#i actually love both cloud watching or star gazing
shytastemakerthing · 1 month
congrats on 300 :-D
i suggest caramel with mango and strawberry boba for Riddle and Jade!
Taking Riddle out for a night ride to have a picnic and look at the stars!
Going overnight camping with Jade to a mountain and looking at the stars while cuddling!
have a nice day!!
Thank you so much! I never really thought that this little blog would actually get to 300 followers but I am glad that it did! In the mean time, I hope that you enjoy your request!
Requests: Romantic date night with Riddle and Jade (separate)
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So first things first, you were only able to actually get this man on a late night drive that this was happening during perhaps spring or summer break
But really, he was just happy to be able to spend this time with you
He never really saw himself getting into a relationship with anyone, having been too focused on his academics before and then growing up the way that he did
But you were much like his missing other half that he now had
Everything was all set
You were driving, wanting to treat him to this
He had packed several snacks for you both to have, including strawberry tarts, a good date is never complete without one
You had the blankets
And now, you had arrived to your destination
If someone had told Riddle earlier in the school year that he would have found his other half, and they would partake in such activities, he would have laughed and then collared them for making such a statement, and yet, here he was.
Watching you set up the blanket, he brought over the basket with snacks before settling down next to you with perhaps the warmest expression anyone had ever seen him have.
"I would say that we chose the perfect night for this. Not a cloud in the sky, not too hot and not too cold..."
Your voice snapped him out of his daze before a soft smile came to his face, moving to help you finish setting everything up.
"As expected. After all, a lot of planning goes into such activities, but I knew that we would find a way to make it work."
After snacks, he found himself laying next to you, staring up at the stars, well, you were, Riddle was too busy watching you.
After all, the only star that he needed in his life, was you.
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Look, when you first mentioned going camping in the mountains with Jade, it was possibly the first time you have ever seen so much emotion swirling in his eyes, the most genuine and excited smile rising to his face
After all, he had been wanting such a trip for the longest time!
And here you are coming to him, about such a trip, just the two of you, in the mountains
Okay, he may have gone just a tad overboard with the packing, but he was excited
Not even Floyd and Azul had ever seen him like this before
Such a genuine happiness that was radiating from the eel, and you were the cause and you were certain that you had just unleashed something monstrous
Jade had honestly never felt an excitement such as this coursing through his veins. Yes, he loved hiking and going into the mountains, but it was so much more special now. Because you were with him, this time.
After the long hike to make it to the campsite, pitching up the tent, getting a fire going, and even rambling to you about whatever it was that he was seeing while you both were out, he couldn't help but feel the slightest bit flustered under your admiring gaze, watching him as if he were the one that hung the stars in the sky that you both would see once the sun had set.
"You're adorable when you ramble like this, y'know. I could listen to you talk for hours."
Your words were the arrow to the heart for this eel. How you managed to wiggle your way in and make yourself at home, he may never know, but he is eternally grateful that you did.
Jade could only chuckle and clear his throat.
"Well, it is rather nice to have someone listening when I do. I know the topics do tend to bore some, and cause discomfort in others." Your smile would be the death of him one day, he was certain of it.
What else was he supposed to think, when you both were laying beneath the stars, hand in hand, finding himself curling into your touch?
There was no doubt that date nights such a s this one would be happening much more often.
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Thank you so much for your request! Have a wonderful day/night!
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fukashiin · 1 year
"spendin' all my nights alone, waitin' for you to call me."
— w. floyd leech.
a/n: THIS IS FOR MY PRECIOUS MOOTIE PATOOTIE @tinyletterz !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY REMY I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH. IM SO INDESCRIBABLY HAPPY TO BE YOUR MUTUAL, AND I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS TINY BIRTHDAY GIFT!!! i also want to thank you for having reblogged more than half of my works already, it means so much to me. <3
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floyd has been waiting for the past 30 minutes already. how long are you going to make him wait?
the green dot accompanied next to his magicam icon keeps reappearing, and disappearing. the mug of hot chocolate on his bedside table starts to get cold in the presence of your absence, so he peacefully resorts to gazing out at the night sky, watching the clouds as they sail by like a boat on the raging currents. there's no solid explanation as to why this feels all so familiar to him.
but he remembers.
the memory crackles like a single firecracker that he used to play with you near the sea coast. the overhead stars that twinkled no less than your eyes did, the booming passion of your voice as you yell at him to chase after you while your dirtied feet tripped over the grainy sand that shimmered with an abundance of sea crystals. he misses you, and it makes his heart throb.
he wonders when you'll finally be online. fresh out of the shower, showing him your precious face that used to dress in his unearthly love of kisses that converts your frowns to everlasting smiles. he wanted to see more, more of your smiles, as if it was his own personal goldmine.
the sudden buzz of his phone brings him back to the here, now, and he sees your caller ID just an inch away. his ankle thuds dully with the side rail of his wooden bed frame, emitting nothing but a groan out of him as he stumbles to pick up the phone. you were just on the other side, a tap closer to hearing your voice. though it may seem worlds apart, he was certain that you were looking up at the same night sky that you both were under.
he picks up, and it was nothing but an awkward silence that befalls the two of you which stretches out for a few moments. yet, once he gets a good measure of your face, he smiles, teeth and all. "there ya are."
"floyd!" how could your heart be so pure? so untainted by just the mere gaze of your boyfriend, who did nothing but love your selfish self for who knows how long? not to mention, you miss the way he smelled of bracing peppermint whenever he was in your line of attention.
and the best thing happened after forever. you talked, and connected your hearts within a rhythm's beat. the more your heart pounded, the more you felt like it was just possible to shoot your arm through the screen and grab ahold of your lover by his collar and kiss him like the warm dreams you've been having ever since you two parted. spurts of electric waves travel between the two of you, and you thought he could never be more prettier. it's cruel, and it weighs heavily on your shoulders.
"...thank you." it's only a moment's notice before he takes in the sight of your sleeping face.
the lingering line of drool at the side of your mouth seems pretty silly to him. and he doesn't take the initiative to hang up. he'll just lay there, watching you through the phone as if you're with him in actuality. and he wishes nothing but for the longevity of your life, and this relationship that speckled of golden flakes within each and every area. he whispers one last thing just before you get dragged into the realms of the darkness.
"I love you, so darn much."
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ajwamiju · 10 months
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Scene 1: 'The Queen of Modern Horror'
CW: Demons, fake blood, nothing much yet tbh
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The sky is beautiful tonight.
You stare blankly at the starless night sky, the moon hiding behind the dark grey clouds as raindrops harshly pelt your face and body, doing little to wash the blood from your body. You sigh, both in relief and exhaustion as you glance a little off to your side to see the disfigured face of the murderer of your friends, unresponsive and not breathing.
Slowly sitting up, you stare the demon that had been possessing the murderer in the face, his hand extended towards you with a grin of satisfaction and anticipation. “For thee bihofþe bæ ablæ bihofþe defeaÞ mīn vessel meanſ thee art worthī bihofþe becomæ mīn.”
You stare blankly at the demon speaking in a language you can’t understand, yet somehow you understand clearly what he is speaking. ‘For you to be able to defeat my vessel means you are worthy to become mine.’. Your gaze slowly trails to his outstretched hand and a compelling force for you to take it overwhelms you.
You look back up to the demon, your eyes unfocused and dull as if you have nothing else to live for. Before your decision can be documented, the end credits roll, leaving the ending open to the interpretation of the viewers as well as a sequel to showcase your decision.
“God, that was great,” Kasumi, your good friend and manager compliments as she leans back on the sofa and places her arm over her eyes to re-adjust from watching the movie for two whole hours. “When your and Masaki’s characters thought it was over but the movie still had half an hour left was actually a good plot twist.”
“Well, Director Ukai Senior is well-known for plot twists like that.” You comment as you stand up to turn the lights back on. “You said the critics were impressed by this movie?”
“Yeah, the movie critics were absolutely STUNNED by your acting and storyline, it’s a box office hit.” Kasumi answers as she groans from the lights turning on, readjusting her vision to the new lighting. “Director Ukai Senior wants to make a sequel, it’s going to be tough to live up to people’s expectations.”
“No, no, Kasumi. Not the professional movie critics.” You clarify as you head back to the sofa. “The online critics.”
“Oh, you mean the horror junkies making movie reviews on the internet? Loved it. Said it’s a gem in the midst of the mediocre horror movies these days.”
Your lips tug into a smile of satisfaction, when Kasumi gave you the job, you were a bit skeptical and weren’t as enthusiastic as you have a reputation to uphold as being the ‘Queen of Modern Horror’. You’re glad you trusted your gut and did the job anyway. Ukai Ikkei was a bit tough to work with since he’s strict and a bit of a perfectionist, but he seemed to have favoured you and your experience as he listened to any input you gave to the script to make it less cheesy and better.
“I’ve got to give it to Yamasaki, most script writers take offense when the actors make suggestions to the storyline to make it better but she actually took time to consider and stuff. She’ll make it far in the script writing industry.” You comment as you remind yourself of the meek girl who wrote the fantastic movie script.
“Oh yeah! The online critics also complimented her again and again for her unique storyline. They say it’s a cliche that’s made fresh.” Kasumi says with a grin. “I think she’s starting the sequel for the movie as we speak.”
“Excellent, I hope to work with her again soon.” You say as you stretch your long legs on the sofa. “What else has the internet been saying?”
“Um… most are complimenting the movie… but I guess some are kind of comparing to Ukai Junior’s new movie.” Kasumi answers, thinking back to what she’s read. “The one starring Suna Rintarou.”
“Oh, you mean the thriller-gore fiasco of a movie, ‘The Crypts’? That’s also a great movie, the genius horror director genes run in the Ukai family.” You say with a nod of approval. “Suna’s acting is also great in the movie, his role as the killer in the movie looked so realistic even I was spooked.”
“You know, you and Suna are dubbed the ‘King and Queen of Modern Horror’, it’s weird that you’ve never acted in a movie together.” Kasumi comments absentmindedly as she opens her phone to look at the incoming reviews. “I think it would be one of the best movies of the generation if you two starred in the movie together.”
“I was wondering that as well, actually. I’d love for an opportunity to act with him, like I don’t even care if I end up covering my face for the role of the antagonist, I just want to star in a movie with him.”
“I’ll try to find a role for you that also stars him. I think it’d be a good opportunity for you both.” Kasumi says with a grin.
“I will literally bow at your feet if you ever manage to do that.” You say with a laugh. “I know damn well that movie will be the talk of all media if we star in the same movie.”
“Count on me, girlie. I’ve got your back.”
That was what you said to Kasumi about three months ago, thinking that the movie you’d star in with Suna Rintarou was going to be a horror movie, as you expected. But to your horror and confusion, the script in your hand is the farthest thing from a horror movie script.
“‘Sumi… when I said I want to star in a movie with Suna Rintarou, I didn’t mean a romance drama. And a series at that!” You mutter as you re-read the script your friend handed to you.
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Taglist: @mirophobic @atrashsith @lilith412426 (Drop it here to be included in the taglist!)
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 months
Nancy was grateful to Robin and to Dustin for pushing her and Steve back together. It gave them the chance to see and feel what it was like without the weight of Barb's death hanging over them like a storm cloud. It also made Nancy realize that she had actually loved Steve and probably always would. She hadn't stayed with him out of some weird sense of duty to Barb because she felt like she had owed it to her because her best friend had died that night. She had stayed with Steve because she had wanted to. After coming together beneath the sheets, they both got the closure they needed, especially afterward when they jumped fully clothed into the very pool that Barb had died in.
"It's not our fault," Nancy had gasped for air as she resurfaced.
"No, we just wanted to be together," Steve said.
They floated on their backs for a while, staring up at the inky night sky. The stars twinkled down on them knowingly. Nancy just stared back at them and swam over to Steve, kissing him. Their relationship ended two weeks later, just after a threesome with Jonathan. It had left Nancy feeling a little wanting as Jonathan and Steve had mostly focused on each other, but it was good. Even though Nancy had already broken up with Jonathan, it had felt like the perfect goodbye to her relationship with both of them. Although she'd miss having sex with them, especially Steve. He was always really good at that.
"Maybe we could find the perfect partners that would let us sleep together once a year," Steve had joked.
"My ex-boyfriends certainly looked good together," Nancy had smirked when Steve blushed.
Meanwhile, Robin had gone back to hanging out with all three of them since it wouldn't be her third wheeling anymore. They listened as she complained about the fact that Vickie's parents had dragged her out of town.
"And right before we could kiss too. . .how cruel was that? Vickie had just gotten up the courage to tell me she liked women and that she liked me. . .months, I have spent hanging out with her as friends when her parents announced they were moving," Robin rambled. "She clearly wanted to kiss me, but she didn't want to do it in front of her parents. I am never going to get my first kiss. I guess I'll just become a nun."
"Yeah, right," Steve and Nancy said.
"I really liked Vickie," she said softly.
Robin was currently laying upside down on the couch, her head hanging over the side. Her light brown, almost blonde hair was brushing against the carpet. A ray of sunlight danced across her face, accentuating her blue eyes. The light didn't bother Robin? Nancy stared at her, mesmerized by her freckles and then suddenly her lips. What was that about?
"You're going to find someone, Robin. You'd be surprised how many secretly queer people there are in this town," Steve said.
"Yeah, that's true. I mean, I always thought you were straight, but then it turns out that my own best friend also likes boys!" Robin said.
"Surprise," Steve grinned and Nancy laughed.
"Fuck off," Robin said affectionately.
"Maybe like Steve, a lot of them aren't aware that they're like you yet," Nancy said.
Robin's eyes moved to stare at her. Nancy swallowed as Robin looked as though she were studying her. She felt a fluttering in her chest, and her stomach grew warm as she gazed back into Robin's eyes. What is this? Had Nancy just inadvertently talked about herself just then?
"Maybe," Robin said softly.
"I'm going to get a drink. Does anyone want anything?" Steve asked.
"I do! Get me a root beer," Robin said. "Please, and thank you."
"Uh, I'll help you," Nancy said.
"Ha! Nancy thinks you're incapable of carrying two things of drinks," Robin laughed.
"Fuck off, Robin," Steve said with the same amount of affection that she had used earlier.
Nancy followed him into the kitchen and watched as he tried to decide what drink he wanted for himself. She boosted herself up onto the island.
"Steve?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah?" Steve asked as he closed the fridge and turned around.
"I think I like Robin," Nancy said.
"As in. . .?" Steve asked with raised eyebrows.
"Romantically," she said.
"Oh! That's so great!" Steve exclaimed. "I didn't think you were into women."
"Yeah, me neither. Although, I don't think I necessarily care about what gender a person is," Nancy shrugged. "I don't know. . .it kind of just hit me when I was watching her talk. Do you really think this is great? I mean, I'm your ex and she's your best friend."
"Did it bother you when I stole Jonathan?" Steve asked.
"You did not steal Jonathan," she laughed. "And no, it doesn't bother me."
"Look, Nancy, we got to end things differently this time. . .we got to end it on our terms with no bitter feelings. We both know now that we do love each other but that it's not enough. We got the closure we both needed. I'm happy with Jonathan, and I think you're going to be happy with Robin. She's so great and so are you. You both deserve this," Steve said.
"I love you," Nancy said.
"I love you too," Steve said and pressed a hard kiss to her forehead before helping her off the counter. "I'm just going to hang out in the kitchen."
"I swear if you slap my ass and tell me to go get 'em tiger, I will shoot you," Nancy scoffed.
"I wasn't - okay, am I really that predictable?" Steve asked.
Nancy laughed. She grabbed a root beer from the fridge and a coke for herself just as they heard the front door open. A moment later, Jonathan entered the kitchen. Steve beamed and eagerly greeted him with a kiss.
"Well, it looks like you have something to do other than hang out in the kitchen," Nancy teased.
"Don't you have something you should he doing?" Steve asked.
"Did I miss something?" Jonathan asked.
Nancy laughed again and left the kitchen. She entered the living room, causing Robin to sit up immediately. The suddenness of it caused her hair to flop messily over her head. Robin quickly fixed it before Nancy handed her the soda. She sat down right next to Robin.
"What happened to Steve?" Robin asked.
"Jonathan is here," Nancy replied.
"Okay, so I guess we're never seeing him again," Robin said.
"Yeah, they're probably going to be kissing," Nancy said teasingly.
"Nancy! You know how sensitive I am," Robin said and hit her with a pillow.
Nancy watched her as she opened the root beer and took a drink. She watched as she tilted her head back slightly, exposing her throat as she swallowed. Robin let out a refreshing gasp as she pulled the can back. Nancy's eyes followed her tongue as it wiped away the soda on her lip. Suddenly, Robin let out a belch, breaking Nancy's trance. She giggled.
"So, what upset you more: the fact that you didn't get to kiss Vickie or that you didn't get to kiss a girl?" Nancy asked.
"Well, both are equally disappointing," Robin said.
"You want to know what kissing a girl is like? What her lips feel like against yours?" Nancy asked.
"At this point, I think any willing girl will do," Robin said with a sigh.
Nancy smiled and turned Robin's face towards her. She leaned forward and captured Robin's lips with hers. She smiled when she felt Robin gasp in surprise, but it falterd when Robin didn't kiss her back at first. Then, suddenly, Robin was cupping the back of her head and returning the kiss quite eagerly. Nancy wrapped her arms around Robin and deepened the kiss. Robin pulled back with a gasp, her hands gripping Nancy's waist.
"What was that?" Robin asked.
"That was called kissing," Nancy said.
"Hilarious. No, I mean, you're not like, just throwing me a bone here, are you?" Robin asked.
"I like you," Nancy said sweetly.
"I, uh, like you too," Robin said, blushing. "Even if I ramble?"
"I like the rambling. . . I just hope that you don't think I'm being so forward so soon after Vickie," Nancy said.
"No, just forward enough, I think," Robin said. "I mean, Vickie and I never really went anywhere."
"I'm sorry that she sort of got yanked out your life before you could find out if it would have gone anywhere," Nancy said. "I really did like her. She was nice and I have to say that she surprised me when everything went down."
"She fought like hell. I suppose that's why her parents decided to get her out of here," Robin said and paused. "Thank you for acknowledging Vickie. You're very sweet."
"So, are you, but I'm not always sweet. . .I can be mean if you want me to be," Nancy said.
"Nancy Wheeler, are you flirting with me?" Robin asked.
"Maybe a little," she grinned.
Robin leaned in to kiss her again when she gasped and pulled back.
"Steve!" Robin exclaimed.
"I'm Nancy," she said slowly.
"Hahaha! You're cute and funny. I get it. No, but what about Steve?" Robin asked.
"He's alright with this. I talked about it with Steve. We're good. Besides, he stole my boyfriend so we're even," Nancy said, and they laughed. "Do you really need to ask him?"
"No, I trust you when you said that he's okay with this, but you shouldn't be surprised. . .me and Steve are terribly codependent," Robin said.
"I might have picked up on that," Nancy said in amusement.
"I just want you to be prepared. We will literally call each other and debate with each other about what we're going to have for breakfast. I'm his mole cancer checker, and he literally looks for lumps. I make sure his hair isn't receding, and he reminds me to take my vitamins. We also check under our beds for monsters. We also have frequent sleepovers," Robin said. "Scared yet?"
"Nothing is going to scare me off, and all of that actually is very cute. Steve is very much a part of my life, too, and what happened between us recently. . .it made us realize that nothing is ever going to change that," Nancy said and paused. "Do you and Steve braid each other's hair?"
"Ugh, he does mine, but he refuses to grow out his hair for me to do his," Robin said. "Maybe now that you're my girlfriend, we can attack him from both sides."
"Am I?" She asked.
"Your girlfriend?" Nancy asked.
"Uh, yeah, I mean, if you want," Robin said.
"I would like that," Nancy said and kissed her.
Robin squealed and pushed her against the cushions. Nancy laughed against her lips.
"Nancy Wheeler is my girlfriend!"
Two weeks later. . .
The front door to Steve’s house burst open, startling the casual double date that was occurring in the living room. Eddie stormed into the room with Chrissy trailing behind him. Robin had her head in Nancy's lap while Steve laid in between Jonathan's leg. The TV was on.
"Was anyone else other than Dustin going to tell me that we could come out of hiding?" Eddie asked.
"Oh. . .were you in hiding? I thought you moved out of town," Steve said.
"Yes! . . . Wait, did everyone think that?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah," Robin said.
"What's going on here?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"This looks. . .okay, when we left Byers was dating Wheeler and Buckley was pining over a redhead," Eddie said. "And Harrington was pining over Wheeler."
"You would think that after everything we went through, he'd remember our first names," Steve muttered, and Jonathan laughed.
"He calls me Cunningham, and I'm his girlfriend," Chrissy laughed.
"Well, Jonathan broke up with Nancy, Nancy got with Steve, then Steve and Nancy broke up. Vickie moved away now, Jonathan is dating Steve, and I'm dating Nancy," Robin said.
"Jesus, the next thing you're going to tell me is that Jeff is dating Argyle," Eddie said.
"Jesus, that is a good fucking guess," Jonathan whispered.
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moldycantaloupe · 5 months
Mushy May Day 10
Quiet Nights
Pairing; Swiss/Rain
Cw; drug use (weed) and light talk on chronic pain. this one is a little more angsty!
thank you to @forlorn-crows for the prompts!
Rain stalked the halls on stiff legs, their footsteps echoing against the walls of the abbey. They spent the better part of an hour tossing in their bed, sleep refusing to give in. There was no real reason for their insomnia to be acting up; they didn’t have caffeine too late, they weren’t doing anything laborious (couldn’t anyway), they had their dinner on time, and yet.
With nothing better to do in the late night, they tiptoed their way to the roof access, climbing the ladder that was definitely against some form of safety code and pushed the trapdoor open. They were met with a sky full of clouds that covered the stars, but left enough room for the moon to shine. They groaned; full moon. Of course.
“Howdy, cowboy.” They snapped their head towards the end of the roof and saw the local multi ghoul perched with one leg dangling, the other tucked under his chin. They lifted themselves fully up onto the roof and shut the door, crawling over to him. He was grinning, if not a bit sleepily, at the water ghoul.
“Howdy yourself.” They sat criss cross next to him and stared back out to the sky. “Why are you up late?”
“I could ask you the same question.” Swiss lifted a joint to his mouth and breathed in. Rain watched him out of the corner of their eyes and shrugged.
“Full moon.” They lazily pointed towards the sky, and Swiss seemed to actually take it into consideration as he looked up with them.
“Guess that’s my excuse, too.” Swiss breathed out, and Rain crinkled their nose against the smell of the smoke. He offered them the joint and they shook their head.
That was where the conversation ended. Swiss smoked the rest of his joint and Rain stared out into the cloudy dark sky, watching as the clouds tried to cover up her beauty only for her to emerge once more. It was beautiful; poetic, even.
They blinked when Swiss took in a big inhale and turned towards him, their eyes a little heavier than before but nowhere near tired. Relaxed.
“You gonna go to the lake, fishy?” Swiss asked, his tone somewhere between sincere and teasing. He wiggled his fingers in their face and they giggled at him, pushing the digits away with their own hand.
“Might as well.” They sighed. “Probably why I’ve been hurting more today.”
Swiss’ grin faltered and his eyes were furrowed, concern laced in his features. “Did you tell anyone?”
They shook their head and looked back up at the sky to avoid his gaze.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone? We could’ve helped.” Swiss sounded hurt. They cringed at the idea.
“I know.” They mumbled. “But everyone’s been busy, and,” they huffed out a short sigh, “I can take care of myself.”
Swiss was quiet for a beat, before muttering, “I know.”
Their gaze shifted to their lap and found themselves absentmindedly picking at their fingers. They stopped.
“Would you like to come with me to the lake?” They offered. “We don’t have to talk, you can just… be there. With me- near me.”
They glanced up, their head still bowed, and Swiss was smiling so sweetly at them.
“I would love to, fishy.”
They eventually headed back down to the abbey, Swiss first before Rain followed. He held their hand in a firm grasp as they walked towards the lake, and Rain could feel him trying to pump what little quintessence he had into their joints on the walk over. They nearly ripped their clothes off once at the lake, the pull from both the moon and water becoming unbearable in their lithe frame as they jumped in. They could hear Swiss laugh earnestly as they most definitely splashed water onto him, but with the water finally surrounding their body, they couldn’t find it in themselves to care.
And just like they promised, there were no conversations held for the rest of the night. Swiss stayed at the dock with his sleep pants rolled to his knees and his feet dangling in the water. They came by throughout the rest of the night to tease their touch on his feet, making him kick out in shock and amusement, or to just say I’m here. He never did fall asleep during a full moon, and they both would be excused from the chores and rehearsals the next day as they huddled together in one of their beds, bone tired from her constant pull and Rain’s exertion.
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k0r3s-smu1 · 10 months
𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭
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A = affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I believe he’s more into quality time than physical affection.
He often takes you out to beautiful locations to go cloud watching, or star-gazing if its night.
He holds your hand occasionally, and gives you forehead kisses <33
When he has free time, he likes to have picnics with you and nap together.
He doesn’t really communicate how much he loves you, but you can see it by the way he looks at you.
B = Best Friend (what would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) 
Being his best friend is actually quite nice.
Its a calm friendship, you two don’t talk too much but you enjoy each other's presence. 
You train together, go on missions together, nap together, muichiro trusts and cares about you a whole lot; so he prefers to be by your side as much as he can.
He does tease you as well, and enjoys when you get angry and talk back.
You must’ve approached him to become his friend, otherwise he wouldn’t have talked to you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) 
He loves to be close with you, so of course he would be happy to do something as intimate as cuddling. He falls asleep quite easily with his arms wrapped firmly around you, his face snuggled into your chest or neck. Or laying on your lap, a certain calmness always comes over him. He feels secure pressed up against you, and he knows you're safe. 
He doesn’t exactly seek it out, but if he’s really missing your touch, then he might initiate it.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He does look forward to the day he can settle down with you and live a normal life. But until Muzan is still alive and demons still walk this earth, that won’t happen until he has to retire.
He’s decent at cleaning, and its quite relaxing for him. But he’s not too good at cooking. 
He’ll try though, and it’s very enjoyable for him when you’re there, guiding him or preparing food beside him. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) 
It would be a simple “Let’s break up”. If you questioned him, he would give a straightforward explanation about this decision. Then leave. Either that, or he would leave a note in your estate and stop visiting. You’d have to seek him out for further questioning. Either way, Tanjiro most likely noticed how down you were and after learning what happened, convinced muichiro to come back.
Now, Mui elaborates on his explanation in a more heartfelt way, making clear he loved and cherished you, and that this is for the best. He bids you farewell, and this second explanation definitely gave you more closure then the first.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Truthfully, he doesn’t think about it a lot. He loves you dearly but he’s also fine staying with the
“partner” or “boyfriend” title. Marriage isn’t that special to him. If he does choose to marry you though, it wouldn’t be quickly- probably a good couple of years later. (Unless you initiate it, of course) He is a bit worried about commitment, but being a capable demon slayer definitely helps.
It would really suck if he started dating a regular girl only for her to die one random night because some low level demon came crawling into her house 💀
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) 
He can be a little dense sometimes and say offensive things unintentionally, and he might have a hard time understanding why you’re mad because of something he said.
To him, he’s just being honest… but please don’t get too disheartened at him, he’s trying :(
You’re probably his first relationship, he’s new & might be a bit clumsy. 
But he’s otherwise pretty gentle with you in both aspects. He knows he’s strong and doesn’t want to run the risk of hurting you in any kind of way.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Yes, he does enjoy hugs! Well, specifically from you. Just like cuddling, he doesn’t really initiate it. But he’s more than happy to if you wanna. His hugs are light and warm, and being so close you can catch his scent- almost non existent, but it's there- Like clean laundry and mint.
I = I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not very fast. A few months into dating, maybe on a summer night, watching the stars.
I can see it being kind of random- It’s silent, and he’s just looking at you lovingly. And the words came, seemingly out of nowhere, so soft and sincere. Definitely caught you off guard. He’s always being honest, and it just felt right to him to say it at that moment. From there, he doesn’t say it a lot, but you know he loves you, and he knows you know.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
He probably doesn’t even understand what he’s feeling when it first comes up.
All he knows is that he doesn’t like what’s happening. The presence of the other man is irritating, 
And he’ll just drag you away from him; it’s not like that guy’s worth your time anyway.
I don’t think it’s exactly easy to make him jealous, but it’s not hard either… I'd say it's in the middle.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Gentle and loving, his kisses make you feel all warm inside. It’s short but meaningful.
He likes to be kissed on the cheek, and he likes to kiss your forehead. 
But on romantic occasions, your lips are the best place for him.
L = Little Ones (How are they around children, how do they feel about having kids, etc)
I mean, we saw how he treated Kotetsu- I don’t think he’s particularly nicer around them.
Maybe gentler, but otherwise the same. Nor do I think he really cares about having them.
They’re a bit annoying, and a responsibility I don’t think he’d be the best at.
He’d rather grow old giving his undivided love and attention to you.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Aaaah, it's so sweet! He’s all dozy and cute, and this is the time he gets most cuddly.
He has work to be done, but it’s so tempting to just stay snuggled in bed with you. 
He stays sleepy for a while even after getting up, and kind of clingy.
He might rest his head on your shoulder while you cook, still drowsy.
He’s extra forgetful during this time.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Basically the same as the mornings! He’s softer, more cuddly and affectionate.
Definitely looks forward to sleeping with you, or having a relaxing drink of tea with you to 
settle down before going to bed.
Prefers to spoon you then the other way around, though he also likes laying on your chest
And listening to your heartbeat. (he thinks your boobs are comfy.)
He falls asleep relatively quickly, but awakens easily if you move. Not that you can…he won't let you go.
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Part 2
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thoughtsandbones · 1 year
It's been a long time
FIRST TIME WRITING A FANFIC - Since i was on LiveJournal (years ago)
Simon 'Ghost' RIley x F!MedicDoc
WARNINGS: Mention of death, blood, fluff and angst?
Song inspo: Think - Kaleida (Love John Wick <3 and Atomic Blonde <3)
I grew up with the OG MW2 game, so there are some references to the old one, so kind of a mix of both the OG and the new timeline...
All rights reserved to the rightful owners of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
(FYI: bold sentences... are like this... are supposed to describe redacted data/info to the plot... ;] .. )
Part 1
Back again here. That's what you thought when you actually landed at the base. You're trying to calculate how long it has actually been. The years. The months. The days. The hours. The minutes.
Why? Because time is represented by numbers. And a weird number observer you were. Numbers are always assigned to occasions, incidents, blood pressure, mL of drugs, minutes to save a life, seconds wasted.
You furrow your eyebrows. You don't care about the wrinkles forming. Not anymore. You part your lips, and suck in some air.
The tightness of the black boots yet to be broken in like you were once.. were just painful and added pain of sore feet and legs from getting back into training was just a cherry on the icing.
The pain is just temporary... You think to yourself whilst you close your eyes and inhale for 4 through the nose, hold, and slowly breathe out for four, controlled, of course... and gradually open your eyes.
You should be grateful for this chance.
You take in scene before you. Base. Outside Berkshire... mid August...
The sky above is pale shade of blue with hints of orange as the sun sets in the west. It is surprisingly warm and nice today. Minimal clouds. As you look down you see the trucks on the grey charcoal tarmac, smooth and a few cracks here and there.. Buildings behind, patches of green..? Wow.
You couldn't also ignore the soon to be glaring floods lights surrounding the perimeter of the base. Without these, the views of sky where even more phenomenal. The stars. The realisation that there is a sort of weird chaos also going on out there too. The storm of Jupiter must be a sight to see you wonder..
"Corporal Kaur!" You hear a man shout from the left of you.
You break your gaze and see and old man from where that shout came from. Face still stern. Eyebrows still furrowed.
Captain Price.
You recognise that moustache and boonie hat from a mile away.Next to him where to other men, one bulky and tall, donning a half a skull over his face and wearing all black and the other shorter, still tall. but what was most noticeable was the hawk. Both of them staring at you.
You briefly stare back. Your new COs you assume.
You start to walk over to them, carrying your pack, and duffle over your right shoulder.
Back again. Back here facing death again. That's what you think. Over and over as you stride until you reach your old Captain.
You place your pack and duffle on the ground.
"Captain Price" you say, giving in a salute, heels slamming together. Your back straightening automatically when your right arm swung to the tip of your beret. Palms facing out. Always.
Muscle memory is a wonderful thing.
"At ease Corporal" Price says, giving a slight chuckle. His body turns to the two men beside him.
"This is Lieutenant Ghost" Price said as he gestures towards the masked man.
You put out your right hand for a hand shake. The lieutenant just stares at you, eyes cold and calculating watching you.
You raise your head curtly and trying to suppress the smirk from appearing. I'm watching you too you think to yourself.
"I'm your Sergeant; Soap MacTavish" the hawked man said, in a strong Scottish accent. He brings up his hand for a handshake, grinning hard.
You shake his hand. Soap grinned a bit harder.
"Soap and Ghost." You say turning your head to Price after shaking Soap's hand, you see him in the corner of your eye elbow Ghost and gesture towards you with his hand, you couldn't catch what he was saying as Price started giving you directions and something else he
"The team know you're here as their new medic. The infirmary, somewhat set, thought it was best left to the expert to order whatever you need. You remember where it is?" Price said. "I have to go to the hanger, catch up later" He saids, patting you on the shoulder.
"Thank you sir" You reply.
Yes. The team's medic. Not actually part of the team. Not anymore...
Not able to linger on the past for a second longer, you see Soap move towards your pack and duffle.
You grab your pack just before he does.
"I've got it, don't worry" You say, and this time you remember to smile, with teeth, a soft smile that a younger you adorned each day.
Soap laughs gently, and looks at your face, that smile broke your stern face from before, a kindness washed over your face Soap thought.
After picking up your pack and duffle, swinging them both over and onto your back. You stare back at the two men, and smile again.
"Well, I am going.. to get settled" You say to them "Nice meeting both of you" you said as you turn.
"We'll walk ya to the infirmary" The lieutenant said gruffly. You detect an accent, maybe northern?
"Yeah, that way we can get to know you on the way" Soap chimes in, grinning again
Fuck sake, not this already you think to yourself.
You turn to them, and force a smile, this time no teeth, nostrils flare, you hope they don't notice the force of it. Ghost does. Ghost raises his head, eyes widening slightly.
You did not like that Ghost thinks to himself. He crosses his arms across his chest, slightly puffing it out.
He looks at you whilst you relax your face as you looked at him do his little chest puff, your eyes widen, slight glare to the ground and then back to the familiar stern look, he lets out a light huff. Amused at the expressions coming and going on your face. He could've sworn there was hint of pink spreading across that brown skin.
"Price said you've worked here before" Soap continues, trying to ease the tension that was stirring between the three of you as the three of you walk across the tarmac, amidst the other soldiers and trucks driving past.
You stare again at Soap, trying to ease the furrowed brows, but they seem glued to their position. The back of your mind still processing your surroundings.
"Years ago. In my early twenties" You reply to Soap
"Wait, so how old are you now?" Soap asks
You look at him and smile slightly. People get so bewildered when they find out that you're a lot older than you look. Given that your face has hardly a wrinkle, no grey hairs, smooth and "fair" skin (for an Indian) that your mother loves to praise you about after years of her nagging of using SPF 50 daily, especially during winter.
"32" You reply
"Steamin' Jesus" Soap exclaims "You don't look a day over 25" he added
"Yeah, it's annoying getting ID'd when getting a drink though" You say back. You realise the two men are beside you, Soap on your left, and Ghost on your right. Glaring at you still, watching your movements. You're stuck in the middle. A rock and a hard place.
You feel the tension creep to your shoulders. You roll your right shoulder to ease the tension. It doesn't help. Not with the added weight your pack and duffle. You then take duffle off your back, and see Soap on your left raise him arm, again gesturing for him to help carry your stuff.
You raise your left hand and tell him again its okay. You've carried heavier. You've carried limp bodies for longer. You hold the duffle on your right hand, Ghost moves slightly further to make room. You take note and swing duffle, smooth and controlled.
The three of you head straight to building 2. You notice the building as been redone slightly since you were here last, a fresh slick of paint and new doors.
Soap runs up to the doors, and opens them for you, and gestures you through with his right hand. You nod and give a weak thanks.
"We have to keep you sweet" he says "Right L.t?" Soap says, nudging Ghost.
Ghost grunts disapprovingly.
"Why?" You turn to him, letting out a deep sigh. Laying the duffle and pack down on the ground. Suddenly the jet lag, the sore feet and legs hit you harder and you feel like you could just melt into the floor. But you couldn't do that.
"Well, you are our new medic, and you'll be patching us up after missions, so need to keep you sweet" Soap says in a chirpy manner.
"That's her job Johnny" Ghost said, voice rough
You smirk, reaching in your pack for a folder containing your documents and forms.
"Actually..." You start but then remember that even Price said your job role to your face. Medic.
"Actually?" Soap questions
"Nothing" You said, opening the plastic folder and retrieving your forms, you look up and see Soap with a puzzling look on his face and Ghost just coldly still staring.
The anxiety is kicking in. You feel it creep across your chest and swarming it's way to your arms and legs.
You pull out the forms needed and held them in your hand, in between Soap and Ghost, unsure who would take them
"Filled these out as requested by Captain Price" You say
Ghost reaches and grabs the papers, eyes weaving left to right from top to bottom across the forms. You see Soap try and peak and he notices a lot of thick blacked out information. His brows furrow and a curious sheen glosses over his eyes as he looks back at you.
"Most of this is redacted" Ghost says those cold eyes still on the paper. "Like your file" His eyes flicker to yours, hoping to catch you out.
But you stare back. Redacted like your face you think to yourself.
"Captain Price surely would've let you know why" You say curtly
The two men looked at each other. Ghost turned his head towards you, Soap still eyeing Ghost, and then peaking at the paper a bit closer.
No forename, no information of her previous time here... Was Ghost right? Soap thought
"Was hopin' to get somethin' outa' you" Ghost said brightly
He folded the forms into four and put them in his back pocket. He then bent down slightly and picked up your pack and duffle before you could. His eyes wondered up and down your body and your stare turned into a glare when you realised what he was doing.
You felt like he could see through the clothes that covered you. You tug the sleeve of your jacket, rolling your shoulders forward, trying to become smaller. And this man made you smaller. Not by his sheer size, but the way he just looked at you up and down.
"Need a hand Lt? Soap says, breaking the silence again. Hoping to at least try and carry the new medic's stuff.
"Nah, I got this Johnny" Ghost sighs, readjusting the grip on your pack and duffle and swinging them over his shoulder. "Let's show her the infirmary" He said walking off, leaving behind a bewildered Soap and yourself.
You follow the two men, wanting this to be over so you can lie down and sleep. And take the damn boots off. Your feet becoming numb with every step as you follow your commanding officers..
As the three of you reach the door of the infirmary, Ghost drops your pack and duffle from his shoulder to his side, still not letting go and places his left hand in his pocket and takes out a key and unlocks the door.
He looks down at you and you look up at him, you smile weakly, furrowed brows still and try and peak into the infirmary.
Ghost doesn't break his gaze from you, he moves from the doorway and gestures you to go in.
You go in first, the room a warm golden yellow, the light is turned off. The big windows let the last of the sun's rays into the room.
Golden hour.
It's so beautiful you think to yourself and as you move through the room to the window staring at the sunset.
"Best view on this side o' the buildin'" Ghost says, approaching you as you watch the sunset, he gently places your pack and duffle next you.
"It really is something" You say, smiling brightly at the sunset
Ghost sees the shift in your expression in the window, and looks down beside you, your eyes, they appear softer and warm. Not like the ones he experienced earlier.
"Johnny and I will get your room key" Ghost says turning to Soap who was about to take a photo of the sunset with his phone. "C'mon sergeant" as he walks past him and leans against the doorway.
You turn to look at them, Soap desperately trying to take a photo despite the sighing coming from Ghost as he watches him take endless photos of the "sunset". He saw Soap sneak a picture of you.
"Thank you Lieutenant Ghost and Sergeant Soap" You say, struggling to comprehend these codenames. Ghost you kind of get, given the mask. But Soap? There has to be some kind of gay connotation you think as you remind yourself of the saying 'Don't drop the soap'
The two of them turn to you, Soap smiles and Ghost just staring.
Soap eventually makes his way out past Ghost, and walks out.
"Meet you at the Hole Lt, need to take a piss" Soap whispers as he passes him.
You and Ghost lock eyes as he holds the doorknob and begins to just it close, you make your way over, ensuring that he will actually leave and not linger (like a ghost).
"Thanks again for carrying my stuff" You say, trying the fill the silence and encourage this man to leave.
Ghost's grip tightens on the doorknob, and brings the door closer.
"You are most welcome" He says
You smile again as you edge closer to the door. Leave dammnit
The smile on your face disappears, the mouth drops open slightly in an O. Eyes widen in shock.
You see Ghost's eyes wrinkle, a sign he's possibly smiling under that skull mask.
Got ya He thought as the took in the shocked face and closed the door leaving you bewildered on the other side.
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whoneedssubtitles · 2 years
or the attack on titan cast filming season four, episode fourteen.
ft. actor!armin, eren, mikasa, jean, hange, and erwin
author’s note: new series, honeys. writing it completely out of order with a mix of on and off set scenes. send me your ideas. ♡
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perhaps it was always meant to be this way, armin thought.
he and eren were never truly compatible. they were simply both outcasts, both unwanted by the other children on their street. so its was never that the distance between them was so close, but that the two of them were so far from everyone else that they were the only one the other could see.
even now, it felt natural that they would grow apart. that life and aging would only lead to clarity on who they are, who they thought the other was, and just how different those two people were. how different those two people must be.
so it was always going to happen this way—the two of them sitting at opposite ends of the white round table. armin in his uniform, eren not. armin beside mikasa, eren not.
he blinked hard to hide his tears, willing them to save themselves for someone worth shedding over. someone who didn’t abandon him for years without notice. someone who didn’t throw words sharper than daggers at the people who loved him. someone who wasn’t evil.
someone, anyone, who wasn’t eren.
face hot with anger, fireworks of nerves bursting in his chest, armin mustered all the strength he could to sound offended, but unhurt.
“how could you say that to her?”
he pushed himself up from his seat and lunged across the table.
armin has never been good at fighting. he left that to mikasa and the arguing to eren. even after months of training, his body felt weak and out of his control. eren could easily beat him in a match. hell, anyone could. but he couldn’t allow himself to stand by and watch. not this time, not anymore.
so here he was, willing his flailing arms to do something, anything, for once.
his body was jerked back before crashing against the table, his wrists pulled tight behind him in a hold he never learned in the cadet corps. the soft table cloth crumpled beneath his cheek. with one eye pressed into the fabric, armin steadied his clouded gaze on the culprit: mikasa.
eren rose from his seat across the table, his hand leaving bright red stains in its wake. his chest rose and fell, rose and fell, as he observed the scene before him, picking it apart like a scientific paper hange showed armin once.
a smirk pulled at eren’s lips, then he pressed them into a tight line, his hands drawing into fists by his sides. he’s never really been good at lying.
“you guys have to be kidding me. you’re not actually gonna make me do this, right?”
erwin groaned from his director’s chair, hiding his face in his hand, but peeking between his fingers at the scene before him. his eyes flickered to the clock on a nearby wall. they’d been at this for hours now, with eren motivating the majority of the retakes.
armin gently tapped his forehead against the table cloth. his face was hidden, but he couldn’t disguise the soft laugh that shook his body.
“reset the scene. again, please.” erwin glanced at his co-director, hange.
“how many times are you gonna make us do this, eren?” mikasa rolled her eyes, freeing armin’s wrists from her grasp. she rubbed her temples with her forefingers as she took a couple steps back from the table. working with eren was a headache — literally and figuratively.
“as many times as we need to get it right!” hange patted erwin’s knee twice before pushing off their seat to join the actors on the set. “we’ll do this all night if we have to.”
eren leaned over the table, leveling with his blonde co-star. “but how could i ever hurt armin?” with a pout, he lifted his gaze to meet hange’s, “i’d like to see you try to punch him, since you think it’s so easy.”
armin lifted his head from the table, propping himself on his forearms before setting back in his seat. “i would appreciate it if you didn’t.”
“you know, eren,” jean strolled onto the set from behind armin. he adjusted the collar of blond’s jostled uniform jacket before looking at eren. “it’s almost like we’re acting or something. like it’s not real, dumbass.”
jean was lucky (and clearly bored). his scenes didn’t start filming until tomorrow so he had an extra day to lounge around the crew, interjecting with not-so constructive criticism when he saw fit. also fixing armin’s costuming. he seemed to busy himself with that more lately.
“i actually find it comforting that he doesn’t want to punch me,” armin said, gaze cutting from jean’s hand on his shoulder to hange.
“do we need to get you stage fighting classes after however-many years we’ve been filming this? really?” hange looked at eren in disbelief.
eren brought his hands up to his hair, running them through the perfectly styled strands before remembering the fake blood. “oh, fuck.” he grimaced. “sorry…”
“everybody, take five,” hange cocked their head as they looked at the blood stains in eren’s hair. “or fifteen.”
thanks for reading! likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated :)
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kuzusushi · 1 year
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i suggest listening to paper airplanes by ruth b while reading this:)
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[2:45 am]
“hey, it’s me. i hope i didn’t wake you up.”
you hummed in response, taking a glimpse of midnight blues and deep black, a still background for the moon that shone brightly, accompanied by stars that scattered across the lonely sky. you lay down on a pile of pillows you’ve haphazardly strewn across your balcony floor, propping yourself up as you gather some paper and a pair of scissors to work on your craft as you listen to your lover in adoration. 
“well, i think you’d be able to hear this anyway when you wake up—and thank god i am the first thing i’d hear when i wake up, i would never forgive myself if i’d be second to the old couple next door yelling at their son to wake up—wait, you know what, never mind. i’d be second to your alarm clock anyway,” your lover huffs over the speaker. 
you let out a laugh as you imagine him crossing his arms indignantly, petty over his loss to an inanimate object. 
“but that’s besides the point. point is, your alarm clock is not the one greeting you first for our anniversary...i am!” he boasts. 
“so happy, happy anniversary, dear. well, i’ve prepared a speech for you so you best be ready for me when i get home...and before you tease me for being cheesy, i’d have to remind you that i’m only like this for you. you make me feel so full of happiness and i am just reminded of that each day when i get to go home to our shared home—oh it’s three already quick! write three wishes and send them off to the moon! “
it was your little tradition. you both decided that since your sleeping schedules were fucked anyway, might as well make the most of it before slipping off to slumber. so at three am, both of you would have to write down your wishes and send them off to the ‘moon’, which is essentially just each other, and it never fails to send you both preening over the romantic wishes you’d both have for one another. 
as you scrawl down your message on a piece of paper, you hear a yawn from your speaker. 
“i’m kind of sleepy now, dear. but before i go, let me list down my three wishes for tonight. hmm....since it’s our anniversary, my first wish would be to be able to cuddle with you when i get home. it’s really lonely here in my room so you have to promise to shower me with hugs when i get home ‘mkay?” 
another yawn and you feel him hesitate on the other side of the line. 
“my second wish....is to be able to grow old with you. children or none, pets or none, i don’t care. as long as i have you, i could never be a happier man. man, i know this sounds awfully cheesy, but i am so grateful to have you in my life. every time i see you, i wonder what i did so right in my life to have such an amazing partner like you. since this is a wish, you have no choice but to grow wrinkles with me now. who knows, maybe i’ll lend you my denture cream when you run out of them in the future...never mind. that’s kinda gross. i’ll just buy you a new tube of denture cream.” 
you hear him yawn again and shuffle over, as though he’s getting comfortable to sleep soon. 
“last wish....oh i think you’ll like this one. i know it’s been years since we’ve been dating and this is something i’ve always dreamed of. i hope you’ll be able to make this dream come true when i come home tonight—no one else could seal the deal other than you. this time, we can finally have actual anniversaries like marr- i mean, you’ll see. i hope you can wait for me, darling. i love you.” 
[3:00 am]
the recording ends as you let go of your paper airplane, longingly staring at the full moon that shone alone amidst the clouds. a tear falls down your face as you remember that his third wish could never happen. you sniffle as you shifted your gaze to the ring snug in the center of the box he was supposed to bring home that night. 
he didn’t come home. 
so now, all you could do is send your wishes to the moon, hoping that he’d still be there, watching over you. perhaps one day you both could meet again—perhaps not here, not now, but in another life, where fate will be kinder to you both.
you slowly hold the ring with shaking hands, the words engraved onto them held the single wish you have been writing every night. 
“my only wish was you.” 
CHARACTERS: CHILDE, KAVEH, KAEYA, THOMA, ITTO, ayato, kunikusuzhi, GOROU, heizou, tighnari
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testingthewatersss · 9 months
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I never lost him Trigger warnings for PTSD, mentions of war, torture,  etc. Just unapologetic cuddling and comfort ft. Steve Rodgers. Bucky Barnes x F Reader Chapter 11 2450 words fluff, angst, comfort. 18+ MDNI Post TWS Steve realises that he's not the only one looking for Sargent Barnes. Reader is Tony’s sister, a non-enhanced shield agent who recently resurfaced.
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And then, they’re both sleeping. They’re a bundle of warm skin and tangled limbs until the sun is well and truly risen.
It’s Bucky who stirs first; the feeling is strange.
It’s the first time in a very, very long time that he’s been able to come round calmly, without either confusion or terror clouding his mind. For a moment, it jars him. He blinks, muddled, and, the crease in his brow only tightens when he finds himself starring at a soft sea of hair.
It’s Y/N’s hair. He knows it well enough, it’s not the first time he’s woken up with his face buried in the soft, dark, curls. But still, this time he’s aware enough to appreciate his position fully. He’s pressed against her chest, her arms are still draped across his back, and if he turns his head a fraction he’ll be able to press a kiss against her jaw.
And that’s what wakes her.
The tickle of his lips against her face. The gentle brush of stubble against her cheeks.
She’s smiling. She’s beaming at him before her eyes open.
“Mornin’, angel…” he purrs, voice thick with adoration, “Did I wake ya’ again?”
Now, she’s watching him. Warm, brown eyes shining with love as she hums.
“I’m not complainin’…” she says softly, shifting so that she can reach up, and stroke his jaw, “…God, you’re gorgeous, Buck— How do you look this good in the mornin’?”
As blush fills his cheeks, Y/N can’t help sigh, thinking dreamily about how unfair it is that flattery only helps him look more beautiful.
“Seriously” she insists, “It’s insane… you’re just, perfect.”
“Stop” he murmurs, ducking his head bashfully, “Please, darlin’…. you know I—”
“I know” she cuts in, “That you need to get better at takin’ compliments. Especially since we’re living together full time now, and you’re goin’ to be hearing a whole lot more of them.”
That silences him. He’s so grateful for the he reminder that this is permanent that the added realisation that he might actually get to wake up like this more often is so overwhelming he can barely stand it.
“Baby” Y/N coos, affectionate as ever, “look at that face.”
Her fingers are curling across his cheek now, and he knows she really is looking. Her gaze is flickering across his features, drinking him in and all he can think to do is avert his eyes.
“How could anyone ever hurt you, huh?” she whispers, taking him totally off guard, “I don’t know how you ever got caught up in a war.”
He gulps, trying to swallow against the lump her sweet words have brought to his throat.
He doesn’t reply to her. He can’t.
“I guess it doesn’t matter now” she says somewhat finally, “Since you’re home now, and you… you are never going to see another fight."
“I’d fight for you” He replies suddenly, words leaving his lips before he’d decided to speak.
When he realises what he’s actually just said, he’s shocked. He hasn’t ever said that out loud before;
I would, though, he thinks firmly, I’d do anything for her, and I’m a hell of a fighter.
Y/N is curious. Not necessarily about his words, or the intensity of the connotations they hold, but more so about the strange tone that had laced them.
She meets his gaze and waits, half expecting him to look away again. He doesn’t, though. He sets his jaw definitely and stares right back at her, almost challenging her to argue.
“Well” Bucky hears her murmur, “It’s Lucky I would never ask you to do anythin’ like that, isn’t it, Barnes?”
“You wouldn’t have to ask” he replies instantly, almost offended that she might think he’d wait for her permission to defend her, “Y/N, I’d-”
“You” she beams, softening the atmosphere by letting her thumb brush across his cheek like a kiss, “are not a solider, sweetheart… You, have earned an early retirement…”
He opens his mouth the insist; To convince her that he’d happily be re-drafted if it was her on the line, but, she’s speaking before he gets chance,
“I know you want to protect me” she swears, “and I know you would if it came down to it, baby, but now, now is your time to heal… to rest up and let me keep you safe— I couldn’t do that the way I wanted before… I couldn’t stop you from gettin’ hurt but I can now, I can, and you’ve gotta humour me for a while, at least…”
Bucky pauses for a beat, starring at her and swallowing before he finally makes himself nod.
Even if she doesn’t show it often, he knows that she must’ve been effected by her time with HYDRA too, and no matter how many times he tells her just how much better she made it for him, it’s never going to be enough to make her feel like she did enough.
Not when she spent years watching him be tortured. Not when she’d had to struggle to get him a few hours worth of peace.
“You might not’ve been able to do what you wanted…” he whispers, wanting to tell her again, “…but you did more than enough for me…”
“I know” she agrees with a small, loving smile, “but now— Now I can do so much better than the bare minimum, baby— I can keep you safe, really safe…”
“Oh, god” Bucky whispers, letting his head settle against her palm, “doll, I love you so much…I, I just… I just want to promise ya that I’m going to protect you too, because I couldn’t keep you safe at all, back then, I— I just couldn’t do anything…and, I adore ya, and I- I fought for people before when I didn’t have a choice and I, I’d do anything you’d ask me too, anything I, I swear…”
“I love you too” she beams, finding his rambling awfully endearing, “and I promise, that I won’t ever, ever, ask you to do anything you’ll regret, okay? I’m going to spend the rest of my life making you smile as much as I can.”
The way he beams at her makes her heart ache behind her ribs. She’s so hopelessly in love that she feels almost ridiculous.
“We’re disgusting” Bucky hears her announce, “Really, Buck— we’re gonna have to reign it in if we’re ever goin’ to be around other people, because sometimes we’re so hall-mark that it makes me sick…”
He laughs at that. A real, deep laugh that makes his eyes screw up at the corners. When Y/N sees the look on his face ‘reigning it in’ is the furthest thing from her mind.
And then, she’s kissing him, and he’s kissing her, and they’re both breathless, and giddy, and when they separate, Bucky is dazed from the niceness of the contact—
He raises her brow when he hears her, voice soft and as gentle as her lips had been against his,
“Pancakes?” he echos, confused
“You said you wanted them” she chuckles, reaching up to stroke his cheek, “unless you’ve changed your mind?”
He’s blushing, hot and pink as he remembers what she’s talking about.
His eyes are blue, and full of awe as she tilts her head curiously, knuckles grazing his temple.
“Beautiful” she murmurs, meaning it, “Are you hungry?”
He is. He hasn’t eaten for a day, so he nods.
“C’mon then, baby…” she drawls, approving, “Unless you want breakfast in bed?”
“Can we do that?” he asks, disbelieving, “Seriously?”
“Seriously” she says, teasing slipping into her voice, “we’re adults, we can do whatever we want.”
God, he’s beaming at her again.
She can’t help but guide his smiling mouth back to hers, rubbing her nose against his before lacing their hands together and leading him towards the kitchen.
They have the dry ingredients in the cabinets and enough milk and eggs in the fridge.
Bucky is a picture. Hovering beside the breakfast bar with tousled hair and a sleepy expression that’s laced with genuine interest as he watches her gather everything together.
She gets a bowl, and presses a kiss against his cheek as she leans across the counter to grab a spoon from beside his shoulder.
He turns into her, capturing her lips instead.
He whispers out a “Coffee?” against her cheek.
“Please” she accepts, resuming her task, mixing everything together.
The coffee machine is similar enough to one he’s used before. He knows how she likes hers, so, he finishes it first, presenting her with a mug before he goes back to complete his own.
And then, he’s back to watching. He’s perched on a stool now, steam swirling around his cheeks, as she sets the frying pan on high heat and warns him that it’s about to make noise.
It does. The batter crackles angrily as she pours it onto the surface.
“What do you want with yours?” she asks, swallowing a sip of coffee.
Bucky feels his brow crease as he considers her question.
He has no idea. He hadn’t thought that far ahead.
“What did your ma’ used to do?” she wonders, “Do you remember?”
“We didn’t have much” he says thickly, “We just used to eat them with butter… or, or some honey if we were lucky…”
“Honey?” she repeats, smiling at him as he hides his face behind his mug.
“We have honey” she tells him, attention back on the pan, “and butter, and bacon, if you’d like to try that too? I forgot I bought it, it’d be a shame to throw it out”
He laughs, breathy and disbelieving and then he’s nodding.
By the time the food is cooked, the smell is making his stomach hurt. He’s suddenly ready to beg for as little as a mouthful. He settles for draining his mug, and starring, wide eyed as Y/N adds plates ladened with pancakes, and bacon, and butter, and honey to a tray that already held cutlery and a jug of water. It looks heavy. He goes to lift it, reaching it just before she does.
“Thank you” she murmurs, stroking his hip and nodding back towards the bedroom.
Breakfast in bed.
He remembers, and he suddenly has to be very careful not to trip over his own feet in his rush to get there.
Spools of her affectionate laughter ripple around him as he arranges the tray the mattress, waiting patiently for her to join him on the covers.
She does one better than that, kicking the blankets over their legs with a roll of her eyes.
“I said in bed” she teases, patting the space next to her, “not on the bed.”
He whispers out an “Oh, god” that makes her heart swell in her chest as she passes him his plate.
“It might not be as good as your mothers” she warns lightheartedly, “but it’s warm, so I doubt you’ll complain”
He manages a scoff before he’s eating.
And then, it takes every facet of control he has left not to moan in delight as he swallows.
It’s every bit as good as he remembers his mothers being.
It’s sweet, and hot, and she’s beaming at him, rubbing her feet against his legs under the duvet they’re sharing.
It’s one of the rare moments where he really, truly feels happy.
Where he’s not scared, or hurting, or watching his words.
He’s just eating breakfast in bed with the woman he loves, and nothing could be better than that.
“So, Sweetheart” Y/N beams, reaching over to clean a smudge of honey from his cheek, “What’s the verdict?”
“It’s good, doll” he gulps, “It’s real, good”
She nods in agreement, picking at another piece of bacon.
“I think so too” she says, “and it wasn’t hard to put together. We can definitely do it again.”
He feels his heart swelling three sizes as he looks at her. Searching her expression for a hint of mocking that he doesn’t find.
“Yeah?” he asks, still not daring to believe her
“Sure” she agrees, “Maybe not every day— but-”
“Maybe every week?”
He sounds like a child, she thinks, like an excited little boy.
“That sounds reasonable” she says, trying and failing to hold a serious expression, “and on the other 6 days we can see what else you like”
Even Bucky laughs at that, real and breathy.
and then, they’re finished. The plates are empty and he’s full, and starring at her with nothing short of adoration and she can’t help but sigh. She bats his hands away as she goes to discard their tray on the floor beside the bed, and then, she opens her arms to receive him when she settles back in position.
“You’re spoilin’ me” he murmurs, curling into her chest.
“Am I?” she whispers, feigning ignorance, “You want me to stop?”
His stubble tickles her jaw, his voice is thick and sweet by her ear.
“Good” she coos, relishing in the affectionate display, “Because I don’t think I’m ever gonna stop”
Her fingers are in his hair. She’s stroking through the tangles, and letting her nails trail across his head and he’s nearly purring in delight.
“Baby” she whispers, “What do you want to do today, huh? We can do whatever you want.”
“Oh, god”
He is purring, now. Physically keening out in response to the way she’s touching him so sweetly.
“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”
She’s teasing him because he’s flustered, and all he can think to do is return the favour. Nuzzling down into her throat, and letting his tongue flick out to the skin behind her ear. By the time he starts kissing her jaw, she’s laughing all over again.
“Okay” she concedes with a giggle, “-You win— Your tongue is right where it belongs”
He smiles, hidden, before going back to pressing his lips across her face.
“But, as nice as that is— It’s still not an answer” she insists, playing with his curls, “What’do you wanna do today?”
“Anythin’” he murmurs, “Anythin’ with you”
“Hmmmm” she hums, pressing her brow against his, “That’s real vague Buck, especially since we’re goin’ to be together every day from now on…”
Bucky beams at her. His eyes creasing up at the sides as he lets himself really, truly smiles at the woman he loves.
“Every day?” he mumbles, tone a shade too hopeful to maintain the playful atmosphere
“Every day” She confirms, pressing a kiss against his lips, “Starting from today.”
“Oh, god” he whispers, voice shaking, “…I love you so much, doll— I really, I can’t tell ya how much…”
“You’re a sap” she teases, pecking at his cheek now, “Baby, but I love you too”
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | x | 12
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angstyanemo · 2 years
Effort in Red
What your Valentine’s date looks like with Albedo, Diluc, Ganyu, Jean, and Venti.
Warning for slight innuendo for Diluc and Jean
AN: I think I give away what my love languages are with all this.
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Albedo: painting date/watching the stars at Cape Oath. 
   Most people knew that Starsnatch had one of the best views. It frequently had a couple or two there every night. It could be reasoned that even more people would visit on such a holiday. Being slightly clueless and wanting to avoid a crowd made Albedo look for alternatives. It had roughly the same qualities, so Cape Oath became the next obvious choice to him. 
   While it was definitely more of trek, it ended up meaning more to the both of you. Cape Oath had the perfect view inward to Mond. It held the entirety of your lives together on the horizon. Dragonspine was put into a new perspective, one that Albedo captured on canvas for the occasion. There were also supplies for you as well. He enjoyed doing something together no matter your skill, style, or subject that you decided on. 
   You ended the night under a sky free from constant clouds and snow of Dragonspine or the lights of the city. If you wanted, Albedo would point out constellations and the origins of the names. For now, he was just a nerd that wanted to share his passion with you. The responsibilities you both had could return with the sun. 
Diluc: Beachside lunch and he has a table prepared by the time you get there.
   Unfortunately for you both, Diluc would be required to work at the tavern as celebrations and wine went hand to hand in Mond. Luckily, most of the work would be done after noon (and well into the night) so he had the first half of the day to spend with you. Knowing this in advance, he arranged for a charcuterie board type lunch on the beaches near the south of the winery. You could plan whatever you wanted from the time you both woke up until lunch. Diluc just wanted to do this one moment right before he had to leave.
   The hours passed quickly. When it came time to walk down the road, any people you passed didn’t dare disturb either of you. The picturesque sight of two lovers on a walk was enough to ward them away. That and the soft gaze Diluc had focused on you was very rare to see in public. He still caught the sight of two of his workers setting up the food so he quickly pulled you in for a hug before you noticed. He bought some time by whispering in your ear what he had planned for you both when he got home late at night.
 Ganyu: after a lot of convincing, a picnic just outside of the harbor.
   Leading up to a festival always meant an increased workload for the entire Qixing. Even though there wasn’t an official celebration, Ganyu still managed to get more work. So you did as you always did at these times, you trapped her with cuddles at regular sleeping intervals. She understood why you were so concerned about her overworking herself even if she didn’t need quite as much sleep as you. She was still tempted away with your warmth. 
  When you proposed having a picnic just outside the boundaries of the harbor, she automatically protested. However, you already pulled out all the stops with offering her favorite food, a nice outdoor nap, and some of her urgent work divided into a manageable workload for her assistants. She found herself out of an argument before she could even start, and her heart melted at the thoughtfulness of your planning. Instead of putting up a fight, she decided to start repaying your kindness by simply accepting it (and planning something of her own latter on but shh). 
Jean: A night in pampering each other. Bath time. Actually cooking together.
   The knights didn’t have much of a role in the Valentine’s celebrations besides the daily affiairs and a small increase in patrols. Nothing that needed Jean’s direct attention so she thought she would take the opportunity. While she still let people know where to find her, she just wanted to spend the night with you without you having to be forced to take breaks. She bought some fresh ingredients and indulged in some soaps and other supplies from a few stalls. She was definitely home earlier then you would have expected so you weren’t there currently. That only gave her time to set up candles lining the counters in the kitchen and bathroom.
It’s not long before you returned a few small gifts and some supplies. It was a pleasant surprise to be greeted instead of the greeter. Once you’d both settled down with gifts and putting things away, it was time to cook. Whether it was synchronized or complete chaos, it was still enjoyable because you were together. Now all that was left was to get soaked.
Venti: Commissions the Traveler to make a special dinner for you both and sets up a little picnic for you both on one of the windmills to overlook the city. No table tho cause hes not fancy like Diluc.
If there was one thing Venti was good at, it was presentation. He spent most of the day sneaking up decorations to one of the windmills. He collected flower garlands, jars of fireflies, and he even bribed a few anemo crystalflies. All he could think about is your surprised face and gleaming eyes. As sunset drew closer, he started worrying if the Traveler had the food ready yet.
5 minutes
Just in time, the Traveler delivered to the windmill just as you both arrived. Paimon quickly flew off to get her own food since she wasn’t allowed to steal any from you delivery. You got to exchange a few words before the Traveler rushed after Paimon. Venti quickly got your attention again by stepping closer to you and summoning wind underneath you both. You still couldn’t help grabbing onto him no matter how many times he does it. But he just flashes you a reassuring smile and placed you both on the landing gently.
Now you watched over the city, eating together and side by side. The dusk bled into the lights, wine, and twirling stars of the night while the both of you relaxed.
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 3 months
Sun Wukong and Macaque go out to watch the stars. They are pleasantly surprised when Phoenix comes looking for them.
Everyone had finally settled down for the night, Tripitaka close to the fire, with Ao Lie sleeping in his horse form not far away, Pigsy was snoring loudly and Sandy was silently laying there. Phoenix looked at them all with a small smile, this was nice to finally have a peaceful moment. Looking around again she yawned before glancing to where the monkey demons had walked off to.
They were supposed to be back by now but of course they weren’t. Quietly she looked at at group around the fire before she stood up. She began following where the Monkeys had went. If they wanted to stay away from the group that was fine, but she wanted to make sure they were okay.
The forest around them was wide awake with nightlife. Crickets chirping and small critters running around. None of them seemed to notice her as she passed by, more than likely due to her abilities.
As she came to a small clearing on top of a cliff she saw who she was looking for. Sun Wukong and Macaque were cuddling with each other, tails intertwined as they stared at the sky. They were fine, she was about to turn around when she heard their quiet voices.
“When we get done with this journey, we’ll go home,” Sun Wukong spoke turning his gaze to face his mate.
Phoenix knew she shouldn’t be ease dropping. But even though she wanted to walk away she couldn’t bring herself to. A part of her didn’t want the journey to end, even though she knew her journey would be ending sooner than theirs.
“Of course, and we’ll have a party to celebrate,” Macaque grinned knowing that’s what his mate loved.
“A feast! Yes, of course,” Wukong agreed his eyes gleaming with delight then Macaque said something that Phoenix couldn’t hear from the distance she was at.
“A feast to welcome their new Queen,” Mac whispered into his mate’s ear softly.
This spurred Wukong to wrap his arms around his mate and give him a big kiss. A kiss that was immediately returned, claws dug into fur as they made out.
Phoenix felt her face completely flush at the display before her as she turned her head to look away. This was so wrong to watch. So instead of continuing to watch she let out a cough to get their attention.
Almost immediately Macaque’s ears shot up and he turned to look at her. He relaxed when he saw it wasn’t an enemy, but raised his brow nonetheless.
“Hi!” Wukong chirped happily.
“What are you two doing?” She was trying to cover the fact she had been watching them.
“Stargazing,” Macaque responded matter of factly, he wore a glare to cover up his delight at seeing her. Though his tail thumping against the ground gave away his emotions.
“Okay. Well don’t be too long, Tripitaka will get-“ Monkey King cut her off quickly.
“Join us!” He all but screamed causing Macaque to flinch beside him.
Before she could even respond something pushed her forward. She couldn’t even scream as darkness clouded her vision and she was plopped in between e two monkey demons. She turned to see what pushed her and saw a Shadow clone falling back into the ground.
“I-I should actually get ba-“ once again she was interrupted as she felt two tails wrap around her waist.
“You said not to be too long,” Macaque began to say.
“So join us too make sure that happens,” Wukong finished with a gleeful chuckle.
Both monkey demons cuddled up to either side of her firmly trapping her in place. Her face was bright red with a blush that she couldn’t shake off. She tried to wiggle free but neither let her go.
Her shield was currently around the rest of the group and with them sleeping she wasn’t willing to use it right now. Which left her not only open to attacks but also open to monkey demon cuddles. Seeing as she wasn’t going to get free any time soon she let out a sigh.
“You’re not going to let me go are you?” She asked slowly.
“Nope,” Wukong giggled cuddling closer to her.
“Get used to it,” Macaque sighed nuzzling her arm. “Enjoy the starlight.”
At his words Phoenix looked up at the sky and her eyes widened in shock. Above her was a beautiful display of bright shooting stars and comets. She gasped at the sight, it was so beautiful.
Unknown to her neither monkey was looking at the sky anymore but rather they were looking at her. The reflection of the stars in her eyes and the light illuminating her face. ‘Beautiful,’ they both thought in unison.
She was beautiful, and she was all theirs. They didn’t care who they had to fight to keep her. They only wanted to keep their new darling, she was theirs and no one could stop then from having her.
Phoenix wiggled again pulling her arms out of their tight embrace. Before they were able to object she settled a hand on each of their heads. She began to scratch their scalps earning content purrs in response.
Both were pleasantly surprised by her actions. It made their hearts swell with joy, she loved them, of course she did. She was always so sweet with them even after they were so mean to her. They were going to have to make it up to her but those thoughts weren’t at the top of their list right now.
No right now they just wanted to bask in the attention that she was so sweetly giving them. She loved them, she had to love them there could be no other answer. At least that’s what Wukong thought. Macaque… wasn’t so sure. Did she really love them or was she just being nice? He could never tell with her.
He wanted her to love them, but how was he to be sure. She’s never said it. It mattered a lot to him that she loved them. He slowly let himself relax into her head scratches more. Even if she didn’t love them now, they could still win her over.
It was all in due time. As long as he could keep his mate from pouncing too soon. They would have her, she would be theirs... no, she was theirs it was only a matter of time before she found out.
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someplace-darker · 2 years
Kinktober Day 10: Drunk Sex | Eddie Munson
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Pairing: Eddie munson x reader (no y/n)
Wordcount: 1.3k
Warnings: 18+, PWP, Drunk sex, dubcon due to said drunkness, riding, implied facesitting, no protection (wrap it!!), semi-public sex (they're in his van in the woods but whatever), reader is afab but no pronouns are used
Summary: Eddie picks you up to celebrate his birthday with whiskey and stargazing, only to end up getting a present from you in a different form than usual.
A/N: holy shit i told myself i would make this one only like 800 words but noooo I had to push. This is also kind of cute and intimate. Oh well, it's late and i'm tired! I haven't written for Eddie in a second but I hope yall enjoy!
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It’s cold in Eddie’s van, the back doors open to ‘let some air in’ as he had said, but you wonder if it’s actually just an excuse to tangle your legs with his and press your flushed cheek to his equally warm chest. He had picked you up from your job, insisting that you ride with him and he’d take you back to your car in the morning. You agreed, since it was his birthday and god he just had to look at you with the widest eyes possible.
So, you sat in his van drinking and telling stories until the sun set behind the hills of Hawkins, now pointing at the stars and naming them. Eddie loves listening to you talk about the stars, even if you are forgetting a few of them right now and he has no clue what you’re talking about. 
“See that one?” you question, waggling your finger at the sky until he looks away from you, peering out the back. “I think so,” he murmurs, voice low and slurred just slightly, the warm whiskey settling into the pit of your stomachs easily. “It’s a bear,” you hum, dropping your hand back down to hold his waist, nosing against his chest until he turns his head and kisses your temple. 
“I don’t know how you remember all of this stuff, baby,”  Eddie shifts to pull your body on top of his, grunting when you settle completely. A breeze blows through the back, making you shiver and press harder into him as if he could fight the wind for you. If you would ask him, he’d say yes. “We learned about it in fifth grade Eds, I just don’t think you were listening,” Eddie grunts as you shift, hands settling on your ass to keep you from moving more. 
“Probably not,” he confirms, groaning under his breath when you move again, unknowingly pressing down onto his crotch. It takes a bit longer for your brain to catch up with Eddie’s predicament, his cock pressing into your abdomen for about two minutes before you notice. 
“Oh,” you grin, planting your hands on the floor beside his shoulders and pushing yourself up until you’re seated on him. It’s dark to the point that you need to squint to truly see him, his hair frizzed and splayed out beneath his head, cheeks tinted rosy red from the celebratory alcohol in his system. “Can I give you a present, Eddie? Do you want me to ride you?” you whisper, waiting for an answer before moving any further. 
His tongue flits out to wet his lips, his grip on your backside firm as he pulls you forward in a short motion that causes you both to moan “yes, please.” 
Your movements are unbalanced as you try to back up enough to tug at the button of his faded jeans, wobbling slightly and nearly toppling off of him as you both giggle at yourselves, Eddie’s hands coming up to hold yours until you’re able to gather your bearings once more. “Careful baby,” he grins, long lashes brushing against his cheekbones as he blinks up at you, adoration clouding his gaze. The warmth in his tone makes you shiver, forcing yourself to focus on the small metal piece keeping you from touching him. Eddie watches you with an amused expression, rubbing his thumbs against your thighs. 
“Why is this so fucking hard,” you grumble, the buzz in your fingers becoming more annoying than it was enjoyable before. The button finally pops out of the loop after a minute, your arms shooting into the air as you whoop triumphantly. “That was s- so much fun to watch, seriously, I think we should do it again,” Eddie teases, jokingly reaching for it before you swat at his hand, tugging at the zipper and tugging the waistband past his ass to his mid-thigh. 
“Yeah keep laughing shithead,” you say with as much affection as possible, fire lighting in your stomach when Eddies stops laughing to moan as your hand finally grips him under his boxers. His eyes pinch shut, lips parted around a gasp, your grip on his cock light as you twist your wrist and pump him in your hand. 
“Baby, I love you so much and this is so fucking hot- but I will not last right now if you keep going,” Eddie forces out honestly, muttering curse words under his breath when you pull him free and climb back up his legs, bunching your skirt to your waist and pulling the crotch of your underwear to the side. The glimpse you get of his dick before you straddle him completely is one you’re grateful for, flush and twitching under your watchful eye, the tip beading with precum. 
There’s something inherently romantic about riding him in the back of his van on his birthday after stargazing, and you wish that you could snap a picture of what he looks like at this moment. Splayed beneath you with bitten raw lips, brown curls sticking to his forehead and cheeks red from the alcohol in his system, letting you take the reins with such willingness and trust it makes your heart ache. You line yourself up with his cock and lower yourself just enough for him to press into you, then reaching for his hands and placing them on your hips. 
“Go ahead, Eds. It’s your day. I’m yours,” your coo morphing into a sigh when he pulls you down at the same time he plants his feet to thrust up into you. It can’t be comfortable to have sex in a t-shirt and leather jacket but Eddie’s too focused on you to mind, ignoring the rapidly climbing temperature coming from the heat between your bodies. 
“I’m so lucky,” Eddie grunts, eyes flicking to where his cock disappears into your cunt, awe written so deep into his features you wonder if that will become his permanent expression. The cotton of your underwear digs into the crook of your thigh uncomfortably, but the spinning in your head dismisses it, too focused on how each snap of his hips into yours makes your body light up. 
Once his eyebrows pull tight and his eyes roll back you know he’s close, his coordination faltering more than it already was. You can see the focus on his features as he tries his hardest to hold back, letting go of your body to run his hands down his face in concentration, legs stilling. 
“Give me- fuck, sorry, give me a second, I wanna make you cum first but I just- so close,” Eddie groans and you smile sweetly, even when you offer to make him feel good he’s still thinking of you foremost. 
“It’s okay Eddie, you can cum,” you whisper, leaning back and placing your hands palm down beside his knees to move easier, the view it gives him a pro as well. Eddie blubbers senselessly, nodding with earnestness when you start grinding forward and down, swiveling your hips for added effect. You can feel the twitch of his dick inside of you, strings of fuck leaving his mouth before he taps your ass twice and you lift off of him, panting from the exertion while he pumps himself in his own hand before cumming with a whine onto your lower stomach.
It takes several moments for Eddie to gather his composure, blinking at you in all his drunken glory before chuckling quietly to himself. It’s cute, you think, the deliriousness of his orgasm mixing with the pussy drunk look on his face. You go to readjust your underwear back into their spot but Eddie grabs your wrist, wicked smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“Take those off,” he speaks, honestly more of a breathy inhale than a statement. Raising an eyebrow questioningly, you agree “okay. May I ask why?” Eddie just hums and smacks your ass with a quick swat, making you yelp. 
“You’re going to sit on my face.” 
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scalproie · 7 months
3, 6, 10, 31,36
1, 60, 55, 12, 10
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(Also dont kill me for the Asulili im not as versed as you)
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
*laughs in canon clothes swap in t8 customization* but fr i dont think asuka would willingly wear lili's clothes bc its not her style and the same would be true for lili. BUT when lili start to gift asuka clothes, I feel she would eventually wear the kinda clothes she buy for her gf herself, making asuka want to wear them in return.
6. Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other?
I FEEL like both of those would be lili. bc lili is the one making an active choice to be in asuka's life, so it would be her who'd have to swallow her pride and beg for asuka to stay, all the while being the one who'd be ready to leave to protect asuka, bc in her mind, pre-dating, she deep down would think/know that her presence isnt essential in asuka's life (it wouldnt be true but yknow)
10. Describe their first date.
When they decide to actually start dating, I feel their first date would be kinda jarring to asuka bc in her mind, she'd picture lili doing exactly what lili has always done, with the extravagance she's bring to everything, the roses, the everything... but the actual date is much more reserved bc in lili's mind, smth has changed yknow? This has a touch of seriousness to the situation that wasnt there before, and maybe, just maybe, lili is a bit more nervous about this now.
31. Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
I feel asuka would be kinda handsy bc thats the protectiveness talking, she would barely even notice that shes doing it, someone would be talking to either of them about lili in particular and asuka would have to have a physical contact with her.
36. Who’s more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?
Again. Asuka. She's someone who finds concrete solutions to problems, and if lili wakes up hungry well there is only one way to solve that. "Its rotten work, especially if its you. I mean i'll do it but christ alive"
And now Xiaojin!
1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
Xiaoyuuu like MAYBE post-t8, jin could end up in that situation but for the most part it'd be xiaoyu, again, pre-t8, jin would have trouble coming to terms as to why someone would do any kind of extreme actions for HIM so this would be xiaoyu's argument ender. She'd immediately be embarassed after saying it while jin bluescreen
10. Describe their first date.
AMUSEMENT PARK BABEYYY like man. Literally what better for them to reconnect as friends and get used to hang out as lovers? With xiaoyu's special interest and a place jin is sure to enjoy experiencing for most likely the first time where he get just to have fun?
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
I dont think they have many arguments and in those, jin would be particularly apologetic anyway. His loved ones are everything to him so naturally he would try to make her heard and find together a solution to whatever problem theyre having that would have them argue anyway. That and he also feels like a "my girlfriend is mad at me. I hope I die" kinda guy.
55. Do they like watching clouds or star gazing?
Both, watching clouds turns into star gazing eventually and this is more jin's thing like he would show xiaoyu the clear sky of yakushima and she's happy to share that with him
60. Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
Xiaoyu does it sometimes bc like. she's finally found him :) but most of the time its Jin, he likes that kind of comfort to having her close to him and not being scared of harming her despite himself
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c2-eh · 11 months
Charlos, 50 through 55
thanks maina for asking mwahhh
50. Who's more likely to do something out of spite?
Both, but I am leaning towards Charles. He can be a little bitch sometimes (affectionate)
51. What's a non verbal way they say I love you
FOREHEAD! KISSES! BELOVED! also any type of handholding. Squeezing your hand to say i love you and comfort you without words ❤️
52. Describe their weekend getaway
They'd fight where to go between Mallorca or wherever Charles wants to go. They end up spending time on yacht because they're basic like that, but somewhere more private without any prying eyes. They do the usual - eat, drink, fuck, swim, sleep and just relax because their lives are insaaane. Orrrr I can see them going to dolomites they both looooove so much (annoying /lh). They prefer to go alone to fully enjoy each other :))
53. Would they ever go skinny dipping?
Yes. Although they'd have to do it on some private island or sth otherwise we'd get paparazzi pics of their dicks
54. Who's more likely to carry the other to bed?
55. Do they like watching clouds or star gazing?
Star gazing!!!! Carlos actually watches Charles more than the stars, because he's his best view ❤️
obligatory OTP asks
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chiquititaosita · 2 years
Shikamaru with a Latina s/o
pairing: shikamaru nara x female latina reader
post type: headcanon ish scenario
contents: fluff, slightly nsfw, lots of spanish,
bear note: hellloo my loves! so this one is a surprise to do!!
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⇾ shikamaru with a Latina s/o hands down is ONE OF THE BEST DYNAMIC DUOS EVER!
⇾ when he first met you, he actually was shocked to see you for the very first time. Noticing your ethnic features, the bump on your nose, the way your plump lips form into a smile.
⇾ shikamaru will be observing and calculating your every move. He’s already sure of the feelings he had for you the minute he sees you he’s like🤨😐
⇾ He got confused that you were actually trying to get to know him. Since your mom made you socialize with people. you guys clicked pretty quickly, y’all got close not even after a few years. It was adorable. shikamaru actually put effort into talking you. when you were one of the new jonin, taking place for one of the injured shinobi. You actually walked up to pineapple head to ask for reinforcements on the mission you’re on. He had a strategic plan to follow.
⇾ loves to learn about your culture, your language, and you history.
⇾ of course you know how to the healing justu like Sakura and lady Tsudande. But you specialized more in herbal remedies and cleanses. And you’re more in the shinobi pero with a medicine woman type of person
⇾ “what’s that.” He’ll point at your jaded obsidian pendant out of curiosity. You’d explain it was an ancestral heirloom, your mother gave you. You of course explain to him the spirits, entities, culture, mythology of your culture . By handing him books and stuff. This is when he starts to develop a crush on you
⇾ ”you’re a troublesome woman you know that.” he’ll tell you this when y’all are alone cloud watching, which was a daily thing to do for the both of y’all to relax. But only this time y’all were star gazing.
⇾ ”I don’t mean to be troublesome, I tend to be mysterious, spicy, or enchanting.” You’ll do the imagination hands from SpongeBob, to crack a smile out of the Nara boy.
⇾ yes you both have feelings for each other. It was very obvious, I mean too obvious. The way y’all are paired together for missions. Etc etc.
⇾ he’ll just straight up tell you and confront you . At the right time but everytime he’s attempted something will always happen. . Something always going wrong, invasions, you name it.
⇾ choji and ino will be the ones to help him come into conclusion even though shikamaru doesn’t want to admit his feelings.
⇾ that’s when he started to realize his feelings for you. he’s in defeat. Because he knows not even logic can deny his feelings for you.
⇾ ”oh what a drag. I’m in love with the girl..” he’ll sigh and take a puff out a cigarette as he’s cloud watching by himself.
⇾ Ino will notice the chemistry y’all both have and come up with a slick yet genius plan. To get the two of you to be together. she’ll plan a picnic with you and the boys, then she’ll come up with some excuse to ‘leave’ and grab choji with her just so they can both find a way to hear and watch y’all from far away. He knew this was going to happen. But he decided to ditch that, but accept the fact, he can finally spend time with you. The confrontation literally didn’t happen, until you broke silence when y’all were cloud watching. and he was “napping.”
⇾ ”Um Shikamaru There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.” You’re gonna be twiddling with your fingers and place them down. And tell him your feelings. Starting to sit up
⇾ “oh is there?? ?” DUH MF YES THERE IS LMAO, he’ll open one of his eyes, slightly yawn. Already awake, The mother fucker will begin to sit up stretch, take a few minutes to adjust himself sits up and lights up his cig.
⇾ ”y-yeah, so what would happen if I told you… that I have romantic feelings for you…?” his eyes widened at you as he coughed up smoke from his cigarette.
⇾ ”pobrecito!! Are you okay shikito?” You’ll be highly concerned, he’s still blushing at the fact you called him a pet name in your native language. He’s trying to keep his cool. However after a few seconds he hacks, and is in relief putting out his cigarette
⇾ shikito is pet name you call him. when you both hear the words come out of your mouth. He had the biggest flash of red onto his cheeks. Hiding the blush on his face. He loves the nickname you give him. You were originally trying to say chiquito. But shikito came out instead. He cherishes it.
⇾ ”I’m fine…” he’ll sigh to himself preparing for the big moment. After giving y’all a few minutes to settle down and not try to kill the vibe.
⇾ “Hey Y/n”, you begin to look up gazing into eyes, hearing your own heart pound
⇾ “Come here .” He’ll gesture you to sit closer. once you sit more closer to him, Lifting your chin, cupping your face leaning into your face.
⇾ “Close your eyes.” he’ll begin pressing his lips against yours softly. You indeed return the kiss. Wrapping your arms around his neck, while he has one hand around your waist the other caressing your cheek. As the sun began to set, the red and orange hues began to compliment both of y’all’s complexions.
⇾ Taking in his sandalwood, tabaco, pine tree scent. After that kiss y’all are given a few minutes to breathe. “does that answer your question?” he smirks against your lips, as he watches you get flustered. He loves it.
⇾ ”yes it does but I don’t understand .” You’ll snuggle next to him leaning on his chest. Kissing his cheek, than go into a rant on why he shouldn’t even go out with you, and why he should go out with you.
⇾ “troublesome woman you are.” He’ll shut you up by kissing your lips gently and you’re continuing embracing his touch,
⇾ “FINALLY!! YES!! WHOOOO!!!” you’ll just hear ino and choji screaming and yelling how happy they are for you two becoming a couple.
⇾ when you cook for him, he was shocked at first since his parents weren’t present at the moment (they went out) .
⇾”ughhh… im bored.”
⇾”well you can help me wash dishes, make the empanadas for the kids at the academy, do your laundry.” Hes gonna groan and complain
⇾”you sound just like my mother.”
⇾”okay but at least you both love me.” You tease him kissing his cheek as you’re handing him a plate of miso soup, then setting your self down
⇾”now eat before it gets cold.” you’ll sit next to him as you’re setting your soup.
⇾the minute he tastes your miso soup he’s in heaven. Like HOW DID SOMEONE MAKE THAT! he GOES DOWN TO TOWN! I MEAN CHOW DOWN CHOW DOWN! Once he finishes he kisses your cheek. “Thats the best miso soup I’ve tasted.”
⇾he’s going to be lectured by you of course you’re trying not to be his mom, but you’re trying to make sure he’s alive.
⇾ most of the time y’all’s dates are just quality time, either playing shogi, dancing together in the living room, or pet sitting pakkun (Kakashi pays well).
⇾Shikamaru LOVES when you’re jealous when it comes to another girl talking to him. Especially temari. You’re this close to committing arson on her ass. But you can’t so you just pretend to fake a smile, and be all nice to him like that (future post coming soon)
⇾ he finds it hot that you kick ass, and stand up for yourself. He loves it when you scold people in Spanish.
⇾”Amor It’s fine, im good, you go get what we need and come back.” you’ll smile and wait he just picked you up, on his shoulder, you’re freaking out telling him to put you down. As he continued to help run this errand with you, and kept walking
⇾”how troublesome..” he’ll chuckle to himself and smack your ass,
⇾ you do not understand how much this pineapple boy loves you. ITS FUCKING UNCONDITIONAL
⇾holding hands is a must when in public.
⇾ the only time he’s affectionate with you in public is when y’all are both wasted drunk.
⇾ hell he can do cumbias with you, and kills it.
⇾ quebradora máster 90/10 yes, loves it when you do that hip thing with him.
⇾”you know I love you right…good now try your best and not compare yourself to other people.”
⇾ finds it amusing when he wakes up to you blasting Spanish music to clean your house whenever he stays the night at your place.
⇾”you’re so beautiful.”
⇾ every day is an adventure for y’all. Like if people see y’all or hang out with y’all. They’re gonna have a fun yet unpredictable time with you two. Because y’all are just that random.
⇾ when you have him vaporub because he had a cold he was just shook that he felt better.
⇾ kisses with him are the best. he loves to tease you, as well.
⇾ He definitely loves sneaking up behind you, just to smother you with kisses.
⇾ overall Shikamaru with a Latina S/O is a perfect match made in heaven. Part two coming soon (this will be an ongoing series)
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