#i am being unnecessarily pissed off by this
applejarjar · 1 year
Shitstorm of a day
#Person I was working with today broke down and cried#I broke down and cried#I'm just so pissed and disappointed#Ppl act like we're not giving our all and hold things against us that they have no right to#We can't help that our backgrounds are just different#And we're in this program to make up for our shortcomings of not having direct plant experience#Like we are here for a reason it's not just for shits and giggles#And the me that goes into these plants is a different me than the one at home#Because I am going into a place with the intent to do work and absorb as much information as possible#So I'm sorry if I don't ask you about your home life when I'm being paid to learn the process and how plants differ#I'm trying to do my job and most of that is ask questions about the process and how things are done#I'm not here to unnecessarily take up your time and shoot the breeze with everybody#I tell myself that otheelr ppls opinion of me doesn't matter but have I been failing this whole time#Do most ppl think I'm too shy to do any job in the future properly#I'm not always this quite but I just don't like spending my time unproductively#I was told that this was the time to sell myself and show the plat a that I mean business#But has it all been for naught? Are they just taking this 2d impression of me and writing me off?#I fuckin can't right now#Can't believe I'm crying over this after I promised myself to do better by myself and say fuck em if other ppl don't like me#I just don't have the strength to deal with this rn
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yanderenightmare · 5 months
TW: yandere, noncon, size/strength difference
gn reader
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Thinking about breaking things off with your fuck friend 'cause you feel he's been catching feelings you have no intention of pitching...
“Why.” He asked, and the cross you’d made on your fingers in a wish to avoid the entire conversation untangled with a sigh.
“Please, don’t act dumb.” You groaned, exasperated and slightly irked. “You know why….” 
“No. Tell me.” He argued, and you sighed again in regret of your own common decency – wishing you’d taken the entire break-off over text instead, or at the very least taken the time to think about what you would say or do if and when he got this way. 
You hesitated, taking a second to decide whether or not you really ought to voice it out loud – not because you had any doubts of it being true – but because the man in front of you was still very much a large brawny beefcake with temper issues no matter your sneaking suspicion that he saw you as something more than just a fuck friend.
“You’re getting too...” You continued, still scrambling for better words. Coming up short. “Clingy.”
He paused, his expression going from searching to a mix of offended and scrutinous.
“Clingy?” He repeated, forced disbelief a present factor in his tone. “If I remember correctly, you’re the one who clings to me- screaming my name- begging me to cum inside you and-”
You cut his rant off with yet another sigh accompanied by a shake of your head. “That’s not what I mean by clingy. I’m sorry, I should have said emotional, and your comment just proved that.”
You folded your arms across your chest, watching him reel.
“Anyway, it doesn’t really matter. We’re done.” 
You left him on the sofa to go put your shoes back on – admonishing yourself for coming inside in the first place when you could have just as quickly done this on the doorstep and walked away.
“You're not going anywhere until we talk this through.” He followed, his stronger hand latching onto your upper arm in a grip that was unnecessarily harsh.
You didn’t really mind, though – it was his lack of charm that had charmed you to begin with – you only wished he’d remained that same savage he was and not gone all lovey-dovey soft on you.
“There's nothing to discuss.” You felt as though you were repeating yourself, getting more annoyed by the fact. “It was fun; now it isn't.” You underlined, looking back into his eyes, cringing when seeing the gloss of something that you really hoped wouldn’t amount to tears while you were still there.
“I'm gonna need more than that.” He said, the grip on your arm still kept firm with no inclination of letting up.
You didn’t really want things to get more awkward by asking him to let you go – feeling as though maintaining the position of strength was important so he not mistake your resolution.
He had a nasty habit of never taking you seriously.
“You’re being childish.” You stated.
His grip tightened with his outburst, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t have your heart jump to your throat.
"Let go of me." Your voice had significantly diminished.
"You think you can tease me like this and then tell me to piss off?” He seethed, your arm aching in the bruising grip he had on it as he pulled you close until your face was an inch from his. “Think again."
Your breath thinned under his glare, and you felt nearly too stiff to do anything except stare back up at him in wait.
“Calm down.” You tried, but it seemed choice words were too little too late to save you.
“I am calm.” He hissed back into your face before pulling you back to the sofa.
Throwing you down on your back – you didn’t even have the time to gasp before he was on top of you.
“Get off me-” You whined, your hands shooting forth – trying with all your might to heave him off, but ultimately amounting to nothing more than a slight annoyance to the much larger man on top.
“It's all about sex with you, right? You want to have fun, right?” He said in a craze, and you cringed while he leaned down to graze your chest with chin-stubble and lips, whispering at your peachfuzz until goosebumps rose. “So let's have some fun.”
“Stop it – I said I don't want to anymore – I’m being serious.” You tried, once again – appealing to his reason.
But it would seem he was beyond reason…
“Oh? You're being serious?” He mocked with a sneer and a laugh. “You don't look it. If you want me to stop so badly, then stop me. Come on~ try a little harder. Show me how serious you are.”
You’re not sure why you took him up on the challenge, as you’d long known of your differences in build – how you posed as much of a threat as a bug in a mason jar...
But even a bug will try to escape still after the lid has been sealed.
“Come on~ you're not even trying~” He grossly crooned, smiling at your pitiful attempt at twisting him off with the useless help of your silly hands – how your much smaller body writhed beneath his weight and tried wriggling free.
Laughing dryly, he took your hands by the wrists and pinned them to the cushion beneath you. Sagging over you, his breath fanned your lips.
“What was I to you, huh?” He asked in a murmur, his face blank but his eyes swirling. “Just a toy?”
You were afraid to breathe, only keeping your gaze terror-wide of what he might do – still grasping to fathom how he’d even felt possessed enough to do this much – confused as to how you’d missed the signs while having not a single clue what more he was capable of.
“Guess now you're my toy, huh...” He muttered coldly.
And you just couldn’t help the whimper that it tore from you – finally understanding exactly what position you were in.
The disorienting knowing of what was soon to happen dawned on you mercilessly – and you completely broke under the hefty weight it had. 
“Oh? You’ gonna cry now?” He scoffed before hissing. “That's cute, seeing as I’m the one who’s had his heart stepped on.”
“S-stop it, get off me-” You cried, whole body shaking where you squirmed to no use nor end.
“Not so cold-hearted now, are yah, fuckin' bitch?” Was all he had to say while leaning into where thick streams of tears rapidly ran down your cheeks in stingy streaks. “You scared?” He whispered in licks at your ear. “Gonna start begging, hm?”
You only shook – eyes squeezed tightly to a close.
“Nah…” His tone scraped, similar to how the shaven stubble on his chin scratched lightly against your neck as he started placing small kisses there despite your whines. “'Cause you want this too. I know you do.” He insisted. “You're just scared I'll break your little heart at some point.”
You’re breath hitched as his hands parted with its twin – leaving it to keep your wrists pinned by itself as the other one traveled down between your bodies to undo your zipper.
You wanted to say something, but you were too scared to – listening to him and his lovesick speech – full of so many things you feared could trigger much sicker things.
“But I promise you that no one’s heart is gonna break here.” He vowed, still with his lips pressed wetly against your throat. “Not yours or mine.”
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BNHA – Bakugou, Shinso, Kirishima
JJK – Sukuna, Gojo
HQ – Kageyama, Kuro, Oikawa, Sakusa, Miya twins
BLLK – Reo, Isagi
AOT – Eren
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talesof-old · 3 months
friends? | j.p.
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pairing(s): james potter x reader
warning(s): nothing really, slight mentions of infidelity, breakups due to inappropriately close friendships, slightly rushed and not edited/proofread
word count: 1k
a/n: i’m so sorry this took me so long i lost track of time
bsf!james potter + realizations
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“You spend all day with him, what else am I supposed to believe!”
Your boyfriend’s—or rather, your ex-boyfriend’s—words were still on your mind, even a week later. A year down the drain, for what? You sighed and closed your Charms textbook. Studying would have to wait for another day.
Your books and parchment were shoved into your bag and then you were exiting the library, ready to put on one of your sad records and wallow in your dorm.
As you made your way to Gryffindor tower, you hear your name being called. You turned. James, followed by his three friends, all looking rather bemused. Your heart beats faster. What was once second nature, a smile and greeting, now proved far more difficult than you could’ve imagined.
James fell into step next to you, fingers intertwining with yours in a motion that appeared as easy as breathing. Your smile faltered before you caught yourself. Holding hands was normal between friends, wasn’t it? Affection came naturally when you cared for people. James squeezed your hand before all but dragging you through the Fat Lady’s portrait.
Unceremoniously, he dropped his bags at the foot of the unoccupied couch and flopped down, bringing you down with him. You fell against the plush cushions, belt digging into your waist.
“You alright? Y’seem a bit…off.” You nod your head. It was no use rehashing the events that had led up to this point. Instead, your gaze turned to where your hands were joined.
You wondered when the lines of friendship blurred between you and James. Before, you’d taken your friends’ teasing in stride, assuming they were just taking the piss at the two of you. Sure, James was attractive and unnecessarily attentive, but that was just James.
He knew all of your mutual friends schedules, knew what they liked or didn’t, always cared for each of you. The thought that he treated you in a different way hadn’t even crossed your mind.
Sirius cackled to your left and you glanced over, watching as his cheeks went red and he shook his head at Remus. You raised a brow. Had you really gotten so caught up in everything that you hadn’t noticed? Heat rushed to your face as you thought back to your boyfriend’s breaking point.
Abba blared in the Common Room, plastic cups littering every available surface filled with some far too strong mixed concoction. Lily had abandoned you to dance with Mary, leaving you nodding along to the music. Your boyfriend would likely be arriving any moment. A Hufflepuff, talented and charismatic, who’d somehow managed to sweep you off your feet in the middle of Divination class.
“There you are.” An arm wrapped around your shoulder. You flinched, your drink sloshing as you turned to gaze at the boy. James’ smile was crooked as he leaned closer to you, pupils dilated. You grinned back, nudging his ribs to curl into his side. He rubbed your shoulder.
“I couldn’t find you earlier, thought maybe you’d abandoned me for some book upstairs.” You rolled your eyes. Someone yelled from across the room, the sound followed by several drunken hollers. You turned to face him. James’ face was barely two inches from yours, eyes unblinking behind his glasses. You raised a brow.
James just grinned, squeezing your shoulders. Your cup was discarded almost immediately as he started guiding you towards the table. Two punches were gleaming in the light, though you could’ve sworn one was far pinker than you remember it being.
“What did you lot do?”
He gasped in mock offense. “Us? You think so lowly of your friends that you assume we’ve messed with the punch?”
Your blank look had him caving.
“Alright, maybe Pads added something.” You huffed a laugh.
“Just be care-“ Another student bumped into you, sending you falling into James’ chest. A ruckus started from where a group of Gryffindors began wrestling. You shook your head.
James turned you around. “You alright?” Perhaps if you’d been paying attention, you would’ve noticed just how close he was, and noted the way he held you.
But you didn’t. However someone else, watching the whole thing, did. He’d made a point to stay back and see if his suspicions held any truth. James Potter was in love with you, even if you couldn’t admit it.
You let James drag you over to your friends, plopping you down on the couch before settling down next to you. With your affectionate disposition, it was only natural to nestle into his side. Sirius wiggled his eyebrows at you; your friend’s teasing would only be taken as a lighthearted jab.
For the moment, you just savored the warmth of James beside you. In the presence of your friends you felt safe and understood. Perhaps that’s why you never questioned it. James pressed a quick kiss to your temple as he leaned forward to grab his drink.
That was enough for your boyfriend. Playing second to James was not a game he wanted in on. And for you to be so oblivious to it all? The sharp sting of betrayal was ample enough reason to show that it was time to bring things to an end.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts. There was no point in dwelling on the awful conversation you’d had with your ex. The realizations you’d had since that night were enough to occupy your time. James wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Briefly tensing before melting into his embrace, you leaned your head against his arm. Despite the hurt you felt from your boyfriend seemingly suddenly breaking up with you, the freedom you now had to question yourself was exhilarating. Perhaps you’d figure out what all this meant, with time. Maybe you could find it in yourself to pay more attention to the actions of a particular friend.
James squeezed your hand. You turned, looking up at him with questioning eyes. “We’re going to the kitchens to grab a few things, you coming with?”
You shrugged. “Don’t see why not.”
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AITA for calling my mom a hypocrite and telling her she's turning into her mother?
Ok so I'm going to try to give as much info here without revealing too much personal info about myself and family. Apologies in advance if what I say is confusing or seems like it's missing information, as the missing information is most likely incredibly personal.
This is about something my deceased grandmother used to do that bothered both my mother and I that my mother is now doing herself.
My grandmother did a lot of mentally and emotionally abusive things that would take ages to get into, but this ask is specifically about one specific repetitive thing she did. My grandmother "claimed" she had very bad eyesight and was nearly blind ("claimed" because she was a narcissistic pathological liar) but when it came to being nasty or crossing a line, she could magically see excellently.
Specifically, my grandmother would complain all day about not being able to see and being nearly blind but if I was standing on the other side of the room, 20+ ft away, she could magically see a single pimple or blemish on my face across the room and rudely call it out. "What's that on your face? What's wrong with your face? What is that?" But then 5 minutes later, she was "blind" again.
Now my mother is doing the same thing.
Almost daily, she complains about her eyes getting worse and how she can't see. I half-believe her, but she refuses to go to an eye doctor and get glasses/contacts. She has insurance, she just refuses to make an appointment out of stubbornness.
Today, I woke up with a zit on my nose. It's my nose. I can see it. I have mirrors and a front-facing camera. It also hurts. I am well aware of the presence of the zit.
I hadn't even been awake for 5 minutes before my mother with her "horrible eyesight" to loudly and rudely exclaim "what is THAT on your nose? It looks HORRIBLE!"
Which is unnecessarily rude. It's honestly just a spot on my nose. It will go away eventually. But it pissed me off how rude she was being, plus I didn't even have the fuckinv pimple for 5 minutes before she's rudely pointing it out.
So I told her all that. That she was being unbelievably rude and that she was acting just like her mother.
Which was a low blow. She hated her mother and despite the reality that she already is, she hates the idea of turning into her mother.
What are these acronyms?
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not-neverland06 · 2 months
Could you write Yandere Karl Heisenberg headcanons? 👉👈
Karl Heisenberg & GN!reader A/N: This is my interpretation of Yandere. Which in and of itself is already dark, toxic, and not healthy. So, prepare yourself for something that’s not going to make you feel warm and fluffy inside 👍 (Thanks for the ask, love) CW: This is DARK, proceed with caution. Body horror, possessive behaviors, mention of abuse, toxic “relationship” dynamic, suicide, death In no way am I romanticizing this type of behavior, or condoning it. I’m just being realistic on how someone like him would be with this twisted sort of mindset, personally, I would never take this level of disrespect, I recommend you don’t either. DDDNE
Proper characterization is important to me, let me know if you think I got anything wrong, I welcome criticism ♥️
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Karl Heisenberg Yandere HC’s:
First of all, with normal Karl, you’re going to need a lot of patience and compassion to deal with his grungy ass
With Yandere Karl, may the father, son, and the Holy Spirit save you because you’re effed up the wazoo
You could meet him a few different ways, but the most likely is you’re a villager. You’d probably been on your way to pay homage to the Lady Dimitrescu, and he’d just so happened to be heading to the Duke at the same time. 
Talk about bad luck. 
You think he’s charming, in a gruff sort of way. 
He’s blunt with his words in a way you can appreciate. You tire of having to filter yourself because of the way you are demanded to act in the village. He provides an outlet where you can finally be unfiltered. Unfortunately, you don’t seem to notice how much he loves you talking shit with him. 
He’s so used to the people in the village running from him or being meek and timid around him. It pisses him off and does nothing to excite him. 
You, however, are very very intriguing to him.
You’ve got a fiery spirit, he’d love to known how far he can push you before you ignite or extinguish.
You grow to like him, maybe even a little infatuated, and you think the other villagers were being unnecessarily cruel. 
You don’t realize they had good reasons for hiding their young and locking their doors when he’d deign to come down from his factory. 
You catch subtle quirks in his behavior. 
Growing a little tense or being abruptly rude to someone if you were talking to them instead of him. 
Doesn’t matter if they were a child or an elder, they’ll walk away crying once he’s done. 
And you want to admonish him, really, you do. But he has this strange look in his eyes that makes your tongue feel like dead weight in your mouth. Your jaw snaps shut and he’ll give you a tight smile before grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you off somwhere. 
Maybe you start to distance yourself from him. Finally start to notice the way no one in the village will even look at you anymore. How everyone sends a prayer to the Mother when you pass by, like an omen of death. 
Too. Fucking. Late. 
He’s locked on you, you’ve peaked his interest. And he’s had such little entertainment, he’s been so bored for so long. 
He’s helping you, anyway. He’ll tell you as he straps a cuff around your ankle. No one in the village would ever want you. You’d be a pariah for the rest of your life. You need him. 
His main goal in life is to overthrow Miranda
Nothing, I mean nothing gets between that. If you were to try and intervene you’d be severely punished, possibly even killed. Doling out death like that isn’t foreign to him. Look at what he does to the villagers of the town when he’s making his soldats. 
The effects of your death would only sink after the choice was made:
“Hey, buttercup!” Karl glanced up from his newest invention and frowned. By now you’d figured out to come the first time he called. He should already hear your footsteps trailing across the metal. “Kid!” He glanced over his shoulder, irritation brewing in his gut. His fists clenched, the tools in his hand bending slightly as he slammed them against his desk. You had about five fucking seconds before he got the chair back out for you. He was sure you would hate being strapped to that, again. 
He felt more disappointment than anything. He really thought you guys had gotten to a better place. One where you understood where your place in the world was. At his feet, obedient and willing. 
He went ahead and dragged the chair out of the closet, dusting flakes of blood off the arms and undoing the leather straps. He was sure the sight of it would be enough to whip you back into shape, but he had a lot more fun being hands on. “Now!” He shouted, voice echoing throughout the factory, and, still, you didn’t come. He didn’t worry anymore about you trying to leave, lycans and chains stopped that from happening. He wondered where you found the audacity to try and be even a little bit rebellious. 
Maybe it was the bottle of whiskey he downed last night. Or the fact that he hadn’t gotten any sleep for the last four nights that made him forget what happened only a few days ago. How you’d argued with him against pursuing Miranda. Stupidly tried to convince him to just leave the village with you, leave it all behind and be happy somewhere else. 
He’d been blinded by rage. So goddamn furious that you wouldn’t just shut the fuck up and listen to what he was trying to tell you. That no matter what, without Miranda dead, he would never be free. He’d lashed out with his powers, he’d only meant to send the gears on his desk flying at you. Rattle you up a bit. He’d completely forgotten about the metal collar strapped around your neck. 
Heisenberg reached out, powers trailing up the stairs and latching onto the familiar shape and feel of your collar. There was a loud thud as your body slipped from the bed and he frowned at the noise. Were you still asleep? He glanced at the chair, maybe he should give you a break. But… He wanted to have some fun, needed a release. He wouldn’t be too harsh on you this time. 
Slowly, you thud, thud, thudded  your way down the stairs. Heisenberg pulled and heard something like cloth dragging on concrete as you rounded the corner. His eyes widened and he felt the cold grip of realization latch onto him. Your body lay motionless on the ground. Hands curled up in rigid claws, eyes flattened and grey. Your skin was a completely different shade, no color at all left in your lips. Your skull was still split from where you’d slammed into the wall when he’d accidentally sent you flying. 
He’d just forgotten about it.
Assumed it was a nightmare and moved on. 
He sank down in his chair and stared unseeing at your corpse. 
You’d be buried, a spot Karl would always be able to see from his workstation. Your death would somehow be blamed on Miranda and you’d just be more motivation for his suicide mission. I’d like to say he would be negatively affected by it. But he’s good at compartmentalizing, a few days of mourning, and then he’d be back to his mission. Your name a distant memory always tickling the back of his skull. 
I imagine there’s a lot of underlying issues revolving around bodily autonomy given how Miranda took it away from him when he was infected with the cadou. And given how, sadly, more often than not, the victim perpetuates the cycle, that would be projected on you. 
If he managed enough self control around you not to kill you while he’s throwing a temper tantrum, you can bet your ass he’s keeping you alive longer than you want to be. 
In his mind, he’s been screwed and fucked over so often, that he’s not letting you hurt him too. He takes it as a personal offense that you age and get sick, because he doesn’t. Cadou took care of that. He’s got a long miserable life ahead of him. 
Well, congratulations! So do you!
You’ll wake up one morning, a strange feeling in your arm and feel disoriented:
You try to say his name, but your tongue is fuzzy and you can’t seem to string together a coherent thought. 
You blink slowly, vision fuzzing in and out of focus. “Hey,” you vaguely recognize his voice as he walks towards you. His hands are gentle, suspiciously so, as he cradles you. Slowly, like he’s afraid to hurt you, he props you up. You’re distantly bothered by the fact that you can’t really feel your right arm very well. 
But Karl rarely ever treats you so gently, so you’ll soak it up as much as you can now. Your head lolls slightly to the left and you give him  a groggy smile. Whatever he dosed you with was slowly losing its grasp on your consciousness and you could start to feel yourself becoming more cognizant. 
You shook your head, stomach turning as you smacked your lips. Your mouth felt like he’d vacuumed the moisture out of it. He chuckled, the kind sound rushing over you like a warm blanket. He disappeared for a moment before reappearing with a cup in his hands. You tilted your head back as he dribbled the water between your parted lips. 
He leaned forward and pressed chapped lips against your forehead and it’s only then that you started to feel uncomfortable. Why was he being so nice? What the fuck did he do to you while you were passed out? 
You could feel the telltale signs of a panic attack, the drugs doing little to subdue it now. Karl picked up on your rapid breathing, the way your pulse jumped under the loose hand he had around your neck. It’s only then you noticed the lack of collar. You reached up, hands feeling foreign against that patch of skin.
His head dropped and he landed a kiss against your lips this time. “Had to take it off, was getting in the way. Don’t worry, buttercup. You’ll like the upgrade.”
Tears streaked down your cheeks as your hands slid across your clavicle, the cold feeling of metal greeting you where skin was meant to be. You couldn’t help but sob when you traced the spot your arm used to be. A metal replacement in its spot instead. 
“And, had to fix that knee of yours up too. Don’t worry, no more popping.” He laughed, like it was all one big joke, and ripped the blanket off of you. If you hadn’t already let your mind slip away from reality, from the situation, you would have screamed when he showed you the metal limbs where warm flesh and bone should have been. 
You nearly threw up when you saw the cruel line of cauterization and blood where he’d fused metal and skin.
He’s quick to get pissed off and touchy about anything he’s passionate about
I don’t recommend criticizing anything to do with his plans on Mother Miranda, regardless of how much he cares for you, he will lash out. He’s cunning and extremely intelligent, he knows how to strike where it hurts. 
Were this normal Karl, not one completely hyped up on the powers of the cadou, eventually he would find his own backwards way to apologize. A well timed compliment, a metal flower inspired by your favorite bloom, a trip to the Duke’s. 
Yandere Karl will never see the error of his ways. In his mind, everything he does for you, to you, is for your own good. No one else is going to take care of you like he can. He can’t ever risk you leaving him. He’s got it embedded in his brain that if he lets you out of the factory Miranda will find you and she will steal you from him. 
You’ve slowly become less of a human and more of a coveted toy the longer he has you. 
Imagine the little kid on the playground that takes his ball home so no one else can play anymore. 
That’s him (you’re the ball)
No one will remember you existed. 
If you were a tourist, your ID, your wallet, anything that can be used to identify you is found on a corpse that burned up in a “car wreck.” The body was burnt beyond recognition, it had to just be assumed it was you, it was your car after all. And no one had ever found you…
If you live in the village, your family, your friends, anyone who ever looked at you with a lick of interest is dead. He kills your family because he doesn’t think they properly took care of you. I mean, for fuck’s sake, he got his hands on you. What else did they let others get away with?
No. No one who disregarded his “love” like that gets to live. 
The others are self explanatory. He’s possessive beyond a fault. Even normal, he doesn’t do sharing. No one else gets to enjoy the bright light of your personality. 
It’s for him and him alone. 
And, no, he doesn’t notice when that light dims. He doesn’t notice the lights go out behind your eyes and the vacant look you carry half the time. He just thinks you finally got used to your life here. 
There’s no reasoning with him. No trying to explain how you’re drowning in despair and one more goddamn minute in these shackles is going to make you end it all. 
You love being with him. You need him. Without him you would be dead in a ditch somewhere. 
We all know, without him, you’d be living your best damn life. 
But he doesn’t. 
He thinks, despite the torture and the training, you are happy. You’re safe. He’s providing for you, and showing you just how the world can be so you know that he’s the only one who will ever love you. Who else is going to put up with you?
Everyone comes to a breaking point, when you get to yours, you need to either be fast or the next weeks of your life are going to be the worst you’ve ever head. 
You successfully get away with a quick slit of a razor, or a noose made of bed sheets, congratulations (not). 
You don’t…
At first he doesn’t even know what to do. 
No one, fucking no one gets to take you away from him. 
Not even you.
It takes a few days to plan something, and the anticipation alone is enough to break you. He’s clever, cunning, and worst of all, really fucking creative. Your mind can’t even conjure up whatever horror he’s got planned for you. 
To your surprise, it’s not anything physical. 
He’s your only source of human contact, despite everything at this point you do need him to remain marginally sane. He knows that, he uses that.
You’re locked in a room, food given to you without a schedule so you lose track of time.
No windows, a leaky drip coming intermittently from the ceiling. He doesn’t speak, you just hear the scrape of metal and dart forward to scarf down your meal. A tasteless gruel that doesn’t do anything but sustain you. 
If Heisenberg hadn’t “updated” you, the drafty air and mildew would probably have finished you off a week ago. 
As it is, you can’t get sick anymore, you just lay there in your own filth and the filth that was there before you. 
Your mind slips and you’re practically feral by the time he lets you out. 
He’ll remold your thoughts, your brain, how you think, around him. Protect you from yourself, he says. 
No one gets to hurt you, not even you. 
It’s ironic how he’ll never realize the only person whose ever hurt you has been him. 
He’s not the type to hurt those who hurt you and keep you safely locked away in an ivory tower all warm and cozy.
He’ll break you and keep going, long past your shattering point. He keeps bending, twisting, and breaking you down until you’re nothing but dust under his boot and a barely there echo of who you used to be. 
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game Resident Evil Village, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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im-in-a-love-cult · 8 months
the original 4 <33
So naturally funny. Can literally put a smile on anyones face
‘It’s the 70s he wouldn’t be a big feminist!!’ did i ask?? 🤨
British English/Indian
first years are scared of him when they 1st join but they warm up to him almost immediately
has a whole fan club by the 1st years
will lit hug u if you ask him even if u don’t know him
‘hey james can i have a hu-‘ his arms are already around u.
either str8 or pansexual no in between
if someone calls lit anyone pretty he’s like ‘I can see it’ (unless it’s Snape 😾😾)
such a big hypeman
can match energy so well
so beautiful
like unnecessarily beautiful
Japanese/British English /French
his french accent isn’t as strong as Reggies
Nobody knows how his lungs aren’t pure crust with how much he smokes ngl
he teases people but he never actually means it
unless he’s teasing snivellus
massive flirt
loves peculiar people
finds them endearing
that’s why he approved of Pandora
Cuz she’s kind and endearing
loves all his friends so much
no boundaries he just loves them
softest hair ever
girls/people with long hair constantly asking his routine
loves being extra flamboyant
God i could talk about him for hours
he’s usually soft with people but if he’s pissed off he’s a moody bastard
loser energy
sorry i’m just bullying him 💀💀
when he accidentally buys a jumper that’s too scratchy he’s genuinely disappointed
bro goes through mild depressions over jumpers
Welsh/British English
never cries but when he does he doesn’t even notice he’s doing it
Roadman 🔥💀💀
Tall but lanky
also he has really bad posture
/ is him basically
always spills his tea
it’s a problem
likes physical contact with people he’s close with hates it with people he isn’t
loves it with Sirius 😼😼
Full on homosexual
besties with Lily
it took a bit for him to warm up to her tho
‘he’s so nice and quiet 🥺🥺’ THAT MAN IS A MENACE AND YK IT
ok maybe just around his friends BUT POINT STILL STANDS😾
just wants to sleep
happy doing his own shit but happy around his friends too
sad when James calls Sirius his best friend and not him
hatesss attention being on him
feels like the outcast sometimes
he’s so me wtf
herbology is his fav subject
baby face
cannot seem to find the right haircut
strangely good at breakdancing??
it goes through him when someone cracks their knuckles
in conclusion he is me i am him
apart from the knuckles part i crack mine 😿😿
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screamingfromuz · 7 months
Hi do you have any posts on the BDS movement? I think most don’t oppose it solely because it calls for a boycott of Israel, but because the org has unnecessarily called for boycotts found unjust and apparently doxxed Jewish people.. do you know anything about that?
I have a rant on them here, but not a lot else. But put simply, I think they are evil. they have doxed Jewish people, there was the whole map debacle, and they often used highly antisemitic rhetoric.
the art boycott is pissing me off. working to isolate Israel from the global art world is fucked (how are people supposed to be exposed to other opinions if you refuse to let them interact?), but the people that suffer the most from it are Palestinian. the worst tendency of it is that if a Palestinian artist want to preform before Palestinians within the green line, they face huge backlash, and often just cancel their shows. And I can tell you that arranging shows in Gaza in fucking hard due to both Hamas's religious fundamentalism and Israel and Egypt's sieges, and the West Bank is tough because of Israel's tight ass border control that is so fucking annoying that many artists don't have the ability to fight with! So they are helping to keep Palestinians culturally isolated!
AND this block Israelis from interacting with big name international Palestinian artists which is making my life harder when I am trying to expose Israelis to Palestinian culture in order to deradicalize them! Also, I have some Palestinian artists I would like to see and it suck that the BDS will give them such hell for that, that it might not be a possibility.
I understand the desire to vote with your money, to boycott, and I give zero fucks about it. your money, your choice. My problem is how violent it is, how it attacks everyone, how they spew hate and malice. I have no problems for the original core values of the BDS (ending the occupation in the west bank, having full equality for Arab-Israelis and following Resolution 194), even if I disagree with the phrasing of some. but over the years there have been calls for violence against Jews (shoot a Jew is one of the more blunt ones), death threats against people who wanted to go to Israel, doxing and working with SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine). SJP in a shit show by itself, and often tokenise and drown Palestinian voices so a bunch of white American colonizers could play their fantasies of being oppressed and getting to be violent.
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izvmimi · 2 years
cw: crack, suggestive but not nsfw
"Okay, we're nearing the end of the workday, so please-" with this, you clasp your hands together before readjusting the camera on the tripod "- if you're going to improvise, I am begging you to say something appropriate." A sharp glance goes in Katsuki's direction to which he grimaces in reply.
"I'm not being difficult," he insists. "I have no idea why the fuck you're complaining."
Kirishima gives him a slightly exasperated look for a moment, then takes a look at his scribbled-on notecards before tossing them across the gym out of the camera's view. Izuku, ever pleasant, laughs nervously, trying to defuse the situation. Stretching his arms over his head and smiling at his less-than-amused friend to keep the mood casual, he tries to prevent the latter from leaving.
"Kacchan, let's do this quickly so we can go home."
Katsuki grumbles something else under his breath but stays put. You thank Izuku for his cooperativeness, then re-center yourself again behind the camera.
The hardest part of making a TikTok geared towards weightlifting safety should have been keeping your panties dry while having the three hottest Pro Heroes in the business in the same room lifting weights in unnecessarily form-fitting athleticwear. But instead, despite the fact that you've had the urge to bite Dynamight's arms for the past twenty minutes, he's been pissing you off with his slightly condescending tips, and while Red Riot's sculpted back muscles will haunt your (wet) dreams for the next few nights, he can't remember what he's supposed to say for the life of him.
And Izuku is far too stiff even if you want to climb his shoulders like a squirrel up a tree.
"Okay next take!" you yell, and you try to keep your frustrated sigh to yourself.
Bakugou finds himself laying on his back under a Smith machine, and you try not to look at exactly how much weight he's lifting with ease, lest you make a less than professional sound.
Kirishima stands at the head of the bench, demonstrating the appropriate way to spot.
"Make sure to gently hover-"
"Get your hand off the weight, jackass," Bakugou hisses and Kirishima frowns.
You grit your teeth and stop the video.
The second take has Bakugou on the bench alone, slowly unracking the weight for the voice-over.
"If you can't put the weight up," he starts lowering the weight to his chest and pretending to struggle briefly, "here's a trick."
He pushes the bar up again with ease.
"Just put the weight up."
"Katsuki, I swear to God-"
"Proper squat form requires you to stand with your feet a little wider than hip width." Izuku smiles for the camera as he demonstrates, and you try to keep yourself from melting from the charm he exudes. Somewhere behind you, you can hear Bakugou snicker, probably making fun of you, but you ignore it.
"Now, make sure to drive your hips back, bending at the knees and ankles-"
Izuku lowers himself into full squat, gripping the bar tightly as he moves, making sure to keep his smile unchanged and gaze towards the camera unperturbed.
There's a point where you wonder if he's doing it on purpose, distracted by the intensity of his look, then you realize something else is wrong about this scene.
"God, Kirishima, you're entirely too close."
Kirishima is practically breathing down his neck, he's so closely pressed against his back in the attempt to save the bar, and the scene looks almost pornographic. Izuku only realizes it himself, having also been under whatever conjoint trance you were in with him, when he notices your unsettled look.
Bakugou's snickers turn into cackles in the background as Izuku takes a quick step forward and drops enough weight onto the gym floor you thank the heavens these floors are reinforced. Kirishima's face goes as red as his hair.
"You missed your chance to kiss his neck, shitty hair!" Bakugou jeers.
"This isn't that kind of video, Kacchan!"
Kirishima's segment goes nearly without a hitch, and you have to admit, he looks far too good seated doing dumbbell curls, until you remember he's giving absolutely no advice.
"Your lines!" you mouth to him.
"Oh yeah!" he says grinning. "Got excited by the pump, it's been so long since I came to the gym!"
You're not supposed to say it, you think, rubbing your face with your hand.
"Anyway, make sure you keep your upper arms stationary, and exhale as you curl each weight up to the shoulder level."
He demonstrates one curl, biceps tensing as he pauses at shoulder level.
"It's also helpful to keep your abs contracted, and exhale slowly as you lower it. Imagine you're holding in a fart in a crowded room."
"What?" Izuku exclaims suddenly from off-camera. When you give him an incredulous look, he looks sheepish.
"Shit sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt-"
Bakugou's raucous laughter in the background finally drains the last of your patience.
"Fuck it! We're done here."
Next time you'll ask professionals. Real ones.
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F1 drivers favourite philosopher
(if they cared to philosophize)
charles - kirkegaard - twink4twink, catholic guilt4protestant guilt. the way he believes in ferrari is giving leap of faith.
fernando - nietzsche - obvious pick, the man believes in power and making yourself and being better than others.
alex - Buddha - no other choice, the man is a buddhist and i believe Buddha is a philosopher as much as a prophet so.
george - de beauvoir - i'm not saying this man is a feminist icon, however, i am saying he would deeply relate to making yourself into what the world needs and expects from you. "one isn't born a mercedes nmr 1 driver, but rather becomes one."
pierre - camus - aside from the song about suicide on his playlist, he get's that the world is absurd, and being at alpine is truly being sisyphus trying to be happy.
yuki - diogenes - the meaning of life being pleasure and pissing people off? yeah, yuki gets it.
carlos - aristotles - being unnecessarily detailed and stickler for rules? need i say more. (also i think i should be on top because i'm the best)
logan - smith - old school freedom, easy and straightforward, everything adds up with smith.
kevin - hegel - i don't understand either of them but there is a lot of chaos going on, maybe greatness if it could be translated in a way that makes sense for anyone else.
zhou - confucius - love and respect for china and the way of things.
lewis - sartre - we are so free it's a burden. keeps telling poor kids they could do anything they want if they just believed in themselves.
nico - kant - everything will be ok if you find and believe in your inner morale u know? also german.
bottas - rousseau - i can see bottas being a believer in humans being good, and nature being where we should be. the noble savage gives very finnish man vibes.
oscar - descartes - gotta cover the basics before you can progress. oscar sure thinks and sure is. also think he would really vibe with his interpretation of free will.
lando - machiavelli - the struggles of being a nepo baby is hard. but also he would like his humoristic and direct approach while tackling the most fundamental questions.
esteban - arendt - he loves superheroes, he would really like the concept of the banality of evil (and the implications that bad guys just need to be beat up)
lance - locke - as nepo baby he would appreciate the idea of the liberal constitutional democracy being fair, as a result of his relationship with his father he would believe in the idea of the tabula rasa.
max - hobbes - max intimately understands and respects the need for a hard, central authority figure. he also understands the underlying violence of human nature.
checo - augustine - checo is a catholic, that is all.
daniel - socrates - going around annoying people and being funny and never shutting up? it's a match.
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my-own-walker · 5 months
Someone You've Never Seen Before
A Kyle Spencer Fan Fiction
frat!kyle AU, fem!main character, sexual themes, mature language, use of drugs and alcohol, frat boy antics
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Alone, together. Making up for lost time. 
My lipstick smudged on his lips after stolen kisses in bathrooms at parties. His arms snaking around me from behind in my apartment's kitchen at 3 am, his chin resting atop my head. Study dates occurred nightly, often devolving into naps, cuddles, kisses, or more.
There in my room, we laid. Way less weekly frat house forays for me. Kyle practically lived at Lily and I's place.
I feared Lily would hate it, with her personal space being invaded, and all. But she really liked him. Her attitude toward him changed after that night when they teamed up to rescue me. It took a bit for her to tell me what went down when they got me back to our place. 
"It wasn't what you needed to hear at the time," she shrugged when she finally decided to tell me. From what I understand, it happened a bit like this:
Lily's POV
"She come to yet?" Leon asked from the driver's seat, his tone dripping with concern. His dark eyebrows were furrowed, eyes laser-focused and intent on getting us back as quickly as possible. He directed his question to the back seat, where Kyle sat cradling Hannah's head, preventing it from bobbling around as he hit bumps and took turns.
"Nah, man..."  Kyle trailed off, looking down at her unconscious form. She was limp, eyes cracking open just slightly every so often.
Leon's question pissed me off. Unnecessarily so. "Fucking-  of course she's not awake, Leon. She got fucking roofied."
"Sorry, Lil," he muttered, twisting one of his curls around his finger. He chewed his lip and turned the steering wheel hand-over-hand into the parking area behind our apartment. He let go of the curl and it sprung tightly back into place as he threw the car into park.
Wordlessly, Leon and I unbuckled our seatbelts as Kyle opened the left-side back door. Both of us rushed to aid him in getting Hannah out of the car, but after getting out, he immediately bent down and picked her up bridal style as he did at the party. 
"Kyle, we can help," I began, reaching my hand up and brushing a hair out of Hannah's face.
"I got her," he rasped, adjusting his hold and turning in the direction of the building. "Which way's your place?"
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, allowing him to have his hero moment, but only because it was in Hannah's best interest for me not to argue with him. I pointed toward our back door. 
"Sh-should I go?" Leon stuttered behind me. "I think he's got it."
I turned around and buried myself in Leon's arms. I couldn't help but need comfort in the moment. It was selfish, but as soon as his embrace tightened around me, I felt a sense of clarity and a new capacity to help. "Thank you, Leon. I love you," I sniffled into his chest.
"She's going to be okay, Lil. I can come in if you need," he said lowly. 
"No, go back to your boyfriend. I'm sorry we interrupted your time."
"Oh, hush. Anything for you and Han," he whispered, releasing me and holding me by my shoulders at arm's length, looking into my eyes. "I promise."
"Get back safe," I muttered, turning on my heel to rush after Kyle, who was practically at the door. 
I picked up the pace to a light jog, fumbling in my small handbag for my keys. I watched Hannah's head roll toward Kyle's body, resting lazily on his shoulder. His immediate response was to stroke the back of her head, not a thought behind it. I reached the door and unlocked it in a swift motion, hustling in before the two of them.
"Her room is back here," I called out, not even turning the lights on or glancing back in their direction. I swung the door to Hannah's room open and waited by the entrance for Kyle to pass me. He hesitated and took in the room for a split second before taking her over to her bed and placing her down gingerly.
He turned her over on her side and turned away, striding quickly back toward the door. Only then did he hunch over, hands on his knees, and take a deep, shaky breath. My eyes darted between Kyle and Hannah. Hannah and Kyle. Who to acknowledge first? Who to help first? 
I deemed Hannah okay enough for the moment for me to be able to check on Kyle. "She's not that heavy," I quipped, forcing a small, dry laugh out of him. I stepped forward and put a hand on his shoulder. "You okay?"
He straightened up stiffly, still facing the exit, rather than her. He took another shaky breath before responding. "Honestly, all that matters to me right now is if she's okay. I don't even know how I am," he uttered. "I know it'll pass, but it's heavy."
"Yeah...it's intense," I agreed, turning my head to stare at Hannah, who looked as if she were sleeping peacefully. Face still like a young child in a deep slumber.
"Can you, uh, text me when she wakes up? I can give you my number," he sniffled. I looked back in his direction and watched him wipe his eyes. He turned his head to look at me and I nodded. "I love her, Lily. I'm sorry, but I do." His eyes were glassy and pleading. 
"I do, too," was all I could muster.
"I let go of the illusion that things could have gone any different. She may hate me forever. But I love her," he spoke, just barely above a whisper. " I can't imagine a day I won't."
I found home in his arms. 
He held me tenderly. I lay cradled in his arms, tracing the veins that twisted their way up them with my finger. My head rested lazily on his chest. His heart thudded quietly beneath my ear.
Kyle slept soundly beneath me. He took a deep breath before shifting slightly, squeezing his arms tightly around me. He then returned to sleeping peacefully. 
It was the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Us. He looked at me like there was something there worth looking at. He talked about me as if I put the stars in the sky. 
I couldn't believe the boy I thought hated me felt this way about me. That I was lying in his arms planning our future. 
It was beautiful. I couldn't have asked for anything more.
Previous Part
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aropride · 5 months
small talk is as uncomfortable for me as it is for the next guy but i think there's a lot of value in understanding it- maybe not the actual conversations themselves, and not even liking it, but understanding the intent. because allistics don't go into small talk with a mindset of "man i HATE this guy i want to make them SUFFER by asking about their WEEKEND." most of the time it comes from a place of either obligation or of kindness. and also to be clear, i know this varies culturally, so disclaimer- this is probably very influenced by being a high-masking (with dubious success) autistic american.
but i prefer to think of small talk as an act of kindness rather than a painful obligation. it's used to fill silence (generally seen as awkward) or to invite someone into a conversation if they're alone (meant to be friendly). when i was in middle school i was in a youth group (awful) that met for two hours once a week. the first half hour was designated hanging out time while people filtered in, and then we'd go into games, then church stuff and then a discussion. and during the first half hour i'd always end up standing in a corner alone, usually by the snacks so i'd have something to do.
and every week without fail people would come up to me and try to talk to me. both small group leaders and other middle/high school kids. and being a severely anxious undiagnosed autistic kid this would terrify me and piss me off because i didn't understand why they were doing it. because it felt like an imposition- yeah, i was lonely and wanted to talk to people, but i didn't necessarily want to talk to anyone specific, and it felt like they were being condescending or pitying, and i wanted to be left alone.
but to an allistic person, what i was interpreting as condescension and being put into an uncomfortable conversation, was to them a gesture of kindness. because most allistic people as far as i know wouldn't want to have to stand in the corner eating oreos every week they were forced to go to youth group. and they had no way of knowing that was my preferred option.
so we would have conversations that went something like this:
person i don't know: hi i'm jess, what's your name me (scared): hi i'm nik jess: nice to meet you nik! me (still scared): nice to meet you too (beat of awkward silence) jess (helpfully filling the silence): what grade are you in? me (realizing i have an oreo in my hand and wanting to eat it but i can't because i'm stuck in this conversation that feels like being put in a meat grinder): 6th 👍 jess: nice! whats your favourite subject? me (deeply aware of the oreo in my hand, aware that i am doing this wrong but not sure how, painfully aware of the unnecessarily loud music playing): english jess: fun! do you like reading?
And so on and so forth. it was uncomfortable for everyone involved and i could not figure out why they were asking me questions when they presumably didn't care and i didn't want to be there. and the first thing i was missing was that while they might not have cared about me as a person yet, that's what the small talk was for! so they'd get to know me more and then care what i had to say, or know that they wanted to talk to me more, etc. and the second thing i was missing was that while to me this whole ritual was sort of like being in hell being tormented by eternal hellfire, for everyone else this was normal and polite and most people would, while not enjoying the small talk itself, enjoy the thought behind it. what it's really communicating isn't a fascination with your thoughts about your classes but a "i saw you looked lonely, i have no negative feelings towards you, i'm offering my companionship and figuring out if we might be friends, as well as assuaging your discomfort with being alone"
basically it's a social script. and it's one that can be clunky and awkward (there are many memes on the topic) but that doesn't really matter to most people because the intent outweighs the execution. the words actually being said don't always even matter- "how are you?" "fine, thanks" type exchanges aren't really meant to communicate anything verbally- it's a nonverbal confirmation that you have a positive relationship with someone. which is why autistic people are often seen as rude for not engaging in it.
this is getting insanely long sorry it's just on my mind because i saw a post on instagram about how autistic people don't like small talk because it's inauthentic, and i don't think that's really true. i think that small talk can be authentic, and i think that autistic people don't like small talk because it's deeply uncomfortable for a lot of us. it's a helpful social script to understand conceptually, even if it sucks
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
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this reading was a paid request, a big thank you to the buyer!
so they’re just very out of sync, they can get along somewhat often but it’s as if every time they’re getting along they know they’re only 2.5 seconds away from them pissing each other off. they don’t really seek to be best friends but they do want to get along. i get the vibe of wanting a work bestie almost - it’s sort of like, they know a lot of members in other groups are not actual friends but when they travel together they’re able to explore the new city or country together and still have fun so they wish to achieve that sort of dynamic. they really both don’t want to waste the unique experiences that come with their job especially, knowing that these travels and events should be cherished, so it really is motivation for them to get along. in this sense they’re both definitely putting in a somewhat significant amount of effort, this effort is also coloured by what they’ve learnt about each other over the years and is genuine compromise (and comes with pushing down their feelings and inhibits some natural behaviour). so, for example, what ends up happening is essentially winter doing things like, “okay since i’m not a picky eater, i don’t mind eating what karina wants to eat so i will just go where she wants to” and karina doing things like, “instead of getting annoyed that i almost stepped on winter’s dirty laundry again, i know she is genuinely forgetful so i will just pick it up myself (or joke about it instead of addressing it angrily)”. there’s also a sense of trying to not get annoyed by what the other person says, both of them finding each other unnecessarily hurtful or irritating. however, where the problem lies is that it’s much more difficult in practice or when it’s actually happening, which is why in the beginning i said it’s as if they’re only 2.5 seconds away from pissing each other off. basically, they both tell themselves they won’t get annoyed but then when one of them actually says something annoying it’s like, “well how am i supposed to not be upset now?” and the mood shifts from being light to awkward or tense. overall, they really try to be responsible and practical with this connection but the fact that it feels like a responsibility becomes overwhelming.
how does karina see winter:
she sees winter as someone who doesn’t care what people think, for better or worse (she likes that winter is going to be who she is but finds that she’s really immature at times). she thinks winter is almost rebellious but thinks she is clever (think: giving a real answer in an interview and not a PR one but being really smart and even funny about it), karina likes this at times but it still makes her nervous. she views winter as someone who is genuinely giving, as someone who makes an effort to be a good person to other people and gives more than she receives in most cases (which karina appreciates). however, there is the sense of understanding the fact they’re not really on the same wavelength so she sees winter as someone who is inherently different from her. she also knows winter is someone who can make her laugh a lot but also someone who can make her mad easily (so karina is honest and aware of the connection in this sense, knowing winter makes her “emotional”). she has a genuine soft spot for winter, wanting good things for her and sympathising with her rather easily but it comes with a condition almost, the condition being that winter knows her place and doesn’t try to outdo her. lastly, she thinks winter can be childish and that she can be too impulsive (even in small ways, e.g. she thinks winter is likely to say the wrong thing on bubble due to immaturity and thoughtlessness).
how does winter see karina:
winter views karina as highly capable, thinking that karina just knows the correct way to do things. winter admires this about karina but thinks it also makes karina overly demanding sometimes and impatient when people aren’t as intuitive or as smart as she is. she thinks karina has great stamina and drive, that she sees karina work hard practically every single day to achieve her goals (even in small ways such as being very strict with her diet and never making an excuse to not exercise). in this sense, winter sees karina as really authentic and honest - kind of like, “when i met karina she told me she was going to make it to the top and stay there and that’s exactly what she does daily”. winter also thinks karina values money highly but doesn’t actually see her as very selfish even though she can tell karina wants to show off, she thinks karina is very generous to her family (and likely especially her mother) and tries to share and give them a lot. she thinks karina is pretty ruthless and mean sometimes but a part of winter admires this too, since she thinks a lot of people in the industry are cruel and that karina is strong for this and won’t easily be taken down. she thinks karina is pretty, seeing her as wanted by many people but also in the sense where she views it in awe a little (e.g. why does karina wake up looking refreshed everyday and i need to shower and everything before i look normal). however, she views karina as quite lonely and that her intense focus on career is harmful - both in the sense it means she focuses on other things (such as personal connections) less and also in the sense that she’s easily upset (such as crying often when she thinks a stage or variety appearance went poorly). this is also why winter thinks her and karina simply just value different things and it causes them to walk at different paces.
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tojiscumdumpster · 5 months
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑 𝙗𝙮 𝙇𝙖𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙣 𝘼𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 2/100 𝗼𝗳 2024
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗙𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀.
⠀⠀ ⠀ 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲. 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁𝘆
4/5 ⭐️ Whew, I am so glad I’ve finished this book. Wanna make a disclaimer that the ONLY reason why I finished this book and rated it a 4 is because of Callahan. He was literally the saving grace.
Final Offer follows the middle Kane brother, Callahan, and his journey to completing his task to receive his inheritance.
I absolutely love Cal so much. He’s truly a golden retriever and seeing him struggle with his addiction really broke my heart. It’s not easy, and no one would understand unless you’re in that position yourself.
One thing I love about Cal was his ability to take accountability for his actions and he never blamed anyone but himself. He’s so sweet and kind. I truly wish him the world.
My favorite chapters were always reading from Callahan’s POV.
This book in my opinion was unnecessarily long, and I believe the plot was dragged out a bit. This story could’ve been wrapped up ten chapters sooner. If the story was this long, then I would’ve rather want to see more of Callahan’s journey to sobriety towards the end. That was way too quick for my liking.
Now for Alana…
In the beginning, I had mixed feelings when it came to her. I think she’s a great mother, and I enjoy her relationship with her daughter. However, there was this one turning point like 80% into the book that made me dislike her.
I hated how her and everyone else (with the exceptions of Iris) constantly threw Cal’s past back into his face. The whole entire Lake Wisteria can SMD if im being honest. How they were treating Cal, including Alana, really pissed me off.
When you’re struggling with addiction the last thing you wanna do is hear how you’re a fuck up every two seconds.
The story did not uncover Callahan’s addiction enough to me. Everyone was worrying about him being an addict, rather than how he became this way because he’s been through hell growing up.
Never have I ever rooted against a couple so much the way I did with Alana and Cal.
Don’t get me wrong, the chemistry was great, and I know they love each other. But how Alana condoned how Cal was being treated made me believe she doesn’t deserve him.
Now im definitely not condoning his actions, but no one acknowledged how hard he was genuinely trying.
It was too many times I felt like DNF’n because of them damn Lake Wisterians 😭 Cal was a strong enough character for me to finish.
A few things I did like was Cal relationship with Cami. It was truly heartwarming and she’s the sweetest thing ever.
Lauren writes really well, and the plot was good. It was just Alana. I don’t like her lol.
Enough rambling.
Overall, im not too sure how I feel about this book, but I know I won’t reread it. And if I do, it’s only Cal’s chapters.
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yae-energy · 7 months
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╰┈─✩ ˚ ‧ random thoughts : 2 ‧ ˚
✧˖° synopsis : more random hc’s cause why not (the manga is crushing my soul)
✧˖° cast and crew : yuta okkotsu, maki zenin
.ᐟ content warnings : cursing (cause when am i not)
⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ authors note : idk yall i just wanted to post 😭 i got at least 3 more ideas i wanna do.
yuta <3
- really good at math for absolutely no reason at all, mental math specifically cause istg this man is like a fucking calculator
- was a nightcore kid (BADDDDDDDLYYY)
- used to be a really big harry potter fan for a while
- loves musicals. like, LOVES musicals
- will say a lot of stuff ironically to the point where it actually becomes unironic and it annoys everybody to hell and back. but he genuinely cannot stop 😭
- vocal stims with the most annoying tiktok audios
- loves carrots and hummus and doesn’t like celery
- he love’s halloween and always matches costumes with inumaki
- his biggest pet peeves are gum popping and squeaky noises. like he will genuinely get so pissed off if he hears either of those things
- is really good at board games & card games, like he’ll really whoop your ass in some uno tbh (which is why no one plays with him) and pls don’t let him get his hands on them draw 4’s or it’s absolutely over for everybody. (and it’s even worse if they’re playing train. like he loses friends afterwards)
*before each turn he’s like “😬 sorry guyssss” (he’s in fact, not sorry)
*also is unnecessarily good at monopoly, like he racks up all the properties so quickly and everyone always thinks he’s cheating
- has really bad eczema (mainly gets it on his neck and it’s reallyyyyyy bad in the winter)
maki <3
- lactose (and still consumes dairy but like…at what cost girlie ☹️)
*also has horrible indigestion
- likes strawberries but hates strawberry flavored things. do NOT give her no strawberry flavored NOTHING or she will fight you
- is a sparkling water enjoyer (inumaki and panda clown her for this everyday and have been since they met her)
- doesn’t like bananas, she has a visceral HATRED for them i tell you. nobody knows why either but that’s just the way it is.
- COFFEE LOVERRRR (loads that shit up with creamer and sugar)
- loves doing crossword puzzles (and puzzles in general)
- really good at chess and ESPECIALLY checkers (she’s just really good at most games tbh, she doesn’t know how either)
- her glasses are always dirty LMAO (same girlie, same)
- really likes baseball, like really really likes it 😭
- adding onto the coffee one: she is an ice coffee FANN. everytime she’s mad one of the second years brings her an iced coffee and she’s completely ok again.
- she’s a dnd girlieeee !!! and she plays with yuta and inumaki when they all have time
- hates reading anything because she just doesn’t feel like it (and she’s impatient) so she gets yuta to read it for her 😭
- is one of those people where if you ask her to do something she’ll instantly say no but do it anyways 💀
- really good at mimicking people’s voices and copying signatures (like it’s actually terrifying)
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ tags : @morosis-haze @jogeto @mypimpademia @zairene @planetlunaa @cosmiles @milesmolasses @chinieh @romiantic @stqrriichiigo
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if you wish to be tagged in any future works, here’s my tag form to fill out <33
if you wish to submit a request, here’s my ask box :)
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ closing notes : took wayyyyy longer than i needed to finish this ! (just the life of being an adhd girlie 😋‼️) but pt.2 to this will come out shortly
also notice how i cannot SHUT THE FUCKKK up about these two like they did NOT need to be this long, do i care though? not really !!
now i’m onto these fuck ass tags 🙄
anyhow, love y’all 🫶🏽
update as of posting : it did take me over a month to post this i won’t lie…mb 😭
- xoxo, yves <3
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angelic-omega · 28 days
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An analysis of myself and the characters I relate to that nobody asked for but I totally recommend doing!!
Just a warning it’s kinda sad but I needed to know how I could relate to all these seemingly very different characters and I am a SCIENTIST!!
A: Fussy, Posh, Foodies who have claim to have high standards. Eclectic with very niche interests such as literature, classic music, ancient history, wine, roleplay, slight of hand, tartan, dim lighting, statues, and being old men who can’t work modern technology. Both prefer to do things the old fashioned way and have a distaste for anyone unnecessarily rude. Both are too polite and have a reputation of being polite so they won’t speak their mind in person but will find a way to get that person on the right path later.
B: Religiously traumatized people pleasers who always try to do the right thing and always get hurt for it. Kind, caring, and gentle souls who are forced to change to better humanity. Actually an eldritch creature trying to pass as human and despite being as courteous as possible are still slightly unnerving at times. Think they are being smooth but aren’t and both are clearly in love with their bad boy, car obsessed, classic rock and roll best friends. Both are actually really intelligent in their own ways but are perceived as stupid and infantilized. Chronic insomniacs who either forget to sleep or simply don’t want to sleep. Give the best cuddles and you can’t change my mind.
C: Forced to be strong and fight when all they ever wanted was peace and to be left alone. Queens of making poor decisions when it comes to relationships. Chosen as leaders because of their strength they didn’t chose to have. Just want to live a gentle, carefree life but now have ptsd and can’t. Protective of their siblings and have a strong sense of justice.
D: soldiers who did some bad things and now blame themselves for all the pain they caused. Nightmares of them hurting people that then make them think they are a bad person and don’t deserve kindness. Lost a part of themselves trying to survive and will never get it back.
E: Experienced with knives and have a staring problem. Both shut off in a physical fight and get eerily calm as a trauma response. Both could easily snap and kill someone if pushed but mostly keep to themselves so long as no one goes out their way to piss them off. Unintentionally hurt those they love most because they can’t express an emotion in a healthy way to save their life
F: 100% chance they secretly love wearing dresses because they are pretty and comfortable. shy and soft spoken in the streets but absolutely freaks in the sheets~ bisexual but everyone just calls them fruity little gay men including themselves
G: Will say they are going to do as you’ve asked them but if they don’t agree with it are going to not do what you asked them to do. Stubborn divas who you cannot make betray their hearts. Always on some sort of secret mission and always having something up their sleeve they are keeping from everyone just to reveal it dramatically at the right time.
H: Brainwashed and gaslit so hard they don’t even know what they want out of life anymore
I: Are jokingly mean as a flirting tactic
J: All definitely still have a working land line and a desk top computer. Take their taxes seriously.
K: All have been through past trauma and abuse which caused them to act and behave in ways that felt out of character. Could never be true to themselves and cannot catch a break. Could have really had their shit together if it wasn’t for circumstance but nonetheless are trying to make things right because deep DEEP down they are good people…they just end up making bad decisions because they don’t know how to emote. Authority issues out the ass but somehow all bottoms…(idk if they are or not but it’s funny to say) definitely all have PTSD and definitely feel like a failure because they can’t heal from their trauma.
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mothwaistcoat · 9 months
A rant about TPOT 7 because I kinda really didn't like it
Uhhhh so I'm just going to copy and paste the rant I sent to my partner (it's going to be all over the place cause I was upset and crying and my thoughts were all jumbled so stick with me) If anyone wants to try to convince me that I'm stupid and wrong please do because I want to like the episode and I really don't want to be upset about this in the way that I am "Nothing against Sam but bro needs to take some consideration when writing Fanny That was not at ALL something she would do. Would she avenge Lightning? Yes. Would she try to change the way that DPACTA is going about the challenges? YES. Would she do it in THAT WAY? ABSOLUTELY NOT. That is just about as far from her nature as you can get. The way I see it, Fanny is an angry pacifist. She has literally never killed anyone before. She shows major compassion for her teammates on DPACTA. When Tree is sick, she shows concern. BECAUSE SHE'S THE CHARACTER THAT LOOKS OUT FOR THOSE WHO ARE STRUGGLING! THAT IS THE MAIN. PART. OF HER CHARACTER. THE PART WHERE SHE HATES SEEING PEOPLE IN DIFFICULT PLACES. THE PART WHERE SHE HATES INJUSTICE. THE PART WHERE SHE HATES SUFFERING. ONE OF THE MAIN FUCKING COMPONENTS OF HER CHARACTER. And with a single episode it was just stripped away. I can absolutely see the episode playing out with Fanny avenging Lightning's elimination, because it was unjust. And I can see that she would be upset with Blackhole for insisting on the Death Prevention being the absolute main priority. Because I've been saying this, but if they keep getting eliminated, there's going to be nobody to prevent death. If they can do their best in a challenge and quickly gain immunity, they can go about preventing various deaths. Or, they can send out a member or two to help prevent death at different times while they work on the challenges. Changes like that would have reached a compromise, WHICH WOULD BE THE KIND OF THING FANNY WOULD SUGGEST! Also the downplay of Pie's elimination in the episode was so weird? What the fuck was that?? It's so bizarre though. Fanny is NOT the type to target Tree in such a violent and cruel way, specifically because she knows that BH would be seriously disturbed and affected by it. EVEN WRITING THAT OUT IS MAKING ME FEEL DISCOMFORTED, BECAUSE SHE WOULDN'T FUCKING DO THAT! Hating the P.A.C.T.? Fine. That isn't too far of a reach, I can see that she was upset and would say something like that. But resorting to murder because "Oh you guys are being really stupid right now" is not in character?????? Despite what a lot of people think, Fanny isn't a violent person. She vents frustration, yes. Is unnecessarily cruel to someone because they ticked her off? No! I get that she was frustrated from not being listened to when she was bringing up an issue that was a valid criticism. But that is not how she would react, just because Blackhole wasn't hearing her out. She was starting to get the other members to be more willing to compromise, and that's how that interaction should have gone! IT SHOULD NOT HAVE FUCKING ENDED WITH THE MURDER OF TREE That is the equivalent of intentionally triggering someone because they disagreed with a point you said. AND FANNY WOULD NOT BE DISRESPECTFUL OF SOMETHING THAT SERIOUS. I CAN'T FUCKING DEAL WITH THIS RIGHT NOW. THE GROSS MISCHARACTERIZATION IS DISGUSTING? Literally that is the furthest thing from Fanny and I don't know how we got here" I also had stopped ranting and then decided I was still upset so here's one more little thing I guess "NO YOU KNOW WHAT I'M STILL PISSED ABOUT THIS I'M NOT DONE RANTING THIS IS AWFUL ! FANNY IS LITERALLY REALLY AGAINST VIOLENCE? IN TPOT 1 WHEN LITERALLY EVERYONE IS BEATING UP TWO, SHE'S STANDING TO THE SIDE JUST YELLING SHE'S STILL MAD AT THEM, BUT EVEN STILL SHE ISN'T PHYSICALLY HARMING THEM I'M SO FUCKING DONE WITH THIS RIGHT NOW" ndjuhsddsgysdftc now that I've kinda had a chance to cool off, can I have like a civil discussion with someone about this because I think it would be good for me to look at more opinions than just my own thanks
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