his thumb. “What helps? Do you have medication?”
“I have daily medication. I’m still working with my doctor to get a regimine that works.” You wiped your eyes. “Heat helps. I drink this peppermint tea to help my stomach when I’m at home.” You rambled.
“The one by that British brand?” He asked.
“When I saw their tea in your apartment, I bought some to keep here. I might have some peppermint. I’ll be back, honey.” He left you with a kiss on the cheek.
The tailoring he did to his world to accommodate you would never cease to flutter your heart.
The pleasant moment was quickly halted by your stomach bubbling. 
As A’s slippers padded down the stairs, you crawled across the tile floor over to the toilet. You forced your head between your knees.
About ten minutes later, you heard the clack of his slippers against the bathroom floor. “Nauseous?” He asked.
You nodded. 
He sat the mug close to you. “Your tea to your left within arm's reach. I’m going to grab some blankets and pillows. I’ll be right back. Shout if you need something.”
You learned by “some blankets and pillows” Aaron meant an entire blanket set. 
As you leaned your head back against the wall, Aaron began prepping your makeshift bed. In your peripheral vision, you laid pillows as floor cushioning.
“I won’t judge you if you go to sleep in bed. This gets ugly.”
“Baby, I’m an FBI agent for the BAU. Even if you threw up on me, it wouldn’t make the list of the top fifty gross things I’ve experienced by miles.” 
You scooched onto a pillow. Aaron slipped the blankets around you.
Your head found the soft crook of his neck. He pressed his head onto yours, and the pressure instantly relaxed you. Unfortunately, your your uterine muscles corkscrewed. You squirmed in pain.
Aaron shushed you. “You need to breathe. This will pass, just breathe.”
You clasped his hand like a lifeline. What feels like hours later, when the pain begins to ebb away, you pant, “It’s alright if you need to go to sleep.” Aaron already relayed his plans to go into the office on Saturday morning to attack some dense paperwork. 
He placed his free hand overtop of yours. “You will always be a priority for me. I hope I’ve shown you by now that I will always take care of you.”
You smiled into his shoulder. 
“Also, the heating pad is charging in the bedroom, and, before you ask about the sheets, they’re already in the wash.”
You sighed in happiness. “I could kiss you right now.” 
“What’s stopping you?” Gently, he pressed his lips to the top of your forehead.
You smiled again. You could count on your hand the number of times you’d smiled when you’re like this: on the bathroom floor, nauseous and dizzy.
You squeezed his knee with your free hand. “You promise you��ll stay with me?”
“Of course I’ll stay with you. I love you. And, just for the record…this may be tough, but you're not ugly and you're not weak. You're braver than you think and more beautiful than you know. I'm grateful to be the one holding you through this."
In the coming days, you’re certain you’ll have a laundry list of next steps from your boyfriend: call your doctor, check in with a dietitian, monitor stress, anything he could think of to lessen these symptoms. He’ll probably want to talk more about why you didn’t tell him sooner.
But, for now, you're both satisfied with sitting on the bathroom floor and riding this out. And in a moment where the pain could split you in pieces, you somehow felt whole. 
Author's Note: I'm happy to say the 100 follower celebration fics are finally going live!
I hope you're having a good day or night! Thanks for taking the time to read my work! And, to anyone struggling with a condition similar to the reader's: you, too, are braver than you think and more beautiful than you know!
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nhlclover · 4 months
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word count: 3.54k
summary: will finds himself unexpectedly confronted with his past when you reach out to him
warnings: set in the future-ish when will is a part of the sharks, angst, exes getting back together, drinking wine, heated make out that becomes briefly nsfw, unresolved ending, lots of worldbuilding, not a lot of dialogue
Will shut off the water, pulling the towel off the rack, and wrapping it around his waist. Stepping out of the shower, he grabbed a rag to wipe off the mirror that had fogged over with condensation. His reflection gradually emerged amid the dissipated steam. Fatigue and depletion etched onto his features as he gazed at himself. He ran a hand through his damp hair, feeling the weight of the day settling on his shoulders.
The grueling morning practice, compounded with the evening's game, had begun to exact its revenge. His right shoulder throbbed with soreness, and his calf threatened to give way under the strain. Though he had hoped the searing heat of the shower would alleviate his aches, it seemed evident that the team's physical therapist would be needed to ease his pain.
As he stepped out of the bathroom, the cool air of the apartment greeted him, a sharp contrast to the warmth of the shower. Will hesitated by his bed to check his phone. His thumb scrolled through the notifications he accumulated during his forty-five-minute shower, pausing momentarily when your name appeared, drawing his attention. Will clicked on the notification, pulling up your shared texts. His breath caught in his throat as he read the message, you asking to catch up.
Will’s mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions and questions, unsure of what surprised him the most. Was it that you still had his number after all this time and after everything that had transpired between the two of you? Or perhaps it was the unexpectedness of you reaching out, breaking the silence that had settled like a brick wall between you. Even more unexpected was the fact that you were seemingly in San Jose. Last Will heard, you were off exploring some islands off the coast of Australia.
As Will hesitated over the keyboard, both bitter and sweet memories flooded back. What would he say? How could he begin to untangle the tangled threads of your past? Despite the pain it might bring, a part of him longed for the connection you once shared. The wreckage of your relationship weighed heavily on his mind as he deliberated, thumb hovering over the keyboard. He knew better than to invite you over, replaying every scene from their time together in his mind. The shared laughter and intimacy were contrasted with the pain and bitterness of your breakup.
He remembered the early days when everything felt effortless. Your laughter was like a melody that he never got tired of hearing, every delicate touch of yours igniting a fire within him that he didn’t think would ever dim. It felt like you were safely together in the honeymoon phase, destined never to end. However, tucked away with those memories were also the ones from the end of the relationship. Shadows of unresolved arguments and eroding trust seemed to cloud the rose-coloured lens through which Will viewed those memories.
The break up wasn’t sudden, but rather the culmination of months of strain, the slow disintegration of infatuation as time wore on. You found yourselves trying to hold onto something that was slipping through your fingers like grains of sand. The relationship became delicate, the both of you afraid of shattering the fragile peace you clung to. You tiptoed on eggshells around each other, scared of setting off the ticking time bomb that was every argument. Everything soon began to crumble the longer you grasped at straws. Communication became strained. Trust, once strong as bedrock, became as delicate as glass in trembling hands. No matter how much you tried to rebuild and mend the cracks in the foundation of your relationship, it decayed in front of your very eyes.
In the end, you both walked away. The love never vanished between the two of you, but you stepped back because no matter how strong that love was, it couldn’t mend what was already broken. The relationship left behind a trail of emotional wreckage, something neither of you had yet to fully escape despite time passing.
As his thumbs hovered over the keys, Will felt the weight of the unresolved sitting heavy on his shoulders. Every unsaid word, the unfulfilled promise of love and the promise to stay. He knew that responding to your text would only reopen old wounds, feelings that he had tried desperately to bury were bound to bleed out.
The love that dared to remain despite the turmoil took over him. He longed for the familiarity of your presence, the comfort of your touch that he knew would be still burning like an ember. The ensuing chaos was inevitable. It was part of the prophecy written in stone. Chaos followed both of you wherever you went.
Against better judgment, Will’s fingers descended to the screen, sending you his address and extending the offer to come over, to which you agreed.
As he stood in his bedroom, towel clinging to his damp skin, Will suddenly realized the water droplets pooling around his feet, as he stood at the foot of his bed distracted by your sudden appearance. Hastily, he shed the towel, the fabric dropping to the floor with a soft thud, and he scrambled to clothe himself. Each garment he picked up felt wrong, inadequate somehow as if he needed to impress you with his clothing. He changed once, then twice, finally settling on the third choice, which was ultimately simply blue jeans and a white t-shirt.
Will quickly attempted to restore order to his apartment, a task long overdue. The once-tidy space had succumbed to the chaos of life, with the remnants of weeks gone by scattered haphazardly. Hockey had claimed the majority of his time, leaving little room for domestic upkeep. Will went from room to room, gathering stray articles of clothing and corralling them into the laundry basket. The dishwasher became a receptacle for the remnants of meals hastily consumed between games, the clatter of dishes echoing through the now-quiet space as he restored a semblance of order.
As he made his way to the bedroom, his eyes fell upon several articles of clothing strewn across the floor. He shoved all the articles of clothing into the laundry bin, then headed to make his bed.
Pausing mid-stride, Will found himself standing before his rumpled bed, a sense of absurdity washing over him. Why was he bothering to tidy his room? The question lingered in the air, a silent reproach to his futile efforts. After all, you wouldn't be seeing it… right? And yet, despite the logic of his thoughts, he continued to tidy the space, pristinely tucking the sheets into place.
Minutes felt like hours as he waited for your arrival. Apprehension gnawed at him. He knew there was a risk in inviting you over given everything that had transpired. But undeniable and unavoidable longing pulled at his heart, a yearning to bridge the mile-long gap that had slowly grown between the two of you. Questions pounded at his mind, threatening to bring on a headache. Was this the right thing to do? Maybe this would bring you closure? Or would this just reopen the old wounds that took Will months to scab over?
Every sound outside his apartment made Will jump to the peephole to check if you were outside his door. His heart pounded in anticipation, at the idea of seeing you. Part of the healing process for you resulted in removing Will from all social media. The only updates of him you received came through news of his hockey career, the only updates about you Will received were from friends of friends. He wondered how you changed. If you changed.
The delicate knock on his door pulled Will from his imagination. He didn’t even check the peephole, knowing that you were the only possible person who could be on the other side of the door.
When he opened the door and caught sight of you standing there, all uncertainties seemed to fade away. At that moment, there was only you — the person he’d missed more than words could express. The one he had been longing to hold, to talk to, to be with.
You appeared almost unchanged from the girl he had last seen two years ago. Your face retained its familiar features, now with a sun-kissed glow and a touch of maturity. Despite the subtle differences, Will felt confident he could still trace the constellation of freckles he once knew so well. The worn Reeboks, which he had constantly begged you to throw out cause they gave you blisters, stubbornly clung to your feet. Your hair, now shorter, fell just above your shoulders, making you look older. You had new piercings, a notable stud on your nose.
Her dad probably nearly killed her for that one, he thought.
Despite the changes, Will thought you were still just as beautiful as the day you met.
The door opened wider and you stepped inside, it clicking shut behind you. Will gestured towards the couch, silently inviting you to take a seat, which you did without hesitation. For a moment, silence filled the room, thick with unspoken tension. Your gaze wandered around his apartment, noting the familiar sight of old jerseys and team photos adorning the walls. Sensing the need to ease the atmosphere, Will broke the silence with the only words that came to mind.
"Want something to drink?" he asked. He attempted to sound casual despite his heart threatening to beat out of his chest.
You almost jumped at his voice, a sound you’d become a stranger to. Was it possible it had gotten deeper?
"You got wine?" you replied with a teasing lilt, a faint smile playing on your lips.
Will almost melted at your voice, a sound he’d become unfamiliar with. Was it possible it had gotten sweeter?
"I do actually," Will answered, a soft chuckle escaping him.
Despite it being a joke, you asked for a glass, and he poured it with a practiced hand, albeit into mugs as he had no wine glasses.
"You drink wine now?" Will asked, taking a sip of his own glass he’d poured.
You couldn’t help but chuckle softly, a sound that tickled Will’s ears. "I guess I do," you replied.
"What else has changed?" Will asked.
You paused briefly, considering his question. A lamp in the corner casts a soft glow onto the apartment, turning Wills’ blond hair golden.
"I guess a lot has changed since we last saw each other," you acknowledged. You swirled the wine in your mug, watching it slosh around. Will nodded, his gaze fixed on your face, noting all the subtle differences. You took his silence as a gesture that you should continue.
"I travelled a bit," you told him. "I went to Thailand and Vanuatu with my friend Gabby… on the way back I finally went to Germany like you said I should."
Will couldn’t help but let a small smile tug on his lips. He’d played in Germany at the U18s a few years back and once he’d met you, he knew it was a country you’d want to visit. He’d recalled the sights and the excursions he’d done to you several times, trying to convince you to visit the country one day. You’d told him you would, but never did before you broke up.
"And?" Will prodded.
"I loved it… just like you said I would."
Will always knew you best. He had an intuitive understanding of your unique quirks, being able to predict your habits with uncanny accuracy. It was as though he had a direct line to your thoughts. Your go-to order at the campus coffee shop? He could recite it by heart probably even after all the years had passed. The way you fiddled with your rings when you got nervous — something he saw you doing as you spoke — or the way you would braid your hair when thinking or lost in thought.
"And you?" you asked, turning the conversation to him. "What’s changed in your world?"
Will’s mood is briefly dragged down, your words a subtle reminder that the two of you exist in different worlds now. No longer ours, but yours.
Will told you about hockey, the one constant in his life. He told you about leaving Boston when he got called up to San Jose. He told you about Gabe, Ryan and all the other guys from BC and what they were up to. Friends you would’ve once called yours too, but you’re not quite sure you’ll ever call them that again. In quiet exchanges over refills of wine and shared memories, you began to realize how much you had both changed, yet how much remained the same between the two of you. You slipped into easy conversation, a nostalgic reminder of your early days together.
The wine disappeared as your stories spilled. It grew late, the hour slipping well past midnight, however, neither of you made the move to end the night. At that moment, the boundaries between night and day, past and present, blurred into insignificance.
Will draped his arm across the back of the couch, bringing his mug up to his lips. Your gaze instinctively gravitated towards his hand which sat mere inches from you, the closest you’d gotten all night. Your eyes traced the contours of his fingers, the veins in the back of his hand. Yet it’s his wrist that captured your attention, adorned with a familiar bracelet. The wooden beads had faded over time but you know it’s the same one. You shifted closer, reaching out, and thumbing the beads between your thumb and forefinger. A jolt of energy surged right to his core as your fingers softly brushed his skin.
"You kept this?" you asked, a little surprised that he hadn’t completely rid himself of every bit of your presence when you split.
Will’s eyes stayed locked on your fingers, putting his now empty mug on the table. "‘Course I did," he said. "Some things are too precious to let go."
Will didn’t mean for it to be a reference, but his words applied to both situations. The bracelet, a gift from you after you came back from a spring break trip to Costa Rica, had become a good luck charm for Will. He wore it in one match, having a multi-point game. During the next game, having forgotten the bracelet back in his room, his passes seemed to keep missing, pucks bounced off his blade, and he repeatedly found himself on the bruising end of crushing hits. He determined that it was the bracelet that had been the cause of his good luck in the first game, so he never took it off. Despite Will having subsequent bad games, the bracelet stayed. Even after you broke up, Will desperately trying to erase you from his life, memories of you being too much to bear, he kept the bracelet.
Will finally brought himself to tear his gaze away from the gentle pressure of your fingers against his wrist, meeting your eyes that were fixed on him. Your eyes, dangerously soft, spoke about a million words in a silent language. It was a look he was familiar with, one that hadn't lost its impact despite the passage of time. Amidst the intensity of your gaze, a sense of doubt crept into the back of his mind. Was this the right thing to do?
"It's getting late," Will remarked, though his voice lacked conviction.
"I know," you said softly. A beat passes before your whispered confession comes out. "I don’t want to go."
"I don’t want you to leave," Will admitted, his voice betraying the longing he could no longer conceal.
Reaching out, Will gently took your hand in his, the touch igniting a familiar spark. Your fingers intertwined effortlessly as if no time had passed. His thumb traces slow, deliberate patterns across your knuckles, each movement a silent declaration. With each caress, your heart quickened, the warmth of his hand sending shivers down your spine.
Your eyes flicked down to his lips, tracing the subtle curves that were faintly stained from the cheap bottle of red you'd shared. The dim light of the room cast shadows, accentuating the allure of his mouth, and a soft sigh escaped your lips, betraying the pull of desire that lingered between you. Will felt the tension mounting, his heart pounding in his chest as he met your gaze, the depth of emotion reflected in the depths of your eyes.
As if guided by an invisible hand, Will shifted forward, bridging the space between you until your faces were just a heartbeat apart. Will’s nose gently brushed against yours, his delicate lips hovering over yours as he cautiously gaged your response, waiting to see if you would retreat. When you didn’t, his hand tenderly cupped your chin, pulling you in until your lips collided in an all-familiar kiss. Your lips moved together, finding the rhythm that had once been second nature to the both of you, the pain and bitterness of the past melting away.
Your tongue delicately parted his lips, tasting the wine that lingered in his mouth. Will groaned into the kiss as he felt your tongue on his. His hand fell from your chin, going down to your hip, holding it tightly. As you detached your lips from his, Will's chest rose and fell heavily, his lungs aching from the lack of oxygen. Your lips traced a path of soft kisses along his jawline, up to his ear, teasing him with delicate nibbles on his earlobe. Will’s breath hitched in his throat, escaping in choked moans and soft cries. Will reached over, gripping your thighs and pulling you onto his lap. His hands went down to your ass, holding you in place on top of him.
Will placed quick kisses along your neck to where your pulse point beckoned, as you tipped your head back to grant Will complete access. He teased the sensitive spot, your moans vibrating against his lips. Every needy, seductive sound you made caused Will to harden underneath you. You felt him straining against his pants, pressing into your core.
Will scooped his hands under your thighs, lifting you off the couch. You trusted him as he guided you out of the living room and into his bedroom, all while not unlatching his lips from yours. Your back hit the soft comforter as Will gently lowered you to his bed. You both recalled the things that got you off. You remembered the way he got off on being praised, stroking his ego with your carefully chosen words, while he remembered that you got off on hearing every desperate noise that escaped his mouth.
As the night deepened, the air hung heavy with the scent of desire. Each breath you shared echoed with the rhythm of two bodies wrapped together, lost in the moment of ecstasy. Skin met skin with primal urgency, ripples of pleasure coursing through every nerve ending. Outside the world slept, unaware of the passionate reconnection unfolding within the four walls of Will’s bedroom.
In the hazy embrace of dawn, Will stirred from his slumber, the first rays of sunlight painting the room in a soft, golden hue. His eyes fluttered open, landing on you curled into his side, your hand delicately resting on his bare chest. With a tender gaze, Will studied your features, illuminated by the soft morning light. Your face was serene in sleep, every line and curve etched with a quiet beauty that captivated him. He reached out a hand, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face, his touch feather-light as though afraid to disturb the peace that enveloped you. A tender smile graced Will's lips as he admired you, a wave of affection and longing melting over him.
Time seemed to stand still as Will's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions. Memories once again flooded Will’s mind. He remembered the way your laughter used to fill the room, how your smile never failed to brighten even the darkest of days. Those moments had become distant echoes, clouded by the turmoil of the end of your relationship. However, at that moment, with you curled into his side, everything felt familiar again. The once-forgotten, out-of-reach relationship was now back in front of him as if no time had passed at all.
But amidst the tender moment, a nagging fear lurked in the depths of Will's thoughts. He worried that the blissful moment was too fragile, too fleeting and that it was moments from slipping away like a dream upon waking up. He knew that reality waited just beyond the confines of the intimate cocoon. Will silently prayed that you’d awaken and choose to stay, that the warmth of your embrace will linger a little while longer.
Will wrapped his arms around your torso, pulling you into an embrace. You stirred slightly but stayed in your slumber. Will was aching to stay suspended in what felt like a stolen moment, something that didn’t belong to him and was on the precipice of being ripped from his grasp. Desperate to prolong the stolen moment, to freeze time and remain in the refuge of your togetherness, Will succumbed to the lull of sleep.
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mariclerc · 1 month
hello, i have a poly request. danny ric x single mom and they're just starting their relationship and max somehow finds his way into it and in the beginning it's smooth sailing just him and his two "friends" and the kid but then he beginns to question his feelings and gets insecure etc. but danny and reader notice it and they talk and in the end they're one (not so) little happy family?
Thanks for this request!! It's the first time I write something about Max and Daniel, it's a little short so I hope you like it!!
Three plus one | dr3 & mv1
Summary: your partner's best friend somehow enters your relationship Warnings: insecure Max and fluff.
request by: @kigieri
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You and Daniel have been dating for a couple of months now, at first it was quite awkward for you to date, being a single mom and going on a date looking for your ideal match it didn't feel good, or at least not to you. But when you introduced him to your little Ally it was like everything was in its perfect place, Daniel is someone quite nice and who can easily adapt to everything and, honestly, you were grateful for that.
So now you find yourself in the comfort of your apartment as you make a light dinner for the three of you and while he plays with Ally to build with blocks.
“Wow Ally, you're a real pro at this! You're going to be a champion builder one day!” Daniel laughs.
Ally giggles. “I'm gonna build big towers!” she smiles.
You smile, leaning against the counter. Your heart melts watching them interact. “She's so happy with you Dan” you say softly.
Daniel turns to look at you. “I know, right? It’s incredible, it's like she’s got so much energy.” he smiles warmly.
A comfortable silence falls between you. You feel a blush creeping up your cheeks. “Yeah, she's a whirlwind.” you giggle.
Daniel gets up and walks towards you. “Hey, are you okay babe? You seem a bit quiet.”
You look down, avoiding his gaze. “I’m fine. Just... thinking.” you say softly.
He cups your face gently. “Look at me. You can tell me anything, you know that.”
You meet his gaze, your heart pounding. “It’s just that... everything is moving so fast... I mean, I’ve never felt this way before.” you say hesitantly.
He smiles reassuringly at you. “I know it’s a lot to take in baby. But I want you to know that, I’m in this for the long haul. I really care about you and Ally.”
You feel a lump forming on your throat. “Thank you Danny... That means a lot to me!” you smile shyly.
Daniel pulls you into a gentle hug.
“I promise, I’ll always be there for you both, okay?” he says in a whisper and you close your eyes, feeling safe and loved.
A few weeks later, the atmosphere is still warm and inviting. Ally is a little sleepy as she snuggles up next to you while you and Daniel are on the couch, watching a movie.
“Can you believe she’s already learning to count? It's amazing.” he says while smiling.
You giggle. “I know, right? It feels like just yesterday she was crawling. Now she's a big girl!”
Suddenly there’s a knock at the door and Daniel gets up to answer it while you put Ally to her bed.
“Hey Max! What a surprise, come in mate.” says Daniel, somewhat surprised by Max's presence.
Max enters the apartment, he’s clearly out of breath. “Sorry, I just finished a run around the block. I hope I'm not bothering you, I just wanted to pay you a visit.” He says, scratching the back of his neck.
Daniel smiles. “No mate, it’s okay. You can come by here whenever you want!”
You come back from putting Ally to bed and greet Max, the atmosphere in the apartment is nice and light, you find out that Max is a pretty calm person despite all the things they always say about him.
Over the next few weeks, Max becomes a regular visitor in your apartment. His charm and easygoing nature make him a natural with Ally and you couldn't be more grateful for it. However, things start to shift subtly...
One night you and Daniel were alone on the couch.
“Have you noticed Max lately? He seems... off, I don't know what's wrong with him.” you say a little concerned about the situation.
Daniel nods at your words. “Yeah, I have noticed... He’s been quieter, more withdrawn... Something is definitely wrong.”
You two drink simultaneously from your cups of tea, there’s a long pause as you both contemplate the situation.
Suddenly you speak up. “I think he might be feeling insecure about something... I don't know, but my hunch tells me so.”
“Maybe love. He’s always been so confident and awesome.” he says in a whisper.
A few days later, Max is in the apartment and Daniel decides to talk to him... Or rather, Max decides to confess.
“I don’t want to mess things up mate... I just don't know what's wrong with me.” he say hesitantly.
“Hey, we’re friends, right? You can tell me anything mate, you know that neither I nor y/n are going to judge you.” he says while putting a hand on Max's shoulder.
Max let out a sigh. “Well, the thing is that... I think I’m falling for you both. And I know it’s complicated, and I don’t want to come between you and I care about Ally too.”
Daniel is quiet for a moment, searching for the necessary words to tell Max.
Daniel smiles. “Max, I care about you a lot. And I think we’re building something special here, maybe we should talk about this with y/n.”
Later that evening, the three of you have a heart-to-heart conversation. It’s a vulnerable and emotional exchange, but in the end, you decide to explore this new dynamic together.
“I love you both guys and I think we can make this work! Also Ally will be super happy that you are here with us day and night.” You say with a smile on your face as you hold Max and Daniel's hands.
As the night deepens, the three of you share a tender moment, realizing that love can take many forms. A new chapter begins, filled with both excitement and uncertainty.
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k0yaz · 2 months
hello hi sorry i know your inbox is probably super full rn 😭 but can i request a one-shot of arlecchino comforting female reader while they have a panic attack, preferably without specifying the reason for it if that’s okay <3
burning flame.
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Pairings: arlecchino x fem!reader
CW: sfw, female reader, panic attacks, big anxiety wow, it’s a rlly short oneshot sorry, this is off my own experience of what ik of a panic attack so I apologize if what you were hoping for is a little different i hope i covered atleast the fundamentals of it, soft arle yay, symbolism woah, wlw, fluff, not proofread.
A/N: More arlefreaky content yayayayaya this actually turned out really good I’m proud 🕯️
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“There you go, breathe.”
Arlecchino’s calloused hand pressed flat against your chest as she whispered to you in hushed tone, heart thudding against your chest so quickly and violently that she could feel it against her hand. Still, she didn’t budge, pushing her hand further up as it grazed the cloth of your shirt along your skin. Your mind still spun as a storm continued to brew up within you, vision all blurry and your surroundings unclear. You begin to question where you were, only able to hear the fervent beats of your pulsing heart and shaky breaths emanating from you.
However, Arlecchino’s hand didn’t budge from your chest, keeping firm despite your intemperate heartbeat pounding so viciously, as if it was actively clashing against her palm. Shallow breaths fanned over her blackened hand, your uncontrolled hiccups and wide eyes making you jolt with each rough jerk of your body. You nearly tumbled forward as it grew hard to maintain any semblance of tranquility, both within your messy thoughts and your surroundings.
The harbinger’s broad arms circling your waist and hemming you into her grasp slowly began to subside the intense whirlwind of dread swallowing your subconscious whole, making your breaths become more drawn in and elaborate. Yet that awful unrest and distress resumed to gnaw at you continuously. Arlecchino didn’t take long to notice this, proceeding to trace your tensed up muscles from the collarbone down, outlining your silhouette slowly.
“Deep breaths, (Name).”
Flickers of light above outstretched your own shadow before you, causing you to nearly stray away from Arlecchino’s easing words, yet you did as she instructed, drawing in a deep intake of air through your nostrils and pushing it out of your lips. “There you go. Keep doing that. And focus on my hands.” She asserted, giving a gentle nudge to your shoulders and coaxing you to relax them.
You complied, lowering your hunched shoulders and fixing your mind to feel her nails gliding along your skin from the way she held you, back flush against her chest.
Repeating each deep breath, you gradually found yourself slowly fluttering your eyes open, submerged in a mellow sense of comfort flooding your senses. Your squinted gaze weakly shifted over to the flickering candle rested atop the bedside table, its flame jittering in the blink of an eye repeatedly. You leaned further into Arlecchino’s touch, seeking her warmth as her hand shifted to rest atop your head.
You were strangely similar to this alluring candle, your brightness always flickered with each gust of wind threatening to erase your flame of a soul in a seemingly endless battle. However, Arlecchino stood with you through thick and thin, at your worst and at your best. No matter how you saw it, Arlecchino was your burning flame, who kindled the wick of your candle. She was the lighter to your flame.
“Feeling any better?” Arlecchino mused, glancing down at your slumped body as she continued to hold you. You only gave a quiet and exhausted nod in response, signaling that you wanted to rest with her for a bit.
No matter what, she‘ll always be there for you.
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A/N: I LOVE HOW THIS ONE TURNED OUT PERSONALLY WAWAWAW also I hope that you’re doing well anon and that you’ll get through whatever you’re going through <33
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slytherinslut0 · 11 months
Chapter Fifteen-Info: You and Mattheo have been butting heads for months, since you were assigned as his tutor, and one day during a session full of tense bickering, he has enough.
(This will essentially be a toxic book where we are Theos fucktoy. No love here, very minimal fluff.)
Tags: this chapter is literally just angst. complete freakin angst. two broken hearts that refuse to acknowledge it. pretty poetical. i know i said no love but now im not so sure.
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"You're coming with me, Emily," you asserted, arms crossed over your chest, your eyes narrowing at her as she was lazily sprawled out on her bed, clearly uninterested in your predicament. "There's no way in hell I'm going alone...you can bring Michael."
Emily let out a dramatic groan, her hands instinctively flying to rub her tired eyes. "But...there's a Gryffindor party that night too...we'd much rather go to-"
"Emily!" you interrupted, advancing across the room toward her bed. You leaned against the footboard, your expression pleading. "Please, please...after everything that happened with Berkshire, I'd prefer not to go back into their bloody common room by myself...plus I don't even drink! Like I don't even know-"
"Okay, okay!" Emily hastily sat up, cutting you off as she sensed your rising panic. "Gods, you're giving me a headache...I'll talk to Michael about it..."
A sigh of relief escaped you, but the tension still clung to your shoulders like a heavy cloak. You spun around, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on you as you threaded your fingers through your hair in frustration, each strand a tangible reminder of your racing thoughts.
Your mind buzzed with a whirlwind of worries. What should you wear to fit in yet not draw too much attention? How would you deflect offers of drinks without seeming rude or standoffish? And most pressing of all, how did you even find yourself entangled in this mess? The truth was, your inability to refuse others had led you down this labyrinthine path, a maze of social obligations you couldn't escape.
Emily's voice broke through the heavy silence, as delicate as the softest feathers--cautiously adjusting her tone now that she'd sensed just how stressed out you were.
"Hey, you'll be fine," she reassured, her words a gentle caress in the midst of your turmoil. "You're with Tom, he'll make sure no one bothers you, I'm positive of it."
Emily's comforting words washed over you, but beneath the surface, your thoughts spiraled into a tumultuous whirlpool. The past two weeks had been a stark contrast to the passionate chaos you'd experienced with Mattheo. Since ending things with him, your tutoring sessions had turned quiet, punctuated only by the distant echo of pages turning and the bland murmur of academic based conversations.
Although Mattheo continued to give you his full undivided attention in your sessions, the silence hung heavy between you, a reminder of the void left by your fractured connection.
And in the midst of this emotional vacuum, you found unexpected solace in Tom's company. The regular meetings continued, but they had expanded beyond the boundaries of academics. Flirting had entirely woven its way into your conversations, each playful word adding a charged tension to the air. Now, his invitation to the party on Saturday night dangled before you like a tempting, yet daunting, prospect.
However, regardless of his advances, your feelings for Tom were far from romantic. It wasn't love that stirred your heart when you thought of him, but rather a sense of obligation. The Guild, with its intricate web of social dynamics, demanded a delicate balance. To maintain your position, you felt compelled to go along with Tom's desires, to keep up the facade of mutual interest. It was a game you didn't want to play, but the stakes were too high to ignore.
As Emily's reassurances attempted to quell your anxieties, the knot of obligation tightened in your chest. The looming party represented not only a night of uncertainty but also a reluctant sacrifice to uphold your standing in the Guild. The weight of your choices pressed down on you, a reminder that sometimes, obligations could feel as suffocating as the absence of passion.
"Yeah," you responded, your voice a grumble underlined with frustration. "Talk to Michael and let  me know what he says... I'm heading up to the Tower, I just need some time alone."
Emily's expression softened, sympathy flickering in her eyes. "I'll handle it," she assured you. "Take your time up there, lots of stars to count, wouldn't want to miss one because you're rushing..."
You rolled your eyes at her snark, chewing on your lip to stifle your grin. "Yeah, yeah." You said. "Thanks, Em."
With a bleak smile, you grabbed your bag and pushed out of your dorm room, mind racing as you made your way up to the tower, the castle covered in its usual blanket of darkness, given it was already past eleven pm.
You thought back to that first week of tutoring sessions after you and Mattheo had called things off, how every moment spent in his presence felt excruciating. Sitting in such close proximity to him--being forced to look into his deep, intoxicating eyes, trace the scars that adorned his skin, and fixate on those perfect lips while knowing you'd never get to be anything other than platonic was a torment for your already aching heart.
For those initial days, your mind was a battleground of conflicting emotions. Thoughts of what it had felt like to have his hands exploring your body, pulling you close against his firm frame, haunted your every waking moment. His newfound silence only served to further infuriate you, although the reasons for your frustration remained elusive--you had wanted this separation, knew you needed it more than anything, yet part of you resented how effortlessly he seemed to cast everything aside, as though it had all been a meaningless fling to him, despite the amounts of passion you'd experienced.
The internal turmoil left you in a relentless tug-of-war between contentment and bitter disappointment. With every missed touch, resentment began to coil in the pit of your stomach. Despite yearning for the way he made you feel, your chest was a maelstrom of conflicted emotions. Gratitude warred with irritation; you were thankful that your life lacked complications that could jeopardize your post-graduate career, yet infuriated that Mattheo hadn't even tried to fight for you.
It stung, the way he seemingly dismissed you as though you were just another girl, another notch on his belt, disregarding the depth of what you shared.
Or, you guessed at this point, what you thought you had shared.
As you settled into the quiet solitude of the Astronomy Tower, the vast expanse of the night sky above became your sanctuary, the stars twinkling like distant diamonds against the vast canvas of space. It was your haven, a place where you could lose yourself in the mysteries of the universe. Surrounded by your celestial charts and notebooks, you immersed yourself in your research, the quill in your hand gliding over the parchment as you recorded your observations.
In the midst of your cosmic exploration, a sudden intrusion shattered the tranquility of the Astronomy Tower. Mattheo, his presence unexpected, settled down beside you. The mere sight of him sent your pulse racing, a rapid drumbeat in your ears. You shot your head around, scanning the surroundings as though you'd forgotten where you were, your mind racing with questions. Why the fuck was he here? The unexpected encounter left you beyond shocked, your eyes wide with surprise and curiosity.
"Matt-" your voice faltered, the surprise of his presence momentarily stealing your words.
"Couldn't sleep," he muttered, his voice carrying a weight of restlessness, as if the night sky outside held answers he desperately sought. "Don't allow me to interrupt."
He cut you off before you could regain your composure, not even bothering to spare a glance in your direction. His eyes remained fixed on the stars, his silence echoing louder than any words he could have spoken. The unspoken tension between you hung in the air, heavy and palpable, a reminder of the unresolved emotions that lingered beneath the surface.
"Um, okay." You cleared your throat, attempting to steady your voice, and resolutely returned your focus to the celestial tapestry above.
The stars glittered, seemingly oblivious to the complicated tornado of emotions unfolding below. As you continued your silent analysis of the night sky, you became aware of Mattheo lighting up a cigarette. His movements were deliberate, every flicker of the lighter, every draw from the cigarette, seemed to carry a weighted significance. Despite your attempt to ignore him, you could feel his eyes on you, his gaze like a tangible presence that bore into your skin, even without direct contact. The night stretched on, the only sounds the soft crackling of burning tobacco and the occasional rustle of paper as you made notes, each moment steeped in a tense stillness, waiting for something to break the fragile equilibrium.
And then, Mattheo's voice sliced through the quiet of the night, his question hanging in the air like a challenge. "What are you even doing?"
His question caught you off guard, a shock registering in your eyes as you assumed he was merely asking to mock you. Nevertheless, you gathered your composure, your passion for your research overcoming your initial surprise.
"I'm studying how stars and planetary alignments affect magic," you explained, your words measured yet enthusiastic. "The positions of celestial bodies influence magical energies, shaping the potency of our spells. Understanding these cosmic patterns is like deciphering the universe's manual for mastering magic."
Mattheo's eyes narrowed, a hint of skepticism coloring his voice. "Stars affecting magic?" he said, his tone dismissive yet laced with a sliver of intrigue. "Seems a bit far-fetched, Raven."
His words hung in the air, laced with icy indifference, yet there was an undeniable glimmer of curiosity, a flicker of interest that betrayed his cold exterior. You met Mattheo's skepticism with a determined gaze.
"It may sound far-fetched, but it's already been proven that magic is intertwined with the cosmos," you replied, your voice steady. "The alignment of stars and planets creates unique energy patterns. Understanding these patterns can give us an edge in harnessing magic. It's not about belief, it's about tapping into the natural forces of the universe..." you let your words linger for a moment, finally dropping your quill and releasing a long sigh. "Why are you always so dismissive of everything? Don't you have dreams Mattheo, don't you have passions?"
Mattheo took a slow drag off his cigarette, the ember glowing brightly before he released a plume of smoke that danced in the air, curling and twisting like ethereal tendrils. His eyes, usually guarded, met yours, holding a glimmer of something unreadable.
"Everyone dreams, Raven," he said, flatly. "But life isn't a fucking fairytale, sometimes dreams are crushed before they're born."
Your silent reaction spoke volumes as you studied his face, the way his chocolate curls framed his brooding eyes, holding countless secrets within their depths. Mattheo's words slowly dug into your shoulders, heavy with the weight of harsh truths. You released a long sigh, the reality of his words settling in, before you cautiously spoke.
"If everything was dipped in gold, it'd never grow..." you whispered, your voice soft yet resolute, as you turned your eyes back to the stars. "And not everything sweet is sugarcoated, Mattheo...sometimes life stings, and you have to fight for what you want, but that doesn't mean you toss away the wand, does it?"
For a moment, Mattheo's silence hung heavy, punctuated only by the soft exhale of smoke curling from his lips. The tendrils of fog obscured the canvas of stars, casting a mysterious veil over the night sky. When you turned to meet his gaze, you discovered his eyes already fixed on you, their depths shimmering with an enigmatic intensity.
"Even stars burn out, Raven," he said, his voice a low, gravelly murmur that seemed to echo the somber truth of the universe. "Sometimes, there's nothing you can do but watch."
Something panged in your chest, a jolt of pain spreading through you as Mattheo's words settled into the night air. For another brief, fleeting moment, your eyes met, and there was a flicker of understanding between you. You glimpsed his lips, and he glimpsed yours, a silent exchange of unspoken sentiments.
Swiftly, you looked away, turning your attention to the moon, its silvery glow casting an ethereal light upon your face, silently gathering yourself as you fought off the heat that was swarming your cheeks.
"You know what I appreciate more than the stars?" Mattheo's voice cut through the night, a hint of intrigue in his tone as he finally shifted his gaze off of you. "The moon."
You raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "And why is that?"
"It's the one constant," Mattheo replied, his gaze fixed on the night sky. "Stars might fade, flicker, but the moon persists...it's just...there." His voice was calm, almost distant, as if he was lost in thought. "No drama, no shows...just silent influence--one that can pull an entire fucking ocean from shore to shore...that's a power that can't be diminished. Subtle, yet absolute."
You nodded slowly, your eyes meeting his in the dim light of the night. The world around you seemed to fade away as you felt your pulse increase, an unspoken tension hanging between you.
"Silent influence," you murmured, your voice thoughtful. "A power that commands without demanding, a force that shapes without shouting…I think it’s a potent reminder of strength in simplicity."
"Beauty, too," he whispered, his voice almost a caress. "A reminder of the beauty in simplicity."
The words danced around you, laden with prescribed meaning, and you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to this conversation, something unspoken yet deeply felt. A vast silence filled the space around you, thick with a growing tension as Mattheo's eyes, intense and unreadable, locked onto yours, their depths echoing a multitude of emotions. You felt his fingers graze against yours as they were planted on the ground next to your thigh, a subtle yet electrifying touch.
At the feeling of his flesh grazing yours, even in as something as simple as this, your breath hitched, and a rush of heat surged through your body, making every nerve ending tingle with anticipation. After two whole fucking weeks, just as you’d finally stopped moping, just as you finally felt as though you could breathe without thinking about him, it was as if the universe itself had conspired to bring you two together in this charged moment, leaving you both suspended in a space where words were unnecessary, and the raw connection between your souls spoke volumes--his hand, touching yours, this is how galaxies collide, you thought.
"It's been two weeks since you've even bothered to bloody look at me, Mattheo..." you whispered, your voice trembling like fragile autumn leaves in the wind, scared to acknowledge the reality of your situation, but knowing you needed to. "It all meant nothing to you, yeah?"
Mattheo's gaze remained unwavering, his expression stoic and seemingly emotionless as he absorbed your words. His silence spoke louder than any response he could offer, leaving you with a hollow ache in your chest. The pain of his indifference cut deep, a stark contrast to the fiery passion that once consumed both of you.
Finally, he spoke, his voice low and filled with a restrained yet undetectable emotion. "Even if I said it didn't, would it really fucking matter, Raven?"
At his words, your heart rung, realizing that no matter how desperately you clung to the fragments of what you once shared, the reality was undeniable--the passion that once ignited between you two had flickered out, leaving only smouldering embers in its wake, and there was no reason for you to be upset over it--given that this was exactly what you fucking wanted.
Yet, with a heavy heart, you turned away, your gaze fixed on the distant horizon, searching for solace in the vast expanse of the night sky. You found yourself unprepared for the intricate complexities of your current reality--finding it amusing how your parents had dutifully cautioned you about the monsters lurking under your bed and the cruelty of schoolyard bullies, but never bothered to forewarn you about the captivating chaos that a disheveled boy with pretty eyes; ones that seemed to hold the fucking galaxies in their midst, and a demeanour infused with smoke and silver-tongued eloquence, would bring into your life.
"It would matter to me, yes." Your voice quivered as you confessed, the vulnerability in your words palpable in the night air--you kept your eyes fixed out in front of you, not daring to look at him. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, Mattheo..."
Mattheo scoffed, pulling out another cigarette, his movements deliberate yet filled with a sense of bitterness.
"You seem perfectly happy distracting yourself with my brother," he retorted, the words laced with a harsh edge.
Frustration welled up within you, your hands rising to your face as you rubbed the tension from your eyes, trying to find the right words amidst the chaos of emotions.
"Gods, you're unbelievable...that's exactly what ruined us, Mattheo," you said, your voice firm and weary. "Your constant issues with your brother, your need to control every damn thing... I just can't decipher your fucking intentions. Whatever 'us' meant, it drowned in the chaos you brought into it."
Mattheo's expression remained unreadable, a storm of emotions flickering behind his eyes. He took a slow drag from his cigarette, exhaling the smoke calmly before he finally spoke, his words weighed down by an unspoken burden.
"Maybe some things are just meant to drown, Raven." He said, bluntly. "You and I both know that."
You met Mattheo's gaze squarely, your eyes filled with hesitation and the weight of unspoken truths--his flat dismissal of your words bothered you, sparking irritation through your veins, but you couldn't drop his prior insinuation regarding his brother--it was time you cleared that up once and for all.
"For the record," you began, your voice faltering slightly, "I don't feel anything for your brother. I never fucking did. It was never, ever about him." The confession hung heavy in the air, your heart pounding as felt as though you’d revealed a vulnerable piece of your soul. "It was always about you," you added, your voice barely above an audible whisper. "I..."
"Stop," he said, his eyes flashing with a mix of anger and desperation. His body tensed, as if bracing for an impact. "Whatever you were about to say, don't say it."
Mattheo's voice came out as a sharp command, cutting through the tension like a knife through the darkness. His words lingered in the chilled night atmosphere, a heavy barrier between you, guarding his emotions like a fortress wall. Your throat tightened, constricting like a vice around your words. Each beat of your heart felt like a war drum, its thunderous rhythm drowning out any other sound.
"Why?" You hardly croaked.
"Because," Mattheo replied, his jaw clenching with the intensity of his suppressed emotions. "There are two fucking things in life you can't take back, Raven--bullets and words.“ he paused for a moment, inhaling a sharp breath. “Always make sure you hit what you aim at, and that you mean what you fucking say.”
Mattheo's words hit you like a tidal wave, crashing against the fragile walls of your resolve. The words rolled around you, creating a unstable bridge that stretched across the chasm between your bodies, threatening to collapse under the weight of suppressed emotions--and after a moment that felt like an eternity, you exhaled, accepting his now-hardened demeanour and deciding to just drop it, you switched the subject.
"I...I was just going to say...Tom invited me to the party in your common room on Saturday," you whispered, voice trembling as much as your fingers were. "I plan on going."
Mattheo's body tensed, his jaw tightening even further, as if to mask the rising anger within him. He avoided your gaze, his fists clenching involuntarily, struggling to contain the emotions surging beneath his calm exterior.
"And do you think that's a good idea?" His words sliced through the air, sharp and pointed, echoing the turmoil within him. "Have you ever attended a party here, even once?"
You shook your head, your voice barely audible as you admitted, "No, but I can't say no to him, Mattheo...I can't jeopardize my position in the guild. I've worked so hard for it, my entire educational career..." the desperation in your tone was palpable, the weight of your responsibilities bearing down on your shoulders. "It's rather maddening how quickly I transitioned from one Riddle capable of shattering my fucking future to another...it's like I can't catch a break."
The space between you and Mattheo sat heavy with unspoken words, an abyss of silence that seemed to stretch on endlessly. The soft glow of the dim light accentuated the shadows dancing across his face, emphasizing the muffled frustration etched into his features. Each puff of his cigarette punctuated the quiet, adding to the palpable tension in the air.
"I wasn’t planning on going to that," he finally replied, his voice carrying an unusual firmness, as if he was trying to convince himself too. "I quit all that shit."
Your voice caught in your throat, shock freezing your words as you tried to process his revelation.
"You-" you began, but he cut you off, his tone flat, devoid of its usual edge.
"Drinking, drugs," he said, his eyes meeting yours with a glint of determination before he gestured towards the cigarette between his fingers. "These are next."
You struggled to find your voice, your mind racing to comprehend the magnitude of his decision. The man who had drowned himself in alcohol more times in one week than you could count on two bloody hands had fucking quit it all. It was almost impossible to believe.
"Wow," you breathed, your words laced with a mix of disbelief and exasperation. Part of you still rolled with disappointment over his absence at the upcoming event, but a flicker of hope dared to spark within you. "That's great, Mattheo...that's a huge step for you..."
Mattheo's silence hung in the air, his eyes searching your face as if seeking answers in the depths of your gaze. Time seemed to stretch, the weight of the world seemingly sitting heavy between you. With deliberate slowness, he blinked, extinguishing his cigarette on the ground beside him, never breaking eye contact.
"You're too good, Raven," he whispered, his voice surprisingly steady, resonating with a mixture of admiration and regret. "Such an angel...you should know, I was never unaware that you fucking saved me."
His words hung there, pregnant with meaning, as if he was acknowledging a debt he could never fully repay. The vulnerability in his eyes was a stark contrast to the usual stoic facade, revealing the depth of his emotions in that fleeting moment. Mattheo's gaze continued to bore into yours, his eyes intense as if he had stumbled upon something precious he couldn't bear to lose.
In a move so gentle it felt like a caress, his hand lifted to your face, his thumb tracing a feather-light path over your cheek. His voice, soft and tender, carried a weight of sincerity that resonated deep within you.
"Everything will work out..everything you've worked so fucking hard for will eventually pay off," he whispered. "I would have never deserved you."
Your stomach twisted, and your heart seemed to pound against your sternum with a deafening resonance, drowning out the world around you. You couldn’t feel your fingers or the cold or the fucking emptiness of your heart because all you could feel was him. All you could focus on was the overwhelming fucking urge to climb into his lap and kiss him until you couldn’t breathe, kiss him until the only thing embedded within the tastebuds on your tongue was his fucking taste. He is everywhere, he is everything--in every pulse of your desires and the depths of your soul, and then he whispered,
“I will be there, for you, on Saturday,” his voice was a low, husky murmur, filling you with warmth. “Just incase.”
And as he withdrew his hand from your face, the loss of his touch was like a phantom ache, a reminder of the connection you desperately fucking craved. His eyes, deep and intense, lingered on your lips for a fleeting moment, a silent testament to the desires that simmered beneath the surface. As he pulled himself up to his feet, he broke his eyes from yours, and with deliberate steps, he retreated, the distance between you growing--but just when you thought he would disappear into the night, he paused, glancing back over his shoulder.
“And to answer your question--yes, I have dreams…” his voice, laden with a mix of vulnerability and yearning, hung in the air like a fragile promise. “But they’re only good when you’re in them.”
Find sixteen->
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lxndonorris · 5 months
to be loved - Logan Sargeant
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Y/N x Logan Sargeant Theme: angsty fluff you're invited to a gala to honor you're achievements at work. Logan, however, is doubting himself. You show him how much you love him just for who he is x word count: 1120+ taglist: @game-set-canet thanks to @iworldlywriter for the idea! Another Logan story might be coming very soon as well. Haven't written angst in a while...
The Miami Grand Prix has culminated in a whirlwind of emotions and adrenaline. Logan, your boyfriend and talented young racer, gave his all on the track, pushing boundaries and challenging limits. However, the aftermath of it all leaves him feeling more defeated than ever. As he sits in the dimly lit living room of his home, the weight of his recent crash pressing down on him, he can't shake the lingering sense of inadequacy that gnaws at his soul.
Across the room, you sit perched on the edge of the couch, your gaze soft as you watch Logan. Then, you look down at your phone, glancing over the email you'd gotten a few days ago. 
The success of your latest book, "Echoes of Eternity," surpassed even your wildest dreams. Its poignant prose and captivating storyline captured the hearts of readers around the world, propelling it to the top of bestseller lists and earning rave reviews from critics and fans alike.
Amidst the flurry of interviews and accolades, one invitation stands out above the rest—a prestigious gala to honor your literary achievement. As you read the elegant invitation again, adorned with intricate gold foil and embossed lettering, a sense of pride and gratitude washes over you.
Still, a heavy cloud of concern lingers in your heart for Logan. The recent string of disappointments on the racetrack weigh heavily on him, casting a shadow over his spirits even amidst your own success.
"Logan," you say softly, breaking the silence that hangs between you. "I want you to come to the Gala with me."
Logan's eyes flicker with uncertainty as he meets your gaze. "I don't know, Y/N," he replies, his voice tinged with doubt. "I'm not sure I belong there."
You move closer, sitting down right beside him, and take his hand in yours. "Logan, listen. to me," you say earnestly, but he lets out a long, deep sigh.
"Y/N," he breathes, "I know what you're going to say." Logan looks at you, searching your eyes for reassurance. "But this season... I haven't lived up to the team's expectations, to my own expectations," he admits, his voice lancing with regret. "I feel like I don't deserve the seat... like, I don't deserve you."
Logan's admission cuts deep, stirring a tumult of emotions within you. The raw honesty in his words lays bare the depths of his inner turmoil, and the weight of his self-doubt feels like a heavy burden on your shoulders. 
As much as you want to reassure him and chase away the shadows that cloud his mind, you know that healing his wounded spirit will take time and patience.
Tears well in his eyes as he avoids your gaze, but you softly cup his cheek, forcing him to meet your gaze. "Logan, look at me," you say firmly. 
"You are so much more than your racing career. You're kind, compassionate, and incredibly talented. And none of that changes just because of a few bad races."
Shaking his head in disbelief, his jaw clenches with pent-up frustration. "It just feels like I can't catch a break," he admits, his voice raw with emotion. "No matter how hard I try, it's like I am stuck in this endless cycle of bad luck."
You squeeze his shoulders gently, offering silent support as he grapples with his emotions.
"I know it's tough," you say softly. "But remember, racing is just one part of who you are. You're so much more than your performance on track."
He swallows hard, a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty washing over him. "But what if I let you down as well?" he whispers, his voice barely audible. "Like I always do."
"You could never let me down," you reply, your voice unwavering. "Because being with you, sharing this journey together, is the greatest reward of all."
A few tears run down his cheek as he searches your eyes for even the slightest hint of doubt, something to fuel his belief in failure. 
"Do you really mean that?" he whispers again, his voice laced with vulnerability.
With every fiber of your being, you nod, your gaze unwavering as you meet his. "Yes, Logan," you say firmly. "I mean that with all my heart. I love you, not for being a professional racer, but because of who you are deep down inside yourself."
For a moment, silence hangs heavy in the air, the weight of your words sinking in as Logan grapples with the depth of your love. And as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you close in a tight embrace, you know he needed that.
With Logan wrapped in your arms, his vulnerability lays bare. You hold him close, a beacon of unwavering support amidst the storm of his doubts. Gently, you lift his chin, guiding his gaze to meet yours, your eyes filled with love and conviction.
"Logan," you begin, your voice soft yet resolute. "I believe in you. I believe in the strength of your spirit, the depth of your resilience, and the power of your determination. You are capable of greatness, of achieving heights beyond your wildest dreams."
A glimmer of hope flickers in his bright eyes, and his expression softens just a little. 
"What if I never live up to my potential?" His voice is barely hearable, rough, and husky. 
You brush a tender kiss against his forehead, your touch a gentle caress against the storm raging inside him.
"Every setback, every stumble, is a stepping stone on the path to greatness. And I will be here, by your side, every step of the way."
As the weight of your words sinks in, a sense of resolve settles over Logan, his shoulders straightening with newfound determination. 
"Thank you, Y/N," he murmurs, gratitude shining in his eyes. "For believing in me, even when I couldn't believe in myself."
"Always, Logan," you reply, your voice a whisper of reassurance in the night.
He leans in once more, hugging you tightly, and as you hold Logan close in a comforting embrace, you feel the tension slowly melting away from his body, replaced by a sense of peace. With a gentle smile, you pull away.
"Hey, how about we order some of your favorite takeout?" you suggest, your voice warm with affection. "And then we can snuggle up on the couch and watch that movie you've been wanting to see."
Logan's eyes light up at the suggestion, a faint smile playing at the corner of his lips. 
"That sounds perfect," he murmurs, his voice soft with gratitude. "Thank you, Y/N."
With a tender smile, you press a loving kiss to his lips, a silent promise of unwavering support and devotion.
"Anytime, Logan," you reply, your heart swelling with love. "I'm here for you, no matter what."
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oepionie · 11 months
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🍰 demented devotions & dark chocolate cake
— ꒰ pairings ꒱ : m.draconia x reader x r.flamme in the moonlit garden, rollo stumbles upon you and malleus in the midst of a slow dance. malleus doesn't like how rollo is being so touchy with you and promptly drags you away. — ꒰ warnings / tag ꒱ : obsessive behavior (rollo), possessiveness, slight power dynamics, soft yandere, rollo calls you 'my lamb', twinge of religious themes because it is rollo event masterlist
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NOBLE BELL COLLEGE, bathed in the gentle light of the moon, was a breathtaking sight. The buildings, reminiscent of sanctuaries with their time-worn stone walls, bore intricate carvings that appeared to come alive in the ethereal glow of night. Every archway and pillar whispered stories from the past. The bell towers stood as dark silhouettes against the starry canvas of the night sky, and each chime of the bells echoed through the entirety of the campus.
For Rollo, it had become a nightly custom to wander through the college gardens, a torch in hand, casting light upon his path. The garden provided him with a haven away from the cold, austere chambers of his dormitory.
As he strolled along the cobblestone pathways, the moonlight cast elongated shadows from the trees, while the warm torchlight bathed the surroundings in an almost magical ambiance. However, even in this tranquil setting, memories of a recent festival continued to plague him. The festival began with promise, a colorful whirlwind of music and laughter, but unsurprisingly, it swiftly descended into chaos. And yet, among these memories, your presence stood out as a bright spot amid the less pleasant recollections.
Your hair, like the finest silk, would sway gracefully when caressed by the breeze, and the sparkle in your eyes resembled stardust. However, what had left an indelible mark on Rollo's memory was the scarf that clung to your neck.
Rollo's fingers gently brushed against the soft fabric of that very scarf tucked in his pocket, and a wistful smile played upon his lips. Pulling it out, he pressed the scarf to his face, captivated by the lingering scent that still held traces of your presence. Ah, he could vividly recall how the scarf's color complimented your eyes. You had left it behind by the bell tower that day, and he had stumbled upon it. Although he had intended to return it to you, his search for you had proven fruitless.
No matter, he thought to himself, pocketing the purple fabric, he was certain he would find you sometime during the week.
Suddenly, distant sounds of laughter reached Rollo's ears. The alluring and familiar sound called out to him, and he couldn't resist its pull. Step by step, he followed it, drawing nearer with each move. As he cautiously peeked around the corner of an academic building, his heart sank upon witnessing the scene before him.
Your lips bore a wide, giddy grin as you were swept up in Malleus Draconia's embrace, twirling gracefully in a delicate dance. The fae's lips barely brushed your cheek, a subtle smile gracing his features. The enchanting dance held you both captive in a world of your own, oblivious to your surroundings.
"Heavens," Rollo grimaced, torn between watching the spectacle and turning away. The sight of Malleus pressing a kiss to the side of your neck only deepened his disapproval.
Brazen, lewd, and odious. It was a vile, depraved display.
Unable to watch anymore, Rollo cleared his throat and stepped out of the shadows, shattering the enchantment that had held you both in the dance's spell.
"There is a strict rule on public display at Noble Bell College, one that I had hoped you were aware of," he called out, his tone firm and disapproving.
In that moment, your eyes widened in realization, and you hastily pulled away from Malleus's embrace. Rollo couldn't help but smirk inwardly at the faint frown that momentarily marred the fae's face.
Embarrassment lined your features as you ran a hand through your wind-tousled hair, gesturing with the other, voicing your remorse for breaking such a basic rule.
"I will overlook this transgression for now," Rollo assured as he advanced toward you. His hand reached up to cup your cheek, and you tensed at his touch, your cheeks flushing a pretty shade of red. As you instinctively started to pull away, his hold on your chin remained firm, coaxing your gaze back to his.
Rollo extended his torch closer to you, wishing to see your features more clearly. The flames danced perilously near, a few errant sparks floating in the air, almost singing the tips of your hair and the lapels of your coat. He observed your reactions with an amused smile, enjoying your wariness as you wrinkled your nose at the acrid scent of smoke.
Rollo then leaned in closer, the flickering torchlight casting intriguing shadows across his face. His voice dropped to a low, confidential murmur, mindful of the fae hovering over you two.
"What a delicate soul you are," Rollo whispered, his intense crimson gaze locked on yours. "It's rare to see someone like you, tainted by the presence of magic, and yet somehow, still… pure despite it all." His words hung in the night air, a puzzle in his eyes, as if he were unraveling a secret you weren't even aware of.
"Pure?" you blinked, tilting your head in confusion, your curiosity piqued. "What do you mean by that?"
Rollo's lips curled into a wry smile as he brushed his thumb against your cheek. "Oh, my lamb, it's a complex matter, one best left for another time. You're already dealing with plenty, especially with those miscreants at NRC. Those fools are probably driving you mad."
The endearment he used sent a warm shiver down your spine, and you felt flutters in your stomach. Your eyes nervously shifted from Rollo to the serene surroundings of the garden, the moonlight casting a soft, ethereal glow on the foliage.
Malleus, unable to stand and watch any longer, clicked his tongue disapprovingly, signaling his irritation at the unfolding situation.
Wordlessly, he positioned himself behind you, his large, possessive hand gently running up your back. Despite the seething anger within him, Malleus restrained his magical abilities, aware that any inadvertent spells or outbursts could only serve to worsen the situation. As much as he wished to unleash his fiery wrath on Flamme, that would have to be reserved for another time.
"If you'll excuse us. We have somewhere to be," Malleus murmured, his voice laced with urgency as he swiftly pulled you away from Rollo and led you out of the garden.
Unbeknownst to you, Rollo's gaze bore into Malleus with an intensity that bordered on obsession. His crimson eyes radiated an otherworldly fire, and sparks ignited at the soles of his feet. As the flames danced beneath him, the once lush and vibrant grass around him withered and turned into dry, lifeless ash. Rollo then scowled, turning his attention to the scorched ground. He pulled out his handkerchief and pressed it to his face, muttering to himself in frustration as he stepped away from the darkened earth, dusting his shoes off with an absentminded air.
"Blasted fae."
🍰 . . .
Once you were safely out of earshot and view, Malleus came to a halt and his demeanor took a shift.
"Malleus?" you murmured, looking up at him curiously. The fae didn't say a word and instead turned to face you. The moonlight cast soft shadows on his face as he suddenly knelt down before you.
With a look of reverence in his eyes, Malleus took hold of both your hands, his touch warm and tender. He began to lavish adoring kisses along your palms, wrists, and fingers, each press of his lips filled with a tenderness that spoke volumes. It was as if he were trying to convey a silent promise, a pledge to protect and cherish you.
"Mine," he whispered, his emerald eyes sparkling with an almost possessive light, his voice tinged with a sense of ownership that sent shivers down your spine.
"Mine and mine alone."
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agirlnamedelia · 1 month
The Perfect Gift || Katsuki x Reader
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Genre: fluff Pairing: Katsuki x FEM!Reader Synopsis: Your rich billionaire sugar daddy always bought you what you want and what you need. However its his birthday, how could you ever compete with the gifts he had given you.
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You paced back and forth in the living room, biting your lip in frustration. Bakugou’s birthday was just around the corner, and you still had no idea what to get him. It wasn’t like he needed anything; he was rich, powerful, and could buy whatever he wanted at the snap of his fingers. What could you possibly give to someone who had everything?
As you stared blankly at your laptop screen, which was currently open to a gift ideas website, you sighed. You had gone through dozens of pages, looking for something—anything—that might be worthy of Bakugou. You knew he wasn’t big on material gifts, and he’d probably scoff at anything too fancy or overly sentimental.
“Ugh, this is impossible,” you groaned, leaning back on the couch and rubbing your temples. The pressure was on, and you were feeling it hard. Every year, Bakugou went all out on your birthday, surprising you with the most thoughtful gifts and extravagant experiences. And every time, you were left in awe of how well he knew you, how much he cared. Now, it was your turn to show him how much he meant to you, and you didn’t want to disappoint him.
You glanced over at the clock—only a few days left. “Think, Y/n, think,” you muttered to yourself. What did Bakugou like? What did he need?
Suddenly, an idea struck you. He might not need anything material, but maybe he could use something from the heart. Something personal and meaningful. With renewed determination, you grabbed your phone and started making a list of ideas, brainstorming anything that might bring a genuine smile to his face.
The next few days flew by in a whirlwind of preparation. You spent hours working on your gift, making sure every detail was perfect. It was a labor of love, and though you were nervous, you were also excited to see his reaction.
Finally, the day of Bakugou’s birthday arrived. He had planned a small gathering with a few close friends at his favorite restaurant, and you spent most of the evening by his side, enjoying the laughter and good company. But as the night wore on, you could feel your nerves starting to creep back in.
After the cake was cut and everyone had sung a boisterous rendition of “Happy Birthday,” the group started to disperse. Bakugou wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close. “Ready to head out, or you wanna stick around a bit longer?”
You smiled up at him, trying to mask your anxiety. “I’m ready whenever you are. But, um, before we go… I have something for you.”
Bakugou raised an eyebrow, his expression softening. “Oh yeah? What’s that?”
You swallowed, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. “It’s just… well, it’s not much, but I wanted to give you something special. Can we, um, go somewhere private?”
His curiosity piqued, Bakugou nodded, leading you out of the restaurant and into a quieter part of the nearby park. The cool night air was refreshing, and the soft glow of the streetlights created a cozy, intimate atmosphere.
You took a deep breath, reaching into your bag and pulling out a small, wrapped box. “I know it’s not fancy or anything, but I wanted to give you something that… that shows how much you mean to me.”
Bakugou took the box, his eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion. “You didn’t have to get me anything, you know. I’m not big on gifts.”
“I know,” you said quickly, wringing your hands nervously. “But this isn’t just a gift. It’s… well, just open it.”
With a grunt, Bakugou carefully unwrapped the box, lifting the lid to reveal a small, handmade photo album. His brow furrowed as he opened it, flipping through the pages. Each page was filled with pictures of the two of you together, from your first date to the countless adventures you had shared over the past year.
But it wasn’t just photos. Alongside each picture, you had written little notes, recounting your favorite memories, the silly jokes you shared, the moments that had made you fall in love with him all over again.
Bakugou’s eyes softened as he read through your words, his lips quirking into a small smile. He didn’t say anything for a long moment, just taking in each page, each memory.
Finally, he looked up at you, his expression unreadable. “You made this?”
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. “Yeah. I wanted to give you something that… that showed you how much I care. I know you don’t need anything, but I thought maybe you’d like to have something to look back on, you know? Something to remind you of all the good times we’ve had.”
Bakugou stared at you for a moment, his gaze intense. Then, without warning, he pulled you into a tight hug, burying his face in your hair. “Dumbass,” he muttered, his voice thick with emotion. “You didn’t have to do all this.”
You blinked, surprised by the sudden affection. “I-I wanted to,” you stammered, hugging him back. “You do so much for me, and I wanted to do something for you, too. I know it’s not much, but—”
Bakugou cut you off with a soft kiss, his lips lingering against yours for a long, sweet moment. When he finally pulled back, his eyes were softer than you had ever seen them. “It’s perfect,” he said quietly, his voice rough. “Thank you.”
A relieved smile spread across your face, your heart swelling with happiness. “Really? You like it?”
He nodded, his hand gently cupping your cheek. “Yeah, I do. More than you know.”
For a moment, the two of you just stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, basking in the quiet comfort of the night. You felt a weight lift off your shoulders, the anxiety and worry melting away in the warmth of Bakugou’s embrace.
As you leaned your head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart, you realized that you didn’t need to stress so much about finding the perfect gift. What mattered most was the love and thought behind it, and Bakugou had shown you that in his own way.
With a content sigh, you snuggled closer to him, closing your eyes. “Happy birthday, Bakugou.”
He smirked, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Best damn birthday I’ve ever had, thanks to you.”
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