#i have no idea how much binding costs
About that fanbinding post!
I'd definitely buy YuuMori. Maybe as an anthology or something. I love them so much. I'd put them next to my YuuMori manga.
And definitely I'll be There for You. I'd actually buy it even before the YuuMori fanfics because I'm so in love worh it. I'm going back to this fanfic all the time, it made me rewatch ATLA after years. I even bought the graphic novels! It's just so well written, I can already imagine the red/blue combo of the cover. And it'd be so wonderful if it had a graphic of the betrothal necklace included somewhere, I wish I could see it.
And maybe the Vanitas no Carte fics?
The YuuMori fics are the smuttiest things I have on my a03, lol! You're right, though, an anthology of them would be cute, since they're all (mostly) different ships.) Same for the Vanitas no Carte ones!
That definitely means I'll have to get around to finishing I'll Be There for You. (I'm still working on it, just slowly!) I'm so glad it's been so well-recieved! And is influencing people to buy the graphic novels as well!
Which also raises the point of having to get covers done...
If I do bind my fics, I'm going to have to think seriously about it - the costs and the work. But thank you so so much for showing an interest!! It's really incredible!!
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aeide-thea · 2 years
was reading a new yorker article about a 'pandemic-era rise in early puberty' that firefox suggested and like. interesting article but i got a little distractingly clotheslined by two things in it, one to do with historical medical ethics and another that was like
When they first broached the topic of early puberty, [the girl] was excited. “Yes! Now I can get a bra!” she exclaimed. Puberty in a younger girl could be a simpler rite of passage, at times even a thrilling one, [her more hesitant mother] said, “if there wasn’t society out there to worry about.”
like. intellectually i guess i'm aware that some people are excited about puberty and find it gender-affirming but. wow can i not relate. literally everything about the physical changes it inflicted on me was like. unwanted stuff i hated and feared and put off engaging with until peers started giving me flack about it.
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dduane · 3 months
I just received a copy of a book I've been very much looking forward to by a favorite author, but the quality of the book itself is... not great. Cheap paper, weak binding, even a weird illustration of the main character on the cover that I'm having trouble believing the author approved. Obviously, I don't want to leave a bad review on Amazon or GoodReads or anywhere, as I'm 100% certain the content is as excellent as her other work. But how can I best let the publisher (Baen) know I'm disappointed without threatening to never buy her books again? Because, well, if this is the only option, I'm gonna keep buying them even in my disappointment.
Well, the first thing I thought when I read this was "Wow, I'm really glad I don't have anything in print from Baen at the moment except a couple of anthologized short stories." :)
As for the rest of it, let's take it point by point.
Adding a cut here, because this will run a bit long. Caution: contains auctorial bitching and moaning, painful illustrations of cases in point, and brief advice on how to complain most effectively. (Also links to paintings of cats.)
Cheap paper: This has been an accurate complaint since well before COVID—and it's often been worse since, with supply chain issues also being involved. That said: one way publishers routinely save money on printing books, especially the bigger ones, is by going for thinner/cheaper paper. I remember one of our UK editors going on at great length and with huge annoyance—during one of those late-night convention-bar bitch sessions—over how the only way they could get some really good books published (because Upstairs insisted on reducing the per-copy production costs) was by reducing the paper quality to the point where you could nearly read through it. Sacrificing decent text size(s) also became part of this. Nobody in editorial was happy about the result: but there wasn't much they could do.
Bad bindings: Similar problem. Sewn bindings used to be a thing in paperbacks... but not any more: not for a good while, now. These days, it's all glue. Even hardcovers are showing up glued rather than sewn. Don't get me started. :/ (This is why I so treasure some of the oldest paperbacks I've acquired, which are actually sewn.)
Crap covers: I've had my share of these—though my share of some really good ones, too. And one of the endless frustrations of traditional publishing is that the writer routinely has little or even no influence over what the cover will look like... let alone how much will be spent on it, or (an often-related issue) how good the execution will be.
There are of course exceptions. If you're working at the, well, @neil-gaiman -esque level or similar in publishing, a lot more attention is going to be paid to your thoughts. You may even be able to get "cover veto" written into your contracts, so that if you disapprove, changes will get made. But without actual contractual stipulations, the writer has zero legal recourse or way to withhold approval. (And I bet even Neil has some horror stories.)
The normal workflow looks like this. After a book's purchased, its editor and the art director discuss what it's about and what the cover should look like. The art director then hires an artist and tells them what to do. After that, the artist executes their vision and gets paid. It is incredibly rare for a writer to have any significant input into this process. And as to whether or not they approve of the final result, well... the publisher mostly just shrugs and goes back to eyeing the bottom line, muttering "Who told them they get a vote?"
Now, I've been seriously lucky to occasionally be an exception in this regard. In particular, my editors at Harcourt (when Jane Yolen and Michael Stearns were editing Harcourt's Magic Carpet YA imprint) would ask me what I thought would be a good idea for the next Young Wizards cover, and I'd think about it a bit and send them back a paragraph or so about some core scene. They'd then talk to their art director, and after that send their notes and mine to Cliff Nielsen (who started doing the covers for the hardcover and mass-market paperback editions of the series in the mid-90s) or to Greg Swearingen (who was the artist on the digest-format editions). And the results, by and large, were pretty good. ...I also think affectionately of the UK artist Mick Posen, who insisted on seeing pictures of our cats before painting the covers for the Hodder editions of The Book of Night with Moon and On Her Majesty's Wizardly Service (the UK title for To Visit The Queen).
But this kind of treatment is a courtesy—not even vaguely suggested in the books' contracts, and very much the exception to the rule. And for every writer who's midlist, there are times when the luck runs out. For example: one time I wrote a book that was an AU-Earth-near-future fantasy police procedural, thematically pretty dark—dealing with issues of abuse of megacorporate power, institutionalized bigotry, and (explicitly) attempted genocide. And the cover, done by an artist who's a good friend and some of whose fabulous art hangs in our house, came out looking like this. It was... let's just say "not ideally representative."
So I was glad, when my local workflow allowed it, to recover the current, revised version of the book with something at least a little more apropos. But the original cover's not the artist's fault. He did what the art director told him... as a cover artist must do to get paid, and (ideally) to get hired again. At present, that's how the system works.
...So. You've got a badly-built and -presented book on your hands. How best to make your feelings known in some way that might make a difference down the line? (As you make it plain that you'll keep buying this author's books this way if you must.)
First of all: when (as part of my psych nursing training) we were taught how to complain most effectively, we were told that the first and most basic rule of the art is this:
Only Complain To Someone Who Can Actually Do Something About Your Problem
So I salute your desire not to waste your time taking the issue to the reviews on Amazon, or the pages of Goodreads... because they can't do anything. The odds that anyone from production at Baen is reading the comments there strike me as... well, not infinitesimally small, not being hit-by-a-meteorite-while-in-the-shopping-center-parking-lot small... but really low.
So: write to corporate.
In your place I would go online and rummage around a bit to find out who's on record as the publisher at Baen. I would then write them a letter on paper. And I would lay out the problem pretty much as you laid it out up at the top.
The tone I think I'd choose would be the more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger approach. I'd say, "I write to comment about your recently published book by [X Writer], whose work I love. I have to say, though, that I don't think the cover on [X Book] is terribly representative of the quality of the prose inside. And also, the construction and production quality of the book itself was a disappointment to me because [here spell out why].
"I'd really like to see [X. Writer's] books succeed with you, and I'd like to buy more of them without wondering whether I was going to be disappointed again. But if this is typical of how they're being produced, I'd also be concerned that the state of these books is setting up a situation in which the author's sales will be damaged, and you would stop publishing them... which would really be a shame. Whereas on the other hand, better production quality could keep previous purchasers coming back and buying, not only more books by this author, but books by others whom you publish."
This phrasing, as you'll have seen, walks a bit wide around the issue of your further purchases, while directing attention toward the bottom line... which will routinely be what the publisher's looking at from day to day. And—being, one has to hope, in possession of the wider picture as regards what's going on with their production costs—maybe they can actually do something about it.
Anyway, nothing ventured, nothing gained, yeah? It's worth a try. All you can do is hope for the best.
And finally: please know that I admire your commitment to the author: whoever she is, she's lucky to have you. It's a terrific thing to have readers who'll willing to spend the time to hunt you down, and who're willing not to judge a book by its cover. :)
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divine-donna · 1 year
an experiment
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the title is not related to this in any form. i just wanted to write something quickly for miguel. let’s just say i’m experimenting with some things. if anyone’s interested in like a fic, i’d be happy to write one.
anyways back on my spider-man stuff.
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for the last seven years on your earth, you’ve been the one and only spider-man. well not exactly spider-man or spider-woman. you were known by the moniker of spiderling. you didn’t really have a name when you started so the press gave one for you.
was it sort of juvenile? yes. but in all fairness, you were still a kid when you first became spiderling. late teens sure, but you were still a kid. and still hurting.
you were a master of the mystic arts first. something happened though. magic became almost inaccessible after a fight with a multiversal entity. the universe was at stake and you performed some risky magic to save it. at a cost.
you still had a little magic left, enough to perform a binding spell or leave magic circle traps. and it helps that slowly but surely, you’re regaining the magic you lost. especially since many of the villains you face, even as spiderling, have a penchant for magic and magical artifacts.
what you were not expecting was for your day to be interrupted with the sudden news that someone had broken into an office building. without being seen.
upon arriving to the scene, you were very surprised to find a villain that was...not yours.
they were confused, but wreaking havoc with civilians in the crossfire was not the way to go.
in the midst of your battle, your body literally slammed into someone that came out of nowhere. and he was most certainly not from your universe.
“watch it pal!”
“you watch it!”
“you literally came from nowhere!”
before he can argue back, you gave chase to the new villain. you had more pressing matters compared to that of a man that came from nowhere.
and it seemed that he was following after you.
neither of you could catch the villain, who was constantly glitching out. clearly something was going on, something greater and beyond your own universe.
the mysterious spider-man was keen on catching them, so you studied their pathways and predicted where they would go. you laid a simple magic circle trap and waited for the villain to step through.
everything was easy after that. a magical barrier, the sprinkle of magic that disappeared into the air, and a villain knocked out. safe from harming others. and even themself.
“that was...a lot easier than i thought.”
“it’s better to think about tactics.”
when you finally laid eyes upon the mysterious spider-man, you jaw almost dropped. almost. you had appearances to keep up.
he was pretty tall. and muscular. the suit certainly didn’t leave much room for the imagination.
you couldn’t be thinking those things! who even gawks at a random spider-man that literally appeared out of thin air.
you don’t say anything to him and simply leave, letting him deal with whatever the villain was. it was clear that must’ve been why he appeared out of nowhere. something in your gut told you.
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two weeks later, you got a visit from the mysterious spider-man.
he was just in your apartment! how did he get in? better not to ask questions.
you had just come back from your local bakery, goods in hand, and with plenty of freebies being the neighborhood spider person.
“(y/n), right?”
it was too late. you had already taken your mask off. and you simply blinked at him. “get out-”
he tosses you something and you catch it. a bracelet? “put it on. you’ve been recruited.”
“recruited? recruited for what? and why should i put this on?”
“come see for yourself first.”
if you were going to step through a portal, you might as well bring your baked snacks along for the ride.
where you arrived was...well, to say you were in awe with the place would be the understatement of the century.
spider people upon spider people. you had theorized ideas of meeting other people from different multiverses. but you didn’t think it could actually be achievable until now.
a lot of people stopped your guide to ask who the newbie was. from the conversations you picked out his name. miguel.
eventually his mask faded(?) away to reveal a...very stunning man. perhaps one of the most stunning men you’ve ever seen? even if he did look tired. but hey, who didn’t have a thing for men that looked like they worked overtime constantly?
“wait so...why do you want me to join this...spider society?” you ask before taking a bite into your baked good. you didn’t have lunch today.
“essentially? to keep the multiverse from collapsing. we have...run into a few of your own villains. the ones that use magic.” he says. “there are more like them. and for the most part, we have a lack of...magic expertise.”
“oh. so you want me to join to be that expertise?”
“precisely. besides, you already have experience with the multiverse.”
“and how do you even know that?”
his stoicism breaks with the slight curve of his lip, almost like a smirk. you could feel your heart begin to beat a little faster. “lyla.”
“on it.” the hologram pulled up...everything on you.
in fact, you wanted to faint seeing everything. even some embarrassing moments. “that umm...that wasn’t actually me.” you respond to his raised eyebrows at the scene.
“that’s not it. this one is.” lyla pulls up a video. “you defeated a multiversal creature. in fact, we presume there are more of them. they may be some kind of organization.”
“our job is to preserve the multiverse. and considering you have the most experience with this unknown entity, we need you.”
“perhaps need is a stretch. i thought you’d want me, y’know.” you joked. “because no one really wants me.”
“that’s not funny.”
“it’s funny to me.” you finish your food. “is the multiverse really at stake?”
“possibly. the point is that we keep it at a place where it isn’t.” he crosses his arms across his chest. “so, will you join us?”
you ponder for a bit before answering. “i have nothing better to do. sure.”
“good, good.” he almost smiles. he feels the muscles twitch but maintains his composure. “you have crumbs on your face.” he points to the correlating spot on his face to yours.
“oh.” you feel your cheeks grow warm with embarrassment as you brush them off.
“you still have some.”
you kept missing the spot, frustrating miguel just a little bit.
“here let me.”
his hand brushes against your skin and is gentle as he brushes the remaining crumbs off. normally you weren’t such a messy eater but you also usually didn’t eat in a universe you didn’t belong in.
his touch is gentle in comparison to his appearance. everything about him screams danger and pain. but it was, in fact, the opposite of that.
“next time eat in the cafeteria.” he says.
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cillsworld · 3 months
Help me doctor Crane✧₊⁺
Ship|Jonathan Crane x fem!reader
Summary|you run into Jonathan out of fear and he takes advantage of the situation.
Word Count|1344
Warnings|smut(18+!), age gap!, oral(m!rec), deep throating, chocking, crying?, kidnapping, innocent! reader, dub-con?
Notes|soo this is my first like smut writing or fanfic ever, well it's a drabble but ykyk. I think it's okay but I don't love it, also had no idea how to end it so it's a bit random but yeah😭 hope u enjoy! masterlist
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"Oh look at you, such a pretty little thing.." His raspy but quiet voice sighed out, itching a part of your brain in the most pleasant way, his presence fully intoxicating you; from the odd way he smelt or how he held your face, squeezing your cheeks between one hand while mocking you.
"practically ran into the belly of the beast and why? Because you were scared?" the condescendence was dripping from his tone as he chuckled dryly, finding it hilarious that after being sprayed by one of his goons you had run to his arms for comfort, and now you're stuck here in his little 'base'; whining behind the cloth he had hastily stuffed in your mouth, struggling against the restraints he had put on you while your brain was still hazy, somehow managing to bind you to a support beam.
"what am I gonna do with you hmm?" He continued in a bit of an agitated tone, his eyebrows furrowing as he stared you down, "I could just.. kill you?" he muttered out and your eyes naturally widened, the dangers of this situation setting in, specially when you saw the gleam in his eyes, a muffled whimper escaped you.
"but that would be such a waste..." He was almost talking to himself now in a barely audible tone, his eyes dropping to blatantly check you out.
You tried speaking from behind the gag, wanting to have a say in the matter of your own life and death; he rose an eyebrow in response, reaching up to untie it, seemingly interested in what you have to say for his own amusement.
"please don't kill me doctor Crane, please! I'll do anything!" Your pleas were met with a very bored looking 'doctor Crane', seemingly sick of the generic lines he'd heard one too many times, but they were definitely different coming from a youthful, attractive girl such as yourself and caused a certain tightness in his pants.
Your frantic pleas were interrupted by a hum of his smooth voice, "anything? You'd do anything?" he repeated in a strangely slow tone, though it was unsettling you rushed to nod in response, not letting the chance of surviving letting slip.
He scoffed lightly, glancing downward in thought before taking leisurely steps behind the pole you were tied to, undoing the messily done knots to release your sore wrists, "let's test that theory then.."
Of course you tried to make a run for it but a hand in your hair and arm over your neck were quick to pull you back, so quick in fact that you were sure he anticipated your attempted escape which made you feel dumb for even trying.
"You didn't think it'd be that easy right sweetheart?" he muttered in your ear, his voice had a eery edge to it now that made goosebumps rise all over your skin.
"You're choking me..." Your now raspy voice spoke as your eyes started to well up from the burn in your scalp, your hands reached up to try and pry his arm off your neck though he was much stronger than you so your efforts were to no avail
"oh am I?" He spoke in mock pity, tightening his arm around your neck making you yelp as you started to panic even more, "could've just played nice but you just had to go and be a smartass huh"
"I'm sorry.. Please stop I'm sorry" you whimpered out as tears dripped down your cheeks, landing on the sleeve of his coat that probably cost an unreasonable amount of money.
Your ears perked up as the sound of sniffing reached them, his hands left you hair and neck before turning you around to face him while you took in quick breaths to fill your parched lungs, "smell so sweet.."
He muttered more to himself than you while playing with a strand of your hair, blue eyes looking over your flushed, wet and sniffling face, "how old re'you sweetheart?" His oddly soothing voice questioned as he cupped your cheek with one hand, wiping a stray tear with his thumb.
"I'm- uhm, nineteen.." He sucked in a sharp breath at that, his pale cheeks flushing lightly, "then you know what I want don't you? What you'll have to do in order for me to free you.." He questioned lowly,
You had a vague idea of what he wanted, but hoped if you pretended not to know you'd be able to escape faster, "what do I have to do doctor Crane?" You questioned back with a tilt of your head.
"Don't play dumb sweetheart" he retorted with a scoff, finding amusement in your antics.
"I want you" you let out a little squeak of surprise feeling the force of his hands on your shoulders, pushing till you were sitting on your knees.
"To be on your knees and suck me off, is that clear enough for you?" He questioned with a mocking tilt of his head, squishing your cheeks between one hand as he did so, "y-yeah.." You responded quietly with a little nod.
Your shaky hands reached for his zipper, glancing up at him before pulling it down and unbuttoning his pants to reveal his covered bulge, you were about to pull his boxers down but paused, letting your fingers rest on the cotton hem.
"I've never.. done this before doctor Crane" you voiced your nerves quietly, chewing on your bottom lip as your cheeks flushed from embarrassment, his face softened slightly at your confession.
"I know.. I'll help you" he responded in a soothing tone, running a hand through your hair, he reached his other to pull down his black boxers to reveal his hard dick.
He took pleasure in the way you started at it in awe, "go on, touch it" he told you quietly, you tentatively brought your had and wrapped it around his base, looking up at him with wide eyes as he wrapped his hand around yours and guided it to stroke him.
"now wrap your lips around it and suck" he ordered impatiently, removing his hand from yours as you got the hang of it, you did as he asked and took his tip in your mouth, letting your tongue lick the beads of pre-cum off his slit, a groan escaping him that urged you on, getting bolder as you took him half way and hallowed your cheeks.
His hand tightened in your hair as he started thrusting in your mouth in sync with the way he was making your head go up and down on his dick, "there you go.." He muttered out, basking in the little whimpers escaping you as he went deeper and deeper.
As he started breaching your throat barrier your squirming grew and his pleasure increased at the tightness of your throat, he let you go for a moment to take a breath before pushing you all the way down till your nose was buried in his pubic hair, triggering your gag reflex as you tried to push yourself off, "calm down and take it, you've gotta work for your reward darling"
He muttered out as your eyes started watering, your whimpers and muffled mewls sending waves of pleasure straight to his brain and making his eyes roll back into his head, his hand tightening in your hair as he started rutting into your mouth, letting his body be controlled by the pleasure while panic induced you from the lack of air.
You felt his cock twitching in your mouth before he pulled out and let you fall back on your elbows, he aimed himself to come all over your face and exposed cleavage, most of it going in your mouth as you tried to breathe.
He tucked himself back in as you tried to collect yourself, he grabbed your face and collected most of his come on his finger and shoved it in your mouth, "swallow" he instructed simply and you did as he asked, cringing at the taste.
He removed his finger with a pop and straightened himself up, brushing a hand through his hair before looking down at you, "you should run into me more often sweetheart"
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tinietaehyun · 19 days
Join Me, Won’t You?
[MarchHare!Hueningkai x Lost!Reader] [One-Shot] [Wondrous Tales Series]
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Pairing: MarchHare!Hueningkai x Lost!reader
Genre(s): Fantasy, dark fantasy, supernatural, dark romance, action.
Contains: Profanity, manipulation, coercion, mentions/implications of death or injury, sedation, binding, possessive behaviour, suggestive themes, dialogue-heavy.
Links: Masterlist || Wondrous Tales Masterlist
Note: Thanks for the patient wait! <3
Summary: Gasping and panting raggedly for breath, you seemed to have done good by sliding down the fluorescent tunnel as a last resort! The King’s guards almost caught you!
What a maniac he was! How could someone be so obsessive? Your heart rate slows as you peer around, huh, this area seemed secluded. You deem it should be safe to take some rest here. Right? Goodness, you couldn’t trust this place at all! Little by little you feel your sanity tearing away.
“Oh? Who’s wandered into my little grove? Another guest for my tea party?” Your head snaps up seeing a tall man, with a coy grin as he clicks his tongue, walking towards you, “Oh you must be the pretty little guest I’ve heard so much about…oh then, join me, won’t you? For my little tea party?”
You had a feeling you couldn’t refuse even if you wanted to.
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Coughing and spluttering as you clamber through the tunnel like your life depends on it, you finally spot a halo of light towards the surface. With a rush of adrenaline surging through your veins, you make your way upwards and heave yourself above just as you hear the final chunks of soil crumble and fall sealing off the burrow.
Fuck. You sit on the fluffy purple grass panting heavily as though you had run a marathon. Sweat drips down your forehead to which you wipe off with your arm and you grimace feeling your lungs burn and legs ache; you look at your arms and legs seeing the scratches and dirt.
That was terrifying! You almost got buried alive! After a few minutes, you compose yourself and stand up wearily attempting to make sense of your new wacky surroundings. Muttering, you begin to walk around, “The fuck am I going to get into this time?”
Your eyes are drawn to a bright yellow arrow on a sign board. Several actually, of numerous colours all pointing in one direction. You gaze below seeing haphazardly hanging bunting and old party decorations which seemed to be decaying into the ground. Broken tea cups, paper plates, napkins.
Goodness… A shudder goes through you. Surely…you hadn’t truly ended up at the Hatter, did you? You wanted to avoid that madman at all costs from what you heard about him!
You eye the arrows again, it was perhaps best to never follow them, after all in Wonderland, nothing is as it seems. You peer at the bright pink bushes and grimace, maybe you could stray off the path a little. Pushing through the bushes, you begin to make your own way through this new space.
You weren’t exactly sure if this was a good idea or whether you were just getting yourself even more lost. But anything was better than Yeonjun! What a maniac he was! How could someone be so obsessive? After a few minutes, your eyes widen seeing an opening in the foliage and you push your way through with a glimmer of hope. You once again spot the sun stuck in the same spot in the sky, painting the opening with an oddly comforting golden hue.
Your heart rate slows as you peer around, huh, this area seems to be secluded. You deem it should be safe to take some rest here. Right? Goodness, you couldn’t trust this place at all! Little by little you feel your sanity tearing away.
You regard a mossy boulder beside a broken sign which seems to read “This Way!” Your heart drops. Another sign? Even though you strayed off the path…? This place was horrid!
Your legs were beginning to hurt even more; just a little break, that’s all you wanted. You decide to settle on the boulder with an exasperated sigh; your hand rests on your forehead as you pitifully attempt to relax in the godforsaken place.
After a mere moment of silence, a bright voice destroys your peace, “Oh? Who’s wandered into my little grove? Another guest for my tea party?” Your head snaps up seeing a tall man, with a coy grin as he clicks his tongue, walking towards you, “Oh, you must be the pretty little guest I’ve heard so much about…oh then, join me, won’t you? For my little tea party?”
Regarding him with a blank gaze, you remain silent and stiff. He tilts his head before letting out a cackle which startles you. His eyes…they twinkle with mischief, his wide smile. His umber hair sprawls haphazardly over his forehead, sharp, chiseled features which had your heart fluttering. A red diamond on his left cheekbone catches your eye. His jawline dangerously sharp with thin lips that always seemed to be in a permanent coy smile. Who was he?
The vibrant grass bristles as he takes a large step forward. You note his formal attire, indeed suitable for a tea party. A white satin shirt and beige waistcoat with brown rabbit ears embroidered below one of the breast pockets. A rabbit? Another one? A small black iron key, tiny in fact, hangs like a charm on his necklace.
The mysterious man seems to enjoy your expression of confusion as you regard him intently as he grins, “Does my appearance, please you so, precious?” He skips on over and your eyes widen as he brazenly looks you over, walking around you and observing you from all angles as if you were some museum exhibit.
“Mm,” he hums, intrigued and your breath hitches as his gloved hand grips your chin tilting it up. Goodness, he was comically tall, even from where you were sitting or were you just incredibly short? You stand up instinctively and grimace, seeing his towering height.
The male smirks, his thumb brushing over your lower lip as his eyes gleam flirtatiously, “Hm, well, aren’t you a pretty thing? A sight for sore eyes even, the last one was so dreary to look at, you know? I’m glad there’s still pretty ones like you that still stumble in here.”
You pry his hand off, shoving it away with a glare, “Who are you and what do you want?” A blatantly loud cackle escapes his lips and his eyes widen manically, “Oh come on! It’s always the same question with you guests! Lighten up! Why always think so pessimistically, precious?”
Snapping, you respond, “Oh I don’t know, maybe getting hunted down by the King of Hearts? Seeing someone innocent get dragged away to be beheaded? Not knowing any way out of this deranged place?”
He goes momentarily silent placing an almost sympathetic hand on your shoulder, leaning down with a frown and you wearily lean back before he startles you with a loud guffaw. You turn around with a grumbling mutter; you weren’t going to waste your time.
A yelp escapes you as a hand grips your shoulder and abruptly spins you around. You crash into a firm chest, your nostrils filled with sweet scent, hints of ginger, peppermint, maybe caramel?
You tilt your head upwards to see him with a bright smile unfazed by your attitude. His fingers slide down your arm before interlocking with yours, “Oh precious, don’t be like that. It hurts my delicate feelings, you know? Don’t tell me you plan to leave without attending my tea party.”
He sighs dramatically, “It’s been ages since I’ve had anyone but the Hatter attend my tea party and the Mice of course. I think even once the Caterpillar did, only once. He didn’t really like the pranks I played, but that’s besides the point.”
Before you could respond to the barrage of words that made absolutely no sense to you, he interrupts with wide eyes and a gasp, grabbing your wrist and dragging you with him.
“Hey-!“ you struggle helplessly, your feet skidding and stumbling in the grass. His grip is unforgivably tight and he seems to overpower you with ease as he resumes, “How so, so, so, rude of me! I never even introduced myself to you precious, goodness it’s been so long since I’ve entertained a guest, I’ve apparently forgotten my manners! Forgive me.”
You grit out, “I don’t care- let me go!” He releases a delightful chuckle, ignoring your struggle and plea with a blissful expression, “In Wonderland I am the March Hare, or more personally, Kai.” Briefly, he peers over his shoulder to see you still pulling and tugging against his hand and he snickers, “You’re quite adorable when you struggle like that, you must have really gained the King’s fervour.”
You stiffen, heart racing, how did he know? Kai smiles widely, “Oh don’t panic, you’ve come to the right place, that pompous ruler of ours never attends my tea parties no matter how many invites I send him. Hmph, perhaps he prefers the Hatter’s more grand-scale tea parties. Huh, or maybe it’s my games he doesn’t like. Whatever, I don’t really care for his presence.”’
“Now that I think about it, it really has been a long time since I’ve had a guest. The King is so, so, selfish! He kills those he doesn’t like? Why not just send them my way? I’m not mean like him, so you don’t need to worry.” His words begin to blur out as you try to register the onslaught of information.
A giggle escapes his lips, “I’m just a lonely Hare, always having tea alone with occasional mice and egregious Hatter. How boring, you’d think I’d have gone insane?” Kai bursts out laughing, startling you.
Wasn’t he already insane? Goodness if this is supposed to be sane here, then what was considered insane here? You grimace and your eyes widen as you take in the new surroundings.
A shriek escapes your lips as you see several clothed mice scurry past your legs and you stumble into Kai’s back. He chuckles, “Oh it seems you’ve spooked the mice. Or, they’ve spooked you,” another crazed little laugh leaves his lips. Kai picks one up by the tail shoving it in front of your face making you scream and stumble back. What the actual fuck?
He cackles at your reaction, “Not a fan of mice? What a shame. Imagine how I feel then?” He carelessly tosses it down with a squeak and you flinch. Oh god, what have you gotten yourself into?
Kai leans down with a deep gaze, “But it’s okay, I’ve got you now, to entertain and not these pipsqueaks I call guests! You, you, you, are much better, aren’t you, precious?” A wave of unease and fear runs through your body. You had to get out of here. Surely, nothing could be as bad as the King of Hearts?
With a grand spin and skip, he snaps his fingers and as if by magic, several twinkling lights and little lanterns (with unfortunate fireflies trapped inside) begin illuminating, giving the area a warm glow. Your eyes process the tea party set up.
There was a long mismatched table set, beneath a whimsical tree with vibrant, oversized flowers, wrapped with various string lights and colourful bunting. The tablecloth is a patchwork of different colours and patterns which clash. The tea cups are an assortment of shapes and sizes with a grand teapot with its spout shaped and painted like a purple elephant’s trunk. What the hell?
The chairs are quirky, unstable, some that wobble and the legs twist into weird shapes. There’s an eclectic mix of wacky treats, most notably the enormous scones, cakes with impossible layers and…giant sandwiches? Fucking hell, you’d believe you were on drugs if it weren’t for everything that happened earlier!
“Like it?” Kai asks, over-excited. You grimace, “It’s certainly…something.” Rolling his eyes, he grabs your arm, dragging you towards one of the chairs and you hiss, “Wait-!”
He pulls out a chair and gestures with a tilt of his head to sit. You huff, “No way.” Kai grins at you, placing his hands on both of your shoulders, “I’m all for playing hard to get, I can work with you, precious.” You yelp as he shoves you down onto the seat and pushes the chair with you on it against the table roughly, rattling everything on it making the remaining mice scatter.
Kai pushes several plates of food and some cutlery towards you and brightly hums, “Eat, eat, up! You need energy.” Looking at the food, your stomach doesn’t rumble, in fact, you feel sick.
“Oh precious, are you worried I poisoned it? I get it, your fears are justified. The King likes to do that doesn’t he? Remember I'm not cruel like the king?” His assurance doesn’t seem to alleviate your anxiety at all.
You murmur nervously, “Really, I’m not hungry.” He takes one of the cupcakes on the table, peeling off the striped wrapper and takes a massive bite; the chocolate smearing on his lips. After swallowing, he wipes his lips with a pink napkin, “See? Nothing happened to me? Tastes really good, precious.”
You gaze down at one of the plates presented and see a slice of chocolate cake and some biscuits on another plate. Meanwhile, Kai takes the liberty to pour you some tea in a comically large cup. This all feels disorienting to you. He urges once more, “Go on, don’t be shy, eat away, to your heart's content. Come on! Don’t make me say it thrice!”
With shaky hands you pick up the cake slice, you bring it to your lips. Kai watches you with great anticipation and you bite down. A burst of rich, creamy chocolate flavour bursts in your mouth brimming with ecstasy. Fuck, it tastes so good! What the hell?
Kai’s lips form a sly smile, “Oh? I saw that twinkle in your eyes. You like it, don’t you?” You shake your head, your mouth still full with cake. This damn cake!
A grin forms, “Oh? Are you embarrassed? I’ll have you know, this cake was once the favourite of the King. But he stole my recipe and now makes it at the palace,” Kai huffs.
You take another bite and he coos, “Just like that, you have no idea how happy it makes me to spoil my dearest, pretty guests.” If there was poison in this, no doubt it tasted good. Well, if there was one way to go out, this would be it. But oddly enough, as you continue to eat, nothing happens. So you take more, a biscuit there, a bite of a scone here, a touch of cream, a cupcake, some toffee and a sip of tea.
Your stomach feels full, incredibly so. In fact you hadn’t eaten since you arrived. How was everything on this wild table so good? Kai had helped himself to his own food alongside you, talking on and on, badmouthing the king, the Hatter and the mice.
Yawning, you sigh, feeling tired. Perhaps you’d gotten carried away with your food fest. Shit…did you over indulge yourself? It had been awhile… and it tasted so good. It’s not so wrong is it?
“And then I said to him..” Kai’s voice becomes muffled and your vision darkens as your eyes flutter shut. Just… a little nap.
Kai stops talking and peers at you fondly. “What a pretty sleeping face, it touches my heart.” He walks over cupping your cheek and he snickers seeing the slight smear of frosting on your lips and he wipes it off with his thumb. “How endearing, indeed. I could just eat you up, precious.” He takes another moment to gaze over your features, lingering a little longer on your parted lips, before shaking his head with a smile.
How quaint indeed…
A warm fuzzy feeling envelops you and you smile at ease. Was this all just a horrific nightmare? Were you finally going to wake up back in your bed at home?
With a croaky groan, your eyes flutter open, light filling your gaze. You peer around and go to move when you feel a constraint against your wrists, they’re bound together. A shriek escapes your lips, “What the fuck? What’s this-?” You regard the pink silk ribbon tied around your wrists with delicate care with a pretty bow on top.
It may not have been poison but it was a sedative! Shit. Your head pounds as you see double of everything, as if one wasn’t enough for your overstimulated brain!
A laugh reverberates and you turn your head to see the March Hare in all his glory with a gleaming, illustrious smile, as he tugs at the hem of his gloves. “Ah, you’ve awoken, precious. How soundly you slept, I could get used to seeing such a sight daily.”
You snarl, “You maniac! What have you done?” He snickers, “Oh? What’s with the sour mood? Woke up on the wrong side of bed?” You snap, “Oh fuck off! Release me, I’ve indulged you haven’t I? I ate your fucking cake and desserts, what have I done to deserve this?”
Kai pouts at the use of your profanity, “Ah, ah, ah, no improper words at my tea party, this is a place of decorum after all. Only the Hatter’s Parties are so frivolous!”
You sneer, “Oh tying your guests hands together is considered decorum now, is it?” Kai snickers leaning down behind your chair, his lips close to your ear, “Be thankful I didn’t tie your legs together too. But hm, you raise a point. One that I won’t take into account, because,” he walks to the left of you with an extravagant wave of his hands, “My party, my rules!”
You seethe and he coos, “Oh don’t look at me like that, you’ll make me like you even more! How cute you look when you’re so frustrated!” His words send a tornado of anger surging through you. The sheer audacity of this man!
Rolling his eyes, he teeters as he walks around the table, “Anyway,” he snickers, “I didn’t kill you did I? Poison you? Stab you? You should be thanking me actually! If I were the Hatter, I’d have you hanging upside down on that tree over there gagged and swinging like a pendulum on a grandfather clock.”
You shiver at the thought, holy shit. This was insane! He hums, crossing his arms, “After all, I like my share of fun. What makes you think I’d just be content at seeing my little guest eat away? Sure that’s enlightening, but I want,” he approaches you once more, leaning down, placing his hands on either side of the armrests of the chair, caging you in, “…some real fun.”
His eyes beam into yours sending a dark shudder through you as his lips morph into a manic, just a little too-wide of a grin, “You can give me that can’t you? You’ve been good for me so far, haven’t you? You won’t die. None of my guests die! Well, unless they try to leave and break the rules I set, then let’s just say, I… put them out of commission for a while!”
Out of commission? Break the rules? Leave? What the fuck! Oh, he was deranged in his own twisted way. You definitely had to get out here!
Kai frowns, stepping back with a huff, “You don’t get it do you! Everyone always tries to leave! So that’s why I’ve bound your wrists! I give my guests so much freedom and it always backfires!” His eyes widen immensely as he grasps your shoulders shaking you with ferocity, “You can’t blame a Hare for becoming lonely? I just want someone to have tea and play with!”
For the first time you see hesitation, panic, anxiety in his brown eyes, causing your breath to hitch. “You’re different right? I can just tell, you’re not like the other pathetic losers that come here! You made it past THE Red King of Hearts, you’re definitely special!” His rambling makes your head spin.
“You liked the desserts and food right? I can make more. The fun will never end! We can play all my games, and it won’t even have any dire consequences, I just want someone to entertain me. I know you might be a little angry…but I'm sure you’ll calm down soon enough, won’t you?” He splutters with a manic gaze, shaking you further and you yell, “Stop!”
Kai freezes, breaking out of his rambling and manic muttering to peer into your frightened gaze and he coos softly, “Goodness, look at me rambling again, my apologies, I do this quite often with those I’m comfortable with. I- I- promise I’ll try to keep it in check.” He laughs brokenly, “Ah, you’ll have to get used to that. Don’t want you getting sick of me, would we?”
Too late for that, you think. Wait…get used to it? You stiffen. He wouldn’t let you leave. Like forever?
“…So I can’t leave your tea party?” You stammer. His brows furrow and he smiles, “Why would you? I’ve got everything here? And who knows when the next guest will arrive? The King probably wouldn’t even let them come here. Or they’d be stupid, and die on the way. Why take my chances when I have you already?” He speaks as though none of his words were deranged.
Shakily, you utter, “But…my home? I don’t belong here. I picked up that invitation by accident!” You splutter further, panic running through your system, “T-Think about it, always having the same guest, you’ll get bored of me, like you got bored of the Mice and the Hatter!”
Kai remains silent for a moment and a smirk appears on his lips as he suddenly cups your jaw, “Aw, are you trying the king’s method of reverse psychology? How adorable.”
Your face pales and lips quiver, “K-Kai, please. You have a heart, you’re sane right? You’re better than the King in all respects, you’ve treated me well and haven’t hurt me so far? Please,” you plead in desperation.
He clicks his tongue, “Tsk, tsk, none of that from you. Keep those pretty lips sealed, won’t you? I’ve finally got the one thing I’ve been wanting for a long time and you think your meager pleas will melt my heart and I’ll just let you go so I can be in solitude once more? Please!” Kai lets out a crazed laugh throwing his head back and clutching his stomach.
“Oh precious, no one’s really like you at all! Here you are, legs unbound yet you’re asking me so politely to leave instead of bolting off with tied wrists!” Kai cackles. Your shoulders droop and you frown.
You weren’t stupid, you knew you could run. But you didn’t want to find out the horrendous consequences of such an action. After all, he said he doesn’t like breaking the rules.
“I’ve got so much in store for you, if you managed to surpass the King, then your brain up there must surely be big, hm?” Kai grins, pressing the tip of his index finger to the center of your forehead and you flinch.
Muttering under your breath, you say, “I just want to go home.” Kai freezes and a dark expression crosses his face, “Home? Don’t be daft. This is your home now. Why in Wonderland would you return to that dismal place you call home? Tell me does your home have Giant Tulips and Neon Roses? Games galore?”
You snap, “I’ve had enough!” Your voice cracks, “I’m exhausted.” He groans dramatically, “Oh don’t be like that, you just woke up! I’ve worked so hard to set up some games for you. Well, that’s the one thing I can be better at than the Hatter at.”
“Games?” You sigh with a shriveled expression. You didn’t want to play his stupid games. With a mighty clap of his hands, he starts, “So! Let’s play!” Your mind whirrs, you had to get out of here, otherwise you’d be perpetually stuck here! Think, think, think Y/n! He resumes over-excited, “The first game is Shrink Maze!”
All of a sudden, dozens of dressed-up mice climb the table and push all the cutlery, napkins, holders, plates and dishes into what seems to be a maze. What did you just witness?
“Well done little ladies and gents,” Kai titters. Reaching into his pocket, he brings out a tiny vial filled with purple liquid. “Drink this nifty little thing and you’ll become the size of a mouse. Convenient right? I always did like becoming a tiny, put the entire world into a new perspect-“
You had it! All games had prizes! You just had to beat his games and make sure he had no way of refusing you! Your eyes scan around as he rambles on. There was a small iron gate with a faded red arrow. Through the foliage you see the billowing checkered valleys that lay ahead. That had to be your way out! It had to be, either way it was a chance you were willing to take!
Kai’s eyes narrow as he sees your line of sight and he leans down with a smirk, “Ah, ah, ah, looking to escape are we? That’s the Hatter’s territory precious, I don’t think your mind will handle his insanity.”
Oh whatever, yes, yes, you got the drill by now. Who said you actually had to meet the Hatter? You’d take your chances; you made it this far haven’t you? But you had confirmed one thing. That gate was indeed the exit out of the Hare’s Tea Party Grove.
He hums amused, “Even if you somehow staggered over there without me seeing, you’d only find it locked and the key is only in one place that only I know. So…too bad!” He lets out a wavering guffaw making you flinch.
You hum defiantly, “Your games. I’ll play. On one condition. A winner’s reward.” Kai tilts his head intrigued by your proposition, “Oh? Feeling cocky are we? What makes you think I’d agree to such terms then, precious?”
“You like games, and I’m sure after this long and many guests. You like winning them. Outsmarting your guests. Outwitting them. Seeing them struggle,” you firmly speak, gazing into his eyes with a racing heart.
“Huh,” he muses, folding his arms, eyes twinkling in amusement, “Very astute of you to observe such a thing. I do. I do like winning. I do like seeing my guests fumble about and lose.” With a shaky breath, you proclaim, “If I lose, I’ll stay. I’ll stay with you. Forever. We’ll have tea forever. If I win..”
He sharply interrupts you, “Which you won’t-“ you interrupt him back, “If I do, then you’ll grant me freedom. The key to that gate over there.” Kai throws his head back laughing; his fist slams on the table making the mice squeak as he finds your words the funniest someone has ever uttered.
“You’re bold, you know that? No wonder you made it past the King.” Your jaw clenches and your hands become clammy. Bite the bait! Kai utters with a sly grin, “Fine, I suppose I do love to win. I’ll bite,” he leans down startling you, “The bait I mean, not you. Unless…” “No-“ you sharply utter with a glare making him cackle.
“I do look forward to seeing you fumble and flap about.” You scoff, “As if.” With a leap behind you, he pulls you up, “Up, up, up, I’m getting bored from all this talking. As I was saying, Shrink Maze! See this lovely maze my mice friends have set up for you. You have to make it through to the exit.”
You glance at the maze. Seemed easy enough, you already had found the way out, simple. You could win this easily. All of a sudden, he grabs your jaw and presses the vial to your lips, “Spit it out and I’ll dislocate your jaw open into a permanent laugh,” he warns.
Your eyes widen, body tensing as the sickeningly sweet liquid slides down your throat. A tingle appears in your fingers and soon spreads like wildfire across your body. All of a sudden you feel lightweight and you find yourself tiny falling towards the now ginormous table, screaming.
Kai cackles, catching you in his hand and you tremble seeing his sheer size and dark gaze, “How cute you are, I could just crush you in the palm of my hand. Smoosh.” He drops you down onto the table and the monstrously sized cups, plates and decorations tower over you. You couldn’t see shit now! You didn’t even memorise the maze, fuck!
With a twisted smile, “Go on now, make your way through the maze.” With shaking limbs, you walk into the maze. Okay… you do recall having to take the first right and then one left, but that’s about it. So, you do just that. As you’re at a junction, you freeze hearing a terrifyingly loud squeak.
Kai’s voice resounds, “Oh sorry, I forgot to mention, the mice will be playing too. I did tell them that they’d get a nice chunk of cheese if they caught you, so I do apologise if they are tad aggressive, precious.” Thudding footsteps resound and you release a piercing shriek as you see a furry enemy turn the corner towards you sniffing and squeaking.
Fuck this! You hiss seeing your bound wrists, it made running so much harder! With your utmost you go straight, take a left, another left and another right. You had no fucking clue where you were heading? Another set of footsteps vibrate the table and tears brim your eyes.
Kai grins, “Oh dear, seems you’re at a dead end. Should I point them in the right direction, they’re only a wall away from you precious?” You snarl pint-sized, “Shut up!” Another squeak resounds.
You had to be quiet, they hadn’t found you here yet. You wrack your brains viciously. You peer up seeing the gargantuan decorations and chairs, back at Huening Kai. Hm, if you took into account their positions. Kai was East, you were the closest to him, so you were on the East of the maze. The exit was near the third chair of the table. Yes, yes! Maybe you could do this!
With your body and mind working overtime, you use the position of the humongous furniture, items and surroundings to help locate yourself and find your way through.
A shrewd shriek echoes and you scream seeing another mouse charging towards you from the right and your eyes flick around. You were this close, you were not going to let some furry nuisance ruin that! You couldn’t lose no matter what! The billowing napkin catches your eye and with speed, you grab it and hoist it above you charging towards it, the cloth flapping and puffing under the wind. The mice adorning an apron squeaks, eyes widened with confusion and fear and scurries off. Despite its size, it was still a skittish mouse!
A disapproving click of the tongue is heard from above - Kai. You let out a delirious laugh, your idea was stupid, stupid enough to work in this dreadful place!
“Ugh, how dreadful. Stupid mice,” he mutters with an irritated glare. Running, you take another right; the third chair now towering over you. It was right there! You grin widely seeing the path only turn right and with all your might you sprint.
The exit appears and you rush past with a foolishly wide grin as you peer up at him panting and sweat-ridden, “Done!” Your heart slams against your ribcage, legs burning and lungs on fire.
With a roll of his eyes, he picks up a green-rimmed tea cup and your eyes widen as he hovers it over you and a few drops fall on you causing you to shriek. A familiar tingling sensation appears and in the blink of an eye you find yourself back to normal size. Kai snarks, “A growing potion brings things back to regular size. Sorry, I suppose you are a bit soaked. Not many have made it past, so huh, good job.”
You grumble and he muses suddenly cupping your jaw to face him, “Though the sight of you soaked isn’t too bad either.” Glaring, you mutter, “I won. Next game.”
Kai grins, “Eager are we? You truly are different from the other guests. It really does make me want to just keep you all to myself, I bet we’d have so, so, so much fun together!” He pushes you to sit down with an excited flurry and Kai smiles at you, “Let’s talk.” You deadpan. “No, I mean, that’s the game, precious. Come on keep that pretty head of yours up to speed!”
You scoff at his remark and he grins sitting down opposite you, “What is the colour of the wind?” Your brows furrow. The fuck? He snickers at the bamboozlement on your visage.
“Give me an answer that satisfies my two questions and we’ll progress to the next game!” Kai chuckles loudly before he groans, exasperatedly, placing a dramatic hand on his forehead, “Give me a boring one and I’ll just consider that you lose.”
“That isn’t fair! You just won’t let me win!” You grit your teeth, this game wasn’t objective at all! You could be however creative you wanted and he could deny you all he wanted! This sly bastard!
“My Grove, my rules, precious, now stop pouting and start thinking!” He giggles. He really was determined to get you to stay; you gaze into his eyes, a spark of hesitance. Ah, ha! He didn’t like the fact you traversed the maze. That you won. That you had the possibility to escape. You’d sown the seed of doubt in his mind.
The gate. You just needed the key to the gate. If you could just find it. “Tick-tock!” You snap, “You didn’t mention a time limit?” Kai smiles mischievously, “Did I not? Whoops, well there is now, I’m sorry precious.” You glower at him, “Secondly, there is no time here!” He pouts, “Don’t ruin the experience, precious, here I’ll count then. Twenty, nineteen..”
You release a frustrated groan. The key. Fuck! You needed to keep him occupied. An answer he likes, something nonsensical, not logical perhaps?
“Uh…” you pick your brains. “Ten, nine..” he grins. You splutter, “The c-colour of the wind..” you eye the fluffy marshmallows on one cupcake, “is a thousand fluffy marshmallows and- and, forgotten rain..bows?” You finish unsurely.
Kai registers your answers before cackling maniacally, “Oh my goodness!” He shakes your tied hands over-excited, “Wonderful, wonderful!” His eyes meet yours with a twisted pleasure, “You are perfect to play with. Perfect. You just get me!” Remaining silent, you give him a glare making him laugh once more.
He leans forward gripping your wrists more tightly, “Mm, I did adore that nonsensical answer but you already won once right, so? Mm, no. You could have been even more nonsensical.” You snarl, “You-! This is unfair, completely unfair! How can I win then?”
He shrugs, his fingers reaching up to nonchalantly fiddle with his shirt collar, “Not my problem precious. Why would I help you leave?” You sneer, “I think you’re just afraid that I’ll escape.”
Kai painfully tugs at your bindings with a manic gaze and tilt of his head as he grits out, “One loss is already too many in my head. I don’t like, don’t like it at all. Also, I’d prefer to not let my pretty little guest win her prize of freedom. So, suck it up, precious and do what so say, when I say it, or I’ll just make you play for eternity.”
Kai’s fingers move up to fiddle unbothered with his necklace, the tiny key swiveling between his fingertips with ease. Wait. Your heart drops to your stomach as realisation fills your senses. The key! The only key here you’d seen was that key around his neck. Or were you just thinking a little too outside the box? Maybe you didn’t have to go through all this horseplay, no, you could just take a shortcut!
Gears in your mind grind and rattle. He did not underestimate you, that much was clear. He had changed his games up so much so that there was no way to win! You had to grab that key, and make a run for it! Huh…but the key was tiny. How could it fit in that gate’s keyhole?
“Hello?” Kai’s voice and sudden hand on your jaw breaks you out of your trance, “I’m waiting, don’t tell me I’ve melted that pretty head of yours into mush already?” You scoff shaking his hand off, “No. Hit me with the next question.” You just had to keep him occupied as you think of a way to get that key.
Kai grins widely, “Hmm…If a teapot…could sing, let’s say, opera. What genre would it perform?” As if to mock your predicament, he grabs the teapot and tilts it into his cup pouring more tea. What the type of question was that?
You snap, “You’re insane.” He giggles frantically sipping his tea, “Why thank you. Everyone always calls the Hatter insane, but sorely underestimate my abilities!” You seethe at his irritatingly charming smile.
“Just- Just give me more than twenty seconds this time, please,” you plead, feigning desperation. He tilts his head and coos, “Aw, that’s cute, I like the tone you get when you plead, fine, I shall allow it.” You have to refrain from sneering - he only allowed it because he was going to reject whatever nonsensical answer you came up with!
Your gaze flickers over the assortment of items on the table, lingering on the sharp knife beside the cake. The very cake that sedated you. Shit, you couldn’t even get him to eat it, he wasn’t stupid. Your eyes settle on the green-rimmed teacup, the growing elixir. Your eyes widen, the key- you could grow it back to original size (well, if your hypothesis was correct!)
It made the most sense, what place was more safe to keep the key than next to his own neck, shrunken down inconspicuously? You smile extra wide and he raises a brow, “What’s gotten you so happy, precious?”
“I’ve found an answer that I think you’ll like a lot,” you stand up. A sly smirk lines his lips, “Oh really? I have terribly high expectations, you know. Do enlighten me then.”
You brush past him with a calm gaze as you walk towards the teacup with the elixir. “The genre it would perform would be teatime tragedy.” Kai’s smile falters and he grimaces in disgust, “That’s your answer? How boring.”
You shrug, “Really?” Despite your bound wrists, you hook your finger into the handle of the teacup and raise it precariously. “It’s about the dramatic tales of an evening tea party that goes terribly,” you throw the teacup at him and his eyes widen as the liquid splashes across his face and torso. You finish, “Wrong.” With a bright hum, you gleam, “Like that.” Kai’s eyes snap to meet yours infuriated, “H-How dare you, such insolence! At my tea party? I’m the host!” You snap, “And I’m the guest!”
“Following my rules,” he argues flagrantly, “I did. I answered your question,” you grit out. He snarls displeased by your sudden defiance and your eyes sparkle as you see the key on his neck grow slowly. You had to make sure he didn’t notice!
With a rough tug, his fingers wrap around your neck and your lips part in surprise, hands against his chest. “Don’t test my patience precious, no matter how much you play, I won’t ever, ever let you win. Got that? Get that drilled into your lovely little skull.”
Your gaze meets his, breaths tumbling out. His body heat seeps through your clothes. His face was even prettier this close. His sharp nose, infuriated eyes, high cheekbones, a man sculpted by the gods themselves. Too bad he was a maniac, you’d have fawned over him in the real world. You see his eyes flicker to your lips back to your gaze, “There’s just something about you. I don’t like. At the same time, I don’t hate.”
So close. The key was so close. You almost flinch when his other hand moves a stray strand of your hair out of your face and delicately cups your cheek, “Such a pretty face, pretty eyes, cute nose,” his thumb tugs down at your lower lip making your breath hitch. Kai takes notice, smirking, “Such irresistible lips, that spew such irritable nonsense.”
“And you don’t?” You counter back breathless. Kai chuckles, “I do, but it’s better when you do it.” You lean closer, “Really? Do I win then? Could you just let me have this second win?” You plead. Kai clicks his tongue with a condescending grin, “Mm, you know I can’t do that, even when you beg so pretty, precious.”
Well, who needed his permission anyway? With a sudden jump, your hands clamp over the key and with a rough tug, you run past him. He screeches in agony, the friction of the necklace against his skin and the sound of it snapping from the sheer force of you pulling it off his neck. You peer down, the key was indeed large enough!
“You-!” The March Hare snarls enraged as he sees the key. He lets out a deranged laugh, “You clever, clever, little thing! So you figured it out all this time huh? You never planned to indulge me at all!” He lunged forward with an arm outstretched. You shriek, kicking one of the chairs in his direction to hold him back a little longer. You could NOT afford to drop this key!
Bolting towards the gate, you pant madly, you could do it! You were so close, so close- your fumble with the key inserting into the keyhole trembling. Quick, quick, quick!
“You misbehaving brat, after all that hospitality-“ you scream as you feel his hand on your shoulder and you twist yourself around head butting him in the face making him groan. Blood drips to the ground from his nose, sliding down his lips and chin as he coughs.
Tremoring, you twist the key, it doesn’t open, “Fuck!” You scream. You twist it the other way and you hear a rusty click followed by a groan as the worn gate slowly swings open. As you go to sprint, Kai’s hand grips the back of your shirt with frightening strength. Fear envelopes your gaze, adrenaline pulsates through you.
So you do the one thing that comes to mind, with your leg, you kick the gate backwards to a close and a painful string of curses leaves his lips as the heavy gate slams onto his arm with a sickening crunch, releasing you. Kai bellows in agony, falling to his knees; the surge of pain bearing too much for him, perhaps even a fracture of his arm.
He sneers, panting like a rabid dog, “That cursed little-“ Kai’s lips form an eerily wide grin as he yells out, “It’s a death s-sentence for you now precious! Oh I hope the Hatter treats you even better than I did!” A deranged laugh leaves his body as he clutches his arm, throwing his head back as tears run down his face.
Indeed the March Hare would spiral further into the abyss of insanity and isolation once more it would seem.
If only your hands weren’t tied together, it would have made this entire thing easier. You sprint, your calves searing and beginning to seize up, fuck, you couldn’t afford to look back. What if he was still chasing you? You shudder, powering through. You needed to find a way to cut this ribbon off, it was beginning to hurt your skin!
After what seemed like forever, you finally slow down into a jog and then finally a walk. Your limbs tremble from exhaustion. The foliage around you seems to morph and you begin seeing various trinkets scattered around the blue and purple plants. Where was this absurd place? Surely you couldn’t have ran into the Hatter already?
Walking cautiously, you peer around. All of a sudden a raspy voice startles you and you spin around trying to locate it, “Well, well, what’s this? A new guest? It’s been so long, dear.” It chuckles, “Up here.”
You tilt your head up and your eyes narrow as you finally see a large bluish-purple caterpillar lounging in the trees, with a lazy smile and hookah in one hand. It was incredibly camouflaged - holy shit!
“What’s with the bound wrists? Asking for a death sentence? If the Hatter finds you like this, he’ll have a real jolly time with you.” You feel nauseous at the thought and you awkwardly ask, “Ah, you wouldn’t mind untying me, cutting this off would you?” It heartily laughs, taking another breath from its hookah.
“I don’t know, why should I?” It muses, its many arms moving. You sigh exhausted, “Please, please don’t make my life anymore difficult than it is. You know what, never mind, I’ll find a sharp rock or branch or something.”
Before you walk off, it scuttles down making you grimace and reaches around in the messy foliage bringing out a small blade, with a swift slice, the ribbon comes undone and your hands are free to move. Eyes wide, you thank him, “Why? You just said-“
“I know, I know, yes, yes,” it rolls its eyes and you cough as it blows the purple fumes into your face. “I can’t help but feel pitiful for the poor souls that end up here. Far too much effort really, to survive here,” It groans, stretching. You inquire, “Well, uh thanks anyway. You…wouldn’t happen to know an exit by any chance?”
The plump caterpillar snickers, “An exit? In Wonderland? Oh dear, that’s not easy to find.” You deadpan, “So you know where it is, and the fact it does exist.” It muses grinning, “Well observed dear. Indeed, it’s in Cheshire’s Forest. On the outskirts, though, only one person’s made it that far.”
You frown, “One person?” It nods, “The others well, let’s just say Cheshire doesn’t make it easy. He knows everything about Wonderland. But no one knows anything about him.” You shiver. What an enigmatic figure…
“Though, you could say he’s the sanest of the lunatic bunch here. Oddly. After all, in a land where madness reigns, only the sane can ordain,” it utters and you blink. You think your brain has quite literally fried beyond comprehension.
“Uh, well anyway, thanks I guess. I’ll be going,” you mutter. You’d probably rest somewhere first, then try to head to the forest. The caterpillar hums quizzically regarding your retreating figure, “Follow the path where the shadows dance, and you’ll find the Mad Hatter’s chance.”
You scoff with a smirk - yeah well, you’d avoid it then. No way.
Too bad you didn’t catch the rest of the line, oh well, the caterpillar didn’t really care enough to stop you. You’d die of insanity by the Hatter’s hand or Cheshire - it didn’t matter.
“Avoid the path with all your might, and you’ll find yourself with quite the fright,” it muses, completing the line, “Oh dear, well they made it this far, I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
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imsandra · 10 days
Red to Gold
Pairing: Eris x female reader
Summary: From the fire of the past are born the flames of a new beginning.
Warning: Mentions of torture, whipping, violence, death (nothing in too much detail), Beron. Let me know if anything happens. Word count: 1183
Notes:The idea came out of nowhere, I hope you like it. Leave your comments on what you think, suggestions, everything is welcome as long as it is with the motivation to teach and with respect.
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any spelling and grammar problems.
Original story, I wrote it myself. Please do not copy or plagiarize my story.
I appreciate the comments, reblogs and likes I receive.
Happy reading!
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Master list
The sun would rise again over them.
That was what his mother always said whenever his father did atrocious things to her. His father wasn’t known for being the best; his tyranny was his strength and worth at that time, but it never led him to victory. So when Eris became the new High Lord after killing his own father, his dreams were plagued with nightmares of his past, but he always remembered his mother's words.
“The sun will rise again over us,” the Lady of Autumn would whisper to her children.
“How do you know?” Eris would always ask.
“Because one day, you'll feel that all the bad will go away, and the good will settle deep in your soul, healing the broken parts,” she said as she kissed his forehead.
“Mama, do you feel it?” he whispered. He had always been curious with her, only with her.
His mother took longer than usual to respond. She clung to her little son and answered:
“Yes, I feel it every day,” she finally said.
The little redhead, deep down, knew it was a lie. He knew his father tortured her. She thought that at 8 years old, he wouldn’t be aware of the atrocious things his own father could do. But Eris was always aware, and although he sometimes tried to defend her, which cost him several whippings, he knew his father would never show mercy to a child. So, Eris would have no mercy for him. Never.
When his brothers came into the world, he tried to protect them from Beron's torture, especially his younger brother, Lucien. The only one of his brothers with whom he formed a close bond. The only one he could save from his father's poison.
Lucien and Eris were united by their shared love for their mother. Eris tried to give him a peaceful childhood: he tried to play with him, teach him to read and write, teach him to defend himself. He didn’t care about the consequences that followed. He would do that and more for him and for his mother.
He promised himself: the sun would rise again over them.
A couple of years after becoming the High Lord of the Autumn Court, he found his mate; he found his sun. Y/N was his sun during his dark nights when the storm raged through his body. It was she, with her light, who made him shine like a diamond. His life improved with her, and his mother couldn’t be happier for him, and he couldn’t be happier with her, because he could finally live a free life.
He could never blame her for wanting freedom. Everyone deserved that. Freedom.
Now, while lying on the couch in his home with his little redhead asleep on his chest, he knew his mother was never wrong.
All the bad was going away, and the good was binding to his soul, mending his broken parts.
His little girl stirred on his chest. He gently stroked her back, with tenderness, with love, with the affection that only his mother had taught him, what it meant to be both father and mother at the same time. He swore that the moment his daughter, Emberlyn, was born, he would do whatever it took to give her a childhood full of joy and peace, everything he didn’t have. He would give it to his children.
Emberlyn was his little sun, his passionate little warrior, and even though she was now 5 years old, she was still his little baby. The little redhead claimed to be a little adult, but the fact that she was now lying on her father, her head buried in his neck, showed she was still a baby.
If those thoughts came to light, Emby would get a bit upset and tell her father to have a small sword battle until one of them won. That's why she was his little warrior.
Who would’ve thought his girl was such a fan of swords?
The scent of his mate filled the room; she had entered through the door that connected to the garden. Emby had been helping her mother in the garden they had built together before ending up in her father's arms, fast asleep.
“I love you,” Eris told his wife.
His wife only smiled radiantly before approaching him. When she reached him, she leaned in to kiss him; their lips met gently. A kiss full of so much love, soft as a feather. Both parted, breathless; if it were up to them, they would stay like that for eternity. But they had to breathe at some point.
“I love you more, dear husband,” Y/N whispered near his lips.
Eris made space for her so she could lie down with them. His wife slid onto the couch and nestled into the arm her beloved husband offered her. Y/N rested her head on his shoulder and buried her face in his neck, inhaling his rich scent.
“Maybe we should have another,” Eris said quickly.
“Another what?” the woman responded.
“Another baby,” he said with a smile.
Y/N only laughed and pulled her face out from Eris' neck. She looked at him with a smile; she would never tire of seeing his face, the shape of his nose, his kissable lips, his beautiful freckles adorning his cheeks. Eris locked his gaze with hers, and countless moments flashed through his eyes. He couldn’t believe he was building such a wonderful life as a husband, father, and High Lord of his court.
“I’ll give you all the children you want, my love,” she said with a giggle. She kissed his jaw and buried her face back in her beloved's neck.
The redhead just chuckled, causing his daughter to stir. Emby just wriggled around; she seemed to be a heavy sleeper, just like her mother.
The High Lord of the Autumn Court was more than happy. And though sometimes that happiness was clouded by horrible moments from his past, it was his present that brought him back. His doubts about not being a good father were answered in the moments he shared with his baby. She loved him and reminded him that he was raising her in the best way possible.
He would build that legacy worthy of being told in future generations.
The sun would rise again over them.
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*divider by @tsunami-of-tears , thank you.
I red you!
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tenderleavesbob · 2 months
Hi!! Anon from before, I meant the fic where the chain see each other again but Wild is missing/not there yet :) sorry for the confusion
Aaaah. That makes more sense! This fic. Here you go!
When their adventure ended and Warriors returned to his life as Captain Link, he accepted that it was the end of their time together. He felt blessed as it was to have the opportunity to not only see Tune and Mask again but to fight alongside the new heroes. He didn't expect to receive such a blessing again.
He stepped out of the portal and into preparations for a new war.
The breaking of Ganon's bindings had left them fragile. Even with the Master Sword sealing him back in his prison, no one expected them to hold Ganon for long. They needed to prepare for the new battle.
Impa introduced him to their new weapons. Rather than fighting another war and sacrificing their people to Ganon's madness, they would create divine beasts to join their hero and Hylia's daughter into battle.
"It was a good idea," Warriors admitted, rubbing his chest. "We underestimated him, though. He didn't have the Triforce anymore, but he was still empowered by it." He grimaced. "He was also mad as hell."
Wind pressed against his side. It was still strange to see Wind as tall as him. Wind showed him what he had actually looked like when he died, and Warriors cried at how old and strong his boy looked. He was still crying as Wind scolded him for dying so young.
"It almost worked, but we relied too much on him being similar to how he was before," Warriors said.
Legend tsked at him and shook his head. "Amateur mistake."
"Leg!" Twilight hissed.
Warriors grinned at him. "He's right. It was." He tapped his chest. "This time, it did cost me my life. I won, but no one expected..." He waved his hand vaguely. "Whatever that was. It was nasty. Took all of my power to take it out."
"His Malice," Twilight said. He frowned. "Wild mentioned it."
Warriors shrugged. "It certainly kicked my ass."
Time leaned against him from his other side. Spirits shouldn't have weight, but Time did. A dead man shouldn't be warm, but he was. He was comforting and smelled like the forest around them. "If I'm right about the timeline, it'll be a long time before we see Wild. Your sacrifice will keep Ganon at bay for a long time."
Warriors hummed and didn't respond. They all knew enough about Wild's timeline to know how that would go. He just hadn't realized that he was the hero right before Wild. He had hoped that he would be able to change it, even if it messed up the timeline again. Better prepare them after they used the Divine Beasts.
Twilight kicked Warriors's shin. It didn't really hurt. Nothing did anymore. Warriors still yelped. "I see ya thinking. Knock it off."
Legend grinned. "Don't tell him to knock it off. He'll never be able to start up again!"
Everyone started laughing again. Time kept his hand pressed over Warriors's heart.
His death had been immediate. He had seen the death blow but hadn't felt a thing.
"So now what?" Warriors asked.
Hyrule plopped beside Legend with Four right behind them. Their chain wasn't complete yet. It wouldn't be for centuries. It was nice, though, for all of them to sit together like this, safe within the Great Deku Tree's forest. The forest spirits laughed and chattered around them, and Hyrule resembled them as he offered them the fruit he and Four had gathered. "Now we eat!" he chirped.
"And wait," Four added, passing some of the fruit to Wind and Warriors. "We did our time."
"Sorta," Twilight said drolly. Time snickered.
They didn't need to eat, but the fruits of this forest were good for more than mortal sustenance.
Sky watched all of them quietly, a content smile on his face. In death, he glowed even brighter than life. Under the shadow of the trees, he shone like their own sun. "We're together," he said simply. "We'll watch over Hyrule the best we can and support Wild when it's his turn. For now..." He accepted a golden apple from Hyrule. "We eat!"
"Do you think we could make beer from this?" Twilight mused.
"Or wine?" Warriors offered.
That started everyone off again, including cheers when Wind reported that he knew how to make moonshine. Warriors watched his brothers, far more content in death than he ever expected.
For now, no more battles.
For now, they could rest.
And eat.
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propertyoftoru · 2 years
Something in the Air | L.F
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wc: 4.5k
pairing: Lee Felix X Fem!Reader
warnings: smut MDNI, sex pollen AU, felix goes to a witchy apothecary and finds himself in a predicament, Switch!Felix, Switch!Reader, Felix has somewhat of a dom drop, thigh slapping, lots of teasing, felix is kind of a pervert, creampie/mentions of breeding, unprotected sex, tiny bit of choking, dumbification, lots of praise (giving and receiving), just pure filth (i’m sure i missed some stuff)
A/N: This is not proofread. I was so fuckin tired but i really wanted to finish this so i hope you enjoy :>
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Lee Felix is a fucking idiot. At Least that's what he repeatedly tells himself as he paces around his apartment. A frustrated groan falling from his lips as he made another lap around his couch, tugging on the ends of his hair painfully. 
He should have known better really, not to trust that shady shop in some desolate corner of town. But he really wanted to get you something special for your birthday and you had a penchant for the more peculiar things. So he asked around and a friend of a friend told him about this witchy apothecary, known for its jewelry and other trinkets. He was so sure he would find something there that would suit you, so when the woman who ran the shop left him unattended while she ran out back he didn't think twice before looking around. He wandered against his better judgment and ended up in some back room that he most definitely should not have entered in hindsight. 
The walls were lined with bookshelves overflowing with hundreds of books, some barely holding together by their bindings and others seemingly brand new. His eyes then fell to the glass cases holding items that he wasn't quite able to identify. Finally he spotted it, certainly out of the ordinary, the leaves being a strange purple color with red veins. But the flowers are what caught his eye, the delicate white with swirls of lilac and pink. He was certain you would adore them, despite not really being a flower person he knew you would appreciate their peculiarness. He had to be sure they smelled as pretty as they looked before he bothered asking the kind woman how much they cost. So when he carefully opened the glass and leaned in to inhale deeply, he was almost startled by how potent the scent really was. It was like his hand had a mind of its own as he reached out to touch the petals, noticing the purple powder that was now dusting his fingers. Felix jerked away when the woman spoke from behind him shaking her head with a teasing glint in her eyes. “Oh sugar, you're in for a long night.” 
His head was spinning as you continued to speak “Binnie made me workout with him...” He could practically picture you pouting with your arms crossed over your chest. “He’s being so mean Lixie! Tell him to let me leave so I can come over and stuff my face full of your sweets.” Normally Felix would’ve chuckled at that but the idea of you being around him right now sent him into a goddamn spiral. The metaphorical alarms were blaring in Felix’s head telling him that under absolutely no circumstances could he let you come over. 
Felix had already been fighting his natural urges to cuddle the ever living hell out of you every time he saw you for months now, and that was putting things lightly. He would never admit outloud the amount of times he’s fisted his cock to the cute selfies you would send him. He would certainly rather die than ever admitting to stealing your panties when hanging out at your apartment, just to rush home and fuck into them until he was a drooling and whimpering mess.
In his current state there was no doubt in his mind that he would get on his knees and beg for you to use him. He wouldn't be able to stop himself from telling you just how obsessed he was with you.  So when he spoke again he was sure he had a masochistic streak but he just needed to see you.
“Tell Changbin I need you for something. It's important.” If you replied he didn’t hear it because he quickly hung up and flung his phone onto the counter with a loud clatter. 
He made quick work of stripping his clothing off as he rushed to his bathroom, turning on the shower to a freezing temperature. He prayed to any god that would listen that his body temperature would go down, but as his eyes landed on his painful erection he knew that his prayers would go unanswered. He reached out a timid hand to gently drag his fingertips along his shaft, his other hand flying out to stabilize himself against the wall. His throat tightened and warmth bloomed across his chest and down his abdomen at the small touch. He hesitantly wrapped his hand around himself, squeezing harshly and slowly moving up and down. He nearly sobbed at the speed his orgasam approached, his thighs trembling, eyes clenched tight, as he came all over his fist and the shower floor. When he realized his erection showed no signs of going away he did sob. He quickly washed up avoiding touching his sensitive cock as much as he could before throwing on the loosest sweats he owned. 
Fast forward to now as he continued to pace around his living room awaiting your arrival. He wasn't even sure you were actually coming or not having not looked at his phone since he hung up on you. Part of him hoped that you would just go back to your apartment and question his odd behavior the next time you hung out. But a much larger part of him desperately hoped you would come, because even your presence would soothe him if not the tiniest bit. 
A rhythmic knocking on his front door signaled your arrival, he recognized the knocking pattern to be the one that only you ever used. As he made his way to his door he swiftly reached down to tuck himself under the waistband of his pants, quietly whimpering at the pressure but anything was better than the obvious tent it presented. As he swung the door open you immediately took notice of his disheveled appearance. The splotches of red across his chest and collarbones, his hair sticking up in different directions seemingly from being pulled on, and his bottom lip red and swollen from being chewed on. Your eyebrows shot up as you took in the sight of him your mouth hanging open slightly.
“Uh… is this a bad time?” You fought the urge to peek over his shoulder to check for who might’ve turned him into the pretty mess in front of you. “If you have someone over I can just come over tomorrow.” His eyebrows pulled together in confusion as he reached up to his forehead to swipe away the sweat coating his skin. Your eyes dropped to the way the fabric of his thin tank top swayed, exposing his sides when he moved. But your attention was quickly drawn to his nipples poking through the fabric and the way his chest seemed to heave with every breath he took. 
“No, there's nobody here.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously “I was just… My air conditioning broke! It's just really hot in here!” He laughed nervously before moving aside gesturing for you to come in. You took note of the fact that the temperature was completely normal and that you could hear the faint hum of his air conditioner but you chose not to mention it. 
“Are you sure everything is okay Lixie?” Your back was to him so you missed the way his eyes squeezed shut at the nickname. He pulled in a quick breath before faking a smile when you turned to face him. “Yep! Everythings totally fine!” 
You hesitated a bit but gave him a nod before making your way into his living room, plopping down on his couch. “Hey, do you mind if I take a quick shower before we do anything? I’m still all gross from the torture that Binnie calls a workout.” Felix’s head felt like it was gonna explode at the thought of you showering in the very same shower that he just jerked off in not even 20 minutes ago. Still he nodded and offered you a pair of his clothes to change into once you were finished. 
Once he heard the water turn on he bit down on his knuckle harshly, his mind going wild at the idea of you naked on the other side of the wall. He started his pacing again as he fought the urge to touch himself, his cock still painfully throbbing against his hip. He decided to change into basketball shorts, his sweatpants suddenly way too hot for him to be wearing.
As he made his way down the hall he noticed the bathroom door cracked open, the heat and the steam from your hot shower making its way through the opening. Felix’s poor heart felt like it was going to stop as he stared at the door. Did you just accidentally not close it all the way? How did you not notice it wasn’t closed? And why didn't you lock the door behind you? He didn’t even realize he had moved forward until his hand made contact with the handle of the door, about to nudge it open. He quickly jerked his hand back and internally scolded himself for being such a pervert. But in his moment of weakness the thought of just a tiny peek didn't seem so horrible.You would never find out right? He just needed a little glimpse, just something to help him get through the intense jerking off he was planning on doing once you left. So when he reached his hand out and carefully nudged the door open he certainly didn't expect to see you standing under the water staring back at him with an evil smirk plastered on your lips. He yelped and began to stumble over his words trying to offer you something between an apology and an explanation. But much to your amusement the entire time he was rambling his eyes were greedily raking over your naked body.
You smiled to yourself as you thought that your bold action of leaving the door cracked open just might have paid off. When you noticed Felix was so out of it upon your arrival you tried to get a closer look at him as you walked past him. The subtle bulge near his hip gave him away and you hoped that if you played your cards just right maybe tonight would finally be the night that your friendship blossomed into something more. 
“You forgot to tell me where the towels are Lixie” you reached to turn off the water before making your way to stand directly in front of him. You could almost see his brain malfunctioning as he opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water. He quickly bent down and grabbed a towel out of his cabinet before practically shoving it into your hands. 
You gave him a soft smile before saying thank you and beginning to dry off like normal but when you looked back you saw Felix still standing there like he was glued to that spot. Whatever kind of internal war was happening inside his brain you quickly interrupted by reaching out and touching his cheek.  
“Maybe I could thank you properly?” He opened his mouth to reply but quickly shut it before nodding eagerly.
“Words baby…” You stroked your thumb over his bottom lip and tugged it down gently before releasing it. “I need words” Felix swore he must've fallen and hit his head because there's no way that this was real. But when you said his name with a gentle yet stern tone he realized that this was real and this was happening and he was just standing there like an idiot. 
“Yes p-please” Felix couldn't bring himself to care how pathetic he sounded and thankfully it only seemed to spur you on further. 
A smile stretched its way across your lips as you raked your fingers up the back of his neck and into his hair, grabbing a fistful and tugging his head back harshly. “Let me show you just how thankful I am Lixie” You mumbled against this throat as you ghosted kisses across the skin there. You heard him choke back a strained whimper as you nipped gently at the spot behind his ear. As you pulled away to scold him for holding back the loud gasp followed by a needy high pitched whine at your absence told you it wouldn't take much more for him to completely fall apart. 
You continued your kisses down his neck and across his collarbones, being sure to pull back every so often to gently blow over the wet areas. Felix’s knees felt like they were going to give out any second and with the way his head was spinning he wasn't entirely sure he wasn't going to faint. You felt him cautiously take your hips in his hands and hold onto them for dear life, and he hoped you wouldn't be upset with him for touching you without permission. 
“B-Bedroom… please.. I-” He cut himself off with another gasp as you pressed against his bulge with your palm, a faux sympathetic look taking over your features. “You can wait just a little longer, can't you baby?” You continued to lightly squeeze him through his sweats as you kissed across his chest. “ Wanna keep playing with you some more.” You kitten licked his nipple before taking it in your mouth and swirling your tongue around it, nibbling on it gently. The sounds leaving Felix were pure sin, a mixture of your name with high pitched whines and low groans.
“So pathetic Lixie… I’ve hardly touched you and your a fucking mess for me” You giggled at the way his moans only seemed to increase at your taunting.
When you applied more pressure to his aching cock along with the work of your busy mouth on his nipples his poor body just couldn't take it any more. His knees buckled and his brain turned to mush as you pushed him backwards to pin his hips between you and the bathroom counter. You helped lift him up onto the counter as he wrapped his arms around your neck and he pouted down at you. Tears were pooling in his eyes and his lips were swollen and glossy from him chewing on them.
“Pleasepleaseplease…” Felix’s hips started to roll against you as you held on to him tightly, allowing him to relieve some of the pressure that had been building between his thighs. A deep groan ripped from his throat as you began sucking marks into his chest while he continued to grind into you. You could feel the wetness of his precum seeping through the fabric of his pants and you let out an appreciative hum as you looked down to see the dark patch. “Feel good baby?” He nodded against the crook of your neck where he was drooling and nibbling at the skin gently. “Mhm…want more.. please touch me more”  
“Such a good boy lixie hmm? So polite for me” You slipped your hand under the elastic of his pants, taking him in your hand and feeling him throb against your palm. “Good boys deserve to be rewarded.” Felix was practically sobbing into your neck now, the feeling of you finally touching his cock overwhelming him instantly. As you began to twist your wrist gently and brush your thumb over his slit his cries only got louder mixed with babbles about how good you made him feel and him begging you not to stop. Somewhere in the mix of his rambling you heard him choke out that he was close so you sped up just enough along with your lips mouthing at his neck to send him flying over the edge. His thighs trembled as he came in his sweatpants and he was gasping for air as you continued to stroke him into oversensitivity. His hands shot out to gently nudge your hand away “t-too much p-please… I just need a s-second” so you continue to place gentle kisses along his throat and across his chest as you let him come down from his high, being sure to whisper sweet praises about how good he did for you. 
When he finally pulled away you noticed how dark his eyes were, pupils still blown and suddenly that innocent and needy glint was replaced with something else entirely. The intensity of his gaze made you feel like squirming so you looked down to try and avoid it but your jaw dropped when you saw him still straining against his pants. 
“How are you still hard?” You asked in slight disbelief but mostly just pure shock. Felix didn't respond but instead slid off of the counter, walking you backwards until you were the one pressed up against the wall. His pointer finger slid under your chin tipping your head up until you met his eyes again.
“Listen to me sweetheart” He paused to slide his palms under your thighs and lift you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. “I don't know why the hell my cock wont calm the fuck down but..” He began to walk you both towards his bedroom where he all but tossed you onto his mattress. “You're gonna be a good girl and take everything I give you until it does yeah?”
He made quick work of ripping his clothes off, his angry red cock slapping against his stomach, before he was crawling over you. You nodded eagerly attempting to reach your hands out to wrap around his shoulders but he was quick to grab them and pin them back to the mattress. He leaned down and brought his lips next to your ear “Don’t you think you were greedy enough earlier? You had your chance to touch all you wanted and you chose to be a fucking tease instead.” The way he snarled the words harshly had you attempting to clench your thighs together but his own thigh lodged between yours, just barely brushing against your cunt.
“Don't worry kitty I'll make sure to fuck you until youre sobbing and begging me to stop just like you had me.” The rapid switch in dynamics left your head buzzing and your heart pounding with excitement. You whined and bucked your hips forward trying to reach his thigh, desperate for any kind of friction or touch. Despite how much you teased him earlier you desperately wanted him inside of you, to be as close as possible to him. 
When you continued to whine and squirm underneath him he raised an eyebrow at you. “You had so much to say earlier and now youre so quiet…Cat got your tongue kitty?” His condescending chuckle pulled another whine from you. “Please Lixie… n-no more teasing just want you to ruin me.” You were slurring your words, practically drunk on lust, on top of the way your eyes were hooded and your lips were poking out in a pout Felix had no choice but to fold. He would take his time to dom you properly another day but right now you're both just as desperate for this to happen.  
As he brought his hand down to your soaking cunt he kept his eyes locked on yours mumbling “Gonna take care of you pretty girl” and “gotta get you nice and ready for my cock yeah?” He began dragging his middle finger through your folds gathering some of the wetness and bringing it up to your clit. You couldn't help but buck your hips at the sensation even with his other hand pressing down on your abdomen to hold you in place. Your whines got louder as he began to circle your hole with his finger. You were about to complain when he finally pushed it in immediately curling upwards and searching for the spot that would make you see stars. He started out slow and teasing but eventually sped up after adding a second finger. Starting to scissor them and rocking them upwards, the heel of his palm grinding against your clit, the combination quickly bringing you close. 
“Feels so good lixie” you tried bucking your hips again to get even more friction and you earned a harsh slap to your inner thigh. The stinging sensation mixed with the pleasure his fingers were bringing you tipped you over the edge as you creamed around his fingers. Your high pitched moans and grunts drove Felix crazy as you sucked his fingers deeper into your cunt. 
“Such a greedy little pussy baby” he finally pulled his fingers out to suck your them clean before leaning down to attach his lips to yours. It was the first time you had kissed since this all began and it made your head spin in a completely different way. You could taste yourself on his tongue and lips and that made you whimper into his mouth. He dropped his hand in between your bodies and guided his cock to your drenched cunt. He slid it back and forth between your folds a few times to coat himself in your wetness before lining himself up. He captured your lips in another delicate kiss as he sheathed himself inside of you in one swift thrust. Capturing every gasp and moan that attempted to leave your mouth with his lips, drinking in each one hungrily. The contrast of his soft lips kissing you gently and his rough hips snapping into you forcefully making your headspin. 
“Take my cock so well baby. Fuck.” He was mumbling into your neck now telling you how pretty you were and how good you were being for him. All you could do was sit there and take what he gave you, your mouth hanging open with drool slipping past your lips, too fucked out to even care. 
“Gonna fucking ruin you.” He slapped your thigh again.
“Fuck you so good that you’ll never even think about anyone else ever again.” His hand was sliding to wrap around your throat now, applying just enough pressure on the sides to make your head feel fuzzy. 
“Gonna breed this cute little cunt until it's stuffed full of my cum.” His pace increasing but not losing the force behind each thrust. 
“So fucking good letting me use you like this. But you love this don't you? Taking my cock like it's what you were meant to do.” More kisses, some on your lips while some were just around your mouth and scattered across your cheeks. You just hummed in response loving the affection and praise you were getting.
The combination of his filthy mouth, with his powerful thrusts, and his gentle kisses quickly had the knot in your stomach forming again and you could feel your legs begin to tremble against his sides. 
“Wrap your legs around me baby… that's it…fuck… just like that.” With your legs wrapped around his waist he was hitting even deeper inside of you and your cunt seemed impossibly tighter.
You so badly wanted to wrap your arms around his waist and sink your nails into the skin of his back but you tightly gripped the sheets under you trying to ground yourself. “Want you to cum around me, pretty girl. Can you do that for me hm? Cum around my cock like a good girl?” His voice was strained and his arms were trembling next to your head as his third orgasam of the night began its approach. You nodded and whined hoping he would give you the tiny bit of friction on your clit you needed to reach your high. Like he could read your mind his hand made its way between your bodies and began to rub gentle circles into your clit. Your orgasam twice as intense as the first one violently washed over you. You squeezed your eyes shut as you spasmed around his length that was still pounding into you. 
The sounds of your wetness and your squeals of oversensitivity filled the room and Felix found himself following shortly after you as you continued to milk his cock. He allowed himself to collapse on top of you after he emptied himself into you, careful to position his weight so it wouldn't hurt you.
His cock was still hard but his brain felt like mush and he wasn't sure how much more he could take. He noticed the way your hands remained by your sides and he suddenly felt more desperate for your touch than ever before. 
“Baby?” He whimpered against your chest. You hummed in reply too fucked out to even attempt to talk.
“Want you to hold me please…Miss your touch already.” The way he asked so timidly had your hands flying to his hair and back, one hand scratching gently at his back and the other ranking through his sweaty locks. 
“Did so good lixie.” He hummed happily at the contact and your words, nuzzling into you further. “Took such good care of me” 
You both just laid there for a while soaking in each other's presence and attempting to gather more energy to help Felix deal with his problem. Tomorrow you would talk about where this left you two but for tonight you would help Felix get this out of his system and Felix would enjoy every ounce of attention he got from you.
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frostbitebakery · 9 months
one more time
Just in time for the holidays, I got one of the most generous, heart-fluttering, making-me-swoon, making-me-feel-honored gifts I’ve ever received in my life by @joppoint
✨ Behold ✨
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(There was also some delicious, delicious chocolate that, for privacy, location-revealing reasons, I didn’t include.) (Also it’s already half gone so there’s that too.)
I Got My Head Checked as a
A few months ago, @joppoint made a post about book-binding my fic and I was staring at the beautiful pictures for nearly half an hour in awe. And then, they reached out to me and were like, heya you want your own version?
To say I had no idea how to gracefully respond is a given. So I screamed and yelled in excitement and pointed at stuff with question marks and heart eyes.
And now I hold my first (and probably only) long fic, as a book, in my hands.
The craft and skills that went into it are magical. Possibly skirting witchcraft. You can feel the care and thought they put into the process. It looks professional as fuck. To the point my dad thought that you can order books on the internet like picture albums and posters. Yes, I was so excited to show off this gift, I told my dad about it. Now he’s got it into his head to learn English so he can read the book I wrote. I will die first, naturally. (I did not explain to him what fanfiction is. Or that the story is about an alternative universe featuring an evil version of his childhood hero making tender, manipulative love with my childhood hero of the same multi-billion dollar franchise :’D) He also asked to reach out to them about the costs of them making another book so he can have his own version of his daughter’s accomplishments and her friends’ skills. He’s so proud, bless him. Once more, I will die first. :)
Thank you so, so much, @joppoint 💜 I feel beyond honored that you chose my fic to bind, and that binding it brought you joy and all the things you wrote in your lovely letter. 💜
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venriliz · 2 months
10 random facts about me
got tagged by @druidberries @alientown @papermint-airplane TY <3
u literally tagged the most boring person but that's probably what half of all people think of themselves, huh? °-° i might regurgitate some of the facts i used for my introduction post in the sims of tumblr community. i wrote a lot so i'll put a cut with the facts below here. °-°
my birthday is the 4th of july and when i was a kid (prolly like 5 or 6) i saw an american parade on the news on tv. after i asked my dad why these people are celebrating he literally told me that they're celebrating my birthday °_° i believed for several years that americans celebrated my fucking birthday bc i wasn't aware of independence day existing lmfao. my dad just loved fooling me V.V he might be dead but i'm still holding that grudge lol.
i'm kinda lucky to be alive i guess? when i was a kid i was hit by a car in what we in germany call "Spielstraße" which is kinda like a street in dense neighborhoods where kids are allowed to play freely and cars aren't allowed to go faster than 7 kph/4.3 mph. i don't now how fast the driver was but it probably was something around 30 kph/18 mph. i didn't have very bad injuries but still °-° i could've died.
i was a typical horse girl as a kid (i still like horses but i'm not riding anymore because i'm a very old 20-something with knee problems lol) and i was fucking INSUFFERABLE abt it.
i don't want to have kids or get married. i'm not one of those people who hate children like i love my nieces and my nephew BUT i have a lot of mental health issues and can't possibly take care of another life if i can barely take care of myself properly, right? marriage to me is just a weird concept. i can totally respect people getting married and if i'm invited to a wedding i'm obviously attending but i personally can't really subscribe to the idea of binding myself to someone with a piece of paper and it then being such a stupid process when it doesn't work out. also... it costs too much money lol
i have kind of an affinity for finding missing pets (i also photograph every missing poster i see so i guess that helps with recognizing them?)
i was NOT good at school like i kinda sucked and i can probably blame a mixture of mental health issues, trouble at home and also being a lazy teenager that just wasn't really built for school life lol. i barely managed to get the "Mittlere Reife" (if you're german u know what i mean. i could explain what that means but explaining the german school system would take years). english, german and biology were my only good classes. i absolutely hated math like we're lifelong enemies.
speaking of germany, i am from germany or to be more specific from the most northern region nearest to the danish border and i LOVE living here. the north and baltic sea are close to me and people here are usually quite chill. the only thing i don't like that much abt living here is kind of the regional cuisine bc a lot of it is fish and i don't like eating fish T.T
i HATE going shopping (i'm an online shopper °-° EMP my beloved) and my friends just don't take me with them on shopping trips bc they know i'll kill the mood by complaining like a child and wanting to go back home lmfao
the first sims game for me was the og Sims and i almost fried my dad's old ass pc playing it. my first vivid memory of the game was noticing that here and there random houses appeard out of seemingly nowhere. the goths got a new house that didn't fit their vibe for example lol. years later my dad told me that he used to play the game when i was sleeping and just built these houses lmfao. so i guess my dad was an og simmer oO.
i remember 9/11 (yes i'm old enough don't age shame me T.T). i was in kindergarten at that time and just came home from a friends house when the towers fell. i saw it on tv and even though i was very young i understood that a lot of people were getting hurt. definitely had an impact on me as a kid.
yeah that's it. i rambled a lot but yeah °-°
tagging @landgraabbed @olli-online @living-undead @moonwoodhollow @microscotch @crazy-lazy-elder-sims @aniraklova @tiallussims @skaterboi108 @faerun-s @cristalviper @none-of-these-days @fadingforrest @acuar-io @elderwisp @lilamausmaus @simpleratattack @azeterna @butteredfrogs @mmonetsims and everybody else who reads this! HA!
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yanderecrazysie · 9 months
Ace Trappola Yandere Profile
I'm WAY into Twisted Wonderland right now. Watching someone play the third book because I got stuck and I'm lazy lol.
WARNINGS: yandere themes 
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Aware, Delusional, or Denialistic?
Is he aware of what he is doing or is he delusional/in denial?
Ace is very much aware of what he’s doing. In fact, he sees it a little as a game- getting you to love him back as enthusiastically as he loves you, no matter the cost.
Obsessive or Possessive?
Does he care more about you or about owning you?
While Ace does care about you, he loves the idea of owning you. He tries to treat you equally, but he secretly loves having power over you.
General Behavior Analysis:
How does he generally behave around you?
Ace tries to show off when you’re around. He will use his wind magic to blow you away (pun intended), act kind of tough, and just generally act like he’s not incredibly flustered by your presence.
Utilize or Avoid kidnapping?
Does he prefer kidnapping you or does he prefer finding other methods to obtain you?
Ace will kidnap you. Like I said, he likes having power over you, and that’s the best way. Plus he’s not smart enough to manufacture a way to keep you by his side.
Spiral Analysis:
Does he spiral out of control quickly or is he able to hold on to his humanity for a long time before he snaps?
Ace holds on for a long time. After all, he doesn’t want to appear as the lovesick puppy he actually is. But when he snaps, he snaps hard.
Restrain, Threaten, or Barricade?
Does he resort to restraining you, threatening you, or locking down the building/room to keep you kidnapped?
Ace would restrain you. He likes that powerful feeling he gets at your helplessness, and he doesn’t like threatening you. 
Escape Attempt Analysis:
How he would react to a successful or failed escape attempt.
Successful: Ace would be both distraught and terrified of the police showing up at his door.
Failed: He’d make sure your bindings are extra tight from now on, stewing in his anger silently.
Manipulate or Overpower?
How easy would it be to overpower or manipulate him in order to escape?
Ace isn’t the strongest guy in the world, but he’s not weak either. He’s sort of new to his wind magic, so if you’re very powerful you can probably escape him.
Manipulation also works, as he can be a little gullible.
Lenient or Strict?
How long is the chain (metaphorical or not) that he keeps you on?
He doesn’t let you go outside or roam around really. He likes keeping you in his sight because he gets a little paranoid when he’s away from you.
Rule and Punishment Analysis:
What kind of rules he has and what punishments you receive for breaking them.
Ace doesn’t have many rules, since you’re tied up, and his punishments aren’t harsh because he really does love you. I think he’d probably just leave you alone for a while, but that’d be torture to him as well.
Rival Elimination Analysis:
How he deals with rivals and potential elimination methods.
Ace isn’t a killer unless he’s driven to it. He merely glares at rivals and tries to steal your attention away from them, even if it comes across as needy.
Anger Analysis:
How easily he angers, how that anger looks, and how to calm him down.
Ace isn’t angered easily, but he’s the yelling type. He might even call you names if he’s angry enough. The only way to calm him down is either wait it out or try to soothe him with promises to stay and behave.
Above, Beneath, or Equal?
How does he view you: as something to worship, to own, or just as another human being?
Ace wants to own you, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t worship you. He’s possessive, but also obsessive.
Requite or Reject?
How does he react to you accepting or rejecting his love?
Rejection: Ace will kidnap you. He’ll get so angry that he’ll become unpredictable.
Acceptance: Ace will enter a normal relationship with you until he becomes too paranoid to deal with his rivals and you being out of sight.
Determination Analysis:
The level of determination to get you to requite or accept his feelings.
Ace wants your love desperately, he really does. But he’s also ready to kidnap you and own you should you reject him. Think of it as a plan B.
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spockandawe · 10 months
I'm so close to catching up with my books! Here we have the triumph of time, again, as a vellucent binding, again. And this may not look super different to you from my last iteration of this project! The differences were VERY process-driven and hard to photograph, but I pinky swear that there are incremental but noticeable improvements, and i would never mix up editions irl.
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First up, refresher, vellucent binding is when there's a protective layer of vellum floating over your cover illustration, protecting it. Or. If you're cheap. Paper vellum. My first time around, I realized as soon as I got the vellum paper wet that oh shit, this REALLY has a grain, and it is the opposite of what my books want. It's the first time I've ever been punished for ignoring grain, though, so I can't complain. I pressed on anyways, because what is even the point of fucking around if you aren't bold enough to find out? As a result, my vellum on the first set has noticeable wrinkles, despite only the turn-ins being glued down, and it all floats more than i wish. You have to smooth it with your fingers to really SEE the detail in the images.
So, naturally, my second time, I got bigger vellum paper, covered the whole thing in paste, plopped my covers onto there, and planned to smooth the wrinkles out. Yeahhhh, that... it was fairly forgiving in the one volume with a primarily white background, and was a goddamn nightmare on the three illustrations.
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Lesson one: paper vellum is like a sandworm that wants to curl up and die at the first touch of moisture. Lesson two: it wants to hurt you. PUNISH you. Lesson three: no seriously it is so much more difficult and unforgiving than any other material I've sampled yet. The wallet cost of actual vellum may be outweighed by the emotional cost of this shit.
Naturally, I am bewitched and determined to science it into submission.
For the record: v1 (turn-ins glued, wrong grain) in the bottom left, v2 (paste everywhere, abandoned on the curb without text blocks to warp and writhe as they please) in the top center, and v3 (turn-ins glued, correct grain, more effort to pull tension on the vellum) in the bottom right. I'm not done experimenting by any means, but i need to stop for a minute until i nail the process, to save my poor toner cartridges
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But the books themselves! Even though i still see ways to polish my own process, i am DELIGHTED with them. The pull of the paper vellum still wants to introduce slack and wrinkles to the cover as it dries, but there's much less! The moment you get adhesive on paper vellum you commit to a fight to the death, but I'm getting better at handling and anticipating it!
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There's a level of polish in the assembly of this set that was lacking in my first and second attempts at the covers. Even if it isn't perfect yet, I'm learning so much, and have new ideas for how to troubleshoot. The idea of making this bookbinding style more accessible and affordable fills me with so much delight, I can't even articulate it. I'm still very much an amateur myself, there are lots of professional best practices I can only speak to in the abstract. Pinning down something this niche and luxurious would make me so happy. Future science will be done on single-volume sets, probably after I'm done moving, but it's at the top of my to do list!! And when it's perfected, I'm for SURE coming back to this series, it's one of my all-time faves, I want to give it the fanciest treatment my hands can devise.
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violetlunette · 10 months
A little something inspired by this.
Silver shivered in the shadows of prison. 
The King claimed it to be his room, but a prison was a prison, and bars were bars, no matter how decoratively they were woven across the windows. 
Silver touched the gold that trapped him, giving an experimental pull. The bars held as firm as any iron would.
Silver sighed. It didn’t matter. Even if they were as soft as liquid or brittle as dust, Silver’s situation wouldn’t change. He saw the devastation that fell upon the people of the kingdom when he tried to leave.
Sliver clenched his eyes shut, but it only made the images of blood more vivid, the cries of desperation filling his ears as the land literally fell apart around them. He recalled the bursts of thunder as lightning struck the ground, setting ablaze flames so intense that the sea around the island began to evaporate.
His fist tightened around the bars, his lips pressed into a thin line. 
How could this have happened? It was just supposed to be a simple diplomatic mission where Malleus was to negotiate for materials Briar Valley desperately needed as their resources were stripped years before.
Silver met the King alone after getting lost, though he was unaware of who he was, at the time. Silver had no idea what he said or did, but somehow the guard had charmed the King. So much so, that the sorcerer offered a deal;
He would give Briar Valley whatever they wanted; the materials, money, an alliance—all they had to do was gift him Silver.
Of course, his companions refused.
“You no right to demand my retainer like a coin for metal or a toy you’re jealous of!” Malleus had coldly stated, backed by a furious Sebek. None stood more fiercely against the King than Silver’s father, however.
At first, Lilia remained calm and reasonable, however, as the madness of the King and his obsession began to reveal itself, so did Lilia’s fangs. He made it clear that—in no uncertain terms—would he ever give his son up. This act, however, ignited a fury in the spoiled King, who then revealed his wrath and power.
Silver and the others tried to flee, especially after Sebek was wounded in the chest, but they didn’t get far. 
Seeing the devastation upon the civilians of the island kingdom and worried for those he loved, Silver surrendered himself.
Lilia and Sebek fought and argued against both the King and Silver’s bleeding heart--
“I won’t allow this!" Lilia cried, thrashing against a binding spell. "You’re not taking my son!”
--but they were sent away with a spell, leaving the human behind.
Silver didn’t even get to say goodbye.
A stray tear traveled down Silver’s face, his heart aching with pain he never imagined. If he was using magic, he surely would have blotted over by now.
As he brought a hand to his face, he wondered how his family was and if they were safe.
'Father must still be angry by what I did.' Silver recalled the devastation in Lilia's voice and his face when Silver surrendered himself. 
The boy had no doubt that, wherever he was, Lilia was plotting a rescue and would attempt to follow through with it, whatever the cost. Silver hoped Malleus and Sebek stopped him.
Though he longed for his father, Silver worried that Lilia's actions would not only result in the latter dying but a war that would result in the bloodshed of others.
Thinking of this, Silver couldn't help but feel for his Prince. 
Silver knew Malleus cared for Silver just as much as his father but could not afford to do anything that would harm his kingdom, as a war with the Wizard King would.
Silver also felt his heart go out to Sebek, who would have to take on all of Silver's duties now.
'He'll never forgive me for this,' he thought as another tear fell. Sebek, who was like a brother to him, would hate him forever, Silver was sure. Not just for the pain Silver inflicted upon Malleus and Lilia but for the wound in his own heart as well. 
“You’re sad again.” 
Silver tensed at the sound of the deep, baritone voice. He started to turn but stopped, not wanting to look into the face of his captor. Quickly, he wiped his tears away with a furious hand, though it was obvious the other already saw his expression in the reflection of the glass. The King clicked his tongue as he approached, wrapping thick, muscular arms around Silver’s frame.
“No need to be like that,” he said into his ear. Silver shivered in disgust as the breath brushed over his skin. He clenched his hands tight and fought the urge to deck him. “If you’re sad, I can make you happy. I can give you whatever you want…” Silver struggled against the urge to throw the other off him, opting to drop his gaze so he didn’t have to see the scene reflected in the window.
“I want to go home,” the teen responded, eyes glaring so hard at the floor it was a miracle a hole didn’t appear. Silver was suddenly yanked around, a hand gripping his throat as magic pinned him to the wall.
Silver flinched as the magical engravings on his skin—the chains that now bound him to the King--burned like ice and fire. Even so, he clenched his teeth and glared at the King, whose gaze blazed with power not even Malleus could match.
“This is your home now. Don’t forget it,” he told Silver. Grief filled Silver as he realized his captor was right.
It didn’t matter how much he longed for the warmth of those he loved. This is where he would remain, both by force and his own choice, forever.
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fancyfeathers · 1 month
Okay so Kitty here and recently Fancy and I have been talking about Vincent Phantomhive for character inspiration for them and just his personality as a whole. Then I was also watching season two of Escape the Night and I got an idea, for those who don’t know it’s about a bunch of people who get invited to a ball and it turns out to be a death game pretty much and there are challenges that they get voted into as pairs and only one comes out alive.
So I got an idea for Vincent and his darling on how they meet.
Vincent is the queen’s guard dog and he was asked to attend a party in order to put an end to the evil things that are taking place there. The other guests in attendance have no idea what is to happen and as they begin to mingle and look around Vincent meets his darling, a young and almost naive lady who was invited to this deadly party. Vincent knows people will die tonight but the idea of someone like her dying who still has every reason to live and who did nothing wrong, it makes him sick. When events begin to unfold and bodies begin to stack up and his darling begins to crack under the pressure as guests turn on each other one by one and honestly the only reason she is still alive is by pure luck.
Then the time comes where she and Vincent both get voted into the same challenge, a game of wits. By this point Vincent is determined not to let her die, but if he dies everything will go to hell and the chances or him failing a battle of wits is slim to none, especially to her. She does loose, but as death is looking her dead in the eye, Vincent steps up and offers her future killer an offer, instead of giving her life to death, give it to him since he would be leaving this game alive and he would do anything to ensure that he would be living and finish his mission. Of course to bring her out of this game alive would cost a hefty price, a life for a life.
The two would return to the party and Vincent would never tell the other guests of the deal he made with death. So when the time comes where Vincent, his darling, and one another guest are left alive during the final confrontation with the host of this party. The host of the party accepts their fate as long as Vincent makes good on his end of the deal, the other guest and his darling are confused of what he means until Vincent is holding a gun to the other guest’s head and in a flash it goes off, once than twice and soon Vincent and his darling are the only ones left alive.
I also really live the idea of some supernatural elements binding Vincent and his darling together after he makes the deal to keep her alive, so if he died during the game she would die as well and even after the game if he died so would she but not vise virsa. So like if she ever escapes him she will be on the run and the only hope for her freedom is staying on the run or in her own death and praying that Vincent won’t follow, but when she eventually has the twins that hope fades far away as Vincent is absolutely determined to keep her alive and with him. Kinda like until death do is part idk.
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
Wondering how Tarn and the Nurse's story would go if they shared a world with Fusian Cannon Wedding Megatron.
The idea of fusion Cannon Wedding Megatron!AU is that the senate reserved the right to take any sparkling from unconjuxed parents ostensibly to be put in a worthy home while simultaneously making it cost prohibitive for all but the elite. Even for the upper middle caste it was incredibly burdensome. But if you could get an audience with a priest of the 13 they could interview a couple deem them worthy and chose to wave the fee.
Megatron, the agnostic, due to Gladiatorial WWE-esque Theme Shenanigans actualy ends a priest of Megatronus because he refused to be a fake priest in such a way that the last Priest of Megatronus decided "welp this is my best bet as a secuessor." Megatron ever the political activist used this to perform legally binding weddings for any sparked couples he came across.
Cue the Revolution and the risk of Deceticon newsparks being stolen increases. But there are treaties to return kiddos to their parents or next of kin. So if con, bot, neutral, or implausiblely compatible alien sparks up or is sparked up by one of his Decepticons, they are kidnapped and brought to the alrer at gunpoint for now High Priest Megatron to Marry them off "for the children's sake." The DJD has brought runaway 'juxes to the alter.
Now the DJD still has the Doner Cause because it's a way of protecting the bitties. Megatron initaly gets wind of the situation of with the Nurse and is relatively chill. Right up untill he realizes that the nurse was never married to the sire. Nevermind their Caimen with very diffrent rules and cultural norms. (Also their the mentee of a very scary Healer). Kaon doesn't even have to pull a witnessed act shenanigans to help his ship set sail. He just has to include a question in his routine report that Tarn is continuing providing doner support as outlined in the Doner clause. "As the cowardly tratitor abandoned his lover the moment he found out she sparked we did not find out he had sparked her after he was dead. Is it possible to posthumously conjux them for the security of the sparklings?" Kaon knows damn well posthumous conjuxing isn't a thing.
Shenanigans are about to ensue.
This is great because Megatron's manifesto would have revisions about religion, so instead of an atheist society, he more likely written about freedom of religion for anyone to practice. Just as a final Fuck You to the Senate with their harsh stance.
And because of the wild shenanigans, I think the Decepticons would have strong civil and family court proceedings.
Deadzone and Nurse were (ex) fiances, so Megatron could be chill with that.
But not with Tarn also sparking up the Camien. Now that's a whole-ass security risk!
Megatron wouldn't need to demand Tarn to return. The Peaceful Tyranny bulleted itself to the main flagship, ignoring everything else to get it situated after the consequences of too much excitement at the "fake" resort wedding.
A poor, sleep-deprived and absolutely exhausted Nurse would have been scooped up and thrown into the shower and polished to high-hell. You were vaguely aware of quick, sure servos working your back and sensory panels, and Helex was hogging the dryer.
This was no dignified walk. The entire Justice Division burned rubber and left scorch marks on their stampede to the Altar. Every other 'con jumped out of the way and booked it elsewhere because no one wanted to be in the vicinity that had the D.J.D. that hyperfocused.
Shockwaves rippled across the base that it wasn't a gruesome execution but a wedding.
Out of all the mechs, Tarn's.
The gossip mill was set aflame. Information between truth and rumors clashing, especially when the newlywedded mech was spotted with strange, blue Energon painted bright on his chassis.
The reality of it was far less fantastical.
You were a sack of photon-potatoes over Tarn's shoulder as he carried the cradle-pod of newsparks under his opposite arm.
At the daunting reveal that Megatron the bomb of Megatronus Prime's ordained lineage with the markings and proven insignia, you took a short break in the private sideroom (with proper permission from the High Priest) to freak out over your own lack of preparations and courtesies for said High Priest.
You did invoke part of an old bonding custom from Caminus' initial vorns when the Titan carried the survivors of the Tribal wars composed of different peoples.
You and Tarn get married with each other’s Energon painted upon the chassis.
Not only Megatron officiated the ceremony, but allowed a generous honeymoon package of timeoff and a few gifts.
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