#i have big emotions about the steph and her brother in law what can i sAY
slautertm · 6 months
this is something that is SO important to me but out of everyone in the spankoffski family, steph is the most nervous to meet ted. regardless of if pete has just talked a lot about ted or explicitly has told her how much his big bro means to him, the pressure is ON and even after first meeting ted she continues to put it on herself to keep up the hopefully good impression. and will even as she spends more time at the spankoffski's has some minor worries about it for the rest of time, even as time passes.
regardless of the verse, steph always gives ted a bottle of something from her ( aka her dad's ) liquor cabinet both as part of holiday gifts as well as whenever she stays with ted and emma as just a thank you ( though post nerdy prudes bonus it's probably more expensive nice shit because oh does she have a lot of it and is trying not to let herself overindulge in drinking it even if she wants to so ted is given BOTTLES of expensive ass hard liquor ). when she finally moves out and can't do that she does in fact just get him time and time again different things she knows to be good chasers- tonic water. fucking grenadine. sodas. juice. whatever until she turns 21.
in verses in which she stays with ted and emma long term, for whatever reason, i do think steph opens up to ted a lot about what her own house was like and her family life ( which as we know is pretty much non-existent ) during the wildest times--- but there's always an attempt to course correct with a "and this is why i'm thanking you for letting me stay and would like to either pay rent or get groceries or something" and then a joke to deflect but she does outright say a lot of her shit to him. so i'm sorry now tedward.
the minute temma gets their Dog or has kids you know who is the FIRST PERSON to offer babysitting or dog sitting? it's steph. is she confident in her skills with Child? no. but she would love to even give emma and ted a break for a second so they can do fun like a date or something? absolutely. and she actually in a great aunt and babysitter. and i have said it once and will say it again, but seeing temma with their kid makes steph have a moment of oh wait. maybe i want to be a mom one day.
bonus number five because i am so late on this : ted is steph's go to person to call in most time. car broke down? call ted. in the hospital? call ted. and etc. yes. she does text pete and emma ( or call pete depending on if it's something she needs to explain so to not cause Anxiety ) but ted more often than not is her first go to call or reach out.
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hyunrun · 4 years
Dream SMP/Batfam
This is my reasoning for connections between Dream SMP members and the Bats. This was all just for fun, but feel free to give feedback if you’d like! And do say if I’ve made a mistake. I haven’t done everyone, so if there’s anyone else you’d like me to do, lemme know! Please read, I spent a good while on this :D
Batman (Bruce Wayne)/Technoblade: Technoblade's Dream SMP origin story starts with his parents dying, so the backstory fits. He swears to kill all orphans because of the way they killed his parents (Similar to the way Bruce wanted to stop crime from running rampant in Gotham). Techno is also, technically, an orphan as Bruce was. I've always imagined Bruce's voice to be kinda like Techno's, especially that monotone tone he uses, and especially when he's Batman and not Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne is -Bat-man and Technoblade is a pig, need I elaborate? Both of them seem to stay up till ungodly times of the day, and I'm sure their sleep schedules are never on the same clock as anyone else's, Bruce's because of his vigilante lifestyle and Techno because... well, he's a Minecraft YouTuber. Both of them have a father figure, although not biological. They also have a friendly rivalry with a fellow content creator/hero (Cough Dream/Superman cough). We say Dick/Wilbur is dramatic, but you can't possibly mean to tell me Batman/Technoblade isn’t subtly more dramatic. They practically invented being dramatic in their respective businesses.
Alfred Pennyworth/Philza Minecraft: Is the father figure to Batman/Technoblade. Is really a force of chaos but everyone pictures them as a soft, loving dad because we all have parental issues and we need more father figures. Both of them are very badass in their own ways. Old and British. Here's a parallel I thought was pretty cool. Philza had been building up his hardcore world for 5 years before he died. It was like his home disappeared in front of his eyes as he fell away from his life. I'm not sure which continuity/arc this is from (Please do not hate on me, I am but a small child) bUT I do know that Alfred died of a heart attack/stroke at the same time the Wayne Manor was destroyed. His home was destroyed as he died. Just as Philza's had been.
Damian Wayne/TommyInnit: Is never really loved by anyone at first glance (From the fandoms). Tommy's the loud, annoying one, Damian's the grouchy, haughty one. But everyone eventually gravitates towards their characters later on. Their families were wary of them at first but grew to love them. Both of them are the youngest, and generally angriest child. Both are not American, Tommy being British and Damian, Arabic. They both have ICONIC mothers. MotherInnit is a queen, we all know this. If she can handle Tommy, she can handle absolutely anything. Talia Al Ghul has a reputation of her own right, and while she hasn't quite the pristine repertoire, she definitely strikes a strong mark on people. Now, this is a dumb connection between the two, but hair!! Tommy’s seems nice and floofy while Damian's is generally drawn spiky, and I think that's a cool contrast. Their love for pets is also important to note. Tommy's the one that's known for starting wars over the deaths of his pets, and it's easy to know that Damian wouldn't hesitate to hurt someone if they did anything to Titus or Batcow. It’s been shown on multiple occasions that he loves his pets a lot.
Jon Kent/Tubbo_: Best friends with Tommy/Damian. Do not try to argue that Jon and Damian aren't best friends because come onnn. And PLEASE do not take this as a dumb excuse to ship Tommy and Tubbo, as I know people ship Dami and Jon. Both are the embodiment of chaos wrapped in kindness, and both are definitely the more stable of their friendship with the other gremlin children. I am confident that both would probably refer to their parents as mother and father dearest. You cannot convince me otherwise. Tubbo has already done so, and Jon would never disrespect his parents, so this would obviously be the next best alternative for when he is upset by them. Jon’s powers fluctuate upon shifts in emotion and he can’t really control his powers, like the shifting of Tubbo’s alter egos. We never know when Toob or Big Law will creep out of the shadows.
Dick Grayson/Wilbur Soot: (Second) most dramatic in the family, though perceived as the drama queen because of their boisterous personalities. The one that was probably a theatre kid in school. The lighthearted one that keeps everyone cheerful, but also the one with the easiest path to a horrid descent into madness. They have a flair for drama, the glitter and sparkles to Batman/Technoblade’s sombre smoke and haze, which is why they work together so well. The closest family member to Tommy/Damian. Their little brother/big brother dynamics are just impeccable. Both are the most simped for by their respective fanbases (from what I’ve seen). The token pretty boys. Both artistically talented in different ways, with Wilbur’s music and Dick’s acrobatic skills. Also the ones that get constantly shipped with every woman they literally even look at. They also express their dramatic tendencies through their clothes, Dick with his jazzy Discowing suit and Wilbur’s dramatic L’manburg outfit.
Superman/Dream: The OP gods, need I say more? Friendly rivals with Technoblade/Batman. Very often perceived as ‘Perfect’ which they are not, but many refuse to accept that. A funny parallel I drew was the fact that both of them are famous in their own rights, but can just walk around and not get recognised despite millions of people knowing their online/superhero identities. Both are technically not human.
Stephanie (Batgirl/Spoiler)/Sapnap: Both of their names start with S! Not my only reasoning, but I’ll take it into account anyway. Both are basic looking in my head (Blue eyes blonde hair for Steph?? There’s at least 3 other girls that look EXACTLY like her in the nearby DC universes. And Sapnap blends in with every other white boy, though I love him regardless.) but both also have immaculate personalities to make up for it. They’re the most normal people out of all their co-streamers/superheroes in my eyes, also my favourites. (I didn’t realise as I put them together that I loved them most but here we are). They’re both great at dumb banter. They don’t have huge, hilarious bits often or any constant jokes that are pulled on time and time again, but their general atmosphere makes everything seem like a joke. They may not be the best at what they do in their friend groups but are actually really good nonetheless and do not get due credit for their effort and talent sometimes. Has a warring relationship with Damian/Tommy (Sapnap over the pets and Steph and Dami didn’t have the most friendly relationship at the start)
Jason/BBH- Same but opposite but same. Exists to cause chaos. I wouldn’t have associated these two with each other till the Badlands became a thing… but then the Badlands became a thing and I had to. Now, I know that technically Bad doesn’t have a grudge against Techno, but Jason would totally set up a whole empire just to mess with Bruce’s plans, just to get in the way, to instigate, to fan the flames of the fire till he’s driven Bruce to his breaking point. Bad isn’t exactly trying to do that, but he’s only around for the chaos. He’s only here for his own benefit, and he’s only here for that because of the hurt caused to him by the nation he came from. A parallel being Jason causing havoc because of the pain Bruce caused him. Besides, both have a cool red and black colour scheme, and both wear jacket!! Both are also technically not alive (If we're considering BBH as a demon).
Roy Harper/Skeppy: I have absolutely no explanation for this, but it just Fits. Besides, they have cool opposing colour schemes and are best friends with BBH/Jason!!
Aaaand last but not least
Jason/Technoblade: Now you must be thinking But Kaly you already spoke about them! And yes, I did, and they do go really well with their respective characters but I couldn’t simply ignore the connection between these two, so I thought I might as well write about it. Technoblade was an English major (If I remember correctly) before he dropped out to pursue his youtube career. Jason, though this may not be a well-known fact, was a definite literature nerd at school before he met his demise. Their cut off education in English is an interesting parallel to me. Both of them also have destructive tendencies, with Technoblade being an anarchist and Jason periodically running an underground empire to make sure he can do whatever the hell he wants to. They don’t generally care who they hurt on their way to reach their end goal. Jason’s reckless shooting and killing clearly shows this, as he continuously justifies his actions by saying he’s ending crime rather than just making it wait in line for its turn to pop up again, while Technoblade’s release of the withers and excessive use of his firework crossbow clearly shows that the deaths of the residents of L’manburg do not matter to him as long as he abolishes the government.
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becausewerebatfam · 6 years
Age Matters (2)
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Damian Wayne x Reader
Damian falls in love with an older woman.
Warning: Talks about age when it comes to relationships. Not at all inappropriate. Maybe some suggestive content.
[ Master List ]
"Father, what are your thoughts on courting an older woman?”
Bruce turned away from the Batcomputer almost instantly. Damian always seemed emotionally closed off, he had worried he would never care for anyone but himself. The question thankfully brought some peace of mind. “Age does not matter as long as both of you are responsible adults.” Of course, he also began thinking, calculating if you will, who could have caught Damian’s eye. To his very accurate knowledge, his son had never been in a relationship.
Damian nodded acknowledging his father’s response. He was nineteen now, only months away from his twentieth birthday. He was able to do just about anything with the exception of consuming alcohol but he had no desire to drink it anyway.
It wasn’t too surprising to hear he was interested in someone older. Having been raised like an adult by Talia made him mature for his age. Bruce figured the woman had to match Damian’s mental age, with a tough personality that could handle Damian’s. A name came to mind, “Are you seeing someone?”
“Not yet, soon.”
If he was right Bruce knew he had to give his son a warning. “It can be difficult to mix work and romance.”
Damian wasn’t the least bit worried about that or the fact that his father seemed to know it was you he was referring to. 
After your incident with Owlman Damian went back to his usual self around you. He didn’t want you to push him away or distance yourself further. He wanted to be there for you when you needed help. Even if it hurt, he assured you his feelings had gone away. It all seemed to work because soon you were back to your usual self. You visited the tower again, confided in him, and once again he was the first person you called when you needed help.
Feigning to forget you was much harder. Especially when he had to see you with Roy. Yeah, you dated Roy Harper and he blamed Jason for it. Even if you two didn’t last long the jealousy he felt was overwhelming. If he was able to handle that he knew he could handle this. “I can handle it.”  
The manor was quiet allowing Damian to hear the light footsteps that quickly approached his bedroom door. He opened it just in time for you to bump into him. Your face hit his chest reminding you that you had one less thing you could tease him about. He was now taller than you and made of bricks apparently because the impact was strong enough to send you falling onto your ass. “God, Damian!” You pinched the bridge of your nose hoping no blood would come from it. “Are you trying to become a wall?” you laughed seeing his disdain. 
“I was going to apologize but you can forget it now.”
“You? Apologize?” you asked incredulously. Your right hand extended out towards him, “a little help?”
Damian rolled his eyes but helped you up nonetheless. “Why are you sneaking up here?”
“I wasn’t sneaking.” You were but you weren’t going to admit it now that you had failed. “I was just looking for you.” You walked in taking a look around his room noting all the new paintings he had brought back from the tower. “I heard you finally came back and left Jon in charge of the Titans.”
His lips curved up slightly seeing you walk into his room unlike at the tower where you would awkwardly stand at the door.
“I also heard you broke some hearts this last year.” Jon had told you everything about Raven’s crush on Damian and how oblivious he was to it. What surprised you most was his anticlimactic response to the kiss she had given him right before he left. Although Jon didn’t disclose his words to you he said Damian had other things on his mind. Whatever it was you were relieved Damian had experienced teenage love.  
“Tt,” Damian cursed Jon’s big mouth. “That kid-”
Although you hated to admit it, a part of you was also jealous. He had really gotten over you but all you had been doing was thinking of him. You tried your best to forget what Damian said, even going as far as dating Roy, but it stuck with you. “W-why did you reject her?”
Your stutter didn’t go unnoticed. Damian began to examine your expression but you turned your back to him wanting to hide the fact that you were biting your lower lip. He smirked suddenly feeling very in control, “Why are you so interested?” 
“I’m not!” you huffed. Trying to compose yourself from the outburst was hard. Your heart was racing and you knew why...you couldn’t deny it. This had solidified your assumption, you loved Damian. “I just...” you trailed off unsure of what to say.
While your heart raced your cheeks began to change color. Damian eyed you remembering his own actions when you would speak of Roy. “Just what?” He began to hope you were jealous as well. 
You couldn’t handle being alone with him any longer. “Sorry, I know it’s none of my business.” You smiled your usual smile trying to put the awkwardness behind you. This was a special day for Damian. Not only did he come back to the manor with the intention of taking over as Batman but he was also reaching a new milestone. You didn’t want to ruin it with your unwanted emotions. “Can you come with me?” You pulled him by the arm knowing everyone was waiting for you to bring him down. 
Upon entering the Batcave Damian was attacked by colorful confetti.  “What the-” Damian growled at Tim who had thrown the colorful pieces of paper a little too enthusiastically at his face.
“Happy Birthday!” 
Tim laughed feeling a lot better about having to wait so long for you to get him. “You’re right Jason, that was fun.”
Dick charged at Damian hugging him tightly. “My Dami’s all grown up!” He felt more like a father than a brother at that moment. His little sparing partner who fought for the cowl was finally going to wear it.
Damian had lost count of how many times he had said that over the years. “Grayson get off of me!” He struggled to push the older male away as another arm was wrapped around his shoulders.  “Welcome to adulthood kid, let’s go get you a drink.”
“He has to be twenty-one Jason!”
“I know a place that-”
Bruce cleared his throat making everyone turn and note his entrance. “There will be no underage drinking.” He was accompanied by Alfred and Steph who was carrying a birthday cake with Damian’s name on it.
“Sorry I’m late-” Jon flew in at full speed in a fit of laughter when he saw the group hug situation going on with Damian. “Can I join too?” he asked even though his arms were already open.
“What are you doing here Kent?” Now Damian really was stuck in place. “Don’t you have work to do?” Even though he was scowling Jon knew Damian appreciated when people remembered his birthday. “Aww, I love you too buddy.” It had only been a week since Damian moved out of the Tower but Jon already missed him.
Both you and Steph couldn’t resist taking a picture of the moment. “Bruce, Alfred...” you guided the two of them closer to the action. No one could forget about the two most important men of Wayne Manor.
“Tim get in there!” Steph pushed him towards the group but Tim didn’t hug him. There was no more Damian to go around and he was fine with it. He simply stretched his hand out to poke his bicep. “Happy?”
Damian sighed as the picture was taken. Here he was thinking everyone would finally start treating him like an adult instead he’s being coddled more than ever. Once everyone finally let go he went straight to you. “You are to blame for this.”
You giggled, “guilty as charged.” The bright smile a result of having pulled off the surprise. “I know your birthday isn’t until tomorrow but this was the only way to surprise you.” It was always your wish to get the drop on him. “I know how much you hate surprises.”
Damian silently scowled not wanting to admit defeat.
“Can we go now?” Jason asked and immediately Tim, Dick, and Jon got into one of Bruce’s luxury vehicles. The driver’s seat was left empty for Damian knowing how much he loved to drive. “Hope he doesn’t kill us before our own birthdays,” Tim commented securing his seatbelt.
“Come on kid while the night is young.” Jason opted to drive his bike, luxury cars were too small to accommodate his stature. 
Damian looked to you for an answer. 
“Tonight the city is being looked after by Gotham’s finest female vigilantes while the young master Wayne celebrates his twentieth birthday Jason Todd style.” Your response sounded scripted because it was. Jason only agreed to sit through the surprise part if you said those words exactly. “Whatever that means.”
“What?” His eyes narrowed in a way that told you he was not very fond of the surprise and was about ready to kill you. 
“Don’t worry Jon’s a minor so it can’t be too bad.” When Jason revved his bike you sensed how excited he was for tonight. Genuine worry settled in. Even though you explained numerous times that Damian turned twenty not twenty-one it was possible he would break some laws.
Damian immediately caught the doubt in your eyes. “Even you don’t believe that.” Your shaky sigh confirmed it. Both of you knew Jason had a way around everything.
“Please take care of Jon for me.” In your eyes, Jon was like a sweet, innocent, little brother who needed protecting from the world or in this case Jason Todd.
Damian thought about the situation at hand, "On one condition.”
“What condition?”
Damian leaned in closely to whisper in your ear, “Don’t go home tonight.”
Chills ran up and down your spine when you felt his lips ghost over the shell of your ear. His voice was huskier and lower than usual making it sound like there was a hidden meaning to his words. You quickly dismissed it until you felt his lips press against your temporomandibular joint. “Wha-” you pulled back, wide-eyed, to see him smirking.
He had felt your uneasy heartbeat at that moment when his lips came into contact with your skin. There was so much he wanted to say and do but for now, that was enough to get him through whatever Jason had planned. “You owe me that,” he left not letting you protest further. If you had anything to say to him then you would have to wait for him to get back.
Frozen, you stood. The person walking away from you wasn’t your Dami it was Damian Wayne.
Steph and Alfred were long gone, putting away the intact cake knowing Jason will be back for his half for sure. The guys were all so excited, they didn’t see or hear you two. Only Bruce noticed but thought nothing of it already knowing it was you who Damian spoke about all those months ago.
When Damian got back he found you waiting for him in his room. You had been pacing back and forth, arms crossed, waiting for him. Seeing you in your civilian clothes was a nice change from earlier. Now you both had no mask to hide under.
“Can you explain what I owe you exactly?” You were mad, there was no real reason for you to be so but it was the only way you could hide how flustered you were by the situation earlier. The last thing you wanted was to show weakness to Damian.
Damian easily read through your facade. His heart was racing knowing that the only way he could get through to you was to break you, to break through your false sense of seniority and make you say what you really felt. “I rejected Raven because I already have someone I love.”
Your arms fell down to your sides. This was exactly what you were afraid of. How could he so easily confess his feelings to you? He was never the type to show his emotions or speak his mind. “Damian you don’t love-” you were cut off by his lips. 
Damian held either side of your face in his hands, holding you in place, not letting you pull away from the kiss. He couldn’t stand hearing you question his own emotions. He may not know much about emotions in general but he knew his own. Every time he saw you... this was all he wanted to do.
Your eyes closed involuntarily and before you knew it your lips were moving along with his. It felt right, the softness of your lips against his rougher ones. The longer you kissed the softer his lips became. No one had pulled away and you were becoming lightheaded. Your hands rested on his hips before wrapping themselves around his torso for support.
He slowly pulled away leaving you breathless. Training had come in handy, he was able to hold his breath for long periods of time thanks to all the underwater exercises. “Don’t tell me how I feel or I’ll have to show you.”
“Dami, I’m in my twenties-”
“As am I beloved,” he quickly responded having waited three years to call you that. He was no longer a teenager like you previously stated. “Your argument is no longer valid.”
Your heart skipped a beat as all the blood rushed to the apples of your cheeks. How could he be so sweet? The boy who once called you an old hag. (When he was twelve.) 
He inched closer resting his forehead against yours. “If you want me to stop loving you-you'll have to say it.”
“Say what?”
“Say you don’t love me.” You bit your lip a tell-tale sign you were in conflict and a reminder to Damian of the day he stole a kiss from you. “You can’t, can you?”
You shook your head. “I love you Damian.”
“I know,” he smirked before kissing you again and solidifying the fact that you were now his and he was yours. 
pic credit; to the owner/artist.
A/N: Hope you liked it ^^ let me know your thoughts. (Will look for mistakes later >.>)
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maryenette-writes · 8 years
Rejection Pt. 4 [Dick Grayson x Reader]
@jadedhillon @dc-comics-imagines @miss-nerdalots @gongyminzy @kpkarlee @ifthisislove-loveiseasy @feistylittlebird @cleopatra-isis @twilight-loveer
A/N: My German teacher let us out early but I had to wait for an hour for my brother to finish so this is what I did while waiting. This took so long, I didn’t know what to do next, but I hope it’s okay
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1626
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Dick stared at you, dumbfounded, confused. His head was spinning so horribly much he was shocked he was still standing upright.
And then his body moved before he could even process what was happening. He took you into his arms and embraced you tightly. He didn’t care if you were going to push him away, throw a fit and demanded never to see him again, he didn’t care at all. He needed to feel you in his arms. He needed to feel you so he knew that you were real and not some illusion.
“[F/N]–oh god you’re here… you’re here…” Dick choked, unable to stop his tears. Shockingly, you returned his embrace, allowing him to sob on your shoulder. It made him cry even harder, for after all he put you through you were still so kind.
“I missed you… so much…” Dick mumbled shakily.
“I… I missed you too.” you admitted, though you hesitated slightly.
He finally pulled away, keeping his hands on your shoulders as he took a long, good look at you. You didn’t shed a single tear, you had a small smile on your face. Your eyes, once windows to your soul, were clouded and hazy. He couldn’t read you like he used to anymore.
“How… where have you been? I’ve been looking for you. You just… disappeared.” Dick breathed, his fingers tracing your face. Your brows furrowed and you jerked away from his touch. His heart dropped.
“I’ve been… places.” you answered cautiously, “I needed to get away from here. But Bruce needed my help, so I came back.” Your smile widened. “I also miss the others. It’s been too long since I’ve seen them.”
Dick’s heart twisted as he took the information in. Not only did you refuse to say where you had been, you didn’t return for him. You didn’t return because you wanted to, you came back because someone you considered a second father required your help.
Before Dick could say anything, Bruce cleared his throat. “We need to get to work.”
Your attention shifted away from him all too fast. Usually your eyes would linger on him for a few seconds longer before finally turning away, but now you did it without a second thought, without hesitation.
“Right. Should we go to the cave then?” you suggested, causing Dick to frown. If you were going to the cave, it only meant one thing… and he didn’t like it one bit.
Nevertheless, he knew if he stopped you, it would only anger you. He had no right to tell you what you can and cannot do. It seemed he wasn’t a significant person in your life anymore, you had long since moved on while he was still pathetically stuck in the past, hoping that the broken pieces he had created would magically fall back into place and all would be like before. It was a hopeless dream, but it was one he couldn’t let go no matter how hard he tried.
Dick followed you, Alfred and Bruce to the cave, where the others were waiting. Damian was the first one to greet you, and you didn’t think twice about embracing the younger boy. Dick felt a tinge of jealousy.
“My god Damian! You’ve grown so much! You’re almost as tall as me now!” you exclaimed, smiling from ear to ear. It was a smile you always directed towards Dick. Now he felt lucky he was able to see it again, even if it wasn’t towards him.
“It’s good to see you again, [F/N]. Your company is missed greatly.” Damian stated.
You brought Tim into your welcoming arms next, ruffling his hair in a sisterly manner, the way you used to do whenever you were with him. Tim groaned and complained about the action, like before, but it was lighthearted. He missed you as well.
Steph and Cass got to meet you last, but you embraced both girls wholeheartedly. Even Cass couldn’t contain her glee of seeing you again.
Everyone loved you. You were family. And it was Dick who made you leave your family behind.
“So, what’s up this time?” Steph questioned, sitting on the railings, swinging her legs lazily.
“It’s the Joker again.” Bruce stated.
“No surprise there.” Tim commented.
Bruce nodded. “This time he’s planning something big, something that involves high-tech explosives, ones that may be more advanced than anything we’ve dealt with.”
“How did he gain such weapons?” Damian inquired rather skeptically.
“He has connections with a criminal organization notorious for illegal armed sales.” This time it was you who answered, clicking some buttons on the computer and showing the files. “They’ve made a huge name for themselves in the Black Market.”
“I thought they’re just a rumor.” Tim murmured.
“Oh they are very much real… been getting on our nerves since we discovered them five years ago.” you muttered, more to yourself than to the others.
Hearing this confused Dick even more. How did you know all this?
“So what’s the plan?” asked Steph.
You and Bruce shared a knowing look before you nodded. “We’ve got to find out what the Joker is doing with the explosives and get rid of his supplier.” said Bruce. “I’ve already got Barbara on locating the explosives.”
“And the supplier?” Damian questioned.
“I will take care of that, but I’ll need your help to actually take them out.” you replied, your arms crossed.
“Wait, what?” Dick exclaimed, shocked. “What do you mean ‘you’ll take care of them’?” It was the first time he spoke since arriving in The Batcave.
“Like I said, they’ve been getting on our nerves since we discovered them five years ago–”
“Who is ‘our’?” Steph cut in.
You hesitated, but then said, “the FBI.”
“The FBI? You’re part of the FBI?!” Dick shouted, his sudden outburst surprising everybody. He didn’t mean to raise his voice, but his emotions were at an all-time high and to discover you had been putting your life at risk for the last five years made him lose it.
“Yes, I am, but that’s a story for another day.” you said sternly, similar to the tone Bruce used to shut everyone up. “Right now, we have to focus on the task at hand. Like I said, we discovered them five years ago and ever since then we’ve been investigating them, hunting them down.”
“The FBI recently caught one of their leaders. [F/N] is tasked with interrogation.“ Bruce continued. "She’ll bring us any leads to their hideout. Then, we’ll take them out.”
“How long do we have?” asked Tim.
“I estimate three days for the worst case scenario. The Joker had only begun buying the explosives one week ago, according to the sudden increase in sales, and their next shipment is due to arrive two days from now. Give another day for preparations, and he’s good to go. The sudden increase in his activity around Gotham is already an indication that he’s making preparations with whatever he has right now.” you informed.
The others looked uneasy. Three days was very little time, even with the most skilled detectives working on the case. You, however, seemed calm and collected. Dick was amazed by the level of professionalism you were showing. It was as if you had been doing this all your life. He didn’t recognize you at all, you had changed from the woman he knew five years ago.
Yet somehow, even after all the changes, he still couldn’t stop his heart from skipping a beat at the mere sight of you. He had it hard for you and he knew it. He just wished it wasn’t too late.
You glanced down at your watch. “I have to go, the interrogation starts in an hour.” You embraced everyone one last time… but you ignored Dick. The pang in his heart was more painful than any injury he had sustained.
“Good luck. I’m counting on you guys.” you said before leaving the cave.
Dick continued staring at the exit, where you disappeared out of. He was worried about you. Sure he was more than impressed by you when you were explaining the situation and plan to them. He knew you were capable, considering you were an FBI agent, but there were still risks and situations can go from bad to worse in seconds. Even the greatest warriors fall in battle because no matter how good you may be, there was still that chance of slipping up and getting yourself killed. Dick couldn’t risk that with you. He was so scared about you getting yourself hurt… or worse. The thought left him breathless.
“Should we really involve [F/N] in this?” Dick started, “she’s not like us, she’s–”
“No, she’s not.” Bruce interrupted. “Unlike us, she doesn’t need to hack or get information from the government illegally. She has authority. She raised through the ranks with her own determination and wits. She is under the law, we are out of it.”
“No, that’s not what I mean.” Dick protested. “This is dangerous. We’ve been training since we were children, she… she’s…” Dick wanted to say 'inexperienced’ but he didn’t know that. For all he knows you could be more powerful than he was.
“You have no right, Grayson.” Damian scoffed. “You had driven her to leave in the first place. This was your doing.”
“Damian.” Bruce warned.
Dick knew Damian was correct though. He was worrying about you and wanting to pull you out of the case when the fact was you were in this situation because of him.
The realization hit him like a truck, and god did it hurt. However, what hurts even more was the fact that even though you were at reaching distance, he never felt further away from you.
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