#i also have 3 others cooked up for the rest of the family's birthdays
scarlet-flowers · 5 months
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L: "What a delightful gift, Mother! Is this the new style in Ylisse?"
R: "Wait, Lucina, that’s not supposed to go on your head!"
Happy Birthday Lucina! - Robin's Gift. Comm done by villagers_c.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 1 year
Domestic fluff with Mikey
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He is clingy. Kind of like a cat actually. He'll randomly crawl into your lap while you're reading/playing a game/on your phone/etc and demand attention
And you can't bring yourself to refuse him because then he'll have the saddest expression on his face. Like you just kicked a puppy 🥺
Speaking of sitting in your lap, that's his absolute favorite place to be. With his back pressed against your chest and his head resting against your shoulder. Your arms wrapped around his waist, just sitting together. Doesn't matter if you're doing anything else, as long as he can be in this spot he will be content
Looooves when you play with his hair. He lets you comb it for him, style it however you want, braid it, give him pigtails, whatever. Just the feeling of your hands in his hair feels soooo good
If you massage his scalp he might actually pass out. His body goes so limp and his brain feels like mush whenever you do that 🥴
Mikey's not like, a great cook but he would try to learn just so he could cook for you. He prefers cooking with you though
Hanging out in the kitchen and making dinner together, or watching you bake things if you're good at that. Baking him little treats and watching his eyes light up when he realizes that they're specifically for him
Even if he's not helping you cook/bake, you're still going to end up with a bit of a mess. Mikey strikes me as the kind of little shit that would put flour or chocolate or something on your nose, or just play with the ingredients because he needs to fidget with something
Or if you put some flour down on the counter so that dough wouldn't stick, he'd slap his hand on it and make a cloud of it fly everywhere, causing both of you to cough and become dusted with white powder 🙃
He enjoys doing things with you, but he's also content to just sit in silence with you. Each of you doing your own thing but still comforted by the other's presence
I think Mikey would really enjoy playing games with you. Video games, board games, or card games of any kind. He gets reeeeaalllyy competitive though...if he gets on a losing streak he'll yell about how dumb the rules are and pout until you comfort him 😅
He's incredibly happy if you get along with his family. He's equally as happy if you get along with the members of Toman
Knowing that you also care about the people that mean so much to him is enough to bring Mikey to tears. ESPECIALLY if you do things like remember their birthdays or pay attention to the things they like and dislike
Overall, Mikey's life is so much brighter with you in it. You've become too important to him, if anything ever happened to you he doesn't think he'd ever recover from that...
So he'll cherish every second spent with you 💛
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
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issdisgrace · 8 months
Hiya it’s my birthday in about three days and I was wondering if u could write a fic of Otis and his family celebrating readers birthday (preferable reader is dating Otis) I wanna know if they’d have any fun firefly traditions :3 (he/they pronouns for readerpls)
WARNINGS: Murder, mayhem, the usual Firefly family antics, little nsfw
A/N: This was intended to be a fic but I didnt quite know how to put my thoughts into a coherent fic. Also I’m trying to get out of writers block so sorry if it kinda lacking. But HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a good birthday.
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There are two things that a certain when celebrating anything in the Firefly family, those being alcohol and murder.
But the whole day isn't spent partaking in those things.
The morning starts off with Otis waking you up for breakfast and you two getting a little hot and heavy before heading down for food. Both of you getting teased for your slightly disheveled appearance.
Otis told them to fuck off that it was your birthday so you got to enjoy yourself. You agreed and the family moved on from it.
You guys then had a nice breakfast before all piling into the living room to watch something of your choice. You guys ended watching tv for a couple hours before it was time for your first gift.
Your first gift was from Baby who got you a young married couple to play with and make pretty. You appreciated the gift and spent the next couple of hours playing with and making them pretty in crimson until they both unfortunately died.
But what was not unfortunate was by the time you were done and cleaned up a little lunch was done. They made all your favorite foods which was nice and very delicious but that could have also been the fact that Spaulding was the one that cooked everything with only some help from the others.
Anyway after lunch the family gave your gifts that weren’t people.
Spaulding got you a taxidermy racoon and possum cuddling because why not. Also he said that it reminded him of you and Otis. You being the racoon reminded and Otis being the possum.
Mama, Tiny, and RJ got you some movies and tv shows that they thought you would like and enjoy.
Baby got you a nice blanket and made you a voodoo doll of Otis so you could prick it when he made you mad or annoyed you. Which Otis grumbled about saying that he wasn’t that bad and a voodoo doll of him wasn’t needed.
Then Otis, your love, your man. He painted the two of you using god knows who blood. But it was very well done, very detailed, and very pretty. You were already thinking of where you were going to hang it up. So you could see the master piece everyday.
But I digress after lunch and gifts, you and Otis spent a little one on one time in your guys room fooling around. Otis offering his whole self to you to do whatever you pleased with him.
And all the while you guys were having fun the rest of the family was setting up the main event of the night. They got a shit ton of alcohol, set up a big bonfire to burn, and got the bunnies ready for the night.
Once it was dark the family came and got you and Otis. You got the honors as the birthday boy to light the bonfire. You also got to hunt the first bunny of the night before the others got to hunt theirs.
Anyway you all got plastered, had fun, played a couple of games, joked around, got bloody, and you snuck off once or twice with Otis but that’s beside the point.
You had an overall great birthday, got some nice gifts, had a nice time, and you couldn’t wait for your next birthday.
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umbrella-show · 10 months
Platonic Yan Rottmnt
「 ✦ 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐘𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐱 𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐭.𝟐 ✦ 」
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Part 2 is finally here and there will be a part 3 to finish off this mini series! \(^▽^)/ I'm sorry this took so long to post. A family member recently passed away and I was processing that while having to go to school and being swamped with schoolwork. Finals are also coming like next week but after that I get a two week break so I'll definitely be writing some more when that comes. Anyways I hope yall enjoy! Words : 2,411
Being stuck for many months in what you learned was the Hamato brother’s lair was tiring. No, scratch that, it was exhausting. All of them were clingy, needy and especially overprotective. They also began addressing you like you were family, and started trying to spend time with you like you had lived with them your whole life.
Mikey was always trying to cling to you, whether it be holding your hand, carrying you throughout the lair, or just unexpectedly jumping on you and piggyback riding off of your back, clinging to you for dear life like a koala. He basically begged for your affection, trying so hard to take up all of your time with art, cooking, baking and anything else he could think of that would keep you occupied with him. He also called you his twin. Which, sure you were basically the same age as him, and you both were mutant turtles, but you had no connection to any of them whatsoever. You had learned how the Hamato’s had become mutants in the first place, but you all had never met before you or they were mutated, and you two didn’t even share the same birthday. Yet he seemed persistent to call you two twins.
Leo was obviously the jokester out of the four. He makes multiple one-liners around you, trying to make you laugh. He also made many jokes about New Jersey of all places, which you didn’t get. He wasn’t as touchy as Mikey, but he liked to occasionally put an arm around your shoulder or rest his elbow on your head. He seemed more possessive of you, making plans with you to read Jupiter Jim comics and get defensive when his brothers tried to take you away to do something else with them. He also liked to mix in some Spanish into his speech at times. He mostly calls you hermana/hermano.
Donnie was very protective of you. He made sure you balanced out your nutrients and ate food that would make sure your blood sugar levels were at normal rates. He knew what foods you could and couldn’t eat. He made sure you were hydrated and healthy. He knew most about your species. He had spent time studying your behaviors for the first few days you were brought to the lair. He also forbade you to do things that he thought you could harm yourself doing. Even simple things, like reaching items from up high, because, according to Donnie, the item you were reaching for could fall on your head so hard it could knock you out or cause you a concussion. Yeah, you didn’t get that rule. You had to ask either Donnie or his other brothers to help you. He also placed multiple cameras and alarms throughout your new room at your arrival, making sure he can monitor you at all times.
Raph was somewhat of a more tolerable one. While he was a bit more overprotective of you than Donnie, he was the one that gave you the most space and privacy. He was already worried he could possibly hurt you because of his strength, which made him back off a bit. He also was the only one who insisted on your personal space when Leo or Mikey were being too overbearing with their affection and touchiness. He made sure you at least ate breakfast, lunch and dinner, and sometimes would walk up to you, give you a small snack, gently pat your head like one would do to a cat, and anxiously leave without a word. You knew he could be a little shy around you, most likely due to an insecurity that you might not like him or think he’s not doing enough for you. He also occasionally likes to carry you in his arms.
Hell, even their dad, Splinter, grew attached to you. He calls you Yellow due to the spots on your body and shell, and practically treats you like one of his own. Except he makes more of an effort to talk and spend quality time with you. You found out he used to be a movie star named Lou Jitstu before he was mutated by some sheep guy named Baron Draxum. 
Overall, you despised it here. You just want freedom. To see the sky again. To try and adjust to the circumstances of becoming a mutant by yourself and live a peaceful life where you're not constantly babied by everyone around you. That’s why you tried your first, and hopefully last, escape attempt.
You mentally went over the plan again and again in your mind, looking for possible flaws. A sense of doubt gnawed at the back of your mind. What if the plan didn’t work? What would happen to you then? You huffed at your own anxious thoughts, turning to face the curtain that was the door to your room. It led into the main room of the maze that was the Hamato’s lair. Thankfully, there was an extra room in the lair that the brothers had converted into a bedroom for you, despite Mikey’s protests and insisting you slept in his room in a separate hammock. 
You took shaky deep breaths in and out a couple times to calm down. You could do this. The timing had to be just right. Speaking of time, you glanced at the digital alarm clock that rested on your bedside table. 5:21 AM. Okay, just a few more minutes and your plan would be set in motion.
You decided a time closer to the morning would work better, considering the brothers seemed to be active most in the night. A time closer to morning was usually when they slept. It would be the perfect time to sneakily leave your room. You decided trying to sneak straight to the manhole wasn’t an option. You knew Donnie would have some kind of security near there. Not only to keep you in, but to also keep unwanted strangers out. Luckily the lair had multiple entry and exit points that mostly led into the tunnels of the sewers. From there, you would have to try and find your way out from there. It wasn’t the most thought out plan since you had only gotten to explore the tunnels when Raph went Savage. If everything goes wrong and you end up with the brothers on your tail, your next bet is to swim your way away. Or at least try to. You assumed you could at least swim pretty well since you were a turtle now. You hoped that you wouldn’t have to resort to that though. Those waters looked disgusting and dirty and gross. Glancing at the alarm clock again you realized it was about time for you to activate your plan. A few minutes had passed since the last time you had looked at the time. Propping yourself on your elbows in the bed you took another deep breath. The time was now. You could do this. You slowly lifted your body into a sitting position, letting your legs dangle off of the edge of the bed for a few moments before pushing yourself to stand. Your crept towards the curtain, holding it open slightly so you could peek through the other side. Nothing. Everything was dead silent. Good. Slowly and soundlessly pushing the curtain further aside, you made sure to take slow steps to make as little noise as possible. You soon were standing in the middle of the main room, in the center of the natural light that came from the ceiling, the moonlight shining almost a spotlight on your figure as you continued to creep closer and closer towards the tunnel entry. A loud heavy bang of metal made you harshly flinch and hitch your breath. You froze up, staying as still as a statue. After a couple agonizingly long seconds, you turned your head towards the source of the noise. Light came from inside Donnie’s lab that spilled out of the door. You could barely hear sounds of metal objects being moved around in there and mentally cursed. Of course Donnie was awake. Why did you not think of that!? He basically ran on coffee 24/7 and was known for pulling multiple all-nighters on tech and inventions. He didn’t seem to notice you were out of your room though, considering he hasn’t come out of his yet. From the sound that came from his lab you assumed he was building something and was most likely putting his full attention on it. You hoped at least.
Whatever. You had no time to ponder. You took another slow step forward, keeping a slow and silent place towards the large metal entry to the labyrinth of sewers. Even after you made it beyond the tunnel entry, you still continued to slowly tiptoe your way until you were sure you were completely out of sight. After turning a quick corner in the tunnel, you laid your back against the stone wall and slowly panted with wide eyes. You took a moment before snapping out of your shock trance. No time to stop and rest now. Forcefully pushing yourself off of the wall you bolted down the tunnels, desperately looking for any traces of a possible exit. Your feet slapped against the cold stone floor, turning multiple corners. You could only briefly remember the paths that you had taken when exploring the sewers looking for Raph. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you skidded around another corner. Luckily, there were graffiti drawings on most of the walls, most likely done by Mikey, that you used as a map. And based on the graffiti, you were almost there. You were almost free!
Your blood suddenly went cold when you heard it. Another set of feet slapping against the floor at a rapid pace somewhere behind you. No. No way you were stopping now that you had gotten this far. You urged your legs to run faster, using all of your strength to keep going. You glanced at a graffiti drawing of a smiley face melting and a small light of hope shone in you. This was it. Bolting around the last corner, you took only a few swift steps before leaping into the canal of green murky water that splashed violently along the rounded walls of the sewer tunnel. You ungracefully crashed into the water with a loud splash, the strong current taking you away. 
You poked your head out of the water, coughing a bit, Another splash came from somewhere behind you, and snapping your head in that direction, you saw a Donnie hot on your trail, swimming without a problem towards you. How did he know you had left so quick!? He must have placed some kind of alert in the sewer tunnels too. You panicked, taking in a gulp of air and submerging yourself back under the water. You swam as fast as you could, violently kicking your legs as the current continued to sweep you to what you hoped to be the exit. You held your breath for as long as you could, occasionally throwing your head above the water to take in a large heave of air before continuing to swim with the overpowering tide.
You didn't know how long you had been swimming. What was probably seconds felt like forever. You could swim pretty fast. Almost faster than Donnie, but he was catching up. 
A dead end with a tunnel. You could see a tunnel ahead, blocked by a rusted circular vault door with a wheel handle. Looking over your shoulder you could see Donnie's faint silhouette swimming towards you at a scarily quick pace. You needed to get the vault open and quick. You could feel your lungs desperately begging for air. Your hands gripped the wheel as you placed your feet against the stone wall, using all your strength to turn it. The wheel had obviously not been used in a while, from how hard it was to turn and how slow it did. You panicked slightly, using more of your strength. Bubbles left your mouth as your hands gripped the wheel tighter. Slowly but surely the wheel began to turn and after a few more seconds you were able to pry the metal vault open. You swung it open and hastily swam through the tunnel. You turned around, catching a quick glance at Donnie who was dangerously close, and slammed the vault shut, turning the handle as far as it could go. You then felt the wheel break off from the vault in your hands. You flinched when you heard a loud bang from the other side, and quickly fled. 
Your lungs burned. If you didn’t get oxygen soon you would drown here. Swimming as fast as you could, you saw not far ahead was the end of the tunnel that led to more water, except the water was cleaner. Kicking your legs fiercely, you swam out of the tunnel and immediately swam up. Your head burst out of the water, taking in a loud gasp of air. The harsh inhale of air prompted you to cough harshly. You looked around for land, still coughing violently and wheezing. A wooden dock was the first thing you saw and you promptly began to weakly doggy paddle towards it. Your hands gripped the edge of the dock, slowly pulling yourself on it. You flopped on your stomach, panting heavily as water dripped off of your body. You rolled on to your back instead, spreading your limbs in a starfish position. 
You looked up at the sun, squinting your eyes at the bright light. Using your arm to shield your eyes, the realization hit you with a burst of joy. The blue sky. The bright sun. You were free. You were finally free! You sat up, the adrenaline wearing off slowly. You knew you couldn't stay for long. Who knows when the brothers would be after after Donnie alerts them you had run away. You got up, having a bit of trouble from your shaking and sore legs from all of the tiring running and swimming. You stumbled as you walked at a quick pace across the dock and towards the tall city buildings that could be seen from your location. You need to get as far as possible from the escape exit you just took. You hoped you never saw those turtles ever again.
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vendetta-if · 11 months
Damn the last update was so 🥺 can I ask you which is Luka's most cherished memory of little MC and little Ash when Viktor was alive and when he bacame their surrogate father?
Oohh 🥺🥺 Good question. He, of course, has a lot of cherished memories of times spent with his family and loved ones, but some stand out a bit more than the rest. Since I can’t really choose, I’ll do two for each ☺️ So, buckle up, this will be a long one.
Also, quite a number of these memories revolve around Christmas. Christmas celebrations has always been a memorable and cherished tradition for the Morozovs, especially for Viktor and Luka because it was one of the rare moments where they got to spend a lot of time with their father.
Pavel would always make sure to clear out all of his schedules weeks surrounding Christmas and New Year, and sometimes, he even cleared the whole December and first half of January. This is of course to spend more time with his wife and two sons, and to just take a break and even vacation with his family.
It’s not a surprise that Viktor and Luka end up continuing the tradition when they have their own family as well.
So, with that additional context out of the way, let’s start with when Viktor was still alive! 🥲
One of his most memorable memories from back then was MC’s fourth birthday. He didn’t really know what to gift his four-year-old nephew/niece/nibling, so he went with Cara to go scour for presents.
He had gifted Ash one of those ride-on toy motorcycles for their birthday that year and Ash loves to ride it around (It’s like a mini Ducati one 🥺). So, when he stumbled on those ride-ons vehicles toys again, he decided to go safe and buy one of the car ones for MC. He totally forgot that Viktor and MC were living in an apartment and didn’t have too much space for it 😭
The afternoon ended up being spent hanging out in one of the parks in the city with Viktor, Luka, and Cara hanging out and watching Ash and MC zooming around on their little vehicles 🥺🥺 Somehow, that little memory sticks to him to this day.
The other memory from back then that is memorable for him is actually that first Christmas where MC met their grandparents for the first time, even though the night went a little bit chaotic at the end. But to him, it was one of the few times before Viktor’s death where the whole family was reunited—even Ash and Cara were there too…
Now after Viktor’s and Cars’s death and he became MC’s and Ash’s guardian…
One of the memories he cherishes is the first time the three of them actually celebrated and enjoyed Christmas together. Before that, the mood always ended up being too sombre to really do anything festive other than having dinner together and opening gifts.
It was around 3 years after Viktor’s death (and around 2 after Cara’s), when MC and Ash seemed to finally get out of that slump period in their lives. They decided they want to celebrate Christmas cheerfully like before, even if it’s only three of them now.
So, they ended up baking—or more like trying to bake—cookies and cupcakes for Christmas and keeping it a surprise for Luka. The results were… less than stellar (although, depending in your headcanon for your MC’s interest and skill in cooking and baking, they might end up being edible at least 😆) and they made a huge mess out of the kitchen.
Luka was, of course, surprised in more ways than one and found the situation funny. The mood lightened for the rest of the night and the three of them actually ended up enjoying Christmas Eve together, watching classic Christmas movies together all night while drinking hot cocoa and eating cookies after having dinner. It was also kind of a turnaround moment for the three of them, so it is memorable to Luka.
The other memorable memories are attending Ash’s and MC’s graduation ceremonies, simply because they are milestones moments that every parent would remember for the rest of their life—Luka’s no different, although he always gets a little wistful reminiscing on that… Because it should’ve been Viktor and Cara sitting where he was sitting in those ceremonies.
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imwriting0verhere · 5 months
Birthday Surprise
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It’s 11:57pm on April 24th and my friends and family are gathered around me to ring in my 30th birthday at midnight. I don’t always need to have the biggest party or festivities, but you only turn 30 once, and honestly, roughly ten years ago I wasn’t even sure if I would make it till here.
“Thank you all so much for coming eeh, big 30 aye!” I laugh awkwardly, but most of my friends are drunk enough that they just cheer and clap along. “I ceenot wait for this year like. We’ve got some great things cooking! 30’s gonna be great!” I shout into the room, shortly being joined by Dean, Joe, Tom and Jimmy. We’ve all got our arms thrown around each other’s shoulders, beers in hand.
“Alreet alreet” Dean shouts over the party commotion “We’ve only got a few seconds left now. 5,4…”
“3,2,1 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!!!!” everybody in the room joins in and as the clock rings in my special day, Rachael emerges with a big cake that’s shaped like my face. Candles and sparklers atop and I happily accept it.
As is tradition, Dean smacks some cake into my face, we drink a shot together and I’m being pulled into hugs by everyone. My mam, my brother, my girlfriend…
And once the excitement has quieted down a bit and people start eating the cake and refilling their drinks, Y/N stands in front of me. The last person to congratulate me.
“Happy Birthday” she tells me with a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes I notice. We share a quick hug but she looks as if she wants to disappear as soon as I let go of her. But talking to her seems to halt her in her spot and she looks up at me
“It’s really good to see yer” I tell her with a genuine smile. She’s one of my dearest friends and also the last person I was in love with. Unfortunately, we had to learn the hard way that moving from a friendship into a relationship doesn’t always end well. But luckily, we managed to save and salvage what we had before and are now able to be friends again.
“Yeah, you too” she replies softly. She’s been really quiet and reserved all evening. She’s barely gotten a word out, keeping mostly to herself even though we share the same group of friends and most of them are here tonight.
“I hope..” “I’m..” we both speak at the same time and I awkwardly rub the back of my neck “Sorry, you go ahead”
“Oh, ehm, I was just saying I’m gan find Rachael and try some of that cake” she says while she’s already turning away, not being able to leave my side fast enough it seems.
“Aye, I hope you’re doing well and we can hang out again soon” I just mumble the rest of my previous thought to myself.
Before I can let Y/N’s strange demeanor get to my head, I spot my brother and his long-time partner in conversation with my girlfriend. Or better, the girl I’ve been seeing for the past 3 months that’s not really my girlfriend because we’re not officially together, but we’re dating and having a good time together so I can’t just call her a fling either. And she was very adamant on being here tonight, so I’m glad she’s getting along with my family too.
About two hours later I see Y/N saying goodbye to Tom and Heidi as well as my mam, before she just waves at the boys and leaves them with a “Bye guys, see yous soon” to which they all smile and wave back, Joe shouting a departing “get home safe”.
She finally spots me and makes her way over
“Saving the best till last I see” I tease her, which elicits only a small tug at her lips. So I really can’t even make my friend smile anymore. With nothing at all apparently. Hm.
“You’re leaving already?” I ask because tonight felt as if she wasn’t even really here and as the night gets longer the crowd gets smaller and it usually only leaves my closest inner circle. Which she is part of and I would’ve loved to spend some more time with her, actually talk to her.
“Yeah sorry, I don’t feel that great staying here any longer” she gives me a look as if to tell me that something is bothering her, and I should know what that something is.
“Thanks for the invite, Sam” she says politely and pulls me into a quick hug that I return.
“Y/N wait!” I hold on to her arm but she instantly coils away and out of my reach
“Let go of me” she hisses quietly, so that nobody else but me can hear.
“Y/N no, what’s going on?” I follow her out into the foyer and out the front door. She’s finally stopping and swiftly turning around to look at me
“I just don’t want to look at this any longer alreet. Maybe I shouldn’t have come” she says the last part more to herself and I’m only getting more and more confused
“But, it’s my birthday” I breath, the first thing that comes to mind. We always spend our birthdays together
“What do yer mean, look at any longer? What’s going on Y/N/N?” I look at her questioningly. She’s looking at her feet, shifting her weight from one foot to the other as if she doesn’t know what to do next. She’s debating whether to tell me or not. But in the next instant she whips her head towards me, her decision made
“You, Sam. You and that girl!” she shouts, angrily pointing at me, she’s almost jabbing her finger into my chest, that’s how close we are standing. Her eyes are wild and brimming with tears.
“I can’t look at it any longer!” she lets go of the breath she was holding. Exhausted just from that simple statement. I look at her bewildered, not believing what I hear. She’s never mentioned having a problem with me seeing someone new. But I’m also just realizing, she hasn’t been around all that much the past few months. And definitely not when my date was around.
“I…didn’t…why have you never said anything?” I truly thought we were doing fine after our breakup last year. I don’t understand what’s happening, I just know that I can’t lose Y/N and I can’t believe I’ve missed the signs of her discomfort.        
“What was I supposed to say Sam? We’re not together anymore. I don’t have any right to tell you what to do and who to date”
“But we’re friends. You know that you can always come to wor” I cautiously take a step closer to her, feeling the overwhelming need to comfort her.
“Sam..” she croaks out and my arms are instantly around her. But she stops me before I can pull her into an embrace. She’s holding onto my forearms. She’s so close, I can feel her ragged breath on the front of my shirt. But her eyes won’t meet mine
“I don’t know how to be around you anymore. I…I thought I was over you. I thought I was okay with our breakup, healed, and moved on.”
She finally lifts her head and my gaze instantly falls onto hers. And what I see breaks me. Red rimmed eyes, a few stray tears have already fallen, making her cheeks wet. She looks scared and broken, and I can’t believe that I didn’t know about this. About how she felt and what kind of emotional distress she must have gone through these last months.
“Y/N/N…I didn’t know” I croak. Embarrassment creeping in and I'm mentally kicking myself for being so oblivious again.
“I know. Because we never had that last talk” she sniffs and drops my arms in favor of pulling her thin coat tighter around herself. Crossing her arms in front of her chest, protecting herself from the cold, and protecting her heart from any more damage.
“We never sat down and talked about how our relationship, and the breakup really affected us. I just tried to be okay and be happy about the things I still have. And you started seeing someone else” she smiles at that, but it’s a bittersweet kind of smile. And I can see new tears gathering in her eyes.
“Sweetheart, you should’ve come n' talked to me aboot it. Nonetheless if I’m seeing someone new or not”
“I just couldn’t Sam. I couldn’t because every time I thought about talking to you and what I would say to you, I knew I would just end up in tears. And then I found out about you and her and…” she’s letting me cup her cheek this time, and I’m softly swiping her tears away before she continues
“I was so scared of today. Of what it would mean if she’s here tonight, and I see her.”
“Y/N A’m so sorry!” I tell her earnestly, searching her face because I need her to believe me. I never meant to hurt her this way.
“Tell me what I can do to make it better”
“Sam I...” she sniffs before looking back up at me “I don’t think there’s anything you can do. I don’t think it’s good for me to be around you right now” and I can feel my insides crumble at that
“Y/N/N no, don’t say that” I beg her, tears shooting into my own eyes now and I can feel them softly rolling down my face.
“I still love you too much. And I can’t see you with another girl. I can’t heal like this Sam! When every time I look at you, a small part inside me still breaks.” She closes her eyes at that and I lean my cheek onto her head, pulling her a little bit closer because I know how final this moment is. Of course I will give her the time and space to heal, but this could just as well mean this is our last time together, and we might never come back from this. I press a final kiss onto her forehead before I speak again
“I can’t lose you”
“I’m so sorry” she whispers back and pulls further away from me “You’ll be okay” she takes my hand from her face and gently squeezes it one last time before she drops it and it falls at my side. I instantly miss her warmth, her soft touch.
“Happy Birthday Sam” she says with a voice full of sorrow and heartbreak. As she turns her back towards me and begins to make her short way home, the look of pain and longing in her face haunts me. And I’m sure it perfectly reflects mine.                 
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hxhhasmysoul · 4 months
Can I ask from this ask game : https://www.tumblr.com/toomanyfandomsthings/749729499738996736/send-me-a-ship-and-a-number-and-ill-tell-you?source=share
No. 2, 10, 11, 12, 15 for KilluGon and SukuIta.... Thanks ......🌻
I did it all of those, they looked fun I hope you don't mind.
1. Which one is the better cook?
Canonically neither is a good cook XD But I think Gon can cook some basic stuff even if it’s not amazing and Killua is a spoiled rich boi who just can’t cook at all. In AU I still think Killua just wouldn’t know how to cook most of the time unless he ran away with his sisters and had to step up, maybe he could know how to bake if he stayed with his family. Gon would know at least the basics of cooking, because Mito wouldn’t let him move out if he didn’t. 
2. What do their love letters look like?
Gon is super suave, he has his way with words. He’d quote poetry or movies. He would attach dry flowers to the letters. 
Killua would be awkward, he wouldn’t know what to write, there’d be few words in the letter, He’d use colourful ink though, and cute stickers, especially rare ones, like ones you win in some way.
3. Which one outlives the other, and how do they cope?
I think Gon could live longer because he has a better diet. But if he was old he’d wither slowly once Killua died, it just wouldn’t be the same.
4.What do they do on date night?
That’s Gon’s ballpark, he’d make plans. Each date would be different. Some would be small and intimate, some grand and with many events along the way. Killua would try to plan something sometimes, probably something geeky, Gon would indulge him.
5. How many kids will they have?
In canon? Likely none, they would jump from one adventure to another, there wouldn’t be time for kids. In AU that’d depend on the story. Like in my political clans AU, I imagine them having a kid eventually, though it would be a difficult choice because Gon travels for work in that one. It’d take negotiating and him taking a more stationary job at least when the kid was small. Also In my magical creatures AU they would have kids eventually, they would both be really into it and commit to it. But for example in the Regency AU, or the cyberpunk one I don’t think they would.
6. How do they decorate their bedroom?
Like the rest of their house. Gon has his geeky shit connected to plants and animals, Killua has his geeky shit connected to games. It’s chaos. I’m sure Killua has a Gold Dust Girl bodypillow, they both sleep on it. On their blanket there is a huge frog.
7 Which one is the worse driver?
Killua, the road rage is high with that one.
8. What do they argue about?
The canon stuff, like their self-destructive tendencies, overreliance on each other, etc. They aren’t great communicators and situations that could’ve been talked out escalate to arguments.
9. Which one swears more?
Gon, that’s just canon. Killua doesn’t really seriously swear.
10. What TV shows do they watch together, and which ones do they hide from the other?
They watch all the stuff together, they can be cringe with each other.
11. What was their first impression of each other?
“He’s so cool”, for both of them.
12. What do they do for their anniversary?
Something wild, likely they go on an adventure together.
13. Which one makes a bigger deal of birthdays?
They both make a big deal of birthdays.
14. What nicknames do they call each other?
I’m not really sure, they don’t seem that big on nicknames. When I come up with nicknames for them in AUs it’s tied to the AU and not canon.
15. What would they change about each other?
Their communication skills, their self-destructiveness. Like both of them really are against the other sacrificing himself and yet they just don’t listen.
1. Which one is the better cook?
Yuuji, unless it’s an AU where Sukuna is a pro chef, then he’s either better or they are equals. 
2. What do their love letters look like?
Sukuna’s look like proper Heian love letters, written on the paper matching the season, containing a well crafted tanka. 
Even if Yuuji writes a tanka back, it’s a bit humorous but likely still has the seasonal word. It’s on Hello Kitty paper because Yuuji knows Sukuna is secretly a Kitty fan.
3. Which one outlives the other, and how do they cope?
Yuuji lives longer because he’s younger. He compartmentalises it, like every loss in his life it just adds to his general sense of misery. 
4. What do they do on date night?
Something kinky. 
5. How many kids will they have?
I feel like none, Sukuna’s the baby kind of… XD
Though in an AU setting they could have kids, it depends.
6. How do they decorate their bedroom?
I feel Sukuna generally has an expensive and snobby taste so he really pushes for a fancy house/apartment. I feel he likes it traditional, or in Modern AU, modern meets traditional. But I think in the bedroom Yuuji managed to get some cute elements, possibly a big Kitty plush, maybe even a Kitty duvet or bed sheets.
7 Which one is the worse driver?
Sukuna, the road rage is high with that one.
8. What do they argue about?
Ideals, their world views are not the same. Where and how they live, Yuuji doesn’t really desire opulence. Sukuna’s better than thou attitude. Yuuji devoting too much time to others. They have a lot to work through. 
9. Which one swears more?
I feel Yuuji more casually but also less harshly. When Sukuna swears it’s like a punch.
10. What TV shows do they watch together, and which ones do they hide from the other?
They watch Yuuji’s horror movies and anime together, and discuss it together. Sukuna doesn’t always manage to win the “this is trash” argument, Yuuji’s good at noticing cool and poignant stuff in pop culture. They don’t watch Jeniffer Lawrence films together, Sukuna gets jealous. Also Sukuna hides that he sometimes watches sappy romance, to criticise it of course but also when Yuuji is aways and Sukuna is lonely.
11. What was their first impression of each other?
Sukuna’s impression of Yuuji: “What a naive fool. Would be an easy to fuck if he didn’t look like he’s needy.” Or to translate it into normal language from repression and denial: “Fuck he’s cute, he fasicnates me, I want him so badly but I’m terrified of commitment.”
Yuuji’s impression of Sukuna: “What a stuck up jerk! Nice ass though, why the fuck do I want him? What is wrong with me?”
12. What do they do for their anniversary?
Something really kinky that takes most of the day/night. There’s also a fancy dinner/breakfast after the kinky stuff. 
13. Which one makes a bigger deal of birthdays?
Yuuji because he wants big parties. 
14. What nicknames do they call each other?
Sukuna’s for Yuuji is obviously “brat”, sometimes something like “sweet/cute brat”.
Yuuji’s for Sukuna, in the beginning it’s likely “pompous/snobby jerk”, later just “Kuna”. 
15. What would they change about each other?
Their respective world view. Sukuna wants to bring Yuuji down to his level. Yuuji just wants Sukuna not to be a menace to society.
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rorywritesjunk · 7 months
The stars in their courses will run and bring their hearts earthward to hear her.
Buggy brings his son in to the bakery to get a treat for his birthday. You like decorating cakes. Rating: PG-13ish. Warning: These two are trying their best. Birdie's got some issues. Buggy's got some issues. Together they have a subscription. Talk of child abandonment, Buggy doesn't want to talk. Bath time. Boundaries, Buggy. Also Buggy tries with compliments. A/N: Now that Birdie has a name I think of her a lot tbh.
Title comes from “Girl in the Garden” by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Darby really thought having you on board the ship was the best thing ever. You let him help you cook meals, read him books (he had ten books to choose from and you reread them to him as many times as he asked), and you loved playing with him. Sometimes you got tired and had to sit down, but even though you couldn't chase him around like his daddy did, you could still do other things.
His least favorite thing was getting a bath, even though it was only once a week. He hated being in the water, hated having his hair washed, face clean, everything that came with a bath and he made a fuss about it, whining at you, pouting, and crying for it not to happen. Buggy was there to support in case you needed it, but honestly he made it worse once he saw Darby’s big, sad eyes while he sat in the little wash tub. He'd insist that maybe Darby didn't need one, but you didn't back down.
“You're next, Buggy.” You warned him as you were letting Darby have an extra few minutes of playtime in the tub. Once the washing was over, he usually settled down and wanted to have time in there to splash around and play, which you allowed, giving him a toy whale to play with. “You're pretty stinky yourself.”
“What! No, I don't need one.” Buggy insisted, shaking his head. “I get by fine with a rag.”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head. It had been a month now since you arrived. Routines were put into place, even some boundaries, but every night while the two of you were in bed, he'd ask a question to get to know you better, still insistent that he was in love with you. And you gave him one-word answers, especially when he'd ask about family.
After a few minutes, you grabbed a towel and lifted Darby out of the wash tub and wrapped him up in it. Buggy was ready with his pajamas, though he was fine to let you handle everything because you were just so sweet and gentle with Darby. You had told him a few nights ago when you were putting Darby to bed how you always wanted kids, wanted to be a mom, but there was never an opportunity until you met Buggy, but it wasn't like you were expecting to get pregnant. It was something that just happened. It was probably the most you opened up to him so far.
“How come you're so good with kids?” Buggy asked as you helped Darby with his clothes. You paused for a moment, thinking about your answer, before you made sure Darby's hair was dry. You picked the boy up and went to sit down at the table, keeping him in your lap as you looked over at Buggy. “It just… comes so naturally to you.”
“Do you want that to be your bedtime question?” You asked as you grabbed a comb and ran it through the kid’s hair carefully, being mindful of tangles. 
“Will I get a real answer?” He retorted as he put his hands on his hips. “You have given me a lot of one word answers since we started our little romance, y’know, and I think I'd like another full sentence now.”
You shrugged, setting the comb down before wrapping your arms around Darby and hugging him. He squirmed around in your arms, trying to hug you back, but settled for letting his head rest over your heart while his thumb went to his mouth. He sighed and closed his eyes as he relaxed against you.
“I helped Mama with the babies and little ones at the orphanage.” You told him as you rubbed Darby's back slowly. Buggy frowned.
“Your mom ran an orphanage?”
You hesitated. Did you really want to get into this right now? You were tired, Darby was starting to settle down for the night, and you wanted to wash up before bed. But now seven months pregnant, it was a little harder to wash up, especially since you did it standing up with the wash tub. 
“I'm going to put Darby to bed and… if you refill the tub with clean water, I'll answer that question next.” You told him as you stood up. Buggy didn't look convinced. “I promise, Buggy. I'll answer that question if you… help me out with my bath. It's getting a little harder to do some things.”
Buggy frowned at that, wondering if you really would or if this was all a ploy to get his help. You brushed past him but he stopped you with a hand on your arm. 
“Look, if you got things you can't talk about-”
“No, I just don't want to talk about it, but maybe I should.” You shrugged. “I'm going to put him to bed. Will you please change the water for me?”
You walked out after that, heading to Darby’s room to put him down for the night. He woke up for a moment, frowning at you as he rubbed his eyes sleepily. You handed him his stuffed penguin, tucked him in, and kissed him on the forehead. Once you were certain he was asleep, you went to grab some dry towels from your room before you went back to the kitchen, pausing when you saw Buggy filling the wash tub with boiling water. You raised an eyebrow, watching as he stuck his hand into the water only to jerk it back in surprise at the temperature.
“Are you going to cook me, Buggy?” You asked. “Because I don’t know if I’m edible.”
“I’unno, I find you pretty tasty.” He grinned and winked at you, giving you a look over. “Y’know, this is the first time I’ve got to help you bathe. Do we need to lay down rules about what I can’t do?”
“Is this your attempt at flirting?” You chuckled as you sat down at the table, lifting one of your legs up. “Can you take my shoes and socks off for me? It’s… it’s getting hard for me to do it.”
“Well, you’re the size of a whale, I’m surprised you’re moving as much as you are. ” He shrugged as you made a face at his compliment. He took notice and frowned. “What? You are!”
“I guess I’ll take the compliment, but Buggy, people usually don’t want to be compared to something like a whale, so… try a different animal.”
“What? Whales are beautiful, so it’s a compliment!” Buggy shot back, his face flushing as he walked over and knelt in front of you, pushing your skirt up to your knees before he started to unlace your shoes. You reached down to tug on his hair to get his attention, and when he looked up you stuck your tongue out at him. He tossed your shoes aside before he started working on your socks. “You wanna use that tongue of yours for something, babe?”
“Oh hush.” You crossed your arms and leaned back in the chair, looking over at the washtub. You strummed your fingers against your arm as you considered your next question. “So, um, did you still want an answer to your earlier question?”
Buggy placed your socks with your shoes and looked up at you with an unreadable expression. He stood up and sent his hand to the tub to check on the water temperature, it felt fine so he held his dry hand out to you. You wondered why he was so quiet suddenly, wondering what he was thinking as he led you over to it and started to help you undress. He was kind enough to drape your clothes over the chair to keep them from getting dirty on the floor, even helping you step into the tub. 
“Yea, I want an answer.” He said as he grabbed a clean washcloth from the pile of towels and dipped it into the water. “Your mom ran an orphanage?”
“It’s what she wanted us to call her.” You shivered when he brought the cloth to your back, running it across your shoulders. You collected your hair, pulling it away to give him better access, now wishing you put it up first. “I don’t… really remember much, but she says I was three when my parents left me there at the orphanage.”
You felt him pause, the water dripping from the cloth and onto your skin, rolling down your back. You glanced over your shoulder at him. “You good?”
He only nodded, his mind spinning as he took in what you just told him. He turned his attention to your back once more, putting a hand on your hip to keep you steady as his other hand wiped the cloth over your back. “Why were you left there?”
“I used to wonder, y’know, because I have faint memories of my parents.” You replied, shivering again at his touch. He dipped the cloth back into the water and wrung it out before moving it under your arms. “Um, said they didn’t want me. Said that they always wanted a little boy, but then they had me first and… kept me around until they had my little brother a few years later.”
Buggy inhaled sharply and you looked over at him again. It was surprising to see him mad, but given what you just told him, you figured it stirred up memories about Darby’s situation. You reached back and touched his cheek, his gaze softening a bit as he sighed.
“You don’t have to keep telling me.” He mumbled. “You’ve said a lot.”
“It wasn’t the worst place, Mama did what she could. She wasn’t cruel to us. Tried her best to take care of us.” You continued as you turned around to face him. “Sometimes we went hungry, and sometimes we were cold, but she tried. I learned to bake and cook from her, and when I got older I helped take care of the little ones that were left with her.”
“Stop talking.” Buggy snapped. “You don’t have to keep telling me. Shit, it’s already depressing you don’t have parents, I don’t need to hear about the orphanage!”
“You want to get to know me, Buggy, so I'm telling you, okay?!” You shot back. 
“I don't want to hear about it!” He said, throwing the washcloth into the tub as he pulled away from you. “I can't listen to this.”
You glared at him as you started to reach to pick up the washcloth, but being off balance already from the baby and where the washcloth ended up made it difficult to grab it. You felt yourself start to fall forward out of the tub but Buggy was there to stop you, catching you and pulling you upright to steady you. You grabbed onto his arms for balance until you were upright. There was a moment of silence, the water in the tub no longer sloshing from the sudden movements  when you sighed and looked up at him.
“Buggy, you can't pick and choose what you want to know about me if you're certain you're falling in love with me.” You said firmly as you kept a hold on him, feeling a little unsure about letting go just yet. He looked away from you, keeping his arms around you while his hands grabbed a towel to wrap around you.
“Just don't want to hear about orphanages, okay?” He mumbled. “I could have lost my kid to one and… makes me wonder somethin’ about this little brat that's on the way.”
“What are you wondering?” You asked as you wrapped the towel around yourself before stepping out of the tub. He was still holding onto you, not trusting your balance now even though you were fine. 
“If that kid has my nose, would you have dumped them off somewhere?” He asked. “Darby’s mom was going to do that. Not only did she not want a kid, she didn't want a kid with a nose like mine, y’know, didn’t want a kid that looked like me and… what if this one has the same nose, would you have done that?”
It was hurtful he would think that, but he was guarded because of those features. You learned quickly he didn't want you touching his nose, whether on accident or even to kiss it. Darby wasn't sensitive like his dad about his nose, but you had already seen how protective he was over his son. He probably wasn't aware his nose made him look different from other kids.
“No.” You sighed. “I wouldn't have done that, Buggy.” 
You pulled away from him to grab your clothes. It was a little frustrating your bath was cut short but neither of you were in a great headspace right then. You pulled your skirt and top back on before looking back at him.
“Maybe I should sleep in my room tonight, Buggy.”
“Why?” He demanded. “You know that mattress is shit for your back.”
“I think you need to collect yourself and I need a breather.” You told him as you collected the damp towels to hang up. Buggy shook his head and crossed his arms as he frowned at you.
“I don't want to.” He said stubbornly. “Besides, Darby will be upset if you're not in there.” He looked away, itching his cheek before glancing back at you. “I’m not used to sleeping alone now.”
“Boundaries, remember?” You told him. “I think a night apart would be good and I need you to respect that.”
He didn't like the idea, he liked having you in his bed at night, but if he wanted to keep you around then he probably needed to listen to your needs. He was sulking, giving you a dismissive wave as he looked away from you. You managed not to roll your eyes as you patted him on the shoulder and walked out of the kitchen, leaving him by himself.
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muldermuse · 1 year
so it’s my birthday in 3 days so i wanted to do some kinda self indulgent hc’s about Fox celebrating reader’s bday
Fox Mulder is kind and caring ok and he is a great listener, picks up on things that you didn’t even know u wanted 
SO u love your birthday and it’s the first one that u and Fox have lived together for 
over the weeks he’s casually prying for bday ideas like he knows u well enough to get u gifts but there is SO much he could get u, he’s kinda doubting himself (and also you’ve only recently moved in together so he wants this birthday to be as special as possible)
so when ur looking at books, he’s making a mental note of every cover u smile at or every blurb u read
when ur window shopping he’s pointing things out to you to gage ur response
and every time u put an item down with a wince after checking the price tag, he’s going back in a few days later with Scully to show her what it is
ur oblivious to all this, like u love your birthday but life is busy so the day creeps up on you without much notice or fanfare
you wake up on the morning of your birthday to a kiss on your cheek from Fox, you move to kiss his lips as he mumbles a happy birthday against them
“so, breakfast is on, coffee is on the table next to you-presented in your favourite mug of course. nothing but the best for the birthday girl”
u hate the thought of breakfast in bed (crumbs????? in the sheets??? no thank you) so after sipping your coffee, u walk into the kitchen to join Fox whilst he cooks
on the table is a huge bouquet of flowers (your favourites ofc), some awfully wrapped gifts and a few balloons
before Fox even realises you’re in the kitchen, you run to put your arms around him and hug him from behind whilst he’s at the stove
“you know that it is basically compulsory to have breakfast in bed on your birthday”
“but you’ve already said that i’m the birthday girl so surely what i say goes...right”
breakfast is great but honestly like how Fox looks should be a present in itself, his glasses are on, he has bed hair and his shirt highlights his broad shoulders
to Fox’s insistence u go back to bed to open your presents. Fox Mulder is a man of many MANY talents....wrapping gifts is not one
he gets u the new book by your favourite other, a bag that u wanted for an age but couldn’t justify the price tag, your favourite perfume and some jewellery. ALSO, he would get u a dumb gift, like maybe every time he’s travelled with Scully he’s bought you a dumb magnet so the final gift is a gift bag FULL of atrocious magnets
the rest of the day is filled with visits from family and some friends
THEN u go out for dinner but he’s surprised u with friends already waiting at your favourite restaurant for you
his hands stays on ur thigh throughout the night and after a few glasses of wine, he’s whispering in ur ear telling you how good you look whilst everyone is distracted with the chat around the table
“this dress is so beautiful on you” his lips nudge your ear, his words slightly slurred
“that’s the fourth time you’ve said that exact thing”
he smirks as his hand tightens around your thigh, he finishes his glass of wine as his lips press to your jaw slowly 
“you know, you have one more gift waiting at home”
your hand rubs up his leg as your eyes meet his gaze
“oh, only one?”
his lips are back at your ear, “as many as you want”
then idk u go home and have loads of sex I WANT TO WRITE SMUT BUT FEEL PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE OF TYPING IT
like does the end read as like flirty/smutty???? IDK i want to sleep with Fox Mulder for my birthday ok it’s been my dream forever
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graveyardviolence · 4 months
Tell me about your aftg ocs!!
THANK YOU‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
okay okay okay so theres like a dozen of them but ill tell you abt my baby mercer (i may or may not be writing a fic for him)
Mercer Kyrie Reyes | #13, offensive dealer, 20, 5’7”, leo
mercer joins the foxes his sophomore year of college (he transfers) after wymack shows up at the bar he works at and basically forces his hand. this follows the events of tsc, so he & neil are the only sophomores on the team. he has a pretty mild relationship with most of the foxes since he’s not really around them that much off court. moving from bum-fuck nowhere connecticut to south carolina is a bit of a mess.
he majors in drawing (idk)
how he plays on court is usually dependent on how his day has gone. if he’s had a bad say, he won’t be of any use on court
he has a little sister, marcella, who he loves and would do anything to protect. he’s her current legal guardian.
he’s the second oldest, his older brother is 5 years older than him and has gone no-contact with the rest of his family, only really checking in every few months to make sure his siblings are alive. he has one younger brother who’s two years younger than him, and then theres marcella who’s four years younger
he has a sweet tooth that rivals andrews, it’s actually ridiculous bc this man always has candy on him no matter what
HATES spiders & flies (they freak him out)
slushy fiend
he’s vv picky eater & will only eat spicy foods
will drink lemonade no matter the season
he can COOK god hes so-
he enjoys sketching random shit he sees. if his sketchbook isnt on he’ll take a picture of whatever it is that caught his interest- but that’s almost never the case so whenever the foxes see him outside of practice he’s usually drawing
he also writes poetry! nothing serious, but he’ll write what he feels in the moment.
his relationship with wymack & abby is a little shifty. he’s got a lot of trust issues (obv) & parental issues, but abby lets his sister stay with her and keeps her fed, and wymack lets him use the foxes credit card (i forgot what its called) to buy things for her when needed, so it’s as bad as it would be if he were there alone
hes a smartass, of course, and usually gets sent off court for talking shit. he has a habit of taunting other teams. kevin usually falls victim to it during practice. he’s also very flirtatious, with just about everyone, though its usually superficial, he just likes seeing people get worked up
his nails are always chipped with black paint
he’s got his signature leather jacket that he wears no matter the season. it’s got a bunch of different pins and patches sewn into it
he drinks enough energy drinks to have a heart attack, and his hands tend to shake a LOT bc of it
he has chronic migraines! they happen at least once a day (if hes lucky)
very bad insomnia, my mans usually gets like 3 hours of sleep a day if he’s lucky. he tends to nap a LOT
he has tattoos! he wants to open up a tattoo/piercing shop, and he usually practices on himself! for marcella’s 16th birthday he gave her a small sun and moon tattoo on each of her inner forearms
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changanomaly · 2 years
an assortment of unorganized total drama headcanons I have (some probably contradict the timeframe when the td timeline takes place in but whatever):
Courtney and Heather pretend to have refined taste in music but blast Mitski full volume when they're alone
Heather and Harold are still actually really great friends after TD and find that they have a lot in common. Exhibit A: Their MLP phases
Noah's 15th birthday gift from his mother was a Miku binder. Also yes Noah's transmasc keep scrolling
Izzy, Eva, Owen, Noah and Emma are all in a polycule and currently live in a big apartment. (for more info um here)
Prior to it, they'd been kicked out of 4 consecutively for 2 straight months due to a fire break out from an 'undetectable source'. Surprisingly none of them were caused by Izzy, but Owen repeatedly cooking/reheating food at 3 in the morning
The ROTI cast in comparison to the rest of the casts are incredibly tight knit and go out of their way to meet up and keep in contact with each other. Anne Maria and Dawn are definitely the mom friends of the group.
Scott can be slimy, but he sure do loves his family a whole lot, and even though there's a lot of them, they're all really close. Initial reasoning to going back on TDAS was to help them cover what the entire family had given to get him to recover from being attacked by Fang
After a recording of a season is over (other than TDI), all contestants- former, current, the ones who aren't arrested- are all invited to stay at Playa Des Losers for a week (a shitty excuse to get all generations of cast members to interact to each other in my head...why yes)
The pinnacle of wealth to Scott was watching Shrek the Musical live and his first thought in what to do with the million in ROTI after the vague idea of investing in stocks was to bring all his family (and briefly in TDAS as a date with Courtney) to watch it
Duncan has a soft spot for Izzy. She's one of the only people who visit him while he's in prison. She drags along Team E-scope (+ Owen and Emma) to her visits sometimes
Shawn's first exposure to zombie related media was Plants vs Zombies. He has several sunflowers, pea plants, potatoes and a couple of walnut trees outside of his house that he says will mutate alongside the zombie virus pandemic to protect him. He owns and plays a lot of zombie video games in general alongside his huge collection of zombie movies and other zombie related media- other than PVZ, his favorite's The Last of Us
At Playa, Courtney and Gwen talk. It's one of the rare times Courtney owns up to her faults genuinely. And she tries to do the same thing with Scott but she can't bring herself to knock on his door. The prospect of things turning out like Duncan- even vaguely- made her blood grow cold.
Jo, Lightning and Brick meet Sky while they're hanging at Playa after the TDPI finale and chat her up while she seemed really down abt it all. After some chatting, a bit of insults thrown (thanks Jo), Brick's understanding sympathy, seldom seen empathy from Lightning, and a lot of racing and competing with each other, they become quite close. They keep in contact with each other afterwards- which is more than Sky can say about most of her relations on her own cast.
Speaking of; Sky keeps in contact with Ella, Jasmine (and since they're kind of a package deal, Shawn), oddly enough- though they weren't in the same team and didn't talk much on the island- Sammy, even more oddly enough Beardo- who she finds out just had a hard time opening up, and most oddly enough Leonard- who she finds out doesn't actually think he's a wizard and was just playing up one of his characters since he wasn't skilled in much anything else and wanted to see how far he got into the show with his whole wizard act. He even went out of his way to try it again alongside his friend Tammy in TDRR.
The small group does online DND campaigns that Sky occasionally joins in on in between juggling Olympic training, but they're mostly dominated by Sammy, Ella, Shawn, Beardo and some of Leonard's irl friends. Leonard DMs.
Eva knows how to crochet. Beth finds out in one of the Aftermath shows backstage, and they actually bond together over it. Well, after Eva threatens to kill her if she tells anyone
Courtney's really into musical theatre (won't admit to it but love West Side Story and Heahers). So are Mike (who's fav musical is Les Mis and Hadestown) and Ella (duh) (her favorite musical is Robert and Hammerstein's Cinderella)
Ella and Gwen are close cousins (as seen in TDR, but is otherwise not canon), and most are kind of shocked to find out. Ella would often bring up how Gwen would always gladly play the Evil Queen to her Princess when they were younger, where Gwen would retort by bringing up how bad Ella's tantrums were when she didn't agree.
The Best Friends subplot was scripted. Carrie is a lesbian, and Devin's aroace. A couple of d-list actors who also coincidentally are best friends
The Drama Network (as I'll call it) gets sued hard after Pahkitew airs. Not only for what happened in the season but a lot of prior incidents that weren't brought up in court- like Dakota's mutation, Scott being attacked by Fang, and the general endangerment of minors that happened in ROTI. Ditto with Pahkitew. Since TD was still a big hit, it didn't make much of a dent with the Network but still made it so they were weary of bringing the show back- which is why there hadn't been a new season for more than a decade in universe
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taddymason · 8 days
I saw the post, I have come.
How does Kaida feel about the Ninjas? If she could change anything, what would she change? If she were put in a room with the people she hates most in the world, who would they be and who would get punched in the face first? Does she have a favorite weapon? What story does Jay tell her that she likes the most? What Ninjago holiday does she like the most?
What did Jay hate most about his time in the Administration? Has he ever blamed another agent for something he did? What did Kaida do that made him think "this kid will be the reason for half of my gray hair"? What was it like when he heard Kaida calling him "dad" for the first time?
1- For now, her feelings towards them are complicated because she's always seen them as a threat.
When they first came to the Administration they were nothing more than a nuisance, but then they became a potential threat to her and Jay, and she definitely knew that they somehow knew about him. That their meeting had been as disastrous as possible didn't help matters at all because the impression she got from each of them was that they had hurt her family and ran away like it was nothing. Even when she finds out that Jay was actually part of that group, it makes things even worse because she goes from thinking of them as a physical threat to people who could take her only family away from her.
So, at this point in the story, she still has some resentment towards them, but it's more because she has no idea what they're capable of if they ever see it again. Also, something about Ras's words to Jay in chapter 18 "if they really cared about you, they would have found you sooner" doesn't help her view of them either (Ras is obviously trying to manipulate them both but from HER perspective, it's still like they didn't care enough about Jay to find him sooner).
2- Ras. No doubt. The room would have a couple of people from the Administration around and Cinder and Jordana, but Ras would be the first to get stabbed.
3- Her height bs, she would have liked to leave the Administration many years earlier and stop obeying orders before things got worse. and she would definitely change anything to avoid the end of chapter 16
4- If we obviously rule out firearms, it would be her dagger. It matches her fighting style quite well, it's the one she has the most experience with and the most confident with. Since her fighting style is more about taking her opponent by surprise to win quickly than being able to fight for a long time. Although she is very fond of the kusagirama that Jay gave her for her birthday even if she has a hard time using it
5- She always likes to hear about any stupid thing Jay did when he was a kid, but the anecdote about his flying invention is probably the one that entertains her the most.
6- Festival Day, mainly because it was her first real holiday and the most memorable one for her.
7- I think that aside from all the other things that were done during this time, it was probably the constant worry of what could happen to both of them if they screwed things up somehow, if he lost his job, if the Administrator came to think that they weren't indispensable. That added to the general attitude of all the agents, where the only priority was to work and nothing else mattered, it must have been terrible in his first months living there until he could finally adapt.
8- Yeah, and more than once,and somehow he got away with it every time.
9- mmm A lot of things. I have this idea for a "Jay and Kaida's five years in the Administration" one-show where Jay gets really sick, and he should be resting, but he can't afford to rest that much either because the Administration being the Administration. Long story short, Kaida burns down the kitchen trying to cook something for him. Or also on one occasion she uses one of the portals without his permission and almost gets lost until she manages to get back on her own. Suffice it to say that Jay lost years of his life on both occasions.
10- It was probably something like Kaida waking up from a really bad nightmare, crying, not really remembering what she dreamed, not knowing if it was a patrol or a memory from boarding school, calling his name until Jay came to comfort her. And just when she calmed down after a few minutes and he was leaving she would try, unsurely, having thought about whether it was her place to say it many times, wondering if he would mind if she addressed him differently, to whisper "good night, dad", and then pretend to sleep because she would be afraid to see his reaction. Jay would be surprised of course, freezing for a few good minutes, speechless, and then he would say goodbye to her with a broken voice, and I think it would be obvious that he would be trying and failing to keep from crying out of emotion.
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buckysgrace · 4 months
im late to the game but plz give me all the daphne / williams family lore. I am obsessed
Ah!! Never too late! I'm very stoked that you're interested actually, I hope you enjoy!!
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Bruce was born upper middle class but made all of his money back once he became a successful lawyer.
Meanwhile Ruby was born from money. She went to school to be a doctor but dropped out in her final semester. Was not the best at cooking at first but took a ton of classes to get better.
They met in college actually, while Bruce was working at the campus library. Their first date was a picnic out in a corn field.
They decided to move out to ND because of how sparse the population was. They really wanted somewhere that was in the country
Ruby was really good friends with Linda, which is how they met Roy. Neither knew about what happened to her.
Went to church a lot but not usually Roy's. Ruby was not a fan of Roy at all.
They tried really really hard to get Gator and Noelle to like each other but they just couldn't stand one another. Noelle was a biter as a child too smh
Tons and tons of videos and pictures of the kids. They used to act out different “shows” and create their own films with it when they were little
August was a very hyper and wild child. Bruce was a lot harder on him than the other kids. He was more likely to play with the twins than what Noelle was.
Went to college for a few years but ultimately decided it wasn't for him. A really good mechanic, but mainly works to take care of the ranch
Noelle. Very sapphic. Does not like men. Has a severe attitude but also cares deeply about her family. Definitely Bruce's favorite lol.
Finishing up her school to become a lawyer, following in her daddy's footsteps hehe.
Oliver tries his best to be a protective "older" brother but, sometimes just comes off as annoying. A little jealous of Daphne because he did have a crush on Gator as a child lol. Ruby's sweet little boy as well.
Went to school to be a journalist. Always wanted to become a news anchor tho
Daphne and Oliver look just like Ruby. Noelle has Ruby’s features but Bruce’s hair and eyes. August is Bruce's little mini me however.
Noelle and August both have scars from getting stitches on their arms. They jumped from the top of the barn and landed on a rake that cut their arms up pretty bad smh
Gator really did fit in as one of the kids. He spent many nights, weekends and even weeks in the summer staying with them when things were bad between his parents.
Noelle and Daphne were much more likely to fight than the rest of the siblings. Usually because of clothes, makeup, or just because Daphne could be annoying lol
August was much more likely to play with the twins, but Oliver always cried and whined if he got too rough lmao. Definitely the type to cover Oliver's mouth while he's crying and beg him to not tell dad lmao
Daphne is the only one allergic to peanuts. She's also allergic to bug bites. Oliver and Noelle both have bad seasonal allergies.
When Daphne wasn't around Gator she was always attached to Oliver. They played a lot of Just Dance on the Wii, Super Mario Party on the GameCube and tons of Lego games on the Xbox.
August used to take the twins (and Gator) up to the gas station to get jerky and slushees after he got his first job and car.
Daphne competed in barrel racing when she was young. She won a few competitions with her horse Butter. August also competed when he was younger.
She fell in love with music at an early age. Used to dream about becoming a Nashville star lol. Lots of singing in the shower. Did choir in high school as well
She's really good at photography too. Prefers to use disposable cameras
They're real big on movie nights. Usually, birthday parties consisted of going to some type of movie, birthday person picks <3 Lots of movies about haunted houses and dumb comedies
Also took summer trips to Disney and occasionally to various beaches. Oliver and Daphne get sunburnt the worst lol
August is the tallest, then Oliver, Daphne and Noelle.
Daphne looooooves finding poor little animals to bring home and save. Big ole animal lover
Her first car, her lovely truck, was a hand me down from one of August’s friends. She got it for 100 bucks.
Birdie is obviously Daphne's special baby. He's attached to her hip, her first born if you will. Gets late night zoomies and loves to lounge in the windowsills.
Grades were important to their parents, but the kids still had chores to do on the ranch. Most of them found out that if they did sports/activities
Daphne went to prom all four years because of Gator. The first two years she wore Noelle's former prom dresses.
She also tried out for cheerleading but she was not good at it lol. She did, however, play volleyball for a while.
Noelle and Oliver both tried to have a big coming out moment but at that time, everyone already knew lol
Ruby and Bruce were always a stickler about the kids going to college, but absolutely supports the kids if they choose to do otherwise (although Bruce will grumble about it)
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lyraeon · 2 years
at 20 I thought I was faking my depression and was "bad at life" and lazy like my family said. I still earnestly believed I was entirely straight and everyone knew girls are just nicer to look at. I still had a ton of ingrained racism and other bigotry from my Bush-worshipping family. My main dream of being an astronaut had been smashed by my anxiety and health problems, so I was trying to study Japanese because like every other weeb I thought I'd fit in better over there (lol), but I'd already flunked out of one college and been forced to quit another to get a second job. I was overdrawn constantly and often buying gas station gift cards at the grocery store so I'd only take one overdraft fee. I was dating someone horribly controlling who eventually earned the title "evil ex", dialed up my eating disorder, and traumatized me out of writing for 2+ years. I had several roommates because we all considered having the funds to go to anime conventions more important than personal space (and because back then we already thought $600/month was expensive). I spent any other free time half asleep at a friend's house cuz there I could play games and watch Intent videos. Half my meals came free from work, the rest were hacked together from stuff that worked out to $1/serving or so. The power or internet got turned off at least twice a year from non-payment.
at 25 I thought I was too depressed to deserve burdening others with my presence or existence. that I was a burden and purposeful downer and nothing would ever get better. I was still dealing with a ton of internalized transphobia, racism, and other bigotry that I had been taught was Just The Truth and still occasionally fall into. I was massively straight edge against weed and anything else (threatened to call cops on close friends) while also being a half bottle of vodka a day alcoholic just to get my brain to shut up enough to let me write or sleep. I didn't know how to have fun without alcohol, if at all. I had lost my ability to draw when I severely injured my wrist while i had no insurance. I tried going back to school, first for architecture then teaching, and flunked/dropped out of both. I was losing jobs every 6~8 months from being chronically late and being sick constantly. I manged to lose one on my birthday and wound up having to make some other tough choices because of it. I had only just reached the point where being overdrawn was a rare thing and I wasn't buying single gallons of gas with tip money. food was still often just ramen but I no longer had days where I didn't know if I'd get to eat, though I was often dependent on my then-bf. I had multiple teeth rotting and couldn't afford any treatment besides getting them pulled, and often not until they'd become infected.
by 30 I was finally on antidepressants and in therapy. I was on the road to physical therapy for shoulder and wrist injuries that had happened years earlier. I was pretty happy in my relationship. I held down one job for almost 3 years straight after getting medicated, then turned around and flunked/dropped out of college for the 5th time (Physics this time) because I was too anxious to take public transit reliably and STILL couldn't do homework anywhere but in class, so most projects never got done. I'd stopped being able to write (and am still running from the possibility my meds Took That from me because it doesn't come back if I stop them). Food had become a different struggle - I no longer had time, physical health, or executive function to cook reliably so I was spending too much on take out and causing wild fluctuations in my weight. I was hiding my eating disorder from my partner and my friends. I had begrudgingly un-estranged myself from my family to support younger cousins as they came out as queer. I had developed a healthier relationship with alcohol. I had accepted that, outside of addiction, drugs are a bodily autonomy thing and stopped being an ass to people about them. I had finally learned some damn etiquette around things like not accidentally outing people. I started streaming and making videos - stuff I had dreamed of since first watching Dead Fantasy and Red vs Blue and Weeblstuff in high school but had thought impossible after I lost the ability to draw.
I'm currently 35. This year I am living on my own for the first time (aside from 5 failed months at 18). I got divorced - a complicated, regretful process that was ultimately for the best but I could and should have handled better (and sooner). I've been in physical therapy long enough that I'm able to use chopsticks properly again and am thinking of trying to relearn drawing. It's also meant I can do the dishes and wash my hair on my own again, most days, so I'm relearning how to cook consistently. I'm reading (listening to) books again. I'm on year 8 of antidepressants and currently working with my doctor to fine tune what I'm on (and finally have a system to take them consistently). I've been diagnosed with ADHD and figured out I might also be autistic, and a lot of things in my life make way more sense when viewed through that context. I have appointments to get evaluated for ADHD meds, autism, shoulder surgery/other "PT isn't enough" treatments, teeth implants, and new glasses. my clothes have been put away 3 of the last 5 times I did laundry and I've learned that if I only own one dishwasher worth of dishes, the sink can't pile up. I've fully embraced that I'm polyamorous, pansexual, and demiromantic, and that I can be cis while also being "gender agnostic" - none of it really matters or processes to me, but I get that it does to others so I respect it. I'm seeing someone who makes me feel like I can do anything, is inspiringly ambitious themself, and is equally polyam, meaning I might also be asking out a cute girl soon and don't know where board game nights with the nice throuple I met might go. I'm having to do odd jobs and accept help from my dad to make ends meet, but I'm arguably a full time content creator now - something I literally didn't even let myself dream about when I was younger because it felt impossible, but which is fully worth the complications and budget crunching because it's so accommodating to my disabilities and uses so many of my talents. I'm still depressed, but I have hope that ADHD treatment will help cut through the remainder. Most days I just have hope, period. And more days than not, I'm genuinely happy for at least a while.
You'll find yourself.
It might take a while. There will be detours, mistakes, pain, tough choices, and a lot of hard work. But there will also be unexpected joys and more possibilities than you ever imagined.
Someday, you'll find yourself.
And when you do, it will be worth the wait, I promise.
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lunaryrs · 5 months
monty & zoe ^^
who is the bigger romantic openly? secretly?
i think they both gleefully indulge in that ^_^ like we got some real sweeties here don't we. i could see them both genuinely going back and forth paying for dates (even as they grow older and share a bank account), i don't think there's a birthday or an anniversary that passes without some sort of grand gesture made. i think more so than i love you and i'm gonna make it everyone else's problem they have a sense of humor about it and sure. they're still making it everyone else's problem. but for the giggles
who is more likely to plan something big for valentine’s day?
see above. they're both very much in this game. god mod the most epic one for the books is zoe having monty sent some flowers and one of those massive teddy bears right to his classroom and he spent the rest of the school day giving it piggyback ride through the hallways
who developed a crush on the other first?
see i know we have lore that you've developed for their relationship but unfortunately it isn't what [redacted] was wearing the first time we met so it just does not take up any real estate in my brain. i can only remember nonsensical things. but my impulse would be to say monty maybe liked zoe first. i kind of imagine zoe to reflect the very best that there was in darcy, being that they were so close, but also she kind of walked in and dream-came-trued it for him, like sabrina carpenter said. unfortunately i stopped responding to this question half way thru and it was unfinished when i went to post so here we are :nerd: but i feel like you know where i was going. you know where i was going, right? just kidding i do vaguely remember all the stuff about
who spends time reading their zodiac compatibilities?
they both do, monty actually led with that on a date in their earliest days and i imagine zoe found it endearing, thanks! but i do think he's weirdly into astrology like he knows his big 3 and all that. he's not ran thru though.
who is more protective?
i mean i guess it depends in what sense i'm saying like if something went bump in the night monty would do the noble thing and scope things out while zoe stayed behind BUT he has been pwned publicly a time or two in the teacher's lounge by the head of the physical education department who wants zoe soooo bad so he's certainly not mr. macho
who tends to get sick more often? who is better at taking care of the other?
monty gets sick in the way that every man gets sick he needs his back rubbed and his forehead kissed PRONTO!
who cooks the dinner, and who washes the dishes?
i hate to answer every question saying they do this equally<3 but that's kind of how i feel. i imagine it switching up between them.
who does the majority of the driving?
sorry see above but a bonus godmod headcanon is that zoe's gotta drive something really really cute like a jeep renegade right?
whose family do they celebrate more holidays with?
i was gonna say the hannas and that i'd just caught a vibe but then i really doubled down on the hannas because i remembered the jameson/orla of it all. god i love this plot i wanna go to their thanksgiving soooo bad
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purplesurveys · 5 months
1 - When was the last time it snowed where you live? Do you like snowy weather or is it just a pain? Uh... Anyway, cold weather is definitely preferred. We're reaching high 40s now and will still go up to the 50s in May, and it is not only uncomfortable but also starting to get very inconvenient.
2 - Are you expecting any parcels in the mail right now? Not for a while. I ordered J-Hope's album but was already informed in advance that I probably won't get it until June since my shop ships stuff from Korea in bulk. Which is fine. With BTS on hiatus I've considerably calmed down when it comes to merch lol.
3 - How long is it until your birthday? Do you have any plans for the day? Like, 363 days haha. I just celebrated my 26th last Sunday, and all I did was watch a Spongebob movie with my sister in the morning, slept all afternoon, then went to my favorite hotel buffet for dinner with my family.
4 - What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee. The Spanish latte I got tonight had a cracked lid so my jeans are now all soaked.
5 - Do you need to do any laundry right now? Yup.
6 - Who was the last person you got a notification from on social media? Is this person a close friend of yours? That would Alex, just a dude related to work. No, I wouldn't call him a friend but he is genuinely one of the nicest people I know.
7 - Do you regularly buy things on credit? If so, how much do you owe on credit cards right now? No. I got a surprise credit card in the mail a few weeks ago (I say 'surprise' because apparently I said yes when I got surveyed years ago...? then I just forgot about it I guess LOL), but I absolutely refuse to use it. It's not even activated yet. I don't want to form a habit around paying things on credit.
8 - When was the last time you got a call from an unknown number? Did you answer or call them back? Can't be bothered to check when exactly, but I know it was a few weeks ago. I probably answered it because at the time I knew it would be someone work-related calling.
9 - When was the last time you got off work early? What was the reason and did you do anything fun with your extra free time? I don't do that, I always do the full 8 hours. Earlier this month though I did file a morning leave to attend a watch party for Wrestlemania.
10 -  What do you typically eat for Christmas Dinner? Are you the one who cooks or does a family member do the cooking? My family is never consistent when it comes to Christmas spreads lmao, it's always different meals every year! For the longest time it was my mom and grandma who did the cooking; but now that I could afford to treat my family (and can't cook hah) I buy platters and trays of all kinds of stuff so that everyone can get what they want.
11 - What time did you wake up this morning? Did you get out of bed right away? I needed to wake up earlier since I already had a meeting scheduled for 9 AM. I think I started to wake up around 7:30.
12 - Do you have any plans for the weekend? Are these plans typical for a weekend or are you doing something different? Saturday will be for rest as I have back to back events on Sunday. I'd say at this point it is pretty typical for work to eat up what little free time I have - it also comes with the higher role - but I'm hopeful this phase would stop soon. I have no weekend events booked yet for May onwards so that's looking like a good sign.
13 - Would you like to work a job that involves going in and out of other people’s homes all day? (Like care work, painter, decorated etc.) That'd be cool, but I wouldn't know what kind of related job would fit me best. I did always have an interest in interior design – I like trying to look into people's living rooms when we drive by them in the village (but tbh this is also because I live around rich people and they all have super big minimalist mansions lol), and when I was younger all I wanted to do in GTA was to have a cheat code that would let me in people's homes lmao.
14 - When was the last time you had an injury? Was it a minor cut/scrape or something more serious? What happened? Sprained my ankle two years ago. I had one drink too many and ended up tripping in a bad way over some steps on my birthday, hehe... 15 - Do you ever watch movies or TV shows that require you to read subtitles? I mean I like having subtitles around in general. It's obviously helpful when watching foreign-language shows/movies, but even for English I prefer having them turned on because I hate it when actors mumble or have too-thick accents.
16 - What accents are your favourite? Don't have any.
17 - How many people have you texted today? Are these people friends, family members or something else? People I've messaged today, outside of work, would be Angela, Lei, my mom, and sister. 3 out of 4 of these people are family.
18 - Are you any good at DIY? What was the last DIY project you finished? I'm not good at any DIY or arts or crafts, period.
19 - When was the last time you had a haircut? When was the last time you dyed your hair (if you ever have)? Hair cut: Year and a half ago. Dye: Around six months ago.
20 - Do you prefer wearing tight-fitting or loose-fitting clothes? I prefer the baggy/oversized fit now.
21 - Are you currently warm, cold or just right? Is the heating or air conditioning on to contribute to that feeling? I'm quite warm, but it's not as bad as the TERRIBLE weather earlier today. It's evening so it's a lot more manageable, but that's not to say I've stopped sweating because I still fucking am.
22 - What was the last piece of good news you received? Was it expected? Pharmacist licensure exam results came out today and I saw that my cousin passed. Yes, I always knew she was going to kill it.
23 - What colour socks are you wearing right now? Maroon.
24 - Do you prefer hot coffee or iced coffee? What about hot tea or iced tea? Iced coffee, iced tea.
25 - What are some of your favourite Christmas songs? What time of year do you start listening to Christmas music? Christmas Love by Jimin :) Kelly Clarkson also has that bubbly song but I'm blanking out on the title. I usually start to listen around the 2nd week of December, then go into overdrive between the 24th and 25th haha.
26 - If you see cats wandering about in the street, do you stop and fuss them? No.
27 - Speaking of cats, do you own a cat? Are they a particular breed or just a moggie? Would you ever want a specific breed of cat at all? No.
28 - When was the last time you moved furniture around to clean behind or underneath it? Do you need someone’s help in order to do that? Just a few weeks ago. No, it's just a decorative chair in the living room so it's easy to move around.
29 - Do you have any medications that you need to take daily? Is this something you’re going to have to do for the rest of your life? I don't.
30 - Do you know how to start an open fire and keep it burning without using loads of wood? Is this a skill you use on a regular basis at all? I don't know how to start fire.
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