#i didn't mean to ignore your ask ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™
pharawee ยท 5 months
drop this sunflower ๐ŸŒป into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! let's spread some sunshine โ˜€๏ธ
Oh nooo, this was swallowed by my asks and I only just saw. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
This calls for an emergency hug.
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Thank you so much for the sunflower and for brightening my day! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
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savannahsdeath ยท 1 year
hii i have a little ellie request. so can we maybe have an enemies to lovers where reader and ellie โ€œhate each otherโ€ but in reality ellie just wants to be with reader and she ends up using the strap roughly bc reader didnโ€™t wanna confess after years? (sorry this seems long๐Ÿ˜ญ)
i absolutely love this idea omg??
part 2two
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! smut, 'enemies' to lovers, strap (r!receiving), mean!ellie kinda??, rough!ellie, reader is also mean at first !!
writers note: i love receiving requests like yall are so creative and idkk its just easier to write a req than my own idea๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿซฃ also this turned out to be longer than i expected (my longest fanfic yet!) but even the anon said it seems long so ig thats how its supposed to be๐Ÿ™
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It was another PE lesson you hate so much. It wouldn't be that bad, if not the fact that you're in the same team with Ellie. Ellie fucking Williams.
She would get mad at you for every little mistake you made. You absolutely hated her.
You had to admit she was... pretty. Especially when she had the mix of mad and stern expression on her face. Sometimes you provoked her just to watch her insult every little thing about you she could but you didn't mind. You just sat there with a smirk, sometimes making a mockingly worried face to piss her off even more. Sometimes. Sometimes you weren't in mood for that and you'd actually get offended. Sometimes even hurt. But you couldn't really blame her, that's how it works.
This day, you were literally rescuing your team. Every point was because of you. Every 'that was close' situation was only 'close' because of you. But your luck, or whatever made you win, had to run out eventually. You missed one time.
"What happened? Got holes in your hands? Tired? Not so good anymore?" Ellie asked you with that mocking tone.
Everyone ignored your interaction - they knew what's starting and they didn't want to get involved in that.
"I've done pretty much everything for this team, and the only thing you do is complain, Williams." You said and you could feel your temper rising.
Ellie didn't hesitate to respond to that.
"Well at least I don't do a half-ass job like you. You're really so full of yourself, aren't you? Why not just give up and let someone actually capable take over, huh?" She barked sarcastically.
The other team members didn't even try to hide their excitement now, they just sat back and enjoyed the show, even the teacher was having a hard time holding back the grin on his face whenever Ellie came up with a new insult.
And now, there was no going back.
"Oh, I'm sorry Williams, did your precious little ego get hurt from that? Are my skills threatening your so-called pride? Well if you don't like it, suck it up." You shot back.
If this kept up, you were going to end up with another detention for sure. Everyone knew that you two were like oil and water, but nobody really expected you to get into a shouting match over PE class. Especially, not this early in the morning.
The teacher finally decided that it was enough trouble, and he stepped between the two.
"Ladies, settle down! If you can't figure out how to work well together in a simple PE session, then you'll need more than one detention to figure it out. Go sit down." He ordered, and you two sat down, next to each other.
As if following a silent order, all the other students just went about their business and pretended like nothing had happened.
"You should learn how to shut up sometimes." You said quietly, nervously playing with your fingers.
"You should stop thinking you're so damn important." She snapped back, completely ignoring your advice as she stared at you with the same icy cold look as before.
The teacher came over to the two of you and handed you a form, which you quickly read over. "Maybe it's rough but that's what you both deserve after arguing in every single class. And if that won't help... I don't know what will. Someone will check in on you from time to time, so don't even think about anything, understood?."
In short, the file was saying you'll have spent a month after school doing little school works, like cleaning the gym, with her. It was a frequent way of dealing with problematic students in your school.
You weren't even surprised - the teacher was right. Your little bickers were the main gossip topic and there was no way they'll go unnoticed.
Still, you couldn't help but frown.
"You've got to be kidding me." You muttered under your breath. Spending a month after school doing odd jobs with Ellie was literally the last thing you wanted to do. You knew there was some sort of punishment coming, but this was extreme.
Ellie overheard your muttering, and she rolled her eyes. "It's just a bunch of cleaning, what's wrong, can't handle a little hard work?" She mocked.
"And why are you so happy? Maybe you wished to spend more time with me?" You chuckled, finally looking up at her.
Ellie seemed caught off guard, but she quickly recomposed herself. "Who said I was happy? Sure, I'll love to see you grovel and scrub floors while I sit back and relax." She replied in a sarcastic tone.
You decided to press your advantage, and give Ellie a dose of her own medicine. "Aww, is someone actually admitting that they like spending time with me? I'm so honored." You said with an overdramatized fake fluster.
Ellie didn't even let you finish your sentence before she cut in with her usual sarcastic tone. "Pfff, don't get so ahead of yourself there." She chided. Even then, you could hear some slight annoyance in her voice.
Ellie may have been a jerk, but there was something about her you couldn't help but like. You couldn't explain it, but you liked this banter between the two of you.
Oh, who were you trying to lie to? You liked her. You were just good at hiding it.
You were just about to open your mouth to respond to Ellie's last snarky remark, when you were cut off again.
You both turned to see the teacher staring at the two of you. He sounded more annoyed than before, and you decided it was better to stop your feud before you got in any more trouble.
"You two are already going to spend a month together doing odd jobs. The last thing we need is for you to add another week to that sentence." He warned.
You wanted to say something back, but you decided to shut up before the teacher had to make it worse. You and Ellie just looked at each other for a couple of seconds, before you rolled your eyes and got up from your seat.
After a few more classes, the time ofย  fulfilling your penalty came. You sat down at the gym benches, waiting for Ellie. You waited, and waited, but no one came.
Ellie was faster than you with getting up. She smirked and said; "Well it's not like you actually had anything worth saying anyway, so it's easier for you." With that parting jab, she walked out of the gym.
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You expected something like that from her, so you stood up and a few minutes later you were standing in front of her room. You knocked to the door, patiently waiting for her to answer.
After a few moments, you heard footsteps, before the door finally opened. Ellie stood in front of you, her face as annoyed as ever.
"What do you want?" she grumbled, clearly not in the mood to be bothered right now.
"Uh, hello? We're supposed to be doing the clean-up, remember? You haven't forgotten, right?" You said, trying to stay as polite as you could.
She sighed and motioned for you to come in, clearly not ready to go just yet.
You slowly stepped into Ellie's room, your eyes taking in the decorations and mess. It was clear that this was Ellie's world, but you couldn't help but feel a slight curiosity towards her.
"So, why exactly weren't you at the gym?" You asked, finally breaking the tension. You didn't want her thinking you were here to start another argument.
"I had stuff to do." Was the terse response you were met with, nothing else.
"Yeah, of course." You rolled your eyes. "Your room could use some cleaning too."
Ellie smirked when your tone turned from polite to annoyed when she gave you her response, but you couldn't help but notice that she slightly recoiled when you mention how messy her room was. For someone with such a sharp tongue, she sure wasn't enjoying that same kind of treatment.
"Oh yeah? So maybe we should have you clean my room instead." She shot back.
"Actually, boarding school is still school, so that'd count too." You smirked, not so sarcastically anymore. You'd really rather stay in her room than running all over the building with a mop and dirty cloths.
Ellie raised one eyebrow at your reply, clearly not expecting you to just accept it without some kind of snarky remark or argument.
"Alright then." She replied simply, and she walked over to her bed and started to clear out the clutter. You couldn't really deny that her room was in a pretty messy state.
You explored the room, looking for something to start with.
Just then, near other scattered clothes, you saw feminine underwear. Clearly not hers.
"Um, Ellie..." You laughed. "Who's this?"
She walked up to you, not seeming surprised or embarrased at all. "I dunno. There's lots of girls visiting." She smirked.
You knew the smart thing to do would be just to drop the topic, but your curiosity got the best of you. Just who was Ellie Williams hanging out with?
"Really? And how many of them leave a pair of underwear in your room as a souvenir?" You asked, trying to keep a straight face, but you couldn't help but be amused by the situation.
Ellie just laughed, and you couldn't help but grin at her confidence in that moment.
"If you're asking if I'm dating someone," Ellie said, looking at you with an amused expression, "then no. I wouldn't call it dating."
You knew Ellie was always too stubborn and proud to just admit it normally, so you decided to push her just a little bit further.
"So it's not just a single person then? What's it? A new girl every day?" you asked with a smirk, knowing you'd hit a nerve there.
The slight flicker of annoyance on Ellie's face told you that you'd hit the mark.
"So what if it is? Are you jealous?" She teased in response, just adding fuel to the fire.
Now, she had the smirk on her face, and you just knew you'll regret what you started.
"Not really. Everyone knows you fuck every girl in the school anyways. Well, almost every." You suggestively pointed at yourself. "That's honestly sad. You should focus on one person, don't you think?"
Ellie took this as a challenge, she just couldn't resist it when you made yourself the exception.
"Oh, you think you're a special case? How cute." She snickered, and you couldn't help but feel somewhat pleased with that response after how much you two had been annoying each other for the past month.
"What do you think, should I consider dating you? It seems like you're interested, isn't that why you keep sticking around?" She asked, looking at you, knowing very well what kind of effect her words were gonna have on you.
"Me? Interested? You're the one finding excuses to talk to me every day, even if it's just another argument!" You shook your head and looked down, trying to hide that your smirk turns into a honest smile.
You felt Ellie's eyes studying your face as you tried to hide your genuine happiness, you tried to play it off, but you knew that it wasn't working in your favor. You couldn't even deny it, because it was true, you were interested in Ellie. Maybe not at first, but after spending time together, you grew to like her, her arrogance, her wit, the snarky smile on her face... and her eyes.
"Oh, so you do care!" She quickly cut in, sensing your weakness as your smile grew.
"Come on, don't tell me you've been enjoying this little game of ours, haven't you? Don't you look forward to it every day? Don't you love the adrenaline that kicks in when you're about to say something that's bound to start an argument?" She asked, taking a step closer to you and lowering her voice.
You could almost see the sparks fly as the two of you stared at each other, both feeling the tension in the air. You were almost tempted to take her up on the offer, but your pride got the best of you.
"You're just full of yourself, aren't you? Thinking everybody craves that attention." You said after taking a deep breath.
Ellie just smiled and walked straight to you, getting up close and personal.
"Well, I know you want it. So stop putting up a facade and admit it."
"I'm not like these sluts you fuck, Williams." You said, trying to keep your voice steady and calm.
Ellie just smirked in response. "You're right, you're not like them. You're better than them. And maybe you are a little special, considering how much you manage to piss me off everyday." She took a step back and looked you up and down. "I kinda like it." She said, and you couldn't help but feel your heart rate go up a little when she said that.
You just stared back at Ellie, not really sure what else to say in this situation. Both of your egos were too big to give the other one satisfaction, and neither would be making the first move.
She finally spoke up; "Your turn to be honest now. Admit you're into me."
She was awfully close to you now, daring you to say something.
"Don't push it, Ellie." You told her confidently, and even though you really wanted to say it, your pride was holding you back from admitting it.
Ellie just smirked and moved even closer to you, until her face was just an inch away from yours. "Say it." She whispered.
You felt your heart pounding faster as you just looked at her, not able to break her stare.
You shook your head. "No way."
She just chuckled at your response. "I knew you'd say that. And now, I'm gonna make you say it yourself."
Before you could even comprehend what was happening, Ellie pulled you close, just enough to make your lips meet. You just stood there, completely stunned by how bold she was, but at the same time, the feeling of her lips against yours was so new and so good as well. You hadn't felt this type of rush before, and you didn't want it to end.
You couldn't stop yourself from letting out a gasp followed by a moan into the kiss, which made her even bolder.
"I'll show you how lucky those so-called by you sluts are." She whispered after pulling away from you, but not for long.
While Ellie's mouth aggresively covered yours, you felt her slowly pushing you towards the bed.
You were barely able to think now, as your adrenaline was pumping through your whole body. Your back hit the mattress, and Ellie continued to push you down as she climbed up onto the bed on top of you.
That's when it hit you.
You realized that your little feud with Ellie wasn't going to end after all, except this time you weren't fighting her.
Instead, you were just enjoying the moment with someone you could almost call a friend.
It felt like there was nothing else in the universe, just a rush of new sensations that you didn't want to end.
Ellie was the one in control now, as you felt her body pressing up against you, her lips pressing against yours, her hands moving around your body without hesitation. You weren't even thinking straight anymore, you just let her embrace you, letting her take control entirely.
You felt her break the kiss for a moment, just to whisper something in your ear. "Say it."
You knew what she wanted you to say, but you just couldn't bring yourself to do so.
Before you could answer, you felt her slowly undressing you. Her lips were tracing paths along your throat, not letting you let out a logical word from it - only little whimpers.
You felt every curve of her body as you felt her lips against your neck, every touch sending chills down your spine.
When you felt her hands move towards your pants, you felt your body respond in the only way you could.
You couldn't think of anything else but her embrace, her warm breath against your neck, and your body slowly being freed from clothing.
Ellie knew exactly how to push your buttons.
Before you could catch your breath, you were left shaking, as her hand slipped into your underwear, which was soon on the floor too. She was teasing your clit in almost painful slow way, watching you squirm.
"Speak up, babe." She whispered mockingly.
But you couldn't. Not because you didn't want, or because your ego didn't let you - you just couldn't. You even asked yourself 'What does this girl wants from me?' as you already forgotten her previous wish. You just weren't thinking straight.
"Come on, do this for me." She kept looking at you with overdramatic concern. You saw her fastening her belt and sliding of her jeans, revealing an obviously-way-too-big strap, which purple color didn't surprise you at all as you imagined it the same way in your dreams.
When you finally came back to your senses, you constructed a whole full sentence answer. But as soon as she saw you opening your mouth to speak up, she slid a few inches of her toy into your soaking cunt. Your planned reply quickly got replaced with another gasp.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" She smirked, her hips started thrusting. She had some sympathy for you, so she didn't make it too painful, but she wasn't also so merciful.
You cried out, at first clenching your thighs from surprise, but she was too strong for you to actually succeed.
You leaned your head back against the pillow, squeezing your eyes shut causing a few of your pathetic tears soak into the sheets.
She held your hips, so she won't miss your sensitive spot, but her grip was so hard you swore you can already see the bruises creating right beneath her fingers.
"Honestly, I'm really happy it ended like that. You have no idea how often I'd imagine you instead of some random girl. But it's good to have you really there." She chuckled, not slowing down but not speeding up either.
Your eyes opened wide at this confession. Before today, the nicest thing she said to you was 'what's wrong?', even though it was in an obviously mocking way. And know it turns out she liked you for a long time. Just like you liked her.
"W...Wh- What?" You managed to stutter out, leaning on your elbows to look at her before your vision turned blurry again so you fell back on the pillow.
"You didn't know?" She laughed. "I mean, you were always oblivious, so I shouldn't be shocked but... I thought it was clear." She was speaking slower than usual as every single word coming from her mouth was synced with the moves of her hips. While saying this simple thing, she pushed her strap into you at least twenty times. And she wasn't taking her time, oh, no. She was fast and rough, like you're just a sex toy without feelings. Did you mind? Hmmm...
When you started getting used to the size of her cock and your mind wasn't completely blank anymore, you remembered one important thing your PE teacher said. 'Someone will check in on you from time to time, so don't even think about anything.' None of you were either at the gym or putting up flyers around school. They're going to think you ditched it. Even though you'd rather get into more trouble than end whatever you were doing now, you felt you need to tell Ellie, just in case.
"El-s..." You moaned out and quickly realised it won't be easy.
"What is it?" She asked, seeming honestly interested in what you got to say. "Ready to admit you're absolutely obsessed with me?"
You clenched your fists, squeezing the bed sheets between your fingers.
"Th- no... We should..." You couldn't help but cry out again.
As soon as she heard the two keywords - 'we should' (and she hated when someone was telling her what to do, so that pissed her off) - she understood what you're trying to say.
"Behave? Fulfill our duties? Or...?" She chuckled.
You wanted to speak up, just to not feel so vulnerable as you really were. You only managed to mumble 'we' before one of her hands started rubbing your clit, just like at the start - painfully slow. The feeling made your thighs tense and move closer to each other, wanting to close the gap between them. But Ellie didn't let that happen as she quickly separated your legs.
Her hips also didn't stop moving, and all the sensations connected made you go silent again. Well, not silent - unable to speak. And that were two completely different things.
"I'd take that as a 'we should continue what we're doing right now'. Isn't that what you want?" Even though you're eyes were closed, you could feel her intense stare on you. Then, her mocking tone came back. "What is it with you being so quiet all of sudden? You spent a few of the past years yelling at me, and you can't even say a word now?"
"I ju-st..." You said but then she hit your g spot again, and again, and again... making you go silent.
Your stomach started feeling funny - probably because of how deep in it Ellie's strap was. At this point, you thought you can even feel it in your throat and that's what's blocking your words from coming out. But the funny feeling had a different origin - your release was getting awfully close, and it didn't go unnoticed.
"We're going to have lots of fun this month." She whispered, leaning in to stroke your cheek.
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deanscherrypie420 ยท 3 months
pookie i just read ur latest hotch fic bro pls write more for him i beg ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™
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A/N: Your wish is my command <3 I hope you enjoy it! This one is more wholesome so let me know if you want something more spicyyyy-
Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Reader Y/N, Jack Hotchner, BAU team
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner X Reader
Warnings: Jack is lost at the beginning and Hotch saves them ,but just a lot of fluff after. (Let me know if I missed anything!)
Summary: You didn't expect your day to begin with finding a lost kid, but it wasn't exactly a bad start...
Y/N was enjoying a morning walk, the beautiful scenery of the park relaxing her. It was a crisp day, a cool breeze gently brushing through the leaves.
Suddenly, a young boy - maybe around the age of six or seven - ran up to her, a worried glint in his eyes. "I can't find my dad," He murmured, looking around and scratching his neck.
"Oh, uhm, okay. Do you need help finding him?" Y/N asked, a nervous panic bubbling up within her. The boy nodded frantically, picking at his nails.
She took a deep breath, realizing that she needed to stay calm to keep him calm. "Okay, I can do that. What's your name, sweetheart?" She questioned as she crouched down, meeting him at eye level.
He allowed her to take his hands, holding them carefully. "Jack. My dad was with me, but then I walked off and he was gone." She nodded along as he spoke, making sure he understood she was listening.
"Alright, Jack, why don't we walk around and look for him, okay?" She offered, and he nodded again, already studying the area around him. They walked around for a minute, Jack calling out for his dad every few seconds.
A man walked up to them, a small smile on his lips. "Hey, buddy. We were lookin' everywhere for you." He ignored her presence, only focusing on the boy. She instinctively pulled him back a bit, hunching over a bit to speak to him better.
"Do you know him, Jack?" She asked him and Jack shook his head. The man cut in, now reaching out to grab the boy. "I'm his dad's friend. Come on, Jake."
She pulled him behind her back, shielding him with her body. "No, I think he should stay with me." She started walking backwards, Jack stumbling back with her. She was holding his wrist - maybe a little too tight - not letting the man get closer.
He kept walking towards them, insisting he take Jack with him. Out of the blue, a man jogged over and stepped in front of her. He grabbed his wallet out of his pocket and flipped it open.
"Agent Hotchner, FBI. Can we help you?" He nearly spat at the man, staring down at him with a cold gaze. The guy stepped back, clearing his throat and raising his hands. He mumbled something incoherent as he stormed off.
"Daddy!" Jack beamed, running out from behind her and hugging the agent. He wrapped an arm around him and smiled, planting his hand on top of his head. "Hey, buddy. You okay?"
Jack nodded and pointed at the young woman. "She helped me from the bad guy, daddy." He explained and she let out a nervous laugh. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put him in danger. I was just trying to help."
The man smiled and stuck his hand out. "I'm Aaron, thank you for looking out for him." She accepted his handshake and smiled, still a bit hesitant. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you. And of course, I'm glad you found him."
She gave an awkward wave and turned to walk away, but Aaron cleared his throat. "Hey, actually, do you want to hang out with us for a bit?" He offered, and she noticed how Jack's face lit up. She let out an airy laugh and shrugged.
"Sure, why not."
They had spent the day talking and playing with Jack. He was a bit shy at first, but once they started tossing a soccer ball around he came out of his shell completely.
After soccer, Jack heard an ice-cream truck and begged his dad to get some. He agreed, and he paid for all of them to get popsicles. When Jack went to go run around - both of them now keeping a watchful eye - she insisted she pay him back.
"It's just ice-cream, Y/N. You don't have to worry about it." He chuckled, throwing the sticks into the trash. Her cheeks were a bit flushed, unreasonably embarrassed about the situation. "Are you sure? I mean - we just met." She argued, and his smile grew.
"Yeah, but a favor for a new friend doesn't hurt." He flashed a grin at her and she bit her lip, a laugh slipping out. "Okay, okay. I surrender." She joked, and they continued on with casual conversation, moving to sit down on a bench.
Out of curiosity, she asked about his job and she was dumbfounded. He explained cases they've worked on and briefly explained some of his co-workers.
"Wow! That sounds horrible!' She snorted, non-stop giggling as he told her about an average work day. He couldn't help but laugh along with her, her radiant smile becoming contagious.
"It's not for everyone, that's for sure, but it's nice being able to help people." He explained and she nodded, her laughter subsiding. They continued to chat about it, and she lit up with excitement when he mentioned a case she knew.
"I listened to that on a podcast! You solved that?" She beamed, and he nodded, finding her joy adorable. "Yeah, it was a challenge." He added, and they compared what they knew about it.
She quickly cleared her throat and nudged him with her knee when she noticed Jack running up to them. He rambled about a cool bug that he saw for a bit before Aaron's phone rang. He excused himself and took the call.
He came back and Jack was noticeably bummed, and she had a guess as to why. "I have to go, we just got a case." He sighed, and she nodded, standing up to give him a hug goodbye.
"It was nice hanging out with you. If you want, we can exchange numbers and maybe... hang out again?" She prodded, and Jack nodded rapidly, making both of them chuckle.
"Of course, I'd love to."
Emily and David were chatting by JJ's desk, waiting for her to return with snacks. They were planning to watch a movie in the conference room with the rest of the team. It was their day off and they felt like they earned it.
Emily glanced over when she noticed a young woman looking around, appearing to be lost. She had a visitors badge clipped onto her shirt. Both the agents noted that she looked nice, as if she was going out.
"New agent?" Rossi asked, and Emily shook her head. "No, she might be here to see Strauss, or Garcia because of that seminar thing she did." He raised his brows and flattened his lips, a nonverbal sign of agreement.
Emily walked over to her, gently tapping her shoulder. "Hi, are you here to see someone?" She asked and Y/N looked up at her, an awkward smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, actually. Uhm, is Aaron here?"
The agent's eyes widened, now reciprocating her smile. "Yeah, his room is up-" She started but was cut off by Aaron's door swinging open. "Hey, Y/N!" He had a huge grin on his face, waving her over.
She gave a quick goodbye to the agent in front of her before happily speeding up the stares, quickly getting engulfed in a tight bear hug. "Aaron! I missed you!"
He ruffled her hair and invited her into his office, now leaving them behind closed doors. JJ was now in the room, jaw nearly on the floor. "Did you guys see that?" She asked, and both Rossi and Emily nodded, confusion evident on all of their faces.
Shortly after, Derek, Penelope and Spencer all walked in, arguing over what movie the group should watch. Spencer raised a brow when he noticed the hushed conversation between the trio in front of them. "What are you guys whispering about?"
After explaining the situation to the rest of the gang, everyone was coming up with their own theories. "Wait, what about movie night?" Garcia gasped, and Morgan chuckled. "Babygirl, seriously?"
Aaron and Y/N stepped out of his office, laughing and whispering to each other. The two made their way down the stairs, seemingly oblivious to the group not too far away.
Aaron's alarm went off on his phone and he reached into his pocket. "I'll meet you by the elevator," He stated, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She nodded and left the room, the glass door blurring her a bit as she walked away.
He turned and now realized the group that had been staring him down. He took a minute to think of what to say, shrugging and rubbing his jaw.
"Sorry guys, I have my own movie date planned." He admitted, quickly making his way out of the room. "Don't worry, you guys will get to meet her another time, shes the best." He added with a smile, something the team didn't often see.
Once the two disappeared down the elevator, Spencer scoffed in amusement. "He smiled" David nodded, a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Love is in the air."
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know if you want a part two - of like when they're at the movies-
Feel free to: Reblog, like, comment, follow and send requests!
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lightnotyagami ยท 6 months
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"Do you think you'll kill for me one day?"
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"Yes, of course i will my dear."
Light x fem reader (soft) smut
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A/n:remeber when L put cameras into lights room? When i was like 14 or 15 i read a smut FF like this and OH MY GOD its still in my head. Coudnt find the ogs @ but if i ever do ilysm๐Ÿ™ (it was on ao3 if anyone wants to help me find it๐Ÿ˜ญ)
Summary: L puts cameras into lights room.. great.. but what do normal people his age do? Hang out with friends, do homework.. and some other things.
Tw/cw: my horrible english, soft smut (duh) , being watched, tell me if i missed anything!!
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"Are we seriously going to do this?" You asked him still in a safe distance from his house. "Yeah, wanna back out?" He said as he looked at you like you were stupid. "No! I'm just saying, I don't know about the whole... thing." You voiced as he answered with a shrug like what you said wasn't a big deal to him. "Look," he said walking towards you with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "I'll take care of it, okay? you just relax and lay down." Your mind went crazy thinking about all the things that could go wrong. "So, are you in yes or no?" He stopped right in front of you and looked directly into your eyes. His face was close enough for you to smell the mint from his breath. 'It felt different being so close to someone, I mean I didn't feel threatened by his appearance, just like when we were fighting but this time I could see how beautiful he really is...' you thought to yourself "fine." "Good girl."
*later in his room*
'64 cameras.' you thought to yourself as you sat yourself on the bed and light on his chair. "hey light!" the door was shot open revealing his little sister, sayu was her name? "mom asked if you want anything from the supermarkt, oh and does Y/n want something too?" she asked now looking at you "oh no dear its fine! you two make yourselves a great day" you answered. "Okay, dont be mad then if we dont bring extra snacks" she winked at making your laugh slightly. 'i wish i had a younger sister' you thought to yourself "okay mom says bye." Sayu said closing the door behind her, leaving only you and light. oh and the 64 cameras from every angle of course. The lights were dimmed making everything look more mysterious. "you want anything?" Light asked turning around to look at you. "no... thanks its okay." you answered looking at the ground embarassed as he sat besides you ."it's alright babe, come sit over here." he patted on his lap. You slowly moved your legs closer to him sitting on his lap. he pulled you closer so that your head was on his chest and his arms were wrapped around you. Everything was going after Plan but why did this still feel so..weird? you dont know if L is the only one watching this. you could only hope. you closed your eyes trying enjoying his touch and warmth as he kissed you softly. "let me show you something, babe." you hummed in response. His fingers which were playing with the ends of your hair slowly moved up to your body . "your heart is beating so fast" he whispered in your ear, causing you to shiver slightly. It sent an electrical jolt through your spine, it was almost painful but good. your heart started hammering in your chest as he pushed your t-shirt up exposing your bra and sofly pushing you down on the bed climbing on top of you. you moaned as he started kissing you softly on your neck, moving it from side to side, leaving small red marks "l-light~!" you whined not sure what to do as he started to unhook your bra , slowly peeling it off your body.
*at the headquarters*
"mister Soichiro Yagami, i belive you would like to leave the room?" L said as soichiro looked at the computers not sure if to ignore this ever happaned or to kill light when hes back home. "yes im sorry i just.." he said as he walked out of the room in complete shock that his son was capable of these things. "anyways. Im bluring the cameras now. Watari unblur them when this is done and a cheese cake would also be nice "
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platonic-writer ยท 2 months
Hi :D
Sorry if this is a little strange but can I please request Dottore with a female reader that grew up in an abusive and poor household, so she isn't used to a lot of things like eating a lot, getting cared for and even caring for her health. Also Im not sure if this counts as angst or not so if it does and you don't wanna write it please ignore this! <3
You're Request has been made โ™ก ๏ฝž('โ–ฝ^ไบบ)
I don't count this as Angst because it has a good Ending!
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You met Dottore when you were searching for some new clothes, all your clothes were old and had holes in them because your parents didn't buy you any after your brother was born
It wasn't hard to know that you weren't the favorite child, everything you got was either from the dumpster or something your little brother didn't want
You thought that maybe you weren't the favorite because you aren't a boy?
"Mommy! Can i get this toy?"-Sibling
"Yes, of course sweetie!"-Mother
"... can i get one too?"-you
"No. We don't have enough money for someone like you."
Just like any other day you searched for food or clothes
As you sat for some hours on a bench eating bread thats stale you see a blue haired guy approach you?
He offered you a new home with food
How could you possibly not accept that offer? I mean no one would care if you went away, they would probably not even notice
So you accepted
At first Dottore took you in because he wanted you to become a child soldier. He wanted this "child" to become so strong that it'll defeat armys of Monster
As Time went on he noticed some things
Why does this child always eat so little?Why does that child never ask for anything, should'nt kids ask for things?And why does this child seem to be afraid of physical contact?
He did some digging and found out, now he knew why.
He knew that he was a Monster, everyone knew that, but why? Why does his heart get soft whenever he sees you?
Things began to change
You noticed that he became less angry at you, that he asked for your input, got you clothes and a room for yourself
You began to loosen up, shly asking for more food
"Can i.. get some more?..... please? ๏ฝก๏ฝฅ๏พŸ๏พŸ๏ฝฅ(๏ผž_๏ผœ)๏ฝฅ๏พŸ๏พŸ๏ฝฅ๏ฝก."-You
"Yes, you didn't have to ask. Just go up to one of my clones and he will take you to the fridge."-Dottore
He treated you like a real child, like you deserved to live. He didn't scream at you about how you're not a boy.
No, he treated you like a.. daughter?
Months ago you would've never thought of him as your father but as time went on you called him dad in your mind
He helped you in more ways then he himself knows of
Months later you gave him his first hug
"(ใฃโ•นแ†บโ•น)ใฃ thank you..dad? For everything" -You
"Its... nothing, how about you go with me to the lab?"-Dottore
He may not call you daughter or nicknames but you can see it in his Actions that he loves you
Summary: Dottore sees you as his daughter, he loves you and would do anything for you. He will love you, whatever gender you may be. He may not call you daughter, but everyone can see that he loves you.
Thank you for reading! I may or may not made this chapter a little serious? Im very sorry i didn't add any jokes like in the other ones, i was so focused on writing this๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜ญ
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jojojoy1 ยท 1 year
Prompt 53 with Pierre ๐Ÿ™ where heโ€™s taking care of his and in a second his son is gone but the son somehow bends up with uncle Lewis ๐Ÿ˜ญ
53-"I lost the baby."
Don't be mad - Pierre Gasly
Pierre Gasly x reader
A/N: I don't know how to feel about this one, not really my best writing in my opinion
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It had happened in a second. Julien, your 10 month old son, was gone. Nowhere to be seen. He was sat in the Alpine garage with Pierre until a reporter asked for a small interview. Now Pierre had lost his son and you were surely going to kill him for it.
He was franticly looking throughout the garage, none of the mechanics working could tell Pierre anything about the whereabouts of his lost child.
That's when he decided to call you and confess his devastating situation.
Your phone ringing interrupted your conversation with Lily. Noticing it was Pierre you excused yourself from the table.
"Hello," You spoke just before a panicking Pierre started rambling in your ear.
"Now please don't be mad, but I was doing a quick interview, and I mean like five minuets at most, it really was no time at all. It just happened so quickly, I didn't realise he was that fast, but-"
"Pierre, stop, slow down." You interrupted him, not understanding the reason for this phone call. "What happened?"
"I lost the baby." He exhaled deeply.
"YOU WHAT!?" You shouted at him, making everyone in the paddock restaurant look at you.
"I-" You didn't let Pierre say anymore excuses.
"Where are you?"
"The garage."
"Wait there, I'm coming." You hang up the phone and walk back over to Lily.
"What did he do?" She asked you when you picked up your bag.
"He lost Julien." You snapped.
"He was doing an interview."
When you got to the garage Pierre dashed towards you, nearly knocking you over.
"Where was the last place you saw him?" You got straight to the problem at hand, ignoring his nickname for you.
"Sat in the garage."
"And he's definitely not in the garage anymore?"
"Definitely, I checked everywhere."
"Did you look in anyone else's garage?" Pierre looked at you with a completely blank expresstion telling that he did, in fact, not look in anyone else's garage.
You stomped away from him heading into the Ferrari garage to see if Julien had crawled off to his Uncle Charles.
By now every team had been informed of the missing baby and told to keep a look out and be extra careful.
Just as you leave the Williams garage you hear an earth shattering cry coming from the other end of the pit lane. You run faster than you ever thought was possible until you reach Mercedes.
There you see none other than Sir Lewis Hamilton attempting to sooth your little boy. Pierre showed up a minute later, the sigh of relief he let out was like all the stress he felt suddenly leaving his body.
You walked up to Lewis thanking him for finding Julien and scolding Pierre with your eyes as you both made your way back to Alpine.
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raspberry-dounut ยท 1 year
hihihi idk if requests are open but please more fizzmodeus stuff I've read the other one like 10 times already please they're taking over my brain ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™/nf
[TW: mention of kidnapping and that jazz that happened in the episodeโ€ฆ and also, this is a tickle fic, so if this made its way into the main tags somehow, then I suggest you donโ€™t read it if youโ€™re not into that stuff XD]
โ€œYou know I worry about youโ€ฆโ€
"I know,โ€ The demon said curtly โ€œI know, but Oz- Iโ€™m tough! Iโ€™m fine, really! Itโ€™s just a few scrapesโ€ฆโ€
Fizzarolli didn't bother to stop his embrace and instead just leaned on him, taking a moment to enjoy the contact and soak up some of that warmth. His bones ached- and the lie he was telling himself was already fraying at the edges. He was nowhere near fine.
โ€œI understand that butโ€”โ€œ Asmodeus attempted to bite his tongue, feathers prickling upwards with a suppressed hiss; he was irate. โ€œY-Youโ€™reโ€ฆ Youโ€™re not immortal, Fizzarolli!!โ€
The demonโ€™s gaze shifted to his partner, curious if he'd managed to get under the sinโ€™s tough skin. He knew the bigger demon was right- he wasnโ€™t immortal. Even as he spoke, he grimaced as he tried to move his shoulder; it sent a sharp pain through his bones, as if something was broken. He groaned, his body not allowing him to ignore the ache for much longer.
โ€œYouโ€™re so reckless, Fizz! Iโ€”โ€œ Asmodeus let a sigh escape his lips, exasperation easing into his shoulders as he gestured around himself. โ€œYou frustrate me sometimes!โ€
Squinting at him, Fizzarolli tried to follow his thinking, unsure of whatever point he was trying to make before he commented hesitantly as the silence dragged on โ€œumโ€ฆ Can I go now?โ€
โ€œFIZZ!!โ€ he finally snapped which prompted Fizzarolli to withdraw his claws. Asmodeus plopping himself onto the edge of the bed without a loud creak, arms crossed.
โ€œDo you have any idea what happened to you?! Were you not present at your own kidnapping?!โ€ He asked with venom, words dripping with grief and guilt. โ€œI- I couldโ€™ve lost you!! What would I have done if youโ€™d died, huh?! Do you think I would have justโ€ฆ moved on?!โ€
โ€œI-Iโ€™m sorryโ€ฆโ€ Fizzarolli hung his head in shame, his eyes filling with tears. He was already in enough pain, but now his heart hurt just as much. โ€œI didnโ€™t think- I thought it would pan out better, Iโ€ฆ there a bunch of different factors, and Iโ€ฆ there was a lot on my mind, I met an oldโ€ฆ I got distracted and Iโ€”โ€œ
Words failed him as he croaked helplessly. He knew he'd been stupid, he didn't have to be told. He could have died, and all Asmodeus would have been left with were a bunch of distant memories.
He couldnโ€™t say anything, his head was low, and he was focused on keeping the tears back. Even so, he felt a soft hand on his shoulder.
โ€œJust listen to me next time, please.โ€ His voice was soothing, as comforting as his eyes. He pulled the demon close, so that they were curled together on the bed as he pressed his lips against the top of his partnerโ€™s head. โ€œYouโ€™re not as invincible as you think- I know you overestimate yourself, but please; think rationally sometimes!โ€
โ€œโ€ฆdoes this mean Iโ€™m not in trouble?โ€
Asmodeus laughed โ€œNo. Youโ€™re still getting punished.โ€
"Punished? For what?!" Fizz pulled away to face Asmodeus head-on, eyebrows shooting upwards, and his expression was one that was caught in a loop of shock and confusion. โ€œWhatโ€™re you gonna do, ground me?! Just wait until I get my lawyer on this!โ€
โ€œThat was the first thing on my mind,โ€ The rooster said in a joking tone, his voice still stern but there was a smirk on his face that grew with Fizzarolli's reply. It was as if heโ€™d expected this kind of response, or something akin to it. Feathered paws moved to rest idly on the demonโ€™s scarred belly, and that was hint enough.
"Oh no. You can't be serious." He protested, a small whine forming on his lips that he quickly attempted (and failed) to disguise.
โ€œHmmm? Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ll learn your lesson this way~ and I donโ€™t see it fit to use any sort of โ€˜forceโ€™ on you.โ€ The larger demon said, with a playful wink as he grabbed Fizzโ€™s wrists with one hand and pinned them swiftly but gently down to the mattress. He could only snicker and offer Fizzarolli a shit-eating grin as his fingertips danced up and down his sides.
โ€œNohahahahaa!! Thatโ€™s no fair!!โ€ He squealed out and recoiled back- it was a flurry of giggles as Fizzโ€™s own body betrayed him and gave his partner the reaction he knew he wanted.
โ€œHmmmm? Youโ€™re laughing too much, darling. You might wanna speak up~โ€
โ€œY-yohou're being so meeheeheean!!โ€ He squealed and turned over. โ€œYou-!! Iโ€™m gohohohohoanna fucking kihihihihill youโ€”โ€œ
It was an empty promise, meant more to prompt Asmodeus than to reflect on himself.
โ€œMhm~ Iโ€™m sure you will.โ€ Asmodeus giggled, feathered beak nuzzling into his partnerโ€™s tummy, which made him buck instinctively.
โ€œIโ€™m- I'm sorreeeheeheeheehee!!โ€
โ€œSorry for what, hmmm?โ€
โ€œFohohohor- for doubting you-!!โ€
โ€œAnd you promise to let me send an escort to at least check on you?โ€ Asmodeus asked, mock-thought in his expression as he tapped his fluffy chin.
โ€œYehehehees, yes! Anything!!โ€ Fizz squeaked as his partner squeezed his hips.
โ€œHmmmโ€ฆ Good, good! I think youโ€™ve learnt your lesson.โ€ And with that, he finally let up his tickle attack.
He chuckled, watching the tension leave Fizzarolli in an instant. After giving his partner a moment to catch his breath- he turned over, his long plait of feathers coming to rest alongside Fizz's chest while his beak gave him an affectionate peck.
"I hope that taught you a lesson about running off on your own.โ€ Asmodeus said, nuzzling his beak into him. โ€œNext time I wonโ€™t be so merciful~โ€
He winked- a clear indication that to Fizz of where his mind was at. They were content to lay with together as their bodies slowly cooled after the stress-filled night.
โ€œI know- I promise I wonโ€™t do it again! Iโ€™ll listen to you more.โ€
โ€œPinky promise.โ€
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seb-reads31 ยท 5 months
As wholesome as your previous requests seem from reading, I'd love to request an angst fic for Camilla x g/n reader.
Reader feeling ignored by her due to work commitments and not much effort on her part to make up for it. The moment they mention it, it leads to a big argument with the reader leaving despite being late evening. She thinks it's just a bluff until she wakes up the following morning and they're still not back (clothes gone and phone turned off). Hopefully a slightly better/comfort ending where she can start to win back their love.
Cautions - Carmilla being a workaholic, her snapping at you, Clara, and Odette, reader and Carmilla argue, me suffering at the hands of dialog, mean Carmilla โ˜น๏ธ, bad Spanish (please don't cancel me ๐Ÿ˜ญ I'm learning I swear)
Type - angst, eventual fluff
Genre - head canons (I'm gonna try bullet points on this cause the hyphens are starting to tick me off)
Comments - FINALLY ANGST- Like, I thoroughly love me some fluff, don't get me wrong, but I wanna know what it's like crying while writing something. So thank you ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ (I decided to make reader and Carmilla married, I hope that's okay!) AND THANK YOU TO THAT PERSON WHO COMMENTED CARMILLA PET NAMES (let me know if I'm using them right I beg of you ๐Ÿ˜ญ)
You were serious..?
We all know Carmilla is a work oriented woman, and sometimes around the beginning of the month before the extermination, she gets some VERY large orders, causing her to neglect her own health sometimes to make sure everything is done precisely and without any issues
And you loved her for that, really. It inspired you to be more helpful, doing some shipments here and there, help with some paperwork, the usual
But recently, there's been a random spike of orders right after the extermination, not giving anyone a break.
And it's drowning the entire company into a work frenzy, and it feels like it's never going to end
After a couple weeks of this, it slowed down a little, not by much, but enough to have a little time to yourselves, including some time with your beautiful wife, Carmilla..
..who didn't even respond when you knocked on her office door. It's been like this for the past 2, nearly three weeks, what is going on??
The only times you two talk is when you're going to bed (if you're even awake when she does decide to get in your shared bed, or if she falls asleep at her desk for the hundredth time) or whenever you need her to sign off on certain orders here and there throughout the day
But after that.. nothing. She doesn't even message you throughout the day with random 'I love you's, 'I miss you', nothing. Just radio silence cough like Alastor cough
You messaged Odette and Clara, asking if they had spoken to her aside from work talks, and they said the exact same thing, nothing
However, they had actually tried talking to their mother, but she brushed them off, saying "I'm busy, go find something to do that isn't bothering me."
Now that really pissed you off. So, you did the sensible thing and marched over to her office, giving it a harsh knock.
"Carmilla, love? We need to talk. Now. I'm not taking no for an answer." It was short, but straight to the point. As much as you wanted to be gentle about this, you couldn't when she snapped at your sweet girls for just checking in on her
Nothing came from the other side of the door, which ticked you off more.
"Carmilla, this is serious. Open the door, we have to have a discussion about your working as of late."
Now that, got you a reaction. You heard a small thud, possibly slamming her pen down on her desk, then a rough "Come in" came from the other side
You immediately swung the door open, and slammed it behind you.
"What is up with you lately?? You haven't been talking to anyone, you refuse to take breaks, you snapped at our children for checking on you, and you don't want to talk about anything that isn't work related!"
"I don't even see you come to bed anymore BECAUSE you're so engrossed in your work. I get that it's been super busy lately, but that's no reason to-" Before you could finish your sentence Carmilla stood up and slammed her large hands against her desk
"I work this hard because I need to! I didn't ask for you to care about me, I thought I made it VERY clear that I didn't want to be bothered, but apparently you're too stubborn to see that." Her voice was cold, and her eyes were a sharp glare, much like the weapons she sold
"If you wish to continue and whine like a child then do it somewhere else, I don't need anymore distractions." Her words sunk into your heart like a blade, tears starting to prick your eyes
"C-Carmilla.. take it back." There was a waver in your voice, your eyebrows still angry, but pain and sorrow were evident in your eyes and words.
"Why should I? You've done nothing but bother me and keep me from my work."
"If you don't, then I'm going to leave. If you don't apologize by tonight then you won't see me tomorrow morning." A tear ran down your cheek, but you didn't look away from Carmilla, keeping a challenging glare in your eyes
"Go ahead, see if I care." She scoffed, then sat back down and continued with her paper work.
"Fine then." You stomped out of the room, slamming the office door as you went. The slam throbbed in Carmilla's head, but she took a small breath, then continued her work
Carmilla awoke with a yawn, her back hating her for her slumped position on her desk.
She noticed a blanket on her back, courtesy of her daughters. She felt.. guilty. After thinking about exactly why, she remembered how she snapped at her daughters then.. you. Calling you a distraction, a bother, whiney, all for asking what was wrong.
She was stressed, but that was no reason to treat you that way, you and your daughters.
She stood up, cleaning herself up before leaving her office, looking for Clara and Odette so she could apologize and ask where you were.
When she did, her eyes became misty, pulling in her sweet and kind girls into a heartwarming hug and whispering how sorry she was into their ears
They, of course, accepted the apology, also feeling misty eyed at how sentimental their mother was as of now
"Clara, Odette, where's mi vida? I need to apologize to them too. I said some things that need to be addressed."
The two girls both looked at each other, then Carmilla again, with a concerned look etched on their faces
"They.. uh, weren't here for breakfast, so maybe your bedroom?"
Carmilla nodded, then kissed them both on the forehead. "I'll go apologize and bring them down, then we can all have brunch together." The two girls nodded, and Carmilla made her way upstairs to find you
The only problem is.. is that you're not there. Some of your clothes, bathroom necessities, shoes, and even a couple of picture frames are gone
Carmilla was startled, then began searching for you, calling your name around your shared grand bedroom
It was when she walked close to her side of the bed when she saw a note (WE JUST GOT A LETTER) on her side of the bed
(I'm not in the mood to right a note, so sorry, but basically you need a break and you're staying with Rosie until you forgave Carmilla for being mean :(( )
Carmilla didn't even think before she was running out of her building, through her territory, and could see the beginnings of Cannibal town
Her lungs were screaming, but her heart was aching at the pain she caused you, making her continue to run until she saw Rosie's parlor
She bursted inside, panting as she stood in the doorway with many black and damn near soulless eyes with sharp teeth to match stared at her disheveled form
She didn't even get a word in before the crowd parted and revealed a tall, slender, and pale yet sophisticated woman, our darling Rosie has appeared!
And she was... not smiling.. oh boy
"Now you listen here young lady!" Rosie had started to sassily walk over to Carmilla, grabbing her ear (does she even have ears omfg, if she doesn't then pretend she grabs her cheek) and begins pulling her towards the back rooms of her parlor, scolding all along the way
"Don't you have some nerve showing up here after your spouse came here bawling their eyes out!" Carmilla felt like she should feel offended that Rosie was embarrassing her like this, but she couldn't after how she treated you.
Rosie finally let go of her, rubbing the pinched bit to relieve the stinging, then, she laid eyes on you
"Oh, mi corazรณn, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to treat you like that! You didn't deserve me snapping at you, I was stressed and took it out on you and our sweet girls. None of you deserved it, and I deeply apologize." She hung her head in shame, hoping you would accept her apology, so she could do more to show you how much she appreciated you.
She was already planning a nice dinner, several at home dates, and some family activities for you all to do together and bond again, as well as take a well deserved break from working.
She didn't look up until you hugged her, her arms quickly wrapping around you too
"You really need to work on this. What you said was hurtful, and I won't forget it. But I will forgive you, because I still love and care about you."
And that's all she needed to squeeze you tighter and murmur more apologies and thank you's, and even promises of taking breaks and not lashing out on others from stress. <3
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heartssatoru ยท 1 year
How about JJK men(Gojo, Megumi, Nanaimo,Itadori and Toge if possible) how they react to a fight with their s/o!
Of course! Toge is also one I can do! Thank you for the request <3
Characters: Gojo, megumi, nanami, itadori, sukuna, and toge!
warnings: none, but angst to fluff, kinda suggestive on sukunas part. Also not proofread!
On request, don't forget to ask if you want fluff, angst, or even smut! I prefer hcs but it's fine if you don't want that, just don't expect much from me on there๐Ÿ˜ญ
Also, I noticed that you had put nanami, i don't know at all how to write for him! I'm really sorry, I've rewatched jujutsu kaisen multiple times and I still don't really know๐Ÿ˜ญ please forgive me on that part๐Ÿ™
Tells you you're being dramatic, which only causes the argument to get worse.
Thinks that he's the one being mature in this argument
He really just wants for this to end, but he doesn't realize he's pissing you off even more
Or maybe he does
Tries to end it, because he hates arguing with you. He always feels guilty
Even if he started it
As soon as you start giving him silent treatment he feels bad
But tries to ignore it because he thinks you'll probably stop
He thinks your gonna end up coming to him
If you don't then he'll whine out apologies, especially if it means no more cuddles for him
If you ignore him more than he's sigh dramatically
Either scoops you up in his arms, or buys you stuff then scoops you up in arms
There's really no way to avoid him๐Ÿ˜ญ
Why are you mad at him? Let alone arguing??
kinda just stares at you and stays silent, cause he doesn't know what to say
Also he doesn't want the argument to get worse. So he just stands there
Probably doesn't really care, because he thinks that you'll calm down
If you don't however
He doesn't really know what to do. And is clueless because he doesn't want to upset you even more
Apologizes once and then tries to act like as if nothing happened
You'll let him off this time
Says little mean things back, just not really rude. Because he doesn't wanna hurt your feelings
Goofs around especially if he doesn't know why your arguing.
But If your dead serious he'll stop, he doesn't really like seeing you angry
It scares him a bit
Sukuna will probably insult you too but ignore him please ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Genuinely will apologize and try to make up because he hates being yelled at
Probably had tears in his eyes when you were yelling
Laughs at you, whats your problem this time??
Oh what, is it because he's insulting you? Hes just like that
Was it his jokes? Their just jokes, for the time being so why so upset??
Even though he finds it amusing, calm down. Its kinda annoying to him
don't really expect much from this man, most likely puts you in your place before anything else happens
Also because he refuses to take disrespect from a human. Thats disgusting
And if you have the guts to try and argue with him, so be it!
He wont kill you don't worry. Thats far from his mind, but will make you apologize one way or another
Feels bad and doesn't know what to do, especially because he can't talk
You guys probably argue on messages or something๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Whatever the reason is he trys to explain
His hands all sweaty and him texting all fast. Tries to get you to feel better on text
Probably spams you with apologies, poor boy. And plus he doesn't like seeing you angry
Gives you personal space, times like these make him feel especially bad because he can't try and talk
And after a bit he'll message you asking you if your okay
If you are he'll take you out because he still feels bad about the argument
Edit: hi! I know some people have liked this post but before so, I put sukuna instead of toge. It was 11PM so I apologize on that part! (I just now realized I didn't do toge and rushed on his part) also my apologies with toge, my auto correct makes his name "together"
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obsessedwrhys ยท 5 months
I need some Korin x reader dating headcanons please ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
I just love him so much ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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แฏ“โ˜… just lots of fluff and some angst (maybe?), reader is gn!!
Your relationship is the definition of the grumpy x sunshine trope
He's used to the cruelty of life so when you showed him such kindness, he didn't felt like he deserved it
Even though that's what he tells himself, he can't help but sometimes steal glimpses at what you were doing
There was this one time you caught him staring and his eyes went ridiculously wide, he quickly looked away and tried to act as though he hadn't been watching you but it was too late, you already saw him
You've offered him fruits once and he couldn't deny how much his heart flattered at your kind gesture. You even decorated the basket with flowers and ribbons
Sooner or later, he'll start to connect two to two and came to realise he had feelings for you. Fearing you wouldn't feel the same, he would do almost anything to avoid you but it was hard to do so when you'd always look for him
I'd feel like the confession would happen at a bad timing when you confront him on avoiding you
Scenario โ†ด
You stood behind Korin who was peeking over the tree, seeming to be keeping an eye out for someone. When you tapped on his shoulder, his body jumped and he turned to face you with a startled look.
"Korin? What are you doing?" You questioned since you never see him act like this.
"Oh uh... sorry I have to get going" He tried to walk away but you stepped in his way.
"I may be nice but that doesn't mean I'm a pushover. I've noticed how you've been avoiding me. Did I do something wrong that offended you?" You asked since that's what you've been overthinking about ever since his behaviour changed.
"Nono...! Of course not, it's more complicated than that"
"Complicated? What's so complicated?? Is it that I'm too kind to you? If it's making you uncomfortable I can stopโ€”"
"Don't...! Ah... um..." He rubbed his neck, struggling to get himself out of the situation.
"You're making me worry..." You frown and the sight of you being upset pained him even more.
"I can't say because I'm afraid you'd hate me for it"
"Why would I hate you?"
"Because I love you..." Your eyes widened at his words but soon you started to glare at him.
"You idiot! Is that your reason for ignoring me?!"
".... I'm... confused...?"
"I love you too you big moron!!!"
When the relationship became official, a lot of people couldn't believe it. They literally had to see it themselves in order to believe the rumours
Despite how scary he looks, he's actually really freaking shy, especially when he's in public with you
That's why he refrains from the idea of PDA because he thinks he might have a heart attack if he does, the only exceptions would be holding hands and hugs if one of you are in need of comfort
Because from his perspective of things, he thinks that's what makes your relationship more special if you guys kept the lovey dovey stuff to yourselves
The kisses would mean so much more, the cuddles would feel a lot more relaxing. Just the two of you sharing the moment
His kisses are definitely soft and tender. He treats you as though you're fragile, that's because he's so incredibly in love with you that he wishes to never harm you in any way
That's also why it took you two a very long time to finally share the same bed together, because apparently he would have nightmares where he'd wake up panting heavily, cold sweat covering his body from head to toe
But after sharing the first night with you, he realised how having you close seemed to make the nightmares better. Ever since then, he'd only have them on some nights and he's super grateful everytime you were able to comfort him and be patient with him
He cherishes you so much.
That's why he'll try to cook you dinner or breakfast when you were too tired to move. He's not that much of an expert at cooking but he did pick up some skills from his experience at survival. Regardless, you were grateful at his actions
Even though you were in a healthy relationship with him, he was still insecure about himself. How could someone as perfect as you be with someone broken like him?
Specifically, he's very insecure of his arms. You've caught him trying to move them out of the way every time you laid down to cuddle with him. It was when you reassured him that you didn't care and proceeded to shower his hand with kisses was when he truly wanted to marry you
He's not much of a tease but if you ever did tease him, he'd lose it, ESPECIALLY if you did it in public
"I'm so happy for you two!! How did you guys even get together?" A refugee from the camp asked
"Oh, well I was actually the one who had to clear things up. He was constantly running away from me like a rabbit!"
"Just imagining him with bunny ears and a tail makes the memory even more adorable"
"(Y/N)... please..."
Even after the relationship was made official. He'd still secretly watch what you were doing, but its not like he's stalking you, its more like you two could be in the same room and he'd turn his attention to you every now and then to see what you were up to
This is also another of his ways to see what you liked doing
If you happen to like playing musical instruments, he'd be thrilled to have you teach him
Damian is 100% like your son. You guys treat him so well that people think you're both qualified to be parents
When Granny Dahnie said what everyone was thinking, you could see Korin blush a deep shade of red as he was stuttering all over the place when trying to deny her words
Though he had to admit, he did give the idea some thought. He thinks you're the one and he's willing to share those experiences with you
He also hates to see you sad, it always feels like a part of him dies when he sees you cry. You're like the sunshine in his life. That's why he always tries his hardest to comfort you
He'd have his arms wrapped securely around your trembling body as you sobbed on his shoulders, his hands rubbing your back gently to try to calm you down
"Shh... it's okay... I'm here, you're not alone... I'll go through this with you together..."
I feel like his petnames would be more old fashion, the ones he commonly uses are darling and sweetheart
You probably don't know but he actually has a small photograph of you and him that he keeps in his pockets. Damian being the genius behind the invention
He looks at it whenever you were away that he starts missing you, or when he needed a reminder of how loved he was
Honestly? 100/100 SWEET LOVE!!
(Sorry if this was kinda short, I'm trying to do a lot of characters lol ๐Ÿ˜ต)
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kolyubov ยท 8 months
MR KRAAAAAABS I HAVE AN IDEAAA ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡ plspls may i request a part 2 of reader faking her emotions, that reader x nikolai one shot yk ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿฆ bit unfortunately we get the bad ending โ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธ she just snaps one day, grabs a rope and ๐Ÿ˜ญ (i have a cinematic trauma since most of my favorite characters hanged themselves) (ily sayori<3)
Feel completely free to ignore this ๐Ÿ™ and if ur accepting it take your time ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ™
tw suicide attempt. please, do not keep reading if this kind of content triggers you.
Nikolai with a reader who archives his goals. (p2? bad ending lmao)
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โœง pairing: Nikolai Gogol x Fem!Reader
โœง word count: 1.3k
โœง contents: sfw, angst?, obsessive and controlling Nikolai, slight manipulation, reader is referred to as "princess" once. (if I missed anything, please tell me)
โœง author's note: idk if this is as good as the first one :(( spoiler: I didn't write the reader dying, close, but no,,, hope u still enjoy it either way<3 btw, you mean sayori from dokidoki, right? I never played dokidoki, but I like Monikaโ€ฆโ€ฆ.๐ŸงŽโ€โ™€๏ธ sayori seems nice though! she's cute ๐Ÿซถ
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Nikolai has been very clingy after what happenedโ€” He was always near you, touching you; holding your hand, having an arm around your waist, wrapping his hand around the back of your neck and rubbing circles on your skin, or hugging you from behind.
His hands needed to be on you, afraid that the second he's not watching, you'll disappear from his life.
When he's not physically there, your phone vibrates almost every five minutes with a message from him asking how are you doing, what class are in you right now, if you have eatenโ€” Stuff like that.
There wasn't any second you could be alone, and it was becoming more and more overwhelming.
Of course, you understand that he's worried and that he doesn't want to lose you; but this is borderline obsessive, and as much as a part of you likes being taken care of, another part of you is afraid that this might get even worse.
He was trying to tie you with him; sinking you deeper into the darkness of the cage that was holding you back. The cage of your emotions.
You didn't know it, but he even has a location tracker that shows him on his phone exactly where you areโ€” It eases his mind because what if, after knowing that there wasnโ€™t a way out, you try to be free by other methods?
Nikolai knows you won't dare to kill him like he is was planning to do with Fyodor; There was no possible scenario in which you would stab him to death or poison his food. Plus, he could easily see through your intentions and it won't be easy to kill someone like him.
But you could hurt yourself.
If it wasn't him, then the only way to be free was by shutting down your whole system. By ending your life.
Of course, he was not going to let it happen. He's going to be watching your every move until he's sure you won't do something risky like that.
For now, he is taking good care of you.
โ€œWhatcha doing? I'm about to go home. I want to make a quick stop to buy you snacks.โ€
You giggle on the other side of the phone and that's enough to make Nikolai excited. He wanted to be in your arms, smooching your face, feeling your warmth, hearing you laugh. God, his heart is beating too fast right now.
โ€œI'm justโ€ฆ doing nothing.โ€ You walk around the apartment as you speak with him, trying to sound excited.
โ€œI miss you, baby. Can't wait to cuddle with you todayโ€ฆโ€
Ah, you hated how inevitably you felt warm and fuzzy inside.
โ€œYou love me, right, dove?โ€
Yes, you do. You love him so much that it's suffocating you. Nikolai is suffocating you. But you can't help but need more of him, his attention, his love, his touch. All of that awakens a bunch of emotions that you wish to get rid of so badly.
โ€œMhmโ€ฆ I do.โ€ You whisper, and you can hear him giggle through the speaker.
โ€œWait for me, love.โ€ He smooches the screen of his phone before ending the call, then, you throw your phone to the couch.
It seems like Nikolai didn't notice.
Suddenly, Tears rolled down your cheeks. You place your hand over your mouth to muffle your sobs as the crying intensifies to the point where your chest hurts and your knees buckle, making you fall to the floor. You curse under your breath for being so fragile.
God. Why this fucking feelings don't stop even before your last breath? Why do they only get worse? Love, anger, sadness, disgust. It's all so overwhelming that you're starting to feel dizzy and nauseous.
Slowly, you stand up, still trembling and with small steps you walk to your room, finding the rope you placed on the bed a few minutes ago before Nikolai called. A small breathy chuckle leaves your lips, but it sounds more like a broken whimper.
You stand before the bed, grabbing the rope with trembling hands, caressing the materialโ€” The image of Nikolai's face after he comes home, opening the door of the room to meet with your lifeless body, is stuck in your mind.
How his eyes would widen, how he would desperately pull you out of the rope and hold you in his arms, close to his chest as he cries and curses himself for not being able to do something to stop you. His knuckles would caress your cheeks while his tears fell to your face.
The thought of it hurts your heart.
A part of you wants to stay, to keep enjoying your time with him, however, the pit in your stomach was becoming unbearable.
You felt pity for Nikolai.
But you'll finally enjoy that freedom you wished so much, you'll finally get rid of these emotions that consume your very soul, youโ€”
โ€œThink you can escape me, huh?โ€
A deep voice tickles your ear, and the second you turn around you find Nikolai smiling, as if the sight in front of him was amusing. You instinctively take a step back, letting out a yelp as you fall to the bed.
โ€œDarling, you know that is not the way to cope with your temporary problems.โ€
How did he get here so quickly when a few minutes ago you were on a call with him?
Right. Nikolai has his coat. Probably he ended up noticing your fake excitement and decided to go home to check on you first instead of going to a supermarket and buying you snacks.
He crawls to the bed, taking the rope from your hands and throwing it away.
โ€œI told you, didn't I? You won't leave me.โ€
Nikolai's voice gets deeper as he speaks. He seizes your jaw a bit too harshly. Glaring down at you with a serious expression only to lean down and kiss your lips, then the tip of your nose, and finally your forehead.
โ€œIt hurts meโ€ฆ that you want to leave me so badlyโ€ฆโ€ He snorts, looking away from you and biting his lower lip, holding back from something that you weren't exactly sure.
You look away as well, feeling ashamed, among many other emotions that curse your body right now.
What if Nikolai hates you now?
That was even worseโ€” If the only human being that cares about you hates you, you wouldn't bear the pain that'll come along with that.
As your brain keeps creating possible scenarios that might happen after this incident, tears spill from your eyes down your cheeks and you hide your face with your hands; palms muffling the small sobs that escape your lips like before.
Suddenly, you feel a weight on top of you.
You peek through the gap of your fingers and meet with Nikolaiโ€™s face nuzzling against your chest; his nose tickling your collarbone. Large and strong arms that had carried you like a princess before, are now wrapped tightly around your waist.
โ€œDon't leave meโ€ฆ I love you so much, pleaseโ€ฆโ€ He whines against your skin, almost as if he wants to sink inside you and be enveloped in your embrace. โ€œPlease, dove, pleasepleasepleaseโ€ฆโ€
Another sob leaves your mouthโ€” Nikolai's fingers clutch around your ribs, nails almost digging desperately into you.
Slowly, you slide your hands to his back, rubbing it in small circles as you keep crying against the top of his head, his white locks feel soft against your cheek.
Instead of comforting you, he was the one being comforted.
โ€œYou're not going anywhere, are you?โ€ He looks up at you. It didnโ€™t sound like a threat, but you knew it actually was.
You shook your head; it's not like you have an alternative.
Nikolai sighs, nuzzling back against you and closing his eyes. After noticing you stopped caressing his back, he nudges your side as an indication to keep doing it.
โ€œโ€ฆDove, youโ€™re mineโ€ฆ If anything, I should be the one to take your life away from youโ€ฆโ€ He mumbles, giggling as your breath hitches at his words.
You can't escape him anymore.
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ยฉ 2024 pinklacydovey
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terabyteturtle ยท 7 months
BABY .....!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโ™กโ (โ >โ ย โ เจŠโ ย โ <โ )โ โ™ก
Thank you for being here๐Ÿฅบโœจโœจโค๏ธ
If you don't mind,may i've a headcannon for jin kazama,Lee chaolan,Lars , and Lei wulon ( If you don't know him, then it's okay to just ignore him ๐Ÿ˜„) With the daughter reader 's who has a cheerful, friendly, kind attitude. However, for Jin Kazama the daughter reader's, has a devil gene mark on her stomach.
How do they handle the attitude of their daughter who is very active and can't stay still and always goes wherever she wants.Btw, their wives are Fem readers, can you make them separately, I begging you ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™
Here you go! Hope you enjoy them!
Jin Kazama
- Jin will protect you with his life. There's no question about that.
- He tries to keep up with how lively and energetic you are, but sometimes it's difficult for him. He's the type of person who needs to stop and chill every so often.
- Because of your tendency to travel and wander off, he gets extremely worried about you. One minute, you're right in front of him, then the next minute, you're gone. If you tell him beforehand, it's fine, but just leaving without saying a word gives him a mini heart attack.
- If he finds you, he'll scold you for leaving his sight and scaring him like that. Afterward, he'll feel bad for having been so hard on you and will try to make it up to you the best he can.
- He might come off harsh sometimes, but he really does mean well. After everything he's gone through, he's just afraid of losing you, and he hopes you can understand that. The last thing Jin would ever want is for his daughter to look at him like he's a callous monster.
- Jin greatly admires your ability to look on the bright side. It reminds him a lot of his mother and how she had always been able to see the best in everything. You are like the sunshine to his cloudy day; he wishes he could preserve that light and keep it safe from the dangers of the world.
- You, Xiaoyu, and Panda are three peas in a pod. If Jin is feeling particularly tired, he'll enlist Xiaoyu and Panda's help with keeping you occupied. Hwoarang will often come to visit too, whether he's wanted there or not.
- Hwoarang has tried to teach you numerous Korean swear words, but Jin always steps in before he can successfully do so. He refuses to let anything spoil your innocence.
- The first time you started asking questions about your stomach marking left him completely torn. He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to lie to you, but at the same time, he didn't want to scare you. What made it even worse was the look on your face---your mouth in a small frown, your brows furrowing with concern, your innocent eyes gazing up at him, expecting answers that, at that moment, he felt he couldn't provide. On the outside, he calmly told you that he would tell you everything when you were older, which was a suitable answer for you. On the inside, however, Jin was heartbroken. He hated the thought that his beloved daughter would have to experience a torment similar to what he had faced. But this made him all the more determined to give you the guidance that no one could ever give to him.
- When you get older, Jin will explain everything to you. He reassures you that he'll try his best to teach you how to control the Devil Gene, and he'll stand by your side every step of the way. Jin understands that this will be a daunting task, so he promises himself that he'll try to be as easy on you as possible.
- He'll teach you Kazama-Style Martial Arts as a way to expel some energy. If the weather allows, lessons and sparring sessions will be held outside. Sometimes Xiaoyu and Hwoarang tag along with you and volunteer to be your training partners.
- On nice days, he'll take you outside for lunch. The two of you will find a shady spot to sit somewhere and admire the nature as you eat, just like he used to do with Jun as a kid.
Lee Chaolan
- Lee will spoil you to the max. If you want a puppy for your birthday, just say the word and he will get you that puppy. This man does not care how much money he has to spend; he wants to indulge you and make you as happy as possible.ย 
- On special occasions, he always gives you a rose---a thornless one, so you won't get pricked when handling it.
- He loves calling you his little rose.
- Lee loves taking you with him to work. Seeing your eyes light up with delight whenever you spot a cool invention always brings a smile to his face. Whenever you set foot into Violet Systems, your curiosity knows no bounds. You're always going around, asking tons of questions and coming up with crazy ideas for new products.
- In no time, you win over the hearts of Lee's subordinates. Your enthusiasm for their work gives them motivation and reminds them why they wanted to do this job in the first place.
- He loves holding your hand wherever you two go. Feeling your tiny hand enclosed in his big one reminds him that you're safe and right by his side. He'll always want to hold your hand and secretly hopes that, when you're older, you'll still want to hold his.
- Lee doesn't mind that you have so much energy. Being an eccentric guy himself, he can keep up with you for hours. If you want to play hide-and-seek or tag, he's more than happy to play with you. Since you guys live in a mansion, you have plenty of space to play and run around in, which makes it even more fun.
- Growing up with Heihachi for a father, Lee would always get reprimanded for the smallest of things. Naturally, he wants his kid to have a better childhood than he did, so he's very lenient with certain things. If you accidentally break something, for example, he just laughs it off and reassures you by saying he can just buy another one.
- Weekends are always jam-packed with plans. You two try all sorts of things together; whether it's going on a hike or learning how to make sushi, you're always willing to try new things. Usually, you're the one who comes up with the ideas, and Lee just goes along for the ride.
- During your younger years, he refuses to tell you anything about your uncle or your grandfather. He always tells you to wait until you're older. Then, when you actually do get older, he'll dodge the question for as long as he can before finally sitting down to talk to you about it. It's just a topic he really hates; he wants to move past his past and look ahead to the future. He's proud of the life he's built for himself and for you, and that's what he wants to focus on.
- Because of him, you constantly say "Excellent!" or "Marvelous!" He's very proud of himself for having passed on his catch phrases to you.
- If you just randomly disappear, he'll keep his cool while he looks for you. Lee knows all of your favorite spots to wander, both at work and at home, so he'll search those first. If he doesn't find you, that's when he starts to get worried. Once he finds you again, he'll chuckle a little before letting out a sigh of relief and telling you not to go anywhere without saying something.
Lars Alexandersson
- Considering how busy he is, it's very difficult for Lars to keep track of you at all times. To solve this problem, he'll give you a phone with a tracking device installed. It comes in handy whenever you suddenly decide to go off on your own.
- It's not often that there isn't someone watching you, but if you do manage to disappear somehow, Lars will get extremely worried. Even though he can track you, he still gets nervous that he'll find you somewhere dangerous.
- When he finds you, he gives you a big hug and reminds you not to wander off without telling anyone beforehand.
- Alisa is your main babysitter and playmate when Lars isn't around. She lets you style her hair, she'll play dress-up with you, and she'll even give you flying piggyback rides.
- Yggdrasil HQ is where you spend most of your time, so unfortunately there aren't many kids your age you can hang out with. To help entertain you a little more, Lars has a big supply of toys and things for you to fidget with. He knows you have a lot of energy, so he tries his best to supply you with things that will help you expel some of it.
- He'll often give you something to play around with when he can't be with you. He feels as though if he gives you something to occupy yourself with, then you're less likely to go wandering around in places you shouldn't be.
- Alisa does a better job of keeping up with you than he does (which makes sense considering she's a robot), but he tries his best for you. He can run really fast, so it's fun whenever he can find the time to chase you around the headquarters.
- Lars loves watching TV with you. He adores it whenever your eyes light up when you see your favorite characters on screen.
- He's always wary of you around strangers. Because of how friendly you are, he worries that someone will take your trust and use it to mistreat you.
- Lars will definitely teach you how to defend yourself as you get older. Jin, Lee, Alisa, and himself always rotate as your training partner. Due to your high energy and determination, you can spar them for hours.
- Lars is a strong leader and will teach you a lot of important life lessons. He always wants to steer you in the right direction, and ultimately, he just wants the best for you.
- Lars understands that he's a busy man, and the last thing he wants is for you to think that he doesn't care just because he has to attend to certain things. He knows that life isn't ideal right now, especially with the war going on, but he tries to make it up to you the best he can. At the end of the day, he just wants you to know that he loves you more than life itself.
Lei Wulong
- You and him are two happy-go-lucky peas in a pod.
- He always feels horrible when he has to go to work and can't spend time with you.
- Whenever he's working a new case, you don't really get to see him often. But no matter what, you always greet him with a big smile and a hug when he gets back. He's forever grateful for that; he secretly worries that someday your cheerfulness will disappear and you'll begin to resent him.
- That being said, when he is home, he tries to make up for it the best he can by letting you do whatever you want. If you want to go somewhere with him, just say the word and he'll go with you.
- Like Lee, he will also hold your hand wherever you go. Even when you get older, he'll insist on doing it. No matter what, you'll always be his little girl.
- He doesn't care what he has to do; he'll keep up with your energy the best he can. If he's having a good day and he's well-rested, he can do that on his own. If he's just fresh out of work and dead tired, all he needs is a coffee and he'll be all set.
- He always makes you laugh and lives for your adorable smile.
- You two always look on the bright side of life, never letting negativity get in the way of whatever you do. If you drop your ice cream, it's okay; you guys can just get another one. If you're having a picnic outside and it starts to rain, it's okay; you guys just pack up the food and start playing in the puddles.
- Daddy-Daughter Donut Days are a must. They usually happen whenever he's finished with a case and given time off. Those days are celebratory, as it means he can finally spend some time with you without having to worry about work.
- If you disappear without him looking, he will drop everything to go look for you. He'll start feeling horrible for having taken his eyes off you.
- If he has to leave early, he'll leave a letter for you wishing you a wonderful day. Sometimes, he'll doodle little stick-figure versions of you two at the bottom.
- If you give him a drawing, you better believe that masterpiece is going on the fridge.
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lost-walmartbag ยท 1 year
I love the way you write Craig omg๐Ÿ˜ญ begging for some Craig x reader crumbs ๐Ÿ™
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Song: Poster Boy - Lyn Lapid
Warnings: N/A
Background: You and Craig don't get along but when forced to have a movie night with him and Tweek maybe that'll change
Status: Request Open
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โ€งโ‚ŠหšโœงCraig x Readerโœงหšโ‚Šโ€ง
It's hard to say when you and Craig decided you two didn't really like each other. You were always close to Tweek but when he and Craig started 'dating', you saw them less and less. You were pretty upset about it but you didn't say anything as you still got to see him on a daily basis just not outside of school. You kinda blamed Craig for that because of how stuck to Tweek's side he was.
"So Tweek you wanna come over today?" You asked as you took a bite of your apple.
"S-sure b-but can Craig come?" Tweek asked causing you to glare at Craig who was trying to hide a smug smile.
"Sure." You said through grit teeth.
"What are we gonna do?" Craig asked putting his hand on the table.
"I'm thinking bout a movie night ya know like when we were kids." You respond looking at Tweek.
"S-Sounds good." He says with a smile and putting his hand on top of Craig's making you mentally cringe.
You just nod in response and go back to your lunch. You can feel Craig's eyes on you and you hated it. You hated how he always managed to be involved in your plans. You hated how smug he looked when Tweek wanted him around. You hated how hot he looked with that stupid smug look.
As Tweek worked on making cupcakes in your kitchen you went into your room grabbing a few blankets when Craig came in. You tried your best to ignore his presence. You grabbed a few folded blankets as Craig looked around and looked at all the small nicknacks on your dresser ad shelves.
"It's actually pretty cool in here." He said as he reached for a small projector on your dresser.
You drop the blankets and grab his wrist stopping him from touching it. "Don't. It is extremely fragile and if it even gets looked at wrong she refuses to turn on."
"That's because you have one of the buttons stuck." He said gently pulling your hand away from his wrist and picking up the projector.
"I swear if you break it, Craig." You mutter looking over his shoulder as he tinkered with it.
"I'm not going to break it." He said as he finished up and pressed the button causing an array of stars to project from the lens. "See?"
"Woah it hasn't been this bright since I was a kid." You say as you look up at the ceiling with a smile.
"It's just old. I'm surprised you still have it." He said looking down at you and admiring your smile.
"Well, just because I don't like you doesn't mean I'm going to throw away the gifts you gave me." You say, keeping your eyes on the ceiling.
"You know you don't have to hate me." He said with a sigh.
"I know but it's hard not to when you know what you're doing." You say looking over at him.
"And what am I doing?"
"Constantly taking Tweek's time from me, involving yourself in my plans, giving me that stupid hot smug look all the time." You say clearly not thinking about a single thing coming out of your mouth.
Craig takes a step back, taken aback by your words, and blushes lightly. "You think it's hot?"
"Yes, and that's why I hate you because you shouldn't look so hot when you're ruining my plans." You say with a sigh.
"I don't mean to ruin your plans. Tweek just...he knows we don't get along so he thinks if you hang out more it'll help." He said looking down at the floor.
"Of course he does." You say with a sigh.
"Look if you want me to go I can..."
"No you're my friend's boyfriend I guess I should get along with you." You say looking up at him and seeing he was holding back laughter. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing." He said still holding back his laughter making you groan.
"You make it so hard to like you." You groan picking up the blankets and walking into the living room.
Craig follows you and helps you set up the blanket fort. He occasionally looks up at you admiring how focused you were. He stayed quiet wondering if you actually thought that him and Tweek were actually dating. All the other guys in the group knew they weren't he supposed that you would have figured it out or someone would have told you by now. Once you finished you crawled inside to admire your work with Criag following closely behind.
"Not bad Tucker." You said, setting up your laptop.
He smiled softly ad scooted closer. He wondered how far he could take things before you realized the truth. You looked over at him with a questioning look as he moved closer.
"Ya know I think you look pretty good too." He whispered before planting a soft kiss on your lips.
Your eyes widened from the sudden kiss. This felt wrong Tweek was your friend and now here you are kissing his boyfriend in the next room. You wanted to pull away but almost as suddenly as it started you melted into the kiss and kissed back. As you two kissed you didn't notice Tweek coming in with a plate of cupcakes.
"AK!" He yelled almost dropping the plate.
You quickly pull away and look over at him with a panicked expression. "I-it's not what it looks like."
"Y-you two weren't just kissing?" He asked setting down the plate oddly calm.
"N-no well yes but I um I.." You stutter out trying to think of a way to justify you kissing your best friend's boyfriend.
Craig who was pretty quiet throughout the whole ordeal suddenly burst out into laughter making you turn to him confused.
"She thinks we're actually dating." Craig choked out through laughter making Tweek laugh.
"Y-Y/N no way." Tweek laughed out making you super confused.
"Wait you aren't?" You asked, turning to Craig, making them laugh harder. "See this is why I hate you."
They tried their best to compose themselves before they finally answered your questions.
"No, we aren't dating," Craig said wiping away tears from how hard he was laughing.
"I-it was something we did in 4th grade we thought everyone knew by now," Tweek said moving inside the fort.
"Wow, and ya'll just weren't going to tell me?" You said with a slightly offended tone.
"We thought you knew," Craig said with a smug smile that you hated so much.
You sighed and shook your head and laid back on pillows. Tweek smiled and laid next to you and Craig laid on your other side.
"You guys suck sometimes."
"I-I'm sorry I thought Craig had told you like he did everyone else," Tweek said looking up at the ceiling.
You turn your head and glare at Craig who still had his smug smile. "Woops much have slipped my mind."
"Ya see this is why I don't like you." You said gently punching his shoulder.
"Ow Tweek she hit me." Craig said with a smirk.
"B-behave or no cupcakes." He said handing you two cupcakes and starting the movie.
As the night wore on you found yourself in Craig's arms at some point and you did nothing to leave them. As much as you hated him there was a part that was growing quite fond of him. Eventually, all three of you had fallen asleep surrounded by cupcake wrappers, pillows, and blankets. While you knew you'd still never be able to hang out with Tweek alone, the idea of being around Craig didn't seem as bad as it used to.
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A/N: To whoever asked me for this I'm so sorry I didn't get to you sooner thank you so much for asking I love you so much. I hope you liked this and if you did let me know and I can make more for you if you'd like ๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿฉท anyway love you all thank you for reading๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿฉท
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jewbeloved ยท 2 years
Team Stan getting pantsed by their s/o ๐Ÿ‘–๐Ÿฉฒ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜—
Bro, random ideas like this just come up in my head for no reason and I can't resist the urge to write about them. ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ”ซ
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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๐Ÿ’™ Stan Marsh ๐ŸŒ€
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You just pulled down Stan's pants in front of his friends and then you started laughing hysterically on the floor at him.
"What the fuck did you do that for (Name)?!?!" Stan glared at you before pulling his pants back up with Cartman trying to hold in his laughter.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" You and Cartman both bursted out in laughter as Kyle, Stan, and Kenny stared at you both.
"I see, so you set this up didn't you fatass?!"
"Nope! I never told (Name) to pull Stan's pants down at all they did it themselves!"
"Sorry Stanley, I just thought it would be funny" You said trying to look innocent.
Stan glared at you again before walking home.
"hah, what a pussy" Cartman said before a hand smacked him on the back of his head by Kyle.
"Shut up fat boy!".
"Don't call me fat I'm just big boned!!".
You decided to follow Stan to his house hoping that he wasn't too mad at you. After all, you just only pantsed him in front of his friends and nobody else... right?
"Stan! wait!" Stan turned his head around to face you before he could turn the knob to open the front door.
"What the hell do you want (Name)!".
"Wait...are you mad at me?". Stan ignored your question and continued trying to open the door.
You immediately wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him into a hug from behind.
"If you're really mad at me then I'm sorry...what do I have to do for you to forgive me?" You clinged to him closer while burying your head into the back of his neck.
"Just...just give me some alone time to think about it alright?" You nodded and released Stan from your arms and watched him open the door and close it behind him.
You frowned as you turned around to walk back to your place.
As you were about to open the door to your house, you didn't hear Stan sneak up from behind and pantsed you right in front of your own house.
"Checkmate!" Stan said as he smirked at your own shock ness of him getting revenge by pantsing you back.
"Stan?!" You said as you immediately pulled your pants or whatever you're wearing back up with your face flustered in embarrassment.
"Sure I was a bit mad that you pantsed me right in front of my friends for no reason, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't get you back for that so now we're both even" :) ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™
๐Ÿ’š Kyle Broflovski ๐ŸŒณ
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You're on thin ice if you think you can get away with pantsing Kyle especially Infront of his friends ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
This boy is extremely pissed, you better start running or hide.
When Kyle pulled his pants back up, you pantsed him....AGAIN!! except you did it this time in the hallways and boy Kyle is 100% embarrassed.
What are you doing reader?๐Ÿ˜ญ I will be praying for your safety ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Pantsing Kyle the first time was him giving you a verbal warning, and then you did it again! If you're organizing your locker you better do it fast and get the hell out of there, Kyle is coming for you ๐Ÿ˜จ
What made you think it was a good idea to pants a red headed jewish kid that has anger issues?
You would most definitely try to hide and evade him tbh. My guy does get pretty scary when he's extremely ticked off.
When that all ends, Kyle is once again for the last time going to ask you to not pull his fucking pants down like that again, what's your problem? >:(
You giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek out of nowhere. ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š
โค๏ธ Eric Cartman ๐Ÿ’Œ
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May god save your soul if you ever pants Cartman Infront of anybody....and I mean ANYBODY!
This boy ruins people's lives menacely whenever he has a reason to do so, you better be damn lucky you're his s/o or else you would've gotten the boot like everyone else he's ruined.
If you weren't his s/o...I don't know what will happen to you next after that..๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜จ
But since you know better than to pants your big boned boyfriend, you pantsed him right in front of his mom or Mr kitty.
Will Cartman get revenge and pants you back? Nah, he's gotten something even better. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
You will be seeing poop and any other nasty stuff all over your drawer where you keep your pants at. Hey, at least Cartman didn't do anything that was extreme towards you for revenge right?
But he won't give up his revenge spree until you apologize towards him and give him loads of cheesy poofs and KFC. โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
๐Ÿงก Kenny Mccormick ๐Ÿ”
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Out of the 4 boys, Kenny is probably the only one who doesn't get upset at you pantsing him. Even In front of other people, he's seen stuff is that more embarrassing than pulling down somebody's pants.
Right as you pulled his pants down and started laughing, he began to laugh along with you as his friends gave him confused looks.
But this doesn't mean Kenny won't pants you back as revenge, you wanna prank him? Be prepared for prank wars then :)
Pantsing each other back and forth for most of the time until you both get bored or something. ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
You both might even come up with the great idea to pants the 6th graders and throw other pranks at them ๐Ÿคฃ
Kenny is such a great guy to have fun and joke around with โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก
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lowkeyrobin ยท 3 months
๐Ÿ‘€ guess who's back
Is now a bad time to request a Foosh fic?
helloooo!! ; also I'm backed the fuck up but dw I swear I'll get this shit posted LMAO ; also went for some angst cause why not (I wanted to write maze runner angst of some sort but idek I have too many reqs)
FOOLISH GAMERS ; meet you at the graveyard
summary ; you have to say goodbye to one another
warnings ; language, suicidal innuendos
disclaimers ; snow in carolina ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™ forgot where bro lives for a minute, reader is 23 but can mostly be ignored ig, young sheldon reference, me venting about loss and grief kinda idek
track ; meet you at the graveyard, cleffy
word count ; 853
b/m = birth month & b/d = birth date
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Foolish somblerly walks up to the graveyard where you lay now, where you stay now. He carries a bouquet of crimson red roses in his hand, the snow under his feet making a crushing sound as he walks.
His head hangs low, the vision of the accident and your face clouding his mind as he lays eyes on your headstone. He sets the flowers down across the snow, covering the bottom of your headstone like a freezing cold blanket.
You didn't deserve this, being only twenty-three.
His fingers trace your birth date and death date fragiley, like he'd hurt you beyond the grave.
B/M B/D, 1999 - December 28th, 2022
It stung seeing those numbers like that, under this circumstance. Your birthday was something to be celebrated, bringing joy and excitement, but now it hurt. Instead of creating more fun, happy memories with you, he'd have to sit in silence and ponder, drowning in those old memories because he couldn't make any new ones with you.
He sits down, looking blankly at the grey stone, then up at the grey skies above.
He talked to you every once in a while when he visited, trying to fill the empty hole in his heart. He felt like Mary Cooper talking to you like this, still hurt and alone, just wishing it'd all get better.
"How do you ever expect me to be happy?" He asks, his tone laced with the slightest bit of anger. Anger at himself mostly, angry at the force that took you away from him. "Why isn't letting go as easy as loving you?"
Tears stream down his frost-bitten cheeks, glowing a bright red. He wasn't properly dressed for the cold, only wearing some thick shoes, jeans, and a heavy coat over a t-shirt. He'd nearly left the house wearing basketball shorts until he saw the snow in his yard.
"I can't help it, it's just the way I'm wired, I know. I just can't let go. I love you too much to even try." He shakes his head, shoulders raised as he tenses up. "Every time I see photo recaps of you on my phone, I just cry. I don't wanna cry anymore, Y/n/n. I wanna smile when I see you, but I can't."
He wipes his tears away with his thick sleeves, sniffling a bit as he attempts to keep his composure.
"You taught me so much, you gave me so many new experiences and memories and showed me things I never would've if it weren't for you. I'm here right now because of you, everything is because of you." He admits. "Getting over you feels so wrong, even if it's just trying to live with myself without you. Those words that you said before you left my house are stuck in my head like glue, I don't know what you even meant. I can't even tell between fact and fiction with it"
He thinks of it over and over again before whispering it aloud. "'See you tomorrow, maybe', what does that mean?" He questions, "What does that even mean?" He asks again, his voice breaking.
At the response of nothing, he hides his face in his hands, struggling to hold back the tears. He quickly stands up without wishing you goodbye, heading back to the front entrance to leave and get back home.
You watch as he does so, his frozen fingertips hidden in his pockets. You sat on top of your headstone, knowing he couldn't see nor hear you, hoping one day he could. You always answered his questions, responded to his statements. You'd stay there until he joined you, hoping it was later rather than sooner, if anything.
As much as you'd been waiting for him, you could wait longer. You wanted him to live the long, fulfilling life you didn't give yourself. He'd be okay without you, he just needed time to adapt.
The days flick by quickly as if they're merely seconds, showing the snow melting over time and those roses wilting. Eventually, they're fully decomposed, leaving the plastic wrapping to be picked up by a stranger visiting their loved one, as it'd blown in the wind toward them. The grass is cut again once it's warm again.
They never weed wack, but mow over the flowers Foolish left at your grave, angering him. He decided that every time he'd come, about once every two to three months, he'd plant new ones. They hadn't run over the new rose bush he'd put beside your headstone, pleasing him at least.
You watched as he grew month after month, clearly happier and healthier after each visit. They'd become more sporadic, but he'd never healed, you don't just heal after losing someone like that. You break for good, you're able to super glue the broken plate back together, but cracks and small missing pieces still remain.
His goofy laugh makes itself present one day, lighting up your whole face like you'd never smiled before. It glued together one of those broken pieces inside of you, you swore it.
"I love you, Y/n/n."
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tangyangie ยท 1 year
Hello!! I have a request if I may how about an s/o that has a crush on Karma and it's obvious but Karma always rejects them so s/o starts to move on and then that's when Karma realizes that he loves them.
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๐ฌ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐'๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฌ๐š๐ข๐ ๐ข๐ญ ๐Ÿฅ
desc. karma x gn!reader that had a crush on him, but rejects them. they move on, when karma realizes his feelings for them.
notes. i'm not sure if this was supposed to have an ending or not so i just left it kind of... tell me if there's anything you want changed i totally will!
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you were always teasing each other.
with the amount of time you guys spent flirting, it was inevitable that at least one of you would fall in love.
and, oh, i guess you were the lucky one.
you're constantly making suggestive jokes to each other. it's not your fault you were getting mixed signals.
you were crazy for him!! you thought he was too.
you even told all of the others in class.
"i think he likes me back, but i'm not sure."
"are you kidding?? he's totally in love."
at one point, you had been ready to confess. but, you got nervous. and crapped out.
you kept giving him hints, but he either never took them, or he ignored them. you couldn't figure out which.
it was so nerve wrecking. karma was impossible to read, so you had no clue if he actually liked you back or was just being friendly.
so... you decided to test the waters.
you passed him a note during class. wasn't out of the ordinary for you guys, but the contents were.
you asked him to go out for a picnic. you thought that you'd act super mushy and romantic, hopefully wringing a confession from him.
and.. your plan was beginning to work. karma agreed to meet you, and you were being really touchy.
he noticed the hints this time, as well as the heat on your face. he took a breath, and said:
"uh, y/n... you know i don't like you like that, right?"
you played it off like a pro, laughing and teasing him for even thinking that. but, god, did it hurt.
he noticed. your smile wasn't as genuine as normal, and your eyebrows were turning downwards.
luckily, you were able to escape before things got too awkward.
and you were not someone to laze around all day out of rejection. you moved to get past this, hopefully finding a way to forget about him and move on.
you surrounded yourself with other people. some people questioned why you weren't hanging out with karma anymore.
but you just didn't want your feelings to affect your relationship that bad.
so, after a few week, you successfully began to rid yourself of your crush. karma didn't look like anything more than a friend anymore.
and so... you exposed yourself back into the dating pool.
you met this one guy who you really liked, who seemed almost... similar to karma, in a way. he was quite possessive and teasing, but he was kind. (mostly)
karma definitely noticed.
"who's that?" he says.
"...what do you mean?"
"he's... never mind."
he'd walk away and separate himself from you once more.
but this time, it wasn't for the same reasons as before, no.
this time, it's because he had fallen for you the same way you did for him.
and he just now realized, when it was too late.
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notes: i am sososoososssoSOOO sorry for how long the requests are taking you guys ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ i have been so busy the last couple weeks and have had literally no free days... so i swear i'll get them out asap ๐Ÿ™
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