#i got 100% on the assignment if anyone was wondering
sabertoothwalrus · 4 months
I'm going to think out loud about the dungeon meshi ages for a sec
I'm going to preface this by saying that this is based on my existing knowledge, and fact checking is difficult because there is A LOT of contentious research out there.
First of all, I think a lot of people come at this from a modern lens, forgetting the context that this is fantasy medieval era. this is fiction. on top of that, this is specifically Ryoko Kui's understanding of medieval era aging. plus fantasy. So before anyone comes at me with a bunch of 'ermmmm actualy's just consider that I don't really care and also it might not matter in this context lol
as far as the "age of maturity" assigned for each race, something I don't see many people talk about is that "teenagers" are a fairly recent concept. For a long time, you were either considered A Kid or Not A Kid. but this doesn't necessarily mean kids were more/less developed then, just our cultural expectations for certain age groups have changed.
Laios says the age of maturity for tallmen is 16. I don't think that means 16 year olds in the dungeon meshi universe are necessarily "more mature" than modern 16 year olds, but moreso that they have more responsibilities. However, things like medicine, smoking, drinking, sun exposure, physical activity, etc all affect age, so it's possible that developmentally they're closer to modern 18 year olds? Izutsumi is 17 (less than two weeks from turning 18, actually), and very much acts like a modern 17 year old.
The age of maturity for half-foots is 14. Chilchuck was 13 when he got married and had his first two children. Even though, at age 29, he's the equivalent of a modern 50 year old, I don't think he was That much more developed at 13 than a tallman. I think if half-foot 14 is equal to tallman 16, then Chilchuck was Pretty Damn Young for a parent LMAO. Even if you're generous and say tallman 16 is a modern 18, he still would've been younger than that.
The long-lived races are interesting. Marcille is obviously a unique case, and not a lot of this applies to her. We do know what Senshi was like as a minor (miner, lol), and he seemed like a modern 15ish, considering he was 36 and dwarf maturity is 40. I think it'd be really interesting to delve into how a culture functions with people being developmentally adolescent for soooooo long. Imagine middle school lasting 20 years. that would fucking suck. I suppose it makes sense why long-lived races are so patronizing.
Moving onto lifespans, I want to emphasize that they're average lifespans. Even in the manga, they say some half-foots live to 100, it's just rare. So it's less that a tallman 60 year old is "older" than a modern 60 year old, it's that it's easier to keep people alive for longer nowadays. Modern medicine is a BIG contributor. Dental health as well, considering how much your health is affected by your diet (and how much the action of chewing alone aids in digestion). Curious to know what the FUCK elven dentistry is like.
It also makes me wonder if half-foots would have a longer average lifespan if they weren't like, used for bait and treated so poorly, but half-foot 29 does seem to be middle-aged for half-foots. so who knows!
In that vein, I don't know if I can see Mithrun quite making it to 400 😬 like, his experience as a dungeon lord took a lot out of him quite literally, and he's doing exceptionally well despite it! I imagine he'd eventually start to develop a lot of heart problems if he doesn't have them already. Perhaps early-onset dementia. His memory seems still quite intact (he corrects Kabru on his story's accuracy) and he doesn't act like, lobotomized. He doesn't seem forgetful or confused, and he has a sense of humor/sarcasm still. It's mostly his task initiation that's been affected.
I almost want to say that mana affinity could affect long-lived races' lifespans, except dwarves have very poor tolerance for mana, so it's probably not that.
okay anyway I didn't really have a point to this post so I'm just gonna end my rambling here
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erensangel444 · 11 months
hey this had been playing on my mind so i was wondering if i could request a eren x fem reader. so what do you think about a scenario where eren is tutoring the girl and she is sitting on his lap while they study but she accidentally keeps shifting around and he gets hard and then things progress from there …
anonnie. you're killing me. tutor eren = my dream man
okay lemme stop losing my mind n here you go....
content warnings: unprotected sex(WRAP IT BEFORE U TAP IT!!!), degradation, praise, choking, creampie.
word count: 6.2k
edit: so this actually turned into a whole fic ummmm my bad. i heard tutor eren and got a little carried away.....
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if anyone asked you, chemistry was the thing you hated most in this world. frankly, in your opinion, it was unnecessary and it made no sense! no matter how much you studied, the material seemed like another language to you.
inevitably, and much to your dismay, you were forced to get a tutor. you had never struggled so much in a subject before, so this was a first to you.
you needed a tutoring session as soon as possible, hoping to boost your grade in the class. when you had gotten the notification on your school email that you were assigned a tutor, you quickly opened it.
to: y/n5411@edu
from: chemistrydepartment@edu
Thank you for contacting us about enrolling with a tutor. This email is meant to notify you of your assigned tutor and provide you with their contact information. If you have any questions or are unable to view any contents of this email, please email us back or contact this number 913-470-8999. If you have any trouble getting in contact with your tutor, please also refer to the contact information just stated. Thank you!
URL to tutor information
you quickly opened the url, navigating the chemistry department website. once you logged in, your eyes widened when you read the name.
Tutor: Eren Jaeger
Contact Information: Phone - 913-875-9022
Email - erenjaeger4113@edu
this was just your luck. of course your tutor was the TA that you couldn't take your eyes off of when you were in class.
eren was a TA for your class section, so you saw him every monday, wednesday, and friday. for some reason, those were always the days you decided to ditch the sweatpants and put on light makeup.
eren was....hard not to notice. with his height and sea-green eyes, you couldn't help but glance over at him about 100 times throughout each class.
maybe that's why you were failing chemistry.
if he was your tutor, how were you meant to focus? you were convinced the universe was playing some sort of sick joke on you. either way, you had no choice but to play with the cards you were dealt. your next exam was at the end of this week, and there was no way they'd assign you a new tutor before then.
also, what reason were you meant to give them? you couldn't exactly send the chemistry department an email saying you had the hots for the tutor they assigned you, so you needed a new one.
you decided you could be civil enough to control yourself, and really focus on the material. you were here to get your degree, not to get heart eyes over some stupid boy.
you quickly drafted an email to eren,
to: erenjaeger4113@edu
from: y/n5411@edu
Hi Eren, my name is Y/N L/N. You were assigned as my tutor for chemistry 110, and I was wondering if you'd be open to go over material sometime this week? I'm really hoping to clarify some of the content before the exam on Friday, so it'd be great if you'd be free for a tutoring session. If not, I completely understand. Either way, thank you so much and have a great rest of your night.
you sent the email before you could stop yourself, and quickly shut your laptop. god, what were you getting yourself into?
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when you had woken up next morning, eren had emailed you back.
to: y/n5411@edu
from: erenjaeger4113@edu
Hi Y/N! I'm actually free tonight at 6 if that works for you? Would you be okay with meeting at my dorm? I live in Mckee Hall. We can study in the common room. You can come with some example questions of what's been confusing you. Take some practice problems from the lecture slides that you didn't understand and we'll work through them together. Let me know if tonight works. Have a great rest of your day!
Sincerely, Eren Jaeger
you had to stop yourself from blushing at his message. he was simply being polite and doing his job but for some reason you were smiling. you quickly drafted a reply thanking him and letting him know that tonight works and you'd see him then.
you shook your head, chastising yourself for getting all worked-up from a simple message. you closed your laptop and got ready for the day.
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you don't know why you were so nervous. it was 6pm, exactly, and you were standing outside the main door of Mckee Hall, where eren had told you to meet him.
the door opened, and there he was, a pretty smile on his face. "y/n, right?"
you nodded your head, unable to form words. eren had on a simple brown sweater with a white shirt underneath, and khaki pants. his hair was done up in a half up, half down style, a bun tied at the back of his head.
"here, come on in, s'cold," he said, holding the door open for you. you thanked him, walking inside. eren led you to the study room, asking if you were able to find the dorm alright, to which you said yes. you thanked him for "being able to schedule so soon," to which eren smiled, saying it was no problem.
once the two of you were settled in to the study room, eren asked if you had gone through the lecture slides. you stuttered out a "y-yeah," pulling your notebook out of your backpack, opening up to the page where you had written down the problems.
eren stood up abruptly, startling you slightly. he laughed softly, grabbing his chair and moving it to your side of the table, directly next to yours. "sorry, just thought it'd be easier if we were next to each other," he spoke, looking right at you, "is that alright?"
"yeah s'alright m-makes sense," you said, smiling softly before looking back down at your notebook. your cheeks felt so hot, and you felt embarrassed getting nervous simply due to his proximity.
as he got closer, a vanilla, woody scent waved by your nose. it must be his cologne. god, he was pretty, he could dress, and he smelt good! how were you supposed to focus for the next two hours?
"mmkay," eren mumbled, looking at your notebook, "you have really nice handwriting," he said, smiling over at you. you gave him a quiet, "thank you," as eren read the first problem.
"okay, okay, so walk me through this first one. how would you start it?"
you grabbed your pencil and started by writing out the variables you knew, "mhm, good," eren assured you as you continued. you made a mishap with your first calculation, and eren stopped you.
"okay, hold on," he said softly. "d'you mind if i steal your pencil real fast?" he asked. "oh-oh! yeah yeah of course," eren laughed at you softly. your fingers brushed his as you handed him the pencil, and you swear your heart skipped a beat.
"okay so when we have heating curves like this one, it's important to recognize which equation we need to use." you nodded your head.
"you already started off really well, by writing what variables you have, that was really really great," he said smiling. you swear your cheeks were growing hotter by the second.
"so there's 3 possible equations we can use and we can find the right one based on the variables we know we have. first, deltaH minus the specific heat capacity...."
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the two hours with eren seemed to go by in minutes. you were surprised that you were actually seeming to grasp some of the content. it helped how encouraging eren was, smiling and praising what you did correctly, and helping you re-route when you did something wrong.
he actually cheered when you did the last question correctly without any help from him, getting a "shh!" from another person in the study lounge. you giggled softly at his embarrassed face.
as you began to pack up, eren's voice caused your ears to perk up, "did you want to meet again this week to go over the study guide? and i can help with any questions you have as you work through it."
"u-uhm, yeah! that would be great, thank you so much," you smiled at him, eren returning an even bigger smile.
"does tuesday at 7 work?" eren asked, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "that's perfect," you said, zipping yours closed. "o-okay, i'll see you then," he said, an almost shy demeanor taking over. "see you then," you copied, eren grinning at that. he held open the study lounge door for you, letting you walk out first.
you both paused, "well, uhm, thank you again, eren, this was really helpful,"
"of course, anytime, and i'll see you on tuesday," eren said. "tuesday," you smiled. "tuesday." eren said in a joking-serious tone causing you to giggle softly, his grin widening at the sound.
you started to walk away, giving eren a quick wave. eren gave you one back, smiling before he turned to walk up the staircase.
you couldn't help but grin the whole walk home.
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tuesday came, and at exactly 6:58pm you were walking towards the main door of Mckee Hall, surprised to see eren sitting outside on the bench, waiting for you.
he looked up from his phone, smiling when he saw you. he stood up, putting his hands in his pockets, "hey," he said softly, "hi," you said back, in the same tone.
"ready to get your chemistry on?" eren joked, causing you to laugh softly. "please never ever say that again," you joked, eren giggling.
eren scanned his id card to get the two of you into the building, holding the door open for you.
it was cute that he had waited outside for you, backpack on and everything. the two of you walked to the study room, eren asking about how your day had been.
your conversation came to an abrupt end when the two of you entered the study room, to see there were no tables open. you looked at each other with a sort of "what now?" look.
eren's cheeks flushed slightly pink, "well uhm, w-we could study up in my room, o-only if you want! i-i just figured since we're already here, and like if you don't want to that's completely okay because.." he began to ramble on, unable to hear your "eren," as you smiled. "i-i only suggested it because the lounge s'full, n like n-no funny business or anything, like obviously! and i uh..." you began to laugh, eren's rambling coming to a pause as he looked over at you.
he smiled, thinking to himself how pretty you were when you laughed. "eren," you said, once you had caught your breath, still smiling. "i'm more than okay with studying in your room"
"yeah?" he asked, his cheeks still a pretty pink. "yeah," you smiled, eren smiling softly before looking down at his shoes.
"u-uhm okay, alright, follow me," he said, leading you out of the study lounge and up to his room.
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eren's room was nothing like you expected. being in his room let you take a little peek inside his brain. in looking at eren, you wouldn't expect it, but he was actually quite the nerd.
the top of his desk was lined with books, and funko pops from different animes. you smiled softly at the little nanami kento funko pop.
his walls were lined with posters and canvases. "you watch cowboy bebop?" you said, smiling at the poster.
"yeah, s'one of my favorites," he said. "me too," you replied turning to look at him with a soft smile.
eren watched as you explored his room, smiling at the way you were so intrigued. "these canvases," you started, "did you paint these?"
"uhm yeah," he said, coming to stand next to you, "my mom's actually an artist, so i kinda get it from her i guess."
"they're beautiful, eren," you complimented, eren trying to stop his cheeks from getting any redder.
eventually after you had your fill, you had asked eren where you should sit. "uhm, you can take my bed, o-or the desk if you want! whichever one you prefer."
you plopped up on his bed, eren laughing softly at your jump. he grabbed your backpack for you, setting it next to you on the bed. "thank you," you said, eren smiling at you with a "mhm".
eventually, the two of you had gotten into the content of the study guide, eren helping you work through problems you were confused on, and explaining them to you.
at around 10pm, you guys had finished the study guide. "eren, i actually understand chemistry, it's a miracle," you joked, eren laughing softly. "seriously though," you continued, "thank you, you don't understand how big of a help you've been."
"well, you're a great student so s'not hard," eren smiled, and there came that fluttering feeling in your stomach again.
"have you eaten?" eren asked, catching you off guard. "i-i just realized, we kinda spent dinner time studying, and i was gonna go down to the kitchen n make some mac n cheese if, uh, if you want some?"
"y-yeah, i could go for some mac n' cheese."
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"i'm convinced you're gordon ramsey or some shit," you said as you took another bite of mac n cheese. eren laughed, "don't boost my ego like that."
as the two of you ate, you continued to converse about random things. the conversation initially started with you asking eren what his major was, which you found out, was biology. you laughed asking him why he TA'd for chemistry and not biology, and eren was quick to joke,
"i guess i'm just that multi-faceted, you know it's a struggle just having so much genius in my head," "oh shut up," you giggled, eren smiling over at you.
the conversation eventually drifted into anime, which the two of you bonded over. you were ranting about jujutsu kaisen,
"and i just don't get how people are complaining about this season's animation! like i'd like to see you do it, mr. i live in my mom's basement," eren snorted at that, causing you to laugh loudly.
it was a dinner filled with laughs and smiles, and that warm feeling in both of your chests that just would not go away.
and to be honest, neither of you wanted to let go of that feeling.
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since eren was a TA, he was also a proctor for the exams. he smiled when you came to the front to grab your scantron. he handed it to you, with a soft whisper of, "you're gonna do great, don't stress."
you smiled at him, walking back to your seat. and for the first time this year, the questions on your exam didn't look like a child's scribbling. you still struggled on some questions, but you mostly understood what you were doing.
for once, you finished the exam with a feeling of hope instead of impending doom.
and when you got your score back the next day, you had gotten an 85!
your first thought was that you couldn't wait to tell eren.
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"an 85!" he yelped. you nodded, biting your lip with a big smile. "holy shit, y/n!" he cheered, his arms wrapping around you in a big hug.
it caught you off guard, but you quickly melted into his embrace, hugging him back. after 10 seconds, eren pulled away, awkwardly putting his hands at his side.
"s-sorry!" he apologized, "just got really excited," he said softly, his cheeks that pretty shade of pink that they often turned.
"s'okay," you smiled, "thank you," was all you could say.
"i'm....i'm really proud of you," eren said softly.
that sentence had you on top of the world.
" i couldn't of done it without you, eren."
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december had quickly approached, and with it so had snowstorms and finals week. eren had continued to tutoring you, helping you cover content that had confused you during lectures, and providing you with weekly quizzes to help test your knowledge on each chapter.
now that finals week was here, you and eren had been in cram-mode. eren was intent on helping you ace this final, and he knew you could do it.
the two of you were in his room, as you usually were. after that first study session in his room, you asked eren if you guys could keep studying in his room. you said, "s'just nice in there. feels comfortable, i think it helps me focus," and who was he to say no?
if anything, the image of you on his bed, pencil in between your teeth was more than enough motivation for you guys to have your study sessions in his dorm room.
like now, you were sitting on his bed, in spandex and a big T-shirt. you had came in sweats and a sweatshirt, with your big winter coat over you.
when you had asked eren if you could take your sweats off, he was at a loss for words, just looking at you with wide eyes. "i-i have shorts on underneath," you promised, eren sputtering out words, "uhm, uh yeah, of course! s-sorry,"
when you had said shorts, eren wasn't expecting spandex that clung to your figure. he was trying his best to respectful, but, oh my god, he couldn't take his eyes off you.
and then your sweatshirt came off, revealing your big T-shirt, and he couldn't help but imagine how you'd look in one of his shirts. how you'd put it on in the morning, and the way it would drape over your figure. that combined with the image of you sat atop his bed, had him shifting in his pants.
he was doing his best to not pop a boner right now.
regardless, he was here to help you study! and that's what he was trying to do, but...you seemed distracted. your pencil was between your teeth as usual, but your eyes were glazed over with something he had never seen in you before.
you hadn't written anything in your notebook for the past 5 minutes. eren cleared his throat, causing you to shake your head slightly and let out a shaky breath.
"you good?" he asked, to which you gave a simple, "mhm."
eren didn't believe you.
"c'mere," he said, causing you to look at him, with raised eyebrows. "y/n, c'mere," he repeated. you listened, getting down from the bed.
he pushed the chair he was sitting in back from the desk slightly, "sit," was all he said. "h-huh?" you spoke softly, trying to stop your thighs from clenching together.
"y/n, you seem distracted up on the bed, so just sit n' i'll keep you focused. you can't do good on the exam if you spend our whole study session chewing on your pencil."
your cheeks were getting hotter, "o-okay," was all you said, sitting down on eren's lap.
eren was convinced he like to torture himself because the second you sat down on his lap, he was trying his best not to run his hand over your thighs.
eren let out a soft, shaky breath. "a-am i too heavy? m'sorry i-i can get up," you said, lifting yourself up from eren's lap. eren's hands came to your waist, pulling you back down, "mm mm s'not it, jus hot n here s'all."
"o-okay," eren stuttered, "walk me through problem 6," he said referencing to his open binder on the desk. "u-uhm" you said, your voice shaking, "so it's asking a-about dihedral angles."
you could feel yourself getting wet and you were beginning to curse yourself for wearing such thin spandex.
eren listened as you spoke, "so it's either psi, phi, or omega." "mhm, keep going," he said, voice low.
eren's eyes widened as you continued to speak. he doesn't think you notice how you're slightly rocking your hips over his lap.
fuck. he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to. his dick was starting to twitch in his pants, getting thicker as your pretty hips started to rock over him. the slightest whimpers were slipping out in between your words and eren swears he must of died and gone to heaven.
was it okay to put his hands on you now? could he? god, he wanted to so badly. would you be okay with it? fuck, if the way you were moving over his dick had anything to say about it, he thinks you'd be okay with it.
fuck it. eren brought his hands to your thigh, humming as you continued. you paused what you were saying, hips stuttering in their movements. "s'this okay?' eren asked. "y-yeah," you said, cringing at the whimper that accompanied your words.
"okay, keep working through the problem for me," eren sighed, his hands resting on your thighs. "uhm, so the psi angle is from the alpha carbon to the carbonyl carbon, and the, uhm.." you words began to drift off as eren's hands began to trace over your thighs.
"c'mon y/n, focus," eren said, resting his chin over your shoulder as he watched your hand shake as you held the pencil. "m'trying, i'm sorry," you said voice shaky, your hips still rocking over eren's lap.
"don't apologize, pretty girl. just finish the problem for me and then we can take a break," eren promised, his hands rubbing over the inside of your thighs now.
pretty girl. he was trying to kill you.
"o-okay, ren', i-i'll focus," you said softly. "u-uhm this angle, though, is from the alpha carbon to the nitrogen, w-which would uhm," eren's fingers were lightly rubbing over your clit through your spandex.
"c'mon baby spit it out. what would it be, you're s'close," eren hummed softly. "i-it would be t-the phi angle, p-please eren,"
eren was grinning at how desperate you had gotten, your hips were rocking with fervor now, and you had thrown your head back to rest on his shoulder, leaning your body into his as he rubbed over your clit.
"mmm good job, baby, so smart, hmm?" eren's dick was throbbing, you just looked so pretty for him. he couldn't take his eyes off of your face, the way your eyebrows scrunched together, your pretty lips open in an o-shape.
"c'mon baby tell me how smart you are," eren said, rubbing over your clit more intensely now. "i-i'm smart," you said breathlessly, rocking your hips into eren's hand. "yeah you are, angel," eren said, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder.
"n i think you deserve something for being so good, huh? whaddya' think?" "yes, yes, please ren', need it," you whined.
eren laughed at you softly, removing his hand from over your clit, and tapping at your thigh, "stand up, baby," he said lowly.
you whimpered at the loss of his touch, but listened nonetheless, standing up and turning around to face him. eren sat up straight, bringing his hands to your thighs once more. "so, so pretty," he murmured to himself. "wanna take this off for me, angel?" eren said, tugging at your shirt. "mhm," you hummed, lifting your shirt over your head.
"fuck me," eren sighed. you had on a pretty, lacy pink bra. eren was convinced he was the luckiest man on earth. "shorts too, baby," he said, and you were more than happy to oblige.
eren swore his heart was going to beat out of his chest. pretty pink underwear with a little bow in the middle. you were pure perfection. "oh my god, c'mere," he said pulling at your waist, having you straddle him. you giggled as he pulled you on top of him, the both of you smiling at one another.
your hands looped around his neck, and eren's hand came up to your face softly stroking your cheek. "you're so pretty, y'know that?" he said, his eyes entrapped with yours.
you couldn't take the attention, looking down. "mm mm, look at me," he said, his hand falling to your chin to force your eyes back on his. "so so pretty," he repeated, pulling you in for a kiss.
it was everything you had imagined and more. the way eren's lips moved against yours had your hips rocking in his lap once more. the soft sounds the both of you were making being muffled by the other's lips.
eren's tongue slipped in to your mouth, brushing against yours. eren pulled away, lips slick with spit. you were breathing heavily, pouting as you looked at eren.
"w-wanna see you too," you said, your hand bunched into his shirt. eren smiled at you, "yeah? help me take it off.""
your hands came to the bottom of his shirt lifting it up, eren grabbed at the neckline of his shirt to pull it over his head, but not before it got stuck slightly, causing the two of you to laugh.
he finally got it off, grinning at your pretty smile. your hands came to trace over his abs, looking back up at him and back down at them.
"let's get on the bed, hmm?" eren said, his hand coming back to rub softly at your cheek. you looked up at him, nodding. eren wrapped his arm around you, standing up. eren tossed you softly on to the bed, before joining you atop it.
you were laying down, head propped up on his pillow. eren hovered over you, leaning down for a kiss. what started off soft and slow, quickly became more desperate.
eren's hands were running over your body, yours arching into his. he took the chance to reach for the clasp of your bra and undo it. after feeling it come undone, you slid the straps over your arms and let it fall down slightly.
eren pulled away from your lips, grabbing your bra and tossing it down onto the floor. he looked down at your breasts, moaning at the sight. your nipples were stiff from the cold air.
eren didn't know what he wanted to do first, but he knew he had to have his lips on you. he kissed you once more, moving to your cheek, then your neck. he kissed down your shoulder, to your collarbone, finally landing one on your breasts.
he looked up at you before sucking a nipple into his mouth, evoking a soft whimper from you. his right hand began to tweak at your other nipple, rubbing the bud between his fingers, pinching and twisting softly.
he loved how reactive you were, the way you moaned and whimpered at each touch. he needed to taste you.
eren kissed down your stomach, right to the bow on your panties. his hands came to the hem of your panties as he looked up at you. "s'this okay?" he asked, wanting to make sure you were comfortable.
"s'more than okay, please touch me," you begged so sweetly, eren couldn't help but smile. he landed one more kiss right below your belly button before pulling your panties down your legs.
your panties were left dangling around your left foot as eren spread your thighs apart. you were dripping, your arousal evident as he took his fingers and spread you apart.
you were hiding your face in your hands when eren looked up at you. "getting shy on me now?" he asked, voice low. "there's no reason to be," he said, breathless as he watched you clench around nothing.
"s'so perfect," he muttered, before landing a kiss on your clit. his lips quickly wrapped around your clit, suckling softly at the bundle of nerves.
you were a mess, legs kicking, thighs trying to shut close around eren's head. he just put a hand around each thigh, and kept you spread open for him.
"ren', ren!" you whine, sounding like a broken record. eren was in heaven. there's no way he was letting you go anywhere after this.
he brought a finger down to your entrance, softly licking at your clit as he slid it in. his finger was reaching depths that yours never could. he curled it slightly, feeling that gummy, sensitive spot that had you losing your mind.
your hips bucked when he first touched it, eren laughing softly at your reaction. he continued to push his fingers against that spot, and you were going dumb, whining absolute nonsense, "mm oh my! oh e-eren oh fff-please!"
eren needed you to cum on his face, needed to see how pretty you looked when you reached your peak. he hadn't taken his eyes off of your face as he analyzed your every reaction and expression.
"r-ren', i-i'm gonna! gonna-oh!" you were trying to tell him you were close. eren understood, and sucked at your clit even harder, lightly grazing his teeth against it. you were so loud, he knows his dorm neighbors probably hated him.
"c'mon baby," he said, words muffled by his face pressed into your clit. your hips were grinding into his face now, your hands coming down to grab onto his hair. eren moaned at the feeling, the vibrations making you haywire.
you were so, so, so close, and with one final press of his fingers, your orgasm was washing over you, juices pooling out of you and into eren's mouth.
"mmmm" he hummed as he worked you through it. eren pulled away, his chin wet with your arousal. "ren', p-please kiss me," you said softly, your hands coming to his cheek as you pulled him up towards you.
his lips were on yours once more and you could taste yourself on his lips. "taste s'good, huh?" eren grinned at you. "w-wanna make you feel good, too," you said, your hand coming down to softly palm at eren's cock through his boxers.
"oh, fuck," he sighed, his forehead resting against yours. " can i, ren?" you asked so sweetly, your eyes boring into his. "y-yeah," he choked out.
you told him to sit back as you two swapped positions.
you were on your knees in front of eren, who had spread his legs enough to make room for you in between them. you pulled his boxers down along with his shorts, eren helping as he lifted himself off the bed so you could get them off.
his cock sprung out, hitting his stomach softly. he was so big, your mouth started to water. the tip was a blush red, his cock curved slightly. he was so thick, you didn't know how he was going to fit inside of you.
the second you wrapped your hand around his cock, eren was a goner. he was watching you so intently, and when your pretty lips opened to take his tip into your mouth, eren threw his head back with a soft groan.
he looked back down, watching as you sucked softly on the tip. when your eyes looked up to stare into his, eren whimpered. "d-doing so good, baby," he praised you, his hand coming to softly rest on your head.
you took his cock out of your mouth, looking up at him ever-so-innocently, "what do you wanna do to me, ren?"
you were stroking his cock, the pre-cum leaking from his tip helping you as your hand slip up and down. "f-fuck, oh my god," he whined.
"want you to use me however you want," you said, your pretty voice sweet and soft. "f-fuck, however i want?" eren said, voice breaking.
god, what were you doing to him?
"mhm," you hummed, kissing the tip softly. "c'mon ren," you pouted, "don't you wanna use my throat?" eren groaned, both of his hands coming down to rest on your cheeks now. "f-fuck, c'mon open up," he ordered, the change in his tone making your clit throb.
eren's hands move to your hair, wrapping around it. you opened your mouth, lips around eren's cock once more. "yeah just like that," eren said as he pushed your head down softly, forcing more of his cock down your throat.
"god, you take it so good," he sighed, his hips bucking at the feeling. you gagged softly, eren groaning at the feeling before pulling you off his cock.
you were breathing heavily, eyes watering slightly as you looked up at eren. "m-more, please," you whined, eren's thumb coming to play with your bottom lip.
"you're such a slut for it, hmm?" he said, his words causing you to whimper. "you like that too, don't you?" he spoke, voice gravely as he stared down at you.
"wanna be a good slut for me, yeah?" he asked, to which you nodded. eren softly slapped your cheek, "c'mon use your words for me,"
"y-yes eren wanna be your good slut."
eren was smirking down at you now, "then be good n choke on it," he said, bringing you back down to his cock. eren was moaning as you took him deeper, his hips bucking.
"f-fuck, oh y/n," he sighed, his hands falling from your hair. you took the chance to wrap your hand around his cock, stroking and sucking at the same time.
eren thinks he was starting to lose his mind. "g-god baby! go-gotta stop m' gonna cum," he was saying, his voice breaking in between the words.
you took his cock out of your mouth, still stroking him slowly. you looked up at him, smiling, and eren knew that image would forever be engrained in his brain.
"baby c'mere," he said, his hands coming to your cheeks as he pulled you in for a kiss. eren was smooth as he flipped your bodies over, hovering on top of you now.
"needa be inside you, pretty girl," eren said, his cock resting over your stomach. "h-hold on," he said, "i n-needa grab a condom."
your hands braced against his shoulders to stop him. "wanna feel you," you said, eren's eyes widening. "n, n i'm clean and i'm on birth control," you rationalized, as if eren needed a reason to be inside you raw.
"fuck, baby, are you sure?" "mhm," you nodded, pulling him in for a kiss. eren's hand wrapped around the base of his cock as he stroked the tip of his cock in between your folds. "f-fuck," eren moaned at the feeling of your wetness coating his tip.
every time his tip nudged your clit, you jolted, causing eren to smile devilishly. eren brought the tip down to your entrance, softly pushing inside. when the tip slipped in the both of you let out a soft sigh.
as eren pushed further in, you were whining. there was so much of him, so much to take. "you can do it, pretty girl," eren said softly, slowing pressing himself in further and further.
when he was fully inside, he just sat there, giving you a moment to adjust. he watched your face scrunch, getting used to the feeling of him inside of you.
he watched as your facial expression then relaxed, eyes opening to look at him. "s-so full," you whimpered, "p-please move," you whined, eager to feel eren more.
eren was quick to listen, pulling out till just the tip was in before thrusting back inside of you roughly. you both were reeling at the feeling, you from how deep eren was hitting, and eren from how wet and warm you felt around him.
"f-fuck, such a good fucking girl," eren moaned, his hand drifting up to rest on your neck. you took your hand and wrapped it around his rest, signaling you wanted more.
eren just grinned down at you before wrapping his hand around your neck. he couldn't help but think how pretty you looked being fucked stupid.
"god, the way you're squeezing around me baby, trying to milk me for all m'worth huh?" eren groaned. your legs were wrapped around him tight now, not wanting to let him go.
"please, please ren' want you to cum, w-want you to fill me up," you begged. if eren thought he was close before, he was right on the edge now, his hips stuttering as he spoke, "f-fuck, you want it inside?" eren asked, his eyes raking over your body, hand still wrapped around your pretty neck.
"p-please!" you whined, eren thrusting even faster now. "fuck, gotta cum for me then angel," eren said, taking his hand that was wrapped around your neck and bringing it down to your clit, his thumb rubbing circles on the bundle.
"f-fuck ren!" you were moaning loudly now, hips having a mind of their own, your wetness creating a squelching sound with each of eren's thrust.
"that's it baby, c'mon cum for me," eren was moaning too, so close, but he needed you to cum first. "show me how good you are," eren groaned, that being the final thing to tip you over the edge.
your orgasm triggered eren's, his warm cum filling you up as he moaned your name loudly, hips stuttering as pumped you full. "f-fuck" he sighed, as he came down from his high, looking down at your dazed-out expression.
"did so good for me baby," he said softly, pulling out of you. "t-thank you, ren," you said, your voice so soft.
"think after a shower n some food you'll be able to focus now?" eren joked. "mmm, i don't know," you said, turning to him with a smile, "think you may have to help me focus again."
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thank you for reading! i sincerely hope you enjoyed the fic<333
also for anyone who's watched the finale can we talk about cabin eren. oh my lawd i am feral over him!!!
if you would like to, reblog or leave comment if you liked the fic! my requests are also open:D
also if there are any spelling/grammar errors, let me know!
sending you all lots of love, and happiness - angel (*o*)
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
I've genuinely never put in a request for something before so ur the first T.T
I was wondering, what would happen if you just wandered into scaramouche's room?
Im sorry if this is oddly specific, but I was hoping for a NS!FW M4M, possibly with Balladeer instead of wanderer, and if you do this thank you so much :))
NS!FW. 18+ ONLY!!!
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OF COURSE!!!! Thank you for asking!!!!
You’ll have to forgive me if it’s not great. Even though I edge more towards masc im still not 100% sure how dudes work djdhdu
Also good lord, I went kind hard (hah) with this one, my cheeks were gLOWING while writing this. I’m never seeing heaven istg 💀
Edit: I accidentally went a little off script because I got extremely flustered so I’m sorry T-T
Warnings: ns!fw, dom!scaramouche (he needs his own warning), mild degradation, mean words, bratty behaviour, smug little shittery, lots of spicy words, swearing, male!reader, not proof-read.
Characters: scaramouche as: The ✨Balladeer✨
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Scaramouche and you had a weird relationship.
No one knew whether you hated each other or if you were actually close.
Including you-
Sometimes you’d be at each other throat with any sharp object you could find and then the next, you’d be defending the other for whatever morally questionable crimes you had committed.
You happened to be one of the unfortunate fatui members that had been assigned to Scaramouche.
You don’t really know how he didn’t decide to murder you for your instinctive comebacks whenever he’d insult you.
He’s never admit it but he enjoyed having someone to banter with that wouldn’t immediately shit themselves the second he glanced at them.
Which is why you were now in his office for…
Well you didn’t really know.
He was busy doing paperwork that he was making extremely obvious that he hated every second of.
You were sitting in a chair across the room from him, equally as bored.
“So what exactly do you need me for… sir”
“To sit there and shut up.”
Letting out a sigh, Scara rolling his eyes, waving your questions off.
“You know, I’m supposed to be doing work. Going out, getting information, torturing, stealing, all the good stuff. Not sit in a room with a pouty brat-”
Clearing your throat, you suddenly realise what you had done.
Oh shit-
With a glare more threatening than a cryo mage in the rain. Scara placed his pen neatly down on the table, carefully organising the papers in front of him with sly grin.
Double shit-
“You know, you do a lot of talking for someone who can’t even handle to be alone in a room with their boss for more than an hour”
“Yeah well you’re not really the most enjoyable to be around…boss.”
The balladeers grin became even more sly as I pushed the chair away from his desk, standing up and taking a few steps forward, positioning himself right in front of you.
“I’ve had a very stressful day and I think I could use a little worshiping. Why don’t you use that mouth for something other than pathetic remarks, hm~?”
“Excuse me-?”
Without a hint of hesitation or shame, the harbinger placed his hand on your head. Most likely relishing the feeling of actually being taller than someone for once.
“Don’t act like our… banter doesn’t get you hard. I’ve seen the way you squirm when I get a little too close~”
Scaramouche pressed your head close to his crotch, speaking with a tone laced in sly smugness.
“I know you’ve imagined what I could do to you. I bet you even stroke yourself to the thought of me. Having the hand of a deity stroke you~”
Obviously he was right. Which just annoyed you even more, causing your pride to outweigh the sheer embarrassment coursing through your veins at his lewd words.
“You know how much shit you’d be in if I told anyone about this, right?
Scaramouche frowned at your remark, swiftly taking your chin in his hand and forcing you to look up at him.
“If a word of this leaves your mouth to anyone other than me, I will make you wish that I killed you. Understand me?”
Feeling your words catch in your throat, you give him a irritated nod, unable to fully deny how hot the whole situation was becoming.
“Good. Now, be a good for your god and worship me the way I deserve.”
Smirking down at you, Scara unbuttoned his shorts, letting his already hard dick bounce out against your face, making him sigh out in satisfaction.
“I always thought you looked so much better on your knee’s~ now suck.”
Blushing violently and not even able to deny how turned on you were, you locked eyes with The Balladeer and took him inside your mouth.
“Good boy~ just like that..”
Petting your hair with a surprising amount of gentleness, Scara pushed your head back and fourth, making you gag as his tip hits the back of your throat.
“Why don’t you touch yourself for me like the desperate, horny slut you are~”
Letting out a small, muffled whimper, you knew you were completely at his mercy as you couldn’t help but move your hand down, touching yourself as he commanded.
Scara thrust his hips more intensely, picking up his speed as moans and grunts escape his lips causing you to match his speed with your hand.
Feeling his hand grip tighter on your head, with one finally thrust and a loud groan of pleasure, scara finally released himself down your throat, pushing you over the edge as you coat your hand and pants in your load.
“Mmh! You’re such a good fuck toy,m. Now make sure to clean up the mess m’kay?”
Pulling out, leaving a messy string of saliva mixed with his load; Scara took a deep breath and returned to his paperwork like nothing happened, leaving you panting and and mess on the floor, still somewhat dazed.
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squeaks 👺👨‍🦽👹🧍
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twopoppies · 9 days
Hi!! First time in ur inbox- sorry it's such word vomit. I've seen you be so sweet to people in your asks and I thought I'd join with my own thoughts that have been rattling around in my head since last night.
Why is it that the general population see larries as actually, genuinely, crazy and delusional fans? I know it serves it's purpose in maintaining the believability of a closet, but
when i got into the fandom and started going through all the receipts& explanations, I remember still being on the fence for a while, unsure and sort of paranoid about whether I was allowed to believe in it. I can remember telling a friend that asked if I thought it was real: "The craziest part is that you look through everything, read about PR and closeting in the industry, and you are left thinking: Well, holy shit. It's entirely possible that this is true. It wouldn't even be a special case- all of these things that fans theorise about Larry have 100% happened to other celebs."
I understand people not wanting to believe in 'conspiracies' but when it's straight relationships, it's ok? when it's the mainstream media narrative, it's ok? even though artists have told us repeatedly that the media has their own agenda? I'll never get that. How are we the crazy ones? They're the hypocrites.
Because I'm new to the fandom I've been watching old clips on youtube, and I got recommended a video essay on 1D and the whole comment section was full of people saying larries caused gaylor to happen (ew as if we would ever), and comparing what we believe to kpop stans thinking every one of their idols is secretly dating (which btw, yes kpop stans are intense and often fall for easily debunked conspiracies but. statistically speaking, some of those boys have GOT to be fruity.)
It just makes me wonder why people have to come at us like that. Saying all our proof can be debunked... a lot of it can lol but that's more of an issue of younger or naiver people getting obsessed with the idealised romance of H&L and seeing writing on the wall when it's just some accidental smudges. If they don't want to believe us, fine. But why are they so sure they know better than we do?
Hi, love. This would be a PhD thesis if I really broke it down. But I think a couple of the main reasons are that 1DHQ worked overtime on the gaslighting and the story that larries ruined HL's friendship. Then they added in "Louis" tweeting about how Larry is bullshit, and he's straight, and he's had to deny "Larry" a bunch of times over the years. So from the early days, it was considered being a "good fan" to shit on larries. Then, add in that Harry was marketed as a womanizer, Louis was marketed as the world's best boyfriend, and tabloids calling anyone "crazy" who thought they could be anything but aggressively straight. Larries just became the scapegoat.
Add in a sprinkle of homophobia ("stop assigning a sexuality to people" as if "straight" isn't a sexuality) and compulsory heterosexuality, and you've got a perfect storm. Plus, unless you've got a basic understanding of closeting and the way the music/film industries operate and only you've really followed things from early on and cataloged the insane amount of "coincidences," it's easy to explain everything away.
more here
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yunarim · 1 year
So I've been listening to a lot of Swan Lake lately (and I've recently been listening to the Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses theme on loop for the past half an hour) and this got me thinking.
What about the Pomefiore trio and a female ballerina!reader who was an accomplished ballerina back in her world?
Maybe they see her dancing in an empty classroom and then get shown recordings of her performances on her phone (that was transported with her) and they are just spellbound at the elegance of her dancing.
Thank you.
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── ⋅⋅⋅ FEEL MY RHYTHM | follow the song and dance in the moonlight
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♩ ⁺✧ fem!reader (she/her), ballerina!reader | vil schoenheit, rook hunt, epel felmier note — aahhh sorry for taking so long ;; i hope it's okay and you enjoyed the fic!
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VIL SCHOENHEIT sighs in disappointment when another student who tries passing a casting for a new project he assigned fails miserably. Rook beside him claps, blooming with ‘beauté!!’ nevertheless, while Epel who got dragged along sends mental signals to the failed student to cheer up. 
Vil thinks it’s easier to rewrite the whole plot of the play he’s preparing for the theatre club’s project or maybe make Rook or Epel learn ballet in a span of two months. He dismisses the casting and claims he needs some fresh air because it gets almost unbearable. 
It’s not like club members or just anyone in school needs to know how to dance ballet. It’s not like people who tried (and failed) are bad dancers either, they just lack the elegance and the right mood needed for the story. Vil sighs, stepping out of the building.
A light, gentle music plays somewhere. Vil heads out towards the sweet sound and hears someone counting beats. How curious, why would such majestic music play out of nowhere? Moreover, beats counting?
He then sees you. The shoes you usually wear are left all forgotten near the tree right next to your other belongings. Your gaze is full of concentration just for one mere moment before the look in your eyes changes drastically, a dreamy fleur blossoms instead. Vil’s breath hitches when he sees pointe shoes on your feet. Your legs are steady yet don’t lack spring ability, your every step is filled with grace and make your figure seem light and almost doll-like. The way you raise your hands, even no unnecessary angles in your finger joints, how your eyelashes flatter under the setting sun — you’re flawless. 
He watches you performing till the very end, you don’t even need music to express what the dance was supposed to be about — your every movement is filled with emotion. You blink your concentration and turn to Vil, finally noticing him. He explains to you there’s a project he’s arranging and whether or not you’re interested in taking part in. You accept his offer. 
Vil returns to the Pomefiore ballroom in a brilliant mood, surprising Rook and Epel and claiming he found a real gem. The next day you send him videos of your previous theatre plays you did back in your world, and he can’t help but save them all. 
When you finally perform on stage again, you feel alive and happy. Vil watches you backstage after playing his part, and tries to remain professional when Rook points out it’s his turn again and he needs to join you on the stage, because he gets bewitched by your dance every time he sees it.  Suggests you to continue your career in Twisted Wonderland and even says he would be happy to design outfits for your plays. Smirks proudly when hears students discussing your dance with ‘Did you know that Prefect is a ballerina?!’, ‘Sevens, I never knew she’s that elegant!’ and such.
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It is no wonder ROOK HUNT is interested in Art (capital letter is essential). His aesthetic appreciation scale was suffering a deficiency in something extraordinary, novel and totally unique, a 100% of pure Beauté in all its might. 
It is nice — to be able to sneak out from the campus to go on something people would call a stroll, but it is nothing else than an observational journey for Rook. Seeing city lights creating a certain atmosphere when entering a live theatre is magnificent and genuinely romantic. 
Rook’s smile is plastered on his face when he’s watching young people play, giving their everything, but something still tells Rook it’s not enough for him to return back home yet. The play ends, Rook congratulates actors by giving them splendid bouquets and goes outside. It’s strange — the stars are already glowing in a gorgeous magnificent night sky, but he almost feels with his own skin that somewhere nearby something’s radiating a warm light.
Indeed, he finds its source. A small park near the theatre is lightened up a bit, a flashlight’s ray in a fixed position. Rook chuckles, deciding to observe the place a little more, and then he gasps.
It’s you. How very interesting—what would you do in such a place outside of the campus late at night? A flashlight serving as a spotlight, and… Ah, what beautiful pointe shoes you’re wearing! Your lips let out a small exhale before you straighten up and take a position; a tender melody heard ever so slightly in the earphones you wear. 
You perform a bewitching pirouette, absence of heaviness in your tiptoes. You seem to soar like a graceful feather, and even despite the clothes not intended for ballet (except for pointe shoes), you demonstrate impressive marvels of refined technique and skill. Rook knows what it takes to dance so gracefully like you do. It’s not just the ingenuity you’ve certainly got, but also passion. It’s not the dance you perform, it’s life in all its finesse and sincerity. Rook doesn’t need a grand music to understand what you're saying through the little performance, he feels it. 
When the song ends, you change the pointe shoes you were wearing into your normal ones, and smile. 
“Mon cygne, could you please allow me to appreciate your gracefulness?”
You jolt, but giggle the second Rook takes your hand in his and presses a weightless kiss on your palm. 
“I don’t mind,” you answer. “I wanted to try applying in the theatre nearby but I haven’t practiced for a while…”
You then show him your previous performances back in your world, and he’s completely spellbound by your allure. Worry not, you’ll definitely get the role you want, and who knows, maybe an extremely loyal admirer as well? 
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Let’s be real, EPEL FELMIER hates Vil the second the dorm leader assigns him with a certain oh-so-important-task. Epel survived a strict diet (which was actually quite healthy but oh come on, Epel wanted those new chips which appeared in Sam’s shop so bad), but dancing? Hello?? He’s in a Magift club?? No?? Okay.
Epel’s furious. He doesn’t want to take extra dancing classes. Moreover huh, ballet out of dances! Breakdance sounds quite cool, why not that? Isn’t like, all dances are nice and all about technique and things? Epel sighs in frustration while heading out to the Pomefiore ballroom. He has no idea how in the world he would practice. Vil stated he should start by watching videos he sent, but what was with the smirk on the dorm leader’s face when Epel said he can watch videos in his room or literally anywhere else? 
“Stupid Vil,” Epel claims and doesn’t even notice music playing quietly in the ballroom he’s about to enter.
He opens the door, his gaze right on the floor even the second he closes the door, and the second he makes his way into the room, he suddenly screams.
“Woah,” Epel hears someone near him being surprised but somehow in a calm voice?
Epel shifts his gaze to what—or actually who—almost smashed him down to the floor, and gasps.
It’s you. You don’t seem really surprised, your lips parted just slightly, but… Hey, how did you manage to raise your leg so high?! Are you even human, like this flexibility is no joke at all! Epel notices your outfit and pointe shoes you’re wearing, and goes all awestruck and confused.
“Did you just,” he says, staring at you in shock. “Almost smashed me with your leg.”
“Yes,” you admit. “But thankfully I was quick on my reflexes to do a third arabesque just in time. How come you did not notice me?”
“Ergh, I was kinda lost in thoughts… But girl, you’re insane though. Never knew you could dodge so well just by dancing— Ah.”
You look at him in confusion when he gasps and suddenly laughs. So that was what Vil meant by smiling so suspiciously!! No wonder he told him to come here when you’re the one who dances. Who would have thought you can actually learn some helpful moves with a ballet out of all dances? 
Epel tells you about the whole plan Vil set for him, and when you agree to help, he shows you the video he sent and wonders why you're grinning so much.
“What’s the matter?”
“Have you not realized yet? It’s me. It’s my performance.”
Okay, he definitely underestimated ballet. And do you think he could actually accompany you one day?.. Well, at least you two may try fighting with all the pirouettes you want to teach him.
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© yunarim 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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helpimstuckposting · 4 months
Okay I saw someone else putting characters to the four elements, but that got me thinking about the actual statements that have been read out and I got a hunch. Below are my red string ramblings of a mad man
So I looked up the elements of alchemy and found the planetary metals and what they can represent
Lead, Saturn - Harvest, Crops, Husbandry
Tin, Jupiter - Internal Organization, External Relations
Iron, Mars - War and Bloodshed
Gold, Sun - Helios, Light and Sight
Copper, Venus - Love and Beauty
Mercury - Messages and Communication
Silver, Moon - Intuition and Subconscious, Hunters, Crossroads
Now, seeing them all makes me wonder if my hunch is correct or if I’m just seeing things as confirmation bias, but I went ahead and assigned each to the cases they reminded me of, and included the four elements as well. One of the planetary metals connects to communication and technically all of the cases are communication in some way, but I specifically only put it as a label on cases that were categorized with the communication type (chat boards, phone calls, email, etc)
MAGP01 - Venus, Mercury (love for her husband, message boards) EARTH, FIRE
MAGP02 - Venus (beauty)
MAGP03 - Saturn (crops) EARTH
MAGP04 - Mars (bloodshed)
MAGP05 - Sun (sight) AIR
MAGP06 - Mars, Mercury (Needles, phone call)
MAGP07 - Jupiter, Mercury (response department, email) FIRE
MAGP08 - Moon (crossroads, liminal spaces) AIR
MAGP09 - Mars (bloodshed)
MAGP10 - Jupiter, Moon (external relations, intuition) WATER
MAGP11 - Venus, Mercury (beautiful tattoo, email) WATER
MAGP12 - Jupiter, Mars (external relations, bloodshed)
MAGP13 - Mars, Mercury (bloodshed, voicemail)
MAGP14 - Saturn (husbandry)
MAGP15 - Moon, Jupiter (hunt, external relations) WATER
MAGP16 - Venus (love, heart) EARTH
MAGP17 - Mars (anger, murder)
MAGP18 - Moon (subconscious? could also be sight if an archivist did this, but I’m not totally sure) AIR
MAGP19 - Jupiter, Moon (internal organization, Diana’s Tree) FIRE
This could absolutely just be confirmation bias, and none of this is accurate or real but it was fun to research anyway. Idk anything about alchemy so all of this information is just wiki-based and might be majorly incorrect
The AIR labels are mostly based on the Lonely, falling, and disappearing.
EARTH is labelled for cases that mention dirt or digging
WATER is labelled for cases involving the deep, drowning, or dampness
And FIRE are all the instances of what I assume is The Magnus Protocol (burn it all down)
If anyone got this far, thank you for listening to my red string conspiracy ranting! This is more a case of “throw 100 darts at a wall and maybe one of them will stick” rather than an actual comprehensive theory, and it’s probably wildly incorrect but I had fun anyway so 🤷‍♀️
This all mostly stemmed from the fact that Jupiter being linked to “external relations” was ODDLY SPECIFIC, and also the EXACT WORDS used by Wikipedia so I definitely spiraled from there
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The Truth Is Out There: One Breath
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Female Art Conservator/Restoration Specialist FBI Agent
Word Count: 4,065
Chapter Rating: M (language, unintentional drug use, Teresa)
Series Warnings: Sex Pollen (with a twist), no use of Y/N, female reader insert, Reader works for the FBI in art restoration/conservation and has a nickname that is used often by Marcus. In this house we cannot stand Teresa and Jane and that is reflected in this story.
Summary:  Marcus might be getting his day off, but that doesn’t mean you also get to take a break. Instead, a new assignment comes in ... and changes everything. 
Author’s Note: Here’s where things really start to pick up. Thank you all so damn much for the response to part 1 yesterday, I’m floored. I hope you like this one, too. 
i’m playing fast and loose with a lot of things: mainly the way the FBI operates and what other agencies they closely interact with. Forgive me if the details aren’t 100% accurate.
Inbox is open, as always. Thank you for reading!
Masterlist / Unrequited
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On Monday morning, you got to work a few minutes early. Heading to your office, you made it a point not to look at Marcus’ closed door when you passed it. Not today.
He hadn’t reached out on Sunday, though the message you’d sent him had been read at 7:42 am - which meant that he’d gotten less than four hours of sleep before opening it. 
Part of you wanted to know  that he was upset about the way you’d left things, too. 
Confirmation that your words had actually gotten to him and that he’d rethought his meeting with Teresa would have been welcome. You wanted to know that somewhere, deep down, Marcus’ feelings were similar to yours when it came to the relationship that the two of you had - and what else might have been possible. 
But that won’t happen. You sighed as you dropped your bag onto your desk and then removed your jacket, settling in and turning on your laptop. 
Starting a playlist, you returned your attention to the unfinished stack of paperwork from Saturday night and tried to keep the memory of Marcus standing on the sidewalk out of your thoughts. Otherwise I won’t get anything done.
That worked until a little after noon, when you took a break to eat lunch.
Carrying a stack of paperwork to drop off with your SSA, you finally glanced at the man’s office door. There was a sign taped to it, his neat handwriting letting everyone know he’d be available again the following day. He’s so considerate that he handwrote a note instead of printing one. The corners of your mouth lifted in a small smile, and despite the residual anger you felt toward Marcus, you couldn’t deny that it was true. 
You fielded questions about Marcus while you ate lunch with some of your coworkers - “Do you know where he is?” Is he out of town with someone? How do you know he’s not dating anyone?” - by giving vague answers. But their questions made you wonder - not for the first time - if part of Marcus’ hesitation about taking things further had anything to do with the fact that you worked together, and he didn’t want to repeat his past mistakes. That’d be my luck.
The vibration of your phone interrupted your meal just as a colleague attempted to change the subject. When you pulled it out to see who was trying to get ahold of you, you groaned, the other people at your table halting their conversations immediately. “What’s up? That your work phone?” 
“Yeah.” You tucked it back into your bag and stood, reaching for your trash. “They brought in some paintings I need to take a look at, so I guess I’ve gotta get back.” And that means you can’t grill me about  him anymore. 
You said goodbye and then made your way back into the building and up to your floor, bypassing the main office and heading for the wing of clean rooms you spent the majority of your time in. 
Everything you’d need was in there, and you grinned at the sight of Ethan, the department’s newest Agent leaning against one of the hallway walls with his arms crossed. “There you are.” He straightened up, gesturing to the room closest to the far end of the wing. “Couple crates of paintings got delivered this morning. We found ‘em when some sort of gambling ring got busted yesterday.”
“Why didn’t they have us come to the scene?” You followed the man into the room, reaching for a pair of gloves and pulling them on after you’d deposited your bag onto the counter. “Aren’t these evidence?”
“Something about the house they found them in being structurally unsound. Wasn’t safe to have people going in and out just to look around, so they shipped ‘em here. They want you to do your thing, and if they end up being stolen or forged … you get to let the people in charge know so they can tack on more in their investigation” 
“Well thank whoever made that decision for us.” You reached for the lid of the first crate, lifting it off and then leaning it against the table leg. “I love my job, but if I can look at things here where I have all my shit and a comfortable place to sit…” He laughed then, pulling on a pair of gloves of his own. “There’s just these two crates?”
“Yeah, there was some other art in the house but the local police just said that it looked like standard stuff - already on the wall, cheap… you know what I mean.” Humming in agreement, you pulled the first painting out and held it up in both hands, scanning the image.  It’s definitely not old. 
“Not a very good artist on this one.” Wrinkling your nose, you lowered it back into the crate and reached for the second painting, fingers closing around the frame to lift it. “Or this one. I’ll still need to take pictures of them all and upload them to the missing and stolen artwork database, but I don’t think there’s going to be any hits.” 
“Are they all boats?” Ethan pulled the lid off the second crate and reached in, pulling a painting up and then laughing. “Nevermind. This one’s a plane. And there’s a train, too.” 
“So we’ve got a collection of modes of transportation and …” You hummed in amusement, lifting another painting and turning it toward the man, wincing. “And trees.” 
“Got some water in here, too. I think this one’s the ocean.” Ethan slid the painting he was holding back in, and then turned to look at you, nose wrinkled. “So they’re just… generic paintings, then? 
“Looks like it.” You used the back of one gloved hand to rub at your forehead. “I can handle this on my own, Ethan. It’ll probably take about two hours to get everything photographed and sent through to the database, and I can finish taking samples by the end of the day so we can get these back to … whoever wants them. Maybe Goodwill. Maybe a dumpster. Who knows.” He snorted. “I appreciate you letting me know they came in, though. If you get anymore information while I’m in here, feel free to come back and update me.”
“Will do.” He snapped his gloves off and then moved to the sink, washing his hands. “Want me to get in touch with Pike? I know he’s off today, but he might want to know about this.” He would. He would love to know about these even though they’re nothing special. 
“No. He’ll catch up when he comes back.” You returned your attention to the crate, frowning. “I’ve got this.” The younger man agreed, and moments later you were alone in the room, the quiet hiss of the filtration system above you the only noise you heard. Should I call Marcus? 
Stepping back, you took your gloves off, too, and headed for the cabinets where your equipment was stored. Busying yourself with getting what you needed, you let your mind wander again. It was no surprise when it went back to Marcus - and the fight you’d had. If he wanted to think about work today, he’d be here. 
Pulling your phone out, you restarted your playlist and then put on new gloves, returning your attention to the first crate. It didn’t take you long to photograph all fifteen paintings, carefully making a list to identity what was what. 
The longer you worked, the more certain you were that they wouldn’t come up as stolen or forged when you cross-referenced them, but you knew that you had to go through the whole routine with every canvas anyway. Who would waste their time forging these?
Measurements, photos, a short description of each one, and a tiny scraping of the paint were standard procedure when you investigated art - and the set you were working with was no different. It didn’t take you long to settle into a routine with each painting, your focus entirely on what was in front of you.
But when you laid one of the canvases on the table to scrape the sample, you noticed a pale, shimmering blue powder sprinkled on the metal surface around it. Weird. Collecting a sample of that, too, you made a note of which painting you’d found it with and then moved onto the next one. 
When the powder appeared three paintings in a row, though, you stood and stepped back from the table, lips pressed together. It doesn’t have the consistency of paint, it looks more like … Eyes moving to your phone, you debated over calling Marcus - or just alerting the SSA, since he was already likely in the building. But Marcus needs to know, too. 
You pulled both gloves off, tossing them into the trash and picking up the device. There was only a slight hesitation before you dialed Marcus’ number and held it to your ear, waiting. He didn’t answer, which you expected. As you heard his cheerful voice inviting you to leave a message, you almost hung up - though you stopped yourself at the last second. 
And then it beeped. 
“Hey, Marcus. It’s me. Um, I know you’re off today and I’m sorry to call your personal number, but … we got a new case, and I thought it was going to be some easy cataloging of a bunch of crappy paintings. But, I’m going through them now, and I think … I think they’re being used to smuggle drugs somehow. I know I need to let Cavanaugh know. He’s my next call, but I wanted to tell you first.” You took a breath, stepping further away from the table, though you didn’t look away. “I’m in CR3, and since I’ve already been in here with no mask on, if it is drugs, or even something else they can’t identify right away, I’ll probably need to isolate for a day or two until they figure out what it is and how they can help me.” Wrap it up. “You don’t have to call back. I just wanted you to know before I do a test because who knows what they’ll tell you when you get back in tomorrow.” 
You hung up then, not even bothering to say goodbye, and eyed the table warily. It should have been easy. These were just supposed to be terrible paintings. Grabbing another pair of gloves - and a mask, you headed back for the table with one of the field test kits and two more small specimen bags. 
It only took you a few seconds to complete the test, scraping some of the powder into the baggies and breaking the liquid vials open before shaking them back and forth. No reason to tell anyone else if it doesn’t come back positive. It could just be dust from the paint or from the way they were stored. 
You felt relief when the recommended amount of time had passed and there was no color change with the kit. Maybe it’s just chalk. Sighing, you sat back down at the table and continued to work, focused on the task at hand. I shouldn’t have called Marcus. That was a knee jerk reaction. Three paintings - and no additional blue dust - later, you took the mask off, setting it aside. 
Flipping the painting of the ocean over, you scanned the back looking for any sort of identifying marks and frowned when you saw that one of the canvas staples was loose, immediately reaching for it. It’s just a coincidence. That’s all. With your fingertip poised to push the staple back in, you paused, chewing on your lower lip. Or… 
Using a small set of pliers, you removed that staple - as well as all of the others on that painting, and then carefully lifted the frame from atop the canvas, eyes glued to the sight in front of you. “Oh, no.” Standing, you backed away from the table - your eyes wide. Shit. 
Scrambling for the phone that was hanging on the  wall, you dialed Cavanaugh’s office, the man picking up on the second ring. “Hey, it’s me.” You sighed, keeping your eyes on your workspace. “I’m in CR3, and I think … I think we have a problem. You might want to call our drug guys or the DEA.” 
“What?” He sounded incredulous. “Ethan told me -” 
“Yeah, well I was wrong. I started cataloging stuff and there was some sort of weird powder on some of the paintings, and I tested it. It didn’t change color or anything, so I kept working and ended up finding a loose staple on the back of another one.” You paused, swallowing hard. “There’s um… there’s bags of whatever it is hidden in hollow portions of the frames, and some of them broke because they got caught on splinters or nails or something sticking out of the wood, Cavanaugh. Whatever was in them, I’ve been breathing it in for the last hour and a half in some capacity.” 
“You didn’t have a mask on?” 
“Not the whole time. I put one on after I saw the powder, but when it tested negative, I took it off.” Stupid. It was stupid of me. “That’s my fault, and I’ll rake full responsibility for that, but it is what it is at this point.” He swore on the other end of the line, and for a few seconds, was silent. 
“Are you alright? I’m going to call the DEA right now. I wish I could tell you to get out of that room, but -” 
“I feel OK so far. I know I can’t leave. And if it was possible to completely seal this room, I would have done it already, but until you get here, the only other person that knows where I am is Ethan, so I think we’re alright as long as you keep anyone else from coming down here.” 
He sighed, the sound loud through the speaker. “See you in a few minutes, Agent.” 
You hung up, replacing the phone on the wall and then turned back toward the table. I need to grab my phone. I need to get my stuff and get it ready to leave. Pulling another mask from the box even though you didn’t know what good it would do, you stepped toward the table, eyes on the bags and loose powder. I should have been more careful. I shouldn’t have just -  
Your thoughts were interrupted when the door hissed open behind you, a voice calling out your name. “I came as soon as I got your message.” Oh no. You shouldn’t be here. 
“Marcus, wait. You need to turn around and leave.” The mask fell from your hand, your head whipping toward him as you spun on one heel. “Don’t get too close, it’s some kind of drug, and -” 
He tripped as he crossed the sparkling clean floor, and then everything seemed to happen in slow motion. 
The man’s eyes widened, the toe of one sneakered foot sliding along the surface as he tried to find his balance, both arms extended. You reached for him out of instinct, wanting to keep him from toppling to the ground, but Marcus’ weight was too much for you to counter against, and you were caught off-balance, too.
Before you could do anything about it, you were on the floor, a yelp of pain leaving your lips as your tailbone hit the tile. Marcus wasn’t far behind you, but instead of using his hands to brace for impact, he reached for the table and caught the edge of the frame, which was overhanging by a few inches. “Ah, shit!” 
Marcus swore loudly, jerking his hand back as he, too, made contact with the floor. Only seconds later, a cloud of blue dust was floating through the air and the wooden frame clattered to the ground beside you, accompanied by the canvas and a few unbroken baggies of powder. Oh, shit. Before you could stop yourself, you sucked in a breath, eyes widening.
You did the only thing you could do and reached for Marcus, covering his mouth and nose with one of your gloved hands while you did the same to yourself with the other. But there’s no way we didn’t inhale any of it. You finally met his gaze, and you could see the anger in his eyes - along with feeling the clench of his jaw beneath your palm. Oh, Marcus. I’m so sorry.
He raised one hand and when it was in place over yours, you quickly removed your fingers before scrambling backwards until your back hit the wall of cabinets. Marcus followed you, and when you were both as far from the table as you could get, you lowered your hand, breathing hard. Shit. Shit shit shit. I can feel it in my throat.
“I’m so sorry, Scully.” He hung his head. “I got your message and came right here, and when I saw you in the room, I just …” Tilting his head back, he stared up at the ceiling. There’s blue on his face and in his hair. Wonder what mine looks like. “I can’t believe I slipped on the fucking floor, and I should have known better, but -”
“Marcus.” Turning your head toward him, you tried to smile. “I was already in here with it. I’m just sorry that now you’re stuck, too.” Cavanaugh and the DEA will be here soon. It’ll be fine. “It didn’t turn positive for any of the normal stuff, but the way it’s packaged makes me feel like it’s for recreational use, and -” 
“Pike? What are you doing in there? Thought you were off today.” Cavanaugh’s voice came through the speaker and both of you turned your attention to where he stood, arms crossed on the other side of the glass. He looks pissed. “You didn’t say anything about Marcus being with you.” 
“He wasn’t.” Gesturing with one hand, you pointed at the overhead camera. “Watch the footage. You’ll see what happened.” Marcus snorted next to you, reaching up to scrub at his face. On instinct, you stopped him, your gloved fingers closing around his bare ones. “Don’t.” You looked away from the glass and at the man sitting beside you. “We don’t know what it is, and if you rub it in, it might get into your eyes or up your nose or -” You saw the fear in his expression then, Marcus’ lips parted enough so that you could see a peek of his teeth behind them. I’m scared too.
Moments later, he nodded in agreement, letting out a long breath and lowering his chin. When you went to release his hand, though, he didn’t let you, instead spreading his fingers wide and linking them with yours before he squeezed. 
It was the first time you’d held his hand since the two of you had briefly dated, and you knew that you weren’t able to hide the look in your eyes or school the expression on your face into something impassive as he tightened his hold, the man’s touch almost protective as his thumb swiped over your knuckle. I’m still so mad at him but this … fuck. 
“DEA is only a couple minutes away.” Cavanaugh sighed. “I’ve been told to keep an eye on you until they get here. And I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the filtration system got turned off to preserve evidence, so…” You hadn’t even noticed that the room was totally silent, the constant whir of the fan gone. “Are you two alright? How do you feel?” 
“Annoyed.” You shrugged. “I still feel fine, though. I don’t notice any sort of … effect from this, and I’ve been in here a long time.” I’m glad Marcus is here, though. Really glad, even though that’s selfish.
“I feel alright, too.” Marcus shifted next to you, bringing one knee up and reaching out to rest his forearm atop it. “They gonna be able to help us, boss?” There was only a brief flicker of uncertainty from the man outside the room before he nodded, looking between you and Marcus. 
“Of course they are. Hang tight. You’ll be out of there soon.”  You hoped he was right. You wanted to get out of the clothes you had on, into the shower and then into bed. But it won’t be that simple. 
“You really feel alright?” Marcus was eyeing you, the man’s frown deep. “You’re not lying to me?” 
“No. But I am scared. Who knows how long whatever this is might take to kick in, or what it’ll do when that happens.” You chewed on your lower lip for a few seconds. “I shouldn’t have called you, Marcus. I guess I just panicked, even though I knew you were busy today. I didn’t mean to ruin your dat… your afternoon.” 
“It wasn’t a date. And you didn’t ruin anything.” He squeezed your hand again, shaking his head slowly. “You really called me first? Thought I wouldn’t hear from you anytime soon after the other night. ” 
“Yeah, I didn’t plan on reaching out to you, but then …I did.” Mindful of the fact that your boss was likely listening in, you decided to keep things vague. “We can talk about it later though, if you want.” He smiled at you then, a genuine one - the expression lighting his face up beneath the dusty blue tint. 
“I want.” You stared at each other for a few seconds, and unless you were imagining things, you caught Marcus’ gaze drop to your mouth before it raised back up, his eyes locked with yours. “What do you think this shit is?” 
“I have no idea. But it’s been almost two hours since I started working with these paintings and I still feel fine, so whatever it is must not be anything that kicks in immediately.” 
“But when did you actually breathe it in?” He blinked slowly, still staring at you. “Because that might make a difference if there was only a little in the air and you weren’t close, compared to what happened when I stumbled in here.” 
“I…” You closed your eyes, thinking. “Right when I called you was when I first saw it on the table. I put a mask on when I went back to test it, though… and then I took it off when everything came back clear. So … I don’t know, maybe twenty minutes before you got here? But it was definitely way more potent when you knocked it off the edge, so…” 
“So whatever it is, we both got the big dose at the same time.” He arched a brow. “About five minutes ago.” He frowned again. “You know, I don’t think blue’s your color.” Gesturing with one finger at your face, Marcus finally cracked a smile. “No, actually… blue is your color, just maybe not this shade. Can’t say the same about that one shirt you have, though, because -”
“Marcus?” Both of your heads snapped up at the sound of a new voice, and you weren’t able to keep from wrinkling your nose and gritting your teeth at the sight of the dark haired woman, pale skin highlighting the green of her eyes. What the fuck is she doing here? “You said you’d be right back, but the DEA guys showed up and I heard them say your name, so I -” 
She stepped back at a flurry of activity, the woman’s attention going to her right - and toward the door to the room. It was delayed, but your hand jerked, and you attempted to pull it free from his hold. Of course. Of course she’s here. Why wouldn’t she be?
He didn’t let go right away - until you whipped your head in his direction, eyes wide. Then, he had no choice, releasing you from his grip and curling his fingers into a loose fist as he brought it back to his lap. 
Before either of you could speak, you heard another voice and saw a trio of people dressed in HAZMAT suits in the hallway, the three of them joined by another pair of men in regular suits and your boss. “DEA’s here, Marcus.” You mumbled the words, closing your eyes. “Time to find out exactly how fucked we are.” 
 Tag list reblog coming soon! 
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thelikesoffinn · 9 months
hello - hope you're doing great! I love your analysis, and I wanted to ask about something I've been thinking fanfic wise but also applicable to real life (I think).
So Astarion gets paired a lot with Tavs who also have tragic past experiences (hard to be at his level of tragedy, but some get close). Which is all well and good, cause I see how writing these characters and reading about them is cathartic to many, but I also see plot-wise, it makes it "easier" for him to connect with Tav in a way, kindred souls and all that.
My Tav's background is one of someone who either had a fairly good and regular life, and, if trauma occured, it's been healthily overcome. So at the beginning of the BG3 story she's actually at the end of her own initial "character" arc.
Now my issue is, can Astarion connect with someone who has no idea at all of what he went through? My idea is that's he'd infantilize her, or openly antagonise her (in his charming way) because she's got no right to understand (especially with how he thinks it's fine to be racist and hurt the weak in the first act).
And she'd be understanding and wanting to help and all, but how can people with no/little traumatic experiences connect with those who went through hell, even with the best intentions? It's a dynamic I'd like to explore, because I've seen it played in real life a few times.
Sorry for the poem!
Hello, flower! Thank you so much, I'm glad that you enjoyed the analysis ❤️
As for your question: Eh, I do see why that dynamic is a rather difficult one. People who've survived through a lot of traumata tend to be somewhat hesitant and guarded in front of those who had normal lives at the best of times, and we all know that Astarion rarely has a "best of times", especially early in the game.
Infantilising them is something I definitely see with him. He's the type to do that with anyone anyway, but especially so with those he considers "sheltered". And sheltered is likely something he inevitably will consider Tav, as that is often the case with those who experienced trauma.
Trauma tends to age and harden you, in a way, so oftentimes people who simply grew up normally, with normal ups and downs, are viewed as "sheltered" or "spoiled" by those who didn't, even if that wasn't necessarily the case. That label isn't used or assigned maliciously, and it's simply based on the fact that other people's "normal" seems like the very best to someone who had it worse.
I can also see a huge amount of antagonism, yes, but how it shows will depend on when your story is set.
Is it while he's still dependent on Tav? Then I think he'd try to refrain from being more antagonistic towards them than necessary, since he needs to stay on their good side. So, he'd likely stick with his base-line arseholeishness, if a bit more intense at times. You know, in a sense that you side eye him and wonder if he just actually insulted you or if he's still joking around.
But if he's not dependent on them? Oh boy. Yeah, very likely that he'd be extremely mean and Tav would definitely 100% know that he means everything he says, even when it's uttered with a smile. Think how he talks to the Gur hunter in act 1 because let's be honest…that was far from subtle.
Astarion as a whole doesn't take kindly to anyone prodding his weak spots, albeit he mellows a bit towards Tav over the course of the story, and if would be even worse with "sheltered" Tav. He would likely flip his shit really hard and become extremely cruel with them, staying on their good side be damned because how dare they prod where they have no business being?
It's something I've seen at work before, and let me tell you: It's never a pretty sight. Many people who experienced trauma usually don't want to hurt others - quite the contrary, a lot of them would rather sacrifice themselves before watching anyone else get hurt like they were - but that doesn't mean they're not good at it. Precisely because they're often so hypervigilant, they have a talent in picking out your weak spots and if you test them enough, oh boy. They'll hit them with such aim and grace, you'll find yourself reeling. And that's the super sweet and kind clients, not the Astarions.
Here it's important to mention that the things people say in those situations are rarely what they really believe. It's mostly is just a well aimed assassination of your soft spots to get you to back off and leave them be.
So "sheltered" Tav will have to be extremely careful regarding any sore spots if they don't want to be hit by the full force of protective-malice.
Does that mean Astarion and your Tav won't be able to bond? Aabsolutely not, but it will be a tad bit difficult because he'll likely take a lot longer to open up and their bond will have to be built entirely from scratch. The shared understanding of their trauma can’t function as a temporary foundation – temporary because a bond entirely based on [shared] trauma will eventually become instable, if not fortified by other things – so they’ll have to put in a lot of work to even get to having a solid foundation to build on.
I'll give you a bit of a general rundown on how I was taught to tackle clients like that, maybe any of that will be helpful for you!
So, firstly: "Sheltered" Tav will need to be careful and understanding and they'll have to be able to take a blow and live with it if they accidentally step to close too early.
Important to note: They'll have to be able to take a blow but they can't be too lenient either.
Astarion seems like a person who's attached to 'respect'. Not in the 'respect your elders' way, but in the sense that he treats those he respects a lot better than those he doesn't. It's the nobility’s definition of respect - some "deserve" it and some don't and who is who is entirely based on personal understanding - so it's very in line with his background.
So, while your Tav will need to be able to take a hit, they'll need to know when to call him out on his bullshit. If you let Astarion walk all over you, he will eventually lose all respect and then this is a lost cause. Don't let him push you around.
If he's being too cruel, don't be cruel back, but definitely call him out on it and let him know that he can always ask you to stop prodding but you will not stand around and let him insult you.
Be understanding, but don't be a doormat.
Then, in order to get someone to open up, you'll have to have a lot of patience. Don't demand anything, don't force anything. Every question you ask has to be careful and phrased in a way that won't corner them, which can be really difficult in casual conversation. So, mishaps can and will likely happen, which is great material for a story anyway, so that's great! (Not so great at work though, haha.)
In case of "sheltered" Tav, it's probably best if they wait for him to come to them. Listen when he rants, listen to the tiny things he mentions and if you ask questions, make sure they directly relate to what he's told you just then.
So, if he talks about Cazador essentially making him choose between eating putrid rats or getting beaten, a question like: "Did he do that a lot?" or "Was it always those two options?" could potentially be alright because the red string is easily visible for both parties. Astarion can tell why you would ask something like that and he can follow your line of thought easily.
But a question like: "What else did he do to you?" or "Did he do other things as well?" would probably have his defences going up. It's too broad, too unspecific, and how is that any of your business anyway? What is this, an interrogation? An interview so that you can ghost write his sad memoirs? Back off.
While a question like: "How exactly did those dinners go?" or "Beaten? How?" is too specific. You're practically asking him to relive a painful moment in great detail for your own "enjoyment". Why else would you want to know? Why else would you ask how exactly he'd been hurt and humiliated, if not for that? Maybe you were planning to do the same to him. He won't let you. The past is the past. Let. It. Rest.
So, as you can tell, it's basically playing question-hot-foot!
But even if your Tav should cross the lines in that regard every once in a while - it happens, every question is a gamble - it'll eventually be fine. The closer they get, the easier it will be to ask questions, because he'll realise that he can actually trust them.
The one word I would really really avoid - and I cannot stress this enough - is 'understand'. God never use it. Tav, omit it from your vocabulary, you'll never "understand" anything ever again!
"I understand what you went though was horrible, but/and/however…" - No, you really do not. You can't understand, can't even imagine what he's faced over the years so never pretend that you do.
"I won't pretend to understand what you went through, but I want to/you can trust me/I can still listen." - Always said with kindness, but that one really is nothing but an empty platitude, at best. Hearing someone say that they don't understand you so directly is never really encouraging either.
"I just want to understand you." - Great, but you don't need to know the barest parts of a person's soul to be able to understand them. If you can't do it without that, maybe you shouldn't. And, all in all, this phrasing of the last one feels really iffy anyway, personally speaking, because it has a very manipulative edge to it. 'Hey I'm just overstepping your boundaries because I want to know you and understand you better. It's all for you..." and blegh. I hate that one, but that might be totally personal so please feel entirely free to ignore this paragraph.
Anyway, as you can see…never "understand", even if it’s just meant to encourage him. Just don't. I've seen clients who asked to be transferred to a different social worker or ended up leaving completely because someone used one of those lines, so I'd really strongly advise against them.
Instead, opt for things like "I'll listen to whatever you want to say." or "Can you explain it to me?" because that way you're not lying to his face and you're leaving everything up to him. He gets to decide where this conversation goes and, more importantly, how far it goes. Not an interview, not an interrogation, but a conversation that he controls.
And well then, flower, that’s it! Of course, there’s a lot more to it, but we’d still be here by the time Baldur’s Gate 8 is released if I went over every tiny thing, but I hope this was enough of an overview to help you build your story 😊 If you end up sharing it, don’t be shy to let me know, I’d be excited to check it out because, as you said, it’s a really interesting dynamic that isn’t explored as much as it should be. It’s a difficult dynamic, but it is so rewarding to write, read and experience. I wish you all the best ♥
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ace-oreos · 11 months
Dar Reads Lady Knight: Ch. 3
Finally back at it! This chapter covers a lot of ground considering it's fairly short, so I will probably have more to say than I did for the first two. As usual, commentary/favorite quotes are below the cut.
Love the Alanna and Neal moment on page 49... the whole "good question, next question" conversation. It would be super cool if we got a little short story of Neal's time as Alanna's squire. I can only imagine what that was like given their personalities.
"He said last night you're a bear for vegetables - Sir Nealan, that is" (pg. 50). Tobe's only been with Kel for a short time and Neal is already teaching him well, haha.
Cleon makes his entrance. I have to be honest, I'm happy with the decision Kel makes re: Cleon. She doesn't feel the same way she once did, and she knows it wouldn't be fair to either of them to try to continue the romance, Cleon's impending marriage aside. I was never a huge fan of Kel/Cleon, but I was glad Kel got to enjoy a healthy relationship while it lasted, considering how some of Alanna's relationships went.
"She didn't want Cleon as a lover now, of that she was sure. There was work to be done. She wanted no lovers until she had settled the Nothing Man's account" (pg 51). Not gonna lie, I really, really like these lines. There is work to be done, and devotion to duty has been the foundation of Kel's philosophy since day one.
I should note that I don't dislike Cleon as a character. He's doing the honorable thing by marrying someone in order to provide for the people he's responsible for as lord of Kennan.
I love the scene when Tobe asks Kel why she's crying, and her explanation: "It's not the war, Tobe. I've been shot at. I can bear it. I'm crying because my friend is unhappy and everything is changing." First of all, relatable. Second, I love the respect that already exists between Tobe and Kel - his first reaction isn't to make fun of her, but to sympathize.
Kel asking Duke Baird how he can still go and do his duty even after seeing the brutality of war firsthand makes me feel things. And his response that all he can do is his best. Ugh. Feels.
Baird asking Kel to keep an eye on Neal if they are assigned to the same post alsdkfj. Kel and Neal friendship 2kforever.
Owen's back! Gotta love Owen. The way he tries to be as formal as Wyldon trained him to be while still being irrepressibly Owen is so funny. What a gremlin.
Poor Kel, being worried that Wyldon doesn't trust her ability as a knight after all. If I were in her position, I'd probably feel the same about the possibility of getting a "safe" assignment. Especially since she knows that people will say she's not cut out to be a knight if she's not out on the front lines.
Kel and Wyldon's dynamic. Amazing. Wyldon has come so far since First Test, and Kel is willing to see that. I think anyone else would hold a grudge against Wyldon for the way he treated Kel if they were in her shoes, but she's willing to see past that.
Kel's going to do her duty if it kills her. This girl. I wish I could properly express what she means to me.
Mistress Fanche makes her entrance when Wyldon is showing Kel the refugees. Considering what she's been through, I don't think it would be fair to dislike her for her attitude.
"[Wyldon]'s happy, she realized, stunned. Training us - that was his duty. But he didn't like it. He's comfortable here, in the dirt and the cold, with people to defend" (pg. 70). I wonder if Kel realizes how similar she and Wyldon are when it comes to duty. She'll do whatever he orders, even if she privately disagrees or dislikes it, but at the end of the day she's happiest when there's hard work to be done.
The Kel and Owen moment at the end of the chapter. Kel's right - Owen is growing up well. They are 100% ride or die, and I am here for it. When Owen says he would do anything to help her, he means it. Kel hasn't had a lot of experience with that so far, what with several of her peers trying to sabotage her during her days as a page, so I imagine Owen's genuine loyalty must mean the world to her.
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Hi Reid! I have a question about the american college/uni system that I've been wondering about for a long time and you seem knowledgeable and friendly enough to maybe help: How big/long are your courses? Like, how many do you take every term? Is every course the same size? How many subjects do you generally study at the same time?
For context, I'm from Sweden and our course sizes are based on a point system, where 30 points is supposed to represent 20 weeks (a term) of full time studying (40 hours a week). It's common to take 30 point courses (usually divided into subcourses, say 4×7,5 points, two for the first half and two for the second half of a term (or 6×5 with three at a time)), but you can also pick smaller courses (usually 7,5 or 15 points taken at 50%) until you get 30 points.
I think my real question is how this translates. If people speak about a, say, linguistics 101 course, is that a 30 point or 7,5 point course? And do all your courses stretch over an entire term? Please help, I just want to know how to interpret people talking about their courseload
Hi there, sorry it's taken me a while to get to this—I've been very busy prepping for the class I'm teaching.
Every university here is different, and credits (how many points you get per class, and how many total points you need to graduate) also vary based on whether your school does quarters, trimesters, or semesters. My only experience has been with semesters, so that's what I'll focus on here.
Here, most classes are either 3 or 4 credits. A usual 3 credit class might meet twice a week for 1:15 minutes each time. A class might be four credits if it's a higher level seminar or discussion based class with a higher number of more difficult readings.
Classes that have both a lab and lecture component can be more (around 6, I think? I never took one), and then there are less difficult classes that usually only run for half the semester that might be 2 credits. For example, I took a half-semester costume design class my freshman year. Below is the official jargon that talks about how credits are determined.
The current nationally recognized standard, the Federal Credit Hour Standard, defines a three-credit course as three fifty-minute classes per week over a fifteen-week semester (including final exam week), or the equivalent (for courses using a non-traditional format such as blended or online learning). This standard assumes that each credit hour generates two hours of assigned work for every hour of in-class contact. Thus, the guiding rule is 45 hours of work per semester for each unit of credit. For laboratory courses or their equivalent, one credit hour is assigned for three hours of laboratory, workshop, studio, fieldwork, independent study, etc.
You can also (sometimes) take a class pass/fail, although usually that reduces the number of credits it is worth. Finally, you can audit a class, which means that you get access to the syllabus, do the readings, and show up, but you don't have to do any of the assignments. Audited classes are worth no credits, but they do show up on your transcript.
Our undergraduate classes are often numbered 100-400, with 100 level classes being introductory, and 400 level classes being highly specialized with prerequisite requirements. Graduate level classes are 500 or higher.
Credits are different than the grades you get. Grades are on a 4 point scale, where 4.0 would be 100%, with 70% being a 2.0 and the lowest passing grade. I'm attaching a picture of the grade breakdown from my own syllabus to show you how my current institution assigns grades to percentage points.
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Most colleges/institution require you to earn a C in order to pass a class. If you get that C, you get the full amount of credits for the course, same as anyone who got an A. However, your Grade Point Average (GPA), which is calculated by taking the average of every grade you've gotten, will be lower than someone who got all As.
At most institutions, you have to take 12 credits a semester (so 4 classes for 3 credits each) in order to qualify as a full time student, which comes with certain privileges. Usually you can take up to 18 credits, although this may cost more if the school doesn't have a flat rate tuition.
Finally, with a grading system like this one, undergraduate students are expected to earn a total of 120 credits to complete their bachelor's degree.
As for course sizes, they can range from 200+ person lectures at the really big universities, to 5-12 person seminar/discussions for the higher level classes. Lab classes or more hands on options will be in the 20-30 person range. But it highly depends.
I know that's confusing. Hopefully that helps? -Reid
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judesmoonbeauty · 6 months
Ellis Twilight Chapters 6-10 Summaries 🗡
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. This is an extremely pared down SUMMARY of each chapter. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. The summaries will be uploaded in groups.
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Chapter 6
William and Alfons tells Jude, Ellis and Kate that an acquaintance of Alfons' is going to meet up with the head of the circus the following night in hopes to join the circus. William wants the three of them go to the meet up and bring in the head of the circus. Ellis is OK with the assignment, but Jude tells Alfons to go since he gathered the information. However, Alfons says he's too sensitive for interrogations, restraints, and fighting. Ellis asks if he can kill everyone and William says he can with the exception of the head of the circus, 'Loyalty to your evil'.
The next night, the go to the meet up place where a woman with bright red hair (Alfons acquaintance), enters a small unpopular bar that looks like an abandoned house. They wait outside, and soon they hear the woman exiting the bar saying that she wasn't going to do the job. Kate says that the 'solicitation' was aborted and Jude silently turns and walks into the bar. As Kate is about to follow him, Ellis notices the red-haired woman being dragged into an alley way, so they pursue the kidnappers in the alley way where they find the victim being gagged. The gang of men begin to attack Ellis, and he tells Kate to stay put.
Soon there are sprays of blood everywhere as Ellis takes each man out like he's cutting a thread shocking Kate that he wore the same face he usually did while killing them. After he finishes, he stands in a pool of blood and is like: That's all of them, I guess. He calls out to Kate saying that she looks pale, and then walks up to her reaching out to touch her, but she flinches trembling in fear. Ellis apologizes saying he knows it's scary and he says that he should've told her to close her eyes. Kate asks if the woman is okay and he confirms that she is just passed out.
Jude shows up pissed because the head of the circus got away and Ellis killed everyone, so they don't have anyone to interrogate. Jude carried the woman to the town doctor while she and Ellis return to the castle. Kate realizes as he escorts her to her room that she hasn't thanked him, so she does, but he tells her he made a mistake and should've had her follow Jude as he's messed with her happiness. He leaves her, but she grabs his hand because she feels that if he is so bothered and saddened with this, then he must also feel pain for taking other's lives.
He calls her sweet for worrying about him, but he isn't troubled at all. Kate is still worried that even though he'll get his hands dirty for the happiness of others, his happiness still doesn't matter to him, so she invites him to drink hot milk together before bed, and he smiles saying hot milk with sugar and butter are his fave. Now all Kate is concerned with is making Ellis happy.
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Chapter 7
The red-haired lady they saved returned home safely after being treated at the hospital. Alfons tells the trio that Victor cleared up the bodies and got rid of the thug's identities who are apparently gang members who recently came from somewhere up North. This gang has already had a clashing with Jude because they were trying to blackmail his business partners into stealing money from him and framing him for it. In fact, the attack Kate had after she came to the castle was actually some low level thugs from that gang. But a gang posing as a theater troupe, what's the point of that Kate wondered? While Kate is curious as to why a gang would pose as a theater troupe, Alfons says that some people get together to have pleasant and unusual experiences, so if you're looking to snatch people, it would be a good front for bait. He says that William's team is working on taking out the gang's strongholds.
Ellis suggests they patrol the streets in the meantime, but Jude doesn't think it'll be necessary in light of last nights events as the thugs should be laying low for now. Kate asks what happens to the people kidnapped and she's told mostly likely they will become gang members themselves, and be forced to commit all manner of crimes lest they die from disobedience. All the while the more sin they commit, the less it'll bother their conscious. Kate thinks to herself that must be how Ellis can kill so easily, and if that happened to him while working for Crown, then she can't leave it alone. Later, Kate is reviewing her notes in her notebook about the events and she bumps into Ellis (who has the day off), so she invites him out to town with her.
They agree to do patrols and then go to the park in between the patrols for a picnic. As she waits for Ellis to meet her when she runs into Roger who asks if she's going on a date with Ellis. She says they're just going out and he tells her she looks pretty happy about it. They talk at length about Ellis, and the way Roger talks about Ellis makes her think that he's like his brother. Roger says that if he were his brother the first thing he'd have him do is quit working for Jude. He says that he cares about Ellis, but it's due to his cursed research. He says that in Ellis' case he simply has an attachment to his particular curse because if he doesn't make me happy he'll be troubled to the point of not being able to sleep.
She senses layers of implications in the way he speaks and when she asks him why, he says it's a secret. He says they all have things they want to have and to expose them comes with a price. She asks what the price is and he tells her it's capturing Ellis' heart as he thinks they're a good match together. She quickly changes the topic and asks him if he knows of anything that would make Ellis happy, or things that make him sad or can't tolerate. Roger says that as much as he'd like to tell her, Ellis' true feelings, emotions, desires....Kate cuts him off by asking is he doesn't know? Which would be odd by how much they spend time together. Roger says that there's no such thing as a person devoid of emotions and greed, and that she'd have to learn his secret.
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Chapter 8
Roger leaves her and she wonders what she has to offer in order to open the box of Ellis' desires and feelings. He arrives and tells her she looks cute in her new clothes, she thanks him and they head to town. On patrol, they help out with a few minor things, but other than that nothing unusual happened. At the park, they set up their picnic, and Ellis lays down next to Kate agreeing with her that the weather feels nice. Ellis comments on how happy her face looks and when she turns to answer him she jumps at how close he is to her, and he asks if she's happy. She say's that with the perfect food, weather and because she can talk to him like this she is happier.
He asks if she's happier spending time with someone or resting alone, and she says she's the type who prefers to chat with someone. He asks her who she is at her happiest with when she's talking to someone, and she says she wonders if there is someone like that. He tells her to let him know when she's figured it out because he wants to help her be happy. He asks her how happy she would be with the person she loves? This takes her aback and makes her heart race, but she tells him he can not take care of her love life for her, but if she finds someone she likes she'll let him know. He doesn't say anything, but raises his body over hers and asks if she likes him. His soft bangs drop and touch her face and she asks him what he was doing. He tells her she looked lonely, but she is now embarrassed. He says that he thought she was aware of him. She thinks that she is always happy with Ellis, but it wasn't love, and she is just high on the fact that he's been so kind to her without any strings attached.
She shakes her head no and he says that's too bad. Too bad? He says if she were to like him then they could become lovers and that he could make her even happier. She asks Ellis if he likes her and he says that he does, but she is confused as he had just offered to help her find a lover. He said that wasn't a lie either because it's natural for someone to want the person to love be happy. She asks him what he likes about her as they've only known each other for a few days. He says that she's a hard worker, how she's cute when she can't resist eating something delicious, even when she's trying to patrol for people she doesn't even know; she's remembers his favorite foods and is kind enough to take naps with him, even worrying for him instead of being scared of him (over his killing spree).
She asks him how he’d feel if she said she like their current relationship, and he says that he’d be fine with it she wanted to be with someone else. Realizing that it didn’t matter to him, and the fact that she likes him as a person, she tells him she’s happy with just friendship, and he should find someone who will stay by his side forever. He gets this distant look on his face when he says that, and after calling him to his senses he gets off Kate and gives her a present. It’s a rose and thorn bracelet. She says that it matches the chains and thorns he wears on his outfit, which surprises him, but he says that he just thought its look good on her. Kate determines this must be what he subconsciously thinks and that it was a sincere gesture which makes her face flush. Soon they eat and return to patrol, and that night they go to one of the gang’s bases.
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Chapter 9
Ellis Kate and Jude go to a casino that the gang uses as a stronghold and Kate is tense. Jude who is smoking but standing a distance from them asks her what she worried about. Just then a little girl on some nearby steps falls and scrapes her knee. Ellis and Kate go to check on her but she soon starts crying. Next thing you know a guy with an eye patch appears and cheers the little girl up with a magic trick. She stops crying and soon her mother appears and reprimands her for going off on her own. They leave and all three are suspicious of the guy with the eye patch.
Kate recalls Alfons telling him the man named Jake Grace has a scar around his eye from when he was attacked by a wild animal as a child. Jude’s scowling at the guy who is standing in front of Kate, with simply saying Ellis’ name, Ellis understands his meaning and stands between Jake and Kate. They question him about the kidnappings and he answers all their questions. Apparently, the owner of the casino is sponsoring Jake for a circus comeback. Jake recruits the people and then they go to train for their performances, but not once had Jake seen the ones he’s recruited. When he asked to visit them, the owner of the casino told him they still need more performers and then they’ll let him visit the mansion they're staying at. Ellis says he’s being framed for kidnappings and doesn’t even know it.
Jude remarks they’ll have to get close to the gang to get more information themselves. Ellis wants them to pretend they’ll join the circus. Kate says because the gang has a grudge against them and they'll be recognized and be snatched out there before achieving their objective. Ellis says they can disguise themselves by covering their faces, but Jude counters that they can still tell it’s them by their voices. So, Ellis says, can’t we just keep quiet? Jude and Ellis both silently stare at each other before Jude clicks his tongue in agreement. Ellis tells Jake as he’s leaving they want to join too.
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Chapter 10
The three follow Jake into the theater after picking up some items along the way. Kate is now wearing a hat covering her eyes, while Jude and Ellis are wearing scarves wrapped around their mouths. Jake asks why the sudden change in wardrobe and since Jude and Ellis can't talk with the rick of being recognized, Kate says it's because they'd been outside for so long, that they may be catching a cold, so they won't be able to speak very well as their lips are getting chapped and throats are sore. Jude is whispering curses under his breath that she could've thought of a better lie than that, and Ellis smiles at her in approval.
Jake buys the lie and they proceed to visit the owner of the casino. Jake tells the owner that he's brought a few more recruits, but due to their appearance, the owner is suspicious of them, so he asks why they want to join. Jude walks up to him and speaks to him in proper Queen's English, which is so elegant that you'd think he were an entirely different person. He says he want because he's always been a fan of Jake Grace since his big box office hit, he then asks the casino owner if he is the one who sponsors Jake, and he says that he does, but there are some other higher ups. Jude inquires further, but the owner says that it's none of his business. Kate sees Jude give her and Ellis a certain look which she has learned from his other business meetings that means “hold you positions”, in other words, get ready to attack.
Ellis kicks over a flower vase to create a diversion and in no time he has the casino owner bound by the wrists with his ability. In the chaos, one of the thugs aims a gun at Jake and Kate saves him by pushing him out of the way which leaves her leg crushed by Jake landing hard on it. The pain is so excruciating it's hard for Kate to focus on watching Ellis and Jude. Meanwhile, Jude puts everyone asleep, including Jake. Kate asks why Jake must be put to sleep and he says that it's basically to protect him otherwise, he will have to kill him because this is a Crown mission. They learn from the casino owner that one night he stumbled on a drunk, sorrowful Jake and he thought that it would be easy to use him as cover for the human-trafficking business he went into.
They asked for the whereabouts of the people that were recruited, but at this point, it's too late. They've already been sold in the black market and they are all most likely outside of England now. Jude is upset because now the victims are out of their jurisdiction and Ellis says that not even Victor may be able to locate or do anything about it. The casino owner asks to be released and Ellis tells him that their aim was to stop the kidnappings, so of course, he must answer for his crimes. The casino owner is killed by Ellis and Kate passes out due to the pain of her injury.
In Roger's lab, Kate slowly comes to and here's them talking about her needing to rest and Ellis is visibly upset. She wakes up as Ellis and Jude were leaving which shocks them. Jude tells her to rest now that the case is closed. She asks what happened after she passed out. Ellis says the police were called by someone so they left. Jake and the remaining thugs were taken in, and he's sure they'll release him because he's innocent. Roger lends her a cane and Ellis takes her back to her room.
Premium story: He basically tells Kate not to apologize so much and to ask for things. That night she has a nightmare about Ellis being injured/killed, she wakes up wanting some water and when she tries to get out of bed she falls. Ellis knocks on the door and asks if she's okay and if she wants something to eat. Not wanting to trouble him, she says no, but he comes in anyways. She was going to apologize again, but he tells her not to apologize and to ask him for what she wants. She asks for a hug and he hugs her tells her that he's OK. He lays her gently in the bed and says that he will cast a spell on her to help her sleep, and he kisses her forehead.
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wystericwoes · 1 year
This is kinda a shit post but here we go.
Cursing, sukunas mentions the word assault but no details. Talk of sex but no sex
Are the jjk characters virgins or not?
Absolutely. Have you seen him?
Yes. Fight me it’s realistic. Ain’t no way he’s done it with anyone yet, maybe once in kindergarten he held hands with a girl and he counts that as relationship experience
Honestly, I wanna say yes, but I feel like she had some middle school boyfriend that she did it with.
Pre shibuya arc, yes. After that, idk who but shes pegging someone. I also wanna say she’s a lesbian but Ik her and Yuta gonna be porking in the future if they haven’t already. (He’s the one who gets fucked btw)
Had to think about this one. But yes. He’s kissed people, but he’s def a virgin
That’s a bear
No 😭 idk if it was with Rita or something but he’s not as innocent as he looks.
Absolutely not. This man is piping down Kirara every night and has had girlfriends before her.
You seen her? No. Too fine
No, probably was to some random boyfriend she had.
Yes. He’s been in a bathtub in bandages his whole mf life 😭
Kissed a boy in first grade and thinks that counts but yes
No, has had a couple boyfriends
Say what you want but this man is a virgin. And he’s proud. (Saving himself for that idol)
100%. A girl asked him out once and that was it.
Principal Yaga
No, he’s had a long term partner or two, talked about his puppets afterwards.
Do I even gotta say it 😭 his body count isn’t in the thousands like everyone jokes, but only because his standards are crazy fucking high.
No, has had boyfriends in her life. Now she just does hookups
No, one douchey boyfriend she had in college and maybe one or two later.
I seriously doubt it. But he seems so damn stressed all the time he doesn’t get much action.
The adults/sorcerers:
No, Tried saving himself for marriage but hooked up with some girl in college/early adult life and has had maybe one or two partners that didn’t last because of his work.
He’s not but his body count is low. They gotta be a jujutsu sorcerer so he’s just narrowed down his options to like 7 people in the whole fuckin country 💀 when he was younger in highschool maybe he slept with some people either via relationships or otherwise. Canonically was a ladies man and is attractive so he’s got options. (Too bad he’s crazy)! And ofc if you’re a gojogeto shipper than there’s that.
No He’s only ever assaulted people sorry 😭 never has had a real “relationship” (unless of course were talking my series on him) maybe one night stands and that one chick that liked him. Idk he was doing some weird fuckery back then.
He paid for sex. Constantly wondering why no girls like him and the clan hasn’t assigned him someone yet (or however that shit works) and so he just straight up got a prostitute, it’s a secret he’ll take to the grave. Poor sex worker his dick and ass is probably dirty because washing is “gay”.
No, lived a long ass time and definitely did it.
Not a huge priority for him but no
Mei Mei
No and it was to someone other than her brother thank god
She is too fine and boisterous not to be. She’s definitely had her pipe work rearranged if yk what I mean. Plus all that traveling gives her options
No. Def has had a few relationships. He’s the type of guy who scored when he was 13 to someone a little older and thinks he’s a baller when he’s just a victim 😭
Literally has fucking children. And canonically was a player before he met his wife. Man is ran through
All the curses are virgins because they’re either ugly or choso who hasn’t been alive long enough to know what sex is 💀
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mrdarcygenderenvy · 8 months
Recent Austen adaptations yelling
Ok I DID make this blog to review historical-set Pride & Prejudice adaptations (with an exception made for iconic B&P). But for everyone who was DEFINITELY WONDERING, yes I have also been storing away a lot of opinions about other recent Austen adaptations that I Must Tell Someone.
Fire island (2022)
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A modern gay party cheesy rom-com P&P that genuinely made me laugh. Having seen some other (whiter) cheesy gay romcoms that were extreeeemely PG & playing it safe, I was pleasantly surprised.
Also Bowen Yang and his story just came across really earnest in a way I was into - would watch this man cry again, 10/10.
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Personally as an extremely disabled british nerd (now tragically unable to travel and/or go to the club...) this gay scene is a long way from my queer scene. But I still had emotions, you know?
Kinda wanted more of the Mary analogue and generally just normal looking people (almost everyone is so ripped) but I appreciate that's how beautiful smooth people often look in mainstream american films, we can't have everything.
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DARCY WATCH: I do not want to dress like this adaptation's chinos Mr Darcy. But Conrad Ricamora was generally great and very hot and awkward and understood the assignment. Good ice cream throw.
Emma (2020)
I know I know, it's pretty... but I don't think that's enough!!!!!
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Lovely production, beautiful costumes, a candy wes-anderson cinematography that really suits the story, and it's fun to notice references to actual outfits and prints from the time but lads. LADS. UNPOPULAR OPINION TIME: Where is the chemistry???
You can’t make Mr Knightley a nice sweet boy (so funny to have cast a posh folksy singing man) and leave the plot the same and expect it to work!! Also I was personally pissed off that a lot of the promo/ ads for this made it look like ~forbidden love~ when it's the 2 richest white people in town getting together?? ? There's actually not even a class difference in this one, guys.
Basically this romance was nothing to me!!! I felt nothing!!!!!!!! WHERE'S THE DEPTH
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I did like the bit where he lies down though. Relatable.
Also why are you drawing so much attention to the servants when you don’t seem to have anything to say about class...? 'Wow look how many servants they had! Anyway, they don't get any speaking lines'... it's 2020 guys!!! like what are we saying here. 'isn't it cool to think about how people were rich'??
kind of the point of Emma (character) is she's pretty superficial, but the story does not, in fact, have to be
Persuasion (2022)
Weeping softly into a pillow........ did you know this version meant a version with Sarah Snook and Joel Fry got cancelled?? we could have had it all
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Honestly I actively liked all the entire secondary cast in this. Louisa and Mary were extremely charming fun takes to watch. ('I'm an empath' IS right for the character if you're doing modern jokes!!!) And nobody can deny this was a correct and powerful use of Richard E Grant.
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Henry Golding was naturally great. Apparently he got offered the lead and took the villain instead, which DOES mean the villain is super charming and fun to watch which is... hard to match and.... kind of shows up.... the main man.
It's been said before but the main two were WOEFUL imo. I have no beef with the actors I just question the DIRECTION and whether anyone making this knew (or cared) why people... enjoy things.
Book Anne is the quietest gentlest loser and I LOVE HER and so does basically every Austen nerd. Making her a quirky wine-bath girl who's honestly just cruel sometimes fully stops the main romance chemistry and plot from working.
And it means the main boy is still like 'god I'm so horny for how KIND AND CAPABLE YOU ARE' which is just 100% no longer true. You can't transplant a personality in a romance but leave the plot the exact same and expect it to work. The chemistry IS the plot in a romance..........
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you can't act morally superior to your siblings and still rate people out of ten.... also so funny to me that everyone else gets period outfits and hair whereas this protagonist looks like she just glanced at a picture of any time in the past and grabbed a couple shirts from primark. it doen't even look good or build character!!!!!
Anyway, not to be an elderly man like 'ohhh why does nobody care about character these days' but the reason something like Clueless works is because it has the heart of the story right, instead of just copying the surface level stuff.
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clementexix · 1 year
By Your Side
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I was too obsessed with my ambitions;
To be exact, they were you.
After studying for hours, you were too tired to bring your exhausted body back to your dorm. Due to sitting for too long, your muscles tensed up. Your legs were a little shaky when you tried standing up, so staying here for a rest was the best idea you could come up with. Even though there were still students hitting the books, as long as Madam Pince was fine with it then you bore no care about what others thought.
Little did you know there was a curly-dark-haired boy watching her from afar.
Tom Riddle had been discreetly following every movement of you for awhile. The young British man tried to focus on projects assigned by professor Slughorn but he failed miserably. He found himself strongly distracted by your presence. His gaze would land on your studying figure from time to time, and notice your variation of facial expressions from being excited to exhausted. You would be full of beans in the beginning then your face changed into determination when working on your homework. A frown formed on your beautiful but lovely face as you were figuring out a tricky question. And he observed all these from the moment you sat at the desk near to him.
When noticing you started drifting off to sleep, Tom slowly got up from his seat and went straight to yours. He wanted to make use of this moment to admire you clearer. Tom's slender fingers gently brushed those h/c curls away and carefully tucked them behind your ears. Tom leaned closer for a better angle as he commenced taking a good look at your feature. You had such long eyelashes that one of them was just falling and landing on your right eye bag. He either wanted to get rid of it or let it be. However, he could not help resisting the thought of touching you, the only one he always cared for. He found him unconsciously touching your smooth skin while brushing it off. His fingers moved from your cheeks down to your jawline then to your lips. So engaging, he licked his bottom lip as he wondered how they would taste if he kissed you. But Riddle would never be that kind of man who would not ask your permission first. Seeing you fall asleep in public places just intensified his protectiveness for you more as you had no idea that those predators were still around waiting a chance to eat you out. Thankfully Tom was here, and 100% that he would not let anyone do harm to you, even a single hair.
And he would always be your guardian even if you loved someone else that was not him.
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forest-hashira · 6 months
takara and training mayhaps?
congrats on 100 again bb!!! kissing u on the forehead ❤️
HIIIII KAY MY LOVE!!! i am kissing u on the forehead right back ilysm 💜 the randomizer assigned you utahime, so enjoy this lil platonic student!reader drabble!
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The dark haired woman turned as she heard you call for her, and she paused as you hurried to catch up with her. “Is there something you need?” she asked curiously.
You slowed your steps as you finally reached her side, and you smiled. “No, not really. I was just wondering if you were going to need any help getting everything ready for the goodwill event, since we’re hosting this year.”
Utahime returned your smile, and she considered your words for a moment before she gave you an answer. “I think we’ve gotten most of it squared away already, but that’s very sweet of you to offer. Thank you.”
“Of course,” you said, but before your teacher got more than a few steps away, something else occurred to you. “You don’t need anyone else to help with keeping track of Gojo-san?” 
She stopped in her tracks then, and you saw her shoulders tense slightly. There was a brief pause, and then a long, bone-weary sigh as she turned back to face you.
“Are you sure you’re up for that job?” she asked, expression serious.
“I’m pretty sure, yes. Is he really that bad, sensei?” You were aware that your teacher was not very fond of the teacher from the Tokyo Jujutsu High School, but having never met the man yourself, you weren’t sure what to expect; most likely he fell somewhere between the stories people told gushing about his strength, and your teacher’s complaining about his arrogance. Right?
“He is that bad,” Utahime confirmed. “He’s very flippant, very full of himself, very prone to going off subject in conversation. Keeping up with him might be difficult, and I don’t mean that in a demeaning way towards you. The man is just…” she trailed off, features pinching slightly as she tried to think of the best way to describe him. After a moment, she gave up and sighed. “He’s a lot, to say the least.”
“Some of the upperclassmen are a lot to deal with too, sensei. I’m sure I’ll be okay.” You offered her another smile, and she once again returned it; it made you happy to know you had eased her mind somewhat.
“Why don’t you come with me for a bit?” she suggested. “We’ll take a walk around the campus, make sure everything is ready for the event, and I can do my best to prepare you for the man child you’ll be babysitting while the students and staff from the Tokyo school are here.”
You perked up immediately at the suggestion. “That sounds great, I would love that!”
Your enthusiasm was palpable, and it drew a soft laugh from your teacher. Though she didn’t say anything to you about it, she hoped that your enthusiasm and your desire to help people would stay strong as you continued through school and advanced your abilities as a sorcerer; that you would survive all the way through school and well into adulthood, even if long lives weren’t guaranteed for sorcerers.
“Alright then, let’s go. We’ll check the woods first.”
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for my 100 follower milestone event!
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acircusfullofdemons · 3 months
Finally got around to making one of these! I choose my Crossfire Gang bc they're ... probably not the most chaotic of the bunch, but definitely the funniest imo. Also this could be 100% canon ngl. I kind of wish it was bc the discourse & drama they'd start would be hilarious.
Learn more about Crossfire here.
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🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
Good day everyone today I will be assigning you a pirate to kin. 
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
@/riverbunny: ur jake from jake and the neverland pirates.
🐇 riverbunny Follow
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
@/kingwolfe you’re Connor Kenway from Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag
🦷 kingwolfe Follow
is t because od m name
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
@/thedevilisrich is Jack Sparrow from potc
💸 thedevilisrich ☑️ Follow
Thanks kiddo!
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
@/run-and-hyde is foxy from fnaf
🐇 riverbunny Follow
Wait, he’s not a real pirate
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
🐇 riverbunny Follow
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
#fuckin dumbass #also ur breaking my dni btw 🖕
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🗝 divinityspeaks Follow
Please stop calling @/kingwolfe a dog. It’s demeaning.
🦷 kingwolfe Follow
its. true tough.
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
but he peed on the carpet????
🗝 divinityspeaks Follow
He did WHAT
🦷 kingwolfe Follow
lol yeah yor care. smells like piss. 
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🦷 kingwolfe Follow
hey. @/divinityspeaks why arjje the kods burning vegges.
🗝 divinityspeaks Follow
Uriel made them watch VeggieTales for the entire month. They’ve been like this for two hours now. 
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
👻 paperwildflower Follow
I hate broccoli >:(
🐇 riverbunny Follow
ok but I actually need to feed my rabbits so please don’t like. burn ALL the vegetables
🐇 riverbunny Follow
but FUCK bannanas
#tastes disgusting 🤮
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🐇 riverbunny Follow
I know I seem very easy to anger but tbh it takes a LOT to piss me off. I’m usually very chill guys I swear!
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
bunnies aren’t even that cute
🐇 riverbunny Follow
I’m feeding you to connor
#i thought i was on your dni 🤔 #hhmmm #suspicious
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📣 cheerycherri Follow
@/riverbunny @/run-and-hyde sometimes I think you guys genuinely hate me :(
🐇 riverbunny Follow
📣 cheerycherri Follow
but wwhhyyyyy???
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
GIRL u accused me of MURDER 🙄🤚
📣 cheerycherri Follow
k but like…you did tho 😐
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
no tf i didn’t that was @/kingwolfe I killed someone else
📣 cheerycherri Follow
#HELLO??? #ON A PUBLIC PLATFORM NO LESS????? #i feel so unsafe omg
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🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
am I gay?
👻 paperwildflower Follow
What makes you think that?
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
because I’m a pirate and Pirates are inherently gay
🗝 divinityspeaks Follow
Who told you that?
🏴‍☠️ davvyy-jones Follow
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🐇 riverbunny Follow
Uriel said I broke all 10 Commandments. Yewh, even adultery. Which is weird, because I'm not even dating anyone!
#no vin doesnt count #please stop asking about him
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🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
yes I make bad decisions that put me in a lot of danger
🗝 divinityspeaks Follow
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
no that's it
#can someone pick me up #im in quinns basement #...again :( #it STINKS
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🐇 riverbunny Follow
we all have our demons. I just choose to feed mine.
🪡 run-and-hyde Follow
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