#i find it extremely hard to see myself as some sort of (and this is between TOO MANY brackets)
spaceradars · 2 years
why does it feel so weird to me to be in a position of "authority" as an assistant for this class 😫😫
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netherworldpost · 4 months
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@kernyen-xo /
Watercolor sets made by Crayola. Acrylics made by Crayola. The brushes these kits come with are frustrating, cheap brushes are typically $3-5 each. You can spend as much as you want on a brush, the cheap ones are surprisingly good. This is extremely common advice, this isn't just from me.
When you find "ah I like this" go with a student grade of whichever you prefer. Or both! I find watercolor frustrating. I find acrylic doesn't look graphic as much as I want. I fell in love with a paint called gouache because it is very flat, layers nicely.
I would not start with oil paint. It is expensive, requires a lot of special care to keep you safe. Fumes, cleaning agents, etc. Fall in love with painting, then if you want, give oil a try. Be prepared for days (weeks, months, literally) for paint to dry. This isn't to scare you off it -- it's great -- but I wouldn't start here.
Oil has tremendous variety of things you can do with it.
Watercolor is ethereal.
Acrylic has great graphic qualities, lots of range.
I like gouache because it looks almost animated (there is a reason for that, it was/is used in animation background sometimes). It's tricky and tempermental.
Paint by numbers kits if you don't draw. Maybe even if you do and just want to dive into painting.
Mixed media sketchbooks. Lets you experiment a lot, cheaply. The big thing about sketchbook paper is it comes in a few forms -- very cheap (newsprint) and takes dry media (pencils, etc.) well, cheap (mixed media, lets you experiment quickly and a lot), and expensive (hot press has no texture, cold press has a texture).
Painting needs something that can get wet and not fall apart.
Start with a cheap mixed media sketchbook and see how you like it. Move on from there.
Ton of videos across lots of social media and much content. Has the advantage of multiple perspectives, you don't get trapped in "I think this is crap" or "This is the best" versus your thoughts.
Start cheaply.
Art stores and product manufacturers exist to make money. This is a neutral statement. The point is they are a store, they will sell you whatever you think you need, whether you need it or not.
Some things that are not universally useful but sold in art stores are great labor savers. Some people look down at disposable palette paper, others need the flexibility because they have a hard time washing palettes... etc.
Start cheaply. Look at hardware stores, lots of duplicate functions in items.
I come from a background of digital art and a lifetime of business where "ah where the BONES ARE WE GOING TO FIND MONEY FOR--"
Have fun.
Get in deep and frustrated and then drink the frustration (but not the paint water) because you realize you're frustrated because you can FEEL how it should look but you can't get there yet.
The journey is amazing.
I've started looking at the mountain of business problems I have been sorting through for the last few years.
"Okay. How is this supply chain issue with stationery compared to a painting I want to do of the piranha plants of Super Mario Brothers?"
This is literally something I asked myself.
It took me out of the problem (supply chain issue, boxes, our office size, the number of stationery items I want to design) and forced me to look at it as a painting (structure, where does it stay simple, where does it get complex -- what makes sense -- ah, PDF downloads).
Learn by doing.
Start cheaply.
Keep going. Build up.
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celestialscatterbrain · 8 months
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1. personal synastry and composite experiences and observations
Do not interact if you are a minor. (18+)
Sun in 8th house synastry: I was the house person they were the sun. I definitely developed insecurities I never had before as a result of this connection. With the sun shining brightly on my insecurities, they were hard to ignore and even harder to not project them entirely on the sun. A lot of “you did this to me!” energy. I didn’t consider myself a jealous person until this relationship and a lot of it came from wanting to be “good enough” in the eyes of the sun person. It’s like knowing you have these darker aspects in common and wanting them to see you can bond this way and see them in a way no one can. You also end up pushing limits together. You liked this? Now WE love this. You’re addicted to that? Now WE are addicted to it. Moderation is hard to achieve with sun in the 8th house synastry. It can also bring up insecurities surrounding sex with that person specifically, if poorly aspected. Explosive reactions and emotional outbursts aren’t foreign here. The house person can feel like a vampire being sunburned, with all its ugliness revealing itself from its body because of its interaction with this person. The 8H person wants a full, in-depth analysis of the sun person’s thoughts, intentions, and motivations. The plutonic energy wants to completely envelop the sun, compulsively in some cases, to know WHY they are the way they are, and why the sun presents themselves in certain ways. This is especially true if the sun person did something to hurt the 8H person, who can feel it more than is rational. The 8H person can really struggle with getting over any emotional harm or feelings of abandonment that come from the sun person. The 8H person can potentially resent the sun person for not being able to read them as intently as they could read the sun person. The sex, if and once insecurities are worked through, can bring you so much closer to one another and to yourself. I also feel like any disturbances or intimacy problems between you two can easily be felt by others or there can be blow ups in front of people you know, because the sun is a planet that illuminates wherever the light lands, whether you like it or not. Avoid public fights, because you will kiss and makeup but the damage in other people’s eyes will be done and opinions will be made. The 8H person might be able to see through any facade the sun person puts up, and this could lead to deep discussions that could be extremely healing for the Sun who might have to work through some things. The 8H person can also teach the sun person how to make more money and maybe even encourage them to start their own business. They can be known as a couple that makes a lot of money together. The sun person can also give sugar daddy/mommy vibes and the 8H the sugar baby, even if it neither one of the people involved are rich-rich. This is a highly binding placement. You two might find it difficult or even impossible to separate from each other even if the relationship has run its natural course. You guys are known as the couple that is “stuck” to one another.
Moon in 5th house synastry: *weird* but, for those who have this placement with a significant other, do you love to smell their body odor? I think in the house of children and fertility, it makes sense to love your partner’s pheromones. Something as weird as the smell of their armpits or stinky feet becomes comforting, idk?? This house is also really fun, and you can get a lot of emotional fulfillment out of acting like children together. 5H is ruled by Leo, so I also found that we had a lot of fun putting on “shows” for one another, and sort of making up our own characters and accents to make the other giggle. People are also really excited for the prospect of us having children together, and you’ll have friends volunteering to babysit or be the godparent of your unborn children LOL. Dressing up nice and going out on dates to somewhere with a great ambiance can be a great way to feel connected. Sharing perfume, or gifting each other perfumes or colognes. Loving the scents they wear. Same taste in candles? Candles as gifts. Lots of watching TV together? Having “shows” that feel wrong to watch without the other. Being called pretty by the other means a lot, and being pretty in each other’s eyes makes you feel good.
Moon in 12th house synastry: 12H synastry tends to have an awful reputation, and I get it when it’s a relationship that isn’t meant for you. However, my moon falls in my best friend’s 12H, and it is one of my favorite placements of ours. We have a telepathic connection where we can just look at the other and know what’s up. You preemptively know what will bother the other person and find it hard to understand how other people wouldn’t have assumed that thing would annoy your person. You understand each other’s motives, and can provide the ultimate shoulder to cry on or ear to listen with. When it’s a new interaction it can feel a bit intense, because how are you in my head!!! I feel like you can read my thoughts! It was like that for the both of us. It’s like, when together, both our consciousnesses transported to another realm where we are mutually perceiving something and our thoughts are being put on a radio for the other to listen to. Very spiritual relationship. You KNOW the vibes, and those feelings will be verified through the other person who already felt the same. She will never be wrong in my eyes and I will defend her to the death. We don’t even have to speak on certain days, but we can feel whatever mood the other one is in and check-up on each other accordingly. Whenever we have a strange dream or nightmare, the first thing we do is text each other and try to analyze what it could mean. I as the 12H person also dreamt of us becoming best friends before we formally met. The dreams i would have of her would always be loaded with spiritual symbolism. We also grew up with the same level of emotional attachment to our personal spiritualities and shared religion, which plays a large role in our understandings of one another. Most people just won’t get it, but she always will. She could read my crazy journal entries if she wanted to. 12H moon synastry is just unconditional love. Between friends at least, it feels like a long-lost twin connection. Also, her and I had gotten matching tattoos before we even knew of each other, both of them being for the same spiritual meaning!
Composite Mars in 3rd house: Lots of talking during sex, and lots of car sex— It might sometimes feel like that’s the easiest thing to talk about, or the conversation always steers to that direction. Sending nudes? Sexting. Maybe the only way you two could engage your sexual desire for one another is through sexting, because distance might not permit the full physical expression. If you don’t have a lot of experience knowing the other’s communication style, it can lead to a bit of random defensiveness or perceiving the other as communicating abrasively. I think it can lead to one trying to get reactions out of the other by saying something out of pocket.
Composite Mercury in 12th house: Pay attention to the dreams you have of this person! They will seriously tell you a lot about your dynamic, but don’t take them at face value! Lots of mystical elements to your dreams about them specifically, so maybe reviewing tarot card meanings and astrology concepts can help you decipher the meanings of your dreams. You might find it easier than expected to confide in each other or rant about your brain’s inner workings together. “I don’t know why I’m saying all that-“ or psychoanalyzing each other for fun. Talking about your less-than-desirable attributes. Being honest about your deceptive tendencies or specific lies you’ve told and why. Oversharing things that will usually make other people uncomfortable in the same context (like talking about your exes or failed situationships on a first date). Difficulties communicating when it’s not in person because it leaves too much room for confusion. Deceit is a real possibility though, with someone voluntarily “leaving out details” about their life outside of the relationship to avoid ruining the flow of energy or the dynamic. Having each other saved on your phones under fake names. Having to hide that you’re talking to this person from other people. One of you withdrawing communication to manipulatively make the other think about you more. Taking turns being each other’s therapist. Thinking about each other often but never expressing that, or the extent to which you think of one another. Thinking about the other at night before going to bed. “I started catching feelings for the girl that I’m currently having sex with, so it’s safe to say we don’t talk anymore, unless of course we’re having sex” in Sasquatch .22 by Bay Faction.
Composite Venus in 12th house: There really is a secretive component to this interaction that can feel impossible to bypass. Your family, friends, or society might not “approve” of you two together. One or both of you can be cheating on someone with this person. Only being able to meet up or be affectionate at night or in extremely private settings. The privacy of the relationship can help you open up a lot more than you’d expect to, because there’s no one but you two to perceive the other in this context. No judgments on how you two should behave with one another, so “let’s fully enjoy the moment while it lasts.” No one understanding your interaction or it’s purpose, and you probably don’t understand it either. Sending telepathic love notes. Longing. Intimate and romantic sex that haunts you or catches you off guard. Never wanting to be the first one to admit you’ve caught feelings. Ruining your sleep schedule to spend time with one another. Dreaming about romantically linking with them before it ever happens. Withdrawing once feelings start feeling real. The song “Lips of Angel” by Hinder reminds me of Composite Venus in 12H. “Illicit Affairs,” “August,” and “False God” by Taylor Swift. “Why Can’t I?” by Liz Phair. Gato de Noche by Bad Bunny. Sex by The 1975.
Lilith in 8th house synastry: Wanting to try things sexually with this person that wasn’t necessarily exciting with other partners. “You can do whatever you want to me, and I’ll let you.” Possibly experimenting with or preferring BDSM with one another. That Lana lyric that’s like: You fucked me so good that I almost said “I love you.” It might also be controversial if people knew you’ve had sex with one another. Revenge sex? As in, you two having sex might indirectly be spiting someone else, and it kind of feels like you’re dishing out delicious karma on a surprising silver platter— “lol if only they knew” You two might have fun misbehaving together. Doing what you both know you’re not supposed to be doing can make everything feel better, and even more reason to keep doing what you’re doing. Lana Del Rey in Diet Mountain Dew: “you’re no good for me, but baby I want you.” Wanting to be dangerous together. “Leave me bruised so I can’t forget you.” “Seeing you tonight is a bad idea, right?” This placement somewhat reminds me of a union between the death card and the devil card in tarot, with an emphasis on risk-stained sexual liberation. You can become symbolic of temptation in each other’s lives, so it’s hard to deny your impulses. Toxic by Britney Spears.
-D 🖤🕯
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hedgehog-moss · 11 months
I found a nice plant in a bog last year, like a reed with a tuft of very soft cotton at the top (bless you English, I just looked up "plant that grows in a bog and looks like cotton" and the English language replied "bog cotton, duh") (in French it's called linaigrette, which should be a small bird), and I was very charmed by the look of it and decided to try to pirate it so I would have some on my land. I plucked one fluffy reed and kept it on my windowsill so I wouldn't forget to return.
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Of course, when I returned a few days later with a shovel and a bucket, I couldn't find the bog cotton again. Or the bog. It was a small swamp-y area in a very vast plateau with few landmarks, so it's possible I got turned around, but also, things tend to disappear around here sometimes, like the footpath that leads to the stream, only to reappear a few weeks later. I very much felt like I was in the correct location and the bog wasn't, but okay. Since I didn't trust myself to tell the normal reeds from the cotton-y ones in other seasons, I decided I'd come back around the same time next year.
I've had the linaigrette in my egg spiral in the kitchen this whole time as a memento, and I finally resumed my quest today. I left my car in the exact same spot where I'd left it the previous two times, just before the road gets squiggly for no apparent reason:
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I climbed the hill and behind it were just miles and miles of estives (summer cow pastures) with sometimes a barn here and there with a mobile milking parlour. My plan was to follow every rivulet I came across, since I was looking for a watery area.
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I picked a barn as a landmark to find my car again, and off we went.
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Finding reeds wasn't difficult, but none of them had cotton tufts...
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Pandolf was extremely aware that we were looking for something, but he wasn't sure what. Here he is digging in the mud with his paw, looking invested in this treasure hunt.
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Sometimes he would stop with one paw poised in the air and his whole body pointed forwards like an English setter who just smelled a pheasant in a Heywood Hardy painting and it was always for cow herds. If I squinted and squinted I could be sure to find a cow on the horizon, the size of an ant—I think Pan was a bit disappointed when he realised I never followed up on the cows he smelled, and it probably wasn't cows we were looking for.
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(zoom x400 in case you can't see this cow standing apart from her herd like a sentinel)
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I tried to amuse him by giving him little challenges here and there, like climbing on big rocks because he likes rocks. He likes being congratulated even more, though, and if I didn't insist that he actually climb on the rock he would just sort of run towards it and push himself off of it like a swimmer doing a flip turn at the wall to run back to me even faster (for pats). (Had to turn off the sound in the video because the wind was loud, so I subtitled our dialogue)
Some challenges he politely declined to do. I like how despite being very eager to please he sometimes gives me very clear "no thank you"s when I tell him to do something that sounds absurd to him. We found a little waterfall that went down a slope like a mud toboggan and I said "down!" to tell him to slide down that thing and he was like
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Our strategy of following water paid off, because look what we found eventually!!
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I had a very hard time digging up one clump of reeds with some roots; the bog was holding on to its cotton for dear life. Every time I opened a hole in the mud with my shovel with a horrible sucking noise, the bog would immediately close on itself again with an even stronger vacuum. It also tried to eat my boots, repeatedly. When I moved around the reeds I was trying to steal I had to take my foot out of my boot, stand on one leg like a heron and put the tip of my shovel under the sole of the boot to pry it up. But after maybe 20min of effort, the bog finally let go of one muddy clump of reeds in a loud, dejected SLURP and I was able to put it in my bucket. It was about 10x heavier than I expected so the walk back to my car was slow!
(One thing to keep in mind if you're going to wrestle a swamp for half an hour, is that you're going to end up looking and smelling like a swamp creature. I had to stop at the post office to send a parcel and I really regretted not doing it earlier. It's funny because the post office lady is always like "no, don't worry, come in!! <3" when you show up on rainy days apologising for your muddy shoes, but when I arrived today and asked her from the entrance if I should just throw my parcel at her rather than go in, with my socks making a pitiful plop-plop sound in my boots as I walked, and mud freckles all over my face from aggressive shovelling, and overall looking like a gravedigger, she took one look at me and went "... yes, throw it.")
The good news is, I didn't get lost returning from the swamp to my car, and had no trouble finding my barn-landmark again, and there were new animals there, a nice mule with a retinue of small ponies.
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She was friendly at first but then soured on me when I refused to let her sniff and maybe taste the reeds I'd had so much trouble digging up, and then she wouldn't let me approach her ponies.
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One of the ponies approached Pandolf, and I told him to stand still—we've been working on "reste là !" (stay there) for a while and it's hard because he's so friendly and exuberant, so I was very proud of him when he stood there frozen as a marble statue, waiting for the pony to come closer. The pony ended up stopping at a prudent distance and stretching his neck out to try and sniff Pandolf, it was very cute.
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That's the end of the quest for bog cotton! Here it is now, transplanted to the swamp-y part of my pasture, I hope it'll like it here.
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stardust-kenobi · 7 months
The Wrong Ingredient
Severus Snape x Fem!Reader
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Summary: As a teaching assistant at Hogwarts, working on creating a new calming draught seemed to be a straightforward task. However, when you accidentally use the wrong ingredient, Professor Snape is more than willing to help alleviate the effects.
Word count: 4k
Warning: smut, fingering, piv, sex pollen (my fav), sort-of teacher/student relationship (reader is 2 years post graduation), mild DUB CON
A/N: Apologies to my followers who are not interested in Harry Potter content. This is my first (and potentially only) fic I am writing for Harry Potter, I just have had an insane infatuation with Severus Snape this week and I just had to write this to get it off my mind lol. Feel free to disregard :)
Read on AO3
The roaring of the snowstorm grew louder by the moment as you tried so desperately to focus on perfecting the potions assignment for the Professor. You were distracted by the storm, entranced by the blanket of white that coated the roof and distant hills. With the halls of Hogwarts empty for the Holiday break, you felt an even deeper appreciation for the warmth and coziness inside the castle.
As a recent graduate of Hogwarts who was now assigned to be a teaching assistant in your second year after graduation, part of your job was helping the professors with their lesson plans. Even if that meant sacrificing part of your holiday break spending the day alone…with Professor Snape. Persistent footsteps approached you, entering the classroom, followed by the sound of a slamming door. You jolted in your seat. 
“Any progress?” Professor Snape asked blankly.
During your studies at Hogwarts, you were always fond of Professor Snape. He was cold and stern, something that usually would have made you weary of a person, but there was something about his demeanor and the way he cared for you that created a soft spot for him in your heart. You had to admit, though, he was hard to talk to at times. He was not a man for many words, so even though you enjoyed him as a professor, there was a bit of unexpected tension being alone with him. You could not deny, though, that you found him to be extremely attractive. 
You sighed and hesitated to look back at him. Snape will be disappointed in your response. 
“Unfortunately, no” you breathed. 
“Pity” He scoffed, but ended with the faintest smirk. He was hard on you the same as he was when he was your professor, but he made some fun of it every now and then.
“Sorry, Professor Snape. I just don’t think these ingredients will work” 
“It’s experimental, Y/N, we won’t know until it is done” He shrugged. 
You were working on a high-intensity calming draught. A harmless potion that many wizards and witches could find great use in, especially during high-stress situations. The ingredients were simple, but they just didn’t make sense to you. 
Lavender, crocodile heart, rose petals, and peppermint. 
You read the list back to yourself several times. You weren’t getting the reaction you’d hoped for inside the simmering pot, and the ingredients weren’t behaving as you’d expected as you followed the procedure you were familiar with.
“Sometimes the best way to test potions is to try them yourself” Snape spoke with a condescending tone as he noticed your hesitation. 
“Are you suggesting I just drink this myself and see if it works?” You reiterated and trailed with a light chuckle.
“If you won’t, I will” He shrugged and smirked back at you from across the room. Professor Snape was professional, of course, but he was right. Sometimes trial and error is the quickest way to test potions. The ingredients were simple, so the chance of them causing any harm was…potentially slim. 
The day was long and you had grown tired of staring into the stirring liquid.
Fine, you thought, what is the worst that could happen?
You poured the purple-hued brew into the glass in front of you. Without thinking too much more about it, you threw back the potion, letting it trickle down your throat. It was potent, minty, and slightly earthy. Not the worst potion you’d tasted…but not the best either.
Your face twisted in uncertainty for the flavor.
Snape held his eyes to the book in front of him as he sat at his desk across the room. He was wildly uninterested in the reaction or the success of the potion you’d brewed. He had more important things to handle, and an experimental calming draught for a future lesson plan was low on his priority list, so of course, that means you were the one to take on the task.
You waited for a reaction.
And waited.
Nothing. You felt nothing. 
Just before you were going to give up and accept the defeat, you actually began to feel something. It was warm and fuzzy, laced in your veins and flowed slowly up your arms. 
Perhaps this is the beginning of the calming effects, you thought. 
The warmth felt funny as it seeped deeper into your bloodstream. Before you knew it, each of your extremities flowed hot with its calming effects. But there was something else. Something you’d never felt from a potion before. A tingling and most desperate sensation found its way between your legs. 
“P-Professor?” You struggled to call out to him, suddenly weary of how you were beginning to feel. You swallowed hard. 
“Yes, Y/N?” He called back, his eyes still glued to the book.
“Are there any…similar potions that I could have accidentally created instead of the calming draught?”
He looked up suddenly. 
“No, there is-....” Snape stopped mid-sentence, setting the book down gently, “Well perhaps, but you would know the difference between peppermint and spearmint”
You looked down at the extra green leaves that remained unused near the pot. You had collected this from a different area of the field than normal, but it smelled and looked like peppermint, so you did not think twice about it. However, now that he questions it, you worry it was, indeed, something else. 
“Let's just say maybe I didn’t, though. If I accidentally used spearmint, what would that mean?” You countered nervously.
His eyes grew wide for a moment. 
“Show me the plant” He insisted. Snape quickly rose from his seat and walked over to your desk. 
You showed him the green leaves you believed to be peppermint. He towered over you.
“It's peppermint, right?” You asked wearily, looking up to him. His furrowed brows revealed his concern.
“No. This is certainly spearmint” He pressed his lips tightly together and twisted the stem between his fingers. 
Your heart sank. What had you done?
“What… what did I brew, then?” You asked cautiously. 
Snape appeared more worrisome and now even a bit uncomfortable. 
“What do you feel?” He asked slowly and cautiously rather than answering your question.
You were hesitant to tell the truth and he could sense it. 
“I feel very warm… and quite…um” You trailed off as you felt your heart beating a hundred miles an hour. Suddenly you felt a raging sense of attraction to his natural musk and cologne. God, was he always so breathtaking?
“Aroused?” He questioned. 
“Yes”. You squeezed your eyes shut. Your cheeks rushed with blood as your response was trailed by a muffled moan. You were embarrassed to admit feeling this way in front of Professor Snape, but there was nothing you could do to stop it. And to hear your professor of many years, and now your colleague, ask you if you felt any sense of sexual arousal made you excited, too. 
“I feared as much” He turned away slowly, bringing his hand to cover his mouth. 
“Professor wha-”
“Quiet. Give me a moment to think” Snape demanded. He paced the room slowly. 
It grew more intense with each passing second. The tingling created a sensitivity upon the surface of your skin. You grazed your arm with your fingertips and chills shot down your spine. 
You clenched your thighs together as your arousal intensified. The professor turned around at this same moment, and let his eyes catch sight of your discomfort. 
He looks good today, you thought to yourself. His jet-black hair fell so beautifully atop his shoulders, and his dark attire somehow never looked better than it did right now with the way it draped down the length of his body. 
“You’ve created something that many have experimented with in the past, but… it's not well documented. It’s dangerous. Think similar to a love potion, however…much more potent” Snape explained, ending his pacing right at your desk once again. His emphasis toward the end was all you needed to hear.  You could tell he was attempting to maintain his composure but you could also sense he was on edge.
“Oh, God” You cried, lowering your head to look down at your feet, “What do I do, Professor?” You begged. Your fists clenched the edges of the table. You needed a release. Or an antidote. “What is the recipe for the antidote?” 
Truly, you wanted the release. Your staff dormitory was nearby, just right down the hall, you could take care of this quickly. Snape looked around, ensuring you were both alone, then used a quick flick of his wand to close the shutters on the windows. It was dimly lit in the classroom now with only the light of many candles illuminating each corner of the room. It was…romantic. Most everyone in the castle was gone. Any remaining professors were locked away in their offices, and the students were well on their way home by now. 
“There isn’t one” He stated firmly. The warm amber luminescence glowed so beautifully upon his skin. 
The effects of the accidental potion were nearing unbearable, now. Every fiber of your being ached so desperately to be touched. 
“Fuck…I…I need” You breathed heavily, clenching your lower belly as your arousal pooled itself between your legs. Your cunt begged you for something…anything. You’d never cussed in front of Professor Snape before, but he could feel the urgency in your voice.
“You must relieve it” He snapped. Frustrated with the decision he knew was about to have to make.
“Severus…” You begged desperately, using his first name for the first time ever. You weren’t even sure what you were begging him for. 
“I must speak bluntly, Ms. Y/L/N, so listen carefully. You are no longer my student. I am not your professor. But this must happen in order to save you.” He began frantically, checking again to make sure the doors were locked. His clarification of your relationship with one another seemed to be more of a reminder for himself than for you. 
“Save me? Christ, will this kill me?” You cried out.
“Yes. If your body is not brought to orgasm several times, it will begin to affect the very core of your nervous system. There is no other way to stop it.” He explained. Hearing him talk about orgasms was unexpected but it aroused you.
Dammit, you thought, can’t he just fuck me? 
No. No matter how much you wanted him right now, you did not want to put him in that position. 
“Okay, I will…I will go back to my room now” You managed to say. He sighed in anticipation of what he would say next. 
“You can’t do it yourself” He began, his voice faltering as he failed to make eye contact with you, “It has to be another person”.
Snape knew exactly what had to be done. The moment he saw the spearmint you placed in his hand, he knew. 
Suddenly, your legs trembled beneath you and your knees buckled. As you felt yourself fall, Professor Snape quickly caught you. His arms wrapped beneath your arms and he lifted you up onto the desk. You whimpered in reaction to this contact against your skin. It was…electrifying, but you were running out of time. Your body was running hotter by the second. In a feeble attempt to cool yourself, you peeled the robe from your shoulder. 
“Please” You begged, gesturing to the fabric that held you hostage in your misery. 
“I-” Snape began, reaching to grab your robe. His eyes searched yours for uncertainty but found none. The expression he held revealed what he couldn’t say. He wanted you. He wanted to help in more ways than one. But no matter what he told himself, he couldn’t help but feel that it was wrong. 
While you squirmed on the table, you watched as Professor Snape eyed the remaining liquid in the cauldron. It was only a few drops, but it was enough to at least bring a man to his knees for a woman begging him to fuck her. But he didn’t need it in order to want you. Snape needed it to convince himself it wasn’t wrong. 
He breathed out heavily before pouring the few drops into the glass and throwing it back, getting as much as he possibly could. Snape winced at the flavor. 
“Professor…w-what are you doing?” You whimpered through your words. 
“We both took the potion. We thought it was a calming draught, and it wasn’t. And we did what we had to do to treat the effects” He responded quickly as if it was rehearsed. You knew what he was insinuating. If anyone found out, if anyone asked, that’s what happened. If Snape was under the effects of this potion too, he would need his release, same as you. With only a few drops, It would be less intense for him, so he could better handle himself. 
“If you’ll allow me, I will help you, my dear” He whispered as he came closer to you propped on the table, holding his face close to yours, speaking sensually against your lips. In one swift motion, he pulled the black robe off your shoulders, letting it rest on the table, leaving you in your sweater and mini skirt. 
Before you could even finish your nod of approval, the hem of your skirt was being pulled up frantically, followed by his wandering fingers that stopped just at the hem of your panties. You were practically dripping and he could feel it. 
“Oh darling” He groaned, standing between your open legs and pressing his lips against your ear. Every hair on your body stood up when he finally got this close to you, “You are so wet for me” 
You rolled your hips against his hovering fingertips. As you looked down, you faintly noticed the bulge that grew in his pants. You weren’t sure if it was the microdose of the potion, or how arousing it was to be in this situation with you, but it was a most intoxicating sight. You could feel the heat radiating from him and knew that he was fully under the effects of the potion. Not nearly as badly as you, but he was about to lose control.
“Professor Snape, I can’t take it anymore, please” You begged him. You needed something inside of you, now.
“Very well” He smirked subtly as he pulled the soaked fabric to the side and pressed his fingers flush against your clit before rubbing rhythmic circles. 
“Fuck!” You cried out and threw your head back, which was quickly caught by Snape’s hand. He held your head up to meet his gaze. The aching and burning persisted but were soothed slightly once his skin was upon yours. It was a surprise to be so reactive to the faintest of touch, but the angry fever burning your skin was electrified, enhancing every single one of your senses. 
“Look at me, Y/N. Oh, you sound so lovely” His voice was like honey as he talked you through your pleasure, admiring the sounds that flew from your lips.  
You locked your gaze with his and stared deep into him. 
It was overwhelming. All of it. The state of your writhing body. The way he looked towering over you. The feeling of his fingers on your delicate bud. Seeing him in such a vulnerable state, something you’d never thought you’d see in a million years. It was all so incredible and absolutely riveting. You thought you might be dreaming.
Snape’s thumb remained working at your clit while two fingers were suddenly pushed inside your cunt. Your walls clenched around his digits as he began pumping them in and out, curling them with every stroke. 
“You need to come. Come for me” He insisted, knowing that the first orgasm would help begin to subside your symptoms. You could’ve reached your high just from the sound of his voice alone, so you knew you were close already. 
Your mouth fell open as the tightest coil of nerves bundled at your core. Suddenly, without hardly any warning from your own body, your orgasm burst open, radiating and flowing through every fiber of your being. Stars danced in your eyes as the euphoria washed over you. Moaning and profanities filled the air, breathless and aggressive as it took you over. 
“That’s it, my love, just like that” He encouraged you through it, keeping his pace while he fucked you with his fingers. You curled your hips, riding his hand instinctively. You came down so slowly, feeling delirious but still hungry for more. More of him.
His cock was stiffened and strained in his trousers, begging to be released, but not until he ensured you were okay after your first high. You reached for the hem of his pants in desperation. 
“I need it” You struggled to form your words. 
“You need my cock? Is that what you need?” He whispered to you, watching your face twist in pleasure as his fingers curled harder with each thrust. 
“Please, Professor” You begged. There was something so hot about calling him that in this setting. He could never admit it, but he loved it, too. 
“As you wish”
He pulled his fingers from your pussy, leaving you empty and clenching around nothing. You whined at the loss.
He watched you struggle to remove your sweater and glided his hands up the side of your body to help pull it over your head, which revealed you wore no bra underneath. Snape growled lowly in approval of the sight. Your bare breasts glistened with sweat under the candlelight. He delicately trailed his fingers down the front of your body, circling your stiffened nipples along the way.
For the first time, he kissed you. His supple lips pressed firmly into yours, adding another layer of intimacy you were not expecting. You moaned into him, feeling his hands cup your burning cheeks as he pulled you into him. As you sat at the edge of the table with Snape positioned between your legs, you felt him shuffle with the clasp of his pants. 
Excitedly, you pulled away from the kiss to see his impressive length released from its restraints. Your thighs clenched together at the sight, which caused you to moan. You could see it on his face, he was burning with the same passion, but he was nervous. Maybe with less of the potency of your accidental creation, you would have had the luxury of anxiety, but not in this state. 
“Are you doing alright?” He asked you, one hand on the back of your neck, forcing your gaze onto him, and the other grasping the base of his cock, ready to give you exactly what you needed. What he needed. 
“More than alright” You breathed. 
“Good” He smiled back at you. You realized in this moment that he’d never fully smiled at you before, and it warmed your heart. 
Hurriedly, he yanked your panties off your body, throwing them to the ground. He pushed up your skirt, making sure it was out of the way. Ever-so-conveniently, the table was at his hips’ level, putting his cock at the perfect height.
He plunged into you, hard. A strangled, choked whimper caught in your throat as you felt overwhelmed with the fullness. Professor Snape sucked in a sharp breath, pleased with how you wrapped around his cock so perfectly. 
“Oh my God” You cried out as he began thrusting slowly, allowing you to adjust to him. It could not last long though, because Snape could feel the animalistic urges overcoming him. 
“Oh, fuck” He groaned deeply, staring down to where his cock disappeared inside of you. 
Something unraveled within Snape. His cautious demeanor was long gone. His brows furrowed into almost an angry expression as he snapped his hips passionately, fucking you hard and ruthlessly now. Your whole body tingled and spasmed in reaction to each thrust. His cock stretched you so wonderfully, and he was intoxicated by the way you took him. Like you were made for him. His hands gripped both sides of your waist, using your curves as leverage to go deeper. 
“You take my cock so well, darling” He praised, increasing his pace.
“It feels s-so fucking good, Professor. I’m going to come again, please…don’t s-s-stop” You stuttered, tripping over your own words as you felt drunk off the pleasure. With the rise of your next orgasm came the subsiding of the heat that coursed through your veins. 
“My pretty little whore, come on my cock” He growled, angling his hips at a deeper angle so that his cock brushed your most sensitive area with each thrust. 
It came over you again so suddenly, sending your body into a pleasurable convulsion. Snape pushed you backward, laying you flat on your back atop the table, and wrapped his fist around your throat. The pressure against your neck made your mind go fuzzy as you rode the high of your second orgasm. 
It felt…otherworldly. Like nothing you could’ve ever imagined. He faltered none in his thrusts as you floated through such indescribable euphoria. As you came back to what felt like reality, you opened your eyes to see Snape admiring you in your most vulnerable state, continuously taking his cock like you were made for it. 
Just one more. You only needed one more. You could feel it. One more orgasm would treat these effects. The only problem was, your body was weakening, and you weren’t sure if you could take it.
“One more, darling. Just one more” He breathed through his moans.
“I-I can’t” You cried. 
“You can. You must, Y/N.” He reminded you with encouragement, “Be a good girl and give me one more”
You nodded weakly. While he fucked you hard, he brought his fingers up to your swollen clit to bring you to your third release. You spasmed beneath his touch. It felt so good. Too good. You squirmed involuntarily, but Snape was not having it. He pulled his length out of you and quickly turned you around, bending you forward to press your face into the table. 
Before you could even process what was happening, he sunk himself back into you from behind and resumed his relentless thrusts. He could hold you down better in this position. He was more in control. 
Even quicker than the first two, your third orgasm unleashed itself upon your body. You writhed and cried out his name, mixed with other profanities as it washed over you. You had an unfamiliar feeling coiling in your lower belly. Before you knew it was even happening, you were squirting through your orgasm, something that had never happened before.  Snape groaned lowly in approval. 
This orgasm was followed by an icy flush that mixed with your blood, taking the burning sensation away completely. It was an ultimate feeling of relief. The pleasure was so intense, a stray tear trickled down your cheek.
“I am close” Professor Snape muttered.
“Come inside me, professor” You whimpered, sending him over the edge instantly.
His thrusts faltered and slowed as a warmth spilled deep inside your walls, coating your cunt completely. Snape bent over to press his chest into your back as he caught his breath. You both were slowly coming down from not only your release, but from the effects of the potion. You expected to feel shame or embarrassment, but neither occurred. 
He was careful pulling out of you, knowing how weak your legs probably were. You tried to catch your breath as he offered his hand, helping you to your seat near the table. 
Without another word, he helped you back into your sweater to allow you to regain your decency as soon as you could. It was hard to process what had just happened, but you truly did not regret even a single second of it. 
“I am sorry for what had to happen, Ms. Y/L/N” Professor Snape said as he kneeled down to look at you. His eyes looked sorrowful and full of guilt, like he blamed himself for what happened. It broke your heart to think he felt this way. You enjoyed this and you know he did too. 
You smiled and held a sleepy expression as you giggled and shook your head. 
“I’m not” You confidently responded.
The same smile you saw for the first time earlier returned to his lips.
“Good” He muttered. 
Please forgive any canon inconsistencies. This was entirely self-indulgent lmaooo. Obviously this potion does not exist and I made it up based on actual calming draught ingredients!
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tiredmamaissy · 3 months
hey 👋
i think this is the longest i've been gone. i missed you all a lot. i've been writing this entire time, and wanted to finish the last (for now, it’s definitely not completed) two chapters of the ralak series before officially coming back. i didn't want to come back without some sort of peace offering (lol how could i come back empty handed?) and i don’t want to leave you guys hanging again, gotta give some sort of closure to this series!
i'm almost finished, but i felt like i needed to come on here and explain myself.
i've been really struggling with my mental lately. it's just been pretty bad, to be frank. and when i get like this, i find it extremely difficult to juggle all that life entails, and will typically neglect certain aspects of it just to get by. unfortunately, this, and my social life, have taken the biggest hit. i find it hard to keep in touch regularly with friends, and i end up just retreating into my shell. motivation becomes little, or nothing at all.
i don't want to go into too much detail, but i've found myself between a rock and a hard place. i don't feel like i have many options in my current situation. i feel trapped. i suppose i've felt this way for the past few years, but it's just been pretty bad recently. issy has been an escape for me. i created a ‘new’ identity, one that i could unapologetically be myself. no face to the name type of thing. i fell in love with pandora, yearning to go there. and suddenly, my ideal world--my ideal everything was at my fingertips.
when i first started, the feeling of regaining my identity after so many years was exhilarating. i put many, many things on the back burner to immerse myself into this feeling and this world. quicker meals, shorter showers, later bedtimes. i did any and everything to dedicate as much time as i could muster up to hold onto this new identity. i could feel myself becoming happier, slipping back into who i was before i lost her.
but life just happens. you know? it continued, and it did so ten-fold. it was one thing after the next, and soon my plate was so full that i had to take something off of it. i guess i'm used to choosing myself to neglect first, so i told myself i'd put this off until i could get through this and then come back. so i did, and i came back. then life happened again. so i left, and came back.
but this time around life hit me hard. i felt like i was playing a game on the hardest difficulty, with a half a life, no pauses, and no way to exit safely. i'm still playing that game, but i've realised that i should really try to make the most of it. so i've been writing in what time i have. it's been one of my biggest escapes and it makes me happy that i can share it, and see that others enjoy what my silly brain comes up with.
i'm ready to come back, but i'm honestly still really overwhelmed with life. i really, really don't want to disappoint anyone…and i can't promise that i won't leave again anytime soon. i never want to leave. and honestly, i don't think i'll ever really leave for good. i will forever love avatar, and all that it’s done for me for the past 14 years. i guess i’m just trying to say… thank you all for your patience and love.
okidoki, let me stop here while i can lol.
ill be posting the chapters as soon as i'm done with them, ofc. i love you guys!! i’m heading to bed and will try to clear out my inbox and dm’s asap
-issy 💜
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buckyownsmylife · 10 days
Crash & Burn - Chapter 4
The one where Bucky is your father best friend, and the man you want to take your virginity.
Bucky is losing everything: his wife, his business, his house. And when his best friend is too busy to offer him the support he needs, you offer him your ear and shoulder. He wouldn't find it too bad that getting closer to you made him see you with new eyes, if it wasn't for the one thing you asked in return: you want him to be the first man to ever fuck you.
For general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist.
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
“How are you feeling?” The first thing I noticed when I woke up wasn’t the throbbing in my head or how bright the light was despite the curtains blocking most of it from pouring in from my bedroom’s window. It was the way fingers softly rubbed my scalp, trying to stir me awake as gently as possible.
Sighing, I rolled to the side, not realizing that the gentle caress would disappear. Its absence was so deeply felt by my still sleeping body, it prompted me to roll back and hit something hard and soft at the same time.
And that’s when I woke up.
What. the fuck?
“Are you awake, sweetheart?” The something hard-and-soft questioned, and all I could think to say were two simple words:
Fuck, no.
“Go away.” I wasn’t too sure he understood my words, as they were muttered against my pillow as I pressed my face against it, hoping to block out the entire world at least until the sun decided to hide.
It was too bright, anyway.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” His chuckle was literally the only sound my ears could bear at that time. It’s what I used to anchor me back to reality when he pried the pillow away from me, forcing me to deal with the light in the room as he got up to open the windows without any care for the probability of me turning blind at the sight.
“Listen,” I tried to reason with his madness, “I know I fucked up. Believe me, I do. But aren’t I a little too old for punishment? And isn’t torture a bit… extreme?” Apparently, hungover-me was the dramatic type. I’d be more willing to feel embarrassed about the tantrum I was throwing on Bucky if it weren’t for the damn pounding on my head, but another chuckle from him just led me to relax my muscles against the warm bed and finally open my eyes fully to see him.
He was wearing a simple white shirt, but it looked so delicious on his body. I wasn’t too sure where this desire had come from - I’d always felt some sort of crush or attraction to the man, he was undeniably hot - but considering how we met, I’d never allowed it to develop past an almost childlike curiosity.
Until we started living together.
James had been in and out of our house for most of his friendship with my father. “Sleepovers” (if one could even use that word for people over thirty) were more than common especially after game nights, when everyone would come over and James would be the last one to leave, opting to crash in our guest bedroom instead of calling an uber only to be back the next morning to get his car.
Why did it all feel so different now? Was it just the absence of the ring on his finger that had my blood running so hot for him, all of a sudden?
I’d thought it was “a dry spell”. Being a virgin in grad school isn’t much fun, and so that was my reasoning to accept that party invitation, and the many beers I’d been offered from the second I walked through the door.
I needed something to calm my nerves down. So I accepted the alcohol, even though I knew it wasn’t a good idea. Bottle after bottle, I used the “social lubricant” in an effort to become more social, but… was it really any surprise that it didn’t have the desired effect?
I found myself feeling skittish. Scared. Every sound seemed louder, and soon enough I was looking for corners to hide and when that didn’t work, I ducked into the first unlocked room I found.
Too bad it wasn't empty.
“This isn’t torture or punishment,” James brought me back to the present by adding his weight onto my bed again, sitting up against the headboard as he watched over my still unresponsive body. “It’s simply me, expressing concern over the fact it’s past twelve and you’re still in bed.”
Shit, was it that late already?
Reaching for my phone, I found out it was: 12:43 PM, to be more precise. He was right to be concerned. I never slept past 9 AM, not even on weekends.
“Alright,” I conceded, sitting up on my bed and noticing for the first time my attire. It was a loose shirt, not one I recognized, but it was comfortable and it smelled nice. Familiar. It smelled like…
“I had to put you in something else.” My head snapped up to meet his gaze, but he was avoiding my eyes. Scratching the back of his neck, he rushed to get the rest of the explanation out. “I don’t know how much of it you remember, but…”
“Oh my God, I puked all over you, didn’t I?” Mortification wasn’t the right word for what I was feeling. It went beyond that, it was embarrassment to a point I didn’t believe existed if I hadn’t been feeling it at that moment.
“Most of it was over yourself, sweetheart.” His chuckle did little to lessen my humiliation, but before I could figure out a way to escape this torment, his fingers curled over my wrist, tugging my arms down so I wouldn’t hide my face from him anymore.
“I had to give you a shower.” My breath hitched. The idea of him seeing me naked was just… so foreign, so forbidden…
It elicited images that I’d never configured before. And with the confusion and perhaps even the alcohol still in my veins, it didn’t take long for those images to become something else entirely…
“Let’s get you off of these clothes, hm?” His hands would be anything but gentle as they undressed my tired body. I imagined them running all over my skin, taking notice of how warm I felt, but never stopping in one place for too long.
He wasn’t supposed to be doing this, after all.
“But you like it, don’t you?”
“Honey?” His voice snapped me back to reality yet again, and I had no way to hide it anymore. At least, not from myself.
I wanted James Barnes in a way no one should ever desire their father’s best friend.
“I’m such an idiot…” I opted to say instead of immediately revealing the thoughts running through my head, although they never went too far. He was still too close - in my house, in my room, and I was wearing his clothes.
“Because you puked?” He countered, probably trying to make me feel better, but only succeeding in making me more embarrassed, instead.
“No.” Throwing the covers away from me, I pushed myself out of bed, not wanting to be sitting by his side when I admitted this - and not even sure what I wanted to admit, anyway. I’d done a lot of stuff I wasn’t proud of in the last week, therefore I knew I had a thousand different things to confess before I’d need to jump onto the most obvious one.
“I don’t usually drink…” I started, and when he immediately nodded as if he knew exactly what I was talking about, I shook my head to force him to really listen. “No, seriously - It’s not that I haven’t had a few beers before. I’ve gotten drunk, I’ve thrown up…”
“Just not in front of your father.”
“Well, that goes without saying.” This time, I was awake enough to appreciate his little chuckle. It made me feel warm inside, how despite being at a 30% of my mental capacity, I was still able to amuse him. “No, I just… I don’t usually drink when I’m with people I don’t trust. It was a stupid mistake. It’s not going to happen again, I promise.”
I thought my little speech would stop whatever lesson he intended to teach me. I’d been through enough, considering everything that happened between us since the night before - but apparently, we weren’t on the same page.
Bucky’s P.O.V.
“No, it was a mistake. The only stupid thing back there was that idiot. Don’t make it easier on him, he doesn’t deserve it, goggles.” The furrow of her eyebrows only made her look cuter.
It really wasn’t fair.
“Yeah,” I sheepishly admitted, scratching the back of my neck. “‘Cause your beer goggles are seriously leaving your vision skewed.” The snort that preceded her fit of giggles had my stomach dropping in the same way a rollercoaster used to make me feel.
This felt dangerous - like I was treading uncharted waters, uncovering a completely new territory. But was there anything wrong in becoming best friends with your best friend’s daughter?
Nevermind the fact that my overprotectiveness over her felt anything but innocent. I’d never behaved the way I did last night - not even with my soon-to-be ex. But I kept insisting to myself that it was okay - Natasha had never behaved in such a way as to make me feel as if she needed me.
Perhaps that was our problem all along. Why be married if you’re better off alone?
“Listen to me.” I got out of her bed - trying to ignore how warm it felt. I almost wanted to lie down and take a nap, take advantage of her sweet perfume that seemed to cling onto her sheers. “Nothing that happened last night was your fault. You’re entitled to go to a party, drink some and get back home without fearing for your safety.”
All I got in response was silence. It made me sweat.
I wish I could know what she was thinking.
“Why did you, then?” The question fell from my lips before I could even realize what I was saying. It felt so out of place, she even had to question, “What?”
Taking a step away from her, I looked out of the window as I elaborated, “Why did you drink? Last night?” She didn’t seem to follow my train of thought, so I pressed, “If you don’t usually do this, what made yesterday so different?”
Of course, I knew it by now. But if she didn’t seem to remember, there was no point in pressuring her to admit it. It might as well have been my imagination… She would have never done that with a sober mind, so why take it into consideration?
“I don’t know,” came her answer, honest and clear. “Everyone was drinking. You know my dad is always on my back about not being a part of things and then you said the same the other day and it made me feel… Like I had to try harder.”
The air left my lungs at her confession, and the guilt had my heart pumping regret along my veins. It’s incredible how a simple comment can lead to irreconcilable decisions in the long run…
But I wasn’t about to let it all go to waste over nothing. “I never liked parties either,” I offered, looking down on my hands so it wouldn’t feel as personal as this confession also was, to me. “The alcohol always makes them seem more interesting than what they truly are.”
I saw her tilt her head in that cute manner of hers from the corner of my eyes, still not brave enough to raise my gaze to meet hers. “But you like to drink,” she pressed, slowly moving closer to where I was, by the window overlooking her backyard.
“Yes, at bars. Or with friends, in places where I feel comfortable. Why do you think your dad decorated the guest room?” She didn’t seem to know the answer, so I laughed. “For someone as smart as you, you sure don’t pay enough attention to what’s going on around you, huh?”
“Come on, let’s go.” She took my hand without hesitation, but still asked, “Where?”
I just shrugged, squeezing her fingers while I nodded towards her closet. “You’ll see.”
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eekshade · 7 days
hey!! sry for not writing anything for 5 months, school has been yucky, but im back!! i started with an alphabet bc it was an easy way to ease myself back into writing. also happy gay month 🫶
Bucky Barnes Fluff Alphabet
bucky barnes x m!reader
word count: 4.4k
warnings/info: letter J depicts a make out sesh ig, internalized homophobia is mentioned, Buck cries, use of you/your for reader but is said to be male, there are scenes after the hcs for a little bit but I gave up on that lol, made in my notes app so sry for any formatting issues, not proof read
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A - Admiration. (what do they admire about their S/O?)
☆ Bucky loves your hands. He likes how "innocent" they are compared to his. He adores when you hold his hand, especially the vibranium one. It makes him feel all warm and soft. It makes him loved. The kind of love that causes one's stomach to ache, it makes him want to love himself.
The two of you are slowly making your way through the crowded farmer's market, somewhat resembling a can of sardines. You were walking in front of him, taking notice of a small clearing off to the side, grasping his metallic hand, pulling him behind you. He follows without question, a small smile pointed at your two interlocked hands.
Once stopped in the empty area, before you could even think of letting go of him, he pulled you into him, placing his cracked lips onto your own.
"You know I love you, right?"
"Of course I do."
He kisses you again.
B - Boldness. (how bold are they in regards to their S/O? who confessed first?)
☆ Bucky was a confident man in his youth, always the one making the first move. Ever since he started living in Brooklyn again, he started to notice the anxiety crawling up his throat whenever he interacted with others. This is why he wouldn't start talking to you, even if he's interested in you, so you would need to initiate the first few (dozen) conversations before he starts to feel comfortable around you. That being said, given that you've been talking as friends/acquaintances, he'll have no problem asking you out, it might just take me some time.
☆ Once in a relationship he is extremely bold, there are still some topics where he would be more hesitant to talk about (such as the full extent of his past), but when it comes to you he won't having any problem charmin' you like there’s no tomorrow.
Bucky lingers in front of your shared apartment building hoping to catch you on your way home after a day out, he nervously switches from leaning on a tree to sitting on a bench, then back to the tree. He only waits for about five or so minutes before he notices you walking on the pavement leading to the building, but after locking eyes with him, your course changes.
"Hey, Bucky!"
"y/n! I'm glad I caught you, can I walk you up?"
You simply smile and nod in the direction of the door. You smell like newly washed clothes, but to Bucky, it might as well be heaven. You break the silence by asking him about his day, he breifly responds, giving you some of the highlights, you two chit-chat for bit, not able to dive into much as the trip is rather short. By the time you two reach your door, he realizes that he longer can try to find the perfect segue so he might as well just go for it.
"...Well, thanks for walking with me." You smile at him, reaching for the door handle.
"Wait, y/n, I wanted to talk to you about something." You raise your eyebrows as a sort of permission for him to continue.
"I hope I wasn't misreading this, but would you like to get dinner together sometime?" His voice remains unwavering, with a sly smile dancing across his face.
You roll your eyes at his tone, but it's hard to hide the smile forming at the corners of your mouth,"I guess I don't see why not."
"Yeah, yeah," he snickers, "here." It's his number written on the back of receipt, a small smiley face had been drawn next to it, then erased.
"See you, Bucky."
"Bye, y/n."
C - Comfort. (how do they comfort their S/O?)
☆ Bucky is more of an advice guy than a comfort guy, this is due to him getting extremely awkward/uncomfortable during touchy, feely situations (and not because he doesn't know how to confront his own emotions!!). However, he does understand the need for warmth during hard times, he just opts to show it through acts of service instead.
Your thoughts thrash against the walls inside your head, the throbbing only getting worse as you slowly pull yourself out of his bed. Your face caked in sweat and dried tears, your bloodshot eyes drift to the phone resting upon the on of the nightstands, your unsteady hand grips the device, checking the time.
The late afternoon sun coats the walls in an irritable light, despite the curtains being mostly closed. You notice on the second nightstand that he left a glass of ice water (which was mostly melted now) and a note, which read:
D - Dates. (do they prefer going out or staying in? do they prefer fancy or simple?)
☆ Bucky has a really hard time with this one. All he is used to are the classic dinner and a movie type dates, but in his heart, he likes the more intimate, at home, kind. Over time, he finds a sort of balance between the two, like a picnic at a drive-in movie.
"Bucky, where the hell are we?"
The two of you are currently driving down backroads you've never seen before. The road is slightly too narrow for anyone to get fully comfortable, the night sky darkening the path. Bucky has been relatively quiet, letting you do all the talking, and control the music; he never has liked modern music, but there's something special about when you play it.
"Well, if I tell you it's not really a surprise, is it?" He answered, turning his head to you slightly. The smile on his face is almost aggravating, if it had been anyone else's, you would've jumped out of the moving vehicle.
"You're not funny," you playfully roll your eyes, "if I didn't know you any better, I'd say you're trying to kill me." You pretend to study him as if trying to find a motive.
"Well, I can promise you I'm not doing that." The smile changes to softer, genuine.
The car is almost silent for the rest of the way, the soft music leading you two down the road. The car pulls into an unpaved parking lot, bringing you back to reality. You look around and see a white screen proudly standing twenty or so feet ahead of you, realizing what's going on, you turn to Bucky. A nervous grin shines back at you, he's holding a basket filled with dinner, and movie snacks.
"You like it?"
E - Equal. (are they more dominant or passive?)
☆ Due to Bucky growing up in the 40s, he does still have quite a bit of internalized homophobia. Therefore, he tends to try and be the stereotypical, manly, provider. He does unconsciously feminize you to make himself feel better, but the second he realizes, or you tell him, he'll do everything to stop, as well as profusely apologize.
☆ Other than that, I do see him as being in the middle. He can obviously take control when he needs to, but also because of his past, he loves when you take the pressure off, and take care of him.
(I can't think of a scene for this rn, and I rlly need to finish this so sry, if anyone want more about this just ask)
F - Family. (do they want to start a family?)
☆ Bucky loves kids, and is great with them, but he doesn't want to have his own, at least until he's stable. So for now he's okay with being the cool uncle.
After spending a lake day with the Wilsons, it was noticeable that Bucky wanted to say something. He looked uncomfortable, nervous even as he waited for everyone to finally call it a night. A little after the kids were put to bed, Sarah called it in, then Sam. You went to follow, seeing as it may be weird to stay up longer than the hosts, but Bucky ushered you to follow him to the back deck.
You sat on the stairs next to him in silence, waiting for him to speak, the warm air surrounding you two. He bit his lip and looked at you, studying you.
"I love you," He smiles at you, his tone signifying a second part of what he needs to say.
"But?" You laugh, nervousness now making its way into you.
"But I can't give you this." He has tears in his eyes, threatening to fall if he says anything else.
"What does that mean?" Confusion grips you tightly, his face giving nothing away.
"An apple pie life," he laughs at his own words, "I can't give you the house, and two kids, dinner by 6, it's all too much for that." He looks to the lake as if it could help him.
"Bucky," you gently take his chin, making him look at you, "what makes you think I want that?"
"The way you looked at me," he wipes a fallen tear from his cheek, "when I was playing with Cass and AJ today.
"Oh, Bucky." You kiss a tear away from the side of his nose, "I don't need any of that, hon. I just need you."
G - Goofy. (how serious are they when it comes to a relationship?)
☆ When it comes to a romantic relationship, Bucky can be pretty serious, while he is smooth/sly, 'goofy' isn't really the word I'd use to describe him. Not to say he wouldn't be funny, but I feel as though his humor is more sarcastic than anything.
(same thing as before)
H - Hugs. (how do they hug?)
☆ I imagine Bucky's skin to be cold, so that transfers to his hugs, but he's cold like a soft breeze on a hot beach. His hugs would also be very firm because of obvious reasons. If he's in an emotional mood, they may be slightly too hard, but never enough to hurt you.
You shiver slightly as his arms wrap around your frame, his head resting upon your shoulder. You two stay like that for a moment before he shifts his head into the crook of your neck, leaving a chaste kiss on it before planting his nose to touch your skin; eyelashes softly tickling you as he blinks.
"I miss you."
I - Interests. (what Interests do they want to share with their S/O?)
☆ Bucky's a fucking nerd, his main interests being motorcycles, fantasy novels (reading in general), folklore, and ancient history.
Bucky smiled widely as he firmly gripped some obscure fantasy novel with a dragon on the cover, unintentionally waving it around. He's excitedly explaining the novel to you, about how well written the book is, about how interesting the character dynamics are, and so on. You mirror his smile as you watch him talk, hanging on to every word that falls off his tongue.
You stand, your smile never wavering as you walk toward him, he stops talking, confused. Once you reach him, you pull him into your grasp, kissing his cheek, holding him close.
"What?" His voice lacking confidence, his smile now unsure.
"Keep talking." You mumble into him, "I like it when you talk." He grins and continues his rant.
J - Jealousy. (do they get jealous?)
☆ He can get jealous, this is do to his trust issues, but he's mature enough that he won't be a bitch about it unless you want him to, he'll just talk to you, and the two of you will work through it one way or another. He does get rather clingy when jealous, though, wanting to touch you in some way.
You and Bucky are currently at your workplace, your boss decided in order to boost morale that a company party was needed, and you (thankfully) convinced Bucky to go, promising it'll be quick.
Both of you were chatting with one of your work friends when they asked you to come help them get refreshments, leaving Bucky alone with their spouse. Bucky wanted to be nice, he did, but the spouse would not stop going on and on about some shit Bucky had never even heard of. So, naturally, his eyes wander trying to locate you, hoping that you'll come back and save him from this dreadful conversation, and that's when he saw it. Your co-worker was basically feeling you up, their eyes traced your figure as you bent over to grab a couple of waters from the case on the floor, and when you stood back up they grabbed your waist to "move you out of the way" of someone walking by.
The final straw was when you attempted to walk back to Bucky and their spouse, they grabbed you by the elbow stopping you from moving, the grip wasn't very hard from what Bucky could see, but the look on your face was enough to get him moving.
Bucky walked away from the spouse mid sentence. They called out at him, but he paid it no mind. He reached the two of you, and you smiled at him, saying something along the lines of "What couldn’t stand to be without me?" Bucky rolled his eyes when the co-worker asked what he was doing.
"Sorry to cut this short, but honey, we got to go." Overpronouncing the pet name, as he pulls you toward him.
"What? You just got here!" The co-worker joked, "Come on, y/n! The night is still young." He whined out.
"I'm sorry, but Buck's right. I promised to make dinner tonight in order for him to come." You laughed, pulling Bucky's hand into your grasp, "See you on Monday though." You smiled at them, causing Bucky to tighten the grip of his hand around yours.
The second the two of you walked out of the building Bucky pushed you against the wall of it, just barely out of view from the window, kissing you harshly. You opened your mouth in shock, giving Bucky the opportunity to slide his tongue in. His hands roam your body in search for nothing in particular, he smirks when you moan into the kiss, motivating him to pull as much of those pretty little sounds out of you as he can. He thinks of your co-worker, the slimy bastard, they could never have you like this, this thought makes his smile grow as he attaches to your neck, and slips his knee in between your legs. Once he's satisfied with your disheveled state, he silently walks away to the car, leaving you to follow him, confused, calling out for him to slow down.
K - Kiss. (how they kiss/favorite place to be kissed, and vise versa.)
☆ Bucky’s kisses are tender/soft, this is attributed to him subconsciously not wanting to hurt you in any way, so any time he touches you it's rather gentle. His lips tend to taste a little like blood, because he has a habit of biting them.
☆ His favorite place to kiss you is on your cheek, specifically with his hands on your hips as a form of greeting.
☆ His favorite place to be kissed is his neck, it feels special, a place just for you and no one else, it's a form of intimacy he hasn't been able to truly experience until now. He especially likes it when you hug him from behind kissing up from the top of his spine to his nape hairline.
Bucky uncomfortably cleaned the kitchen as he waited for you to return from work; he had recently moved in to your place, and it was just now starting to hit him how serious you guys were. You and him have been dating for quite a while, he stayed over more times than not, so it was only natural for you to ask him to move in. He said yes of course, how could he not? He thought about the two of you, about him no longer sleeping in your bed, but sleeping in his. Next to you. It's driving him insane, oh god - when did he start crying? Seriously though, how could you chose him? He just doesn't understand how this happened, how could you, of all people, want him? More tears. God, Bucky, pull yourself together man.
His thoughts screech to a halt as he hears the door open, he hears you call out his name, he doesn't respond, wiping the tears, this proved to be a lot harder to do as one's tears are still actively falling. You find him within a few seconds, he's facing the sink, you snicker at his concentration; you walk up to him, making sure not to be silent, though there’s not a doubt in your mind he knows you're there. You wrap your arms around his lower torso, placing your chin on his shoulder. His hands stop moving as he leans into the touch.
"Hey, Buck." You softly whisper, "You get out today?"
"Of course I have." He turns his head down slightly, trying to avoid eye contact, "You worry too much." He grumbles, he attempts to move his arms forward, but stops when he feels your lips graze his nape.
"I like worrying about you." Another kiss. "It keeps me grounded." You laugh into his neck.
"Please." He drags out the word in an almost whiney tone, moving his head back to get even closer to your mouth, "Please don't stop."
You consister teasing him, turning his chin to look at you, but stop when you see his wet cheeks you decide against it. You leave a kiss on the corner of his mouth as a sort of apology, before going back to what you were doing to the back of his neck.
"God, Buck, you know how much I love you?" You mumble into his skin after a few moments.
"No, I don't think I do," He smiles at the wall, "how much?"
You unravel your arms from around him, placing them on his shoulders, turning him to face you. You deeply press your lips onto his nose, causing him to scrunch his face, the kiss makes a humming sound, before a soft pop of your lips.
"That much, times like a thousand." You giggle at his soft expression.
"Wow. That's a lot." He remarks with faux amazement, trying to make it seem like you didn't just make his heart nearly beat out of his chest.
"Yeah it is." You exaggerate the words, gripping his cheeks for one last kiss.
L - Love Language.
☆ Bucky's love language is definitely acts of service. He enjoys doing things for you, and putting his skills to use, I think this can been seen in fatws when he helps Sam with repairing the boat, and getting him a new suit. He likes surprising you with household takes already completed when you get home, he absolutely basks in the praise you give him for doing this.
(yuck. This is where I officially give up on the scenes, as said prior if you want to see any specific ones just ask!!)
M - Meals. (kitchen dynamics.)
☆ Bucky doesn't like to cook with other people, you can watch for sure! But he doesn't like to share the space too closely, it just annoys him when people do things he believes he can do more efficiently.
☆ The two of you will most likely do A/B days when it comes to cooking and clean up, unless one person is pampering the other/it's a special occasion.
N - Nicknames. (what do they call their S/O?)
☆ His nicknames for you are obviously older, and slightly feminine (unless you tell him off), he starts you relationship with names like, doll, darling, and dove. As time progresses he will start incorporating handsome into his list of pet names. All that being said, I don't think he's too into pet names, for the most part he'll just say your real name.
O - Openness. (how open are they about their past/emotions with their S/O?)
☆ He starts telling you about his past in the form of jokes (like that one date scene in fatws). He's able to tell you about everything in a factual tone a few months into dating (just so he knows he trusts you), as far as his emotions surrounding it - that does obviously take longer, but in my opinion not by that much. The amount of emotion shared does vary, but maybe a month or two after he tells you about it for the first time, he'll start venting about his nightmares and such.
☆ also it does depend on how you view/retain media, because you might have already recognized his face/name.
P - PDA.
☆ Bucky is in the middle when it comes to PDA, he likes holding your hand, will give you goodbye kisses and such, but he doesn't go father then that. Half due to his social anxiety, half to him wanting the more intimate things to stay private.
Q - Quarrel. (how they apologize/ how long it takes them to forgive their S/O?)
☆ If Bucky feels he's in the right he can and will be petty, such as brushing you off, or making sarcastic comments. He typically won't confront you because of the attitude he holds, but when you decide to apologize he's ready to talk it out. He accepts your apology in time, (depending on what you did) but he is still standoffish for some time after, due to his trust issues.
☆ When he fucks up he is all over fixing it. He starts the apology in a very formal manner, stating how he knows he what he did was wrong, how he'll do better. The second part of the apology is him being (too) nice for the next week, as said on L his love language is acts of service so he'll overcompensate, and do every task you needed done.
R - Rules. (boundaries they have.)
☆ His "main" boundaries are focused around his past, such as you're not allowed to pry when it comes to asking about it - he will talk about it in his own time. You're also not allowed (at least for a long time) to touch the scars he has next to where his arm is attached, or the attachment itself. As far as other boundaries go, he doesn't want you to go further than hand holding, and a quick goodbye kiss in public, and he hates it when you pity him out right - keep that in your head.
S - Security. (how protective are they of their S/O?)
☆ He is very protective of you, not in a weird controlling way, but he always checks in out of fear someone will use you to get to him for one reason or another. This protectiveness isn't really that obvious, more just him checking in on you, and keeping an eye out when you're out together.
T - Time. (how long does it takes to fall for their S/O?)
☆ Bucky does take quite a bit of time to actually fall in love, but him finding you attractive/intriguing is very fast if not immediate. It takes about 2-3 months for him to ask you out (though he does flirt for a while first), and about 5-7 months of dating to "love" you.
U - Upset (what things upset them in a relationship?)
☆ He can get upset from a few things namely; everything said in R, when you grab him first in his post nightmare state or during/after a panic attack (he wants to be the one to initiate contact, because sometimes he doesn't want to be touched), and if you disagree on politics - although Bucky isn't the kind of guy to compromise on those so it most likely won't happen, because he wouldn't be dating you in the first place.
V - Vacation. (what kind of traveler are they with their S/O?)
☆ Bucky's a NERD!! He likes to go to places with rich history/culture, and he won't take a second to rest, he just wants to see everything, can you blame him? If you're the kind of person who wants to spend a day relaxing by the pool, I'm sorry, but he will leave you behind without hesitation.
W - Words. (promises they make to their S/O.)
☆ Bucky promises to never hurt you in any way shape or form, he promises to protect you agianst others who wish to harm you, and he promises to never leave you behind as he doesn't want anyone, especially you, to feel how he felt.
X - Xenial. (how they make you feel welcome/what makes them feel welcome?)
☆ Bucky likes to do little things for you to make you feel welcome/comfortable around him. This comes in different shapes and forms, such as complimenting you in every which way, making mental notes of things you like, and always being ready to help you out with anything you may need.
☆ Bucky feels the most welcome when it's explicitly said that he is. You using your words to validate him, not even compliment him, but just say he's doing fine, it does more for him then you could imagine.
Y - Yearning. (do they miss their S/O easily? what do they do about it?)
☆ Bucky is able to survive being isolated for long periods of time, even going as far to do it intentionally, but you've weakened him. He misses you rather fast. Now, it's not like he's going to cry over it or anything, but he will sometimes sit up at night unable to sleep without you next to him.
☆ Let's say that you two, for whatever reason, can't call. Bucky is an old fashioned guy, he likes to keep a least one physical photo of you on him at all times. He says it's his good luck charm; he would never tell you however, is that when you two are separated he keeps the photo as close as possible at nights because it calms him down from his nightmares.
Z - Zzz. (sleeping habits/how they cuddle.)
☆ As said so many times throughout this list, Bucky gets nightmares, and sometimes he can't fall back asleep afterwards so he gets up to go do his own thing, because of this while the two of you do sleep near eachother, you rarely cuddle. It's not even that he doesn't want to cuddle, he does, it's the fact he feels like a burden any time he wakes you, so instead he lied and told you he doesn't like them.
☆ Other sleep facts about him is that he runs hot at night, somewhere earlier it's said he's cold to touch, but for whatever reason he can not have more than one blanket on him, plus your body heat.
☆ His typical sleepwear is a pare of shorts, and if you want to count them, his dogtags. During the colder months he'll add a long sleeve shirt, or even just a standard tee, depends on his mood.
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
hi!!! congrats on getting more followers! i was honestly so excited when i saw the masquerade prompts. you don't understand just how much i love your works ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
may i please request prompt 3 for leona, vil, and jade?
thank you so much!!!
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3. You were invited to this stupid party by someone you really can't stand, but you can't find them anywhere. Thankfully you found this wonderful person to dance with who is a great time and nothing like that person at all.
And you don't know how much it means to me that I make you happy when I post (つ﹏⊂) I do write things that amuse myself yes, but seeing my regulars in my notes makes me so happy. I think about you guys when I write stuff all the time ♡
notes: they/them used for Yuu, yeah I came up with this prompt for Leona what of it, references to Ch 6 with Vil, Jade and Yuu are implied to be in the "what are we" stage of the dumpster fire situationship. The other event requests can be found on my masterlist.
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How hard could it be to find a lion- well anywhere now that you are really thinking about it? They stand out, have an incessant need for sleep, are constantly making demands of other people, and oh yeah this one has a fucking tail. You would have thought it would be extremely easy to find Leona even if everyone was wearing some sort of costume because you would have just needed to pin the tail on the asshole but no. It would seem that several of these obnoxious costumes came with tails. Yours included, it was extremely annoying to sit on and you found yourself with many uncomfortable questions about how Leona, Ruggie, and Jack functioned at NRC with those things. Do beastmen have different furniture to accommodate their tails? Just how different is a beastman's anatomy to a regular man's and would Leona just show up already so you could stop thinking about his ass?
"Hey watch where you're goin'." Your thoughts are interrupted with faux fur. Lots of it, you loose your mask in the struggle to pry yourself free of the stranger's costume and are unable to use the anonymity to hide your opinion of his costume.
It sucks. Whoever this guy is he must have really pissed off Crewel to get stuck with this weird abomination of a fur trimmed cape. It barely matches the antlers on his head, he doesn't seemed that bothered by your look, offering you back your mask with a shrug.
"I know. Ugly as shit right?"
"You said it not me." You fix your mask back into place and look at the buffet table next to you both. "Hey have you seen a lion around anywhere? I thought I might find him next to the meats but haven't had much luck so far."
"A lion hm?" This man leans back folding his arms so really know he's thinking. "Can't say I have. Why ya' lookin for him?" He bends just a little bit closer to you. "Am I not good enough company for you?"
"But sir," You fake gasp "we've only just met and this lion invited me. I need to at least let him know how annoyed I am he made me waste my evening."
"Oh do you know." The man laughs. "Well we really should go find him then." He offers you his hand and takes you towards the dance floor, tossing his heavy, ugly cloak around as he does letting the weight push other couples out of the way.
"I thought you were taking me to look for my lion, Mr. Deer." Leona knows you are teasing him, that doesn't mean his ears twitch any less at being called a deer. "Are you sure you didn't just want to dance with me?"
"Bit full of ourselves aren't we?" He dips you and relishes the way you gasp. "Since when was he your lion?" Since you stepped on his tail but you don't need to know that. He certainly didn't until Ruggie pointed out.
"Since he decided to invite me to an event I was already invited to." You have every right to sound this smug but he really is not in the mood to admit it.
"You sure seemed content to ditch him for me. Sure that's smart of you? You're pretty tiny I'd hate to see you get eaten." The grumpy part of him sort of wishes you had ditched "him" to keep looking for your lion.
"Ah well." you sound shy, he hears your heart rate quicken ever so slightly. "I sort of owe him an apology? Every time I try to talk to him I get a but tongue tied and say a bunch of stuff I don't really mean." This is not news to him, he knows the steps of your heartbeat as well as he knows his own.
"Maybe he invited you because he owes you one too." He picks you up as the song ends, arms wrapped tight around your waist pinning your arms to your side and carrying you off back towards the buffet. "Do me a favor and get rid of the mask would you? I'm tired of you acting like I'm some stupid herbivore."
"LEONA?" Oh so you really didn't know. Pity that just makes him laugh louder. He had wanted to do the gently put he drops you just a tiny bit to hear you scream as payback for not knowing it was him. People are staring but he really doesn't care so long as your eyes remain on him until the night is over and return when you wake back up.
"Now," he sets you down in the corner where you found him "I believe you were complaining about me wasting your evening? Well I am all ears, just where do you suggest we go?"
Saying something out loud really does have a way of making it sound worse. "I cursed sweets Trey sent over to prevent the spudlings from cheating on their diets." Did not sound unreasonable to Vil. When Rook added "without telling the person whose dorm I was staying in or asking for their permission" he had initially scoffed, brushed it from his mind and gone back to preparing for VDC. Why would that matter? They weren't in charge of VDC, they didn't have any say in how he ran his group.
It's just one of the things he would like to scold his past self for. That action had nothing to do with the VDC; Yuu had correctly seen it as a further alienation of them from the broader school population and stripping of their autonomy. It was not something that occurred to him because Vil was not in the habit of viewing people as throwaways, everyone regardless of circumstance had potential. All they had to do was work hard and they would flourish, and the longer he looked at Yuu the stronger he felt he was right.
You had not originally been invited to the dance. Crowley had explained that first years needed permission from their Housewarden to come, and since Ramshackle did not have one, and you apparently did not count you were not allowed. Vil had been the last person you expected to stick up for you. Sure it sucked to hear someone say inviting you was "just a formality" but you were not going to complain about someone making it easier to feed Grim. You had intended to hunt him down and make Grim say thank you, but your great mage master had somehow managed to ditch you before you had found anyone you recognized, let alone Vil. It made you feel very alone, dissociative even, which had not been helped by the figure who appeared asking if you were alright.
"Do you need to go someplace more quiet?" You shake your head, fully aware your mask likely isn't helping your argument.
"No sorry I was just looking for..." The words die in your throat, you realize you aren't quite sure what to call Vil exactly. Friend sounds presumptuous, acquaintance sounds rude, and he is certainly not your anything let alone Housewarden. "The person who invited me." It sounds lame, but it settles you enough to let you stand without feeling dizzy. "I wanted to say thank you." The man in front of you smiles hand coming up to his face as if he is trying to hold back laughter.
"I don't think the Headmage needs anymore of an ego boost. Besides, isn't it a bit too early to be looking for someone you know?" You bite your tongue to keep from digging yourself into a hole, of course this stranger thinks Crowley invited you like he technically invited everyone else. And it would sound like you were a crazed fan if you admitted you were looking for Vil now, no one was as unaware of his fame as you were.
"I- I guess." You swallow your nerves and prepare to excuse yourself.
"Are you alright?" His voice is so beautiful, his concern doesn't sound fake at all as he guides you out onto the balcony and politely looks to the side when you take off your mask to breathe in the fresh air and steady yourself.
"Sorry." You have no idea what you are apologizing for.
"There's no need to apologize. You were invited, you belong here." He says it so forcefully you really want to believe him. "When people make you feel out of place, when they do things you don't like you have every right to let them know and demand an apology."
"Hah." You let out a sharp breath, turning to face your new friend with a rueful smile. He reaches behind his head to undo the straps of his mask as you continue to speak. "That sounds nice but you have no idea who I would start talking back to-" The mask falls and you stop dead, Vil's gaze just as intense as when he caught Ace, Grim, and Deuce but this time solely aimed at you.
"Why are you stopping?" He does not close the distance between you, no matter how much Vil might want to erase it he knows the first step cannot be his. "My advice isn't going to change just because you want to scold me. If anything I encourage it, true beauty cannot be achieved without feedback."
"You scare me." You admit.
"I am aware."
"I think you hate me." You take a hesitant step forward.
"I did not expect you to make me happy." He meets you in the middle, gently taking your hand and placing it just over his heart. "But you have been an unceasing source of joy from the moment I first properly spoke to you. If I have ever done anything to tarnish your happiness... no I know I have. I have made you feel small and alone and that is never a way a want you to feel." Vil is surprisingly strong, and his heart is beating faster with each word he says despite the perfectly collected look on his face. "If there is something I can do to apologize..."
"You could dance with me." The request is still much too timid, but a palace is not built overnight.
"As you wish."
Poor tiny Yuu, all lost, alone, and confused in the middle of a sea of people. They're searching for a needle fish in an unforgiving ocean, very much aware that they are running out of time. There is fear in their actions is so palpable and fragrant he stops to take a deep, shuddering breath and tastes it, rolling it around on his tongue savoring the imagined flavor.
Jade has you right where he wants you, all he has to do now is strike.
You are annoyed. Aggravated, slightly distressed maybe but you don't want to succumb to panic. Jade had slipped a handwritten invitation to the Masquerade under your door (that was completely unnecessary as Crowley had announced that everyone was invited) you had chosen to interpret as a threat. Confronting the bastard had only gotten you some fake sniffles and an insistence he would never ever hurt you.
"I am not accusing you of hurting me." You say blank look firm upon your face. "I am stating you threatened me." Jade has the audacity to quiver his lower lip.
"We have a one drink minimum here at the Mostro Lounge." His voice certainly wavers but sometimes you wonder if Jade has ever actually been afraid before, because the shit he is trying to pull right now really doesn't make it sound like he has. "Please at least order something, I would hate to lose my job."
And now the motherfucker is nowhere to be seen. You have got to look like an idiot, a well dressed dinosaur stomping around the jungle in a way all the other dinosaurs find annoying. Not that you can tell, everyone is wearing mask yourself included. The only way you would have of knowing who was who would be if you had somehow coordinated costumes, or checked with Crewel to see what someone was assigned. Which you did not do, but Jade very likely probably-
"Oh I am so sorry, are you alright?" Someone has walked into your thoughts and directly over your person, sending you both crashing to the floor. He recovers much more quickly than you do, reaching to help but pausing just before he touches you.
"I'm alright." You don't sound quite like you are, but you don't shy away from his touch as he helps you to your feet. It's hard to get a good read on the man in front of you, the mask he wears covers his entire face, including his mouth and his costume is billowy with a cape you swear could hide you both. As if sensing your thoughts he makes sure to flourish it as he brings you up to your feet. It's cute, you really wish you could see the way he looks.
"Would you like to dance?" He asks, not immediately letting go of you after he sets you upright. "It would be a waste to spend an entire evening so lost in your thoughts." You pause, considering your options, considering your partner. Jade is a neat dresser, this man is certainly neatly dressed, but he has a decidedly Rook like hat on, complete with some truly monstrous feathers, that's obscuring his true height. You also have a distinct answer that you are being watched and that this question as a wrong answer.
"Yes." You take his hand to his surprise, dragging him not to the center but off to a secluded corner of the ballroom where the music is still loud enough to hear but quiet enough that you can talk. Not that your partner seems to intend to do that, he holds you with a strange degree of gentleness guiding you through the steps of a much more formal sort of dance than you had ever done before.
"You seem quite frightened." The man finally says as the music begins to slow. "I do hope that wasn't because of me, I am only here to help after all."
"Motherfucker." You try to step on his toes and he laughs, taking control of the dance by tightening his grip on your arms and spinning you behind one of the lengthy curtains to press you up against the window.
"Later." is all he says as he ditches his mask, letting it fall who knows where as he pulls you into a deep heated kiss, intent on robbing you of as much air as he has sanity. He bites down on your lower lip as he leaves, sucking it until it swells and letting you up for air as he tightens his embrace. "You can yell and be angry at me for as long as you like later, but for now-" He presses another quick kiss to your lips "argue with me in a different way, hmm?"
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orcinus-veterinarius · 2 months
Had to mo I've always loved orcas and they remain my favorite animal but I've been finding myself having to avoid the comments on anything with orcas and esp natural behavior. Because for whatever reason there's always comments on how orcas are "bullies" or the a-holes of the sea simply for being apex predators.
It's odd though if it's a captive orca people are all out ready to release it back into the ocean. But if it's wild that's a different story although there's always a comment or two saying how the orca "deserves" to be in captivity anyway because again they're bullies for being predators.
Like is there a reason orcas seem to be getting this unfair label for what they're doing to survive? I actually don't really see these same comments on wolves or lions or even sharks. There's even more sharks aren't monsters for being apex predators so why are they doing the opposite for orcas?
If I had to speculate, I think it’s because of the extreme lengths to which orcas have been anthropomorphized. Pre-2000s SeaWorld Shamu shows characterized the whales as basically big cuddly pets, and even into the 2000s and 2010s they still presented them as almost-mystical apex predators with a magical bond with humans. And for a long time, that was the (western) public’s main introduction to killer whales. It was hard to imagine them ever being anything but friendly.
Nowadays, a lot of folks—even some scientists—have popularized the idea that orcas are basically people, equal to or even superior to humans in intelligence and the capacity to feel emotions. So when they do something that humans find distasteful (punt around harbor porpoises, hunt fellow cetaceans, commit infanticide), it’s a lot more tempting to assume they’re doing it out of cruelty or malice than if it were a “simple animal” like a shark. I see that sort of comment a lot with animals assumed to be more “human-like” (orcas, chimps, elephants) or who live closely with people (hence the “cats are evil jerks” misnomer).
So yeah, in short, serious anthropomorphism. Orcas hunt because they’re predators, not psychotic murderers (*stares down Blackfish*). And while we’re at it—dolphins use sexual coercion because that’s the reproductive strategy they developed, not because they’re evil rapists (I’m really sick of seeing that “fact” shared around).
No animal is evil, because evil is a human concept. We cannot ascribe our sense of morality to them, no matter how intelligent they are, because they are not humans.
Anyway, pitting dolphins against sharks is stupid. Just like when people pit cats against dogs. Why not both?
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imaginebetterfutures · 7 months
I'm back with another sculpture! To be completely honest, this one was a real struggle for me to work out, idea wise. I love working abstractly (see earlier pieces!) but for this one our prompt in class was "objects and identity." We were asked to cast an object from life, and use it to speak to some aspect of ourselves that we want to explore. Not only am I an extremely closed book (pour one out for my therapist) but I'm also really not that interested in replicating objects?
So... I sort of cheated. This isn't *really* a cast of VHS tapes (although I did try to do that, and it failed miserably) but I'm still pleased with the outcome. Sound on for what I think is the best part — the pleasing and/or sinister snick snick snick sound of the tape unspooling and piling up.
If you like long, corny artist statements, boy howdy do I have one for you!
~~ GEODE ~~
My day job is as a journalist, and while I find a lot of the posturing that journalists do about our role as storytellers to be pretentious and often egotistical, I also can't deny that I got into this because I love to see into people's lives. Why do people do what they do? Why do we make the choices we make? How did we get here, as individuals and as a collective?
Much of journalism is about the big moments — wars and chaos and game changing plays. But those don't come out of nowhere. They come from a history, both personal and communal. We are products of our childhoods, our cultures, our teachers, our parents. We come from places that have smells and sounds and textures. And we document those things — and here I don't mean "we" journalists, I mean "we" as people. Humans have, for our entire history, recorded ourselves in one way or another. We write on walls, we tell each other stories, we come up with words that have deep meanings that stretch back into time.
Some journalists see their job as speaking truth to power. Or telling the important stories in the face of chaos and misinformation. Or staking a claim to truth, and defending it. All of that is true, of course. But when I think about my job I don't think about those things. I think about excavation. About telling the story in such a way that you can feel the texture of the people in it. I think of stories like geodes.
Do you know how a geode forms? They start with a volcanic eruption. Lava flows from a hot, angry vent, and mixes with the gases in the air. Most of the time, those gases don't stay put — they escape into the air and go off to become the wind in your hair, or carry pollen, or sweep under a bird's wing. But sometimes, bubbles of gas can't escape the boiling weight of the lava and become trapped. As the lava cools, those bubbles remain. It is only then — held tight and encased in cooling rock — that the crystals characteristic of geodes form.
There is something sad about opening a geode. It can reveal a great beauty, but it is also inherently destructive. You are taking a hammer to something hard and protected and asking it to open, to be seen, to be commented on. Not all geodes want to open. Not all geodes should be opened, perhaps. Not all geodes are beautiful inside. How do you know when to break one, and when to leave it be?
Once you break a geode, you open the crystals up to damage. UV light can bleach the colors inside and the oils on your skin can slowly eat away at the glittering growths.
I think a lot, as a journalist, about the stories that we lose when people die. The small things that they knew — the color of a lover's hair, the name of their neighborhood dog, the true identity of a soldier — that go to the ground with them. I have to stop myself from buying home movies when I see them at garage sales and thrift shops — each one, to me, a geode. Inside they might contain nothing, or everything. Wrapped tight in metallic film they recorded things people thought were important, things people wanted to remember. Trapped in plastic and now, broken open.
My piece is a VHS geode. I have broken it, and it is unspooling, and we are forgetting. It is beautiful and terrible all at once.
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sanjoongie · 8 days
ℑ 𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔣𝔦𝔵 𝔶𝔬𝔲
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🖤Third Flower chosen for The Language of Flowers event held by @cultofdionysusnet
🖤Prompt Chosen: black lily {love, curse}
🖤Pairing: Crazy Evil Genius! Yunho x Cyborg Naga! Reader (f)
🖤Genre: smut with plot!
🖤Trope: coworkers to lovers
🖤Au: sci-fi, cyborg, evil genius, hybrid
🖤Rating: 18+, MDNI
🖤Warnings: cybernetic enhancements without consent!, Yunho is genuinely off his rocker, mentions of murder, accidental dismemberment, explosions, death ⚠Kinks~ sub! yunho, dom! reader, fingering, oral (f)
🖤Word Count: 2,549
🖤Summary: when a devastating accident in the engine room destroys your body, a scientist offers his abilities to repair you... he sees a beauty, you see a beast. His love is truly a cursed one
🖤Author's Note: a thank you must go to @stardragongalaxy for getting an idea from Coachella Yunho, brainstorming it with me, and then gifting me said idea. you are the most generous soul I know
🖤divider by @cafekitsune
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You walked through the garden of the ship Treasure, running your hands over the lush leaves and smelling the open flowers. You had done everything you could to fix the ship but it had taken on too much damage. So you moved to a vantage point, the beautiful five pane sealed dome of the gardens, to view the ship’s brilliant explosion.
The last thing you remembered was the sound of the quantum engines, your babies, whining into their death sequence. You wanted to keep your eyes open, to witness their brilliant demise but the light was just too bright for you. Still, if you couldn't save them, at least you could be with them for their last moments.
You thought you were going to die, but as it turned out, the doctor on board when the accident had happened dabbled in cybernetics. You had been introduced to him in passing, when he ate lunch with the Captain and the crew. He was an odd sort, extremely tall but dressed to the nines. He inquired about the engines with a learned twinkle in his eye. Odd, but not harmful. Or so you thought.
“Ah, my goddess awakes.”
You struggled to open your eyes as your consciousness came back to you. “Wh-what happened?”
“You were in an accident,” the soft voice cooed at you. “But luckily I was able to put you all back together again.”
“Back…together?” What did that even mean?
You were finally able to battle away the fog in your mind, you were met with inquisitive brown eyes. “I made some improvements. I couldn't help myself. Your situation was unique. But I’m sure you’ll find them glorious.”
You attempted to move your arms but they felt sluggish to respond to you. Then, whip-quick, they moved. You couldn't comprehend what was before you. You turned your ‘hands’ back and forth in front of you. It was like you had on rose gold scale gloves up past your elbows. The metallic material shimmered in the light. But instead of fingers you had talons.
“You lost both your arms,” the doctor said cheerfully. “Now, if you are trapped in the underbelly of the ship, you’ll be able to get away quickly!”
You moved to sit up higher in the cot you were on but squeezed too hard. Metal squealed in protest and your mouth dropped in shock. 
The doctor, you struggled to remember his name upon introduction, brought his forefinger and thumb to his chin in thought. “It’ll probably take you a while to adjust to your newfound strength. Much better if you remain with me in the lab.”
The cot, having lost its support, collapsed and you fell to the side. The blankets that had been covering your legs, ripped off in your descent and you were met with an even bigger shock. You no longer had any legs; you now had a rose gold tail to match your new arms.
“What the fuck?!” You shouted in astonishment.
“Ah, yes.” The doctor walked over to where you had fallen. “You lost your legs in the blast as well. Quite gruesome.” His long fingers traced the scales, starting where your calf would have been. “But with this thick, strong tail, you will be so much faster. Nothing will ever be able to destroy you again.”
His fingers continued to move up your tail, up to where your knee would be. He peeked through his fringe, almost boyish like, but his eyes gleamed fever-bright. He was odd, even in this almost intimate moment. “Do you like it?”
You frowned, hard. “I don’t… why…? This is all so…”
“Wait! I know you’ll love this!” The doctor rushed away to grab a hand mirror and was by your side in an instant. “Smile for me, my goddess.”
You bared your teeth and didn’t recognize yourself. You had two long fangs. The further you opened your jaw, the more it elongated, just like a snake. 
“I’m a monster,” You whimpered to your reflection.
“No!” The doctor protested. “There is venom in your fangs, which you activate with pressing your tongue to the back of the fangs. You can protect yourself, be strong! Nothing will be able to get to you now! You’re a goddess among mortals.”
You ripped the mirror from his hands and threw it against the wall. Instead of smashing it, it simply thunked into the wall with the strength you threw it with. 
The doctor watched in awe and then his eyes shone with adoration. “See what gifts you have! You’ll accept them eventually, just you watch. But for now, I think, a nap is in order.”
The other hand, the one that hadn't been admiring your tail earlier, sported a finger like contraption, almost similar to your talons. Before you could register what was happening, he pricked the side of your neck and you felt your limbs and head grow heavy. 
“There there, my love,” the doctor hummed. “Sleep a dreamless sleep. It will all be better when you wake up.” 
The doctor’s name was Jeong Yunho. He refused to let you call him Doctor Jeong. 
“We’ve been through so much together,” he would say, sighing happily. “Just call me Yunho.”
As much as you wanted to kill the doctor for all the modifications that you most certainly did not agree to, your levelheadedness realized that would not be prudent. He was the man that created you and you were certain that if he died, and something went wrong with your modifications, that there would not be a second doctor specializing in cybernetics to fix you.
So you endure your rehabilitation with the lovesick doctor. For that was surely what he was. There wasn’t a moment that went by that he wasn’t sporting heart eyes at you. He spoke to you in tones that belied adoration and care. He wouldn’t stop talking about his wonderful enhancements. And he most definitely would not stop referring to you as his goddess or his love.
The fair doctor was crazy. He was a genius, but he was crazy. You weren’t sure what kind of world he was living in but it was most definitely not reality. Because in what reality would a half human half snake be seen as an improvement?
You remained inside the med bay slash laboratory that Yunho resided in. You were in no hurry to encounter any other human. 
Which resulted in you being bombarded by Yunho. The more he praised you, the more you despised what you looked like. Each time he referred to you as his goddess only added a block upon block of resentment towards him. 
Then finally you snapped.
You had become apt with your new body. You knew how to move your tail to move at a viper’s pace. You wrapped your talons around Yunho’s upper arms and slammed him into the wall. Your fangs were on his neck. 
Then you were completely thrown off when Yunho moaned, “Please, end me, my goddess.”
Your tongue was pressing against the activator for your venom but you couldn't find it in you to do it. Yunho was… somehow getting off on this and that was not what you wanted when you finally killed him. 
You let him go and he slowly sunk to the floor, a look of bewilderment on his face. “What? Why won’t you kill me, my love?”
“Why would I give you pleasure?” You snarled, whipping your tail in anger. It hit this table and knocked over that set of beakers but Yunho didn’t wince from the destruction.
Yunho looked up at you with puppy dog eyes, mouth slightly parted. “You would end me! Your fangs pressed to my jugular, pumping them full of poison and vengeance. You would be using everything I’ve gifted you!”
“It is not a gift, Yunho, it is a curse!” You howled. 
Yunho scrambled to get up as you went on a full rampage. If you couldn't lash out at the genius doctor who was quite insane, then you still needed to pour out your rage. You wrecked the entirety of the lab. Whatever Yunho was working on, several projects or one, it was all gone. He watched you destroy it all. 
And when you were done, breathing hard, unknown chemicals dripping from your talons, a glare of hatred aimed at Yunho, he approached you. He treated you like a caged tiger, cautiously tiptoeing through the chaos to get closer to you.
“You are practically indestructible now, my goddess. You are powerful which only adds to your engineer brain. And more so, you are beautiful in your new form. Why can you not accept that?”
“Because who can love someone who is monstrous like me in this form?” You yelled. Your soul felt torn apart. “You have condemned me, doctor.”
Yunho shook his head fervently. “No. No, you are wrong. I love you.” Yunho pounded his fist to his chest to emphasize his point.
You turned away from him, unable to view what was on his face. “You love the madness you created, not me.”
Yunho, with the hand that had two fingers covered with the same guard that he had used to inject you with an anesthetic when you first woke, gently turned your head back towards him. “No. You are wrong once again. I made you in an image that is beautiful and strong. I am in love with you, who remained in the most dangerous of places in order to save the engine from blowing and perhaps killing others. I am in love with you, my goddess.”
You scoffed at the mad doctor, “Ridiculous.” You retained your disbelief.
“Shall I show you?” Yunho offered softly.
“How?” You barked.
Yunho pressed his lips to yours, practically trembling. Whether he was scared or excited, you weren't entirely too sure but you remained still as his kisses moved from the corner of your mouth, along your jaw and down your neck.
“What are you doing?” You demanded, your talons curling into your scaled palms.
“Worshipping your body like the goddess you are,” Yunho murmured against your skin.
Yunho unbuttoned the short sleeve dress you wore and it fluttered down your body, catching at your hips. He cupped one breast tenderly, his plump lips wrapping around the other nipple. He suckled and licked the nipple as his fingerguard’s sharp edge played along the areola of your other breast. You cried out at the soft and hard worship of your body, the dual stimulation making you wet.
Yunho altered his mouth to your other breast, wriggling his unadorned hand down the front of your dress, to brush the pads of his fingers along your slit. Your tail ended high on your thigh, allowing access to your cunt still. The doctor gasped in delight when he found your slick gushing from between what remained of your legs. 
You opened your mouth to snarl at Yunho but he was too eager to give you more pleasure. Two fingers pushed into your cunt with ease and you groaned as Yunho stretched you out. Embarrassing wet noises could be heard from the both of you as he thrusted his long fingers into you.
“I will do this every day for as long as you demand, to prove my love for you,” Yunho whined.
He began to hump your leg eagerly, in tandem with the thrusting of his fingers. You could feel how hard he was against your hip. He was desperate for all of you.
“Yunho, wait.” 
You pushed him back with one hand, only to see Yunho’s eyebrows furrowed, like you had taken away a very yummy treat from him. But his fingers stilled inside you, much like the eager, good pup he was portraying right now. 
“Can I taste you? Bring you to climax with my tongue? Oh please let me do that. I don’t need anything else but that, and then I will die a happy man,” Yunho begged.
You were truly struck with how much this man was simpering for you. It was clear the need he had to please you was strong. It was clear that his lust for you thrummed through every muscle in his body right now. It shocked you to your core, but then again, this man made you into the monster you were. Perhaps he did make you in an image that was beautiful to him.
So you slithered to a lab bench nearby with purpose. You pushed your dress down your hips and leaned over the chaos you had wrought. “Show me,” You said throatily.
Yunho was on his knees within a millisecond, face pushed into your pussy. He sloppily lapped at it, tongue exploring all of the flesh available to him. He sucked on your inner lips. He circled your clit with the tip of his tongue. He used his hands to push back the plush flesh of your ass so that he could tongue-fuck you. You weren’t entirely sure how Yunho was managing to breathe, if you were being honest, but you were too caught up in the pleasure blossoming in your lower stomach.
Your talons flexed into the stainless steel lab counter, making the metal screech in protest. You could feel rather than hear Yunho chuckle into your cunt. Still, he didn’t stop until you cried out with an orgasm, and even then, he lapped up every drop of your slick. You panted against the lab bench, trying to absorb what exactly just happened.
You pushed yourself up and caught Yunho wiping his face of your wetness and licking every bit of it instead of wiping it away. This man was something else. 
“I don’t understand you,” You admitted, frowning at the doctor.
Yunho beamed up at you, innocent in his filthy actions. “What’s there to understand? I saved you. I recreated you in a powerful image that only supports your beauty. And I crave to taste every inch of you on my tongue.”
You shuddered, somewhat delicately. Your tail, also in response to Yunho’s words, curled itself into a spiral at the base of where it was supporting you. Yunho watched with apt interest, probably noting your natural reactions. 
Yunho stood up, his hard on painfully obvious against his slacks, yet he made no overtures to fix his situation. Instead he asked, “Have I proven myself to you, my love?”
“I suppose I believe you,” You said grudgingly. 
Yunho clapped his hands once. “Then it’s settled. We shall rule the galaxy. With my schemes, and your power and beauty, none will be able to stand against us.”
“You can’t just decide these things on your own!” You protested.
Yunho’s eyes swirled with insanity, a maniac grin pulling his lips up garishly. “Do you not despise the world for what it’s done to you? Do you not want to take it out on the world? While I lavish you with adoration and attention?”
That made you pause. Hadn't it felt good to lash out? To receive Yunho’s love? You felt like you could not argue with his points.
Yunho offered you his arm and you found yourself taking it. Whatever lay before you, be it destruction and madness, you found yourself looking forward to your future. And your mad doctor’s schemes too.
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comicaurora · 1 year
(this ask is based on the, I'm not sure if unfounded, assumption that at least 1/6(?) main crew members has some sort of non-ace/aro attraction): How do you write allo characters as an aro person? I'm one of those annoying allos who's *hyper-romantic* and working on hypersexuality for my own health, so I color most of my writing with that and struggle to write ace people. I know a lot of writers can distance themselves more. I guess I'm just curious how you inspire your characters to act socially outside of the way that you interact, specifically in terms of romanti/sexual relationships. I'm pretty good at getting my characters to engage with the world outside of my way of doing it until it comes to romance.
It's… tough, and I'm working on it. I still need to remind myself that a lot of people legitimately do experience sexual attraction and thus find certain other people in certain situations extremely physically appealing, in contrast to my own platonic attraction (the people I like, I typically like the same amount no matter what they're doing or how they look) or aesthetic attraction (when I like how someone looks in a specific situation, it is still in an extremely hands-off "I'd like to draw that" way).
I can work my way through the logic of romance, I think. I've been told that it doesn't feel the same as friendship, and that it places another person in a somewhat uniquely structural role for one's life. I've heard it described as being someone's "everything-team" - the person they want by their side at any endeavor - which is the only thing I've ever heard about romance that I don't think applies to a good percentage of my IRL friendships.
Romantic attraction is definitely the more confusing one, because everyone I know in a romantic relationship insists it's different than their platonic ones, but can't really explain why or how, only that it is. The thing is, this makes me believe them more. I know how hard it is to explain a unique inner experience to someone who has a completely different one. Their partner is their best friend, or at least top three (understandable) and also in a unique position in their life (confusion??) I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, and I think I love my friends as much as I'm capable of, and there are people I'm friends with who I could see as a theoretical partner - except that it would change absolutely nothing about our current relationship. This is why I don't identify with the label of "aromantic" where I definitely do with "asexual", because I think I experience what people are talking about, I just feel it kinda everywhere instead of nowhere.
So the hack I think I can make work to do this in my writing is:
Sexual attraction is like aesthetic attraction, but with a hands-on component. Replace "I want to draw that" with "I want to get my hands on that" and go from there.
Romantic attraction is evidently its own beast, but it contains concepts like "I trust this person implicitly," "I care about them and want them to be happy," "I would be happy coming home to this person," "I want to protect them," "I like that they care about me," and "this person helps me see the world in a different way" which are all individual sentiments I understand, even if I personally feel them about a large number of people rather than a single Special Someone. Point them at a single Someone and have the two characters involved act accordingly, and I can probably pull a romance out of it.
Like all writing-an-alien-situation stuff, it mostly pays to identify the specific details that correlate to things you DO understand and then extrapolate from there. Or you can fake it and black-box their motivations and be like "here's where I'd put their sexual attraction to each other if I had one"
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cooki3face · 1 year
~ Energy check in w/ advice : June 27, 2023 ~
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~ pile one 🧺 ~
Someone could be heavily focused on their finances or diverting their energy towards building a foundation for themselves. There’s an energy here of manifestation or trying to push things into fruition or get things together. You could be pushing aside complicated situations or connections in your life right now, I see you stepping into your power and being able to set boundaries and clearly communicate your needs and your priorities with the people in your life. This energy has sort of put you in a state of independence and even isolation, I see you spending a lot of time by yourself or enjoying your own company.
There could be some conflict and disagreements or some type or separation within your personal relationship whether that be platonic or romantic. If not conflict and disagreements there’s just a general energy of something not being stable or an energy of a relationship that is complicated or has a lot of room for misunderstandings and there’s a lack of communication. For many of you I’m sensing a romantic connection being on the rocks or out of balance or out of alignment.
There could be a third party interference or an energy of deception within your romantic relationships. You could sense this or be somewhat aware of this. There’s this underlying energy here of you knowing that this is happening whether or not you have physical evidence of this or have picked up on something intuitively but you not focusing on it entirely. There is tension and competition here or heavy emotions regarding this situation but it could be sitting at the back of your mind or you may feel as though you’re on the fence on how you feel regarding the situation. You could be back and forth between feeling secure and detached and as if you can release your control and shift your energy towards yourself and being upset, sad, extremely anxious or even feeling vengeful or impulsive possibly when hyper aware (you could be stalking your partner or the third party or karmic, you could be searching around for answers or for some type of truth)
I see someone putting something down and walking away from something for a while or sort of being in this dormant wondering place about your situation or your connection. There’s an energy of detachment or practicing releasing things or letting the universe handle the situations you can’t control. I’m hearing, “I can only allow myself to feel the way I feel while I release the things I cannot control”. I see you wanting to fix this or still being emotionally attached to someone and because you don’t have all the answers or know the reality of the situation or what’s really going on you’re still allowing yourself to leave the door cracked open for your person or you’re still allowing yourself to speak to and converse with your person as if nothing is going on or as if you don’t suspect anything.
advice 🕯️:
Continue to try and practice remaining grounded or emotionally stable and focused. It’s okay to be emotionally in tune or feel the way you feel but sit with it don’t let it turn into something that will cause you to act out or put you in a state of misalignment. I see you struggling to find the right time to say things or the right time to act at times and this may cause you to be out of step. It’s hard to explain but you may end up saying things, doing things and taking action before it’s the right time. There’s a really strong energy here of being patient and waiting for something. Sit within yourself, let the way you feel and what you perceive to be happening sit with you for a while. I’m feeling called to bring up the divine feminines energy of “being” or turning inwards when there is an issue or something comes up that tempts her to step outside of her feminine energy. I’m hearing “be still.” Let things flow through you and around you like water. The time will come to get answers, the truth will be revealed to you but be patient. You can be withdrawing from your person or even people in general at this time.
There we go, the empress upright, sit in your feminine energy and remain there, focus on your own life, your beauty and curating and attracting peace within you and around you. Continue to do your inner work and focus on your own souls purpose and building a life and securing abundance for yourself while all of these things purge out and karmic cycles and all of these complicated things are taken care of behind you. Do not move. Do not take any action to push things to be a particular way outside of what you can control within your own life and space. Wait.
Focus on your finances or aspects of your material life right now. There’s an energy here of manifestation or someone using spiritual gifts or using their energy to attract abundance and prosperity. Someone could be a witch or into witchcraft. Someone could be interested in starting a business or have things that they’d like to do this year pertaining to their career and social status, this is a good time to manifest the things you want or hold onto the natural push you’ve been given or your ambition and move towards bringing some of your manifestations into fruition. Focus on your business or your career.
Protect yourself and protect your peace. I hear you saying “I only want peace” continue to hold onto that energy and sit in it and sit with it pile one. I feel I’m talking primarily to the divine feminine collective here as well. Someone could have allergies, I’m hearing issues with sight or even sinus related issues as well. You could be sleeping a lot as well. I’m kind of getting the energy of rebirth. Someone could be sleeping a lot or resting a lot or spending a lot of time within their minds or subconscious minds as of late. I’m getting the womb, someone is sort of like a dormant volcano right now or in a state of growth and crucial development before they can be born again.
Stand your ground pile one remain grounded hold onto your peace and release everything else. This is a test of faith. Things will be good again, the situation will heal itself it will pass.
~ pile two 🧺 ~
Someone could be struggling with a lack of direction within their lives at the moment. Or even a general energy or indecisiveness. I’m hearing someone could be heading down a path they didn’t want to go down or had been trying not to go down for a while. Or at least it seems this way to them. I feel someone feeling as though they’re being pushed or forced to live life as they know it at this moment. You may feel you’re trapped in a cycle of unfortunate events or like no matter how much you push to move in a different direction you’re always made to be in the same exact place or your efforts to bring change or maybe even to improve have not been successful. You could feel very stuck and stagnant or even trapped in a cycle against your will at this time. You may feel as though there are forces working against you or like it is divinely bound for you to live with such shitty circumstances.
You could be having a lot of breakthroughs right now though or some type of mental clarity or clearing of a fog has happened here. It seems you’re seeing things clearer or being made aware of some sort of truth regarding the nature of your life or what it is that’s causing such chaos and confusion or even conflict. You could be holding onto a lot of fear, a lot of fear based insecurities or anxiety at this time, you could be suppressing emotions or even abusing substances or alcohol or using some type of coping mechanism to help you feel more in control of your emotions and thoughts. There’s a lot of inner confusion here. You could also be lying to someone, being deceptive or withholding information from someone in your life that could largely impact a situation or the relationship you share with this person.
I do see nine of cups here upright. Nine of cups speaks about contentment and wish fulfillments. Happiness is coming or there will be some sort of ending to your suffering or some sort of solution come soon. You may feel as though this point in time will not pass but it will pass. The truth is coming, better times are coming. A new financial opportunity is on its way towards you as well, some type of manifestation/abundance is coming. You could receive a large opportunity soon or something you’ve been investing time and money into is finally going to work in your favor and you’ll begin reaping the fruits of your labor.
advice 🕯️:
Be rid of excess people in your life who are no longer serving you or who are not brining you any more peace or happiness or abundance. You could need to spend some time alone to ground yourself but I get the energy that there are people around you who don’t want the best for you or who are waiting around to exploit you for resources or who are energy vampires or who don’t really love and support you like they say they do.
Celebrate the things you do have, find gratitude for the things you do love and appreciate within your life. You’ve become wrapped up and preoccupied with all the negatives and all the things that have gone wrong and it’s easy to do that and even easier to forget about the good things.
You could be very defensive right now or sort of in a place where there is lots of conflict with others regarding arguments, karmic cycles and even third party interferences within your connections and intimate relationship. Put the sword down, take down your defenses and be rid of conflict with others in whatever ways necessary. Apologize. Let go. Move forward. You could be having problems in the home as well. You could be arguing with members of your family or even roommates.
Hold onto your ambition, hold onto the need to succeed, to find happiness and abundance within your life pile two, be the energy you want to receive, keep pushing, keeping looking for more, keep reaching for more. Release the habit to speak negatively in general and about yourself, release being your own biggest critic, release being your own biggest bully, release your deep rooted fears and insecurities, you are standing in your own way and the only way to get out is through and you’re going to need your own strength and support to do so.
Keep soul searching!!!! Keep looking deeper, keeping going within, keep looking for your souls purpose and becoming more in tune with who you are and who you’re meant to be.
~ pile three 🧺 ~
Someone could finally be getting their flowers here for something that they do or something you’ve invested a lot of time and energy into is finally working out for you. There could be people around you who don’t agree with whatever it is you do or who don’t support you, you could even have someone close to you who doesn’t support you and may be secretly wishing ill on you or praying that whatever you’re working on doesn’t work out in your favor.
*this message deleted twice and someone really doesn’t want you to receive this message *
This could be somebody extremely close to you. It could be a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a sibling, or a parent. There’s some type of justice coming in within the situation though I don’t see this continuing to affect you negatively. I see you really truly kind of pushing yourself into an energy of being ready to let this person go or let the situation go, regardless of the fact that you may not be completely ready to let this go to let this person go. And with this judgment card, there’s this little character down here who has a key, and this princess is kind of in the middle of this maze in the middle of this locked maze. There’s somebody here who has a level of authority within your life who doesn’t want you to move in the direction that you’re moving or doesn’t want you to succeed at the things that you are working towards at this current moment, or at this current point in time.
This is not going to continue to hold this back. This person is not going to continue to affect you there could’ve had been arguments, disagreements and a lot of misalignment in regards to this particular situation with this 10 of cups in reverse. This could be a feminine energy as well. I’m getting this really strong, authoritative energy as well. This could be like I said it could be a parent, but this could also be somebody’s mother here.
advice 🕯️:
You could feel it, so there are blockages or some energies stagnancy within your finances or within you continuing to work towards whatever it is you’re working towards or continue to work on whatever it is you’re working on. I accidentally said “don’t continue to work on this though“ and I meant to say don’t continue to be stuck on this though see there’s something coming through here there’s somebody coming through here and an energy coming through here who doesn’t want you to continue to strive towards what you’re striving towards what I was meaning to say is don’t continue to be stuck on this, so this energy the stagnancy is a direct result of the energy that this person is sending towards you at this time. You should consider getting in contact with a witch, or somebody who can do some type of protection spell for you. Or you should consider doing an egg cleanse or some type of cleansing ritual for yourself.
You should be having a lot of internal conflict or feeling a lot of guilt regarding the fact that you may have to cut this person off or continue to go against their wishes when it comes to doing this for yourself, and I (and spirit as well) would like you to work towards why you feel that guilt regarding the fact that you have to do what you have to do regarding the fact that you have to put yourself first, and regarding the fact that you have to get rid of somebody who is continuously and constantly causing harm or sending harmful energy towards you.
Hold onto your inner strength here pile three. You’re going to need to persevere and to continue to push through these obstacles in order for you to get where you want to be in order for you to have the peace in the stability and abundance they want to have it’s going to take you breaking karmic cycles. It’s going to take you getting used to putting yourself first and pushing boundaries and pushing limits for you to achieve the things that you want to achieve and unfortunately it’s so happens that somebody close to you somebody dear to you is, one of your biggest bullies in this position of your life but remember that often times in peoples lives when they face obstacles like this, and they are destined for more or have a larger soul purposes. 
Hold onto the possibility of your freedom or if you are abundance and I see your freedom because I’m getting the energy that a lot of you within pile three or trying to get away from somebody or get out of a situation that you feel trapped in at this time. Hold onto your hope that things will get better. My last piece of advice you, the last piece of advice from spirit is to rid yourself of this person. Go no contact from this person, continue to strive to remove yourself from this person’s grasp. Continue to do what’s best for you despite this person.
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gtzel · 3 months
So have you ever had something that was so special to you, you felt that other people just wouldn’t understand? That’s basically gt for me, it’s a huge part of my life. I don’t mean like as a hobby, I mean that my brain is literally hardwired for gt. Anytime I find something remotely gt related, I get extremely protective over that thing. I feel that even people who also like gt won’t get it. It’s a passion, it’s how I see the world, it’s my obsession. You look at something like a button, or a pin and think ‘wow, that sure is a neat thing right there’ but my brain goes something like ‘oh look a button! I bet a tiny would just love to have that. If I were tiny I sure would like to have that for myself’ or you see a bug or other small thing and probably just pass it off. But I think about how I would take care of that bug, how I would treat it. Which is mainly why I care about animals so much. But it doesn’t even end there! Even as I child I remember doing and liking things that were gt related, even before I discovered it. I found the gt community 2 years ago and I feel like I found myself. Sort of like a puzzle piece that didn’t fit quite right before, but now I’m complete. I know it’s weird, and I know most other people don’t get it. Some say I’m autistic or some other form of neurodivergence but this is just me. I get gt, it’s important to me and I care deeply about it. I want to protect it and keep it safe. I get extremely insecure when people don’t get it, or when they say I’m wired for liking it so much. But in reality I just cherish it deeply. Sorry for the long text, it’s just really hard to express how much I love gt. Gosh I’m so weird..
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lesbianphan · 4 months
I'm having a hard time putting my emotions into words about what We're All Doomed meant to me personally. I relate way too much to Dan's stuggles with identity and struggling to feel like you belong, like you deserve to be here and be loved. So when the show turned into the honest sincere bit about feeling like you're never truly happy, I felt that.
All I can say is I'm extremely proud of him, for being vulnerable enough to share it with us in the only way he knows how: through a really amazing dramatic theater kid sort of production, full of lights and really cool effects and soundtrack. It truly is his magnum opus, as he said, and I hope he continues to share with us through whichiever medium he so desires about his journey through life.
Funnily enough, my plan for the year is pretty much taking more chances, living more, trying to find out who I am and what truly makes me happy in life, independent of everyone else. Just finding myself. So Embrace the void and have the courage to exist fits like a glove right now.
THANK YOU @danielhowell we love you! Some of us have watched you grow up in front of a camera and go through all the versions and loved you through them all, all along. I feel honored to finally be able to see this and I can only hope you never forget that we mean it when we say we are proud of the man you've become.
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