#i had this journal for years
windydrawallday · 1 month
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WHAT?! Is the anniversary of Bionicle?
And here I am, without much to share visually AAAAAA BUT HEY! I decided to compile my fav bunch of art I did during those years of the Reboot/G2 that made me rediscover such a cool franchise (and the last artworks are two of the most modern ones).
Plus, I can really say that without these art experimentations, I wouldn't have developed so many of my modern rendering techniques!
So, cheers to it and everyone that keeps enjoying it and/or found a muse in it like I did x)
This brand too has the privilege of being my true first robot hell bahaha
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infamous-if · 1 year
okay but most important question……. did seven bin the letter after the break up 😭
no it's written in their journal (the same one sev was writing in during the night bus scene giggles)
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eerna · 4 months
Educated by Tara Westover got me so good I opened my reading notes folder for the first time in 2 years
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Oh you think you were a fan of Maysilee Donner, Haymitch Abernathy, Haymitch’s family + girlfriend, Katniss’s parents, Plutarch Heavensbee, the Undersees, the second Quarter Quell, etc, BEFORE Sunrise on the Reaping was announced?
How many of you wrote FANFICTION about them???
No seriously I’m not doubting you I just want some fanfic recs-
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aropride · 6 months
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this post was a game changer for me. thank you ryan reynolds
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mintaikk · 6 months
Me reading a fic where the person had an identidy realization that they were in he aroace spectrum and now they were figuring themselves out(I finally found something that understood me and a romance I could relate to after all these years)
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rexscanonwife · 5 months
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Ok FINE maybe I'll listen to Epic the Musical
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blackbackedjackal · 8 months
I have a little Sandshrew figure on my desk I fidget with and I call her Stimshrew.
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goldkirk · 24 days
past me squirreled away so many little bread crumbs over the years to lead me back to information and records and things that I kept that I didn’t consciously allow myself to understand I might need someday again
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l35213 · 2 months
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“daddy’s gone away, sammy… he didn’t want to, but he had to. but he loves us. and you’ll see him again”
four year old sam tyler just wanting his dad to stay 🤝 thirty seven year old sam tyler just wanting his dad to stay
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capricores · 1 year
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・venus retrograde reflections ・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
with the amount of planets currently stationed retrograde, a lot of us may be feeling quite overwhelmed and stuck in our own heads. when a planet goes retrograde, it tends to cause us to look heavily inwards. retrogrades are about reflecting, specifically reflecting on the themes that planet is connected to. this post is focused on venus retrograde. venus connects heavily to two themes especially: relationships (romantic, platonic, familial and self) and finance.
journal prompts, or general questions to ponder during this period:
who in my life makes me feel energized, supported, seen? why?
who in my life leaves me feeling drained, upset? why?
how do i currently speak to myself? would i speak to a loved one the way i speak to myself? why or why not?
how am i taking care of myself currently and ensuring my own needs are met? am i truly showing up for myself every single day?
am i balancing a healthy amount of time between nourishing my relationship with myself, as well as my external relationships?
are my current relationships supportive/aligned with who i am becoming, and where i want to go? do i feel encouraged, or held back, by those in my life?
are there any relationships i question continuing? why or why not? what would improve by ending the relationship? what would i miss, if anything?
how can i improve the way i treat myself? how can i show myself more love and care?
am i showing up in my friendships? am i giving my friends the care and support they deserve? is there anything i should change in regards to the way i handle my friendships, and interact with my friends?
how would you define a healthy relationship? what are your major needs in a relationship (platonic and/or romantic)? are these needs being met by those in your life?
how am i currently managing my finances?
what could i do to improve my financial situation? what good financial habits could i adopt?
how does my living space make me feel? does it bring comfort? if not, what can i do within my means to make the space more for me?
what are my greatest values in life? am i living in a way that aligns with these values? am i embodying these values? are my relationships supportive of my values?
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cadaverousdecay · 11 months
i’m so overwhelmed by things that shouldn’t be overwhelming...
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keykidpilipili · 3 months
Me: I'm going to check stuff on the author of the Journal for an Atlantis KH fic.
Atlantis wiki: *doesn't cite any source*
Me: Okay then! Disney Wiki?
Disney Wiki: *also doesn't cite any source*
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yawpyawp · 5 months
a year ago today i had to say goodbye to my amazing boye Pi
i miss him so much every day
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the---hermit · 1 year
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New books for my English lit class.
Today was my first day of in person class of this academic year. The day was an odyssey but at the end it was a good day. I was nervous to start again, as always, and my commute was very stressful. I got to town late and I ran to a bookstore to look for the two books I was missing for this class, and only found one. I got to uni in time, but almost got lost while looking for the lecture room. I spotted a couple of people in my class who I think might be queer but I didn't have enough courage to talk to them, maybe tomorrow I will try to start a conversation. I did chat a tiny bit with a girl who sat next to me, but no more than that. It's still great progress compared to last year where in my first in person class I felt frozen and terrified all of the time I could speak to people. The professor and thr class gave me a good impression. It will be quite challenging because the material's a lot (to be frank it's more material than an exam of this value should have in my opinion) but I am very intrigued and excited for this class. We will try to analize politics, religion and society through two Shakespears plays and Milton's Paradise Lost (if you have been reading my post for a while now you know I attempted to read it myself and then put it on hold but I am so happy to finally read it and work on it!!). The class ended early so I went to my favourite indipendent bookstore in the hopes they had the book I was still missing and they did! And I fell in love with that place again. I was tempted by another book but I didn't get it as at the moment I have another couple of books at the top of my wishlist. I really have to make an effort to prioritize going there instead to other bigger bookstore. I am kind of exhausted now but I plan on relaxing for the rest of the night and crocheting a bit.
Cozy hobbit autumn activities and productivity:
6 am morning routine
Read first thing in the morning
Made and packed lunch for the day
Lost myself watching the mist on the mountains as I waited for my bus
Walked around town to look for my books and to got to uni and back
3 hour English lit lecture
Daily practice of duolingo
Caught up with podcasts
📖: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, The Burning God by R.F. Kuang
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blackbackedjackal · 6 months
I miss my taxidermy mentor. Like my ACTUAL mentor.
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