#i have a personal rule regarding fiction content
obsessive-dumpling · 1 year
Chapter 395 is the equivalent of moving van lesbians a la Horikoshi.
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myfandomrealitea · 3 months
hi! just asking your opinion on RPF, i’m very very new to the proship/fanfic community and really don’t know how to feel abt it. i haven’t heard anyone’s takes on it so far so i’d love to hear your thoughts!
RPF is just another form of fiction. Its no different to any kind of other fictional literature, fandom space, creative action, ect. The people are, essentially, just characters. You're using them to tell a story.
A lot of people's issue with RPF comes into play because of individuals who ignore the proper etiquette behind RPF and ruin it for everyone. The general concern is that unlike fictional characters, real people are capable of seeing what you create and getting upset, offended or angry over it.
This is where its important to remember the following rules regarding RPF:
Never send RPF to the people whom it concerns, people close to them or people in reasonable contact with them. Personally, even if an actor has said they don't mind RPF about themselves, I wouldn't push it on them. Accepting something's existence isn't always the same as wanting to be invested or involved in it.
Similar to above, make sure you're not tagging them or using searches the person is known to frequent. (E.g; if you're posting ship art, don't tag the people involved.)
Where possible, keep RPF to closed-off websites like AO3 and Tumblr where the people involved would actually have to go looking for it in order to be exposed to it. (Sites like X are next to impossible to actually curate and monitor and are awful for this kind of thing.)
Ensure you are properly tagging and marking your content so in the instance it can't fully be prevented from reaching the person/people, they are explicitly aware of what it is. (Another reason why sites like Tumblr and AO3 are simply the best option.)
Anyone who is famous will be aware that there are people who view them and use their image sexually. Every single famous person knows this. In industries like kpop, even, bromances are actively marketed because they know its lucrative and sought after.
Famous people are also more than aware of how to avoid content they don't want to see. They're aware of sites like AO3 and know once they go there its a lawless (albeit well tagged) wasteland of hardcore smut and the unimaginable. They know if they don't want to see certain things they simply have to stay away from certain platforms, tags, key words, ect.
Famous people aren't helpless little ducklings accidentally stumbling upon twisted non-con fanfic of them and their colleagues on an hourly basis like some people assume.
Although RPF is just another form of fiction is does require a bit more respect, conduct and consideration. That's all.
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skellymom · 6 months
Check out these talented fan ficer's!
PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, AND REBLOG! They don't get engagement without it, and tell them how much you enjoyed their work!
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Ok, for clarity my criteria for CLONE CONTENT:
*Clone main character
*Clone supportive cast characters with a non clone main character
*Clone OC's
*Clones showing up SOMEWHERE significant in the fic. Not just one clone character who is in and out and the rest is non clone characters
Probably the ONLY exceptions that break the other above rules could possibly be the following (and PLEASE feel free to steal these ideas):
*Characters fighting for Clone Rights in the Senate, battlefield, another planet, etc where no physical clones are present, but their story is front row and center.
*Characters interacting in the story regarding the science or cloning actions of ANY of the Clone centered operations like on Kamino or any other planet, Hemlocks clone experimentation, shadowy cabal or Gov Tarkin planning something regarding the Clones, etc. where no physical clones are present, but their story is front row and center.
*I'm cool with ALL CLONE CONTENT TYPES: action packed, slow burn, mundane, clean, comfort, angsty, sad, heart breaking, tragic, cliff hangers, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, lovey-dovey, soothing, happy, domestic relationships, platonic relationships, hot romantic relationships, smut (off all kinds), aromantic, asexual, non-binary/genderfluid/gay/lesbian/bi/omni characters or targeted readers, baby batch, young cadet batch, etc. Your imagination is the limit!
I am allowing some of the "problematic" ships.
I am only one person and cannot know what some people find offensive or not. Yep, it's the interwebs and there are some things that are gonna shock you...probably even shock me. I'll leave it up to you to make those decisions and control your own content consumption.
Thanks for understanding.
*The writer MUST have a visible pinned post of their work at the top of their page! Need to make it easy for those visiting the links to find their work. Also, at this time if they are ONLY on Wattpad or Ao3 WITHOUT a visible Tumblr link (pinned post that is easy to find), I cannot list them. Again, doing this for ease of locating work and available for people primarily on Tumblr.
Also, if you suggest a creator, PLEASE make sure you spelled their Tumblr name correctly. Thanks for understanding!
PLEASE send me some love too! I created this listing to not just help people find creatives, but to PROMOTE MY OWN Tumblr account. So go check out my fics. It's called networking, baby! <3
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arcadekitten · 3 months
Talking about mareggie, my boundaries, and similar things!
Since this seems to be a persistant and at times prevalent issue within my ask box, it seems like a good idea to make a post addressing the questions and concerns brought up to me regarding these. I hope this will help clear up any confusion and also allow me to refer back to it whenever these questions/concerns reappear. Eventually this will be added to my FAQ when I am able to, but for now this post will have to suffice in the meantime!
“I don’t like mareggie or any dynamic involving stalking / obsession and it makes me uncomfortable!” A) Completely alright of you to be uncomfortable, I understand. I try to be inclusive of peoples traumas and put in general warnings in my games of these aforementioned themes. However I do ask you understand that as an autistic individual my special interest lies in the complicated dynamics of my ocs--particularly mareggie being my main special interest of nearly a decade--so my games are going to continue to have these themes regardless if you’re comfortable by them or not. If you know these themes will hurt you, please disengage, block, and curate your online experience. While I’m grateful for everyone’s continued support, I make games that I personally want to put into the world. Please be mindful of this and use your best judgement when interacting with not just my work, but every media you find.
“If you’re alright with stalking and obsessive dynamics then why aren’t you okay with fans of your games making fan content with other dark themes such as incest and pedophilia?” A) My general rule is if I don’t cover a particular dark theme in my own game I wouldn’t want to see anyone in the wild using those themes with my own creations. Exploring one’s trauma of these particular themes in fiction is completely fine on one’s own terms, but I have nothing substantial to add about making fiction of these topics myself. It’s way beyond the mature ratings my games already have and quite frankly I’m just grossed out by depictions of incest and grooming/pedophilia. When I’m ignorant of the nuances of these subjects and grossed out by it, I try to discourage it from it being themes my fans use in fan work, because I also want to avoid re-traumatizing victims of these crimes--some of whom are my friends. I can’t stop anybody from using my creations for these means; everyone’s a person with free will. But I’m allowed to feel hurt and violated if people use this free will to go against my wishes because they just felt entitled to, and feel like defying me is 'sticking it to the man' or whatever. I will not ever change my mind on this, so be aware me directing you to this is your one and final warning. Further pestering will result in blocking.
“Well everyone online is going to be scumbags anyway at some point, so why don’t you just accept that people will do this with your ocs?”
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solar-wing · 6 months
☀️ Omegaverse: Alpha & Omega Biology ☀️
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Hi guys!
I wanted to make this post because I expected that I would need to explain this topic and my reasoning behind it at some point. Many of you have read my Omegaverse fics and have probably guessed correctly that it's my favorite AU or trope to write about.
But, I'm sure many of you have been slightly put off or dissuaded by my tendency to describe the Omega Male Reader with a cunt, wet heat or core, and their Alpha sucking on a 'nub' or playing with a cocklette. I totally get it.
I am a male author who writes for male readers, cis and trans alike. But, I am also someone who in my years has grown to detest labels and gender roles and the silent rules they put on us.
This is why I set up my version of Omegaverse and A/B/O Dynamics on the basis that Omegas have vaginal genitals and Alphas have phallus genitals, regardless of gender. In my eyes, it helps to create a more imaginable and realistic explanation of male pregnancy and pregnancy between two women, which I hope gives inspiration to wlw authors, even though I already know I'm not the first person to use this idea. Not even close.
Also, I just like the chaoticness of it all.
But, I know it can be jarring or off-putting for male readers who may not want to think of their themselves as the readers having a cunt or a pleasure nub. Which, also let me explain that.
Since I write for male readers, and I'm sure some may have an aversion to the terms vagina, pussy, folds, clit, etc., I do my best to steer away from using those words as much as possible. I know 'cunt' is probably not the next best thing but if anyone has suggestions, I'm more than open to hearing them!
But, I also detail the use of cocklettes and twats which may be a little confusing (and weird) to imagine or think about, but it's fiction. We all have weird fantasies, thoughts, ideas, etc.
The cocklette is the male omega's version of a penis. This tiny and often defective organ typically serves no purpose but as a bundle of nerves/pleasure spot for Omegas. A male equivalent of a clit.
Let me be clear; I am a cis-gendered male author. But, as I said, I write for male readers, ALL male readers. Cis, trans, and those are non-binary alike. This is why I typically don't put non-binary or trans in my tags because I'm keeping the reader as a character as ambiguous and open as possible.
The most I put in the tags regarding identity or label is gay so that it reaches more of the audience I want it to reach. That's it.
Also, I'm sure it doesn't help that I mainly write from a submissive point of view. I'm biased toward bottom/sub-male readers, I admit it. And I know there's a growing demand for top/dominant male reader content, but I'm sorry, that is just not my cup of tea.
But, if you don't want to read about yourself having vaginal parts and a cocklette, that is more than okay. That's why I always put a disclaimer in the warnings section of my author's notes if a fic is Omegaverse and include a link to my headcanons. I'm letting you know from jump what's in the fic you're about to read and giving you more than enough opportunity to turn away.
I do write smut that's not Omegaverse as well, plus I have many fics with no smut at all that keep things clean and open for my male readers to imagine themselves in.
This is not shade or me throwing shots at anyone who felt uncomfortable or surprised by it. It's completely valid, and I understand. But, I give plenty of warning and opportunity so there isn't any confusion.
You will likely never see me write an explicit trans male character since that's not part of my identity and I'd rather give that opportunity and shine to the authors who are of that identity. I just write what I like to write, or better yet, what I myself like to read.
The only thing that doesn't change is that my characters, reader or original, are and will always be MALE characters. Even if my Omegaverse characters have vaginal parts and their nipples leak more milk than a pregnant cow, they are MALE characters. Not female. They are boys, men, fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, nephews, boyfriends, husbands, misters, kings, princes, dukes, barons, cowboys, bachelors, fucking dudes, and every other word related in the dictionary. Again, no shade to any female reader I have, but yall know what it is to.
I hope this doesn't discourage anyone and that everyone receives it as I intended it. If you like my fics, please engage more with them and tell me the things you like and want to see more of! If you want more regular smut and less Omegaverse smut, I'm more than happy to comply, just please check my rules first!
Thank you!
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lovemyromance · 2 months
If you're hosting an event in regards to FICTION, then its not about you anymore. A lot of people who are doing elaingaye ship rhysta and they HATE rhysand.
I literally don't care. If I am hosting an event, what content I allow is up to me. If someone doesn't like it, they can host their own event. Nowhere in the rules of ethics or "hosting character weeks on tumblr" does it say you have to be inclusive to every kink, crackship, or headcanon under the sun.
It is up to the discretion of the person hosting the event to decide. The only time that would be an issue, is if I were to host an Elain event that only accepted Elucien, for example, and then I tried to ban everyone else from hosting their own Elriel or Elain x Tarquin event.
I don't see the issue. If I didn't like the content that comes out of Azriel appreciation week, or if they were banning Elriels... then I'd come up with my own Azriel appreciation week that does accept Elriels.
Literally nobody is stopping you from doing that so why are you still standing here claiming you're oppressed? You're not oppressed if you have full freedom to act how you want and you refuse to utilize it. It's not oppression if your "freedom of speech" is harmful to someone else's personal boundaries.
This is not in any which way or form, an official event. And in fact if it WERE an official event, do you really think SJM is going to sit up here and allow people to submit Elain x Beron and Elain x Tamlin art? Y'all don't even respect her writing or her opinions on these characters, why would you respect a character week hosted by her?
And if you wouldn't respect boundaries set by the author, the literal creator of this fictional work, then why would you stand here complaining that one random person with zero authority is hosting an Elain week where you feel excluded by not being able to submit kinky Tamberlain fan art?
Literally nobody is stopping you from tattooing that ship on your forehead, if you'd like. You sitting here screaming at a mod for not allowing certain ships they are against is not for freedom of speech. What are you protecting? Your right to be an asshole to someone under the guise of freedom to ship whatever fictional ship you want?
Get over it. I don't have any sympathy for your cries of false oppression about a fictional character nobody is preventing you from shipping. Go do your thing... just not in this person's backyard.
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glossysoap · 9 months
i write 18+ content so please refrain from interacting with it if you’re a minor. thank you. if you knowingly let minors follow you, do not follow me.
i also write some dark content. i always tag it very thoroughly, so please just heed the warnings and be honest with yourself. if you think it’s too much for you, don’t read it.
it’s your responsibility to curate your own experience and choosing to read something or choosing not to. please refrain from reporting and just block instead. if you’re not 18+ please do not interact with my explicit works in any way.
what i will not write:
scat, underage, bestiality, necro, diapers, race play, forced breeding/pregnancy, tampering with birth control, manipulation into having kids, forced into a poly relationship, introducing someone into the readers relationship without the readers consent (for ex: soap bringing ghost into his relationship with reader w/o readers consent), pregnancy in general/kids because i don’t want kids. if i ever wrote pregnancy it would NEED to involve abortions or the like.
‘controversial’ things i will write: yandere/obsessive characters, age gap (in this case, reader will be at least 25), dads best friend (with reader being at least over 21, never ‘freshly 18’), daddy kink, maybe stepcest.
on occasion i will thirst over real people (where they can’t see). if you have a problem with me thirsting over them please either let me know in a polite way or just soft block.
i have a life. not only does this apply to my update schedule, but this also applies to any and all discourse. do NOT assume that i’m privy to everything going on. i’m most likely not. instead of blocking/softblocking/unfollowing/reporting, inform me of what’s going on. please do it via dms. and do it politely.
if i don’t want to be involved in it, please be understanding as writing and fandom is my escape from my troubles in real life.
i do not condone, and never will condone, threatening violence over fiction. that also applies to telling people to off themselves. it doesn’t matter to me what the fiction is about. grow up and ignore the piece of fiction that you have a problem with, act like the adult you should be acting like.
if you’re a follower/mutual/etc and i find out that you’re supporting someone who has been threatening people or encouraging suicíde, i will block you accordingly or at least soft block you.
i don’t tolerate racist behavior or defending of racists, so if i see that you’ve made racist comments towards poc/regarding poc, ill block and report you. this goes for mutuals as well.
if i see you actively still supporting a racist blog after it’s been brought to your attention that they’re racist, i’ll be soft blocking you/hard blocking you.
note: if you’re 18+, dms are always open! but please keep in mind that personal things/everyday life does get in the way, so i might not respond right away. it doesn’t mean i’m ignoring you, and i will respond when i’m able to. if there’s a family emergency, please be patient. please be patient in general, really. also please keep in mind the time zones.
if any of my followers wish to be mutuals, pls dm me and i’ll most likely follow you back <3
if any of my followers/readers/moots wish to be removed from any of my tag lists, please don’t hesitate to let me know! there’s never any hard feelings! i just know that there’s a 50 tag limit for each post so i want to shorten it to people that still want to be tagged.
this post is subject to change at any time.
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Welcome to Monster Fucker Confessions!
~ This is a place where you may submit anonymous monster related confessions to our ask box.
~ This blog is for adults only, please! No minors!
~ "Confessions" can mean many things here. It can be just thoughts you have on the subject of monsters. It can be sharing your experiences as a monster enthusiast. It can be story ideas and concepts. Really anything goes.
~ "Monster" also can mean many things. I do not gatekeep what counts as a monster. In fact, even confessions that are regarding human fictional characters with "monster vibes" are acceptable. There is no judgement here in regards to the type of monster you enjoy.
~ In addition, confessions submitted here do NOT have to be sexual. They can be sexual, but that isn't a requirement. This is a place for monster enthusiasts of all kinds to freely shout anonymously into the void. Whether you're into monsterfucking, monster-cuddling, or you just think they're neat, you're welcome here.
~ Confessions are added to the queue as they are received. The frequency of the queue is constantly adjusted to insure that posts never wait to long to be posted but also that the queue does not run out too quickly. ~ Posts are not tagged with any sort of warnings. Please browse with caution.
~ Please only follow this blog and submit confessions if you are a legal adult. There is a lot of sexual content on this blog. ~ Please avoid giving any identifiable information in the submission. ~ Do not sign your confession with a username. You may sign it with emojis if you wish. Any confessions that contain a username will be deleted. [New Rule] ~ All confessions will be anonymous. If you submit something without making it anonymous, it will be made anonymous by me when I add it to the queue. [New Rule] ~ Please be kind about the types of monsters others enjoy. Let's stay positive about each other's monster preferences! ~ Website URLs or images are NOT allowed in submissions. They will be deleted instantly and the sender is at risk of being blocked. ~ If you want to submit something that is too long to go in one ask, you may send it in multiple parts. Please be clear that you are doing so by marking them as 1/2, 2/2, etc. ~ ~ Please ONLY do this if the submission is too long to fit in a single message. Doing this for short submissions will result in your submission getting deleted. ~ If you are sending something that is not a confession, such as a question directed towards the person running this blog, please say "not a confession" somewhere in the body of the message. Otherwise, it will be queued with the rest of the confessions and not responded to by the owner of this blog. ~ "Not a confession" type messages should exclusively be about this blog and the running of it. Any "not a confession" messages asking questions that are not directed at the person running this blog will not be posted. ~ "Not a confession" messages will be posted publicly and will not be made anonymous if they are not submitted anonymously. [New Rule] ~ Do not include language that is harmful towards marginalized groups. ~ Do not insult other people's bodies or preferences. It's okay to voice your own dislike for things, but please word it in a way so it is clear that it's your preference and not a statement of fact. Statements such as "__ are gross and disgusting" are not allowed. ~ Do not send threats of violence towards real people. It is understood that some of these fantasies may include violence, but please do not direct it towards a real life person. ~ The owner of this blog is one single human and may miss certain aspects of submissions. If you see a confession that contains harmful or offensive text, please kindly send a message so that the situation may be resolved. Please be clear about what the issue is. Vague messages will not help.
New guidelines will be added as needed.
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pamgkrthwrites · 1 year
Hi! I'm curious about LMK yanderes x reader in a scenario where they have kids, but like after some time passed kids are teenagers and start to date, especially daughters, what would be daddy's reactions? Would reader be able to stop them from making the potential boyfriend dissapear? :3
Wukong, Macaque, Nezha, Red Son, Mk
This took me two days and one church service to finish. My head hurts from the amount of Pepsi I've had.
Support me here
Warning, the following content has disturbing/triggering themes such as; Yandere Themes, Unhealthy/Abusive Relationships, Mentions of past Forced Pregnancy, Stalking, Bodily Harm(Breaking legs), Kidnapping, Burning/Arson, Murder, Mentions the Dugger Family(from 19 Kids and Counting/Counting On), and others. I do not support or encourage these themes or actions, they are merely written fictional events for entertainment. The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 20.
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As I've alluded to this in past posts, Wukong only has children with you so he can have control over you.
But once one of your children starts having a romantic interest?
There's something that snaps inside of him.
He suddenly becomes extremely overprotective of your children, growls are their partners and will tell the love interest he doesn't approve of them dating his baby princess/prince.
If you are able to stop him following after your child while they are on their date, he will be grumbling while you rub his head.
Similar to Wukong, something will snap deep inside of him.
"Your- Your boy/girlfriend?"
Will stalk your child on their date, will stalk the romantic interest back to their him, will learn everything about them.
If he finds out that the partner does anything, even something small like not washing their hands after going to the bathroom, he will tell your child they aren't allowed to date them.
It is extremely hard to get his permission to date any of his children.
It will fly over his head when he first learns of it and does the slowest double-take.
Will be like days later when he's shopping as his smile just drops from his face as he goes "Wait hold on-"
Rushes home(after paying of course), barging into the house with tears in his eyes "MY BABY IS DATING?!"
Is actually rather supportive, just makes sure his baby isn't going to get hurt.
Red Son
Tries his fucking best to keep himself sane.
One the outside, he seems rather cold about the situation. In reality, he has a burning rage regarding.
Better pray for whoever is dating your child cause the moment he even heard his child being upset about something the other did, it's death.
They will go missing, they will be burnt alive, and their teeth will be removed from their body.
"Sorrows sorrows prayers."
I don't think Nezha will ever be ready for any of their children to have a romantic life. Emotionally, anyway.
I think Nezha would have a rule where their children aren't allowed to date until their coming-of-age ceremonies(Apparently it's called The Guan Li for men and Ji Li for women and from what I can tell the ages are between 15-20).
Are you aware of the Dugger family? If you are, you might be aware that the father has a quiz the would-be sons-in-law have to do before they can date his daughters. I feel as if Nezha would do this too. However, if there is even one answer he doesn't like then it's a no.
Nezha will insist on sitting through all the dates to make sure their little lotus is safe and happy.
Unlike the others on this list though, if the child expresses to Nezha that they really do like the person and want to date them, Nezha is going to let go and let them date. They watch from afar and make sure their child is safe, but they will let their Lotus bloom.
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
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candy // 26 // she/her // fiction writer
this blog is now an archive, the owner of this account no longer accesses this blog, monitors asks or creates new works.
click here for my fic masterlist navigation // click here for my list of personal favourite fics by other writers // click read more for some rules/warnings before you choose to delve in.
i do not give permission to copy, steal or repost my works on any other platform. i do not give permission to feed my work into AI systems. please support my work with reblogs and likes. Copyright @usedtobecooler
it’s been a little over a year since i made this post, and now more than ever i felt like it was time to update it for new and old followers alike :)
18+ only on my account please, i shouldn’t have to reiterate this constantly. as an adult this is my safe space for consumption of nsfw content, this is not a place for children. if you’re over 18 please put your age in your bio, as any ageless blogs will be blocked.
your media consumption is not my responsibility, everything you read on my blog is a work of fiction and doesn't imitate real life.
whilst we're on that topic your triggers are not my responsibility either, if you choose to ignore the warnings on my works before reading them that's on you. this is a safe space for all adults and i will try to include any and all triggers i can think of in my warning section, if i miss any you think i should add please tell me so i can edit it.
i am lewd and crude and i will never apologise for that, venturing onto my blog means you will see consistent nsfw posts by myself and other creators. i am not responsible for any of the posts you may see me reblog whilst you’re scrolling out in public, at work, school or anything similar.
my anons are turned on for followers who do not feel comfortable revealing their identities but still would like to converse with me. do not abuse my anon button by sending me hate messages, hate will be deleted and the person sending it will be blocked from my account.
on that same note please do not come to my inbox with drama regarding anything i am not involved in. same goes for trashing other writers or fics — we don’t do that around here.
i think that's it for now! enjoy your time snooping around here, if you go to my favourites tag you will see some incredible works by the most amazing writers, please go give them some love they so deserve it!
lots of love. candy.
(dividers by the incredibly talented @firefly-graphics)
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leaf-goes-rabid · 2 months
hi! i am sending this question with a genuine desire to understand, not to harass. regarding your "being antiship isn't punk" post: while i am absolutely against censorship, isn't there genuinely content out there that should not be shared (ie. propaganda, misinformation, etc)? and, if so, where does the censorship line between that kind of content and things like proshipping, etc, lie? or is it your opinion that any censorship, even of genuinely harmful content (meaning outright propaganda, stuff that would truly harm if seen and believed) is not right? again, all of this is genuinely me wanting to understand. thank you for your time and any information you can provide on the subject! /gen
I think it’s important first to recognise the history of censorship being centred around the silencing of minorities and marginalised groups.
It’s also incredibly important to protect marginalised people from actively harmful hate speech and propaganda by appropriately setting rules in place regarding this.
Propaganda itself is used to censor minority and marginalised groups as having these voices shut down leads to the flourishing of hate speech and propaganda. I believe there needs to be a structure in place for education surrounding people who are posting and engaging with hate speech and propaganda. However, censorship is not the same as the debunking of and breaking down of right wing talking points.
This is honestly a tough question to answer and requires a lot more research for myself to do, before I can honestly feel confident enough in my opinion. For now, I’m unfortunately on the fence and vaguely peaking over at both sides of the coin here.
But regarding the line between proshipping and harmful content:
Proshipping (or ship and let ship / don’t like don’t read) is built around engaging with fiction. And doesn’t support the harm of real beings. So I believe there’s a pretty stark line between proshipping/profiction content and harmful media.
Thank you for opening up this discussion, I’m also open to hearing more from you if you have something to voice regarding this.
(I'd also like to apologise for not providing sources currently, I'm in the midst of a very busy week and have little ability to pour through articles for personal reasons. As in the original post I believe you're referencing, Fox lays out the line between fiction and real harmful material and provides some references. I'll provide the link again: here)
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sanemisstalker · 1 year
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Hi hi! Requests Are : ON HIATUS!
I'm Sanemisstalker! I'm 20, and a (predominantly) KNY (Demon Slayer) smut blog.
To interact with my content, you must be 18+, as the majority of my writing is kink related in some way! I'm fully supportive of minors having safe spaces in online fandoms- but I cannot be that space provider.
What Do I Do?
I am specifically a kink/fetish oriented writer who really likes to focus on character! (Aren't we all?)
I write more bizarre/extreme sexual fantasies people might have with certain characters while, hopefully, not butchering said characters in the process.
Some sexual practices are better practiced fictionally or solo, and I've always been interested in providing said fiction. If it keeps you horny and safe, I've done my job!
I love all the hashira and upper moons, but I have some particular soft spots for Sanemi, Douma, and Shinobu. I'm always most excited to write about them!
W.I.P - I only tag my personal works! anything I've written for a character will be tagged as #(character name) smut. I'm adjusting to the tumblr app format, so please give me time to make a proper masterlist.
Rules :
-You must be 18+ to submit an ask.
-Anything goes. If I'm not comfortable, i will simply ignore/delete the ask! You will not be posted, as I have no grounds to clown you when i'm writing KNY porn in my free time.
What won't I write?
☆I won't write for Tanjiro's Crew, Genya, or Muichiro. No judgement, they're just not my favourites.
☆Race Specific asks - As a white person, I do not have the background to accurately portay a sexual situation regarding traits exclusive to POC.
However, my stories intentionally do not mention anything referring to skin tone or imply any ethnic background aside from the setting they are placed in. (If they do, please tell me so I can change it immediately.)
☆Incest, this is just a personal thing. I have no judgement, just an unpleasant past with the subject. If I mention a character having a thing for this, It will likely not be elaborated on.
☆Scat, once again, no judgement, It's just one of my hard limits. It's hard to romanticize for me personally, and my writing wouldn't have my heart behind it.
☆Characters being parents- I am not fond of pregnancy, and would much rather just write about fucking with no long term consequences.
☆This is subject to change, and can be updated accordingly☆
Content Warnings
Any posts I make will usually have a CW/TW explicitly before the writing. It will usually be in Bold, or a different color from the rest of the post to identify it.
CW// ->
I tag based on what I know to be common triggers, and will not tag for certain triggers such given their existence is implied by the setting/story in general.
For ex. I will not tag a post about demon slayer with 'blade use', as it's directly implied by the setting of demon slayer that there will be blades present in some capacity. I will not tag 'cum swapping with the hashira' with -gratuitous cum- etc. etc.
However, I will always tag for SA, which will be reffered to as Non-con/Dub-con, and for Gore, regardless of how lightly either is treated. If you believe I missed an important trigger, please let me know. I write in a flurry, and do not spell check nor proof read.
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shalotttower · 10 months
📚 Remember that everything you're reading here is entertainment fiction, and not real.
📜 Masterlist, AO3
🖋️ Content Focus:
✨Despair and sadness ✨
My favourite flavour of horror, which is angst horror. Emotional anguish, loss of identity, the feeling of powerlessness and all that. I'm not even doing it on purpose, it just turns out this way ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
- Yandere fiction
- Dark fantasy
- Psychological thriller
- Dark romance
- Dark Soulmate AUs
- Female reader x Male character
🔞 Viewer Discretion: Please note that the content on this blog is intended for audiences aged 18 and above. Some posts may contain mature themes, violence, dubious consent and explicit content. Viewer discretion is advised.
📚 Fandoms:
- Far Cry 5 (Joseph Seed, John Seed, Jacob Seed)
- Death Note (L Lawliet)
- Slashers (Michael Myers, Brahms Heelshire, Billy Lenz, Booba Sawyer, Asa Emory, Pinhead, Candyman)
- Hunter x Hunter (Chrollo Lucilfer, Illumi)
- Resident Evil Village (Lady Dimitrescu)
- Original works
- BTD, TPOF (Ren Hana/The Announcer/Fox, Lawrence Oleander)
- Hannibal NBC (Hannibal)
📝 Submission Guidelines:
- Requests are open to short 1-2 sentences prompts. Don't make it too detailed, please. Long and too detailed requests will be deleted. I reserve the right to accept or decline a request based on my comfort level and availability.
- If you're leaving a request, please start it with "hello" at least. It makes me feel a little bit better and being nice hasn't killed anyone yet, even on the internet.
- I will not write nsfw requests, rough non-con, underage characters, necrophilia, water sports and related.
🚫 Rules:
- Do not repost my content without credits; reblogs though are loved and appreciated!
- Minors' blogs DNI, ageless blogs DNI, I'll block you if I spot you.
- If you regard writers as your personal entertainment monkeys, please don't approach me, I'll block you.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Have a nice day!
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akegome · 2 months
No offense and I mean this nicely as a P-roshipper ;;
If you have Pro-ship / Pro-fic DNI in your rules and then you choose to follow me knowing that I’m a Pro-ship / Pro-fic writer, why are you going against your own personal boundaries to interact with someone who clearly disagrees with your feelings, opinions, etc. in regards to shipping and fictional topics? I don’t understand why you, an A/nti-shipper, would want anything to do with someone who’s clearly not the type of person you want to share a space with. If you’re going to make complaints about dark fiction but interact with me, someone who writes (for example) d/ubcon-n/oncon, then you’re likely not going to be comfortable at all with the content presented on a large majority of my blogs. If you’re going to follow me, then make sure you’re aware and read my guidelines not once but twice before interacting. With that being said, I’ll interact with anyone regardless of stance on “shipping” but I’m not exactly sure what you want me to do or say when you purposefully follow me knowing what you’re getting into.
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meowmansion · 11 months
My Newly Proposed Pro-ship Flag!
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PS: Sorry if the image ID is bad. I don't write them much... /lh
This flag is called the "deviate flag," or "deviant [proship] flag."
A new emoji code I have made to fit this flag is 🌤️🦋.
More below the cut ^^ (Warning: long post!)
I made these flags because, to be honest, I don't connect with any other proship flags. I do like quite a lot of the flags, but I could never find one with a message I connected to the point I'd use the flag.
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The meanings of the colours on the flag are as follows:
Dark green = Maturity & responsibility
Green = Creativity
Light green = Anti-abuse
Cream = The proship community as whole
Light brown = Respect for trauma survivors and those who use dark tropes in fiction to cope
Brown = Respect for artists in minorites
Dark brown = Respect for fandom history
I also chose natural colours because I thought it was a nice change of pace from all the cutesy-coloured flags! (Nothing wrong with cute, bright, colorful flags, though! I just don't personally prefer them.)
The emoji code (🌤️🦋) itself doesn't have a real meaning, I just thought it was cute.
However, over time, I've started to interpret it as this:
The sun and cloud (🌤️) represents how something so important could be hidden by something, but still exist. This is relevant because it's become apparent that modern fandom has been forgetting about early fandom culture and rules, even though these things haven't died in any way.
The butterfly (🦋) represents how one could start off as something sometimes seen as "weird" (referencing the caterpillar) only to turn into something seen as beautiful. This is relevant because I personally like to see it as how, in a lot of stories I've heard, many proshippers felt much happier and safer when they joined proship spaces (and left antiship spaces, if applicable).
The reason I chose to call it the "deviant (proship) flag" is because when I think of someone who is proship, I think of someone who is "deviant" (positive connotations) in what content they consume and create. I also think of someone who is responsible in the actions they take to share their art and interests, and has a maturity that is earned through being this sort of "deviant."
However, this flag recognizes not every proship person consumes "taboo" or "dark" content.
I have no real rules regarding this flag, just use it like you would a normal flag. Edits of this flag are allowed, and credit is appreciated but not necessary.
Feedback from fellow "proshippers" is encouraged ^^
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[Image ID: A rectangular box with vibrant pink and purple colours with flower and paw print patterns in the background. White text at the top reads: "Anyone can use our terms, recoining is not necessary." White text at the bottom reads: "Flags may not be used by radqueers, sysmeds, T.R.A.S.H., or anyone whose beliefs go against the flag's general purpose." End ID]
(Edit Oct 29, 2023: Added the box thingie bc I forgot it!! Lol)
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mouseymilkovich · 2 months
blog rules !
the biggest and most obvious is MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. minors are absolutely not welcome on my blog, it's 18+ only. — (i don't care if you're 17 and gonna be 18 in a week. you're still a minor for a week. respect my rules or get blocked, that simple.)
i do not give consent for my works to be published on other sites by other people. my work is only published on my tumblr, if you see it posted elsewhere please let me know!
i kindly ask that you respect my pronouns and identity ! i'm nonbinary (sorta fem aligned) and use they/she pronouns (boundaries regarding gendered terms in my about)
i also kindly ask that you understand my writing may look a little wonky or odd sometimes cus i have dyslexia (i'm also canadian so i just spell some things weird)
bigots dni (racist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemetic, etc)
i'm also just a person running this silly little blog to make myself happy, but i am a real human being with a job and a life outside of tumblr so i may not always be as active as i'd like to be, don't be offended if any of my responses take a little longer
requesting rules !
i obviously reserve the right to deny any requests i'm uncomfortable with
i will not write canonical mlm or wlw characters in a mlw situation (ie i will not write ian x a female reader, or debbie x a male reader)
i will not write real people, fictional characters or fictional reps of real people only (ie i may thirst over jeremy allen white, but i wouldn't write an x reader with him. i would write his portrayal of kerry von erich, however!)
please try to give me a character (or characters) + an idea of you want or else i might not know what to do with it 💔
i probably won't write anything high school related unless it's a flashback, that just doesn't really itch my brain that much soz
i do not write cnc or dubcon (somnophilia is the exception). sorry if you're into that but it's not my cup of tea, and i do not wanna potentially trigger my audience with that kind of content!
be. patient. my motivation fluctuates, my brainrot and brain worms fluctuate. i also try to do things in order!!
"who can i request?" good question! here are who i take reqs for —
shameless ; fiona (wlw only), lip, ian (mlm only), debbie (wlw only), carl, mickey (mlm only), mandy, sandy (wlw only), kev, v
shameless ships ; mlm gallavich (mlm only), mlw gallavich, wlw gallavich (wlw only), veronikev, viona (wlw only)
the bear ; carmy, luca, marcus, nat/sugar, richie, sydney
the bear ships ; carmluca, sydluca, sydrichie (i apologize to my sydcarmy friends, i'm a platonic only sydcarmy person 😭)
crossover ships ; carmandy (carmy & mandy), gallzatto (lip & carmy), sydlip (sydney & lip)
"i wanna be tagged in a fic or au!"
fill out this form!
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