#i guess the long and the short of it is i dont want anyone to have any expectations of me for awhile lmao i just want to exist peacefully
aggghhhhh71279534 · 6 months
#and to clarify: it is Not terrible because of everyone around you#its terrible because its insanely fucking unhealthy to weigh as much as i do (300+ lbs)#and its restricting i cant excersize like i want to i cant jump without being in pain#bras always physically hurt me like they are So uncomfortable to wear#my terrible diet makes me feel worse than i already do for mental reasons#i look fucking terrible. okay? there. i said it. im ugly because im fat#i have huge rolls and a double chin and stretch marks and it looks UGLY!!!!!!!#my thighs chafe when i walk so i cant wear shorts above my knees. my underboobs sweat so much they stink#i look fucking terrible. i cannot emphasize how awful i look#and you know what? ive never known what its been like to be pretty#because ive been fat My Whole Fucking Life.#and my moms fat but its just us in our whole family! just us! everyone else is skinny#weve been trying to lose weight for years the two of us and it just doesnt fucking happen#i dont know my moms reasons but my reason is i just dont fucking care i think#like ill just give up and forget about it. i cant focus on it long enough#and frankly? counting calories makes me fucking miserable#like i already feel guilty every time i eat but when im counting cals its 100x worse#so guess what! im going to be morbidly obese my whole life and it will probably kill me.#i am going to die young and its literally my own fault#anyway my point is im happy for anyone whos fine with being fat literally good for you!!! im happy for you#but please dont force that upon me. ok? i hate being fat and thats literally my own business
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wr0ngwarp · 1 year
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um. uh. hi every body. something evil and malevolent happened in my brain this month.
this is. um. a Jet Set Radio/Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Death joke AU, spawned out of a in-joke that started in a pokepasta discord. my apologies to both the pokepasta and jsr fandoms
the entire basis is the idea that Corn in Future retconned og JSR Beat as leader/founder of the GGs (is beat being leader in the og even CANON?) so Corn and Beat are the Myras. no it's not a joke funny enough to justify how many hours i sunk into drawing these. no attempt was made to change the setting, assign most of the other cast, or otherwise make this au hold up to ANY amount of scrutiny. if i tried to make this actually work somehow then i'd REALLY end up too far gone. also i keep calling myrtle!beat "Meat".
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#jet set radio#pokepasta#creepypasta#jsr#explorers of death#pokemon#crossover#gore#body horror#blood#ask to tag#long post#jsr eod#also i said ''i didnt assign almost anyone else'' but thats not entirely true.#i did assign dj professor k as wigglytuff. but i decided i needed to draw a line in the sand somewhere#and drawing dj k as eod!wigglytuff is simply too much. some mental images really DONT need to be inflicted on others#i also thought about who would be grovyle and ended up leaning towards combo#i sort of think of him as having protagonist swag about him bc of chapter 2 in teh first game.#also i have a running joke w my sibling about combo being meta-aware bc of a jp-only line he has in future#where he tells roboy he wants to save.#i swear to god i had more reasoning than this but my mind is drawing a blank rn. sad#also i guess this would imply that cube and coin would be celebi and dusknoir but theyre not even in explorers of death so RIP#i did also briefly consider clutch as grovyle bc 1. stealing things lol and 2. joke about him being future-exclusive#and grovyle is FROM DA FUTURE... but frankly clutch does not feel like he could pull off being grovyle. in my opinion.#also i guess sitting here now i suppose it wouldnt even make sense in the context of the eod au cuz everyone but the main trio is og jsr#on that note. i had no idea what to do for gum's design so i chose the most awkward route possible i guess. im sorry gum.#in general gum kinda got the short end of the stick here due to being consistently the Second-in-Command meaning she's shadow#I'M SORRY WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#well at least she's better off than yoyo. me n my sibling just automatically were like ''he's bidoof'' ''yeah he's bidoof''#also like last note. but. the jet set radio fandom is SEVERELY lacking cliche edgy over the top evil creepypasta versions of the cast
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i was playing about dropping Fifty Drawings onto everyone's dashboard this week but the unfortunate reality is i am in fact being assaulted with images
#snap chats#this is what happens when i go on three hour walks i guess#might abandon some but i will spitball the ones on the forefront of my brain..#more for my sake so i dont fuckin forget cause I Am Starting To Forget Already dont read if. you dont want spoilers ???#not y7 spoilers. or i mean i GUESS there'll be y7 spoilers but i mean for my psts. i guess. only i care about that ANYWAY#i wanna draw a comic of aoki getting SOME kind of butterfly memorabilia or something with him and butterflies#i Was having a chortle with myself about Like A Butterfly but i was also like... Yk Butterflies Still Are About Rebirth#lame as hell ik but shut up anyway next one i wanted to do was Troubled Teen Jo getting in a scrap with arakawa#idk if i want this to be AFTER arakawa's become a father or not.. im still chewing on exactly what i want the direction of it to be..#i have an IDEAAAA just.. nothing concrete yet..#and then the one i wanted to see if i could do tonight was Beach Day With The Arakawas :) Cause IDK <:)#i really dont know.. for some reason i just got visions of them three at the beach.. maybe its cause of tonbi idk...#though the more i thought about that idea the longer it got and the more i was like 'maybe i can turn this into a fic instead'#a terrible sentence cause generally i never get anything done when i say that but it'd fr be too long to make a comic of#so at least for now maybe ill make a short fic.. just tryna figure if i want a jo or arakawa pov#i always think of jo's pov so i wanna challenge myself with arakawa. i always focus on jo and his pov of 'becoming a father'#but sometimes i also really wanna explore arakawa's pov on jo becoming another parental figure for masato. or smthn like that idk#ANYWAY LET ME COOK. im not a good chef but i can at least cook an egg lemme see what i got...#bye bye for now ill be in the kitchen (google docs) if anyone needs me..
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it just...hit me that the main reason no one is fixing the transportation system in america is probably because it benefits the police.
like...having a car based system creates a perfect environment for cops to harass minorites. if youre in a car and a cop decides to fuck up your day, youre a sitting duck. even if you chose not to pull over, theyll just get your license plate. theres countless traffic infractions they can accuse you of that will legally excuse their mistreatment of you, whether you actually commited said infraction or not. and if youre not in a car and a cop decides to fuck up your day, they can claim youre loitering, or casing out the neighborhood, because with car centered infrastructure, theres no places to just Exist in public unless youre buying something.
either way, a transportation system where every vehicle is operated by individuals held individually accountable gives cops the plausible deniability that because its traffic enforcement, harassing you is in the name of public safety. and because its common knowledge that car based transit is incredibly dangerous, this excuse works. but the solution to that isnt just ramping up police's ability to enforce traffic law, because its not that a handful of people are just magically Bad and therefore Bad Drivers and if we get rid of those then everything will be fine. (unless you just dont like minorities. which is...the point.) everyone makes mistakes driving, because people are people. but because cars are so dangerous, when people fuck up driving, it is deadly. and given how often people fuck up, thats going to keep happening regardless of how harshly enforced it is.
the solution is to rebuild the system around properly maintained, accessible mass public transit: buses, trains, high speed rail, areas for pedestrians, etc., so transportation would be largely in the hands of professionals. how many train accidents have you heard of where it was the conductors fault? none! theyre caused by other people trying to cross the railroad tracks IN CARS. usually because theyre late for work because our economy is a sisyphean nightmare. (unless its an equipment malfunction, which could be attributed to poor funding, because all the money that should be going to transportation maintainence is used on law enforcement.)
with a system based around public transport, we wouldnt have all these dangerous traffic accidents caused by individuals to prevent via potentially violent enforcement in the first place. but that would mean taking away law enforcements main excuse for existing, which is probably why it hasnt happened.
(and as far as police harassment of pedestrians, if we had public infrastructure that was built for people instead of businesses, there would be no reason to prevent people from being in public spaces. and if we had proper housing distribution, addiction rehabilitation, mental health assistance, domestic violence help, etc., we wouldnt have people forced into homelessness and misusing those public spaces as private spaces. and even if they still did, with all those systems being properly implemented and maintained, violent enforcement wouldnt be necessary to prevent it, etc. etc.)
theres also the point that what with the tinted windows on marked cars, speed traps, and the entire existence of unmarked cars, car based transit grants cops an incredibly OP'd element of suprise and level of anonymity, which i imagine gives them a sense of detatchment from the rest of the world and helps them rationalize their bigotry. if you can't see their face until they have you pulled over, they can continue thinking of themselves as batman instead of just another guy with a gun.
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famewolf · 1 year
definitely been having one of those weeks were i dont really want to interact with the outside world and everything is too loud. it's not the worst thing ever but it just makes my tolerance towards people wanting things from me a lot lower
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beaniegaebie · 7 months
i don't really have any solid conclusions about this yet but i noticed A Thing in a rewatch and i haven't found it mentioned elsewhere yet so here we go
(apologies for the appalling image quality you're about to see, i can't screenshot easily rn pls bear with)
OKAY so in the scene where crowley confronts gabriel about "shut up and die", something about the arrangement of book stacks caught my eye a little
the majority of the books are angled so that we mostly just see the page edges and not the spines clearly, EXCEPT for a particularly shiny and familiar colour combo right here-
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but nothing too weird going on there, i thought, crowley coloured books in a bookshop so what? right up until i registered crowley's line when we get a closer look-
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hhhhmmmmMMmmmm yes yes "everything just the way you wanted" huh, very interesting considering that we know how much thought goes into props huh
and for most of the shots we get of crowley in this position those freaking books are just quietly nestled right there in the corner-
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look at that god damn framing i fuckin see you, you glorious bastards
so i paused to see if i could figure out what the hell was up with those fuckers and this is when i absolutely lost my mind, your honour
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A and C you say?? in crowley colours???? framed like this?????? localised entirely within your kitchen???
anyway long story short they're two books from an Agatha Christie Crime Collection set (24 volumes, three stories per volume) and guess whats on the mfing front covers I'm-
(its a rant for another post but when paired with this other set of initials spotted in s2 i want to scream actually)
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ANYWAY back to the books, through an absolutely unhinged comparison of the formatting of gold text blobs i reckon the two we have here are:
(on top) The Pale Horse; The Big Four, The Secret Adversary
(on bottom) 4:50 From Paddington, Lord Edgeware Dies, Murder in Mesopotamia
(I'm fairly confident but if anyone has a better image to confirm/correct this pls do)
now here is where I'll need a bunch of help from some Christie-heads out there bc I haven't read any of these and I've only seen the tv adaptation of one of them, so i dont know for sure if these are like A Clue, or A Cool Thing, or if I've just fully brainrotted myself into a fun lil corner here? wa-hoo
but here's some initial stuff that jumped out at me after skimming the basics:
(some of) the titles: Pale Horse/Big Four - death's horse ofc, the four horsemen mayb? the them+adam?? ; Mesopotamia is a very biblical choice bbz ; 4:50 From Paddington- azi likes trains i guess? idk that one's tenuous lmao ; honestly no idea with the other two but Secret Adversary feels a tad ominous
iirc Big Four just has kind of an unusual history, it was initially twelve short stories that she later compiled into one, and it was published fairly soon after christie's mysterious disappearance/reappearance
in Big Four, poirot fakes his death at one point and doesnt even let hastings in on it and I'm hoping sure its totally irrelevant to the ineffable bois
part of the Pale Horse story is a group of assassins that basically try to pass off all their murders as being actually caused by like ✨satanic powers✨ which is interesting
christie knew a fUCkton about poisonings thats why she wrote so many into her work and, while i don't believe the poison coffee theory myself, it sure is an interesting link with how cyanide is associated with almond smell/flavour and that metatron chooses almond syrup in particular
(ALSO random side note that is mostly meaningless but I've worked in a good few uk coffee shops and have never worked anywhere that stocks almond syrup; almond milk yes, hazelnut syrup yes, but never almond syrup...? prob just the places i worked though lmao)
EDIT forgotten point: I've seen some speculation that the bently's plate reading "CURTAIN" could be a reference to poirot's last story, along side that alternate scene of crowley ordering the sherry for "miss marple", its just one too many agatha christie references for my melted brain to handle and I'm SUS
so this is where i run out of idea steam and hand it over to you lot because i have no clue what this could mean, if it even means anything other than a cool set feature
is there something here actually or am i yelling into the void just for fun?
who knows, who cares!
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daniclaws02 · 10 months
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Gojo+male reader(he/him)
Warnings: gojos pov, reader is shorter then gojo(if your not short pretend your atleast an inch.),angst,gojo was too late,suicide,reader has a bruise on his face,reader is in a abusive relationship, breaking the fourth wall it, switches povs to (y/n),(y/n) getting beat up like bad, no happy ending .
—•— —•— August 1st 5pm location:coffee shop.
(Y/n)….(Y/n) (l/n) was his name, I met him not to long back when I was on a mission I was very intrigued by him I’d say he peaked my interest which surprised myself. His skin, his eyes, his lips, his nose, his whole face was just perfect in a way I could not describe, but he always had a bandage or an injury on his face. He never told me why-he never told me anything about himself or his relationship which I’m not gonna nag him about since he seems like a person that would be put in a lot of pressure.
Me and him were at a coffee shop he said he wanted to talk to me about something, of course I wouldn’t decline his offer so here we are now sitting across from each other. He was drinking a small coffee that was steaming hot as I had strawberry cake, I took my fork and stabbed the strawberry on the top of the cake as i then put the whole thing into mouth tasting the sweet and sour of the strawberry, I couldn’t say it was the best I had but it wasn’t the worst. Then (Y/n) speaks “I asked you here because I wanted to talk about something…personal.” He mumbles the last word, I lean a bit slouching in my chair a bit getting comfortable ready for the ride he was gonna take me on.”Speak your mind.” I say smirking not ready for what I was about to hear it took a dark turn I would say.
He huffs getting ready to speak his voice sounded a bit dry since he hadn’t drunk his coffee, I hadn’t notice it at first but his lip was a bit bruised it blended in pretty well with his lip, his lips were definitely chappy. He seemed anxious like he didn’t want to say anything I tried my best to make him more comfortable, but I don’t think it was helping. After a few seconds more he speaks his voice raspy and it sounded like he was on the verge of tears. “I never told anyone this..and I wasn’t planning on it but I guess I could trust you.” Man was I in for a treat.
He then looks down maybe looking at his covered knees as his clothes were baggy. “I don’t tell most people about my relationships because they don’t need to hear about it but…sometimes..I’m just scared to.” He kept on pausing throughout his sentences it made me more impatient though I dont want to seem like an asshole so I let him pause as long as he wanted. Then he continued “but I am in a relationship ..one I want to leave from..but I’m just scared of what’ll happen if I do..” he says making me feel anxious as my palm was resting on my cheek, but the more I grew impatient the more they dug into my skin. “I’ve been in this relationship for quite some time..and I never told a soul. Not that I don’t want to..he just..won’t let me.” I’m so intrigued but I just don’t know how to keep my mouth shut, so I ask him out curiosity “who is he” I can’t be the only one that’s asking that, I mean if you were in my situation you would want to know to. I definitely made him more anxious then he even is cause he sat there and paused.
“I’d rather not say…” he says quietly, now I feel bad as he finally lifts his hand and grabs onto his coffee. I took in notice of his hand it was shaking not to hard maybe shivers when your cold. He slowly puts it to his mouth taking the tiniest sip, it was like he drunk a rain droplit. He put the coffee cup down a little thud heard from the impact of the table and cup meeting. He then slowly takes his hand and points at his lip more pacifically to the bruise that blended in like foundation “this..” he then wipes under his eyelid ruffly, then showing a brown and purple bruise, he covered it well cause I didn’t even notice it myself “and this…it was all him, this isn’t even half of what he’s done” (Y/n) speaks aggressively but so quiet and soft only from a distance you could hear him.”I keep it a secret everyday, endearing the pain and keeping my mouth shut like I’m his dog who won’t even bark.” He speaks so aggressively but so quietly his eyebrows twitching show a bit of anger.
“I won’t even speak up..more like I ‘can’t’ cause if I do he’ll hit me- and it’s not even a regular hit, he’ll punch me till I beg and cry..he just likes to see pain and I hate it…I hate that he gets what he wants, I hate that no one confronts him..cause brags about hitting me to his little friends..and they all just..laugh like it’s something regular .” (Y/n) speaks more then I ever heard him speak, I was so surprised my glasses were slipping from my nose from the sweat, the sweat of anger I clenched my fist that was in my lap, the one resting on my cheek was digging into my skin like a needle. (Y/n) was breathing a little hard maybe from anger from not speaking up but finally he does it and fills like hitting something, or someone.
(Y/n) speaks again. “He doesn’t even pretend he’s a good person, he doesn’t put on a font in-front of people or his parents, he’ll just sit there and talk back like he doesn’t have any home training..and he’s such a mommas boy- his mom doesn’t even care she thinks it’s all my fault.” Not even surprising that his mother would take his side just disgusting behavior.(y/n) then breathes in out closing his eyes letting on the coffee smells come into his nostrils and blow them out like wind as he calms himself down. “Thank you..” he says..talking to me. “You listened to me ramble on like a little child..” he says I couldn’t find the words to talk back as I just nod sitting up frowning something that’s so uncommon for me, but my stomach what twisting-if I’d hear anymore I think I’d throw up.
“I hope we can meet again some day” he then scoots his chair back and then standing up his hands clasped together in front of him as he bows “I’m sorry I didn’t finish my coffee..I think I lost my appetite.” Same here.
He the walks out the coffee shop the heals of his shoes clicking against the wooden floor, as he walks the opposite way we came in. I sit there bewildered and disgusted still registering what I’ve heard and what I’ve seen, it’s not very common for me to act like this. As I rub the temples of my nose I get up and I pay the bill, I was ready to go home and take a nice hot shower and forget about most things in life.
—•— —•—
[(y/n) pov]
I was walking home to my apartment as I had just told the gojo satoru about my relationship, it was a bit later now, maybe 6 or 7 I didn’t know and I could really careless. I was just happy that I could finally break free..or maybe I just needed someone so I could vent to them since it was going to be my last day on earth. But before I go I want to see gojo satoru again I want his face to be the last face is see.. I want to see him an hour before my death..I know it’s selfish but I don’t care.
Walking home is such an hassle when ride the bus but I want to see the a beautiful view before I so I change my mind I won’t be waking straight home, even though I might get in a lot of trouble for coming in late it’s better then to see a trashy man and a trashy house.
My walk was probably more then 30 minutes as I wanted to get the best view a view I’ve seen as a child, I want it to be a nostalgia memory before I go, as I walk up the hill my shoes stepping on the crunchy grass as I did as a child I want to cry. I will cry. This will be my last cry before I go.
I look ahead as I get higher and higher up the hill filled beautiful flowers I used to put in my mothers hair. As I grab on putting in my hair. This will be my last core memory of my mother before I go.
I then get to the top of the hill sitting on the edge my feet dangling, though I won’t be dying here it would be a nice way to die but I think I want to die in my first ever house, which is we’re the man I hate the most is. I don’t want to think about that as I look to see the beautiful sky mixed with the most warm colors the breeze blowing at my face as I just look and cry.
I then take out my cell phone as I said I wanted to see satoru gojo before i go. I tried calling but no answer so I decided to text him for him to meet me an hour before I go.
Time goes go fast, I tried waiting but I don’t think I could wait any longer I get up from my spot as my feet had fallen asleep I stumbled a bit but I quickly controlled my balance..the walk wasn’t far from home so I’ll be there in a about 30 minutes the person I hate the most won’t be home till 10 so I’ll have time, I guess maybe gojo satoru was the one I saw last but I wanted to sit with him the hill not vent to him.
I get home finally walking up the apartment building stairs as I reach into my pocket to grab my spare key, finally going through the long dusty stairs I make it to my apartment door fiddling with the lock finally turning it and opening the door quietly looking in front of me to see…him.
Him as in the man I hate the most, him as the abuser, him as in the reason I want die.
I look at him as my heart drops to the floor then I look at the clock on the wall ticking loudly in my ear as it seemed to appear at 10:20 I thought it was about 9 I hadn’t checked my phone since then, since I had texted gojo satoru. I looked in front of me to see him standing there with his arms crossed I could tell he was angry he was clenching his fist. At that moment I wanted to run away at the moment but I was so shocked and paralyzed that I couldn’t move.
He then walks up to and punched me right in my face. I couldn’t react it was fast and hard and I was on the floor my nose was bloody from one punch he then gets on top of me, his knee piercing into my stomach as I could barely breathe. He then repeatedly punched me like I was some punching bag my vision was blurry as I could see thing twice, my ears were busted from hits to my ear a bit of blood dripped since he was very loud and screaming I couldn’t hear a word he spoke though. Next thing I know I can’t feel anything…I just felt free.
—•— —•—
[gojo satorus pov]
How did I get here I was now standing over a body that was covered with white blanket and it was his it was (y/n)…I didn’t want to say his name it felt disgusting and it was all my fault if I just had gotten there in time maybe I would have saved him maybe it wouldn’t be his dead body but that motherfuckers body, I couldn’t look down if I down I would see his white clothed body as I look around seeing a bunch of his neighbors..that wouldn’t help him they all disgusted me truly I felt like throwing up looking at there faces.
I finally get my eyes on the culprit seeing him being tazed and beat by the police, he deserved more pain, he deserves the most gruesome most painful most horrible death, it should be slow and painful for what he had did. I cried. I cried because I’m tired of people dying on me I’m tired of everything if only…if only I would have came-I didn’t come because I couldn’t look at (y/n) after what he had told me I would just think of him being beat and abused…
I finally looking and I just..I just throw up from how disgusting I am. As a officer came up and helped me down and he asked me questions I could only nod if anything I just wished I was there.
—•— —•—
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graymanshoots · 6 months
FWB!Ghost x GN Reader x pastHookup!Konig
Tags: Hookup,semi public sex, regret, angst, yelling, ginger konig, konig doesn't wear his mask constantly like ghost (Only on the field), vulnerability , crying, arguments,no beta we die like men
Part: 1 - 2
A/n: I finally finished this on two days of no sleep and a missing beta reader. Hope guys enjoy the tad bit of spice at the beginning and as needed 18+.
Seeing the head of ginger hair standing out not only cause of its color but because it belonged to the tallest person in the room, filled your stomach with stones.
The memory of the familiar face shot through your mind like a bolt of lighting igniting your nerves as you tensed next to your teammates.
You were all shipped up and sent to a warehouse a couple of weeks after finding out you’d be working with kortac.
Having arrived days before they had you were granted time to stop for a drink with johnny and kyle. Price didnt join claiming he wanted to be prepared and if price isn't coming neither did ghost much to your benefit.
Maybe if he had come you would be piss drunk with the team probably getting dragged back to the warehouse by the man himself, instead you were barely tipsy with your cheek pressed into the leather seating of a stranger's car.
His broad chest rubbing against your back with each harsh thrust, the car surely visibly shaking on the outside.
You dont even have to guess how fucked you would be if he remembered you and decided to ope his mouth.
You cross your arms over your chest and lean against one of the metal support beams that the building had an abundance of.
Despite your wishful thinking the red headed man's eyes fell on you and you knew he knew.
You were quick to notice the slight quirk in his lip before going stoned face once more.
He introduced himself as “konig” before introducing the rest of his team, his eyes occasionally flicking over to you.
“Fuck sake, this guys huge.” Kyle whispered to you coming around to your side.
Kyle had no idea how true his words were, the phantom feeling of being filled by Konig's thick cock.
You nod in acknowledgement to what Kyle says letting out a sigh, “Laswell described him as a battering ram, yeah” you say.
You don't fail to notice the way Konig eyes you up every chance he gets like he had done in the bar nights prior. When you saw him in the bar he was far more blatant with his staring, his interest apparent as he shifted his stance debating on whether to approach you or not.
Rubbing the sweat built from nervousness off his palms and onto the tight cargo pants he wore he finally came over when the boys were getting another round of drinks to approach you.
The conversation between you two was short as you both seemed to have the same goal in mind: get laid.
After Simon you hadn't slept with anyone else but it was a welcomed gift to feel wanted again.
Konig was definitely someone you found attractive, you wouldn't have had breathy moans pulled from your throat in the back of his car if he wasn't.
But he wasn't simon.
A small piece of you felt guilty while the rest was saying fuck it, ghost ditched you not the other way around.
You mentally return to the conversation when you hear your name being said, you realize price is introducing the team and you give a small acknowledgement, your fingers twitching at your hip.
“Oh, I’m familiar.” König responds to your introduction with quick ease causing your teammates eyes to fall on you. Johnny gave you a knowing look of mischief, his bright blues having seen you with the man before you disappeared from the group.
“Just a brief meeting in a bar, unfortunately I did not stay long enough to meet the rest of you.” He clarifies noticing your subtle glare.
The encounter was anything but brief, you thought to yourself as the conversation was then drawn off of you.
It’s wasn’t until later that you bumped into the behemoth of a man.
“You were so vocal a few nights ago now you walk around quiet as a mouse.” He comments a smirk playing on his uncovered lips.
“You pester all your random hookups?” You retort your lips stretching into a thin line as you looked up at him.
“Just the ones I have to work with, mein Freundin.“ he chuckles ignoring your unamused expression.
“Well if that’s all I’ll be going.” You sigh not wanting to get involved any further.
But as you pass his hand grips your wrist and suddenly your back in front of him with his other hand at your chin.
He forces your head to the side and a smirk comes to his lips as he looks at the newly exposed skin .
“So schön, sie sind wie eine Blume .” And then he’s gone and already halfway down the hallway by the time you gather yourself.
Ghost walking down the opposite side of the hallway having seen the interaction from a distance. His eyes arrow on you and then the retreating redhead.
You let out a huff of frustration when you see him and reluctantly start walking in his direction.
“You two seem close, got anything you want to share?” He questioned you his tone accusatory. After weeks of barely speaking to you he breaks the silence to ask about a personal situation.
“It doesn’t concern you lieutenant.” Your quick to respond but he doesn’t want to take that answer.
“It’s concerns me when it’s involves an enemy and You.” He grumbled crossing his arms over his chest.
“Why do I concern you Ghost? I’m just someone you used to use so fuck off cause I already know what your thinking.” The words come out harsher and more bitter than what you intended. Your frustration and resentment to the man you wish you didn’t love coming out almost full force.
Ghost stiffened at your words, his jaw and fists clenching as you brushed past him.
Once he could no longer hear your steps his entire body deflated his shoulders feeling heavy with shame.
He was being unfair to you and he hated himself for it but he felt so selfishly it was hard to stop.
Ghost adjusted his mask and shook off the guilty feeling that loomed over him before continuing down his path.
You could feel your skin buzzing with irritation, your palms stinging from being squeezed into tight fists. Why did he have to make everything in your life harder every time?
No matter how many steps you take away, ghost manages to still be right on your tail. You found yourself spacing for the rest of the day until your sat across from the same person you didn't want to see again that day.
Ghost sat across from you staring you down as you ate the unappetizing food served in mess.
His gaze was unrelenting; he looked as if he was aching to say something but stopped himself instead opting to tap his finger on the edge of his empty plate idley.
“Y’think Lt’s mad at ye?” Johnny questions quietly from his place beside you. You narrow your eyes at the sergeant, “Why would he be?”
Johnny had this look on his face like he did something he wasn't supposed to as he clicked his teeth and shifted awkwardly in his seat.
“He asked aboot whit we were up to at the pub, an i think i might ‘ave talked ye into some trouble.” he confessed glancing over at simon who was still boring holes into the side of your head.
You didn't have time to retaliate against your teammate for his loose lips before simon was standing from his seat arms crossed. “We need to talk, now.” His tone was sharp, his words spoken in that usual gruff manchester accent.
You sucked your teeth and agreed not wanting to make a scene in the mess hall, mentally you vowed to eventually get johnny back for damning you.
After leaving mess ghost lead you to an unoccupied meeting room shutting the door behind the both of you.
“Looks like you got a type.” Ghost started leaning against the door with his arms crossed.
“Don’t fucking start with me ghost, what i do outside of work is none of your damn business.” you hiss plopping down on one of the many chairs in the room.
“Don't tell me it's not my business when you have a drawer of shit at my apartment.” he retorted, his eyes narrowing on you. His body was tense and his shoulders squared like he needed to move but wouldn't allow himself to.
You could feel your eyes burn as your frustration grew, your fists clenching and unclenching.
“You can throw all the shit away, i don't even know why you still even have it.” you mutter looking down at ghost’s shoes avoiding his glare.
“I kept them because i ca-” you cut ghost off before he could say anymore, “Dont you dare fucking do that to me simon!” you snap meeting his glare with glazed eyes.
Standing from the seat you approached Simon's further tensing figure. “You're a jackass, Simon, y’know why? Because i told you how i fucking felt and you fucking left. Now im living my adult life and you want to act like im your fucking girlfriend or something, let me move on!” you were borderline shouting the frustration bleeding out of your eyes and into your voice.
Simon couldnt hold your gaze anymore he couldn't stand that look in your eyes or the dampness of your cheeks. He could feel the words crawling into the back of his throat but none of them were the right thing.
What could he say to fix this, what could he do when your fury spoke so loudly that he wanted to shrink away.
“I…” he took a breath “Im sorry” his arms hung loosely by his side, fingers tapping rapidly at his palm.
“Sorry doesnt change the fact that you left, then treated me like nothing, and ar now trying to grill me about my sex life when you removed yourself from all of my personal life.”
You wiped your face as your tone came down, the short burst of aggression dying down with it.
“I'm tired simon, I devoted so much to you for so long for it all to end because you cant figure yourself out.” You bring your eye’s down to the ground again before back up at simon.
“You’ve had years of us playing this cat and mouse game, if your still confused, if your still unsure, if you don't want…” Your eyebrows pinch together as you clench your jaw.
“If you don't want me, then why are you here? Why are we even having this conversation if your actions speak your truth, because that's all I have to go off of?” Your question struck Simon and his breath caught in his throat.
He rubbed his face over the mask, the feeling of the fabric suddenly becoming so suffocating.
The rough material rubbed uncomfortably on his skin as he pulled it off his chapped lips parting for a heavy breath.
He disheveled with his messy blonde hair and eye bags that seemed deeper than usual.
“You’ve ruined everything for me…” he starts your eyebrows furrowing at his words.
“Everything in my life is so fucking mixed with yours and i can let it go. I thought avoiding you would help make you leave every piece of my being but it just made it worse. You know what happened to my family, and i dont want to use that as an excuse but im fucking terrified of seeing you in my nightmares.” Simon's lips are drawn into a thin line and his body slumps into the wall, his shoulders dropping.
“I know im an arse and big fucking mess and selfish as all hell, but i feel different for you and i dont know what to do with it.” his shaky hands clasped together in front of him.
“You have no idea how many times we’ve been together and i just wanted to have all of you, how many futures that have lingered in my mind over our years together. I want you for the rest of my life but I don't know how long that life will even be.” simon looks to you with a tired sigh.
You feel frozen in your spot the bitterness and frustration in your chest deflating into an equal exhaustion.
“Where do we go from here simon? I love you and I've loved you for over a decade but I can't keep going if you’re going to take years to tell me what you want.” You say stuffing your hands into your pockets unsure what to do with them.
“I like who i am around you, and i dont want to loose one of the only good things left in my life cause im being fucking daft. Am I too late?” his tone was soft almost a whisper. It felt so uncharacteristic for a man like simon ‘ghost’ riley to say something like this, to speak so softly and seem so nervous. You almost felt unsure about how genuine his words were but his glazed eyes had crushed your doubt.
Bringing your hands from your pockets you hesitantly grabbed simons hands before pulling them around you. He immediately melted into the hug, his hands gripping at you as if you'd disappear if he didn't hold you so tightly.
You could feel his relief as you held onto him his shaky breath evening out and his muscles going almost lax.
“We can try again.”
[Good ending] :)
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sphylor · 3 months
I very nicely ask for some more written on the forcedmasc sensitive little dick stuff. (Only if you want to ofc <3)
Idk man that's just- gahhh phantom having the most sensitive little tdick that just needs attention but is so sensitive, and just imaging Dews hot tongue slowly eating him out-
cw: forcemasc, dubcon, edging, bruising and biting. pussy cunt clit cock dick all used for Phantom's anatomy <3 (also i know i didnt write the eating out part but just imagine that i did bfhdhhf)
"you're seriously telling me no ones ever sucked your dick before?" Dew lifted his head to meet Phantom's eyes, which they rolled in response.
"i keep telling you. i dont have a dick... its just a-"
"-i dont know how anyone could've resisted themselves," Dew interrupted, not letting the quint finish what they were saying. "Its just so cute. practically begging to be blowed." he looked down at the little nub again and circled it with the tip of his claw. Phantom hissed and Dew smiled. "if you dont think its a dick then i guess I'll just have to show you that it is." he dipped down and the quint ghoul yelped at the sudden heat on his little cock.
They tried to pull away but Dew gripped their thigh so tight they knew it would bruise. something about the idea of that excited Phantom and so the struggled more, making Dew grip tighter and tighter until the fire ghoul pulled away to bite at the soft skin on the inside of their thigh.
"Keep still or you'll get nothing at all." Dew hissed but Phantom knew it was an empty threat. even so, they settled back into position and let Dew suckle on their clit.
Phantom knew now how hot the fire ghoul's mouth would feel around them but they still got a shock when it happened again. it was like being enveloped by the sun. Dew brushed the tips of his forked tongue over the sensitive nub every now and then, making Phantom mewl and whimper as the quint ghoul quickly began to fall apart. they were so sensitive these days that it didnt take long before they were a drooling, desperate mess.
and then Dew started bobbing on the short length. every single braincell dripped straight of their leaking cunt. there wasnt much to work with but Dew sure put on a show, hollowing his cheeks and moaning around their cock. the vibrations from the moaning almost sent them straight over the edge and just as they were about to cum Dew pulled off and sat back.
"w-wait, no! where are you going?"
"its okay, bug, im not going anywhere." Dew grinned, his chin covered with Phantom's slick. "i just this this hole of yours deserves attention too, especially seeing as it keeps winking up at me." Dew glamoured away his claws and ran the pad of his index finger around the opening of Phantom's cunt, which desperately clenched around nothing, seeking to be filled.
"oh satanas, fuck, Dew please eat out my pussy, oh fuck." Phantom begged as their hips began to rut up into the air.
the fire ghoul pulled his finger away. "i want to hear you ask for it properly."
"But- Dewwwww.-" Phantom whined and hid their flushed face in the crook of their elbow.
"fine then." Dew moved to stand and leave.
"pleeease eat out my hole..." Phantom whispered, shame coursing through whatever of their brain was left in that moment. but it disappeared when he saw Dew smile.
"now there's a good boy." Dew cooed down at them before dipping down once again to lap at the slick dripping from Phantom's cunt.
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British Vogue presents ‘In The Dark Bag’ with Star of the Night the Vampire Lestat. The french vampire reveals his nightly essentials, as we try to take a look inside his handbag - with no success, since he would slap our hands every time we tried to touch it.
Well it's a bling-encrusted Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamonds Purse also well known as the most expensive handbag of the world. We wouldn't let anyone touch it too If It was ours. 
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 ‘I hate when people take what isn't for them,’ says the star as he holds the little heart bag in his lap. He relents finally after some excruciating time when we practically beg on our knees for him to let us take a look. We are not embarrassed to confess that  we would do just anything for him, there's something that happens to you when you are in his nefarious presence, this will sound crazy but It was like we could hear his voice in our heads compelling us to give him everything. Well, he can take all he wants.
‘Fine’ he says at least ‘If we may’ and opens the little bag with such caring and hand trembling that we all hold our breath. ‘It's a pain. These little things that we carry with us every night.’ He starts throwing the objects of inside the bag on the table in front of him - the things fall on a slow-like dance in the air, like held by a magic spell. 
And so the items ARE all set on display to us. With precise moves he gets hold of a green and long cosmetic little pot. ‘I’m on a clean phase/not a thing to hide kind of moment. But I'm a huge fan of makeup, whatever… so the only cosmetic I'm going by these nights is this.”
We take a close look - closer as we dare. 'Its Jeffree Star’s gloss, from the Blood Money line. It has a pale kissed-by-the-moon effect that I appreciate, I guess.'
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The next thing he holds is a little book leather bound - its so little you could cover it with your hand. Looks like a notepad but we couldn't take a pic of It. ‘Here I take some notes, write songs and also travel in time to, you know, remember why my heart is still beating.’ He opens the little book on an aleatory page. He makes a face and smiles. ‘Oh, it's a sonnet. Not mine unfortunately. It belongs to Vinicius de Moraes, a brazilian writer - his blood tasted like salt water huh.’
He reads the sonnet, of course, in a song toned voice, to our complete delight.
‘Sonnet of Separation Suddenly laughter was turned to sorrow Silent and white like the mist And mouths joined together were turned to foam And hands drove away what once they welcomed. Suddenly the calm was turned to wind That blew out the last flame in the eyes And passion was turned to foreboding And the frozen moment was turned to drama. Suddenly, no more than suddenly The lover was transformed in sadness And contentment into solitude. The close friend became a distant one Life became a wandering adventure Suddenly, no more than suddenly.’
There is red tears caressing his perfect face, we were devastated, the broken and consuming feeling grabbing us by the throat. And so he looks at the cam very seriously and closes the little book. ‘Well. Go buy a book.’
His hands start to move again and stop short over an old photograma. It's black and white. He takes some time to let us take a real look.
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‘It's nothing. Just an old boyfriend. Ex husband. If you must.’ He says and we can see a black and slim man. Handsome and for the state of the photo probably deceased. He let us touch it and we can see there's something in the back,  a phrase in french. 
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He takes it back. ‘As I said, it's nothing. In poor english it says ‘thank you, next’.' His cell phone rings, he takes it very annoyed. ‘Just a moment… oh, hello, mon amour…’ He covers the phone. ‘It's him.’ Looks at the cam again. ‘See it's really hard to get rid of the exs.’
He stands and walks out.  We waited for about an hour until he got back. When he does, he is in a better mood. Holds the photo again, shows It to the cam. ‘Here, take a close up. He looks like an angel, dont him? And I must be trustful, he is… How do you say it in english when you find the one, you know, for good?’ He asks looking far away, his expression dreamlike.
He sighs and sings ‘Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand. I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover… or whatever she said’
He kiss the pic. ‘We are meeting up tonight. So let's just wrap It?’
We nod. 
He takes hold of a little red ipod. ‘I don't go anywhere without music.’ 
And so he takes a wireless headphone that is purple and decorated with little bats. ‘It’s a gift from my lover. He… he likes to give me cute and beautiful things - now. How time makes us better huh. But I still like to give him in return... art, head pain and sex toys but the intention is always what really matters. And I love him deeply, artistically, in a dirty and painful way.’
The last thing is a pot of lube, which is still sealed in the package. ‘Whats this… it's not mine. Oh…’ He take a close look. 'It's white wine flavored. Humm…’ He put the things back in the bag, his moves very more fluid. ‘As I said, he likes to give me things.’ He hold the bag close to his chest looking very emotive, fragile, pained and happy all at the same time. ‘Beautiful and expensive things. Nice things, silly things. We… have been separated for almost eighty years. I guess he owes me this. But it feels nice to be cared for and all this nonsense.’
And so hes gone, disappearing before our eyes.
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justmeinatree · 11 months
I Was Thinking About You
Summary : part 2 to Your Delicate Point Of View … the next morning.
TW : smut
Word Count : 1.5k
A/N : lets agree to ignore that they dont really seem to care about the whole switching bodies thing, i was really just here for the smut tbh
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harry groans, slowly stirring from his sleep, wiggling and stretching his limbs, and well, something felt different. or, more accurately, something felt right ? 
as he blinks his eyes open, his hand coming up to card through his hair, he notices it. his hand. he quickly looks around the room, as a form of confirmation, and yes, he’s back in his body. and there you are, fast asleep, in your body next to him. or so he hopes. guesses after yesterday’s adventure, or mishap more like, anyone could technically be in your body.
gently stroking your hair, he coos, “beautiful girl, s’time to wake up yeah ?”
you groan, shuffling your face deeper in your pillow, “m’not ready to wake up.”
harry giggles quietly, not a doubt in his mind that it is very much you next to him, “back in your body, lovely. isn’t that exciting enough to open your pretty eyes ?”
and well that catches your attention, lifting your face from the pillow, eyes furrowed as you catch your hair cascading down either side of your face, flicking your gaze over to harry, taking him in as well, a small, sleepy smile curling your lips, “i like my body.”
“what’s wrong with mine ?” harry asks playfully offended, the blankets resting at his hips, naked torso on display as he pats his chest, “v’got a great body don’t you think ?”
you smile wider, laughing breathily, shamelessly checking out your boyfriend, biting your lip, “yeah, s’great to look at, but you’re too tall and your arms are too long, and there’s too much muscle to carry around. i like being my short, non muscly self,” you add, “and no dick to worry about. that thing has a fuckin mind of it’s own. bet you it’s hard right now for absolutely no reason whatsoever.”
“hey now,” harry tuts playfully, “don’t get mad at my prick, you love it. treats ya so nicely,” he smirks, rolling towards you, his member pressed up against your thigh, starting to support a stiffy.
you giggle, shaking your head, “how are you always hard ? dont know how you live like that. it’s just- in the way.”
harry hums, forefinger and thumb playing with his bottom lip, “right, and your aching clit is so much better. wanted to spend the entire fuckin day just rubbing at it.”
your gaze flicks up to meet harry’s, and instantly he recognizes that look. something you want, but you’re too shy to ask. he’s told you time and time again that you really don’t have to be shy around him, but old habits die hard, and thankfully harry’s just so good at reading you. 
“s’your clit achy right now, poppet ?” he coos, hand reaching out to rub your hip, fingertips gliding over your side.
you bite your lip, nodding, your thighs clenching together, a move that doesn’t go unnoticed. and harry’s taken right back to the moment yesterday, remembers how tingly it felt, how badly the need to just grind down had overtaken him. hearing your voice, still small, and sleep ridden, knocks him back to reality, “can you touch me ? please harry. i know it was only one day, but i miss you touching me.”
a deep groan works it’s way from harry’s chest, his arm slinking around your back to pull you closer, lips instantly slotting with yours, gripping your thigh and hoisting it over his hip. his prick, now incredibly hard, just at the prospect of you, barely clothed by a worn out thin pair of boxers, presses against your centre, giving you the tiniest bit of relief. “lets do this right, yeah ?” harry hums, feeling the heat radiating off of you, both of you finally in your proper roles.
you smile, humming and nodding, ecstatic to be on the receiving end of things again. although the opportunity to experience things from the other side was a fairly interesting adventure to say the least, you were relieved, content, and absolutely ready to be fucked.
“so much better like this,” you murmur, grinding against harry’s cock, your panties growing increasingly wet, your arousal slowly transferring onto harry’s boxers.
“wanna feel you, love,” harry whispers, rolling on top of you, shuffling his boxers off, before helping you out of your sleep shirt and panties.
as his eyes zero in on your sopping cunt, he catches your clit, swollen and poking through, begging to be touched, screaming for relief. “can still remember exactly how it felt,” harry mumbles, entranced as his eyes are locked on your centre. “the fluttering, the clenching,” he explains, fingertips reaching out to gently flick over your button, gliding down to your entrance, using featherlight touches.
you whimper, hips twitching at the mere simple touch, catching the smirk that takes over harry’s features, “remember how sensitive it is. how fuckin good every little touch feels. how badly your cunt craves more.”
“harry,” you whine, pouting up at him, feeling yourself grow needier and needier. “thought you’d play nice now that you know how it feels.”
“hey, now,” he furrows his brows, “m’being nice. just getting started, poppet. don’t be greedy yet.” 
“but-“ you get cut off, words caught in your throat, as harry stats tapping the head of his dick against your clit, a breathy sigh of relief echoing through the room.
“knew my prick would shut you up,” he groans, lip bitten between his teeth, watching the string of arousal connecting you to him.
“teasing yourself too aren’t you,” you hum, gathering up enough brain function to work him as well. “remember how it feels to be hard, dying for anything to rut up against. to squeeze over your cock.”
“fuckin-“ harry groans louder, eyes squeezed shut for a moment, before lining himself up with your entrance, “apparently s’gonna take more to shut your mouth,” his cock breaching you until his hips are pressed snugly between your thighs.
“fuck, fuck,” you moan loudly, gasping for a breath, your back arched clean off the mattress below you. your thighs trembling, fingernails dug deep into harry’s hips. your eyes rolled back at the sudden intrusion, without prep, leaving your head reeling, grasping for any sort of tether to reality.
“know you can take me, lovely. show me. show me how good you are at taking my cock,” he coos, hips working in a slow rhythm, pressing his prick hard inside you, nestled tightly against your sweet spot. 
“look at you, poppet, fuck, look at how good you are,” he bites his lip, every bit of what you’re feeling stowed away in his memory. “take me better than i did, christ, didn’t need any prep, opened yourself right up for me.”
your moans and groans were getting increasingly louder, harry’s skills at talking you through sex always having been a talent of his. “here too, yeah ?” he coos, fingers closing around your nipples, rolling them, pulling on them, forcing them into a pebbled peak.
“harry,” you whimper quietly, eyes blinking up at him, “kiss me please.” you were feeling so many things, such a cluster of emotions, so early in the morning. considering you were awoken barely half an hour ago, brain playing catch up with the fact that you were back in your own body, and all of a sudden being empaled by your boyfriend’s cock, your mind seemed to be searching for a moment of comfort through it all.
thankfully harry seems to notice, slowing his thrusts slightly, leaning over you to give you a sucking kiss, “how are you feeling, poppet ?” he mumbles against your lips, his hand cupping the side of your head, thumb stroking your cheek.
“s’so much, feel like i need to cum already,” you whine breathily, your skin warm and prickling, fingers wrapping themselves into harry’s hair.
“want you to cum, darling,” he mouths against your cheek, working down to your neck, “love making you feel good. love knowing exactly how you feel now. knowing how warm your tummy feels. how much your clit is throbbing. love watching you come undone for me. love feeling how tight you get. how wet you get.”
“fuck,” you groan, feeling the heat of harry’s breath against your neck, your ears soaking in his words, eating them up, feeling the increasing heat coil in your tummy, just as he said, and shooting down to your core. “m’gonna cum, harry.”
“can feel you love, fuck, s’so good. can feel you clenching. c’mon, let it go for me,” he groans, the words getting caught in his throat, as he feels the moment you begin to lose yourself.
your thighs grip onto his hips tightly, holding him in place against you, as your body seizes up, your high wracking through your entire being, loud moans echoing through the room, your jaw hanging open.
“mmh, yeah, that’s it, lovely, that’s it. fuck, so good for me,” he groans breathily with the vice grip your pussy has on him.
as you start to come down from your orgasm, eyes flicked up to harry’s, you hum, “how can you hold back ? remember trying and just- didn’t- couldn’t figure it out,” you stutter out, your mind still trying to form a coherent thought.
harry chuckles quietly, pecking over your lips a few times, “years of experience, my love. and lots and lots of will power,” he adds playfully. “besides, think i wanna feel you cum on my cock a few more times.”
tags : @gorlsinmultifandoms @cc-horan
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kimis-gloves · 6 months
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Runnin’ Home to You: Part 2 - read pt 1 & 2 on ao3
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100 follower special!!
warnings: swearing, mostly fluffy plot and then they get it ON at the end, 18+/Mature Audiences. oral sex m!receiving, max speaking dutch😫
word count: 2681
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Max and Charles stood there. Charles was lost in the depths of max’s eyes, unable to find any words to say to him in this moment.
“I’m sorry I came so late. I didn’t mean to disturb you this way.” Max forced out, still unable to piece together exactly what he was doing inside of Charles’s apartment.
As Charles guides them back to the couch, he’s wondering what max could be apologizing for. Max was more than perfect for Charles and Charles would open his door for max at any hour for any reason, even if it meant pushing aside his aching heart to help someone whoo was a friend first.
“It’s okay, max. I’m not upset that you came. I’m glad you chose to come here rather than doing something dumb.”
“I dont know where I went wrong with kelly. I thought everything was perfect. I gave her everything she wanted, but in reality, I guess she just wasn’t everything that I wanted.”
“What do you mean max?” Charles questions, he along with everyone else, was under the impression that Max and Kelly were the duo, together forever, through thick and thin.
“I mean, is she inst the person I love, she int the person I long for after a hard race or a long meeting? Shas not the one I crave to smile and laugh with. I don’t feel the way about her that I feel like I should. I messed up so bad by loving someone who I wasn’t in love with. I dont know what to do Charles. Im for certain the one I love doesn feel the same way, and it hurts so bad. All I want to do is to show him how much he means to me, but I’m afraid that doing so will destroy my bond with him.”
“He?” Charles muttered, not even meaning to as he was so caught off guard. Max Verstappen is in love with a man?
“Yes, he, Charles. Im in love with a man and he doesn love me back, big surprise!” max said with a forced laugh, which wasn’t a laugh at all. Charles could hear through the laugh. He could tell that max was struggling so he could only do what he does best.
“So tell me about him,” he mumbled, with so much care to hear who this mystery man is that has max on such a grasp.
“Wha- Oh. Him. Well, to put things short, he’s everything I wish I could be. To me, he is my definition of perfect. Every moment I spend with him is like coming up for air after almost drowning. When I’m with him, I’m truly myself and I don’t see myself being that way around anyone else. The way he stares at me when we’re side by side, the look of hope in his eyes, just begging for me to let him by one time, hoping for a chance at something..”
As max carried on, Charles began to wonder who this person could be, he almost starts to get jealous that this person has obtained so much of max, parts of max that Charles thought he would never see until his thoughts are cut short by something max says
“... And god does he look fucking stunning in red”
And that’s when it hit him. Max was in love with Charles, and Charles was in love with max.
When max saw how Charles looked at him after he accidentally blurted out a crucial part of Charles’s identity, he feels his breathing start to deepen and his heart race faster than he’s ever gone in his car.
“Well, he sounds like a catch,” Charles chuckles with a quick wink in max’s direction.
“Yeah.. he really is, I guess”
“So, what are you going to do about it? You can’t know for sure until you ask him yourself and honestly max? Youre amazing. You have the best qualities a person could have, personally and physically. He would have to be stupid to not feel the same way about you”
Max hasn’t noticed how close Charles really is to him. He can hear the soft sounds of air escaping from his nose. Charles’s silence is something he could drown in for an eternity.
“Max, you okay? Do you nee-”
That’s when it hits max. Charles was talking about himself, of course he was! How could he have not noticed all along, how perfect Charles was with accepting him into his home in the darkest hours of the morning. He cuts the blue-eyed darling off with something Charles finds to be unexpected from max, to be so upfront with what he wants.
Max cuts off Charles with a kiss, not as passionate as max had hoped but soft and delicate, enough to hopefully convince Charles to kiss him back.
And he does.
Charles cups his hands on max’s jawline, opening his lips ever so slightly to invite max in. max adds a touch of appreciation by embracing the kiss and tasting the freshness of Charles’s mouthwash. He can’t help to think to himself what kissing Charles would be like when his mouth tastes like max.
As they come back up for air, the heavy breathing and light pink flush on Charles’s cheeks drives max absolutely mad.
“That’s what I’m going to do about it,” max utters, barely over a whisper as he can’t believe he just kissed the love of his dreams, and he kissed him back.
He finally admitted it. Charles thought all along that he was just being delusional, or crazy. But he knew that the way max grabs onto his waist way too early for way too long for a podium photo, or the way max smiles and blushes while he’s spraying Charles with the champagne of winners. Even how he chooses to talk to Charles over everyone else when he has the chance to. It was so obvious, but everyone told Charles not to believe what he thought. Max enjoying the view as drips fall from Charles’s features a bit too much, looking more Charles than Charles ever has.
But max however, looks fucking amazing right now. Lips puffy and panting, cheeks covered in a mild blush, and looking at Charles like he might explode if he doesn’t kiss him again.
So he does. Charles goes back for the second kiss. More desperate than the first and both clinging onto each other with a deep need for each other on themselves. Max pushes Charles lightly to lie down on the couch, but Charles insists on taking max into his bedroom as he would rather not fuck his dream guy on something that would take impossibly long to clean up. He’d rather wash his sheets. Charles finds himself getting off track as he’s leading max down the long hallway towards his bedroom.
Max admires the art Charles has displayed on the walls, as he also noticed Charles’s beautiful piano in a separate room along the way, he’s wondering just how beautiful Charles would look spread out, bent over the thing he adores so much, but not nearly as much as he adores max.
As soon as they both step into the well-decorated room, of course Charles has better taste than I probably will ever have. Max is thinking to himself.
He’s standing shyly in the middle of Charles’ room as Charles, painfully slow, makes his way towards max, resting his hands on max’s broad muscles.
“Do you know how badly I’ve wanted to tell you how much you are to me,” Charles says, voice deep and rasped with desire.
“What do you mean?” max knows exactly what Charles means, he just wants him to say it so that it can be real.
“What I mean is, I have had my eyes on you for so long, our entire lives max. What I mean is I have watched you grow into who you are and I’ve only fallen harder and harder as times gone on. The amount of nights I’ve spent thinking about the way you touch me with what I was made to think was simple innocence, friendly rivals, was actually so much deeper, and that means more than anything to me right now. More than a championship, more than my seat at Ferrari. I will do absolutely everything to make sure you are loved every day and to protect you and our relationship. Whether that means pretending like nothing has changed in front of the media, I will do it because if it means I get to have these moments with you, then I will do it happy.”
“Charles, i don't know what to say or how to say what i want to”
“Dont say anything, just fucking kiss me right no-”
That was everything Charles needed. He didn’t need words from max to know he felt the same because the way max immediately grabbed onto Charles’s waist, the familiar touch feeling so much more intense right now than it ever has bin. It’s filled with need and want from max, almost as if he’s hoping to never let go of Charles for the remainder of his lifetime. His tongue diving deep into Charles’ mouth, tasting everything Charles had to offer as if it was his last meal. He quickly pushed Charles onto his bed, letting him get himself comfortable before putting his obviously larger body on top of Charles’s.
“Youre wearing too many clothes,” Charles demands
“Oh- Okay..” max stumbles back, balancing himself somehow on his legs, which felt like jello after hearing everything Charles had to say.
“We don’t need to do anything. I do not want to pressure you, but you should know I’m a virgin”
Max was surprised that he was shocked at his. He didn’t want to assume anything, but he had thought Charles would’ve used his beauty to his advantage by now.
“I was hoping someday, this.. Would happen. I guess I was right,” Charles said with that cheeky smile that always made max go crazy.
“Well lucky you charlie, I am too.”
“But I thought you and kelly-”
“Never, it never felt right to do it with her. But this?? This feels so fucking incredibly right, Charles. I can’t explain, i just need to show you..” and that he did as he quickly removed the remainder of his clothes. Charles finds himself staring in awe at max’s built figure. Broad shoulders and a perfect shape, thighs that could kill him if he wanted to. Max feels his desire as he mumbles.
“hall die eraf” - *take those off*
“English please, Maxie,” Charles giggles, but blushing at the sudden rasp max’s voice always has when he switches to dutch
“I said take those [clothes] off. I don’t like to repeat myself so I suggest you listen close, charlie.”
“Yes sir”
“Sir? Thats new,” Max hums
“Yes.. sir” Charles says in a more sultry tone, hoping to tease max as he drops his shirt off, leaving both in just their obviously sponsored boxers.
“Jij bent zo mooi charlie..” - you’re so beautiful
“Max.. I can’t understand you” Charles pouts as max takes a few steps closer to him, eyes roaming all over his lean but controlled figure. He really does look so beautiful like this, only for max too.
Max takes a moment to admire the Monegasque before he pulls him in for a deep kiss, this time not lasting long before max finds his hands trailing down Charles’s bare body, leaving soft but wet kisses along his jawline, smelling him in a way he never has before.
Before max could stop him, he found himself being pushed onto the bed by Charles, sitting as he watches Charles drop down to his knees, meeting the level of his thighs, he rests his head down on max’s thick thigh & max ruffles through his hair for a second before Charles starts to leave small kisses along max’s thighs, slowly leading up to where his boxers. Charles gives a max a look that speaks more languages than max can while he’s drunk. Max nods in allowment as Charles struggles to pull the tight boxers over max’s thighs and ass. Max’s already hard large cock springs out and Charles lets out a small gasp, in excitement and in worry as to how he’s going to fit all of the max inside of his mouth, let alone anywhere else..
Charles watches attentively as max’s cock leaks pre cum when Charles starts to lick the base of his cock.
“Charles, please don’t be a tease.. I promise we will have so much time to try things. I just want to feel you right now, please mijn liefje” - my love
“Yes, Max,” Charles spits as he takes Max's cock in his mouth. He sucks on his cherry red tip as he tastes the slightly salty taste of max’s pre cum in the back of his mouth. There’s nothing that tastes as good as max does, as well as there’s nothing that looks as good as max does. His breathing growing heavy as he takes in this fresh sensation that Charles was giving him.
“You taste so good, Maxie..” Charles hums before deciding he’s ready to attempt to fit max’s length in his mouth.
“You don’t have to take it all at once, i get it, its pret-”
“Youre so big, max, I fucking love it. I can’t wait to feel it stretch me out n fill me up with your cum” Charles says with a whine that leaves a chill up max’s back, worsening as Charles takes him in his mouth again, this time going deeper and deeper until he’s reached the slight fuzz of max’s cleaned up pubic hair. he smiles- or at least tries to when he feels the tickles against his face as he's mildly gagging on max’s cock, there's nothing that he could be doing right now that he would enjoy as much as this. he could live with max’s cock down his throat. After a moment of getting comfortable, Charles starts to move his head up & down along max, letting his dick lay flat and heavy on charles’ tongue. The more Charles starts to see how desperate Max is, the more he gives him.
“oh- fuck char- fuccckkk-“ max hisses as he cant even create a sentence when all he can think about is how fucking good charles feels on him.
Accidentally jerking his hips up, charles pulls off of him and continues to stroke his cock with his left hand and that's when max notices that charles has been jerking himself off this entire time, both are painfully hard for the other as charles gives max those doe eyes that drive him mad. It's not long before Charles goes back to sucking on Max's length when Max has to let him know that he's not gonna last much longer.
“charlie please, baby, i'm not gonna- hnnn- not gonna last much longer..” Max whines
Pausing for a second, charles says lewdly “please finish down my throat maxie, i need to taste every bit of you..” and with that max did. a warm surge of thick & sticky fluid runs down his throat and as charles swallows it max cant help but stare in awe at how almost innocent charles looks after he just fucked his dick like that. soon after charles finishes himself and finds himself laying with max, not a word said but they know by now that words aren't necessary. they already know.
“Quiet max, please. Its 5 in the morning, im fucking spent. Get some rest and we will talk about all of this tomorrow”
“Alright, Goodnight Charlie”
“Goodnight max”
With that, they both drifted to sleep with limbs entwined with limbs. heart beats & low, synchronised breathing filled the room along with an aura of belonging. This is where Max wants to spend the rest of his life, with charles. vulnerable and raw. all will be complete in the world of max verstappen as he sleeps, unknown to what would happen when he woke up.
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thank you so so much for 100 followers! i appreciate every one of you ❤️ i really hope you guys enjoyed this, i had fun writing it:) please lmk if you would like to see more of this duo & look out for new content soon!
likes, reblogs, comments & kudos on ao3 are always appreciated ❤️❤️❤️
- Alex
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kk43mi · 1 year
curves ┊ kazuha
PAIRING ┊ kazuha x chubbyfem!reader GENRE ┊ fluff, smut. WC ┊ 1.5k+ WARNINGS ┊ very insecure reader , praise , not proof-read , fingering , pussy eating , lowercase intended!! SYNOPSIS ┊ kazuha, your well long known friend, always complimenting you and telling you sweet endearing's to soothe out your insecurities, if you saw him thru his eyes you wouldnt be anymore, but you can never see that! so guess he would have to show you another way. A/N ┊ written by kam , hope you guys enjoy ! dont rlly see much genshin chubby intended reader so this one makes me feel good!
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"you’re absolutely gorgeous, y/n," kazuha's soft voice whispered, accompanied by his sweet smile. it always felt like his voice was coated with honey whenever he spoke. you sighed, unsure why you were still friends with kazuha considering your appearance. You weren't the most attractive person, and you carried a bit more weight than others. "ah, thank you, kazu," you responded with a small chuckle. compliments were rare for you, so you never quite knew how to accept them.
"if you could see yourself through my eyes, you wouldn't have to worry about a thing." kazuha's hand, previously resting on his cheek, now gently lifted your chin, making you meet his intense gaze. kazuha was always flirtatious and demonstrated gestures that were...a little more affectionate. but you took it as him being his usual flirty self. after all, girls were constantly fawning over him, and you assumed he wouldn't be interested in someone like you. though, you couldn't deny that he was quite the catch – his soft platinum blonde hair, his red eyes with a yellow hue, his handsome face. everything about him seemed perfect, the ideal type.
you let out another sigh. "kazu, if you keep doing this, people will start thinking we're dating–“ before you could finish your sentence, he interrupted you, his finger gently pressing against your lips, urging you to be silent. "i wouldn't mind if that were to happen, love..."
kazuha's words sent a shiver down your spine, causing your heart to flutter. his voice seemed to wrap around you like a warm embrace. but you still couldn't shake off your self-doubts and insecurities. "kazu, you don't understand... i’m not like those girls who are always around you. i don't have striking features or a perfect figure. i’m just... me."
a soft smile played on kazuha’s lips as he leaned in closer, his warm breath brushing against your cheek. "y/n, don't you see? your beauty lies in your uniqueness. your curves, your gentle heart, your quiet demeanor – they make you who you are, and it's absolutely breathtaking." his words resonated deeply within you, gently tugging at the insecurities you held within.
"but kazu," you whispered, your voice barely audible, "you could have anyone you want. why would you be interested in someone like me?"
kazuha gently cupped your face, his thumb caressing your cheek. "love, you underestimate yourself. you may not believe it, but you've captured my heart in ways that no one else can. your kind nature, your infectious laughter, the way you make me feel at ease... it’s all so enchanting." his confession left you speechless. the world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in this moment. kazuha’s words resonated deep within your heart, tugging at the threads of doubt that had held you captive for far too long.
"y/n, I want you to see yourself the way I see you," kazuha continued, his voice filled with unwavering sincerity. "let me show you that beauty is not defined by societal standards. let me show you that your curves are nothing short of stunning. allow me to be the one to remind you, every day, just how extraordinary you are."
"but...wouldnt you prefer someone who was more slimmer than me..? im plump in most places and i dont like it.." adjusting your shirt slightly, ensuring a comfortable fit while trying to not show much of your plump body. "my dearest, cant you see? it just makes more of you, it multiplies the beauty that you have, your appearance not only catches the eye, but your heart is also what mesmerizes me. it was that soulful essence of yours that captivated my heart from the start. so please, my love, let me be the one to cherish and adore you, to show you that you are stunning in every conceivable way."
kazu leaned closer to you, caressing your chubby cheeks and giving a cheeky smile as he went in closer. your bottoms lip now in contact with each others. he eyed those lips of yours before looking up at your eyes. "may i?" asking for permission, as your eyes fluttered and you quietly respond back with a meek 'yes'. and there he moved a strand of hair behind your ear, before planting his sweet rosy lips on yours. indulging in a passionate kiss.
in that tender moment, everything faded away, as your lips met. it was as if the universe has unite your souls, creating ethereal oneness that was beyond anything. it was just you and kazu, embracing of love in this lingering kiss. your first ever kiss, was shared with the one and only kazuha kaedehara, the boy who has girls fawning over him left to right? yeah it wasnt a dream.
kazu pulled out of the kiss, both of the individuals trying to catch up with their breaths now. "love, i am asking for permission, if you would allow me to initiate into an act of intimacy with you. if my words arent convincing as much, then i shall show with actions." his hands trailed to your cheek to your waist. caressing the soft plush down there. "i...alright then." you shyly looked here and there, just anywhere that werent his eyes, you were too embarrassed to look at him. until his fingers grabbed your chin with a firm grip, making you gaze up at him.
"my eyes are here love, now tell me. would you allow me?" silence filled the room before you sighed, having the courage to say it to his face now. "yes...i allow you kazu."
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"love its alright...you dont have to be so afraid to show that beautiful body of yours." kazu rubbed small circles on your back trying to soothe out you anxiousness. "but..im...youll be disgusted. you probably wouldnt like me anymore after seeing my body." your hands laid on your lap, playing with your fingers out of awkwardness. "love, how about we do this together...? we can take it off the same time." kazu reassured, trying to help things out.
"i guess thats alright..." you sighed, before taking a couple minutes to yourself, then nodding at kazu to signal you were ready. kazu smiled and you both slowly started taking off the piece of armor that was blocking each others bare body. taking pieces bit by bit, it sure had you embarrassed. "my love, your body is absolutely stunning. i want to kiss every single part of it." kazu pulled you onto his lap, embracing you tightly as he started kissing certain body parts of yours.
"ah kazu...arent i heavy..?" "youre never too heavy for me love. now please, lie back, i want to show you just how much im crazy for you." kazu carefully laid you back, not even noticing he was admiring your body for a bit too long. to which made you cover you body with your arms.
"youre staring..." kazu let out a soft chuckle, "love i was just admiring how beautiful your body was. do not worry." he finishes with a finger laced on your folds, rubbing up and down, collecting the slick on his fingers, the feeling of his fingers in contact with your heat had made you wince.
"relax dear. this will only feel good." he says before pushing a single digit in your hole, and there your whole body shuddered. "a-ah.." you whined out, covering your mouth with your hand, not until kazus other hand grabbed your wrist to pull your hand away. "love, i want to hear your pretty moans, okay?" you face heats up, as you gave in, gripping on to the bed sheets instead, to withstand the pleasure kazu was giving you.
slowly, kazu was thrusting his fingers in and out, curving when he was fully in. hitting the sensitive spots. "mmgh-!" you moaned out and kazu was loving your little noises. but your body tensed up when you felt a breath shudder to your clit. "kazu...?" you lift up your head, only to see kazus face right in front of your heat. "just let me do all the work love." those were his final words before his mouth laid on your clit, and it had you in a trance. his tongue circling around the sensitive bud had you spiraling in pleasure.
the way your thick squishy thighs would squeeze his head had him head over heels, hearts in his eyes even. loving the way you squirm to his touch, the way he knew loud and clear he was the one making you scream his name. "k-kazu-! mmgh-!" you hips would buck into his face from the pleasure. the stimulation was something you weren't so used to and it just had you into a stuttering mess.
"let it all out...im here love..scream out my name." he would mutter out before inserting his tongue inside of your hole, and that made you lose it...squirting on the spot. there kazu would lap up your juices and drink...it had you gasping for air, your chest heaving up and down.
"love, you taste amazing.." he would bring his face to yours before kissing your cheek then trailing down to your neck. "you drank it...that's embarrassing..." you whined and kazu would shake his head. "you taste delightful dear...id go again if you'd like." he goes back giving kisses on your neck while his thumb travels to your clit, rubbing small circles which overstimulates you due to your previous orgasm.
"cmon dear...i just want to show you how beautiful you can just be..."
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requests open!
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koszmarnybudyn · 6 months
Here's a long poem about the teens, and growing up and about a lot of things, its called "You have to kill god"
You and your besties need to kill god, maybe you were always destined to, fate is such a picky woman after all, you didnt ask for it, there should have been better options, maybe there were, older, stronger wiser, but there all useless now. You didn't want to kill god, not untill you were in highschool, not untill you saw the incocent die, not untill you saw the ones in power as corrupt, your kindegarden teacher smiled so wide as those kids grew up much faster than they should, oh so wide, you did too you think, the clothes from a few weeks ago dont fit anymore, the photos on the walls feel fake, you shouldnt look so young, it doesnt feel like you, but it is, youve changed, it hurts, and isnt that the thing that comes for us all, after all youve seen death, you know heaven and you know hell and you know they are both shells of what they told you, both run by incompetent assholes, so you have to kill god, there is no debate. The mayor died, i guess nurture failed after all, youve been destined to be what you are, and what you are is nothing, the blood you have has always dragged you here, the first hands to hold you were the ones to burn those marks into your soul, do you have a soul? You share one, so you must, but maybe you dont maybe you are as hollow as you feel, he didn't, do you even remember him? You never did. hes back, he is going to die, he said he loved you, you dont think he lied, but youve been wrong about many things. You know this one, you have to kill god, he never hugged you enough, he wasnt there enough, will you be the same? Will your hands also hurt more than they create, will the act of creation be something worse than that of destroying. Will your children ever forgive you, will you love them enough? You were never enough, they never liked you, you now know there is a diffrence. It hurts, it always hurts. You have to kill god, they were suppose to do it, they failed, they always fail, dont you always fail as well? You tried so so hard, you studied, you learned you listened, it wasnt enough, its stupid, its like soooo stupid, you shouldnt care, youre cool like that, you still care. You always cared, more than you should have. You have to kill god, hes stupid, he tried to be like you, well he pretended to be, you belived him, you freed him, he lied. They voted for him, he was beloved, your mom loves him, your dad loves him, you never got the hype, maybe you tried it, they spoke so highly of him, in his nice suit and with his firm handshake, with his perfect smile, he nearly got you and your friends arrested, he nearly got you killed, he made the public hate you, you were never safe, were you ever safe? Is anyone ever safe? You dont know, you wish you did, you wish for so many things. That's youth isnt it, being foolish and dumb and trusting people you shouldnt, maybe all adults suck, maybe they all want to see you fail so they can scream about your generation as you crawl up clifs they made by destroying bridges their parents built. Maybe all life is a battle, you were too young to know anything else, they were always fighting, they didnt rest they sacrificed everything, you should be greatful why arent you greatful!! You are so disrespectful!!
...Why dont we talk anymore? You used to be so small, and life was simple, and now with the strechmarks and the too short tshirts came the difficult, there came the power the independance, the knowledge, but you still know nothing, how can you be so dumb. You used to be soooo smart, maybe the world got dumber, the adults seem to, they dont get it, you have to kill god and then theres homework and the extracuricullums and well you gotta sleep sometime so no sorry can't hang out schedules pretty tight sorry guys maybe next month. You know they didnt require seatbellts in cars once? The world got safer, simpler, so why arent you? Why are you still fighting, you should be at the club, sonics maybe, sneaking alcohol into parties, trying vaping, dancing to shitty pop songs, but you arent, you maybe never will, will you even go back to highschool, its probablly ash now, rubble maybe, youve been absent for months, dad talkes about going to sleepovers, the one you did ended in a double kiddnapping. You dont know what youll do in the future, will you have a future? After you kill god maybe, youll go to school, collage, get a job act like everythings normal, carry on, smile, act like the scars you have are from fireworks or dumb accidents, not enemies and spells. You have to kill god, you dont know how, youll have to figure it out, yoy always do, they never gave instuctions for this stuff. You have to kill god, and maybe its not alright, and maybe it never will, but you are trying and you are here with your besties so maybe you can do it, this once.
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merlinfic · 17 days
group ask for lost fics #45
Hi y’all! Below are a few lost fics that us mods just can’t seem to find. That being said, we’re hoping that you lovely followers are able to help! If anyone knows any of the fics below please reply below if you know of a fic!
Note: previous group asks and all lost fics!
Anon 1 asked:
I’ve looked for this particular fic for a long time now, but it was a modern day Christmas fic in which Merlin and Arthur are together and Uther disapproves <<>> I can’t quite remember specifics other then Arthur being jelly of Merlin dating someone else? Or something to that effect anyway long story short they wind up together in the end and Uther gets past his bias X’D I’m sad to see you guys go, but I’m so grateful for all the fic recs that have been left <33333
Anon 2 asked:
hi! thank you so much for all your hard work over the years and helping to keep this fandom alive, ive got a lost fic. i dont remember much but there was a noble of some kind who was mistreating servants and he tried to mistreat gwen and merlin stepped in for her and then arthur came to save the day. thank you !! <3
miraniel asked:
Combed all the tags I could think of & still can't find this fic, worried it's deleted: Merlin, Gwen & Gwaine r captured by bandits/minions looking for Emrys. Merlin casts a protection spell on Gwen before they're caught. Evil sorcerer tries to take Emrys's power by absorbing it into a (staff? crystal?) but absorbs Merlin's soul too. Rest of fic is about getting M's soul back in his body. At one point, he & Arthur share a body. I think Kilgarrah fixes them in the end. Ty SO much! Love this blog!
Anon 3 asked:
hello! do you perhaps know what fic those quotes are from? do you know how much i love you? do you know that i would do anything for you, anything at all? crown and kingdom and anything ever promised to me, i’d give it up, i’d give it all up—tell me, do you know? / and arthur loves him, he loves him so much that he fears his chest will splinter open and spill all of it into the space between them.
Anon 4 asked:
there was this fic i read some while back where merlin was a royal, and arthur and merlin were like bffs. i think arthur was the head knight?? there was a particular scene were merlin got a dragon tattoo on his back. i wonder if you might know which fic this is? thank u so much
the-tortoise-lady asked:
Hi :D I adore you people!! I'm looking for a fic set in Camelot, where Merlin is hurt (I think it was something with his leg? Not sure tho) and then Arthur spends a lot of time with Merlin, caring for him a bit? And there's one moment I remember when he's reading to Merlin and they're all cuddled up on some sort of sofa and there's a lot of emotions and feels? And fire in the fireplace? It's definitely Merlin/Arthur I think, I guess there also were some love confessions? I just sadly can't seem to find it.. I know that I read it on ao3 I hope you can find it (no pressure tho please!!) Lots of love and appreciation and a big thank u from me :)
Anon 5 asked:
Hi, I hope you have a nice day :) I've scoured the internet and also your page for this specific fanfic that I read a while back. Essentially Arthur finds out about Merlin's magic and holds him at swordpoint. They stand right next to a cliff and Merlin startles which makes him fall off. Merlin then discovers his own immortality, when he wakes up at the bottom of the cliff. But him being kept alive does not mean he is healed of his injuries. He puts himself back together for months down there if I remember correctly. The druids show up to help at a certain point I think. Please help me, I loved that fic so much :(
thelady-mary asked:
Hello, I just wanted to say that I'll miss this blog DEARLY and everything you guys did here, it means a lot to me, truly. Ok, so I've ADHD and I can't describe things for shit so I'll put the fanfic I'm looking for as a list. 1- it was some sort of 5+1 type, with multiple chapters, I remember that includes some jealousy and he knows about the magic. It was like Arthur was learning little things about Merlin that he started to love. 2- the things that he learn (and what I remember) was: Merlin's body hair grows really fast and he said that Gaius believe it was an outlet for his magic, they're traveling and M forgot his blade (the thingy that shaves beard) and he has this beautiful beard and long wavy hair by the end of the week, when they come back A is occupied with stuff and didn't saw M all day, but at the end he's back with short hair again saying that Gwen and George helped him with his chores so he could get a hair cut and shave; also A talks about how he recently learn that dyes are expensive and wants to know how M have such a colourful wardrobe and he says he only have two tunics because his mom helped a merchant out once and he gave her two pieces of fabric with she made the tunics and his neckerchiefs; Merlin knows how to write beautifully, calligraphy and all, M gets sick in this part and they communicate via little notes send it via George who told A that he was hesitaning into giving him M's note on the beginning because he thought it was improper, A keeps one that says "I believe in you" because he needs it emotionally; Merlin can compose music and he did compose and wrote an entire play (or just one song, I don't remember much), he dedicated one song to Arthur. 3- Arthur makes an announcement talking about love and union, looking directly at Merlin, hoping that he would understand that it was more or less about his feelings for him. 4- the song dedicated to Arthur it was about a Knight falling in love with his servant (and I believe running away with him, but don't quote me on that) 5- Arthur believes that the song is about Lance and Merlin's relationship, since is about a knight and not a King, and decided to go after him thinking his heart belongs to another. 6- Merlin confess that he wrote the song dedicated to him and ask what he thought about it, but Arthur is still under the wrong assumption and says that he liked the "song about the boat" better. 7- Merlin is devastated and I remember Arthur seeing him with Lancelot, with him giving him comfort 8- I don't remember how, but they confess to one another and have a little fight over the song part. And this is all I remember, I'm sorry if is really big or even impossible, but I'm desperate.
Anon 6 asked:
Hello! First of all, thank you for the years you've spent helping so many of us with finding fics, it really is very appreciated. Now, I've been wondering whether to ask or not for help with finding this fic for a while, but knowing you're going to soon close it up made me get over my shyness and just ask. The fic has Gwaine, Merlin and Arthur out doing... Something, and Merlin is forced to use his magic. Gwaine takes the fall, and Arthur banishes him to the nearby kingdom. I specifically remember Gwaine hugging Merlin and making him notice thar Arthur only drew out his sword after thinking it wasn't Merlin the sorcerer. The next part (I can't remember if it was a new chapter or a new part, sorry) has Arthur needing a sorcerer's help to decurse a land, I think, so the the knights of the round table all go to retrieve Gwaine. He and Merlin try to keep the lie up a bit, but then the truth comes out. That's all I remember, I hope it's enough. Thank you a
As always, this post will be updated if/when any fics are found!
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
I have so many ideas but none of them can be put into words, all I can do is just wheeze as they come along🤣
Also remember how wordy and flowery Teyvat speech/dialogue is? ADD THAT TO THE FACT THAT TEYVAT HAS ITS OWN LANGUAGE---
Reader can understand the basic speech which is why they are so blunt (I love this idea so much 🤣) and can piece together an idea what the person is talking about.
*insert random person talking about a commission with a long ass backstory*
Traveller & Co.: *understands completely and making plans to retrieve said commission*
C!Reader: (They said they had a cart.... a bunch of hilichurls appeared... dancing?.... they want us to dance fight the hilichurls???? Dance off???)
Actual story->The person's cart got ambushed by a group of hilichurls and taunted them by dancing around it.
....... it doesnt always translate well
Also imagine Reader heaeing random names and overthinks it as a word instead of a name.
Example: Pantalone means pants in Philippine English (sorry not sorry Pantalone)
Tsaritsa??? Oh do they speak russian there??? - reader
Capitano -> captain in some countries
(I once mistake Sandrone as Sandalone and I just went "... ehh??? Standalone? Sandalone as in Sand Alone???? Sandal (Flip flops)????
Oh wait its Sandrone" ".... as in Sand and Drone??--)
-Vine Boom
Gif is me writing u anything ever:
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Man theyre written language looks so scary to learn, kinda like when I looked into trying to learn Mandarin/Japanese (and even Korean), the letters r just inherently so different i was so intimidated
And u dont even read it like left -> right like English
Omg i tried to reply to a arabic comment on my art post once, and i felt so acommplished when i finally was able to type "اشكرك (thanks)" but like, i had to put it on the OTHER SIDE OF THE TEXT BOX, LIKE ALIGN IT TO THE RIGHT INSTEAD OF HOW U KNOW ENGLISH IS INHERENTLY ALIGNED LEFT, IT WAS SO TRIPPY-
Going thru genshin life only understanding minimal words of anything anyone says is honestly how i feel like ive been playing Genshin LMAO
Those analysis videos/lore are saving a bitch's life out here
That would literally be you in genshin tho, like i could easily see it being like, back to back misunderstandings 😭😭
Like u think u got it right (Oh so his name is Rex Lapis, wait what? Morax? Ok his name is Morax...?? What??? Zhongli??? WHO IS THIS MAN-)
JFC first they gotta have a whole different language (like u saw in game)
No... just, no.
U quickly decide u like what little bits of language u could pick up so far, which just results in,
U guessed it, simple speech and short fragmented sentences (or broken Teyvatian)
U cant even bring urself to care when u give half the characters a heart attack and send the rest into laughing fits
No fucks given, they wanna make this extra hard on u by being wordy on top of a new language,
Yeah u dont care what comes out of ur mouth anymore
Also, since everybody is raised in Teyvat very few ppl dont know the language, which once again brings us back to ancient/older deities/creatures who have a more simplistic version/outdated version of modern language
Omg getting stuff mistranslated bc u cant understand it all/only keywords sounds like hell but also rlly funny
Traveler/Paimon: "Alright, yes, all is well. We will accept this comission, and depart soon."
You: "...they want us to?? Dance fight?? Hilichurls...???"
Traveler just stares at u half in pity, half trying to hide their amused smile, Paimon is giggling
The commissioner is shook bc a supposed ancient creature?? Just accepted?? Their simple commission?? And u think they want u to dance battle???
Signora: "You shall rue the day you crossed the Fatui mortals!"
You: "Lady we don't care, just fight us."
(Signora just means 'Lady')
Signora: *offended gasp*
Traveler/Paimon trying to stifle laughter
Raiden Shogun jaw dropped a little
Pantalone: "What a pleasure to finally meet you traveler, and thine wonderful companions!" *little bastard smile*
You: "And it was awful to meet you, Pants."
Oh its so funny, everytime you talk about Childe you always phrase it like he's an actual child bc u thought everyone was just calling him a little kid for some reason (u dont know how Teyvat ages work, he could be for all you know!)
Not very long, but Vine Boom anon your brain >>>>
Ur ideas r so on point, i love them sm
That makes perfect sense why u could be talking blunt too, like an in world explanation really
For you, all the desserts🥰 🤲🍪🍨🍰🍮🧋🍦🍡
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