#i hate working. god. ik everyone around me would say to suck it up but... idk
pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
Haaaaah. It's frustrating living like this tbh.
Like. Its been years and I'm still struggling as much if not more than I did as a child.
I wonder, does anything ever truly change?
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arttrampbelle · 10 months
Gonna post MY OFFICIAL SHANG TSUNG BIO. because nrs is wrong and i said so. So suck it boon,suck it fans,this is how shang tsung is supposed to be. Die mad. 💅🏻💋☕💖
Anywho enough of venting. Here's his bio.
Name: Shang Tsung
Full name: Tsung Shang (i hc his last name is tsung because it sounds better and most of mk names are both given and surnames. I looked this shit up and listen,this game was made by two American nerdy guys. What are you really expecting? A masterpiece? No)
Age: physically: in his 40s. (If we go by cary hiroyuki tagawa's performance in the 95 movie. He was around 40 when he starred in that film. Ik,he dont look it but it's true. And it makes way more sense than how some people and canon depicts his youthful rejuvenated form.) Technically he is over 500yrs (and i collectively ignore any new retcons or canon saying otherwise). He is mortal in technicality. But he is immortal by proxy. Due to his curse of to wither and age less he takes the souls and vitality of others. (Like an energy vampire in a weird way. Guy is basically Chinese Dracula)
Gender/prns: amab, he/they. (He is masc but people are so damn xenophobic and amercian centric on what masc is. But ya know we aint here for that politics. I hc he uses they or gn prns on occasion. If it calls for it. But most of the time is masc coded prns because he's 1. Lazy. 2. It's just a force of habit. And 3. It feels more comfortable for him. Otherwise he's gonna use gn. As he defults everyone to. Because thats how he works,as for himself. Well he just doesn't really give a damn much. He is who he is. Period)
Height: 5'11" (tho in his old man form. I hc he shrinks a bit to a 5'6"/5'7" lol)
Weight: approx maybe 175? I dunno im not good with measurements. So plz dont hate :')
Hair: black,long,and up to his lower back/buttocks. (In his old man form the same but white/silver. Still thick and luxurious. Despite being an old man he takes good care of himself. I can't ever see shang ever living in squander or despair. Even when shit is rough for him. He ooozes confidence even when he struggles. He's mastered self mastery. (God i wish that were me) )
Eye color: dark brown. (Goldens,glosses and turns to a pale gold as his curse affects his aging.)
Origins: Earthrealm (EARTHREALM. NOT OUTWORLD YOU DUMBA$$ES. fucking nrs othering shang tsung and getting rid of what made his betrayal interesting. Fucking morons buy into it too. But whatever.)
Resident realm: earthrealm,on his island. (Which i have hcs about but that is for a separate post because it would be too long to add here.)
Species: Human
Alignment: Neutral. Maybe a bit chaotic. The yin axis. (All in all he's for bis own morality. Never anyone else's)
Weapons: chinese saber or straight sword.
Abilities/powers/etc: Soul magic,fire magic,the dark arts. (He's a mofo sorcerer bih! I have hcs more about soul magic and how his damn magic works. Because people dont really care to write this)
Allies: anyone who he deems trustworthy enough.
Nemesis: any who dares cross him. Liu kang. (He fucking hates liu kang. No it's not secretly likes him. NO HE FUCKING HATES THIS GUYS GUTS AND WANTS HIM DEAD FOR THE SHEET FUCKING PLEASURE OF IT! SHANG,HE'S A PETTY LIL SHIT. OK?!)
Current whereabouts: on his island. Doing who knows what. Mostly tending Mortal kombat tournaments. And any who wishes to learn under him. As he is a master after all.
Blank below cut (in case you wanna use it for ocs):
Real name:
Eye color:
Resident realm:
Current whereabouts:
Dominion: (used for god characters only. Titans dont exist and i completely erase them from narrative. So dont even fucking add this. Dont even try. It's either gods ocs,immortal ocs(i.e. like bo-rai cho) or mortals (like kung lao,etc). Pick one)
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bunny-carrothunter · 2 years
the questions you get are scary lol
so could you rank your poinion on the villains from best to worst?
thank god finally an sfw asks for the wordgirl tag alfkjskd there's like so many villains jfc but I'll try to be brief. Rank as in favorites or how good they are villains? I’ll do the latter, the former I’ll make a separate post for it.
this is my opinion on ranking, ik everyone has their own.
Villains I won't even mention cuz I don't have a big enough opinion on: Coach, Masked Meat Marauder, Timmy Timbo, Rhyme&Reason, Raul, Glen, Royal Dandy, Amazing Rope Guy, Big Left Hand Guy, Guy Rich (even tho I love him) and Kid Potato (RIP ;-;).
17. Eileen
Both easy to get her riled up and get her to calm down. Just a nuisance, not really a villain. Also her episodes are just either tedious or give us all collective ptsd from that one annoying spoiled child in middle school.
16. Seymour
Above Eileen cuz he's actually entertaining sometimes. Daran Norris voicing any character will automatically be a fun time. Good at tricking people (tho that doesn't say much when those people are from Fair City) and concepts can be fun.
15. Invisi-Bill
Yes, just him and not his bf, dont hurt me. On his own, he can both fun and tricky but he's much too focused on being the center of attention or prideful to really do much. I love him, but as a villain, he could use work. He and BLHG just do it for fun and status so can't blame them.
14. Granny May
An OG but I’m putting her low because most of her crimes/schticks seem to be the same thing. And yeah their effective (with the people of Fair City, lol), but it does get boring sometimes. And it sucks cuz she’s such a girlboss but she does get pushed aside a lot compared to the other villains, specially in later seasons. I feel they could of done more with her, tbh.
13. Butcher
I'm gonna get lash for this- As a character, I love Butcher. 10/10 dad material. But as a villain.. It mostly sometimes feels he just does it just because, not out of any motive, other than maybe wanting to be appreciated and respected by his veteran-villain dad, Kid Potato. He's THE OG villain voiced by the show's own co-creator, and yet when put with other villains, he kinda lacks motive. Love him, but compared to the next villains, he's low here. Love ya, Butcher.
12. Maria the Energy Monster
She's like Eileen but actually a threat, and with much more personality. Not only can you not attack her directly because well electricity, but it's hard to actually defeat her when she's literal just an element, but love that despite it she still gets her own character.
11. Nocan the Contrarian
Nocan is when you take a himbo and give him the title of a villain and no further instructions. Most of the time he's just vibing but as a villain, he can be difficult to defeat and that's a compliment. Both strong with a weapon and physically, but also just a lot of fun.
10. The Learnerner
Weird Al. That's it.
9. Victoria Best
Now here's where we get to actual motives for being a villain. On her own, Victoria is a complex, love-to-hate character, but when she decides to play the villain, Victoria can be a real threat. She'll go lengths for jealousy and approval and that can cause problems not only for Wordgirl but everyone else around her. It makes it not only interesting to watch but WANT her to do better, unlike other villains you just enjoy to watch actually play as the show villain.
8. Ms Question
Harmless at first, Ms Question actually does possess abilities that can cause chaos and harm when she focuses. Not only can she confuse and escape any enemy just with her super natural abilities, but she can also spread her power to food that can spread much quicker and more discreetly. Not only that, she can materialize a hoverboard on command not only for her but others she carries around. Mischievous at her core and absolutely fun to watch. She actually got rid of all the villains in town singlehandedly and would of won if they hadn’t come back.
7. Whammer
Absolute chaos of a man that vibes and I love him. Physically, he’s definitely the strongest of the villains, being able to take down a ship with a single pebble and lifting a ferris wheel right off its hinges. AND a himbo? Whole package. I love Whammer, he’s funny, adorable and so fun when it comes to character interactions.
6. Lady Redundant Woman
Girlboss. The fact she works in retail and chooses to be a villain on the side like a hobby is so funny to me, go off girl. Her ability to duplicate anything, not just art but actual people is lowkey OP? AND NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT? Feral lady that bites rude people’s ankles and we stan.
5. Tobey
Before you attack me, hear me out. Tobey relies mostly on his robots, which he’s really good at, however without it, he’s literately just a kid. I would of liked to see if he’s as good in computers as he is in engineering like if he was able to hack into electronics, that would be another thing (tho I AM using this hc for a fic I’m writing), but if doesn’t have his robots or the funds for (”The Shrinking Allowance” comic being an example of this scenario), plus the fact his only motive is getting Wordgirl’s attention, doesn’t do much for him as a villain. Still, he is still quite formidable.
4. Mr. Big & Leslie
Ignoring the fact Mr Big almost did take over the world twice, he and Leslie are also just fun to watch as a duo. Admittedly Mr Big could do more damage if he didn’t have Leslie to keep him in check, who’s has actively stopped or interfere his plans because she just decided to lol. Mr Big can be more evil than other villains as he’s one of the few that did incapacitate Wordgirl (Ms Power included) for some time. But alas, it’s his own incompetency (and well, himboness) that prevents him from getting to say Two Brains level.
3. Chuck
Talk about never judge a book by its cover. The fact Chuck has ACTUALLY managed to take over the world/city with the rest of the villains under his command and everyone just casually forgets because yeah you wouldn’t expect it from someone that lives in his mom’s basement. It’s not clear if he buys all his weapons or makes them himself, but he def makes the best out of them.
2. Ms. Power
Absolute no doubt. If it wasn’t for one weakness of just not listening to her, she definitely would have been OP. Not to say she already wasn’t, being up to Wordgirl’s level, but unlike Wordgirl, she needs someone else’s weakness (and well feelings) to win. Still, OP, 10/10 villain, love Jane Lynch, so much potential and I like her. 
1. Dr Two-Brains
Was there ever any doubt? Fan favorite aside, there’s a reason he’s the top villain. Not only is he the most story/plot written villain with past history with Wordgirl herself, inventions alone, he’s basically a super human with ridiculously enhanced sense of smell, teeth to chew drywall and even steel bars, enhanced speed and of course super intelligence. He’s up to Dr Cockroach level of intelligence to build a ray out of arts and crafts and scraps. And ALL THAT aside, this man can sing, dance, ice skate, is a frequent cook, can speak mouse and has an incredible charisma. Goes without saying, there’s a reason he’s a favorite villain to almost everyone.
This is a semi old ask but I don’t plan on rewriting anything SO SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE ANON
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spicycowboyhole · 9 months
taking a shower tomorrow
i didnt get much for christmas this year tbh
im kinda jealouse cuz my siblings got really expensive shit and i got like pretty much just stocking stuffers lol. i guess if i really want something i need to get it myself huh
anyway,, he texts me constantly but also calls me everyday. hes so nice to me it makes me cry. H is nice to me too. when i think about how nice these internet strangers are to me it makes me sad because i feel like im not allowed to be myself and im not accepted at home. im so afraid to be myself here and i dont feel like i fit in but when i talk to the little people in my phone?? they make me feel things? like im not crazy or weird OH MY GOD istg i cry almost everytime i talk to him cuz hes soso nice to me
idk what it is or what i wanna say exactly i kinda just wanna figure out how to word this so ik how to tell my couonselor.
what happened recently was i went to walmart with my dad and like i didnt take a shower or anything cuz we were just going to applebees and walmart and i dont even like applebees so who cares if my hair is fucked up right but when we went to walmart my dad was like you need a makeover cuz ur hair is bad and i kinda took offense honestly cuz i dont like my dad making comments about my appearence like this one time he told me i "need to work on my glamour" like wtf so i told my mom what he said to me at walmart and she AGREED WITH HIM AND SCHEDULED A DAY TO TAKE ME TO THE MALL TO BUY CLOTHES. and then so we went like on firday before christmas and it just kinda made me feel like a child and also like i was neglected when i was an actual child cuz idk i have like a lot of self image issues and i just wear whatever makes me not hate how i look and rn thats big skirt and little shirt but my mom wants me to wear jeans and regular shirt and i just think i look so bad in it. like she wanted me to get 5 outfits at the mall and i was like "so we're just gonna buy 5 pairs of the ssame pants? what if i dont even wear them?" and she said "YOU HAVE TO" so after that i felt kinda belittled? basically like i had no power or say in what im allowed to wear like A KID. BUT when i was an actual kid i would litterally go to school and my shoes would fall apart and i used the same ugly backpack from like 6th til highschool. like i dont understand why my parents suddenly care about how i look? now that im an adult? theyr ebasically saying they dont like how i dress and that upsets me because i feel like im finally able to learn how to express myself with how i dress now that im not inschool and scared of how people might percieve me and theyre judging not just how i look but also me yk
i NEVER got compliments when i was younger. i mean definatelelty not as much as i do now that im not as afraid of being myself. i mean people compliment me on my hair, my outfits, my glasses, my voice.
my hwole life everyone would describe me as quiet, shy. i thought i was weird, abnormal, i thought everything i liked was stupid.
i think i just need to get out of here.
its so hard to not hate myself when everyone around me sucks.
again, self image issues, insecurity, shame. when i was younger i used to hide pictures of myself cuz i just thought i looked so ugly and i still do. i'll look at those old pictures and think why would my parents let me go out in public like that? like ive always thought i was only cute as a toddler and then went downhill after that lol. but anyway im working on that by saving pics of myself when i was younger cuz thats me!! and if i were my parent i wouldve been a way better parent than my actual ones. she deserves everything she wants.
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spencerswhoreclub · 3 years
By- Spencerswhoreclub
I LOVE THIS TROPE, it's enemies to lovers so enjoy
This chapter contains- arguing, degrading, praise kink, mommy kink, choking, sub Spencer, dominant reader, over stimulating, orgasm deprivation, (male) anal fingering, (male receiving) oral sex, (female) penetration, and a sub drop.
Wc- 2280
Your POV
Spencer and I have had it out for each other since day one. When I first met him and he refused to shake my hand. I wasn't too worried because I knew he was a germaphobe and was going to refuse, but it didn't hurt to try.
To my surprise every single time I talked to him he would brush me off. He would come up with an excuse like him being swamped with work or he would get up to get coffee.
But when every time I would even look in his direction or even open my mouth to say something to someone I could hear him scuff like I just insulted his mother. That is when I decided I'd give him the same energy he gave me.
So then every time he talked I would roll my eyes or let out a small laugh. He obviously caught onto it because he decided to escalate his antics.
Soon after he started closing doors just before I could walk through them or even interrupting me in the middle of my sentence. So I decided I'd make sure to time when I got to work just right so I could shut the elevator doors before he arrived. If he came earlier I came earlier, it was a vicious cycle.
It escalated to the point where everyone on the team noticed, they would even pull us to the side and constantly ask what's wrong and of course we both just said it was nothing and chalked it up to us being tired of having a bad day.
Eventually after three months of us hating each other hotch had enough of us. When we were in the middle of bickering about what the unsubs motive was he intervened.
"Y/n, Reid, the team and I are all tired of you going back and forward. I don't know what happened to cause this feud but until it's resolved you guys will be sharing a hotel room, I don't care how long it takes so you better play nice"
Both Spencer and I tried to defend ourselves but it was no use hotch had made up his mind.
After a long day of arguing with Spencer I had to go back to my shared hotel room with him. When we finally got to the hallway I did what anyone In my position would do.
I took off sprinting down the hallway, he obviously caught onto what I was trying to do because he ran after me. Just before he caught up I unlocked the door and shut it behind me.
"Y/n you know I have a key too right"
He sounds out of breath from running, why is it low key hot- no, y/n you hate him
My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. Before I could realize what was happening my back was against the door and his body was pressed against mine.
"What the fuck was that"
Are you fucking serious, did he really ask what that was after he went from icing me out to being just plain rude to me.
Spencer's POV
I asked her what was up but honestly I knew I had been a jerk to her from the moment she stepped into the building.
In the beginning she really just did catch me at a bad time. I had planned on properly introducing myself the next day but after I had time to think about it I figured I wouldn't be able to shake my first impression so I decided I'd just stick with being an ass.
But to be honest I did really like her, she had always been in the back of my mind. I constantly imagine her tying me up or edging me until I had tears in my eyes. But I also want more than that, I want to be the reason she smiles, I want her to be the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night
I was thrown out of my daydream when I felt her push me off of her
Your POV
I pushed him off of me and started yelling at him pushing him further and further while doing so
"WHAT WAS THAT? You mean what you're been doing to me since you met me, for a genius you're really fucking stupid. I've don't nothing but match the energy you gave me"
I finally pushed him down onto the bed and I heard him whimper making me smile.
"God I fucking hate you"
I smashed our lips together and we ripped each other's clothes off eager to see each other naked after being deprived of each other for months.
Once we were both in our underwear I attached my lips to his neck and grabbed the growing bulge in his boxers, then he let out a loud moan.
"Damn baby boy I've barely touched you"
"Ik m-mommy it just feels s-so good"
Before I could even register what he said his eyes went wide and he tried to sit up
"I- I'm so sorry I don't know what I was-"
I cut him off with a kiss, I tried to put as much love as I possibly could into it just so he knew it was alright
"Baby it's fine, I wouldn't want you to call me anything else"
I made my way down to the bed so that I was eye level with his dick and slowly pulled down his boxers. Of course his dick is like the rest of him, absolutely beautiful.
I take my time kissing everywhere around where he truly wanted me, I could lie and say it was to tease him but I really wanted this to last as long as possible.
Finally I gave in and wrapped my lips around the tip. I brought my head up and down, taking more and more each time earning more small whimpers from him.
"Mommy I'm about to cum"
"Oh no you're not, not yet at least. You've been such a bad boy and bad boys get punished. Turn around and get on your hands and knees."
He does so immediately not wanting to make it any worse for himself. I leaned over him while pushing his shoulders down so that his back was arched.
"Is this okay?"
I whisper in his ear while pushing two fingers against his entrance
"Y-yes pl-please mommy I need it"
I applied more pressure, slowly pressing my fingers into his hole earning a loud moan. At first I went slow then I started going faster and deeper until I hit his prostate.
"Fuck- mommy can I please cum"
"Of course you can baby"
Even after he released I kept going, I figured I'd fuck with him more. Since he was already sensitive it didn't take him long to get close.
"Mommy I'm close, please can I cum"
"Yes baby boy"
Even after he finished again i still didn't stop
"Please mommy stop, it's too much"
He saw with tears streaming down his face
"No, you're going to cum for each month you insisted on being a dick to me"
"B-but I c-cant"
"Yes you can, you want to be my good boy don't you?"
"Yes m-ma'am"
"So cum for me"
His legs started shaking and he finally released onto the bed for the third time of the night.
"Turn over onto your back, I'm going to ride you and you're not going to cum until I do, got it?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Good boy"
As soon as he got onto his back I wasted no time taking off my bra and underwear, he was so busy staring at my tits he didn't even notice me climbing on top of him
"Hey my eyes are up here"
I said while snapping in his face
"Sorry mommy you're just so pretty"
"Yeah yeah shut up so I can fuck you"
I took his dick in my hand and teased him by rubbing his tip up and down my opening
"P-please mommy"
"Fine, but only because you're cute when you beg"
As soon as the words came out of my mouth I sunk down on his length earning a loud moan from Spencer. I started bouncing up and down but I couldn't help but notice his hands balled into fists gripping the sheet so hard I'm surprised it didn't rip.
Then I realize I never gave him permission to touch me, he's trying so hard to be a good boy for me.
"Baby boy it's okay, you can touch me"
His hands were immediately on my waist gripping hard enough to leave marks.
"How do you think the team would react if they say you like this huh? What do you think they'd say if they saw how much of a little slut you are"
He opened his mouth but all he could get out was high pitched moans. So I wrapped my hand around his throat
"I asked you a question, what do you think they'd say"
"I-I d-don't know"
"They would say you're pathetic for letting a girl take over and use you"
I leaned forward to get a better angle and he saw this as a perfect opportunity to suck on my tits.
"Shit- baby boy if you keep this up I won't last"
"Please cum for me mommy, I want it so much"
I reached down and rubbed my clit in circles then I felt a familiar feeling in my stomach
"Fuck Spence I'm cuming, please fill me up"
We both came at the same time and I collapsed next to him. I went to get up to go pee but he pulled me back down.
"Spence I-"
"Please, please don't leave, I-I'm sorry I was so bad to you I didn't mean it. I really like you a-and I just didn't know how to-"
That's when I realized he had been crying
"Shhh Spence it's fine-"
"No it's not fine-"
"Don't ever interrupt me again"
"Yes ma'am"
"Good, now I understand Spencer and I promise I won't leave you. Come here"
I scooted back on the bed so I was leaning against the headboard. I sat there with open arms waiting for him to come to me.
He crawled up to me and curled up on my chest. He looked at my boobs and back at me silently asking permission and I nodded my head. He took my nipple in his mouth and started sucking.
This poor boy has some serious mommy issues and abandonment issues.
"Spencer I understand why you did what you did and I'm not going to hold it against you"
Then I felt something wet roll down my chest
"Baby why are you still crying"
"B-because I want t-this to be more than a o-one time thing. Just because you forgive m-me doesn't mean you like me"
"Spence look at me"
Grab his face and kiss him softly
"I promise you're not the only one that wants this to be more than a one time thing"
"Yes Spence, I'd love to call you my boyfriend if that's alright with you."
"Yes please"
He attached his lips to my neck sucking harshly
"Baby boy we have to be up early tomorrow and if you don't stop I won't be able to resist fucking you again."
He still didn't stop so I shot him a glance as a warning and he stopped, god I love how submissive he is.
Before I knew it I was getting woken up by my alarm. I took a second to admire how cute he looked before I woke him up but eventually I had too. We had to meet the team downstairs for breakfast.
We both took our time in the shower, and ended up fucking so we had to rush to get dressed. So much so we both forgot about the marks we left on each other.
When we finally got downstairs the whole team was there, all was normal until Morgan noticed something.
"Damn pretty boy I didn't know you had it in you"
"What, what are you talking about"
Spencer asked
"You and y/n over here both have marks, y'all definitely fucked last night."
His face turned a deep shade of pink and as cute as it was I had to step in.
"Okay and? We fucked this morning in the shower too"
Unfortunately this barely phased him and he kept talking
"So y/n how's his dick game"
"I wouldn't know, I was the one in charged"
"No way"
"I'll prove it"
I walked over to Spencer and slightly pinched his butt and he let out an involuntary whimper
It was barely audible but it was just loud enough to the entire team to hear
Now it was his turn to be speechless
But eventually hotch finally broke the silence
"You know this isn't what I was expecting when I made y'all room together but anything is better that that bickering"
This time the entire team chimed in
"Most definitely"
I was about to defend myself but Spencer interrupted me
"Y/n it's fine"
"What did I say about interrupting me"
"I'm sorry, ma'am"
"Good, now let's go solve this case"
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derekmorganscrocs · 4 years
Galentines Gone Wrong
Pairing: Wendell Bray x Reader, Valentine’s Special.
Word Count: 2,623
Summary: Y/n Booth is an FBI agent who works under her brother Seeley Booth and is also partnered with the Jeffersonian. Valentines rolls around and Cam, Daisy, and Y/n are all painfully single. Brennen and Angela join in and the group decides it’s girls night, get absolutely smashed, cause major chaos and get arrested for disturbing the peace. When their counterparts show up to bail them out, girls night turns to date night... or whatever this is.
Edit, March 11th: I hate the end of this. I reread it and it’s lowkey trash, but I’m going to keep it up because people seem to be enjoying it. Just a disclaimer that this is not my best work.
Notes: Tbh I second guessed this yesterday, hence the late post. I want to clarify that Wendell IS NOT preying on a drunk girl, and there was no drunk hookup. This is definitely not my favourite thing I’ve written and I was so out of ideas for the ending, but fck it, I have a migraine and feel like the personification of death. ALSO I WOULD NEVER USE GALENTINES IRL IK ITS LAME BUT I SIMPLY DO NOT CARE. HOLDIDAY SPIRIT BABES. Anyway, on with the show.
It’s been a long night. Fun, but long. You wake up against Daisy’s side, stretching lazily, and still partially drunkenly. As you sit up, you recall the events that led to your current seat in a drunk tank.
The five of you ended up in a biker bar, huge leather-clad and big bearded dudes all over the damn place. Despite being big scary bikers, they were chill and actually bought half of your drinks. Then you and Daisy got a little too close to an attractive younger biker, and his girlfriend was not having it. So an argument turned full on brawl caused the lot of you to bail out of the bar and trek back into town.
Only you were real rowdy, laughing and singing, a little to loudly for anyone’s liking. And got the cops called on you. And got thrown in a dunk tank. Unfortunately “you can’t arrest me, I am the law” doesn’t work if you’re drunk. The cops weren’t a fan of your badge, either.
You’re torn from your thoughts at the sound of voices down the hall, and you stumble over the the bars of the cell, holding onto them for balance. A half-hour nap didn’t do much to sober you up. The voices get closer, and your friends and brother walk in. Wendell’s the first one you notice, your eyes immediately darting to him. He’s wearing a hot ass black jacket, jeans and a white T-shirt, and you stare at him for a lot longer than you should.
“Hey, BJ. Never thought I’d see you on the other side of the bars.” Hodgins laughs at your expression of annoyance, and lets the cop they’re with open the cell door. He walks over to grab Angela, and you scoff.
“I told you to stop calling me BJ. I know you mean Booth Junior, but other people might think something else,” you mutter, much less than impressed at the innuendo tied to the nickname.
Your brother and Sweets go collect Brennan and Daisy, and Cam stands up on her own. She’s the most level-headed of all of you, and she’s completely sobered up now. Wendell walks to your side, your brother is too occupied with his (much less coordinated than you are) wife. Wendell puts an arm around you, and you gladly lean into him, hands settling on his chest.
“You’ll never guess what we did,” you giggle drunkenly against Wendell’s chest, overcome with the giddiness of a schoolgirl with a crush.
“Apparently you guys disturbed a lot of peace.” Wendell has somewhat of an impressed/concerned/entertained smirk on his face. He looks down at you, massively interested in the story as to how you got here. Not that he’ll hear it anytime soon.
“How’d you know?!” You look up at him with surprise written all over your face, a gasp escaping your lips, and it takes a lot for him not to burst out laughing.
“The sheriff told me. Let’s take you home, okay?”
“Okay,” you mumble, much more sullenly than five seconds ago.
Wendell keeps an arm around you, more than a little worried that you’re gonna fall over, and takes you to his car. You get in the front seat, smacking his hand away as he tries to help with your seatbelt. After successfully buckling the seatbelt, you glance back at him with a smirk.
“You know if you wanted to get on top of me all you had to do was ask.”
Wendell nearly chokes and dies at what you’re insinuating. He’s also not sure if this is the tequila talking or if it’s you talking. Composing himself quickly, he lets out a chuckle, saying something along the lines of ‘okay then,’ and closes the door for you. He walks around the front of the car, making his way to the driver’s seat. Hodgins drives by, Angela and Cam in the car with him, and waves as he heads home.
Seeley pulls up beside Wendell, looking at him sternly. Daisy and Brennen are singing in the back seat, and Wendell can see Sweets in the front seat, holding back laughter. It’s a funny sight really, the usually stoic Dr. Brennen and overly excitable Daisy, swaying together in the back seat singing an off-key rendition of piano man. Seeley makes a face at a certain piercing high note that comes from Dr. Brennan, before turning to Wendell.
“Listen man, I appreciate it. If we didn’t live on the opposite side of town, I’d take her home.” Seeley leans out the window slightly, looking at Wendell.
“It’s no problem, really.” Wendell smiles, giving your brother a small wave as he turns to get in his car. “I’ll make sure she gets home safe.”
“Wait! Not that I think you will, but don’t try anything. Alright?”
“Course not, man. Don’t worry, I got this. Head home, I’ll text you when I get Y/n home.” Wendell knows your brother means no harm, obviously, yet can’t help but think about why he’d even think to say that to him.
When he gets back in the car, seeing you sleeping soundly in the passenger seat, curled up and leaning against the window, his worries melt away and he smiles. He turns the car on and lowers the radio volume before driving off.
Tonight summarizes the two of you pretty well, actually. Y/n, the chaotic do-good-er badass, and Wendell, the (sometimes also chaotic) best friend, who always has your back. Sometimes it pains him that you only see him as that, a best friend, but he’s okay with just being that. A friend. Because it means he gets to see you happy. Little does he know, you wouldn’t have gotten so sauced tonight if you weren’t drinking away the thoughts of his lips on yours, his skin pressed against yours as the night turns to morning, the idea of a spark that doesn’t exist. The day of love sucks.
And for some reason, neither of you can see that you’re crazy about each other. Maybe it’s because you’re afraid to ruin what you have, or maybe it’s because you’re both just oblivious, but it doesn’t make a huge difference. Nothing seems to be happening.
Wendell is occupied with a lot of thoughts as he drives to your place. His mind bounces all over the place. He thinks about how you met, when you first walked into the Jeffersonian covered in dirt and sweat (in a cute way... even though he thinks anything is cute on you) after a chase in the desert, just to see your brother and make sure he was okay. He also thinks about the time he literally ran into you and the two of you fell down the platform stairs. The alarms went off, and everyone stared at the pair of you tangled up on the floor. Needless to say it took a while to live that one down. He thinks about every time he’s seen you laugh, and the few that he’s seen you cry. Not that you really even cried, you just couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. You don’t exactly do emotions, not out in the open at least.
He thinks about every reason he’s so smitten with you. You’re courageous, selfless, you protect your friends and family, you’re cutthroat and ferocious, yet simultaneously the sweetest person he’s ever met. You care about every detail of his day when you ask how he’s doing, and you can tell when the slightest thing is off with him, or anyone else at the lab, except for noticing his flaming crush on you. And as he thinks about all the little things, he realizes it can’t stay bottled up forever. He has to tell you.
Before long, you’re home. The two and a half hour drive have Wendell a lot of time to think, yet somehow it also feels like he’s had no time at all. The time has also started your trail toward sobriety, and you can at least think coherently. Wendell wakes you, and when you wake up, your hand goes to your head.
“Good god. Did I get hit by a bus?” Your words are still slightly jumbled together, but you’re getting back to business as usual, and that’s good enough.
“There she is,” he singsongs playfully, glad to see your usual demeanour starting to return. You unbuckle your seatbelt, groaning when you go to move. Wendell offers you a hand, and you take it.
Helping you up, he puts an arm around your waist again. You stumble slightly, and when he catches you, you fall against him, leaning against his chest. He ends up just scooping you up off the ground and carrying you inside, placing you on the couch. You’re mostly in good shape, just awful clumsy and distracted due to your headache. Wendell heads into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and some crackers.
“How you doing?” He sits by your thigh, putting an arm on the back of the couch and looking over at you. You cover your face with your hands, laughing gently.
“Ugh, please tell me I didn’t actually make the worst sex implication joke ever.”
“Oh shit. This is embarrassing.” You sit up, still a little tipsy, but not as messed up as you were at the police station. Maybe if things go off you can play it off as Valentine’s tequila. “Fuck it. I’m just gonna go for it. Tonight was fun or whatever, but I really wanted to spend it with you.”
“We could’ve done that. We can hang out this weekend if you want.”
“No, no. You really are a blonde.” You laugh, nudging his shoulder with your fist. Suddenly nervous, you start to ramble. “Not that that’s bad, because you’re definitely pretty. You’re a cute blonde, and you do have really nice arms, they’re really toned, and you know, at the garage you wear these tight shirts and sometimes I just stare and I worry you see, but-“
“Y/n! You’re getting off track here.” He puts a hand on your shoulder, laughing at your rambles. “Maybe we should talk about this tomorrow.”
“I like you a lot.” The words are out of your mouth before he’s even finished his sentence. “Like I have feelings for you?” It comes out like a question, but it’s meant as more of a fearful statement.
“Wait, really?” His eyes widen and his smile falls. At first you think he’s about to run for the hills, but when a small smile appears on his face you’re not so sure.
“Ah, shit, I shouldn’t have said anything,” you curse, rolling your eyes at your own stupidity. That’s fuckin embarrassing.
“No, I like you, too. A lot.” Wendell takes your hand, and you lay against his side as he keeps talking. “We can talk more, when you’re sober. But I do like you. And I think that if we decided that this weekend’s hangout was more ‘ice skating in the park’ instead of ‘trying to kill each other at the rink’, I’d be more than okay with that. I’d like that a lot, actually.” He lets out a small, nervous chuckle, and he glances down at you, fingers grazing your cheek as he contemplates if it would be weird to cup your face with his hand and run his thumb over your cheek.
“Really?” You look up at him with an adorable awestruck expression, and he nearly bursts out laughing.
“Yeah, really.” A smile stays glued to his face, and he shifts slightly, which causes you to sit up. “Now, you should probably go to bed, so that you’re not completely useless tomorrow.”
Wendell plants a small kiss on the top of your head, before standing and scooping you up, bringing you to your room. He drops you gently on your bed, and you let out a small giggle as you bounce slightly with the impact. You banish him from your room so that you can change, and not really paying attention, grab a black hoodie and shorts out of your closet. When you open the door again, he’s just leaning against the wall outside.
“Sorry, I didn’t know where you wanted me to set up- is that my hoodie? I’ve been looking for that!”
“Huh?” You look down at the sweater, seeing the small Jeffersonian logo on the left side of the chest, and the initials on the sleeve. “Oh, I guess it is.” You remember when he gave it to you, he couldn’t stand the idea of you remaining in your blood soaked T-shirt, the grey had become a sticky maroon, too much so to be comfortable. “You can have it back-“
“No, you keep it.” He steps closer, lifting your chin so that you look at him, and brushing a stray hair out of your face. His voice drops, becoming softer and breathy. “It’s much cuter on you anyway,” he murmurs, making you blush profusely, a little laugh escaping your lips.
The two of you fall silent, each staring at the other’s lips. A hum comes from the furnace, causing you both to startle slightly, and it ends the moment. You glance back at Wendell again, before sitting on your bed. He tilts his head at you, mildly confused as to what you’re doing.
“Where did you want me to sleep?”
“Wherever you want. There’s blankets and a few pillows in the closet.”
He thanks you and walks out, and you breathe in deeply, not realizing how shallow your breathing had become. Your mind is racing, and so is your heart. This is simultaneously about the best and worst Valentine’s you’ve ever had. As you mull over the events of tonight, you slide under the blankets, laying back and staring at the ceiling. The shuffling in your living room comes to a stop, and you can hear Wendell coming back to your room. He stops in the doorway.
“Came back to say goodnight,” he says softly, making your heart melt.
“You mind staying for a while?” You sit up, looking at him. He glances over his shoulder at you, a perplexed expression plastered on his face. “What?! I’ve had a rough night,” you say, pretending to be offended. He makes his way over, laying on your bed, on top of the blankets. You roll over and face him, looking up at him lazily. “Goodnight, Wendell.”
You drift off to sleep fairly quickly, but not before you subconsciously lay your head on his chest. He’s terrified at first, frozen in place and afraid to breathe, but after a few minutes he collects himself and calms down. You sleep soundly, curled up beside Wendell. He’s warm and he smells good, and he’s pretty comfortable. By the morning, the two of you are completely intertwined, tangled in blankets and each others’ arms.
The two of you grab a greasy breakfast (and some Advil) and spend the day together, actually talking about what happened the night before. Most of the day is spent at your place, you and Wendell lounging around on your couch as you binge watch your favourite series and try to overcome your hangover.
The next days and weeks fly by, you and Wendell getting closer and closer. The pair of you go on a few dates before things are made official, Wendell going as far as taking you on a walk in the snow and officially asking you out by the outdoor rink. He even reserved ice time so the two of you could skate around like idiots and pass a puck around.
And eventually, when people start to see you’re together, and ask about your story, you have to tell them he bailed you out of jail after Galantine’s gone wrong.
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k3lynn · 4 years
Haikyuu Boys As Songs ||
oikawa, suna, tendou
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cw: FUCKBOY OIKAWA AND SUNA, swearing, mention of sex, drugs, etc, the good stuff, also sort of angsty for some pieces
a/n: I’ve seen lot’s of people do this so I figured it was sort of a trend, seemed really fun so I wanted to hop on board- if you know who did it first please pm me so I can credit and tag them <3 oh yeah! I finally finished working on my masterlist- please check it out if you like <3
this is all non-canon, and I ABSOLUTELY do not actually think actual oikawa, suna, and tendou do some these things/believe some of these things, just fun and gives me their overall vibes, I’m just writing a story with it lmao- I really should have titled this “fuckboy oikawa and Suna ft. baby Tendou” because DAMNN lol- NOT PROOF READ this is more of a f! reader type of thing but I could always do a male, non-binary, gender fluid, etc. reader with no problem if requested!
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OIKAWA- (fuckboy- /hj)
Don’t Tell Em- Jeremih
my reasoning for this is the fact that oikawa’s ex girlfriend was only ever mentioned once, and just by his nephew (when they had just broken up)
there could have been conversations off screen/panel or something- but I have a really big hunch oikawa just barely talked/interacted with her in public
MAYBE people knew he had a girlfriend (although obviously by the sheer amount of people in his fan base they don’t care)
or MAYBE he kept her a secret- reasoning with himself that it was to “protect their image” and that’s why he said he didn’t know what he did wrong
ANYWAYS HEADCANON OIKAWA FUCKBOY STARTS HERE- will probably make this into a full fic
would probably want to keep your relationship a secret for 2 reasons
1) his fanbase and image
2) he’s not looking for anything other than someone he can go to when he’s “bored” iykyk
type who will promise you things and try and convince you to not leave him because it’s “what’s the best” for you two
“Why would you? Just keep the rythym” would be him asking why your relationship even has to be public in the first place- when he thinks you guys are perfectly ok how you are right now
The Hills- The Weeknd
do I even have to say anything
oikawa may use you as a crutch to fall back on when he’s so broken from volleyball
“When I’m fucked up, that’s the real me”
He keeps this image of the most ideal guy in front of almost everyone every day, he must get tired
he knows you know he doesn’t actually want you-
that’s why he doesn’t feel bad when he breaks your heart
he never promised you anything
“I only love it when you touch me, not feel me”
self explanatory- sex not feelings please
I Was All Over Her- Salvia Palth
lyric by lyric LETS GO!
“We didn’t make out, or do anything. I just remembered, I was lonely.”
Oikawa gets all over people- not sexually or romantically, but in a way to distract himself from the fact that they may not like him for who he truly is
he’s lonely
“It’s not a problem”
it doesn’t bother him- he’s so used to the perfect setter boy image, he refuses to show the same part of him that is actually breaking
“Every stranger makes me feel safer, and every person seems more beautiful”
Iwa mentioned Oikawa rarely ever smiles with actual joy behind it
The strangers (fanbase) around him make him smile all the time, not because he’s happy, but because it won’t hurt to disappoint the people he doesn’t try and know
He doesn’t want to care what you think
SUNA- (fuckboy- /hj)
Swang- Rae Sremmurd
sis stop it right now he’s going to make you cry
There’s not some deep hidden meaning behind it, he just doesn’t seem like the person to care if you hate him or not
Canonly more expressive with his thoughts-
I quote “wishing he could find a reason to poke fun at Kita or make snarky remarks against Tsukishima and Tanaka.”
so when he has the chance to make fun of you- COUNT HIM IN
secretly thinks you hang out with all of them because you want to get in all their pants
“she want the whole crew, shawty brave”
Fast- Sueco The Child
again- he thinks you’re dumb girl that just wants his dick and his clout
(Ik damn well he uses the word clout)
he doesn’t think his personally is all that special (nor does he care) so you’re obviously just wanting to fuck around
THOT!- Tokyo’s Revenge
“You’ll probably fuck the team if someone slide you a lil’ bean hoe.
“She gon' suck the skin off the dick, love me not”
He’ll keep you around in case he wants to fwy a little BAHA-
Faucet Failure-Ski Mask The Slump God
Take a listen and tell me it isn’t Tendou
chaotic energy that is perfect for him
watch him just point at himself during a game and belt out “WHO’S THIS HE SHOULD BE IN COCKPIT”
Walking On A Dream- Empire of The Sun
He cares about Ushi so much- they’re complete opposites and yet fit eachother so well
Tendou understands Ushijima’s stoicness, just like Ushi understands Tendou’s “oddness”
He’s odd. He knows that- and has come to love it (as he should)
“Don't stop, just keep going on. I'm your shoulder, lean upon”
*Timeskip Spoiler* they still keep in touch all the time 🥺 Tendou is so proud to be able to watch him on TV and say “that’s my best friend”
So when Ushi needed someone to talk to, he was there
The song itself is about the writers strong friendship with his bandmate-
And just like that, it’s perfect in describing Tendou and Ushi
Tendou appreciates him so much, he has filled a huge, special, and emotional role in his life
“Two people become one.”
Peaches- Milk and Bone
“Don’t give a fuck about what they say, I turn around and ask ‘Hey is my hair okay?’”
No matter how much we work on our confidence, there will be moments where we all slip and get a feeling of insecurity again.
It’s perfectly normal. Don’t beat yourself over it.
“We paint our faces like you've never seen- Yeah I know, it's not even Halloween”
I find this representing of the fact that Tendou does not care if people see him as creepy or a monster anymore
You’ve never seen someone like him before
It’s fun, it’s crazy, it’s like you’re going 80 mph and hit a speed bump
It’s perfectly Tendou
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© k3lynn 2021, do not modify or repost without permission
(Reblogging/sharing through Tumblr is okay 💕)
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shouldigoondrphil · 3 years
The Foxes best and worst qualities
Preface this with saying that I adore all the characters for their best and worst qualities. They’re so real to me because they all have sucky things about their personalities and also things that are amazing. Ya know like an actual person. A good amount of the “bad qualities” are products of the environment they are in but yea here we go
Best: smart(dude knows like 3 languages), unashamed, respectful of boundaries, chaotic in the best way, the Riko roast(it’s legendary ok), attitude problem
Worst: idiot, no impulse control, trust issues, daddy issues, repressed sexuality issues, dudes got a lot of issues, selfish(listen guys, he willingly stayed at palmetto knowing he could be putting his teammates at risk), maytr(pretty much directly contradicts last point but we love that ig), attitude problem
Best: loyal, trustworthy, this is a dude you want in your corner, observant, smart as hell, killer poker face, short demon, beefy, protective, having gone though all he’s gone through but still having the capacity to let people in, the fact that hes a shortie that grown men fear, actually trying to work through his trauma
Worst: turns to violence first, also has a lot of issues but we’re gonna leave those off these lists now, cold to people( just bc it’s justified doesn’t mean it’s a good quality), Justifies his actions as a means to an ends and doesn’t matter who is hurt because of them(I get it but that’s not a good thing)
Best: goofball, super friendly, supportive, he literally threw away his life in Germany to be there for his cousins, has so much room in his heart to love
Worst: lowkey a pervert (the Neil kiss cmon man), pretty suggestible(doesn’t have much of a spine)
Best: god I love this man, the way he treats Neil even when they first met(their friendship gives me such joy man), lion on the outside but a koala on the inside, mans is soft until you mess with his family, a cinnamon roll(I love him),
Worst: maybe a little gullible, I don’t have much bad about him seriously
Best: a bad bych, so strong( Ik all the foxes are but she gave up her inheritance to play Exy and get out of the box her parents where trying to shove her in), doesn’t take crap from anyone, blunt
Worst: too nosy, insensitive, rude
Best: my idol (her backstory just wow), doesn’t let the things people say get her down, loyal to a fault, natural leader,
Worst: overprotective, can be overbearing at times, pushy, quick to assume things about people
Best: the most honest one, has a dark side, her serenity but also capacity to be a badáss, selfless, Joan of Exy
Worst: the scene where she practically sits on Andrew to keep him from getting up during Kathy’s show(I understand why she had to restrain Andrew but I don’t like knowing that Andrew must have felt extremely trapped in that moment in a way he hadn’t fit a long time), lil too peaceful for my chaotic taste
A A Ron
Best: umm he has Andrew’s face next question, ok ok, honestly probably the most normal one out of them all(which sounds weird)(like he has the most realistic reactions as a person outside of the story would have), the way he is around Katelyn(boy is whipped), loyalty of his brother(didn’t think twice before smashing Dr*ke’s head in), the potential chaos he and Neil could create
Worst: homophobic(I don’t see an excuse for this, I get that you grew up with Luther as a role model but your cousin and brother are both gay why do you have a problem with it), hates Neil( I get why I’d probably hate him too in his positions but it’s the principle of the thing. We love Neil even tho he’s an ass period)
Best: unapologetic a-hole(literally spends his days telling everyone how much they suck), a mood honestly, strong, persevering(teaches himself how to use his other hand),
Worst: coward(he was guys), self serving and selfish, the Jean abandonment not cool kev
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angelmichelangelo · 4 years
i’m about five years too late and nobody asked for this except me and i need to just get this out of my brain because it’s 2am so here’s a list of things i wish happened on glee that didn’t HERE WE GO:
- new directions being actual teenagers. just them hanging out. going to group sleepovers. giant study sessions (because school exists in this universe?) like remember in tpp when they were eating lunch together ? that’s what i wanted MORE of. just them being actual friends. a sleepover episode is all i wanted imagine all the abba songs we could have gained from that episode
- a halloween themed episode. the closest to this that we got was the ‘thriller/heads will roll’ mashup which YES was iconic but im greedy and it’s not enough. my idea for a halloween episode is that the gang gets trapped inside the school after staying behind to idk rehearse? or something? and then things get progressively worse as they start to go a little mad, thinking the school is haunted and they split up into pairs trying to find an escape and they think they’re seeing ghosts/someone lurking around the school and they’re getting real spooked but it turns out it’s just sue fucking with them lmao
- kurt and finn being brothers. THE POTENTIAL WAS THERE and sadly after furt we are left with crumbs. why ?? WHY?? little moments like finn saying that he’s driving back home with kurt or them saying they can’t do something because they have a family thing would have been good enough. more scenes of them hanging out in their home with their parents would have been *chefs kiss* but alas. it never happened because glee writers are bastards
- based off my last point: sam actually living at the hudson-hummel house because he actually did live there? but nothing is ever said like what’s the dynamic there why weren’t kurt and sam and finn close if they all lived together for what? like a year? was sam living in the mf shed? did he ever get close to carole and burt?? where tf did he live when everyone went off to college did he just stay in their house lol who knows not me LMAO
- blaine dealing with his trauma ? mental health was never dealt with very well on this show. emma’s ocd was just ignored after she got married or whatever and blaine mentioned his trauma once and then it was ignored until it was mentioned in passing a few seasons later and even he just brushed it off and it was never brought up again like wtf. i have no idea how they wrote a whole episode about hate crime in bash and they never once thought to have blaine and kurt have a single conversation together, let alone a conversation about how they’d both been victims of a hate crime. AND THE ONLY TIME BLAINE DOES MENTION IT IS IN TESTED WHERE ITS JUST USED AS A REASON FOR THEM TO FIGHT AAAAAAAA no wait im calm it’s okay. i just would have liked to have seen kurt and blaine have an emotional moment together in that episode that didn’t include blaine singing and kurt being knocked tf out. just sayin.
- kurt dealing with HIS trauma !! again, glee gets bad points for talking about mental health and it just is crazy that they had so much potential with kurt, ie: depression, anxiety, ocd (kinda?) his bullying, being literally assaulted (i see u ryan murphy taking that whole plot line so loosely mmhm) and then shoehorning in the fact that he was suicidal AT THE SECOND TO LAST EPISODE when they had a whole episode about suicide and they could have mentioned it at any time but ofc they didn’t because the writers just wanted to shove in as much as they could in the flashback episode AYE AYE AYE the potential!!!! oof.
- literally just more tina. jenna ushkowitz is a fantastic actor/singer/preformer and she was criminally underused. i like the episode props because of two reasons: one. everyone switching characters was amazing. and two. some actual tina scenes. even if she.. technically was rachel but also herself or something? either way. i digress
- this is just in general but MORE ABBA AND ALSO THE CARPENTERS and also some sound of music songs would have worked GREAT but they already had like a million songs and as the show progressed they veered away from old songs and more towards popular songs at the time to help chart numbers blah blah blah whatever it’s cool. but also how did they only do a few abba songs that is criminal
- a more fleshed out ending that wasn’t so rushed. like rachel won a tony and everyone else is just? there? why is sam at mr shue’s house ??? how did artie get up the stairs? did quinn graduate from yale? and where tf was kurt and blaine’s child during ‘i lived’ because burt and carole are vibing in the audience and rachel isn’t pregnant so like? is the baby just?? alone somewhere in the wings?! lmao where are u bby girl!! but once again i know they didn’t have the time to do it so idk it’s fine what they did it just sucks we didn’t get more! but again. fanfic exists so yah im all good
- more of blaine’s mum. or mom, in this case i guess. why cast gina gershon and then give her ONE line like ? ik there was a whole deleted script that explained why she was there but i love that up until that point blaine seemed like he genuinely murdered his parents, lived in their big house all alone and when people got suspicious he just told them that they were “out of town” :) either way pam is great i love her and i wish she had more to do in the one episode she was ever in. not even a moment with blaine?? wasted.
- more of cooper anderson, matt boomer is so fucking funny everytime i think of the emotion tornado i bust a lung laughing like it’s so fucking stupid but oh my good i love it. (and if you haven’t watched the special feature of cooper’s transformers audition tape please please watch it because it’s just so funny.) ik he was just a special guest but i wish they got him back for at least the wedding ep but guess my mans was just busy. boo ;(
- going back a couple of points, i wish they’d done a whole episode like props. every actor here just shines when they’re impersonating each other. finn and puck as kurt and blaine is beautiful and quinn and sugar is incredible. also idk why they refused kevin the right to wear the cheerios skirt; they could have put a little more effort into some characters but that’s glee for ya lmao but yeah. a whole episode like that would have been so much fun
- they should have let chris colfer write more episodes. purely for the fact that he wrote with his own bare hands the whole scene where lea michelle’s character gets dragged down a road by dogs. this guy. it’s a shame he only got to write one since he actually did a really good job! i would have loved to have seen what other episode ideas he had :)
- glee in the summer! obviously it only was centred around the school year but after season 3 who honestly gave a shit about the glee club and mckinley lmao i wanna see them in SHORT SHORTS and POOL PARTIES but nope we just got september - june so like rip all my hopes and dreams
- WHAT HAPPENED TO DALTON? bitch just burst into flames ?? and for WHAT?? oh yeah plot convenience smh this is so sad i wish they’d either written something better than “we need the warblers to team up with new directions so uhhh the school burnt down” like. it’s a private school. if the school is gone and they’re just staying at mckinley what are the parents paying for? they’re just cool with sending their kids off to public school now? every adult in this universe has been murdered by these kids, haven’t they? they’re just doing whatever they want jfc
- a wedding was a good episode. ish. and yknow, huge kudos to them because gay marriage wasn’t legal in the us at the time so im less harsh on the fact that they definitely threw up the rainbow flags and made it less about the characters getting married and more so “we have gay characters and look they’re getting married what a concept” but i do wish we could have gotten some more married!klaine since they don’t really have much to do after this understandably but a little moment alone together after the wedding would have been nice :) IT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE IM TELLING YOU
- get rid of the hummelberry friendship and send mercedes to new york instead. i have nothing else to add to this other than the fact that i mourn the fact that kurt and mercedes went from bffs to just. school mates. this is tragic this is traaaaagic !! and all for more of the rachel berry show smh
- every day i wonder what was going through carmen tibideaux mind when she watched the kurt hummel preform not the boy next door and was like :) and then watched rachel berry have a breakdown on stage and then proceeded to give rachel the spot at nyada and kurt gets payed literal dust. and THEN she had the nerve to tell him it was because his performance had no heart. AND HOW DID ADAM GET IN THIS BABY GOT BACK MOTHERFUCKER?! nyada is a circus school oh my god !!!!! kurt deserved better im telling yall he deserved so much better
there’s so much more i could rant about but im going insane im so tired and i need psychological help after watching glee so im gonna leave it here and say peace out homies it’s been fun but i need to sleep so bad
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gryphsdeadbones · 4 years
hey from one nd person to another the comic where fm gordon says a slur seems kind of in poor taste. ik ur not intentionally making light of it and tht occurring in fm should be criticized but while you dont make it out to be a good thing making jokes about it and calling him a "slurboy" is kind of questionable? it makes it seem more like a plotpoint and angst rather than the creator of fm genuinely fucking up in the past (and having moved on from it)! i think exploring fm coming to terms with being nd is a good idea but this isnt the best way to do it. if you want me to explain my point more lmk if/when u post this and i will! someone already made a post abt it but it was kinda strongly worded and i wanted to approach you more calmly because i genuinely dont want to call you out or start drama or anything ;-;
first off thank you for being civil and patient with me i appreciate this ask a lot- also this got long- im not in a flying rage or anything when i bold or emphasis text, i just needed it also for my own readability and since im not the best at wording- hopefully this hellsite works and my response is under the cut
i would like to know how is it in poor taste when freemind explicitly gets clocked at the very end for saying it. the entire point of the comic was to show that saying the r slur has existed in his source and is bad
im not sure how much more direct i can get, with the disclaimer/warning list growing longer and longer and out there for a huge sign that says “this au can get dark as fuck and these subject matters are treated seriously/not something to mess around with.” Like yes, there are some jokes in the asks and other comics, but that specific comic is not supposed to be “haha thats funny”. it has a serious tone using a rough sketch style bc i was super tired and wanted to vent
was it just the direct reference to it that just made people uncomfortable? because thats 100% understandable, and i made sure i tagged it appropriately (although admittedly, a little bit late since i thought the filter would catch at least the main thing)
i think what some people somehow got from it is “exploring sensitive content = endorsing said content” which! that is not the intent! i absolutely do not want people saying that word! I don’t want people thinking that is any way okay for this character to say
its more of a damned if i do address it, damned if i dont.
if it never comes up, people are gonna assume that ‘oh this character says slurs and is shit, surely the creator or fan-creator MUST be okay with it and woobifies freemind and absolves him of any mistakes’ or something like that. no. this asshole has an arc and i want to do it right. its serious and i think it shouldn’t be shoved under the rug
and people just. dont want to read for context for whatever reason. theyll start watching it and get taken aback by the slur and start blaming me ‘hey you never warned for this’ when very early on i keep mentioning over and over ‘you dont have to watch it if you dont want to! This has slurs and 2000s internet brand humor/style’ You really dont, I’m not forcing you to watch it- Literally all you need to know is either canon half life or hl/vrai. thats it. fm mostly follows hl1 with very slight changes.
so i had to make something that:
1. warns people who arent aware and dont want to go through my asks or about/warning pages (for whatever reason) and just want to see the art
2. also NOT downplay freemind’s canon assholery. listen, i kinda despise writing mean and cruel characters, theyre hard to do, and a lot of people get shit for doing it wrong or people going “character = author”
i’ve also considered leaving the bubbles blank, but then people could fill it with whatever they want, then blame me for being vague. or they’d fill it in with a different kind of slur that freemind has never used, even if he MIGHT be the type to do that. I needed to explicitly mention that it is ableist slur. There are shitty racist and other problematic jokes, but never those kinds of extreme racial slurs to my knowledge.
Although I do see your point that maybe joking about it outside of the serious stuff might not be the best route. The slurboy jokes are getting stale, and I will try a better way to remind people.
The thing that gets to me is that it feels people are more than ready to defend either Ross Scott or Gordon Freeman the fictonal character himself. I don’t??? really care for Ross Scott, so I don’t know if he’s ever brought it up specifically. I’m not really calling him out or cancelling him. Idc for some white man’s feelings, im only bringing the timeframe of That era and reworking it to fit in This current era.
And I hate to break it to people: Gordon Freeman is a blank slate character, you can project whatever the hell you want on him as long as it’s not freakshit illegal garbage. The machinimas (fm, hl/vrai) do have SOME characterization that I want to nail down. It fucking sucks when characters are ooc, and I’m trying not to do that, even if it means sacrificing some comfort. But still mostly staying in my comfort zone if that makes sense
Now about the callout that I do not want to engage with the op directly:
Honestly im very surprised the comic was called out when i just. thought my stuff is relatively tame on exploring the bad shit canon freemind does. ive seen him in fancontent where they really dont hold back and its still played off as ‘kinda funny’ tone.
I really don’t know if people just want any reason to hate me for whatever reason. That’s fine I guess, I can’t please everyone and they dont have to like me.
But like. isn’t it so much easier for the op of that to block me and the post and move on. Why kick up such a fuss. I can see that thinly veiled death threat of a vague. That’s pretty fucked up- Like holy fucking god, you do not have to like my stuff. I’m not holding you at knifepoint to like my stuff. I’ve specifically made two different tags (one general au, one specific au) if anyone wants to blacklist it for their own reasons I do not need to know. I don’t want to know.
You’re allowed to be uncomfortable. You’re allowed to unfollow/blacklist/block.
However you just don’t go ranting about it for something you horribly misinterpreted. If it bothers you so badly, literally just. drop me a message to clarify. thats it. or save yourself the time and block me.
I’ve blocked the op for both our sakes, but if anyone wants to send this post to them, then thats fine. I don’t want anything to do with them.
I don’t want to link the post and blow it up. I just want shit clarified, dropped and we can move the fuck on with our lives. 
If you’re reading this and don’t know what the post is, please don’t bother. I do not want people going after the op with threats, please keep it civil, I’d prefer if you don’t engage with the post at all on my behalf.
Despite this huge wall of text, I do not want this to be a big deal, so please don’t ask me about the details.
As for anon, feel free to dm me either on here or. Maybe on discord if you’d still like to suggest or have something more cleared up. I’m still willing to hear any kind of feedback, and i want to thank you again for being reasonable about this
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malepresentingleg · 4 years
is it 2013 again? cause i have a rant about teen wolf coming and i feel 16 y/o.
so due to dome heavy procrastination I've consumed a lot of teen wolf content, i skipped a bunch of episodes and a lot of scenes in the ones i haven't but i still have some Thoughts TM
it's good??? i had a Good Time watching, it was funny but intense and dark and i felt Feelings watching, some of the plotlines were meh (or maybe i just skipped them heh) but a lot were interesting and i loved the characters and their interaction
scott. my sweetheart. my baby. such a cutiepie, such a great protagonist 10/10 i love him and would die for him. he's so pure and cute and his little smile melts my heart. i love how he's fundamentally Human no matter how non human he is. he's a great character all around and i kinda wish they didn't do that shit to him at the end (imma get there) or treated him like he ISN'T the protagonist for such big parts of the shows
people KNOW. Stiles knows from day one, allison finds out soon, his mom finds out in season 2! the sheriff in 3, and they just become part of the gang and can help them with stuff bc they UNDERSTAND. shows like that get really tiring when the teens constantly lie to everyone around them and it was very refreshing. the running gag with the coach ruining things tho was funny and I'm ok with it.
Ok this is mellisa appreciation time. she's SUCH a great, complex and unusual mom-of-hero character. i absolutely love her and her attitude, i love how she's not simply being used as a tool to cause scott pain (just.. sometimes) and their relationship is parenting goals.
also isn't it fucking hilarious how she's a nurse but she just knows everything medical. she's also a surgeon and a mortician and a doctor. ik it's for plot reasons but it funny af.
in general women on the show.. had a lot of potential, i love them, but i hate how they were treated.
allison was all around great imo, her and scott's relationship was built very well and was two sided from the start (unlike... yeah), she has emotions, she's smart and brave, but also human and scared, she kicks ass and, again, exists outside of Scott's GF status (mostly). andddd they killed her. idk if the actress had to/wanted to leave or it was a pure writers decision bc they needed to keep just her father or something, but that would have been ok if not for all the other things
we have 3 main kickass ladies with powers- lydia, kira and malia. lydia spent close to FIVE whole seasons not knowing anything about her abilities/not knowing how to control them. cmon, it gets old. scott masters his powers after a season or two (and had control a lot sooner), parrish finds out what he is like half a season after it becomes relevant etc.
malia- do i need to explain? she was CONSTANTLY struggling controlling her abilities, no matter how badass she supposedly was. and kira oh boy, they did her dirty, didn't they?
kira was such a cute adorable character. i loved her and her little crush on scott and wanting to make friends and being freaked out about relationships, i love her discovering her past and heritage and learning to fight and gaining control and becoming a badass. but. what? they just undid all this? oh no the fox is taking over she has no control no agency of her own she needs to disappear for years now bye :( again, idk if the actress needed to leave but it was so unsatisfying and was insulting to the character. she wasn't even mentioned later a bunch like allison was, just they needed her mom for a plot tool and didn't even acknowledge it was her sword they were breaking. uhm rude?
LET WOMEN HAVE POWERS AND BE AWESOME WITH THEM. and not just minor/bad characters thanks.
i love the concept of a pack on the show and how you don't have to be a werewolf to be a part of it, how scott becomes a true alpha and how he cares about his friends. i kinda feel like in later seasons him being an alpha was more talk than show which like /: meh. like i said, he stopped BEING the main character, just talked about as if he was.
i love how friendship is valued, but i think it could be more.. i mean the scene in the motel, all season 3b, scott and lydia, all the girls with each other.. i love it. too many times tho it "wasn't enough" and only romantic love worked which SUCKS. in 6a i was so happy scott went in to try and remember stiles and the memories hit me right in the heart. then when it "wasn't enough" i was SO pissed and frustrated goddammit. i guess that leads me to the next point-
ships, should i talk about ships? i don't want hate in my asks but oh well it's been a few years maybe there's no fandom to care. I'll start with the end
malia and scott. what. the. fuck. when, out of fucking no where, they had like a lingering look or something i was just "nope. no thanks". and then every scene they had together i had to cover my eyes bc it felt so wrong and bad and awkward. jesus. no build up at ALL, they're like family, i just. ew. no. it felt way too much like "oh we gotta pair off the leftovers" or "the main character can't end up single" well guess what, he fucking can. it was. god. i can't even explain the disgust. when he needed to heal and all she had to do was kiss him ugh. it felt so fake and empty of meaning. i would 100% prefer for it to be stiles (I'll get there) or his mom who snapped him out of it.
melissa and chris, i could get aboard with that. def cute, def weird af since his dead daughter was dating her son but, well.
stiles and lydia is a ship i have conflicting feelings about. i absolutely hate the concept of "the nerd" is in love with the popular girl since freshman year and he's borderline being a creep ("oh but it's stiles! he's a dork and he's harmless" no.), completely obsessed with her and she ignores him but then they end up getting together.. i mean, it sends a bad msg to obsessed boys about how it's worth it in the end, and it makes the whole relationship feel unbalanced from the start, makes her reciprocation feel unatural. BUT, i have to admit the show did kinda make me warm up to this ship by the end, curse them. it was kinda cute. i wish there was more mutualness before it became such an important part in 6a tho.
just gonna put it out there: malia/kira and lydia/allison. i wish we saw more girl on girl interactions in general but the ones we had were very good, great dynamics.
i won't get too much into it but i.. i don't ship st*rek. i understand why they're the biggest ship (two white hot boys that interact with each other, i mean.), and i see the couple of fan service-y moments the show throws at us but just. they don't have my heart, i don't really care about them. not the characters, the characters i absolutely love! (tho this watch i skipped most of season 1 and 2 and 3a and i think that's where derek is the most asshole.. didn't he do really bad things? idr) idk if you want a bad character on the way to redemption with someone you should ship liam and theo who had way better shippy chemistry imo, even tho their ship probably wouldn't be healthy given their dynamic history, huh.
the ship that does owns my heart? scilies. I'm a softy when it comes to best friends to lovers, and their bond and relationship is just. so. pure. don't get me wrong, i love me a good platonic relationship, but there was just one to many homoerotic interactions between them for me not to ship it, hard. (not to be that person but my guess is that if Scott was white it would have been a way bigger ship, but who knows?) i love their love, i love they would do anything for each other, and i feel like there were a bunch of very missed opportunities for them in later seasons :(
so representation. this feels like a show that is trying to be Woke TM but it's not going so well. the main character is supposedly latino but it's never ever addressed. idc about "oh we want a world without prejudice" you can still fucking address it. i mean they went to Mexico a couple of times, stiles keeps saying "Mexican cousin" i mean. god. give us something. did i mention scott was told he'd make a great "nazi youth" ..
and you don't need to be a genius to see the most characters are very white or at least very white passing. and when you don't address their non whiteness they might as well be..
i already mentioned how poorly i feel kira was treated, but also mason, who is a wonderful character, gets no depth? we know nothing about him other than being gay and smart pretty much.
i also spoke about the women already but, they were really really great women characters, but not enough of them, not enough that lasted.
there's not much to talk about disability bc it just wasn't on the show. the only blind character was healed which. /: same with epilepsy and asthma..
i think the show is probably very proud (ha) with their LGBTQ+ rep bc they're like "oh let's make this insignificant couple gay bc hey nbg". examples are lydia's grandma, La Bete and marcel, i think nolan and jiang were exes and then nolan and gabe were a thing? idr if it was explicit. the couple of girls in the tent.. probably a couple more. it's nice, def better than all random couples being straight but that's not satisfying as rep.
Danny was great. i think he and ethan were.. cute? i think he was awesome, i loved danny so much and was very excited to learn he KNOWS at the end of season 3 and was waiting to see him join the pack. instead he fucking disappeared?! wtf. #WhereDidDannyGo
brett was cute rep, especially being bi but i feel like it could go into the insignificant pool which, again, is better than nothing.
mason and corey i just don't have strong feelings about. they were definitely cute and I'm glad they were together, i love mason A Lot. i think this relationship could be explored more, or at least the characters could be explored more to give this relationship more depth.
very interesting how there's no wlw canon couple, not even hinted. just fan servicey hot malia kira dance which /:
not to mention transgenderness. god can you imagine the interesting plotline of transitioning while being a werewolf 0:
i think the rep i was most happy about was ethan and Jackson. even tho i don't think there was build up or clues in the first couple of seasons, I'm happy for the actor who i know was struggling with coming out publicly, and it was very fun and refreshing for the ending. even if we got very few scenes with them the dynamic was 10/10
the biggest problem is obviously stiles. i just don't understand why, if they're so supposedly progressive, they went to that length to queerbait without following through. the whole gag of wanting to be attractive to danny and to gay guys, the whole "aww danny want to have sex with me that's so nice", the whole "do you like guys too?". it's a gag. his alleged bisexuality is the butt of a joke, and it pisses me the fuck off. they don't have to make it a big deal or have him get a bf for it to be official. it wasn't subtle subtext. it was a CHOICE. to put a spotlight on his sexuality but not deliver. -100/10 would not recommend.
also they could talk about his mental health more.
and about Scott's, please and thank you.
and everyone's.
i had some more feelings, like villains changing sides without getting a proper redemption and having no consequences, the wholesomeness of the sherriff and mellisa being each other's kids second parent eichen house (wtf??), and more, but i think i wrote enough for now.
tl;dr- good show with A Lot of problems, will always have a place in my heart bc I'm a nostalgic gal.
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mnogorgannik · 4 years
2 10 n 11 :)
this is basically an essay im so sorry. watch how hard i can infodump (ill put this under a cut hopefully it works bc sometimes tumblr decimates the keep reading things if theyre in asks)
2. Who’s your favorite of the Bound? What do you think of the different ideologies they have? Which of the factions are you most aligned with?
WE ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER I AM A PETER LOVER THROUGH AND THROUGH!!!!!! oh baby i love that morally questionable architect. pretty early on in getting into pathologic (it’s coming up on a year now...) i thought about peter stamatin too hard and now i’m here. but really i find him to be such a fascinating character!
the thing about pathologic that i love is how almost every character can be as complex as you want. pathologic does an excellent job of implying a lot of character traits while only exploring some in further detail, which in some games is frustrating but patho does it so well! it consistently hints at traits and lets you fill in the details yourself. peter’s character is extremely interesting to me... and maybe a little more relatable at times than i want to admit lol.
i think i’ll talk about both stamatins though! their dynamic hurts me a lot. i’ll start with andrey bc i’ve been thinking about him lately. although i’ll bounce back and forth between both stamatins.
i’ve said this before but i’ll say it again.... andrey’s role as a protector who inadvertently hurts the people he cares about really gets to me. he is not a shield but, in his own words, a battering ram. and the problem is that battering ram has a recoil.
i have to wonder how that mentality of his came about, anyways. the implication is that it’s always just been him and peter, so did he take on that role because there wasn’t anyone else to do it?
in his efforts to protect peter from... military, i believe, he kills four people. which leads to daniil getting mistaken for andrey, which leads to daniil getting shot. and almost dying. he protects peter but to a smothering extent, peter even says he’s been suffering for ten years bc of andrey which is a LOADED line. he protects on a physical level but he kinda fucks up on the emotional.
there’s a horrible irony in peter and eva being the people he cares about the most and both attempting suicide. with eva once she’s missing he immediately goes running off trying to look for her, and . ahh i can’t remember right off hand what exactly he thought happened. but ik he was probably expecting a fight. with peter he says that after that he’ll never let peter leave his side, at least “as far as his knife can fly”... it sounds cheesy but the one thing he can’t save anyone from is themself.
and god the way andrey bases his ENTIRE sense of self worth on peter fucking hurts. they’re not peter and andrey, the architects. they’re Peter And Andrey, The Architect. (thinking about “one architect, two brothers” here.) andrey thinks he’s larger than life and all but he’s constantly living in peter’s shadow. their theatre of death positions come to mind here, with peter standing up, looking down at andrey. but andrey is on his knees in front of peter, arms limp to his sides.... separated by a wooden beam...
peter’s side of this dynamic is fascinating too. his dependency on andrey is. ow. leaving all practical matters and decision making to him... there’s this resentment (That’s Fine I’ve Been Suffering For Ten Years Because Of Him) and lack of communication that especially shows through for him.
while in p2 andrey completely crumbles if peter dies, peter doesn’t seem to care...... at all....?? which hopefully is elaborated upon in p2. he’s willing to talk to aspity about worrying if andrey is angry with him but he can’t bring it up with andrey himself. when he asks how andrey is doing he stops and says andrey is a “tough man” and can handle anything. in general, while it’s definitely there for andrey, themes of dependency are really glaringly obvious for peter.
one of my favorite peter things i’ve talked about before is still his ego!!! peter has a gigantic ego!!! he really does think that even though he’s hit the ceiling and can’t go any further he is still “a true architect” and “the rock upon which is built the stairway to tomorrow”. he has a blunt edge to him and he doesn’t ever tell you more than he thinks he needs to which i love. if he doesn’t want to tell you something he isn’t gonna do it. this is a character trait i think ppl miss which is sad because it’s so good and adds another layer of depth to him!
it really does hurt me how he’s valued for his mind alone (AHEM AHEM AHEM. GEORGIY) but it’s the thing nobody understands about him. i’m nowhere near as smart as peter lol but i do know that pain of feeling like none of your ideas can be understood because you just can’t express them the way you’d like, and then feeling like you’ll never be able to make it happen.
also, here’s a little thing  i’ve picked up on. this connection probably doesn’t exist but i’m making it because the stamatins make me lose my mind and start becoming one of those people who looks for connections in everything i guess. peter standing in the theatre of death, andrey below him. peter’s loft being at a high point in the town, the broken heart being underground. peter’s loft is also higher north on the map but the broken heart is lower south. just smth interesting
i have more thoughts on them of course! but this is all getting awfully long. i feel like i’ve only just gotten to the tip of the iceberg  even though i’ve written so much skfjskfjs this just feels quite surface level or. at least what is surface level for me who thinks about the stamatins so hard.
anyways i’ll keep my answers to the other two parts of this question quick! peter and andrey’s more creative vs practical mindsets are rly neat. especially because i would actually argue peter is a little more grounded in reality in certain aspects. not all, but certain ones...... their take on the utopian ideology is interesting. hot take: peter’s version of utopianism leans a tad towards humility. and andrey /does/ feel “straightforward utopian” but i think in certain regards? this man has a bit of a termite streak..... (hi al if you’re reading this). but i won’t get into that right now i’ve already gone on so long. saving that for later.
i think all of the factions kinda suck in their own way sometimes, honestly? although all of them are well written and have their pros and cons. were i in pathologic and i had to choose one i’d probably be a termite but everyone around me seems to think i’m a utopian. is it bc i love peter so much
10. What would you be like as a Pathologic character?
this question is a hard one! i did make a self insert once, mile-a-minute, but they’ve become their own oc by now. i think i’d be very...... very afraid...... probably isolating myself why does every pathologic character break quarantine???? also you could trade beetles with me :) thats about all i’ve got sorry this is real short
11. What is something you would change, writing-wise, about either game?
UGH i’ve been gushing about pathologic because. obviously i love this game so much. but the way it handles racism & such (in both games!) leaves much to be desired :/
i see a lot of the points it’s trying to make but i think the way they’re handled can be very messy. there are moments that work very well but. a lot that don’t. (i am aware that dybowski writes partially from his own experiences)
all too often the game “validates” the kin’s oppression and... at times paints them as oddly antagonistic? i don’t like how often as artemy you’re able to be like “i’m not one of those beasts” and i think there are better ways to touch on his internalized racism. in general the constant comparisons to animals is weird. you get big vlad who is obviously explicitly racist comparing them to animals, but then sometimes it’s like “ACTUALLY calling them animals is fine :)”
i think the herb brides are kind of. Hm. in their portrayal. also using parts of the buryat alphabet to denote an accent is weird. making odongh and herb brides inhuman is weird. connecting the kin to Magic is weird.
and, listen, i’d really like to not be playing Artemy Burakh Experiences a Microaggression Simulator every time i’m playing the haruspex route. hate that you either can’t call ppl out on their shit or if you can it ends the conversation/bars you from getting necessary information. glad you at least get to drag the vlads, i guess?
i also was talking about this but wrt peter specifically, and this issue is present throughout the game but it’s especially visible with peter, i don’t like how often you can mock him for his addiction.
he’s obviously in an extremely rough patch! being able to be just so plain cruel to him about the dependency on alcohol (and iirc in p1 hallucinogens, bc aglaya mentions it) he’s formed to cope with his mental illness & trauma just feels bad. especially because yes it is not a healthy coping mechanism at all but... it still is a coping mechanism, if that makes sense?
the way you’re able to constantly rub it in his face feels awful. peter is fully aware that it isn’t good for him and shows a desire to quit. even if he didn’t it would still be awful to say because. it’s just insensitive. like you don’t just go up to someone and keep being like HEY YOU DRINK A LOT YOU SHOULD STOP DOING THAT DO YOU KNOW WHAT WATER IS? feels really bad to keep harping on something that causes him pain and that he struggles with every single day.
however peter does have moments where he tells you Not to say that, or if you pry into why he drinks he’ll outright say he doesn’t remember you being his friend, which is better than nothing.
in p1 moreso than p2 i hate how you can be like oh he’s craaaazy he’s off his rocker he’s delusional!!!! that “why, i never... an architect of schizophrenia!” comment sticks in my mind because it’s just... so genuinely mean. especially because if i remember correctly that line is from when he’s planning on LITERALLY FUCKING BURNING HIMSELF ALIVE
i think if they were going to have all of this they should have gone more in depth on how it’s really. not good that he’s treated so poorly. and i do believe that’s what they were going for, a la the art book w/ the whole “not to be made into a drunken clown, this is a tragic character”, etc. but it just doesn’t land. i’m holding out for the bachelor and changeling routes in p2 to see if they expand upon any of it but i highly doubt i’ll be satisfied in this regard.
i stand by the One time it was really fucking funny to clown on peter being the time you can tell him little girls eat raspberries and earthworms and he just believes you
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
Tumblr media
Full name
Nakajima Fujita  (Breathing form: Breath of Art)
Preferred name/nickname
Generally referred to as
The one with the brother complex HAHAHAHAHAH
Sex: Female
Height: She’s gonna kill me for this but she’s 5 flat :’)
Weight: Somewhere around 55-75 kilos hehe
Build: She used to be thin but when she became a slayer, she started developing curves.
Hair: Her hair is long, it reaches up to her waist and is jet black in color. Maria (another OC from this universe) once suggested she should cut her hair but she refused because her brother likes it long. HAHAHAHHA
She used to bun it at all time but it becomes a hassle during missions so she buns half of her hair instead, the rest on lose.
Skin: Described as ‘porcelain and smooth’ by Amida (another OC from this universe) and is prone to sunburn so she hates travelling at day which is inevitable lol.
Eyes: Her eyes are crimson red in color. Maris likes to joke that she has ‘bloodshot eyes’. As for shape, they are round, almost similar to a doll.
Mouth: Thin.
Hands: Smail and slim. They used to be very smooth but she started earning callouses the longer she is a slayer.
Feet: Small.
Scars: None.
Other features: None.
Noteable features: Amida, Maria, and Junko (the other 3 OCs) kept on saying she reminded them of Japanese dolls.
Accent: None
Verbal Ticks: None
Language: Let’s assume they speak Nihonggo.
Articulation: She loves to use poetic words. By poetic, we mean words that are not familiar to Amida just to piss him off. For some reason, explaining herself is a difficult task for her. She just expects anyone to immediately understand her.
Laughter: She mostly scoffs, especially when she mocks Amida and Maria (lmao she has no guts to mock Junko. I mean, who does?) for doing something stupid. But when she’s genuinely happy, she laughs so loud and it’s very contagious, she’d even snort.
Grump: None
Breathing: Fujita is usually composed but when she finds something new or interesting, you’d hear her gasp like a child and it’s cute.
Face: She squints her eyes as if she’s reading whenever she tries to think. Also, she always has this scowling face and Amida, Junko, and Maria are convinced that she’s just disgusted with everything. kinda true.
Hands: None.
Legs/Feet: None
Habits: She likes to run her fingers through her hair or to play with the tips of her strands. It’s a coping mechanism.
Posture: Very poised! ‘Lady-like’ the way she was taught to pose.
Walking posture: Very poised as well.
Sitting posture: Very well-mannered (especially in Japan’s way of sitting? Where your knees are folded?)
Personal space: She hates people who stand or sit too close to her...well, except her brother and her husband :))))
Spacial awareness: VERY MUCH AWARE! She’d flinch at almost everything she finds disgusting. A slight brush of your skin would send her yeeting!
Diet: Picky-eater. She loves sweets, tho.
Sleep: She sleeps early! Her maids always made sure she slept early so it became a habit.
Excercise: Nope. She hates physicaly activities despite being a demon slayer.
Activity: She does not like to move a lot. She even lets Maria do the chores. She expects everyone to work for her, similar to how the maids work for her all the time. Ik it's weird because she's a slayer, she's supposed to be very active but nah
Cleanliness: SHE HATES GETTING DIRTY. Which is a problem since she slays demons for a living.
Odour: Amida once said she smelled like home :’))) Maria said she smelled exoensive and Junko said she smelled like water.
Medical drugs: None
Narcotics: None
Addictions: None
Illness: None
Injuries: None
Parasites: None
The Past.
Introvert/Extrovert: I would say an extro. She’s from a wealthy family and is very confident on everything she does. In fact, she approached Amida and Maria first (the reason why they became friends)
Optimist/Pessimist: in between? She doesn’t really care of what happens.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: She knew she was straight. Then she met Amida, a bisexual. And that...kinds of blow her off to this day. 
Romantic: She’s never tried it and she feels like she would never. bUT SIKEEEE she is now married.
Memory: Depends. If it’s about her brother, then yes. It’s sharp. But if it’s about her friends, kind of sharp. But if it’s about things she doesn’t give a fuck, no. Her memory sucks. If it's about her husband, though...she remembers every little thing about him which I find cute.
Planning: No. She goes with the flow most of the time. Maria and Amida does all the planning in their missions (they do missions together).
Pensive: No. But if the actions has been done...she’d overthink of it whether if it was too much or stuff.
Intuition: Kind of...good of making right decisions at the same time no. She’s very spontaneous, I can’t tell.
Insecurities: None. She’s ‘perfect’.
Achievements: She killed the demon who killed her brother. Well, we’d like to think of it that way. She raided the demon den where her brother was assigned to raid and she killed every single one of them successfully.
Anxiety: Back when her brother was still alive, she’s always anxious if his letters during missions wouldn’t come. But know, she's afraid of losing her friends, especially that they separated ways after the defeat of demons.
Overwhelmed: During her brother’s death, she felt everything was too much she actually ran away from her own home. She was also very overwhelmed when a cErTain sOmEonE asked for her hand in marriage
Self-help: Dealing with her own problems, she kinds of let the others do it for her :))) (she used to order Amida around and she’d pay him with her money lmao)
Comforts: Her brother. Unfortunately, he’s gone. But now, she finds comfort from Maria, Junko, and Amida (especially Amida).
Philosophy: OOOOH I haven’t thought of that.
Triggers: Mention of her brother, death from demons, demons, Amida getting hurt (this is rooted to the fact that she kinds of see her brother on Amida or something) and her friends getting hurt.
She also thinks it’s very important for her, Maria, and Junko to marry someone wealthy after they retire which Maria and Junko objects as they had their experiences with men. She'd eventually take this back though as no rich man has given her the happiness and contentment Amida was able to offer.
Parents/Guardians: Her father is old but is very supportive of his children. She’s very close to his brother so when she found out about his sudden death, she did not take it easy. She ran away, swearing that she’d kill the demon who killed him.
Along the way she found Amida, Maria, and Junko. Spontaneous as they can be, the four became demon slayers and they had to return to her home for temporary refuge.
School: No. But she was pampered well by her household.
Adolescence: She actually tried to shape herself into someone her brother would love.
Leaving home: She swore she’d kill the demon who killed her brother, resulting to her suddenly running away. Though she came back months after, wounded, along with Maria, Amida, and Junko as they came from a bloody mission and they needed temporary refuge. Her father was surprised and somehow upset but was more glad that he finally knew what has happened to his daughter.
Further education:
Life events: She ran away from home, went to different villages and she eventually met Amida (I’m not gonna describe too much since this is a huge event for Amida), she eventually met Maria who is a Demon Slayer which enticed her to join as well.
Worst day of their life: When demon slayers went to her household, bringing along with them his brother’s blood and torn uniform.
Lessons: She learned that though her brother would never come back, she can at least avenge him.
Looking back: She never regretted the things she did. She never regretted staining her hands for the sake of her brother.
Family: Redundant but her brother is very important to her but now, she gained new friends she consider as family. As for Amida, she finds him very special. It’s either because he reminded her of her brother or it’s because of how Amida looked like when they first met.
In the future, Fujita would return home after the demon's defeat and she'd have surprise visits from Amida who was looking for "solace". These visits became something she anticipates, almost similar to the feeling when she awaits for her brother's letters. And before she knew it, she grow more fond of Amida each visit. She fell in love.
Friendships: She had lady friends from different household but she never felt the sense of friendship not until she met Maria, Fujita, and Amida.
Friends in need: Fun fact: When she saw Amida for the first time, she was horrified and so, she treated him with good clothing and good food.
Annoyance: Dealing with arguments, expect Fujita to SCREAM a lot. She wants to prove her point. She wants everyone to understand her and she thinks screaming is the best way to extend her thoughts.
Romance: She liked the thought but dismissed it anyways as she cannot imagine herself living the rest of her life with someone who is not her brother. She does see herself marrying someone wealthy once she retires.
Marital problems: None so far.
Adversaries: -
Enemies: DEMONS. And anyone who hurts her friends and brother.
Strangers: She does not hold back when she’s with strangers so people who do not know her think she’s actually very arrogant (which she is) and bitchy. It’s just her personality, though.
Fun stuff: SHE LOVES PAINTING, HENCE HER BREATHING FORM (BREATH OF ART). She likes Haiku and paintings!
Dating: None because she's married.
Best friend: Amida, Maria, and Junko
Love: She considers her brother her love of her life. Whether it is romantically or not, I have no clue. This was her thinking not until she fell in love with Amida.
Respect: She respects no one but her friends and her brother. Especially Maria, she respects her so much.
I’m not gonna include Life ‘cause most of it don’t apply to them hehehehe
Mingling: She does not go along with others well due to her personality.
Comfort levels: She does not feel anxious or bothered when talking to people. It should be the other way around. How dare they bother her-
Physical: No she doeesn’t like affectionate actions.
Group: She’s fine with groups. She doesn’t feel anxious. It should be the other way around.
Jealous: She’s jealous of those who still have their brother on their side.
Temper: SHORT. She likes it when she annoys others but annoy her once, she won’t hesitate using her breathing form on you.
Empathy: She surprisingly empathize to those who lost their loved ones from demons. 
Affectionate: She shows her affectionate like a tsundere would do. She’d be subtle and like, defensive when caught in the act HAHAHAH
Distaste: I know that she use to emphasize how she is disgusted with Amida but it’s her Tsundere self kicking in. When she really dislikes someone, she’d ignore them completely.
Responsibility: The only responsibility she knows is keeping herself alive and keeping her friends safe. That’s all.
Self-esteem: HIGH. VERY CONFIDENT. You can say she is the spokesperson of the group.
Honesty: She’s very honest with her thoughts. But if you want her to speak of something personal, now that’s difficult. But surprisingly, she opens to Amida very easily.
Leader or follower: Follower. She admires Maria and thinks Maria knows what’s best especially on missions.
Praise: She loves praises! She likes it when people point out her well-done hair, her beautiful clothes, her beautiful breathing form. But let Amida compliment Fujita and you’d see her blushing as she tries to diss him >=}}}
Criticism: She will only accept them if they came from Maria or her brother.
Insults: She takes it hard! She’d think of that all the time and she’d try to prove it to you that you’re wrong. She’s basically a royalty! How dare you insult her?
Embarrassment: She takes compliments well....if they aren’t from Amida or his brother.
Flirting: This is a lowkey Tsundere, Ma’am. We know no flirting!
Attention span: Very short lived if she does not take interest in it. But let Maria speak and she’d be all ears.
I know no one asked but I have 4 OCs from Demon Slayer universe and I'd love to create this with them but I'm confused on which OC do I make one first.
So pick a number between 1 and 4 :) (Number 4 is out-)
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reis-imagination · 5 years
Am I the only one who didn't mind what Sarada said?
From the get go, the Uchiha family was always in a more dramatic situation that everyone else. Gaiden was a soap opera. Sarada's emotional journey was always more meaningful than Boruto's. We perceive this externally as audiences, but I think it also affects the character internally. Emotionally traumatized by her father's absence, Sarada became more mature than her peers. When it comes to opinions and emotions, she knows when to keep it to herself, and knows when she should be frank. She's very frank around Sakura, and eventually Sasuke also. Telling Saku she wants a dad as a gift when Saku comes back from holiday. Telling Sasu to try and take care of his family instead of others. Also, the entire Peanut scenario. Sarada doesn't mince words when it comes to her feelings. Which is why I didn't mind when she said she had wished Naruto was her dad. Unlike Sasuke, she saw Naruto around almost everyday. She knows what he's like and he dotes on her. Growing up without a dad, she doesn't know how it feels to have one. But Naruto's mere presence makes up for that. All she wanted was for someone to be there. It's normal for a girl of her age and situation to have daddy issues. I would know, I grew up with a dad who worked abroad most of my life. I've said the same things to my dad that Sarada has said to Sasuke. Regardless of whether she's referring to before or after Gaiden, I think Sarada's feelings are justified.
But that's not because I think Sasuke is a deadbeat dad. I love Sasuke. And as much as I don't always like this situation the SSS family is in, to me, it serves the story. The Uchihas has always been the emotional core of the series. I've probably long accepted that I'll only find true fluff and happiness in novels and fanfics, so that helps a lot. Sasuke does what he needs to do, and I know Sarada understands that. I don't think she's forgotten how excited she was a few chapters ago that her dad is coming home. Then now she's saying she wished Naruto was her dad. That's pretty much normal for someone with emotional trauma. She loves her dad and she's always excited to have him around. But it doesn't mean she's forgotten all of her feelings of abandonment. That stays with you. It keeps you grounded. But it also makes you more appreciative and greedy of what you have. She cherishes the little moments with Sasuke, which is why she's a bit put off that he was not settling in at home in eps 127 and 128.
It's perfectly fine for Sarada to feel that way. And it's perfectly fine for readers and SSS fans to be mad about it. Because if you guys already don't know, being a fan of any Uchiha means enduring a roller coaster ride for the entire series. So buckle up. We get ups as much as we get downs.
TLDR; Sarada loves her dad, but hates that he can't be home more often. She bitches about it, but that's normal.
Anyway, I'm not sure if Ike-Dachi tandem is building up to something for SSS, but as always I'd like to give creators the benefit of the doubt. The scene with Saku and Ino a few chaps ago was foreshadowing for Sasuke coming home half dead. Maybe Sarada's little quip will have an emotional turn once Sasuke's in the picture again. It's looking like we'll have some fight heavy chapters with Boro vs Team 7 + Kawaki, so we probably won't see SasuSaku for another 3-4 months. Unless Sakura channels Creation Rebirth on Sasuke that'll heal him in a jiffy. Also, Jigen has 2 days to recuperate, but that's probably 4 months wait for us.
As for the creators, I no longer want to blame them for whatever they write. I've been in enough fandoms to know they aren't perfect. They're human. They write the story now, and it's up to them what to do with the characters. If I like it, good. If it sucks, I just go check out my other fandoms. God knows petitions and death threats don't change anybody's minds.
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mcwriting · 5 years
one kiss is all it takes
I had this cute idea pop into my brain one night when I was tryna sleep and just couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
It’s wayyyyy overly descriptive but this whole thing was basically me imagining every little detail possible and putting it on the page. I’m not one for ambiguity in my writing if you haven’t noticed lol. 
Anyways I’m still working on starstruck so here’s this for your troubles 
Fandom: Thomas Stanley Holland (plus mention of spidey)
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader (ik the beginning has Peter but it’s explained under the cut ;) lol)
Setting: good ol’ Atlanta, GA (aka a place I wanna visit so bad) 
Word Count: 4943 (omg I almost had a stroke reading that number this is my longest story to date)
Warnings: teeny bad word, some SeXuAl themes and kissing, as the title implies
Rating: T but it ain’t that extreme 
sorry it’s so long lol rip 
“Look, Peter, you may have been gone that 5 years, but I lost almost everything during them, and then, it all somehow got worse,” you explained through gritted teeth, standing from the end of your king sized bed to face him.
“My mom, my only source of comfort, was snapped, blipped, gone, sucked into a stupid rock for five years and me? I was stuck up here in this dumb apartment with an asshole father,” tears streamed down your face, confusing you, as you continued ferociously.
“You know what happened after maybe six months? He brought home his idiot secretary and flaunted her in front of me for over four YEARS! And guess what happened after the whole shebang was over and everyone came back?”
Your voice finally cracked and you stared at Peter for a moment before continuing.
“He pretended that he was faithful the entire time, all the while ignoring me and ruining every false hope I had that he was a decent human being. So you know what, spider boy? You may have been gone those five years, but I lost every good relationship in my life, so don’t come here pretending like you’re the only one with problems in this city,” you whispered.
He stood, reaching out to say something, but you held up a hand to stop him in his tracks. 
“You know what? Just get out,” you commanded.
“Wait I-”
“Out. Now.”
He stood for a brief second before stepping to your open window. Before he could put the mask on and go, a loud voice cut through the silence over a speaker.
“Cut!” Exclaimed Jon, causing both you and Tom to relax and smile.
You wiped the unintentional tears from your face. This had been your third take and for some reason, you had finally worked up a cry for the scene. It felt right, and Tom came over to compliment you on it. 
You were filming for another Spider-Man film and your character was a fresh take on Gwen Stacy, who had a new name similarly to Zendaya’s MJ. 
The character was a rich, somewhat bratty New Yorker who had been eleven during Thanos’s snap and grown into a sixteen year old Midtown student by the time everyone was revived. 
She hadn’t been on the European trip displayed in Far From Home, the excuse being that she was a model working events and doing photoshoots all summer. She also had become one of the most popular people in the school due to her internet fame, incredible academics, and wealth.
You had been shocked to receive the role but honored to become a member of the MCU. Over the couple of months spent in Atlanta by now, you had become integrated with the rest of the cast, getting especially close with your celebrity (and now real) crush Tom Holland. 
Weekends were often spent at the house Marvel provided him, where he lived with Harry and Harrison, who was once again able to tag along as Tom’s “assistant.” You lived only minutes down the road in your own small place and would go to Tom’s to swim or just hang out.
You and Tom were currently talking, you joking that you wished the scene was done so you wouldn’t have to bring out tears again. 
Almost prophetically, the Jason Bourne theme began playing over the speakers, Jon’s way of indicating that the scene was finished and needed no further work until post-production.
You looked to Tom and both of you sighed and held out arms for a hug and congratulations, ready to wrap the day as it was a late Friday night and you wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed all weekend.
You two began walking off of set to go to the trailers when Jon jogged after, calling out,
“Hold on guys, I need to talk to you about next week!”
He was holding two manila envelopes, each printed with yours and Tom’s names. Jon gripped them tightly.
“So I thought I’d give you these tentative scripts for the kissing scene so you two could prepare for Monday. As always, you can do some improv or try to make it better but I thought I’d give this as a heads up,” the director explained.
You were stunned, and surely looked it too. A quick glance at Tom showed he was more collected but definitely confused too.
“I’m sorry, Jon, but kiss? You never said there would be one between us I mean, he and MJ are still together, right?” You asked tentatively.
“Yeah I’m gonna have to agree with y/n, man. You said we might have a ‘moment’ but never mentioned a kiss. The fans’ll hate us,” Tom concurred, “but I haven’t read it yet so I’m sure it makes sense.”
“Wait did I not warn you guys? I’m so sorry. I mean we can change the scene if it makes you guys uncomf-”
“NO!” you exclaimed way too quickly, face heating up. “No, no, I mean, I’ll do it, if Tom’s in. I just, uh, didn’t realize we’d have to do an actual, real kiss is all.”
You had never kissed anyone before, and the prospect of Tom Holland being your first was unbelievably tempting. Tom had nodded along and agreed to move forward with it as well. With that and the scripts now in hand, you began walking to your trailers again, Tom alongside you.
After a few moments of silence under the artificial lights outside, Tom spoke up.
“Hey, would you maybe want to practice this scene at my place tomorrow? I know it was all kind of just thrown on us and I’d definitely feel better with some rehearsing.”
You smiled at the gesture, but again blushed at the thought of kissing Tom Holland, the guy you had been crushing on since Homecoming. You were glad that there was a shadow hiding your pink cheeks.
“Honestly, that’s perfect. I can come over at like 11 and after we can all have lunch and hang by the pool?” You asked, nervously hoping he would accept as you stepped in front of the steps to your trailer.
“That’s perfect, darling,” he replied, voice smooth and clear. You couldn’t help but look back at him walking away as you climbed the steps and went through the door, butterflies making themselves present in your stomach.
You slung your bag containing a swimsuit, sunscreen, towel, and snacks over the back of a chair and tossed your keys on the end table in Tom’s living room. You, Harry, and Haz sat on the kitchen counters while waiting for Tom to come out from a shower, joking around and sipping on beverages.
Soon enough, Tom came out and led you into the office, a small room with a couch, desk, and bookshelves that connected to the backyard with a sliding glass door. It was pretty private and well lit, giving you both a comfortable environment to work.
You started off by just reading over the lines and doing some basic marking, always stopping before the kiss. The scene would tie into Friday’s take, where Peter would return to your room to apologize, and you would kiss him out of nowhere in your distress. Then, you would promptly kick him out again upon realizing the ramifications the kiss could have on Peter and MJ’s relationship.
Finally, Tom suggested you work on the kiss by itself, 
“Before we do, can I make a confession?,” you questioned, chest beating heavily.
“Of course,” he said, full attention on you, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“Look, Tom, I’ve never kissed anyone, in real life or acting. Can we please take this slow?”
“Absolutely y/n. I had no idea,” he looked around, “and since it’s your first time, I think a lesson is at hand.”
You cocked an eyebrow, then nodded, trying not to seem too excited. He led you over to the large, sturdy oak desk, gesturing for you to hop up.
“I know you’re in control of this during the actual scene, but if it’s okay I thought maybe I could lead it for right now? I get it if you don’t want to but-”
“No, no. That’s a great idea,” you pushed onto the desk and sat on the edge, legs dangling, “tell me what I’ve gotta do.”
He smiled and stepped forward.
“Okay, um. Well. Is it okay if I get between your legs, or put one knee in and,” you burst out in laughter at his wording, “Oh my God that sounded awful didn’t it I’m so sorry I just don’t want to push you further than you’re ready to go.”
“Tom,” you put a hand on his shoulder, pulling him closer, your knees now around his hips, “you’re doing great. And you know me, I’m not afraid to tell you what’s up if I’m not feeling it.”
He looked down at you sheepishly, then placed his hands on the desk on either side of you. Your position caused you to be only a few inches shorter than him, so as he leaned forward his face came even closer. 
The proximity made your heart race, and you tried to figure out where to put your own hands, settling on your lap for now. 
He grabbed your wrists and placed your palms on his back, then put his own on your shoulders. 
“Okay so is it alright if I put my hands on your neck and chin? Or do you want to do something different?”
“Dude, just do what feels right. You’re the one with experience. If it goes bad, then it’s bad and we figure out what to do, right?”
“Maybe you should be the one doing this then,” he chuckled, causing you to wrinkle your nose and shake your head. 
His fingers traced up your shoulders and neck, him placing the left on the nape of your neck, underneath your mess of hair, and the right just below your chin. He tipped your face up gently and you were now millimeters apart, so close that you could feel his hot breath.
“May I?” he whispered, making you gulp and give a slight nod. You could feel your eyes glazing over.
He took this as a yes and leaned in further, finally closing the gap. You closed your eyes completely to melt into his warm lips. The feeling of his fingers gripping your hair was like heaven, and after a seeming eternity, finally you separated to get some air.
Your eyes were still closed when you felt Tom brush his thumb over your lips. Upon opening your eyes and glancing up, Tom was looking at you with a soft grin mimicking yours. His left hand remained in your hair but he slid the right one down to the space between your shoulder blades.
“Was that alright for your first time, darling?” He questioned sweetly, words dripping like thick honey in the still air. 
It was like fireworks were going off around you in your head.
“I, um. It, yeah. Absolutely. I’m just... wow.” you stammered, unable to compose yourself properly. 
He breathed out a laugh and threw his head back, then went back to looking into your eyes. You studied the crinkles by his eyes and his lopsided grin closely, trying to burn the memory into your brain forever.
“Shall we try again?” he asked cheekily, and you responded with fervor once more.
He continued to move his right hand further down, palm spreading over the small of your back. Your nerves tingled at the touch and instinctively you arched your back. Your own hands found themselves on his shoulders and your legs wrapped all the way around his hips loosely.
The second time was longer, hungrier, more passionate. 
Am I dreaming? You promptly imagined, wondering how life had brought you to this moment.
After separating this time, you could see a ravenous flame in Tom’s eyes, and you decided to try something different. 
You told him to wait as you climbed further onto the desk, sitting on your knees and now towering a few inches above Tom. He looked a you with an interested glint in his eyes as you scooted closer.
Your hands found his again and this time you guided them to the lowest part of your back, hoping he would take the hint. 
With that, you were now in control, grabbing each side of his face between your palms and pulling him forward and up into another kiss, his hands instinctively traveling below your hips and onto your glutes, just as you had wanted.
Suddenly you broke the kiss, afraid you were coming on too strong. 
“This is all for research purposes, right?”
“Sure, we’ll call it that,” he quipped before pulling you back down.
Eventually you found yourself standing on the ground, once again shorter than Tom but happy nonetheless. The make out session continued, both of you trying to convince yourselves that with each new hand position or lean you were purely trying it all for the measly scene on Monday. 
Finally, you found yourselves on the couch. You had started by just sitting next to each other, similar to how the scene described your positions, but now somehow you were sitting straddled over his lap, knees digging into the sofa and his hands once again resting on your backside.
Nothing could ruin this moment you thought as your fingers ran through his curls.
Oh how wrong you were. 
You thought you were just imagining the sound of the door creaking open, but suddenly realized that you hadn’t when a new male voice spoke up.
“Woah, hey there you two,” Harry joked, causing you to whip your head around and stare at him like a deer in the headlights.
“Harry! It’s not what it looks like, I swear!” You immediately exclaimed.
Nice one, y/n. Like you aren’t just straight up making out with his brother??
“Righttttt. So anyways I just came to let you know that lunch is ready and also you guys have been in here for like an hour but feel free to finish up whatever... this is,” he trailed gesturing vaguely at you two before turning around and shutting the door behind himself.
You turned back to Tom, whose face was red as a tomato (and yours probably was too), then in record time separated yourself from his lap, heart pounding like never before.
“Sooo... lunch?” He asked awkwardly.
“Definitely. Definitely lunch.”
You were lounging on a chaise near the pool, sunglasses covering your closed eyes as you soaked in the sun. The boys were messing around in the pool and you couldn’t help but think about what happened before lunch every time Tom spoke.
“Hey y/n!” he called.
“Hmm?” you hummed, not bothering to look up. 
“Why don’t you join us? We want to do a chicken fight and I need a partner.”
“Depends. How warm is the water?” you ask, still unmoving. 
“Like 30 degrees! It’s so nice.”
“That’s below freezing in Fahrenheit. Not very appealing to me.”
“Alright that’s like, what, 85 f? It feels reeaaaally good, babe.”
You couldn’t help but smile when he called you babe. It wasn’t the first time he had, and he actually did it to a lot of people, but it still felt nice.
“Alright fine,” you sighed dramatically as you stood up, removed your sunglasses, and dove in.
An hour or so later, more members of the cast had come over and you decided to join Zendaya under the porch, both of you watching the new team of Jacob and Tom chicken fighting Harry and Harrison while Tony, Remy, and Angourie looked on from nearby.
“So I heard that Harry saw something going on earlier. Anything you wanna tell me?” Z mentioned slyly, lowering her sunglasses to eye you.
You groaned and placed your head in your hands.
“Is he really gonna tell everyone?” You managed to ask, wanting to crawl in a hole and hide forever. 
Zendaya had been the first person to confront you about your crush on Tom about two weeks after filming began. She had told you that most of the people on set had a suspicion but were afraid to ask, so ever since then you often confided in her for advice or just to spill tea.
Finally, you sat up and quietly told her what happened, her trying to hype you up occasionally while you instead tried to shush her as not to draw the boys’ attention.
That night, after pizza and drinks with everyone, you prepared to go home, grabbing your bag, keys, and script. You called out a goodbye to everyone still there and waved, heading to the door.
Tom jumped up and followed you.
“Hey, y/n!” you turned around at his voice and could see everyone elbowing each other and whispering in the beackground. He led you out the door and shut it behind him.
“I just wanted to make sure you were alright after today and say I’m sorry if I ever took things too far,” he confessed. Your heart swelled at how sweet and considerate he was.
“Honestly Tom, I could say the same. I’m was afraid you think I’m crazy or something,” you joked, causing a chuckle from both of you and him to shake his head. 
“I could never. You already know how crazy I am, and I think I’ve already seen some of your wild side too,” he shot back.
You both said your goodbyes and went in for a hug. It lasted a few seconds longer than normal, and when you pulled away, he looked down at his feet. Even then, he still waited on the porch for you to get in your car and waved as you pulled away, making sure you got out safe.
It was 5 am Monday morning and you weren’t ready to head to set. 
Your Sunday had been pretty standard, reading over lines in the morning and hanging out with some of your cast mates that afternoon. Once night fell, though, you found it difficult to sleep in fear of the kiss scene. 
Yours and Tom’s Saturday afternoon kept replaying in your head like a Twitter gif until you finally succumbed to exhaustion, dreaming still about a certain celebrity, so you weren’t exactly well rested upon waking.
Once arriving to your trailer at Pinewood Atlanta, you dropped off your things and headed straight to hair and makeup. The scene would be set at night as your character prepared to go to bed, so only a light coating of natural foundation and clear mascara adorned your face and your hair was tied back in two french braids.
You were glad that your makeup was so quick today, but you also didn’t want to leave as dread filled your stomach about the scene.
It was one thing to make out with Tom Holland in the privacy of his own home, but another to plant one on him in front of the cast, crew, and cameras.
You headed to wardrobe, where you got dressed into comfortable black leggings and an oversized midtown sweatshirt. 
You were walking out when Jon, looking down at his phone in hand, almost ran into you, stopping you in your tracks.
“Oh, hey, y/n! Just the person I was looking for. I just wanted to see how you were feeling about this whole kissing scene. Are you ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess,” you laughed, “but really, Tom and I worked through it Saturday so I think it’ll be alright.”
“Right, yeah I heard about that. Harry said you guys were pretty... thorough about the scene. Well anyways, we’ll call you and Tom to set in a little bit. He’s getting in the suit right now. See you later!” Jon walked off, going back to his business on his phone.
You, on the other hand, were frozen in place, mortified. Why did Harry have the need to tell everyone that he caught you locking lips with his brother? It was just research, after all, nothing serious, you tried to convince yourself again.
You of course shouldn’t have been surprised. Leave it to a Holland brother to keep his mouth shut...
You walked onto the bedroom set, where Tom was already present with his back to you, getting some last minute translucent powder over his t-zone. 
His ass and thighs looked exceptionally good in the suit today, the tight material hugging his muscular body nicely. 
You felt a little bad that your costume was literally pajamas and Tom’s was spandex, but hey, you weren’t necessarily complaining. 
You took a deep breath, trying to shake off any “intrusive” thoughts, considering the high you were still riding from Saturday and your nervousness for the shoot. 
When Tom turned around and his eyes met yours, his face lit up.
“Hey, darling. Good morning. How are you? Are you ready?” he immediately began, his chipper voice surprising you considering how early it still was. You both went in for a hug.
“Good morning to you, too. And I think so, considering how well we prepared the other day,” you joked quietly into his shoulder. 
You both pulled away and he had his eyebrows raised in response to your smirk. 
He was about to rebut when Jon made his way over, putting one hand on each of your shoulders. 
“Alright you two. I know you worked things out over the weekend, but you guys are gonna have to hold back a little bit, this may be an intense scene, but not that kind,” he chastised, a hint of mischief in his voice. 
Jon was eyeing both of you, and you and Tom both looked to find each other blushing like mad.
With that as confirmation, Jon clapped his hands together and yelled out for the production team to get in their positions so you could camera test and eventually shoot the scene. 
With everything planned out, you both got into character and found yourself in place to begin. 
The AC held a clap board in front of the camera, waiting for the all clear to begin your take.
“Alright, action,” Jon called over the microphone. 
You walked across the room, stopping in your footsteps. 
“Peter...” you trailed in surprise. 
He pulled off the mask and shook his head, motioning for you to wait and allow him to speak.
He began apologizing, trying to convince your character to give him a second chance and even try to be friends.
Then he started talking about his parents and uncle Ben, causing your face to fall over time as realization that both characters had experienced extreme loss in different ways, his much worse than yours. 
Both of you eventually sat on the side of the bed closely and looked at each other, a sad expression glazing your features. You looked down in thought.
“Are you okay?” Peter asked tentatively.
An overwhelming urge took you over and your lips crashed into his. You had squeezed your eyes shut and put a hand on his shoulder. Peter stiffened like a board, but then kissed back.
Suddenly, you pulled back, eyes wide open. 
“Oh my God. You’re with MJ. I just kissed a taken man. Peter, you just kissed me back!” 
Panic overcame your voice. 
“You have to leave, now!” you exclaimed in your alarmed state.
“Wait, we can talk about this, it wasn’t what you think!”
“Peter, I can’t do this to your girlfriend. She doesn’t deserve this. You need to go, and you should probably give her a heads up about what happened. But please,” your voice was desperate now, “make sure she knows it’s my fault. Make her hate me, not you.”
Parallel to the last scene, Peter went back to your open window, ready to mask up and swing out.
“Cut!” Jon called out again, then asked you to stay in your positions while he came down.
“Guys that was great!” he began upon getting closer. He then gave you both a few notes, explaining that you would need to do the shot a few more times at least to get it really solid. 
After every take, both you (and hopefully Tom) became more comfortable kissing in front of the crew. It took another twenty or so takes with different motivations and movements and angles before Jon called it done.
Both of you suspected that he and everyone else really just wanted you to kiss more, but no one would mention it out loud.
With the scene finished, everyone prepared to film other parts of the movie where Peter would have his mask off and you got to have a few breaks, watching from afar with Harry, Harrison, and some of the other assistants.
Harry leaned over at some point during the afternoon.
“You two really tamed it down, huh?” he whispered. You gave him a backhanded hit to the bicep.
“Oh shut up. We were acting, that’s all.” 
He raised a suspicious eyebrow and leaned in again.
“Tell that to the video Harrison got of you two in the study. He may or may not have set up a camera in the bookcase,” he suggested, glancing over to Tom’s oblivious best friend.
You gasped and straightened up.
“I’ll kill him,” you too looked to Haz, then Harry again, “but after he shows me the footage.”
A long filming day had once again commenced, and you were packing up your bag to head home when a knock was heard on the door of your trailer. 
The distinct rapping pattern alerted you that it was Tom and you opened it up to see him looking down at his phone. 
“Hey, y/n. Ready to walk to the parking lot?” he asked holding out his hand to help you down the steps. 
For a while now, Tom or one of his “assistants” would usually walk with you to your car for safety purposes, especially if it was dark out. 
As you both strolled through the darkness, you couldn’t help but notice the slower pace you both took on, trailing quite a few yards behind Harry and Haz, both of whom laughing at who knew what while going to Tom’s vehicle.
“So I think today went well,” you brought up, not sure where it would go.
“Yeah it was fun. I do have to say, however, that Saturday was a bit more enjoyable than this morning,” he implied, eyeing you.
“Oh yeah? I’d agree, but I hear that your best friend happened to catch it all on video.” 
He huffed and rolled his eyes.
“That voyeur, always ruining the moment. Maybe we oughta try it again sometime, without the threat of others watching,” Tom suggested, surprising you. 
You decided to get bold.
“You’re not even gonna take me out first? The nerve of some people,” you jokingly scoffed, gazing away from Tom at the cars highlighted in moonlight.
“Okay,” he replied, mimicking the way you had looked away when you turned back to face him. There was a faint smile on his lips. 
“I said okay. Let’s go on a date.”
You stopped in your tracks and fully turned towards him and he followed suit. 
“You don’t mean that do you? Like, you actually would take me on a date?”
“If it meant that I could kiss you one more time I would take you on a million dates,” he replied sincerely. 
You couldn’t help the way your jaw dropped in surprise. Both of you stood silently staring at one another, unsure of what to say.
Suddenly, you burst into giggles and he did too.
“That was so cheesy!” you exclaimed between laughs, both of you doubled over, and he nodded in agreement.
After calming down you gave him a toothy grin. 
“The answer is yes, by the way.”
“Really?” he asked incredulously. 
You began walking again, your car just in sight. 
“Of course. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve had a huge crush on you since before we even met,” you confessed. You stopped again, just behind your car bumper.
“Coulda fooled me. I thought I was the one being obvious. I have been attracted to you since the first time we met, and my feelings have only grown since knowing you.”
 You couldn’t help the butterflies erupting in your stomach and your widening smile as you looked up into his eyes.
“You know, I think I could make one exception right now, as long as you’re willing to make it up later?” you proposed, your eyes looking to the moon and stars now as you awaited his reply.
“I think that’s a debt I can handle,” he responded, snaking a hand around your waist and the other up under your chin again. 
He closed the gap between you both and you smiled against his lips, eyes closing in euphoria. 
You could’ve probably stayed there forever, but the hoots and hollers of the other two British boys just across the aisle made you both pull away. 
You looked towards the voices to find Harry and Harrison sticking out of the sunroof of Tom’s Audi A8, where they were still cheering and Harrison was holding up his phone to film. 
Both you and Tom couldn’t help but laugh at the once again unfortunate circumstance as he threw an arm over your shoulder to pull you close and you put one hand on his chest next to where you rested your head. 
Maybe you two were destined to be seen every time you smooched, but hey, at least you were the one kissing Tom Holland. 
A/N: yo this took way too long to write. Mostly bc I’m still in the process of writing starstruck and I always get stuck deciding on which piece to work on every night but alas! It is done! I’m proud of this one. I know it’s long, but I think it’s worth it ya know? Hope you all enjoyed! XO love y’all :)
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thethirdwheel404 · 4 years
Med Series Rewatch (#12)
S3 E12: Born This Way.
Episode description: Dr. Manning and Dr. Choi are faced with a tough decision.
Literally when are they not.
Okay, last episode ended with the first Ava/Connor kiss, so this episode should be a rollercoaster of emotions.
let’s get into it.
- okay, already we’re starting in connor’s apartment, so cue ava walking in bc they slept together?
- i think its hilarious that her casual clothing is.. a flannel. like lmao idk
- it is so unbelievably funny and stupid to have a one night stand with someone you work closely with. i mean come on
- never forget that dr. ava bekker has a fish tank
- this is exhausting. the tentative back and forth is so fucking exhausting
- another bit of evidence. ava is never not confident, and especially not to this extent, and she never follows connor’s lead. so, the fact that she is standing back and waiting for him to make the decision? stupid.
- it screams that she is having a moment of anxiety, which is why she isn’t up to make the decisions in the exchange.
-to be clear: what i’m claiming here is that the only reason ava actually got with connor was bc she was having a moment of anxiety because he was the only person she had built a relationship with after living in this city for six months.
- when connor says that he has plans you can see her fold in on herself. this stems from a place of anxiety
- remember when they did surgery on the panda? that’s when the show peaked
- ava in her lab coat will never not get me. especially with the gloves, running towards a patient (very hot)
- connor still looks kinda looks like a mess but ava is immaculate here like what dude out of your league
- ava asking the family questions (ik this is standard doctor stuff but showing worry, interest, all that jazz)
- okay, see here! here! ava calls connor out, saying that his procedure is too invasive. before, ava’s procedures where invasive, which everyone used as evidence to her being super cold, but now, we see that she purely does what she deems best for the patient at hand
- also, once again, the concern ava feels. you can hear it in her voice. we forget this part of her way too often
- the smile on ava’s face when she gives the family good news. god wept
- and then more concern when connor tells her they need to put him on ecmo
- the reason that ava is frustrated that connor didn’t go with her decision for their patient care is because she truly believes that if they don’t go with her treatment, he will die. don’t make it anything different. don’t argue she’s frustrated because he’s not listening to her. don’t make it anything about their relationship. she puts their patients care first and foremost
- there’s a stark shift in her demeanor when in the room with the parents vs. her alone with connor. in the room, you can see she’s stewing. she’s sucking on her teeth, she’s holding her emotions. she has control, she’s a professional. out of the room, she has full reign to be as mad with connor as she wants, which she does.
- the way ava acknowledges everyone in the room (the nurse just informed them that the drug was running, ava nodded. just a little thing but yk)
- ava shaking her head at this sad, sad man (connor, who is floundering for a solution and misplacing his anger)
- their entire relationship is misplaced anger
- the fact that the last shot of the scene has connor in the foreground looking over the bed and ava watching from the door but ava is the one in focus - some cool cinematography points
- med really went all over the place
- JUST THE AMOUNT OF CONCERN ON AVA’S FACE. im gonna say it again. look me in the eyes and tell this women is a psychopath. the med writers are fucking insane
- and when the parents ask ava if she disagreed with connor’s treatment decision, she has every opportunity (and right, frankly) to throw him under the bus and undermine him. but still, she says “it’s a complicated situation.” like. she never ever makes it personal, or loses her head. especially not to a patient. and she doesn’t have to defend connor. he’s made a lot of mistakes, and taken it out on her a bunch of times. yet she’s still nice to him, when he’s not even in the room
- it’s insane
- this is also the legendary scene where she comforts the family. there’s not a lot that i haven’t already said. this is the scene that most exemplifies ava’s humanity, the way she seems to feel, at least residually, what these parents are going through (since she obviously hasn’t gone through anything like this herself [unless.]). the way she kneels down, and gets on the family’s personal level.
- I... okay listen. I absolutely HATE the parallel they pull her between the line “I believe whenever you do something out of love, it can never really be wrong” and connor. especially because they show him when she says that line. and yeah, there’s obviously a connection that can be drawn between the meaning of that line and her sociopathic behavior in s4 and s5.
- it honestly feels like when writing s4, the writers hit so much of a wall they just googled the most ‘iconic’ ava moments and thought ‘how can i use these in the worst way possible?’ That’s honestly probably what they did (ava’s first interaction with connor - ‘you better watch yourself,’ this moment). There is no nuance to her character in s4. it is astoundingly terrible.
- lets move on
- THE WAY CONNOR LOOKS AT AVA HER MAKES ME FUCKING SCARED. HE HAS NO EMOTION ON HIS FACE. I know that we’ve been screen capping ava throughout this series but can someone find pictures of connor looking at ava bc, i need yall to remember how weird he looks
- like, no shade to connor, but just the emotion is undecipherable, but it is in no way a good one
- ava getting concerned (and looking slightly embarrassed) when she sees connor watching her by the door. obviously yeah she’s gonna feel weird you just caught her in a very uncharacteristic moment, outwardly expressing comfort. fucking back off
- i am so fucking protective of her and i demand he no longer look at her. it’s banned
- sam abrams looking at sarah’s dad’s head ct and asking if he’s a criminal. oh boy 
- from a writer’s perspective, the storyline with sarah’s dad is actually pretty good
- ava ran into the room with gloves and lab coat again, if anybody wanted to know
- for the record, want it to be noted, ava was the one who realized that it was an issue with the machine again, so you could say she fixed connor’s mistake, again. so.
- connor making a big deal about handing the reins over to ava (if he really was selfless he wouldn’t have made a whole big thing, he still has an enormous hero complex)
- handing off control was very hard for him. boo hoo get some fucking humility I think they sell it at walgreens
- sarah fucking walking across the ed like she’s going to war. dramatic
- med really said pedophiles deserve rights with this ep huh
- anyway
- the way ava smiles
- the way she smiles when she turns him down. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT? SHE TURNED HIM DOWN. in the aspect of the story i cannot remember why she turned him down, but hey, i’m happy
- and it only further proves my story that the hook up came from a place of anxiety, and this is her realizing how silly that decision was. and her smiling was her laughing at herself for making such a stupid decision
- like she literally says ‘last night was a mistake.’
- honestly, it’s fucking hilarious. connor deserves nothing
- and the confusion on his face when she walks away. hilarious
- if you wanted to take this the reesker route you could argue that the idea of ‘a decision of love’ was ava coming to terms with her slight little crush, though i don’t know how clean it would be if you argue that she panicked and told herself those were feelings meant for connor. idk, i’ll have to think about it further
- watching sarah let herself be betrayed by both herself and the people around in the story surrounding her dad will never not be hard to watch
This was a very good episode, character wise, for all the reasons stated above. It just hammers home the point of how strong a character Ava was. Key word, of course, being ‘was’. My conclusion over the last two episodes is that this specific sexual encounter with Connor was born out of a moment of anxiety from Ava. I suggest that over that last few weeks or days she has been experiencing some amount of anxiety out of having been living in Chicago for six months and only having one interpersonal relationship. So, that idea kind of built where she told herself the reason she only had one relationship was because she was in love with him. Then. after going through the story with this kid and comforting his parents, she realizes that she never actually loved Connor and maybe has a thing for someone else. I’m glad that I keep coming up with more ideas for this character, I was afraid the initial theory was somewhat of a one-off, but this only proves the idea of the complexity to Ava’s character.
I’m sure it’ll get worse from here, though.
as always, thanks for sticking through
read the rest here:
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Extra
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