#i am a 25 year old nonbinary
kurjakani · 1 year
Columbo turns me into a 40 y/o mother of 3 in the eighties in patterned leggins and a cigarette and messy bun im wanting to be whisked away by a handsome and kind man that handsome kind man being columbo
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transmascrage · 1 year
Video by ErinInTheMorning on TikTok
[Transcript (there's captions on screen but in case you can't turn on audio):
Erin: "File this one away for the transgender history books, whenever they write about our history; today Lindsey Spero, a trans man, stood in front of the Florida Board of Medicine, which was about to vote to medically ban all gender affirming care for trans youth.
He stood there to deliver his testimony, he delivered a little bit of it, but then he took the remainder of his testimony time to stand there and inject his hormone therapy in front of all of them in stunned silence, and then he turned around and raised his fist. Watch this."
Lindsey: "My name is Lindsey Spero, I'm 25 years old, I'm a resident of St. Petersburg, Florida. I'm also transgender.
I am someone who was subjected to treatments that have been questionable, that were mentioned by people like that woman who came up and spoke, I can tell you for a fact that her child is going to grow up hating her.
I'm sure you've heard many stories that sound like mine already, over the last few months my trans siblings and family members have stood before you, put their hearts on full display and vulnerable pleaded with you to listen to our stories and perspectives.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has condemned your actions and our federal government has spoken out against the actions you seek to take regarding the necessary health care for trans youth.
I could stand here and tell you about the times I attempted to end my life because I didn't have access to gender affirming care but I know, I know you don't care. I see you sneering at us while we come here and talk to you.
Instead I'm going to take the rest of my time to demonstrate the sacred and weekly ritual of my shot in front of you, in this body.
My medication is life saving, I will use HRT for the rest of my life, your denial of my need for this medication, doesn't make my existence as a trans person any less real.
I will be giving myself my subcutaneous shot in my stomach. If you have a needle phobia, please look away."
Lindsey injects his T-shot in silence, helped by another person who passes him a needle and the testosterone in its vial.
After finishing, he raises his fist and turns around to the audience.
Lindsey: "Tomorrow and forever."
The crowd cheers and a few people get up to clap.
Erin: "That, that is what I'm talking about! Good job Lindsey! This is the kind of resistance that matters!"
End transcript.]
(As a sidenote, it seems that Lindsey identifies as nonbinary, not necessarily (or exclusively, anyways) as a trans man. Some articles identify him as transmasc but all of his socials state nonbinary.)
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enbycrip · 3 months
The Cass Report demonstrates a truly ridiculous ignorance of literally *anything* to do with not only trans lives, but basic medical treatment protocols.
You *cannot* do double-blind tests where an intervention very clearly has distinct observable effects. Medicine also frequently does not do double-blind tests when doing so would be a) basically impossible, and b) inhumane. It’s particularly common to measure efficacy of an intervention by follow-up and statistical analysis where children and young people are concerned because experimenting on kids is so fucking unethical.
The report is treating reports following established medical protocols as though they are some kind of pseudoscience. Literally the only reasons for this are either a) an ignorance of basic medical and research procedures so profound as to show an utter unsuitability to be involved in reporting on anything to do with healthcare or b) blatant disingenuousness to find an excuse to discard the results they don’t want to acknowledge. Which also renders them deeply unsuitable to report on anything to do with healthcare.
They have used to existence of nonbinary people as an excuse to deny under-25s transition care, treating our entire identity as some sort of adolescent identity crisis. As a 40-year old nonbinary person, I can only say how *utterly* this betrays a profound ignorance of trans culture and identity and/or a commitment to patriarchal and colonial gender norms so profound they are utterly unwilling to dive into the easily-available evidence of adults all over the world with nonbibary identities today, and the anthropological and historical evidence of cultures all over the world with an understanding of gender outside the binary.
And the recommendation that transition should be forbidden to people with mental illness or neurodivergence only betrays how deeply and profoundly transphobia is entwined with disableism. There is a line which literally says “transition did not affect manifestation of symptoms of autism spectrum disorder”. As if this was remotely relevant to anything other than pathologising both transness and neurodivergence.
It of course also attempts to ignore the reality that millions of British adults are seeking neurodivergence diagnoses through the NHS and being turned down or stuck on waiting lists that can easily be *seven* years long.
I am sick with fury and fear, and trying to mute my own reactions because I have a dissertation draft due in tomorrow I *need* to work on.
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AITA For insisting on not paying past due library fines?
When I (nonbinary) was about 7 or so years old, I had a book report due for school and I needed to borrow some books from the library to do it. My mom took me to borrow some. My mom told me when I was done we could go back and return them before they were due back (which would be the next day). My mom took the books when I was done, put them aside to bring back the next day, and then promptly forgot. I reminded her a few times and she said she'd bring them back after she got out from work while I was at school. I believed her, until a handful of years later when I was looking to borrow one of her novels to read in high school, and I saw them buried at the bottom of a box in her closet. I talked to her about it and she said "well it's too late now, it's fine they won't care because it's been years" and I believed her. I didn't bother again with the library until about last year or so (I was 24) when I wanted to replace my old library card so that my daughter (4 at the time) could borrow some books. I am VERY good at returning the things I borrow from anyone on time because I panic and get paranoid if I don't, so I wasn't worried about making the same mistake my mom did.
The library did not see it that way. Because the books when I was 7 were taken out under my name, those debts were not my mom's- they were mine. They told me I was not allowed to replace or use a library card until I paid off my fines. I owed about $200 apparently. I told them that I was only 7 years old when I borrowed those books and that I had no way of returning them on my own without a parent or guardian, and that my parent had failed to help me return them on time. That shouldn't be on me, because again, I was 7. And I didn't realize they were never returned until nearly 10 years later. They kept saying that I had to pay the debt, and that my daughter would never be allowed to have a library card until I paid my debt or she was an adult, whichever came first.
I'm 25 now, my daughter is 5, and I've still been trying to fight off this debt, because it doesn't seem fair. I especially can't pay it now, I live off of disability and foodstamps and live in a shared shelter agreement with a family member. But my daughter loves reading, and I want her to be able to utilize the library. I also would like to start reading again, and borrowing books is the easiest way for me to do so.
My family keeps saying how I should just either pay it off or let it go, that I'm a "Karen" for bothering the librarians about this so much. I don't like being rude to people, I've been about as polite (and apparently timid according to my partner) as I possibly can be about this, so I'm really worried that me fighting this has been making it harder and stressful for the librarians. Am I the asshole? Should I just stop and let it go?
What are these acronyms?
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babehog · 2 months
Irt the last reblogged post about transmedicalist beliefs. I wont proofread this because I just need to ramble
One thing I wanna emphasize is that transition as a concept isn't even something you need to adhere to to be "trans". If you end up at 25, 40, 70 years old etc. And come across a label, set of beliefs or descriptions that you feel you resonate with, that relate to how you feel about your gender, you can adopt those beliefs without any need to change your body.
Language is just a means of communicating ideas, the idea of a woman for instance will conjure up ideals in ones own head, those ideals are a box we use to frame what we know.
As a nonbinary butch "woman-adjacent" tranny I have to say there's nothing that feels more freeing to me than the idea of not needing to "change" anything about how I present to be exactly what I want to or feel like I am. The idea of "passing" is disgusting to me. The only thing you serve by enforcing the gender binary ideal is white supremacy. Anyone can be anything, gender binary is bullshit. It is a flawed and dangerous idea that women have to be hairless, that men have to be flat-chested etc. That genitalia is indicative of any gender expression.
Kill the idea that trans people look this way or that way. We are as varied and unique and diverse as any other group of people. We exist everywhere.
If you police how people speak about their own bodies, their own lives and experiences. You are aligning yourself with white supremacist ideals.
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prpfs · 3 months
hello! 🌟 (she/he pronouns) 25 year old, long time roleplayer searching for 20+ partners for a descriptive literate to novella style roleplay! it will most definitely include smut, the logistics of which we can go over-i am open to some dead dove / dark content. as of right now i am strictly looking for oc x oc!
i have found it is also a must for me to be able to chat with my partner ooc! if we don’t generally vibe outside rp, personally i’ve found it can totally kill the rp for me. i am the type of person that loves brainrottin’ and gushing over our characters together, as well as swapping any moodboards / playlists / head canons / etc. so i’m kind of hoping you do too!
my final must is that you have to be okay with plus size and/or poc face claims! I think diversity makes it all the more fun. additionally, trans and nonbinary ocs are totally welcome, but just know my character will probably be female/afab regardless.
so! for the most part i want some sapphic / fxf plots:
- okay no big idea here but the plot of the movie moulin rouge! could be set in the same era or modern, but something kinda angsty where a tortured/lovesick artist or poet x popular dancer / s worker who can’t fall in love
- vampire x human!!! pls let me play a mysterious, kinda scary but sweet vampire against your fragile lil human. could be some kind of arrangement situation or maybe humans seeking shelter in a storm, upon first meeting? idk some gothic romance beauty and the beast vibes with lesbians and vampires. or,, big scary vampire lady and her human pet just saying
- GIMME ALL AND ANY OF UR MONSTER OCS PLS, I’d probs play a human or something humanesque unless you specifically ask me for another monster
- opposites attract! if you let me play a punk or goth oc i’d love you forever, we can add all kinds of layers to this
- also open to any ideas, and we can always plot together our own stuff!
however! i would also love some mxf and being able to play a more submissive role-though all my characters are switches. for this, i’m open to spin any of the above plots for it but in all honesty if you have male ocs you’re dying to experience as girldads, i have a nerdy, anxious single mom oc i’m dying to write falling in love!
finally, this will be solely over discord! if interested, please leave a like and i’ll reach out.
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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raunchyr0nnie · 2 months
Updating my pinned post!
Hi, I'm Ronnie, and this is my horny sideblog! I am 25 years old and transfem (she/her), outwardly transitioning isn't gonna be really possible for me for a while but that doesn't change that I AM a girl and I love being one! All I ask is that you be normal and respectful about me being non-op, otherwise your ass is getting blocked.
DNI: minors, homophobes, transphobes, ped0s, terfs, etc.
I generally label myself as sapphic, but that attraction extends to nonbinary folks as well, and while I don't think I'm necessarily attracted to men I'm open to flirting with trans guys/transmascs, basically as long as you're not a cis man you're good lol
I don't have any well-defined kinks I can think of but I do have some absolute no-nos.
Do NOT like: scat, piss, cnc, incest, age regression.
I'd had sex before but that was before I knew I was gay and a girl so I really don't have a specific idea of which kind of role I like; I'm more subby realistically, but I can get a little dommy when I wanna! I'm also a huge monsterfucker.
Fellow trans people are welcome to slide into my DMs or askbox and in fact encouraged to do so. Ask first if you wanna send nudes, otherwise be as horny as you want! I also love horny ask games.
Terms I like: Good girl, baby, doll, sweetie, princess
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skye-the-dragon · 2 months
My Tav!!! :D
I thought I’d share how they look in-game, since drawing them can only do so much lol
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If you want some additional info (+more how i see them) it’s under the cut lol
So, my Tav.
Their name is Zion, because they’re essentially a self insert and I’m very uncreative
They’re a sorcerer
They’re nonbinary (use they/them), aromantic (but still willing to be in a relationship when they find a person they feel comfy with), and asexual (sex positive tho)
(Let me explore my sexuality through fiction okay-)
They’re around 180 years old during the game’s events, which I’ve decided is more or less 25-30 human years
They’re a human-drow-dragonborn, but the human traces are very slight because their parents were pure dragonborn and a half-drow, but down a few generations of drow/drow relationships. Their most human parts are the slightly creamy colors to their cheeks and ears, as well as a small amount of almost-white hairs, mostly over their arms and legs
From more draconic features, they mainly have slitted pupils, like a cat, because it’s fun, and their teeth are sharper than average. Plus they have scales, other than on the face, on their biceps, and all over their chest area (no nipples lol). Plus sharper-than-usual nails :)
I’ve also decided they do have a draconic tail, despite that not being an option in in-game customization, because it’s my imagining of the world and I get to do what I want, I am the DM now >:3
On that note, big sucker for wings here, so… you know. They have “retractable” (part-magic) draconic wings. But, to make it less op, I’ve made it hurt like hell whenever they summon them, cause it’s essentially like speed-growing an additional body part with bone in it, then shedding it like a skinwalker on supernatural, so they don’t use that nearly at all, unless under really strong emotions, or under extreme circumstances. But, to make it more fun, their feet also turn draconic when they do that
(Ik people are probably gonna come at me for that one, but eh, I don’t really care. It’s my version of the world, after all. Besides, it doesn’t come up often so you can technically just ignore that)
They have the criminal background, and I don’t quite have their backstory fleshed out just yet, but I know they became a thief to survive after their family was killed due to debt (drow are brutal), then it became a sort of revenge thing, to steal from rich people and such
They got found out at one point, at around 150 years of age, and were hunted down, but escaped the town before they got caught and/or killed, which is pretty much like a banishment if you think about it lol
Since then they’ve just been living sorta on the run, stealing or foraging and hunting to survive, at first in the Underdark, then, later, on the surface
Twas on one of their heists for food the nautiloid got them
Now for some fun facts and other little things!
They actually dislike the sun, it makes their eyes hurt from how bright it is. Were very disappointed because everyone who’s seen it and been in the Underdark praised its beauty and shit, but when they saw it for the first time they were just like “I cannot see”
They still appreciate sunsets and sunrises though
They speak Common, Undercommon, Drowish, and know how to say a few basic phrases in Draconic/Glav (they can read the alphabet as well, just not out loud)
They’re very morally grey. Like, would sell your soul to a devil for a single corn chip with no remorse but would also immediately stand up to your abuser kind of morally grey
They can eat raw and rotten food without much consequence, because their draconic ancestry makes their stomach acid more… well, acidic, so it just melts all the bad stuff away. They don’t like rotten food tho, it tastes bad. Raw meat on the other hand…
Once they get attached to someone they will do anything for them
Despite Astarion’s lines being pretty much copy-pasted from a script, they find them endearing (until they learn about his past, then they want to hold him every time he falls back into that habit)
They have unreasonable amounts of charisma when they want (17), despite the fact they’re a total dumbass other times
Speaking of stats, STR is at 8, so they’re very lean
Their favorite animals are snakes, they just love the noodly babies
They make dirty jokes every chance they get (to the delight of Astarion and demise of literally everyone else)
They hate kids. Like, really. They let that tiefling child who stole the locket from that one guy get slapped lmao
Aside from the visible piercings, they have a belly button one as well
That’s it I think for now. If you’ve read this far, I hope you enjoyed me dumping all the info on you lmao <3
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identitty-dickruption · 11 months
Hello, I'm very sorry to bother you. I am about to ask a long and possibly ignorant question. If you don't feel comfortable answering or you simply don't want to (it isn't your job to educate other people, I know that) I totally understand it. Just know that I'm coming from lack of knowledge, not lack of respect.
I just saw this post (couldn't find the original one, sorry) and I wanted to clarify. What exactly do you mean intersex people shouldn't been brought up during debates about gender and sex? I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that I don't understand.
Everything else in the post, I'm clear about, but when transphobos say shit like "you are biologically either a man or a woman and you cannot change that because you cannot change your chromosomes," I do consider it worth mentioning that biological sex isn't as easy of a topic as they think it is. Human bodies are not always clearly, unquestionably either male or female. And sometimes a person is sure she is clearly, unquestionably female and then, one day when she's 25 years old, she takes a sex verification test for the Olympics and turns out she has XY chromosomes, like María José Martínez Patiño, so chromosomes clearly are a lame excuse for transphobos to use. I'm not gonna give more examples because you probably have heard many at this point and I'm sure you understand intersex topics better than I do, but I think I made clear my point.
If we don't expect all intersex people to live as multigender or nonbinary, then why would someone expect all perisex people to live only as their agab, when we know that everything regarding biological sex (chromosomes, gonads, reproductive system and hormonal production) means nothing when we talk about gender identity?
Again, I'm not trying to say that you're wrong, I just want to understand. Why using an argument like this would be wrong?
hello. out of all the points on that post, this is the one I get challenged on the most, for exactly the points you make — biological sex isn’t binary, it’s bimodal, so talking about intersex people makes sense to a lot of people when they enter these debates. I stand by what I said though
firstly. TERFs, on the most part, don’t see intersex people as intersex. they already have a standard response to this and it’s, “those people just have disorders of sex development, they’re still predominantly either male or female”. TERFs know the cases of intersex athletes very well, and they have ways to talk around it. so, like. this argument doesn’t even work nine times out of ten. it just forces intersex people to see yet more people label them as defective for the sake of a debate
secondly, being used as a gotcha in debates is a microaggression when you consider that it’s usually the only time I see people talk about me and my community. dyadic queer people + allies will acknowledge intersex people exist so they can win a debate, and then never talk about us or think about us again
this is particularly true when these same people will make incredibly intersexist arguments within the same debate
they’ll say things like “nobody’s forcing HRT onto children!” when hi! that happens to intersex kids and teens all the time. they’ll say “cis kids with hormonal disorders get approval for HRT, what’s the difference?” when, again. we’re not “cis kids with hormonal disorders”, we’re intersex people who are forced into unwanted medical treatment all the time
I don’t want my existence used as a debate point if you’re only going to think about me when you can frame it as a zinger or a takedown. I don’t want support because of my position in “the trans debate”, I want support because people actually care about me and my struggles
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
I kind of want to start using noun pronouns but I feel like it's not really something a 26 year old does.
Like on the one hand I don't (want to) give a shit about what other people think, if they think it's "weird" or "cringe" they can think that.
On the other, and maybe it's just cause I haven't looked hard enough or whatever, but a lot of the uncommon pronouns or genders feel like they're coming mostly from teenagers, or that like mostly teens identify with these and it's just kind of a struggle to find like-minded people or like idek where to start finding them.
I know I'm nowhere near queer elder aged but it would be nice to see people my age or older using these identities and words.
you know, i wanted to say from the bottom of my heart, deeply, that i am sorry that you have been made to feel that way, i know like. the way people act online and talk to one another can be very hostile so i get that it can be scary. you don't have to stop having fun and enjoying things after 25 though. life doesn't have to stop being fun once u hit 30. the idea of "weird identity = young person / person who only exists online," is a tactic used by shitty ppl to dismiss less common identities as non existent/less important to pit queer ppl against one another and as a way to aggressively pretend we don't exist at all
normally i try extremely hard to be nebulous about things but i am older than that and i use zie/hir, it/its, ey/em, xe/xem, fae/faer and fey/feyr, pup/pups, the dog and wolfself pronouns, and identify as nonbinary, a boydyke, lesboy, genderqueer, androgyne, transfemasc, dykefag, a lesbian who is partially a man, demiguy, demigirl, and so on. i have a friend in their 30s who uses fae/faer pronouns, another friend in their 30s who identifies as a demigirl, and a lot more friends who are older who identify with "weird" identities. i know so many people in their 30s and 40s who identify as bigender, polygender, hell, even catgender, spacegender...
it's not something that's isolated to youth, i promise. you don't have to feel like you have to stop having fun with your identity or just literally being yourself once you hit a certain age barrier. you're allowed to do that for yourself, i promise. take care, stay safe, good luck in your journey. you will find these things don't rly fade with age ppl just tell you that
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happysadyoyo · 1 year
"Talking about trans men "playing up the F in AFAB" to access women spaces. Please someone send me an ask about this specifically so I have an excuse to go off tomorrow after work."
Fourth time's the charm right?
And I gotta disclaim that I'm one of them transes who sees his past self as the gender he thought he was. Little 11 year old me? Girl. I was a girl up to the point I wasn't and I don't really know where that line is. Somewhere between 19 and 25. But I do call myself AFAB and I do see a lot of my experiences as a child and teen as being both through the lenses of womanhood and closeted/subconscious transness.
So needless to say I'm a little biased and get a little angry when this argument that trans masculine people are trying to play up the F in their AGAB up.
First and foremost, the biggest push away from AGAB language I've seen is from nonbinary and trans masculine folks. So let's jot that down (again though, I have consciously put myself into spaces that allow me to hear these voices over trans feminine voices after nearly a decade of the reverse).
And there's the fact that trans people who present with traditionally "female" reproductive and secondary sex characteristics are typically more vulnerable in men only spaces... we gotta be realistic here. People who look like women are going to be treated like women by strangers and while I'm a firm advocate for not treating all men like dirt... well. We have statistics.
And that's even if there are men spaces... shit like shelters for domestic violence victims oh so rarely allow men in the first place.
Plus, let's not forget a lot of this "playing up the F in AFAB" talk is coming around during the repeal of Roe v Wade in the US, which brought up the discussion of reproductive healthcare and abortion access back into international center stage. We're supposedly leaning on our AGAB by pointing out that We! Need! Healthcare! And our healthcare needs generally line up with those seen as women's only.
A totally stealth trans man who is being denied reproductive healthcare because he's legally a man is going to have to lean on his AGAB to get a checkup with the ObGyn. Otherwise they're not going to see him... because he doesn't look like a woman to him. Sometimes, using your AGAB is necessary, if only because the largely cishet world doesn't get that sometimes women have dicks and men have vaginas, and there are some people who want both or neither.
Finally, and I guess this just irritates me the most because of the above mentioned bias... saying trans masculine and nonbinary folks are playing up their AGAB is outright denying the way so many of us grew up. I was raised as a girl. I was seen as a girl. I had expectations put on me that only women in my small part of Southern Baptist culture would have. I had a promise ring. I memorized the Proverbs 31 wife list. I had nightmares of my wedding night, and I was made fun of and belittled by my own mother for not liking makeup and not taking care of my appearance. My lack of sexual harassment, despite it being a super common thing for girls and women, still has me mentally fucked up despite now identifying mostly male.
I'm not playing up my AGAB by talking about these experiences and saying that I've experienced misogyny because of how I am seen. Claiming the trauma and benefits of womanhood when I saw myself as a girl and when the world sees me as a woman (as it oh so overwhelmingly does currently) is not me trying to play up my AGAB for victimhood points or to access women's only spaces.
Yes, there are trans men, masculine folks, and nonbinary people who were AFAB and currently enter women's spaces where AMAB folks aren't allowed. If I wasn't aware of them before, I certainly am after getting through the first few chapters of Whipping Girl because Julia Serano does not shut up about it. She's clearly salty despite pretending not to be.
But guess what! There's shitty trans women and trans feminine people out there too! Baeddels! TIRFs! The fact that there's shitty trans people like Buck Angel or Caitlyn Jenner is just because they're people! Who happen to be trans! And people will absolutely use whatever they can as leverage to be shitty! That's why there are gay and black Republicans. They leveraged their minority status to become figures in a group that hates them. Shocking.
But for fuck's sake, saying trans men, masculine, and nonbinary folks who happened to be AFAB are trying to express their victimhood through the F in their AGAB both reeks of ROGD as well as a clear yellow flag that maybe
just maybe
these people are trying to find the language to talk about the problems they're facing but people like Serano aren't letting them.
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basilirl · 4 months
⋆。𖦹˚.★ 🦄 intro post (⁎˃ᆺ˂) ᯓ★
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★ . . . howdyyy! call me BASIL or BAILEY (they/nya/pup+) welcome to my sillay little corner of the internet ^__^ /e wave
★ . . . i'm a audhd nonbinary furry creature! i'm a cat therian/otherkin, an alien among the human race! we are extremely cringe on this page. you have been warned ♡
★ . . . i am 17 years old! i request that any weirdos (ex. proships, zoos, ect.) gtfo! i block kind of freely so if ur just annoying you might get snoozed. sorry!
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🌌 moar stuff under cut ⇊
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💤 EXTRAS ฅ(´-ω-`)ฅ
⟡ . . . my theriotypes are mainecoon and munchkin cats, i'm like a combination of both 🩵 i'm also part puppy dog! i feel out of place on earth and feel more belonging in the dark void of space - in the out of bounds, if you will!
⟡ . . . i rb a lot but i'm an artist! i'm particularly shy about posting art but i want to try and get better. i'm shy in general but i want to meet new people - feel free to send me an ask or msg >_< it makes me excited!
⟡ . . . extended dni on my rentry, but basically no losers! this includes proships/anti-antis, mspec lesbians/gays, terfs, anti fictionkin/otherkin, and other garbage like that! - also, i probably wont heavily interact if you're -15/+25. nothing personal (>__<)
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☄️ ── twitter┊ toyhouse┊ sch sideblog ┊sb sideblog┊if we're mutuals, u can ask 4 disc! 🩷💜🩵
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strider-meow · 4 months
Fun facts
My name is Jasper/Dave/Caecilian but I also go by Jester and Dave but those are slightly more silly versions
I am SIX YEARS OLD !! And a MINOR ‼️‼️‼️‼️ im also ND so I also can’t do wrong (16 btw)
I’m learning German! And by learning I mean listening to German songs and pretending I know what they’re saying and doing my duolingo 😄
I have a country and American accent in irl…. Also kinda in my typing
I’m FULL BLOODED AMERICAN (actually only 25% but hey that’s enough to get my big money!)
I’m also one of those ………. El gibity,,,,,,, Part of the lgbtlmnop community……. A bundle of sticks if you will….
(For chronically online people like myself) I am nonbinary gnc transmasc sharpgender gay nblm xenogendered egogender boylike-creature-thing who uses neopronoun and pronouns such as He/Him and It/It’s but also likes that one/thing/bro/sea I’m also perisex
(For normal people) I’m gay and a boy but transgender and my pronouns are he and it 😄👍
I’m really into my characters and their lore,, which I exclusively only post about because I’m violently autistic. My ocs have been my special interest for YEARS!!!!!!!
I’ll probably make my own big huge post about just their lore,,,, when I finish writing it…….. I don’t have the story yet but uh… I HAVE MY CHARACTERS. MY FICTIONAL VERY ORIGINAL SUPER WELL WRITTEN AND NOT BLAND CHARACTERS!
I’m also into a few random things like taxidermy/wet specimens, sdv, terraria, Minecraft, clowns, fnaf, DEEP SEA CREATURES AND COOL SEA SHIT IN GENERAL, the supernatural and mysterious creatures n shit like that, weird physics, conspiracy theories, tallyhall, the funny colorful horse show (mlp), homestuck, and RANFREN!!!!!! (I love that funny ginger guy, he’s literally me for real)
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windwardstar · 2 months
So my two year mark on T is coming up in the next few days and while I will be writing up a longer post about all my experiences later, I do want to say this:
It is never too late to start hormones, you'll see amazing changes no matter how old you are when you start. And I know how hard it is to wait.
I know a lot of those starting hrt later in life stories are from people who didn't realize they were trans until later. And maybe you're thinking it's great for them but that you know you're trans now. You know the options for hormones and gender affirming care exist and you want it but just aren't allowed.
And I'm here to say i know how hard it is to wait.
I knew I wasn't a girl at 5. I wasn't allowed to not be though. Part of the requirements for stopping therapy in elementary school was that I learned to stop saying it. I realized being trans was a thing in high school even if i didnt know nonbinary was an option. I was given room to be tomboy irl and not-a-girl-not-a-boy in my mind. And then I went to live with different family members who expressed violently anti-trans beliefs and any social transitions I did had to be limited to safe spaces, where the countdown to eacaping them also became a countdown to being able to transition socially and medically. I wasn't able to move out and into my own place until I was 25. I didn't get to start T until I was 29 because of insurances. And had to wait until this past year for top surgery and hysto. And am still waiting for bottom surgery.
And I still wish I could have gotten on T earlier. That I could have been able to transition in all the ways I wanted earlier. But they're absolutely worth doing it now because it means I get to be me now. I'm still read as a girl 100% of the time but I feel better about my own body and so many aspects of my dysphoria have decreased. There are things that haven't changed but what has has been entirely worth it.
The wait has also allowed me to build up a history of having a consistent gender identity. It has allowed me to figure out exactly what I want and know down to my bones what the right choices for my transition are so that when I speak with the doctors with other people I have the weight of a decade+ of certainty backing up my choices. And being 30 rather than 13 people are more likely to listen to me and trust that I know myself. It allowed me to save up money and to find a job with good insurance to facilitate my transition.
You shouldn't have to wait. Whatever your age as soon as you know what the right choice is for you, you should be able to make it. And other people stopping you because they think they know better is infuriating and can make you feel hopeless. But one day you will get to transition in all the ways you want.
Bide your time. Use it to figure out what you want. To figure out what you have to do in order to get what you want. To save money. To identify the hoops. Find places where you can be yourself.
I know it's hard to wait. I still struggle with the grief over having to. Wonders of what my life could have been like. But I do know what it is like to finally get to transition and all the joy I've experienced over the past two years, that no matter how long I have to wait for more it'll never be too late because any time I have to experience this joy is worth it.
It's hard to wait, but please stick around and wait. It'll be worth it once you get the chance. I promise.
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w4nn4-be-skinnie · 2 months
Hey! I’m looking for friends in Wisconsin. Please DM me for my snap. I am 19, so preferably age 18-25.
Helpful Info About Me
19 years old
Nonbinary (they/them) (afab)
Lesbian Demisexual
4 tattoos and 2 piercings
Hobby’s: reading, art of any kind, tv shows, 🍃, getting tattoos/piercings, being outdoors
Currently Watching: Bojack Horseman
Music: $uicideboy$, Twenty One Pilots, Harry Styles, Mother Mother, Three Days Grace (I’ll listen to most alt rock or pop)
You can find more info on my pinned post :)
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bigbigbellydyke · 9 months
If I have a brand for this stuff, its something like "raaaather fat notably klutzy 50 yr old queer babe who has a shitton of weird health issues, a truly truly massive belly who is currently trying to get fatter."
First things first, I'm ancient. 51 is OLD here. If you have no age in your blog, I will block you, and if you are under 25, I will as well, unless I'm sure it's 💯 platonic both ways somehow.
Please read on before you engage.
1. am 100% about consent and respect. I keep this space as free of fatphobia, racism, homophobia, anti-trans anything, etc. i block blank blogs, blogs not clearly over 21, and anyone I feel like.
2. I primarily engage with queer and often femme or nonbinary folks. I am married, yes, and its open and nunyabusiness unless I offer.
3. I am actively gaining and have a totally nonexclusive set of sweeties and friends cheering me on. Im not into having a dedicated feeder. Im super into watching other people get fat because they want to, or especially, seeing lifelong fat folks feel freeeeee! Basically, I'm into people getting liberated and doing what they want with their bodies, and finally indulging my own kink of growing and watching others grow.
4. I am not into random dick pics or propositions. Sorry.
5. My whole relationship with my body is super complex, heres a long post from last year that explains more:
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