#i found. one series on ao3? posted in 2016??
booksandabeer · 1 year
Stucky, Fandom Longevity, and "Primacy Bias"
There’s this post that's been floating around the past few days about how the Stucky fandom in its heyday produced fic and art masterpieces like they were all collectively possessed by an unprecedented spirit of creative insanity. It’s a good, fun post and I agree with the person who wrote it. (not rb'ing because I didn't want to hijack their post with something that's only tangentially related).
It was indeed a magical time and the creative output in both quantity and quality in the two-year period following the release of CA:TWS is—with perhaps a few exceptions—unmatched by anything that I’ve seen before and since. However, going through the notes on that post, I noticed something that left me a little irritated and quite frankly sad since it is in congruence with, and to a certain extent the confirmation of something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.
For one thing, there are so many people in the notes expressing sentiments along the lines of “it was such a wonderful time; I wish I could go back; I miss these fics; I want to read these fics again,” etc., etc., you get it. And it feels a little silly pointing this out, but…you can just do that? Almost all of these fics are still right there, waiting for you to be (re)read. Yes, a lot of people left the fandom after The Great Devastation of 2019, but their stories didn’t just disappear. It's not like there is now a big, black hole where the Steve/Bucky tag used to be on AO3. So, if you miss these fics and you want to revisit them—just do it. Chances are the authors will be delighted that people are still finding and enjoying their stories all these years later. And—since apparently this needs saying, too, judging from the notes on that post: A lot of people seem to be very concerned with losing ‘coolness points’ for openly admitting that they still miss the ship and often feel tempted to dip their toes back into the Stucky pool. I don’t know how to tell you this, but if someone tries to shame you for simply enjoying or missing something, they are an asshole. Not to mention that all this is happening on tumble.com—'coolness' doesn't exactly live here. And that is a good thing, to be clear. Fandom is not about being cool. It’s about being as enthusiastic, as silly, as absolutely fucking unhinged about the things you love as you want to be. So, stop caring what other people think and enjoy yourself.
The other thing is that there seems to be a pretty widespread misconception that the Stucky fandom hasn’t produced any good fanworks after 2016.
First, that is patently and demonstrably untrue. There is so much incredibly good fanfiction and fanart still out there. Not as much as back in the day, sure, but it still exists. And more is being posted every day! Even some of the OG Big Names are still around. One of the most beloved Stucky series that started all the way back in 2014 was updated as recently as December of last year. The artist, who I believe the op is referring to as creating ‘baroque’ paintings, posted their latest Stucky art not even two months ago.
Second, I find this “primacy bias” more than just a little insulting to the many hardworking and incredibly talented people who are still putting their blood, sweat, and tears into creating for this community. And it’s one thing if people who have long left the fandom believe or say something like this, but it’s frankly irritating when I see people who are still very much active—and therefore definitely should know better—feed into that same false myth. Yes, it sucks that the Stucky ship isn’t as big as it used to be, but that doesn't mean there isn't any 'fresh talent' to be found anymore. I’m also not saying we shouldn’t still celebrate and recommend older works—I do it all the time! And it sure as hell doesn't mean everyone has to reblog absolutely everything all the time, either. Your blog, your rules.
But maybe we should put a little more focus on the good things, on the creators and the community we have now, especially if we want that community to still exist in another ten years. I mean, imagine you’re a person who’s just gotten into the fandom (because yes, there are indeed still new people discovering Stucky all the time) and one of the first things you’re being told is “eh, nice that you're here, but you’re about 7 years late; the big party is already over.” Does that seem like a fun space to hang out in to you?
So. Let’s all—and I do not exclude myself from this because God knows, I love to complain—spend a little less time mourning the ‘good old days’ that are never coming back anyway, and instead focus our attention on enjoying and appreciating both the incredible treasure chest of an archive we have AND the wealth of high-quality art and fic that is still being created by this wonderful community every single day. With this in mind:
🥳🎊Happy Stucky Week 2023!!! 🎊🥳
*I want to make it very clear that this is a general thing that’s been on my mind lately and that I’m trying to work through here—probably not very coherently. I'm not trying to tell anybody 'how to do fandom' and I’m most definitely not vagueposting about any particular incident, person, or group in this fandom. This isn’t a callout post. It’s an I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this and I don’t know what else do with them post.
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randomimaginesideas · 3 months
My King (Loki X OC) Prologue
Tumblr media
Hallo everybody,
A/N: Before you start reading the rest of the story, I just want to give a little disclaimer.
My King (Loki x Reader) was the first fanfic I ever posted back on quotev.com. The un-edited story can still be found there. (Read at your own risk). I recently remembered this story, and looking back on it I see how much I’ve grown in my writing style, but also in real life. I published the first chapter back in 2016. And since then I’ve never truly stopped writing fanfiction with my more recent works of Valtor’s right hand series and Papilionem effectus. 
So I wanted to revist this story and update it to my more recent writing style while also keeping as close as possible to the original.
This work may not be the most original storytelling wise, but I do hope you enjoy it, just as much I had while revisiting this work.
So thank you for your time, and happy reading.
When Astrid doesn't fit in anywhere, and she get sentences to life on Earth she makes the best of it. When one day, a certain prince steps into her life and offers a way out of the dull Midgardian life.
What happens when Loki gets a right hand woman during his time on Earth?
Disclaimer; This story can also be found on AO3 or Wattpad, if you prefer reading there.
A loud bang could be heard as the grand wooden doors opened, letting the two guards who were guiding a struggling prisoner through. The sound from the metal shackles moved through the room as they hit the tiled floor. The guards were holding the arms on the woman with two arms, lifting her just above the floor as she continued to struggle in their arms. “Unhand me!” She said angrily. 
The guards ignored the woman’s struggles, and dropped her in front of the throne that stood in the enormous hall. From the force which they dropped her with the woman ended up on the floor, but before she was able to stand up her accompanying guards placed their hands on her shoulders. The woman struggled for a bit more, until she realized it had no use and settled. Finally casting her eyes on the man sitting on the throne, watching the spectacle. 
The man was not alone, alongside him stood his wife, the queen Frigga, taking her place on his right side. And his two sons had placed themselves on their father’s left. It was a rare occasion that both sons would be presented during a trial, oftentimes only the younger son would be present as the eldest was out in the nine realms as an emissary of Asgard, which was basically just swinging his fists and hammer around. But the woman knew that those three people weren’t important, not to her at least. No, her fate was in the hand of the man on the throne. All-Father Odin. 
“Astrid Arnedottir, today you are being trailed for the following accusations made against you; Attempted murder, endangering the royal family, and treason against the people of Asgard. How do you plead?” Odin looked down at the woman on her knees, Astrid, who looked back at him with fire in her eyes. Her brown hair which once had been braided now hung in loose ringlets around her face, as the rest just looked like a disheveled mess. “Not. Guilty.” Astrid said, her teeth clenched as she fought the urge to not throw every insult known to Asgard at the man’s face.
“And what do you have to say to confirm your statement?” The All-father continued, not bothered by the sheer anger of the woman in front of him. “Does it matter what I say? You have already decided you want to get rid of me!” Astrid lashed out, wanting to stand up but the guards pushed her down again. “I give you one more chance, do you have anything to confirm your statement or should we look at the evidence we have against you?” 
An almost manic laugh escaped from her lips, shaking her head. “I’m not guilty of the crimes you accuse me of. I didn’t attempt to murder anyone, I didn’t try to kill any of you, and my loyalty lies with the people of Asgard. I’ve done good things, I’ve helped people, I nursed men or animals back to life from the brink of death. But now, I’m being framed by the crown itself just because you want to get rid of me!”
“The guard claims it was you who attacked him,-” Odin started, but was vastly interrupted by Astrid. “So it is his words about mine, but it’s me who gets treated like some animal.” Odin just waited for Astrid to be finished before he started speaking again, his voice remaining calm. “The guard claims it was you who attacked him near the personal quarters of the crown prince. After you fled the scene another guard saw you exit through the palace gardens. So there is more than one witness.” Odin seemed almost pleased when he pointed it out to her. “Knowing the evidence of your crimes, how do you plead?” Odin asked Astrid again, who just shook her head and laughed but it slowly faded away in a sigh. “How convenient that all witnesses follow your orders, All-father. How I plead doesn’t matter? It’s clear you have already decided.”
‘Astrid Arnedottir, I sentence you hereby to be executed by sundown. Your death shall be brought by the ax.’ The All-father said, slamming his staff on the ground. A look of defeat crossed Astrid’s face as she looked up at the ceiling before closing her eyes. Astrid felt the hands from the guards move from her shoulder towards her upper arms again, as they helped her up. “I can walk by myself, give me at least the dignity to do that.” She snapped at them as she tried to shake them off. The guards shared a look before slowly releasing her, but remaining on guard to see if she would bolt.
Astrid looked at the All-father and gave him a small mocking bow. “Thank you, All-Father, for your honest judgment. May your son rule life up to your example.” Odin’s face betrayed nothing at Astrid's little display.
Astrid was led back to her cell she had been kept in these past couple of days. Only a few days ago she was just minding her own business, tending to her gardens when the guards had taken her into custody. It was only yesterday that she learned of her supposed crimes, which she hadn’t done. Even now while walking next to the cell of hardened criminals she stood out like a red dot on a white painting.
Astrid waited for the magic shields to close behind her before she turned around, and watched as the guards walked away. Astrid made her way towards the small pile of blankets that had been her bed these past couple of days. She placed her head against the wall, as she glided down and sat down. She closed her eyes, and tried to shut out the sounds from her fellow prisoners.
They were late.
Even though there were no windows in the dungeons, Astrid's biological clock had been telling her it had been somewhere near sundown when she had opened her eyes again. In preparation of the ax Astrid had tried to brush her hair with her hands, and braided it again. The All-father may think of her a villain, she was at least polite enough for the executioner to easily see her neck. Perhaps that way he would kill her in one blow.
But after she had done that she waited, and waited, and waited. And then she had been sure that the sun was already down by that point. Had something happened, or was the executioner’s list full for today and was she to be moved to tomorrow? Then they could have at least done the decency thing to tell her. She had mentally prepared herself to die, now she was being forced to wait, giving fear the chance to creep back in again.
Eventually four guards made their way towards her cell, among them in the middle was Queen Frigga herself. Astrid gave her the courtesy of a small bow with her head. She was after all the wife of the man who sentenced her to death. But Frigga had always been known as a good queen to her subjects. Astrid said nothing as she waited for somebody to speak.
“Astrid, I am pleased to inform you that the All-father has made a change in your judgment.” Astrid could’t hide the surprise that came on her face. “Since no actual murder has taken place the punishment of execution might have been too severe for the crimes you were accused of. Instead you will be sent down to Midgard, to spend the rest of your life there in exile. You are to remain there, and are not allowed to step foot into Asgard ever again. We will take you there now, and you are only allowed to bring the possessions you have on you now.” Freya ended her announcement, but there was a kind smile on her face. 
“Thank you, your majesty.” Astrid said, sounding sincere, which she was. It wasn’t like she was looking forward to living on Midgard with limited access to her powers, but it beats dying any day.
Frigga didn’t accompany her and the guards to the Bifrost. No, only Astrid and four of the guards had made their way to the Biforst where Heimdall was waiting for them. Before she walked inside the dome-shaped building Astrid glanced back one more time, as she took it all in, assuming this was going to be the last time she would see it.
Then she proceeded to make her way inside the building, and followed the instructions Heimdall gave her. “I wish you the best of luck Lady Astrid.” Heimdall said to her. Astrid glanced over her shoulder to look at him, a sad smile on her face. “I can assure you I’m not Lady, Sir Heimdall.” Astrid turned back to look at the place the portal would soon appear. Just before the portal would suck her in, and take her towards her destination she could hear Heimdall speak. “I wish you the best of luck all the same.”
Astrid was in pain, her whole body hurt from the blow her body had taken when she’d struck the earth. Her passage through the bifrost was less than graceful as she had been shaken towards all sides. When she felt like she wasn’t about to throw up from the pain, or just overall dizziness that comes with the use of the bifrost she slowly sat up.
It was dark, the stars were shining in the sky. The land felt like it was going down, so perhaps she was on a hill. Surrounding her were tiny trees, but in the darkness she couldn’t see what kind of fruit hung from them.  In the distance Astrid could see a small house, with people coming her way, using a lantern of shorts to light the way.  
Two people approached her carefully as she stood up. In the dark they shined the light from their lantern in her direction. “Qui es-tu?” A male voice said, and as Astrid slowly walked closer she could see it was an elderly couple. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean.” Astrid said in Asgardian. “Que es-tue? D’où viens-tu? Et que faites-vous dans votre vigne?” This was going to be harder than expected.
But Astrid was nothing but a fighter. One language barrier wasn’t going to stop her. No, she was going to learn. She was going to make something of this second chance she had gotten, even if there had been no need for it. But she was going to make the best of it, and before she knew it Asgard will be a distant memory.
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pinehutch · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
Thank you for tagging me!
I should be honest: I am not much of a fic writer. This isn't self-effacing; I've been reading fic since the early aughts but only have 10 works on ao3. One of them is a poem. One of them is a few hundred words of something I've never finished.
That said, fic is important to me for a lot of reasons, but one is that in 2016 I started following a tumblr for a Dragon Age fic exchange, and in 2017 I wrote the first fiction I'd written in almost 20 years. I had been struggling to write poetry for about 10 years before that, too, and fic writing was part of my path back to writing at all.
This isn't to say that I think fanfic is valueless unless it results in 'original' writing; every story happens in context, and we all know how the lines between fanwork and original work blur, both in fan spaces and in commercial ones. But my particular, personal fondness for fic is because it gave me a path back to the first best thing of my life, which was language, and what we do with it.
With that said, my personal top five (links in titles):
Fundamental Forces (or, Root Causes)
Literally my first fic. This was when I remembered that writing can be fun. It's Dragon Age fic, femHawke/Varric. It's also written with a focus on Hawke's POV, a thing I think I pulled off quite well and have never attempted again. It's very silly. It features a 40-year-old and a 35-year-old being profoundly bad at emotional honesty. I riff on turnips for a while. It has a happy ending, which should surprise no one.
She breathed in through her nose and her eyes fluttered shut. “Kiss me, you idiot. Before they think I’m horrified.” Their first kiss. Quick and mostly chaste and part of a joke. She thought it was fitting.
Chapter Last
This is also T-rated Hawke/Varric, written for the same exchange, a year later. It's about near-misses, and trying again, and not being able to pick up where you left off, and it's stumbling back onto the path later, unexpectedly, and after having found another way. It is about stories, and why we do them.
It's fic of the games, of course, but in a way it's also fic-of-fic: there's a novella that's both a tie-in novel and a diegetic book in the Dragon Age setting, and it was printed irl the summer before I wrote this fic.
What I'm proud of, with this story, is character voice. Whenever I share any Varric-voice writing, even years later, people always say very generous things. Varric's also a writer, canonically, and I had fun mimicking 'his' style in passages of this, and trying to keep in mind how his writing and his inner narration would align and diverge. (Lots of Dragon Age fans are understandably thirsty about Varric; I think I've always found him relatable, in many ways, and it didn't occur to me to thirst. But I love him.)
I don't love the structure; I chaptered this, and way more than I needed to. I'd love to rewrite it, someday, but I also think it's good for me to sit with the awareness of its imperfections and the knowledge that people have loved it anyway.
Afterimage (there are two colours)
The Magnus Archives fic, E-rated. Basira/Daisy. This was meant to be a single installment in a series - I think I have a 20,000 word 'outline' in my gdocs, still, but I'm unlikely to ever finish it. The point of this story is self-indulgent, purple-prose, dreamy smut. Wanting the thing and having it, but not keeping it.
This was baby's first E-rated fic ever written. I have no explanation for this, either.
Transformative Work
Written for the 2022 OFMD Big Bang with @mia-ugly. Mostly Frenchie/Jim, a bit Jim/Oluwande, a bit Frenchie/Oluwande, a light sprinkling of polycule potential.
Transformative Work is my favourite thing I've posted to ao3 for three reasons.
It's 40k! I never finish longer works, so 40k is a big deal to me.
I think it's actually brilliant. Clever as hell, at minimum. But mostly brilliant.
It's collaborative!
Writing has always been a solitary thing for me; one of the things I love about Mia is how we can get on a wavelength about a story. (This is mostly a them trick: they're an excellent collaborator and instigator, in general.) I wasn't at my best when we were writing this, dealing with undiagnosed health issues and workplace burnout and an accumulation of grief, but it was beautiful and joyful work, in the end.
Also, I think it is almost exactly what we wanted it to be, and that is such a high.
Number 5 is a bit of a cop-out but still:
Remember when I said "we all know how the lines between fanwork and original work blur"? This is a poem I started writing when Succession 4.3, "Connor's Wedding" aired. I was in a worst spot than I had been the previous year, health-wise, grief-wise.
The title of this poem, "My Father's Dead and I Feel Old," comes out of Connor Roy's mouth in the episode. I had to pause the episode and just get pummeled by that perfect, simple line of iambs. I was a wreck, just generally. Yeah, man, my father is dead and I do feel old! That sort of thing. (The aforementioned health issue? Still not identified or addressed when this aired in spring 2023, btw. My brain was not braining well.)
But there were words for it. I was off work on medical leave at the time. I had just made the transition from crying like it was a full-time job to sleeping like it was a full-time job. The sleep wasn't helping. The crying hadn't helped, either. It wasn't something people could help. But words, and what we do with them - that helped.
Anyway, I'm actually quite proud of this poem, both as an original piece of poetry and as fanwork. It's not on ao3 for reasons including 'I haven't gotten around to it' and 'I don't know if this is sufficiently transformative, by the invisible guidelines I've just set for myself.'
Thank you for sending this to me, it was a lovely thing to think about on my Friday eve! <3
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raccoonfallsharder · 9 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚2023 in review
i was thinking about doing a "year in review" but then i realized that's just. everything so far. so you could check out the ˗ˏˋ★ˎˊ˗masterlist ˗ˏˋ★ˎˊ˗ if that's what you want.
here's the highlight reel though!
fluff. smut-free, can usually be read platonically or romantically ✮ spice. explicit lines or references ✩ smut. abbreviated explicit sequences ❤︎ smut. detailed/prolonged explicit sequences ❤︎❤︎
everyone's fave: ✩˚₊‧♡ Blackmail Material ♡‧₊˚✩ [COMPLETE] ❤︎❤︎ 18+ only MDNI | no use of y/n | f!reader | 3/3 parts | word count: 30,591. a classic tale of "that fuckin raccoon found your sex toy." post-endgame friends-to-lovers smut with feelings.
the one that started it all: ⋆。°✩ The Very Boring Adventures of Space Pilot & Sweatshirt Girl ✩°。⋆ [COMPLETE] ❤︎❤︎ 18+ only MDNI | | no use of y/n | f!reader | 5/5 visits | word count: 37,783. In Rocket Raccoon: Grounded (2016) / Issue #3, Rocket asks a stranger on the ferry to "make sure nobody does anything weird" to him while he naps, and the stranger just, like, abandons him while he's sleeping?? who does that? when a stranger asks you to watch their stuff in a coffee shop, it's a holy obligation. x100 if it's a hot local space pilot trying to catch some Zs on the ferry. get in loser we're gonna fix it. first installment in the ⋆。°✩ Domestic Scenes in Space Travel ✩°。⋆ series. comics-based but you don't need any comics background knowledge to ride this ride.
my very first kinktober!: °˖✧♡ kinktober 2023 ♡✧˖° [COMPLETE] ❤︎❤︎ 18+ only MDNI | no use of y/n | f!reader | 12 complete days | word count: varies. just a lot of raccoon smut (usually with feelings). mind the ao3 tags. minimal editing (ie, typos abound; concepts are superficial; in kinktober we say "fuck everything - including plot").
a fluffy anthology of eight oneshot reminders: ✩࿐࿔take what you need [COMPLETE / ONGOING] ✮ fluff | gn reader | no use of y/n | drabbles | word count: varies. the world is hard, and sometimes it's difficult to complete daily tasks & take care of yourself (aka rocket bullies you for your own damn good). this is about as wholesome as it gets (for me) i think. can be read platonically or romantically. mcu-based, meant to take place post-volume-3, but headcanon however you want ♡
my (current) personal fave oneshot: adorations 𖥔 ݁˖⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ [COMPLETE] ❤︎❤︎ 18+ only MDNI | no use of y/n | f!reader | oneshot | word count: 4,518. you have a habit of complimenting rocket. he decides to give you plenty of reasons to keep doing so. aka rocket has a praise kink and no-one can convince me otherwise. mcu-based smut with feeeeelings. set sometime shortly after volume two. dirty talk, (light) biting, (light) degradation, use of slut as a term of endearment. fast-burn enemies-to-lovers & angst with a happy/hopeful ending. praise kink, obviously. part of ⋆ ˖ ⁺ ‧₊ ☽ anthology ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
other notables! let me love your OCs ˗ˋˏ♡ˎˊ˗ ✩ over fifteen pieces of fanart for fellow gotg fans!
˚₊‧✶headcanons & minifics✶‧₊˚ [COMPLETE / ONGOING] ✮ fluff | no use of y/n | gn reader | complete | word count: varies. twenty-two headcanons, minifics, & drabbles! mostly fluffy, sometimes angsty.
Window Across the Galaxy ✧*:・゚✧*:・゚* ❤︎❤︎ 18+ only MDNI | rocket x f!oc | 23/27 chapters | wip | word count: pending. 23 of 27 chapters in this longform fic (to be completed this february!)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ 2024 aspirations
Window Across the Galaxy ✧*:・゚ Chapter XXIV & XXV ❤︎❤︎
florescence❀, chapter four year three: flowering. ❤︎
✩࿐࿔ take what you need. just buy the damn thing already & it's fuckin' laundry day.
Window Across the Galaxy ✧*:・゚ Chapter XXVI & XXVII [COMPLETE] ❤︎❤︎
florescence❀, chapter five year four: formation. ❤︎❤︎
✩࿐࿔ take what you need. get some frickin' sunshine. ✮
⭑˚.⚘𖡼𖥧𖤣 windfall, part one: planting. ✩
florescence❀, chapter six year five: dispersal. [COMPLETE] ❤︎❤︎
✩࿐࿔ take what you need. have you taken your meds today? ✮
⭑˚.⚘𖡼𖥧𖤣 windfall, part two: ripening. ❤︎
・:*𑁍✧˚₊ eavesdropper ₊˚✧𑁍*:・ oneshot. ❤︎❤︎
⭑˚.⚘𖡼𖥧𖤣 windfall, part three: plucking. [COMPLETE] ❤︎❤︎
real *ੈ✩༄‧₊˚ oneshot. rating TBD
꧁:・☁︎ ⋆. cicatrix ⋆. ☁︎ :・꧂ part one & two. ❤︎❤︎
꧁:・☁︎ ⋆. cicatrix ⋆. ☁︎ :・꧂ part three & four. ❤︎❤︎
warm compress ☾.༊·˚⋆⭒˚。⋆ oneshot. ✮
꧁:・☁︎ ⋆. cicatrix ⋆. ☁︎ :・꧂ part five & six. [COMPLETE] ❤︎❤︎
untitled⋆。°✩ Domestic Scenes (aka Sweatshirt Girl) ✩°。⋆"finale" [COMPLETE] ❤︎❤︎
᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊°.⋆。✶˖ evasive maneuvers (practice expansion) parts one & two [COMPLETE] ❤︎❤︎
★♫。°𝄞☕︎✎▤ other duties as assigned ▤✎☕︎ 𝄞°。♫★ begins? [LONGFORM / SLOWBURN].
sunshine ☀︎ ⋆⁺☁︎⋆₊⊹ (sunshine expansion) unknown parts. ❤︎❤︎
★♫。°𝄞☕︎✎▤ other duties as assigned ▤✎☕︎ 𝄞°。♫★ begins? [LONGFORM / SLOWBURN].
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katyawriteswhump · 9 months
I think we're alone now (steddie/steve whump fic)
Finally finished my latest 'ate the whole of my life' fic on AO3 (forgot to post the ending here before-- srsly can't possibly keep up with two streams, but figured I'd cross-post the start now it's completed in case anybody is interested) Thanks to anybody who stuck with me for the ride ;)
I think we're alone now (56194 words) by katya1828 Chapters: 25/25 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington & Jim "Chief" Hopper, Eleven | Jane Hopper & Steve Harrington Series: Part 6 of Hard to Hate (aka Steve whump fic thread!)
Chapter One
Eddie’s night was warming up—i.e. he was rolling his second joint—when a loud crack sounded from the undergrowth. That was when Steve Harrington stumbled into his life.
For a few thudding heartbeats, Eddie was spooked. Was it a very lost, totally smashed freshman? A bear?
Eddie jumped up from his favourite log. Steve lurched, aimlessly, toward Eddie’s half-assed attempt at a bonfire. Then he froze—perhaps noticing he was on course to transform himself into a Nike-clad version of the Wicker Man.
From a few yards off, Steve stared at Eddie, who recognised the douche from the eternity they’d spent together at High School. Eddie gawked back, incredulous: “What the heck, man?”
Steve kept staring. Didn’t move. Only stared.
“Uh, Harrington. You know me, right?”
Harrington didn’t seem to—only saw a long-haired freak. “I swear this doesn’t happen to Jon Bon Jovi,” mumbled Eddie. He made a mental note to push some low-quality stash to Steve and his dipshit friends next time they came crawling. “What the hell are you doing out here?”
Still no answer.
“Harrington? You okay? Never thought I’d see you wandering round like a lost little sheepie.” 
Of all Eddie’s off-road haunts, this was the most remote and secret. Nobody un-initiated ever found it. That said, jerks like Steve had their woodland haunts, too—Lovers Lake, Skull Rock. Maybe the moron got lost? Most likely… but, Oooooh shit! All kinds of alarm bells clanged off in Eddie’s head. It was kinda chilly this late on a spring night, and Harrington had got no jacket—he could afford a decent jacket, right? Uuuuuuh, and Steve wore only one sneaker.
Eddie edged close enough to spot a bruise near Steve’s lip, the blood streaking one side of his face. “Jesus, what happened to you, man?”
Steve’s knees buckled, and he slumped heavily onto them. Eddie indulged in a split second of indecision—this wasn’t his problem, and he could just run . Then he crouched down and caught Steve, clumsily, before Steve crumpled face-first into the mud.
So, there he was, arms wrapped around platinum dickhead Steve Harrington, who leaned heavily against him
“Shit,” said Eddie. “Okay, big guy, do you think you can make it over to that luxurious couch?”
Eddie nodded toward the log. Steve didn’t even lift his head. He trembled violently, his breathing ragged and uneven. Eddie—because wtf else could he do?—hauled Steve to his feet. He guided Steve over to the fallen trunk, groaning at the near deadweight pressed against him. Steve sank onto the log, drooped forward, then wrapped an arm tight around his ribs. Finally, as Eddie hovered, still tempted to flee to the next county, Steve lifted his chin and blinked.
Okay, maybe Steve wasn’t quite the dick Eddie thought him to be. That was becoming far from the least of Eddie’s problems. Steve was pale and bleeding, and yeah, there were goddamn twigs in that fabled hair.
“Yeah, it’s me, buddy.” Eddie sat down beside Steve, who widened those huge eyes even further, then kinda flinched. Most shocking of all, his lower lip trembled… and Eddie baulked, half-wondering if that single joint had gotten him trippy.  
Because Eddie was suddenly as up close and personal as he’d ever been to Steve’s incongruously pretty, if currently somewhat bruised mouth. The mouth he loathed the hell out of, because he got why girls wanted to kiss it so bad. Or, even why some guys did… If the homophobic bullshit that beyond-asshole Billy Hargrove recently put around about Steve had any truth behind it.
Oh, yeah. Eddie had long harboured a beyond-dumbass hankering to do the same as all those lucky gals and guys.
Steve trapped his trembling lip between his very white teeth. “Hey, it’s okay,” said Eddie. “Uh, welcome to my fort. I apologise—it’s kinda rough around the edges. No luxury picnic bench at this one, though the builders are due next Tuesday to plumb in the ensuite.”
Steve didn’t laugh. The drop of fresh blood sliding down the side of Steve’s face proved the final straw. If Eddie wasn’t going to run away, then he was going to have to take this seriously. 
Ugh, seriously?
“Okay, Harrington—where do you need to be? Because I ain’t go no wheels. Not that they would be much use out here, anyhooo.”
It was kinda a surprise when Steve answered: “I… uh, I don’t know.” He ran his fingers distractedly across that mouth. His nails were dirty, and when he pushed them into his hair, they snagged.
“Look, you’re bleeding—are you hurt bad? Do I need to get you some help?”
“No. I’m okay… I’m good,” mumbled Steve. “Just gimme a minute, all right?”
“Cool.” Eddie couldn’t contain a sigh of relief. One unwanted guest here was one too many.  “Can I get you…” Okay, so he didn’t exactly have a supply of WASP-friendly mineral water. “It’s beer or 7-11 fake cola.”
“Beer,” murmured Steve. An owl hooted and the wind rattled through the trees, and Eddie scooted off to oblige. He fumbled in his pack to locate a not-too-grubby Dunkin Donuts napkin. Meanwhile, from the corner of his eyes, he noticed Steve reach into his jeans pocket, and draw out a jar of pills.
By the time Eddie returned, Steve was tipping the contents into his palm. Which was going badly, because his hand still shook. Way too many pills came out, and Steve grunted as they tumbled to the moist forest floor. Then he dropped the jar altogether. “Shit, shit, shit! I need those, man, I need them.”
He sounded totally distraught, half-sliding, half-falling off the log in pursuit. Eddie kneeled down to help and got to the jar first. When he squinted to read the label, his eyebrows shot sky-high.
“Valium, dude? Wow—never thought I’d see you poppin’ the housewives’ fave.”
Steve, kinda shame-facedly, grabbed the jar back. “Can I have that beer now?”
“Hey, not judging, dude! Stole ‘em off your Mom, huh?” Steve's latest flinch answered that one for him. “Look, I can fix you up with more if you’re interested. Better, in fact.” Eddie opened the beer for Steve—no point risking further spillages—then had second thoughts. “Okay, if you’re going to take those, do you mind if I suggest the Cola option?” 
Steve shrugged, as Eddie’s mind screamed—since when did I A, counsel the sensible choice, B, give a flying fuck? That said, he wanted Steve to be able to leave, ASAP. Eddie side-lined the beer, and grabbed the Cola, and opened it for Steve. Who palmed two pills into his mouth, and washed them down with the weak, brown nectar. “Thank you,” he whispered. Then he closed his eyes, and let out a long, shuddering sigh. Another drop of blood trickled down his cheek.
“We need to stop that bleeding, man.” Very carefully, Eddie leaned forward with the napkin and dabbed at the blood. Steve flinched harder than ever, and sliced up a hand as if to protect himself.  “Don’t worry, I’m not going in for the death blow. I just need to clean you up a bit.”
Steve’s shoulders sagged, as if in surrender. Eddie tentatively wiped more of the blood from Steve’s brow, and his own worries ratcheted up a whole new notch. 
Harrington was usually a brash dick, and had no trouble mouthing off about anything and everything, straight outta the gate. Whatever trouble he’d gotten himself into, he was clearly badly shaken, maybe even in shock, and… Crap, what if he had amnesia? If he was found with Eddie… Oh yeah, baby, Eddie could see exactly where that would go.
Everyone who was anyone would assume he attacked Steve. The Pigs would do anything to dump trailer-trash Eddie Munson Jr into jail where he belonged. Harrington himself could easily lie, or simply not refute any assumptions, and flush Eddie right down the shithole.
Eddie removed the blood-spotted napkin, folded it over and handed it to Steve. “Hold that over the cut.”
When Steve didn’t instantly respond, Eddie took his fingers—cool, smooth, weirdly brittle right now—and placed them in the right spot. Steve hissed between his teeth, and Eddie withdrew his touch. 
This was weeeeeeiiird.
“Look, Harrington—are you gonna level with me about what you’re doing out here?”
Steve stared at the fire, mouth pressed into a thin white line.
“You’re making me nervous, man.” 
Eddie glanced at the napkin Steve held to his head. Not soaked with blood, so the wound had clotted. Steve's fingers still trembled, though… and something panged, deep inside Eddie. 
He slid off his denim jacket, placed it carefully around Steve. “Hey, we’re safe, I promise. Nobody ever comes out here, and you don’t have to spill your guts, but… Did you, uh, by any chance clash with Hargrove tonight? That boy has some serious unchecked anger issues."
Steve palpably tensed. Eddie was onto something. Not his business, and yet…
“Those rumours he put about were harsh, man. What he said about you putting out for him—and, uh, any dude who dropped their trousers—totally out of order.”
Steve’s laugh was one of the most miserable sounds Eddie ever heard.
So Eddie went and said waaaaay too much: “Look, if by any remote chance you and Hargrove were real, and he’s gone and been a tool about it, it’s cool, man. I’m… uh, I’m not like other people.”
“Wha—” That had Steve looking up sharply, a single line creasing across his forehead. He looked away just as swiftly, shook his head. “Nah. Tonight had nothing to do with Billy, it was my fa… No, I guess… I guess Billy started it.”
Eddie reached for the opened beer can. He casually took a slurp. If only to put Steve off the scent for now. ‘Cos, yeah, Eddie was gay. Worse, he’d been begrudgingly hot for Steve for an age. Not that any of that mattered right now—damn his stooopid soft heart.
Although getting involved would doubtless place Eddie in peril, he was genuinely worried about Steve. Rumours alone couldn’t have landed him in such a mess.
Eddie puffed out his cheeks shuffled a little closer along the log, till their thighs almost touched. He offered the beer: “You wanna talk about it now?”
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littlestsnicket · 7 months
wonderfulxstrange exchange time! thank you @countdowntotwinpeaks for organizing this!
here is my fic for @bluerosering
title: I just got your number
word count: 1.1k
phillip jeffries & lucy moran; found footage
[also on ao3]
Due, one assumes, though I can find no record of the initial warrant, to the proximity to Unguin Air Force Base and the newly constructed Listening Post Alpha, the phone line at the Twin Peaks Sheriff Station was tapped in 1983. Coincidentally, this date roughly coincides with the graduation from junior college of one young Lucy Moran. Can you guess where she entered the workforce? 
What follows is a collection of conversations pertinent to our ongoing effort to make sense of the events on and leading up to October 2nd, 2016. I pity the person who initially transcribed these conversations. She—presumably—had the patience of a saint. The problems a small town calls into the non-emergency police line and Lucy’s endless attempts to explain the phone system to her colleagues have a certain quaint charm, but I was endlessly grateful these files were digitized and searchable.
February 28th, 1989
LUCY MORAN: Twin Peaks Sheriff Station.
LUCY: I don’t want to hang up on you, especially if it’s a long distance call. You can tell by the quality of the sound. It goes open and airy. One time my sister traveled all the way to New York City and she forgot her toothbrush so naturally she had to call me and—
(Series of mechanical clunks.)
LUCY: I don’t understand what that’s supposed to mean. I can’t help you if you don’t use words. I’m going to h—“
LUCY: I’m sorry, Agent Cooper isn’t here right now. He—
LUCY: Could you tell me who you are?
LUCY: You’re not Agent Cooper. You sound nothing like Agent Cooper!
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The owls are not what they seem.
(Call ends.)
March 10th, 1989
LUCY: Twin Peaks Sheriff Station, Lucy Moran speaking.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I’m not gonna talk about Judy.
LUCY: Lucy, not Judy. And you’re talking to me. It would be rude to talk about me, and I’m not sure how that would even work.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It’s dangerous.
LUCY: What’s dangerous? Wait, I recognize your voice. You called here before talking nonsense the night Agent Cooper was shot.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just got your number. 
LUCY: You’ve called here before!
LUCY: You’re scaring me. I’m hanging up now.
(Call ends.)
March 17th, 1989
LUCY: Twin Peaks Sheriff St—
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I need to speak to Garland Briggs. 
LUCY: This is the sheriff’s station, Major Briggs—
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I need to speak to Garland Briggs.
LUCY: I can’t transfer your call anyway if you won’t tell me who you are.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You haven’t asked.
LUCY: I did. I remember you. I asked you the first time you called here and you wouldn’t tell me.
LUCY: If you're still insisting that hasn’t happened I’m hanging up right now. I have important things to deal with. Growing a whole baby and still having to decide who the father will be is very stressful. 
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My apologies, ma’am. I was unaware of your predicament. My name is Phillip Jeffries.
LUCY: I don’t know a Phillip Jeffries.
PHILLIP JEFFRIES: I advise you keep it that way.
LUCY: You should stop calling then. 
JEFFRIES: I need to speak to Major Garland Briggs. 
LUCY: I can’t help you. He’s not here.
JEFFRIES: You’re a tough cookie, Lucy Brennan.
LUCY: Moran. It’s Lucy Moran.
(Call ends.)
July 15th, 2002
LUCY: Twin Peaks Sheriff Station.
PHILLIP JEFFRIES: There was a man in Columbia. He was too close.
LUCY: Mr. Jeffries?
JEFFRIES: That wasn’t how it was supposed to go, but it was better than letting things lie. Albert won’t understand.
LUCY: Who are you? Why are you telling me this?
JEFFRIES: I’m Phillip Jeffries, the one and only. Unless there is another. Unnatural. Not occurring in nature. Another.
LUCY: I know your name. I think you’re lonely, but that’s no excuse to talk nonsense.
JEFFRIES: Not nonsense, ma’am. But my perspective lacks context and your perspective lacks context. There are things that cannot be explained, only experienced and communicated obliquely to those who already know.  
JEFFRIES: I am alone. No one visits me here. Not unless they want something I won’t tell them. Not the people who visit me. 
LUCY: Where are you? Can you leave?
(Mechanical clunking that sounds eerily like a laugh)
LUCY: That’s not very helpful.
JEFFRIES: Liberation through Hearing during the Intermediate State
LUCY: Oh, I know that one. I read a book about Tibet because Agent Cooper—that’s not a place. It’s a meditation, I think.
JEFFRIES: You’re right.
LUCY: How can you be in a meditation?
JEFFRIES: I am in all places and no places, accessible only at times of completion. I am where Agent Cooper is yet inaccessible to him. You know Agent Cooper.
LUCY: Yes, but Agent Cooper went missing.
JEFFRIES: Agent Cooper is not missing. He’s lost. But he may find himself. I must prepare for that eventuality.
LUCY: You’re not going to hurt him are you?
JEFFRIES: I’m not gonna do anything to him. Nothing he hasn’t agreed to. (Mechanical clunking.) We had a plan but it’s going wrong. Dweller on the threshold. The fractured self. Unnatural. But we mustn’t lose hope, Lucy Brennan.
LUCY: I am Lucy Brennan. You said that last time when I wasn’t yet. How did you know that would happen?
JEFFRIES: Last time. Time. Now that’s a loaded word. 
LUCY: You’re a very frustrating person to talk to, Mr. Jeffries.
JEFFRIES: It’s my nature now. There are only words for a fraction of the things I want to say.
JEFFRIES: Beware of Duplicates. Not occurring in nature.
(Call ends.)
September 25th, 2016
LUCY: Twin Peaks Sheriff Station.
JEFFRIES: The pieces wobble but all is not lost. The tipping point will be here soon.
LUCY: Can you stick them to something so they don’t fall over?
(Mechanical clunking.)
JEFFRIES: There’s nothing sticky enough to make this certain. I do my best to keep them steady.
LUCY: (tentatively) Can I help? Usually, I’d get you donuts and coffee but I don’t think I can bring donuts to a place that’s all places and no places.
JEFFRIES: That’s kind of you, Lucy Brennan. He didn’t come through all the way, but his shadow self was not strong enough to stop him completely. Only he can fix it. But we must have everything in place should he succeed. There is a role for you to play, but it would be wrong of me to extract an obligation. Keep your eyes open. You may see something unnatural. When you do, act.
LUCY: I don’t understand.
JEFFRIES: I think you will. 
(Call ends.)
October 2nd, 2016
LUCY (audibly shaken): Twin Peaks Sheriff Station, Lucy speaking.
JEFFRIES: Tell me what happened.
LUCY: I shot him!
JEFFRIES: That’s good. 
LUCY: You’re not going to ask who?
JEFFRIES: I know who. I have one more journey to facilitate. Then my time is done. 
(Mechanical clunking.)
LUCY: Is that a good thing?
JEFFRIES: I think so. Wish me luck. Wish us all luck. 
LUCY: Good luck, Mr. Jeffries 
(Call ends.)
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Klainebingo 2023
Thank you for hosting this event! I’m an old school reader and admittedly haven’t read much new stuff post-2016 or so, so it’s been absolutely lovely to find some new stories and authors!
1 Reverb (2018) by Fickelodeon
2 Wouldn’t Change a Thing (2020) by nontarelationship 
3 You Will Be Found (2020) by kurtswish
4 Avian Series (2020) by kurtswish (Occupation: Superhero Costumer)
5 Even Better Than the Real Thing (2020) by gleekto
6 Andante, Andante (2020) by fionapear 
7 Courting Royalty (2022) by hundredindecisions (Challenge: 3-2-1 Prompt Bang 2022)
8 (N/A)
9 Head Versus Heart (2020) by dizzywhiz (Trope: Hurt/Comfort)
Thanks for your list!!  Find them on ao3.  Rules here
1. Debut fic:  Reverb by Fickelodeon
Post-Michael thru Season 4, Blaine’s just a little unwell, and it’s not long before everyone can tell. Physical and Mental illness. Hurt/Comfort. If Robin Cook wrote for Glee and General Hospital, the story would probably go like this. Universe Expansion for Seasons 3 and 4 wherein I add some elements to canon and leave some out but manage to get everyone back to place where they can still have the endings they got in canon. Honestly, I just wanted to write H/C, but the more I hurt Blaine, the more I realized he wasn’t going to handle that very well, so I added in diagnosed mental illness. All in all, it’s everything I love to read in fic all in one epic story, just in case I don’t ever get the chance to write these characters again.
2.  Page turner:  Wouldn’t Change a Thing  by notarelationship
On the eve of his junior year at Dalton, Blaine’s dad kicks him out of the house, dumping him at the bus stop, cutting him off, and leaving him homeless. This is the story of how he survives, meets Kurt, and ultimately triumphs.
3. Need Tissues:  You Will Be Found  by @kurtswish
While on a National Broadway Tour, Kurt meets an intriguing man. With more than just miles separating them, they must make a choice. Will they go back to their different lives, or will they let themselves be found?
4. Unusual occupation: Avian Series by @kurtswish
Kurt Hummel always felt separate from his world and being the only one without a Soulmark didn’t help. Just as he is ready to end it all, something happens to change the course of his life.  Parts 1 - 3
5. Your choice:  Even Better Than the Real Thing by @gleekto
College AU/Famous!Blaine and Fanboy!Kurt - Kurt POV
Kurt really doesn’t have time to figure out the dating world between being a freshman at prestigious theatre school, LAADA, and his active but secret blogging life in the Sing!Fandom. So what if Sing! ended last year? There are still fics to read and actors to follow. Especially the uber talented heartthrob lead, Blaine Anderson. He can act. He can sing. He can even dance. He’s gay. He’s out. And he’s only 24. Kurt is willing to twiddle his thumbs and click refresh until Blaine Anderson’s next project.
He just didn’t expect the next project to be on his roommate Rachel’s new TV show.
6. Summer story:  Andante, Andante  by fionapear
Burt settles himself down in the chair of the vanity, peering up at the wall-mount TV at the movie. He fishes in his pocket for the piece of paper from the restaurant earlier. His fortune cookie fortune reads: “With time comes understanding.” It feels a little apt, even if he can’t place exactly why.
(Or: In which Burt Hummel, slowly, begrudgingly, grows to accept Blaine’s presence in his life.)
7. Written for a challenge:  Courting Royalty  by hundredindecisions  @thnxforknowingmeme
During Kurt’s senior year, his friend Rachel gets some surprising news: she’s the princess of a tiny European country, and she has a twin brother to share the throne with. The summer after graduation, Kurt visits his newly-royal friend in the country she’s heir to before they head to New York for college. Staying in a castle and rubbing shoulders with European nobility is pretty overwhelming, but the most remarkable part is meeting Rachel’s brother Blaine, the new prince who Kurt instantly begins crushing on. This summer is either going to be a fairy tale come true, or result in multiple diplomatic catastrophes.Inspired by Meg Cabot’s Princess Diaries series and the movie adaptations, but no background knowledge is needed to understand the fic.
8. n/a
9.  Genre/trope you wouldn’t normally read:  Head Versus Heart by @dizzywhiz
Blaine gets hit by a taxi and ends up in the hospital - so naturally, as his best friend and long-standing roommate, Kurt visits him at every possible opportunity until he gets to come home.
It only takes a couple of visits before Kurt notices something impossibly endearing: the beeping of Blaine’s heart rate monitor speeds up whenever his friends come to visit. At least, Kurt assumes it happens with all of Blaine’s friends, until Sam has no idea what he’s talking about.
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olivieblake · 22 hours
I know it's SO silly to avoid posting spoilers on a fic that was written almost a decade ago but @wonniesverse asked about what happens in chapter 35 or 36 or whatever of Marked (you know the one) and I am putting my answer under the cut!!! it's unfortunately kind of a short answer lol
hi! i am so sorry if i've got the wrong account but i had just recently read the clean and marked dramione series you wrote on ao3, and i was genuinely FLOORED. yep it's me lol this was the first fic i had ever genuinely cried for, the way you expressed hermione's and draco's relationship so well. the fic was written so long ago - in 2016 - and you might have forgotten about it, ahahahah pls but i had one question i simply couldn't ignore for the life of me: when snape used the time turner, he went to another parallel universe, right?
sorry to interrupt you here, but no! he used the time turner to go back in time, within the same universe, in a time loop. as with the events of book 3, there is still only one universe and only one timeline—there are briefly two harrys and two hermiones in the book because they're the ones who used the time-turner, but in this case, only snape went back, so he's the only one who is experiencing both the current timeline and the rewritten past.
so the new universe's hermione and draco could feel the phantom original universe's draco and hermione's experiences, so the original universe must still have been existing and operating alongside the new parallel one, meaning that the original hermione and draco were still there (please correct me if i'm wrong!).
so again, there is only one timeline, but them being able to feel the echoes of other decisions and other lives was meant to be sort of ineffable. magic!!! etc etc
but i was wondering, if that was a separate timeline, what happened to the original universe's draco and hermione if they still existed? i know draco died in the original universe, but i was curious how the original universe's hermione (master of death) lived after that, and if she ever found joy again, or if she only talked to the ghost of draco forever, and i also wonder how theo fared in that original timeline. there are so many other questions i'd like to ask, but i'll keep this as short as i can.
I made a joke in this week's not writing video that the oversaturation of multiverse media has led to some confusion so yeah, the timeline is disrupted and written over, like—oops maybe this is too Aged a reference—but it's like when you record over an existing VHS and the original footage is simply lost. but there is also the concept of a palimpsest, which is what I wanted those echoes of another life to feel like
as for what would have happened if that timeline continued: what the story suggests (the reason snape went back to begin with) is that the timeline is hopeless—draco is dead and can't be resurrected, hermione maybe never moves on, she allows absolute power to corrupt her absolutely. but that was the point of the story, that the pressure point that re-starts the time loop each time is that draco dies and everything goes irreparably wrong from there. you are of course welcome to reimagine something else! but that was the point of writing a story that resets to canon; I was trying to resolve and explain all the places where something doesn't make sense, like whenever an adult makes a terrible and illogical decision
the way that you wrote of hermione's heartbreak truly tore me apart, and i cried unabashedly when i saw draco died. draco loved her so much and she loved him, so to kill one of them would be utter torture, and i hope the original hermione got to find peace or at the very least see draco in the afterlife. theo was so strong too - even though he wished he could be selfish and talk to draco too, he knew he couldn't take even the ghost of draco away from hermione, so he gave up his chance. i cannot even begin to describe how this story broke my heart and mended it again, and i'm happy that at least the hermione and draco in the other parallel universe got their happy ending, but i also worry about the original hermione and draco too. if you've read until here, thank you so so much for just indulging and entertaining this silly question of mine, and i wholly understand if you don't feel like reading this question anymore. nonetheless, regardless of if you read or reply to this message, i just wanted to let you know that this series was truly of the best i have ever read, and i thank you so so much for that. again, if this is the wrong account, i apologize! but the fic was written in 2016, and the author said this was her tumblr account, so i found the best match i could <3
hahahaah it's so funny to me that you would have any doubt that this was me... I still pretty much write endings that people get mad
but thank you so much for caring this much about the story and I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!
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bittertomato · 9 months
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A lil late but happy new year!
Characters under the cut, plus some fun facts
Tomato's faves for each month of 2023
January: Diana Cavendish (Little With Academia)
February: Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia)
March: True Rider — Hippolyta (Fate/Strange Fake)
April: Psyche Callista (Your Throne)
May: Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
June: Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
July: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
August: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
September: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
October: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
November: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
December: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
Brainrot of the Year 2023: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
Hall of Fame (aka brainrots of years past)
2023: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
2022: Tsuruhime Yachiyo (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2021: Tsuruhime Yachiyo and Yumeoji Shiori (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2020: Yumeoji Shiori (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2019: Tendou Maya (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2017 & 2018: Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia)
2016: Carmilla Karnstein (Carmilla the Webseries), Elsa (Frozen), Tohsaka Rin (Fate/stay night), and Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
2015: Carmilla Karnstein + Laura Hollis aka Hollstein (Carmilla the Webseries) aka my gay awakening
2014: Elsa (Frozen)
2012 & 2013: Higurashi Kagome (Inuyasha), Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach), Mouri Ran (Detective Conan), and Chiba Mamoru (Sailor Moon)
2011: Chiba Mamoru (Sailor Moon)
2009 & 2010: Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach)
Pre-2009: Who knows? My memory sure doesn't!
And I promised fun facts, so...
The early days...
The reason I can date my first fave to Rukia in 2009 is because that was when I made a Fanfiction.net account and posted my first fanfic. Don't read it I was young and foolish.
Bleach, Inuyasha, and Sailor Moon were my first animes. The first two I definitely watched on Adult Swim back when I still watched cable.
I used to be pretty skilled at self defense and even have a first degree black belt. One of the reasons why Ran from Detective Conan really left an impression on me.
There's a few unnamed faves that I also had from more obscure anime that were from so long ago that I can't pinpoint the exact years. A special shoutout to Asuka from Ask Dr. Rin! This show is in no way affiliated with Tohsaka Rin lol.
And yes, I do have male faves besides Mamoru! I love Hak and his constipated repressed feelings for Yona (Akatsuki no Yona) and my in-game name in FGO is inspired by Kurogane (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles). And for whatever reason, Fred is my favorite from Scooby Doo.
Honestly, I have to give Elsa some credit. I think she started the trend of my faves being "blonde/light haired "regal" rich/well off BAMF ladies who seem cold and distant on the surface but are actually dorks over-burdened and forced to grow up too fast, with a dash (or a ton) of family angst dumped on them." I mean, do you see any of my past faves being blonde? xD
The college days...
I was in denial about being queer and swore I was straight until I somehow found Carmilla the Webseries (I don't even know how) during the summer of 2015 and had a multi-step process of acceptance that went something like "Oh the actress for Laura Hollis is hot. Oh the actress for Carmilla is cute, pretty, and a huge dork. Oh everyone is pretty attractive. Wait mostly just the girls. Wait is that why I don't give a shit about men?"
Little Witch Academia is not only the first series where I published fanfic on AO3, but it's also the series that got me to write AND finish longer stories. So congrats, Diana! I really wanted to angst you :D It's also the fandom where I found my closer Discord friends. Love y'all, mwah.
I think Revue Starlight might be the series that squeezed the most faves out of me. It holds a special place in my heart for numerous reasons, but the main one might be the collab fic I worked on with Quill, who is now my partner 😊So thanks, ReLive even if your gacha game is somehow even worse than FGO.
That said, the series I seem to always go back to seem to be the To aru and Fate franchises. Maybe it's because they're still ongoing.
Those two are also the reason I started messaging Quill back in the day, so they hold an extra special place in my heart. Even with all their flaws.
And then Lostbelt 6 hit FGO and blew everything out of the water. I rave about Morgan a lot but that chapter of the game truly had a stellar cast. Nasu wanted us to remember that he can cook lol.
Where is my Lostbelt 6 anime, Aniplex?
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thatfanfictiongirl76 · 9 months
Supernatural Time Travel Rec
I actually finished this rec a year ago, but forgot to post it. Anyway, Supernatural was the first fandom to get me into the time travel trope. So I’ve been “mining” Supernatural time travel fics for over a decade now. So here are all my favorites. Enjoy!
It's All in the Details
By: Colleen
Summary: When Dean goes to sell his soul at the crossroads to bring Sam back, someone else steps in to negotiate the deal. Cas did get a sign and it sent him off into the past to change things. AU from "The Man Who Would Be King" and "All Hell Breaks Loose."
My Comments: This is a WIP and it hasn't been updated since May of 2016, so it is abandoned, but I still think that this is worth your time. The basic premise of this is Castiel from the season 6 episode “The Man Who Would Be King” travels back to the end of season two. So it is a rewrite of season 3 and 4. But it still is mainly original work and I promise that you will love it. This is probably the best Supernatural fanfiction I've ever read, and that's saying something. I can promise you that it will not be a waste of your time. Somebody uploaded this work on AO3, which I will link down below, however it was originally posted on ff.net, which is linked above. You do need an account to access the AO3 link, just so you know.
Status: Incomplete 
Last Update: 5/16/16
Length: 184,265 words
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36412555
Fraternity Series
By: Fiachra Ochiem
Summary (for Jump in the Fire): John Winchester is hunting a witch (at least a witch is his best lead so far) in Missouri while his boys are on spring break. When he gets into trouble, a new hunter comes to help, a man he's never met before with floppy hair and familiar eyes.
My Comments: The summary up above is from the first fic in the series. This is a really good series! They are set somewhere near the end of season 8 (you'll find out how). You really only need to know about the trials to read this fic. It's a really good read, and I like how it kind of gives a background on some things in the show. I love what John thinks "Seth" is at the end of this series. I do wish there was a continuation fic about John and "Seth," but that's just wishful thinking on my part.
Status: Complete
Length (Whole Series): 65,213 words
Jump in the Fire -- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9708706/1/Jump-In-the-Fire
Creeping Death -- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9818284/1/Creeping-Death
Fight Fire with Fire --https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9927971/1/Fight-Fire-with-Fire
The End of the Line -- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10086182/1/The-End-of-the-Line
Face to Face With the Skies
By: Quiddative
Summary: Castiel was not killed by Raphael on the night of Lucifer's release. Instead, he's sent to the year 1996 and encounters the Winchesters. Unable to return to the present, Castiel resigns himself to traveling with them on their hunts across the states. Meanwhile, in the year 2008, Dean has barely gotten used to being back in the land of the living when he gets the biggest shock of his life; the man he fell in love with when he was 18 has seemingly come back from the grave as well, claiming to be an angel of the Lord. The thing is, he doesn't have a clue who Dean is.
My Comments: This fic is actually the first Destiel fic that I ever read, and god is it a good one. I found this fic when looking for time travel fanfictions. I really love how it shows past Dean, and current Dean and the differences and similarities between both of them and how Cas fell in love with each of them. I highly recommend giving this fic a read! I promise that you’ll love it!!!
Status: Complete
Length: 42,168 words
Back to Infinite
By: Toneskis
Summary: Revenge isn’t always aimed at those who deserve it.
My Comments: So this is a really good time travel fanfiction. It's a bit heartbreaking, but still really well written. The demons in this fic is an interesting concept. I think that this fic was written back in either season two or season three so it doesn’t really match up to canon. But the two things I really like about these fics are Bobby and John. I really like how it shows their relationship. I promise you will enjoy this one. 
Status: Complete
Length: 13,019 words
Look Back in Anger
By: Vailkagami
Summary: When John Winchester is possessed by the yellow-eyed demon and asks his son to kill him, Sam does so and disappears, leaving his injured brother behind in a hospital. As a result of the demon’s early death, deals are never made. A lot of bad things never happen - but Dean doesn’t know that. All he knows is that Sam killed his father and abandoned him.
My Comments: The original summary was longer, but I thought that this worked better. So this is a really good time travel fanfiction. It is set in both season 6 and the end of season 1. It is from Dean’s POV which is interesting. I would highly recommend this fic.
Status: Complete
Length: 24,157 words
Secure the Blessing
By: Rahmi
Summary: Sam makes a wish. Dean is not pleased.
My Comments: So this was written during season 2, so it obviously doesn’t match up with Canon, but it’s still a really good fic. I really like how it depicts how it would be for Dean to relive his life all over again. Not to mention that this fic was just flat out hilarious. And I really like how it depicted John and how with Mary living he would have turned out.
Status: Complete
Length: 21,364 words
Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/34311
Sequels:  Up Ahead (The Roads Were Closed) -- https://archiveofourown.org/works/672311
  The Back of the Storm --https://archiveofourown.org/works/672331
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5546226/1/Secure-the-Blessing
Ff.net Up Ahead: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5604609/1/Up-Ahead
Ff.net The Back of the Storm: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5615642/1/The-Back-of-a-Storm
By: Fangirl-Jess
Summary: Sam was having a tough day as it is, trying to cure your demon brother while he’s trying to kill you wasn’t enough, now he’s in 2006 with his brother just after their father’s deal and death; before many more deaths; before Cas and the angels; before the cage; before the apocalypse; before Dean’s deal. Will Sam and Dean try to change the future?
My Comments: This is a nice short time travel fanfiction. It’s an okay read if you like time travel fanfictions. Also I wasn’t able to subtract the author’s notes from the original word count, so it may be a bit different.
Status: Complete
Length: 7,670 words
I Have Stood Here Once Before
By: Stangerine
Summary: Centuries into the future, the world has ended. Neither Heaven nor Hell have come out victorious as the last human soul is wiped from the war-ravaged Earth. In a fit of desperate rebellion, Castiel goes back to the start, back to November 2nd, 2005 to prove once and for all the people make their own destinies. Only fate’s a fickle bitch when you try to pull one over on her and Castiel finds himself in a time in which Sam Winchester is a far cry from the hardened hunter of his memory.
My Comments: So this is a Sam/Castiel fic, but despite that it is still a pretty good fic. I like how it shows it from John and Dean’s POV too, which I actually loved. The ending is pretty sad though, but still a good read.
Status: Complete
Length: 48,000 words
Nihil Inherit
By: Ratherastory
Summary: In May of 2007, Sam Winchester wakes up in his own grave, but digging himself out is the least of his worries. He’s plagued by the psychic visions which have returned with renewed intensity and which all but threaten to cripple him. He reunites with Dean, only to find that the Yellow-Eyed Demon is still at large, about to put his world-ending plans into motion. A mysterious figure who knows much more that he ought too, dogs Sam’s footsteps, hinting at darker things to come. Soon Sam and Dean find themselves on a path that feels frighteningly familiar: toward Lilith, Lucifer, and the Apocalypse. Unable to shake the certainty that he’s seen this all before, Sam knows that this is his one chance to set things right, or die trying.
My Comments: So this is a pretty good fanfiction. I really love the twist they put on time travel and the effect it would have on the human mind. This fic is tragically beautiful in the best sort of way, I highly recommend this one! This fic is cross-posted on LiveJournal, so I'll link that down below.
Status: Complete
Length: 72,033 words
LiveJournal: https://ratherastory.livejournal.com/60075.html
By: Nova42
Summary: If you could do it all over again, what would you change, what would you sacrifice, who would you save? Dean wakes up in 2007 with ten years worth of memories that haven’t happened yet and choices to make that will change the world forever.
My Comments: This is a pretty good fanfiction with Dean going back in time. I’m gonna be honest, I’ve only read half of this fic because that was all that was posted at the time. Now the entire fic is posted so I’m gonna have to go back and reread this fic. There is a sequel, but it is three chapters away from being complete but it was last updated back in 2020. So read at your own peril. This fic is cross-posted on ff.net, so I'll link that down below.
Status: Complete
Length: 121,309 words
Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1056584
Sequel: Causality -- https://archiveofourown.org/works/15006134
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11048603/1/Providence
Ff.net Sequel: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12946953/1/Causality
Path Already Traveled
By: Clowns_or_Midgets & Jadeys_World
Summary: Castiel prays for guidance, and someone answers. He and Sam set off on a journey to the past to save the future. Ties will be tested and personal battles fought for the sake of the world.
My Comments: This is one of my favorite fics, I’ve always loved PeggySue fics and this one definitely fits the bill. I love the relationships between all the characters. I highly recommend this one. This fic is cross-posted on ff.net, so I'll link that down below.
Status: Complete
Length: 90,120 words
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11103666/1/Path-Already-Traveled
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babybluebanshee · 1 year
Mystery Nerds AU Masterpost
So it recently came to my attention that most people don't know about the series that got me most of my followers - the Mystery Nerds AU, a Gravity Falls AU where Ford and Stan reconcile thirty years earlier than they do in canon and actually kinda sorta communicate and have lots of feelings filled moments. So, because I just added a new installment to it and I crave validation like some people crave food, I decided to make a post with links to all the fics on AO3.
All tags can be found here.
Life Support: "It's 1982, and Ford Pines has called his brother to Oregon, in desperate need of his help. Fate keeps Ford in this reality, and forces him to confront some very uncomfortable truths about his relationship with his twin." The one that started 'em all, babey, and arguably the most popular. Posted in 2015. Also got me called problematic by what was probably a bored, angry child for bringing up the AIDS crisis of the 1980s.
Strays: "Stan, in all good conscience, can't leave a stray. He knows that feeling all too well." The third fic I wrote, but the second in the series, as an apology for the angst-fests I'd written before it.
It's Been a Long, Long Time: "Filbrick Pines is not made of stone. Even he has things that scare him. Linger with him. Haunt him." The one in which I give Filbrick some pathos, and make a lot of people scream at me (affectionately) for it.
And Here's To You: "It seems that, even when the Pines brothers make some progress, they always hit another snag. This was all because of that damn pill bottle." An examination of Stan's "loony days" mentioned in the Guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun.
Seared With Scars: "Ford can't seem to catch a break when it comes to reminders of those he's hurt. He tries to make amends in the only way he knows how, but soon gets himself, Stan, and Helen swept up in the dark secrets of Gravity Falls." My personal favorite installment in the series, and the first appearance of everyone's favorite traumatized hillbilly. This one took me the longest (started in 2016, not finished till 2019).
Two Way Street: "You know what they say about communication. Or, Four times Filbrick Pines' sons reached out to him, and one time he reached out first." Another Filbrick-centric one, and another favorite because I just have a soft spot for humanizing this stupid old man, alright?
Ad Astra Per Aspera: "The Society of the Blind Eye is gone, and the only thing left for the gang to do is recuperate. And maybe deal with those pesky emotional issues waiting in the wings." The most recent installment, which is basically the culmination of me shoving Fiddauthor content directly into my eye sockets for a month.
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simplegenius042 · 2 months
"Welcome To The Simple Lounge" - Introduction and MasterList Post
Hi there friends! SimpleGenius here, and here's a bit about this and the other blogs.
On this blog I mostly reblog anything that catches my eye and where I post most of my tag games and posts related to my stories. This blog is also where most details on my Original Works Trilogy An Old Ballad Of Chance And Ember Hearts (including its Original Work predecessor, Wings And Horns) and Fallout series A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore can be found.
@the-untitledverse-blog is where I post fics and details related to my The UnTitledverse series. The series is comprised of four sagas; The Perfect Storm, The Omniscient Rule, The UnTitled Ventures and The Ender sagas, focusing on the development of a child by the name of Joaquin Cobalt, who grows and matures throughout the sagas, alongside friends and family against enemies and threats on a multiversal scale.
@the-silver-chronicles is where I post fics and details related to my The Silver Chronicles series. The series is smaller than that of The UnTitledverse, however it is one with several alternate scenarios and AUs, most of which for Far Cry 5. This series doesn't follow a sole character, rather being a kind of anthology, connected but can still be solo, though personally I believe Junior Deputy Silva Omar should hold that title, as she is the most significant and reoccurring character in The Silver Chronicles, especially for the FC5 stories.
@life-despair-and-monsters-blog is where I post fics and details related to my Life, Despair & Monsters series. Like The UnTitledverse, this series focuses on the multiverse. Unlike it's predecessor, Life, Despair & Monsters focuses on the alternate dimensions, the Old Kin and magical aspects surrounding the Multiverse, as well as its fundamental foundations. This series follows three groups of characters; Haoyu Anabuki's rebellious group which act as the protagonist faction, Sir Enigma Malvolio's Ruins of the Midnight Rise scientific progress-obsessed institution which acts as the main antagonist faction, with Aggravor's Chapter of the Occult which is a group of warlocks conserving and preserving all kinds of magic and plotting to return the Old Kin back to power whom act as a rival against Malvolio's faction.
@mycharacterlistandwipdump is where I dump my story related details such as list of OCs, plots and WIPs.
I can be found on AO3 here.
Below the cut are the fandoms these series will include and a number of links which can take you to several masterposts. Enjoy!
The UnTitledverse includes fandoms such as Jurassic World, Five Nights At Freddy's, Transformers Prime, The Walking Dead Game, IT (2017), Stranger Things, Gravity Falls, DOOM (2016), SCP Foundation, Detroit: Become Human, Hellaverse, Pet Sematary (2019), Red Dead Redemption, Yo-Kai Watch, Subnautica, Final Space, Life Is Strange, Star Wars, The Last Of Us, Classroom Of The Elite, Hitman, Inside Job, Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, Saw, The Hateful Eight, Resident Evil, The Masquerade, The Bone Season, Mermaids of Eriana Kwai, The Priory Of The Orange Tree, The Locked Tomb and Fear And Hunger.
The Silver Chronicles includes fandoms such as Far Cry, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare, We Happy Few, Welcome To The Game, Six Of Crows, The Bone Season, Mermaids of Eriana Kwai, The Priory Of The Orange Tree, The Locked Tomb, Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, and Bloodborne.
Life, Despair & Monsters includes fandoms such as Love Death + Robots, Doki Doki Literature Club, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir, Arcane: League of Legends, Cyberpunk 2077, Guenevere, I Am Not Okay With This, House Of The Dragon, Wednesday, Poppy Playtime, The Invitation, Choo Choo Charles, God Of War, The Legend of Vox Machina and Castlevania.
A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore solely set in Fallout.
However, there are a few fandoms that I may do some unconnected (from my main fics anyway) fanfics on plus some other original works.
Lastly are the links to any MasterPosts and information I have [THIS WILL BE UPDATED (PROBABLY)]:
Masterpost of Fallout OC Protagonists
Masterpost of casted Fallout characters in my The Schmuck Squad's JJK Abridged react fic
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if i knew it all then (would i do it again?)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52578802 by icashi The multiversal axis is spinning out of control with universes merging at will. His own world, no, universe is only seconds away from it. Peter knows this is his fault, so it's his responsibility to fix it. Faced with what is right and what is easy, he chooses to make things right. Stephen sends him back to a time when the world wasn't easy, but easier. 2016. - It's now up to Peter to not only save his world but also innumerable others. He doesn't know if he can do this, but he's the only one aware of what's coming and with the power to do something about it. Time is limited but Peter already has the inklings of a plan: Reveal himself to his biological father and needle the Avengers back into working together. So that's what he does: save the world(s) one reunion at a time. (And himself, hopefully. Maybe. If he has time.) Words: 1473, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of drafted souls Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, Gen, M/M Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Harley Keener, Pepper Potts, Stephen Strange, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Wong (Marvel), Ned Leeds, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Happy Hogan Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Harley Keener & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov Additional Tags: Time Travel, Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Not Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Not Loki (TV 2021) Compliant, Peter Parker is Trying His Best, Secret Identity, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, BAMF Peter Parker, Ceiling Vent Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark Friendship, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family Fluff, Found Family, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52578802
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firesign23 · 2 years
Fandom Trumps Hate 2023
I'm participating in Fandom Trumps Hate (@fandomtrumpshate) this year, and like I should probably promote it so y'all are getting a too wordy post on the topic and I apologise for that.
What is FTH?
FTH is a cross-fandom charity auction that has been running since 2016, focused on supporting small-scale non-profits on a series of progressive issues in the US. Why the US? Because the auction began as a direct response to the results of the 2016 elections there. This year's supported organisations cover a variety of issues.
How does it work?
This is not a commission. The FTH tumblr goes into this more in-depth, but in essence: creators such as myself decide which organisations they would like to support, and bidders bid the amount they are willing to donate. The highest bidder at closing donates to one of the chosen causes, then receives a thank you gift for their donation, tailored to their preferences.
Important dates and details?
Auctions are currently open for browsing! This will give you an opportunity to see what fanworks are on offer before bidding opens. The easiest way to do this is by browsing the tagsets for fandoms that interest you.
Bidding opens March 1st (08:00 EST) and closes March 5th (20:00 EST). Proof of donations are due March 12th.
Why are you doing this?
Because I can.
Nah, participating in a fandom auction is one of those things I've said I'd like to do once and never actually managed, and I got sweet talked into it this year.
What are you offering?
Ohhh, this is the fun question, isn't it? I've officially offered a story of up to 5K words in one of three fandoms, but if you are interested in a fandom I've not offered but previously written for that may be negotiable. As for length, I have found that fics will be precisely as long as they want to be--I'd much rather say up to 5K and write 10K than say 5-10K and write 3K.
Examples of my work Game of Thrones and Wheel of Time fic can be found here and my Miss Fisher fic here, but in general my work leans towards character-driven and bittersweet fics, competence kink, and the mortifying ordeal of being known. (Are the cool kids still saying that? Probably not.) My smut leans into soft horny even when kinky, which tends to be either very much someone's tastes or very much not. I love writing so many classic fic tropes and kinks, so if there's something you're interested in but are uncertain, feel free to ask!
Unwilling to address: Scat/watersports, ageplay including usage of daddy/mommy/girl, underage/high school AUs or college AUs where focus is on the college element, casual misogyny or sexual violence (narratively relevant is fine), dubious/non-consensual sex that is not treated as such, revenge porn (literal revenge porn or the "Punish character X" type), power dynamics where there’s a potential abuse of power, humiliation.
Now, onto the fandom specific details:
Game of Thrones: Jaime/Brienne, other pairings with discussion. Prefer to avoid Brienne with major body image issues, ESPECIALLY when phrased about feeling like a “real woman”--insecurities, yes, but not as the driving narrative force. Not interested in Cersei-bashing fics--she's awful, I'm happy to make her awful, but I don't want to make her one dimensional. While happy to incorporate elements of the book canon, this story would be primarily driven by show canon dynamics/characterisation. Happy to write in a canon or AU setting. Into this fandom, but what I offer isn't quite to your taste? Check out other asoiaf/GoT creators here.
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries: TV/film canon. Any pairing, canon or fanon. I primarily write Phrack, but as my ao3 will tell you there's very little I've not dipped my toe into. If you are interested in Dot/Hugh fluff, I'll do it but it's not a strength. I strongly prefer canon set stories for this fandom. Into this fandom, but what I offer isn't quite to your taste? Check out other MFMM creators here.
Wheel of Time: I am offering anything centred around Lan, Nynaeve, and/or Moiraine, whether it's platonic or romantic or pre-romantic. I have read the books many times, but this offer is for TV canon only due to other commitments. If, however, you want something like a missing scene from the first few books, that can be discussed during the bidding process. I strongly prefer canon set stories for this fandom. Into this fandom, but what I offer isn't quite to your taste? Check out other WoT creators here.
Anything else?
Not really! My offerings page can be found here. When auctions go live on March 1st you will be able to access the bidding page from there. If you have any questions, whether that's about how this works or what I am/am not willing to write or something else entirely, my Tumblr inbox is always open and I'm happy to answer publicly or privately. If you prefer the answer be private, please ensure you have not selected to make it anonymous and mention it in the message!
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Intro Post 2.0
I'm Aqua, pronouns they/she/any, likes and replies from @/aquaeclipse. I am an adult. This is my MC/MCYT sideblog, i.e. we post about block people roleplay here, sir.
You might know of me as a TV Tropes and fan wiki editor. On Tumblr, I am the admin of @dreamsmpquoteswithoutcontext and @mcytaita, and a handful of other minor blogs.
In the DSMP fandom specifically, you might know me as the person who revamped c!Quackity's fan wiki page in 2021 and an analyst in the field.
In the Pirates SMP fandom specifically, you might know me as one of the archivists and the recap guy. Yes, several of the Pirates SMP content creators are currently living like rats in my walls. This series is my Roman Empire fr.
I also write fanfics on AO3. Fanfic masterpost can be found here.
I do NOT support the Green Blob Man, a certain Music Man, or many other disgusting people unfortunately within the fandom's walls; please block me if you do.
List of MCYT interests and tags are under the cut. And a final note to all: I ship block people sometimes.
Hola, me llamo Aqua (elle/ella) y soy autora del fanfiction en inglés. Hablo tres lenguas, no hablo Español pero yo aprendía. Posteamos de los cubitos aquí, señor.
Other Notes
Negativity tags under the cut at the bottom of the post because there's too many of them
Content creators can interact with me AT THEIR OWN RISK… and at my own risk too, apparently
Original intro post from 2021 (edited over the years) here
MCYT Interests
Fandoms that I am currently a part of:
Empires SMP
Life series – tagged by season names and #/trafficverse in general
Rats SMP
New Life SMP
Pirates SMP
Fandoms that I used to be part of but still post about sometimes:
Stampy's Lovely World (and other related material, but mainly because I am quite far behind on the content)
Feather Adventures
DSMP (list of content/trigger warnings for the series available here for reference)
Fandoms that I am aware of by osmosis and may post about:
Area Unknown SMP (only barely)
Outsiders SMP (only barely)
Personal Tags
General Tags
#my post – general personal tag + occasionally me inboxing others
#reply post – general replies to asks and other posts
#aqua fracasa en español – spanish learning tag
#aqua goes scientist mode – feral science student vs those dang cubitos, FIGHT!
#aqua live reacts – livereacting tag and unofficial spoilers tag
#aqua's mcytblr resources – my transcripts and recaps
#aquatic memetics – my memes
#aquatic positivity – posts chronicling people appreciating me and my work... I crave validation, okay?
#the great duckling hivemind – Quackblr shenanigans
#hey big queue! look what i found! – queue tag
#musical mayhem – web-weaving, playlists, etc.
#my art – general art tag
#tv tropes – TV Tropes shenanigans
SMP-specific Tags
#aqua analyzes c!quackity from the dsmp – exactly what it says on the tin
#aqua transcribes the dsmp – my transcriptions of the dsmp
#dsmp quotes without context – from my side-blog
#esmp musings – esmp headcanons and theories
#isleposting – pirates smp clips, headcanons, records, etc.
#pirates smp recap – pirates smp lore recap resources and posts
Writing Tags
#aqua writes – general writing tag
#aqua makes conlangs – conlanging tag
#dsmp jailbird backstory – semi-canonical c!Quackity juvie backstory-related posts
#esmp worldbuilding – empires worldbuilding headcanons
#the great duckling hivemind – Quackblr shenanigans
#ttxover – Toontown-related content, usually relating to c!Quackity
#unclassified works – posts that have a creative writing element to them that I would not call a proper fic OR fanfics that don't have their own tag yet
Fanfic Tags [Masterpost]
#kill the lights (fanfic) – c!Quackity post-Butcher Army fic
#love (fanfic) – Lovely World c!Stampy poem/fic written for the Stampytober 2022 event
#the ghosts of yesterday (fanfic) – c!Quackity backstory fic
#eye of the tiger (fanfic) – DSMP crackfic I wrote for Quackity's victory in the MCYTblr Sexyman Polls
#the morning falls nonetheless (fanfic) – Pirates AU fic involving Aurelia and Hudson Denholm's A+ parenting (/neg)
#the mushroom incident (fanfic) – Rats AITA fic written for @/inthelittlewood's compilation and at @/willowmvp's request
#tell me did i do wrong? (fanfic) – Pirates AITA compilation anthology, written for @/inthelittlewood
#chronica siderum (fanfic) – Pirates AITA, ft. Denholm Brothers lore spoilers
#blood on the hillside (fanfic) – Pirates p!Shep continuation fic, ft. chat being menaces (/affectionate)
#hatchling (fanfic) – Pirates ficlet written as propaganda for the @/scottsmajorshipbracket
#we've all been damned c'mon (fanfic) – Life series fic based on c!Gem's not-so-great journey throughout Secret Life
#lrau (fanfic) – Pirates Kite-centric Western AU fic I wrote for AUFest 2024 in collaboration with @/kitefactionofficial (then known as @/philzas-early-gang-society)
[This section has ceased to update as of July 2024; for all later works, please see the masterpost]
Fun Tags
#am i the asshole – MCYT AITA posts; see #mcytaita for polls on another side-blog
#containment breach – this post has left its target audience, everyone scatter
#the crane lives – the life series except the crane lives write the soundtrack
#the family forest™️ – if you make me update the Love Dodecahendron or Tangled Family Tree trope pages, I am going to start crying
#fuchsia fishfuckers – yes, I have a tag dedicated to that too
#i've had enough of this. i'm officially bonking scott to corny jail with an H. – Scott of the absurdly many aliases being a threat to my mental stability
#susage. for the love of christ. pls. control yourself. – Mythical J. Sausage should also cease and desist before he finds himself lacking a sausage /j; this man causes me to take -1,000 points of psychic damage every time he either types or says something
#mcyt without context – some silly polls <3
#psychological torment smp – the QSMP is an unethical psychological experiment that would never fly if it were in real life and not in the block game
Negativity tags AKA the Hall of Shame
General negativity and discourse tags: #/fandom discourse (general); #/negativity (general); #/wtf minecraft fandom (general for mcyt fans, tag was made before i learnt the tumblr tagging system); #/those twitter clowns (tm) (for twitter specifically)
Tags to block in regard to the cc!Dr**m situation: #/the redacted accusations (main tag), #/dreamwastaken (content creator), #/dream (DSMP character), #/urmom smp (U***** SMP), #/drace reveal (face reveal and all non-faceless IRL pictures), #/the video™️ (for the late 2023 video drop)
Tags to block in regard to the DSMP Volume 1 ending (derogatory): #/the crappy conclusion
Tags to block in regard to certain creators' predatory misconduct: #/0 days since last normal cc behaviour /neg
Tags to block in regard to Jellie disrespect in a certain poll: #/justice for the queen of mc
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ao3feed-sambucky · 9 months
if i knew it all then (would i do it again?)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/43aLHPQ by icashi The multiversal axis is spinning out of control with universes merging at will. His own world, no, universe is only seconds away from it. Peter knows this is his fault, so it's his responsibility to fix it. Faced with what is right and what is easy, he chooses to make things right. Stephen sends him back to a time when the world wasn't easy, but easier. 2016. - It's now up to Peter to not only save his world but also innumerable others. He doesn't know if he can do this, but he's the only one aware of what's coming and with the power to do something about it. Time is limited but Peter already has the inklings of a plan: Reveal himself to his biological father and needle the Avengers back into working together. So that's what he does: save the world(s) one reunion at a time. (And himself, hopefully. Maybe. If he has time.) Words: 1473, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of drafted souls Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, Gen, M/M Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Harley Keener, Pepper Potts, Stephen Strange, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Wong (Marvel), Ned Leeds, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Happy Hogan Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Harley Keener & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov Additional Tags: Time Travel, Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Not Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Not Loki (TV 2021) Compliant, Peter Parker is Trying His Best, Secret Identity, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, BAMF Peter Parker, Ceiling Vent Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark Friendship, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family Fluff, Found Family, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/43aLHPQ
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