#i give up for tonight though im going to play games and rest
did i almost have a breakdown today because there were too many strawberries in my smoothie? maybe. maybe.
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reystenius-01 · 2 months
Sweet and Sour
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Summary: Alexia comes home from that game to a sick reader. Comfort and fluff ensues.
(okay theres a bit of angst as well, i couldn't help myself, im sorry 😭)
Alexia didn’t know whether to cry, to yell, or to hurl a water bottle against the nearest surface. They had lost. Barça had lost. Their first defeat of the season could not have come at a more dangerous time, in the first leg of the Champions League Semi-Final. 
It was their first home defeat in five years, as well.
And to add salt to the wound, you weren’t around. You weren’t at the game today. You were at home, incredibly ill to the point where looking at a screen hurt your brain. You weren’t there for Alexia to cling onto, to reassure her that everything would come up blaugrana at the end of the day.
At least, though, you were at home, getting better for the second leg. You’d save them, Alexia told herself, as she applauded the fans for coming and attending. The fans deserved better than whatever the hell that performance was out there.
God, it kept replaying in her head. That miss. That fucking miss.
She could’ve levelled it, put her team on some somewhat stable ground for the away leg at Stamford Bridge. A part of her shattered when that ball went wide, it took majority of her willpower to get right back up afterwards. 
The little head-slaps she usually gave Vicky were lighter now, only just. As much as Alexia would love to give Jona a piece of her mind (she’d do that tomorrow at the latest), you were waiting for her at home. 
The mere thought nearly brought her to her knees. 
Though she knew that you would understand, that you would be the usual radiating beam of positivity that you always were despite feeling like you got hit by a truck, a part of her feared that you’d be disappointed, not just of the team, but of her.
Alexia was brought out of her thoughts as Jona walked into the locker room. The usual post-match speeches were given, but a chunk of Alexia’s brain was just all mush after that game. It was mostly a blur, and she could hardly remember what she had said in her own speech. Thankfully, she didn’t need to do media. The last thing she needed right now, especially in her current headspace, was for some reporters trying to bait her into making a scathing comment.
She wanted to go home to you. And at the same time, she didn’t.
The team bus was mostly silent on the way back to the training ground, a few of the girls conversing in hushed tones, some faint music coming from the back of the bus. Alexia hadn’t texted you yet. You needed the sleep, so you could get better and get back to the team.
Salma’s head was on her shoulder, the girl having fallen asleep a few minutes into the bus ride. Alexia’s heart went out to the girl, and she had encouraged her to keep her head up. 
The minutes went by like a blur, and before Alexia knew it, they were back at the training ground. The radio played faintly in her car as she drove back to your shared home, making a quick stop at the pharmacy to pick up your antibiotics, since the pharmacist had called her to let her know that your required dose for tonight was ready.
The first thing Alexia noticed when she got home was the smell of soup. You must’ve made some boxed instant soup or something, her thoughts confirmed when she saw the box and the seasoning packets. There was still some soup left in the pot on the stove. Well, there was dinner sorted.
She set the bag from the pharmacy down on the kitchen counter before heading upstairs to check on you. She quietly entered the bedroom, and saw you curled up in bed, your breathing steady and peaceful. She smiled softly, grateful to see you resting. You could be a little stubborn at times.
Carefully, she approached the bed and sat down beside you, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from your face, also gently holding her hand against your forehead to check on your fever. Thankfully, it wasn’t that bad anymore.
“Hey, amor,” she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. “I’m home.”
You stirred slightly, blinking sleepily as you looked up at her. “Hey, pretty girl,” you murmured, clearing your throat and sitting up a bit so you could lean against the headboard. “How are you? How was the game?”
Alexia hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words. She didn't want to disappoint you with the loss, especially when you were just starting to feel better.
“It was... challenging,” she said finally, hating how small she sounded. “But you know how it is. Win some, lose some.”
Your brow furrowed slightly, concern flickering in your eyes. You knew your girlfriend the same way you knew how to breathe. There was no way she’d ever use the words ‘win some, lose some’ to describe a game, especially a Champions League semi-final, at home no less. 
​​You studied her for a moment, your eyes searching her face. “Lex, what's wrong?” you asked gently, sensing her reluctance to talk about it.
Alexia hesitated, her heart heavy with the weight of her missed chance, chewing a little on the inside of her cheek. “I... I had a chance to level the score,” she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. “But I missed.”
Your heart broke then and there, not because of the loss at all. Your girlfriend, the Alexia Putellas and the two-time Ballon D’or winner looked so… small in front of you. Your expression softened with understanding, and you reached out to take her hand in yours. “Hey, it's okay,” you said soothingly, your voice filled with reassurance. “That’s football, love.”
Alexia noticed you shift closer to her a bit, your thumb stroking the back of her hand gently. You were keeping your distance a bit, not wanting to get your girlfriend sick, even more so now.
“But it was such an important game,” Alexia said, her voice trembling with emotion. “And I let everyone down.”
You shook your head, gently squeezing her hand. “You didn't let anyone down, Lex. You gave it your all out there, and that's all anyone can ask for. We win and lose as a team,” Alexia wasn’t looking at you, but you were looking at her, studying her. You could see her biting her bottom lip to keep herself from crying in front of you. “Mi vida, mírame.”
Alexia nibbled on her lip some more, before shaking her head. Your hand left hers, reaching up to gently hold her chin and encourage her to look at you. “Ale, mi niña bonita. Please look at me.”
She let you turn her face to face yours, and your thumb immediately reaching up to wipe away the tears that were escaping the corners of those gorgeous hazel eyes.
Your heart ached for her. She looked so vulnerable in that moment, and it pained you to see her so torn up over the match. “Alexia, listen to me,” you said, your voice firm but gentle as you wiped away her tears, albeit a little croaky as well. “You are so much more than just one missed chance. You are strong, talented, and resilient. And no matter what happens on the field, I am always going to be proud of you.”
Alexia's breath caught in her throat as she looked into your eyes, seeing nothing but love and admiration reflected back at her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.
“Don't apologise, amor,” you said softly, shaking your head. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Alexia shook her head, a shaky sigh escaping her lips. “I just... I hate feeling like I disappointed the team, the fans… and you.”
You reached out, cupping her cheek gently in your hand. “You didn't let anyone down, Ale,” you insisted, completely sure of what you were saying. “You're an incredible player and an amazing captain. And I couldn't be prouder of you–”
You doubled over, turning your head away to cough into your arm, your other hand patting your chest. 
“Amor,” Alexia all but jumped to your side, hand rubbing your back despite you trying to keep her at a distance so that she didn’t get sick.
“I’m…” Another stream of coughs escaped you, and Alexia pulled away briefly to pour you a glass of water. “I’m fine, Ale, thank you.”
You accepted the glass, taking a few sips to soothe the irritation you felt in your throat, massaging it gently. “Maybe you should take some medicine,” she suggested, worry evident for your health.
“After this,” you set the glass on the bedside table, grabbing Alexia’s hands again and getting her to sit beside you. “It's okay to feel disappointed, Lex, but don't let one moment define you. You are capable of so much more than you realise, and I know you know that.”
Tears continued to stream down Alexia's cheeks, but there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she listened to your words. “I just want to make you proud,” she admitted, her voice slightly above a whisper, sounding more like herself now.
“Oh, bebita,” you murmured, your voice soft just like your smile as you bunched up your sleeve, wiping at Alexia’s cheeks. “You already make me proud every single day.”
Alexia sniffled, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Even when I miss crucial chances in important games?”
“Even then,” you replied without hesitation, your gaze locked with hers. “Because you give your all out there, and you never give up. You always fight, and fight to make up for it.”
“You always know just what to say,” she whispered, a soft sigh escaping her as she looked at you.
“What can I say? I’m just so wise,” you replied, pulling a face, making Alexia chuckle and lightly shove your shoulder. “Hey, no bullying the weak and feeble!”
“You aren’t f-fuh–?” Alexia tried to copy your pronunciation, and with each attempt, your smile grew. “Amor!”
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Just…” Alexia put her hands on your shoulders. “You’re not weak.”
“I know, mi amor, I know. You aren’t either,” you put one of your hands on top of one of hers, gently caressing her knuckles. “We’re still in it. We’ve been here before, no?” You looked at her knowingly, yet so softly and so full of love.
“Mhm,” she hummed, her smile getting bigger.
“We just need a bit of faith and trust. No matter what happens, win or lose, you’re one of the most amazing people in my life,” you reached out to run your hand through Alexia’s hair, still a bit damp from her post-match shower. “Want me to brush your hair?”
“I want you… to take your medicine,” Alexia said with a smile, and you groaned.
“Is it the tablets?”
Alexia pursed her lips as she stood up, stifling a smile as she held out her hands for you to help yourself up out of bed.
“Amor,” you whined, kicking your feet a little like a child being denied ice cream from a street vendor.
“Come on, my tough and pretty and sexy girl,” Alexia wiggled her fingers. “You can handle a few pills, lovely.”
“I told you that a few months ago, and you banished me to an air mattress on the floor because you didn’t want me catching whatever bug you had,” You held onto her hands, standing up. Alexia’s large hands patted your waist a little before holding you gently. It was an adorable habit of hers. “And then, you proceeded to beg for me to come to bed with you just because you couldn’t stand being apart from me for the night.”
“Come, come,” Alexia had a smile on her face as you went on your little rant, leading you down the stairs to your inevitable fate of having to ingest some pills. You hated the feeling of pills in your throat, even when you took them with water. “Don’t be stubborn.”
“Alexia, don’t be mean to me, I am ill,” you stopped at the bottom step, Alexia looking up at you slightly, tilting her head and smiling at the sight of you pouting.
 You grumbled when she wrapped her arms around your waist and picked you up into her arms, begrudgingly wrapping your legs around her waist to hold onto her as she carried you into the kitchen, “Be careful, you played a rough half of football.”
Alexia glanced at you, brow furrowed. You weren’t supposed to be on your phone or any technology for that matter.
“Mapi called,” you smiled innocently, fingers scratching her scalp, the midfielder closing her eyes at the feeling briefly. “It’s been a while since she used short sentences.” Alexia winced. “Too soon, yep, sorry.”
“The doctor said you need to have three tablets–” Alexia braced herself for the mush of words that were about to come out of your mouth.
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kaelaheartsyou · 2 months
Dont Get Caught
paige bueckers x (female) reader
down bad reader + even more down bad paige
pure smut (sorry in advance) mdni !!!
use of bad language
kinda public sex
i watched from the stands as my girlfriend scored the game winning 3 pointer. it was an extremely close game. she immediately locks eyes with me before smiling and running to her teammates and celebrating together. she was definitely getting it tonight.
i made my way from my seat to the sidelines where i congratulated everyone on the team making sure to give azzi and molly a hug. by now the whole team knew me and paige were dating, considering we’ve been together for almost 7 months, it was kind of hard to hide. but imagine how hard it is to keep it from the media. with reporter after reporter trying to get a chance to talk to all the girls, i couldn’t just go up to her and kiss her without someone taking a picture. i didn’t mind the media knowing and i know she didn’t either, but to be fair we did agree to wait.
i just sat down in a chair on the sidelines scrolling through tiktok liking pretty much every post that had to do with paige in some way. she was still getting interviewed while the rest of the girls had already made their way out of the locker room.
as she finished up, she finally walked into the locker room, clearly not noticing i was right behind her. i managed to get past anyone trying to take pictures as i walked in after her. i dont know how she was so oblivious to my presence.
“hi baby, you played so good” i said while smiling, still behind her.
“holy shit” she said practically jumping as she turned around to look at me. “how did you get in here without anyone noticing” she laughed
“they were all focused on azzi, just wanted to congratulate you” i beamed happily
“well thank you, im so glad you were able to come i know how behind you are on school shit”
she walked towards me wrapping her arms around my waist. i instinctively put mine around her neck. the eye contact we held could make anyone fold, and i was trying so hard not to. i wanted her to kiss me first, i don’t give in that easy even when it comes to paige fucking bueckers.
after what literally felt like hours she finally kissed me, my hands going straight to her hair that was still in a ponytail. i pulled off the hair tie making her groan into my mouth at the feeling of relief.
she lightly tapped my thigh to signal for me to jump. and of course i did because id do anything for this girl. she lifted me up making me wrap my legs around her waist. still not breaking the kiss, paige carried me to the counter where the sinks were and set me down before pulling at my shirt for me to remove it.
“paige not here we’re gonna get caught.” i mumbled before pulling away
“cmon baby everyone already grabbed their stuff out of here, no ones coming back.” she reassured me with her infamous smirk
i reluctantly nodded my head accepting the fact that if we get caught its on her. i pulled of my shirt and watched her immediately unclip my bra. she stared at me for a minute before speaking, “you’re so fucking beautiful im so damn lucky.”
i blushed, usually i was the one praising her and giving her compliments. must be the post-win feeling getting to her. nonetheless i appreciated her words even though they made me practically melt.
we reconnected our lips, her hand playing with my nipple sent a wave of ecstasy through my entire body. she pulled away again this time to remove my sweatpants, leaving them at my ankles because deep down i think she knew there was a good chance someone might walk in. she marveled at how soaked my red laced underwear was and i felt my self sheepishly covering my face. her hands were quick to pull mine away.
“this wet for me hm? and i haven’t even done anything yet.” she smirked again and pulled down my underwear. i was now fully exposed and she still had her uniform on.
“paige come on take it off.” i said motioning to her uniform and feeling quite embarrassed knowing i was the only one with out a single piece of clothing on.
she complied without a complaint and stripped down to her sports bra and boxers. i see her like this almost every night and it still amazes me how gorgeous she is. running my hand down her toned stomach i start spewing out compliment after compliment before she starts kissing my neck, making me shut up and throw my head back.
her hand thats not on my waist is touching everywhere but wear i need her. im sitting at the edge of the counter at this point, our bodies are flushed together skin to skin.
“please p.. i need you” i murmured quietly when her kisses started getting lower and lower. i just know that there were going to be bruises from where she was sucking in the morning.
“yeah? where do you need me baby use your words.” she said softly against my skin making me shiver. her long fingers finally touching my clit as she moved her fingers at an agonizingly slow pace. “here?”
“mhm- oh shit.. paige please just fuck me already ” i stuttered through my sentence and she laughed
“you want my mouth or my fingers ma?” she said as she made eye contact with me. the nickname repeated in my head, usually i wouldn’t let any girl call me that but it just felt so different when my girlfriend said it.
i debated between the two when i finally settled on an answer and said “both” she just laughed and told me to let her know if it gets to be too much. always so full of herself..
she sat in front of me on her knees spreading my legs apart. she didn’t even break the eye contact before her tongue started circling my clit.
“fuck p, you always know how to make me feel good.” i moaned leaning my head back on to the wall behind me.
i could feel her fucking smirking.
that just encouraged her to move her tongue faster and harder against my clit. she quickly got me to my climax and i grabbed at the back of her head pulling her closer and letting out a string of curses and moans to signal that i was close. she didn’t slow down though, she continued until i begged her to stop when the pleasure got so intense. she pulled away and stood up and kissed me, making me taste myself on her mouth.
“you did so good baby, can you do one more for me?” she cooed against my mouth and i quickly nodded my head, desperate to feel her again.
she brought to fingers to my mouth urging me to suck, to which i complied. her eyes were glued to my mouth as i took her fingers into my mouth. when she pulled them out she brought them right back to my entrance.
“oh fuck.” i moaned at the feeling of her fingers moving in me, immediately hitting my g-spot. she knew my body so well.
my moans encouraged her to speed up “can you take another one?” she challenged and i was so incoherent from the pleasure i could only mumble an “mhm” and nod my head while gripping at her shoulder.
she added another finger and i knew i couldn’t last much longer. my legs started shaking and my hand flew to my mouth to cover any screams that threatened to slip. she immediately tore my hand away.
“no i wanna hear you and know exactly how i make you feel.” she said cockily with a smirk plastered on her face. using her free hand she grabbed my leg and put it over her shoulder, increasing how deep her fingers went in me. i couldn’t take it any longer and i came all over her fingers. she slowed down her pace and removed her fingers before praising me for how good i did for her.
she put her clothes back on because there wasn’t enough time for me to make her “feel good.” i tried to jump down from the counter but i immediately felt my knees buckle from beneath me, luckily page grabbed my arms. she helped me put my shirt and sweatpants back on.
“hey paige?! have you seen my water bottle?” kk said as we heard to door to the locker room open. i quickly fixed my hair to look more presentable and paige walked around the corner and over to kk.
“yeah its out by the bench on the sidelines.” paige replied quickly ushering her out.
“oh um okay.. thanks?” kk didnt further question paiges weird behavior and instead walked away.
paige came back over to me and i put my shoes on before giving her a kiss. not a sexual one, i was just so proud of her.
“we could’ve gotten caught p, we gotta be more careful.” i said jokingly as we left the locker room, being careful to avoid any cameras.
“yeah that could’ve been really bad.. good thing you finish fast.” she said the last part as a whisper and that shut me up immediately. yeah she was gonna get it the second we get back to our apartment.
author speaks- guys im nervous this is my first post. constructive criticism is welcome!!
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fr4nkoce4n · 4 months
𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏! ʲᵃᶜᵏ ʰᵘᵍʰᵉˢ
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in which jack comes home in a bad mood after getting eliminated from the playoffs but his two girls are always there for him.
song- watch you sleep. - girl in red
jack felt off, almost empty as he pulled into the driveway of his home. a frown was displayed on his face, after getting eliminated from the playoffs. his team had played a good game, but not good enough.
he opened his car door grabbing his bags and keys, making his way to the front door and opening it with one swift movement.
he dropped his bags to the ground and looked around, no one to be seen, the tv was turned off and all that could be heard was the song here comes the sun by the beatles.
it was his 4year old daughter, matilda’s favourite song, she would try her best to sing along to it, not able to even get the words correct. it always brought a smile to his face.
he made his way into the kitchen without trying to disrupt anything. he stopped from a distance as he saw his wife with matilda propped up on her right hip, dancing and singing around the kitchen as she was making something.
jack leaned against the frame of the window and just watched, a look of happiness spread across his face.
you had had a big night, from watching the game, to trying to make dinner, to trying to make matilda stop crying. the crying was never ending, and for what reason? she could never figure it out, tilly was now 4 but she was just always crying. and when you couldn’t make it stop you felt like a horrible mother.
at this very moment you had matilda on your hip and you were trying to distract her so she would stop crying. you danced around and even started singing before she stopped crying.
it was rough when jack had to go on a roadie, meaning you had to put in that little bit of extra effort around the house.
you weren’t going to lie, it was a little bit relieving knowing jack wouldn’t have alot of hockey to focus on after losing tonight. you sure felt bad for your husband though.
“need a hand?” jack spoke up and took matilda out of his wife’s hands and pulled her in for a hug, “dada!” matilda cheered and dug her head into her dads neck.
“hey tills!” jack greeted, placing a sweet kiss on his daughters forehead.
“im sorry about the game jack.” you spoke and gave your husband a peck on lips.
“it’s okay, we tried our best.” he sighed, you could tell he was upset about it all.
“i need to finish dinner, could you go give her a bath?” you ask quietly.
“of course.”
jack carried matilda to the bathroom and turned on the bath tub. he grabbed out the basket full of tillys bath toys.
“which ones do you want tonight?” jack asked as he spread them out along the ground.
she picked up her favourite ones and placed them in the bath gently, as if they had feelings.
“good pick.” jack smiled picking up the rest of the toys and putting them away.
once the bath was full jack placed matilda in the bath and she played in there while jack washed her.
as her daddy put shampoo into her hair she looked up at him, she easily noticed that he wasn’t as talkative as he usually was and looked like he was sad.
“daddy?” she questioned.
“yes tilly baby?”
“do you have a boo boo?” she sat up in the bath and jack stopped massaging her scalp with conditioner.
“no honey, why do you ask?”
“your sad, what’s wrong daddy?” she frowned. “is it because you lost?”
“yes baby.” he sighed.
“it’s okay.” she placed her hand on top of his hoping to turn his frown into a smile.
a smile broke out on jack’s face, “thank you. can i ask you a question?”
she nodded gently.
“why do you get so upset all the time darling girl?” he asked curiously.
tilly looked like she was about to start crying again, “i miss you daddy.”
jacks heart swelled but also dropped, he wished that he could be there all the time for his girls.
“im always with you, in here.” he poked her little chest gesturing to her heart. “but baby, you need to stop getting so upset, it’s really hard on mummy, she feels bad when she can’t make you feel better.”
“do I make mummy sad?”
“not sad, she just feels like a bad mummy.” he sighed, knowing tilly most likely didn’t understand him anyway.
“she’s not a bad mummy!” she sort of yelled.
“she’s not. now come on, let’s get you dry and changed and into bed gorgeous.”
jack changed her into her pyjamas and placed her into her big girl bed pulling the blanket over her.
she closed her eyes straight away, but just was jack was about to shut the door she spoke up. “daddy?”
“i wont cry tonight so mummy feels better.”
“come see me if you want me baby.”
he left a gap in the door and made his way into the kitchen, his amazing wife had made his favourite meal, spaghetti bolognaise.
“ugh it looks and smells amazing baby.” he placed a kiss on your forehead and sat down next to you to eat.
you both dug into your food and ate up.
“im sorry you didn’t make it through to the next round.” you spoke quietly.
“it’s okay, I want to be here more for tilly, do you know why she cries so much?” he questioned his wife, she shared a look with him.
“no clue, I can’t get a peep out of her when she’s crying.” you frown.
“she said it’s because she misses me…” he sighed, he felt horrible. “i knew i would be a horrible dad.”
“hey hey hey, no your an amazing dad, tilly loves you, she wouldn’t want any other dad in the world.” you grabbed your husbands hand. “and I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my husband.”
you grab your husbands hand and drag him to tillys room and open the door, she is laid in her bed peacefully, “sometimes when your on a roadie i miss you so much so i come in here and watch her sleep. she looks exactly like you jack, and she calms me.”
jack remembered when tilly was first born, he would stay in her room for ages and watch her sleep because he was so worried something would happen to his girl.
but now, like his wife said, it was calming.
the way her little chest moved up and down as she breathed, the way she would move around every now and then and the way she would cuddle her snoopy teddy which had a devils jersey on it.
“we made her.” jack spoke softly.
“yeah. we did.” she grabbed jacks hand and leaned onto his shoulder.
this moment was the only moment he ever wanted, who cared about making it to the next round when he had his two girls at home?
they were all he ever needed.
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moonstruckme · 8 months
hello! :D I'm not sure if your request are open but if they are could you please write about reader and marauders playing a game something like answering questions and if they don't answer they have to drink and reader is asked who they would rather kiss (or something along those lines) out of them all and reader says Remus and they both get all flustered and the rest of the group is teasing them and whatnot and they end up telling each other about their feelings for one another like the next day or something
im sorry if this ask is like all over the place anywhooo thank you so much!<3 i love your writing btw :)
My requests are open babe, thank you!
cw: drinking game
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 837 words
Everything is pleasantly fuzzy, and your laughter bubbles up out of you with scarcely any prompting. 
“Alright, alright,” Marlene says, “James, where’s the weirdest place you’ve had sex?”
James hardly hesitates. “Quidditch pitch.”
You slap a palm across your mouth, and your little circle bursts into howling laughter. 
“It was really dark, though!” James justifies. “No one would’ve been able to see us if they’d looked. Anyway, my turn.” He looks around the circle, eyes narrowed in mock seriousness. “Pads.” Sirius looks up. “When you said you’d never had sex in my bed, were you lying?”
Sirius presses his lips together, looking suspiciously like he’s suppressing a smile, and drinks. 
“Wha—that’s as good as an answer!” James sputters. “You prick, learn some boundaries!” 
“No clue what you’re talking about.” Sirius shrugs. “Okay…y/n.” You bite your lip, doing your best to make your eyes look wide and sweet in the hopes he’ll go easy on you. “Of everyone here right now, who would you rather kiss?”
You freeze, trying to keep your gaze from darting to your immediate answer. “I…I don’t know,” you say. 
Sirius shakes his head, smirking. “Not good enough, sweetheart.” 
“Careful,” Marlene warns, “I don’t know if you can handle drinking much more.” 
“Yeah, Pads, just let ‘er off,” Remus says. “Don’t make her sick because of you.” 
“All she has to do is answer,” Sirius argues, but it’s alright, because you’ve seen your opening.
You take it. “Remus,” you say, as though the idea has just occurred to you, “because he’s being nicer to me than the rest of you.” 
The group erupts in cheers and boos, and Remus’ cheeks color pink. 
“Plus,” you go on, emboldened by the warmth of booze in your chest, “he wouldn’t make it weird. None of the rest of you would ever let me forget it.” 
“Oi!” James protests. “I don’t kiss and tell.” 
“Yeah, right,” Marlene laughs. “Sirius, who did James kiss last week?”
Sirius tilts his head. “Do you mean on Sunday or Tuesday?”
Marlene smirks. 
“Whatever,” James says, but he’s smiling. “You’re all just jealous, Y/N too. Remus, you’d better take good care of this one. She’s got high standards, apparently.” 
Now your face is warming too, and Remus nudges you with his shoulder. “It’s your turn, love,” he says. “Get him back.” 
You grin. “Excellent idea. James, did you sleep in your bed after you thought Sirius had sex in it?”
James eyes go wide behind his glasses as his cheeks redden, and Remus chuckles beside you. 
As usual, it’s you and Remus cleaning up after everyone else has gone to bed. James would typically at least offer to help, but he’s busy patting Sirius’ back as his friend purges everything he drank tonight in the community bathroom. You’d offered to tidy yourself and let Remus go upstairs, but he’d only said “don’t be silly” and started picking up discarded cups alongside you. 
“It got a bit much tonight, didn’t it?” you ask, aiming for casual but only hitting awkward.
Remus hums. “I don’t think any more than usual.” He gives you a knowing look, made worse by his tiny smile. “They don’t usually pick on you, though, so I’m sure it felt different.” 
You laugh nervously. “I guess so. I can dish it out, but I can’t take it, huh?”
“Well, they make it easy to dish,” he says mildly. “Anyway, it’s like you said. If you’d even said you’d kiss any of them, they’d never’ve shut up about it.” 
You tense but nod, bending to dab at a stain of spilled drink someone left in the rug. “Yup. That’s why I picked you.” 
“Is that the only reason?”
You turn, and Remus is looking at you evenly despite his flushed cheeks. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” he says softly, kindly, “that if they’d asked me, I would’ve picked you too. So I guess I’m just wondering, would you have picked me, if you weren’t worried about everyone teasing you?”
The way he’s looking at you, you know he’s ready to accept whatever answer you give. Remus is watching you curiously, but there’s a bashfulness around his eyes. He wants to know, but he’ll let you off the hook in a second if you indicate that’s what you want. 
“Yeah,” you say quietly. “Yeah, I’d pick you.” 
Remus looks like the breath goes out of him. He takes a step toward you. “Why?” 
“I don’t need a reason,” you admit. Not one that makes sense, anyway. It’s just him. 
Remus’ smile is borderline shy. “I’ve got tons.” 
“Yeah?” It’s more breath than word. 
“Mhm. Wanna hear ‘em?”
“That’s okay,” you say, and rise on your tiptoes, kissing him. 
Remus kisses just like you knew he would. Soft and sweet, with little hints of urgency in the press of his hand against your back, the insistent sound he makes in the back of his throat. And you don’t need a single reason to want to kiss Remus Lupin, but you’ve got tons too.
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wzrd-wheezes · 6 months
Cat and Mouse - Rockstar!Sirius x Reader Smut
AN - hello! this is the first fic im posting in a little while and what better way to come back than with some sirius smut. I'm a little rusty so please forgive me <3
Includes: cocky, arrogant, somewhat toxic sirius. swearing. unprotected sex. choking. slight degradation and just other general filth.
1.2k words.
smut starts under the cut.
“I knew you’d come tonight.” Sirius drawled, shit-eating grin plastered on his face. He handed his guitar to one of the roadies, his skin glistening with sweat from the bright stage lights and made his way over to her. 
“Didn’t have anything better to do.” Y/N said drily, her arms folded over her chest. She purposely tried not to look at him, letting her gaze drift to his bandmates who were packing away the rest of their equipment.  
“Seems like you never have anything better to do,” Sirius taunted, leaning over and smirking at her, “you know, with the number of times that you tell me you’re not coming to see me again, yet every time I play you conveniently have ‘nothing better to do’.”  
“Yet you always put my name on the guestlist.” 
“Because I enjoy this little game we play. The one where you pretend that you’re not bothered about me even though we both know that you are.” 
“I’m the one that’s bothered?” Y/N scoffed, “You’re the one that I get fifteen missed calls off when I don’t show up to your gigs. You’re the one that writes songs about me when I’m not even your girlfriend. But I’m the one that’s bothered?” 
 "You're the one who always shows up at these gigs only to see me and then make out like you don’t care about me." he shot back. "You love the attention I give you. You love the fact that I write about you.” Sirius laughed. 
“You’re a narcissist. You like the fact that I have feelings for you, that I care enough to show up to your concerts.” she spat. 
“Ah, but you love it.” He said, his town teasing as he leaned closer towards her, “I know you do.” 
As if to prove his point, he leaned forward and place one hand gently under her chin, forcing her eyes up towards him. Then, ever so gently, brushed her lips with his, letting the barest hint of a kiss touch her before letting his hand drop.  
Sirius was clearly enjoying himself and it was clear to Y/N that he was just trying to get under her skin. She glared back at him, angry at him for mocking her but at the same time wanting him badly. It was a feeling that both of them had struggled with for a while now, through months of hooking up yet never actually committing to each other.  
He was relentless, always trying his hardest to catch her off guard. All the times when she had resolved to ignore him, he would find a way to worm his way inside her thoughts. If not by words then by gestures; the way his arm would snake round her waist, the way he would rest his hand on her thigh when they were sitting together, the way he would have her pressed against the wall in the quickest flash if he wanted to.  
“We both know why I’m here so why don’t we just cut the bullshit.” Y/N said, deadpan. 
“Because you’re in love with me?”  
“Because you’re a good fuck, Black.” 
Sirius groaned, the air was thick with the tension that had been building between them. A smug smirk plastered itself across his face.  
“And there it is.” he said, looking her up and down, his eyes roaming over her body and then back up to her lips, “I thought we were going to dance around the inevitable for the rest of the night.” 
Sirius grabbed her by the wrist, yanking him towards his dressing room. A boot-clad foot kicked the door open before swiftly pulling her inside and knocking it shut behind him. 
“There’s no fun in being coy with you, sweetheart,” his eyes still locked on her lips, “I’m aware of how this goes. You come to see me, and you pretend you hate me while I try my hardest to get under your skin. Then inevitably, we both get tired of playing this game and you finally let me fuck you like you’ve been longing for all night.” 
He had her pinned against the door now, one of his hands resting just above her head, bracing himself as he towered over her. He smirked, running his fingers down her neck. He loved it when they were like this, how they would both pretend to not be absolutely crazy with desire for each other. It was exciting. A game of cat and mouse that had been going on for far too long.  
His long, slender fingers wrapped around her throat, the cool metal of his rings pressing against her skin. He tightened his grip ever so slightly, enjoying the soft gasp that escaped her lips.  
“You look so pretty like this.” he said, his voice low, “So pretty with my hand around your neck.” 
He dipped his head down, catching her lips in his, teeth clashing together as he roughly kissed her. He groaned into her mouth, his tongue slipping inside, their kisses becoming messy. His hands found the back of her thighs, lifting her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist.  
Hastily, he carried her over to the dressing table, putting her down on top of it, her back resting against the mirror. Y/N quickly removed her shirt, Sirius unbuttoning and sliding off her trousers as she did. He dragged her to the edge of the table, roughly spreading her legs.  
“You know you love this, don't you?” he teased, his breath hot and heavy as it fanned over her face, “You love that you’re mine.” 
Sirius’s hands were rough and unrelenting, he was unable to hold himself back, the pair of them far too eager to take it any slower.  
“Stop teasing and just fuck me already.” Y/N said, already breathless.  
Wordlessly, he shoved his jeans down, letting them hang low on his hips. He wasted no time, quickly lining himself up with her, plunging in without given her a second to adjust. A ragged moan escaped her lips, earning a smile from Sirius.  
“I’m the only one that gets to make you make those pretty noises,” he grunted, his hips snapping against hers, “No one can fuck you better than I can, can they?” 
Unable to form a coherent response, she just shook her head, her eyes screwed shut in pleasure. 
“Answer me properly.” 
“N-no.” she gasped, “No one fucks me better than you.” 
That was all the fuel he needed to keep going. He grabbed her forcefully, repositioning her so that she was bent over on the dressing table with him behind her. 
“Want you to look at yourself in the mirror,” he ordered, “Want you to see how desperate and needy you are for me, how good I make you feel.”  
His fingers wove into her hair, adjusting her head so that she had no choice but to stare at their reflection. It was like a high for him, watching her stare at herself in the mirror, taking in her bruised lips and smudged makeup. 
Sirius slammed into her, his grunts mixing with her moans as he chased his own release. He felt her clench around him and he stared thrusting harder, deeper.  
“That’s it. Look at yourself as you cum for me.” he encouraged, “such a little slut for me.” 
Y/N came with a loud moan, her body going slack. Sirius held her up against him as his thrusts got sloppy, his own orgasm quickly approaching. He groaned as he came inside her, panting as he pulled out.  
“So, when’s your next gig?”  
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canaidliafail · 1 year
Stay grounded
streamer Abby x streamer f!reader 🌿
[part 1 ]. [part 2]
Not proof read like at all. pure crap. Im just horny had an idea and wrote it down. enjoy tho~ MDI cause it will get explicit in later chapters
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CW: college exams, weed
“fuck, give me a caption”
“I like tits”
“literally fuck you”
you mumbled and your friends laughed, enjoying your misery. You stared at the blank space below your post and pursed your lips in concentration. Eventually you started typing cringing at every word
“trying some new products ˖◛⁺ ⑅ ♡”
and pressed “post” on the photo tossing your phone on the other side of the couch defeated. Been a presence online sure had its fun but you were also filled with the existential dread that people knew you “existed”
150k people to be exact. not much but more than you ever expected to get from your hobby. You usually posted your figurine collection from the most recent games you streamed with the occasional over the top pic of you dolled up and in clothes styled to fit the game of the month which unsurprisingly always over performed in statistics.
you had been doing this for a good two years now give or take and it was a wild turn of events considering how quickly and well your career took off. You loved the financial comfort but hated how exposed you constantly felt.
“Don't you have a stream tonight?” your friend,june, asked and you shook your head rubbing your face and squeezing your eyes shut to hopefully get rid of the persistent ache
“No, I'm resting for the week. Told them I have exams or whatever”
she passed you the blunt and you took a few puffs in silence staring into space
“Mind if I put on some music?”
“no go ahead” you mumbled and went to the kitchen to make coffee as you heard the first notes of mr.kitty after dark play in the living room.
“We need to go on a trip somewhere”. June said and Cassie agreed
“trip? where?” you shouted loud enough to be heard across the halls
“I don't know man but like, leave this town for a bit. Remember how fun we had on our last trip ?”
you smiled. Italy was fun. England was insane and Germany was borderline a fever dream. all three unique and all three with a romantic disappointment that entertained your friend group for months and you had to admit you had been craving leaving your city for a while now. Had it not been for the fact that you were on your last semester at college you would be somewhere else every other week -without any romantic endeavors-
You made the quickest shittiest coffee and went back to the living room sitting on the floor “Once Im done with exams we can go anywhere you want” you promised. Your phone pinged the flash going on and off
“What the fuck”
“Im suing for optical damage”
they yelled and grabbed your phone tossing it your way and you all but laughed
“Sorry sorry my bad forgot to turn off flash alerts”
You tapped your screen and almost choked on your coffee fumbling to unlock your phone the lyrics blurring in the background until they became a numbing buzz
staygrounded69 just made a new post
you tapped the icon and saw the new photo. You couldn’t quite understand what it was about her but she had you hooked and entirely captivated. It wasn’t a crush but you always found yourself checking for new posts or streams.
Abby, known by her public name staygrounded was a gamer who streamed here and there. In a more a casual stream she eventually explained that her nickname was a jab by her friend when she asked for ideas and he said “staygrounded, get it? cause of your fear of heights?” and it just stuck by.
That wasn’t why she had blown up though. No it was due to her coming out as a lesbian and that fueled every female straight and not. She was after all, a tall muscular woman with beautiful blonde hair and a face with unique features that deserved appreciation in the form of oil paintings and perhaps a face seating
you shook your head trying not to let your mind fall too deep into hopeless thirsty thoughts and admired the new photo. a casual gym pic. Fuck she wasn’t even flexing her muscles or anything. she wore the baggiest grey sweatpants with a black hoodie and a black cap with her braided hair and the lower half of her face peaking through sitting on a bench casually
and yet you felt weak. you bit your lower lip and chewed on it a little
“Cotton????” your friends called out to you by your streamer nickname and snapped their fingers. you looked up feeling your cheeks heat up
“aaah did she post?”
“mhm” you nod excitedly and went back to looking at the photo. You tapped the share button and posted it on your story leaving a small note
“her <3”
not been shy of publicly “aPprEciAtiNg” her since she was hell of a popular figure and would for sure not see your reshare.you let out a sigh and june smirked
“what ails you my victorian maiden”
“I love women” you said dreamily and took a sip of your coffee
“Wish they loved you back” Cassie bit and you grabbed your pillow and went over to her “oh you’re dead” you barked and she laughed as you started playfully smothering her with the stuffed item.
“alright time for me to bounce” june said first and grabbed her things “my teacher will probably be up my ass for coming so late” she groaned and you looked at the time “yeah I need to also get going”
“sucks to suck. Ill go take a nap” Cassie said and grabbed her things.
you and June both had afternoon classes while Cassie was happily a drop out who did seasonal work and rested during winter. The two of you were very visibly jealous of her not having to deal with the pain of exams.
“Yeah yeah get over yourself” June said jabbing her at her sides and Cassie yelped running in front of her, June chasing her down the stairs and you being the last one to leave the apartment to lock the door.
You were in class when it happened. Your week ended with a babging 3 hour lecture entirely dedicated to pattern making. You were ready to grab the scissors and stab yourself to end this. You friend also seemed to slowly wither away while your teacher remained as chipper as always
“Now regarding coats-“ she continued and you pushed your chair away from the desk softly getting up to grab fresh paper to start copying the notes she was starting to draw on the board
You spread it out on your desk and grabbed the ruler and pencil and started measuring a No.44 coat purposefully being slower than usual so that you wouldn’t have to do much work. Your brain was squeezed dry for the day and this class was always the most difficult
you grabbed your phone to take a picture of the finished measurements and pattern on the board to have it for later. You opened the camera and zoomed in ready to take a pic
staygrounded69 liked your story
came the first notification and you fumbled with your phone as it nearly fell off of your hands. You sat down on your chair and stared at the icon for a hard long minute not wanting to tap it and see just a fan account instead. You decided to stay delusional
staygrounded69 liked your post
staygrounded69 liked your post
a few minutes later came another few notifications and then that was it. You opened your page and tapped the username that led to her profile.
holy shit
it really was her
its fucking her
You breathed in quitting her page and tapping her username again still in disbelief. She saw your photos. She had specifically liked the ones with your face in.
“Refrain from using your phones in class” your teacher reminded you and you were snapped back into reality
right patterns
you shoved your phone in your bag and tried to focus on the sheet in front of you. for the remaining half hour you faked working on the class assignment and pretending to draw lines and correct them and the second your professor dismissed you, you bolted out of the class and grabbed your phone and checked for any new notifications. There was none and you tried to ignore the soft pang of disappointment that filled your chest.
You did hope she would follow you back or something but that was ridiculous considering how famous she was and by your knowledge she only followed her friends the she hang out with outside her online careers which was a dreadfully low number of people meaning there was no reason for her to follow you
you called june “you won't believe what happened”
“Oh my god. Its about that hot beefy streamer isn’t it?”
“Yes yes it is!”
and you heard screaming on the other line till the mic peaked and muted her out entirely. You gave her a few moments of squealing till she was back on the line ready to question you
“spill. what happened? Did she see your story? did she reply to it?”
“alright no nothing that important but-“
“oh come onnnn”
“BUT!” you interrupted and she waited for you to continue
“but she liked two of my pictures. You know what this means? it means she went through my page and liked two of my pictures June!”
“Wow oh my she will propose to you. She is so in love oh god”
You kept hyping up each other’s delusions all the way to your bus station
“did she text you ? any other notifications?”
you pulled your phone away and checked your page.nothing new so far
“no nothing yet, oh my bus is here”
“alright keep me updated if anything happens”
you hung up and walked inside the vehicle and sat on a plastic seat daydreaming of every possible scenario between you and Abby. However the more you sat the more the high of the excitement wore off and the more you settled back into your usual sorrowful self
ok and? she liked your posts. hell she is probably a player and likes every cute girls posts
you thought and sank further into the seat drowning in the soft music playing from your headphones. you tapped your foot on beat and rested your head against the cold misty windows of the bus. You started lying to yourself pretending this didn’t affect you much and that you'd be over her by tomorrow
You walked back home and tossed your bag carelessly near the shoe rack while taking off your boots and coat in one go leaving them on the floor not caring to tidy up. You went to the sofa and turned on your ps4 feeling excited that you finally had a few hours to dedicate to yourself
You logged into assassin’s creed valhalla ready to continue. This was your third play through and the only game you refused to play on stream. You liked keeping it as a way to comfort yourself and disassociate. You were planning on eventually getting tge ¼ scale Eivor statue that cost the not so humble amount of 1,2k $. Until you were ready to commit to such an expense though you settled for seeing your favorite character in game and left the statue in your wishlist amongst the other figurines you wanted to get
in between enjoying the game you checked the time and remembered today was Abbys turn to stream. You hated to admit that you had purposely made a schedule around hers so that you wouldn’t miss any time she went live, good example being now. You unlocked your phone leaving her stream open waiting for it to start while simultaneously running around in the forest, leisurely exploring the areas in your game
“Hey everyone! Can you all hear me fine? musics not too loud?”
came abbys voice and you snapped your head to your phone looking at her. fuck she was wearing that grey sleevless tank-top again
“Todays stream will be more chill. thought we could just catch up and chat a bit. I ugh had a long day at the gym”
she continued in her usual timid tone. On first look you would never think a woman like her would be so damn shy but she was. Or maybe it was just the camera and audience that caused her to be a bit more chaotic. Its not like you knew what she really was like behind the lens.
“Oh hey Alice nice to see you again!” she said taking her time to greet most of the people viewing her
“Oh we have Nora and Manny in the chat too” she said with a soft laugh. Nora. Oh you knew Nora. Abby usually posted with two women. Both seemed to be friends with her but could equally be suspected to be her girlfriend. One was Nora. They went to the same gym together and often hung out on stream. The second one was Ellie. Another streamer who in the beginning had a very well known hatred towards Abby until one day they miraculously made up and started occasionally hanging out.
not that it mattered to you if either of them was dating Abby…
“Next games? hm..Im not sure. Any suggestions”
you hesitated. You were a silent watcher most days. actually you had never said a damn word other than a donation to her stream and when she called you by your username back then to thank you, you felt so embarrassed that you decided to be one of the lurkers in her stream. Must have been a year ago or so when no one knew you either so there wasn’t a big deal made out of your name being mentioned. You felt stupid for even considering that anyone knew you at all to care if you left a comment. Even in the slim chance that your audience overlapped no one would really bother making a big deal out of it
“Have you tried ac valhalla?” you looked at your comment again and again till deciding to press send and then wait
“yeah not sure about that one..” she seemed to be reading and expanding a bit on which games she considered giving it a go or not. You felt a bit of relief thinking your comment was lost in the sea of others and resumed your game only to pause it shortly after
“Cotton? heh, cute nickname…I haven’t tried any of the assassins creed games but Ill check it out” You heard and your hands started to shake in excitement your ears burning from the heat.
Its not like Abby had any unique accent but the way she said your nickname made you twirl your hair and giggle to yourself. You grabbed your phone again
“oh really? she is?” you heard abby say and you read the comments the excitement turning into plain horror and mortification when you saw people start to recognise you and tease you for recommending the game they had probably seen you continuously post on your stories for a year straight. You exited the stream in shame and gently put your phone on the coffee table continuing your game.
I will end it all for real
this was my last straw
By the time the embarrassment of this minor inconvenience wore off You were in the middle of finishing the Granterbridge arc when you decided to post another story with a short caption regarding the characters. Your phone slowly started going off with notifications with people responding to your story and being in a sour mood you decided to mute it and continue your game till you fell asleep on the couch. The only reason you woke up was because you actually had a really shitty sofa with the thinnest pillows that did nothing to shield you from the hard wooden planks beneath.
You groaned in pain and looked at the screen of your Tv. Your ps4 was on rest mode and at 4.00 am you couldn’t be bothered to do anything about that so you just grabbed your phone and walked to your bedroom quickly going through the unusually vast amount of notifications in case there was something from your friends that you had missed
you stopped in front of your bedroom door and rubbed your eyes. your mind was blank. it was 4.00 am
you read the notification again
staygrounded69: hi
heres my ko-fi tip jar if you enjoy my work 🤍
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hollandsangel · 3 months
just sort of tom and reader sneaking around the pap to see each other, secret moments in crowded rooms y'know all that lovey shtick.
(this ones so vague im sorry 😭 however was inspired by 'paris' by miss ts)
this one is SILLY but i love her thank you sm for the req love!!!
⇘ ⇘ ⇘
at first it was actually quite stressful, dodging cameras and wandering eyes, rarely leaving the house just the two of you and never touching in public, but as time went on, it sort of became a bit of a game. although you might have been getting a little too bold.
 tom is definitely getting too bold, sending you glances across the room where he sits with harry and haz, something bubbly in his hand.
you sit at a different table with a few costars, trying not to get too distracted by tom’s smirk and dark brown eyes. it’s hard though, considering the perfectly tailored suit hes wearing, accompanied by shiny cufflinks and his glasses after you’d begged him to wear them tonight. you feel a strange sense of triumph knowing you’re the one to have convinced him to wear his glasses, likes its just one more secret to add to the list. his hair is a proper mess, proper in the sense it’s styled to look effortless, but it’s tom, so of course it’s effortless.
you take a sip from your glass of water and lean in a bit closer to hear the story maude is telling a bit better, something about her latest play. there’s cameras everywhere, people posting instagram stories and journalists coming in from the red carpet, big cinematic set ups for the live stream about to take place.
you swear you sense him before he even utters your name, maybe you smell his cologne or hear his voice subconsciously amongst a hundred others, but suddenly he’s at your table, greeting others before you.
he says your name, feigning surprise as if you didn’t wake up in his bed this morning.
“i didn’t know you’d be here tonight,” he says, hand on the back of your chair. hes smirking, glasses slipping down the bridge of nose. you think you see harry gag behind him.
you smile innocently up at him, licking your lips, “tom! it’s so nice to see you!” you push your chair back and stand to give him a hug, biting back a laugh when harry mutters a curse under his breath and walks away from the two of you with full commitment. tom does the same.
a camera pans around the room from a few tables away and you begin pull away but tom stops you, whispering “coat check” before you separate.
you hear him, but keep up the facade, “it’s so nice to see you,” you fake niceties.
“you as well, i’m sure i’ll see you around, just gonna do the rounds,” he moptions a circle with his finger, nodding at the rest of the table before wandering off.
“i guess you haven’t seen each other since the movie came out,” someone across from you says, “lovely man,” they tell you.
you simply agree before excusing yourself to the bathroom.
it’s so juvenile, you think, the giddy feeling you get in your stomach from sneaking around and giggling with tom in dark corners like the one you’re in now, tucked away in the coat room, sneaking kisses and little touches when no one is watching.
“tom–” you don’t know what cuts you off first, your stifled laugh or his mouth on yours, “i have to get back to my table.”
he grips your waist so you cant wiggle away, grinning at you.
“we’re gonna get caught,” you’re kissing him back, so it’s hard for him to believe you really have to go, even for a second.
“not if you stop talking,” he teases.
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 1 year
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Luke Hughes x reader
Basic Premise : your dating one of the Michigan Guys who went to WJ’s, but youre Canadian. After the tourney, you (& Adam) proceed to annoy your bf & the rest of the guys with the Team Canada goal song, partly because it slaps, but also because its annoying as fuck. you & Luke are childhood friends from Toronto, but you moved to Halifax after he moved to Michigan. Now you go to Mich & you’re a year older so third year, but you’ve been involved with the hockey team since your first, & youre good friends with most of the guys
Note: this is based on a random thought I had around World Juniors that I was just reminded of. Please note I am drunk as a skunk as I write this so there will be mistakes & probably things that dont make sense (timeline math wise)
January 2023, Halifax
Is it bad if I’m hoping they lose? I text my besties. Like I love Luke but I want Canada to go back to back
It takes 2 seconds for my phone start buzzing
Anne (bestie from Michigan): Fuck that you traitor!!
Mel (Hometown bestie): Haha, no. Canada for the dub baby!!!!
A: I hate both of you. Just you wait y/n, I’m showing this to Luke when I see him!
Y/n: he knows how serious I take this. I still havent forgiven Jack for 2021.
M: As much as I love supporting our boys, you have got to give that up babe. Its been 2 years
A: And wasnt it his friend who scored anyway?
Y/n: We also dont talk about him
M: Yeah, until you need someone to do Taylor Swift karaoke with at the Lake house in the summer
Y/n: fuck off, games starting, I hate you
As hard as both teams played, Canada wins & the crowd goes wild! I’m over the moon, but I know Luke will be disappointed. After the game, I make my way down towards the locker rooms with the rest of the family members that are here (not like there’s many) to wait for the boys. As they slowly make their way out & head for the bus, I spot Luke. I run over & wrap my arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to his chest.
“Sorry babe, you played so well though.”
He pulls back and raises an eyebrow “are you really that sorry?… Anne texted me.”
“Bitch” He chuckles so I know he’s not that mad “ I really did want you guys to do well. It ws just awkward that its to get to the gold medal game. If you were both in the final it be better but it didn’t work out that way this year. You’ll get that bronze though, and then im going to show you how we have a good time in Hali.”
Dropping a kiss on my nose, I see him crack a smile before something slams into my back and arms go around me.
“Hey Rut, you played great out there!”
“Not good enough”
“Hey! Dont talk like that. Time to get that bronze & then well go back to AA & get that Natty.”
“HUGHES, McGroatry, get your asses on the BUS!!! Duker I see you heading towards them. NO”
I giggle as their coach yells at Duke, but grab him for a quick hug before he can get in trouble.
“God you really are the team mom.”
“What?” “Thats what the guys say but I’ve never really noticed it before”
“That’s nice, I guess? But go babe, before you get in trouble. Tomorrow night though, youre all mine” I kiss him quickly and let him go.
Team mom? Have I somehow adopted a hockey team & not realized?
The Next Day
Team USA gets the bronze with a couple of beautiful goals from our Michigan boys. After the game, I catch up with the boys.
“Congrats!!! here’s the plan. Now I’ve got a game to watch, you’ve got shit to do, and I’ll pick you up at 10 after your team dinner & bonding shit. Get ready I’m showing you the real Halifax.”
“Love you Lukey. I’m so proud of you. I’ve got to get back to my seat but I’ll see you later”
The game is crazy but we take the gold!!! I text Luca since I know he’s here somewhere & we finally mange to find each other before making our way to the ice to congratulate Adam & the rest of the guys.
“By the way, youre coming with me tonight” I nudge Luca while Adams talking to someone else. “I’m showing the boys Halifax
“Y/n, my flight is early tomorrow morning.”
“Bro were all on the same flight. Grow a pair & come out. I need more people since the other frosh are underage”
“Hey, why can’t I come?” Adam has apparently been listening. ‘I’ve never been to Halifax before!”
“How have you been here for 2 weeks and not seen anything”
“Not with a local!! I want to see the secrets”
“Were going drinking and youre a child so you won’t be let in moron. Also dont you have team stuff?”
He’s dragged away before he can respond but I know we won’t see him for the rest of the night. Luca agrees to come, but he has to find his parents first.
My phone buzzes with a text from Luke Hey babe, think you’ll be much longer, some of the guys are tired & not sure they’ll last much longer
I text him back 30 more minutes. Tell them to take a power nap, but the only ones that’ll need to rally are you & Duker. The rest of them will be back with an hour & a half.
L: Okay babe, see you soon.
After fighting my way through the crowds, I manage to make it to the hotel the teams staying at. I enter the lobby & hear my name, since I texted Luke that I was near. There’s about fifteen of the USA guys waiting for me and I make my way over.
“First things first, who’s 19?” About half of the guys hands go up. “Okay, do you have your IDs?” Everyone nods & I clap my hands. “Alright, for those who dont know me, I’m y/n & this idiot is my boyfriend” I gesture to Luke & he wraps his arms around me. “I’m going to show you how we do shit here on the East Coast, especially those of you who are legal. For the children, I’ve got some cool stuff for you too but your night will come to an end sooner than the rest of us. Ready?”
A cheer goes up as everyone gets up & ready to go.
“One last thing, Duker needs a place to sleep tonight” “HEY!” “But you can sort that out among yourselves. Lets go!!”
The streets of Halifax are absolutely wild, but I manage to show the guys around a lot before we make our way back to the hotel. In the lobby, I give the Michigan kiddos a hug & tell them that ill see them tomorrow for the flight. “For the rest of you, Nice meeting you, im sure ill see you around!!”
We pick up Luca then make our way around downtown. once we make it to the designated bar I see a familiar face.
“MEL!!” “Ah, you made it!! congrsts on the bronze boys, but RED & WHITE TAKES THE WIN BABY!!”
“Sorry about that, she’s a bit drunk. Have fun boys, everyone has my number so text me if you can’t find me!”
“she’ll be in a corner with Luke!” “ Shut it Duke.”
Two hours later, the drinks have been flowing & were all having a great time. Luke & I are out on the dance floor, tearing it up, when the bar goes wild. Luke groans as the opening bars of an East Coast Classic start playing. “ I’m gonna hear this song in my nightmares for the next little bit”
“I mean that sucks for you but COME GET YOUR DUDS IN ORDER” I scream with the rest of the bar.
Sorry, I mouth to Luke
As the night comes to a close, I manage to round up the boys and make our way back to the hotel. All in all, a great few days here at home, but I’m ready to head back to Michigan and get on with the year.
End of January
We’ve been back for a couple of weeks & life is going well. We’re having a party for the team & various friends at one of the houses. Luke & I are chilling on one of the couches, im on his lap chatting to Anne as he talks to Duke, when Luca comes running up
“Y/n what’s the name of that song?” I have no idea what he’s talking about “Could you be any less specific? Give me something Luca”
“You know, du du dud dud” “How does that make sense Anne mutters beside me. “Yeah duh. Why?” “ Adams on the music next & needs a good lineup. He can’t remember the name”
I sit up, “oh, ill text him a playlist, I’ve got a couple of good ones to go along with it”
Luca runs off and Luke pulls me back into his chest “What are you up to?” I give him a kiss “nothing:)”
Ten minutes later, I can see that Adam is hooking his phone up, so I hop up on the coffee table & yell
“Attention folks, Adam, thanks for the tunes. It’s time I introduce you all to a couple of good old fashioned Canadian classics. I expect full enthusiasm okay? Take it Away Adam” The opening bars play and then “Twas the night that Patty Murphy died….”
By the time we get through 5 of the songs, the whole room is bumping. Luke & I are dancing, and he leans down & whispers “I know its coming, and I’m going to get you back for this” I smile up at him, “no idea what you’re talking about”
I dance my way over to Adam & Luca as the opening bars begin
“Hey boys, ready?” “Hell yeah”
“I know you know it, so sing it with me - COME GET YOUR DUDS IN ORDER….. HEAVE AWAY!!” At this point I’m back on the table doing some weird attempt at line dancing with Eddy. Of course the albertan knows how to do it. Were about halfway through the song when im thrown over Lukes shoulder, to cheers from the room
“Thank you, thank you!! Ill be back next week!” I wave as Im pulled from the room. Luke drops me on the swing on the porch before sitting down & leaning on me. “Youre infuriating”, “but you love it’ I grin and kiss him. We stay on the swing making out & cuddling for a while, looking at the stars & people watching. There’s no shortage of interesting incidents to see in a college town on a Saturday night. The the night starts dying down so I round up the boys that dont live here & start making our way back to my place across campus, dropping everyone off & making sure they get home safe before Luke & I get to mine.
All in all a great night.
Mid February
“What’s up everybody!!!!” I skate onto the ice to get the crowd going
“All right, its loud in here tonight!! So I’ve got some news for you. I know you were expecting to see our wolverines playing some of Team USA’s development guys. Unfortunately they had to pull out, but weve got something better for you all tonight! Before I let you in on it, Here are YOUR MICHIGAN WOLVERINES!!!”
The Music starts as most of the guys come rushing out of the tunnel doing a lap in front of the crowd before lining up in front of our net. Smiles all around as the crowd goes wild. Once they settle down, I start back up. 
“Thank you boys for that dramatic entrance!! Now, some of you may know me as that annoying girl who’s been on the mic at Yost for the past three years, which is valid. But what some of you might not know, is that I’m Canadian.” BOO. I hear from behind “Zip it Duker” The rest of you, Stop your booing!!! I’ve brought it up for a reason - For those of you that know me, you know that I came here for a boy. I know what youre thinking, what a dumb move, moving to another country for a boy, but I couldn’t help myself. You all know and love him, from the wolverines, number 43” The crowd starts making some noise, “QUINN HUGHES.”
The boys behind me start laughing & glance at Luke, but he knows im joking (or am I?…)
“Nah, Nah, in all seriousness, Q is like an older brother to me, so when I was figuring my life out four years ago he brought me here & I knew it was the place for me. But there is a boy, who followed me here cause im that awesome ‘hair flip’, and since there’s a very special holiday coming up”, I turn around and skate over to stand in front of Luke, looking into his eyes before turning my head
“Duker, will you be my Valentine” The arena burst out into laughter & cheers as Luke drops his stick & I try & race away from him. He grabs me by the waist before I make it more than a few metres, swinging me around before setting me back down on the ice.
“Youre going to pay for that” he whispers before dropping a kiss on my lips as a collective EW goes up from the crowd.
“Yeah yeah, get back in line lukey.” I blow him a kiss as he skates back.
“Now that thats out of the way” The crowd laughs “Duke im free at 7, you know where to find me”
“In all seriousness, you may be noticing that were missing quite a few players. Now there’s nothing wrong with them, but first let me tell you what’s about to go down. We have a couple of special guests coming to join us for this game, so lets get into it. We’re hosting the first, and probably last, USA vs Canada game, Michigan style!!”
I can tell that people are confused, so why dont we just show you?” Cheers & Boos start up, but thats alright, I. Think they’ll be pretty happy once they see what’s planned.
“First up, they may look a little different tonight, but please welcome, your Canadian wolverines!!
Starting us off tonight, you all know & love them, an inseparable duo, the bros LUCA & ADAM!!” They come out wearing Adams jerseys, pumping up the crowd & do a lap before standing behind me, just opposite their teammates.
“Next up, from the single worst province, number 73, ETHAN EDWARDS!!” The crowd roars as Eddy pretends to flip me off.
“And the last of our Ontario boys, Eric & TJ!!”
“All right, I dont know about you guys, but I’m thinking our Canadian boys need a little colour with a u” The boys snicker & Eddy fist bumps me “So please welcome some very special gents with a delivery for us. From last years championship winning team” The crowd gets so much louder “Mr ‘no one can spell your province’ Jimmy Lambert, Mr British Columbia Kent Johnson, and the big dog Owen power!!” Jimmy, KJ & OP skate out, the crowd cheering as they hold a bunch of Team Canada jerseys.
I’m glad they’re willing to play along. When Kent messaged me earlier in the year & mentioned that him & Owen were going to try & stop by for a game during the all star break, I knew it could turn into something super fun. Once I got my boss & the two guys on board, & the NTDP had pulled out a few weeks ago due to something, I started my mission. The Michigan boys had no idea what was going on until getting ready tonight, so I think it’ll be an awesome time for everyone. It also gives me an opportunity to fuck with Luke a bit which I’ll never pass up. He thinks he know what I’m up to, but I’ve still got a few tricks up my sleeve.
“Now Owen & Kent have generously donated some of their old jerseys for the players to wear tonight, so we can really represent. Will they all have the same names on the back? Yes, but they’re big kids, they’ll figure it out.” Sweeping my hands out, the boys start grabbing jerseys.
“We’ll have a quick break so that the boys can change”
“I mean they can start stripping out here, we won’t complain” I hear from the stands as laughter erupts & I point towards the children of Yost section.
“I like you, but unfortunately the on ice strip tease portion of this evening has been cancelled. It will take place in the locker room, tickets are ten dollars” I wink at the camera before turning back towards Luke. “But lets continue. we can’t play a full game with only a few on our team, so please welcome some more special guests. One of your former wolverines, Mr has lived in Vancouver so long he’s basically Canadian, Quinn Hughes!! (Bum Bum bum bummmm noise)” Lukes eyes go wide as the arena explodes with noise and Quinn comes out. I open my arms and grab him for a hug before having him stand next to me.
“Alright Quinny, how are you feeling being back?’
“honestly y/n im wondering what you have planned because if I know you, there’s something else that going to surprise me.”
“Ladies & gents, he’s known me since I was 3 so I’d say he’s got a pretty good read on me. Now number 43” “Hey!” Luke pipes up and I wave my hand in his direction to shush him, “I’m going to have you stand over there until everyones here & we can split you up.
“You’re wondering who’s next, I’m wondering why he’s here at all” Laughter & cheers from the crowd and the boys on the ice bang their sticks “we have Mr ‘ive never met anyone with greater middle child syndrome, he didn’t even go to college but refused to be left out’ from New Jersey Jack Hughes!” Jack skates out & leans towards the mic
“I would like it on the record that you asked me….” I hip check him away “That’s false. Anyway” He skates over to Luke & grabs him in one of those weird bro hugs then heads over to Quinn.
“Alright, last one then we can get going with some hockey!” The crowd roars
“Since they seem to come as a pair these days, your other favourite boy from Columbus, Nick Blakenberg!”
The crowds going wild, the boys are having a good time seeing each other & I think were about ready to get going.
“So here’s everyone. Now rapid fire, its time to split them up. We’ve got our Canadian boys. Jack, get your butt over there” He starts to protest but I hold up my hand “you know why, remember?” Raising an eyebrow at him, I see the recognition dawn. his face falls into a pout as he heads over to stand next to Owen.
“Q, I may have said youre basically Canadian but since I do love your brother, you can head over there” The smile on Lukes face as Quinn skates over & stands next to him is just adorable. God hes so cute. A mixture of Aws & Ews makes me realize that I may have said that out loud. My cheeks feel like theyre on fire as he skates over, wraps his arms around my waist & rests his chin on my head after pressing a kiss to my cheek. “Youre cute too” he whispers
“Anyway, next up, since we appear to be missing a goalie, its only fair that we get Ports! So get on over here!” Boos ring out “hey, he’s not American. That’s the literal criteria. Now here’s where it get tricky. The rest of these fine gentlemen are proud Americans, but the teams are pretty uneven. To keep things fair, we have a couple of guys who played in the BC leagues, so they’re hopping over the border for this one. So please temporarily welcome to team Canada, Holtzy, Phil, Grano Kienan & TShea!!!. Were about even now.“
The players are starting t organize themselves “Now we’ll take a five minute break so the guys can switch jerseys. Then its go time!!!” Noise inside the arena grows as I wrap my arms around Luke & he drags me off the ice.
“I love you so much, but youre absolutely insane.”
“Aw thanks babe, love you too. Now get your ass in the change room & get back out there”
I grab my Canada Hoodie that I hid next to the door earlier this morning and pull it on before hopping back on the ice. “How are we feeling? Excited?!” I pump up the crowd as I skate around. “So this is how tonights gonna go. We wont be playing a full game, since were ’not allowed to tire out the NHL guys on their break’ boo We also dont want any injuries since this is just for fun. So we won’t be too rough tonight, but instead of that final period, we’ve got a fun little game to play with the players. But first, while the rest of the boys are away I have one more visitor” I spin & open my arms up, gesturing towards the tunnel, “everyone’s favourite fashionable frenchman, Thommy B!” Bordy comes skating out and yells, “dont ever call me that again” “What, French?” Laughing,I shout back as he waves to the crowd. “So Bordy, welcome. You know a little bit about what’s going on tonight. I know youre used to wearing the red white & blue, but now its time to represent the superior country.” He laughs and sticks out his tongue. “Here come the rest of our players!!” The music gets going again as the boys come out. They cheer as they see Bordy before splitting up into their teams.
“ALL RIGHT ARE WE READY?” The noise is deafening as the boys head to their benches, but jack skates towards me. “Just so you know, Z, Turcs & a bunch of the other guys are here so it might get a bit rowdy”
“Cleary you’ve never been to a game here haha. There’s no one rowdier than the children, but I’ll keep that in mind. Where even are they?”
“They’re in the away dressing room, Quinn helped me get them in there but they’re going to come into the tunnel to watch”
“Fucking Zebras, messing up my plans. I hope they know that they’re not getting away with being here & not participating. Ive got to do some shuffling” “Y/n they dont have any gear” “Well they should have though of that before gatecrashing” I pat him on the shoulder, “dont worry jacky, I’ll sort it out, now get over there”.
“NOW, Can I please get my two representatives to centre for the puck drop, then I promise we’ll be on our way”
Luke & Adam skate up to me and get into position. We get the picture & then,
“Hey y/n, I think were missing something” Adam pipes up
“I think youre absolutely right Adam. Everyone please rise”, the crowd stands up, “it would be a shame to start without this, Lukes favourite song” He groans as the smile on my face grows infinitely bigger “Take it away” I point to the sound guys & Heave Away starts to blare from the system.
I skate around pumping up the crowd as everyone gets into it. I see a few faces from the US WJC team look like they’re trying not to enjoy themselves, but I know they like the song. Between Adam & I, We’ve played it enough. A ripple of laughter comes from the crowd as I hear skating behind me. Luke grabs me and pulls me over to the box I normally sit in, stealing my mic in the process.
“Think that’ll stop me babe? I can yell pretty loud too”
“Oh I know” he winks, “and so does the rest of the house” My mouth drops as I know what he’s insinuating. 
“Now Ive got a game to win” he says as the final notes of the song play. He turns around but I grab his jersey before he can get away, “think youre forgetting something” He kisses me quickly before getting back to centre ice.
The crowd at Yost is absolutely electric through out the game, and the boys are having a blast. Throughout the first period, I’m texting my friends & the others who work in the arena to see what they think about my plan for our gatecrashers.
(I can’t describe a game to save my life, despite having watched hockey since I was a kid, so just use your imagination for whats actually going on on the ice:) )
First intermission comes up, and the Canada side is leading, obviously. The boys head to the dressing rooms, and the music starts going. I head back to the dressing rooms to deal with the new guys. I crack the door to the away room & Yell
“You better be decent, im coming in” before pushing the door. A few guys my ass, I think as I take in half of the team jack played with in the program & a bunch of young NHL guys.
“Sup Mase” I stick out my fist. “Long time. Matty, Briss, Beech, nice to see you.”
“Trevor” I narrow my eyes at him
“Okay, I wasn’t expecting any of you but I have something for you. Since you idiots, Zegras & Cole im looking at you, didnt assume that I’d make you participate, none of you have gear. Luckily for you, we’ll be able to scrounge some stuff up. Follow ME!” I walk out and they file out behind me. Over to the Michigan dressing room, which is a little bit full right now.
“Hey boys, im coming in” I dont bother checking before opening the door, they’re pretty used to it by now.
“Jesus Christ its like a minefield in here” I have tp jump over a couple of things and dodge equipment as I make my way over to Luke before plopping on his lap. “Apparently we have some additional guests” I sweep my hands towards to door as heads poke in. “& We need some equipment. Ive talked to Joe (equipment manager) & he’s seeing what he can find. But I wanted to ask if anyone minds letting them borrow a stick?” Luke rests his head on my shoulder as we watch the chaos, as guys jump up to say hey, chat & just have a good time. “Is it bad that I’m excited to see what you make them do?” He says. “Nope” I grin, “ they have no idea what’s coming”.
The horn blares and the gatecrashers leave so the rest of the guys can head back to the ice.
“Just to remind you guys” I say once the cheering had died down “ were only going to be playing 2 periods of hockey, but We have something pretty fun to replace that third period. Now Lets get back to it!!”
Th game restarts and its awesome to watch. Its face paced but still clearly a fun game. Watching Luke & Quinn play on the same line has me smiling like an idiot since I know how much Luke had wanted to play with him in a game setting. Its pretty special & I’m glad I could make it happen.
The final horn sounds, and ‘Canada’ wins, but all the guys are joking around & having fun so I know there not taking it too seriously. Which is good.
“Alright alright, how was that?” Roars from the crowd tell me that they liked it. “First I want to say thank you to all of our players for being such good sports about this, and a huge thanks to everyone who came back. Thanks for going along with my crazy idea, I think we’ve made tonight pretty memorable for everyone!” Yells of agreement come from all around me.
“I promised you a replacement for the third period, so lets get into it
The reason that so many of our hockey alumni can be here tonight is because of the NHL All Star break! Since none of them were invited to the All Star weekend, except Jack, who is still here for some inexplicable reason, I decided that we’ll give them a chance to show off their skills here, just like the skills competition but with no prep. Who needs Florida when you can be here? !” Cheers come from the crowd as they agree with me.
“Originally We had a couple of our Michigan guys & our Alumni who were going to be doing this, not that they knew that, but in true middle child fashion,” more laughs, “Jack had to make it about him & bring a few friends. So please welcome some of the most annoying guys ive ever met, Trevor Zegras, Cole Caulfield and Alex Turcotte”, cheers & boos ring out. “ I know, Wisconsin & BU suck, but since they decided to crash my event, they have to participate. We’ve also got special appearances from DUNDUDUUH Mason McTavish, reuniting him with is bestie Kent, go team Canada! And MAKE SOME NOISE FOR YOUR FORMER WOLVERINES, Matty Beniers, Brendan Brission, Jonny Beecher, Cam York & Josh Norris!!” The boys make their way onto the ice, sliding around & The noise turn deafening.
“Well I guess we know who the favourites are huh? Now you may be noticing, none of these gentlemen have any gear Again, they decided to crash but didn’t plan ahead, so they’re at a disadvantage. We’ve managed to find some sticks of them but that’s about it. Back to what’s happening next. The teams, Canada & US, will each pick five players to show off their skills. A few exceptions, KJ, Jacky, Blanks & Mackie have to do it, as do all of our interlopers. Portillo will be in net. Sort it out boys, you’ve got until I finish with our judges. Judging today, We’ve got Joe the equipment manager, the real star of this team, representing the student section, Annie & Tim, both 4th year students who work as Student trainers, and A woman who has who know exactly what she’s talking about when it comes to hockey, and is used to wrangling boys, its Mama Hughes!!” Our judges come out to one of the benches waving.
“Gentlemen, ARE YOU READY?” Nods all around. “If youre participating, line up single file at centre, everyone else, get out of the way!”
The crowd gets going again as the players split up. “I’m sure youre all a bit sick of me, so I’m going to pass the mic to my colleague Bob, who you may recognize. He’s going to be commenting on this portion of the evening, but I’lll be back soon!” I skate over & give Ellen a hug before handing out whiteboards & markers as the competition gets underway. I’m pretty impressed by what some of these guys have managed to come up with given the time crunch. I’m doodling on my own whiteboard, creating my masterpiece. Im also keeping track of the scores. Luckily Jack & Trevor are going last so I have some time. I lean my head on Ellen’s shoulder as she laughs at Mackies performance. “Thanks for doing this, I know it was a bit random” I say, & she wraps an arm around me
“I’m having a blast & I know all the boys are too. Youre coming to dinner tomorrow right?” “Wouldn’t miss it.”
“I’ve never been more glad that we moved next door to you in Toronto. You make him so happy” I look up & lock eyes with Luke as she says this, a dopey grin on his face. holy shit I’m gonna cry. “You can’t make me cry right now Ellen, I haven’t embarrassed jack & Z yet. I can’t be crying when I do that.” We both laugh as Bill says, “& here come our final contestants, a dynamic duo Hughes number 2 & Zegras” they do pull off something pretty sweet, but I hold up my board when the rest of the judges do.
(Drawing of the Ducks Mascot saying “you suck Z”)
He laughs at it so I know he doesn’t think I’m too serious, and I stand up. That’s my cue.
“Alright how was that?!” The crowd goes nuts.
“Thanks to our four judges for your time. And now, the winner of the 2023 skills comp is “drumroll please”, number 11, Mackie!!!”
Bob skates out with the prize, which I think is pretty dope. We found a vintage Michigan Hockey sweat set & letterman jacket which looks cool as fuck, so im glad they were willing to let us give it away. I pass it to him & he takes a victory lap, taunting the other boys.
“Since this is a game, We’ve got something for our winners. The NHL gives a million dollars, but that boring (and im poor) so instead, we have something else for our boys!” The crowd cheers & bill skates towards me with a box. The teams line up opposite each others, & we skate in between them. I pass out the trophies, adorned with little maple leafs & filled with chocolate. “You were confident eh?” Kent says when I pass him his. “Duh” everyone laughs. we finish passing them then I address the crowd again.
“If you’ll direct your attention towards the screens,” everyone turns “ I have a special message from a couple of our participants.” A video of Cam, Jack, Trevor & Beecher pops up from when they were like 17. They’re wearing their USA jerseys and everyone laughs. Not them though. They know what’s coming. I press play & the singing starts “we Aren’t the champions, we aren’t the champions” Ive been sitting on this one for years. Its from the summer that year when I visited & we had some kind of competition. Their team lost, so Quinn & I made them change the lyrics to reflect that they lost. (I have no idea, Just need something that would be embarrassing).
‘Thank you gentlemen for that, I needed an occasion to play that & this seems like everyone enjoyed it” The crowd laughs along.
“Now, we need to crown an MVP. The way I’m going to to this is: each team pick 3 players, & then you, the crowd, will determine our MVP based on how loud you cheer. Teams you have 1 minute to offer your sacrifices.”
I skate over to the bench. “Now some of you may know that the NHL MVP gets a car, so we decided to stay on theme, but you know we do things better here at Michigan! Thanks to a donation from a generous alumni **Cough cough quinny** the 2023 MVP of our game will get, drumroll please” Everyone in the arena starts making noise and the boys start banging sticks and hollering, The Zamboni door opens & out drives Bill, in a little navy blue jeep (Like the ones for kids to drive) as laugher breaks out from everyone.
“So boys, can I get your top three please! Join me at centre ice.” Owen, Luke, Luca, Rutger, Ethan & Nick come towards me & line up in that order.
Alright, its up to you.” I skate over to Nick & hold my hand above his head Listening as the noise grows. “Decent. Next up” Im make my way down the line, each boy getting the crowd going. They’re all a bit taller, but I can still reach above them, until I get to Luke. I jump on his back & the crowd goes wild. “Last up, Owen! I think ill need some help here, Luke care to contribute?” He scoops me up & lifts me “im a bird!” People laugh & I hold my hand above Owen. Noise grows again. “So to avoid being called out for bias” “YOU ARE” a couple of the players yell “and giving it to my boy OP” Luke pretends to stumble & drops me back onto the ice as laughter rings out. I lean over & whisper, “ill get you for that” I right myself and continue “I’ve asked our skills judges to determine who the crowd got loudest for. On the count of three, please hold up your boards. 1, 2,3!!”They flip them around and I see one for Owen, one for Rutger, one for Luke & then Ellen flips hers, displaying Rutgers name. “Mom seriously!” I snicker as Luke yells in indignation & Ellen shrugs “Alright folks, there you have it. Your MVP!Rutger, Bill has the keys. Now you can stop stealing Luca’s Moped and drive this bad boy around campus.” He goes to sit in it & everyone laughs. “Okay, Thats all from me tonight. I just want to say a massive thank you again to all our alumni for participating and giving up part of your break to be here. To my boss & the rest of the team staff, thanks for trusting me on this & basically giving me free reign.” “Bad idea” one of the boys chirps “Thanks for going along with what was a bit of a harebrained idea that I think turned out pretty fun for all” the crowd agrees with me, “And thanks to all our guys for being such good sports about the change in programming. I’m not going to keep you here any longer, so Thank you & Goodnight!!” The crowd screams & cheers as I wrap my arms around Luke. “Oh before I forget, allow us to play you out with this teams favourite party playlist. Once more, for CANADA, Billy you know what I want” A thumbs up from the sound guy “COME GET YOUR DUDS IN ORDER!!”
I pass the mic to someone as they skate past, and Luke & I skate in a circle. “Youre incredible, you know that?’ He drops his forehead to mine. “Glad you finally see it” I chuckle. “Did you have fun” “are you kidding babe? I dont think ive ever had as much fun playing a game, & playing with Quinn was awesome. I can’t believe you pulled this off” Suddenly my song cuts out & he breathes a sigh or relief “oh thank god”
I lift my head to see who’s messing with it, when Luke spins me around & I see Quinn with the mic, Bordy & Duke skating towards me. Now that I look, none of the boys have left the ice.
“Sorry everyone, We’ll be quick. There’s one person who is entirely responsible for tonight, and we think that she needs some applause! Give it up for y/n l/n” I think im going to go deaf with how loud the barn gets, or maybe its just from Luke yelling in my ear. My face is bright red & I try to turn into Lukes chest, but he keeps me in position. Bordy grabs the mic “You’ve been an important part of this team for the past three years, even before Luke, and We wanted to do something to show our thanks. since some of us had a bit more notice” “We found out 30 minutes before you guys” duke pipes up gesturing to the crowd “Anyway, we have a little something for you to show our thanks” Duke pulls out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and passes them to me. “I knew you were in love with me Duker. Does this mean you accept my valentine?” The boys that can hear me laugh, and Bordy keeps going “ you can thank Quinn for organizing this one, but Drumroll please” Banging from around the arena grows “Your very own Michigan jersey” He holds it up & flips it around to show my name on the back. My mouth drops, “Thats dope! Holy shit!’ I pass Luke the flowers & take it, pulling it on over my hoodie. “Guys this is awesome, thank you!” “One last thing,” Quinn says, as he produces a jacket from behind his back, the same kind that we used as the skills prize. Apparently there were two of them laying around. “Oh hell yeah! Mackie & I are going to look so much cooler than all of you!” They all laugh as I try to hug the three of them at once, before pulling back. “Alright, thats really all that we have for you tonight,’ Quinn says, addressing the crowd, “so well let you get out of here. Billy, lets get the music back on!” The next song plays as im grabbed by Luke & suddenly surrounded by the whole team. I’m crushed into a hug with most of them, laughing. I get out & manage to give everyone a quick hug before I make my way back to Luke, who’s now chatting to his mum & brothers. “What’s the plan now y/n?” Jack asks. “Man I dont know, do I have to plan everything?” He laughs. “The boys were talking about a party at the senior house, but im not sure if well fit everyone.” “We can try babe” Luke says “I’m going to go get changed & see what they’re thinking” he kisses me before heading towards the dressing room About thirty minutes lates, we’re finally leaving the arena. Luke & I are grabbing dinner but then its to the house to party. Some of the boys are doing the booze run, but everyones heading over there pretty soon. We grab a quick bite at one of the places we love and make our way down the road. We get to the house but the doors locked. I text one of the boys and they come, but the music cuts out once the door opens. “Ladies & gentlemen,” Nolan, who opened the door yells “The woman of the hour, Y/N!!!” The boys cheer as we step into the house & I laugh. Half of them are blasted already, but we catch up pretty quick. By the time the end of the night rolls around, I’ve seen thing I never wanted to (Shudder), but I’ve had fun, and I know this is the kind of night that ill remember forever.
ESPN Broadcast:
The biggest news coming out of the hockey world this week is surprisingly not the All star weekend. Absolutely everyone has been talking about the University of Michigan. On Friday night, fans were treated to a different kind of show. When introducing the night, host y/n l/n, a close family friend of the Hughes family, declared that it was a “Canada vs USA’ game, filled with the current roster & various alumni. I think a lot of people were sceptical, but once the night go going the crowd were really into it. We saw some of the leagues young stars I dont know about you but I absolutely loved the idea and the fans did too. A 2 period game took place, and If you want to see more, check the broadcast from that night, it was great, fun hockey, not too serious but very entertaining. Fans were shocked as more young stars made their way onto the ice, as they replaced the final period with a mini skills competition.
The event was live-streamed on social media & got fans around the country interested. Comments on social media included:
The NHL could really take some tips from the Michigan game this weekend. Ten times more entertaining than All Star.
Y/N has to be one of the most chaotic commentators that Ive ever seen, but She makes it work. Absolutely hilarious.
Luke Hughes Girlfriend, Y/n, doing nothing but roast jack was hilarious. I need to know what he did to get “punished” by wearing a Canada jersey though
I need to see y/n commentating the All Star game in the future, she ws great!
Fuck the All Star weekend, I need a repeat of that Michigan game next year!
I go to OSU but I would’ve loved to be in Yost last night.
Y/n putting on a whole ass game just so her boyfriend can play on the same line as his favourite brother. I see you girl.
NHLers even got involved, with stars like Dylan Larkin tweeting “can’t believe I didn’t get an invite @/YnLn” and other notable alumni echoed the sentiment. Former Captain & Goalie Strauss Mann got in on it, commenting “ damn thats what I get for taking care of you your first year huh? I’ll remember this”.
“HOLY SHIT. LUKE!! They’re talking about me on ESPN! What the fuck? “
Frozen four finals
We’ve just been informed of one last change to tonights final game, the University of Michigan have decided to switch their goal song for tonight to pay tribute to someone. You know as much as we do, so hopefully we’ll get a chance to hear it tonight as our game gets underway.
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muav99 · 11 months
So first post eee!!! ( Not edited so bare with) but if you like i’ll write part 2🩷 My favorite truth or dare trope🤭
Ot8- Pg-13 Truth or Dare
Smut (almost) - Soft dom Felix X Sub reader, Y/N used, best friend pining, Teasing, Warnings of Alcohol, Swearing
Pt 1.? Tbc
The night started out chill, Chan suggested we all go out and buy some Soju to share after the long ass week. Me, chan, Felix, and changbin went to the convenient store to grab the drinks. The rest of the guys stayed at mine to chill until we got back.
“We got em!”
Yelled chan as we ran through the door giddy to open up the bottles.
sighed hyunjin grabbing one for himself and taking a light sip.
We all took our swigs and sat in a circle on my floor. By the time we were buzzed enough Seungmin started the truth or dares.
“Truth or dare Han?”
He asked as he finished off his last drops and throws the bottle to the side.
says Han. Of course he would pick dare.
“I dare you to kiss hyunjin”
Seungmin says falling over absolutely dying laughing.
“EW…….okay” Han replies.
Felix is sitting beside you, he’s usually clingy but tonight its like he’s glued to my side. Subtle touches and does he keep looking at you? No thats weird. Han leans over to hyunjin who’s making the biggest upset glare at him. He quickly pecks his cheek and hyunjin pulls away dramatic screaming. Everyone’s dying at this point toppling over. Felix is leaning over laughing into your neck. You freeze. Unsure how to feel even though he normally does this, maybe its the alcohol. Your cheeks flush as he looks at you with concerned.
“You okay Y/n?” Felix asks.
He grabs your thigh and squeezes it in reassurance. But it creates more then reassurance.
“Im okay! Sorry, probably just a bit tipsy” You say.
“I’ll keep an eye on you then” he says pulling you in by the waist real close.
You look around searching to see if his behavior seems flirtatious to anyone else. But everyones in their own world. And besides you and Felix have been best friends how long? Years. He’s just being sweet. And besides he’s tipsy too. You lean into his touch to reciprocate his actions. Enjoying it more then you’d admit out loud.
“Y/n? Truth or dare?”, the thoughts in your head silenced by the voice of Changbin.
“Oh! Um has anyone done dare? Sure dare” you say trying to distract yourself from felix pressed against your side.
You finish off the bottle and look changbin in the eye.
“I dare you to sit in Felix’s lap the whole game” he says.
Felix loosens his grip slightly on your waist and looks at you slightly nervous now.
“Since you two are comfortable over there” Changbin says and points to your almost cuddled position.
The alcohol is starting to give you a bit more confidence so you look over to felix, where he’s trying to find anything to drink left. You slide closer and position yourself on his lap. Instead of nerves he exudes, he suddenly loosens up his body language again and gets comfortable. It feels right.
“Alright then move on” Felix says as he snuggles into your neck and wraps his arms around your waist tighter.
He has to be drunk now. Or am I just. Way too into this. You feel him harden under you and you gasp. Maybe he was just too comfortable now.
“You alright sweetheart?” He whispers right into your ear.
“I…..” your breath hitches and my heart beat gets faster and faster.
What is wrong with me. He’s your best friend get it together. And he’s a guy it. Happens. Right?
You turn your head where he’s looking so soft and pouty into your eyes. His gaze could hypnotize I swear. Is he doing this on purpose? He has to be.
-Hours go by-
The rest of the game plays out as expected. Everyone gets loud then crashes and half of the guys fell asleep. Its around 12 now and everyones found their sleeping spots or are getting into some type of snack. Its only you and Felix in your room now. God help me.
“Truth or dare Y/n?” He asks.
“Are we still playing or isnt that over?” You laugh trying to play cool.
“Only if you want to y/n” he says gazing up and down at you slightly.
I swear he has to be doing something. With the leftover liquor still in your system you felt good enough to continue.
“Sure Felix, truth” you say trying to act as calm as possible.
“Did I make you uncomfortable tonight?” He asks more timidly then before but still moves closer.
He made you feel things you shouldn’t and the liquor isn’t helping. If its such a taboo, why do you want him so much. Why is he looking at you like that, like he never has before. Just answer him….
“I wasn’t uncomfortable felix.” You say not daring to look up.
“Y/n.” Felix moves in even closer and pushes a piece of hair behind your ear.
“I liked you being so close to me all night.” He says looking you in the eyes.
You gulp scared to even speak. You croak out dryly nervous as all hell. “Really?”
“Is it so bad I wanted you even closer?” He says dead serious. Gazing into your eyes for an answer.
Even Closer?? He. You begin to pulsate in response, heat radiating off your body. Who is this felix? Have you really not been around him drunk before?
“No” you blurt out and then cover your face in shock of what you said.
“Y/n its okay. I mean it really, and I um….I could feel you when you were sitting on me.” He whispers teasingly but lightly into your left ear.
Your cheeks become bright red and you as subtly as possible close your legs to try and rid of the tension. But he notices of course.
He chuckles slightly, “You nervous y/n?”.
Lying through your teeth wouldn’t get you through this. And how he’s speaking to you is only going to make your situation worse if he keeps it up with the teasing. God his voice. He grabs your hand and intertwines it with his. He kisses your cheek lightly.
“Y/n, can I kiss you? I know you want me to.” Slight rasp in his voice apparent as it drops.
“Of course, I do but….”
He cuts you off by grasping your cheek and connecting your lips softly but passionately. In the middle of desperate kisses he says
“Ive….wanted……this………so long……….you don’t……even know” he pulls away to catch his breath inches from your face.
“I did too. I just didn’t know how to…..” you say as he cuts you off with a small peck.
“Its okay y/n, right now I just want you to feel good okay? Is that okay baby?”
His hands rub painfully slow up and down your thighs.
Fuck. Baby? The pet names made you melt and with his deep voice? You were wetter then ever.
“Felix….please” you plead.
You weren’t usually the desperate type but everything changes in the right circumstances right?…..
Thank you for reading😭💙💙 Hopefully you liked it and maybe soon i’ll start requests.
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corvusunnx · 1 year
mushy may day 9: massage/aftercare
I chose massage :))
pairing: aether/rain
summary: aether is exhausted from taking care of everyone else, rain forces him to relax and gives him a massage.
Tumblr media
quintessence ghouls have always been known to ease the emotional burdens of others. They're able to take the stress of another being as their own.
aether always helps the other ghouls when he can, relieving all of his friends whenever he can. he's the most selfless of his bandmates, never taking himself into consideration for anything. after a long practice, aether helps dew rid of some of his frustration, since the smaller ghoul couldn't seem to play well today.
"thank you, aether, you're always there when I need you." He looks up with a grin. they both sigh, one of relief and the other, well, frustration. annoyance might even be a good word. dew has always been one to get annoyed and angry easy. it's not hard to push his buttons.
"no problem." aether forces a smile through his teeth. his tail twitches angrily behind him while he tries to calm himself.
rain sees the two and walks over to greet them. he's been keeping an extra close eye out for aether, since he's been letting people take advantage of his ability lately.
"Hello, how was practice?"
"eh, shitty. how did it go for you?" dew asks. aether just stands there, still trying to work on his nerves.
"hm, it was pretty ok. I finally got a part down that I've been working at."
"that's good. wish I could say the same." dew laughs. his fangs show past his lips in a wide grin.
"aether, how was practice for you?" rain tries to pull aether into the conversation. he wants to know how aether is feeling, being told from something either than the larger ghoul's body language. aether lets out a big sigh, searching the room mindlessly as he finds the right way to word his sentence. as if the walls will have it written out for him.
"it went alright. I might lay down for a bit, though."
"hm?" I thought we were going to play board games tonight. I don't wanna play without you." rain's voice is coated in concern. dew left, getting bored of the conversation. he's known to just act on whatever he wants or feels at the moment. a little ball of impulses.
rain turns to leave himself after trying to talk to aether a bit, but after a bit of trying he gave up.
"aether, I can tell taking care of everyone has been messing with you lately. if you don't go easier on yourself I'll make sure you relax. I hate seeing you like this."
"no, rain I promise im-"
"I'm not taking no for an answer. I want to see you being your normal happy self."
aether sighs knowing he's fighting a losing battle. the water ghoul leaves, the quiet sound of his leather boots tapping against the marble floors. he leads himself to his room and lays down, finally starting to calm down from the frustration he took from dew. the stress he's had still remains, everything seeming to just pile up instead of eventually fading away. maybe rain's right. maybe he's been worrying too much about the others to properly take care of himself. it might not be so bad to listen to rain.
the next day aether is still in the same state as he fell asleep in. bags begin to form under his eyes, his tail dragging on the floor behind him. rain knocks on the door to make sure aether is awake and offer to walk with him to breakfast. aether doesn't know, but rain is going to make today flow as nicely for aether is possible. he asked the rest of the ghouls to make sure they relax today too, to prevent any more stress being inflicted on aether.
"morning, sleeping beauty. you woke a bit later than usual today." rains soft voice welcomes aether when he opens the door, rubbing his eyes.
"good morning, rain. what time is it?"
"almost 11 am."
"Oh, Yeah.. that's a bit later than usual, sorry."
"Its ok! I was a bit busy thus morning anyway, so it works out. do you want to get some breakfast with me?"
"I'd love to." aether smiles, taking rain's hand. they walk together through the hallways, light glimmering from the soft windows they pass. the natural lighting is enough not to need anything else, and the colors from the stained glass enhance the building's beauty. the two ghouls talk about whatever nonsense comes into mind, laughing and smiling with each other. rain is happy to see aether giving a genuine smile. it's the first he's seen for a few days. he wishes he could take a picture, just to be able to stare at it longer.
they find their way to the kitchen and grab whatever food the others didn't get to. unfortunately all of the muffins were gone. dew probably ate them, knowing the little bottomless pit he is, especially when it comes to sweets. rain hands aether a banana smoothie, one he asked a sister of sin to make. he sees her in the kitchen often, so he was sure to ask her to make one. he knows those are aether's favorite, and wanted to be able to surprise him.
"this is for you. I told one of the sisters to make it."
"thank you! you're always so kind." aether's face lights up and he begins to sip on it.
"how about we go outside and eat? maybe by the pond." rain suggests with a smile written on his face. aether gives a moment of consideration before agreeing.
they sit on the dock, out behind the ministry. the sun's rays hit the water perfectly, making the tiny droplets sparkle in golden hues. rain fights the urge to dive in and swim, knowing he's doing this for aether. he wants aether to enjoy the soothing ripples of water, lapping at the ground nearby.
ignoring the food he got, rain positions himself to sit behind aether, trailing his hands along aether's broad shoulders.
"your shoulders are so stiff, aeth! no wonder you've been so cranky lately!" rain chuckles, now forming near circular motions with his wrists in attempt to ease the muscles his hands cover. aether purrs at the gentle rubbing of rain's hands along his shoulders, sighing at the relief. his feet dangle just above the deep blue water, the sounds of the waves helping calm him. rain always knows how to get someone to relax. it's like it's in his nature, to be so peaceful, and able to give others that same peace.
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borathae · 2 months
chapter 1
“Thank you good sir” i havent seen this in a serious manner in a long time, and laughed cuz it sounded like 1890s memes 😭 im sorry
pulls the door open with ease. NO WAY I PUSHED AN PULL DOOR BYE U DIDNT HAVE TO ATTACK SOME OF US LIKE THAT 😭 violence i will be meditating
“I’ve been a student here for quite some time actually” this sits at the same table as "how long have you been 17? a while"
oh it was jooniebug WHY IS OUR PRESIDENT A DICK 😭😭
“At least I don’t look like a stoner from the seventies” JIN STOP, HOBI U LOOK AMAZING
funky what is funky why is funky when is funky where is funky how is funky who is funky
what is she studying to have history and human anatomy together?/srs. ooh literature with different stuff for minor
boi i havent heard the word coolio in a decade, the last time probably while reading ff in 2014
oh my god its the bad boy. is it yoongi? YES I WAS RIGHT
4 HOUR LECTURE ON ONE TOPIC?? BOI I WOULD HAVE DIED AND RESURRECTED IN THAT TIME. i have 2 hour lectures with 5 minute after an hour and its amazing
"No reason really”, *plays why u always lying meme
Hoseok agrees with a quirk of his perfectly styled eyebrow. YES HIS EYEBORWS ARE HOT AS FUCK
ofc kook is a sports major
rest of the Alpha dirt”, damn hoseok really got beef with them
status from royal blood? eww hoseok is slay for that *me acting like i wasnt being a thot while reading yoongi, tae, kook drabbles/oneshots
“Dear lord, give me strength”, jin and joon with bangtan
JIMIN WTF U WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LIL FLUFF BEAN *bitch stop u knew how they were in the beninging(yes i misspelled for the meme) YES KICKING IN THE SHIN SUPREMACY
what is a hacky sack? i found out its a game? but what is he exactly studying lol?
also its the way she is making friends and talking to people LIKE SHE SPOKE WORDS YALL could never be me, sure i would have asked someone to help me to my classes but i wouldnt be talking after that, would have said im busy even though im not
if you would excuse me, but you’re quite weird, BYE IM LEAVING THE EARTH THIS IS THE 2ND TIME IM EMBARRASSED you can find me in 134340 business days, where i will be rotting under my blankie bye
“Perfect, now that everyone is welcomed accordingly. an example of when theater theaters in the most theater form
It leaves you wondering what he meant with that. u know what he meant by that, this is where you do the whole twilight thing
“I feel I just witnessed a man high on three different drugs theatre kids in a nutshell (apparently people on tumblr are either gay, english major or a theatre kid, and i sent the meme to my friends, guess what they said................... "looks like you fit all three category" our schools dont have it, but im apparently a theatre kid to them 😭)
How is he walking that quietly you walk with your entire feet, part by part, like in those "special" shoes ads, that helps in reducing sound. slow yet quick
“well, that is indeed a predicament.” oof so elegant, classy, AND RUDE (there 2seok, happy?)
your voice actually comes out squeaky. girl mine would have came quiet yet squeaky way before 😭
let’s get the 1860 one.” IS SHE THAT SPECIAL?? WHATS GOING ON AAAH
Seokjin actually answers him with a quiet “yeah!” OFC HE WOULD DO THAT
If you died here tonight EXACTLY U GONNA DIE BYE GIRL, YOU WILL (NOT) BE MISSED jk jk lol
ig kook is scared of girls *eww that was cringe bye Maybe he just needed to take a really urgent shit OH MY GOD PLS😭😭 this is going to stay in my mind forever, everytime i see him running im gonna think of this no doubt
“exactly, that is the reason. He is really shy.” aww such a shy lil bean OK BUT IK THATS NOT THE REASON *inserts suspicious hobi eyes
you must have the crispiest oxygen sounds like an indian water ad, that said "more of oxygen " Arrey yaar h2o water has not turned into h2o2 toxic hydrogen peroxide 😭
i love ur descriptions, they are very picturable and i love the vibes. it is soo good, i could smell the place? the seats, library, just the university smell, restaurant. it was great. i dont think my words do any justice lol
I think this is like a universal human experience to push a few pull doors lmaooa
questions over question mhmhmmhm
oh it was jooniebug WHY IS OUR PRESIDENT A DICK 😭😭
what is she studying to have history and human anatomy together?/srs. ooh literature with different stuff for minor
honestly? i gotta be honest with you, don't think too deeply about the logistics of her studies. i chose her courses for the sake of plot and nothing else LMAOAO
boi i havent heard the word coolio in a decade, the last time probably while reading ff in 2014
coolio still slaps like 10/10 word (also you see how I made them using "outdated" words wink wink almost as if they were from a different time wink wink)
oh my god its the bad boy. is it yoongi? YES I WAS RIGHT
Hoseok agrees with a quirk of his perfectly styled eyebrow. YES HIS EYEBORWS ARE HOT AS FUCK
ofc kook is a sports major
djjfja thinking back, it makes no sense for him to also study JFJDAFJ (you'll understand it later fasdjfj)
JIMIN WTF U WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LIL FLUFF BEAN *bitch stop u knew how they were in the beninging(yes i misspelled for the meme) YES KICKING IN THE SHIN SUPREMACY
HAHHHAHAH he may have tricked you fadjfjas
what is a hacky sack? i found out its a game? but what is he exactly studying lol?
yes it's a game fakdsfka in theory he studies dance PLEASE don't think too much about the logistic I literally just went with vibes
also its the way she is making friends and talking to people LIKE SHE SPOKE WORDS YALL could never be me, sure i would have asked someone to help me to my classes but i wouldnt be talking after that, would have said im busy even though im not
i get both sides like i would want to make friends but would be too scared that they would hate me FADJFJ if people like 2seok talked to me though? helloooooo :)
if you would excuse me, but you’re quite weird, BYE IM LEAVING THE EARTH THIS IS THE 2ND TIME IM EMBARRASSED you can find me in 134340 business days, where i will be rotting under my blankie bye
hahahahhaha this part is actually so embarassing bHAHAHHAHAHAH
“I feel I just witnessed a man high on three different drugs theatre kids in a nutshell (apparently people on tumblr are either gay, english major or a theatre kid, and i sent the meme to my friends, guess what they said................... "looks like you fit all three category" our schools dont have it, but im apparently a theatre kid to them 😭)
i don't get the hate on theater kids, all I see is people who don't fit into the "societal norm" and are therefore labelled as weird losers. we don't have stuff like "theater kid" or "sports kid" in Austria either becuse school is solely there to study not to offer clubs but I still never understood the weird hatered some clubs get in America jfdjfa
ig kook is scared of girls *eww that was cringe bye Maybe he just needed to take a really urgent shit OH MY GOD PLS😭😭 this is going to stay in my mind forever, everytime i see him running im gonna think of this no doubt
as for now it seems like he is ooooh 👀
“exactly, that is the reason. He is really shy.” aww such a shy lil bean OK BUT IK THATS NOT THE REASON *inserts suspicious hobi eyes
i love ur descriptions, they are very picturable and i love the vibes. it is soo good, i could smell the place? the seats, library, just the university smell, restaurant. it was great. i dont think my words do any justice lol
OMGG THANK YOU!! gosh this is actually such a big compliment :( I'm so happy to know that I managed to really make you exprience the place gaaah thank you for this review heheh 💜💜
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chrissypoox2 · 2 years
R U N A W A Y 🖤 Chapter 2
Pairing: Bangchan x Female reader
Genre: Fluff 
Word Count: 1,088 
a/n: So ive deiced to turn this into a 4 chapter series buut i actually odnt know how im gonna end iy anyways enjoy. (This chapter might seem weird because im switching up the plot a bit, from what the orginal is supposed to be) 
TW: Alcoholism
You wake up in the morning feeling next to you. Chan had already left for work, and even though he said this weekend was his weekend off he still left to go to the studio. He was a determined person when it came to getting things done. Which was no surprise. You get out of bed and head to the washroom to ready yourself for the long day ahead. You're still thinking about the little runaway date and want to make sure everything is perfect for when the date is official. 
Sometime next week should be good. He is on holiday break all week so the date could last longer than just one day. 
You got on your computer and worked on the date for almost 4 hours before you finished the draft plan from the date. Looking up venues and restaurants and budgeting with whatever you got from your job was a tedious task. Your phone rings and when you look it's Chan. You pick up your phone and answer.
"Hey babe, what are you up to right now." Chan started conversations where he was all sweet and then ended up asking you to bring things to the studio for him. He is sweet regardless but he does go the extra mile to butter you up.
"Nothing much just playing games. Why? Do you need me to bring you something?" You knew Chan forgot something why else would he call you?
"Haha no I didn't forget anything I genuinely just wanted to check up on you"
Awwwee how sweet, but there has to be a catch this 
"Oh okay, well I'm fine. How are things at the studio?"
"The studio?" Chan sounded a bit confused by your remark.
"Yeah isn't that where you went? That's why you left early this morning? I assumed you were just at the studio working on music?"
"No actually the others and I are in Busan right now for a promotional, I just wanted to call to also tell you I won't be back home till tomorrow morning. So you don't have to worry about dinner tonight just make sure you eat and sleep well k?"
"Oooh okay, don't worry about me I'll be okay."
"Alright call me if you need anything. love you" 
"Will do, I love you too. Bye." You hang up the phone and get up to eat something, at the pace you working at you could get this done by the afternoon and pick up a couple of quick and easy commissions to do for some extra change. 
You continue your day as normal after finishing the date and also setting the budget. You're on your way to a babysitting commission, but it's on the part of the town that you are not familiar with. You look down at your phone and continue to follow the route. You look up with it saying that you've arrived and the house looks sketchy, but you're getting $75 for watching the kids for only 2hrs, it was a good deal and one that you couldn't easily pass up on. You knock on the door and some old guy who recks of alcohol opens. 
"y/n?" the man looks at you squinting his eyes and chugging down a beer. 
"Yes! Hello Sir, I'm here to babysit-" The man rolls his eyes and interrupts.
"Yeah, I know, come inside please." You walk in hesitantly and the man continues to give you instructions.
"I'll be out for 2 hours the kids are sleeping but when they get up there is food in the fridge in containers with their names on it. Our dog is in the backyard and isn't allowed in the house. He leaves a weird smell. If you need anything my number is on the fridge door. If my wife gets home don't leave her here with the kids. She needs her sleep after a long day of work. Also here.." the man hands you half of the payment while standing there. 
"Here is the first half, I'll give you the rest when I get back. Have fun." and with that, the man left. You didn't wanna assume where he might've been off to, but when you continued into the house it was messy and he was so worried about the dog leaving a smell, the house smelled bad already. You wanted to go the extra mile even if they didn't tip you for it and clean up the house just a bit. 
an hour had passed by and you got the smell out of the carpet, the dishes were clean, and you lit a couple of candles you found and organized the bookshelves and the Cds. The kids' toys were all neatly packed away. You even did some yardwork too just for the heck of it. Then the door opened and you had assumed it was the wife. You walked to the door to greet whoever came but you were met with a strange man. 
"Hey you, do you know where the owner of the house went? Tall dude, black hair that's up the ear length, he has a mole on his right cheek?" You weren't sure what to say, so you didn't say anything, you just nodded no. The man looked disappointed but left after standing there for a couple of seconds he left. As soon as he left you went and locked the door, and with that, you locked all other points of entry. 
They better give me more than $75
The wife came home and the kids woke up, you played some games with them to keep them occupied and cooked some popcorn so they could enjoy their movie. It made you wonder what married life would be like with Chan. It would be wonderful for sure.
The father came home and gave you the money with a $50 tip for cleaning and handling the strange man and told you not to worry about it when you brought it up. The next commission was also babysitting but it was in a completely other part of town. 
It was about 9 pm when you finished your commissions. You did a total of 5 commissions and were able to make $700, which would be more than enough for your trip on top of what you're already putting in. 
You finally get home and you are so exhausted that you fall asleep as soon as you touch the couch. 
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nebulaleaf · 2 years
Heh. Giving youuuuu… akira and futaba. for ask game. bc theyr neat.
they ARE neat. tey're probably one of my fave relationships in this game. this is gonna be . real bad because i am not very articulate tonight .sobs cries. this is just me word vomiting about how much i love the sakura family, akira included sorry .
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy? definitely siblings. i won't shoot you dead for shipping them as it's none of my business but age gap, futaba's dependency on akira and other various reasons i see not to ship them aside... i think the main killer for me is just how familial they act... I can't ever imagine futaba having a crush on akira like. that's her older brother that's the guy she uses as a human shield in a walmart. that's the guy who'll let her sit on his shoulders to get a pc part that's too high up. that's the guy she'd sicc on a classmate like a dog!! she's so blase towards him in the romantic aspect save for like... one scene that doesn't even feel that romantic, just weird imo. i'm also down for them just being pals and not sibs but... idk there's just a specific layer to it that i enjoy far more when it's played like that. i really wish i could word it blurgh.
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you? I am not immune to siblings alright. i see a character who's a good older brother and has a soft spot for his sister and i weep because i know he'll probably be my fave. kicking rantaro amami down the stairs fuck you man. anyway i kinda feel bad just reducing them to that because there's so much i enjoy in how they interact but i can't put it to words. im on the cusp of futaba's palace in royal though so be on the lookout for posts where i go fucking insane .
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships? honestly i think akira's relationship to futaba means the fucking world to him. obviously he loves all of the thieves, but futaba specifically ... man. i should just say the sakura family as a whole... idk how well akira's home life is or isn't, but the sakura family feels like Just what he needed, y'know? caring but not overprotective, blunt but not cruel... a good mix of giving him the right space but also loving him unflinchingly and hey!! he fucking reciprocates that shit too!!!! and on futaba's end... yeah this is an important relationship to her too. when you first get her and the gang tries to reintroduce her to social situations.............. it's like autism to autism communication. akira is that perfect blend of a safe space, but not too safe where she'll never come out again. he will protect her but push her out to do things when needed and DAMB! she do be needing that. they fill that niche void in the other in ways the other thieves can't. like yeah futaba is the "little sister" of all the pts in a way, but she clearly interacts with akira differently than the rest of them... n yeah you cvould chalk that up to akira being a silent protag whup whup we need her to be clingy so you can have an UwU Gamer GF; but shut up fucka you. It's Different. To Me. and i'm serious like again the scene where all the PTs push her... she ends up reacting well to both situations in the end, but she reacts Best to akira's prompting because he's not too lax like ann and ryuji n' not too forceful like makoto was. zing. zing. i'm gonna shut up on this one now because im embarrassed Ah Hee Hee
favorite interaction they have in canon either the fire crackers scene outside of leblanc or futaba's first beach trip. the way she glances at akira for approval and then he just... gives her that soft smile... it fuckign kills me oh my god. [grabbing you] im so normall about that scene i only watched it thrice. oh my god and then the christmas scene......... that one is a close third
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in so many. all the time constantly. I want them to get into shenanigans. I want Futaba to bring her classmates home to Leblanc and for all of them to laugh about Akira tripping over the mop as he delivers their coffee. I want akira to gently tuck her back into bed when she stays up too late studying or going too hard at school/social interactions in general. i want futaba nag at him to take better care of himself until she has to whip out the pleading puppy-dog eyes to one hit KO his older brother instincts. i want them to steal credit card information together and make sojiro go grey by next year from the sheer stress of having these hyper-intelligent morons in the same room.
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thousandheadeddolphin · 5 months
Nevermind we're doing this tonight welcome to the lvl.0 lighting round
Actual reviews under readmore, but the tldr is that the quality generally averaged towards generally being kinda good, which I know is probably not gonna be sustained for long
LVL. 0.0: tutorial Level
I ultimately have no complaints, since this is, at its core, just a slightly more fleshed-out version of classic backrooms, which as stated in my introductory post, is good even through a thousand layers of content farm induced irony. I enjoy how theyve pretty much fenced it off from the rest of the levels due to no-clipping being required to progress, allowing it to still stand on it own to some extent. Though I do have a slightly nitpicky complaint about its title, simply because it leans too far into the video game angle, and the grammar feels a bit clunky and stiff at certain points, but at the end of the day, theres a reason this got so big in the first place. 8.5/10
LVL. O.1: Zenith station
This one plays around with the format a little, adding normal prose to the beginning to give context to why theres just a whole ass space station in piss carpet hell (yeah, the article itself describes the carpets as smelling like pee), which is generally better than its parent article, which, unfortionately isnt kept up in the prose of the article itself, which generally matches 0.0s quality. Id actually like this level a lot if it wasnt connected to the backrooms, where its existence doesnt exactly make any sort of sense, mainly from a metatextual perspective, mainly because it just doesnt match with any of the other levels heavy usage of nostalgic imagary compared this whole ass space station. This is likely just a consequence of a lot of the earlier levels just going "Yo what if this thing was in the backrooms" and just. kinda clashes even with other levels of its ilk. 8/10 if it was disconnected from the backrooms, 6/10 as it currently is
LVL. 0.2: Remodeled mess
To be honest, even though its like, bordering on a joke level, at least the jokes actually funny. plus, It genuinely feels like like smaller part of a level, instead of like, a full level that they just crammed into 0.0. The format scew, in this case taking the form of notes between a remodeler and his boss genuinely has a lot of personality and originality that a majority of the other levels of its ilk lack. overall, 7.5/10, not necessarily the most flashy or interesting (sub)level, but it gets its job done perfectly fine
LVL. 0.3: The icy rooms
Another level centering around the backrooms remodeling company, this times its not their fault, and theyre just trying to remodel a part of 0.1 thats just. frozen over for some reason. Another somewhat comedic level, this time exclusively featuring the same kind of notes from the previous sublevel. I do think it overuses the crossed out text gimmick, and the comedy(?) wears a bit thin, but i otherwise have no real complaints. 7/10 cool level
(please note that all levels after are not numbered by the wiki)
LVL O.4: Below Zero
Oops! All format screws! This ones actually got pretty good, though way too purple, prose. Most of the concepts within the level are kinda bare bones, the same kind of hallways as the ones in 0.0, but dark this time, a bog, which is so vaguely described that I dont even know if its metaphorical or not, and the hallway but before with rubble this time. Unfortunately, I cant really say much about it, due to the barrage of dead links, very, very sparce descriptions and the relatively small irritant of it not having any real reason to not be a standalone level other than the novelty factor, so Im gonna have to give it a 5/10.
LVL. 0.5: Echo Chamber
Man theres like, no reason for this to be separate from 0.4. If i struggled to come up with things to say about the last level, this one doesnt even have descriptions of its environment. The story that theyre trying to tell here is actually kinda well executed, though it doesnt really justify it being separate from the base backrooms in the way its implied to be. 4/10 I know its written by a different guy, but at least justify why you should exist as a separate construct from the original sublevel
LVL. 0.6: The Manila Rooms
This one has a plot point within the first paragraph. How can it serve as a meeting point if, by virtue of it being a sublevel of 0.0, it is impossible to find another human. Aside from that, this is functionally just a version of 0.0 with furnishings and actual way to leave without ramming your face into walls for 3 hours. Otherwise, nice set dressing, prose that do a better job at replicating scps style than 99% of the first 100 other levels, and actually makes use of the MEG instead of just having them stand around and justify why every single article is written like a damn court case. 6/10, gets its job done but It doesnt do anything else
LVL. 0.7: The red rooms
Oh hey another format screw, this time being another one were it just breaks into normal prose and overrides the normal text of the level, which though played out, got a bit of a kick out of me. Though, all things considered, the prose themselves flounder a bit, simply due to the author layering too many adjectives, and some inexplicable choices in analogy. But I really enjoy the way the author plays with the formatting especially near the end, and the concepts pretty damn solid on its own. 7/10, would reccomend.
LAST ONE: LVL. 0.8: The torment
Another format screw, this time just with some background stuff about how it just. randomly showed up. It suddenly drops some stuff about spirits and like, again, why did these need to be connected to 0.0. The prose do a good job at replicating the general stylings of scp, and the concept of, agonizing life after death is really, really good, it just, didnt need to be tacked onto 0.0 beyond the context of it just showing up there for two minutes. 6.5/10 normally, 6/10 because this didnt need to have anything to do with 0.0
0 notes
God With Us
I’ll get to that in a minute. Much to think about. Little time. Do help me please.
I think im sick again, for the sixth month in a row. I think it’ll be quite mild as long as I rest and eat well. Im not even going to tell my mom, maybe not my dad either. I don’t want them to worry. Especially not my mom. Im gonna try to keep her from getting sick, and hopefully if she does get it she’ll have such mild symptoms that she won’t even notice. I rather wish I wasn’t feeling this way but it could certainly be much worse.
Hunter came to my mom’s apartment for the first time and just invited himself to spend the night which is fine but weird and it freaked me out and was just so odd. This is the weirdest timeline for real. I woke up this afternoon snuggled up with Hunter on the floor of my mom’s apartment. I feel awkward and horribly embarrassed about being affectionate and cuddling with Hunter and that my mom saw us k*ss (almost.) I feel so uncomfortable about the whole thing it was just so weird. Part of me feels defective or something that my literal boyfriend whom I do love basically ruined my day by just staying slightly longer than I anticipated. Not only did he spend the night but I went back to his house tonight and we had dinner and hung out and played games. It was a lot of time together. I love him but I’m just so scared all the time that I’m doing the wrong thing. I get so so scared that I’m going to regret my decisions someday. I have a headache.
I feel ashamed of how I live in multiple ways. I feel ashamed of what I did this morning. I’m sorry. It’s one thing to do what’s wrong and it’s another to do what’s wrong in my mothers home and lie about it. I’m exaggerating a little. It was still not the right thing to do though, I think, and I’m sorry. Truly. Please forgive me.
I really hope I haven’t ruined a part of my future for the sake of today. I hope Hunter is my future. I really do. I hope the future gets easier to navigate. That sounds completely unreasonable and false but a girl can dream.
I feel really stressed about Christmas today. I want it to be over. I’m trying to make everyone happy and make me happy too and I hope I don’t mess it up. I’m afraid my dad will be grumpy and it’s gonna be awkward and my mom will be grumpy and I’ll feel pressured to stay here but pressured to leave but pressure to talk to my friends or my boyfriend but pressure to pay attention to my family. I don’t know why it’s so important. It’s not new or unexpected at this point. It all just makes me anxious and sad. I grieve my past. Today especially. Please, Father, let it go better than I fear it will. Please let me do the right thing, whatever that is.
At the same time as all this worry and angst and fear and guilt and dread is a center of gratefulness and joy. There is a peace in here, waiting quietly by. Immanuel, God With Us, is here. That is what we are celebrating. Nothing else matters nearly so much. And even so, we’ve been given so much more than just God With Us. I have so much more than I deserve. I thank you so sincerely for what you’ve given me. I thank you as much as I am capable of in this moment that you sacrificed everything to bring peace on earth and good will toward us. This year more than ever I feel a lump in my throat every time someone quotes the stories. I feel like I almost want to cry, I feel so moved. Thank you so much for moving me. You are what matters. I love you so much and I’m so sorry for everything and I thank you for everything. Above all else please let this day be yours. Let my thoughts and actions be acceptable to you. Let me bless you and bless others as I have been blessed today. Thank you so much my sweet Lord. Please help everyone to have a good Christmas. Give peace and reveal yourself to others as you have to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Merry Christmas my first love and my dearest Father and Brother and Friend.
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