#i am REALLY late for inktober
aprils-artsy · 11 months
Fanart of Ghost, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
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Fanart of Zombie Ghost (not accurate), Call of Duty: Warzone
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Been wanting to draw Simon 'Ghost' Riley since I got into COD 😭 And no, I never played the game, I only watch the gameplay walkthrough 😅 i will still be drawing more in the future!
(Zombie Ghost was a last minute work. I love his Zombie skin and would draw a proper one in the near future. For now I only added the blood and the overall colours to match the overall artwork ❤)
This was actually done for @/lord_gris 's inktober Gristober, number 11. Skull💀 on Instagram. Eventhough I am 1 week late, I still do want to give credit to her for the idea!
Reference used: Modern Warfare II, III and thanks to @ave661 for the amazing renders of him (+ others too!)! I have been keeping up with your works recently ever since I got in COD and you never fail to impress me each time you post a new work! I have used your renders for both inspiration and references for my art and it really helped me so much!😭 Words cannot described how amazing your renders are of them!! I will be using more in the future and will not forget to credit you in all social medias so thank you very much again!🥰❤
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theelvenartist · 10 months
Is this late? Yes. It’s been like a month since Inktober finished and even longer since I last posted, but eh 🤷‍♀️
enjoy the fanart:
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(in all honesty tho, I am really happy with how this piece turned out)
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mitamicah · 11 months
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Slowly trying to catch up with @kaarija-inktober starting with prompt 17 (Frank Edition); Exhausted
Yes, I see the irony of me getting too exhausted to keep up the challenge at the exhausted prompt x'D
Bit of a rant below
Anybody would like to hear about my horrible day yesterday and why I feel this drawing and prompt on a depper level :'D? Well too bad you clicked under the line x'D
Yesterday I had to travel home from my half a week in Berlin. Everything up to this point had went well and I had had an amazing time. I guess that is why the gods decided to throw me everything at once.
for some reason I got paranoid I would miss the bus so I was there two hours early. While waiting on said bus I started to get some very suspicious symptoms like cold shivers, dry cough, dizziness and a beginning headache. At this point however I just really wanted to get home
Well said bus was 30 minutes late and me already being on the verge of a breakdown thought about if it would be better for me to bail and take a train or flight home to Denmark instead (since we didn't know when the bus would arrive only that it didn't arrive on time).
Now in the bus my headache grew stronger and blinking turned directly painful. I didn't have a window seat so while trying to rest could've been great I never found a good position to do so.
When we arrived to the ferry we were told that most other busses and ferries were cancelled due to strong winds (which I guess is the one good thing about yesterday) which also meant that me with no balance due to said bad headache stumbled around like a drunken sailor trying t ofind a charger for my phone on deck.
Arriving to Denmark we then got taken in the control by the police wanting to check if we were doing any human trafficing. So all our baggage had to be thrown out on the road and then every person in the doubledecker bus had to have their passport checked. Fortunately this went sort of quickly.
Arriving to Copenhagen I knew I couldn't with a good concience ask myself to stick with my original plan which had been to wait 3-4 hours for a nightbus so instead I went with the first train to my city. In there I felt dizzy again so I had to sit on the floor to shorten the bloodstream to my limbs.
Now in my own city I went to buy some milk before the last stretch of transport home - for the first time this entire week it actually rained heavily and so I had to use my umbrella - it immediately turned upside down due to the strong wind.
After all of this I finally got home after 12+ hours of transport to learn that I had gotten my period.
Oh and today my suspicions were proved right: I am covid positive
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dambusta-animations · 11 months
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ITS INKTOBER DAY 6!! (I'm well aware how late I am so zip it)
I drew Moxxie's Dad so I had to draw his Mum! And believe me when I say I had much more fun drawing her than I did Crimson!
I really like her character design and she seems like such a kind character, I'd love to see more of her but unfortunately that feels a bit unlikely :/
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soyouareandrewdobson · 10 months
Nintendo-vember Bonus Round: The art of a Dob
First, I apologze for the late post. I actually had more work to do this week than planned, plus I got really into Hyrule Warriors-Age of Calamity. However, before I unveil the next big post (coming around sunday/monday) I want to do the "bonus round" as indicated in my last post for Nintendo-vember.
What is the bonus round? Not much really. Instead of analyzing anything, these bonus rounds are just me uploading certain Nintendo related things Dobson did outside of the main "level" entries, with little to no comment. In today's case, different fanart Dobson drew over the years of Nintedo characters, particularly Mario, the cast of Zelda and so on. This artwork also goes way back to his very old deviantart days so if you want to more or less see where he started but later on ended up with, here you have it. "Enjoy"
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A Zelda comic with a Link design that is off model in a manner, "sexist crap" and lesbians invading personal space...
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Mario fanart that really feels outdated in the way it was drawn (that is college level?), Easter Bunnies and a Splatoon comic
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His Inktober Art from 2017 compared to a year prior (I actually prefer the more details on Link, but the face really looks wrong)
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Okay... on one hand, I kinda enjoy the idea from a macabre point of view. At the same time, Jesus! And once more the wrong number of fingers on each hand
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And three Samus Aran's, showing his decline in quality ending in the infamous "commission" piece
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some of his multi character pics that actually got him a bit of fame...
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And lastly, two pics that were created as ributes to Miyamoto.
While those are not all the pics Dosbon would create with Nintendo characters over the years, they are some of his more well known, but nowadays mostly lost ones.
They also, particularly the oldest, highlight in my opinion actually rather well how simple a lot of Dobson's drawings in the early days are, in the way how washed out and simplistically animesque his characters looked. If you have any opinions on those pics, let me know. I am busy with the next big article.
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the---hermit · 2 years
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Not gonna lie to you yesterday's meeting with the professor totally demoralized and discouraged me. I have been feeling super tired for weeks, with things slowly going worse, but I always managed to keep my energies up. This morning I woke up with zero energy to work on this thesis, and I also didn't really want to do it anyway. So of course I had to force myself and now I'm even more tired and frustrated. It doesn't help that in the past few months I also had a couple of more personal things occupying my mind, and anytime I am a bit more moody these things come back kicking my ass. If you can't tell I cannot wait for this thesis and graduation thing to be over, I am so tired I don't have even words to describe it. In these past few years I have been slowly training myself to try to concentrate on the more positive sides of things, but I refuse to lie to myself when something, whatever it is feels like it's going wrong. I am incredibly happy with the choice I took to take a small pause after graduating and starting "late" with my master's degree courses in the second semester, because the closer I get to that, the more I realize how much I acutally need that pause to rest.
Productive things I did today:
found yet another set of titles of the chapters of my thesis (which hopefully will be fine this time)
started rereading and editing my thesis
almost finished my crochet sweater!
did my daily inktober dooble
practiced Irish on duolingo
Self care things I did today:
didn't pressure myself into doing too much and tried to take more breaks when I felt like I needed to take one
crocheting while listening to an audiobook
took some time to draw on my actual sketchbook after more than a year
📖:The Secret History by Donna Tartt, The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake (I a now a little over the half of this novel, and I must admit that although it took me a little over three hours of the audiobook to get really into the story I am now really intrigued by it!)
🎵: Sleepwalking by All Time Low (no matter how low my days might be their music makes me feel instantly better and this new song rocks tbh)
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theunusuallyferret · 1 year
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Inktober 2023: 4. Dodge
Day 4 of inkober. I am some days late due to some stuff. Made a Quetzalcoatl dodging a bite from a dragon. Losing some feathers. I really like the statues of these dragons. While making this I kept thinking of "The road to El Dorado" movie. Its great and everyone should give it a watch. Great music, amazing animation, and cool colors. (again tumblr hates it when I upload stuff on my drawing tablet...Idk if the quality is worse or not.)
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Inktober day 3: path
I am so behind, I did technically do the ink drawing on the correct day but then lost motivation doing the digital version so I'm only really late posting it, not even started on yesterdays or todays yet
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Once again much prefer the ink version, might just stop doing the digitals unless I think it's necessary
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bvannn · 9 months
Weekly Update December 15, 2023
Finals week is done. I’m still worried about the one class but I’ve done everything I can. Next week I have some doctor appointments but otherwise am good to rest up and hopefully get more work done. I have tonight and tomorrow morning also before I have to do a long drive, so maybe I’ll finish off some other projects.
TRGA: 1-4 Tim’s tweens are done, and I have what I think is a faster strategy for tweens now as well, so all that should be moving faster. I just need to do Tim’s face and clean up his joints and he should be good for the shot, I can make and add in props and I’ll post the wip. I’m planning to do backgrounds all in one go at the end so they stay consistent from shot to shot, and sketch lines as well. I’ll probably do some of the more tedious work (exporting and reimporting sketch lines, and cleanup) in the evenings and the more brain intensive work like props during real free time.
Still chipping away at late drawing prompts. I got the rest of the Inktober set sketched, I’m nearing the ‘easy’ prompts for the cringe set, and the gore set I just haven’t had motivation for but I can maybe try to finish that one off in the next few days. Also haven’t gotten comic thumbnail stuff done since like 2 weeks ago but I might get cracking at that in the car ride tomorrow, or definitely after, there’s a lot more interest in my OCs than I thought so I really should be prioritizing that higher.
Music: real close on the one song, and recorded pieces for a piano arrangement of another thing. I wanted to doll it up with real instruments, and maybe I still will but I can also do a just piano version and throw that out. The main original I’m working on is close to done instrumentally, I was going to record the breakdown tonight but I’m a bit tired because I decided to do some chores, so maybe it’ll be tomorrow or maybe I will do it tonight. Also started poking around Melodies for a second song before realizing my retro sound chip plug-in set is a pain in the neck and will only play one note at a time so I need like 5 or 6 layers to do what I want and also the gameboy chip has hella delay for some reason. Not unfixable but annoying. Theoretically I should be moving to a new computer soonish so maybe I can try out some voice synths for the main song I’m working on since I don’t think I can sing.
I’m kinda hitting that tiredness wall but I should hopefully be able to get some rest in the coming week, get some stuff together to post, and be nice and ready. I should also mention I have a surgery coming up too which should take me out of commission for some time, idk how long, doesn’t sound very long though, at least not as long as the last one. That’s not until the week of christmas though so I should still be good to do stuff until then. Maybe I’ll draw tonight, maybe I won’t since it’s already late. I’ve been getting weird bouts of restlessness where I just decide to do a bunch of things at once, but I think I already got one when I decided to do chores. Oh well always tomorrow.
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So I disappeared for a while. (Not like I have many followers who is interested in my shenanigans :D but mainly it's disappointing for myself because I really want to make this learning project to work.)
These last two months... but actually the last three were crazy. I am working in the film industry so production is usually couple of months (max. 2 years) long. And at the end (or 2/3) of the production is super busy. Overtime, even through the night... 4-5 hours of sleeping for weeks.... you get it. This was the case lately. In the beginning of October I managed to do inktober for almost 12 days but then multiple shit happened (mostly work and some other problems) and I was engrossed with them. Which is sad because October is one of my favourite months and I had big plans drawing-wise. Which I failed clearly.
But now. I finished my job one week ago (next starting on this thursday) and spent the last week with recreation (sleeping and reading) and making christmas presents (huge idiocracy but I love to make personal gifts for everyone and I have a huge family and kind a lot of close friends so for example this year I am making presents for 19 people (okay-okay, for some of them I am buying stuff but otherwise diy). Which is.... a clear sign that I am stupid.) Slowly but surely I am making it through the list. I'm gonna share a few of them here too, because only one of my friend is here on tumblr so the exception of her present I will show them. We just need some decent sunlight for photos....
Back to the four project per month system. I am not sure what to do. There was a plan for every week til March so now that I messed up I don't know if I should get back to the plan or like a madman try to do every failed October-November prompt. I am inclined for the latter because even if I like christmas, the autumn vibe is closer to my little soul and I was so hyped for making those drawings. So it's a huge possibility for me to share gothic vibed stuff in the middle of December We will see. I am sure I will finish the abandoned ink learning project and the remaining inktober prompts. I will also participating in two supernatural-themed bangs/fests (@dcwildwestfest and @mitskinaturalbang , also they're looking for artists to join to Mitskinatural, so please participate, it will be fun ;) ). Which is pretty exciting. They have priority. (I am really happy for these bangs.)
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Enough of rambling, I just wanted to sit down and make a mental check up after I am not exhausted all the time. (Surprise.) Now I get back to creating stuff.
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larissa-the-scribe · 10 months
Y'know, it's funny, I somehow had this idea that "yeah, I will post regularly during NaNoWriMo, I'm going to have plenty of material to mess with." And yet, lo and behold, here we are and I am not really surprised.
So, uh, updates!
I did not end up doing all of Inktober, but I will be posting the drawings that I did end up doing.
I finished writing the first draft for my Inkling's Challenge story, Terrarium Lights! It turned out a bit longer than I anticipated, but I'm pretty happy with how it developed and worked. It still needs editing as I prepare to share it, but the next update will be coming soon.
Besides that, I am working on my next Inkling's Challenge idea, which won second place in the poll (water fae and his dragon end up in Western times). I am having a lot of fun with this reverse portal fantasy idea... and also a lot of questions, so, I am landed in the trenches of research and worldbuilding. I am having fun with it, though. 
The premise has been expanded to include the rules-concerned Scottish fae "child" ending up not just in the Wild West, but running around in an outlaw's gang after he accidentally interferes with a train robbery. I am also toying with the idea of it being entirely "outsider PoV" for extra shenanigans.
Otherwise, some ideas in the works for more writing "career" things, but nothing solid yet.
And that's all for this week's news.
A late Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
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kabra-malvada · 2 years
SHORT chapter I know, but please check the announcement under the cut:
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So... Let's talk.
I have honestly been really burn out lately, I got so many things on my hands right now. So I decided to tackle all step by step. I've been trying to take it all at once and boy did that ended up well. So... I've decided to put this fic on hiatus till next month so I can focus on one thing at a time. Currently I am no longer making inktober and I've been taking requests so I'll be doing that and working on this side project. So I have this Steampunk AU of the Daycare attendants and I just reached 500+ followers on tumblr (Yay!) So as a milestone especial I'll be working on a small project involving this AU. So first, I'll finish my requests, then I'll work and finish the Steam punk AU project and THEN I'll continue this fic. That's all, thank you for your support! :D
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iamonlycurious · 1 year
hello! i been scrolling through your blog and i noticed you mention reading/writing fanfiction fairly often but you don't really mention what about. what have you been interested in lately? or what kind of fanfiction have you read in the past? i don't see a lot of fandom content on my dash nowadays, i'd like to hear some about yours!
First, sorry for the late reply, it’s like every time I remember about your inquiry, I start thinking about all the things I could mention while answering, I get carried away and then distracted thinking about my favourite fandoms, as there are just so much I can say! Also, I never receive much asks, so I have little experience in answering them and feel stressed to talk so much on Tumblr, I’m so used to reblogging, lol.
As for the actual reply, I mostly enjoy reading F/M or Gen fics, usually involving some original and creative rarepairs, as it always requires quite an imagination in order to make those pairings feel realistic.
Most recently I’ve read some ATLA (Avatar: the Last Airbender) fics, because it’s one of my favourite fandoms ever, and one of my oldest fandoms, so I get back to it often.
Also I enjoy reading PaF (Phineas and Ferb) fics, but most of those I like to reread are deleted, but fortunately I’ve got them downloaded, safe and sound on my phone.
I am a fic writer myself, but I only ever posted my works to my country’s fanfiction archive, although I plan on translating them someday... Those are all gen fics, as I am yet to write some Het in the future, if I can overcome my shyness… The works I wrote were all created during the previous Inktober, occurring in 2022, and were inspired by prompts from Clonetober2022 (Star Wars) and Linktober2022 (The Legend of Zelda) during a very dark period in my and all of my peers’ life, so I wanted to distract myself and my close ones from the grim future that awaited us.
Most of my other favourite fandoms include: ASOIAF, Harry Potter books, Vocaloid (you can thus figure out I am old), Stranger Things, Skins, Fullmetal Alchemist, and many others! So, I enjoy watching anime, movies, shows, and playing videogames.
Also, I am a multishipper and am not inclined to stick to one pairing, I prefer to explore different dynamics and see how they might work out.
Soooo, yeah, don’t know what kind of impression that might make of me, but it is how it is…
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dippygamer64 · 1 year
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Inktober 2023 — Day 1 — Dream
Inktober is back baby!!! I am very excited to get back into this! I always love a fun art challenge. (Looking back, I realize I hadn’t posted anything since last Inktober, and I am so so sorry :P)
So I’m going to do things differently than last year. Last year I did mostly original sketches, nothing really based on anything, just whatever came to my head. This year, I want to include things I’m interested in, my favorite characters, anime, games, and so on.
For Day 1, I did two of my newest interests/hyper obsessions: Twisted Wonderland and Obey Me! I wanted to do my take on the two main characters (the ones you play as, plus Grim!) dreaming of each other. And of course I had to include the shrimp and the sheep! Why not? Whether they’re just dreaming or they’re connected somehow or they’re wishing they had the other’s life, I’m not entirely sure myself, but I thought it was cute and I’m happy with the result. The only thing I don’t like is that I made the sketch too small, so the ink bleeding looks kind of awkward. Oh well, live and learn.
(Also, please forgive me if I have trouble keeping up with the schedule. I’m currently juggling a lot of stuff in life, and I just wanted to do this for fun without too much stress. Apologies in advance if a prompt ends up a day or so late.)
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dambusta-animations · 2 years
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I'M SO LATE!!! Sorry for the wait but i'd never drawn a lot of these characters before so i struggled to get it down properly for the draft and then Inktober got thrown into the mix!..... Which i am also very late for.... Not my month is it?
Norb & Dag (The Angry Beavers) Back in the early days of Nicktoons! Brothers Norb and Dag living as bachelors and getting into all sorts of weird adventures, i still have memorys/nightmares of there Halloween episode! Seriously! That was nuts!
The Pink Panther/The Inspector (The Pink Panther Show 1969) Couldnt Decide which to do so I let them decide.... i suppose you could consider this a compromise :P Another from my childhood that i loved growing up! :) i've based it on the 1969 series (the one with the cool car in the intro) and consider it pretty in character!
Perfuma (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) Gonna admit i haven't seen this show but researched a fair bit for this character and it looks good, i'd recommend it :) Perfuma's a happy character and definitely the moral compass of the group sometimes :P
Aggie (Craig of the Creek) WATCH THIS SHOW!! Not even joking around you lot seriously need to start watching this show if you don't already, I don't want to get into Cartoon Networks abhorrent new business plans right now so i'll speak about the character, strongets of the Acorn Knights and loyal subject to King Xavier she's certainly someone you don't want to mess with!
Amity & Luz (The Owl House) I drew a character from this last year in which i admitted i hadn't seen the show.... yeah that still hasn't changed X) But again i watched some for research for the characters, its a nice show and i love the LGBTQ+ rep :)
Hilda (Hilda) I was SO HAPPY to get this suggestion, I LOVE this show and the chance to draw Hilda again! I've gushed before so i'll refrain from it now but happy with this :)
I wanted to draw them interacting more but between finding out about the characters and trying to get there designs right I couldnt really get it figured for them all except two panals I liked the idea of Hilda excitedly showing Twig to two girls who also have magical adventures like she does all the time and Amity and Luz finding them both adorable because, well, they are! :) It was the first image that popped into my head when i got the two suggestions and i'm happy with how it came out! :)
Hope you all enjoyed this years (late) Sixfanarts! Lots more are coming soon! ;)
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ugiuygiogyn · 1 year
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inktober 2023: day 1 - dream
"sleep well, my little star..."
happy spooky month everybody! or happy regular month, if you don't celebrate, hehe...
i don't actually own or know how to use ink so i'll just stick with a pen. ik that doesnt really count as participating in inktober but yall can enjoy my daily silly little drawings for this awesome month. it's hard to believe it's autumn already...
the woman in the picture is vaguely, loosely based off my mom and the symbolism used references themes she puts in her art asw (btw fun fact she used to participate in inktober too)
i'll have to "dream", soon, too. im kinda late to the party, infact where i live its 2 am...
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