#i at least wanted to relax and not feel like i'm being compressed into a tiny cube
monster-noises · 8 months
Too many days of my life follow this Fucking Pattern
Where i'm having a pretty good day
While i'm at Work
And then I get home and like.. either on my way homemor as soon as I Get home I am Acosted by something that shoots my anxiety theough the fucking Roof and any energy i had from the good day is Gone and i can't Do anything and it feels so unfair that i only get to feel good when i'm in the place where i can't do anything i want to do With That
Like it sucks
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zeezelweazel · 6 months
Need bottom alexia being needy but reader is tired and let’s alexia get off by grinding on her
Alexia Putellas| About Time|
I decided to turn this into a whole fic cuz I just loved the idea so much
Bottom Alexia>>>>
TW: dry humping, mention of masturbation, praise
You and Alexia have a very similar schedule. It's not often that you have training while she can stay home and relax but it does happen occasionally. And it did happen today. Unfortunately for Alexia it's one of those days for her were she can't seem to get her mind away from sex. She's been wet since she saw you leave the house wearing a pair of sweats and a compression shirt.
Alexia tried getting herself off but even after coming she could still feel her core aching for you. She whined and ran her sweaty palm through her blonde locks and fell back against the pillows. She couldn't wait for you to get home.
You sighed tiredly when you entered the apartment. You felt so exhausted the only thing you could think about was hoping in the shower and then jumping on your soft bed. You take your time in the shower, not knowing that your girlfriend who was taking a nap is now wide awake and aware that at long last you're home.
When you open the door and enter the bedroom Alexia is sitting on the bed. Her dark eyes follow your frame as you get ready for bed.
The moment your back hits the cushions Alexia is on top of you. You gasp softly but soon all your noises are muffled by her lips. Alexia kisses you deeply and slowly, at least at first. The kiss quickly turns desperate and fast and Alexia's hands start wandering. Under your shirt to grip your flexing abs and higher to squeeze your biceps. Realising were things are going, you pull back from the kiss and lightly push Alexia back. You apologetically smile when she whines.
"I'm sorry baby I'm just really tired right now. I don't think I even have the energy to move my hands."
Alexia sits on top of you still and when she makes a move to get off her croch bumps into your thigh in the most delightful way possible. Alexia gasps and pauses, she wants to let you rest but it felt so good. She looks at your face when she feels your hands rest on her hips.
You use your hands to guide her lower down your thigh. Alexia bites her lip and you smirk up at her.
"Well? Come on needy girl, you know what to do."
Alexia hastily pulls down her shorts and panties, not caring about her shirt, and immediately starts grinding against the strong muscles of your leg. She's moving her hips against your thigh, fast and hard, her whines and moans are getting louder and louder and you can't stop yourself from getting wet. The sight of her pussy sliding against your leg makes you wish you had the energy to properly fuck her.
Alexia is so close but she just can't seem to get there. Soon she's kissing you again, whimpering and panting over your lips.
"Please, I just wanna- fuck, please... I need you."
Alexia was going to loose her mind if she didn't come soon. Thankfully her pathetic and needy pleading gave you enough strength to move your arm and rub her clit with your thumb. The moment the pad of your finger touched her sensitive clit Alexia was almost screaming in pleasure as her hips picked up the pace. You flexed the muscles of your thigh, hoping to help Alexia find her release.
"That's it baby. Come on my thigh like a good girl."
The words of praise sent Alexia right over the edge. She came with a high pitched moan as her hips kept moving against you, desperately trying to ride out the blissful feeling. When she came down from her high she smiled at you and rolled over to lie next to you. You opened up your arms for her to snuggle against you and Alexia moved in your arms immediately.
"Sorry, I got you all dirty again.
"Wanna shower together?"
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Hi! I just wanted to say I love everything you write for warrior nun (& butch bea especially!!) If you're ever in the mood to write more ficlets can I put in my vote for something about mary and ray? the part about them made me so happy !
[a little something!]
'don't laugh at me,' you say, coming downstairs from your guest room at beatrice and ava's to where they're sitting and doing a puzzle at the kitchen island. well, beatrice is doing the puzzle, diligently finishing the edges, while ava just kind of sits and stares. it's... kind of ridiculous, but beatrice had been hurt; there's still a bruise on the back of her head, turning green now — painful, and healing — and the brace over a compression sleeve on her leg. but she's only using one crutch now, and the incision down her stomach has knit together fully now. she's a little stir-crazy, you think, but also pretty tired still — and has been relegated from olympic-level judo to things like puzzles, so, of course, ava had come home with ten of them.
'we'll definitely laugh at you,' ava says, looking up with a grin.
'why wouldn't we?' beatrice asks, attention still on the puzzle pieces.
you sigh. you're happy for them — so, so happy — but the two of them together are also the bane of your fucking existence. ava makes beatrice's shoulders relax, makes a big smile stretch on her face, makes her laugh, every single day; beatrice makes ava brighter, which had seemed impossible, but now you watch them in their own home and you ache, you hug them tightly every night before they go to bed while you stay here while your apartment is finalized. they also, however, love to collectively make fun of you. no shooting allowed, in this new world, even though ava would still be fine. whatever.
'i'm — i'm going on a date.'
'oh, we know,' beatrice says. 'ray hasn't shut up about it for days.'
'so you know what we're doing? thank god, i have no idea what to wear.'
ava grins. dangerous. you could kick her off a cliff again, you really could. 'yeah, we can't tell you where though.'
you roll your eyes. maybe you could swipe a puzzle piece when they're at the beach, that would drive beatrice nuts. 'can you, like, advise an outfit, at least? i've worn all black forever but i don't think that's the vibe.'
'yeah, hot mercenary is not the theme.' ava grins. 'but i love shopping. and bea knows all the good spots.'
'okay, but not boring spots.'
'ava has never complained a day in her life about me being boring.' you just let it pan out from there, ava's adoring smile, the familiar scratch to the back of beatrice's head, so soft and careful, the way beatrice's hands still on their puzzle pieces and her chin lifting, just slightly, so ava bends near her, like a willow to water, and kisses her. eventually, beatrice turns to you. 'see?'
'i don't need you making out to know that you're into each other,' you grumble.
'oh, if you want to see us making out,' ava says, but beatrice puts a gentle hand on ava's wrist. 'okay, never mind. but... shopping! bea, do you feel good enough to go? otherwise i'll just facetime you everywhere.'
beatrice laughs. 'yes, i can go. i'll just sit while mary tries things on.' she turns toward you. 'i know it can be — daunting, to figure out who you want to be. maybe it won't be; ava's always enjoyed it.' ava preens. 'but we'll have fun; i'll take you places where there will be stuff you might be interested in. and, at any time, if you want to leave, just say the word.'
'okay,' you relent — you want to look good for your date, and, as you look at ava in her flowy wide-leg pants and especially beatrice, in a favorite, soft crew neck, you realize that you desperately, and joyfully, want to know who you are.
as promised, beatrice does take you to stores that have interesting clothes — expensive, not that that's anything you'd worry about at this point — and sneakers you had always wanted when you were younger. beatrice finds a pair of dunks that you think are both very clean and, as expected, extremely boring; you get a few that are more interesting, jordan 1s and 4s and a pair of union dunks. ava knocks over a whole rack of clothes, who knows how, but charms the attendant so much they end up laughing as she helps pick things up.
there are a few more stores, with t-shirts and flannels and perfectly fitting pants. they're fancy, you know, understated and cool, and everyone knows beatrice and ava; they're happy to see them, although everyone is worried about beatrice, who handles things like a champ: she's just fine, a cycling accident in spain; recovery has been easy and she's glad to be out of the house; yes, she wants that hoodie even though — with a laugh — she definitely doesn't need it, but ava will steal it anyway.
you can tell this one is beatrice’s particular favorite, because when ava holds the door for her and beatrice walks through — slowly, but steadily, fairly coordinated with her forearm crutch opposite the big leg brace, one of the attendants shoots forward. he’s, well, beautiful, with perfect braids and and dark skin, cargo pants and a pair of off whites you don’t even want to think about how much they cost.
‘beatrice,’ he says, seemingly torn between grinning and frowning, and wraps her in a careful, familiar hug.
‘hi jalen,’ she says, and then jalen hugs ava too, who smiles into his shoulder.
‘hey bud.’
‘i’ve missed you both,’ he says. ‘how are you feeling?’
‘much better,’ beatrice says. ‘i had a facial and a massage yesterday, and down to one crutch, so i can’t complain.’
‘first, still obsessed with your hair.’ he ruffles the top, and you’re a little floored, because beatrice just laughs. ‘and, secondly, ava, you’re okay?’
‘spick and span,’ she confirms, offering two dorky thumbs up that just come off, annoyingly, as charming.
‘jalen, this is mary,’ beatrice says. ‘one of my oldest friends. mary, this is jalen. he’s a regular at ava’s bar and my favorite stylist.’
‘quite the resume,’ you say, and shake his hand.
he smiles. ‘if only beatrice would add keiko’s boyfriend to that list.’
ava snorts. ‘we would if it was true.’
‘one day.’ he sighs. ‘anyway, what are we here for today? we just got the new aime leon dore crews, beatrice.’
‘while i will be getting one of those for sure,’ she says, ‘more importantly, mary has a date tonight! and, plus, needs some new things anyway. she’s been away on business.’
‘delightful.’ he looks you over. ‘i’m feeling a tasha cloud, arike ogunbowale kinda vibe.’ he smiles, excited. ‘what do you think?’
‘i’m into it,’ you say, your chest warming: beatrice knows you; she loves you; she wants to share her life and all the good things in it. she’s built it herself. she knows who will understand.
‘great! and, please tell me if you don’t like something. my feelings won’t be hurt at all, and we want you to feel awesome.’
‘that — yes,’ you say, a little choked up out of nowhere, and you spare a glance at ava and beatrice. beatrice has settled on a couch, her leg outstretched, while ava looks through some crews and holds them up for beatrice to pick a favorite. ‘that sounds perfect.’
jalen helps you find a few pieces you love, that you can mix and match for a number of outfits. it’s surreal, to get to choose what you want — to wear every day; to wear by the beach; to wear to drinks with your sisters, so in love it’s impossible to really be annoyed; to wear on a date.
eventually, beatrice starts to fade, slumping over on ava’s shoulder on the couch, her eyes fluttering, which makes you laugh — and then jalen too, who understands somehow, that she’s okay. or, at least, that she will be.
ava tells jalen to charge everything to their account; she’d told you when you’d first come that the church pays for whatever they want, and, plus, they have beatrice’s essentially infinite trust fund anyway. you leave with a few bags, but not before you ask jalen where he gets his braids done and he grins and gets your number to send you the information. it’s one of a few in your phone; your world grows every day.
'okay,' you say, looking at yourself in your mirror one last time. 'good?'
'you look sexy,' ava says, helpful as always, but bea laughs softly and squeezes your hand.
'you look amazing,' she says, and she really means it. ray hadn't told you much, just that it was casual and no pressure. she's known beatrice for a while now and so, you know, she seems to understand the hesitancy toward big things, a big life. beatrice has one now, and you want one too. it's different, so different than what you thought you would have. but it's not bad; in fact, most of the time it's good.
you tie a flannel around your waist for when it inevitably gets cooler later; you had your braids redone two days ago and your babyhairs are down perfectly. ava is basically vibrating when — endearingly, because she definitely has a key — ray rings the doorbell.
'go, go!' ava says, spinning you by the shoulders in the direction of the stairs. 'beatrice and i are going to ... stay in on your balcony, i guess. right, bea?'
it feels a little like they're your parents or something; whenever lilith visits she trudges along behind them like a teenager being dragged out of her bedroom. but beatrice's smile is gentle and she takes ava's hand. 'yes, i'll make sure that ava gives you your privacy.'
you take a deep breath and nod. 'wish me luck.'
'godspeed,' ava says. 'we definitely won't stay up late waiting on the couch to make sure you get home by your curfew.'
despite yourself, you laugh.
ray brings you flowers and you kiss her cheek and she smiles at you, bright in the setting sun, and takes off her sunglasses and opens your car door.
'this is about as lowkey as it gets,' she says, 'but i thought we could get some in n out and watch the sunset on the beach. i know you get to watch the sunset from beatrice and ava's every day, but i have a spot i love that i want to share with you. i brought some craft beer i like, if you want a drink.' she pauses, grips the steering while tight in her hands, and it sets you at remarkable ease when you realize — she's nervous too. she's excited too.
'that sounds amazing.' she smiles and it's worth it; it's so worth it.
she lets out a relieved breath. 'okay, sweet. do you have an in n out order?'
'i've never actually been.'
'god, that's a crime.'
'look, i've only been in california for a month.'
'that's a whole month!'
you laugh at her genuine dismay. honestly, you didn't think you would be staying; you hadn't even brought more than a few days clothes in a duffel when lilith teleported you. you had planned to stay and take care of beatrice and help ava for a week tops. but then, well — 'better late than never, right?'
'so much better,' ray says, and turns on good 90s r&b while you wait in what you think might be the world's longest drive thru, although when you say that ray just laughs. she's beautiful, and your mind drifts slightly when she licks her fingers after finishing her burger, the pink clouds washing over the both of you. there are a few streaks of grey coming into the inky black of her hair, a mess of curls, and you wonder what it might be like to tangle your hands in it. to let her kiss you. to touch her back.
you talk about everything and nothing at once: who you are, but not the worst parts. not yet.
the sun sets and you put your flannel on and ray grins. 'you look really good,' she says.
'thanks. i — beatrice took me shopping.'
'ah,' ray says, 'my favorite activity to share with her. i love when she charges things to her account.'
'it was pretty sweet, honestly. i — well, you knew her, when you first met. getting out of our old line of work, at least for me, it's a lot of just... trying to figure out who i am now. who i want to be.'
'well, if tonight is anything to go by, and how highly beatrice and ava speak of you, who you are is incredible.'
you duck your head, busy yourself with gathering the napkins from dinner and putting them in the bag. you lift your head and the sun sits gold on the horizon behind ray's head. you almost laugh, then, in a little bit of disbelief — the kind of blessing you are just coming to understand. thank you, shannon, you pray. when ray smiles at you, her eyes squinting in the light, you allow yourself to really wonder: there is a halo around her head, some kind of saint, some kind of holy.
you wonder about resurrections and how ava loves so full, how beatrice is quiet and attentive and so deeply herself, now. you wonder about all of it — hell and grace and the rough orange blanket beneath you and the apartment you'd just gotten approved for, the scar along your shoulder from years ago and how often it rains here. you wonder about all of it, as you cup ray's jaw in your hand as gently as you can and ask is this okay? and she smiles — yeah, of course — and kiss her, in the remnants of the sun and the inky dusk setting in over the waves. the tide goes out, and a beautiful woman kisses you. it's a life. it's one hell of a life.
she holds your hand on the drive back to beatrice and ava's house, and when you open the front door ava scrambles up the stairs to, you guess, act like she wasn't watching out the front window, but beatrice still has her crutch and just waves from the couch, nonplussed. ray had walked you to the door and kissed your cheek and heads back to her car with a little wave in beatrice's direction, and you close the door.
'did you have a good time?' she asks, sleepy and looking like she'd showered earlier, comfortable with her leg propped on a few pillows and a heating pad on her stiff hip.
you sit next to her and then ava flings herself in the middle of you. beatrice lets out a little oof but she laughs, and ava climbs practically on top of her without any resistance. you'll never have a love like that, you're pretty sure, in this life or any of the next, because ava is ava — exuberant and unrelenting and desperately kind — but the quietness is good too. the small intimacies. 'i had a wonderful time.'
'good,' ava says, a kind of totality you're just beginning to understand: things are good. things should be good. 'bea has been falling asleep for an hour —' beatrice pouts — 'but, brunch tomorrow, maybe? i want to hear all about it.'
'yeah,' you say, a little overcome, thinking about the sunset and in n out and what it felt like to kiss someone kind after all this time; thinking about what it was like to come back to people who love you, who want you to be happy — your sisters. 'that sounds perfect.'
and it isn't perfect: beatrice is still hurt and grumpy, which makes ava grumpy, but it's beautiful and smells like the ocean and you eat whatever you want, with no plans for the day. it's not perfect, but it is good. it's a home, and a life, and you let yourself wonder about it all as you steal potatoes from ava's plate and she swats at your hand with a laugh, the sun high in the sky.
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xerith-42 · 5 months
what is your favorite headcanon(s) that someone else started? even if you don’t use it
Obviously major shout out to that single anon headcanon that caused my corner of Aphblr to have a collective breakdown, but I wanna talk about something else.
I'm not sure who came up with this headcanon first, especially because it's a really popular one, but back during my relapse into this fandom in 2018 I read headcanons about Zane using compression clothing/binding to hide his weight somewhat. Because Zane is fat if you don't agree kindly leave my blog.
For MS Zane he probably did this when he first started gaining weight in High School and tried to hide it with a stomach flattener bc while he doesn't mind having extra meat on his bones, fuckin everyone else seems to mind. His dad probably has some opinion about Zane's weight that he's not keen on listening to. It's only after moving onto My Street and seeing his friends and family literally not give a fuck that Zane starts wearing it less and less and buys more clothes that are actually his size.
As for MCD Zane however, that's where I have a lot of ideas. I mean, he's the high priest of Irene, the future lord of O'Khasis, he's practically gunning to be the ruler of all of Ru'aun. And yet he knows how fickle people are and tries his best to conform to the ideal of attractiveness laid out by the society and his parents before him. I imagine he wears a stays set with built in boning that keeps his body tightly compressed down.
I described Zane and lanky and lacking in combat, and this is why. Under those already heavy robes, Zane is either using this piece or bandages around other parts of his body to appear like he's just a little filled out, even if it makes his movement harder and more stilted. When there's nobody around, Zane removes all of this and has to relax at some point. Let his body be the way it wants to be.
A few members of the Jury have seen him without his restrictions, likely Lilian or Janus, but he does everything he can to ensure that Ru'aun's vision of a strong both in body and mind leader is kept in tact. (This isn't to say that Zane isn't strong, just that most people in Ru'aun and indeed a lot of people in our world don't view fat bodies as being physically strong)
And when he becomes a Shadow Knight I feel like the armor would start doing that for him. I have a lot to say on how I interpret the SK armor, but to say the least it's armor that responds to it's wearer. Zane wants it to have some extra supports around his stomach or the fatter parts of his thighs and arms? It can absolutely do that.
This is far far from the healthiest approach to his own weight, but since when have we been looking at MCD Zane for an example of a healthy well rounded individual?
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Here we are! My version of the older gaang!
I'm gonna detail some of my thought processes below the cut
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(Original for reference)
So for Aang, I had several gripes about his older version. The first and biggest one was that he looked wayyy to angular, so I softened up his feautures. Additionally, he's supposed to be about 23 in that drawing, and I mean, I thought he looked much much older than that (being 22 I think I have a little insight), so I tried to keep him a little uounger looking as well. Next problem was his clothes. To be perfectly fair I hated just about everything about them lol. Weird long-sleeve shirt under a vest/cape under a sash? It looked. Silly. I opted to keep his clothing similar to his Book 3 outfit, as I really liked it, and added his prayer beads(?), as well as a betrothal necklace! I feel by this point he and Katara would likely be married, and I liked the idea of Katara carving a necklace for Aang
For Katara, at first glance I didn't dislike her design, but then I looked at it closer. The short-sleeved shirt with the fur, implying that its made of quite a heavy and thick fabric sounds like a sensory nightmare. She appears to be wearing a shirt underneath, but the sleeves are clearly no longer than the topshirt, which seems. Weird and unnecessary. Skirt was okay, just a little boring, and she also is wearing pants underneath? So what I did was keep the general vibe, but made the top robe longer, and keep the bottom layer as just pants, trying to be more reminiscent of her old outfits. Gave the belt a little more ✨️pizazz✨️, and also gave her back her water pouch. I liked it, wanted her to have it. The last big change I did was I read up on Inuit tattoos, and decided to give her tattoos as well (Sokka was also originally going to get tattoos, but as it turns out the practice is almost done exclusively by woken and for women, so I decided against it)
Toph. I completely hated and have always hated the notion of her being a cop. It just. Doesn't really sit in line with her as a character imo. My other big gripe is they did nothing different to her hair! Anywho. So my biggest challenge was what would Toph actually do in the future? And I landed on pro-bending! I think she would have really enjoyed it, she'd get to Earthbend for a living (one of her favorite things), kick people's asses (another favorite thing), and make hella money (another favorite thing!) So I decided to put her in a pro-bending uniform, and try to imagine what early ones would look like (I figure she'd probably be one of the first pro-benders). Not much changed to be perfectly honest, aside from some coloring differences, more green trim denoting her as an Earthbender, rather than the neutral yellow/ reddish trim on the modern ones (also I realized only now that i covered her feet. Woops lol). I also chopped her hair short. I think she deserves it (eventually I'll get around to drawing a more up close version of her face/hair)
Zuko. Umm. His outfit baffles me. I cannot make any sense of it tbh. The shirt under the shoulder armor under the outer robe. The motorcycle-esque saddle bags. The skirt over the longer skirt. It all had to go lolol. I get that they were going for him being more like, adventure-ready/battle-ready, but he has a country to run! And is also trying to move away from the heavy militaristic/imperialistic image of said country. So I gave him a more relaxed, diplomatic looking outfit. Also. Where did his crown go? I put that back. He's the oldest of the groip, but still not quite 30. He's the only one that recieved any age lines, and it's just between his eyebrows (I imagine doing paperwork and sitting in meetings would make him furrow his brow a lot). Gave him the teeniest bit of facial hair, tbh I truly think the only one to grow reliable facial hair at this age range is Sokka lol
In my personal opinion, Sokka's original design is the best one. My least favorite part is probably the compression sleeve under the arm wraps, which seems redundant somehow. But overall not too bad! Still, I said I was gonna redesign them all, and I knew I could add a lil more sparkle to it. I wanted to take inspiration from Hakoda's outfits. Sokka really looks up to his dad, so I feel like modeling some of his clothing after him isn't a stretch at all. I also just personally believe that Sokka would wesr Uggs. So I've given him shoes similar to them lolol. Also gave him some facial hair starting to become similar to his dad's as well
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halfmoth-halfman · 11 months
So I just finished the latest chapter
I’m crying in my room at 2am instead of sleeping
The fact that it was Shepherd who helped her, wow….I guess even though he is against Price he’s still a human who has empathy unlike those two shits
And I really didn’t expect the whole 141 being mean thing, like wtf?!?!?! My poor canary has been through so much and this is how you treat her (I know they thought she betrayed them but really?!?! salty water raw food and spilled wine??? Valeria is lucky cause she accidentally did the thing that makes them find the truth)
here I thought Soap is gonna be the one Canary has the most trust with (aside from Gaz)
I'm officially announcing that he's off the visitation list when Canary woke up (if she did, which she did….right?🥺)and Gaz is now the only one who can visit her without anxious her.
And ghost being the one who find her and calm her down? I thought he’s going to kill us the second he sees us especially when the whole 141 thought she’s the traitor, I guess it’s because he saw how frightened canary is he scents something very wrong….at least he did something right this time 😤😤
even in that condition Canary still didn’t say it’s Ghost who let the info out??? God ghost you better beg for forgiveness when she wakes up, you know what, all of them need to, and Gaz is going to be the only one that gets canary’s huggys. I wonder if the drugs Graves gave her would affect her health, like the doctor said she got poisoned and tortured for months and they realized the reason canary looks so happy on stage is because that’s the only time she can relax 😢
My poor canary……fortunately it will only gets better now that the toughest part is over
Your work always left me an emotional mess, I’m sure when I wake up from sleep my eyes are going to be so puffy….I rlly rlly love your writings!
kajdhdk you’re brave going through all of that again 💀 if you have puffy eyes make sure to use a cool compress and gently massage the area around your eyes!!! and thank you so much for enjoying the series 💜
i feel like shepherd’s in this weird area where he wants to take down price, but is realizing that this may be going too far than he expected. like he’s never going to outright help canary maybe but he is gonna do little things to make her more comfortable. mostly for his own conscious and not really for her but still ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
another fun fact: canaries have really good memory, so much so that they’re considered a “model species for discovering how the vertebrate brain learns, consolidates memories, and recalls coordinated motor movements”. so it’s safe to say our canary is def not going to forget how the 141 (including soap) treated her when they thought she was working with graves and she’ll remember who stuck by her side the entire time.
with my headcanons for ghost (in general, not just this au) i’d think that even if canary was a proven traitor, he’d still decide to help her the moment he saw the bruises and her breaking down. same with valeria. i think i explained it in another post but those two strike as people who would help a beaten woman no questions asked or at least get her to safety to question her themselves.
now that’s interesting, we haven’t really talked about the drugs graves was giving canary, have we? we know they were def more than just painkillers, but what exactly were they? i don’t think graves would poison her or risk killing her, but he very obviously wouldn’t mind her getting hurt or maybe having her under the influence of something to make her more cooperative and get information out of her? very interesting. 👀
yes, it’ll only get better from here!! there maybe some bumps and arguments (and a little death) but we’re gearing up for the happy ending!!!!
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vampyrsutton · 2 years
Dabi X Hawks X Shiggy~Threesome/Oral
Hawks wants to know what that mouth do.
Ao3 Tags:
Threesome - M/M/M, Oral Sex, Kinktober, Kinktober 2021, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Dirty Talk, Wing Kink, Overstimulation, Genital Piercing, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Has a Big Dick, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Has Genital Piercings, LOV Is A Big Open Relationship
"Hey, Crusty?" Dabi hums, leaning over the back of the couch Shiggy is curled on playing the switch Hawks brought him. "You know how Spinner outed how flexible and good with your mouth you are?" 
"What about it, Burnt Nugget?" Shigaraki mutters, not looking up from his game. Animal Crossing by the sound of the music, something about stress relief?
"Well, the birdie hasn't stopped asking about it but knows he'll never stop being called the League's sugar daddy if he asks you directly so I'm here to shut him up. Want another round?" Dabi smirks, chuckling when he hears the game save. 
"...Mayhaps?" Shigaraki eventually mumbles. "What are the conditions?"
"I at the very least wanna still be in the room though I definitely wouldn't mind joining." Dabi snickers, messing with Shiggy's hair a little to annoy him. "The drawing gloves if you plan to touch his wings. A little tip, he's really sensitive at the base of his wings, will be like putty in your hands. He doesn’t care whether you choose to fuck him into the mattress or not he just wants to know 'what that mouth do?'." The flame user laughs.
Shigaraki vehemently ignores the heat that rushes to his ears. "I can work with that... And I'm kinda curious about that newest piercing of yours so feel free to join I guess." He shrugs, putting his game to the side. "So tonight or?" 
"Let me talk to him first, but yeah probably." Dabi shrugs, pushing off the couch. "He should be flying at around eight." He smirks wickedly. "If you wanna ruffle his feathers a bit first, feel free." 
Shigaraki grins mischievously, flopping back down with the switch to continue his landscaping. "Don't have to tell me twice. I'll make sure to send him back to you a blushing mess." 
"I expect to see his feathers all puffed up!" Dabi laughs as he slinks back to his room. 
"Oh, so the little birdy finally joins us!" Shigaraki snickers when Hawks flies in around 8:30. To be honest, he looks like hell. His coat is covered in dirt and blood, his shirt ripped in multiple places that whatever was underneath the healers already took care of. His pants were also heavily charred, glasses broken, and hair an even bigger mess than usual. 
“I was a little busy.” Hawks huffs, dredging over to the couch and shredding the basically ruined coat and what’s left of his shirt as he goes. “Hero commission will just get a new coat. I assume one of you know how to clean his up so it doesn’t go to waste?” 
Toga appears out of seemingly nowhere to examine the coat. “It’s starting to get chilly. This is mine now. Compress! Can you come to the store with me? I need to get some things to clean this!” 
There’s a sigh from over by the current makeshift bar before Compress is coming to follow. “I guess you did need a new coat.” 
The other members had cleared out, having heard Dabi’s scheming earlier, and left Shiggy and Hawks alone on the couch. Eventually, Hawks noticed the League leader staring at him and turned his head to glare.
“Why are you staring?” Hawks glares.
“Hmm? Oh just enjoying the free show.” Shigaraki smirks, gesturing to the currently half-naked hero with the sucker in his hand. 
Hawks looks down before flushing. “Well, I’m not just going to sit in bloody, dirty clothes.” He huffs, pouting.
“I’m not complaining.” Shigaraki shrugs, plopping his sucker back in his mouth. “Bacon Bits wants to talk to you after you chill a bit so sit and relax.” He mumbles around the sucker in his mouth, ‘casually’ doing some fancy maneuver with his tongue before sucking it back in his mouth.
It’s Hawks turn to stare as whatever snarky response he had is forced out of his brain by his libido. He watched as Shigaraki’s tongue all so ‘casually’ wrapped around the sucker as his cheeks hallowed before he let the sucker relax on his tongue once more. Hawks honestly forgot what he was in such a shitty mood for until he remembered that Shiggy said Dabi wanted to talk to him and his eyes narrow. He seems to calculate something in his head before his face flushes bright pink. 
“He told you didn’t he?” Hawks squeaks.
“That you wanted to know ‘what that mouth do?’? Yes, yes he did.” Shigaraki smirks, lifting a gloved hand. “Was told I can touch the wings?” 
“With the dex I’ve seen when you’re playing games? Yes.” Hawks nods immediately before tilting his head. “Why does Dabs want to see me?” 
“He was going to tell you he talked to me, probably tease you. Guess he forgot you’re stupid observant when you’re still in hero mode." The young leader snickers. "I was just supposed to 'ruffle your feathers’ a bit before you went in." 
Hawks nods, giving a thoughtful hum before his look turns mischievous. "Wanna pull a reverse?" 
"His condition was he wants to be in the room." Shigaraki shrugs. 
Hawks grin just widens. "Wanna hide in my wings and we tease him?" 
Shigaraki's eyes widen in glee. "I can hide in them too?! Hell yeah!" He grins, waiting for Hawks to stand before clamoring onto his back and waiting for Hawks to envelope him in red fluff. "Okay. I'm ready." He snickers quietly.
Hawks chuckles, walking down the halls to Dabi's room with a few feathers helping them to keep balanced. After knocking, he peeks into the room curiously. "Hey, Shigs said you wanted to see me?" 
"Hey, pretty bird," Dabi smirks, beckoning him over to hold him by the hair and kiss the sense out of him. "Got a little surprise for you." 
"What? What's the surprise?" Hawks asks excitedly, letting a small feather free when Shiggy tugs on it lightly. 
Dabi starts talking but Hawks is having a hard time paying attention with Shigaraki now giving his feather the same attention he was giving the sucker earlier.
“...-ked to Shiggy and-...said he’d want-...-piercing-... So what do you think?” Is all Hawks gets from the conversation.
“Yeah, sound grEat! Mmmn~!” Hawks squeaks, moaning when Shigaraki starts playing with the base of his wings. 
“You asshats already started, didn’t you?” Dabi smirks. “Is he in the main area with a feather?”
Hawks opens his wings, allowing Shigaraki to snake his hands around and play with the bird’s nipples, snickering when the hero’s legs shake. “Guess again, Bacon Bits.” He smirks over Hawks’ shoulder. 
Dabi raises an eyebrow, his smirk growing. “You let his mouth around that many feathers, and tried to hold a conversation? You didn’t hear a damn thing I said did you?”
“You could have just sAid you were going to make good on your prOmise to make me a roast chicken for Ahh~all I know, and I wouldn’t gIve a dahhh-damn right now! Fuck Shigs! How can you even do that with your mouth?” 
There’s a raspy snicker from within the wings before he is finally falling to his knees when Shigaraki bites the base and he moans loudly. “Spend puberty being afraid to touch your own dick and you learn some things.” Shigaraki laughs.
Dabi, meanwhile, has decided not to let Hawks’ current position go to waste and he gets his pants down and holds his already half-hard dick to the hero’s lips. “Don’t mind if I do.”
Hawks takes the obvious hint, letting his mouth stay open as he pants lightly, moaning more as that pierced cock slides into his mouth. 
“Fuck, birdy. So good.” Dabi groans as Hawks’ throat flutters around the head of his cock.
“Hey, Dabi? Toss the lube.” Shigaraki hums. “And maybe we get him on the bed." 
Dabi tsks, pulling out to help the villain leader help the now very sensitive bird onto the bed. They arrange things so Dabi is standing next to the bed with Hawks on his hands and knees and Shiggy behind him. 
Dabi waste no time getting his dick back in the waiting hero's mouth after tossing Shigaraki the lube. 
Hawks moans around the piercings dragging across his tongue before whining when a cold finger prods at his hole. He tenses at the cold intrusion before relaxing when Shigarki starts teasing his feathers again.
"Sorry, birdie. Boyfriend is cold-blooded so usually forget to let it warm up." Shigaraki apologizes between his leaving kisses and bites along the hero's back.
"Mmmnm roor brood" (You're good) Hawks attempts to moan around the cock in his mouth as he sucks and licks along the Jacob's Ladder. Eventually, Dabi grabs his hair and Hawks’ jaw falls slack and he relaxes his throat so Dabi can go ahead and fuck his throat. 
"Shit, Dabi. How long did it take to train him to do that?" Shigaraki groans, wide-eyed. He's got three fingers in the hero at this point, adding to sensations the flame villain is feeling as moans vibrate up his shaft.
"Two or three times," Dabi smirks. "The public would be appalled if they knew how much of a cock slut their precious number two is. Heh, they probably wouldn't be surprised though with that fuck boi persona he likes to project." 
Hawks moans at the insults, throat fluttering around the head of Dabi's cock as he clenches around Shiggy's fingers. 
"Degradation, too?" Shigaraki smirks.
"And praise. Give him attention and he's putty in your hands." Dabi chuckles, petting Hawks hair and groaning at how the happy chirps feel along his cock. "Fuck, baby bird." 
"And it took so long for him to join us, how?" Shigaraki snorts with a raised eyebrow. 
Dabi's face turns suddenly murderous as he scratches along his birdie's scalp. "Brainwashing is hard to break." 
Shigarki's eyes narrow in annoyed understanding. "We'll take them down soon enough. Even faster now that he's properly joined us." He coos, scratching along the base of Hawks' wings and watching him shudder in pleasure. "Help me get him flipped over, he's prepped enough." 
Hawks whines and chirps in complaint when he's no longer full, doing his best to help as he's laid on his back, Dabi holding his wings so they don't get bent weirdly. Once on his back, he let his head fall back to hang off the bed and opened his mouth for Dabi once more.
Dabi chuckles at his eagerness before pushing him so his head is on the bed. "Sorry, songbird. We want to hear your pretty sounds and Shiggy wants to feel the new piercing." 
Hawks scoffs but doesn’t get to protest for long as Shigaraki's lubed cock starts to slide into him and fill him up. 
"Mmn, shit." Hawks chirps, arching slightly as he's filled inch by inch. Dabi was big in all sense of the world. He was long and thick, but while Shiggy wasn't quite as thick, he was longer and Hawks’ mouth fell open in a quiet moan. 
The villains smirk at Hawks wings fluttering as he’s filled. "Feel good, bIrdie-Ahh! Warn me, Bacon Bits!" Shagaraki groans, head falling forward as the flame villain starts prepping him. 
Dabi snickers, slowly working a long finger in, just barely not long enough to brush the leader's prostate and tease him. 
"Mngnn! You ass." Shigaraki moans, trying to fuck himself back on the finger and shallowly thrusting into the hero in the process. 
Hawks whines, squirming to try and get more from the young leader. "Shiggy, please~!" He groans. 
"Yeah Shigs. Give the birdie what he needs." Dabi chuckles in Shigaraki's ear, pulling another groan out of him. 
"Fuck, sorry, HA-Ahh~!" Shagaraki moans as another finger slips in to encourage him to start fucking deep into the hero. “There, now hurry!” He groans, annoyed at the flame user’s teasing. 
Dabi smirks, watching Hawks moaning on his leader’s cock. “Why don’t you show him your little party trick first?”
Shigaraki blinks at him over his shoulder in confusion before realization dawns on him and he smirks. “Oh, yeah. That wA-Ahh~!- was the point of this.” He snickers before lightly brushing Hawks’ wings to get his attention. Once those golden, half-lidded eyes are settled on him, Shigaraki bends at the stomach and starts sliding his mouth down the hero’s cock and internally smirks when Hawks tries to arch into the sudden wet heat only for his hips to be held back down.
Soon enough, Shigaraki’s found a rhythm of fucking into Hawks and swallowing around his cock when this made his hips bounce further into his mouth. 
Was it exactly the best or most comfortable position? 
Yeah, no, but Hawks wasn’t complaining as the villain’s cock continued to stroke against his prostate, and whatever the villain was doing with his tongue, he didn’t want it to stop.
Soon, Hawks was cumming down Shigaraki’s throat with a high chirping moan at about the same time Dabi deemed the other villain prepped enough to start sliding in. Shigaraki swallowed as best he could, but when a stapled hand grabs his hair and pulls, he ends up making a mess all over Hawks and him when he lets out a choked-off moan.
“Ngnn~ Fuck, Dabi!” Shiggy moans as Dabi barely gives him time to adjust, fucking him into the already sensitive hero. Shigaraki can’t do much more than try to hold himself up as he’s fucked into like Dabi is trying to ruin them both, fingers tangled in feathers and cum laden drool dripping down his chin as he hangs his head.
Hawks, meanwhile, is gripping the sheets by his head as his overly stimulated prostate continues to be abused without rest and all he can do is let out desperate chirps and moans. “Ahhmmngh~! Too much! FUck~ Ahh, shit, don’t stOp! Ahhh~”
Dabi chuckles evilly from behind Shigarki as he leans across his back to whisper in his ear. “How about you put that mouth back to work. I see a chest and neck ripe for the marking.”
Shigaraki whines, peeking his eyes open and groaning at the sight that greets him. He falls to his elbows and immediately takes a nipple into his mouth, giving it some of the same attention he had given the hero’s dick earlier while half-gloved fingers play with the other. 
Hawks arches into the touch, crying out when the villain leader bites before flattening his tongue against the peaking bud. His nerves feel like they’re on fire, and when a particularly warm hand reaches under Shigaraki to stroke his spit slick dick, he questions if this is how they plan to kill him.
“Such good boys. Look at you two, taking cock so well. Tell me Shiggy? How does that newer piercing feel grinding against your insides, hmm? My cock splitting you open barbell by barbell? Look at you, you fucking love it.” Dabi smirks, picking up the pace.
Shigaraki moans, switching sides before giving a surprised shout when Dabi starts fucking him faster, and he does his best to fuck himself back on the pyromaniac’s pierced cock.  
“Fuck, I am so stealing your bOyfriend- shit-, birdie.” Shigaraki gasps as the Prince Albert rubs his prostate.
“Mnngh~ As if, you-Ahh!-already get two for the prIce of one-Oh gods.” Hawks chirps, bucking into the hand that had just passed over his slit.
“So, do you-ngh-one-shit- one is just his personality! FUCK!” 
Hawks snorts around his moan as Dabi switches angles and begins a brutal assault on the leader’s sweet spots that leave him no more than a trembling mess as he’s milked dry into the hero. 
“Should have-Ah-known he’d have something to say.” Hawks smirks as Shigaraki glares at him as best he can while looking fucked out of his mind.
“Shut u-Ahhh! Fuck! Hu-hurry up, Bacon Bits!” Shigaraki moans, letting his head fall on Hawks chest and whimpering when Hawks’ next orgasm just milks him more. “Mmn~ Too much..”
Dabi chuckles but takes pity, pulling out enough to stroke himself to near completion before burying himself again, smirking sadistically as Shigaraki whines in overstimulation. Luckily for the hero and villain leader, however, a few more thrusts, and Dabi was burying himself to the hilt to cum deep inside Shigaraki, making sure to make him as messy as possible as he pulled out. 
“Mnn~ You ass.” Shigaraki groans, mumbling a small thanks when Dabi at least has the courtesy to help him up so he can pull out of Hawks before immediately collapsing to the side. “You can keep him.”
Hawks snorts again as his feathers pull Dabi to him for cuddles wrapping the scarred villain in one wing and an immediately less grumpy Shigaraki into the other. A few more feathers fly out to gather things so Dabi can clean them up which he does without complaint.
“Didn’t think he’d be one for aftercare.” Shigaraki mumbles into Hawks’ feathers.
“I’m a sadist. Not a complete bastard.” Dabi huffs.
“When did you talk to your dad last?” Hawks chimes in.
“Fair enough. Not a total asshole.”
All further sass was met with deep kisses until, eventually, they were all sound asleep, cuddled together in soft red down, and shielded away from the world.
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kitkatt0430 · 10 months
So, I've been setting up an old computer to run a diy home cloud and using that to backup all my old WiPs. And I took advantage of this to completely re-organize my WiPs folder to sort out transcript docs into a separate space, better track finished or 'retired' files, and digging through older fic ideas that I'd forgotten about over time. So I'm going to answer this using some of my older files from fandoms I'm not usually active in these days.
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
Shawn grinned and considered making a bid for the gift, but decided to stay quiet. Odds were he was on the naughty list anyway; he was lucky to have been picked for the Polar Express at all. Someone else would get the gift... but he was okay with that. The entire experience had been an amazing gift all in itself.
And then, above the din, he heard Santa call out, “Shawn Spencer, come with me.”
From a Psych/Polar Express x-over fic. This is from the prologue where young Shawn gets one of the bells from the reindeer harnesses as the First Gift of Christmas. He's not sure what's going on is really happening, but he believes the magic and spirit are more important than real versus fake. And this is from the last part of the prologue where Shawn's spent the whole trip a bit worried he isn't really good enough, so Santa picking him when he's not being loud and acting out validates that the times he does so with his dad don't actually make him a bad kid.
It's just meant to be a silly little fic with a lot of soft moments. In part about how, despite being unconventional Shawn is a good person who cares about helping others. But its also about Lassiter getting to have a happy Christmas after his divorce from his wife is made official, when he felt like he was really struggling to be happy. And him learning to recognize that opening himself up to new friendships is worth the risk in making himself vulnerable.
I really only got this one so far as the prologue, but re-reading it has made me want to do something with it, whether it's write the fic I once envisioned or just split off the prologue and expand it into it's own fic about kid Shawn.
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
“There’s something unusual about the Force today,” the ginger haired knight mused. “Perhaps we’ve been summoned because of that. Though… why Master Yoda would say that all Ani and I will be there for is moral support is beyond me. It’s not like you’ve done anything worth reprimanding… lately.”
Anakin snickered, earning a sharp, teasing glare from his master. “You wound me, both of you.” Seifer flung his right hand dramatically against his heart. “Oh, the pain… shall I ever survive?”
“And I’m supposed to learn from him?” Anakin cast a doubtful glance in Obi-wan’s direction.
“Just think, Ani; you’re stuck with him for at least ten years… if not more.”
Mock horror stole across the nine-year-old’s face and he scurried over to cling to Obi-wan’s robes. “Help me, Obi-wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope!”
From an old WiP where the resolution of Time Compression at the end of FF8 sends Seifer to Coruscant and the Jedi in particular. There's speculation that he might be the Chosen one and gets taken as the padawan. The main fic, however, is Seifer and Obi-Wan as adults, sharing 'custody' of Anakin. Having someone else who might be the Chosen One around makes things easier on Anakin so he feels less pressured to be perfect, Obi-Wan is more laid back because he isn't having to jump straight from being a padawan to raising one all by himself, and the council is a bit more relaxed about inter-personal relationships here so Seifer and Obi-Wan are supposed to be openly in a relationship. This one is from... I dunno, my early college years? I still really like the idea of Seifer getting transported to the Star Wars prequels, though I'm no longer sold on the ship. That said, I really love this interaction here. It's silly and fun, with a shout out to one of the most iconic Star Wars lines of course.
I think I actually had a few different variations on this idea anyway, though I don't know that I wrote them all down.
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Hey !! Can I request somthn with Giran, Twice, Compress, Kurogiri, Skeptic, Spinner, and Shigiraki where Dabi figures out that reader, his little sibling(19-23), is dating on oof these members! How would he be that much more overprotective? And would he react differently cuz of their age (most of which being older than them)?
(Sure thing! This feels a bit like an imagine since I can't think of many ways he'd feel too different about it depending on the person. Let me cook something up. BTW forgive me since I'm rusty when it comes to writing for the man!!!)
(Oh and reader is either born into the family or adopted so everyone can insert themselves!)
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I imagine no matter who his sibling dates he feels protective. You weren't like the others in the family that set him aside so long ago. You were different. It always seemed like you and him were your own little family without the others. You followed him no matter where he went, even if he walked into hell. So when he left you did too. It wasn't like either of you would be missed. Not with the way things were going. For a long time it was just the two of you. You'd both eventually found your way into the League together as well. He made sure to stick by you pretty closely since he always saw you as weaker than him. If he had a choice he would've never let you follow him into the League like this. He wanted you to move out of that damned house and live a carefree life. He wanted to be the only one to take on the burden of revenge against the people that wronged him most. His words came out as "Do what you want". Of course you were hardheaded and followed just that. When it came to dating he wasn't particularly a fan of anyone in the immediate group. He'd prefer if you found a man/woman/person somewhere out in society that was nice and caring. Someone that maybe could pay your bills and you could start your only family with them.
If you were to date Giran he'd immediately put his foot down. He's not angry but you could tell he's annoyed. He's likely going to hit you with a speech eventually. He stays level-headed and cranes his head over to stare at you with lidded eyes. "Can't you choose anyone but the dodgy old bastard? C'mon Y/N, do better." Translation for 'he's not good enough and I don't approve nor do I trust him'. If you were to date Twice then I think he'd be a little more relaxed but still somewhat on edge. I feel like he goes behind your back and tries to scare Bubaigawara off. It never works though. You probably find out and this causes one of you famous sibling arguments. You'll both get over it later though. Dating Compress is okay but he's going to give you another speech. He trusts compress but not enough. There's something secretive about the man that Dabi can't put his finger on. Kurogiri is probably one of the only people that Dabi is fine with you dating. It doesn't appear to him that Kurogiri would try anything on you at all. He's cool with it but he also teases you a lot about dating a little mist covered body. You'll never hear the end of it lol. Skeptic as a partner is a 'hell no' in Dabi's book. The man is too aggressive to most people when he get's upset. His harsh words are one step away from him hurting your feelings and Dabi roasting him...literally. Spinner is the only other one he fully trusts besides Kurogiri. He watches Shuichi being sappy with you on a day to day basis. Spinner also swears to protect you and I think Dabi thinks to himself "Hell, if it was going to be a villain at least it's the lizard." But be prepared for him to tease you about Spinner too. If you date Shigaraki it's going to cause a bit of a strain between Dabi and his boss. He's listens (or tolerates) Tomura to a degree but he's got his own goals in line really. He's going to make sure to keep an eye on Tomura since he doesn't fully trust him nor his quirk as well. He doesn't want to run the risk of you accidentally getting decayed because that would cause an all out war between the two.
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hospitalterrorizer · 2 months
sunday - monday
i tried to relax more today but i ended up working on songs.
oscillating a lot on the album, is it good? is it bad? i can't tell, is it sporadic or does it make sense? i doodled and listened to it, it sounded good, later in the day i listened focusing on it more, it wasn't as compelling, does it fall apart under scrutiny? is that just me? i can't tell, so i think maybe i'm going to end up asking people to listen soon, but we'll see. i don't know who to ask.
it might just be mood stuff, it always sounds not good when i am tired and want to just sleep and feel like, troubled by it. it's hard to get the time away from it... does that mean i need a longer break? maybe i take a week off it after i get these vocals into it. yeah that might be good. ultimately it's getting me thinking more and more about how i want to take these ideas into whatever i work on next. i want to keep making this kind of music, but i want it to work better. there's songs here that work really well in terms of being easy to mix and know where things go. then there's these other ones where there's just something...wrong. idk. it's weird and frustrating. i think everyone is like this about their work ultimately and maybe most people will not even come close to noticing all this. i really hope not. i hope they like it, or at least i like it.
but it makes me excited about writing new riffs and drum parts, and in fact re-doing this drum kit, figuring out the sounds i want from it more precisely, and maybe starting from there.
the idea of a clean slate is sorta exciting, or just keeping what i really like here, in this record, there's some really good guitar synth sounds i like and really wanna keep.
maybe next record i should focus more on getting hihats and stuff to sound better? idk. too early to plan and there's a bunch of stuff already written. but idk, i have not done a ton of songwriting at all recently, feels like maybe there's a lot of ideas up there in the abstract. but maybe none. i should just mess around on guitar after all this too. i should also try and not keep myself busy always cuz i'm going coo coo lately from all this. head's going 20 different directions.
anyway, right now it's my birthday, there's dark circles under my eyes and i am 26... i have lots of anxieties about suddenly turning ugly and then no one loving me or wanting me physically which is bound up in love for me because it's maybe the first place i learned to know what affection was, or affection i didn't mind, or thought i wouldn't mind, receiving. anyways that's all sad and stuff or whatever but really i'm just full of complexes about becoming suddenly very useless and not being what i hope i am. it's very bad, today's my party, i can cry about it if i want to. if that's all i get, i will have to take it.
but i think my gf is getting me something and this very giant golf umbrella she got me came today so i can walk to work with an umbrella that is at least supposedly strong and wind-proof. i am excited to be really annoying with my huge umbrella. honest.
also, maybe another reason the album sounds weird, is it's just going to, but also, because i didn't really listen to music today, so it's like, idk, maybe it doesn't make sense but i'm just kind of scrutinizing things in an off way. if it's weird, is that good? i sometimes feel like it's just a necessity. maybe i should lean into that?
one thing i am noticing is that these super layered guitar sounds might just be the totally wrong move, idk. maybe gut those? see what things sound like without those? i'll have to do that another time though since i need to sleep.
i think really i am looking at 2 songs that need work. or idk. it's such a weird set of issues i am having with one song. it just sounds flat, how do i make it less flat? no compression on the guitar maybe but idk. it's weird just because synths are so compressed normally. hard to get transients through. but whatever &
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Rest Your Weary Hands Part 4
I made Aslaug and Lagertha friends because everyone lives and no one dies and women being good to other women makes me happy. However, Ragnar is dead because I need it that way for the plot, he will still show up and that's all I'm saying.
Part 3
Requests are open
Warnings: Paying gambling debts through labour, stitching up wounds, Ubbe turns into a big brother bear. Brief mentions of child and talks of spousal abuse.
2,659 words
Comment if you want to be tagged.
Queen Aslaug walks into your little Healers store with one request, help her son. Said to be blessed by the gods, you find your life becoming more and more intertwined with the young prince as you do your best to ease his pain. It will soon be apparent that outside forces have other ideas.
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"Prince Ubbe, what brings you here today?" You were surprised to see the Prince today, Aslaug had been in the day before to collect more tea for Ivar, so unless something was very wrong with his younger Brother, he didn't really have a reason to be here.
He lifted up his shirt to show you a bruise that spread across his body's left side.
"I fell off my horse." he grimaced as he walked closer to the counter.
"Oh my, come in the back and I'll get you taken care of."
It wasn't terrible, he didn't have any broken bones but you could feel the lumpy bruises under his skin.
"How's Ivar doing?" you were dipping bandages in some strong smelling fluid while Ubbe looked around your back room. It wasn't much, just a small bed and some shelves that were filled with various things, including lots of scrolls; there were also some surgical tools were soaking in a basin in the far corner of the room.
"Well, he has been complaining of more pain but he seems better in himself." he flinched as you wrapped the soaked bandages around his body then relaxed as he felt the coolness settle into his aching ribs.
"I'll see if I can come up with something else to help him, it almost always harder to treat something when it's been with them since birth." To be honest, you were very surprised with how well Ivar was taking it all, you were starting to wonder if he and his Mother knew something you didn't.
"These won't take long to heal. Nothing more than a light trot on your horse until they're entirely gone, I can't promise your ribs will hold out for another fall. I don't care how long it takes you to get back home." You realised you should have said please and been more respectful but part of you felt that Ubbe would appreciate being treated like a normal person.
"Of course Dove, something tells me that disobeying you would be worse than falling off the horse again."
You gave him a very stern look, yes it would be.
"I'll give you some tea to take for the next few days for the swelling, drink it with food or it will give you a stomach ache, and come back when they're gone so I can make sure I didn't miss anything deeper."
He already seemed a little better, although he looked a bit funny with his shirt bludging in some areas.
"As for Ivar, you can try this, but I think it will make him feel too strange. I usually leave it for when I need to treat a severe injury and can't have the person moving around."
You showed Ubbe the small compressed cake, it was about the size of a medium mushroom cap and mottled brown.
"Only give him this amount, and put it in some hot water. It will be very bitter so he can have a spoonful of honey afterwards."
You showed Ubbe a small broken hunk, and put it up against your finger so he could understand the rough size.
"Thank you, Dove. Mother asked me to tell you she will be here on Sunday to come and collect you to spend more time with Ivar, she's very happy with how much he improved when you were there."
You were coming to the conclusion that Aslaug had a plan you were unaware of, Ivar shouldn't need you back for at least another week.
"Of course Prince Ubbe, I'll be ready when she arrives that morning."
You suppose you were grateful you were so good at your job. Your Father's gambling debts were always bad, more so when your Mother died, but the small amount of profit you made kept the debt collectors happy until the end of the week.
The owners of the gambling houses in the area realised that he was a problem and was always going to be behind, but they also realised that he wasn't getting his money by working.
After a drunken night of losses, he admitted where he got his coins from, and things started to change.
You soon found out why, he had told the violent and sadistic debt collectors that you would treat them for free as long as he could keep gambling.
That's how you ended up working all Saturday night on a man with a stab wound to his gut, while his friend stood over you with a sword in hand.
"This is very deep, I don't think I'll be able to keep away the infection. I won't be in the area for the next few days so you will have to get these cleaned out every day."
You'd hope the prospect of you leaving would hurry them along but they had stayed well into Sunday morning.
"Just do what you can." You had seen these men more than once, after the first few times you had come to an agreement.
Don't hurt me and I won't poison you.
But that was only after you poisoned the last guy. You wondered if they felt sorry for you, or worse, indebted to you for helping their loved one, and that's why you didn't have your expensive ingredients taken from you as payment.
You were getting worried now, the wound had taken a lot longer to close and you knew Aslaug was on her way. Then you heard it, the clank of horse hooves.
It wasn't Aslaug, it was Ubbe and Hvitserk.
"They're here to come and get me. I have to let them in so act like you don't know me, please."
You had the door opened before they got there, as they walked through the door you did your best not to draw attention to the men in the far corner of your store.
"I'm guessing you two are my escort today?" Hvitserk was smiling at you sheepishly.
"Yes and no, Mother was held up with something so we figured we'd kill two birds with one stone."
Oh no, what did they get themselves into?
Hvitserk turned with his back to you and lifted up his shirt his back was covered in poison ivy, Ubbe looked like he was going to burst out laughing.
"I don't want to know how you got this, but bring a blanket next time you're going for a romp in the woods." Ubbe cracked and you felt a heavy hand land on your shoulder.
"Unlikely Dove, his brain tends to turn off when he sees a vaguely female shape." You shook your head at them, at least you weren't alone with the other men now.
"I'm sorry gentlemen, I'll just get Prince Hvitserk sorted then I'll have you on your way" You didn't see the exchange between the two Brothers when you were in the back. They whispered to each other while watching for when you were coming back.
"Those men are the local debt collectors aren't they?" It was a question they knew the answer to.
You were back before they could discuss more, and handing the men something while speaking to them softly, they got up to leave without a word.
"Don't you need to pay?" Hvitserk voice sounded much deeper than normal.
You looked at him like a deer about to be shot.
"It's ok My Prince, they paid before you got here." You tried to hide it, but they could hear the fear in your voice.
"Thank you gentlemen, remember I won't be here for the next few days so if anything goes wrong you will need to see another healer."
They left and you went to tend to Hvitserk.
When you tried to open the jar with a soothing cream, they could see the slight shake of your hands.
"Who are they Lady y/n?" You didn't know what to say.
"People who needed help. This isn't too bad, I think I will draw you a bath and you can soak while I pack. I didn't have time since they arrives late last night."
While you were readying the bath, Ubbe and Hvitserk talked amongst themselves about what was going on.
"There's nothing we can do until we find out more, if you leave with y/n I'll go to the gambling house to see what I can learn." Hvitserk had a plan, not a good one, but it nonetheless was a plan.
"Ok Brother, I'll see what I can get out of her."
Hvitserk was grateful for the cool water soothing his hot skin, Ubbe had decided to help you pack and he was using the alone time to think about what he was going to do.
He got out when he started to feel cold, you were outside piling the last trunk into the small carriage behind your horse.
Hvitserk took the time to push the tub to the back door and pour the water out, he figured he could at least help a bit. When you went back in to clean up and he stopped you and told you it was already done the smile you gave him made it all worth it.
"I'll see you back in Kattegat in a few hours Lady y/n."
Kattegat was even busier than last time, there were people everywhere and there was excitement in the air.
'Why are all these people here?" You had dispensed with the formality, you spent the ride here telling Ubbe what was going on, by the end of it he was so sick of your politeness that he never wanted to hear his title again.
"My Half-Brother Bjorn and his Mother Lagertha are here for a visit, it's always insane when they're here."
"Ahh, do they get along? Your Mother and Lagertha?" Ubbe took in your concerned face.
"Yes, swimmingly. I think they bonded over the fact that my Father abandoned both of them" He sounded a little sad.
"I'm sorry about your Father Ubbe, he sounded like a great man." You wanted to add a lot more, but you didn't want to cross a line.
"Thank you Dove."
It was significantly harder to get to Ivar's room this time around, there were so many people that it was hard to move through the halls. When you got there, Ivar was playing chess with Bjorn.
'Hello Earl Bjorn, I'm y/n." Bjorn stood up to his full height and walked over to you.
Bear is right
"Ivar has told me good things, so have his Brothers. Mother is excited to meet you she's heard some tales and she'd like to know if they're true."
You were lost for words.
"I'm glad I have a good reputation, I would have thought that Ivar and his Brothers told you I was a cruel witch."
Bjorn's laugh was deep and shook the air around it.
"No little one, all good things.
Ivar cleared his throat behind you, he didn't look happy at the attention you were paying his older Brother.
"Oh hello Prince Ivar, I got sidetracked, I'm sorry" he still seemed a little miffed.
"I would never call you a mean name y/n, you're too useful." You felt hurt at that and you didn't know why.
It would have been nice to hear that it's because you like me as a person but I can settle for that.
"Thank you My Prince, You're always so well mannered." You didn't miss the side look Bjorn gave you
When you finally made it to the Great Hall, you could see that Aslaug and Lagertha were deep in conversation so you went to talk to Sigurd. He was sitting on a bench by the fire, restringing his lute.
"Hello Prince Sigurd, is there anything I can do to help?" he was taken aback by your demeanour, with all the time you spent with Ivar he would have thought you hated him.
"Umm yes actually." He showed you where to hold so he could use both hands. You talked about music and why he liked to play, despite his earlier shortness, he was growing on you.
"Thank you Prince Sigurd, I enjoyed this learning experience." You wanted to stay but you could feel Ragnar's former wives looking at you.
"Good evening Queen Aslaug, Earl Lagertha. How has your night been?" Aslaug didn't even cast you a glance before she spoke.
"We've been over this y/n, I asked you to call me Aslaug. Lagertha is a friend, there's no need for you to be so proper." You really like Aslaug, she certainly knows how to command a room.
"I'm going to talk with Earl Bjorn about our shared lands, I'll leave you and Lagertha to get acquainted."
You sat down in a chair to Lagertha'a left.
"I heard from a man who passed through your store that you're capable of more than just healing people?"
"How do you mean? I also treat horses, dogs and cats." Lagertha smiled, you were very proper.
"No, I mean that you gutted a man after he tried to take his Son out of your shop without letting you treat him because you threatened to report him to the authorities for forcing him to work when he was too young." She sounded impressed.
"I was standing up for someone who couldn't stand up for themselves. That boy would have died had I not killed his Father." She nodded in understanding.
"I also heard you poisoned a man who was beating his wife." There was no way she should know that, the only other person who knew was the woman's husband.
"How did yo..." She interrupted you.
"Don't worry, Gunhild told me herself. She says your the reason she found the strength to become a shieldmaiden." you were so happy for her, you hoped she had found someone who treated her well.
"No Earl Lagertha, with a husband like that she always had it in her. She just needed to get out from under his boot to realise it was there" Lagertha nodded and gave you a wide smile.
Well I've passed whatever test that was.
"Of course, I imagine he was not the first man you've poisoned to help another woman." she was drinking from her goblet and looking around the room.
"No, and I can't imagine he'll be the last. Funnily enough, they never think to question the cup and not the drink itself." She swallowed like she remembered something painful.
"Judging by the look on your face, you understand these women on a personal basis?" She nodded, you left it at that.
"You seem more tired than usual?" You had to give it to Ivar, he was very observant.
"I'm not a crowd person, they make me nervous." Ivar seemed to understand that, you guessed that being at calf level of everyone in the room would get tiresome as well.
"How have your legs been?" he looked down at him with surprising calm.
"Ok, that disgusting bitter drink you gave Ubbe has taken away most of the pain, but they won't stop twitching." you tried to hide your smile.
"This may seem like a strange question, two questions actually, but how is your blacksmith paid? And can he keep a secret?" Ivar looked at you like you had four heads.
"He is paid by the amount metal used and I have no idea if he can keep a secret, why do you ask?" You didn't want to give too much away for fear of getting his hopes up.
"So if I told him I needed something made as a surprise for your Mother all I'd have to do is tell her much much gold I needed for the metal?" Ivar looked lost.
"The blacksmith will just add it to the bill, Mother pays it without question, the royal guard goes through so much that it would be a waste of her time."
"I know what we're doing tomorrow Ivar."
Part 5
Tag List: @ladynightshade30 @katshuya @istorkyou @smears-and-spots @youbloodymadgenius @draculasbride-blog @profoundtyrantharmony @vikingsfranatic @hellie98 @localtrashopossum @polly-jayne @serenitybloodmoon
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atsuminthe · 3 years
—No matter the circumstance, Bokuto gives the best cuddles.
warnings: female reader, 18+, unprotected sex, plain vanilla sex, unedited
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In spite of being startled awake from the little nap you've taken in the armchair—and regtetting it, from the slight soreness in your legs—your lips curl into a smile as Bokuto tosses his gym bag on the floor and throws his hands in the air, ready to pounce on you in the tiny space left the armchair has. You throw your own hands in the air to stop him, but it's too late—he already squishes himself inbetween you and the stiff pillowy arm of the armchair.
"I missed you, baby!" he exclaims, hugging you close and emphasizing every word with a kiss. Your giggles and the sound of wet smooches fills the room as Bokuto's relentless assault on your face continues.
"I missed you too, Ko, but please—you're suffocating me!" you giggle and push his face away from you. He's stronger than you, however, and pushing him away only brings him closer. "At least move us on a more spacious surface!"
"But I'm comfortable here," he whines, resembling a big teddy bear. You pat his head, and his grip on you loosens just enough for you to breathe properly, to which you laugh and smoosh your cheek on his. "I don't want to move. You're comfy, babe."
"Your back will hurt if you stay curled up like that, Ko," you point out, and while he doesn't want to admit, it is a bit painful to stay compressed like that—so he does tbe first thing that crosses his mind: lift you up, make himself comfortable in the armchair and plop you on his lap. Your squeaks make Bokuto laugh and he kisses both of your cheeks, sighing softly when you place your head on his shoulder, allowing himself to relax for a few moments.
"You love me, right, baby?" he asks—not for reassurance, but because he likes to hear you saying that—and you giggle, then nod, wiggling in his lap to make yourself comfortable. "I love you too. So, so much—I think I might explode," he breathes, slowly and needily, and you can feel his hardening cock press against your thigh.
You rise from your spot, throwing your legs on each side of him, basically straddling him, and you rub your clothed cunt against him. The groan that escapes him is so low, so guttural, that it makes your thighs quiver slightly—and he knows, so he places his big hands on your legs to keep you in place. Leaning down, you press your forehead on Bokuto's—and being the eager man he is, he licks his lips, pressing them over yours in a hungry, desperate kiss. It's sloppy, very sloppy—teeth clash together, tongues interwine, drool rolls from the corner of your mouth—but it's Bokuto. Feral, impatient, insatiable.
Your clothes disappear in a matter of seconds, as do his—his hands roam your chest, mouth hungrily nipping at the soft skin of your neck. Bokuto lets out a low growl and presses you flush against him, tipping your face down with the tip of his nose. His lips crash on yours again, and his intoxicating scent surrounds you. Grinding desperately against him, your wet folds rub against the sensitive skin of his cock—he stops you, helping you line your hole with it, palms squishing the soft fat of your ass. Once preparations are complete, he doesn't hesitate to slam your hips down on his cock, bottoming out in an instant and making you arch your back, shuddering violently as you cry out from the sudden intrusion. Bokuto rubs your back soothingly, catching the lobe of your ear between his teeth and nibbling at it.
"It's ok, baby, I'm here—hold onto me, just like that—I won't let you go," he mumbles inbetween kisses to your ear and jaw, and your nails scratch his back in an attempt to ground yourself. "Deep breaths, baby—that's it, you're doing great—just a bit more and I'll make you feel good, okay?" he promises, reaching to place a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose. You nod weakly, placing your head on his shoulder as he cradles it with one of his hands. And just like he promised, the stretch transitions from painful to delicious, and you start moving your hips up and down his length—slowly, to thoroughy enjoy the moment. He holds you close, chests glued to one another, hearts almost hammering out of your chests. Your moans and whimpers fill the room, and Bokuto swallows each of them after he kisses you roughly, making sure you can feel him everywhere.
"Ko, 'm—'m cumming..." you gasp, your orgasm drawing closer, both from the size of his cock and the intimacy conveyed in such a simple, carnal act. He whispers an encouragement, watching you come undone from his ministrations. With a groan, he empties himself inside of you—panting gently, you relax in his arms as he hugs you closer to his chest, then grabs a blanket and covers both of your forms with it
"Ko, we need to clean up," you argue, vocie faltering as you can sense fatigue creeping up on you. He shushes you and places a loving kiss on your forehead.
"We can do that later," he counters. "You're such a good girl—good fuckin' girl. I love you. You were amazing."
You fall asleep smothered in kisses, surrounded by heat and held tight by the man of your dreams.
Bokuto adores you, with every fiber of his body.
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yoonpobs · 3 years
we don't talk together | myg
pairing: min yoongi x oc
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, growth! exes that remain exes
words: 2, 842
summary: it's hard to say it's over
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What they don't tell you about goodbyes is that it isn't the end.
It's far from the closing of a book. Goodbyes are the itch that urges you to pick up an old book from the shelf just to feel what you first felt when you re-read certain parts of a book; the same remorse you felt when a character you grew attached to didn't get the ending they deserved. Or, maybe it was the villain that was misunderstood—your own heart wishing to reach out to the sad soul that couldn't even be recognised when all they do is speak.
But some books will end up dusty, forgotten, tucked away in the corner of your shelf; or in the most drastic of cases: lost.
"The park looks ... different," Yoongi speaks up for a lack of a better conversation starter.
You hum. What would you say? That it wasn't the same from when we used to spend our Spring's blended into Summer's until it got too hot for us to lay in each other's embrace?
It was still too fresh even though it's been nearly a year.
"There are more dogs," You point out the moment a tan pomeranian runs past the two of you, the owner an old couple laughing away under the cherry blossoms.
He nods, fingers stuffed in his trench coat. You note that it's the same one he wore on your anniversary, plans abandoned when there was a mix-up with the reservations until the two of you stumbled across a hidden gem that soon became your go-to date place.
You will yourself to look away so no more memories can resurface. It seems like every part of your life has somehow seamlessly intertwined itself with traces of Yoongi that it was impossible for you to exist as just yourself.
"How are things at the firm?" He asks after the two of you walked side-by-side in complete silence as more and more chatter fill your ears.
"It's ... going," You chuckle dryly.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow at you, shooting you a brief glance over until the two of you reach a bench. You dare say it's muscle memory that dragged your heavy feet into the direction of the only bench that you've known in the park. The compressed reminder of the initials of your names that you carved as teenagers likely still staining the years old wood. It was meant to be an emblem for wisdom, the ring of growth that meant to be the endgame for the two of you.
You almost laugh in bitterness and how literal the metaphor was.
"Everything okay?"
Yoongi takes the first step to sit on the bench because he always did. Ever the gentlemen when he opened doors for you, let you into the car first, waited until you stepped ahead of him to trail behind like a shield.
The first date, first kiss, first confession.
The first one to decide that it was over.
"My boss is just being sexist, as usual. I thought I'd get used to it after spending two years there but ... there are some things that you just stay unfamiliar, you know?"
It was very like you to speak in double-entendres without intending to. But it was also like Yoongi to pick up on it, especially after years of learning all the best and worst parts of you; he was and probably will be one of the few people in your lives that will always foresee your next move.
The two of you sit a fair distance apart on the bench even if it was a battle for space anyway. You didn't have the liberty to lean into his embrace anymore and he wasn't in the position to say that it was okay for you to breathe, to relax.
"You shouldn't get used to those remarks. There are times where you learn to grow used to constructive criticism but if what he's saying makes you question your worth because of very arbitrary reasons like your gender then that isn't criticism, nor is it constructive. It's bigoted and chauvinistic."
You look down to your thumbs as you fiddle with it, his words comforting you. It was woeful that you still chased validation from him even after learning to be that person to yourself.
"Yeah, I guess."
Then how did you get used to things?
If time didn't make things familiar then what did? Was it not the five years with Yoongi that led you to see him build an empire for himself all the while destroying the relationship that you had? Or was it because he was the person that you thought of doing the most minuscule things?
"By the way," He clears his throat, eyes still set forward, "Namjoon says hi."
You raise an eyebrow, surprised to hear the name of a mutual friend—or more appropriately, friend by association and acquaintance when that link was broken.
"He knows that you're with me?"
Yoongi nods his head.
"I needed to let someone at the studio know and ... well, he's the only one that knew of our situation."
You chuckle bitterly.
Of course. The suggestion of his work only made your heart drop because as much as you wanted to be supportive of him, even after the break-up, the name of his studio or songs only reminded you of the battle that you helplessly lost.
"You can tell him that I'm still a text or phone call away. No need to play messenger," You return.
The atmosphere is more reflective than awkward. You know that the two of you had your pieces to say, your own narrative to tell but neither brave enough to break the calm that you were settled in. It was a nice difference from the way that things ended, and you supposed that you were similar enough to believe in a mirage than the inevitable truth.
But you didn't call him out after six months to sit in silence to walk away with your heart feeling heavier, nor did you invite him out just to remember what it feels like to have him next to you—even in complete silence.
"Would you have really quit?"
This time, you gather all the bravery that you've built over the past few months to ask the question that has been mulling in your mind since the night you decided that it was officially over.
It was a painful break-up. Even if you expected it when Yoongi came home earlier one night with bags under his eyes and his keys that he usually left at the studio because he knew you'd always be home to open the door for him.
"I'm sorry?" He seems taken aback.
You don't blame him. You've always been more passive in dealing with confrontation due to your conflict-averse nature—but that didn't mean you didn't get angry or annoyed—or hurt. But if you learned anything, it was to stop asking yourself questions that you'll never have the answer to.
"Would you really have left the company to save our relationship?"
You chose your words carefully. Instead of saying to be with you, knowing that he lost the love, he had for you somewhere along the way—you point out the one hole that he held on to for the sake of stability. The one thing that was constant in his life with how unpredictable the music industry was.
Somehow, the answer doesn't make you feel better because even with time apart you knew he was lying to save your face.
"You don't owe me anything to lie to my face, Yoongi." You frown.
Yoongi sighs, rubbing his hands across his face as he leaves your statement hanging in the air to mull over his answer.
You prefer the silence that way. It showed that he was at least listening, or cared enough to decide his next set of words. Nothing like how much it pained you to acknowledge the responses you got from him when you were crying were just out of obligation than sincerity.
"No, I wouldn't have."
You nod your head, expectant of the answer but you needed to hear him say it himself rather than drowning yourself in ruminating thoughts of how there was still a semblance of hope that he would've given it up for you, for your relationship—or the life that you were meant to build.
"I wouldn't have asked you to, anyway." You confess.
Yoongi turns his head to look at you and for the first time since you've met at the park, he notices the absence of a necklace around your neck. The necklace that you never took off. He wants to comment on it, ask where it went or if you've pawned it off out of pettiness but he held no remorse towards you. You were tolerant with the break-up even as you sucked in your tears when he knew that it killed you on the inside. Yoongi didn't have the heart in him to ask you.
"You were the one that said you'd quit so we could stay together," You say softly.
Yoongi doesn't respond as he looks back to the night where the two of you sat down to talk about the standing of your relationship. It was a rollercoaster of emotions that started off with an amicable discussion that eventually led to the two of you yelling until you surrendered to your tears and just left the battle completely.
He said a lot of things that night. From things that he's been bottling up for months, to things that he's always wanted to tell you and things that he didn't remotely mean, and things that he's regretted the moment it left his lips.
"I guess I did."
You sigh, leaning back into the bench as you observe a couple walking in front of you, passing your bench as they share an ice cream on a cone; bickering on who'd get the first lick. To anyone, you and Yoongi would've looked just like a couple that has reached a comfortable point in your relationship where intimacy was just sitting next to one another.
But you admit, there was something oddly intimate and heart-breaking about sitting next to someone you've loved with your whole heart and feel nothing but ... weightlessness. Like the burden of your concerns was lifted ever so slightly just being here.
"I wouldn't have made you choose between your relationship or your dream, Yoongi. I would never have done that to you."
Yoongi knew you would never have made him do something as abhorrent as that. You were far too understanding. But you had wanted from him too, that he wasn't willing to provide just yet. He didn't know if it was because of the expiration date to your relationship or because of the stress he was under at work—but he convinced himself that it was you that was asking for too much instead of him compromising too little.
"I ... I know," He whispers, "I'm sorry."
You purse your lips. You try not to let your emotions appear on your sleeve. You were tired of allowing your face to speak before you did. You needed to use the voice you had.
"I loved you so much, Yoongi," You murmur, "I loved you so much that I would have taken anything I could've gotten with you just so I could be with you."
Yoongi stays silent at this.
"I didn't mind if you spent more time at work than at our home. I just wanted to know if I was ever in the picture when you were talking about the future. I know how much you love music and I supported you through every audition and failure ... and to know that I was just—" You swallow, the words still painful to say. But you needed to make your peace with it, "—that I was just someone that would wait for you instead of your partner. That's when I knew that you didn't love me the way I loved you."
Yoongi chokes to speak up but you shake your head.
"No, Yoongi. You loved me, you did. But somewhere along the way you stopped and you just pretended that we were okay even when I was trying my best to fix the seams. I wasn't your girlfriend anymore, I was just someone familiar to you and I didn't deserve to feel that way." You tell him sternly.
Yoongi surrenders to his silence as you take a deep breath to continue.
"Maybe I loved you too much in a way that you couldn't understand."
"_______, don't say that—" His eyes widen when he tries to reach a hand to yours to comfort you, but your body language remains stoic as you keep your hands in your lap.
"—and that's okay Yoongi. I loved you but not in the way you needed. I'm not here to make you feel bad about what I chose to do on my own because it wasn't my fault that I couldn't be what you need." You say sadly, but a small smile on your face as you finally say the words that have been eating at you for months.
"... okay," Yoongi accepts.
"We all have different ways to love and be loved. I loved you and that was enough for you at one point but love isn't all a relationship needs. You loved me too, in your own way and I accepted that but just because it was enough for me doesn't mean it was enough for us." You glance over at him to see him staring at you intently.
"I'm sorry that things turned out this way," Yoongi says softly, eyes gentle.
You wave him off.
"I don't think I'll ever love someone as much as I loved you, though," He confesses, eyes returning to the scene in front of him filled with different colours of life that seemed to look vibrant under the Spring sunset.
You shake your head and chuckle softly.
"You say that now but you'll meet someone one day and you'll remember all the reasons why you love in the first place. And it'll be enough for you, and them."
He shrugs, a small smile itching on his face.
"I really did love you," He says, "But I'm sorry for not being honest with you. I owe you that much of an apology."
"We're not here to forgive or forget, Yoongi," You look at him kindly, "We're here to move on."
He purses his lips and hums, nodding his head.
"I hope you get that promotion at work you were talking about months ago, ______." Yoongi offers, a gentle grin marring his face.
"I did," You shrug.
It feels liberating to have achieved something and only feeling content by acknowledging it yourself. Months ago, you would've hurt at the fact that Yoongi didn't know. But the change you welcomed after the end only showed you that there was a new path for you to walk on.
His eyes widen, but eventually, he chuckles and shakes his head, muttering something under his breath that sounded a lot like knew it.
You push yourself off the bench, dusting your hands on your pants as you offer him one last smile before you say goodbye for the second time.
"I hope you find someone who you'll love more than you ever did with me." You tease.
He rolls his eyes.
"Impossible," The grin on his face is easy, and your heart still clenches at the nonchalance, but you don't expect the feeling to go away so easily—nor do you mind. It just shows that you needed to wait and that you were willing to do it.
"Of course you will. You're a musician, Yoongi. You need a muse," You smirk at him as you turn around, a small wave on your hand to say goodbye.
As you walk away and his body gets smaller and smaller from your vision, you turn around to say:
"We don't talk together is a beautiful song."
Yoongi's smile is genuine, and so is his goodbye. A gentle acknowledgment of his hand as he stands up himself, walking to the other direction of where you were headed.
You still had a love for Yoongi, and you suppose you always will. Just like how you would feel pleasant when rediscovering a childhood hobby that triggers a fond memory, or how you love different things in your life in different ways. Whether or not you love someone more than you've ever loved Yoongi isn't your concern, because when love comes in one form, it goes in another.
When you still take the same route you'd usually take with Yoongi after your walks back home, you pass the cafe you used to frequent to see that it's replaced with a new bar. You smile fondly to yourself, shaking your head.
You loved that place.
But eventually, you'll find another cafe with a beautiful interior and a latte to match, and you'll love it too.
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neutronstarchild · 3 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of people who mean something special to you. Share some happiness 🌺
DANG @hnn-wnchstr, I'm actually sort of grateful that I had this sitting in my box so long. Because it gives me a chance to keep it 💯. Like so many people and friends, I have anxiety, and recently have been dealing with a flare-up (random panic attacks woo!) that's been one of the worst in a decade. It means less time for writing, and more time needing to dedicate to self-care and doing the things that help. It's been working, but it's also meant I've withdrawn a little bit, so I am really sorry to the friends that this has affected. I think(?) I'm coming out the other end of it, but I will be ramping back in slowly, to make sure that I don't relapse into the bad.
So... I am using this "makes me happy" to... talk about the things I am able to do that actually does help. Anxiety is not something we can just magically make go away with positive thinking and diet, but still I wanted to see if my own experience was something I could share and help someone else, at least a little bit.
Pets. When I needed to hide and breathe and remind myself that I was not dying (...just panicking...), my dog and cat would come up and snuggle me. I don't know if they knew, but my gosh there's something about pets' affection that really makes a difference.
Deep breathing. I learned this technique in my 20s. I close my eyes and just fill my lungs as much as I can and breathe out slowly. This nearly always lowers my heart rate and gets me out of the panic zone.
Warm beverage. I am one of those people that holding a warm mug of something soothes me deeply. And sipping it can usually relax me.
Exercise. Okay, so I both hate this and love this. My body hates to exercise. A lot. It revolts and makes its anti-exercise stance well-known, but just getting moving each day has been one of the most helpful things in pulling me out of the flare-up.
Weighted blanket. I was skeptical of this one, I really was. But the feeling of being compressed/embraced by it actually does have an effect and leaves me feeling a lot better.
So, there we have it. At least for me, things that have been making this particularly anxious time a little more tolerable for me. I think I am close to the other side of it, so my writing pace should pick up again, but... I won't push myself. I promise. We should always put our own oxygen mask on before helping others, after all.
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
I'm not sure of your rules, but after seeing you want some villian requests. I'm happy to oblige. A senario where Shiragakis s/o starts her diabolical plan to tease him (maybe sitting on his lap and grinding on him), feed him all her attention, plenty of kisses and then she rises and runs out saying "catch me if you can!" A big game of catch and mouse that ends in full adrenaline infused smut scene.😏 What do you think?😁
You have been answered. Seriously though, after i posted that i wanted villain request 3 people asked me, like a the same time, not even 5 minutes after i posted it. But im not complaining. u_u
Title: Catch Me if You Can
Shigaraki x Reader
Warnings: Teasing, wall sex, sending rat boi nudes
Your boyfriend sat on his chair staring at the computer screen as he talked to his online friends. You grunt in disapproval as you pouted wanting his attention. You laid on the bed before a light bulb flickered in your head and a devious smile made its way across your face. 
Why not tease him?
You stand up as you go over to Shigaraki, hovering over him from behind his chair. Your hands snake their way to his shoulders. You could feel his whole body tense at your sudden touch before relaxing as you rubbed his shoulders, giving him a little massage.
Your fingers slide up his neck as your hands rubbed his scalp in slow, delicate circles, making your boyfriend silently purr in approval. You lean down over his chair to move a part of his headset. He growled at you before stopping as you sent his praises through his ear.
“You know..your such a great villain Shiggy, one of the best i say.” Your words felt like music to his ears as the thoughts of him being the number one villain with you by his side made his pants feel tight. He grabbed his water that you had given him a took a sip to ignore the ache in his pants.
“And what’s a better way to celebrate being the number one villain then fucking your girlfriend raw?” Shigaraki spit out his water and got it all over the computer screen. His face red as he replayed the dirty words that just came out of your mouth.
He turned around to look at you, trying not to show how flustered you made him by hiding it with an angry look. But when he turned around you were gone.
“Fuck...” He looked down at his water soaked pants seeing the outline of his hard cock outlining his pants.
Just say goodbye to your pillow.
You sat on the dusty old couch in the bar as you stared at your phone. A sly smirk made it’s way across your face as you see your boyfriend siting at the bar drinking.
The others were across the room, Twice and Toga playing the knife game as Spinner sang the song, while Dabi, Mr. Compress and Magne stared in disapproval.
You look at your phone once more as you open the messaging app and open Shigaraki’s contact. You then send him very revealing pictures aka nudes as the pictures only showed you in a very tight school uniform, black lace lingerie, at one pic of just your breasts in general. 
You look at Shigaraki while hitting the send button. A light ding come from Shigaraki’s back pocket. He grabbed it with four fingers, turning on the phone and going to the message app only to see explicit pictures of you on the screen. 
You could see him shiver then move around in his seat. You snicker to yourself before you walk up behind him and blew wind at his ear. He snapped his neck at you, his neck and ears tainted a slight pink as his eyes behind father wide with disbelief. Your hands traveling downwards before grouping his crotch giving him a firm squeeze, making him low growl.
You started you rub him harshly through his pants under the bar counter, while causally talking to Shigaraki as if nothing is going on. You look at Shiggy once more, seeing him grip his glass tightly, trying not to show any signs of whats going on. If you listen close enough you could hear panting coming from him, but the noise was drowned out by the music in the bar.
You take your hand off his crotch, satisfied leaving Shigaraki all hot and bothered. You smirk at him seeing his cock twitch in his pants begging to be released.
Shigaraki sat on his gaming chair once again playing with his friends. Your eyes raked his body, thinking of what else you could do to finally get his attention instead of him playing hard to get. You quickly sat up and walked over to Shigaraki before plopping on his lap, making him let out a small breath.
HE grumbled underneath his breath but made no attempt to remove you, which only led to your next step of your plan.
You slowly begun to move your hips against his, grinding on his crotch. You grabbed his face and peppered him in kisses. No place was safe from your lips. 
Your kissing and grinding on his lap caused Shigaraki to grind against you as well. His cock growing by the second. Your hands found their way up his shirt as you begun to tweak at his nipples causing him to let out a gasp. You took this to your advantage and shoved your tongue down his throat, making Shiggy’s eyes blow open.
All the attention he was getting from you was distracting to say the least, you had been doing this all week, but why? Surely you would continue after this right? After a week of you teasing him he would be able to finally fuck you.
Just as his hand begun to grope your ass you shot up from off his lap and walked behind him once more. Leaning down whispering in his ear,
“Catch me if you can Shiggy.” You say before running out of your guys shared room in a hurry, hearing a thud coming from the room.
The once silent halls were filled with sounds of footsteps chasing on another. Your giggles echoed off the halls as you saw Shiggy try to grab you carefully. 
Your breathing became ragged as you started to slow down from lack of air. Before you could process a second thought a hand grabbed you and dragged you into a shoe closet, effectively making you yelp.
Shigaraki pulled you into the shoe closet, closing the door before shoving you into the wall. Slamming his lips into yours as he put your legs around his waist.
“Fucking bitch. You think you can get away from teasing me like that without getting punished?” He growled as his hips bucked into yours, causing small bits of frictions against your clit. Your hands slithered their way into his hair as you tugged on the blue locks making his hips grind faster against yours.
His hands made way to cup your breasts roughly causing you to yelp out at the aggressive attack. All five fingers made their way onto your shirt and bra as the fabric slowly turned to ash underneath you. His lips hooking onto one nipple as the other one was being pinched and pulled by his hands.
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as your nails raked on his clothed back, ripping the shirt. You let out pants of desire which were music to Shigaraki’s ears. His hips thrusting more roughly against you, growling remembering that there are clothes in his way from letting him be inside you.
His left hand decayed your pants before pushing you to face the wall. Your exposed chest getting pushed up against it. Your body shivered at the cold feeling of the wall before the sound of a zipper rang through your ears.
“Revenge time.” Shigaraki snickered before you let out a scream at the sudden intrusion of his dick entering your cunt. His hands snaked around your waist as his hips snapped against your ass.
“S-slow down!” You whimpered as Shigaraki showed no mercy to your gummy insides. His cock pounding against your cervix made you dig your nails into the wall leaving behind scratch marks. His panting right next to your ear made you turn around to look at him before a sly smile made it’s way to your face again. There before your eyes was every Shigaraki fans dream,
The shiggy ahegao face.
His tongue hanging out of his mouth as drool run from the corners of his mouth, beads of sweat rolling down his face as his eyes were in the back of his head. His face pink as his moaning could wake up the dead.
Your head flipped back laying your head against his shoulder, giving shigaraki the time to latch on to your neck, wasting no time covering your neck up in hickeys and teeth marks. Making his claim on you.
Shigaraki raked two fingers down your stomach before reaching your clit. HE spent no time rubbing it in harsh circles, no listening to your cries of over-stimulation.
The string in your belly snapped as a wave of euphoria crashed over you, leaving you pretty much lifeless as Shigaraki did a few more thrust before coming in your cunt. Leaving you both gasping for air.
The adrenaline finally wearing off as Shigaraki let you go, making you fall to your knees.
“Thanks for rearranging my insides.” You said as your feet felt like jelly. You try standing up only to come crashing down again.
“No problem now come on. I ain’t done with you yet.”
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peachypizzicato · 3 years
Penny took a step back, shielding her face from the bright light. And once she looked back, something in her chest snapped, like a small needle pad was torn in half by demonic hands. Senpai's foot was coated in thick and sticky-looking black webs. He looked down at them, and slowly raised his foot, trying to take a step further away from the blasted console, but as if sensing his motion, the threads gave a sudden pull.
He's going to go back to that place.
Penny grabbed his wrist, and tried dragging him away, her head was pulsating with the overwhelming terror that he'd be taken back there. She wasn't the only one scared. He was gripping her sleeved, frantically running in place on one leg, once he was dragged close enough to the screen, he tried kicking the screen to shatter it, but it was like the thing was made of steel.
A shot of static cut through the panicked grunts and heavy breathing of the two. More unholy webs wiggled out of the screen, grabbing at Senpai's shoulders, his hair, wrists, face, pulling so hard it began to tear through cloth and skin, leaving bloody cuts and tears. He would look cute and perfect once he was in anyway. Forced back into this damned console. And so was Penny, as a web lurched at her hair, tangling itself in it, and pulled, making the poor lady let out a wordless noise due to the pain.
They were going to be trapped there.
The young man let go of his lover's hands, suddenly getting jerked even deeper into the screen, already knee deep, but he had a plan. Before any other webs tried getting Penny, he grabbed a fistful of her hair just at the head with one hand, and buried his fingers in the blackened part of her hair. He'll try to rip it out. She can get away, maybe call for help, and...
- I'm not leaving you! It's not fair, - The small crack in her voice probably hurt more than the devilish darkness tearing him away and the feeling of his legs being compressed into pixels combined, - I should go in there with you, you shouldn't have to be there alone! You didn't deserve this!
- Penny, let go. Penny. Penny, please, let go, - He was less focused on how hollow his voice sounded, without a hint of anger or even sadness, and more focused on trying to pry the young woman's fingers off of his hands, and get the sticky strings out of her hair. But it only clung to her hair more, spread over her curls, akin to a droplet of ink staining a beautiful poem.
- Quit playing the hero, I'm not leaving you! We'll get out of there, I promise, - She said, digging her heels into the sides of the screen, that weren't active, trying to straighten out her legs, and pull him out, pull him out, she didn't want this as much as he did, they deserved to be happy, they deserved to be together, and go on dates, and hold hands, and wake up in each other's embrace, and fall asleep the same way, why is everything trying to ruin their happiness?!
Penny yelped, as the same dark webs that were stealing her Senpai away lurched at her right leg, and yanked her into the game, making her suddenly lose stability, as her other foot was still at the side of the screen, making her hip slam against the side of the screen. Senpai, meanwhile, was waist-deep. He really didn't want to go back, let alone have her be there too. While Penny tried steadying her breath in an attempt to soothe the feeling of her right leg being boiled alive, he made one more attempt at pushing her out. But it only dragged him further in, he already felt the floor of the cleanly polished, forever perfect grounds of the path leading up to the school under his stomach.
So they gave up. Penny let go, and moved to the side, so that the sudden slight drag got her to the same place where she could at least see Senpai's bruised and wounded, but still handsome as ever, face. The webbing relaxed a bit, as the two just quietly let themselves be pulled into the console together. Dark strands reached over them, wrapping their heads, the last things sticking out of the console.
- I'm sorry, - She muttered, feeling her pixelated hand find his. Her apology was met with his nose lightly nuzzling hers. A cute gesture, contrasted against his grim expression.
- Me too.
And so, they were swallowed back into the dating simulator.
When you boot up the game, you can see the title screen. A pretty boy, bouncing happily in place on the left side of the screen. And a pretty girl, doing her own cute little animation on the right. If you play one of their routes, the other will inevitably try to get one over you, try to win the heart of the character you wish to get a good ending with. And, somehow, the only way to get a good ending is to get the rival dead in a worryingly wide array of ways.
And even if they're forced to speak the cheesy lines with cartoonish sparkles at the sides of their faces blinding them, wear a smile as the player in front of them forces fire into their cheeks, and kiss the avatar that disgusts them, whenever the game is closed, the console is untouched, and the screen is off, all they ever do is sit there, and embrace each other. In the cold darkness, into which that demon forced them, they hold each other, while the vengeful spirits surrounding them try to take their anger out in a way other than scaring the player. They screech, and try to rip them away from each other. But they cling on.
If this is Hell, they'd rather stay there together.
Awomba bomba schlomba.
I am extending my reach outside of the dilf man. AND projecting my own nightmares onto you now. None of your F/O's will be spared. You better watch out. :-)
(also no i'm not alex i wish i could be as poetic as that hottie ✌😔)
- Evil Anon.
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out of all things… i didn’t expect hating sim angst today, but y’know what thats just how it is here
please mx anon ill do anything don’t hurt the liddol demon man too-
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