#i cant contain the odd
luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 6 months
Obey me! Brothers with an Innocent Mc:
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Welcome! to this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. This is kinda like the demon behaviors but like different I think idk tbh. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
Caution: May contain dark themes or imply towards dark themes. May contain nsfw or it may imply towards nsfw themes.
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Innocent Mc who jumps up and down when their excited. They only do it because they have so much energy and excitement! Living with demons however makes it not as innocent. Everyone of the brothers caught on to Mc's habit very quickly. They'll play it off as liking to see Mc happy and excited, but in reality they love the way Mc's body moves while they jump around excitedly. The jiggle their body makes when they land a jump. The way Mc's shirt rises a little when they jump into the air. The brothers are usually never focused on Mc's excitement, usually their eyes are trained on Mc's body. Making sure they get to watch every jiggle and get to see every inch of Mc's skin they can. Mc's none the wiser, thinking the brothers are just being nice, caring about Mc and their happiness.
Innocent Mc who shakes their body out of happiness when they eat something they like or eat after being hungry for to long. They cant help it! The foods just so good they have to move their body! The brothers never seem to mind, instead the Brothers always seem to be the ones giving Mc their favorite foods. "You just look so happy when you eat it Mc" its definitely not because they like the way Mc's ass shakes when they do their little happy dance. No that'd be wrong of them, and they are perfectly behaved demons, as far as Mc knows.
Innocent Mc who just loves swimming, the brothers must love swimming too with how often they take Mc swimming! Mc genuinely believes the brothers press against Mc when their in the water, so that Mc doesn't drown. The brother is just holding Mc up, keeping Mc safe is all! Mc who believes the brothers everytime one of them touches their body, naively believing the brother is fixing their swimming garments. The brothers are never actually fixing Mc's swim wear, really they just want to feel the humans bare skin, Mc being wet from their recent swim only adds to the brothers desires to touch the oblivious human.
Innocent Mc who knows that in the human world different places have many different customs, so the Brothers cant be lying when they tell Mc about odd customs the Devildom has. Mc has to do the odd customs, they are a guest on the Devildom after all! It starts with "customs" that the brothers might be able to pull off with enough brainstorming and gaslighting. They never had to brainstorm a plan or gaslight as Mc was none the wiser from the begging. The first few customs were things such as: Mc has to tell them where they are at all times, Mc most likely isn't even allowed out without a brother beside them. Mc has to tell the brothers who they talk to. The brothers get to control whos around Mc, its for Mc's safety. It's mostly because the Brothers don't want to share Mc, nobody else needs to be around Mc and taking up Mc's time. The first few "customs" are there for "Mc's saftey" but in reality it closes Mc in. The only thing Mc has, knows, and is around is the brothers and who the brothers allow Mc to be around. The customs just get weirder and weirder from then on, as soon as the brothers realized Mc was to naive to see what they were doing they took full advantage of it. "Oh Mc, its a custom for a guest to sit on the home owners lap" they'll say its because Mc stays in HoL for free and the brothers keep them safe! Its like the brothers payment. The brothers all work together to make Mc do some odd "customs" as well. Like they would be convincing Mc that on a certain day every week sometime in the weekend probs its a custom for everyone to strip down to their undergarments, for a "relaxation day" or some excuse like that. All the brothers participate, they just want to see Mc in their undergarments too much to not participate in the lie.
Each brother may have their own lies they convince Mc are customs. Belphie may tell Mc that in the Devildom it's a custom to sleep naked, yes even if you're taking a nap with someone Mc! Belphie loves being snuggled up to Mc when neither of them have clothes on, and Mc didn't even take that much convincing to belive his little lie! Asmo convinces Mc that bathing together is a custom in the Devildom. I can see all the brothers saying this but Asmo is def the worst about it. Asmo tells Mc bathing together and washing eachother is great bonding, and that lots of demons do it! Asmo may get a little feely when he washes Mc, he'll tell them that washing this way is how all demons wash themselves, he'll even get them to wash him similarly. Satan convinces Mc that the pet bed he has beside his bed or his favorite reading spot is normal, and that Mc has to sit there because its safer for them. Its a custom for some Devildom furniture to be made unsafe for human use. The pet bed is the only human safe furniature Satan could find that looked comfy! Lucifer convinces Mc that refering to him as things like: sir, master, or daddy, is normal because he's the oldest in the household. In the Devildom its like a form of respect, his brother don't do it because they aren't guests in the house Mc. He'll even add the whole family gets to respect him differently then others, he just loves hearing those words come out of Mc's mouth. Beel convinces Mc that its normal for someone to lick food off of someone else. In the Devildom things are different, demons are close like that, its not weird that Beel licked that whipped cream of you're chest Mc, demons sometimes purposely put food on each other to lick it off for bonding! Some excuse like that, allows Beel to constantly put some type of food on Mc's body so that he can lick it off right after. Levi somehow convinces Mc that its a custom for people to touch each other the way he touches them. Its a game Mc! Its like the Devildom's version of play fighting! ..just with a lot more groping and grinding, you're bodies absolutely must be touching in this game! As close as possible! The moment Levi's letting out weird sounds, is getting all flustered, and his body jolts and jitters, well thats when Mc wins of course! Mc always seems to win at this game, and Mc never seems to notice Levi's pants are always stained after playing. Mammon convinces Mc that its normal for their "first" man to do things that the others aren't allowed to do. This includes all kinds of different things but some of the main ones are that Mammons allowed to be with Mc anywhere, anytime, no matter what. Mc's changing? Mammons there convincing Mc its normal to watch. Mc's in the bathroom? Mammons in the bathroom too, he'll at least be nice enough to not watch during these times, but hes still in the bathroom, just facing towards the door while Mc does their business. Mc's sleeping? Mammon can sit at the end of Mc's bed watching them sleep until hes tired! There is no privacy when it comes to Mammon, hes Mc's first! Mc doesnt need privacy from him! Hes here to protect and experience all Mc's firsts with them! He cant give his brothers a chance to have a moment with Mc thats hes never had.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! This has been in my drafts forever so hopefully its good man. Let me know if I should try and do more parts or this or not. Anyways more content will be coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy Scooby!
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bloodymarsupials1 · 2 months
sooooo, i wanted to make this because i apparently cant reblog and i have no idea why. (i'm referencing the little...challenge? however you want to call it by @drinkyourvillainjuice.
anyway here it is, i also added a few fanfics just cause.
The Second Sight @spoiledblog (demo) You’re an urban legend in a county full of them. When you were thirteen, you were found passed out in the road by one of the local cops. No missing persons report. No fingerprints on file. No memories. Just a name.Oh, and some bizarre psychic powers.You're content with simplicity. You like your isolated cabin and helping Carter track down missing persons. You know that in theory there are more people like you out there, but you've never wanted to look behind the curtain to find out.However, with the disappearance of a local teen named Casey Powell and a recent attempt on your foster father's life, your serene, isolated life comes abruptly to its end and a new chapter begins.
After The End @albywritesfiction (demo)
Your former fiancé and heir apparent of the Aurelian Kingdom, Prince Ædan, has married the love of his life, the fair Saintess Helene. As the nation celebrates their union, you are left alone to pick up the pieces of your broken heart... until you receive two letters. One is an invitation to the office of Prince Ædric, the crown prince's younger brother and rival for the throne. The other is a letter filled with concern from your childhood friend and secretary-in-training, Cyfrin, who is currently assisting your father at your family’s ducal estate in the countryside. Each letter contains a proposition that will change the course of your fate forever.
Which one will you choose?
God-Cursed @wings-of-ink (Demo)
you were found as a newborn, clutched in the arms of your dead mother at the base of a tree. No family came to claim you, but the men who came to your rescue adopted you as their own and became the only parents you’ve ever known. Growing up in the village of Stonebrook, you never want for much, until the day you first fall ill. Life plagues you with a mysterious condition that no one can diagnose or cure. You never know when it will strike or if it will eventually kill you. Living between fear and hope as you age, you try to come into your own as an adult with the ever-looming threat above you. As years pass, your condition seems to improve, until a mysterious mark appears on your body and opens up new questions.
It appears that you’re marked for death with no answers as to why, and your only chance to survive is to go out and seek them.
Journey through the land of Iroda, a fantasy world where the gods have abandoned their people and magic no longer prevails as it once did. Something is brewing that may change this world forever, and you’re in the middle of it, though your role is a mystery you must solve. Wanted dead by some and alive for mysterious purposes by others, you just want to survive. With the help of a few friends, find the answers that you need, and make your choices.
Before We are Ghosts @anjiefiction (DEMO) When a powerful villain threatens the safety of Metamora, you and the city’s heroes go to great lengths to stop him, and ultimately you are forced to pay the biggest price of all.(Against all odds, the heroes win. The victory is hollow.)The doctors are professional, if not sympathetic. They tell you that your body is in the process of slowly shutting down. No, they aren’t sure why. No, there isn’t a cure. When you ask how much time you have left, the faces grow dark. Perhaps a year, they say. Two if you’re lucky.(You thought you could rest. You thought wrong again.)For as threats resurge and the past rears its ugly head, you can only wonder: Do you have the strength to see things through? Will there be enough time?And when the end comes, can you find the courage to say goodbye?
more than me @ryanstillwrites-if (Demo) On a Wednesday morning, you leave your doctor's office with the diagnosis of an inoperable brain tumour and the knowledge of an estimated four months left to live.Suddenly left without any direction in your life, you find yourself in a support group for the terminally ill. Where you expected to find sadness, melancholy and a looming sense of dread at thought of a fast approaching death - all the same feelings you harbour - you find smiles and laughter instead.You're drawn in by the people you meet there, curious and confused by their carefree attitudes. They're kind to you, they take you in, they turn your frown upside down - literally and figuratively. And just when you think you might be beginning to accept your fate; they decide to throw all caution to the wind and whisk you away on the adventure of a lifetime.You don't know what will come of the next four months but with your new friends at your side, you're excited to find out. After all, this is the only life you've been given, and though it may be ending soon; you might as well live it to the fullest.
Omen of Ice @omen-of-ice (no demo) The North has been all that you’ve known your whole life— residing within its icy landscape as part of House Eirlys; Wardens of the North. You’ve never thought you’d one day leave to head south to Vela’thian— the kingdom of the elvhen— much less that you’d head there due to your betrothal with the king himself.What will await you once you arrive? Is everything as it seems? Or is there something more brewing beneath the surface of the seemingly pristine nation?Will you find your way back home? Or will you find something, or someone, worth staying for?Let’s see how your story unfolds…
Mons Immortalium @mons-immortalium-if (DEMO) Mons Immortalium is a fantasy romance interactive story. Human MC falls into the magical land of the faeries, a mountain island that has been secluded from the rest of the world for over a millennium. Break curses, fall in love and beware of  wicked faeries. Whatever you do, never give them your true name!
In the Cards @inthecards (demo)
You've always had psychic powers. Reading auras, speaking with the dead, and channeling spiritual energy through runes - these number just a few of the things you're capable of. It's not an unusual gift in the kingdom of Khepris, though it's uncommon enough that you've only met a few other people with such abilities in your small hometown.
After a plague sweeps through the kingdom, unrest bubbles up in the realm known as the Beyond, home to fae and spirits alike. A group of fae who call themselves the Butterfly Court are testing the boundaries between your worlds, and they don't seem to care what harm they may be causing along the way.
With a deck of tarot cards imbued with mystical powers in your possession, you're pulled into the struggle against the Butterfly Court. You must join one of two organizations - the King's Guardians or the Hounds - in order to fight back against this mysterious court… or risk losing everything.
Parasitical @parasitical-if (DEMO)
His flesh, our sustenance. His blood, our drink. His bones, our foundation, His body, our haven.
Five hundred years ago, the Earth was dying. Water polluted, dirt infertile, forests and meadows crumbling to the wars of steel and fire. And so the Order called His Grace, the Lord of Communion, down from where he rested before and He allowed humanity to rest inside his body.
Or at least, that's the story the Order tells.
You grew up under the masked faces of their Exalted, under the stories of Earth past. Rusted metal and cracked plastic; His bone and His flesh. Conflicting worlds, conflicting times, and soon, it might all come to a head.
crown of ashes and flames @coeluvr (demo) The war had taken everything from you.King Luceris had taken everything from you.You were just nine years old when all of this happened. One moment you were in your room sleeping and the next you were walking through smoke and ash trying to find your parents.Love, he said, was the reason he started the war. Ironically, you lost everything you loved but you also lost yourself when he let you survive and dragged you away to his home.In a new Kingdom with no one on your side what choices will you make to survive? Who will you become?Inside of you, there’s something burning for revenge and there’s only one thing I want to tell you. Let it out.
Bleeding Heart @bleedingheart-if (Demo) Congratulations, you got engaged. Whether that is good or bad is ultimately up to you.Shortly after your engagement, your fiancé sets out on a journey to the distant lands of Transylvania, a real estate opportunity that proved too irresistible to decline.With your wedding temporarily on hold, you don't hesitate to respond when your childhood friend Lucy implores you to pay her a visit, seeking your company and counsel with an urgent matter concerning her very own future.The strangeness begins as you arrive in Whitby, a charming coastal town where the Westenra's estate resides.
checkmatein 3 moves @checkmatein3moves (DEMO) YOU are the heir; the child of one of the most powerful women on Oracle Island. When she’s accused of murdering her sister almost forty years prior after the revelation of a suspicious anonymous tip, her power falls to you — but so will her reputation.Many questions present themselves: is your mother a killer? Who wants to see her fall for it? Who will make the next move in the inevitable game? Can you play as well as the rest of them?The Elite Class are full of blood and schemes. Your generation carries the scars of those before them, and thus you all must join the game or face the consequences. But dark intentions are cloaked in silk and diamonds, and the heady taste of power corrupts like an infection.
The Abyssal Song @ri-writes-if (DEMO) In the underworld kingdom, where demons fight for survival against the abyssal monsters, you are just an Oracle. In the distant past the Oracles were at the top of the demonic hierarchy, but those golden days are long gone. You did what you were most afraid to do and now sit under arrest in the royal palace.When the Abyss sends you a vision of a terrible disaster that will happen in the future, you make an inevitable “deal” with the Sovereign to try to change the future and improve your abilities, not only to become stronger and learn more about the coming disaster, but also in an attempt to achieve mind stability.However, what has been happening to you since you received the vision makes you think that you are already slowly but surely losing your mind.Will you be able to maintain your sanity and help others protect the kingdom, or will you become just another name in the long list of Oracles gone mad?
the lonely shore @thelonelyshore-if (DEMO) Meet me at the cabin. Please.You weren’t sure what to make of it. A cryptic late night text sent from your younger sibling, begging you to meet up at your family’s old lake home. The plea for help was as concerning as it was confusing. As far as you knew, neither of you had set foot in the cabin in a decade. You had your hesitations, but Willow seemed desperate. You couldn’t help but oblige.Everything goes downhill fast when Willow's research into childhood ghost stories lands you in a town that doesn't exist. A town where people go missing at an alarming rate, where things that aren't quite human run businesses with hungry eyes, where time runs differently.A town you can't leave.Something about Easthaven is wrong. A supernatural fog permeates the town, so thick you could choke…but you’re one of the only people who seems to notice it. You’re quick to realize the fog keeps the residents ignorant, keeps them passive, keeps them trapped. When people who have long since gone missing start coming back home, you realize Easthaven’s mysteries go deeper than you could have ever imagined.
Kenneski @devilishmango (here)You were ripped away from your home, your life- all because you were accused of using magic. Sent away on carriages, bursting full of others like you, being brought to Kenneski Prison. It’s a prison made specifically to hold those that can wield magic, making it so you are powerless. It’s a death sentence for most that go there. But not for you.
stagnation @stagnation-if (DEMO) It's the year 2524, and you're a defeated God/Goddess/Deity in a place and time where your kind is rarely needed anymore. After being locked away and thought to be dead for nearly a millennia, you wake up.
The Fall of House Black @endemise (DEMO) The fall of House Black, your house, was an imminent thing. A name had never been so cursed that all it could do was bring about death.First, your younger sister in a swimming accident, then your older brother in a case of mistaken identity. As the rest of your family sought to grieve and bring justice to your brother, your older sister was killed in a hunting accident at the end of your father’s bow.The three of you, mother, father, and child, became inconsolable. Broken beyond repair. Your mother unable to bear the weight of life any longer took her own while your father disappeared, gone into the night. When you remain the sole survivor of House Black, you know you must leave, and on the night of your decision, your home goes up in flames with you inside.Then, you awake, dazed with no recollection of anything, and when you look down at your body, you scream. It is wrong. So wrong.
Drink Your Villain Juice @drinkyourvillainjuice (demo) Everyone knows that superpowers come about through three distinct methods.One can be born to their abilities, see them emerge in a moment of great strife, or acquire them through extensive cybernetic augmentation.Everyone is wrong.You’d know. If only that knowledge—and your snazzy slash horrible powers—didn’t come with a host of strings attached. Too bad that was an offer you couldn’t refuse.Did I mention one of the strings was supervillainy?Thrown headlong into a life of crime, balance conflicted loyalties, personal scars, and navigating a web of secrecy and deception, all while maintaining your cover.Above all, remember to drink your Juice. Your life depends on it.
The Gilded @the-gilded (Demo v1.2) Your younger brother, Leo, went missing three days ago. Your parents called the police, and they started investigating quickly. They were too late. Leo had already disappeared into the deepest part of the forest, where the mortals have vowed never to return. The police have offered to contact your family if Leo crosses the barrier back to the mortal side, but their investigation can’t go any further without inviting the wrath of the Fae.The winter solstice is approaching fast, which means that the High Fae are likely gathering mortal children for their great feast. The only way to get your brother back is to follow him into the forest and steal him back from the palace of the High Fae… If you can get there in one piece. The Fae forest is full of tricksters and killers, and you'll likely need some allies to help get you both back home.
VANGUARD @vanguard-if (PLAY) As a faering, you should want to keep to yourself. Your home is a safe haven where your dragon kin people reside; a place of true neutrality. There are no allies to the Midlands, nor are there enemies. Your people simply are, and this will not change.But you were never one much for rules, were you? With whispers of a certain prince in the Northlands allegedly receiving death threats from your docile leader, Cirrus, you could only slip away into the depths of the North to go see for yourself. It's so hilariously outrageous that your peace-loving ruler has such rumours teeming about them.You did not expect to find a bounty hunter bleeding out from her abdomen. And most of all, you did not expect her to know you by name, even through her raggedy breaths. And most of all, you did not expect her to have leads on the one you seek: the Northern Prince.
TWISTED GOLD @icaroif (DEMO) In the wake of an attack on your village that left your father dead and everybody you had ever known missing or the same, you are given one option; find your uncle in the Capital or else run for the hills and never look back. It was never really a choice anyway.
NINE BLOOD DANCES @nineblooddances-if [DEMO] You were a gift. Now to whom? No one knows.All that matters is that you are a gift and not like any of the others of your species. Uniqueness and importance oozes from every fiber of your being. You're important. Everyone says you're important. But why you're so important?Who knows?You must figure out what makes you so special and different. You must figure out what drives you through all circles. And you have to figure out why the nine commanders of Hell all have their eyes upon you and wish to have you by their side.All before the fall of the ninth moon.
Trouble Brewing @troublebrewing-if (Demo) it's all fun and games until someone loses a head!Quinn, your best friend, has brought you some awful news: your illustrious parents, having run out of potential mates for their brood, have set you up with the worst person you know -- Devon Bainbridge. Your intended is uncouth, self-indulgent, and ten years your senior.Of course, if no one can find you, the wedding's off, right?Make daring escape from your family's castle, get pressed into joining a rebellion, and find yourself fighting alongside a plucky bard, a brooding bandit, a naive idealist, and a fool-in-training. Escape marriage, join a rebellion, and find love… or sabotage it all.
ANECDOCHE @anecdoche-if (Demo) You wake up chained to a chair by one of the most notorious gangs in the country, only to be saved by one of the most famous hero organizations only a few moments later. Who wants you so badly that they would hire an entire gang to abduct you, and can you really trust the Supers that have been put in charge of your protection?
Blood of Morana @blood-of-morana (demo) You are one of the people, cursed with Morana’s magic, which gives you power over both winter and death. You can imagine that being one of the White Deaths hasn’t exactly made you the beacon of hope or the icon of popularity among your people. Worse yet, some of your magic has been sealed, making it impossible to witch away the inquisition.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - An affair of the heart @doriana-gray-games (demo)
Play as your version of Sherlock Holmes in this romance detective game!
Make an enemy of a friend and a lover out of an enemy. Solve the case of boredom. Have a pet bird—and best of all, play as a romantically and emotionally stunted genius detective!
nemisi @elegy-if (demo) The struggle between cosmic deities — now worshiped (or abhorred) as gods — tore its way into your planet not long before you were born. Unlucky for you, you were one of the first generations to be born exposed to Excinate, the name given to the radioactive-like sickness that comes from being exposed to magic not of your world. As you've built up a bit of an immunity to the more dire consequences, you were promptly ripped from your family after a doctor's visit when the Excinate got a bit too close to your childhood home. Since then, you’ve been shipped around and transported from facility to facility to be poked and prodded at.Until now. No, now you’re free.Aside from that lingering hunger for flesh you’ve had since becoming infected, of course. Just a little side effect from the radiation, along with a mouthful of jagged teeth and a jaw that can unhinge like a snake.
Burning Academia @burning-academia-if (Demo) You never thought you'd go to college, due to your circumstances. But you especially didn't dream you'd be forced to attend the prestigious Vales Grove University after being attacked by wraiths in their library. What started as a visit to a long time friend, ended with your hands burned, your innocence questioned, and the startling realization magic is real.To apologize for what's happened to you, or more accurately, to keep an eye on you, the Headmaster himself offers you enrollment with all fees waived. With no real choice in the matter, you become a student, and try to ignore the suspicion everyone throws your way. Besides, you have worse things to deal with.Like how you've started to attract ghosts and other dead things, or the fact that there is a very living thing inside your head, waiting for you to lower your guard and take control. And most pressing of all, managing your obligation to a family that hasn't been such a thing in years.Tread carefully, if the ghosts don't devour you, the university certainly might.
lightweaver: Chosen @lightweaver-chosen-if (DEMO) A world where elemental deities share a fraction of their powers to their chosen, bringing upon the age of weavers; humans with the ability to manipulate the elements of their patron.You have been chosen by a mysterious lightning deity—blessing you with the power to weave lightning. But with a troubled childhood haunting your every step, your new abilities present a double-edged sword.The choices you make, the support you receive, and the inner strength you harness define your journey—a journey fraught with anguish, but one that promises a life outside Mother’s grasp.Two divergent paths lay ahead.Will you let yourself heal and grow, or will you fall deeper into the void?
Talon's End @asheepinthenight (DEMO) You were never destined to marry for love.As the third child of the Earl of Eastthorn, your purpose is to marry to your family's advantage, but after one failed engagement already, your prospects are less than promising. So when the Crown calls upon you to infiltrate the lair of an Elven sorcerer in search of a powerful magical weapon, the offer is too good for your family to refuse.But leaving your respectable home to marry an immortal being of immense power quickly puts you in uncharted territory. Between your secretive, disagreeable spouse and their labyrinthine spire infested with strange creatures, your mission to uncover their secrets is risky from the start. But as you come to know both your partner and your new home at Talon's End, you discover terrors and wonders unlike anything you've known–and the true price of your mission.
Leas: City of the Sun @sailingshellsgames (demo) Enter the city of Leas, where humans dwell in safety behind city walls while strange and powerful Fey roam the wilds. Play as one of a rare few skilled enough to explore the outside world, an agent of Den Zarel.After making a dangerous discovery you are sent on a mission that unfolds into an adventure that will unearth more than expected, and more than you alone can handle.Fortunately, you’ll have help along the way: a lifelong friend hiding a dangerous secret, a mysterious and taciturn rogue, and an eccentric and charming mage unite under your banner to help save your city, and possibly, the world
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xuanhttps · 5 months
⠀♩⠀⠀‿‿⠀⠀❀⠀⠀⠀﹒⠀⠀⠀꒷꒦⠀⠀⠀Ꮺ ֶָ۪ ⠀⠀⠀﹐ how many sleepless nights ?
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› in which ;; you, the prefect of nrc endure numerous restless nights staring into the starry sky
› containing ;; gn!reader (no mention of gender or pronouns other than you/yours) ; malleus draconia, epel felmier
› disclaimer ;; this is mostly self indulgent bc ive been unable to sleep well bc of paranoia n such but that's not explicitly mentioned in tje fic so like. it can be for wtv reason fits u!!
beyond the shadows of dreams — malleus draconia.
malleus first notices these odd tendencies you were yet to display in your first meetings ; slurred speech, red eyes, constant yawning. although he may be a fae prince, malleus is no stranger to clear signs of exhaustion. having witnessed it many times growing up around silver. although he will not explicitly call you out on such matters, he is not one to let his dearest child of man suffer. lilia has sebek observe you, only managing the act of convincing him by claiming that it would bring malleus great pleasure to see the ramshackle prefect in good health, malleus begins to give you things to assist with sleeping. ofcourse, lilia had to advise him in that department.
noise cancelling headphones, a weighted blanket, literally the softest pillows and plushies in all of twisted wonderland, full on offers to repair ramshackle just so you could sleep in peace?? honestly bae if ur still sleep deprived after allat i dont know how to help. all in all, malleus is trying. it brings him joy to see you in good spirits, afterall, you are the only one who has given him a chance. the only one to not fear him.
time flies, i always miss you — epel felmier
epel's had to endure a strict no-exceptions sleeping schedule for practically most of his life. between helping out with his grandmother's harvest and pomefiore, there really was never any room for sleep deprivation. that being said, epel probably learnt a number of techniques from granny felmier. back when he was young epel never really thought theyd be that useful. however now? those stray thoughts might as well be forgotten now that he gets to use these techniques on you.
epel would never admit it, however, he cant help but feel a new sensation in his heart taking care of you. even if it took alot of convincing vil to allow you to sleep in pomefiore, epel absolutely adores the time he gets to spend with you late into the night. pillow talk while the two of you are half asleep, likely not even making proper sentences despite those half hours being the most meaningful conversations the two of you will have.
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the-friendly-entity · 5 months
Hello there. Can you do an imagine where the MK1 characters finding out that the reader has an abusive family and how will they react to it when they find out?
[ ~"No Your Home"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1
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Congrats on being the first user to send a question! I am so sorry for the late response on this, somehow tumblr did not notify me of this until I checked out my activity, it is a really interesting prompt/idea! hope I did it as you like <3 and if you really suffer from this, I'm so sorry for hear that :( i hope you can seek for help to get out from that dangerous relationship and be in a better place safe
What contains? Abuse Topic, Sensitive Content, Mention of Gore/Death
How is visualized as? Cople Relation Ship, Family Relation Ship, Friend Relation Ship
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-He already had some suspicious, mostly at first when he wanted to wave or put his arm up to do a high fight and you reacted so scared and tried to cover yourself with your arms, something surely dint expect Raiden you do, at first he thought it was a just a misunderstanding for the first time, but when he see this sometimes repeat he have douts
-No Only that, but you using a clothes that cover most of your body also makes him suspicious, he does not judge anyone clothes style, but he cant stop feeling something was odd about it
-He always wanted to address this but he dont know how to, until one time he found you hided crying alone, he slowly get close to you and ask you whats wrong, he surely will be ok if dint want to address this or dont feel comfortable to talk what ever is bother you, but once you told him about the abuse you suffer from you parents he get mostly froze
-He can't believe you have such abused parents, not in a literal way, you are just a good person why do you deserve to be treated like that? and mostly by you own parents, he surely will talk to you all you about it and try to find a way to fix this, he will try to talk you parent try to make a deal in the most pacifist as possible, but if you parents are really aggressive and stubborn, he will use his Earthrelm champion title for this situation, or most tense parts, use his thunder powers to scared them and show dominance that way they let you free
-His house is welcome if you dont have a place to go to live with momentary, he even dont mind if you want to live in his house permaly as long you safe is what makes him feel relief, at the moment the first Raiden will do is take you to a doctor to check all you injures you parents did to you, make sure you get fully healed
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Kung Lao
-Surprisely he surely will figure out more faster a difference from Raiden, he saw your odd reactions but he thought you were just that shy or he that scarry? I mean he a very buff guy~ (in his imagination)
-Surely he will figure out in one of his jokes, tickles you or carry you up for the fun, seeing your injuries and purple marks from the clothes as been lifted up a little from the playful moment, making the joke be fully over
-He will straight up asking what happened and who did this two you?, you try to hide your injures and stay away from him, just saying is nothing but of course is not, Kung Lao will insist a lot until saying the truth, he will not leave your safe until he knows why you are hurt
-Finally, you reveal about your abused parents, ooh Kung Lao is pissed, so badly, who dare to hurt you like that!? he dont care are your parents, they need to be teaching a lesson to not hurt their own children like that, he will just straight go to your parents house and start a discussion about it, if things gets intense fight will be make (dont worry he will not muder you parents but he wish)
-After that, he will make sure you will be safe, taking you to a doctor to check the injuries, and invite you to his home so you have a place to live, if your parents dare to try to take you back he will keep sure they will not try to archive that, keep you safe is his priority
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Smoke - Tomas
-I think he will be the same fast to know it as kung lao, after all, he live an abuse experience with Bi-Han so he knows the feeling, seeing you trying to cover yourself with your arms, he has a worried look, straight asking "who is hurting you?...."
-Even if try to hide as much as possible, Smoke will be keeping close to you, he wants to figure out who is hurting you, he wants to help you, there is no need for to you hided this, he wants to help...
-He will always send hints about it, hints of you have someone there to help you, trying to earn your trust and trying to free you from this prison of fear you parents as made you, making you think you have no one to help you, thanks of all this hints and support from Tomas, you finally say about you Abuse Parents
-He was not even mad, or sad, he disappointed, disappointed from your parents for do this to you, he will comfort you and make sure to you feel safe, he as raiden will try to negotiate with you parents peacefully, if things dont work out, he will not just let leave you in that bad home, he will take with you to be safe not matter how much your parents yell or try to take you, he will protect you, after all, you parents dont know who is dealing with
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Kenshi Takahashi
-Well, he not a hand person so he would never have seen this odd reaction from you, even so, Sento already told him something was not ok with you, which made him be in alarm
-I think the way Kenshi will figure out about your abusive parents on his own is you two are cuddling surely you already sleeping due to how safe you feel in his arms, in an accidental touch, he feels one of you injured, confused and in worried he carefully touch your body, making as possible not uncomfortable you or not broke you personal space, after all, was your body and he was not having permission to touch it, but as he found more and more injures, he get more worried, and more when he feel a lot of them are very recent
-After that, he will ask you about it, about this injury and what or who is causing it, you try to not say it and keep it as "its not big deal", but Kenshi will make you feel safe to make you talk about if, after all he can't leave you after he found you poor body badly hurt
-After you talk about your abusive parents, he is angry but not the same angry as Kung Lao, but definitely angry, he will try to your parents in a passive-aggressively way, and if they dont want to cooperate, Kenshi just straight you take out his katana and point it at your parents, to make them know who are dealing with, after that, he will take you to a doctor to check you injures, if you need a house to live, he will ask Jhonny for make you a house where you can be safe and far away from your parents (he dont think you are safe if you live with him, due all the yakuza situation and all the stuff he have to live as part of the Eearthrelm protectors) with all the things you need, even ask Jhonny for have you a job where you can get money, but dont worry, he always will have a day he will check on ya
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-He already saw the odd reaction, and he just felt proud having no idea why you acting that way, he thinks is because he strong looking and you feel dominated by his appearance, is because you acting such way, he may have abuse of this a little, just to get proud feeling
-Maybe the way he figure out this if you have a breakdown, posebly he was training and you dint know entering straight into the mouth of the wolf he almost hit you, you lucky you was slowly entering the room to avoid the hit, and that triggers you a lot making you fall from the floor crying, he will at first chuckles about this and telling you "come on, dont be dramatic i dint even hit you by luck" but seeing you not respond is what concern him
-He will try as best to comfort you, he will carry you carefully and take you to a room where you are comfortable and safe, waiting for you to stop crying and calm you down, once you finally calm, Reiko ask for explanations about you behavior early, and you know there not excuse or way out from this, so you told him about you abuse parents
-He at firts wil be silent, but you can see his expression got serious, he straight ask you where they live, and once you father open the door he will get pass out from Reiko punch in the face and bleeding from the nose, you mother not even have time to react what happen, but lucky for her, it was they warning, because Reiko will not have mercy next time if they try to do something to you, he will take you to his home so you be safe, and take you to doctors to cure you injures, and mostly he apologies about taking chance of you trauma for fill his ego, after what all that after, he mostly more sweet with you and mostly protective
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-Again, he is not a very hand person, but surely he will notice you odd behavior when he moves his staff, making you react and cover your body with you arms, he mostly ask you ok, he mostly thinks he was too close to you and almost could hurt you, but when this happens a couple of times now he have suspicious
-He will ask trick questions, making sure to get all the information he wants to know about it, to know what is causing you react that way if something happens to you to always be alert of everything, everytime he asks the question about "is someone in particular doing something at you" you get oddly quiet, his suspicious just increase
-Finally he just straigt foward about it, just asking "who is hurting you", as long you try to denied you not free from Rain until you tell the true, once you tell about you abuse parents he angry about it, you parents? that is fall so low, he will to you parents home and try to negotiate to them, and if they dont agreed, well, Rain will just drown them a little, dont worry he will not kill them even if he wish but he will just show them a little of who are dealing with, just egnoft before remove the water from they heads so they can breath
-Now safe in Rain's hands, he is your doctor! he knows how to cure your injuries and even make them they not even exist to the first place, after all, he feels angry and sad seeing your body being hurt that way, you will live in his home where you can safe from you parents
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-He already smells your blood, the smell does recent injuries you have have that have a little of your blood, maybe still bleeding a little, knowing are from you he will straightforward ask you if you ok, and he will know you are lying, his intimate appearance its not make you so much option to say about your abuse parents
-Oh he dont like that, he was a parent before the tarkat take over him so hearing about his burn his blood, he will ask you about where you parents live and not for talk, he will straight murder them, not letting anything behind, he will not let you see this tho so you will never know about the murder of you parents
-He will take you to a doctor to cure your injures and ask Syzoth help if can find you a home where you live and be safe, he wish he can be near you to keep you safe from anyone, but yea...the tarkat
-but something sure, he will be a family to you, the family you never have and the family you need it, always checking on you and telling you praises you parents never told you, he will make you have what you never had and is very aware you need that
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Shang Tsung
-To be honest, he was just confused of your odd reactions but did not really think about it, i think the most way he surely find about your abused parents is when he caught you trying to heal your own injuries alone
-After hearing his voice catching you off guard his words "Why you are alone there" Having already a smug expression due to your reaction, he mostly not even ask why you have those injures and straight fogar wanted to know about them by himself, slowly surprised of how much you have, you almost a broken doll
-you have his curiousity and he ask what happen to you, his voice have nothing of pity, even if you dont want to tell him, you know you are not safe from Shang Tsung's grip and you told him about your abuse parents
-He at first will be not care and just leave you alone, but as the day passes he feels....jealous? angry? He does not even know how to figure out this feeling, he just feels "the only one who allowed to hurt you is me" thing, he not even will ask where you parents live, he will follow you from the distance and arrive at your parents home, once he knows where you parents leave, he takes they souls and problems solve~
-Knowing you eventually find they corpse you will tell Shang Tsung about it for not say almost interrogate him about it, he will act like he dont know about it with that fruity and smug expression, at least you can live in your home peacefully, but if you not feel comfortable in that house, Shang Tsung is more that happy you live with him, about you injures, I dont know, mostly you can ask about it for help you, but he will do it? you can trust him? only Shang Tsung knows that answer
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-Again no hand person but he can smell your blood from your injures, knowing it from you he is worried, already telling you you are bleeding, making you nervous, he tries to make you be calm as possible and offer his help, he very supportive boy :(, so he find odd when you refuse his help
-Seeing the blood smell dint go away and he knew was recent each time, he found it odd, why you always bleeding? and acting like nothing is happening, he try to address this as best as possible, trying to not make you uncomfortable about the topic, he just worried about you
-Once he knows about you abusive parents, ooooh he angry, again he was a father before Shang Tsung take them, so he can accept you are suffering from you parents, he mostly will comfort you and make you feel safe, but mostly ask you to talk to them
-He will try to address it as peacefully as possible with you parents, but he will not be very patient with your parent's attitude and when his patience is over he straigth forward show his zaterran form, he dont care about what you parents think about him, he will show them do not mess with you
-After that, he invites you to live in his place, takes you to a doctor to cure your injuries and be the parent you never had, of course will be different due to Zaterran parents acting diferent from human parents, but he will try as possible to give you what you never have
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-He thinks he scared you becuse of his odd powers or his scary appearance so he will not think about it, possibly the way he figure out about your abuse parents are one of does moments he talks (rants) about the abuse and suffer he feels his people and everyone have the right to live freely, all does talk make you feel motivate or more confident to talk about you abuse parents
-Once you finally tell him about it, oh you can see the HELL in his eyes, he can't believe you being abused by your own parents, someone so good and someone who can't even defend yourself, he will demand you were you parents live, and he will not talk, straight kill them
-You will shocked from so gore scene, telling Havik he didn't do that, but he with his blood hands try to comfort you, telling you is what they deserve for treating you that way, that was they punishment and now you was free from they hell
-Maybe you dont want to live with havik after that and he will respect your decision, even he feels a little sad to make you feel that way, he dont regret doing it for the good of you, and promise you will be safe under his protencion
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Liu Kang
-he could noticed it, and surely could know you suffering from some sort of abuse, is was a normal reaction from someone who suffers it, he will not go straight forward making sure you say it when you feel comfortable, so he will have his hands behind!!
-He will be so sweet with you :(, making sure you have a good time knowing you passing from something horrible, is what you deserve, surely you cry sometimes when he was too sweet with you, is something you cant belive you know? it was a feeling you cant process after you get use to the abuse
-Finally thanks of Liu Kang's Actions you told him about your abuse parents, he so sad to hear this news, he thought it wil be a friend or a partner you have, but your own parents?, is heart breaking, and he promise to try to make something
-He wil not even try to look intimidating or dominant, he is a god yes but he will not use his rank for things like this, he will try to talk to you parents peacefully, and if things dont work out, well, this goes straight to judge, dont worry of course Liu Kang win it and you parents go to jail
-He will offer you multiple houses to live, and he is definitely ok if you want to live in his place, he will continue to be as sweet as he has been, trying to replace does bad experience you have, remove all that trauma and you be free from that abuse you have from you parents, and even you scared you parents come back dont worry, Liu Kang will make sure of they wont
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-Yep, he knows, he already saw about your abusive parents, how they treated you and hurt you, it was something sad to see, he even saw other timelines where you parents actully love you, or straight they abandoned you or kill you...
-He dont know if he has the right to be in your life, after all are mortal decisions and he can't change those decisions, surely tell this to Liu Kang to seek of opinion about it, knowing you and Geras are close to each other he will allowed it as long you make the decision to tell him
-and there he is, being on your side, trying to show you beautiful things and make you forget about the bad experience with you parents, same as Liu Kang he will be so nice to you in his way, posebly knowing he the guardian of time surely you figure out he knows, not even telling him just asking if in a future you parents will love you or they did feel love
-Is sad to hear his answer but he wil make sure you dont have to see them anymore, no matter how hard your parents try to find you they will never be, you will be safe in your new home, and living the life you deserve it away of any danger or abuse
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nekassvariigs · 2 years
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Portgas D. Ace x reader
Make him at home will you?
(Mentions Whitebeard at times)
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He stormed off in a hurry, his mind scattered in a million pieces unable to solve itself.
"Im gonna find him." He was strongly determined to find the man who claimed to be the strongest and beat him, claiming his spot.
"Enough already, join me, become my son." the tall male offered him his hand, which he looked at in digust.
Who do you think i am to accept something like this. Your son? me? dont be stupid old man, i could kill you.
"Let me raise you to be the strongest." His spear drummed on the ground his solemn expression waiting for the raven haired boy.
No way in hell-
Was the last tought he was capable of thinking before his eyes lost sight of the world, hands trembling to uphold his weight.
"Is he gonna be alright pops?" You asked standing next to your capitan. Much like the boy before you Whitebeard was a man with a simple dream, to have a big family, he added on to it generously no matter who called him a devil, a monster a soul-less pirate.
"Yeah, i went easy on him, kids got spunk. Take him in boys." A couple of men accompanied the teen raising him over their shoulders as they dragged him onto the ship, his crew left stranded without a capitan, he let them off easy.
He was plagued with a nightmare, like a sadistic never ending dream, a figure resembling his own telling him he's not worth a good fight, he should have died before even reaching this place. He cant even stand up for himself. Hes a failure, who could love him, have him as a son.
He winced in his sleep clutching his yellow shirt tighter. A bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. His hat drowning out the noise of his sniffles.
You hated to pity a man so broken knowing fully well what it would do to him if he saw the way you looked at him, like an abandoned dog, starved for a home , a place to belong, it sickened you just thinking what could leave a boy his age so fragile.
"He's got a good heart.." you smiled, a pair of men quirking their brows at the way you looked at the captive. The stew you were stirring bubbled, spices and cooked roots lingering in the air.
"Please.." he held onto himself like he was the only one able to help it.
You layed by his side, his scrunched up form twitching each time he had a flash of self doubt.
"Shh.. Its okay.. shhh." you hummed to him placing his hat onto your lap, the two upturned smiley pins staring at you.
"Must be tough huh.." you stroked the metal pins scraping off any built up mud on them. He stayed still for the longest time, it was nice seeing him not be afraid of himself even if it was just a nightmare you guided him through.
He felt a light scent like flowers but a bit stronger, the mirror image of himself looked forward in the horizon of this odd warmth, it had been a long time since he felt a gentle touch.
Your hands raked through his dark unruly hair, your hand often times going to cup his cheek for a while before you resumed combing his hair, he felt like babe, so fussy yet so easy to calm. His knees slowly fell into your lap you hummed a song. The melody was warm and blissful resting the boys fears for a bit, he couldnt even begin to stop you from your song, that is until he smelled the stew boiling.
"Something smells amazing~!" his eyes shot up startling you as he booked for the pot, puring the hot contains into his mouth without thinking.
"AAAgh, its like molten lava." he huffed and puffed, the damage was already done, his tongue burnt his throat sore you chuckled at his antics.
You came behind him taking him by his waist you plopped him by the table.
"Of course its hot, it was boiling a second ago." You lectured him nodding your head on the obvious conclusion.
"I want more." he seemed unfazed eyes sparkling as he stared down the pot infront of him.
A huff of breath escaping your nose you poured the boy a bowl.
"Eat carefully please." you told him clipping his hair back from his face.
An odd fuzzy feeling overtook his stomach he tought it was the food paying no mind, it was good thats forsure.
"Seconds phlease!" he slammed the bowl down in a hurry still chewing on the potatoes and meat.
"Youre still eating!!" You yelled telling him to not talk with his mouth open, he snarked a bit chewing his food in a gulp.
"Seconds please.." he was a bit droopy, however, the second the bowl got refilled his eyes light up in a new light full of energy.
"This is really good-" he praised your cooking his head nearly slamming into the bowl you caught him in your palm.
"He fell asleep..!" you had a ghastly expression on your face, his cheeks stuffed with your cooking the boy was dead asleep, still holding the spoon strongly in his arms like a kid refusing to let go of his favourite toy.
"What an odd guy." you chuckled thinking to yourself you took enough time as needed sitting beside him to let him rest his head on your shoulder, a big snore bubble inflating from his nose every now and then.
Nothing, he woke up dreaming of nothing, thats a first. He awoke with a loud snort follwed up with a big yawn as he scratched his back. "What a nap." He wiped his face on your apron crumbs of food still on his face.
"Here let me help you." You took his face covering your fingers in the cloth, the boy had beautiful freckles on his cheeks slanted dark eyes staring at you as you wiped the crumbs from his mouth.
His heart pounded not able to understand what he was feeling, this warm churning in the pit of his stomach, drove him a little nauseus and scared.
he gulped slowly eyes tracing your features. He took in your gentle smile the way your hands moved across his cheeks, it was an all too odly familiar feeling.
"Thankyou-!" his voice cracked a little embarassing him, a slight blush staining his ears.
You chuckled seeing how goofy he was.
"You're always welcome.." you paused wanting to thank him however you still didn't have his name, the old man didnt fill you in on that.
"Whats your name?" You asked hands on your lap as you looked at him wolfing down the food.
"Ace. Seriously this is some good food." he licked his lips scraping the bowl clean.
"Want another fill?" You grabbed his bowl before he ate it in his food haze, he followed up with a nod, steaming hot fudge filling the bowl for the third time.
"A guy like you sure can eat."
"Ofcourse, i wouldmt be so shtrong if that wasnt the cashe." He patted his stomach, a piece of meat dissapearing within seconds.
When it came to food he wasnt joking around, he continued emptying the entire pot all on his own , leaving you to wonder where can so much food dissapear into.
"By the way Ace, do you mind helping me clean up?"
You took his bowl rinsing off any grease, your body turned against him he inspected you with wary eyes.
"Wheres the old man?" He puffed as much as he'd love to help he still had a thing to do.
You sighed remebering he's still a hotheaded brat thinking idiotic things at a time like this.
The men around the hall circled around Ace towering over him by atleast a foot.
"I'll let you have it." he smirked putting on his cowboy hat, a flicker of flames engulfing his hand, the men were scortched within a second.
"He's on the deck, don't go thinking you can just run up at him though." You scolded him looking at the bodies splayed under your feet.
"Hey," you kicked the shoulders of the men, all of them wincing from your kick, "Those who dont help dont get to eat." All of them got up groaning.
"Ya think the kid will be able to get a punch in?" One of them said causing you to smile.
"Only if hes dumb enough to fly off the ship, dont think he can swim can he?" The lot of you laughed, men helping you out in the kitchen to clean up their own mess'.
You dried your hands on your apron, setting it on a hook before you went to grab a first aid kit.
"Go take a bath all of you, you smell like burnt chicken." you instructed the lot, who looked at eachother a little startled, each of them smelling the air around them.
"Hahaha! So it is." Their hearty loughs echoing out of the room they followed behind you until the stairway to the deck.
Seemed like nothing had taken place, the old man was still slugging his drinks, compleatley unfazed by anything. You gave him an unimpressed look, he shrugged at you eyes pointing at the boy.
His body seemed a liitle beat, a trickle of blood dowsing his lips. You took out some gauge wiping it all away.
He came to, his eyes flaring red. He lunged at you thinking youd be there to attack him.
You let him slug a hit on you, your cheek sore from the punch. Seems he realized you werent the taget since he didn't bother to use any flames.
"Oh shit.. I am so sorry.." He helped you up, Whitebeard sternly looking at the situation at hand from afar.
"Let me help." he offered grabbing anything from from the kit trying to be of use. He felt a bit of shame to him having punched someone who treated him so kindly before.
You took him by his wrists, the cotton, gauge and rubbing alcohol strongly held in his hands.
Idiot, what were you thinking? How is she going to be looking at you now. Look at yourself you ungrateful brat-
"Ace!" You shouted snapping the boy back from his blank expression, the way he stared at you looking regretful afraid and unworth simply broke you.
He lowered his head items dropping beside you.
"Its alright, you should have seen the amount of fights i have been in, i come out with more than a hook to the face." You chuckled hand to your face covering your mouth, his arm dropped to his lap slowly the second you let go.
He still felt guilty. "Hey Fire-first, anyone home." He pouted at the nickname your hands calmly combing through the tools he dropped, you cleaned up his hands, which looked fairly enough rough. He had scabs on his knuckles, cracking ones at that.
"Youre a hard worker huh?" You applied some ointment on them bandaging them carefully.
He didnt get it. Anyone in their right minds would have hit him back threw him out what were you doing calling him nicknames taking care of bruises he had before he even was here.
"Ace, were a family here."
"Like hell we are-" he sucked in his breath his eyes growing a bit cold.
"Its true you know, we take care of our own." You pointed to his hands neatly wrapped in bandages.
"Eugh, i smell like an old lady with this." he gagged avoiding the obvious.
Anyone withing ear range laughed Whitebeard's face softening by your interraction.
"I know, usually sucks to walk around in it, give it a few days youll be good as new though." You smiled, the apples of your cheeks making your eyes squint.
His heart had a beat deeper than usual, he didnt respect the old man but settled on trusting you for guidance, atleast till next time.
It was a subconcious decision he had made trusting a pirate he knew nothing about so freely but the hold he had on his mind lessened by a bit the more he took shelter within you.
You left him be for a bit, he seemed to have alot on his mind the way he politley excused himself.
You stormed to the old man snarking and biting words at him. "What were you thinking throwing him across the ship like that!?"
Whitebeard listened the scrunch in his brows growing.
"Dont give me that face, the brat ran at me with a mace, what did you expect would happen?" He rested his hand on his leg leaning toawrds you.
"Youre a pain in the ass, you know!" you whisper yelled at him causing him to laugh.
"Thats a first from you." he adored the look of care in your eyes, however he couldnt contain the urge to want to show Ace the world either.
"Wont be the last either, dont fling him off like he's trash." You barked the heel of your sole hitting the deck in thuds.
"Stop worrying, he'll learn soon enough-" his expression grew sour you heeled his boot aswell.
Ace watched you from a distance hands on the rails he looked at the outburst unable to hear what you were talking about.
He sighed taking in the view of the sea the many people abroad, he faced backwards staring at the sun instead, the washed up waves sparkling in the daylight seagulls cawing midflight.
"Maybe its better here? Ah who knows what i'll do here even." He still held doubts.
He glanced back seeing you midair held by the gigant mad who humiliated him before.
His mind grew blank for a bit, legs sprinting for you before he even knew it.
A fire dousing your frame from behind whitebeard hit the air cracking it.
The attack was avoided however he was fee feet behind.
"Let her down!" he shouted amusing the man.
"Shes not hostage here, calm down." your head drooped like you were hanged on a coat rack to dry.
Whitebeard complied having no need to cause a ruckus, however it left a bittersweet feeling in his heart.
"Whatever my son wishes." he slowly put you down however dropping you nearly on the teens head.
"Woah-, wait!!" he circled around you swooping you in his arms to break the fall.
A sense of pride welled up in him knowing he did some good by you.
"Thank you, Ace."
Whitebeard respected his devoition of saving you instead of breaking a fight ,seems he hit the nail on the head here.
"Don't mention it." He said his freckled face covered red.
You slinged an arm around his shoulder making him stiffen up.
You laughed watching the faces he made.
"You can set me down if its too much."
"Huh, no not at all.." He still held you subconciously not even registering the fact you told him to be put down, he glared daggers at the old man for the stunt.
"This kid sure is something, Gurarara~!" Whitebeard laughed the picture of Ace tomato red whilst glaring at him with deadly intent was pure gold to him.
He looked like a stray cat who got mad that he has been given attention to.
You tapped his back your face coming to his periferals his eyes adverted Whitebeard focusing on you.
"Set me down." you smiled gently at him thankful for him catching you.
"Hmm oh sure." He plopped you down nonchalantly. Though he hated the idea of it eventually.
Few days past since him joining and yet everyday he came knocking by your door, bruised and bloody.
He explained himself each time you sat him down on the chair besides your desk.
"You gotta stop going after him, I can see how much you'd love to take him down, but he's not even fighting you, don't take a beating for nothing." You cupped his face dabbing on the alcohol on his cut up brow.
"Im not doing it for him." He spoke up wincing at the pain.
"Then who for?" you quirked a brow at the remark setting aside the bloodied gauze.
"Don't know." How was he supposed to start explaining that everytime he'd catch himself in a fight he'd always go look for you first thing. Feeling proud to see you doing well and happy while taking care of his dumbass.
You set off his hat dropping it so the string around his neck would keep it in place.
You raked your hand through his hair checking if he perhaps got any beatings to the head.
Your hands rummaged his hair as he sat patiently, enjoying the tickling sensation.
"Ace, i don't want to be rude, but when was the last time you showered, your hair is all greasy, not to mention uncombed." You stuggled to free your hand from a couple of his locks. The teen blushed compleatley embarrased by this confrontation.
"Fewdaysago?" he answered quickly getting the issue out of the way.
You hummed for a long time before taking to your closet to bring out a few towels.
"Lets go grab ourselves a bath." You threw him a towel which he haphazerdly caught comepleatly stuck by what you said.
"Come on lets go." you pulled him up leading him to the showers to change.
You stripped covering yourself with a towel you entered the tiled baths running some hot water in big bowls.
Ace in the meantime sat there compleatly frozen in his changing room dreading to go in. He pulled himself together stripping, he set his hat over his clothes.
"Took you a while." you laughed rubbing the sponge over your arm, towel covering your body.
He didnt say much his heart hammering in his throat as you washed away the soap with some hot water.
You stood up grabbing a smaller cup of water, you gently poured it over his head.
He leaned his head down letting the water drip to the floor from the ends of his black hair. He wasnt sure why he allowed this, but it felt nice being taken care of.
You grabbed the soap lathering it on his head your fingers massaging his scalp.
He had a drowsy smile on his face, his elbows on his knees he slouched forward, the bad thoughts leaving his head one by one.
"Face up please." you instructed his head raising back his hair caught in a mush of bubbles you chuckled.
He opened one eye stifling his smile as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror aside him.
The longer he looked the funnier the feeling in his chest grew, he laughed whole heartedly seeing how you had given him a hairstyle that matched the ships doctor.
The two of you stood there as Ace approaced the mirror giving himself a big bubbled mustache.
"Damn brats." he mimmicked the Capitans tone making you errupt in laugher. He felt giddy seeing you laugh your heart out, just a few days ago he was thinking how thankful he was for you now he could feel the feeling growing even more so.
You quickly wiped his fake moustache saying how little it fits him, instead you gave him a long beak and puffy bubbly feathers on his head telling him to squint, he didnt get it yet but the moment your face light up in laugher he bursted out laughing aswell.
He wrapped his elbow around you cooing like an obnoxious chicken, you could barely hold up straight from how much your stomach was hurting from all of the laughing.
"Please no more-Ppffttt." he kept adding onto the act until you were doubled over from joy.
Your face doused pink from all the laughing you instructed him to finnally lean his head back as you still held a smile to your face. You ran the warm water through his hair watching the bubbles fall down his back. He slicked his hair back with his hand, a gentle blush covering your cheeks as you examined his face.
It was so much different than the first day you saw him, he'd gotten a bit more tan, the freckles on his face a bit more prominent. But most importantly he looked a lot more on ease than ever.
You cherished the memory putting a hand around his brows to pour some more water so it wouldnt get in his eyes.
He sat there closing his eyes enjoying the warmth of your presence around him.
"Turn around please." he did as you said turning his back to you, he nudged away from the touch at first.
Your brow peaked.
"He's ticklish isnt he?" you thought rubbing his back with the soapy sponge, his slim figure really made you question where did all the meals you fed him go.
"Where does all the food go seriously? Youre skinny as ever." you spoke washing his lower back.
"Goes to the heart and soul." he smiled proudly as you staggered a bit. To the soul huh, you puffed happily.
"Im glad to hear that you like it so much, i made something sweet for later do you want some?"
"Will i get heartburn?" You tickled his sides from the remark causing him to shriek in surprise.
"Maybe from that you will". You pouted stretching his hands as you washed them.
"I'm kiddiing, i know you make some killer foods." he chose the worst time to flap his head around the water splashing everywhere.
Warm water running down his back and arms he felt squeeky clean even going as far to drag his hand across his arm only for it to squeak along.
"Fresh n clean now huh?" he showed his smile bright theeth glisening in the light.
"Sure are."
He felt a little shy to ask but it would only be common courtesy since you offered to take care of him.
"Can i wash your back aswell?" he waited before going on in a tangent.
"Sure you can, just make sure youre careful around the mark, it's still healing."
A mark huh, he was interested.
He nodded exchanging place with you he looked away while you switched up your towel covering your front.
A large tattoo on your back with the all too familiar moustache, to say he saw surprised would be something.
"Woohoaa, Thats huge, does it hurt?" he eyed it throughrouly the ends of his fingers gently glossing over it, tickling your skin.
You found his amusement sweet explaining to him "Not now no, but when i had it done it was a bitch." You chuckled allowing Ace to scrub your back, he was a tad bit quieter than usual mostly hiding the fact he's nervous in the first place but common courtesy goes he can't be backing away from it.
He poured some warm water over your back it trickled gently down your curves, Ace's mind wandering back to when him and Luffy were thrown to bathe.
He offered to wash your hair aswell, you let it fall down to your back. He seemed to know how to take care of longer hair, he made sure not to tangle it too much , massaging your roots first then messing around with the rest.
He did however swipe his bubbly fingers across your face giving you whiskers.
You chuckled looking in the mirror as he washed your hair out.
"Ace look."
His head turned to the mirror to see you giving him a cat impression.
His eyes widened water trickling from the cup in his hand. His cheeks flared for a second only to press the back of your head against his chest.
"You're now a kitten huh?" he smirked sploching a bubble on your nose. Your head slightly shaking against his laugh.
You rested your head against his chest, the fuzzy feeling in his heart rising as he wiped away the stray bubbles.
He was glad to have you chat him up everyday, show him around, take care of him, make him hot meals and offer baths. What did he do to deserve you.
His solemn expression radiated through the room as he watched you, unable to be thankful enough for your care.
"All done!" he smiled proudly as you thanked him the both of you finishing to wash yourselves up.
You changed back drying your hair as you waited for Ace back in your room. He didn't arrive until way later , blasting through your door with a flower he stole from the greenery below deck.
He hid the flower behind his back his damp hair rested behind his ears.
He huffed and puffed starting a little speech. "I know how much you've done for me, so, i got something for you aswell." he held out the flower his chest rising from the running he must have done to not get caught.
You tilted your head to the side accepting the flower and giving him a warm hug.
"Thank you." You held him by his waist careful no not scrunch up the flower he got you.
He chuckled slowly resting his face in the crook of your neck, his arms lazily wrapping around you.
He stayed that way for a while enticing you in a tight embrace. You could feel his hands heat up however the hottest part of his body was his chest right shere his heart was.
You rusled through his hair his body shivering slightly from the affection you gave him. Your head rested on his as you took in the moment.
It was silent, pleasant, sincere. He felt like he was in a dream , he wasnt questioning himself for what he had done, he only knew that he did the right thing when he chose to thank you for everything.
He sniffled against the crook of your neck, your face growing worried.
"Are you okay?" You brushed his back comfortingly he pulled away with a big smile along his teary face.
"Never been better.." He wiped the tears with his hands letting you go.
With a gentle smile you tucked the flower in a vase, ushering him to sit by your desk.
"Remember the dessert i told you about? I wanted you to be the first one to taste it." You revealed a beautifully crafted dish, it was coated with hard caramel on top a squishy cream filling and an orange puré aside.
"Im surprised youre not a top chef over here. Holy shit." He eyed the dessert taking a bite, his whole face lit up in a pudgy smile as he scooped more of the dessert in his mouth. You knew he wasn't one to take his sweet time with food, so seeing him eat it as fast as he did was a pleasure non the less.
"I wish i could ask for seconds. That was something out of this world seriously." He licked the plate setting it down. Still sucking the spoon he ate it with.
"I'll share mine with you?" you asked him, his eyes glimmered at the thought alone.
"Sure!" The two of you shared the dessert however you had to spoon battle with Ace to protect your side.
Taking the last scoop in your spoon Ace looked at you with pouty eyes. You leaned the spoon to your lips turning it to his instead.
"Here here." You smiled seeing him wolf down the piece.
The second he was done he thanked you for the meal quickly exiting your room with dishes at hand.
He dissapeared for a few minutes again, you thought he may have fell asleep on the way.
Minutes later a knock was at your door, you opened it again.
"Im back!" he allowed himself in plopping down on the bed since he didnt have a room yet.
He stared at the celing for a bit before looking at you.
"Can i stay over, just for tonight? I'll be out before you know." He claimed sitting up straight in your bed.
You thought about it for a while seeing the waves crashing outside, that wouldn't make good space to sleep.
"Stay as long as you'd like." You smiled seeing him waltz over to the couch in your room. He puffed up a stiff pillow laying down.
"You have no idea how annoying it is to sleep with everyone else, they snore on opposite breaths. So imagine the entire night all you hear is constant snoring." He yawned rubbing the sleep off his eyes.
"Ace.." you wispered hoping to god this rascal wasn't intending to sleep on the couch of all places.
He hummed back lazily watching you.
"There's no way you intend sleeping on that, right?"
"I do, where else would i sleep?" he asked you.
You giggled at his antics pointing to the comfortable bed he prevoiusly lazed upon.
His jaw hit the floor for a second before he snapped back. "Youre joking." You sat back in your bed.
"No I'm serious, come on, sleep comfortably atleast." You patted the place beside you as the male moved to sit on his side.
"Are you sure?" He asked not wanting to overstep any boundaries.
"Im sure, just relax and make yourself at home." He took off his boots with a slight flame he raked through his hair to dry it not willing to sleep on a damp pillow, he laid under the covers his arms behind his head.
You were in a slight daze at how quickly he did everything it left you amused. "Could you do that with my hair aswell?" You asked watching him prop up. "Sure, hop on." You sat before him, his arms heated up as he brushed his hands through your hair, steam rising from it, minutes later he finished messing with your hair letting it fall freely.
"Thats one handy trick right there." you admired his skill.
"I know right, youd be surprised to know how much i can do." he smiled proudly at his quirks, he discovered his abilites through various situations watching you listen to him rambling about his journeys made him feel right at home.
It was dead past midnight before he realised you were sleeping quietly beside him having fallen asleep by his tremendous stories.
"Like a kid." He snickered shoving a cover over your shoulders for warmth he doze off few minutes later himself.
For the first time in a while he slept soundly thoughout the night, he had a few dreams that were worse off however once he reached around the bed wrapping his arm around you they seemed to fade away quicker than before
You woke up that morning feeling a warm hand around you, you turned to face him, he was dead asleep, snoring lightly and peacefully without a care in the world.
The longer he stayed on the ship, fighting less with the old man and getting to know everyone a bit better, his sense of self seemed to develop a bit more.
He still had him bad dreams at times but having everyone near him meant the world to him, esspecially you, even tho he was slow with the upkeep of his problems with you, each time he came confessing his mind you shared a deep conversation with him, offering him a meal, a warm bed anything to make him feel like he wasn't alone in this world.
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pinky-in-blankets · 5 months
TADC: ✨️SideQuests ✨️
A Clue! A Clue!
Route: S.O.S!Au
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Scribbles hissed in protest at the thought of going through every single book in the Potion makers shelf. Pomni, Caine, and herself were currently investigating the Ragdoll's Quarters.
The little Jerboa had taken one of Ragatha's Favorite ribbons and hidden it somewhere with the assistance of Jax under a guise of a prank, So they'd have plenty of time to search. If anything, those two could annoy eachother for hours.
"SO My Dear, Do tell me.. what exactly are we searching for?"
Caine mused as he poked a few of the empty vials and nearly knocked them over. Pomni was Quick to catch them and gave him a look.
"Anything that's suspicious or out of place."
She replied while placing the vials back in order. The last thing she wanted was Caine to be here during her investigation, seeing as he's a suspect.
But she need to keep a closer eye on the riddlemaster.. as he was the hardest to get a read on. It would be better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer after all.. yeah. That was totally the reason.
"Everything in this place is suspicious. I feel like I'm in a witches Cavern.."
Scribbles murmered under her breathe as she filed through the different books. She probably wasn't looking as throughly as she should- but ughhh this was so dusty and boring. "Tears of the world", "A handmaidens guide to Etiquette", "Darling, If you only Knew-"
Scribbles let out a slightly agitated cry as a big book fell on her noggin. The other two turned their heads to see what the commotion was.
"Little Knight?"
Caine asked as he walked over curiously to see what was wrong.
"You okay?"
Pomni asked as she also headed over, trying not to laugh. Whenever something hit scribbles, she sounded like a strained squeaky toy.
"Mmhm.. I'm okay.. just this silly Book.. Huh? That's weird.. this is the only book in another language. Isn't everything here set to "English"?"
Scribbles mentioned as she held up the book to the two. The entire book was written in French.
"That.. That is odd."
Pomni mused as Scribbles opened it and flipped through the pages. She squinted at the fancy calligraphy and let out a frustrated hiss.
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"How can anybody read this stuff? I cant even read the title."
" Base de données des utilisateurs."
Caine chimed in, causing Both Pomni & Scribbles to look at him. He simply spun his cane around with a bit of pride, assuming that he's managed to impress the two.
"Why I can read MANY languages. French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian-"
He began to list off one of his many setting before pomni put her fingers to his teeth and shushed him.
" YES yes that's very impressive Caine but could you maybe just read this in ENGLISH?"
She motioned to the pages of the book the little Jerboa held out to him. He gave an awkward chuckle before nodding.
"Ah- But of course my dear! Allow me to shed some light on this verbal mystery!"
He stated as he began to read out the listed words in the pages... he was reading out names. But not just any names.. Names of all the missing persons on this case.
This was a HUGE piece of evidence.
Pomni Said with a bright grin as she did a little jig in place. After months of wild goose chases she's finally making some solid progress. Caine had no idea how this book made her so excited but the sight alone made his non existenant heart flutter a little bit. Might as well join in the cheerfulness.
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"That's simply marvelous my dear~"
Pomni couldn't contain her excitement as she immediately ran up to Caine and threw her arms around him. He was taken aback but happily spun her around a little as they had a small victory.
Scribbles was quick to catch the book before handing it back to Caine when he finally stopped spinning Pomni. Her face had flushed with the silly laughter she had.
"Finally.. I'm finally one step closer to finding out who's behind this all. Thank you. Thank you so much Caine.."
" Oh no, It was my Pleas-"
Caine began but immediately stopped mid sentence as he felt something wrong. It was as if the ground had went out from under him...?
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As if he slipped on something, Caine went crashing to the ground and the Book went flying.. and landed right into Ragatha's Main Calderon.
It bubbled and fizzled as the book all but discenigrated into the green liquid.
A deathly silence fell over the room as Cain slowly sat up, Feeling the burning stares of the two Behind him.. even He knew that a Simple "Oops." Wouldn't fix what he had just done.
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He felt his Code run cold as the strained Sound of Despair in Pomni's Voice can be heard.
"Caine... What did you do..?"
Song of sorrow Au belongs to @snuffydoo
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kiwibongos · 2 months
warning for ab/se & toxic relationships. and sdr2 spoilers duh
im thinking abt the remnants of despair. cause i hate how it just seemed to be like, "theyre suddenly brainwashed and then they turn evilll and they kill because they dont feel anything" like, i hate that. it feels so underdeveloped. it cant just be despair, it has to be deeper than that, i think it'd take personal angles and link with a lot of their own trauma, leaving them really vulnerable and deranged. so heres my own interpretation and headcanons for some of them
contains mikan, nagito, fuyuhiko, peko, akane, kazuichi, and brief analysis of the rest. keep in mind i havent seen the animes yet lol so this is a basic layer of it, but i just rly wanted to let this out cus i dont see it talked about. storing my brainrot here for later moments.
first of all i feel like the brainwashing would be a very slow process bc junko would definitely just manipulate everyone in her way to get what she wants. and by the time the world was plagued basically, all the remnants clearly had really unhealthy feelings related to junko specifically. they all love her, hate her, or praise her, but its all in very different ways that would be bc of their own personal backstories
we all know how mikan and nagito feel. mikan was constantly hurt by other people before junko herself, itd make sense for her to develop a very unhealthy attachment to her. mikan was extremely vulnerable and controllable, she would do anything for anyone and especially junko, just so no one is mad at her, hence why it got so twisted to the point where she wanted to keep a part of her inside forever. she wanted to be loved so badly, she would take whatever form of it she could. thats why it was so easy for junko to get her under her boot. now nagito has an odd love-hate relationship with junko imo (his mind is so messed up man) even if he praises hope in such a grossly obsessed way, the mf still TOOK her arm. i know he did it because he hated her so much and i guess to take power back, but i feel like because nagito had never really been loved, he wanted to try and feel what it could've been like out of some kind of confused desperation and fondness for her in a way, because his mind has no idea what those feelings truly are or what they mean, as hatred and love often get mixed up in his head and form this horrible amalgamation with whoever he meets, which is clear towards the survivors in the nwp anyway
fuyuhiko put junko's own eye into his own socket, and i feel like his relationship with her while in despair would be familial and extremely unhealthy. he is definitely one of the most fucked up to me. id say by my own headcanons though its heavily implied in his fte dialogues, is his parents are very ab/usive right from the start. fuyuhiko is messed up to all hell, he was constantly struck and under pressure but he had to be strong and perfect because he was the head of his clan, hence like his insane tolerance for pain. he had to make his clan, or more importantly his parents proud, or else he was a failure forever. so he clung onto that and did his best trying to be good enough for basically anyone. and even before despair he was in a really bad stubborn, mean, depressive state, leaving him far more vulnerable and more open to violent, impulsive actions as long as junko was smart enough to get him under her finger. fuyuhiko never knew what true love felt like (platonic or not), and when junko took advantage of all of that and he slowly fell into despair, shit hit the fan. he lost morality and he had come so attached to her to the point where junko was like a mother figure to him. he wanted her to notice him and be proud basically, it was moreso the idea of someone-- anyone-- being proud of him, but junko was his main focus of that by now, given his state. to him she was like the mother he never had, who seemed to be on the same terms with everything he had believed, someone who approved of him, so he wanted to make her proud, even if it was hurting him. fuyuhiko would keep digging himself a hole of desperation and self destruction, seeking more and more pain to test his endurance because it's what she wanted, and that became what he wanted, too, because pain is all he's used to. and because of that, makotos guess was right; he wanted to see her despair. it'd make sense he'd want to take a part of her, to see horrors she had witnessed so he could understand it, so she could be proud of him and part of him forever. he felt like if he did that, he would finally succeed, he'd achieve perfection, and he did. he'd done everything junko wanted him to do, while quenching his own thirst for violence itself, all via his own delusions. that was love to him and it felt real
as for peko she was definitely also treated the same in the kuzuryu family but more dehumanized obviously, so i think she'd feel a similar way; always needing to be good enough, but more specifically protecting the ones she cares about at all costs even if it results in bloodshed. i think she'd be a lot colder, forcing to suppress her feelings since she just has to follow fuyuhiko wherever he goes, and she was pretty much as insane as him as well so anything slid. i know peko doesnt want to be a tool, but she'd definitely succumb to the fact that she has to be one when they're under despair at the same time, and if she was going to be his tool, she has to be like a robot and just do what follows, because she didn't see herself as a person, her chance of being her own human was ripped away
as for akane, she grew up very poor, and didn't live a good life at all either (w/ definitely bad parents) but she always tried her very best taking care of her siblings in the past, despite everything. i think there was a lot of twisted familial love with junko whom she started to see as a sister despite being unrelated, just because of being a caretaker all her life, its just kind of instinct to protect anyone, but that just got mixed up as she fell into despair, and she would only protect junko, while chaotically killing anyone else in her way. she'd fight for her endlessly, she was one of the strongest, at least for a while, im thinkin she found her body and wanted to preserve it as much as possible by the end of everything, she still wanted to take care of her and do everything for her even if she had been too late. and with that, and barely any food in an apocalyptic world, the inevitable happens. akane would fall into a very hurtful spiral of self hate, that her starving was a sacrifice to junko so she could prioritize her first instead of herself, while also it being like a punishment to herself for her own failures and how she was failing to preserve junko
kazuichi always hated himself. he was bullied often, didn’t have a lot of friends going into high school, and he was very desperate for attention, especially from women. he’d be very notably attached to junko which would eventually evolve into romantic feelings, similar to mikan. he craved attention and validation so much, it left him very vulnerable, and kazuichi often grows attached to people who show him a sliver of kindness anyway, so junko would likely personally manipulate him and praise him, and they’d grow close, and he’d develop a very strong attachment towards her that derails into love and lust. and once he was influenced by her under despair, he would do anything for her. so, he’d get his hands on a lot of weapons, and go on mindless killing sprees, causing havoc 24/7 just to please her and keep her memory alive through despair. and deep in his mind, he probably truly thought that junko was his soulmate, that they were destined to be together, and he was fulfilling missions just for her, and in the end, they could be together
extra stuff i guess? as anyone would expect, sonia just became a corrupted leader and took advantage of her power under despair. her kingdom would try to keep her above it, but she’d fall into it somehow anyway, and probably had already been plagued by corrupt/unjust views by junko before, so she’d lead her people to worship junko the same way she does, and anyone who stood against it would be punished severely. mahiru falls into morbid curiosity because of junko and gets worse, given what she does with her camera, also both mikan and gundham would try to stitch junko up a little, and try to keep her from falling apart as long as possible. mikan is more likely to do that for her own twisted romantic purposes, but if gundham gets a hold of her before or after mikan, he would take her blood for himself, and most likely start a cult to worship her, all for like weird satanic purposes involving rituals and stuff. he’d also encourage his members or the other remnants to indulge in certain activities for the sake of praising her. gundham would probably even believe she was some demon from the underworld who granted him powers and chose him to carry on her legacy
also teruteru was just a little hungry. boys gotta eat
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sophlovesjeong · 10 months
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(*) represents mature content and may contain smut
A GAME OF CRUELTY(*) (mature for violence) BY @snwpcktz
SYNOPSIS: after years of praying to not get picked for the reaping, the odds end up not being in y/n’s favor and she is chosen as district 7’s female tribute. she plans to simply sacrifice herself early, since it would be nearly impossible for her to beat all the other tributes and make it back safely to her now ex-boyfriend, ethan. but her perspective of the games change when her next door neighbor, jay, is chosen as the male tribute—and maybe her feelings towards him will change, too
SYNOPSIS: Hunting supernatural beings is not your passion at all. But somehow, you were always inevitably tied to it. To make your grudge against it deeper, someone had to drag you along a bumpy ride. Who was it? The man that broke into your house in the middle of the night to convince you to join him to save his lost brother in Sin City, Vegas. Jay had one chance to save his brother, and another one chance to rekindle something that was lost between you and him. All in that one casino.
MIDNIGHT RAIN BY @interlunium-opus
Enhypen Hyung Line as Taylor Swift's Songs from the Midnights Album: Jay as Midnight Rain
✐ SYNOPSIS : Park Jongseong (Jay), a boy who has everything he could want. A girlfriend, two amazing best friends plus a great friend group, and a scholarship at the top uni in England. Yln Yn, a middle class art history student, who decides London is her destination for her last year of college. Their paths have crossed before, two years prior online, when Yn stumbled upon one of Jay’s dancing videos. A short lived relationship bloomed, Jay making Yn promise a visit if she was ever in London. But now that she’s here, she doesn’t know if she should reach out or just keep it secret.
・˳ . ⋆ these days i am taken back to the summer we loved BY @luvistqrzzz
summary- loving jay was like a dream, a dream so happy you knew he wasn't yours...
or where jay tried to break away from the system of soulmates but fate had other plans for him... and you.
crushes & crashes BY @restlessmaknae
➳ You have a crush on Heeseung, and Jay has a crush on Dohee, and it’s exactly your crushes who confess their love to each other, and it’s exactly you and Jay who happen to walk in on their confession.
the fifth instalment from the "Narratives from the Walkman: a 90's love collective" series
summary: Just a year ago, you were forced to marry Park Jongseong, CEO of the Southern Branch, part of the vary famous Park Enterprises. It was all for the sake of your family, a marriage for the benefit of gaining more traction as a company. Jongseong was attentive, caring, sometimes even sweet, but your relationship was more about sex than it was about the marriage itself. At some point, everything got bad, and it was just mere sexual intimacy that anything else, and just when you were close to ending things…you found out you were pregnant.
## the only "right thing". — p. jongseong BY @heeracha
synopsis: park jongseong is the only right thing in your world, you believe. and he believes that he was only right for you. years passed things have changed—including your right thing.
or wherein, you confess your feelings by giving jongseong a book that reminds you so much of him. when he confesses back with a journal full of quotes from various books, it was already too late.
PROM DATE | sjy, pjs BY @woniehugs
lavender haze; park jongseong. BY @luv4nayie
summary ㅤyou never took the relationship seriously with park jongseong in high school despite him loving you dearly to the moon and back. and going back to your yearbook, seeing jay's picture reminded you of how perfect of a partner he was and you regret everything, finding yourself wanting him back.
Jay; Opposites Attract BY @dazed-hee
synopsis: An incident that leads to Jay getting in a fight and Y/N discovering him outside of the dance department flourished into Jay somehow always finding himself next to Y/N. How can two such different people develop one hell of a relationship?
With Love, Jay by @dazed-hee
synopsis: Who knew young love could be so alarmingly disarming? Your new neighbor had you before a hello, his cute smile and charming first impression; you were doomed from the start. But what happens when it’s not your attention he was playing for? Will your efforts to make things work fall short or would they have him falling instead?
first mate // jay (ENHYPEN)(*) SMUT BY @forjongseong
summary: After the passing of the Captain, you had to mourn in your own way. Your ship's Quartermaster, Jay, showed his concern for you, and it tugged your heart in a way that you never thought could happen.
nothing to lose(*) by @zreamy
summary: after a hockey party, a football game, and a near perfect first kiss, jay is humbled by his (practically silent) friend sunghoon, who reminds him that he has nothing to lose.
21st CENTURY GIRL BY @hoonvrs
SYNOPSIS where jay 'claims’ he has a girlfriend but none of his friends believe him because how are you a girl in the 21st century and don't have any social media, right? and if you and jay continue to let them think your relationship is fake for entertainment purposes, nobody has to know.
 LOVE LETTERS ? BY @tqmies
you and jays worlds should’ve never collided. hes the most popular kid in school, and you, for lack of better terms, weren’t. so what happens when you’re thrown into a spiral after he reveals hes your favorite manga artist? and what could be more shocking?the fact that hes been using you for inspiration.
How To Get The Girl a guide by me (Y/n) BY @fairyluvsite
SYNOPSIS: When Jay send the message to Y/n instead of his friend, both Jay and Y/n world start to meddle into one.
Or when Y/n decided to help her roommate to get the girl, in change for help from him. Only thing is that feels never listens to us.
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princesssmars · 11 months
part of your world
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finally created the little mermaid!au fic with prince abby and ariel reader
abby longs to see the world. little does she know that a horrible storm and haunting voice will give her what she's looking for.
wc : 918
contains : readers skin and appearance aren't described besides your hair being long! i also described it as flowing down but i thinkk that can apply to different hair types/textures.
a/n : thinking about doing a mermaid abby version since people were asking! i'm so against disney's remake mania but go watch the little mermaid 2023 if you haven't already halle was a knockout.
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abby who has lived most of her life longing for an adventure. often thinks back on how when she was younger she and her mother would take trips on a royal ship to nearby islands and towns, spending time in the markets and having picnics on the beaches.
how when her mother died in a shipwreck she was devastated, her father banning most non-trade sailing only adding to it. after a few years, she manages to convince her father to let her join some of them and she's never felt so at home as she does on the seas with her crew.
but for a night luck wasn't on her side. one moment she's laughing and singing a sea shanty while some of the crew life her up on their shoulders and the next she's fighting to stay above water, watching the sea phoenix go down in flames.
the first thing she hears when she gains a bit of consciousness is a voice. its blurry at first but then it becomes soft, melodic, almost angelic. when she opens her eyes a bit she sees a figure of a woman before its gone in an instant.
for the next day its all she can think about. the faint glimpse she got at her saviors hair, flowing down her shoulders like waves. the little flecks of the sea on your skin, the shape of your lips while you sang to her...
her father and some of the workers in the castle think its a symptom of being at sea after a wreck for so long, but eventually they start a search for the mystery girl who saved the princess's life.
when she gets word that an unknown woman has been found on the coast she rushes faster than she ever has to meet you. when she bursts into the room her heart sputters as you are probably the prettiest person shes ever seen. if you were the one that saved her shed drop to her knees and propose on the spot.
but you cant be because you cant speak. she tries not to let her dissapointment show.
when you get invited to stay at the palace she decides to be courteous and invite you to explore a bit with her, and its better than she could have imagined. you have a wisdom about the world and the ocean she's never encountered with anyone else.
when she shows you the rock she discovered at a nearby island market you simply hold it up and drop it to the ground, giving her the mineral inside like you knew what it was the whole time.
everything becomes more confusing the following day when she takes you to the local markets. the way you smile at her and the way you look so beautiful while dancing throws her for a loop. but you are a bit odd, as when she was admiring you talk to the flower seller you gently took one from her hand and bit it?
later that night she takes you to the river system a little ways away from the markets to see the beautiful waterfalls and the fireflies that only come out during this time of year. while rowing she swears she hears a voice in her ear telling her to kiss you, and just when she think you are close to doing so the boat is nearly tipped over.
when she's lying in her room that night she is the most confused she's ever been. when she thinks of you her heart races and she feels nervous. in a good way. all she wants to do is spend more time with you and explore and show you every inch of her kingdom. but at the same time the thought of her mystery savior remains on her mind.
the last thing she remembers is heading towards your room before the voice that saved her makes everything blurry.
when she comes to she's apparently in the middle of her wedding to a woman named "vanessa" and in the middle of you saving her you've turned into a mermaid. her brain is stalling in shock but her body goes into defensive mode when some of the guests start to crowd in on you calling you a "sea monster".
and she cant believe it took her until this moment to realize it wouldn't had mattered if you saved her or not (although she is slightly giddy that you did) because she really does think she loves you.
she hopes helping you kill the giant tentacle monster woman in the sea will help her prove that to you because if it doesn't she will be a little ticked off.
when the clouds part and the water settles her kingdom, friends, and family are safe. but it's clear you've gone back to your home as well. and she's glad knowing that you're probably safe and happy. she just wishes it was with her.
its another normal sunny day as she sits looking out over the ocean, daydreaming and giving constant pets and cuddles to bear who sits at her feet, when out of the corner of her eye she sees you walking up the stairs and she doesn't think she's ever run faster than when she moves to pick you up and twirl you around in her arms.
when you pull back you look at her like she hung the stars and moon in the sky, and she hopes her face shows the same.
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extrajigs · 2 years
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Yay internal anatomy! This one is breathing cause these fellas are interesting inside. More details below. 
Their lungs are derived from gills once connected with the mouth, leading to their ‘main’ jaw now being solely used for breathing. In their head are two air sacks that the jaw bones move to fill, I call them the bellows cause its the same mechanics. Air has several fun destinations once it’s inhaled. 
1. The valve connecting the nostrils to the bellows opens, the jaw bone pulls down to fill the bellows with air.
2. Nostrils valve closes, valve to the tube containing their scent organs(analogous to the sinuses) opens as well as the valve towards the lungs. Jaw  begins to compress the bellows and air flows through to lungs. 
3. Valve to trunk opens and air finally leaves the body, bellows fully compress. And the cycle begins anew. 
Aside from that it’s pretty simple. Aside from the fact that they have two distinct respiratory tracts running down each side of the body. The lungs aren’t flexible and made up of arches of bone and cartilage. The trunks meanwhile are very flexible and can be moved around as the owner pleases. 
With this settup they cant make any noises aside from snorts, whistles, and the odd trumpet. But no complex sounds such as speech. They breathe unconsciously, but can hold their breath at will much like a human.  
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miyhhowrites · 5 months
꧁“𝐀 𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞!”꧂
Toya aoyagi x gn! Reader
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A/N: so sorry for not writing so much (⋟﹏⋞) exams are coming up in a week, and i still have reporting to do.⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠. Im very anxious since my last reporting i stuttered alot and the teacher got annoyed and made me sit down, and i got a low score on my reporting cus 1 my voice is too quiet and 2 i stutter alot, im very bad at reporting even my groupmates dont want me to report, thankfully my teacher gave me a chance to report, i just hope i dont stutter ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ please send me good luck!
Sypnosis: reader has an exam coming up and its taking a toll on them! Toya bakes them a cake in order to cheer them up!
Contains: toya is implied having a crush on y/n (can still be platonic!), y/n loves chocolate cake! Pure fluff♡
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✮You were very stressed out, wether it'd be from schools, or from your part time, everything made you nuts! You cant even do anything you love since exams are coming up.. you asked toya for help in studying since he's good at that, while studying toya noticed you looked.. distressed.. your eyes had eye bags underneath them, your hair was a mess and you'd sleep in class time to time, of course he knew that exams were coming up, but he didnt expect it to take a toll on you.
✮Toya felt bad, he wanted to cheer you up but.. how? He doesnt want to look that clingy so.. he secretly gives you trinkets time to time, whether it'd be a ballpen of your favorite color, or buying you snacks, ofcourse you noticed his odd behaviour but he excuses this as being "helpful" or "you needed it", you weren't complaining though..
✮At the day of the exam you tried very hard to answer, to staying up all night, to begging toya to tutor you late in the evening. The time was up and it was time to pass the test papers and wait until your score is revealed, the teacher soon announces that the scores would be revealed next week, which gives you more day to overthink..
✮When you finally get home to your apartment/house you instantly checked your notes, trying to see which answers you got right and wrong when suddenly, toya messages you.
✮"Meet me at weekend garage." You looked at the message with pure confusion, what does he mean by that? Is he mad at you? Dissapointed? You stood up and instantly went to this place called weekend garage, while walking there you noticed a bunch of street artists performing, it was nice.. the Streets felt scary but it made them not scary when you see people performing. You soon entered at weekend garage, taking a seat near the entrance, you noticed that there were no customers here, just an's dad talking on the phone.
✮Soon enough, aoyagi and the others arrived and holding a ten inched cake he then placed the cake infront of you "congratulations on the test" toya added while placing the cake, kohane, akito, and an both nodded in agreement. "Huh? Congratulations? I dont even know if im gonna pass or not.."
✮"I know, but you looked so down this week, i know you love chocolate cake, so we made you one" he replied, an nodded and spoke up "yeah! I didnt even know baking was this hard! Not to mention expensive!" She exclaimed, kohane nodded "mhm, it was difficult.. and some of the measurements we took might be wrong.. those fancy decorations run out so we had to use the cheap decorations.." she added, akito sighs "what are you waiting for? Eat the cake"
✮He says while handing you a fork. The cakes design was kid-ish, it had a flower border, with a brown frosting on the center that wrote "you did it!" The icing was a bit too thin, and the icing was covered in cake crumbs, not to mention the cake was lumpy, probably adding too much baking soda but you didnt mind, its the efforts that matter!
✮You tried the cake, taking a small bite before nodding with a smile "its good, its a bit dry but i love how bitter it is!" You smiled, the group sighs with relief, an grabs a fork and tries it "too bitter for my liking.. but its good!" She exclaims, the rest of the group had different opinions about the cake but nevertheless all of you enjoyed it
✮Once it was dark, you excused yourself and was about to walk home when toya spoke up, "allow me to walk you home (y/n)" he added, you tried declining his offer, after all he might have practice "ah, no thank you.! Youre probably practicing and i wouldnt wanna make you walk back here!" You added, toya shook his head "our practice is in tomorow, for now i wanna walk you home, its dangerous for someone to go home alone at night" he added, you sighed and nodded with agreement, you waved goodbye the others and walked home with toya.
✮While walking he asks a question "how was the test?" He asks, you sighed "it was very difficult, especially chemistry, math i didnt mind.. god i think im gonna fail chemistry.." you groaned, toya pats your back and assures you "no,no your probably gonna pass, you did stay up all night to study right? And plus you finished your test just when the timer was about to end, im sure you'll pass.." he replied, you smiled at him "i hope so.." you replied, chuckling a bit.
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A/N: thanks so much for reading, please send me good luck for my upcoming tests and report!! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و
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biohazard-inevitable · 7 months
This mouth cant contain these fangs,
This heart cant handle the energy of the hunt,
These nails are dull and stubby,
These ears so stiff and imobile,
This pelvis so wide and tail-less,
This spine too rigid and bipedal,
This nose so muted and scentless,
This mind which wishes to run,
This soul eager to bolt,
Blood and gore coat these human hands
As others look on in terror
For now they see me as what I am
A monster stuffed inside the skin of their mother
My flesh appears taught and firm around my form as theirs is,
My fur sticks out in odd shapes
These eyes are too animal to be human
But the plague of humanity is too extreme to avoid
Taxes and bills and jobs and finance
Things the society builds as commonplace
But I yearn for the wilds, the forests, the rivers,
I bleed to shed this false suit
Never human to begin, never desired it at all,
And yet they scold me for faking the part I was forced into
Let me be free and you needn’t see me again,
Just another story from the campfires to you
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aaal-iz-well · 4 months
Okay, babe, deep breath.
Let's roll
WTF is happening? I swear to god a month ago I was checking this hashtag for updates like my life depended on it, and I had great plans for my wip's and everyone was making predictions about what the vault might contain.
Then I tell myself to start making some headway with my studies because exams are breathing down my neck and I (somehow) manage to keep away from this fandom that has been my life and blood for so long. AND ALL HELL BREAKS LOSE!!
Now we know that there are THREE books related to this fandom coming out this year and we might get Toby and Hannah and I'm so excited!
But there are two characters who have my undivided attention atm and I want to talk about them!
So now we have all the main characters, I'm so thrilled that Rohan is one of them because his story is so intriguing to me and it also adds to some much needed Indian or Pakistani (though most prob Indian) representation.
Just think about the kind of background he must have come from, let that blow your mind!
I know that he is going to have a real tragic backstory. Think something involving childhood abandonment or abuse or (most probably) separation from his loving family, coming to London, being faced with the HUGE cultural shock and the nail biting cold and relentless rain. Add to this: making sense of the weird accent. Being picked off the street to do some odd work for the Devil's Mercy. Slowly getting to know it's secrets and rising among its ranks till he reached Factotum. Falling for Zella (first love, maybe?), having his heart broken.
'cause baby now we got bad blood...
I also believe that often things are not so one dimensional and that Zella is nothing short of deserving the position. She has undeniably had her struggles with gaining the power she now holds and being a woman of colour in a royal household. But I'm focusing of Rohan here, maybe I'll make a detailed post about Zella sometime later?
These are all only theories, but I can't help thinking that it's going to be something along these lines.
And then there's the fact that Jameson is not going to be a main character (*crying emoji cause I cant seem to insert one of the proper size*) Like he has so many unfinished threads and so much family drama to sort out.
We never got to see an independent confrontation of Ian over how he used Jameson to get what he wanted, or anything about the Prague mystery!!
And I know this might be a bit controversial with some of you, but I really want to see him and Avery fight. Because ofc they are a power couple and express their love to each other in such creative ways. BUT, but you get to know so much about a character when you see their world shifting, when the one thing that they believed to be an anchor is uprooted. How they act when the other is out of orbit. AND WE SIMPLY HAVEN'T SEEN THAT FOR JAMESON. I also might be holding out for a very hot romantic make up later on, but my point stands.
So there's my little (rather late) bit, but still.
Also to those who have read my work and have been so kind to shower me with kudos and comments, I want to apologise profusely. There is a lot to come, but just not at this moment when exams are leeching the life out of me, and trust me when I say I have the most elaborate plans for the future!
Like always, can't wait to hear all your brilliant thoughts. Have a good day/night (depending on whatever time zone you guys are in)
Also please check out Lockwood and Co if you have the time because it's something that I can't stop thinking about and would love to talk about. As an added bonus, one of the mc is kinda like Jameson (and that's how you know I have a type)
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iheartmalewives · 2 years
First Dance
Royal AU: Prince!Malleus x Servant!reader
You and Malleus have your first dance at the Royal Ball.
A/n: My followers are probably tired at the amount of Malleus FFs im making, but I honestly cant help it 😭 All of my Malleus FFs are for my dearest friend, Xav. Also, this fanfic is highly inspired by "Unang Sayaw by Nobita", its a filipino song and I highly suggest people to listen to it!! Even if its a language you dont know much about.
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Getting invited in a Ball was stressful, you have to learn proper eating and talking manners and you have to walk delicately in heels.
Thankfully, your outfit was provided by your dearest crush friend, Malleus, who was a young prince. A servant like you meeting up with a royal like him was really odd but for some reason, you find comfort around a person like him.
After putting on your gown/suit, fixing your hair, putting on make up and making sure you smelled good, you dashed outside your little house and ran straight to the carriage that was waiting for you.
You had to admit, wearing such rich clothing was really uncomfortable since you're much more used to wearing your big "shabby" clothes, but it gave you a faint of excitement.
The horse clattering their heels and the woosh of the wind made you impatient as time goes by slowly but surely.
When you arrived at the enormous castle, you felt yourself getting struck by a wave of anxiousness, you were all alone with no one as your partner, the only thing you have so far is an envelope which contained the invitation that was given by yours truly.
You gulped before walking inside, showing the envelope to one of the guards. When they finally said you were good enough to go, you sprinted towards your way to the bathroom, in hopes to come yourself down.
You breathed in and out, closing your eyes before letting out a big sigh. Once you were done, you quickly got out of the bathroom, making your way towards the main hall.
The crowd made you feel small as you desperately tried to scoot over towards the food. Once you finally got a glance of the food, you licked your lips before grabbing a plate.
While deciding what food you were gonna get, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You turned around and jumped as you see Malleus right in front of you.
"Malleu- I meant Prince Malleus! You look fantastic!" You grinned, heart rapidly beating as you watched him go closer. "You look fantastic as well. I see you wore the clothes I gave you?" He asked while grabbing a cupcake from one of the trays.
"Of course I will wear them! They look amazing." You replied, glancing at Malleus who was scanning you. You felt your cheeks heat as you watched him grin at you, "They suit you well." He continued, giving you a small simple nod.
You thanked him for his compliment, ignoring the small pink tints on his cheeks as you were too focused on the food. You stopped as you felt the upbeat music turn into a slow and romantic one.
You stiffened at the romantic aura immerging from within the crowd. You heard Malleus chuckle alittle before pulling you softly by your hand, "Shall we dance, dearest?" He asked, bowing at you.
You bowed back, giving him the same energy as you spoke, "Id like that, Prince Malleus." He smiled as he pulled you towards him, the crowd's eyes gazing at the two of you.
He placed his hand on your hips while the other guided your hands around his neck. "This is your first dance, yes?" He slowly mustered out, "Yes. Well um, first royal dance." You giggled alittle before placing your head on his shoulders, putting your body closer to him.
After a moment of brief silence and swaying, Malleus pulled away. You turned your head to the side, raising one of your eyebrows up. "Lets go somewhere more quiet." He spoke, intertwining his hand together with your own, guiding you towards god knows where.
When you two finally arrived at the Castle's balcony, you gasped in awe at how beautiful the moon was tonight. The stars were twinkling and the wind howled, right now, you were alone with Malleus.
You looked at him as he gazed upon the stars, smiling at how gorgeous it is. He then finally looked at you, his hands once again, pulling you into a dance.
The scene was really romantic and it made you gush over at how cheesy you both looked right now. You two slow danced while the moon shined over you two, Malleus's eyes were fixated unto yours, you couldnt help but admire his green orbs.
"Y/n, i.. um." He quietly mumbled, enough for you to hear. You waited patiently for his words, swaying and matching his slow rhythm.
He stopped for a bit before slowly grabbing something out of his pockets, a red rose that signifies love. You softly smiled at his action, taking the flower that he offered to you without hesitations.
Malleus coughed for a moment before speaking once again, "I have something to confess.." As soon as those words left his mouth, you felt time stopped around you. You hummed, waiting for his confession, your heart was practically pumping out of your chest.
"I love you so much and I want to be yours." He finally continued, his cheeks were painted red as he looked at you with shiny eyes. You were fighting the urge not to kiss him but you soon gave in to the urge the moment you wrapped your arms around his neck.
The kiss was calm, soft and delicate. You fluttered your eyes open when you two finally pulled away, you couldnt help but giggle alittle, "I love you too, my prince."
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masterserris · 8 months
superior returns comic spoilers
so present otto is still being a dick ugh but seeing past superior otto was nice. makes me wonder how the rest of the series will be. will all of it be flash backs? i hope not urghgh i wonder what will make him be superior again. or if that will happen. graaaahhh!
dont do me like this marvel dont take my hope away and smash it
i hoping, thinking, this gets covered in the main spiderman comic bc of the ending of this comic and the actual superior run will start off with otto being superior bc like it would make sense? like a comic without the main character is odd. though they call it "superior reckoning" which is like the ending of this comic? so everything might be self contained and be a small run with only flash backs??? god i hope not jskajkdajsd I JUST WANT HIM BACKKK
they havent done anything good with otto in 3 fucking years if they wanted to have a story with him they had their chance ffs
i hope and pray otto has a change of heart and solves the current conflict and like finally gets what he wants and then remembers that's all man godddddd. like saves estrella and actually harnesses the energy of the sun she had and gets his dream fulfilled. then remembers and is superior again or something like that I HATE IT HERE
bc just as easily, peter could save estrella and peter would harness fusion and otto would have nothing left anymore. just. desolate. he would be so fucking mad and then just so depressed i CANT TAKE IT. I CANT TAKE THE WISDOM I CARRY OF KNOWING OTTO ALWAYS JUST GETS FUCKED IN THE END.
just let him be superior and stay superior.... that's all i ask... society has progressed past the point of needing otto to be a villain anymore, even the movies agree.... ffs
ideal scenario: peter is fighting supernova and otto sees the destruction and only he can stop it. so he makes a device to capture her energy and it cures her. also he now completes his dream making a fusion reactor mirroring real life.
then with his dream complete he remembers shit somehow. remembers what he needs to do, and have a drive for the future now his main goal is complete. he is superior again and that is when the superior comic takes off. it would be weird to only have otto/flashbacks in the main superior comic, right? RIGHT? IDK.
but then we get adventures with superior otto and whereever that may take us but please dont fucking retcon him back into forgetting shit i hate that everyone hated that and ya'll didnt do anything with him for 3 fucking years after you did that. wasted everything
and hopefully superior otto is a main part of the spidey cast alongside miles and peter. yay! they were fuckign FRIENDS. let them be FRIENDS AGAIN.
im dying here. im like... being scorched alive like a goo on a side walk in summer. (ironically by the sun, the crux of all of this shit ksajdjkkj)
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beatendeadcourier · 1 year
Lavina character by @angelic-simp
I never really tried writing before but she gave me the courage and motivation to try with our characters so thank you very much I hope u all enjoy this read :]
Warnings: Angst, stabbing, no blood describe but some murder, Implied stalking, spelling mistakes probably lmao [I think that's all, I can't remember anymore]
"Cosmic Mistake"
Sals pov
    Waking up with a headache was always wack like what is the point in sleeping if you were gonna wake up with a fucked head and joints
Speaking of fucked up things you finally seemed to noticed you were tied up to a fucked up chair bummer, you try your best to recollect what happened before this a lot of thoughts are always a confused blobby mess but it seems luck was on your side and finally your braincells rubbed together just right to remember,,,,
    Ah,, of course this is something you don't forget so easily, you as well as your two beloved have been kidnapped by a shitty horror cult AH! God your head was killing you, you haven't had your daily fix of caffeine. It felt like days you know that's not true but you can't help but be dramatic right now this really ain't good let's see where we are before your disabilities get worse.
    Finally getting out of your thoughts and looking around you see that you are in some sort of torture room, that or it just looks really bad the room is a really dark red so its hard to see anything but you swear you see blood on the walls and floor, it seems as well the chair your in has locked you in place by your hands, feet and neck its so uncomfy but your not surprised you managed to fall asleep in it.
    What a situation this is. You feel hmmm you don't know how to feel but you do know there is a boiling pit in your chest, you're pissed off you're alone in this room so you know that Bob and Lavina your absolute beloveds are somewhere else and not around you, you care about them so much they could be hurt or in danger for all you know right now.
    Well that just won't do for you, using your shapeshifting abilities you twist and enlarge your body to snap off those flimsy chains that tried to contain you all the while your head is pounding for you to stop, you don't care you need out now.
 The chains really didn't put up much a fight with your struggling you stand up oozing rage, you start to faintly hear sirens going off in your head that can't be good but that's not important, you start heading for the door out of this room you don't even give a reaction as you open the door swinging it open so fast it slams against the wall, it seems the door crushed one of the cult members outside your door, guarding it they passed out instantly.   
    ,,Oops you guess anyways that's probably gonna attract some attention so you should skidaddle and fast, you start your jog down the hall of this giant mansion.
Lavinas pov 
    It hurt to wake up literally you haven't opened your eyes due to them being so heavy but you can feel the stiff feeling in your neck from sleeping in an odd angle was really prominent you groaned loudly tried moving your arms to wipe the sleep from your eyes, hmm its seems you can't move your arms your confused and start panicking a bit something feels like metal, getting really worried about your lack of movement you snap your eyes open real fast to see what they problem could be.
    ,,,You wish you didn't, once you opened your eyes all your senses decided to tune in at once finally noticing your tied to a chair by you hands, ankles and neck panic shoots through you as you notice their are people in the room with you and they seem to be talking to you but you still cant make out what they are saying to you, your too busy looking around and seeing all these big machines and demonic looking symbols, something behind you is making the room glow a bright bluish green making it easy to see your kidnappers, you can't really see behind since you had your neck suspended but the glowing light of what you think is magic makes you not wanna look anyways.
    There was a tall looking priest guy in a surgical mask who was surrounded by four other people in cult gear, your ears finally decided it can hear the people that are talking to you 
Mysterious In charge looking Guy: “ -Are you she can ever hear in the first place?? She's not responding to my evil monologue guys and that makes me upset!”
Lavina: “Um W-What???”
The Man snapped his neck towards you speaking up, you are so confused and frightened right now
Priest Guy:” AH! So you Can hear! It's very rude of you to ignore my evil sacrificial plan i have for you, YOU have no manners missy!”
Your stomach sank hearing the words sacrificial come from his lips it completely made you ignore getting angry of him calling you missy and the like, what did they mean by sacrifice YOU?!! What qualities could you possibly have to be sacrificed like this?? Before you could frighteningly speak up and comment, the priest cut you off.
Priest Guy: “NOW HAVE TO RESTART!,,, no you know what you don't get to hear my magnificent speech i spend so hard on getting a short version you rude girl!”
He was red in the face as he flapped his arms around hitting some of the underlings around him, they all seemed to grumble as he threw his tantrum about not hearing is stupid ass speech.
Priest Guy: “We are sacrificing YOU girly to our lord and savior, The Eyes of The Universe *sighs dreamily*,, We have kept a close eye on your little sin group of the hungry traitor and caffeine obsessed Narcoleptic freak”
He looked very upset and kinda freaked out when he, you presumed, was talking about sal. Your super worried about them right now,, what if they are dead oh no-
 Priest Guy: ”BUT don't worry about all that now we have fixed those little problems-”
You yelled angrily at this imposter priest 
Priest Guy: “WOW,,, aren't You nasty HOW DARE YOU CUT ME OFF LIKE THAT!-”
Before he could go off on another tantrum one of his lackeys touched his shoulder seemingly saying something without saying anything. He seemed to snap out of his anger like this, suddenly looking very happy, touching all his fingers together.
Priest Guy:,,,heh if you will excuse us all we are gonna go prepare you more for your inevitable demise, I can tell The Eyes are gonna love you. “
And in order they all crowd out the door in perfect sync, you were alone now.
You're so shocked and flabbergasted, you don't know how this could be possible,,,, this room is really dark,, you hate the dark the only light that can be seen is the bluish greeny glow of a mysterious contraption behind you. 
Your heart is pounding out of your chest definitely too fast. You can't help but think about all of this where our your loves that guy seemed to imply,,, that they arent around anymore does that mean,,, they could be dead, that thought made you start to tear up almost instantly no no please they can't be, you started to tremble you keep clenching and unclenching your fists, the big amount of grief you feel right now is earth shattering.
You didn't even notice but it seems you started to scream your lungs out, you can't ever hear your own screams but you know you are saying their names over and over, you are too stuck in your thoughts you can't help but get tunnel vision and start hyperventilating in the cold of this quiet and desolate room, all alone. 
in the dark.
Sals pov
    Honestly what is this place you swear you can't be hallucinating right now like you know it's a possibility but you have a feeling this is for real, as you were running through the corridors you passed so many weird rooms like there was a room full of medieval gear or the room that had nothing in it but a jar of,,, something on a pedestal, you didn't check every room as it would be a waste of time but you did figure out most of the rooms definitely intersect into each other in some way.
You finally decided to take a detour through one of these many door and to your surprise it looks like a butcher shop there is meat hanging around, you honestly thought it would be empty but you heard the faint noise of another being in the room with you, you immediately go into attack mode, it seems to be coming from slightly in the back of the weird covered counter, it kinda looked like it was made out of skin,,, ya ok whatever, you sneak ever so slowly past it trying to take this person by surprise, you finally see a blacked out figure ever so close to you
They seem big and imposing, they are hunched over something, you can't seem to make it out though. All your thoughts are mostly made of your gonna fucking kill this guy a thousand times, you have been going on a mini spree of beating the shit out of anyone you see in this place.
Your blood shot eyes have just adjusted to the darkness in this room, you can see the person better than before and,,, wait a goddamn minute.
Sal: “BOB?!?”
What the hell why they hell is he in here of all rooms and why the fuck is he wearing his funky looking devil costume that doesnt really matter now you have found at least one of your group but honestly seeing him has made your headache lessen just slightly and you went a little droopy eyes seeing him.
    Bob straightened up almost instantly like your voice activated him into an attack mode of sorts, he was holding his usual steak knife and his grin seemed to split open on his face even more,,, he actually looked kind of menacing to any other but to you he looked perfect even though it is kinda off he's wearing his costume right now if you are remembering correctly he didn't have it on when you guys were taken.
    But not minding that you open up your arms wide for him but not yet trying to hug him.
Sal: “Omg!! Look who it is, I'm SO excited to see you!”
Your words were laced with affection but strained from the pounding headache still, He did not do anything he didn't even move he even seemed,, hungry he was drooling excessively, something seems wrong but you can't tell just yet.
Bob: “ Oh? A very perfect treat has fallen into my hands, I'm more excited to see you.~ “
His eyes and deep in his sweater glowed cyan, as he looked down at you with an insane crave in his eyes.
 Before you could comment on his weird behavior, if he was ok at all he raised his knife in the air aiming to bring it down on your head, you dodge out of the way just in time for him to get it stuck in the hanging meat that was behind you.
Sal: “OH WOW so this is how everything is gonna play what the hell man!”
Bob: “Come on now don't play hard to get with me!~"
He proceeded to rip his knife out of the body and started advancing towards you, trying to get you into a bear hug to capture you.
    You booked it out of the doorway vaulting over the counter and skidding harshly over to the door, ripping it open off of its hinges, he was hot on your tail.
    There is obviously something very wrong right now he shouldn't be attacking you, you literally make out with his dumb of ass everyday he would never try to harm you on purpose, It has to be this fucking cults fault you knew he was in a cult before sure you pretended not to know you werent that dumb he didnt hide it that well but for his sake of letting him take his time to tell you guys and not to force the info out of him but it seems this daycare of a shit cult was watching him and keeping tabs on you and Lavina wait to use you for whatever the fuck. 
    Bobs thundering footsteps matched the pound of your brain against your skull it hurt so fucking much. He sure was catching up to you his ass was laughing as this chase began, spewing out words like he's the cat to my mouse and he can't wait to eat my meat, you would make an inappropriate joke right now but his ass has started to try a swipe at you like a cat with his knife.
    You make a really sharp turn in the corridor to your left making Bob smack right into the wall with a surprised look on his face as he wasn't expecting it, he made the wall and the bit of the floor shake from him smacking full force with all his weight into it, as you continued to run you started laughing your ass off seeing it happen, he grew very angry at that shaking his head around trying to get rid of his dissociation and the pain, He growled loudly as he pressed on following you.
    You saw at the end of this hall two big curved doors now that looks like something you are so tired of this fucking maze of doors it feels like your in the backrooms right now,
    You make it fast to the door and slam your body weight into it, you trip a bit but catch yourself before you end up on the ground, you catch your footing and look around you wildly and pause….
Sal: “,,,,why the fuck would a cult need a disco room?!"
You were so fucking curfuffled what the fuck is going on in this place like good for them but why?!
You have frozen, really questioning your reality right now, headache still beating your ass. You don't even care if Bob's thundering steps are right behind you, this night is turning to hell so fast you're about to combust into a cosmic horror just so you can go home and relax.
Bob:"HAHAHA We aren't always doom and gloom, now come here so I can gut u properly" 
He seems to have heard your comment, over the booming disco music that makes your nose wanna bleed and the disco ball that was high on the ceiling spinning you were going insane.
    You turn around with a fuck all sort of face for once your eyes arent drooping as they usually do and your eyebrows are knitted so hard they might as well be in the ground by now. You are clenching your fists so hard you are so about to be the nonsense back into him, lovingly of course. 
Sal: “ I do NOT care what this cult has done to you our little magician is somewhere in this fucking disappointment and confusion mess of a cultist temple.”
You don't mean to be so rude to him but this is really getting to you and no matter what you're gonna save him even if you have to throw down with him in the disco party room at least the music is good to rock his shit too.
    Bob lets out a bellowing laugh, it echos off the walls in this room somehow, it's intimidating but he's never scared you not even slightly, you get into a position of jumping around on your feet a lot to gain momentum and started cracking your joint mostly your shoulders and neck to get ready for him, you hate hurting those you love but this will be good for him.
Bob: “HAHAHA I don't know who you're talking bout darlin, there is no us that you speak of but I do know you're gonna make a great meal, You really are stupid person I would love to see you try to hurt me!”
And with that he lunged at me with his knife.
Bobs pov
Oh fuck oh fucking shit-
This was such a freaky situation to you, fighting like this with one of your darlins like this and what's worse is you cant even control yourself at all, you are a copilot in your own body the cult has your body captured and you were stupid to think they wouldn't try to come back for you to use you again for something else you just regret bringing them into all this.
    But you can't focus on that right now, your controlled body is trying to kill your love sure it was really hot with how they look like that, their face is a perfect shade of red with the most angry eyes you have even seen on them god it's making you hot and bothered, you can't believe this is what your mind goes to you are so down bad but you can't help it if that looked was pointed towards you, you would have smothered them in affection by now you really were so happy to see them again and not harmed by what you can tell.
    As your stuck in your head with your thoughts your body has gone into attack mode and trying its best to stab Sal but surprised to you they are blocking you perfectly it really hurts that they keep jabbing you when they see their opening but you really hope they win and if your body wins,,, well you don't think you would ever recover.
Bob: “You sure are a slippery little thang!”
They didn't say anything to his body shit talking them, they looked like a focused killer *sighs* oh how he loves that look on them.
    They were bobbing and weaving him with focus, every time he tried to swipe or hit them they would reflect they both were on the dance floor trying to fist fight each other and it actually seemed Sal was winning they really were wearing you down but as they dodged one of your attacks, it made you fall to you knees surprising you they grab at the neck of your sweater were the pendent was it was glowing very harshly against you but as they were doing that the music suddenly boomed through the room making them let go and hold their ears having a very painful expression wash over their face, they hunched in on themselves, 
oh no,, their headaches
My body took the opportunity to pick up the dropped steak knife and stab them into their thigh
Sal: “ ARGH! “
Oh no no no please don't do this! you tried to plead with your body but it wasn't listening to you at all.
    Your body laughed hard as you stood up, your beloved open mouth surprised that you stabbed them.
Bob: “HAAHAHA of course my prey always falls into my hands, you had no chance of winning this.~”
    Your body spread its arms out wide as it straightened up, advancing slowly towards them, you were looking down in a daze not moving at all.
You couldn't handle this, this is too much you want this to stop!
Just as you body got right in front of them trying to grab at them, they suddenly spring up and winding up their fist and punching you hard in your chest, were the pendent that kept its control of you was laying, they shattered it with their first in one punch it hurt so bad, knocking you down on the floor immediately, you couldn't breathe for a second it almost felt like you just died.
What a hunk they are. <3
Sal pov:
    This motherfucker stabbed you what da hell!
You took the opportunity of knocking his ass back, you ripped the knife out of you, Ough it hurt but your shapeshifting abilities cleared up the wound for you only now making you feel the phantom pains of it.
You fell onto the ground rolling around and groaning just because you can, you were ready to get the fuck out of here but you cant till everyone is safe, you really fucking hope the neckless you punched was the thing controlling him as freed him.
As you were doing that sounds of suffering Bob sat up breathless taking off his headband and wiping his face of the red paint not getting all of it but it did make his black hair pop out, he had his hand placed on his chest trying to control his breathing.
He finally landed his eyes on your crippled form and immediately panic crawled over to you.
Bob: ‘ Oh my! Honey i am so sorry I-I couldn't stop myself AH and now your hurt because of me.``
    He had a pained look as he picked you up like you weighed nothing and started cradling you spewing out apology after apology. It looks like he's ok now hehe oh you're so glad.
    You look up into his face while he holds you bridal style sitting on the ground, you look him in the eyes and your face just softens so fast your eyes get droopy with happiness and you let out a big wobbly smile break out onto your face for him. 
    He blushes so hard as you grab his face with both your hands and nuzzle into his cheek feeling his stubble scratch at your skin, you missed this feeling so much already. You sigh and stand up out of his hold.
Bob: “Woah Woah let me see your wound first”
He forces you still as he holds your thigh in his hands as he examines you he finds,,, nothing just a slit where the knife went through your pants, he's speechless. He looks up at you as he's on his knees.
Sal: “heh don't worry bout it dude :].”
He looked at them with confusion and love as he slowly got up from the ground as he did so he opened his arms wide and quickly pulled them into a hug.
Bob:” Oh I'm so sorry sweet pea, I never meant to drag you guys into this, this is my burden not yours.”
     He was really squeezing the life out of you but even so you can hear the tiredness in his voice, you guys aren't done yet. You still hug him back of course then you let go.
Sal:” look babe we all can have this talk when we all get out but right now we need our Lavina literally were the fuck is she i swear i heard screaming earlier.”
You say with the utmost serious voice ever, it seemed to have affected Bob a little but he snaps out of it as he puts his hands to face and drags them down.
Bob: “ We have to go get er right now! She is in the basement and they tryna sacrifice er to the deity they worship!”
Sal: “,,,,,ex-fucking-cuse me,, then we have no time to waste come on!”
You grab Bob's hand and make a run for it out the second double doors on the opposite side room.
Third person pov 
    Hand in hand Bob and Sal make their ways down endless corridors and random rooms to try and find the basement, Sal is super frustrated.
Sal: “ouagh who built this place, how the hell are we gonna even find the basement, what kind of maze is this!”
    They say using their free hand to rub between their eyes trying to lessen their headache. Bob put his free hand on their hand and lovely pet their hair trying to help, not used to seeing them act like this. It made him worried and nervous in a good way.
Bob: “ yeah we have a map. But uh, don't be surprised when it ain't on paper, it's actually pretty close to where we are."
He started leading their limpish body to an off looking corner of the grand hall, He both stopped them in front of a map that looked like it belonged in a mall to show where all the departments are. Sal was speechless as they looked at this “map” nothing on it made sense literally but they could make out the “You are here” with what looked like stickers of all of their heads in correct places but obviously Bobs and Sals sticker was in the rooms their were hold up in, but it shows a clear picture of where Lavina is and her sticker head was looking pretty cute and kissable, the both of them thought that but there was no time to think about that right now.
Sal: “Im going to make this place explode, lets fucking get it!”
They said with so much vigor in their tone dragging Bob by the hand as they started sprinting with a certain fire in their eyes Bob has never seen making him blush, but looking at them like this and how pissed and energetic and even brushing off a stab wound, Bob has a feeling they will all make it out he felt very safe with them even though their angry and serious look was making him go feral. 
Lavinas pov
    This was it for you, you have already screamed your voice horse, you can still feel the big globs of tears rolling out of your eyes catching in your eyelashes every now and again.
    You feel,,, numb, you still feel your fear but they don't matter to you anymore you're empty.  The priest guy and his team already has came back into the room to prep for your sacrifice, The Priest keeps droning on and on you have already tuned him out long ago, all you can really hear is your shorten breath and your hiccups from sobbing everything else around you just sounds like white noise, what's the point in caring anymore if the ones you have devoted your lonely life too are not here anymore, you can feel the scream bubbling up at that thought trying your best to curl into yourself, you can feel all your muscles clenching at once from the emotional pain your mind is afflicting onto you.
    The Priest and his crew seemed to have everything set up, ready for you.  Still being tried down to this chair The Priest pulls a leveler that he was standing next too on a platform he seems so fond of standing there looking down at everyone, the chair seems to move backwards, spooking you it gets more into a laying down position you finally look up trying to see what was behind you that emulate a glowing cyan color, the room was still pretty damn dark but if it wasn't filled with darkness it was filled with the color.
    It looked like a portal and on the other side of it was a gigantic creature with multiple eyes. It looked like a giant mushroom cloud after you drop an atomic bomb with many appendages of mostly tentacles.  You made eye contact with it making you flinch and closing your eyes tight making more tears roll off of your face, the portal exhaled wind out of him constantly, having your hair and clothes whip around you, you didn't wanna look please don't make you look at it.
    The lying down position was making you nauseous, it felt like eternity before the chair started to transform more and move you towards the portal making the wind come out even harsher against your skin. 
    You could faintly hear The Priest cracking loudly, you refused to open your eyes keeping them so tight you saw sparks in your vision. You were bracing for impact.
    Your eyes snapped open violently to the sound of a door breaking off its hinges flying through the air in one swoop. It slammed right into The Priest who gave out a high pitch earth shattering scream and cowering into himself, flinghing hard.  The flying door makes a hard impact with his body making him slam into the wall making it ricochet, spin a few times and finally falling onto the floor with the crippled body of The Priest under it. 
    Your watery eyes shoot over to the now doorless doorway. Standing there is a figure cloaked in darkness standing perfectly still with an imposing stance, they stood there for a few seconds in tense silence that has fallen around the room they moved by only cracking their neck really loud and looking up with a very pissed off face, for you to find it actually to be.
Sal: “Guess who?~”
    What??  Your jaw felt like it hit the floor.
Sal: “ If any of you don't want that happening to you next i suggest you scram. NOW! “
    As though a pin had been dropped, the very sweat soaked looking cult members almost tramped each other to head out the emergency door that you didn't notice till now that was in the room tucked in the corner.
    You dont think your face has ever been hotter in your life than at this moment, your eyes were sparkling with tears as your pupils dilated to their full size.
    Sal advanced into the room as the last of the members shut the emergency door behind them and right behind them was a flustered looking Bob.
    Bob immediately ran over to you trying to find a way to free you of this chair speaking sweet nothings to you as your other beloved walked over to the leveler resetting it to make the chair go back into its original form as they ripped the lever from its holder and started beating the shit out of the multi machines that was in the room making the portal function, the portal dissipated as well as the cyan glow now putting the room in more darkness but you could still see as well as feel Bob petting your hair trying to sooth you as you nuzzle against his hand in tears again from all the emotions that are wreaking havoc inside you making you speechless. 
    Finally Sal seemed to join the rest of you, your metal bindings were still in place it seems Bob was in no success in getting them off.
Bob: “ These really are a Bitch to get off, “
    His gaze landed on Sal who was right next to him.
Bob: “ Im for once lost on how these things work hehe.”
    He chuckled nervously, sweat dripping from his forehead, Sal slowly guided his hands out of the way so they could get to the metal cuffs.
  They laced their fingers slowly under the cuffs that were touching your wrist and in one harsh pull they broken the metal completely off, that shocked you so much you didn't even try to move your limbs as they continued to lace and rip your cuff off your other limbs, finally getting to the one holding your neck in place, they paused for a moment rocking a stoic face and corressed you check softly wiping away the tears that just kept falling, they were being so soft with you making you heat up, your whole body feeling like it was on fire and cooled off with their cold touch.
You brought one of your freed hands up to grip the hand that was on your check closing your eyes as you hiccup a bit. You felt them pull off the neck cuff with all their might, like the cuff offended them in some way by holding you hostage. 
Third Person pov
After Sal just freed Lavina Bob scoped the two up into a big bear hug attacking both with face, forehead and hair kisses. 
Bob: “ AHA OH MY TWO GOOBERS NOW that was a moment!”
    He both set the two down after attacking them with affection, making the pair look more disheveled and flustered, and it seemed to make Sals face unfurl a little less from it. 
    Sal quickly shook their head making their head feel more like shit but they really needed to sober up more. They grabbed Lavinas hand as Lavina grabbed Bob's hand, making a chain of holding hands.
Sal: “Right! Let's bounce from the very uncool joint.”
    Hand in hand they all went towards the exit all the other cult members fled from, it seemed this emergency door helped lead them straight to outside.
They stopped once the exit door shut behind them unlinking hands.  Honestly this whole situation and the rescue has finally caught up to Lavina making her wanna do fire crimes against these motherfuckers that gave her emotions trauma for no reason other than they stupid ass cultist plans that make no sense.
Lavina: “ *Huffs* That's it guys, I need to be a bad person just for a bit right now!”
    With that being said she sparked a giant magical flame into her hands running straight up to touch the mansion, once she touched the walls of the place the flames started spreading quickly. 
    Bob didn't even try to stop her as he watched her attack the building with all her might and her magic, he looked on at her with a pleased and smug face turning away as she started summoning raccoons to go chase anyone they saw with a cult hood.
Bob:” Our girl sure is feisty-”
    He cut himself off as he looked at Sal, who seemed to be completely face planted onto the grass and passed out on the ground. It seems that the headache and their affiliations have caught up with them for the night.  Bob let out a dreamy and breathless sigh as he picked them up, tossing them over his shoulder holding them in place with his big arm.  Bob supposed it was time to get the hell out of dodge now. 
    He raced up to Lavina who was knees and hands on the ground screaming obscenities at the rapidly burning up mansion, sirens could be heard in the distance.  Bob reached Lavina and quickly grabbed her by her ankle and started dragging her away.
    Lavina crawled at the ground and scurried around as Bob dragged her by the ankle. Starting his track away from the half charred half ablaze mansion he let off another warm checked smile, with affection in his voice leaning his head on Sals limp body.
Bob: “Ah my little heroes, all for me? You two were so brave what would I do without you, my precious darlin’s.<3”
Aftermath bonus:
    It only took a couple weeks for anything to go completely back to normal or well if you mean your normal is having a polycule consisting of some form of criminal in their own way than ya things have gone back to normal so far, the group is mostly recovering for emotional damage the cult has inflicted onto the trio but in each others presence it is melting away faster but two of the others still have a pretty little question that been on their minds for some time now ever since they left that mansion burning far behind.
    It all started where most of their serious conversation happened, on the coach in the middle of a movie night it just popped up out of nowhere Lavina couldn't hold it in anymore she had to know.
    Holding a pillow to her chest she looks Sal directly in the face. Bob sees the face Lavina is making and perks up, seeing as they both have talked about it when their middle man was not around.
Lavina: “ Soooo,,  I knew you could get serious but didn't know you could get that bad.”
Bob; “ Ya, you were like a beast with the cult,, not that i'm complainin’ "
    Sal looks up with a dazed look staring into the ceiling, pondering both of their words thinking back on the time they were in their manic rage fit they had to save both of them. It took them a moment and a few frog blinks before they finally decided to say something that shocks both of the beloved.
Sal: “Oh that ya, mmhhh I wasn't even really that angry to be honest, not that big of a deal.”
    Huh?!? What did they mean they weren't that angry?! Both of them literally saw them lose their goddamn mind, did they just imply they can get even madder.
    Bob and Lavina couldn't help themselves, they both sprung up out of their relaxed positions to basically get in Sals face, Both of the stalkers also couldn't help the hardcore blush that covered their faces, they kept imagining an even worse off Sal.
    But instead of answering that question Sal just chuckled and pushed both of their faces away 
Sal: “ heh come on guys no more questions we are watching a movie right now.”
Bob: “ How are we supposed ta’ be normal after that comment?”
Lavina drapes herself over Sals lap, giving them her best puppy dog eyes as her ears go down to give her more of a puppy look.
Lavina: “ Come oooonnn you can't just leave us hanging like this, please??”
    Sal just hits them both with a smirk then goes back to watch the tv with their normal expressions again instantly killing them both, Bob and Lavina can't help the hearts in their eyes and the warmness in their faces. 
[I just want everyone to know this is 6,000+ word count on Google docs WTF-💥]
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