#i hate when someone says it was a accident like oops i fell and my dick ended up in this womans pussy oooh noooo
tragically-jane-doe · 4 months
Agreeing with someone who pisses me off is my worse hell
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All Secrets Have a Habit of Coming Out
Hello all, this was for @iiblueberry-15ii
Hope it's all you wanted from your request :)
Ron Weasley x Male Potter Reader
Word Count: 1464
Just a little note, I only know a cursory amount about Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, just what a quick google search could reveal so it might not be the most accurate, but I did my best, so I hope this ticks the box for what you wanted @iiblueberry-15ii
Everyone may have only known his brother's name when they first entered Hogwarts, but Y/n Potter had worked hard to fix that.
He had always been smaller and more frail than his twin brother Harry due to a rare condition that had affected them during pregnancy called Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome.
Essentially an imbalance during development made Harry receive more blood (and thus nutrients) than he gave back.
If this had been explained properly in a caring and loving environment, Harry might not have felt so guilty about it. Unfortunately for the twins, they grew up with their Aunt, Uncle and cousin, all of which took every opportunity to cause them pain. It had been spat at them one day when they were much younger that it was all Harry's fault that his twin brother wasn't as healthy as he was.
This all lead to Harry becoming incredibly overprotective of Y/n. He couldn't take more than two steps outside of Hogwarts during winter without Harry pushing extra scarves and coats into his arms and telling him to rug up more. Guilt was a great motivator, and Harry felt awful that Y/n was weaker than him physically.
Y/n couldn't play quidditch either because his lungs had suffered during development as well.
Y/n had, in his lower moments, like when his older brother (by like ten minutes Harry!) won a game of quidditch, or came back from some fantastic adventure that he had forbidden him from joining them on, allowed the hate to take root just that little bit more.
But he would wake up the next morning and realise that it couldn't possibly be his brothers fault. It was just an accident of life that this had happened.
He would be reminded in every class that there were some things that he could do that Harry just couldn't. His brother might be naturally talented with power for his magic, but as his favourite saying played through his head he would think about that instead. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.
Y/n truly shone in classes too. He worked just as hard as Hermione at his studies, and it paid off. Often, when they got back essays or test results they were the top two in the class.
This naturally made the two a lot closer, as they were practically a built in study buddy for the other.
As they were getting older and reaching the age that people started to notice the other gender (or their own in Y/n's case) other guys would come up and ask him about Hermione.
Y/n couldn't believe the stupidity of his own gender sometimes. That had been the forth time today that he had had to fend off another guy who only wanted to get into the female bookworms pants while getting their homework done for free.
He stormed back into the Gryffindor common room in a huff.
He landed with a thump on the couch beside Ron and pouted.
"Guys suck."
Ron looked up from his homework which was looking rather untouched.
"I could do with a break anyway, been at this near five minutes. What's up Y/n?"
He sat back up closer to the other boy, giving him his full attention.
Ron wasn't sure what it was about Y/n, but there was just something that made him want to spend all day staring at him, or listening to him talk about the things that made him get all excited. He made the cutest faces when he got all worked up, eyes shining brighter than any star in the sky.
Okay, so he knew why he felt that way, heck, he had even acted on it. He still couldn't believe his luck when Y/n had agreed to go on a date with him. Of course they had had to pull off some pretty fast talking to get their friends to stay behind without it seeming like they wanted to be alone.
Ron focused back in just in time to see Y/n narrow his eyes at him.
Oops, he had noticed that he wasn't paying attention to him.
Ron cringed slightly.
"Sorry, was just thinking."
He cast a furtive look around the room, but they were pretty much alone right now. He was sure that wouldn't last.
Y/n just looked curious now.
"About what?"
Ron shifted awkwardly. Feelings weren't really his forte.
"About how I must've used up all the luck I had stored up for the next few years just to get you to agree to go out with me."
Ron sheepishly rubbed at the back of his neck, knowing that he was blushing.
Y/n was blushing when Ron had managed to gather up enough courage to look over at him.
They went to move closer, but their moment was ruined by the portrait entrance slamming open to let in some other Gryffindors.
Y/n and Ron had stayed up much later than anyone else. It wasn't unusual for Y/n, but Ron knew the only way it wouldn't look suspicious for him to stay up was to pretend to be engrossed in a game of chess. He had thought of his homework at first, but then realised that he was usually the first one to give up, so working on it for hours unprovoked would be almost more suspicious than anything else he could come up with.
By the time that midnight rolled around Y/n and Ron had been alone in the common room for just under an hour. In that time they hadn't moved closer. They didn't want to risk it when people might still be remembering that one last thing they had accidentally left in the common room. Nothing said guilty like two teenagers springing apart as someone comes down the stairs.
It was Y/n who made the call. He stretched and shoved his book into the bag before moving over to the couch.
Ron could take a hint, no matter what anyone said, and followed Y/n over.
They sat looking at each other for a minute, just taking the other in.
"It's pretty exhausting hiding this, huh?"
"Yeah," Ron answered. "I sort of thought it might be kind of fun, but it's mostly just tiring. Can't really enjoy spending time together when we're constantly looking over our shoulders."
Y/n gave a half smile.
"Still worth it?"
Ron grinned back and reached out for Y/n instead of answering.
"Can I kiss you?"
Y/n nodded too fast and almost fell over.
Their lips met while they were both still laughing.
They didn't keep laughing for long. It had been a long week for them both, and they hadn't had very much time alone lately.
Things were just about to get more heated when they heard a noise from behind the couch.
They froze, still looking into each others eyes, then they pulled away from each other faster than either of them had ever moved before.
"Yeah, bit late for that really."
Neither of them had hear Harry's voice sound so cold.
Y/n turned to face his brother who had apparently walked in on them making out.
Well, at least everyone was just as embarrassed as each other judging by the blush on Harry's face.
Ron and Y/n watched Harry silently from opposite edges of the couch.
Harry clenched his jaw several times before seeming to try to calm himself.
"Ron. A word."
Y/n cringed. Well, it had been nice knowing Ron, but Y/n was pretty sure he would be helping to bury his body soon.
Y/n watched as Ron and Harry made their way over to one of the windows. He pouted, he couldn't hear anything from where he was. He sat back and crossed his arms as he waited for Harry to come back and deal with him.
Harry was so far past mad he didn't have a word for it anymore.
His little brother, who was smaller and just generally more frail, was apparently down here making out with Ron.
What the hell were they thinking?
And hiding it, Harry was sure neither of them had been thinking properly.
"What exactly did you think you were doing with Y/n?"
He stated each word as clearly and calmly as he could, but he could still hear his voice shaking in his rage.
He waited for Ron to start explaining himself, but just as he opened his mouth, Harry decided he didn't much care what he had to say.
"Look, I think it was pretty obvious what you two were doing, but let me just say, as Y/n's older brother and the only member of his family who cares about him, if you ever do anything to hurt him. Well, I'll show you exactly why I'm considered a threat to Voldemort."
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Jotaro - Kakyoin's Notebook
I'm sorry, I clickbaited y'all. The pairing in this story is not official.
As you were all about to check out of the hotel, You decided to go back to everyone's respective rooms to make sure none of you forgot anything.
The crusaders were downstairs and you came up, checking every room. Everything seemed okay, you only needed to check Kakyoin and Jotaro's room last and then go back down.
You entered their room and looked everywhere. You stumbled onto a little notebook that was halfway underneath one of the pillows right as you were about to leave.
"Huh? Oops, I nearly didn't see that!" You bent down and took the notebook in your hands. It was just about pocket-sized. "Oh I do remember Jotaro having something like that, better get it back to him!"
Out of fateful clumsiness, the notebook slipped out of your hands and fell on the ground, opening on a random page. You crouched to pick it up, but then, your gaze fell upon what was on the page.
Your breath hitched in speechless confusion at what you saw, written at the top, in big font.
Why was your name and Jotaro's on that page? Was that some kind of memo? You knew Jotaro had the habit of taking notes to remember things, but why was your name in there?
Your curiosity got the best of you and you continued to look down the page, swiping through the others. You knew it was terribly wrong and you were invading his privacy but you were just so lost. It concerned you, there was your name on it.
" 'One-shot Draft... WIP', What does that even mean? J-... Jotaro did this?" You mumbled out loud, face scrunching up in confusion and slight fear as you looked through words you couldn't understand.
" 'Soulmate AU', 'Drabble', 'NSFW'? Are those some kind of codes?"
Pages long of stories decorated the sheets, so many you couldn't read everything. There were even some sketches and drawings that you didn't have the heart to look at. You managed to read some pieces of stories that left you even more confused. You read to yourself.
' "W-wait!" Y/N said as tears prickled in her eyes, her face flushed with innocent shyness. "I-It's my first time..."
"Don't worry," Jotaro spoke, hovering above her, his voice deep and soothing. "I'll be gentle." '
...What? You don't remember ever saying anything of the sort? You couldn't comprehend what you were reading. Whatever was written in there never happened and was fictional or somesuch to you.
When it was just too much for you to handle, you closed the notebook, your face still strained with mixed feelings.
Only then did you notice that there was a cherry sticker on the back of the notebook. After looking at the first page, you saw the name of the owner.
Noriaki Kakyoin.
"K-kakyo-... Oh my gosh..."
You were shocked, but somehow relieved. It made more sense than the author being Jotaro, but it still blew you away, the fact that Kakyoin would write such things on your and Jotaro's behalf.
Suddenly, Polnareff walked by and noticed you through the open door. You flinched when he called out to you and entered the room.
"Ah there you are Y/N! We started to worry!" He approached you and he noticed what you were holding. "Oh that's Kakyoin's notebook! He can't live without it, good thing you found it! Okay, let's go now, the others are waiting. Allez, on y va!"
He guided you out of the room and you followed, clutching the notebook. Polnareff didn't have to know the weird things written on it about you and Jotaro. You had to discover what it all meant.
"That's bullshit. You don't make any sense, Y/N." Jotaro scoffed at you, a few hours after the little hotel room occurence.
"I swear on my future husband's life! I'll prove it to you, look." You turned around and looked for your red haired friend. "Kakyoin! Can I doodle something on your notebook please~?"
"Huh?" He looked at you questioningly. "Why all of a sudden?"
"Well, Mr. Joestar will take a while to come back, so might as well kill some time. I'll write a cute message for you to read on the last train home!"
The red head smiled at your goofiness and thought 'why not?'. He took out his notebook along with a pen, but instead of giving it to you, he opened it on a specific empty page.
"Here," He handed you the items. "Only draw on this page. Don't draw on the other pages."
You nodded. "Got it! Thank you Kakyoin~!"
You smiled innocently and as soon as the male turned his back to you, your expression turned dark and you instantly looked for Jotaro who was sitting nearby.
"Jojo! Here, I have it, let's do this!" You stood in front of him with the notebook in your hands and he sighed.
"Yare yare daze, I'm not betraying his trust because of your shadiness."
"It's not like that! There's-..." You cut yourself off to look behind you and check if Kakyoin was looking.
You leaned down, inching towards Jotaro's face and whispered quietly. "There are things about us in here. Last time I saw it on accident, but if Kakyoin writes stuff about us, it's our legitimate right to know!"
"Says who? Are you a lawyer or something?"
"Jojo please!!" You pleaded while gripping on the collar of his gakuran, moving the chains on it and making them clang loudly.
The sudden noise alerted the cherry-haired fellow who turned his head to look at you both from afar. His eyes instantly widened and sparkled with vicious yet happy stars.
He loved to see his two best friends interract and, he knew damn well he took half of your interractions out of context, but that's what made them so good. His imagination started running wild at the scene before him.
The way you desperately held onto Jotaro, your faces, so close to each other, your begging eyes looking at him, yearning for his lips, waiting for one thing only.
'Jojo, please!' Kakyoin muttered what he imagined you would say. 'Say yes... I've been dying to kiss you!'
Back to you two, Jotaro clicked his tongue and looked away, closing his eyes in frustration. He hated the fact that he just couldn't refuse you anything.
"Tch! You're so fucking annoying. Fine, I get it, give it to me." Jotaro grumbled and moved your hands away from him, snatching the notebook from your hand.
'Tch! You know I can't resist you. Fine, don't beg for me to stop when I start messing you up.' Kakyoin continued, imitating his friend's deep voice under his breath and being surprisingly in character, for the inappropriate things he was imagining.
Kakyoin tensed up with anticipation when Jotaro suddenly grabbed your wrists, his big strong hands overpowering your fragile ones easily. You may have made the first move, but he would take the lead.
If it wasn't for the public surrounding you, Kakyoin was sure his friend would have gotten up and slammed you against the wall, pinning your hands at your side while you whimpered his name cutely. But he had to hold back, at least for now, or so Kakyoin daydreamed.
"Hey Kakyoin, what're you looking at? Come here for a bit!"
Before Kakyoin could even see the rest of the scene, which happened to be the most interesting part, he was interrupted by Polnareff who was in dire need for help with a nearby vending machine that seemed to have eaten his money.
Kakyoin sighed a bit annoyed, but joined his French comrade, not even glancing back at you. He'd have to remember to write everything down as soon as you gave him back his notebook.
Kakyoin Noriaki was an average boy that loved action and adventures, but he secretely wasn't immune to a good sweet romance story.
When you joined the crusaders, your interactions with Jotaro seemed as platonic as with the rest of the men. But for some reason, the boy started to feel some kind of connection between you two.
He didn't know when or how it started, but he felt like something was different at a certain point.
Why was it so cute when, one day, you removed Jotaro's hat to fix the pins that were moved out of place after a fight, and he let you put it back on him, even though he never lets anybody touch it?
Or maybe it was that other time in a restaurant where, after Jotaro eyed your dessert for a while, you exchanged your cakes to let him have a taste, stealing a bite from his own in the process.
Or that day when you struggled put your earrings back on and he had to help you out, only to struggle even more, his fingers too big and clumsy to be accurate. He had to call out Star Platinum to do it while he held your hair out of the way.
Even the simplest of gestures seemed romantic and adorable to him. He was sure something was going on between you two, and yet, you were too dense to realize it. All of this fueled his inner fanboy and it prevented him from sleeping at night.
He shipped you two so goddamn much.
He was guilty, but he loved every single bit of it. Of course, no one could know. If someone knew, especially you two, that'd be the end of him.
You were all waiting for the next train to arrive, which was a big 40 minutes. Joseph and Abdul went to buy something to snack on while you waited and Polnareff went to the restroom.
Kakyoin was sitting next to you, his back resting against the wall and his eyes were closed. As you thought he had fallen asleep, you took this moment to turn the other way to talk to your nonchalant friend.
"You see?" You spoke softly, careful to not wake Kakyoin up. "I told you there were stuff about us in that notebook!"
"Shut up, there were only messages on that page, I'm sure the others were the same." He grumbled with the same low intensity as you. "And you know damn well he can be a weirdo sometimes."
"But still, I want to understand... And also, what does 'smut' even mean?"
He pretended to be asleep, but his mind was racing.
Kakyoin who wasn't quite sleeping and very much listening to whatever he could hear through the background noise of the station, flinched and started blushing.
Just, when and where did you heard that term?
" 'Smut'?" Jotaro looked at you with confused furrowed eyebrows. "Hell if I know. You speak better english than I do, shouldn't you know?"
"Well I..."
Before the conversation could go down even further, Kakyoin feigned waking up and got up from his slouched position.
You noticed and turned around, staring at him, scared that he would ask what you were talking about, as you didn't want to confront him about the weird things you saw in his notes. If he ever knew, he would finish you. But something worse happened.
Jotaro nudged you and tilted his head towards Kakyoin, but you quite didn't get the message.
"Oi Kakyoin, do you know what 'smut' means? You know a lot of languages, right?" Jotaro asked like it was nothing and you gasped, secretly wanting to slap Jotaro for his indiscretion.
Kakyoin looked over at him, unfazed as ever. "Smut? Hmmm I guess I can look it up later. Where did you hear that?"
Jotaro innocently signed your death warrant. "Y/N just told me."
"JOTARO!!!" You shot up from your seat and stared at him in pure disbelief and betrayal. "OH MY- ARE YOU SERIOUS?! YOU TRAITOR!!!"
"Oh really?" Kakyoin teased, sending you a knowing look. "What's going on with you two? Are you keeping secrets from me?"
You blushed and flinched as Kakyoin's amethyst eyes stared through your soul. Before Jotaro could say anything else, you slapped a hand over his big mouth and Kakyoin's eye glinted.
"I-I mean... No! Wait. There's something I need to tell Jojo, excuse us for a sec."
You then leaned in and cupped Jotaro's ear as you whispered. Kakyoin looked at you in pure satisfaction, trying his best to not start smiling and giggling like a goofy schoolgirl.
Oh no, he didn't need to hear the sweet nothings you were deliciously breathing on Jotaro's now tingling skin. Imagining it was more than enough.
You leaned back and softly spoke to him. "Don't ruin this for us. I'm trusting you."
"Yare Yare daze. You put me into this in the first place. Don't complain."
Kakyoin's eyes widened and he turned his head around, trying to hide his expression and pretended he totally didn't hear that. Oh how sweet the lack of context was for his little fanboy mind. He wouldn't ask too many questions since you were offering him such a good show.
On the train, you waited until Kakyoin was completely out and asleep to subdue his notebook. That would make a good reading on the 4 hours long travel.
"Yes that's it! Right on the left pocket, yeah that one!"
You guided Jotaro who was hiding not too far from Kakyoin's seat as your delinquent friend used Star Platinum to steal your cherry loving friend's notebook.
When he finally had it, Star Platinum brought it back and both you and Jotaro proceeded to read through the many drafts and stories about you two.
Getting ready for one hell of a joy ride.
Kakyoin stretched and took a deep breath of fresh air as he got off the train.
"Aah~! I slept like a log. Huh? What's wrong, why are you two so red? Did you get motion sick, maybe?"
Kakyoin commented upon seeing your and Jotaro's flushed face as you got off. Your shoulders were slumped in shame and Jotaro was hiding behind his hat like a wanted criminal.
"Uh yeah... Here Kakyoin, you dropped this..." you groaned and handed him his notebook.
He thanked you and took his due. When he was gone, you glanced at Jotaro and you both shared intense empathy and regret.
Don't steal Kakyoin's notebook.
Oh man, wouldn't it be fun and also a bit sad if after Dio was defeated, Y/N and Jotaro became a couple?
You walked by the river, holding hands with Jotaro after a long week of finals. You suddenly stopped in your tracks and looked at the water reflecting the orange sunset.
Jotaro looked at you confused, but followed your gaze, until both of you laid eyes on a young girl painting the scenery on a canvas.
"You know... He would have loved this..." You started softly, a melancholic look cast on the girl as her Stand posed on the grass like a model, thinking herself only could see it. "To see us together, I mean..."
Jotaro inspected the girl, her red curls and green uniform moving messily in the wind. "Did he ever write something about us watching him paint?"
You chuckled sadly. "Why didn't he think of that? His stories were great, but he was in none of them..."
Jotaro noticed you biting your lip as your voice wavered slightly and he squeezed your hand in reassurance. You laid your head on his arm and he responded by bringing you closer to him.
"But now he is."
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Harry forget a special date night with his girl because his ex calls him. He don’t have feelinhs for his ex but he don’t wanna be rude so he answer and forget everything. After a week of silence he give his girl a big suprise to make everything alright
okkkkk this got really long on accident oops :) i wasn’t really sure how i wanted this to go, and i got slightly off track of your request? but i hope you like it!
make it up
warnings: angst, relationship fights
word count: 4k
You huffed in frustration, checking your phone for the tenth time tonight. You wanted to give Harry the benefit of the doubt, you really did. Maybe he was stuck in traffic. Maybe his producer had told him he absolutely had to stay late and finish some last minute work. Maybe he had gotten in an accident and his mangled car was laying at the bottom of a ravine somewhere. Maybe his phone had died.
The more excuses you tried to come up with, the more you realized what had really happened. He had forgotten. He had forgotten the date you had been planning together for weeks now, the one to celebrate the end of his tour. The one he had been talking about constantly, smiling about how excited he was to finally have you to himself for a few hours. Of course, he was incredibly grateful to his entire team and everyone who made his dreams reality, but sometimes he just wanted to sit down to a nice meal with you.
The two of you had barely had a second alone together since he got home a month ago. You had expected things to back to normal soon after he got home, but unfortunate that was far from what happened. You didn’t know there was so much for him to do after the tour was officially over. He still had to attend countless meetings with his team, discussing what things went well and what didn’t. He had to sit through hours and hours of interviews, answering questions that you really didn’t think were important. He just had to do so much; from how little you saw him, it felt like he was still halfway across the world.
The more minutes passed by, the more hope you lost. You had been fully dressed and ready, sitting at the kitchen table for over an hour now. He was supposed to be home at exactly 5, giving him enough time to get ready and make it to the 6:30 reservation at your favorite restaurant.
It was currently 6:10, and there was no sign of him. You had called him three times and sent at least 10 texts. This wasn’t like him. Even when he was busy, he always made time to shoot you a quick text to assure you he was okay and not ignoring you. But not tonight. Tonight, there was complete radio silence. Since Harry wasn’t answering, there was only one other person you knew to contact.
“Y/N, hi! Is everything ok?”
“Hi Sarah! Yeah, I’m fine, why?”
“Well, Harry got a text during one of the meetings. Apparently it was urgent, because he rushed out of there right away. Didn’t even say what it was about. We thought it was you.”
“Uh- no, no I haven’t heard from him at all. When was this?”
“Oh,” you felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. So he wasn’t ignoring you because he was in a meeting; he hadn’t been in a meeting for almost two hours.
“Y/N, I’m sure there’s a good explanation,” Sarah comforted.
“Maybe,” you bit your lip. “But why is he ignoring me?”
“...I don’t know,” she admitted. “Maybe he’s not by his phone. I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about, Y/N.”
“You’re probably right,” you sighed. “Thanks for letting me know.”
“Of course, anytime. Text me when he gets in. He’s an idiot for leaving you out of things, but I still want to make sure he’s ok.”
“I know how you feel,” you smiled sadly. “I will. Goodnight.”
“So, I think the biggest thing we need to figure out is the merchandise. Harry, if you could get a head start on picking colors, maybe thinking of designs? Or if you could-”
She was cut off by Harry’s phone dinging loudly. He sighed silently in relief, smiling apologetically as he pulled it out of his pocket. He had been trying to pay attention, he really had. He just couldn’t concentrate on anything. All he could thing about was how he would be home soon, kissing the love of his life and finally having some time together with you. He could tell his absence had been hard on you, even though you tried to convince him you were ok. He knew it hadn’t been easy for you, because it had been absolute torture for him. He loved touring, he truly did. He loved the adrenaline rush of performing for thousands of people. He loved traveling; seeing new things and meeting ne people. He loved his job. But it was incredibly difficult to be away from you for so long. He hated not being able to hold you whenever he felt like it. He hated waking up alone in a different country every week. He hated only getting to see you for a few hours on a Skype call every week. He hated being in a different time zone, constantly playing phone tag and replying to messages hours after they had been sent.
So, when his phone went off, he reached for it quickly, hoping to see a text from you. He was unpleasantly surprised.
Lucille: We need to talk
Harry frowned. He hadn’t heard from his ex girlfriend in almost a year, since before he met you. They had broken up even before that, but they had remained friends. He quickly texted back.
Harry: Is everything ok?
Lucille: it’s urgent. Meet met at the coffee shop?
Harry knew exactly what place she was referring to. The quaint little shop had been their favorite place when they were together. It was fairly secluded from the street and not well known, so Harry wouldn’t be hounded by fans and paparazzi.
Harry: I’m in a meeting, and I’m not free tonight. Are you ok?
Lucille: it’s an emergency. Please come right now.
Harry’s eyes went wide. He didn’t still have feelings for her, but she was a friend. He didn’t know what was wrong, but he would feel awful if something bad happened and he had refused to help.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when Mitch spoke.
“Harry, what happened? Is it Y/N?”
“Uh- I have to go,” Harry said, abruptly standing up and leaving the room.
“Lucille?” He asked, looking around the little shop.
“Harry, I’m so glad you came,” she smiled up at him from their table in the back corner. He made his way over to her, concern on his face.
“Did something happen? Are you ok?”
“I’m fine, I just... I need to talk to you.”
“Lucille, why would you do that? I thought something horrible happened,” Harry sighed, sitting in the seat across from her.
“I didn’t think you’d come if you weren’t worried,” she explained, stirring her coffee.
Harry resisted the urge to roll his eyes. She had always been dramatic, and not in a good way.
“What is it then? Why do you need to talk to me?”
She didn’t respond, she just pushed the second coffee cup toward him.
“It’s your favorite,” she smiled.
“Thanks,” he took a small sip, grimacing slightly. His taste had changed since he met you. He couldn’t stand black coffee anymore. He reached for a sugar packet, ignoring the shocked look on her face as he mixed it into the dark liquid.
“Really, Lucille, why am I here?”
She sighed, setting down the stir stick.
“I think you know why.”
“I really don’t,” he said sincerely, looking up from his cup. “You said it was an emergency, but you seem completely fine.”
“I’m not fine, Harry. I’m in love.”
“That’s good!” he said, completely misunderstanding the look on her face. “I’m glad you’ve found someone.”
“No, Harry,” she sighed. “I’m in love... with you.”
He drew back, slightly shocked at her words. “What do you mean?”
“Exactly what I said. I’m still in love with you, and I think you love me too.”
She cut him off. “No, Harry listen. Why would you come here if you weren’t? Why would you drop everything, leave a meeting, and come to a random coffee shop to meet me? You said you weren’t free tonight, but here you are.”
“Because you’re my friend!” He exclaimed. “You said it was an emergency, I couldn’t just ignore you. But I’m with Y/N, and we are very happy together. Speaking of her...”
He pulled his phone out of his pocket, wincing when he saw the time.
5:37. Y/N’s going to kill me.
“Lucille, I have to go. I was supposed to be home at 5.” He stood up, ready to rush home. He felt terrible for being late and he prayed he would be able to move their reservation back an hour or two.
“Oh, so she’s that controlling?” She asked, her voice laced with condescension.
“No,” he quickly shut her down. “We have plans tonight.”
Her face fell and she looked crushed. “Please don’t leave.”
“Please,” her voice lowered to a whisper and she looked like she was about to cry. He sighed, sinking back into his seat.
“What do you want from me?”
“I want you to love me,” she looked quickly with tears on her face. “Like you used to.”
“I’m sorry, Lucille. We broke up. We aren’t together anymore. I’m with Y/N now,” he repeated his sentence from earlier. He pulled out his phone again, ready to text Y/N that he would be a few minutes late. He knew she would be upset, but at least she would know he was okay. His plan was wrecked, however, when his phone didn’t light up immediately. He tried again, jaw clenching when he realized it was dead.
“Ok, I really have to go. I can’t text Y/N to let her know I’m okay, so she’ll be worried.”
“Don’t!” She cried out, getting the attention of the few others in the shop. “She’s not as good as me. She doesn’t love you like I do! I’m better than her.”
Harry took a deep breath, trying very hard to stay calm. “Don’t speak about her like that.”
“It’s true! We were so good together, Harry, don’t you remember?” She leaned forward, grasping his hand in hers. “Don’t you want that back?”
“No,” he pulled away. “I don’t. I love Y/N. I’m sorry if that upsets you, but it’s the truth, and I have to go.”
She grabbed him again, her sad face turning angry. “You will regret leaving me, Harry. I know all your secrets. I can spill things that will ruin you.”
“What, you’re blackmailing me into breaking up with Y/N?”
“Yes,” she said smugly.
“Fine. Do it. I don’t care.”
Her face fell. “What do you mean?”
“Ruin my reputation. I have Y/N, someone who loves me for who I really am, and not what the press is saying about me. That’s something you two don’t have in common. Now if you’ll excuse me,” he stood up, her hand falling away. “I have somewhere to be.”
You had given up. You had changed out of your dress and into your pajamas. You were sitting on the couch, holding a book that you weren’t really reading. You were just waiting for Harry to come back. He better have a really good explanation.
Just then, you heard his key in the lock of the door. You sat up straighter, not taking your eyes off the book. You didn’t respond when you heard him call your name. You kept your head down, eyes glued to the book.
“Y/N,” he said, cautiously walking toward you. “I’m so sorry.”
“You’re alive, then?” You said quietly, not looking at him.
“I’m sorry-”
You didn’t let him finish. You stood up, still not looking at him as you walked out of the room. He followed you as you made your way up the stairs and to the guest room.
“Y/N, what are you-”
“I’m sleeping in here tonight,” you said, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind you.
You heard a quiet knock on the door before his voice came again. “Please open the door.”
“Just leave me alone, Harry,” you said, pulling back the covers and climbing into the bed.
You hadn’t locked the door, but you realize you probably should have when you heard it softly click open.
“Go away,” you sighed, laying on your side and facing away from him.
“Please let me explain,” he said, sounding desperate.
“Not right now.”
“Y/N, just-”
“Harry,” you said harshly, cutting him off. “Please. Leave me alone.”
The next few days were very unpleasant. You refused to speak more than three words to Harry. It was all one word answers and leaving the room as soon as he walked in.
You wouldn’t even stay in your bed with him at night. He had tried pulling you into your shared room, begging because “I can’t sleep without you.” You refused, pulling away from him and locking yourself in the guest room. Then he had tried following you in there, looking devastated when you pushed him out.
Finally, Harry had had enough. He couldn’t handle not being able to talk to the love of his life. He needed to talk to you. He needed to tell you all the minuscule details of his day, from what flavor muffin he had for breakfast to what color shoes Mitch had worn that day. He needed to hug you and kiss you and ask you what you wanted for dinner. Most of all, he needed to sleep next to you. He couldn’t take this anymore. He had to take Benadryl every night because he literally could not fall asleep without you.
He knew what he had to do. It’s not like this was some last minute thing, either. He had been planning this for months, since before he left for his tour. There was just a lot of finalizing to do before he could show you. He couldn’t wait anymore, though, so he picked up his phone and called his real estate agent.
Harry followed you into the guest room before you could manage to shut the door behind you.
“Get out,” you said, not looking at him.
This made you look up. So far, he had completely respected your wish for privacy, but apparently not anymore.
“Fine, then stay in here, but I’m leaving,” you went back to the door, but he grabbed your wrist before you could open it. You turned around, yanking your arm out of his grasp.
“What do you want?” You asked in frustration.
“I want to talk to you.”
“I don’t think there’s much to say, Harry. You forgot. You were excited- I was excited for this dinner, we were planning it for weeks. Then you forgot. You came home three hours late and you didn’t even let me know if you were ok. You could have been hurt or something, and I wouldn’t have known!”
“My phone died!” He defended himself.
“You could have used someone else’s! Where were you anyways?”
“I was with Lucille,” he said, looking very guilty.
“Oh, lovely! You stood me up to hang out with your ex. That’s just great.”
“That’s not what happened! Will you just let me explain?”
“Fine,” you crossed your arms over your chest.
“I- I have to show you something first.”
Your face twisted in confusion. “What is it?”
“Uh- you have to come with me.”
“No, Harry. Tell me.”
“I can’t,” he said sincerely. “It’s- please trust me, and come with me.”
“Trust you? What reason have you given me to trust you?”
“Y/N, please.”
“Alright,” you sighed. “Where is it?”
“We have to drive there.”
“Harry, it’s ten o’clock at night. I’m not going anywhere right now.” You narrowed your eyes. “You just want to get me in the car so I can’t walk away!”
“No- well, that’s an added bonus, but I promise, I really do have a place to show you.”
You rolled your eyes, dropping your arms back to your sides. “Fine. Do I need to get dressed?”
“No, you’re totally fine,” he promised, looking down at his hoodie you were wearing. Even when you were completely pissed at him, you still wore his clothes. This brought a small smile to his face.
“Come on,” he held out his hand, not wanting to make the first move and upset you. You hesitantly took it, allowing him to lead you out of the house and into the car.
You pulled up in front of the nicest house you had ever seen. The front was illuminated with lanterns and there was a large stone fountain capturing your attention.
“Where are we?” You asked, your confusion momentarily covering your anger.
“Come on,” he ignored your question, climbing out of the car and coming around to open your door. He helped you out, not letting go of your hand when you stood up straight. He walked you closer, an excited smile lighting up his face.
“Harry, seriously, what are we doing here?”
He still didn’t answer. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a key. Your eyes went wide as you began to understand what was going on.
He swung the door open, pulling you inside. You squinted, trying to see where you were as your eyes tried to adjust to the sudden darkness.
His hand found the light switch, flicking it on and washing both of you in the glow of the huge chandelier. You turned to him, your eyes still wide.
“Harry... what did you do?”
Suddenly he looked very shy. He scratched the back of his neck, avoiding your gaze as he looked around the huge room.
“I... kind of... bought a house.”
“You did what?” You sputtered. “You bought this house?”
“I did,” he smiled.
You narrowed your eyes. “Did you buy a house just so I won’t be mad at you anymore? Because if you did, that was the stupidest-“
“No!” He cut you off. “No, that’s not why. I’ve been looking for a long time. A really long time. I’ve had my eye on this one for a few months now, I just figured... this could help me make it up to you.”
You were silent for a few seconds, staring into his eyes. He held his breath, not knowing what was going through your head.
“Are you crazy?”
“A little,” he laughed. “Are you... are you mad? About the house?”
“No,” your face softened when you saw how nervous he looked. “I’m not.”
“That’s good,” he blew out a big breath in relief. “Because it’s, like, 100% ours now. Not much I could’ve done if you were mad about it.”
“Which is why,” you smacked his shoulder. “You’re supposed to house shop with the person you’re going to be living with.”
“I know, everything’s just been so crazy lately. I knew you were stressed and I didn’t want to make anything worse.”
“That’s very thoughtful of you,” you said, stepping closer to him. You hesitantly brought your arms up to wrap around him.
He seemed just as hesitant as you. He hovered his arms above your back, not sure where to put them. You pressed your face into his chest, inhaling his cologne and pressing against him. You hadn’t hugged him in so long. When he felt you relax, he finally put his arms down and hugged you back.
When you finally pulled away, there were tears in your eyes. His face became concerned again, bringing up his hand to wipe his thumb along your waterline.
“Why are you crying?” He asked softly, keeping one arm latched around you like he was scared you would run away.
“Because I’ve been awful to you the past couple of days. I shouldn’t have been so mad in the first place, I should have just listened to you and let you-“
“Wait a minute,” he cut you off. “You had every right to be angry. I promised you I would be home on time. Then I wasn’t, and I didn’t let you know. I was in the wrong here.”
“Maybe, but you didn’t deserve to be treated like I treated you. I never even let you explain where you were.”
“Do you want me to?” He asked.
“If you want to,” you exhaled shakily, trying to contain your tears.
“Like I said before, I was with Lucille- which I know sounds really bad, but just let me explain, yeah?”
You nodded, pulling away and taking his hand. You brought him over to one of the couches in the living room, pushing him gently to sit with his back against the armrest. His legs splayed out across the cushions, and you settled between them with your back against his chest. You leaned your head back, soothed by his rhythmic breathing.
“I was in a meeting and I was bored out of my mind. I got a text and I thought it was you, so I checked it. But it wasn’t you, it was Lucille. She said it was urgent , she needed to see me right then. I told her I couldn’t because I was busy but she kept saying it was an emergency. I didn’t think I could just ignore her, because what if something terrible happened? So I left the meeting and went to the coffee shop. She told me...”
You looked up at his face when he stopped talking. “She told you what?”
“She... said she loves me,” he explained, looking upset. “She freaked out, told me she “knew I loved her too” and that “we could be together again”.
“What... what did you say?” You asked, your voice a little shaky. You knew Harry loved you, but he had been with Lucille for over a year. It didn’t help knowing that Lucille was a beautiful model.
“I told her I was in love with you,” he said quickly, seeing the panic on your face. “I reminded her that she and I broke up a long time ago, and that I’m with you now.”
You relaxed a little, leaning against him again. “Bet she loved hearing that.”
“Oh yeah,” he laughed. “She actually tried to blackmail me into leaving you.”
“Yeah, she said if I don’t leave you she’ll spill all my secrets and ruin my reputation.”
“What are you going to do?” You asked worriedly, sitting up to look at him.
“Nothing,” he shrugged.
“What do you mean nothing? Harry, you dated for over a year! What does she have against you?”
“Honestly, not much that I know of. I don’t exactly have any deep dark secrets,” he smiled.
“I guess,” you bit your lip. “Still.”
“Well, what would you suggest I do?” He joked. “Sue her?”
“Maybe, yeah. Defamation and all that.”
“Oh, definitely, I think that’s the way to go.”
“Absolutely,” you laughed, before a serious look came over your face again. “I’m really sorry.”
“No, don’t-“
“Listen to me,” you said, looking into his eyes. “I was wrong to treat you so badly. You didn’t deserve that and I’m sorry.”
“I forgive you,” he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Will you forgive me?”
“Of course,” you leaned against him again, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Let’s never fight again, ok?”
“Ok,” he smiled. “Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve not been sleeping at all the past three nights, and I’m about ready to collapse. This house is fully furnished. What do you say we go find our bed?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
I trust you
Prompt number: 31 “I trust you”
Fandom: Marvel
Paring: Bucky Barnes x reader
Part two to Trust me for once.
Rating: T
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: Swearing. Mentions blood, violence, and death. A lil angst. 
A/N: I just want to write for Bucky for the rest of fictober, someone stop me please. I don’t know why I love this fic so much, but I do. Maybe it’s my lack of sleep messing with me lmao. I passed 500 followers and I can’t possibly begin to explain how much that means to me and how much I love each and every one of you! When I started my Tumblr last year to write some shitty self indulgent fanfics I never thought anyone would ever read them. I never imagined having 500 people following my shitty blog. 
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In the week and a half since Hydra had captured you, Bucky has been spiraling. When he got to the quinjet and turned to look for you, his heart fell into the pit of his stomach when he couldn’t find you. Everything you had said to him in the warehouse started to make more sense, you phrashed things a specific way; ‘so long as it gets you out of here safely.’ He knew you weren’t coming, but he still made Steve keep the quinjet there and wait until it was almost too late and the team was under attack again.
Back at the compound Bucky spends all of his time in his room or down in the gym punching- and breaking- one of the many punching bags, throwing his knives at targets, and working on his shooting. He isn’t sleeping and he isn’t eating, he won’t even talk to Steve when the super soldier tries to get him to talk- whether it be about what happened in the warehouse or anything in general. 
Steve, Sam, and Tony are exhausting every resource they have to find you, Hydra had moved you to another location as soon as the quinjet was out of sight of the base. On the rare occasion Bucky isn’t in the gym or his room, he's hovering over the shoulders of the three men hoping he’ll see something they missed. He doesn’t, and only succeeds in annoying aforementioned men with his brooding stares and silence. 
Bucky has nightmares on a daily basis again, something that his time in Wakanda with Shuri and T’Challa had gotten rid of. The only difference this time is he doesn’t see himself. He sees everything he went through, all the tourture he endured and the innocent bloodshed, but instead of him you’re in his shoes. He watches you get your brain turned into mush in the damn chair. He watches you forgetting everyone- forgetting him- and then going after the Avengers because you don’t know any better. He can never wake up from the nightmares, he’s stuck in them until he watches you die or you kill him. 
Twelve days after you’re taken, Bucky's down in the gym, sitting on a chair because the memories of you in the warehouse are consuming him. You saying that he hates you and to just trust you for once are playing on repeat. How could you think he doesn't trust you?
“I trust you!” he screams into the empty gym, wishing he’d told you so in the warehouse, hurling the knife that was resting in his hand into the wall across from him. He goes to run his hands through his long strands of hair, forgetting he had cut most of it off, something you would refer to as pulling a Britney. He has no idea what that even means, but you say it everytime you or Nat impulsively cut your hair super short. Instead he pushes the palms of his hands into his eyes, trying to push the memories away. “I could never hate you.”
Steve enters the gym quietly, observing his best friend for a few minutes. He’s never seen him this bad before, not even when he was consumed by guilt when he realized all of the innocent lives that were lost by his hands. Steve was aware that Bucky has had feelings for you since he saw you, immediately becoming infatuated with your beauty. His feelings continued to grow when he learned your humor, sarcasm, intelligence, and saw your skill in battle. Steve knew Bucky was intimidated and nervous, not as skilled with the women like he was seventy years ago and that’s why he didn’t talk to you, but Steve never realized that Bucky cared this much. 
“Hey Buck,” Steve finally speaks, causing Bucky to stand up and pretend he wasn’t just having a breakdown. “We’ve got something.”
Bucky doesn’t verbally respond, instead he brushes past Steve and walks out of the gym. Steve quickly leads the way to the lab, filling Bucky in on the new development. Hydra is streaming a live feed of you chained to a chair right to every computer and television screen in the compound. When the two get to the lab, packed with the rest of the Avengers huddling around the same screen, Bucky see’s you for the first time in twelve days. The first time you aren’t a figment of his imagination. You’re bruised and bloody: split lip with dried blood on your chin; dried blood on your forehead from where you must have wiped the blood from the cut on your eyebrow so it didn’t drip into your eyes before you were chained to the chair; you’re left eye black, blue, and bruised; your skin has a yellow hue and your cheeks are hollow from malnutrition. 
Bucky wants to scream, he wants to put a fist through a wall, and he wants to kill whoever laid a hand on you. The Avengers watch quietly as he squeezes through the gaps in the group's huddle so he can be by the screen. By you. You aren’t staring at the camera, instead staring straight in front of you, where he imagines Hydra agents are standing. 
“You don’t want another Winter Soldier,” your voice is the exact opposite of your appearance, it’s still so strong and determined. “You want the Winter Soldier. You wanted us to intercept the messages and show up at the base, it was an ambush.” 
“Very good, Ms. (Y/L/N),” a man speaks off screen, he has a thick Russian accent, but Bucky doesn’t recognize it. “The only problem was that you seemed to figure it out that day, and ruined our plans.”
“Oops?” your sarcasm garners another slap, the ring on the man's hand causing a gash on your cheekbone. “It’s been what, over a week? How long are you gonna keep me?”
“Until Soldat switches places with you,” you let out a loud bark of a laugh that echoes off the walls in the small room. 
“Bucky, your Soldat, he won’t sacrifice himself for me,” you laugh at the man interrogating you.
“We learned of his affections for you-” you cut him off with another laugh. 
“You need to fire whoever told you that,” you can’t stop laughing at the absurdity that came out of the Hydra agents mouth. And you don’t care if he becomes angry and annoyed with you, you’re gonna get killed no matter what. Your eyes quickly flick to the camera set up on your left, the one the Hydra agents thought you hadn’t seen, before continuing knowing the Avengers had to be seeing all of this. “The only affection Bucky has for me is hatred. He hates me, there’s no way he’d switch places for little old me. You should have captured literally anyone else if you wanted him to be upset. He can’t stand me! We can’t even hold a simple conversation, and he always leaves the room when I’m in it. We were only paired up on this mission because of a fluke accident. Face it, you fucked up. I’m worthless to your Soldat.”
“That’s not true!” Bucky feels like he’s yelling it at the screen, but his protest is only a whisper. The rest of the team watches him with sad eyes, he’s looking at you so longingly. Trying to will you to understand how he feels about you through the screen. As if on cue, you glance at the camera again, giving it a sd smile, accepting your fate. A loud ping comes from one of the computers in the lab, but Bucky keeps eye contact with you, even though he knows you can’t see. He doesn’t realize he’s doing it until his flesh hand is pressed against the television.
“We’ve got a location!” Tony yells, already calling for his suit. 
“Then you’re worthless to me!” the hydra agent growls, stopping the team in their tracks who were on their way to change. 
“No,” Bucky pleads, when he hears the safety of a gun clicking off.  
“Any last words for your precious Avengers?” the man asks you, gesturing to the camera, he hadn’t noticed you’d already seen it. 
“I’d say tell my family I love them,” you’re openly talking to the camera now. “But I don’t have any. So thank you for being the family I never had, and the family I always wanted. I love every single one of you.”
A tear slips from your non swollen eye, a matching one rolling down Bucky’s cheek. The screen goes black, a gun goes off, and then the feed cuts completely. “No!” he screams, going to punch a hole in the television, but his fist goes right through due to it being Stark technology. 
“Where are you going?” Steve calls as Bucky heads to exit to the lab, no one else moving, too shocked to register everything that just happened. 
“Let’s go kill those bastards,” is his gruff response, heading towards the hanger with the Quinjet since he’s already dressed in his tactical gear from his time in the gym. 
Steve and Tony are the first ones dressed and ready to go, but the latter hangs back so Steve can talk to his best friend privately. Steve doesn’t say anything when he sits beside the brunette, he doesn’t know where to begin. 
“(Y/N) died thinking I hated her Stevie,” Bucky’s voice breaks. “I kept my distance cause I didn’t want to hurt her. And then I saw her with Sam and I was jealous so I started to ignore her more. I pushed her away because I was scared and jealous. And now she’ll never know that I love her.”
A shot rings through the small room you’re stuck in, the bullet lodging into the wall beside your head. You glance at the camera, finding the red light off. Your team, your family thinks you're dead. That was his damn plan, he knows they’ll come to avenge you. 
“Sit tight,” he smirks, the barrel of his gun coming into contact with your skull, effectively knocking you out. 
Your head is heavy and pounding in pain when you finally come to. Outside the door you can hear screams and guns going off at rapid speed. You cringe away from the sound when someone uses their body to break open the door to your room. The sound of familiar footsteps clomping towards you causes you to perk up, it’s Bucky. You can’t open your eyes or even move your head towards the sound to alert him that you’re okay, but you hear a whispered “thank god,” when he hears your steady heartbeat. From the crunching sound you can tell Bucky used his vibranium hand to crush the handcuffs keeping you attached to the chair. 
He picks you up bridal style, holding you close to his warm chest. You involuntarily cuddle into the warmth, causing Bucky to smile lovingly down at you. “I’ve got you now,” he whispers, hand caressing your cheek, careful not to put pressure on your many cuts. 
When you wake up again, you're in the familiar sterile medbay at the compound. A heavy weight is on your hand, looking over you notice it’s Bucky's hands clutching yours, his head tipped back on the seat he’s in.
“He hasn’t left your side,” Sam smirks at the scene from the doorway, holding a falcon stuffed animal. You playfully roll your eyes at the gift, but reach for it with your free hand. Bucky starts to stir, so Sam gives you a kiss on the forehead and heads for the door again. “Tinman’s whipped.”
The first thing you notice when you glance at Bucky again is his hair. He cut it all off when you were gone. As much as you loved his luscious locks and thought he was hot with them, he’s undeniably sexy with the short hairstyle. “You cut your hair,” Bucky immediately wakes up the rest of the way at your voice, ocean blue eyes staring into yours. “It looks good on you.”
“You could have died,” his voice exasperated. “And the first thing you mention is my hair. I’ve been worried sick, (Y/N)!”
“I was fine,” you roll your eyes, trying not to think of just how close to death you came. “I’m fine now.” 
“Next mission I get to call the shots,” he grumbles. “I’m not having the woman I love almost die for me again.”
“I love you too Buck,” you ignore the fact that he didn’t mean for you to hear his confession. “Why else would I be willing to die for you?”
He shoots out of his seat, eyes wide as he stares down at you. You push up to a sitting position, moving to the side of the bed, motioning for Bucky to lay beside you. He seems to debate with himself about whether he should or not, before finally laying down and gently pulling you into his arms. You crane your neck up to look into his eyes, he leans down and your lips meet timidly at first. It quickly turns into a slow loving kiss, the two of you wanting to prolong for as long as you can. You reach a hand up, caressing his face before slipping it through his now short locks.
Permanent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny​ @mrs-malfoy-always​
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
something part 2--calum hood
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a/n: thank you for all the love on the first part! 
word count: almost 4.3k
warnings: sexual situations, angst
read part one here
Calum turns upon hearing his name, knowing it’s Y/N but then his eyes widen when he also sees Missy standing on the last step of the stairs. In his shirt. With no pants on. She also said his name and now his sharp headache is back.
“Have you seen my phone?” Missy asks then looks to Y/N. “Who’s this?”
Y/N’s eyes dart between Missy and Calum, her mouth open then she shakes her head in disbelief and turns back towards the front door.
“Y/N wait!” Calum follows her out the door, the hot cement burning his feet as he sprints. By the time he reaches her she’s already opened the door of her car. He closes it then spins her around, but she avoids his eyes. “Please, let me explain.”
“There’s nothing to explain, Cal. Last night was a mistake, we shouldn’t have done what we did. I’m not mad you hooked up with Missy, it’s fine. Let me go.”
She tries to turn around and open her door again, but Calum presses it shut while simultaneously pressing himself against her. He holds her cheek in his hand until she looks into his eyes, tears pooling inside them.
He’s taken back to his bathroom being in this same position.
“I didn’t hook up with Missy, she got sick and I offered her some clothes and we fell asleep. That’s it. And I’m not letting you go when I…when I feel like I just got you.”
He swipes at a stray tear that fell and she lets out a shaky breath.
“This is already so messy, Cal.”
“Then why did you come back?” he asks, and she averts her gaze from him catching her bottom lip between her teeth.
“Because I….”
“I heard you left with Max. If you hooked up with him then…okay, it happened. But why did you come back, Y/N?”
“Because I wanted to tell you I didn’t hook up with him. I didn’t want you thinking that what you and I did wasn’t…wasn’t something. It was more than that.”
Calum could fly with how happy her words made him.
“So, I didn’t hook up with Missy and you didn’t hook up with Max. We hooked up with only each other,” he clarifies making sure they’re on the same page.
“Yes, but we both ended up in beds with the accused hook-ups and not with each other,” she chuckles. “We’re a mess.” She places her hands on his waist.
“You slept with him?” he asks, and she rolls her eyes.
“He was too drunk to drive home so he crashed with me.”
“We’re both so nice, aren’t we?” he grins inching forward.
“Cal!  Someone just threw up in the living room!” Missy shouts from the doorstep.
Calum groans and ducks his head into Y/N’s neck. Her skin is cool against his lips, he forces himself not to take a nibble and have her moan like she did the night before.
“You should go clean up that mess,” she says hugging him to her. Her hands squeeze the back of his shoulders. “Then we clean up ours.”
“I like the sound of ‘we,’” he hums then pulls away. He squints in the hot sun scanning over her face. “I’ll kick everyone out, call the cleaning crew then call you and we can go out.”
“Sounds like a plan,” she stretches up and kisses his nose before moving her lips by his ear and whispers, “maybe I can return the favor you did for me last night.”
Calum groans at the endless possibilities of that statement. She laughs pushing him away to open her car door.
It wasn’t until about four thirty when everyone was out of his house, including the cleaning crew. Y/N’s been on his mind the whole time. How they got where they are now has definitely been messy, but he wouldn’t want it to be any other way or with anyone else.
He’s checking his time on his phone after his shower, he wants to pick up her favorite flowers. His Beatles playlist is echoing throughout the house while he continues to get ready and puts on black jeans, a black tank top and his white and black polka-dotted shirt. Y/N once commented it was her favorite. As he’s applying his cologne he notices he probably should have shaved, some scruff is around his mouth, but he doesn’t have time now.
By the time he’s on the road there’s a slight traffic jam that’s delaying his timetable by fifteen minutes. He sends her a quick text about the delay then taps his fingers on the steering wheel anxiously.
Fifteen minutes turned into twenty when he finally arrived at the flower shop only to find it closes early in the winter months. Fifteen minutes ago.
“You’ve got to be shittin’ me,” he grumbles and tries to Google other flower shops that would be open.
There aren’t any nearby, the closest one is ten miles in the opposite direction of where he needs to be. The sun is starting to sink below the horizon, and he looks up and down the block he’s on for any sign of flowers. Feeling defeated, he heads back to his car then spots some wildflowers sprouting along the guardrail. He picks an array of colors, purple, white, yellow, and a few small red orange looking ones.
He arranges them in a bouquet he hopes is presentable enough then searches frantically for some type of string to tie them together. The only thing he has on him is one of his chain necklaces. Calum sighs, sets the ‘bouquet’ on his seat carefully then unfastens his chain. He wraps and weaves it around the stems, fastening it together again.
When he gets on the road again there’s an accident, so he’s been redirected on a different route to Y/N’s house making him about a half hour late. He hopes she won’t hate him. He predicts she’ll shove his flower arrangement in his face.
His tires squeal as he pulls in front of her small home, Calum takes a deep breath and walks up her cement path. He hides his ‘bouquet’ behind his back and knocks on the door. He hears footsteps then the door opens, and he’s met with her gorgeous smile.
“I’m so sorry I’m late. There was traffic then the flower shop was closed and then there was an accident, so I had to take a detour,” he rambles in one breath then pulls his flowers from behind his back. “These are for you.”
“You’re so sweet,” she takes the flowers carefully and eyes up his necklace wrapped tightly around the stems. “And innovative. Why don’t you—what’s on your hand?”
He looks down when she touches his hand that held onto the flowers and he sees red bumps over his fingers and wrist. Upon seeing them his hand starts to itch.
“I think you might be allergic to the flowers. Come in, I have Benadryl we can put on it.”
She takes his other hand bringing him inside. She sets the flowers on the kitchen table and leads him into her bathroom. He’s gazing at her decorations on the walls, watercolors and signs of positive quotes while she digs through a drawer.
“This should help the scratch and make it less irritated. I can—no! Don’t touch your eyes!” she gasps when she sees Calum scratching underneath his eye. She swats his hand away, her finger touching the corner of his eye lightly that’s already turning a little pink.
“Oops,” he mumbles then sneezes into his elbow. “I’m sorry. Now I’m the mess.”
“It’s okay. I’ll give you some Benadryl, but you’ll be very sleepy,” she pulls out a pill bottle.
“I don’t want to be sleepy on our date.”
“I don’t want you to be uncomfortable with hives and sneezes. We can stay in for a little bit. Here,” she hands him a small pink pill then fills a small plastic cup with water.
“This is not how I planned this night to go,” he shakes his head and takes the pill.
“Why don’t you tell me how you wanted it to go on the couch?” she smiles and kisses his cheek.
Calum’s laying on top of her while she scrolls through movies and shows on Netflix, the effects of the Benadryl were already acting. She’s playing with his hair while he mumbles about his plans for their night.
“I was going to pick you up your favorite flowers, they’d be in their own vase and everything. Not held together by my necklace,” his voice is muffled as his lips move against her stomach.
“I like how they’re held by your necklace,” she smiles stroking her finger over his forehead lightly. “Then what?”
“Then I’d pick you up, and I’d take you to the pier where there’s a bunch of…” he lets out a long yawn, “…a bunch of food vendors. There’d be a concert and we’d get ice cream or coffee before I brought you home and kissed you goodnight. I miss your lips.”
She selects a movie they both love and settles more into the couch, more into him and his warmth. Her arms wrap around him and she kisses the top of his head.
“Not what I meant,” he sighs, his body gets a little heavier, but he lifts his head. His eyes are droopy, and he has a loopy grin on his face as he purses his lips.
“What am I supposed to do with that?” she teases.
“You’re supposed to kiss me,” he pouts.
“I don’t know…you’re all drugged up.”
“Please? Wanna taste strawberries.”
“Lips. Taste like strawberries. Now, kiss!”
He stretches up further and she giggles at his insistence and is all too willing to press her lips to his. It’s a soft kiss, his lips moving gently against hers. Calum sighs then drops his head against her chest again.
“Thank you,” he hums happily, squeezing her in a hug. “I’m sleepy.”
“I know, you can sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up,” she kisses his head again and continues to play with his curls.
Five minutes later, he’s snoring softly. Her fingers create designs up and down his back, she’s enjoying the soft noises he’s making and how he subconsciously squeezes her closer to him. Last night plays in her head as she watches the actors on the screen. She can’t help but look at Calum while he sleeps peacefully, his face is so cute.
It isn’t until about an hour and a half later that he starts to rouse awake. He flexes his muscles then lifts his head groggily.
“Am I dreaming?”
“No,” she chuckles rubbing at the sleep lines on his cheek. “How do you feel? Your eyes aren’t pink anymore.”
“My nose isn’t stuffy either,” he gives a tentative sniff then lifts his hand. “How’s my hand?”
She takes it delicately in hers, their fingers locking and unlocking, tangling and untangling. He’s free of hives, his eyes are brown and beautiful.
“Perfectly perfect,” she smiles.
Calum leans up to kiss her. “What time is it?”
“Only eight thirty. You still want to go to the pier?”
Calum and Y/N are walking hand in hand along the pier with a thousand stars scattered above them. Chatter and laughter carries them along as they sample food from people at their stands. One of the carts was a flower cart that Calum led her to with a Cheshire grin. There were arrangements in vases and even some flower crowns that Y/N was ogling up.
“Which one do you want?” Calum asks taking out his wallet.
“Mm, this one,” she points to a crown with dainty yellow flowers. Calum pays for it and places it on her head. “How do I look?”
“Gorgeous,” he smiles then ducks down and kisses her.
They continue their evening eating more food and when the music starts to play it’s the song Calum was singing earlier this morning. Was that already this morning? He pulls her against his chest, his arms wrapped around the front of her chest as he sings Something to her softly in her ears.
“You were singing that this morning when I came in.”
“It was in my head when I woke up ‘cause it makes me think of you,” he rubs his cheek against hers. “You attract me like no other.”
On their drive back to her house, ironically Ashton’s song Drive is playing, and Y/N turns the volume up that Calum can’t even hear the wind blowing in his ears. Since it was a warm night, he had the moon roof open. The stars zoomed by like they were in a rocket ship. They’re singing along together at the top of their lungs then Y/N unbuckles her belt midway through the song.
“What are you doing?” Calum shouts turning the music down a little as she stands up poking her body through the roof.
“Turn it up!” she laughs.
He joins in her laughter glancing up at her as she lifts her arms into the air, letting the wind whip through her hair. Calum never wants to forget this moment, but it also makes him nervous that half her body is out the car, so he wraps his arm around her legs, his thumb subconsciously rubbing the skin of her inner thigh.
When he pulls to a stop in front of her house, the song fades and she looks down at him, a diamond smile on her face.
You and me
She kneels down in front of him, hair windblown with her flower crown askew.
You and me
“Is my hair a mess?” she asks breathlessly.
You and me
“You’re perfect,” he shakes his head, eyes flickering to her lips.
You and me
She grabs his cheeks kissing him. And they keep kissing up her walk, through the door, down the hall until finally stopping in her bedroom. Their hearts are racing as his shirt is removed and her jacket is shoved off her shoulders. She uses all her strength to push him onto her bed and straddles him.
“You think you’re in control?” he teases shifting his hands beneath her dress and over her ass. He gives her a squeeze.
“Remember what I said this morning?” she asks stamping kisses to his neck and collarbone.
“Refresh my memory?” his fingers slip underneath her panties, snapping them against her skin.
She lifts her head gazing down at him, biting her lip through a smile. “I want to repay the favor you did for me last night.”
She tugs on his belt for good measure causing Calum to groan, he swallows harshly as she unzips the back of her dress and yanks it off her body. Her breasts falling freely, and his mouth goes dry at the sight of her. She sits back on her heels; he follows her into a sitting position removing his own shirt then quickly meeting her in the middle for a kiss. A kiss with tongues and teeth clashing and Calum cups her breasts in his hands.
“You’re so soft,” he mumbles tugging on her lip. She lets out a shaky breath then pushes him against her pillows.
He watches her undo his pants, aiding her by lifting his hips so she can tug his pants and boxers down. She crawls up his legs slowly, nails scraping his thighs, her eyes innocent as her lips un-innocently kiss below his navel. Calum strokes her cheek affectionately, then pulls on her lower lip with his thumb. His body heats up when she takes his thumb in her mouth, sucking lightly on his finger and he hisses when her hand grabs his already hardened dick.
“Fuck, you’re killin’ me already,” he sighs, and she smiles around his thumb.
She nips on his thumb, eyes still on him as she descends to his waist swiping her tongue over his hip bone. He holds his breath when she finally, finally closes her mouth around his head. When her tongue swirls his stomach clenches. She works herself up taking him little by little until he’s slicked with her spit. When she takes all of him in her mouth he lets out a loud groan, his fingers flying to her hair aiding the bobbing motion of her head.
“Feel good?” she whispers stroking him with her hand. She licks a long stripe up the underside of his dick.
“So, so good,” he pants. She smiles at the praise and Calum wishes he had a camera to capture the moment.
She bobs up and down at a faster pace, his thighs start to clench and as much as he wants to cum from her mouth alone, he needs to feel her all around him. Using all of his willpower he lifts her head off him, a line of spit hanging from her mouth and he groans pulling her in for a kiss.
He flips her over easily making her giggle at the swiftness. Before he moves his lips to one of her breasts, he stares at her. The flower crown is still somehow on her head, her hair splayed across her pillows, lips red and swollen from going down on him.
“What?” she breathes heavily, her fingers playing with his necklace.
Three words are burning dangerously on his lips, their history of bad timing has led to this perfect moment in time. Instead, he traipses his fingers down the curve of her jaw, past her collarbones, down her chest and in between her legs shifting them apart. She wraps them around his waist, and he nudges himself against her folds.
“Nothing, you’re perfect,” he shakes his head saying three different words pushing himself inside her.
She squeezes around him, her fingers tugging on his hair in pleasure, their bodies molding to one another. Two pieces of the same puzzle slotting in all the right places.
“Oh,” she gasps when he starts to thrust.
Her hips meet his in the perfect rhythm, their kisses messy, bodies sweating. A memory crosses his mind and Calum removes her hands from his hair moving them above her own head, pinning them together.
“You remembered,” she moans trying to break free from his grip just for fun. He tightens his hold, and she gasps.
“Wanna make all your fantasies come true, baby,” he grins sucking on her neck. “You take me so well…fill you up so good.”
“Cal,” she whines appreciatively at his words.
He feels her clench around him as she becomes slicker and then she’s gasping out curse words and his name as she comes undone around him. Her body trembles in delight and soon he’s coming as well. He pulls out, releases her hands so he can jerk himself on her lower belly. Her fingers find his hair again as she encourages his release with pretty sighs.
He sees her stomach glistening from his cum, his own hand covered, and he chuckles at a thought.
“What?” she pets his hair affectionately and he looks up at her. Her crown has broken, and she has yellow petals scattered in her hair and around her pillow.
“Now we’re both messy.”
“I don’t mind this kind of mess.”
The next morning, Calum regrettably had to leave early for an emergency band meeting. He tried to get out of it so he could spend more time with Y/N but it was about tour dates and some venues fell through the cracks. He got dressed quickly, eying Y/N sleeping peacefully and crouched in front of her and kissed the beauty mark by her eye.
“What time is it?” she groans then sees he’s dressed. “You’re leaving?”
“It’s early and I don’t want to leave but there’s a band emergency,” he sighs sadly. “I’ll call you as soon as we’re finished.”
“Okay. Give me a kiss before you go?”
He smiles and kisses her softly; he has to force himself to pull away or he’ll never leave.
“Sleep tight.”
She watches him leave through half-lidded eyes then falls back asleep with a smile on her face. He invades her dreams and when she wakes up she finds her phone has been blowing up. Curious, she scrolls through the notifications, one of them has a photo attached to it.
She opens it up to see Calum with Missy at a coffee shop with the headline ‘Calum Hood the BAE-ssist of 5 Seconds of Summer spotted with bombshell model Missy Robins: rumors of dating speculating.’
Y/N swallows the lump in her throat and tries to keep her mind from spiraling. He’s wearing the same clothes he had on yesterday. He wouldn’t lie about meeting with the guys, right? What they did last night was something special, their messy journey ended in the perfect way.
Or did it?
She closed out of the article and saw messages from him and a few missed calls.
[9:19 a.m] Good morning (again) sweetheart, meeting’s almost finished I’ll pick up bagels and coffee and be right over
[10:45 a.m] if you see pictures of me and Missy, I’ll explain everything. Bumped into her but the meeting didn’t go so well…
[11:10 a.m] on my way to your door, hope you’re still in bed naked 😉
She sits up wrapping her sheets around her chest just as her front door opens. He used the spare key she gave him, and she starts to pull the yellow petals that are still clinging to her hair. She can only imagine what the meeting was about and how Missy was involved. Some petals clung a little tightly and it made her eyes sting with tears, at least that’s what she told herself.
Calum enters her room with a wide grin on his face, coffee cups in a holder and a bag in his other hand.
“Hey beautiful,” he greets happily and sits next to her.
“Hey,” she says thickly avoiding his eyes. A sinking feeling nudges her heart, past wounds beginning to rupture at this all too familiar feeling. The familiar feeling of being left.
“What’s the matter?” he sets the drinks and bag on her nightstand and tries to smooth her hair, but she pushes his hand away. “Y/N, talk to me. Is it about the photos?”
“What was your meeting about?” her voice is thick with emotion; she doesn’t dare look at him in fear she’ll really lose what composure she has left.
“It was about tour, but then…management spewed out this ridiculous idea--”
“Involving Missy?” she runs her fingers over the remainder of her flower crown, the loose petals resting in her lap.
Her heart sinks lower and she takes a shaky breath.
“They want you to…to um, date her, hm?” her mouth quivers but she keeps her emotions inside, no matter how hard they’re boiling to get out. “Because the new single and album and all, right?”
“Yes.” He moves to hold her, but she pulls back.
“Things keep getting messier,” she jokes but her voice cracks and she hides her face from him. The tears start to fall.
“I told them no, I told them I’m already with someone I care about. I don’t want to fake date her, I don’t want to act anymore, Y/N. Please believe me.”
“I do, I do believe you,” she nods swiping at her tears, but they keep leaking from her eyes. “But if…this is your job, Calum. It can’t be coincidence that we’ve had all these roadblocks pushing us apart. Maybe we’re not supposed to be together.”
“No, no, no, don’t say that,” he scoots closer and cradles her cheeks in his hands. His face is blurry through her tears. “I’ve only wanted to be with you, Y/N.”
“Don’t,” she shakes her head. “Don’t say that, it’s making it worse.”
“Y/N, I’m not going to date her for publicity or the band. That’s bullshit.”
“It’ll help your album—”
“Are you really trying to convince me to do this? After all we’ve been through to get here? You’re giving up?”
“It’s not giving up when we never really had each other,” she whispers. Calum’s hands drop from her face, he stares at her stunned.
“You’re just saying that. We’ve both been burned in the past, don’t push me away.”
“You should probably leave. Please,” she cries not even bothering to hide her tears anymore. “I’ll be okay.”
“That’s a damn lie and you know it.”
“It’s easy to be alone.”
“It’s even harder to be lonely.”
They sit there in silence; her tears pat on her comforter. Calum opens his mouth as if to say something else, but he closes it and shoves off the bed. He slams the door on his way out, the sound echoing her shattered heart. Her shaking hands break the rest of her crown, the petals are a mess in her hands, and she sobs in the foliage. No way will her tears restore the life back into them.
Calum’s speeding home, his pounding heart matches the speeding speedometer. He can’t believe this. He’s pissed at management. He’s pissed that he was nice enough to let Missy sleep in his bed. He’s pissed she ‘coincidentally’ was at the coffee shop after the meeting. He’s pissed that Y/N put on a brave face and forced him away.
When the drums and guitar riff of Something plays through his speakers Calum punches the screen to stop it, his rings makes it break, the screen spider webbing in cracks. He’s met with radio silence, the only thing he hears is his heart cracking.
Taglist: @calpalirwin​ @myloverboyash​  @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​  @spicycal​ @mysticalhood​ @notinthesameguey​ @wastedheartcth​  @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​  @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​ @devilatmydoor​ @sanrioluke​ @mayve-hems​  @haikucal​ @thatscooibaby​  @suchalonelysunflower​ @burstintocolor​  @dead-and-golden​ @mymindwide​  @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @karajaynetoday​ @quasighost​ @i-like-5sos​ @creampiecashton​ @calpops​ @superbloomed-c​ @littledrummeraussie​ @sexgodashton​
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beastenraged · 3 years
not my friends on the other side
To be be completely honest, I wasn’t too sure about the entire “going to another Kingdom Hearts universe” from the very start. 
I mean, I saw how Ven and that Xehanort and all of the rest reacted to being in mine and it wasn’t super great. And I’m not idiot enough to think I have better luck than them in that regard. 
But the other Xehanort asked. Me and Xehanort from my universe. And maybe because of the bemused look on Xeha’s face, I accepted. Because of course he would come with me, why wouldn’t he?
Ven hanging onto him is some of the funniest stuff I’ve seen, I will not lie. 
So yeah. That happened. We left. Got there, somehow. 
Maybe I should have accepted Ira’s offer of a hand to hold on the way there. Maybe then I wouldn’t be in this mess. 
The mess of having some giggling something whirl me away and deposit me in Ven’s home-line whatever far away from everyone else! The absolute worst!
Around me is flowers. Lots and lots of flowers. So many flowers of so many kinds and flowers. Almost makes me wanna sneeze with an imaginary allergy. 
Garden maybe? I kind of recognize the water fountains nearby, everything looks very clean. Like...this is a world before it fell into Darkness. This is a world before its inhabitants lost everything. 
The sky is blue. Very blue, I notice from on my back. 
“There’s someone over there!” Huh? That voice-!
Red hair. Green eyes. Axel. A baby Axel. And next to him, a baby Marluxia. Why is my luck like this? WHY. 
Wait. Are they holding hands? 
My least favorite people are apparently-
No. Just no. 
“Are you together?” my traitor mouth blurts out. 
Green eyes squint at me. “Uh, yes? Why?”
“Um. Doesn’t matter,” I choke out. I stagger onto my feet, place my hands in the dirt before I completely fall over. My fingers flex, digging in. 
“Are you alright?” The Marluxia, fine I’ll say it, the Lauriam asks me. Looking so very worried. So very concerned. 
My leg throbs in phantom remembrance, of that time I spent hanging upside down from thorns wrapped around it. Okay, maybe I do need therapy, this is a bit much. Even for me. 
I can breath. And I do. The phantom pain even fades away, go me!
“Who are you?” Lea takes the lead. So young, the fact that he looks younger than Axel who- well, did that. That helps. A little. 
“Ruse,” I make out. “Um. You know a Ven, right?”
“Ven? But they’ve been missing. What do you know?” Lauriam taking the lead. 
“Accident. I met them. They and the rest should be back here now?” I try. “I...got separated from the rest.”
Lea gives a firm nod. “Okay. C’mon, let’s-”
He steps towards me to offer his hand and that’s apparently when my brain decides nope not today Satan on him. 
Ice spikes out from me, killing the flowers in droves. I just barely manage to throw myself to the ground in a way so the ice spikes don’t hit either Somebody staring at me. 
Staring at me like I’m a monster. Like there’s something wrong with me. 
Oh no. There’s a lot of frost now. Grey patches. The flowers are gone. Oops.
“Sorry I killed the flowers,” I make out, fuzzy spots dancing around the edges of my vision. My fingers are scratching at my scars, when did that start happening?
The two are moving closer. Why are they coming closer? They should be running away, not this. Never this. 
They’re talking to each other. My ears are buzzy. Can’t hear. 
All I can do is breathe. 
(Okay. I hate this. Can we go back now?)
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mod-x · 4 years
For: @liberhoe
TW: sexual assault, mentions of rape, violence, blood
Nishinoya Yuu propped his legs up on the table in front of him, his head resting in the palm of his hand. He listened as his advisors droned on and on about turf wars happening in the city. It should bother him, it is a war he had started. But his mind was on other things.
By other things, that really meant the beautiful piece in a red two piece dress he had his arm around, who was sitting on his lap. Yaku Morisuke. 
The blonde sat tall and proud in Yuu's lap. Why wouldn't he? He belonged to the most powerful man in the city. He should be proud. 
Yuu's thoughts were pulled when the meeting ended. He made no move to stand, finally able to get a little time with his husband. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed one of his men eyeing Morisuke. He looked at him, arm tightening around his husband. 
"Problem?" He all but snarled. 
"No sir. Your toy just looks good. Mind if I take it for a whirl?"
Yuu stood up so fast, he accidently dumped Morisuke onto the floor. He'd have to apologize later. He slammed a hand on the chair, next to the other man's head.
"The fuck did you just say?" 
The other man flinched, but held his ground. Yuu was known for intimidation. He nodded at Morisuke, who was now standing and dusting himself off. "Your toy, sir? It looks so pretty in that dress. Wanna know what it's like, sir."
Morisuke's face fell. He hated it when people asked that. He wouldn't service anyone but Yuu. Ever. And most everybody in the mafia knew this. 
Yuu's gun all but leaped into his hand and he pressed it to the other man's forehead.  "You stay the fuck away from Morisuke. Got me?" His voice was dripping with venom, anger, rage. "Got me?!"
Morisuke flinched. Yuu rarely ever yelled, and he hated when he did. He almost reached out a hand to touch Yuu's arm. He was really the only one who could calm the boss down. But he knew it wouldn't help this time. 
The man nodded, scared for his life. Yuu retracted the gun, put it back in his waistband and turned. "You come near him, and I'll kill you."
Then he stalked over to Morisuke, wrapped an arm around his waist and led him out of the room.
The warning wasn’t heeded as well as Yuu had hoped. It was a few weeks after the incident, and Morisuke was on his way from the kitchen to find his husband, wearing a pretty light blue sundress that brought out his eyes. Yuu had wanted a glass of water and some scotch. Morisuke was more than happy to get it for him. He rounded the corner and bumped into someone. 
“Oops! Sorry!” He looked up and his heart sank a little. It was the man Yuu had threatened, with a few other men. He froze then swallowed down his fear. “If I can just get by….” 
“What for, sweetheart?” The man smirked, caging the smaller male against the wall with an arm. “Where are you going in such a hurry?” 
Morisuke put on a fake pout, anxiety rising in his chest. “Daddy said he needed something to drink so….” He held up the glasses in his hands. “I’m bringing him some. Can’t keep him waiting, you know.” Bringing up Yuu had been Morisuke’s last hope at getting by. 
The man laughed and took the glasses from him, handing it off to one of his buddies. “I think he can wait a little longer, don’t you?” His hand came up to grip Morisuke’s jaw, but he ducked under his arm and ran. Or tried to. The other men blocked his path and he shrank back. 
“L-look, Daddy’s gonna be mad if I don’t get back soon.” Another bargaining chip. Maybe they'd let him go then? 
“He’s busy,” the man from behind drawled. He set a hand on Morisuke’s waist, “He won’t notice that much.” He snatched up the smaller male’s wrist and tugged him into another room. He tossed him inside, onto the floor, and Morisuke scrambled back. 
He couldn’t scream. He couldn’t run. He was trapped and these men were going to rape him. He could just feel it. 
Unbeknownst to any of them, a new member happened to be walking by. He peeked into the room, over the shoulder of one of the other men and his face fell. He sprinted back the way he had come and skidded to a halt in front of Yuu, who was studying a map of the city with a few of his closest advisors. 
Yuu looked up with a raised eyebrow, obviously miffed at the fact that he was being interrupted. But his face softened a little when he noticed the younger man was shaken. He opened his mouth to speak, but the young man had him beat. 
“It’s Morisuke-” 
That’s all Yuu needed to hear before he was sprinting down the hall, panic settling in his bones. What had happened to his Mori? Why hadn’t he returned? It didn’t take that long to get water and scotch. 
He only slowed when he heard a soft whimper. “Please….” He instantly recognized the voice. Morisuke. 
He turned toward the door and kicked it open. Morisuke was naked, trapped between the three men as they ravaged his perfect pale skin with their dirty marks. His eyes were squeezed closed and he squirmed, but they didn’t give him much space to move. 
One man fell, blood pouring from his skull. 
Another one, dead. 
Morisuke opened his eyes to look at his savior. His heart leaped when he realized it was his husband. He moved to go to him, but the last man had a hold on his wrists. A hostage situation. 
Yuu’s eyes narrowed, his gun still trained on the man. “I thought I told you to stay away from my husband, you bastard. Get off him, now.” 
“Was just playing with him, sir. Look, see how hard he is already?” He reached around Morisuke’s body to his cock. The smaller male stiffened underneath him. 
The man collapsed on the ground, holding his side, screaming in pain. Yuu walked over as Morisuke’s legs crumbled and he fell to the ground. He scrambled back, out of fear and of shock. He had never seen his husband this angry. 
Yuu stood over the man, chin raised, jaw clenched. “Sick bastard.” His gun aimed for the man’s head. Another gunshot. Blood and brain matter flew everywhere. Yuu glared down at the body for another few moments, then he raised his head, sharp eyes picking up on Morisuke. 
Morisuke’s eyes widened. Blood was splattered on his husband’s face. Yuu had just killed a man, but holy shit, he looked so intimidating and hot. 
Yuu’s face softened as he walked over, tucking his gun away. His fingers worked at the buttons of his black dress shirt. He kneeled beside Morisuke and draped the shirt over his shoulders, hiding his body. 
“Are you all right? Did they hurt you?” His voice was soft, concerned. 
Morisuke felt his body relax and shut down on him. He could barely even shake his head. He flinched under Yuu’s fingers when they massaged over the dark bruises that the men had given him. 
“C’mere.” Yuu hefted up his husband in his arms, heading for the door. 
The gunshots had brought his closest friends, Tanaka, Asahi, and Daichi, to the door. Their eyes widened at the scene in front of them: the dead men, their shirtless boss, and their scared friend. 
Yuu pushed past them and headed for his room. “Burn the bodies. And the dress.” 
Morisuke’s eyes widened and he looked up at Yuu. “But that’s you favorite--” 
“I don’t care. Burn it.” 
The walk back was full of grim silence. Yuu’s grip was tight on Morisuke. He pushed open the door to their lavish room and marched straight for the bathroom. He set Morisuke down on the toilet seat, then started a bath. His rage was starting to settle, only to build as he started to blame himself. 
Morisuke seemed to sense this, because he grabbed Yuu’s hand and squeezed. His husband’s head snapped to him and he gave a weak smile. His body was still shaking. 
Yuu stopped the bath when it was full and he took his dress shirt from his husband. He picked him up and set him in the bath. After adjusting to the water, Yuu began to wash his body, gently scrubbing at the marks the men had made, as if trying to rid the stench of their breaths from Morisuke’s skin. 
This action started the tears. Morisuke’s head lowered and tears dripped down his face into the water. “Yuu, I’m so-” 
“Dont. Just don’t. That wasn’t your fault.” His tone was gentle and kind. “It wasn’t your fault.” 
The rest of the bath was quiet. Yuu let Morisuke cry; it was healthier for him to cry than to make him bottle it all up. When Yuu felt like his husband was thoroughly clean, he helped him out and dried him off. He put the nicest pair of pajamas Morisuke owned and carried him to their bed. 
Morisuke curled into his husband’s side, tears still in his eyes. Yuu cupped his face and tilted his chin up. 
“You’re never leaving my side again.”
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shadow--writer · 3 years
I Light up Like a Sparkler, Feel it Getting Warmer
title (this is one of my fav bands lol. they released the end of their newest album and it was all I could listen to for a week asdf)
Maeve x Lucas. Let’s try this one again (again). 3.9k
TW: none!
The Raven was boisterous when they entered, both making her gut sink and heart flutter a little. 
While she loved how loud it was, with people laughing so hard they bent over themselves. 
It meant more…
...of Eli. He was a regular patient at her clinic. And a total dumbass. A loving one, sure, but a dumbass.
“Ya gonna play for us tonight, hermosa dama?”
She rubbed her temples, cracking an eye open to look at him. She wasn’t very fluent in the language he spoke, but she’d heard it enough to guess what he was saying. 
“I need a few drinks before we go that far,” she replied, keeping her voice flat.
Eli laughed, raising his tankered at her. 
Lucas chuckled, kissing her cheek. “Well you’re popular.”
“Mmm. My dream.” 
She cracked an eye open to look around. Some of the people sitting by Eli paled they looked over at her. 
No...they weren’t looking at her. It was Lucas.
It was strange seeing it, like they had seen a ghost. Or something from the past. It wasn’t normal to pale like this. Sure Lucas was…well Lucas. She wouldn’t lie and say he was a small man.
Lucas shifted nervously, looking down at the ground. At their feet. Her legs. Anywhere but at the Raven falling quieter.
She frowned, turning away from the group. 
She’d ask him about it later. 
“We’ll just…get a place at the counter and wait for Amani, okay?” she said softly, shifting away to move to the counter.
She hated killing the mood by thinking, but something was just off. Or something was happening and he wasn’t telling her. Or it was both.
She chewed the inside of her cheek, rolling her eyes. He didn’t have to tell her anything he wasn’t comfortable with. Just as she kept things from him. 
But why did this feel bigger than whatever secrets she might’ve had?
She winced, thinking back on Nicolas as she sat on a stool. The fact she was thinking his name again was a good sign. 
After years of not. Was she healing?
…the nightmare she had pleaded the case of no. 
She let out a sigh, tangling her hands in her hair. Barth chuckled as he cleaned a glass, almost reading her mind. “We got a new shipment of gin.”
She peaked through her fingers. “I’m listening.”
Lucas sat next to her, hunching over a little as he pressed his shoulder against hers.
She reached over to pat his knee.
“And the usual for you?” Barth asked, throwing the rag over his shoulder and settling the glass down. 
She smiled a little, banishing all thoughts of Nicolas. Ugh she was never going to get over his name. Saying it, thinking it, it was all the same.
“Oh no. Mo stór will have a glass of water.” Oops she said that a little…loudly.
Lucas groaned, burying his face in his hands, the tips of his ears going red. 
There was a snort and a wheeze and Lucas looked like he wanted to melt further.
Ah. So it seemed Amani arrived.
She slowly gathered her wits up, mulling over what the fuck to say to her as Barth slid her a gin. And a water. 
“Thanks my love,” she said to him with a smile that was more of a grimace. Yeah. She was fucked. Nothing was quite like the wrath of Amani. She just hoped a peace offering would at least help a little. 
“Water huh?” Amani asked, walking over and throwing an arm around his shoulders, rubbing her knuckles into his hair. “Surprised you even knew it existed!”
Maeve hid her smile in her glass. Okay. Less fucked. “He lost a wager. No alcohol for a week.”
Amani perked up, plopping herself in Maeve’s lap. She let out a startled choke, giggling. 
“Ooh is that gin? Don’t mind if I do.” Amani plucked the glass from her hands, taking a swing. “Mm! That new, Barth?”
He nodded, chuckling to himself. 
Oh they were causing a scene.
Maeve smiled, resting one hand on Amani’s hip and the other on her knee. 
She liked it.
“Mmm this is really good!” Amani said, lighting up. She offered the glass to Lucas, her smile growing mischievous. “You should try it- oh wait!”
He pouted and Maeve pursed her lips to keep from laughing harder. 
“So. What’s this wager that my loving dumbass lost?”
“Amani,” he whined.
“Well,” Maeve said, smiling and letting out a breath. “He took me out on a date.”
“Oh fuck! Really?!” 
“Why are you surprised,” Lucas asked, pressing his cheek against the counter, sulking at the water.
“Well didn’t she fuckin dump ya? And your ass was pissed!”
“Mmm. Yeah. And you still owe me a lot of repairs.”
“Psh repairs reshamers.”
“…my broken stools would like to say otherwise.”
“Eh, what's a little property damage between friends!”
She liked that Amani considered them friends in that one sentence. But yeah she didn’t deserve it.
“I um…don’t think I’m worthy of being called a friend,” she murmured, her arms going slack. She fucked up pretty badly. Maybe not for the long term.
But she did hurt him.
Amani looked over her shoulder with a withering glare. “You’d better shut your bitchass mouth before I do.”
“Amani please don’t kiss my partner.”
“Hey wasn’t talkin bout kissin but she does have a nice mouth when she doesn’t run it on bullshit.”
Lucas’ lips quirked up in a tiny smile.
She wilted.
Oh no they were ganging up on her.
“It is a nice mouth.”
“And here I thought we were teasing you,” she replied, her tone miffed. She took her glass back from Amani and looked away from them as she bitterly took a swing. 
He chuckled, and she knew he saw the tips of her ears burning red.
“But eh, fuck it. Ya seem to draw this ass outta his shell a little more and make him happy and all that. Just don’t dump him without a good reason and we’re good.”
“But I-”
Amani pressed a finger to her lips with a grin. “Please, inviting me out here was a peace offering. I can see right through ya.”
“…well, yeah.”
“‘Preciate it. But I’m just glad I talked sense into ya. Also Lucas shared a smidgen of the blame. Sure, dumping him was harsh.” Amani’s eyes shone with understanding, she wasn’t going to mention why Maeve did it.
And she appreciated it, relaxing a little. 
“But hey. Guy’s gotta go through the stages of pining and hurt at lighting speed somehow.”
“Now tell me about this date ya went on.”
“He lost a wager we made. And got me bit by an eel.”
His head shot up. “I did not! You fell in all on your own!”
“Yeah! After you startled me!”
“It was an accident!”
Amani snorted. “Isn’t this the second person you’ve gotten bit?”
“I know right! The eels must flock to him thinking he’ll lay out their next meal!”
Lucas turned away from them, messing with his glass as they giggled.
“So. Wager?”
“We did a bit of sparring.”
“…always a good choice on a first date.”
“He called me shortie, and if he wouldn’t defend my honour I had to.”
“I said it because it’s true,” he mumbled.
“Well compared to you I might be, but I still kicked your ass so don’t you forget it.”
“You won’t let me.”
“Oh right, no alcoholic drinks for a week. What’s my poor darling supposed to do? Drink literally anything else? The horror.”
“So you banned him from drinking?”
“Oh great,” Lucas moaned.
Amani chuckled, throwing her head back and nearly making them topple off of the stool they shared. “Oh you are evil! I like it!”
She took a swing of her gin, finishing it off as Amani ordered her own drink. 
“He made his bed now he must lie in it.”
“You sparred for this?”
Amani squinted, looking at her. She tilted her head, the gold paint around her eyes shimmering a little. Maeve looked over at Lucas for help, and he was, of course, none. 
“You...sparred with him?”
“Is it that hard to believe?”
“And won?”
She smiled a little, giggling. “What, like it’s hard?”
Lucas looked over at them and smiled at her. “It was awesome.”
“What’d she do?”
“She kicked my nose.”
“And your ass. Literally.”
He snorted, taking her hand off Amani’s knee and holding it gently. “Flipping me over your shoulder is nothing to sniff at.”
“Holy shit she flipped ya? That is fuckin awesome!” Amani said, looking back at Maeve. “You’ve gotta show me how to do that.”
“...good point.”
“Destroy my bar and that’s even more on your tab,” Barth added, making Amani laugh.
“You know I wouldn’t.” He raised an eyebrow and she wilted a little. “...wouldn’t much.”
Maeve snorted, squeezing Lucas’ hand. “I’ll teach you later,” she told the woman who was still on her lap. Barth slid an amber liquid over to them and another gin. 
“Then what did you do?”
“Well everyone has pressure points tucked in our biceps. Press them hard enough and your arms will go numb. Hurts like a bitch but it’s good at taking down someone who is…” she smiled a little, looking at Lucas. “Bigger.”
Amani snorted. “With you two? That’s an understatement.”
Maeve giggled and Lucas blushed a little. “He wounded my pride so I had to stand up for myself.” She tweaked his nose. “And got his ass banned from alcohol. Tired of water?”
His eyes turned pleading. Reminded her of a puppy. “Yeah.”
She leaned over and kissed the tip of his nose. “They might have cider. I could order you some.”
His face fell and he made a face at her. “I’m not a kid. I can order my own cider.”
She sipped on her gin, hiding her smile in her glass. “Ah, of course. I hear the cider is very good though.”
“Better than water.”
She gasped in mock offense, holding a hand to her chest. “Slander water and I will throw you over the counter.”
He snorted, fighting back his smile. “Yes because you would risk that.”
She fluttered her lashes. “I can claim I was just simply...drunk and you said a comment that landed poorly. I must defend my honour after all, and I have quite the reputation.” Two gins in? Hardly enough to get her buzzed. 
She was quite proud of her alcohol tolerance. She could best even the largest of people in a game. It made betting fun. 
“Reputation? For what?”
She winked, letting out a tiny hum. “While I might be a lady I can cause a nuisance if I so pleased.”
“Oh? And how do you do that?” Amani chimed in, tease alight in her tone. 
“I’m not known as ‘Songbird’ for nothing, my sweet lady.”
Lucas snorted. “Lady.” Amani glared at him and stuck out her tongue. Maeve giggled, pressing her lips together to stifle the sound. 
“She does put on a good show if it pleases her,” Barth said with a smile. “She’s almost as bad as Julian.”
Maeve blew a raspberry. “Oh please I only sing.”
“Either way it draws people in,” he said with a shrug. “Plus you look like you have fun.”
Her cheeks reddened. She did have fun when she sang on top of the tables. It was energetic and she liked being the life of the party for once. 
But she hadn’t done anything...like that in front of Lucas. He might not like her doing it, or he’d see her much differently after the fact. She might’ve been vulgar and open (most of the time) but this was almost embarrassing. 
Nicolas didn’t like it because she made a fool of him when she did it. 
She bit her lip. Damn why did she keep thinking of him? He wasn’t here anymore. If she could go back to ignoring all that happened she could get on with her life. 
She nervously looked over at Lucas. He looked interested. 
“Do you play any instruments?” Amani asked. 
“I um...no.” She wouldn’t meet Amani’s eyes. “I...don’t have any to play if I wanted to.” She did have a fiddle of her own. Well, she used to have a fiddle. It had been a gift from her Seanathair, but she…
Her face fell. 
She left it with Nicolas. 
“And no one would want to hear me play! Besides, I don’t have a fiddle to play!”
“You can borrow mine, hermosa dama!” Eli offered from where he sat, waving his bow around.
Amani cocked an eyebrow with a smirk.
She wilted. 
“It’s just one little song, wouldn’t it be fun?” Amani said sweetly, batting her eyes. “Playing music again after so long!”
“...you’re good at this.”
“I’m an expert guilt tripper, that's true.”
“But I don’t think…” she looked at Lucas again and bit her lower lip. He wasn’t Nicolas but he might not like it either. She didn’t know, and after her major fuck up? One she still agreed with but regretted? Yeah. She didn’t want to risk it. Him liking her was already a miracle in itself. She was a disaster in heels. “No one wants to see me play. I sing, I dance, and I arm wrestle over confident people.”
“That I’d like to see. But.” Amani hopped out of her lap, dragging her to her feet. “I wanna see Miss-Prissy-Lady-Pants get rowdy.”
Nerves fluttered in her gut as Amani tugged her over to Eli. Lucas had sat up, intrigued. 
Amani caught her gaze and laughed softly, handing her the borrowed fiddle. “He loves this stuff, don’t worry. He may have the musical talent of a rock, but he likes music. Besides, he likes you.”
She held the fiddle gently, staring at the polished wood. “But I’m out of practice!”
“Let’s see what you remember!”
She sighed, holding it up to her neck and testing a note with the bow. It was tuned and the note came out clean. 
She really wasn’t getting out of this. 
“Besides,” Amani whispered. “Who doesn’t like to get rowdy once in a while?” She shoved Maeve forward, making her stumble over herself. Her heels clicked on the floor and the Raven quieted. 
She shot a glare at Amani, who had settled back onto the stool with her rum in hand.
Lucas mouthed ‘you got this’ with a dorky smile and she sighed again. 
Ugh peer pressure. 
She stood on a chair and stepped onto the table Eli sat at. He was grinning wildly. Breathing in once, she closed her eyes. She knew this tune. It had been burned into her memory from playing it so many times. 
It was different each time. 
Allowing herself to smile, she tapped her foot and played the first note.
The jig was quick, picking up from the first little note as she skipped around the table. Around the glasses and people laughing at her antics. Normally she would sing, picking up her skirts and allowing her voice to raise to the roof and lifting her higher. 
Now she was playing a familiar tune on an unfamiliar instrument. 
Her heels clicked as she spun, giggling a little to herself as she opened her eyes. 
People clapped, keeping the beat and keeping her on track. As she turned, she met Lucas’ eyes. 
He was grinning at her, clapping and cheering a little. His cheeks were rosy and he looked so...perfectly happy. 
She winked at him, bending down as the tune’s pace quickened. She flubbed a few notes, ignoring them. No one seemed to notice. 
No one knew the jig like she did. 
She grinned up at the ceiling, feeling lighter than air as she played the last note. It rang through the Raven for a heartbeat before Eli started wildly (and frankly, drunkenly) laughing. 
She laughed with him, bending over herself and shaking as she laughed. She was shaking and nervous. Sweaty but laughing so hard she was snorting. 
Lucas got to his feet, moving closer to her while holding out his hand, getting to her feet and tucking the fiddle under her arm, she kissed him softly. He was grinning like a loon as he helped her hop down from the table. She landed with a click, handing the fiddle back to Eli. 
Walking back to Amani, her legs shook. She collapsed on Lucas’ stool, him muttering about how he had to move down one. 
She buried her face in her arms, trying to stifle her nervous laughter. Lucas set a hand on her lower back, gently patting her back. 
“See! That wasn’t so bad!”
“I h-h-hate you,” she stuttered through her giggles. “N-N-Never gonna d-do that a-again.”
She could see Lucas’ brows creasing in worry. She never really stuttered. Last time she stuttered it was after…
She stopped giggling. That dream. 
She looked at Amani. “Happy now?”
Amani only smiled back. “Well, kind of. Now that I know you can play~”
“Yeah. Play with what?”
Her smile grew wicked. “I know a couple places to get something for you.”
“Let me guess...you’re going to steal it? Oh! Borrow without returning?”
Amani gasped, holding the back of her hand to her forehead. “You wound me! I would never steal anything! Stealing is a crime and I am a simple law abiding citizen!”
Lucas snorted, shoulders shaking as he laughed. “Name one law.”
“...don’t kill people?”
Maeve snorted. “You set the bar a bit low there, darling.”
“...that I did.”
“Ooh I see we’re at pet names now,” Amani teased. 
“We’ve always been at pet names,” she replied. 
“The question is if they’re nice or not,” Lucas said, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. The stool rocked and she let out a tiny squeak. He ruffled her hair, kissing the top of her head. 
“T-They’re always nice!” she said, trying to push his face away. He only nuzzled her fingers, making her chide him softly. “You’ve just never gotten your head outta your ass long enough to understand that. They could be sickening sweet for all you know.” And they were. It’s why she liked them.
“Ugh you two are sickening sweet,” Amani groaned, making a face. 
“You know Firefly, I think Amani is jealous,” Lucas said, Maeve squishing his cheeks to make his lips pucker a little. 
She giggled. “Oh? A nickname for me? You really think of me as a bug?”
He glared at her, it was hard to take him seriously when he looked like a fish. She kissed him lightly, still smiling. “It’s because you glow,” he whined. “And even if you were a bug you’d be a cute bug.”
She snorted. “Wow you really know how to woo a girl.”
“Well you’re lucky he’s going with ‘firefly’ instead of ‘hairy spider’,” Amani said, making Lucas snort. 
She giggled, smoothing out the creases around his eyes. 
“Would you rather I call you my lightning bug?”
“Annnd you’re back to being disgustingly sweet.”
They ignored Amani’s whining with soft laughter. 
“Well, it’s not so bad,” she finally admitted. “It’ll grow on me.”
“At least you know what it means.”
She giggled, smiling a little smugly. “If you learn my language you’d understand it!” she sang
“Or you could just tell me,” he sang back. 
Err well, tried to.
She burst out laughing, letting go of his face and wrapping her arms around his neck as she laughed. “You’re terrible.”
He kissed her cheek. “I could say the same about you, Songbird.”
“You’re never going to let me live that down.”
“You were lovely when you played. Why don’t you do it more often?”
“I can’t afford to. I’d play all the instruments I grew up with if I could…afford to have them.” Nicolas probably destroyed her fiddle anyways. 
She missed playing. 
“I did offer to steal some!”
She turned to look at Amani. “Ah! So you admit to it!”
Amani stuck her tongue out and they giggled.
Her lips twisted and she smiled. “Let me think about it.”
Amani winked. “Take all the time you need, it’ll be fun!”
Lucas sighed, resting his chin on Maeve’s shoulder. “Just don’t get caught.”
“Me? Get caught? That hurts even more than you thinking I was a criminal!”
Maeve stage whispered to her. “If it makes you feel any better I’m a wanted criminal.”
Amani gasped. “Miss Prissy Pants? No way!”
She giggled, pressing her hands to her mouth as she nodded. Maybe Malory having the guards chase her every time she went to the market was good for one or two things. 
“Ya gotta tell me this story.”
“Well part of it has something to do with Lucas thinking I hated him with a nickname for a specific story.”
His eyes lit up. “You were a spitfire!”
“And I’ll be one again if you push me,” she said with a smile, but her tone was dead serious. “You haven’t pissed me off just yet.”
She kissed his temple, smiling and launching into her story.
The Raven slowly quieted as the candles burned low, Amani yawning through her tale about stealing from some demon. Again. 
While it was entertaining, Amani was dead on her feet. And quite frankly, maybe even a little drunk. 
“You should get her home,” she said softly, leaning against Lucas’ shoulder. 
“She lives in the Flooded District.”
“Mmm that is a bit far. Can you take her to your home?”
“Yeah. She’s going to have quite the headache when she wakes up.”
Maeve chuckled. “Nothing a good cup of coffee won’t fix. Want me to help carry her?”
“You also have to get home. You live a ways away from me. In the opposite direction.”
She hummed. That was true. “We’ll just walk until we need to split up then?”
“Yeah. I can’t visit you tomorrow since I have to pick up another shift.”
She smiled, getting to her feet. “I don’t mind a day without you. Make it up to me later?”
He chuckled, kissing her forehead and getting to his feet. “Or I could visit you,” she said with a smile. “Won’t make lunch but I might bring a present.”
He smiled, gently waking Amani and lifting her up on his back. She grumbled incoherently and fell back asleep. 
“You don’t have to.”
“Ah! But I must.”
He sighed but his smile didn’t falter. It fell into a comfortable silence as they walked down the street. It was dark and kind of gloomy, but she had a happy buzz making her body warm.
They soon came to where they needed to part ways. She jumped a little to kiss his cheek.
“Goodnight,” she whispered, tapping his nose once before moving to walk away.
“Thumbelina, wait.”
She turned and was quickly swept into a kiss. He couldn’t do much with Amani on his back, and she let out a tiny ‘mmph!’. It was a different kind of kiss. Sweetness replaced with desperation. It was needy and all encompassing, leaving her skin burning hot. 
He wouldn’t meet her eyes when he pulled away, cheeks red with embarrassment. 
She stood shocked for a moment, touching her lower lip. She started to giggle, biting her lower lip. His eyes quickly snapped up to meet hers as she laughed. 
“S-Sorry it’s just.” She pursed her lips with a smile, standing on her tiptoes and tangling her hands in his hair. “I um. Didn’t expect that.” She kissed the tip of his nose. “You kiss goodbye like it’s going to be your last.”
His ears were red as she rubbed her nose against his, still giggling. “Goodnight Giant. Get home safe.”
“Y-You too.”
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badboys-imagines · 5 years
My neighbor (Henry Cavill)
Pairing : Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary : You move into the house of your dreams. It all seems like a fairytale, until you meet your neighbor, Mr. Cavill...
PART I (here)  |  PART II  |  PART III
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It was early in the morning and you had been playing your favorite song on a loop for an hour. You were surprised Mr Chaos still wasn’t barking at your door already. He'd certainly given up, or so you thought.
You took a sip of your coffee and your eyes laid on the clock.
Shit. It was late.
You stormed out of the room, throwing your bag over your shoulder. This new job meant everything to you. It was a fresh start, and the promise that life would taste sweeter from now on.
But there was a surprise waiting for you outside.
As you pulled your bicycle up, you noticed something was wrong. It was... stuck. 
You looked down the wheel and gasped.
Someone had locked their bike to yours.
''God damn it !'' you swore, looking around to see if the owner was nearby.
You swept the neighborhood with your eyes and eventually caught Mr. Chaos sight.
Standing at his porch, he was watching, seeping tea as you tried to bust the lock. A small grin curved his lips,
''Morning, neighbor.'' he chuckled, ''having trouble with your bike ? These locks are pretty solid, aren’t they ?’’
At first, you ignored him. That little bastard wasn't going to ruin your day, not again.
However, the way he kept smiling and observing the scene felt suspicious.
That’s when it hit you.
''Did you lock your bike to mine ?'' you panted, disbelief clear on your face.
Mr. Cavill shrugged, a frown up his forehead. He pretended to pay more attention to you, tilting his head,
''Well, I'm not sure this bike is mine, I can’t really see from where I’m standing.'' he answered slowly, taking his time.
''I'm going to be late for work, this is very important.'' You urged him.
Shaking his head, Mr. Cavill released a long sigh,
''You have a poor sense of humor Mrs. Y/L/N.’’
''This is beyond not funny, it's an emergency ! Is this your freaking bike ?!''
Mr. Cavill’s smile widened,
''You should start laughing at your problems, Y/L/N. Everyone else does.'' he took a step back, nodding towards someone behind you.
A kid had stopped on the other side of the street, hiding an amused smile, certainly mocking you. Blood rushed to your face and you grumbled,
''Bastard. Fucking bastard.'' you ran to Mr. Cavill’s window, ''Hey !'' you called, ''Come back here !''
You knocked on the glass, trying to catch his attention, but Mr. Cavill had disappeared into the depths of his house.
Your rage was about to erupt like a volcano. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, in your temples, everywhere. 
Fist clenched, you eventually hit the window a little bit harder. This was the last straw. The glass instantly shattered under your palm and broke, its pieces sprinkling your hair at once.
Like an instinct, you closed your eyes and swiftly moved back. You stood still for a while, your body shaking from head to toe.
It took you a moment to recollect yourself and forget about the rush of adrenalin.
Mr. Cavill hurried outside, cursing and swearing as he observed the damages.
''Are you alright ?'' he suddenly asked, worried.
You barely nodded, trying to check if the window could be fixed. It was a disaster. You were about to apologize, but shock made it impossible to speak. Meanwhile, Mr. Cavill stretched out his arm to grab yours carefully, keeping you steady. A warm liquid was staining your sleeve, flowing down your wrist. Slowly, you looked down to your left and realized what it was. Blood.
A simple look at it and your vision blurred. 
Mr. Cavill’s voice came in a loud echo, and the last thing you saw was his deep blue gaze plunging into yours.
Still heaving, you opened your eyes and abruptly sat up. 
You were laying on your own couch, a bandage wrapped around your wrist.
Everything was progressively coming back to your mind and you tried to sit up.
Fuck. Now, you were more than late for your first day of work.
A pair of strong hands pinned you back to the sofa.
''Lie down.'' a deep voice commanded.
You turned your head towards the source of the sound, only to groan at the pain it induced. When your eyes finally settled on the person standing by your side, you almost jumped off the couch. Mr. Chaos.
Oh, how you hated him.
''I'm going to kill you, Mr. C.’' you promised in a weak voice.
He stared at you for a few more seconds, his cold gaze piercing your soul.
Mr Cavill then seated himself on the other side of the couch, biting down onto his lower lip,
''You might have gone too far this time.’'
''Me ?'' you scoffed, ‘’I'm going to lose my new job because of your stupid prank ! Get a fucking treatment, you wacko.’'
Handing you a glass of water, Mr Cavill shook his head. Seriousness writ on his features, he finally seemed to take your words seriously,
''You know,'' he inhaled deeply, ''I was on therapy, and after seven years, my psychiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes.'' he looked away for a moment, as if a flashback had just hit his consciousness.
You took a sip of water, staring at him. Curiosity came tickling your mind though and you couldn’t help but ask,
''What did he say ?''
''He said...'' Mr Cavill paused again to look back at you, ''He said 'No hablo ingles'. ‘'
You rolled your eyes, exasperated.
‘’You’re definitely stupid.’’
''Well, I'm not the one who literally punched a window.'' he shrugged and a small smile appeared at the corner of his lip.
You both fell silent for a moment, and maybe it was your nerves, or the fact that you hadn’t been able to sleep last night, but you couldn’t contain the smile that graced your features, so full you wanted to hide it.
‘’Are you trying not to laugh ?’' Cavill suddenly asked.
‘’Yes.’' you admitted with a light chuckle, still recollecting yourself. You released a long sigh and ran your fingers through your messy hair, ''I'm still going to get fired because of you.’’
‘’Uh… Well.” Cavill turned his attention to your bag, “I took the liberty of calling your boss.’’
Flushing at once, you sat up straight,
''You did what ? An-and you went through my stuffs ?’'
“Yes, I did.”
Mr. Cavill tried to push you back on the couch, but you resisted,
‘’No, no, no, no, no…’' you breathed, panicking and grabbing his shirt tightly.
''Everything's fine.'' he soothed, ''You had a terrible accident involving a lot of blood and broken glass. They were very comprehensive.’'
Heart racing in your chest, you gulped.
Comprehensive ?
‘'Please tell me this isn't another poor joke,’’ you managed in a trembling voice, still gripping his shirt, ''This job means the world to me, otherwise I’ll be in deep shit.’'
With his palms, Mr. Cavill gently pressed against your shoulders and laid you back on the pillows. You couldn’t help but notice how big his hands were compared to your shoulders.
''I know.'' he said, his voice softer than before, ''And even though you seem a bit annoying, you have my word, you won't be fired. Now breathe.’'
“Really ?”
Mr Cavill looked deep into your eyes,
“Yes. I promise.”
Trying to calm down, you held his gaze and inhaled deeply, trying to release the air from your lungs as normally as possible.
“Good.” he said, “In and out.”
''You're still an asshole, Mr. C.’’ you whispered as you relaxed.
Mr Cavill smirked at your comment, and you both realized his hands were still on your shoulders. His thumb accidentally brushed against your skin and the slight contact sent shivers right down your spine, causing your heart to skip a beat.
Through your breaths, you repeated to yourself,
Y/N, don’t fall for the crazy neighbor. Don’t fall for the crazy neighbor. Don’t...
But his deep, raspy tone silenced the little voice in your head, 
''It's Henry, by the way.''
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Doll (Bucky x Tall!Reader One-shot)
This is one of my submissions for Cloudy’s 200 follower challenge! So proud of you, girly!!
Pairing: Bucky x Tall!Reader
Dialogue Prompt: High as a Kite (highlighted in bold)
Summary: While Y/N was out on a mission, Bucky accidentally got himself hurt. So what happens when she finds her best friend/crush not nearly as quiet as he usually is?
Warnings: Guys, there’s no angst. This is all fluff.
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“Who’s going to tell her?”
“I’m not! It was an accident!”
“Yes, let’s piss off the Amazonian.”
“She’s not an Amazon. She’s just tall.”
“Please, can we focus?”
“I own the building. That means I can call immunity.”
“Honestly, I’d rather be recording this for future blackmail.”
“Well, someone has to tell her.”
“Tell me what?”
Three bodies spun around, shielding the glass window they had been peering into moments before. Y/N watched them curiously. Scott, Bruce, Sam, and Tony were hiding something. She stepped closer to them, brow furrowing when Scott and Bruce instinctively moved in front of the door.
“Okay, what’s going on?” She looked down at Sam, hoping to get some sort of clarity from Bucky’s partner in crime.
“I still think I should be recording.”
“Recording what?” Y/N stepped closer. She didn’t want to admit it, but panic was starting to stir in her chest. She’d been gone on a mission with Steve and had only gotten back a little while ago. Ever since, she’d been looking for Bucky. He’d promised a movie marathon with her and she was coming to collect.
But in three hours – she hadn’t seen or heard from him.  At first, she thought she had done something wrong, but now? Seeing four of her five friends hiding outside a med-room? With no clue were her best friend was? She knew it wasn’t her fault. They were hiding something.
She walked up to Bruce, her heeled boots clicking on the floor until she was practically chest to chest with him. Looking down at him, she crossed her arms and immediately began tapping her foot.
Tony cleared his throat, not exactly in the mood to see a hulked-out Banner fighting the Winter Soldier’s crush. He still had people working on repairs from when Bucky ate the last of Hulk’s M&Ms. “Relax, Y/N. The intimidation tactics aren’t going to work.”
She groaned, dropping her hands and looking at the “genius” that felt the need to call her out in this particular moment. “You guys won’t let me know where he is!”
“He’s in there!”
Everyone looked back to Scott. He was still shielding the window from Y/N’s sight, but now he was hiding his face behind his hands. He peeked between his fingers, looking similar to a child in this moment. If she wasn’t so worried about what they were hiding, she’d probably laugh.
Her gaze shifted to the door. She gestured for Scott to step aside. He didn’t even argue. Looking through the glass, she bit her lip. The panic that had been there moments before was gone now, replaced with relief. “What happened?”
“Barnes ate Hulk’s M&M’s. I’m still trying to get the community kitchen fixed up because of it,” Tony explained.
Y/N looked at Bruce, raising an eyebrow. “You hulked out because of M&M’s?”
“I didn’t! The…” Bruce huffed. “The big guy did.”
Y/N turned back to the window and snorted, biting back a laugh.
“She’s finding this amusing. Should we be worried?” Scott looked at Bruce and Tony. Sam simply shrugged. Their usefulness for this had just run out.
“I’m going to check on him. Can you four go find something else to look at?” She didn’t bother sparing them a glance, slipping inside the room and closing the door behind her.
Instead of leaving like Y/N had asked, they crowded in front of the glass. Each of them was desperate to get a good look. “You better hope this works, Stark,” Scott muttered, unable to contain his smile.
“All my creations work, thank you very much. Especially when Banner’s helping me.”
“I’d rather not agree with that statement after Ultron.”
Tony glanced at Bruce and scoffed. “Traitor.”
“Quiet,” Sam ordered, swatting Tony upside the head. “I’m trying to hear!”
Y/N walked towards the bed Bucky was currently laying on. He was hooked to an IV, but she wasn’t sure what medicine they were pumping in his system. Surely it wasn’t too bad, right? If it were, Steve would be here, frantic and worried about what had happened to his best friend. But that wasn’t the case. So, she ran her fingers through his hair, allowing that flutter of crazed nerves to erupt in her chest and stomach. God, she couldn’t help the feelings this man gave her.
She noticed the massive bruise in his hairline. It was swollen. Like he’d been thrown into something a few times. “Hulk really did a number on you, huh?” Her voice was soft, gentle because she didn’t want to wake him up. But this was Bucky after all. Anything could wake him up. He blinked once, twice, before finally moving his head. He groaned, moving to sit up, but Y/N was there to make the movement easier. “Hey, sleepy head.”
“What happened?”
“Apparently someone decided to take Hulk’s peanut butter M&M’s?”
A sheepish grin appeared on Bucky’s face as he ran a hand through his hair. “Oops?”
“That’s all you have to say?” Y/N laughed and shook her head. “Really?”
That sheepish grin of his was shifting. His bright eye watching her with something she didn’t quite understand. But his pupils were blown. The awkwardness of being found out faded away as he started giggling.
Bucky fucking Barnes was giggling.
Bucky laughing was already a rare sight indeed. Almost impossible to see unless you were as close with him as Steve or Y/N was. But giggling? She was sure not even Steve had seen that before.
“Oh my god, what did they give you?”
She laughed as she took a step back, but before she could get too far, Bucky grabbed her hand. He pulled her close, catching her before she could fall. A hand was wrapped around her waist as he watched her intently. “I like holding you like this,” he told her, looking up at her and tilting his head. “I like looking up at you.” Of all the people on the team, Bucky was the only one who ever encouraged her height. In fact, if there were moments where he could look up at her, he did. He enjoyed how tall she was. Her curves and height were a rare sight and it was how she was nicknamed the “Amazon” of the team.
“Buck,” she murmured, laughing and leaning away from him. “You’re high as a kite, aren’t you?”
Bucky pouted at her as she ran her hands through his hair. “I’m being honest. Why don’t you believe me?”
“Because they had to have given you something.”
“No,” he drawled, dragging out the word as if it had twenty extra letters. “I’m a super soldier, ‘member?” He grinned like the cat that ate the canary. “Drugs don’t work on me.”
“No known drugs work on you, Buck. But who knows what cocktail Banner and Stark gave you?”
Another giggle from Bucky and Y/N couldn’t stop herself from smiling. He was absolutely adorable. Drugged up or not. Silence fell as she continued playing with his hair, earning soft hums from the loveable goofball in her arms. He was so calm. There was no pain or tension anywhere in his face. He was actually…relaxed.
“Why don’t you like me, Y/N?”
She frowned. He’d closed his eyes, tilting his head back as she kept playing with his hair. Had he even realized he’d asked her? “Of course, I like you, Bucky.”
Bucky groaned, pouting once again. He leaned forward as his forehead found her shoulder. “No, you don’t. Not like I like you.”
“Not like you like me?” Y/N felt like her heart was ready to burst out of her chest. Did he really admit to liking her? She glanced at the IV. What the hell had Tony and Bruce given him? “What do you mean, Bucky?”
“I like holding you,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck. His hands wrapped around her waist were now tracing up her back. “I like watching movies and cuddling…”
“I like those things too.”
He whined again, clearly not believing her. She felt like she was talking to a puppy. “Then why do you go on dates? I hate that.” He pouted, his nose nuzzling into her neck. “I hate seeing guys take you out when they don’t deserve you. I want to date you. I want to take you out. I want to kiss you. I want to…I want to…”
“Want to what?”
“I want to show you how important you are, Y/N.”
If she hadn’t been blushing before, she certainly was now. She had never expected to hear these words out of Bucky and here he was admitting that he felt everything she did. And he wouldn’t even remember it, would he?
“Oh, Buck,” she murmured, hands moving from his hair to his back. “I wish you knew how important you are to me.”
There was a pause as if Bucky wasn’t sure he heard her right. But once a few moments passed, a muffled, “I am?” was asked.
Y/N chuckled and looked down at him. Tilting his head up, she ran her fingers along his cheek. It was gentle, ghost-like. “You are. But I got to tell you that when you aren’t drugged up.” He grinned again. It was sleepy. The poor boy probably needed more rest than they realized. “Get some rest, hm?”
“Stay.” He blinked, slowly. “Please?”
Y/N smiled as she helped him lay back down. He kept a hand securely attached to hers, clearly wanting to keep her at his side. “Buck –“
“Please,” he murmured.
She sighed. “Alright. I’ll stay.”
He let go of her hand but kept his droopy gaze on her. Bucky was determined to make sure she wasn’t going anywhere. Shrugging off her jacket, she bent down and unzipped her boots. Her gaze shifted to the door to see her four friends giving her wide grins and several thumbs up. “Oh, leave, would you?” she snapped, throwing a boot at the door. They all jumped and ducked away, running off as she shook her head. Those idiots.
Taking off her other boot, she climbed into the bed. It was far too small with his massive frame and her tall, curvy build, but they made do. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her towards him and burying his face in her hair and neck. She lightly played with his hair, the other hand wrapped around him and tracing up and down his spine. It was soothing. Intimate.
“Go to sleep, Bucky.”
“You too, Doll.”
Y/N pressed her lips against his hair, hiding her smile at the nickname. He’d never called her that before. It was always her name or some nickname from it, but never ‘doll’. Until now. She closed her eyes, letting herself fall asleep in his arms.
Bucky woke to the dull remains of a headache and an impossible warmth around him. He didn’t want to open his eyes. That would mean pulling away from the warmth. So instead, he pulled the warmth closer. His arms tightened around it, clinging to it.
Then he heard a soft moan. The exhale of someone’s sigh. And everything came back.
The fight with Hulk…
Bruce and Tony getting him to the med-bay…
Bruce’s countless apologies…
Tony wanting to “take advantage” of the moment with some new medicine they had been working on with Cho…
And Y/N.
He remembered her visiting. He remembered – He remembered everything. Opening his eyes, he realized he was curled into Y/N. His head was resting on her chest, listening to her heart. His arms were wrapped around her, her hands in his hair. Tilting his head up ever so slightly, he smiled when he saw that he was, in fact, still in Y/N’s arms.
He couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as he memorized her peaceful features. She liked him. She liked him as much as he liked her. And as excited about it as he was, he wouldn’t dare wake her when she looked like this. Instead, he pressed the smallest kiss to her lips. It could hardly even count as one, he was so scared to wake her. Nuzzling her neck, he closed his eyes once again and simply enjoyed holding her. The giddiness in his chest made it impossible for him to fall back asleep. But he could enjoy this, enjoy holding her. And that was absolutely what he would do.
“I can’t wait to show you how much you mean to me, Doll.”
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nightmarenoise · 4 years
Some thoughts on TMNT 2012
I finished watching the entirety of the TMNT 2012 series a while ago and boy, do I have some thoughts™. First of all though, the following is going to be my opinions and you’re free to disagree with them. If you feel like attacking me for expressing these opinions though, I’m just going to have to ask you to take a minute and consider that you are about to be a bitch online over an eight year old children’s animated show, and that maybe you should find something else to base your entire identity around. Secondly, I don’t hate the show, not by any means. It was fine. It was fine. It was fine, you guys. I wouldn’t have watched it otherwise. I watched usually about half a season per day because I have too much time on my hands but if I do more than 13 episodes, my puny brain will implode. That being said, I understand that the binge watching might have affected my judgement, because having to wait for a new episode to air each week hits different, I know. Still, I came home after work each day, cozied up in bed and watched 13 episodes of turtle shenanigans before going to sleep and my sleep schedule has never been better. But I digress. Also, I will compare 2012 to Rise, because that’s the only other TMNT show I’ve seen and because this is my post and I want to and it’s only initially.
I feel like the main difference between Rise and 2012 is that Rise is a character-driven show, while 2012 is ultimately plot-driven.
Why do things in Rise happen? Because a character wants something (the boys want to buy their dad a nw robe, April wants to spend a normal day with her new friend, etc, those are just from the top of my head). The motivations are ultimately mundane, and then the story goes from there.
Why do things in 2012 happen? Because the plot said so. Sure, the characters grow and change, but they’re ultimately vehicles for the plot. We don’t really take a minute to let the characters breathe. Usually, things happen because the Turtles saw something on patrol and they’re on patrol because they know the plot is waiting out there to get them.
The show starts with April’s dad being kidnapped by the Krang (/Kraang? It’s unclear) and April herself being spared this presumably gruesome fate because Donnie saved her at the last second. She then goes on to live with an aunt we never see.
We also don’t see much of how this affects April at first. Sure, she is shown to be sad and wanting to get her father back, but the episode ends on the Turtles leaving her at her aunt’s place and then we’re done for the day. Hell, the next time we see April, she just casually drops by their place to show Mikey how to make online friends.
Maybe that’s just me being overly criticial, but I could have done with more time between those moments, showing her coming to terms with things, her normal day-to-day live, or heck, even just going to the lair for the first time.
But we don’t get that because plot has to happen.
April isn’t the only character who suffers from that, but I feel like it affects her the most.
The writers seem to have learned their lesson, because when April loses her dad for the second time, to mutation this time around, she blames the Turtles (which isn’t wrong) and then doesn’t talk to them for a month while presumably going back to her aunt, who I suppose never asks any questions. She only goes back to talking to them when Casey tells her a similar story and she realizes something something, hurting someone without meaning to. Which is fine, but it’s also not really, because it implies April being rightfully upset isn’t valid, because the Turtles didn’t mean to mutate her dad and it was an accident, but it feels like it tone polices someone for experiencing a loss and not letting her take some time for herself to come to terms with that.
But y'know we need her, in part because she’s The Special, but most importantly, so one of the most tedious love subplots can happen.
I know they explained April’s specialness as her being a human/Krang mutant and the Krang needing her unique brain to mutate the entire planet because …reasons. Except for when they later attack New Yok and then don’t need her for that anymore. On that note, I do not understand Krang’s plan at all. Time passes faster in their dimension and they’re kind of at war with the Triceratons and have trouble with the Utrom, so they want to leave (even though the Triceratons are clearly also in our universe, so why not pick a different dimension to take over entirely? There’s established to be ten) and mutate a planet to take over. This is all well and good, except they’ve been at it for about seven million years? Krang takes credit for creating the first humans with mutagen and it’s been mentioned that they steered human evolution to the point where they could create a human/Krang hybrid, such as April. But why did they only have one? They lost track of her when her dad and her fled to New York City, wouldn’t it have been more convenient to have more mutants to do their vague mutant stuff they require by the plot to take over the planet?
Even if we assume that this first mutation means that the first humans didn’t surface between seven and five million years ago, humans haven’t evolved that much in the last couple thousand years. Why wait so long? It must have been billions of years for the Krang.
I know it’s a cartoon and stuff, but they could have easily removed that problem by cutting the line about Krang taking credit for human evolution and for the Krang having been with us for thousands of years. It just creates problems.
Speaking of problematic, the romantic subplots. So, Leo wants to bang his sister, Donnie is creepily obsessed with the first human girl he’s ever met and Mikey is such a good boy, he gets two love interests, because one isn’t enough for all the love and goodness contained in orange boy. I still think it’s weird because all of these love interests are humans, but I gradually got over that. I managed to think about this without physically convulsing for ten whole minutes, for starts.
Okay, so Donnie/April is just bad. The writing and the execution are bad. The characters are fine, I love Donnie, even though he focuses way too much of his time and attention on obsessing over April, but I can let that go on account of him being a teen dealing with his very first ever crush. April though  is frequently made to be a callous bitch who knows of his feelings and leads him on when she wants something, but pushes him away at all other times. I vividly remember the time New York was overrun by Krang and April helped Donnie bandage his injured arm and he was about to confess his feelings to her and she pulled too tight to get him to stop. Instead of being up front about it or just telling him that she either liked him or not or that now just wasn’t the time to focus on romance - all of which super valid in their own right. Rip the bandaid off, girl. None of them look especially good coming out of this.
It gets worse considering that after seasons of back and forth and even introducing Casey to give us a love triangle, everyone’s favorite thing in media and April redeeming herself by also being That Way to Casey and by redeeming I mean informing us that she just isn’t really fit for a relationship because she is very toxic in handling them, the whole thing is just kind of dropped forever. There’s no payoff. We spent so much time watching Donnie agonize over this, get worse, then get over his stalker-ish tendencies and get rewarded with a kiss and then nothing ever happens. They don’t even have a conversation about their feelings. The show tries to make it seem like there’s a special connection between April and Donnie because she kills him and then feels bad and brings him back, but, no. That’s not how any of that works. Ultimately this whole thing feels like a huge and infuriating waste of time. Fourth place. And that’s a kindness.
Leo and Karai get third place, mainly because of the incest. Neither of them is as toxic over this subplot and it also has the common decency of not taking up that much time, but it’s still weird. I don’t have much to say here. I guess it was dropped in the end, but maybe also not, but at least there weren’t 30 episodes about Leo agonizing over Karai while she was being weird and also she had her own thing going on and felt like a more fleshed out character than April despite getting less screen time. Third place.
Mikey gets silver because while he’s flirting with two human girls, they both seem to be exclusively into it and also he’s much more mature about dealing with it than his supposedly intelligent brother. Get this. Mikey, being mature at something. None of these ships are confirmed, but it’s a nice change of pace.
Raph takes gold because he fell in love with a girl after she beat the crap out of him and nothing is more valid than that.
Okay, the plot feels kind of rushed, in that they’re confessing undying love after kissing twice, but one, they’re teens and two, this is just the best we’re going to get out of this show.
Casey, well.
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Casey exists. He doesn’t add all that much to the story. He has a delightful dynamic with Raph, coming in just after Slash confronted him with his worst traits and then reinforcing the “be a vigilante and do good”-angle and that’s nice. Outside of that though, he tries to hit on April, he hits things with his hockey sticks and I guess he has a family he cares about that we never see. Oops.
I’m very ambivalent about Splinter. I do get him and he’s a good sensei, but kind of a lousy father? Sure, his entire life went up in flames quite spectacularly, but as soon as he realizes his daughter is alive, he often seems to prioritize getting her back over the lives of the four sons he actually raised and spent the last fifteen years with? Also, he’s a dick to Mikey? He gets better later and then he dies. Hm.
Mikey wasn’t as annoying as I feared, going in. He was still stupid, but he had his moments. I also didn’t find him as funny as some of the writers probably hoped, but he was fine. He’s a good boy who deserved better every step of the way, but his brothers and Splinter are kind of not nice to him despite him being just as capable as his brothers. Neither is the show, often making him the butt of a joke or downplaying his achievements (producing super-retro mutagen, saving all his brothers from parasite wasps and the one time he saved the city from cannibal pizza it was treated like a “it was all a dream or was it” and nobody believed him). He doesn’t get a lot of development, but he’s the goodest boy.
Raph again surprised me. He arguably underwent the most development, dealing with his many demons and getting a grip on his temper. This was especially apparent in the Northampton arc when he did chores without complaint and helped Leo train.
Leo on the other hand, started as the leader of the team and ended the story as the de-facto leader of the family and also he was stronger now. I don’t know. Being a leader was his defining trait from start to finish and while he agonized over that, he wasn’t allowed much development outside of that. His first meeting with Karai introduced this subplot about him wanting to be irresponsible and do his own thing, but that was quickly dropped and never brought up again. I liked him best when he was being a dork over his favorite TV show or that time he went to space and on his first outing tried to hit on an alien lady. I would have liked to see more of that Leo, because that Leo was actually interesting.
Donnie, I don’t know. Most of his time was poured into the world’s worst romantic subplot and outside of that he had some traits, but he was mostly there so he could analyze things, develop antivenoms at the drop of a hat, finally create a retromutagen and build 152 vehicles. I like Donnie, but there isn’t much to talk about that isn’t directly tied to April. Except maybe how he promised to turn Timothy back into a human and then never did, even though we keep seeing his frozen remains in the back of the lab. For shame, Donnie. For shame.
To the show’s credit, a lot of the mutants looked horrifying and creepy. They had a tight grip on that horror vibe and it was great. They maintained a balance of comedy and horror and while it wasn’t great, it was a nice reprieve.
I hated Shredder and I know I was supposed to, but I will never get over what a petty bitch he was.
The thing that hit me the hardest was probably the destruction of Earth at the end of season 3. I was legitimately upset about that, so that’s probably a good thing. But when five minutes into the next episode Scrooge McDoctor Who did some timey whimey bullshit to reverse it, I was not any less upset. Make of that what you will. (No, I’ll explain, I felt cheated and it was cheap and annoying. Just when you think the show has some balls, it pulls a “sike” and then flips back to the status quo, usually). The space arc was simultaneously interesting and also not, with a lot of predictable plot threads, but at least we got more locations  than the same two nocturnal New York streets all the time.
The ending though was super weird. The other turtles then went into space and probably died or some shit, because they never show up again and also the Fugitoid’s head is alive in orbit, but whatever, no time for that because we have to go back, for the 50th time, to the Foot!
The plot has no time to unfold because the plot needs to happen.
Do you ever think the writers squabbled a lot? It kind of feels like a lot of them wanted to do their own thing and then someone else meddled with that and then we got a patchwork of unconnected threads, left loose and dangling.
I was surprised when we got some buildup to April’s growing dependence on her alien crystal and even one episode dealing with its powers before we got to the episode dealing with the crystal’s effects on her. That sort of nuanced pacing was new. I was also initially very sure that this subplot would only find its payoff in the season finale or half season finale, like most other plot threads usually did, but no, it got its own separate episode.
Yes, they went all Dark Phoenix, but the ending was super anticlimactic, because April killed Donnie and then someone reminded her of it and she felt bad, so she stopped being possessed by evil. They fucked up on the home stretch, but they tried.
I never liked the time travel episodes with Renet much, they felt weirdly intrusive and adding nothing new to the plot. It felt like the first one only happened so we could meet Tang Shen before she died and that didn’t add a whole lot of anything. It confirmed things we already knew and introduced Mikey’s love interest and that was that.
The show tried to do a thing about anti-mutant racism once, but it sure is a good thing that the only people racist against mutants were the mafia, so we don’t have to worry about making a nuanced take here. They could have done something really interesting, but then went for simple black-and-white-morality instead.
My favorite episode was when the boys played Dungeons and Dragons with a sparrow mutant.
The worst part of the show though was its fifth season. First it seemed like it would just continue from where the fourth season had left off with Shredder being revived - because like a good villain, or herpes, Shredder always comes back - by the worst looking dragon I have ever seen in my entire life, but then that arc surprisingly ended after four episodes, shocking me to my core. Almost as shocking as Donnie almost killing a guy, but then deciding not do at the very last second. Again, feels like they could have done more here, but then they didn’t.
The fifth season started with two arcs that seemed to tie up loose plot threads, like Shredder’s revival and the bug alien guy I could have sworn died when he was yeeted out of an airlock coming back to enact his grim revenge, all so Raph’s girlfriend could live on the same planet as him and then never appear on the show ever again. Also Mikey died and his brothers were sad for five seconds before going about their business and then he came back with superpowers and then he conveniently lost them at the end of the episode, because the plot doesn’t have time for things that are emotional or interesting. Then there was that time the writers were like “What if we made Yojimbo, but with anthropromorphic animals and also the turtles are there” and it existed and the Turtles added very few things to the story and then went back to their dimension and never talked about it ever again. Or the time they said “what if we made Mad Max and also everything was terrible” and so they did and Leo became a hulked up war criminal but everyone forgave him because he wasn’t himself but immediately snapped out of it after seeing his brothers and Raphael was on steroids and Donnie became a robot in what I assume was a reference to the comics where he died and became a robot and also Donnie ended up being the only one whose body died, but considering what became of his brothers, he was probably the best off? And Raph had amnesia just so he could say he had amnesia and it didn’t actually factor into the plot once because he immediately recognized Mikey. I don’t know, I hated that special.
But at least it gave me emotions. The best part of the “that time travel demon is back and trying to monster mash” arc was when I remembered that I could browse tumblr on my phone while it was on and then I didn’t bore myself to death and also didn’t miss anything of value.
The series finale was fine. Nothing to write home about, but perfectly fine, even though the show threw an awful lot of shade at the 1987 version.
I feel like the most jarring thing about the fifth season was that the show spent four seasons going out of its way to present itself as something with a cohesive narrative and a plot that goes on and on and then we get these disjointed stories, some of which have absolutely nothing to do with the story at all. Just the writers throwing some idea at a wall to see what sticks because they either didn’t have any ideas anymore, or too many, but the end result wasn’t great and I’ll recommend newcomers to stop after the fourth season, because for real.
Tiger Claw existed and he was infuriatingly capable and powerful and then his sister chopped off his arm and then he got a robot arm and that was it forever. I don’t know, some episodes felt more pointless than others, but some managed to be fun or interesting and some just added something they thought was fun and it ended up never mattering again. 
Some characters disappeared randomly, like the dove guy and I don’t care enough to ask what happened there.
Karai’s mutation being reversed off-screen was super bizarre. Sure, her being able to change at will as metal as heck, but it felt weird and incomplete and like I missed an episode. Maybe I did. It was also infuriating how her venom was a plot point in one episode and never brought up again after that.
Outside of that, I don’t have much insight to offer. Other people already exlained how the fight scenes, while nice, are not very accurate, especially the bo staff moves, or how the show is very dark, not in tone, but in actual absence of light and lots of greyscales or how most characters have singular traits rather than fleshed out personalities, especially the supporting cast. How there isn’t a lot of diversity in the human characters and how figure-hugging a lot of April’s and Karai’s clothing is (shoutout to April’s yellow shirt, it’s uncomfortable to look at, cheers) or how the female characters are frequently damselled.
I liked when the animation added personality to the characters because the writing sure didn’t think it had time for that.
All in all, it’s a mixed bag for me. It’s a fine show to watch if you have the time and it’s not all bad and I can see why people enjoy it, but it’s not for me. I liked some episodes enough to watch again, but I feel like in nine out of ten cases, I’ll opt to rewatch Rise instead because it has more of what I personally like, but I won’t think less of you if you enjoyed this version of the show. I’m not telling people that one version of the Turtles is superior to the other, just that I think it’s important to take off those rose-colored glasses and be critical of the things you consume every now and again.
But if you prefer plot-driven shows that can be surprisingly dark, you might enjoy this. Or you could watch Avatar, because it has that as well as three-dimensional characters and better worldbuilding.
Thank you for reading my way-too-long thoughts about an animated kid’s show.
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songs that make me think of vampy and why
this is for drea and leyla ONLY thank u
daylight- taylor swift "i don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you, i don't wanna think of anything else now that i thought of you" bc vampy loves her so much he only wants her 😔 midnight love- girl in red "I know I'm the last one you try to call but I always give in to give you it all" "your silver is my gold" bc miss chiropractor treated him terribly but he loved her with everything and would have gone back to her no matter what watch you sleep- girl in red this one is obvious: bc vampy watches bloodbag sleep :) also "the scar on your spine, you fell off a roof when you were nine" is all appreciating the tiny details about someone and that is definitely something vampy would do :( paper rings: taylor swift "i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this" line without a hook- ricky montgomery "oh baby i am a wreck when i'm without you" bc vampy loves bloodbag so much he just wants to be with her always 😔 dead girl in the pool- girl in red this one is kinda weird but i feel like bloodbag is gonna die at some point and then vampy will just be like "theres a dead girl in the pool (or wherever her corpse is laying slfjskldfjkldsj) i don't know what to do" and then he's gonna make this face
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bad habits- ed sheeran bc he was just slutting around before he met bloodbag demons- imagine dragons dont make fun of me for this I KNOW but fr it's vampy renegade- taylor swift "you wouldn't be the first renegade to need somebody" he needs bloodbag 😔 starting line- luke hemmings i can't really explain this one but it's like how you always talk about how his happiness is overshadowed by the fact that he's a monster or whatever million dollar bills - lorde "theres nothing i want but money and time" and vampy has literally all the money and time :) solar power- lorde this is harrys hot girl anthem idk happiness- taylor swift "there'll be happiness after you, but there was happiness because of you" this is him reminiscing on miss chiropractor i wanna get better-bleachers "i didn't know i was lonely til i saw your face" "I didn't know i was broken til i wanted to change" come on 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 good 4 u - olivia rodrigo this is his fuck u song for miss chiropractor my tears ricochet- taylor swift "if i'm dead to you why are you at the wake" it's ironic innit 😌 what a feeling- one direction "what a feeling to be right here beside you now, holding you in my arms" please 😔 "everybody needs someone around" 😔😔😔 "but i can't hold you too close now" bc he has severe attachment and commitment issues :) all you had to do was stay- taylor swift "had me in the palm of your hand, then, why'd you have to go and lock me out when i let you in" omg miss chiropractor really hurt him 😔 king of my heart- taylor swift "and all at once you are the one i have been waiting for" bloodbag @ vampy 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 cruel summer- taylor swift "I love you ain't that the worst thing you ever heard" bc he knows getting close to bloodbag will ultimately only lead to pain for everyone involved "i don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you" bc he can't tell bloodbag everything about him even tho he probably wants to :( thank u next- arianna grande this is weird BUT if miss chiropractor hadn't fucked him up so much he never would have met bloodbag tear in my heart- 21 pilots again don't make fun of me for this I HAVE AN EXPLANATION "you fell asleep in my car i drove the whole time but that's okay i'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine" if bloodbag fell asleep in his car he would definitely do this :( shape of you-ed sheeran "now my bedsheets smell like you" his room probably smells like honey and lavender all the time now and he's probably foaming at the mouth constantly cowboy in LA "let's skip the club, lets skip the crowd, i wanna take you on a date" bc they both hate clubs!!!!! "I'll hold your hand I'll hold the door bc that's how i was raised" he's a gentleman 😔😔😔😔 & burn- billie eilish "i'll sit and watch your car burn with the fire that you started in me, but you never came back to ask it out" idk for some reason this has vampy and miss chiropractor vibes take me to church- hozier religious trauma babes 🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼 speechless- dan+shay "i'm speechless, staring at you standing there in that dress" love 😔 yours- russel dickerson "i came to life when i first kissed you, the best me has his arms around you, you make me better than i was before, thank god i'm yours" SCREAMING AND CRYING AND SHAKING tolerate it- taylor swift "i know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it" MISS ******** DIDN"T APPRECIATE OR CELEBRATE HIS LOVE MIA- anarbor "thinking about my life and everything i did wrong along the way"😔 lay low- josh turner for when bloodbag and vampy go to a cabin in the woods for a week and just love each other 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 who can save me now- anarbor "you stabbed me in the back" this one is pretty literal LSKFJLKSJFLKDSJ "you could have at least been kind enough to let me turn around" ouch 😔 dopamine- anarbor "i'm hooked on your dopamine" vampy and bloodbag ugh lie to me- 5sos this give me vampy and ******** vibes "i wish we never met, cause you're too hard to forget" "while i'm cleaning up your mess i know he's taking
off your dress" bc she probably cheated on him while they were together 😔 and he would have stayed with her if she told him she loved him, even if he knew it was a lie 😔 cotton candy- yungblud it's just a happy song with good vibes like bloodbag and vampy currently have :) small talk- niall horan i don't even have to say anything here pillowtalk- zayn "so we'll piss off the neighbors" chappy 9 vibes dancing with our hands tied- taylor swift "i loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us" vampy rn 😔 once in a lifetime- one direction vampy will live a million lifetimes but he will only ever have one bloodbag 😔 holy ground- taylor swift "tonight i'm gonna dance for all that we've been through but I don't wanna dance if i'm not dancing with you" they've come so far omg 😔 since we're alone- niall horan "you can show me your heart, if you put it all in my hands no i swear no i won't break it apart" crying if i could fly- one direction "for your eyes only i'll show you my heart" rollercoaster- bleachers again i can't explain it but it makes me think of him 😔 so long- niall horan "so if we knew all along why did it take so long" good question bestie current location- LANY "i need your current location to be my current location" they're idiots in love and want to be together all the time 😔 why dont we go there- one direction "hey i don't want you to be the one that got away i wanna get addicted to you you're rushing through my mind i wanna feel the high i wanna be addicted" well hes already addicted to her blood so might as well like you lots- LANY bc they both have issues and can't say love lmao too much to ask- niall horan vampy though wanting love was too much to ask of miss chiropractor 😔 walking in the wind- one direction this one just has his vibes man 😔 heartbeat- carrie underwood "dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat" bc vampy is obsessed with listening to bloodbag's heart (fan behavior if you ask me) idfc- blackbear this is vampy and ******** bc "tell me that you love me even if it's fake" city of angels- 24kgoldn "i sold my soul to the devil for designer" yes this made me laugh the woods- olivver the kid "waking up in the middle of the woods" "don't you wanna get out of here, out of the woods" flashback to when he was dead in the woods oop "you brought me down to the river, and you pushed me in, hoping that the white rapids would challenge my ability to swim" bc... she's a murderer omg this verse is talking about leaves and i'm freaking out it fits 100% this is crazy "You pick up two handfuls You tell me they're all dried up & dead You know that's nothing like us We'll live forever instead" just a little bit of your heart- ariana grande vampy bc he loves so deeply and completely that he will give all of himself to someone even if they won't do the same my strange addiction- billie eilish bc he is addicted to her blood :) cross your mind- niall horan this is vampy and ******** "love the way you hurt me and it doesn't even cross your mind" "leaving me in pieces (literally lmao) but i swear it's worth it every time" everywhere- niall horan that scene where vampy smelled some perfume or soap or something and it made him think of bloodbag 😔 everything makes him think of her now 😔 "swear it's hard to think it's hard to breathe when you're in the air" put a little love on me- niall horan "you're the only one i need" 😔 bend the rules- niall horan VAMPY AND ******** ALL THE WAY "i'm not saying that you're lying but you're leaving out the truth" heartbreak weather- niall horan "all of my life i've been sleepwalk living, running around the same bars i've been in, it can be so lonely in this city, but it feels different when you're with me" bloodbag and vampy 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 mr loverman- ricky montgomery "i miss my lover man" vampy is probably dramatic like this all the time now that they're official 😔 bad blood- taylor swift again, just for the irony 😌 vapor- 5sos "i want to breathe you in like a vapor i want to be the one you remember i want to feel
your love like the weather all over me" they're so in love like this 😔 catch fire- 5sos "all my life i've been waiting for moments to come" he's been waiting for bloodbag his entire life 😔 beside you-5sos "i wish i was beside you" they want to be together all the time 😔 black and white- niall horan "that first night i was standing at your door fumbling for your keys then i kissed you" ARE YOU KIDDING ME not in the same way- 5sos this is vampy and ******** just bc they were so toxic lkfjskldfjsdlkjf lonely heart-5sos "and i haven't slept in days" lmao ghost of you-5sos "my feet dont dance like they did with you" thinking about when vampy danced for bloodbag and what if they break up 👁️👁️ why wont you love me- 5sos vampy at ******** 😔 he just wanted to be loved 😔😔😔😔😔 fool's gold- one direction "i let you use me from the day that we first met" "i know your love's not real, but that's not the way it feels" STOP IM SAD last first kiss- one direction "let me be your last first kiss" i want them to be together forever 😔 truly madly deeply- one direction "foolishly completely falling and somehow you kicked all my walls in" bloodbag really snuck into his heart huh 😔 fireproof -one direction "nobody saves me baby the way you do" ugh 😔 long story short-taylor swift "clung to the nearest lips long story short it was the wrong guy" (or in vampy's case the wrong vampire) gold rush-taylor swift "and the coastal town we run around has never seen a love as pure as it" bloodbag and vampy are all i want 😔 no judgement- niall horan bc vampy would never judge bloodbag 😔 daddy issues- the neighborhood again im not even gonna say anything here new angel- niall horan "the touch of someone else to save me from myself" this is vampy 😔 god is a woman- ariana grande vampy after he brought bloodbag home the first time something like this- the chainsmokers "just something i can turn to, somebody i can kiss" ALL VAMPY WANTS IS LOVE sweater weather- the neighborhood idk this song makes me think of him all of me- john legend "all of me loves all of you all your curves and all your edges all your perfect imperfections" KSFLKSDJFKLDJSFLJSDKLFJDSKL i like me better- lauv "i like me better when i'm with you" she makes him a better person 😔 sex- eden "oh no, i think i'm catching feelings" vampy when bloodbag went on a date with someone else half a heart- one direction bc bloodbag completes him 😔 theyre so disgusting 😔 only angel- harry styles "turns out she's a devil in between the sheets" woman- harry styles vampy when she was on a date with someone else bc hes a jealous moron temporary fix- one direction this has chappy 1-2 vibes a.m.-one direction when they first started falling in love and he wanted to be with her more often 😔 something great- one direction "i want you here with me like how i pictured it so i don't have to keep imagining" through the dark- one direction just all of this song 😔 happily- one direction "you know i wanna be the one who holds you when you sleep i just want it to be you and i forever" 😔 electric love- borns "i can't let you go now that i got it" canyon moon- harry styles they're just happy like this rn 😔 sunflower vol. 6- harry styles "kiss in the kitchen like it's a dancefloor" "mouth full of toothpaste" when they brushed their teeth together 😔 adore you- harry styles obviously
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~Whiskey Lullaby~
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~Chapter 11~
Image credit: Myself @badwolf-in-the-impala​. None of the images are mine, only the editing.
Previous Chapters:  ((Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10))
Rating: Mature/18+
Warnings: Alcohol and drug use/abuse, violence, suggested physical/sexual abuse, kidnapping, sexual content, angst...So much angst.
Chapter warnings: Language, smoking, someone gets punched in the face and a whole lotta feels.
Word count: 4,264
A/N: I’m a shitty person when it comes to posting, I’m sorry...I also forget this chapter even existed. Oops. x_x Also huge shoutout to @jacksonroseroth​ who helped in the making of this chapter and always comes to my recue when I get stuck writing! ^-^
Once they were sure Tawni had left the room, Tig gave Teagan one last hug before jetting off, having gotten a text to meet the guys in the chapel. Teagan bit back her tears, having enough with crying for the day as she sat down in the chair beside Chibs’ bed. The steady beeping of the EKG machine drummed in her head as she sat there in silence. He wasn’t out of the woods, but he wasn’t dead. Her only regret was he hadn’t woken up yet so he could talk to her. Teagan just wanted to hear his voice right now, more than anything.
“God...I’ve really fucked it up this time.” She gave a bitter laugh as she shook her head, leaning her elbows forward onto the edge of the bed as she cradled her head in her hands. “I feel like this is all my fault, and the two people I trust and care about most? Well, Tawni hates me; And you?” 
Teagan let out a long sigh as she ran a hand through her dark hair, looking up to study a very unconscious Chibs. His head bandaged and face scraped in places from where he hit the ground during the explosion. He looked so broken and helpless lying in a hospital bed compared to his usual tough exterior that everyone saw. 
“Well -- You almost died.” She finally whispered, catching a stray tear with the back of her sleeve. “Shit, you still could. Please don’t.” Teagan choked out a sob as she took his hand gently, her voice going soft as she spoke to him. The fact that he likely couldn’t hear her briefly crossed her mind as she chewed her lower lip anxiously, but she continued anyway. 
 “There’s so much I need to tell you still...Things I should’ve told you already, probably, if I wasn’t so shit at talking about my feelings.” Teagan admitted guiltily. “Things I’m scared to admit because I’ve been here before, and I fucking swore to myself; I fucking swore! That I wouldn’t go down this road again. But alas, here I am. God I’m an idiot.” 
Things fell silent again for a little while, the steady beeping of the EKG machine being the only noise to fill the room once more. Teagan not knowing how to continue on, not that it mattered anyway. Chibs was unconscious and he would likely remain that way for quite a while. But the bigger question that had been weighing heavily on her mind -- Especially following her blow up with Tawni -- was not so much her own feelings, but his. It wasn’t something she had really even considered bringing up yet, what with everything that had been going on. But now? Now she wondered.
Just what exactly was it that he saw he saw in her? I mean sure, it wasn’t like things were really that serious between them, but they were serious enough that he cared for her well being. Her safety even. He cared enough to help her put herself back together every time she fell apart, even though he barely knew anything about her. Save for the story that had been pieced together all those years ago when she left Charming. The story that everyone knew so well. The story, that was only half truth.
Teagan could feel the tears beginning to prick behind her eyes again, forcing herself to draw in a few deep breaths as she tightened her grip on Chibs’ hand, trying her best to ground her emotions again. But her voice still faltered as she spoke aloud the question she wasn’t certain would ever be answered.
“What is it exactly that you see in me?” Tegan whispered. Her brows pulled tightly together in confusion as she ran a thumb carefully across his scared cheek and down his jawline before allowing her hand to fall away. Before Teagan could say anything else, the door swung open, making her jump. She quickly pulled her hand away and wiped her face as she stood. “Sorry, Doc. I just wanted to-”
As Teagan turned, expecting Tara to be standing in the doorway, she, instead, came face to face with an older, darker skinned woman with black hair that had begun to salt and pepper, holding onto the bag slung over her shoulder with a hip popped, hand propped on it, with a posh and annoyed look on her face.
“Oh. Um, sorry. I thought you were--Who are you?” Teagan asked, slightly confused. She’d never seen this woman around the clubhouse before and Chibs never mentioned any woman that even came close to what she looked like.
“I think the question here would be who the hell are you?” She asked, a thick Irish accent coming through. Teagan’s eyes shrunk back.
Oh, God, not another one. Teagan thought. She’d never met Tawni’s mother and she hoped to God this wasn’t her. Granted Tawni was as pale as the day was long, but stranger things have happened. Taken aback by the woman, Teagan blinked and cleared her throat before she said, “Um, I’m-I’m Teagan?”
The woman pursed her lips and gave a soft ‘Mhm’ as she rounded the bed and set her bag down. Tossing her dark mane over her shoulder, she turned back to Teagan and said, “And would ye mind tellin’ me why yeh’re so broken and upset over m’husband’s accident? And why you were touchin’ him like that?”
It took everything Teagan had to not let her mouth drop open in shock and start yelling. Chibs never once mentioned he had a wife. Not when he held her that first night, not when she spent multiple nights in his bed. He didn't even bother to tell her when they were mere articles of clothing away from doing the do.
‘Alright…That puts a new spin on shit.’ Teagan thought, not trusting herself enough to say anything out loud just yet. Teagan opened her mouth to explain, but the woman cut her off with a wave of her hand and said, “No. Don’t tell me. I don’ need ta’hear any lies out’o a Crow Eaters mouth.”
“Excuse me?!” Teagan shrieked. That one label sent her over the edge. She did her share of whoring around when she was younger, but goddamnit! She was the sister of one of the members! She was as far from a Crow Eater as you could get without being an Old Lady! “Listen, who the hell do you think you are?! You don’t know me!”
“Oh, sure, please!” The woman shouted back. “I know Filip has his fun wit’ you American girls. But never once has one o’them shown their face when I’m around!”
Teagan was about to channel Tawni and reach across Chibs’ bed for a right hook to her face, when a nurse hurried in through the open door.
“What is going on? ICU is for immediate family only!” She said. Teagan opened her mouth to lie and say she was family, but the Irish woman beat her to it with, “I’m his wife.”
The nurse gave her a sweet smile and nodded before turning to Teagan and saying, “Miss Trager, you need to leave. Dr. Knowles is looking for you anyway.”
Teagan huffed at the nurse, shooting daggers at the woman before turning on her heel and marching out of the room.
Gemma had lost track of Teagan after reprimanding Jax and just prayed that Teagan didn't end up running back into Tawni. She really didn't need to deal with an angry Irish girl and a Trager, at least not at the same time. The last thing they needed was an all out brawl between a couple of hot headed biker chicks on hospital grounds. But after checking around with a few of the guys, she confirmed that Tawni had indeed gone back to the Clubhouse. And judging from the commotion coming from down the hall nearest Chibs’ room, Gemma could only guess that’s where Teagan had ended up.
“Shit.” Gemma muttered under her breath as she quickened her pace as she moved towards whatever in the hell was going on; Stepping back just in time as Teagan blew around the corner and passed her, Tara hot on her heels trying her best to stop her.
“I’m serious, Teagan, you really need to stay overnight for observation! You have a concussion for Christ sake, just let me help!” Tara tried to reason.
“I don’t fucking need anymore help!” Teagan stopped so suddenly that Tara almost smacked right into her. Taking a quick step back with a wide eyed expression as Teagan rounded on her like a viper about to strike its prey. 
“Hey! Knock it the hell off!” Gemma managed to butt in between the two, putting a hand to Teagan’s chest as she pushed her back. “This isn’t the goddamn WWE. Now why don’t you calm down and tell me what the hell is going on?” 
“He has a fuckin’ wife!” Teagan all but screeched before storming off down the hall towards the exit to the stairs. ‘Explains a lot.’ Gemma thought to herself, pinching the bridge of her nose as she turned to face Tara. “I got it from here, Doc.”
“Good luck.” Tara called after her as Gemma took off after Teagan, catching her on the stairs.
“Wanna slow down before I have a fucking heart attack?” Gemma shouted as she struggled to catch up in hopes of talking Teagan out of whatever in the hell she was about to do.
“Fuck off, Gem!” Teagan shouted back as she hit the last flight of stairs and made her break for the door. Gemma caught her by the arm just as she was stepping outside. “Seriously, Gem, I don’t want to fucking hear it.”
“And what is it exactly you think I’m gonna say?” Gemma shot back, hands flying to her hips as she gave Teagan an irritated and disapproving look. 
“I don’t fucking know!?” Teagan yelled as she fished around in her pockets angrily for her pack of smokes, struggling to light one as her hands trembled from all the emotions coursing through her. So angry at this point she could hardly see straight. “I told you so? You’re a fucking idiot? Stay away and stop getting involved with the fucking Club members?!” 
Teagan gave a brief pause as she took a long drag off of her cigarette, running a hand aggressively through her dark hair as she exhaled. “Jesus, fuck; Why didn’t you tell me he had a fucking wife?!” She rounded on Gemma, who stood still as a statue, waiting for her moment to interject. 
“Maybe ‘cause it ain’t my place, for starters.” Gemma snapped. “And before you go jumping on that fuckin’ high horse of yours, maybe take a step back and think? It’s not like he fuckin’ knows shit about your own past, aside from the bullshit story everyone else knows. So why would he feel obligated to tell you anything about his? Especially when you two aren’t even exclusive. I mean Jesus, Teag, have you two even talked about your feelings?”
“No…” Teagan admitted reluctantly, taking another drag off the cigarette burning between her fingers as she turned her back. Gemma had a point, even if Teagan didn’t want to admit it. But that didn’t change the fact she felt lied to. Betrayed even. Even if Chibs was never hers to begin with, it didn’t change the fact that he had kept this very important bit of information from her. 
“Then why should it matter?” Gemma stated. “His business is his business, nobody else’s!”
“He’s fuckin’ married, Gem!” Teagan shouted as she whirled around, seething again. “I don’t give two fucking shits why, or what his reasonings for not telling me are, that’s not something you just keep from the person you’re getting involved with!”
 “Jesus Christ…” Gemma gave a frustrated sigh as she closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Teage--”
“NO, Gemma, I’m done. I’m.Fucking.Done.” Teagan cut her off before taking one last drag, flicking the cigarette butt to the sidewalk as she began looking around for a way back to the Clubhouse. Panic setting in as she realized everyone had gone home except for Gemma. 
“Look, Sweetheart, I know you’re upset, and don’t get me wrong, you have every right to be--But this ain’t the time.”
“Seriously, just save it! OK?” Teagan snapped, closing her eyes as she rubbed at her temples. A sudden wave of dizziness hitting her out of nowhere.
“You need to calm down…Let’s just go back inside for a bit till you cool off.” Gemma stated firmly as she moved to take Teagan by the arm and lead her back inside. Gritting her teeth as Teagan pushed her way.
“I’m fine...Gem…” Teagan shot back as she pulled away, reaching a hand out to steady herself against the pillar in front of her as the edges of her vision started to blur. But by then, it was already too late. Her hand missed the pillar entirely and her vision quickly went black as she fell to the ground, Gemma managing to grab her before her head hit the concrete.
“Shit…” Gemma muttered as she laid Teagan carefully on the sidewalk before rushing back inside the hospital to grab a nurse.
The slow and steady beeping filled her ears as Teagan came to, finally hooked up to monitors and IVs. She let out a soft groan as the EKG beeps began to pound against her skull. Before she could have any other reaction, from the corner, almost making her jump and fall out of bed, she heard Gemma say, “Oh, good. You’re not dead.”
“Jesus Fuck, Gemma!” Teagan shouted, the EKG beeping wildly for a moment or two before the steady pace continued. Teagan sighed and tried to move but found it rather painful with needles sticking out of her arms. She sighed and shifted, trying to get a better look at her surroundings. “Why am I still here?”
Gemma slapped down the magazine in her hand and crossed her legs. “Because you almost took a fuckin’ cement nap if I hadn’t caught you, Teagan Marie.” She said. Teagan let out another groan.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Gemma! Not the middle name shit! I got that enough growing up!” She said. Gemma uncrossed her legs and stood, stalking over to her bed.
“I don’t give a shit what you got growing up, missy.” Gemma said. “You’ve done enough damage, you don’t need any more in your life. You don’t want me to treat you like you did growing up? Then fuckin’ grow up!”
Gemma walked away from the bed and grabbed her purse from the table next to her chair and made for the door. With her emotions running high, probably from the drugs Tara put her on, Teagan fought her tears, though they came through as she said, “Wait...Gem. Please don’t leave me alone…”
Gemma stopped and turned to her. Teagan couldn’t stop the tears seeping from the corners of her eyes as she struggled not to completely break down and sob. Gemma sighed and set her bag back down, going back over to her and taking her hand.
“Teagan...This is serious shit we’re in right now. And if you’re gonna stick around, you’ll be involved. Do you really think it’s a good idea to get involved with Chibs? Let alone any member right now?” Gemma asked, lowering her voice to a softer tone. Teagan sighed, looking away from Gemma, angry with herself for crying again.
“I don’t know, Gem. It-It’s different this time. With Chibs.” She said. “He doesn’t treat me like I’m a no good degenerate like everyone else does.”
“Oh, baby.” Gemma said with a soft chuckle. “That’s not true; Jax doesn’t. Tawni never did. Clay doesn’t. I don't.”
Teagan gave her a look that made Gemma smirk and add, “Alright...Not all the time. But still, Teagan, I mean…”
“Gemma.” Teagan took a breath and said, “I think I might be in love with him.”
Gemma blinked, shocked, and said, “Are-Are you serious? Jesus, Teage, you’ve known him for like, a month.”
Teagan rolled her eyes and sighed. “Fuck. Gemma. I’m trying to be fucking happy for once in my life! Genuinely happy! And he’s fucking married!” Teagan said.
“Honey. That’s never stopped him before. Jimmy O’Phelan stole Fiona from Chibs before he exiled him from Ireland. Sure he still loves her, but...Well, he has needs too. He’s had relationships in the past. It doesn’t bother him. Why should it bother you?” Gemma asked.
“Maybe because I don’t want to be called a fucking Crow Eater by that bitch again?” Teagan hissed, her anger getting the better of her and making the EKG go off again. Gemma sighed and said, “Alright, honey, you need to calm down. If you want the Doc to clear you to leave, you’ve gotta get that anger under control.”
Teagan sighed and nodded, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Good God, did she want to get out of this fucking hospital. She cleared her throat and said, “Um, is-is he awake?”
“Teagan…” Gemma sighed.
“Gem, I just want to make sure he’s okay. Tell him I’m sorry.” She said.
“For what?” Gemma asked. Teagan opened her mouth to respond, but stopped when she realized she wasn’t quite sure.
“I-I-” Gemma stopped her and said, “Look. Before you do anything, I want you cleared by the doc. Make sure everything is working right up there. You’ve taken a few punches already and we don’t need you passing out on us again.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Alright. But can we make it quick? I want to fucking shower too.” Teagan said. Gemma chuckled and gave Teagan a kiss on her cheek before she left the room to flag down Tara.
After a lengthy talk about making sure she was monitored for the next few days, Tara finally cleared her to leave. Teagan couldn’t change fast enough. Gemma had run back to the clubhouse and packed her a small bag of new clothes. Once she changed and the papers were signed, Gemma walked Teagan up to Chibs’ floor and stopped her.
“Just give me a minute, Teagan, okay?” Gemma said, sitting the girl down in a nearby chair before sidestepping to the door. With her hand on the door knob, she stopped when she saw Fiona sitting in the chair, reading a magazine.
‘Oh, shit.’ She thought as she slowly opened the door and walked in. Fiona glanced up as the door opened as surprised to see Gemma as Gemma was to see her. With a sigh and uncrossing her legs, Fiona put down her magazine and stood. Gemma went to the counter to set down her bag as she said, “You’re a long way from home, sweetheart.”
“Yes. I am.” Fiona said, rather matter of factly. Gemma braced a hand on the counter, the other on her hip and asked, plainly, “Why?”
“I was worried about him.” Fiona said, almost a hint of offence in her voice. Gemma looked unconvinced as she said, “Could’ve sent flowers.”
Fiona’s face was full of annoyance at this point, uphased at how much Gemma hadn’t changed over the years. With an equal annoyance in her voice, she said, “Just needed to see him, Gemma.”
Gemma glanced at Chibs, making sure he wasn’t awake and listening as she crossed in front of Fiona and said, “We are in a shit storm here. The last thing we need is you turning him inside out.”
Teagan stayed out of view from the window on the door, ear pressed to it, listening. She didn't know what Gemma meant by ‘turning him inside out’, but she didn't need an interpreter for it, and booked it, swiping her bag from the chair and beelining for the elevator. Clearly, this Fiona woman had an effect on Chibs and, after all, she was his fucking wife. She didn't want to ruin Chibs’ relationship with her and had her mind made up, even before she hijacked Tig’s bike, parked with the others. She hotwired the Harley, strapped on Tig’s helmet and took off as the club came running back outside, ready to deal a beat down, but they were all caught off guard to see Teagan as the thief.
“Hey! Teagan-!” Tig called in disbelief. He sighed and turned to his crew, staring at them for a moment before he said, “Unbelievable.”
Teagan lit into the Clubhouse like the place was on fire. Ignoring Piney’s attempts to slow her down and tell him what the hell was going on as she passed by the bar and made her way down the hall to the dorms; Throwing the door to her room open. The sound of it slamming against the wall sending an echo loud enough down the hallway that it could’ve woke people up in the next County over. 
Grabbing her pack from the closet she quickly began to stuff in the essentials. Making sure to do so quickly as she knew at least a few of the guys would be on their way back and pulling in soon. Tig being among them, given she had just stolen his pride and joy. So the sooner she got out of there, the better. Besides, the last thing she wanted was anyone trying to stop her…
Her mind was made up...She was done. Charming had been her last chance at a safe haven, but now that had been shattered into a million pieces and all because she let her feelings get in the way. Just like she always did. Funny she had actually believed that things had actually turned in her favor for once, and that maybe she finally had a shot at real happiness despite the shitstorm that had been chasing her all her life. But she couldn’t have been more wrong.
“What in the fuck are you doing?” Tawni grumbled crankily from the doorway of Teagan’s room, still half asleep; Teagan turning and narrowing her gaze. 
“Leaving.” Teagan snapped as she tugged the zipper on her pack shut and threw it over her shoulder before stalking out of the room. Shoulder checking Tawni on the way out when she didn’t move.
“Seriously?!” Tawni huffed as she turned and started after Teagan. “You’re gonna be a bitch this fucking early?!”
“I’m done. Gone. Not fucking coming back. You should be fucking happy!” Teagan rounded on Tawni, causing her to take a step back as she stared at Teagan a little shocked as those few that remained in the Clubhouse fell silent. “Can’t fuck your Uncle if I’m not around anymore, right? Because as if things weren’t shitty enough -- To add insult to injury, my best fucking friend--Sorry ex best friend, just assumes, that I would go behind her back in such a way--”
“Fuckin’ save it Tawn, ‘cause I don’t give a shit anymore.” Teagan cut her off before she could even start. “And to think, I actually fucking cared...I mean genuinely fucking cared, for the first time in a long time...But he’s married, so crisis averted. ” She laughed bitterly, turning on her heel as she started for the door again.
“And you’re answer to it all is to run like a fucking coward? Just like you’ve always done?!” Tawni started after Teagan again, not ready to let her go so easily. But she stopped when Teagan dropped her bag abruptly, her fist suddenly connecting with Tawni’s jaw, sending her to the floor.  
“I thought you were my fucking friend.” Teagan’s voice was calm, showing in it the level of hurt she was feeling right now as she shook her head.
“C’mon, Kid, don’t do this.” Piney butted in as he got to his feet, holding his hands out as if he was trying to calm a wild animal as he approached her. Stopping when Teagan held out a hand to stop him, and picked up her bag.
“Save it.”
“What the fucking Christ, Teagan?!” Tig hollered as he came bursting through the doors of the Clubhouse, Jax and Opie close behind. 
“Don’t.” Teagan snapped coldly as she pushed past her brother and out the door; yanking her arm from Opie’s grasp when he tried to grab her.
“Come on, Rave...Don’t do it like this.” Opie pleaded with a sympathetic expression as he stared down at her as she pushed past him out the door. “At least tell us what’s going on?”
“She’s fuckin’ my Goddamn Uncle, is wha’s goin’ on!” Tawni shouted as she came flying out the door in the midst of all the chaos, hellbent on finishing what had just been started.
“You know…” Teagan gave another hollow sounding laugh, turning with tears in her eyes to face Tawni who stopped when she saw her twisted expression. “I actually wish I had gotten the chance.”
Without another word she turned, crossing the lot the rest of the way to her bike, securing her pack to the sissy bar before she climbed on and pulled on her helmet. The sound of the engine roaring to life drowning out Tig’s shouts as he came running across the Teller-Morrow lot after her; Falling just short  of reaching her as she pulled out of her space and hit the throttle. Leaving behind a sea of shocked and confused faces in her wake as she left it all behind.
Hellbent on never looking back.
Lemme know what you guys think! I promise things pick up soon and get more interesting lol And if you want to be added the taglist, or removed ((it’s been a long time, I’d understand if anyone's lost interest)) just let me know. I’m actually getting ahead on chapters, so hopefully I’ll be able to start posting a little more often.
TAGLIST: @jacksonroseroth​ @cole-winchester​ @stacie-marie-bloom​ @journeyrose​ @penny4yourthot​ @xbreezymeadowsx​ @miss-nori85​
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Other Writing Prompts
This is just a compiled list of prompts I’ve collected from Pinterest and other random places, but don’t particularly fit anywhere or just would only fit into the Marvel or Star Wars fandoms.  I have other prompt lists that get more specific or more vague as well.  If you want to use one in a request to me, just use the following ‘Character Name and Prompt No. 35 from the Other Prompt list’ for example + some details if you’d like.
I didn’t organize this list by mood since it’s about 200 prompts.
‘*’ Denotes something that could be used as dialogue.
[*] Denotes a swear word that I removed.
One evening, a portal to hell opens at the foot of your bed.  A demon strides through, rips off your covers, and begins to drag you through the portal by your ankles saying, "you're going to help me settle a bet."
"But what is power?"  "Loyalty"
The girl wrote in the journal as fluidly as fish swam in the sea, or birds rode the wind.  It was beautiful, how gracefully she crafted her spells.
"You do know that when you wipe my memories, it doesn't actually work, right?  One of the perks of being me."  The villain froze at the hero's words.  They'd just attempted their grand entrance four times in a row, trying to anticipate the hero's response.  Blanking their brain when they didn't quite get it perfect.  First impressions were important.  PR won battles as much as soldiers did.  "Don't worry," the hero grinned, looking the villain up and down slowly.  "You're doing great.  Very impressive."  Now they definitely had to die.
The villain prowled closer, gaze intent.  "Mm.  The last time someone looked at me like that, we didn't get out of bed all weekend.  Good times."  "Cute bravado, it won't save you."  "You're blushing."
"You could be so brilliant if you only turned your mind to creating things instead of destroying them."  The hero murmured.  They paused to tighten the villain's restraints, before glancing up to catch their eyes.  "I've never seen anything like you.  You're stunning." It was so earnest that, for once, the villain didn't quite know what to say.  The hero wet their lips, practically on their knees.  "Just let me help you, please.  You'd be a terrible waste to the world rotting."
"Oh, I could just take you apart.  See how long that cold, untouchable reputation of yours lasts then.  You're trying so hard to pretend you're not even human, but look at that..."  The hero pressed a hand above the villain's heart. They both felt it pounding far too clearly.  This was not supposed to happen.  There was a reason nobody was supposed to get close.
"If you want me," the hero panted, "come and get me."  The villain paused, languidly sweeping a hand up and under their chin.  "Want you in which way, Darling?  Don't get me wrong, both involve ropes, but it's an important distinction to make before we proceed."
You're a villain that fell in love with a hero.  Though the strongest villain on the planet, you constantly lose to your hero, since you just love the rivalry and don't want it to end. As you are being arrested one day, your hero is attacked by another villain; one too strong for them to beat.
Stab options:  Slowly raise their hand to the wound and/or pull out the weapon impaling them while everyone stares in horror before collapsing to the ground from shock and/or blood loss and being caught just in time by a friend/lover.
Hide the wound beneath a dark item of clothing in preparation for the dramatic reveal later where another character touches them and their hand comes away bloody or they overexert themselves and they stumble and wince but still try to insist that they're fine,
even though they are clearly in pain and struggling to stay on their feet.  And as the other character peels back their jacket it becomes clear that they're badly hurt and have been for awhile.
Character A tilting Character B's chin up to get a better look at their face and the evidence of the fight.  Character A delicately thumbs away the streak of blood by Character B's mouth, saying nothing as they examine it.  After a brief pause, Character B's heart skips a nervous beat as Character A looks them dead in the eyes.  Their voice is quiet and tense, their anger barely restrained.  "Who did this to you?"
"I will deny you death until you beg me for it."
"Hold on you died."  "Yeah, well it didn't stick."
As teenagers, a boy and a girl agree to marry if neither have by their 35th birthday.  Follow the boy as he attempts to sabotage every relationship the girl has till then.
The hero shows up at the villain's doorstep one night.  They're shivering, bleeding and scared.  There's also a slightly dazed look in their eyes--they were drugged.  They look like they were assaulted.  Looking up at the villain, swaying slightly as they are close to passing out they mumble, "...didn't know where else to go..."  Then collapse into the villain's arms.
"I loved the woman you were before.  Not this monster."
"I dare you to touch her again."
"By the Gods!  You love her, don't you?"
"Come here."  "Why?"  "Just come here."  "No, you're gonna hit me."
"Shh, shh."  The villain wiped the tears from the hero's face and pressed a kiss to their forehead.  "Don't struggle, you'll only make it worse for yourself."
"Hey, hey, hey.  Baby, what's wrong?"  The hero shuddered from the dram--startlingly vivid.  Of fighting and faces, and the the icy clench of betrayal in their chest already fading into unconsciousness.  And yet, they couldn't stop crying.  Shoulders shaking, uncontrollable sobbing.  The villain gathered them close, tucking the hero's head against their chest and making safe, soothing sounds.  "Bad dream, huh?  It's alright, nothing will touch you while I have you."
"Nobody touches you other than me, do you understand?"  The hero looked at the other villain, dead on the floor.  Dead before they even touched them.  And they hated themselves for the flicker of gratitude, of feeling protected, when everything was all wrong and there was nothing safe in this game at all.  Their villain was not kind.  Only possessive.  "Can we go home?"  The villain liked it when they called it home.
They hadn't wanted this.  Of course, they'd wanted the hero to stop fighting them.  Wanted them broken, despondent, but...  The person staring blankly at the walls, terrified of their own power, wasn't what they wanted.  "Darling, you're beautiful.  You don't need to be scared with me, I promise you that.  Look--try and attack me and I promise I can stop you.  You're safe with me.  You couldn't hurt me if you tried.  I'm just like you."
"You killed someone.  Do you really think they're ever going to want you back?"  The hero looked up at the villain, desperate, shattered.  "I'll always want you, even if they don't."  The villain said.  "I understand what it's like.  It was an accident, wasn't it?"
"You're not as evil as people think you are."  "No, I'm much worse."
"I was a King!"  He bellowed, spitting at the girl's feet.  She smiled at him, her eyes sad and yet full of mischief.  "And I was a god."
He pulled against the ropes with all his might, but they wouldn't give.  "Don't bother," a voice said."  He looked up to discover a thin girl bound with the same rope.  Although it was dark, he could see her bruised eyes and wrists.  "I already tried."
"Don't ever try to get inside my head," he snarled, slamming me against the wall.  For several beats we stayed there, his grip crushing my wrists.  Finally, his eyes softened.  "It's too dark for you."
"You think you have a choice, and that's sweet and all, but it's time you take up the knife and do what you were made to do."
"You-you are--"  "Beautiful, a genius, immensely talented--"  "Dangerous."
"Sorry, I have a clingy and feverish assassin on my lap.  I'll call you back when I've convinced him that a cold doesn't mean he's dying."
The villain pressed their lips to the hero's, silencing their sobbing pleas.  "Shh."  The villain murmured, angling their knife at the hero's throat.  "It's better this way."
He was leaning against the wall, trying to support his own body weight, and his gasps of pain were like music to her ears.
"You just killed five men, what do you have to say for yourself?"  "Oops?"
For a second, I thought she could actually see me.
Every person on the planet is born with a tattoo on each arm.  One matches your soulmate, and one matches your worst enemy.  However, most people have no clue which is which. You do, because they are both the same.
In a superhero-supervillain story, you're the hero's love interest, and as such, in classic use-their-loved-ones-against-them fashion, the villain keeps kidnapping you as leverage against the hero.  However, an unfortunate complication has arisen; having spent so much time with the villain, you begin to realize you're falling in love with them.
You never kill the spiders in your home.  You just whisper; "Today you, tomorrow me."  When you set them outside.  Now, in your most dire moment, an army of spiders arrives to have your back.
"I feel nothing for you.  Absolutely nothing!"  "Is that so?"  His tone was amused, which irritated me more.  "Yep.  Nothing."  He took one towards me with a smirk on his face.  I swallowed, refusing to back up.  He laughed at me discomfort.  "Relax, Princess.  I am not going to jump on you."  That relieved me somewhat, until he added, "not until you ask me to anyways."
The hero shows up at the villain's house, hurt, broken and defeated.  But it wasn't the villain and they are extremely angry that someone hurt their hero.
The phone rings.  The voice on the other end says "we need you again."  Then hangs up.
"What's the word for that infestation of tiny creatures over there?"  "Those are children.  That's a school."
Everyone has a guardian angel except you.  You have a guardian demon.  He deals with things in a much more violent, but more effective fashion.
"You have to go, you have to run away!"  "Run from who?"  "From me."
"Small fire!  I said to set a small fire!  This is not small!"
Two people running away from a blind, arranged marriage, in which one is supposed to marry the other, meet on the road by coincidence and fall in love with each other.
*Not every prince is charming
When people are born, they are assigned a soulmate.  They have an original song in their head that only them and their soulmate know.  A person just broke into your house and you're pretty sure they are here to kill you.  They're humming your song under their breath.
"What?  Do you think I enjoy this?  This infatuation of mine?  This horrible need to know you are okay?"  To realize you can hurt me in a way no one for the past thousand years has been able to?"  "Well, stop it then!  If caring about me is such a nuisance to you, stop it!  It doesn't do much for either one of us."  "I CAN'T.  That's what kills me.  The fact that you can even ask that of me shows how ignorant you are about the power you have over me."
"I want to take a shower, so you should probably join me.  It'll save water."
"It's midnight!  Where the hell were you?"
"What the hell is your problem?"
"I might have slept with your [clothing article] when you were gone."
"No one has to know about us, I know this could ruin you."
"Just pretend to be my date."
"You should sleep."  "I'm not human, therefore, I do not require sleep."
"You broke me and now you expect me to follow you out onto the battlefield?  NO.  The answer is NO."
"You take me instead, do you hear me?  Give her back and take me instead."
"Wait, something doesn't feel right."
"Did you hear that?"
"Stay here and don't move.  I'll be right back."
"You told me you were okay!   You promised!"
"Why didn't you tell me?!"
"How long have you been covering this?"
"You've been trying to deal with this yourself?"
"We could have prevented this!"
"If you didn't want to be a burden, you should have gotten it treated right!"
"You didn't think it was that bad?  Are you looking at it?"
"You are not fine!"
"You look really cute in that sweater."
"No, like...  It's just, I can't believe you're actually wearing my clothes."
"You know I hear you talking, but I still don't have my coffee."
"Do you want to know the hardest thing about having a soulmate?  It's not the separation in the beginning, not the endless nights lying awake, hoping and praying tha someone was made for you.  It's... It's the love.  It's too strong, and you can't fight it.  I've tried. Believe me, I've tried...  But I'm always going to love you.  And I need you to know that."
"You would risk the lives of millions for one person?  Why?"  "Because it's not just one life...  It's yours."
"This might sound selfish, but I don't care about the world.  I only care about you."
"I still believe there is a good person in you."
"It was necessary."  
"Did you think I really cared about you?"
"This was my plan all along."
"There was no other way."
"How cute.  Struggle all you want, you won't be leaving this place."
"This is what you get from trusting me."
"It's too late to go back."
"I'm sorry this had to go down like this."
"That's right, I lied."
"It's all for a good cause."
"You were so stupid.  You should have known."
"Just so you know... I don't regret anything."
"Shame.  I kind of liked you."
"This is my responsibility."
"You will no longer love me if you see who I truly am."
"I'm a monster."  "No, you're not."
"You'd better put that knife down."
"But I did all of this for you?"  "I didn't want you to kill anyone."
Person A wins a big stuffed animal for Person B at an amusement park and offers to carry it for them.  Person B says they'll carry it themselves and carries it around smugly.
While on a date, Person A very shyly touches Person  B's hand and Person B reassuringly (and tightly) holds Person A's hand.
You press your ear against the wall, just in time to hear the scream.
AU where everyone is born with a very unique tattoo on their ankle, nobody else in the world has that tattoo.  Every time you fall in love, their tattoo appears somewhere else on your body. (i.e a new tattoo appearing on a celebrity's body in new photos and a very lucky fan (who'd just met them), realizing that it's their tattoo.)
 He/She kissed his/her brow as the world around them burned.  "See you in the next life, my love."  He/She whispered.
 "Is everything supposed to go dark?"
 "You'd better not die on me."
 "They just got a lucky shot."
 "Next time, don't call me over only to find you in a pool of your own blood!"
 "You need to keep pressure on it."
 When a character doesn't realize they've been shot or whatever and their hand brushes against their side and comes away wet with blood, and they're just staring at it like WTF is this and then their knees just totally give out on them and they sink down, maybe gasping a little as the reality finally hits them.
 A character that knows they've been shot, but waits until the rest of their crew is out of sight to put their hand against the slowly spreading stain of blood on their shirt, then trying to steady their breathing so they can follow without letting on how injured they are.
 Or the character who doesn't realize they've been hurt trying to see if everyone else is okay only to slowly realize that everyone is looking at them with mounting horror.  Then they touch their side to find it's wet and oh no.
 "Pull the trigger.  PULL IT!"  He screamed as he took the gun being held in his enemy's hand and pressed it against his own stomach.  "I can't!"  His enemy screamed.  "I can't kill you!"
 "You were more fun when we were kids," the villain sighed.  "You worshiped me then.  It was so cute."  "When we were kids, you weren't such a colossal prick."  The villain laughed and traced the weapon along their cheek.  "Now, you know that's not true.  You changed.  Not me."  The laugh dropped, to something more contemplative, softer, and yet no kinder.  "Why did you have to?"
 "Isn't that what people do?"  The villain asked softly.  "Learn to love each other?  Could you not learn to love me?  You-you who seem to have such a heart to love the world and everything in it?"  The hero turned their gaze away, jaw clenched, pity and anger tugging at them in equal measure.  "I would not be unkind to you," the villain persisted.  Cupping the hero's face, thumbs stroking their jaw.  "I would never."  "Kidnapping people is unkind."  The villain's grip tightened.  "Making people fall in love with you and refusing to love them back is unkind."  Oh, hell no.  The hero knocked their hands away, expression ablaze with rage that they even dared say that.  Their heart slammed, anger overtaking pity, teeth bared in a snarl.  "I will never love you.  Never."
 "This isn't the way to make people love you!"  "Love?"  The villain laughed at that, fondly even, as they looked down at the hero kneeling before them, heat in their eyes.  "My sweet thing, this isn't about love."
 "All that time locked away, and not a note from you.  No visits, no letters, nothing."  The villain trailed their fingers along the hero's sides, relishing the sight of them all chained up for them.  "You're lucky I'm nicer and won't just leave you here to rot, inmate."  The hero snarled at them, making an indignant noise.  "Aggressive behavior, now that would be a shot."
 "I enjoyed your visits."  The villain said, "but it's just not the same with a thick glass wall between us.  I know you felt the same way."  They didn't look at the hero, making cooing sounds at the hero's child in their lap.  The hero's mind raced, desperately trying to think of some way to fix this.  To calculate how long it would be before back up came.  The very sight of the villain holding onto their baby left them sick with dread, even more so as the child gurgled and laughed.  "You never told me about this little one, no they didn't, no they didn't."  They smothered a kiss to the child's forehead.  "They look like me."
 "Shh, shh."  the antagonist settled themselves comfortably on the protagonist's lap, looping their arms around them.  One hand cupped the back of their head and stroked soothing fingers through the protagonist's hair, guiding their head to rest on the antagonist's shoulder.  "It's alright, calm down..."  The protagonist's wrists strained against the chains binding their limbs to the chair, heart feeling like it might jack-knife out of their chest, nerve-endings jangling.  "Just match your breathing with mine."  The antagonist continued, concerned.  "We both know I'm going to hurt you regardless so there's really no point in having a panic attack about it.  Come on, deep breaths.  No
need to cry now, that's good.  You can do it."  They continued to make soothing sounds, crowning the protagonist's head with kisses.
 "I really thought you could save me."  The hero cradled the villain close, for now, too many things reeling through their head.  "Yeah, so did I."
 "You said if I did this, that we'd be done."  The antagonist smiled, brushing the protagonist's hair back from their forehead.  "You must have known that would never happen.  Look at what a great team we make--we're unstoppable!"  Their smile softened and the protagonist hated that it still made their stomach flip.  "You're incredible!"  "Incredibly done."  "If I let you go, you'll die.  The world can't maintain you the way I can."
 "You were everything to me."  And now, this.  Betrayal and longing, relief at life and despair at monstrosity, sunk like a fish hook in their chest.  Painful, inescapable.  "How could you?"  The antagonist's brow furrowed.  They reached out a hand, gently catching the protagonist's tears on their fingertips.  "You say that as if we've met before."  The protagonist's heart dropped out.  "What?  You don't remember me?"  The antagonist continued to stare at the tears for a moment before their hand clenched to a fist.  They nodded to their guards.  The protagonist struggled as the security seized hold of them again, dragging them up and backwards.  Their desperation pitched.  They grew sure.  "You don't remember, do you?  What's the last thing you remember?"  "Oh, and gag them," the antagonist said, looking away.  "They're boring me."  "[NAME]--" the guards cut them off.  The antagonist didn't look at them once as they were hauled out of the room.
 They tried again, and again, and again.  Each time, they were deftly deflected, tossed aside, pinned, knocked back as if their attacks and all their training was nothing.  The villain was good.  They tried for over an hour, ears ringing, nose bleeding, ribs cracked, fingers broken, until they were too exhausted to put any strength into a punch and the last lunge ended up more with them sobbing and shaking in frustration against the villain's chest.  The villain caught their wrists firmly and twisted them into a more secure hold.  They manhandled the protagonist, stumbling in front of the mirror so they could get a good look at just how pitifully outmatched they looked.  "This is what you wanted?  I'm sure your parents would be delighted to see this."
 "Teach me."  "What?"  The villain started.  "Teach me how to fight like you."  It was the most incredible thing they'd ever seen.  "...You want me to teach you how to kill me?"  The villain let go and let them crumple to the floor.  "[*].  I need a drink to deal with you."
 "I said that's enough now."  The villain caught hold of the hero's wrists as they tried to keep fighting, tossing their weapon aside before drawing them close.  Arms wrapping around them in an embrace that might have been comforting if it didn't have the unyielding restraint of shackles.  "There we go, easy now."  You've been hurt enough for one day."  Thrashing against the hold did nothing but exhaust the hero and eventually they sagged.  They sank together to the ground in a tangle of limbs, rocking slightly.  'You hurt me,' they wanted to scream.  'This is your fault.' "Shh," the villain murmured--warned, they didn't even know anymore.  "It's enough.  You've done more than enough, you'e fought so bravely, but just listen to me.  There's no shame in surrendering and living another day, right?"
 The villain was curled up in their bed.  Fast asleep, in their bed.  No broken windows, no broken locks--just there.  A bolt of rage shot through the hero before they got a better look at them and... Oh wow.  They let them sleep,  Tucked over another blanket and went into the kitchen and made food, something warm to drink and fished out some painkillers.  Their eyes flickered over when the villain made a clammy appearance.  "Sit down," they ordered.  "You're not going anywhere until I've taken a look at your wounds."  The villain sat, huddled up in one of the hero's old hoodies.  "You're not interrogating me.  Or angry."  "Oh, I'm furious.  But shockingly enough for once not at you.  If I ask you what happened, you're going to run aren't you?"  The villain didn't deny it.  This was different, somehow.
  "I loved you at your darkest."
 The fighter frowned when I stepped into the ring, his stance slackening a little as he took in the sight of me.  The roar of the crowd was deafening as they grew rowdy, waiting for the fight to start.  But he said, in a low growl of a voice, "I don't fight girls."  My lip curled as I replied, "too bad, because I fight boys."  And knocked his legs out from under him.
 "You took a bullet for me."  The villain stared at them, numbly almost, as the protagonist gasped for breath that didn't want to come down.  "That was stupid of you."  They wished they had some excuse, some clever plan, but it had simply been instinct.  They wished they had some witty comment, but it hurt too much to think.  The villain stepped closer, standing over them.  Watching them pant, propped weakly on one elbow, the other hand clamped to their side.  "I wish you hadn't done that," the villain said.  "So do I, [*]."  They squeezed their eyes shut.  They snapped open at the touch of hands, and the antagonist's face was right there.  Close.  "Are you scared?  Do you want me to make it quick for you?"  [*].  Really?
 "You can't just keep me!"  "You'd prefer I fight you and your friends?"  The villain returned.  "I wouldn't.  And you are an excellent piece of peace-keeping leverage.  A noble cause.  I would have imagined you'd be all aboard.
 "Don't do this," the antagonist entreated, anguished, wary.  "You don't have to do this."  The protagonist stared back, heart drumming in their ears, a dozen longings swelling beneath their tongue.  "I don't want to.  You're all I ever wanted."  It hurt to, finally, admit it aloud and the antagonist's breath hitched.  "But this is--this is wrong.  Can you really not see that?"  "Loving you can never be wrong."  Their chest ached.  "The things you do for love can."
 "Not what you expected?"  The villain smiled, frosty.  "I had plans other than you too.  I suppose we'll both have to make do."  The hero drew back, wide-eyed, because no.  This was not what they'd expected at all.  A little awkwardness, a little chill, not a dead body on the bedroom floor.  "What are you?"
 "Don't worry."  The villain caressed their partner's cheek, down the oh-so-vulnerable line of the hero's throat.  "I won't hurt you.  Suspicion always turns to the spouse first in these things."  "I'll tell."  "And then where would that leave you?  Like it or not love.  I'm all that you have in the world now.  We need to look after each other."
 When someone's heart breaks, so does a piece of our world; this creatures fissures,
valleys, and even cracks in the pavement.  Tell the story behind the Grand Canyon.
 "You're such a complete disaster."  Groans the villain, scooping the unconscious hero off the sidewalk.  "Like, holy hell, how does anyone let you out of their sight?  Stop picking fights with people you aren't ready for."
 "Fix it."  "I can't."  The protagonist dropped to their knees, a sick feeling curdling in the pit of their belly.  "Please--see, I'm begging and everything.  Fix it."  They swallowed hard.  "Please."  Their voice cracked.  "I can't."  The antagonist said.  They tugged one hand through their hair, jerking the other in a gesture for the protagonist to get up.  "I'm not saying it to spite you, I literally can't.  This is beyond my power.  I'm sorry."  The protagonist stared at them in numb disbelief.
 "Hand over the girl."  "Not going to happen."
 "Does it hurt?"  The hero asked carefully, looking at the huge scar that trailed from the other person's shoulder, down their chest to their stomach.  The scar was pale in colour and bumpy; raised above the skin ever-so-slightly.  The other person looked away, blinking fast.  "It did.  Years ago, when I first received it."  "I can't believe someone could do this to you," the hero whispered.  That got the other's attention, their head snapping towards the hero.  "You did this.  YOU did this to me and you don't even remember."  They hissed.
 "You need to eat something."  The hero scowled, wrapping both arms around their grumbling stomach.  "You need to mind your own business."  The villain stepped forward slowly, arms held out in front of them, palms up.  "You fainted on me last week, and I can hear how hungry you are.  If you won't take my money, at least let me buy you some food.  You help everyone, let someone help you for once.  Don't let your pride stop you from taking the help you need to continue saving lives."  The villain smiled crookedly.  "To continue stopping me."
 "Your city is in ruins.  You are--"  The villain stopped, gloves half off, and raised an eyebrow.  "You're wrapped in my cape."  Swaddled in the thick fabric, only the hero's face was visible, their expression trapped between a scowl and a pout.  "It's cold down here, and you left it in reach.  If you weren't too tight to heat your lair while keeping me prisoner down here, I wouldn't have had to resort to thievery."  "You look adorable," the villain said, forcing a sneer into their voice.  Because they did.  They looked adorable and warm and perfect.
 Character B bleeding heavily while Character A tries to staunch the blood, but Character B is more concerned about the fact that stoic Character A is sobbing and panicking.
 When help is a few hours away and Character B has to stay awake, Character A rambles loudly about random stuff, trying not to break down and cry and to keep them awake.
 "Show me your scars," he said.  "But...  Why?"  She asked quizzically.  "I want to see how many times you needed me and I wasn't there," he whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek.
 "You go ahead, I'll hold them off for as long as I can."
 "Don't talk to me.  It's 6 AM and I haven't had coffee yet, so anything I do or say cannot  
be held against me."
 "Dude, that jacket is mine, give it back."
 "Where is he?"  "My lady...."  "Answer me."
 "Wait, when did I take off my clothes?"
 "I"m fully convinced you never graduated kindergarten."
 "I'm not here, actually, this is a projection from....  [planet].... I moved there recently."
 "You have no idea how to make toast?!"
 "I haven't showered in four days."
 "You're more zombie than human."
 "Fix her."  "No."  "Because you can't or you don't want to?"  "Because she'll break again.  And you'll be back here, on my doorstep, begging me once more to fix something that wasn't meant to be fixed."  "So you don't want to?"  The healer's eyes were cold.  "No."
 "You made me love you."  The hero said.  They stared out of the window, quietly, watching the rain spit down across the streets.  The villain froze in the doorway, studying them, the cup of love-potion spiked tea still cradled in their hand.  "I've known for weeks," the hero continued, idly almost.  They didn't glance over.  "It's obvious.  Too sweet in the tea."  "You're still drinking it."  "I wanted to see what you would do.  Waited."  The villain swallowed at that.  They hadn't done anything--aside from give the tea.  Perhaps that was the most damning thing of all.  
 "She's crying, what do I do?"  "Go comfort her."  "How do I do that?"  "Start with hugs."  "With what?"
 "I always knew I'd take a bullet for you," I say as pain ebbs through my chest.  He/She crouches beside me, clutching at my shirt.  Sobs echo from him/her as my lids grow heavy from the weight.  "And I always knew you wouldn't take one for me."  I whisper and shut my eyes.
 First she realized she was pregnant, then she realized her baby would only be half human.
 An all female crew is picked for the first [planet] mission.  They all come back pregnant.  
 Imagine a villain getting injured and losing their memory and the hero finds them and takes them back with them, taking care of them and the villain gets their memory back after like a week but doesn't say anything because the hero is being so nice to them and nobody has been that nice to them in so long and they don't want it to end and they're maybe getting fond of the hero, but don't tell anyone.  But eventually something happens and the hero is in trouble and they're trying to get the villain to run away because they still think they're an amnesiac with no idea how to defend themselves and they've grown to like them and don't want them to get hurt, but the villain just pushes past them towards whatever is trying to hurt the hero and just goes guns blazing and destroys them.
 "I wish I had a camera."
 The shackles grazed her wrists as she changed positions in an attempt to get comfortable.
 You live in a world where your soulmate is unable to hurt you, intentionally or otherwise.  
You are fighting in a war when one of the enemy's knives harmlessly glances off of you.
 The rain came down in heavy sheets.  He pulled his soaked [type of hat] down to protect his eyes and moved forward.  Where was she?  Would he find her in time?  A dark shape against the bridge railway caught his eye when the lightning flashed.  He rushed forward and grabbed her arm, spinning her around to face him.  He couldn't tell for the rain if she was crying or not, droplets streamed down her face.  Her mouth opened to let out a cry, but when she saw it was him, she pleaded with her eyes.  He only nodded and put his arm around her.  He'd protect her.
 My head pounded as the toxin flooded my veins, but when I looked at her I could tell what it was doing to her was much worse.
 A woman has been dating guy after guy, but it never seems to work out.  She's unaware that she's actually been dating the same guy over and over; a shapeshifter who's fallen for her and is certain that this time he'll get it right.
 "What have you been doing?  Actually, don't answer that, I don't want to know."
 "You're hurt!"  He pulled the arrow out of his chest.  "Oh, that's nothing."  She stared at him.  She'd thought she'd seen the arrow pierce his heart.  How was he even alive?  He laughed.  "Don't worry, dear.  It takes more than one little arrow to kill me."  She was pretty sure she'd seen his eyes glimmer for a second.
 "It's 2 AM.  I think that's enough of that."
 "Watch, this is the best part!"
 "Why are you doing this?!"  The villain grinned, their malice as tangible as the ground beneath the hero's feet.  "Because you fell in love.  And you needed to learn that love won't save you when there's a gun to your head."
 It's not like she meant to trip and spill coffee all over him.  It was just the way of her people.
 The villain gently lifted the hero's chin with a fingertip.  "Don't you see?  We're the same, you and I."  The hero narrowed their eyes and smacked the villain's hand away.  "You and I will never be the same.  I'll make sure of it."  The villain grabbed the hero's wrists in an iron grip before they even knew it was moving.  "Darling," the villain chuckled, "you don't have a choice."
 The villain snarled, "you will find the moment you hurt them is the moment I tear out your heart and shatter your bones.  If you dare destroy them as you have threatened, then they'll find nothing left of you."
 "You're not allowed to die, dammit!"  The villain's voice quivered, threatening to break as they shook the hero's limp shoulders.  "I promised myself you wouldn't die here.  I promised you I'd get us both out of this.  Dammit, I promised!"
 The villain's breaths were shallow and panicked as they laid the hero on the ground, blood staining both their hands.  "Damn it," the villain muttered as they ripped a piece off their shirt and pressed it flush with the hero's ribcage.  "Why didn't you tell me?"  "Didn't want you to think I was weak," the hero mumbled, their face an already alarming shade of white.  The villain grimaced, tears blurring their vision.  "Well, I'm afraid you're about to witness first hand just how weak I am."
 "The world is ruthless, unforgiving.  I came to realize that long ago when my wife was
stolen from me."  She lifted her hood to reveal her face.  "She wasn't stolen.  She left."
 The villain shook their head.  "What a pity..."  "Let me go!"  Begged the protagonist again.  "Please," she sobbed.  "Please.  "You could have been Queen.  It's a pity you chose this path instead."  The villain lifted their dagger.
 "I"m the daughter of a King who forgot my name."
 "Go to him.  He waits for you."
 *He became King because he wanted to marry you.
 One night, a dark King appeared and offered me his hand, his heart, and his Kingdom.
 Arranged marriage AU where I am the Prince/Princess who sneaked out to a tavern and while I was there I got into a fist fight with another patron.  Fast forward to the next day where I am meeting the person who has been engaged to me since birth and oh wow your eye looks horrible, what did I do.
 Your father is forcing you to marry someone you've never met.  The night before your wedding you tie your sheets together and make your escape through the window.  Halfway down, you make eye contact with someone doing the exact same thing a few windows over.
 "If a god falls in love with you, you can never really die."
 Person A and Person B are in the kitchen.  Person A is short, while Person B is slightly taller.  Person A:  *Struggles to retrieve items from top shelf*  Person B:  "Do you need me to get it for you?"  Person A:  *Gasps* "How dare you insult the vertically challenged!"  Person B:  *Laughs* "Okay then..."  Person A:  (Moments later) *Defeated sigh*  "Help meee....."
 Person A:  *Completely serious* "I have to get something off my chest."  Person B:  *Fingers crossed* "I hope it's your shirt, please."
 Person A noticeably disheveled as they enter the room.  "Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff."  Person B, also disheveled and grinning smugly enters the room after.  "I'm stuff."
 The villain smiled, watching the anguish on the hero's face as their so-called friends handed them over.  "I guess," the villain sighed.  "You're nobody's first priority."  They reached out, pulling the hero closer by their restraints.  "Except mine, of course.  Don't worry.  There's nothing I wouldn't do to keep you."  The hero shivered, turning their head away.
 "I'm all yours," the hero held up their hands.  "Just leave them out of it.  This is just you and me, right?"
 The villain panted for breath, hands bloody--a little dazed and starting to shake.  "They were going to hurt you.  I-I panicked.  I know it's bad that I--"  "Shh."  The hero held out an arm and the villain crumpled against them.  "It's alright.  You were only trying to protect me, weren't you?"  The villain nodded.  "Then I forgive you, it's okay.  But you know there are going to be people who don't see it my way, who wouldn't understand like I do."  "But you can make that go away.  You can do anything."  The villain said.  It took everything the villain had not to shiver with delight.
 "There," the villain carded their fingers through the hero's hair.  "Isn't it better to feel clean?"  No more blood or grime or gore on battered skin.  Instead, fluffy towels, steaming water, soothing scents and oils which soothed all aches and pains.  "It would
feel even better if you weren't in the room.  Bit creepy, that."  "You know you can't be trusted not to abuse my hospitality."
 "Stop it."  The command, the quiet authority cut straight through to the villain's brain.  "You're overthinking," their sidekick said.  "You know what you get like when you start  overthinking.  Come here."  The villain moved over thoughtlessly.  Their sidekick guided them gently down onto their knees, taking the villain's head in their hands.  Their fingers massaged soothing circles and the villain's eyes fluttered closed.  "That's right," their sidekick murmured.  Good.  Just focus on me.  Take some deep breaths."
 "You are so terrified that people will never love you, that they'll leave you," the protagonist murmured.  "That you would never give them the chance to do either."  The antagonist stilled in the doorway, just for a beat.  The protagonist looked at them, heart seized in their mouth.  "That's not love, you know.  Love necessitates choice."  "Just as well then," the antagonist replied.  "That I'm not looking to give someone the chance to love me.  Sleep tight."  The door slammed shut behind them.
 "I miss you."  "You miss an illusion."  But the villain paused all the same, hand rising as if about to touch.  Faltering.  Their hand dropped.  They steeled themselves.  "Take them away."  Cold.
  *And mighty we became.
 "That has got to be the lamest pick up line in existence."  "Don't worry that's just Plan A."  "So what's Plan B?"  "To take you hostage."
 "I'm fine," the antagonist said.  "Okay."  "I'm fine."  They'd just said that, and the protagonist was starting to look concerned.  "Just fine.  Everything's going to be fine."  Oh wow, they couldn't stop saying it, couldn't stop gabbling it, couldn't breathe over it, choking on that word.  Fine, fine, fine, always perfectly fine.
 The villains lungs strained for air as the hero slammed them up against the wall, face inches away.  Fear licked up their spine.  "You're sorry?"  The hero spat.  "Sorry doesn't even begin to cover what you're going to be for what you've done.  You don't get to cry over your guilt.  You're not the one who got hurt."  
 In the heat of the moment, whether this is a fight, chase, or the characters are under gunfire; they escape and get to cover.  However all is not well when Character A turns to see Character B leaning heavily against a wall, clutching at their side.  Character B slowly looks up and shows a blood covered hand before saying, "so.  Slight problem," before collapsing onto the floor.
 "I love you from the bottom of my heart, but I don't trust your cooking.  Stay out of my kitchen."
 Person B dancing around their home, headphones in, eyes closed, singing as loudly as they please to their favourite song while Person A stands in the doorway watching their oblivious partner with a loving smile on their face.
 Person A:  "How can someone say Person B is evil?  They're the most precious soft little soul."  Person B:  *Wiping blood off their face*  "YEAH, I'M ADORABLE!"
 Person A walked into the house, threw their bag on a chair, and laid down on the carpet with an air of defeat.  Person B walked in a few hours later, saw Person A on the ground and set to work.  They picked up a few blankets and pillows.  Then Person B walked
over to Person A, laid everything out, then proceeded to lay down with Person A.  Person A slowly curled up to Person B and fell into a restful sleep.  Five hours later, they're still there.  Just soaking in each other's presence.
 Person A was sitting up in bed, headphones on and staring intensely at their Ipad screen, which flickered brightly in the dim room.  Person B rolled over and slowly sat up, glancing at the clock and seeing it was well past 2 AM.  Person B leaned up against Person A, with their eyes still closed and asked why Person A was still up.  Person A popped out an earbud and quickly *states reason* and then turned their attention back to the screen.  Person B yawned loudly, grabbed the device and tossed it off the bed.  Right before Person A could protest, Person B curled an arm around them and forced Person A to lay down.  Person A fell asleep within minutes, tucked securely in Person B's arms.
 Imagine your OTP getting ready for bed and Person A is sitting on the bed.  Person B tries to sneak up on them with a hug or a kiss, but Person A has quick reflexes and thinks they're being attacked.  So they accidentally hit Person B in the face and they fall back onto the bed.  Person A quickly realizes who it was then, and keeps saying sorry really fast and hugs them and kisses where it hurts.
 Imagine Person A walking into the kitchen, only to find Person B in tears.  Person A immediately rushes over to Person B's side, fretting over them, consoling and asking what happened.  Surprised, Person B explains they were simply cutting onions.
 Person A is baking cookies and has to split their attention between the timer and fighting off Person B, who keeps trying to steal cookie dough from the bowl.
 Imagine your OTP making out on a couch, but then one of them accidentally rolls off and the other one is either frantically asking if they're okay, or laughing their head off.
 Imagine your OTP ice skating and one of them falls so the other tries to help them up, but they lose their balance and fall on top of the other.
 What if he held you tightly in his arms as you lay on his chest, drifting into sleep by the sound of his steady heartbeat.  Feeling the slight vibration of his lungs as he hummed softly.  His hands brushing lightly in your hair as his lips pressed against the top of your head, but stayed there for awhile.  Then he let out a faint sigh, taking his lips away, seeming to be deep in thought.
 You shift around in bed, trying to find a comfortable position.  No success.  You hear your boyfriend stretching.  "Can't sleep, my love?"  He asks, letting out a sleepy sigh.  "Come here," he whispers.  You move over to him and he snakes an arm around your waist and wraps his leg around yours as you rest your head on his bare chest.
 As you lay in bed alone, struggling with reaching sleep, you toss and turn before huffing out in annoyance at still being awake.  A small fraction of light creeps into your room until the door closes and the edge of your bed dips down underneath his weight.  He carefully climbs under the covers, reaching an arm out for you, pulling you closer to his body, your back to his front.  "You can sleep now, love.  I'm home.  I love you."  He gently whispers in your ear, lightly kissing your cheek and then laying his head on the pillow next to you, leading you to fall into a dream-filled sleep of your boy being back home.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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The second game of 3 Prompt Summaries!
Here’s the example rounds, and the rest are under the cut!
Prompts by @rebelmeg - blanket, "don't touch that", roommates
Summary by @psychiccatpanda - Generally speaking,  Bucky really loved having Tony as a roommate.  He liked to have fun, enjoyed movies, shared some musical tastes, you know - important things.
One of the drawbacks, though, was walking into one of Tony's experiments.  They'd had the fire department out more than once... in the last month.  As he walked in, there was no sign of his roommate - just a large blanket-covered lump in the middle of the living room.  When Bucky started to lift the corner to peek at the project underneath, Tony shouted, "Don't touch that!"
Prompts by @rebelmeg - blanket, "don't touch that", roommates
Summary by @writing-mermaid - The blanket is lying in the middle of the couch. "Don't touch that !", Saskia yells at Winnie and Morgan. Sam sighs, how his daughter, Bucky's and Tony's will be roommates for three days, if they are already fighting over a blanket ? Sam, alone with a bunch of 5 years old, will have to figure this out all by himself.
Prompts by @rebelmeg - red, angst, safehouse
Summary by @dreaminglypeach - The door to the safe house is unlocked when they get there. It’s unlocked, open, and there’s blood everywhere. Bucky tries very hard not to panic.
Prompts by
@psychiccatpanda - "Oops."
@blurockets - Winterwidow
@writing-mermaid - "It was an accident"
Summary by @magicadraconia16 - When your partner is the famous Black Widow, the very last thing you want to hear in the middle of a black op is "Oops". Closely followed by an uncharacteristically sheepish, "It was an accident." He should have picked Clint after all.
Prompts by @psychiccatpanda - Sam Wilson, Red Thread of Fate, and "Oops."
Summary by @rebelmeg - "Oops." Bucky muttered the fateful word a split second before alarms started going off, prompting Sam to whirl around in disbelief. "Did you seriously just trip the lasers?" "I'm sorry! I don't have the fancy birdbrain goggles like you do." "YOU CAN SEE THEM WITHOUT GOGGLES, BUCKY, THEY'RE NOT INVISIBLE RED THREADS OF FATE OR SOMETHING!" Okay, so their sneaky infiltration was ruined now. Here's hoping their extraction plan will still be intact by the time they finish their mission.
Prompts by @rebelmeg - Blanket, "Don't Touch That", Room mates 
Summary by @blurockets - "Touch that and you lose vital fingers," a tired voice said from the depths of the couch. Clint stared back at the knit blanket that was draped from the recliner he wasn't even using. When you’re trying to build a blanket fort with your niece and nephew on the compound while it was a mass space mission you had to get creative if you didn’t want to break locks. Or Where the former Winter Soldier has a blanket and Clint is stuck rooming with him and has questions about it.
Prompts by @rebelmeg - Angst
Summary by Angst_BuriTTo  - There was a saying he had heard somewhere, he wasn't sure where, not that it mattered now, anyways, but one he thought fitting: "The sound of silence is the loudest sound of all". It felt fitting, stuck in this miserable place, for god knows how long, waiting to be rescued. there was no sound here, in the soul stone. and the other dusted couldn't speak either. just... silence.
Prompts by @rebelmeg​ - red, angst, safehouse 
Summary by @writing-mermaid - Red, this is red, red and thick. And he doesn't know if they'll have time to reach the safehouse. And the more he's waiting, the more her blood flows on the ground. But will they make it safe, especially with all those HYDRA guards on the way. But he must past through them, it's a matter of life and death.
Prompts by @magicadraconia16 - "Hand on heart, I will kill you", T'Challa, kitten
Summary by @rebelmeg​ -  "Heeeeere kitty kitty kitty," Bucky whispered to himself, peeking out through the slat in the vent, lying in wait for his prey. Unfortunately for Bucky... T'Challa was finding the cat jokes less and less funny. Bucky had about three seconds worth of a head start when T'Challa looked him right in the eye through the wall vent, and said in a dangerous tone, "Hand on heart, I will kill you.
Prompts by
@dreaminglypeach​ - Race Cars
@writing-mermaid - Tony
@psychiccatpanda - Sam Wilson 
Summary by LLightz - Tony's idea of "team bonding" this month was to hire everyone a top of the range sports car and act out some street racing movie Steve had never seen but everyone seemed very excited out... especially Bucky who always had a thing for speed, and well, Steve wasn't going to deny him, plus Natasha was already throwing down challenges, and Clint was always up for any crazy stunt... So, it came as no surprise when the 2 ex-Russian-assassins and a man who regularly failed to use parachutes ended up practically playing chicken with cars that were definitely not legal, and even then ... "how do I make this car go faster Tony????? came Bucky's shout into his headset... yep, someone was definitely gonna get hurt! Flying overhead and easily keeping pace, Sam was filming every moment...
Prompts by @rebelmeg​ - Red
Summary by Angst_BuriTTo - Red. a color that covered his hands and his past, a ledger full of that scarlett color that haunted his nightmares and his waking hours. when an oppurtunity comes to change the red from ever staining his fingers, will he take it?
Bucky Barnes has a really shitty century -- but it's starting to look a little brighter.
Prompts by @psychiccatpanda - Red Thread of Fate:
Summary by Angst_BuriTTo - the moment HYDRA found out about his thread, they were determined to snip it. too bad for them that it was tied to a man whose serum enhanced the strength of everything, down to that thread.
Prompts by
@blurockets - Lake House AU
@dreaminglypeach​ - Wanda
Angst_BuriTTo - "It's ok, It's my time."
Summary by @magicadraconia16 - He thought he'd been stood up. And he had to admit, two years was a long time for her to catch up to him. But instead, oh, instead, that terrible accident that had finally burnt him out... that had been her. He tried to tell her, to warn her, to demand that she actually stand him up, but her only response was, "If it's my time, then that's okay." No, it was NOT okay!
Prompts by
Angst_BuriTTo - FBI AU
@dreaminglypeach​ - Wanda
@psychiccatpanda - oops 
Summary by @blurockets - "So your definition of messing with probability is asking the universe what if this happened and you make it happen?" Agent Barnes asked as he sat beside a woman in a red outfit that would not be remiss on a stage in Las Vegas. "And my powers make it happen" She corrected "And the iron man suit just happening to crash on top of the ferrari?" Bucky asked pinching the bridge of his nose wondering just how he was going to file this report. "Oops?"
Prompts by @your-ginger-angel​ - Historical AU
Summary by Angst_BuriTTo - Pharaoh Buchanan was known throughout Egypt for his kindness and his generosity, but also for his fierce skills in battle. When an Assassin is sent to kill him, his subjects are surprised that instead of disposing of the small blond would be assassin, he takes him to his bed.
Prompts by
@dreaminglypeach​ - Wanda
@writing-mermaid - "It was an accident" "What ? You just tripped and fell on his lips ?" 
@psychiccatpanda - Sam Wilson 
Summary by @writing-mermaid - "I'm telling you, it was an accident !"
 Wanda runs behind her brother. "What ?"
 Pietro answers, "You just tripped and fell on his lips ?" 
At those words, and without knowing about who they were talking about, Sam Wilson bursts out laughing.
Prompts by
@rebelmeg - Angst
@psychiccatpanda oops
@writing-mermaid - Tony
Summary by Angst_BuriTTo - "oops." that's all that Thanos said when he dropped the lifeless body of Steve Rogers to the ground of Wakanda. Tony could do nothing but stare in disbelief -- he never got to apoligize. he never got to have that talk. he never got to get to know this new, harder Steve Rogers. he felt just as broken as the neck of the man staring sightlessly into the sky.
Prompts - FBI AU, vacation, "it was an accident" 
Summary by @your-ginger-angel​ - When Steve agreed to this vacation, it was with the understanding that Bucky would be putting his FBI badge in a drawer and leaving his work phone at home. He made Bucky swear that they were going to keep work at home this time. But when Bucky comes back from the corner store and the local cops are in tow, he knows that there's no way Bucky can keep out of trouble. "What do you mean you managed to catch a drug dealer just by going for soda?" Steve whispers, trying to keep himself from blowing up in front of the cops. "It was an accident?" Bucky replies with a pleading look in his eyes.
Prompts by
@rebelmeg - Safehouse, red, angst
@magicadraconia16 - Kitten, "Hand on Heart, I will kill You" 
Summary by LLightz - Bucky could barely see through the red mist of anger in his head, but he could still hear the soft pained meaows coming from behind the restaurant, and he made his way towards the tiny kitten he'd spotted, injured and hiding under a dirty tossed-out rag... Scooping him up into his big warm hand, he hoped he never came across whomever had hurt his defenceless little creature because "Hand on Heart, I'll Kill You" he muttered out loud. Cradling his new friend to his chest he made his way back to the safehouse...
Prompts by @your-ginger-angel​ -  Historical AU 
Summary by @writing-mermaid - (ancient Greece au) Y/N is a priestess, sold by her parents at a young age. She's born to serve the God Apollo. Bucky is a soldier, and he's send to Apollo's temple after a war the king he serves won. Since the beginning, Y/N and Bucky aren't getting along, but they will have to, because here he is and here he'll stay, following his king's orders. But the more they spend time together, the more they are longing and pining for each other, craving for each other's touch, despite their hate. With one question in their mind, must they do war to please each other, make love and stay quite or silence their difference ? (and the thing is that the question in question comes from a French song from a musical and I was keeping it in French as the title haha)
Prompts by @writing-mermaid - "It was an accident" "What ? You just tripped and fell on his lips ?", Big bro, Tony
Summary by @dreaminglypeach​ - Warning for abusive relationship ”I didn’t mean to,” Tony says. “It was- it was an accident.” Rhodey scoffs, folding his arms as he stares at the dumb kid who has metaphorically glommed onto him and doesn’t seem inclined to let go anytime soon. “Right,” he says flatly. “You just tripped and fell onto his lips. Sure, that happens to me all the time.” “It wasn’t like that!” Tony looks almost too pathetic for Rhodey to continue berating him, his left eye puffy and ugly, purple fading to blotchy green around the edges. “It just- Ty apologised, he didn’t mean to, Rhodey, it won’t happen aga-” “Tony,” Rhodey interrupts, as calmly as he can. “Tones, no. You gotta break up with him.”
Prompts by @rebelmeg​ - bot fic, "catch", ceiling
Summary by @themadhalewrites - After Tony had lost mini robot Bucky to a ceiling fan he created humanoid robot bucky who develops feelings for his creator.
Prompts by @magicadraconia16 - Rhodey, cuddling, cheeseburgers 
Summary by @rebelmeg​ - It wasn't the WEIRDEST thing Bucky had ever seen. Though it was kinda up there. Seeing Tony and Rhodey in the armors, it definitely gave off a BAMF sort of vibe. Like you definitely didn't wanna mess with them, like, ever. But when Bucky happens upon them in the communal living room one night, curled up on the couch and sharing a blanket while they eat their way through a big takeout bag of cheeseburgers... he starts to reevaluate his thinking. Especially when they offer to share their blanket and burgers.
Prompts by
Angst_BuriTTo - SPN AU
@your-ginger-angel​ - Christmas
@magicadraconia16 - Rhodey 
Summary by @blurockets - It's the road trip from hell where Rhodey and Bucky on the way to a Christmas wedding. Run over a demon and have to deal with possession, learning the supernatural is real and have to still try to reach their best friends wedding in time.
Prompts by LLightz - on fire, rivals, forgotten 
Summary by @rebelmeg​ - "I can't believe you set me on fire!"
In which Bucky gets really into gaming, is a terrible team player, and occasionally forgets to eat or respect basic hygiene.
Prompts by
@rebelmeg​ - bot fic
Llightz - on fire
@your-ginger-angel​ - Christmas
Summary by @magicadraconia16 - He usually spent the latter half of December getting blackout drunk to forget... well, to forget. This year, however, he'd promised to stay on the wagon and had locked himself in his lab to keep that promise. Trying to roast chestnuts over a bunsen burner didn't really work, though. Especially with DUM-E on fire watch.
Prompts - SPN AU, cuddling, ceiling 
Summary by @your-ginger-angel​ - Steve as Dean and Bucky as Cas. "It was horrible, Bucky," Steve whispered as he buried his face in Bucky's neck. "I haven't had this dream in years, but there she was, on the ceiling and burning." "Steve," Bucky cradled Steve in his arms and swore he would keep this man safe. "I'm sorry I couldn't save your mother and I'm sorry I couldn't save you." "But you did, Bucky," Steve replied as he looked up into Bucky's eyes. This angel had done everything for him and what had Steve done to thank him? Nothing, that's what. Well that would change, starting today. Steve wasn't much of a cuddler, but this felt so good that he's pretty sure that he can't go back to the way things were before. And it seems that Bucky doesn't want to either.
Prompts by
@themadhalewrites - Murder
@writing-mermaid - "he's my friend" 
LLightz - Forgotten
Summary by Angst_BuriTTo - "He's my friend". those words rang through his mine, no matter how many times he tried to forget them and move on. 
It had been 6 months since that fateful day, and Tony had done a lot of thinking, some soul searching, and had, recently, come to one conclusion: He had attempted to murder Bucky Barnes. He had tried to do the same thing to Barnes what HYDRA had forced the poor bastard to do to his parents. He had dropped the charges a week ago against Barnes and Rogers -- they were acting in self defense after all. sure, Steve could have told him about his parents-- but Tony knew Steve enough that the blond had probably not told him because he wanted to protect him from bringing up old demons. How many times had Tony complained to Steve that his father was a cold hearted drunk and his mother, while kind, wasn't around as much as she should have been? Steve had probably thought that bringing up those memories would reopen scares that had only barely healed. 
hence why the 'rogues' were back, and why tony was hiding in his workshop. 
he didn't know how to apologize. Rogers had already given him a heartfelt one, along with Barnes, and then Tony ran away after a stuttered acceptance.
Prompts by
@writing-mermaid - Mermaid
@themadhalewrites​ - Stolen Organs
@rebelmeg -  "catch"
@your-ginger-angel​ - Farming AU 
Summary by LLightz - The catch of the day was the finest specimen they'd ever seen; not another mermaid but a mountain of a merman, not like the tiny useless weakling they currently held but finally a strong one that they could breed the others with so they could begin their organ harvesting operation...
Prompts by @your-ginger-angel​ - Mechanic AU 
Summary by @writing-mermaid - A forest, in the middle of nowhere. Bucky's car refuses to start. He's waiting for a tow truck for an hour, when one finally stops near his car. "I've ask for a breakdown mechanic, not his girlfriend", he says at the girl going out of the truck, "I'm the breakdown mechanic", she answers, "but, if you want a man to take care of your car, you'll have to wait for more time", she adds, wiping a stain of grease of her nose.
Prompts by @themadhalewrites - Luna eclipse, murder, stolen organs
Summary by @dreaminglypeach​ - It’s a dark night when Bucky goes to let the dog out, the way it always is here when it clouds over. He likes it here, far from the city and all those vulnerable regular humans, but if the moon isn’t out, it’s goddamn dark here. Still, dark or not, Bucky is very much not expecting to trip over a body.
Prompts by
LLightz - rivals
@writing-mermaid - mermaid
@themadhalewrites​ - lunar eclipse
Summary by @writing-mermaid - The Lunar eclipse, that time of the year all mermaids are waiting for this to go on Earth. This year, two rivals, Natasha and Y/N, both of them fighting for the same man.
Prompts by
@magicadraconia16 - Cheeseburgers, cuddling
@writing-mermaid​ - Europe
@themadhalewrites - Lunar Eclipse 
Summary by LLightz - As they sat watching the lunar eclipse with their friends, eating cheeseburgers and enjoying the companionable silence, they took advantage of the darkness to sidle further towards each other until their legs pressed tightly, sending each other looks and smiles hidden in the night that promised more of these soft moments in their future... He could imagine retiring somewhere in Europe, maybe Iceland, he always wanted to see the Aurora Borealis, and it had a small population... he could dream of cuddling out on the open grass under the stars without a care in the world... but for now, as the light flooded back to them, they moved an acceptable distance apart once more.
Prompts - Ghost au, fluff, pancakes 
Summary by @your-ginger-angel​ - Bucky missed pancakes. As a ghost, he could smell, he could see, and sometimes he could even touch, but since he didn't need to eat, he couldn't taste anything that passed his lips. In fact, it just looked gross when he tried to eat. But Steve, the new guy renting Bucky's old apartment, was the sweetest ever because he took the time to describe exactly how his pancakes tasted. And if Bucky tried to catch a taste of those pancakes on Steve's lips despite the fact that he couldn't taste, well, Steve didn't have to know.
Prompts by @your-ginger-angel​ - domestic avengers, ocean, chef AU
Summary by @themadhalewrites - The team had brought a restaurant on the beach but the only two working were tony and bucky. Bucky had been trying to do knife tricks a knife slipped and now while the rest of the staff were playing in the ocean Tony was stitching up bucky.
Prompts by Angst_BuriTTo - Once Upon a Time AU
Summary by @writing-mermaid - "Papa !", the little girl shouts looking at Bucky from head to toe. "Wha... What ?", the later says, his mouth opening and closing like a goldfish out of his bowl.
Prompts by LLightz  - Identity Porn, wrong door, pancakes
Summary by @dreaminglypeach​ - Bucky is tired, hungry, and fucking fed up of trying to find the place he’s supposed to be meeting Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. He gets that they’re young and use the google for absolutely everything, but that is no excuse for giving him such craptacular directions. He finally thinks he’s got the right place, but the teenage boy who opens the door with a plate of pancakes in his hand looks unaccountably surprised to see him.
Prompts by @themadhalewrites - Pregnancy 
Summary by @writing-mermaid - “Penny for your thoughts”, Steve says, coming silently behind me. “I’m pregnant, Steve”, I say, still looking outside. “Is it Bucky’s ?”, he questions. “Of course, it’s Bucky’s, who else would it be ?”, I shout, turning to him, rushing out of the room.
Prompts by
@your-ginger-angel​ - Chef AU
@themadhalewrites - New Love 
@rebelmeg - Fluff 
Summary by @blurockets - (stuckony) Watching Tony argue with the new food prep robots he was fiddling with trying to make Bucky's life easier while they were still fiddling with his arm had to be one of the cutest things he'd ever seen. Watching Bucky throw a peeled clove of garlic into the processor with his good hand while he used 'The Beast' to hold the the wayward robot in place. Steve took a photo quickly trying to preserve the moment. He was going to draw it later. He was going to preserve it as best as he can. They were covered in flour and giggling and there was no where else he'd want to be. From being yelled at by one man to the other man invading his kitchen and fixing everything. This still was a whirlwind. It was amazing.
Prompts by
@blurockets - Ghost AU
@your-ginger-angel​ - Ocean
@writing-mermaid - snow
Summary by Angst_BuriTTo - There was a legend, down by the ocean docks, that if you sailed in snowfall, that the Winter Siren would sing and drag your body to the ocean floor, and use your bones to make its nest. 
Steve Rogers didn't believe in such nonsense.
"So, the legend is true."
"What gave it away -- the razor sharp teeth, or the tail?"
"In hindsight, it's 1932, and fairy tales are just that, TALES. I didn't expect that my mother's fairy-tale would be TRUE."
Prompts by @rebelmeg - Body Swap, Fluff, Heat 
Summary by LLightz - Bucky loved to cuddle up against the soft and ridiculously warm furry expanse of Steve's body, feeling completely safe wrapped up in his best friend as they licked each other clean before falling asleep. So when he woke up one morning, feeling oddly large and clumsy, with a small kitten under his paws that looked exactly like he used to, he was terrified... feeling terribly exposed in this new body, and why were his thoughts so muddled and slow?
Prompts by @rebelmeg - body swap, fluff, heat
Summary by @lbibliophile-mcu - The first thing Sam notices as the fog of sleep starts to clear, is the warmth. He usually prefers to keep the bedroom cool while sleeping - read somewhere that it helps convince the body to slow down and conserve energy. The second thing he notices, is the bed - and he is so glad that it is a bed, that drastically reduces the potential consequences for waking up somewhere unfamiliar. The mattress sinks under his weight, cradling him in a totally different way to his own firm bedding. Combined with the several fuzzy blankets and veritable mountain of pillows surrounding him, he is feeling more than a bit smothered. The third thing, he notices when he runs his hands over his face and finally blinks open his eyes. Because those hands... he squints at them blearily, waves them around a bit to make sure, then sighs and flops back. Two hands, one pale and one metal. Well, at least that explains why he is waking up in Bucky Barnes' bed.
Prompts by @steverogersnotebook - Mutual pining 
Summary by @writing-mermaid - (2nd part of the ancient Greece AU) Bucky left a year ago, during this time, Y/N became the High Priestess of the Temple of Apollo. When he left, she told him she had desire for him but they couldn't give in to their passion. One year later, will the passion still be here and will they succumb to it despite the fact that physical love and desire is forbidden for a High Priestess.
Prompts by @rebelmeg - Body swap 
Summary by @writing-mermaid​ - Who never dreamed of living in the body of the opposite sex just for one day ? Not Y/N, anyway, and especially not when she finished in the body of an Avenger.
Prompts by Angst_BuriTTo - Northern Lights, Russia, Once Upon A Time (TV Show) AU
Summary by @fightingforcreativity - The lights were beautiful. Natasha remembered faintly her father taking her up north. As north as Russia gets he had told her when she had asked where. They would sit, freezing and waiting until finally the night sky lit with northern lights. A beautiful arrangement of all colours, vivid and tangible in a way nothing else was. She was reminded about one of those rare childhood memories, when clint zapped through the channels from one station to the next until landing on the once upon a time. The show, despite not playing there, tugged at her memory. She felt like she knew, livid, the characters life.
Prompts by @blurockets - Winteriron, Ghost au, SCI FI au
Summary by @fightingforcreativity​ - Tony was not afraid. He was not. Ghosts were a story for old folk and kids and there are no ghosts in his fucking home. Nope. Science told him differently. And Tony would know, as leading scientist on the Stark-Space-Ship 'The Winter Soldier'
Prompts by @rebelmeg - body swap, fluff, heat
Summary by @fightingforcreativity​ -  Hot. Hot hot. It was too damn hot for this to be his bed room. Why was it so hot? Tony blinked his eyes open, fearing to find himself in a cave. But instead he was in an opulent room. The bedsheet felt like silk and the ceiling looked like one of those in palasts and- "What the hell?!" Tony stared at his hand. At his black hand and then his brain caught up with the voice, which was not his!
Prompts by @writing-mermaid - Phantom of the Opera AU, mutant, snow
Summary by @fightingforcreativity​ - Snow used to be his favorite form of water. Bucky had loved to play in the snow. To have snowball fights with his sisters and if Steve was doing well with him too. He had adored snow. Then, something changed, he changed. Now all that snow did, was making him uglier, disposable, worthless. He hides away so that snow never touches his frame anymore. So that the snow won't burn anymore of him. The catacombs were his home now. One day though, the most beautiful voice he ever heard made him risk it all. He needed to know who that brunet opera singer was.
Prompts by @themadhalewrites - Pregnancy, new love, "not my baby"
Summary by @fightingforcreativity​ - It was said that every woman would fall in love at least once in her life and then could never love another man like that anymore. Peggy strongly disagreed. She had felt love for Steve. She had felt love for her husband. But... the love she felt for the child growing in Maria Stark, the love she felt for this tiny baby which was not born yet, that was a love she wouldn't be able to feel again. "You're not my baby, darling, but I love you like your mine already." She whispered to the belly while Maria smiled softly.
Prompts by LLightz - Identity Porn, wrong door, pancakes
Summary by @fightingforcreativity​ - Steve was not panicking. He was Captain America after all. He can't panic. Steve was just.... not expecting his neighbor to look so much like his ex-boyfriend. He was totally not expecting a James Buchanan Barnes look alike as a neighbor. When Steve had seen the man first, he nearly choked up and barricaded himself in his home, cooking the one meal he always had found comfort in, pancakes. The blond refused to acknowledge that he might be indeed panicking, when said neighbor broke in the following night, looking around confused and just mumbled, "Shit, I'm sorry. Wrong door. Gimme a call alter about the costs." and vanished again. He was god damn Captain America and he- ok. Fine Steve was panicking.
Prompts by @steverogersnotebook - Mutual pining; stargazing; single parent
Summary by @fightingforcreativity​ - Every night at 11 pm on the dot, the blond would step outside his tiny apartment and look up, hoping to see the stars he was used to. Every night at 11:05 pm, a brunet with his daughter would step on their balcony, (way bigger over in the better parts of the town) and would look in the sky hoping that the pain of losing his wife would one day stop. Every day at 11 am sharp, Steve Rogers would connect his business laptop to a meeting with his best friend and secret crush, Bucky Barnes. They would talk and they would argue and they would do business and then they shared something from their lives. Bucky shared stories of how Natasha was developing and Steve would listen and sometimes talk about that nice old lady from three doors down the floor. Neither man would ever say something, until they do.
Prompts by @your-ginger-angel​ - domestic avengers, chef's Au, and Ocean
Summary by @fightingforcreativity​ - As a chef, Bucky prided himself to know where his ingredients came from. So when the family known as the Avengers asked for the best, Bucky was suggested and found himself in the position to cook for them. The brunet had always dreamed about cooking for those big names like Romanov and Stark and Rogers and Barton, but the things those heathens wanted to consume turned his stomach. So he took it as a challenge. He had the perfect recipe. He just needed to catch that rare fish from the coast of Hawaii, easy, right?
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