#i am an outlier adn i should not be counted...
neptunianrefrain · 7 months
its just me, my special interest, and the swarm of middle aged white guys who make videos on my special interest
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me: I hate how creative writing has been so coopted by the language of the rise and grind hustle culture! I hate everyone who is prescribing how to write fiction Correctly in all these fucking blogs and books and youtube channels about writing. I hate that the prevailing advice is always to be strictly formulaic and to create your work in a rote, mechanical way! I hate it and it's the fucking death of art! not everything has to be ~optimised~ and part of a fucking paint by numbers system! also me: ah, what a beautiful spreadsheet I have created to track my progress through my story's outline (which I heavily employed the story graph and save the cat methods to make), complete with if statements and conditional formatting to see if I am on track to my estimated word count goal for each individual scene and for the project as a whole every step of the way. what could be better and a more natural extension of my creative process than this?
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Wait why do adults only remember that kids can lie if it profits to them
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1-dum-bitch · 6 months
Tried out this little site...
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AND they read me to FILTH
"Ah, I see you're a fan of Sleeping At Last and Kapena. Your music taste screams "I'm deep and emotional" but let's be real, you probably spend more time staring at the ceiling contemplating life than actually living it. With your mix of MODERN ROCK, ALTERNATIVE METAL, and ALTERNATIVE R&B, you give off major "I'm misunderstood" vibes. You're the type to wear all black and brood in the corner at parties, claiming you're too deep for small talk. Your wardrobe consists of band tees and ripped jeans, and you probably have a collection of moody poetry hidden away somewhere. You're the embodiment of a walking contradiction - craving connection but pushing people away with your intense introspection."
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offendedteaspoon · 8 months
“average person has 3 sons a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person has 0 sons per year. Father Abraham, who has many sons (I am one of them and so are you), is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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kutyozh · 2 months
lbffr, english is an outlier on this site adn should not be counted. so.
Do not vote if your first language is English!!!
If you have multiple first languages, please choose to vote for the one that is not English OR the one that you think will have the least votes!
I am aware that Indo-European is still going to win but I do hope the results will be a little less skewed!
And no, I will not give you a "see results" button <3
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paleopinesofficial · 4 months
Right so first time growing garlic instead of grubbing it up... I didn't realise it would be a multi-crop. I bought 99 seeds. I planted 99 seeds. I used a potent Bountiful Bounty food right before harvesting.
Do you know how many gosh darn garlics that makes.
I have 808 sitting in storage, I've lost count of how many I've sold, AND I made about 115 plain rice bowls.
Help me 😭 ...
anon i am WEEPING this is hilarious. how does it feel to be garlics georg
“average person harvests 50 garlic a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person harvests 5 garlic per year. garlics Georg, who lives on a ranch & harvests over 10,000 each year, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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archiveoftragedies · 1 year
Curious village: multimillionaire dies and locks his daughter in an attic to be raised by robots in total isolation until someone solves this puzzle
Diabolical box: come freely, go safely, and beware of the hot twink and his hallucinogenic gas
Unwound future: losing every person you ever cared about doesn't necessarily turn you evil, the Luke cosplayer who built an exact copy of London under normal London was an outlier adn should not have been counted
Last specter: local man allows his uni friend to take his son on a dangerous hunt to find a real life monster that's destroying their town
Miracle mask: queer coded villain turns some amnesiac guy into another queer coded villain cause they both have beef with this one archaeology professor in particular
Azran legacy: there's a lesson about progress at all costs here somewhere but we're also trying to kidnap a magical zombie girl back from the archaeology mafia and wait why am I crying
Eternal diva: who cares about death when this pipe organ can store people's souls
Phoenix Wright: how to become an omniscient narrator, step 1: poison the city's water supply
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daftpatience · 10 months
what do you guys think of acrylic standees anyways im having thoughts of making more. do you prefer standees that serve a function (washi tape holders, phone stands, etc) or standees that are just a character? here's a visual as a random example :
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i find i keep wanting them to DO something!!! besides just stand there. but i wanna know if i am an outlier adn should not be counted
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fade-steppin · 11 months
"average girl likes assholes" factoid actualy just statistical error. average girl likes 0 assholes per year. i however, who lives in cave & likes over 10,000 problematic men each day, am an outlier adn should not have been counted
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bluedalahorse · 1 month
By the way…
If you’re someone who follows this blog and you read a post that includes things I might like, and you’re like “wow it would be a shame if bluedalahorse missed this but it’s also tagged wilmon,” it’s okay to link me to the post and let me know!
I’m not filtering out that pairing for trigger reasons, it’s not that they make me feel unsafe or overly upset or anything. It’s just that I’m trying to see a more even ratio of wilmon content to content focused on other characters and pairings in YR, and I’m really really really burned out on wilmon gifsets at the moment and didn’t want to have to spend so much time scrolling past them. This is part of my attempt to curate my dash more to my liking.
As of now, blocking the tag doesn’t eliminate wilmon content entirely, it just gives me much less of it in quantity—which is what I want. But I do occasionally miss things like announcements of theme weeks tied to other characters who happen to be my favorites, or fic premises that might pull me in. I don’t actually blame anyone for that, since I am a Weird Person doing a Weird Extreme Measure for the sake of dash curation, and therefore I am sargust georg an outlier adn should not have been counted.
(“Curate your dash” is really good tumblr advice for strict yes-no stuff, but it doesn’t work as well for wanting different ratios of Thing X to Thing Y in a fandom.)
Anyway, there is also no obligation to link me to a bunch of posts with the tag. I’m just letting you know it’s okay to link me to things and it won’t upset me if you do!
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minced-mangoes · 9 months
You think Devilgram has it's own version of copypastas? I made a spiders georg joke in my last obey me post and now I'm thinking “average demon eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average demon eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Beelzebu, who lives in the house of lamentation & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted Like imagine conversing with Levi and he pulls out some obscure Devildom copypasta. All I would be able to do is respond with the "me and the boys at three am looking for beans" image
Oh that would be such a funny conversation. sharing memes with our favourite otaku. Teach him about Naruto running.
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greenerteacups · 6 months
🥐 or just anything that makes you laugh in general
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
"'average person eats 3 spiders a year' factoid actualy (sic) just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted"
I am not kidding when I tell you I cannot read those words without losing my shit. The misspellings add to it, somehow. I've used "factoid actualy just statistical error" not infrequently in my real life, usually to the confusion of people who don't know the context and hence find it 0% funny, whereas i find it 100% funny every time. I've tried to work a Spiders Georg reference into my fic so many times it's actually stupid, but it's always too convoluted, it doesn't work. It's my white whale.
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90stvqueen · 9 months
I was tagged by @tunemyart in 20 Questions for Fic Writers like a week ago and I just now saw it so THANK YOU FRIEND
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Xena: Warrior Princess (14 works)
Abbott Elementary (10 works)
The X-Files (2 works)
Stranger Things (1 work, is an outlier adn should not be counted bc I wrote it to meditate on internalized homophobia and not bc I ship it)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
say it again (Stranger Things LOL)
remind me tomorrow (Xena)
succ (Xena)
Fritole (Abbott)
No Matter What (Xena)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! It depends on how swamped I am with life stuff, but I like responding to comments because for me, writing is about starting a conversation and building community and connecting.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Depends on how you define angst but probably the fic with the angstiest throughline (like, it starts angsty, stays angsty, ends angsty) is glory glory glory to the night that shows me what i am (Abbott Elementary). But I think the best angst I've written is probably After (also Abbott) because it's a smutty slow-motion trainwreck.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
take these years of mine (Abbott) is probably the happiest thing I've ever written, period. remind me tomorrow has the happiest ending (and is the most lighthearted) of all my Xena fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but sometimes I get demands for more or for specific plotlines. I worry that if (and WHEN) I don't follow those requested/expected plotlines, there might be some pushback.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Almost exclusively. Although I've been branching out a little more. But yeah. Mostly F/F, some F/F/M and F/F/F, also a decent amount of gender fuckery in various configurations. I would say my smut leans more vanilla, but I've written some kink, and there are definitely elements of kink in some of the vanilla stuff, too.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do not write crossovers. Maybe someday. But probably not, unless it's purely for the lols
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God I hope not! Not that I'm aware of!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Somebody asked me if they could translate my fic once, but I don't remember what the fic was, and I don't think it ever actually happened. Would love that, though!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Lots and lots. My first big foray into cowriting was with @angelsarenamederika, with whom I wrote a massive amount of trans!Mulder X-Files fic that we never posted anywhere but was an absolute blast to work on. I'm also working on a 5+1 piece for the Work Wives (Abbott) fandom with @the-frankenman-writes, @this-barbie, @katiehoughton, @wolf-government, and @vanillabeanwrites. OH AND! @deirdresart adapted Eromenas into a comic and it's AMAZING.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I refuse to answer this question. I WILL FINISH ALL MY WIPS SO HELP ME GOD
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and interpersonal dynamics and internal reflection (or, in unreliable narrators, lack thereof)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Stealing @tunemyart's response word for word here: Action, movement, and description of setting. I'm really trying to get better about grounding the characters in the world around them instead of some nebulous room. Also writing action without getting bogged down in unnecessary details. It's hard!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Maybe if you know the language and it serves the story or the way the story is being told. Never say never, but it's not something I usually do, because I don't ever really have a reason for it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter lol
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Right now, it's After. I worked so hard on it and I learned a lot writing it and I found a community (partially) because of it! I think it's just a really satisfying, angsty/bittersweet read, start to finish. Honorable mention to Eromenas (again plugging the comic here) and five times it was quiet and once it was loud.
This was fun! I'm tagging the people I've already tagged in this (my dear friends and collaborators) and anyone else who might want to do this <3
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silvery-bluish · 6 months
For the edgy ask game! 2, 3 and 23 for Arsinoe? c:
Yeah of course!! Questions from here
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
Arsinoe holds themself very... distantly, most of the time? Withdrawn. Tense. Cold? When they're actually comfortable, actually somewhere they feel safe, they sort of. Unfurl. Let more of themself be seen, relax for once. Surprisingly soft under there, lol. But only very situationally and specifically soft.
3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Haha. The snap judgements and assumptions they really, really struggle to abandon unless they get absolutely shattered, and then they deal. Poorly with that. Themmy died and they didn't stop it. (I don't think Themmy's dead, I don't trust what Sidestep saw during HB farther than I can throw them and i am Not Strong). Herald doesn't matter and is just an obstacle to be taken out as efficiently as possible. (haha. that one they're already shattered about.) They fix on a path, on a concept, a goal, and any deviation from it is Inconceivable.
They're mostly,, okay. They know they're stubborn. They don't see most of this as a flaw. Daniel is an outlier adn should not be counted.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Arsinoe's never... really processed grief? It just sits with them, in them, and they don't want to process it. Processing it would make it real, and final, and they'd have to look at it instead of just clinging to it. And expressing love is something that's never going to be easy for them. That'd mean putting words to the concept of it in their head, that's never seemed to fit quite right and it's too important to get wrong and there's too many pieces that don't. Translate quite properly? It gets caught in their throat. Doesn't come out if they think about it too hard. And they're almost always thinking too hard.
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jamiegeode · 4 months
Sometimes clipclop’s alright
(original video here)
Video description:
A person in a black dress shirt with grey detailing reminiscent of a drumline costume speaks:
‘Average US President is convicted of 0.74 felonies is actually just a statistical error. Felonies Georg, who lives in Maralago and has been convicted of 34 felonies, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.’
Throughout the video the person has a neutral expression that shifts into a laughing smile-the kind where you just manage not to let the laugh reach your voice, but it’s evident in your face.
They end the video with what I can only describe as a ‘Beaker face’, which I am naming for the iconic muppet, who has a downward crescent face but can still express the full range of emotions.
The speaker smiles a down-tilted smile, widens their eyes, and raises their eyebrows.
Video is posted on TikTok by user @starships_and_dragons
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