#i get his voicemail. i’m not leaving a fucking voicemail. i decide to eat breakfast and then call again
fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
I have no proof or anything but I’m pretty sure this man, who called me twice and left two messages, is now rejecting my calls
#so one thing about me is that probably 99% of the time i have my phone set so that calls not from my contacts don’t come through unless the#person calls twice within a two minute period (this would identify someone who really wants to talk to me)#reason for this is i have really bad phone anxiety which i think stems from when i was a teenager & me and my mom were under investigation#because i truanted so much. the truancy officer at my school would call our house phone incessantly to try to intimidate me into picking up#so that she could guilt trip me and tell me about how my mom could go to prison for not sending me to school#she literally sat outside our house once in a car just calling and calling the phone and then she started knocking on the door as well#i was also home alone and knew the law which was that technically i was an abandoned child and also one that should legally have been#at school at that time because there was nothing visibly wrong with me (mentally though…… that was a different matter)#anyway so i hate answering my phone lol. i only turn off the screening setting if i’m expecting a call#but i find that it causes less problems than you’d think because most people (e.g. this man) who are legitimately trying to call me#will leave voicemails. i also tend to add people to my contacts immediately so that they can get through; even if i don’t necessarily plan#on calling them much. like my doctor; dentist; all my old workplaces; any job i’ve applied for that has a bit of a lengthy process#all will be in my contacts so that the call will come through properly and i will see it’s them and be able to answer#so anyway. this guy called yesterday morning and it didn’t come through so i listened to the voicemail and found out he was calling#in relation to a job application i definitely remember making. great! i decided i’d call him after physio#except after physio i went to my grandma’s and then tesco and then by the time i got home it was 3:30pm and i realised i’d skipped lunch#so i made hotdogs and then checked the post and discovered that the photos i’d had printed of mabel had arrived so it was time to have a cry#then trick or treating started in my neighbourhood. and basically long story short i forgot all about that call#until i missed another one from him 45 minutes ago. this time i was like okay; i’m home alone; let me just call him now and get it over with#i get his voicemail. i’m not leaving a fucking voicemail. i decide to eat breakfast and then call again#tell me why it rings LESS times this time 🧐 but i still get his voicemail again 🧐🧐🧐#is this motherfucker rejecting my calls because he’s mad that he had to leave two voicemails??? no one asked you to leave the second one#i GOT the first one and i want/need this job. i was going to call you back sooner or later goddamn#anyway tl;dr i don’t know what to do now. i have a lunch meeting which splits my day in half so i think i’ll try again after that#and if i still don’t get through to this man i’ll just add him to my contacts and hopefully he can get through to me if he tries again#personal
0 notes
jurijyuu · 2 months
Breakfast (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
AlastorxReader Smut
Summary: When his patience finally reached his limit, he decided to finally have a taste of the little human he'd pulled into their little hotel.
Tags: Female Reader, Non-con/Dub-con, Bondage, Kidnapping, Cunnilingus, PIV sex
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One morning in the Hazbin Hotel…
“What the fuck is going on with the fourth floor!?” Vaggie watched in awe and dread from outside the building. Everything seemed okay, no fallen debris and even the weather was a clear cloudless day, except for the fourth level of the hotel. It spun and glitched, warping this way and that. Its edges stretched and contracted as if it couldn’t decide which state of matter to be in any given second.
“I don’t know. We tried the stairs and the elevator but it just skips over that floor.” Charlie stared at the sight in bafflement. It wasn’t even that the bizarre phenomenon was hindering them, it just made that floor unavailable. It wouldn’t have been an emergency had they not had one guest staying on that floor in particular.
“And where’s Alastor? Isn’t this supposed to be his job?” Vaggie’s frown deepened as she looked around for any signs of the Radio Demon and found none. The hotel’s facility manager was nowhere to be seen that morning despite the big hubbub everyone was making. Instinctively, Charlie looked at her wristwatch. Ah. That would answer that question.
“It’s only 7:22. You know he doesn’t leave his room until 9.”
“Well, we have a situation and he needs to fix it.” Vaggie stormed up to Alastor’s suite, feeling for herself the weird but subtle distortion of space when the elevator passed the fourth floor. It was a ticklish sensation, like being thrown into a cold pool. Shocking but not harmful. Charlie elected to stay behind to organize and try to contact their guest’s phone to see if they were okay. From their previous attempts, it looked like the calls were going to voicemail after a few rings.
The elevator dinged onto the floor occupied by only the Radio Demon. It was eerily quiet, an attribute that she blamed on the creepy demon who had insisted that he own a whole fucking floor to himself when he’d moved in. It was probably how he’d managed to magick a swamp into his room, by sacrificing that other space with his weird spells.
Coming up to the lone door, she took a second to prepare herself for whatever she’d end up seeing in there this time. For all his gentlemanly facade, the Radio Demon enjoyed some grotesque things…like eating raw deer, straight from the carcass. She shook that mental image off and knocked. Within a few seconds, the door opened, the Radio Demon’s tall lanky frame taking up most of the opening.
“Vaggie. To what do I owe the displeasure of this early morning disturbance?” If not for the man’s word choice, she wouldn’t have known how annoyed the man was. He sounded jovial, almost welcoming. Prick.
“There’s some weird magical distortion thing happening on the fourth floor that’s not letting us access it.” Vaggie explained as best she could. It wasn’t like she was familiar with magick so she could only describe it as she saw it and hoped the man could fill in the rest.
“Oh that thing? I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Though it didn’t look like he’d need to look into it. The man absently waved it off, tone unworried and still light.
“Fine? Wait, you already know about it?”
“Of course. It’s nothing but a few mischievous strands of soul energy congregating in a specific area. Nothing to worry about.” He wiggled his fingers as he explained, as if the movement would help his audience understand the intricacies of soul magick and world energy. It really didn’t. He just looked condescending as he stood there, smiling.
“N-nothing to worry about? Did you forget who’s on that floor? What if they’re hurt or can’t get out?” To Vaggie’s surprise, the demon didn’t seem concerned at all about the only resident on the fourth floor, you. While she wouldn’t say the two of you were close, she did know that after Charlie, you were the next one he seemed the least annoyed with in the hotel. In Vaggie’s book, that had to count for something, even if it was only the man’s minute interest in keeping the hotel running and its guests happy.
“Did you not hear me, dear? I said it’s nothing to worry about. The distortion will fade away once the energies have flowed their way and since they aren’t malicious in nature, our dear guest should be just fine. It’s not like they’re an early bird anyway. I’m sure they’re still fast asleep while all of this is happening.” A clawed hand rolled at the wrist like he’d served her the most obvious answer on a silver platter. His eyes looked bored as he explained and she could feel the man’s patience waning even as his smile and tone remained the same, haughty and carefree.  
“How can you be so sure?” Still, she persisted. It was her job to make sure everything was okay.
“I’d already be working on fixing something this interesting if I didn’t already know its nature. Now, do you mind? I’m in the middle of breakfast.”
“Fine. But if it’s not done by business hours, you have to go fix it.”
“Of course.” The slam of the door in her face made Vaggie want to spear the man but Charlie wouldn’t want that. She had no choice but to walk away and wait.
“Sorry about that, darling. We were having such a lovely time before the meal was disturbed. Now, where was I?”
On the round metal garden table, his dear guest laid naked and bound. Your ankles were tied to your thighs, legs kept obscenely spread wide by tentacles. Any passerby would see your glistening apex, flushed and presented on his dining table. Your arms laid bound together behind the beautiful arch of your back. 
He took a moment to admire how lovely the red rope he’d selected looked as it dug into your skin. He released some of the tentacles he’d summoned to keep you still while he conversed with the intruder, except for the one around your mouth. The sound of your muffled squeaking was delightful.
You panted heavily from exhaustion, having been in this pose for over half an hour now. Little red dots traced a trail up from your navel to your sweat soaked chest, courtesy of him and his busy mouth. Sweat and tears glistened on your face, at least, on the half that wasn’t covered by one of his summoned tentacles. You looked ready to pass out and he hadn't even started on the main course.
Feebly, you tried to close your legs with a groan but the ropes kept you deliciously spread for his eyes to feast upon. It must’ve hurt to even move after being held in that position for a long time. He tutted as he approached. Poor darling. 
Your eyes followed his movement, noting the layer of amusement in his expression thinly veiled over a perverted look of adoration. Each clack of his red-tipped leather shoes sent dread through your system causing your muscles to tense. You renewed your struggle.
At some point in the early morning, something stirred you awake, an instinct that told you danger was close. When you’d opened your eyes, you found red ones cutting through the darkness, staring straight at you. It didn’t even give you time to scream before radio static filled your ears and ravenous darkness took hold of your limbs.
Strong eldritch arms had held you down, twisting your arms and legs into position while keeping you in the dark. The only sign that your captor was who you thought it was was the crackling of static and the chillingly familiar caress of leather gloves. 
You’d felt those gloves touching you too closely a few too many times from the tall facility manager of this hotel you’d landed in after a drunk college party turned a bogus demon summoning ritual into a real one. Except instead of summoning a demon, the demon pulled the closest one to the circle in. That had been you, a few weeks ago.
Alastor stopped his approach, slotting himself comfortably between your splayed thighs. His half lidded eyes watched you, the rapid rise and fall of your chest hypnotic in the hazy glow of the border between the hotel and his swamp. With perverted curiosity, he reached for your breast, the large expanse of his palm comfortably holding your flesh. He played with the lovely weight, watching how your skin cushioned his fingers with every light squeeze. With playful curiosity, his fingers tweaked your nipple and the cries you were suppressing spilled out, struggling to break through your gagged mouth.
It was lovely and he could feel his blood pump throughout his body, a rush that urged him to touch more now that he had you. You sweet stupid little thing. With no respect for supernatural rituals, your friends had tried to forcefully bring him to the human world. What better way to teach those brats a lesson than to bring one of them down here, he had thought. It was the best decision he had ever made.
Pinching the leather of his glove between his teeth, he freed his hand. The glove dropped to the floor as he now touched you with his bare palm. Rough calluses smoothed over the skin of your thighs reverently. You tried to shake them off, bucking your hips and arching your back as best you could. It was a waste of energy. The ropes biting into your skin held fast under your struggle and only served to further entice the demon holding you captive. Still, you refused to just lay there as your assailant had his way with your body.
Alastor’s smile widened at your endeavor. Oh, how he loved to see it. Your gaze blazed with hate as you thrashed on his table, the fight in you so alive yet so very futile. He found it so alluring. So incredibly despicable. How dare a weak little human look at him with such open contempt? How dare you make him throb with your seering show of anger?
Taking his other glove off, he whipped the leather onto the delicate skin of your inner thigh. A light punishment. You yelped and his ears tingled at the sound. So he did it again, the sharp slap of leather against skin against your squeals and squeaks fueling the fire burning in his chest. Each strike flushed the attacked skin and your face grew ever more teary under the assault. 
“Does that hurt, my darling?” He struck a stinging whip onto your breast, the impact causing your back to arch as you struggled to take in air. Still, your eyes darted to meet his own dominating gaze defiantly. “I guess not enough.” 
He continued, striking the flesh of your breast, each hardened nipple, making target of the red love bites he’d trailed on your body. With each contact, you twisted, stuck somewhere between hurt and unwanted pleasure. He brought himself closer to your core until your bare cunt wet the tight front of his trousers. A whispered growl left his throat, covered by another whip.
He was devious, never hitting the same place twice in a row and letting each patch of skin recover before he struck them again. It stung and your body contorted around each strike, your pelvis inevitably rubbing against the obvious tent he pressed against you. It rubbed against your nether lips, sometimes in just the right angle that brushed against your clit. That was the worst as those strikes came with a shot of pleasure that you really didn’t want to associate with the man and what he was doing to you. And it didn’t escape his watchful eyes as he angled himself to drive you to madness.
He struck your breast again, digging his hard on into you as he did and sending the biggest bolt of pleasure into you thus far. A cocky grin stretched his face as you moaned loudly, frustrated tears leaking from your eyes as your insides clenched in want.
“Now, let me ask again, my darling. Does that hurt?” He leaned forward until his long body hovered closely over your own. The heat of his massive body radiated both intimidation and invitation just short of blanketing you completely. The teasing lilt in his tone touched a nerve in you but unlike earlier, you had enough. Anymore and you weren’t sure what your body would do to you. It was too hot. It hurt. It ached. You ached, for all that you were against all of this. The glare you sent him was the weakest yet, more begging for mercy than spewing hatred that you couldn’t utter with your mouth forced shut.
He waited patiently, watching each slight chip and crack on your resolve. You knew he would drag this on as long as possible. With the magick he wielded, and loved to show off, it would be a simple party trick to hide you away for hours, for days…maybe even forever. Your heart shook. He could endure far more than your human body could, keep himself on edge until he got what he wanted or got bored. The manic gleam in his eyes screamed obsession, one that wouldn’t go away for a long time, and it outshone your resolve. So you nodded, playing along with him. Static crackled in the air, nipping at the tips of your hair. You shivered involuntarily against it. He reveled in it. 
“Oh my poor darling. Do you want me to make it feel better?” At the end of his question, he snaked his long tongue over your breast, lathing the area he last struck with attention. You sucked in a breath, this contact feeling incredibly gentle as the hot flesh soothed the sensitive skin. 
“So responsive.” He liked your reaction, licking that area again until he had you mewling and rubbing against him as you chased your body’s pain away with the pleasure he provided. 
Your head felt fuzzy as it processed the tingling sensations coming from your body. The ropes bit into your limbs, each whipped patch of skin throbbed in the cool air, a girthy length nestled itself in the bed of your labia, his hands left feather-light touches on your hips and waist and his tongue soothed and teased your breast with ridiculous skill. It was all too much to process and you walked closer to the edge of orgasm with each ghost of his breath on your skin. 
Until he stopped. 
An almost feral sound escaped your throat as all contact ceased. Even his hands that wouldn’t stop caressing you instead positioned themselves on either side of your head, caging you and keeping that fantastically cursed contact just an inch from your body. The tentacle keeping your mouth shut retracted and you were able to breath full gulps of air. He watched as you floundered, recovering from his delectable assault. His heart thudded with each desperate gasp for air and he ground himself against your core for a bit of relief.
“Let’s try that again, my darling. Do you want me to make you feel so much better? To take all your little aches and turn them into pleasure?” He looked down at you, his delicious prey, and you looked up at him, tugging between wanting that pleasure and reminding yourself that he’d abducted you. He’d taken you before dawn could light your windows just so he could play with your body. He’d taken you from your world when it wasn’t even you that tried to summon him. He still wanted to take more from you.
All of this was his fault. His fault. You shouldn’t enjoy this one bit.
Something in the way you looked at him must’ve let him know of your train of thought and he leaned in, hovering closer but never touching. “If you don’t want me to, I’ll be happy to leave you here until you change your mind.” Thin lips placed a slow light kiss on your lips as he whispered. “Just don’t have any silly little ideas about escape. You won’t be leaving here until I’m done with you.”
The room darkened around you until all you could see was him and the power he wielded to keep you here. The others in the hotel wouldn’t find you. They thought you were trapped in whatever distraction Alastor conjured up. They wouldn’t think to look for you in his room. You would be stuck here, going through pain and pleasure until he got bored of you or you gave in to him. The choice was made. You couldn’t hope to outlast a man who had eternity to wait.
Your head bobbed a nod that his piercing eyes hungrily followed but his insufferable mouth only grinned wider. “I’m afraid I didn’t catch that. Would you mind saying it out loud for me, my darling.”
Your lips trembled as you caught the ravenous hitch as he proclaimed possession of you. Asshole. Git. Son of a bitch. He would look so pretty with a bullet through his goddamned head. Still, you swallowed your hate and made yourself the calmest you’d been since finding yourself in this situation. No trembling in your voice. Only cool hatred as you did as asked.
“Alastor, make me feel good.” In a deadpan tone, you commanded him. If he pressed you more, you might end up begging him but until then, you kept as much dignity as you could against his assault.
You stared coolly at him, traces of delirium vanishing from your face as you told him to pleasure you in the most uninterested tone you could muster. Hah! Defiant little thing. But he so loved that about you. All those days wandering around each other, your resentment at him pulling your down to Hell hidden behind courtesy. No display of raw power or tales of his sadism put fear back into those eyes. Just hate. Because the princess of Hell couldn’t figure out a way to send you back. Because your silly friends used a ritual that traps the crossing entity in the summoned world until the summoner’s wish was granted. And who knows who’s wish you had to fulfill when you ended up passing through?
“I’m so glad you asked, my darling.” Pointed sarcasm and mocking painted his tone as he moved away from you. Your eyes followed him, a curious furrow in your brows. He would have taken the time to admire the work he’d drawn on your body but he was impatient, finally getting as close to an approval as he was going to receive from you.
Kneeling on the floor, he pulled your body until your hips almost dangled off the table. Finally, he could feast on you as he’d been craving all this time. He licked his teeth as he stared at your soaked opening. Your slick glistened, reflecting the red that glowed from his eyes. It was almost too much to bear. Like a man starved, he covered your sensitive genitalia with his mouth, eyes rolling back at the first taste of you. You were better than he could have dreamed. A delicacy laid out on his table so that he could quench the thirst he’d developed since he’d first laid eyes on you.
His hot mouth wasted no time, sucking on your clit, the delicate bud screaming bolts into your body at the attention. It felt like you’d been punched in the gut with how quickly your breath left your body. And he didn’t stop even when you flinched away.
“Ah—Wait! Too much! It’s too—!” Your pleading only encouraged him more. Giving one more vigorous suck before moving away so he could speak.
“Little liar. You’re enjoying this too much. Why can’t you be more honest with me? Come on. Tell me how much you’re enjoying this.” The lower half of his face shined with your juices as he watched your flushed expressions with glee. All you wanted to do was smack his smug mug on the metal table. Crush his stupid head between your thighs. He could drown in your pussy if that’s what he really wanted just as long as this sadistic fucker died.
“Fuck you!”
“Oh, you will but let me have my appetizer first.” He slid his long tongue into the fluttering opening before him without having to move his head one inch. He got to watch you convulse at the intrusion, that venomous glare you threw him smoothing out into one of forcefully taken bliss. He summoned a few of the radios in his room and let his voice be heard while his mouth was preoccupied. “Come on, my darling. Tell me.”
“No—! Ah!” He descended back onto your clit, his pointy nose teasing at it as the full length of his tongue drove into you. It slipped right in, teasing the deepest part of you in strokes you’d never reached with your own fingers and toys. Tears brimmed anew from your eyes, this time in frustrated pleasure.
His breath fanned against you and you clenched around his tongue so tightly. He shuddered. Absolutely divine. Your pleasure was blatant as the scowl on your face melted away into mewing gasps. A tight ring of muscles halted the end of his tongue and you jolted violently off the table as he teased at it. He had to hold you back down so he could abuse that little spot at the tip of his tongue.
“That’s it, darling. Did I find the right spot?” You tightened around him harder, pulling at him as the sensations started to mount as you squealed the highest pitch he’d ever heard from you. He groaned at the sight of your arched back, arms bound and helpless against the pleasure he delivered, giving up your fight to chase the highs he was providing. The desperation in each unconscious buck of your hips, the wetness that dribbled down his neck, the way your toes curled in the corners of his vision. 
“Am I not doing a good job, sweetness? Do you want me to stop?” He wanted to hear you want him.
“NoooOooo.” He curled his tongue in just the right way that had you seeing stars. Did he say stop? No! Not when you were so close. The coil in your belly burned so tight as he kept teasing your cervix. It was regretfully sinful how good he was at fucking you with his demonic tongue. Asshole! You still wanted to smash his face in but if you couldn’t get away from him anyway, you would at least get off.
“No! Please! Alastor! I’m so close. Make me cum.” You stared into the ceiling, the tree canopy crossing into the more familiar hotel structures were dotted with stars as he kept going. A scratch of static crackled through the air and you heard a throat chuckle come from your assailant. 
“Good girl.” His hands pulled your cunt closer to his face as he ate you out with more gusto. His finger joined in on the fray, teasing your clit.
“Yes! It feels good! Feels so fucking good-ahhh!” Your heat was all he could feel, the taste of your cunt all he could swallow as your scent surrounded him and now you pretty little pleas were all he could hear above the salacious sounds of his slurping. Something primal in him groaned in appreciation knowing that you writhed and begged for each stroke of his tongue, each brush on his fingers.
And to think you were ready to spit on his face earlier. He took his tongue out and immediately replaced it with his fingers as he put his attention back onto your wanting clit. The reaction was immediate. You seized and came with a cry, clenching so tightly onto his fingers as your slick gushed around them. He pumped his fingers in and out of your lovely cunt through your orgasm, lapping up what he could of your spend with relish.
“You taste divine, darling. I’ll have to compliment your mama for cooking something so good.” With a dramatic slurp, he licked you one final time, letting you catch your breath as you came down from the high. Every inch of your body tingled, your insides still singing from the rush of orgasm. 
The sight of you so bare, your scent mixing in the cool mist, your bliss coating his tongue. It filled him with a hunger he’d never had until he’d plucked you from your mortal realm. Trembling in the grasp of his tentacle, lightly drunk off of cheap booze. A messy young woman with her hair frazzled and mascara running. Cupid’s arrow finally struck him after a century of misses. Seeing you walk around the hotel so wary of him despite his efforts to treat you with congeniality, the cold shoulder you presented him when even that grump Husker could get you to smile. You’d driven him insane. So very insane.
To have you in his bed. To hear your voice calling his name sweetly. To hear your passion. To taste just a fraction of the attention you easily gave the other demons. 
The ropes keeping you spread open for him were cut, your limbs too exhausted to do more than flop down in their freedom. The high left you paralyzed in dull exhaustion. That was admittedly the best orgasm you’d ever had in your life. You just wished it could have been with anyone else but him.
The sound of a zipper stirred you back into focus, seizing your attention as it dawned on you what it meant. A panicked exhale left your lungs as you turned to find Alastor with his cock out. It stood tall, red as the rest of him and weeping pre-cum over black and beige fur. As if the sight wasn’t enough to spear dread back into your veins, he eyed you with a half lidded gaze, his red scleras black as pitch leaving only the blaring reds of his dial pupils.
“N-n-no. Please. Alastor. Don’t.”
“Hushhhhhh. There there. Don’t cry my little doe.” He loomed down to cover your body with his again. The oppressive size of him meant to intimidate you back into submission. While your tears were beautiful, he didn’t like seeing them as he prepared for the main course. His tongue went to lick a salty rivulet, savoring the taste as he cooed. “You enjoyed my tongue didn’t you? I promise you, my cock is even better.”
The fat tip of him brushed against your tingling labia, his boney hips twisting until it caught onto you opening. Both of you hissed at the feeling, you in fear and him in awe.
“No. Please don’t.” 
“But I don’t want to stop, my darling.” He moved his hips, the tips of his engorged cock kissing your entrance but not penetrating. It glided and teased, poking at you and brushing against your clit. Each touch had him groaning silently above you, his pleasured voice right in your ear.
Unwilling sparks traveled up your legs. Gods. You were still so wet from his mouth and you could feel your body get wetter at the sounds he was making. Fuck. Now was not the time to find out you had a voice kink. You had to stop him. Beg him to stop.
But what would be the use? He outclassed you in size, strength and power. He would just keep you here until he got what he wanted, which you were starting to understand as he kept on with his teasing, promising to make you feel good the whole while with that sultry voice of his. Why wasn’t he just going for it? He’d forced you to go through everything this morning so why not go ahead?
He wanted to hear you give in to him, not just to let him have his way. He would keep torturing you like this until you told him to put it in, gave him permission no matter how forcefully he acquired it. Sicko. Bastard. Why did he need to humiliate you further by having you beg? It wasn’t even that he wanted you to beg, he just wanted your consent. Hypocrite!
Your tears didn’t cease and so did his ministrations. He lovingly drank your tears and whispered promises in your ear. You were a smart girl. You knew you wouldn’t be able to get out of this. But maybe you needed a bit more convincing. His hand moved down, trailing caresses down your body until it reached your mound. At the lightest brush of his fingers against your clit, you seized.
He bit his lip as your legs unconsciously latched onto his hips, drawing him in until your opening left fluttering kisses on his tip. Ahh. He groaned. You little minx. Any more of your temptation and he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back any longer. He did it again.
“Come on, darling. Are you still sure you don’t want me to put it in? Say the word and ahhh I can feed that hungry mouth of yours.” You squirmed and tried to get away but he kept you in place as another rush of liquid started to coat his member. “Look. You’re starting to drool down there. So just say it. Say that you want this. Say that you want me.”
A pressure was building in your gut as he rubbed your sexes together in delicious slick friction. Fuck. Why did it have to feel so good? From the kisses to your cheeks to the hand religiously working your button, this monster knew how to play your body so well. Seeing no other end to this than when he was finally satisfied, you nodded, watery eyes meeting his manic ones.
“Fine! Go ahead. Put it in and fuck me already you asshole!”
Electricity shot between you both as his grin widened. With one last brush against your entrance, his cock inched in. Both of you gasped. Even after you came on his tongue, you were still so tight. Though he didn’t have that much girth, his cock still stretched you out. 
Both of his hands caught him as he leant on them for support. So good. The pressure around his cock head felt enthrallin. It was all he could do to ease into you slowly. Sweat dripped down his face onto yours as he concentrated. “Fuck.”
You don’t think you’d ever heard him curse before. The foreign sound of it blindsided you enough to distract from the almost uncomfortable intrusion. He stared at your face, bottom lip caught in his teeth, eyes wide. You almost hated the slight whisper of smugness in your brain as it registered the pleasure so apparent on his face. It gave you something to feel good about given how powerless you felt.
With a burst of spite-inspired smugness, you rolled your hips, taking him all in until your pelvises met. One of his hands buckled as he fell into his elbow. You could have laughed if his cock didn’t stuff you so full it was almost painful. “What’s the matter Alastor? I thought you were going to make me feel good?”
After a moment or two, he seemed to gain control, rising back up so he could look at you, his face bright with predatory victory. “Just…making sure you can take me, my darling.”
He thrust his hips forward a few times, softening you up against his cock before leaning down so his lips brushed your ear. “And you do, my darling. You take me..so..well.”
With that, he started thrusting in earnest, one hand on your hip as the other guided you into a demanding kiss. Your angry tears were forgotten in place of painful pleasure as each time he entered you, he rammed against your cervix only easing the pain when the curve of his cock stroked your inner walls as he pulled out.
Again and again. In and out and his teeth nibbled on your lips, inhuman tongue mapping every corner of your mouth. It hurt! It felt great! Static nicked at your skin, moving from him to you and back. Each kiss and thrust with his energy that was starting to fry your mind into an object of only pleasure.
Your discomfort turned into putty moans that he devoured, laying toothy kisses on your mouth, your neck, your collarbone. Your breathless wanton cries filled his ears as your warm heat squeezed his cock for all he was worth. This was better than he’d imagined, hotter, sweatier, messier. Absolutely filthy as his claws dragged down your arms, leaving bleeding marks in their wake. He licked those ruby lines even as you cried in pain.
In retaliation, your hands wove into his hair, pulling with the intention to cause only pain. It was like lightning hit his spine, causing his hips to jerk and find home in your cunt. 
“Keep doing that.” He groaned into your breast before sinking his teeth into the tender flesh. You yelled as he broke skin, not thinking twice about pulling even harder and clawing your blunt nails against his scalp and neck. 
“Ah! Alastor! Fuck! That hurts!”
Yet your complaint didn’t come without a whorish moan as he ground his hips into your more and his hand found bud to play with. “Yet look how you’re about to come for me. Why don’t you do that, my darling? Come undone on my cock.”
“Say how much you love this.” He could feel the signs of your oncoming orgasm, your cunt sucking on him, daring him to go deeper. Your nails raked coals along his back, popping buttons from his shirt and coat as you tried to inflict as much pleasured pain upon him as you could. He could barely keep himself together, wanting to push you over the edge before he found his release.
“No. No! Alastor! Alas—“ you seized and spasmed, feet digging into his back you clung to him in abandon.
“Do it, darling. Let yourself go.” With little space to move, he could only grind against you, stirring your insides as he groaned at your fluttering warmth. He whispered in your ear and that was all it took to get you off. With a squeal, your body tightened, limbs pulling him into you, grabbing at him with greedy hand fulls.
He groaned, losing track of himself as he thrust one last time and poured his seed into your milking channel.
Both of you collapsed onto the metal table as you came down from your peak. You vaguely observed how sticky and suffocating his sweaty hair was as it rested on your neck and collar. His uneven breath fanned hot air onto your shoulder as the rest of him weighed down on you. He was heavy for someone so thin.
Eventually, the demon recovered, a winning smile on his face as he peered down at you, completely marked in his kisses and scratches. Eyes still defiant but too tired to do anything but look at him.
You expected him to pull away and leave you there in your post-coital misery. Instead, hands went around your waist and back, lifting you up without taking himself out of you. 
“What are you doing?” Your legs immediately wrapped around his waist in fear of falling as he stood to his full height with you still wrapped around his dick. 
“Taking you to bed, darling. We still have a few hours before you’re expected to show up. Why don’t we take a break, hm?” Each step towards his bed made it clear to you that he was slowly hardening again. No way. That was too quick. Before you could protest, he already sat down on the velvety mattress. 
Maneuvering until you both lay beneath the covers, he somehow managed to keep you connected the whole time. You lay on his chest, painfully aware of each little adjustment he made as he tried to get comfortable.
“Alastor, I don’t think I can do another round.”
“Of course not. You’re only human, my darling. Go sleep. I’ll wake you when it’s time to get up and start the day.” His hand threaded through your hair, watching the perplexed and mildly uncomfortable expression on your face as he moved his hips again. He’d waited so long for this. Of course he would enjoy every second of being inside you that he could. With time, he hoped you would enjoy it as well.
Slowly, you forced yourself to relax, taking the reprieve he offered before he took it away. As your breathing evened and your weight pressed heavier into him, he wondered if it was possible for you to get pregnant since you were still alive.
He’ll just have to find out, now, won’t he?
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spicywhenspeaking · 10 months
If I'm There: Chapter Twelve
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read from the start
summary: Noah and Natalie meet in high school and developed a relationship through their love of music and art. Falling in love, innocent and young, they think nothing can keep them apart. However, sometimes in the pursuit of your dreams the things we love the most get left behind.
warnings : mentions of alcohol abuse. this story contains mature themes, minors do not interact.
taglist : @lma1986 @cookiesupplier @notingridslurkaccount @blackveilomens @thisbicc @thebadchic
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It's the first Saturday in a while that I don’t have work and all I want to do is watch movies and rot in my bed. I decide to wait to talk to Noah about the voicemail, I don't want to think the worst It doesn’t stop the feelings from festering but I’m trying to be mature.
 I head downstairs to grab something to eat for breakfast and I see a letter on the kitchen counter addressed to me. It’s from the scholarship fund I applied for last year. 
Dear Miss Howlston, 
We regret to inform you that we are unable to process your application due to it being incomplete. You are therefore ineligible for the McGovern Scholarship Fund……
My breathing goes rapid as I read the words. Inside is the application I sent in. I flip to the end page, tears welling into my eyes and blurring my vision, and see the highlighted section where my Mom was supposed to sign. It is empty. I asked her over and over and over. I even sat in front of her with a pen but she was too preoccupied with opening her next bottle of wine to pay any attention. I should have just forged it. Why didn’t I forge it?!
“What the fuck.” I whimper out as heavy tears fall like raindrops.
“What the fuck!” I repeat. My limit has been reached. I cannot hold it in anymore.
I crumple the paper, forgetting the bowl of cereal I prepared on the counter, and run upstairs as sobs begin to wrack my body. I get to my room, slam the door, and dive head-first into my pillows as another sob leaves my mouth. I grab my phone and try Noah’s cell, the feelings of jealousy are pushed away for the moment, I just need to talk to him. 
Ring ring ring ring *click* “Hey Natty! It’s Nick, sorry Noah just ran out with Alex to grab everyone coffees. I guess he forgot his phone, what's up?”
 A teenage girl can only handle so much in so little time, I cannot handle this. One hit after the next and now when I need Noah, just to hear him and talk to him he's with some other girl he didn't even tell me about. “Nick, I-” I pause. “Just forget I called. I’ll talk to you later.” I say and as I press the red end-call button I hear Nick's “Wait, Nat-” click. 
The emotions I’m feeling are in an epic battle for dominance. The sadness and anger I feel towards my Mom, the loneliness and heartache I feel towards Noah. Is this life with him? Just waiting and hoping I hear from him. I should have told him how I felt about it before now, now I’m upset. I’m angry. I lay back against the pillows as fresh tears fall onto my cheeks and I hear a soft knock at my door.
“What?” I call out. 
“Um, can I come in?’ Kyle asks softly.
“Sure.” I roll away from the door so my back is facing him as he opens up and takes a step inside. 
“So I saw the letter in the kitchen,” he says and walks towards the bed. I feel it dip as he takes a seat on the corner. “I’m so sorry Nat.”
The tears fall harder and he places his hand gently on my shoulder and squeezes. 
“It was the biggest one” sob “I ca-can’t afford the sc-schools I applied to without it.” I wipe the tears from my eyes. “The money I’ve saved from work is supposed to go towards moving and housing. Fuck. Why did I think art school was a good idea? What was I thinking? I’ll be stuck here for the rest of my life while everyone else is off living their dreams.” I know I’m being melodramatic but I don’t care. 
“I have some money saved from working with Dad this summer,” Kyle tells me in a soft voice. “you could have it for school.”
I turn around, surprised at his offer. “Kyle. I couldn't accept that. You earned that working for Dad, having probably a horrible summer.” He laughs at my comment.
My phone lights up with Noah's contact photo. I stare at it for a few moments before hitting the end call button sending him to voicemail. 
A few seconds later its ringing again and I reject the call and turn off my phone. I just can’t talk to him right now. 
“Um, is everything alright?” Kyle asks awkwardly after noticing me decline Noah’s calls.
“Yeah…well. Sort of? Not really. It’s complicated. I need to talk to him but I don’t want to right now. It’s.-” I look at Kyle and he has an unnatural look of concern on his face. “I know you don't want to hear about my relationship drama. You said so yourself.” 
A look of shame crosses his face. “I was an asshole, in more ways the one and I’m sorry for saying that. You can talk to me about anything Nat.” I sniffle as more tears continue falling. “I appreciate that Ky, I really do. I just don’t want to think about this thing with Noah and this scholarship thing, you know I didn’t even get to apply for financial aid because Mom didn't give me her proof of income. I’m totally screwed.” I wish I could call her. Yell at her for ruining my future. Scream at her for being so selfish, for being sick, for making Kyle and I take care of ourselves for so long. “I can apply for student loans I guess,” I mumble out, the last thing I wanted to do was build a mountain of debt. “Ugh, I don't want to think about it anymore.”
“Do you want to watch a movie or something?” Kyle asks.
Sitting up in bed I wipe the remaining tears from my face. I know my eyes must be puffy and red but with a small smile on my face I agree to the movie. “As long as it's horror, no lovey stuff right now. Just blood and guts.” Kyle laughs, “deal” 
We go downstairs and decide to watch “Sinister.” It offers an escape from my current thoughts and after watching Kyle tells me he’s ordering a pizza for dinner. Dad texted that he’s staying at his house near his job site since he has an early morning, not much of a surprise. 
When I get into my room I turn my phone back on and see I have some missed texts from Noah.
Noah: hey Natty :) Nick said you called, you ok? 1:20pm
Noah: Sorry I didn't call last night, the show ended late and we all stayed up until like 4am. 1:20pm
Noah: Natty? Everything okay? 1:35pm
Noah: call me when you get a chance, I miss the sound of your voice. 2:26pm
I stare at the messages. “Everything okay”  I repeat in an annoyed voice. “No, everything isnt okay. My future is fucked and I have no plan.” I say to myself.
I take a deep calming breath and call Noah. 
Ring ring- *click* “Natty! I’m so glad you called. I miss you so much.” Noahs voice is light and happy and I just wish he was here. Two weeks between tests or projects goes by with lightning speed, two weeks without Noah moves at a glacial pace.
“Hey Noah.” My voice is soft and I have to clear my throat to break through the tightness forming. “I miss you too.” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t call last night,” but you did call, you just didnt know. “We didnt leave the venue until like midnight, it was wild. So much fun, I wish you were here.” 
“Yeah, sounds like you guys were having a really great time.” I’m trying to hide the emotions in my voice, just wanting to hear him and pretend nothing is wrong, but that can’t last forever. 
“Is everything alright Nat? You sound…weird, not weird but..you don't sound like yourself.” Noah says. 
Fuck, so much for hiding my emotions. “um I just got some news from my scholarship application today that was upsetting, and last night -” I try but Noah’s voice cuts me off. 
“Was it less than you expected?” He asks. 
“They denied me the scholarship and last ni-.” Noah cuts me off again. 
“What??!” Noah almost shrieked and I had to pull the phone from my ear. “Denied? With your grades? And you got first place in the last youth art contest last month, how could they deny you? When did you find out?”
“Um yeah, it's because my mom didn't sign something, I didn't realize it was sent in without it. I feel like such an idiot.” I mutter out defeated.
“Fuck, Natty. That sucks. Did something else happen? You called this morning and then just disappeared.” Noah questions.
“Well yeah, you did call me last night Noah.I guess you pocket-dialed me.” I tell him. “You were talking to some girl and she was asking you about the next leg of this tour. She was saying how much she’d miss you if didn’t go with them.” 
“Oh. Shit.” he breathes. “I’m sorry about that. It’s just Alex from the band we're opening for on the tour, she doesn't mean it like anything.”
“But you said maybe.” my voice is small.
“Well I have to consider it..Nat. it's a huge opportunity. You understand that right?” He sounds exasperated, like wondering how I could be opposed. 
“And school? What about that?” I ask, with more edge in my voice than I meant.
“Alex dropped out and her band is getting huge, I don’t need a high school diploma to make my dreams come true,” he responded with a slight sting in defense. 
“Oh, and whatever Alex says goes huh? You're just dropping out?” And now I’m getting angry, the festering feelings that disappeared with the movie are returning with white-hot intensity. “You were with her last night after you said you’d try and call me and then this morning I got that letter that absolutely destroys my future and when I call Nick answers and you are busy again with her..” I bite out.
“What are you implying?” he asks.
“I’m not impling anything, I tired to call. You were busy. Thats a fact.” I bite back.
“I’m sorry Natty, but nothing happened on the trip, with Alex if that's what you're thinking,” he says. “This kind of exposure is exactly what I’ve been working for. I thought you would be excited for me? I thought you believed in me?” Now his voice is small, like he’s genuinely upset and I feel sick that I’m the one that would have caused it. 
“I don't think anything happened. I trust you, Noah. I'm just going through a lot right now. I hung up on Nick because I was upset and then I didn't return your texts because I was still upset. With you, with my mom just about everything. I needed you.” I take a deep breath before continuing. “Of course, I believe in you Noah, but I mean you're talking about just leaving school? We're seniors, so close to graduating already why throw it all away when you're so close.
“If I don't take this chance now I'll be throwing away this dream, there's no guarantee I'll get this opportunity again.” 
“So what? Do you want me to just sit around and wait for you to call? I mean that is if you call?” I ask him. 
“Why is this a fight? I thought you'd be happy for me?” Noah’s voice is rising with frustration.
“It’s not a fight Noah, I just thought you’d take the time to at least talk about it with me about it first. I mean you talk all the time about our futures like you want them to be together but you’re making these huge decisions and not even telling me about it first.” I try to keep my voice steady but I know it's wobbling a little.
“I haven’t even decided yet, you’re talking like I’m doing this to hurt you. I am thinking about our future Natty, you could alway come with me?” He says and I scoff. 
“You’re not serious, are you? I could graduate early but not until the spring and after all the work I’ve done with my GPA. You’d ask me to just drop out?” I ask.
“You’d ask me to say no to this opportunity?” Noah questions in response. 
“You know what Noah? I think we should just talk about this when you get home. I have a lot of homework that I need to work on and this is just too much right now on top of everything else.” I tell him in a defeated voice. 
“I’m sorry Natty, I love you. I didn’t want to talk about it like this. I can’t stand you being sad because of me.” 
“I love you too Noah, It'll be okay. Let's just talk later okay?" 
We finish our goodbyes and I toss my phone back on the bed and take the homework out of my backpack.
The rest of the week is slow. School and work are uneventful. Noah and I barely text and it feels awful, what happened? It was great for months and he leaves for two weeks and falls apart? Is our relationship that fragile? 
Friday I’m working behind the counter while a jazz trio plays for the night as our live musical guests. I don’t hate it, I guess. Noah is supposed to get in tonight but we didn't really make plans, I’m not sure if I’ll see him. I’m busy checking the syrups and making sure all of the milk options are full in the fridge when I hear someone clear their throat behind me.
I turn around and like just the thought of him caused him to appear Noah is standing in front of me. 
“Hey Natty”
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Next chapter here!!!! Thank you besties!!!!!!
divider from here!
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hannahsmusings · 11 months
*usually the first night back after traveling is some of the best sleep I ever have, but this night was the opposite; I was plagued by thoughts of Anthony, constantly tossing and turning and trying to erase them from my mind, unable to wipe the softness of his face as he said goodbye to me from my mind’s eye, the fact that he searched for me in the house, not wanting to leave without saying goodbye made my stomach fill with butterflies* *I tried calling Tom a few times, going straight the voicemail, anxiety and dread over that eating me alive as I continue tossing and turning until the sun was up* *I decide I won’t be able to attempt sleep anymore, having gotten only a couple of hours of restless sleep, hopping up and changing into my workout clothes, deciding to go for a run* *it wasn’t even 6am yet and I was out the door, jogging down the block, having missed Anthony by just a few moments* *I run about 10 miles, my feet pounding the pavement harder and harder every time my phone pings and the name ‘Tom’ doesn’t appear, knowing he was alive since he was active on Instagram and Snapchat, he just didn’t want to communicate with me, that making me feel unwanted and abandoned* *by the time I finally get back to my apartment, it was a little after 7am, stopping in my tracks as I hear rummaging in the kitchen, poking my head around the wall, nearly forgetting that Anthony would be here so early, watching as he moved around the kitchen effortlessly as if he has always lived here* *I take my earbuds out and walk into the room, leaning against the counter, his back to me* Hey. *my chest was heaving as I breathe heavily, still coming down from the adrenaline of my run, my hair up in a high pony, it still being curled to perfection somehow, my skin slightly glowy from sweating* You’re here early.
*it seemed so quiet in the house that I thought you may be sleeping, creeping around and trying to keep quiet as I plan the meals for the day, knowing I’d normally put some music on but deciding to pop my headphones in just in case you were asleep* *my body warms at the thought of you tucked up in bed, smiling to myself and wondering if you frowned in your sleep, grinning to myself at the thought* *hums to myself as I look through ingredients in the fridge, unaware you’d come back home as I listen to music, turning only to put food on the counter before I’d spotted you and my eyes widen as I flinch in shock, dumping the ingredients on the counter Fuck! *exclaims before slapping my hand over my mouth, looking at you with a surprised expression as I take my headphones out, embarrassed that I’d sworn* Shit, I’m sorry. I had no idea you were there. *groans as I realise I’d sworn again, not being professional as I cover my fae with my hand and shake my head a little* My bad. *looks up, expecting my heart rate to cool off now the shock had passed but if anything it kicked up a notch when I took in what you were wearing, internally groaning at how incredible you looked in workout gear, your body being insane and the way it was slightly sheened with sweat and you were still panting for breath made images rush through my head, picturing you laid down and your back arched as you moan, squeezing my eyes shut to close off those inappropriate thoughts before opening them to focus on you again, heat in my eyes as I take in your words* Knew you were an early riser, wanted to have breakfast ready. *cocks my head as I take you in curiously* Do you always run in the mornings? I can factor that into your schedule to make sure your smoothie and breakfast are done by the time you’re back? *I was trying desperately to focus on the food, food and schedule, not her body and how she might look when panting for some other reason* 
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AU of the Archives finding out Jon is being held by the Circus (while he’s still being held captive there?)
anon, thank you for giving me an excuse to write something like this; i am always looking for 101 h/c lol. warning for discussions/depictions of the kidnapping scenario in 101.
1. They only really find out by accident. More specifically, they find out because Melanie is snooping around the Institute (already searching for solutions to her being trapped there), and finds the tape, somehow, the one where Nikola talks to Elias. She only needs to listen through once before they put the pieces together: Georgie told her Jon left. They haven't seen Jon since—and sure, he wasn't in much before, but—this long? And that is Jon's voice on the tape: muffled and panicked and indecipherable, but still pretty obviously him.
Melanie shows it to the others, and the tape isn't even finished before Martin is demanding they have to find him, they have to find him now, panic flashing visibly in his eyes—he's been gone for WEEKS, and why didn't I notice, why didn't any of YOU notice, and don't fucking try to argue with me, Tim, Jon has been KIDNAPPED and they're going to KILL HIM— And Tim looks hurt, at this insinuation, is snapping back before Martin can even finish, I wasn't going to ARGUE, Martin, Christ, and he hasn't told them about his brother yet, but he immediately went pale when he heard Nikola's voice, heard her going on about skinning Jon, and they all saw it, and Melanie and Basira are putting it together before Martin is: Tim's in, too.
Basira's the one who says We need to find him in the end, but Martin and Tim have already decided by then.
2. In the end, Elias is the one who tells them where Jon is. (After some persuasion.) He hadn't intended to originally, but obviously they already know, and obviously no one is going to be focused on finding the ritual site, and sloppy work won't benefit anyone, much less the whole world. (And if the rescue goes messy, and it ends up benefitting the whole of his plan, well—)
They take a car and ride up there, the four of them. (There's some brief argument as to whether or not they all should go, but Martin's obviously going, and Tim doesn't back down, and Basira insists she can get them in and out, and Melanie isn't saying no…) It's a long, tense car ride, hours of mostly silence broken up by panic on Martin's behalf. (He's still berating himself, even if he won't berate the others—how could they not have known, how could he not have noticed, how has Jon been held prisoner somewhere for weeks and Elias didn't goddamn tell them, and it's been so long, and what if it's too late, what if they're too late, what if he's already dead—) And then, eventually, Tim breaks the silence. By telling them what happened to his brother. (It's NOT a statement, he says, but it feels like one anyway, and no one speaks until he's done. He sounds choked up by the end, furious and fearful and grieving all at once—I didn't think they would come for—I-I didn't think Jon would…)
The images from Tim's story loom over well enough, along with the half-remembered sounds of the tape sent to Elias. We're going to use every piece of you. I thought you'd make a lovely frock. The imagery is grotesque and Martin is sick with it, leaning against the car window, hoping with a fierce desperation that they aren't too late.
3. They aren't too late. And they get in without being detected, somehow. (Afterwards, Basira will keep saying that it was too easy, the whole thing felt too easy, and Tim will say tiredly, "Who the fuck cares? We got out.")
Jon's woken up by someone whispering his name—quiet, with a gentle subtlety that the Stranger more than lacks. It's Martin—this becomes clear as soon as he opens his eyes, although it takes a moment for everything to slot into place, the reality of Martin leaning over him, eyes wide with concern. "Oh, Christ, you're all right," Martin says, his voice shaking. "Thank God. I-I thought…" He stops then, and goes to work on getting Jon free.
"Martin?" Jon hisses as soon as the gag is gone, and then—Tim, working at the ropes on his legs, Melanie and Basira towards the door. "What—wh-what are you doing here?"
"What are you talking about?" Melanie says, her voice as muted as the others. "We found you, that's what we're doing here."
"Y-you can't be here," says Jon, still stuck in the panic of the past few weeks. "They'll kill you, you can't be here…"
"We're already here," says Tim. "We're not leaving you behind."
Jon's eyes jerk between the four of them frantically before landing back on Martin—Martin, who looks like he's nearly on the verge of tears, who says, "We're getting you out of here, Jon," and helps him to his feet. Jon grips at his hand as he's pulled to his feet, the relief washing through him in waves—he hadn't realized until then how much he'd expected never to be rescued or found—how much he'd thought he would die here.
4. They get hotel rooms rather than driving back—it's a long drive, and Jon looks nearly dead on his feet, and it makes sense. Jon sleeps for nearly sixteen hours straight after a long-running shower, and the others mostly alternate between sleeping and watching for agents of the Circus. (No one ever comes.)
Melanie calls Georgie to let her know. Tim leaves Elias a nasty voicemail. Martin goes to get breakfast from a store nearby, and take-out tea, and when Jon wakes up, they eat clustered in the hotel room to mostly silence.
Jon says, at one point, I didn't think anyone would come. He says it mostly to the floor, when the others are out of the room, and it's just him and Martin drinking tea that isn't nearly as good as the homemade stuff. He clears his throat and adds, Thank you for… for coming, Martin, I…
Martin tenses beside him immediately in immediate horror, says, Of course we came; of course we came, Jon, I don't know why—I-I am so sorry, I'm SO sorry we didn't come sooner, we didn't know… We didn't know, I'm so sorry.
It doesn't matter, says Jon. It doesn't matter, just… thank you. Thank you for coming, I… i-if anything had happened to you, I wouldn't have…
They're leaning together, almost unconsciously, their arms pressed together, and Martin says, I'll always come. If… I-I hope this never happens again, Jon, b-but I… I'll always come.
Sitting in the dim-lit hotel room, Jon believes him. He knows immediately that he's telling the truth, and he says, I will, too, and he means it just as much.
5. The whole experience is a catalyst to everyone talking more, because how could it not be? There's a difference between someone saying they were kidnapped and actually hearing about it—actually seeing it. The drive back leaves plenty of time to make peace, or something like it.
Jon starts spending more time in the Archives, in the weeks before he has to leave again. He and Martin have lunch almost every day; sometimes the others join them. Melanie calls and tells Georgie what's happened, and Georgie immediately reaches out to make sure Jon is okay. And Jon and Tim make their peace, more or less, gradually—not all at once, but gradually. (Tim hugs Jon when they get back and says he's glad he's okay. Jon offers an apology a few days later, for everything they haven't had the chance to talk about, and the recorders come on, and neither of them mention it. And nearly a week later, Tim tells Jon about what happened to his brother.) And it's something, some step in the right direction, towards healing.
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Sugary Sweet Apologies
Summary: You and Reid never really got along but when he saves your life, you decide to be the bigger person and thank him and hopefully start over. Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: light to mild angst with fluffy ending, swearing, spencer reid being an annoying bitch, brief mentions of case stuff (if you watch cm, you should be fine)
A/N: this is for @willowrose99 ‘s 1 year anniversary on tumblr writing challenge!! congrats! i literally wrote and edited this whole thing in less than one day because i got so excited, anyways i hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.8k
“Reid and Y/L/N, go to David Whitney’s house. He was the therapist of two of the three victims. He could have some insight into the victimology and know of any overlap between them. He has no criminal record of past aggressive behavior but we can’t rule him out as a suspect entirely,” Hotch stated.
“Hotch, you stuck me with her yesterday for the geographical profiling. Send Prentiss with her instead,” Spencer whined.
“I don’t mind going with Y/L/N. She is a great partner in the field,” Emily glared at Spencer.
“No. Reid, go with Y/L/N or be taken off this case. I’m a unit chief, not an elementary school teacher. I don’t have time for temper tantrums,” Hotch chided.
“Fine,” Spencer grumbled as you grabbed the keys to an SUV.
You don’t know what it was but ever since you started at the BAU four months ago, Spencer had never liked you which resulted in you disliking him as well. Everyone else on the team was super friendly and welcoming but Reid always was jabbing snarky remarks your way like “I don’t have time to explain it to you” or “This was in the FBI handbook. God, you need more training.”
Luckily, the others were quick to defend you. Once Garcia even heard him snip at you over the phone and as soon as you all got off the elevator after the case, Reid was being dragged by his ear into Garcia’s lair with him going “ow ow ow” behind her. So, you didn’t really pay much mind to him because you could deal with one annoying know-it-all to have such an amazing job with great coworkers minus the one.
“Look, I’m not happy about this either,” you said as you climbed into the driver’s side of the SUV, “But at least I’m not being a whiny bitch about it and being rude to the other person’s face.”
“Oh wow, I’m so sorry that I hurt your feelings,” Spencer mocked.
“Fuck you, Reid,” you shook your head.
David Whitney was on edge the second you arrived and showed him your badges. He was bouncing his leg up and down, he couldn’t sit still, and he kept avoiding eye contact.
He knew way too much about the other victim that wasn’t even one of his clients but you didn’t have anything solid on him. His house seemed very neat so you doubted he kept anything incriminating here. Organized offenders usually have a secondary location. So, you decided to push his buttons a little.
“I mean blitz attacks, leaving the bodies on the side of dirt roads,” you combed through the crime scene photos, “This guy was a real coward.”
Spencer picked up on what you were trying to do and his eyes widened, he was subtly shaking his head and mouthing “no”.
“Excuse me?” David asked.
“Well, I’m just saying a real man wouldn’t cower in the bushes and blindside a woman. He must not be very strong,” you stated, “He probably can’t even get it up.”
Before you even had time to react, David pulled out a switchblade knife from inside the couch cushions and put you in a chokehold, pressing the cool metal up to your throat. You closed your eyes tightly.
“David, you don’t have to do this,” Spencer stood with his gun pointed at you both.
“This bitch insulted me,” he snarled.
“She insults me too. That doesn’t make you any less of a man,” Spencer spoke carefully, “Just put the knife down and I’ll escort you out.”
David sighed, dropping the knife to the floor and releasing you.
Spencer put David in handcuffs and walked him outside as reinforcements came running in.
“Are you okay, Y/L/N?” Hotch asked.
“Yep, a little shaken up but fine. Thank you,” you stood.
“Let’s get you to the medics,” Morgan grabbed your arm to support you as you walked over to the ambulance.
Spencer never checked on you.
You knew your decision in the field was a little rash and you wanted to thank Spencer for essentially saving your life.
However, there was no way in hell you could verbally get out an apology while staring at his smug face, but you could bake. You settled on a note tucked inside a tupperware container of your Grandma’s special recipe of chocolate chip cookies. It was a good peace offering, maybe even a chance to start fresh.
During your lunch break, you took the tupperware from your desk drawer and approached the break room where Reid had entered about 5 minutes ago.
“I’m just saying I could not have been more clear in my message to her that it was too dangerous but of course, Y/L/N didn’t listen cause Y/L/N is going to do whatever she feels like,” Spencer stirred his coffee.
No one had noticed you standing in the doorway yet.
“Reid, you’ve got to be nicer to her. She earned her spot here just like the rest of us,” Emily defended you.
“Did she though? How much do we really know about her? She couldn’t even tell me how many pages the FBI protocol manual was,” Spencer said.
“That’s not a normal thing people know,” Morgan retorted.
“Well, I’m just saying the team was perfectly fine before her and it would probably be better off if she left,” Reid finished.
Garcia looked up from her yogurt to see you standing there, “Oh, Y/N”.
Spencer turned around in his chair as you angrily stormed up to him.
“Here’s your cookies, asshole,” you seethed, grabbing the note from inside and crumpling it up into a little ball and tossing it into the trash.
“Y/N!” Emily called after you but you were already gone.
The whole team glared at Spencer and picked up their lunches, leaving him alone at the table.
Spencer retrieved the balled up paper from the trash, having to fish through Rossi’s week old pasta and Anderson’s half eaten tuna fish sandwich.
Dear Reid,
Thank you for saving my life, I guess. These are my Grandma’s secret recipe for chocolate chip cookies so I hope you enjoy. I think we got off on the wrong foot and I would like to start over. I think cases would be a lot less miserable for everyone if we got along.
Thanks again,
Spencer, you’re such an idiot, he thought to himself.
You never came back after your lunch break ended and Derek made Spencer go tell Hotch why it’s his fault you were missing the rest of the day.
He tried to call you multiple times but they always rang out before going to voicemail.
Spencer hesitantly knocked on Penelope’s door at the end of the day.
“Is she okay?” he asked softly.
“You don’t get to ask that as the person who hurt her in the first place. Also, she told me to tell you that don’t you dare go to her apartment to ‘check on her’. I’m headed over there myself actually,” Penelope collected her things and shut off her monitors.
“Will you at least tell her I’m really sorry?” Spencer followed her to the elevator.
“Absolutely not. I’m not doing any apologizing on your behalf,” Penelope huffed as the elevators shut.
You came in the next morning, keeping your head down. You grabbed a pen from your cup holder and the first folder on your stack before getting to work.
You were on the second page of the file when your clean, empty tupperware was placed in front of you plus another baking dish with aluminum foil over the top.
You glanced up to see Spencer guiltily looking down at you and you returned your eyes back to the file.
“I-I made you cinnamon rolls,” Spencer broke the silence.
“Are they poisoned?” you asked, not sparing him another glance.
“No, they’re not poisoned,” he assured you.
“I’m just saying how can I trust you as you have made it very apparent you would like me off this team.”
“I didn’t mean that,” Spencer was quick to reply.
“Then why the hell did you say it, Reid?” you slammed your pen down.
You grabbed your empty coffee mug and briskly walked to the break room but unfortunately, Spencer was right behind you.
“I didn’t eat any of your cookies by the way. Not that I didn’t want to but I felt like I didn’t deserve them so I handed them out to everyone else.”
“Oh how kind, taking credit for my work,” you tried to close the door in his face.
“I told them that they were from you,” Spencer insisted.
You rolled your eyes as Spencer grabbed the coffee pot before you could get to it, pouring your mug of coffee for you.
“What do you want from me, Reid?” you asked defeatedly.
“I want you to try a cinnamon roll and let me explain.”
“Fine but only because I didn’t have breakfast yet and I want to critique your baking skills,” you huffed, walking back to your desk.
Spencer gingerly placed one of the sticky frosting-coated rolls on a napkin and pushed it towards you. You tentatively bit into it. Damn it, it was actually delicious.
“It’s okay,” you understated.
You knew Spencer hardly ever used his kitchen let alone be up baking all night. He even chose a recipe that required more time and effort because the yeast dough would have to rise for a few hours.
“That’s good. The first batch didn’t come out as great...or the second,” he smiled softly.
“Well, the floor is all yours, Reid. Please explain to me why you talk shit about me to my co-workers when I’m in the other room,” you leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms.
Spencer muttered something incoherent.
“I have to hear the apology, you know,” you said, enjoying watching him uncomfortable.
“You’re intimidating to me because you’re intelligent, beautiful, and courageous. I think I was a little jealous that my spotlight as the ‘kid’ of the BAU was coming to an end so I said some harsh, completely untrue things and I’m sincerely sorry.”
“Oh my god,” you smirked, “Hotch was right, you are an elementary school kid.”
“In what way?” he curiously asked.
“You like me like like like me. You don’t know how to talk to the girl so you pull her pigtails on the playground,” you giggled.
“I take it back. You’re a horrible profiler,” Spencer was getting up from his seat, completely flustered.
“Awww,” you were laughing at Spencer’s bright red face as he went to go to the break room to fill his coffee mug.
When he got back to his desk, a sticky note was placed front and center.
In typical elementary school fashion…
Will you go get coffee with me?
Spencer smiled before picking up his pen and checking one of the boxes, crumpling the sticky note up into a ball and throwing it over to your desk.
“Good choice. See you Saturday at 9 at the cafe down the street,” you grinned.
“It’s a date,” he smiled.
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Day 58: Voicemail
Harry's mobile rang, interrupting a perfectly nice (if solitary) dinner at home with a good book.
With a sigh, he put his bookmark in his book, set his fork down in his bowl of pasta, and dug his phone out of his pocket. He looked at the screen and huffed at the unknown number, "Bloody spam call," he grumbled, tossing the phone onto the couch beside him.
He picked up his fork once more and opened his book.
He hadn't read more than two paragraphs when his phone pinged, notifying him that the caller had left a voicemail. Pointedly, he turned away from the phone and went back to reading; he made it a few more pages, his pasta bowl almost empty, when his phone started ringing again.
The same number was calling again. He scowled and ignored it, going back to his book and letting it ring out. He wasn't especially surprised when he got the notification that whoever was calling had left him another voicemail.
After that, his phone was blissfully silent as he continued reading. When he finished his book he set it down on the side table and stretched until there was a satisfying pop in his lower back.
He glanced at his phone, his curiosity winning out, and reached for it to play back the voicemails.
"Potter? Are you there?" a drunken voice slurred, and Harry knew that voice but he couldn't possibly believe that the person it sounded like had a muggle phone and even if he did, it didn't make sense that he'd be calling Harry. "Oh I can never understand these stupid things. Am I supposed to push a button so you can hear me? This is Draco Malfoy, so if you can hear me, you'd better speak up."
To say that Harry was shocked would be an understatement.
(Read more below the cut)
"You know I don't understand how to make this work," he whined at Harry, "Can't you help me? Isn't that what you do?"
Harry huffed.
"Fine. Don't talk to me. You're the one who's missing out. I'm hanging up now, Potter."
He shook his head and hit delete on the voicemail before opening the next one.
"Potter," he greeted again and Harry almost laughed because he didn't know how it was possible to sound so drunk and so posh at the same time. "I've been informed that you were not, in fact, on the other end of the string...wire?... line?..." he trailed off and this time Harry did laugh.
"Whatever. None of those words make any sense. Anyway, I was told I left you a recording of my voice. You're welcome."
Harry laughed again, ridiculous man.
"So, since you weren't being rude before, I thought I would call to present you my offer. I am out at a club dancing and drinking with Pansy, and I couldn't help but wonder what you might be doing. I'm going to guess that you are finishing a terrible detective novel while you sit on your sofa eating dinner by yourself."
He rolled his eyes, "I like my detective novels, thank you."
"And I know you're probably rolling your eyes and extolling the many virtues of your paperback novels, but they're absolute drivel, Potter, you must know that."
It was ridiculous to be fond of this man. Utterly and completely ridiculous, but Harry was nothing if not fond of Draco Malfoy.
"Anyway, I bet that your cat hasn't even joined you on the sofa. Magnus has much better taste in literature than you do."
Magnus was currently resting on his cat tower, but if he'd been asked, Harry wouldn't have admitted it.
"The point I'm trying to make, is that you are living a lonely, miserable life. So you should come out dancing with me. And I know," he carried on, "that you would say that you don't dance but I can teach you."
He smiled at the phone, gripping it a little tighter as he imagined that scenario playing out in his mind.
"And then, you can take me home with you at the end of the night."
Harry promptly choked on his saliva. Draco Malfoy couldn't be implying what he thought he was implying.
"What's your bed like, Potter? Is it soft? Is it red?" he asked aghast. "Maybe we should come back to mine instead. You'd look so lovely on my green sheets." He trailed off with a wistful little sigh. "Or. Just call me back and tell me to leave the club right now. Tell me to floo over and maybe we won't make it past the living room. Maybe on that hideous sofa. Hell maybe we won't make it past that garish rug."
There was a short pause and Harry wondered if Draco was imagining it like he was.
"I'm dying to kiss you." he murmured. "Surely you see it, surely you know. And I'll be anything you want me to be, Harry. Anything. Because you must know that I-"
The voicemail ended abruptly and Harry glared at the phone. What happened? He opened the voicemail box again and a notification popped up. His mailbox was full. Of all the rotten luck.
And he had no idea where the other man was and even if he had known, did it really make sense to go there anyway?
He listened to the voicemail, then he listened to it again.
And again.
He listened and he fell a little bit more in love with Draco Malfoy and he knew that even if he had known where he was, he wouldn't have gone, because he didn't want to be something the other man regretted in the morning.
After retrieving Magnus from the cat tower, he carried him into his bedroom and decided to deal with everything in the morning.
Harry slept very poorly that night and when 7:30 rolled around Harry couldn't stand it for one more second. He stuffed his feet into his trainers, pulled a sweatshirt over his head, and apparated to Draco's front door, pounding on it before he could stop himself.
He waited for a long moment and when there was no response, he pounded again.
The door swung open while he was still knocking, revealing a very tired, very grumpy Draco Malfoy in nothing more than a pair of boxers, "What the fuck." He stared at Harry as if he couldn't quite believe his eyes. "What are you doing here at this ungodly hour?"
"What were you going to say?"
"Potter, I am in no mood for your bullshit; I am tired, I am hungover, and it is bloody early. You're going to need to start making sense. Right now."
"You said, 'I'll be anything you want me to be, Harry. Anything. Because you must know that I-' and then my voicemail was full and I couldn't hear anything more."
All of the color drained from Draco's face, "I think I'm going to be sick." He turned around and stumbled back inside, but he left the door open so Harry took that as an invitation to enter.
Draco was serious, apparently, about getting sick because he made a beeline for the bathroom and Harry heard him vomiting before he reached the doorway.
"Oh," he murmured sympathetically, making his way over and gathering Draco's shoulder-length hair in his hand to keep it out of his face. He rubbed soothing circles on his back as he heaved up the contents of his stomach which truthfully smelled like pure vodka.
"Go away," Draco finally groaned when he'd managed to stop dry heaving and flush the toilet. "Just leave me to die. That would be preferable."
"Stop being dramatic," he said as he stood and moved toward his medicine cupboard. "I'm sure that a potions master has a hangover potion lying around here somewhere." He dug through until he found a bottle and handed it over to Draco.
Draco took it, wincing as the pain of the hangover he would have had hit him all at once. He shuddered, "Fucking Pansy," he grumbled. "Thank you for your assistance, you've done you're duty to help those less fortunate than you, you may go."
"Not likely," he replied. "Why don't you shower and get cleaned up? I'll make some breakfast and we can talk."
Draco groaned, "Let me die."
Harry rolled his eyes, "You have ten minutes, then I'm coming in and dragging you out."
He made his way to Draco's kitchen and made some scrambled eggs and toast for both of them, as well as coffee.
Draco appeared after nine minutes and fifty-two seconds. "Please, Potter," he groaned, "Can't you just drop it. I promise never to drunk dial you again," he added as he slid into a chair and took a sip of his coffee.
"Draco what was the end of that sentence?" Harry asked.
The other man picked up his slice of toast and took a bite, "I don't know. I was drunk off my arse."
"Don't lie to me," Harry replied. "I'm not stupid."
Draco's eyes flicked up to meet his, "I know that."
"Please," Harry whispered, "What was the end of that sentence?"
"You aren't going to let it go are you?"
He shook his head.
Draco's shoulders slumped, "I am in love with you," he whispered. "That's the end of that sentence. And usually I have enough of a sense of self preservation and dignity not to just go spouting that sort of nonsense to someone who couldn't possibly feel the same-"
"But I do!" Harry exclaimed. "I do feel the same. I have for absolutely ages."
"You don't have to lie to me-"
"Do you remember that trivia night we went to eight months ago," Harry interrupted, "the one where everyone else bailed?"
"I knew," Harry said, "I knew that night that I was completely besotted with you. We were the worst team there."
Draco rolled his eyes, "Right. Everyone falls in love with someone who's a complete idiot about a subject school children could play better."
"I fell in love with someone who didn't take himself seriously. Who laughed at getting the answers wrong, who was clever and funny, and made up answers a hundred times better than the real ones." He looked down at his hands, steeling himself to say something hard but real, "Things are hard for me sometimes," he confessed. "I get stuck in my head and it's not," he swallowed, "Not always good."
Draco's hand found his across the table.
Harry looked up, "But I don't feel like that when I'm with you. I can't remember the last time I'd laughed like that before that night. And I'm not trying to put pressure on you," he added, "I see a mind healer, I'm not asking you to fix me," he said. "Just, when I'm with you I feel like there's something to look forward to." He swallowed and Draco waited patiently for him to continue, "And I couldn't let myself imagine that you might want someone broken like me, I wanted to be better before I let myself even think about it. But then you left me that messa-"
"You're not broken," Draco murmured, bringing Harry's knuckles to his lips and pressing a chaste kiss to them that left Harry breathless. "The war changed all of us and we all have healing and growing to do from that, but you aren't broken. You're enough as you are right now."
"You don't know what my bad days are like," Harry said.
Draco shrugged, "And you don't know what my bad days are like, but you're not holding them against me."
Harry rubbed the back of his neck.
"I really like you," Draco confessed. "A lot. And I know that things aren't always going to be easy, but if we wait for either of us to be perfect before we try, we'll wait our entire lives." He swallowed and Harry watched his throat bob with the motion, "Could we maybe try healing and growing together?"
"I'd like that," Harry whispered.
"Good," Draco replied before standing up and moving around the table to straddle Harry's lap, "Then I'm going to need you to kiss me."
"I can do that," he replied, cupping Draco's cheek and leading his mouth down to his.
Their breakfast got cold but neither of them could bring themselves to care.
Day 57: Text Message | Day 59: Ring
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chaoticpete · 4 years
Lost Without You
Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Peter being a absolute simp...boy got it bad for you *wiggle eyebrows*
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Peter rolled over and each out only to be hit with a cold spot on the bed. Opening an eye he looks over at the spot you were last night, confirming his suspicions that it was empty.
Rubbing his eyes, a pout on his lips he makes his way on his mission to hunt you down. Reaching the kitchen he sees some of the team eating breakfast, but no you.
“Well, morning to you too, sunshine.” Tony quips from the table. Peter mumbles something before walking back out seeing that his mission didn’t end there.
Making his way to the training area next, he walked in on Sam and Bucky sparing. He walked right back out not wanting to deal with those two. After running into Pepper and Morgan watching cartoons in the living room he decided to just call you.
More awake now and kinda worried he calls you for the third time the phone just rings before he reaches your voicemail again.
You never miss his calls.
Now Peter wasn’t a very needy person, but when he’s craving your attention? Boy does he crave hard.
He thinks back from the past few days. You have been kinda distant lately...and more secretive than usual. What if you found someone better than him?
Peter shakes the thought out of his head. Why would you leave so early and not tell him anything? Why aren’t you answering your phone?
“Okay Peter, calm down. I’m sure they have a perfectly reasonable explanation.” He says too himself. “Hey Friday”
“Yes, Mr. Parker?”
“Can you play my love song?”
Right then a slow beat of drums and piano began to play.
Peter takes a deep breath before opening his mouth. “Again you’re gone. Off on a path than mine. I’m left behind, wondering if I should follow.”
“You had to go, and of course it’s always fine. I probably could catch up with you tomorrow! Is this what it feels like to be growing apart? When did I become the one who’s always chasing your heart?
The beat drops, Peter imitating that he’s playing drums. “Now I turn around and find, I am lost in the woods. North is south, right is left, when you're gone. I'm the one who sees you home, but now I'm lost in the woods.”
Meanwhile, the rest of the team is relaxing in the living room when they hear the music. “Is he...listening to a 80s love song?” Sam asks in disbelief. “It’s from Frozen 2.” Bucky grumbles. “How do you know that Barnes?” Nat asks with a knowing smirk. “Morgan makes me watch it with her every Wednesday.”
“It’s true, I got stuck with Meet the Robinsons every Monday.” Tony says shrugging. “Okay, but I don’t know about you guys but I have to see this.” Sam says getting up before making his way to Peter’s room. “Guys, I don’t know, isn't that an invasion of his privacy?” Steve’s asked unsure. “No, he’s under our roof. We have to make sure he’s okay. Plus his door is open.”
“It’s cracked open.” “Same thing.”
Everyone gathers around the door, Peter not even noticing his new audience being so in tune with the song...and his feelings.
“Now I know you're my true north, 'cause I am lost in the woods. Up is down, day is night, when you're not there.”
You walk up the steps to Peter’s room wondering where everyone was and what’s with the noise. You finally find them all huddled around Peter’s door. “The hell?” You question walking up to them. “Oh Y/n! You have to see this.” Tony says placing you in front of him.
Your mouth almost dropped open at the sight. The sight of Peter singing with all his heart and soul, standing up on top of his bed.
“'Cause you are mine. Until then, I'm lost in the woods. I'm lost in the woods
I'm lost in the woods
I'm lost in the woods
I'm lost in the woods
I'm lost in the woods
I'm lost in the woods
I’m lost in the wooooods.” He finishes dropping his knees on the bed. He almost has a heart attack though when the cheering is heard from his doorway.
While everyone around you is clapping and cheering, you’re still trying to process what just happened. “...the fuck?” You asked Peter confused.
“Y/n! You’re alright!” Peter says running to you and pulling you into a tight hug. “Uh, yeah?” You say hugging him back a bit of confusion written all over your face.
“Uh oh, I think that’s our cue to go. Simp boy is coming out.” Sam said chuckling. “At Least he's in an actual relationship with a person who knows he exists Mr. I'm going to marry Rihanna.” You sass him cuddling Peter.
“Okay, THAT'S just cold L/n...she’s just been too busy to check her DM’s.” He says walking away, the others following behind him.
“Why did you leave early?” Peter asks after the two of you settle in his bed looking for something to watch on his laptop. “I was helping Mj and Ned with something. I can’t tell you what though. You have to wait for your birthday.” You tell him bopping his nose.
“But you ignored my calls?” “Oh yeah! I forgot my phone on your desk this morning and didn’t realize till it was too late.” You say pointing towards a small square and Peter’s that he oddly never noticed.
A small oh left his mouth when he thinks how he might’ve just been a bit over dramatic. “So,” you start and he looks up at you seeing a smirk appearing on your face. “You’re lost in the woods without me huh?”
Peter's face starts to go red at being caught. “Shut up.” He mumbles nuzzling into your neck.
Tags:: @tommyunderoos @sovereignparker @allegra-writes @gwenvrse @kitkatd7 @buckys-other-punk @peterismymans @parkerpeter24 @peeterparkr @spideyspeaches @starlight-starks @spideygenius @chloe-geoghegan1
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kisskeiji · 4 years
1. On your own.
Lost & Found.
WARNINGS: language, mentions of cheating and violence (bokuto still wants to get physical lol), mentions of alcohol (?)
Needless to say, as soon as you arrived at your sister's apartment she bombarded you with questions you didn’t know nor wanted to answer, she understood and let you cry your heart out, even after all that your heart was still heavy inside your chest. When you woke up the following morning you could only describe yourself as a mess; you slept with the same clothes from the night before, your shoes were still on and you didn’t bother to take your makeup off resulting in a trail of mascara stains all over your cheeks. The sheets on your sister's bed were cold and not waking up with Hajime by your side made the knot in your throat come back along with the uneasiness of not being home or feeling safe at all.
You hated it. You hated how vulnerable you were. You hated the weight that was crushing your chest. You hated not being able to express what you felt. You hated how tired you were. You hated yourself for being so weak and for not knowing how to be without him.
And most of all, you hated yourself for not hating him.
You loathed what he did to you and your relationship, but as much as you tried to convince yourself you hated him, you couldn’t. Sure, he broke your heart, but he also owned it. You loved him so much it hurt, but there was no way you two could get past this and act as if any of this never happened, this wasn’t something a long talk and a hug could solve. The thought of it not being a one time thing took over your mind.
What if he cheated when he was studying overseas? How many other girls he slept with the last four years.
‘I’m an idiot’
“Morning.” Your sister entering the room took you out of your train of thoughts “I made breakfast.”
“I'm not hungry.”
“You need to eat.” She said brushing your hair with her hand “Take a shower first.” She got up and walked to her closet to get you some clothes.
“I don’t want to.”
“Don’t care, we are getting your stuff and then we are going home to have lunch with mom. I am not asking, she wants to see you.”
“You called her?” You asked in disbelief. ‘Snitch.’
“I knew you weren’t planning to because you don’t want to worry her, but she can give you better advice than your twenty-six year old sister who has no relationship experience.” She said before throwing a pair of jeans in your direction. You could only groan before getting up and walking to her bathroom. You knew better than arguing with her and deep inside you were thankful, you missed your mom, but going back to your apartment frightened you.
Once you were in the car you dialed Akaashi´s number, ignoring all of Iwaizumi’s texts and calls, he was the last person you wanted to talk to and you wanted to make sure he wasn’t home. Before you could go back to spiraling in your thoughts, Akaashi picked up the phone.
“Y/N?” You heard Akaashi say on the other side of the line.
“Hey, ‘Kaashi.”
“How are you feeling?” It was a dumb question, they both knew and he loudly smacked himself for asking. You chuckled.
“Like shit.” You answered.
“I figured.” You both laughed. “Hey, is that Y/N?” You heard Bokuto “Let me put you on speaker.”
“Hi, Bokuto.”
“Good morning, pretty lady, are you feeling better?” He asked and you heard a loud thud. “Akaashi, what was that for? Y/N-chan, Akaashi just hit me with one of his books!” Bokuto whined and you laughed at him and the way he pronounced Akaashi´s name.
“I’m fine, Bokuto-san, thanks for asking. Can I ask you both a favor?”
“You want me to beat Iwaizumi’s ass? Say less.”
“Bokuto-san.” The younger of the two called in a stern tone.
Once again you laughed at their antics. “Not quite, Bokuto-san. But can you make sure he is not home? I don’t know if he went to work today.”
“You are coming for your stuff?” Akaashi asked.
“Yeah, but I really don’t want to see him right now, and my sister wants to kill him.” You said and looked at your sister who mouthed a ‘damn right’ without looking away from the road.
“That’s the spirit!” The gray haired man said followed by another thud and a whine.
“Count on it, Y/N.”
“Thank you, I’ll see you in a bit.”
“I’ll wait outside for you!” You heard Bokuto before exchanging goodbyes and hanging up.
You reached the apartment complex and spotted Bokuto outside like he promised.
“I called Tanaka and he said he is at the gym, so we are clear.” He said once he reached the car and opened the door for you.
“Good, let’s make it quick and put everything in my trunk.” Your sister said and opened the car trunk to grab some boxes to pack your belongings. The three of you walked inside the complex and took the elevator to meet Akaashi who was waiting at your door.
With a long sigh, you unlocked the door and walked in unsure of what to expect. The air was heavier and again, you felt uneasy to be there and reminisce about what happened the night before.
“I’ll get my clothes and some stuff I have in my room. Can you guys pack my books? Everything on the first three shelfs is mine, and my plants, please be careful with them.” You said and they both got to work while you and your sister headed to your room. Trying to make things even faster, you walked to your closet and grabbed your suitcase from the back of the closet and started throwing all your clothes onto the bed.
“This is not yours.” Your sister announced throwing one of Hajime’s shirts you usually wore to sleep on the floor. You stared at it for a second and started to take out all of the shirts that were mixed in with your clothes. You never noticed how many of his shirts were in your drawers, you always wore his shirts to sleep.
‘No more unlimited pajamas.’ You thought and laughed to yourself.
“Hey, can you get my stuff from the bathroom? I’m almost done here.” You said placing a few blouses in a laundry basket since your suitcases were already full.
“Sure thing, I’m dipping his toothbrush in the toilet too.” She said and zipped close the duffle bag she packed your shoes in.
“Please don’t.”
“Can’t hear you.” You heard a splash. “Look what we have here, this cologne looks expensive.”
“Stop touching his stuff.”
“No sympathy for him, stop trying to protect him.” She said peeking from the bathroom door.
“I’m not protecting him, I’m just being mature.” You walked to the bathroom, taking the bottle of cologne away from her and placing it back down. “And I paid for this.”
“Hey girls, we are all set over here.” You heard Bokuto from outside of the room.
“You have anything else you need us to get in the car?” Akaashi asked. You looked around searching for something you could be possibly leaving behind. The pictures on the wall captured your attention for a second.
“Don’t think so, everything else he can keep.” You sighed “Besides, the car is already full.”
“Let’s get out of here then, mom is waiting for us and we have a four hour ride ahead of us.” Your sister said and took the duffel bag and one of your indoor plants and made her way out.
“Well, that’s it.” Bokuto said and closed the trunk of your sister’s car.
“Please, tell us if you need anything, we are one call away.” Akaashi reassured placing his hands on your shoulders.
“Thanks ‘Kaashi, I will.” You hugged both of your friends and hopped in the car “I’ll text you once I get home.”
They waved goodbye and waited for the car to be completely out of sight to walk back inside the building.
That afternoon after lunch and a long talk with your mom, you decided to stay at your parents house for the meantime and as long as you needed to find another place near your university. You decided not to tell your father, he was just as hot headed as your sister and you were sure he would kill him if he found out.
In the end your sister was right, your mother always knew what to say and this time was no exception, of course she was going to give Iwaizumi’s mom a call (but you don’t know that) but right now she was worried about how awfully calm you were, of course you were always emotionally intelligent, but was it really healthy for you to keep it all inside?
“Listen dear, I know how you must be feeling right now, there’s no need to conceal it, I also know you want to be the bigger person, but you can´t keep it to yourself forever, it’s not good for you.” She’d said as she poured some freshly brewed tea in your cup.
“I know mom, thank you.” You said and she cupped your cheek with her hand.
“It wasn’t your fault, dear.” She Reassured. “It’s getting late, get ready to sleep, I’ll get your room ready.”
It wasn’t your fault. She was right, but why does it feel the other way around?
You stared at the mirror once again and still couldn’t recognize your reflection. ‘What did you do to me, Hajime?’ You thought as you dried your face.
‘Fuck, I had a shift tonight.’ You totally forgot, after all you haven’t checked your phone since earlier that morning. Ignoring all of your friends and Hajime’s texts asking if you were alright and where you were; you texted your boss, he asked if you were fine too since Iwaizumi went to the bar and was apparently really worried, you could only sigh and tell him you would explain everything tomorrow.
You were exhausted. Your eyelids were heavy with sleep and what seemed to be the beginning of a bad migraine. ‘I’ll just sleep it off.’ You thought to yourself, staring at the ceiling thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. You were still going to see Iwaizumi at college at some point, how are you going to tell your friends? You still had to call your landlord to get the money of the months of rent you paid in advance back.
“I wish this was all a dream.” You muttered burying your face on your pillow. Your phone ringing stopped your train of thoughts, the caller ID displayed Iwaizumi’s name for the hundredth time that day. You still had no energy or will to talk to him. ‘What does he want anyway?’ You let the call go straight to voicemail.
“Y/N” He sighs “I’ve been trying to reach you all day, I know it’s late, I know you hate me”
‘I don’t.’
“But please, I need to know you are okay and that you are safe, I know you must be with your sister but I can’t reach her either. Please, you don’t have to tell me, you can tell Matsukawa or Makki, one of your friends, I don’t care, we are all worried about you. I know you came earlier for your stuff, and that you are not coming back, but please, you have to listen to me.” you could tell how anxious he was “I’m not asking for forgiveness, because I know I don’t deserve it. But I… you deserve an explanation and an apology. I love you, please, call me.”
Without even noticing, tears streamed down your face. ‘Maybe I should talk to him’
You weren’t one to be remorseful, and closure was necessary. Maybe. But not today or tomorrow, you still needed time. You texted your friends and told everyone you were okay and that you were spending a few days at your parents place in Miyagi. After turning your phone off you finally managed to sleep.
The days after your arrival to Miyagi were no different, you ran some errands with your mom, went out with your dad and sister and enjoyed your time there, you almost forgot you had to get your life back together. You went back to Tokyo after a week, the first thing you did was talk with your boss and apologize for your absence and explained everything. He was kind enough to switch you to the day shift and promised not to tell Iwaizumi about it if he showed again.
The day shift was alright, the bar was less crowded but still busy. Some people had lunch or shared a drink with their co-workers. Breathing was easier and you felt more at ease working earlier.
“Good evening, what can I get you?” You greeted with a smile as you cleaned the counter.
“Hi, Y/N, right?” She asked.
“That’s me. Do we know each other?” You asked, she seemed familiar but you couldn’t recall where or when you’ve seen her before.
“Something like that, I’m Ito Asui, I’m one of Iwaizumi’s classmates.” She explained.
“Oh.” It’s all you managed to say “You want anything to drink.?” You asked, trying to ease the tension between the two of you.
“Not really, I just needed to talk to you about… the other night.” Asui couldn’t bring herself to look at you in the eye.
“It was you?”
She sighed “Yeah. And I feel awful. I didn’t know he had a girlfriend.”
“How long?” you asked, trying to hold your tears busying yourself with the register.
“A month, maybe, listen he never mentioned he had a girlfriend or anything. We teamed up for our final project with some friends and we flirted for a while and we started going out when we weren’t working on the project.” She started crying, it was obvious that the guilt was eating her alive, you felt bad for her “If I only knew he was taken, this could’ve never happened, it is my fault and I want to apologize.”
“No.” You lowered your head.
“It’s not your fault Asui, stop blaming yourself. You didn’t know. I’m sorry you got involved in this mess and for how you must be feeling right now.” you irradiated anger with every word. All the sympathy you felt for Iwaizumi was now gone and the thought of even facing him too.
“Thank you for this, really.” you raised your chin and looked at her in the eye, hers were glossy with tears and guilt, but she managed to show you a weak smile.
“What are you going to do now?” She asked as you poured a glass of water for her.
“I don’t know. Not going back to him, that’s for sure.” You tried to laugh. “I’m probably going to leave.”
“Leave? You are transferring?”
“Yeah.” You sighed unsure of your answer.
“Where to? I heard your parents live in the countryside.” She sipped her water.
“Not sure yet, I have some offers to go abroad.” You cleaned the counter once again as some customers walked in, you greeted them and got ready to fix their drinks.
“That 's amazing! I think it would be best for you to take some time away from here. If you stay you are going to stumble upon him at school.” she said as she played with the rim of her cup and you poured ice inside the shaker.
“Yeah, you are right. I’m talking to my professors and seeing my options, probably choosing somewhere in Europe, I’ve always wanted to travel.” You smiled.
Eventually Asui left, there was nothing else to talk about but you agreed to keep in touch, after all she was the first person outside your family that knew about your plans. It was sad, actually, you weren’t excited to leave since you were doing it to run away from him. It was your senior year, you wanted to spend it with your friends and stay in Tokyo, you were happy here, but you also needed to get away, you couldn’t bare with seeing Iwaizumi everyday, not only at school, you had a lot of friends in common and you didn’t wanted to make everything awkward for them.
‘I’m going to build myself back on my own.’ And if you had to leave to do so, then you were more than ready.
Days went by and summer break was over, it was time to go. Akaashi and Bokuto dropped you off at the airport and waited for you to board the plane.
“Passport?” Akaashi asked making sure you were all set.
“Here.” You lifted your right hand and showed your passport.
“In my bag.” You smiled at him.
“Well, you are good to go.” He smiled back.
“Wait, you forgot something.” Bokuto took a step closer and looked at you.
“What? Oh my god did I left my glasses at home?” You asked confused as you patted across your body looking for them. 
“No, silly, my hug!” He laughed at your confused expression and embraced you. 
After that bone crushing hug Bokuto made you promise to text him everyday even if it was late, and Akaashi nearly cried but he won’t admit it. You waved goodbye one last time before boarding.
Hopefully you could find yourself again in London. ‘This is your new beginning’ you repeated to yourself as you took your seat on the plane.
“Good bye.” You whispered.
Later that night, Iwaizumi found himself in front of your sister´s apartment, ringing the bell he stepped back and waited for her to open — or a fist on the nose — after a few seconds the door opened revealing your sister still on her work clothes, leaning on the door frame.
“What do you want?” she asked harshly.
“Is she here? She never really called me and it’s been almost two months, I just want to talk to her but she blocked my number.” He looked at the floor and your sister sighed.
“She is not here.”
“Do you know where she is? she moved to the dorms?” he tripped over his words trying to get an answer.
“She is gone, Iwaizumi.”
“What do you mean? Look I know she hates me but this is not funny.” He was growing anxious.
“Shut up, she doesn’t hate you, you know that’s just not her, and I’m not joking. She left.” Your sister explained one more time.
“Where?” He ran his hand through his hair.
“Not telling. Good night, Iwaizumi.” With that she closed the door leaving Hajime dumbfounded.
‘She left?’ He thought, realization hitting him even harder, he lost you forever, and he is probably never going to see you again.
He was on his own now.
(a/n: hi everyone! first of all THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! <3 i honestly thought i was going to flop with this fic, but all of your comments and feedback encourage me to keep writing, you are all so sweet :( thank you again ilysm. i also want to thank my beta readers once again fore dealing with my illiterate and annoying self. next chapter is going to be a bit longer if everything goes as planned, sorry for making you all hate iwa :( 
also, if anyone is interested to be added to a taglist please tell me! you can comment or send me a message if my ask box is not showing :( i’m still figuring things out here since i was a wattpad type of girl but i’ll try my best <3)
taglist: @aonenthusiast
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fortheloveoffanfic · 3 years
Behind Closed Doors
Keanu Reeves x OFC (A/n- I hate these moodboards sm)
Masterlist. Behind Closed Doors Masterlist
Warnings- Angst, medical emergency, sexual tension
Chapter 3 Taking Blame
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One month later After they'd gotten engaged, Keanu had been politely adamant in insisting that Miranda get to know Matt and Poppy better; take them out, spend time with them after their tutors left for the day and drive them to swim and ballet occasionally. As expected, she'd been reluctant, and even when Miranda did begrudgingly agree, Emma had been asked, or rather persistently urged, to join her. Of course, Miranda had dismissed Keanu when he protested that the entire purpose of her taking them was to spend time with the twins alone, arguing insistently that it was Emma's job to take care of them.
That had been nearly a month ago, and after one trip to the mall, two swim meets, three weekly ballet practices, spent with Emma trailing three paces behind Miranda, holding the children's hands along with whatever bags they had, Miranda had finally agreed to watch the children on her own and Keanu had let Emma have some time off.
Using her time liberally, Emma had gone to lunch with a couple old college friends, and then for a few drinks after. It was past seven when she finally returned, and from the minute she walked through the side door from Keanu's huge garage, the strong aroma of baked goods washed her senses, peaking Emma's curiosity, drawing her towards the kitchen. She didn't think Zelda had stayed that late.
Much to her surprise though, it wasn't the older woman in the kitchen, instead, it was Miranda standing amid the mess, a tray of grayish brownish cookies laid out on the the breakfast bar, dressed casually in white lounge pants and loose lace blouse, some of her hair pined away from her face. Surrounding the tray, was an assortment of ingredients, most of them looking like they'd been bought at a high end organic food shop. "Miranda?" Emma said slowly, beckoning the older woman's attention.
"Emily!" She spun on the absent heel of her ballet pump, and Emma gnawed on her lip to quell her annoyance. It was still extremely irritating when Miranda got her name wrong, but she'd given up on correcting her, deciding that she was more than likely doing it on purpose. "You're home, finally. Zora left….." she trailed off, waving her hand dismissively, "Some time ago, but thankfully you're here to clean up. Try one, they're peanut butter cookies. Totally organic," she shoved the tray closer to Emma.
"Okay," she cringed, wondering how bad organic desserts could be. She'd heard the stories, how they tasted like cardboard, grass and other things that most people wouldn't readily put in their mouths. Miranda stared at her intently, clearly waiting for Emma to take a bite and so, deciding that a cardboard cookie might be easier to endure than her boss's fiancée whining, she nibbled to the edge, just enough to get a taste. Eyes widening in surprise, she went in for a bigger bite, humming at the surprisingly good taste, "This is actually……"
"It's good right? Apparently Keanu thinks you baking is the gold standard or whatever," and once again, Emma wasn't sure if Miranda's compliment was actually a compliment.
Stammering, she just nodded, "It is good, you made them for the kids, do they like them?"
"Mhm!" With a triumphant grin, Miranda started walking out of the kitchen, reaching the mouth of the hall, "They’re in the playroom, and since you're here you can take over now!"
Not even bothering to respond, Emma just shook her head, shrugging off her leather jacket, draping it over a chair at the kitchen table, knowing the sooner she got to work, the better. The first thing she did was start clearing the remaining ingredients from the counter, barely glancing at names and labels until something caught her eye, "Miranda!" Emma yelled, panicked, not caring how upset she'd get, "Miranda!"
Seconds later, she came hustling into the room, muttering about how rude and incompetent hired help could be. "What do you want now?" She spoke through gritted teeth.
"Did you put this in the cookies?" Hastily, she held up a bag half filled with wheat flour, the plastic packing clutched tightly in her fist. Her heart was probably beating a mile as Emma anticipated a response.
"Yeah," Miranda scrunched her nose, still upset by Emma's scolding tone, "So what, it's good-"
"Didn't you read the list?" Already she was dropping the flour, not caring if it spilled, making a bigger mess than before, lunging for her handbag and rummaging for her keys, "Matty, Pop!"
"What list?"
"The fucking allergy list!" Emma sneered, too jolted to stop and worry about Mirada's precious feelings, "It's right there on the fridge,” she pointed hurriedly, and just as she was about to call for the kids again, Matt came running into the room, his face pulled with fright.
“Emma!” He ran past Miranda and straight for her, grabbing her thigh to get Emma's attention, “Come quick, something’s wrong with Poppy! She started coughing and-” He was on the verge of tears and there was an anxious bounce in his stance.
“Hey, sweetie, it’s okay,” Emma quickly kissed his hair, standing again to go get Poppy, “Everything’s gonna be okay, but I need you to be a big boy and wait by the car for me,” after that mishap, there was absolutely no way in hell that Emma was leaving Matt alone with Miranda, not when she was pretty sure she had a case of anaphylaxis on her hands, “I’m gonna go get Pop, okay?”
Nodding he ran off, and Emma went in the other direction, choking a sob when she reached the playroom, finding Poppy on the floor, gasping for breath, angry red patches on her skin. Without thinking twice, her instincts took over and she scooped the girl up in her arms, laying her head on her shoulder. Cradling Poppy’s head, she ran out to the garage, almost slipping on the tiles in the process, “It’s gonna be okay baby, I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, okay?” Tears were hot on her cheeks, but Emma knew that she had other things to worry about, her own emotions could be seen to after.
“What should I do?” Miranda came to stand beside her, wringing her hands as Emma got Matt into the car seat. “I swear I didn’t know that she was allergic-”
“Look I don’t have time for this,” not even realizing that she wasn’t wearing a jacket, Emma was already in the driver’s seat, getting the posh SUV started. Ideally, she should have taken Miranda with her to keep a check on Poppy while they drove to the nearest hospital, but she couldn’t bring herself to deal with the woman while she was also trying to keep Matt calm and his sister alive. Not without starting a fight at least. “Just call Keanu, lock up the house and then meet us at the hospital.”
The automatic door started reeling upwards, and Emma was backing out, “Are you sure I can’t-”
“You’ve done enough Miranda,” She backed out, “We’ll be at L.A General,” and with that, Emma backed into the street, shifting gears and then speeding off, hoping that she’d get to the E.R before it was too late.
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Curled up next to Emma in the pale green sofa of the pediatric waiting room, was Matt, fast asleep. It was just past eight, and if they were at home, she knew he’d still be bouncing off walls, nowhere near ready for bedtime, but Emma had passed his tire off as a consequence of the hustle and trauma, it was certainly enough to have her eyes heavy. But Emma couldn’t sleep, not when the doctors hadn't yet come to update her on Poppy’s condition. By then, in just about an hour, she cried, hyperventilated quietly and almost screamed several times. All she could think of was how Poppy having that life threatening reaction was all her fault. She shouldn’t have left Miranda alone with them, she should have told her to read the list, checked on them instead of stalling in the kitchen. Something, anything.
Sitting across from her, on one of the single seats was Miranda herself, worried, though not half as frenzied as Emma. Maybe she was just good at keeping it at bay. They hadn’t spoken since she’d gotten there, instead, Miranda had opted to anxiously flip through magazines provided while Emma had struggled through trying to get Matt to have a sandwich from the cafeteria and a little carton of milk for dinner, almost losing her mind when he fought her, but eventually getting him to have some of it. And like she couldn’t bare to sleep, she was also too sick to her stomach with guilt to eat.
Her thoughts had left her sinking, and when Matt had succumbed to slumber, Emma had let the rest of the room fade to nothing, one mantra playing on loop in her mind, ‘just let that sweet little girl be okay.’ Keanu had been unreachable, so they'd left several voicemails, and Emma vaguely remembered that he’d mentioned that he had a meeting about a movie he'd worked on as a producer and then another with his agent, though, when he came though the white double doors, motorcycle helmet in hand, his eyes were red, his hair a mess there was an urgency in this long strides. “What the hell happened?” Were the first words that tumbled out of his mouth as he looked between Emma and Miranda, who both stood at his entrance.
Immediately, Miranda rushed to his side, sinking into his side and letting his arm go around her waist. Before Emma could process his question, Miranda was the one speaking, “I have no idea,” she shot Emma an unreadable look, though at the last second, there was devilish glimmer in her green eyes, “Emma came home and made them snacks, and next thing I know Poppy’s having a reaction.” Figures that out of all times, Miranda would remember her name, it would be then.
Her jaw hung slack and for the longest minute, Emma was at a complete loss for words. Though, her mind came up with a long list of the things she wanted to say, what the fuck? Being at the very top. “I….” She stuttered, wanting to instantly clear her name. But then, in a rush, Zelda’s words came back to her, Miranda always gets what she wants and stay out of her way. “I…” Even if she did tell the truth, Miranda was Keanu’s fiancée, who would he believe anyway? The hired help or the woman who he wanted to be the mother of his children. Emma was pretty sure she already knew the answer, best not to fight it, especially since she was clearly already on Miranda’s bad side. “I’m sorry,” fighting tears was hard, and the anger that heated up Keanu’s face was frightening, “I didn’t mean to- to- I just-”
Cutting off her stammering, moving his hand from Miranda’s waist, tossing his helmet to a chair and finally running both his hands through his hair. “How could you be so careless?” He hissed loud and venomously, “You could have killed my daughter,” the only reason he wasn’t full on yelling was because Matt was sleeping nearby, but Emma could tell that it was barely holding Keanu back and the low tone didn’t make his words sting less. “There’s a list for a reason, you know that. But now, my daughter is in the hospital because you were careless! What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I am so, so sorry Keanu,” hot tears streamed down her face, from tired burning eyes. Her hiccupped breaths made Emma feel like a child being scolded at recess and all she wanted to do was have a fissure in the floor open up and swallow her. “I would never hurt Poppy, not intentionally, and I swear, as soon as it happened-”
“She came and told me,” Miranda interjected, intent on only making the situation worse, a hint of a smirk threatening to twist her lips, “And I told her that she had to take the children to the hospital immediately. Poppy could have died, for God’s sakes!”
A strangled sob threatened to wake Matt, and Emma had to clasp her hand over her mouth. How could someone be so outrightly vicious, going as far as shoving the blame on another person. “Maybe hiring you was a mistake,” Keanu determined, and Emma’s eyes went wide, definitely not prepared for what came next, “Maybe we need to reconsider you as their nanny.”
“What?” Emma swallowed thickly, that couldn't be it. From the minute they met she knew that Miranda hadn’t liked her, but fired? Never seeing the twins again or Keanu, she didn’t think it would go that far. “Please don’t-”
“I think you’ve said enough,” Keanu raised his hand, motioning for Emma to stop, passing it over his face before turning away.
Emma needed that job, and she adored those kids. Hell, she might have even been falling for Keanu, but she was not prepared to be humiliated even further. And maybe, if Miranda was going to be a permanent part of the Reeves household, it was better that she didn’t stick around. She could put up with a lot, but being someone for an entitled celebrity to cast undue blame on wasn’t one of them. Passive aggressive insults, snide remakes, being a bag holding mouse and walked all over, she could take. But being humiliated in public, for something she hadn’t done? Being treated like she was an inept child and not worthy of having an explanation or a chance to clear her name? That was where she drew the line.
“You know what Keanu,” Emma felt around her bag, eventually pulling out the keys for the SUV that she used to drive around the kids, “Miranda,” she hissed vehemently, “Maybe I should save you both some time,” finding a spot of courage, she strode up to him, Emma shoved the keys to Keanu’s chest, not caring if he got a hold of them or not, “Cause I quit.”
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From the minute he held the keys in his grasp, feeling her fingers brush his and subsequently watching Emma walking out of the waiting room, Keanu knew he’d made a mistake. Emma couldn’t just leave, his children adored her, he…...well, he wasn’t too sure about what he felt for her, but he did know that he didn’t want to lose her. The whole firing quip had been an empty threat, fueled by stress and anger. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath, “Mandy, you stay here,” he started walking off, hoping to catch Emma before she could leave the hospital.
“Where are you going?” She grabbed his bicep, “You can’t just leave me here with him,” Miranda gestured to Matt, still curled up sleeping, not knowing that the nanny that he’d started looking up to had just walked out on them, and it was all his father’s fault. “Besides,” she reasoned, tone even and cool, “If she wants to leave, you should let her. She’s lazy and irresponsible.”
“Wha- no,” Keanu shook off Miranda's grip and by extension, her words, “Emma is not lazy, she works her ass off for my kids, and irresponsible? It was a mistake,” in an instant, his mind was changing and Keanu was regretting the way he’d handled things with Emma. She was obviously devastated knowing that she’d put Poppy at risk, and he had just made it worse, “Allergies happen, she has to learn. And I do too. I'm sorry,” he began the walk to the doors, “But I have to go find her.”
Keanu hadn’t meant for things to go awry, or to force Emma to quit, but he had just been so upset; worry and fear morphing into anger, causing him to lash out. In her three months with their family, that was the first time that she’d made any sort of mistake. Emma had probably committed the list memory and believing that she could make such a careless mistake was becoming increasingly hard. It just didn’t make sense. Emma treated his kids like they were her own, and that was only one of the many reasons why Keanu couldn’t lose her.
Thankfully though, he was able to catch up to her just as she was headed for the curb, arms wrapped around herself to combat the night’s chill, her sleeveless cotton shirt, with a little knot over her navel not really doing her any favors. “Em!” He jogged up to her, speeding up when she walked faster, “Emma, please, just wait.”
“What?” She turned, olive cheeks tear stained and taking on a reddish tint, illuminated by the street laps lining the parking lot, rage and hurt intermingling, “What do you want?” She heaved, and Keanu hated that he’d made her cry. She didn’t deserve to cry, she didn’t deserve anything he’s given her back there. Emma was a marvelous person, who was exceptional at her job.
“I’m sorry,” Keanu breathed, shaking his head, stepping closer, “You’re the best nanny Matt and Poppy have ever had; they love you, they listen to you and they’d miss you a damn lot if you left. I’d miss you,” his features softened, his eyes pleading, “I shouldn’t have flipped out on you like that, I wasn’t even there and mistakes happen. I know that you wouldn’t put either of my kids in danger,” he slumped his shoulders, and Emma looked away, swiping at her eyes. She was fighting shivers too, Keanu could see it; it had rained earlier that day, and a distinct dampness along with an uncharacteristic chill still hung in the air. Not thinking much of it, just not wanting her to catch a cold, Keanu shrugged off his riding jacket, stepping closer and reaching around Emma to drape it over her slender shoulders, taking the opportunity to grip them after, “Please don’t leave us Em. I'm begging you.”
“I’ll stay,” she clenched her jaw, wiggling out of Keanu’s grip, “But not for you, I’m staying for those kids. And next time you want to accuse me of trying to kill one of your children, maybe you should dig a little deeper first."
“What?” Knitting his brows, Keanu watched as she started towards the hospital’s entrance, his coat swallowing up her frame, not even offering one backwards glass before going through the automatic doors.
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Three Days Later The house had been exceptionally quiet since they’d returned from the hospital, Keanu had asked Emma to tell the tutors to take the rest of the week off, and Poppy had been recovering with her brother almost constantly at her side. The doctor warned them that Poppy’s allergy to wheat could have been deadly if they hadn’t gotten there sooner, and when Keanu had hugged Miranda in relief, while Emma was still wearing his jacket, she had to pretend it didn’t sting.
As a direct, though relieving side effect though, Miranda had been actively avoiding her, and Emma could tell that Keanu was too. That was, until late one evening, after Emma had put the kids down for an early bedtime and had resigned to her own room, getting into comfortable shorts and a loose camisole after her hot shower, deciding that a glass of wine and a movie on her laptop would be the perfect end to an easy Friday. The knock on her door and been soft, lacking urgency, and when she pulled it open, seeing Keanu on the other side, she was actually surprised, “Keanu?”
“Hey,” he smiled sheepishly, dressed like he’d just come home, still in his jacket and everything. The same one he’d lent her back at the hospital. She wondered if he’d washed it, or if he had let the fading scent of her favorite perfume linger against his skin.
Before he spoke again, Keanu faltered, almost losing himself as he drank her in, tiny cotton shorts boasting her smooth, toned legs, the fabric of her top stretched across her chest and Emma's long, drying tresses swept over one shoulder, leaving the slender column of her neck exposed. A wedding band that hung on a thin gold necklace settled against her skin, Keanu knew it was her father's, she'd mentioned when he asked if it belonged to someone else, someone like a husband. Remembering himself, Keanu took in a breath, trying to pull himself out of the trance that he'd fallen into, “Can I come in?”
Nodding, Emma stepped back, pulling the door open a little more, “Your house, your bedroom,” she tried to return his smile, still feeling the tension between them, not sure if it was a good tense or a bad one.
“It’s your room,” Keanu countered, serious, though not harsh, “As long as you’re here with us, its your home too, and your room.” Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he bent his head, dark mane curtaining his handsome face, smile fading. “I think I owe you an apology,” he shuffled his feet awkwardly, “No, I know I owe you an apology.”
“Keanu-” Emma tried to stop him, though he cut her off, not the way he had the last time, that night, it was softer, as he pleaded with her to just hear him out.
“I really need to say this,” Keanu raised his head, his whiskey gaze meeting her hazel orbs, and he tentatively toed a step closer, “What I said the other night at the hospital, I was way out of line,” he sighed, going slow so so he wouldn’t fumble over his words, “What I’m trying to say now is; I know it wasn’t you that caused the reaction.”
“What?” Baffled, and immensely relieved, Emma felt a mountain of stress that she hadn’t known was there, rolling off her shoulders, “How?”
Chuckling dryly, Keanu shook his head, moistening his lips, “When I came home, and saw those cookies, I knew it couldn’t have been you. I mean, you bake, but not with organic peanut butter and almond milk. I had my suspicions back at the hospital, you probably know that list better than the back of your hand,” he raked his nails through his beard, “And then I asked Matt, and he told me that it was Miranda that made the cookies. So I'm really, really sorry, about all of that.”
“Oh,” the soft exhale left Emma’s parted lips, and truly, she couldn’t believe that she was actually getting an apology from her boss. Not sure of how to proceed, she gnawed on her lip for a second, “What’re you gonna do?”
Huffing, Keanu smirked, “Nothing. Knowing Mandy, she’d just deny it anyway. Besides, it was an accident,” If Emma wasn’t mistaken, she could have sworn he sounded a little bitter.
“Thank you,” Emma smiled, happy when Keanu returned the gesture, “I know you didn’t have to apologize, but it means a lot to me that you did.”
“Uh, yeah,” grinning breathlessly, they lingered like that for a moment, until the air grew flustered, and Keanu noticed her wine glass on the nightstand and computer on the made bed, mumbling about how he should get out of her hair.
Though, when he was on his way out of Emma’s room, he absently grabbed his right shoulder, rubbing and rolling the joint, “You okay?” She halted him, “That looks like it hurts.”
“Yeah,” he winced, trying to downplay it, even if Emma could see right through his façade, “Went to the gym this morning, now I’m starting to think that my trainer was right when she said I’ve stayed away for too long. Nothing to worry about though, just a little sore.”
“Maybe I can help,” she had no idea where the suggestion came from, or why she hadn’t tried harder to keep it inside, but there was really no going back anyway. Clearing her throat, Emma blushed, “Why don’t you take off your jacket, and sit on the bed?”
Just as flustered, Keanu inhaled deeply, wanting to oblige, but not sure if he should, “You don’t have to-”
“I want too,” taking initiative, Emma approached him, leaning up on her toes, her eye line barely meeting the back of his neck as she urged his jacket off, folding it in half and draping it over the arm of an accent chair. His biceps strained against the sleeves and Emma swallowed the little flirtatious comment that sat at the tip of her tongue. “Sit, please. I insist.”
Nodding, Keanu went over to bed, sitting on the edge as instructed and then watching intently as Emma crawled up behind him. Her bare knees grazed him as she adjusted herself, and it wasn’t long before he felt her small hands on his shoulders, kneading slowly. Her fingers applied the perfect amount of pressure, and when she rubbed the base of her palms over them, the sensation was close to orgasmic, “Shit, Em…..” Keanu groaned, feeling the tension start dribbling away, “That is…..amazing.”
Giggling musically, she just carried on. The muscles beneath his t-shirt were far firmer than what she expected from someone his age, and touching him like that, seemed more intimate than Emma had intended. “That’s good, cause you are so tense. You’ve gotta take it easy Keanu,” she chuckled.
“I know, its just….I’ve got a lot on my plate,” he voice dropped lower as he closed his eyes, submitting to the pleasure. It had been a long time since he’d let someone take care of him like that, since someone even offered to take care of him like that, and not even Miranda’s touch felt that way, so warm and soothing. Keanu would be lying if he said he was okay with it ending. “I’m just glad I have you though.”
“Oh?” Emma slowed down, leaning forward so her unrestrained breasts were pressed against Keanu’s back when her face reached the side of his. By the time he turned to face her, their lips were a mere inch apart, and it wouldn’t have taken much for her to just kiss him. “Well I’m glad I’m here for you,” she whispered, her hot breath fanning his face.
“I need to ask you something,” Emma could have sworn that Keanu was leaning in, and his eyes searched hers, longing reflected.
Mesmerized, Emma barely registered his words, only anticipating what she thought might come next, “Okay.”
“I uh….” his gaze fell on her perfect, plump lips, “I was just wondering, would you go to Paris with me?” Her heart leapt and while it wasn’t the question she’d been hoping for, Emma was already excited, “With me and the kids I mean.” Suddenly, as fast as it was created, the moment was gone, and embarrassed, Emma pulled away, trying to refocus her attention of Keanu’s stiff shoulders, “I have to be there by next month for a premiere, and since I’m gonna be spending my birthday there, I thought I’d take Matt and Poppy too. Obviously, if you have other obligations here, I wouldn’t want you to leave them.”
Disappointed and confused, Emma’s response was void of enthusiasm, “No, no I don’t,” swallowing tightly, she tried not to cry, hoping her shame wasn’t audible, “I’d love to go, part of the job, right?”
Keanu took a minute before he responded, though, when he did, his somber tone seemed to reflected hers, “Yeah, I guess so.”
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves @planetkt @wheretheriversrunintothesea
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
5x12: Swap Meat
At a bar, a woman sits alone, enjoying her margarita, when one Sam Fucking Winchester wanders over and asks the barkeep ---NOT at all awkwardly--for a banana daiquiri. He’s either deep undercover or something is seriously hinky. There’s a lot of sugar in banana daiquiris, Sam. Crystal introduces herself and Sam introduces himself as Gary! She then propositions him, much to his cluelessness. 
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The poor dumb boy puts it together and “would love to have the sex with [her].” We then pan over to see Sam REALLY isn’t Sam at all.
Housatonic, Massachusetts
36 Hours Earlier
Sam and Dean visit Donna, an old babysitter --well, she was a maid at a motel they’d stay at while John went hunting. She looked out for them. It seems that her family house has a poltergeist problem. Bumps and broken items have led to the thing attacking their daughter, Katie. 
Katie lifts her shirt to reveal “Murderd Chylde” carved into her abdomen. I'd get some serious vaseline on those wounds if you don’t want scarring, Katie. Yeesh. Sam and Dean tell the family to skedaddle while they take care of things. 
They stop at a diner for food next. Dean picks up their order from the counter from Banana Daiquiri Gary! He’s not impressed with Sam’s salad shake, and neither is Dean (but when is he ever?) 
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They talk about Donna and how she’s got a good thing going. Dean asks Sam if he’d want to settle down at all and have a family, and Sam answers, “no.” Dean looks contemplative about it. 
Sam finds lore on the house. A Samuel Pickett owned the house in the 1700s and hung a woman, Maggie Briggs, there for witchcraft. As the brothers talk, we watch Gary hyperfixate on Sam. 
Sam goes to check out the town’s archives for where Maggie Briggs was buried. As he’s walking back to the motel, he hears a noise and then gets shot in the neck with a dart. Lights out, Sammy. 
He comes to later, wearing Gary’s work uniform. He starts walking but the cops pick him up claiming his family is worried about him. “My brother called you?” Sam asks, incredulous. 
No. The cops take him to a suburban house where a worried couple pops out and hugs Sam in relief. He asks who they are and in return they want to know if he’s drunk. 
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They keep calling him Gary. It’s then that Sam looks in the window of the cop car --and sees his reflection. He looks like Gary!
Meanwhile, Gary is checking out his hot new bod. Dean shows up and wonders where he’s been. Gary placates him with food. He also tells Dean that the maid saw all their weapons and they better get out of there. While Dean uses the restroom, Gary gets rid of all Dean’s phones. 
THEN he has the NERVE to ask to drive. He doesn’t get far. And quite frankly, Dean’s spidey sense should be spiking through the ceiling at this point. 
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Sam keeps trying to reach his brother, with no luck. He calls the motel to learn that the two dudes in room 102 left in the middle of the night. So, Sam starts digging through Gary’s stuff and discovers items of witchcraft. Before he can dig too much further though, he’s called to the family breakfast. 
His “dad” starts grilling him about getting drunk the night before. Sam’s got better things to worry about than placating some dude he doesn’t know. He also needs to learn more about Gary, so he starts interviewing the family about what they've noticed in him lately. 
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The dad wants to know if Sam’s “smoking drugs”. Sam then asks if they’ve ever seen him with a black book recently. His sister, Sydney, reacts to that question. The mom reacts to him eating toast --his allergy to wheat gluten!! 
Sydney later reveals to Sam that there IS a book.
Gary and Dean are still working the case. Dean informs Gary that they have to search graves for Maggie’s body. Nerd of Nerd’s Gary knows exactly where Maggie Briggs is buried: Isiah Pickett’s basement. He also reveals that he murdered her and her unborn child before burying them in the basement. Dean connects the ‘murderd chylde’ clue. 
Once in the car, Bob Seger starts blasting, and Gary tells Dean to turn it up. 
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Sam continues to leave messages for Dean. He ALSO has to navigate the tortures of high school again. Sam meets two of Gary’s friends and asks where his locker is (he’s still drunk, after all). 
For This is a Look TM Science:
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(And let’s pause for a moment to enjoy Sam’s striped hoodie. Definitely one of the top 5 wardrobe choices on this show.) 
He finds the book in the back of Gary’s locker. 
Gary and Dean find the grave in the basement of the Pickett house. Dean gets to digging while Gary aims his gun at Dean. Before he can shoot, the ghost comes out to play. It starts beating up the both of them but Gary’s able to burn the bones.
Gary’s extremely nosy friends follow Sam out of the school. While it looks like we’re gearing up for some good ol’ Ferris Bueller shenanigans, Trevor shoots Sam in the throat (GAH) with a sedative dart. 
Meanwhile, at a bar, Dean orders a burger with extra bacon and a fried egg on top. Excuse me...I need to go eat an entire branchbouquet of kale in retaliation. Mysteriously, Sam orders the same thing. “Who are you and what have you done with my brother?” Dean asks. But it’s just a lighthearted comment and they raise a toast to a successful hunt.
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Gary’s over the moon overabout the day he just had. His joy makes Dean suspicious the way nothing else has. Oh, you sweet sad sunflowers. Gary lays out Sam Winchester’s happiness list: 1) gun 2) getting drunk 3) looks like Sam Winchester.
“You ever feel like your whole future is being decided for you?” Gary asks. OH YES, Dean tells him. I forget for a minute that I’m watching a season 5 episode as the Dean-Winchester-feels-trapped-in-the-narrative-sorrow threatens to overwhelm me. But there areis no time for FEELINGS when the narrative must go on! Cut to later in the night, when Gary gets picked up by the woman in the bar from the cold open. Dean puts his thinking face on while Gary ecstatically leaves the bar. 
Back at Kid Kidnapperz clubhouse, Sam’s tied up. Trevor calls Gary and asks him if he’s killed Dean yet. “I’m working up to it,” Gary replies while sitting shirtless under a leopard print bedspread in the cougar’s lair. (Just...no on SO MANY LEVELS.) Sam listens to this with great alarm.
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Sam demands to know how these rando teenagers know Dean. “Everybody knows Dean. He’s Hell’s most wanted,” Trevor retorts. Sam puts two and two together and comes up with a coupla dumb kids who took a deep dive into witchcraft and started talking to demons. 
“You’re just kids,” Sam laments. Trevor and Nora fill in more blanks. They were messing around with a Moste Dark Booke of Witchcraftery, as one does, and suddenly Gary went into a trance and drew a fairly decent picture of Dean. Gary also heard a voice - it was setting a bounty on Dean’s head, and apparently broadcast through the witch trance network.
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Gary heard a voice in his head - it was setting a bounty on Dean’s head, and apparently broadcast through the witch trance network. Nora now has second thoughts, so Trevor ups his stupidity game and starts to summon a demon. 
That night, Gary creeps into the motel room and grabs Dean’s gun up from a nearby chair. He cocks the pistol. . He aims it at the shape under the covers...and Dean grabs him from behind and demands to know who he really is. (Silly Gary, Dean stopped sleeping under covers after he got back from Hell.)
Back in Trevor’s basement, he finishes the demon summoning. Nora looks up with black eyes.
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She’s very interested to learn that they’ve got Dean Winchester in their sights. Trevor tells her where Dean is immediately. She absorbs this and swings her attention to Sam. She realizes it’s Sam “Boy King of Hell” Winchester sitting there and is suddenly VERY interested. Trevor asks her where his reward is, and when he pushes for it she first taunts, then kills him. (All the while Sam is in the background GRINDING HIS TEETH.)
Gary weeps, tied up in the motel room while Dean listens to voicemail after voicemail from Sam. Gary babbles about Sam’s whereabouts but it’s too late. Demon!Nora saunters in and lobs Dean across the room. Wherps. She offers Gary a powerful future but first he’s got to meet “the boss.” All he has to do is say “Yes” and they can have a nice chat together! Very sneaky! Dean attacks her while she’s cooking up her big plan and then Gary and Dean tag team an exorcism, freeing Nora of the demon. Later, Gary performs the incantation to swap bodies with Sam again. (I shake my head yet again that THIS is the ONLY body swap episode we got in the whole fifteen season run. What a goddamn waste of comedy potential.
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With Sam restored to normal (or as normal as a Winchester can get), Dean confronts Gary. He tells him that if he were just a little older, he’d be dead right now. With those comforting parting words, they bring Gary and Nora back to their lives. Sam tells Gary to quit his whining about his life. It’s possible to rebel in a “healthy, non-satanic way.” Furthermore, he tells Gary that he wishes he had his life. Once the kids are out of earshot, Dean comments on Sam’s kind words. “Totally lied. Kid’s life sucked ass.” The apple-pie family crap is stressful, Sam decides. 
Maybe they just don’t know what they’re missing, Dean rejoins, and I calmly tie an anvil around my ankle and drop it off a cliff into a dramatically large canyon. 
They head out into the rainy night...to fight another day!
You ever think that you'd want something like that? Wife, rugrats, the whole nine?
No matter how much you fight it, you can't stop the plan. The stupid, stupid plan
Um, I wouldn't exactly call praying to our dark overlord “goofing around”
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ssa-daddyhotchner · 4 years
Undercover - Chapter 6
Chapter Selection
Everyone had the weekend off, we had just finished a case in New Hampshire. A man was killing couples in there cars. 
He was a spree killer we tracked him with the type of gun he used and the rounds. It was relatively easy. 
Hotch and I wanted to spend the weekend together so I could meet Jack. 
I woke up and rolled over. Aarons side of the bed was cold, I smelt bacon from the kitchen. The smell made my stomach grumble, I got up and walked down the hallway. 
I walked past Jack's room and his door was open; I peaked in and his bed was messed up. 
I heard faint laughter coming from the Living room. I turned the corner and saw Jack laying down on the couch watching cartoons. While Aaron was making breakfast. 
I walked up behind him and put my hands over his eyes. 
"Guess who", he laughed. "Mom?", I put my hands down and smacked his arm. He grins and chuckles' turning to me.
Jumping onto the counter he uses his knee to separate my legs standing between them. His hands on my hips, and my arms wrapped around his neck; "Morning princess."
"Morning", I nod my head towards Jack who hasn't noticed my presence yet. "He got here early this morning...maybe a few hours ago. 
I looked at the clock, "Its 8:30." 
"Hayley had an early morning, I don't know.....all I care about is spending my weekend with my two favorite people.
I raise my eyebrows at him, "I'm one of your favorite people?"
Aaron nods, "Well I guess your my favorite person too." He smiles and kisses me; breaking it to flip the bacon.
"Jack, I want you to meet someone." Jack glances and jogs over.
"Who are you", I jump off the counter and kneel down to his level. Aaron putting a hand on my shoulder. 
"Well....I'm your dads...", I look at Aaron and he nods letting me know I can tell him the truth. "I'm your dads girlfriend." 
Jack stares at Aaron with an unsure look, I stand back up. "So you make my dad happy?" 
"Yeah she does, and she's gonna be around more often so try not to be so hard on her okay." He pats Jack on the back, and he runs to his room. 
We quickly eat the food and I walk away going into the bedroom.
Getting into the shower letting the hot water relax my muscles. I hear Aaron walk to the bathroom and get in with me. I close my eyes letting the water wash over my face. 
He goes to wash my hair with his shampoo. "I'm not good at reading kids was that a good interaction?", He huffs. "It went well." 
"Didn't look like it to me." I wasn't good with kids, they had a tendency to not like me. "Y/n he's 4 it's gonna take a bit to get used to you that's all...okay", I hum in agreement.
Washing Aaron now, "So Mr. Hotchner what are we doing today." 
"Jack has to practice for his 'soccer' team, they don't keep score but I don't want him to be terrible." 
I chuckle knowing that even though he's on a team that just plays for the exercise, Aaron is still gonna push him. He's a great dad, I though to myself.
Finishing the shower we step out getting changed for our day, I walked over to Aaron; giving him a long and deep kiss then I pull away. 
As I was walking he grabbed my hand spinning me back to him. He pushed his lips to mine putting a hand in my hair. My hand running down his toned chest. 
We jump away form each other when we hear pattering on the floorboards coming towards to bedroom. 
Jack ran into the bedroom and jumped on Aaron. "Dad, I'm ready to go." 
"Ok buddy." We walked to the car and drove to the field. Jack talked the whole time about school, his favorite food, and tv. He asked me if I also caught bad guys; when I told yes his face lit up. 
It made me have the biggest smile on my face. Aaron noticed and smiled back putting a hand on my thigh. 
We arrive to the park and Jack grabs the soccer ball running straight to the field. As me and Aaron take our time we watch as Jack places the ball down before taking a running start; kicking it into the goal. 
We throw our hands up and cheer; Jack turning and flashing us a smile. 
Aaron grabs my hand and we jog over. Jack wanted to have a practice game; there were only three of us.
I was up against the Hotchner boys luckily for me I knew my way around the game, but they didn't need to know that. 
They kick the ball my way I spin around Aaron kicking the ball from between his legs launching it into the goal. 
He looked at me with surprise, "What... Agent Hotchner there are a lot of things you don't know about me." I laughed and tapped his chest walking past him. 
Jack ran towards me to congratulate me on the goal. I pick him up putting him on my shoulders cheering for myself. I set him down and we play another game. 
I kicked it towards them and they kicked it to the end of the field. I ran from behind them; I dove and kicked it into the goal...again.
Aaron walked over to me out of breath, "You're cheating." I had a smug grin on my face and I walked away from them to catch my breath. 
Aaron stepped away when he got a phone call, we had the weekend off we shouldn't be getting called in. He hung up the phone and walked over to us, "We need go now." I shot him a look. 
He put Jack in the car and went to me. "Reids in the hospital...", he lowered his voice so Jack couldn't hear. "He overdosed", he could read the emotions on my face when he reassured me. 
"They're trying to stabilize him, but we need to get over there." 
Team POV
Morgan, Garcia, and JJ wanted to check on Reid. It had now been a week since his mom passed. 
They were trying to check up on him but he wouldn't answer their calls. When they called the phone would go straight to voicemail.
It had been a few days since that last talked to him. They heard no movement inside the apartment; it was still. Morgan decided he was gonna pick the lock. 
They walked in to find the apartment was in good condition. No books everywhere, there were no dishes everywhere, the trash was taken out; but there was no sign of Spencer
Garcia walked into his bedroom and saw a foot by his door in the bathroom. When she walked closer she called out for Derek. 
Reid's skin was pale, he was cold, his lips were turning blue, pulse was weak, and he was barley breathing. 
As Garcia and Morgan took Spencer to the hospital JJ called everyone else to let them know what happened.
We dropped Jack off with Hayley; Aaron and I rushed to hospital. We were met with the team outside of his room. 
The doctors had stabilized him but he just barley made it through. If Garcia didn't find him when she did he would've died. 
He was unconscious for the time being. All of us sitting in the waiting room; there was still no word on how he was doing so far. 
We only left the hospital to go get food or maybe some sleep. He was family to us and we were gonna get him through this. 
The doctors finally let us into his room, they informed us it still might be awhile till he wakes up.
Reid's mom was all he had. When she passed a piece of him died along with her. 
The team was in his room scattered around; when we heard something. 
Reid had opened his eyes, "Where am I." 
We all looked up at a confused Reid. He looked pinker but we was still pale. His lips were chapped, and he was sweating. 
His voice was small like he was embarrassed, "Y/n, can you get me a trash can." I nodded. When I came back I gave it to him.
He sat up and held the bucket for a moment; then he started vomiting. It had been around 4 days since his overdose. 
He was starting to withdrawal... again. We should have addressed his addiction the first time he started using then maybe he wouldn't be here. 
My head started to fill with what ifs. Reid looked at around the room and we all frowned at him. JJ walked over and sat next to him; holding his hand. 
"Spence... what happened", he avoided our eyes and looked down. He tensed up and pulled his hand away from JJ.
His voice was breaking, "I just wanted to fe- better, I didn't know I had taken so much. My vision blurred, and I hit the floor." 
"Spence you could've talked to us." He didn't say a word; he laid back down, closing his eyes and going to sleep. We took the hint and left but JJ stayed behind not leaving his side. 
Knowing that he was going to be fine physically helped a lot; mentally Reid was fucked up and all we could do was be there for him. 
Aaron and I were going to leave and go get Jack. When we got to Hayley's she wouldn't let him leave the house. 
"Aaron he's not a game that you can pass back and forth whenever you want, he's a child and I don't need him to feel overwhelmed." 
She shouted at him sparking an argument, I stayed in the car not wanting cause any other problems. Hayley didn't even know I existed and that was an argument for another time. 
She was furious at this point, there was a moment I thought she was gonna hit him; I would've gotten out the car but I left it alone. 
Aaron came back without Jack; he was clearly frustrated. As we were driving to his place, I saw him gripping the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white. 
His gaze was dead set on the road ahead. I reached my hand out and put it on his. 
He broke his gaze and looked at me. "Baby it's going to be okay", his face rested and he dropped his hand into mine on the center console. His breathing slowed as he took deep breaths. 
I didn't blame him for being so upset; his coworker almost just died, and now he couldn't see his kid because of his bitch ex wife. When we pull into his driveway he turned off the car but didn't get out. 
He shifts towards me, "I'm sorry." 
"For what?", his face dropped slightly. "We were supposed to be with Jack. It was your first time meeting him and we had to leave. Now I can't get him back until next weekend." 
I held onto his hand and squeezed, "Aaron it's ok....for the time we did spend with him I'd say he enjoyed himself while he could. Especially when he made that goal." 
That got him to grin a bit, he chuckled and I did with him.
"Yeah that was pretty good wasn't it." 
"Somethings just happen that are out of our control. Best we can do is try harder next time." He looked at me. 
"Thank you", I shrugged my shoulders. "What can I say", He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it.
Then we got out the car and went inside, closing the door behind us. "I'm ordering, what do you want." He sat on the couch; took a few breaths, "Pizza." I nodded and placed the order. 
Aaron was watching tv when I walked over; curling up with him. I sat next to him putting my head on his shoulder; he kissed the top on my head and grabbed my hand. I ended up falling asleep and when I woke up Aaron was gone. 
I walked into the kitchen and he was eating. "I didn't wanna wake you." He was still upset about the whole situation. 
I went up to him and tightly wrapped my arms around him. He nestled his head into the crook of my neck. I pulled away when I heard sniffling. 
I rested my hand on his neck and cupped his cheek. "Baby....", I said softly; he avoided looking in my eyes. 
I used the hand that was on his cheek and used my finger to lift his chin. When he finally did look at me his eyes were red and there were tears brimming. 
"Honey... what is it", he didn't have any words. He hugged me tightly without warning. I returned the hug; I wasn't gonna question him. 
I knew he wasn't in the mood to talk, Aaron wasn't one for getting emotional but with me he was so different. I understood to not push him, that he'd tell me in his own time. 
"Let's go to bed... okay", he nodded and walked to the bedroom. I put the food away and turned off the tv. 
When I walked into the bedroom he was laying on the bed curled up with some sweatpants. I took off my pants and put on a pair of shorts and laid down. 
I laid next to him; his head on my chest, my hands on his back and running my hand through his hair. His hands gripping my waist and thigh. 
He was still crying; I could feel the tears going down my stomach. "Shh... baby it's okay." 
He kissed above my heart and whispered, "I love you."
"I love you too."
I felt him drift off but I stayed awake the words "I love you" repeating in my head. That was the first time we had said it and honestly I wasn't scared or mad, I was elated. 
He was the reason I wanted to get up in the morning. The man laying down with me brought me so much joy. 
I had a hard time trusting after what me ex had done but he made it so easy. Aaron would never hurt me like he did; with my whole heart I do love him. 
When I woke up Aaron was still holding on to me; breathing deeply. I felt fluttering on my chest. "Hey." I said and he hummed; he was awake. 
"I don't wanna push you but.....can you tell me what made you so upset last night." He huffed and sat up and was staring at the bed. 
"Everything." I had an unsure look on my face. "What do you mean everything." He took a breath, "First it's just work I have so much I need to do, it's so stressful. Second it's the overdose, I knew he had a problem and I should've addressed it when we was addicted the first time. 
You know try and help him but I didn't, I ignored it. I should've seen this coming. Especially when he said his mom wasn't doing well." 
He ran a hand through his hair. "Third is fucking Hayley", he started to raise his voice. "She goes and tells me that I can't see my own fucking son. She acts like I don't exist sometimes, like I don't need to have a relationship with him!" 
I wasn't surprised to see he had a lot bottled up. All I could say was, "I know." I put my hand on his. 
"Come on", he tugged on my hand; he brought us to the door and I stopped him. 
"Okay one, its like 40 degrees outside; you only have sweatpants on and I have shorts." He jogged and got a me pair of pajamas and a quarter zip, he put on a sweatshirt and we went on a walk. 
Holding on to my hand the entire time we walked into a park. There was a trail that went into the woods and we went down it. 
We arrived at a clearing; nothing but trees surrounded the area. There was a view of the city, it was 4 in the morning; nobody else was around and the light illuminated the sky. 
We didn't say much during the walk; just enjoying the others company. He sighed, "I needed this." 
"Needed what." He looked around at the trees and the view, "A breather, just be alone for a bit." 
"You're not alone." He threw his arms around me resting his head on my shoulder. 
"I mean alone from everyone else, there's no way I'd leave you behind." 
My heart fluttered; we sat down close to the edge. I sat in between his legs, my back to his chest. His arms around me keeping me warm. 
@marie1115 @appleblossoms-posts @mac99martin @donttellanyoneireadfanfiction
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dameronsgalaxygal · 4 years
I’ve Been Waiting For You - Chapter 10: Angel Eyes
series masterlist
Pairing: modern!poe x reader
Word Count: 3003
Warnings: angst, mentions of death, language, implications of smut.
Song: Angel Eyes
A/N: Alright, ya’ll have been wanting to find out what Poe’s been hiding. Here it is. I’m pretty sure I overhyped it, but oh well. Next chapter will go into more detail, which means more angst. Taglist is open and comments and feedback would be lovely!
Summary: It’s your one year with Poe. Poe has a freakout, which freaks you out. 
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“Would you have guessed that we would have made it a year?” Poe asked you honestly.
You and Poe were sitting outside a small cafe in downtown Miami on the early morning of your one year anniversary.
“Honesty? I wouldn’t have guessed I would even been in a relationship,” You chuckled softly.
You had officially been living in Florida for over a year, and you had spoken to your parents a total of four times: your birthday, their birthdays, and christmas. You hadn’t heard from Kyle at all, which was surprising. Well, except for one voicemail that you had received on a whim one afternoon a couple weeks ago that you still hadn’t opened. You were doing well, really well, and you weren’t going to allow one voicemail to ruin that for you.
Things with Poe were phenomenal, including the sex. At first you questioned why you waited so long, but you knew you made the right decision. With your past, you needed to be ready, and the first time you two slept together was truly a date you were going to remember. You had never felt so loved by anyone more than you felt that night. You were glad you waited until you were physically and emotionally ready, because if you had slept with him that night after the bar, you wouldn’t be in the position you were in now. Happy.
Poe smiled sympathetically, “I know I tell you this all the time, but I am so proud of you. I’m lucky to be your person. I am lucky to be your boyfriend,” He took a bite of his toast.
You sipped your lemonade as your cheeks turned a bright red and Poe chuckled.
“Blushing, are we?” He teased.
You shot him a look and he winked.
You continued to eat breakfast for a while until Poe spoke again, “So, since you wouldn’t let me plan anything, can you finally tell me what we’re doing today?”
You shook your head, “It’s a surprise.”
“Baby,” He groaned, throwing his head back, “Can I at least get a hint?”
“Nope,” You grinned mischievously.
You had decided to plan out the whole day for you and Poe, a change from the normalcy between you two. On most days, Poe was the one to organize the dates. Today, you decided to take charge. Mostly because there was a big event happening in Miami Beach that coincidentally landed on your one year and you felt like it would be a perfect way to celebrate.
You were taking Poe to the Miami Beach Air and Sea Show. It was perfect. Poe loved fighter jets, and you were very much aware of this. Since you started dating, you had seen Top Gun a total of 12 times, and he had even bought pre-sale tickets for the sequel (which doesn’t come out for another four months), you had noticed more books and antique fighter jets around his house and sometimes he would even talk to you about his knowledge on them. It was no secret he had an obsession with flying. What better way to spend your anniversary than watching him witness what he loves?
You finished up breakfast quickly, checking your phone for the time. You needed to be at least two hours early if you wanted to find parking and get a good spot before the show started. Poe paid the check, the one thing he did insist on doing for your anniversary, before you two headed toward the car.
“Keys.” You held your hand out for Poe to toss you his car keys.
“Can’t you just tell me where to drive?” He pouted.
“Well then what’s the fun in that? Keys.” You repeated, winking.
He rolled his eyes playfully before reaching into his pocket to grab his keys. He placed them in your hand and you pecked his lips before getting in and driving towards the show.
As you started to approach, large billboards surrounded the area with arrows pointing to garages with bold letters that said ‘Event Parking’ and security guards led cars through to avoid any unnecessary traffic.
You pulled around a corner to get through to the parking garage when you noticed Poes face shift.
“Um,” He swallowed hard, “Where are we going?”
You glanced at him briefly and shot him a smile before continuing to drive, “The Miami Annual Air and Sea Show.”
You frowned, “You aren’t excited?”
He looked at you, “No, no, no. I am. I am..”
“You don’t sound like it.”
He sighed, “I just wasn’t expecting it. How did you find it?”
You nodded, “Well I was looking into things to do for today and this popped up. I thought it would be fun given your obsession with Top Gun and all.”
“Right, yeah.” He smiled softly.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him in confusion but turned back to the road, finally finding a spot to park. His reaction was odd, you had expected him to be more excited. You managed to brush it off once he put a hand on your thigh and squeezed it.
Poe held you close to him as you walked down to the shore. His arm was wrapped tightly around your waist and he chewed his nails nervously, looking around as if he was looking out for something.
You looked up at him, frowning.
“Hm?” He continued to look around.
“Babe, what’s going on with you?” You reached up to move his hand away from his lips.
“What? Nothing.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Baby,” He stopped walking, putting a hand on your cheek, “I’m fine. Just.. I’ve...I’ve never been here before. Lots of people. It’s intimidating.”
You chuckled, “Poe, there’s nothing to be intimidated by. It’s fun. Everyone sits on the shore and watches the ships and fighter jets do cool tricks and stuff. It’s a way to honor the special forces.”
“Trust me, I know,” He said almost too quietly, looking away.
“Huh?” You tried to meet his eyes.
“Nothing.” He smiled softly, “Come on.”
Okay. This was getting weird. Regardless, you headed to the shore.
You found a spot a bit further back on the sand but with still a good view of the ships and, of course, the sky where the planes would be flying. You laid down a blanket before sitting down.
Poe stayed standing, analyzing the view. He sighed.
“Poe? Are you sure you’re alright?”
He looked down at you before sitting next to you, “Yeah.”
You nodded, putting your head on his shoulder. Soon, a man came onto the loud speaker to thank everyone for joining the show and that it would be starting in approximately half an hour. You turned to Poe.
“Would you mind going to get some drinks? I’ll stay here and watch the stuff. Plus, I could use a little tan.” You smirked.
He chuckled, leaning in to kiss you softly, “Sure. Beer?”
“Margarita if they have them, please.”
“You got it.” He smiled, going to the small bar located on the boardwalk.
Poe sighed in relief as he turned away from you, walking up the dock. He made his way to the bar, waiting in line with his hands in pockets. He looked around as people walked by with food and drinks, talking about their excitement for the show. He took a breath.
“Well, well, well, if that isn’t Poe Dameron.”
Poe shot his head to look at where the familiar voice was coming from. A man and woman stood before him.
Poe clenched his jaw, “Zorii. Hux.” He greeted them.
“Didn’t think you’d come back here after what happened.” Zorii crossed her arms.
“Yeah, what, with how you basically cut everyone off… and with what you did. You’re ballsy, Dameron.” Hux smirked.
Poe swallowed hard, “My girlfriend brought me here. I didn’t know.”
Zorii nodded unsympathetically, “Ah, so you haven’t told her? Because if you did, I doubt she would bring you back here.”
He took a deep breath, his body completely tensing, “No. I haven’t told her.”
“Why not?” Hux asked.
“It’s none of her business.”
Hux chuckled, “I think I would like to know if my significant other was kicked out of the military.”
“Oh, for sure.” Zorii smirked at Hux then looked at Poe.
“It’s not that easy.” Poe stated.
“Really? All you have to say is ‘by the way, I don’t listen to orders very well, so I got kicked out of the service’.” Zorii said dramatically.
“Stop.” Poe begged.
“Oh, what are you going to do, go cry to mommy? Oh wait...” Hux made a fake pouty face.
Poe’s face turned bright red in anger, “Shut up.”
“Like I said, you are ballsy for letting her bring you here. I’m sure it brings back memories,” Hux sighed dramatically, looking around.
“Remember when you were that fucking cocky, you thought you could do whatever the hell you wanted, and you wound up…”
“Dishonorably discharged.” Hux finished Zoriis sentence, a wide smirk plastered on his face.
With that, Poe pushed past the two and rushed back to where you and him had been sitting. You were laying on the blanket, sunglasses on and arms behind your head.
You snapped up, “Fuck, Poe.”
You put your hand on your heart, “You startled me,” You looked at him, wondering where the alcohol was, “Where are the drinks?”
“I didn’t get them. We have to leave.” He said quickly, his breath picking up.
“What? Why? The show hasn’t even-”
“We need to leave.” He gritted his teeth, packing up the bag.
“Poe, what is going on?” You stood up in fear, watching as he bunched the blanket into a ball and handed it to you.
“I’ll explain when we get home. Just please, we have to go.”
You only stared at him for a second before nodding slowly. You had no clue what was happening, but you had never seen Poe freak out like this, so you followed him in hope that you would get some answers soon.
He dragged you to the car quickly, throwing things into the trunk before getting into the car, slamming the door. You jumped at the noise before getting in yourself. He quickly drove off in the direction of his place.
The car ride was silent and awkward. You were sad that your plan for your anniversary didn’t follow through. You thought Poe would enjoy it, from what you knew about his love for aviation and his favorite movie being Top Gun. However, Poe seemed really nervous, even scared, and you were worried, so you let it go. You wanted to know what was going on, though.
You finally got back to his place and he rushed inside, you following shortly behind him.
“Finn?” Poe called out as he walked in.
No response.
“I think he was going out with Rose today,” You said gently.
“Oh thank god.” Poe sighed in relief, heading to the cupboard and grabbing the bottle of vodka and a shot glass.
“Poe,” You put your purse down on the counter, “What the hell is going on?”
He poured himself a large glass before turning to you, “I’m sorry I freaked out like that.” He downed his drink.
“It’s okay,” You walked toward him carefully, “I just want to know what’s going on.”
You rubbed his arm as he took another shot and placed the glass on the counter. He sighed, putting his hands on your hips, squeezing them.
“Baby,” You searched for his eyes.
He took a deep breath, looking at you,  “Um…” He searched for what he wanted to say.
You squeezed his shoulder, letting him know it was okay to tell you.
“I haven’t been totally honest with you.” He admitted.
You gulped, “Okay..”
“My mom,” He started, “My mom didn’t die of cancer.”
You cocked your eyebrow.
“She, um, she died in battle.” He took a shaky breath.
He nodded, “My mom was in the service. Air Force.”
You bit your lip, nodding.
“She died when I was eighteen. Her jet was shot down and she died when it hit land. It exploded and…” He stopped for a minute, looking up to collect his tears.
“She was dispersed immediately.”
Your heart broke for him. You knew he was close to his mom, his tattoo proved that. You understood why being physically in front of fighter jets would be rough for him, his mother died in one. You didn’t understand why he lied to you, but you rubbed it off. He needed to be comforted.
“I’m so sorry, Poe.” You whispered, looking down.
He sighed, “It’s okay. There’s just a difference between seeing fighter jets in movies and having action figures and seeing them in person. Brings me back to the day I found out.”
You gave him a sad smile, nodding. “I understand.”
You didn’t understand his exact situation, but you understood trauma. Bad memories brings you back to dark places, and it probably did the same for him.
“You could have just told me, you know.” You rubbed his arm again.
“I know.”
You sighed. He still seemed uneasy.
“Is that it?” You asked softly, genuinely wondering if there was anything else he wanted to tell you.
I was discharged from the Air Force for disobeying orders. I nearly killed a man and myself in the process. I cussed out my Colonel and slapped my roommate.
“Yeah, that’s it.” He smiled softly.
He wanted to tell you, he wanted to tell you so bad. But his issues didn’t matter. Yours were more important. He needed to take care of you. Make sure you are okay. Right?
“Okay.” You leaned up to kiss him softly.
He kissed you back gently.
“I’m sorry I ruined our anniversary,” He frowned.
You shook your head, “You didn’t. I still want to go out to dinner tonight, if that’s okay with you.”
He smiled and nodded, “I’d love to.”
“Great. We have reservations at six. Until then…?”
Poe smirked, leaning down to kiss your neck, “To the bedroom, madam?”
“Seriously, I don’t know why I waited so long.” You collapsed on his chest, catching your breath.
He laughed, stroking your hair, “Yes you do. You’re just saying that now because you’re realizing how good I am.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, swatting his arm.
“Ow!” He chuckled.
“Oh, you’re fine. What time is it?”
Poe reached over to grab his phone, checking the time.
“Shit,” You popped up, “We have to get ready.”
“It does not take that long to get ready.” He crossed his arms.
“For you! I have to go home and change and do my hair and makeup. I wasn’t expecting to fuck all day, I actually had plans.” You got up, grabbing your clothes and throwing them on quickly.
He smirked, “What, these aren’t good plans?”
You shot him a look and he winked.
“I’m going to go home and shower and then I’ll come back over and we can go. I’ll be back soon, okay?” You started for the door.
“Okay. I love you!”
“Love you!” You yelled as you left.
Poe sighed happily, leaning back in the pillow. His smile dropped when he remembered he was still keeping something from you. You did deserve to know, but he was so focused on making you feel safe that he didn’t feel like his problems were important. He was so focused on earning your trust.
Your trust. Shit.
He groaned, running his hand down his face. He stayed in bed for a bit until he checked his phone again. It was 5:15 and he needed a shower. Maybe he would tell you everything over dinner. You couldn’t get mad at him at dinner right? He figured out what he would say while he showered.
“Poe!” His door was unlocked, “You ready?” You called out.
“One sec,” Poe emerged from his room while he fixed his tie.
You smirked, “Well hello handsome.” You giggled.
Poe whistled at you. You were wearing a beautiful dark blue tight dress and black heels with your hair curled and makeup done nicely. Nothing too extravagant, but it fit the occasion.
“Hey there sexy lady,” He kissed you urgently.
You giggled against his lips, tapping his chest, “You keep kissing me like that and we won’t make it to dinner,” You teased
Poe wiggled his eyebrows.
You rolled your eyes, “I was kidding. Let’s go.”
He laughed, “Okay, okay. Let me find my keys.”
You nodded as he searched around the kitchen searching for where he last placed them.
“Oh shit,” You groaned in realization.
“What?” Poe shot his eyes to you in fear.
“I forgot a jacket. Do you have something I can wear?” You asked desperately.
He chuckled, “Yeah, just check for something in my closet.”
You smiled and nodded, heading to his room and going into his closet.
You looked for something that would at least match your dress, even though you wouldn’t be wearing it very long. Just while you traveled to and from the car.
You pushed through the shrine of jackets, nothing catching your eye until you got to a green jacket with a patch that matched the logo of the Air Force. You pulled it off the hanger and examined it. On the patch read ‘Captain. Poe Dameron’. Your mouth opened slightly.
“Hey, baby. It’s 5:45, are you ready to-” Poe walked in and saw you holding his old Air Force jacket.
Poe ran a hand through his hair, “I see you found a jacket.” He put his hands in his pockets.
“What is this?” You asked.
Poe swallowed hard, “It’s my old Air Force jacket.”
“Your old Air Force jacket? You were in the military?” You rose your eyebrows.
He sighed, “Yeah.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Poe sighed, running his hand down his face.
He looked up at you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
It was going to be a long night.
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immodestmussorgskyy · 4 years
you have (1) new message
“I don’t believe in you!”
“I believe in you…”
You can’t help but snort, bursting into a fresh round of giggles. The dialogue in Nightmare on Elm Street is absolutely diabolical-- you struggle to figure out how anybody could consider this a horror movie. But hey… meteoric fame is hard to come by. It’s a cult classic for a reason. 
You’d usually be marathoning classic slasher flicks with your roommate, Chloe, but she’s on a month-long Hawaii dream vacation with her new boyfriend. What happened to bros before hoes? But hey, his wealth is apparently abundant enough to fund weeks of paradise beachside living, so good for her for getting that bread. And anyway, you’re content to sit alone in your little mousehole apartment and melt into the couch after work with a family-size bag of salt & vinegar chips under your arm. 
You watch the flickering screen with mild interest as you chomp down another handful of chips. Freddy Krueger is definitely failing to get you on the edge of your seat. Wiping your hand on your sweatpants, you pick up the remote and turn the movie off. 
“Nightmare, my ass.” you mutter under your breath. 
As much as you’d like to, eating nothing but salt and vinegar chips for dinner seems like a great way to end up with an upset stomach and a lot of regret later tonight. The pantry is well stocked with Chloe’s foods of choice-- organic steel-cut rolled oats, a billion different kinds of nuts and seeds all in cute little labeled mason jars, gluten free bread, a mockery of cheese puffs (chickpea puffs? Come on!). Your side is a library of boxed or canned foods in stark contrast: a couple opened boxes of Pop-Tarts, a few boxes of Kraft mac & cheese, a family sized box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and, the only thing not in a box: another bag of salt & vinegar chips. 
The fridge tells a similar story. Chloe’s avocados, farmer’s market tomatoes, and thick stalks of celery gleam in the vegetable drawer. She’s consumed half the shelf space with just kombucha and a few swanky craft beers. And bottles of oat milk, or soy milk, or some kind of thing pretending to be milk. You actually don’t have much in the fridge besides leftover Indian food from your favorite place downtown and a gallon of milk for your cereal, so you don’t mind her hogging more space. 
Muffy, Chloe’s ragdoll cat, stalks into the kitchen with you and gives you a tiny yowl. You lean down and give her an affectionate scratch behind the ears. 
“Scram, Muffy.” you murmur to her. “I’ve already fed you.” 
She looks up at you with a look that can only mean “and you’ll feed me more.” 
She stalks back into the living room, fluffy beige tail disappearing behind the wall in a flick and a wave. You tie your hair back and yawn. What’s on the menu for dinner tonight? 
Before you can think too much about eating, you remember that Chloe left you a voicemail before she took off. You fish your phone from your pocket and open your voicemail, tapping your toe against the linoleum floor as the dial tone plays. 
You have one new message, chirps the robot voice of your mailbox. 
“Hey girl. I’m boarding soon, so you probably won’t hear from me for a while. Make sure you feed Muffy, water the plants…” she clicks her tongue a few times, “take your meds, and don’t lay in bed for too long on the weekends. You know how that tanks your mood.” 
Chloe might be a total hipster health nut, but it doesn’t make it any less sweet that she frets over you so much. You break into a smile and make a mental note to call her back. 
“And. You can eat anything perishable of mine in the fridge or pantry while I’m gone. I doubt the bread or the veggies are gonna last long… you need to eat healthier anyway. No potato chips for dinner.” 
Your smile grows. She knows you so well. 
“I gotta go, but I’ll send you tons of pictures when I get there. Bye, babe.” 
You hang up and set your phone down on the counter. Eyeing the bland looking loaf of brown bread, you decide you’ll have breakfast a la Chloe for dinner. 
You toss the loaf onto the counter, then stalk to the fridge. The avocados seem pretty ripe. Tomatoes, too. You pick out one of each, then pluck a couple eggs from the carton you two share and set it all on the counter. Avocado toast with scrambled eggs sounds pretty Chloe. 
You gut the avocado, tossing its pit in the trash and scooping its innards out into a bowl. The fork makes quick work of it, turning it into a mound of mild green paste. Salt, pepper. Done. 
Hey, if Chloe let you eat her food, she’s bound to not mind that you’re using her nice kitchen knives too, right? You cut a few slices of tomato and grimace at its gelatinous, glistening center. You never liked tomatoes much, but she’s kinda right-- you do need to improve your diet. 
Before long, you’ve got a nice thick slice of toast slathered in avocado and garnished with ripe red tomato sitting next to a steaming pile of scrambled eggs. This may not be your beloved salt & vinegar chips, but it sure looks delicious. 
You snap a photo of your meal and text it to her. Am I healthy yet? you type, with a grin on your face. 
Muffy stalks up to you, looking up expectantly. You sigh and toss her a morsel of scrambled egg. “That’s all you’re getting, you little twerp.” you admonish through a mouthful of toast. It’s not… delicious, but it’s not bad for some mushed up vegetable on top of an excuse for bread. You curse yourself for not adding some cheese to your scrambled eggs. That would’ve really been delicious. 
You’d usually be scrolling through your social media right now, but something inspires you to look longingly out the window of the kitchen. The sky is a starless, inky black, obscuring everything except for whatever is illuminated by the weak orange streetlights. Usually there would be more traffic or drunk yelling-- you and Chloe didn’t exactly get lucky with the placement of your unit-- but tonight it’s eerily silent. That’s perfectly welcome to you, though. It’s much better than cranking up the volume of your music to drown out whatever street fight is occurring three floors below you. 
Suddenly, your musing and its silence is broken by the sound of your ringtone. It’s half past midnight… who in their right mind would be calling you right now? 
Unknown number. You frown and let it go to voicemail. Probably just some spam caller. 
You finish your dinner and sit there in the silence, then check your phone again. You can’t help but be curious as to what message they’ve left you. Gingerly, you open your voice mailbox again and listen dispassionately to the dial tone and the little robot voice. 
You have one new message and one old message. 
The voice that erupts through your speaker is unfamiliar, smooth, low. All you can discern is that it’s a male voice, its tone almost perversely cloying. 
“I was hoping you’d pick up.” A long inhale, a long exhale. “You seem a little lonely. Breakfast for dinner… cute.” 
Ice cold horror washes over you and you can barely move your fingers to hang up. This has to be some kind of joke. Some stupid kid getting really, really lucky with their prank call. 
But a question still sears into your thoughts:
Who would have known what you were doing? 
That you were alone in your apartment? 
Maybe, just maybe, by some insane stretch of the imagination, Chloe’s new boyfriend got ahold of her phone, saw your text, and decided to pull some prank. Yeah, that sounds about right. That’s the only situation that makes sense, unless… 
Somebody is watching you.  
You nearly jump out of your seat as the phone rings again. Unknown number. Your hands tremble over it as your panicked brain deliberates picking it up. Before you can think about it any more, you’ve snatched it into a sweaty palm and brought it up to your ear. 
“Chloe, this isn’t fucking funny. Cut it out.” you try to sound intimidating, but your voice trembles in just the wrong way with each word. 
“You picked up.” the voice breathes, and you swear you can hear a sinister smile creep onto whoever’s face it belongs to. “You must really be lonely.” 
“I said stop, Chlo--”
“My name’s not Chloe.” he snarls, and your empty threat dies in your throat immediately. Then, as if nothing had happened at all, his voice slips back into that relaxed, amused tone. “But I do wish I were spending a month in Hawaii right now. Lucky girl, isn’t she?” 
Another pang of fear hits you like a brick. You swallow hard, biting your lip. “Whoever you are, leave me alone. Or I’ll… I’ll call the cops.” 
“What exactly are you going to tell them, sweetheart? That some big mean boogeyman is leaving scary messages on your phone?” he lets out a mocking laugh. “They’ll send their best officers, I’m sure.”
“Leave me alone.” is all you manage to say, breathless and trembling, before you force yourself to hang up and practically slam your phone down onto the counter. Muffy jumps and cocks her head at you. You force yourself to break out of your panicked stupor and hurry over to the kitchen window, glancing hurriedly to the left and right of it. If somebody were on the fire escape, you surely would have heard it. 
At least, that’s what you tell yourself. 
You yank those curtains shut, then the curtains on the living room window, then finally the ones in your bedroom. You remember Chloe locking and shutting her windows, so there’s no need to check in there. Something tells you to anyway.
You creep to her doorway, palms sweaty. There’s probably nothing to see in there, you think to yourself, the curtains were already shut. 
Looking into her room, your stomach drops. 
The curtains are tucked neatly to the side, and her window is cranked all the way open, letting in the cool night air and the sounds of the streets. You nearly choke in horror and rush over to shut the window, making sure the lock is tightly down before throwing the curtains back over them. You must have just misremembered. She probably left the window open to let some fresh air in, or something.
But she never leaves her window open, or Muffy would get out, you realize. 
“Oh my God.” you gasp to yourself, before you sprint to the kitchen and grab the biggest, meanest looking knife in the drawer, as well as your phone. Muffy meows at you curiously, then yelps in indignance as you swiftly scoop her up by the stomach and fly to your room. 
“Sorry.” you mutter as you practically toss her onto your bed, then lock your door. It’s a pathetic, flimsy mechanism, and could probably be picked with a fork, but it’s better than nothing. You pause, surveying the room for any heavy objects, and settle on jamming your full laundry hamper under the doorknob. At least this way you’ll hear any intruder before they make it into your room. The knife you tuck under your pillow as you scramble under your covers and turn your lamp off. 
Your hands shake as you dial Chloe’s number. The phone rings once, twice, then goes straight to voicemail.
“Hey, Chlo,” you say shakily. “Uhm, I got some really weird calls from somebody tonight and I think our apartment might have been broken into. Or something. Uh,” you swallow hard, “Muffy and I are locked up in my room right now and I have a knife. I could be just imagining things, but if you don’t hear from me for a while, I probably got murdered or something.”
God, you sound so stupid right now, but it’s the best you can muster when your thoughts are racing at a million miles an hour. 
“I’ll call you when I wake up tomorrow. Bye.” 
You plug your phone in and set it on your nightstand, shrinking down underneath your duvet. Nothing is visible in your room, even as your eyes adjust to the darkness, except for the glow of the hall light you left on under your door. 
It’s going to be a long night. 
Check out this story and the rest of its chapters on AO3!
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strawberrywritings · 4 years
Hey m’dear! Could I please request #134: “My love for you is like a disease. And it’s probably terminal.” With Coco? Like maybe he feels like he’s gonna ruin the reader but then she shows him just how much he deserves to be loved and cherished?? A little angsty, fluffy and possibly smutty?? I’m so sorry if this is overly complicated!!! Love your work and thank you for tagging me in it!!! Have a great day, love ya!!
A/N: Don’t worry, it’s fine. I had to make the smut part a bit shorter because exams are calling and I gotta study. Have a great day, too! x
/ Masterlist
Warnings: unprotected sexual intercourse
Summary: Coco breaks up with you over text, you decide to go and find out why
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When you woke up, Coco was gone. His job at the taller and the club kept him pretty busy, you always understood that, but lately he had been even busier. You got to the kitchen, eating breakfast while switching on your phone; some missed calls, some text, and a text from your boyfriend: “We’re done, pack my things and leave them outside in a box, or throw them away. I don’t care”. You frowned and tried to call him, once, twice, always having the call go to voicemail. What was he talking about? He came home to you yesterday and everything was fine. Had something happened? You decided to find out by going to clubhouse unannounced.
When you got there, Angel, Ez and Gilly were working on the bikes, you could see Chucky in the office, but Coco was nowhere in sight. You huffed and your first step were the boys. “Hey guys, I’m very sorry to bother, have you seen Coco?”, they all shook their head. “Nah, not this morning, hasn’t showed up yet”, Gilly answered. “Thanks, have good day!”, you waved, making your way to the next step, Chucky. Knocking on the door of the office, you opened it once he called to come in, smiling as you asked if he’d seen your boyfriend. “Not today, Miss Y/N”, you smiled at him, thanking him and going into the clubhouse. Bishop was sat at a table having a smoke and Coco was nowhere to be found, again. “Hey, Obispo, sorry to bother, but I can’t find Coco… and I’m worried that something happened”. He looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed and you recounted what happened, and by the end of your little monologue, you were crying. Coco really had left you with a fucking text. Bishop told you he hadn’t seen him yet, but when he did, he would let you know. “No, no, it’s fine, really, doesn’t matter. He made his choice”, you wiped your tears and Bishop made a mental note to have Coco fix this shit and apologize to you.
You got up, ready to go home and get rid of his stuff just like he asked you. When you turned around, though, your eyes met: he was standing near the entrance of the clubhouse, your eyes locked on his, he noticed your eyes were red and you must’ve cried. He felt like shit, but he had a reputation to keep up, so he simply made his way to the counter and opened a pack of cigarettes, ignoring you completely. “Can you at least tell me why? Do you have someone else?”, your voice made him turn back around but he didn’t answer. He turned bac towards the counter and you humourlessly chuckled, “You’re giving me the silent treatment. Really? I should be the one not talking to you! I deserve to know why you left me all of sudden, don’t you think?”. You were angry, now. “It’s not you, it’s me” his words were quick, and he had really hoped you’d buy his stupid excuse. Of course, that didn’t happen. “Bullshit! I know that’s not true”, your voice cracked at the end and he heard it, but still didn’t say anything else. All eyes in the clubhouse were on you and him, some of the guys got back inside after hearing the commotion and now Coco couldn’t escape the consequences of his actions. Ez grabbed your hand and pulled you away from where you stood, now full on crying, and offered you a glass of water, along with a hug. You cried into him, “I just want to know what if I did something wrong, why I wasn’t enough”, you sobbed and Ez looked at Coco with a scowl on his face. Angel doing the same once he saw the situation inside.
Coco got up from the stool, grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into an empty room, closed the door. “Why the fuck would you come here, hm? Didn’t you get the message?”, he was almost screaming, his eyes wide and fists balled at his sides. “Yeah, I did, and that’s why I’m here! I wanna understand what the fuck is going on, you can’t just leave me with a fucking text for nothing!”, you were really trying to keep your cool, but it was difficult when he was giving you such a hard time understanding him. “There I nothing to say. We. Are. Done. You can’t be around me anymore”, he had lighted another cigarette in between all the screaming and he took a long drag from it. “But why!” “Because I love you too much!”. So it was really the ‘it’s not you it’s me’ excuse. And that made you even angrier. “Please explain to me how that’s a bad thing”. “My love for you is like a disease. And it’s probably terminal!”, he finally shouted, and you couldn’t say anything. You were suddenly froze in place. “I am afraid I’m going to fucking ruin your life just like how I ruin everyone else’s. I don’t want anything to happen to you, especially because of me. I’m sorry, fuck, but I really can’t let you destroy your life. You gotta stay away from me”, he turned around, probably headed to the door of the room, but you stopped him but grabbing his hand. “It is my decision whether I want to be away from you or not. And I don’t want to. Don’t you see how much I love you?”, your eyes were sincere as they looked at him, and he felt like they could see his soul. “I don’t care if you fuck up, I’m always going to be here for you, no questions asked. I love you; I know what you do, and I don’t care. As long as you love me, I’m fine with everything else that may happen”, by the end of your ramble, you were standing directly in front of him and he felt like he could cry. You were really in for the long ride. And that also made him horny, nothing aroused him more than loyalty and being wanted.
He grabbed your face and smashed his lips on your, the kiss deep and needy. It took Coco a total of three minutes to have you naked and moaning his name, your legs around his waist as he fucked you, your back leaning on some random furniture. “Tell me you need me”, he was panting and he bit down on your neck, leaving a mark. “I need you, Coco, please”. Your eyes were squeezed shut, your mouth open and you were sure the people in the other room didn’t have to guess what was happening in here. “Fuck, you’re so good to me, querida”, he took one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking on it, and that was your cue. Your orgasm was strong and it triggered his own, milking him as he kept thrusting into your pulsing cunt. He inevitably slowed to a stop, staying still with you in his arms, both of you regaining you breath.
Later that day, he told you about his family, his mom, his daughter that had just showed up, and you listened to him. “I don’t care about these things, the only thing I care about is your love. I’m fine with everything else, really”. The day after, you met his daughter and it took a while for her to get used to you, but you started to get along, eventually moving in all together. Coco happier than ever to see his two favourite girls interact and being a family.
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nocturnegyser · 4 years
The feels
Warren x Reader (raccoon)
A/N: I’ve had this typed out for a while and I wanted to go do more Warren x Raccoon material, I just decided to actually go through it, it still probably sucks but I tried. I’m not a professional in any sense, anyways, enjoy :3
Summary: Warrens been acting strange.. (y/n) tries to find out what’s happening with him, wonder what it is?
Having only been going to her new school for 2 months, (y/n) has already met so many cool people. She even started her band called ‘Clean Trash’, ironically not with Warren on the drums.
The one replacing Warren on drums was a 5th grader named Ryan Husk, his muatation allows to move any liquid with his mind, their bassist being an 8th grader named Mars Palenski, his mutation gives him a giant rats tail and ears, pretty similar to (y/n)’s raccoon ears and tail.
Needless to say, (y/n) was getting along just fine, she was keeping up with her classes, nothing perfect but she didn’t care, just as long as she was passing.
Waking up one morning for breakfast, (y/n) nader her way to the kitchen for hopefully some marshmallow mateys, one she got there she saw Warren standing at the stove preparing food, both locking eyes when she walked in.
This reminded (y/n) of their first proper time meeting, although instead of giving Warren a death look, she smiled and wished him a good morning.
Warren doing the same, (y/n) was grabbing the cereal and milk, in the midst of preparing her breakfast.
“I can make you some french toast if you want” Warren offered
“Huh?.. oh.. yea ok” the still waking up very tired raccoon girl sitting down at the counter
Peter and Alex then walking in greeting both a good morning, then returning a good morning back.
Peter then smelling the french toast “Oh man! I love your french toast!” Peter getting excited
“Fuck off, I’m not making you anymore after what happened last time” Warren staring daggers at Peter while setting a plate in front of (y/n) and himself
“What happened last time?” (y/n) asked pouring syrup on her stack
“Well basically-“ Peter started then Alex shortly cutting him off “He finished all 24 pieces Warren spent almost an hour making, he didn’t even get a single bite”
“Dang” (y/n) responded while taking a bite “Hey, what do you expect from me? I was too hungry!”
“Some damn self control would be nice” Warren still staring daggers at Peter, both opting to eat the same marshmallow mateys (y/n) was planning on eating
After finishing (y/n) washed her dishes and offered to help Warren clean up but he insisted she go and get ready for classes, she took him up on it and go ready for the day, washed her face, brushed her teeth, hair, ears and tail.
(y/n) and Warren didn’t have any classes together, their schedules didn’t really cross paths a lot, even morning breakfasts like that were rare, (y/n) was content with their schedules not matching up all the time, she was happy with whatever time they did spend together if any at all.
(y/n) mostly ate lunch with Jubilee and if she wasn���t available for lunch then Mars and Ryan would eat with her.
It was after classes when Clean Trash would practice in the unused music room, that is if neither Ryan or Mars had homework.
She had a policy if either of them had homework before coming to practice they would have to finish it before they turn the amps on, or if they got in trouble they wouldn’t practice that day, they didn’t practice on the weekends though.
“You guys got any homework?” (y/n) asked her band mates, “No,” both answered truthfully
“Ok, let’s begin with ‘My heart is a futon’” (y/n) taking initiative
“How do you come up with these song names?” Mars asked
“I dunno, just whatever comes to mind, mind counting us off Ryan?” (y/n) pointing at Ryan, guitar pick in hand
“One, two, three, four, one two!”
Warren just so happened to be passing by the music room the band was in and overheard them playing.
Wanting to go unnoticed, he peeked in through the window watching and listening to them play, mostly focusing on (y/n) though.
Jean shortly caught him watching them and overheard what he was thinking
She has a really good singing voice, not to mention how her hair falls perfectly while playing..
“Wow,” Jean interrupting his thought “Never seen you this head over heels for someone, must be pretty special”
“Hey! I’m not ‘head over heels’, okay?“ Warren realizing she knows exactly what she’s talking about “They just sound really good is all”
“Right, just like what you thought on the ride to the movies” Jean flustering the already flustered angel boy even more “You think you’re ever going to tell her?”
“How do you- look, quit reading my thoughts okay? I don’t have anything to tell her” Warren becoming a little defensive “We’re just friends”
“Warren, you’re only friends for so long before she moves on” Jean trying to convince him
“Moves on? what’s that supposed to mean?” Warren asked confused
“You’re going to see what I mean, just waiting around doing nothing” Jean then walking off
Move on?... does she mean... no
Warren takes one more glance of (y/n) playing before walking off
In his room who he shared with Kurt, laying on his bed thinking to himself
Should I tell her?... Will someone else come along?...
Kurt and Alex bursting in throwing Warrens train of thought off, both seeing his worry almost immediately
Kurt, trying to be a good friend crouched down near Warren “You have immense sadness in your eyes friend, tell us what’s wrong?”
Warren, not wanting to talk about it, but not wanting to come off too mean, “Ok Blue, listen, I don’t want to talk about anything, especially with you” eventually just walking out in a huff
“... Think it was something I said?” Kurts ears flopped in a sad manner, Peter assuring him it was him “Ah jeez, he’s been like this since our horror movie trip plan fell through, must’ve really wanted to watch that movie..”
What would I ever say.. How would I even say it... when.. should I say... GAH! I hate this! I’m going to workout
Walking in the locker room , he ran into Scott already talking to friends.
His friends having already gotten ready before him, they went on ahead leaving Scott alone with Warren.
“Hey Warren! I haven’t talked to you since the horror movie fail, how’ve you been man?” Scott trying to spark a small conversation getting ready
“Yeah I’ve been fine” Warren already disconnecting from the world around him
“Yeah, you never told us how your trip to the music shop with (y/n) was” Scott joked
“It was fine” Warren replied coldly
“Fine enough you started acting less cranky all the time?”
“It was until you opened your mouth” Warren getting done before Scott and heading into the gym
In her room, (y/n) and Jubilee are planning the elementary classes Summer picnic, it was a special request by Charles.
“So that’s 25 turkey sandwiches for the kids with nut allergies.. and 45 pb & j’s.. in total thats.. 70 sandwiches, whoooff” (y/n) laying back in her bed just wanting to go to sleep even thought it was only 4:37pm
“Ok Scott called the ice cream parlor and they did have each classes flavor selections, but we do have to go pick them up ourselves the day of,” (y/n), Jubilee, Scott and Jean have all been tasked in helping plan this picnic for some time.
“Ok I guess that just leaves... actually making the sandwiches, sorting the sandwiches, and picking up everything else.. ugh, I don’t hate these kids but why do there have to be so many of them” (y/n) was super exhausted
“Doesn’t your reality manipulation allow you to multiply objects?”
“I don’t have it under control yet, so as of the moment.. no”
“Well not taking the easy way goes to show how much you care right? Besides, isn’t one of your band members attending this picnic? Ryan Dust, right?”
“Husk, and yes, he is coincidentally in the class I’ll be helping supervise”
“You see? wouldn’t it be just awesome for little Ryan to his bands leader working hard?”
“Ugh... I guess so”
“Well I gotta get going” Jubilee started packing her things, “I gotta meet with Jane and discuss seating arrangements, see if you can get any help with the sandwiches, maybe ask Warren?”
“Why Warren?” (y/n) confused why Jubilee specifically said Warren
“Why not Warren? Doesnt Ryan look up to Warren as a drummer? I’m sure it would make Ryan super motivated to see two people he looks up to working so hard”
“Yea ok but-“
“Hold that but. I gotta go, talk later”
With that over, for now, (y/n) started cleaning up the mess of papers on her bed and grabbed her phone to call Warren, voicemail.
Huh... guess he’s busy right now.. I’ll ask again later... but I might forget to ask later and he might over book his schedule, he really needs to stop doing that... Oh! I know! I’ll set a reminder on my phone! this phone has a reminder app doesn’t it?
Navigating her phone proved to be more difficult than she anticipated, considering she’s had her phone longer than a month, it was still her first phone, her brother got it for her before she left, she never really got around to learning how to use it.
Getting frustrated not finding what she needed using her phone, (y/n) opted to asking Warren in person
Running around the whole mansion looking for Warren and even asking people who knew him if they saw him around, no luck.
Until she ran into Kurt and Peter in the main hall, (y/n) immediately running up to them and asking both if the saw him anywhere.
“Uh, yeah last we saw him, he was heading to the gym, looked like he was going through it,” Peter answered, Kurt immediately agreeing, “Ja, He stormed off after I asked him what was wrong..”
What was wrong? Going through it? What’s happening with Warren?
Peter then reassuring Kurt it wasn’t his fault Warren was upset, “Dude, I told you, he’s been like this since that movie we went to go see sold out on movie tickets, like I said, he’s probably just pissed he didn’t get to see it”
“Been like what?” (y/n) now concerned
“Well it’s kinda difficult to explain but more happy in a way kinda, but also crank now that he’s more happy, y’know?”
(y/n) understood what he meant, “Yea.. well I’ll ask him about it once I find him, thank guys,” (y/n) then running off towards the gym, the two boys nodding and continuing on with their day.
(y/n) made it to the gym, not having really used it yet, she just ran in looking for Warren, she figured she’d look for his wings since they were easy to spot.
After a few minutes of looking, (y/n) eventually spotted Warren lifting weights on a bench in the back.
She was waving and shouting to him hoping he’d notice but he wasn’t paying attention and had his music in.
(y/n) decided she’d approach him and get his attention that way, upon approaching him she tapped his shoulder hoping it would get his attention, big mistake.
Tapping Warrens shoulder triggered his fight instincts and whipped around with full wing span, cutting (y/n) in the face.
She fell to the ground dazed holding her face, Warren immediately realizing what he’s done he immediately runs to her and gives her a towel to cover her cut with.
Scott noticing the commotion ran over to help Warren rush (y/n) to med.
Outside of med Warren was pacing back and forth while Scott was sitting on a bench, both waiting for Hank and (y/n).
Warren couldn’t stop pacing, Scott tried to relieve him,” Hey look, worst case scenario, she just has some light scarring..”
Warren immediately erupting, “No! Don’t you get it??! This whole thing means I haven’t changed a bit since Apocalypse!!,” Warren having remembered his nature when he aligned with Apocalypse over 2 years ago.
“Hey! Now don’t say that! You obviously didn’t mean to hurt her, you obviously aren’t the same from then“ Scott trying to assure Warren he isn’t the same from back then, “Look! even you and Kurt can live in the same room! Surely that means something”
“Yea, not like we ever talk,” Warren denying everything Scott was saying, Scott still trying to convince him otherwise, “Even Kurt considers you a friend now, he never saw you as a bad guy Warren, no one has, not even Charles”
Warren still not listening stormed off again, tears almost forming in his eyes, not too long after, Hank brought (y/n) with a clean bill of health apart from the bandage on her face, and a lollipop
“Nothing too bad, the bleeding stopped, it’s best to keep the bandage on to prevent bacteria from getting in,” Hank explained to Scott
“Thanks Mr. Hank, also for the lollipop” (y/n) gratefully thanked, then looking around for Warren “Where’d Warren go?”
“Oh, Warren... he needed to go... take care of something,” Scott nervously told (y/n) not wanting to worry her by telling her he stormed off because he’s afraid he’s the same as when he was with Apocalypse
“Oh... I just needed to talk to him about something..”
“About the sandwiches for the picnic right? Jubilee asked Peter if he could help, with Peter the sandwiches will be done in a second”
(y/n) shaking her head, “No, not that... I needed to ask him about.. something else”
Scott a little confused but realizing, “You’re not.. mad at Warren now are you?” Scott reluctantly asked (y/n)
(y/n) shaking her head again, “Of course not, I probably shouldn’t have snuck up on him like that, it’s just as much my fault I got this that it his,” (y/n) immediately placing the blame on herself for something that obviously wasn’t her fault or Warrens
Both Hank and Scott try to reassure it wasn’t either sides fault
“Well, I know he didn’t mean to hurt me, I just... I need to talk to him”
“Well.. it’s probably not the best time to... bother him, he’s got some .. things to take care of right now,” Scott trying to avoid even more problems between them
“Maybe, but he’s.. my friend, I need to know if he’s alright” (y/n) then speed walking off to go find Warren
“Ah jeez...” Scott sighed
“Think they’re... actually going to talk about... that?” Hank asked
“I dunno, I just hope they’re able to work things out”
Having run through the whole mansion looking for Warren once again, (y/n) was certain she knew where he was, but to no avail. On her way back to her room, she noticed the attic ceiling hatch and realized.
“Tch- could he...,” (y/n) began opening the hatch letting the ladder down then ascending up into the attic.
“Hello-“ (y/n) checking to see if anyone was up there, then there he was. Not wanting to alarm him again, she slowly arose from the hatch and go up slowly as to not to alarm him. Warren was just sitting on a window sill looking out, lost in thought
W: *Why did I do that... I told myself she.. I was going to...*
(y/n): *Ok, I can see he isn’t paying attention again... this time I’ll... I’ll call him softly as to not to trigger his attack again*
(y/n) reluctantly took a step closer, stepping on a creaky floorboard thus alerting Warren, Warren looked over and sat up immediately, panic in his eyes.
“(y/n)!” Warren stuttered
“Hi! uh.. I just wanted to check up on you ‘cus I heard from Peter and Kurt that-“ (y/n) trying to be friendly with Warren then cutting her off
“(y/n)! y-you shouldn’t be here, it’s not-“ Warren spat out nervously with (y/n) cutting him off in return
“Ok ok I know I know, you had some stuff to think about but, I just wanted to say I’m sorry I snuck up on you like that, I should have probably alerted you before approaching you, you just had your music in I didn’t know-“ Warren then cutting her off once again “Look. (y/n), I am truly sorry I cut your face but.. you shouldn’t be around me, I’m just-“
“What? Dangerous? just ‘cause you have metal wings? there are people in this world without metal wings who I’m scared of more than you”
“I know you didn’t mean to hurt me like that I just.. at first I wanted to ask you about sandwiches but.. Peter and Kurt told me you’ve been ‘going through it’, their words not mine, and I just wanted to see exactly... what it is you’re going through..”
“(y/n), listen, you don’t understand, I’m the Archangel of Death! I don’t belong anywhere here, I just-“ Warren spewed out with (y/n) cutting him off again
“Warren! just shut up and listen to what I have to say!” she bursted out, continuing “I know you don’t mean any harm even whatever happened in the past, I’m not sure what all happened but that’s hopefully why I’m here, I just want to be there for someone who makes this place feel more like home even though we don’t meet up a lot”
“y/n), I-“
“Being here was scary but being here with you.. made it less scary, I don’t know if you feel the same way about me but.. I want. to be there for you when I can, Warren” (y/n) then taking a step closer knowing Warren can’t go anywhere
“Being around you.. I feel.. like maybe being here isn’t so bad, like maybe I can actually make something of myself here, like maybe.. you aren’t so bad..” (y/n) holding herself with tears welling up in her eyes
“I don’t know if you feel the same around me but.. that’s how I feel.. about you” (y/n) finally finishing
“(y/n)...” (y/n) holding for impact, entirely expecting him to reject her feeling, “I feel the same way about you,” Warren then taking a step closer
(y/n) almost gasped not believing what she heard
“Being around you.. brings me to a simpler time in my life and.. whenever we do meet up or bump into each other that feeling washes over me completely and.. I thought you hated my guts when we first met. You calling me angel boy, me calling you trash panda.. I never thought you’d want to talk to me ‘cus..” Warren expanding his wings and motion to them “I also wanted to be there for you when I could but.. I never saw you during the day, so I just..”
Both of them just stood there, looking into each other’s eye, then both taking another step closer to one another.
“Can I..” Warren started, looking deep into (y/n)’s yellow golden eyes, “Can I.. kiss.. you?”
(y/n) tears streaming down her face, just stood there looking up at Warren, not even answering him, she jumped up wrapping her arms around his neck just going for it. They kissed, Warren holding her close to him, (y/n) hasn’t felt so safe since she moved, Warrens wings around both of them. After what felt like forever only being 8 seconds, they separated kissing still holding each other.
“Well... ever kiss a raccoon face girl?” (y/n) joked
“He he, uh.. no but it was definitely a fine start”
Both chuckling before kissing again
A/N: if this sucked plz tell me, bully me if it was actually bad :D
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