#i can’t believe i saw BIKINI KILL last night!!!
rustbeltjessie · 1 year
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Bikini Kill // Riverside Theater, Milwaukee, WI // April 19, 2023
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shady-lemur · 1 year
here’s a part 2 to abby and the red bikini! it’s a little bit rushed but i wanted to get it done before my classes and work consume me. thank you for the love on the last part! it always makes me nervous making smut 😓😓
first part
it’s been a week since that night with abby. you haven’t been able to look your boyfriend in the eye, let alone have any form of intimacy. you haven’t fucked, cuddled, kissed, hugged, or held hands and you knew it was killing manny. he thought it was something he did.
but tonight he asked you to come out with him to a few bars, so here you were. you’re sitting awkwardly in a sit at a high top table with manny, owen, and abby… of course they’re here.
you keep looking at abby, trying to wordlessly tell her “hey!! ever since i had sex with you i can’t even look at my boyfriend and everytime i look at you my face heats up and i can’t be this anymore!!” but she refused to meet your eyes. you didn’t fail to notice how good she looked, a loose black tee with a cargo skirt and her black combat boots. of course her hair was in a braid and she had neat black eyeliner pulled out into wings.
you nervously nurse your drink as they converse about the baseball game on the bar tv. how the fuck could abby be so calm and collected about everything?? after a few more minutes of trying to get her attention you pull your phone out.
(you pink, abby purple.)
we need to talk!!!!!!
What’s there to talk about?
maybe you’re okay just lying to yourself and everyone around you but i’m not. i can’t do that to manny.
You can’t tell Manny. He’ll never talk to either of us again.
that’s so fucking selfish abby.
we fucked up. and what abt owen? are you okay just acting like you didn’t have sex with someone else?
jesus fucking christ.
i can’t believe i messed everything up with manny for u. you’re a fucking coward and a terrible friend.
you turn your phone on silent and put it back in your pocket. your face is heated with anger. abby finally looks at you but it’s a new expression. she’s upset and fucking angry, and it’s all directed at you. you roll your eyes at her scowl and turn to manny, tapping his shoulder. he turns around with a slightly worried expression on his face.
“sorry babe. i’m gonna go home i think.. my stomach hurts super bad and i’m started to get a headache.”
he puts his hand on your forehead to feel your temperature and nods. “let me drive you home.. it feels like you’re heating up and-“
“i’ll just uber. have a goodnight with your friends and i’ll text you when i get home.” you have to physically force yourself to kiss his temple and wave at the other two at the table before grabbing your bag and basically running out of the bar. you order an uber and sit at one of the benches near by until the car pulls up in front of you to take you home.
last night when you got home from the bar you cried a little bit, drank a lot, and crashed on your couch. this morning you’re regretting every decision you’ve ever made. you couldn’t keep lying to manny like this. you were making yourself sick. and the thought of abby being completely fine keeping this a secret even more sick.
so you decide to call the only other person who knows other than you and abby.
“dee!! i need help.. can you talk?” you basically yell through the phone right when dina answers your facetime.
“what’s up baby? i have like 20 minutes before i need to go pick jj up.” concern is written all over her face as she takes in your hungover tear stained face. you can tell she’s meal prepping.
“last night i saw abby again and she seriously wants to just act like nothing ever happened. like she doesn’t want to tell manny.”
dina frowns at the camera. “y/nn! you know you have to tell him. you fuck up and the only way to get some peace with the situation is to talk to him.” you buried your head into your pillow and shake it. “i’m so stupid!!!!!!”
dina nods as she cuts carrots into jj bite sizes.
“but abby’s stupider. at least tell manny that you cheated, you don’t even have to mention abby.”
you look at the phone and nod. “yeah.. you’re right. i’ll talk to him.”
“mkay babe. i love you, even if your stupid!”
you blow her a kiss before hanging up and texting manny to ask to meet up.
less than 15 minutes later you’re sitting at a table in a cafe waiting for your boyfriend.
“hey.” you hear him as he pulls up a chair across from you and smiles. you give him a sad smile and hand him his coffee order. “thank you love.” you must’ve cringed at the nickname.. you used to love when he called you that.
“manny.. i have to tell you something.” his face slightly drops at your words. he motions for you to go on.
“shit.. a couple nights ago i had sex with someone else.. i’m so fucking sorry.” you feel the tears forming when you look at manny’s disappointed face. he looks like he’s about to start to cry too.
“fuck, y/n”
you look at him. “i love you manny. i never didn’t love you. i never deserved you though. you should be with someone better.”
“i do. i don’t think i can do this anymore,” he scoffs, “i can’t believe i was ring shopping just the other day and now we’re here.” your eyes widen and your tears start to fall. seeing the damage you caused made you feel like you were dying a slow and painful death.
“i’m so sorry. you deserve everything and more. thank you so much for being so good to me.”
he nods slowly and looks down at his drink. “i’ll text you about getting your stuff from my apartment.” then he’s gonna before you can say anything else, leaving you a sobbing mess in a small coffee shop. the barista even ends up giving you a free croissant because “it looks like you need it..” and you did. you also needed a few shots in your system right about now.
it’s been about 3 month since your breakup. you and manny were somewhat civil, you still followed each other on instagram, and hookuped a few times (womp womp we’ve all been there don’t judge them!!)
but you were really getting your life together!! you baked dessert way to often, you babysat jj way more than dina needed you to because how could you not!! you started exploring your sexuality more, and stopped drinking so much.. it was starting to be a problem. and you haven’t thought of abby for weeks! except for a couple nights ago, and a few night before that, and maybe and few nights before that night!
you were doing great!! totally not thinking about your ex’s roommate/best friend!! never!!
you’re baking an apple pie when there’s a frantic knock at your door. you rush over to look in your peep hole first because living alone is scary and frantic knocks are scaring. imagine your surprise when you see the one and only abby anderson!!! she’s sweaty and has a conflicted expression on her face, she fidgets with her hands nervously.
you open the door in your cute apron and baby blue long sleeved shirt with some plain jeans. you have flour all over yourself. “um.. hi..?”
abby’s face goes pink at your domestic state and clears her throat before looking you in the eyes. “i broke up with owen. manny knows everything. i can’t stop thinking about you.. fuck.”
you stand shocked for a second before finally responding. “you’re serious..?”
she nods, “i think i wanna be with you.”
you look at her in shock again before she slams her lips into yours, you immediately melt into the kiss. you pull her closer by her shirt and whine. she bites your lip softly and brings her hands to your waist, pushing you into your apartment as you laugh into the kiss. you pull away to close your apartment door and shake your head playfully at her, “we’re so fucking stupid.”
abby nods, “the stupidest.” she says before lifting you up so you can wrap your legs around her waist and carried you to your bed.
@ang3lzl0v3 here’s part two bb 🫶🏻 i hope you like it
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ithehellisbucky · 3 years
Waking Up In Vegas
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spencer reid x reader
request: prompts 87 (boop), 88 (that's such a bad idea- lets do it), 89 (Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool), 96 (I'm not crying, you are.) by anon
word count: 1.7k
warnings: Mentions of drug addiction, heavy drinking and blackout, that's it.
author's note: I've had this in my inbox for months, and I'm so sorry I didn't finish it sooner. Also, what do you want to see from my blog, it seems like I only post once a week for my fics and that's a no go from me.
The light was too loud- that's a wonderful thing to think when you remember nothing of the night before. You groaned and sat up, seeing that you were in a large bed with white covers. You scratched your head and looked around, noticing that the bedboard behind you was a large pink heart.
Looking down you realize that you're wearing a sequined red bikini top and a skirt scarf combo with booty shorts underneath. Drunk you does not have good fashion sense.
Before you can notice anything else, you start to feel puke crawling up your throat and you immediately run and vomit all your guts up.
You rinse your mouth out and notice that the blanket mound you left has shifted, and you become wary and pick up a heavy brass candlestick.
And then the lump rolls over, and it's your goddamn coworker.
He startles and wakes up, staring at you and then glancing down at himself- huh, there was something wrong about that picture, but you couldn't figure out what it was just yet.
"y/n? What are you doing in my hotel room?" He pauses, looks around, then mutters under his breath "this isn't my hotel room."
He looks up at you "Since when are you married?"
"I'm not," You look down at your hand, noticing a giant red ruby adorning your ring finger "I am."
You look down at his hand and notice that he is too, "And so are you."
You and Spencer look around your room, both badly masking paranoia and panic. Both of your eyes stop when you notice a picture frame in the corner- a wedding certificate.
"Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool. This is fine, no big deal, just a marriage certificate," You move over and pick it up "with both of our names on it."
"Okay, this is okay, this is fine," Spencer says, sitting back down on the bed stunned.
"So, we're married, which is a thing that happened, last night, that you definitely remember." You say, sitting down next to your newly revealed husband.
"I don't remember."
"How do you not remember? You have super memory powers!"
"This is an excellent first fight to have as a married couple, of course, you blame me." He says, standing up and shrugging.
You meet his stance "Of course I blame you! You're the smart one!"
"Oh, well Agent, I wasn't aware that you had an IQ of 25!" He pauses "25 is the number associated by Henry H. Goodard to be an idiot, it's actually-"
"I know!" You exclaim, seething with half-hearted rage.
"You know, your the one who got an addict drunk!"
"Your vice isn't alcohol! If I drugged you I'd be a monster! You ordered that first bloody mary all by yourself, and those shots we did were totally consensual!!!"
He looked up at you "you remember that?"
You think, and notice memories that you didn't know were there, "um, yeah, bits and pieces."
From the expression he makes, he looks to be remembered more too. You and your new husband sit down and let it all hit you.
"4 tequila shots please." You wave down the bartender.
You're already buzzed, but you and Spencer were just getting warmed up. Morgan and Garcia left hours ago to go to a fancy restaurant, Rossi was planted firmly at the poker table, Hotch was nowhere to be seen, JJ had gone home to be with Henry, and Emily was at a "sin to win" night at some casino that you already knew too much about just by hearing the name.
So that leaves you and Spencer at the bar in the only casino in town he wasn't banned from.
At first, you were concerned about him drinking, but once he reassured that alcohol isn't his way of self-medicating, you were okay. Besides, if you saw any red flags, you would throw his ass in rehab faster than you can say 'gin'.
So, you were 5 drinks in and having the time of your lives, showing off battle scars and laughing. God, his eyes were pretty.
"Your eyes are so pretty!" You giggled "like soooooo pretty, woooooooow."
He laughed and looked back at you "your skin is pretty, like in a non-serial killer way, it's really pretty."
"Thank you, just don't kill me for it."
"I just called no murder!" He whined "besides, how am I sure you won't kill me and scoop my eyes out?"
"Because that's gross." You said, rolling your eyes.
"And stealing your skin isn't?"
"You can' have my skin!" You say, mock running away.
He laughs, and looks directly into your eyes, and smiles, wow, he was pretty. Morgan was right.
"Hey, do you wanna get out of here?" Spencer asks you.
"Yeah, let's get ice cream!" You grab his hand, and it feels natural through your foggy brain.
After stumbling through the ice cream parlor, full of people who were trying to pretend like they weren't. Spencer got butter pecan, and you got sherbert and chocolate.
You stumbled out of the store, giggling to yourself and Spencer.
God, you loved him. So you told him.
"I love you." He stopped in his tracks, and you almost tripped on a bicycle rack.
"Really?" He whispers.
All of the giggles are gone.
"I love you."
The ice cream is long forgotten, his on the ground, and half of yours on your clothes and half next to his on the ground. All that's left is your faces inching closer to each other.
When your lips meet it feels like firecrackers going off inside your head.
His mouth is soft, gently contrasting with your soft lips. His tongue sneaks into your mouth, your smile around his.
"Let's get married." He pulls apart from you, out of breath.
You stay silent for a moment, before looking up and directly into his chocolate brown eyes "That is such a bad idea-"
He diverts his eyes and scratches the back of his skull "Um, yeah, that's okay, let's-"
"Let's do it."
He looks back at you, and you grab his body and kiss him.
Sometimes people can be happy, you realize as an elderly woman ties a sash around your waist.
You have to be honest, you never thought this was gonna be how you were gonna get married. Hell, you weren't sure if you were gonna get married at all. But certainly not like this. Certainly not at 1 am to your coworker 7 drinks in at a cheap roadside attraction.
Definitely not like this.
But something about this weirdness felt like the only way anything ever would've made any sense.
There was something about the outfit you were wearing that was perfect, a bright red bra covered in sequins underneath a top with buttons and poofy sleeves that showed off a lot of your chest, a wrap-around cheap white silk skirt with jeans shorts underneath. And of course purple open-toed boots. Perfect.
Marrying Spencer Reid is like a fever dream. A perfect man with perfect hair and perfect eyes. So of course you were giggling like crazy while they put the cheap crown with pink tulle serving as a veil on your head.
Your witnesses were an elderly couple, of course, you wanted to have your best friends there, but knowing them they'd try to talk you out, and believe me, there was no way you wanted out of it.
"Now's time dear," the woman exclaims, gently patting you on the shoulder and leading you out of the fitting room and towards the chapel.
The owner of the business hooks his arm around yours and leads you into the chapel, church bells from an iPod attached to a speaker ringing out into the air.
Spencer turns around the air visibly leaves his lungs when you make eye contact. The chapel you two had chosen in this drunken haze was costume-themed, and he was wearing an ancient Rome costume that fit the time where his favorite philosopher, so even though no one else noticed, you could tell he was dressed as Gaius.
His hair had been attempted to slick back, but little curls were popping up all over the place instead. He was wringing his hands tightly and bouncing his knee, god you couldn't wait to marry him.
The elderly man who had led you to the alter places you next to Spencer, you couldn't focus on anything but your soon-to-be-husband.
Spencer takes his hands and gently pulls your veil up from around your face, and a tear trickles out of his eyes as he sees you. You smile and notice his nerves, try to calm the love of your life down "boop", you gently tap his nose and he smiles in comfort.
The officiant drones on and on about love but you can't hear him, all you can focus on is his love-filled eyes.
"Do you take Spencer Reid to be your husband?"
Your eyes snap out of their daze and you say with the most certainty than you have ever said anything: "I do."
"And do you take (y/n) (y/l/n) to be your life partner for as long as you may live?"
"I do," And you feel more wanted than you ever have in your life, he wants you, Spencer wants you.
You and Spencer sit on your bed in stunned silence, neither believing that last night had really happened. You look over at your apparent husband and notice tears streaming down his face.
"You're crying." You say, your voice coming out as a chocked whisper.
"I'm not crying, you are." You look down and notice that your shirt is soaked in tears.
"Oh." You take a deep breath and look into his eyes. "So, what do you want to do?"
"Get an annulment?" He doesn't look completely happy about his answer and stares into your eyes for reassurance.
You take a deep breath and stare off into the distance, out into a world that would be so much better if you were married to Spencer Reid. "I don't want that."
You look back at him to meet his eyes, "Me neither."
"I love you, a lot, and I want to be married to you." Spencer smiles, and you feel wanted and safe and loved.
Instead of saying it back, he kissed you with a passion that was way more descriptive than simple words. Spencer is your husband and you love him, he loves you, and you are finally wanted.
My Masterlist
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Criminal Minds:
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missyasf · 4 years
Game Of Hearts
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↳ Summary: Your life is in monotonous tones of grey, day in, day out. Nothing matters besides your sister, the only thing you remember is seeing fireworks before waking up to Tokyo abandoned . Soon enough you are properly introduced to the deadly Borderlands where you must fight for your life in Games to survive. When things can’t possibly get worse soon division arises and rivalries are made. No matter what though, you are constantly plagued by a blonde who, no matter how hard you try, just can’t seem to go too far without.
↳ Pairing: Chishiya/Reader
↳ Genre: Angst, smut, thriller
Word Count: 10k
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Trigger Warning: ⚠️ much like the manga/Netflix adaptation this will be a dark fic which includes mentions of prostitution, attempted murder, child ab*se, sexual harassment, heavy grief and attempted suic*de among other things. Additional warnings will be added for chapters when triggers are brought up. Please read with caution if these are triggers for you or just skip all together!
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15th Day Sojourn 
“Nanami!?” You opened the curtains of her room, your face screwed in anger as she groaned curling into her bed, “What the hell!? You have one day left on your visa and you got hammered!? And what?” You waved at her as she pulled the blanket up upon realization she wasn’t dressed. At all, “Decided to get railed while you’re at it!?” 
She groaned as she collapsed back against the bed, “Sorry I don’t have a death wish like you do,” She sneered making your lips part as you scoffed at her words. Death wish!? You understood, going out when it wasn’t required wasn’t something most chose to do. But you had a good dynamic going with Ryu, Hiroko and Akari. You all made a good group together, and it wasn’t every night!
It was just a few times a week! It had been a little over, two? Three weeks at most now? That you had been at the beach? Life was about as good as it could be given the circumstances of your living space. But you made it work. 
Truthfully, you weren’t sure what direction your relationship with Nanami was headed, you understood you saw one another less but...It was like this before you had arrived at the Borderlands, what had changed? You felt confused and a bit lost, Nanami had only gotten more and more annoyed recently well...anytime you spoke to her truthfully.
You glared down at the empty bottles, obviously the Beach was the problem here. It was a gateway to all kinds if bad habits that Nanami had clearly taken up. You hardly saw her anymore because she was either too busy partying with her new friends or completely wasted, “This…! Nanami! This isn’t you.” You threw the bottle onto the ground next to her bed as you threw up your hands, “At all! You’d never be this tardy on the day you prep for a game!” 
Nanami groaned loudly as she got out of bed, holding the sheet up as she grabbed her clothes, looking irritated at your presence as she growled, “Since when do you care about my games!?” She fumbled as she got dressed as best she could, “All you ever do is try and throw your life away! You never even tell me when you’re going out! One of these days you’re gonna go out and it’ll be the last time I ever see you! Do you realize how stressful that is!?” 
Pulling up her bikini top she immediately shoved the door of the room open as your lips parted quickly chasing after her, “You don’t think I try to tell you!?” You shouted back, people immediately making way through the hallway as your brows pinched, “You were too busy getting fucked against a wall when I tried to tell you last week! What the fuck! This is not completely my fault! I could be better about it sure but you…!” 
Nanami paused at the end of the steps, now in the lobby as she turned to face you, “But me!? There’s nothing about me! You are so fucking suffocating! I’m not a child Y/n!” An indiginant hurt panged through your chest at her words.
Hopping off the last step you followed after her as your fists curled, “I wouldn’t if you stopped acting like one!” You shouted back, anger coursing through your veins at her accusations, what was with her behavior!? You’d lay back if it meant she’d stop this...these destructive habits! 
If she wanted to drink that was fine, if she wanted to sleep with someone it was whatever, she was an adult but this was way too excessive! “All I see is someone trying to prove she's an adult when all she is, is trying way too hard to be someone she isn’t!” 
You didn’t care how half the people in the lobby looked awkward and somehow a lot of people were quickly finding the exit. Nanani gasped as she turned around, you could almost see the steam coming out of her ears as her fists curled, “You…! You have no idea who I even am!” She snarled back, “Other than looking at me like a baby! You’ve always been too busy with your friends or school or work and half the time you lied! Why is it I got to hear from somebody other then you that you fucked people for a living. That you were a whore for money!” 
You immediately looked away from her as you crossed your arms defensively, hurt beginning to throb in your chest at her words, feeling somewhat caught off guard at that being brought up. You weren’t embarrassed, ashamed? Maybe a little despite your mind telling you that you shouldn’t be. 
“Y/n you are NOT mom, you will never be mom. Ever since she died you’ve felt the need to be some fucking savior for me and you don’t! You have no idea what I need. So push off and stop acting like you do!” Nanami snapped, her eyes burning with an anger that looked a lot like hate.
That...You wouldn’t deny that stung. You could hear footsteps quickly walking away as you looked at your feet, your eyes stinging and your vision blurring as your lips quivering and your expression contorted somewhat painfully in an attempt to try to not let the sting of pain burn too deep. 
She was just angry, you told yourself in an attempt to lick the wounds that were already in your heart to begin with. It was like being reopened and salt being doused onto it. 
You only felt more angry as you furiously rubbed away the warm trail of liquid on your cheeks, irritation blossoming in your chest at the feeling of eyes on you as you hissed, “You can stop staring!” Turning to face the white hood that had been leaned against the wall, previously on his phone but much like everyone else it was hard for Chishiya to not stare at the drama unfolding five feet away.
“Well,” Chishiya clacked his tongue, a semi amused expression his face as he spoke, “What did I tell you?” He quickly shut his mouth at the glare you sent him, wiping your cheek once more, your lips pathetically quivering, he probably thought that and hey, you’d admit it was pretty pathetic. 
“I get it you don’t really care about my feelings but I really don’t appreciate the ‘I told you so’ right now,” You waved towards your face as you sniffed wrapping your arms around yourself as you waved a hand at the door, “You know, I never intended to…” 
You pressed your tongue into your cheek as you sharply inhaled, “It doesn’t matter,” You sighed looking low, as you rubbed your eyes, “You were right. But I never meant for it to come off like that. Everything I ever did in my life was so that she’d never have to go through what I did.” 
There it was again, the bitter tears that threatened to escape your eyes as you stared down at your blurry hands, “To have that kicked back in my face- excuse me for being human, but I feel like the tears are justified.” You looked up at him again as you sniffed, rubbing your eyes again that glossed with wetness.
“And I would never hold that above her or against her. I know she didn’t ask for that, but that’s how much I love her. She is all I have. She would never need to thank me for what I’ve done. I’d do it again no questions asked. But that? That was uncalled for.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to not let yourself get anymore upset then you already were. 
“Well, you can’t control how she reacts, obviously.” Chishiya shrugged, having been, maybe a little too used to your random bursts of emotions as he spoke in a sing-song voice, “But the more power you give her the more it’ll make you upset. You should really just drop it.” 
You puffed a breath as you rubbed your eyes, “I can’t stand you some days.” Your lips quivered into a pout making Chishiya scoff, probably due to how pathetic you looked.
“Because I’m right?” He spoke as he stepped off the wall, pushing his hands into the pockets of his jacket as he raised his brows. You didn’t reply to him as you crossed your arms. Things between you both had been...interesting to say the least. 
You by no means considered yourself close friends but...ever since the three of hearts games, you could only assume, that you both had come to a certain understanding of one another. Most days you had never even meant to talk to him. You just always happened to be in the same place at the same time.
Finally you rolled your eyes, feeling a little more composed as you huffed, “There's no debating with you about whether or not you’re right.” You glanced up at him and it was his turn to stay silent before a cocky smirk curved on his lips making you throw your head back with a sigh to try to cover the urge to laugh, yes that was a very familiar sight, “Your ego is gonna get you killed one day.” 
You turned to start walking as Chishiya replied, “Maybe, if someone actually takes the bluff. But I don’t think anyone will.” You clacked your tongue, shaking your head as you said nothing in return. In some ways, you even believed him.
If there was anything you had learned about Chishiya it was that he truly was an insane combination of cold and calculating, mixed with a sense of naiveness that others falsely perceived him as, with a dash of, menacing playfulness? But just enough chaos mixed to keep anyone from truly figuring him out. 
Still to this day it was difficult to read him. But in some ways, you really enjoyed it. And some parts of you, deep down, did enjoy his company. He always had some dry or witty remark to make, no matter how unpleasant he could be at times.
“Are we still on for tonight?” You looked up at him, a small smile on your face as you both exited to the pool yard where music was blasting and it was permanently summertime, who would’ve thought you were in the Borderlands here, honestly.
Chishiya raised a brow as he spoke, “I’d assume, unless you’re gonna be useless and sulk the whole time.” You rolled your eyes at him, an amused snort escaping you.
“No…! But,” You paused making him pause, “Ah, who knows maybe I’ll just get hit by a car and I won’t have to deal with that anymore.” You waved towards Nanami with her friends as you snickered, making Chishiya roll his eyes at your theatrics, forever the drama queen in his opinion.
“Y/n!” Your gaze shot to where Ryu and Hiroko were laid out in lawn chairs next to the pool where Akari was sitting at the edge. You glanced to Chishiya as you sighed with a shrug, he had attempted to part ways only for Hiroko to glare, “You too sour ass!” Chishiya’s gaze cut into Hiroko who didn’t budge in the slightest at him making you sigh as you rubbed your neck.
Truthfully, you couldn’t help but wonder if Chishiya actually made the effort in talking to anyone outside of you. And that could be argued that you generally initiated conversation. Had it not been for you, you doubt Hiroko would be able to stand Chishiya at all. 
“What’s up?” You asked as you both stood in front of their chairs, Hiroko crossed her legs, a margarita in hand despite it being lunch time at best but hey, you couldn’t exactly blame her given the state of where you all lived. 
Her expression crumpled a little as she looked between you and Nanami who was on the other side of the pool, “You two good? We ah...heard some yelling?” She raised a brow making you huff as you crossed your arms, looking away from them, “Okay…” Hiroko clacked her tongue, “Well we’re getting ready to go out to get some supplies, food stock is getting low in the back and we needed some help.” 
Chishiya’s expression twisted just by a hair making Hiroko’s eyes sharpen on him as he looked away giving a very loud sigh as if inconvenience by this, “Is there an option to decline?” 
“We’d be happy to help.” You glanced at Chishiya briefly before given a smile to Hiroko and Ryu, “I’ve never done a supply run before so you’ll have to show me the ropes though.” Truth be told you kept yourself fairly busy. You often enjoyed exploring in your off time, and while sitting at the pool was nice, it got fairly boring by yourself day in and out. 
So you went out to the parks you knew, you’d go to the ocean front when possible, you had even taken up the hobby of going on a jog each morning. Anything to remind you that you were alive. Contrary to how some perceived it, you felt almost numb in a way to your life being put on the line. To be put into extremely perilous situations, it had taken a toll on your mental health. 
Even if you couldn’t recognize it at the moment, and so you had tried your best to pick up hobbies to keep you occupied and away from the addictive sensation of Games. So you often took walks now and explored around the city in your free time. 
“It’s easy!” Hiroko stood up as she smiled brightly at your enthusiasm compared to the sour grey cloud that crossed his arms while rolling his eyes, “We have a masterlist written out of what we need to get, you’re free to pick up anything you’d like while we’re out!” 
“Anything…?” You tilted your head before a smile tugged on your lips, “Alright! Lemme just go get something to change into on our way out!” Everyone thought you were either vain or insecure but truthfully, you just really hated the swimwear rule. 
The moment you stepped off beach property was the moment you were wearing sweatpants and something comfortable. After you had gotten changed the four of you set off as you looked down the long list, mainly canned goods were needed, some dry goods as well and…”Are these farm locations?” 
“Mhm, we can get a lot of fresh produce from there! It took awhile of searching but it’s a pretty good spot! We’ll get that on our way back though!” Ryu answered chipperly as he leaned back in his seat up front looking the exact opposite Chishiya who was slouched in his seat looking bored. 
You actually quite enjoyed the ride, they used the CD player in the car to play music and briefly, you were taken back to a time in life when things weren’t so intense. It’s hard to believe you ever had a problem in your old life before you came to the Borderlands, everything in comparison now seems so...Childish, in a way, your problems weren’t as bad as you ever thought. 
After helping gather canned goods and whatever snacks were on the list you had made your way through the store, stray shopping carts were abandoned and remnants of life still remained, not a lot, but just enough for it to feel eery, it really did make you wonder what happened to everyone. 
“There’s a cart right there, you’re gonna break the ones you already have if you keep that up.” You snapped your head to glare at Chishiya as you fumbled with the canvases you were holding, “You know that used to be someone's cart right!” You rolled your eyes as you set them down in the empty cart that had been rolled towards the notebook section. 
 “And now it’s yours. You’re so emotional.” He sighed in exasperation, his eyes sharply looking down at all the paint material before he snorted as if amused by something making your brows furrow in suspicion. 
“I’m not! It’s just having human decency, you know people used to live in this place before whatever happened,” You crossed your arms, tutting as you kneeled down, grabbing a jar of paint in each color, “Although I won’t lie, the cost of living has effectively gone down since then.” 
You briefly looked at the expensive price tag that was placed under the paints before placing them into the cart carefully as you twisted back around, rolling the cart towards the brushes. 
“Just at the cost of living now,” Chishiya puffed as he crossed his arms, “Shouldn’t you be buying psychology books or something more useful?”  His gaze narrowed as you looked over your shoulder at him, now annoyed at his presence that was endlessly judging your every move. 
“Shouldn’t you be helping Hiroko find the chip aisle?” Chishiya’s gaze turned cold making you snort, a smile of amusement dancing on your lips as you plucked the first brush from it’s container, “Okay...I guess not. You two really don’t like each other huh.” 
“She’s an idiot that thinks she’s smarter than she is,” Chishiya replied, that loose cold tone of his as always making you roll your eyes, “I’d rather be here then in her insufferable presence.” a bit harsh but this was Chishiya, he often rolled between seemingly innocent and scheming to downright cold hearted at times. 
“I’m flattered that you’re so interested in my hobbies then!” You replied with a fake peppiness as you swirled around to face him, dumping a pile of brushes into the cart, “Also, just because I’m a psych major doesn’t mean my whole life revolves around it. It’s like saying just because your a med student all you know is how to OD someone and that’s all you do.” 
Chishiya clacked his tongue as he raised his brows while shrugging making your expression crumple as you huffed, crossing your arms, “Have you killed someone before coming here? Seriously? I would NOT want you to be my doctor.” 
This made somewhat of an amused smirk quirk on his lips as he looked down at you, “I haven’t, but I supposed if it made you feel better I can say I have.” You rapidly blinked, staring at him as if he was insane, “How is that supposed to make me feel better? That just makes me even more uneasy, you could be lying through your teeth and I’d never be able to tell.” 
You flailed your arms as you rolled the cart out of the aisle, Chishiya following behind making no effort to show he was in a hurry as he snorted, “For a psychology major I guess I just thought you’d be better at reading people. Guess you’re dumber than you look huh.” 
“Do you have some kind of god complex with being smart?” You turned to face him as your expression contorted, “Because yes! I fully admit I’m an idiot, that's not an insult to me. My power is not in my brain but my heart, unfortunately.” You pointed at your heart before wincing a little, truthfully it wasn’t always what it was cracked up to be, “You know what- What’s with that anyways?” You furrowed your brows as you leaned your arms against the handle of the cart, “You really value intellect that much?” 
You had noticed that pattern in Chishiya’s speech, an insult he regularly used was among demeaning to someone's intelligence, but not in the childish way it was often used, he meant it literally. As if nothing could be more embarrassing to someone then being dumb, to which you didn’t understand or hold any value too. He was proof that intelligent people were not always the most kind hearted. 
Chishiya stared at you for a long minute, his expression unchanging as you shrugged pushing the cart as you peered down the next aisle, “I view life as a game I intend to win,” He relented making you pause as you looked back at him, your head titled, his smile looked viscous as he spoke, “And anyone who doesn’t have any wit to play is destined to lose. And I will win, because nobody is smart enough to beat me.” 
You puffed a breath as you raised your brows with a breathy chuckle, “You sound like you need a good group therapy session, is all I hear when you speak. But hey, I guess you’re doing great now considering our lives are being turned into literal games now. I guess every mentality pays off in it’s own way.” 
You picked up the pack of prism colored pencils from the end cap as you flipped them to look at the back of the package, “And all I hear is a defeatist mentality from you.” You peered up at Chishiya with an amused expression at his words as you shook your head, all he did was talk but never made any point, was he trying to figure you out in the elusive way possible? 
“I’m not a defeatist, I’m just not as ruthless as you, in the way I view life that is. Why? Are you curious about my take on the world?” You teased a little, knowing this would immediately disengage him and just as you thought you watched him puff a breath, his arms crossing and his gaze becoming narrow. 
“Why would I have any interest in someone who openly admits to being an idiot?” Chishiya replied, that irritated cat-like expression on his face  and that annoying sing-song tone of his, you sighed, rolling your eyes, having learned to not take his cold words so seriously anymore, “If anything, the more you speak, the more confirmation I have that you’re right, you’re a total moron that has no clue what she’s ever talking about.” 
Your face scrunched a little as you placed the pack of pencils in the cart before turning to face him, “Then why are you still talking to me?” You asked, raising your hands a little, and when he didn’t reply you smiled, “I mean really, if I’m so obnoxiously stupid, to the point of even admitting it, Wouldn’t it make sense that you’d just ignore me?” 
Chishiya sighed as he glanced up at the ceiling, “Because you’re the most tolerable out of everyone here. But even you just open your mouth and shit flies out, I thought maybe with you being in an intellectual major you’d be more prophetic than you are?” 
He stopped in a look of mild confusion at why you were giggling so much at his words, you had to cover your mouth as you raised your brows in delight, “Awwh! I didn’t realize you thought of me like that! I would’ve tried harder to psychoanalyze you more if that was the case!” 
You laughed as you pushed your hair back leaning against the cart as you shook your head in amusement, “No but seriously, I think you’re getting psychology and philosophy mixed up here. I still only have one functioning braincell, sorry to disappoint.” Your nose scrunched as you smiled before pushing the cart into the next aisle. 
“To answer your original question, since wifi isn’t a thing and the internet virtually doesn’t exist anymore I’m trying to find new hobbies to keep me out of games from boredom.” Admittedly, it wasn’t that, you’d say you were addicted to the feeling of putting your life on the line. You hadn’t been in the Borderlands that long. 
But something about the adrenaline and the peril need to solve something, it kept your mind active and buzzing for a good few days, even after clearing a game. You already had over two weeks on your visa so there wasn’t really a need to go out and do something as reckless as playing a game. 
Truthfully, you were very grateful you had run into Hiroko and Ryu in your first game, and admittedly also Chishiya who had found the Beach in the matter of hours after being told. Because of them, you weren’t nearly as fearful as you could have been, even now. 
Being with your friends who were more experienced, it gave you confidence that you’d all solve everything and things would turn out okay. And maybe to some degree that mentality was dangerous.
More than anything, you knew you needed to become desensitized to the games and the cruel reality of the Borderlands if you wanted to last long. That was the real reason you had been pushing yourself to clear games every few nights. You weren’t addicted to the sensation, you just needed to push yourself into an indifferent state of mind. 
It wasn’t healthy, you above anyone else knew that, but you knew it was necessary for your mind to adapt to survive. 
 “What about you med boy? Don’t you have any hobbies outside of fucking with people and making kids cry?” Your lips curled into a smile as you looked over your shoulder, watching Chishiya clack his tongue, rolling his eyes as you snorted. 
“What makes you think I talk to children?” You raised your hands in surrender, “Fair enough,” You glanced at him, the silence loud for just a brief moment before you tried to fight the smile on your face as you pressed your tongue into your cheek as he continued, “I’m like anyone else, I can go for a good game of mahjong, chess and on occasion I enjoy building an taser gun-” 
You paused as you whirled around, “A what gun?” Your brows crinkled together in confusion at how his sentence jumped from zero to one hundred as quick as it did. 
Chishiya made a noise that sounded something between a scoff and snort at your contorted expression, his hands in his pockets as he leaned against the shelf, “I was in robotics as a kid and straight A’s in science and chemistry. I build things.” 
“Like...weapons?” You rubbed your head as you frowned, looking away from him as you let out a somewhat wry laugh, “Jeez, so you’re basically saying you’ve always been this intense even before the Borderlands huh.” You puffed a breath as you puckered your lips, suddenly a childish smile on your face, “Wait! So in theory…! Could you...build like a- a slingshot?” 
“What are you a child?” 
“Well...what about...a bing-bag gun?” 
“Already did that in grade school.” 
“Stun gun?” 
“Vague description but yes I’ve built things similar in function.”
Your lips twisted into a pout as you let your chin rest on the handlebar of the cart, “...Flamethrower?” 
Chishiya’s eyes squinted a little as you smiled in victory before he sighed, “No but that’s theoretically the easiest to build.” You crossed your arms, he was just giving excuses now! 
“How? How could a flame thrower be easy to build!?” You threw up your arms now annoyed at his confidence. 
“Ah, any flammable spray can and lighter, next question?” He quirked a brow, now looking semi amused at your expression as you huffed, now out of ideas, to be fair, just how many weapons could be built from scratch anyways? Impressive sure, but before the Borderlands, just how useful was it anyways? Let alone legal? 
“Okay well I’m out of things to ask,” You clacked your tongue, looking away from him briefly before smiling, “Oh…! It’s probably a bad idea but we should go find a spray can, then, I’ve never tried that before!” 
What’s the worst that could happen anyways?
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“You...burned the store down…?” Akari rubbed her head in disbelief as you pouted, Hiroko having thoroughly chewed your ass out on how irresponsible you were as you sat in the pool chair, your hands on your face and your cheeks puffed. 
“How was I supposed to know the flames traveled up to seven feet! It’s Chishiya’s fault, he should’ve at least given me a fair warning!” You threw up your hands as you accused the unbothered blonde.
“I tried, didn’t I?” Chishiya laid out in his chair next to you, a pair of black aviators covering his eyes and this had to be the first time you had seen him without his jacket on, his hair shockingly tied up into a bun and away from his face aside the two strands hanging down as always.
“But like always you wouldn’t shut up and stop to listen. So I thought experience would be the best teacher,” Chishiya shrugged casually, a smug expression on his face as he spoke, “Fortunately for me that’s the last time Hiroko ever asks us to go out with them again. It's a win-win if you look at it like that.”
You whined as you bounced in your seat, leaning back as you sighed, “Hiroko was so pissed off she said she didn’t wanna see me the rest of the day. She really could be a mom.” 
“Awh’ does that mean you ain’t coming tonight for the game?” Akari flicked her hat up a little as she raised a brow making you slump with a sigh, you were sure you could go, Hiroko wouldn’t actually stick to her word but...You admittedly felt kinda bad, you just wanted to kill a little time while Ryu and Hiroko finished up. 
“I’ll probably sit tonight out, it’s not like I need to clear a game anyways, my visa has nearly two weeks on it and I don’t wanna do a game by myself.” You crossed your arms with a sulk, you didn’t feel confident enough in yourself to attempt a game without anybody else, and if you died nobody would ever know. 
Akari whistled as she pressed the beer bottle to her lips, “That sucks,” She took a long chug as your nose wrinkled a little, “But hey! Maybe you could talk to Nanami, she’s been pretty sour the whole morning. I tried talkin’ to her earlier but she was pretty snippy.” 
You curved a brow in curiosity, sure Nanami had been mad at you but Akari? They were probably closer friends then you and Akari were any day of the week, “Why?” You rubbed your head, maybe she was just in a mood altogether today. 
Akari’s face twisted as she snorted, “Because of you.” 
Your head collapsed against the chair as you inhaled sharply, “If she’s still mad about this morning then I’m gonna need a drink before I even try to talk to her. Do you know what’s going on with her? Because I’m extremely lost as to what her problem is.” 
Akari placed a hand on her hip as she sighed in exasperation, “I dunno’ other than maybe that group of friends she’s with. They’re all pretty bad apples in my humble opinion, ever since she started hanging out with them she's been pretty moody.” 
You placed a hand on your forehead as you sighed, “Right, of course, it’s always the friends,” You collapsed back into your chair as you stretched out, “Listen, don’t get me wrong,” you placed a hand in front of you to block out the sun as you looked up at Akari, “I love Nanami, and I want to work things out with her. I do, but right now?” 
You clacked your tongue in semi disappointment, “Me trying to talk to her is only going to make her push me away even more and make even dumber choices. If she needs to go through this, then she’s gonna have to go through it. I’ll be here for her regardless.” 
You had known your sister long enough to know that anytime she acted like this, you trying to talk to her would only push her further away and that’s not what you wanted to do. The only difference was you had never seen her go so...extreme before…
And the last thing you wanted was for Nanami to go off the deep end because of you and possibly...you shuddered at the idea, the possibilities were endless here in the Borderlands where there were no laws for people to abide by. 
Akari sighed as she took her hat off, fanning it over her face as she rubbed her head, “Hey, it’s not my place to tell ya what to do with your sister, all I’m saying is it may be beneficial to at least try.” She shrugged as she walked away making you groan. 
You could try again but you had a feeling it wouldn’t get you anywhere with her. It felt odd to think about, because one part of you felt like you had nothing but time now except for the constant loom of imminent death. You wouldn’t deny the fear that constantly set inside you at the idea of Nanami going into a game and never coming back. 
But what could you really do? Outside irritate her and push her to continue doing harmful things? You supposed, in some ways, you were a hypocrite, you were putting your life on the line for nothing other than out of wanting to break the cycle, to remember truly what it means to live, without it even being necessary. You wouldn’t blame her for being angry at you for that. 
“Hmm, I didn’t realize you actually let people dictate what you do in your free time, you’re a pretty big push over.” You slowly twisted in your seat to glare at Chishiya’s lounged out figure looking like a cat in the sun as he spoke in a sing-song tone. 
“...Do you ever shut up?” 
“Not particularly.” 
You clacked your tongue, huffing as you collapsed back in your chair, “Well what? You wanna do a game together? I just…” You held up your hands, looking at them as you scrunched your nose, “Feel like if I went with you, there’s a good chance you’d probably use me as bait or something and I’d end up getting killed.” 
“Wasn’t that your goal this morning?” Chishiya lifted his aviators as he turned to look at you from his laid out position, you squinted a little, crossing your arms once more as you leaned back in your seat.
“Well- yeah…” You fumbled before squinting even harder at Chishiya’s expression, “But now that you said it like that I have to not die out of pure spite, you didn’t answer my question by the way. I doubt you wanted to do a game with Hiroko anyways.” You rolled your eyes, still not understanding why Chishiya had such a distaste for her. 
Sure she was a little accusative and Hiroko obviously didn’t trust him, but could Chishiya, genuinely say that wasn’t for good reason? You had figured out that this man, if anything, was self aware of how he came across from an outside perspective. That was the part that baffled you, how could he blame someone for distrusting him? 
Even you distrusted Chishiya to a certain extent, and you had no problems letting him casually know such as now. Truly, you couldn’t rule out the possible idea of being used as bait in a game by him and not even realizing it. 
Honestly, given the environment you lived in, you could at least appreciate that he kept you on your toes. And you supposed that was the difference between you and Hiroko, she wanted to trust all of her friends. You weren’t so caught up in that. 
Because really, even in the outside world, before the Borderlands, friends could hardly be trusted fully. And those he believed in such, were always disappointed, friends lied, gossiped, went behind your back, slept with previous boyfriends. You hardly trusted anyone fully, in that sense, it wasn’t hard for you to just let go of some of Chishiya’s less then morally good behavior 
Chishiya only waved a hand, “If you think we’ll find someone more interesting than your dry friends.” 
“My dry friends,” You raised a brow as you twisted to look at his unbothered figure, “Act like you’re unassociated all you want but that doesn’t make you not part of the group. You are so weird. Anyways yeah sure, they just got word today that a new venue opened up at the bridge, we could go there.” 
“You’re still a pushover.” 
“What the fuck.” You replied deadpan as you stared him down, watching in annoyance at his sunglasses being put back on as he leaned back in his chair but the unmistakable cheshire smirk on his face as you rolled your eyes, “You're just asking to be torn apart.”
“So then why don’t you do it?” Chishiya challenged you casually, evening daring to lift his drink as he took a long sip before speaking up once more, “All you do is threaten people. How am I supposed to take you serious when you never follow through?”
“Last time I did it I made a man commit suicide.” You replied dryly, something in your tone lingering as you glanced out over the pool where everyone just pretended like they didn’t see people slaughtered night after night.
Escapism, was a very raw and primal way of coping with a shitty reality, you understood the concept well enough before the Borderlands, but ever since coming here, it became more and more apparent to you just how common it really was. What were you supposed to do with blood staining your hands.
Red caught your attention briefly as your eyes flickered to your hands that were clean as always. Staring down at them in wonder you couldn’t help but think, that some parts of you would never be the same after this. No amount of therapy or inner healing would bring you back to a time in your life where you hadn’t witnessed the atrocities you had. 
Some parts of you, were amazing at blocking out the Borderlands, taking the days you were alive for granted until the moment your heart was pounding and scared for your life, it was an addictive type of feeling in the most terrifying way. 
“It was hardly suicide,” Chishiya snorted, not at all perturbed like you were, you looked at him, staring into his figure that drew his attention as he raised a brow, looking unbothered, “You don’t feel the same? All human life is parasitic and is temporary, he would’ve died here anyways, it’s like you said, it doesn’t take much to break the weak link.” 
You smacked your lips together as you sighed, some parts of you not surprised at how much of a nihilist Chishiya was, “It doesn’t matter whether his life was baseless and humans are parasitic,” You looked away from him again as you muttered, “It doesn’t change the fact I was the one who manipulated someone into killing themselves.”
Staring down at your hands they trembled only if you looked close enough, briefly you could remember a broken bottle in your hands, sticky wet substance covering them and- “Doesn’t change the fact he would’ve died. It was us or him.” Chishiya shrugged, that snarky yet innocent look on his face as he spoke, “Maybe it’s you who needs therapy.” 
“Probably.” Your eyes traced down your fingers before sighing, running a hand through your hair, “If you’re gonna be a nihilist then I’ll see myself to the bar.” Chishiya waved a hand unbothered as you got up from your seat. 
If you ever escaped the Borderlands you were absolutely going to be the one at the sitting end of a therapy office instead of the listening side. 
“You’re a horrible driver.” Your nose was scrunched and you had a death grip on the side of the door of the car, you’d think for someone who was so analytical they’d be more careful. Chishiya? No, he was aggressive with sharp turns and fast pace making you hold on for dear life.
“I never got a license.” Chishiya replied in a sing song tune that you were beginning to find extremely annoying, that stupid smirk on his face as you opened the door the car, stepping out as you grabbed your neck. 
“You know,” You turned to face him now standing just before the bridge, “If I’m gonna die here-” Chishiya sighed exasperated as you held up a hand, “What is your fascination with wanting to die?-”  “No listen- I’m not saying I will but if,” You stressed the word, “If I die here, I really don’t want it to be from your shitty subpar driving skills.” 
Chishiya snorted, rolling his eyes as you both stepped past the platform to which you had been informed awhile ago that there really was no turning back from games, you had...subconsciously assumed that, never having even thought it would be possible to go back from a game, but it was just another stressful reality you’d have to navigate. 
You notice three other people who stood around all looking unsure of each other and you both included. You weren’t sure what type of game would be held on the bridge, there were plenty of cars still and you couldn’t help but wonder. 
“What if there’s only one survivor to this game? Is that a thing?” You leaned a little towards Chishiya who had stuffed his hands into his pocket, his eyes flickering to you as he raised a brow. 
“Does your brain only function on one memory at a time?” Your expression twisted somewhat indignant making an amused half smile curl on Chishiya’s face causing your childish anger to further as you crossed your arms, “Yes they exist, and for that matter I’ll just let you die since you’re so determined to let it happen prematurely-” “It will with the way you drive.” “Stop being so dramatic.” 
You puffed a breath as you shifted your weight, “No seriously, what if only one persons survives?” You asked, you hadn’t really thought about it truthfully, you had done games where it was possible but you supposed you had just been lucky, most games if not close to all, many could survive. Was that something you should be worried about. Chishiya only shrugged, not having an answer as you hummed. 
It was only six o’clock and the sun was beginning to set, was anyone else going to, “Oh jeez, this doesn’t look promising.” You turned to where someone stood having just arrived. Oh...oh wow, this woman was tall and attractive. It looked like a cigarette was hanging from her lips and she sported nothing but jeans and a bikini top. 
Your gaze flickered ahead where you frowned, “I really hate games with props.” You muttered, looking at the anklets that could be doubled as probation bands, seriously? Attaching it to your ankle you inspected that metal loop that dangled from the back, “Do you think they’ll blow our legs off if we move too fast?” 
“Doubt it,” The woman spoke up cut in between you both as she grabbed on, inspecting it as she scoffed, “Especially given what we’re doin’. Looks like we’re gonna get real cozy now.” 
You looked at the laptop that sat out as you tilted your head.
Difficulty: 5♠
“The game you will be participating in is, Seek and Destroy”
“That sounds...not fun.” Your nose wrinkled, it was a clubs game, meaning at least you could all work as a team to finish the objection, but...Seek and destroy? You briefly glanced at Chishiya but he remained expressionless, his full undivided attention on the screen. 
“In this game there are cars sectioned across the bridge and within five cars, bombs have been planted. One bomb will be activated at a time, you will have five minutes to find it and disarm it. Should you be in the vicinity of the car bomb by the time it goes off you have two choices, Game Over or Test Life.” Your brows furrowed as you listened carefully, “Cables are attached to the bridge, should you be near one you may attach your anklet to it and choose to jump off the bridge to safety.” 
“There are five car bombs all total, once the first bomb had been deactivated, the next will start. If you disarm all five, it’s a Game Clear, if you fail to disarm all five, it’s a Game Over.”
All players must remain on the bridge unless they choose to Test Life
You will have five minutes to plan your course of action, after the siren, the first bomb will be set
If all five bombs aren’t disarmed it’s a Game Over, the only exemption from this rule is if a Life Test is passed in trade.
If someone Tests Life and succeeds, they will make their way back to the bridge and return here as proof of success or it’s an automatic Game Over for them.
“Ha...ha! This should be easy!” A woman spoke up as she grabbed her head, “Guys! If we just chose to test life, we can all escape down, not break any rules and clear the game!” You heard a few others excitedly agree with her but you felt...unsure…
You glanced at Chishiya who remained stoic, the only other person who seemed to also not be sold was the woman next to you, who practically towered over you and looking up you only just realized her cigarette was fake, “You into women or something?” She winked causing you fumble a little as you stepped away, “I don’t judge.” 
“I’m into not dying,” You replied as you looked at the laptop, the countdown having already started, Chishiya only shrugged as he spoke up, “Could’ve fooled me.” You rolled your eyes at him, he seemed curious as he followed the other three. 
“It’s simple, I’ll just attach this and! Just look for some others!” She excitedly clipped the bungee cord to the metal hoop before she stood up on the ledge, lifting her arms as she breathed in a deep breath, “I’ll see you guys on the way down!” 
Your eyes were wide at her blind faith as she fell down, Chishiya peered down as everyone watched in baited breath, “It’s dumb to assume things would be that easy on a Spades game which is based around physical exertion, true bungee jumping matches the energy, but that would be too easy.” Chishiya spoke, shrugging as you glanced at him briefly before back at the woman who had finally hit the bottom of her cord, you had expected her to bounce but you gasped a little as she jerked before you could only assume her anklet broke and she smashed straight into the water.
She...she had to die from the impact with nothing to break the fall from here to there, “Just as I expected,” He sighed in exasperation, everyone turned to Chishiya who appeared only semi annoyed, “Anyone who believed a game value of five would be that easy is truly an idiot,” He offered a snide smile, “Just as I thought, Test Life is meant literally and meant to be a last resort, either you die by a car bomb or you take a chance with a possible faulty cord or band. The only way we clear a game without disarming all five bombs is if one goes off and someone chooses to test life and doesn’t die, it’s not only risky but stupid to rely on.” 
“Talk about cold,” The woman beside you spoke up, making Chishiya shrug loosely, “You couldn’t have said that five seconds sooner and we’d have a sixth player?” Her lip lifted a little in annoyance at Chishiya’s callous nature. 
Chishiya offered a cold smile, “A hypothesis without any evidence is just an assumption.” 
The woman had no words, probably taken aback at just how cold Chishiya was, you leaned in a little as you whispered, “You get used to it. Y/n,” You introduced yourself briefly with a weak smile, admittedly you had just accepted and gotten used to Chishiya’s nihilistic views. 
“Harsh,” She snorted, “Kuina. You two seem acquainted.” 
Your lips fell back into a grimace as you briefly looked at Chishiya who raised a brow at you, “Somehow...” You shook your head, truthfully, no matter how hard you tried to get away from this man, you always seemed to end up talking to him, or in situations like this with him, “So what’s the plan Spock?” You shrugged as you looked at Chishiya, half your time of planning already over. 
Chishiya didn’t reply at first and admittedly you wouldn’t consider him the embodiment of a leader, but you did think if anyone had a good calculation and strategy to go through this without messing up, it was him, “The rules stated nothing about having to disarm them in sequence, only that after the first was disarmed, a second would start and so forth.” 
You frowned at his words making him sigh in exasperation as he looked away from you, “Which means if we broke into pairs we can just search all the cars and disarm them all within a reasonable amount of time and least amount of panic. You know,” Chishiya sneered, “They’re being quite charitable for a 5.” 
“Okay great,” You sneered back in unappreciation giving back the same energy you were annoyed at being given at the moment, sure, you were dumb, you could admit it, and you had a feeling it really grated on Chishiya’s nerves that you in fact, did not consider it an insult in the least. You worked in the realms of irrationality of human nature, not the laws of logic like him. 
In some ways, you considered yourself a polar opposite of him sometimes, “I’m glad this is easy for you. Just tell us what we need to do, jerk.” 
Chishiya rolled his eyes at your expression, not surprised in the least at your attitude which he, just as always, ignored it, “There’s six of us- or was…” His lips curled into a menacing smirk, “There’ll be two pairs and one single person, one pair will go towards the back of the bridge and search the cars back to front, a bomb will most likely be placed in the hood of the car if the engines have been taken out or in the trunk. Another pair will search the beginning of the bridge starting from here and work their way towards the middle. Lastly the person by themselves will search the middle which won’t be as hard to go through alone.” 
“Alright, then I’ll pair up with the blonde twink, I have a few words to talk to him about.” Kuina shrugged, making Chishiya’s gaze snap over, his expression briefly looking confused for a second at her wording as she offered a sharp smile, “What? Are you intimidated?” 
Chishiya’s expression melted back into a cool tone, his gaze briefly looking over to you which you only observed the two, already getting the feeling you and Kuina were going to get along and hey, if you all survived this, you’d totally tell her about the Beach, “Hardly,” Chishiya snorted, “But in case you couldn’t tell I already have a partner.” You raised your brows looking around, wow, he was fast at deciding who would help him the most, “It’s you idiot.” 
“Oh,” Your lips parted a little, admittedly feeling a little dumb forgetting, but honestly, who could blame you? You just assumed Chishiya would pair with the person most beneficial to him, after a second your lips curled into a smile as you shrugged, “Oh?” You raised your brows a little making Chishiya’s expression go a little exasperated as your smile turned into a grin, “Oh I don’t mind!” You spoke, smiling at Kuina as you waved her over to him, “Have fun with him, he’s a real blast! I can partner with one of you if you’d like, I’m a go with the flow kinda person.” 
“I was a cross country runner! I can go by myself.” A girl, who looked like she was fresh out of highschool spoke as she volunteered herself, leaving you with only one partner, the male who...definitely looked like he could use a shower. He gave you a grimy smile which you weakly returned, “This just leaves us. I’m Daichi, and you m’lady?” 
You could hear a strained laughter from two people as you looked over your shoulder, harshly glaring laser beams out of your eyes at Chishiya who had pulled his hood up to try and pretend like he totally wasn’t smiling while stifling his laughter while Kuina was more then openly laughing at your obvious short straw hand here, but hey...You did forfeit your partnership with Chishiya out of spite, this was in some way...deserved. 
“Y/n. if everyone is sorted out, let’s take the far end of the bridge, it’s least likely they’d start the first bomb there right?” You looked towards Chishiya who shrugged, “What do we do about the bombs? I don’t exactly have any experience in the reams of demolition work.” 
“It’s possible, as for the bombs I doubt they have anything complex. It’s probably made of some akin to a battery pack. Just rip the wiring from the pack and not the bomb.” He replied making you cross your arms, an amused expression on his face as he answered.
“...And if it’s not that simple...?” 
“I guess we’ll find out.” He used that sing song tone you groaned at, unhelpful as always as you groaned, “Cheer up Y/n, it keeps things interesting.” What was his deal with things needing to be interesting...
“Well, let’s get going while we still have time,” You nodded to Daichi who nodded eagerly as you both began walking out onto the bridge, cars were scattered all across the bridge and this was admittedly going to take a lot of stamina to do, it was a Spades game, it was expected, but still.
You briefly felt uncomfortable, you could feel Daichi’s stares and he seemed like an okay guy but...Sometimes, more days than you wished, you could just feel a person’s energy and their intentions, Daichi was a perfect example of this. He was easy to read, from the way his eyes kept coping a feel at your body which wasn’t even in anything revealing besides the plain t-shirt you wore and sweatpants as per usual, “So Y/n, what were you before all of this.” 
Your eyes briefly glanced at Daichi before ahead again, “I worked as a barista at a coffee shop,” You answered with a neutral expression, not wanting to come across bitchy or too nice. 
Men in society, are told from a young age that so long as you’re nice, a good guy, doing the right thing, you’ll always get the girl. It twists the perception of reality for them, suddenly a women being nice is considered flirtation, a date to get to know one another will be rewarded with sex, there’s almost always a goal in mind when it comes to a Nice Guy. 
You don’t think Daichi is one of these men, you could tell by the way he fidgeted and he seemed to hesitate and drag his words out a little, he was too insecure to truly feel that type of superiority. But he had that energy of a guy, who felt these things internally and therefore, if provoked, would probably end up saying the exact same things. 
“Oh?” Daichi perked up a little, his smile was sincere if not a little awkward as his eyes lingered below your stomach, “Like at a maid cafe?” 
“Like at a coffee shop,” You repeated yourself, not being too nice but not too mean, just neutral as you internally sighed, maybe you should’ve stayed partners with Chishiya, you knew he was an ass, but at least he didn’t act like this, or most men for that matter. You could at least appreciate his authenticity even if he was hardly honest, “Uh, let’s just focus on disarming these car bombs.” 
You didn’t give Daichi a chance to reply as you heard the siren go off, breaking off into a sprint because you weren’t even halfway across the bridge yet. You needed to be to the end of the bridge within five minutes if the first bomb was there. Though the chances were low, they weren’t zero. 
You weren’t someone considered extreme fit but you did walk a lot and it seemed you made a lot better head way then Daichi as he was out of breath and had his hands on his knees as you arrived at the end of the bridge, the first car bomb had to be disarmed by now and it had taken a good few minutes to even get here, “Okay, let’s separate and start looking at cards, hoods first then trunks.” 
Daichi nodded, still out of breath as you started on the first car, popping the hood as you searched in before going to the trunk. Leaving it open so you wouldn’t confuse it later on as you had a lot of cars to go through. You hoped Chishiya and Kuina were at the very least, having better luck then you. 
“So I’m guessing you two have probably fucked.” Kuina clacked her tongue as she watched you in the distant sprinting off, in her opinion probably running away from that creep, not that she could blame you, it did give her a good laugh. 
Chishiya’s gaze remained neutral as he ignored Kuina’s comment. Tch, Chishiya made the exception of tolerating your idiocy purely because, to some degree, he’d admit, you were one of the few people he found interesting, he wasn’t sure he could do that for someone else who he wouldn’t consider as such, especially as self entitled as this woman, “I wouldn’t fuck someone like her. You aren’t good at reading people. Let's start searching and not waste time.” 
Kuina raised her hands up, flicking the wooden cigarette in her mouth as she shrugged, “Alright but you can’t fool me with those eyes. It’s clear you two got some chemistry,” She snorted at his lack of reply, “Anyways, what’s your deal?” She asked, furrowing her brows as they both separated, searching through the hoods before popping the trunks, “Bit cold to just let someone die like that.” She called out. 
“In case you’re inferior mind couldn’t tell,” Chishiya leaned against the back of the car as he smiled coldly, “We needed hard proof that Test Life was literal and not only this, but if this equipment is even stable. Which it isn’t, obviously.” Chishiya shrugged casually, “And we wouldn’t have known if someone dumb enough didn’t want to try,” He let out a sing song tone as he smiled in that false innocence of his, “I just consider it natural selection in the Borderlands.” 
Kuina grimaced a little, talk about borderline inhumane, “Oh look what we have here,” Chishiya looked delighted at the sight of the first bomb, it’s quiet tick ever impending to it’s explosion, Kuina quickly came over as she scratched her head, “So we know we’re supposed to disarm them, but we were never told how...Is it really as simple as you said?” She rolled her eyes. 
Chishiya snorted, “This is a basic homemade bomb, and surprise, surprise, it has a battery pack attached, it doesn’t take a genius to know to just pull the wiring and there won’t be any energy to dispense to the denotation.” And just like they, he yanked the wiring from the remote pack and the ticking stopped.
Kuina felt a breath of relief escape her, obviously not confident in his abilities and who could blame her? For as smart as Chishiya was, it was difficult to trust the man, nor would it be wise of anyone. 
“Great, glad we got a bomb expert on our side,” Kuina sighed, pushing her hands into her pockets before yelling out, “We got one!” As loud as she could, it echoed off the bridge and she was sure at least the highschooler heard her, “Anyways that’s boring. So you consider it natural selection huh- harsh. What ‘bout her then? Seems like you only wanted to be with her.” 
“What about her?” Chishiya, now annoyed, turned to Kuina, who was truthfully, only stirring the pot because she enjoyed getting under people’s skin, this blonde’s in particular, “We entered the game together? I guess?” He raised his brows, that dark, yet low innocent expression on his face as he spoke, “I’d assume it’s natural isn’t it? To stick to what one knows? But instead I’m stuck with you.” 
Kuina only offered a menacing smile in return, “In full glory,” She gestured down to herself proudly, “Listen- I’m only stating what I see, that and this is pretty amusing to listen too. It’s not often I get put in a game that isn’t high intensity.” Admittedly, while Kuina would never openly admit to it, Chishiya being here had definitely calmed things down a little, had it not been for his pure cut logic, things would probably be more hectic. 
“I got one!” Kuina looked up at the sound of the highschool girl screaming out, echoing distantly as Kuina curled her fists in victory, “Alright, just three to go, we’ll be done in no time.” Chishiya only looked over his shoulder, saying nothing as he continued searching through cars, “For someone so smart, you sure don’t look victorious.” 
“It’s foolish to assume victory during a battle,” Chishiya spoke, “At least that’s something Sun Tzu would’ve said, we only have two done in a field of cars. They were forgiving with the obvious rules but not so much in the size of the game. It’ll be a tight fit trying to find the last one within five minutes.” 
Kuina rubbed her head, that was true, she guessed, but she didn’t see it like that. The faster they looked and disabled these bombs, the quicker they could find others. It couldn’t be that difficult. 
“But we don’t know where they’re placed, it could be to our advantage that most of them are clumped togeth- Oh…” Kuina paused at the sight of a ticking bomb just inches away from her, apprehension in her face as she stepped away, she could fight with her fists any day of the week but a bomb? No thanks, “Disarm this so I don’t kill us on accident.” 
Chishiya looked smug as she rolled her eyes and with in moments he disarmed it as Kuina called out, the third one finished and only two left to go, if all went well just as planned, then they would have an easy night. 
“Whatever the case is, as long as nobody screws up this will be easy,” Chishiya’s lips twitched into a smirk as he spoke, “They’re pretty stupid to label this a five when it’s really a three.” He supposed, at least this was another build up on his visa which was extending more and more by the day. 
It wasn’t, that Chishiya was interested in death. No, it was quite the opposite, he was fascinated in why there was so much death, what was the reason? He hadn’t come up with a solid theory yet, but it was in the works. And furthermore, games and their mechanics were quite interesting, death being a punishment was only an added twist which was, admittedly beginning to get a little dull in his opinion. 
After all it was difficult to threaten someone with death when they had no fascination in life whatsoever, “Well, just a little more to go and we’ll be finished.” Kuina yawned out, admittedly ready to eat a hot boil of ramen after this before crashing. 
What neither of them expected was the loud booming echo of an explosion black smoke blooming the air both of them were taken a back as they ran to the side railing of the bridge attempting to look for where the explosion was, only to watch you being blasted off the railing straight off the bridge. 
This was not going as planned.
Three Minutes Earlier…
Searching through the car trunk you rubbed your head, you had heard some shouting earlier indicating that the highschool student had already found a bomb and you had heard previous yelling as well, twice, once before the highschool student, another just a minute ago. This game was going fast. You sighed as you shoved your hands into your pocket, it would be bullshit if there wasn’t a single bomb at the back of the bridge.
You supposed it would very fortunate but, you ran all the way here, for nothing if there wasn’t. 
Not to mention you and Daichi had gotten through quite a few cars in minimal time, he has just finished car and was making his way towards the edge of the bridge where on the last few cars of this little sliver were at, you admittedly, still had a long way too go.
You sighed walking over to a Mercedes which looked extremely expensive- maybe you could get someone from the Beach to fix it up…You groaned at the sound of heavy breathing, was Daichi trying to run again?
You peered over the hood of your car until to see him stiff as a board in front of a hood of a white Sudan. 
Sometimes, you can just tell, when something is wrong. Nothing needs to be said, or heard. This was one of those moments where you felt a deep pit in your stomach. You made your way over in a hurry only to head an impending tick and Daichi’s hands were on the bomb making you almost immediately back away, “Uhh...okay cool you found it…” Daichi’s hands trembled and his breath was heavy as you watched a bead of sweat drip down his neck.
 “Just uh...disarm it now.” You frowned a little, peering behind his shoulder to see the timer at was at a minute. Shit this must’ve been the next one activated, “Quickly.”
Daichi’s hands shook harder as he spoke hurriedly, “I...I don’t know how!” He freaked out sweat dripping off his chin as you backed away a little further, finding the edge of the bridge behind you and stepping on something.
“Just...do it like Chishiya said! Daichi we only have forty seconds!” You urged him, trying not to freak him out any further, “Ah here I’ll do it!”
“No!” Daichi screamed out, clutching it further as he spoke harshly, “If- if it’s moved it’ll explode!” He cried out, your heart rate was spiking and if he didn’t do anything you both were going to get killed, “Just rip off the wiring from the pack. Just like Chishiya said.” You shuffled a little, looking down only to see a cord piled up beneath your right foot. 
Swallowing you carefully walked closer to him as you offered a weak smile, “Listen to me,” Daichi trembled and shook as his gaze flickered between the bomb and you, “Just…” twenty seconds left, “Take the wiring and pull it out.” You urged gently.
“How do we even know if we can trust that guy!?” Daichi cried out, “He- he just let a woman die just to see if he was right! We can’t trust him!” Daichi screamed out as you tried to calm your wild heart rate. He needed to calm down and at least try, a try was better than letting the timer go off. 
“Chishiya is an expert with chemistry, science and medicine. If anyone knows how to disarm something I’d place my life on him.” That was a very bold claim you weren’t sure you’d actually put into practice but it was true. 
Ten seconds.
You fumbled backwards as Daichi hyperventilated, “He practically killed someone! If I do something! It’ll be by my own choice!” He screamed out making you jump as you fumbled to lean down, grabbing the metal hook as you attached it to the cuff of your anklet, but it was too late. Daichi ripped the wiring not from the pack, but the bomb. 
You don’t see it, you only see vivid hues of orange and red and blistering heat as the force of the explosion blew you right off the edge. The sky, truly was beautiful, even in your last moments. 
Note: If you guys would like to form a taglist, just let me know so you can keep up to date when I post a new chapter! Hope you enjoyed and let me know your thoughts!! :)
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marvelousell · 4 years
The Agreement (Part 5.)
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Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 3.1k
A/N: I really went with this one lol, I just can’t wait for more Haz in the next parts ngl 👀. Hope you like this andd I would appreciate it if you reblog, leave a comment, or send a feedback!❤️
My tag list is open for this series!
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex, swearing, mentions of alcohol
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
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“He is looking at you, and he has that smile on his face Y/N!” Anna whispered, laughing with you.
Oh this feeling. You missed it so much.
You would catch him staring, giving you a shy smile every now and then.
And there was Tom. Looking hot as always.
He was talking with him and Harry, laughing and drinking, eyeing almost every girl that passed next to them. Some of them were lucky, getting a hug and kiss on the cheek.
He caught you staring, sending you a quick wink.
Nice one Tom, totally original.
Focus Y/N. Tonight is definitely not about him.
“How did you end up together? Did he approach you first? What did he say? Or you? Or...”
“Okay, okay..breathe!” You chuckled at her excitement, happy to have a friend like her by your side.
“You don’t even know how much I would love this to happen!” She pointed at you and him, trying to look as calm as possible.
“I was in the kitchen getting your drink, and I really didn’t see him. He was getting a refill I suppose, so he started a conversation with me, and yeah..” You explained.
“He asked me if I wanted to go outside because the house was packed, and we just sat there and the chat went really smoothly. He is so sweet Anna.”
“I told you he was so your type! He is the most caring and warm-hearted person. He deserves you, and you absolutely deserve him.”
“We really clicked the day we met, and you know how much I like to talk, he listened to every single word. Every day. Especially when I was talking about you, so I thought this would be a great opportunity.” She began.
You didn’t feel that thrilled about a boy ever since Noah.
He really was the first boy that showed some interest in you. It was a nice 2 year relationship and friendship, however the spark just faded.
That’s what he said.
At least it wasn’t an ugly break up, full of screaming and bitter words.
But still it was your first heartbreak and you didn’t want to hear the lousy “we should stay friends” or “we are going to be in touch” sentence. So you just cut him out of your life, and it sure was a great decision after seeing him a few days after with a girl by his side.
“Y/N!!! Woah look at you! You’re having fun I see huh?” Amelia winked, tipsy already.
“How much did you drink Mel?” You giggled when she hugged you.
“Ya know not that much! But definitely enough to go talk to that blondie back there.”
“Good Mel, I’m glad you are having fun too.”
“I think it’s time that you strip and show that piece under your innocent dress babe.” Anna whispered, trying to coax you.
“Are you kidding me? In front of everyone? If you told me that half of the town would be here I wouldn’t even bother to put it on.”
“Oh please Y/N. Look everyone is already in their bikinis! Believe me you don’t have nothing to hide, only to show.” She smirked, tapping your bum twice.
“God. Okay. But I’m not doing this alone, you two are stripping also!” You said.
“Amelia sure forestalled you.” She laughed, looking at a now half naked and drunk Amelia that jumped in the pool.
“I just hope she will not pass out and end up puking in the car like last time.” You said, looking at her laughing and calling for you to join the party.
Sure why not.
You let your dress slide down your body, admiring the red bikini that was on full display now.
“Well holy moly, if he doesn’t want you I’m gonna take the opportunity.” Anna’s eyes went up and down, admiring your figure.
You were so engrossed in the conversation with Anna that you didn’t feel two pair of eyes staring at you.
“Holy shit.” Harrison muttered under his breath.
He was dumbfound. He couldn’t find the right words to describe how gorgeous you were.
Harrison was already struck by your inner beauty, this was just a bonus.
But he sure wasn’t the only one staring and admiring the girl near the pool.
Right behind him was Tom whose eyes were about to pop out of his eye sockets from the view.
He saw already much more than that, but he couldn’t look away.
The red bikini hugged your tits perfectly, your bum looking better than ever.
The scenes from the previous night were on his mind.
If he could, he would take you right there. In front of everybody.
Tom’s erection was getting more visible through his swimming trunks. The throbbing inside was driving him crazy.
“You ready to jump in mate?” Harrison’s voice broke his silent thoughts.
“Yeah, of course.” He said lowly, trying his best not to groan.
Tom thought that the refreshing pool water would help him to calm his hot mind.
He really needed you.
After all the deal said that you would help each other, isn’t that right?
However his plans to come and talk to you were ruined by his friend who was trying to keep you entertained.
“You call that entertainment? We will see what will you like more soon love.” He thought as he swam away, losing his patience now.
You were okay on your own, dipping your feet in the pool, waiting for Anna that dragged Amelia to the bathroom to pee.
You saw Harrison entering the pool again, sending you a small grin letting you know he would join you in a minute.
He presence was making you so nervous, but in a good way.
“Finally got some more time with you, Mel was killing me with the stories about this blonde dude that she met while spilling almost her whole drink on me.” He laughed, slicking his wet hair back.
“Tell me about that, Anna took her to the bathroom to pee. She is really wild tonight.”
He was in front of your legs, his crystal blue eyes were focused on yours.
“You know.. I really want to ask you something.” He began, swimming closer to your legs to rest his arm on top of your knees leaving a trail of goosebumps on your hot skin.
His cold and soft touch sent waves of pleasure through your body.
You could get used to this.
“Go on.”
“I really enjoyed the time we spent tonight, and I really want to do this more often if you would like that too. I mean I would like to take you out, you’re really lovely Y/N.” He reddened after the words slipped past his lips.
“Of course, I really had fun tonight thanks to you Harrison. I really like you.” You spoke back.
“The feeling is definitely mutual. Are you available on Monday?”
“Yes, Monday sounds perfect.”
“Excellent love, now I think it’s time to cool off a little.” He smiled mischievously, grabbing your hips.
“What do you mean cool—“ You didn’t even finish your sentence because you found yourself underwater.
You were out of breath laughing, splashing water on him.
“Oh you’re trying to drown me? You sure are messing with the wrong person here.” You joked, putting your arms on his shoulder.
“Gonna need much more strength for that love.” His arms sneaked around your waist under the water, drawing you close to him.
“Want to try that again?” He whispered, his face close to yours.
His breath fanned your skin, you were so sure something would happen, but something stopped that.
Or should I say someone in particular.
“Am I interrupting something?”
Gosh Tom, you really are a bitch.
“No, no Tom, we were just chatting.” Harrison answered him, stepping outside the pool to sit.
“Well, Amelia is plastered and Anna asked if you could help her so she could put her in bed.” Tom said.
“Sure, are they inside?”
Tom just nodded.
“You gonna wait for me?” Harrison asked before leaving.
“I’m gonna dry myself off, so we can meet in the garden?”
“Deal love.”
Tom just waited for his friend to disappear from your sight so he could finally speak to you.
“Look at you darling, you look divine.”
“Thank you Tom, you sure know when to come.” You spoke back.
“I’m sorry for ruining your sweet moment here darling, but they really needed him.”
You stepped outside the pool, making your way to the house.
“So you really made my mate go all insane for you.” Tom stated, guiding you to the bathroom.
“Did I?” You asked, your heart fluttering at his words.
“Absolutely. He couldn’t keep his eyes away from you.”
“And me as well.” Tom spoke in your ear, looking around so you could enter the bathroom unnoticed.
Fuck Tom.
Should I be even doing this?
“You made me so hard just by watching you in this red two piece bikini.” He growled in your ear.
You leaned your head on his shoulder, trying to relax as much as possible.
The feeling of getting caught was stressing you out.
But you couldn’t say no to him.
You sighed as his lips were teasing your neck and shoulder.
“Shit I craved you so much baby, couldn’t wait any longer.” His hands made their way to the nape of your neck, untying the knot of your top.
Tom’s fingers danced on your skin, coming in contact with your belly.
His palm was placed there holding you close to him, while his other hand toyed with the knots that held the bottom piece of the bikini in place.
“Can you feel how much I want you right now baby?” He rubbed his crotch on your ass, receiving an exciting moan from you.
“Shh, we don’t want anyone to burst in here do we?” He shushed you, pressing a sloppy kiss on your jawline.
“Fuck, no. Just do something already we don’t have much time.”
“You mean you don’t have much time? I have the whole damn time if you ask me.” Tom teased, chuckling into the nape of your neck.
His free hand reached the edges of your bikini, pushing the material to the side dipping one finger into your folds.
“Looks like I wasn’t the only one excited here hm?” He rubbed you slowly, slipping one finger inside of you without a warning.
You tried your best not to be loud, but the feeling of Tom’s fingers buried inside of you made you weak.
“Would love to see you fall apart on my fingers baby, but we both know we need each other now right?”
“Hell yes, please fuck me.” Your eyes still closed, enjoying the pleasure he was giving you.
He removed his hand, making you whine from the feeling of being empty.
“Don’t worry I got something much more better.”
The dark trunks of his were now long gone, his hands lifted you up on the washing machine spreading your legs wide open.
Tom smashed himself inside of you, making you both whine from the feeling.
Your palm grasped his wet curls tightly, pulling him closer to your trembling body.
God this feels so wrong, but so great.
What are you doing to me Tom? No wonder Sophie went crazy about you.
“Tell me love, who can make you this good?”
“Shit you Tommy.” You bit your lip drawing blood to the surface, only to stop the moans escaping from your throat.
“Don’t break the deal between us love. Look how good we make each other feel. You can still be with whoever you want and me as well, no one needs to know it will be our little secret.” He pleaded into your ear.
You were aware of the situation.
Although you knew that this would be wrong in every possible way if something happens between you and Harrison, you couldn’t say no.
He was so addicting, his touch, movements, small talk.
What happened? How did you fell for someone like Tom?
“Christ, this will be so wrong but I-I can’t break this fucking deal.” You muttered out, squeezing your eyes shut from the familiar sensation forming in the pit of your stomach.
You’re going to be the end of me Thomas.
He smiled at your response as his hands pushed through your hair gripping it lightly.
You were close to the edge. You whimpered as his fingers started rubbing your bundle of nerves.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck I’m gonna cum.” You managed to choke out.
Tom wasn’t that far from coming and seeing your beautiful face as you came, he almost bursted.
“That’s right beautiful, you’re doing so good for me. Don’t worry just our little secret.”
And with that he pulled out his length shooting his load on your bare chest.
“Fuck you look so good with my cum all over you.” He smirked playfully, eyeing your tits.
“Full of yourself Holland, hand me a tissue please.” You replied.
The reality hit you hard in that moment.
You were nervous, anybody could tell if they saw you honestly.
You loved Tom and ending this..whatever it’s called wasn’t something you wanted.
And hurting a guy like Harrison by doing something behind his back was a no as well.
“Hey, don’t stress that much.” Tom spoke handing you the tissues.
“You know he likes you, I’m thousand percent sure, he is my best mate I know when he likes someone or not.” He laughed, helping you down from the washing machine.
“I hope so..but that’s not the only thing why I’m worried.” You whispered as you searched through your bag for dry clothes.
“Look I know you think that this is bad..but believe me it’s just a silly deal that’s here for us if we need to blow off some steam and stuff like that. No feelings love, that’s making everything different.”
Maybe he was right?
No one would say a thing, eventually your crush will fade and no harm done.
You hope so.
“Yeah..you have a point. No one will know?” You asked once more.
“No one love.”
You could feel him staring as you tried to dress yourself.
“Do you mind turning around?” You asked, trying to hide your breasts and everything else as much as possible.
“Why? Nothing I haven’t seen or felt before.” He leaned on the white tiles with his eyes still on your body.
“Dear God.” You spoke. Annoyed.
You gave up, starting to dress in front of him.
“I look like shit now, great.” You stared at the reflection in the mirror.
Hair a complete mess, the light makeup long gone by now, your cheeks flushed.
“Oh c’mon you stole his heart anyway, he won’t notice anything.”
Crap, Harrison.
He is probably looking for you.
“How long are we here? He probably thinks I stood him up or something.” You panicked, grabbing the doorknob.
However Tom’s hand was fast enough to stop you.
“Wait, I will go first to see if someone’s around. I will knock if the air is clear, then you can go.”
“Okay, just hurry up.”
The 10 seconds were like an eternity.
You’re heart was running wild because of Tom and Harrison.
You wanted them both.
“Come out.” He said, knocking on the door.
“I see you around then?” He added before you tried to disappear.
“Yes.” You gave him a one last look before speeding down the stairs.
“There she is!” Anna shouted, pointing at you.
“I’m so sorry, I couldn’t f-find my bag so it took me a while.” You spoke, looking at Anna and him.
“No problem, but you missed the fun with Amelia.” Anna giggled.
“Oh that was a show I bet.”
“Definitely, Harry said that she can sleep here tonight, so we don’t have to worry if the car will smell like vomit.” She joked, making a slightly disgusted face.
“Okay, I’m going to find Harry and when you two are done call me.”
You were lost for words again.
He was absolutely beautiful.
“So..” You began, rocking back and forth on your feet.
“Our date still on?” He asked nervously.
“Of course I really did enjoy my evening with you.”
“I’m so glad you did, because I honestly want to see you more.”
Before you could even answer, his arms were on your back.
He pressed an innocent peck on your cheek out of the blue.
Harrison didn’t want to rush anything, but he wanted to show how much you fascinated him.
“See you on Monday?” He said.
“See you on Monday.” You confirmed, embracing him in a short hug.
“Oi, oi already going home?” The cocky voice spoke behind your back.
“Someone wants a decent amount of sleep Holland.” Anna replied, stopping just like you to see what he wanted.
However he did have some company with him.
The same blonde from the living room.
Wasn’t the sex a while ago enough for him?
Of course not.
You felt sick seeing his fingers caressing her slim hip.
Please let us leave.
“The party just started, you’re no fun like always.” He was being a total douche in front of her, nothing like Tom that hangout with us.
“If you’re trying to impress your girl here, you’re failing. Try to sober up a bit then you can talk to us, good night.” She grabbed your hand, marching to her car.
“He is being an total ass tonight.”
“Yeah..” You mumbled, the picture of Tom and the blonde occupying your mind.
“You upset about something? You know you can tell me everything.” She glanced at you, bringing her attention back to the road.
“Oh n-no, nothing’s bothering me really. I’m just stressing about my date on Monday.” You spoke, it was true after all. You were nervous about that as well.
“OHH, yeees Harrison told me he asked you on a date. Believe me nothing to worry about he is head over heels for you babe!”
“Will you come help me out before the date?” You questioned.
“Absolutely! I’m always here to help!” She screeched happily.
“See you then Ann, thank you for this evening and Harrison and everything. Have a good rest, good night.” You hugged her, before exiting the car.
“No problem love! Love to see you happy like this, good night!”
This was an intense night. You were all over the place, the whole night repeating in your head.
Your apartment was dark and quiet.
You kicked your shoes off, exhaling loudly as the tune of a received message grabbed your attention.
Unknown number
I loved your company so much I forgot to ask for your number. Hope you don’t mind that I asked Ann. :)
Haz x
Of course not! I’m glad you asked her! I enjoyed your presence as well. Xx
You were so overwhelmed that sleeping was impossible at that moment. The only thing on your mind was the date and Harrison.
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christineeej94 · 4 years
a/n: hello my loves. I’m writing this from work, on my night shift. I’m such a baddie (I’m joking, don’t take me serious.). So, here it is, the next request.Thank you for your support.❤ Stay safe and great. Kisses🌻
The request:
Anonymous said:
Can you write an Aron Piper imagine where his gf (the reader) is ex-girlfriend of Lorenzo Zurzolo (he plays Niccolo on Baby on Netflix) and they bump into each other while they’re at Milan Fashion Week & Aron’s jealous and protective side comes out which she finds hot asf, with some smut please :) Your writing is amazing I love your blog
warnings:smut or sexual content (+18), bad language and bad writing
word count: 2.115
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Arón Piper x Reader
I put my hands around his torso and I move my fingers on his hard body with slow moves. He moans and that’s turning me on. Our view is Milan Dome and the sun is rising beautifully. I can see some people walking in the morning on the empty streets with a coffee in their hands and very busy with their thoughts. Arón skin is feeling hot under my touch, his muscles are hard and the gold light is hitting our bodies. “Milan is beautiful.” I can hear Arón voice and I don’t know if I’m dreaming or not. Being here with him is a unique moment, visiting my hometown and, also, being here for Fashion Week. Me and Arón met a year ago while I was in a vacation in Marbella. It was a group vacation, I was with my group of friends which also came with other friends.
It’s lunch time and we are taking it at a nice restaurant on the beach. The warm breeze is touching my naked skin and my short dress is flowing from the wind. My best friend, Mina, drags me to follow her through the tables until we stopped in front of a giant table of 24 seats. We were late because I wanted to buy a special swimsuit and I didn’t stop till I found it. “Here, it’s an empty seat next to Arón and another one next to Momo.” Miguel said and Mina jumped next to Momo, I know she has a crush on him. I walk and I sit next to the beautiful boy who’s gazing me since we arrived. “Hi” I feel his hot breath next to my ear and electric lines pass my body. I think my face is red right now. I look around and everyone is talking with someone, no one remark my red face. “Hi.” I really like him and I know him from a long time because I going every week on Élite set to visit Mina. I moved in Spain 5 months ago because I received a better job at an agency in Madrid. My parents agreed but my ex-boyfriend is so pissed on me. He thought that I will be forever with him and we will live in Italy. I take the decision but I wasn’t moved when I found he cheated on me. It was a horrible feeling, after so many years together, he done this thing.
“What are you thinking at?” Arón pinched my arm and I turn around to see everybody looking at me and the waiter waiting for my order. “Sorry, I lost my mind for a minute. Caprese salad and water with lime.” I smiled and the waiter rolled his eyes. “So rude.” I comment and Arón laughs. “Yeah, he is rude. He waited for you.” I smiled innocent and I fix big hand with my eyes. “Answer my question. What is bothering you?” “It’s a good time, we shouldn’t talk about this right now. But we can talk about how beautiful is Spain.” “I think we should talk how gorgeous are you.” He puts his on my leg and I got goosebumps instantly. I blushed and he smiled. He couldn’t say anything cause our food came. But he didn’t take his hand off my leg.
After the lunch it’s time for party and we got back at the house we rented. I went in my room and I put one my new bikini and I went down stairs. I sit next to Arón on the lounge chair by the pool and I started to apply some shimmer oil on my body. The curly boy looks like he is sleeping and I he is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the bright sun. I get up and I test the water from the pool with my tip toes. “Watch out!” I heard a yell behind me and I want to turn around but my body collapsed and something heavy is throwing me and him in the water. I swim to the top and some strong arms caught me and sealed me in a tight hug. “I thought you were sleeping.” He smiled and that cute dimple is everything to melt my heart. “I was observing you. You look delicious.” I want to say something to him too but he seals my mouth with his wet lips. I can taste a cigarette flavor and some mint gum. My hands play with his wet curls and hands are holding my ass. We stopped after a while, breathing heavily and looking in each other eyes. “That was intense.” I said and he smirks. “You didn’t see anything yet. Let’s get out of here.” Arón kissed me again.
End of flashback
We stepped out of the water I know that my life is going to change. I feel his warm lips on my cold skin and I adore the feeling. He goes down on my back with a lot of kisses and he stopped when his mouth met my short pj pants. “Bend on the bed.” He ordered and I nodded excited. He gave me a kiss before I execute his command and his hands are taking off my pants. I feel his hot breath on my private aria. I thought at what he is going to do and I moaned. “Easy, pussycat, you are too excited. Do you want me there?” “Yes baby, I want you all.” I replied mumbling. When he licked my clit, I scream surprised and I couldn’t stop my moans. I tighten in my hands the sheets. “¡Joder!” I cursed and I feel his smile on my sensitive aria. “I love when you try to speak in Spanish, but I adore when you cursed in Spanish.” He giggles and he turn me on the bed, now we can look in each other eyes. “Stop laughing and fuck me.” I command and he stopped. “Uh, baby, you are killing me. My bossy wifey.” Arón giggled and he pushed his hard erection in me. I gasped and I slammed my head on pillows. He is teasing my nipples with his fingers and he is pushing harder and harder inside me. My interior is tightening around him and that make him moan and groan.
From the moment when we start our relationship, he told me that every morning is better if it starts with a good morning sex. I can say it´s one of the best mornings I had in the last 4 days. We were so stressed about this trip. One reason is because Arón is going to meet my family and second one is because we are going to appear in our first catwalk together. My agency asked me before the fashion week if we want to make an appearance at Balenciaga catwalk, they are launching a new collection for couples and they offered Arón a post. He is kinda nervous but I got this. “Baby, you are thinking too much again.” He comes closer to me and we seal our naked bodies. Arón smells like a fresh morning on the beach. His shower gel is very fresh and I can smell his strong parfum. “I’m always thinking too much. How are you feeling for tonight?” “I little bit nervous but I know that you will be next to me. I love you.” He rubs his nose on my shoulder and I love this feeling. “I love you too, amore.” I place a kiss on his cheeks and now I’m thinking at him. He is a different person beside the person which everybody sees on the internet.
“I’m going to make some breakfast, what do you want?” I asked while I’m putting his t-shirt on my body. He is gazing me and I blushed. Arón smirks and I rolled my eyes. “Give me a break.” I said joking and he acts hurt, putting a hand on his chest like I hurt him. “We don’t need food, I have you, you have me. That’s all what we need. No one counts right now.” He smiled and I came closer to give him a kiss. “Pancakes then.” I said and I laugh. “You are like the Ice Queen.” He mumbled and take out a cigarette, putting between his lips. I love to watch him smoking, it’s so hot.
 We arriving at the event and we do some photos before going inside. I can see a lot of celebrities and we go to the backstage to get ready. Makeup artists, designers and a lot of people spin around as and we went on separate ways to get dressed. After 2 hours we met in the waiting room, me and him are entering in 3 minutes. “We are looking good as fuck.” I said happy and my eyes are dressing up my boyfriend. He is looking too sexy to be real. Arón winked to me and we take our hands together, walking on podium and smiling to the cameras and the crowd. We posed and going back in the backstage. “Amazing, amazing.” The people in backstage applauded everybody and we get ready for the after party.
We got as a gift our outfits and Arón hold an interview before the after party. At the party a lot of people came to us, changing some words and go. Arón went to the bar to bring some drinks for us and I stayed alone at the table. The chair next to me moved and I look at the person who wants to sit on it. Lorenzo look deeply into my eyes and I look at him surprised.
“(Y/N), I was so surprised when I saw you on the runway with Piper.” He spoke and I look in other direction. I can’t believe he is here now. My heart beat so fast and my cheeks got so red. I’m nervous but not because I’m glad to see him. Yeah, I loved him so much, but right now I don’t know what to feel about him. “We are together.” I respond simple and I look after my boyfriend. I don’t know how he will react. “So, how’s your life in Spain? Don’t you miss the pasta or me?” I look at him surprised and I wanted to respond something ugly, like a bad word, like Arón used to say to me “You are a bon-bon, don’t use bad words.”. “We have everything we need in Spain. She had a lot of pasta and a lot of great sex with me and wonderful time with me.” Arón said from behind and I froze. Fuck. Lorenzo looked at him smirking, then his perfect smile disappears. Arón is a very intimidating person when he is serious and, right now, he is serious, a little bit furious and jealous. His hands are holding tight the glasses and his eyes are black. Arón and Lorenzo know each other from a campaign and now I can see that’s why my ex couldn’t support my actual boyfriend. They are very different and you can see this. “Like you can fuck her after your gay experience.” Lorenzo attacks and Arón face is red from fury. “I don’t cheat on her like you did. Now move your ass.” His voice is strong and I feel his jealousy. He is sexier than before. His hair is messier and his black gaze is taking off my clothes. I get up and I slammed my lips on Arón lips, letting Lorenzo watching our show. “Let’s get out of here.” I whisper and he grins. “Bye Lorenzo.” I said quickly and don’t remember when I got in a bathroom.
Arón unlock the door and I’m raising my skirt. I supported my hands on the sink and I looked in the mirror to meet Arón horny gaze. “You are a straight line to death to me, princesa.” I bite my lip excited and I said on a lower voice. “I like you jealous, horny, serious. I like you in every way.” He penetrated me furiously and he grab my hair, pulling hard my head on the back. His moves make me cum quickly but he continues to fuck me. My walls tight around his dick and I feel him big and hard, pumping and making me moan every time. I know he want to rip of Lorenzo head and I know this is the best way to calm his blood. “I want you forever.” I said and he grins, pushing harder and harder. “I know it’s not a proper time, but I want you too.” He pulls harder my hair and whisper into my ear. “I wanted you more than everything.”  
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Not So Bad After All (one-shot)
Synopsys: When the Reader’s car won’t start and the only person around is Billy Hargrove, she’d rather let the Demogorgon take her out on a date. But when her crazy ex decides to roll around, having another person in her corner might not be that bad. 
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x f!Reader
Genre: fluff, lil bit of angst, but only like if you squint
Warnings: swearing, mentions of stalkerish behaviour, suggestive talk, but nothing much. If there’s anything else, please let me know :)
Word count: 3008
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        Summer nights in Hawkins were like a game of Russian roulette. They could be hot and sweltering, and to the point that you wanted to camp on the lake for some kind of relief from the heat, or they could be ruled by piercing winds, and temperatures that dropped below 50 degrees, despite the weather during the day being literal Hell.         Fortunately for Y/N, it was the first one, as she had no harrowing want to go back to the community pool in barely there jean shorts, a bikini top and a loose Jaws t-shirt over her body.         Working at the pool was a tradition at this point for her, and forgetting her bag with her driver’s license, wallet and house keys much the same.         Letting out a frustrating huff, she opened the gate to the pool and strutted towards the women’s changing rooms, not acknowledging Billy Hargrove who had applied for the lifeguard job and had gotten it, becoming her partner. Sort of.         They shared shifts, as there needed to be two lifeguards on spot at all times, but if Y/N was being honest, she’d rather share her time with a Demogorgon, than Billy.         He was stuck up, thought he was better than everyone else, flirted mercilessly with anyone that would come up to him, had two boobs and a vagina between their legs. Not that she really cared, but when in the timespan he was offering Nancy Wheeler’s mom ‘private swimming lessons’, a kid had slipped and broken his nose and another one had twisted her ankle, Y/N was very much so over his bullshit.
        Y/N groaned seeing as someone had left the women’s sauna door open, which meant all the heat had escaped into the showers, and she could only hope it hadn’t been left open cause Billy had wanted to have some fun with a girl.         Sighing, Y/N peeked inside and crossed her fingers that she wouldn’t have to clean all that mess up, and it turned out luck was on her side, as everything seemed clean. Heather would still have to mop down the floors in the morning when her shift started, but that was not Y/N’s concern.         As quick as possible, she closed the sauna door, placed a towel by the entrance to soak up the moisture on the tiles and rushed to get her stuff. She was starving by that point, and her dad had promised they’d be having a barbecue night. Just at the thought of food, her stomach released the loudest grumble ever.         With her bag slung over her shoulder, Y/N pulled out her car keys from the back pocket of her shorts and gave Billy a small tight-lipped smile as he held the gate open for her before closing for the night.         “You sure you got everything?” he asked, and she nodded.         “If not, I’ll just get it tomorrow.”         And that was it for their conversation. They weren’t enemies, but they certainly weren’t friends. Y/N hung out with Steve Harrington most of the time, and let’s just say Billy and him were not buddies. Besides, it’s not like Billy had expressed any interest in getting to know her, so why should she?         She pulled back the hair that had stuck to her forehead from the humidity, and dropped her bag into the passenger seat, putting her foot onto the clutch and twisting the key.         Her eyebrows furrowed, and she repeated the motion.         Like before, the engine sputtered, rattled and did nothing.         “Fucking, hell, are you kidding me?” Y/N muttered and slapped her hands against the wheel, stepping out of her car and sighing. “I just fixed you.” It was an old car, but it wasn’t ancient so it made no sense why it would be acting up.         From the corner of her eye, she saw Billy approach, and Y/N rolled her eyes at the cigarette he dumped onto the ground and extinguished with his foot. “Need some help, sweetheart?”         “I’d rather shove a spoon through my eye.”         Billy let out a small snort and shook his head, the dirty blond curls that had stretched out a bit from the heat swishing along his forehead in soft waves. “Come on. I just want to help. I promise that’s all.”         Y/N eyed him sceptically but relented in the end. Maybe she’d need his help and have him spark her car up. “But if your hands go somewhere, I can’t see, you’re dead.”         “Noted, princess.”         She rolled her eyes at the nickname, which seemed to be Billy’s favorite pastime, but nevertheless, Y/N opened her door and leaned to open the glove compartment where a flashlight resided. You never knew, when it could come in hand, and the lighting outside the pool’s parking lot wasn’t the best.         “Pop the hood,” Billy said, and Y/N pressed the button on the inside, the hood obscuring her vision of her ex-classmate.         “Your ignition cable’s gone,” he immediately announced.         “What?” she rushed to his side, shining the light to where Billy was pointing at, and true to his words – the cable was gone.         “Are you kidding me?” Y/N leaned closer but nope, the view didn’t change. The cable was really gone. Right then, the sound of a car engine rolling up next to them made the two look up. Even without glimpsing the shitty green paint job on the Mustang, Y/N would’ve recognized the car and the owner in a matter of seconds.         “You’ve gotta be joking,” she mumbled glaring at the car that was approaching them as if she could see through the metal hood.         Billy’s eyes flitted down to where Y/N was glaring a hole in her car.        "Know who it is?"         “That’s my insane ex-boyfriend. Ever since I broke up with him, which, mind you, was months ago, he’s been stalking me.” She slammed down the hood, and it would’ve made Billy flinch, had it not been for the overwhelming feeling of anger that started to course through his veins. “And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that my car’s dead.”         “The pool’s closed, amigo,” Billy called out to the boy who stepped out from his car. The Californian would never admit, but he’d grown really attached to Y/N. He didn’t show it, nor did it seem like she noticed one bit, but he always kept out an eye for her.         Whenever she was the one on closing duty, he lingered around under the guise of trying to hook up with a girl in his car, but in truth, it was to see if she got to her own vehicle safely.         He always made sure Y/N took her lunch breaks and wasn’t in the direct heat of the sun for too long. There had been one time she’d passed out in the girl’s locker room, according to Heather, after having basically worked a double shift, and Billy’s protectiveness just grew. He'd even given half of his sandwich when the only thing Y/N had had time to pack before rushing for her shift had been an apple.         “Y/N,” the dark-haired boy’s tone had the fake-shocked note to it. “I didn’t expect to see you here… is everything alright?”         She crossed her arms and popped her hip out. “It was. Until you showed up and completely ruined my evening.”         “That’s a bit mean, isn’t’ it?” the guy chuckled, and pretty much simultaneously both Y/N’s and Billy’s jaws clenched. Hers because Derek was the last person on her list of people she wanted to see, Billy’s cause he could instantly tell what a disgusting slime ball he was.         “We’re alright here,” the blond answered and puffed up his chest a bit if only to make it clear Y/N didn’t need his help and neither wanted him there. “And again – the pool is closed. So, piss off.”         Derek scoffed. “Yeah, I wasn’t talking to you, Hargrove. I was talking to the lady here.”         “Well I don’t think she wants to talk to you,” Billy sneered in response and looked over at Y/N who was just looking at Derek. For the first time ever, he was glad her eyes were not on him. Whenever he caught her glancing his way, his heart sped up in excitement, but now... if looks could kill, Billy was sure Derek would be twenty feet under.         “I think she can talk for herself, right, lovie?”         And Derek got what he wanted – a reaction out of her. Y/N hated that nickname, had always despised it, but it took two to play a game.         “Car trouble,” she said and slowly walked closer to Derek and coincidentally, but not really so coincidentally, her trunk. “Couldn’t start it, and Billy here offered his help.”         “You know that you can always ask me for help, right?” Derek’s tone was softer now but held an edge to it as he eyed Billy. “We might not be together, but I still care about you. Unlike the slut of the town who probably just wants to get in your pants.”         “Oh, I don’t doubt that,” Y/N smiled at the ground, and it made Billy’s heart clench. He knew he had a reputation, but that didn’t mean he didn’t genuinely care for her. Though when she pulled out a baseball bat, her grip tight around the handle, his mood shifted. “But there’s caring about someone,” she said, “and then there’s your absolute psycho behavior.”         “Y-Y/N?” Derek stuttered, and Billy crossed his arms with a smug look on his face.         “See here’s the thing, Billy boy here said that my ignition cable’s gone, which is funny, cause I was at the pool for barely five minutes,” she tossed the bat from one hand to the other before flipping it in her palm. “And less than two minutes after I’m in a little bit of trouble, you,” she pointed at Derek with the bat, “show up. And if you think I believe in coincidences such as this, you’re dead wrong.”         Derek bristled, and Y/N smiled seeing a muscle in his jaw tick, especially when Billy went to tower behind the other guy’s back. “You can’t be serious and think that I'd do something to your car? This is ridiculous.”        “Then you wouldn’t mind me searching your Mustang?” She pointed with the bat at the window. From the corner of her eye, Y/N could see Billy’s lips pull up in a smirk. She’d be lying if the thought of having him on her side wasn’t a soothing one.        Derek’s eyes widened at the sight, and he gulped when she gently slid the piece of wood across his back window.        “You wouldn’t mind me taking a look, would you?” Y/N repeated in a way too sweet of a tone.        “You’re crazy,” he said, making her eyes darken.        “Fine. Then I guess I just have to make myself fit that label,” she sneered and swung the bat back. Just as it was about to reach the window, Derek screamed, ‘alright, fine!’        His chest was heaving up and down, but Y/N could see how his fists clenched and unclenched. “Do whatever the fuck you want.”        In mock gratitude, Y/N put a hand against her chest. “Thank you.”        Her eyes flitted to Billy. “Would you mind keeping an eye on him?”        The Californian’s grin widened, and his tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip. “Not at all, princess. Take as much time as you need.”        But Y/N only had to look for three minutes, before she remembered that under the backseats, there was a compartment Derek had made to stash his weed, fearing his parents might find it if he hid it in his room, so with a little bit of prying and almost breaking off a nail, Y/N opened the little compartment and was greeted by a greasy tube sticking out from it.        “Oh, Billy, would you look at that!” Y/N exclaimed not surprised at all as she threw the boy the cable. “I think we found the hidden treasure.”         “Well, I think you need to change professions from a lifeguard and become an archaeologist, miss Indiana Jones.”         “Exactly my thoughts,” but her sarcastic reply was not filled with any humor at all.        “Listen here, you absolute psycho,” Y/N growled as she moved closer, grip tightening around her bat. “If I even smell you anywhere near me, your ass is dead. Got it? I broke up with you cause you were a piece of shit, but I wanted to remain civil. Though, now, it seems like it’s not possible.”        But as much as Derek was scared, ‘cause he knew Y/N never made threats only promises, he still wouldn’t see the error of his ways. “Come on, darling. I just miss you. Why don’t we go grab a bite and talk everything out? Let’s not let this dent our relationship…”         “Dent,” Y/N chuckled and shook her head. “The only dent that I’ll ever acknowledge, cause there’s no relationship between us, is the dent in your car.”         Simultaneously as Derek yelled ‘what?!’ Y/N swung back the bat and let it connect with the passenger door.         “You bitch! What are you doing you psychopath?!” her ex screamed as his hands went to tangle in his hair. “I’ll make you pay for that, just you wait!”        “Go on,” she smirked heaving in a breath after she left another dent on the side, “tell your daddy and mommy your crazy ex busted up your car. And I’ll tell Hopper how you’ve been parked outside of my house for the past three months trying to spy on me. Or how about the times you've followed me with your car? Who do you think he’ll believe – me, someone with evidence – or you – a bitter boy who just can’t get over a girl that doesn’t want him?”        Derek’s eyes widened in fear. “What evidence?”        Y/N scoffed and crossed her arms. “Did you really think I wouldn’t notice you lurking outside my house and not do anything about it? I know how people treat women, that whenever they say something it’s because they’re crazed bitches. So,” she smiled smugly, “I had my parents install a security system with cameras. And your license plate shines brightly under those streetlights. Oh, and how could I forget our star witness tonight. Billy, sweetheart, if I went to Hop and told him about everything, would you mind corroborating the story? You know, how I came here to get my stuff, how I couldn’t start my car and we found out my ignition cable was gone. Not to even mention, how it turned up in the back of Derek's car here?”        “Of course not, princess,” he smiled mimicking Y/N’s position. “It would be an absolute honor.”        “You’ll never get into her pants,” Derek sneered at the other guy, trying to strike a chord, “in three years she didn’t put out once.”        “Trust me,” came Y/N’s immediate reply. “Billy has more chance of getting with me than you ever had or will. Now stay away from me, or it’ll end uglier than it started.”        Derek swung open his door and hopped in his car, sneering out a ‘you’ll regret this, you bitch’, before driving away into the night.        “Gotta say, Y/L/N,” Billy smirked and helped reinstall the cables to her car, “I’d be lying if I said I’m not scared and aroused at the same time.”        “Busting up a car makes you hard?” she let out a genuine laugh sitting down into the driver’s seat and turning the key, fist-bumping the air as her car roared back to life.         “No, but a girl not taking anyone’s bullshit might,” the look on his face was the pure embodiment of what she thought of Billy, of his womanizing ways, and Y/N rolled her eyes.         “If you haven’t noticed, I haven’t been taking your bullshit either.”         He sucked his bottom lip between his teeth before answering completely honestly. “Then why do you think I’ve been trying so hard to make you like me?”         Her jaw practically slammed through the car floor, because when Y/N’s eyes met his, there was not a single trace of him lying or scheming something up. This was Billy without his bravado, asking out a girl he had actual feelings for, and hoping that she wouldn’t break his heart too much.        “What are you doing this Friday?” Y/N asked both hands on the wheel to have something to hold on instead of fidget with her fingers.        For a second, he was stunned but quickly regained his composure. “Dunno,” Billy smirked, “have any ideas?”        Y/N shrugged but didn’t hide the smile that blossomed on her lips. “They’re still showing Day of the Dead. Wanna go and watch?”        He seemed to contemplate her proposal but then shook his head. “Can’t,” he chuckled. “I’m taking this smokin'-hot chick on a date tomorrow morning, so hopefully on Friday it’ll be our third one.” But his face had this huge grin on that made her frown in confusion.         “Then why did you say you don’t know?”         “Cause first I have to take you out for breakfast.”        “What?” her eyebrows scrunched up and she let out a small laugh. Billy pointed at her before hopping into his Camaro, rolling down the passenger side window and stating, “10 AM. Benny’s. Be ready or I’ll leave without you.”         With that, he revved up his beloved blue baby and reversed out from the parking lot.         What she didn’t see was how he smiled all the way back to his house even doing a little dance as he walked up the steps.         What he didn’t see was how she squealed in excitement and hugged both her parents when she got home so hard they thought they’d pass out.         “What’s up with you?” Y/N’s father laughed seeing his daughter so over the moon that he had to look at her mom with a raised eyebrow.         “Nothing,” she shook her. “I’m just… happy.”         Luckily they didn't question her any further, and just let her smile as widely as her cheeks would allow.        Maybe the bad boy of Hawkins wasn’t that bad after all.
Tags (crossed out wouldn't take):
Forever tags: @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @sweet-ladyy @magicwithaknife @ollyoxenfrees @bnhvrdy @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl @sj-thefan @teenwolflover28
Billy Hargrove’s tag list: @la-reina-tigresa @youcanstandundermyumbrella
A/N: thought I’d get something else up as well for Billy :)
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obxfics · 4 years
Help me, Rhonda
summary: sarah cameron is getting married to topper, and y/n wants to help her friend get over his heartbreak
pairing: john b x reader
word count: 1,405
a/n: the 1960s AU absolutely no one asked for lmao. john b isnt present in this fic a whole lot (discussed a fair bit though) and inspired by listening to my 50s/60s playlist and the Beach Boys. thinking of making this a series of fics based off songs from the era. anyways, i hope you all like this! also why are john b gifs so hard to find
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“You hear about Sarah and Topper?”
You and Kie had been having a pleasant night at the drive-in with your brothers when the boys insisted you two go get some snacks before the movie. The line was long, but it was fine. The movie wouldn’t start for a while anyways. It seemed the whole drive-in was packed with teens waiting to see How to Stuff a Wild Bikini for some beach party fun for the summer, and you knew the Pogues were especially excited after seeing the poster. JJ insisted there would be some sex, but everyone had just rolled their eyes at him. You all knew there wasn’t going to be anything like that, but you were still happy to go out and see it. Your good mood, however, was soon dampened by Kie’s question.
“Who hasn’t heard?” you replied as you drew your brother Diego’s old letterman jacket tighter around your body. “Half the island was rejoicing, and the other half was disappointed but not surprised. I mean, everyone knew a relationship between a Kook and a Pogue was never gonna last.”
Kie sighed as you took a few steps forward with the moving line. Your best friend kicked at the ground with her Keds and shrugged.
“I don’t know, I guess I was just hoping she’d stick with John B.”
“We all did, for his sake, but you can’t tell me that you didn’t know deep down that she’d end up marrying Topper. Their parents have been pushing that since we were in the third grade.”
“So, what, we were just her rebellious phase?”
You shrugged and dug around in the jacket’s pockets for the cash your oldest brother Christian had slipped in there.
“Every girl who lives on the Figure Eight has one at some point, right? How many did JJ get with last summer?”
“Come on, Sarah is our friend... did you really never believe she could have changed? That she was serious about John B?”
“Hi,” you greeted the boy behind the counter with a smile, “one large popcorn and four Cokes, please.” You turned to Kie as the boy turned to shovel popcorn into a bucket. “I think she was serious about John B, but she’s just a lot more scared of what her dad would do if she didn’t do what he says this time.”
“He’d probably kill John B.”
“Exactly. And we spend too much time at his place for him to be killed like that.”
She laughed as you slid the three dollars across the counter and grabbed the drinks. “So you’d only be upset if John B died because we wouldn’t be able to hang around the Chateau anymore?”
“Yes, ma’am, that is the only reason.”
“Has nothing to do with the fact that you’ve been crushing on him since sophomore year, right?”
“Kie, I already have one brainless surfer with amazing hair in my life. I don’t need another Diego, thank you very much.”
“Right, and I’m sure that game of spin the bottle at Sarah’s boy-girl party last summer had no effect on you.”
“Well... I didn’t say that.”
The two of you dissolved into a fit of giggles and tried to shush each other as you climbed into the bed of Christian’s Chevrolet where your brothers were waiting.
“Y’all took quite a long time,” Diego said. “Gossiping too much to get me my Swedish Fish, I assume.”
“It’s called the screening of How to Stuff a Wild Bikini and the whole island coming out to see it,” you snarked back before shoving a handful of popcorn in your mouth. “The line was super long, Diego.”
You rolled your eyes and snuggled close to Kie under the blanket she had brought. The movie was about to start anyhow, and you weren’t about to miss it. Pretty soon into the movie the four of you realized Frankie Avalon was not gonna be a big part, and your interest in it quickly dwindled.
“It’s just not the same,” Diego ranted as the credits rolled onscreen. “You can’t have one without the other!”
“I liked seeing Buster Keaton,” Christian said, trying to stay neutral as always.
“Was it just me, or was that movie not as fun as advertised?” JJ asked as he appeared beside the truck.
“Was it because you couldn’t really see Annette in her swimsuit?” Kie teased.
You let out a laugh and turned your attention to John B as Kie and Pope got into an argument with JJ about the movie.
“Hey there, stranger,” you greeted, bringing his gaze up to you. “Haven’t seen you around lately.”
He offered you a bashful smile and looked down at his scuffed Chucks.
“JJ’s been taking me out surfing pretty much everyday, and whenever we stop at the diner, your pops says it’s not your shift,” he said. “It’s not like I’ve been avoiding you or anything.”
“Well now I’m starting to think you are,” you teased.
“It’s just been... you know.”
You looked at him and saw the bags under his eyes. He must not have been getting much sleep since hearing the news of Sarah’s impending nuptials. Going surfing everyday must have been JJ’s idea of taking his best friend’s mind off the heartbreak, but it did not seem to be working.
“Hey, you wanna get out of here?”
His head snapped up at your question, and you could see the relief in his face. So you hopped out of the truck and grabbed his hand.
“Come on, let’s go have some fun.” You began dragging him away from the others.
“Wait, what about your brothers and Kie?”
“They’ll be fine. Probably. You need me more than they do, and they’re busy talking about the movie to even notice we’re gone.”
John B laughed a bit as you led him through the many cars and people still loitering at the drive-in.
“Do you even know where I parked the Volkswagen?”
“I was just hoping I’d stumble upon it eventually,” you admitted. “But please lead the way because I will get us lost.”
“Oh, I know, babe,” the pet-name slipped out easily and you didn’t think he even noticed. “Remember when you got lost trying to get to the diner from my place?”
“In my defense, it was dark.”
“It was three in the afternoon!”
“Alright, alright, I am terrible with directions, you know that.”
“Well, Miss terrible with directions, where are we headed?”
You climbed into the van that was parked at the edge of the drive-in and shrugged. You hadn’t really thought that far ahead if you were being honest. So you glanced at him and swept your arm in front of you.
“The world is our oyster, John B. Why don’t you take me to your favorite place on the island? A place that makes you happy.”
He looked over at you. “Why are you doing this?”
“Being a good friend?”
“I mean... I guess that but... we...” He couldn’t meet your eyes, cheeks completely aflame. “The other night, when I opened the wedding invitation, we... you know.”
You nodded and played with your fingers. You reached out to turn on the radio, smiling when it started playing the new Beach Boys song that came out earlier that year. Perfect.
“John B, you know this song, right?”
“Yeah, of course. JJ always requests it on the jukebox at the diner.”
“Okay, well, I’m trying to be your Rhonda, John B. Because seeing you in pain, hurts me too.”
“I don’t really think you’re in the right place emotionally to talk about the why, do you? Right now I just want to take you to where you’re happiest on this island and forget about everything else in the world.”
Your eyes met again in the dimly lit van, and you felt what you did the other night, when you had comforted John B after he’d realized the girl he loved was getting married to another man. Your lips met almost hesitantly, like neither of you were sure this was a line you were allowed to cross sober, but eventually he gained some more confidence. His hand came around to cradle the back of your neck, his thumb brushing over your jaw, and you sighed when his tongue swiped at your lips. When you pulled back for air, some of your lipstick was smeared all over his mouth, but he didn’t seem to care as he stared at you. His thumb rubbed your bottom lip, and a smirk pulled at his lips when you nipped at it.
“Alright, then. Help me, y/n. Get her out of my heart.”
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Yay it’s my favorite time of the week! Digimon Adventure:! Can’t believe we’re already at episode 16! This week somewhat recapped the mission we’ve been on for... 14 episdoes now x’D and I realized I forgot all kinds of shit. It’s so funny, when I was ten and watching Digimon Adventure I could remember everything, but now that I’m sadly an adult I can’t keep track of these high paced children’s shows!
(Supposedly they spoon feed kids stories so they can understand it more easily... but I gotta say I think I’m the one that needs the help, bahahaha)
ALSO... apparently there was an earthquake this morning! It was too north of me so I didn’t feel it (I was... also sleeping >-> so...) But it was right when the show started airing so the info came scrolling across the screen. At first it said
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“Just in case, be careful of tsunami”
and like just three min or so later
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“There is no need to worry about a tsunami due to this earthquake”
Phew! Also, Digimon causes earthquakes! Hide yo wife hide yo kids! Is that meme still current?? Does it matter???? I’m a millennial, boomers hate me, gen Z hates me, at least let me have my memes! XD
OK enough goofing off, on to what really matters, freaking Digimon man! This episode gave me tons of Taichi spam. Mmm my favorite kind of spam! But it also gave me avocado cheeseburger spam too!
So although I completely forgot about it, I was pretty excited for this ep when they allegedly return to the real world! Last week’s preview made it pretty obvious it was going to be either a fake reality or the evil Digimon had taken over the real world much more deeply than we realized. Fake reality made the most sense. But they tried to trip us up anyway! The opening shots are clear references to the famous episode 21 of 99 Adventure, although given that was the best animated episode of the entire show, this one just doesn’t do it justice.
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He’s not sweating, the sun isn’t as intense... it just makes Fizz nostalgic
Finding them suddenly home, the kids are all pretty bewildered at first. Predictably, Mimi is the first to recover. What motivates her?
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From Burger Jack’s bahahahaha
Mimi starts excitedly listing all the things she wants to do now that they’re home. Aside from eat delicious burgers, she wants to take a shower, change clothes...
I’m like “Oh, so these kids HAVE been feeling the effects of how much traveling they’ve been doing!”
Seriously though why didn’t anyone comment on it before now?? In 99 Adventure most of the kids couldn’t shut up about the lack of basic necessities and creature comforts. It was really easy to feel how much they were struggling! Everyone in this series is so darn serious all the time. Sora even brought that big bag of emergency supplies but we only rarely see it get used.
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Taichi and Koushirou are a little more wary, though they come across as mainly confused.
Mimi wants to go eat burgers right off, but Taichi convinces her they should go home first. “Oh yeah, I have parents” - Mimi, probably.
They get on a train. The Digimon are very cute. They finally notice that no one’s paying attention to them. It took 0.3 seconds for Tokyoites in ep 21 of 99 Adventure to start freaking out over Koromon, so this was a big clue if you somehow missed that there’s something not right.
On the other hand, for a world that is presumably an illusion created by some Digimon, it sure is, er...
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... accurate in surprising ways, bahahaha
(no seriously did we NEED bikini girls?? did we NEED them? I know it’s everywhere on every train for all kinds of proucts but did we NEED them here)
(the TEEN 17 in particular is killing me)
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Some gratuitous Taichi spam
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Mimi lives in the affluent Shibuya area now so the kids split up to continue on home. I love Taichi called her ‘ojousama.’
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Taichi wonders if Yamato and the others got home okay too. Koushirou wonders if whatever was causing the blackout has really been defeated. (Mimi’s theory is “Sora-san and the others must have done something about it!” Which I just liked because by naming her she identifies Sora as the one she feels closest to awww)
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They won’t say it, but the truth is these two are kinda disappointed... lol
However they won’t be disappointed for long... because this midnight train really isn’t going anywhere. *wink* see what i did there
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Mimi’s walk home has also turned into a labyrinth. Which is totally normal for Toyko subways really. Mimi gets so tired from walking that she starts hallucinating that Palmon’s head is in fact an avocado.
Girl you got a problem but no judging. I got the same problem.
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AVOCADO BURGER!! Think of it in your heart and it will appear!
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Now that’s not creepy at all.
Several episodes ago we learned that Mimi has never seen The Mummy. Apparently she’s never seen any horror movies at all, because she still approaches the counter to order her freaking burger even after seeing the cashier’s shadowy clearly evil visage.
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On finally realizing that this train can’t go anywhere but Shibuya, Taichi and Koushirou get off and reunite with Mimi, who has learned nothing and continues talking to people. The only possible result of this is...
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... creepy eyes appearing and trying to EAT her
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Mimi: “Taichi-san!!”
she could ask her partner for protection but Taichi’s around and he’s everyone’s big brother so
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The cause of all this mischief turns out to be this creepy dude! He’s kind of cute!
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Also rather larger and more solid than I anticipated!
Of course this nightmare won’t end so easily.
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You know you’re in for it when the walls are covered in glowing red eyes. That uh, shoot laser beams at you.
Cyclops: Not lasers! Concussive optic rays!
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It turns out there wasn’t just one creepy dude, there were many. I’ve found my Halloween costume!
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Our heroes finally figure out that this world is not their real world when they come across these tetris people.
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For someone who’s never watched a single scary movie, Mimi does an impressive white-girl-in-a-horror-flick face.
I know she’s not white I’m saying she’s good at impressions she should become a comedienne
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Now that we know the blackout in Japan is still ongoing and causing all sorts of issues, we get our usual peek into what’s going on for the people of Tokyo. We get to see Hikari! She’s cool as a cucumber. Her mom’s freaking out and packing a suitcase. Her mom says “Hikari go get ready!” Hikari just says “Oh I’m ready anytime!”
Hikari: I’m not worried about anything, big brother’s taking care of it!
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Awww we get to see Miko! And that looks like a cat carrier <3 Mom’s not leaving their furry friend behind in the dark while they evacuate to grandpa’s place in Ibaraki...
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... She is apparently cool with leaving behind her only son though! X’D
The letter reads “Taichi, we’re going to Grandpa’s place in Ibaraki. Call me when you get home.” The arrow says “Address.”
Ibaraki is a bit over an hour from Tokyo (I used to live there!) so not too far and very easy to get to by train. Still... there’s a huge power outage, I can only assume Mom’s reason here really is evacuation and not just “seems like a great time to go on a visit!” but she doesn’t know where one of her kids is and she’s just like “eh no worries he’ll figure out his way home!” Does she KNOW her son is 11? Japanese kids use trains very independently but again, POWER OUTAGE. ONE HOUR+ AWAY.
I’m remembering episode 1 when Taichi was acting like such a Dad and his mom was totally on board. Apparently that is going to be a Thing in their family. Taichi is the kid in Home Alone. Scratch that, he’s like the pets in Homeward Bound X’D
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Mimi is understandably disappointed that she doesn’t get to shower... I mean see her parents... I mean, eat a freaking avocado cheeseburger
But Palmon knows how to make her feel better. “We’ll come back here someday and eat avocado cheeseburgers together.”
Mimi: “Heck YEAH I’m psyched!! AVOCADO CHEESEBURGER!”
this show understands the only true way to a woman’s heart is through food.
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Our heroes are surrounded by Homunculus from FMA.
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They merge together forming the aptly named EYESMON!!! lmao
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Look at freaking long Greymon’s cyborg arm is. Whut.
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AtlurKabuterimon gets hit by a train buhaahaha. Somehow this was way funnier to me than Lilymon getting hit by a plane or buildings falling on MetalGreymon.
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The kids are outnumbered when look who appears!
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The three of them sitting on Zudomon is the cutest thing ever also I JUST NOTICED ZUDOMON’S DOLPHIN PATCH WHAT THE HECK HAS THAT ALWAYS BEEN THERE!??!?!?!!?
So this was the reunion ep after all! I’m a little disappointed just because I wanted something more dramatic.
What Fizz, illusion magic and homunculi plus exploding Shibuya isn’t dramatic enough for you?
I mean EMOTIONALLY dramatic. Like, someone should hug.
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Oh well. This is the face Taichi makes when he sees Yamato. D’aww. I guess i’ll be satisfied with this.
Yamato gets them started on a plan and they all fight as a group!! But Koushirou’s realized that this Digimon, whatever it is, is what’s causing the blackout. They can’t properly defeat it...
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... and it’s already the night of the third day. Soon their 72 hour window will be up. Then Ariel will turn back into a Mermaid and the Sea Witch wins :’<
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We end with an ominous digivolution! Next week....
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Orochimon!!! I love multi headed monsters.
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More Taiyama action!!! Lookin a bit beat up but still cool!
OK so in sum this episode was pretty fun. I still feel like the writers for this season just don’t dig in deep enough to really make things come alive. They’re so concerned with battles that they miss moments for fun character interactions etc. And in the end, the whole of this episode can be recapped simply as “They discover the world they’re in is an illusion and they fight the bad guy.” However, we got a lot of fun with Mimi in particular, and though we didn’t get the kind of Taishiro teamwork my heart yearns for, at least we saw them sticking together and hashing things out.
I really do hope this show dials up the character relationships a bit soon though. We keep getting tidbits so it’s not like they don’t have things planned. It’s just a matter of execution. Anyway I’m happy to have the whole group (well as many as we’ve got so far) together again!
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karmaalwayswins · 4 years
@writerscreed prompt 196: heavy is the head...
September 10, 2020
Got called to see a VIP patient in urgent care this morning. Went back there, and sitting on the gurney was Supa Deejay Lee, rapper and entrepreneur. I still listen to “Party in the Basement” almost every morning before work. My eyebrows raised for a second, but I kept my cool (I think) and didn’t act like a fan. 
He was there for neck pain. He didn’t look to be particularly uncomfortable, probably because he also looked like he was high. 
He was wearing a huge gold chain around his neck with a massive sculpture of his own head hanging from it.
I told him, “I think it might be your chain.”
He answered, “I think I slept wrong.”
I asked, “Did you take anything for the pain, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen?”
He answered, “No, I’m fucking here to get something for the pain.”
I said, “I can get you some ibuprofen.”
He answered, “That ain’t shit. I need some oxycodone.”
I said, “I don’t think I’d start with that.”
He answered, “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
We agreed to disagree, and eventually he went home with ibuprofen. 
I still follow his fan page on social media, and tonight I saw the top post was a picture of him raising his middle fingers and a message that said, “FUCK DOCTORS!!!!” 
It had five thousand likes. Thankfully, he didn’t mention my or the hospital’s name. Probably his lawyers told him not to. 
September 14, 2020
Saw the usual stuff at work today. Although, surprisingly, no falling grandmas. Very busy in any case. Didn’t eat all day. 
Will go out with Arlene later for drinks. Fingers crossed.
September 17, 2020
Got sign out from Dr. Larini today. He signed out a supposedly stable, “Infected tattoo, just waiting for a bed!” patient to me, then left in a hurry to get to his girlfriend’s softball game. Of course, within twenty minutes of him running out, we got a call from the patient’s girlfriend saying that the patient didn’t tell us the tattoo was from Deanna Le Fay’s Parlor. When I ran into the room, a snake was now rising from the guy’s arm and trying to choke him. We just got lucky that a shaman was down the hall seeing somebody. He ran in and hexed the tattoo before it could kill the guy. Even so, the patient still had to get his arm amputated above the elbow. This is why I hate getting sign out from Larini. He never gets a good history. I don’t know how he’s still employed after eight years of screwing up. 
Arlene sent me a picture of herself wearing a bikini last night, so maybe there’s hope.
I only slept four hours last night due to errands, paperwork, and laundry. My goal tonight is six. I’m so tired. It sucks.
September 19, 2020
Strange day. Supa Deejay Lee got killed by a bolt of lightning in front of Forward Fashion. It was a sunny day, though, and apparently a very small storm cloud. So, suspicious. Right now, there are protests over at the Meteorology School, demanding an investigation. 
Just listened to “Supa Deejay Lee - Mixtape 23″. Very strange to meet him a week ago (although he didn’t like me), and now he’s dead. Can’t believe it. 
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holylulusworld · 5 years
I don’t like you but stay
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Summary: James ‘Bucky’ Barnes is the newest addition to the Avengers. Trying to help his friend settle in Steve asks his friend and the teams moral support to help him with unknown consequences.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader, Steve x Reader (platonic), Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: angst, language, Bucky being a douche, arguments, fights, violence, angry Bucky, tension, possessive Bucky
Takes place after Endgame. Everyone is happy and alive. No one got hurt...
“You could at least try, Buck.” Steve tries once again.
“They don’t like me and I’m not a team player…not for a long time.”
“But Sam helped us back then, just like Wanda and Clint. We fought together against Thanos, it’s only one dinner. Come with me and eat with the team. Y/N will be there too. You know, my best friend.”
“A doll is your best friend now, huh?”
“She’s not a doll, more like our moral support. Y/N listens to us after a hard mission or if we have problems.”
“A goddamn psychologist or more therapist? No way I let her rummaging in my brain. I’ve got enough of people trying to trick my mind or manipulate me, Stevie.”
“Buck, calm down. She doesn’t want to manipulate you in any way. She’s a friend and I want you to visit her once a week. That’s an order Sergeant.” Steve says full Captain now.
“Fine, Captain. But I will not talk to that woman.”
“Then go to her and just sit in her chair but you will visit her.”
“How is Steve’s friend?” You ask.
“Unfriendly.” Nat chuckles. “Ruined my bikini figure by shooting me.”
“That was years ago, and he wasn’t himself.” Bruce throws in.
“Says the guy with the temper problems.” Sam chuckles.
“Guys, I wanted to know how he is now. Not his time during the Hydra crap. It’s awful this happened to him.”
“Honestly we do not know much about him, except he’s a great fighter and Cap’s friend. I mean he’s not hanging out with us at all. Always stays in his room or trains with Cap.” Sam says, and you nod.
“Thought so. That’s the reason Steve asked me for advice. Jesus this will be a hard piece of work.”
“He’s not a bad man. I could read his emotions and he’s torn and hurt.” Wanda says.
“I guess so. After all, he’s been through. I mean being a puppet to someone must be awful. Waking up and everything you know and love is gone is the worst.” You whisper. Lost in thoughts you barely recognize the man standing behind your back.
“The puppet just arrived.” Bucky spats and you sigh.
“Be nice, Buck,” Steve warns.
“Why? She called me a puppet.”
“I said that being a puppet must’ve been awful. I showed compassion.” You say turning around to face Steve’s friend.
Angry blue eyes stare back at you. You never saw more beautiful eyes at a man. Steve has blue eyes too, but this man is beating him without any effort. The soft brown hair frames his handsome face and you can’t stop looking at his lips.
“Got nothing else to justify your speech?” Bucky mutters.
“Hell, I didn’t hold a speech. I…forget it. I’m sorry if you got it wrong. I was just asking how you are doing. Hi, I’m Y/N, a friend of Steve.”
“A therapist without any compassion.” The blue-eyed man snaps at you and anger is boiling up inside of you. Seeing you rolling your shoulders and your body go stiff Steve plants a hand on your shoulder.
“Just breathe…he didn’t mean it that way. You know you can’t…not yet.” Steve says and you narrow your eyes.
“Fine by me, let’s eat then. Wanda and I cooked for all of you. Including our new member.” You say and Bucky scoffs.
“Won’t eat a bite of anything that doll cooked.”
“Then starve to death, Jamesy.” You chuckle.
Around one week later…first appointment…
“Why is there no chair or stuff…only a couch?”
“I like to get comfortable while talking to people. I’m not your therapist. We are not in my office this is my room. I invited you to talk to me, but you don’t have to. There are books and newspapers.” You say to lighten the mood.
“I won’t talk to you doll, no matter which kind of trick you will use.”
“I will not force you to anything, James. If you just want to sit over there it’s fine by me. I’ll answer some emails and stuff then.” You say opening your laptop. Seeing you and Steve as your wallpaper Bucky narrows his eyes.
“Are you fucking Stevie?” He mutters.
“Steve and I are only friends. There’s no physical attraction between us.”
“Lesbian or blind?”
“Have you seen Steve? He’s Captain America.”
“I know that Steve is very attractive and most of the woman want a physical relationship with him too, but like Wanda and Nat, I’m not into him that way. We are friends since he came back. I helped him find a way to live in this for him new world. I would never risk our friendship for sex.”
“So, you would fuck him?”
“I do not like the word fuck…James. I’m not someone who has one-night stands.”
“Prude then?” He asks again.
“Neither prude nor a whore. Are we done talking about me and my sex life? Steve and I are friends. He’s into someone else, by the way, so if you want to talk about something start with your life.” You grunt.
“I like sex, I’m not prude.” James chuckles and you roll your eyes.
“Yeah. I get it.”
“Anything? Did he open up?” Steve asks.
“If you mean asking me about you and me and if we fuck, then yes, Steve. He opened up.” You mutter.
“Seriously? He asked if we…uh.”
“I told him we do not have sex. Don’t worry. Also, I told him I don’t like the word fuck.”
“Same.” Your friend stammers shaking his head. “Why did he ask you?”
“Saw the wallpaper on my laptop.”
“I see.”
Three weeks, James. If you do not want to talk about anything it’s fine by me. I’ll call Steve and tell him you are…whatever.” You groan while Bucky continues throwing knives at your books.
“Can you stop this? These books are rare. First editions. Stop ruining my books.” You yell now and Bucky starts grinning.
“That so? Do not look rare to me. Just old paper, doll.”
“If you throw one more knife at my books I’ll call Steve right now and tell him you can not attend any mission for the next months. How does that sound to you Bucky?” You mutter and he narrows his eyes. Searching your face, he licks his lips and throws a knife into the nearby wall.
“What the fuck!” You yell.
“Ah, you said fuck, doll.” Bucky teases and you want to strangle him.
“You threw a knife into my wall, you idiot! I can’t believe I promised Steve to help you. What a waste of time and energy. Could have good sex right now instead I’m trapped in this nightmare.” You groan falling onto the couch.
“Good sex? You…seriously.”
“As if you would know how to satisfy a woman.”
“I know how to fuck a girl to make her scream, doll!”
“Sure. That’s the reason you are hiding in your room since you came here. Just like in Wakanda you stay to yourself. No visitors or friends come around. You are one poor and lonely boy trying to get Steve’s attention.”
“I don’t need to listen to your stupid babbling,” Bucky yells storming out of the office.
“Finally, a reaction. I can work with that.” You say to yourself.
“How long do I have to come here.” He groans after two minutes.
“Until Steve says otherwise, or we killed each other.” You retort too tired to fight today.
Closing your eyes, you try to ignore the man staring at you. You can’t see it, but his blue eyes are searching your face.
“Why are you so silent today?”
“None of your concern.” You sigh.
“Tell me and I’ll tell you something too.”
“I do not trust you.”
“Pinky promise.”
“Fine, I was seeing this guy for some weeks. We had a few dates and I started liking him.”
“Was the sex bad?”
“Dunno. We didn’t have sex so far. I was busy with my job, the Avengers…you. I haven’t seen him for two weeks, so I called him and he acted like he’s busy. What he didn’t know was that I was in front of his house. I wanted to surprise him and then…”
“Then what doll? Don’t hook me on a story and don’t continue it.” Bucky mutters.
“I saw him with the waitress of the restaurant we were eating at during our last date. He almost choked on her tongue. Grabbed her ass and more.”
“So, he had fun. What’s the problem?”
“Only a guy can ask you something like that. I started liking him. If a woman does like you she imagines things…a future with you. We don’t see just a potential sex partner. We see marriage, children, a home…”
“Yeah, dammit, Barnes, sex too. But first of all, I thought he likes me but obviously, he did not. He was just another asshole trying to get in my pants. Satisfied?”
“Hmm…” Angrily clenching his jaw Bucky decides to pay your friend a visit.
“Will you tell me something now?” You ask.
“I ate pancakes and strawberries for breakfast.” Bucky chuckles and your eyes widen.
“I can’t believe I opened up to you only for you to make fun of me.” You yell. This time you are the one storming out of the room.
“This won’t work Steve. I’m trying to make him open up for six months now and honestly, I’m done. He’s making fun of me. Lies…”
“Lies?” Steve asks.
“He made a pinky promise if I tell him something personal he will do so too. I told him, but he didn’t keep his promise. Told me what he ate for breakfast. I’m done, Steve. Let him go on missions or not. I really don’t care. You know him better than I do…I just can’t do this any longer. I’m sorry for letting you down.” You sigh.
Moving his arms around you Steve gently plants a kiss to your hair. What you both can’t see is the angry look on Bucky’s face and the jealousy welling up his stomach.
The next sessions Bucky never shows up, so you decide to tell Steve you did your best. After the little breakdown, you promised to give his friend another chance but obviously, he doesn’t want it.
Leaving the room to finally meet up with Nat to go on a shopping trip you bump into Bruce staring at you with wide eyes.
“You okay? Do you need my help, Bruce?”
“I think James needs your help. His hand is bloody, and he doesn’t want to tell me why he’s injured. Looks like he hit someone, but he refuses to talk to me.”
“Okay. Calm down, breathe.”
“I’m not going to ‘hulk around’ right now. I’m just worried about Steve’s friend. I would’ve asked Cap but he’s away.”
“On a mission with Tony and Clint, I know. Let’s go then.”
“Will you tell me why your hand is bloody and your knuckles almost broken?” You ask.
Sighing you shake your head. He even refused to let anyone clean the wounds.
“Listen I know you don’t like me.”
Not answering Bucky stares at the wall beind you.
“Dammit, you are so frustrating. Steve had to soothe me after our last session. Cap had to hug me to calm me down, idiot!” You mutter and Bucky’s face lits up.
“I had to hit someone.” He mumbles finally letting you clean the wound.
“Why? Was someone else in danger?”
“He hurt a woman and I had to defend her.”
“Oh, then it was justified, I guess.” You say gently putting some sanitizer onto his wounds.
“Hmmm…I’m sorry I did not come to our session. I had to take care of that guy first.”
“It’s okay. I can throw knives at my books on my own.” You tease and he smiles at you for a moment.
“I can do this for you. Bet you can’t even hit the right target.”
“Maybe…or maybe I’m a master…”
“He did what?” You gasp.
“I’m sorry to tell you but it seems like Bucky beat your friend into a pulp,” Sam says.
“Why should he do such a thing? I never even told him anything about Matthew. God, did his wife see this? Was she there too?”
“No, luckily we came just in time and thanks to Starks technology we could fix what Bucky broke. Why is he going after your friends?”
“I think he hates me and tries to hurt me that way, Sam. This ends now. No matter what Steve told me I will make Bucky pay for this. Friend of Steve or not I will mop the floor with the Winter Soldier right now.” You yell storming toward the training hall.
Bursting through the door you see Bucky’s surprised face a smile on his lips he walks toward you but the moment he approachs you he feels his body gets slammed into the nearby wall.
“You think you can do this and believe I will not hurt you!” You yell.
“I got no clue what you are talking about.”
“No clue? You almost killed my friend!”
“A worthless piece of shit!” Bucky talks back.
Using your powers, you slam him into the ceiling and then down on the floor. Groaning in pain he can see you start feeling dizzy. Steve was right. It’s too soon to use your powers again.
“I swear I will break your neck stupid bitch!” Bucky yells.
“Do it! Steve will be very happy after you killed his best friend, asshole!”
“I’m his best friend!”
“Forget it! You tried to kill him, you psychopath. Crazy piece of a man, not even able to control his emotions. I’m done…I’m just done with trying to help you for Steve’s sake. Fuck you, Bucky Barnes. Go to hell or back to Hydra. I don’t care!” You yell and for the first time, Bucky flinches at your words.
Tears stream down your face and you need to brace yourself against a wall to not break down. Before you can react an impact next to you make you scream.
“You won’t just leave! I’m not done with you! I don’t like you…but stay…” Bucky pants removing his metal hand out of the wall.
“Why? You tried to kill my friend! He never did anything wrong. His pregnant wife was in his house. Would you have attacked her too?” You sniff and his eyes widen.
“Wife? You said he cheated on you with a waitress.” Bucky gasps.
“Waitress? I don’t…wait…did you believe Matthew was the one cheating on me?”
“Yeah…he was not?”
“No, Matthew is my cousin's husband. One of my best friends since college.”
“God…then I was wrong. I wanted to punish him for hurting you…”
“Why would you do that?” You ask feeling even dizzier.
“I think I need to sit down…” You whisper.
Scooping you into his arms Bucky picks you up to run with you toward Bruce’s lab. Someone has to help him...
“You see she’s like Wanda but at the same time different. Using her powers means using life energy. She drains her own energy out to perform her powers. I told her she’s too weak by now. The fight with Thanos got her good. Y/N was defending Vision with Wanda and almost died.” Steve explains looking at your unconscious form.
“She’s an Avenger too?” Bucky asks.
“Kinda…more into defending an injured team member and stuff. She uses a shield to protect us if needed. Y/N barely attacks. It’s just not her style.”
“But she attacked me…really good. A hell of a woman.” Bucky says.
“Ask her out, Buck. Man up and tell her how you feel. Watching you pining is kinda sad.” Steve says knocking Bucky on his shoulder.
“Hey, doll. Don’t move too much. You really shouldn’t have attacked me.” Bucky says gently holding your hand.
“What happened?”
“You were unconscious and I brought you to Bruce.”
“Oh, Steve was right. I wasn’t ready to use my powers yet.”
“I’m sorry for hurting your friend. I was wrong…uh…I just tried to punish that guy.”
“You don’t have to punish anyone for me, James.”
“But I want to…I don’t like you but…stay. Please stay with me. Don’t leave me too.” Bucky says kissing your hand softly.
“I want…I need…I like you. Would you go out with me?”
“You don’t want to?” He sighs.
“I mean you need six months to ask me out? Do you need that long to get me into your bed too?”
Eyes darkened Bucky grins down at you. Covering your body with his he presses you into the mattress.
“No.” He rasps before kissing you breathless.
“Fuck. I like you too…but you will have to tell Steve you stole his best friends heart.” You tease.
“I’m his best friend and he knows you stole mine.” Bucky retorts.
“That’s not true! I’m his best friend.”
“Woman don’t make me mad! I don’t like you but I will make you stay…and I’m Stevie’s best friend.”
“In your dreams…now kiss me again and we ask Steve.”
“Those are the most useful words ever leaving your lips, doll,” Bucky mutters claiming your lips once again.
“Fucking finally,” Nat groans dragging Steve out of your room.
“They were fighting over me.”
“No, they are fighting to turn each other on. You really don’t want to see what happens next.” Nat chuckles when you and Bucky start moaning.
“I guess you are right. I like them both but I will not stay…”
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barrysjumpsuit · 4 years
blindsided - oc (barry’s sister) x rafe cameron (ch.6)
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synposis:  christy is a lifelong resident of the outer banks. after a series of hookups with rafe cameron, kook royalty, she’s smitten. what she doesn’t know is about what her boyfriend and brother are involved in behind her back
warnings: use of guns, cannabis use, verbal/physical abuse and violence, cigarette use
a/n: the last chapter! i might have write up an epilogue if anyone wants one?? this was so fun to write and i don’t have any works in progress so please send me requests!
Rafe threw his truck into park, and stumbled out onto the tall grass. He was surprised he made it all the way to the Cut, with his pounding headache and waves of anxiety, panic, and fear that shook his body. The previous night’s events were too fresh on his mind.
He remembered seeing the cop, her gun pointed at his father. Then his father in handcuffs. Then John B was blaming his father for awful, horrible things. For killing his father, for stealing gold. 
Rafe’s brain was already off from withdrawal. That much was obvious to him - he had hit Christy, he had destroyed his bedroom. 
Rafe had destroyed himself.
He hardly realized that he pulled the trigger until it was too late, until Peterkin was laying on the ground, blood pooling around her. Rafe had hardly registered the yells and screams around him, and instead, blindly obeyed his father, telling him to return home, that he would handle it.
From there, he learned his father blamed John B for the whole incident. Rafe had found Topper and then Kelce, caught up in the manhunt, distracting his brain and fueling his rage.
And somehow, someway, here Rafe was, needing to escape his mind.
“Barry,” he called, pulling open the screen door into the living room. “Barry,” he repeated.
Barry was doubled over, doing a line. He sat up as he finished, snorting and wiping his nose before he answered. “Heyyy, what’s up, Country Club?”
“I need cocaine, Barry. I… I need it.”
“Ay, you lied to me, and I don’t like it when people do that. And, that was it right there, brother.”
Rafe could feel his body and mind weaken at Barry’s words. He tore through the trailer, opening cabins, stumbling down the hallway and into Barry’s room, trying to ignore Christy’s bedroom right across the hallway. “That’s bullshit, Barry!” he yelled, throwing open Barry’s closet doors.
“Yo, get out of my room!” Barry said, grabbing Rafe and throwing him back into the hallway.
 He stumbled down onto the floor in the kitchen. “Barry.... Barry, I fucked up.” 
Rafe could hear his labored breaths, and feel himself shaking.
“Hey, you’re good, you’re good, dog,” Barry was saying. “I’m sure you did, Country Club,” Barry continued, his voice almost a purr as he pulled out a chair and sat down in front of him. “But I can assure you, I’ve done worse. But y’know, my sister isn’t very happy with you.”
Rafe grasped at his hair, Barry’s words crushing him even more. He was crying, but didn’t care. “Barry… I did… something, and now I’m fucked, and like... for life, and I can’t get out of it.”
“My sister know about whatever it is you did?” Barry asked, and Rafe shook his head. “Hey, don’t come here telling me there’s no way out, because that’s a lie,” Barry was saying. “What you need to do is you need to nut up, bro. I got a big fuckin’ problem here, Rafe, you see me crying about it?” Barry fake cried, and Rafe glared at him, anger and adrenaline coursing through him. “No. Rafe, I ain’t got no money, them kids took it. But one of them kids got a twenty-five g reward on him. You help me out, I help you out, I can’t get no more product until I get some money.”
“John B,” Rafe whispered. He looked up to Barry; he sat with his forearms leaning on the back of the chair, grinning. 
“That’s the one,” Barry said, leaning forwards towards Rafe. He could smell his breath. “And when they get him, he’s gonna start snitchin’. On me, on you, on your girlfriend, and I don’t want that happening, cause we’ll all be fucked. What about you, Country Club?”
“That’s gonna happen unless we get to him first. So how about we go get him?”
Christy was still on the ground, shaking. She could feel her nose and lip bleeding, the gravel digging into her skin. 
“Someone’s in trouble,” Barry grinned, and Rafe kicked him again.
“Rafe!” Christy screamed, grabbing onto his legs, trying to wrestle him to the ground. 
“Baby, I swear, I didn’t mean to-” Rafe was saying, crying, shutting down. 
“But you did,” she just said, dumbly, in shock. 
It was at that moment that Christy realized she didn’t really know who he was. She had overlooked everything. He was a manipulative, violent drug addict. He had murdered a cop. He had kept so much from her, while she poured her heart out to him, and would have gone to the ends of the earth to help him, to make him happy.
She realized she was still clinging to his leg, and she crawled backwards, repulsed, to end up beside Barry. 
“Rafe… why?”
“She was about to arrest my dad,” he responded, his voice breaking, but she felt no sympathy. 
“So you fucking shot her?” Christy countered back, and she saw his face visibly break.
“I didn’t… I didn’t mean to, I wasn’t myself…” he was saying, breathless. 
“And you knew?” she asked Barry, shoving him roughly. 
“I’m not either of your all’s mother,” he said, raising his hands in surrender. “All I knew is that he needed something to take the edge off, and that I needed my money back from those kids.”
“I can’t fucking believe you two,” she spat, pushing herself away from Barry this time. Some blood came out of her mouth as she spoke. “So what’s your big plan now, huh? Barry, he got away, no reward money for you. Congratulations, Rafe, you’re a fucking murderer. So now what?”
She saw Barry and Rafe exchange a glance. Rafe was visibly shaking from the anger. 
“You’re a little team now? Barry, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“I own him now,” Barry slurred, grinning.
In that moment, Rafe crouched, picked up his gun, and aimed it back at Barry. Christy reached to grab hers, but Rafe kicked it away, wagging a finger at her. 
“Rafe, if you shoot him, you know what’s going to happen? You’re going to jail.”
“Actually, Christy, I’ll be able to get out of here. You won’t be able to bring yourself to lay a hand on me. And if you rat to the cops, I’m going to rat right back about your operation,” Rafe said. The man in front of Christy was completely foreign, one she had never met before. “It’s your word against mine, and I don’t think your criminal record will help you out.”
He was right. 
“So I can do whatever the fuck I want,” Rafe finished, gripping the gun tighter.
Rafe remembered when he sobered up the first time.
It was the hardest thing he’d ever done. 
That was the first time he ran to Christy. There had always been something between them, but he was too scared to admit it to anyone, even himself. Topper would shun him, Kelce would insist he could do better with literally any kook. Rafe knew that Christy wasn’t an ordinary pogue.
They had interacted a few times before. At keggers, when they ran into each other at Barry’s place. He didn’t fail to notice her lingering glances, but she never made a move.
Rafe was drunk the first night they hooked up. They were at a kegger at the Boneyard, Christy slinking throughout the mass of people handing out joints. She wasn’t drinking, just a little stoned, mellowed out and laughing freely. Her dark hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders, the navy blue of her bikini top almost blending in with the dark seawater.
Topper went home with Sarah, and Kelce with his girl, leafing Rafe alone. It was shitty of them, and they knew it. Rafe couldn’t be trusted alone, especially in his current headspace. 
So he made a move. He sought out Christy. So few things brought him pleasure those days, and he knew what he wanted. 
She seemed surprised. She agreed to go home with him. She drove his truck back to his place, because she didn’t think going to her place, with Barry, with the drugs, was a good idea. She made sure he wasn’t going to get sick, she made sure he used protection.
Christy was there for him. Every step of the way. In the morning, he pushed her away, realizing who he had hooked up with. A pogue, his ex drug dealer’s baby sister. 
But still, she came back for him when he needed her. She made him feel good, like he could do anything, without the drugs.
When Rafe was finally clean, out of the “withdrawal” phase, he pushed her away. He had his eyes set on tourons and other kooks. He could get anyone he wanted, without the strings Christy had attached to her. After almost a year, he realized that it was those strings he liked: he liked being with someone totally unlike him, someone whose entire life was dedicated to those she loved, and he liked being someone she loved.
That night at Topper’s house, when Rafe saw her, his heart skipped a beat. He had seen her around since they had hooked up, and he started wanting her back in his life more and more. 
That night at Topper’s house, he knew he had to make the jump.
He watched her all evening. Do her normal thing. Fake flirt just to make a deal. Exaggerate her laughs and her smiles. Rafe could see right through it all, that she just wanted to get out of here. When she wandered away to her two friends, lighting a joint, Rafe knew it was time.
The rest was history.
She poured her heart out to him, and him to her. When Rafe was with Christy, it was like he was living a life he had never lived before. He didn’t have to worry about impressing his father, because to Christy, he was already perfect. 
Rafe knew, deep down, he was using her. Just like when he was using drugs. He just couldn’t bring himself to admit it.
“Rafe,” Christy said. She was aware of how weak her voice sounded. “You can’t shoot him. You never would.”
“Shut up!” he yelled, this time, waving the gun towards Christy. “You don’t know me!”
The gun was on her, and she was frozen. It wasn’t the first time she had been in this position, but it was the first time it had been with someone like Rafe. 
“I know you better than you think,” she replied. “Rafe, I know you hate your life, and I know you can’t bring yourself to fucking shoot the two people who work to make your life better. Without Barry, without me, where would you be?”
Suddenly, Rafe grabbed the front of Christy’s t-shirt and pinned her against his truck. Barry yelled something, but Rafe kicked him, and pressed the gun to the bottom of Christy’s jaw.
“Barry, you move, your sister’s dead!” he yelled. Christy met her brother’s frantic eyes before returning to Rafe’s. He leaned his face towards hers, his lips peeled back in a snarl. “You don’t know me.”
A split second was all it took. 
Barry threw himself onto Rafe, the gun firing. Christy dropped to the ground on her stomach, the gravel digging into her stomach, grabbing her discarded gun and levelling it towards Rafe from where she was laying.
Rafe was the only one standing. Barry had a hold of his gun, training it on him, grinning wickedly despite the blood dripping down his other arm, which he held close to his body.
“Rafe, you get the fuck out of here, and our mouths are shut and yours better be too,” Christy said with an unnerving calmness, shooting Barry a look. He glared back at her but didn’t argue. “And I never want to see you again.” 
There was a long period of silence and no movement from anyone. Rafe was visibly evaluating his options. Then, he moved, Barry and Christy’s guns following him until he climbed back in his truck and drove away.
Both Christy and her brother stayed on the ground, stunned. It wasn’t until then that she realized how badly she was shaking, dropping the gun back to the ground in disgust.
“Hey, Chris,” Barry said, pulling her out of her trance. He was sitting ten feet from her, his hand pressed over his bloody arm. 
“You good?” he asked as she looked over at him, and she nodded, but was still unable to move, processing everything that had happened in the past five minutes.
Rafe pulling up. Pulling a gun on Barry. Pointing a gun at her. He hit her, he threatened her, and told her he killed Peterkin, pressed a gun to her head. The look he had in his eye was foreign - it wasn’t the Rafe she knew. She had told herself she would stay with him through his best and through his worst, but she never realized he could stoop so low.
Christy had known, deep down, that Rafe was using her. At least that’s what happened the first time. But when he came back for her, there was something there. She had pushed those thoughts away, but they resurfaced too late.
Barry’s touch finally fully brought her back. She could feel the wetness of blood from his hand on her arm, and she shoved his hand away, looking at his arm. The discharged bullet had ripped through the inner muscle of his bicep.
“Barry…” she said dumbly, going to take off her shirt to press around it or tie it around it or do something to stop the bleeding. Her brother protested, but she shut him up with a quick “let me be the one to take care of you, okay?”
The words came out of her mouth without her even thinking, and Christy realized her ultimate flaw. She cared too much for everyone. Maybe it was from a lack of people truly caring for her, but she knew that a lot of her love for Rafe was due to the fact that he was broken and she was able to fix him.
Temporarily, at least.
You failed, her brain told her, but she pushed the thought away as her fingers were coated in blood from her brother’s arm. Christy knew he had been through worse when he was in the Army, but she didn’t care.
“Come here,” he coaxed as she finished tying the shirt around his arm. He pulled her into a one-armed hug, her face in his chest, and she cried.
That night, after walking back home with her brother and making sure his arm was okay, Christy packed a bowl and walked out to the end of the dock to watch the sunset. 
As she smoked, she thought about the constants in her life. There weren’t many. There was Barry, of course. That’s all she came up with at first. But then, she realized she loved where she lived, even if it meant existing on the same island as Rafe Cameron. She liked the sunshine that warmed her skin. She liked the waves she could escape in on her surfboard. She liked the shorebirds, hopping around the beaches terrorizing the tourons.
Those were things that would never go away. While there may be more Rafe Camerons in the future, or maybe someone better than Rafe Cameron.
As Christy laid back on the dock, she remembered her stoned thoughts from a few weeks before. The world is like a snowglobe. Agatha shook everything up. Most people settled, their lives back to normal. Some flakes rested precariously on trees, on houses, on people. They had a new vantage point, but gravity was always trying to suck them back down to the ground.
She remembered that she viewed herself as the snowflake, with Rafe as her pillar of support, but Christy realized that was all wrong. Rafe was the snowflake. Rafe was the one who was unstable, seeing the world as he never had before. With Christy, he was exposed to the rough and tumble life of those who lived on the Cut, packing weed into emptied-out cigarettes, spending nights in stuffy, humid trailers without electricity. Christy was his tree, holding him up, supporting him.
Rafe had fallen hard off that tree. 
He went back to old habits. Nothing had changed about him. He was continuously exploited by his father, wrapped up by the scandals that came with life as a kook, especially as a Cameron. Rafe had pushed her away, surrounding himself with people who lived the same life he did instead.
It was at this realization that Christy understood. She came to peace with herself. 
She stood, walking back across the dock. Barry had built a fire and was sitting in one of the beat-up lawn chairs, watching it. One arm was bandaged. One hand held a beer, several discarded cans laying on the ground beside him.
“The alcohol will thin your blood and make you bleed more,” Christy said flatly, sitting down in the chair next to him.
“You got any weed left on you, then?” he asked, his words slightly slurred. She knew he had an embarrassingly low tolerance, and handed him her pipe and lighter.
“Should still be some in there, I repacked it not long ago,” she said, but he was already coughing out smoke.
“You already over him?” Barry asked after he recovered. 
Christy looked at him through her hooded eyes and smiled, lighting a cigarette now that Barry had her pipe. “There’s nothing I could have done for that boy and nothing he would have done for me. Rafe Cameron is Rafe Cameron. I shouldn’t have been stupid enough to not see that.”
“You live and you learn, baby sister,” Barry said, raising the pipe up in a toast. She lightly hit her cigarette against it, taking a long hit. 
Nights like these were what she had as a constant in her life. People come and go, but Christy was always going to exist. What she realized now is that she could control who to give her love to. She would continue to love her brother, no matter how much he pissed her off. She vowed to continue to love herself, and not let any more toxic people in her life.
As Christy smoked her cigarette, she smiled to herself, knowing that she got something out of her time with Rafe Cameron. In reality, she and him weren’t that different.  Before Rafe, she was lost, just trying to find someone to love before chasing her next high, broken by their pasts.
But now, Christy knew who she was and where she belonged. She was a pogue from the Cut and proud of it.
taglist  @stargazingstarkey @letsgofullkook @ims0golden @ampanonyg @hoeforpankow @jjsmentalpolaroids @queenk00k @drewstarkey @obbx-tings @bricksatanakinswindow @sortagaysortahigh @prejudic3   @delinquentstarkey  @rudypankow-whore @drewxxrudy​ @jjmaybcnks
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rustbeltjessie · 5 years
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[This playlist and accompanying text were made for Witchsong in March 2016. But Witchsong has since gone dark, and 8tracks, where the playlist was hosted, has also gone dark. I still love this playlist/piece, so I decided to post it here in its entirety, and round up links to the songs. (I tried to remake the playlist on Spotify but unfortunately a few of these tunes aren’t available there!)]
Lizzo - En Love
M.I.A. - Fire Fire
Little Esther - I’m A Bad, Bad Girl
The Last Shadow Puppets - Bad Habits
Rilo Kiley - Portions for Foxes
Worriers - Unwritten
Colleen Green - Whatever I Want
The I Don’t Cares - Just A Phase
Thurston Moore - Psychic Hearts
The Kills - Fuck the People
Pixies - The Holiday Song
Dum Dum Girls - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
El Vy - Need A Friend
The Cars - Dangerous Type
The Make*Up - White Belts
The Mo-Dettes - White Mice
Thee Headcoatees - Ça Plane Pour Moi
Huggy Bear - Pansy Twist
Bikini Kill - I Like Fucking
Mika Miko - Sex Jazz
Dresden Dolls - Dirty Business
Screaming Females - Triumph
(+ a bonus track that isn’t on the playlist: Jolie Holland - Springtime Can Kill You)
It is springtime, and springtime can kill you (just like it did poor me). The light is clearer and hangs on longer in the sky each day, the birds are all singing riotous songs in the treetops. A few days ago, it was seventy degrees; I drank iced coffee and resisted the urge to cut the sleeves off all my t-shirts. It is springtime, and I am so damn restless I’m about ready to tear my skin off. I can’t focus on anything. I pick up a book, read a few pages, put it down again. I start a poem, write a few lines, quit. My notebooks are full of Jenny Holzer-esque truisms that I write in all caps. YOU WILL GET SO TIRED OF WEIGHING THE POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES. SOMETIMES YOU WILL BE READY TO SAY “FUCK IT” AND FOLLOW YR HEART. BE A DRUNKEN SLUT. STOP THINKING. IT’S SO TIRING. TRUST YR STUPID FUCKING HEART.
I just want to trust my stupid fucking heart. Or maybe I just want something that makes my stupid heart beat faster.
I am so tired of weighing the potential consequences. When I was younger, I usually leapt into things without caring what the result would be. (And now I can’t believe I didn’t put that Shivvers song on this playlist: when I was younger, when I was younger, when I was younger.) I went for what felt good, or even bad, as long as I was feeling something. As long as it made me feel alive. But there were enough adverse consequences that I began to grow afraid. I was often on the verge of eviction, because I did things like spending my rent money on road trips. I hurt people. I disappointed people. Friends and family started telling me that I was wasting my life.
…some might say that you and I have wasted our lives so far. Yes, we have had our hearts broken more than most. (We’ve broken some hearts, too.) We’ve had brushes with the law; and we’ve dealt with pregnancy scares and unemployment and spent many mornings too hungover to even move. But we have also experienced so much poetry, seen so much beauty, received so much love. We have had more fun in our short lives than most people ever get to have; so how could we ever consider it a waste?
-from something I wrote in 2006
Maybe I still want to waste my life, if wasting my life is what it takes to feel alive. To paraphrase Dazed & Confused, a movie I watched over and over when I felt those first reckless, restless stirrings in my teenage body: I need some good old, worthwhile, visceral experience. I want to go out into the wild, twisting night, want to take drugs, get laid, maybe get in a fight. Except I don’t do drugs anymore and I don’t get in fights anymore and no, I won’t spend all my rent money on a road trip. There are certain things I’m not willing to risk, and that’s for the best. But I am tired of worrying about what other people think; tired of not doing what I want to do because it might hurt or disappoint someone in my life. I don’t want to hurt anyone, of course not, but it’s my life and it’s springtime and my heart is saying go. I want to fuck. I want to dance. I want to smash it up. I want sudden intense connections with interesting strangers. I want to take long drives in search of coffee and trouble. (Remembering that spring so long ago when I drove the seven hours from Chicago to St. Louis just to get coffee at a Waffle House.) I want to rip my tights, walk along the train tracks, get my boots all covered in good mud. I want, I want, I want. No, I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I am tired of not being myself. And I’m bad news, baby, I’m bad news.
I’m just a traveling girl with a wild mane of wavy red hair, holes in my tights, all my clothes smelling of smoke. I can roll a cigarette while driving down the freeway at eighty miles an hour. I can get drunk as shit and get two hours of sleep and drive from one town to another, then do it all again the next night. I can find my way anywhere. I can get lost anywhere.
-from something I wrote in 2007
I dye my hair red again every spring. No matter what other colors I might dye it the rest of the year, in spring I metamorphose back into a redhead. I was born with red hair but it faded to a drab brown when I hit puberty, some shitty twist of fate, so I became a bottle redhead. Red hair is fiery, brazen, witchy. (Redheads used to be burnt at the stake as witches, because it was believed they had magic powers.) Red is the color of anger and lust, love and rage. The color of blood and lipstick and my stupid, wildly beating heart. Girls like me are meant to have red hair.
It’s springtime, and I’m a wild redheaded girl for life. So take me out tonight. Take me anywhere, I don’t care, I don’t care. Take me to where the rough edges of the night meet the back alleys. Take me to the rooftops and fire escapes of your town. Take me to all-nite diners, where we can get coffee-buzzed and plot to take over the world. Let’s walk around. Let’s drive too fast on backroads. I don’t need your love, I just need a friend.
I still want all the same old dumb shit I’ve always wanted. Spontaneous adventures, crushes, mix tapes. Music I can feel in my guts, in my bones, whether it’s hip-hop or the punk rocks. Sneaky eyes and sleeveless t-shirts. Sex and danger. In the immortal words of Henry Rollins: I want to fuck on the floor and break shit. Yeah, I like fucking. I’m always restless, and next to wandering, sex is one of the few things that eases my restlessness. And I believe in the radical possibilities of pleasure, babe. I do, I do, I do.
I’ve lost some friends because I’ve failed to grow up properly. These friends used to be just like me (you fuckers used to be just like me), but they went straight. I don’t mean straight as in heterosexual, I mean straight as in normal. They became capital-G Grown Ups. They got advanced degrees and nine-to-fives and stopped making zines and got their tattoos removed. I’m an adult, too. I have a kid, and a writing career; I pay my bills instead of going on ill-advised road trips, I don’t go on benders or do drugs anymore. But I also haven’t given up crushes or adventure or art or punk; I’m still making zines and giving myself stick ’n’ poke tattoos. I’ve still got that steel-toed spark and that teenage j.d. twitch. Maybe they’re bitter because they thought growing up meant giving all that up.
We can have all of it! We can be mamas and healers and have love and morals and sweetness and good things in our lives, but we don’t have to give up the rest—we can also be wild punk rock goddesses of destruction and fuck and fight and drink and smoke and swear and make mad art, goddamnit!
-from something I wrote in 2013
I should’ve known something was up the last time I saw M.—before she decided she hated me, when I still thought we’d be friends for life—when she said: “I’m over Amanda Palmer. It’s not cute to tell young girls that it’s okay to be fucked-up.” That stunned me, because she was once a fucked-up girl, just like me. She and I used to listen to Dresden Dolls albums and talk about how eerily close to our own lives they were, how it was like AFP had looked into our souls and made songs out of them. But maybe that’s the other thing. It’s not just that M. and the others gave up their former passions. They also regret that they ever lived that way. They regret the days of chronic unemployment and ill-advised road trips, the crazy-mad love affairs, the all-nite diner marathons, the epic meals we made from what we found in dumpsters. And I don’t. No matter how I’ve changed, or how many of those things I don’t want anymore, I could never ever regret those days. They made me who I am, and they gave me so many stories to tell. To all the ones who thought they knew me best, a test to prove your prowess. Who was mine in ’99? I want last names, and current status.
No, I don’t want to wind up on the verge of eviction, or have my electricity shut off. I don’t want to hurt anyone. But it is springtime, and I am so tired of weighing the potential consequences. And I’m just a redheaded restless punk rock goddess of destruction for life, and I still want all that shit that makes my stupid, reckless heart beat faster. Loud music, caffeine, adventure, sex. If you’re like me, you’re feeling the same way. So:
Get out, get out of your house.
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sserpente · 5 years
Mischief and Ice (Chapter 9)
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Synopsis: Thanos’ cruel attempt to wipe out half of the universe failed and the titan is dead; but his actions came with grave consequences. Tears and cracks in the universe, all across space and time, formed wormholes within the nine realms and beyond, giving some old enemies a vicious opportunity to strike again. When the Jötuns invade Earth and the Avengers assemble to defend the planet once again, it is the help of none other than the former war criminal Loki they are reliant upon to drive the icy warriors back into their own realm. But then the God of Mischief encounters a young woman abandoned in the cold—your body mangled and altered with Jötun blood, a lab rat to the Frost Giants. He decides to take you with him and nurse you back to health, unable to comprehend the confusing affection he begins to harbour for you.
Find all chapters on my masterlist!
You are beautiful. Loki clenched his fists, grunting when it collided with the heavy punch bag. You are beautiful. He lunged again. All his life he had been taught he was a monster, that he was evil and foul—even by those who claimed to love him. You are beautiful. Loki preferred fighting with his daggers and let his minds do the tricks to fool his enemies into involuntarily granting his victory. But today, the boiling energy surging within him needed a valve. It would do no harm to train the physical strength in his arms and legs by kicking a lifeless punch bag as opposed to tall Frost Giants with grotesque faces.
You are beautiful. You were positively the first being in his life calling him so. He had ceased to believe it was fear or reverence, even though your devoted energy still radiated off of you whenever he moved into your personal space. You were as infatuated with him as he was with you, there was no denying it. He could only hope you understood he would make sure not to dishearten you.
Centuries ago, he had taken on the role of a wicked witch, a selfish Trickster with only his own well-being in mind. After all the disappointment in his life, all the hostility and all the hatred, it had taken him longer than he wished to admit that he had tried for too long to earn himself approval and recognition, even affection. He had stopped bending his own will for people to like him.
Only you… you were worth the effort. He wanted to prove to you that he was worthy of your love. He would not disappoint you. And Loki had certainly never felt this way before.
You were bedridden for three more days. Three long and excruciating days during which you longed to scream at the world and curse your own body to damnation as it fought against your mind. Your thoughts were strong but your limbs were weak. Loki had performed a spell to stop those terrible heat waves from breaking out at night to soothe your half-frozen, half boiling blood, yet it did not stop him from keeping you company until you had fallen asleep, listening to his breathing and his calm heartbeat.
One night, he even fell asleep before you. His stunning blue eyes fell shut, his arm around your shoulders as he drifted off to dreamland. The touching moment made you brave. You leaned forward, pressing a light kiss to his cheek before following him into slumber.
They all were preparing. Preparing to fight. The Jötuns could attack any minute, ready to wipe out not only the Avengers but all warmth on the planet… and the hostility Loki was obviously met with did not exactly diffuse the tension.
You bit your lower lip as you sneaked into the vast training room. You were small enough for Spiderman’s clothes to fit you, the hoodie you were wearing slightly over-sized and hiding your curves and part of your hands even if you would have preferred running around in a bikini to fight off the heat.
Part Frost Giant… it had taken you time to digest what the Jötuns had made of you. You were… of a different species now—and quite frankly, you had no idea what that meant. You were dependant on Loki to care for you. Alone… alone you might die.
The Trickster God was on his own, ferociously attacking one of the battered punch bags with clenched fists. Beneath his leather armour, you could see his muscles flexing and tensing, his rapid breathing sending heat waves through your body. But this kind of heat… was welcoming. It pooled right between your legs, every cell in your body being pulled toward him like a piece of metal unable to resist a magnet.
It did not take him long to notice your presence. You admired his powers, his strength and his senses. Would you be stronger too now, with the Jötun blood flowing through your veins? Would you live longer and hear and see better than humans did?
Loki paused seconds before landing the next punch. He lifted his head, turning around slowly to face you. His blue eyes roamed over your entire form before he locked his scrutinising gaze with yours. Your heart skipped a beat when a barely visible smile grew on his face.
You were scared for him. You knew the Frost Giants to be ruthless and cruel and he was, as of right now, preparing to go to war against them. What if he got killed? If he left you behind? You did not dare think about any possible outcome. Even if they won… what would happen to you? Sooner or later… would you move on with your life? Would that be possible after all the agony fate had forced you through?
“Is there… can I help somehow?” You croaked out weakly, taking a few timid steps forward.
Loki’s smile faltered. The only way you could help right now was if you turned on your heel and left, lest he could not pounce on you like a wild animal in heat. Now that you were feeling better, he longed to bury his fingers between your legs yet again, this time not stopping when things got… interesting. Frigga had never told him that love could be such a distraction, such a burden when in midst of battle. But perhaps it was her who had sent you to him in the most twisted way possible, someone to keep him company and mend his broken heart.
Love. Was it really love? Real love? His heart was a wicked mixture of mischief and ice. Until you came along, desperate and in need of his help. Your initial fear of him had not been based on stories and myths but a trauma you had been unable to escape from. Your trust in him had melted the ice around his tainted heart. Loki did not know if it was true love yet. But he knew that he wanted you to be his.
“It’s just… I’m worried for you. What if… what happens if…”
“I am their rightful king, my dove. They might detest my upbringing but they will not dare kill me. I have made sure of that.” He said calmly. “Do you doubt me?”
It was a playful question, for he knew of course that you never would. Loki had shown you nothing but kindness since your first encounter back in the abandoned cottage in Iceland. More than once, you had suspected him wrongly and you had regretted it dearly.
“No,” Yet the question remained. After this battle… where would he go? Surely, the God of Mischief would not want to stay with the Avengers forever. Perhaps he would leave Midgard altogether. As the rightful king of Jötunheim… perhaps he would sooner or later settle down in the realm that belonged to him.
“Have you… have you been to Jötunheim before? A-after you were being taken, I mean.” You asked. He was standing right in front of you now, his hands clasped behind his back.
Loki took a breath. “I have… and not just once.”
“What is it like?”
“Grim. Cold and dead. I take no pride in the realm I was born in.”
“I think it could be beautiful too. Imagine a world made of ice.” Winters in Iceland were prodigious and in your mind, you saw a planet where it was winter all year long. Where beautiful ice flowers would grow and magic water would flow despite the cold, where giant ice mountains towered into a dark blue sky and where the many snowflakes would turn the landscape into a dotted paradise.
Your sudden fascination for Jötunheim scared you. Back when you were with the Frost Giants, you could not get away from the cold and the ice fast enough. Now that you were with Loki and he was making sure you did not feel like a repulsive monster… you wished to learn more.
Once again, Loki smiled. He could barely imagine how this soft woman right in front of him could have survived weeks of torture, humiliation and pain. Yet here you were, offering your help to him.
“It’s late,” he said. “You should be in bed.”
“I-I know. I’m sorry, my king.”
“L-Loki… I…” I can’t sleep without you? How would that sound?
“Go. I will be with you soon.” He interrupted.
Reassured and relieved, you nodded, reciprocating his smile gently before making your way back to the door to obey him.
“(Y/N)…” Your heart skipped a beat when he suddenly spoke your name. You stopped, turning back around.
Determinedly, Loki closed the small distance between you. His hand came up to caress your cheek. Weeks ago, you would have flinched and moved away… now, you leaned into his tender touch, hoping there would be more of it.
He needed to taste your lips, just once! If you did not let him… it would take you time. A kiss would not pose his proclamation of ownership. But it would establish you were his nonetheless. He wanted more than your lust. He wanted your respect, too.
When your lips parted, your eyes wandered down to his mouth, wondering if it would feel as soft as it looked. Your curious gaze was as good as any response.
Smirking mischievously, he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours, slowly and intimately and briefly. But the explosion between you did not make less of an impact. Your eyes fell shut. Relishing the moment, you brought your hand up to cover Loki’s palm against your cheek, never wanting the kiss to end.
You tasted like more. You tasted like so much more. In time… patience… the last thing he wanted was to scare you away even though he was craving to bury his cock deep inside you, to feel your walls moulding around him and taking all he had to offer. For his body to bring you so much pleasure your back arched, your erect nipples brushing against his chest… and the sweet aftermath. You, in his arms, breathless and covered in sweat, both of you having surrendered to the other.
Loki pulled away reluctantly, his lips ghosting over your other cheek to listen to your rapid breathing.
“Ek elska þik…“ He heard himself murmur absentmindedly, inhaling your scent as he pressed his nose against your neck, face buried in your hair.
Your lips parted, love and affection spreading in your chest. You were afraid to burst, afraid to explode into billions of pink butterflies. Gently, you pushed him away from you, his blue eyes meeting yours.
He must have forgotten—forgotten how similar Icelandic was to the Old Norse language. You had never told him you had understood the heated conversation between him and his brother, after all.
Now, you could not answer him in Old Norse. But you could answer him in Icelandic.
“Loki… Ég held að… ég elska þig líka.”
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Make sure to head over to my blog for more and also take a first glimpse at my first novel! ♥ If you enjoyed this chapter, I would appreciate so much if you supported me on Kofi! kofi.com/sserpente ♥
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 017 [Gravedigger]
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📑 Table of Contents | ◂Backward
Word Count: 2,704
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“When the night is cold and you feel like no one knows, What it’s like to be the only one buried in this hole, You can make it to the sunrise.” Our Last Night, “Sunrise”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Stay together and don’t move!” Aizawa ordered. “Thirteen, protect the students!”
“What is that thing?” Red asked as everyone started to notice the villains appearing. “Wait, has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people.”
“Stay back!” Aizawa pulled his goggles up and over his eyes. “This is real. Those are villains!”
Those yellow eyes. That black and purple smoke. It’s really him, the bastard that changed my life. He’s here, standing mere feet in front of me. And that ugly ass Golem look-alike… I know he’s the one that took Gramps’ life. I always thought that if I was confronted with the bastards that killed Gramps, I wouldn’t hesitate to attack them and get revenge, but… knowing that these kids are here, are in danger… it’s all I can think about.
“So, you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus,” Aizawa muttered.
“What, real villains? No way… How could so many of them get into a U.A. facility this secure?”
“Yeah, Thirteen, why aren’t the alarms going off?”
“Good question… I’m not sure.”
“Is the entire campus under attack? Or is this their only target?” Peppermint asked. I don’t understand why, but the sound of his voice slowed my racing heart. “Either way, if the alarm censors aren’t being triggered, then one of these villains must have a quirk that’s masking their presence here. They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught. They’re fools for trespassing here, but they’ve thought this out. Whatever their plan is, they must have a concrete objective in mind, but what is it?”
“Thirteen, get them out of here and alert the main campus. Actually, if they’ve got the ability to block our sensors… then they might be jamming our regular communications, too. Kaminari, try using your quirk to contact the school.”
“Yes, sir!”
“What are you gonna do?” Izuku asked, voice laced with worry. “You can’t fight them on your own, there’s too many of them. Even if you can nullify their quirks, your fighting style’s not suited for this. Your power works best in one on one fights. It’s not gonna help with a group…”
For fuck’s sake, kid, you’re really gonna tell a pro how his own quirk works? I get that he’s worried and scared, but now ain’t the time for his shit.
“You can’t be a pro if you only have one trick. I’ll leave it to you, Thirteen.” Aizawa jumped down the stairs, using his quirk to erase theirs and his scarf to help the attack. I know first hand how capable Aizawa is, but…
“Woah, he’s holding them off. I guess I shouldn’t have underestimated him…”
I rolled my eyes and grabbed the greenette’s shoulder. “Shut your trap and go!”
The group started to run for the entrance and, against the voice in the back of my mind, I turned my back to Aizawa and ran after them. We were almost to the entrance when the warp gate materialized in front of us, blocking our way.
“There is no escape for you.” His golden eyes narrowed at me. “We meet again, Jen Winchester. Perhaps this time, you won’t give us quite as much trouble.”
A couple students looked at me suspiciously and I swallowed, feeling sweat rolling down my cheek. “Sorry to disappoint, but you’re gonna get ten times the hell you got before!”
“We shall see.” He hummed, turning his attention back to the rest of the group. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. We are the league of villains. I know it’s impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. And besides, isn’t this a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace, to take his last breath?”
My heart skipped a painful beat as my eyes widened. What the fuck… they came to kill All Might?
“I believe he was supposed to be here today and yet I see no sign of him. There must have been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. Ah, well, in the end, I suppose it doesn’t matter. I still have a role to play.”
Bakugo and Red rushed him.
“You fucking idiots!” I screamed.
“Did you think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?”
“You live up to your school’s reputation, but you should be more careful, children. Otherwise, someone might get hurt.”
“You two, get out of the way right now!” Thirteen ordered, preparing to activate his quirk, but it was too late.
His shadowy body expanded to cover all of us. I tried to push through the smoke to reach Bakugo but it was too thick. “I’ll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades and your death!”
Gramps’ face flashed in my mind and my body started to shake. No, I can’t let these kids die! I refuse! I felt that familiar feeling of falling through the air as I was forcefully warped away from the group. My back hit the pavement with a loud thud and I grunted, rolling over onto my side. “Fuck, that hurt.”
“How kind of you to join us… Jen Winchester.”
My head snapped up. Standing a few feet in front of me was a scrawny man, severed hands clinging tightly to his body. His face was covered by one, but I could still see his beady red eyes staring down at me from between the fingers. I pulled myself to my feet, glancing to the left where Aizawa was fighting. He hadn’t noticed that I was now in the fray. Good, he doesn’t need the distraction.
“You look just like Alissa,” The man muttered, reaching his hand out toward me. I jumped back to put more distance between us and he started to scratch at his neck. “Gravedigger, go get her. Bring her to me alive.”
The Golem look-alike stood up, his body hunching forward. He grinned widely, showing off rotting and yellowed teeth. His thin body was wrapped in yellowing bandages, the only visible parts of his body being his mouth and nostrils. When he stepped forward, his long legs bent, knees pointing outward. It was more of a waddle than a walk, but it was far from comical.
I’ve got to think this through. I don’t know what this fucker’s quirk is or what he’s capable of. I’ll let him make the first move. I shifted my stance to defensive, hands clenching.
He pulled a dagger from his side, his tongue poking out to lick at his blistered and cracked lips. “That old man… was delicious, you know.”
“What?” My body tensed. S-Surely he doesn’t mean…
“He filled me up for a month after I devoured his corpse~” He brought the dagger up to his face as if admiring it. “I used his bones to fashion this dagger. Isn’t it just glorious?”
“You…” My body temperature shot up as flames danced across my skin.
“He was so tender,”
“Shut. Up.”
“And juicy~”
“Shut the fuck up!” I lunged at him, cocking back my arm to punch him in the face, but he dodged and slid under my arm, aiming the dagger at my stomach. I slammed my foot against the ground and fire sprung forth from the cement, pushing him back. I envisioned myself behind him and I felt my body shift like it was being sucked down a drain. What the hell?
My eyes closed in discomfort as my head throbbed. I opened them a moment later when the pain passed. I… I’m behind him? Bitch how?
He whipped around, swinging the dagger wildly at my body. I felt the metal slice through my skin in several places, my flames crawling up to lick at the wounds. Damn it, this guy is fucking fast. I did my best to dodge his attacks until I saw an opening. He attacked again and I dodged, grabbing his arm. He screamed in pain as the bandages caught on fire, burning them away.
What the fuck? His flesh is rotting away! I can see his fucking bone. Is this… part of his quirk?
“You… bitch!” He screamed, clutching his arm.
“Jen!” Aizawa yelled my name, but there were too many villains between us. He’s fighting so goddamn hard to protect everyone, to keep everyone safe. I have to do the same, no matter what it costs me. I took a deep breath to steel my nerves.
Limit release!
My shirts shattered into dust, replaced by the black bikini top. Power flowed throughout my body, my eyes starting to glow red as they focused on Golem. I don’t care what it takes, I will protect these kids. Even if they don’t like me, even if they don’t trust me, I won’t let them die here. I focused on the spot behind him and appeared there a second later, crying out as I brought a flaming fist to the back of his head.
He went flying backward, but I didn’t give him time to recover, appearing behind him again and slamming my knee into his back. “Eat this, fuckface!” I slammed my fist into the ground, sending a wave of flames through the earth. It shot toward him, the cement cracking and breaking. Just before reaching him, the ground broke outward and my flames shot up, taking the form of a phoenix as it slamming itself into his body. He flew back across the dome.
Breathing heavily, I leaned down to pick up the dagger he had dropped, my fingers ghosting over the handle made of bone. Gramps… you deserved so much fucking better than you got. After everything you did for me, I couldn’t do anything to help you in return. I’m so fucking sorry.
I tucked the dagger between my belt and pants before turning toward Aizawa. My blood ran cold. He was face-first on the ground, blood splattered around his body. The guy pinning him was huge and looked like a fucking failed experiment. Its fucking brain is sticking out.
He grabbed Aizawa’s arm and broke the bones, making Aizawa cry out in agony. My heart lept painfully.
“Shouta!” I pushed off the ground, rearing back before slamming my fist against the creature’s face. His face turned slightly to the side, but his body didn’t budge an inch. What the fuck is this thing?!
“Run… away…” Aizawa begged.
“Like hell, I’m leaving you!” I cried, punching the creature again, but it did nothing but make my fist throb.
“You can erase people’s powers. That’s irritating, but it’s nothing impressive. When faced with true devastating power, you might as well be a quirkless child.”
The creature slammed his palm down on Aizawa’s other arm, making him scream in pain as the bones broke.
“Goddamn it!” I grabbed the thing’s upper arm, setting it ablaze as I raised my temperature. It didn’t even twitch!
He grabbed the back of Aizawa’s head, slamming it against the ground hard enough to leave an indent in the ground.
Calm down, Jen! If your attacks aren’t working on the pawn, take out the puppet master! I glared at the blue-haired male and appeared behind him, flames growing as my anger rose.
“Too slow,” He looked over his shoulder and grinned from beneath the hand. “Just don’t kill her, Nomu.”
The creature was behind me. His large hand grabbed my side roughly and shoved me to the ground. Pain engulfed my whole body as I was slammed down, the cement cracking around my body. I think… he just broke my ribs… Fuck, it hurts… to breathe…
“Tomura Shigaraki,” The warp gate appeared beside him.
“Kurogiri, did you manage to kill Thirteen?”
“The rescue hero is out of commission, but there were students I was unable to disperse and one of them got outside of the facility.”
So help is on the way, but… I glanced at Aizawa. He’s in really bad shape, I don’t know if we can hold out long enough. The school is… so fucking far away from here. No, you can’t think like that, dumbass! I’m not nearly as injured as he is. I just have to… to hold out until the pros can get here. Right… no pressure.
“Kurogiri, you fool. If you weren’t our warp gate, I’d tear apart every last atom in your body! There’s no way we can win if dozens of pros show up to stop us. It’s game over. Back to the title screen. And I was looking forward to finishing this today. Damn it. Let’s go home. Oh, before we leave, let’s make sure the symbol of peace is broken. Let’s wreck his pride!”
In a flash, he was rushing toward the waterline, his hand reaching out… toward Tsu. “Shit!” I struggled against the weight on my back, but this fucker wouldn’t budge. My long-range flames aren’t as powerful and they’re less stable, but I don’t have a choice. I have to stop him! I placed my palm flat on the ground, sending small sparks skittering across the cement.
“Let’s make this hurt!”
His hand stopped inches from her face and I took my chance, the flames shooting up on the edge of the cement, putting a wall of fire between the three students and the man. His hand shot back and he cursed.
“The two of you really are so cool.”
I glanced to my left, seeing Aizawa struggling to hold his head up, red eyes trained on Tomura as he erased the man’s quirk. In a matter of seconds, the creature grabbed both of us by the back of the head, slamming our faces against the cement. I felt my nose snap and I cried out, tasting blood in my mouth. My fingers dug into the pavement, but that did nothing to stop the pain.
His hand left my head and I heard Izuku scream out, following by the earth trembling as a large gust of wind shot by. I slowly lifted my head, my vision blurred from the pain and the tears stinging my eyes. The dust slowly settled and I saw Izuku’s fist against the creature’s stomach. My eyes widened. No, no, no, he’s going to get himself killed! Goddamn it, Jen, move!
“You’re pretty powerful. This ‘smash’ of yours… are you one of All Might’s disciples?”
Shit, if they make that connection and then manage to escape… it’ll be bad. My body screamed at me as I pushed myself onto my knees. This pain… it was familiar to me. How many of my bones had Skye and Heather broken over the years? Granted, they ain’t nearly as strong as that fucker is, but still. I can… I can deal with this pain.
“Doesn’t matter, I’m done with you now.”
Everything’s happening too fast!
The creature grabbed Izuku’s arm and I pushed myself to my feet. Hand fucker is going for Tsu again! I promised to protect these damn kids, but I can’t do anything against that big fucker! My body heated up, teeth clenching as flames raged around me. I tried to appear behind him, but a sharp pain shot through my head. I rushed forward, using my flames to propel me, but I’m not going fast enough. I won’t make it in time!
The entrance doors slammed open, distracting the two from their attack. This is my chance! I pushed my legs harder, slamming my body into the man. He cried out in pain as the flames burnt his skin, his hand grabbing my side. I felt my skin split and crack, pain searing through my flesh as it was eaten away.
I grabbed the man’s wrist, burning his flesh. He snatched his hand away, taking a few steps back to distance himself. We stared each other down, breathing heavy.
“Have no fear, students. I am here!”
“He’s here… All Might.”
I took a few shallow breaths, wincing at the pain coming from all over my body. Tosh, we really need to have a talk about your timing… I glanced at the stairs. He… he isn’t smiling…
“Looks like our game’s getting a continue.”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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quaememinisse · 5 years
Bucky’s Baby
Author’s note: This is a vignette inspired by a story I wrote years ago (https://archiveofourown.org/works/2799851/chapters/6284765?view_adult=true)
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             The sight of Sam and Sharon dipping their infant’s toes in the water at the shallow end of the pool, Steve laughing as his son James splashes him in his water wings is enough to make Cherise’s heart ache. She had gone from smiling while relaxed back in her chair beside Bucky to sitting up straight and tensely. Bucky can’t help but notice, as his gaze has been plastered on Cherise’s expressions for the last three minutes or so. Her tanned hands land sadly against her lower stomach, flatter than it has ever been, and when Bucky can tell she’s trying to hold in tears, he can’t relax anymore. His hand passing down Cherise’s back shocks her. She whips her head in his direction to find him grinning, but deep down his heart is breaking, too. He hides the pain, wanting to remain strong and reassuring to her, as he has been in all this time that they’ve been trying to have their own child.
             “Hey, let me put some more sunscreen on you, huh babe?” Bucky says, reaching into the bag she had brought with them to the pool party at the Avenger’s facility. Cherise sighs, slumping slightly and staring down as Bucky rubs some organic sunscreen on her back where her bikini leaves her skin exposed beneath the shade of a large umbrella. She’s silent, and Bucky’s hands slow at her shoulders, holding them more firmly. He transitions onto her lawn chair, behind her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her temple.
             “Are you okay, honey?” he asks quietly, not wanting to draw Steve’s or anyone else’s concern their way. It was only a few weeks ago that Bucky had confided in Steve the pain that he and Cherise had recently endured with their failed attempt at IVF. When Cherise is silent, it worries Bucky more. He’s certain she’s already weeping.
She moves to walk away so quickly that she practically jerks out of Bucky’s arms. He doesn’t gaze after her long before hurrying past Dr. Banner, who looks somewhat concerned, and Bucky wonders how much he had seen. If he had seen the same things that Bucky had been observing for the past few minutes. She is out of sight already when Bucky can finally hear Cherise crying audibly. Her agony crushes his soul and it takes everything he has not to break down immediately. He knew it wasn’t a sign of weakness to cry, but he rarely cried in front of Cherise. He felt it was his responsibility to be her rock, her comfort, something he loved being for her, no matter how hard things got for the two of them. Bucky’s chocolate lab, Bob, had gone straight after Cherise when she jumped up at the poolside, and the dog is whining at her heels, wanting to know that his mama is alright.
             “Baby?” Bucky calls, as Cherise makes it into the cool air of the building. She doesn’t stop storming away, and it’s somewhat awkward as Wanda looks up where she, Gamora, and Natasha are chatting in the kitchen, preparing lunch as they catch Bucky running after her. She rushes into the women’s room, but this doesn’t stop Bucky. He follows her straight in and grasps her before she can lock the door on him.
             “Why can’t I have a baby?” Cherise wails, shrinking in Bucky’s arms. He has no choice but to follow her to the floor, where she slumps, defeated, “It’s not fair! …Bucky, it isn’t fair!” Cherise cries into his bare chest, leaving a wetness there which is pleasantly warm in contrast to the air conditioning.
             “We just have to keep trying, sweetie,” Bucky says comfortingly, calmly. He kisses the top of Cherise’s head, rubbing her back.
             “We’ve been trying for a fucking year, James!” she yells, pulling away from him. Bucky doesn’t release her.
             “Cherry—please try to relax—”
             “Don’t tell me what the hell to do,” she barks, and what Bucky had been believing deep down seems to come to fruition. He’d thought that Cherise was beginning to resent him when they managed to make it to Christmas and she still wasn’t getting pregnant. He’d even tried to comfort her by telling her that it was probably him and not her. Despite the doctors saying there was nothing wrong with either of them. Bucky had wanted to take the blame. If even in some small, miniscule way, it made Cherise feel a little less awful, he was willing to deal with that.
             “Don’t yell at me,” he says sternly, “Is this what’s going to happen every time you see a baby?”
Cherise eyes him with hurt and pries away from him, retreating to the corner and hugging her knees. Bucky sighs regretfully.
             “I didn’t mean it—”
             “Yes, you did,” she mumbles, barely intelligible through her tears. Bucky slumps, resting his hands on his knees. A solitary tear escapes his eyes. He clenches his fists, taking a deep breath. He makes his way over to Cherise again and holds her. She doesn’t pull away from him this time and she eventually stops crying. She finds him holding back tears when she looks up at him at last. His smile is real, however.
             “Cherise…one day, we’re going to take our own baby swimming. I promise. Right out there in that pool. And it will be a hot summer day and he’ll love it…We just have to keep trying,” Bucky explains, cupping her chin. She closes her eyes as he kisses her forehead for a long moment. She doesn’t bother to add that he’s wrong and that they’ll never meet their son or daughter.
             “Let’s go home,” he says, leading her to stand.
             “A-actually, I want to stay,” Cherise explains, pausing where Bucky starts to open the bathroom door. He looks down at her with worry. She sighs.
             “I’ll be fine. I promise. I just needed a minute,” she explains, glancing in the mirror to see whether her eyes are too puffy. Bucky sighs, pulling the sunglasses off his head and handing them to Cherise.
             “Are you sure, baby? I knew you were going to get upset the moment Sam and Sharon showed up with their daughter. I don’t want you to feel sad,” he explains genuinely. Bob scratches at the other side of the bathroom door, and both Bucky and Cherise really notice him for the first time.
             “Come away,” Natasha says on the other side of the door. Bucky opens it a crack.
             “Hey, are you guys alright?” Natasha asks.
             “Yeah—sorry,” Bucky says quietly, knowing that Natasha had probably seen that Cherise was crying.
             “Lunch is about ready,” Natasha explains, “Is it okay if I give Bob a turkey leg?”
             “Oh, yeah. He’ll love that,” Bucky explains, opening the door a little bit wider. Cherise is pulling her hair into a ponytail in the mirror. She turns around to grin at Natasha, who waves and starts coaxing Bob away from the door with the meat she had asked Bucky permission to give him. Anything Bucky confided in Steve, Natasha probably knew. So, there isn’t a doubt in Bucky’s mind that Natasha knows exactly what Cherise was crying about. She would probably tell Steve about it when they lie down in bed later that night, the two of them still feeling sorry for Cherise and Bucky. It wasn’t enough for them to be James Jr.’s godparents. Cherise and Bucky adored the boy, but still needed their own kid. Steve and Natasha made a point to have excuses to get Cherise and Bucky to babysit little James as often as they could.
             “Are you sure you want to go out there, babe?” Bucky asks, blocking the door a moment and clutching her waist, “You don’t have to, if you’re not feeling up to it.” Cherise kisses his clefted chin.
             “I’m okay,” she promises, but the look on his face tells her he doesn’t fully believe her. He keeps an arm around her waist as they make their way out of the bathroom. It isn’t long before Bucky is sitting poolside again with a beer, watching Cherise judge little James’s swimming techniques. He calls her auntie Reese, and it makes her smile. Steve sitting beside Bucky cheers him up a bit.
             “Now, I don’t mean to pry,” Steve begins, “But Nat told me that Reese was crying. You two okay?”
Bucky sighs.
             “…You don’t have to answer that,” Steve explains, looking Bucky full in the eyes.
             “Well, we’re still having trouble, Steve. Like I told you. And…well, soon as Cherry saw Sharon and Sam with that little baby, it got to her.” Bucky shrugs. Steve rests a hand comfortingly on his best friend’s shoulder.
             “It’s gonna be okay, Buck.”
             “That’s what I keep tellin’ her,” Bucky explains, tilting the rest of his beer down, wishing he could truly feel its sensations. But he knows that he won’t get drunk, thanks to the serum.
             “I appreciate it, Steve. But I don’t really wanna talk about it right now. I’ve been tryin’ to stay strong for Cherry. Thing is, it’s really getting me down, too. It kills me to see her be so damn sad and I can’t fuckin’ fix it.”
             “I’m sorry, Buck…You know that Nat and I, we love you guys. Just let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.”
             Bucky smiles at Steve without teeth, nodding.
             “And, this is the last thing I’ll say about it ‘cause I’m not trying to bring down your mood, but maybe you guys should consider adopting.”
             Bucky sighs, “She cries even harder if I ever so much as utter the word adopt. But thanks for the suggestion, Steve. I know you’re just trying to be helpful.”
             Bucky is glad that Sharon and Sam’s daughter was too cranky to stay through lunch, and that the child is no longer anywhere to be seen. Bucky wasn’t sure Cherise would be able to hold it together much longer. Everyone’s kids were so cute. It was hard not to be jealous. Suddenly, Bucky can’t wait to get home and take Cherise to bed. She looks so good in her floral bikini, and he liked trying to picture her wearing it while heavily pregnant. The thought makes him smile…
               Christina won’t stop fidgeting with the dress Cherise had helped her into earlier that morning. It’s Easter Sunday and the girl would rather be anywhere other than in church. She leans tiredly against Bucky’s arm, Cherise gasping slightly and closing her eyes tightly as she grasps her stomach on the bottom left. Bucky knew his son liked to kick her there, especially when it was time to be quiet and observant. He pulls his bionic fingers gently through Christina’s long brown hair. The girl is fixated on her mother now, tugging on Cherise’s skirt and asking her if she’s okay in a whisper.
             “Shhh,” Bucky says to her. Steve’s head turns slightly, enough that his frosty eye catches sight of the family behind him. He catches a glimpse of Cherise and turns to face them. He places a hand on Cherise’s knee.
             “Are you alright?” he whispers. This garners Natasha’s attention, James Jr. sitting beside her and paying attention to the sermon.
             “Yeah. He’s just active,” Cherise whispers before briefly explaining that she has to pee. Bucky reaches for her, his hand landing on her lower back. She assures him that she’ll be right back as she waddles down the aisle. Bucky can’t help worrying about her, but he steadies his daughter on his lap now and tells her quietly to pay attention. Christina grumbles, playing with Bucky’s bionic fingers and sinking back against his chest. He had gotten distracted by memories during the sermon, as the discussion is full of references to birth, life, and death. Bucky had never really considered himself very religious, but as he clutches his daughter in his lap, he finds himself thanking God daily. He never would have fathomed a day where Cherise would actually be pregnant, let alone for a second time.
             “Love you, peanut,” Bucky whispers, kissing the top of Christina’s head. She pats his flesh hand appreciatively, making him smile widely. Her tiny hands twist the gold band on his ring finger. He always wore his wedding ring on his flesh hand. It just fit better. Bucky finds himself holding back tears of joy at the sensation of his daughter sighing, probably ready to take a nap on him then and there. He can tell that the girl is bored as shit.
             When Cherise returns, Bucky scoots closer to her in the pew, wrapping one of his arms around her waist, the hand resting on her stomach where he feels his son kick yet again, and tears of joy stream down his face. Cherise gazes up at him with a smile and they share a kiss that seems to last forever.
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