#i don't care what anyone says ginny NOTICED harry NOTICING her
alwayshinny · 5 months
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Hinny ♥️ - The Chronicles of Harry J. Potter's mind
She's Ron's little sister 😡
She's Ron's sister.😠
She's Ron's... 🫤
She's... 😵‍💫
She's so beautiful. 😍
Shit, she's looking my way. WAIT. DID SHE JUST WINK AT ME? 😳
Stop staring. Look somewhere else. Fuck, I think Dean noticed... Awkward... 😬
Okay, try to act cool. Stand against the wall, cross you arms, and look nonchalant, like you don't care. 😎
*stubbles with hand placement and footing* 🫨
Ginny: "Hi Harry"
tries to cover his dopey smile but ends up swooning instead. 🥴
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hollowed-theory-hall · 6 months
Why I don't think Harry actually likes Ginny
So, I don't like Hinny. I don't buy the relationship between them for multiple reasons. The first of which is that I believe Harry Potter is gay (or at least, not attracted to women).
The rest, I'm going to cover here. Some of the opinions I have are probably not very popular, but I'm saying what I see evidence for.
Disclaimer: No hate to anyone who does ship Hinny, or likes Ginny, I just don't see it.
He doesn't actually think about her until book 6... like, at all
The most important part of this section is actually what Hary doesn't say about Ginny and not what he does, so I don't have quotes. But I literally scoured the books to find scenes Harry described Ginny's appearance. I looked for words like: "pretty", "beautiful", "attractive", or anything else, really any detailed description that would show he is physically attracted to her. I came out with nothing.
He never calls her pretty or attractive in all seven books. And I mentioned in my post here, how Harry can and does describe attractiveness in people (men) he finds attractive.
The other thing he never mentions is what he likes about Ginny. Like, her personality.
He says he likes her, and he's jealous when she's with Dean in HBP (only halfway through the book, but that's for later in this post), but he never mentions what he likes about her. Ginny talks about why she likes Harry plenty, but Harry seems to have no clue why he's dating Ginny. He supposedly likes her, but doesn't name in his head a single thing he likes about her as a person. The things he does think he likes about her are:
She is comfortable to be around, the same way Ron and Hermoine are.
She doesn't weep like Cho.
She's good at Quidditch.
So that's a brilliant basis for a relationship right there. (sarcasm)
“Harry, I’m talking to you, can you hear me?” “Huh?” He looked around. Ginny Weasley, looking very windswept, had joined him at the library table where he had been sitting alone. It was late on Sunday evening; Hermione had gone back to Gryffindor Tower to review Ancient Runes; Ron had Quidditch practice.
(Order of the Pheonix, page 655)
Ginny approaches him, but nothing, no response, no care. He didn't even notice she was there. Takes him, like, three minutes to recall she's on the Quidditch team and should be at practice with Ron. And when she does talk to him, he actually doesn't explain the full truth. He never actually tells her the full scope of his problems and feelings.
“Hi,” said Ginny uncertainly. “We recognized Harry’s voice — what are you yelling about?” “Never you mind,” said Harry roughly. Ginny raised her eyebrows. “There’s no need to take that tone with me,” she said coolly. “I was only wondering whether I could help.” “Well, you can’t,” said Harry shortly. “You’re being rather rude, you know,” said Luna serenely. Harry swore and turned away. The very last thing he wanted now was a conversation with Luna Lovegood.
(Order of the Pheonix, page 735)
Later in the same book, Harry is downright rude to Ginny, and he's sure Sirius is being tortured at the moment, so I get it. But, also, the fact he reacts more to Luna telling him he's rude than to Ginny... like, that's telling on which of the two girls' opinions Harry cares more. And it's not Ginny. After Luna calls him out, he actually stops snapping at them. With Ginny, he just continued being snappy and rude to her.
“Michael — but —” said Ron, craning around in his seat to stare at her. “But you were going out with him!” “Not anymore,” said Ginny resolutely. “He didn’t like Gryffindor beating Ravenclaw at Quidditch and got really sulky, so I ditched him and he ran off to comfort Cho instead.” She scratched her nose absently with the end of her quill, turned The Quibbler upside down, and began marking her answers. Ron looked highly delighted. “Well, I always thought he was a bit of an idiot,” he said, prodding his queen forward toward Harry’s quivering castle. “Good for you. Just choose someone — better — next time.” He cast Harry an oddly furtive look as he said it. “Well, I’ve chosen Dean Thomas, would you say he’s better?” asked Ginny vaguely. “WHAT?” shouted Ron, upending the chessboard. Crookshanks went plunging after the pieces and Hedwig and Pigwidgeon twittered and hooted angrily from overhead. As the train slowed down in the approach to King’s Cross, Harry thought he had never wanted to leave it less. He even wondered fleetingly what would happen if he simply refused to get off, but remained stubbornly sitting there until the first of September, when it would take him back to Hogwarts.
(Order of the Pheonix, page 866)
Some like to say Hinny didn't come out of nowhere, but it did. It's clear that at the end of book 5 Harry doesn't give a shit who Ginny is dating. He's thinking about Sirius, he's mourning, of course, but he is still mourning him in book 6 and it didn't stop his jealous rage towards Dean then.
The fact is, up until like halfway through book 6 there are no signs he is interested in Ginny romanticly.
“Fancy trying to find a compartment?” “I can’t, Harry, I said I’d meet Dean,” said Ginny brightly. “See you later.” “Right,” said Harry. He felt a strange twinge of annoyance as she walked away, her long red hair dancing behind her; he had become so used to her presence over the summer that he had almost forgotten that Ginny did not hang around with him, Ron, and Hermione while at school. Then he blinked and looked around: He was surrounded by mesmerized girls.
(Half-Blood Prince, page 136)
Two notes here.
Firstly, this is at the beginning of HBP, still no signs from Harry of jealousy. He likes Ginny as a friend and gets used to her presence. That is literally what their relationship is built on. Him being used to her presence. Still, he doesn't care in the slightest who she is dating.
Secondly, what follows this scene is Harry running away from all his adoring fangirls with the help of Neville. Because Harry is not attracted to women and is not interested in any of their attention.
Harry told Ron and Hermione, pulling open the parchment and quickly reading its contents [note from Dumbledore]. “Monday evening!” He felt suddenly light and happy. “Want to join us in Hogsmeade, Ginny?” he asked. “I’m going with Dean — might see you there,” she replied, waving at them as she left.
(Half-Blood Prince, page 242)
Again, no jealousy. His entire problem with Dean and Ginny dating started really late into book 6 and there was basically no buildup.
Dean was looking embarrassed. He gave Harry a shifty grin that Harry did not return, as the newborn monster inside him was roaring for Dean’s instant dismissal from the team.
(Half-Blood Prince, page 287)
Now, I wanna talk a little bit about Harry's jealousy towards Dean and how he describes his emotions about Ginny. Ginny is the only character he describes his emotions about in this way. And it's... well, weird to say the least. Definitely off. The first time I read it I had to reread it to make sure I actually read it correctly.
Like, the only times he thinks about his emotions towards Ginny, are in jealousy. He doesn't like when other guys date her, but he never really thinks that he likes her, or what he likes about her. Or anything at all, positive or negative.
And, back to the description being odd, well, I'll get to it later in this post about why I think Harry convinced himself he likes Ginny and why his emotions about her are described the way they are.
Harry looked around; there was Ginny running toward him; she had a hard, blazing look in her face as she threw her arms around him. And without thinking, without planning it, without worrying about the fact that fifty people were watching, Harry kissed her.
The creature in his chest roaring in triumph, he grinned down at Ginny and gestured wordlessly out of the portrait hole. A long walk in the grounds seemed indicated, during which — if they had time — they might discuss the match.
(Half-Blood Prince, pages 533-534)
I want to talk about Harry's feelings regarding Ginny and kissing her, or, well, lack of their off. You know, after a first kiss, with a girl he supposedly likes, I expected something more emotional, more involved. I expect him to actually care.
But no. He doesn't describe the kiss at all actually, or his feelings. There are no butterflies in his stomach, no head spinning, nothing. Just his chest monster feeling triumphant.
This is insane, this is not the reaction to kissing someone you like. Or even feel mildly attracted to. Where are the nerves and excitement? They aren't there.
He had more emotions about his first kiss with Cho. They weren't positive emotions, but these were emotions.
The second thing about their first kiss is how the text pretty clearly insinuates they made out throughout their whole walk. This actually reminds me a lot of Ron and Lavender in book 6:
“Well, think back,” said Harry. “Have you ever let it slip that you’d like to go out in public with the words ‘My Sweetheart’ round your neck?” “Well . . . we don’t really talk much,” said Ron. “It’s mainly . . .” “Snogging,” said Harry. “Well, yeah,” said Ron.
(Half-Blood Prince, page 338)
They don't really have much of a relationship. They make out, but they don't talk, they don't share anything with each other, they don't really like each other — they barely know each other.
Harry and Ginny are much the same. Ginny is in love with the idea of Harry Potter, and Harry for some reason decideded he likes Ginny even though he can't name a single personality trait she possesses.
“And then what does she think’s going to happen?” Harry muttered. “Someone else might kill off Voldemort while she’s holding us here making vol-auvents?” He had spoken without thinking, and saw Ginny’s face whiten. “So it’s true?” She said, “That’s what you’re trying to do?” “I—not—I was joking,” said Harry evasively. They stared at each other, and there was something more than shock in Ginny’s expression. Suddenly Harry became aware that this was the first time that he had been alone with her since their stolen hours in secluded corners of the Hogwarts grounds. He was sure she was remembering them too. Both of them jumped as the door opened, and Mr. Weasley, Kingsley, and Bill walked in.
(Deathly Hollows, page 82)
Like, there is quite a bit I want to unpack here.
Firstly, Harry didn't bother telling Ginny that he, Ron, and Hermione were planning on leaving. That they are going to go and stop Voldemort. Well, he didn't tell her about the Horcruxes, or any of his experiences, really. I don't think she knows he cast a Crocio at Bellatrix at the end of fifth year.
Like, Harry does not share his life with Ginny. At all. Her reaction is quite telling.
But also, even after he broke up with her already at the end of HBP. Still, Ginny is constantly trying to drag him back to be with her. She isn't letting Harry break up with her. And, that just really doesn't sit well with me. Harry didn't even consider it until he saw how Ginny was eying him, she's the one who thought they should make out. Harry was trying to stay broken up with her.
Ginny looked up into Harry’s face, took a deep breath, and said, “Happy seventeenth.” “Yeah. . . thanks.” She was looking at him steadily; he, however, found it difficult to look back at her; it was like gazing into a brilliant light.
He chanced a glance at her. She was not tearful; that was one of the many wonderful things about Ginny, she was rarely weepy. He had sometimes thought that having six brothers must have toughened her up.
(Deathly Hollows, page 103)
Again, after Harry breaks up with her, she tries to drag him back. He doesn't want to look at her. And as romantic as "gazing into a brilliant light" sounds, usually doing that hurts your eyes and is really not something you want to do. Besides, when you really like someone, you want to look at them, you want to stare at their stupid face for as long as they let you.
Harry clearly doesn't.
The other thing to note about this passage is the wonderful thing Harry can name about Ginny, is that she never cries. Yes, amazing reason to date someone, Harry.
However, Ron did not appear on the map, and after a while Harry found himself taking it out simply to stare at Ginny’s name in the girls’ dormitory, wondering whether the intensity with which he gazed at it might break into her sleep, that she would somehow know he was thinking about her, hoping that she was all right.
(Deathly Hollows, page 270)
Even when pulling out the Marauder’s Map to watch her dot Harry's thoughts are just to make sure she's alright, the same reason he watches out for Ron on the map after he leaves them. Hoping to see he's alright. Harry would do it to any friend he felt strongly about, it's not just Ginny. She doesn't get special treatment in his mind.
Ginny Clearly likes him though, quite obsessively so, even as they grow older...
Ginny made it no secret she liked Harry in her first year with the Valentine's Day poem. The thing is, she never really stopped liking him, she didn't move on from that childhood crush. Quite the opposite actually.
“I never really gave up on you,” she said. “Not really. I always hoped. . . . Hermione told me to get on with life, maybe go out with some other people, relax a bit around you, because I never used to be able to talk if you were in the room, remember? And she thought you might take a bit more notice if I was a bit more — myself.” “Smart girl, that Hermione,” said Harry, trying to smile. “I just wish I’d asked you sooner. We could’ve had ages . . . months . . . years maybe. . . .” “But you’ve been too busy saving the Wizarding world,” said Ginny, half laughing. “Well . . . I can’t say I’m surprised. I knew this would happen in the end. I knew you wouldn’t be happy unless you were hunting Voldemort. Maybe that’s why I like you so much.”
(Half-Blood Prince, page 647)
Ginny says at the top of this quote something I already talked about, but I'll say it again. She never gave up on Harry, she thinks them ending up together is fate. And she dated other guys throughout her fourth and fifth year to get Harry to notice her.
That is so gross, I don't even know where to start. I mean, she used a bunch of random guys, who all liked her, only to get Harry. She didn't care about their feelings, or these guys as real human beings, just that they could help her get Harry. And that is awful and one of the reasons I dislike Ginny.
The second part I bolded is Ginny explaining again, that she knew she and Harry were fated — this isn't romantic, this is terrifying and paints all her previous relationships in a really bad light.
She also mentions there she likes Harry, and that she likes that he's this saviour who needs to hunt down Voldemort. Now, first, she is clearly in love with the idea of the Boy-Who-Lived, and not Harry himself, because what she likes about him is his nobility and savior complex. Not just here, but in general.
While Harry definitely is heroic, he is also cunning, and clever, has some serious anger management issues, and isn't as noble as Ginny likes to paint him as. I feel like, here, when she says what she likes about him, she doesn't really know him. Harry doesn't want to hunt down Voldemort, he feels it's his responsibility. He would've been happy to be able to live his life without them being threatened constantly.
His 'saving people thing' is because he considers endangering himself less bad than endangering someone else. That's his low self-esteem talking, not his thirst for adventure. That and his (honestly correct) conclusion that he can't count on the adults or other people to do what needs to be done. Also, his sense of responsibility due to the prophecy, which he didn't really tell Ginny about in full. the prophecy and Dumbledore made him feel Voldemort is his problem to solve. It's not that he's happy about it. Ginny is in love with an ideal, not with the actual Harry Potter.
(I'll get to Harry's words here later)
Ginny caught Harry’s eye and looked away quickly, grinning.
(Order of the Pheonix, page 848)
And when going back to Harry's fifth year, even then (while she technically has a boyfriend) she is trying to get Harry's attention and is flirting with him. Not that Harry notices it's flirting because he doesn't think of Ginny in that way.
But Ron held up a hand to silence her. “She was really cut up when you ended it—” “So was I. You know why I stopped it, and it wasn’t because I wanted to.” “Yeah, but you go snogging her now and she’s just going to get her hopes up again—” “She’s not an idiot, she knows it can’t happen, she’s not expecting us to—to end up married, or—”
(Deathly Hollows, page 104)
I mentioned it above, but Ginny is the one who dragged Harry to make out with her, it wasn't Harry who initiated it. She does this after Harry broke up with her, which... well... yeah. I mean, at least Harry was willing, right?
And Harry says she isn't thinking about marriage, but Ginny definitely is. Remember, she thinks they are fated to end up together.
Now, as to why Harry is dating her and thinks he likes her...
I think she might have used a love potion...
Now, I know, I know, honestly, this is a theory I doubted for a long time. I mean, there's no way.
But I'm rereading the books right now, and ehh... I think whoever came up with this might have been onto something. It's kind of creepy actually.
Mrs. Weasley was telling Hermione and Ginny about a love potion she’d made as a young girl. All three of them were rather giggly.
(Prisoner of Azkaban, page 70)
Love potions are a thing in the Wizarding World. They are legal to sell and use with no consequences. They are banned at Hogwarts, but we saw it doesn't mean much considering Romilda Vane snuck quite a bit in...
What I show in the above quote is how witches like Molly Weasly see love potions as a legitimate thing to giggle about. As if it isn't a horrifying rape drug that takes away someone's autonomy! Love potions aren't something to giggle about. And they're definitely not something to giggle about with two young girls...
But this is to explain, how to Ginny, who thinks she and Harry are meant to end up together, using a love potion would seem completely legitimate. It's a little, funny nudge, but it's not bad. Her mother used it, and so many other girls did too. Because it isn't treated as the horrifying thing it is. She grew up thinking of it as a legitimate measure to take if a boy you like doesn't notice you. A measure that she wouldn't be even punished for if it was found out.
Now, this is a long quote, but this is the one that made me even consider this theory as a possibility:
She hoisted a box wrapped in brown paper onto the table; it had clearly been unwrapped and carelessly rewrapped, and there was a scribbled note across it in red ink, reading inspected and passed by the hogwarts high inquisitor. “It’s Easter eggs from Mum,” said Ginny. “There’s one for you. . . . There you go. . . .” She handed him a handsome chocolate egg decorated with small, iced Snitches and, according to the packaging, containing a bag of Fizzing Whizbees. Harry looked at it for a moment, then, to his horror, felt a hard lump rise in his throat. “Are you okay, Harry?” asked Ginny quietly. “Yeah, I’m fine,” said Harry gruffly. The lump in his throat was painful. He did not understand why an Easter egg should have made him feel like this. “You seem really down lately,” Ginny persisted. “You know, I’m sure if you just talked to Cho . . .” “It’s not Cho I want to talk to,” said Harry brusquely. “Who is it, then?” asked Ginny. “I . . .” He glanced around to make quite sure that nobody was listening; Madam Pince was several shelves away, stamping out a pile of books for a frantic-looking Hannah Abbott. “I wish I could talk to Sirius,” he muttered. “But I know I can’t.” More to give himself something to do than because he really wanted any, Harry unwrapped his Easter egg, broke off a large bit, and put it into his mouth. “Well,” said Ginny slowly, helping herself to a bit of egg too, “if you really want to talk to Sirius, I expect we could think of a way to do it. . . .” “Come on,” said Harry hopelessly. “With Umbridge policing the fires and reading all our mail?” “The thing about growing up with Fred and George,” said Ginny thoughtfully, “is that you sort of start thinking anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.” Harry looked at her. Perhaps it was the effect of the chocolate — Lupin had always advised eating some after encounters with dementors — or simply because he had finally spoken aloud the wish that had been burning inside him for a week, but he felt a bit more hopeful. . . .
(Order of the Pheonix, page 655)
Now, Harry, first, gets really weird about the Easter Egg. Why an Easter Egg would cause a lump in his throat, I have no idea. Maybe it smelled weird?
He didn't really want to eat the chocolate, he felt bad about it, which is again, very strange phrasing. especially as I think Harry's instincts are pretty decent, especially when it comes to potential danger. Ginny isn't mentioned eating from his chocolate, she's implied to be eating a different chocolate egg.
But the final section I bolded is the one I really want to talk about.
Harry didn't even notice Ginny approach him. Throughout this scene, he doesn't describe anything about her or his emotions for her. Then, he looks at her and feels more hopeful in a way he hasn't before, and he blames it on the chocolate. That's so incredibly strange.
So I read that, then read it again, and started thinking a love potion might be a possibility.
It'll explain why Harry thinks he likes Ginny and wants to make out with her, without once mentioning he finds her attractive, or that he even likes her personality. It'll also explain the weird way Harry describes his emotions for Ginny, his chest monster, that is. I mean, I believe Harry is gay, what do you think happens when you give a guy who literally can't find you attractive a love potion so he'd like you? He reacts weirdly. His like of you is off and unnatural and disconnected because he isn't affecting him the way it should.
Even when Ron was dosed with the love potion he could name things the potion made him like about Romilda:
“I love her,” repeated Ron breathlessly. “Have you seen her hair, it’s all black and shiny and silky . . . and her eyes? Her big dark eyes? And her —”
(Half-Blood Prince, page 392)
It's not like Ron could say what he liked about Romilda's personality though, he just knew he needed to be with her and she was perfect. This is frighteningly similar to how Harry thinks of Ginny.
Harry watches for Ginny on the map while traveling in Deathly Hollows. He's constantly drawn to her, but he doesn't have any actual feelings towards her. He wants to marry her but has no clue what her personality is like. He just thinks Ginny is great without knowing why.
Near the window was an array of violently pink products around which a cluster of excited girls was giggling enthusiastically. Hermione and Ginny both hung back, looking wary. “There you go,” said Fred proudly. “Best range of love potions you’ll find anywhere.” Ginny raised an eyebrow skeptically. “Do they work?” she asked. “Certainly they work, for up to twenty-four hours at a time depending on the weight of the boy in question —”
(Half-Blood Prince, page 120)
Now, after the above scene in book 5 which I believe is the first time Ginny tries to dose Harry with a love potion, Harry still isn't dating Ginny, as we all know. What do we see Ginny do early in book 6, the book in which they get together? Try to buy a love potion from Fred and George.
And more importantly, she asks them: "Do they work?"
Why would Ginny ask that if she hadn't already failed with a love potion before?
I think, Harry's not being attracted to women, does affect how love potions effect him and the dosages he will need to be fed. And Ginny clearly isn't giving up on Harry. She said so herself — they were fated.
“Hang on,” said a voice close by Harry’s left ear and he caught a sudden waft of that flowery smell he had picked up in Slughorn’s dungeon. He looked around and saw that Ginny had joined them. “Did I hear right? You’ve been taking orders from something someone wrote in a book, Harry?”
(Half-Blood Prince, page 192)
One of the only things Harry comments about in regarding Ginny is her smell. He only mentions it from year 6 and onwards.
Now, I know JKR intended it to imply Harry smelled Ginny in amortentia and that he's in love with her. The thing is, it could just as easily be read as a smell he associates with Ginny and the Burrow because she dosed him with a love potion already. So he is used to smelling amortentia around Ginny and the Burrow, not because he's in love with her, but because the potion is there.
“There’s the silver lining I’ve been looking for,” she whispered, and then she was kissing him as she had never kissed him before, and Harry was kissing her back, and it was blissful oblivion better than firewhisky; she was the only real thing in the world, Ginny, the feel of her, one hand at her back and one in her long, sweet-smelling hair—
(Deathly Hollows, page 103)
When she kisses him after he broke up with her and she's trying to get him back, he mentions the smell of her hair again. How the smell is actually affecting him.
With all the evidence towards Harry not liking women, and the fact he doesn't even find Ginny attractive, I just have a hard time believing this. How can he go from coldly not caring about her in one scene to going into blissful oblivion from the smell of her hair?
Unless there is some variant of a love potion he is getting dosed with.
(I don't think this is a very popular opinion, but there is just so much that's weird about Hinny, that I can't find any other way to explain it in canon)
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Do you have any thoughts on the friendship between Hermione and Ginny?
I haven’t read the books in a while and don’t remember how canon it is 😄🙈
What Happens in Canon
We don't see it on screen much mostly because Harry... doesn't care (and to be fair also doesn't hang out much when those two are together, Harry in fact suddenly notices in the beginning of sixth year after several weeks at the Burrow that "huh, I guess I... don't hang out with Ginny and she's not actually my friend. This is awkward."
However, we learn in HBP that Hemione both a) knew Ginny had a HUGE crush on Harry for years that had been going nowhere b) that Hermione advised Ginny that maybe it was time to move on/maybe Harry would only notice she was now a sexy lady if she had romantic partners (which prompted Ginny to start dating other people and... actually worked in that Harry did notice and they ended the year dating for a few weeks).
What this shows us is that Hermione and Ginny were comfortable enough with each other that Ginny went to ask her about this problem and Hermione gave her an answer without saying "oof, we're not... that close..."
Now, since Hermione pretty much solely hangs out with Harry and Ron, it's hard to say if/when she and Ginny are hanging out beyond various weeks during the summer (where Hermione's at the Burrow but Harry isn't) but they have to be decently close at least.
Though it's telling Hermione always chooses Harry and Ron's company over anyone else's (save Viktor for that fourth year dance, but mostly because Harry and Ron offended her greatly). Ginny, for her own part, has offscreen friends Harry's so bored by he has no idea who they are or else Luna. So, if they're friends they're the kind of friends who vastly prefer their other friend groups.
Other Thoughts?
Not really, I think it's what I put above, they're on good terms, Ginny at least felt she could go to Hermione about the Harry thing, but they aren't dying to spend time with one another.
They probably get along well enough when they're sharing a house over summers and holidays.
They're not BFFs
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witchthewriter · 1 year
Probably a weird question, but which HP characters do you imagine as LGBTQIA or/and POC? (Because let’s make Joke Rollling/She Who Must Not Be Named… ANGRY!! 😏)
I would LOVE TO! J.K.Rowling is Rita Skeeter to me. Also you should look up 'The Worst Witch,' because it's basically Harry Potter.
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Most definitely black, or what if she came from an Indian family who wanted her to marry and the Wizarding World was her escape? She studies hard because this new world is a second chance for freedom!
I also wish Hermione was bisexual/pansexual. She and Ginny, or even she and Cho would make such a gorgeous couple!
I think it would have been cool if she was an albino (I am so sorry if that's not the right way to say it. I don't want to offend anyone). Her long white hair, pale skin, translucent lashes and brows. With beautiful purple eyes (this is actually how I imagined the Targaryens to look, not just having white hair).
She is definitely demisexual; only feeling attraction after developing a friendship first. I can also see Luna as trans!
I've seen some fancasts and fanart of Harry with his ethnicity being Indian, or Pakistani. Which I'm completely okay with. Maybe even James is half black, and that makes Harry a quarter, so it's still noticeable - and another thing that the Dursley's are horrible to him about.
I think Harry is Bi/Pan - I have this headcanon that he had a crush on Oliver Wood, and Katie Bell when he was in first year.
I honestly just see Ron as a normal hetero male. Honestly, there's nothing queer about him at all. But he is very supportive of his friends and family as well as the LGBTQIA+ community. He would always be at Pride with whoever asked him, and have anyone's back who needed it.
And the Weasley's are known for their red hair, so I think I would keep their heritage/ethnicity the same!
YES, THIS MAN IS A GAY MAN. But I feel as though he's very monogamous; he will love one person, even if they do not love him back, for the rest of his life. Like with Grindelwald, Dumbledore couldn't stop the feelings he had - even though the man was turning into a pretty evil one.
His sexuality always confused him. Because he was in love with Lily, truly in love with her. But sometimes he found James attractive, and he hated himself for it.
Shows himself as straight, but I think he's bisexual or at least bi-curious.
I think for his ethnicity, it can be the same. Pasty white skin, black hair, hooked nose. Maybe his family distantly came from a Mediterranean island?
Oh, I think keeping Draco white ... and maybe all the Death Eaters white would be saying a lot. They're basically Nazi's. So that wouldn't change.
Draco is most definitely bisexual. He was so in love with Harry, feigning it as hate. Knowing everything about him, staring at him from across the room. When he was younger, it was easier to see it as hate. But then when he turned 16, he felt a pang of desire for the Potter boy and the self-loathing began.
Falls in love very easily, but usually with a woman. Not to say he's completely hetero, I think he would be bi-curious, but I think he wants a wife with a big family.
I actually think Fred would be polyamorous. The kind where the girlfriend is allowed another boyfriend, not like Sisterwives. No, no. Fred would be totally cool with having a wife who has a boyfriend, and they all live together. Fred's a little fruity as well. I think he's one of those people that 'don't like to put a label on things.'
Pansexual. Pansexual. Pansexual. Doesn't care if you're trans, he loves a person for who they are, what they believe in, rather than what their bits are. One of the reasons why he ran away from home. He hates tradition.
I think the Black family could be from Sicily, I know that's not necessarily POC, I think with their darker features, they would easily reign from there. And Sicilians are known for always distinguishing themselves from any other Mediterranean culture.
He always thought of himself as straight. But that was until he met Sirius and he developed such a big crush on him. I think Remus would be Biromantic towards women but Bisexual towards men.
WHY THE HELL DID ROWLING CALL AN ASIAN PERSON, "CHO CHANG," PUT THEM IN THE "SMARTEST HOUSE". It's racism. That's how I see it. She does this with many characters, and it's ridiculous.
Anyway, I have no problem with Asian representation. But what if Cho was Native American? (I know Rowling made that whole other school but it was really problematic so to me, it doesn't exist).
Or have Cho as Chinese (maybe give her a proper Chinese name), and we can have another main character...like Hermione, or Katie Bell as Native American. I just think it would be interesting to see an exchange student from another country as well.
Lesbian. Poly lesbian. All those boys she went out with in Hogwarts were actually just beards. And she was having a secret relationship with another girl in her year. However, the polyamory doesn't come out until she's in her 20s.
Polysexual; sexual or romantic attraction to people with varying genders. Polysexual orientations include bisexuality, pansexuality, omnisexuality, and queer, among many others. Basically, he can be attracted to anyone. But Fleur was the one who captured his heart fully and wholely.
Asexual; I know he isn't in the movies (WHY?!) but he spends all his time with Dragons, and I think that will always be his main love and passion.
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bihinnyshipper · 2 years
Seamus' face turned quickly from surprise to laughter as what his best friend had just said. Dean chuckled along, starting to jog lightly ahead of him.
"We're gonna be late, Seamus!"
The shorter boy snorted. "Give me a reason to care." He didn't bother picking up his pace. "Just walk with me, will you?"
Dean made a show of rolling his eyes but ran back up the hill to meet his roommate. They kept walking towards the quidditch pitch, hands hanging carelessly at their sides. Seamus blushed as his pale fingers brushed those of his dark-skinned friend. not just a friend, a part of his brain tried to correct him.
But Seamus was jolted back to reality as the duo reached the bottom of the hill and a flash of red hair stepped into Dean's waiting arms. The Irish man had to look away as his roommate's lips met those of his girlfriend.
"I was wondering if you would end up showing."
"I always do." Dean stepped away.
"Just with less time to spare every day." She threw her sweaty hair in a ponytail. "Hey Seamus."
"Hey, Ginny. Good to see you." Seamus sported a weak smile. He liked the youngest Weasley, he really did, but he had a hard time not resenting her when she's got the boy he's sure he loves wrapped around her finger.
"Can we head up?" Once again, Seamus was brought back to his current position by Ginny Weasley's voice.
"Sounds good to me, Seamus you coming?" Dean grabbed his girlfriend's hand, not unnoticed by Seamus.
"Uh, no you go on ahead I'll meet you back in the tower."
Dean and Ginny exchanged a glance. "Are you sure? You're welcome to walk with us."
"Yeah, I've got something I've got to take care of, I just remembered."
"Alright mate," Dean seemed to accept his answer. "See you up there." He turned, slipping his arm around Ginny's waist, and they headed up toward the brightly lit castle.
Seamus walked the other way. He thought he'd sit in the locker rooms for a minute and just collect his thoughts. He had to get a hold of himself.
The sixth year sat down heavily on a bench right outside the pitch, staring off into the darkening sky.
"You okay?" A brighter female voice spoke this time.
Seamus looked up into the concerned eyes of Katie Bell, who's hair was thrown haphazardly into a do similar to Ginny's. "Oh yeah, I'm good. Sorry, just... enjoying the weather." The lie was awkward but Seamus hoped Katie didn't notice.
Clearly, she saw right through him, though he wasn't sure she could read what exactly he was thinking. "Well I was just about to head back up to the common room, d'you want to walk with me?"
"Sure." He stood and they began to walk. After a moment or two of heavy silence, Seamus spoke up again. "Um, Katie. This is awkward but I was wondering if you might want to go with me to the next Hogsmeade weekend."
She looked over at him, studying him for a long time without responding. He shifted.
He just stared back at her, his cheeks starting to heat.
"You're hot Seamus, sure, and I know I'm hot, but you're not interested in me."
"What? Of course I am! You're beautiful and you have nice tits and..." He trailed off, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry, I can't do this."
"Exactly. I can't be a distraction for you." Katie looked up the hill to where Dean and Ginny had reached the castle. "How long have you liked Thomas?"
Seamus looked up sharply. "What?"
Katie just rolled her eyes. "I don't know you very well, Seamus, but I can tell. You've fallen hard for Dean."
A moment of silence and Seamus sighed heavily. "So what if I have. There's nothing I can do about it."
"I'd say not asking girls out when you know you're gay would be a pretty good start."
"Noted." He glanced up at her.
"And for what it's worth, Dean and Ginny aren't going to last. You'll have your chance with him soon enough."
A foreign glimmer of hope rose in Seamus' chest. "What makes you say that?"
"I've seen Ginny at practice, she's worse off than you, pining for Harry. She'll never be happy with anyone else. That and Dean treats her too much like a lady, that's not the kind of person she needs."
"I wouldn't mind being treated like a lady." A soft grin rose on his face.
"Just give it time."
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may-clouds · 3 years
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ron weasley x f!potter!reader oneshot
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― at a gryffindor party, ron can't stand the sight of ginny kissing someone, yet contradicts himself later in the evening, much to your pleasure and amusement
― fluff
― 2.3k words
― warnings: brief mentions of alcohol and underage drinking, pretty intense make-out session lmao.
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Drunkenly making out with one of your best friends wasn't how you thought your evening was going to go. Especially when you factored in the way that he was propped above you, one hand beside your head with the other firmly on your waist as you lay on top of his bed.
It had all started with the Gryffindor's usual celebratory party in the common room. It had kicked off like it usually would have, but this time something was different.
It was as if something inside of you had changed that night, there was always a tension between yourself and Ron, it was pretty obvious to almost everyone.
But neither of you acted on it before, too afraid about what the other would think. Harry being your brother and also Ron's best friend didn't help this situation at all.
Obviously he was one of your best friends too, as was Hermione, but there was some undeniable tension between you and the redhead, and Harry didn't seem to like it.
It may have been the alcohol giving you confidence, or maybe you were just fed up with suppressing your own feelings, but something made you want to stay by Ron's side that evening.
He was sitting beside Harry, a bottle of firewhiskey in each of their hands as they spoke idly to eachother.
"Hey guys," you greet them, sitting in the only empty seat on the crimson sofa, which happened to be beside Ron, "What's going on?"
"Ginny’s making out with some random guy over there. Ron’s trying to kill him with just his eyes." Harry said, filling you in.
Now that he’d mentioned it, you noticed the other boy’s deadly expression. You followed his stare and saw exactly what your brother was talking about.
Your jaw dropped a little at the sight, "Well that sure is something." you manage to say, turning away from the very visual scene that was going on in the corner of the common room.
"Yeah, a weird and very gross something." Ron replied bitterly, "How would she feel if I was snogging someone right in the open like that?"
That was when Hermione approached your group, resting her forearms on the sofa's back behind you, "I’m sure she wouldn’t care as much as you do." she said curtly.
"That's my little sister! Of course she'd care." the ginger exclaimed, "Besides, it's weird to see your sibling with their tongue down someone else's throat!"
"Then stop watching her like a hawk, she's old enough to do what she wants by now." you say, rolling your eyes at Ron. He could only shoot you a betrayed look.
"I hate to say it Y/n, but I kind of agree with Ron, I think I'd rather die than watch you..." Harry trailed off to gesture over at Ginny, "Do that."
"I can snog who I want." you reply bluntly. The bottle of firewhiskey you'd downed earlier had hit your system pretty quickly, breaking down any filter you would usually have.
"And who says I haven't kissed anyone here, I wouldn't need your permission." you added, mentally cursing yourself for actually saying all of that out loud.
Both of the boys' faces dropped slightly, and Ron's brows furrowed, "I'm going to get another drink." he muttered, making a sudden exit from the sofa.
"What's up with him?" Hermione asked, taking Ron's old place next to you.
"I don't know, I think I should go and check on him." you sigh.
Your brother quickly volunteers to take his place as if he knew something you didn't, "I can go." he blurted out.
"I doubt you're sober enough to even stand right now Harry." you scoff, "You're a weird drunk. You can still talk normally, but you can just never walk properly."
"Am not!" he retorted with a glare.
"Are too." you scowl, flicking his forehead, "Hermione, could you look after him while I'm gone?"
The girl nodded, taking a sip from her glass. She was the most sober of your friends, only allowing herself to get a little tipsy.
It was easy to find where Ron had gone, he was only a little way away from the drinks table, scowling at his cup. He was leant against the wall nearby the entrance to the dorms. Clearly he was considering whether to go up there or not.
"What's wrong, why did you leave so quickly?" you ask, appearing beside him.
Ron took a deep breath, not even looking up at you. He finished the remaining liquid in his glass and carelessly tossed it towards the table behind him.
"You haven't actually snogged anyone tonight, right?" he asked. His whole body seemed tense, and he still refused to look at you.
"Is that what all of this is about? You ran off because you don't like it when someone's sister kisses someone at a party?" you exclaim in disbelief, "That's unbelievable!"
"Answer my question." he demands through gritted teeth.
It was as if something had possessed him. You'd never known Ron to act like this in all the years you'd known him.
"No! No I haven't, and I wouldn't do that anyway because funnily enough I'm actually interested in someone." you blurt out, yet again cursing your lack of filter, "So if that's what you're mad about then you can calm down."
Your words seemed to spark something in him as he pushed himself from the wall. Now that he was finally facing you, he took a few steps closer. For every step Ron took towards you, you took one backwards until your back hit the wall.
The pair of you were now in the archway of the boys' dorm entrance, so it was cramped enough already without him towering over you.
"That's not what got me annoyed." he murmured, drinking in the image of your face.
Your voice dropped to match the volume of his, "Then what is it?"
His eyes roamed over your face, not knowing where to look until they finally froze on your lips. Your heart fluttered under his gaze, you felt like even breathing to sharply would shatter this moment like a hammer to glass.
Without another word, he lowered his head to your level, you could feel every single one of his warm breaths fan across your lips.
The world felt like it became silent, nothing in the room mattered and your full attention was on the boy in front of you. Ron's hand moved to rest on your cheek, giving you a chance to move away if you wanted to.
You let your eyes flutter closed as he leaned impossibly closer and finally pressed his lips to yours. If the world had slowed down earlier, it must have fully stopped in that moment.
The kiss was slow and gentle, if Ron's arm wasn't wrapped firmly around your waist you would've had the fear of falling over because of your weakened knees. Your hands found a place in his hair, fingers winding through the fluffy strands.
When you tugged at his locks gently, a small noise erupted through his parted lips as he shifted to have you pressed against the wall even further.
He pulled away by a fraction, his soft lips still slightly brushed yours as he spoke.
"You see, I don't like when the girl I fancy says she's interested in kissing other guys and not me." he admits sheepishly, suddenly looking away from you, but not stepping backwards.
You quickly reached out and cupped his face with your hand, guiding him to meet your eyes again, "I never said I didn't want to kiss you, did I?"
"So you're saying..?"
"Why would I kiss you if you weren't the one I wanted." you chuckle hoarsely.
This time you were the one to initiate a kiss, your hands left his hair and opted to keep cupping his face. He immediately reciprocated with a lot more energy than the first. More confidence had gathered inside of him after your confession and he wanted to show you how he felt through his actions.
He pulled away yet again to mumble, "That's all I've ever wanted to hear."
Not another second was wasted as your lips met for the third time that evening. This kiss was undeniably more intense and frantic than the previous ones, but you weren't complaining at all.
Well, that was until you thought of something, "I thought Harry said he'd rather die than catch me kissing someone." you chuckle breathlessly, "And you said you didn't like seeing your sister snogging a boy in public, but we're doing the same."
"Then let's go, we won't let him catch us." he replied, stepping away from you, but keeping a hand on the small of your back and gesturing to the nearby staircase with his other hand.
Your breath hitched and you forced your eyes from his to look where he was pointing. Only slightly to your left was the staircase to the boy's dorms, and that was where he was suggesting for you both to go.
"If that's okay with you, of course." he added, seemingly taken aback with his own forwardness.
"That's fine by me." you whisper, pressing a subtle, feather-light kiss to the corner of his jaw.
His hand tensed against you upon the contact, and you revelled in how such a small action from you could fluster him so easily.
You don't remember him leading you up the stairs with your hand in his, the mix of alcohol and the elation was making your head spin.
However what you do remember is the creaky dorm door closing behind you, and then suddenly your back was against it. Ron's lips found their way to your neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses to any of the soft skin he could access.
"Fuck- Ron." you breathed out, whatever you actually wanted to say died on your tongue before you could force it out.
The way you said his name seemed to set a fire inside of him, "You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you like this." he confessed, lips brushing against your neck as he spoke.
"Then kiss me again, Weasley." you reply teasingly, voice barely above a whisper.
That was all he needed, lifting his head to meet your gaze with a giddy grin that made your heart swell. You waited a moment to take in his expression before pulling him back in with a hand cupping his cheek.
Your hands quickly moved to tangle in his hair, keeping his lips feverishly moving against yours. His tongue slipped through your lips, taking you by surprise, but it was a welcome surprise nonetheless.
He pulled you closer by your hips, slowly moving backwards, further into the room. Your back left the cool surface of the door, and soon was met by the plush comfort of a mattress.
Again, Ron parted from you, except now he was looking down at you, "You okay?" he asked, panting slightly in an attempt to regain his breath.
"More than okay." you smile back, giggling at his flushed appearance.
His hair was dishevelled by your hands and his tie was crooked and almost falling off, but he still managed to make your heart skip a beat.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, watching as he cautiously crawled up the bed towards you. His cheeks flared a deep shade of pink under your watchful eye.
Slowly, you leaned towards him, and for one more time, he closed the gap between you. This kiss was somehow more passionate than the last, releasing years of pent-up emotions that both of you had kept hidden away from eachother.
He pressed you backwards so you were fully laying down again, but this time he was hovering above you. A hand gripped your waist with the other planted beside your head, keeping his steady.
You kissed him like he was the only thing keeping you from death - feelings you couldn't even attempt to put into words were explained to him through that kiss.
"Oh my Merlin- So this is where you both disappeared off to?" an all too familiar voice gasped from the doorway.
Ron's head jerked up and away from you, snapping towards the sound of the voice. You glanced over too, making eye-contact with none other than your brother.
"Well-" you start, but Harry interrupts again.
"You suddenly vanish and now I find him on top of you?" he sighs exasperatedly.
In that moment you realise that Ron was in fact still hovering over you, so you nudge him with your hand, and thankfully he rolls off of you. Both of you now sat upright on the bed, waiting for what was coming next.
"You were right, it is weird to see your sister with their tongue down someone else's throat." he says, this time directed to Ron.
"C'mon mate, you know how I feel about her." Ron's words take you by surprise, and your expression shows that.
With eyebrows raised, you glanced between both boys, who were currently having a stare-off between one another.
"Yeah, fine." Harry reluctantly says, "I'm leaving now."
The door slammed behind him, and both you and Ron stayed in silence for a moment longer, just in case.
"Well, that could've gone a whole lot worse." he laughed awkwardly, filling the silence.
"Yeah..." you agree, "I should probably go, don't you think?"
"No, stay! Please?" Ron pleads, moving so he's now kneeling in front of you.
You smile gently at him, "How could I say no to you?"
He matches your smile, not being able to help himself as he dips his head back down to kiss you again, drunk not only on the fading sensation of the alcohol, but the feeling of his lips on yours.
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: There were a few moments during Fred's friendship with Y/n's in which they were a bit too close to kissing. Then, there was that one time they did.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Genre: fluff
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn @meph1stophelian
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality
Warnings: language maybe, murder
A/N: this one was not scheduled for tonight but I wanted to cheer @meph1stophelian up because she deserves it, so enjoy your dose of Fred fluff <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Okay, Y/n," Ginny grabbed a pastry from the platter which we had stolen from the kitchen and that now laid on a small coffee table in the middle of the Room of Requirement. "truth or dare?"
"I dare you to... Wait." She thought about it for a second before leaning on Luna to ask her something. "I dare you to kiss Fred."
"Uh-uh." Fred, who had just moved to the higher table where the drinks had been laid, was quick to respond, "Not happening." shortly after followed by me.
"I'm not doing that."
"You can't skip a dare!" Ron exclaimed outraged.
"I can if I'm over eight years old." I replied, leaning back on the couch with my arms crossed.
"What she said." Fred agreed, raising his glass at me before drinking.
"Since when do you two back out of a dare?" Ginny questioned with a frown.
"Since this girl here" he motioned at me "started dating Pucey."
"What?" Harry asked in shock. "Pucey? Pucey as in Adrian Pucey?"
"Yeah?" I replied.
"You and Pucey?" Hermione raised her brows and gave Ginny a confused look. "I don't quite see it."
"Oi, what's there to see? I'm the only one who has to see it, don't you think?" I responded, slightly annoyed. "And why is no one talking about this bloke's love life?" I pointed at Fred who now stood behind me. "He's dating that Hufflepuff girl too!"
He tsked his tongue. "Not anymore."
"That's... unsurprising." George commented.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Fred questioned suspicious, kicking my leg for me to move aside so he could sit.
His twin snorted. "You know what's supposed to mean." He took a sip from his drink before nodding at Ginny. "C'mon Gin, change the dare— for Pucey's sake." George scanned us both with analyzing eyes before adding, "we don't want Y/n to end up ditching his boyfriend for this twit, now do we?"
"YEEEEH" I was already down on the arena, clapping, when Fred landed with a wide cocky grin on his face, his breathing ragged due to the match's intense last few minutes.
I had rushed down the moment the snitch was caught to be the first one to congratulate him, so I was quite breathless too.
"Did you see me up there? Saving the bloody match!" He exclaimed, tossing his broom and bat on the ground in order to catch me when I threw myself to him.
"You were brilliant oh my gosh!" I let out a surprised laugh. The match seemed pretty much lost until Fred's performance came into play. "Oi, don't let it go to your head!" I was quick to add, pulling away from his embrace.
"Y/n Y/l/n just said I'm brilliant," He stated, the grin not leaving his face. "it's definitely going to my head."
I groaned, letting my forehead fall against his chest. His heart was beating fast, but I blamed it on the adrenaline of the match.
But what was I supposed to blame on the way my own heartbeat picked up when his hand found the small of my back and casually pulled me a tad closer?
"Oi," I slid open the door's compartment and scanned it briefly before saying, "everything's full, do you mind—"
"Not at all." Fred rapidly answered, sitting up slightly but quickly returning to his laid back position after I had taken a seat by his side.
I had a brief exchange of words with George and Lee before silence fell upon us; it was quite unsual, yet understandable due to the exhaustion we had been put under during the last semester.
It was because of it that Lee fell asleep, shortly after followed by George. I took the chance to grab my book to avoid giving in to the sleep, though my reading was soon disturbed by Fred's foot tapping over the upholstery of the seat.
"What?" I questioned quietly, my brow quirked at him while my eyes peeked over the book.
"What are you reading?"
"Advanced Potion-Making— what do you want?"
"Rude." I rolled my eyes, making a smirk dance on his lips. He seemed to weigh what he was about to say. "I got you something for Christmas."
"Wait— you what?" He got up, ignoring my shock, and, stretching his hands to reach his bag, he pulled out a small package. "I— you—"
"Speechless, I see." He pointed out amused, handing me the package before plopping back down, his gaze trained on me. "C'mon, open it." His teeth trapped his lower lip in anticipation, and I felt how my blood started to pump violently through my veins before I unwrapped the present. "A little birdy told me you liked... What's it called? Chokers?" I could only nod, speechless at the delicate choker in my lap. "I mean, my hand would have been just as good but you can wear this one in public too."
My face flared up at his words and astonishment was replaced by the usual need to fuck that little bastard up. "I hate you."
"I'm kidding, love." He chuckled, tugging on his sleeves and nodding at the jewelry. "You like it?"
The softness in his gaze made my anger go away as I took another look at the choker. "I love it, but you didn't have to." I scrunched my nose. "it looks very—"
"If you say expensive I'll shove it up your arse so watch your tongue." He warned me, half jokingly and half serious.
"What a way of ruining a sweet gesture." I pointed out, feigning a pout.
"Don't worry, I'll make it sweet again, you'll see—" he pushed himself away from the wall and scooted closer to me, tending his palm. "Give it to me." I obeyed and shifted my position so I would have my back to him. His fingers moved my hair away before his hands carefully placed the strap of velvet around my throat and clasped it. "There." He whispered, putting my hair back in place.
I turned around again without any clue of what to tell him. "I-I'd have gotten you something—"
"Y/n, it's a gift, not a trade." He gave me a warm smile, one that anyone rarely got to see, and my face heated up once more. His eyes seemed to flicker to my lips just for an instant, but he soon averted them from me to check on our peers. "Don't tell them, I won't hear the end of it."
I too peeked at them before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on Fred's cheek. "Merry Christmas, Fred."
The little smile grew into a wide side grin while he casted his face down, fixing it on his hands. "Merry Christmas, Y/n."
I was out after curfew, yes, but I wasn't doing anything bad, just visiting my friends in their common room; I only had to be careful and no one would notice me.
Or so I thought.
To my luck, while I was tiptoeing through one of the halls, none other than Fred Weasley bumped into me.
"Shit!" We both took a moment to observe one another. "Alright, sorry in advance." He apologised, taking a peek at the path he had taken before grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.
I didn't hesitate on running with me; I knew he had brought trouble directly to me, and if I didn't follow, I would get detention and, with Umbridge in control, I had to avoid that at all costs.
"Wait wait— Here!" He tapped what I assumed was a camouflaged door and pulled me inside before it could open completely.
We both reached for the door at the same time, shutting it as fast and quiet as possible and stepping back right in time to hear what I assumed was a part of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad.
Fred was so close that I could feel his heavy breath tickling my neck while we stumbled back into the pitch black darkness of the narrow passage.
"Well, that was close." I commented, trying to keep my pants at bay; it was the only sound heard —our pants.
His hands left my biceps to presumably fall limply on his sides, but he didn't step back to put some space between us. I couldn't see anything, but I still turned around and instantly knew his eyes were trying to find mines, just like my fingertips attempted to intertwin with his.
It was a bad idea, but no one had to know; the lack of light in the secret passage would prevent anyone to witness it, even us.
No one would see it, I thought, trailing my fingers up his arm until I reached his cheek.
His own hand made its way to my waist, giving it a squeeze and pulling me to him.
I pushed him away as soon as we heard Filch's cat miaowing at the hidden door, followed by the erratic running of the caretaker.
Fred grunted in frustration. "C'mon!" He rushed me, taking my hand once more and running down the ginnel.
We were running breathless, hands held, casting spells left and right.
'Don't stop moving' Arthur had said when the part of the castle we were defending fell into the Dementors' claws.
One of the Carrow apparated a few feet ahead of us, sending a Cruciatus in our direction even before we came to a halt in our running.
Fred raised his wand, quick as lightning, shielding us from the curse, and I didn't miss a beat before hexing the death eater, hitting her right in the chest.
Fred spun around to guard my back from another death eater that stood behind us while I, seeing that the Carrow sister attempted to get up, casted another stunning spell at her, only that this time it hit her shield.
Both Fred and I duelled the two Voldemort's acolytes until we managed to take them out almost simultaneously, yet in very different ways.
"STUPEFY!" Fred yelled out loud to enhance the spell's effect.
I did the same, knowing I needed that extra push to take Carrow out only that my spell was way more harmful. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"
Fred turned around, still gripping my hand, to see the death eater's corpse on the floor. "Fuck!" He exclaimed.
"Was that a good 'fuck' or a bad 'fuck'?" I inquired, adrenaline pumping through my veins when I turned to meet the redhead's eyes, sparkling with excitement.
"Definitely a good 'fuck'." We both let out a laugh as if I hadn't just murdered someone. "Kiss me." He demanded; fortunately, I was thinking that same thing, so my lips crashed against his in a rough kiss right after he had finished the sentence.
We both tried to pour into the kiss as much sentiment as possible to let the other know how much we had craved to do that for the last three years. Our hands and arms were wrapped around each other, pulling our bodies as close as possible in the now empty corridor as if the world was about to end; it most likely was.
"Being realistic," I began speaking against his lips, once he had pulled away only enough for us to breathe. "we might be dead by tomorrow," if the situation was a bit different, we would probably be crying, but our little victory had made euphoria flood our hearts. "so know that—"
"I love you too." He finished with a nod.
I nodded back, pecking his lips before untangling by limbs from his and pulling him with me in order to resume our jog away.
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lilahisntsadanymore · 3 years
hii, i was wondering if i could get a pansy parkinson x fem reader? if you don’t do fem gender neutral is fine! do you think you could write a gryffindor reader who’s got a kind of “frenemies” relationship with pansy, and one day when they’re making amortentia pansy can smell reader’s perfume or something? pls end it with fluffy slytherin x gryffindor gf happenings 🥰 thank you sm in advance if you do! hope you’re well 💕
Hello, thank you for the request!! It is such a fun idea, I hope you'll like this fic:) I didn't really know what you meant by Slytherin x Gryffindor gf happenings, didn't know if you meant something specific or just yknow the Slytherin x Gryffinfor vibes and stuff, I'm sorry!
Words count: 1.2k
Tw: none
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
The ending of pretending
"It was such a good match!" Harry exclaimed. "Y/n, you're a brilliant chaser."
"Thank you, but I think we won mostly because of you, you're the seeker. Oh and Ron, Ron is a great keeper." Y/n said. She was humble and never bragged about her skills even if she knew how good she is. Quidditch was something she loved, it was her passion and she spent a lot of time practicing.
The Gryffindor team was on their way back to the Gryffindor common room after winning a match against Slytherin. It was the time for an after party. All houses were welcome, they were going to party until late hours. Nobody expected Slytherins though.
"Oh no." Ron muttered when he saw Pansy Parkinson walking in their direction.
"You were the last Slytherin I would expect to see at our party." Y/n scoffed.
"You see, dreams come true, princess." Pansy mocked. "Just kidding, I came here to say it was a fine match. You're not so bad for a girl."
"A girl? Is that supposed to offend me? Do you realize you're a girl too?"
"Certainly, and I don't play quidditch. I've got better things to do."
"Like what?"
"Don't be so curious, Y/l/n," a slight smirk appeared on Pansy's lips, "curiosity killed the cat."
Out of a sudden, Ginny started poking the air between Y/n and Pansy with her broom. Both girls gave her a questioning look.
"What are you doing?" They asked in unison.
"Oh, just trying to break the romantic tension between you." Ginny announced while pretending she's struggling. The rest of the Gryffindors laughed at the scene, Ginny made it look so realistic.
"Ugh, whatever." Pansy scoffed right before walking away.
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
Everyone had so much fun at the party. It couldn't compare to Fred and George's parties they used to throw before they left Hogwarts, but it was great anyways. Though in the morning, the students thought it wasn't much of a good idea to throw a party on a school day.
Y/n woke up late, she missed the breakfast and was surely going to be late for the first lesson. Why didn't anyone wake her up? When Y/n got out of the bed, she noticed the only girls left in the dorm were she and Lavender. Being a good friend, Y/n gently shook her roommate in the order to wake her up.
"What-what's happening?" Lavender asked in a sleepy voice.
"We'll be late for class! Wake up."
"No, leave me alone. I went to sleep after 2am."
"Same, but we have classes. If you don't get up, I'll drag you out of the bed."
"Don't care."
Y/n sighed and grabbed her friend by the ankles. Lavender screamed when she got pulled out of the bed right on the floor.
"You didn't have to do it," she said, sounding a bit more woken up, "I'd get up eventually."
The girls started getting ready. They brushed their teeth and put on their uniforms after showering really quick. Y/n was putting on mascara, when Lavender walked out of the bathroom.
"I thought we didn't have time." The blonde girl chuckled. "Don't doll up so much, Pansy is into you already."
"She totally hates me," Y/n laughed, putting down the mascara, "it's mutual though."
"Yeah, totally."
The girls walked in a quick pace to class. The class was potions with professor Slughorn.
"Valentine's day is coming up." Lavender pointed out when they were getting close to the classroom. "When are you going to ask Pansy to be your Valentine?"
"Quickly, we're late!" Y/n avoided the topic and started walking faster, almost running. So did Lavender.
Seconds later they walked inside the potions classroom. Y/n looked around, the teacher wasn't anywhere in sight. There was only some pearly-coloured potion standing on his desk. Y/n and Lavender sat on their usual seats, behind Pansy and Draco.
Soon, Slughorn appeared in the room and started the lesson. After he opened the bottle with the potion, he asked students to gather around his desk. Y/n stood very close to Pansy, there were quite many people and everyone wanted to stand close to the potion.
"Ugh, Parkinson, how much perfume did you put on today? I can taste it in my throat!" Y/n whisper-shouted, making Pansy scoff.
"I didn't use any. Unfortunately, because it could die down that stupid smell of whatever you use for your stupid broom. And the dirt from the pitch, have you even showered after the match?"
"Don't you worry about my broom! And I showered a few minutes ago, you must be-"
"Everyone be quiet, please." The teacher interrupted the conversation. "Does anyone know what potion is it?"
Hermione raised her hand.
"Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them." The girl said.
Y/n and Pansy looked at each other in the same moment, but quickly looked away. Y/n felt Lavender poking her side, she knew she probably had a big smile on her face, that was saying 'I told you so'.
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
Y/n haven't ever walked out of the class faster than that day. She felt so embarrassed. Harry and Ron ran up to her.
"We've heard your little conversation with Pansy." Harry announced, while Ron stood next to him trying not to burst out laughing.
"Very funny." Y/n mumbled.
"Hey, we're not making fun of you. You smelled Pansy and she smelled you, isn't that brilliant?"
"Not much. Don't we all hate her?"
"No, we never did, she's just quite annoying, that's all. You've been acting like you hate her to hide the fact that you fancy her."
Y/n groaned quietly as she saw Pansy walking in their direction.
"And here she comes." Ron said. "See you later, Y/n."
Harry and Ron walked away, leaving Y/n with Pansy. Y/n didn't know what were her intentions this time, but she felt her cheeks heat up.
"Hey, so um..." Pansy started, "I guess now we both know the truth so..."
"Bit weird, isn't it?" Y/n chuckled slightly.
"Just a bit." Pansy smiled genuinely. "We can't hide our true feelings anymore, huh?"
"I guess so. I'm glad it turned out this way though."
"Me too. How about we skip some classes together?"
Pansy offered Y/n a hand, which she took. They ran outside, far enough to make sure no one will catch them. The surroundings were gorgeous, snow was all around, but the low temperature wasn't a problem for the girls.
"How long have you...you know. How long?" Pansy asked curiously.
"Curiosity killed the cat, princess." Y/n quoted the girl, making her giggle. "Since about third year. What about you?"
"Same for me. Remember that DADA lesson about boggarts?"
"Oh Merlin, seriously?"
"What can I say? You were so cute when scared and it just somehow went from there. Draco has been teasing me about it ever since."
"Well, then you'll have much to talk about after this." After Y/n said it, she kissed Pansy. In the same moment, it started snowing.
The girls pulled away and looked at each other, their hair covered in snowflakes. They were beyond happy that they didn't have to pretend to hate each other anymore.
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The Golden Slytherin Pt:2
Lucius nodded with a sigh. "Knew that was a bad idea when I heard it." He muttered. You were honestly shocked to this man's personality. Was he really in relation to Bellatrix? He was oddly kind, he seemed so calm and levelheaded, hell he clearly took his work with the ministry seriously. "There you are! Honestly was it too much to ask for you to come back and tell me our son was here?" A woman huffed. "Ministry business, my apologies darling." Lucius muttered as he scribbled down more details. Draco stood up, hugging the woman before she took notice of you.
"Oh, Draco darling, who's your friend?" She asked. You recognized those eyes. "Mother this is Y/n, my girlfriend." Draco said. You shook her hand. "...Mckinnon by chance?" She asked. "Uhm. Yes, no relation to Marlene. Common question." You lied. She gave you a side glance but took your answer, sitting next to Draco. "Outside of you, is there anyone else?" Lucius asked. "Fred, George and Ginny Weasley. And I think a couple of first years." You listed. Lucius sighed. "This is bad." He muttered. "What's going on?" Narcissa asked. "Teacher, the new one, is abusing her power." Lucius muttered as he wrote. "...Is that the new Magical Creatures Care teacher?" She asked. "No, the Defense Against the Dark Arts." "As far as I knew Hagrid still technically is the teacher. He's back actually." You said confused. Lucius looked up. "Do you honestly enjoy Rubeus?" Lucius asked. "...Eh. it's 50/50. Sometimes it really is fun, like the day he gave us the Nifflers and uh-" you laughed "Goyle tried to pocket Leprechaun gold." You chuckled. "But I can see why people might not like his classes." You said with a shrug. "We had a little incident a couple of years ago." Narcissa said. "Right, the hippogriff. Which as Draco's girlfriend I do feel the need to say it was his fault it attacked." You said. "Wha- How was that my fault!?" Draco asked. "Gee Draco let's see, besides entirely disregarding the lesson entirely, charging directly to a animal in a foreign environment or yelling at it, I could think of nothing!" You teased. He rolled his eyes and Lucius let a small smile slip. Draco smiled before noticing Fred and George.
"Uh... Y/n Pansy's running with Fred." Draco said. You turned around. You rose a brow before seeing Blaise and and Ron both you and Draco exchanging a look before you excused yourselves and bolted out the door. "What do you think is going on!?" You asked as you were racing to find them. "I don't know I couldn't actually tell if they were chasing one another or- Oh my god!" Draco stopped.
"HARRY! STOP!" Pansy urged as he geared up to hit a already bloodied student, Luna not saying anything next to her but watching with wide eyes. You booked it towards him. "HARRY CALM DOWN!" You yelled as you yanked him away. Harry jolted back, his elbow slamming into your nose. You stumbled back, Fred and George exchanging a look before pulling Harry off of the kid. Draco rushed over, pulling out a handkerchief. "What happened!?" You asked Blaise, Draco holding the handkerchief to your nose. "Some student kept singing this stupid song Edgar Munce came up with. Something about Ron, they wouldn't stop and then he just lost his fucking shit man!" Blaise said as he kept kicking. Draco patted your nose. "Oh jesus Love, your nose is bleeding like a fountain."Draco said, not even concerning himself with the situation outside of you. "George-" "Nuh uh, I don't trust that after the Katie Bell incident." You halted as Fred pinned Harry to the ground, reaching for the reversal effect in his pocket. The sudent in question rose, it being Goyle.
"You're-you're all the fucking same!" He yelled. "Goyle, lay off man." Blaise urged. "You and this whole pack, you're all fucking insane!" He yelled. Luna flinched and Pansy glared. "For God sake you're letting a actual lunatic hang out with us-" Draco didn't even give Pansy enough time to hit him, him aiming his wand at him. "You fucking traitor." Goyle hissed. "Nope. Just gained some common sense." Draco said simply. Harry was finally let go, him still seething but standing still. "Oh crap." Ron muttered as Umbridge walked over. Draco put away his wand.
"What in Merlin's beard happened over here?" She asked seeing Goyle's state. She narrowed her eyes at Harry. "It was my fault. He hit Y/n, I reacted." Draco said quickly. You all exchanged looks. "Mister Malfoy I don't know what game you're playing at but-" "There's no game. I hit him, it's that simple. You all saw it." Draco said to all of you. You gave Draco a concerned look. "...Yeah we saw it." Pansy agreed. "Yep" "uh-huh" Goyle was seething. "You're all just protecting that-that freak!" He yelled, pointing to Harry. You held the handkerchief to your nose but Draco angled your head down, holding it for you. "maybe detention might be best for both of you. Teach you all to tell the truth." Umbridge said looking at Harry. You gave Draco a panicked look. "It was my fault and my fault alone Professor, if you're going to punish someone, punish the actual culprit and not who you feel is best." Draco said, glaring at the woman. "Draco no-" He spoke again. "Maybe if you didn't have such a biased opinion on Gryffindor we'd actually get somewhere with change."
Umbridge frowned. "Come with me mister Malfoy." She said. You gave him a panicked look and he pressed a kiss to your temple. "*Hem hem*." All of you cringed. "No Public Displays of Affection." She stated. You glared at her as Draco walked with Umbridge. "She's going to-" "I know." Pansy muttered. "I have to tell his parents." You said. "serves him right, trying to defend-" "If you know what is best for you, you will keep your mouth shut." You snapped, looking at him. He moved back before he finally walked away. "Lucius is here?" Blaise finally asked. "Yes, along with his mum." you said. "I'll go with you back to them, they're more likely to believe what I tell them." Blaise said as the two of you rushed back to the Three Broomsticks.
Lucius looked up. "Ah you're back- Where's Draco?" He asked. "Umbridge took off with him, he punched Goyle." Blaise said. "Wha- Why would he do such a thing- and why is her nose bleeding?" Narcissa asked, her wrapping her arm around you and looking at the damage. "Goyle egged on Pansy, I nearly punched him myself, but as he geared up to hit me, he hit Y/n instead. Draco punched him after that." Blaise said. If you didn't know the truth you'd most likely believe the story he told. Blaise seemed so convincing. Lucius stood up, sighing. "I swear I try not to pull him into trouble." you said, slightly afraid of the man. "No no, I believe it, when Draco feels strongly about someone he doesn't hesitate to defend them." Lucius sighed before walking. "Blaise, show me where they went, Y/n, stay here with my wife please." He said. Oh. Joy.
Silence soon accompanied the table as Blaise ran off with Lucius. "Would you like anything to drink-" "I know who your parents are." Narcissa said. You swallowed hard. "I don't blame you for lying to me. I would too in your shoes." She muttered. "I don't-" "I cannot imagine the pain your father and you went through. And the fact that my sister she-" She shivered uncomfortably at the thought. "I know I am not her. But I am sorry." she said quietly. You felt so many emotions at once. You wanted to be mad, you wanted to hate this woman. But you knew she was being sincere. "you won't tell Lucius will you?" You asked. "Oh no. There are three different Mckinnon families, I will keep your secret safe." She said. Relief washed over you.
"Why do you care?" You asked. Narcissa sighed, pondering her answer. "I think it's the mother in me. To know my family caused a child that pain, it haunts me." She said. You nodded slowly. You looked out the window, hoping to see Draco. "I hope he's okay." You muttered. "Believe me, I do too." she said, sinking into her seat. Finally Lucius reemerged, Draco with him. He was holding his wrist and you stood up, rushing outside. "She's under watch now-" You cut Lucius off, hugging Draco. He held you close. "I'm alright Love. I'm alright." He soothed. "You're an idiot." You whispered making him chuckle. Lucius hid a smile as Narcissa walked out. "Don't worry, we will fix everything." Lucius said to you. "Thank you Mr. Malfoy." You said. "Please, Lucius is fine." He said. Blaise smiled at you and you smiled back before he shook Lucius's hand. "if it were under better circumstances, I'd say it's a pleasure to see you again." Blaise said. "You are still coming for Christmas?" Narcissa asked. "Yes Ma'am. "Oh! I had a thought!" Narcissa said. You all looked at her. "Y/n, we must have you over for Christmas!" she said. You blinked. "I uh... I'll talk to my father." You said. "Oh and I suppose none of you know where Pansy is?" She asked. You nearly forgot Pansy was considered family friends with the Malfoys.
"She's probably at Honeydukes, the girl loves Pumpkin Pasties." you said with a smile. "Well, we should go then! Draco, let me know if your girlfriend can come." Lucius said. "Yes sir." Draco nodded, his arm around you. His parents walked away and you blinked. "Well, my parents like you." Draco said.
"Yeah, about that.... It's deeply unsettling to see that they're..." "Normal?" Draco asked. "Yes." you nodded. "Oh I wholeheartedly agree." Draco sighed. You looked at Draco. "They didn't say anything when you were alone did they?" He asked. You debated on commenting on his mother's knowledge of your identity but instead you shook your head. "You two finally dating?" George asked, walking over. You turned slightly as Fred and him walked over. You eyed Fred who seemed slightly in pain. "...Fred what's wrong?" You asked. George looked over. "Ah it's nothing, Harry bruised my side is all." Fred said. "I'm not buying it, come with me." Draco said with a sigh. You blinked before he walked over. He forced him to show his side, a large dark bruise showing. "Oh my god Fred!" You gaped. "It's really not that bad- Ow-jesus fuck." He winced as Draco observed where it seemed to hurt the most. "Mm. Blaise, go to Dervish and Banges, get the 'Lotus Salve', I'll pay you back." Draco muttered. You rose a brow as Blaise jogged off. Draco kneeled, picking up a handful of snow before holding it to the bruise. "Are you trying to actually give me frostbite?" Fred asked. "Nope, getting the size of the bruise to shrink." Draco muttered. Fred blinked. "When did you become so smart with healing?" George asked. "After Hermoine clocked me in the nose." Draco muttered.
You snorted and he rolled his eyes. "What's got you laughing?" Draco asked. "Just remembering your finer moments. That was hilarious to witness in person." You recalled. "Har har." Draco said, again rolling his eyes but smiling. Blaise came back with a paperbag. Draco removed his mittens, opening a small container and applied it to the remaining bruise. "You'll be fine, George, make sure he applies this till the bruise is gone." Draco said. You smiled as Draco used the paperbag as a napkin to wipe his hands. "Thanks mate. Y'know... You're not so bad." Fred said. "This doesn't mean I'll give you alibis when you're in trouble." He said. "Oh why not!?" George whined and you giggled. The boys looked over at you as you laughed and Draco smiled.
The day seemed to go by quickly, leaving you very much exhausted by the time you got back to Hogwarts. You entered the common room with dozens of other students and Draco. You stood in front of the entrance to the girl's dorm.
"Your wrist doesn't hurt does it?" You asked him. "I'm alright Love, it's more like a bad scrape."Draco assured. "I hate that she did that to you." You whispered. Draco put a hand to your cheek. "It's alright. I'm alright." He reassured. You felt your cheeks warm up. "You're very close to me at this moment." You muttered. "Do you not want me to be?" He asked, his voice barely audible. "I.." you could feel his breath, the scent of Earl gray and mint swirling in the air. "I want.." you couldn't think straight, hell, you couldn't think period. You gripped the doorway, your heart pounding in your ears.
"Y/NNN!" Pansy called and you sighed. Draco let out a breathy laugh. You groaned, your head falling onto Draco's shoulder. He smiled. "In desperate need of girl talk! Helllloooo?" Pansy waved, sticking her head out of your room's door. "One moment Pansy, she's a little preoccupied." Draco halted, turning around. "Ughhhh! Hurry up making out already!" She whined. "We're not making out!" You groaned. "Yet." Draco muttered making your face go red. "Just send her my way Draco, I need feminine advice here!" Pansy yelled.
"I should go-" Draco turned back to you, your closeness being made very clear once more. "Mmhmm, what was that?" He asked. "I-I uhm." You stuttered making him smile. "I had a good time today." He said to you, again you gripping the doorway. "I- uh... did too." You breathed. Your eye looked down at his lips and then to his eyes. Draco smiled before leaning back. "I-I have your scarf." You pointed out, holding it up before he could leave. Draco nodded with a smile. "You can keep it." "I'm more of a jacket thief than a scarf thief." You said making him chuckle. He nodded as he reached for his scarf in your hand, a surge of confidence going through you as you yanked him forward, kissing him. He stumbled slightly, leveling himself as he cupped your cheeks. You pulled away and stared at him. "...Kay. bye." You said before sprinting into your dorm room. Draco stood there, his scarf in hand before he laughed and walked back to his room.
You ran a hand over your face and Pansy was sitting on your bed, holding a plush star. You blinked. "...What the fuck happened to you?" You asked. "I kissed her." Pansy said. You blinked. "And?" You asked. "I like her!" She whined. "What's with the plushie?" You asked, pointing to it as you sat next to her. "That would be what she gave me." Pansy said with a blush on her cheeks. You smiled. "Did you give her anything?" You asked. "Chocolate covered strawberries." Pansy muttered. "She loves strawberries, nice thinking." You nodded. Pansy huffed. "I kissed her." She repeated. "And..?" You asked. "I like her. Like really like. She's funny, she's so brutally honest that it's funny and then when she actually tries to be funny it's hysterical. Course there is the whole Nargles thing... what the hell is a Nargle?" Pansy asked. "I'm not sure. Continue." You motioned as you got up, removing your jacket and shoes. "I've never felt this way towards anyone. She's... god Y/n, she's amazing." Pansy said. "You like her. " You said with a smile. "Yeah.... yeah I do."
She looked at you. "What about you, how'd your date go?" Pansy asked. You smiled but your eyes seemed distant. "I met Narcissa." You said. She looked up. "As in..." "Narcissa Black." You said. "Wha- and you let me talk about my day!?" She gaped. "She knew who I was. " You muttered. "Well what did Draco say?" Pansy asked. You stayed silent and her mouth flew open. "You didn't tell him!?" She asked. "No." You muttered, turning to your dresser. "Well does douchebag know?" She asked. "Who?" You asked. "Lucius." She sighed. "No." You said, sliding off your shirt. "So she knows who you are, Draco doesn't know that she knows but Lucius just thinks you're someone else?" Pansy asked. "Yep." You said. "He'll find out eventually." Pansy warned. "I have no grief with him. It's that woman's sister I have a problem with." You muttered. "Still... did she say anything to you?" Pansy asked. You paused, your t-shirt halfway on your arms.
"She apologized." You admitted. Pansy stayed silent. "I don't know how to feel about this." You admitted, sliding the shirt on. "Y/n... you should talk to Draco." Pansy said. "No- No. We just started dating I don't want to bombard him with this." You muttered. "Y/n- hear me out" Pansy said. You looked at her. "Draco made himself distant from his family once he found out what they had done. He clearly will understand-" "I just... I'll tell him later right now Lucius is busy trying to get Umbridge fired." You muttered. "He's doing what!?" Pansy gaped. "I turned the attention the abusive teacher, who if you'll recall, tried to punish Draco." You said simply. "Oh my God that is so..." "I'm not sure if anything will come from it. He's a supporter of Voldemort, I doubt that he will remove the Ministry Spy." you muttered. "...That's a good point. But at least it gets the punishments to stop." Pansy said. "truer words have never been spoken." You agreed as you sat next to Pansy again.
Pansy looked over. "So other than... that, anything else exciting happen?" Pansy asked. "I'm officially his girlfriend." You said, leaning back onto your pillows. "Jesus he acts fast." Pansy said. "I kissed him." You added. Her eyes went wide. "You- YOU SHOULD'VE STARTED WITH THAT!" She said. You rolled your eyes and Pansy laid next to you. "Start from the beginning and leave anything out, you die." Pansy said. You laughed and the two of you spoke about the kiss.
When you were finally asleep, you thought you'd feel better about Narcissa in the morning. However, around 2:00, you were woken up to Mcgonagall. You leaned up. "Is something wrong?" You yawned. " Come with me, I don't want that wretched woman following." she muttered. You got out of bed, walking in the halls with her. "What's going on?" You asked. "Something has happened to Mister Weasley." She said, entering Dumbledore's office.
Harry was standing with Ron, Ginny, Fred and George. Everyone was silent. "We have to get you all back to Grimmauld place." Dumbledore said. "Wait, what happened? What's going on?" You asked, now fully awake."We'll explain later." Fred said, looking at you. You nodded but had a slight realization. "Wait, how are we getting back?" You asked. "Right, Mum said the floo powder networks were being watched." George recalled. "You'll be traveling by portkey." Dumbledore stated, motioning to a kettle on his desk. You all exchanged looks but seemed to all understand.
There was a odd flash before a golden feather hit the floor, Dumbledore seeming slightly frustrated. "Fawke's warning... She knows you're all out of bed. Minerva, go send her off- tell her any story." He said, McGonagall nodding before taking off. A portrait re-emerged to his spot. He seemed almost bored by him being there. "He says he'd be delighted." The portrait stated.
So much was happening but nothing was being explained, it frustrated you to no end. You wanted so badly to know what was happening. Why were they all awake right now? Why was everyone panicked? Why wasn't Hermione with them? You wished Pansy was at least with you but you knew the distrust within the school towards the rest of the Slytherins. Sometimes you felt as if the only reason people trusted you was because of who your father was.
"You have all used a port key before?" Dumbledore asked. You all nodded in response. "Good. On the count of three." You all moved closer to the kettle. "One" why was this happening? "Two" what exactly was happening? "Three" you noticed Harry seemed to look at Dumbledore for a brief moment with loathing. You all gripped the kettle and all fell in the kitchen of the quarters of the Order of the Phoenix.
Sirius ran up to all of you looking extremely worried. "*Always a good sign.*" You thought to yourself. "What happened? One of the portraits said something happened!" Sirius asked. "Ask Harry." Fred said. "Yeah I'd like to be filled in here." You said, raising your hand. Everyone turned to Harry. "It... I had... kind of like a vision." Harry said. You blinked. "I-I saw..." he ran a hand over his face. "Mister Weasley being attacked by-by a giant snake." "Oh my god" you whispered. You looked around and paused. "Is dad home?" You asked. "No, he's out on a mission." Sirius said. You frowned, anxiety coursing through you. You wanted to see your dad right then and there, you knew that if Arthur had been attacked, your father was likely to have had something happen.
"What about mum?" Fred asked, his arms crossed. "She's most likely doesn't know yet." Sirius said. "We've got to go to the hospital!" Ginny urged. "No, if we do that people will have too many questions." You halted making them all turn. "If Mrs. Weasley doesn't know, how odd would it be for her children to show up at St. Mungo's with no warning but know exactly what happened?" You pointed out. "Well we could lie and say we heard it from someone." Ginny said. "We could end up exposing the order." You muttered. "To hell with the order!" Fred shouted. "This is our dad Y/n!" George said. "You think I'm not fucking terrified right now!? You all know at least where your dad is! Mine is most likely in a equally dangerous situation, I don't know where my dad is- I DON'T KNOW IF HE'S EVEN ALIVE!" You snapped. Everyone fell silent and you turned away from them all, hugging yourself. Sirius put a hand on your shoulder. "I know this is hard. But at least until we hear from Molly, we need to act like we know nothing." He said. You nodded slowly. "...I'm sure Mooney is okay." Sirius assured. You didn't respond.
You all waited around, butterbeer being the only thing to bring even a little bit of comfort. You tried so hard to convince yourself that Tonks wouldn't let anything happen to your dad. The two were being paired up so often now it was second nature to see them both together. A golden flash filled the room and there was Fawkes, on the table with a letter neatly attached to his foot.
"Dad's still alive." Was the only thing everyone seemed to hear. It made it sound a lot more dire than all of them originally thought, sending alarm bells in your brain. What if Arthur died? God, where was your dad!? Sirius sat next to you and you sighed, your knees to your face. "Did you steal my AC/DC shirt?" He noticed what your pajama shirt seemed to be. "Yep." You nodded making him snort. You didn't respond as you took a large swig of butterbeer. A few hours ago you were drinking this in a pub with your boyfriend- "oh shit!" You realized. Everyone looked over. "No one's told Hermoine, Pansy or Draco!" You realized. "Yikes" George winced realizing how bad their mornings were going to be. "Why would Draco need to know?" Sirius asked. "Well...Uhm..." you cleared your throat. "He's actually in the DA." Harry said. Sirius blinked. "You're kidding." He said. "No." Everyone replied. "But his parents- can you even trust him-" "believe us when we say that he's now a friend." Fred said. Sirius seemed to still have his doubts. "Is there anyway to get the message to him?" You asked. Sirius shrugged. "If you're all as close as you claim, Hermoine will tell Pansy and Draco." Sirius said. You nodded slowly before leaning back. "*Think of something* " you thought to yourself. "*Think of anything. Anything but this*." You sighed.
You noticed your watch and saw the hands read 5:00. The sun was slowly rising. You watched the long hand travel to two and that's when the kitchen door opened. You stood up, hoping it was your father. However the red hair told you otherwise and you closed your eyes. "He's going to be okay." She said. Relief washed over you in that sense but the anxiety of your dad being missing still was present. "Bill's with him right now, he's taking the day off." She added. "Molly- er.." you gulped. "Do... do you know if my dad was with him or anything?" You asked. She shook her head but gave you a sympathetic look. "No dear, I'm sorry I don't know." She said. "...alright I uh.." you cleared your throat to make sure you sounded fine. "I'm... going to bed I..." you wanted to say more but any longer in that room would cause a breakdown. You walked past them and up the stairs.
"How long has that poor girl been like that?" Molly asked. "All night." Fred said, equally as concerned. "I can't imagine the terror she's going through." Ginny whispered. "When... will we get to see dad?" Ron asked. "Later. Why don't you all head to bed? You've been up a while now." She said. They all gave scattered replies of agreement before they headed to bed. You didn't sleep though. You laid on your side, facing away from Ginny and just waited.
Soon you heard the door open and muffled voices downstairs. You knew exactly who that was as you bolted upright, waking Ginny. You bolted downstairs. "Remus, go see your kid. She's terrified something's happened." Sirius muttered. "Looks like she found me first." Remus said noticing you standing there. Your eyes watered quickly as you rushed into his arms. He held you close, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Brought something for you too." He whispered. You pulled away confused until Pansy emerged from behind him. You hugged her and she chuckled. "God, I leave you for a few hours and you're falling apart on me!" She teased, whispering like everyone else. You laughed, wiping your eyes. "Draco, does he-" "he knows. I told him. He's coming up with a reason I'm not going home with him for Christmas." Pansy said. "Is Tonks-" "right here kiddo." Tonks said making you hug her. Tonks smiled, Remus's heart doing a backflip in his chest as he saw this. "Sorry about the waterworks." You chuckled, wiping your eyes. "You had every right to be worried." Remus assured.
You noticed Kreecher eyeing Pansy, seemingly with hatred. "...Who the hell is that?" Pansy asked. "Kreacher. I guess you've never seen headquarters." You realized. "The hell kind of name is Kreacher? The crypt keeper is a much better name for him." Pansy said making Sirius snort. "Don't try to make him do anything, he hates us all." You said walking with her back upstairs. "Question" "yeah?" "Why are we whispering?" Pansy asked. "Oh, the portraits insult you. I'll explain in a moment." You said. You entered the room and Ginny stretched. "Morning." She yawned. "Hey." Pansy waved. "When did you get here- better yet- how?" Ginny asked. "Oh. Remus came and got me. Mum gave permission for me to be here." Pansy said. "Ah" she nodded. "So the portraits?" Pansy asked. "Sirius's family hates him. They all see him as a Bloodtraitor and he's supposed to be disowned. He was never supposed to inherit the house but clearly that didn't work out. The portraits are PISSED that he's here and if you wake them, they lose their shit, especially the one of his mother." You explained. Pansy nodded. Pansy never had a full explanation as to why Sirius's family hated him, she, like many other's had small bits of information. "Uh... question." Pansy said. "Hmm?" You made a sound of acknowledgement. "Why did his family hate him?" She asked. "He was a Gryffindor, he had friends that weren't pureblood and he always did things to piss them off. I've heard he also took the blame for mistakes Regulus made too." You said.
You knew so much more about Sirius due to the fact that your father was rather upfront about his friends. You knew he was innocent before most did as well due to this fact. Your father told you anything he could. "I'm going to go talk to dad." You said making both girl's nod. You walked out, heading back downstairs and into the kitchen. Remus was making breakfast with Sirius. "Hey pup, want to help?" Remus asked. You smiled. "Actually, can you take over for a little bit I am tiredddd!" Sirius whined. Remus rolled his eyes but you nodded, taking the spatula from him. You moved the eggs on the pan around to make sure they weren't being burnt. "Anything new happen at school?" Remus asked. You knew that tone. He knew something. You turned to him. "Who told you about Draco?" You asked. "Ha! So there is something!" Remus said pointing at you. "Well yeah! But seriously you're worse than Pansy. And she's a teenage girl." You said making him laugh. "So when did that happen?" He asked. "Literally just yesterday." You said. Remus nodded. You continued to scramble the eggs. "...This doesn't bother you does it?" You asked. "In the context of my daughter dating? Of course it does." He said, with a matter-of-fact tone. "No more... more in the context of who his mother is." You said. He paused but nodded as if he landed on his response. "No. The kid clearly isn't like his parents and he is not his family." Remus said. You nodded. "They invited me to stay with them for the holidays" you muttered. Remus looked over. "Did you want to go?" He asked. "I dunno." You shrugged. "Wait if you just started dating Draco, how did his parents invite you?" Remus asked as you flipped off the burner. "They were there." You said, pulling a plate from the cupboard. "And?" Remus asked, noticing there was more. "Lucius has no idea who I am but Narcissa knows." You admitted. "Of course she does..." Remus sighed. "I hated being around them." You admitted, gripping the edges of the counter. Remus looked over. "They... they were so fucking normal." You muttered. Remus never cared about you swearing in front of him. He always said it made you more honest with what you told him. "I know they're not the ones who killed mum. But..." you looked at your father with a sad and angry expression. "But I can't stand the fact they're happy." You admitted. Remus nodded.
"I know how you feel." He agreed. "So I'm not a sociopath?" You asked. "Pft. No. I was expecting more homicidal rage, but I know that's not you... for the most part." Remus said. You nodded and emptied the pan onto the plate. "Does Draco know?" Remus asked. "Mmhm." You nodded. "I'm so confused on how this kid's personality took such a 180°." Remus said. "Eh. He always had it in him, he's just a git." You said making your father snort. "He's my git though." You added making him groan. "You cannot grow up, I forbid it." He whined. "Oh my bad, time to revert back to being six!" You said sarcastically.
Soon everyone was down for breakfast when a owl came. Remus got up, grabbing the letter. "Y/n, it's for you." He said. "Me?" "You. From Draco." Remus said making you get up. You sat down, opening the letter and something fell out of the envelope.
"Dear Y/n,
I hope everything is alright, Granger told me this morning something happened. She gave little context as to what, but I hope you're safe. Tell Fred to make sure he keeps using the salve and tell George he left his damn notes in the common room and I'll mail those to him when I can.
Currently, the owlry is somewhat safe, father's been watching Umbridge like a hawk. I've told him about the quills but it appears the woman has gotten rid of any evidence that she is violating protocol. Blaise keeps pestering me out asking Pansy a question and I saw your father with her this morning so I'm assuming she's with you, so I'll ask now; does she have the potion notes and if she does, how does that antidote work? It's confusing both me and him.
I feel as if I'm rambling and I do apologize I just... Please let me know you're safe. You don't even have to send me a letter or anything, you can send Granger back to me for all I care. Just please let me know you're okay.
Sincerely, Draco
P.S. I came across this locket yesterday and wanted to give it to you since we're not seeing each other for Christmas."
You leaned down, picking up the locket from the floor and you smiled. "...That idiot." You chuckled. "Oh that's lovely!" Molly said walking in. "Her boyfriend sent it to her." Fred said, wriggling his eyebrows. "Shut it." You sighed. "I wasn't aware you were seeing someone! Remus why didn't you say anything?" She asked. "Mm, I only found out this morning." Remus said simply. Remus stood up, standing behind your chair and moved your hair, putting the locket on for you. You smiled at your father and he patted your head. "Well! Who is it?" Molly asked. Everyone exchanged looks. "Wellll... uh..." you paused. "Draco Malfoy?" You said. Molly seemed to pause, staring at you with a blank look. "...I see!" She said. Clearly, she had more she wanted to say.
"He's become a stand up guy actually, really got his act together." Harry chimed in. "Oh, Fred he wants to remind you to... use the thing from yesterday." You said making him nod. "Right." Fred nodded. "Oh and Pansy, Blaise wants to borrow your notes." You added. "That idiot. Fine I'll send them his way." She sighed. "How much did he cover in that letter?" Sirius snorted. You handed it to him and he read it silently, his smile growing wide by the end of it. "You've got him whipped kid." He said. "I know! It's sickening!" Pansy said with a laugh. "Don't get me started on your ass." You said making her laugh. "Uh yeah and?" Pansy said. "The star plushie? The fact that you were a nervous wreck?" You reminded. "Wait, star plushie? I saw that earlier on Pansy's bed." Ginny stated. You slowly turned with wide eyes and big smile making Pansy take a long sip of coffee. "I'm confused, what does a plushie-" "my girlfriend gave it to me."Pansy said. Fred's jaw flew open. "YOU AND LUNA!?" "Yep, made it official this morning." She said, raising her hand to show a bottlecap ring. "Oh my god, why is everyone dating everyone!?" George asked. "Not true, Harry's still single." Fred said as Harry choked on his coffee. "Right? You're still single? Give George hope here." Fred said. "Uh...Well uhm about that-" "oh for FUCKS SAKE!" George whined. "Language George!" Molly scolded. Remus was having a hard time keeping it together as the boy smacked his head on the table. "Well I'm not seeing anyone!" Ron said. "Yeah but that's expected!" George said making Fred wheeze. "Excuse me!" Ron gasped. "You're too dense to get a girlfriend!" George stated. "Oh come on Georgie, you can get a girlfriend. Dawn Willows seemed intereted in you." Fred said. "She was flirting out of sympathy Fred." George groaned. You snorted. "Okay, I know Dawn Willows, she does not flirt with people out of sympathy, she's into you."you said. George perked up slightly. "This conversation took a strange turn" Sirius muttered. "Agreed." Tonks yawned, sitting at the table.
You smiled at her, pushing a mug of coffee to her. She smiled, roughing up your hair and drinking. She was so like you in a fun way. Her bright pink hair (that varied from moment to moment due to her problem with being indecisive) always brought a smile to your face, along with the fact that she genuinely seemed to enjoy you and your dad.
Sirius blinked. "...Is that my Led Zeppelin tank top?" He asked, noticing Tonks seemed to follow your lead in pjs. "...you left it in our room, I just called dibs." She said before taking a long sip of coffee. "Remus, your kid can brew a mean cup of coffee." She said. "Oh yes, her addiction is coffee. Mine is tea." He said simply. "This right here is murder prevention juice. I don't strangle people when I drink it." She stated. You chuckled, Ginny looking at Molly. "When do we get to see dad?" She asked. "After you all get done eating and you're dressed." She said with a smile.
You felt odd being in this position. Should you go with them? Should you stay? You did know two others at St. Mungo's but... you'd never seen Alice or Frank. The idea of going to St. Mungo's made a pit form in your stomach. You weren't sure you were mentally prepared to do something like that. You fiddled with your fingers, contemplating things. "Can I stay here?" You finally said. Sirius looked up, Molly looking over. "I just... I don't think I can handle..." you struggled to vocalize what was wrong. "...I understand dear, do you want to write him something so he knows you're here?" Molly said, her smiling softly to you. You nodded, getting up. "I'll write something now so I can hand it to you when you leave." You said. "Mm. I'll go with you, I gotta get my notes to Blaise." Pansy said.
When you left, Remus sighed. "I'm sorry Molly, I didn't even think about-" "no, no you're fine. I'm sure that place has plenty of bad memories for her." Molly stated. Harry pondered for a moment. "...Remus have you ever considered sending Y/n to therapy?" He asked. Remus nodded. "I did around the time Cedric passed away. But..." he sighed. "Unfortunately there's a lot of risks to that. She wouldn't be able to truly vocalize what's wrong to a muggle psychiatrist, she can't talk to a wizard one either because no one believes Voldemort is back and when someone did make that proclamation, he was called insane. She usually talks to me about her problems but... lately I feel like there's pieces of a puzzle I'm missing." Remus explained. "She's been leaving us out of the loop too" Fred agreed. "Pansy most likely is the only one who really knows, that or Draco" Harry suggested."Draco and her haven't been dating for very long." George pointed out.
The group conversed a bit longer but soon got ready, leaving you, Pansy and Sirius alone. Remus told you he had to go with them for some unknown reason but considering you now had proof the man was alive and well, you were alright with the situation. You gave Pansy a small tour of the house, her being confused by the tapestry. "So... Narcissa was a Black?" She asked. "Mmhmm." You nodded. "...So Draco's related to Sirius?" She asked. That thought never even popped into your mind. "...Yeah, that's so weird now that I'm thinking about it." You said. "Eh. I guess I never even put two and two together myself. It's just... looking at the damn tapestry... it's hard to ignore." She said looking at it. "Hard for me to ignore too, trust me." Sirius yawned from the doorway with a cup of something you suspected was not coffee considering its lack of steam. "Hope I didn't offend you." Pansy said sincerely. "No. You're all good Parkinson." He said.
You were honestly bored. Outside of a house tour, there wasn't much to do. Pansy had half a mind to bring playing cards, your trunk didn't really have much for entertainment within it. You were playing your fourth round of Rummy when you heard the front door open. You and Pansy went downstairs to greet the group but Harry shoved passed you, going up the stairs. "...What the hell happened?" You asked. Molly grimaced at your free foul-mouththing but answered anyways "Harry isn't feeling well." You gave the twins a look and they looked upstairs and then back at you, silently telling you to wait till you were all back upstairs.
You followed the boys, standing there. "What's going on?" You asked, closing the door behind Pansy. "Harry's possessed." George said. "What?" You asked. "Harry's possessed." Fred repeated. "Oi, we're still clearly missing important pieces of information." Pansy huffed. "Harry is possessed by Voldemort." They said in unison.
You froze at hearing this. Was this why Harry had angry outbursts? Was this why he was so aggressive? Was this why you weren't allowed in the meetings? Because everyone knew they'd tell Harry, who from the sounds of it, was Voldemort?
You grabbed a chair, sitting down in it. "...What the hell?" You asked. "Moody is the one who let it slip."George said. "In front of you?" You asked, slightly shocked that he'd do that. Fred pulled out the extendable ear and your shock went away. "So... this is why we're being kept in the dark." Pansy said, seemingly understanding the gravity of this as well. "Probably." George said. "So this means whatever we find out we now have to keep from him?" You asked. "What- no- why would we do that!?" Fred asked. "You git, he'd know! Voldemort would know!" Pansy agreed. Silence fell over the group. "What do we even do with this information? For fucks sake he's the one training us." Pansy said. "I can't imagine what Harry is even thinking right now." You muttered.
You soon went back to your room, sitting there at the desk near the window in silence. You still needed to write to Draco. Pansy sent a simple note: "your girlfriend is alive you moron, here's the notes." You however wanted to tell him so much. It killed you that even though Draco was insistent that sending letters was fine, you weren't trusting of where he got the information from. You went through five sheets of paper, writing but later crumpling it up. Harry still hadn't come out of his room and another owl soon arrived, this time more official looking.
A silver "M" rested on the wax seal, your father knowing damn well what those two things meant. It was from a Malfoy, which one it was, worried you. Remus knew it wasn't Draco, yes the boy was formal but it's not like he had access to that wax seal at this moment. Remus eyed it, looking up and then sighing. He walked up the stairs, knocking. "It's open!" Pansy said, playing cards with Ginny. He walked in and sighed. "Y/n you have another letter." He said. You looked over confused but stood up, taking it.
You opened the letter and soon realized it was Lucius.
"Dear Y/n,
I know my son must've already talked to you considering that he has told me the turn of events. Something about your father being sick alongside Mr. Weasley. I can't imagine the pain you must feel, know that me and Narcissa are in your corner. If you decide you need a break away from everything this Christmas, you are still welcome.
Sincerely, Lucius."
You blinked. "...He says he's sorry you're sick." You said with a small snort. Remus looked confused. "Hmm?" "Apparently Draco told him you were sick. "Oh. I see." "He also said I'm still welcome for Christmas." You added. Remus looked at you. "...Do you want to go?" He asked. You pondered. "...I mean... kind of." You admitted. He looked at you. "All that I can think of is the order. All that I can think of is Voldemort, it's... it's like it never stops." You muttered. Pansy looked over but said nothing. Remus nodded slowly. "Then do it." He said. "What?" You asked. "Do it, go. We'll get you Christmas morning, you'll go to the Malfoy's that afternoon." He said simply. "Wha- REALLY!?" you asked excitedly. "Yeah! You can head out with Pansy, it'll be fine, mail Lucius back though and let him know." Remus said. You nodded enthusiastically and he pressed a kiss to your head, you sprinting over to the desk.
Your message was very brief but it was simple
"Dear Mr. Malfoy,
I'll definitely take you up on the offer, I will come with Pansy if that's alright. Thank you so much for you offer, although I have one request. Please don't tell Draco I'm coming, I'd like for it to be a surprise.
Sincerely, Y/n."
You sent it off, sitting there with a wild smile. "You're excited to see your boyfriend aren't you?" Ginny asked. "Maybe a little." You said with a small laugh.
You kept counting down the days till Christmas and when it finally came it felt unreal. You were of course happy to spend it quite your family. But the second you were on a train to the Malfoy's you were practically bouncing. Pansy would roll her eyes but smile anyways.
Harry however had refused to show his face until Ginny reminded him that she too had been possessed by Voldemort at one point. All of you had nearly forgotten second year's incident with Ginny being the cause of chaos because of Voldemort. Afterall, with how terrified Ginny was of everything in her second year, when you recieved word she was the cause you almost didn't believe it. Hermoine even came to Grimmauld place once she found out about everything, saying skiing wasn't actually her thing.
Christmas seemed to be inching closer, you even going Christmas shopping with Tonks at one point. While she was turned the other way, you managed to buy her something as well without her noticing. You weren't thrilled however to find that Christmas would involve going to St. Mungos. You sighed, throwing on your sweater and jacket. "Have you ever... met Alice? Or..." "no" you said, your voice small. "Then... we'll just make note of where not to go!" Pansy said. You nodded.
Oh how you had no idea.
You nearly reached for the door handle but the door flew open, Fred and George strolling in before closing the door. "I'd give it a bit before going downstairs, Merry Christmas by the way." Fred said. "What? Why?" Pansy asked. "Mum's crying downstairs " "Percy sent back his sweater." George sighed. You frowned. "That brother of yours is a moron." "If you're expecting disagreement, you're going to be disappointed." Fred snorted. "Remus is calming her down, apparently telling her 'he's a pile of rat droppings' wasn't helpful." George said. "Wow. How sympathetic of you." Pansy said, her voice flat.
You all waited for a bit before finally heading down. "So you're actually coming with us this time to St. Mungo's?" Fred asked. "Don't have much of a choice, dad's going, he needs to take us to the station." You sighed. You noticed Hermoine with a wrapped present. "What's that?" You asked. "A present for Kreacher" she said happily. You frowned looking at Ron. "Tell me it isn't clothes." Ron said. "Sirius said Kreacher knows too much, so if you're thinking of liberating that little shit, I'd be careful." You reminded. "No. It's a blanket." She huffed. "...where does he even sleep?"Pansy asked. "Oh, his room is in the kitchen... actually it's more like a den.." she admitted. "Huh." You shrugged.
You all made your way through the kitchen, Molly still seeming to recover from the after shocks of everything. You followed Hermoine to Kreacher's spot, you staring at the strange bungalow. You knocked but no amswer came. "...Hey... when was the last time any of us actually saw Kreacher?" Fred asked. "Maybe he's moping around upstairs." Ron said. "Hopefully." Harry muttered. "You don't think after Sirius told him to get out he left completely, do you?" Hermoine asked. "House elves can't leave their property unless they're being banished." Sirius said, making you all turn. "That can't be true, Winky went with Crouch to the World Cup last year." You said. "And Dobby left the Malfoys in my second year. He reprimanded himself repeatedly but he still did it." Harry said. Sirius looked down with a frown.
The rest of breakfast everyone was talking about seeing Mr. Weasley. You were nervous to even be setting foot in St. Mungo's. You didn't think it'd be as bad once you actually got there but boy,
you were about to be proven wrong.
Taglist: @amhyeah @newtaholic-staygold @bbeauttyybbx @barnesnatasha @mariah-can-dream
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startanewdream · 3 years
Dancing lessons
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Summary: Lily shares a few dances with her son.
Notes: For @sweeethinny who asked me both for a story with Lily teaching Harry how to waltz and for family moments, and for the Anon who asked for a little of Harry jealous with Krum.
This story ties with 'Emergency Meeting', 'Hope' and 'Shotgun wedding' in this Jily Lives AU. Banner thanks to @the-dream-team!
On AO3 or below:
‘Merlin, this is stupid,’ Harry declares, right before he steps over her foot for the third time. ‘Sorry, Mum!’
Lily smiles, even though her foot hurts now. For someone who seems to have two left feet, he managed to hit her precisely in the same place all three times.
‘That’s fine, Harry,’ she tells him quietly, coming closer to him again. ‘No, hold my hand firmly. Yeah, like that. You are supposed to be leading me in the dance, remember?’
‘Yeah, right,’ he murmurs, not all convincing. Lily has seen him less nervous before he faced the dragon than he is with the prospect of the opening dance at the Yule Ball. At least, he didn’t call her so urgently with concerns about how to deal with a dragon.
‘One, two, three,’ she calls loudly, helping him guide her through that rented room in the Three Broomsticks. ‘One more time… now you spin me.’
He does, albeit with a little difficulty; Lily is still taller than him, though she knows this won’t last long. She remembers how James went through a growth spurt around fifteen; and she remembers what also happened with him during that time, all those teenage hormones.
Harry grew up so fast...
‘Very good,’ she compliments him. ‘Don’t forget she’ll be wearing dress robes, so be careful not to step over.’
‘Not step on the foot, not step on the dress — why did they invent dances?’
‘You might enjoy someday,’ she tells him, a knowing smile on her lips that Harry doesn’t understand yet. ‘So, tell me about this girl you are going with.’
Harry frowns. ‘Parvati? She’s nice. Ron is going with her sister.’
‘Oh, double date, then?’
‘Date?’ Harry blinks, surprised, then scandalized. ‘It’s not a date!’
‘You are going as friends?’
‘Yeah, but —’ he still looks lost. ‘Do you think she thinks it’s a date? Should it be one? What do I do?’
‘Breath, for starters,’ she tells him and, for good measure, Lily waits until Harry takes a deep breath, the panic in his eyes dimming. ‘I think you would know if it were a date. People do know these things, you know?’
Harry doesn’t seem like he knows it at all, but he nods, suddenly much more at ease.
‘Is she the girl you asked your father about weeks ago?’
A blush comes to his cheek. It’s rather adorable, she thinks, but she keeps from showing it. Harry is really shy when it comes to his feelings; one wrong word and he’ll crawl back into his shell and she won’t be able to take any word out of him.
‘No, that was… someone else.’
‘Didn’t work?’
His shoulders slump. ‘Someone else had already asked her out.’
‘Oh, it happens.’
‘Yeah.’ He looks dismayed.
‘You know, it happened to me once. I was going to ask your father out, well, at least that was what I tried to tell myself, but then he already had a date.’
Harry’s eyes widen. Lily remembers James speaking how unfathomable it is to Harry to think of his parents being with anyone else.
‘He rejected you?’
Lily lets out a laugh. ‘Rejection is a strong word, I hadn't even asked him out when I found out he had other plans. It was by the end of our Sixth Year, the last trip to Hogsmeade, and he went with this girl... Let me tell you, it was a miserable summer for me afterwards.’
‘Oh.’ Harry bits the inside of his cheek, thoughtful. ‘Because he was dating someone else?’
‘That was the funny thing, I didn’t know if he was with someone or not, because I was too afraid to ask and make it evident that I was fancying him just as he used to... well, in any case, no, what made me the most miserable was not knowing what he’d say if I had asked him out.’
‘I know,’ he sighs. ‘I mean, at least I know Cho didn’t deny it because she didn’t want to, but because I was too late.’
‘Cho?’, she asks, keeping her voice light. His blush intensifies and Harry spins her again more to gain time than because it was the correct step. It is a nice spin, though. ‘Is she in your year?’
‘No, one above.’ He stops, unsure. ‘Does it make a difference? If she is older?’
‘One year is not much,’ Lily assures him, and then Harry starts moving again as this weight is lifted from his shoulders. ‘And for older — I’m older than your father.’
‘For two months.’
‘Still makes me wiser,’ she promises him, making him laugh. ‘Well, you can ask her out some other time. You can even ask her for a dance at the Yule Ball!’
He sighs heavily, a disbelieving expression coming to his face. ‘Oh, she wouldn’t accept it.’
‘Come on’, she winks at him. ‘Being a Triwizard Champion must come with some benefit.’
He grimaces. ‘Her date is one too.’
‘Cedric?’ she guesses. ‘Oh, bad luck, Harry. He is nice.’
‘He is bloody annoying,’ he mumbles, then his eyes meet hers. ‘Ops, sorry.’
‘Oh, you should have heard what I used to call Cecily,’ she replies easily, shrugging, feeling silly for her young self.
‘Cecily Jones, the girl who went on that date with your father.’
‘He never mentioned —’
‘I doubt he remembers, Harry,’ she laughs. ‘It was one date — they weren’t going out in the summer, after all — and it didn’t matter afterwards. If you and this girl, Cho, are meant to be, you’ll find your path to each other eventually.’
‘You think so?’
‘Well, you wouldn’t be here if your father and I didn’t,’ reminds Lily. ‘Just remember — always take a leap. And if you ask her to dance, well, I think you’ll do just fine.’ She pauses them. ‘You didn’t step on my foot once in the last five minutes.’
‘Oh!’, amazement shines on his eyes. ‘I can dance!’
‘A waltz at least,’ she agrees, ruffling his hair fondly. ‘Our summer project will be teaching you to loose your hips.’
The ginger boy has a crossed expression on his face when Lily pulls him to the dance floor.
‘Mum,’ he calls, annoyed, as she places his hand around her waist as she did years ago. He grimaces, but takes her hand, moving rather graciously for someone who is wearing the wrong body. He still remembers, she notes gladly.
‘Son,’ she answers back, teasing.'You know, you could have been born like this.'
'What do you mean?'
'Ginger like me, but with your father's eyes.'
The boy doesn’t look like her or James at all, but it’s a nice thought all the same. Lily always wondered how another child of her and James might look like...
'So people you just give me the "you look like your mother but have your father's eyes"?'
'That would be a change.'
'Not really,' he mumbles, distracted. His eyes keep moving away from her, and judging by the way Harry sighed when the bridesmaids first appeared during Bill and Fleur’s wedding, she knows who he is looking at.
And it’s not to the bride’s young sister.
‘You should ask her for a dance.’
‘Who?,’ he asks guiltily, looking back at her. Lily raises one eyebrow, not impressed with his attempt to playing dumb.
‘While you can. Before you leave.’
‘I —’ he stops, conflicted. His face is all wrong, not one single resemblance to her son, and yet his expression is the same in the face of that muggle boy Harry is impersonating for the day. ‘It’s because I’m leaving that I can’t.’
‘The things we don’t do haunt us more than the things we do,’ she warns him, and Harry looks wistfully, his longing evident. Then an annoyed furious expression crosses his face, and he presses her hand as if to stop himself from taking his wand; when Lily follows the direction of his gaze, she sees Viktor Krum going to the table where Ginny and Luna are talking happily.
‘I could hex him,’ Harry murmurs darkly. ‘I wouldn’t regret that.’
She smiles, amused. ‘I thought Ron was the one with problems with Krum?’
‘I’m starting to agree with him,’ he replies. ‘A toss, really… Thinks he is so great because he is an international Quidditch player, big deal…’
Lily doubts this will matter to Ginny and, sure enough, as they watch, Ginny shakes her head at whatever Krum is saying, and Krum leaves, clearly dejected. Harry grins, satisfaction all over his face, and as if she can sense his stare, Ginny turns towards them.
Harry turns away quickly, but Lily knows it was not enough.
'She will accept it,' he mumbles, dismayed. 'Maybe not Krum, maybe not today, but her future is so free whereas mine…'
'Is bright too,' she finishes for him, voice stern now. 'Self-doubt will not take you anywhere, Harry. And you may have not noticed while you were brooding in the corner, but she kept throwing glances at you too. She wants to dance with you.'
'Oh. I… I would step on her foot.'
'Of course not, I taught you well,' Lily tells him with a smile, breaking away. 'I am going to find your father.'
There is a whole new trouble on Harry's face now and Lily refrains from sighing.
'I'll see you later. I’ll just stick around here for a while.'
'Mustering the courage?' she guesses wisely. He flushes. 'Remember, if you are meant to be -'
'We'll find our path to each other. Yeah, I know.'
She places a quiet kiss on his cheek, enjoying the fact that for the first time in a couple of years she is taller than him.
'Things will be fine, Harry. Don't lose hope.'
Harry is beaming, happiness written all over his face, wrinkles at the corner of his eyes more prominent than ever. Lily enjoys the fact those wrinkles come from laughing, not worrying.
Next to them, the bride and the groom's father are making a mess on the dance floor, spinning each other out of control, giggling crazily, and Harry looks at them with fondness.
'I thought Dad knew how to dance,' he says, amused.
'He does, but you know him. He likes to show off.'
Harry laughs. It's a carefree sound, not a single weight on his shoulders today.
'Well, let's show him how it's done, then?' he suggests, offering her his hand and Lily takes it graciously, letting her son conduct her to the dance floor.
He really waltzes well.
'You've been training,' she notes. Harry smiles guiltily.
'I like to dance in front of the mirror. Helps me to relax.'
'We only need to upgrade your dancing moves.'
'Ginny has this project, don't worry. We have a record player at home, she is teaching me all the good old wizarding songs. Sirius will help me with the Muggle ones and next thing I'm hitting a dancing club.'
She smiles at the idea of Harry in a nightclub; he is past twenty now, married and living away, but he is still her child in many ways.
'We should make him or her take dance classes,' he adds as an afterthought, his gaze falling to her belly, though there isn't any bump there yet. 'Make sure they won't get embarrassed in a school dance when they are older.'
'Nah, big brother Harry can teach them how to dance.'
He nods happily, spinning her around. The movement makes them get closer to James and Ginny.
'Switch partners?' James suggests, winking at them.
Harry laughs and spins his mother one last time, just as James does the same with Ginny. Lily finds herself in the arms of her husband, who stops long enough to kiss her tenderly, before drifting her away to the dancing floor.
Her husband waltzes nicely when he wants, Lily thinks joyfully, and with her pregnant, she knows he will be extra careful. James is cautious like that, but she lets him enjoy that protectiveness. It doesn’t come attached with any other worry — no war, no threat on their lives, and that’s something she can learn to live with.
Her gaze moves to the other couple. Harry and Ginny shine under the lights of the tent, today no other couple holding a candle for the happiness that irradiates from them. Her gaze drops and she watches as their feet move in synchrony, Harry always careful to avoid stepping over her long wedding dress.
Yes, she thinks. I really taught him well.
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srivsblk · 4 years
strange theories to keep the boys away | george weasley;
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summary: after you created a “strange theory” to find a date for the Yule Ball and have fun, George Weasley, your best friend Ron’s brother, is sure that he’s the right guy;
warnings: —;
“What are you doing?” asked Ron Weasley sitting right in front of me.
The library had never been this noisy. All the students arrived with the intention of studying for those few subjects in which the professors continued to give homework and inevitably ended up talking about the Yule Ball.
“What do you mean what am I doing?” I asked looking at him confused. “Studying.”
“Well, everyone is talking about the Yule Ball,” Ron shrugged while Harry sat next to him. “You probably already have a date.”
I sighed and placed the quill on the table, paying my attention to Ron. “Actually, no,” I said observing Ron's expression, which went from calm to shock. “Oh, don’t look at me like that!”
“You- You don’t have a date!” Ron exclaimed wide-eyed pointing at me. “How?”
“High expectations regarding boys, I guess,” I shrugged looking around the room. “I mean, it's not like nobody asked me.”
“Did you know it?” I heard Ron asking Harry in a whisper receiving a simple ‘no’ as an answer.
“Have you seen Hermione, by any chance?” I asked frowning and still looking around. “I thought she was with you two.”
Harry shrugged. “Actually, we thought she was with you.”
I nodded with my brows furrowed and realized that Hermione was probably somewhere around the castle talking about her beloved S.P.E.W. Although Hermione remained my best friend and the only one I could talk to about women's issues, lately I found myself spending more time with Harry and Ron. And when I needed Hermione, I went to the library hoping to find her and sometimes failing. For this reason, I had now spent so much time in the library and alone that I had finished my homework and devoted myself to taking notes on future topics.
“How much time did you spend in the library?” asked Ron observing the open page of the Potions book in front of me. “I'm pretty sure Snape hasn't explained those things yet!”
“Well, long enough to be able to say I’m ahead of the schedule.”
“Ahead?” Ron said shocked. “Blimey, Y/N, either Hermione has infected you or you are terribly bored!”
“Thanks, Ron, coming from you it's a real compliment!” I said sarcastically. “And how's the date you don't have because you're too chicken to ask someone to come to the Yule Ball with you?”
Ron, visibly offended in his pride, was about to argue but was suddenly cut off.
“Yes, Ron! How's your date?”
Turning slightly I noticed that Fred and George Weasley were behind me and had probably overheard the last part of the conversation. Being one of Ron's best friends and having spent a lot of time at his home, seeing Fred and George was nothing new. In fact, in the last year I was sometimes surprised not to see them more often, but Ron kept repeating that they had become suspicious since we arrived at Hogwarts. As Fred sat on my left and George on my right, Ron rolled his eyes and sighed.
“I thought you two were busy.” Ron muttered looking between the twins.
“Exactly,” Fred said smirking. “We were.”
“But a little break doesn't kill anyone,” continued George who was mirroring his brother’s expression. Meanwhile, Harry had a smirk on his face and was exchanging amused glances with me.
“Oh, me and my date are perfectly fine,” Ron said with a forced smile, “but let’s talk about Y/N who still doesn't have a date!”
I looked at him tilting my head confused. “I think you didn't listen to me, Ronald,” I sighed. “It was a choice!”
“I can’t believe you,” Ron said shaking his head. “Nobody goes alone to the Yule Ball by choice!”
“What do you mean?” asked Fred curious.
I sighed and turned to Fred explaining myself. “Someone has already asked me to go to the Yule Ball with them and I refused saying I already had a date.” I calmly said before glancing at Ron who was shaking his head. “However, it's a good choice I've made this past week and I have no second thoughts.”
“I still don't understand it!” groaned Ron frustrated. “From what other guys say you are one of the prettiest girls at Hogwarts and even Malfoy would not care about your house and social status to go to the Yule Ball with you. You're wasting your luck, Y/N!”
“What is your choice based on?” asked Harry over Ron’s muttered words.
I looked at him and noticed that he was genuinely curious and so I started telling him what I kept telling myself every day. “The guys who asked me to go to the Yule Ball with them were from Durmstrang. I have nothing against them but... I mean, I didn't know them enough! You know how sad it is to go to the Yule Ball with one of them and spend a boring evening or discover that maybe they are like Karkaroff! I have decided that I will go with a person with whom I know I can have a pleasant evening. Besides, I'm not afraid to go alone.”
I caught my breath after my words and took the time to observe the reactions of the other boys. Harry struggled to understand my reasoning, but Ron had given up as soon as he heard the news and was waiting with his arms folded for a reaction as exaggerated as his. Fred, however, looked at me confused and George, who had listened carefully to my words, was thinking hard about something.
After twenty seconds of pure silence, Ron decided to interrupt the confusion. “Blimey, Y/N, there is no need to make up strange theories to keep the boys away.”
Ron's words sparked a deep rage that caused my body temperature to rise dramatically. My cheeks were probably tinged red with anger because I noticed Harry looking at me worriedly as if I was going to explode. Ron, however, did not notice the effect of his words. He had behaved like this with Harry before the first task, with Hermione more than once and now with me too. I had enough. With all the anger still inside, I got up from my chair causing a noise that attracted the attention of some people in the room and quickly collected my books. I took the bag and looking at Ron with narrowed eyes and pursed lips, I left. At that moment even Hagrid could have mistaken me for an angry dragon. Keep the boys away. How dare he? He knew me well and I would have accepted such words coming from Pansy Parkinson or Draco Malfoy, but not from Ronald Weasley. Was he jealous? Well, it wasn't my fault that he hadn't found the courage to ask Hermione to be his date! Yet it was not a plausible enough excuse to blame me for not accepting two proposals!
“Y/N!” I heard a voice calling me, which made me turn around and stop.
George Weasley had probably run from the library to follow me and was slightly out of breath. His hair slightly longer than last year was disheveled due to running. His bag was about to fall off his shoulder and there was a slight flush on his cheeks. After waiting for him to say something, I looked at him confused.
“What is it, George?” I asked in a kinder tone, regretting the brusque behavior of before. “Listen, if it’s about Ron-”
“Ron?” he asked frowning. “No, nothing about Ron, love! I just had to ask you something.”
I shrugged. “Go on, then.”
He looked around and was struggling to find the right words, but nonetheless he took a deep breath and became serious. “You and I. The Yule Ball. Together.”
George tried not to show his insecurity and was waiting for an answer from me, but he probably noticed my confusion because soon after he started to move his mouth looking for the right words, perhaps afraid of having said something wrong.
“Are you asking me to be your date, George?” I asked slowly understanding.
“Only if you want to!” he said hopeful adjusting the bag on his shoulder. “And don't think it's pity or something. I want to take you to the Yule Ball.”
I watched George closely and noticed small details that I had always overlooked in recent years. George had become a handsome boy and his fame as a prankster had made him known throughout the school. But I only knew him as Ron's brother who had always been nice to me, even defending me from some bad Slytherin pranks. “Yes,” I said satisfied of my choice. “I'll go to the Yule Ball with you!”
The expression on George's face went from nervous to relieved and enthusiastic in less than a second. He kissed me on the cheek and ran away screaming through the halls as if he had won an important Quidditch match. The place where George left the kiss on my cheek was warm and when I touched it I suddenly smiled. Then I turned and continued walking - this time more slowly and cheerfully - towards the common room.
What happened in the following days was a succession of events and voices that created a sort of pause between the moment when George had asked me to go to the Yule Ball and the evening that everyone was waiting for.
Although Hermione was shocked when I told her that same evening that I had accepted George's proposal, she told me that she should actually have foreseen it. However, she told me that I hadn't chosen badly since at least with George I was sure I could have fun. As for her date, Hermione had finally told me that she had agreed to go with Victor Krum and that he wasn't as bad as everyone thought. George, on the other hand, kept an impassive attitude when he met me with Harry and Ron. He had only told Fred and Lee Jordan that I was his date, as only Ginny and Hermione had heard from me. Harry and Ron had not suspected anything, although they had known that I had finally found a date. Apparently, neither Ron nor I wanted to resume that discussion because he was merely commenting on the Yule Ball matters with Harry. Just a few days before the event, I discovered that my two best friends were planning to bring the Patil twins to the Yule Ball. I thought it was a choice to save themselves from the inevitable loneliness, but I never told them. Hermione still didn't talk about her date in front of Ron and she preferred to avoid any conversation about the Ball.
“Who is he?” asked Ron two days before the Yule Ball while playing chess with Harry.
I sighed closing the book I was reading and looked at him. “No need to keep asking, Ron! You'll see him in two days.”
However, even though I kept refusing, Ron was so curious about my date's name that he repeated the names of all male Hogwarts students from our year and up. Still, it was interesting how he skipped his twin brothers, probably sure that neither George nor Fred saw me as a real girl.
On Christmas day, just after waking up and opening the presents, Hermione and I met Harry and Ron and went to breakfast together. Although the general excitement for the Yule Ball, we decided to spend the morning in the Gryffindor tower, where everyone enjoyed their presents, then returned to the Great Hall for a magnificent lunch. The afternoon passed quickly between walks on the grounds of Hogwarts and snow fights. Hermione and I watched Harry and the other Weasleys having snow fights, while Hermione occasionally sneaked a glance at the smiles George and I exchanged. Around five, Hermione checked the time and took my arm as she rose from the ground. Apparently it was already late and we had to get ready for the evening.
“What, you need three hours?” said Ron, looking at Hermione incredulously, and being hit by George with a snowball. “Who’re you two going with?” he yelled after me and Hermione, but she just waved while I smiled at George and shook my head. Then we disappeared up the stone steps into the castle.
It had taken three hours to prepare both me and Hermione. She had been having some problems with her bushy hair as I kept pacing the room, trying not to panic. Hermione, as soon as she noticed my nervousness, tried to calm me down ("Oh, George is a great guy, Y/N! You'll definitely have fun.") and she helped me put on my dress. Looking in the mirror I had never felt this way. Suddenly, Christmas at Hogwarts took on another meaning. I looked at Hermione smiling and we finally headed for the Great Hall.
Arriving at the Great Hall Hermione left me with a hug and walked over to Krum. I peered around looking for George or at least Harry and Ron so as not to feel completely alone. Finally, after a few moments, I found George talking animatedly with Fred, who had a splendid Angelina beside him. As I walked towards them, Angelina said something to George making him turn in my direction and he finally noticed me. My smile widened further and I saw it was the same for George. He walked away from Fred and Angelina and arrived in front of me.
“You’re-” George couldn’t find the words while looking at me. “Merlin, Y/N, you’re wonderful!”
“You're not bad too, George!” I smiled taking his arm. “I've spent the last three hours preparing myself and I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous.”
“Well, no need to be nervous, love,” said George smirking. “It will be an unforgettable evening, trust me!”
“Oh, I trust you,” I said looking around. “Why are they all looking in our direction?”
George shrugged smirking. “Actually, they’re looking at me. They always do like this when they see me, don't worry!”
I laughed and held his arm tighter. “For a moment I had forgotten that you are the funny one.”
“Never forget that, love,” said George closer to my ear as we entered the Great Hall.
I noticed that Harry was nervous next to one of the Patil twins and Hermione was talking to Krum smiling. Many people needed more than a glance to recognize Hermione Granger, but I smiled at her as she did the same when she noticed me not far from her.
The first part of the evening passed quickly between laughter and an exquisite dinner. Fred kept throwing jokes at Angelina who pretended to be angry for a while and then laughed with the others. George and I had relaxed so much that being this close after a while felt more natural. He kept one arm on my chair and I squeezed his hand when he complimented me. When dinner was over and the Champions started dancing with their dates, George kept holding my hand before smiling at me and taking me to the dance floor. We may not have been the best dancers, but dancing with George just made me happy. After more dances together, George and I walked off the dance floor laughing and, noticing Harry and Ron near a table, we walked over to them.
“Why aren’t you two dancing?” I asked frowning and still holding George’s hand.
“We’re bored.” Ron muttered looking between me and George and trying to change the topic. “So you two-”
“What?” I asked curious.
“Nothing,” shrugged Ron sighing. “I didn't know you had a crush on George. That’s all.”
“I-” I tried to find the right words but felt my cheeks flush. “What are you talking about?”
“And you, George,” Ron said narrowing his eyes at George. “I didn't know you were interested in my best friend! Because that's what Y/N is, a sort of sister.”
As my cheeks became more and more red, I felt George boil in anger beside me at Ron's tone. “Well, Ron, maybe she is your sister, but not mine.”
“Whatever,” mumbled Ron sulky. “However, you remain two traitors. You haven't even told me anything about it.”
Harry stood next to Ron watching the scene. He was too smart to criticize us and agree with Ron, but he was too afraid of losing his best friend again to go against him. So I realized that Ron's only intention was to ruin the evening for all his best friends just because he didn't get what he wanted so much.
“You know, I had enough, Ron,” I said firmly looking at him. “Just because you can't have the best night of your life because of your bad mood doesn't mean you have to ruin my night too! For once I'm having fun and you ruin everything. I can’t accept it, I'm sorry.”
I walked away from my two friends and George with my heart pounding with anger. I didn't want to ruin anyone's evening, so my goal was to go outside and get some air and then find George and continue the wonderful evening. I noticed that the air outside was too cold for how I was dressed, so I sat on a sheltered bench observing the people around me. I recognized a fifth year girl walking with a boy from Durmstrang, and a seventh year couple sitting on a bench not far from me.
“Excuse me, is this seat occupied?” asked someone and turning around I found George smirking. As soon as I shook my head, George sat down beside me.
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled feeling guilty. “I had a wonderful evening with you and I feel I ruined it by talking to Ron.”
George slightly smiled and took my hand in his. “If anything you made this evening better by silencing Ron in less than two minutes!”
I laughed and looked at him. “Still, I’m sorry.”
“Well, no,” said George frowning. “I’m the one who’s sorry.”
“For what?”
“You deserve someone like Diggory or Krum, and instead you end up with George Weasley, the prankster,” George shrugged looking down.
“I like George Weasley,” I smiled holding his hand. “I don't think I would have had more fun with Diggory or Krum tonight. Or any other night.”
George looked at me smirking. “So did you have fun?”
I laughed nodding. The couple of seventh year students looked at us for a second before turning around. “I had a wonderful evening and you, George,” I pointed a finger towards him. “you were wonderful.”
George stared at me without saying anything for a few seconds. He had a satisfied smile on his face and his eyes were moving from my eyes to my lips. Suddenly he brought his face close to mine and kissed me. It was a small kiss and it didn't last long. But it had stayed on my lips like a tattoo on someone's skin. A golden but small tattoo. I noticed that George's cheeks had turned red to his ears covered in long hair and he seemed eager to have a reaction from me. But all I did was get closer and kiss him more deeply than before. It didn't matter if it was cold and winter or if anyone could see George and Y/N kissing in the courtyard. It was something I wanted to do instinctively when I never did anything instinctively. After years of rational choices, kissing George Weasley was instinctive.
“Do you want to go back to the Great Hall?” George asked after the kiss. “Let's dance a little more and then I'll take you back to the common room.”
I nodded standing up still holding his hand. “What a night,” I said smiling and shaking my head.
“And you haven't seen anything yet, love,” said George walking and hugging me. “George Weasley can do better! Ask me for the moon and I'll bring you the entire galaxy. We still have time, after all!”
And that was true. We still had time. We were young and free and at the start of something which we would later call love. But in that moment it was still too soon. Two young students not knowing what is that feeling when you hang from the lips of the person you like and wait for their proposal or opinion, when you think that no sad moment can ever get over this happy moment. Because that person is your happy moment. And George Weasley became all of my moments.
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saigonharrington · 4 years
Stargazing // g.w
Well, hello, this is my first ever one shot/imagine and I hope it isn't that bad... also english is not my first language so !TW! mistakes ;)
If I write more cause I have some ideas in my mind, I'll create masterlist (?) or something like that lol, maybe someone should explain me how all the things work here.
Anyway, here it is
George Weasley x fem!reader (somehow related to Diggorys)
There is nothing said about years or hogwarts house, so feel free to imagine it if you want.
It's pretty fluffy, but Fred jokes from time to time about inappropriate things.
It has about 1.2k words, so it's quite short.
Summary: Y/N stays at the Burrow during the summer and talks with George about memories.
Spending time with the Weasleys at the Burrow was always entertainment because these people were never bored. Imagine what an amazing time they had during summer. Y/N came here a few days ago and never had the time to catch a breath. Her boyfriend invited her, wanting to spend some more time together. Harry and Hermione also were here, but they spend all day in Ron's room or outside, looking for something and ignoring everyone. Percy also wasn't eager to have an active summer, he was always drinking tea and reading books, or complaining about everything.
But Y/N, George, Fred, Ginny, and occasionally Bill and Charlie had fun every day. Their splendid ideas about things to do during summer were almost immediately were quickly realized. They had played hide-and-seek, severe quidditch matches, they even tried to cook something, which didn't turn that bad as they expected, but they left so much mess that Molly forbids them to do it anymore.
After some research, they decided to do stargazing and spend (or at least try) the whole night outside because of perseids.
Even the golden trio decided to join in after they heard that we're having supper under the stars, and we'll bring many sweets as a dessert.
"Are you ready to spend the whole night with my family next to us?" George asked, making Y/N blush because she didn't realize this earlier. "Well, we're not planning to do anything nasty, then why should I?" She replied smirking. "It's gonna be cute, you and me, lying under the stars, holding hands…" She dreamt. "And Fred by our side." "And Fred by our side… damn. He'll annoy the shit out of us, won't he, pup?" Y/N said, calling George pup as always.
"Yeah, won't I, pup?" Fred came out of nowhere, laughing at that nickname.
"Fred I swear I'm gonna cut your ears because you're always eavesdropping!" Y/N screamed, hitting Fred on the arm.
"George, why did you have to pick a girl with anger issues? I expected more from you" Fred added, disappearing from the living room, as he noticed that Y/N wanted to hit him once more.
Night came by really quickly, and everybody was outside, lying on the blankets, watching the stars and eating goodies.
"Fred, when did you start calling Georgie pup?" Y/N asked curiously.
"Well, one time I said that sarcastically because I heard you saying that, but it quickly clicked, and I couldn't call George by his name again."
"Yeah, and I got used to being a puppy. Cause I'm cute." George added grinning, so Y/N gave him a wet kiss on the cheek.
"Ew, gross." Said Fred "I'm gonna try to make Ron angry now, be right back soon." And he got up to go to lay on another blanket, shouting at Ginny to move, because he wanted to be next to Harry.
"You know what" Y/N started. "I remember when you were jealous of me, and we weren't even together." She started explaining what suddenly came to her mind.
" Can't blame me, Diggory was around you like 24/7, I didn't even have a chance to talk to you properly. How could I say that you're the one I fancy when he was always there, making you smile, and you didn't bother."
"Well maybe because I didn't have someone to talk to. And he was my only friend. And cousin, therefore he was no competition for you. Although I have to admit that you look funny when you're jealous."
"Since we're calling each other out, do you remember when we were at the lake last summer? And you saw a frog, which you are afraid of, and you jumped at me like I was your superhero. That was hilarious. How can one be afraid of frogs? I mean, it's cute, but you were so terrified, I had to laugh."
"Yeah and that's why you dropped me. It wasn't amusing, I feel like I'm still aching even if it was that long ago."
"Get a room! We came here to watch the stars and talk with each other, not listen to you teasing each other." Ron got angry.
"Are you envious Ickle Ronniekins?" George asked. "Because I can simply call you out. You know, that one night in May when…" He started, wanting to remind his brother about one time when he had drunk too much and cried because Hermione was mad at him.
It's obvious that when there was more of them, the wittier were conversations. Talking about random stuff, and gossiping about the ones that weren't present here tonight, made them realize that they were not paying attention to perseids.
"You know." Ginny said and everyone turned around to hear what she's got in mind. "I didn't see a damn thing in the sky. I'm going home, it's quite cold." She got up. "Harry?" She added, which made the boy get up as well and follow her like a lost puppy.
"Maybe someone deserves that nickname more than me." George made everyone chuckle, except for Ron, who definitely wasn't fond of Harry spending time with his little sister.
"Hey Ron, you can't protect her from everything. She's old enough to take care of herself. Besides, you should be glad, that it's your best friend who's with her, not some random rude bloke" Fred gave a speech which made Ron even angrier because he didn't like when people tell him what is right. After a while he also went home, telling us he needs to play chess to relax and Hermione was eager to join him.
"Just the three of us." Fred said, moving onto our blanket again. "So, what are we going to talk about, pups?"
"About your crush on Angelina." Y/N mocked him.
"Suddenly I'm not interested in keeping the conversation with you, guys. Just don't get too loud, I hear like a bat."
Y/N moved her head from the blanket to George's stomach to lay on it.
"You want to hear digesting food or what?" He joked, playing gently with her hands.
"It's more comfortable here. You know, I thought others will last longer tonight. But maybe we were mending to watch the stars alone."
"Yeah, the sky is almost as beautiful as you. I don't know why they left."
"You're so cheesy, maybe that's the reason. Oh, look! Shooting star, make a wish."
"What does it mean?" He asked.
"In the muggle world, when you see a shooting star, you make a wish, so that it can come true."
"Am I supposed to tell you what is my wish?"
"No. Otherwise it won't come true."
"I am pretty sure it will." He said, kissing her passionately.
Y/N wished this moment to last forever, while George's wish was to be with Y/N forever because he can't imagine his future with anyone else.
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This might be over specific feel free to ignore but, Teddy going round to shell cottage to meet Vic and being cornered by Bill, and then later Fleur about how to treat their daughter and Teddy just 👁👄👁? (Also with gender queer teddy if you don't mind?) Once again sorry for how specific this is haha 😅
Definitely won’t ignore it! Thank you for the prompt! Hope you enjoy :)
~ It had been a while since Teddy had been to Shell Cottage. They used to spend summers here all the time as a child, playing on the beach with Victoire, swimming in the sea until the sun grew too hot and the two were called inside for lemonade. But once Teddy left for Hogwarts, they tended to spend holidays with their godparents or at the Burrow when they weren’t with their gran, because they missed Harry and Ginny, and Molly and Arthur. They saw Victoire all the time at Hogwarts. They spent hours with her, in the library or the Hufflepuff common room, or in the courtyard reading and playing gobstones. So Shell Cottage became rather distant.
However, when Teddy and Victoire started dating, they thought that a trip to her parents’ house was long overdue.
They were nervous, naturally, about meeting Vic’s parents, despite the fact that they had known Bill and Fleur for their whole life. But it was different now. Teddy was dating their daughter, and Teddy wasn’t sure if they’d approve.
Teddy was well-loved within the Potter-Weasley family. They were the Golden Child; the older sibling to every cousin; the last trace of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks, and when they started dating Victoire, no one was surprised. The two had been infatuated with each other since childhood, almost inseparable. A romance between them was frankly inevitable. But still... would Bill and Fleur approve?
When Teddy had come out as pansexual, they were accepted immediately, and Victoire made it clear that nothing had changed between them.
When Teddy came out as non-binary, a few of the older members of the family needed some time to get to grips with what that meant, as well as get used to using they/them pronouns to refer to them, but all in all, they were quickly accepted. And once again, Victoire made it clear that nothing had changed between them.
Their relationship was strong, and Teddy hoped that Bill and Fleur would be able to see that.
When Teddy arrived at Shell Cottage, they were rather pleased to see that hardly anything had changed. The beach was still the same, the house was still the same, even the wind chimes hanging from the front porch were still the same.
Teddy knocked on the door; they had decided to make a proper entrance rather than floo in, so they had apparated just beyond the sand dunes.
Victoire opened the door. Her face lit up when she saw them.
“Teddy!” She hugged them in greeting. Teddy hugged her back, breathing in her sweet perfume. “Come in!” Teddy walked the familiar route from the entrance hall into the kitchen, where Bill was standing over a sizzling pan of something that smelt very good.
“Wotcher, Teddy,” Bill greeted when he saw them. “Good to see you. It’s been ages!”
“Yeah,” replied Teddy. “Sorry about that.”
“That’s alright, we’ve got enough kids to keep track of as it is.” He grinned, and as he did, Fleur walked through the doorway, her usual presence instantly becoming the most noticable thing in the room. She spotted Teddy, and flung her arms out excitedly.
“Teddy! I didn’t know you were coming! Come here, cherie, it is so good to see you!” Teddy had barely taken a step towards her before she smothered them in an embrace and kissed them on both cheeks.
“Calm down, maman, you’ll suffocate them,” joked Victoire. Fleur let go but was still smiling. Victoire cleared her throat. “Now that you’re both here,” she began. “Teddy and I have something to tell you.” Teddy looked at her. Now? They thought. The two had been discussing this for weeks now, but Teddy still felt the desire to put it off for as long as possible. Victoire took no notice of them.
Bill and Fleur gave the couple their full attention, though a slight look of concern flashed across both of their faces, not knowing what Teddy and Victoire were going to tell them.
“You might want to sit down,” said Teddy. Bill and Fleur looked even more worried, but obeyed nonetheless.
“No, you don’t have to,” added Victoire, noting her parents’ tenseness. “Teddy, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“What’s not a big deal?” Asked Bill. Victoire hesitated before spitting it out, and Teddy was grateful that she had done it instead of them.
“Teddy and I are... are dating. We’re a couple.” She said it quickly, and she and Teddy waited in silence for a response.
Bill spoke first.
“Right... okay... I suppose it’s... no surprise...” he ran a hand through his long hair. “How long have you two been dating?”
“Little over two months,” replied Teddy, who felt like they should say something,  if only to not stand there awkwardly.
“Maman? What do you think?” Prompted Victoire. Fleur had yet to say anything, but she cleared her throat, ready to speak.
“Alors, I think zis is very good news. You two, are you... are you ‘appy?”
“Really happy!” Enthused Victoire. Teddy nodded as they put an arm around Victoire’s shoulder.
“Well zen zat is what is important, isn’t it, Bill?”
“Yes, absolutely!” Victoire and Teddy both smiled with relief. It had gone as well as they’d hoped, and now they no longer had to hide their relationship from Victoire’s parents anymore.
Bill stood up.
“Do you mind if I have a word with Teddy for a minute, Vic?” He asked, making Teddy suddenly think that they’d celebrated too early.
“Why?” Said Victoire.
“Don’t look so worried, I’m not going to hurt them,” Bill chuckled. Victoire looked from her father to Teddy, weighing up the options.
“Alright,” she sighed. “But don’t go all dad mode on them.” Bill put up his hands.
“You have my word.” Victoire squeezed Teddy’s hand and left the room.
“I’ll go with her,” offered Fleur, taking the cue from her husband and following her daughter out of the kitchen.
“I’m not in trouble am I?” Asked Teddy feebly, once the two girls were out of ear-shot. Bill was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed lazily against his chest.
“Nah! Come on, mate, how long have you known me? Contrary to what my kids  tell me, I’m pretty chilled out. And I’ve known you your whole life. I knew your parents too. I wouldn’t trust anyone with my daughter as much as I trust you. But I’m still Vic’s dad, and I still have a duty towards her. So I’m here to remind you that she’s young. She’s naive. And she’s trusting. And while that makes her sweet and lovely and what have you, it also makes her vulnerable and impressionable. And at the end of the day, Ted, you’re older than her.”
“I know, sir.” Teddy had never called Bill ‘sir’ before, but they felt that it was appropriate at this point in time.
“I don’t want you to force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do. I don’t imagine you will, because you’re a good kid, but you may get caught up in the moment and forget. So if you ever see Vic getting uncomfortable, you better stop whatever the hell you’re doing.”
“Yes, of course. I’d never make her feel uncomfortable.” Bill nodded.
“I know you won’t, and I trust you won’t, but I swear to Merlin, Ted, if you ever hurt my daughter I won’t hesitate to hex you.” Teddy almost wanted to laugh at the threat, but Bill seemed so genuinely serious that they didn’t think it would be wise.
“I promise I won’t hurt a single hair on her head. If I did I’d hex myself.” Bill let out a shadow of his usual grin, walked over to Teddy and patted them on the shoulder.
“I know, mate,” he said, and the two smiled, a shared bond momentarily passing between them over their love for Victoire Weasley, and Teddy felt closer to Bill than he’d ever done before.
~ Teddy stayed for dinner, and all six of them- including Dominique and Louis- sat round the dining table, laughing and chatting like old times. Dominique and Louis were glad to hear that Teddy and Victoire’s relationship was officially out in the open. They’d already known about it, and were starting to get tired of hiding it from their parents.
After dinner had finished and the plates had been washed up and put away, Teddy decided that they’d better get back to their gran’s house. Dominique and Louis said goodbye, Victoire kissed them and Bill shook their hand.
Fleur caught them in the hall when they were putting their jacket on.
“I assume Bill gave you the the whole look-after-her and don’t-hurt-her speech?” She said. Teddy nodded. “Oui, it is a father’s job. But... seriously. Be careful. She loves you so much. She always has done. If you hurt her, it will break her. Please don’t do that.” Teddy looked at her. She was speaking gently, yet the pleading in her voice was evident. Teddy felt their chest constrict, especially at Fleur’s statement that Victoire loved them. Teddy couldn’t help but hug her.
“I promise. I will never hurt Victoire,” they confidently, and almost fiercely, assured.
“Je sais, cherie,” she replied, hugging them back. “You are a good kid. A very good kid.”
~ This was fun to write! And I’ll start working on your other request too!
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headcanonsandmore · 6 years
Honestly, I had a friend backstab me the same way Ron backstabs Harry not once but twice. I simply cannot get behind him as a character I don't see him loyal at all. He wasn't in Hufflepuff for a reason. He's loud, lazy, and only good at chess even in the books. He puts no effort into school, complains about everything, and can't even pull his head from his ass. It baffles me that people actually like him when he's got like 3 moments where he isn't a douche.
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Okay, first of all, Ron didn’t ‘backstab’ Harry in GOF. He thought Harry had gone behind his back and entered the tournament without him. During the run-up to the tournament, Ron had made it clear that he wanted the two of them to enter together. To Ron, a character who is fiercely loyal, even the thought that Harry would want to hide something from him was devastating. 
He also didn’t ‘backstab’ Harry in DH. He was anaemic, ill, and malnourished, as well as having a part of Mouldy-warts soul round his neck. The Horcrux played up some of Ron’s worst fears (that he was just a hanger-on, that Harry didn’t care about him, that Hermione preferred Harry to him) to try and break up the trio. Because it knew that Ron was the binding force within the group; the glue that held them together. If Ron fell, the trio would fall too, and Voldemort would never be defeated. Ron also has a sensitivity for emotional magic; being the first of the trio to realise the horcrux was sort-of alive, as well as having a hunch about the taboo on Voldemort’s name that Harry and Hermione didn’t take into consideration (heck, the only reason they didn’t say his name before they found out was because Ron kept urging them not to, resulting in Harry and Hermione developing a habit of saying ‘you-know-who’ and therefore not getting caught whilst Ron was away). 
Second, the reason Ron wasn’t in Hufflepuff was because his defining trait was his bravery. Ron is fiercely loyal, yes, but he was also brave, intelligent and resourceful. He was a Gryffindor through-and-through. 
Thirdly, Ron is far more than those traits you stated. Yes, he is loud, but he’s also funny, witty and quick-minded. He isn’t lazy; he’s a teenage boy who didn’t enjoy studying and wanted to spent time doing the things he loved (very much like Harry, who- need I remind you- got the exact same OWL grades as Ron except for their Defence grade. Which Ron still exceeded expectations on). 
Ron is good at many things outside of chess. He was a brilliant keeper in Quidditch (despite Draco Malfoy writing an abusive song designed to mock Ron during matches), a great strategist, a sociable person able to get along with many different people, and able to stop Harry and Hermione getting lost in their own heads. And since when is being good at chess a bad thing? He beats a chess-set designed to beat adult wizards at the age of the twelve, whilst working with a handicap (making sure Harry and Hermione weren’t taken), and then sacrificing himself for his friends, showing his bravery once again. Ron is a chess-master, which also disproves the point about him being unintelligent. 
Ron did take his school-work seriously. Like I said before, he passed all of his OWL excepting History of Magic (a subject taught by a teacher who bored everyone except Hermione) and Divination (again, taught by a teacher that was iffy at best). He exceeded expectations in Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, and Care of Magical Creatures, as well as passing in Astronomy. He got the EXACT same grades as Harry (who also shared his disinterest in studying) except for the subject that Harry had a special talent for (and Ron still exceeded expectations for that subject, regardless). Ron is no slouch, academic wise. 
‘Complains about everything’? I guessing you mean when he was making a point about Harry not knowing what he was doing in DH. Which (as I already mentioned) was when Ron was anaemic, malnourished and under the influence of a piece of Voldemort's’ soul. 
‘Can’t pull his head out of his a**’? For goodness’ sake, Ron hardly ever ignores the problems going on around him. Aside from the Lavender situation in HBP (which he delayed because he didn’t want to hurt the poor girls’ feelings), Ron was often the one trying to resolve  arguments with the people around him. During the entire series, he is almost always the bigger person, apologising and trying to resolve arguments even if they weren’t his fault to begin with. 
Ron NEVER gets apologised to by anyone in the series (even if the other person was the one at fault). Aside from Hermione apologising in POA about Ron’s rat, he never gets a proper apology from anyone. He, throughout all seven books, is the one who has to shred what little pride he has, give ground to other people, and resolve the situation. 
‘It baffles me that people actually like him when he's got like 3 moments where he isn't a douche.’
You really think he hasso few amazing moments? You’re about to get schooled, I’m afraid. Ron has SOmany amazing moments.
Befriends Harry almostimmediately after meeting him. Tries to cheer Harry after he worries about notbeing good enough for Hogwarts. Gives Harry lots of insider-info about thewizarding world. Immediately volunteers to be Harry’s second in the duel, andgoes along with him (sneaking out after lights-out to do so). Saves Hermionefrom the mountain troll whilst in a life-threatening situation. Worries aboutHarry’s mental state after Harry starts spending a lot of time staring at theMirror of Erised. Makes sure his mum gets Harry some holiday presents, andstays at Hogwarts with Harry over the break. Is the only one to stand by Harrywhen the entirety of Gryffindor house turns against him. Literally sacrificeshimself in the giant chess game for his friends. Gets fifty points fromDumbledore for said chess game, helping Gryffindor win the house cup.
Rescues Harry from hisabusive relatives after he notices that Harry didn’t respond to Ron’s letters.Has Harry stay over at his house over the summer. Apologises when he realisesthat Harry doesn’t know about Floo Powder. Drives himself and Harry to Hogwartsin a flying car. Defends Hermione after Malfoy calls her a slur; using anon-verbal spell through a wand that didn’t even choose him. Comforts Hermioneafter she gets turned into a cat-like creature, and brings her homework. Goesto defend Ginny after Malfoy embarrasses her in public. Stands by Harry whenmost of the student body think he’s the heir of Slytherin. Is constantlylooking out for and comforting Ginny throughout the year. Goes into theforbidden forest (despite having a phobia of spiders) because it might helpthem de-petrify Hermione. Suggests that he and Harry go to see Lockhart aboutthe chamber of secrets, on the slightest possibility that Ginny might still bealive. Holds his emotions together when he and Lockhart are cut off from Harryby falling rock.
Makes up an alibi toget Harry out of trouble with Professor Snape. Immediately downplays his owngrievances with the Scabbers-Crookshanks situation after Hermione apologies soas to make her feel better. Stands up on a BROKENLEG to defend Harry against a presumed-mass-murderer, proclaiming ‘if you wantto kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us too!’
 Rescues Harry from theDursleys (AGAIN). Invites Harry to the Quidditch World Cup. Tries to apologise toHarry for his behaviour (although Harry realises he doesn’t need the apology).Supports Harry 100% during the rest of the tournament. Lets Harry practicestunning spells on him repeatedly inthe run-up to the third task.
Makes it clear that heunderstands Harry’s frustrations, but that it’s not okay to take thosefrustrations out on Ron and Hermione. Won the Quidditch cupfor Gryffindor. Goes with Harry to thedepartment of mysteries. Gets incapacitated whilst defending Luna and Ginnyfrom several death-eaters (all of whom he defeated).
Won the Quidditch cup forGryffindor AGAIN. Defended Hogwartsagainst the death-eaters.
Part of the ‘sevenpotters’ plan. Took down several death-eaters whilst several-hundred-feet-up ona broom. Was worried about theCattermole family after they got away from the ministry. Got away from the snatchersafter they cornered him. Saves Harry’s life.Destroys the horcrux locket after it mentally tortured him with visions of hisown worst fears. Never blames hisleaving on the locket, even though he had every right to. Tries to fight thesnatchers and tells them to ‘get away from’ Hermione. Saves Hermione fromBellatrix Lestrange. Jumps forward when a chandelier comes down on top of her,and pulls her out of the rubble. Disapparates without splinching for the firsttime because he needed to get Hermione to safety. Stops Hermione fromstunning a giant, which could have caused half the castle to be crushed. Volunteered to go tothe shrieking shack to kill the snake in place of Harry. Remembered thehouse-elves when everyone-else had forgotten them (including Hermione). Took down FenrirGreyback with Neville.
(And these are just the ones off the top of my head...)
This is why we like Ron Weasley, anon. Because he was brave, intelligent, funny, witty, kind-hearted, and always come through for his friends. 
So, yeah, I don’t agree with you on this, anon. Bye!
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dent-de-leon · 7 years
Wait, i just... I need to ask you 'cause i'm really confused. You think sheith will be canon? Please don't take it as an attack, you can of course ship it in fanon but i really don't see how it could ever happen in canon? It's been mentioned multiple times that Shiro is a mentor/brother figure to Keith (and even said by Keith in the show) and hinted that there's this big age gap, and we actually saw Keith in his student uniform while Shiro's wearing his teacher one in the flashback so?? pls tell
Alright, so–the fact of the matter is, I just don’t see how Shiro or Keith could end up with anyone besides each other in canon. All of their major character development coincides with one another, they’re each integral to each other’s story arcs. They care for one another first and foremost, are closer to each other than anyone else. Keith in canon has this desperate desire to see Shiro–in his trial, Kolivan says as much. Keith’s constant fear of losing Shiro and this sense of longing for him–you don’t see that in a platonic, brotherly relationship. Keith’s fear of Shiro walking away and abandoning him is far more characteristic of unrequited love. 
Shiro and Keith’s dynamic is built up like a romantic relationship rather than a brotherly one. It’s written with clear parallels to zaggar, 
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and the dynamic is noticeably different from Matt and Pidge–two actual sibling characters. This isn’t an accident, it’s very much apart of the narrative. Compare the way Matt looks at Pidge to how Shiro looks at Keith. There’s an obvious difference:
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Keith’s overarching quest to save Shiro “as many times as it takes,” is also incredibly romantic. The way Keith mourned Shiro like his grief was the only pain that mattered, like no one else could’ve possibly cared about Shiro the way he did, like he’ll keep carrying a torch even when everyone tells him Shiro would want him to move on, that reads far more like someone grieving a lost lover than a brother. And you could see it in how differently Pidge reacts to losing Matt. 
There’s also the fact that Shiro always gets these very personal, tender goodbyes with Keith, something you’d expect from a love interest. Not to mention how Shiro is the only one Keith will prioritize over the mission. And even Shiro and Keith’s first scene would’ve established them as clear love interests if Shiro were a girl. The longing gazes Shiro and Keith share certainly aren’t brotherly either. And so many sheith scenes are very purposefully given a mood, framing, and intimacy of romance. Consider how Keith reunites with Shiro in the first episode compared to him seeing the other paladins. The closeups, softness, and tender way Keith reaches out to turn Shiro’s head closer. Or how they both hug after the BOM like they’re the only two people in the world, with Allura staring on and then quickly turning away guiltily–as if she’s intruding on something very private and intimate.
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Or how the reunion between Keith and Kuron was exclusively for them and no one else. No team, no loud excitement or group celebration. Just two people longing gazing out at one another as they slowly drifted into each other’s orbit. Or look at any scene where Shiro and Keith are having a tender heart to heart. They’re usually either under a sunset or lowlight. The bedroom scene is especially telling, particularly when you compare it to Keith’s talk with Lance afterwards. 
One shows Keith and Shiro in the dark and vulnerable, there’s a heavy atmosphere and gravity to the scene that you didn’t get with the lightheartedness from Lance. The way Keith and Shiro are so close yet so far, closer to one another than they’ve ever been with anyone else, but still backing away and holding their distance–that’s not brotherly. It seems more like two people who are trying to suppress their feelings and are afraid to make that breach. And there’s always that sense of gravity that draws them together anyway
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There is the “Shiro, you’re like a brother to me,” line. But curiously, I’ve never seen anyone say kl/ance was impossible because Hunk throws his arms around Keith and Lance and says, “We’re brothers.” I’ve never seen people say ka/llura or all/urance or sha/llura is impossible because Allura says “I’ve grown to consider you and the paladins my new family.”
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I’ve never seen people say you couldn’t ship Keith with anyone on Team Voltron because, prior to the brother BOM line, holo Shiro says, “We’re all the family you need.” We as in, everyone on team Voltron is seen as Keith’s found family. Keith singling out Shiro with his brother line response is interesting though, because–yes, he does see all of Team Voltron as family. 
But he only focuses on his bond with Shiro, because it runs much deeper than what he feels for everyone else. Focusing on one line out of context as if Keith and Shiro is the only instance of found family is really transparent to me. If you’re going to discount sheith for that, every other ship between Team Voltron is out too. All of them. 
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And as a bi guy, I’ll tell you that I’ve pulled the “you’re like a brother/sister to me” card before because I was scared of admitting my feelings for someone and it was a way to backpedal out of the situation without worrying that the other person would leave me for it. And we do know Keith’s worst fear is feelings, know that Josh said “[Keith’s] constantly scared he’s gonna say or do something wrong and he’s gonna lose Shiro.” It makes sense for Keith to hide his feelings. Plenty of people who’ve felt romantic attraction have done something similar. Also–Harry and Ginny, Ed and Winry, Aang and Katara–why is it that thinking of someone as just being like a brother or sister and then having it evolve into something more is seen as a natural progression if you’re straight, but somehow doesn’t apply if you’re gay? 
We already know that age isn’t a problem in canon because Matt flirted with Allura. He did that. That was fine. Allura has been said to be about the same age as Keith (who started at 18 and now is either 19 or turning 19) and we know Matt is the same age as Shiro. They were in the same class, and they graduated together. One wears the cadet uniform though and one wears an officer uniform. This is because, despite age, they have different ranks. Shiro has never been referred to as a teacher and has only been acknowledged as a past student at the garrison by staff. And we also know that Shiro graduated only a few years prior to Kerberos. You also don’t go up to your teacher and say you think of them as a brother. That’s not how it works and they’re not student and teacher. And if Shiro mentored Keith a bit in piloting, I don’t see a problem. Katara mentored Aang in water bending, but they still got married.
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Staff have repeatedly supported Shiro and Keith in a romantic context, and have done so since the very beginning. To the point where Shiro’s VA came up with the ship name for it and one of the episode Directors drew fanart of it. Doesn’t sound to me like they were trying to push the whole “brotherly” idea very much. 
And we’ve been told that the show runners are fighting for lgbt representation, and that it’s something they’ve been working towards since the very beginning, that the start of that has been there since the first season:
Lauren (after being asked about the lgbt rep in korrasami and whether Voltron would ever “take that step”): “We have those first 13 episodes and if we ever went beyond that, we would like to push the envelope.” (source here)
Will we be seeing any lgbt representation?
Lauren: “It’s super important to us.”
Joaquim: “Just know that from our prospective, we’re fighting to create as open and broad a spectrum of characters as we can.”
Lauren: “We can’t give you any definite answers, but just know that–”
Joaquim: “We’re fighting for as broad and open representation as we can.” 
The only possible relationship I can think of that could’ve grown between two characters since season 1, that the writers have been steadily growing and still supporting, that has even a fraction of a chance of happening and would be worth fighting for in how prominent and well written it would be–is sheith. I know people like kl/ance too, but the writers have already said point black it isn’t happening and have only used female pronounce to describe Lance’s future love interest:
Interviewer: “I feel like there was a little tease? It seems shippers want to ship Lance and Keith together, so are there gonna be any hints of that at all? Or is it just more like–okay, they’re friends, they’re starting to become friends.”
Lauren: “I think we had a very natural arc in mind for those two. Which is, they start out at odds, but then they grow to kind of respect each other. And if that leads into people being like–they’re spending time together! Then that’s a ‘thing,’ but…We’re not trying to cater to or bait anyone into anything, we’re just trying to do what’s right for the story.”
Joaquim: “We also try not to be overtly affected by what popular opinion might be.”
Lauren: “And we’re working in animation. Our schedule is so far in advance for that–even if people shipped Keith and Lance, we couldn’t go back and just change the story–to be like and now they’re in love!”
Joaquim: “There’s just no way. We’re already years past that storyline, you know?” (source)
Interviewer: What would Lance look for in a future Mr. or Mrs. Blue Lion? I’m gonna guess she meant Red Lion now. I think she’s trying to fill out her space Tindr profile. But yea, what is Lance’s–And I like this, because Lance is kind of all over the place. He hits on anything that moves and is pretty, which all the aliens are pretty. But what would he look for, really, in a partner or a soulmate?
Lauren: I don’t know if Lance knows what he needs. I know what he might look for, but what he might look for is not necessarily what he needs. I think he needs someone who is self-assured and knows herself, so that he can kind of become that same person and know himself.   (source)
So if there’s going to be any lgbt relationship, I’m certain it’s sheith. Recently, Lauren has also talked about fans pointing out the sheith cameo at the garrison, and excitedly said, “I put that shit in there!” And added that, “Shiro was still his guiding light. It was good.” I honestly think part of why she got so enthusiastic over it was because they’re coming closer and closer to revealing a relationship they’ve worked very long on and fought hard for and have kept under wraps. This was also teased when Jeremy said, “Hey, backstory guys. There’s more of it.” And Joaquim added, “It exists!” So there is a big story there, and we’re definitely getting it. (source)
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Unlike Matt and Pidge, any inkling of Shiro and Keith’s backstory prekerberos is something the narrative’s always very secretive about it. Why keep that hidden unless it was going to reveal something monumental about their relationship? Like say, Keith harboring feelings for Shiro? Even just throwing in this little cameo like that, people might say it’s nothing. But we saw a similar background cameo with Zarkon and Honerva in the Black Lion’s flashback–and that leads to a whole love story. It honestly makes sense to me if they were planning something similar with Shiro and Keith. 
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macadoodle1996 · 5 years
At lunch, Evanna deliberately slid into the seat beside her brother before Parkinson was able to.
"Thank you for saving me a seat, Parkinson," she said.
"I was going to sit there!" the other girl whined.
"And you're so gracious as to allow me to speak with my brother," Evanna replied coolly, doing her best impression of her mother. "Now, if we could speak privately for a moment, I am sure you'll be understanding."
Parkinson made a noise and flounced off. Draco turned to Evanna.
"You know, Parkinson is not exactly the sharpest quill in the pot, but she's still not a pleasant enemy," he said dryly.
"I'd be more worried about making an enemy of myself, brother dear," Evanna all but cooed.
Draco scooped some green beans on his plate, carefully keeping them from touching his lamb chops. "I have no idea what you are talking about, sister dear."
Evanna narrowed her eyes, choosing the direct approach. After all, her brother was a rubbish liar-she would certainly be able to tell if he tried.
"Did you or did you not owl Father about who I was spending time with?"
Draco looked at her out the side of his eye. "You know that our father is a powerful man who you shouldn't ever make angry, correct?"
"Draco-" Evanna warned.
"Ev," Draco said. "You are my baby sister. I've told you before that I will always have your back."
I won't let you be trapped in the manor forever.
"But, Father has eyes in this school. Whether you or I owl him, he knows what his children are up to at Hogwarts."
Evanna frowned. She had not quite got the answer she had wanted, but she would accept. She had another question she wanted to ask before afternoon classes.
"So have you received any owls from home?"
"I did the day after the Sorting," he said. "But not since. Why?"
"Father says Mother is ill-I wondered if he had told you?" she said as nonchalantly as she could. Draco's fork paused for a moment on the way to his mouth, before he smoothly took a bite of his green beans and chewed it slowly. He looked at her.
They are fighting.
"No, I had not heard," he said. "Did he say what was wrong?"
Evanna shook her head. "No, but I asked Professor Snape to check in on her, bring our love and whatnot."
This time, Draco dropped his fork. It took him a moment to recover. "You did what?" he hissed in a low voice. Evanna frowned.
"The professor is Father's friend, yes?" she said. "I figured he ought to be able-"
"Evanna, you can't do that. It-it's-"
"Not the done thing!" he sputtered lamely.
"Excuse me for caring about our mother," Evanna said tartly.
"If Mother is sick," he said in a low voice, "then it is a family matter. Father won't appreciate anyone poking their big noses in."
Evanna knew what her brother was saying made sense, but she would never admit it. Still, she felt better knowing that someone was checking on her mother.
"Fine then," she said. "I've got Transfiguration."
She climbed out of the bench, deliberately smacking Draco in the face with her robes and left for the lesson. As usual, she sat next to Luna, who again thanked her for the shoes. Evanna's stomach clenched with the thought of what those other Ravenclaws were doing, as if any of those questionable low-borns were as good as Lovegood…
"Here," Luna said cheerfully as they were packing up. "I owled Daddy and he sent this to me. I thought you would find it interesting-it's all about the léitheoir aigne."
Evanna frowned as the girl handed her a tome-it was bound in worn purple cloth with silver markings. The title looked to be in runes of some sort-they looked vaguely familiar to Evanna, though that was unsurprising. The Malfoy family library held vast amounts of all kinds of books, tomes, and scrolls, including some that Evanna knew spanned millennia.
"Thank you," Evanna said somewhat trepidatiously. Luna just beamed at her as they filed into the corridor.
"C'mon, Evanna," Elin was calling for her. "It's at least a ten minute walk to the greenhouses and Turpin said that Peeves set up some dungbombs on our usual way."
Evanna quickly said goodbye to Luna and scurried to catch up to her Housemates. "Are we sure it was Peeves and not those Weasley twins?"
"Does it matter? These are new robes!" Eva replied.
"What did Lovegood give you?" Elin asked.
"Some old book," Evanna replied. "I'm sure it'll tell me all about Crumple-Horned Snorkacks and the like, but she wanted to thank me for making her shoes."
"You made her shoes?"
"Don't we need to get to class?"
The girls made took the long route out of the castle, making it to the greenhouses just in time. Several of their Hufflepuff classmates were still trickling in themselves, though . Evanna was only mildly surprised when Bridget Travers slid into the seat beside her.
"Ginny told me what was going on," she said. "I had thought that Lovegood was just trying to better sense the Blibbering Humdingers or something."
"The what?" Evanna replied.
"Never mind," Travers waved her off. "Any way, the people you are looking are a couple of fourth year girls-Tulip Karasu and Eliza McLaird. They are Ravenclaws, so I would be careful. They know their way around a wand."
"How did you come by this information?" Evanna all but demanded. Travers smirked in a way that made Evanna wish she had been Sorted into Slytherin.
"Hufflepuffs can find most anything, you know," she said then seemed to pause. "And I'm sorry. You seem a rather decent sort."
At that, the other girl moved away to some of her other friends and Evanna found herself rather surprised by the interaction. She filed it away for inspection at a later date. Evanna didn't speak much during the lesson, mind whirling with thoughts about her mother and her new friend, as well as what she would write back to her father. At one point in time, the groundskeeper came in to talk to Professor Sprout, warning her to ward the greenhouses as something had been killing his roosters.
"Ugh, I can't wait until we no longer have to take that class," Eva said as they left. "I hate dirt under my fingernails."
"Maybe it would help if you remembered your dragonskin gloves?" Evanna said wryly.
"I am not taking clothing advice from someone who dresses like my grandma," Eva replied, sticking her nose up in the air. Evanna bumped her hip as they made their way to the Common Room and the dorms, intending on cleaning themselves up before dinner. As they walked in, however, a silky voice came behind them.
"Ms. Malfoy, a word," Professor Snape said, emerging from the shadows. Her two dorm-mates gave her worried glances then scampered off.
The older years had warned them all that the Potions Master was just about as far away from a hands-off Head of House as one could get. Though he turned a blind eye to a few quidditch after-parties, and typically allowed them to learn whatever kinds of magic they wanted to in the Common Room, Professor Snape made sure his Snakes were of sound mind and body, always the picture of decorum. That meant he made frequent visits to the Common Room, met with his students regularly, made sure they adhered to curfew and on and on. Though, the beginning of term must have been wearing, for this was the first time Evanna had noticed the man in the Common Room.
"Have you checked on my mother already, sir?" she said, somewhat surprised. His eyes widened almost imperceptibly.
"Your mother is not ill," he said slowly.
"Then what is wrong with her?"
Her husband.
Evanna blinked as the thought seemed to wash over her with the strength of it. Though she knew very well that her father had never treated her mother very well, she also knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the thought had not come from within her.
"She had an-" Snape's lip curled, "accident. She has been recovering at St. Mungo's."
Evanna's heart thumped painfully in her chest. "But why didn't-is she going to be-sir, please, can I floo her?"
"For now your father is limiting visitors and he does not wish to worry you or Draco." There was still a sneer planted on her professor's face. I would kill him if I could.
Evanna chewed her lip, an uncomfortable feeling settling in her stomach. "Sir…" she began slowly. "Was it… was it really just an accident?"
The professor looked at her with those fathomless black eyes and Evanna thought, just for a moment, that the man seemed to soften.
"Of course," he replied, "what else could it have been?"
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