#husband wife viral Jokes
euesworld · 2 years
So I've never done this before but here are some asses for you to look at!! I see so many other people posting pictures of asses so I thought I would try it!!
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Lame joke Dujour - these aren't your typical booty pics, hahahaha.. they are asses!! - eUë
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rejokes · 11 months
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pati patni funny jokes image in hindi
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mohammed0785 · 2 months
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
पति के प्रैंक से पानी-पानी हो गई पत्नी, ऐसा खतरनाक मज़ाक इंटरनेट पर हो गया वायरल
पति के प्रैंक से पानी-पानी हो गई पत्नी, ऐसा खतरनाक मज़ाक इंटरनेट पर हो गया वायरल
मस्ती-मज़ाक, हंसी-ठिठोली तो जीवन का अभिन्न अंग होते हैं. इसके बिना जीवन नीरस सा हो जाएगा. लिहाज़ा हंसने-हंसाने खेल तमाशे की गुंजाइश हमेशा बनी रहनी चाहिए. लेकिन हां, साथ ही साथ इस बात का ख्याल रखना भी बेहद ज़रूरी है कि कोई भी मज़ाक एक सीमा में रहकर किया जाए. उससे किसी का दिल, दिमाग और देह चोटिल नहीं होने चाहिए. बस फिर तो सब बढ़ियां ही है. कुछ ऐसा ही सोचकर एक शख्स ने अपनी पत्नी के लिए ऐसा प्रैंक रच…
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cosmal · 1 year
Baby I’m thinking about this TikTok prank I’ve seen going around where the wife tells her husband she’s going to sleep on the couch tonight, as a prank, and all I can think of is doing that to James… imagine, imagine his reaction, all like “no!” And then “wait why?” And all sad and soft about it like what happened I’ll sleep on the couch if you want space you can have the bed … ugh
summary — you prank james. he’s way too nice.
content — james potter x fem!reader
Sirius sent you the video days ago. Viral footage of a wife telling her husband she’s sleeping on the couch for the night. He had thought it was hilarious Pls try this on james. $20 bucks he’ll cry.
You hadn’t had a proper chance until tonight. You’d had some disagreement about something so tiny, so irrelevant that you thought it was the right time. Something about rinsing out the dishes before they go in the dishwasher.
You can hear James getting ready for bed and decide to go up to your room and make a scene. He’s coming out of your ensuite, toothbrush in his mouth when he sees you pulling your pillows off the bed.
“What’re y’doing, love?” he asks over the foaming toothbrush, swallowing spit.
“Getting my stuff,” you mumble, moving to the basket by the dresser. It’s sort of foreign to be so blunt with him and for a moment you almost decide to not do it.
He takes the brush from his mouth, licking his lips to keep his spit in, “What for?”
You bundle the pillows and blankets up, “M’gonna sleep on the couch tonight.”
James leans around the corner to spit in the sink, peaking back around he says, “What?”
“I’m gonna spend the night downstairs,” you tell him again, face full of a mountain wool.
“Why?” he asks, voice all pitched up and confused.
“I just,” you stammer when he frowns, “I just need some space.”
“Oh,” he says. He steps forward and you think about stepping backwards for a moment but decide against it. You’re not cruel. “Right.”
His sad face has your stomach churning. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Wait, baby,” he says, half a tone away from frantic, “You sleep on the bed, I’ll take the couch.”
You blink. “What?”
He takes his own pillows, all stuffed up in his arms until you can’t see half of his face. You almost want to laugh. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“No, James—” You press your lips into a line, holding back a bubble of laughter.
“I don’t want you sleeping on the couch,” he says, half fond, half stern. “I’ll sleep down there and we can talk in the morning.”
“James, I’m sorry—”
“It’s okay,” he smiles gently. You melt.
“No, it was just a joke,” you say quickly. “It’s okay, I’m not mad.”
James drops the pillows in his hands and they tumble off the bed, “A joke?”
“Yeah, I’m super sorry. Sirius sent me this video of this wife telling her husband she’s sleeping on the couch and he said I should try it.” Your words come out all mushed up and a little sticky. You hadn’t imagined him to react this way, you’re not sure why because he’s lovely and he’d do anything you him to. You imagine him sleeping in the backyard.
“Sirius?” he asks, a grin playing at the corners of his lips. They tremble and he bites the bottom one.
“Yeah,” you pant. You feel suddenly embarrassed. Your face heats and you cover your cheeks with your hands, pushing your fingers into your warming skin. “God, I’m sorry.”
James rounds the bed and you close your eyes. You can’t look him in the face. You’re not surprised when he wraps his arms around you, pinning your elbows into your chest.
“What did you expect me to do?” he asks softly. He sounds like he’s about to burst into a fit of laughter.
You shrug and your shoulder nudges his jaw. “I don’t know. I thought it’d be funny. I just feel bad now.”
“Sweetheart,” he coos. You feel even worse. Not as much so when his laughter rumbles up his chest.
“Stop.” You hide your face and mumble into his shirt.
He holds your head close, “I’m sorry.”
“Stop being so nice, you were supposed to argue with me or something.”
James laughs at your grumbling. “Since when do you listen to what Sirius shows you?”
“I don’t know. He bet me twenty you’d cry.”
“You wanted me to cry?” He asks incredulously.
“No, I wanted to win twenty quid!” You laugh, pulling yourself from his chest.
“Right,” he says grinning. He moves his hands to your face and you pray you don’t feel as warm as you did. He pushes his hands into your hair, thumbs pressing your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, James,” you say quietly. James has to bite back more laughter. It’s easy when you pout, he feels a bit sad.
“Christ, you’re adorable,” he laughs all things fond and sticky. You crumble. “It’s okay, sweetheart. It was a joke.”
“Okay,” you mumble, not very pleased.
He kisses your cheek until it apples. “Now let’s go get out twenty quid, huh?”
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secondhand-snow · 2 months
But...I mean, every president has definitely fucked in the oval office. That being said, what I think would be shocking would be if a clip of them fucking was leaked. Something that was obviously filmed with a phone. The scandal is more along the lines of "national security." How in the hell someone so close to them *cough* secret service *cough* was able to pull that off. So, a huge investigation is launched, and they caught a guy, blah, blah, blah, he says some tabloid paid him handsomely. Secretly, it was all a ploy from Jeryd's himself to distract the public while he's working on passing some controversial bill or funding some war... All the while, the video keeps being number one in all porn sites, no matter how many times it's taken down. The people at Playboy even joke about offering the first lady a centerfold if her husband wasn't so damn scary. Roman jokes that dad is turning on his grave, Shiv is secretly jealous because she feels so boring in comparison to her step sis. Connor thinks they need family therapy again, and Ken is once again screaming in a bathroom because he's the oldest boy, and the press isn't talking about him
this is making my head go brrrrrr- i have such a kink for sex tapes
The tape is only a few minutes long, the footage relatively grainy, but unfortunately still clear enough to get a view of President Mencken fucking the First Lady on the desk of the Oval Office. The entire situation blows up after only a few hours of the the tape being leaked. It's trending on Twitter, the subject of articles from dozens of publishers, even making it's way to international news channels. The CIA is fast though, and is able to spin the narrative to one of "national security," taking away from the fact the president was having sex in the White House. Publicly, the resolution is a trial in federal court and the eventual imprisonment of a certain secret service agent. The proceedings are live streamed on the national news, with an audience in the tens of millions.
American citizens are split in their opinions. Some consider the entire thing worthy of an impeachment, others think it makes Mencken more interesting and authentic. One thing is for sure- social media is obsessed with it. No matter how many times the video gets taken down, it climbs its way back to the #1 spot on Pornhub within minutes of a reupload. Playboy posts a photoshopped cover, joking about how well the magazine would sell with a photo spread of Mrs. Mencken. The Roy siblings end up temporarily deleting social media to avoid seeing the viral clips. Well, Roman keeps his, but everyone else takes a break. The sibling group chat is reignited after having been quiet for a few weeks, with a message from Connor asking about a family therapy session. Even though he promises his hypnotherapist is one of the best, nobody agrees to it.
What the population doesn't see is the shady deals Mencken signs during all of this commotion. Sure, some activist groups try to stage protests and make infographics, but their work gets swallowed by the internet in favor of news on the sex scandal. And what only Mencken and his wife sees, is Jeryd's own phone propped up on the Oval Office bookshelf, recording a couple very aware of their surveillance.
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not-goldy · 11 months
Are you all being for real ???
You all really thought it's like wife taking husband's name in other countries? Only sibling have same surname in korea so if he read out Jeon Jimin then he literally established them as brothers 💀💀💀 Spouses don't take surnames there and it's not at all a thing there so if he read it out he meant it as bros or understood it as such 💀💀💀
Actually you are wrong. Sit down let me school you. I'm in an online meeting but I can multi task purr 💅🏾
First off your analysis and conclusion are all wrong, off base, delusional, laughable, cosmically speaking crap, smelly, stinky text full of unintelligible, confused, deranged, disturbed, and a steamy pile of hot poo💩
If I wasn't so sure you are nuts I would have asked you
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And my second question if I wasn't sure you was a nincompoop would be
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No jikooker said that I promise you.
Cos we all know Jeon Jimin is an inside joke and we all know the context behind that meme, where it comes from, who said it and JIMIN'S EPIC REACTION TO IT FROM YEARS AGO!
This absurd and ridiculous.
It's similar to how yall make a fuss about Jungkook singing this melody claiming he saw a Tuktukker viral video on tiktok when in actuality us jokers did it first AND WE DID IT BETTER
So no Anon no. The gag is not some wild ridiculous theory you peddling disguised as criticism cos that's just strawmaning GROSS. YOU ARE GROSS
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You are delulu. you are in my ask box talking crazy you sound cuckoo when you say married spouse and siblings and surnames- where did you get all that stuff from cos Wow top notch batshit crazy kudos 👏🏾
If that is your understanding of jeon Jimin YOU NEED HELP.
Listen to me, REACH OUT TO SOMEONE ASAP you've surpassed insanity and delulu YOU ARE GONE
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unpopularvivian · 4 months
When You Show Memes To Your Partner (An Edward x Toby FanFic):
Toby was peacefully sipping his favorite cup of earl gray tea while silently humming to himself. The bright sunlight beamed through the windows while little songbirds softly chirped outside. The Fat Controller had decided to give him and his husband, Edward, a day off. No shunting trucks, no stress, just a relaxing day for the both of them. Toby happily sighed, it seemed like a long time that he was given a break for once. It’s not like he complained about doing work like James or sometimes Gordon, it's just that he didn’t get to spend time with Edward.
“Ahhh~ Such a lovely day… I wonder what should me and Eddie do? Maybe go to the beach? Take care of each others’ kids?” Toby chuckled to himself a little. No, of course not. Edward had Thomas while Toby and his wife, Henrietta, had Percy, Phillip and Pluto. All four of them were really crazy to handle in their own ways. Just as Toby was tentatively wondering to himself, Edward was walking down the staircase, wearing just a light blue shirt with blue jeans, looking very tired as usual. 
“Hello honey, did you have a decent sleep yesterday?” Toby quietly asked the blue tender engine.
Edward grumbled a bit before replying. “Well, I don’t think ‘decent’ is the right word to describe it…. More like, ‘strange’....”
Edward poured a coffee jug into his favorite mug that was written “Fuck Off, I’m Gay and I Have Insomnia” on it before drinking it like it was water. “Anyways, I was thinking I wanted to show you something today.”
“What is it?” asked Toby curiously. Edward then put down his coffee mug on the countertop and went to grab his laptop from the living room. After a few minutes, Edward then placed his laptop on the table and opened it. Toby leaned to see what his partner was doing while Edward was busy punching letters into the keyboard. 
“What are you typing?” questioned Toby with a raised eyebrow.
“My favorite memes.” Edward replied back.
“Memes? What are they?”
“Oh, they’re just amusing or interesting stuff online. They are quite hilarious. If you understand them.” Edward smiled with a cheeky grin on his face.
After Edward was done typing in the word ‘meme” in the search bar, he then went to the images section and started scrolling through the page. Toby had a very confused and judgemental face while his eyes followed on the sidebar. After a few minutes of scrolling through, Edward clicked on an image of the Peter Griffin Death Pose and showed it to Toby.
“What the heck is that?!?” Toby exclaimed in surprise. “Why is this guy on the ground while posing like that?!?!”
Edward started laughing his ass off as Toby continued to question the image in hand with a lot of judgment.
“O-Oh…. That’s the Dead Peter Griffin meme….” Edward snorted as he tried to contain his laughter. “D-Do you like it?....”
“No! Of course I don’t!!!” Toby slapped Edward on his arm with annoyment. “Why do you people think it’s funny to make a joke out of somebody lying on the ground while they’re clearly dying?!!?”
“Well, you can’t blame me!!!! It’s the internet who did all of this!!!” Edward retorted who was definitely trying not to piss himself due to laughter. He then scrolled through the page once more before landing on the Yippee Creature image.
“Well, that's a peculiar-Uhhhhh ...Creature right there….He looks kinda…Goofy? For some reason?” Toby stated as he examined the image. “Although, I think he looks quite cute though! What a nice-looking fella right here!”
“Yeah, he does. People call him the ‘Autism Creature’ for a reason.” Edward replied. “He reminds me like Gordon, doesn’t he?”
“Oh yeah!” Toby chortled. “Especially him sometimes staring into the distance like that! That’s the funniest thing about him.”
For 4 hours, Edward and Toby were scrolling through viral images and memes, commenting and reacting to them. Sometimes, the reactions were funny, sometimes, they weren’t. And some of them had the couple with confused faces just by looking at them. When dusk had finally fallen, the Steam Team were at Tidmouth Sheds, sharing stories with each other in the sheds. 
“Did you guys know that Thomas got into another crash today?” Percy requested.
“Hm! Really?” Gordon asked with a boastful face.
“PERCY!!!!!” Thomas retorted back with frustration. 
“Now, you two. Don’t fight or else we’ll have an argument in our hands.” Toby calmly consoled the two. 
“What did you and Edward do today?” Henry asked Toby with a curious look on his face. 
“Well, I showed Toby my favorite memes on my laptop. The whole experience was pretty interesting to say the least. We even got a few laughs out of it.” Edward answered back.
“Gordon, you remind me of the Yippee Creature image after Edward showed it to me now.” Toby said.
Gordon was utterly baffled, he was utmost embarrassed that his best friend has compared him to a viral meme.
“WHAT?!?!?!” Gordon shouted.
Everybody started chuckling as Gordon’s turned redder than James’ splendid paint. Toby and Edward were giggling while the others laughed at Gordon hysterically. They both looked at each other endearingly as the moon twinkled in the dark night sky. Today sure has been a good day….
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sakebytheriver · 1 year
And if I have absolutely no self-control and post a portion of my H-money AU fic, what then, huh?
(Wanna know how many pages this wip has so far? 84)
The event had been scheduled long before the photos dropped. There was no way for anyone to predict it, really.
No way for anyone to know that the night before the Woodstone’s fancy schmancy wedding anniversary party, (which was really more of an excuse to invite business partners and the press and paparazzi over to hopefully inflate stock prices and make connections), pictures of Elias Woodstone with his twenty-something year old redheaded mistress would hit every single tabloid on the earth.
No way to predict how the photos would go viral in an instant due to the proximity of the couple’s anniversary.
No way to predict how the internet would react to the fact that his mistress bore a striking resemblance to his wife.
No way for anyone to know that the butt of almost every joke would become Hetty herself.
No way to predict that the man who committed the offense would be almost completely forgotten as the world picked which woman’s side they were on.
No way to predict the clusterfuck the next 48 hours would become.
Trevor didn’t even find out about the affair from the pictures themselves, but rather from a crude meme comparing every feature the women had in common and where they differed. The picture was captioned with a wild conspiracy about how Elias Woodstone was apparently planning to have a baby with this mistress in order to trick the world into thinking Hetty had somehow had a miracle baby at her age and Trevor closed the app before he finished reading.
Now he was standing at the couple’s anniversary party, all because he’d been the bastard lucky enough to land their company as his client by treating Hetty Woodstone like a human being. He’d gotten to bring a handful of his colleagues so he didn’t feel so out of his depth, but when he saw her standing at the corner of the bar looking like she was trying to shrink her entire body down to the size of an ant, he felt like he was drowning.
He couldn’t even appreciate the way her modest/not modest dress looked hugging her figure. The teal fabric clinging to her arms and her sternum before flaring out loose around her waist, a short slit cut up to her knee revealing her pale calf and the matching teal heels on her feet. Gone was the ice queen from that first party glaring everyone down. Gone was the business woman that had his entire office honed to her presence. Now, she finally looked like what the world said she was, a jilted middle-aged wife whose husband was running around town with a woman less than half her age.
It was the most jarring picture Trevor had ever seen.
He really wanted that confident, sharp-tongued ice queen back, and as he slid up to lean against the bar right next to her, he really hoped he would be enough to snap her out of it.
"You haven't called me,” he kept voice playful and light, flirty and teasing even throwing in a toothy smirk with the hope she’d sneer at him.
Instead, she surprised him more than ever before, turning towards him and pressing her body into his, letting him feel the length of her form and every curve of her figure pushed up against his own. Her hand slipping up his chest slow and warm before her fingers curled into his tie absently playing with it while her other hand came up to press against his pec underneath his suit jacket, her touch feeling like a hot iron brand even through the fabric of his shirt. Her leg slipped in between his, and as she finally lifted her head to look into his eyes, he once again felt like he was meeting a completely different woman. The way she slouched against him, putting her below him height wise for the first time ever, her blue eyes gazing up under her mascara painted lashes like she was some coquettish minx. The sharp bite usually housed in her icy blues replaced with an almost vulnerable flirty softness that felt so wrong directed Trevor’s way. Her once again dark red painted lips parted and pouting slightly as she spoke.
"Buy me a drink," her deep voice downright seductive as it purred past her lips and dripped down his spine.
For a moment, Trevor felt like he was in some seedy dive bar being hit on by a girl already two drinks in and ready to take him home. Then he looked up and made eye contact with a bartender standing underneath a banner celebrating the couple’s wedding anniversary, and he remembered exactly where he was. Feeling like someone dumped a bucket of cold water on his head, Trevor pointed to the empty cocktail glass stained with Hetty’s lipstick and the bartender instantly picked up the cue grabbing the glass and moving to make her another one.
"Did you see the pictures?" Hetty’s voice pulled him back to her face, which was still very distractingly close to his own.
Her hands were on his chest, feeling him up under his suit jacket while her body was pressed close enough to let him feel her entire form as much as he possibly could while they were still fully clothed. Her leg in between his softly rubbing her calf against his in small enough movements that no one would notice but enough for him to feel, an absolutely maddening tease that was taking all of his self control not to wrap his own arms around her waist and pull her even closer, party be damned.
"Pictures?" He tried for innocent and oblivious, but he was focused on suppressing some more pressing urges that putting on a convincing front was not really possible at the moment. It was obvious he knew exactly what pictures she was talking about, and judging by the snort of laughter, she let out she knew it too.
"Oh please,” one of her hands slipped up his chest over his neck to land on his chin, her index finger pressing against his plump bottom lip, her eyes locked on her own finger as she spoke. “You’re many things, Mr. Lefkowitz, but you’re not dumb. So don’t play it."
Her hand dropped back to his chest, and her gaze snapped back to his eyes, the sharp icy bite back in its regular home in her irises.
"Ah.” He cringed and bit back the smile he almost let through at the sight of her familiar piercing gaze. Feeling relieved to know she was still in there somewhere. “Yeah, I did."
At his admission, she laughed, breathy and soft, self-deprecating and sardonic like it was the only thing she could do in response to the situation.
"She's younger than our daughter." Hetty’s voice soft and barely above a whisper only for him to hear, saying it like a joke and even letting out a manic little giggle after the fact as if the whole world would find it funny.
Trevor could only wince and clench his fists tighter so he wouldn’t be tempted to grab her and drag her out of this place. Sweep her away from this stupid party meant to celebrate a sham marriage she was trapped in like a business contract. Get her as far away from the world, comparing her to a woman who unfortunately happened to share the same hair color as her. Take her somewhere she could be that whip smart, sharp witted woman from his office just a few days ago. But he couldn’t do any of that, instead he could only look into her eyes as the bartender placed the freshly made cocktail down on the bar in front of her and Hetty tore her gaze from Trevor’s to look at it for just a moment before she looked back up at him with another self-deprecating laugh rolling her eyes as she peeled herself off of him and grabbed her cocktail.
"Whatever," she said as she lifted the drink to her lips, turning and walking away from Trevor like nothing had even happened.
Which absolutely could not happen.
"Hey, come here." Trevor gripped her wrist and pulled her towards the first place he could think of.
The dance floor.
Once again, pulling her body flush against his, wrapping one arm around her waist as he delicately placed her free hand on his shoulder before dropping that arm to join the other around her waist. She snorted as she took a sip from her drink, instantly beginning to sway with the music and wrap her arm more securely around his shoulders.
"Is your answer to me walking away from you, always going to be to take me to the dance floor?" When she looked at him with a playful smirk and a snarky edge to her gaze, Trevor should have known not to let his guard down.
"It's the only way I can get you to talk to me for more than thirty seconds." He easily joked back, aiming for casual and getting thrown a curve ball immediately after.
"Do you think she's prettier than me?" Hetty asked it like she was asking what he thought about the weather.
"No." His response was instantaneous.
"Liar." So was hers.
He huffed short and annoyed. She merely raised her eyebrow and lifted her drink to her lips, taking a sip while keeping eye contact the entire time. He took a deep breath, knowing a challenge when he saw one.
"I think she's pretty. I don't think she's prettier than you.” He spoke carefully, knowing the woman he was dealing with. Any loophole, any gap, any mistake would be exploited. It’s what he would do. Which is why he should have stopped talking then. “If I'm being honest I kinda think she looks like you,” he didn’t know why he was deciding to remind her of how the world was comparing the two of them, but she was the one who wanted honesty. “But younger."
The tip of Hetty’s tongue darted out, delicately lapping away the drops of her drink stuck to her bottom lip as she lowered her glass. Her sharp gaze pierced into his, and he finally felt like he was dealing with the Hetty he was used to.
"Which makes her prettier." Her words spit from her lips like it was just a bitter fact of life.
"No.” Trevor’s arms tightened around her waist, knowing exactly what the content of Hetty’s phone would look like if he were to check it right now. “No, it doesn't." He did his best to make his voice as even and sure as possible, putting everything he could into it, trying to make her understand that he meant every single word he was saying. Desperate for her to believe him and only him, not any of the other voices that had no doubt been screaming at her since yesterday. Looking directly into her eyes, meeting her challenge head on, showing her he was completely unwilling to back down on this point. Knowing that the only way to get a woman like her to back down was to show her how much you weren’t going to either.
He must have done something right because she narrowed her eyes at him for a long moment, reading him like the book he was trying to be right then. Her brows pinched slightly and her eyes softened for just a second and Trevor latched onto it, really hoping that softness meant that he’d been able to make her feel beautiful when the rest of the world made her feel past her prime.
Then she was rolling her eyes and snorting out another laugh, but this time at his expense rather than her own, and Trevor counted it as a win.
"You're just saying that because you had a friend with a hot mom, and it gave you a complex."
Trevor couldn’t help but laugh, happy to bring back their usual May/December banter if only for the purely selfish reason that he really liked the back and forth.
"You keep calling yourself old,” he said with a grin. “You're really not that old."
"Compared to you?" She shot back.
"Hey, I'm not that young,” he said, holding up a hand placatingly. “I've just got a young face." He brought the same hand to his jaw, running it along the underside of his chin to show off his grin.
"Mm,” she hummed, pursing her lips at him. “And how many women at the retirement home actually believe that?" She raised an eyebrow at him, and Trevor could swear he saw the beginning of a smile twitch at the corner of her lips.
He shrugged as he wrapped his arm back around her waist, “About as many who would believe you could actually be a resident there.”
“I’m rich, I have a stylist to color in my grays.” She curled a finger into one of her loose curls before letting it bounce back into place.
"Come on,” Trevor pulled her in closer, feeling like he should punch himself when he celebrated the fact that she pushed against him rather than leaning into him the way she did before at the bar. “What's to stop us from going and getting a hotel room right now?" He put as much cheese and college frat party seduction into his voice and as much boyish charm into his smile as possible, excited for the rejection headed his way like a goddamn maniac.
Hetty narrowed her eyes at him, pressing her palm against the center of his chest and taking a step forward, instantly switching the dynamic. Her spine straight and his bent slightly back as she leaned in, their faces only a few inches apart, ready to take him to task.
"My husband watching us from the other side of the room,” she whispered, barely audible over the music and din of the party. “The group of photographers on the opposite wall." her eyes darted quickly to where the photographers were stationed as she leaned in even closer, their noses almost touching. "And the fact…” her deep voice rumbled low and pointed every syllable of her speech enunciated and pointed like it was meant to be a physical blow landing on his skin. “That you're a child."
She pushed against his chest hard enough to push herself out of his arms, the man stumbling back as she easily took a couple of graceful steps backward. The redhead lingered for only a moment to look him up and down disparagingly before meeting his eyes. She clicked her tongue at him dismissively before turning on her heel.
He wasn’t proud of the fact that his eyes immediately dropped to her ass when she turned around, but he also wasn’t proud of the fact that his dick had twitched in his pants when she’d called him a child like that, so Trevor figured he’d have to get used to not having any pride around Hetty Woodstone.
Somehow he found his way back to the group of coworkers he’d brought with him to the party and they were all on him in an instant, clearly having watched the entirety of his exchange with the Woodstone wife. As they all leered at him, Trevor wondered why he thought bringing them would ever bring him comfort instead of grief.
"Lefkowitz,” Ari clapped him on the shoulder, saying his name the way college roommates did after you got some. “Smart move going for the wife."
"Oh yeah, and definitely not just business wise,” Chet wiggled his eyebrows.
“Totally! Woman's a hot fiery cougar too," Pinkus interjected.
"Tell me you're getting some of that." David raised an eyebrow at Trevor.
"Especially after those pics leaked.” Ari spoke first. “You just know she's looking to get back at her husband by getting under somebody else."
The others laughed and hyped up Ari’s comment while Trevor stood there feeling like Sas the first time he introduced him to his frat brothers.
"For sure.” Chet said. “You just know the ‘he’s banging someone younger than me’ sex is off the charts." They all nodded and made noises of assent before they all turned their focus on Trevor at the same time almost on a dime.
"So?" David raised an eyebrow at him and smirked, sleazy and full of slime.
And as they all stared at him with similar expressions waiting for his response, Trevor’s gaze drifted over his colleagues’ shoulders to watch as a reporter or a pap or just someone with a recorder and a camera approached Hetty clearly asking a question about the photographs. He watched as in response, Hetty threw her head back and downed the rest of her cocktail before she looked over her shoulder at her impromptu interviewer. Trevor read her lips as they moved, clearly saying, “no comment” before she stalked away somehow having left her empty glass behind in the random reporter’s hand without them or Trevor even seeing her do it. And as his gaze trailed back to his coworkers all waiting for his cocky response about totally banging the Woodstone matriarch, he felt like he might throw up on all of their dumb sleazy faces.
Yeah, Trevor was starting to get what Hetty meant about him being a child.
He plastered what he hoped was an exact copy of their sleazy grins on his face and forced himself to sound overly confident and arrogant in his own abilities.
"Oh, you guys know T-Money is getting in there."
They all clapped him on the back and made noises celebrating his sleazebag remark and Trevor couldn’t help it as his gaze drifted once again to the vibrant flash of red and teal standing by the bar with a new cocktail in her hand and multiple cameras shoved into her face. She sipped the drink leaning against her elbows on the bar like she was dissociating to some tropical island far, far away from all of the people nagging her with questions she refused to answer. He couldn’t find it in himself to envy her life in that moment no matter how much he had in the past.
And as his coworkers continued on like they couldn't even see the crisis written all over the woman’s face, talking about all of the things they would be doing to her if they were in his position instead, Trevor came to the realization that he was probably the first person in a long time she’d let see even a shred of who she actually was.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
So for you PYT AU, how do Inko and Oboro get married, do they just go down to the courthouse with a few people because that's all they need for their love? Or is it a sweet little backyard deal? Or is it further into Oboro career so he is making bank and they do a big do where he spoils Inko? Please I need details. Also I am envisioning Izuku as flower child.
At first I wasn’t sold that they would actually get married or if they would be the couple that just dates forever and calls each other husband and wife, but then I thought about benefits and possible issues with hero work if she isn’t his wife so yeah it would make more sense for them to be married.
The strike me as a couple that still wouldn’t rush into marriage though. Like Inko got massively screwed over in her last marriage and wasn’t even technically divorced until several years into her relationship with Oboro so I can see them having like a suuuper long engagement during which izuku just starts referring to Oboro as their dad because “my mom’s fiancé” is a god damn mouthful when you’re like ten and trying to tell a story and it’s not like they remember Hisashi being around anyway.
Oboro proposed in the most over the top way possible while still keeping it rather private. I’m talking a big family dinner at a restaurant he rented out completely, a nice walk where they were a bit in front of everyone else, candles, rose petals, biodegradable glitter and confetti poppers that Hizashi and Izuku aimed directly for both of their heads when she said yes. Incredibly romantic. Oboro is filmed on patrol with glitter stuck in his hair and the biggest grin on his face for DAYS.
The actual ceremony they would probably keep pretty small/pretty much a hero only affair. Both for security reasons and because Inko doesn’t really have any civilian friends and a lot of her coworkers weren’t the kindest after the news of their relationship dropped. Jokes on them though because after one too many glasses of wine at a gala it was learned that she, Jeanist, and surprisingly Snipe get along like a house on fire and no one knows peace again.
It is a backyard affair in the house that she and Oboro bought and he tends to the gardens on his time off as a stress relief thing. Izuku is the flower child looking completely adorable in their dress and flower crown even as they purposefully pelt their family members with flower petals because Oboro told them they could and Shouta definitely deserves it for some reason or another. Nemuri so the one that marries them as there would have been a fight trying to get her on one side of the wedding party over the other as while she might have been Oboro’s friend first her and Inko become like sisters over the years. There’s a lot of laughter and happy tears throughout the ceremony. Izuku is all but sobbing into Jeanist’s shoulder from the moment their mom gets to the altar because she looks so fucking happy. Their first kiss is with smiling lips and tears on both of their faces. Oboro immediately pulls back to grab Izuku like some sort of weird lion king scene because he did it. This is his family now.
The reception is a lot of terrible dancing and videos that get posted to social media that go viral because no one expects to see heroes act like normal fucking people/ what the hell is Lunch Rush doing that does not count as a dance but the ceremony is just for them.
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The dating market as seen through the eyes of an absolute lunatic
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Well folks, I've been seeing a lot of talk in right-wing media about a "dating crisis" sweeping America recently. Naturally they have the citations to back this up, those citations being random videos that they found on TikTok. So I figured we'd take a look at one of the guys talking about this epidemic and see what's going on here, lets get into it.
02:10, Matt Walsh: "In what has become something of a monthly tradition on social media, two videos have gone viral featuring young women distraught over their inability to find a man who they consider worthy of their time. A week ago it was this woman expressing her deep frustrations over this video, listen."
I figured who would be a better fit to educate us on this pressing issue than Matt Walsh? He's famous for being a guy who lets trans people live rent free in his head and works at a platform that restores your virginity the minute you open their website, surely he can tell us all we need to know about the dating scene.
Jokes aside, Matt Walsh citing some random woman's TikTok video as proof that the dating market has been ruined by women having professional lives is peak Daily Wire journalism.
Matt plays the TikTok and then tells on himself a little bit.
04:16, Matt Walsh: "Even though I may be, infamously, a Grinch whose heart is three times too small. Even I will say that I truly feel bad for this young lady and the loneliness she's experiencing. You'd have to be a sociopath to not feel bad for her and despite popular misconceptions I am not a sociopath."
Golly, I wonder what gave people that idea about you Matt. Guess that will just have to remain a mystery for the time being.
04:39, Matt Walsh: "She says that she's worked on herself, she's done everything she can to make herself desirable. Part of the problem of course is that some of the things she highlights will have no effect either way on making her more desirable to men. For instance, no man cares whether a woman is successful or independent. Like, there has never been a man in the history of the world who has left a first date and said 'Wow, she's great. She's so successful and independent'. Those are just not characteristics that a man is looking for, they certainly won't be at the top of his list."
Ok, Matt Walsh dating tip number one is "If you are a female be submissive to your male partner at any cost. They're not looking for success and independence after all". Nothing messed up there. If you think this is a distortion of Matt's words, I would like to point you towards a blog post he made in 2014 entitled "Your husband doesn’t have to earn your respect". Quote;
"This doesn’t mean that a man has a license to be lazy, or abusive, or uncaring. He is challenged to live up to the respect his wife affords him. If his wife parcels out her respect on some sort of reward system basis, the husband has nothing for which to strive. As the respect diminishes, so too does his motivation to behave respectably. Respect is wielded like a ransom against him, and he grows more isolated and distant all the while."
Basically, if you are a female and your husband is abusing you it's actually your fault because you weren't respecting him enough. A lot of his comments recently, including the one I just quoted above, show that Matt Walsh's views haven't changed that much since then. Matt plays another TikTok of a woman lamenting her relational struggles, recaps the TikTok for some reason and then decides to present more "evidence".
08:14, Matt Walsh: "Now, it's not just women having these problems obviously. In fact, one guy replied to this last video with his own story."
Matt Walsh should never be allowed to comment on things like the minimum wage again after this episode. The reason I say this is because it's becoming glaringly clear to me that Matt's job is just watching TikTok, reading the comments under those TikTok's and attempting to turn those videos and comments into a coherent argument.
09:10, Matt Walsh: "Now, by now we're all familiar with the statistics which we've talked about on the show many times. Fewer young adults are in relationships, few are getting married, few are having kids, more of them are remaining single than ever before while people of all ages report record levels of loneliness."
It is true that we are experiencing a loneliness epidemic but the causes for this are a lot more complicated than what Matt Walsh thinks they are. According to an article written by psychology professor Susan Dugan for the University Of Denver, a lot of it is caused by people unable to manage their work-life balance and increased reliance on social media. Due to the increased reliance on social media, especially because of the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people have became overly reliant on things like texting as opposed to seeing people in person.
Dugan also writes that one of the biggest things causing the loneliness epidemic is an overly-work oriented culture and people using their spare time to get more work done as opposed to spending time forming meaningful relationships. Now, I wonder what Matt Walsh, a guy who thinks that social security should be abolished and that the best solution to a low minimum wage is to "just stop being on the minimum wage", would have to say about dismantling a workplace culture focused around toxic productivity.
09:26, Matt Walsh: "A Pew analysis published in 2021 found that nearly 40% of adults between the ages of 25 and 54 are quote on quote unpartnered. And by that they mean these are people that are living without a spouse or a live in boyfriend or girlfriend."
If Matt actually did some research into what he's talking about instead of just skimming hed's and dek's he'd find the percentage of single Americans looking for a relationship or casual dates has decreased massively since 2019 with 58% reporting that they aren't interested in a relationship or even casual dating. Also, 40% is a scary number that Matt can use to freak out his audience but it's still the minority but I guess that's something that Matt's just going to ignore because his main solution is "just get married" (despite marrying young statistically leading to divorce but we'll get to that).
10:05, Matt Walsh: "So, what's going on? Um, there are several major factors, some of them I've discussed before but lets lay them out again in one list."
I can help Matt Walsh by compiling some of the things he's discussed in the past into a helpful list.
Factor #1: We don't just force people to marry each other
Factor #2: We don't force sixteen year old girls to get married because that's when they're "technically most fertile"
10:15, Matt Walsh: "First of course, many people are just waiting too long to get serious about getting married. The lie that my generation was sold and that the next generation after mine was also sold is that your 20's, the first decade of adulthood, is a time to be aimless and lazy and selfish and focused primarily on recreation and pleasure."
What universe is Matt Walsh even living in? Most people in their 20's are either in college or are looking for work, often due to them having to pay off large amounts of student debt from said college. If Matt wants more people to get married and have kids at a young age than he should support things like student debt relief that help make that lifestyle more affordable for young people.
According to a 2023 survey, 73% of Gen Z and millennial couples say that getting married is simply too expensive in todays economy.
Ok, so Matt Walsh factor #1 is pretty stupid if you do even the most basic research like "actually meeting somebody in their 20's". Matt's second point is that there are too many choices, fair enough, that's probably the most respectably true thing he's said this entire episode and society would be better off if Matt would just quit while he's ahead and end the video here. His third point though is just "why don't we just put traditional gender roles from the 50's back?!"
12:33, Matt Walsh: "And third, at a much deeper level, people are very confused and we've lost the basic understanding of what dating is for in the first place. Worse, we've lost any understanding of what men and women are for and what our roles are supposed to be. If we even talk about roles as it relates to men and women it's considered outrageous and offensive somehow."
So, a very verbose way of saying "get back in the kitchen", got it. Should I be taking notes for this?
13:08, Matt Walsh: "Think again about that woman in the first video highlighting her professional achievements. If she understood what men wanted she would instead highlight herself as a kind and affectionate woman who knows how to cook and take care of her man."
You thought I was exaggerating in that last bit of text didn't you?
14:09, Matt Walsh: "Four, this may be the biggest factor but the institutions that once facilitated matchmaking have completely broken down. Have been mostly abandoned or have simply stopped performing those functions."
Citation needed there Matt, no you can't cite your feelings.
14:21, Matt Walsh: "How were people matched up in the past? Well, for most of history families would arrange the matches. That's no longer the case, at least not in the west."
So, Matt still wants arranged marriages to be a thing in America, cool. In a strange stroke of coincidence, arranged marriages would strip women of their autonomy and right to choose which is what Matt was oh so subtly hinting at wanting in factor #3 and has historically espoused wanting even more blatantly in the past. Probably a coincidence.
14:30, Matt Walsh: "And so if the families not doing it, well churches used to play a major role in connecting young people with each other but most young people don't even go to church regularly so that no longer happens."
Yes Matt, that's why cultures that don't practice Christianity are sterile cultures where nobody marries ever. Seriously, we went from kind of stupid to misogynistic to extremely stupid (and still misogynistic) in the span of five minutes.
By the way, Matt Walsh met his wife on eHarmony so his stupid ass argument doesn't even apply to his own lived experience. But yeah, everyone else can only meet women through the church and arranged marriages.
14:38, Matt Walsh: "And if you don't have the family or the church, you've cut out the two institutions that used to be primarily in charge of this kind of thing, you've thrown them out then who's helping single people find each other? The workplace was sort of the third option and never the best place to facilitate romantic relationships but now it's even worse. HR regulations make it a risky proposition for a man to try to initiate any kind of romantic relationship with a co-worker and with more and more people working from home your co-workers may be thousands of miles away in any case."
So, the only alternative to church and arranged marriages is for men to sexually harass women in the workplace. Too bad those pesky HR regulations get in the way of that.
Ok, I’ve had enough “learning” from Matt Walsh for one lifetime.
Well, that's was the stupidest take on the dating market that I've ever heard. I'm starting to realize that "What is a Woman?" might have actually been a genuine question because Matt Walsh clearly has no idea what women want outside of "they should be my personal slave".
I guess the takeaways here are that women don't understand their "roles" well enough and that the only possible places to meet a partner are the church and arranged marriages.
Cheers and I'll see you in the next one.
Original Video:
“Ep. 1373 - Why the Modern Dating Scene Is a Nightmare.” The Daily Wire.
Dugan, Susan. “Psychology Professor on the “Loneliness Epidemic” — and How to Counter It.” Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, 27 June 2023.
Gelles-Watnick, Risa. “Roughly Six-In-Ten Single Adults in the U.S. Say They Are Not Looking for a Relationship or Dates.” Pew Research Center, 7 Feb. 2023.
Gelles-Watnick, Risa. “For Valentine’s Day, 5 Facts about Single Americans.” Pew Research Center, 8 Feb. 2023.
Nathan. Gen Z & Millennial Survey on Marriage and Living Together - New Statistics 2023. 23 June 2023.
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
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Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes Pulled Off Air Amid Reports of Red Hot Romantic Affair
By Author Kay D. Rhodes at Dec 05, 2022 • Category Amy Robach
Neither Amy Robach nor T.J. Holmes will be saying good morning to America any time in the immediate future.
ABC News President Kim Godwin told staffers on Monday that the co-hosts of GMA3 will take a temporary seat from their anchoring duties while, according to Variety, “the news division weighs the effect their recent disclosure of a romantic relationship might have on the program and the company.”
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The photos were taken while the reporters were seemingly on a trip together to upstate New York and they included at least one snapshot of Holmes touching his colleague’s rear end.
Both television personalities deleted their social media accounts in response to the scandal.
Robach’s husband, actor Andrew Shue, then took down all references to his wife from hissocial media account after these images went viral.
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Holmes, for his part, shares daughter Sabine with wife Marilee Fiebig, whom he wed in 2010. 
He is also the father of daughter Brianna and son Jaiden with ex-wife Amy Ferson.
The anchors were in their usual spots on Thursday and Friday on the aforementioned Good Morning America spinoff, making no reference to their supposed relationship or the damning pictures that appear to have outed the romance.
Godwin, meanwhile, told ABC News employees during an editorial call todday that Robach and Holmes had not violated any company policy, according to a person familiar with the matter.
However, she indicated ABC News felt the matter had become “an internal and external disruption,” and “wanted to do what’s best for the organization,” per the aforementioned Variety report.
“Amy and T.J. have been arriving to work pretending like everything is normal, they have been carrying on like they would any other day,” a source has told Us Weekly. 
“They were always playful with each other, like two people who were dating. 
“Amy and T.J. didn’t seem like they were trying to keep their relationship secret anymore.
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To date, Robach and Holmes have remained quiet about their affair.
During the Thursday, December 1, broadcast, they joked about being ready for the weekend. 
The following day, Holmes quipped that he wanted their “great week” to “keep going and going,” prompting Robach to joke after an awkward laugh:
“Speak for yourself.”
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owl-by-night · 2 years
📓 <3
Thank you for the ask - you get one of the AUs I’ve had in my head for a very long time because it’s probably the weirdest thing I’ve come up with. Let me try to convince you! Every autumn as the days get shorter, Strictly Come Dancing appears on TV and I get nostalgic for the Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel Strictly Come Dancing AU that I am never going to write for a million reasons, the first of which is that I don’t even know why I like it so much. It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?
But what if Strictly isn’t just Strictly? What if it’s being run by an enigmatic gentleman with a penchant for velvet jackets, making bargains and hair like… thistledown? What if the ballroom where you sign up to dance all day and all night is this AU’s Lost Hope? Where you can never leave because of your contract with the Gentleman? And who knows what bargains he struck to get you to agree….
The gentleman wants his favourite pro dancer Stephen to win at any cost and he means ANY. 
Sir Walter Pole wants a good PR hit before the next election so signs up his young and beautiful wife to aid his popularity (He couldn’t take part himself of course, because he might not do well and can’t risk looking foolish. He can, however, show up to support his wife). So the Gentleman makes a bargain, pairs Emma with Stephen and he’ll do anything to get them to the final so they can dance for him forever.  And if there was a tragic accident to Emma’s finger during early rehearsals well that’s just a chance for sympathetic reporting in the popular press. 
Thistles can’t always plan for everything though - Arabella Strange is an unexpected star with a husband who does the best supportive videos and is arranging a social media campaign by accident because he just loves his wife so much and wants to tell everyone how proud of her he is. 
John Childermass was supposed to be a joke act who left before Halloween but despite looking out of place in every costume the man can dance (sort of, when Hannah takes him in hand) and his blunt Yorkshire take on things has a definite fan following. His salsa goes viral. His rumba causes riots.
Flora Greysteel is popular with the younger generation and doing too well for Thistles to be comfortable. She might once have run off to have an affair with a poet but when ‘someone’ leaks it to the press she turns out to have a formidable protector in her father and her new friends the Stranges. 
John Segundus and Mr Honeyfoot were a pair of nobodies that should both have gone out in the early weeks but Segundus just keeps coming back. Nobody can doubt his persistence or his commitment to the training. Dancing is my life, he says, and he can’t think what he’d do if it was taken from him. That earnest comment earned him a solid block of devoted viewers. It also gained him devotion of another kind. Under the cover of the general Strictly mayhem, Childermass has been making tentative overtures to ‘John S’ as he battles with recurrent dizzy spells - is it just the Viennese waltz or is it the magic of Strictly? Childermass is always there to look after him if he needs it. 
While the stakes were low to start with as the no hopers were voted off, as the final looms The Gentleman has to make a choice about who he really wants to win now and what he’ll do to get it. If that means releasing some photos to the press suggesting that the Stranges are really rather fond of Bell’s dance partner Colley Grant, well he has the footage waiting and if some people need to encounter some strategic accidents so be it. By the end of November the Gentleman is using any kind of tactic to make sure the public vote the right way - social media influence and press scandals and dubious judge’s marking (one could almost swear that Craig has been bewitched). So the series runs with even more than the usual strictly scandals - Maria Bullworth’s husband cites her dance partner Art Wellesley in divorce proceedings but was it really him or was it fellow contestant Henry Lascelles? Art has a reputation for flings but backstage rumour says he’s far more interested in Flora’s partner Will and there are uglier rumours about Henry and who really caused Chris Drawlight to be injured by falling props in movie week (conveniently removing him from the show before any nasty rumours about his business dealings could break).
But it’s Strictly and the voting public is as fickle as ever. As scandals break, the tabloids go wild, and the stars get closer to the glitter ball, the stresses and stains begin to take their toll and the press start to ask ‘how is lady Pole?’  
“Unless you’ve done it before”, she says in an interview, “nobody can really understand what it’s like to be part of the magic of ballroom and when you’re on Strictly it feels like you’ve been dancing forever. And ever. And ever.”
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Viral Joke : पत्नी ने पति को थप्पड़ मारने का बताया 'मजेदार' कारण
Viral Joke : पत्नी ने पति को थप्पड़ मारने का बताया ‘मजेदार’ कारण
पत्नी ने पति को तमाचा मार दिया…पति तिलमिला उठा और पूछा – मैंने क्या गलती की? पत्नी बोली – तुम कोई गलती करो,उसके लिए मैं इंतजार थोड़े ही करती… Source link
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novumtimes · 24 days
Wife expresses her regret for making husband shave his beard after seeing the results
Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more A woman is rethinking her decision after seeing what her husband looks like with his beard shaved off. Sophie Clarke recently took to TikTok to show off her husband before and after shaving his face. “POV: you begged your heavily bearded long haired husband to clean shave for the first time in years and it was the worst idea known to man,” text across the screen of her video read. “How did his barber allow this,” she questioned when showing what her husband looks like clean-shaven but with hair that still was long enough to hit the center of his back when left completely down. “A crime to humanity,” Clarke captioned her TikTok, further expressing how upset she was at the transformation. After posting, Clarke’s video went on to receive over 38 million views, with many people leaving comments comparing him to various characters. “He went from Viking to Kate Moss,” one commenter joked while another wrote: “Went from Thor to Steve Harrington.” A third comment read: “Girl… he went from I’ll chop the firewood to can you open this pickle jar for me?” “No way that’s the same dude. Look at the shoulder difference! You can’t convince me otherwise,” one person said. Other commenters agreed with Clarke and thought he looked better with a beard as opposed to without one. “Glue it back on omg,” one person wrote in the comments section. (TikTok/@sophieclarke555) “That… can’t.. is not the same person. I refuse to believe it,” another comment agreed. This isn’t the first time someone has gone viral on TikTok for deciding to shave off a beard. Recently, Paige Robinson also took to TikTok to show her husband, Josh Davila, revealing his freshly shaven face to their four-year-old daughter, Wren, for the first time. In her video Wren is sitting on her bed holding an iPad while her father makes an appearance without his signature beard and mustache. After she got over the initial shock, she asked him if she could give him a kiss and even complimented how soft his skin felt. “It feels so soft,” she told him, also noting that he looked “so different”. Wren then made sure to let her father know that despite the change he was “so beautiful,” causing his eyes to well up in tears. “You’re gonna make me cry,” he replied to his daughter. After posting, the video went on to receive over five million views, with many people taking to the comments to express how sweet and wholesome the four-year-old’s gesture was. “‘You’re So Beautiful’ She’s so sweet. Absolutely adorable. She’s blessed to have you as her dad. Cherish every moment,” one comment read. “I’m crying bc usually men get laughed at when they shave. It’s so common. This is so pure, she loves her daddy I bet he feels Bonita now,” a second person wrote in the comments. “What a beautiful little girl. Her father is the first man in her life!! She knows that she is HIS princess. The tender look she looks at him, wow!!!” a third commenter agreed. Source link via The Novum Times
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'Nobody Cares': Wife's Cake With Cheeky Message About Husband's Company Has Internet in Stitches
'Nobody Cares': Wife's Cake With Cheeky Message About Husband's Company Has Internet in Stitches https://www.entrepreneur.com/business-news/company-congrats-cake-goes-viral-thanks-to-a-wifes-message/466868 The Reddit user @BobbyIke received the cake after finishing the website for his printing company, which took three years. Employees were in on the joke, too. via Entrepreneur: Latest Articles https://www.entrepreneur.com/latest December 12, 2023 at 01:51PM
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