#i have so many feelings about this i feel like i'm gonna combust
aceoflights · 1 year
Cause I've seen some people say it. Colin has zero reason to think that coming out to the team would be safe for him.
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whateveriwant · 6 months
Summary: Simon forces you to choose. Him, your husband… or the other man he found in your bed.
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader
Word Count: ~2.6k
Warnings: ANGST
A/N: Forgive me.
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“Simon!” you gasp, bolting upright in bed.
There, darkening the doorway to your bedroom, stands your beloved husband. You thought you'd spotted something lurking in the shadows of your periphery, but rather than it being a mere figment of your imagination like you'd hoped, you've come to find out that's not at all the case.
Simon’s brows are knitted tightly together, the lines framing the sides of mouth deepening as he begins to scowl. “Fuckin’ knew it,” he grits out. “Knew you were a fuckin’ liar.” His eyes flit back and forth between you and the figure lying beside you in bed, and if looks could kill, you'd both be six feet under.
“Simon, no, wait–!” You're quick to shoo the other male from your bed even as your husband storms away. Jumping to your feet, you chase after him, tugging your shirt into place from where it had ridden up. Simon’s just reached the living room when you manage to catch up with him. “Simon, please just–”
“When will enough be enough?” he cuts you short as he whirls around to confront you. You've never seen such anger rippling from him before, and it makes you recoil, stopping dead in your tracks. “When's it gonna end, huh? You promised me you were gonna fuckin’ stop this.”
“I-I-I know I did, Simon,” your voice trembles under the weight of your shame.
He's right. After the last time, you’d told him that was it, that it would never happen again.
So much for keeping your promise.
“I'm– I'm so sorry,” you try to offer him, for whatever it may be worth.
Apparently, it's worth very little as he proceeds to scoff right in your face.
“You’re ‘sorry’?” His expression pinches to show how he takes offense to that apology. “That’s three times this month I've caught you. Three. Let alone how many other times I'm sure have been behind my back.”
Again, he’s right on the target. You’ve been dishonest with your husband, been deceiving him more times than you can even remember at this point. Though you're in no place to feel as if you're the one that's been hurt in this situation, you can't help how his biting words feel like daggers plunging right into your stomach.
Simon sighs and brings a hand up to rub his forehead, the self-soothing gesture doing nothing to soften the lines creasing his skin. After a while, he asks, “Why?” his voice much calmer than it was a moment ago. “Why d’you keep doin’ this? Lyin’? Sneakin’ around?”
When he drops his hand to look at you again, you can see how quickly his emotions have shifted from fury to sorrow. The sight of his grief almost wrenches your heart in two, and you swallow the lump in your throat, your own emotions threatening to spill forth and choke you.
“I… I don't know,” you tell him, yet another lie.
You know the truth behind your actions, the real reason you can't break this bad habit. It's because you're selfish; because you're spineless; because you're fucking weak.
Your answer, the unconvincing slop that is, isn't good enough for Simon, and his shoulders rise in a show of perplexity. “Am I not treatin’ you right? I've been withholdin’ from you? Is that it?”
You're shaking your head before he even finishes the inquiry. “No, Simon. It's nothing like that,” you say.
“Well then, explain it to me.” He tosses a hand into the air, the frustration in his tone palpable. “Because I'm tryin’ to understand what makes him so bloody special. What is it about him that makes you treat me like a fuckin’ afterthought?”
“I don't–!” you begin, the accusation immediately putting you on the defense. But then you pause and intake a deep breath, trying to rein yourself back in. The last thing you want is to strike a match against this highly combustible conversation. If ignited, this powder keg runs the risk of taking you both out with it.
You take another moment to collect yourself before releasing an audible exhale. “Yes, he means a lot to me–”
“Oh, well, I'm bloody well aware of that, thank you.”
You ignore the derisive comment as you continue, “–but you're my husband, Simon. At the end of the day, I always want you,” you emphasize. You can feel a stitch forming between your brows as they slowly pull together. “I know you're upset with me – and I understand, truly – but I… I-I just…” your voice trails off as you consider your next words.
You know what you want to say, what niggling thought you want to express. But you're not sure if voicing it aloud is the right move to take. You're trying to cool down the tension here, not potentially add fuel to the fire.
But as Simon prompts, “What?” you realize there's no backing out of it now.
You sigh. “I just think you're blowing this whole thing out of proportion.”
The way your husband's eyes immediately widen tell you it was probably better to have kept your mouth shut.
“Blowin’ thi–?!” Simon blinks wildly in disbelief, his anger from earlier surging back tenfold. His voice is venomous as he spits, “I catch you lyin’ to me, catch you continuously goin’ behind my back.” He points an accusatory finger in the direction of your bedroom. “I catch you with that filthy shite in our bed–”
“Hey, don't call–”
“–see him lyin’ there, sleepin’ on my fuckin’ pillow, and you think I'm ‘blowin’ this out of proportion’?!” he's fully shouting now, his volume having risen alongside his fury. Simon lets out a dry chuckle that's entirely devoid of humor. “Do you even hear yourself? Do my feelings mean nothin’ to you anymore? Do you– Do you even really love me?” his voice peaks as a wave of despair washes over him.
“Wha–?” Now it's your turn to blink wildly as you're caught off guard by that last sentence. “Of– Of course I do, Simon! Of course.” How can he even ask you such a thing?
“You just love him more, then, right?” The question stings like a punch to the gut.
You shake your head vehemently, asserting, “No. No, of course not!” even as you feel a twinge of guilt pricking the base of your skull.
Just as you're slightly skeptical of your own words, so too is Simon, and he brushes you off with a, “Pssh, right.”
The heightened emotions of the last several minutes persist even as you and your husband lapse into a tense silence.
As you stand there, you watch as Simon begins to harshly run both hands through his hair, not sure what you should say – if there's anything to say in this moment. Though you and he have had this same argument more times than you'd like to admit, something about this time felt different to you, felt like there were higher stakes in the mix. And as you reflect on the quarrel, you can't help how one line in particular sticks out in your mind. ‘You just love him more, then, right?’ he'd accused, bluntly, bitterly.
The idea is ridiculous to you, loving someone else more than your own husband. It sounds like something only a fool could believe.
But if that's the case, why did Simon say it so assuredly?
And why does the thought of it make your stomach clench like there could be some truth behind the claim?
After another few moments of him tugging at his roots, Simon releases a billowy breath. He briefly closes his eyes and shakes his head to himself, before dropping his hands back down by his sides.
“I don't know how much longer I can keep this up,” his voice sounds as exhausted as his body looks. As he peels his lids open to once more lock with your gaze, you feel your own eyes narrowing in your confusion.
“What do you mean?” you ask, voice quiet, timid.
“I mean you need to choose,” he tells you. “Me or him.”
That statement has you balking, the cords that hinge your jaw shut practically snapping. “Si, you– you're not serious.” This has to be some kind of sick joke, right?
“I am.” He nods resolutely. “I can't keep doin’ this – goin’ back and forth with you, wonderin’ if you're really all here with me or not,” he says, frowning. “So you need to choose. Right now. Me… or him.”
It's like you've just witnessed your worst fears materialize before you. Simon, your loving husband, has just asked you to do something that was once completely inconceivable to you. He's asked you to make a world-altering choice: pick between him and someone else.
The decision should be easy – should be obvious – and yet, you find yourself frozen, unable to speak the words you know you should say.
Simon is your husband, the first and greatest love of your life. But this other man he's making you choose between is… well, he's something else to you entirely.
When you're having a rough day and feel like the world is collapsing in around you, he's the first one you want to run to when you need a shoulder to cry on. And conversely, when you're feeling on top of the world, feeling so high up you could reach out and touch the clouds, he's the one you want to call so you can share your joy.
From the moment you met him, you knew he was one of a kind. He's got a smile that could rival a thousand suns, a kiss that could warm the coldest of nights, and the way he looks at you – like you hold the entirety of his universe in the palm of your hand – you think it could keep your heart beating long after it's chosen to stop.
He's your best friend, your other half of a whole, your personal ray of sunshine that cuts through all the gloomy rain. Simon is your husband, yes, that’s true. But this other man is your soulmate, and you know that however long you both shall live, you will love each other until you take your final breaths.
Tears start to bead in your eyes as the answer to your predicament reveals itself to you. And as Simon eventually pushes, “Well? Who's it gonna be?” you know there's only one thing you can tell him.
“Him,” you mutter, feeling the first tear spill over. “H-Him, Simon. Him. I choose… him.”
It's like the planet ceases to spin for a moment as your choice floats in the air like a ghost. At first, you think Simon must assume you're bluffing, what with the way he has no immediate reaction to your response. But as the silence stretches between you and you've yet to renounce your decision, you watch as the realization hits him like a slug to the chest.
Simon's face falls, the color zapping from his skin, and as his eyes start to shine with tears, you find your cheeks flooding with your own.
Simon blinks rapidly, his nostrils flaring as he tries to keep his emotions at bay. His brow furrows like he wants to say something – to argue something – but when he opens his mouth to speak, no words escape. He closes his mouth for a second but then opens it again soon after, once more nothing leaving him but the sound of his breath.
Open then shut, open then shut, he repeats the cycle over and over again, never once managing to get a word out. Finally, after several minutes of waging an internal battle with himself, Simon eventually lets out a low sigh of defeat.
“Then go,” he mutters, gaze falling to the floor. “Just… Just go.”
Your own heart shatters at seeing the pain you've caused your husband. But you can't take back what you've said now, and even if you could, you both know it'd be a lie.
Thus, all you can offer him is a whispered, “I'm sorry.” Any louder and your voice would break from the strain of your cries.
The room falls quiet again as you both let everything sink in. Simon, your husband, the man you'd promised forever to, just put his heart on the line, practically flayed himself open for you… and you didn't choose him.
“I'm sorry,” you say again because you don't know what else there is to do.
Simon waves your apology off with a dismissive hand, still refusing to meet your eye.
Over the next few moments, you continue to sob softly, the sounds of your sniffles puncturing the otherwise quiet house. After a while, you feel the faucet behind your eyes gradually slow to a trickle, and you wipe your face with the back of your shaky hands, swallowing down the last of your tears.
You take another minute or so to compose yourself, still standing before your forlorn husband. Once you feel somewhat well again, you clear your throat, then tip your head back to let out a short, high whistle.
Almost immediately, you hear the telltale noise of feet moving against the hardwood floor. Then, not a beat later, you see the man you'd just chosen rounding the corner to the living room.
“Come here, pup-pup. Come here,” you encourage Riley, your fourteen month old shepherd-mix, forward.
Like the good boy he is, Riley trots closer at your beckoning. But before he reaches you, he makes a pitstop by Simon, shoving his cold, wet nose into the man's empty palm.
Riley gives him a couple boops to the hand, politely asking him for pets. And Simon, for his part, despite still being obviously disgruntled, obliges and gives him a brief, dispassionate rub to the snout.
Having received his desired scritches, Riley then continues over to you, and you crouch down so you can meet him at his level.
“You wanna go cuddle with me some more? Yeah? Do you?” you pitch your voice up in that babyish way Simon pretends to hate.
Riley, however, absolutely loves it, and his tail wags back and forth in a way that says he's all too eager to agree.
“Okay, let's go!” You wave him after you as you take off down the hall.
As you both walk back to the bedroom you'd been occupying earlier, you hear Simon speaking behind you, muttering angrily to himself.
“Mangy fuckin’ mutt. Knew he was gonna be trouble,” he murmurs as he makes up a spot for himself on the couch. “First he steals my bed, then he steals my cuddles, next he'll be stealin’ my fuckin’ car…” his voice peters out the further away you walk.
“Don't mind your daddy. He's just being grumpy as usual,” you stage whisper to Riley as you approach the door to your bedroom.
Letting yourself inside, Riley quickly follows after. You shut the door and then waltz over to the bed, patting the empty space beside you as you settle in.
Swiftly, Riley jumps up to join you, taking the side normally reserved for your husband. He moseys all the way up the mattress until he reaches Simon's pillow, where he proceeds to lay down.
You roll onto your side and start to pet him, scratching that spot behind his ears you know he loves. As you do, you see that infectious smile of his slowly take shape, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth as his eyes drift closed.
The sight of him so content makes your own lips upturn into a smile. He is so sweet, so perfectly innocent, that it makes your heart want to burst inside your chest.
And as you continue to cuddle Riley, making little kissy noises in his ear, you know you made the right choice as you grin and ask him, “Who's my favorite boy?”
A/N: April Fools! Hope I didn't break your heart too much lmao!
As always, I'd love to know what you thought! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!
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writingstoraes · 1 year
tour guide 🎥
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!actress!reader
type: instagram imagine, social media au
notes: saw the post abt apex filming at silverstone this week and got this idea lol lmk what u guys think! atp you already know who my fc is (it's hailee steinfeld 😝)
about: a well-known actress stars in a film that is set in the world of formula 1 and scuderia ferrari happens to be the leading team to guide the production team and its cast!
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, madelyncline, and 1,249,247 others
yourusername Film prep starts now. Currently glad my parents forced me into getting my driver's license as early as I could as well as my brother introducing me to Formula 1 years ago 🏁
Beyond excited for this movie!
filmthusiast this is such a new role for her im so excited
f1lover film + f1 is always going to be the biggest bestest combo ❤️
zendayyn mans a fan norrisbaby Oh hes quick 😆
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yourusername recently added to her instagram story!
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yourusername recently added to her instagram story!
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liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, pierregasly, and 1,482,2058 others
yourusername 3/4 done with filming for First Gear 🤍 So much work has been done for this movie and it's been the good kind of overwhelming so far. I've learned so much and experienced so many new things.
Included the one and only charles_leclerc here because majority of the things I learned came from him. He's pretty nice except he was beyond nervous when I drove the car for the first time.
scuderiaferrari We're glad to know Charles was the best tour guide ever! ❤️
hamilfilm charles leclerc making his way into y/n's official ig account is not something i have on my bingo card
popgirltay u guys r so cute <3 friendship goals!
livelovelecs no, dating announcement next LOLOL
charles_leclerc Why do I seem like the bad guy here, I taught you pretty well didn't I?
yourusername I didn't say you were a bad teacher 😕
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liked by pierregasly, carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari, and 1,102,358 others
charles_leclerc Everyday's karting day 🚘
lecsferrari the red nails??? sir u aint slick who is that
sainzmclaren It's Y/N 😭 She posted karting pics today too
yourusername What do you have to say for yourself that you lost?
charles_leclerc I let you win, jolie 😁 Pretty. ferarrimercs HE CALLED HER PRETTY?????
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, kendall, and 1,395,299 others
yourusername The student has become the teacher 😎
charles_leclerc Anyone would win if they were fighting kids on track
yourusername I sense sore loser 😝
scuderiaferrari ❤️❤️❤️
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, florencepugh, and 2,034,551 others
yourusername Feeling so emotional that filming for a movie that holds a special place in my heart has come to an end 🤍 I am so ecstatic for all of you to see First Gear because everyone involved put everything they had for this film. I hope you guys love this as much as I do, possibly more.
So many people to thank — the directors, producers, scriptwriters, my co-stars, everyone who's worked so hard to make this into reality, I owe you all so much.
But I also never thought I'd meet someone so special. Charles, this past year for us have been so crazy and I'm glad I got to spend it with you. If it helps, the moment they told me you would be giving me a tour of the paddock, I fell instantly 😝
scuderiaferrari We are so proud of you, Y/N ❤️ The whole team is waiting for the movie!
charles_leclerc What do you mean if it helps, I was literally sweating while telling you what a pitwall is
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liked by landonorris, ynleclercs16, pierregasly, and 1,673,992 others
charles_leclerc Most talented person I've come across. Watching you on set has become one of my favorite things to do; it reminds me of just how amazing you are. To more karting sessions with you ❤️
Your paddock tour guide
lecshamilton hes owning the tour guide title, mad respect
f1luvr power couple me thinks?
yourusername Get ready to lose 🥱
tagging: @slytherheign, @honethatty12, @siovhanroy
notes: why i take so much time making these ill never understand anyway i hope u guys like this hehehe thank you sm for reading <3
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7ndipity · 1 year
Dating Namjoon headcanons
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, teeny bit of angst
A/N: I realized that I hadn't written anything for Joon in a hot minute, so let's change that, shall we?
Requests are open
Dating Namjoon feels like one of those early 2000s romance movies.
Utterly frustrating but soo worth it.
He talks a lot of hype in his songs, but I think when he first meets someone he's really into, he's a fucking mess.
Like it's Joon, but it's Joon, you know what I mean?
Red ears, stumbling over his words(and feet), getting flustered every other sentence.
Probably walked into a wall while distracted talking to you.
Don't get me wrong tho, once he gets the butterflies to chill and gets comfortable, the rizz is BACK and in full force.
Big on eye contact
Stares at you with absolute heart eyes(if you've seen that clip of him watching Hobi from Bon Voyage, you know what I'm talking about)
But can flip the switch in the blink of an eye, and be looking at you like he's gonna eat you alive(we love a duality king)
Simp Romantic. Will randomly bring you flowers just cause he was thinking about you(but he's always thinking about you, so why was today any different?)
Writes soo many songs/lyrics about you, but rarely tells you about them directly. He just asks if you wanna hear something he's been working on, and then sits back and watches your faves as you catch the hidden meanings and references. At the end, he's just sitting there, grinning, asking "You like it?"
(Like, yes, I like it you fucking dork!)
Always remember important dates like birthdays and anniversaries( first date, first kiss, everything)
Museum and bookstore dates are a given.
Buying/sharing books with you is probably one his favorite forms of intellectual intimacy, because, for him, each one is a glimpse into your mind.
If you mention one of your favorite titles and he hasn't read it, he's gonna find it asap.
Would try to get you to workout with him and be gym buddies.(I don't know if I like or hate that idea tho?)
Random texts at 1am asking if you're up and wanna hang out?(may or may not be outside your place already, cause he's over-eager and forgot to text earlier)
Endless, late night talks about everything from music to the meaning of life to what jelly bean flavor is superior(it's watermelon)
Also random trips together. Could be to the beach, could be to Sweden, who knows? You bring out his spontaneity and are one of the only people who can get him to take a vacation anyway.
He is a workaholic though, so you have to look out for him sometimes, make sure he eats, sleeps, touches grass, etc.
You probably bicker and butt heads a lot, but y'all make sure it never gets out of hand and try to find a solution.
(Lowkey possessive, but won't admit it)
Not a fan of pda, but he *clings*.
He tries to be subtle about it, but fails because it's like there's a gravitational pull between the two of you from the way he's constantly within arm's reach wherever you are.
Same goes for when you're alone. He's not technically cuddling you, but he always somehow ends up pressed to your side or back, or has a hand on you in some way.
Another member of the 'Protective Squad'. Like, if anyone so much as looks in your direction the wrong way, he's got the death glare locked on them.
Pretty classic when it comes to nicknames for you. Things like 'honey', 'baby', 'jagi'. Adds 'my' in front of any of them when he's in the mood to fluster you.
Which reminds me, he is the BIGGEST FUCKING TEASE ISTG.
He knows exactly what riles you up, and then just gives you these soft, sweet little kisses like you're not about to combust. Has the nerve to then smirk and call you needy(I wanna fight him)
Finds the most random things you do attractive. The way you read. The way you make your coffee. The weird little face you make when your flipping through Netflix.
Although he seems a bit cautious, I actually think a relationship with him might move pretty fast. Like, he's fighting back from asking you to move in with him after five or six months type of fast.
Lives for domesticity with you.
Quiet, sleepy mornings together. Messy hair and glasses over tired eyes, resting against your shoulder as he brings you coffee while you cook breakfast.
I know he said he's not sure abt kids anymore, but I do see him possibly getting a pet with you to 'round out the household'. Something quiet and low maintenance though, like a couple hermit crabs.(would probably name one after a favorite artist/author and then name the other smth random like 'blue')
Again, I don't know how to end these. Just love him, please.
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kalims · 9 months
Oh my goddess, orders are open! Ahem, ANYWAYS— I wonder if I could have an Idia with a fem or gn s/o who is introverted and generally closed-faced, being a sweetheart and even shy with him, pretty please?
• Remember to drink water and take care of yourself correctly, kisses <3
– Mel 🌙🩵✨
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idia forever thought his cause of death would be the permanent termination of his end game account—which in theory, is now proven wrong at the existence of a brand new thing that just might obliterate his heart.
note. thank you mel <3 you too. i, for one will gladly accept kisses from u and idia (he's downbad here LOL)
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idia is having a strangely, familiar sensation.
for example—the fact that his heart is palpitating so fast is making him afraid that he'll get the same sense of doom he frequently gets whenever this happens. like when he's the one that the professor chooses to answer a question up front. just his luck cause it absolutely sucks in real life just as much as his chances of winning that rare character.
but no, there isn't an impending sense of doom that sends him to the edge. no cold sweat forming on the skin of his neck, nor does it protrude from his clammy hands. it's weird, he feels warm rather than the cold it usually accompanies.
he needs to visit a doctor.
he gulps thickly. sending a lightning fast glance at your direction then averting it even faster. oh my god, your hand just brushed against his.. was it intentional? no, no—it mustn't be. you wouldn't waste your time doing that.
but you might even look more tenser than he is.
despite the attempt at flushing down the tightness in his throat, his words still break off into a croaky stammer that just sends his face into a grimace because, did he sound like that? "I'm.. I'm really sorry, you didn't have to do this," he says, looking away with those eyes that just screams a mixture of 'I hate it all.' and 'I'm so scared.'
his eyes in comparison to yours, dull significantly in terms of greatness. cause as rare as it is for your eyes to meet, he'll always marvel at the lush hue your eyes are colored with—and god, your lashes. so pretty, so, so pretty.
he sulks. he doesn't deserve this.
"it's alright," you answer in response, voice quiet but it's the only thing he ever hears despite the myriad of people quite nearly squishing the both of you. the crowd is large, and noisy. so he isn't sure why he's suddenly the greatest listener when you speak. "I'm glad you thought of... inviting me along, I know you're quite passionate about it."
passionate is not a strong enough word, it could be an incorrect word to use even. he supposes it's just a nice feeling to excel—be good at something.
but with how hot his heart is probably burning, maybe passionate really is the right word.
for you that is.
most likely idia's ideal type of player two <3 someone he can keep up with, not too fast and certainly not too slow. but either way, he’s probably having a heart attack at whatever you do. literally just sleeping? his heart… playing with him? please match avatars at once or he will combust. (and yes, he is hinting even though you already match everywhere else. had a house in a game, got married in a game.)
don’t even pull out the fact he buys you the currency to match and you feel bad cause he thinks it’s too cute. you need to stop or else he will buy you more.
speaking of more in game terms, he surprisingly garners a lot of attention online maybe because he’s endgame in every single account he’s made and many people like money so… there are many attempts at ‘rizzing’ him up but in the end he’s provoking them to screenshot it and report them as online daters.
^ says THE online dater.
still reports people if they flirt with you, but compared to his. not only is it a file for online dating he somehow dug up the dirt, the monstrous things they did like… 3 years ago and now they’re gonna get suspended. It’s concerning since he was talking with you animatedly during it and he somehow also exposed them all in 10 minutes.
did the see you again trend in secrecy cause he would rather leap down a hole to hell than let people see it. In any case… if it isn’t obvious he’s the lala, you the okok.
deluded himself, is convinced that he’s actually the nonchalant, ‘cool’ one but all he is, is a literal puddle. is still solid when standing but will be putty in your hands in SECONDS.
idia is secretly really proud of himself whilst being like: how did i even pull them. cause when he looks at your face when you’re talking to other people. he’s actually kind of scared cause it’s a really wondrous thing you never once looked at him like that… (please save his mind too. he’s trying to convince himself that you must be like this, soft person he knows to other people too and not just him because that’s just crazy right haha.. hahahaha…)
the type to tell you to stand back during raids, challenges, boss fights, etc…  that all you need to do is be there, and that he’ll solo it for you and you can claim your rewards even though he gave you the rarest, strongest equipment in respective games which won’t be much use at this point cause he insists he do it for you, and sulks all day if you don’t let him.
stay at home couple >>>
will order every single thing you crave during those times he’s too shy to consider date nights, and you too so it’s like an unspoken thing. he honestly plays better when you’re inside his room, even if it’s just laying on his messy bed scrolling on your phone or munching on something.
it’s just complete, comfortable silence.
except for the time one of you accidentally makes an indirect flirty comment and now the room could be considered a sauna from the literal steam only two people emitted. 
really, really, really, REALLY, likes it when your head is on his shoulder.
“─ean.. no one really asked for it, the nerf was completely unnecessary and─” the words poured out of his mouth, something uncontrollable that he couldn’t stop. there is something about you that just kicks down the layer of anxiety on him. comfortable might be the right word, even if you don’t talk that much (which is surprising cause he ends up being the talkative one and you always assure him that you like to listen.) somehow the thought: am i too annoying? doesn’t really pop up like usual.
in fact, he’s excited to ramble all about it. excited to hear your thoughtful hums, excited to see your attentive eyes on him since the first word he’s said─but it isn’t. because he looks up and you’re blinking haphazardly, thrice in a second and before he panics to shut his mouth he feels the soft slump of your head against the curve of his shoulder.
oh my god, oh my god, oh my g─
if idia had half of his mind he would scream instinctively at the weight he isn’t really accustomed to feel. actually, even if he did have his entire brain connected, and his thoughts coherent he still would. but he bites the inside of his cheek cause despite the chaos that just erupted in his mind which is somehow simultaneously blank, and swirling.
and he remembers midst his confusion that you are,
you’re asleep on his shoulder
you’re asleep.
asleep on his shoulder.
on. his. shoulder.
he resorts to the screech in his head.
his shoulder─is so terribly stiff right now to the point where he thinks that sleeping on a hard, wooden surface would be surely more comfortable rather than where your head lays. he makes an effort to relax his muscles, tell himself that it’s only you and that there’s nothing wrong but there is something wrong because it’s you! idia dares to sneak a peek at you and your closed lids only confirm your unconscious state.
and careful with each nudge his movement makes sends to your head. idia can’t resist the hands that creep up his face and bury it, to hope all the embarrassment and whatever he’s feeling right now absorbs it right out of his face because god. he knows he looks like he just ate 10 bowls of lilia’s cooking.
he would scream, he really would. a second thought but you’re on his shoulder!
you, who rarely touches him too much.
on him.
him, who gets too flustered to be touched by you.
so he feels pretty obligated to just suck it up cause he’s enjoying the moment even if you aren’t conscious right now and he sure as hell is going to, for as long as he can.
idia releases a deep sigh, long and wistful because he’s gonna die before you even wake up.
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genshos · 4 months
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(inspired by this post by nullphysics)
How had he gotten here? McCoy had just finished his gamma shift and had paperwork to finish when he entered his office and found Spock sat in his desk chair in low lighting. Other alpha shift crew members would be getting well needed shut eye but Spock was awake, because of course he was, and in a moody lighting no less. Like this was normal. As McCoy stood there, in the middle of his own office, staring at his own occupied chair, the Vulcan watched him intently.
"I think you'll find Sick Bay is my domain, Mr Spock. You stay in your lane. Or is there a reason why you're crowding up my office?"
Spock was silent, so Leonard stalked around his desk and faced him directly with his hands on his hips. The first officer of the Enterprise rotated the chair to face McCoy but said nothing.
"I believe we have many things to say, but so far, only actions have been prevalent in our communication."
McCoy blanched.
Yes, exactly that. That-which-he-had-avoided-thinking-about-as-much-as-he-could, Spock just finally put some semblance of words to what the hell had been happening between them both for a long while now.
Stolen glances across the bridge that lingered for a few seconds longer than appropriate.
Working together in the sick bay labs, noticing they were standing too close, closing the gap a little further, Spock pausing.
McCoy grabbing Spock by the front of his science blues in anger during one of their disagreements and the fury filtering out of Leonard at the heated stare Spock gave back.
Spock pulling Bones from a treturous fall from a ledge on a beam down just last week, and their bodies being pinned for a few moments after the rescue, feeling the rise and fall of deep breaths of relief against the other, a subtle push and pull as they pressed their chests together harder.
"Listen, Spock, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable—"
Spock held out his hand. "Cease speaking, Leonard. You misunderstand." With that hand, Spock took McCoy by the wrist and pulled him gently, but it took the doctor by surprise and he fell haphazardly into Spock on his desk chair.
He paused, gripping Spock's shoulder for balance and before Bones could retract the position, Spock lifted his knees to shimmy McCoy squarely into his lap.
The doctor felt his face heat immediately. It only got even hotter as he felt cool finger tips at the hem of his tunic lifting it and exposing his stomach, when the air touched his exposed flesh he groaned in the back of his throat.
Spock's hypersensitive hands must be feeling the tremor of anticipation in McCoy's abdominal muscles; the pads of those long elegant fingers could surely feel Bones' racing heartbeat as they traced up his torso slowly. He trusted the Vulcan was shielding his touch telepathy, to defend McCoy against betraying his own thoughts projecting to Spock, protecting his privacy even in this intensely intimate moment. Not that it mattered, as every goddamn emotion was projecting from his face and told Spock all he needed to know.
Stop. Don't stop. We can't do this. I've been wanting this for so long I can't remember when it began but all I know is if you stop touching me I'm gonna— Combust.
Spock's left hand joined the right in its ministrations, as though trying to touch as much of McCoy as he could, as though he were irresistible. Bones' shoulders shrugged up self-consciously.
Leonard knew the strength behind this soft sensuous touch, that Vulcan strength could easily snap him in two without any effort at all, and if that wasn't hot as hell— the physician's tension in his shoulders seemed to snap at the thought and he squirmed in Spock's lap, his hands coming down on Spock's thighs and holding on tightly.
"Something on your mind, Doctor?" Spock asked, cool and calm, the only indication that anything was getting through that Vulcan façade was clear for McCoy to see if he dared to glance down.
"Don't you mind me, Spock." Bones' chest rose and fell in one deep breath. "Carry on, then." He added haughtily.
Spock's eyebrow quirked. That bastard.
There was a beat where nothing happened, but McCoy straightened himself so he could gaze at Spock and gauge what the hell he was playing at. He was acutely aware of Spock's muscled thighs under his ass, and opened his mouth to say something because he had no idea what to do—And then those cool, soft, competent fingers rose higher and higher and warm palms smoothed along his ribs. McCoy groaned and fell forwards, his face inches from Spock's neck.
Here Bones could see Spock's expression up close. Those micro movements of th Vulcan's features that gave him away, and the bastard looks like he thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow. I'll show him, McCoy thought, and pressed his lips to Spock's.
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jikookficsdiarry · 15 days
Hello loves!!! Tomorrow is joonies bday and the new episode of AYS comes out!! It's gonna be a blisfful day🤍🥹 im here (finally) to express my thoughts about episode 6 of AYS!
To begin with, no words will ever suffice how this moment completely melted my heart. I begun watching the episode and I had to rewatch this moment so mnay times cause do you see Kookies hand on jiminies back?! and his tone when he says "that's why I wanted to come back", it felt like it was only for Jiminie to hear and like please the assurance, the love and the softness...yeah I just melted...🤍
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Yes. I am NEVER. IN. A. MILLION. Years recovering from this....kookie and jiminie here I combusted you'll bye.
[Credits to the owner of the clip :)]
Okay what in the AO3 was this please?! I get it jiminie, kookie is all yours🤭🤍
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Okay but the way jiminie was speaking about the little girl and that he would tear up everyday if he had a daughter was so adorable, I hope that someday if he wants to have a child, he is happy when he does cause he'll be the best dad🥹🤍 I hope that kookie and all the other members if they want to have kids someday know that they'll be the best dads and I wish for their happiness always🤍🥹
The best kdrama poster I have ever seen🤍✨️
(If you dont agree, argue with the wall idc :))
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I really miss my bubbas:(
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CUTIES 🤍🥹 like please I need that picture thank you.
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I'm sorry but I felt like I was intruding their role-play at the bar, this was happiness for real like my whole heart🤍🥹
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Okay this moment, when jiminie ran to kookie...like kookie is always waiting at the end with open arms and the smile on jiminies face...yeah I li5ek to make myself tear up I guess..
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Okay, by now you should know I tear up about a lot of things, but this moment right here...I was crying and I only realised after it ended. Idk how to explain, but the tears wouldn't stop. This moment was so gentle, safe, soft, pure, delicate, and beautiful...the way it meant so much to kookie and jiminie. I don't know exactly what they must have felt for sure but I feel like they were at peace looking at the ocean, together, embracing each other and kookie laying his head on jiminie😭 they are each other's safe place, the love they have for each other is beyond beautiful🤍🥹 this is one of my favourite jikook moments everrrr🤍 so yes I cried, because it touched my heart in the best possible way.
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My babies🤍
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This epsiode will truly be one of my favourites🤍 I loved the fact that kookie kept saying he was so happy and jiminie and kookie playing in the snow and just making so many beatiful moments to cherish forever, especially that they were going to enlist, the fact that jiminie forgot his camera whilst going to the convenient store said so much that he felt like it was yet another holiday with his best friend and not a job, the way kookie enjoyed his food and jiminie too...it was filled with happiness and as always jikooks happiness is mine🤍🥹
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I can't wait for episode 7 and to just watch kookie and jiminie be the happiest when they are together🥹🤍
As always AYS you will always be our serotonin🤍
~ Nel🤍
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sparklingpax · 13 days
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wait I'm gonna take fhis opportunity to gush about the video its 1 am im only half awake there will probably be typos sorrY
Genuinely would have been ecstatic with just a god ginrai in the bg and I honestly didn't even expect as much but man oh MAN did they give us so much more than that 🥳🥳
oh but lemme say ginrai SLAYEDDD HE LOOKED SO AMAZING AND COOL I was literally squealing "YES GO MY SILLY GOOOO" like the Dork that I am when he was out there doin the exkaiser sword pose w the others 🫶🫶🫶🫶 EEEEEE
and also!!! Let us NOT forget ofc all the other TF series and leaders and characters and such getting their time in the spotlight and the MANY little references to all kinds of stuff everywhere and.....!!!!!! Like I have so much respect for that video 🥹 it's such a detailed, wonderful tribute to everything transformers has been, is, and continues to be. Themes of connections literal and metaphorical and the power and beautythat comes from it. UFFF and Everything was so pretty and wonderful to look at and (⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very happy with it <3333
and also Yes I did have the thought It would have been cool to see the Pretenders (😭) but I also understand its probably hard enough to tastefully fit in all thr characters they did (and plus! Masterforce Mentioned At All is such a huge W youre not hearing Complaints from me 🫡) and also y'know what. maybe. maybe that was for the best because I might have simply combusted into fucking flames if they did that. Like you all think I'm annoying about those guys NOW but if I saw them animated all pretty and shape andshiny and sharp like that.........or.GOD if they had put their human forms in there...........I would need to be restrained is all I'll say
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AND y'know what too it actually also fuels me with even MORE willpower than I already have to work for and eventually finish this illustration degree, somehow hopefully make it to a position where I too can make masterforce references in 4k except OFFICIAL and also have the opportunity to be insufferable about my blorbo of all time and space <333333 stupid silly ass dream of mine that may never happen but mark my WORDS if I get even the slightest opportunity y'all.....I want to do a masterforce centric project someday. Like a real one. Something for the world to see at large. I want to do something with it I really really feel like I could......,! I would achieve one of my few life goals/dreams fr......
GOSH ok anyway sorry I went on for quite a while there and then started derailing the topic at hand SORRYY 😭😭😭 but yea man I love transformers I love being a fan of this franchise I love how many thousands of characters and all the stories and universes and stuff there is and how crazy and cool it all is and that it's been a part of my life for most of my life and it's the reason I'm an artist and god that video will have me emotional for a long ass time *wails* good NIGHT 😭🫶❤️❤️🫶💖✨‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
(-kuni 🫣)
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herrscherofmagic · 7 months
(spoiler-free discussion of HI3rd Part 2)
So I finally got to catch up w/ the previous chapter (moon shenanigans w/ Helia & Coralie) and dove right into HI3rd Part 2's release- and I've gotta say, I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit so far!
*Quick disclaimer, I'm playing with CN voices, and the voice acting of a character can really influence a person's perception of them, so keep that in mind
So far each of the main cast we've met so far has been fairly likeable. I was unsure what Sena was gonna be like but so far she fits in quite well. She's got the same bubbly personality as Ely and March, but she has neither the pushy-ness that Ely has nor the snark March has. So she's definitely reminiscent of both of them but still feels like her own person, and since we literally just met her there's gonna be plenty of time for her character to develop.
Also really enjoyed the interactions with Helia and Coralie, it's clear that they're not super besties like Kiana & Mei but they're certainly close as comrades and I'd like to see how their dynamic develops! I'm looking forward to new battlesuits for them someday and I really hope Mihoyo follows through on that idea. I'd love to see how their adventures in the Sea of Data shape their world-view as they're challenged by things that Schicksal's Valk training never could've prepared them for.
and Dreamseeker was quite nice, too! They're not a silent protag, though of course the quasi-self-insert thing does make it a bit more awkward than usual. But overall their presence doesn't really affect the story in a negative way so that's no concern at all, and they contribute to the team a fair bit in terms of both knowledge/wisdom as well as how they interact with other characters and move the conversation forward. They're not super bubbly nor are they cold, they're just ordinary in a charming way, if that makes sense?
and then Songque... ooooohhh lord she was a LOT more than I bargained for in so many ways. in a good way, I think? >.> either way, not gonna say much about her because I don't even know how to begin describing her. I just wasn't expecting her to be so... lively. Like, crazy energetic, in a very controlled-chaos sorta way.
Also in terms of worldbuilding/lore I think it's been handled quite well. It doesn't rely on obscure knowledge from Part 1, i.e. not technobabble-heavy, but if you're familiar with stuff like the workings of the Sea of Quanta then it's easy to see how things are working behind the scenes.
It's a super fascinating concept for a setting and I really like the juxtaposition of past/present as well as how the story seems to fully embrace the chaotic nature of the Sea of Quanta, giving us really strange and unusual sights and writing characters who are born into this strange reality and take it for granted.
Oh. and the new music. pretty good so far! it's nothing at the level of Genshin but that's a really high bar to pass anyways. For HI3rd's standards it's solid work and enjoyable enough to listen to while playing the story & fighting. I have a lot of other thoughts about HI3rd's music as a whole but that's a whoooole other story lol
so yeah. Part 2 released, and HI3rd didn't suddenly combust into flames and explode. So far so good, hard to say how it'll change going forward but there's not much of a point in worrying about that yet. My only regeret is I had to skip 2/3rds of the Fu Hua arc for this because of issues w/ my schedule and how busy I've been, but I think it was the right call cause I'm really looking forward to the new Part 2 story, both main story & side content!
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temnurus · 1 year
Wangxian Top Ten Fic Recs
So. I got into MDZS/The Untamed back in February, & I've sort of fallen into a Wangxian black hole from which I am not sure I will ever emerge. Thusly, I've been reading a ton of Wangxian fanfiction lately & have acquired quite a few favorites. Naturally I had to eventually compile a rec list lest I combust with all the barely suppressed love I have for this ship.
Now you lucky people get to reap the benefits of all my hard work because not only have I ranked my top ten, I am also including a bunch of honorable mentions because I'm ridiculous & have no self restraint because I'm such a kind & generous person. Note that the honorable mentions are not ranked & are listed in no particular order.
Fair warning, all of these recs are rated Explicit because I enjoy either a sprinkling or a flood of adult content with my fics. It's far from the focus of many of them, but it's there to varying degrees in each. Also, some of these fics cover some heavy content that may be triggering for some folks, so please do mind the tags & any authors' notes for your own peace of mind.
And with no further adieu, onto the recs!
1. Scars Where They Used to Be by CwythanWind (E, 58,467)
Thoughts: I lost count of how many times I cried in this fic. It was gorgeous in every sense of the word. The characterizations were phenomenal. Wei Ying’s pain was palpable, & the pining was agonizing. Lan Zhan conveying his love through poetry made me sob like a baby twice. The prose was just that beautiful. I can’t recommend this enough. As soon as I finished it I knew it was going to become my favorite Wangxian fic, & nothing has managed to top it yet.
2. Beneath Your Skin by Wrenwolf (E, 147,201)
Thoughts: I was sold on tattoo artist Wei Ying from the word go, haha, but Lan Zhan as an antiques dealer was also surprisingly on point. I go on about characterization a lot in these recs, but I have to tell you that Lan Zhan's here is one of my absolute favorites. I felt like I'd crawled into his skin & was just living there right along with him. And don't get me started on Wei Ying in this fic. I just.. fuck, I cried so much, y'all, & it was incredibly cathartic. Nie Huaisang was my favorite side character in this, & they were an absolute BAMF! You can't go wrong with this one. It's just stunning.
3. Pentimento. by orange_crushed (E, 72,966)
Thoughts: This fic was full of sentiment: regrets, longing, & so, so nostalgic. The love of art was apparent & beautifully on display here, & it added a richness to the whole thing. I cried several times during this from the empathy I had for both Lan Zhan's & Wei Ying's experiences (can you sense a theme with my favorites making me overly emotional? lol). The tone got heavy in places, but it didn't feel graphic or overwhelming at any point for me. The writing was just fantastic, & I've enjoyed a few more of the author's fics since I read this one.
4. i'm gonna drown when you wake up by teenjiism (E, 51,752)
Thoughts: I related to this fic on several levels because both characters are portrayed as neurodivergent in ways that felt very authentic, & I rarely see it done as well as it was here. I have ADHD, & Wei Ying's headspace felt extremely familiar, ha. Lan Zhan & Wei Ying's friendship was so lovely here, too. I adored their easy intimacy & how they were each other's favorite person before Wei Ying even realized he was in love with Lan Zhan. Oh yes, this is another fantastic oblivious Wei Ying/One Brain Cell WWX Strikes Again fic. The pining was perfect, & the overall sweetness of their relationship made this a very floaty/happy reading experience for me, personally.
5. Nothing But Trouble by brooklinegirl (E, 60,318)
Thoughts: Continuing with the theme of One Brain Cell WWX Strikes Again, this was a hilarious & heady fake dating scenario fic. His cluelessness reached new heights in this one, & I about died when he came up with the idea that naturally he & Lan Zhan should practice things like kissing for authenticity's sake. (Oh Wei Ying, you sweet summer child... he kills me; can you tell?) I loved how matter-of-fact Lan Zhan was about the whole thing, too. I laughed a lot during this fic. I even blushed a couple of times, too! Highly enjoyable & a must-read for me.
6. you've ruined my life (by not being mine) by cicer (E, 132,713)
Thoughts: None of the parents in this fic are doing a good job, but hey, they didn't in canon either, in my not-so-humble opinion. It's not what I focused on in the fic, but the tags certainly amused me. I haven't come across many texting fics in MDZS, so this was a pleasant & welcome surprise. The whole fic wasn't done through texting, but their text exchanges were SO CUTE. Lan Zhan texted exactly how I thought he would in this, & it made me laugh every time. The pining was lovely, & when they finally got to see each other in person again in New York I was glued to my computer until I finished the fic. I adored the tone of this one. It was great & just a really fun read.
7. and so my heart beats wildly by lily_winterwood (E, 106,435)
Thoughts: This was one of the most original modern AUs I've seen & featured competitive cultivation that had a Hunger Games meets professional figure-skating competition vibe. It was wild, but it made sense when I read it, I promise. The author was very good at fleshing out their world, & I was fascinated by the concept. Wei Ying once again failed to notice Lan Zhan was in love with him, & his confusion over their interactions never failed to entertain me. I never get tired of their dynamic, y'all, & it was just perfect here. I highly recommend this one.
8. Falling to the Rhythm by Selenay (E, 128,916)
Thoughts: Ever seen So You Think You Can Dance or Strictly Come Dancing? This was basically that but Wangxian! Wei Ying was stunning as a professional dancer being handed a socially awkward, concert violinist Lan Zhan & having to teach him to dance in front of the nation for 12 weeks, & I absolutely loved Lhan Zhan in this. He was precious. The sexual tension during some of the dances was electrifying, & watching them fall in love over the course of the filming of the show was a delight to read.
9. Two Dollar Coffee by marizousbooty (E, 145,286)
Thoughts: I almost fell out of my chair laughing because how do you acquire an accidental sugar daddy?! Well, if you read this fic, you'll find out. One Brain Cell WWX Strikes Again! Yeah, it's one of my favorite AO3 tags, so sue me, lol. The sex was obviously one of the highlights, which I am known to enjoy in a fic (don't judge me, Puritans), but it certainly wasn't the only thing that was well written here. I loved everything about this from beginning to end.
10. things that make it warm by yabakuboi (E, 33,327)
Thoughts: This fic hurt my feelings, not gonna lie. I cried ugly tears at the break up, but I've always had a hard time with reconciliation fics. It was very worth it, however. The way the fic covered their relationship growing & changing over time was very compelling, & a highlight of this for me was Wei Ying's relationship with the Wens, particularly A'Yuan. It was very sweet amongst an ocean of angst, haha. I read this in the span of a couple hours. Just couldn't be torn away. If you're a sucker for angst with a happy ending, then you might want to check this one out.
Honorable Mentions
The Simplest Way Forward by harriet_vane (E, 70,972)
Thoughts: This was so heartwarming I couldn't stop smiling over how adorable it was. Kid fics aren't typically a favorite of mine, but I do enjoy a really good one every now & then. This was one of the best I've read, to be honest. A'Yuan was the sweetest little angel, & he was so cute with Wei Ying spazzing out about every aspect of his care. Lan Zhan being the quiet, responsible source of reason & support was expected but of course always a welcome addition to the mix. Accidental Baby Acquisition isn't a tag I'd seen before, but it's a new favorite when it comes to Wangxian getting to be surprise parents together, haha.
undone (the spreadsheet song) series by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 282,452)
Thoughts: This is a two part series that tells the same story from each love interest’s point of view, a la Rivals by Reiya in the YoI fandom, which is one of my favorites of all time. Similarly, this story is also phenomenally written. I was sucked in immediately & read both fics over the span of like 3 days. I actually read Lan Zhan’s POV fic (the second in the series) in a single day. I was spellbound by the whole thing, couldn’t get enough. I highly recommend this. The characterizations are incredible, & the emotions are so intense I couldn’t help but feel everything right along with each of them as the story progressed.
My only word of caution is that if you have a hard time reading about Wangxian being intimate with people other than each other you might want to skim/skip those sections of the second fic like I had to. The author makes it fairly easy by giving a heads up in the author’s notes at the beginning of each chapter in which that occurs, which I very much appreciated.
Many happy returns. by orange_crushed (E, 25,470)
Thoughts: This fic started with a very serendipitous first meeting between businessman Lan Zhan & Wei Ying, who he mistook for the (non-sexual) escort he'd hired for the evening. I nearly died of mortification right along with poor Lan Zhan when he figured out his mistake. Him confessing this to Wei Ying was painfully awkward & hurt my heart, but fear not! We all know I can't handle a fic without an eventual happy ending, haha. Watching their instant connection develop into something more was such a treat. I loved this fic quite a lot for it being a quicker read for me.
Multiphonics by androkastia (E, 63,705)
Thoughts: Wei Ying was such a lovable disaster in this (as he often is, bless him). Him & Lan Zhan both being in the orchestra was a fun idea, & I loved the author's choice of the harp for Lan Zhan's instrument. I thought it was very different from the usual violin or cello choice I've seen previously but still suited him perfectly. I also loved his overall characterization, down to his fashion sense being tastefully eclectic when his style is usually portrayed as very stuffy & conservative. I really enjoyed this college/university AU, & I've read quite a few of them at this point. So obviously this one stood out.
No Compasses, No Signs by brooklinegirl (E, 36,041)
Thoughts: Ah, finally! A soulmate fic. A Temnurus rec list really wouldn't be complete without at least one. This was a modern AU, which made it especially fun when their soul bond inexplicably manifested as they literally collided with each other on the sidewalk. It was painful watching them fumble for answers to why they suddenly knew things about each other they had no way of knowing only moments before, but the sweet conclusion made it more than worth the temporary angst.
A Haunting Love by Selenay (E, 64,621)
Thoughts: This was another very unique modern with magic AU, & I was nervous because Wei Ying was a ghost haunting Lan Zhan's new house in the quiet little town he moved to in order to write his next novel. Naturally Lan Zhan became ensnared by the mystery surrounding Wei Ying's departure. This had a very romantic feel to it, intensely poetic in a way that I found very alluring. There were even thriller-esque moments towards the end of the story, so it had a bit of everything, all of it equally satisfying to read.
love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360,042)
Thoughts: This was an example of a cool MDZS-specific trope I hadn't seen before, & in it Wei Ying, the infamous Yiling Patriarch, was a cultivator who had achieved immortality (aka, he's OP as fuck but in a fun way). The great sects enlisted his help to win the Sunshot Campaign, & what did he demand in return? Lan Zhan's hand in marriage, of course! It was a fantastic slow burn in which poor Lan Zhan suffered the mortifying ordeal of falling in love with his own husband. An amazing & complex plot, chock-full of angsty goodness.
a place to hide (can't find one near) by yiqie (E, 76,091)
Thoughts: I'm giving y'all a heads up first thing that this fic pulled no punches when it came to the heavier subject matter covered in the tags & author's note. Some of the descriptions were fairly graphic, so please take care of yourselves when considering this one. That said, it was a powerful portrayal of someone suffering from mental health issues & the long & often complicated journey of healing. This one also happened to contain a love story so beautiful that I was brought to tears several times by Lan Zhan's patient & loving care for his most important person, nevermind all the times I cried at the sad parts! I found the emotional cost of those very much worth the payoff of their happy ending, which is why I just had to include this one.
Just You, Just Me (Just Us, Just We) by wincechesters (E, 19,777)
Thoughts: Lan Zhan thought his brother made him an appointment at an acupuncturist & was aghast when he discovered it was for a session with a professional cuddler instead! Enter Wei Ying, gratuitous cuddle therapy, & his usual chaotic charm. Poor Lan Zhan being so overwhelmed while also becoming hopelessly besotted made me laugh, bless his fragile little heart. This was an adorable & light-hearted fic that made me want to go back & reread it almost immediately, haha.
my age has never made me wise by idrilka (E, 63,439)
Thoughts: I absolutely loved this. It was pretty CQL (The Untamed) compliant & told the post-canon story of Wei Ying wandering alone as a rogue cultivator after the events of the show. Of course he was pining after his zhiji the entire time, so when he heard gossip that the Chief Cultivator might be married by summer's end it nearly undid him. The angst was excruciating, but at the same time, One Brain Cell WWX Strikes Again fics somehow always manage to be fun at the same time. I've read several post-canon, wandering Wei Ying stories, & this one was particularly good.
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slickchickchocolatier · 5 months
you know sometimes I'm conflicted about whether i want any one of the heeleads to take me or all of them together taking turns. Just imagining it feels like 🤤😫😵🤭🤜🤛👌🏻🤝✨💫
Allow me to help you with your decision….
Warnings: reader gets a train ran on her by my heeleads. Told in explicit detail…unprotected smex and it gets a little rough towards the last heelead.
The first one to take you is going to be heeler. He’s a snarly man and will enjoy being the first to open you up. He’s going to take his time and thrust into you (probably in all of your holes…I’m talking mouth, backdoor, and vaginal cavity) and will more than likely finish in your mouth while watching you feast on his kids.
Next will be the heebros. They love to sandwich you in between them, so yeah. You’re going to be straddling one’s waist while the other bucks his hips against your rear, and after he’s done the other brother will immediately stick himself inside, commenting on how nice and wet, and earn you already are while meshing his juices with that of his brothers seeds already staining your insides.
Then, heedam is going to snatch you by the hair and sing you a song while he grunts in between the lyrics and fucks you into oblivion. He’ll start with your mouth, making sure he wears you out—to the point where tears are streaming down your cheeks and you’re choking on it. He’ll make you sing while he’s fucking your throat, talking about how soothing the hums feel as it vibrates against his foreskin. When he’s about to combust, he immediately takes it and sticks it deep to add his seeds with the rest of the group that’s already stirring inside you. At this point, you’re beginning to feel the swashing effect from the amount of liquid that’s filling your tummy.
Then we have heethan (oh shit run) now in his usually fashion, he’s going to commit to fucking you as Heeseung, then do his switch and fuck you as ethan. You’ll get a taste of sensual passion with sinister pleasure, but both will be painful regardless because they both like to go hard. Heeseung will be tender with his lips, while his hips and jamming into you. He’s gonna hold you by the waist and hold you down as he’s fucking into you with great force. When he’s releasing inside of you, you witness the transition of darkness overtaking his features and his tone deepens, and you see Ethan grinning back at you. He’ll taunt you as he starts the thrusts back up. You’ll be incredibly sore because he didn’t even pull out during the switch so you’re feeling the friction and sting of semi-dried cum staining you inside and out.
Finally…you already know… 😈
Heelel is going to approach you, and he’s going to have some of his demonic features appearing such as his demonic antlers, his extended claws, wings, and his tail. The tail is going to wrap around your waist and he’s going to suspend you in the air as he uses it to lift you and position you against him. He has extraordinary abilities, like telekinesis. He uses it to aid the momentum of how fast he wants your body to bounce on his cock while he stands and smiles at your screaming face. You’re going to beg and plead for him to hurry up and finish but each time he gets close, he’ll pause to let himself calm down so he can ‘savor’ your insides and the amount of cum that is swishing around his shaft. And just because he cums….doesn’t mean he’s done. He’ll cum as many times he needs to in order to feel satisfied….which can be anywhere from 10-50 times. (Such stamina) lol.
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silverstarssart · 2 years
The Owl House Incorrect Quotes
Eda: I feel so burnt out. Luz: Don’t worry, it'll be over soon. Eda: Are you gonna… assassinate me? Luz: Well not if you’re expecting it.
Hunter: I'll offer you some friendly advice- Gus: I don't want your advice. Hunter: Well, then consider it unfriendly advice.
Gus: Just be yourself. Hunter: Really? Gus, I have one day to win over Willow’s parents. Hunter: How long did it take for you guys to like me? Willow: Couple of weeks. Luz: Six months. Amity: Jury’s still out. Hunter: See Gus? ‘Just be yourself,’ what kind of garbage advice is that?!
Luz: Hold on, I can explain! Eda: Really? Can you now? Luz: I can if you give me a minute to think of a convincing lie.
King: Guess what I'm about to get! Eda: On my nerves.
Hunter: I can never give Luz shit because I’m jealous of them. They look at their life and say, “Sweet! This is perfect!” Hunter: I look at my life and say, “Welp. Time to get drunk.”
Mattholomule: I have a new hoodie. Gus: Wrong. Gus: We have a new hoodie.
Willow: Is something burning? Hunter, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you. Willow: Hunter, the toaster is literally on fire.
Luz: Eat the rich!
Amity, internally: PLEASE do
Camilla: Wow, great work on the Halloween decorations. Where did you get the fake skeletons? Gus: Fake?
Luz: So, Amity, do you have a crush on anyone? Amity, sweating bullets: The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety.
Eda: What should I do? Lilith: holds out hand May I suggest dinner with a friend? Eda: Well, none of my friends are available, so I guess I'll have to go with you.
Luz: When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Luz lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the person who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!
Eda: I don’t know the first thing about clothes. Pretty much all I can do is look at something and tell you if it’s clothes or not. This chair? Not clothes.
Raine: I’m genuinely surprised you haven’t gotten arrested, let alone gotten a felony yet. Eda: Nat 20 Charisma. Raine: That is NOT how that works-
Gus: We all have our demons. Gus, grabbing Mattholumule: This one’s mine.
Hunter: Willow, is that legal? Willow: When there's no cops around, anything's legal!
Mattholumule: I love you. Gus, not paying attention: What was that? Mattholumule: I said I’m selling you to the zOo-
Eda: I’m in love with you. Raine: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork. Eda: I know. Raine: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Willlow: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt. Hunter: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Raine: We’re getting married, b*! Eda: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem.
Willow: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Hunter: steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees, apologizing profusely Willow: That one. I want that one.
Amity, watching Hunter stare at Willow: Why don’t you go talk to her? Hunter, sarcastically: Oh. Yeah, sure. Gus, joining in: What? So you go tell her she’s cute, what’s the worst that could happen? Hunter: She could hear me.
Raine: How many children do you have? Eda: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there is a difference.
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lollytea · 2 years
Okay, so I of course stole it off your Hunlow playlist because it's perfect for Hunter and how he sees Willow.
or so I THOUGHT. Until TODAY.
"I've just settled into the glass half empty made myself at home
And so why now?
Oh, please not now
I just stopped believing in happy endings, harbors of my own"
I know that in FTF Willow only lets herself feel this way for a moment, before Hunter reminds her of who she is BYYY:
"But you had to come along didn't you
Tear down the doors
Throw open windows
Oh, if you knew just what a fool you have made me
So what do I do with this?"
He tore open the doors (vines lol) literally and figuratively! And what is she supposed to do with that?? Fall in love. Obviously. How could you NOT after a cute boy teleports you out of self-loathing and doubt!?
"This sudden burst of sunlight
And me with my umbrella"
It still works from Hunter's perspective too, obviously, from like ASIAS onward but after FTF I think it works the other way around too and I just. They're just. PAIN. MY HEART BRO. There are so many other lyrics that fit in the little music video in my head of the two of them but I'm literally on my break at work and need to go LMAO
Sorry for just vomiting in your ask box😂
This is the second time this month I've made somebody go insane over the Stray Italian Greyhound and huntlow combo. Vienna Teng put some fucking CHEMICALS in that song!!! Turns the freakin frogs gay!!!!
And YEAH!!! I added it to the playlist back when I made it after Labyrinth Runners. Because that's what I associated it with at the time!!! Hunter's lost his home, his family, his religion, his identity, his sense of safety. He's LOST everything!!! And he's struggling to come to terms with that. By the time Gus finds him at Hexside, the shock has subsided and he thinks he can be functional now. But he's not okay. He's still got a lot going on mentally and it's messing him up.
But at the same time....hallway blush scene....he has his little "Oh. It's her." moment. And I know that he was very confused in the aftermath of the Hexside incident. And when he's left alone to reflect on what he's feeling he's just "Now?? Are you fucking serious?? We're really gonna do this now??? I just found out I'm not a real person and everybody's gonna die next week, is now REALLY the fucking time???" He has ENOUGH problems!! He doesn't know how to deal with this!! But also he can't help it because while he's fucked up and traumatized, he's also brimming with confusing fizzling teenage hormones and she's Willow Park and it's very overwhelming and scary and doesn't know which way is up or down and he has no idea what he's gonna do about this. Feelings like these demand so much from him and after everything he's been through he really doesn't know if he can stomach it. But she won't give him a moment to catch his breath and he's locked in now and there's nothing he can do about it.
BUT YEAH!!!! I've had that playlist on quite a lot since FTF leaked because I have been so not normal about them. So I have NOTICED that it now applies to multiple different angles. And thinking about the chorus from Willow's perspective during the whole vine scene makes me ILL. And then in the aftermath of that....the vibes of that song are so....terrified yet giddy and overwhelmed yet euphoric. How fucking soft and blushy Willow was after that scene. "Just what a fool you have made me" YEAH!!!!
He IS a sudden burst of sunlight!!!
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She IS with her umbrella!!!!
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ALSO ALSO ALSO!!! Being a girl who has such a tight reign over her own emotions completely falling victim to loserish behaviour during this part? Ready to fucking combust cuz she is being held so gently.
"What do I do, do I do with a love that won't sit still?
Won't do what it's told"
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HATE this song, HATE them!!!!
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sunny6677 · 1 month
Cicadas: When October Sings. - BOOK 1
Mysterious events begin to occur in a small suburban town Kevin lives in.
CHAPTER 3: The Picnic.
..after a few more long minutes of driving along the stretch of the gray road, the vehicle slowed, and we came to a stop.
The air outside was warm. Unbelievably warm, in fact. I felt it practically frown me the moment I stepped outside onto the sidewalk. The car had parked in front of a large bright green patch of field with a single tree in the middle.
Nearby was a small wooden building in the distance—which appeared to have no on inside judging by the fact that there were no cars parked in front of it. The sun beamed down onto its wood, causing the brown shade to shine brightly in the sunlight. And before the small, peculiar building that looked like it was gonna fall apart any second now—there was a strange statue of..
I glanced away, swallowing nervously. It was probably my imagination. That thing wasn't real anyway.
"Wooh.." Streber let out a sigh, wiping his knuckles against his forehead and sweeping off the sweat. He hoisted the basket into his arms as Ethan walked calmly around the vehicle, a smile curled on his face.
I saw Ethans gaze flicker toward me, and a melting hue of worry formed in them as he chuckled. "You alright?" He grinned, noticing a look on my face that I couldn't.
"..yeah. I'm okay." I huffed.
I tilted my head again, my eyes trailing over the gigantic statue faintly painted with shades of cyan and dark red.
Blinking, I asked, "..what's that for?"
Ethan tilted his head to the side a bit in return, glancing in the direction of the statue before letting a small laugh escape his mouth. "Oh.. I.. I don't really know. I know it's important to the people who really like that Stars Festival thing though."
"..stars festival?"
"..well.. it's actually called The Festival of The Stars. But it's not really that important." He shrugged, "It's just some little village thing that they do every year."
Come to think of it, I had heard about it. Some sort of festival that would always take place on one of the last weeks of October—it's dates would always kinda change though. I didn't know much about it aside from some of the dandelion blowing stuff and what not.
..either way, it wasn't really that important.
"..aaalllright.. just put these here.."
Streber mumbled aloud to himself—the warm air was somewhat overwhelming. The soft blanket he had laid out for us on the hill made it feel a little less bad though. Or at least like I wasn't gonna combust from sweating any second now. I was starting to swear I could see little ants crawling onto the blanket already, but I couldn't tell if it was that, or if it was little pieces of dirt.
Ethan watched from beside me, his slim phone in his hands as he looked up from the screen. And I couldn't really do much other than just observe as he laid out.. several items of food.
He laid out three wrapped, greasy looking sandwiches in rows—the ingredients within them slightly visible despite the fabric of the wrapper. I felt it's warm scent flow into my nostrils. My stomach nearly rumbled just from the sensation.
From beside them, he set down a yellow mustard bottle, along with a red ketchup bottle. Then from beside that, he placed a small box of watermelons and several other fruits. Meatballs. And.. good god, how much did he pack?
Either way, I knew I defintely didn't have to worry about starving. A part of me felt like he only packed this much just because I'm here. And I knew I was probably right about that. I knew him well enough to know he wouldn't pack so many things without any reason.
...mmh.. he really was a good friend.
Streber finally let out a sigh, grinning from ear to ear—"Alright.. there you go! Now we can eat."
..as expected, the food was good. Really good, to be honest. The grilled cheese he had packed for me was crisp on the bread, and just the right amount of flavor in the yellow melted piece of cheese in the middle. My stomach felt completely relieved of all it's hunger from before, and I let out a sigh nearly each time I took a bite. I really never had enough energy to eat stuff, but I couldn't really say no when it was him who made it.
Ethan on the other hand ate his sandwich in small bites. While Streber was chattering on loudly about.. something I wasn't really listening to, if I was being honest. It wasn't that what he was talking about wasn't interesting. I was just.. really hungry. I dunno.
A cool breeze was slightly streamj g through now. I felt the winds brush against me, making the beads of sweat on my face feel as if they weren't there.
It was about when I was nearly done with my sandwich that I heard a weird voice calling out.
"Heyyyyy! Streber!"
Streber blinked for a few seconds, snapping his round head in the direction of the sound. Seemingly, it came from somewhere beside me. So, I... just looked to see where it was. And when I did, I almost immediately got my answer.
It was a younger looking girl with orange-reddish hair tied into low pigtails, her face round and a grin made perfectly on her face. She wore a pastel yellow sweater around her skinny body. Alongside her was a woman with long dark blue hair, another girl with short black hair that went to her neck, and..
Well, I didn't need to describe them. I already knew them anyway. But I wasn't sure what exactly they were doing here.
That girl was Liv. I didn't know how Streber and Ethan had met her exactly, but she was a young girl who was currently living with them—about the age of eighteen to be exact. She was pretty chaotic and energetic from what I remembered of her. And anytime I saw her, she.. strangely smelt of mandarin? I didn't know why, but she did.
The woman with the dark blue hair was Aria, who was always really soft-spoken and somewhat awkward. And Confi, who.. well, honestly, I didn't talk to her that much. So I didn't really know what she was like.
There was a small orange vehicle parked behind the one Streber drove her, seemingly the one they must have driven in. After all, they.. were coming up the hill from in that direction. As Liv smiled rather eagerly while marching up the hill toward us, I couldn't help but wonder..
"..Uh.." Uttered Streber, a bit puzzled by their presence as well. "Hi? What are you guys doing here?"
"..yeah." Ethan arched a brow as well, a twitch of a puzzled smile worn on his slim face. "Didn't you say you were busy?"
"Well, we were." Liv huffed as she finally stopped on top of the hill, with Confi shuffling beside her, and Aria quietly walking up with a slight smile on the right side of her. Liv pouted, "But that mall we went to ended up being a little more crowded than we thought it'd be. Hmph."
"..eheheh.." Aria laughed gently, "It's—it's fine though. We decided we'd come here to visit with you guys since we didn't have anything else to do. You alright with that?"
Streber paused. His eyes trailed over them for a moment as the warm silence filled the air, and after a second, he finally gave a simple nod. "Uh.. well, alright! I'm okay with that. Just try not to eat too much, alright? I don't know if I packed enough for three more people."
"..might as well have.." I found myself mumbling with a slightly low tone. He didn't respond, not seeming to hear.
"Hah—yes!" Liv laughed rather loudly from where she stood, practically hopping foward toward the blanket. She shuffled onto an empty space next to me, giggling while moving up and down at a rather rapid rate.
Confi swiftly moved in silence, shuffling next to the last empty space near Liv. Streber moved a bit more closer to Ethan, leaving room for Aria to join in.
Aria let out a sigh. "Oh.. thank you. Eheh.."
Chuckling, she lowered herself near the space Streber had left empty, and made herself comfy as she shifted onto it. Streber flashed her a simple grin, beaming, "Yeah—no problem, Aria. Heh.. sorry if you don't get to eat much."
"It's okay." Aria denied reassuringly, "I.. kind of ate already anyway."
..I sat in slight quietness, holding the sandwich near my mouth still. The breeze blew against my hair, making me feel the trickles of my sweat down my neck, along with something that slightly brushed and brushed against my shoulder. I thought it might have been the wind, but even after a few seconds, it didn't go away.
I looked to the side. And... Livs face was practically right next to my shoulder. In response to seeing her round eyes, I slightly flinched. She gave a wide grin, tilting her head to the side.
"..can I have some of that?"
I stared. And slowly frowned.
Bringing it closer to my mouth, I took a small bite out of it, seeing her only scowl in the corner of my eye from pettiness.
Well.. looks like we had three more people at the picnic now.
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
okay so: opinions on buddie having a confession similar to the jolink one at the end of 19x20?????
(I know jolink have more of a romantic/sexual past than buddie do currently, but when I first watched that scene all I could think about was buddie, because of the fact that the kids were included as part of the speech but not the main focus, and the whole 'I'm so in love with you. How do you not see that?' bit and so many more reasons that have escaped my brain right now)
(Also full disclosure: I'm not a fan of jolink as a couple, and wish they'd stayed as friends, but I do love the buddie parallels/vibes they give me 😅😅)
((Sorry this was long!!! 💚💚))
(just to get it out of the way, I was fighting and kicking and screaming at them putting jolink together because they had such a great friendship and damnit media needs more friendships between men and women who are straight but not trying to get with each other)
I'm kinda obsessed with the idea of getting something like that now that you mentioned lol. I mean, there would have to be some adjustments, I feel like a lot of it works the way it does because they slept together and decided to say it was just casual, with the way they explicitly draw the line and said "no we are just friends" and I feel like that wouldn't work as long term as they played it with jolink when applied to buddie (not unless they want to make us suffer more for a few seasons but if buddie sleeps together then wakes up and go nah we should just be friends is never gonna happen again, I'll burn something down), but I am legit obsessed with the idea of Buck hiding behind Chris for a change and just snapping, listing things about loving Eddie and Eddie is just staring at him with his exasperated husband face and going "you idiot I love you too". If they kiss in the rain too I would spontaneously combust (with the lightning and the well and every bad thing that happened to Buck involving water and the way the moment they start getting along involves literal fire, the symbolism behind them getting something good in the rain would be everything to me really)
But since we're talking Jo, I rewatched the perfect storm the other day, that's why I ended up making the parallel between April and Buck, and I keep thinking about a situation like when jolex gets together. The whole they have a huge fight, Jo tells Alex to stay away from her, then she shows up hurt, Alex gets all protective, he's about to say it, but then the tree falls into Alex living room, and they ignore it until Jo says she doesn't deserve it, that she'll ruin it and Alex is all you asked yesterday you wanted to hear it I'm gonna say it but them he freezes, and she's all i don't hear anything, and they banter a little bit before Alex finally says he loves her and they kiss. I feel like if we get a proper build up with buddie where everyone is aware of where they are going and they keep fighting against it until something snaps but right before they actually do something the universe intervenes, and have them dance around the fact that they almost said it dealing with an emergency, all while the tension between them keeps getting higher, until they finally get a moment alone and they can talk and Buck is all we should just forget it, you're my best friend, I'll mess it up, depending on the nature of the emergency that stopped them you can even add a line of like "that was a sign, the universe was stopping us from making a mistake" that Eddie could counter with his level is skepticism "I don't believe the universe speaks to anyone and you wanted to hear me saying it so I'm saying it" and then freezing and having them banter back and forth until one of them says I love you and the other goes in for the kiss, could work. And it would be one hell of a scene.
So the conclusion here is that Jo has very buddiecoded love confession since Alex and Link get the best friend place before things evolve and either one of them makes for a killer getting together scenario for buddie.
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jikookficsdiarry · 29 days
HELLO LOVES!! I'm here to express my deepest love for episode 4. Finally, it has been a long week, and the wait for episode 5 is almost over :)
OFCOURSE I'm gonna begin with
너는 나, 나는 너 🥹
Jikook in the swimming pool, enjoying their time together, getting on with their daily antics was the best thing ever!! The way they played rock, paper scissors under water🥹 CUTIES my goofballs for real!! Also, yes I have the same question as you, why did Kook have to remind minie that the glass was see through?? What kind of mischief was jiminie upto?!!!
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Also, umm hello?! My 2015 baby army self would have never survived this. Please I think BT21 took hiatus too seriously. Damn, I used to lose my mind over foreheads...we have come a long way lads.
Also, the ppeuri after the whole ramyeon conversation?! Hello?! Like what was going on?! The way I screamed into my pillow. BYE.
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BUBBAS🥹🤍 (the yawning in sync, they are the embodiment of you are me, i am you)...also I felt so bad for tae cause his neck hurt after head banging...I really hope his neck felt so much better when kookie gave him the message🥺
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You wanna know the exact moment I said "what in the AO3?"
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This right here. I combusted. I smiled, then I teared up and I replayed it 10 times to know if this wasn't a fever dream. It wasn't. It was reality and then I teared up some more. Happy tears I promise🥹🤍
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When I first saw this thought the sign was edited🤭 little did I know the universe was trying to give me sign instead.
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All the food moments, apart from making me extremely hungry made me realise how much attention kookie pays to minie whilst he is eating. Not only in these episodes but every time kookies ensures jiminie has eaten well🥹 like idk how to explain but it tugs at my heart strings🥹🤍
Also, idk why tae bear didn't join them for snorkelling, but his smile when he looks at kookie and jiminie has my whole heart🥹🤍
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I was so happy that my baby caught to fishes!! Look at that adorable boxy smile🥹 my whole heart...oh I miss tae. Okay sorry no more tears.
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I usually don't point this out, but omds I could not hold back this time, the SIZE DIFFERENCE!! I know there are so many other moments, but something about kookies hand enveloping jiminie hands and jiminie holding onto kookies thumb....yeah, my heart is doing a triple axle as we speak.
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To conclude, I really from the bottom of my heart enjoyed watching this episode. I was struggling health wise last week and this epsiode gave me the energy I needed. I also feel I was more relieved by the fact that Jiminie didn't feel sick anymore and wasn't hurt in any way. I was so happy to see vminkook giggling.🤍 And jikook being so happy in each other's presence. Their moments, the little things they do for each other, I see them🤍 I know there are so many theories and asks about so many moments not only in this episode. I'll reteriate, I am not going to respond to asks that are offensive or not OT7, and I am just trying to enjoy the show, please let me kindly do that🤍
Episode 5 has me already excited. Less than 24 hours!! LESSSGOO!!
Are you sure?! You truly are my serotonin🥹🤍
Thank you.
~ Nel🤍
Please drop a good review for AYS if you can🫶🏻
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