#i called my dad about the moon earlier
fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
Talk to Me, Baby
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!shy!wife!reader
Summary: Your son loves to talk to you. Unlike his dad, Tim, he doesn't try to make you shy.
Warnings: FLUFF! Angela and Tim act like siblings
Word Count: 1.0k+ words
A/N: Happy birthday @sweetheartlizzie07! I hope you enjoy!🤍
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“Hi,” your baby boy says as you approach his crib.
“Hi,” you reply happily. “How are you?”
“Hi,” he repeats with a nod.
You shake your head in amusement and lift him from his crib. He’s only a few months old, but he enjoys talking to you as if he understands exactly what the conversation is about. As you carry him into the living room, he clings to the collar of your shirt and babbles quietly. Your phone rings, and you lower him onto a play mat to crawl around before you sit on the floor beside him and answer your phone.
“Hi, Angela,” you greet.
“Hey! The kids and I are in the neighbourhood, and I wanted to ask if we could drop by for a few minutes?” she asks.
“Of course, come on over.”
“Is everyone awake? I don’t want to interrupt naptime.”
“Yep,” you assure. “You’re not interrupting anything.”
“Perfect! Thank you so much!”
You end the call and look toward your son, who is on his hands and knees to press the buttons of a toy phone.
“Aunt Angela is coming over,” you tell him.
“Ange!” he cheers.
“Yeah, Ange. And she’s bringing your friends.”
“Hi!” he says, waving excitedly toward the door.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t get your people skills from me or your dad,” you mumble. “Where’d you learn to talk like that?” you ask him. “All those books we read?”
He nods and crawls toward you, so you pull him into your lap and kiss his plump cheeks. He giggles loudly at your attention, and you continue playing with him as you blow raspberries against his skin. You pull your knees up so he’s upright and kiss his forehead as he calms down from his giggle fit.
“Can I get one of those kisses?” Tim asks.
You look up quickly, surprised to see him. He smiles at you, and you look back at your baby, so he doesn’t see your shy smile.
“If you want,” you answer softly.
“You’re right,” Tim says as he walks toward you. “I don’t want one. I want more than that.”
He sits beside you and takes his son from your lap. You lean toward Tim and rest your head on his shoulder. After he kisses the top of your head, he gives his attention to his son.
“Hey, buddy,” he greets.
“Hi, dada!”
“Angela is coming over,” you tell Tim.
“Friends,” your baby says.
“You’ve got a better vocabulary than Lucy,” Tim praises, raising his voice to a higher pitch that makes your baby smile.
“Boot,” he says, sounding it out slowly, like ‘buh-oo-t.’
“And better word association,” Tim adds.
“He’s going to start calling people boot if you’re not careful,” you say against Tim’s shoulder.
Someone knocks on your door, and Tim raises one hand to help you stand. As you walk toward the door, he holds your son close to his chest and pushes himself up. Angela comes in with both of her kids, and you point her to the bathroom when Jack asks to go.
“It’s almost mama’s birthday, bud; let’s practice,” Tim says behind you. “Happy.”
“Hap,” your son says.
“Happy,” Tim repeats. “Birthday.”
“Hap birth-ay.”
“Good job, my little man.”
You walk to Tim’s side, and when he raises the arm not holding your baby, you wrap your arms around his waist and settle under his arm. Angela may want to talk while the kids play, but Tim just got home, and you’ve been missing him since he returned to work after paternity leave.
“We read Goodnight Moon earlier, and he finished some of the lines,” you tell Tim.
“Because he’s smart like his mom,” Tim replies.
You hide your face against Tim’s shirt as you say, “And his dad.”
“I think we should read him the rook book. Give him a head start.”
“And that’s why we wonder how you ever got married and had a baby,” Angela says as she returns.
“Don’t like the competition?” Tim taunts.
“How do you deal with him?” Angela asks you.
“I usually don’t,” you answer. “He’ll just make it worse if I try.”
“That makes me sound like a horrible husband,” Tim interrupts. “But I’m not. Ask this guy and he’ll say I’m the best dada.”
“Best dada!” he cheers, bouncing against Tim’s arm.
Angela shakes her head as she pulls her phone from her pocket. She types something quickly before she looks at you.
“I have to go. Maybe we can schedule an actual play date soon so your genius son can teach Jack that crayons are for coloring and not sniffing,” she suggests.
“Nothing wrong with sniffing crayons,” Tim defends. “It builds character.”
“If you sniffed crayons and turned out like this, I need to make him stop before it’s too late.”
Angela rolls her eyes at Tim as she hugs you, and then she gets a high-five from your son before she leaves. Alone again, you return to Tim’s side and lay your hand on your son’s back.
“I got you something,” Tim says. “We arrested a counterfeiter today who had a ton of books that he used for ink matching, and evidence cleared the books. So, the backseat of my truck is filled with children’s books.”
“Little guy will be thrilled when he wakes up.”
You point to your son, asleep against Tim’s shoulder, and smile. He loves reading with you and Tim, which you accredit to all the time you spent reading aloud while you were pregnant. Tim thinks that’s also the reason he can talk so well already.
Tim walks to the couch with you and sits beside you. Seeing him with your son on his chest makes you fall more in love with him each day, even if he does tease you for watching them. Sitting at Tim’s side, you have a clear view of his profile. When you tip your chin up and kiss his cheek, Tim smiles and turns his face toward you. You kiss him and sigh against his lips.
“I love you,” you say as you pull back.
“I love you,” Tim replies.
“Love you,” your baby says against Tim’s shoulder.
“Has he said that before?” Tim asks, wide-eyed as he looks at you.
You shake your head and quietly scold Tim for trying to wake him up to hear it again. When you kiss Tim’s jaw, your baby boy gets another shot at peaceful sleep, while you fight not to shy away from your husband’s affection.
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papayadays · 5 months
summary: lando x american!reader gf - lando gets his first win in miami, and you’re there for it
a/n: for lando’s amazing race win!! so proud and over the moon <33 also this is very self indulgent (*cough* especially the mit part), omg 
warnings: none i think, fluff, happiness, maybe language like once or twice?
“it’s lights out and away we go!” you heard crofty say. you watched the screen anxiously as you always did with race starts, fiddling with your rings. in the mclaren garage, you heard a collective gasp as checo locked up, nearly taking lando and both ferraris out. then there were cheers as oscar got p4 and then p3, but you were hardly paying attention.
“that was stupid,” you muttered under your breath. “he could’ve ruined so many people’s races.” feeling a gentle prod on your shoulder, you turned around.
“dear, maybe don’t say that here,” your mother advised. “you know how that fans are going to take it.” your dad nodded silently in agreement as you sighed reluctantly.
“fine,” you conceded, biting your nails absentmindedly. “i’m glad y’all are here though.” it was the miami grand prix, and you and your family were in the garage watching your boyfriend. it was very convenient that your family was already on the east coast and florida was always a welcome getaway. this was one of the first races you could actually go to since you were busy with college, studying engineering at mit. to be quite honest, you were probably only going to be able to make it to the three us races and maybe a summer race or two.
you remember the conversation you had with lando before the race. “today is a day full of possibilities,” you heard him mumble to himself. walking towards, him you wrapped your arms around him, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck.
“it is,” you agreed, pecking his lips. “podium at least, i think. the car has pace, starting spot is good, data looks nice, ferrari will probably fuck up, and i believe in you.”
his grip on you tightened as he let out a sigh. “every time i think it will go well, things fall apart, with the sprint quali, the sprint race, regular quali,” he said, disappointed. “i just want to do well at your home race, and with your family there too.”
you moved his head to meet your gaze. “lan, you will always make me proud no matter what,” you stated softly. “and my family adores you too. just go out there, and work your magic. i love you, baby.”
lando gave you a wide smile, making your heart flutter as he nestled his head on your shoulder. “thanks, love,” he grinned. “i’ll try and be more positive. i love you too.”
“is it warm in miami?” cisca asked over your phone’s facetime. you had called them since they were back in bristol so you could all be connected as you watched lando.
“very,” you nodded, smiling at your boyfriend’s mother. “but, nothing i’m not used to, i suppose. one summer, when we came to disney, it was sweltering. at least the roller coasters helped cool me off.” this earned a snort from adam, who was staring intently at their tv.
you turned back to the screen, seeing oscar rising up while lando was still behind checo. mouth pressed into a line, you fiddled with your thumbs, looking at your papaya orange nails.
soon, checo had pitted, and you knew that the ferraris and oscar were going to respond to that. earlier, you had talked to will about doing a one stopper, which they were optimistic for, but that was on the premise that a late safety car would come out. you walked over the the panels, observing the telemetry wordlessly, noticing the promising signs of pace.
after the influx of stops, max soon peeled into the pits after hitting a cone -much to your surprise - leaving your boyfriend in first place. “please let the one stopper work,” you murmured. “we need a hail mary overcut.” the performance engineer flashed you an amused look for a brief moment before turning back to the data.
lando maintained the lead, a somewhat-comfortable margin to max, which was baffling you, but also was something you had predicted. suddenly, there was a ruckus in the garage. your eyes had been fixed on the telemetry, so when you eyed the screen, your hand flew to your face, adrenaline pumping through you. “oh my god, oh my god!” you exclaimed. “safety car!” logan had crashed out, and you would be sure to talk to your fellow american later to reassure him, but not now.
the pit crew immediately rushed out, with lando coming in to capitalize on this opportunity. it was a perfect stop, and as he came back out, he came back out with a substantial gap to max, a whole lap ahead of the safety car. please, please, please, you silently prayed.
at the restart, your heart was pounding as max moved closer and closer, about to pounce before lando closed the door on him, pulling away. you let out a sigh of relief, hands at your chest, before glancing back at the data. your eyes widened. the car was flying. with the new hards and fast car, it was like all the pieces were falling into place. your hands flew up to cup your mouth, nervous gibberish coming out as your mother wrapped her arm around your shoulder and cisca gave you an understanding smile.
as the gap to max grew, your freaking out worsened substantially. “oh my lord, please,” you repeated for the umpteenth time, hands still over your mouth. “c’mon, lan.” with each lap, you felt your heart swelling with hope.
and in the blink of an eye, you were on lap 57. “oh my god, he’s gonna do it!” you whispered shouted. you watched as lando rounded the last corner, face stretching into a wide grin. then, he crossed the line. “OH MY GOD HE DID IT!” tears of joy started to stream down your face as you grinned at the screen, barely feeling yourself being pulled into a hug by your parents. over the phone, cisca and adam were freaking out as well, ecstatic at their son winning his first race. “lando, oh my god, oh my fucking god, he’s a race winner!”
you high fived everyone you could reach in the garage, cheers ringing out, before making your way down to the pit lane. “zak, he did it!” you exclaimed, not wanting to bother will yet. the ceo pulled you into a hug, his face red with excitement. your fellow american grinned as you turned to will, tapping his shoulder and giving him a silent thumbs up. here, you could hear lando’s radio, with his cheering that made even more tears fall down your face and then him saying he loved the team. then, he said, “we did it, will!” and that hit you hard, full on sobbing with joy now.
you made your way with the rest of the team to parc ferme, where you saw lando’s mclaren park on the track. he took his time, getting out and pointing a finger to the sky as he stood on his car. you clapped your hands as hard as you could, voice the loudest you’ve ever heard you use.
then, he took off his helmet, revealing the brown curls you loved so much as he made his way. you could spot his smile from miles away, making your heart melt. then, he grinned at the team, putting down his helmet and running at them, leaping into their arms. you could hear his laughs between his sobs, and you pulled you phone out for a quick picture, wanting a picture to save forever. he was fucking on top of the world in that moment, just like he was your world. lando was set back in front of the metal barriers and zak hugged him, hopefully not breaking any ribs.
then came andrea, and the moment was so heartwarming, you almost didn’t see will pushing you past the barriers. then lando was in front of you, arms wrapped around your torso as he pulled you in for a deep, magical kiss. you felt all of his emotions, and you tried to convey your pride. “lan, baby, race fucking winner!” you exclaimed, tears still running down your face. “it’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally your day and you deserve it so much. i’ve been dreaming of this for you, and i’m so glad i could be here for it. this is your moment, and i am so, so fucking proud of you. i love you so much, lando.” your smile was impossibly wide as you gazed at your amazing boyfriend, the moment still not quite sinking in yet.
he was ushered to interviews, but not after he was congratulated by half the grid. it made you chuckle, to see how loved your boyfriend was, even among his rivals. he couldn’t stop smiling the entire interview as jenson reflected on everything. you too, started remembering his journey, back when he was a rookie in 2019, to his podium in austria, to sochi’s heartbreak, to all his podiums, and now. you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard lando say, “this one is for a lot of the special people in my life. my grandma, my parents, my girlfriend and her family, who happen to live in the us, and lastly, for the team. i love you all, and thank you so much for everything.”
afterwards, you tuned out of max and charles interviews, eyes fixed on your boyfriend as he went to get ready for the podium. everything was a blur up until they announced lando, the race winner. you cheered like you had never cheered before, wiping away the ever flowing tears as he pumped his fist, moving to stand on the top step. finally, after so long.
the british national anthem started playing, and you noticed the pride etched onto lando’s smile. you mouthed along the words, having learned them years ago for this specific scenario. your eyes were trained on him, something he noticed as he gave you a wink, grin widening at seeing you singing his national anthem.
after the music ended, you laughed as max and charles wasting no time in spraying your boyfriend in champagne. he looked so thrilled and you wanted that memory seared into the back of your eyelids. lando’s bottle smash seemed brilliant this time and the tears finally stopped as you gazed up at him, beaming with happiness. that was your boy.
then, lando was quick to exit the stage, heading back down to the team where he quickly pulled you into his arms. “baby, y/n, love!” he exclaimed, pressing kisses all over your face. “i actually did it!”
“you did,” you responded, voice filled with glee. “i’m so, so proud of you, lan! about fucking time. huh, nico was right. lando norris, you’re a race winner. and this is your time to shine.” you pressed your lips against his, wrapping your arms around his neck in a euphoric kiss.
“this one’s for you baby,” lando grinned. “and there’s more to come.”
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muzaktomyears · 1 day
Two of Us play notes/thoughts/Easter eggs I noticed
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they played solo Beatles tracks as waiting music before the play began so I sat there listening to ‘Monkberry Moon Delight’ with a theatreful of people which was great 
before Paul turns up John is baking(/burning) bread
John is wearing underwear under his dressing gown which obvs had to be but also my suspension of disbelief was CHALLENGED
when Paul rings up to be let in John does a little rhyme to make him prove he is who he says he is. this is not the exact wording but it went something like: "Five little boys in Hamburg did play/All through the night and all through the day/Ingrid the stripper would do anything/But who got the clap? Was it sexy Stu Sutcliffe - or the lead singer in Wings?" and then Paul has to admit it was him who got the clap
when Paul takes his shoes off he also takes his socks off - idk if this is an intentional barefoot Paul thing but it is hilarious later when they're fighting and Paul is about to leave and angrily putting his socks back on
John and Paul have Get Back era hair/beards, which is weird - presumably because they assume people going to see this will also have seen Get Back but might not know their 1976 looks as well?? idk
some of the dialogue and references have been made a bit more British - the skit they do at the piano is now set in a British greasy spoon instead (still with the American accents)
instead of fighting "like the Hatfields and McCoys" they're now fighting like "the Montagues and the Capulets" (👀)
'Sh-Boom' is played on the record player while they smoke weed (Paul uses the album cover to roll the joint)
George and Ringo both get more of a mention! Paul says that George is happy now (John replies that he's not happy, he's reincarnated). John tells Paul a story Ringo told him about going on a bus in NYC and being recognised.
"I'm the best fuck you ever had" is said by John during the fight (Paul replies "If that's your way of saying you were the real brains behind the Beatles-" etc. etc.)
"You should have married me when you had the chance" is said by John during the Yoko/losing my friend bit
"It's only me" as John's way to get Paul not to leave after the fight
when John goes out to get disguises for them Paul sits at the piano and starts playing some notes he finds there (he'd asked about them earlier and John had said they're nothing). we get a few notes of 'Now and Then' before John returns (ghjshgkhgkdshgksd who did this I HATE YOU)
the appearance of the I Love Paul badge!! John wears it on his disguise jacket and Paul asks what it says. John tells him and then Paul replies "Lucky Paul".......
they never go outside in this version - John says he'll go but then thinks better of it. this means that John comes across as even more locked away than he does in the film.
the police bit is sort of done when Paul puts on a leather hat from the disguises and pretends to be a policeman come to question John, who John then talks back at. he also yells out of the window at some police below at one point.
Paul realises they're never actually going to Luigi's, so John lays the table for him as if they're at a restaurant together (including calling him "Lady McCartney" and "my love")
the bit with the fan is sort of recreated but instead it's John asking Paul whether he truly thinks Wings at the Speed of Sound is the number 1 record in America (which obvs changes it quite a lot)
Julian is brought up - they're toasting to various people/things (ending with "Dr. Winston O'Boogie and Paul Ramon") and Paul says "to Julian" and sort of confronts John about him and how he treated him
during the toasting Paul also mentions "putting hair on a seagull's chest" which John questions and then Paul says it's something his dad used to say
I thought the lift scene/roof scene wouldn't be happening... BUT THEN a lift descended from the ceiling ❤️ the magic of theatre
the kiss still happens and idk but I thought the vibe was a bit different from the film version - less jokey (and no lines after about brushing his teeth/is my name Brian)
Paul: I bought into it that you and me didn't get along well (paraphrasing the Stephen Colbert interview)
they hug at the end of the roof conversation (I was sat very close to this since the actors come in front of the stage to do it and they were both crying and it WAS ALL TOO MUCH 😭😭)
John gets them two guitars to practice with before they go out and they sit opposite each other in chairs and Paul says “I know which one to begin with” and John says “What?” and they lean forward and then the phone rings
when Paul leaves John he’s crying and it’s like okay rip out my heart I guess
the play ends with Paul on the phone to Linda and John on the phone to Yoko, at opposite sides of the stage, and they say “I love you” to their wives but also to each other and it’s ridiculous????
yeah then ‘Give Peace a Chance’ plays which is such a bizarre choice idek
anyway who knows if it's a good play or what the actual people there thought about it because obvs I can have no rational reaction to it but I'm so glad I went to see it because someone on the writing team is one of us I SEE YOU
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tteokdoroki · 7 months
⋆ 𝜗𝜚 ˚⟡. — KATSUKU BAKUGOU. homemade love.
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about. katsuki takes the pain of his middle-born daughter to heart, and does anything he can to fix it.
warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact! sfw, fluff, characters aged up, bakugou is a girl dad of three, reader is referred to as ‘ma’, their daughter is quirkless like deku lol, he makes her pasta, pro hero!bakugou, fem!reader, … a draft from a long time ago!! enjoy please <3
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katsuki who cooks and makes his middle daughter her favourite pasta recipe whenever she’s down.
she comes home from middle school with scraped palms and knees, teary eyed and with the weight of the world on her shoulders.
“they don’t like me ‘cause ‘m quirkless.” she says as soon as she’s through the door — the authentic bakugou twang thick in her shaky voice. her face is pressed into your torso when you make eye contact with katsuki, who’s emerged from the kitchen down the hall and to your left.
you see it all flash before his eyes — his childhood, his high school career and the day he died. the way he treated the number one, uncle izuku, for so many years. it’s all reflected in the familiar red of his middle child’s eyes and it kills him.
“c’mere squirt,” katsuki calls to her, drying off his hands with the red riot tea towel slung lazily over his shoulder. he’d been washing dishes before she got home. “we’re makin’ dinner together.”
“but i—“
“i wasn’t askin’, i was tellin’.” the older blonde nudges his head towards the kitchen, reaching a hand out for his daughter which she tenderly takes. when she sniffles, bakugou tucks her into his side as if to protect her from the horrors of the world. you let them go without interrupting, knowing the importance of this moment for the two.
it’s not easy, being a bakugou when you’ve got dynamight’s reputation to live up to. he’s fearsome and fiery, confident and calculated. your husband and the father of your three beautiful daughters is one of the main reasons why japan is safe today. the burden and weight of his reputation that your children carry is unimaginable — only made worse by the fact that your middle is quirkless.
and yet, dynamight’s love for her doesn’t falter. since the moment he first held his baby girl she’s been his entire world, his moon along with his sun and now his stars. he’s adored her before she even became a twinkle in his eye — no amount of power or special ability would change that for him.
she’s katsuki’s girl, not just dynamight’s daughter. he’d tear the world apart to find anyone who ever hurt her.
“hold the knife properly. you cut your finger off ‘n yer ma will have my head.” his gruff voice, holding no malice, makes your sweet girl snort with laughter — a change from her earlier wobbly bottom lip and teary eyes. “we’re tryna mince garlic for the sauce, not yer little hands, squirt.”
she sticks her tongue out at him, bright blonde curls bouncing when she narrowly misses a playful swat from her father. “i’m trying,” your middle child wails with faux upset — her nose scrunches all too similarly to how yours and it sends an arrow of love straight through katsuki’s chest. for a moment, the kitchen falls to silence and the elder of the two turns his attention to the pasta dough in his large floured hands — focusing on shaping them into little bow ties just how his daughter likes, on occasion adding them to a boiling pot of water.
“i’m trying,” she says again, but quieter. “but daddy, everythin’s so hard.”
and like pot simmering away on the stove, her emotions start to boil over — tiny hiccups forming a sad symphony with the sounds of a working kitchen.
bakugou instantly springs into dad mode, dropping everything that he had been doing to take your daughter’s hand in his. despite how messy it may be. “hey now gorgeous, don’t cry…tell me what’s wrong, yeah?”
“i-i don’t want to disappoint you by not havin’ a quirk n not bein’ a hero…” she manages to get out through her blubbering — digging the heal of her palm into wet eyes. “i jus’ wanna make you proud!”
katsuki’s face softens, everything except for love for his daughter melting away. “‘nd i am proud. fiercely fuckin’ so…ah, shit, don’t tell yer ma i cursed, kay?” he stumbles over his words, he’s never been the best at comforting people but when bakugou’s child needs him, he’ll be damned if he leaves her in any pain. “from the moment y’first came into this shitty — i mean — crappy world, i’ve been proud of you. you’ve always pushed yourself beyond anythin’ i could achieve, you’re kind to people when they don’t deserve it, you smile whenever things get tough…”
taking a moment from his passionate rant, katsuki slows his breathing and composed himself — squeezing his little girl close. “yer the best thing that’s ever happened t’me ‘n yer ma. my proudest moment… i love ya so much. you’d never disappoint me.”
“really, daddy?” your baby sniffles, rubbing at her snotty nose.
bakugou nods with a gentle smile, cupping her face between his two floury hands before kissing her forehead z “really.” he affirms. “now get yer choppin’ skills together, this pasta sauce ain’t gonna make itself.”
the two blonde’s return to cooking, a comfortable silence settling in your family kitchen, also full of love. that night, your family of five sit together munching on homemade pasta bow ties in a sauce that your middle daughter had worked so hard to make. she grins brightly between her sisters, staring at her father with her shining red eyes thankfully.
in that moment, she knows that she is loved no matter what the status of her quirk is.
you link your fingers with bakugou’s under the table. “you did good, dad.” you whisper to him, stabbing through your pasta with your fork. “
“so did you, ma.” he whispers back gruffly, thumb running over your wedding band as he eats his pasta too.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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gothgleek · 5 months
Reader confessing her feelings to her childhood friend Samantha carpenter after avoiding her for sometime worried Sam didn’t feel the same
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Thank you so much for your request! This is my first ever Scream fic and first wlw x reader fic so I hope you enjoy it! I slightly changed your request so this can take place anytime after or during the movies. However, Sam is single and Billy Loomis being her dad is not general knowledge.
As always, likes and reblogs are appreciated.
Notes: fluff, angst, mentions of food, childhood friends to lovers
Border is by @saradika-graphics
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You believed in signs from the universe and there was no bigger sign to you than Sam Carpenter leaving without a single word the same day you planned on telling her how you felt. She made it easy to avoid her though, she never sent a single message after she left Woodsboro. You tried not to take it personally, after all she didn’t tell her family either, but it still stung.
But you froze in the ice cream aisle when you saw her for the first time in five years.
Sam wasn’t paying attention when she bumped into your cart but the look on her face revealed all her shock. You didn’t hear you say your name, focused completely on the way her mouth formed your name. It was one of the things you wrote about in your diary as a kid- the way she took her time to say your name, stressing each syllable, and the way her lips curled around each letter. You didn’t hear her say your name, but seeing her say it was enough to snap you out of your trance.
“Sam! Hi!” You squeaked and wanted to slap yourself.
“Hi,” Sam said, her demeanor relaxing. “What are you doing here?”
“Just shopping for the week.” You held up a box of cereal. “But I’ll ask you the same question. It’s been… years.”
Your eyes followed her hand to her opposite wrist. Sam was playing with a blue friendship bracelet with black and white plastic white star beads in between plastic beads spelling ‘moon’. The string was brand new (she played with it too much to
“It lasted ten years without breaking?” You blinked in shock. You remembered when your matching sun bracelet exploding in your gym class a few weeks after making it. You used a little too much force to hit a ball during four square and the beads scattered around the gym floor. Sam helped you pick up each yellow and white bead, dodging the boys who played four square where the beads fell.
“Ugh, don’t say that,” Sam cringed. “That makes us sound so old.”
“Well, it feels like just yesterday we were fourteen,” You told her.
“You still eat like a fourteen year old,” Sam teased, pulling out your super sugary cereal.
“And you eat like a grandma,” You pulled out her Special K cereal. She playfully shoved you and reached for her cereal, which you held just out of reach for her. Your smile fell and your face heated when you noticed how close her face was when she reached for it. She took that moment to snatch the cereal away from you.
Victorious, she stuck her tongue out and tossed the cereal in her cart. That shook you out of your daze and you rolled your eyes.
“But to answer your question from earlier, no it didn’t last.” Sam told you softly. “I had to keep buying new string to put it back together.”
The confession made your voice hitch- was that something best friends did? Did straight girls do this? Of course because Sam is straight that’s why you never-
“You thought about me?” You asked before you could help yourself. “While you were gone?”
Sam stopped her cart and looked at you. You mirrored her. Sam’s eyes searched your face. For what, you didn’t know. But her search seemed to go on forever so you had to speak up.
“I thought about you.” You did not feel brave but you felt like you had to say something. “Everyday. I went crazy hoping I would get a text or a phone call or something but…” You sighed. “I’m just grateful you didn’t block me on your social media.”
Sam looked like the truth was trying to force itself out of her mouth and she was doing her hardest to keep it closed. She swallowed and took a deep breath.
“I thought about you too. Everyday. And I wanted to call but…” She took another deep breath and played with her bracelet. “I wanted to call but I was selfish and wanted to keep every memory of Woodsboro in Woodsboro.”
As much as rose colored glasses wanted to remember her as perfect, you knew she wasn’t in a good place before she left. Sam would ditch you to hang out with strangers, show up to your house high, and was quick to lash out. You feared it was because you thought she knew how you felt about her. But maybe whatever forced her to leave wasn’t about you.
“I hoped you would forget about me.” She looked ashamed to say the last part out loud and you couldn’t look at her.
“They say that it takes half the time you were with them to fall out of love,” You focused on the colorful cereal box in your cart. “I’ve known you for my entire life. Sam, I wasn’t going to forget you.”
You turned to face her to gauge her reaction. Regret was visible on her face.
“But you seem better now,” You told her sincerely. Despite her eye bags and stained sweat pants, Sam looked a lot better than she did when you last saw her. Her skin looked healthy and her eyes were clear. You took her hand and gave her a gentle squeeze. “More like yourself.”
“Thanks,” Sam said, her eyes meeting yours and she wiped away her forming tears. “I should make it up to you though.”
“Yeah you should,” You told her in a teasing tone that showed her everything would be okay between you two. Despite everything, Sam would always be your friend.
“You can come to my place and I’ll make you dinner,” She told you with a smile.
“Has your cooking improved at all in the last five years?” You asked her skeptically.
“Just a little bit,” she gestured with her fingers as she grabbed a can of tomato sauce off the shelf. “But I will make my specialty. After all, I’ve wanted to take you on a date for years.”
That gave you pause but Sam kept walking down the aisle, a smirk on her face when she glanced back at you.
“Sam, I need you to repeat that one more time.”
Sam parked her cart and faced you with a smile on her face. “I always loved you too.”
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straight from the books | masterlist
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It had started with her small comments from the moment they began their friendship at the age of sixteen.
The Hughes had just moved in next door, the two youngest Hughes having been sent on yet another run to the car for boxes when Jack had heard the first one.
"When I have a boyfriend, he's going to hold my hand Han. Not shy away from it like my dad does my mom."
The statement was sadder than he was sure she wanted to be heard by outside ears, but it was the first time he had heard those words.
When I have a boyfriend...
It was a week later when his mom decided fate wasn't on her children's side and that it was time for her and the neighbor she had befriended to unite their children.
He came to learn that the girl he'd heard on the phone was actually his age to the day, a fact the two bonded over while her older brother spent time with his, his younger being sat by her side as if she were his sibling instead.
A month later, he started to jot them down in his phone because "any guy that comes along is not going to know where to start if you never write anything down."
A year later? Jack realized that the idea of another guy being the one she checks against the ever-growing list made him angrier than any cross-check. She should be checking him against the list, he had decided.
Five years later, he still had not made a move on this realization, and the list that was once started as a joke was nearing an absurd amount of requirements.
"Jack, it's just impossible."
"It's not impossible, you just have a lot of requirements," Is the boy's carefully worded response, his head never turning to face me from where he stands at the pingpong table, brother Luke across from him in a battle that has managed to last half an hour.
"Having a lot of requirements is never a bad thing," the younger Hughes is the one to chime. "Isn't that what you've always told me?"
"It is, and I'm glad you've been paying attention Lu."
"How can I not when a beautiful woman offers to teach me the ways of beautiful women?" Is his cheeky response, taking just a second away from his game to wink dramatically.
It's sudden, and unexpected, that the ping pong ball hits Luke straight in the head, the sudden hit making the boy jump back, hand on his forehead as I can't help but laugh, spotting the bright red circle already forming.
"Sorry," Jack's voice calls, although rather than sounding apologetic, his voice is filed with pride, a slight smirk on his face that indicates it was less than an accident.
Luke grumbles something, face lighting a red color as he drops his paddle to the table. "Kay, it's your turn. I'm done being on the other end of this guys wrath. He's nicer to you," Are the youngers final words, taking off to hall and out of the game room.
"Do you want to play?" Jack's eyes are soft, a lot softer than when he was looking at his brother, and it brings me back to something his mom said to me over coffee the other morning.
"Oh don't be silly Kayla, Jack would hang the stars and the moon for you."
But that isn't normal for best friends is it?
But when have we ever simply acted like best friends?
"Sure, as long as you won't be too distracted by my mad game," It's banter, banter we've had since the start. But it's as I rise from the sofa where I had plopped myself earlier, simply in my swim suit from the day and an old Devils tee I stole off Jack his first year in the league, that everything about this room feels different for the first time in seven years.
Jack's response is a mumble, something I hardly hear other than "not that I" and "distracted", the indication of which launching my heart into over drive.
Why must this have been the morning that Ellen decided to mention how different Jack treats me? All through the day it has sat in the back of my head, analyzing every day since Ellen first said, "These are my sons Quinn, Jack and Luke. Your mom and I realized you and Jack have the same birthday, so we have a feeling you two will get along."
She had a smirk that day.
Sixteen year old me should have run.
"Hey, anyone in there?" Oh shit, I'm just standing here.
"Yeah, yeah, just was thinking back to breakfast with your mom," Is the reasoning I give, but his eyes are on me, and I'm finding a hard time continuing with anything closer to a lie.
His chuckle gives me hope that he'll further drop this conversation, but his head is shaking and hair swooping, "You and my mother need to spend less time together."
"Absolutely not! Ellen is my favorite Hughes and that should be well known by now," The comment one I've had to repeat through the years, now warranting a simple smile. "Let's just get this game going before I abandon you for your mother."
His brows rise, skepticism in every wrinkle of his face, "You could never, you love me too much," he's confident of this, of course he is. He is Jack Hughes after all. And I remember this as he starts our volley, bodies setting into a rhythm after years of this game.
But that doesn't change the fact I need to think of a come back.
"Well, as if you could really get rid of me if you tried." Nailed it.
"Who says I ever want to?"
I'm well aware that the ball goes zinging past me, landing somewhere on the floor nearby, but the only thing I can bring myself to care about right now is what has come out of this boys mouth.
"You never want to get rid of me?"
His eyebrows are up again, and a soft but knowing smile is lighting is lips as he leans forward against the pong table, muscles tightening in his upper arm. "I know you talked to my mom this morning."
I can't control the ways my eyes grow slightly, "I always talk to your mom."
"Kayla," Oh no, first name, "I know she pointed out how I feel about you. You don't have to pretend the conversation didn't happen. You've been weird all day."
"I haven't been weird, I've just been quiet. In my head, as some would say," I offer, not entirely admitting to anything.
Blame life on Ellen ✔️
"That's weird for you," He's sure of this as if it's written in stone. "You're a certified yapper, as you love to tell Quinn."
I can't take this. "Jack, please get where you're going. I feel like I do when your boys chirp me."
The smile is washed from his face, hands meeting his hair and running through it as he groans.
"I'm not trying to chirp you Kay, I'm trying to tell you I have feelings for you!" His voice is raised, but theres no aggression there. His eyes are sincere, more sincere than I've ever seen him.
And as a smile slowly comes to my face, his smile grows as well, larger than on his draft day as he starts to round the table.
"I need you to tell me if that's your 'I'm burning the world down' smile or your 'i adore you' smile you use on babies," Jack requests, hands hesitantly reaching for my hips, resting gently as his thumbs rub over the waist of my bottoms.
"I think we can consider this my Jack smile," I return, smiling up at the equally smiling man in front of me. "Have you never noticed? This smiles reserved for you."
"Can I keep it forever?"
"It's always been yours."
How did it take me 7 years to realize the man right in front of me checked every box?
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daisyblog · 5 months
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Too Young Masterlist Summary: Arthur finds out he’s going to be a brother.
Based on this request. Warning: pregnancy, ultrasound
From the minute YN and Louis knew they were expecting another baby, they had agreed they wanted to share the news with Arthur first. Going from being an only child was a big deal and although Arthur loved all his cousins and would be an amazing big brother, it was still a huge transition for any child. 
Arthur was spending a few hours at Uncle Harry’s house for YN and Louis to go to their twelve week scan, but Harry asked no questions about their plans and was just happy to spend time with his nephew. 
YN and Louis joked at how different it was sitting in the waiting room this time around, compared to when they were expecting Arthur. Nine years on and they were happily engaged with a growing family. 
After some time of them having to wait in the waiting area, YN’s name was called by a midwife who had a pearly white smile as she greeted the couple. 
“Hi…I’m Charlie” The midwife introduced herself as she walked the pair down the long corridor. “How are you both? You both look really calm!”. She observed as she allowed them to walk into the room before her. 
“We’ve already got little boy, so I think that helps”. YN explained as she and Louis took a seat. 
“Oh how lovely! How old is your son?”. Charlie smiled as she sat behind her desk, turning her body so she was facing them.
“He’s nine!”. Louis spoke as he got his phone out to how Charlie a photo of Arthur. 
Charlie’s eyes widened as she looked at the phone in Louis’ hand. “Oh my…he’s your double isn’t he?” Her eyes found Louis’ before turning to YN. “Looks like you just did all the hard work!”.
Louis and YN laughed because they could told on a regular basis that Arthur was the spitting image of his Dad, and he really was. “It’s like we said copy and paste”. YN continued to joke. 
The midwife explained that before they had their twelve week scan, she wanted to ask YN a few questions about herself, health and wellbeing and what sort of support she had at home. They quickly worked their way through the medical forms before YN had her blood taken and blood pressure noted. 
YN quickly found herself lying on the hospital bed, her jumper rolled up just above her tummy and the cold gel being poured onto her tummy causing her to take a sharp breath. 
Louis, who was sat on the chair next to the bed, noticed that YN had closed her eyes as the sonographer did her job. It felt like hours until she spoke and turned the monitor for their eyes to see. “And…here’s your little baby”. 
“Is everything okay? The baby is alright?!”. Louis plead was desperate, his voice was full of worry. He wanted another baby just as much but he knew what it meant to YN, and he prayed for a happy and healthy baby. 
The sonographer let out a little smile as she looked between them both. “You have one healthy baby!”. She turned the monitor and pointed at the baby whose little legs were moving around. 
“We’re having a baby!”. Louis shot up from his seat. “We’re officially having another baby!”. YN was full of happiness inside and her big grin did all the talking. 
“This is the best reaction I have ever seen!”. the happiness in the room was contagious. 
“Arthur is going to be over the moon!”. Louis couldn’t contain his excitement and was in desperation to tell his son the good news.
It was later on in the evening, Louis, YN and Arthur were all sitting on the large L shaped grey sofa in their living room. The screen in front of them playing a football game that Louis and Arthur’s eyes were glued too. 
Louis glanced over at YN and gave a gentle wink, a small hint to give Arthur the gift they had wrapped earlier on before Harry dropped him home. 
“Hey Arth…Dad and I bought you a gift earlier.”. YN passed him the present, covered in blue wrapping paper. 
“Really? What is it?”. His large blue eyes were curious as he took the blue covered gift from his mother hands. Arthur carefully opened the paper and inside he was greeted with a red Manchester United t shirt. “Oh waw…thank you Mum…thank you Dad…oh wait…what’s this?”. Arthur picked up a tiny baby t shirt that matched his own. “Why have I got this!”. 
Louis and YN shared a smile, knowing they were about to reveal the news to their oldest baby. “We thought you might want to match with your new baby brother or sister!”.
Arthur looked from the little t shirt to his mother, then to Louis as he let the words sink in. “Baby brother or sister!”. He questioned, both Louis and YN nodded with smiles on their faces. “You’re having a baby?”.
“We are…you’re going to be a big brother!”. YN let the words out freely. Arthur pulled both his parents in for a huge cuddle and the next words made their hearts break with joy.
“You’ve just made my wish come true…I’ve dreamed of this day since…well…forever!”.
“Can we tell Grandma…and Uncle Harry, Auntie Gemma…Auntie Lottie, Auntie Daisy, Auntie Phoebe…and Grandad Des and Grandad Mark…Oh and I need to tell Nanny Jen and Grandad Len…don’t forget Uncle Liam too!” Arthur’s little voice did not stop, he had been making a list of everyone he needed to share the baby news with. 
“Arthur…take a breath lad! You’re going to exhaust yourself.”. Louis spoke as he made a cup of tea for them all. “We’re going to tell everyone, we promise!”. 
“Can we tell them today? Please please please?” He jumped up and down, the excitement getting too much for him to hide. 
“We’ll try but we can’t promise!”. YN gave Arthur a little cuddle as he gently gave a her tummy a kiss. 
YN, Louis and Arthur had arrived at Gemma’s house, where Anne and Harry were also visiting the new little family of three. Arthur was eager to show Harry his new football shirt and he promised that he would take his nephew to see the team play one day. 
“I’m so lucky…I don’t know how I’ll ever thank you for giving me such a handsome grandson and beautiful granddaughter!”. Anne spoke as she cradled Gemma’s little one in her arms, as she stood and swayed gently. 
“You’re about to get luckier”. YN smiled at her mother, knowing how emotional she was about to get. At YN’s words, everyone’s eyes were now on her.
“What do you mean?”. Anne was curious, her once relaxed face was now slightly tense.
“Arthur…do you want to share your news?”. 
“I’m going to be a big brother!” He cheered as he revealed the secret he had been keeping. “Can you believe it Uncle Harry…my wish came true!”.
“You’re pregnant?!”. Anne gasped, completely shocked at the idea she was going to have another grand baby. She passed Gemma the little one so she could wrap YN and Louis into a hug as she congratulated them.
“Congratulations Minnie!” Harry wrapped his arms around his twin. “I’m so happy for you all…and so so proud”.
“Thanks Twin!”. YN squeezed her brother tighter. “I wouldn’t have my little family if it wasn’t for you”. 
“And we couldn’t be without this little fella”. Harry scooped Arthur into his arms. 
They didn’t need an excuse to travel up North to visit Louis grandparents, especially when Lottie said they were going for the weekend too. Arthur was bursting to share his news with everyone. 
With Louis’ help, Arthur had come up with a plan on how he was going to tell everyone. With everyone gathered in the kitchen area, all seated around the long wooden table, Arthur began his plan. 
“I’ve got a question for you.”. Arthur’s sweet voice caused silence in the room. “How many children are in the room?”. 
“Five!”. Daisy shouted out from her spot next to YN. 
“No!” Arthur shouted back, causing her to frown and recount the room. 
“Three children…two babies.” Lottie tried a different response but Arthur told her she was wrong. 
After some of everyone going back and forth and all equally being confused at why Arthur was insisting they were all wrong, he ended their confusion and turned their frowns into huge grins. 
“Archie…there’s five…you, Doris, Ernest, Lucky and Olive!”. Phoebe tried to explain her reasoning. 
“There’s six…my mummy has a baby in her tummy!”. Arthur wore a proud smile on his cheeks as he looked back at all their shocked faces. 
Lottie was the first to jump up from her seat and jump up and down in excitement. “YES I’M GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE AGAIN!”. 
“I’m so happy for you but I’m so shocked” Phoebe hugged YN and Louis. “Congratulations!”. 
Daisy picked Arthur up and spun him around, both as happy as the other. “You’re going to be the best brother!”.
“Congratulations my darlings!”. Jen wrapped her arms around her eldest grandson and future granddaughter in-law. “I’ve been waiting for this day for so long…and I’m glad you’re both having your happy ending!”.
ynstyles and louist91
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liked by louist91, lottietomlinson, and 1,566,439 others
ynstyles Our family is growing👶🏼🤍 View all 19,541 comments
annetwist Love you all🥰🩷
lottietomlinson Can’t wait to meet you little one❤️
gemmastyles Exciting times ahead. My favourite little family🤍
thephoebetomlinson LOVE LOVE LOVE🫶🏼
the.daisytomlinson 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️
marktommo1111 My heart keeps getting bigger❤️So happy for you all! Best times are ahead🥰
louteasdale 🥹
niallhoran Wow! Congratulations guys!!
liampayne You kept this a secret! So happy for you all x
1Dfan The Tomlinsons just keep growing❤️❤️❤️
harryfan Gemma and YN both having babies🫶🏼🩷
Taglist: @jillsvalentinex @itsmytimetoodream @peterholland04 @youcan-nolonger-run @chronicallybubbly
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tothosewholisten · 2 months
Forever Healed | TUA insert
Chapter: 06
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“Play it again.”
For the past hour, Alison, Luther and I sat together. In the same room that Pogo showed the two of us the night before.
“We’ve watched it over and over, Luther. It’s the same every time” I groan.
Luther only arrived when Alison left the room this morning to go find her siblings and show them the alarming tape. I'm guessing her last option was the skeptic Luther.. but knowing them, she probably ran to him first.
But I guess the tape was important. If you're Luther, searching for someone to pin his Dad’s death on.
The tape was security footage of Reginald in his room the night he died. The room was unkempt and he had stuff laid out all over his bed. This was my first clear view of his room because of course, none of us were allowed to go in.
He sat there on his bed with Grace hovering over him, her stare was blank and unwavering. In her hand was a cup of tea presumably. She stayed there hovering over Reginald until he flops over into his bed agonizing in pain. But Grace doesn't help him, she just walks away with the teacup still in hand.
I know what everyone in the room is thinking, and this doesn't look good for Grace’s case that she didn't murder Reginald.
Luther stared in confusion at the screen. “Er.. What is she doing? The tea, did she poison him?” He stammered.
“Uh—“ Alison sighs. “I don’t know.”
“Where did you find this?”
“Alison and I were looking at old footage of us as kids, she saw the tape just sitting there,” I answer.
Luther's eyes move from me to back to the screen. “Yeah, Dad must have started using the security system again. He was getting more and more paranoid. He thought people were out to get him, well.. I guess maybe he was right.”
“But Mom?” Alison questions. “I mean, she’s not capable of.. is she?”
I shake my head “Does it really matter though? He died. Why do we need to investigate?”
They stare at me as I go on. “It just seems like everyone cares about Reginald now that he’s dead, when all he did was treat us like shit. Honestly, let the bitch die.”
The two of them share an upsetting glance without acknowledging my comment. Instead, they both get up, getting ready to go to question Grace. Luther struts out the door, his enlarged body barely fitting through the door frame.
“Really guys.”
Alison stops. “You should come with us, let's figure this out together please?”
The three of us move to the kitchen. Where Grace is standing over the stove cooking eggs, her old-timey pink polka dot dress moving as she hums an old tune. She immediately took notice of us and had gotten three glasses of orange juice for when we sat down.
Alison and I look at Luther hoping that he would be the one to start this uncomfortable grilling.
“Mom?” He calls out. “We need to ask you some questions about the night that Dad died.”
Grace slowly turns to look at us over her shoulder, before fully turning in our direction. Letting the eggs fry freely in her pan.
“Do you remember anything?” He adds.
She looked at us like a deer in headlights. “Oh course. Sunset, seven thirty-three p.m. moon was waxing crescent, dinner was Cornish hen, wild rice and carrots.”
“No. No, uh.. later that night. In his bedroom did you go to see him?”
She smiles. “I don’t recall!”
Grace continues her humming and cooking. I looked at Luther and Alison who were on my right as they tried to decide with head nudges who's gonna talk next.
Alison speaks up. “Were you ever.. I don’t know, angry with Dad?”
Before answering Grace scrapes the cooked eggs off the pan. An almost forced smile plastered on her smooth fake skin. “Your father was a good man. A kind man. He was very good to me.” She remarks.
“Well yes, but after we all left, it must’ve been difficult.”
“Oh, there were days. You kids kept me oh so busy, and then..” Grace stops.
Contrast to her bright smile from earlier. Grace’s face turned into worry like she didn't know what happened herself.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
She stares off. This was getting weirder and weirder. Her face then goes back to a creepy smile.
“What were you going to say?” Alison asks as well.
“Eggs are ready!”
We all turn to each other, trying to decipher her sudden coldness. So far we’ve got nothing. Grace comes up to the table, two plates of eggs in hand. She sets them on the table in front of Alison and Luther.
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!”
Both plates held two sunny-side-up eggs and a piece of bacon, they were put in a certain way to look like eyes and a smile. It was a cute jest but I hoped that I wouldn't receive a plate also because of my disdain for eggs.
Grace soon returned to the table with a plate of pancakes. “Don’t think I forgot about you.” She giggles while setting down the plate for me.
My smile is wider than it's ever been before, at her remembrance. “Thanks, Mom.”
“Now eat up all of you!”
I headed back upstairs to my room deciding to let Alison and Luther hash out all their crazy’s theories. Who cares why the old man is dead, they need to let him go.
At this point in my morning I hadn’t even gotten ready for the day. I stayed up all night looking at security footage with Alison. And I was still in my clothes from the night before.
There weren't many clothing options to work with because well I haven’t been home in a long time. So I searched in my closet for the old clothes I'd left behind, trying to find anything that might still fit after all these years.
I settled for my old washed jeans, black tank top and my coveted black bomber jacket. An outfit of the past that would probably be able to blend in with today's trends. I thought seventeen-year-old me was the shit.
After picking out new clothes, I found myself in one of the mansion's many bathrooms to take a bath and brush my teeth. On my way out of the steaming room, I stopped by the sink’s mirror to stare at myself.
My h/c hair is outgrown and greasy from oils, before the world ends I needed a haircut. And my skin was flush from just washing it. People were right when they said I have a young face, but I can’t even thank that to skincare, it's freaky. I'm almost thirty.
I carried my tired body back into my room, clean and dressed. Then I crash into my cream-colored bed. Maybe I'd have enough time to sleep before something bad happens.
Nope, I don’t think I’ll sleep ever again.
“What?” I scream back.
“Come here!” The voice was Alison.
I groan, throwing myself from my bed towards my fluffy carpet and slowly army crawl towards my door.
“We need to go find Vanya,” Alison tells me. Her face wasn’t as calm and collected as normal, she was visibly upset. I'm sure it had to do with her alone time with Luther
“What’s wrong Alison?”
She shakes her head. “Nothing. It’s just uhm.. we are going to have a family meeting. So Luther went to go find Five with Klaus. Meaning we should go find Vanya.”
I glanced around the main floor. “Klaus is here?”
“He was, but now they're gone so, come on, we need to find her.” I follow Alison out of the academy and try to keep up with her long strides.
We passed shops and buildings alike on our way to Vanya. Alison told me she didn’t exactly know where she was, so we’d just head to a bunch of different locations. But we didn't even need to do that because at our first stop, there she was.
With her violin case on her back, she stood in front of a woodworking store, with some guy?
I immediately size him up. He was medium height with short brown hair and an average outfit. His nose looked a bit crooked like he could’ve broken it in his youth. If this is the guy Vanya likes all power to her but, it was weird seeing her with someone.
They looked like they were in deep conversation when we walked over. Vanya stares at us almost distressed.
“Alison?” She spoke.
Alison clasped her hands trying to seem as nonthreatening as possible but I didn't do the same. I walked over behind her with my hands in my pockets before stepping out next to her.
“Hey..” Alison responded slowly.
The man glances at us with confusion. We all stood there before Vanya spoke up.
“Leonard, this is my sister, Alison and uhm.. Y/n.” She said, I don't even furrow a brow at what she says. Even though it stumps me, I still don’t see myself as a sibling in this group. But to hear it come from Vanya is something..
Leonard stares at us before pointing rudely at Alison. “Wait a second, I know you!” He exclaims. And Alison gives him her best paparazzi smile.
“You were in that movie. You’re in the movie, the uh.. you were the lawyer! The tough one in the wheelchair right?”
She chuckles. “Yeah, yeah that was me.”
He goes back to Vanya. “You didn’t tell me your sister was a movie star. Wow!” She gives him a slight smile and nods.
He then turns his attention to me. It makes me feel like running, I'm not picking up the greatest vibe from this guy at all. “You were in that Umbrella thing, too, weren't you?” He asked me.
He left me speechless, how did he recognize me so quickly from one look? I don’t even try to look happy before responding with a yes.
“But you weren't in that, were you?” He questions Vanya. It kinda sounds like he’s almost chastising her for not being in the superficial team.
Vanya thinks before she responds. “No, uh.. I was sort of the fifth Beatle of the family, so..”
“I never really did like the Beatles. More of a Stones guy, myself.”
No one cares.
The atmosphere turns tense as the two of them go back into their own world, staring at each other like we're not standing right here.
This got too romantic for me. “Uhm, I'm sorry to interrupt, but, uh.. Vanya, can you come back to the house?”
“Why?” Vanya's body turns to me.
“We’re having a family meeting,” Alison says.
“And you guys want me there?” She replies stoically.
I nod. “Of course.”
Hopefully, my heated stare at Leonard would get him to go away. But instead, he stood there looking back at me and then at Vanya.
“It’s about Mom,” Alison tells her.
Vanya’s sour face turns sweet when she looks back at the average man. “I'm so sorry. I—“
“Oh, don’t be. We'll do a rain check on dinner.” The man smiles.
They say their goodbyes as he awkwardly walks away in the opposite direction of us three.
“Who’s the guy?” I ask.
“He’s a.. just a friend.”
“Friend?” Alison questions.
“No.. it's not.” Vanya’s eyes go to Leonard's disappearing figure. “Maybe I'm just trying to not separate myself from everything and everyone.”
Alison looks down. “I’m.. I'm sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things to you yesterday. I was angry with Patrick, and I.. took it out on you. I'm really sorry. I'm not good at this whole sister thing.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
“Ouch. Tell me how you really feel.”
Vanya grins. “Maybe I will.”
Alison laughs. Wow, Vanya was joking and standing up for herself. Maybe this new man really brought out another side of her.
I stand in the middle of the two as we walk back hopefully before the rain comes.
All of us were crowded into the living room by Luther when we returned. Everyone minus the boy Five. There’s no time to ask where he is before Luther places one of the tiny screens from the security room on the bar island. The screen played the same video I'd seen a hundred times, Reginald’s death.
Sounds of shock and confusion come from everyone in the room. But Vanya is the first to ask a question. “I mean, do you really think Mom would hurt Dad?”
“You haven’t been home in a long time, Vanya. Maybe you don’t know Grace anymore.” Luther retorts.
I almost rolled my eyes at what he said. Like she really could’ve changed that much, I don't even think that’s possible.
Diego takes a step closer from where he was in the back. “If he was poisoned, it would’ve shown in the coroner's report.” He tries to tell Luther.
“Well, I don't need a report to tell me what I can see with my own eyes.” The whole group discussion turns into a two-brother standoff as they go back and forth.
But I stood next to Klaus and Alison, in the back. We were eating chips that Klaus had suspiciously got from one of his pockets.
Diego takes another step forward towards the TV. “Maybe all that low gravity in space messed with your vision.” He clicks the pause button. “Look closer.”
The scene he paused on was of Grace hovering over Reginald when he sat in his bed. “Dad has his monocle, Mom stands up. Monocle’s gone. She wasn't poisoning him. She was.. taking it.. to clean it.”
Klaus chimes in with support to Diego’s claim, mid-chip bite. “Oh, yeah!” He exclaims.
And all of us turn to the now walking away Diego. His idea was okay, but it was mainly him covering for Grace. Then again it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks because we will never truly know and it doesn't matter but Luther presses on.
His face was screaming confusion. “Then where is it? No, I've searched the house, including all her things. She doesn't have it.”
Diego's eyes drop to the floor. “That’s because I took it from her. After the funeral.”
That was a shock to us all, it was clear he didn’t want us to think Grace was behind this at all. He went as far as changing some key details in the story of his Dad’s murder.
“You’ve had them monocled this whole time? What the hell, Diego?” Alison yells.
“Give it to me.” Luther puts his hand out.
“I threw it away.”
“You what?” Luther angrily replies while Alison scoffs.
Diego holds out an accusing pointer finger at his brother. “Look, I knew that if you found it on Mom, you’d lose your shit. Just like you're doing right now.
The pair moves closer and closer to each other.
“Diego, you son of a bitch.” Luther says almost seething with rage. The two of them look ready to throw down as Diego gets into a fighting stance knife in hand.
But I walk over to Diego and take his knife out of his right hand. “You two need to actually calm down,” I said. The middle-aged man tries to reach for his knife but I hold it against my back as I continue. “Grace is designed to be a caretaker and protector.”
Alison shakes her head at me. “What does that mean?”
“She's supposed to intervene if someone’s life is in jeopardy. I don't think that changed no matter how long some of us have been gone.” That last part was for Luther.
The men settle down but Luther keeps up the topic. “Well, if her hardware is degrading then.. we need to turn her off.”
“That’s what you got from what I said?” I yell.
All hell breaks loose in Diego's mind. “Woah, woah, woah, woah, wait. She's not just a vacuum cleaner you can throw in a closet. She feels things, I've seen it!” He screams, bringing his finger back into the large man's face.
“She just stood there, Diego, and watched our father die,” Luther shouts back.
Alison pipes up from her seat against a pillar. “I'm with Luther.”
“Surprise, surprise.” Diego mocks.
“Shut up.”
The men turn to me awaiting my opinion. I looked back and forth before staring up at the tall Luther, the answer was easy in my head but harder to say out loud. “I have to go with Diego, he’s right.”
Luther clicks his tongue at my words but moves to Vanya along with Diego. She stammers at the pressure and doesn't say anything.
“I— I don't.” She finally gets out.
“Yeah she shouldn’t get a vote.” Diego rudely states. “Of course she should,” I say.
“I was gonna say that I agree with you!”
“Okay. She should get a vote.”
For the final time, Diego and Luther turn to zoned out Klaus, who stood resting against a pillar. More chips and a drink from the bar in hand. “What about you stoner boy? What do you got?” Diego asked.
Klaus blinks. “Oh, so, what? Do you need my help now? Oh, ‘get out of the van, Klaus!’ ‘Well, welcome back to the van.”
None of us knows what he’s talking about except for Luther who scoffs. “What’s it gonna be, Klaus?”
“I'm with Diego because screw you! And if Ben were here, he’d agree with me” Judging by the Ben I remembered, he wouldn't agree.
Diego counts with his fingers his votes. “So that’s four to two?”
“Wait,” says Luther.
“Votes not final yet.” Alison brings up. “Fives not here. The whole family has to vote. We owe each other that.
“What? That doesn't matter! We still have more votes anyway.” Diego grumbles.
Vanya agrees with Alison. “She's right we should wait.” Alison, Luther and Klaus take that as their sign to leave the room for some reason. Leaving Diego, Vanya and me alone.
I'm at a loss for what to do now, now everyone is divided because of Reginald once again. But this time he’s not even around to scrutinize us, but we still let him get to us.
I'm thinking about leaving the house forever when I see Diego turning to someone. It was Grace standing in the doorframe. I had no idea how long she was standing there, she could’ve heard everything.
The three of us walk up to her. Her expression was off, she was missing her natural smile. What was there instead was a look of also being lost. I didn't even know she could do that. Maybe she was changing, for the better or the worst. It didn't matter to me, since I loved her either way. I can’t stand to see her go.
Diego lightly grabs onto her shoulder to get her attention. “Hey, how long have you been here?” He says softly.
She looks up at him. “You all seem upset. I’ll make cookies.” Her radiant smile returned and she walked away without another word.
Vanya talks as Grace's heels click away. “Do you ever wonder.. all those moments with Mom, the things she said. Like, was it her, or was it really Dad?”
That was something. I don't think I ever thought about it that way. My knowledge of robots only goes to an extent
“What are you talking about?” Diego asked.
“Well, he built her. And he programmed her to be a mom, to be our mom. Sometimes when I look at her, I just see him.”
“Maybe that was true,” I say. “But she evolved.”
“Well, how do you know?”
Diego cuts in. “Because Dad only loved himself.” Then he walked away.
Vanya’s eyes meet mine as we just watch him leave. When he gets to the staircase she goes into her pocket and reaches for her pill bottle and takes two. For all the time I’ve known her she’s taken those pills.
She tells me she’s going home before we say goodbye, and I'm left by myself.
What I didn’t know was the monkey staring at me from above. It was Pogo who had just witnessed all our discourse.
Aug 14 update:
If you'd like to be added to the tag list for rest of the series (starts at chapter 10) say taglist in the comments!
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vacantfields · 9 months
Silly Time
SO UH i finished it (: teehee
be kind as always as i was just having fun with it!! thank you for the love on the snippet of this... i hope you guys enjoy this silly thing!! Happy new year from me!!
[1,178 words]
It was another sunny day in the Daycare. Kids were playing and screaming in delight as they ran around.
Sun was sitting with some quieter kids at the small table, where they all drew on some colored paper with crayons. He, too, was drawing along with them. It looked rather comical as he sat there, his legs bent like a frog would sit, and in his hand a tiny crayon as he doodled on the blue piece of paper he had gotten. Sun was enjoying his day until a tiny voice spoke up at the table.
"Uhm... Mister Sun?"
Sun looked up from his drawing, his faceplate doing a silly little spin and his grin soft. 
"Yes, little star Kris?" 
The little girl looked down at the crayon in her tiny hand before speaking again. "I was... Wondering if you knew why Mister Moon calls the nice security guard, who comes here sometimes, for Love."
Sun trained his barely moving expression to remain still, though inside, he was shocked by this new knowledge. "Oh? Moon calls them for Love?" He tried to poke Moon's AI in his headspace, but the other remained quiet. Sun and Moon were able to communicate through their shared headspace, but the other AI moved away from Sun's poking, making him scoff internally.
"Yeah... I was just wondering because my mom and dad call each other that." Little Kris continued before going back to doodling as little kids do when they lose interest in getting an answer.
Which fit Sun fine as his inner workings were reeling, his fans kicking in. Moon had never mentioned that he was hanging out with a night guard, and especially not this one.
Sun could usually peek through Moon's eyes and be present when Moon was in control, but lately, the other AI had closed the connection, and at first, Sun thought maybe Moon just needed alone time, which was, of course, fine! But it seems there were other things at play. 
But Sun couldn't ask Moon about this right now. He was working and busy as he was an excellent daycare attendant. He thought so himself, at least.
Luckily for Sun, the kids got picked up earlier today, and he decided that as soon as he had cleaned, he would poke his other half until he responded. 
As Sun swept the floors and cleaned the surfaces, he heard the doors open, and the Security guard came in. The animatronic scattered to the playground to hide as he often did when this guard came around. It was not that he hated this security guard or anything. He and Moon didn't trust any of the adults. But for Moon, that might have changed.
"Hello? Moon?"
Sun was in one of the play castles, quiet as he hid in the small tower, checking his internal clock. It was indeed time for Moon to come out, and Sun could feel the other stir.
The sunny animatronic kept his white eyes on the security guard, hiding behind the castle doorway as he spoke internally. 
"Oh! So now you respond to me." Sun grumbled.
"... I just woke up," Moon mumbled back in reply.
"And?! Moonie, what is this about you calling THIS security guard for 'Love'??!" 
Moon groaned in the headspace. "You said you didn't like them, and I wanted to see them for myself and quickly found out you're being a dumbass."
Sun squawked in their shared space. "ME?? A DUMBASS? Moonie! The adults are not nice to us ever. I mean, you even told me you hate all the night guards and the security guards!"
Sun could feel Moon rolling his eyes. "This one's different. Let me out. They're calling for me still."
"... What the hell do you mean 'Nuh-uh'??" Moon growled.
"Moon? It's time to do the rounds!" The short guard called out into the empty Daycare, then removed their hat to scratch their head. "Moon? It's okay if you don't want to! Uh..."
Sun kept his eyes trained on the guard from his hiding spot. 
Moon continued. "Sun! Let me out!"
"I can't believe you trust them to do those security rounds with you! They're small! weak!"
Moon scoffed. "They're nice! Now let me out!"
Sun hummed and then replied, "No."
"NO?! SUN!"
The Sunny animatronic then shut the other AI out, dooming Moon to sit back and watch as he moved down from the play castle and over to the security guard. 
"Hi, Friend!" Sun said with a bright smile.
The security guard jumped in surprise and dropped their hat. "oh! Hi Sun!" they stuttered and bent down to pick the hat up. "I was wondering why the lights were still on..." They mumbled to themself.
Sun frowned, and Moon broke through. "You have never been kind to them, you wannabe jester." Sun gaped internally. Oh, how he wished he could punch his other half.
"Well! Sunshine. I got the task of cleaning the Daycare, and it took a bit longer than I thought," Sun said with a smile, but it faltered when he heard Moon's deep chuckle in the back of their shared headspace.
The guard looked at Sun with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. 
Sun then realized he had given the security guard, he had avoided at all costs, a nickname, an endearing one as well. "Oh."
"Uhm... Well, if Moon isn't active, can you tell him to come find me once you're done?" The guard- ["-Sunshine." Moon supplied with a smirk in this tone.] 
Sun groaned lightly, running a hand down his faceplate before smiling at the guard. "Or we could go together?" 
Moon growled in the back of his head. "You cannot take my time! Sun! Go turn off the lights. Now."
Sunshine, the guard, looked shocked; it looked like this was so out of pocket for Sun to suggest. "Oh!... Are you able to leave the Daycare?" They curiously asked.
Sun hummed. "Yes, of course! If Moon can leave, why shouldn't I also be able?" he asked with a spin of his faceplate, causing Sunshine to let out a flustered giggle.
"True... Well, alright, if Moon doesn't mind," They said with a smile. Sun smiled sweetly as he heard Moon complain angrily, wandering around in their headspace. "He doesn't mind at all, Sunshine! It will be good for us to get to know each other!" He held his hand out to them, which they grabbed with a shy smile. 
"Ooooo, when I get you, Sun." Moon hissed quietly in their shared head, to which the sunny side of the animatronic let out a quiet chuckle before looking down at Sunshine and guiding them to the massive doors at the entrance to the Daycare.
The two left the Daycare hand in hand to do security rounds. Maybe Moon was right about this one, Sun thought as he glanced down at the guard as they walked together. 
This time it was different.
Not that Sun ever wanted to give Moon right, but perhaps he could let this guard close to them.
Just this one time.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 5 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 20
wooo we hit chapter 20!! yeaahhh
Beautiful, sunlit beaches blanketed the coastline underneath the street level where colourful tiles crisscrossed. An umbrella kept the heat away from the rustic wooden table at which the Fenton family, minus their youngest, and Bruce Wayne sat. The SAV sat peacefully by the pier where they had disembarked.
They had been sailing for the better part of the afternoon, finally stopping to pick up lunch at Jazz’s insistence. Mr Wayne’s insisted on paying, ever the rich philanthropist.
Jazz Fenton couldn’t be more worried, although she had to hide it. Sitting opposite her, Mr Wayne idly chatted with her parents about their college days. Once she knew what she was looking for, it was painfully obvious that he was interrogating them for information on Vlad Masters, another billionaire thorn in the family’s side (not that her parents knew).
She fidgeted. Her foot tapped repeatedly on the stop, arched to not make sounds that would give her state of general anxiety away. Once she told Tucker what was happening, the boy had gotten to work right away. It would take some time to locate the files containing the specs for the newest inventions, and then more time to analyse them and pinpoint what damage she could do.
She’d need to call Sam next. Tucker had given her the number for Sam’s spare, although there was no guarantee she’d be able to answer soon.
Until then, Jazz was on her own. She picked at her sweet and sour fish broth soup, rolling the tomato chunks around. If she gave herself food poisoning somehow, that might give the boys potentially a week to get away. Then again, there was an equal chance one of her parents would stay with her while the other went with Bruce.
As it was, she could definitely malinger a stomach issue, and delay them for maybe half an hour. Sirens swam quickly, so that time could be valuable for them.
“What about you, Jasmine? What got you interested in psychology?” Came Bruce Wayne’s baritone. Shit.
Jazz was startled out of her thoughts. Before she could open her mouth, she did an awareness check. A mental checklist of where she was and what she needed to do and not do appeared in her head. If she tipped off this man, then it could very lead to her brother underneath a scalpel. No pressure at all.
“Uhm, well. Mr Wa- Bruce.” Jazz found herself stuttering when talking about psychology for the first time in her life. Dammit. She looked to the side, where her father nodded like an excited puppy. Not helping, dad.
“Well I’ve always been interested in people, you see.” Jazz kept a close eye on Bruce Wayne’s posture, studying him. “What makes them upset. What makes them happy.”
She side-eyed her parents. On one side, her mother glared viciously at her fried fish. On the other, her father arranged fries into smiling faces.
“With this family, I’ve had a lot to think about.” That was a good start, right? With any luck, he would be the one to give something away, something she could use against him.
Bruce Wayne chuckled, an easy (fake?) smile worn like a mask. “I can certainly relate. Many times my boys have left me pulling my hair out. It’s a chaotic house most days.”
That was right! Jazz recalled the preliminary research she had done earlier in the day. Bruce Wayne was known to be an endlessly kind man, but suffered several interpersonal issues over the years. One was the notorious apparent teenage tantrum thrown by an 18-year-old Dick Grayson, shortly before his second son, Jason was adopted.
The less said about Jason’s unfortunate fate, the better. Although he may have been brought back, somehow??
She wasn’t sure whether to envy his therapist or not.
It had been exhausting teasing the truth out of the myriad gossip articles on the Wayne family. If Danny were here, he’d bully her relentlessly for going back on her noted disdain towards the ‘shallow and vapid celebrity news industry dedicated to turning private interpersonal conflicts into products to be consumed.’ Oh how the mighty have fallen.
What she could be reasonably sure of was that the present-day family dynamics of the Waynes were testy, to say the least. Apparently their youngest, the Damian who had disappeared into the waves just two days ago, had been dealing with violent tendencies for some time and had no patience for entertaining the elites like his brothers used to. And that was just the public stuff.
Right. She could work with this.
“Was it difficult? In the early days, with your first son.” Jazz said, putting on tones of sympathy and empathetic connection, the kind she would use when she’d try to get Danny to open up.
A pained look came over Bruce. That was good!
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to poke any sensitive issues.” She added with false franticness. The longer the ball was in Bruce Wayne’s court, the better.
Mr Wayne waved her off. “No, it’s fine. Just old memories.”
“Are they fond memories?”
“Yes. It was the happiest time of my life. There was a lot of adjustment. I was a bachelor in my twenties, and suddenly I had an entire child in my hands. Dick had me running around like a headless chicken half the time.”
“Did it get easier?” Jazz asked. The billionaire’s eyes almost glazed over.
“Not particularly. If anything, things got harder. I learned very quickly that experience raising one child does not entirely transfer to another.”
Oh, that was good. Jazz filed this information into her mental notebook.
“But enough about me and my old man troubles.” With that endlessly disarming smile, she could tell why people fell for the playboy turned beleaguered father. “If you’re looking for a good psycho-analysis, I’m afraid I’m a bit basic compared to what Gotham has to offer.”
Drat. Was she that obvious? No, he’d just talked about her psychology interest. She could handle this easily. She just needed to be careful what she said, and didn’t say.
“I guess you could say I’m interested in non-traditional family dynamics. My parents have always been… eccentric.”
“That’s the Fenton way!” Her father shouted. Several other patrons looked at them scathingly. “Too bad Jazzpants hates siren hunting almost as much as… as…” Her father’s expression sank.
That calculating look came back in full force. Dammit dad! She needed to salvage this.
“My feelings towards my parents’ profession aside, the evidence points very strongly to Phantom being connected to my brother’s disappearance. I may not enjoy the siren hunts, but my brother comes first. What else can I do? Sit home and do nothing?”
Her father clapped her back, grinning proudly. “You wouldn’t be doing nothing, sweetie! You’d be keeping Vladdie company!”
Yeah… Jazz mustered all her will power to hide the cringe.
 “And besides, have you seen my parents when they’re at work? Yesterday they spent like 36 hours straight preparing the SAV with only one single break.” Jazz’s head fell back. “They’d probably forget to eat if I weren’t here.”
“Hey that’s not true, Jazz! Your mother and I are excellent at this work-life balance you always babble about. Yesterday we took two breaks instead of one. Progress!”
Jazz gestured to her father with an exasperated sigh. “See what I mean?”
Bruce Wayne hummed. His head tilted in thought as he sampled his mackerel. “Have you always been this responsible, Jasmine?”
“Of course! Look, I may be sixteen, but I very much possess the maturity of an adult. If it’s my job to wrangle this family into healthy habits, then so be it.”
Bruce Wayne appeared to have something to say about that. Jazz’s phone buzzed at that moment, having been turned silent earlier. It was Tucker, you miracle worker.
She shot up from her chair, twisting her expression into an agonisied grimace. “Sorry I think I’m having a bathroom emergency. I’ll be right back!”
Jazz dashed away, feeling perfectly fine in the stomach, except for her nerves.
“I have questions.” Damian told him. They were well on their way south now, Danny’s tail swishing away at top speed. Mostly the boys stayed silent, enjoying each other’s company and the rushing of water.
“Shoot.” Danny said.
“Are you a male? Or is this merely an assumption that others have made?”
Danny sputtered. The question almost knocked him off course with how sudden it was. “W-What? Why would that be a question?”
Damian hummed. “My brothers have taught me not to make assumptions. In addition, siren biology seems heavily based off of fish, many of whom are hermaphroditic in some way.”
“Which leaves us with the question. What am I to call you? For most of time together, I have been thinking of you as a male. Was that incorrect of me to do so?”
Danny’s eyes subconsciously drifted to his navel. Was he actually biologically male anymore? He’d always assumed so, but being a half-siren in a siren-hating down didn’t leave much time to learn siren anatomy in and out.
Had he been a girl this entire time? No way… No, he always acted the same as he always acted. If he was a boy before being turned, and acted the same, he could be a boy now, right?
“Uhhh yes. I think I’m a boy. Maybe.”
“For that matter, I would like to inquire how sirens reproduce. Surely the turning of humans is not the only way your species increases its numbers?”
Danny’s face heated to boiling. Blue blushes crept down his cheeks and covered his neck. “Maybe you could ask your dad about human reproduction first?” He squeaked.
“I am already aware!” Damian grouched. “I believe I deserve to know the specifics of the body which I have been forced into.”
“What if I told you I didn’t even know where siren babies came from?” Which was a sad, sad lie, bullshit that Damian clearly saw through.
Danny threw his hands up, which threw off his balance for a moment. “You’re tiny. Can you guarantee your dad won’t sell me to the GiW for telling you this stuff?”
“I absolutely can.”
“Not the point! Please ask something else. You ain’t getting crap out of me on that front. I am like Davy Jones’ locker. Zip. Shut. Tight. Not happening.”
Damian seethed. This close, Danny could feel the kid’s chest vibrate with growling sounds.
“Very well. What are sirens classed as?”
“Inhuman non-sentient sea monsters bent on the destruction of humans.”
His back stung as Damian slapped him with his tailfin. “Biologically!”
“I dunno! Do I look like I have a marine biology degree?” Danny shrugged.
Damian lowered his head. “So you are uneducated.”
“Hey, rude!” Biology was never Danny’s strong suit. His mother was the one with the however many PhDs. And Sam was the one campaigning for animal rights every other week. He was more of a space guy! This was not new information to Damian! “You tell me! You’re the kid with the animal obsession.”
“I shall lay out the evidence. On the one hand, we possess scales, gills and fins, like all fish do. However, the heat your blood, despite the cold water suggests warm-bloodedness. Furthermore, I have paid very close attention to you, and the female sirens we met in your cave.”
“And what did you see?” Danny tilted his head back.
“The nipples.” Damian ground out. “Which suggests breastfeeding, which is a mammalian trait. However, I am not sure if my own are because of my former status as a human. That is why I must ask you this.”
This was definitely going to be awkward. Danny preemptively suppressed the cringe reflex.
“Do sirens breastfeed?” Damian asked. Danny blanked at that one. Yeah. That question was a hard no clue. “Have you ever breastfed?”
Damian. Oh Damian. Kids just say the darnedest things. Damian. Danny’s cheeks heated up again. He squeaked out an answer. “N-no! I’ve been on my own in the ocean.”
Damian narrowed his eyes at him. Did suspicion have a smell? Because Danny felt like it did, and he was smelling it.
“Do siren parents not take care of their children?” Damian finally asked.
Danny thought back to Youngblood, how Ember basically made him her younger brother (which made her teasing of him for having Damian around totally hypocritical). It was in this moment that he realised he didn’t know any sirens outside his normal enemies. 99% of all times he had interacted with another siren. Hell, any other sea person, was when he was fighting them.
“Danny? Danny?” Damian’s voice raised.
Danny shook his head. “Sorry, I’m just thinking…”
He sounded so pitifully sad in that moment. When a series of familiar whale calls breached the surface, he eagerly welcomed the distraction.
“We’ve caught up to the whale pod!”
Damian gasped, attention turned fully away from his interrogation. “Where are they?”
Danny carried him forward, surging to greet Damian’s new friends again. However, what he saw chilled him.
About a hundred feet away there was a small boat with a flat open deck, a dingy vessel with barnacles coating its hull, and men carrying harpoons and operating cranes, pulling in a net that thrashed violently. And on the deck, tied up by rope and netting, was a baby whale.
Damian swore in a language he didn’t understand. Danny swore too.
Damian’s fins shot ramrod straight. His teeth bared with an inhuman growl. His hand went to the sword sheathed at his waist. He itched to sink it into the bodies of these treacherous men.
“Wait.” Danny said. Wait!? What a preposterous thought. They needed to save Dorothea and her pod now.
“Are you insane!?”
His companion’s voice lowered dangerously. “You realise if we attack them, then the GiW will know, right? The whalers will call for help, or get to shore and it’ll be on the news. We’ll be hunted again.”
Damian did not hesitate. “Do you intend to prioritise our own safety over that of an endangered species being poached illegally?”
Danny shook his head. “Nah. Let’s go fuck them up.”
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py-dreamer · 5 days
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Yea so I finally got tired of making the canvas size so bloody small the damn banner has a higher resolution than the actual pic.
And oopsie doopsie! Looks like I posted over the time limit again!
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Another dumb dumb thing I realized is that last year me was actually right. And this year I got the countdown wrong. I was basically counting down including my birthday so I started on the goddamn 11th when if I did continue like this I would've ended up saying it was '1 day till my birthday' on my actual f*cking birthday.
So yea, love that -_-.
Regardless, quite happy with how Sandy turned out!
I think he was kinda easier to do cause since he's bigger, he fills up more space but I still think the cake is decently jam packed with enough decorations.
The cake itself is similar to a cheesecake but the top layer is like a jelly with fruits suspended in it, that being: a pineapple slice, an orange cutie and two star shaped fruits probably like mango or just something tropical and acidic.
(Also fun fact if u look closely there are scratch marks on the cake lol)
We have the magic flower from that one episode to decorate the corner.
Of course the kitties sprinkled throughout.
Sandy's boat might be the most detailed sugar cookie I've done thus far, would not do it again though.
Mans is sitting on an orange macaron, my dad thought it was a burger -_-.
Not much to say about the ribbon but I was scared if I gave him the pink beaded necklace thing, he'd look to top heavy so I draped them around the cake instead.
His weapon, the moon bladed thingy (I actually don't know what it's called) and that thing next to it that Mo's hanging off of is a spoon stabbing a cherry. The splash of red broke up the blue nicely.
(And if you're curious yes that is a tiny spider friend accompanying our blue subject ^u', seems he's quite fond of him don't you think?)
He has the most fruit thus far I think with: pineapple, orange, a cherry and more tropical fruits like I mentioned earlier.
And that's his cat teapot from his introduction! It was too cute! I had to use it!!!
As well as a very large teacup holding a cat, yes they're both necessary. Nothing much to say about the balloon though.
Sandy has a pink bow, cause I feel like sometimes we forget pink is his accent color and let him be cutesy for a bit!
Very cutesy. Very mindful. Very demure.
He also has a silver star cause he is best boiii!!!
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year
With You part 15
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previous next || Fic Masterlist || My Masterlist
Summary: Recovery is a lifelong, active choice. You are Marc deal with a rough night a little differently this time.
Pairings: Marc Spector x gn!reader (Steven Grant x gn!reader, Jake Lockley x gn!reader) No use of Y/N.
Word Count: 2.8k
Content: angst, fluff (more under the cut)
Warnings: DON'T worry - it's not as dramatic as the warnings sound, I promise: cursing, struggles with alcoholism/addiction, references to past abuse, trauma and violence, not beta'd
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PREVIOUSLY, on "With You"...
"You know, when I was a kid...I never had anyone to look out for me. Not once. Not even my dad, but now..." His jaw twitched as he fought through his emotions, "Now I have three of you."
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Summer had turned to fall and the crisp, damp air made you long for the comfort of home. True, your flat was ancient and drafty, but your husband was there, waiting for you with some warm soup and likely an evening of cozy cuddles.
At least, that's what Steven had texted you about earlier.
As you turned the key in the deadbolt and pushed the old, heavy door open, your eyes widened, attempting to adjust to the darkness within. With only the entry way lamp left on for you, it was difficult to gauge who was home, or what they were doing.
"Babe?" You called out, leaving your bag and shoes in their normal spot before clicking the door closed and turning the lock. The flooring creaked as you shuffled toward your room to change out of your scrubs, but you stopped, hearing Marc's voice from the darkened kitchen.
"In here."
He was dressed in Steven's jumper, the worn navy faded to a dull cobalt - sleeves that normally draped down to Steven's knuckles pushed haphazardly halfway up to his elbows. Hands clenching the counter's edge, he stared out the kitchen window at the pale moon.
The breadth of his shoulders expanded with a loud, sorrowful breath.
Approaching him slowly, you noticed a bottle of vodka on the countertop to his right.
Also - vodka? Since when? Marc drank whiskey, or he used to drink beer, back before he realized he really was not among the ranks of those who could drink socially.
"Marc," you softly called, making sure he knew you were behind him, attempting to inch closer. "Hey."
His grip on the counter's edge caused his knuckles to strain, and in better lighting, you thought they would probably be turning white.
Your chest heaved with relief as one hand released the countertop and carefully extended behind his back, toward you.
That was all the invitation you needed to surge forward, grasping his fingers and taking them with you around his soft stomach. You wrapped yourself around him from behind, squeezing as you pressed your cheek against the solid heat of his back.
"Tell me you're not hurt," you brokenly whispered, knowing that his recent alcoholic endeavors had all centered around Khonshu scaring and harming him.
"I'm okay," he mumbled after a tense silence. "It's okay. I just bought it. I didn't...I didn't drink it. I didn't..."
"Good, baby," you murmured, squeezing him tighter. "That's good."
Needing to feel more of you, he yanked on your forearm, pulling you around, meeting you halfway until he could wrap you close to his thundering heart.
"I'm sorry," he muttered, his palms spreading, pressing you into the mold of his body - one hand pushing at your lower back while the other slid up to cradle your neck. His grip was desperate, yet his fingertips brushed tenderly as if you were a delicate thing he could destroy.
He swallowed down a wave of nausea at the thought of disappointing you again. And again, and again. To a certain degree, he wasn’t entirely sure what had happened or how he got to be in this dark kitchen with a bottle of vodka beside him.
You were uncharacteristically silent so his troubled mind began to fill in terrible stories about what you must be thinking, and how he might have done permanent damage.
"Are you angry with me?" He asked, moving along the nonexistent conversation. He needed to know this like he needed air in his lungs. It was a familiar cycle to him - failing and awaiting the heavy ax of punishment – from his mother, from the military, from other mercenaries and killers, from Khonshu.
"Please...say something."
"I’m not angry," you softly returned, easing back to peer up into his dark, troubled eyes. "And it’s not because I don’t care, or don’t expect things from you." You referenced a previous argument, making sure he knew that your lack of reaction was, indeed, not a lack of investment.
Tracing your fingertips over the angle of his jaw your eyes danced over his features, as if checking to be certain that he was unharmed. "To be honest, I...I’m actually scared."
Marc’s heart sank, guilt twisting his insides for making you uncomfortable in any way, and especially for scaring you.
Then you explained.
"When I first walked in, I was so afraid someone hurt you – are you sure you’re okay?"
With a heavy sigh, his forehead dropped to touch yours. "No, it’s not like that – I’m not physically hurt."
Daring to meet your eyes again his grip on you tightened as if he were afraid you might quite literally slip through his fingers.
"I can’t explain why I bought it, really. But...I can try."
He seemed hopeless to make any sense of how he got here, or what was going on inside him.
"Okay, baby," you soothed, tracing the fullness of his bottom lip with your thumb. "Can we talk about it?"
He eagerly nodded, the slightest swell of accomplishment blooming in his chest as he started to realize how close he'd come to having a drink...but didn't.
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The two of you settled onto the old sofa after you changed into an oversized cardigan and joggers, and ordered takeaway on your phone, since there was clearly no soup, despite Steven's previous offer.
Marc nestled into one end of the couch and had sweetly asked to hold you. So you draped yourself across his lap, your legs extending down the length of the sofa while your arms encircled his neck.
"I'm glad I didn't drink," he admitted out loud, which...was huge for Marc.
"You should be," you lovingly encouraged, smiling at him tenderly.
"You're so good to me," he uttered, gazing at you adoringly. "I would understand, you know - if you were upset at me, for wasting money and...just..."
"Is that what you think it is? A waste of money?" You asked him frankly.
His thick eyebrows knitted as he contemplated your meaning.
"Would it not be more wasteful if the bottle were empty?" You went on. "I think you would feel a lot worse. And that would be a waste."
"Yeah, I guess so," he slowly nodded.
"So - tell me what you were thinking when you walked into the store...or when you were standing outside the window, thinking about going in. What happened?"
So Marc confessed.
Jake had been busy at night lately, so they were tired. One of Steven's classes got cancelled so he dragged himself into bed for an afternoon nap, intending to make soup and spend the evening with you.
But it was Marc who awakened abruptly from a nightmare: a torment including broken bottles, torn flesh and punishing blows.
You fucking knew it. It always came back to that stupid god.
"I was dreaming about her," Marc explained, to your slight surprise, "about something I'd forgotten, until the night I was attacked."
Then you realized this specific misery was not from the night Khonshu abandoned him in the middle of a brutal attack. He was remembering something older.
"She...sometimes she would sing while she cooked," he confessed, reminding you of the rare, tender moment Jake had shared with her - that she cooked while singing in Spanish, and that sometimes Jake helped her. He had almost seemed like he felt guilty for holding a fond memory of her after what she'd done.
Marc was apparently recounting the flip side of that memory.
He went on to explain that he didn't remember much about it, but he must have been helping her cook (or perhaps, in this case, it was Jake). What he did recall, however, was that he dropped a glass skillet lid by accident. His mom had asked him to stir the food contained within, and when Marc reached for the lid's handle, its heat burned his palm, causing him to drop it to the floor, where it shattered.
He had jumped back, profusely apologizing, but it was too late. Wendy was halfway into a bottle of something or other. She picked it up and said, "Oh, are we breaking things today?"
Then she broke the bottle on the counter's edge and brandished it as a weapon against her only remaining child.
Marc's details thereafter were vague, but they included a cut on his arm, curses in Spanish (no wonder he didn't speak it anymore), and a trip upstairs that ended in belt whelps, sobbing and another lonely night spent afraid and starving.
"When those men attacked me that night, I...it's like I could instantly remember her face and her voice and just...I think Jake told you he took the body while I was staring at my reflection in the window of a liquor store. Or...right after I started walking away."
By now, tears had spilled down your cheeks, as they did any time he shared another piece of his past with you.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I...I didn't remember it that clearly until I woke up today."
His sweet, brown eyes were wide and pleading with you to understand. After all this time, he still felt he was the one who had done something wrong.
Smoothing your thumb over his cheek, you granted him a tender smile. "There's nothing to apologize for. You never have to be sorry for opening up to me."
He nodded quickly, his voice high pitched, almost like a child's. "I know, but - I made you cry. I always think I've told you everything bad and it's over with, you know? That there won't ever be any more of my shit to say. But then, there's always more. I'm sorry."
"Marc," you gasped, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his mouth. "That's why I'm here, baby. I'm here to listen - for whatever you need. You haven't done anything wrong. This was done to you."
The familiar wrinkle formed between his dark eyebrows as he nodded, seriously listening to what you had to say. "You're right," he admitted. "It's a lot of shit to remember - my life, I mean. But still...I shouldn't have bought that alcohol."
His bottom lip turned down in a bit of an adorable frowny pout. "I made a therapy appointment, and...I thought about what she might say, you know, about taking ownership. And that's the thing I can control, right?"
You nodded encouragingly, hoping he would continue - your heart swelling with pride over how far he'd come. You could approve or disapprove of his alcohol purchase, but what mattered was what Marc himself thought of his choice.
"So...I shouldn't have bought it. It wasn't productive," he continued sincerely. "And...it was wasteful. But I didn't drink it. So...that's something."
You kissed the pad of your thumb before pressing it to the wrinkle between his eyes. "That's my guy. Proud of you."
That move always dissolved his contemplative frown into what could almost be considered a shy smile.
"I still probably need some 'stress relief' though." He winked as the sound of your laughter filled the flat.
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The next day, you walked Marc to a meeting to get his six month sobriety chip. The two of you decided to celebrate with a night out. You couldn't be more proud of him for getting back on track, and not breaking his sobriety since he'd learned about Jake and Khonshu.
The two of you returned home and decided to cuddle up on the rooftop, before the fall weather started getting too chilly.
"This is nice," you murmured, laying your head on Marc's shoulder. You were seated on a couple thick quilts with a smaller one wrapped around you both.
"Yeah, it is," he agreed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Thanks for going out with me tonight."
"Of course, baby, I'm so proud of you."
He gave you that sexy little smirk of his - pretty much the closest he ever came to a full smile. Reaching for your hand, he slid his fingers through yours. "I love you, you know. More than anything."
You melted as his heated gaze lured you in. "I love you too. More than anything."
He peered into your eyes for a few seconds longer, and you thought he might kiss you, but he cleared his throat instead.
"I need to talk to you about something, okay?" His dark eyebrows shifted - he looked a little nervous. "Just...hear me out. It's important."
Squeezing his hand, you nodded. "Anything, Marc."
It took a moment for him to continue, Releasing your hand, he stared straight ahead. You knew him well enough to realize he needed a minute - and that this must be significant to him.
"I'm going to talk to Khonshu," he finally announced, with difficultly. "I need to talk to him - to settle some things."
You tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. This was Marc, after all. He thought deeply and carefully about everything and he didn't just blurt things out.
Steven liked to think about everything out loud. Your evenings were often filled with not only a comical and detailed retelling of the day's antics, but he would actually sort through his feelings verbally. It was easy to know where you stood with Steven at all times, but it was, occasionally, a trifle exhausting - though not unwelcome.
If this were Jake, you would already be challenging him, arguing passionately about how this was a bad idea. Jake had no problem arguing right back until he convinced you.
But this was Marc. So you waited, and you listened.
"I can't...I just can't sit in the back seat of my life anymore," he began to explain, after a long exhale. Another silence followed - almost uncomfortably long. You finally realized he was gazing at your profile.
"I'm happy with you," he softly admitted. "Being married to you. You know that, don't you?"
Granting him a sweet smile, you nodded. "I do. But I'm always glad to hear it."
His attention shifted back to the darkened sky. He always tended to feel a little more comfortable communicating without direct eye contact.
"I like the life we have here. I'm good with Steven doing the things he does, and even Jake. It took some time, but...it works now, I think." He chuckled at himself. "Maybe I was an ass before, about Jake. But - I know he loves you."
Linking your arm through his, you laid your head on his shoulder and just let him talk.
"He does love you," Marc repeated softly. "And Steven does. And I do. I am happy."
"Me too," you quickly assured him.
Another silence. A breeze swirled around you, automatically drawing you closer to his warmth.
"But this thing with Khonshu - I can't stay out of it. He's in our lives because of me. I have to deal with him."
Treading as carefully as you could manage, you chanced a question. "What do you mean, deal with him? Didn't Jake make a deal to protect you?"
"That's not what I'm talking about," he quickly defended, stiffening. "And I didn't ask Jake to do that."
Okay, back to waiting on him to explain.
"Even though I'm six months sober, this is the main thing I can't really break through. I feel like I can't really have control of my life until I settle whatever this is with him."
He was on a roll now, so you didn't want to stop him, despite your concerns over his safety.
"I talked to them, you know - Steven and Jake."
"And what did they say?" You softly asked, soothingly stroking his arm with your fingertips.
So he explained that Jake hoped their current setup could work out. Jake would take care of Moon Knight and keep Marc safely out of it. Somewhat conversely, Steven understood Marc's need to confront, or at least consult Khonshu. Steven knew what it felt like to be left out of the loop in his own life.
"So what I want to know is - what do you think?"
Even though you'd been biting your tongue, holding back your opinion, now that he'd given you the floor, you found yourself a little stumped. Instead of playing games, however, you decided to be direct, as usual.
"I'm conflicted, honestly," you softly returned. "I respect your choice and I support you. I understand why you think you need to talk to him. But I'm scared he'll hurt you - physically or mentally. Or both. And I don't want that.
"But if it's as bad as you're saying, then you can't live like this. You're right, you have to settle it. You have to decide if you are Moon Knight."
"I am," he answered resolutely. "I am Moon Knight."
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Coming up: The conclusion to "With You"
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're A Family Part 17 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Thank you for your patience with me. I'm still moving a bit slow but I've been living in my comfort fics while writing a new comfort fic so yeah <3
Warnings: Dads Steddie and Mama Fem Reader, SMUT, mostly near the end with a lot of passion between da boys. FLUFF , we have an adorable addition to the Munson-Harrington crew <3 as well as Ro's birthday. ANGST because I'm me, Steve does something stupid with the best intentions, Him and Eddie get into a fight, Eddie's dad makes a cameo, Eddie talks about first moving in with Wayne, Dylan talks about divorce (dont panic! Its fine. We're all fine. Im not that angsty.) and I think that's it.
Word Count: 5369
“Ok, ladies and gentlemen, what are the bets this time around?” The doctor grins as he looks at your little family. 
“We’re at 3 to 2 with girl being in the lead.”, Steve beams.
“I love it. Let’s take a look.”
It had been about four months since you found out you were pregnant again and this time around was rough. The first few months were spent throwing up pretty much everything you ate and your cravings had been stronger than they had been before. You found yourself getting grumpier and more irritable which the boys didn’t seem to mind, doing everything they could to make things easier. 
You got the house by the lake and everyone (especially Wayne) was excited for the move. Aurora’s birthday was coming up soon which, while still happy, always made you and Eddie nervous. That first year his mom showed up at your door and the two birthdays after she called his phone begging him to come speak at his father’s appeal. 
Steve finally told his mom that you were pregnant with his biological child and she was over the moon. He begged her not to tell his dad and so far she seemed to honor his request. 
“Alright, Munson-Harrington gang. Congratulations, it looks like we have a healthy baby boy!”
“Ok, we have to think of a name.”, Eddie mused as he took a bite from the burger on his plate. “What do you think, kid?” Dylan shrugs causing the metalhead to playfully role his eyes. “You’re no help. What about you, my angel?”
“Han.”, Aurora smiles as she chews on her fries.
“I wouldn’t hate that. Harrison Ford in those earlier movies was so sexy.”
Your son makes a face as both men laugh. “You don’t have any special memories with a name? Like I did with Ro?”
Eddie thought for a moment before a smirk crept across his lips. “James.”, he nods, shifting his gaze towards you two. “When my mother left me with Wayne, I was confused. I genuinely thought she would be coming back so I sat on his couch by the door and just waited. Every now and then he would ask if I was ok or if I needed something and I always told him no. Right before dinner that night, he sat at his little table in the trailer with this rickety, old acoustic guitar and started playing Dio’s Rock n’ Roll Children.”, he chuckles. 
Dylan leaned against his side and Eddie lifts his arm to wrap around his shoulders. 
“Now my uncle is a god-awful singer but man could he play. I was so fascinated by how his fingers moved that I got up to sit with him. He smiled, placing a sandwich in front of me and I ate as I watch him. From that moment on, I knew I wanted to play the guitar. It took me a few days to realize Lynn wasn’t back but Wayne was always there with a new song. Anyway…”, he sighs as his voice becomes lighter. “The lead singers name is Ronnie James.”
You and Steve smile at him as you caress his leg under the table with your foot. 
“I like James.”
“Me to.”, the other man agrees. “James Wayne Munson-Harrington.”
 “Oh, Y/N, you guys don’t have to do that.”, Wayne bashfully grins. 
“We know but we’re going to because we want to.” Winking at him, you stick your fork into the cake on the counter. 
“Honey, we have plates.”
“Yes, baby, we do. It’s this thing UNDER the cake.” Steve playfully narrows his eyes in your direction. “Look everyone else said they were full and I’m eating cake for two!”
He holds up his hands defensively as Eddie rounds the corner with Ro who reaches for her grandpa, demanding he hold her. 
“Listen here you. No more birthdays. We’re stopping today at four, understand?”
“No, granpa! I…be…a big girl.”, she declares tossing her hands in the air. 
The phone rings and Steve chuckles as he reaches over to answer it.
“Hello. This is a collect call from Hawkins Penitentiary from inmate: Al Munson. Will you accept the call and charges?”
The man glances at Eddie who now has a big smile on his face as he tickles Aurora who in turn hides in Wayne’s neck hoping her father can’t reach her. After a few seconds, he hangs up.
“Who was it, baby?”, you ask.
“Wrong number.”
Steve’s foot bounces as he waits behind the glass, eyes constantly searching his surroundings. A guard on the other side, opens a door and brings over the prisoner placing him front of the awaiting man. He had never met Eddie’s dad but he had seen a few pictures. The inmate looking at him now was much older and worn by prison life. He did have a lot of his husband’s features especially in the face but his eyes weren’t as soft as Eddies. 
“You’re not my son.”
“No…no I’m not and neither is Eddie.” Allen squinted at his guest in confusion. “Look, I just came down here to tell you and Lynn to leave him alone. Every time we change our number, you guys always find it again and bother him on what is supposed to be a day about his daughter, not you. He spent so much time worried about you both and paying for the sins of everything you guys did to him. It’s time for him to be happy.”
“I see. And what are you going to do if I don’t, Mr. Harrington? Call the cops?”, he snickered. “I have done more than enough time to pay for my own sins. Edward could really help me out here and as my son he should want to.”
“What he wanted was a father and he found that in Wayne when your wife abandoned him. He gave up on you a long time ago.”
“Why are YOU here? Do you speak for him now since you fuck him?” Steve’s eyes narrowed in annoyance at the man’s comment. “Oh yeah. I know about you, him, and that girl…what’s her name. Honestly, I don’t give a shit about any of that. If my son wants to bend over and—”
“Don’t. Don’t fucking finish that sentence, Allen, or I swear God.”, he growled. “Listen, leave him alone and I can help you in here.”
“How can you help me?”
“I have some money set aside. I can give you some to make things a bit easier.”
Eddie’s dad’s jaw clenches as he weighs his options. “$500 a month and we have a deal.”
A few months had passed and your little family had moved into your new home. Right on time to because about a month after James decided he was ready to join the Munson-Harrington clan. 
Aurora was completely fascinated by the new baby. 
“Dada, bra-der tiny.”
“He’s going to be tiny right now, honey. You have to be very careful with him.”
Her eyes widen as she gently pets the top of his head before leaning down to kiss his nose.
One night while he was crying, she watched as Eddie heated up a bottle and rocked him in his arms as he fed him. 
“Daddy, what’s wrong wit James?”
“He’s just hungry, princess. Babies eat EVERYTHING.” He widened his eyes making her laugh. “Do you want to help me?”
She nods, following him to the couch and takes a seat in his lap. Placing her little hand on the bottle, he allows her to hold it up as the baby continues to suck at its contents eagerly. 
Where Ro was a daddy’s girl, James was a mama’s boy. He loved being in your arms the most and the first time he smiled it was because you were kissing his chubby cheeks. 
Dylan, as always, was a wonderful big brother. He helped out where he could and even offered to babysit his siblings every now and then so you and the guys could spend some time alone. 
“Hey mom. I need some money for baseball. They said that we need $100 for boosters and some equipment.”
“Geez, isn’t that what boosters is for? To raise money for you people?” Dylan beams at you as he gives you a hug making you smile. “Steve? Little man needs $100 of baseball.”
“Jesus, why so much?”
You glanced in his direction taken a bit off guard. Usually when it came to the kids, if they needed anything financially, he didn’t think twice. Between the three of you, money wasn’t as tight but with the new baby and house things weren’t as easy as before so you let it go. Dylan answered his question and he dug in his wallet to give his son what he needed.
“Everything alright, babe?”
“Huh? Yeah, you know me. I just want to make sure we have everything, you know?”
Your head tilted to the side as your wife and mother senses started tingling again. He was hiding something but what could it be? If it was something involving a surprise for you or the kids his face and body language would normally radiate excitement. Something was wrong. 
“Hey, Dylan, do you mind keeping an eye on the other weirdos while I talk to Steve for a minute?”
He nods as you grab the man’s hand and tug him out towards the back porch. 
When Eddie got home from work, he found you sitting on the couch gnawing on your thumb as Steve paced in the living room. His eyes found yours as you motioned for him to come sit beside you. 
“Is everything ok? Where are the kids?”
“I asked my sister to watch them so the three of us could talk.” You softly smile as you kiss his cheek. “Steve has something he needs to tell you.”
“Okay? What’s going on, Stevie?”
The way Eddie looked up at him with concerned eyes made him feel so much worse at what he was about to tell him. 
“Um, so, remember how on Aurora’s birthday, you were ecstatic because your mom hadn’t called? Well, uh, your father actually called from prison that day. I answered and hung up on him.”
As the man spoke, you kept your eyes on the metalhead’s face as it slowly fell.
“I-I-I went down there to see him, Ed, and I warned him to leave you alone. He said he needed you and was tired of being in jail, that he and Lynn wouldn’t stop until you showed up at an appeal. So…” Steve’s panicked gaze shifted your way before he looked directly at the man he loved. “For the past few months, I’ve been paying Allen $500 to leave you alone.”
Eddie’s jaw tightened as he tilted his head subtly towards you. 
“Did you know about this?”, he whispered.
“No. I just found out everything today.”
He nodded as he rose to his feet, placing himself in front of Steve. 
“Eddie, I swear, I was trying to make things easier for you. I hated—”
The metalhead’s fist flew knocking the man backwards before climbing on top of him and swinging his arms. 
“Eddie, baby! Stop!” You tried to break them apart but he was too strong. Quickly, prepared for anything, you pushed a few buttons on your phone, sending a text to the one person you knew could get through to him. Three minutes later, Wayne flew in and pried his nephew off the man beneath him. 
“Hey! That is enough! I need you calm down, son.”
“How dare you fucking go behind my back like that, Steven! I told you both NOT to go down there!”
“I was trying to help!”
“By giving him money that can be used for our family, you fucking asshole! You think this is going to stop him?!” He tried to charge at the man again but his uncle held him back. “You have no idea what he’s like. I do!”
“Steve, maybe, you should go for a drive or something. Let him cool down.” He glanced your way and you softly nodded in agreement causing the man to hang his head as he quietly left the house. “Now you look at me, Ed.” Wayne grabbed the metalhead’s face forcing him to focus as he murmured low enough so only he could hear. 
“Eddie, I know you’re angry. I completely understand that but I need you breathe, ok? Your kids may not be here but Y/N is and she’s worried.” His chocolate eyes glanced at your concerned face as you hugged your arms around your body. “There you go. Can you sit on the couch calmly?”
He nods as he moves to take a seat. Without looking your way, his ringed fingers gesture for you to come closer and he pulls you onto his lap, hugging you to his chest. 
“I’m sorry if I scared you.”
“You didn’t. When he told me what he did, I was angry to. Not just because of what he did but because I knew it would hurt you. Eddie, you know how Steve is. He genuinely thought he was protecting you.”
“No. No, Y/N. This is serious. This isn’t like when you went to his mom for money so he could go to school. My father isn’t someone who can be trusted. So many things can go wrong that can get Steve in real trouble. I…”, he shakes his head as he feels his anger rise again. 
“Baby, I’m not excusing what he did but, maybe, if you explain to him more about your father and how this could backfire—”
“Which I could have done if he came to me first.”
“I know, honey. I know.”, you coo as you rub his chest. “Wayne, would you like to stay here? You’re more than welcome. Plus, I’m sure the kids would love to see you when they come back tomorrow.”
Eddie’s uncle did spend the night while Steve ended up sleeping a hotel. He texted you letting you know where he was and that he thought it was best to give his husband some space. 
The two youngest kids were excited to see their grandpa when they got home but Dylan sensed something was wrong especially when he walked in and noticed his dad wasn’t there. 
“Is it because I asked for money?”
“No, baby. No.”, you whispered as you kissed his forehead. “He’ll be home later.”
Your answer didn’t seem to sooth him as he sat next to Wayne and watched him try to make James smile. 
“Sir, you have the fattest little belly I have ever seen. I could just…”, he made munching noises in his stomach making the baby giggle as he scrunched his head into his shoulders. 
“Beep beep.”, Aurora parroted as the front door opened and Steve cautiously entered the home. “Dada!” She ran to his arms and he scooped her up giving her a big hug. “Dada, you have an ouch.” When she pointed to the light swelling where Eddie had hit him, he flinched slightly. 
“Yeah, dada is dumb.”
“No.”, she giggled before pointing at Wayne. “Granpa is here. He…he’s making…bra-der happy.”
Dylan’s eyes scanned Steve carefully as he sat across from him in one of the chairs. “You alright, dad?”
“I’m fine, dude. I just missed you guys.”, he smiles. 
You come around the corner and playfully swat at Ro’s curls before tickling her neck with your finger. “You. Scoot so I can say hi to dada.”
“Mama! Stop.”, she laughs as she slides down and sticks her tongue out at you. “You’re mean!”
You laugh along with her as you climb onto Steve’s lap and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Are you okay?”
“No. I hurt someone I love. He should have hit me harder.”
“Baby…”, you sigh as you press your forehead to his cheek. “We’re going to talk again later after the kids go to bed especially since he’s had time to calm down and process everything.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys. I know I should have—” You fingers cut him off as you place them on his lips. 
“We have eyes on us. Later, ok?”
Steve’s own orbs scan the room finding Dylan watching you both as well as Aurora before she smiles and waves in your direction.
One benefit of having three parents in the house is everyone can focus on one of the kids at any given time. After coming in to check on Ro and kiss her, Eddie stayed behind to tuck her in. As you passed Dylan on the couch downstairs, you poked your head into James’s room to find Steve with a sleeping infant in his arms.
“Alright, my love.”, you exhaled as you dramatically plopped your body down next to your son. “Time for you to go upstairs and get ready for bed.” Silently, he turns off the tv and begins to stand but you tug on the back of his shirt, bringing him down into your arms. “I know you and I know your big, beautiful brain. You’re a worrier like me. You didn’t do anything wrong, ok? You know we don’t mind giving you money for something you enjoy.”
“Everything got weird after I asked.”
“And that has nothing to do with you. Believe it or not, adults have issues sometimes that don’t involve their kids.” Dylan chuckled at your sarcasm as you kissed his cheek.
“I just don’t want to be the reason you guys get divorced or something.” 
As he began to stand, you quickly yank him back again. “Baby, they aren’t Charlie. Just because Steve wasn’t here this morning doesn’t mean that we’re going to break up. The three of us have been together too long and been through too much. And…”, you sigh hating the thoughts that fill your mind as you continue. “Playing the devil’s advocate here, if for some reason we ever did break up, I assure you no matter what, that reason would never be because of you guys or anything you did.”
Dylan smiles as he hugs you before getting to his feet and pulling you up with him. As Eddie comes down the stairs, he meets him half and tugs him into a hug.
“I love you, kid.”
“I love you to.” 
The moment he hears his footsteps bang up to his room, Steve appears and softly smiles in your direction. 
“Counseling degree at work again?”
“No, that would be my mom degree. I saw it on his face when you came home. Even though he knows you guys aren’t like Charlie, I think there’s still a part of him that feels like he could lose you at if one thing goes wrong.”
“I know the feeling.”, Eddie mumbles as he shuffles his feet. “Sometimes I was afraid Wayne would give up on me to. Obviously, that never happened.”
Your hand gently rubs his back and you gesture with your head for you three to head for the bedroom. 
The silence was deafening as you sat on the bed near the headboard as Eddie placed himself on the edge with his chin near his chest. Steve pulled one of the chairs from the living room so he could sit in front of you both, fidgeting with his fingers as he waited for someone to speak. 
“Did he ask you for money or did you offer?”, the metalhead asked. 
“I offered. He came up with the amount.”
“Steven, what do you know about prison? In general, I mean.”
“Did you know that things are snuck in all the time? Drugs, weapons, food, etc.” Steve shook his head. “Did you know he can use your money to get shit like that or give to other inmates to do that? Did you know that people could find out where he’s getting so much money from and send people to harass you for the same treatment?”
When the man shook his head again, his eyes downcast towards the floor in shame. 
“Do you know how I know that? The first time my father went in Wayne tried to help him by sending him $100 a month. A couple months later he asked for more and my uncle told him no. The next day someone broke into his trailer and stole half his shit. We learned later Allen owed some people inside money and when they found out he would be getting out soon they wanted it all upfront. When Wayne told him no, my dad told them where he had been getting the cash from so they sent people to get the rest however they could. Thankfully, he was at work that night.”
“Eddie, I…”
“You’d think prison would reform him but it doesn’t. That’s why he’s there, Steve. He does the same shit in there that he did when he was out. He cons people or steals from them and every time he always loses.”, he sighs angerly. “And that’s just one of the many reasons I’m pissed. We just had a fucking baby, Steven! $500 barely covers half of what he needs, plus Aurora and Dylan’s essentials. That’s for the kids. The three of us need things to including this house!”
You scoot closer and wrap your arms around him as you lean against his shoulder. You had never seen him like this. When he had gotten angry with his mom at Ro’s first birthday that was one thing. Right now, this was fury out of fear for you five and something that could have been avoided if—
“But I think what pisses me off the most is you didn’t fucking talk to me. I have always been up front with you when it came to your parents and especially your dad. Your dad isn’t like mine Steve. He could get someone fucking killed and I’ll be damned if it’s someone in my family. I don’t just ignore him and Lynn for me. I do it to protect you guys. It’s a simple thing and you made it way more complicated.”
A tear escaped down Steve’s cheek that he quickly wiped away as he sat up straighter and cleared his throat.
“I’m, um…I’m sorry, Eddie. You’re right. I should have talked to you, both of you. No matter what my intentions were. I—”
“Don’t do that.”, you cut him off. “Don’t do that authoritative, businessman style voice and dialogue you do because you think it’s what people want to hear.” His eyes roll as his leans forward and his leg bounces. “Be honest, Steve. Be yourself.”
“When he called you were making Aurora laugh, Ed, while Wayne was holding her. Y/N, you were eating cake out of the pan with a fork because you were pregnant and you and Dylan were leaning against each other smiling…it was perfect. A perfect fucking day without Charlie causing problems or Lynn calling to trigger his pain. My dad wasn’t appearing out of nowhere to fuck shit up or you mom to remind you that you’re still the town whore!” Steve’s beautiful brown irises looked at anything but you two as he tried to control his emotions. 
“For this one moment, everything was exactly as it should be. Then your dad called, Eddie, reminding me something was always waiting…looming in the background to fuck everything up. So, yeah, I went down there to protect us; to protect you. Motherfucker is lucky there was glass between us.”, he growled. “With Lynn and Allen, I don’t know how you turned out so fucking amazing. I can understand why you would want them out of your life for good.” Steve shrugs as he leans back again. “Since I couldn’t hit him and I couldn’t convince him, I did the only other thing I could think of.”
“Well thank God you didn’t become a businessman like your dad wanted or he would have lost a ton of money.” Their eyes meet for the first time since they entered the room as they both let a breathy chuckle. “Steve, when will you realize that you don’t have to protect us and be the hero alone?”
The baby monitor starts to light up and you hastily get up before they can to check on James. 
“I’m sorry I hit you.”
Steve got up from his chair to sit beside Eddie and wrapped his arms around him like you had. 
“It’s okay. I’m sorry I lied to you. I’m so fucking sorry, babe.”
The metalhead sighs using his fingers to lift his chin and bring his lips to his. 
“Even though I’m mad at you, I still love you. I hope you know that.”
The boy nods as he kisses his lips again before trailing them down his cheek to his shoulder. 
Allen glances at the three Munson-Harrington adults, sitting on the other side of the glass before really taking in his son in front of him.
Eddie knew he’d have to go down to the prison to fix what Steve had done but you were surprised when he asked you two to join him. On the drive there, he inhaled one cigarette after the other until you reached over and stole his pack so he wouldn’t overdo it. While you waited, his eyes darted around as he occasionally babbled to block out his internal panic. 
“It’s been a while since I’ve been here. The last time was when I was 10, I think. My mom brought me and I remember them arguing about him being stuck in here. She said she couldn’t handle me alone.”, he shakily laughed. “Actually, it was more ‘what am I supposed to do with him.’”
“Eddie…”  Turning his head, you kiss his lips as you caress his cheek with your thumb. “Everything is going to be ok. We’re right here with you.”
He nodded before gazing at Steve who was glaring into the void as Eddie reached to hold his hand before leaning to whisper in his ear. “Come back to me, sweetheart. I need you.”
“Well shit.”, Allen sarcastically smiled. “To what do I owe the pleasure? Your boyfriend and I already came up with an arrangement so you didn’t need to come down here.”
“Husband. Not boyfriend. Always glad to know you’re just happy to see me, Allen.”
“Allen? Really? You call Wayne daddy now?”
“More or less for the last about 18 years.” They glare at each other before Eddie snickers. “You’re not even going to pretend to be nice to win me over, are you? I have no idea why you or Lynn would ask me to lie for you if you can’t even say something civil like ‘Hey Ed. Nice to see you.’”
You intertwine your fingers with his as your heart breaks. This was probably just a taste of what little Edward Munson experienced and it killed you. 
“Look, we weren’t planning on staying for long. I just wanted to tell you the money Steve has been sending stops now and if you tell anyone that my family gave you that, I swear to God, I will make it my personal mission to make your life a living hell in here. You think things are bad now…”
You’d be lying if you didn’t say his dominance turned you on. There was nothing sexier to you than seeing them both be protective over you and the kids. Usually, it was Steve acting as protector and when he did it with Mr. Osbourne it drove you crazy. Hearing Eddie do it now was not only making you proud of him but excited to jump him later. 
“Fine but in return I want you to go the appeal for me.”
“No, that won’t be happening either and let me tell you why. If you keep calling me, sending letters, or any other bullshit like that, I will come to your appeal but it won’t be on your behalf. I’ll remind the judge that you’re a scam artist and a fucking car thief but I’ll also enlighten them on what a great father you were to me between the black eyes and verbal assaults.”
Eddie leans closer to the glass as his eyes burn into the man on the other side. 
“I am not a kid anymore. You two think you can still bully me but you’re wrong. You both need me way more than I need you.”
With that, he rises from the chair to leave before pausing and gesturing towards his father to wait with his index finger. Abruptly, he grabs Steve’s collar and tugs his lips to his for a passionate kiss. When he finally lets him go, the other man smirks, drunk off Eddie’s taste alone as the metalhead flips off his dad and turns to leave him behind. 
About a mile down the road from the prison, Eddie swerved his van into an empty area, hurling off his seatbelt and shoving Steve into the back where you had been sitting. You stayed out of the way, allowing the metalhead to take control. There was a sense of urgency in their kisses, both needing each other in that moment. Eddie needed to convey to him that he could take care of him to and Steve showing him that he could willing give up that urge to control for his husband to take be there for him.  
As they shoved down their pants, you slid your fingers down your own, rubbing your clit as you watched Eddie spit in his hand and stroke his cock before breaching Steve’s entrance. 
“Fuck, yes. I love you so much, baby. Let-Let me take care of you.”
All Steve could do was nod as he wrapped his arms around him and clung to him as Eddie pumped into him harder. His ring lined hand reached out into the air and it took you a moment to realize he was trying to find you. As you leaned into his touch he yanked the back of your neck, bringing your lips to his.
When he dipped his fingers into your jeans and between your legs, he couldn’t help but smile against your lips. 
“You’re so wet, princess. You like watching us together?”
Your own palm held the back of his from the outside of your pants as you rested your forehead on his. 
“I like watching you—mmm—take care of us. I love you, Eddie. I’m so proud of you.”
He heavily sighed as he thrust into you both faster. Hearing Steve loudly grunt, you two watch him as his face scrunches and he releases his spend near the bottom of his tummy. Eddie grins as you push against his hand, guiding his pace until he feels you shutter and cum on his fingers.  As you collapse next to Steve, he leans over the boy’s face as he chases his high. 
“You’re both so—f-fuck—fucking pretty when you cum.”
Watching with half lidded eyes, you softly smile as Steve reaches up to caress his face, listening as he whispers sweetly to him. 
“I love you to, honey. So fucking much. Cum, Eddie, please. We want to see it. I want to feel you fill me up. You…you deserve to…fuck…” He struggled to get the last few words out as the metalhead pumped into him so hard you imagined the van was shaking from the outside. They both grunted at the feeling as the boy came inside of him and like you collapsed on his other side.
The three of you panted as you starred at the ceiling. 
“I am sorry I put you in this position, Munson.”
“I mean… I put you in this position but you know me…I’m open to any and all positions as long as it feels good for everyone.”
They smile when you giggle as Steve shakes his head playfully. “You’re so stupid.”
“You don’t have to keep apologizing. I forgive you, Harrington.” He leans up on his elbow to kiss him before dramatically leaning across him to do the same with you. “Alright, you two recharge and I’ll drive us home.”
@dad-steddie @manda-panda-monium @alligator-person
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @strangerfreak
@decadentwombatmiracle @katie-tibo @marsupiooo
@local-stoner-bitch @steamystrangerfics @lunatictardis
@adaydreamaway08 @hazydespair @actuallyspencerreid
@moviefreak1205 @waylandmorgernsternherondal-blog
@kik51199 @strngrlytn @idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie
@k-k0129 @micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri
@sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
@munsonzzgf @munsonmoonshine86
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blackbarbiies · 9 months
𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣, 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕖. - 𝘫.𝘫𝘬
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pairing: teen! moonbyul x papa!jk
summarry: 𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘣𝘺𝘶𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘥 𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘴, 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘥, 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬𝘴 𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘧𝘦.
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘮𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢 𝘫𝘦𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘫𝘬 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘥𝘥, 𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯! 𝘥𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘦𝘹, 𝘫𝘬 𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦, 𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦.
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Moonbyul situated herself at her desk, waiting for the FaceTime call to load. She begins writing down the formula of the slope interception.
The call picks up, and Jungkook comes into frame. He sat at his desk, clicking away at the computer. “Hey, papa!” Moonbyul says, waving her hand. Jungkook chuckles, waving back just as energetic.
“Hey moon,” he clears his throat, “have you eaten?” He questions her, looking right at her from his screen.
“Yes papa I have, mama made salmon and rice,” She says, writing in her notebook. Jungkook hums in interest, typing away at his computer as the comfortable silence take over him and his daughter.
“What about you, papa? Have you eaten?” She glanced at the screen, questioning to her dad. “Yes moon, I had some glass noodles earlier.” He says, his eyes never leaving the computer.
“Where’s your baby brother, I heard he’s getting big.” Jungkook leans back in his chair, finally having time to talk to his daughter after typing out the rest of the information.
“He’s back there, mama will be up to get him soon though,” she pointed back to her bed where her little brother slept. She giggles, remembering something. “He also ate lots of salmon, he even chewed it! He kept stealing mama’s salmon and it was so funny.” She laughed, recalling a few minutes ago. “That’s all your mom right there,” he jokes, getting closer to the frame to look at his baby boy.
“Moon, mama told me she gotten a call from the school saying that you were failing Mrs. Miller’s class.” He clears his throat, balling his hands together and placing his chin up on his knuckles.
“Mama said she wouldn’t tell you! —’’ she huffs out in annoyance, folding her arms.
“Nuh uh! Girl we don’t do that pouting.” Jungkook scolds, “I thought mama and I told you to study?”
“I did papa, but school is hard—’’ she whines.
He chuckled. Looking down at his phone, he smiled. “Mama just sent me a picture,” he smiled cheekily at his phone, typing something.
“What are you responding? Are you saying that mom is the beautifull-est woman in the world?” Moon jokes, smiling.
“Yes! But many many more words.” Jungkook sends the message, smiling as the message sends.
A few minutes into the call, you were on your way upstairs to get Seehung. “Oh, mama’s coming!” Moon grabs her pen, quickly returning back to her untouched notes.
As you enter the room, your husband zeros in on you from his side of the screen. “Hey baby.” Jungkook calls out, bowing visibly.
You giggled, bowing back. “Hey honey, have you eaten?” You ask, grabbing Seehung off of the bed, then walking over to Moonbyul’s desk. Scanning over the notebook, you hum in satisfaction.
“You don’t gotta watch my daughter study, she good,” Jungkook jokes with you, scolding you for making sure that your daughter’s paper had at least been halfway full.
Sitting down, you smile into the camera. Jungkook returns the smile, ingnoring his intrusive thoughts.. for now.
“I heard you up here scolding my daughter, she’s ok. Mama got her situated.” You scolded jungkook, rubbing your daughter’s back.
“I can do whatever I want with my daughter because you know why? She mine!” He points to himself, chuckling playfully.
You sat and watched Moonbyul write down different ways to find the formula on a graph. Until… Jungkook interrupted the silence.
“Naomi, your face has gotten a bit fatter.” Jungkook leans into the camera more, studying his wife’s face.
You smiled. Covering your face as you look down. “It’s because the salmon, my face is a little swollen.” You rub your face, smirking a bit.
“Baby, are you pregnant?” He asked you immediately, causing your head to shoot up from your daughter’s paper. (Moonie did the same)
You laugh, “boy bye. I said I’m done with these kids. Two is enough.” You tried to hide a smile threatening to shine through.
“Moon, do your work. I’m not.” You told your daughter, looking back at her paper as she writes.
“Mama, your face is really rounded— you sure you not?” Jungkook shuts up immediately as you glare at him.
“I’m not.” You say, covering your face.
“Mmm, don’t hide mama. You know I been giving it to you right before I left.” He flirts with you, causing your eyes to widen as you cover your daughter’s ears.
“I ah— have to go to the restroom!” Your daughter excuses herself, entering the restroom.
“Mama, I know you pregnant. I just know it.” He says, clearing his lens.
You giggle, rolling your eyes. “So what if I am?” You question jokingly. Jungkook hums, narrowing his eyes at his sexy wife.
“Baby, Naomi, Jeon Naomi.. I know I handled you well, and we both know we want more children.” Jungkook seriously talks, looking straight into your eyes through the call.
Damn, he know how to make your insides flutter real bad.
“Ok, I am. Damn, I was tryna wait til you came back but I guess that plan didn’t work.” You laughed out.
Jungkook smiled, his eyes staring at his wife in awe. “So you’ll have my baby, mama?” Jungkook asks, smiling as he ruffles his hair.
“Yes, yes I will baby.” You reply, smiling.
“Ok ma’ call me later, after you put Seehung to bed.” Jungkook says, looking at his wife’s ass as she stood up. “You know I will baby.” You said, placing a sleeping Seehung in a coodle position in your arms.
“Bye mama, don’t forget to call me!” He smiles, watching your backside as you walked off.
A happy moonie prances out of the bathroom.
“Mama’s pregnant!”
oh shit..
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songclangen · 9 months
”Heatherpaw! Heatherpaw!”
Beekit pressed up against her father, watching her sister touch noses with her new mentor. She was adopted, and a moon older than Beekit, so she’d start her warrior training earlier. Beekit was insanely jealous.
”Icymoss is like the best warrior in the Clan, and she’s a moon ahead of me. How am I supposed to ever catch up?” she thought out loud once the cheering had died down.
”There are plenty of good warriors in SongClan,” Honeystripe corrected her, tapping her head with his tail as he approached Heatherpaw to congratulate her.
Beekit hadn’t meant to sound so bitter, and sincerely hoped Heatherpaw hadn’t heard her. She should be happy for her sister, and she was. But it just wasn’t completely fair. Heatherpaw was better than her at pretty much everything already, despite not being born in the Clan and having been very small when she was found. They were actually pretty close in size despite the moon between them, but Heatherpaw was lean and nimble, while Beekit still stumbled over her own paws if she got distracted by a butterfly.
”Congrats, Heatherpaw!” Beekit smiled, pressing her cheek to her sisters anyway. It felt a little forced, so she quickly continued talking; ”I wish Icymoss could become my mentor. You’re so lucky!” That didn’t help, did it?
”Thanks,” Heatherpaw nodded, voice even as usual. ”He’s kind of a goofball, you two would never get anything done.” 
Beekit forced a small laugh. It was hard to tell when Heatherpaw was joking, because her expression was always so unrevealing, but she’d started to get the cues. Still, she didn’t find it very funny.
”Speaking of…” Honeystripe mumbled, nodding to Icymoss who was stood at the entrance of the Camp. ”Don’t you have a territory tour to get to?”
Heatherpaw bounded off without saying goodbye, and Beekit let out a tense breath. She did like Heatherpaw, of course. But they were so different. They had always been different. Heatherpaw didn’t like to play that much, even when they both had been kits. She had preferred to hunt leaves or bugs in silence, and she didn’t like pretending she was an enemy warrior when they wrestled, so Beekit always had to be that. And Heatherpaw always won. Not because she desperately wanted to, she was just better. Beekit was actually pretty bad at play-fighting.
Once she did become an apprentice, she and Heatherpaw would be the only ones. The idea of sharing a den with her sister alone wasn’t all that appealing. Beekit had lots  of weird dreams all the time, and Heatherpaw would always scold her for waking her up. Not to mention, being one step behind her all the time in training would be annoying.
Maybe Tallbeam or Pronghorn could be her mentor. They were some of the best fighters and hunters in the Clan, and respected warriors. Really, as long as it wasn’t Bugskitter, she’d be happy. That tom really had it out for her. Once, when she was small, she’d asked why he was always so cold and nasty to her. My sister would still be alive if it weren’t for you, he’d said. Beekit had been so shocked and scared that she’d never asked him what he meant, and when she asked her dad, Honeystripe had just told her not to listen to him, that it wasn’t her fault. She still didn’t know what wasn’t her fault, but she would never hurt any cat. Whatever Bugskitter had been talking about must have been a lie. That’s what she told herself, anyway. Really, she didn’t really want to know, because the whole thing just made her feel awful.
The moon before her apprentice ceremony came and went. Any day now, Amberstar would call a meeting and set on her on the warrior path. Like the last few nights, Beekit found herself sleepless. Her uncle Bearfreckle was snoozing soundly in the nursery den (usually someone would to keep her company), his breaths light but weighed with sleep. It didn’t give her much comfort, though.
She didn’t know why she was so nervous to become an apprentice. Deep down, she knew it wasn’t just excitement, like everyone told her. And although she just knew she’d mess up a lot and probably be a terrible hunter and fighter, it wasn’t just doubt either. Something felt wrong. The idea of fighting itself felt horrifying, she couldn’t understand how warriors took such pride in it. She didn’t want to hurt anyone, ever! For any reason!
Restless and feeling like ants were crawling through her pelt, she got to her paws and got out of the nursery. The early Greenleaf air was cool and still. There was no wind and no sound of insects, just perfect silence. At camp’s edge she saw Gulldrizzle’s silhouette, keeping guard. She was facing out into the territory, so she didn’t notice Beekit.
Above, countless stars shone steadily down on her. Finally, a calm feeling began to spread through her body. She loved the stars. Pretty much everyone agreed that they were beautiful and comforting, since StarClan was up there. But when she looked up there, she got the same feeling as she did when she saw Honeystripe, or heard his voice. The comfort that told her no matter what, everything was going to be okay.
Laying down in the soft grass outside the nursery, she tilted her head so she could look up at them. They looked back, like they always did. Then, a shape began to take form between the little white dots. A milky white shadow, that grew more and more intense. Beekit threw herself up, and almost lost her balance when she realized the stars weren’t just above her, but all around her, even under her paws!
Her fur tingled with fear, breath quickening. Then, a voice.
”Don’t be afraid,” it said.
She looked ahead again, and the pale shape had turned into…a cat! A white cat, sitting a few tail-lengths ahead of her, with her tail neatly wrapped around her paws. The first thing Beekit noticed was how one of her ears was folded over her head. Her expression was bright and focused, and Beekit almost felt uncomfortable by the intensity of her deep gaze.
”Hello, Beekit” the she-cat mewed.
Beekit forgot to answer for a moment, then mewed back quietly; ”Hi.”
”You’ve grown so much!” the she-cat burst out with a big smile, then closed her eyes briefly as if to contain her emotions. ”See, I’ve been watching you ever since you were born.”
”Oh,” was all Beekit could force out, still a bit taken aback by seemingly floating among the stars. It finally hit her that she was dreaming, and that calmed her down a little. It was a weird dream, sure, but not weirder than the time she’d dreamt that she was an actual bee, flying between flowers, and all her Clanmates were also bees all living in a hive and making honey instead of hunting.
”Do…” the stranger paused, tilting her head. ”Do you know who I am?”
She sounded very hopeful, so Beekit made sure to think really hard. She’d never seen a cat with a folded ear, and she was sure she’d remember that. Finally, she shook her head slightly.
The she-cat sunk a little bit, looking down at her paws. ”No, of course not…” she mumbled, then stood up. ”That’s alright. My name is Peatswan.” She paused, looking at Beekit expectantly, like that would mean anything to her. It didn’t. Peatswan cleared her throat, looking a bit worried. ”Um, I’m a StarClan cat, but maybe you guessed that?”
Beekit hadn’t guessed that, but now she did notice the stars twinkling in the cat’s fur. They hadn’t been easy to see, since she was as white as snow. Then a chill ran up her spine.
”Wait…am I dead? Am I in StarClan?” she gasped, rising to her paws quickly.
The she-cat’s eyes widened, then she purred with amusement. ”No, you’re not dead. This is StarClan, sort of. Our hunting grounds are in a different place, but I thought maybe it would be good to talk to you somewhere less foreign. Though I now realize this isn’t very normal, either.”
As she talked, a weird feeling buzzed in Beekit’s chest. She suddenly realized her voice was familiar. Had she seen this cat in a dream before, and forgotten? Without thinking, Beekit walked up to the StarClan warrior. Peatswan tensed up, but Beekit couldn’t help herself. Once she was close enough to smell her properly, another chill spread through her body. The scent was sweet and so familiar, like walking into the nursery after being out of it for a whole day. Who was this cat? More and more, it was like she could almost remember, but it was buried deep in her mind.
Then she took a few steps back, realizing she was being a bit rude to this stranger. ”Sorry. Um…did you want to tell me anything in particular?”
Looking up at the she-cat’s face, she was surprised. The white warrior was smiling, but her eyes were so full of sadness and grief that Beekit felt her whole chest twist into knots. Had she said something bad?
”Are you okay?” she asked softly.
”Yes,” the she-cat nodded, almost laughing. ”Yes, I’m okay, Beekit. It’s sweet of you to ask. You’re right, I did want to tell you something.”
”What?” Beekit asked, sitting down in the field of stars.
”As I said, I’ve been watching you since you were born. So has all of StarClan. Do you remember when you were a little kit, and you dreamt that you were buried under the snow?”
Beekit shuddered. ”Yes, and then a blizzard came and all the dens got snowed in overnight…it was scary.”
”That was actually StarClan talking to you, in a dream,” Peatswan explained.
Beekit tilted her head, thinking. ”So it was like…a warning? I’m sorry, I didn’t know that…” she apologized, feeling bad. If she’d understood that, she could have told everyone to prepare for the storm.
”It’s okay, we knew you would all be alright. Otherwise we could have sent it to Ratquill or Riverpetal.”
”So why did you send it to me?” Beekit asked.
Peatswan twitched her whiskers with amusement. ”Isn’t it obvious?” she purred. ”You care so much about your Clanmates, and all you want is to help them and make sure everyone is okay, right?” Beekit nodded at this, suddenly feeling more understood than she ever had before. ”That’s why StarClan thinks you would make a good medicine cat. That’s why your dreams are so vivid, too. You have a very strong connection with us.”
”Really?” Beekit chirped, surprised more than anything.
She hadn’t really considered becoming a medicine cat before. The Clan had always had two, and Ratquill and Riverpetal were excellent at their duty. But then…Ratquill had passed away recently. That’s why Riverpetal hadn’t been able to hang out with her and show her stinky herbs the last moon; he’d been too stressed and busy. She’d felt so sad for him. But now, maybe she could finally help him!
”I’m going to be a medicine cat?” she meowed, standing up, paws restless with excitement. This felt nothing like her doubt about being a warrior, this felt completely right! As a medicine cat, she wouldn’t have to practice fighting, she would just get to help her friends and family when they got sick! That was the dream!
”Does that make you happy?” Peatswan meowed, though it seemed she knew the answer.
”Yes! Very!” Beekit mewed and threw herself forward to press her head against the StarClan warrior’s chest. ”Thank you, Peatswan!”
Peatswan laughed and pressed their heads together in a warm embrace, and although they had just met, it felt so familiar and comforting and just right, and Beekit was filled with so much warmth and happiness that her heart was about to pound out of her chest.
Then, she suddenly felt the ground materialize under her body and cool night air surround her, and Peatswan’s warm body was gone. She was laying in the grass outside the nursery again, but not for long. Brimming with excitement, she scrambled to her paws quicker than prey running from a warrior’s claws and bounded into the warriors den.
”Honeystripe! Father, wake up!” she yowled, crawling over her adult Clanmates where they slept. They all protested loudly to being woken up, some beginning to scold her, but she didn’t care.
”What is it, Beekit? Are you okay?” Honeystripe meowed worriedly once she found him.
”I just had the craziest dream!” she meowed, instantly being hushed.
”No one cares about your stupid dream, Beekit…” Breezebriar grumbled, his amber eyes glinting in the darkness.
”What did you dream, Honeybee?” Honeystripe continued, slightly calmed now.
Beekit took a deep breath, and began to retell her experience in a whisper; ”I met a warrior from StarClan, she was so beautiful and nice, her name was Peatswan, and she told me that StarClan has watched over me and sent me dreams — you remember my dream about the blizzard that came true, right? — and...” she trailed off as she saw her father’s expression change to one she couldn’t read, and suddenly everyone in the den were looking at her. ”What is it?”
”What did she say to you, Beekit?” Twigmoor asked from where she was laying nearby, deep curiosity in her face.
”She told me that I’m supposed to become a medicine cat,” Beekit said, feeling odd suddenly, but smiled at Honeystripe. ”Isn’t that great?”
Finally, he cracked into a smile, and she recognized the look in his eye. It was the same as Peatswans had been, in her dream. ”That sounds like something you’d be good at,” he said.
The stiff silence shifted, some beginning to purr congratulations to her, or speaking quietly to each other. Twigmoor leaned closer to her brother.
”You have to tell her now,” she mumbled seriously, and Honeystripe nodded.
”Tell me what?” Beekit asked, but Honeystripe just stood up from his nest and guided her out of the den with his tail. ”Sorry for waking all of you up!”
Honeystripe led her to the edge of the Camp, above the slope behind the leader’s den. There they sat down. Beekit was prickling with anticipation.
”What is it?” she repeated, studying his face with the unreadable expression.
”I want to tell you about your mother,” he said.
Beekit perked up. She’d wondered about her mother since Ratquill told her where kits came from — her father had been annoyed the old medicine cat her told her that when she was ”too young”, but Beekit had actually understood it pretty well — because that meant Honeystripe couldn’t have done it all himself exactly. Though, there were other families in the Clan that weren’t so obvious how they came to be. Either way, when she’d asked him about it, he had become quiet and upset, and not given her an answer. Even though she had been little at the time, she had understood that she shouldn’t ask about it. Besides, she had Twigmoor and Bearfreckle too, they had helped take care of her since she was born, and the three of them had always been enough. So she’d tried to stop thinking about it.
Honeystripe went on to tell her about how amazing her mother had been. Apparently she was very funny, and knew a lot of things that no one else seemed to know, and could copy bird sounds. Then the story turned very sad. When Beekit was born, her mother had died. Apparently this could happen sometimes, and there was nothing medicine cats could do, and it was no one’s fault.
Beekit was struck with a grief so deep that she had to crouch down.
”Was she Bugskitter’s sister?” she asked, looking up at her father, remembering the warrior’s cold words when she was little.
”Yes,” Honeystripe nodded. ”Bugskitter loved her very much, and misses her very much, just like I do.”
Beekit nodded solemnly, her mean feelings for Bugskitter melting away into sympathy. He couldn’t help being angry, and she could understand. After a brief silence, she asked;
”And Peatswan was my mother?”
”Yes, that’s right,” Honeystripe nodded, laying down next to her.
Beekit had known she and the white warrior were connected from the moment she felt her scent. It had resonated deep within her, filling voids inside her that had been there since she was born. It just felt stupid to start assuming things like that based on so little, and she had trained herself not think about her mother for so long. But deep in her heart, maybe she had known it.
”I’m so glad I’m becoming a medicine cat now, I probably get to see her again soon,” Beekit hummed, smiling to herself. Then she was suddenly struck with guilt after saying that, since Honeystripe clearly missed her a lot. She looked up at him to meet his eyes. ”I’m so sorry, Dad. It must have been so hard when she died.”
The emotion in Honeystripe’s eyes almost made her look away, but she held fast. ”You remind me of her so much, Honeybee. When you’re around, I don’t need to miss her so much.
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solarpunkani · 9 months
The Lost Doll - A Short Story
To say that Arrden was in trouble didn’t even begin to describe his situation right now. He was screwed, utterly screwed, in deep doo doo. Deep.
He’d lost track of his little sister’s favorite doll again, a third strike on his record for being responsible. Not only that, but he’d lost it out in the city--where he and his sister weren’t even supposed to be in the first place! There was no way he would be able to explain himself to Mom and Dad without getting himself in trouble!
So there was only one solution. He’d have to go back out there and hunt it down, before either of them noticed it was gone.
“Arry! I want my dolly back!” his sister whined, but Arrden quietly shushed her.
“If you stay quiet, I’ll go get it and bring you some sweets!” he said.
Daisy hummed, her lip poking out into a powerful pout as she crossed her arms. “...gimme good sweets. From Junebugs!”
“Junebugs?!” what was he supposed to barter to get some of Junebugs’ candied fruit?! He was already pushing it just going out again, let alone bringing something to trade! “I can’t get anything from Junebugs, how about Missy Anne’s?”
Daisy responded by tilting her head back and yelling. “Daddyyy!”
“Okay, okay, okay! I’ll get you something from Junebugs, just don’t tell Dad yet!”
Daisy harrumphed, but nodded. At that same moment, their Dad came rushing up the stairs. “What’s going on up here, is everything alright?”
“I want uppies!!” Daisy beamed, reaching up with her little arms. Their dad laughed and reached down to pick her up, holding her close to his chest with a squeeze that made her giggle. While he was distracted, Arrden hurried downstairs to grab his bag and his skateboard.
“Hey, Arrden! Where’re you going?” his father called out.
Arrden froze in his tracks. Shit. “Uh! I wanted to go hang out at the library, maybe get more books!” That wasn’t entirely a lie--he did have to go to the library to check if they’d left the doll there during their earlier visit. And he did want to check out a book too.
“Alright, but can you get me some eggs from the Ferns on your way back? We’ll need them for breakfast tomorrow, bring her a few cuttings from the garden!”
Score! If he could take a few extra flower cuttings, he might be able to trade something for some Junebugs! “Okay, Dad! I won’t be too long, promise!”
Before his dad could ask any more questions, Arrden slipped out of the front door and hurried into the garden, picking the trimmers and two glass jars from the gardening table to set to work. Calendulas, rudbeckias, zinnias, and a few stems of milkweeds all found their way into the jar, which he placed into his tote as he slung it over his shoulder. He hopped over the fence, onto his skateboard, and was cruising out towards the rest of the town in a matter of moments. 
Gliding through the town on his board, he took a moment to appreciate it all--it was home, so he was used to it, but it really was so pretty. In school they’d been studying how things were just a few decades ago--an era he remembered faintly, but had no real fond memories for. He was younger than Daisy is now when their town started being remade into what it was, solar panels on every rooftop, gardens big and small bursting out of every crevice one could fit dirt into. Stained glass adorned practically every building, murals of suns and moons and plants and animals on any blank wall that wasn’t already overgrown with vining flowers. Maybe it was because he was old enough to ride around on a skateboard by himself, but things felt… smaller, than they did before. On bad days, it could be stifling, but on good days it was cozy. Most days were good days.
It didn’t take too long to get to the market plaza. He didn’t even have to look up to know he’d arrived, the light changing to pinks and oranges and yellows as he passed under the mess of fabric tarps overhanging the entire square. There were quite a few stands out today, some offering little baubles made of recycled plastic, or carved wooden statues of deer and bears and foxes, and the instrument maker was even offering a new guitar or two. Ooh, he’d have to save up for that. If he could prove himself responsible enough to maintain a spinning wheel, his friend Azzy had a few sheep, and they were always willing to give him wool to spin into yarn. Or better--if he could keep bees, to make honey and beeswax, that made for good trades.
Being responsible enough was the one thing he probably wasn’t today, since he’d lost his sister’s doll. 
Technically, Daisy had lost the doll, but it was still Arrden’s fault because he’d taken her out of the house while Dad was away at book club earlier. Oh, they’d explored the town together, gone everywhere Arrden knew she enjoyed, to cheer her up. She’d been stuck inside for days now--battling a nasty ear infection--but now that she was feeling better, she’d been begging to be let outside. Their parents said to wait just a few more days, to make sure she’d truly beaten it. Unfortunately, Arrden was weak to Daisy’s puppy dog eyes, and had whisked her away to explore all their favorite stomping grounds, getting her back home just before their dad got home. And apparently she’d dropped the doll somewhere on their adventures, and now here he was.
He stopped by the seed stand--Daisy always loved looking at the mystifying colors of Mister Peters’ glass gem corn, or reaching into the big bags of beans and letting them run through her little fingers. They’d definitely stopped here today--after all, Mister Peters’ son Kendall was working the stand, and he and Arrden had always been buddies.
“Hey, man!” Kendall beamed, reaching over the desk to tousle Arrden’s afro. Arrden mock-whined and nudged the taller boy off of him, rolling his eyes before sending him a grin. “You back again already? Did your Ma tell you to pick up more flower seeds? We're almost out of Liatris for the season.”
“Nah, it’s Ma’s working season. She doesn’t get back home till just before sunset. Did you see my sister’s doll anywhere around here? She lost it while we were out,” Arrden asked.
Kendall tutted at him, bead-adorned dreads swishing back and forth as he shook his head. “C’mon, man, you’re never gonna get those hives if you keep losing your sister’s stuff.”
“It’s not my fault she keeps dropping it! If she cares about it so much, you’d think she’d keep track of it better!”
“Yeah, and if you cared about getting those hives and that spinning wheel, you wouldn’t keep riskin’ it by taking her out with it.”
“Like she goes anywhere without it!”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” Kendall arched a brow at him. 
Arrden sighed. “I know, I know. But Daisy was so sad! I couldn’t not take her with me!” 
“Well, let’s just hope you get that doll back. Oh! Mrs. Fern wants me and Dad to plant a garden near her chicken coops next week, Dad said I can invite any friends I want. Next Saturday, nine AM, her place?”
“...won’t the chickens just eat all the seeds again, like they did last year?” 
“Oh, of course they’re going to, but Mrs. Fern’s gonna make us a big apple pie for all our hard work, and I know you want in on it.”
“You should’ve lead with the apple pie, man, I’m in! But I’ve gotta get going, text me about it later?”
“You know it! Good luck on finding that doll!”
Arrden left him with a final wave, hopping back onto his skateboard and wheeling off further into the market place.
Unfortunately, no other stands had his sister’s lost doll. He tried every other one they’d gone to--the bead and jewelry stand, the stand for the Watters’ farm selling baby chicks and a lamb, the one for the new artist that had moved to town a few months back--no such luck. 
The next best bet was the big, round, blue and yellow tent at the end of the marketplace. It was where Luna sang songs to entertain kids while their parents browsed the wares at the market in peace. It was never really Arrden’s thing growing up--he preferred poking his nose into his parents’ business, seeing what they were getting and running around making trouble for himself. But his sister loved the tent and ol’ Luna, and would beg to stop there even when it was just the two of them. So he ducked inside to check the seats.
Fortunately, Luna wasn’t performing right now. Instead, there was a younger girl, just tuning up the guitar in anticipation for the next batch of kids. She looked up with a bright smile as he stepped in. “Hello, there! Anything I can help you with?”
Arrden froze. That was not Old Lady Luna. That was Pretty Girl Sasi, the girl who sat in front of him in class. He definitely didn’t have a crush on her! Absolutely not, no matter how much his friends insisted he turned red as a tomato around her, he did not have a crush on her! She was just. Really pretty! And he didn’t know how to handle that!
“O-Oh, Sasi! I--I wasn’t expecting--I thought--Old Lady Luna--” he stammered, feeling his neck get hot.
“Luna’s my aunt, I’m helping her for the weekend in exchange for more guitar lessons.” Sasi said, standing to her feet and brushing long, silky black hair over her shoulder. “I’m sure she’d love to teach more people, if you wanted to do lessons together sometime?”
Honestly, Arrden had never had much interest in learning guitar, but now he was half-tempted to trade the flowers in his bag for that pretty new guitar at the instrument seller’s stand. “Oh! Uh--I--maybe! I’ll see if I can--ah--” his brain went numb for a second, and Sasi sent him an amused look as he briefly opened and closed his mouth like a fish. Wasn’t he here for something? Right! “Have you seen my sister’s doll? I--my sister was here earlier, and she lost her doll, and I dunno if it might’ve been here or… y’know. Y’know?”
Sasi giggled, making her way over to a basket tucked away to the side. “Well, I dunno what her doll looks like specifically, but my aunt always puts stuff kids leave behind in this basket. Wanna check?”
Arrden nodded and got to his knees, sorting through the basket a moment. There were a handful of dolls there--some little brown bears or orange foxes, others moreso resembling people, but none of them were Daisy’s little flower doll. He had to wonder if there were tons of brothers ripping and running around town trying to find their little siblings’ dolls today, or if these had been left for months and years with no owner. It made him a bit sad, and for a moment he missed his own little childhood doll, even though Black Cat still sat safely on a shelf in his room.
As he stood back up, Sasi frowned. “It’s not there? I hope you find it.”
“I hope so too. I’ve got a few more places to check, though, so fingers crossed!” Arden sighed, adjusting the strap of the bag on his shoulder. Sasi grinned, bangles clinking as she held up her own hands with their fingers crossed, prompting him to do the same. “Oh! My friend Kendall’s dad is planting flowers at Mrs. Ferns’ chicken coop next Saturday at nine, you’ll probably wanna ask him to be sure, but I think it’d be cool if you came! We’ll get apple pie after, too!”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude…” 
“I don’t think you’d be intruding! I mean--I’ll text Kendall and ask if you can come, but I doubt he’d say no!”
Sasi awkwardly rubbed her arm, her shoe nudging a divot into the soft dirt under them. “I’ve never really gardened before… I don’t think I’ve planted a seed since I was little, none of my family’s ever been good at it…”
“Oh! Between me and Kendall, you’ll be a pro in no time!”
“Then… maybe I’ll try it. Oh, I think my mom wanted to ask your dad to plant some moonflower seedlings by our gazebo… unless you wanted to come and do it sometime? We could trade numbers and figure out a time…”
Butterflies danced in Arrden’s stomach as he whipped his phone out of his pocket. “Y-Yeah, sure, let’s trade numbers--” unfortunately, he whipped it out so fast the phone flew out of his hand and plopped into the dirt by Sasi’s feet. The girl laughed a bit, bending down to get it and offer it back to him, and he smiled sheepishly. “Th-Thanks, Sasi…”
In just a few moments, the two had exchanged numbers and sent the customary ‘hey this is Arrden’ or ‘Hi this is Sasi’ texts, well on their way to expanding their friendship. Sasi even watched him leave from the opening of the tent, waving him goodbye as he skated away.
Arrden found himself humming a love song all the way to the pet store.
Right, he and Daisy had come here for cat food! After all, Arrden’s crime today hadn’t been leaving the house, but leaving the house with Daisy. He’d stopped to grab food and a new toy for their housecat, Shadow. Daisy had wanted to come along to see the adoptable puppies the Lees had raised, all ready to herd sheep on some other farmer’s land. Even though they didn’t have a farm, the puppies were still little fluffy bundles that Daisy just couldn’t resist playing with. However, he did send a few pics to Azzy, and had received some heart eye emojis in response. Who knows? Next time he went to their place, they might have a new bundle of joy bouncing around the fields. 
When he saw the puppies playing tug of war, his heart sank, but he instantly relaxed when he realized they were playing with a bundle of rope and not a little doll. Arrden doublechecked the rest of their outdoor pen, and even tried to peek into their dog house, before he decided ‘no way it's in there’ and instead made his way inside.
The shelves were well stocked with a variety of foods for a variety of animals, and all kinds of toys. There were even a few birds on display inside--he paused a moment to look at the fluffy-looking pigeons, and gently pat a couple of peachicks through the gaps in their cage. Tanks, leashes, training manuals, and treats were also available--a vast array of homemade cookies and biscuits with all kinds of berries and faux icing. ‘Human made, dog approved,’ the sign above them said. He’d been dared to eat one, a few years back, and truth be told he understood why the dogs liked them. Personally? Arrden wasn’t a fan.
He perused the entire store in search of his sister’s doll, double and triple checking the toy shelves to make sure he hadn’t missed it. God forbid, someone had traded for it thinking it was one of Mx. Miller’s handmade toys and already tossed it to the hounds. He tried to put that thought out of his mind.
After making one final loop around the store, Arrden approached the desk, where Mx. Miller was working on sewing up another pet toy out of scraps of old clothes and hand spun fabric. Right, a lot of people would donate their old and worn clothes to the shop so they could find new life as a beloved toy. At least, when they didn’t donate them to a teen hoping to learn embroidery or make new patches for their jacket. In that sense, Arrden and Mx. Miller were staunch competitors in the last life of beloved fabric market, if his patch-adorned vest had anything to say. 
“Hey, there! Can I help you with anything?” Mx. Miller asked as they looked up from their work. 
“Hi, uhm… my sister lost her doll earlier today, and I was wondering if you saw it by any chance? It’s about this big--” Arrden cupped his hand a little over a foot above the top of the counter. “--and looks like a white and yellow daisy, with green arms and legs.” 
Mx. Miller scrunched their nose--they must’ve seen all kinds of toys over the course of the day--and eventually shook their head. “I don’t remember seeing a doll like that. But if anyone brings one like that in, I’ll keep it in lost and found, alright?”
Arrden nodded quietly. “Okay! Thank you, Mx. Miller.” Arrden made his way out of the store, pausing a moment to ruffle one of the puppies’ heads a bit as it poked its head over the baby cage before he hopped back onto his skateboard and made his way off. 
No luck at the market, no luck at the music tent, no luck at the pet shop… his last hopes were the library, Mrs. Kitterling’s jewelry shop, or just… out in the street somewhere, stepped upon and dirty. Or worse. Someone had seen it and taken it, and Arrden was thoroughly screwed. 
He couldn’t lose hope. He’d stop by the library, cross his fingers, hope to any power there was that he found it alright. 
He felt the path change under the wheels of his board as he turned onto the Aster Town Library’s walkway. It was still old cobblestone, with a few cushiony low-growing groundcovers poking between the tracks. Comfy for shoes--or those who preferred to walk barefoot, like Sasi’s family--but not so great for itty bitty skateboard wheels, so he hopped off the board and tucked it under his arm and walked the rest of the way. To either side of the cobblestone path, there were gardens--to his left, an expansive meadow of wildflowers, almost like the garden at home, and to his right was a small pond with an array of koi and all kinds of other fish, their scales glittering like tiny drops of sunlight under the water’s surface. Dotted across both landscapes were benches, for people to enjoy a drink and a book while taking in the perfumed scent of flowers, or listening to the gentle trickle of the pond’s small waterfall. He checked all the outside benches, but deep down he knew Daisy’s doll wouldn’t be out here. These sitting spots were great and all, but Daisy spent most of her time in other spaces. 
Arden entered the library and placed his skateboard on the designated skateboard shelf by the door, which already had a couple of other tenants taking up slots. They were all a similar color to his, but he knew he’d be able to grab the right one--his was custom painted with a big yellow sunflower, spinning wheels and bees along the edges, and a couple of stickers in the blank spaces. He’d done everything but paint his name on the bottom of the board to mark it as his. Plus, everyone else had their boards painted--one had a bright big zinnia flower, with suns and moons both on the horizon, while another had a ferocious looking bear painted on with a wolf howling at the moon.
“Back again already?” Arrden turned to see one of the librarians, Mx. Kingsley, waving at him from the front desk. “You already returned your books, if that’s what you’re here for.”
“It’s not! Well, I do want more books, but--my sister lost her crochet doll, and I’m retracing my steps to try and find it. Did anyone turn it in?”
Mx. Kingsley shook their head, frowning a bit. “No, I’m sorry, I don’t remember any dolls being turned in today. I’ll go check the Lost and Found, why don’t you go ahead and look around while you get your books?” 
“Sounds like a plan. Thank you, Mx. Kingsley!” Arrden beamed, before heading off deeper into the library.
The library had always been one of his favorite places. When he wasn’t helping his parents with the garden, or hanging out with his friends after school, you could probably find Arrden tucked away somewhere on library grounds. He knew this place like the back of his hand--if he ever applied to volunteer here, no doubt he’d be let in, but he wanted to have a little bit more freedom before leashing himself to a formal volunteer position. Nevertheless, he was here all the time, and his sister Daisy was also becoming fond of the place. As Arrden perused the shelves, selecting a few books on beekeeping and wool spinning as well as a few novels, he took a moment to enjoy the pure library vibes. Small potted herbs grew on the shelves, bundles of mint to be snacked on, while posters for new books and fliers for town events adorned walls and bulletin boards all across the space. Every book in here was well-loved, the smell of old books mingling with the herbs and making everything just… heavenly. There were plenty of bright, sunny windows--some clear, most brightly colored stained glass works of trees and flowers sprouting out of open books--all with plenty of cushioned benches and rocking chairs and bean bags sprawled out underneath them. A few of the study rooms had been borrowed, a couple of kids studying in one, while the other had a handful of adults using the chalkboard to talk about something-or-another. Even still, Arrden knew his sister’s doll wouldn’t be in any of these places.
Instead, he stepped out the side door, and directly into the warm and cozy greenhouse area. A mix of colorful panels greeted him with spots of light on the ground, casting everything into an almost magical light. There were two large tables that were perfect for studying and craft sessions, potted herbs and even a few fruit trees along the sides of the walls, but best of all--a big, comfy chair, tucked into a corner with its own shelf of books nearby. This was his favorite spot in the library--and his sister’s too. Arrden was half-tempted to just sink into the big chair, curl up with one of his books, and let the hours pass as he lost himself among the pages of a story. The library was open through the night, but he’d never been allowed to stay past eight, because apparently fourteen was still too young to be out on his own late at night.
But no, he was here for a reason. So instead of settling into the chair, he checked the cushions to make sure the doll hadn’t been lost in the depth of it, but came up with nothing but a healthy dose of lint-fingers. Daisy’s doll wasn’t sitting on any of the tables or shelves either, nor was it on the floor. This was the only room Daisy ever liked to hang out in, so the odds of it being anywhere else were… slim.
As he made his way back to the front desk, he passed a shelf of books and a title stuck out to him--something about playing guitar for beginners. Well… it wouldn’t be so bad to do a bit of reading, would it? He took the book and tucked it under his arm with the others. 
“Find the books you’re looking for?” Mx. Miller asked as Arrden arrived to the desk.
“I did! Did you find my sister’s doll?”
The look on Mx. Miller’s face told him everything he needed to know, but even still they shook their head with a soft sigh. “There aren’t any dolls in the lost and found, kiddo. I hope you find it!”
Arrden sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I hope so too.” He placed his books on the counter, and Mx. Miller began scanning them out of the system. 
“More books on beekeeping and spinning? I’d think you’d be one of the resident experts by now!” they said with a soft laugh.
“I just wanna make sure I know all I can! I still gotta get my parents to let me have the gear and all.”
“Oh, I remember when I was trying to start with my crafts. It took ages to convince my parents I could run a spinning wheel without hurting myself, but one day one of my friends let me try spinning with the wheel she had at her place. When I came back with a nice bundle of finished yarn I’d spun myself, and less bandages than they expected, my parents let me go get my own wheel the next day.”
Arrden hummed. “Maybe… but I dunno anyone with a wheel who’d let me borrow it.”
Mx. Miller arched an eyebrow, gesturing with their eyes towards the craft room in the back. “You know, I just dropped one of my older wheels into the tool space for borrow. How about the next time you come around, you put your skills to the test? I’ve got some hemp I’ve already combed out but I never ended up doing anything with it, I’m more than happy to let you learn spinning with it!”
“You’re for real?” Arrden beamed. “I’d love to! Oh, maybe I can come right after school Tuesday?”
“I’ll be sure to bring it in, then!” Mx. Miller slid the books across the counter back to Arrden. “You keep on reading until then, alright? I can’t help you with the bees, after all.”
“Okay! Oh, did you want anything for--I mean, I can maybe bring you some of my mom’s flowers, or--”
“Oh, no, no! We don’t have to trade for it! I just love helping young learners, you know? Now get going! You’ve still gotta find that doll!”
Arrden gasped and shoved the books into his tote. “Right! Thank you again, Mx. Miller!” at that, he rushed out of the door, grabbing his board and hopping onto it as he made his way down the path. He made his way to the last possible place the doll could be--Mrs. Kitterlings’ place.
On his way there, though, he found himself stopping, hopping off his skateboard a moment to look at a garden. It was a small pollinator garden, the likes of dozens around town--but this one was special to him. Not because of the big beautiful mural of butterflies and bees stopping to drink on a giant Asclepias syriaca on the brick wall overlooking it all--though common milkweed was one of his favorites for growing and trading. But because he remembered, ever so faintly, helping to start this place.
This garden--the East Avenue Pollinator Pod Garden--was one of the first Pollinator Pods to be planted in the town, about eight years ago now. He was a little kid then, and didn’t see the bigger picture--how this pod was the cornerstone that would help transform this town into the community he knew it as today. No, Arrden was just one of dozens of grubby little six year olds who were excited to get to play with dirt without getting into trouble for it that day. The adults had been working on clearing out the empty lot for ages by that point, transforming the place from some old tire-and-junk filled lot into safe, empty ground ready for planting. Not that Arrden was around to appreciate it when that work had started. He remembered following his mom around with a little plastic trowel, carefully digging where she instructed so she could help him gently place tiny little seedlings into the holes he made, or helping to scatter coreopsis, rudbeckia, and liatris seeds around while he played tag with Azzy and Kendall. His dad helped him try and properly pronounce the names, though there was still awhile where Asclepias were ‘Sleepies’ and rudbeckias were ‘Rudy-Becky’s’. And he remembered coming down with his dad every week during his mom’s working season to help water the plants and watch the life slowly fill into a place that had been so empty and barren for so long. He remembered coming to celebrate while his mom’s work group added a paved walkway, and a fountain, and a bench dedicated to a Mrs. Lianne Kitterling--the mayor at the time who had started the initiative to green up their spaces and their lives in the tiny town of Charlesville (a few years later, they’d rename the town Aster, and adopt the sunflower as their symbol). After this garden, so many more changes came--more solar panels and wind turbines floating high above the city, gardens spreading around every corner of the city, initiatives to clean the forest that bordered their town’s northern side and restore the prairie that used to be to its south. New people moved in, entranced by the changes taking place--like Sasi’s family, and his mom’s best friend Miss Dianne--and helping to shape the town into the colorful place it is now. 
It was honestly hard to remember what things were like before, but maybe that was because he was so little when the changes started happening. In second grade, they changed the school year--only four days a week, and about four hours for each day, instead of the five days and six hours that had apparently been standard for decades before. He couldn’t imagine how he’d manage school and his friends and hobbies if he was spending five days in school, let alone six hours each day! His Dad said before he was born, the town switched to seasonal work--everyone could choose to either work from January to June, or July to December, at any job. Before that, everyone worked practically every day of the year, which Arrden could scarcely imagine now. Maybe all the changes hadn’t started with this garden after all, but in Arrden’s mind, watching the garden grow was the first time he realized things were changing and growing--just like the caterpillars who called the garden home. The city was in its cocoon, shifting and changing, and even now his mother said its wings were only just now unfurling. 
“Hey, Arrden!” 
Arrden was snapped out of his thoughts by the familiar voice calling his name, and turned in time to see his friend Azzy--and their friend, Flare--riding up on their own boards. Azzy pulled to a--somewhat clumsy--stop and hopped off their board to come join him. “What’s up? Looking at the old garden?”
“I don’t think it's that old, Az. But, uh, guess I got lost in thought seeing it.”
“I feel you, man.” they took off their helmet, long blonde hair cascading to past their shoulders. “I was just here last week, getting a few volunteer hours in filling the empty gaps with more seedlings. Felt like I got rocketed back to the past for a moment. Crazy how well everything grew in, I coulda sworn we accidentally trampled half those seedlings but now look at it all!”
“You trampled the seedlings. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the adults came in a few days later to replace the ones you stepped on, but who knows.”
“Azzy and I were heading to the skate park,” Flare said, stepping over. “You want in?” 
“Ooh! Yeah, you should totally come hang! There’s even gonna be a band performing later tonight!” Azzy beamed, green eyes alight with excitement.
Arrden sighed. “I wish, but I still have that 8 o'clock curfew. And I lost my sister’s doll. I’ve gotta find it before my parents find out, or else I’m never getting that spinning wheel!”
“You lost Daisy’s daisy?! Aw, you’re in for it, man!”
He groaned. “I know!! If it’s not in Mrs. Kitterling’s place, I’m done for! I dunno where else it could be!”
“Fingers crossed for you, then! Oh, wait, Flare, you wanted to stop in Kitterlings’ too, right?”
Flare nodded. “My mom wants more decorations for her locs, and I might get some for when she twists my hair soon” she groaned. “I’m gonna miss the puffs, but having to wash and dry it all every week is driving me crazy!!”
“Aw, I don’t find it so bad! When it's my hair care day, I just plop on the couch with some snacks and turn on some good movies!”
“I wish it were that simple, my mom expects me to do so much to it! I might end up liking the twists better, who knows until I get them in? I think some bee charms’ll help!”
“Oh, you like bees?”
“Her dad’s the head of the beekeeper’s guild in town! He has, like, twenty hives!” Azzy beamed.
“Yeah, he’s been teaching me how to manage hives since I was ten! I have two hives of my own, too!”
“Ooh! I’ve been wanting to learn beekeeping for the longest while, but I haven’t gotten any hands-on experience yet!” Arrden said “I’ve checked out just about every book on beekeeping the library has, but my parents still don’t think I’m ready for a hive…”
“Why not join the guild, maybe apprentice for one of the beekeepers? I know my dad loves teaching hands-on!”
Arrden blinked dumbly. “I can join the guild if I don’t have any hives yet?”
“Dude! Yeah?! How are you supposed to take care of a real hive if you’ve never been near one before! Look--” Flare dug her phone out of her overall pocket. “We’ve gotta trade numbers, I’ll get you hooked up with Dad and maybe you can come over when he’s teaching Sasi Friday after school.”
“Sasi’s learning beekeeping?!”
“Yeah, I dunno, she didn’t catch me as the type but she told me last week that someone sparked her interest in it.”
“Oooh, wonder who that could’ve been?” Azzy laughed, nudging Arrden in the ribs. Arrden briefly remembered his last interaction with Sasi when Azzy was nearby, how they’d nudged him into talking about his interests and he wound up infodumping about bees all lunch period instead of eating. He’d thought he’d totally embarrassed himself! Was she actually interested in it now?
“Uh! Well! L-Let’s trade numbers, then!” Arrden handed Flare his phone, and Flare handed hers to him. They plugged in each others numbers and sent introductory texts and then handed back the phones. “So, you guys are going into Kitterlings?”
“Yeah, c’mon!”
Mrs. Kitterlings’ shop wasn’t very far--in fact, it was just a door away from the wall the pollinator pod was up against. The awning over the door and windows were a bit faded with age, the gold paint spelling out Kitterlings’ Jewelry chipping off the brick surface they were painted onto. Well loved, his mother had always said, the building’s well loved.
Well loved it was, indeed, with a lot of the ladies in town. Mrs. Kitterling was one of the only jewelers in town, but she made lots of items--asides from necklaces and bracelets, she also made earrings, rings, loc decorations, hearing aid jewelry, and more. This was on top of her supposedly growing some of the best roses and daffodils for barter. Or maybe the ladies liked her so much because she used to be the mayor, and had relinquished her position to instead let decisions be made by a panel of citizens a few years back? After she’d retired from politics, she’d opened the shop and almost immediately was the talk of the town all over again. 
Either way, Arrden wasn’t much of a jewelry guy--he found it got in the way most of the time. But he had been here earlier to get a new bracelet for his sister, with a little daisy charm made out of recycled metal. So the odds of him having lost the doll here were fairly high.
Flare almost immediately got distracted by the loc decorations on display, little burlap baggies full of gold and silver ones on the shelf underneath, but Azzy accompanied him to the front desk. Mrs. Kitterling was talking to another woman--Mrs. Deere, one of the kindergarten teachers--about placing an order for a custom pair of earrings. Today, Mrs. Kitterling was wearing hearing aid jewelry that made her ears look like butterfly wings, adorned with a mix of wire and recycled glass gems. 
Once Mrs. Deere had finished placing her order, Mrs. Kitterling turned to the two teens with a smile. “Ah, young Arrden and Azzy! A pleasure seeing you here again, how can I help you?”
“Hi, Mrs. Kitterling. I, uh, lost my sister’s doll, did you see it by any chance?” Arrden asked.
“It’s, uhm, real important!” Azzy added, trying to back him up. Arrden appreciated the effort, Az.
Mrs. Kitterling hummed, adjusting her glasses. “Why, what does the doll look like?”
“It’s got a green body, and a big daisy flower for the head! Right, Arrden?” Azzy turned to Arrden, who nodded quietly.
“About… eight inches big, I think. Something like that.” Azzy procured their sketchbook from their bag, and Arrden nodded again. “About that big!”
“I think I did see a doll like that! I bet it's in the lost and found box, give me just one moment!” Mrs. Kitterling smiled before wheeling herself to the back room.
Arrden beamed, bouncing up and down a bit with Azzy. “She has it, she has it! Maybe I can get that spinning wheel after all!”
“Then we can team up and start making a buncha yarn! And you can learn how to spin hemp and stuff too!” they said.
“Your sister’s gonna be pretty damn happy too, right?” Flare said.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah! That doll’s practically her best friend, she’s gonna be stoked!” Arrden gasped suddenly. “Shit! I still have to stop by the Ferns’ place to get eggs for my dad! And I promised Daisy I’d get her some Junebugs!”
“You’re going to Junebugs?!” Azzy gaped. “Hope you brought something good to trade!”
“...I’ve got some flowers?” Arrden opened his tote a bit to show the collection of cut flowers he’d brought. They were just a smidge wilted from spending the past hour or so traveling around town, but still fine to trade, right?
“That might be enough for some of a batch, but I dunno…” Azzy reached over and pat him on the back. “Fingers crossed for you, man.”
“Oh, god, you don’t think it’ll be enough? I dunno what I’m gonna do…”
Azzy hummed, tapping their chin. “I think they like raising insects. Any of those milkweeds got eggs on em?”
“Probably a couple, the monarchs have been going crazy in the garden lately.” Arden took out the milkweed stems and peered closely at the leaves. “I swear, it’d be harder to keep them away than to attract them… oh! When’d this guy get here?”
“Ooh, yeah, I see a caterpillar too! Right there!” Azzy said, pointing to a completely different leaf from the one Arrden was looking at. They then spotted the rather large caterpillar Arrden was staring at. “Oh! Guess you’ve got two! You might be good, then!”
“Oh, thank god.”
It was about then that Mrs. Kitterling wheeled her way back out to the front desk, smiling brightly as she set a little doll on the counter. “Little Daisy was still wearing a little necklace, too! Did you still want that, little Arrden?”
Arden huffed out a laugh, shaking his head. “No thank you, ma’am. Thanks for keeping Little Daisy safe!” It all made sense now--Daisy would always try and let her doll partake in activities, so she was probably taking necklaces off the shelves and putting them on the doll while Arrden handled the trade for the bracelet. Then she’d gotten so excited about putting her new bracelet on, she’d probably left the doll up on the counter. Then they had to hurry home to make it back before Dad finished with book club, and they’d forgotten it entirely… well, at least he had it back now! Just a few more errands, and he could bring it back before Daisy got impatient and told on him.
“Of course, of course! Was there anything else you needed?”
“Uhm,” Flare cut in. “I was actually wanting to trade for these bee decorations, if they’re available?”
“Oh, of course, Flare, dear! What did you have in mind?”
“I’ve gotta run a few more errands, but I’ll see you guys in school?” Arrden said, already backing up towards the door.
“Oh, definitely! See you!” Azzy beamed, waving goodbye as Arrden made his way out.
Truth be told, Arden was a bit fidgety the entire ride to the Ferns’ place. He was so relieved to have found the doll, but so anxious to let it out of his sight again, so he held it tight in his grip most of the way there. At least, until he decided he didn’t want to risk dropping it, so he’d put it in his tote bag to keep it safe. But with all the flowers and jars and books in his bag at this point, the doll kinda half-hung out of it, and so he’d get paranoid that it’d fall out so then he’d clutch it tight in his hand again… what was usually a maybe twenty minute ride from Mrs. Kitterlings to the Ferns’ stretched to about thirty just because of his indecisiveness.
It probably didn’t help that the roads up to the Ferns’ weren’t all too great. They lived out near the fields--not too far from Azzy, actually--but it was a route better suited for bikes and wagons. Dirt roads weren’t too good for skateboards, so Arrden ended up on foot a good chunk of the way. Not that he actually had to travel too too far up the road, as the Ferns kept a farm stand at the end of the long driveway to their house, stocked with cartons of the day’s fresh eggs from their amassment of chickens, quail, and pigeons. Early in the mornings, you could even find a few glass bottles of milk down in the cooler, or a few blocks of cheese and butter, or baskets of whatever fruit was in season up on the table. All you had to do was leave something of worthy trade in the exchange basket, like flower cuttings, or seeds, or handmade jewelry, or… anything, honestly. His dad said the Ferns practically begged people to take their eggs from them in the past, and yet every year they were more than eager to get more chicks to add to their flocks.
Arrden placed a jar of calendulas and rudbeckias on the trade counter, gently placing a carton of chicken eggs and a glass jar from the ‘givebacks’ counter into his bag. At least it gave him a safe place to sit Little Daisy--he imagined the doll felt quite comfortable, sitting nestled in a glass jar all to herself. After making sure everything was safe and secure, he made his way back down the dirt road, hopping onto his skateboard the instant it became a viable option.
The ride to Junebugs took him to basically the opposite side of town from his house back in the suburbs, not that it meant all too much to him. He liked the solitude he got from riding around on his skateboard, humming his favorite songs and feeling the wind in his hair. Still, the street lights might be coming on by the time he actually made it back. He’d worry about that later, for now he had to hurry to Junebugs before they closed shop for the day. Fortunately, he made it just in time--the sign still read ‘Open!’ on their front door. He enjoyed the perfumed scent of the serviceberry and apple flowers as he rode under their reaching branches on the pathway, the colorful pink blooms of native rhododendrons growing in bright surges around their trunks. Junebugs’ front garden was always a wonderful sight to see, though part of it was because being there almost always meant leaving with something sweet.
The front window counter was still open, so Arrden stepped off his board and made his way over to ding the little bell on the counter. “Just one moment!” a voice called out from further inside. Of course, Arrden didn’t mind waiting--waiting just meant getting to enjoy the scent of sugar syrups and honeys and glazes, the colorful sight of candied fruits and flowers alongside baked cookies and other pastries settled on drying racks. He could feel his mouth starting to water at just the thought of taking a bite of some. Unfortunately, he had to save all the candy for his sister, otherwise she’d definitely pitch a fit.
It didn’t take too long at all for Mx. Junebug to return to the counter. Their fingers were still stained with various colors from dealing with so many plants and candies, but they brushed it off on their apron and smiled. “Hey! I like your patches, kid. How can I help you?”
“Oh, uhm, thank you!! Uhm, do you have any candied strawberries? Or violets, maybe?”
Mx. Junebug leaned on the counter. “I have both right now, just finished a batch earlier today. What’re you wanting to trade for ‘em?”
“I! Have! Uhm…” Arrden set his tote bag on the counter and gently reached in to pull out the jar of flowers that remained--a handful of zinnias and milkweed, which fortunately the two caterpillars were still munching away on. “My mom grows lots of flowers! And these ones had some caterpillars on them! I heard you like them?”
Mx. Junebug’s eyes grew wide, and Arrden knew he had a good trade before they even said anything. “I will absolutely take those little buggies off your hand! Give me a moment to get you all set up, alright?” they said, taking the jar in both hands before disappearing further into the house. Arrden leaned against the wall by the counter, lazily watching bees fly around the serviceberry blossoms as he hummed under his breath. Ultimately, it didn’t take all too long for Junebug to come back with a small bioplastic baggie of candied strawberries and violets, tied off with a little bow of teal rope. “Here you go, kid! Hope you enjoy ‘em!”
“Thanks so much, Mx. Junebug!” Arrden grinned, waving before he hopped back onto his skateboard and made his way back onto the main streets.
The ride back home was fairly uneventful. For Arrden, at least. Things in Aster slowed down, sure, but they never came to a full halt. Even now, strings of fairy lights were beginning to turn on amongst the market’s awnings, powered by solar panels that had been collecting energy all afternoon. Though most stalls stayed closed through the night, the street instead became something akin to a giant party hall for those who preferred to be active through the night. Older teens and young adults danced to a collection of music--on one end of the street, there was a punk band performing, while on the other someone had brought a speaker and was playing party tunes from their phone. Arrden was half-tempted to join them--Kendall had been to a few night parties and said they were loads of fun--but if he didn’t get home soon, his parents would be upset. So he had to muster all his self-control to stay on his board and skate past the festivities, skate past the cozy-looking library that was all aglow as late night readers nestled into beanbags and chairs. Once he made it past the nightly temptations, though, it was just softly glowing street lamps until he made it back home.
As he stepped back inside, he was greeted with the sight of his mother resting on the couch with Daisy in her lap, watching TV. His dad was in the kitchen playing rock songs on the radio as he sang and cooked.
“Hey, Ma! Hey, Dad! I’m home!” Arrden beamed.
“Glad you’re home safe! Took you a bit longer than I was expecting, was everything alright?” his dad said, peeking out from the kitchen doorway.
“A bit, but I got sidetracked talking to some friends. Sorry I’m late, though.” he said, making his way into the kitchen to set his bag down before rushing back out to hug his mother. “Hey, Ma! How was work?”
“Oh, it was good! I was just telling Daisy about the new window we’re working on for the community center’s new makerspace! It’s going to be big and round, with a lovely big daisy!”
“Daisy! Like me!” Daisy beamed.
Arrden grinned and ruffled his sister’s hair. “Daisy, like you! I bet it’s gonna look great, Mama, you can build anything!”
His mother leaned over to give him a kiss on the forehead. “You’re a sweetheart, Arrden, you know that? So, what’re you gonna do tonight?”
“Uh, I checked out some books from the library that I wanna read! I left them in the kitchen, actually, let me go get them!” Arrden hopped up from the couch to duck back into the kitchen to scoop up his books--and Daisy’s doll, hopefully before his dad spotted it.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t so lucky--the doll was sitting in the jar, out on the counter beside his stack of books. He froze at the sight of it, and his father turned from the cooking to send him a look. Uh oh.
“Arrden? Let’s step outside a moment.” his father said, sliding a lid onto the simmering pasta sauce. “We need to chat.”
Uh oh.
Arrden nodded wordlessly, following his father out the back door into the backyard. There were a handful of fireflies flitting about as they made their way to the bench swing under the treehouse. His father leaned back in the seat, while Arrden sat hunched into his own shoulders. The silence was agonizing, as they sat out there, Arrden’s poor mind going wild with possibilities. He’d always tried to avoid getting into trouble with his parents, and he had a significant feeling that he was in trouble with his parents right now. Oh, he was never gonna get that spinning wheel at this rate, let alone a beehive!
“You went out to get Little Daisy back, didn’t you?” his father finally said, but he hadn’t looked away from the fireflies yet.
Arrden nodded quietly, then realized where his father’s eyes lay. “I-I did. I… wanted to bring it back before you realized it was gone, because…”
“Because you took Daisy out, even though we’d said she had to stay inside?”
“Y-Yes… I’m sorry, Dad, but she was being so sad, and I just wanted to cheer her up! We were safe the whole time, her ear didn’t even hurt at all, and--but… I shouldn’t have taken her, I’m sorry…”
His dad hummed. “I appreciate you looking out for your little sister, Arrden.” he let out a soft laugh, shaking his head. “Lord knows my older brothers wouldn't've done the same for me at your age. And I understand why you wanted to find the doll before it became a larger issue. I’m not mad at you for trying to find the doll.” Arrden let out a sigh of relief, but paused as his father turned to him and held up a finger. “But. I’m a bit upset that you took Daisy out into the town without permission. What would you have done if she’d gotten hurt, or if her ear infection got worse while you were out?”
“...you’re right, Dad… does this mean I can’t have a spinning wheel…?”
His dad’s eyebrows arched, and his locs shifted as he tilted his head. “...not necessarily. I think you were irresponsible to do what I told you not to, but I can also see you were being responsible by looking for Little Daisy and owning up to your mistake. I do wish you would be more honest with me, though--I would have helped you look if you’d told me. And you wouldn’t’ve had to get bribe candy for your sister, either.”
“Did she tell on me?” Arrden pouted. “She promised not to if I got her candy.”
“I noticed she didn’t have the doll, and she was honest with me when I asked.” another hum from his dad. “...I’ll talk with your mother about letting you have a spinning wheel, but if you break our trust again, we’ll be pushing it back by at least a month. Alright?”
Arrden nodded. “Alright. Thanks, Dad.”
His dad laughed, ruffling his hair a moment as he stood to his feet. “You’re a good kid, Arrden. There’s worse things you could be doing than taking your sister out to play. Now, come on in when you’re ready, alright?”
“Alright, Dad.” at that, his Dad made his way inside, closing the door behind him, leaving Arrden sitting alone on the bench outside. He sighed, looking up at where the stars were beginning to peek their way through the darkening sky. He stayed there awhile, watching the fireflies and moths dance around the meadow, listening to the rustling of the wind in the tree’s branches, the gentle creak as he swung slowly back and forth on the swing.
He was a pretty good kid, huh?
Special thanks to @1wren and @105ttt for beta-reading this fic for me!
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