#i have soooo many comic ideas
shkika · 1 year
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whis is it that every time i get an ask abt innocence or suns i have myself make a comic
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 year
DC should give the Wonder Woman title to me instead of Tom King. I have whole arcs about Diana as a diplomat, politician, and teacher that I could write. DC PLEASE LET ME FIX HER JOB, DO AMAZONIAN WORLDBUILDING, AND BRING BACK HER CIVILIAN SUPPORTING CAST AGAIN!
Diana busts up an artifact smuggling ring and then has to deal with the international repatriation of ancient artifacts to their home countries. Bring back Helena Sandsmark and use Cassie in a supporting role.
Some major international incident occurs and Diana is running herself ragged trying to deal with it from multiple ends. She eventually has to choose between fulfilling her duty as Wonder Woman and dealing with the realities of being Themiscyra's official diplomatic presence at the UN.
Diana and Artemis have to work together to save some human trafficking victims and I get to write an exploration on the Themiscyran Amazons' isolationism vs. the Banas' interventionalism as methods of protection, self-defense, and dealing with collective trauma.
While setting up a cultural exchange project between the different Amazon tribes, Diana is appointed as the neutral representative to oversee an all-Amazonian Olympics/games festival. Shenanigans ensue as the goddesses start picking favorites and the games get gatecrashed by a mythological threat (aka "what Trial of the Amazons should have been about")
Diana, Artemis, and Donna decide to take Cassie and Yara on a traditional Amazonian coming-of-age journey. The story acts as a way to explore important touchstones of Amazon culture and the differing cultural and societal expectations they might face as adult women, both in their respective Amazonian tribes and in Man's World.
Nubia enlists Diana to go with her through Doom's Doorway to help retrieve some Amazons who were sucked in by a mythological threat while on guard duty. If they're still alive, they will be brought back to Themiscyra in celebration. If not, their bodies need to be retrieved for funerary rites and the women's re-entrance into the Well of Souls.
Exploring Donna as a linchpin connection point between the human world, all of the Amazon tribes, and the gods.
And so many others, because these are all largely Man's World and worldbuilding stories. Digging into her actual rogues gallery (Circe! Ares! Silver Swan! Doctor Poison!) and setting up bigger conflicts would be so much fun.
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irregularbillcipher · 5 months
watched the musical demon show (don't wanna name it so this post isn't in the tags) at the behest of an IRL friend and i can already tell this is going to be a piece of media where i absolutely cannot stop thinking about it, not because i really love the show as-is, but because it has so many individual components i really like and find incredibly fun or compelling, and i'm so frustrated that it doesn't come together for me
i think the main thing i can say about it as a show, setting aside some of the insensitive choices that were made that i really don't feel qualified to tackle or talk about, is that the entire thing sort of gives off this vibe of someone really excited to show you every single oc they made in high school and college and i very genuinely mean that in both the best and worst ways possible
there are some good hooks for season two though so i will absolutely give them that
#the vibe is just like... they are just soooo excited to get all their ideas out that it becomes... messy and badly paced#like there are so many moments that are cool or fun or emotional in a vaccuum but they don't connect fully y'know#because this arc or character was JUST introduced so there isn't proper build up. everything moves too quick#and it's frustrating because you can TELL that the people making this show love their ideas and characters#and i more than get thta! i am also someone with a lotta ocs i love to blab about#but i think they have been working with them so long that they#a. assume we are already just as attached to them as they are without always doing that work#b. assume we've seen all the supplemental material which. i have not#and i don't think that a professional show is the type of thing where there should be a barrier of entry that involves like#podcasts and comics and twitter threads and IC instagram posts about characters to do that emotional/lore legwork y'know#i love lore and supplemental stuff obviously but this should still be like#a satisfying experience for me a person who saw the pilot however many years ago and then has not interacted with the show or fandom since#idk man stuff felt rushed and messy and i wish i liked it more#it needed more slow moments i think. the two scenes where the group all drinks together (minus one awful joke in the bar scene) are like#the best in the show to me becase i actually believe these guys are FRIENDS. i wanna see them hang out more!#i wanna see them actually really grow to like each other organically!!! i wanna see them build connections and grow better slowly!!!#songs absolutely slap though. soundtrack is probably gonna be in my spotify unwrapped 2024#i love me a musical and that inspiration is on its sleeve which i love#also imo the humor isn't great usually. it's very juvenile imo and sometime that works but it often doesn't#(for me at least humor is obviously SUPER subjective)#also tonally they have this 'have your cake and eat it too' issue which bugs me. it's exemplified by the v's (one in particular)#actually i could go on a whole rant about the v's if anyone is interested because god i have some Thoughts#and i think my issues with the v's (namely one v) encapsulates many issues i have with the show#despite all this rambling i actually did enjoy a lot of my time with it. i just don't think it was well-written if that makes sense
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Curious question. I noticed that your blog tag is labeled "Do not Tag as Linked Universe'. May I ask why?
Sure! I personally am not interested in LU so I don't reblog anything that is LU related, however I do reblog art from artists who create their own designs of the Links. There's a bit of a problem in the fandom with people tagging anything multi-Link LU (anything Zelda, really) which 1. Is disrespectful to the artist who created their own designs and stories not based on the most popular comic of the time (it's not a new concept as well, though some newer fans seem to think every Links AU is based off LU) and 2. In my experience, LU fans can be a bit rude when it comes to headcanons that don't agree with the comic (especially when it comes to shipping). Tumblr user media literacy is... Low. And a lot of users don't have good faith in mind when they see something that angers them, they jump immediately to the conclusion that everything is an intentional insult. Tagging something that is NOT LU with LU has caused unrelated artists to get attacked for doing things that go against the comic (biggest example I can think of is Link/Link though I don't reblog that). Instead of apologizing, they double down, get defensive, and all this could be avoided by preventing the misunderstanding in the first place.
After adding the note, I have noticed a decrease in these incidents coming from my blog. I know not everyone clicks on profiles before reblogging something, I know this could be unrelated and the fandom has fixed this issue, but it's a good reminder
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piierrote · 6 months
in 2024 i will write and plan and maybe begin making the longer version of Shine that i truly want to make very badly…
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wuntrum · 2 years
i feel like my tech tag is a little all over the place but it all makes sense to me...like whenever i actually get around to publishing this story about a tech exorcist who helps ppl with haunted technology in the future Then You Will See
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the more school work i have the more my brain is like “hey remember the WIP you abandoned 6 years ago? it is going to fill your every waking thought”  
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thehighladywrites · 2 days
— “pink + ink = cute tattoos”
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☀︎ — pairing: nerd azriel x bimbo/ditzy/popular reader
☀︎ — summary: you miss azriel and are delighted when he comes back with a permanent reminder of you
☀︎ — warnings: light nsfw, making out, ink, talk about needles, horny reader, horny az, sad bc she misses az, fluff and some crack
☀︎ — amara’s note: i’d let az prone bone me if he did this for me🥰
series masterlist
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Six days.
It has been six whole days since you last saw Azriel. To say it’s horrible is an understatement. Countless of times, you thought about going over and telling him how much you miss him, but he has exams, and you know you will be a distraction.
Even though he insisted he was fine with you around, you wanted him to focus, so you sent him off. Now, you had no one to blame but yourself, and the regret was palpable.
With a dramatic sigh, you skipped over to your comically large, pink, frilly bed— almost sinking in the marshmallow like mattress before you pulled out your even pinker phone. Dialing the number of the love of your life, you hoped to hear his voice and feel a bit closer to him.
After the last ring, the line goes straight to voicemail. “Hello. It is I, Azriel. Be so kind and leave a message after the beep.”
Your eyes roll playfully at your boyfriend’s formal way of talking. “Hi, honey! Can you call me back? I miss you soooo much. It’s, like, so lonely here, and I don’t even know why I sent you away in the first place.” Tears start to well up as you sniffle dramatically. “I think m’gonna die without you. Um, anyway, call me back, okay? Love ya lots..”
Your miserable pout only grows as you slowly put down your phone. For over two hours, you check it repeatedly, hoping for any new messages from him only to be met with radio silence. After two and a half hours, a knock echoes through your apartment.
Your eyes widen comically, heart beating twice as fast as you rush to the door. When you open it and see Azriel standing there with a soft smile, dimples on display, you can't believe your eyes.
“Baby! I missed you!” you squeal, leaping into his arms with such force that he almost topples over. He catches you as he hugs you warmly
Azriel’s rich, deep laughter is soothing you immediately. You nuzzle into his neck before jumping up and locking your legs around his waist.
You plant soft kisses all over his face and neck as he walks over to your massive bed and plops down on it. You pull back slightly, your hands gently brushing his hair out of his face so you can fully appreciate him.
His cheeks are flushed, his lips are slightly swollen, and his hair is adorably ruffled. “You look so handsome, Azriel,” you murmur, your eyes sparkling with affection.
“You’re a sweetheart,” he murmurs against your swollen, tinted lips before diving in for more kisses.
You find yourselves on the bed, entangled in a mess of limbs, legs intertwined, hands exploring under clothes, completely lost in each other.
Your soft hands weave into his hair, nails lightly scraping against his scalp as you swing your legs over lap, sitting on top of his lying body.
“I’m never, ever telling you to focus on school instead of me. God, i missed you.”
“I missed you even more, and i saw that you called me. I had to let it ring unfortunately.”
“Aw, why? Didnt wanna talk to me or something?” you lightly joke as the idea of him ignoring you spark tears in your eyes.
Azriel notices this and smiles softly. “It was not because i didn’t want to talk to you, it was because I was getting tattoed.”
Had this been a cartoon, your tears would have reversed and your eyes would have popped outta your skull. The idea of Azriel getting more tattoos made you all giggly and fluttery.
“You got even more?! Where? How many? What did ya get? Please let me see!” you beg sweetly, tugging at the hem of his shirt.
Azriel smiles, reaching down to pull off his oversized hoodie, revealing his newest tattoos.
Your eyes widen, hands flying to your mouth as you gasp loudly. Right above his heart is your name in delicate script, and just below his hip, ln his v-line, is a spider.
“No freakin’ way, my name? All for me? Awww, Azzie baby, that's so cute, I think i’ll cry!” you giggle with tears in your eyes, throwing your arms around his neck before planting a kiss on his lips.
“I think you deserve some head and a good fuck,” you mumble against his lips, fingers going over the inked skin.
“You don’t have to do that, please don’t feel like you owe it to me,” he tells you in a gentle tone.
“But i really wanna. You got my named inked on you and it makes me hot on the inside so i want to fuck you, is that cool?”
Azriel nods as he kisses you deeply, blushing as you put your hand down his pants, slowly stroking his growing cock.
It drives you mad knowing he permanently altered himself for you. He put a reminder on his heart no less, for the rest of his life. Your hips rocked against his as you rode him, doe eyes glued to his tattoos. “Say my name— please Az, say my name,” you whine, eyes closing as he repeats your name in a forbidden tone.
Azriel suddenly flips you over on your back before he pounds into you, secretly smiling at your moaning self. He pulls out just to watch his cock go inside of you very slowly. Azriel does this a few times, eyes locking in on where his dick bulges your stomach.
His hand rests on your stomach as he watches your stomach bulge with every thrust. “Do you feel me in here? Feel how deep inside I am, baby?”
One look at him is all it takes for you to finally cum with a sob. “Y-yes, fuck— feels so good, azzie,” you cry out as you hold his hand.
After cumming inside, he carefully pulls out and lies next to you. “I think I have an unhealthy obsession with you. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, you know? Fuck, I really love you,” he murmurs while smoothing out your hair and kissing your jaw and neck.
“You’re too sweet, baby. I love you too,” you quip, kissing him back.
“Az, I'm really nervous. Do you think it's gonna hurt?” you ask, standing outside Azriel’s usual tattoo studio, the neon sign flashing a welcome at you.
“I’m going to be honest, sweetness. It will not tickle; it’s a needle,” he says gently. “But you don’t have to do this. We can go back if you’re afraid or uncomfortable,” he adds, sensing your nerves.
You look up at him, squeezing his hand tighter. “No thank you, I think i’m good but could you please hold my hand during?” you ask sweetly.
Azriel kisses your hairline, inhaling the familiar scent of your strawberry shampoo. “Of course, beautiful. Feel free to crush it if you need to,” he jokes.
You nod determinedly, taking a deep breath before strutting into the tattoo shop with Azriel by your side, heels clicking against the concrete floor.
After two excruciating hours of sniffling and crushing Azriel’s hand, you leave the tattoo shop with Azriel's name inked on your lower back next to a heart. You also have a small Hello Kitty tattoo on your left pointer, dedicated to your kitten, all in pink ink. You can't stop smiling as you show him the delicate designs, feeling a mix of pride and excitement.
Azriel's face seems to soften impossibly. “It looks amazing, baby. You’re so brave,” he says, wrapping an arm around your waist.
You giggle, leaning into him. “I did it, Azzie. Now we match!” You turn to give him a wink. “Plus, pink is so cute, right? Oh! Also imagine how cute this will look during backshots!”
Azriel chuckles, kissing your forehead. “Cute indeed. It suits you perfectly.” He admires the tattoo again with darkened eyes. “I think we should really head back home, right? I’d really like to appreciate up close. I’ll buy you ice cream too,” he suggests.
“Yes! That sounds perfect,” you beam, feeling a rush of happiness as you walk hand in hand, ready to celebrate your new ink together.
You also feel a rush of excitement, knowing that Azriel is going to fuck you into oblivion. With the way he is staring at you, there’s just no way you’re not getting some.
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🏷️: @vbbaby-girl @whatdoyxumean @honeybeeboobaa @thescooby-gang @linoisqt @mischiefmanagers @tortured-artists @to-be-written @sidthedollface2 @stasiereads @amara-moonlight @scoobies @caroline-books @kalulakunundrum @meshelleexplosionmurder @danikamariewrites @claireswritingcorner @redbleedingrose @jeannineee @nocasdatsgay @v3lv3t-f0x @liati2000 @teenageeggscissorslawyer @impossibelle @stonerpersona @dreamlandreader @djaaaa @cadiawrites @thelov3lybookworm @polli05927 @ahitsalyssa @evergreenlark @thegirlintheshadows101 @saltedcoffeescotch @acourtofladydeath @acourtofwhatthefuck @readychilledwine @daycourtofficial @azriels-shadowsinger @sapphicmsmarvel @hungryforbatboys @justasillylittlegoofyguy @luvmoo @emryb @meritxellao @mochibabycakes @artists-ally @azzieslittlebunny @berryzxx @sweetshifter @lilah-asteria @hannzoaks @throneofsmut @taterslaters
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eilidh-eternal · 3 months
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Ohhhhhh I have SO MANY recommendations!
@yeyinde their entire masterlist. Absolutely transformative experience reading anything and everything Lev writes. I want to be her when I grow up
@groguspicklejar Chink In the Armor! Best medieval Ghoap AU I’ve ever read!!!! Mafia!141 is so deliciously angsty and she captures it soooo perfectly! Kelsi is absolutely my go to for any and all Kyle pretty boy Garrick reads!!!
@gemmahale Gemma my beloved🖤 everything she writes is literal treasure. Priceless. Deserving of a pretty glass case and soft leather bindings. There are worlds in her head I could not dream up in 100 lifetimes, and her OC’s are sooo complex and well rounded!
@peachesofteal once again, her entire masterlist. Everything she writes is guaranteed to leave me staring at the damn wall with the loading circle spinning on my forehead, wishing I could jump through my screen and live in the worlds she writes
@luminousbeings-crudematter Folie á Deux, Donner Party, and Land Softly are some of my favorites! I still need to work my way through the rest of Lumi’s masterlist😅 but the way she writes Simon 😳 my enclosure only has so many bars, I’m going to have to replace it soon
@391780 oh god too many to count! I looooove the way Early writes dark!141 and ALL of her stories highlight and praise big soft bodies🥰 she also does comic relief INSANELY well, and I just know anytime I sit down to read her fics I’m gonna have a good laugh (get wrecked König)
@moondirti I have just read the first part of Cabin fever and I am already IN LOVE with Dee and their writing style! Cannot wait to read more when I have the chance!
@ceilidho I was not a Price girly when I started getting into CoD, but Ceil’s take on him has irreversibly altered my brain chemistry🫠 and her characterization of a darker Simon?! Canon. She’s in charge now.
@auspicioustidings OH MY GOD!!!! Mhairi just started Ae Fond Kiss and I am so, so, sooooo in love with the concept for this fic! It’s already incredibly gut wrenching and I know I’m gonna be a sobbing mess throughout this series! Truly on the edge of my seat!!!
@pfhwrittes P has such a wrinkly brain! I’m absolutely in love with their Here Be Kink and Dealing Drugs and Feelings collections! Absolutely phenomenal writing! Everything they write is so dark, decadent and rich🤤
@kaadaaan Offer Me His Hunger is such a beautifully written descent into madness and obsession, and Vi does a truly immaculate job of portraying it! I chew on drywall thinking about this DAILY!!!!
@ohbo-ohno PUPPY! SOAP! Don’t Leave Me Locked In Your Heart was the beginning of a very transformative experience for me and with every new fic Bo writes I descend further into madness😵‍💫 I cannot unsee Soap with big puppy eyes and a pouty face and I think Bo should be on the writers team for his “surprise I’m not dead but guess what? I’m Very Fucked Up™️ now” story arc in MWIV bc that was not him in that tunnel
@glossysoap The go-to for any and all Captain related thoughts! Price and 09’ Soap can captain my ship anytime as long as it’s Glossy’s version🫡 Peppers is absolutely deserving of it’s namesake🥵
@charliemwrites never misses! All of her characterizations are spot-fucking-on and she has a wonderful selection of CoD characters that span multiple genres! I’m particularly in love with Woof Woof Johnny🥴 (nasty little freak🖤) and Fields of Elation
@vanderilnde RUGBY! PLAYER! SOAP! He’s dirty and nasty and pervy and pathetic!!!! What more could you want from a man like him? And the way Orion writes him…… CHEWING ON GLASS! I love when soap is a pathetic little whore and Orion NAILED IT!!!
@the-californicationist Oooohhhhh Guile and Guilt was one of the first CoD fics I ever read and it lives in my head 24/7, even when Johnny is whispering Nasty™️ ideas in my ear. The story, the poetry, the characterizations…. IT’S LITERAL PERFECTION!!!!
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
Ohh I got soooo many ideas, like CV reader got kidnapped by black mask (I think it's red hood nemesis, am not that deep in DC comics but I know the basics) so he could have a deal or take information out of red hood using CV reader. And when Jason found out about it he was pissed but when he got there the bad guys already down because CV reader took them down.
P.s I don't mind if you use this as a reference to make a headcanon or story on contrary i would love to read it, but it's up to you!!
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🎧ྀི » [ what a catastrophy ! ] «
0:00 ─〇───── 0:00
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
tw/cw: yandere, jason being horny/implied noncon, cat villain! reader being an absolute menace and a whore as always.
pairings: yan! batfam x cat villain/vigilante! reader
note: this happens after conflict between jason and other members of batfam are resolved and at that point cat villain! is more solidly on the cat vigilante! side
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“How long is this going to take exactly? I’m about to take an involuntary cat nap with how utterly slow you all are being.”
The Court of Owls were a group of people you’ve absolutely despised on every era you’ve had under your cat mask. Whether it was your wild years as Cat Woman’s protégé or when you were basically assimilated as the Batfam’s shared s/o. You could never bring yourself to like absurdly rich people that well. Much less rich people who do bad things.
For legal and safety reasons, you have to say that the Batfamily are an exception.
You don’t know how on Earth they managed to get their hands on equipment that prevented your powers from working, but it was proving to be quite the annoying conundrum.
“I’m sorry but I’m feline a little too underwhelmed by this whole kidnapping thing. Why don’t we hurry things up a little?”
“Where the hell did you take them?!”
Jason slammed Black Mask unto the wall, using the backside of his arm and pressing it against the man’s chest.
The latter’s men took a defensive, alert stance. Ready to pounce on command.
But Black Mask only gestured them to stand down.
“You have to understand, the fact that I even thought of informing you of my deal is a huge risk. I could lose my biggest benefactors.” He replied, calm and polite. In contrast to the harsh kick he deals to his assailant, making Jason back off. “I’m doing you all a favor. I’m doing [Cat Villain Name] a favor.”
“They’re currently on a private island to the south. I can’t give you the exact coordinates but here’s the general location.” He tossed a flashdrive, one swiftly caught and skimmed through by Tim.
“Why are you helping us?” Damian’s mind was already calculating the best way to get rid of everyone in this room. The grip on his katana tightening by the second. He had full faith that you were capable of taking care of yourself, but it did not help with the fear of disappearance whatsoever.
He was sure that the sight of you getting hurt would lead to him going on a rampage.
“Maybe the fact that even with my help, you kids being too late would open their mind and make them come back to our side. They’d finally learn that you’re only as good for them as Batman was to —“ Damian couldn’t stop himself anymore, knocking the man unconscious as the rest of the crew took down his goons with ease. Their worry over your current condition giving them a surprising amount of efficiency as a team.
“It’ll take several hours to even get to those islands much less even find which one . . .” Tim bit his lip. He wasn’t concerned at all. He knows you inside and out. In fact, he already knew where you were exactly. All of this info gathering was just his plan to delay things so that your patience would run out and he’d get front row seats to the carnage you’d inevitably cause. After all, there was something he can always predict when it came to you.
Your unending thirst for fun and chaos.
It took about a week for them to find you. Just about enough time for you to get antsy about not seeing your beloved pets and home.
And plenty of time for you to have your fun, pretending to be hurt, crying out in feigned agony, before you finally took down your prey.
“Red Hood! Come back! We can’t just barge in—“ Dick called out to Jason.
But all Jason could think of was the way you screamed in terror. The footage of your ‘torture’ was something he had nightmares about.
“Kitty! Are you—“ He kicked the door off its hinges, guns ready to fire.
But his sights only landed on a singular breathing being in the middle of a room. Covered in the blood of your victims. Grooming yourself clean.
Each lick sending shivers down his spine.
He sighed in relief. “You really have to stop playing with your food, Kitty.”
His lips envelopes yours as the world disappears from your vision.
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୨ ©️ ୧⸝⸝﹕hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2024﹐⊂☁️⊃ ‹𝟹
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When it comes to comics, I think that engaging with the myriad of source material IS important to a point. Comics showcase this rare thing in a sense in that most characters have multiple stories, origins, universes, etc
So you're allowed to pick and chose what you, the reader, considers canon. But you're also allowed to come up with your OWN canon and because of the multi-dimensional nature of the sources, your ideas could very well become canon someday.
I'm a bit of a people pleaser and hate stepping on toes, but the drama that the comics fandoms is soooo exhausting when we're literally talking about if Riddler likes hot chocolate because of one random voice line, or if Scarecrow doesn't like crows because his grandmother trained a flock to attack him. We're not talking political life altering opinions, we're talking about fictional men in spandex.
Please understand that someone else headcanons are not out to hurt you. We can co-exist in peace. Yeah, it's important to read a least a little of the source material, comic, game, movie, etc....
but coming up with headcanons that MAY contradict ONE story is not the end of the world for the fandom. Many people use these characters to cope with real life trauma, who are you to tell them they can't make up their harmless stories, whether they be "problematic" or "cute and fuzzy"
Just chill and let people have fun. Create what makes YOU happy and people will come for that, if you like -insert headcanon-, I'm positive you're not alone.
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fifis-cosmos · 1 month
Peaches and Musk
Minho x Jisung
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Plot: No real plot… Minho smells Jisung’s heat during a concert and then they fuck.
Warnings: A/B/O, BxB, male on male, dirty talk, dom/sub dynamics, swearing, semi-public sex, nicknames (Hyung, daddy, baby, mutt, omega, alpha, jagi, slut), idol AU, Jisung rambles a lot, jerking off, almost sort of subspace, mention of heat, anal fingering, thigh grinding/riding (I think that’s everything?)
Author’s note: This is a satire post, sort of? It’s something my friends and I wrote a while ago as a joke. Inspired by my peach scented chapstick because it smells soooo good… Usually I won’t do BxB but I got bored and writing something with a more unusual topic is fun. Also! I think I may have a memory of reading something like this before? I don’t remember what it was, but if I got a bit close to somebody else’s idea, I’m not claiming it as mine. And one last thing… I had no idea how to end this… so apologies for the shitty finish.
Also, this is unedited, and not proofread.
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Minho knows he must be mistaken.
That light, peachy smell can’t be his boyfriend, standing a few steps away, who is bobbing his head to the rhythm of the music while he walks around the stage, waving.
It has to be something else. A body product, maybe Jeongin’s sweet smelling shampoo, but that’s not really realistic, is it?
When he inhales more deeply, he catches the giveaway. That telltale hint of spice behind the sweet scent, almost like nutmeg.
He turns to Jisung, sharp features accentuated by the concert lights, scanning the body of the man before him. He’s playing with his microphone, picking at the tacky jewels that surround the circumference of it.
Minho’s eyes narrow into a cat-like expression, the sweat on his forehead trickling down his temple in a glittery streak. He takes another whiff of the air.
It’s him.
His fingers find the little gadget in his ear and pops it out, covering the mic with the palm of his hand while he approaches his boyfriend.
He has to be discreet. There are too many fans. Prying eyes that are too eager and attentive. Endless cameras to catch a slip-up.
He taps Jisung’s thigh gently, and leans in to talk in his ear.
“…Jisung. I can smell you,”
Jisung offers nothing but a skeptical glance.
“That’s stupid, Hyung,” The boy says, eyes getting wider, almost comically. “I shouldn’t be in heat yet,”
He waves his hand, dismissing Minho, and turns to give a charming, gummy smile to the crowds. Minho grabs his wrist and speaks again.
“I’m serious, Jagi,”
Jisung looks at him sideways and rolls his brown eyes. His expression is almost pouty. He holds up his hand.
Minho wastes no time pressing the sharp tip of his nose to the soft flesh on the inside of his wrist, where his scent gland is.
Immediately his nose fills with the fruity, sweet smell of peaches. It’s delectable, makes Jisung’s soft, mochi cheeks look edible. It makes everything about him look edible.
Minho has to smack his boyfriend’s wrist away before he does something stupid in front of all these people.
“It’s you,”
Jisung’s pretty boba eyes get all big and wide, and he covers his wrist, as if it will help anything at all.
In a moment of reaction and panic, he holds his microphone up to his mouth and speaks.
“STAY! STAY, I’m so sorry… but I really, really have to go pee,”
He turns off the mic and runs backstage, laughs from the crowd filling the auditorium.
Minho just hopes Jisung can get it sorted quickly.
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Jisung stumbles into the dressing room, and Minho follows right after, locking the door. They both smell like sweat, covered in it from preforming, and the heat of the stage. The adrenaline lingers, as well.
As soon as the door is shut, Minho latches his lips onto Han’s, clawing into his hips and licking at his mouth recklessly.
“Can’t even wait until we get home,” He growls, biting down on the boy’s pouty lips. “So impatient, Jagi. Not even that patch can satiate you, can it?”
At the thought of the little sticker, Minho’s hands start searching his boyfriend’s body, as if he will be able to find it through his clothes. His hands land mindlessly on Jisung’s ass, kneading it while he kisses even deeper.
“I put it on my back…,” He mutters in a whiny tone, pulling away to cross his arms in front of his body so he can peel off the shirt obscuring his access.
Minho’s eyes scan his body, cute little tummy exposed by the rising hem. His thin waist, the shadow of hair growing up to his belly-button. He tries to pull the shirt off, but it catches on his chin, and his nose, popping off of his head and leaving his fluffy brown hair a mess.
His stretches his arms back and tries to reach the little paw-shaped patch between his shoulder blades, the exact thing that is preventing his body from releasing pheromones. His chest flexes, and Minho can’t help but stare at the rounded, honey-toned expanses of skin.
After watching him struggle for a bit too long, Minho grabs him by the hips and spins him around so his ass is facing him.
“Pathetic. Let me get it, Jagi,”
His fingers grip the edge of the little tab, and he tears it away from the skin, fine hairs getting caught in the sticky residue meant to last a whole day. As soon as it’s off, he leans over Jisung’s shoulder and grabs him by the waist, pulling him closer, mouthing hungrily at the scent glad that rests above the dip of his collarbone.
“Wanna smell you,”
He grumbles against the hot, flushed section of chest, lips wet and darkened from rough kisses earlier. The patch is still stuck to the pads of his fingers, and he tries to shake it off.
His runs his teeth over Jisung’s glad. That tasty, peachy smell returns, starting to flood the room. It makes his mouth water, his eyes roll back. It’s filling his senses. He moans and nips at the skin, trying to stimulate more of that delicious satisfaction.
The patch unsticks from Minho’s finger, and flitters to the ground, forgotten as soon as it left his body. He’s already moved on to better things by now, like sucking a nice mark into his boyfriend’s flesh.
“A-ah… Hyung… mm,” Jisung whimpers, eyes squeezed shut, grinding his ass against the crotch of Minho’s leather pants. “N-no marks… you know we’ll get in trouble,”
At the comment, Minho laves his tongue over the spot, and detaches with a pop. A string of saliva connects his lower lip to the reddened spot.
“You know I don’t care about that…”
He growls, licking over the skin and inhaling the sweet scent. Jisung is starting to catch onto a familiar musk, almost resembling a pine tree, wafting from his boyfriend. He lets a particularly slow drag roll against Minho’s hard dick.
Minho ruts back instinctually, making both of their sweaty bodies jolt. All he can think of is the way Jisung smells, the way he feels and sounds.
He wants to be inside of him. The thought of claiming his boyfriend during yet another heat makes his cock twitch.
He needs release.
His clipped nails dig into the plush skin of Jisung’s torso, and he ruts a few more times. All he wants to hear is those cute sounds his baby always makes for him.
Quick thrusts turning into grinding sooner rather than later, and Jisung is already feeling a bit foggy. He whines and pushes back, trying to get any kind of friction on his hole possible. His boxers are already soaked with slick, he just needs something inside.
“H-hyung- please~ please…,”
He whimpers without thought. Minho nuzzles his nose against the now-wet gland.
“My jagi wants something in his greedy hole? Fuck yes…” His voice pushes out when Jisung moans and rolls his hips once more, gravelly and deeper than usual. “So fucking good… Your Hyung knows you so fucking good, doesn’t he?”
His hips buck, causing some of the friction Jisung needed. Just when the younger boy thinks he’s getting what he wants, Minho let’s go of him, crescent shaped marks on his skin from his boyfriend’s blunt nails.
“Shut your mouth,”
Jisung gets shoved onto the sleek leather bench at the back of the room, where he starts to climb onto it eagerly, ready to present his ass.
Instead, he feels a study arm wrap around his waist and pull him up onto his knees. His back is to Minho, and he’s facing the wall.
“Minho, what are you-“
“I told you to shut you mouth. Stop talking before I decide to leave you here. You wouldn’t like that, would you?”
Minho asks, palming his erection steadily.
Jisung would hate that. His leaking cock, more than that, his hot, slicked up asshole that clenches around nothing, need attention. There’s so much arousal drooling out of him, that there’s a wet patch on his the rump of his pants.
Minho delivers a swift smack to that exact spot, the tips of his fingers grazing his boyfriends balls at the lowly aimed attack.
“I asked you a question,”
“Ah! Y-yes! Sorry Hyung… no… I wouldn’t like it… I’ll be good,”
He wiggles his hips, which Minho finds indescribably cute, in an irritating way.
“Don’t move,” He commands with authority.
Before Jisung registers the lowly spoken words, he feels a toned, leather-clad thigh slip between his own. It nudges them apart, and drags against his dick a little.
The only reaction he can muster is a moan, and the action of grinding down on the expanse of muscle. He’s stopped almost immediately.
“I said stay still,” Minho breathes out. He gives Han a little push, forcing him to lean on the back of the couch with his palms. “You’re lucky I feel generous tonight..,” Minho cages his body in, and puts a palm beside Han’s left.
His lips attach to the dewy, tanned skin again.
“I’m gonna jerk you off, baby… Jagi..,”
He groans and ruts his hips upwards again.
“Oh- fuck yes- please?”
Jisung’s words are slurred, tongue thick with desire. His mind is foggy with lust, and the waves of heat washing over him. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Minho’s wandering hand finds the bulge in his pants.
At just the first touch, he lets out a loud moan, and bucks his hip fowards.
Minho growls, something almost mistakable as a laugh. “Oh, you like that, don’t you, Jagi? Want me to touch your poor leaky little dick?”
“Yeah-! Hyung- Daddy- please… wan’ it…,”
“You’re filthy,” The whisper comes harsh against the shell of his flushed ear. Of course, it only gets him off more. Minho begins to unbutton the clasp of his jeans.
Even such slight friction has Jisung whining and canting his hips, trying to chase the feeling. Minho shucks the blue jeans down, and takes the soaked boxers along with them.
Before his focus even comes close to returning to Jisung’s dick, his eyes land on a certain spot. He runs a digit over the wetness leaking out of his boyfriends asshole, smirking at the amount of slick that gushes at such a small touch.
“Look at you… so desperate, Jagi. Tell me you want it,” He demands, slowly rubbing his rim with his thumb.
Jisung jolts and moans loudly. His hole throbs, and he pushes back, trying to rub his legs together.
“I wan’ it! Oh god, alpha, please- I want it so bad- touch me-”
Minho hooks his thumb into Jisung’s hole. The amount of slick makes it an easy task.
“I said tell me you want it, not beg. Slut,” He quips, wiggling his thumb softly. Jisung bucks his hips backwards, and tries to grind back. Minho grabs his hips.
“Dumb mutt” He snarls, other hand leaving the couch to mark a ring with his thumb and finger around the base of Jisung’s cock. He gives a quick stroke with the tiny ring, and settles back at the base. When the omega below him moans, he finds himself smiling. “That’s all you are, isn’t it? A dumb mutt? Stupid little omega begging for something in its slutty hole,”
Minho slaps Jisung’s dick, making it sway, and the younger moans and pushes back again.
“I bet you want my knot, don’t you?” He gives another slow stroke along the length of his boyfriend. Jisung nods frantically, bucking forwards. “Too bad. You get my thumb, and my hand to fuck into. That’s it. Now spit on it,”
Jisung pants and tilts his head down, trying to drool down onto his dick while Minho holds it up for him. Minho slips his hand up and palms over the pink tip, spreading the spit around while it leaks down his shaft, settling in his dark pubic hair.
“Ah! Ohmygod-,” Jisung try’s to buck forwards again, his balls dragging delectably over the leather covering Minho’s thigh. The alpha pulls his thumb out and slaps his ass.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stay fucking still?” He growls. His body pushes against the back of Jisung’s, and he crowds him flush against the back of the couch, body shadowing over him. He starts to stroke his omega’s cock steadily. “You really are desperate, aren’t you?”
“S’ good… too good,” Jisung whines, trying his hardest not to move so he can please his alpha.
“Too good,” Minho mocks in a high tone, repeating the boy’s breathy tone. He stops stroking and takes to running his fingers lightly up the underside of his cock. “I bet it is, isn’t it? Too good? You’re such a stupid little thing. Begging for my hands,”
He swaps to rubbing his fingers over Jisung’s slit. His cock jumps.
Minho latches his mouth onto his neck again, sucking gently before nipping at his skin. “Bounce on my thigh,” He demands, breath hot on the sweaty field of skin, shaking his leg that is wedged between Jisung’s as if to show him what exactly what to use.
It’s like a spell has been put over the younger as soon as those words grace his pinkened ears. He starts frantically grinding against the meaty appendage that rests below him, dragging his balls over the rough material. It hurts, but that just makes it better for him. At this point he’s been reduced to breathless moans.
Minho spits in his hand and lifts Jisung’s hips to smear it on the black leather pants, just to make the slide a bit easier. It wasn’t really all that needed, considering the mass amounts of slick pouring from the younger’s hole, dripping down his balls and making an embarrassing puddle.
“There it is… good omega,” He growls, bouncing his leg a little. He strips Jisung’s dick, the wet sounds downright sinful. With this much attention, the boy can’t last much longer.
“I-inside. Want something inside, please,” He begs in a shaky voice, grinding down just a bit harder.
“Inside? This isn’t enough for you?” He tightens his grip around his dick.
“Mm- please! Please, hyung,” His legs are shaking now, and his stomach is twitching with every breath. Minho ruts his hips against Jisung’s ass, and reaches forwards to rub his lip with his thumb. He’s delighted to find drool covering it.
“Oh… poor thing… what makes you deserve it?” His hand reaches down and collects slick, teasing the younger’s rim.
“Ah! I’ll be good! I’ll be so good, please, just put it in- please,”
Minho brings his thumb to his lips and smears slick over it.
“You’ll be good? I guess that’s a pretty good reason,” He teases and reaches down. The way his finger slides in with such ease. Even better, how the second one follows, and they curve up into his prostate, is exactly what he needed to send him tumbling over the edge of his orgasm.
He doesn’t notice how he shakes. Hot white ropes of cum shoot onto the back of the couch. He can’t hear anything, all he can sense is the feeling of his orgasm, the explosion in his gut and the tingling of his body.
When he finally opens his eyes, the fullness of his boyfriend’s fingers are gone, as well as the warmth of his thigh between his legs. But his boxers are handed to him.
“You’re giving me head on the ride to the hotel. If you do good enough, maybe I’ll knot you when we get back into our room,” Minho cocks his head to the cum splattered on the couch. “Clean that up, Jagi,”
He turns to leave, but before he does, he leans over Jisung’s shoulder and plants a gentle kiss on his sweaty cheek.
“You did well. I’ll go get some fresh clothes for you. I love you, Sungie”
“I love you too, Minho,”
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l8rs-gat0rs · 8 months
You got some time?
Pairing: Carol Danvers x AFAB Spider person!reader
Warning(s): smut ;) , flirty Carol, reader is also kinda a flirt, CAPTAIN KIIIINK, Carol using her powers in you in you, degradation, moderate fluff, Dom Carol is a warning itself.
Summary: The Captain's got some free time on her hands and so do you, you decide to have a night out because superheroes don't get many of those. As the night goes on, Carol decides time isn't the only thing she wants her hands on and you have the exact same idea.
Word count: 3.4k
I know, I know, I have requests to finish but my brain would not let me write them until I finished this one. I will get to the requests soon! I swear😔
Happy kinktober btw!!!! One of the best times of the year if I do say so myself😌 I obviously didn't participate in all 30 days bc I've tried in previous years, and it did not work out Haha, but here's at least one fic for Kinktober before it ends!
Side note for story purposes: I know a lot of people have their own spider personas with suits they made for them, which might I add, I've loved looking at all the artwork of! Buuuut, just so one or two of the scenes make sense, the reader's mask is kinda like Jessica drew's. The one in the comics, not across the spider verse just so we're clear. Like, the nose, mouth, and chin are open and the reader's hair is out from the top.
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~~~~18+ MINORS DNI~~~~
You swung through the streets of Queens, smiling as you saw people point at you excitedly.
You were doing your evening rounds and all was looking quiet, thankfully.
You swung onto a rooftop and landed gracefully.
You had to say, you loved New York City. You grew up with the sounds of cars honking all night outside your window, you found it to be charming rather than annoying.
On top of all the warm memories and friends you made in the city, one of your favorite things in the world, nothing could beat the view of the sun setting behind all the buildings and skyscrapers from a rooftop.
"It never gets old does it?" You heard a woman's voice behind you.
You turned around as she landed, recognizing her voice.
"Carol" You smiled.
"Hey spider girl." She smiled at you, using one of your titles endearingly.
"Captain." You said right back.
If you weren't staring at her so intensely, you wouldn't have caught the slight falter in her confidence as she looked away, clearing her throat before looking back at you.
However, before you could comment on it she locked eyes with you once more and spoke.
"I'm kind of jealous you've had this view all your life." She spoke quietly, moving to stand next to you and gaze over the view you had previously been looking at.
You turned around and smiled.
"Yeah, well I bet nothing beats space." You smirked and nudged her with your elbow.
She chuckled, turning back to look at you.
"It's not all that, lots of emptiness and darkness if I'm being honest, and I miss the people."
She turned back to the sunset before continuing.
"I like this much better." She sighed.
The sun shone a beautiful golden light onto her face. As the wind blew through her hair, the sun made it shine even more golden than it already was.
"Yeah, me too." You said softly.
She turned to you and smiled, a faint blush reaching her cheeks as she realized what you meant.
"Ew you’re so cliché," she punched your arm lightly, causing you to laugh.
"So everything clear on your front?" She asked, turning to you.
"Yup, just finished my evening rounds. There's no sign of any supervillains, and I left a guy webbed to a pole for the cops. Surprisingly quiet other than that." You shrugged.
She chuckled causing you to smile at the sound.
"Well, it's all quiet on my end as well, sooooo...." She wiggled her eyebrows at you.
"Soooo?" You responded curiously.
"Come on! We finally both have some free time, let's do something together!" She exclaimed.
It was true, you usually didn't have free time, and when you did, Carol wasn't free.
After thinking about it for a minute, you agreed.
"Alright, what did you have in mind?" You smiled, causing her to jump in the air and clap.
"How abouuuut, we watch a movie?" She pitched after calming down.
"Hmm okay, what kind of movie?" You asked absentmindedly walking up the side of the water tower that was on the roof.
Carol lifted her head to watch you as she mused.
"What about a rom-com?" She asked with faux innocence.
You stopped in your tracks as you stood upside down from under the water tower.
You attached a web to the underside and slowly descended, still upside down, till you were in front of Carol, her eyes following you the whole way down.
"A rom-com you say?" You smirked.
"Yeah, why not?" She shrugged.
"What's with the smirk?"
"Nothing, nothing....So is this like...a date?" You swung lightly, your hair swaying with you.
"So rom-com equals date to you?" She smirked.
"No, but you specifically asking me to watch a rom-com with just you, feels like a date."
"Okay, then what if it was a date?" She shrugged.
"Then I wouldn't be mad" You smiled, still hanging upside down, but stopping your swaying.
"Then it's a date." She said, moving closer to you, while watching your lips.
"Isn't this a bit cliché?" You whispered with a playful smile, referencing her earlier comment.
"What, you want me to be upside down too?" She joked.
You laughed before stealthily turning yourself upright and landing on the floor, letting go of your web.
"I mean we haven't even been on the date yet, Danvers." You chuckled.
"Fair enough, I can wait." She said coolly.
"Who said I was kissing you at all tonight?" You shot back.
"I just have a feeling," she smirked before turning to walk away from the water tower.
You followed her, smiling at her confidence.
"You look good in the mask by the way." She added, not turning around.
Your face felt hot at her unexpected compliment.
"Th-Thanks" You cursed yourself for stuttering.
She looked over her shoulder and smirked at your response.
"No problem, so, I'll meet you at the theater on 37th avenue?" She asked, turning around to face you and slowly walking backwards.
"Yeah, sure." You confirmed.
"I'm gonna wear something nice tonight." She shrugged nonchalantly.
"Wow, the great Captain Marvel dressing up all for me!?" You gasped, over-exaggerating your reaction with your hand over your chest.
She stopped walking backwards.
"Not for you, it's just been a while since I dressed up." She rolled her eyes.
"Come onnnn, admit it! It's mostly for me." You smirked and crossed your arms as you finally stood in front of her.
"Well I'll admit one thing, you're special." She winked.
You felt your chest swell with warmth and you smiled like an idiot.
"Alright then, I'll dress up a bit too." You thought about what to wear.
"Oh? That sounds promising." Carol smirked before you saw her body start to glow with energy.
"See you soon?" She asked with a raised brow and she started to lift off the ground.
"See you soon, captain." You smiled and saluted her.
She smirked before flying off the opposite way of you.
"What. A. Woman." You sighed aloud to yourself with your hands on your hips before swinging towards your house.
When you get home you fretted over what to wear.
You didn't wanna go overboard, but it was a date, Carol also said she was dressing up...
You settled with a red button up, the first 2 buttons unbuttoned, tucked into black jeans with suspenders, topping it off with your favorite black chuck Taylors.
"Wow I look so gay." You chuckled to yourself.
You stepped outside your house and put your portable suit that Tony gave you in your pocket.
You didn't like wearing it that much, preferring the suit you designed yourself, but hey, when duty calls....
You got into the Uber you had ordered and gave the driver the address of the theater.
When you got there, you saw Carol already waiting outside, and boy did your jaw drop.
She was wearing a suit with a bow tie, her hair was in waves, and she topped it all off with shiny black dress shoes.
Her eyes lit up and she smiled when she saw you get out of the car.
"Jesus Christ Carol, I thought I was gonna be overdressed." You gaped at her.
She looked at you with a smirk.
"You look extremely good, trust me"
"And you look like you're going to a movie premier." You laughed.
"Hey, like I said, I don't get to dress up often. This was just hanging in my closet collecting dust." She gestured to her suit.
"Well in any case, you look absolutely stunning, Carol." You smiled at her, barely managing to keep your jaw shut as you glanced over her once again.
"Thank you, you as well. That outfit really...suits...you" She winked, giving you a nudge.
You rolled your eyes at her pun referring to her own outfit.
"God, you are so corny." You rolled your eyes playfully.
"Come on, you loved it." She laughed.
You cracked a smile.
"Okay yeah, it was cute." You laughed along with her.
"Oh, so you think I'm cute?" She smirked.
"Oh shut up! Lets just go buy the movie tickets before all the good seats are taken." Your face heated up, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the theater as she laughed, letting you drag her.
The two of you bought tickets to a rom-com that was currently playing in theaters.
People stared at the two of you, or maybe just Carol, but nobody had the guts to come up to either of you when they saw her hand around your waist.
You made your way into the theater with minimal distractions, the only one being a little girl saying hello to Carol and high fiving her.
You had smiled fondly at the cute interaction.
"I'm actually excited, I wanted to see this movie if I'm being honest." You explained excitedly.
"Well then, I'm glad we came." Carol said as you made your way to your seats.
The two of you had come in a bit late so the lights were dim and the trailers were playing.
When you sat down Carol immediately held your hand, causing heat to slap your face as you looked at your intertwined hands.
She smiled at you as you looked up to meet her eyes, which were already watching you.
"You're adorable you know?" Carol confessed to you in a hushed whisper.
"I could say the same thing about you." You smiled.
She smiled back, but before she could say anything else, the theater went dark and the movie began to play.
"Oh shit it's starting!" You whispered excitedly, moving your attention to the screen.
The two of you watched the movie mostly in silence, occasionally, you would feel Carol's thumb lightly brushing your hand, or you would make an energetic comment about whatever was happening in the movie.
You were secretly a movie buff, and Carol thoroughly enjoyed getting to see that side of you revealed.
When the movie ended, you filed out of the theater along with everyone else and it was dark outside.
You looked up at the moon, shining brightly through the clouds.
"We should do this more often." Carol broke the silence, bringing your attention back to her.
"What, go on dates?" You chuckled.
"I mean of course, but also, Just you and me, hanging out, no pressure, no crazy aliens coming after us, no big fights, or catching criminals. Just, having a good time. It's nice." She smiled.
Your heart warmed at the sincerity In her voice.
"Yeah, I'd like that too Carol." You grinned at her, stopping in your tracks and putting your hands in your pockets.
"And... I'd even go as far as to say I like you." You said softly as you smiled at the ground.
You looked back up at Carol and she had the biggest grin on her face and her cheeks were flushed.
You laughed loudly at her silent reaction.
"I like you too." She simply said.
"I like you a lot." She moved closer toward you causing your heart to flutter.
"So what do you suppose we do about it, I mean, now that it's out in the air and all that." You nonchalantly waved your hands in the air.
She chuckled as she walked towards you until she had you backed up into an alleyway you hadn't even noticed you were by.
Before you could get a word out, she grabbed you by the arm and pushed up against the wall, kissing you passionately.
You practically melted into the kiss.
"Oh, I've been dreaming about that." Carol said breathlessly as she pulled away lightly.
You didn't say anything for a moment, your brain still processing what had just happened.
"Wanna come over?" You asked her quickly just as she was about to speak up.
She cocked and eyebrow and smirked.
"I'm down."
You practically dragged her down the street before hailing a taxi that was parked on the side of the road.
"Are you working?" You asked the driver through the window.
He nodded and you got in the car, Carol getting in after you.
"Someone's in a hurry." Carol smirked, putting her hand on your upper thigh.
Your head shot down to look at her hand as you saw it glow with energy, you felt it warm your skin through your jeans.
You looked at her, biting your lip to hold in a groan.
As soon as the Taxi stopped outside your apartment, you thanked the driver and got out of the car.
You walked to your apartment holding Carol's hand the whole time.
You pressed the elevator button and got in, thankfully no one else was in there.
There was a charged silence between the two of you as you watched the numbers on the elevator until Carol broke it.
"You want me to fuck you? Hard or soft? Fast or slow?" Carol said with a confident smirk.
Your eyes widened as you looked at her and she cocked an eyebrow.
"Oh shut the fuck up, Danvers." You grabbed her and smashed your lips against hers, moaning lightly.
You felt her smile against your lips before you heard the ding of the elevator, causing the two of you to quickly separate.
You speed walk to your door, ripping your keys out of your pocket, almost dropping your Stark spider suit before you shoved it into the keyhole and turned it, unlocking your door.
Carol pushes you inside and slams your back into the door to close it.
You let out a gasp as the motion winds you and Carol has an open lusty smile as her lips barely touch yours and she reaches next to you to lock the door.
After locking the door, Carol makes quick work of untucking and unbuttoning your shirt, feeling up your body.
She lets out a little excited sound as she watches you react to her touch.
"I know it was only our first date and kiss today but, I would like your permission to absolutely ruin you tonight." Carol asks, looking into your dazed eyes.
You nod without hesitation.
"Do anything you want to me, Captain." You groan.
You watch as her eyes get wild and a lustful expression graces her face.
Carol attaches her lips to your neck and immediately starts marking you. You feel her moan against your skin as she sucks on it.
Your moans fill the space of your apartment even more as she squeezes your chest underneath the sports bra while she works on your neck.
Once she is satisfied with her work, she plays with your hardened nipples as she whispers hotly into your neck, her warm breath contrarily leaving goosebumps on your skin.
"You're so pretty like this baby." She moves her thigh in between yours and pushes you down onto it.
You gasp out as you start moving your hips against her muscular thigh.
"Mmm that's it, just like that baby."
You watch as she pulls back and holds you up against the wall as she watches your hips working her thigh with her mouth hanging open.
You slip your hand into her pants and she lets out a moan when you start rubbing tight circles on her clit.
Carol closes her eyes in pleasure and moans loudly as you slip your fingers into her already soaking wet core, moving your hips fast against her thigh as she jerks her hips against your fingers.
Before the two of you get too lost in the pleasure Carol halts her movements, as well as yours. Before you open your mouth to protest, she looks you in the eyes and you see that they've darkened, her pupils blown out.
"As much as I'd like both of us to cum right here, right now, we should take this to the bedroom." She chuckles breathily as she pants.
"Mmmm, a modest lady huh?" You smirk as she helps you stand up straight again before you lead her to your bedroom.
"Hey, it's our first time, I want it to be amazing." She holds your hand.
You look at her and smile as you lead her into your bedroom, your heart feeling warm from her revelation.
"Me too," you nod.
"But I also need you to fuck me like... really bad." You add.
"I can absolutely do that " Carol smirks as both of you start to remove your shirts.
"Tell me how bad you want it." Carol whispered in your ear.
"Fuck, I want it so bad..." You groaned, your forehead falling against her neck as you breathed heavily.
Carol pushed you till the back of your knees hit the bed and you sat down, looking up at her.
"Fuck, those eyes... tell me princess, you want my fingers in you?" She asked, cocking her head as she slowly got down on her knees in front of you.
"God yes, I want your fingers-"
Before you could even finish your sentence, Carol had pulled your pants down and moved your underwear to the side, shoving two of her long fingers into you.
You gasped, your mouth hanging open while you stared at her with furrowed brows.
"I already knew the answer." She smirked.
"God, could you just shut up and-"
She pushed her fingers in deeper, all the way to her knuckles and you let out a choked moan.
"hmm? What was that baby?" She held her smirk, still standing on her knees.
You laid down, your back hitting the bed roughly as you slid down a little, pushing your core closer to her.
"F-fuck you.." You gasped as she pulled her fingers out and pushed them all the way back in, reveling in the wet sounds.
"Shit, I could listen to your pretty pussy all day. You'd like that wouldn't you? Me fucking you all day?" She cooed.
You nodded aggressively, panting as the pace of her fingers started to quicken.
"Yeah? Oh I know, you love being fingered like a slut huh?" Carol started to pant.
You don't know what came over you but you moaned loudly,
Carol's eyes went wild and you felt warmth and a little buzz inside you.
You gasped out,
"Holy fuck!!" Your legs felt like they were going numb.
"Call me that again." She growled lowly, the pace of her fingers quickening.
You looked down at her and saw her hand glowing, before letting your head fall back and arching your back.
"Captain, fuck... don't stop." You moaned loudly.
"That's right, let your captain know how good she's making you feel. I can feel your slutty pussy practically sucking my fingers in." She moaned.
And she was right, you could feel yourself clenching around her fingers tightly as you rapidly approached your high.
"Yeah, oh god, I'm- you're gonna make me cum, Captain... Please... It feels so good, you make me feel so good...Please make me cum." You moaned in between pants.
"As you wish, princess." She smirked, her fingers combined with the warmth of her inside you sending you over the edge.
Carol continued thrusting her fingers deep inside you, watching your face as you writhed in pleasure, your back arching off the sheets once again as you grabbed the sheets tightly and moaned loudly with your eyes shut tight.
When it was too much to bare due to the sensitivity, you pushed at Carol's hand and she obediently pulled her fingers out.
You watched as her hand stopped glowing and watched her hungry eyes as she panted while examining her fingers coated in your juices.
She brought her fingers to her mouth and stuck her tongue out a little, barely putting her fingers in her mouth.
Once her fingers touched her tongue you watched with furrowed brows and your mouth hanging open as she moaned loudly, closing her eyes and sticking her fingers all the way Into her mouth.
She swirled her tongue around her fingers for a couple of seconds before pulling her fingers out of her mouth with a pop and meeting your eyes.
"Baby, you taste fucking amazing." She breathed out.
You groaned and let your head fall back on to the bed as your breathing started to fall down.
You felt the bed dip next to you and you turned your head, meeting Carol's warm gaze.
"How was that for our first time?" She smirked.
"I think it could've been better." You shrugged jokingly.
"Oh? Well, I guess that means it's time for round two."
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dccomicsbracket · 28 days
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Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
My man has no idea what's going on throughout his entire movie. He's possessed by a homicidal bug from outer space. He is the official successor of a guy who REALLY wanted to be possessed by the outer space bug but couldn't get it past management and just decided to fake it till he made it with his billionaire budget. His family loves him. His suit is iconic. Sometimes his little outer space bug just goes "hey lil mama lemme whisper in your ear" and then it forcibly takes control of his body and tries to murder people. But also it loves him <3 I think he deserves to win, personally The writers were like "What if the teen superhero had parents that were alive and loving and not criminals" and proceeded to make the most wholesome guy. He power of friendship-ed a homicidal murder ai into being good. His darkest power fantasy is becoming a dentist. Lex Luthor tried and failed to turn him evil so hard he killed him about it, because that was easier. Also his costume kicks so much ass that the main thing that changes about it between redesigns is the eye colour. It's just that good. the 2006-2009 blue beetle run is not only my favorite dc comic, but one of my favorite comics period. it flips so many typical superhero tropes on their heads and does it well. jaime is an incredibly kind and well-written character and his relationship with his family and friends is so touching. Jaime is the perfect blend of goofy and sad, street-level and cosmic, kind and flawed. He was forced into becoming a hero by the weight of a legacy he didn't even know existed and a presence in his mind that would have him become a weapon. Before he even figured out his powers, he was hauled into space by established superheroes to deal with a Crisis and then left for dead for a year while his loved ones mourned him. His primary guides for his first solo were the hostile AI fused to his spine, a mercenary biker who only stuck around to see if he had to kill Jaime, and his normal parents. His greatest power fantasy was becoming a dentist because the power he already has over people's lives was crushing him. And yet, through all of that, his family and his culture and the mundane reality of being a teenager in El Paso were enough to keep him grounded. Read Blue Beetle 2006 and you will understand why Jaime is my son.
Mia Dearden (Speedy)
she's soooo cool and fun and silly. her boyfriend once cheated on her with emma watson! she's always wearing silly little y2k crop tops and baggy pants! she's a csa / sex trafficking survivor and lives with hiv! teenage girl character of all time!
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scarylarry376 · 9 months
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I love the HC that Donnie suffers from phantom touches after the invasion, so I had to draw it ^^
also from the episode in season 2 'lair games' we see that Donnie can go into his shell, which we see Mikey do all the time in the series. SOOOO I feel like Donnie would think of doing that as 'weak' and 'vulnerable' because we all know how loud Mikey is and how much he expresses himself.
I might add that into my lil comic im making, I have so many idea's (evil laugh)
yall should fallow my blog so you can stay updated with the comic <333
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redfluffz · 3 months
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Soooo ... yeah. My first comic ever ...
Okay - cringe be gone.
creation - chapter 1 "The begining"
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (last)
Back to the overview!
My thoughts:
I wanted to start my headcanon with the start of everything. I saw many versions of god in media and i want to try my take on him.
It was really hard to figure out how i want him to be. It's hard to imagine - to think - about a being which is everything and nothing at the same time. And then his appearance. Gaawd :D
So first of all - the god, what all the beings see as an entity is for me just a part of the real god (of the real everything). More likely an avatar.
I think the avatar is all powerfull and stuff but the avatar has some flaws. Like a program or a game which is hosted by an extern server and sometimes you have problems to connect to it. I'm so bad at explaining.
So the avatar is god but also is his own entity. And has a different view from its former "life"??
The next important thing to know is that the "all being / everything / whatever" does know everything but it never "lived". Because life is a concept which only can precieve by individual. So it's not only about to breath and love and stuff, but it's more important to live your knowledge. To make expirience. Like you want to bake a cake for the first time. You have the recipe with all the knowledge you need and still it won't be so easy. Or maybe you're a talented at baking. Even if this is the case, you had to make the expirience to learn from it. To understand that knowledge. Jeeez. I hope u get what i mean.
Uff well - hopefully you can understand this silly idea of mine. And i hope you enjoy.
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