#i can also imagine him getting confused and somehow becoming jealous of himself
mrshayakawa · 1 year
chainsaw man announcing asa is his ex potential girlfriend and we know somebody was watching the fight bc they helped him so they must have heard…give me the denji/chainsaw man/asa love triangle NOW
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hitthecieling · 1 year
i love reciprocal sebaciel as much as the next person but i also have such a thing for an unrequited Ciel crush
in which Sebastian is still overly attached to him for what a demon should be, but genuinely doesn’t have many sexual or romantic inclinations toward humans (or maybe at all, depending on how you want to imagine the different dynamics in hell)
Ciel becoming increasingly infatuated with Sebastian as he grows up and faces all of the intense, confusing hormones that come with puberty
finding Sebastian’s human form so breathtakingly beautiful, and then finding the glimpses of his demon form even more enticing even though he can never look at him in full
being so ashamed to feel this way about the creature who will inevitably be his destruction
the shame that comes from Sebastian looking like an adult man, the same kind of people who hurt him the worst, and wondering if that meant he liked it before
still not being able to trust anyone as much as Sebastian, and feeling like a fool to trust him so much even beyond the control he has giving orders
beginning to romanticize and crave the way Sebastian is going to hurt him because at least it means he’ll have his full, intimate attention
knowing that he can manipulate various people by having Sebastian sleep with them but feeling so utterly jealous and disgusted at the thought
Sebastian being relatively ignorant of the extent of Ciel's feelings, but not so much to not tease and flirt with Ciel in what he assumes is rather harmless but cruel fun
despising anyone who ever has been or will be Sebastian’s master
getting so frustrated by his feelings that he constantly pushes Sebastian away, only to hurt himself more
in rare happy moments, forgetting what their dynamic really is (a contract) even though they both do care for each other more than that
being plagued by dreams that give him everything he wants, but never letting himself indulge in the fantasy until somehow they hurt worse than the nightmares
one day realizing that Sebastian is completely willing to do sexual favours for him like he has for past masters, but it being so bittersweet when he’s never actually as desperate as Ciel is (even if he secretly likes it more than he did with any masters he wasn’t attached to)
sleeping with Sebastian anyway and finding more pleasure in it than he ever could have imagined
feeling so overwhelmed because Sebastian truly gives him anything he wants if he asks, but he never knows if anything is authentic
despite the years of pain, feeling so grateful in the end to have been protected and consumed by the one he loves and cherishes most
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lovelyjin22 · 2 years
For Lovers Who Hesitate
⤍ Pairing | Jeon Jungkook x Reader
⤍ Genre | computer science major!jk, animation major!reader, fake dating/relationship, jk and reader are similar in age (barely mentioned), both go to a made up, prestigious university in south korea for the sake of my sanity, jk is frustrating and has terrible morals in this fic, golden retriever personality!jk, technically) fuckboy!jk, hopeless romantic!reader, female reader with she/her pronouns (reader can be any sexual orientation, up to you :))
⤍ Summary | All you wanted for your love life was a secure, loving relationship with your soulmate. Unfortunately, your fat, dumb crush on Jeon Jungkook doesn’t help you at all. Jungkook isn’t into relationships, only leading girls on when he needs a good night. You knew that about him, it wasn’t something he tried to hide (he never talked about himself, but never once denied rumors). Despite knowing this, you confessed your feelings for him.
↳ Warnings | mature themes (mainly cursing and smut)
↳ Word count | 2,065... something, I started editing last minute
↳ A/N: Ughghghhghh I hate how I portrayed Jungkook in this story, bro makes me so frustrated and I’m the one that wrote him LOL. 
You can check out more of my works on my AO3 and instagram! lovelyjin22
It was the only word you could use to explain what you were feeling right now. You were never the patient type when it came to crushes, always eager to meet “the one”. Confessing to your crushes was always terrifying as the first, yet somehow you always ended up in this kind of situation. 
In high school (especially senior year), you confessed to most of your crushes. Unfortunately, most would reject you. It was always the same reason, that you didn’t know each other very well. It was a good reason, to be fair, you did barely know your crushes before jumping the gun. But isn’t that the point of dating? To get to know each other? Your confessing spree got worse in senior year, with a total of eleven crushes and eight confessions. Most of them you (probably) gaslighted yourself into liking because you were bored. But nothing really stopped you, none of them would remember you when you went to college. You promised yourself that you would stop confessing to dumb crushes once you had a clean slate in college.
Unfortunately, Jeon Jungkook had fallen right into your heart. Something about him was so different from the other crushes. Your silly high school ones would only last a month or so if they were lucky. Yet here you were, crushing on Jungkook for a whole seven months (it may not seem like a long time for others, but to you, this was almost insanity). Broad shoulders, muscular build, the cutest smile, a laugh that was pure magic, attractive piercings and tattoos, you could go on about him for years. The guy who was able to befriend anyone lived in your head rent free for seven months. There was never a time when you weren’t thinking about him (and usually thinking of cute, couple-y scenarios… you never imagined past that to something more mature, you felt too guilty). 
Surprisingly, you hadn’t confessed to him for those seven months, you really wanted it to work out with him so you managed to find some patience. 
Immediately attracted to him, you had asked for his Instagram so you could talk to him. Of course, he was confused but nevertheless gave you his information. Jungkook never said no to a new friend. The two of you became good friends, hanging out with each other in person often and texting everyday. It was like you two were already dating… in fact people usually assume the two of you are dating (unless they know Jungkook, everyone knows he doesn’t date). 
You knew he brought girls back to his place often, it hurt you but you had no right to be jealous. You also knew it was better to be his close friend than just being a one night stand. Jungkook usually forgot his one night stands as well, which gave girls the opportunity to become his friend right after without Jungkook realizing. You found it kind of ridiculous.
But back to the butterflies.
Jungkook was driving you back to your place. The two of you had just gone out for dinner and you had to (unfortunately) finish up homework for tomorrow’s class. There was usually never silence in your conversations, always finding new things to talk about even after seven months. You tried to bring it up casually this entire night, knowing that confessions have a higher chance of working if you’re casual about it. 
“Hey, these past couple of months have been cool and I think we click really well. No pressure or anything, but I just wanted to throw it out there that I like you.”
You pat yourself on the back, your confession was smooth and the ball was in his court. Jungkook, who had his eyes on the road this entire time, finally looks over to you before facing the road again. You were already looking at him, making sure to catch his glance for eye contact. When his eyes went back to the road, you took this opportunity to (maybe definitely) check out his one-handed driving you found so attractive.
“Oh wow.”
Jungkook starts, some would assume Jungkook’s mind went a little blank, but you knew he had his rejection ready. He had rejected plenty of people in the past, basically muscle memory at this point. You start praying to every god possible that his response would be more than just that. You were sweating, would it be too obvious to roll the windows down?
“I think you’re super cool and I think we click really well too.” 
Your heart starts to beat faster and you can feel your face reddening. Would this be your first success? You had calculated everything down to the last confession and you can already feel it paying off. Perhaps all those dating and crush advice articles actually work! Unfortunately, you got your hopes up too soon.
“But you already know I don’t do dating. I’m just looking for quality time with friends. I’m not really ready to invest more of my time into one person only to meet disappointment.”
You smile and hum to let him know it’s all good, no hard feelings. Your hands were definitely sweating and your fingers were definitely fiddling. His rejection was surprisingly mature and something you weren’t expecting. Of course, you were hurt, but you could understand where he was coming from. 
Nodding, you laugh it off, “Ah don’t worry, I totally get that! Dating is a lot of commitment and I hope we’re able to stay good friends after this.”
He doesn’t look over for the rest of the way back to your house, “Of course we’ll stay friends, (Y/n).” You wish you could say you knew him enough to read his voice and expressions, but even after seven months you couldn’t tell what this guy was thinking. Would he really pretend like you hadn’t said anything? Knowing Jungkook and how he can do the same for other girls (who confessed to him and who fucked him), you could probably assume he would. You wish you could say you weren’t like the other girls in the long line of girls, boys, and every other person wanting to date him but you really weren’t. You wish Jungkook saw your guy’s friendship as the gem in the groups of stones or whatever the fuck the saying is, but you knew your friendship with him was only one of convenience for him. You could animate and he needed someone to animate his stupid little game. Anyone in their right mind would’ve refused to, who would spend their precious free time animating characters that fit the male gaze… you, a girl with a big fat crush on Jeon Jungkook. Hell, you weren’t even being paid enough. And it’s not like you can leave now, he’ll think you're a loser or something, he’ll think you aren’t “chill”, he’ll probably think you want to ruin a friendship over some feelings you had for him.
Jungkook isn’t like that, he’ll probably forget the next day. You were just an overthinking and a pessimist, the worst combination. 
‘My Jinji’ begins to play out of his crisp, rich boy car speakers. Fuck this guy and his stupid, romantic playlist.
You tried to keep the conversation light after your confession. You didn’t want him to think his rejection would change you, it would make you seem like a bad person… right? You somehow roped him into a light (more like distracting from the previous conversation) topic of you wanting to paint your apartment’s walls (due to the apartment being a rental, you’re not allowed to paint it, but you desperately needed a change in conversation so you’ll just ignore that information for now). 
You pretended his rejection didn’t hurt, but you have never wanted to curl up in a corner and cease to exist more than now. It really fucking hurt. 
“I’ll text you later?” you start, you were standing next to his car with the car door open. He bends over in his seat a little to (finally) make eye contact and grins, “You better! Now hurry and close the door, there’s a car behind me and I swear they’re gonna honk at me at any moment!” You only roll your eyes (dramatically) and shut his door. He motions you with his free hand briefly to head inside and you rush into your apartment building, clutching your tote bag with both hands tightly. Jungkook was always sweet like that, he made sure to watch you go inside before he left.. even if it did mean the car behind him was honking impatiently. He probably knew what he was doing to you and everyone else when he did these things. He probably knows that he can make everyone’s hearts flutter with the smallest gestures. He probably knows that he can get away with it all because he’s hot. 
“The two of you became good friends, hanging out with each other in person often and texting everyday. It was like you two were already dating… in fact people usually assume the two of you are dating” you had forgotten to add a tiny detail to this. This is the same situation most people are in with Jungkook. 
You let out one final sigh of defeat, finally done over analyzing what went wrong and regretting the fact that you forgot what Jungkook’s personality is like. You shouldn’t have confessed, everyone knows Jungkook doesn’t date. Letting go of your tote bag that you had on chokehold, you decide that you just need to move on, if Jungkook can milk this friendship… then you want to do the same.
Forgetting how gross your apartment building’s stairs are, you sit on the second step and sigh (again, dramatically). Making sure to bang your head against the metal rails a good number of times. Highschool rejections didn’t hurt as much as this one did, and Jungkook’s rejection was the only mature one. Maybe this is a sign that you like Jungkook a lot more than those gross high schoolers in your past. 
You definitely felt your heart squeeze in pain, it was a feeling you hadn’t felt since your first innocent confession. You could feel heat coming to your face, especially your nose and eyes. You didn’t want to cry in front of Jungkook but he’s not here right now.
Facing your chatty roommates was the last thing you wanted to do. Your never ending headache was making its appearance again and two roommates who can’t take a hint are the last thing you needed (you loved your roommates, respectfully, but sometimes you wonder how they were accepted into a top college). You don’t know how long you were sitting on those grimy steps for, but by the time your headache settles, you hear your phone ding. 
“Hey actually, can we date?”
It takes you a minute to process the short but heavy text. Your headache was coming back, didn’t he just reject you… you check the time, forty minutes ago?
You want to throw this man out the window, but unfortunately your fat crush for him slaps you in the face. 
As much as you want to say yes and throw yourself all over him (unfortunately, just like all the other girls), his text was odd. He had an actual reason to reject you so why would he change his ideals so quickly?
“can i explain larer?” 
You sigh, this asshole doesn’t even care enough to edit his typos and yet he has the audacity to act interested in you romantically? Just because you have a big fat crush on him doesn’t mean you can’t have dignity and self-respect. 
Funny story, you give into anything Jungkook asks because he has you wrapped around his finger. Take back the previous statement about having dignity, you have no self respect when it comes to this guy. Your headache hurts a little too much (could possibly be from slamming your head into the metal rail) so you decide to go to your apartment and stop sitting on the gross stairs. 
“dude thx 🥵”
You purse your lips and stare at his stupid, unread message. You hated that you had no backbone when it came to him. You wanted to jump with joy that he… technically(?) accepted your confession. But god, right now you were extremely confused. Whatever bullshit Jungkook just pulled on you made you question your taste in men.
“you better have a good explanation 😐”
Why do you do this to yourself?
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rubyinasnuggie · 3 years
Random Headcanons No One Asked For:
-Both Ruby and Weiss are left handed
--Yang was 100% prepared to tease them about it when Blake very pointedly uses her left hand to write something
--Blake is ambidextrous
--which makes Yang the only right-handed one on the team
--until the fall of beacon oops
-Ren is fully color blind
--once baby Nora figured that out, she made it her mission to explain to him what colors are based on other sensations (sue me I love this trope)
--she describes pink as the quiet comfort they share in each other's presence
--Ren finally sees color for the first time when his semblance upgrades, and he can finally see the pink petals with Nora
-Blake likes to climb on things and find random nooks and crannies to read
--it turns into a game of reverse hide-and-seek when someone needs her: depending on how urgent it is the entire squad will drop everything and look for her
-team STRQ won the Vytal tournament their first year, specifically Summer was the champion
--Yang was more upset about the disqualification than she'd ever admit, because she secretly imagined Summer was out there somewhere watching the tournament, proud of her babies
-Tai pulled himself out of his depression by gardening: having a routine helped him, so he encouraged baby Ruby and Yang to get similar gentle hobbies
-Ruby raises chickens at home
--she very lovingly feeds them corn and calls them her ladies
--Yang affectionately calls them creatures and cluckers and other such rude things to get a rise out of Ruby
-Ruby deeply wants a cow
--this is her one and only retirement dream
--although honestly she can never imagine herself living past her 20s
-Yang struggled with picking a hobby, she gets bored easily and hates the expected
--its only post-Beacon that she understands the benefits of a routine
--thats why she ends up with a ton of chores, just some structure to help her through the day
-Ruby will drink any type of milk, but Strawberry milk is her favorite
-Sun is allergic to bananas but he doesn't know
--he thinks bananas are supposed to be spicy
-Weiss loves sour apple
-Pyrrha loves chocolate almonds
-Yang thinks fish are creepy, she just generally doesn't love the ocean
--she thinks Neptune is a little clown though
-Oscar gets dressed by putting on his left sock, left boot, then his right sock and right boot
--RNJR made it their mission to interrupt him during this just to see him walk around with one boot on
-Ruby likes to bake, it's one of the few solid memories she has of her mom
--one night Weiss was feeling homesick and Ruby taught her how to make mug cakes
--"its probably not that good compared to your cake butler, but it's pretty simple, and I like them!"
--Weiss secretly makes them at least once a week, even back home in Atlas
-Weiss has taken flight lessons, at one point Ironwood really pushed for her to become a pilot in the military
-Blake has a field journal of the different types of Grimm she's encountered
--team RWBY & JNPR have spent several nights sitting in a circle talking and adding to the journal
--while traveling across Anima, Ruby sketched and took notes on all the Grimm she saw, just in case she ever found Blake again
-Weiss collects rocks
--no, not crystals. actual rocks
--shes rarely spent time in the real outside, but whenever she has, she picks up little rocks and puts them in her pocket before anyone can see
-Jaune never actually stopped writing left and right on the bottom of his shoes actually
-Weiss had never been allowed to paint her nails as a kid, she'd always get weekly French manicures instead
--by the second semester at Beacon, Ruby, Weiss, Nora, and Ren would have weekly manicure nights where they'd paint each other's nails
--there were several times they'd rope the rest of the teams into it, especially during the Vytal tournament where they'd write team names on their nails
--during the singles round they'd write Yang on one hand and Pyrha on the other
--"we couldn't make it fit without cutting one of the R's!"
-Pyrrha and Weiss became each other's default plus one's for fancy events, to the point people began to speculate that the two were dating
--Jaune was somehow jealous of them both and it was very confusing to him since he had poor self awareness
-Yang cuts Ruby's hair, but after she lost her arm she lost the fine motor skills to do a good job, so Blake started to do it
-Blake is always there to help Yang with her phantom pains and residual limb pain
--she helps massage Yang's arm while leaning close and purring
--Yang cried the first time Blake did this because she's not used to being taken care of
-Nora never gets sick and is the designated nurse when a bug goes around the teams
--the electricity incident was the first time Nora has ever been bed-ridden
-Weiss took ballet as a child
-Jaune is actually pretty good at the guitar
-Pyrrha is not musically inclined at all its a miracle she managed to do the iconic JNPR shine dance
--jk but actually she's a decent dancer when she has the steps choreographed for her but she has no natural rhythm
-in the last few months before Pyrrha's death, she and Jaune would waltz on top of the roof together
--there were several almost kisses
--maybe a few successful kisses who knows
-there are occasions (obv extremely rare) when Ren actually takes the bulk of the energy from Nora
--this leads to thrilling game nights where Ren makes multiple 40pt remnant-equiv-of-scrabble plays while Nora naps
-Oscar is the only person who can beat Ren in scrabble, although it's very closely matched
-Oscar is amazing at chess and will play it against himself like a little square
-Yang and Ruby are experts at the tabletop war game they play in the library
--9 times out of 10, the winner is one of them
-Oscar is the only one who also knew about Compost King, which was very exciting for Jaune
--Compost King is a common game night activity while they were in Haven because its so hard to say no to Oscar
-Yang is a straight-A student and has always been
-Blake never had any formal education and she finds a lot of the classes incredibly dull or ineffective at teaching the material
--she's always the one convincing Yang to skip a class and lie in the sun-warmed grass with her
--she still gets Bs easily
-Oscar is a very fast reader and will devour any book he's given
--his aunt would frequently bring home books from town just to keep him entertained
-Ruby has suffered from migraines and nightmares her entire life, post-Beacon they only got worse
-Weiss shops at local dust stores whenever she can, even though she could get shipments for free
--however she does have Ron Swanson's "I know more than you" energy when she's shopping
-Blake and Ren will sometimes take naps together
--not cuddling, just occupying the same general space
--wake them up at your own risk
-if Ruby isn't engaged with something, she can start to scatter and dissolve into rose petals
--its a very slow process and someone has always snapped her out of it before she's fully vanished, but Yang is worried about what would happen if no one caught her in time
-Ren is afraid of horses
-Blake hates being cold
-Yang naturally radiates heat cause semblance duh
-Weiss glued the tiniest gravity crystals to the underside of Ruby's bed to ensure it never falls
-JNPR likes to push their beds all together so they can sleep in one big pile
-Nora can only sleep if she's holding someone's hand
Hope u guys enjoyed! These are in no particular order, sorry that I kinda jumped around a lot 😅
Feel free to reblog and add your own ideas and headcanons! ❤
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cloudy-leonhart · 3 years
I JUST READ YOUR VETERANS WITH FILIPINO S/O AND IM SO PROUD WCEIWVEHHW, can i also request a veteran reaction to like, their s/o gets flirted with a guy and their s/o is totally oblivious. (also, nanaba is very cute, ate nana 😭✊)
wait but this is such a good request 🥺 maybe that’s just me, I like jealous headcanons lmao-
[author note: I have a few fic requests in my inbox rn! Please dw if u requested a fic, it takes me a little longer to write fics than headcanons so please don’t think I’m ignoring your request! I also had to rewrite this, I had a bad weekend and tumblr keeps deleting my drafts but I still want to provide for my followers, so I apologize that it’s only half of the veterans! I’ll add Nanaba and Moblit once I do get the motivation too! ]
Summary: S/O get’s flirted with, vets are big jealous babies.
Gender Neutral Reader.
Recommended Song: How Long - Charlie Puth.
TW: some swearing, suggestive themes, yucky boys hitting on you.
Theme: Fluff, canonverse.
Characters: Erwin, Hange, Levi, Miche.
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Erwin Smith
Honestly even he couldn’t tell at first that the noble man (lets call him, Gene.) you were talking to was flirting with you.
You were absolutely oblivious, you think Gene is just having a conversation with you and Gene thinks you like him.
When Erwin notices it, at first he’s like “hmm, maybe Reader’s talking business with him.” And then Gene kissed the back of your hand, in which he felt his eye twitching. He started pouting really bad, he looked like a kicked puppy from across the ballroom. He didn’t want to be rude, so he kept reassuring himself that it was a friendly gesture.
You were absolutely clueless, like “this is fine.” clueless. You had no idea Gene was trying his hardest to court you. Until You felt Erwin behind you, that is.
You know those big coughs that you do to get someone’s attention. Yeah, Erwin coughed REALLY loud. Mind you, Erwin probably towers most nobles. So imagine the face on Gene when he saw this tall, titan-slaying commander towering over him. I think he almost peed his pants honestly, he was like “uh..it was nice meeting you, miss Last name, but uh..I- I uhm.. Igottago-“
Yeah he speed-walked his scared ass outta there, you were kinda just like “what?” You saw Erwin’s shadow and just turned around with the cutest smile on your face.
“Erwin!” You chirped, he softened his glare on the noble and looked at you, cue his pout coming back. “You really didn’t know?”
“Know what?” You asked, walking with him, hand in hand. You guys were walking back to your carriage to go home for the night.
“Reader, he was flirting with you, quite literally trying to court you.” Erwin groaned, his jealousy starting to show. You were still a bit confused, so you just stared at him with a blank expression.
“He was just being nice Erwin, come on.” You nudged his arm, trying to get him to loosen up, he looked at you, in which you looked at him with puppy dog eyes, in response he groaned, being a sucker for your puppy dog eyes.
He huffed, “you’re staying back at the headquarters from now on.” Your eyes widened slightly, “What?! Why?!” You shook him arm. “Because I don’t want you being flirted with, you’re mine reader, and I’m yours.” Erwin squished your cheeks together.
“Owf Cwouse I’m youws-“ you took his hands off your cheek. “You’re the only man for me,” you laughed as you entered the carriage.
“Now get in, I’m feeling a little empty inside and you’re the only who can fix that.”
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Levi Ackerman
Oh dear, if you’re willing to flirt with the Levi Ackerman’s S/O, you’re basically asking for a death wish.
He usually isn’t too jealous when it comes to someone flirting with his S/O genuinely because he’s either busy doing something or he isn’t there at all but...
He’s not called Humanity’s Strongest for nothing. Both of you were in charge for training the cadets. You were known for your kind behaviour, so obviously a lot of the cadets would ask for your training.
In which Levi was okay with because, duh less work for him. He was doing fine until he glanced at you and saw a male cadet getting a little too close. (calling him, Sam.)
You guys were in a secret relationship at the time, he didn’t want anyone teasing you or him about anything so both of you kept it a secret.
See, he regrets that decision right now because it’s really a pain in the ass to see Sam acting like he doesn’t know the moves when he knows damn well he taught the brat those moves a week ago.
So with a clenched jaw, he glared at Sam as you were behind the cadet, teaching him the same move Levi taught him.
Levi looked across the field to see you behind Sam, helping him strike his punch correctly, he felt angered and a little jealous, watching you be so touchy with him.
He sighed and shook his head, trying to calm himself to keep him from doing something, that is until he watched as Sam tripped you just so he could “catch” you. He caught you in those romantic poses.
You weren’t really paying attention to what he was trying to achieve and instead thanked him, unaware of his plan to kiss you. You tried to get out of Sam’s hold, until you realized that Sam was getting close to you.
You were about to start freaking out until someone pulled you into their arms, you looked at your “saviour”’s face, seeing it’s Levi. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing to a section commander, cadet?” Sam gulped, walking back. “Just making sure captain Reader’s okay, captain Levi.” Sam saluted, sweating profusely.
“That requires you tripping them and almost kissing them?” Levi’s eyebrow raised as his arm tightened against your waist, that’s when a lightbulb lights up in your mind, ‘Is..is Levi jealous??’ “uh well-” Sam tried to explain himself, “I taught you this move last week, you have no excuse to ask for captain Reader’s help.”
A scowl was long planted on Levi’s face. Sam scoffed, “Okay, so I wanted to court captain Reader, but Sir, they’re single, you can’t blame for wanting to court them.” Levi took a step forward, you prevented him from beating Sam up.
“They’ve got a boyfriend.” He spat out, basically death staring Sam down. “And who’s that?” Sam laughed out.
Levi clicked his tongue, before you knew it, Levi’s lips were on yours. “Me.” He stated.
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Hange Zöe
Hange, they usually are chill most of the times, to be honest they don’t get too jealous, it’s only when it’s painfully obvious, that’s when it starts to tick them off.
I mean, making Levi Ackerman mad is one thing, but Hange?? I’m already planning your funeral. One of the corps’ rules, never ever make Hange Zöe mad.
It does not help when their S/O absolutely is oblivious. 
Hange starts off with being a little skeptical and glancing at you from afar. then it becomes a stare once in a while, and then their mood gets soiled.
they start to become irritated, at this one garrison squad member (let’s name him Avery) talking with you. You should actually be helping them with their experiments.
And they snap when they see you being offered a flower.
Little clueless Reader, just confirmed Avery’s death, it’s been signed this point on.
You could hear AND feel Hange’s stomps nearing both you and Avery.
God help the poor garrison member, because they’re about to be sent to heaven with how jealous and irritated Hange is.
“Hey, Avery.” Hange’s voice cut through your guys’ conversation, “Hange!” you chirped, holding onto the flower Avery had gifted you. “Hange! You’ve met Reader here right?” Avery asked, also unaware of Hange’s attitude.
“yes, they’re actually my partner.” Hange’s teeth was gritted as they took their rightful place beside you, pulling you close. Cue the awkward silence, “Oh my god, Hange I’m so sorry, I thought they were you know-” Hange didn’t even let him finish. 
“Just get the fuck out, Avery.” Hange gave him a glare that almost made Avery shit his pants. “Yes captain!” He saluted and left before Hange could murder him. “What was that about, Hange?” You asked as they took the flower out of your hand.
“He was courting you, and you were letting him, darling.” Hange stated, as you covered your mouth with your hand, “Oh! I’m sorry Hange! Darn it, I’m so oblivious.” You scolded yourself.
“It’s good you can still remember that you belong to me.” Hange continued, inspecting the flower gifted to you. “Of course, you only, Hange.” You agreed, looking at them. 
“Wanna prove it to me then, Reader?”
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Miche Zacharias
Miche is kind of like a grizzly bear, you should never be around him when he’s mad or jealous. 
He tends to be more aggressive when it comes to him being irritated, I don’t mean to headcanon him as a wolf, but I know he just growls when a little thing goes wrong.
He’s possessive over you now, but now he’s basically just suffocating you with his over-protectiveness.
I feel as if he can tell when someone has some kind of weird scent, and it basically spoils everything he can smell.
He tends to hover around you once he gets jealous, he’ll get clingy and probably need to have you touching him somehow, holding hands, side by side. He just needs to be touching you.
He’s the type of person to also just, push away who ever you’re talking with, and just drag you away. 
One time, you and him went on a date and the person who worked there hit on you right in front of him, Miche made him almost piss his pants.
Miche and you were out at an event for survery corps members, celebrating your recent successes with your latest expedition. Miche was with Erwin and Levi while you chatted up a storm with a noble named Walter. 
Miche could feel himself about to break his glass, watching you and Walter laugh together. “So, are you seeing anyone?” Walter asked, you stopped laughing, shocked that he’d ask you that question out of nowhere.
“What?-” At this point Walter had a hold of both of your hands, you were absolutely still in place, “Actually don’t mind that, can I court you?” A big smile was on Walter’s face, wondering about your answer. “I-” 
“You actually can’t, they have a boyfriend.” Miche had long appeared behind you, towering over both you and Walter. You closed your eyes, in a bit of relief, “Yes, this is Miche, he’s a section commander and my boyfriend.” You smiled, hooking your hand with Miche’s, silently hoping that Walter would leave you both alone.
“Ah, I’m terribly sorry, I thought you didn’t have a partner, that’s my fault.” Walter quickly apologized, seeing how intimidating Miche was. “well, I-..I should go, it was lovey meeting you and your boyfriend, Reader.” Walter speed-walked his way out of his situation, leaving you with a pouty and jealous Miche. 
“Why talk to those who look like they have it tiny, Reader?”
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : gojo satoru from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors other than that n/a
| form : imagine 
| word count : 1363
| published : 06 december
| request : Hi! could i request a jealous gojo x reader where reader bring a cat home without gojo knowing but once he finds out hes okay with it until he sees you spending more time with it and giving the cat more attention, so he becomes jealous and tries to catch your attention? thank you!
| barista’s notes : hey hey hey guys~ i’m so sorry for the constant one post/imagine a day updates - i keep forgetting how hard and long it is to plan and type them out, espeically when you’re not really confident at all ʕ ´•̥̥̥ ᴥ•̥̥̥`ʔ - BUT i also also the latest episode of Yuukoku no Moriarty and THE NEW EPISODE OF ATTACK ON TITAN SEASON FOUR....IT WAS AMAZING LIKE THERE WAS SO MUCH ACTION AND I LOVED IT ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻ but other than that, to whoever requested it, i hope you enjoy this cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come again soon!
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This was not supposed to happen. This little scenario that was playing right in front of him with his very two sky-blue eyes was not what he had planned.
At this current moment in time, you were laying sideways on your and Gojo’s shared bed with a little ball of fluff sleeping right beside you, who had both its paws cutely wrapped around your wrist, as if it was cuddling with its favourite toy and keeping you there anchored to the bed, leaving the shaman to be feeling extremely touched starved.
Ever since you had brought this stray cat home after finding it when you had completed a mission of yours, it seemed like your attention had completely shifted from him to the little British shorthair that was capturing your attention right now. From what he could remember in the beginning, you didn’t even inform him straight away that you had bought a cat back into your shared home, rather he found out about his new tiny roommate by the little animal suddenly popping out from under the couch looking for you when he was watching something on the TV on his rare day off, scaring him slightly thinking it was a mouse that somehow got into the house.
“Honey~ Who is this little thing?” 
Turning around from your cooking, you instantly saw your lovely and cheeky boyfriend holding up the little grey cat that you had secretly hidden away from him - even though you knew he was going to find out about it somehow in some way. “Oh...Ha….That’s a funny question isn’t it?” you stuttered to Gojo, as you used your index finger to scratch your cheek in awkwardness, trying to find a way to explain this situation.
“Honey~” Gojo then pressed on, as he inched a tiny step closer to you along with the cat, causing you to look at his beautiful eyes as well as the cat’s glossy baby green eyes. “Okay, okay, I bought the cat home after I found it after a mission,” you explained to him in a quiet tone, before taking the cat away from his hands to your, leading to the fluffy creature to snuggle up to you and rest it’s head on your shoulder to which then you began to stroke it’s light grey fur to comfort it.
“You can’t just steal a cat you see randomly, babe~” Gojo stated to you in a matter of fact tone, to which you countered that statement by saying with a pout, “he was in a box in the rain Satoru, I couldn’t just leave him there,” causing your boyfriend to look at you before looking at the cat that was in your arms as he then shifted his eyes back to you, who was now showcasing the ‘puppy dog’ eyes that he knew that you knew that now he couldn’t resist and say ‘no’ to you - you just looked so loveable to him right now.
“Ah fine, if it doesn’t mess up the whole house, it can stay,” Gojo then said in defeat, leading you to jump up and down in glee before continuously kissing his cheek as a thank you, “well if I can get more kisses honey~ that would be better,”
Now, this little agreement of his turned against him in the ‘receiving your attention’ aspect because here you are now, laying in bed with a cat - that was on his side - that didn’t even need your attention right now since it was asleep. However, it seemed like you weren’t going to leave the grey fluff anytime soon as you continued to admire the little creature that was curled up while still hugging your hand.
“Honey~” Gojo called out, hoping to gain at least some of your attention, yet you ignored him and continued to coo and stroke the cat as if you were still alluring it to sleep, even though it seemed like it was already light’s out for the little man. 
“Sweetie~” Gojo then called out to you again with another pet name of yours that he had, only for the same exact result. Annoyed at the little to no reaction from you, Gojo immediately stood up from his seat before making his way towards the bed, looming his shadow and body over you and the cat breaking your trance once you notice the change in lighting.
Looking up towards the ceiling, you immediately saw a pair of ocean eyes looking down upon you with a pouty expression on his face causing you to giggle lightly at the funny, childish sight. “Hi babe, what’s wrong?” you asked, only for Gojo’s response to you by him carefully picking up the grey shorthair - not wanting to wake him up - and placing it on the little bed that you both brought for it the other day before coming back over to lay himself beside you - like he was replacing the cat with himself.
“Why did you move him?” you then asked in a confused tone, as you lifted yourself to see how the cat was, only for Gojo to place a hand on the side of your head before gently pushing you back down onto the mattress, causing you to look at your boyfriend in surprise only for him to instantly wrap his arms around your body, pulling you closer to his. Slowly after realising what he did, you reciprocated his actions and wrapped your arms around him giving some of your linger warmth to him as a gift for him giving you his. This felt like home.
“Pay attention to me,” Gojo demanded before pulling you closer to him, to the point where his face was pressed against your chest. “Huh?” you expressed in confusion, causing Gojo to look up at with once again the same angry pouty expression that you adored. “Pay attention to me honey~ you’ve been ignoring me ever since you bought that cat back home, give me something at least,” Gojo moaned, before burying his face against your chest again as if he was a kid hiding away after being told off leaving you to laugh at his cute little outburst.
“Aw~ you getting jealous of a cat Totoro~” you teased the white-haired shaman - with his pet name you had for him - leading to Gojo being silent for a few seconds before adorably nodding his head - letting his pride go - causing you to be surprised once again at his easy admission.
“I am jealous Y/N, I want your attention, so give it to me,” Gojo then continued to rant in a kid-like tone, even though you just barely understood what he said since his speech was muffled into your shirt due to his face buried in your chest leaving you to feel a little ticklish. However, pushing away that feeling, you leisurely placed a hand on top of his head before ruffling his white locks - just like how a mother would comfort her child.
“Yeah, yeah, you got my wanted attention now, haven’t you?” you asked Gojo in a soft tone, leaving him to give you another cute nod before turning his head slightly  - to which caused you to see his cheeky smirk like it was as if he had won something - telling you that he was planning to take a nap. “So after you got my attention, you’re planning to take a nap?” you teasingly question your boyfriend only for you to get a silent response, causing you to look down to see this beautiful eyes closed with his back slowing rising then falling, indicating to you that it was lights out for him now - just like the grey British Shorthair that was sleeping in its bed.
Deciding it was time for you to sleep as well, you slowly began to reach over to the night lamp that was right beside you - trying to not wake up the human-cat that was on your right now - only for Gojo’s arms to tighten around you causing you to be anchored in place.
However, what he seemingly tiredly muttered next was what you always thought in your mind whenever you were in his arms.
“Feels like home”
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terichii · 3 years
Hii~ If it’s fine can I ask for a draken x fem reader where she’s a worker at the same brothel he lives in and he’s there really close and he’s pretty protective of her since they’re dating and one day she meets takemichi along with hina and emma and he accidentally trips and kind of gropes her, and draken gets kind of mad he threatens takemichi but she stops him b/c she knew it was an accident after that draken apologizes and makes it clear she’s his girlfriend and how he’s protective of her :3
(And everyone is aged up and if you can, can there be a jealous Emma to I love her but I also love draken😭)
Hi, sweety, your request first in my blog and I'm so glad that this story was so unusual and interested experience ✨✨✨ I hope I have understand your idea and you will like this ♡
Warnings: clumsy english text
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Should not hide the fact that you have been communicating with the Draken for quite a long time. He was always an attentive companion, sweet and kind. When you needed help, he helped you. When you were sad, he supported you. At some point, you began to understand each other's feelings and emotions. He had a busy life, since adolescence he was a participant in serious conflicts, and the older, the more difficult. You didn't come here because you wanted to, either. Over time, both of you sank lower and lower, but everyone began to change random events.
"Why the fuck should I pay such money for such a stupid whore?!", - a thick-set man was shouting at the top of his voice in the hall. His face was bright red with anger, while you were standing, covered with a sheet and with your head down. All the waiting visitors looked out to find out what was going on.
"Describe briefly what did not suit you, so that we would assess the situation and return the money to you", - the man behind the counter was not affected by his screams and enraged state, he remained calm and was indifferent to the situation as a whole, which further enraged his interlocutor.
"I don't fucking have to explain how this girl provided services, come on, ask her yourself", - roughly grabbing your wrist, the fat guy pulled you on himself, - "Let's ask, well", - he looked at you with angry eyes, - "What did you do??"
"I would ask more politely…"
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH", - interrupting the man, he began to squeeze and shake your hand painfully, - "Come on, answer, slut...though...you know what, if I didn't get the service, then I don't have to pay and other people need to see the defective product from afar..."
The fat guy raised his hand to strike, which you just squinted at because he held you too tightly for you to get out and stand up for yourself. But you didn't feel the impact. When you opened your eyes, you saw how Draken intercepted his hand, then twisted it behind his back.
"Should I break your hands so that you don't raise them on girls, you bastard?"
This memory has remained as vivid to this day. Then you started communicating even more, and you didn't realize that you were developing feelings for him. It was becoming increasingly difficult to serve clients. You felt disgusted when you provided services to various ugly types. But one day you realized that you were representing Draken instead of all these people. You saw his focused face, how his hair falls over his shoulders, and how perfect his cock is for you.
"Hey, [Y/N], what are you thinking about?"
"I just remembered something", - you smiled at your memories, now it was nice to realize that he is always near.
You were walking through the evening streets of Shibuya. A warm breeze pleasantly blew over your face, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. You took his hand in a desire to be even closer to him. Draken smiled gently, hiding behind his smile a slight blush that appeared on his cheeks.
"Draken-kun!!", - your idyll was interrupted by a familiar voice, to which you both turned, - "Unexpectedly to meet you here", - Takemichi smiled at you with his brightest smile, that after this it is simply impossible to be angry with him.
"Oh, are you with Hina and Emma? Shopping? "
"Something like that...", - the guy showed you a bunch of shopping bags that he had to drag.
"Yes, and we decided to introduce Emma to someone", - Hinata intervened in your conversation, laughing playfully, although she noticed that her friend wasn't laughing, - "Emma?"
"Oh, no, it's alright", - the blonde forced a smile, apparently still tormented by old feelings.
"In that case, do you mind if we..." - the next step for Takemichi turned out to be fatal. Tripping over the uneven asphalt, which he did not notice because of the large number of packages, the guy with a grimace of horror and confusion flew straight at you. All the bags flew out of his hands with a crash when he tried to somehow soften his fall, but everything turned out to be useless. All you felt next was pain. However, you were smarter and managed to land without injury.
It doesn't matter what happened in the past between Takemichi and Draken, but he's not going to tolerate this. It was enough for him that you met in a brothel. A tight vein appeared on his temple, and his fists clenched by themselves.
Your chest ached from the received blow, as you understood, with Takemichi's forehead, plus, he convulsively tried to apologize to you, because of which he buried his knee in your crotch and, even more embarrassed, in an attempt to correct the situation and justify himself to the Draken, touched your boobs, after which he experienced the whole spectrum of horror.
Grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and lifting him off you like a kitten in one movement, Draken pushed the guy away from him and swung for a blow, but…
"Ken, wait!!"
"Eh?", - he looked at you in bewilderment but did not injure Takemichi.
"Stop it, it's too much", - you looked at the frightened poor thing, who was barely holding back his sobs, here they are, the consequences of a hopeless situation, - "Nothing terrible happened, so you shouldn't apologize", - you smiled your sweetest smile to defuse the situation and took Draken by the hand, - "You don't need to be so aggressive, honey."
"Tts", - Emma, who was happy about the situation, suddenly drooped and threw a dissatisfied look at you.
"So you are...dating?" - Hinata covered her mouth with her hand in surprise and smiled, - You look very cute together, don't you, Em ... ma...?
"A great couple, considering that it was possible to choose..."
"That's it, we went, Takemichi, right?" - the girl began to push her friend to continue the evening shopping and not create even more ridiculous situations.
"Uh ... but.."
"Come on, Takemichi!!"
You two just stood there, holding hands and looking after the people who were leaving.
"They are, of course, funny, but was it just my imagination or Emma is jealous?", - you looked into Draken's eyes, excitement crept into your heart, because once upon a time you saw photos of Emma in his room, - "Do you think she...?"
"No", - the guy interrupted you, - "But even if so, everything is long in the past, and now..." - Draken leaned over to you and pressed his forehead to yours, - "...now I love only you", - followed by a long, filled with his love, kiss.
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melodiesofblueroses · 3 years
Hey, i saw your requests were open so :D
I would like some fluff with Lucifer, Levi, Beel, and Satan
With a flirty s/o that when they flirts back she is shutter mess and just "s/o.exe stopped working"
(and I'm so sorry about my english, it's not my first language and I still learning)
This was such a cute request omg I love it sm. I can feel myself getting flustered just thinking about it! Thank you for the request, and I hope you enjoy it! Btw, your English is pretty good so don’t worry about it :)
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✦ Lucifer
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Lucifer certainly thought that you were a peculiar exchange student when you began flirting with him
i mean, here stood one of the most powerful and feared demons of the Devildom. hell, even his brothers feared him, and they were some of the most powerful too
you seemed so fearless and flirted with him so easily that Lucifer honestly couldn’t help but admire it
he’d usually roll his eyes or give a tiny smirk whenever you tried a pickup line on him or tried to flirt
(i could totally see him telling you which were good pickup lines and which ones needed more work)
he’s lived with his brother’s shenanigans for thousands, if not, millions of years by now
Lucifer can put up with a human’s flirtatious nature for a year by now
one day, however, Lucifer decided to flirt back just for the sake of it. you were always flirting with him, so why not try it back?
well, for someone so bold, Lucifer certainly wasn’t expecting you to become a nervous mess
you were immediately taken aback. Lucifer was so cold and stoic, you couldn’t imagine him even flirt back
and the fact that his voice just sounded so...hot? gosh, you could feel your heart begin to beat rapidly. was he always this attractive??
you could feel your face getting warmer by the second, your mind went blank, and any words you attempted to say either got stuck in your throat or ended up as an incoherent mess
y/n.exe has stopped working
to Lucifer, it was a bit, well, cute and satisfying. seeing you get all flustered over him was such a good feeling and boasted his already high ego
he uses this new information to his advantage, always flirting back whenever you did and smirking triumphantly afterwards
your shy and nervous reaction never got old. it was just too cute
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✰ Leviathan
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when Levi heard that they were expecting a human exchange student, he was expecting you to be somewhat troublesome
but not this troublesome
your compliments, teasing, and flirts would’ve damn near killed him the first time he heard them, although he never would get used to them despite having to live with him for a year
he never could hide the massive red blush or his shock whenever you tried to flirt with him
he didn’t think that he was the most attractive demon necessarily or even an interesting one
so why were you even flirting with him? even if it was just who you were, Levi would overanalyze every little move
but he did like the attention, so naturally, he would get jealous if you were to flirt with anyone else
it felt nice when he was the only one that received such attention from you
even if he had no idea how to flirt back or if he would even be able to, Levi would want to respond to your attempts
and when he finally gathered the courage to do so one day, he was a bit shocked yet smug at your reaction
you were exactly like him after all! it certainly did make him feel a bit better about himself, though it also flustered him at the same time
just how could a human look so cute??
your flustered face would become an immortalized memory for him, one that he was quite fond of
even after knowing how you’d react to such responses, Levi wouldn’t really respond on most days since he wouldn’t know how to until a few hours later (he always went blank immediately after you attempted to flirt with him)
on the off chance that he would flirt back, however, Levi would get a little ego boost and just enjoy the moment
guess you weren’t such a strong human after all
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✣ Satan
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at first, Satan is taken aback from your flirtatious nature, but that’s only because it’s been quite a while since someone approached him in such a way
it amuses him, so he flirts back from the get go, which made him learn of the fact that you easily get embarrassed if someone does it back
it became even more amusing for him
Satan just found it so fascinating that a human who so easily threw out compliments and flirts couldn’t handle someone else flirting back
he already found you to be cute since you were a small human amongst many demons, but this just added to your cuteness
Satan couldn’t help but tease you for it
get prepared to endure teasing for the next year
every time you attempted to flirt with him, Satan would always have a comeback, and a lovely one at that
seriously, how were they even better than your attempts
being at the receiving end of flirty comments was so much more different. i mean, Satan was just so well-spoken and attractive that you couldn’t help but blank out when he responded back
was this demon that you were crushing on really responding to your attempts? this surely wasn’t a dream, right?
he’d probably even start the flirting at times, which would only leave you both speechless and flustered which was exactly what Satan was aiming for
“hey y/n. would you care to hear my latest pickup line? i think it could be improved but i’d like a second opinion.”
cue the stutters and rosy cheeks which Satan grew to love oh so much
he’d always chuckle at your reaction which would only annoy you even more
gosh, he was such a tease
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✯ Beelzebub
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he would probably be kinda confused at first or just brush it off
you were human after all, so of course Beel wouldn’t really know of any human customs (at least he assumed it was one)
however, i do think that he’d find it a bit fun
(he loved all of your creative and new compliments, they were such a joy to listen to)
so he’d occasionally play along and flirt back
when he finds out that you get so embarrassed by it, Beel would laugh and find it adorable
like Satan, he’d find it fascinating that you could so easily dish out flirts but couldn’t take them
he couldn’t recall the last time he’s seen someone so flustered and speechless
even though Beel finds it adorable, i can see him getting a bit worried that you hate it so he’ll most likely stop flirting back
i mean, just seeing you so speechless and stuttering whenever you tried to respond made him extremely worried that he said something wrong
was his flirting inappropriate? did you perhaps not like it?
he didn’t want to do anything that you were uncomfortable with, so he’d stop responding with flirts altogether
although he would stop flirting back, Beel would still respond back to your flirts by smiling or chuckling at one that he found to be good
he didn’t want you to think that he was ignoring you (i swear he’s paying attention he’s just busy trying to satisfy his endless hunger)
honestly, that just made you even more flustered, especially the sight of his cute smile that you’d somehow fallen for
how did he look so good with a smile?? why was the sight of him smiling riling you up??
gahh, Beel was just too cute for his own good
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mix up
Summary: A mix up with the buildings laundry was all it took to get what you always secretly wanted.
Pairing: Javier Peña x OFC (can be read as reader insert)
Wordcount: 4k+
Warnings: lots of cursing, smut (Oral; female receiving; sex), sex toys, also fluff, bad flirting as ususal
A/N: In my mind, this was a drabble. Apparently my brain had other ideas. The biggest thank you to @f0rever15elf​ for being my beta on this <3
Taglist in reblog
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Pushing the laundry bin with your dirty laundry out of your apartment, you checked if you had  everything before you locked the door of your apartment behind you. It was laundry day. Thankfully the apartment in Bogata came with a laundry service. Not that you were not able to do your own laundry, you simply didn’t have time for it. The last thing on your mind while chasing down Escobar was doing your laundry. The job took every single second of your life, even in the few times you were off from work, even in your sleep. Walking down the long hallway, the last door you passed was Javier’s. You heard him curse something in spanish before the door opened and a similar laundry bin was placed in front of his door. You tilted your head as you looked at him, crossing your arms in front of your chest, a little grin on your lips.
“What?” He asked looking down at himself. 
“Nothing.” You hummed. “I love that color on you.” You winked before you walked out.
“Fuck you too.” He chuckled as he followed you.
“What? I do love it. As a matter of fact I own some pink stuff I wear occasionally.” You unlocked the car and he jumped into the passenger's seat.
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Javier and you were co-workers. He had joined you in the hunt for Escobar only shortly after you arrived here from DC. You would say you even became friends. As possible as it was to become friends with him. There were only a handful of people who knew the lengths you had to go through at this job. Of course, he had tried to get into your pants first but the both of you decided it would be for the better to keep this strictly non physical. At least that’s what you told yourself. 
Though secretly you felt yourself wishing it was you on the receiving end of his “affection” as you lay in bed alone at night, while he was fucking some prostitute on the other side of the building.
“I’ve never seen you wearing anything pink, Guapa.” He pushed his yellow aviators up as he reached for the pack of cigarettes. You started the engine and looked at him.
“Oh Javier… There are many things you haven’t seen me wear.” You winked. You could see when the penny dropped and he shook his head, with a small grin. 
“Fuck. I didn’t even have my coffee yet and you put pictures of you in underwear inside my head?”
“I never said it was my underwear. But… That’s payback for making me listen to the moaning from your apartment last night.” You finally got the car on the road.
“Jealous?” He asked, holding his cigarette by the window. You mentioned once that you weren’t a big fan of smoke but didn’t mind it. He had made the effort to turn himself away from you from that day on when he smoked.
“More curious.” You said honestly.
“How so?” You stopped at a red light, turning your head to look at him. 
“We both know you are paying most of those women, so how real is their… valuation with you if you know what I mean?” You were genuinely curious. You had two relationships before and both of them didn’t really care for your pleasure. You had been responsible for your own orgasms all your life and you were wondering…
“Oh they aren’t acting Guapa. I know what I’m doing.” He winked at you and threw his cigarette out.
“Every man says that.” You shrugged, rolling your eyes.
“Well… You’ll have to trust my word. The only way you could be sure was if I showed you, and we both agreed that nothing will ever happen between us, right?” He asked. You nodded and looked away from him, starting the car again, when the light switched to green. You didn’t notice him looking at you as you continued to drive.
“If we wouldn’t be working together, would you?” He asked as you parked the car in front of the embassy and killed the engine. The car ride had been silent since the red light.
“Would I what?” You asked pulling your purse out from the backseat.
“Let me show you that I definitely know what I’m doing?” He asked, his voice deeper as he looked into your eyes. You looked back into his and wondered if anyone had ever noticed the small caramel like spot in this right eye.
“I guess that’s another thing you will never find out, Peña.” You had a small smile on your lips, hoping to cover up your nervousness. He looked at you knowingly before he let his tongue dart out to wet his lips. You swallowed, your eyes flying to his lips before you looked up and he bit his lip.
“Shame,” he whispered before he opened the car door and got out of the car. You closed your eyes, ignoring the throbbing between your legs as you watched him go into the building.
“Fucking hell,” you muttered, shaking your head to follow him inside.
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Weeks went by without either of you mentioning the conversation between you. At some point, you thought you imagined the whole thing. You continued to work together. You both took care of Steve when Connie left to go back to the states unannounced. You couldn’t blame her. You’ve been wondering yourself if what you were doing would end in catching Escobar in the end. 
Javi and you were a pretty damn good team at work. He always had your back which was a gift you truly cherished. When you had first met him and Steve, you would have bet a lot of money that they would be just like the other assholes you had worked with before. But they weren’t. Of course Javier continued to flirt with you. That’s just who he was. But he also did acknowledge your intelligence and knew when he had to shut up and actually listen. You grew so comfortable with each other that just one look from the other would tell if it was a good day, or a bad day. 
Today had been a bad day for you. 
Not only was the lead you had chased the day before a dead end, but you just felt exhausted. Like the last weeks of working constantly came crashing down at you all at once. So you called in sick. For the first time… ever. You ignored that one of the reasons you felt so shitty was the fact that Steve and Javier had been gone for 3 days now. 
A knock on your door made you groan but you made your way to open up anyway, thanking the lady with your clean laundry with a smile before you closed the door and brought it into your bedroom. Deciding to put the clothes away right now instead of letting them stay on your bed as you usually did, you frowned when you saw a very pink shirt on the bottom. You let your fingers run over the fabric. It was Javi’s shirt. The one you teased him about.
Biting your lip, you looked down at it. You should give it back to him. You knew that. But he would be gone for at least another two days and you felt lonely. You opened the buttons, pulling the shirt you were wearing off and got his shirt on. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You had never worn a shirt of a man before, and when you pictured it before you weren’t thinking about a pink shirt, or Javi’s, but somehow you liked the way it looked on you. Smiling to yourself you pulled the fabric closer and you could swear you smelled his aftershave even though it was freshly cleaned. You did spend more time than you would ever admit to anyone thinking about him. The way he walked. The way he ran his hands through his hair when he was frustrated. How you could see his chest hair when he was wearing his poorly buttoned shirts. Closing your eyes you shook your head.
Coworker. He was your Coworker. 
Your very attractive Coworker who you caught undressing you with his own eyes more than once. In the quiet of your apartment you often dreamed what it would be like. Him touching you. You knew he could have anyone, yet he chose to pay for sex. He didn’t seem like he was looking to have any relationship, and you couldn’t blame him. But what if he chose you? What if he wasn’t your Coworker? What if he was just Javi? Your neighbor. What if you weren’t in Colombia chasing down drug lords? 
You pictured him coming home to you and taking you on the kitchen table. Would he go down on you? You bet he would. He seemed like he enjoyed pleasuring his woman. His woman. You wanted to be his woman. Even though you knew he wasn’t looking for someone. He told you before on a very drunken night out that he sucked at relationships. He just needed someone to make him forget, someone…
A knock on your door interrupted your thoughts again. Looking at yourself you considered answering whoever was at the door dressed in this shirt but decided against it and put on your bathrobe. There was another knock at your door.
“One second!” You called pulling the bathrobe closer around your body as you unlocked your door.
“Javi?” You asked, surprised. “I thought you’d be back on Saturday.” You pulled the bathrobe around you closer, suddenly feeling too naked to be standing in front of him, even though your whole body was covered.
“You’re okay. Thank.. Fuck. You’re okay.” He sighed relieved looking at you.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” You frowned, a little confused.��
“I went to the embassy and no one knew where you were and…” He closed his eyes.
“I called in sick. I’m okay. I promise.” You said quietly. He ran his hand over his mouth, his other hand on his hip as he looked at you, his eyes tired.
“Are you okay Javier?” You asked a little confused at him just showing up like that. “Why are you back already?”
“Dead end. Didn’t see the point of staying there.” He shrugged.
“Okay. Then you should go to..”
“What are you wearing there?” he asked and nodded towards you.
“Uhm…” You looked down at yourself and tried to hide your surprise at seeing a bit of the pink shirt out. You looked up at him again, and you could see his grin.
“Is that pink I see?” His grin got wider. You sucked your bottom lip in.
“I told you I wear pink. Occasionally.” You shrugged. He nodded and continued to look at you before he stepped a little closer. You could see in his eyes that he was trying to work out what was going on and you noticed the moment he made the connection. His eyes darkened and you cursed yourself for not changing out of his shirt before you answered the door. 
“Is that… my shirt?” He whispered deeply. A shudder ran over your body. His hand came up, reaching for the collar that you apparently hadn’t tucked in as well as you thought you had. His finger brushed over your throat as his other hand slowly opened your bathrobe. One of your hands held your shirt together that you didn’t bother to button up. You shouldn’t have put it on in the first place. 
“Fuck, you’re wearing my shirt,” he cursed. You looked up at him, breathing deeply. You weren’t wearing anything but some panties beneath it. He looked down your body before he looked up at you again, his hand running up your neck to the back of your head.
You should take a step back, turn around and get away from him. Cause the way he was looking at you made your knees weak. 
“Javi, I can explain…” You mumbled, but he only shook his head slowly. The look he gave you made your poor explanation die on your lips.
“Tell me to stop,” he whispered as he stepped even closer. You felt the coldness of his leather jacket as he pushed your bathrobe from your shoulders and you shivered.
“Close the door, Javier,” you whispered. He looked at you, taking you in before he turned around and closed and locked the door. Pulling off his leather jacket he let it fall to the floor as he stalked towards you.
“I will never be able to get this picture out of my head.” He said as he walked you backwards until your back hit a wall behind you.
“You… You don’t have to get this picture out of your head.” You whispered.
“No?” He asked. One of his hands coming down on your hip as his other hand brushed some of your hair away that had fallen in your face. You shook your head at him.
“If you want to see me in your shirts, make sure to leave them with me after…” You bit your lip.
“After?” He leaned down and you felt his breath on your face.
“After you’ve fucked me.” You whispered and sighed when his lips crashed down on yours. You grabbed onto his back, pulling him closer as he licked into your mouth. Parting your lips without resistance you moaned when you felt one of his hands slip down your back.
“Been dreaming about this for years.” He groaned against your lips as he kissed down your neck, pushing the shirt you were still wearing open and you saw his little smile when he saw your boobs.
“Me too.” You whimpered as his teeth scratched over your neck. 
“Tell me.” He whispered, softly sucking on your pulse point on your neck before he kissed down your collarbone.
“Wanted you to feel against me. Wanted to… Ahh..” You cried out when his lips closed around one of your nipples.
“Tell me.” He groaned and looked up at you, not releasing the bud and sucked. You wouldn’t be able to continue to stand on your own feet if he kept that up.
“Wanted to taste you. Wanted you to taste me. Wanted you to…”
“Fuck you?” He asked, releasing your nipple with an obscene sound. You just nodded.
“Been wondering if you taste as good as you smell.” He whispered and kissed down your stomach.
“May I?” He knelt in front of you, his dark eyes wild as he looked up at you. You hesitated.
“I… No one ever….” You sucked your bottom lip in, shy all of the sudden. He seemed to understand immediately, cursing under his breath.
“You should be worshipped. Fucking losers. All of them.” He shook his head and got up from the ground.
“Will you let me?” He asked softly. There was nothing but affection in his eyes and you felt yourself nodding. You shrieked when he picked you up in his arms, moaning when he kissed you as he carried you to your bedroom. Carefully he set you down and you looked up at him. You wondered what this would change between you. Because you wouldn’t be able to go back to being just friends after this. 
“You’re not just a fuck, hermosa.” He seemed to answer your thoughts. 
“Let me feel you.” You said as you got up to stand in front of him. He didn’t stop you as you pulled his shirt out of his jeans and began to unbutton it, kissing his chest before you pulled it off. He groaned as you teased his nipple.
“Lay down on your back and let me take care of you.” He kissed you quickly and you complied, wanting to take the pink shirt off when he stopped you.
“No. Keep that on.” He smirked and you giggled.
“Whatever you want,” you hummed.
“Be careful what you wish for.” He said quietly as he looked down at you. A shiver ran over your body at the look he gave you and you could feel just how wet you were.
“What if I like playing with danger?” you asked. He furrowed his eyebrows before his hands opened the fly of his jeans. You swallowed, your eyes not leaving his as he pushed his jeans down. It was like he was challenging you to look and when you did you released a breath you couldn’t remember holding in. Of course he wasn’t wearing anything beneath his tight jeans.
When he was standing completely naked in front of you, he leaned down to slowly peel your embarrassingly damp panties down. He kissed up your leg, his mustache rubbing over the skin and you giggled when he kissed the skin behind your knees.
“Someone’s ticklish.” He mumbled against your skin.
“Maybe.” You smiled. He kissed up your inner thigh and unintentionally you wanted to close your legs but he didn’t let you.
“Let me look at you hermosa,” he whispered, looking up at you. You were only able to nod slowly. 
“If this is how I die I won't complain.” He murmured before his tongue darted out to taste you. You wanted to look at him but the way he nibbled, licked, and sucked made you throw your head back, moaning loudly. You grabbed the bedsheets, trying to ground yourself as he sucked at you clit.
“So fucking good,” he groaned against you and you cried out. 
“Fuck, keep going…,” you moaned. One of his hands on your stomach held you down while his other hand grabbed one of your boobs, kneading them, pulling at your nipple.
“Cum for me baby.” He whispered, his tongue dipping inside of you.
“Fuck….” You arched your back, heat rushing through your body as you almost blacked out when your orgasm washed over you.
This was unlike anything you ever felt before. You were so out of it you didn’t notice Javi stopped until his mouth was on your neck before he made you look at him. You felt his cock between your legs and you shakily breathed out, a blissful smile on your face as he leaned down to kiss you softly. You didn’t know nor did you care how long he kissed you, you just knew you never wanted to stop.
“You did enjoy that, right?” He asked and you punched against his chest, making him laugh.
“You’re awfully full of yourself, Agent Peña.” You shook your head and he cocked an eyebrow. 
“What if I want you to be awfully full of myself?” He smirked.
“You did not just say that.” You snorted, shaking with  laughter beneath him.
“Sorry,” he laughed with you, looking down at you.
“No you’re not.” You grinned and he chuckled. 
“Do you though?” He asked, quieter now as his laughter subsided. You arched your eyebrow in question. “Want me to fuck you?” He kissed down your jaw, as he rolled his hips against yours.
“Is me naked beneath you not clue enough? I thought you knew that you were a good Agent and knew what you’re doing...” You teased, your hands wandering down his back, pulling him against you. He bit into your shoulder and you moaned.
“Oh I’m gonna show you that I know exactly…” He kissed you. You groaned as you felt the tip of his cock at your entrance. “How to make you cum.”
“Condoms... “ You gestured to your bedside drawer. He nodded, disappearing from your point of view before he was back, a dirty grin on his face.
“This is gonna be fun.” He whispered, holding a condom and your vibrator up. You blushed looking away from him.
“No need to be shy, hermosa.” He ripped the condom package open and pulled it over his hard cock. You felt his hand between your legs and you looked up at him, before two of his fingers entered you, his eyes never leaving yours.
“So If nobody ever made you cum by going down at you…” He kept fingering you slowly, adding another finger and you moaned quietly, feeling so full already.
“Did anyone ever make you cum?” He asked, his thumb slowly circling your clit and you were about to cum again when he stopped. You pouted.
“Huh?” He asked. 
“Yes Javi. I made myself cum.” You groaned and he shook his head.
“Not anymore.” He hummed before you slowly felt himself push into you. You stopped breathing, looking up at him, embracing the delicious burn you felt as he split you in half. The sounds he was making would haunt you in the best way possible.
“So fucking tight,” he groaned and you released a breath when he was fully inside of you. He stilled, probably wanting you to get used to the stretch but all you wanted was..
“Move. Javi.” You pleaded and that was all he needed to hear.
“Feels better than I imagined.” He pressed, slowly fucking into you. He put your legs around his waist as he leaned down to kiss you. Holding him close, you let him fuck you, rolling your hips to meet his thrusts. Never in your life did you feel that full. He kissed every piece of skin his lips came in contact with and you grabbed onto his back, surely leaving marks as he moved faster. 
“Please…,” you moaned.
“Please what Hermosa?” he rasped, sucking on your shoulder.
“Harder.” You whimpered.
“You want it harder my needy girl?” he asked. You were only able to nod as he pushed away from you, pulling your legs over his shoulders. He held on to your legs before he began to ram into you.
“You want it harder. You get it harder. You get everything you fucking want.” He groaned.
“Fuck yes.” You moaned, holding onto the mattress beneath you. Closing your eyes you just let him do whatever the fuck he wanted. Never in your life had you been fucked like that. The familiar buzzing of your toy let you snap your attention back to the man curently fucking the life out of you and you almost jumped when the vibe made contact with your clit.
“Shit…,” you cried out, surprised when your orgasm washed over you within seconds.
“Fuck fuck….” Javie groaned, fucking you through your orgasm, throwing the vibe away.
“Can you give me one more?” He asked. You shook your head, still trying to breath properly, when he pulled out of you and turned you so you were straddling him.
“Ride me baby.” He smiled up at you. You leaned down, kissing him longingly before you carefully sat down on his cock.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said in awe, looking up at you as you slowly rolled your hips, still oversensensetive from your orgasm. Both of his hands sneaked under his shirt you were still wearing, massaging your boobs.
“You gonna give me one more, hermosa?” He moaned quietly, pushing himself up, his arms coming around you, his chest against you as he moved his hips against yours.
“Javi…” You whimpered, holding on to his shoulders.
“Tell me what you need…” 
“Kiss me,” you whispered. His lips were on you in the next moment and you shook as you felt your third orgasm approaching.
“Cum for me, Javi,” you whispered, clenching your walls, one of your hands pulling at his hair. He moaned against your chest as you felt him swell before he twitched and that was all it took for you to cum again. 
Out of breath you held on to each other, your head on top of his, his lips still attached to your boob.
“We should have done this sooner,” he chuckled and you smiled as you looked at him.
“We should have,” you agreed. You felt him soften inside of you but not you nor him were ready to let go of one another. You kissed him softly.
“We could do this again, you know?” You said carefully. You knew you wouldn’t be able to share him with anyone, he had to know. He looked at you.“But I’m not sharing what’s mine,” you added. 
“Yours, huh?” He asked, a little smile on his face. You nodded.
“I like the sound of that.” He said before he kissed you deeply. 
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wri0thesley · 2 years
I’ve been sitting in these for like a week and a half trying to figure out the non cringey way to express my poly sorlato thoughts but I keep trying to write an actual story each time— so hi these are just a messy word vomit style of poly sorlato thoughts, these are written with y/n as a trans man who’s kinda recently started on hrt & this is is his first relationship so kinda fun things with exploring that c:
also be noted that this mainly starts as a Polyamorous V type relationship, Gelato has two hands, one for Sorbet & the other one is for y/n. But I do have further thoughts on how it’d eventually turn into a Poly Triad down the long road.
This whole thing started with me thinking about Gelato a little to much & how I think he’s the kinda guy to catch feelings but struggle with being able to differentiate between what’s the “platonic” flirting you do with friends vs having actual feelings for someone kinda flirting. So normally that wouldn’t be a problem y’know, he has Sorbet & he’s very content with that— not saying they don’t trick some poor soul into a “fun” one time thing before disregarding that person rather brutally, but y’know never anything serious.
But get this!!! Little ding dong meets this scruffy lookin’ short but chubby man who looks like he’s five minutes away from crying— like this man’s kinda a mess tbh & something just kinda ignites in Gelatos head that “ hey that’s a friend right there if I’ve ever seen one!” So he just kind of integrates himself into this guys life, he learns that his name is y/n that & that hes coming back to live in Italy after having a one time exchange student program he did as a teen.
So there’s a lot more but I’ll get waay to into so I’m gonna skip it for now lemme know if you want more I’ll come back lol
Anyways!! This starts up a surprisingly decent friendship with these two unlikely people, now y/n’s the kinda man who struggles with being able to tell the difference in feelings an emotions, it’s like do I actually have real feelings for this person or am I just kinda nervous they’re the kinda man I want to be. Him and Gelato are kinda the same in that way but not fully y’know. So boy oh boy can you imagine the turmoil these two have separately after comin to the realization that they both have genuine feelings for one another. Dumbass don’t even know notice either lmao—
like y/n’s over here thinking that Gelatos like this with every person, that he’s just so bouncy an talkative and really invested in what he actually has to say right? He’s even being really touchy and will let y/n hang off of him. While Gelatos over here thinking that y/n’s actually really hyper active guy, that he’s super affectionate & yet somehow very down to earth. He’s just he’s great they fit on the same wave length y’know??? I mean it’s kinda true for them but not really this is an example of them both— I don’t want to say flirting but that’s the closest I can get ???— with one another. Like they are like in a way like what they’re presenting to one another but it’s very much catered to “ hey you’re my person so I feel comfortable being this way with you cause I don’t have to worry about putting you off.”
If that makes sense??? I am unsure— but anyone who knows either of them well will know that somethings up because they are not just like that™️ with anyone. Sorbet bless his fucking heart is so confused and a little jealous watching this kinda thing unfold with Gealto & y/n. Because he knows, he knows what Gelato is like in every sense because they’ve been together so long like it’s knowing the back of your hand. Like this is definitely not one of those thrill & kill moments it’s so much more then tbat so ofc he brings it up one night to Gelato who still doesn’t even notice he’s doing this bless his manic heart & he’s just fucking gutted about this. Like I can’t explain how in my head he processes this but it’s a lot & he eventually like distances himself from y/n an becomes suuper clingy to Sorbet among other promises of if Sorbet wishes he can & will dispose of this threat to them.
But while the idea does crosses Sorbets mind & he does know Gelato would without hesitatation go through with whatever plans he had for this y/n guy, he can see it in his eyes & in this very subtle way that Sorbet knows that doing so would truly like devastate Gelato. So ofc Sorbet who to anyone else they’d consider a ruthless & unmoving man, is incredibly tender within these few weeks this is going on with Gelato because while it does hurt in a way he just simply adores Gelato to much not to talk about this.
Sorbet & y/n sorry forgot to add do know of one another like it wasn’t ever a secret hshsbs— but they don’t interact a whole lot mostly because y/n is fuckin scared of the guy like “ oh this dude will definitely eat me alive if I talk to him” & he would be correct normally but it’s actually Sorbet who along with Gelato who uncharacteristically is clinging onto Sorbet with the like the most bashful look on his face as he kinda peeking around the taller of the twos shoulder, it’s actually quite adorable— or would be if y/n wasn’t currently panicking after being called over by Sorbet like he’s just got these thoughts of “ oh no oh god!! He found out I have feelings for Gelato & he thinks I was trying to be a homewrecker— I’m not a home wrecker I swear”
Like you have to also think about this from y/n’s point of view cause at some point it was brought up to him by a friend of his that he clearly had feelings for Gelato & it’s just again pure turmoil cause— as I stated earlier in the like “mentions” y/n’s still kinda “new” to the hormones & he’s just got to the point he’s starting to look more masculine but he can & is still easily misgender which has a whole other set of issues I will skip over. But then suddenly you have this guy like Gelato, right who in his mind is a real man’s man
— that I can’t for the life of me cannot explain why i have this opinion, y’know so you have this “real” man just like readily accept you as you are even when so many cannot do so, hell sometimes you yourself struggle feeling like you’re actually a man cause of ✨issues✨ but you have this man like Gelato who sees you, like actually sees you & never once tells you that you’re wrong or “ just confused” hell he even fucking punched someone cause they misgendered you on purpose to hurt your feelings.
How can y/n not have some form of infatuation but then it gets even more messy because one he’s not only taken & y/n isn’t a fucking home wrecker he couldn’t ever do that, but two the more he actually hung around Gelato the feelings turned into something real & it scared him— god it’s so scary to have feelings for someone especially if you’ve hardly had these kinds of thoughts or feelings before.
Then Gelato just goes radio silent for a few weeks, like i wanna say at least 2 maybe y’know & you cant help but wonder where you massively dropped the ball— cause he can handle the having unrequited feelings right ?? Like y/n can deal with that it hurts sure but that’s fine, but losing that kinda friendship that felt so easy and freeing only to just be ripped away kinda stung y’know. Was it him? Did he make the other man uncomfortable with being so obnoxious should he have been more quiet? Was he to needy just !!!! So many thoughts y’know.
But reeling back in sorry got off the rails a bit—
Now you have the guy who you still have feelings for with his actual partner calling you over & has previously said Sorbet is a frightening man & poor y/n is a jittery ball of nerves like hooo it’s so unsafe rn guys you cannot believe—but then but then!!! He’s even more shocked when Sorbet, with Gelato still cling-peeking around him looking those big pretty earthy eyes gazing at with the meekest expression y/n’s ever seen, just asks him if he would be comfortable with a Polyamorous relationship & if he’d be willing to talk about it somewhere more private because this is a semi public area they called out to the terrified man at.
Now.. now y/n probably in his head was like “ this has to be a trick. they’re getting me to a second location to kill me because im a disgusting disgrace of a person who encroached on their relationship/etc etc ” but instead he agrees and asks when and where he should meet them up at. Cause listen hes a young dumb man who is sooo easily swayed by his feelings & just looking at Gelato like that stirred something in him that he ignored the lowkey danger gut feeling he had. It’s just so unlike the man he knew for like months prior to the awol few weeks— I can’t sorry I’m not v good at explaining things but just trust me this was something y/n was willing to see out even if he did end up getting hurt
So uh well surprise !! He didn’t get hurt, in fact he’s completely intact an currently screaming into his pillow at home like a little school girl because god that was nerve wrecking but now he has his first ever boyfriend. He’s dated a tiny bit in highschool with a few girls but they didn’t either last long or it was to long distance that it just didn’t work out. Which is ok with him but this is something completely different & new an omg he can’t believe it.
So how the whole thing goes down is they meet at this one area, the three of them I should add & say what you want but Sorbet is Gelatos rock he is something he finds safety in & like I know he’s a deranged murderer but he’s so much more then that & he is also a ball of jittery unchecked energy. So Sorbets there for morale support because he’s a good partner & no matter how like awkward this is he would never let Gelato down— but also he can scope out this y/n guy up close & probably lowkey ingrain in his head that if anything were to happen to Gelato no matter the circumstances he will get him. Not that he has too tho!!! Y/n’s very much aware of this lmao.
my god this turned out really long & I’m still going I’m so sorry j0succ I’ll shut up eventually this is all like just the beginning info, like god I have soo much brain rot on this !!!! Ok moving on sorry struggling to focus aha
But it basically boils down to them meeting up at this not super secluded but not many people really go to this area of a park, it’s just very pretty & kinda scenic just it’s really nice to sit an talk without having to feel like you have to put on that overly stuff act you do when you feel like you have to preform y’know? Gelato & y/n do most of the talking & I just again I can’t express how like genuine an bare this encounter is between them. From y/n having this be completely & utterly new to him to Gelato & while he is older an has done alt more with his life this is also new to him. It’s scary but so exciting at the same time from different perspectives— just yeah very bare and honest. Y/n even brings Sorbet into this also, because y/n’s the kind of man who values honesty even if you don’t want to admit it to it, it’s something that’s very important to him.
Communication is key along with that so & this is one of the very first times Sorbet finds himself lowkey admiring the trembling young man— he tells him something along the lines of “ While I know & understand that we are not dating, i want you to know that if I do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or like I am overstepping into your guys relationship please tell me. I cannot read minds & I don’t want to cause… issues y’know with you guys” honestly it was worded way better in my head but it’s been week ago since then & now it’s gone from my head but it’s like “ we are not dating, I know this but you’re still intertwined in this & we will be seeing one another a lot more I assume — I don’t want overstep with you two & you’re thing, but I also don’t want you to feel like you can’t tell me to back off” etc etc & Sorbet can’t help but feel like “ ok this guy isn’t too bad but I’m still kinda ehh about it” if that makes any sense!!!! Anyways there’s alot more talking & discussing how this works out y’know gotta set boundaries an all of that fun stuff that—I apologize once again has just like has been lost I have moved onto over mushy stuff but I feel like all of this is important to know before getting into that.
After all of that!!!!! The actual dating between y/n & Gelato is really rather sweet as these two start to navigate this brand new thing. As I said Gelato has a whole lot more under his metaphorical belt then y/n does but that’s to be expected he is in like his mid 30’s y’know & y/n I have in my head like 25– so like yeah. But there’s something about this adorable young man who looks at him as if he’s the most endearing an thrilling thing but also always looks so nervous for, & in Gealtos mind, no reason to be the is way that he has to remember that this is new new for him. & he’s worth it but we all know Gelato the man’s not only a wild card & overly affectionate, he can be a lot for someone like y/n. It’s ok tho! Gelato is making the effort and taking his time to move through this & make it a positive experience.
Y/n also is working on this but from a whole other different ball park, he has to get used to having someone look at him so passionately & be so unabashedly into him. It’s weird & strange but god is it so nice all at once. Y/n’s still trying to navigate the fun thing that’s finally being out out & trying to navigate an actual romance cause we all know highschool dating is normally a lot different from dating in your mid 20’s y’know— or at least it should be but hhh people are just weird & yucky at times— but the gist for y/n’s there’s the added pressure of the previous stated but also overcoming his own issues that aren’t related to gender or relationship but it’s just his own problems that come with being a person in your mid 20’s finding yourself etc etc etc.
But it works out tho & it’s just it’s very good relationship, I mean of course there are bumps in the road as they navigate this ofc I mean what relationship doesn’t have issues or y’know shit that comes up. It’s very important to me that I stress that this is a healthy relationship no matter the problem things are worked out. Like I just— I don’t know man lmao.
For all of our sakes!!! I will be stopping here because my brain has turned to mush & I can no longer focus as you can tell probably—- again I’m so sorry this is long & just a giant mess I can’t write well— but god do I have sooo many thoughts on how these two relationship works out & things that they do together it’s just it has consumed me wholly so uhhh yes I may be back with more if I haven’t annoyed you yet.
Thank you so much for letting me submit this j0succ 🥰🥰🥰 I hope it’s readable & not to like difficult to follow— words from my head to being written down a lot gets uhh like lost into the void. Also!!!! I really hope your theatre trip went well~!! It sounds really fun c: have a lovely evening 💘💘
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
I just wanna say I love your blog but I just wanna know would you ever be interested in writing yandere meruem
I’m not finished with the Arc yet, but I feel now confident enough to write about them. Hope I did you justice with that. For the royal guards I went with the scenario where they somehow managed to survive because I don’t think they would get obsessed with someone else as long as the king is still alive. Their devotion for him would keep them from falling for anyone else. That’s at least what I believe.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, sadism, controlling Yandere, strict Yandere, mentions of kidnapping, death, stalking
Chimera Ant Arc Hc’s
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🤡Kite is shown as a very cold and blunt person, but I can actually see him as someone who’s really shy around his darling since he never felt such emotions before. He knows that he isn’t supposed to feel this way, making him the aware type. He also is absolutely whipped for his darling, making him a lovestruck one as well.
🤡I can also imagine him as an overprotective one. He didn’t grow up under the most ideal circumstances and normally is ready to let someone die, but that doesn’t count for his darling. Nothing should ever harm them!
🤡He’s very calm when it comes to his darling interacting with other people and let’s them most of the time talk to whoever they want to. But if someone gets to friendly with the s/o or makes them uncomfortable he’ll step in and tell the person bluntly to go away. He looks very intimidating whilst saying that so most people do what he says.
🤡He tries to be reasonable with the people, knowing that it would get him in trouble if he just kills everyone. He only kills someone when they harmed the s/o, mentally or physically. That’s one of the few times were he gets really enraged and also really disappointed with himself for not being able to protect them.
🤡I believe he would only kidnap them if they rejected him or they got hurt whilst he wasn’t with them. Then he would become incredibly paranoid and kidnap them. He feels bad for doing this, but he can’t do anything against it. But with enough time and convincing from your side he might be willing to let you out again.
🤡From this list a more harmless one who just wants to keep you safe even though his ways of doing so are sometimes a bit extreme. But he’s a very understanding Yandere who tries to suppress his Yandere side for as long and much as possible. He doesn’t want to scare you.
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🐈Neferpitou is a possessive one and obsessive one. They have some cat gene in them and so they are naturally fascinated with their darling, having a cat-like curiosity and wanting to know more about them. One of the most possessive out there especially after losing their king. No way they’ll let something like this happen again!!
🐈I can also imagine them as a bit of a cruel kind since they treat the s/o like a pet, punishing them when they don’t behave, cuddling and treating them when they please them and keeping them sometimes literally on a leash. They think they just protect the s/o from any wild humans, seeing it as taking a weak animal in and taking care of it what makes them the slightest bit delusional. But also an overprotective one. As mentioned Neferpitou lost their king what will increase their overprotectiveness a hundred times.
🐈It isn’t like they let their darling anywhere outside so no need to feel jealous. But if someone will somehow come anywhere near the darling for whatever reason this person will see a growling cat with a more than just sinister and enraged aura towering over them, ready to tear them to pieces. They also feel jealous when the s/o doesn’t pay attention to them, doesn’t matter what it was, Neferpitou will get rid of it.
🐈Pitou kills everyone who knows about the existence of their darling. No one should know that the s/o exists, this will reduce the danger of their darling being attacked by an enemy. Neferpitou has no mercy with anyone. Worst part about it is that they’ll come home covered in blood and want to cuddle their darling. They’ll tilt their head confused when the darling starts to cry when they see them, tainted in blood. Did they do something wrong?
🐈The moment they became interested in the darling was the moment they were doomed. Neferpitou most likely killed the whole village they lived in to ensure that no one knows about the s/o. After that they dragged them somewhere far away from any human to just keep them for themself.
🐈This really depends on your behavior. If you behave well then Neferpitou will be in a good mood and they’ll spoil you with affection and praises, after all a good pet deserves to be treated well. But when you don’t behave Pitou will get angry after a while and punish you because a bad pet needs to get punished in order to learn to behave. But Neferpitou can be really charming if they want too, cats have a very special charm on them and this counts for them as well. They just want to be a good owner with you as their cute little pet.
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🎻I think that Shaiapouf will change his Yandere type over time, but let’s start with what type he is during the first period of time. Obsessive, delusional and strict. He didn’t expect to fall for a human and felt disgusted at himself at first. How dare he fall for a human?!?! Disgraceful!! He most likely saw a flash of perfection and beauty in them and he kept this image in his head, wanting to know more about them and what made them so special. He expected them to behave and would lash out at them when they went against the perfect picture he had about them in his mind, punishing them for their behavior. Also a manipulative one, guilt tripping his darling and wrapping them up with lies to ensure they behave and don’t run away.
🎻But the more time he spent with them, the more he changed. He was still obsessive, manipulative and delusional, but now he thought of everything his darling did as perfection, no need to punish them anymore. He gained also the traits lovestruck, worshipper and clingy. This guy’s absolutely enamored with the s/o, seeing them as his new queen/king he has to serve. He’ll stick to their side, no matter what and is also very touchy. Holding hands, cuddling, kissing, he does it all.
🎻Just like Pitou he keeps his darling somewhere far away from any humans since he doesn’t trust them. Every human, except his wonderful darling of course, is some savage animal in his eyes, completely uncultivated. I think he doesn’t really get jealous that much, but if his darling tells him they know someone who can do something better than him then he gets ‘jealous’. Of course he’s also more than disappointed with himself, feeling like he failed, but he’ll also make sure to do better the next time to show his worth.
🎻He is willing to kill anyone who even dares to look at the s/o. Lowlife like this doesn’t deserve to have the honor to look at them! Shaiapouf thinks of it as protecting his queen/king from any danger, his paranoia is pretty horrible.
🎻He won’t see it as kidnapping. He sees it more as saving the s/o from wasting any time with those savage things out there. He’s completely paranoid, he already lost his king to humans and will make sure to not lose the darling to humans as well. At first he won’t let them out at all, but after he changed his Yandere type he’s more willing to let them out. But only if he’s with them and only if they don’t go anywhere near humans.
🎻His delusions are the problem. At the beginning because he held this perfect picture of you and manipulated you into your perfect self and after his change because he saw himself as a servant who’s only duty it is to protect and spoil you. Arguing won’t be from any use, you’ll just exhaust yourself like this. But the worshipper Shaiapouf is definitely better than the strict Shaiapouf because now he doesn’t hurt you anymore and has infinite patience with you.
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💥Youpi is more of a stalker, choosing to just watch the s/o from the distance. He uses this chance to also find out as much as possible about his darling what makes him an obsessive one as well. Every move they do makes him fall deeper into his obsession with them.
💥Also the overprotective one. He failed his king and he won’t fail his darling too. Surprisingly can him imagine as a lovestruck one as well. Everything his s/o does is just so adorable to him!
💥He doesn’t get jealous, he’s just overprotective over the darling. Since he stalks them all the time he knows who they’re talking and interacting with during the day. He just watches for the most part and won’t feel jealous, letting them do what they want. But that changes the moment he witnesses someone hurting his darling...
💥Yeah, if he ever witnesses someone hurting his darling, doesn’t matter if it’s mentally or physically, he’ll become a mad man and will destroy that person. Just imagine the last thing you see in your life is his crazed expression... That’s truly terrifying!
💥As long as he’s able to protect the s/o from the distance I think he’ll be fine with letting them walk freely around. Something really extreme would have to happen for him to kidnap you, the only example being the s/o nearly getting killed with him not being able to protect them. Then he’ll resort to kidnapping in order to protect them.
💥From all of the royal guards he’s the most tame one. He has no human DNA in him so he doesn’t really realize that his feelings aren’t normal, but that’s all. He just wants to protect you from every danger and is the most willing to let you walk around freely, but of course he’ll watch you from the distance, protecting you from any harm.
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👑Similar to Shaiapouf his type will change over time. At first he’s a strict, cold, cruel, obsessive and possessive one. He’s the king and expects the s/o to treat him like one. In his mind they should be thankful that he can’t kill them and that they should feel honored that he even pays them so much attention and he will punish them if they don’t act accordingly. The fact that he feels something for them was a surprise for him and so he wanted to know anything about them that was there to know, feeling like he would owe them if he would figure everything about them out. He won’t let anyone else have his darling, he’s the king and if he wants something then it’s only his!
👑But with time he became the possessive, obsessive, clingy, overprotective and soft type. He couldn’t think straight anymore when he wasn’t with his darling anymore and so he just kept them by his side all the time and became a much more nicer person to them, treating them more gentle and caring. He sees his darling as someone fragile and that’s the reason why he’s so protective over them. Nothing will ever harm them. Especially when Pouf is anywhere near he’ll be on high alert and keep a sharp eye on him.
👑He killed every human in the palace and since he keeps you always with him there’s no need to get jealous. No one would even dare to talk or look at you. But if you ,however, show some interest in one of his guards because they are the only ones you see besides him he’ll get jealous really fast and if you don’t want him to kill them it’s the best to quickly start paying attention to him.
👑I don’t need to answer this, it’s obvious. He kills anyone who dares to even mention his darling’s name. If the s/o tells him about a person who gave them troubles in the past or if he finds it out on his own then he’ll make sure to sent his royal guards out to find this person, planning on giving them an agonizing death so if you don’t want him to kill someone you cried over years ago don’t tell him anything. He’ll find out anyways.
👑At first he tried to kill the darling and failed, then he tried to avoid them and failed. That’s when he came to the conclusion that keeping them is the best thing to do. At first he didn’t let them out of their room, but after he softened up he let them walk through the palace, but only if he was with them since Shaiapouf was a problem. The only reason he didn’t kill that guy was because the s/o begged him to not do it.
👑At first he was a truly terrifying Yandere, scaring the living shit out of you and hurting you whenever you started to annoy him, but after he changed this took a 180 degree flip and suddenly he became so much better and understanding with you and also stopped hurting you.
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jujutsubabe · 3 years
Similar Undertones
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Itadori x reader
Word count: 3.2k
Song recommendation: Take me where your heart is-Q
Synopsis: Itadori and you go on your first car date together and he is freaking out.
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Megumi and Nobara were going to absolutely lose it within the next three seconds. There was nothing new being talked about as Itadori repeated the same question in ten different ways.
“If this is our first car ride together do we hold hands while I drive? Or Is that too forward?”
“Wait, do you think it’s sexist if I want to drive? I kinda don’t want her to drive, it’s pretty late... wait— not saying she can’t do it! Women are strong! It’s just— is it rude to drive her?”
“Should I make a playlist of her favorite songs...? I’ve been saving them.”
Nobara and Megumi stared at the dork sitting in front of them. His questions didn’t have any more depth than this, you had a chaotic effect on this guy. The boy who never thinks before acting, is actually thinking. All it took was a quick “I’m hungry, can we go to McDonald’s?” from you to put him into absolute shock.
It should have been a casual answer, like “yeah I’ll get you now.” But no, the poor boy only officially asked you out a week ago after months and months of crushing on you. So he needed a full hour to mentally prepare himself enough to not ruin this moment with you.
“Itadori you’re giving me chills.” Nobara rubbed her arms. “Why can’t you two be normal?”
“Don’t put me in the same category as him.” Megumi rubbed his face. “Itadori why can’t you ask her what she wants?”
Itadori sunk into his bed, throwing his arms around wildly. “Are you kidding? If I asked her all that she would think I’m crazy.”
“She doesn’t know that already?” Megumi asked and Nobara cackled beside him.
Itadori whined into his pillow kicking his legs. “I don’t wanna mess this up, this is my first real girlfriend and if we broke up...”
If you looked at him with disgust before making up some random excuse to leave? If you started avoiding him in the city as he passed you by? if you went on with your lives not knowing each other anymore and then years later going to your wedding as a guest? Somehow getting the task of being a godfather and babysitting your kids for the rest of his life? Then becoming a school janitor and accidentally drowning in one of the toilets?
He could imagine it all now, you standing at his casket, sighing, “If only he let me drive instead...”
He screamed into the pillow. He couldn’t stop the inflow of the thoughts, each scenario more stressful than the last. He hated how much he worried over such trivial things.
Nobara pat his back, “Okay, yeah we get it. Calm down.”
The two looked between each other and their friend. It was difficult dealing with him in this state, they had to be extra careful with what they said. He usually comforted them, but when the roles were reversed it caught them a little bit off guard.
Megumi sighed, “I don’t think she would care about those things. She seems like a good person.”
Itadori only grunted.
“Seriously though. You two have known each other forever.” Nobara poked his sides. “At this point, anything you did now couldn’t make her run away.”
He thought about it. You did stay through a lot, you stayed during that whole finger swallowing incident. And that time he died for a little bit. Also the time he laughed so hard milk came out of his nose. (He found that one to be the most traumatizing.)
If you can stay with someone through all of that, then maybe, possibly, you wouldn’t mind staying if he was a little nervous on your ride together. If his hands were a little more sweaty than usual maybe you would giggle a bit and hold them anyways.
Maybe, there was nothing to worry about, and in the end the both of you would have a fun time. He thought too much of what would happen, he needed to relax.
With a long inhale, he rose from the pillow. Nobara clapped as he got up, “There we go, you’ve got it Itadori.”
“This will be a good date.” He reassured himself.
“It will be! That’s the spirit.” Nobara said.
“We’re going to hold hands and I’m not going to mess this up!” He stood from his bed. “I’ll make sure she’s comfortable and goes home telling her friends what a good boyfriend I am.”
“Fushiguro play the motivation playlist! We need to get him an outfit.” Nobara threw her phone to him as she headed to Itadori’s closet.
Megumi sighed, he really hoped this date went well enough for him to never ask for help again because...
He watched Nobara throw shirts to one side while Itadori rummaged through his half empty sock drawer asking Megumi if he had matching socks he could borrow instead.
...He genuinely couldn’t go through this again.
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Itadori popped in his fifth stick of mint gum as he checked his reflection. He looked out the window every few seconds before fixing up his appearance. As he looked at himself, he realized maybe he did too much...
He remembered Nobara pulling out a full suit, “This will be good. Girls love it when a guy dresses up.”
“That looks like too much. We’re getting fast food.”
She shook her head, pushing him into the closet, “Trust me, she will be so disappointed if you dress up casual.”
“I’ve never heard of that! Never! Megumi this is ridiculous isn’t it?”
Little did they know, Megumi left as soon as they turned their backs, right now he was back in his dorm reading a nice book under his comfortable covers. There was no way the two could bring him back into the room now. While he was going through his nightly routine, these two were preparing for war.
“Just try it on, if it’s bad you can change...” Nobara checked the time, “Hey what time are you supposed to get her?”
“Uh,” he squirmed into his pants, “like eight.”
“Huh... Like thirty minutes ago eight?”
The closet door snapped open as he stumbled out, “What? Where’s my phone?”
He groaned when Nobara shrugged, he looked through the large heap of clothes on the floor, then opened all the dresser’s drawers before grabbing it from the sock one.
It was already half past eight like she said, he scrolled through a few missed calls from you and frowned. He never missed more than one call from you, you probably thought he was dead (again) at this point.
He would definitely be losing points for that. He would be lucky if you didn’t text your friends about what a horrible date he was being. First he was late and then he showed up in a suit? He would never live that down.
He did a quick little debate as he stared at himself in the mirror, he was way too dressed up for this little encounter. He had no time to change though, so instead of comfy shorts, he accepted his fate to be the awkward guy who dresses up way too much for something that’s supposed to be way more casual.
It’s like those kids who dress in suits at public schools, it’s out of place and everyone scratches their head wondering if they went to the wrong event.
He shook his head, with no more time to dwell on it, he grabbed his keys. Before he left though he pointed a finger through the door, “Later, we will argue about this later.”
Nobara laughed as he hurried out the door. “Tell me how it goes after!”
Itadori shook his head, still not really over the past events. Fixing his cuff he glanced out the window once more before catching sight of you. He took a deep breath before getting out his car.
“Hey!” He waved out to you as you squinted from your door. The closer you got the more confused you looked.
“Shoot, we’re we going somewhere fancy?” You looked over your oversized shirt and sweat pants. “I thought we were getting fast food.”
He was jealous of your comfort wear. Any other day he would be jumping in joy over how cute you looked in house clothes, but right now he craved some of his own.
Itadori thought about those moments in typical romance movies where the girl steals the guy’s sleepwear. The guy gets all flustered because she’s wearing his clothes and looks so comfortable, the girl is happy because she gets out of her uncomfortable dress clothes and finally gets to relax. It’s a bonding moment between the two.
He wished he could be the girl in that situation right now.
He scratched his neck. “No, we are. My friend just bullied me into wearing a suit...”
You laughed, “Really? Was that why you ran late?”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” he winced, “I lost track of time. I really was going to wear something normal.”
Your eyes darted over him before you pursed your lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a suit before.” You picked at dust on his shoulder, “It’s a little out of place but it’s cute.”
He hung his mouth as if you kicked the breath out of him. You said that with so much ease, you two have known each other for so long but he’s never seen you be this much of a flirt. He felt like a firefly was lighting him up from inside out, blinking on and off as he stared at you unable to move.
We’re these the benefits of being in a relationship? Random touches and compliments that could make any worrying heart swoon instead? It was his first time dating his crush so every little thing you said or did made him bounce off the walls.
He wanted to cherish the moment with you touching his shoulder and calling him cute for a moment longer. You somehow made him forget every single worry that welled up in his chest.
He wondered if he made you feel this way as well.
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Itadori is a cute driver. The two of you keep a good conversation, but when he makes a turn he goes quiet. He also goes quiet when someone crosses the street, sometimes he talks to the drivers in front of him even though they can’t hear him.
Little sayings like, “You can go.” “You don’t have to run across, I can wait.”
He fumbles with the radio station until you wave his hand off and change it yourself. You can tell it takes a weight off his shoulders, he looks content whenever you switch it.
He drives with both hands too. At every stop light he taps his fingers on the wheel, glancing at yours every once in a while. You never know what to do, debating on whether or not he's trying to hold your hand. You didn’t want to come off as being too forward by grabbing his hand, but also didn’t want him to initiate everything for your little date.
You hadn’t been in a car alone with him before, you didn’t know the rules about romance in the car. If you made a wrong move you two would have to sit in silence until he dropped you off, or worse until he kicked you out the car.
You could imagine it all now, you go to grab his hand and he pulls it away. “Isn’t that a little too early? I don’t think we’re that close yet...” and then he turns up the music to ignore the tension.
Then you pass each other in the streets, then he dates someone completely different and you see them together all the time, then you become a realtor sell a house to him and his new wife, constantly wishing you could have been the one moving in with him, then you are living in his basement without his knowledge, eating sardines before dying under his house.
Itadori would shake his head at your funeral, “If only she never held my hand...”
You internally screamed. You couldn’t mess this up. He was so different from any other person you’ve met, you didn’t want to be too fast with this. You liked him since the first day you met, it would pain you to see all those months of friendship and growth go down the drain by being a tad too forward.
You couldn’t bear going back to the friend stage again, though fun at that period of time, you were in too deep to go back. The idea alone gave you chills, that would mean no more cute little touches or flirty gestures, just awkward waves when you passed by.
You fiddled with your fingers, glancing at his. The thought alone gave you butterflies, the two of you holding hands in a car at night screamed aesthetic Pinterest board. Your hand craved to feel whatever those Internet couples felt.
Your chest tightened a bit when the drive thru came into view and he asked for your order. It was like a reality check, the little drive filled with mindless chatter and laughs would be ending soon, with neither of you making a move.
You bit your cheek as he pulled up to the cashier window, time started to dwindle. You wondered why he couldn’t make a move first. His chances of rejection were in the negatives.
If he held his hand out you would hold it, you didn’t care if any of the employees witnessed such a display of PDA. You didn’t care where he held it, you didn’t care if it suddenly turned green… well you would be concerned about that… but there is nothing more romantic than holding hands in the middle of the night with someone you are infatuated with.
...In the McDonald’s drive thru.
He pulled to the next window and talked about something for a while before he interrupted your racing mind, “You okay?”
You popped out of your thoughts, about to pull an excuse from the top of your head but when you turned to him you didn’t expect to see his hand. Your eyes went wide as you saw his palm open and his expression soft and heartfelt.
It was like a small explosion of color went off in your brain. Like confetti rained in your mind and every single wish you’ve ever had suddenly became true in this very instant.
Itadori is actually offering his hand to you. Maybe you were imagining this and he wasn’t real, but even if he wasn’t, why not take the hand of this apparition?
So with the widest smile and biggest set of heart eyes, you fit your hand into his like a slot piece. His hands were warm like food out the oven, or fresh laundry, or a ray of sun washing over you. They were a little sweaty, but it was cute, everything about this moment was exactly how you dreamed about it. You could feel your heart settle itself down.
Until, Itadori cleared his throat, “I was asking if you could hand me the money from there...” he pointed to the glove compartment.
Your face dropped when you saw the cashier standing at the window scratching his head and Itadori still pointing at that cursed glove compartment. This was something right out of a horrible coming of age movie, you couldn’t believe this was real.
“Oh!” You slipped your hand out, snatching whatever amount from the compartment box and handing it to him. “I’m so sorry, that’s so embarrassing.”
No, no embarrassing was an understatement. You more so felt like a ball got kicked in your face on live television. You didn’t know if you could ever recover from this, you wondered if you should change your name and move across the country now or later.
While you were deciding on a new name, you were thrown off, when he cocked his head instead of agreeing, “Why? I was going to hold it anyway.”
“You were?”
He nodded, “I was nervous I might freak you out but—“
“I felt the same way!” You interjected, “I thought I would make you uncomfortable.”
You didn’t expect him to be as nervous as you were, the both of you seemed to get onto a mutual plane of understanding. You both said what the other person thought, peeling off that initial layer of worry like an orange.
To think someone as confident ltadori would be nervous. You were used to him doing things without thinking and going in with full confidence this threw you off guard. You were seeing a different side of him you weren’t used to.
“Don’t worry, you can’t make it uncomfortable. I'm fine with whatever!”
“Me too, if you want to hold hands we can.” You bit down on your cheek, a loud buzzing coursing through your arms.
Itadori grinned back at you so hard, the both of you in this little bubble. Maybe this night wouldn’t be as bad as you imagined. You might be able to keep this date in your mental memory, looking back at it whenever you wanted to smile.
The cashier cleared his throat, still standing there, the both of you jumped before looking, “You’re holding up the line.” He pointed to the money in Itadori’s hand.
“Right sorry!”
You laughed as he scrambled with the money. The both of you turning to each other and giggling when he finally left the drive thru. You sorted through the food while he found a place to park. (to which you mentally squealed, you two could now spend a little more time together)
Your conversation now had an interesting topic as you both discussed how nervous you were beforehand, then talked about the pace you wanted the relationship to go in, then your days, then the weather, and then it went quiet.
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You were cleaning up, wiping away the salt from your fingers and crumpling up trash. Doing minor things like adjusting the air and checking your face for crumbs in the mirror.
Maybe he shouldn’t be looking at you with so much intensity, but he couldn’t help it. His glances were quick and out of the corner of his eye at first, but after some time he completely forgot to keep the looking secret and started staring at you.
You weren’t even noticing. You were in your own little world, thinking about a catchy little tune you heard over the radio while you cleaned your nails.
It was all so simple, but he couldn’t help his eyes from noticing every little thing you did. He didn’t understand why his heart thrummed so fast when you pursed your lips or drummed your fingers onto your lap. Tiny itty bitty things he didn’t pay attention to earlier were so eye catching for some reason.
You had such a content look on your face, it physically pained him. He could feel the weight of his heart, the buzz in his fingers, he wanted to know if you felt the same. If you felt there was no one else who could fill up this place in your chest. Like no matter where you were, each moment was perfect as long as this feeling stayed.
He couldn’t help but intertwine your hand with his. You smiled up at him and he wondered if he was allowed to have this. Your hand or this moment, he didn’t know if he deserved it, yet he couldn’t help but take it. It would be wrong not to.
He squeezed your palm to his, maybe you could see the sparks behind his eyes as he did so. He hoped if he looked close enough, you would share the same sparks behind your eyes as well.
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dabis-57th-stitch · 4 years
SFW alphabet: Juuzou Suzuya
 I’ve been looking for a sfw version of this boy for so long that i decided to make my own 
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Juuzou typically shows affection verbally, considering he has little to no filter. He won't hesitate to tell you exactly how he thinks of you, at anytime of day. Of course this isn't always such a lovely surprise, but more often than not Juuzou has something good to say. First thing when you wake up? You know it. The middle of a high risk fight? You betcha. With his mouth half-stuffed full of candy? Oh yeah. Sometimes his comments can be a little backhanded, but he's surprisingly good at reading people and will try to learn from these little mistakes.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend?) Juuzou would be an extremely loyal friend. Though he hasn't had the best relationships, he understands that loyalty and honesty are good qualities. However, while he may be loyal to a fault, he can get a little distracted on occasion so keep him leashed when out and about.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Due to his past Juuzou isn't a very touchy person. He can stand the commonalities, and maybe a little more but generally cuddling is off limits. Now that's not to say he's never cuddled anyone, and that he doesn't want to. Every once in a blue moon, when he's with someone he trusts, Juuzou will indulge himself. He's like a deer when it comes down to it though, any sudden movements or the slightest sign of contestment and he's out. But if you're patient enough, and lucky enough, he'll slowly make his way into your lap, or better yet on top of you. He doesn't much enjoy spooning, and would rather both parties be more equals. Just as well if he's comfortable enough to cuddle with you, he's comfortable enough to do anything and very conveniently forgets what personal space is. He'll be all over you, hands in your hair or tracing patterns along your back. Oh, and a side note, he always smells of sweets and peppermint.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? ) To be honest, he doesn't even know what that means, really. He's not nearly as job oriented as some of his colleagues, but he's not family oriented either. So, supposing the idea was explained to him, he wouldn't be to interested. In other words, he has enough family at work.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) We all know Juuzou doesn't have a filter, so if he decided a relationship needed to end it would be short and sweet. This doesn't just pertain to any specific type of relation either. However, keep in mind Juuzou doesn't always know when bonds need to be broken, so sometimes, to those around him, it may seem as though he's dragging things out.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Again, Juuzou doesn't completely get the concept of marriage, however he does understand commitment, and as aforementioned he is extremely loyal. Though it's unlikely Juuzou would ever be in some sort of adult relationship, if he did happen to date he would be an outstanding boyfriend. For the most part he's ignorant to such things, but if Juuzou knows anything about healthy relationships it's that they're supposed to make those involved happy. Just as well he's receptive to those around him, and if you happen to claim his heart he'll go to the ends of the earth for you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Other than during combat, Juuzou is a pretty gentle person physically. Not only is he a smaller person, but he doesn't see the need for constant strength; actually he prides himself in his gracefulness. So unless you're fighting him, no need to be worried. Emotionally, most people consider Juuzou to be cold, and for the most part he is. He doesn't get attached easily, it's just not his nature. When he does cherish someone he'll let them know, and oftentimes make it his duty to protect them if they're unable to do so themselves.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) As mentioned, Juuzou isn't usually one to be openly physical. If you do happen to be one of the rare few he's comfortable with it just depends on how he's feeling. Some days he won't hesitate to tackle you, and other days he'll leave you wondering if you've somehow upset him. On the days he's especially close he can't stand to be apart from you. Whether it's holding your hand, or draping his arm across your shoulders he has to be touching you somehow.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) He will not say it first, no way in hell. However, he's quick to say it back. Once it's said, it's almost as if your relationship has gone to the next level, no matter the type. Just as well, after the first time, you'll never hear the end of it. Juuzou is the type of person to tell you just how much he cares for you in more ways than possibly imaginable. Probably the sweetest thing about this, though, is the fact that it never loses its meaning. In other words, there will never be a time when he says "I love you" and doesn't mean it with every fiber of his very being. He can really only hope that he means as much to you as you do to him, but he'll love you either way.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) He isn't really the type to get jealous, more so, he'd probably just be confused. Unless it comes to food, he will get jealous of you having sweets very easily. Sharing is caring. When it comes to relationships and flirting, he does not understand, so don't even try it. Just as well, it's unlikely he'd ever give you a reason to make him jealous.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Similar to cuddling, sometimes he's a love bug and other times he'd rather sit on the opposite side of the room as you. Traditional kisses, on the lips, aren't really his thing, he'd rather kiss you on the forehead or cheek. Just as well, he'd rather you kiss him on the forehead, or temples. When it comes to public displays of affection, he'll kiss you on the hand like a gentleman. Traditional kisses are saved for special occasions, so cherish them when they're given. An example of special occasions would be the first time you tell him you love him, and fyi it was his first.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Considering he's still a bit of a child himself, Juuzou usually gets along with kids wonderfully. This can also be a problem because sometimes he forgets that he's in fact a full grown person, and therefore can't play as rough as they do. Just as well, sometimes kids will remind him of his past, and it's not so much that he's bothered by it, more that he doesn't know how to react to certain children. Now when it comes to the question of having kids he's not so well suited, not only in the fact that he can't have children the usual way, but also in the fact that his first parental figure was not such a good one. In any sense, Juuzou would actually be worried about being a father.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Juuzou is most certainly a morning person. Up before his alarm and ready to face the world. If you're a morning person waking up next to him is splendid, full of loud, happy conversation as the two of you get ready. If you're not a morning person, its most certainly not as great, but by no means is it bad. He'll probably wake you, but he'll also lay with you longer just talking quietly or lazily stroking a hand through your hair. He's not much of a cook so don't expect breakfast in bed, but do try to give him the time of day for he's the person to share his dreams first thing so he doesn't forget them.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Considering he's more of a morning person there's chance you'll catch him dozing off. Loud noises and the like don't bother him much, but if you so much as come close to him he'll wake up. It's one of those sad things caused by his trauma that he'll never shake. Luckily if you do wake him he'll flash you a small smile, and ask that you lay with him. The thing is, while you can't change what happened to him, or the residual effects of it, you can help him cope. If he's comfortable with you chances are he'll become rather fond of your body next to his. If, and when this happens try not to push him away, this boy doesn't have much concept of self value and will likely go throwing his life away for your sake.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) He doesn't have much issue revealing things about himself, his past included. Not much really bothers Juuzou because his concept of morality isn't very constructed. That being said, he isn't one to go out and preach his life story to those who will listen either. Unless you ask him about himself he most likely won't tell you anything.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Simply put, it depends on the situation. When on the job, Juuzou tends to be patient, at least as it pertains to killing things. Most often he's patient enough that things don't always have to be happening around him, but that doesn't mean he's actually focused on anything important either. If he's preoccupied with something, like snacks, then chances are you'll have his attention. If that's not the case, then it's likely he'll be found on an all expenses-paid round trip to la-la land.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) It's safe to say that Juuzou does not remember everything. He's remembers most of the big important moments between the two of you, but every once in awhile there is some little off-hand moment that sticks with him for some reason. Just as well, he probably remembers, and thinks about a lot more than you'd imagine, but it's likely you'll never hear about such.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) It'd be difficult for him to choose his favorite moment. Naturally Juuzou cherishes a lot of your time together, especially fun ones like dates to amusement parks and the zoo. However his favorite moment is something you'd probably have forgotten about. To you it'd be nothing more than one of Juuzou's quirky, less dangerous adventures, but to him it's the time he let you in, and you embraced him. Most anyone who's been around Juuzou for more than a year knows his appreciation for heights especially ones with views of the city. All his colleagues know he goes to the roof if he's particularly distressed. His favorite memory happened to be one of those times, he was upset over a new protocol his group had to follow, and on his way to the roof you had caught him. To you, he was just showing you a good view of Tokyo, but unbenounced to you, he had just let you into his world, and you had accepted it. So yeah, that was probably his favorite memory.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) He would easily give his life for you, no questions asked. Frankly, if you were unable to protect yourself for whatever reason he'd be quite worried throughout the day. He's not one to mention it though. It's evident in his body language, but most often he feels that he's nagging you if he so much as mentions being more cautious, and Juuzou isn't one for nagging.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Juuzou is the type for fun dates over formal ones. He'd much rather smudge his face against the glass of an aquarium with you than sit down and eat. Dates are one of those times to keep him leashed, else you'll have lost him in five minutes, tops. You'd think he would be easy to spot with his fashion sense but that is not at all the case. It should be understood that he actually puts a decent amount of effort into date ideas, of course he knows what he'd like to do, but he always asks you first because he wants the both of you to enjoy yourselves. Sadly that means none of your dates are surprises, however they're always thoroughly enjoyable.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Most of his bad habits stem from the lack of humanity he was shown growing up, so it makes most of these habits impossible to change, no matter how much you work at them. One of them would be his running off. He just simply doesn't think about alerting you of his absence because there was a point in time when no cared whether he was or wasn't. So, probably his worst habit of all is his lack of self value, most times he just doesn't stop to worry if something may damage him beyond the point of no return because he doesn't care.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) He isn't worried about whether he looks good or not, but he does have his own, extremely evident style. Obviously he likes to take this style to heights most others wouldn't dare but most of the time this isn't all too much of a worry. Just as well, it should be mentioned that Juuzou is quite cleanly. Most people consider him dirty due to his self-inflicted stitches, but in fact he keeps them, and the rest of his body, very tidy.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) He doesn't much like losing anyone; friends, colleagues, or the like, but most times he can make the cut and walk out alive. However, there is a point where he starts feeling a loss. He isn't one to let a big loss tear him apart entirely, but it can definitely drag him down mentally. A lot of times these losses are a sort of wake up call. If he were to lose you, it would be catastrophic to his emotional health, not to the point of doing anything rash, but he would definitely feel it for the rest of his life.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Shinohara once told you, to your confusion and horror, that Juuzou would sometimes compare you to his weapon, Jason. Naturally, your superior had walked away before elaborating on whatever type of information he had just dropped on you, leaving you to ask Juuzou for yourself. You can bet that conversation was awkward, but he was happy to explain. "Yeah Osa, you're just like Jason: strong, sleek, and sexy!" He wiggled his brows at the end, and that was that. The two of you continue to giggle about that incident.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) He couldn't stand a partner who constantly tried to change him. Especially if said changes were simply to benefit their personification of him. Don't try to manipulate him into changing either. Sure, sometimes Juuzou might seem like a box of rocks, but he's no stranger to the crueler ways of the world.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Besides his inability to sleep without your company, he has an odd habit of moving his mouth, like phantom talking. From your point of view it seems as though he's speaking to some unknown third party, however he's never actually said anything, and reading his lips is nearly impossible when his porcelain face is all squished up against a pillow. Overall, he's just super cute when he's peacefully asleep.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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You can guarantee when Donghae gets affectionate with you, his cheeks are a dark shade of red. He finds affection very reassuring and comforting, so will often try and hold you against him or bury himself into the crook of your neck.
Being a bit quieter than some of the other members, you were intrigued by him when you first met the group. Hyukjae could tell instantly that Donghae had taken a liking to you, he tried to often bring the two of you together in conversation because you were usually too shy to approach each other. He found himself talking around you a lot more which he loved.
He was incredibly shy when it came to confessing, he was a perfectionist, and nothing could go wrong. He didn’t plan anything huge, just in case he got rejected, but he still put together a nice meal at his house, a casual movie night was all he had planned. When he turned to you at the end of the film, you had a funny feeling that something was going on. It took a while, but eventually he built up the courage to tell you exactly how he felt.
Your dates were quite typical, Donghae loved to pick you up in his car and drive you around before taking you somewhere nice. Your dates had a lot of variation too, sometimes you’d just go out for dinner, but other times you’d try something a little more competitive, maybe the arcade or bowling. He was super competitive and hated when you won, especially when it meant the loser paid for dinner. He’d often surprise you with little songs or poems that he’d written late at night whilst working on music for the group on your dates.
For a long time, he’d been too nervous to date, he knew that the other members were louder, so girls tended to gravitate towards them. When you began to pay attention to him, he had a strong feeling that this was the world’s way of telling him he was ready to start dating. It had been a long time since he’d been in a relationship, and at times things felt very strange to Donghae, but you were very understanding. He loved being around someone, he hated being alone, so very quickly the two of you began to spend a lot of time together as Donghae learnt about love again.
If the two of you ever argue, expect a lot of tears. One minute the two of you will be yelling across the room at each other, desperate to win the argument, and then the next minute, you’ll look across and see Donghae struggling to hold back his tears. He hates conflict and confrontation, it breaks his heart, and eventually gets him very upset. As soon as one, or both of you, start getting upset you’ll make the decision to sit down and talk about everything, preventing things from getting any further out of hand then they already are.
He was very keen for you to meet his family, after only a couple of months he invited you to a family dinner with him. There were thousands of questions on your first meeting as everyone tried to get to know you, but luckily for you, they were very impressed by your answers, and very impressed that Donghae had found you.
Again, he doesn’t always like to be left alone in his own company for too long, so it won’t take long before Donghae mentions about moving you in. To begin with, you’ll just think it’s a bit of a joke, but after the fifth time of mentioning it, you’ll begin to realise he’s being serious, and start to talk about it properly together.
Donghae was the first one to say it one night at the end of a date. As he pulled up in front of your house, he didn’t want to see you get out of the car. Before he’d even realised what he’d said, the words came from his lips as he tried to encourage you to spend the night at his. Your head snapped around with a wide smile, as you told him you also loved him too.
He’ll try hard not to get jealous in your relationship, but sometimes he just can’t help it. He knows he’s not the loudest person in the room, so there’s usually someone who has your attention more than he does. If he gets jealous, he’ll become very reclusive, he’ll usually walk away so he can deal with his emotions alone so no one else can see. When you look around and notice he’s not around, you’ll quickly walk around until you find him, recognising straight away what’s going on. He’ll always apologise for feeling that way, but as you always assure him, jealousy is only a natural feeling.
He wanted kids at thirty-three, so when that didn’t happen, he was desperate for it to happen as quickly as possible. It didn’t take long before he brought them up for the first time, and when you moved into his apartment, the conversation became a lot more serious. The two of you would spend many late nights talking about how you imagined your lives in the near future, deciding that you’d wait for when the time was right.
Donghae laughs more than he talks most of the time, which you laugh. He’s got a bright smile, one of your favourite features about him, and seeing him happy always touches your heart. He’s very good with cheesy jokes, which as much as you don’t want to laugh at, you usually end up doing so. He loved to make you laugh, he’d always be tickling you or doing something funny to bring a smile to your face, especially when he knew you’d had a bad day. If he’s not making you laugh, he’ll somehow find a way to make sure that you do.
He hated being away from you, it was incredibly hard on him. He’d always worry about you and fret that you were by yourself, checking up on you numerous times throughout the day. You’d have long phone calls whenever the two of you could find the time, usually they wouldn’t end until one, or both, of you fell asleep. He’d also send you plenty of photos so you could see all the fun things he was getting up to, expecting the same from you too so he could make sure that you were taking care of yourself. The minute he got home; he’d refuse to leave your side for quite some time.
He’s very affectionate with his nicknames, ‘bub,’ is his favourite as it’ll always make you smile. You love to tease him with nicknames, knowing how hard he’s working on his body, ‘muscles,’ will always wind him up.
Donghae is obsessed with your eyes, he feels like he can tell a lot about how you’re feeling from your eyes. He also loved to hold eye contact with you, even if he usually does end up getting too shy and looking away.
He’s quite shy when it comes to PDA, he hates to make a massive deal of pointing your relationship out to people. His affection is very subtle, he’ll usually hold your hand, so people know that you’re his without being obvious. If he’s in a playful mood, maybe he’ll peck your cheek or something, but that’s usually as far as he goes.
One of the most frequent questions he’ll ask is if you’re busy. Whenever he’s worked on something, whether it be music, or a recipe, he’ll be desperate to get your opinion on it.
After a little over a year into your relationship, Donghae began to introduce you to people as his wife. The people close to you always referred to the fact the two of you acted as a married couple, so Donghae would love to play on that. What he enjoyed more however, was the confused faces of people, who searched for a ring with no idea what he was going on about.
Very loving, he’s very attentive and very romantic. He’ll always work hard to make you feel special, he doesn’t care if he doesn’t get as much attention, you’re his priority. He loves to have your hands in his hair, it always makes him shy. He loves to take his time and pay as much close attention as he can to you.
He doesn’t text you often when he’s at home, but the second he leaves you for tour he’ll text, constantly. He tries to have as much contact with you as possible so it can still feel like you’re there with him.
Not many people appreciated his character as he was so quiet, but you were definitely one of them. He had plenty of quirks, and terribly cheesy jokes, but whilst others would tease him for it, you’d always laugh and make him feel special.
He’s very keen on taking at least a few days out of his schedule in the year to take you on holiday. It’s his way of making up to you the many days you’re left waiting up for him to come home, or not even seeing him at all. He’ll tend to keep it all a secret, and surprise you that morning with tickets for somewhere he knows you’ll love.
Donghae doesn’t whine often, but if he needs your help with something, he’ll be sure to let you know about it.
In private, he kisses you quite often. If you’re sat at your desk working, he’ll appear with a kiss to your cheek and a mug of coffee, or when he finds you sat reading, he’ll come up beside you and kiss the top of your head. His kisses are always when you least expect them, which in turn means they’ll always end up making you blush.
You were his best friend, well, if Hyukjae would ever allow you to be.
He loved to have you nice and close when he slept, especially if you were playing with his hair. You’d have many late nights staying up, laying face to face and talking about anything that came to mind.
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chibinekochan · 3 years
How to become a Demon Ruler 209
Part: 00 I 01 I 02 I 03 I 04 I 05 I 06 I 07 I 08 I
Gender Neutral Reader insert
taglist: @ayesha95 ; @nomnomcupcakesworld ; @fex-phoenix ; @depressed-bixch ; @kitsune-oji ; @witch-o-memes ; @gallantys ,@tanspostsblog ; @undertaker-02 ,
At some point, I must've passed out.
I am woken by voices.
"I don't want to hear this. It's just an excuse." Diavolo sounds upset.
"I'm sorry young master. I didn't see this at all in any vision." Barbatos sounds guilty.
"Even so they shouldn't be left alone like that. Can you imagine what would've happened if I didn't feel that something was wrong?" Diavolos voice seems to be torn between anger and sadness.
"I don't even want to think about that. I promise that it won't happen again." Barbatos sounds unusually meek.
"That's not quite enough. I never thought I'd say that to you but you are on thin ice as a butler." It seems like these words hurt Diavolo just as much as Barbatos.
I weakly tug on Diavolo. "Don't fight," I say with a weak voice. The nap didn't help at all it seems.
"Oh, sorry we woke you up." Diavolo gently pats my hand. "Sleep some more, we are quiet now." He speaks gently to me.
Sadly for me, my body requires food. "I'm hungry."
"That's a good sign. I will make some porridge for you. I already brought some tea so have that while you are waiting." Barbatos still sound meek and guilty.
"I will handle the tea." Diavolo sounds angry.
"I don't blame Barbatos at all. There was no way he could've known." I say this quietly but Diavolo still seems to understand me clearly.
He closes his eyes for a moment, thinking about something. Then he proceeds to help sitting and pours me tea with honey.
Once I have my first sip he starts talking.
"It may have been better for Barbatos to say that himself but he can see the past, present and future. Every possible outcome. So he should've known." Diavolo looks at me with great worry, while I slowly drink the tea.
The liquid feels good. I now notice that Diavolo changed. It's a bit of a shame but also probably for the best. My cheeks turn hot. I shouldn't think about this now.
Diavolo puts his hand against my forehead again. "I should make you a wet towel. Lucifer said that helps against a fever."
"Did you ask him for advice?" I somehow find this very enduring.
"Well, I have not any experiences with siblings and I trust his advice." Diavolo has a small smile on his face.
"I somehow have a hard time seeing Lucifer as a doting big brother, but that's because I haven't seen it yet." I giggle at the thought.
"He cares about his brothers more than anything else. I'm honestly jealous of that bond. I mean now I can understand it. Seeing you like that… I have never felt anything like this." He clutches his chest with a pained expression.
This pains me too somehow. I put my hand above his. "It means you care about me greatly." Saying this feels good but it also stings a bit, knowing that to him I'm like the demon brothers to Lucifer. A sibling.
Not that there's anything wrong with that but I just can't see him in that light at all. Not when being this close makes my heart beat so fast.
"Is there anything troubling you?" Diavolo looks deep into my eyes.
"N-no I was just thinking about our relationship." It's not a lie.
"Do you enjoy being part of my family?" He gives me big puppy eyes.
What am I supposed to say to this?
"I-I..." Lucky enough I'm saved by Barbatos opening the door.
He can barely even look at me, it is not helped by Diavolo glaring at him.
"You can leave that there." Diavolo speaks coldly to Barbatos.
"Very well, call me if you need anything," Barbatos speaks meekly, he is barely a shadow of his normal self.
I want to stop him but the atmosphere between them is so charged right now it's not the right time.
Once Barbatos leaves it seems like the room heats up again. Almost like a switch has been flipped Diavolos face is back to being gentle again.
He brings the cart with the food close to the bed. I notice that Barbatos put some food for Diavolo on the tray as well. Despite everything, he is very thoughtful.
Diavolo sees this too and frowns. Then he sighs and takes a spoon and fills it with porridge.
"I can eat myself…" I'm deeply embarrassed by the thought of him feeding me.
"Nonsense, you are weak and might spill the food. You could burn yourself. Please just let me do this." He looks at me with big sad eyes. His worries are seemingly endless right now.
I have no choice. "Okay, you can feed me." I somewhat reluctantly agree.
Diavolo nods seemingly pleased, no sadness to be found.
He carefully brings the spoon to my mouth, after blowing on the food. "Say ahh." He somehow seems to enjoy this.
I open my mouth and eat from the spoon. It's a strange feeling to be fed like this. It's embarrassing but also very nice at the same time. I shove my confused feelings aside and try to enjoy the delicious porridge instead.
Diavolo keeps on calmly and slowly feeding me.
I'm not as hungry as usual so I can't finish everything. "I'm full." I look guilty towards the half-full bowl.
"I guess it can't be helped." Diavolo sighs and covers the bowl. "Next is taking the meds." Diavolo looks at the bottle. "So, you need to fill the little cup to the line here… Alright let's do this." Diavolo carefully reads the instructions. I have never seen him this serious before.
He fills the cup with great care and I drink it all, despite it being very bitter.
"I'm sorry it tastes bad. It can't be helped since it's Medizin." He feels very bad for me.
"It's not that bad. Will you eat too?" I worry about his health more than anything.
Diavolo has a very soft expression. "You should worry about yourself. Lay down now. I will get you a wet towel and let you rest."
"Will you leave after that?" I feel reluctant to be left alone. It must be the fever.
"Of course, I will stay at your side." He almost looks relieved by my selfish request.
Once he is gone I scoot over to the other side of my bed. Since the bed is so huge there is now plenty of space for him.
He returns with the towel and looks a bit confused at me." Were you uncomfortable?"
"No, I just thought you need to rest too. I can't let you get sick from taking care of me so much." This would feel very bad.
"How thoughtful of you but I'm fine without sleep for a night. I often have to pull all-nighters due to my work." He smiles and sits down on the bed beside me.
"Isn't that because you slack?" At least that's what Barbatos always implies.
Diavolo huffs a little bit and then laughs. "I suppose I can't defend myself against that." He carefully places the wet towel on my forehead. It feels very good.
The medication also seems to be very effective. I start to feel drowsy.
"Rest well. Make sure you get better." Diavolo makes sure my whole body is covered by my blanket. Then I can feel him taking my hand before I sink into a deep slumber.
I wonder if this is how it would be every night if I'd date Diavolo. This is a very silly thought.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hello! I love your blog! If requests are still open, can you do HCs for the brothers reacting to an MC who views the brothers as their family, and so does a lot of affectionate touches(random headpats and hugs) and do random kind thibgs for all the brothers? Like how jealous they would be and how they would learn to cope with it because MC cares about their family as much as they do?
Hi! Sorry I took so long to make this. I haven’t checked my inbox in a while so apologies! Just to make it clear, you wanted some HCs with MC treating the brothers as family? If this is not what you asked for, feel free to request it again and I’ll make another one. I hope you don’t mind I made MC gender neutral!
I think I got a bit carried away by this, made it a bit angsty but in the end, the brothers all consider their favourite human as part of their family.
Thanks for the request! I love writing soft HCs for the brothers~~ Also this is pretty much platonic because I just needed to write something sweet.
The Brothers with an MC who treats them like family:
-The eldest brother certainly didn’t expect this
-He was pretty sure you would have a hard time adjusting in DevilDom, the place not a really fit place for humans
-But apparently, this little exchange student fitted in his family like a missing puzzle piece
-His pride took some damage because you were doing a much better job at taming his brothers than he could apparently
-In less than a week, you had Mammon waiting at your beck and call (without even having to use your pact with him)
-Levi quickly got attached to you when he realised you were interested in his hobbies (even after the whole quiz attack incident) and he required your presence pretty often
-You started bringing Beel snacks whenever you guys went somewhere and now he refuses to leave your side
-Asmo fucking adored you from the beginning and appreciated how sweet you were to him despite his flirty nature, generally happy you would go shopping with him and all that
-Satan and Belphie took a while to warm up to you, but Satan would now come talk to you as often as possible and recommend you books, help you study etc..
-As for Belphie, he tried distancing himself after the whole ‘choking you to death’ incident a while back. But he couldn’t resist how nice you were to him and how you would sing him to sleep whenever he had his nightmares
-You’ve made your way into his brothers’ hearts, somehow.
-And, though he wouldn’t like to admit it, maybe in his too
-You’ve been very affectionate toward all the brothers, giving them head pats and words of encouragement
-You were the one always telling Lucifer to go to bed already because he was working himself too much
-A fragile human scolding an over 1000 year old demon was quite amusing to him but he was also very touched
-He often insisted you wouldn’t baby him, his pride kicking in, but you’d always laugh and patted his hair in a tender manner
-It took a while for him to come to terms with the fact that a human of all things, actually cared about his family as much as he did
-He even admired you for a while, such a breakable creature giving away gifts and hugs to demons that could kill them in seconds
-You has brightened up their day more than they had ever imagined you would and in a way he was grateful
-He was grateful to you for not getting intimidated by him and for standing your ground
-He was so relieved to finally have someone who wanted to listen to him and show him the care he’s been longing for
-You could always tell when he needed something, whether it’d be affection or just some words of encouragement
-His already big ass family just obtained another member and he wasn’t exactly complaining, since his fondness for you just increased with each passing day
-Just know that doesn’t mean he will tolerate you and his brothers teaming up to do something stupid
-It’s like his brain short circuited or something
-Why are you patting his head???
-“I heard Levi calling you a scum earlier and I thought I would give you a hug to make you feel better.”
-He’s so damn confused. And flustered. But mostly confused
-I mean, he’s a demon for the love of Lord Diavolo, he doesn’t need some human to comfort him
-But at the same time he can’t refuse you, like at all
-Who are we kidding, he really loves how you cheer him up whenever he’s sad or how you randomly start giving him gifts
-At first, he really thought you were messing with him, playing some sick prank on him or being fake with him
-But after a while, he realises that everything you do for him and his brothers is genuine
-Even if you just like him platonically, he will want your focus to be on him all they time
-He notices how you give his brothers the same kind of attention and he’s very slightly jealous
-He really loves his siblings but why should you be so kind to them?
-He doesn’t understand how you can treat everyone so nicely or why
-I mean, do any of them (him included) really deserve all the hugs and head pats you give them? What about the gifts you go to the trouble of buying?
-Mammon really wishes you were part of his family. He really wishes he had someone like you to counter all the aggressive remarks he gets from his brothers every day
-He figures you’re naive at first, the way you care for his brothers and him almost blindly. It reassured him because he wants the best for them too but you don’t need to be the one making sure they are happy
-You’re always insisting to help them whenever you can and he never once heard you say a bad word directed at any of them, even if you had the right to for all the shit they put you through
-You were precious to his family
-Ironically, an angel in that house of demons
-He’s forever going to be in your debt for everything you’ve done for his family and for all the support you’ve offered him when he had nonde
-He’s never trusted someone as much as he trusts you
-Stupid normie, trying to trick him with their obvious traps. Do they really think he’s that gullible?
-For a good few weeks, he’s completely determined to believe that you are annoying and invading his privacy and not actually interested in what he likes because why would you want to spend time with him??
-That sentiment becomes harder and harder to hold as time flies by
-You’re the only person he knows willing to listen attentively to him whenever he starts ranting about his video games/anime
-Even if you’re not the most cultured about his hobbies, you are always willing to learn for his sake
-You’ve looked after him during your stay in DevilDom, made sure he took breaks from his computer and insisted he ate
-You began hugging him and patting his head whenever he started talking badly about himself
-He didn’t realise how much he needed someone to do all this for him, how much he yearned for this kind of affection
-The few times he left his room, he became aware of how much you cared for his brothers as well
-Hey you can’t just do that! They are his brothers y’know, he should be the one looking out for them!
-Except, he knows he never really did. Which is understandable, they’re all very powerful demons, they don’t need anyone looking out for them
-It made him feel weird, the way you showed your affection for them
-Maybe you really are just a nice person in general
-Maybe you really want the best for him and his brothers
-Damn it, join his family already! Life would be a hell of a lot more tolerable if you were nearby more often
-He often feels bad, with how much you run around for them
-You really are his Henry to his Lord of Shadows
-He’s a bit envious of how you manage to get along with all of his brothers when he struggles to do so but he’s in so much awe of you
-You were the only reason he came out of his room at times, just to make sure you were safe and alright
-He shouldn’t worry about you, but he does
-He worries about you the same way he does about losing his anymore of his siblings
-Please show him that you really care about his opinions and interests, he needs someone to validate his feelings
-You really are something else, aren’t you?
-He’s met a lot of humans over the years, learned how sociable and affectionate their kind can be but none of them could compare with you
-Your whole existence could be wiped away in the blink of an eye and yet you’re completely unaffected by this
-You prance around the House of Lamentation as if it isn’t inhabited by seven deadly demons, showing your kindness in the oddest way possible
-Head pats? Why? What’s the point of them?
-You do realise you’re hugging a demon now right? Are all humans this courageous or is it just you?
-Satan really tried not to think much of you at first
-I mean, you were just a lowly human
-Someone he could theoretically use to annoy Lucifer but that’s it
-The more time passes, the more he became aware of how intrigued he is by you
-He’s watched you talk down Mammon from doing his stupid schemes more than once, for example
-He’s seen you offer to go with Asmo shopping several times even if he was being a drama queen, like usual, just for the sake of hanging out
-And then, he noticed that you were treating him with the same caring nature
-Coming to him for book recommendations and giving some back, spending time in his room just to have a cosy chat with him about anything that came to mind
-You went along with his plans to irritate Lucifer and though you often protested, he could sense it was out of concern for both him and his brother
-He’s never had someone treat him so genuinely before, his brothers and everyone else basically walking on eggshells around him as if he were a ticking bomb
-You were just a human, but his family didn’t deserve you at all
-He envied how patient you were, even more than him at times, while still standing firm when you needed to be
-Not that he cares (he does he’s just being rebellious) but he knows even Lucifer has warmed up to you
-You always put yourself at risk by volunteering to calm him down whenever he had his fits of rage which he never understood
-He...he really needed someone like you by his side, huh?
-He likes talking to you, he likes it whenever you hug him and gift him your favourite books from the human world which he will definitely read, he loves how you stand up for any of his brothers when the need arises
-You really are something else, aren’t you?
-You’ve has him wrapped around your finger the moment you arrived
-He could tell from a mile away how pure and genuine you were
-He often wondered what sort of dirty secrets a person as angelic as you kept? He’s the Avatar of Lust, he can’t help it y’know
-But he’s kept most of his questions to himself, besides some much needed subtle flirting which is part of his character
-For some reason, he can’t bring himself to try and seduce you. He probably could but he never really tried
-Like Mammon, would probably want a lot of your attention too
-You can’t just give his brothers hugs and praises and ignore him! He’s the prettiest demon you will ever meet and you’re going to leave him unattended??
-Of course, he cherishes the moments where he does have you to himself, where he can talk to you and trade skin lotions and perfumes
-Solomon is special for sure, but you are very different in your own way too
-He was always so pleasantly surprised, the way you brought out the best out his brothers and himself
-You were willing to listen to him being melodramatic and never once lost interest
-I think he knew
-I think he knew you could see right through him when he talked about how he’s the most gorgeous being in all three realms
-I think he knew you could see his insecurities but you never brought it up, for his sake
-You were always there to give out hugs whenever he was upset and forever handing him gifts you just knew he’d like
-He flirted with you, but you never minded and never scoffed at him, instead giggling away and shooting some one liners back
-He wanted to get along with his brothers the same way you did
-Perhaps he’s more lucky than he originally thought, having someone like you live with him for the foreseeable future
-You treated him with respect and never ending kindness
-You treated him like family
-And you’ve shown how soft-hearted you are for his brothers too which he appreciates more than he lets on
-Yeah, he truly is lucky to have such a delightful human living with them
-You are honestly a human right?
-You’re not angel in disguise are you?????
-You’re definitely a trustworthy and patient person aren’t you?
-Your tolerance for his brothers alone is proof of that
-You didn’t snap at him after he sneakily stole some food from your plate during dinner, chuckling his gluttony away and instead asking if he wanted more
-Whenever you were in charge of making food, he started realising that you were intentionally making more for him, knowing how hungry he gets
-You bring snacks whenever you hang out with him, patting his head and giving him hugs, something he doesn’t often receive, even from his brothers
-Words can’t even describe the amount of joy he feels whenever he sees you supporting his siblings and looking out for them during chaotic situations
-Like that time Belphie fell asleep on the couch and you carried him all the way upstairs to their room before tucking him in and letting him sleep
-He knows you’re just a human but he feels so reassured to know there’s someone there that cares about his family as much as he does
-His brothers have treated you awfully many times before but you never caved in, never once gave up on them and he had no choice but to think you’re divine
-He doesn’t get jealous of how easily you communicate with his brothers
-If anything, he’s glad to have you there whenever fights break out between them
-When you first came to DevilDom, he really just thought of eating you right there and then
-But now, he can’t even consider the idea
-He would never let anything happen to you, someone he and his brothers view you as part of their family
-You actually make him feel satisfied, in a weird way
-He’s never lonely anymore, because he’s got you and Belphie with him
-His brothers may believe he only thinks about food but he would be willing to go the Celestial Realm and back for his siblings and you
-Give him physical affection, assure him his choices have meaning to them and make sure he knows that his efforts are valuable.
-Talk him about his guilt, be the shoulder he can cry on whenever he talks about his sister and remind him that he still has his brothers and you
-But most importantly, give him some snacks to share with you and Belphie
-He wants to hate you, no, he needs to hate you
-All humans are worthless, heartless, stupid, naive creatures that deserved all the suffering and despair he could cast onto them
-He convinced himself of that, he convinced himself humans are more deranged than demons
-You were no exception
-It doesn’t matter what his siblings think of you, it doesn’t master what you tricked them into believing
-He wouldn’t be so easily fooled
-But, even after all the torture he’s put you through, he’s never seen you flinch around him
-After the incident, he distanced himself from you, ashamed he couldn’t even kill you, a mere human, guilt riddled with anger
-You stuck around, always giving him your smiles and persisted he spend time with you
-Humans really are stupid aren’t they? You’re just going to come back to him after he almost killed you? Have you learned nothing about the demons you now live with?
-He couldn’t deny you, no matter how hard his subconscious was telling him to
-In truth, he wanted you around, he wanted to make up for everything he’s done
-No matter how stubborn he got, no matter how many insults he threw at you, you came over to his room to kiss him goodnight (tbh you do this for all the brothers) even singing him to sleep at times
-You never got fed up with him, which was a miracle in itself
-He knew his brothers were fond of you too, the way they would follow you around like lost puppies, waiting for their favourite human to spend time with them
-His twin just as attached to you as his older brothers
-Why? How are you doing this?
-He’s so irritated by it, the way a mortal just comes along and magically gets along with everyone
-How are you doing that?
-Deep down, he knows you’re just that kind of person
-Someone who just deeply cares about their friends and loved ones
-After a few months, he starts craving your head pats too, the way you laugh at his snarky remarks, the way you insisted you,him and Beel all hung out together at once
-He started coming to you at night, whenever his nightmares began to prevent him from sleeping peacefully and you never got mad at him.
-He thinks about it, as he lays in your arms trying to fall asleep again and appreciating your warmth
-He thinks about how he wished you really were part of his family and how badly he’d want you to live with them for the rest of eternity
-He thinks about how sorry he is for everything and about how happy his family has become since you came along
-He thinks about how you must be Lilith’s decedent and how much he misses her
-He thinks about how glad he is that you care for his chaotic family
(Belphie’s is really long wtf is wrong with me. I probably deviated from the original ask a tiny bit I was in the mood to make it fluffy af)
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