#i hate these kinds of ideas because i refuse to believe a ship did not find each other in every universe but it doesn’t stop one from
cartsandhorses · 4 months
Those aus where the characters never meet but it’s hannigram and they just don’t have a reason to. Not that that would stop them but maybe Will was recommended a different psychiatrist or left the field entirely, dropped off the face of the earth. He would be the talk of psychiatric circles but Hannibal would never have a reason or opportunity to seek him out. Hear his name in passing and move on, never see his face and fall in love. And maybe they walk by each other but by the time they look back it’s too late. A brushing of shoulders Hannibal would find rude and that Will would go out of his way to avoid but didn’t. A scent that Hannibal inhales and can’t let go of (he wants to, it bothers him) but can’t trace its source because Will already walked away. But he had gone still. Just for a moment, uncertain of why…
They never do get an answer. Not this time. Perhaps they’ll both feel something missing, distantly and locked away.
It’s like outside forces divine intervention are keeping them apart.
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milksnake-tea · 1 year
Imagine Yaoshi x Reader x Nanook. With how they act in lores and how there is not much canon information about the personalities + encounters or interactions yet. My brain already has so much ideas about what's gonna happen if we put them both together :)
pairing: nanook x gn!reader x yaoshi (general relationship hcs)
word count: 785
warnings: possible spoilers for hsr !! involves xianzhou stuff iykyk
a/n: it's the way that i knew this would be a request- also this got long i apologize HAHSHSHH
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First off, congrats. I have no idea how you managed to coerce these two into sharing because the last thing either wanted was to share something with the other.
Compromise is absolutely fundamental in this relationship. Yaoshi and Nanook are Aeons whose ideologies are in direct conflict, and you'll have to act as their middle ground. Arguments aren't common (they both believe that they're above such petty disputes), but in the beginning of the relationship, the tension was undeniable.
Nanook firmly believes that civilization was a mistake, and neither Yaoshi nor you can change that. Yaoshi can pout and give Nanook the look all they want, but nothing is stopping Nanook from bringing planet after planet down.
Likewise, Yaoshi's gifts of immortality, along with their side effects of mara, tend to irk Nanook, only furthering their belief that destruction was the only salvation left for the universe (Yaoshi would continue to assert that the mara wasn't their fault).
But when you come into the picture, you force them to put their differences aside - because if there's one thing that the two of them can agree on, it's you. If it's for you, they're willing to push aside their ongoing war with one another. If it's you, they'll ignore the fact that they openly hated the other.
Yaoshi thought that such a cold being as Nanook wasn't deserving of a partner such as you. Nanook didn't love or embrace you like Yaoshi did, didn't cradle and pamper you like the Abundance.
As a result, Yaoshi loved to remind them of their negligence, although now, it's more of a playful jest if anything. They'd whine about how Nanook was barely home, despite Yaoshi constantly being on the run themselves, and the fact that as Aeons, they don't have a set "home".
For the most part, Nanook was unbothered by Yaoshi's remarks, with the most coming out of them being a roll of the eyes. They didn't care how their affection may have come across, the only thing mattering to them was that you were safe and happy.
The two of them used to fight over you all the time - Nanook would often snatch you right off of Yaoshi's lap, and Yaoshi would refuse to hand you over. But soon, they learned to tolerate the other's existence, and eventually that tolerance would turn into a begrudging adoration.
In this relationship, Yaoshi is inertly more affectionate (and possessive) than Nanook is. Nanook isn't... They're not exactly in tune with desires of any kind, much less the kind that comes with a romantic relationship. Yaoshi, on the other hand, is an empathetic soul who loves and sympathizes with creatures from all walks of life.
Yaoshi coddles you, and makes sure that not only are you loved, but that you feel loved. They are gentle and tender with you, often playing with your hands or hair, and pressing kisses wherever they can. They sing you praises to their Disciples and the Denizens, who adore you just as much as their Aeon.
On the other hand, Nanook's "love", if you could even call it that, comes in the form of protection. The Antimatter Legion, when they're not wreaking havoc upon other planets, become your personal bodyguards. Yaoshi in particular takes advantage of this, often using the Legion to fend off any Xianzhou ships looking to hunt them down.
But this isn't to say that Nanook doesn't have their moments. When they manage to pry you away from Yaoshi's arms, Nanook likes to hold you as they go about their business. You'd be laying in their arms, pressed against their chest as you watch the destruction of a planet as you would a movie. Rarely are any words said in these moments, but they are just as intimate as Yaoshi's affections.
The universe knows you as the Mediator, the tamer of the two most hated Aeons in the universe. Being the significant other of not one, but two Aeons certainly comes with its benefits - and that being that practically nothing can touch you. There are some who feel pity for you, others who envy you.
But there are also those such as the Aeon Xipe who are grateful for your existence, for you are responsible for keeping Yaoshi and Nanook in check. In Xipe's eyes, if such opposing Aeons as Yaoshi and Nanook can work in tandem, then there is hope for a unified universe.
All in all, this relationship can only work if each member puts forth the effort to make it work. It's rocky in the beginning, even more so than others, and requires so much more patience. But if you can manage to pull through, the rewards are sweeter than any fruit.
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mccromy · 3 months
The beauty of QuanYin is that they have all the things that make HuaLian so good, but instead of bringing them together, it teared them appart.
I am talking about faith.
The things is, half of the ship is an autistic guy who's extremely good at one thing (kicking ass) and often gets infantilized by other characters or treated as if he's stupid, just for ignoring social niceties and refusing to entertain the idea that the only person who's shown him kindness is actually an evil lying snake who always secretly hated him.
And the other half of the ship is a guy who's main goal was always to just be a good person AND kick ass, but who's also always been an overachiever, so he wants to be Perfect at being kind and aims to ascend as a Martial God. His standards for himself are so high, he believes that thinking unkind thoughts means he failed (got a bad grade at being good), and doesn't understand why the man who only cares and understand actions, facts, and spoken words would believe him to be a Perfectly Kind person.
Because Yin Yu not only was outwardly kind to Quan Yizhen, but he also always tried to get others to be good to him as well. What's more, he didn't start resenting or thinking badly of Quan Yizhen until their ascension, and even then he never took it out on Quan Yizhen. Until he snapped at the worst possible moment.
Quan Yizhen knows Yin Yu is the sort of person that would always choose to do the right thing, no matter how difficult. So, if Yin Yu ever chose to hurt him, then either it must've been a misunderstanding, or he must have had a good reason. Because for Quan Yizhen, if there was anybody in the world he could trust, it was Yin Yu.
And Yin Yu, who's set unachievable standars for himself, feels that resenting someone who's blameless makes him awful and unworthy, and not merely human and flawed. And having Quan Yizhen see him as the man Yin Yu wants to be, but actually isn't, hurts him deeply, because he's not good or kind, he's petty and jealous. I feel he must have been terrified of disappointing Quan Yizhen, which he probably saw as an unavoidable outcome now that his shidi had the opportunity to truly shine in heavens
And it's not only Quan Yizhen believing Yin Yu to be perfect (which he doesn't, but I'll get to that later) but it's also Yin Yu believing Quan Yizhen is perfect. He's everything he wants to be, a true Martial God. And whatever flaw makes Quan Yizhen so unpalatable to others, Yin Yu sees them as unavoidable of being Quan Yizhen. Not good or bad, but expected, justifiable. (Can you really get angry at the sun if it burns you, how can you blame a bee for stinging you? Did you really expect you wouldn't get wet walking unprotected in the pouring rain.)
If Quan Yizhen is arrogant and tactless it's because he's naturally strong and honest. Quan Yizhen's bluntness means he's not two faced (like Yin Yu), it doesn't matter that Quan Yizhen can't read the room, because Quan Yizhen is above caring how he comes across to others (like Yin Yu does), if you think Quan Yizhen is annoying then that's not his fault, it's yours for not being as good as he is (Yin Yu sometimes finds him annoying).
QuanYin parallels HuaLian not only in the devotion, tirelessly searching, ghost/god relationship, but in the "unconditional belief in the other" more so even, because they had more time spent together getting to know each other. This faith wasn't built on sacrifices, on saving lives, on deeds of decisive righteousness.
This faith was built on years of growing up together.
Quan Yizhen believes in Yin Yu, because he knows Yin Yu will always choose to do the right thing. Yin Yu believes in Quan Yizhen, because he knows Quan Yizhen is as honest as he is loyal. They see the best in the other and know that it's fact (and it is!) but at the same time, that certainty hurt them both in a way it never did hualian. With Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, that unconditional faith meant salvation. To Quan Yizhen and Yin Yu, it led to them falling apart.
Quan Yizhen knows Yin Yu is good, because Yin Yu always chooses to do good things. Yin Yu thinks himself to be a liar and knows Quan Yizhen thinks Yin Yu is good, because Quan Yizhen would never lie. Because Yin Yu will always want to be good, he won't admit to Quan Yizhen his steadfast belief in him hurts him, because it would mean admitting just how small and petty he is, and it could lead to Quan Yizhen seeing Yin Yu's true self, and as Quan Yizhen is frank to a painful degree, he would immediately let him know how disappointed he is. And as Quan Yizhen is so honest, he literally calls it as he sees it. If Quan Yizhen sees Yin Yu as not enough, it means Yin Yu is not enough. Quan Yizhen is not to blame for Yin Yu's flaws, and so the right thing to do (for Quan Yizhen) is to keep being patient and kind, and not take out his own frustrations on a person who would never willingly hurt him. To keep Quan Yizhen seeing Yin Yu as perfect.
Their faith in the other keeps them apart. And this is because unlike with Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, they didn't start as god and believer, but as martial brothers of the same sect, who eventually reached divinity, and held for the other a certainty of righteousness only the most devoted would hold for a god.
And the sad thing is that they were both right. But the things that make someone good for one of them, would not cut it for the other.
Yin Yu thinks, if my actions are good but hide resentment and hate, then they aren't good at all. They're fake, and so, worthless.
Quan Yizhen thinks, if my actions hurt others even when there was only love and good intentions behind them, then what good are they? They're worthless.
Yin Yu ends up hating Quan Yizhen, but not as Jian Yu or the other gods or disciples hated him, just for being as he was. Yin Yu hates Quan Yizhen because Quan Yizhen turned him into the sort of person he never wanted to be. He resents him because Quan Yizhen shone so bright Yin Yu realized he was a candle flame under daylight. Because Quan Yizhen was good in a way Yin Yu would never be, plagued with envy and not a lick of talent.
Yin Yu doesn't actually blame Quan Yizhen for his downfall, he blames Quan Yizhen for leading Yin Yu to cause it. Yin Yu hates Quan Yizhen because he makes Yin Yu hate himself. And, in the end, Yin Yu will always hate himself more than he could ever hate Quan Yizhen. Yin Yu hates himself, because he hates someone he loves. He hated himself because he couldn't understand how someone could ever want to hurt Quan Yizhen, and then Yin Yu hurt him in the worst way possible. The moment Yin Yu lost control, his ugly inner self spilled out. Yin Yu hurt someone good, someone who never deserved to be hurt, and besides that dares resent him for showing Yin Yu how rotten he was inside. Which makes Yin Yu hate himself further, because now he's become the sort of person he always hated the most. And even at the end, as he died for Quan Yizhen, he could not let go of his resentment. He just couldn't let it go.
There's no end to it. It's self fueling and self fulfilling.
On his part, Quan Yizhen would never blame Yin Yu. He would never hate him.
Let's look at this through a more personal lent. I know many people, especially neurodivergent people, struggle with the constant anxiety of your friends and family secretly hating you (I know I do). Finding out that someone you thought was your friend actually couldn't stand you, would make you feel cheated, betrayed. And most likely, it would lead you to believe this was your fault. If your friend hated you, it's because you're unlovable (by the way, that's not how it works, but it is how it makes people feel).
Now, people never cared about Quan Yizhen's feelings. They would talk badly about him with no regard if he was listening, would be hostile if not patronizing. Would openly resent him for things he couldn't understand, blame him for things out of his control (for example, blatant favoritism from his teachers).
There was always someone who cared about Quan Yizhen's feelings. Who never spoke badly of him. Who always admonished the people who patronized him or blamed him, even if Quan Yizhen was not around to hear him defend him. Who actually got into trouble by taking responsibility for Quan Yizhen's actions, repeatedly. Who always took Quan Yizhen's side, who saw talent in him when others only saw a dirty street rat. Someone who patiently reassured him that if others thought Quan Yizhen was annoying, it was their fault for getting annoyed, and not Yizhen's.
Someone who, when given the chance to leave him behind in a way nobody would blink twice at, brought him along and kept him by his side. Someone who chose him time and time again.
Quan Yizhen did have an inkling that he sometimes annoyed Yin Yu, and was fully aware that he got him into trouble (Jian Yu was never shy when it came to shouting just how much Quan Yizhen was dragging Yin Yu down). And despite all of that, Yin Yu stood by him and cared for him.
There was a time he knew Yin Yu loved him, and if Yin Yu didn't love him at least he would never hurt him, he would never let others hurt him.
And then, suddenly, Yin Yu tried to kill him. In strange, extreme circumstances: right after Quan Yizhen had brutally and unwillingly murdered a number of people, as he was wearing a cursed garment that forced him to do anything Yin Yu told him to, he shouted at Quan Yizhen to kill himself.
It was a series of events that made no sense in the eyes of someone who knew Yin Yu as well as Quan Yizhen did.
So it was either a huge misunderstanding, or Quan Yizhen finally fucked up so bad he became unlovable in the eyes of the only person who mattered.
And now everybody in heaven and earth spoke horribly of the only person who ever cared for Quan Yizhen. The people who claimed to follow and worship Quan Yizhen put on plays meant to humiliate Yin Yu. Others expected him to agree that Yin Yu was a liar, a jealous two-faced snake.
To Quan Yizhen, if they were right ( they weren't) and Yin Yu was a liar who always secretly hated him, then that meant nobody had ever loved Quan Yizhen. And if they were wrong (they were) then it meant Quan Yizhen hurt Yin Yu so badly, did something so awful, the only choice Yin Yu had, the only right choice at the moment, was to make Quan Yizhen kill himself.
Or, it was all a big misunderstanding (hopefully).
Quan Yizhen doesn't think Yin Yu is perfect, he doesn't want him to be either. All he wants is to be good for Yin Yu, to Yin Yu. He loves Yin Yu just as he is.
Yin Yu already believes Quan Yizhen is good, and to, and for Yin Yu. Is Yin Yu who is bad. Yin Yu who's unlovable.
Hua Cheng had faith in Xie Lian's inherent goodness. When Xie Lian stopped believing in himself, Hua Cheng's faith and unconditional love saved him.
But Hua Cheng never saw himself as an equal, just as a stepping stone, the incense in Xie Lian's altar. He loved and worshipped him, and he was content to see him safe and happy. And when Xie Lian saw him as someone deserving of love, even if Hua Cheng didn't believe it himself, he believed in Xie Lian
Quan Yizhen and Yin Yu wanted to be equals, they wanted to stand side by side. And to achieve said equality, they set standards to strive for, based on the way they saw the other. But they would never reach their goals together, because they set them in opposite directions.
Had they started as god and devotee, then it would've played similarly as HuaLian did: I am worthy because you believe I'm worthy. I am lovable because you love me. I'm good because you think I'm good. I can do anything because you trust me.
For QuanYin, though, it went: I am unworthy because I'm not like you. I am unlovable because I can't love myself through your eyes. I'm not good because I'm not good the way you are. Please don't trust me, I'll disappoint you. I'll let you down, I'll let you down, I'll let you down.
Yin Yu could not stand the idea of Quan Yizhen secretly hating him, so he hid to never be faced with it. Quan Yizhen would gladly take Yin Yu hating his guts, as long as he hated him within arm's reach.
Miscommunication caused by knowing each other so well, they were convinced they could not miscommunicate.
Self loathing born out of loving the things that made the other hate themselves.
But since their inner turmoil and personal struggles manifest in two clowns running in circles, people tend to, understandably, overlook them in favor of the considerably more dramatic BeefLeaf, or the outwardly antagonistic FengQing —both ships counting with further on-text development, higher stakes, and heavier emotional baggage than our humble, relatable QuanYin.
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missheavenfield1215 · 29 days
I think taking the relationship between Beetlejuice and Lydia for granted in the new film is too hasty to say.
I know it's hard to tell them not to be hopeful when they've already released this kind of official material. I mean, have you seen this?!
Or the certainty that Lydia accepted without hesitation Beetlejuice's proposal to look for her daughter. (although it is more than obvious why she accepted it) min: 3:57
Or even this video... Are you really saying that a relationship is very difficult when you talk about his "relationship" with Lydia??
And let's also talk about this face... Jesus... It seems that Beetlejuice has found the love of his life when he sees Lydia. (Personally I think in the second GIF Beetlejuice is looking at his wedding cake or something else, because it seems that he is still with his back to her)
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But I think there's something they're forgetting.
This has also come out and is behind the scenes.
You can use the ending of the musical (although I doubt it very much, Tim and Michael refuse to see the musical). Here I believe that Beetlejuice will choose Astrid or she herself will offer to marry him to save her mother and so they would kill Beetlejuice, staining her dress with his blood.
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I'm not a person who gets excited when I see some romantic approach, I expect it to really happen.
Have they forgotten the unfinished ship ReyLo?? Zutara's discarded idea?? The bland romance between Lucy and Raoul? The main couple of Wish with Asha and Starboy who they discarded because #feminism?
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I think this could be the same...
I feel like they're not really going to pair Lydia and Beetlejuice. Because even though their deal is transactional, (he helps her find her daughter and she marries him to bring him back to life and get him away from his ex-wife, Delores).
I feel like all these "shows of affection" are a farce... This comes across as:
-"Like why do you say you can't marry me?" "You say it's because you don't love me and I don't either?" "So here, take (literally) my heart and shut up."
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I don't like to be so pessimistic, I really wish they stayed together, because for God's sake, they are an iconic couple in gothic horror and black comedy movies even though they have never really been a couple (plus ALL if not most Tim Burton movies have romance or proof that there was going to be a romance (like an unfinished pairing). As in Alice in Wonderland, Edward Scissorhands, Corpse Bride etc).
If the Beetlebabes is canonized, Tim Burton risks waves and a HUGE amount of hate for "pairing a girl with a disgusting adult" (even though in the movie Lydia is already an adult).
Beetlejuice has a picture of Lydia when she was a teenager, which means that he fell in love with her when she was an underage girl...
Even if he says that Beetlejuice and Lydia were created to be together (as some sort of "soulmates") and that at some point in a sequel they would make that a reality, there will be a lot of people who will be very angry about this.
I really don't think Tim Burton would risk all the criticism and hate...
Unless he makes the decision to defend this Ship openly, he will not do so without at least giving as an example the musical, whose directors ignored that detail (of the "soulmates", Perhaps because of the pressure to be politically correct by Broadway standards) because they did it at his expense and not with his help...
Let's remember that the musical and everything in it, is not from Tim Burton's own mind, but they did do what they wanted with his characters without consulting him first.
But I still thinking that claiming victory so hastily would be very bad for the whole Fandom.
I ask you not to celebrate such an abrupt "triumph"... The film has not yet been released.
I ask you to wait at least until the premiere of the film.
I ask you to wait until it is 100% confirmed.
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theheirofthesharingan · 2 months
Now, I only see mindless hate for Itachi on this platform from the fandom activists, awful disrespect aimed at Sasuke on other platforms from the dudebros, and severe lack of fics on him and Itachi,>>>
^You wrote that in a post. I would gladly write more Itachi fics, but after having been plagiarized I refuse to anymore. Plagiarism is a big issue in the Naruto fandom. It's very easily done too, despite writers believing they'll get away with it and thinking those of use who knows our fics inside and out won't notice. Plagiarism comes in many forms, from outright stealing blocks of texts to stealing fanfic tropes to stealing original ideas and attempting to pass it off as our own, to "borrowing" ideas from others without discussion, to even stalking other blogs for reference to what they're doing. I've had a writer steal my one shot idea and at the end in the notes, attempt to explain how they "did it better". It is a huge problem. I've seen more popular blogs plagiarize and act absolutely nonchalant about it. They get away with it simply because they think they can. Until this issue of plagiarism is dealt with don't expect writers to want to post their fics or any kind of writing, here or on A03.
I'm going to sound rude or blunt... Take your pick.
But I'm not sure why you thought you had to take that post personally. Apparently, there can be countless fics on ships and can be churned out every hour, but not on Itachi and Sasuke because of plagiarism. If plagiarism is the reason then all other fics need to be stopped too. Why do people have to draw the line with Itachi and Sasuke only?
This should not be a reason for the lack of fics on them when AO3 abounds with SNS, NH, SS, and other ship fics. Its simple reason is that people don't appreciate Itachi and Sasuke's bond as much as I think they should. His ships are more popular even though the person he loved the most was Itachi.
If you don't feel like writing you don't have to. That's a valid reason. But it wasn't about you. So I digress.
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teecupangel · 1 year
so I have an idea what if Haytham Kenway is a yandere because of his desire of no longer wanting to lose things precious to him that started after being left by Ziio and goes full on platonic yandere for Ratohnhaké:tön,  when he learns he is his and Ziio’s son and we could also add adewale to the mix of someone he doesn’t want to lose because he is the only living connection left of his father
I feel like we would need a catalyst for this because if he was already a yandere before he met Kaniehtí:io then it wouldn’t make sense that he’ll let Kaniehtí:io go.
So in this case, the catalyst would be the aftermath of saving Jennifer. Not only did he lose one of the few people he actually trusted, Jim Holden. During the funeral, Jennifer hammered in the final coffin and told Haytham that they shouldn’t be stay close and that they were much too broken to become a family once more.
As well as…
“You became one of them, Haytham. The very people who ordered our father’s death and destroyed our family. No matter what kind of man you are underneath that cape of yours, you still choose to remain part of their Order. I cannot…” Jennifer stared at her younger brother…
At the Grand Master of the Templar Order.
“I care for you as my brother but… I also wish I could strangle you…” She placed her hands on Haytham’s neck, “To snuff out the rot of the Kenway name.”
Haytham stayed still, lips curving into a small mirthless smile, as he asked, “Am I truly the rotten one, Jenny?”
“We both are, Haytham.” Jennifer said with a sad smile void of any hope. She dropped her hands and turned away as she said, “Our blood has rot beyond any hope of salvation. Stained by the corruption of the Order and the festering corpse of the Brotherhood.”
“If we truly wish to protect this world…” Jennifer began to walk away as she said, “We would let our blood end with us.”
And the tragedy of it is that Haytham actually believed that Jennifer was right.
The Kenway family was filled with tragedy. Even the happiness he must have had as a child felt like a dying dream.
But, at the same time, he also wanted his life to mean something.
His loyalty to the Order wasn’t because of Birch, it was because he truly did believe in the Order’s ideology.
And he would keep pushing forward…
Until it was time for him to die.
Shay was a tool that needed to be guided to be used effectively.
Or perhaps Haytham was simply pushing such thoughts to keep himself from remembering how the villages refused to let him come even near the forest. He had not seen Ziio at all, could not even ask any of the villagers to deliver his message or to give Ziio the letter he had penned.
Shay was a distraction…
The Colonial Brotherhood was a distraction.
But then…
Adéwalé stayed with them and protected them to the best of his ability.
How cruel his words had been.
“He would be ashamed to see what you have become.”
His father would be ashamed of who he had become… probably.
But his father was dead.
Adéwalé was a part of his father that was still alive.
It was hard to keep him alive. Adéwalé fought knowing it could be his last. Stubborness formed from desperation that left no other choice but to take him down until he was an inch away from death.
Shay had thought he had truly killed Adéwalé.
Haytham let him think that but he kept Adéwalé alive.
Charles didn’t say anything. He was foolishly loyal like that.
And so…
Once Adéwalé was stable, he had him shipped to Jennifer in London.
Jennifer would know what Haytham wanted even if he did not give her any letters at all.
The Colonial Brotherhood was destroyed.
And time marches on.
Haytham still tried.
He tried for so long.
Yet the village remained close to him.
So many times, Haytham had wanted to destroy the village just so it would open its gates.
But Ziio would not want that.
Then again…
Ziio didn’t want to see him at all.
She must hate him.
But Haytham was fine with that.
He was used to being hated.
All he wanted…
… was to have Ziio with him once more.
To hold her in his arms and to protect her.
If she hated him so much, he will build the most beautiful cage for her.
There she will be safe and protected.
That’s when he saw him.
The boy with Achilles.
He looked…
He looked too similar to him to be a coincidence.
Too similar to Ziio.
It had to be…
Why wouldn’t Ziio tell him?
Why would Ziio hide him?
There was no reason to be agitated.
There was no reason to lose all sense of calm.
“Yes, Master Kenway?”
“Capture the child next to Achilles Davenport.” Haytham ordered without looking at their direction. Charles followed him and pretended not to see them, listening as Haytham continued.
“Alive and unharmed. Do I make myself clear, Charles?”
“Of course, Master Kenway.”
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
I love to imagine how shocked and surprised the ranchers and Pearl would be when they both realize that the ranchers don’t fear Pearl and that Pearl isn’t ridiculing the ranchers for even a second
Like they’d be flabbergasted
“Wait your not scared of me??”
“Wait your not gonna make fun of us???”
Just imagine them standing together like that one Spider-Man point meme
Sorry this answer is about to go on a bit of a general ranchers/pearl thought spree but YEAH this, lmao. They have more in common than they'd think!! Alas fate was cruel and it feels like two ships that were so close to meeting but just barely missed each other in the night, sailing right past
Jimmy at least has Tango to not be alone in his ridicule but even with their heads put together they wouldn't have enough brain capacity to care about what others are saying about Pearl. And well, there WAS session 3 when Jimmy shooed Pearl away because of. powdered snow?????? And because she was holding a sculk sensor?? Honestly I don't think Jimmy even at that point cared much about her being labelled as crazy, or didn't perceive it as anything significant, because it never came up unless I'm mistaken? Not once did the ranchers mention that? Jimmy did still break my heart in that moment but I don't think he realized the gravity of what he was doing. I think he was leaning into that more jokingly than anything but also... maybe Scott's presence at that very moment influenced him (cough because flower husbands past cough)
Tango most certainly wouldn't care about what Scott was spreading about Pearl. Scott could come and tell it to his face and he'd be like "uhuh yup!" and then forget immediately because he's Tango (not because he's stupid, he just doesn't think about things he doesn't consider important in relation to him). And Jimmy I think might care more if he weren't in like a happy ranch marriage with Tango and stuff. They'd be aware but not know how deep others' perception of Pearl went, nor would they care unless Pearl wronged them in any significant way
Jimmy wasn't surprised by Pearl's kindness to them in getting the goat horns, probably mostly because he was racking his brain too hard over Minecraft mechanics and being too overjoyed when they did get said horns, but probably also because he expected it to be a one-off thing? But I'd like to think that when Pearl returned to apologize after making a fool of him by stealing Oreo (the horse) with Martyn, and Jimmy kept asking "Are you serious?" when Pearl offered to give the horse back for nothing in exchange this time, that that was when he was really taken aback. Pearl once again showed some form of kindness, even as she was being shunned by everyone (moreso now than in session 2) and as she started to lean into the label of "crazy" that she was given because what else was she to do, all alone? Even then she ran back to Jimmy to apologize and give the horse back. And Jimmy, sweet child, offers friendship at last. But then he got ahead of himself when Pearl asked for confirmation and he went "You know you'd be an even better friend if you gave my horn back too!" and Pearl had to admit she'd already given it to Martyn, after which they kind of just separated without saying much. Clearly Jimmy was disappointed but mm he didn't even proclaim that Pearl wasn't welcome anymore or anything... It was certainly implied through his silence but knowing Jimmy, he would have gotten defensive and made his stance clear, but he didn't, which was either because he didn't want to, because maybe he still wanted to entertain the idea of Pearl making it up to him, OR he was just that fucking sad. He just said "right" and left as Pearl laughed (also I refuse to believe there was malice there in her laugh. What else was she gonna do in response) Either way oh my god I hate it I'm so sad
Anyway so. Their interactions past session 2 were mostly unfortunate but to me it's just... SUCH CRUEL FATE because YOU'RE RIGHT ANON. I really think they could have made it work but because Pearl was in the position that she was in, she didn't consider the idea of ever allying with anyone seriously enough and when she would have, with the ranchers, she'd already felt like she missed her chance. I'd like to imagine her laugh then, when Jimmy left her at the gate of the ranch was that of realization that maybe this friendship really could have happened, but she messed it up. And I'd like to think the ranchers would have still ultimately welcomed her into an alliance, had Pearl not given up trying, because she probably thought that if the ranchers hadn't thought badly of her yet, they must have now. Because no one wanted her, why would the ranchers be an exception? I'm gonna stop my unrefined elongated rant before I completely lose myself um hi hello I'm sorry that I got emotional in response to an anon ask describing the spiderman meme LMAO I'm a bit ill
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shrinkthisviolet · 22 days
1, 7, 8, 9, 19, 21 for Star Wars for the ask game please?
1: the character everyone gets wrong
Luke Skywalker. Everyone writes him as naïve and happy-go-lucky, but like…no?? Even in ANH, he’s snarky and impatient, and he develops throughout the OT into a badass who suffers no fools. Yes, he’s kind and generous towards his loved ones, and he’s very friendly, there’s no doubt about that, but like?? Writing him as an innocent ball of sunshine who can do no harm is just wrong. Luke is kind, but he’s not naïve—he knows fully well what Vader has done and how evil he is, he just also knows, has felt, that there’s good deep down in Vader. He believes when no one else does because he knows he can get through to Vader and change his heart, and he’s right!!
7: what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Kylo Ren. The way some parts of fandom used to (probably still do, but I wouldn’t know) paint Han and Leia as abusive/awful parents and make Kylo the perpetual victim who was forced into every decision he made…as if he wasn’t like 23 when he destroyed(?) the Jedi Academy* and joined Snoke, as if every decision after that wasn’t his own decision—like, come on guys.
*I know there’s a comic that said apparently a lightning storm caused the fire that destroyed the Academy? But Wookieepedia said he’s the one who summoned the storm in the first place, so 🤷‍♀️ who knows. In any case, the distinction is irrelevant to my point
8: common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Anidala isn’t abusive, and I’m sick of people saying that.
“Oh but he choked her!!” Yes, that’s what happens when you fall to the Dark Side and your good traits are twisted/corrupted. You act in ways that are not like you! This is how the Dark Side works (despite what some Star Wars media would have you believe, the Dark Side corrupts, it’s not freeing. It’s an illusion of freedom, but it’s just a trap)
“Oh but Anakin forced her into it!” Nope! He confessed to her, and she turned him down initially, but she made the first move, and there’s no indication that she was forced into marriage.
You don’t have to like them, but saying they’re toxic/abusive is incorrect and I’m tired of seeing that take.
On that note, everyone attributes Vader’s salvation to Luke, and says he’s the person who always believed in Vader…but don’t forget that Padmé did first!! Padmé was the first one to always believe in Anakin, even after the worst had happened, because that’s how strong their love is! Because Anidala was true love!
9: worst part of canon
If not for the sequels, the Luke/Leia kiss would be here. I still hate that so much.
Taking the sequels into account though…the Rey/Kylo kiss. Absolutely awful. Putting aside the fact that I don’t like the ship, there isn’t really much development for this as a ship. Sure, there are some hints of chemistry here and there (mostly in TLJ with Rey slowly developing an interest in redeeming him), but they’re far outweighed by: Kylo kidnapping and torturing Rey, Rey trying to kill Kylo, Rey metaphorically closing the door on Kylo at the end of TLJ, and Rey killing Kylo in TROS and only undoing it because she felt Leia die.
Rey appears to have a change of heart about Kylo in TLJ, but that’s very clearly undone when he refuses to turn back to the Light Side (again, she metaphorically/telepathically slams the door on him)! And she literally kills him in TROS and only undoes it for his mom’s sake! And yet suddenly in the final scene she’s calling him “Ben” and putting her trust in him?? Nope. Not buying it. If I did ship this, I’d be very disappointed about how it was handled, because that’s just sad
19: you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
I'm intrigued by Vaderdala as a concept 😅 not in a genuine healthy relationship way, I think that bridge is burned post-ROTS, but I find the idea of them in a Padmé Lives AU very intriguing. Vader ofc would still harbor feelings for Padmé, and deep down, she would too (she does canonically believe in his goodness), but her loyalty would be first and foremost to the Rebellion and her kids…but also those feelings keep drawing her back to Vaderkin, because a not-so-small part of her wants to redeem him and get her husband back. And he, ofc, wants her by his side as his Empress. It’s just fascinating to me imo
21: part of canon you think is overhyped
ROTS. Listen, listen, I love it too, okay? I love all 3 of the prequels in their own ways. But…even people who hate the prequels claim ROTS is “the good one”, and I just…don’t get it? What exactly makes ROTS sooo much better than the other two? It’s not like ROTS is a perfect movie by any means, it has flaws too, just like TPM and AOTC do. It even has a similar tone. People seem to love it because it’s the moment of Anakin’s descent into Vader, and believe me, I love it too, but…some people love it disingenuously, I feel. One of its big flaws is the lack of Padmé scenes in it, with them all being deleted, so the fact that it’s the most loved of the prequels despite having the least amount of Padmé in it is…weird, ngl
And yes, I know people have complained about those scenes being deleted, this is a common complaint, but that doesn’t seem to have dulled the general consensus that this movie is (one of) The Best Ever.
(On that note though, if you haven’t read the ROTS novelization, please do, it’s absolutely amazing and tbh I’m enjoying it more than the movies, simply because it has more space to expand on certain characters and what they’re thinking, and thus expand on certain scenes. AND it adds the Padmé deleted scenes back!!)
choose violence ask game!
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devine-fem · 10 months
how did YOU get into jondami?
someone asked me… omg 🥺 this MIGHT be a little long so let me take it back.
a while ago, i got into dc because i realized all my friends were really into dc over marvel and id never cared for superheroes but id taken a sudden interest recently after hearing about comics on youtube and they knew i was big into shipping and i loved dark tragic stories and i have one friend that likes the same and they told me to play batman telltale. i had no idea what i was getting myself into… at the end of the fking second game i was a teary eyed MESS. i cried like 9 times dude, like thats the actual number (my friends made a cry counter that night to make fun of me) then from that point on the dc hyperfixation went and i just consumed any game or comic or youtube video i found.
then i was like god, comics are hard to read and i need a fresh restart and fresh characters, like id read batman and superman but where does a girl start… then i found out that their sons had a teamup and they were a duo and i was like, oh this is perfect because theyre like batman and superman, theyre young so theyre learning stuff as well and theyre a duo so i can focus on just them.
there was a collection of four moments of me reading their comics that made me a shipper…
1. a friend of mine was anwsering questions on instagram and put jondami fanart in the back and i was like… theyre a ship? but that was when i read super sons (2017)
2. the moment where damian (after refusing for so long to let him in the titans) he was the ONLY person to raise his hand. i started verbally cussing him out through my phone. ong this whole time you believed in him and seek and find in him for what? for you to act like you hate his presence? sounds gay, damian idk
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3. dceased… i dont care what kind of comphet they threw my way THESE TWO WERE MARRIED AND IN LOVE. this was when i was like okay, ill wait to see their interactions as they grow up together and when theyre older ill ship them… but we all know what happened
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4. this scene. i dont know why but the chemistry and bled out through this seen and them talking about their issues together really got me thinking about how in this world they only really got each other and no one else to truly confide in because of the pressure their fathers give them. damian eating food on the roof with his friend surrounded by his culture just feels so domestic to me
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then i laid down in my lil bed and got to thinking about how they would legitimately make a great couple and then i was like man, if hes aged up ill just ignore and ship him with him in the time where he was still a kid. so then i thought about scenarios as to if jon dated damian instead of pink haired boy and i was like wow… the potential and then i couldnt stop myself…
i eventually needed somewhere to put all this energy because he quickly started taking over my thoughts really really bad lol. so i got tumblr
but thats me
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fernandesart · 2 years
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I have a lot of ideas for my Swan/Bat Prince AU so I also try writing them down, because I can't possibly draw it all. The version I have is a little different from the movie because it just wouldn't work otherwise. Also, this isn't the final version, there are still some parts that I want to work out differently I just don't know how yet:')
Eddie first met Steve when the latter was only a baby. He doesn’t remember anything about it since he was barely two years old himself. Uncle Wayne had been invited, alongside all the other lords, kings and queens in the neighboring kingdoms, to come see the first born of the Harringtons. He had brought his nephew along, because apparently Eddie really wanted to see the new baby. Wayne has never been the type to reminisce, but he does love telling Eddie all about how he taunted Steve with his necklace, one that Eddie got on the day he was born, holding it aloft just a tiny bit too high for Steve’s grabby baby hands.
When Wayne arrived that day, Steve’s parents assumed that the man had finally gotten an heir to the kingdom. A very young heir, which made it even better in their eyes especially now that they just had Steve. Wayne may not be well loved, due to his rather down-to-earth attitude among pompous rich folk, he did possess something that no other kingdom had: a very big port that can house even the biggest of ships. It’s a great asset to add to your kingdom and one that many would love to take advantage of. That includes the Harringtons. They had approached Wayne that night, with the idea to have their sons become friends by letting them play together each summer. Wayne had turned it down, on the account of Eddie being his nephew and not under his care officially.
All of that changes a mere six years later, when Eddie’s parents become tangled in a criminal affair that leads to Eddie’s dad disappearing behind bars. His mother ran away and left everything and everyone behind. Eddie ends up in the care of his uncle, where he already spent most of his time anyway. When Eddie meets Steve officially for the second time later the first year he spends with Wayne, there’s an instant connection and Steve’s parents take another shot. Wayne is in no position to say no when they once again propose for their two boys to meet every summer since the Harringtons are powerful people. So he agrees, knowing damn well why they are so dead set on having them become friends. However, he’s secretly a little hopeful for his nephew to finally hang out with a kid his own age and maybe create a real friendship out of this arrangement.
Eddie comes to believe Steve is just lonely and that’s why they’re making the two of them hang out each summer. After all, Steve’s parents seem to never be around. In the early days, Steve and Eddie were inseparable from the moment they properly met. Steve looked up to Eddie, who seemed so cool even though he was only two years older. But as the years go by, they come to look at each other as annoyances. At Steve’s parents’ insistence, they keep up the tradition of meeting every summer but Steve starts making new friends outside of Eddie. Friends who are exactly the kind of people that Eddie hates and the kind of people that Eddie is secretly terrified Steve will turn into.
Tommy Hagan is an asshole, even at the young age of only ten years old. Yet, Steve still hangs out with him and doesn’t seem to understand why Eddie doesn’t want to play with them, causing their first ever proper fight. Steve eventually comes to apologize, because he doesn’t want to lose his best friend like that. However, he keeps being friends with Tommy and even gets more friends like that. And soon, Eddie comes to be the lonely one since he refuses to be friends with people who take great joy in humiliating him and making fun of him every chance they get. It stings even more when Steve never jumps to his defense.
Still, the arrangement stays. Eddie spends his first couple of teenage years resenting Steve and missing their friendship, watching on how Steve turns more into a shell of himself with those so called friends of his. But Eddie can’t really change anything about it. Steve is far too easily influenced by Tommy and the likes, meaning he has thrown some hurtful comments Eddie’s way whenever he tries. So, he stopped trying. Instead, he spends the summers in Hawkins writing music in his designated room, reading books in Steve’s massive library and hanging around uncle Wayne like a monkey. But he still has his eyes on Steve. Always on Steve, even though he gets more irritating as the summers go by.
When he is seventeen, Eddie feels it for the first time. He was sitting in a little nook outside, watching Steve from a safe distance. Instead of the usual Tommy, a certain Nancy Wheeler was by his side, chuckling at something stupid Steve had said. Nancy had been a new addition to Steve’s squad, a young lady whose noble family had only recently started mingling with the upper-class. The sight made Eddie’s stomach turn and when Steve beams at Nancy, Eddie feels his heart inexplicably break. When the feelings had started, Eddie doesn’t know. All he knows, is that his stupid feelings are pointless and that things between him and Steve will never turn to the way they were, let alone something more.
So Eddie does what he does best, which is to turn away and hide. He all but begs Wayne to not let Steve come over the next year and since Wayne is worried, he messages the Harringtons. Eddie predicably doesn’t hear anything back from Steve. And so, he spends his first summer in ages without Steve in his corner and it makes him less happy than he had hoped.
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tranakin-skywalker · 10 months
u mentioned in an answer about anakin's friends, and while honestly i think if he had stayed in contact with his mother he would be 10% more normal and 10% more fucked up but in a different direction (shmi's learned helplessness would translate into anakin directly being a little more subservient and cautious to everyone around him, but on the other hand shmi would be like, undoing all the grooming palpatine is doing by going 'DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN' while anakin is actually honest to her about what hes lying to the jedi about) or like. at least one of his normal childhood friends (who in legends canonically didn't believe that anakin was vader because they remember him as too kind) but u said he would be besties with sabe and like.
i now must scream at u about my fucked up metamour anisabe my beloved. they love the same woman in ways that no one else apart from them could understand and she looks just like her (if u can look me in the eye and tell me that sabedala isn't toxic you're lying) while he is the one whom she married. she went back to free shmi while anakin never did but he was the one who found her only for her to die in his arms. if it were a polyamourous thing they'd be the only person that the other wouldn't be jealous of because padme loved sabe first and she still fell in love with anakin and she still didn't stop loving sabe but they're still a little jealous. they would both give their lives for her. in a better world they conspire ways to make her scream and also who babysits so the other can have a date night with padme but they're also angsting about the fact that the other has something with her that they can never have. if they ever have sex post padme's death they're both thinking of her the entire time and they only marry so sabe can have custody of the children. anakin is the only person to see sabe as something other than an extension of padme and its only because he sees her as a love rival instead. padme thinks she's cheating on anakin for the beginning of the relationship but sabe and anakin are just coordinating to not have to look at each other. padme has a type and its hypercompetent abolitionists more devoted to her than they are to their principles
sorry for the long ask i just have a lot of feelings about Them (anisabe). i hope u have a nice day
Anakin and Sabe in any relationship context be it romantic or platonic wouldn't be comprehensible to any other lifeform nor would it probably be very healthy, but fuck if it wouldn't be entertaining. I think that's why I like the idea of it. They would just exist on a totally different wavelength.
Just the amount of intense jealousy and competitiveness that would exist between them would make everyone else think that they hated each others guts but if you bring that up they're like "what? No? That's one of my best friends."
I think something that tends to get forgotten is that Anakin and Sabe would have met in TPM, and that's an event that would color the rest of their relationship. Obviously they didn't interact nearly as much as Anakin and Padme did, but they were still existing in close proximity to one another for an extended period of time. Travel time between Naboo/Tatooine and Coruscant used to be about 8 days before Disney fucked it up, so that's 16 days of just being stuck on a ship together, not to mention the before and after of the Battle of Naboo. I refuse to believe they didn't interact at all during any of that.
Anakin's first impression of Sabe would have been as Queen of Naboo, and then as this girl so loyal to Padme that she was willing to die in her place. Likewise, Sabe would have known Anakin as this little boy who is the only reason why they were able to get off of Tatooine and, later, as the reason why they were able to win the Battle of Naboo. No matter their interactions as adults, that history still exists.
I do think that there would be a lot of very complicated feelings between them and a general love-hate thing going on. Like you said, they both did what the other wanted to but couldn't re: with Shmi and Padme. But I think that they would bond in a way that no one else could really understand.
The things that Sabe would have seen and experienced while helping to free slaves on Tatooine isn't something that most other people can relate too, and even fewer could be able to understand the fury and despair over the Republic doing nothing about it. Anakin would be one of the very few people who gets that.
They were both raised since a young age with this expectation that they would be willing to kill and die for a higher cause, one a Queen and the other the Republic. Their lived experiences are just so fucking bonkers, and honestly I think there's a lot of similarities between them and the thinks that they went through. Makes for some good bonding I guess.
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fandomscraziness22 · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by @legolasghosty thank you friend!!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
88!! that's crazy!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
257,528 which is also freaking insane
3. What fandoms do you write for?
lots of different ones! i have the most for julie and the phantoms, but also lockwood and co, the bright sessions, and jurassic world: camp cretaceous/chaos theory. i do have ones for leverage, the flash, the 100, and a few others i think
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
love came crashing in (lco)
Butterflies and Glitter (jatp)
it's like this heart is defenseless (lco)
watching is worse (the second time around) (jatp)
stand up when it's all crashing down (pjo)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! i used to be much better at always responding, but now i can't always muster up the energy to do it
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
literally all of them???? uhhhhh for jatp i've killed just about everyone but the most unmentionable ones are learn to live with the unimaginable (carlos) and i miss the days when (luke survives). for lockwood it's probs but the wolves came and went (and we're still standing) aka my torture fic. one of my personal favs is my flash fic, Betrayal (Or, how he finds out) ALSO ALMOST FORGOT i thought i was innocent (but there is blood all on my hands) for bright sessions!!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i do happen to have some fluff fics!!! you are alive. is one of my favs of my jatp ones, and what a glorious feeling (i'm happy again) for lockwood. also shoutout to i need you like water for my happy green boys kissing in the rain
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! i think i maybe sorta did once, but i just screenshotted it to share with my friends and laugh about it lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
no, but im not opposed to someday doing it. the closest i've gotten is i hate you i love you (i hate that i want you) for bright sessions or what a glorious feeling for locklyle
10. Do you write crossovers?
i sorta did once, but that fic is abandoned. i tend to do more of aus "just the one scene" combining my fav things, but not really crossovers
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, though i wouldn't be opposed!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! me and @anthonyjlockwood have our club au series for jatp, and then our green boys fluff come meet me at the end of the (cereal) aisle
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
oh i cannot ever pick!!! percabeth is a childhood fav, elias/laia from an ember in the ashes (my favorite book of all time), bellarke (i refuse to believe rothenburg on that), juke and locklyle and green boys and nahri/ali from the daveabad trilogy (i love them)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
joan helps caleb actually!!! i wanted to change how college tapes went, but idk if it's gonna happen. i just want joan to set caleb straight lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
physical injuries/angst is what i'm best at! also comign up with teh most niche of au ideas but only for one scene and nothing else lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i wish i could write flowery language and amazing metaphors, but alas, i cannot
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i've only really done it for jatp which i feel like was what everyone was doing in that era? idk, i try not to do it too often. tho i do still really want to include sign language into a fic because i actually know that
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the 100, though i wrote some of my own stuff for Lost and Narnia before that
20. Favorite fic you've written?
can't pick, and i've mentioned a lot fo my favs already. i'll give a shoutout to i know where i belong, my leverage parker happy feels fic, and i keep getting better at slowly getting worse my habor crest fic for caleb and mark!
tagging @sabetha and @anthonyjlockwood and anyone else who wants to do it!
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bi-bats · 1 year
5, 6, 10, and 18 <3
Hiya bestie!! Thank you for the ask 💖
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
Probably The Birth of a God, which is a very complicated greek mythology au where Jason is Icarus and he falls in love with Apollo (Tim) and builds the wax wings because he's trying to reach him. After his death he gets revived as Ares (I've assigned out greek gods to over half of the characters in this fic including Dick as Aphrodite, Bruce as Hades, Damian as Thanatos, Barbara as Hephaestus, Cass as Athena, Alfred as Hestia, Duke as Helios) and doesn't tell anyone, but Tim goes to Bruce to get Jason back, which Bruce refuses because he can't. He doesn't tell Tim that he can't because Jason isn't actually there, so of course Tim wages war on him, which drags Jason into it because he's the god of war even though Tim doesn't know that and adkljfdlkfjdlkfdlfjlkdj
Look I love this idea and I'd love to read it but. I'd have to WRITE it and the amount of research I would have to do to twist the plot around the way I want would be insane so it's probably going to die in my brain 😭😭😭
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Oh yeah absolutely. Lemme link a few (that aren't just smut lol):
sweet dreams (are made of thee) by @yasmindifference (jaytim dreamsharing 😭😭😭)
and a hand to bite by Sister (the jaytim exes to lovers of all time and also the fic that inspired Rooftops and Bookshops)
chaos is a color I wear well (and it looks mighty good on you) by @glaciya (jaytim angsty feels fic I love this one so much)
Like a Bat out of Hell by @allacesandeights (this fic. This fucking FIC. It's literally one of my go-to recs for when I'm trying to get people into JayTim and it deserves so so so much more recognition than it has holy shit this fic is so fucking good like. I very rarely read fics where I think the plot is perfect but this one is just so well done all around and akjdfajdfsdf read it)
I Didn't Say I Liked You by Generatorcat (I reread this one a LOT it's just delightful I love when they play chicken and you do it SO well, thank you for this one 💖)
Show Me the Meaning (Of Being Lonely) by @timmyjaybird (like. holy shit this whole series. I owe my life as an author to this series. This is the series that got me to consider shipping jaytim and also the first damitim fic that ever made my brain go brrrrrrr I've literally read this series like. 20 times at least and I never would have fallen deep enough into this fandom to start writing without it so thank you thank you thank you and everyone go read it)
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Definitely, and it's Now Kiss. I did not expect the response on that and if you know me, you've heard me talk about that. It just felt so rushed when I was writing it and I didn't get a chance to really edit it the way I wanted to and I've worked way harder on fics before and even if it was one of the ones that I was the most excited to share for JTW, there's just a part of me that's like: that's the one everyone loves so much?
That said, one thing about the response that has been lovely is that I've taken it as permission to trust myself a little more. There were a lot of things with that fic that I was uncertain about, but I liked them and decided to leave them alone even if I wasn't 100% sure because I was on a deadline and wanted it posted. They were probably the kinds of things that I would've fretted about incessantly and edited to death if I'd had more time, but people liked them, so it's been really nice to be able to let go of some of my self-doubt!
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
Damian has always hated that Tim can carve the meat from an action, pull the bone of it out clean.
grughauhgaruharhgau just. I love this line so much. It says so much about both of them. It was also a tight race between that and this:
Everyone believes Goldie, all of the time. He just flashes that gorgeous smile like a fucking master key, and Jason’s always been a tiny bit jealous that everyone else turned out so goddamn endearing. 
also this one 😭😭😭 I really like the way that it reads like Jason's voice and also this is one of those things that he would never ever say because he can barely admit that it's true, even though it is
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liauditore · 1 year
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for some reason ur ask is cursed by an evil spirit and webbed site spilled spaghetti sauce all over itself when i tried to answer it so ig we're doing this now @sharksome-nen
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half the board being coloured in but no bingo sums up me and this ship perfectly i think.
me being REALLY unhinged below the cut about toxic!fh (a teeny tiny bit neg/discoursey on empires if u squint). gets rlly abuse-y.
ohohohohohoh ur trying to get me killleedddddd.. :D
they're so special to me i hate them so much.
ok so uh i wrote a Whole Thing but it was getting way too ramble-y but basically uh. not a fan of romantic!fh. empires writing is very understandably not perfect and i saw some disturbing implications between the lines and couldn't help but fixate on them and it kind of soured any fluffy!fh fan content for me. sorry im a grinch and i was born with hate in my heart🙏🙏
but uh... if u take those disturbing implications out of the lines, x500 their size and severity, apply a dash of self-projection and start associating songs sung from the pov of abusers with it?? oho. ohohoho. oh that's. that's the good stuff.
i have this rlly cursed notepad doc where i basically vomit Ship Thoughts tm onto so here's the entire fh section copy+pasted. 👍
probably the most explicitly romantic and the most explicitly toxic. They DO love each other a lot. Jimmy looks up to Scott (he's so cool!) and would do anything just to live a happy life with him. I imagine that he's had a crush on him for the longest time from a distance, but didn't approach him until 3L because he didn't think Scott would look in his direction. Scott loves Jimmy deeply too but in the way someone might love a pet or a toy. "How's this poor thing going to survive on his own?" is probably what he uses to justify alot of what he puts Jimmy through. I imagine that Scott is someone who's lived a very monitored and controlled life (he gives me royalty vibes) and probably doesn't understand the extent of the abuse he's been put through or the way it's warped his perception of love. Love is a conditional commodity for him at this point in 3L and right now he's using it to buy some protection (never a good idea to go solo in a death game arena). So everytime he scolds or hits Jimmy it's always out of love, always for his own good, if he doesn't learn how to act now then someone will kill him for running his mouth eventually. Especially in the 3L Death Game. And Jimmy puts up with it and believes him because he hasn't learnt to respect himself yet. But as the games go on I do believe Scott begins to fall for Jimmy in a more genuine, kind way. Still not wholesome but he's very much not just extra numbers for safety anymore. He feels scorching regret for what he did after Jimmy dies but won't admit it to himself or anyone else. It's a selfish kind of regret, he hates himself more than he loves Jimmy, but it's still there. Post-3L Jimmy has some time away from Scott during LL before meeting Tango in DL, a partner who respects and even admires him, who gives him the space to grow and the trust to take risks that would better the both of them. Jimmy gains newfound confidence and a new perspective on his previous relationships, culminating in him actually standing up to Scott in LimL and refusing his offer to get back together. He's grown up. Scott, on the other hand, fares much more poorly. He is offered genuine love, unconditional love and it frightens him because he can't understand it (he doesn't think he's love-able). What does she want from him? He can't control Pearl the way he could with Jimmy and she Scares him. It doesn't matter, he can manage by himself (he always has) and he has an eye for finding kindred spirits. But it's not the same (he misses him). (he needs his Pet back) (he needs his Control back) He doesn't get it. final diagnosis: what should have been a beautiful love story twisted into something awful, divorced and should not re-marry even if Scott wants to.
ngl there is that.. little part of me that really wants jimmy to relapse and go crawling back cus old habits die hard, right? but on the other hand i. i want my son to be happy. sometimes.
I like writing characters with super messed up warped perceptions of love and hurt themselves and others in the process with it. its evil and sexy.
if we're gonna get into the whole song lyrics thing i really really love using mahiru's milgram songs for fh (even tho i associate scott more with muu). they just make sense to me. lyrics from haruko because i adore their covers.
(also uh these songs are about an abusive relationship and the second one has not so subtle suicide imagery in the mv so know that if ur gonna seek them out)
I'll love you till you fall And won't feel bad at all, Because I still get worried Could you please forgive me? Every little thing I only say to get to you Every little thing I do when "you and me are through" That's me loving you
Do my feelings drive you crazy? Sorry I don't care you baby. Tell me please, Tell me please, Why don't you ever love like me?
I just... i think scott genuinely caring for jimmy and wanting to keep him safe but like.. scott's brand of 'safe' is guard up at all times and manipulating those around you. and jimmy's useless at it/doesn't even catch on at all and it just ends up frustrating scott more.
Told you I loved you and then did what I did The right is gone and we're done, I'm crossed and covered in sin My love, it got it's lick back, Destroyed me, I deserved that, Tell the truth, Tell the truth, Why can't I ever love like you?
i LOVE the idea of scott regretting how he treated jimmy too late and still being in denial about it oufhlsdfhfls
so uh yeah it's an okay ship 👍
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amelikos · 6 months
Some character notes and episode notes for HZ044, writing them down for future reference.
Friede went to check the strange tower on the isolated island, and he eventually saw Spinel and his Pokemon there. He goes back to the ship and calls for a meeting. Different from how he reacted in HZ014 when he followed Spinel's Rarecoil and fell in his trap (and didn't mention it to the crew afterwards). This time, he is sharing all the information he has instead of rushing directly into things.
Back on the ship, Friede shows the footage he got and Liko recognizes Spinel as the one who stole her pendant and mentions that Sango (she used her name) said they were going to summon Rayquaza, so Friede assumes they actually have a way to do it (maybe by using a machine or something). Dot offers to make a shutdown program that works on any machine and mentions that she cannot forgive "that guy" (referring to Spinel). Liked that they still included their kind of rivalry, given that Spinel's introduction arc overlapped with Dot coming out of her room and getting Kuwassu as a partner. Dot got tricked multiple times by Spinel, and she wants to be involved this time too, because it's personal for her.
Friede suggests using a boat to get to the island because going by ship or on Lizardon would immediately give him away. Liko and Roy want to tag along as well. Friede is about to refuse because it's dangerous but doesn't finish his sentence once he sees how determined they both look and eventually accepts. I really like that they keep emphasizing that things are dangerous, makes things feel grounded.
Liko and Roy eventually go to the island and go through a forest to get to the tower, along with Friede and Landau. There are wild Pokemon who don't seem used to humans and they try not to stand out by not making any noise. Eventually they get to the tower and Friede warns Liko and Roy to be careful. The door was open, which makes Friede suspect something is wrong but he still goes inside and ends up being locked there. Friede tells Liko and Roy that they should go ahead without him. Liko and Roy are both worried but Landau tells them to believe in Friede and continue onwards. Liko takes a deep breath to regain her composure and they all decide to look for where Rayquaza might appear. Love the small moments with Liko being worried and her just taking a moment to breathe to calm herself down, it feels real.
Spinel and Friede get to interact face to face for the first time. Friede recognized his voice and referred to him by the words he used back in HZ014, and Spinel calls him by his name and professor status. Spinel revealed that the place was built just to imprison Friede. I just like the implications that he did all of that just to trap Friede and isolate him from the others and that he was going to wait for him there, which implies that he acknowledges him as a threat and wants to delay him. Love how cunning Spinel is in general, his strategies involve some kind of deception and distraction, isolating his opponents and luring them away, which he did with both Friede and Liko in HZ014.
Somewhere else, Sango is skeptical and asks Agate if their plan will really attract Rayquaza. She also wonders where Amethio is and calls him "bocchan" (very important lore, thank you Sango for the casual reveal). Agate says that they'll execute the plan without him and that it was Spinel's idea. Sango says it's a shame he's missing out and adds that Spinel hates Amethio. Onyx tells her to stop blabbering and to get back in position, which annoys Sango but she does it anyway. Onyx shakes her head at her www He really has to put up with a lot with her (but he still cares).
As an aside, Sango's words about Spinel hating Amethio were interesting... I wonder how much of that is true. Spinel usually keeps a lot of information to himself, so the fact that his supposed dislike for Amethio was so apparent that even Sango saw it? Maybe he doesn't care about hiding it, maybe he can't hide it because Amethio irritates him that much? Maybe he feels like that because Amethio is too honest and straightforward in his approach, which is very different from how Spinel acts? I think that for someone like Spinel, being anything else than "indifferent" towards someone is a feat, so Amethio is "special" on some level... (Spinel finds very few people "fascinating" so far, we know Liko being the key to something had him intrigued, and he's also interested in Friede) He did keep up with Amethio's training and observed it back in HZ034, and last time they both interacted, Amethio did agree with Spinel in HZ027... So I wonder what's up with Spinel potentially hating Amethio, and why he may feel that way in the first place.
Back in the tower, Spinel talks about the device he made. Basically a resonance generator which recreates the energy Terapagos emits when calling to Rayquaza. Friede wonders if the Explorers can beat Rayquaza, to which Spinel says that three skilled Explorers are on the job, so they might be able to do something. Friede says that Spinel didn't strike him as the type to rely on others, but Spinel says he is just using them. Very good banter and back and forth here, I love how we get a view of how Friede considers Spinel and how methodical and calculating Spinel is too.
Friede and Spinel are about to battle, when Friede realizes he can't use Lizardon in that confined space (which is also why Spinel lured him there). He decides to send Cap to battle, and Spinel wonders if he is being underestimated (just like Amethio back in HZ002, and Friede remembered Amethio said the same thing). Blacky going full out in battle was great to see, and Spinel's battle style was interesting! Blacky knowing Reflect (a move reducing damage) says a lot about Spinel's relationship with his Pokemon too. We got a small exchange between Friede and Cap during the battle, when Cap shows him the small crack made on the and lets him know they should use this to escape.
Back to Liko and Roy, they are looking for the Explorers and Terapagos reacts to something. They can all feel Rayquaza is about to appear and it does eventually happen. (The BGM used between 12:10 and 12:20 was great and I hope it ends up in the OST if there is ever one)
Nanjamo was shown briefly livestreaming, so I wonder if she'll catch footage of Rayquaza.. Liko, Roy and Landau head to where Rayquaza is, while the Explorers start attacking him. Rayquaza was shown reacting to the sound similar to Terapagos and it felt like he stopped an attack after hearing it, I feel like this showed Rayquaza's soft side in a way? Rayquaza appeared after hearing "Terapagos" calling out to him and stopped whatever he was about to do upon hearing that sound again, so he is definitely not indifferent to Terapagos's cries.
Meanwhile, Dot announces that she finished the shutdown program but needs to get close to the device to activate it. She seems hesitant at first, and Murdock suggests doing it instead of her because he is worried about her being in danger. However, Dot says she will do it because Liko and Roy are fighting too and she is inspired to do the same to be on the same level as them. While Murdock is still worried, he is both proud and supportive of her wishes and says he'll lead her there. (Dot really grew to appreciate her friends and is pushed to act, be braver, and go out of her comfort zone thanks to them. Her development these past episodes has been great to witness.)
Back to Friede vs Spinel, they keep battling and Friede eventually manages to use Spinel's moves against him and break the wall to run away. Their VAs were really good in that scene btw (loved the way Spinel said いかさま whenever he ordered that move, and the way Friede said "sorry, I broke the place~" was a bit too much... weirdly teasy-sounding too in a way, which I loved.. Makoto Furukawa and Yashiro Taku are just great fits for their characters and their acting elevates literally any scene they are in). Either way, Friede leaves and Spinel considers him interesting now and wants to play with him some more~ So he potentially got himself a new obsession and wants to know more about Friede. I hope their dynamics will be expanded upon in the future because they are intriguing (and quite similar in some ways? Given that they both enjoy researching in some ways).
Two other things I loved was the non-conclusive aspect of the battle and Blacky's reaction. I love that HZ keeps showing non-conclusive battles because they tell a kind of story too, and that Friede doesn't finish battles if he doesn't need to. The context of each battle he takes part in is always very different (which is why it's interesting when he does engage Amethio in battle and gets into them a lot, but that's another story), and the story doesn't force battles to keep going for the sake of it. It's not cowardly to prioritize other things and HZ shows that the protag and hero side can run away. Running away or using distractions aren't only things antagonists or enemies do, and there is no moral judgement made about it, which I honestly appreciate.
Blacky's reaction was also interesting because as Friede and Cap left, I think she was growling? Which potentially shows that she may have wanted to finish the battle and knew she had the upper hand (darkness being her element too, being trapped in there was convenient) and was confident about her skills. Yet, back in HZ016, Blacky immediately wanted to back off once Oliva came out so she knew about the potential danger then. I think it shows Blacky doesn't overestimate her abilities (backing away from a confrontation that might be too dangerous, and knowing when things are in her and Spinel's favor).
Back to Rayquaza, Liko and Roy do what they can to stop the Explorers. Roy thought of using Stomping Tantrum to make Agate lose her balance (quick thinking on his part!), and called Kaiden to repel Agate's Ultra Ball. (I hope we see Kaiden more in chapter 3 because his appearance here was short and quick)
Dot eventually jumps into the scene in her Gurumin costume and manages to disable the device by connecting her Rotom Phone to it, thanks to Kuwassu and Kanuchan's help. That's the first victory Dot had against Spinel in a way, since she could interfere with his plan somehow (I do hope there is more to their rivalry in the future, still). Kanuchan eventually starts crying since the whole situation was scary for her, so Dot comforts her and calls her back to her Pokeball. Liko and Roy praise Dot for her feat, so Dot hides her face with her again before accepting their compliments. (It was cute. She clearly was happy about their words but she was still a bit embarassed.)
Eventually, Rayquaza breaks free from the ice and salt crystals. Agate starts getting visibly worried (I liked seeing another side of her since she is usually so composed and seems like the most levelheaded of the Explorers compared to the others.. she also got worried for Sango later on). Rayquaza launches Draco Meteor which hits a bunch of stuff in the area. Sango snaps and charges towards Rayquaza to use Self-Destruct (I love her battle style and how unhinged she is). The move manages to hurt Rayquaza and sends him crashing into the Brave Asagi. While Orio, Murdock, Mollie and the other Pokemon are still on the ship. Liko and the others are horrified. (Friede's expression, particularly, was good at the end.)
Anyway, great episode! I missed Kureha Matsuzawa's writing (last ep he wrote was HZ032 with Lapras joining Liko and the others, and Lucius flashback).
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bloodyarn · 6 months
tagged by @anderwelt [ You are absolutely crazy but I love a challenge so lesgo !!! ]
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Full name: Babette Adeline Ziromzu Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual + Biromantic Pronouns: She/her
꒰ 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 ꒱ 
Birthplace: Baldur's Gate Job: Seamstress Phobias: Everything with more than four legs. She is the token example of someone who hates bugs. Spiders and moths are her arch nemesis.  Guilty pleasures: Gossiping and sweet baked goods. Combine both and you make her day.
Alignment: Lawful good.
Aimless: Babette never really learned to do her own thing besides following orders or occasionally working on own little projects in the past. The first thing she wanted to do after the Nautiloid accident is to go home because she was shit scared of what to do else. Imagine a house cat suddenly dropped off in the wild and having to figure things out. She only knows how to be a seamstress, thus her goal was and is reaching the city. Blue-eyed: Oftentimes, she refuses to believe one would have only ill intentions. She gives chances way too often and wouldn't it be for her companions, this most likely would have cost her her head in the past.  Impressionable: You can talk her into almost anything. Refusing commands only led to bad outcomes in her childhood. One example would be when the party arrives at the Gate and meets their first Steel Watcher, Babette was pretty much convinced it was a great idea and a wonderful change to have these machines walking around the city. Even after destroying the facility, she was sure Gortash had good intentions in making the city safer. She is a bit slow . . .
Forgiving: The kind of good part of being blue-eyed is that she does not hold a grudge for too long. She can very much be explossive if someone did her wrong but the girl is not one to not accept an apology. Compassionate: Compassion was a huge deal in her childhood. Her sisters had to stick together, a friendship of seven that was even bound by blood. Caring for others and helping them out comes naturally.  Polite: Babette comes from a rich family. Politeness is her bread and butter. She even worked at the shopfront for a long time before turning into a hexblood and has exceptional negotiation skills.
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
This is a hard one since I did not create Babette with shipping intent. The following answers are my gut feeling and what I imagine could be cute. The ships are in nor specific order, just babbling about it. Why I definitely ship her with non canon muses from BG3, I will only name canon characters here.
✮ Gale :  You can tell me what you want but they would click in my opinion. Not knowing how to handle his whole Mystra problem at first, he would still have an open ear that listens to his problems unconditionally. Funnily enough, Babsi would remind Gale to take things easy after every fight because of the orb, not entirely understanding how it works but still trying to be of help. It would probably often end up in conversations like ❝Hey, it's alright, I can lift this myself.❞ ❝Oh, but the ORB Gale. Better safe than sorry. I help you.❞. What only fuels this whole ship is that Gale is the token husband her mother always told her children about. He is smart, kind, polite, influential. This definitely plays a big role in her preferences too. Godhood would be sad and hard. I don't think Babette would try and talk him out of it. He often sounds reasonable, and if the best outcome is becoming god, in his opinion, she will nod like ❝Oh you have a point, that makes sense.❞. Yes, it would break something inside her but who is she to object? He is the smart guy. ⚔︎ Wyll : She is a hopeless romantic. Wyll would have the easiest fucking game. The woman never learned how to dance - perfect opportunity to bond. And oh dear lord would she bond. She could also relate to a degree with his family problems, ending up feeling a huge amount of empathy for Wyll and invested in helping him where she can. What many people (somehow) judge him for is that he is so untruthful in the beginning. Not a big deal for her. That girl won't call him out, she understands very well. Hells, when babette joins, she is disguised as a tiefling herself for the first few long rests, fearing to be treated differently if people found out about her pact and her hexblood ancestry. I feel strongly about them.
Acceptable Ships:
🗡 Astarion : Obviously a  good contenter. Girl is easily manipulable which makes her a perfect target in act 1 but I think the whole plot between them can turn out awfully sweet when the journey goes on. Babette canonically also volunteers to being a bloodbank after Tav found out about him being a vampire spawn for the group's sake lmao. Not because she finds the idea hot, just so Astarion doesn't have to be hungry. ⛓ Karlach :  Babette can easily fall victim to the big lady's confidence and the charm that lies behind it. Since touch is a huge thing for her in a relationship, romantic or not, she would be more than eager to try and figure out how to handle the infernal engine and the whole Avernus spiel. There is also just a huge itch that is being scratced about big strong woman and petite small one. Imagine the huuugsss *melts* *like litererally because Karlach, ya know ya know?* Note: Ships don't only have to be companions. I just picked them to keep it clean and consistent. I am a huge sucker for clashing personalities. Gortash for example could be interesting, since she is awfully easy to manipulate. Volo is more of a crackship but still awfully fun to think about! Apparently Rolan made it into the roster too [thanks Bean ig uwu']. If you want me to write some more about it feel free to boop me :)
OT3: Babette does not really enjoy the idea of polygamy so I will leave this blank :x
ฅ Minsc: Bimbo and himbo. These two share one single braincell and would be seen talking and theorizing about the most mundane shit. She would always call him first when there is a big bug in her tent and I believe he would be elated to help on this mighty quest. They are both not the brightest in the most charming way possible. Babette would be around his tent a whole lot just to hear about battles and stories.
Notp: Wulbren Bongle >:( We hate Wulbren Bongle in this household.
Let me just ctrl + v the backstory here :3c
𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓[ ✂ ] [CW: Child labor]
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝘆𝐨𝘂𝐧𝐠𝐞𝘀𝘁 𝐨𝐟 𝘀𝐞𝘃𝐞𝐧 𝘀𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝘀. Babette was born into a strict family. Playing outside like her peers, getting dirty in puddles on the street after summer rains, nothing that she could afford. It was her own mother, who treated their children like workers, teaching them knitting, crocheting, sewing only to prepare them to ’help out the family’. Both of her parents endured a childhood in poverty. It was their way of keeping the family’s life standards above average, no matter the cost.
The girl had trouble, picking up the family’s craft. Never terrible but never perfect either. A wrong stitch here, a forgotten button on a vest, keep your gods damned head together ! Why couldn’t she be as good as her sisters ? Why does mother threaten to send her off, send her to an orphanage, if kind enough ?
No matter how long Babette practiced, time only rewarded her with more bloody pokes in her hands. Clumsy. Slow. Lazy.
A hag got wind from the girl’s troubles and bitter thoughts. Babette’s fears enlightened, amused the fey. Sweet-talking her way into the child’s heart, feigning compassion, offering solutions, quick ones. One of their circle was killed recently. A replacement was needed. If the young lady would agree to a pact, she would gain impeccable skills in her craft. Everyone would be enticed by her future works, the needle like a brush to the artist. Only a small touch of her own body, a hair, a droplet of blood in her work, would do the trick. In return, the seamstress would comply to turn into a hag, one of the arch fey’s kin, in time.
And the desperation cried louder than the girl’s common sense. The need for admiration, for praise, was too much to bear living without it any longer.
Babette left the forest with a crown.
A token of her pact.
𝐀𝘁 𝐟𝐢𝗿𝘀𝘁, 𝘁𝐡𝐢𝘀 𝐛𝐚𝗿𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝘄𝐢𝘁𝐡 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝗿𝐜𝐡𝐟𝐞𝘆 𝘄𝐚𝘀𝐧'𝘁 𝐛𝐚𝐝; 𝐧𝐨𝘁 𝐚𝘁 𝐚𝐥𝐥. The pact altered the girl's appearance; hair & skin now holding a soft lavender tone, pale and almost sickly. The eldercross around her head now one with her body. Hers, just like the fey blood pumping through her veins. After the first shock settled when returning to her family, it didn't take long for her parents to see the potential of their youngest child. Only by attaching something from Babette, sewing in a hair between fabric, the craft would carry a mesmerizing touch. Clearly, anything would sell now. Obviously, the nestling was a pot of gold.
Did she really have the privilege to argue about it now ? About that exploit, which only got worse because of decisions, made with her own intentions ?
Her work for her family continued, happy to help, happy to be needed at least. It was . . . strangely nice.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝘄𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝘁 𝗿𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝗿 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝘄𝘀, 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝘄𝐡𝘆𝘀, 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝘄𝐡𝐞𝗿𝐞𝘀. Stranded, far away from her hometown, she found herself at shore. The devastating pulsing inside her head, the twirling of her vision, the nausea. Everything was scary. Not only that, but finding herself anywhere else instead of home made her anxious. Her appearance could easily be identified as a hag in the making, her reason why she disguised herself as long as needed.
Following a group of tiefling refugees on their way to the Emerald Grove, Babette blended in marvelously. From there, the hexblood would have to find a way to Baldur's Gate. The thought about . . . returning . . . seemed strange. An awkward stir and turn. It inflicts worry and second thoughts. Maybe This was a sign. Maybe it was just foolish.
Whatever the future brings, it is inevitable anyway.She should stop thinking and start following her instincts.
I am not tagging anyone but feel free to do it too! It was awfully fun and I most likely will link this somewhere in my pinned. ♥
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