#i did age chewie up
loveryss · 1 year
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Forgot to age Chewie up, whoops. Now her and the twins are classmates
+ Erin & Mara’s first school drawings!
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
Something something Dooku survives the Clone Wars, the Imperial Era, and even a few years past the OT...
And Luke finds him while looking for More Jedi to help him teach.
Chewie recognizes the decrepit old bastard, and there is yelling, but being A Hundred And Nine has mellowed Dooku out in his own dusty hermit hut, on the other side of the galaxy from Ben and Yoda's hermit huts.
All the Jedi ghosts are unhappy with this but Dooku is… not REFORMED, technically, but he's old and tired, even if the Force keeps him a bit more healthy and energized than the average Old Guy, and humans routinely live to pretty unreal old ages in the gffa anyway so really 109 for them is probably like 85 for us.
But yeah. Old mountain hermit (to contrast the desert and the swamp) who's been in hiding from That Dick Sidious since he lost both hands to babyface Vader in 19BBY.
@jebiknights (Sammie) said:
Dooku finds out Luke was also trained by Yoda and is like "oh Yoda finally gave me a younger brother like I always wanted"
Alternately he could probably get Luke to call him Great-Great-Grandfather.
Sammie: Funniest option is he's both which makes Luke even more confused lmao Ghost Obi wan in the background like "stop fucking using non Jedi terms to describe Jedi relationships it doesn't fucking work"
Luke calls him, irreverently, Gramps, but also. Leia definitely recognizes him as a Recent Historic Political Figure, but not until AFTER Luke has already integrated Dooku into his new Jedi school.
"Why did Chewie let him do that?" He thought it was funny. (And/or if you like Chewku, you can make this some sordid exes thing.)
"Why did R2 let him do that?" Best keep evil man in electrical prodding range.
Sammie: Leia comes to the school for her biweekly Jedi lessons and sees the newest teacher was a traitor to the Republic 😭
Best if they can find Quin or Ventress out in the black. Partly because like. Does this make Ventress their step-grandma (Quinlan's on-off something) or their great-great-aunt (Dooku's 4th apprentice)?
Sammie: Both and also Luke's niece. Luke has a migraine by the end of it and Leia is ready to disown herself. Ventress: I didn't realize the Jedi were so incestuous Luke: war flashbacks to before he realized Leia was his sister
Ahsoka in the corner with Spacebucks, five years late "Y'all suck. Hey, Quin."
Sammie: I know you likely didn't bring up Quinlan thinking of QuinObi but now I'm imagining Quinlan declaring himself their grandpa when he meets the twins bc 1) he loves to cause chaos 2) he does/did consider Anakin his kid even if not in neat non Jedi terms and 3) Obi-Wan thought being considered Anakin's father made him sound old, and Quinlan needs to harass him beyond the grave
Dooku must have a cane that the ghosts heckle him about because He Clearly Wants To Be Just Like Yoda.
@lyntergalactic (Lyn) said:
I feel like evil gramps could really bring out Ahsoka's snark once she shows up and that would be highly entertaining Ahsoka is simultaneously his most and least favorite grandchild
She's the most experienced as a Jedi (Ventress went full Sith, not just leaving the Order but following the tenets like Ahsoka, and Quinlan isn't in the lineage), has never Fallen unless you count that thing on Mortis.
Also she WILL bitch Dooku out at this age, and honestly he kind of appreciates the brutal honesty.
Ahsoka: I'm not a Jedi. All the old people: Lies
She brings up the Hondo incident since nobody else is putting in the effort. Anakin and Obi-Wan COULD as ghosts but nooooooo she has to do everything around here.
Sammie: Oh but it sets them off so hard they can barely get the story off from laughing NGL I think the twins did not understand how truly annoying Obi-Wan and Anakin could be together until the Hondo story gets told.
They are The Worst.
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cumikering · 2 months
F1 John Price x reader
2.7k | fluff Price raced for Mclaren. You didn’t know that (part 2)
No human body was made for this: jetting across continents and time zones for nine months out of twelve.
Even after the years, John Price hadn’t got used to it. Neither was he used to flying from Las Vegas to London for a photoshoot only to hop on another plane the day after for his next race in Qatar.
He groaned internally, his body aching as he plopped down onto the backseat of the cab before taking his black surgical mask and cap off. He didn’t get a proper rest with how turbulent his flight was.
“Oh, I’ve seen ya mate!” the middle-aged driver exclaimed, eyeing him from the rear-view mirror. “You’re famous- you’re the F1 bloke, innit?”
John gave him a polite smile.
“Could you sign something of mine?” He popped open his glovebox. “Wait, this wouldn’t sell so high…” he muttered as he rummaged through it.
The cars behind started a cacophony of honks.
“Am in the way.” He chuckled sheepishly as he pulled away. “You better not run off before I find something!"
Downtown London was packed at the hour. The driver had plenty of time to look through every nook and cranny of his car, but cursing when he could only come up with a yellowing notepad and a drying pen. John made do.
“Could you also put your name down, please?” He held the pad over his shoulder after he’d inspected it. “So we know who you are.”
And he did, with another rehearsed smile.
“Cheers, mate.” With a pleased grin, he tossed the pad onto the passenger seat, not even bothering to make eye contact amidst the traffic.
At the red light around the corner of the magazine HQ, the taxi halted in front of a coffee shop. He glanced at his watch - he was 20 minutes early and he desperately needed caffeine.
John pulled his mask and cap back on before exiting the car. The cap was still stiff, one with a French flag patch he grabbed at random at the airport with a grumble. He’d misplaced the plain one he liked.
He kept his head down as he stood in the short queue.
“Hot Americano, double shot, please.”
His phone chimed when he waved it over the payment terminal. He was going to regret this. He wasn’t a big coffee drinker.
“Can I get a name for that?” You looked up from the cup you scribbled on.
You smiled, glancing at his cap and wrote his name down. “Like Jean Pierre?”
He chuckled, only now making eye contact with you. It was a joke between him and his teammate, Kyle, or Gaz as the fans called him. You must be one of those well-meaning people pretending to not recognise him, giving him a slice of normalcy.
He always appreciated the gesture, especially the more years passed. As glamorous as life had been since F1, John discovered he wasn’t about all the glitz and glam.
He didn’t care about looking immaculate all the time, scripted speech in designer clothing or driving expensive cars. Have you seen the state of London’s streets? Everything was PR, PR, PR - like this wasn’t even his life he was living anymore. He wanted to be home on his racing simulator or get the neighbourhood takeaway in his thick hoodies without anyone shoving a camera in his face. He just wanted his old, quiet life.
You worked the coffee machine, your back to him, and his gaze wondered to the pastry display as he leaned on the counter. The cookies were massive, thick in the middle, probably chewy too. They would be perfect with his coffee.
He glanced at the line which had grown longer, and at you at the register now, scribbling another customer’s order onto a cup with a smile. It was odd that no one else was in sight to help you at the busy time.
A quick peek at his watch: he didn’t have the time to queue again. He’d just have to come back later after his business.
“Enjoy.” You flashed him a smile as you placed his order on the counter.
It didn’t hurt that you were easy on the eyes.
Sure enough, hours later after a photoshoot and an interview, caffeine still buzzed in John’s veins. He could only imagine how long he’d be up later that night, but it was worth it. At least he didn’t look like a zombie in the footage.
His mask didn’t hold off the gust of wind - cold against his cheeks as he stepped out of the building. His stomach rumbled. While pubs had started to fill up with people in work attire, the lights were still on in your shop. He crossed the street only for the sign to read ‘closed’, the last couple exiting the door.
His shoulders sagged, but he pushed the door open anyway.
You looked up from the tablet you fumbled with, your smile apologetic. “Hiya, we’re closed. Sorry.”
He glanced at the display, empty safe for two remaining cookies. He pointed at them. “Hi, so sorry to bother, but I just wanted those, please. I didn’t get the chance earlier.”
Recognition flashed in your eyes. “Oh, I remember you. Jean-Pierre.”
“It’s me.” He laughed.
You slid the bag of two cookies across the counter. “On the house.”
“No, no. You’re doing me a favour already. Have one with me at least?”
You hummed. “Why not.”
At the nearest table, he had taken his cap and mask off. You set down a mug of milk.
“You’re spoiling me.” He chuckled, taking a bite of the cookie. “Oh my god, it’s spot on,” he groaned.
You smiled. “I’m glad you like it. It took me a while to come up with the perfect recipe.”
“I’d thought about this for hours and it doesn’t disappoint, but I bet it tastes even better warm.” His gaze couldn’t help but fall to your untouched cookie.
You laughed, pushing the paperbag across the table.
“I’m sorry, this is so, so shameless.” He gave you a sheepish grin. “But it’s wonderful, really. I’ll be back. Definitely.”
“You’re very welcome to.”
“Can I place an order? For my team. Three dozens for tomorrow morning, or is that a bit last minute?”
“Yeah, no, I can do that.” You smiled. “If I may ask, what do you do, JP? Sounds like a big team.”
He frowned. “I thought you knew?”
You tilted your head. “Sorry, I don’t think you told me?”
“Right.” He cleared his throat. Heat crept up his neck from the presumption. “I work with cars.”
“Like a mechanic?”
“Something like that.”
“Oh, that’s impressive. You must have steady hands.”
“I do, I suppose.” He held your gaze for a moment. “Oh, sorry, you were about to close. I’ll just finish this-“
You waved your hand. “Do take you time. I hadn’t had the chance to sit down.”
“Busy day?”
“Very. One of my girls is sick so I worked alone today.”
“I can stay a bit, if you don’t mind.” He smiled. “Actually, would you like dinner? I’m famished. I can get something for us?”
“That sounds fantastic.”
“I saw a kebab shop a block away. Are they stingy with their chips?”
“Of course not. They wouldn’t be my favourite otherwise.”
He dashed out the door with a grin.
When John returned with dinner, you called out from the kitchen as you put away the cookie dough you’d just prepped for his order.
“I make the dough at least 12 hours ahead. That way the flavours have a chance to mingle.” You sat across him.
“Is that why they’re so good?”
You shrugged, smiling, as you unwrapped your dinner.
“I’ll be back for this too.” He nodded approvingly at the kebab, bursting at the seams with chips.
“They’ve got great food around here.”
“All the more reason I’ll have to be back.”
You chatted over the meal, about the area and its hidden gems. He was convinced he didn’t even know half of the city even after living there for many years.
“Thanks for dinner, Jean-Pierre. You can go now if you want.” You put away the wrappings. “I don’t want to bore you with all the cleaning I’m going to be doing.”
“It’s John, and I can do the dishes.”
“I can’t let you do that.”
“You said you were tired, and look how long I held you up.” He gestured at the dark sky outside.
You chuckled as you shook your head.
“Come on, let’s get to work,” he said over his shoulder as he sauntered to the kitchen.
You wiped down the counters and did the floor as John helped with the dishes, asking about you and your shop. While he didn’t like doing chores, doing them with you didn’t feel troublesome.
In fact, it was nice to spend some time out, not cooped up all alone in his apartment. It was refreshing to not be talking about racing or cars, to get away from it all. You laughed so heartily, so bright at his jokes. Within these four walls, maskless, he didn’t have to pretend.
He wore his mask as you locked up, but not before sliding in a few bills into the tip jar when you weren’t looking.
“So.” He turned to you, hands jammed in his pockets.
“I’m taking the bus.”
If he had his car he’d have offered to drive, but it was just as well he wasn’t driving. What if he wouldn’t want to leave?
So he walked you to the bus stop before calling a taxi for himself, back to his own reality.
While John was away for a Grand Prix weekend, between media day, qualifying and other preparations, he didn’t have the chance to be alone with his thoughts. However, as soon as he lay in his hotel bed that Sunday night, adrenaline still pumping in his blood from the race hours before, his mind drifted to you. He wondered what you were up to, if you’d thought about him since Wednesday morning when he picked up his order.
See, his problem wasn’t that he didn’t ask, but that he asked too easily and often came off too strong. He didn’t want that, especially not to you, someone the slightest bit more than an acquaintance now, a funny and pretty one at that.
But he should have asked for your number. He had so many chances to: during dinner, while walking you to the bus stop, or when he swung by the day after. You would have loved to know how everyone flocked to him when he walked into the room, oohing and aahing over your cookies.
He’d just have to wait until the next day.
Monday was his favourite day of the week because it was his day off, allowing him to not even leave his penthouse apartment if he so wished. But in the afternoon when he arrived back in London, he had somewhere else to be. On his way home from the factory, he took a detour, parking around the corner from your shop.
He wasn’t supposed to think so much about you, let alone miss you, but he did against his better judgement. He couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face when you greeted him as he approached the counter.
“Hiya, what can I get you?”
“I’d like to place another order for tomorrow. Everyone loved your cookies.”
“Sure.” You smiled. “You know, you could just give us a ring, yeah?”
“Right, about that. I was wondering if you fancy dinner with me tonight?”
“Oh, I’ll have to prep for the cookies-“
Behind you, a young lady at the coffee machine quipped over her shoulder with a stifled smile. “I can handle that.”
You turned and mouthed ‘thank you’ to her. “Where to?”
“Anywhere you want. I’m driving.”
When you sent him to wait at a table with a cup of hot chocolate, his smile faltered. He didn’t think this through. He was driving his Mclaren. Shephard, the boss, made up this silly clause in the contract for him and Gaz to drive their own McLaren to and from the factory. Good for PR, he said.
 He hurried outside as he dialled.
“Kate? Kate, I’m at that coffee shop.”
There was a beat. “Okay?”
“Would you please drive my GTI over?”
“Why, did your car break?” She chuckled. “A towed Mclaren isn’t a good look. Shephard won’t be impr-”
“No, I need my GTI in-“ he glanced at his watch. ”Exactly 52 minutes.”
“What? John, I’m your manager, not your errand boy.”
“Please! I’ve got no time to explain, just do it.”
“Or what?” she said dryly.
“I’ll tell your wife in Qatar there was a lighter in your coat pocket which smelled an awful lot like smoke.”
There was a pause followed by a huff. “Fine. Text me the address.”
Kate rolled up in his Golf GTI in time for your shop to close. You picked a place not too far from your flat, and he was thankful it wasn’t packed. You sat at the table in the corner and kept his cap on.
It was evident you were less tired that night, more playful with your jokes. He could listen to your laugh and look into your eyes all day. But before it was too late, much to his chagrin, you called it a night.
He pulled up at your flat. “I promise no more last-minute orders.”
“Just give us a call next time.”
“Rather call you.”
John Sloane, he typed into your phone.
You smiled, sliding your phone back in your pocket. “See you soon, John.”
“Tomorrow. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You held his gaze for another moment before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. His heart soared, but before he could react, you’d shut the door behind you with a supressed smile.
He grinned to himself as he drove home.
“Gaz!” Soap bellowed at the door. “Sorry am late. My alarm didnae go off.” The engineer hurried to the table to see Kyle munching happily. “Och, did ye get more cookies, Cap? I’m starvin’.”
Everyone on the team wore a cap, but Price was the only one who couldn’t be caught without one, therefore the curious nickname. That, and he often swore up a storm on team radio, like a bossy sailor. Simon, his engineer, could only remain silent witnessing the outbursts like he wasn’t even there. He earned his moniker Ghost that way.
John chuckled. “Help yourself, mate.”
He popped open the box, groaning after a bite. “Aye, that’s the one.”
“You sure you don’t want one, Ghost?” Gaz teased as he grabbed his third cookie. “You’ve been staring.”
“Alright, just one.”
“Oh, that didn’t take a lot of convincing,” Soap quipped between bites.
Ghost gave him the side eye. “Would you rather I eat the whole box, Johnny?”
Soap pouted and took his seat next to Gaz, and the team meeting for the upcoming race commenced.
As always, the crew flew out on Thursday, but this time, he had you to text. And he did, between the press conferences and briefs, or work, as he simply told you. If he was home, he would ask you out again in a heartbeat. Texting couldn’t compare to seeing that smile in real life, but it would have to do for now.
Abu Dhabi was the last race of the season. He was very much looking forward to winter break, even more so this time, because for the first time in years, he had someone to come home to. Okay, maybe that was too generous a statement. There was someone he would very much want to see, to say the least.
John landed in London Monday evening, still thrumming from his P1 win and finishing second for the season. He went straight home to switch cars before picking you up at work for dinner with a giddy smile.
He had a few days to himself before leaving for Liverpool for Christmas, which hopefully meant one more time of seeing you, if you let him, that was. But when you gave him another peck on his cheek when he opened the car door for you, he decided it was impossible to stay away from you.
I’ve missed you too much.
Ex boyfriend Price Masterlist
@tiredmetalenthusiast @le16erc @keegansshark @kyletogaz @footyandformula
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cheeseplants · 4 months
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Writer’s Guild Presents: The Ecstasy of Eden: Chapter two
Welcome to the 6th Century.
Things are hotting up for round two of sex pollen through the ages.
Includes: banter, bed humping, sexy armour removal, Aziraphale getting his dom on, and of course pining
CW/TW: Sex pollen (obvs), dubcon (though it’s very consensual), dom/sub dynamics, orgasm edging/control, kind of undernegotiated kink, but they do talk about it.
The incredible illustrious_slimeman made some wonderful art for this chapter! Visit their tumblr for more amazing arts here.
Read from chapter two here Or start from the beginning here
“I - Crowley, we’re afflicted.” He swallowed. “Shouldn’t we deal with this - ah - alone?”
“Or -” Crowley said. He grabbed Aziraphale’s knees, and pinned them in place, his yellow eyes burning with a fierce unsated hunger. “Is that what you want, angel? For me to crawl over there, and hide under the bedsheets til we’re done. We could enjoy ourselves, that was the plan, wasn’t it? Maybe a bit more physical than I was expecting, but it could be fun.”
“I’m not sure whether Heaven, would agree with -”
“Has that ever stopped you before?” Aziraphale’s mind drifted to slurping down the salty taste of oysters to drinking his first sip of wine, followed immediately by several more sips. The first time he did this, Aziraphale’s 🍆 swelled against the woollen fabric at his crotch, he swallowed and stared deep in Crowley’s yellow eyes.
“Tell me what you want, angel.”
“Don’t play coy. You once made a wine farmer move his entire vineyard 100 meters to the left because the flavor wasn’t right.”
“The soil was far too acidic!”
“And you asked a bakery to re-bake a whole batch of sweetbreads because the texture was ‘too chewy’.”
“It was like eating leather.”
“And they all bloody do it, don’t they? Because of your sweet little angelic face.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“You call the shots. I won’t do anything you don’t want to do. Take what you want, angel. Tell me what to do."
Aziraphale’s hands tightened under the bed sheets, bunching the fabric into his palms to steady himself. Crowley stared up at him, his beautiful face caught in genuine adoration. The hold Aziraphale was keeping on everything started to waver.
“What if I just watched you?” Crowley said, letting go of his hand and drifting his fingertips along Aziraphale’s thighs. “You watched me last time. You liked it.”
“That was for research.”
“Please, angel.” Crowley held his hands in prayer, his head bowed between Aziraphale’s knees. This sight stirred something deep within him, something that seemed both akin to and at odds with his angelic nature.
@goodomensafterdark Thanks to: @adverbian, @voluptatiscausa, @malachitegrey again for the High Sex Pollen Event! And to my lovely betas: @fuzzygoblin , @yes-its-unholy, and @happynachohologram. This chap would be 10x worse without all of you.
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itsyagurlchip · 5 months
ask: @snipersiniora If so can i please request for a rottmnt family platonic one-shot of little sister reader and her family? Reader is as the same age as Mikey.
Where reader admits she's been secretly dating a yokai or mutant boy for months and she not only admit to it but asks if he can meet her family to see if he's good or not.
If you want to know the boyfriend is a keeper (good guy) but how reader's family react and do in the meeting is up to you.
٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭ ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰Snitch Tendencies ٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭ ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰
✰⋆⁺warnings: goofy shi(!) cussing (idk i didn't look/count) (!) too many references (!) boyfriend is very much like mondo gecko(!)
✰⋆⁺lmao you didn't see that- no one did (💀💀😭🤚🏾) whatever you think you saw, you were hallucinating. yes....um, welp, enjoy! It's a mix of a one shot and head cannons, sorta like Picky Icky but, yk, with a different plot.
imma just leave this here- cuz i feel bad about not being able finish this correctly without it sounding like a brain fart. but the new one is currently in construction!
✰⋆⁺"How did they know? Could've sworn that I was subtle. But there was the snitch, should've known he was trouble" Me and you both SpongeBob. nah, nobody but you. You were always bad at lying afterall
You were slowly crawling into lair- perfectly unsuspecting, the quietest of ninja foot steps, no one would ever-
aaaand, the lights just came on.
dear cookie crumbles.
"and WHAT were YOU doing on the topside AFTER CURFEW YOUNG LADY????" There sat a tall ass foot turtle, which is my brother mind you, is tapping his foot sassily against the ground. He also wore a scowl, damned sharpie, with an eye twitch (which would have been funny, had I not been in this situation).
"EEK! a-i- ummm- welp, uhhh- hi DeeDee!" I cringed after flinching so aggressively, smiling in a forced manner. No wonder it all seemed so perfect, damn it Donnie.
"NUH UH!! you dont get to 'DEeDeE' me! What in PizzaSupreme™ were you doing out so late!???"
"You've been missing Mikey's meditation practices for strudle's sake!! Do you wanna know what it's like when he pops into Dr Delicate mode???" Donnie was pacing in rectangles, his two fingers massaging the skin that surrounds his brain.
damn his head is big.
"And you guys are best friends!" I involuntarily flinched mentally and physically. "Imagine how he would feel when he finds out that you've been- WAIT! what have you even been sneaking out for?"
annnnnnnddd there's the question
aw pork dumplings. I sighed deeply before opening my mouth, before closing it. Pursing my lips, i did it again as sound began to stutter out of my mouth.
"Well- ummm" I actually didn't know what to say, which is a bit unnerving, because I always have 'somethin to say' per Splinter. "errrm- e-e-i- d-" I tried- but the dude wouldn't even let me speak!
"You're not sans, and quit opening and closing your mouth, it's making your survival rate lower by the second." Donnie impuded. His eyes narrowed lower at my silence.
Well, what the heck?
"I have a boyfriend....and he's yokai" Donnie quit his pacing, and turned fully towards me like a mobile roblox player in 1st pov. I simply rocked back and forth as i waited for his brain to catch up with what is happening.
Donnie couldn't even believe what his ear holes were registering.
You mean to tell him, his little poor, innocent, younger sister was out MINGLING in this universe's equivalent to the underground!
Was he even good enough? i better not be a bum, or worse, a chad.
What even was he?
Oh chewy macaroons, he hoped that you aren't dating a witch-
non of that magic nonsense! (he's still salty about being incorrect and less-than professional at witch town.)
Do you use the chart that he made for you?
Because if that- eugh -boy is going to, court, you, he has to be the one.
and ooohhh if he breaks your heart...
lets just say that the hidden city's ip addresses will have a simple look through.
"huh..." Donnie blinked. His face went through a plethora of emotions. and then he made a face- oh god-
"WAI-" I tried. But it was no use- Donnie pulled a notebook and pen out and started scribbling some more words only he could decipher.
"How tall is he? What's his species? What would you say his eye shape is? How big is-"
"Hey Donnie?"
"And then he could be a delinquent- Are you even into thugs? You didn't even tell me you were into yokai- better yet anyone!"
"DONNIE!!" I yelled. "How about he comes over and you cant meet him for yourself?" I offered. Despite whoever's efforts, i could still hear their footsteps. I was always considered the most in tune with my 5 senses, right next to Donnie.
('So why do I struggle with my mystics?' i questioned myself, but that's for later.)
"Who's Donnie gonna analyze now?" Leo walked in, grumbling with a grimace. Donnie flinched dramatically. I looked at the clock just to see it was 2:56 in the morning. Which meant i had been out for at least 6 hours. I winced again.
"Why don't you tell him? HUH? Oh DEAR little sister???!?!?" Okay now bro was getting on my damn nerves. I know he couldn't help it, but that doesn't mean he has to chuck me under that big yellow box full of sweaty children. (a bus)
Obviously that woke him up, even more than his insomnia has ever, with a lean against the wall.
"Is this about where they've been going? You do know you've missed at least 5 meditation sessions Mikey-" I held my hand up, stopping him from explaining further.
"Yea- i know, i feel bad about that as well." I started, "I've been going out to meet this boy..and we've been meeting up and dating for the past few weeks. He's a gecko mutant- He super nice and funny, he has this-"
"alright! alright! We dont need all of that gushy shit- plus, i suspected that anyway." Leo cut in. And honestly, Im not surprised.
"Yea.. figured as much" I sighed.
"YOU KNEW???"Donnie harshly whispered. Oh right, we're supposed to be quiet.
"No, i guessed. I mean, what else screams "im in love" better than a dopey smile, and kicks while screaming into a pillow- btw lil sis, you're super loud, keep the simpery down to a 3 mkay?" Leo said, just to end it with a wrist flip and a sassy finger pointing my way.
I rolled my eyes, but my faced betrayed my emotions with a bright blush.
"Whatever- we'll talk about it when everyone else is up." I backtraked. "I'll text him to come over Friday since its Tuesday. And ill tell April to come over too."
"So that's it!?" Donnie exclaimed, "No 'Look at you and ur silly crush' or 'sTinKY LiL sIs iS iN LoVe'?????" His hands were wildly waving around. "The fuck?"
"Im just better than you, besides, you were super duper sappy when you had your first date." I jested.
"Not really- well yes, but its also the fact that its now almost 4 at the ass crack of dawn and i couldn't care less right now."
"Oh- valid/That makes sense" You both said at the same time.
"Lets got to brd before Raph and Mikey wake up." Leo sat up from the wall, turning away. "Both of them being cranky isn't something I'd like to experience at the moment -" He finished, before walking towards his room.
"WELP! night night Dee! i hope you get toilet splashback <3"
"Okay then"
and you both went to your rooms. there. Despite already being awake for the whole night, you could only sleep for 3 hours before you had to get up again...great.
Speaking of, it was that morni
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had to redo this bc the first one was absolutely brain fart
@kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @amorvincitomnia-14 @spongejuice @cyb3r-st4r. if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
@tmnt-shitposting you said you like little sister readers right?
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kkanabel · 22 days
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caffeine addiction ❃ red eye ❃ chapter 4 Bakugou Katsuki x Reader / Coffee Shop! AU / Fashion? AU
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warnings: mention of tatas & lotsa crack
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Bakugou Mitsuki laughed and turned around to walk away when a man asked her for her number. The red bottoms of her stilettos brought attention to themselves by clicking against the marble ground. From behind her, the young man that was hitting on her was stunned until he let out a “W-Wait!”
She turned back around to flash him a look at her raised left hand with a very obvious wedding ring with the biggest diamond he’s ever seen.
It was laughable, really. She was here in her fifties, while men who were the age of her son hit on her. Was it the youthful skin or the MILF energy? She’s pretty sure it’s both. She put a lot of effort into her skincare routine, and raising Katsuki was such a pain in the ass that she had to profit off of it somehow.
Mitsuki sat back down at her table at her favorite brunch place with her husband and son. They sat at their favorite table under an orange tree— the brunch place had a greenhouse section that was filled with plants and life year-round. Honeysuckles dotted the place, filling the greenhouse with a sweet aroma.
“Oi, Old Man. The Old Lady’s getting hit on. We should leave soon,” Katsuki said, uncomfortably, and Mitsuki just laughed at him, waving it off. 
Masaru also waved it off, scoffing. “It’s fine! She gets hit on all the time. It’s normal.”
Sipping on her mimosa at 10 am, Mitsuki teased. “Plus, it must be nice having a hot mom, Katsuki. Be grateful.” 
The subject of which groaned and muttered something about “That’s disgusting” before taking a swig of the place’s coffee and trying not to spit it out. He tried his hardest to ignore the fact that it tasted like dirt water. As soon as he did so, the waiter came by and gave them their items. Katsuki uttered a “Thanks” to the waiter and dug into his American-style food—an omelette with spicy sausage and hashbrowns on the side. 
He grabbed the hot sauce from the table and drowned his food in it, ruining the picturesque design that the chefs in the back worked so hard on. He held back a groan at how delicious the food was and just shook his leg rapidly to show his glee whilst chewing. He cut up pieces of the sausage for his parents to try, and he dropped it onto their plates.
As he was ruining his food, the waiter came back to notify Masaru and Mitsuki that the owner wanted to chat with them a little before they left. His parents had invited him to brunch as a way of thanking him for taking photos with their new line. Although Katsuki did it every time they came out with a new line nowadays (regardless of his distaste for having to model), his parents treated him to food every time. It was a habit for them. When Katsuki was younger, he would outright refuse (and scream. and yell.) until his parents bribed him.
But now, it was just tradition for the Bakugou family to sit and eat out the day before a show.
Katsuki was just sitting, listening to his parents talk about their worries and excitements about their new line when he heard them say something about “Kindeki”. His ears perked up like a dog hearing the shaking of a Milk-Bone Soft & Chewy Chicken Recipe Dog Treats (#notsponsored) container. 
“Kindeki?” He asked.
“Yeah,” his mother responded, “ a really great company. Their designs as of late have been particularly innovative!” She took a bite of a waffle in between speaking. “We’ve been friends with Kindeki Takumi for years. She’s always been a genius! She’s been telling me that her niece has been giving her some ideas for her new line. I saw the sketches, and I fell in love.”
Masaru nodded, readjusting the glasses on his face. “Her designs have always been a combination of sustainability, ergonomics, and style. There’s a very purposeful feeling of logic and utility behind her pieces.” He kept going on about the design process of Kindeki Takumi and how she always gets inspired by places around the world.
Then, Mitsuki gasped. “And, I saw a photo of Takumi-chan’s niece, and the girl is gorgeous! I’d have forced her on our runway ages ago if I knew about her. I asked Takumi-chan, though, and apparently, she’s not interested in modeling of any sort, but hopefully, we can ask her to take photos with you, Katsuki!”
As soon as Katsuki noticed that Mitsuki was starting to use such passionate words for this girl, he froze. His mother was way too interested in this Kindeki girl and that did not spell out good things for him. But when Mitsuki pulled out her phone and showed him the sketches of these pieces, he was pretty impressed.
Everything about the Kindeki brand, he concluded, is admirable. The founder, Kindeki Takumi, her niece, and the fact that you wear it on a daily basis.
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~Your YouTuber Morning Routine~
(Y/N)’s day started like any other. She woke up naturally on her king-sized mattress with champagne mulberry silk sheets from the sweet chirping of birds outside the window of her upscale New York penthouse apartment.
She stepped onto her heated floor while stretching and sighing in contentment. It was time to go on a short three-hour workout before going to a two-hour pilates class and meditating for thirteen hours. She was going to have a great time eating her eggs benedict with beluga caviar topped with gold leaf this morning.
Life is so tough, she thinks, as she scrolls through her Instagram to see that Apple just released their new phone, dubbed the “(Y/N)phone” in honor of her. In her DMs, she saw an NBA player, the heir to Samsung, fifteen billionaires, and Elon Musk still trying to court her. In addition, her phone crashed and exploded because of the sheer amount of likes she had on a new post. 
She sighed and threw the phone into the trash, along with many others. The same thing happened yesterday. She opened her drawer, revealing dozens of new iPhones (she sighed again, realizing she would have to soon replace these with the new (Y/N)phone) to pick up another one. Today, she chose the phone with a blue glass backing because her life was so… blue. Then, a clown broke into her house.
The clown grew a Pinnochio nose and vomited three blue tiki-themed mugs, opening its mouth to speak to her. Instead, it started screaming at her in a way that would best be defined as screaming in italicized lowercase. It yelled in short bursts and smacked her on the head with a namaste frog statue with boobs.
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The Red Eye is an espresso drink commonly known as a highly caffeinated beverage. Created with a combination of espresso and drip coffee, it is the perfect thing to get the burnt-out grad student to have a boost of energy before settling back into their quarter-life crisis. Similar to an Americano, the Red Eye utilizes espresso and then lightens its strong taste by adding another ingredient. In the case of the Americano, baristas add water to smoothen the bitter flavor of the espresso. Instead, Red Eyes utilize drip coffee to strengthen the taste and the caffeine level.
If you’d like to have the experience of a medical student, an architecture student, or a parent of a newborn running on 10 minutes of sleep from three days ago and mere whiffs of coffee, then the Red Eye is perfect for you!
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You woke up. A headache hit you like a truck as the ear-splitting noise of screaming old men woke you up. Every time you wake, you regret your choice of alarm ringtone. You fell to the ground with a loud thump. Pain bloomed across your body as your roommate screamed at you from across the bedroom, “Turn off that fucking alarm, you bitch!”
You groaned loudly, standing up to reach your charging phone on your desk. After you tapped the “STOP” button, you stood blankly at your desk in the darkness, questioning all of your choices in life with a blurry vision. You start to calculate how many more minutes of sleep you can afford, and then you start calculating how many people it would take to murder so that you wouldn’t have to stay awake.
By the time that number hit ten people, you just sighed and took your phone with you to the bathroom. The earlier calculations of minutes then turned into the calculation of how many Red Eyes you would have to drink to wake yourself up. Your own red eyes squinted as the ceiling lights flash banged your eyes. As you were brushing your teeth, you scrolled through social media to wake yourself up. You got a spicy three hours of sleep. 
(Around the time you’d slept, Bakugou woke up and went to the gym.)
Music played quietly as you did your skincare routine and examined your reflection in the mirror. Today, you should probably fix your birds’ nest hair. Right now, it could be compared to a cat’s thrown-up hairball. In fact, that may be an insult to the cat’s hairball.
Makeup is slapped onto your face vengefully. Vengeful to the morning, your alarm, and to everything in general.
You’re pretty, gorgeous, amazing, moisturized, and hydrated, but you’re still tired as fuck. Even then, you toss on a nice blouse, a pair of thermal leggings underneath your favorite pair of brown slacks, and a coat that your aunt gifted you. To top it off, you wore an oversized plaid scarf and your pearl-drop earrings.
You look great! You feel like shit, though.
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Bakugou wondered which god he’d pleased so much when you opened the door to his café. You looked so-
Your hair reflected the warm lighting of the café, framing your face as it glowed and you gave him a smile in greeting. You looked so cute, so warm, so comfortable. The scarf just made you look even cuter. The soft fabrics covering you made you look more soft, and it made Bakugou want to cuddle up with you on a couch while watching shitty rom-com movies. He had to keep himself from fainting altogether or kneeling at your feet and begging you to let him become your servant for a lifetime. His mind froze.
What are you doing to him? He feels like he hardly even knows you!
He felt as if the two of you didn’t have daily pleasant conversations about your day or a couple conversations about hobbies before the two of you got back to work. He admired that about you–he always saw you hard at work, and it was endearing. He also loved the way you were so efficient with your time. He hardly ever saw you dilly-dallying unless it was for a purposeful break to boost your productivity. 
From the outside, Bakugou’s face was neutral as he grunted out a “g’mornin’” and brushed his veiny hand through his hair. “What can I do ‘ya for?”
You shivered from the lingering outside cold and hugged your arms to your body to conserve any ounce of heat. “Hey, could you make two large hot red eyes, but make it with enough sugar and cream to fuck up the Hulk?”
…Again, he did not ask any questions. But the cursing coming from your pretty mouth gave him a punch to the gut. It was the most pleasant punch to the gut he’s ever felt. He’s going absolutely insane. “For here or to go?”
You sighed, “To-go. I wanted to stay here to have more of these amazing drinks and get some work done, but I’m pretty busy today. I could come back later, though.”
“Sorry, but the place is gonna be closed after 10 am today,” he passed you your red eye, “I’ve got a thing I need to be at.”
You pouted. “Aw, maybe tomorrow, then.”
He looked away from you to hide how flustered he was at how cute you were. Nonetheless, he nodded in response. He watched you walk away and out of his coffee shop, wondering what the hell was wrong with him. Bakugou mentally cursed Ashido.
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starsurface · 7 months
These were apart of the other request for the Baby Regressor <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kitana w/ Baby Regressor Hcs
💙 Oh my goodness she loves you
💙 Is really good with a lot of regression ages, but does specialize with baby and toddler regressors
💙 Your just so cute!! How could she not adore you? 🥺
💙 She is a princess, making you her little prince/princess/royalty
💙 Is really good with clingy regressors too
💙 My- I mean, our women here is strong, and she'll totally show off her strength 💪
💙 She'll princess carry you to bed when you're getting sleepy
💙 She also just likes to carry you around on her hip just because <3
💙 Do NOT ever worry about being too big or heavy, you're as light as a feather to her >:(
💙 Enjoys playing dress up with you, but mostly dresses you in soft onesies and such
💙 You get the softest onesies in all the Realms, fr
💙 Would be overjoyed if you want to dress like her, but will make sure to get you a safer onesie version of her outfit
💙 If you like to mess with her fans, she'll get one without the blades so you can play with them
💙 Your babysitters are probably Tanya, Mileena, Syzoth, and Tomas (Did you know that he helps Mileena train and Kitana helps Syzoth train?)
💙 Maybe also Liu Kang (she only trusts a handful of people with you)
💙 But if you really want someone like Johnny to babysit you? She won't mind . . . But him? 😒 (they're friends, she's just joking)
💙 Absolutely hates leaving you with others when your small though
💙 She just gets really busy sometimes with big kid princess and General work, but she'll make sure to make time for you!!
💙 Would love to set up little playdates with either Mileena or Syzoth
💙 But if your too little or shy for playdates, that's okay, you can just stay with Momma for the time being <3
💙 Sometimes she'll carry you around on her hip if she has to do work really quickly
💙 ^ Of course only if your comfy being outside her room while small
💙 Plus . . . no one can make fun of you, just like with Kotal Kahn, you have the entire Riyal House on your back
💙 If your also comfy with it, she'd love to take you out to the royal gardens!!
💙 You can sit on her lap and watch the butterflies fly by
💙 Or go over and see the pretty flowers
💙 You can even have a picnic!! :D. (She'll have the royal chef make only pastries and yummy snacks, per your request)
💙 . . . She'll also make sure you eat more healthier options though 😒
💙 She's so up for making you different kinds of bottles of milk!! (Like Honey Milk, or those other little milk things I've seen online)
💙 Favorite CG nicknames are Mama, Momma, Mommy, Sissy, and ‘Tana
💙 Any type of grabby hands and babbles is so accepted though, she'll scoop you up in a heartbeat!!
💙 Favorite little nicknames for you are Sweetie, Princess/Prince/Little Royalty, Sweetheart, Little Warrior, Honey
💙 Will redirect you to your paci if you chew on her fingers, that's not sanitary, sweetheart <3
💙 Or a chewie!! She'd love to get you one of those baby chew rings in your favorite color
💙 Likes to lay beside you during tummy time
💙 Your so cute, babbling and showing her your stuffies or playboys
💙 I'm not saying she's rich (she is, she's literally a princess) . . . I am saying that if you asked, she'd dedicate an entire section of her bedroom as your designated baby area
💙 A little playmat with toys and such, just for you 🥺
💙 If your a bratty baby, she'll find every act you do adorable (and put her foot down)
💙 She scold you if you push your sippy or bottle off somewhere, but will coe if it was entirely an accident
💙 Accidents happen sometimes, although she knows if you're doing it on purpose, it's like a sixth sense of hers!!
💙 She's a stickler for the rules 😒
💙 You get lucky because your smaller, she doesn't really send you to time out or lectures you
💙 It's mostly gentle scolding, you're probably too little to understand what you did wrong
💙 Will not scold you if she knows you've had a bad day or are feeling icky though
💙 She'll gently rock you, suggest you take a bathe and change into something comfy, and make you a bottle or get you applesauce
💙 She'd get you one of those little baby mobiles if you have any adult sized crib (she'd buy it for you if she notices you even just longing for it)
💙 She loves cuddle time, and will gently pet your hair and kiss your forehead
💙 She's very soft when it comes to nap or bedtime
💙 She's also insistent that you get a nap, babies like you shouldn't be up for so long, sweetheart!!
💙 She'll make you yummy warm milk, or just water in a baby bottle, and will bottle feed you and rock you to sleep
💙 She doesn't allow hair pulling, but one time she tried to remove your bottle from your mouth and the grip was so tight, she learnt her lesson
💙 Also doesn't really allow hitting, but if you giggle and whack something soft, like a pillow, she'll laugh and copy you, making it a little game between you two
💙 Knows a lot of different kinds of hair styles from helping Mileena and Tanya with their hairs, and loves to put your hair into something pretty
💙 She'd probably get a lot of your regression items in a baby blue to match her aesthetic, but if you want a different color just tell her
💙 Plays with stuffies like a champ!!
💙 They all get their own voices and she knows all their names (she didn't spend hours memorizing them, your being silly, sweetheart)
💙 Adores babbling of any kind, and treats it like a full blown conversation
💙 Is also really good at knowing what you want (it took a few times, but she got in the hang out it)
💙 Very sweet and comforting if you need a nappies of any sort, and never makes you feel ashamed or silly for them (not that there's any reason to feel silly, darling, your regression is your regression)
💙 She'd make a sticker chart to make sure your on task for eating and such, and will treat you to ice cream or a new stuffie at the end of the week
💙 And don't worry too much if you miss a few times!! Things like these take time to adapt to, she'll still give you your special little treat <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Bi-Han with Baby Regressor will be next!! :D
And JFJSBDBAKWK, I love Kitana. 🥺
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writing-for-marvel · 2 years
Cause That’s When I’ll See You Again
DBF!Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader
Summary: The one time of year your dad’s best friend is in town is during the holiday season - the perfect opportunity for some no strings attached, filthy sex with a man who actually knows what he’s doing, but year after year it becomes harder to convince yourself you’re only in it for the orgasms.
Festive prompt: a roaring fireplace
Warnings: strictly 18+, smut, oral sex (f receiving), daddy kink, praise kink, a little angst (cause it’s me and I can’t help myself), happy ending, fluff and soft feelings, age gap is implied although exact ages are never mentioned
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: Happy Holidays to my Thot Neighbourhood Secret Santa, the lovely, beautiful and talented @jobean12-blog. Jo thank you for being such a ray of positivity and love on this site. You are one of kindest souls with the warmest heart, thank you for being you. I hope you enjoy this and have a wonderful holiday season ♥️ also a HUGE thank you to @late-to-the-party-81 for putting so much time and effort into organising this Secret Santa - I love and appreciate you Jen 💜 banners by @vase-of-lilies and dividers by @firefly-graphics
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A sense of déjà vu washed over you as you laid a tartan blanket in front of your crackling fireplace.
It was that time of year again, where colourful festive lights were strung throughout your neighbourhood and flurries of snow dusted the town, the combination of which produced an intangible magical quality, one you wished you could forever encapsulate and preserve in a snow glow.
The festive season was finally upon you.
Despite the chilly temperatures, most people’s spirits were warmer than ever, including yours. This time of joyful celebration also happened to coincide with the one time of year your dad’s best friend, the beefy and dangerously handsome Ari Levinson, returned home from his almost year long stint working overseas.
And to ensure that he wouldn’t be spending the holidays by himself and celebrating Hanukkah alone, your friendly father invited Ari to spend the festive season with your family.
The first time you slept together had been accidental - well, if you can call finally giving in to the massive crush you had developed on the burly framed, sex god, who never failed to affectionately refer to you as ‘Toffee’ because the chewy confection had been stuck in your teeth the first time you met, an accident.
But once you kissed him, allowed his large, assertive hands to roam over your every curve, and let his tongue taste every drop of your arousal for him, you knew you were in trouble.
You swore you’d never cross that line and act on such feelings, but when said sex god, with eyes as blue and inviting as a warm summer sky, looked at you like a ten course meal he wanted to devour, well, all logical thinking and restraint flew out the window, along with your panties.
The entire following year, you wondered if your dalliance was fated to be one glorious night. Whether Ari considered it a moment of weakness on his behalf and if he regretted what the two of you did, or if he was as desperate for it to happen again as you were.
The following holiday period, your questions were answered almost immediately.
The first time you two were alone again, all it took was one quizzical glance and you knew he too was thinking back to the night a year ago.
Perhaps it should have concerned you just how easily you gave yourself up to him, but you were honestly so desperate for him to have his way with you, to utterly ruin you again, that the desire between your legs overruled any self-control your brain tried to exert.
From your experience, none of the men your age knew anything about how to satisfy a woman, but there was no doubt with Ari, by your third orgasm, when you were floating on a cloud of pure bliss, you were convinced your bodies were made for each other.
This particular year he had a whole two weeks at home before departing again, and you made use of all fourteen euphoric days.
“Fuck, Toffee, so wet and messy, just for me - your pretty pussy gonna cum on these fat fucking fingers again? You gonna make a mess all over daddy?” His low growling voice was already such a turn on, but when he talked to you like that, you couldn’t stop yourself from cumming right then and there.
“That’s it, pretty girl, doing such a good job for me. Look how beautiful you are bouncing on my cock.” His praise spurred you on, lifting yourself up and sinking down on him again so he filled you completely, but when he reached to where your bodies connected, strumming on your clit, the coil in your stomach tightened as he brought you closer to your orgasm. “Wanna feel you cum around me baby, can you do that for me?”
“Still can’t get enough of me, can you Toffee?” He spoke into your ear as he pinned your hands above your head, fingers interlocked with yours, his weight pinning you to your bed, hips rolling into your own filling the room with salacious sounds of skin slapping skin. “You’ll never get enough, will you? I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you either.”
As you laid beside Ari the day before he was due to leave, content listening to the crackling fireplace, head resting on his broad chest, his strong arm wrapped tenderly around your waist, pulling you back into him as if your touch itself sustained him, you couldn’t help your mind from wondering if you meant more to him than simply an easy fuck; someone he knew would be available to take his sexual frustrations out on for the couple weeks a year he was home.
You had never met someone who fucked you so rough, but also treated you with such tenderness, as if you were something worth taking care of.
There were moments throughout the past couple weeks, when his eyes weren’t consumed with just pure lust for you, there was something else swirling around those desire-blown pupils. But you told yourself it must be your imagination. Surely he couldn’t truly be looking at you with the devotion you wished he felt for you.
When time came for him to leave again, you didn’t have the words to express to him how you had treasured the past two weeks. You were fully aware that he was your fathers best friend, and even if that weren’t reason enough to prevent your heart from becoming attached to him, you knew his position which took him overseas for the majority of the year should be. Whatever this was between you two, it could never turn into something real.
But that didn’t stop you from wishing it could.
The following year was pure torture. When you had only hooked up just once, you could at least resign yourself to the thought that it was a one time thing that meant nothing to him.
But now, knowing you had both been so eager for it to happen again, and the expectation that come the next holiday season you would pick up right where you left off, made you miss his presence even more.
The thought itself was exciting, but also agony.
Because, even if you wouldn’t admit it aloud, you missed not only the toe curling orgasms, but the way his eyes softened when they looked at you, how your body fit so perfectly with his as he cradled you to sleep, and the tranquil happiness you seemed to only find in his company.
Unbeknownst to anyone else in his life, Ari had made the executive decision to have an additional two weeks at home this year, designed to be spent solely with you.
He knew he couldn’t offer you the life or relationship you deserved, but just in this one aspect of his life he wanted to be a little selfish.
He wanted his sweet Toffee all to himself for these next four weeks, watching as your face contort in the most exquisite way as pleasure washed through your entire body; he wanted to wake up beside you and spend the cold mornings bundled up with you, listening to your voice as you read chapters of your new favourite book; but more than anything, he wanted to kiss you every chance he got, roughly kiss you until you were completely out of breath, sweetly kiss you when you were in the middle of a sentence because he just couldn’t wait until you were finished, tenderly kiss you right before you fell asleep so you would dream about his lips on yours.
Being able to spend a whole month with Ari was like a dream come true.
He spent an entire day teaching you to make sufganiyot just as his mother had done every Hanukkah when he was growing up.
Promised to beat you at every board game you kept stored at your place, but you were also convinced he let you win every time.
You sat by the roaring fire, one blanket stretched to cover both your laps as you read in peace, simply enjoying being together, even if you were doing something separately.
Someone could be confused into thinking that given the intimate nature of how you spent your days together, the pure tenderness which softened your gaze and the doting, involuntary smile tugging at the corners of your lips whenever you gazed at him, your relationship was much more significant than occasional fuck buddies.
But you couldn’t allow yourself to think like that - not only did Ari live most of his life oceans away from where you did, but he was best friends with your father. There was no way the two of you could ever have something that sembled a real relationship.
However, it was undeniable that when the two of you were together, it was something even more magical than the holiday season itself. The sex was incredible, that was evident by the number of life shattering orgasms he could pull almost on demand from your body, but it wasn’t just the sex.
He could make you laugh like nobody else, helped you feel confident in your body, provided an environment where you were comfortable enough around him to divulge secrets you hadn’t even told some of your friends. He brought out the best version of you you didn't even realise existed before him.
After a particularly sensual and passionate night, you laid together by the roaring fire, however it was the warmth which came from snuggling beside Ari’s strapping naked form which you were most interested in. For the first time in your life you felt truly content, protected, but most of all, loved.
The way he looked at you, the way he touched you, he made you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, he could so easily fool you into thinking you were the only one for him.
Saying your inevitable goodbye was excruciating. Each year it became progressively more painful, and you weren’t sure you could manage the searing heartbreak which would come next year when you were positive you were already in love with him.
You couldn’t keep living like this, wondering for close enough to an entire year if the man you loved would still want you next festive season, whether in the time you were apart he had found someone else to settle down with, or if he wouldn’t be able to make it home for the next holidays, or came to the realisation of any one of the numerous reasons he wouldn’t want to continue sleeping with his best friends daughter.
You made a pact to yourself that the next time you saw Ari you’d tell him. Tell him how insanely happy he made you, how all you could think about was if next holidays you would get to experience that feeling of pure rapture when you were together, and how it killed you to consider that might not be a possibility. Tell him how possessive you were over him and that the thought he satisfied his needs with anyone else over the period you were apart ripped your heart from your chest. Tell him how even though it was entirely impossible and beyond impractical, you wanted to spend every moment of your year laughing with him until your cheeks ached, learning every aspect of his passionate soul and making love to him every chance you got.
Tell him that you loved him.
A knock on your front door pulled you from your reverie as you straightened the corners of your tartan blanket. Butterflies bloomed in your stomach and your heart clenched with dread.
This was it.
When you opened the door Ari looked handsome as ever, broad and tanned as if he had spent far too long in the sun. But it was the twinkle in his striking eyes at the recognition that it was you behind the door that made your heart flutter in your chest.
He didn’t speak a single word as he dropped his bags inside the entrance and pulled you into a tight hug. His embrace was warm and familiar, and even though it was Ari who was technically returning home, in a way it felt like you had as well.
“Ari?” The inflection in your voice indicated it was a question. Ari pulled back and studied your face before answering.
“Yeah Toffee?” His features stiffened and all of a sudden he looked worried. You had never seen him look this anxious before, and you made the quick determination that you didn’t like it one bit.
“I’ve had something on my mind literally all year and I need to come out and say this before we pick up where we left off.” You nervously babbled, peering down at how your hands were shaking.
“You’re in a relationship?” His voice was filled with sorrow which tore your heart in two.
“What? No. Actually, it’s sort of the opposite.” You nervously giggled, the sound of which seemed to calm his nerves. You took a deep breath to summon the courage you needed to confess your secret when his gorgeous eyes looked at you so expectantly. “I’ve been so hung up on you the past year I haven’t been able to think straight - well if I’m honest it’s probably been longer than just this last year. And I know this might ruin everything, and that it probably puts you in an awkward situation because of my dad, but Ari I think I’m in love with you.”
He took that moment to finally kiss you, like he was a suffocating man and your lips were his air. Lord, you had missed the tickle of his beard and how he smelled warm and musky, with a hint of tobacco. Every intimate feeling you had left unsaid you poured into that kiss, finally feeling free to convey every last emotion into your expression of love for him and not have to hold back as you had previously.
When you finally pulled away, needing air, Ari rested his forehead against yours, scrunched his nose and affectionately rubbed the tip against your own.
“My darling Toffee, I know wholeheartedly that I am in love with you.” You had never seen Ari smile as much as when he confessed those words.
“You do?” You asked, and he responded with an ardent kiss to your lips.
“This moment right here, reuniting with you, that’s what got me through the whole year. You’re the person I come home for.”
This time it was you that kissed him, eager, luscious and downright possessive. His luggage long forgotten, you steered him towards your living room and the cosy space you had set up next to the fireplace for an occasion just like this one.
You’d already had some very memorable holidays with Ari, but you were certain none would compare to this year.
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goroaix · 2 months
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〘 As eligible of a bachelor as he was, there was nothing more interesting to him than a certain foreign diplomat.〙
Hendery x gn reader. Yandere themes and general lack of consideration for someone else's feelings. ! not a reflection of who he is irl !
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♕ It was hardly a secret that Kunhang was reaching the age where betrothal was on the horizon - something closer to reality than a fantasy that had seemed so distant in its implausibility. He was the prince of this empire, of course, but he was also a bachelor (as his mother so often pointed out).
♕ He used to dread It. The idea of being with someone he barely knew, of having to awkwardly shuffle around the fact that he would always be their superior even when the dynamic should have made them equal. Looking for a spouse was hardly in his list of favourite activities, and neither was looking through the choices his mother had.
♕ If she were to have it her way, he would have married at 18 to a distant heir of the land. His mother, as much as he loved her, hardly understood the intricacies of romance. But, could he blame her? Kunhang, himself, hardly understood what it meant to feel this thick pool of desire and want until he'd attended a ball in the neighbouring country of Kheya just last year.
♕ It had been like every other ball, something he attended out of obligation and because his sisters didn't particularly want to attend. As the youngest, he had to hold tight on to the short end of the stick no matter how thorny.
♕ And who was Kunhang if not the dutiful younger brother? The one that saw his sisters as the young women they were with the burden of the world on their shoulders. He didn't want to add to this weight, to have them sag under his incompetence.
♕ He'd smiled, waved and was polite to everyone and everyone that glanced his way. People flirted, gossiped and said things that he didn't understand. Nevertheless, he persisted.
♕ Kunhang turned to the buffet table, gazing at the pastries on display with his heart set on something sweet but not too sweet. But he didn't know what was what and he didn't quite have the heart to ask someone.
♕ "Are you having trouble deciding?" You'd asked and Kunhang turned, eyes falling on one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen. Your features were foreign to him though no less gorgeous. Every soft little curve, the slope of your nose and the delicate beauty mark here and there, caught his eyes.
♕ "A little," he had managed to say, feeling like his throat was suddenly parched and the hours of fruitless speech had caught up to him. "I wanted to try something sweet."
♕ Your eyes looked over the table before gently picking up a fried pastry with a serviette, the dough chewy and deliciously familiar. It was exactly what he'd wanted. "This is Binangkal. It's extra delicious with some tea," you informed in this way that felt genuine rather than condescending. "It's one of my favourites."
♕ He could hardly call himself one for pointless idle chatter when it wasn't required. Even so, he found his lips moving, glossy from his food. "Are you from here?"
♕ "I'm here on business," and your reply was vague enough to make him want more, to sink his teeth into the flesh of your cheek while he pretended it was this new and tasty dessert he had in his hands.
♕ (Kunhang was sure you'd taste even better.)
♕ He took the bait. "What kind?"
♕ "I don't want to bore you while you eat."
♕ The corners of his cheeks started to ache with how hard he was trying not to smile. It was so stupid to be thrilled by this small exchange. It was hardly anything crazy, either.
♕ Did you know he was a prince?
♕ "You're not boring me. May I know your name?"
♕ he memorised the syllables, mouthing them to himself until they'd engraved themselves into his DNA, wound into the very fabric of his being.
♕ "And you?"
♕ "Wong... Hendery."
♕ "A lovely name." So you didn't recognise him. "Have you also travelled in?"
♕ He took another bite, the dough still warm in the centre. "Am I so obviously a tourist?"
♕ "A little," you smiled and he just wanted to bask in it. Was it stupid to like someone so fast? (The answer was unimportant.) "Don't worry. It happens to the best of us. The first time I was here, I ate unripe jackfruit and had an upset tummy for three days."
♕ It was through some careful dancing, the kind that involved a mental goalpost for the conversation: your name, your job, and where you were from.
♕ There was no such luxury as growing up in the royal court and remaining ignorant. I'm a world of murder or be murdered, the poison always had to remain in his chalet to distribute.
♕ And, through just an hour of conversation beside the table, his eyes on your lips as you licked away delicate crumbs and droplets of sweetened tea, he found out all that he wanted to know.
♕ You were close to his age but experienced. 'A diplomat,' you'd shared, who specialised in 'facilitation of trade and human resources.' Just hearing you talk about it had him fantasising about things that were too forward - too fast.
♕ Just from the way you gestured, how you spoke, Kunhang could tell that you were assured in your capabilities. Someone like you was incredibly valuable just from a political standpoint.
♕ What little hunger he had in his stomach had been replaced, coaxed into something larger, more voracious.
♕ To protect his people was his sworn duty. He had to be aware of the important and influential figures that moved in and out of the country. Hence, ordering a detailed background check on you was hardly concerning.
♕ Everything from your institution of education, family, tax compliance, previous jobs and even your favourite food had been noted down for him by the palace scribe.
♕ No less than excruciating detail would be presented. Kunhang made sure of it.
♕ "What do you think, Jiejie?" He asked, eyes wide and shiny like a dolls. How could someone say no to him?
♕ He was their baby.
♕ The eldest two exchanged glances. He'd learnt by now to decipher these looks with pinpoint accuracy and his heart felt fit to burst.
♕ "They're a good choice," the youngest sister of the three said, her nod of approval punctuating her sentence. "I think Mama and Baba will be happy to hear about this."
♕ After what better way to save their grey hairs than to find himself a spouse?
♕ There was no way he could lie under another false pretence. Meeting you for the umpteenth time at these social gatherings was far from coincidence, and you were smarter than to think so.
♕ "I have a feeling there's something you want to ask me."
♕ You were right. When weren't you? Kunhang had calculated that atleast 86% of all of your proposed ideas had gone through to be a success.
♕ "Would you be willing to negotiate jade trade between your country and mine?" He asked, proposing this faux call to action that he had only half an intention to stick by. "I've been wanting to speak to you about this."
♕ "I see." Then you laughed, and he thought he'd lose composure there and then. "I was waiting for His Highness to say something along those lines."
♕ "You knew? Why didn't you say so?"
♕ "I thought it would be rude to not let you have your fun."
♕ This was nothing short of unfair. Not in the traditional sense. He'd be foolish to think you'd be blinded for long.
♕ No. It was unfair because all he could think of was how nice it would feel to kiss you, to throw inhabition to the wind and let himself act out of want rather than strict regulation. Sometimes, the feeling of his nails digging into his skin was the only thing grounding him from blurting out something he would regret.
♕ To be honest, your to-be-spouse was none of his concern. Kunhang hadn't even blinked when his servant had informed him of such, telling him that they had proposed just a week before you were due to arrive at the palace.
♕ Instead, the only thing that had come of it was the knowledge that he needed to act in haste. Everything was meticulously filed and sorted, the contracts ready to be brought to life.
♕ It was nothing short of torture to hide his smile as he changed the terms of the contract to better suit them both. Trade would be easier when both parties were aligned in matrimony. This was politically beneficial, he told himself.
♕ Marrying a diplomat would strengthen their country's bond and knew that it was one of the better choices for a spouse he could make. There was nothing appealing to him about wedding a person who had no navigational, or real world skills. To him, there was no worse moral failure than being useless.
♕ He dressed to the nines, using a hanfu that had been specifically made to order in advance for this occasion. His engagement clothes were royal in red, embroidered heavily with a red sash that wound snuggly around his body. Kunhang had requested you wear your finest clothes, and he knew you'd listen.
♕ He knew your proficiency in spoken Cantonese was far from what it could be, let alone the written version that only natives really used and understood. It was easy to get away with it, to bite the inside of his cheek raw and pinch his thigh over his clothes while you signed your name and wove that red string around both of your souls.
♕ Maybe he should have felt remorse upon seeing your confused expression at the congratulations - his sister's and parents teary eyed at the sight of their only son finally married to someone that would help him prosper. The youngest and the most fragile was now in good hands.
♕ But you'd kept a sweet smile on your face regardless, ever poised. Oh. How he loved this trait of yours.
♕ Hardly anyone ever had a bad word to say about you and this was why. He couldn't feel anything other than pride.
♕ "I think there's been a mistake," you murmured, fingers gripping tightly onto the paper he'd given you - translated in your language with the altered version of what you'd just signed. "We were supposed to sign a business partnership, Your Highness."
♕ "I prefer Qin ai de."
♕ For the first time since he'd met you, you looked confused and at a loss for words. It made him want to pinch your cheeks.
♕ "I'm sorry, I'm confused."
♕ And he was happy to explain. "It's okay. I know it's a new thing to get used to, but the contract has no mistakes. We're married now!"
♕ "What? What do you mean...? I am already promised to someone back home."
♕ Your composure cracked, fine lines appearing under the pressure.
♕ Nonetheless, Kunhang had quite the hand at pottery. They didn't matter. They'd never matter. Who could compare to the prince of an empire? And who could deserve you more than himself?
♕ "I can't- I can't accept this, I apologise. I had no idea. I didn't mean to sign something like this-"
♕ "Will you contest it?"
♕ He hated being stern. There was nothing that gnawed at him more than having to bring out this part of himself that he preferred to keep burrowed in the depths. Kunhang liked playful, upbeatness that kept his spirits high. This was their wedding day, and he didn't want to hear any objections to something he'd so meticulously planned.
♕ "...Your Highness, I must leave."
♕ "If you leave, I'll take it as a declaration of war." Your movements stilled, muscles tensed. "We both know your economy can't handle such a blow."
♕ But, he was no monster. He couldn't bear to turn a blind eye to the frustration in your eyes. You poor thing. From now on, he'd kiss away all your tears and make sure that your talents were recognised with the reverence they deserved.
♕ He'd cup your face in his hands and look into those endless eyes of yours. The heartbreak would ease eventually.
♕ After all, your king wouldn't mind exchanging one person for the masses.
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feyburner · 3 months
hello mr feyburner sir i really want to get into baking but i am scared to mess up and recipes terrify me. i only know one simple sponge cake recipe that my mom taught me anyway point is what were the things you wished you knew before you started baking? i know it’s a lot of trial and error but would you let us know what to start with and how to not get completely overwhelmed by the fact that i am not immediately good at it…
(Also if u have a sponge cake recipe of yours i would love it!!!)
The first step to being less scared is accepting that you are going to mess up. In fact, the more you bake, the more you will mess up; you can’t fuck what you’re not doing. There is no avoiding it. Sometimes your fuckup will be fixable. Sometimes it won’t be fixable but you can still eat the end result. Sometimes it won’t be fixable and also the end result is garbage, and now you’ve wasted 3 hours and a bunch of ingredients, and it is the most frustrating thing in the world. That is just how it goes. I’ve been baking since I was a kid, baking very regularly (like, averaging 1-2x per week) for 5-6 years now, and I fuck up all the time. I fully expect to keep fucking up on a regular basis until the day I die.
What years of practice have given me is not the ability to never fuck up—it’s the ability to understand why I fucked up, what I did wrong, and how to hopefully not do it again.
One of the most common things out of my mouth is: “This is good, but I know what I’ll do differently next time.”
Next time I’ll shape the dough tighter. Next time I’ll let it rise longer. Next time I’ll check for doneness earlier. And so on.
Taste is subjective. Everyone’s kitchen is different and everyone likes different things. Some people want thick, chewy chocolate chip cookies and some people want thin, crispy ones. Some people like a very tight crumb on their sourdough bread and others want air holes so big you can’t butter it. There’s no such thing as a perfect recipe because the point of food is the person eating it.
This is why it’s so rewarding to learn basic techniques and basic baking chemistry as you go. Once you get more comfortable in the kitchen, you can start going off-book. “This looks great but I think I’m gonna want a chewier texture. I’ll use half bread flour and mix the dough a bit longer to really activate the gluten.”
Don’t just pick a random recipe. Especially in the age of 1 million recipe blogs. I always, always read at least 4-5 recipes for the thing I’m trying to make. I read the reviews. I compare and contrast them. If you’re looking at 5 recipes for chocolate chip cookies and only 1 says to add kale, there’s a good chance that’s not the one you want to start with. You can experiment with it later—maybe kale is the secret to the best cookies ever!—but typically you’ll want to start with the standard and deviate from there.
I often take notes on the 4-5 recipes, noting not just differences in ingredient ratios but in technique as well. A good recipe blog will explain to you WHY you’re doing something a certain way. If it doesn’t explain, look it up! Reddit r/baking and r/AskBaking are super helpful. Often someone’s random comment is the reason I learn something incredibly useful that can be applied to tons of recipes.
(I love King Arthur Baking and America’s Test Kitchen for learning technique—the ATK cookbooks are some of my most-referenced. Sally’s Baking Recipes never lets me down for good old American basics. Serious Eats is also very informative, though their recipes are often overly complicated or finicky.)
Often, I won’t simply pick one recipe—I’ll use a little of Recipe A, a little of Recipe B. I did this for a brownie recipe that ended up going viral on Reddit/Youtube which was pretty funny. I don’t necessarily recommend combining recipes when you’re first starting out, but keep it in mind as you go.
No recipe is set in stone. You can always adjust it to your tastes, to what works for you in your kitchen. Make it a little less sweet, a little sweeter, a little denser, a little lighter. Whatever you want. That’s what technique, and understanding how ingredients interact with each other, is about—like artists who learn realistic anatomy but paint in abstract.
It can be hard to compare multiple very similar recipes. This recipe says to use 3 cups of flour and 1/2 cup butter and this recipe says 2 cups flour and 1 cup butter—but Recipe A makes 12 cookies and Recipe B makes 24 cookies. (Or, Recipe A uses volume measurements and Recipe B uses weight.) What does that mean? How do you draw a meaningful comparison?
Baker’s percentages are your best friend. They’re super easy. Just pick one ingredient to be your baseline—typically flour. That’s 100%. Then calculate the ratio of each ingredient to your flour ratio to easily compare different ingredient amounts.
For example, from my croissant recipe:
500g bread flour
10g kosher salt
150g milk + 100g water, room temp (70°; microwaved 10-15 seconds)
50g white sugar
10g honey
10g active dry yeast
30g (2 Tbsp) butter, softened
309g (remainder of 3 sticks after -30g; 62%) butter for lamination, softened, sliced 1” thick
100% bread flour
2% kosher salt
50% hydration (milk + water)
10% white sugar
2% honey
2% yeast
6% butter
45-62% butter for lamination
How to calculate:
500g flour is my baseline 100%.
What percentage of 500 is 50 (50g sugar)?
50/500 = 0.1 = 10%.
It doesn’t work as well for volume measurements. But many recipes include weight and volume—and you can always convert volume to weight using tools like King Arthur’s Ingredient Weight Chart.
Finally, start with the basics and build. Don’t attempt making a Napoleon or macarons right out of the gate. Start with simple, beginner’s recipes, look up techniques as you go, watch lots of videos, always try to understand the why. Baking is chemistry but it’s also art. It’s whatever you want it to be. Mostly it’s about the house smelling like cinnamon rolls.
In summary, you’re going to fuck up and that’s okay. Baking is beautiful, and there’s nothing like the satisfaction of pulling something incredible out of the oven. You will learn and improve as you go, like anything else. You will eat lots of ugly cakes and pastries. But taste is what matters anyway.
Good luck in your baking adventures. Feel free to ask questions anytime. I love sharing what little knowledge I have.
I don’t have a sponge cake recipe but I do have these cake recipes. Let me know how your sponge cake turns out. You got this! 🍰
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - It’s My Birthday!
April 2023 Wk 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Thai Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 2 of 10 (MDL says 12, but Gaga says 10) - Baby made a friend! Yay. I hope they stay friends. Up looks so good. Also, drama with exes! Excellent. This is awful grown up for a BL, esp a pulp. I think it may be more just a gay office romance than BL, but I love it no matter what. 
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 1 of 10 - I love it. Strange premise to get at the fated mates trope but it stars one of my top picks to get his own BL. Been waiting since TT2 for this boy to feature. Tai is cute. It’s good. Except the singing. But we can’t have it all. 
Our Skyy 2 (Star in My Mind) eps 3-4 - Dao is THE MOST SPOILED. But clearly Kluen prefers it that way. This was cute, but frankly a little bit boring. Kluen is clearly Thai for whipped. 8/10 
Future (Thai Sun YouTube & Gaga) ep 5 of 6 - they added an additional ep because, why not? It’s a soap not a story, it doesn’t matter. MOAR softness for usssss! Drama llama boys continue to be overdramatic to the point of melodramatic to the point of ludicrous-dramatic. 
Pastsenger (Thai Weds Gaga) ep 8 of 12 eps - This is not as good as My Engineer but Marc makes for a much better pair with Cooper. It’s still not great but hey… and then HE PICKED UP A GUITAR. NOOOOOO!!!!!
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 9 of 12 - Is that a character in a GMMTV show actually trying to communicate? Say it isn’t so! Did you notice in order to calm Cher down Gun dropped to pom to put them on a more equal footing? Sweet. Cher is a tiny idiot for taking the blame for some random other coworker. Why? Omg this show. 
The Promise (Thai Weds YT & WeTV) ep 6 of 10 - So it was a real serious total kiss kiss with both very drunk. And that’s why he ran? Sigh. This show sucks. How can we root for this couple especially when the faen fatal (Boss) is THAT HOT and so sweet. (To be fair I can’t decide if I want Boss or his outfits more). Phu should just not come back, who needs him? So they really are going to just keep drawing this one premise out the whole show? 
Tin Tam Jai (Tues Gaga & iQIYI) ep 9 of 10 - yawn 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 4 of 10 - They are cutest EVER - charming and awkward and sweet. I love the way the state of the food is used as an illustration for the state of the emotions of the characters. The loneliness of heating up a solitary meal bought from a convenience store in the microwave. The joy of memory of shared meals. What a lovely show.  
The Eighth Sense (Korea Weds Viki) eps 9-10fin - To be honest, I was dreading this one. JH is such a first-time love bebe. I liked how realistic everybody’s behavior was to the university age bracket. We even got some proper boyfriends phase which is too damn cute for words. I do not think that JW should have made up with his evil friend. I love the way JW’s shoulders relax the moment he sees JH. This was really good show... 
One of the longest BLs Korea has given us and (like Blueming) it feels more atmospheric gay coming of age romance than strictly BL. It’s got a bit of an age gap, country boy/city boy, stellar acting, complex characters, and leads with good chemistry and tension. It’s a bit chewy and sticky and less perfect than most KBLs (do I detect a touch of Taiwan?). This one deployed BL tropes (messy eater, shoulder sleep, protective seme, there’s even some hyung-slinging) but front loaded them, with tons angst driving the 2nd half. This isn’t in the KBL bubble, there’s sharp edges and lots of triggers. For a BL the darkness of the content left me feeling unsettled but it did have a glorious ending and that counts for a lot. 9/10 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Happy Merry Ending (Korea Thurs Gaga) eps 1-2 of 8 - No shade (ha!) but I do think Leo would have been better in the role of the singer (SJ) but I’m okay with Dongwon. JH is a nice flirty bit of sunshine. SJ is clearly the most anxiety-riddled socially awkward broken baby evers. I’m not sure about this kinda angst, it’s not really my thing especially on the back of The Eighth Sense. Look, I’ve never been one for a fixer-upper. We shall see, I guess? This is the beauty of KBL, so short most of the time that it’s low commitment no matter my reservations. 
My Story (Pinoy Sat YouTube) ep 3 of 10 - it’s fine I guess? 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 3 of 12 - I guess the fetish matches are finding each other? How v Japan. Of course I like the conversation about names and protocols. 
It’s Airing But ...
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) stopped at ep 2 of 12 - I’m just not into any aspect of it (except Lee Long Shi and I can watch him in Tin Tem Jai) - saving to binge if the end is solid.
Venus in the Sky (Sat YouTube) pilot/tester?) 0 of 10 - not entirely sure what’s up with this one distribution-wise, but the pilot was classic university-set pulp. I hope it happens because the leads are cute with good chemsitry and I thought it was fun. However, this pilot holds together as its own little short too.
Make a Wish (Thai Weds ?) stars Fluke Natouch (OhmFluke UWMA etc...) & Judo (The Miracle Of Teddy Bear) in a medical-fantasy. About a doctor who sees ghosts and a deity who resides in a Bodhi tree that earns merits whenever he fulfills a wish, based on a y-novel by Sammon (Manner of Death, Triage). Same as above.
Stormy Honeymoon (Vietnam) - I’m tired of these characters 
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In Case You Missed It
Star Hunter dropped all their trailers for 2023 on their YT channel. Bit late in the year IMHO. Nothing really stuck out.
Big Dragon the movie = more of the same
True Moon = yet another loosely disguised attempt at the 2 Moons franchise?
Flirt Milk = standard pulp fodder, but they are cute
Acadex = The Eclipse + Destiny Seeker + Harry Potter 4 + The CW, as a movie that may not be BL 
Sunset Vibes = Big Dragon pair as a one night stand but “uh-oh he’s my boss!” I’m game. Maybe it’ll have a better story? Maybe it will have a plot? Maybe... oh who am I kidding. It’ll be high heat and that’s about all we can hope for. 
City of Stars AKA Fueangnakorn = An actor falls in love with a programmer and the narrative intends to “explore the ramifications of being public figure in the social network era who must endure critics, bullying, and defamation.” Looks like another Lovely Writer/Call It What You Want sort of thing.
The biggest shocker is how few they fielded of their original BL stable.
Love Senior = SOTUS but make it GL (I’m not mad about this one, it’s about flipping time. But it’s GL so I won’t track it, although I will watch it.)
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Coming in May 2023:
5/1 House of Stars (Thai iQIYI) - An LGBTQ actor in love with an actor from another company, plus other wanna be stars all trapped in a doom house together. 
5/4 Love Mate (Korea Viki) 8 eps- Office romance between a team leader and a new employee who agree to date for 3 months to find true love, from the makers of Our Dating Sim.
5/18 - Starstruck (Korea ????) - A boy has had a crush on his childhood friend for a long time. Stars Zuho (Kpop SF9 - noted Good Egg) opposite rookie actor Kim In Sung (as the one with the crush). 
5/27 The Luminous Solution (Thai ????) 10 eps - Thana is having trouble at work and in his relationship. He can't seem to catch a break. So he makes a wish to change everything. But every wish has a price.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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I do like a tie (or nametag) grab kiss. (Boss & Babe) 
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Our Skyy 2 SIMM ep summing it all up and reviewing itself.
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Future the series, I like this reverse claiming thing. So cute. 
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The boyfriends eps are the BEST eps. The Eighth Sense. 
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My favorite, “there is only one bed but we slept together on the floor anyway.” (The Promise) 
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Now that is a claim that MUST be proved. 
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Loves the little babies with their killer communication style. 
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What do I always say about a BL that reviews itself? All from Destiny Seeker. (I’m getting caught up, I’ll post a review of the series when I’m done.)
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? UO’s Restart 
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Okay so I watched Empire Strikes Back tonight, and like, how have I never seen any Varigo as Han Solo and Leia? Like they’re perfect.
Anyway, this triggered a “what if I wrote a whole fic about this and put all the characters from tts and vat7k into Star Wars?”
So here is who I’d think be who. Keep in mind, my Star Wars knowledge is limited to mainly just the original trilogy, and even then isn’t much.
Varian - Leia So, basically instead of Varian being a princess or prince of whatever planet Leia is from, he would be a royal scientist who was naturally good at the force and just didn’t know it yet.
Eugene - Luke Luke and Leia would be cousins in this, Eugene being the son of Darth Vader, and Varian being Vader’s nephew. Eugene, after being born, gets taken to an orphanage on Tatooine, where Ben watches him and makes sure he’s not evil. Hugo - Han Solo Hugo would still work for Donella, he would be more of a bounty hunter than he is in the movies. He has his own ship, but Don gives him assignments. Olivia - Chewbacca/Millennium Falcon Chewy: so I’m imagining like a big robot that Hugo built, she could’ve worked as R-2, but Chewbacca is always with Han, so it just made more sense. In this Olivia would be used less for sneakiness and more for brute strength, because Hugo needs that more Millennium Falcon: Olivia is an AI in the ship, Chewy is just Chewy Donella - No one! She doesn’t really fit with anyone, or maybe she does and I just don’t remember them. So here she’s kind of just inserted Qurin - Leia’s dad Seeing as we never see Leia’s adopted father, we don’t know much about him, just that he was an old Jedi master. (I think. I’m getting most of my info from my dad, so let me know if I’m wrong) But he presumably dies when her planet blows up, so that’s what happens to Qurin here! Sorry! Edmund - Darth Vader So, since Eugene is Luke, Edmund had to be Darth Vader, and the more I think about it, the more I like it. Especially because of Dark kingdom/Dark side. Sorry to Edmund fans, (not sure how many there are) but I can personally totally see him being evil if the Dark kingdom was just a bit more evil. Rapunzel - Jedi leader Not an actual character that I know of, she’s just one of the generals or whatever for the Jedi. Lance - Lando Calrissian Because it just works okay. Especially for Lance’s first appearance in the show, when he was kind-of reformed, but not really, then later becomes better. It just works. Also I like the idea of Lance and Hugo knowing each other before hand. Eugene and Hugo did, it’s not too much of a stretch to say Lance did too. Baron - Jaba the hut I have nothing else for this, it’s self explanatory. The Force: So we’re going more moonstone with this. Those who can connect to the moonstone are Jedi, and they can use its magic. Usually trained from a very young age. If you’re a Jedi you get a fun hair color (it matches your lightsaber), and makes it very hard to blend in. This is mainly cause I like the Varian’s hair stripe means he’s got some moon magic in him theory. Dark side: Dark kingdom wants to protect the world from the moonstone, they think it’s dangerous. Darth Vader rose to power despite being connected to the moonstone and using the force, he claims he can use it without being connected, but he can’t. The reason he wears the mask isn’t because he’s terribly disfigured, cause that’s a little bit of bad messaging, it’s so he hides his bright red, glows-when he-force-chokes-someone hair. And cause he thinks it looks cool. I didn’t want to make Adira and Hector evil, so I just didn’t include them, let me know if you think of a way they work. If I do end up writing this, it will take a long time, feel free to use the ideas for your own fic, especially if you know more about Star Wars than I do, just let me know and please credit me. :)
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blood-grove · 5 months
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scar trails
now -> next life (wip)
-> tws; injuries , gore , sickness , death , vomiting (basically everything you think to expect in a zombi apocalypse)
-> older brother!kyle & black child!reader
-> a/n: okay so right this has been in my head for days now..so hear you go! also boom the reader is black bc why tf wouldnt they be (ive been dying to write abt a black!reader for so long as a black person)
-> n/n - nickname
y/n - your name ofc
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"n/n c'mon" I huffed as I dragged them away from the bugs they were fawning over ignoring there complaints as we kept walking.
We needed to keep heading toward the countryside but ever since Y/N got sick I've had to make us take detours for medicine, extra food, non-expired cough medicine to try and give them some relief, and looking extra for warm sleeping spots that weren't a walker nest.
It was just a cold I knew it was, I tried my best to keep them from worrying about turning.
They'd be okay once we reached Grandpa's.
I had been avoiding eating for a while I know it's dumb but they needed the food the more they ate the quicker they'd recover.
I wish I paid attention to Moms cooking more she always knew the best food to eat while sick, I had snatched a cookbook from a while back but it'd be no use with what we have.
Y/N had been a trooper throughout this all I honestly didn't know what to say we've been out here two months now and they've been going on strong.
I know they terrified though so am I but we have to keep moving.
"Are we there yet?"
"Y/n please don't start!—"
"I was quiet for five minutes like you said!"
I could just feel that cheeky grin on your face as we walked along the railroad not like any trains would be coming threw anytime soon.
It's been fifteen minutes of 'are we there yet' and I've considered turning into a walker.
We finally reached the next town that I figured out on the map, It was empty like the rest but on the next step closer to the country I saw a medicine store and grocery store and headed for them Y/n in tow.
"Do you think they have candy?! Can we get some please?"
Y/n whined as we entered the grocery store luckily still remembering to keep there voice down as I huffed.
"Look if the candy looks..alright we can get one box okay? But we need the space for food.." I whispered as I scanned the small shop's isles zoning in on packaged and canned food.
Dropping our rather light bag to the side to fill up checking the dates as I either tossed them in or tossed them aside.
Y/n went to the small section of the candy isle before coming back with a box for me to examine.
"Look it's those chewy ones mom gets!"
"Mm.. They look fine throw them in your bag.. I think we've got enough for the week now.."
I frowned slightly as I zipped up the bag hoisting it back on me it was certainly heavier but it'd be worth it.
Y/n carried their own bag but it was just medicine and there plushie I insisted I could carry them both but they wouldn't budge or let go.
I wish I was more vigilant we had moved on to the pharmacy Y/n was deciding which flavor medicine they wanted which honestly since it was warm liquid cough medicine it wouldn't taste good regardless.
Then the door opened again.
Now we both hid behind the cashier counter I gripped the handgun our parents gave me like our lives depended on it which it did.
Y/n huddled close to me keeping quiet despite their trembling.
I've never shot really anyone with the gun walkers or people.
People were iffy during these times.
We just avoided them even if it meant on missing out on shelter or food were not idiots.
The person stepped behind the counter and we pushed ourselves further under the counter basically squeezing each other to be smaller in the cramped space.
"I know you there no point n' hiding just come out and show yourself."
He sounded older his voice rough from either age or cigs nearly as familiar as Grandpa he'd just used to go on about not wasting your lungs on the things in that gravelly voice of his.
But this wasn't Grandpa of course.
A quick look at Y/n who was on the verge of sobbing.
I flicked the handguns safety off as I stepped out aiming it at the much larger man now that I had a better look at him.
He had backed up a bit when he caught sight of the handgun despite the obvious lack of experience I was probably showing.
Sweaty palms and trembling hands.
He looked older of course not so old that I could just rush him and hope one of his aging body parts acted up, He was clearly a bit more prepared than us his gear looked professional.
Not like the two school book bags that used to hold both of our homework that were slowly getting holes in them now carrying the only possessions you both had left in the world besides each other.
"Look mate- I don't mean you any—"
"Shut up."
My voice cracked as I inwardly cringed at the attempt to sound tough gripping the gun tighter.
"..I don't mean any harm okay?.."
The man shifted as he looked at me or mainly my gun I guess mentally deciding if I was bluffing with blanks or actually knew how to shoot.
Y/n was still huddled under the counter hidden.
"..Were your parents at? Seem a bit too young to be out here on your own."
I just glared further.
"..Go away."
"Leave or I'll fuckin' s-shoot you-"
My hands trembled as I straighten his posture.
He just nodded as he left hands still up in the air in an unconvincing attempt to fool me that he wasn't a threat.
As soon as he left and didn't try to sneak back into the store I grabbed our bags hastily sacrificing some food so we wouldn't be slowed down making sure to snatch some medicine reminded by Y/n's coughing and now sobbing fit.
Picking them up despite them not being that smaller than me as we both left the area with haste.
We have to reach the countryside.
I want to go back to getting in extra sleep for summer break and staying up late at night with Y/n, Mom, And Dad watching shitty horror film and eating ice cream.
But now the summer heat was unbearable at time the too cool nights just made me worry for Y/n's cold.
I just want to go home and be a kid.
Why do I already feel so old?.
a/n: yeahh yup didnt plan this one out..
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daphartwood · 11 days
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[DAPHNE HARTWOOD. 27. CIS WOMAN. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [FOUR YEARS] and are originally from [CHICAGO, ILLINOIS]. They are a [MANAGER AT CINEMARK ASBURY 12] and in their downtime love [VISITING PARANORMAL BOOKS & COURISITES] and [GETTING TATTOOS AT BLACK LOTUS TATTOO]. They look a lot like [GRACE VAN DIEN] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [TEENAGE DIRTBAG BY WHEATUS]
FULL NAME: Daphne Hartwood
SEXUALITY & PRONOUNS: Pansexual (She/Her)
BIRTHDAY: April 1st, 1997
ZODIAC: Aries, Virgo Moon
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff with Slytherin tendencies
PETS: Pomeranian puppy named ‘Chewy’
HOMETOWN: Chicago, Illinois
CURRENT LOCATION: Asbury Park, New Jersey
OCCUPATION: Manager at Cinemark Asbury 12
ROOMMATES:  Just Chewy.
PARENTS: Trisha Rivers, Trever Hartwood
TATTOOS & PIERCINGS: tattoo of a small moon on her right wrist, different horror tattoos on her left arm, both ears pierced, and her left ear has an industrial piercing.
MUSIC INSPO: teenage dirtbag -wheatus, bad chem -sabrina carpenter, dirty thoughts -chloe adams, the remedy ( i won't worry) -jason mraz, the kill -thirty seconds to mars, samurai -lupe fiasco, the hell song -sum 41, the drugs -mother mother, flowers -miley cyrus,
alcoholism tw, bad parenting, child abandonment tw,
Tracy met Trever Hartwood one night while she was attending one of his concerts. Trever was a rock and roll lover to the very core of his heart. While Tracy was a doe eyed beauty with a smile that lit up any room. What was supposed to be a one night stand ended up turning into fourteen years of living with a regret. Much to Trever's dismay, his daughter, Daphne Hartwood entered this world one fine Spring day in 1997.
At first it seemed as though he had begun to turn his life around for his little girl but all of it came crashing down shortly after Daphne's second birthday. Her father couldn't give up life on the road, the music, girls, drugs, and chose to give her up instead. The moment he left her mom had never truly been the same. She was lucky that her mother was a strong person who picked her chin up and refused to ever let her daughter see her cry. Something Daphne admired greatly.
She inherited her father's love for music, as well as all things horror related, and it was certainly something her mother often tried to push back on. She eventually did cave, in hopes of growing a stronger bond with her daughter. When Daphne was fifteen she joined a punk band with a group of friends, offering her skills on the guitar, and she even got her first piercing; it was an industrial, and her mother was beyond pissed. Her mother eventually gave in and allowed the piercings that followed. Daphne was growing up quicker than her mother could keep up with, being the social butterfly she was, she figured it was better to simply go along with most of the stuff she threw her way.
The older Daphne got it became clearer and clearer that her mother was not okay. She began to notice how see how much her mother drank. Even taking care of her mother on mornings she woke up feeling sick. At the age of seventeen, Daphne was forced to move to Miami and finish school off there at an aunt's house while her mother focused on getting back on her two feet.
That never happened and Daphne hasn't seen her mother since. She eventually went back to Chicago in search of her but always came up short in the end and eventually accepted that she just didn't want anything to do with her.
As of four years ago, Daphne settled into Asbury Park, New Jersey. She works as a manager at Cinemark Asbury 12 and she loves it. She things it's one of the coolest jobs, even if she can't remember the last time she's had a free weekend.
loves true crime, horror movies, fantasy, gaming, and overall, Chewy, her dog.
she's always ready to go on an adventure. seriously, she hardly sleeps.
she's always looking for some new friends to party with and do random things with.
constantly blasting some sort of music through her earbuds.
she doesn't really believe in leaving things on bitter terms with exes. she may not get along with all of them but doesn't see the point in wasting energy harboring bitterness towards someone.
she loves pumpkin spice anything all year round.
fully believes there is a man in a blue box traveling throughout space and time.
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askbensolo · 4 months
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Ask Ben Solo
What’s up, HoloNet! The name’s Ben. Currently 23 years old. I’m the only son of an Alderaanian princess and a Corellian scoundrel, and I have an adopted sister named Rey.
I started this blog when I was fifteen and afraid of becoming a Jedi. To make things worse, I started hearing voices in my head…voices that turned out to be someone who wanted to control me. Luckily, my friends and family got involved, and Snoke seems to have backed off.
I did make friends with some of Uncle Luke’s Jedi students, but I ended up attending the University of Naboo (Go Shaaks!) and got my degree in Journalism, since I’ve always been interested in writing, history, and politics. (Scroll back enough, and you’ll see my cringe pro-Imperial phase from back in the day. Yikes.)
I stayed on Naboo after graduation, and now I write for The Chommell Sector Daily. In my free time I lift weights, write poetry, and fight with people online.
Ask me a question!
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Run by @luke-shywalker Est. 2016
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Fannie’s Blog: @fanniepentarra
Amalia’s Blog: @mal-is-tall
(Their blogs are dead because they're lame, but maybe if we bother them enough they'll come back)
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Posts by Character
Mom: My mother, also known as Senator Leia Organa, also known as Space Mom, also known as Don't Mess With Her. Tough as nails. Also has nice nails.
Dad: My father, also known as Han Solo (or scruffy-looking nerfherder). Isn’t as cool as you think he is, but makes up for it with heart.
Rey: My adopted sister, also known as "Kid". Ten years younger than me. Originally from Jakku. Eats faster than anyone I’ve ever seen.
Uncle Luke: My uncle, also known as Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Is a cinnamon roll.
Ren the Bantha of Indeterminate Gender or Origin: My stuffed bantha friend. Not much can be known about this humble beast, but they are fiercely loyal.
Threepio: My mom's protocol droid. Has foregone enough memory wipes to pass as sentient. Best ignored.
Artoo: Luke’s beeping trash can. Extremely rude.
Chewie: My dad’s best pal. Gives great hugs. Don’t play holochess with him.
Lumpy: Chewie’s son. About my age in Wookiee years.
Darth Vader: My grandfather. It's complicated.
Fannie: One of Luke's Jedi students, who has since graduated. Twi'lek. My bestie when we were teens. Mom friend.
Amalia: One of Luke's Jedi students, who has since dropped out. Massive Togruta girl. Frenemy.
Treeso: My roommate from college. Gungan. Solid dude.
Sweeper: My archnemesis: the cleaning droid at work that keeps eating my paper notes.
Ugly Raisin Men Who Have Invaded My Mind With the Force
Snoke: Enough said.
Story Events
The Long Night: (2/25/16 - 4/2/16) In which I woke up from a nightmare and couldn’t sleep.
Space Braces: (5/16/16 - 12/7/2017) In which I got braces.
Get Out of My Head: (8/4/16 - 8/28/16) In which Mom left for a diplomatic mission and left me at home with my dad, and I was consumed by fear and darkness.
The Visit: (10/6/16 - 11/5/16) In which Uncle Luke came to visit us.
Sixteen!: (12/3/16 - 12/11/16) In which I turned sixteen.
Life Day 21 ABY: (12/25/16 - 12/26/16) Life Day!
The Impending Future: (9/10/17 - 9/29/17) In which I had an existential crisis about Mom wanting me to become a Jedi, and I discovered Snoke.
Seventeen!: (12/3/17 - 12/11/17) In which I turned seventeen.
Life Day 22 ABY: (12/25/17 - 12/26/17) Life Day!
A Week With Luke: (12/21/17 - 1/7/18) In which my mom made me spend a week at Luke’s Jedi school.
An Awkward Situation: (4/26/18 - 7/15/18) In which I thought my best friend Fannie was going to ask me out. Like, on a date.
About Amalia: (7/16/18 - 8/7/18) In which I accidentally started a chain of rumors about Amalia, Luke’s mysterious and hardest-to-get-along-with student.
The New Roommate: (4/24/24 - current) In which my roommate Treeso moves out and I have to find someone to take over his lease.
Recurring Tags Below
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andorerso · 1 year
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i think i'm falling back in love with you - for @pfirsichspritzer's prompt: childhood best friends who had a crush on each other meeting again as adults.
Twelve years after the last time they saw each other, childhood best friends Jyn and Cassian cross paths once more…
read it on ao3 or down below
Jyn wasn’t sure what she was doing here. Sipping on her Merlot, the strongest drink they served at this reunion, she watched her former classmates chat, laugh, and greet each other like old friends. Invisible as always, though that was by design. She much preferred to observe from the shadows than to make unbearable small talk with people she hadn’t seen in about twelve years.
Shara and Kes had arrived together, wearing matching rings on their left hands, but Han and Leia noticeably did not. She heard people talk about their separation in hushed whispers, though if rumors were to be believed, it wasn’t official yet. Jyn was sympathetic but unsurprised. How many people stayed together with their high school sweethearts anyway? Shara and Kes were the lucky exceptions, not the rule.
Leia was now chatting with their old English teacher, Mon Mothma, who looked like she hadn’t aged a day since Jyn last saw her. Davits Draven, their history teacher, was also here, sitting alone at one of the tables, though judging by the look that crossed his face when Chewie roared with laughter that echoed in the whole room, he rather wished he was anywhere else. There were other faces Jyn recognized: Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles reminiscing about old days, Ruescott Melshi hovering by the punch table, Lando who was now in an animated conversation with Shara, Kes, and Han but who’d actually tried to chat her up earlier, Kay who seemed to be having a heated argument with Cecil while Arthur looked on in amusement…
Jyn’s stomach lurched. If Kay was here, did that mean —
No. It didn’t have to mean anything. Who was to stay they even stayed friends?
Once again, Jyn questioned why she’d come. High school reunions were for the popular kids, right? Although she was friendly with a few of her classmates back in the day, she’d been far from Miss Popular. Quite the opposite, actually. She hadn’t even graduated at Yavin High. Forced to move across the country with her new guardians after Saw passed away when she was 16…
She hadn’t talked to anyone from Yavin since, and that was nearly twelve years ago. They probably shouldn’t even have invited her, yet here she was. Why?
Well, she could pretend she didn’t know and was merely following a whim, but there was only one reason that made sense. One person she’d truly called a friend at this school. One person she was hoping to see here.
Jyn caught sight of familiar brown eyes watching her from across the room.
Cassian Andor.
Who was now heading towards her.
Jyn took a deep breath and another large gulp of her Merlot.
When she moved away, the only thing she cared about leaving behind, the only thing that felt as much of a loss as Saw, was him.
So naturally, she had to make their goodbye as cruel as possible.
She and Cassian went back further than just high school. They went to elementary and middle school together. They grew up on the same street. They played in the same sandbox, for god’s sake.
She remembered the first time they met. It wasn’t long after her parents passed and Saw took her in, and she was angry. At everything. She was angry at her parents, at Saw, at her teachers, at the world. She was angry at herself. So when Saw took her to the playground, and she saw a group of older kids picking on someone smaller than them for still carrying a stuffed toy with him, she was angry too.
It didn’t matter that the boys outnumbered her three to one, or that they were bigger and scarier than her. She marched over there, pushed the meanest, the ringleader to the ground before kicking his shin, then grabbed the white bunny from his hand while he wailed on the ground and the other two ran away. They tore off one of the bunny’s big floppy ears, but she picked that up too and handed over both to the boy who was staring at her with eyes wide in wonder.
“Here,” she said, thrusting the bunny at him before crossing her arms across her chest. “It can be mended.”
“Thanks,” he said, still in shock. He continued staring at her until Jyn looked at the ground, uncomfortable by the attention, and he finally caught himself and shook it off. “I’m Cassian.”
“Wanna go play in the sand, Jyn?”
She got in trouble with the boy’s parents who were horrified that a tiny girl made their son cry, but there was a proud gleam in Saw’s eyes when he heard what happened, and Cassian gave her his only pack of gums in gratitude, so it was a fair trade in her eyes.
There was barely a day she didn’t see Cassian after that.
Until that fateful night a week after Saw’s funeral.
She’d climbed through his bedroom window like she’d done so many times before with only one intention — to say goodbye.
Cassian hadn’t been happy. That part, she expected. The despair, the frantic pacing, the desperate offer to let her stay with his family instead, the confusion and hurt at her lack of reaction to any of it. He didn’t realize that she’d already known this was coming, and she’d already raged and grieved and thrown stuff. She’d already had her moment of devastation. By the time she showed up in Cassian’s room, she’d closed off her heart and built a wall around herself. It was the only way to survive letting him go.
But the part she didn’t expect was his confession. And it’d shaken her enough to finally get a reaction.
“You can’t go. I was going to ask you to the winter formal,” he said like that would trump everything else.
“The winter formal?” she frowned, surprised enough to let her mask of indifference slip. Dances had never been her thing, and up until now, she thought they had that in common. “What for?”
“What for? Jyn, you can’t — Do you really not know?”
She shook her head.
“Because I love you. I have for years!”
The ground beneath her feet tilted, and all the things she knew to be true came crashing down.
“Don’t say that.” Her voice was quiet and strained. She wanted to hit him and demand that he take it back. “Not now.”
Why now? When she’d felt that same pull towards him for so long…
“Then when? When you’re halfway across the country?” He grabbed her shoulders, desperation blazing in his eyes. His voice was frenzied, his entire body buzzing with energy, and Jyn… just felt numb. It was already over. “Jyn, I fell in love with you when you gave me Nibbles back.”
“We were eight.”
“Does it matter? I know how I feel about you. You’re it, Jyn, you’re the one.”
“Cassian…” She took a step back, wishing for more space between them. His hands fell from her shoulders, but his eyes remained locked on her face, frantic and hopeful. So hopeful it made her want to weep.
She had to do it. She had to break his heart.
She took a deep breath and went in for the kill.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about. You think you love me because I’m the closest friend you have. Did you even give anyone else a chance? You’re 16, Cassian, you’re not going to find ‘the one’ in high school.”
Cassian stumbled back a step like he was pushed, and the look in his eyes hurt more than any insult he could have hurled at her. The raw devastation was like an open bleeding wound, and Jyn knew it’d be an image she’d carry with her for a long time as a punishment for doing this to him.
“So you’re just okay with this?” he asked, quiet but resigned, the hope she’d seen in him burned to ashes.
“I have to be.”
Despite how she left, Cassian still wrote to her for a while. Letters that made her heart jump and her eyes sting every time she opened the mailbox. In some, he talked about what he was up to, what their classmates were doing, what she’d missed. In others, he talked about how much he missed her. Some were angry, begging for her to answer, and some were apologetic, telling her that he was sorry about his confession and that they can still be friends. She never responded to any of them — though she still had them all shoved in a box under her bed. After three months without an answer, the letters stopped coming. That was when Jyn knew he’d finally given up on her.
And with the two people she loved most in the world gone, she was a fucking menace to handle for poor Chirrut and Baze. But she’d grown to love them too as time passed and found another lifelong friend in Bodhi at her new school. She’d managed, somehow, and she wasn’t completely alone.
Nothing really replaced Saw or Cassian though. She knew she’d always carry them with her. But Saw was gone forever, and Cassian was not. As the years went by, she regretted the way she left him more and more. She’d looked him up on social media a couple of times, but he was just as private about what he posted as she was, and she was never brave enough to take the leap and reach out. It’s too late, she told herself. He probably moved on. He probably wants nothing to do with you. He probably forgot you already. It’s too late to make amends.
But when she got the invitation to their ten-year reunion, she couldn’t pass up the chance. Face to face, finally, she may build up the nerve to approach him.
She didn’t have to, it looked like, because he was already approaching her.
Heart hammering in her throat, Jyn forced herself to take deep breaths and stay calm. He was just a man.
Even if he was her ex-best friend of eight years with whom she’d been half-in-love with —
What was the worst that could happen?
Well, she was about to find out.
There was a tremor in her voice that matched his. Jyn couldn’t take her eyes off him. It was hard to believe that after all this time, he was really standing in front of her in the flesh. Hard to believe that someone who’d once meant so much to her could feel so foreign now. Nothing but the memory of the kids they used to be. Sometimes, she wondered if she’d just made him up.
But he was real. Looking at her now as she looked at him, neither knowing what to say. He was wearing black pants and a dark blue button-up, hair styled perfectly, eyes just as brown and just as expressive as she remembered. The same but older. Familiar and different.
He was… well, he was gorgeous.
And he still smelled so damn good.
Oh no. Alarm bells began ringing in Jyn’s head. This was a bad idea. She couldn’t fall back in love with him; she’d spent too long trying to fall out.
“You came,” Cassian said at last, and his words were a testament to how off-balance he must have felt. It wasn’t like him to state the obvious.
Or, at least, it didn’t used to be. She didn’t know him now.
“Apparently, I did.”
Another long pause. She resisted the urge to fidget with her necklace as they stared at each other. Maybe she should say something. Maybe she should ask him to sit. Maybe this had been a terrible, terrible idea…
Cassian gave her a tentative smile and said, “It’s good to see you.”
“Is it?” It slipped out without thinking, skepticism coloring her tone. It was nothing against him; it was just hard to believe that after the way they parted, someone in his shoes would be happy to see her.
But she regretted the words immediately. Stupid. He handed you an olive branch, and you just had to spit on it.
Jyn wanted to disappear as Cassian faltered for a second, clearly uncomfortable, but then he nodded and pushed on, “Yeah.”
He seemed so earnest that her heart panged.
She exhaled a soft breath before letting her lips curl into a tentative smile in return. Maybe there was hope yet.
Once they got talking, really talking, they couldn’t stop. It was like the time and distance between them had never existed, and they were teenagers again with no boundaries, and no ideas too stupid or too forbidden to share. He’d talked about his work, his dreams, his sister, his nephew, and in turn, she’d told him about her new job, her new family, her new apartment, her cat…
Their old classmates continued buzzing in the background, but Jyn hardly noticed, and no one dared to interrupt them. Once, when Cassian lifted his glass to his mouth, Jyn caught sight of his left hand, noting that he wasn’t wearing a ring. Of course, he could still be dating someone, but he hadn’t mentioned it…
Not that it mattered, she reminded herself. Bad idea, Jyn. Do not go down that route.
It was easier said than done. She almost wished he’d grown up a little less attractive because his soft hair and pretty brown eyes and big hands were messing with her head.
It probably wouldn’t matter anyway; the emotional connection between them was deep enough to outweigh any physical attraction. But there was plenty of that too, and it didn’t help her situation one bit.
So yes. Jyn was truly and really and completely fucked.
She had no idea how long they’d been talking when the conversation finally lulled, but the crowd was noticeably thinner. A comfortable silence descended on them as she turned her attention to the people who stayed. Han and Leia were having an argument that was getting loud enough in volume that others turned to look, Luke and Melshi, different levels of inebriated, were playing some sort of card game, and Mon Mothma was sitting at a table and smiling at… Davits Draven?
“I wanted to reach out a few times,” Jyn began without looking at Cassian, her voice quiet. She’d been holding it in all night, and the words begged to be let out despite how her voice shook. “To apologize. For how… how things ended with us. I wasn’t fair to you.”
Cassian didn’t answer right away. Jyn held her breath, expecting anger, expecting bitterness, but when she finally turned to look, Cassian looked tranquil.
“We were both stupid kids,” he told her simply, and she sensed he could say a lot more but there was no reason to drag up the past. At least not now, not here. “Let’s forget about it.”
In the background, Melshi roared with drunken laughter, and Leia let out a loud noise of frustration before turning on her heel and stomping off. Jyn gave Cassian a nod, feeling like the weight of a boulder had been lifted off her chest.
An hour and two more drinks later, Jyn was washing her hands in Cassian’s bathroom while he was making grilled cheese sandwiches in the kitchen. It’d been obvious the reunion party was dwindling down, but Jyn didn’t feel ready to say goodbye yet. So when Cassian turned to her to say that he had a bottle of brandy at his apartment, only a few blocks away, she didn’t hesitate to say yes.
His place was cozy but small, designed only for a single person. Which, from what he told her, suited him just fine. But his bathroom opened from the only bedroom in the apartment, which meant that when Jyn left to rejoin him, her eyes fell on the shelf above his bed. A potted plant, a framed picture, and a couple of books decorated it, too far away to make out any of the titles. It wasn’t what caught her eye anyway.
No, it was the familiar sight of a stuffed bunny sitting next to the picture of Cassian and his sister. She was hardly breathing as she stared at it.
It was Nibbles.
Weathered and old and more gray than white, but still. Nibbles. Just as beautiful as ever.
She reached for it like it was a ticking time bomb as she recalled picking it up from the dirt and handing it back to little eight-year-old Cassian. Sitting around a table with him while his mom sewed back the ear those bullies had torn off. Watching Cassian take it to the playground again the next day, defiant and brave and unapologetic. Clutching it to her chest in bed after Cassian and his family left for a few a week during the holidays and he’d given it to her for safekeeping.
It hadn’t just been his, it had been theirs.
So many precious memories tied to this toy. She felt like she was staring at her entire childhood wrapped up in one innocuous stuffed bunny.
Jyn walked out of the bedroom in a daze, still holding Nibbles. Cassian was waiting for her in the living room, a plate of sandwiches, snacks, and drinks on the table.
“Dinner is ready, I was thinking we could watch a movie —”
“You still have it,” she cut him off, her voice aching. All these years…
Did he still —
Cassian’s confusion melted into hesitancy when he saw what she was holding in her hands. Shifting on his feet, he cleared his throat and didn’t quite meet her eyes as he answered, “Yeah.”
Like that small confirmation had been the key to a door she’d long shut closed, Jyn sank onto the couch, overwhelmed by the flood of emotions escaping that locked room. Regret, longing, heartache… Love.
“Jyn.” Cassian’s voice was concerned as he settled on the table before her. He reached a hand out in comfort but faltered above her knee and let his arm drop. To her horror, she realized a couple of tears had escaped her eyes as the terrible pressure on her chest grew into something unbearable. She clutched the bunny tighter to her chest.
If she hadn’t left the way she left… where would they be now?
“I’m sorry,” Jyn said in a voice choked with tears, staring at her lap and wishing Cassian hadn’t changed his mind before he touched her.
“What are you apologizing for?”
A question with no simple answers. How did she explain that still tasted the past in her dreams, that she still remembered the sound of his laugh and the way he smiled with his eyes and the smell of his cologne when he wrapped his arms around her? How did she tell him that she was haunted by thoughts of him so often she thought they must have been cosmically fated?
“I didn’t want us to end like that. I just thought it was for the best. But it wasn’t. Not for me.” When she finally locked up, Cassian’s face echoed the same aching regret that was squeezing her lungs. “I just hate not having you in my life.”
“That’s what we’re trying to remedy, right?” He gave her a small smile and nudged her knee with his leg. Jyn couldn’t help mirroring that smile for a second before it slipped from her face as fast as it came.
“Just like that?”
“Why not?” Cassian shrugged, but it wasn’t as nonchalant as he wanted it to be. She knew him better. Even now. Maybe they hadn’t changed as much as she thought. “I kept Nibbles for a reason, you know. It was just an ordinary toy. It was you that made it special.”
is own way of saying: I thought about you too, I’d missed you like a phantom limb, I hadn’t truly felt whole until now with you.
Jyn wiped at her eyes and took deep breaths as her heart rate slowed to something bearable. There was more to say, to figure out. The confession he made all those years ago still hovered between them like a lonely ghost that refused to pass over, and she knew they had to banish it someday. Eventually. If they didn’t want it to sour the friendship they just rekindled.
But that would be a conversation with some painful truths she wasn’t ready to confront… and neither was Cassian, she thought. Not yet.
“Well,” Jyn began and shoved Nibbles into Cassian’s hands with a playful smirk. “How about that movie then?”
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