#i have to bring him back tomorrow and everything is getting very expensive
battlemp3 · 9 months
trying not to cry at the vet 😵‍💫
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wulvercazz · 10 months
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🌃Street Horrors☠️
a bit of a flashback for part 2💕
It wouldn't have been so weird to find a person in such a state, Ichigo's horrified to admit; not here on the ground level of the city. His heart stopping in his throat for the half second that he catches glimpse of the sorry figure hidden behind the trash. He's actually far more shocked that what he's found, gutted and dismembered in the middle of an alley, is actually a very unique looking android. Something with this technology isn't usually discarded in such a place.
It takes him a whole four hours to go home for his dolly cart and back and forth three full trips to bring back the broken thing in pieces; unable to carry more than a fraction of the incredibly heavy machinery at a time on his own.
It sits sadly, silently. Even more disfigured now that he had to bring it in three pieces into the garage he calls a home. Something about it rubs him off in the wrongest of ways... Spare parts, is what it is. He reminds himself. Nothing more. Tomorrow, after some severely needed sleep, he'll finish dismounting it to it's core pieces to use for future repair jobs and that sorry sleeping face won't haunt him any longer.
He sleeps that night's exhaustion till noon, and is almost surprised to find the thing still sitting in the same spot he left him. Still sleeping, still sad looking. Androids he's seen in the expensive, more vast, part of the city have plain and clean looks. Friendly in the way that an appliance looks friendly. The way this thing appears to sorrowfully take up space is fucking with his perception of it.
But he's not about to stop himself from doing his job simply because this creepy rich people's toy is disturbingly more human-like than anything he's seen.
Ichigo sets his tools and a makeshift stool at a reach-appropriate height near the android, safety wear in place in case this thing runs on some kind of fuel that he wouldn't want near his eyes. It's so badly broken up, and so much different to anything else he's worked with, that he's got no other choice but to take his time investigating it all over. Following the jumble of gut-like cables that spill out of its abdominal cavity, poking at what he supposes is a very large and empty memory port right in its middle. Whatever an android would need such a powerful core for he's got no clue, and honestly, he'd rather not know. The government doesn't keep a full control of all Android unit production for no reason; he's not about to dive into conspiracy theories... but there's a reason for everything- and they tend to have the worst of them.
Bits and pieces and more length of cable shuffle about as he works, perhaps he was being too optimistic last night, thinking it'd dissassemble so easy. He changes tools with a huff, reaching behind the memory port to poke at whatever it's attached to and a dim light blinks on right above his face. Ichigo's heart drops down to his stomach and then punches him in the throat until a loud startled gasp threatens to choke him, right until the fight or flight freezes on a continuous and alarmed confusion; the thing's eyes are open and staring right at him in a chilling glowing blue.
"Get your grubby fucking hands off me." A hoarse, messed up, voice says with a hard set brow and tight broken up jaw.
The tools clank and clatter into the floor messily, and the box and tool box he'd been sitting on shuffle with a screech when he backs off as much as he can without stumbling onto his ass. "Y-you- you're- I thought- your consciousness works."
"Enough to know I don't care for a scrawny little boy feeling me up."
Ichigo has a hard time choosing whether to be pissed at the obvious offenses or to freak about how this thing is throwing sass and insults in his face in the first place. Androids 'learn' from their first owners what will become part of their personality later on; absorbing the words and mannerisms, the inside jokes as much as they retain their owners' likes and needs, and fit them along their fabrication conduct protocols. To better relate to their human, of course. He's never seen an android learn personality quite like this, never heard an android complain, or have preferences and wants of its own. Never heard one come up with an insult on the spot in a voice that didn't sound like a mere echo, a regurgitated string of words it's heard many times before.
It's almost... like a human is sitting in pieces right before him.
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reqxxyt · 1 year
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pairings: lewis h. x f!reader
warnings: none (?)
masterlist requests are open!
[unedited] w.c: 4k
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
“Its not going to work” you said, getting up from the edge of the bed that you were dragged out this morning, seeing Max pace around his room for the past half hour trying to get press off his back about rumours flying at him for dating a russian model. 
“Hear me out” he tried to get you to listen to his suggestion but you were only half awake and groaned needing more sleep from your restless night. You paused in your steps turning to him, gesturing for him to explain quickly and he did “what if we pretended to date, the people already know you as my friend. It wouldn’t be that unbelievable and makes for a less interesting story” 
“No” you simply stated not liking any percentage of his idiotic plan. He further begged you, trying to explain how this would be the only way to get them off his back. “What do I get out this?” 
He thought for a moment not having thought before of how you could benefit from this deal, “you can travel with me” you rolled your eyes even at his option. 
“What about my job, Max? I mean you just want me to drop everything for this?” your exasperated voice got to him as he took his own deep sigh, biting the corner of his lip. 
“I just don’t know what else to do” his sad gaze only made you feel guilty, you walked forward. 
“Fine, I will do it. But you have to reason with my boss on why I am out so much” his eyes filled with hope as he thanked you and reassured you that he would handle your work so you (hopefully) wouldn’t get fired at his expense. You tried pushing him back out the door, yawning in the process “Now leave, I need my sleep” 
“I will text you all the details” he said before thanking you again and leaving you to go back to sleep before you could rethink this entire thing. 
The next day you were already getting ready to leave for the Italian Grand Prix to make the debut of your fake relationship with Max. You finished stuffing the luggage, waiting for Max to pick you up. It only hit you that this was actually happening when you landed, seeing people already start to surround the entrance of the airport for the 2 time world champion that happened to be your best friend of 10 years. 
“Don’t worry too much” Max attempted to calm you, squeezing your hand as he guided you threw the small crowded groups. Some recognized you, questioning why you two were holding hands while others had no idea who you were and just assumed you were together taking pictures, uploading them to be the first to tell others about it. 
The newly announced girlfriend of Max Verstappen. 
You two arrived at the hotel, thousands of notifications flooding your lockscreen as you attempted your best to ignore them deciding to just leave your phone on do not disturb for the following couple of hours. 
“I better not regret doing this” you sighed, slumping down on the one of two beds of the room. You stared at the ceiling wondering if you had made a big mistake before turning to Max who seemed like this had little effect to him even though he was the one to suggest this plan in the first place. “Whats your plan for tomorrow?” 
“Bring you to the paddock” he started, turning to you as you sat up when he sat next to you. “If there are any interview questions about you I will follow our story” the story you two made on the plane, very last minute. It was very similar to your actual friendship story, meeting at a karting event, became best friends and then developed feelings for each other (that part clearly being an addition) before getting together a couple of months ago. 
“What about the drivers?” you asked, you had known most of them but spoke to very few; Charles being the driver you knew most. 
“What about them?” he questioned back. 
“Should I not talk to them?” you explained wondering if that would look bad on all parts if you and another driver were seen to be too friendly towards one another. 
“You can speak to them, just don’t go flirting with each other in front of cameras” he explained as if it were the most obvious thing. You just nodded, following along trying your best to not overthink but Max caught on, placing his hand on top of yours. He gave you a small smile, not wanting you to feel overwhelmed “if it starts to be too much, say the word and we’ll stop”
“I’ll be fine” you tried saying but he gave you a doubtful look, “seriously, I just need to get used to it, is all. Its not like half of your fans that know about me don’t already think we have something going on” 
He laughed at the mention, bringing back old memories of having to constantly remind others of their very much platonic friendship. Its become an inside joke between the two of them. 
“I have to go meet with some people, you okay staying here?” he asked starting to get up from the bed. You nodded with a small smile already wondering what kind of room service this hotel offered. He nodded giving you one last smile before he shut the door behind him, leaving you alone. 
The rest of the day was spent all day in the room knowing there was not much else to do but keep yourself entertained with the minimal things you were able to do. Max arrived well in the afternoon telling you all what happened that day and interviewers wouldn’t stop asking about you feeling proud that his plan was working.  
The next morning, Max left much earlier than you seeing that he had his daily routine to get started on and his planning for practice with his team. You two agreed to meet each other at the entrance of the paddock hopefully without much press, but you already knew you would be having trouble the second you arrived seeing the flood of people holding cameras by the entrance. 
With very long hesitation, you walked forward barely getting any space as all you heard were cameras clicking before you could spot Max, a light kiss on the cheek by him was enough to send another wave of camera flashes as you two went to the red bull garage. 
“Not too much trouble?” he asked a bit worried as you got to the garage, you shook your head knowing it would just become the regular until things would settle down and they would have new topic by the next race to replace this with. 
Max was called not to far afterward to get ready leaving you alone to situate yourself in the garage but not before he checked you were okay one last time. 
“Has anyone seen George?” a soft english accent came front the entrance. You immediately recognized it as Lewis, looking up to see those dark eyes searching briefly in the garage as people shook their heads a bit confused as to how they lost a driver half an hour before the first practice. 
“I think I saw him go into the cafeteria” you informed him catching his attention. His eyes showed a bit of interest seeing as he remembered seeing the news about you and Max. 
“Thank you um” he tried to remember your name, 
“Y/n” you said politely. 
“Thank you y/n” he repeated with a soft smile before leaving to go find his teammate. Not too long after, the the first practice secession started, Max doing well, Ferrari appearing to do better than regular. 
The rest of the weekend breezed by, Max being victorious just like last weekend with Checo being second. It was tradition at this point to go to the best club after a race and you tagged along wanting to converse with other drivers, it wasn’t every day that you got to talk to the people who are able to drive the fastest cars in the world. 
You did get to talk to a couple seeing them all in different groups around the bar while you sticked with Max for a little over an hour. 
“I’m going to get us some drinks” you said, inviting him to tell you if he wanted some but he didn’t say anything just nodding before going back to his conversation as you walked away. 
You ordered a couple of shots, waiting on the drinks before you felt a presence sit beside you. 
“I need some positivity after today, mind telling me how your day was?” his accent seeped through with a polite friendly smile. You faced him, a bit surprised over his approach. You felt a bit upset over the fact that he got 6th today seeing he was always so victorious only a couple of years ago. 
“I think that would only make you feel much worse” you tried to sympathetically explain without making it sound too pitiful and he only laughed adjusting his seating to fully face you. 
“So, you and Max?” he asked, eyebrows a bit furrowed as you were handed your drink. “How long now?”
“Almost a year” your finger grazed over the rim of the cup before taking a small sip. You felt the sudden need to tell someone the truth, and for some reason you found to trust Lewis the most in this scenario. Wow not even a week in and you wanted to tell the person next to you, you were terrible with secrets. “You want to know something?”
He hummed, leaning in interest as well as to drown out the music. 
“Its all for the media, Max thought it would be a good idea to fake a relationship” you shrugged as if no big deal but you felt a sudden weight being lifted off of your shoulders. 
“Really?” he was surprised at the news you had confessed finding it a bit strange how you trusted him after only just a couple of minutes but he felt content, seeing some small trust start to build that you felt you could trust him enough to tell him. 
He would be lying to himself if he thought you weren’t attractive, you caught his eye the minute Max introduced you to the other drivers as his best friend, wanting to talk to you but never catching the space to. So when he received news that you were in a relationship with Max, he was a bit disappointed but knew not to try anything. 
But now, he might actually have a chance. 
“Yup, press can be very annoying” you rolled your eyes feeling like Lewis would be the one who understood the most even if you barely got a smidge of how they can act. 
“Yeah, I remembered when me and my girlfriend broke up they wouldn’t stop asking about her” he said, sounding just as annoyed, holding lingering eye contact afterwards. He shrugged, “Some of the downsides of being a driver” 
“One of the best, Mr. Humble” you teased and he only smiled thanking you for your compliment. 
“You’re a fan?” he continued, lifting a corner of lips, a small smirk. You thought about it for a second,
“Oh for sure” you said as if it were the most obvious thing. “If i could wear your merch, I would show it to the world. I’ve watched you since I was 10” 
The mention of the age gap made Lewis cringe a bit seeing as the two were near 15 years apart but he brushed it off, trying to not think too much about it. 
“So how come the lack of merch?” his soft smile nearly reached his eyes, amused about how the girl he was interested in had been a fan since near the beginning of his formula one career. 
“They’re all at home” you said a small smirk playing on your lips making him chuckle a bit, leaning forward but enough distance where it wasn’t too suspicious. “Wouldn’t look too good with being Maxs’ girlfriend” 
“It seems hes not a very good actor with the way you two aren’t even together right now” he gestured over to Max. You laughed, 
“Thats because I found myself being entertained somewhere else” you leaned a bit forward, being able to now smell his expensive cologne. Lewis notiabely flickered his eyes down to your lips before catching himself. But it was far too late, you’ve noticed and for an odd reason you enjoyed it. 
But Maxs hand landed on your shoulder before things escalated making you tense as you leaned back nearly being caught, Max held a playful smile directing it towards Lewis who had his everyday polite smile on display acting as if he hadnt been practically flirting with the girl that is meant to be in a pretend relationship. 
“How have you been?” Max asked Lewis, words a bit slurred from the alcohol. They talked for a while, Max wanting the conversation to extend but Lewis gave short answers, wanting it to end. You caught on pretty quickly giving Max a look before suggesting, 
“Maybe we should leave, don’t want to stay too late. Have an early flight to catch” Max nodded along bringing his hand down saying a quick goodbye to Lewis. But the second you went to shake hands, he pulled you in for a quick hug, whispering an ‘see you next time’ sending shivers down your spine. 
You two left hand in hand with Max into the hotel, crashing down on separate beds as you had a certain champion in mind. 
The next two weeks were slow as news started to die down about you and Maxs’ relationship not seeing it as the hot topic anymore, casting you aside for another. The next race, Monaco you couldn’t help but cheer for the Mercedes driver, knowing how big of a deal it would be if he placed in the podium. 
You exited the car, heading to the paddock seeing drivers pass by giving a quick wave politetly but when you crossed Lewis he gave you a larger smile than usual, calling out “meet me afterwards”, you agreed before getting to the Red Bull garage to meet up with Max. 
This time, you only attended qualifying being too busy on Friday to have gone. You felt bad but Max reassured you it would be fine seeing as practice wasn’t as important to attend. 
It was a good day for Red Bull, like always. Max being pole, Sergio second, and surprisingly Lewis third, you made a mental note to congratualate him on that factor later seeing as he had a better chance at getting a podium on the Monaco track. 
Congratulations were heard all around the red bull as Max got to you, giving you a simple kiss on the cheek. 
“Interviewers want you Max” his media manager came in, looking a bit worried as if she had interrupted something but he just nodded, following her outside leaving you to yourself. You thought this time would be the best to go congratulate Lewis, heading to the mercedes garage. 
Before you even had to walk in, Lewis walked out seeing you, making his smile brighten. You walked to each other, immediately congratulating him and receiving the thank you. 
“I got you this” he pulled out a purple beaded bracelet with a 44 in the middle. You were about to reject it seeing that it would bring too many questions but before you could, he held a stern tone saying, “I made it so you’re accepting it” 
He grabbed your wrist, pulling it downwards before giving you another smile as his hand seemed to linger. 
“I’m not insane right?” He asked, your eyebrows furrowed at the question not sure what he was implying. He hesitated before explaining “You’re interest in me”
“You don’t have to say anything right now” he jumped in. “I know the whole Max thing is complicated, I just” he paused, picking back up your hand, fiddling with the rings on your thumb, looking up at your eyes almost analyzing them in a sense. “I hope you’ll find me when you feel you need to” 
His kiss on the bracelet did not help your heart to calm down, seeing it was running at a fast pace before he left. Your head was starting to get dizzy, growing almost a headache. You took in a deep breath, trying to prepare you for having to go back to the red bull garage. 
“You and Lewis?” a concerned voice said, almost right next to you. Just as your heart started to go back to normal as well. You turned, expecting to see Max upset but instead he held a small teasing smile. “I remember when you wouldn’t shut up about him”
His words made you blush, a deep red rising to your cheeks as you hit him, not liking that he found it humorous but grateful that he wasn’t upset by it. 
“Just be careful, I can’t have another scandal behind my back right after I just finished covering up the other one” his voice turned more serious and you only nodded, completely understanding that this could cause a deplete in both their careers. 
The race wasn’t that exciting, seeing as those on the grid ended up in their almost exact spots. You still wore the bracelet, hiding it beneath a red bull jacket gifted by Max. He noticed it that morning and wouldn’t stop teasing you about it before he even grew annoyed of himself and stopped. Lewis on the other hand you didn’t get to see before the race with you having to be transported straight to the red bull garage upon arrival. 
You would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous during the entire race, fidgiting with the beads of the bracelet but all those nerves were settled the second the race ended and you got to see Lewis on the podium. The celebration settled down as Max was getting ready to leave with you waiting outside his room. 
You suddenly felt a hand pull you, you looked to who had their grip so tight and saw Lewis dragging you into his room making sure to shut it behind you.
“What are you doing? Someone could’ve seen” your worried tone didn’t get to him as he stepped forward, only closing the gap between. 
“I really needed to see you” his heavy breathing did some things to your body as he stepped forward. One of his hands went to the sides of where your jaw and neck met, analyzing your features for any sort of discomfort, anything that would tell him to stop but he couldn’t find it. Unknowingly, your lips parted, his eyes traveled to your lips as you couldn’t stop looking at his eyes. 
“Tell me you want me, y/n. Just as much as I want you” he whispered, his breath near reaching your lips. 
“I need you, Lewis. I need you so much it drives me insane-” his lips crashed into yours, his other hand reaching the other side of your face. The kiss was harsh, rushed, and overall the definition of eager. You wanted to desperately pull him in closer, wanting to close any gap that remained but instead your head ran the thoughts of the idea that Max brought. 
The risk of their career reputation. 
You pushed against his chest and he immediately pulled away, eyebrows furrowed. 
“People are going to think badly of us if we’re even seen together. I can’t do that to us” you shook your head not trying to imagine the damage you could create by simply walking alone together. Lewis understood, nodding solely to himself. 
“We could always give it a chance though” he shrugged, trying to give a suggestion. You hated how even when he wasn’t even trying to convince you, you still wanted to jump at the idea with little to no hesitation. He leaned down, touching foreheads as he whispered “we’ll be careful” 
“This is so reckless” you couldn’t help but smile, an indicator that you were leaning to his side but he still waited for you to respond, “fine” 
He smiled brightly, giving you a small kiss on the corner of your curved lip, and then another on the other side before placing a softer one in between before leaning back with a cheeky smile. 
“Max is probably waiting for you” he finally stated making your eyes widen in realization before rushing out the door as he called out “i’ll see you next time” 
During the entire break, you and Lewis would call on the phone sending good morning and well wishes to sleep texts practically everyday talking about how different it would be to be together without caring about what others thought. 
The same pattern lasted throughout the season, you publicly cheering for your media boyfriend, while silently hoping the best for the person you longed for secretly, Lewis. Catch up in his room or hotel, share kisses and a night spent together before having to depart and doing it all over again for the next race. 
You as well told Max only a couple of months later, only saying he already knew. He was your best friend, how could he have not noticed the way you and Lewis look for each other in a room and beam smiles at each other when you spot one another. 
“I think we should break up” were words only Max could say that wouldn’t completely break you but you still only gave him a confused look as you laid on your stomach scrolling through you feed only seconds ago before Max barged in your apartment. 
You really regret ever giving him a spare key. 
“I mean, its been long enough and the whole Lewis thing is getting a bit reckless, no?” he asked knowing about almost having been spot by security when you went to go to Lewis drivers room, covering it as a lie of looking for him because Max wanted to speak to him. You got up from you position agreeing. 
“But its not like it would help with Lewis, it would only make it worse to go public” you were still worried over their reputation. 
“You two can keep it a secret for however much you want to, I just don’t want to feel like I am interfering between you” he explained. You followed along. 
“I think this is the most happiest I’ve been about someone breaking up with me” you joked with a small smile making him chuckle. “Thank you Max” 
“No worries” he gave you one last kiss on your head before going on his phone to publicly announce the breakup. You texted Lewis, making sure it was alright and he only appeared delighted seeing as you and him could finally go public in time. 
The next couple of months were quiet as news settled down about you and Max. You wanted more time to pass before ever trying to go public but when Lewis suggested it, cuddled up and you were half asleep you mumbled a “sure” and you only fully realized what you had just done after you woke up from your nap. 
Most fans were delighted of the relationship, some found it a bit strange but seeing you still close with Max after the ‘break up’ gave them the theory that the entire thing with Max was for media. 
And unlike that, yours and Lewis’ relationship was pure. 
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pseudosis · 7 months
ᴥ 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐀 | plug!jet x reader {teaser}
ᴥwarning(s): reader calls jet “jee” , jet calls reader “kid” , drugs , mentions of death/violence , minor ocs
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“I don’t like my money being fucked with kid…”
“Jee hush, I’m a little behind on bills right now. You’ll get your last sixty next week sometime.”
New york’s opening year climate had your hands all clammy, wrapping up in various layers of winter clothes somehow couldn’t stop the frigid whoops of air snaking their way to your body. Grip wavering visibly, trying to flip through your wallet of fresh cash and pull out a sum of money just short of sixty dollars to Jee. One thing about him is that he didn’t really like the whole ‘i’ll pay the rest later’ excuse, his policy is you either pay it or go home with nothing. Years of being a dealer had his paranoia constantly on a high most failed to understand.
Yet he found himself remorseful towards you, the both of you knowing each other since grade school, always making your payments on time. It wasn’t like you were the kind to grab and run from him anyway, an excuse this time would be tolerated by his rare patience. As soon as the paper made it into his expectant open palm, he balled it up, and replaced your empty hand with a solid pound of green in a plastic baggie.
“We hotboxing tonight or you going home?”
“Gotta go home, got work tomorrow.”
The discipline of a real job was a foreign idea to Jee, constantly running through streets for as long as he could remember. His longest ever consistent job was selling drugs. Never holding down a real home either, just constantly on the move. He says this business gets demanding like a normal job, seeing the bulge of a loaded pistol tucked into his waistband under his oversized hoodie.
“How Brooklyn been treating you Jee?”
Moving from Pasadena just a week ago had him new to the whole environment that made up the east coast, “Everything up here so damn expensive, but I’m coming from Pasadena, so it ain’t nothing I’m not used to. I hate the cold, but the rest of my group is up here so…”
He never looked at you, staring off into the distance in the park that was gradually collecting snow. Bare hands going a mild red from the dropped temperatures, then being shoved into his hoodie pockets. Kicking an accumulating pile of snow out of sheepishness during the silence between words, you decided to say something since you wanted to talk before heading off back home.
“I’m sorry about what happened to Chico…have you been at least doing well after his funeral?”
Jee said nothing for a long moment, face going unreadable and eyebrows hunching slightly together as he was seemingly thinking. Maybe bringing up a sensitive subject like that wasn’t the best social move you could’ve made, but that was your friend, and Chico happened to be his best friend as well. They were like brothers as close as they were, only to lose the man in a gunfight back when he was in Cali.
“…it’s been cool, you know. Things ain’t been ideal but shit happens, that’s life.”
As nonchalant about it as he wanted to be, you could sense his grief through his numb attitude. Eyebrows relaxing and his vision jolted to the ground, a moment before hearing the ding of his phone which softened the solemn energy around you two. Fishing the device out of his pocket, he checked the notification from some other buyer ready to purchase their products from him.
“Alright kid, see you around, don’t forget my damn sixty. I’ll blow your head off if you do.” Jee playfully hit your arm, a gesture native to the friendly relationship you two had for years now. Smacking the back of his head and laughing before you two parted off, returning to the very different lives the both of you lived.
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abiiors · 1 year
haunt // bed - pt. 1
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a/n: a while ago, i wrote do me a favour after which i said, i would write a matty hate sex fic. well this is it (and perhaps a bit more than anyone asked for), read dmaf again if you want to refresh your memory, or don't. there are 3 parts to this + an epilogue. i also know very little about western weddings, so ignore the inconsistencies lol.
a note about the banner: the photo in it is only meant to describe the dress, not the race, body type, hair colour, etc of the reader <3
minors dni! part 2, part 3
wc: 2.7k
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see u in an hour xx
charli’s text flashes on your screen, illuminating a small corner of the dimly lit room. it’s not that late in the day, in fact, it’s quite early—only about 10 am. you’re supposed to be hurrying around the room, checking for any last minutes things you might have forgotten. you won’t be back home until tomorrow after all. yet here you are, surrounded by the things that should have been packed in your bag last night. 
the dress, laid out on your bed, feels like a weapon; red silk slippery enough to slide between your fingers effortlessly. “a wily vixen”, that’s what charli had called you when she'd seen you in it for the first. the thought of that day—bridesmaids dress shopping with four other excited girls—brings a small smile to your face. 
everything laid out here is a weapon really; your four-inch, sharp heels, the delicate and dainty diamond jewellery, the makeup you plan on wearing—blood red lipstick, a perfect shade match for the dress. an expensive crystal bottle of the same perfume you have used for the past six years. 
familiarity breeds contempt. familiarity is also an excellent knife to twist in someone’s gut. because everything here, today, is meant to maul and wound him.
see you in an hour babe, love you. you write back and chuck your phone onto the pillow where it bounces a little before nestling between its creases. you stare at it, maybe your body still yearns for a call that will never come? no more can’t wait to see you up there. no more cheeky selfies in a state of half-undress. just a smooth, black screen.
right then…time to get going. 
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charli has been flittering around the room for the last twenty minutes. her white dress fits her like a dream, her makeup is a work of art and her excitement about marrying george is so palpable in the room that at least one person squeals or sighs every five minutes. 
most importantly, the smile on her face is a permanent fixture. and every time you look at it, a warmth spreads through your body. she deserves this—the happiness, the celebration. the happily ever after. no matter how your marriage ended, you won’t stop believing in it for her. 
“so!” charli walks over to you and takes your hand, “how do i look?” she twirls and the dress swirls around her, the tiny crystals catching light and making her shimmer like starlight.
you laugh in response, “like george is about to go into cardiac arrest the minute he sees you!”
the pair of you giggles like teenagers. you can so clearly picture it before it has even happened. the joy and love that will shine on george’s face; his excitement, quiet yet infectious and for a brief moment you’re transported back to your own walk down the aisle. 
small, unsure steps, worried about falling flat on your face in those tall heels, but all of that had evaporated the second you had seen his tear-stained face. and the bright smile that had bloomed a split second later. 
but that’s how long the ache lasts; a brief moment. it’s bad enough that you’re going to have to be civil to him, there’s no need to make it worse with unnecessary nostalgia. 
besides, there’s her to think about. 
she in question is a beautiful, leggy blonde who is at least seven years younger than him. not that you’ve seen either of them today…yet. it’s only because you and charli got drunk one night, four weeks before the wedding, and she felt bad about keeping it from you that matty had a plus one. and that’s how you fell into the rabbit hole of scrolling through this girl’s Instagram profile at two in the morning. 
if you thought you knew his type, you would be dead wrong. physically speaking, she is the exact opposite of you—someone who looks like they belong on a giant billboard in times square, perfect and stunning. then there’s the more questionable aspects of her feed. the flat tummy tea adverts and the paid partnerships with various brands that are always under fire for being unethical.
but that’s the ugly green monster rearing its head. it’s not like you aren’t known for indulging in vanity every once in a while. 
she will be here today, no doubt, clinging onto his arm like a decorative little thing—woah, where did that snide thought come from?! you shake your head to yourself, at least a little embarrassed. he’s not even here yet and he’s already screwing with your head; pushing you back into old jealous and insecure habits. someone clears their throat. 
nora, one of charli’s longtime friends, has her champagne glass raised. a toast. she takes a deep, shaky breath and smiles tearily at the room, about to give her sentimental speech when a resounding knock echoes and cuts her off before she has even begun. 
five heads turn to the locked door and you happen to be standing closest to it. 
‘i’ll get it,’ you tell no one in particular, hand already on the doorknob. the possibility of it hits you way too late. 
it hits you right as his clean-shaven face comes into view. 
it has been ten months. ten months since you gave up the last name healy and changed it back to your maiden name on all your official documents. it had felt like a form of catharsis, getting it done with such urgency back then. but you also remember the days when you would be asked to state your full name and stagger a little at how odd it sounded to no longer have healy in it. to not have a ring around your finger to fidget with. no one to hold you at night. 
but back to now. back to here. 
it’s not hard to see that he has changed a lot in the last ten months. he looks serious; not necessarily sombre—it’s his best friend’s wedding, after all—but mature, more grown up. the grey in his hair, in his beautiful curls, is now much more prominent. the crow's feet around his eyes are more or less the same (and it sends a small pang through you; has he not laughed recently?). his mouth holds—held—a faint smile that’s already slipping, already morphing into a thin line. the exact same face that you woke up to for years now turning into a mask of carefully arranged neutrality.
“charli,” he whispers roughly and then clears his throat, “here to check on charli.” and just like that, he steps past you and into the room where he’s engulfed into a hug by the bride (and slapped on the bum by another bridesmaid but you ignore that for now).
pointedly, you also ignore the sting that comes with being sidestepped so easily. 
you stand by the door, back still to the room, for a second longer than necessary. it doesn’t even register that you’re letting the warm spring air in. is this really how little seeing you impacts him? it must have. because if he’s here then she is also here. 
“tell him i’m fine!” charli’s voice brings you out of your thoughts, making you shut the door softly. “and tell him not to meddle, i’ve got my girls.” she looks at you over his shoulder and throws a wink. your gut tells you it’s nothing but a charity gesture, just trying to gauge the tension between you two. guilt gnaws at you—she shouldn’t have to play peacemaker, she shouldn’t have to worry about two adults behaving themselves. 
“only doing my duty here,” matty raises his hands defensively, “keeping the groom happy.” 
the rest of them tease and taunt him playfully while you take the time to admire—no, simply look at—his suit. it’s nowhere near as nice as the one he wore at your wedding, of course not. but it’s beautifully made, tailored to fit and accentuate his muscles. and there are a lot of those now, that much is evident from the way his sleeves stretch over his biceps. he fills it out nicely, not that he didn’t before, but something about the fabric straining across his arms does funny things to your stomach. funny, you thought that feeling was a thing of the past. then there’s the navy trousers that compliment his backside rather nicely. 
there’s a part of you that is appalled at all these observations you have been making but there’s another part—bored and much more matter-of-fact—that reminds you that there’s nothing under those clothes that you haven’t seen, touched, licked or sucked before. there’s nothing new. he is still the same as he was before, just now with a few extra muscles. 
“go away,” charli’s nudges him gently toward the door. “we’ll be out in fifteen.”
he hugs her just before he leaves, dropping a friendly kiss on her head. after everything you’re glad no one had to pick sides in the divorce. you’ve at least managed to hold the friend group together, even though the same can’t be said about your marriage. 
matty leaves just like he came in, sidestepping you and making sure he’s looking straight ahead. there’s a brief second however—a fraction of one really—when he slows down and breathes in. his adam’s apple bobs roughly and his face struggles to hold the blank expression. 
but it must have just been you projecting right? no one can go through that much in half a second. 
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“there you are, darling,” denise walks in on you mid-smoke. “i was looking for you.”
she’s in a beautiful pink dress that brushes her knees and makes her look ten years younger than she is. you blush slightly at having been caught smoking; it’s a recent habit, not one she would be aware of, and you don’t want her to judge you for it. 
“denise,” you try to hide the half-smoked cigarette, “you look beautiful.”
she pointedly looks at your hand and laughs. “my son does enough of that.” then she straightens up, as if bringing matty so casually into this conversation was a mistake. you suppose it was—it does make your heart skip a beat. 
“i just wanted to say hi, darling,” she adds hastily, “and look at you…” her eyes scan you from head to toe, linger on your face for just a second before she smiles again. “simply stunning.”
“thank you.” your voice comes out in a whisper, fighting to get past the lump in your throat. you didn’t think there would ever come a day when she would have to so formally stop by to ‘say hi’. yet here you are, almost a pair of estranged mother and daughter. 
“i don’t…” she starts but shakes her head minutely, “i don’t want to condescend you. but are you okay? with matty bringing that girl, i mean.”
that piques your interest. “that girl?” you stifle a little giggle. “sounds like you don’t like her…”
denise shrugs, leaning against the wall and looking at the bushes in front of her. “she’s okay, i guess.” then she takes a bit to smooth out her dress. “but she’s not you.”
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“dearly beloved…” the officiant, charli’s godfather, begins, which you tune out instantly. weddings are lovely and romantic, wedding speeches are dull and boring. besides, like it or not, something else has captured your attention. 
you stand behind the bride, holding the ring she’s supposed to put on george later. and right in front of you stands matty, holding the matching platinum band in his hands. adam and ross stand behind him, smiling and occasionally laughing along with the rest of the guests. you tried it at first too, to only keep your attention on george—who looks very handsome and beams wide the whole time—but it’s impossible when you feel your ex’s piercing stare right on you. 
you would have thought he would stick to the little ignoring act from before. instead, his eyes have lingered on you from the second you walked down the aisle as a part of the processional. tracking your every move, every small step. frankly, it’s insulting. does he think you would ruin the wedding as some sort of diabolical revenge against him? you scoff internally; of course, he would think such self-centred thoughts, it’s just all about him, after all.
you raise an eyebrow at him. what’s your fucking problem?
he smiles back; an arrogant curl of his mouth that turns his face from sweet to insufferable within a matter of seconds. you, his eyes seem to say, you’re my problem. 
well too fucking bad then…
you huff and look away to the side at the guests. it’s only about fifty people from both sides. just family and friends—a lovely kind of intimacy the couple had asked for. you smile at george’s parents who sit in the first row. his mum dabs at her eyes, clearly overwhelmed with emotion. and behind them sit denise and tim. right next to her. 
she’s exactly what she looks like on her instagram page. dainty and beautiful, picture-perfect elegant. her whole face looks like it could be hand-crafted by the gods (or very expensive surgeons according to the snide little voice in your brain) but her eyes are bone dry. 
that’s because she doesn’t belong here, your brain chimes in. not among your friends and your family. 
well, ex-family…
her name doesn’t immediately come to the forefront of your mind. all you know from that drunken night is how charli made you block all her socials at the end of it. as if you were going to go back to them again and again. as if you have no purpose in life other than obsessing over your ex’s new girl. 
she sighs, then looks out the window with a bored expression on her face and you have to focus your attention back to the bride and groom before you do something drastic. not before you catch matty looking at you from the corner of your eye, however. 
not just at you…he’s staring at the plunging neckline of your dress that shows off your cleavage wonderfully. with the big window to your side, it’s so clear to see every little detail of his face—his teeth gnawing on his bottom lip (he’s unaware that he’s doing it. you know that for a fact). his pupils that are blown out wide, making almost the entirety of his eyes look black; dark and hungry. 
your mouth curls into a smirk, arrogant enough to mirror his own. well, this is interesting. 
matty’s mouth presses into a thin line. even now, after you caught him so red-handed, he’s trying to deny it. but you don’t miss his ears turning the telltale shade of pink. 
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“...and i promise to love you for the rest of my life.” george’s voice breaks on the last word, the tears flowing freely but he smiles through all of it. in front of you, charli’s shoulders shake. they haven’t even put the rings on each other yet and they’re already emotional. it makes you laugh, and surprising, you feel the tears escaping your eyes.
i promise to love you for the rest of my life. that’s what matty had said too. i promise to dance in the kitchen with you and do all my silly little romantic gestures. i promise to never let you fall. i promise, i promise, i promise…
so many of them unkept, so many of them just pretty words spoken on a perfect day in front of a tearful audience. 
“i do!” charli squeals before the question is even finished, making everyone laugh. a wet chuckle escapes you at her infectious joy. 
“do you, george, take charli to be your lawfully wedded wife?” the officiant asks. 
“i do,” he says patiently and charli sticks her tongue out at him. 
you sincerely hope they stay like this for the rest of their lives—polar opposites who complete each other. not people who are so similar, they don’t know how to exist in the same space anymore. 
matty smiles, first at the couple and then, shockingly, at you. husband and wife he mouths. 
jarringly still, you smile back. 
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i would love to hear what you think 🤭
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dandelionprints · 1 year
More Than Enough
(Tommy Shelby One Shot)
As some of you will know if you’ve seen any of my posts, I’ve not had any motivation to write and have really felt my inspiration dwindling on a daily basis. I had a little bit of that motivation come back to me this evening so I thought I’d use it to write this short one shot. It was quite hard to write as I feel like my self belief is at a low right now so I was questioning myself a lot when writing it but fuck it, I’ve finally completed a WIP after weeks of not writing, I hope you enjoy!
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Day had slowly turned into night in what had felt like only a matter of minutes in your bedroom, the only light now coming from the fireplace and a lamp that was lit on your desk. The comfort of the fire warmed you as the air grew cold.
Piles of invitations were laid upon the wooden surface with various addresses to the wealthiest people within England and Scotland. This charity ball had better get you a lot of fucking money after all the time you’d put into it, not to mention the cramp that was now very apparent in your fingers.
“Come to bed love, it’s getting late”, Tommy whispered against your shoulder before moving the strap of your nightie to the side and gently laying a kiss on your bare skin.
“I will my love, I’ve just got a few…”, you began, getting cut off swiftly by an exasperated sigh from your husband that caught you off guard.
“Y/N, you’ve been at this for hours, you need to get some rest. I would also like to spend some time with my wife. Please, come to bed”
You turned to look at him standing there in just his boxer shorts, a look of pleading in his expression. Those eyes of blue almost boring right through you, making you melt like they had the first day you’d made contact with them.
You sighed feeling guilty, “I know, Tom. But if I don’t do it then who the fuck will? They’re meant to be delivered to everyone tomorrow and I feel like if they’re not perfect then I’ll be judged even more than I already am”
A wave of insecurity swept over you unexpectedly. Fuck you hated that feeling, never feeling like the life you’d married into was something you deserved. The money, the big house, the handsome gangster husband. None of it.
“Who do you think is judging you, the people invited?”, his eyebrow raised as he took a step toward you, kneeling at your side, “don’t take any notice of what they say, they’re all twats in expensive suits”
You nodded your head and averted his gaze, instead choosing to pick a spot on the floor to focus on.
“I know what they say, Tom. ‘What’s a girl like that doing with a man like him? A former peasant girl who used to have to beg for scraps on the street? She’s probably only with him for the money! Oh, and the maids too, they do everything for her’”
“Who have you heard say that? You tell me and I’ll send Arthur round to have a chat with them, no one talks about my wife like that!”
He stood with his fists balled at his sides, his knuckles white from the tension. Grabbing his arm you pulled yourself up and squeezed him gently, his muscles tight under your grip.
“No! Please don’t, it’s not a big deal”, you used your free hand to bring his face towards yours, “All I’m saying is I’m well aware that they don’t think highly of me. I just want to show them I’m no longer that peasant girl who had to beg for food and money, that I’m capable of organising a charity event and doing as much for it on my own as I can without the help of staff or other influences. I want them to know I work hard, Tom”
He hadn’t taken his eyes off you the whole time you’d been speaking, too fixated on every word you were saying. He brought his hands up to either side of your face and cupped your cheeks.
“You work harder than any of those fuckers that are invited, the only reason they’re on the guest list is cause they have money, and lots of it. They don’t have a clue what shit you went through to end up on the streets or how we met, which if I remember rightly wasn’t when you were still having to sleep in the gutters. They don’t know fuck all about anything, none of them do”, he said, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs.
Bringing your hands up you held onto either one of his wrists, your thumb on the back of his hand.
“I know love, I just want to show I’m enough. Enough to be deserving of this life we’ve built. Enough to be with you when there are so many other beautiful women out there who would drop their knickers for you with just a snap of your fingers”
He chuckled then before his expression turned soft, moving his face closer to yours, hands still cupping your cheeks.
“Darling, you’re more than enough. You always have been”
His lips connected with yours in a soft swoop, holding themselves there for a while before curving up into a smile.
You smiled back feeling a rush of warmth in your chest, the butterflies fluttering around in your stomach making themselves known.
“Now c’mon, bed”
This time you didn’t have a choice in the matter as he swiftly swept you up into his arms and carried you towards the bed. You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling the warmth of his skin against yours, the signature smell of whiskey and cigarettes moving to your nose.
Placing you down onto the bed he knelt over you and kissed you again, this time with more passion.
“I think it’s time I show you just how wrong those people are, how it’s really me who is unworthy to be with you, Mrs. Shelby”
The firelight continued to flicker, casting shadows around the room, the plans of finishing the invitations now well and truly gone.
Right here in this very moment, in your big expensive house, on the expensive Egyptian cotton bedding beneath you on your expensive four poster bed, the only thing that mattered was that the love of your life truly believed that you had always been enough, no matter what.
Tagged: @peakypoet @moral-terpitude @lyarr24 @cillmequick @mrkdvidal1989 @shelbydelrey @alasya16 @tommystargirl @elenavampire21 @adaydreamaway08 @slaypussypop-21 (unable to tag) @bluesongbird @zablife @cljordan-imperium @look-at-the-soul @rangerelik
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shisnhou · 2 years
kill gojo
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pairing: gojo x gn! reader
cw: toxic exes, toxic relationship, unhealthy obsession with one another, hints at cheating, do tell me if a missed any!
wc: 1.08
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you're at the brink of your sanity.
and it's all because of your ex boyfriend who is insane himself.
you two have been broken up for eight months— nearly nine. the break up was not your idea. if anything, it was one thing you didn't even think about. you were more than ready to kill for him, to be his ride or die, to be everything and anything he wanted you to be. you used to have an obssesion with having him in your hands and any kind of separation made your heart beat in worry.
when you two broke up, it felt like you were going to split the world in half. the insanity was getting inside your head, the break up felt like the end of the world. you still chased after him since he was everything you knew and you had, but he threw you away and simply looked at you with disgusted eyes before he slamed the doors before your very eyes.
but after a few weeks of words from getou and a load of night outs with shoko, you brought yourself back in no time. you healed and forgot, you forgave for some reason despite holding every single grudge against him and his girls, and now you are thriving in a better environment.
the break up scarred you badly and you want nothing but to be free from all that hurt and anger.
you truly thought you could leave and make him a mere fragment of your memory.
that's laughable, gojo says.
"what the fuck, gojo?" you screech, kicking the door of his expensive sports car, denting the metal with your shoes. but gojo could care less about the dent, he can get his car repaired tomorrow, buy a new one even. the only thing he's thinking about is why you're so pissed at him. "why would you fucking punch him like that?" 
gojo zones out for a second. he looks at the dent and forgets that you are trying to lecture him about punching your excuse of a date- which he thinks is pointless. why would you argue with him when all he did was do the right thing? 
the right thing? what is it? oh, it's not a big deal. he just punched your date in the face because the man placed his hand around your waist without asking which caught you off guard. not that it made you felt uncomfortable, you were just surprised, you actually liked it, but gojo thought thinks that it's a mortal sin for another man to touch you, so he sent the man a punch to the face.
"he touched you." he deadpans, holding an expression that will make you lose your mind.
"okay, so what if he did? what does that have to do with anything?" you roll your eyes digging your nails into your scalp and trying to scratch the unscratchable itch inside your brain that's caused by your ex that's standing before you.
he does this all the time and you wish that you could just catch a breath.
"you're fucking insane." you mutter underneath your breath.
gojo laughs at that. he looks at you with his blue eyes piercing deep into your own, causing a shiver down your spine. "i can't believe that you're the one saying that." he smirks, brows raising, finger moving to tip your chin. "you were chasing me around nine months ago, hunting down girls i went around with, even after we broke up."
you scoff, wrapping your hand around his wrist and bringing it down. "i did." you proudly say. "you know why? because i didn't understand why we even broke up in the first place. i did nothing. infact, i did everything you wanted me to do, so imagine what position i was in when you abruptly left with a fucking text talking about how i'm too much for you." 
he says nothing back, simply watching you point all the arrows at him. it's clear to him that you want nothing to do with him anymore, but god that's too hard for him to bear.
truth be told, gojo doesn't even know why he broke up in the first place. he though  you were too much for him, but now that he's the one chasing you around after months after the break up, he wonders if was clinically insane.
"well, that was in the past. i'm here now! i'm here, right in-front of you." he opens his arms wide, as if to engulf you in a hug. to his dismay, you simply glare at him, unimpressed by his act. 
gojo heaves a deep sigh, putting his hands back down. "look, i know i made a grave mistake by breaking up with you. that was uncalled for. we both didn't need that." the glimmer in his eyes make you want to believe him, but you mentally shake your head, refusing to fall for his act. "being far away from you was a pain and i admit having you chase me around sucked. yet when you stopped chasing after me, i felt like i lost a piece of me—"
at that sentence you moved away from him, taking a step back and showing him your disgusted expression. "i can't fucking believe you. you fucking disgust me." you seethe, glowering at him and shaking your head. "i thought that you maybe changed, and you did, but for the worse. god, gojo, i really thought we could make ammends, but you make me want to walk away and forget you forever."
at your words gojo's brows furrow. you say nothing else, simply turning your back and walking away. but before you're able to walk a mere step away, he grabs your wrist. you're forced to halt, preparing a rally of words to tell him. but your literacy slips away when your eyes meet his dangerous ones.
"walk away and forget forever? you can't do that." he darkly whispers, smiling as if his intentions were innocent. "you can't have anyone else. i might love seeing you smile, but if it's with someone else it's going to be a problem. any other man with you is going to be a problem. a very big problem." 
the hold on your wrist becomes loose, but in return, his hand cups your cheek and forces proximity between you both. "i'm a mature man, but you drive me insane. if any other man tries to have you they can't.. because if i can't have you, nobody can."
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this is not made to fantasize toxic relationship in any way shape or form. if you or someone you know needs help getting away from a toxic relationship, please contact local authorities.
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berry-club · 8 months
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- Muse -
Minors dni
Inspired by the manga "Museru Kurai no Ai o ageru"
Contains: reader x sungchan, college romance, afab reader, thigh job, virgin reader, 2.5k words
It's a new month, and as usual it's time to change the paintings exposed at the entrance of the college building. You take your painting off the wall before going into the art studio. You put it on the easel and prepare some white paint to start fresh before painting something new over it. When suddenly you hear the door open abruptly making you turn your head towards it. You see a man looking at you with his eyesbrows frowned.
"Hum.. who are you?"
"That's not the question. Don't touch that painting."
"I took the habit of looking at it everyday, I got scared when I saw it missing from the entrance, why would you paint over it? That's terrible."
"Well, first of all it's my painting and canvas this big are quit expensive, so I'm trying to re-use it, plus I don't have enough room in my apartment to store it anyway."
"Wait.. does this mean if I bring you a new canvas of the same size I can take it?"
"Sure... I guess"
"Okay I'll bring one tomorrow."
The man takes the painting off the easel and leave the room without even looking back. You stay dumbfounded trying to understand what just happened, what a strange man, why would someone want your painting that bad. You decide to just go home early, not knowing what to do with this change of plan.
The day after, you're in the art studio doing some sketching when you hear the door opening, this time way more gently than the last time. The same man from yesterday is entering with a brand new canvas.
"Hey! I brought it."
"Thank you, you can put it on the easel."
He does as you say before turning around to face you.
"By the way, my name is Sungchan, I'm sorry for yesterday I probably scared you, I didn't think you were the one who did the painting, they were no name on it like the others."
"It's okay don't worry, yeah I wanted to stay anonymous "
"I see..."
The mood becomes awkward, you don't know why he didn't left yet, he starts walking around the room, looking at each details, the decorations on the wall, all the drawings equipment, the few sketches you just did. After taking a good look at the room, he looks at you, being the only last thing he didn't glace at.
"You didn't tell me your name."
"You know I really like your painting, I usually don't have any sensibility when it comes to art, so it's really precious for me."
"I appreciate that, thank you."
"Y/n, I have a request. Can I come here again to see you work?"
"...I mean, this studio is open to anyone, I can't really forbid you from coming... there is nothing interesting to see tho."
"I'm really interested by the creative process, and I'm curious to learn more about the person who did the painting."
"You're just going to be disappointed by both."
"I'm sure not."
Sungchan smiles and head himself to the door before waving you good bye and leaving the room.
Well of course, all compliments about your art warms your heart but, what you love about this studio is that barely anyone comes, you were often with yourself. Having trouble socializing, this was a room for you to get some peace. You start thinking that maybe, you should have just say "no" to him, but you didn't really had the time to think that much.
After that day, Sungchan came almost every afternoon. Asking you a lot of questions about your work, he seemed always very interested by your explanations, looking at everything you did. It sure was awkward for you at the beginning, but as the weeks passed, you became really comfortable around him, sometimes even teasing each other. You two became really close. At one point, you realised you had feelings for him, but you quickly pushed them aside, remembering you were only seeing him in the studio. Everytime you saw Sungchan left the room, it was like he was going to another world, and he suddenly felt so far away. He had his own group of friends, sometimes you saw him in the hallway with them, but you both took the habit of ignoring eachother, only talking in the studio. It didn't really bother you, thinking that he probably had his own reasons, and you didn't try to talk to him outside the studio either.
One time in the studio, Sungchan was here and as usual, he looked at you drawing, but this time that was different, normally he was looking at your hands, the movement you made or how you were holding the pencils and the brushes. But this time, he was straight up staring at your face. You were thinking about something to say, and before you could open your mouth:
"You know, you're even more captivating than your art."
You sigh, thinking that he was probably just teasing you. "What are you saying? Stop messing with me."
"Messing with you? I'm just saying what I'm thinking."
You look away and your hand stops. Silence fill the room. You know you probably should just thank him and move on, but something about what he said really made an impact on you. Sungchan puts his hand over yours, making you look at him. A beam of sunlight was going over his face, making his skin golden. His eyes, usually a deep brown, were now the color of amber, making him the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
"Why did you stop drawing?"
His voice makes you regain consciousness, you feel your heart beating loudly in your chest, you put your eyes back in the paper thinking that if you saw him 1 more seconde, you wouldn't be able to stop the wave of feelings inside of you.
"Sorry, I have to go home."
You quickly pack your stuff and leave the room without even saying goodbye, you think you heard sungchan say something but you are so overwhelmed, the only thing in your mind right now I how you want to go as far away from him as possible.
The day after, you spend your time collecting your emotions to be able to meet him like normal when he comes back. Almost a week passes and sungchan didn't came at all, you were thinking that he finally got tired of you, maybe now you were going to live your life like you did before meeting him, you let out a long sigh, when suddenly you see him push the door. He starts speaking to you like he always did and you feel so relieved you could almost cry, then after spending some time together he says,
"Do you wanna come to my place? I have something I want to show you."
"Unh? You want to see me outside the studio?"
"Yeah? Why wouldn't I?"
"Well you ignore me everytime we see eachother in the hallway. So I though-"
"It's not like that! Everytime we see each other i'm with friends, I know you're not comfortable talking to people so I thought it was better to talk to you when we are only together."
"Oh..I see, thank you."
"Soooo, are you coming? It's really important."
His puppy eyes begging you to say "yes", you have no other choice than to agree. You leave the room together, and you follow him to his apartment near the college building. Just a few steps in his apartment and you end up in front of the painting that he took when you first met him, exposed on the wall with nothing else around it that could distract you, a light over it illuminating the canvas. You can't help but smile wide seeing that, your art being exposed in his apartment like it was the most precious thing in the world. You never thought the day would come where you could see your work being treated with such care.
Sungchan sees you and jokes around, "Oh you like it? It's by my favorite artist."
You chuckle and follow him to the living room where he makes you sit on the couch. You can see him fidgeting in front of you.
"You want something to drink?"
"No thanks, i'm good."
"Are you hungry maybe?"
"I'm fine."
"Are you cold? Do you want me to turn on the heater?"
"Sungchan. Everything is perfect, show me the thing you wanted me to see."
"Sorry... I'm a little nervous.. it's here follow me."
Sungchan tilt his head and you follow him to a door. He looks hesitant for a second and push it. The room is filled with art stuff, some sheets on the ground to prevent paint from falling on the wooden floor. You see a stool in the corner of the room in front of an easel, with a canvas covered with a white sheet. Without a word, Sungchan gets closer to the easel and slowly removes the sheet. The feeling you got seeing this painting was indescribable, like it was suddenly the only thing on earth, your eyes got lost in it, every brush stroke looked intentional, meticulously placed. Sungchan's voice takes you out of your bubble.
"What do you think? I'm sorry for not coming to the studio the past few days, I've been coming home early to work on it."
"That's... amazing"
"No.. you are amazing, you were my inspiration for it."
"Me?" You look at him, puzzled.
"Yes, I guess you're what you call a muse."
Sungchan smiles at you, you never thought a day would come where you could be a muse, no matter where you went you were always the artist. You put your eyes back on the painting, thinking that the deep connection you had with it made sense now, when suddenly you feel a hand in your cheek, making you turn your face towards sungchan, he looks straight into your eyes, slowly caressing your cheek before puting his tumb over your lips.
"But no matter how hard I try, even in a thousand years, I could never make a painting half as pretty as you."
He slowly leans over you and his lips touch yours, you kiss him back putting your hand on his cheek, you feel like you can finaly set free all the feelings that was building for him inside of you. You lose yourself in his arms and your kisses become deeper and more passionate. Sungchan takes a step back from you and stares at your face before taking your hand and bringing you the his bedroom. You sit on the bed and he starts kissing your neck, slowly going to your ears, while sliding his hand under your shirt to touch your breast over your bra. He makes you lay on the bed and raises your shirt to your neck before putting kisses all over your belly. He puts his hands on your pants, removing the button and unzipping them. Making them slide down on your legs and fall on the floor. He raises one of your legs and puts your calf over his shoulder before kissing the inside of your thigh. Sungchan doesn't lose a single seconde, going everywhere, like he didn’t know which part of your body he wanted the most, you suddenly realise how ambarrassed you're feeling.
"Sungchan... It's akward being the only one undressed."
"Oh right, sorry."
Sungchan removes his clothes and stays in his underwear before helping you completely remove your shirt and your bra. He caresses your stomach before slowly going over your cunt, sliding his longs fingers against the fabric. You grab the sheet, trying not to go completely crazy over his touch already. He slides your panty to the side and immediately goes to your clit with his ring and middle finger, you moan at the stimulation.
"Even the sounds you make are pretty."
Sungchan removes your undies before going in with his tongue, going all over your folds with more attention to the clit. Making you curl on the bed, you put your hand on his head making his tongue go even deeper and rougher on you, his thick tongue stimulating all the right places, going in and out your hole, his soft lips sucking on your clit making all kind of dirty noises and you can feel yourself about to finish, sungchan grabs you by the waist, making sure you don't get away from him while you cum on his face, he keeps licking you while your hips go crazy. Your hand grabbing his hair so hard you're pretty sure you're hurting him.
He releases you from his grip, and you can finally catch your breath, sungchan stands up and removes his hard dick from his underwear. You suddenly realise what's about to happen. You had a lot of first times with sungchan today, but you're not sure you can handle that yet. You close your eyes shut, and your body starts shaking thinking about the pain you're about to feel, when sungchan leans over you and gently puts his lips on your forehead.
"Don't worry so much, I won't put it in."
He grabs your ankles, close your legs before raising them, put his warm cock between your thighs and starts going back and forth. Your pussy was still throbbing from earlier and the movements of his warm dick against it was sending you to heaven.
"Ugh, why does it feel so good."
Sungchan smiles, happy that you feel the same way as him, he starts going faster. The sound of your skins hitting against each other and the vision of sungchan's sweating with his mouth half opened while panting loudly is starting to drive you insane. You watch his dick quickly appear and disappear in your tighs, like your legs were eating him. Sungchan groans and you can feel his dick twitching against your pussy, his cock hitting your clit at every move. He removes himself from you, letting your legs slowly fall on the bed and gives himself a few strokes to cum on his own dick while breathing heavily, you start calming down again while he whipes himself and puts his underwear back. He gently brings a blanket to your neck and goes under the sheets next to you. He makes you go on your side so he can hug you tightly, putting his face in the crook of your neck. You stay like that for a moment, none of you daring to move the slightest, almost trying to merge your bodies together.
He whispers in your ear: "You know, when I explained to you why I was ignoring you in the hallways, it wasn't entirely true.. I didn't want to bring any attention to you because I was scared that if someone was looking at you for too long, they would fall in love with you too. I wanted you to be my secret."
You tighten the hug and put your hands through his hair, trying to convey your feelings for him, making him understand that he's the only one in your eyes.
Sungchan distant himself from your neck to look at your face. He slowly tucks your hair behind your ear and smiles.
"I should have asked sooner but, will you go out with me?"
"Do you really have to ask?"
You smile at Sungchan while looking at him in the eyes, sure that right now, no one loves someone as much as you love him.
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melanieph321 · 8 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Fake Love Part 2/8
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Reader is a kindergarten teacher. Nothing more nothing less. But following an accident whistle vacation in Dubai she somehow makes her boyfriend believe that she does somthing else for a living, something that earns her way more money than she has. Her boyfriend, Ruben, is just happy to have found someone who understands him so well, someone who doesn't want him for his money since money isn't an issue for neither reader or himself. Or so thinks. Would finding out the truth ruin their newfound relationship? Readers thinks so, and does everything to keep up the lie, although it has some bad people from the middle east looking for her.
Over all it was a pleasant flight, despite your burns. Mostly thanks to Ruben. As the flight attendants came around with drinks and snacks, Ruben struck up a conversation and the two of you quickly discovered that you had a lot in common - both were avid travelers, loved good food, and were passionate about exploring new cultures. Later when the dinner menu was brought out, Ruben enthusiastically recommended the traditional Portuguese dishes, extolling the virtues of the country's cuisine. You were amused by his enthusiasm and found yourself getting caught up in his infectious energy. Ruben even insisted on sharing his favorite dishes with you, and the two of you laughed and chatted as you ate.
"Does it help, the ice?" He asked, after seeing you requested the flight attendants to bring you a puch to put against your thigh.
"A little." You answersed shyly, a bit taken aback by how observant Ruben was. You dozed off now and then during the flight, but there was a always a fresh pack of ice next to you when you woke up. Apperently Ruben went out of his way asking the flight attendants to bring you a fresh pack every hour as not to disturb your sleep. As the night wore on and the plane hit turbulence, you found yourself feeling more and more at ease with Ruben by your side. You couldn't help but be charmed by his kindness and generosity.
When the flight finally landed in Lisbon, Ruben leaned in and whispered, "You have to let me show you around my city. Meet me at the famous Pão de Azeite bakery tomorrow morning at 9am, and I'll take you on a tour of the best spots in Lisbon."
Your heart skipped a beat as your mind raced with the possibilities of your adventures together. However, you knew that Ruben thought you were a frequent business class traveler. But it was all an act and reality would set in once you stepped off this plane. The reality being that you and Ruben were from two very different worlds.
"Thanks Ruben, really. But I'm only here for two nights and owe it to my friend as I've ruined her vacation."
"You said what?"
Arriving at your hotel in uptown Lisbon, you told Alicia about Ruben asking you out and you turning him down. Needless to say that she was very unhappy about it.
"Y/N, that guy was leng. Not to mention his friends. Why did you turn him down?"
"Because." You said , regret waying heavily in the pit of your stomach. "I want to enjoy my time here with you."
"Me?" She frowned. "Y/N, I don't know fuck all about Portugal, let alone Lisbon. This guy could have showed us where the party is at. Who knows, maybe he would have brought his friend?"
Apparently Alicia really hit it of with Ruben's friend Fabio after the two of you switched seats. Ruben and you could hear them giggle over bottles of champagne as the two of them had them coming like treadmills on the plane.
"Alicia, I don't really feel like hooking up with strangers right now. It's been a really hectic few days for me and all I want to do is spend my time here with you and go home.
"Alright." She nodded. "At least tell it like it is, because if I was you I would've let that guy take me wherever he wants."
You shook your head but smiled. "Let's just unpack so we can explore the city." Your hotel suite was simply out of this world. Alicia had not held back on the expenses, really taking advantage of the courtesy of the Siddiq family.
"Oh, I know what we should do today! We should go shopping." She said, smiling in that mischievous way that you hated.
The two of you freshened up and hit the streets. Alicia had ordered a rental car with a chauffeur to drive you around. All at the expense of the Siddiq family of course. She had learned to put the tab on them just as well as she had learned to use her father's credit card as a teenager. "Oh my god, this would look so good on you." She said, holding up a black cocktail dress for you to try on.
"Yes, but the price." You said, hooking the dress back on it's hanger. You let Alicia drag you to the most luxurious shopping streets in Portugal, without the intentions of buying anything. Alicia on the other hand.....
"Come on Y/N, just try it on, something tells me you might need this dress tonight?"
"Tonight? What's tonight?"
You had noticed Alicia texting someone back and forth as the two of you arrived at the hotel. The texting went on the whole day to a point where you were getting really annoyed. You were supposed to enjoy your time together in Portugal, to be in the moment. Alicia however, seemed distracted. By whom, you found out on your way to a massive football stadium whilst squeezed into a skimpy cocktail dress.
"Alicia, don't you think we're a bit overdressed for a football game?" You asked, as your friend wandered into the stadium ahead of you, her high heels tricking people into thinking that she was a head taller than you.
"Trust me Y/N, you're not." She reassured, guiding you past where people were lining up to take their seats. You however, were heading upstairs, to a private lounge of some sort.
"Eyy, linda, vocês conseguiram!" (Ey, beautifuls', you made it!)
You were shocked to see Ruben and his friends welcoming you to sit with them.
"You came." He smiled as well as eyeing your dress up and down. He looked good too, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans.
"I am as suprised as you." You said, sitting down.
He frowned.
"But I'm sure our friends had something to do with it." You looked over to where Alicia and Fabio sat, now deep in conversation with each other, giggling mischievously.
"Well I'm glad you came." Ruben nodded, returning all of his attention back to you. His eyes were so captivating, deep brown and mysterious.
"Me too." You shirped, quick to switch your attention to what was happening on the football pitch. "Who's playing?" You asked, since you had no idea that Alicia planned for you to attend a football game whilst in Portugal.
"Benfica, of course." Ruben leaned towards you not to shout over the noise of yhe cheering crowd. "It's Benfica against Braga, a good game."
"If you say so." You shrugged, to which Ruben frowned.
"What?" You chuckled.
"You don't watch much football do you?"
"No, sorry. We play cricket where I'm from."
"Which is...?"
Ruben looked even more puzzled by your answer. "You know England has one of the top football leagues in the world, right?"
"We do?"
His eyes widened in suprise. "Manchester City is practically the best club in the world right now, at least tell me you've heard of them."
"Manchester...?" You hymned. "You mean United?"
Ruben opened his mouth to say something, but prevented himself as it might have been something impulsive.
You laughed. It was cute, the way it shocked him that you didn't follow football like the rest of the world. How could you, when growing up with brothers who only played cricket. It was all they could talk about around the dinner table.
"Am I too uneducated to be able to enjoy this game?" You asked. To which Ruben's expression faltered. "No."
He shook his head. "Don't worry, I'll explain it to you."
You smiled. "How kind of you."
There was movment in the corner of your eye, Alicia, walking towards you in a hurry. "Bathroom, now!" She said, practically dragging you with her.
"Oh my god, I can't believe I didn't notice." She said, closing the bathroom door behind you.
"Noticed what?" You frowned.
"That it was him." She said, walking over to one of the mirrors, taking the opportunity to reapply her lipstick.
"Ruben." She shrugged.
"What about him?"
Alicia turned to you, confused as to why you were confused. "You didn't know either, did you?"
"Know what, Alicia? Get to the point." It was getting annoying.
She tucked away her lipstick and walked over to you, grabbing you by the shoulders. "Ruben Dias." She said. "As in, THE Ruben Dias, the professional footballer."
"The what?"
She let go of your shoulders returning to the bathroom mirror, tampering with her hair. "He's like super famous...and rich." She said.
"He is?"
"Yes, but don't make it obvious that you're in it for the money."
"But I'm not."
"Perfect, just like that."
"Alicia." You sighed. The two of you left the bathroom with the game having already started. Ruben waved for you to join him, but you were too distracted by what Alicia had told you in the bathroom, to focus on Ruben's explanation of what was happening on the pitch.
"Are you ladies up for something to eat?" Ruben's friend Theo asked. The game was over, the team Ruben was rooting for, having won 1-0. "My uncle owns this great spot in town which we wouldn't have to make reservations for."
"Eh." Fabio snorted. "With Ruben here we won't have to wait in line anywhere. Ain't that right Ruby? Can't you try and get us in to some hot club, I bet the ladies would like that."
Ruben turned to, eyeing your legs where parts of the dressing was visible. "Nah, I think dinner at Theo's uncle is better."
You silent thanked him for being so considering of you.
"No worries." He winked and offered you a hand to descend the steps of your private booth. He did not let go as the two of you made your way out of the stadium. It's when you realized that what Alicia said must be true. People were coming up to Ruben asking him to take pictures with them and sign their belongings. He was really someone specially to these people.
"Do you guys need a ride back to your hotel?" The guys asked, following a lovely dinner at Theo's uncle's restaurant.
"No thanks, we have a car."
"You do?"
"And a chauffeur." Alicia said, slurring on her words as she and Fabio had a bit more to drink than the rest of you.
"A chauffeur, really?" Ruben looked at you, slightly impressed.
Your eyes fell on the ground, embarrassed.
"I guess I'll see you later." Ruben said, when  the two of you stood alone on the sidewalk, Fabio and Theo helping Alicia get into the car.
"Yeah, see you."
It was painful, saying goodbye.
"But you're staying in Portugal one more night, no?"
"Yes, Ruben but...."
He nodded. "No, I get it. You want to spend time with your friend, make up for ruining her vacation. But how about we meet up later, by the beach?"
"Beach?" You grimarced.
Ruben laughed. "I promise you I don't own a pair of speedos, neither does Theo. Fabio might, but I'll tell him not to...."
"It's not that." You mumbled.
Ruben shuffled his feet, visibly conflicted in how he should approach this, approach you. "Y/N, if you have a boyfriend back home...."
You looked up, having avoided eye contact. "I don't." You said, terror in your eyes.
His shoulders relaxed as he exhaled. "Good. That's...good."
You couldn't help but to smile. Ruben did the same. You stepped forward, grabbing his arm for support as you tipped on your toes, kissing him and the cheek, Ruben's rough beard tickling your face.
"See you tomorrow...by the beach?"
"Yeah...." His voice trailed off as you let go of his arm, backing away towards the car.
"Tell your friend to text Alicia the details since he has her number.
"Well, can I have your number?" He smirked. "Maybe then I could text you the details."
"Maybe." You said, ignoring the butterflies that invaded your stomach. "Tomorrow."
"Tomorrow." He nodded.
"Yes, I'll give it to you tomorrow."
"I look forward to tomorrow then."
You rolled your eyes. "Goodnight Ruben."
He smiled, a cheeky smile. "Goodnight, Y/N."
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dateko · 1 year
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contents — fluff/angst, a lil banter, gojo being a lil vulnerable, a lil late night drive, also reader is implied to be afab!
a/n: — 2k words of not being quite sure what this is other than the fact it made a very angsty turn towards the end which i did not plan for because this fic is a dusty year old draft!!! (pls enjoy regardless hahah)
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An incessant, flickering beam makes its way through your window in the quiet of your small, dimly lit bedroom. It appears to be beckoning you, almost like it's trying to call you out. Confused and admittedly a bit scared for your grown age, you close the hefty novel you’d been dutifully reading shut and creep gingerly toward the window. You hide beneath the curtains, careful not to move around too much. Then slowly, you sneak a quick peek at the persistent light outside. 
There, in his expensive imported sports car with a large flashlight in his hold, sits Gojo Satoru and that goofy signature grin of his. The silly man you undoubtedly call your boyfriend and who you, unfortunately, love more than the normal amount. Letting go of the air you’d been holding in with a relieved giggle, you quickly open your window.
“What the hell, ‘Toru! You scared the shit out of me!” You hissed, bringing a hand to your forehead.
“Sorry, Princess!” He calls back, carrying absolutely zero sympathy in his voice, before revealing a familiar bag of sugary drinks and sweet treats to you. “Say… Are you free for a little late-night getaway? I’ve got all your favorites.”
“You’re terrible,” You shake your head in utter disbelief, giggling at how ridiculous he could be. “Hold on, I’ll be down in sec.”
Grabbing your most treasured sweater (a stolen one of Satoru’s) and bag, you bolt out the door and launch yourself down the steps in a love-stricken flurry. Neighbors be damned, you were too excited to even care about the chaos of elephant footsteps you make. As you make your way down the stairs, you can’t help but begin to feel so much younger. Like a high schooler reborn again, you hadn’t realized how much you missed the giddy excitement that stemmed from forgetting your responsibilities. It was almost as if life had always been this thrilling. A late-night drive with your incredibly handsome boyfriend and pretending that you positively did not have a class to teach, plus a gruesome training session with your students waiting for you the following morning. 
And that certainly was Satoru for you. Always sweeping you off your feet and doing everything you didn’t think you needed. He’s always too good, too perfect. The man is always somewhere off where he is required, always somewhere trying his best. Yet somehow, he makes sure to save time for you. Gojo Satoru always goes above and beyond. There is never a limit to the things he does.
Meeting him outside, you walk up to his open window, where his face sports a grin you could spot miles away. “Do you know what time it is?” You squeeze his cheek playfully
“I do.” He blinks, taking your hand to press it flat against his cheek instead. 
“You don’t have… I don’t know… A class tomorrow? Curses to exorcise?”
Satoru blinks twice, now peppering kisses into your palm. “I do.” 
Your brow raises at his response, and you retract your hand to cross your arms. “Then… Shouldn’t you be preparing for that?”
The azure-eyed man sighs, leaning his head against his seatback to stare at you adoringly. “I just couldn’t sleep right... Probably because I’ve been thinking about you too much.”
His cheesy line causes your nose to scrunch up, though you can’t help but feel a pang of worry in your stomach at his words. “On second thought, I’m leaving.”
“Oh, just get in here already.” Satoru whines your name, quick to tug the back of your sweater and pull you in. 
Smiling widely, you enter the passenger seat and immediately slot in your favorite CD before looking at your hopeless boyfriend. “You didn’t really think I’d just go back and leave, did you?” 
“Maybe a little bit,” He shrugs, turning behind him as he reverses the car. “You can get way too intense sometimes.”
You hum in response as you ogle at his bicep and brush off the way he smirks at you. Ignoring the way your boyfriend of many years continues to make you blush like a young pubescent girl at the sight of his muscles, you reach into the bag in front of you to pull out a snack. It’s a surprise Satoru stays rather silent beside you, driving with a soft smile on his lips as he hums along with the familiar tunes you both grew up listening to. It’s strange. There are no cheesy one-liners or teasing remarks. Just him. 
“So where exactly are you taking me, anyway?” You decide to inquire, reaching over to feed him a snack as he keeps his eyes trained on the road. 
“Hey, that’s cheating!” His mouth is full, and you puff dramatically in response as you lean against the door to watch him with a comforting expression on your face. “You’ll see in a bit. Almost there.”
Knowing you’d never be able to beat his stubbornness, you continue to bask in the peaceful drive to whatever mystery location Satoru’s taking you to. You watch him solemnly, eyeing the way his lips hold a small smile, yet as you drive under each street lamp, you don’t miss the sight of how tired he really looks. These days, you see him less, and his missions seem to grow in length. More curses pop up in every direction, more colleagues pass, and with how incredibly undermanned the Jujutsu society is, the burden is inevitably thrown onto Gojo Satoru’s plate. He’s gone before you know it.
It’s unfair and cruel, but it’s what you’ve known your entire life.
A part of you wonders why Satoru even bothered driving when you both know he's fully capable of teleporting. You hypothesize that it is for old times' sake. It was near that certain time of year. While your boyfriend could sometimes be emotional about the past, you're no better. In the backburner of your minds, you both desperately wish you could return to the days of your youth. The very youth you never could grasp, taken from you before you knew it. You were naive and power-hungry, too blind to notice anything else around you, too eager to grow up and have the world grovel at your feet. You wish you could have changed it all. But now, as you watch Satoru, a few years older and a little bit wiser, the only thing you can think about is just how lucky you are to have him here. 
You don’t realize Satoru’s parked already when you blink at the feeling of his thick fingers flicking your forehead, and you hear the click of his seatbelt. “Jeez, Babe. I know I’m handsome, I can hear you thinking too hard in that pretty little head of yours.”
Scoffing, you brush his hand away as you exit the car, taking the snack bag along with you. “What makes you so sure I was thinking about you?”
“You’re really asking me that? You love me.” He answers confidently, grinning wide until his dimples show when you catch up to him to wrap yourself around his arm. Your hand interlaces with his so effortlessly, not an ounce of infinity between the two of you. Never with you.
“Yes, Satoru. I love you so much that I’d let you take me to…” Your eyes scan around the dark trees and eerie silence. You wouldn’t be surprised if Satoru dragged you on one of his extra missions. “...A deserted forest?”
“Just a little further. You’ll know it when you see it.”
Not once letting go of your hand, Satoru leads you up a hill that overlooks the entire city. It’s quiet during this hour of the night. The city below you seems to be blanketed in a hush of tranquil sleep, yet the lights stay on wide awake and alert. You realize you rarely gave much thought to the world like this. The world you’ve all fought so damn hard to keep together and safe. The very world that only seems to take and never give.
A chin rests on your shoulder, strong arms find a comfortable home around your waist. “Know where we are, Sweetheart?”
You ponder for a moment, letting the night breeze kiss your cheeks. “This is the exact spot where I launched you during the sister-school event.” 
“What? No, it’s not.” Satoru pouts as he squeezes you tighter. “Okay, maybe. But you’re still missing something.”
You place a playful finger to your lips, looking up at him. You know exactly where you are. This very spot served as a haven for what you could call your rebellious youth. “Ah! This is where you forced me to kiss you and then confessed your undying love to me. Holding my hand and begging me like a little boy to stay in Tokyo while Shoko had to bring you back to life.”
“Hey! You totally kissed me first!” His offended tone makes you laugh, running your hands down his arms. “And confessed too!” 
Deciding to let him get his way since you’ll never hear the end of it, you turn yourself around in his hold to look at him properly. The lighthearted conversation ceases with a short hum from your lips, indicating conceding. When you look at him, his blue eyes are already trained on yours with almost a serious glint to them. The expression on his face is somewhat unreadable like he’s someplace far out of your reach. Here, arms wrapped around you, fully standing and breathing, is Satoru. But you know more than enough that his mind is somewhere elsewhere.
“Tell me.” You whisper.
Satoru looks out at the city and then back to you. Another glance out, a longer one back to you. He holds two worlds he’s tried to keep safe for so long. He’s exhausted, so incredibly worn out without you. When you watch him with that worried expression of yours, his mind replays the question he’s always asked himself. Is he the strongest because he’s Gojo Satoru? Or is he Gojo Satoru because he’s the strongest? Desperately, he’s been searching for an answer. But when he looks at you, he sees everything. All of the infinity, perhaps even beyond that. Satoru is almost certain that the answer has always been out of the question. It’s always been you for him.
“I had this dream about Megumi earlier today… About us and…” He trails off, voice going soft. 
You know who he’s talking about, and you don’t prod. You wait patiently, watching him exhale with a small shake of his head. 
“I just… I wish it would get easier. For the kids, you know? There’s always something," He rests his forehead against yours. "This same story never ends, does it?” You’ve never heard him sound so lost. Satoru was always sure of himself, confident in everything. 
“It will. I promise you, Satoru. What, you think everything we’ve done is all for nothing?” Your voice never wavers, and you place both hands on the sides of his cheeks. “We’re gonna reform the world from the bottom up. Isn’t that what you told me? We're not going to let anything bad happen to those kids.”
“You know, you're starting to sound a lot like me. Perhaps a little prettier.”
“Takes one to know one,” You shrug, not once looking away. “But I’m serious. I’m stuck with you till the end.”
Suddenly, Satoru groans and moves out of your hold, stretches his long arms in the air, and takes your hand. He moves as if he’s been rejuvenated from your words alone, ready to take on anything else that decides to stand in his way. You realize that Satoru’s always just needed a push, something to land on when he feels like falling. No matter what, you’d be there.
“God, do I love you. Ah, we should just kill the higher-ups?”
You roll your eyes, pulling him down to plant a long kiss on his soft lips. It’s passionate and sincere, feeling almost as if it was pulled straight from a storybook with the way the trees flutter behind you and the breeze picks up your hair. In this kiss you share, you can feel both his yearning and his pain. You can feel all of it. The entirety of his love courses into your soul, and you tilt your head just so he can push further and prove it a little more. Asking him to spare some of his burdens onto you.
“Let’s get this job done first, yeah?”
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urstruly-ghst · 2 years
Hey 👋 I wanted to request a scenario involving the twisted wonderland first years (ace, deuce, Epel, jack, and sebek). I thought of how they would react to an MC that bought them a gift with what little savings they managed to make. Crowley is barely helping them with a few necessities, yet the MC wants to show their gratitude to their friends.
note : i disappeared because of my college's final exam: writing a novel! however, i am back bby! uploading another one by tomorrow, answering some chats too ^^
cw: platonic relations !
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ace trappola 
In his shoes, money is something he can somehow balance. Ace had a reasonably stable financial life, and his comfort in money sheltered him in his dorm. He didn’t care about how his money would sometimes fluctuate due to his impulsiveness in buying certain things. The cherry pies, the shoes, the random expensive things he thought were interesting, and some new trends. 
Ace never denied being spoiled; while he gets mad if some do, free stuff is free! Getting sparkly and new gifts was the norm for him due to his status as the youngest. So, he was not that surprised when you offered this one present. It was small and light, yet Ace held it close to his heart (not that he would tell you)
Yet, there was a hunch forming when he noticed your lacking luster. Less food on your plate and your lack of extra items in the house made Ace curious. What was with the sudden lack of something you usually had in stock? 
It wasn’t until long after your allowance ran out when Ace found out you spent a reasonable amount for him. Flattered as he is, he found this unacceptable! As your closest friend, he gave a big scolding! The scolding lasted a few minutes, it was mindless rambling, and you nodded alongside Ace. 
Ace smiled softly (this is a rare instance!) as he gave you a light shove. It was a shove to tell you to stop putting his wants above your needs. Being your friend was more than enough, as cheesy as it sounds, because you bring more joy than this shiny thing you gave. Well, maybe not much. Ace loved the gift.
“You’re dumb. No! I loved the gift. I mean, hello? A free limited edition card plus cherry pie?! Sign me up. But, yo, I need you to earn money. My family makes ends meet, and I am better than you. No harsh feelings… But you’re broke, so keep some savings, m’kay?”
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deuce spade
Deuce grew up in a tight-budget household, and his dear mother carefully budgeted everything in his house. Due to this, he wasn’t as spoiled as many kids his age. He didn’t get shiny toys. His clothes were sometimes torn and had to be patched up from his fights. Admittedly, some might have been stolen when he was a juvenile delinquent wanting to get something new.
Deuce now gets some excellent gifts with a pricey tag when the holidays roll in. Deuce is never the one to deny a gift that he can use and keep for a long time. Any donation is something Deuce Spade treasures and hides to keep it safe! So, rest assured your hard-earned gift for him is appreciated thoroughly. 
He can see or sense something quite late when it comes to certain things. After a few weeks, Deuce can see something wrong. While he is busy and more occupied with other things, the way your grocery trips seem to stop or lessen makes him observant of your nature.
After some questioning with others and Sam, he was shell-shocked. Never had he expected the effort put into a person like him. It made him happy but, at the same time, upset. Learning that you sacrificed what little money you had for a want made him remember the times he was a kid and he begged his mother or grandmother for a toy. It was akin to a feeling of guilt and thankfulness. 
It made him very appreciative of you even more. A friend never goes as far as to sacrifice something just for him. It usually just ends in favors. For this event, Deuce dubs you an exceptional friend, which means he would offer more favors than usual and might pay attention to your budget too. After all, you did a lot for him.
“I appreciate this so much, Perfect! However, this gift is costly. I overlooked that. I promise you! I am in debt, and you get more favors from me now! By the way, if you need more help with the budget, I have some experience!”
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jack howl
Jack is a very modest person who grew up in a very stable and well-disciplined environment. Money isn’t an issue, and his wants are always on the back of his head. So, gifts are something he isn’t that used to wanting. Discipline was evident in his character beyond his physical appearance. 
Every gift received is something Jack would make sure that isn't causing someone in trouble for financial terms and that it is safely used. So, when he received a trinket that suited his tastes from you, he made sure to keep it In excellent condition. One, it was a showcase of his appreciation. Two, he hates wasting someone’s gifts due to his recklessness.
Though, Jack had some suspicions about the fact your healthy meals and tuna supply had dwindled. Was the headmaster not giving enough as usual? He swore you had some excellent earned money from your errands that seemed ridiculous. When he later found the reason was the gift, Jack’s ears drooped as guilt washed over his being.
While the gift was something Jack truly liked, he was guilty that he indulged before realizing that you don’t have enough resources or money for himself. You smiled and waved off his concern, saying that his appreciation and respect were enough. That wasn’t sitting right with Jack. 
He always made sure to compensate you for your gifts with his gifts to you. Jack makes gifts rather than spending. After all, he knows you would try to pay with more money-oriented gifts. So, while you both enjoyed exchanging meaningful gifts, Jack reminds you that those are more important than the monetary ones. It feels more significant, he quotes. 
“So, I got you some diet foods. It is good, I trust you. While I know Grim won’t like diet foods in your dorm, this is a tasty and tuna-flavored alternative to the canned tunas. I heard some of the prices increased, so this is cheaper and as tasty… Yeah.. Uh... No need to pay me back!”
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epel felmier 
Soot and dirt always covered and smeared Epel's adoring face. He knew hardships and trials as quickly as he knew how to breathe. Gifts are something he gets on occasion. Not once did he seek out a token extensively. Meemaw was always telling him lessons and morality of appreciation and not being this little brat.
Call him prudish, but he hated gifts. The gifts of throwaway trinkets, cards that rot in a box, and flowers that decay to the earth. He hated it. But not in the way of pure hatred, just a big chunk of annoyance. He loves gifts that are unique, usable, and practical. So, giving him something he could use was a dealbreaker.
However, as grateful as he is, Epel is skeptical. The tuna and apple pies he used to see stocked up are now usually eaten in succession. You had some indulgences, like extra snacks, were suddenly put on hold. Initially, he thought of this instance as you being frugal as that Headmaster won’t give you enough. 
He felt immense guilt when he discovered that your newfound frugal lifestyle was because of the thoughtful gift on his bedside table. It was a gift he adored from you; it was compact, functional, and elegant enough to pass Pomefiore’s requirement for decorum. 
In return, Epel made himself your servant for other tasks that the Headmaster gave. Be it the weird cleaning spots or running across the field for a product you probably never heard of, he was familiar with. Epel even wanted to give back the gift so you could get your money back, but Rook smacked his head and declared how rude it was to return a gift even if the intent was  Sighing; Epel just compromises for the both of you.
“Yo, Prefect. Uh… Got any more weird tasks that Headmaster needs ya to do? I’m up for it. Look, don’t give me that face. I wanna help; you gave me a surprise. I’m just returning the favor, ‘kay?”
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sebek zigvolt
Like Jack, Sebek is disciplined in many aspects beyond his physique. He grew up with the mindset that he must serve Malleus and that Malleus was the utmost priority in life. He only came to know the wants of his young master or anyone close to his young master. So, gifts or his wishes don’t cross his mind.
That isn’t to say he has some longing for some matters; after all, he was still a young student branching out to discover new sides of himself. Ever since he stepped into NRC, he has known that not everything would be the same. Sebek turned out to be right as you also entered his life, making him more human than he was in his entire life.  He soon found out he sometimes yearns to hang out with friends; he likes to indulge in foods that were restricted from his diet as a trainee for a knight, and many more.
So, to indulge him a bit more, you bought him a gift. The gift is something that he was so fond of. It was up to his tastes and relatively hard to find, but it also was something from you– a friend he longed to bring out more humanity in him. Yet, from the get-go, Sebek can tell that something is wrong after you give him a gift. As your certified friend (and a bit of a mother hen), he can see your meals lessening and some of your necessities disappearing. 
Scolds you relentlessly, spouting out anything from “you’re young master’s friend, are you trying to hurt him?!” to “are you insane, human?!”. Honestly, it does wear him and you down to a degree over his thunderous voice, but you nonetheless appreciate those words. You sheepishly tell him that the gift was a thank you and reminder of how he is your friend. A privilege that you deem is of the highest degree. 
Sebek just rolls his eyes and consults with others on how he can repay a gift; after all, he only knows how to give. Lilia primarily consulted him; after all, Lilia holds a dear spot for Sebek. Lilia always nudges the lad to enjoy his youth more. Back to the topic, Lilia does encourage Sebek to show appreciation and give a gift too! It could be more practical than a sentimental one due to your current conditions (if only he could shout at the Headmaster as you do)!
“Human! I mean… Prefect! This gift holds a… forget it! I brought you a gift too! Alongside some essentials. I didn’t expect this gesture from you after all my yelling. You really are a handful. Lilia says you might like this… but I was hesitant to– JUST TAKE IT!”
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yandere-paramour · 5 months
Heyyyyy. So I wanted to know how it will be if Atalanta and Vivien met darling’s parents, and the parents were like “ yes my daughter has told us everything about you” . And I mean like EVERYTHING like darling said told their parents everything about them( including how they treat darling) but you don’t have to add that if you don’t want to. Hope you’re doing well btw ☺️
Vivien is sweating bullets. In my version of the story, Darling has no idea about his murders because he generally only eliminates the scum of society or people who hurt/upset Darling. However, Vivien will immediately freak out and think that everyone knows what he did. His eyes are wide, he's sweating, he's fidgeting, he is literally doing everything to make himself seem more suspicious. And he worked so hard too! He put on a nice shirt and combed his hair all nice, AND he brought Darling's parents a cake he baked. He wanted to make a good impression so bad and now everything is ruined! He doubts Darling will visit him in the maximum-security prison he is definitely getting put in. Vivien's thoughts are spiraling when Darling's Dad says "She told us all about the fresh strawberries you grew for her :D She says you're such a great horticulturist". He just stares for a second, then he snaps back to his regular easy-going personality. But late that night he's lying awake in bed thinking that he needs to calm down and probably not commit any murders for a while. Just in case.
Atalanta brought a very expensive bottle of wine to meet Darling's parents. As the day grew closer, she researched them extensively, trying to discover anything they might bring up. She wants to make sure she seems perfect, and everything seems to be going okay, but the situation has an unidentifiable weird vibe. They all sit down to dinner and open the bottle of wine. I doubt Darling would actually say out loud what Atalanta has done; I think there's a higher chance the parents would read between the lines or make up their own terrible conclusions. When they say this, Darling freezes and Atalanta's carefully constructed smile drops off her face.
After a full 30 seconds of tense silence, Atalanta speaks, setting down her fork, "Darling, I believe I heard Abebe call for me. Could you go see what he wants?"
"Darling." Atalanta shoots her eyes to the side, giving Darling a look.
Darling blanches, hurrying up from her seat to go check on the guards stationed outside the suburban home. When she leaves, Atalanta turns her attention back to her in-laws. She expertly picks up her wine glass, swirling the golden liquid a little.
"Now, I truly believe I heard you wrong. What was that you said?" One could never say Atalanta wasn't kind; here she was giving them a second chance.
"I'm going to the police about what you've done with my daughter," Your father hisses, standing out of his seat, "You won't get away with this, you bitch."
Atalanta takes a sip of white wine, the corners of her mouth turning up into a small smirk, "Oh Richard... Who's going to believe you?"
Your father turns an angry red and your mother tries to pull him back down, looking between him and Atalanta in fear.
"Thank you for having me in your lovely home," Atalanta stands up, inclining her head in respect to her elders, "I'll send my precious Darling in to say goodbye. I suggest you stay quiet, if only for your own self-interest. I am extraordinarily lenient with my Darling, but that benevolence does not extend much farther. I'd hate to have to arrange some sort of "accident". I expect Y/N to be back in the car in five minutes.
She smiles, showing off her perfect teeth, "Please have a good night and a pleasant tomorrow."
Atalanta walks away, leaving your terrified and fuming parents in her wake.
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evita-shelby · 3 months
The best forgotten birthday
For @justrainandcoffee and their wonderful oc, Rose Coldwell-Solomons 🖤🖤
Cw: drinking
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“What do you mean nothing?” Rose had asked when the reading didn’t show what she wanted to know.
“No gift, no party, not even a whiff of it in the readings.” The witch shuffled her cards once more and this time put them back inside their case. “Tommy’s busy tomorrow evening, has a business meeting in town, do you want to do something fun?”
If Alfie has the audacity to forget his wife’s birthday, Eva will make damn sure Rose Coldwell-Solomons has the best night ever at his expense.
She knows her fairly well and Eva knows partying like she knows the cards. This was going to be fun.
“Beats doing nothing at home.” The Queen of Camden town pouts at the disappointment from having her loving husband forget her birthday.
It was very unlike Solomons, as strange as if Tommy would forget hers.
Rose comes dressed to the nines and does not know why the chauffer balks at the idea of Mrs. Shelby driving herself anywhere and asks that she drive instead. So what if Eva crashed a few vehicles?
It is fun, even as they try to keep things proper and pretend Eva’s not feeling the hurt Rose feels thanks to her lack of inhibition at the moment.
“You know what I haven’t done in some time?” Rose begins to open up after they leave one of Tommy’s clubs where no one knows her.
The witch knows what she means, the last time Eva did that she ended up fucking Tommy after trashing his hotel room instead of telling him the Italians were coming after them. Its been so long since she’s gotten drunk without impending doom.
“Did you know some tequilas are kosher?” the witch motions of the waitress to bring that very special tequila Tommy always makes sure they have in stock.
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Tommy has been told that his witch has gone out with Alfie’s wife and even worse, implied to have been driving the two of them.
Rose is a good driver; he knows that because in the outings she and Eva have, she is always driving.
Eva is a shit driver.
She is great at everything else, but God had not graced her with the ability to drive.
Tommy is very relieved to know that the officer calling him about her isn’t saying they are calling because she crashed. Frankly, the gangster turned politician preferred her to be in jail for the night than know she was behind a wheel.
Eva’s permitted to speak to him and in her drunken stupor, she giggles and laughs and flirts with him in ways she would be caught dead doing it sober. If the officer had not stopped her, the witch would’ve tried to fuck him through the telephone as they always do when either of them are away.
“Nice to know Mrs. Shelby still has her fire.” Solomons has a shit eating grin when he arrives at the station to bail out his wife.
“I never forget her birthdays.” Tommy replied dryly and tried not to lose his patience with the man.
“I didn’t fucking forget! Had a surprise for her, that’s all.” Alfie sighs dramatically in his own defense and lays the blame on someone else. “I thought your old ball and chain knew everything? It’s her fault my Rosie thinks I forgot her birthday!”
“Eva is not infallible.” Tommy stresses her name to show his dislike of the words he used. “There are things that even the universe cannot tell her or won’t for shits and giggles.”
“Like getting my wife drunk out of her mind on her birthday and calling me a prick for forgetting it.” Solomons pinched the bridge of his nose to relieve the headache Eva had caused.
Shelby would be lying if he wasn’t proud of his wife’s antics tonight. Causing Solomons some discomfort was always fine with him.
Its not long until the Policewoman comes escorting their unusually drunk wives out of a cell. They are chatting and laughing loudly with the other women held up as if they were friends, someone even goes as far as wishing Alfie a good kick in the nuts for it.
Even if Eva is suggesting they try swinging or a foursome and Rose in hysterics because her husband had a surprise for her the entire time, the women had their fun which is all that matters at the end of night.
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changingplumbob · 8 months
Pancakes Household: Chapter 8, Part 3
In this part Bob works on increasing his fame despite being a loner, but mainly it is Iggy's party! Time to join the teen world. The rolled traits/aspiration are set to be... a ride (I didn't mean that as a pun, but when you read you'll understand it kind of works as a pun).
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For clarity Bob's nickname for Eliza is Jumble, and Eliza's nickname for Bob is Sleek. I'll try to capitalise them when they're being used as names to make any translations easier.
Harvey: We better head home, mum will have finished her next art piece by now
Carson: Thanks for having us Mrs Pancakes
Eliza: You’re welcome. Iggy dear, before you run off can you help clean up?
Iggy: Fine. But I’m still rebelling
Eliza: Whatever you say
Fergus: Ginger all you have to do it lie down, you do it all the time, just lie down
Ginger: *barks* kid is treating me like an idiot
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Everyone else has contributed to laundry duty today except Bob so it’s up to him to hang it all up. He then works on a blue confetti cake for Iggy’s party tomorrow, never sure why birthday cakes don’t improve his baking skill. He had elected to take the day ff work but having done everything he wanted to do at home 2 hours into his shift he decides to head to work anyway, got to impress the bosses.
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On his last night as a child Iggy spends some time on the tiny violin while Fergus, outside the gaze of his parents, dominates his homework. He may be rebelling but as a grade A student he does like to do it. Eliza can finally make some business calls, the opportunities always pop up at the most bizarre times. Since she’s still very dazed it doesn’t go well, and she takes Bob’s advice to lie down.
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Bob: Shift was crazy. I-
Eliza: I’m awake! I’m awake
Bob: *chuckles* sure you are
Eliza: What were you saying Sleek?
Bob: That critic came back so instead of the mac and cheese I did the lobster dish. He approved but I know he was wanting more cheese
Eliza: Did you bring me leftovers
Bob: Not today. Let’s go to sleep
Eliza: But woohoo! I like woohoo!
Bob: Jumble you’re still smoking, and sound exhausted. I know you’ll want to be awake for the party tomorrow. You need sleep
Eliza: *sighs* Spoilsport
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Bob: Happy birthday!
Iggy: Thanks dad. Are you sure I can’t just age up now
Bob: If you do that you can’t go to school today
Iggy: Exactly!
Eliza: No one is missing school. And no one is missing their own birthday party
Fergus: Remember, if you don’t like any of your presents, I’ll take them
Eliza: Will you take today off work
Bob: No, I’ll have time to party before my shift. How about you
Eliza: I need to take the day or I’ll miss the party
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Bob and Eliza both feel the need to exercise, they are active sims after all. While Bob volunteers to brave the rain to take Ginger for a jog, Eliza, who is not a fan of getting rained on, uses the exercise machine on the deck. Afterwards she’s pleased to discover her husband hung the washing up properly and takes down the now dry laundry.
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Bob: Hello followers. Today we will be doing some lobster. First step, as always, prep. Prep your workspace, prep your ingredients, prep your cooking attitude!
The drone beeps that more viewers have tuned in.
Bob: Now lobster is expensive, not all of us can afford it. We’re lucky that here in Brindleton Bay there’s a fresh supply at a reasonable price. Next time we’ll look at how to get the best flavour for your fish, no matter how fancy, so be sure to tune in!
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Bob: Remember guys, putting the dish in the oven is not like reaching the end of a book. You can always take the meal out as it cooks to add more flavour, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do!
The drone beeps to show Bob has gained more followers.
Bob: Thanks for subscribing everyone. Believe me I’m doing much better than if you were here in person. And at long last, our meal! Sparkling with excellence. But we’re still not at the end of the book guys! Final step, as my wife often tells me, is to clean up! If you’re like me, you hate it, but it’s important to keep your kitchen sanitised.
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Eliza: Great stream jumble, I kept the computer open to it while Aaron was helping me with my debating
Bob: Please tell me it was on mute
Aaron: You’re better than you give yourself credit for Bob
Bob: I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t need the fame for promotion
Eliza: Charisma is always a beneficial skill
Bob: Don’t mind me, I’m going to start the next book
Aaron: You mentally prepared for your oldest to be a teenager
Eliza: Not even close
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The kids get home and it looks like it’ll be an indoor party.
Iggy: Carson, take a picture with me before the height difference confuses the camera
Bob: Cake is up! Where’s the birthday kid?
Iggy: Right here dad
Eliza: Make a wish
Iggy thinks for a minute, then blows out the candles!
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Iggy roles the ambitious traits from their parents, but since that can’t be applied as a teen, it’ll be the YA trait. So a reroll lands the horse lover trait, as well as the joke star aspiration despite a weakness for comedy. We have our third pansexual Pancakes and they also rolled being genderfluid. I’m going to do my best googling and rereading of Lumpinou’s LGBTQIA mod notes to hopefully represent them accurately.
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The cake goes down a hit and the guests tuck in. Bob has to go to work but Iggy pulls him aside before he leaves.
Iggy: Before you go dad, I just want you to know…
Bob: Yes?
Iggy: I’ve been thinking, about myself and.. I’m pansexual
Bob: Awesome! Just like me and your mother
Iggy: Wait, you’re pan?
Bob: Yeah. Everyone always forgets because we’re in a straight presenting relationship, but we are. I got to head off but I love you buddy, thanks for opening up
Iggy watches their dad go and has mixed feeling about not having time to broach their gender.
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Iggy returns to their party and mingles around their friends, trying to get as many selfies as they can to cement themselves as a teenager.
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Iggy: I’m so excited to see what high school is like
Amie: Don’t be, it’s not very exciting
Angel: Well I like it
Iggy: Since I already became a llamacorn scout I’m thinking of joining the cheer squad
William: Not football
Iggy: So I can get hit in the face constantly? I don’t think so. Anyway, I’ll see you all tomorrow, okay?
Darwin: Sure thing, later Pancakes
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With the party done Iggy heads to the study where Eliza helps them tackle their homework.
Iggy: But what do they mean? Since when is pie a chart
Eliza: Don’t worry, your dad would get stuck but I know all about that
They both stumble through it and Iggy sighs in relief when it’s done.
Eliza: Are you okay? You just aged up with high confidence but you seem downcast
Iggy: It’s just a lot to adjust to mother
Eliza: Want to tell me about it? Sometimes a problem seems less big if you get it out of your head
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Iggy: Well I told dad before he left but, I’m pan. He said that was just like the two of you
Eliza: Oh you bet! I like a nice ass, no matter the identity of the person it belongs to
Iggy: OMW mother! It’s hard enough to go from not thinking about romance to suddenly having all these attraction thoughts without hearing about what you find attractive
Eliza: Sorry. I’m just glad you shared this with me. Come give me a hug son
Iggy leans in to her hug, but ultimately has to pull back.
Eliza: What is it?
Iggy: I’m not exactly your son
Eliza: Oh?
Iggy isn’t to sure what to say next but Eliza gives their hand a reassuring squeeze.
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Iggy: I’ve realised I’m not a guy. At least, not all the time. I’m this thing called genderfluid, I don’t know if you know about it…
Eliza: If it’s part of you, I want to learn. I promise to listen
Iggy: Okay mother. So you know how most people will have a gender identity and stick to it? I don’t. Some days I’ll feel like your son, some days I’ll feel like your daughter, some days I’ll feel like I’m somewhere inbetween.
Eliza: Who are you today Iggy? Oh shoot, should I call you Iggy? I can change if you want me to
Iggy: *laughs* Hey mother, this is new for me to, we’re both bound to make mistakes. Today is very much a they/them day though
Eliza: Come here then my child
Iggy: *laughs* you sound silly
Eliza: Hey now, if it’s to make you feel happy and safe, I’ll sound as silly as… well, a thing that’s ridiculously silly
Iggy: Socks and jandals
Eliza: *laughs* As silly as socks and jandals
They hug and Iggy feels a weight lifted. They might just float to the roof if Eliza lets go.
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Eliza: You may be on the cheer squad, but I’ll always be your biggest cheerleader okay? So will you dad
Iggy: About that, can you tell him? I don’t know how
Eliza: *sighs* I’m afraid you’re going to come out to people for the rest of your life. It’s a side effect of being in a mostly straight cis world. It can help to tell those that love you first, and your dad loves you. I will if you want me to but please consider telling him yourself, I know he’d appreciate it
Iggy: I guess I could practice by telling Fergus, and if that doesn’t blow up in my face I’ll tell dad in the morning
Eliza: That’s my brave- my brave kid. Come on
Fergus is in the lounge trying his best to build a fake volcano. Eliza and Iggy both settle down to help. The three chat and with time Iggy relaxes enough to talk properly to Fergus.
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Iggy: Fergus, I got to tell you something. I’m not your brother today
Fergus: You’re not? Why? Did I annoy you too much? I tried to keep quiet at the party
Iggy: No, no. It’s not that. It’s just… I’m not a boy today
Fergus: Oh. Are you a girl then?
Iggy: No, I’m not really either today, and kind of both. But I’m still your sibling. They/them pronouns just feel more like me today
Fergus: Okay. Are you still Iggy
Iggy: I’m not sure. Definitely not when I’m a girl. Maybe I should come up with another name
Eliza: Whatever you choose, we’ll call you. Right Fergus?
Fergus: You bet. Now can we please get back to the lava?
What do you know, both the conversation and the volcano do not blow up in Iggy's face!
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Iggy decides to do a workout before bed as they like fitness, but don’t feel like trying somersaults on their cheer mat before bed. Then they head upstairs to their touched up room. We have changed wall colour, as well as the bed and desk to reflect their like of the farmhouse deco style. The bookcase has also been moved to an easier to see position.
Bob: I’m back, let’s go to bed
Eliza: Gladly. But hey, your eldest child wants a chat with you tomorrow before school
Bob: Sounds ominous, I’m in
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oxpogues4lifexo · 3 months
Ward's Interview - KUwTC Ep1
With added BTS
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BTS + Unseen footage is in Orange
Full episode Here
Other BTS
(/ means cut scene. Bold letters means host)
Ward sat by himself on a single seater beside the edge of the left hand side of the couch. His hair stuck tightly to the top of his head as he held himself with a humble appearance of a loose, white, half-unbuttoned shirt that had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pair of navy pants tightly fitted around his thighs, completed with an expensive silver-plated watch that sparkled with every movement he made.
"Could you all introduce yourselves please? Starting over here!" He points his hand towards the edge of the couch, pointing to Ward.
Ward's lips part as the corners lift to an even bigger smile, "Hello, I'm Ward Cameron!" He says holding a proud grin to the camera as he emphasises a wave, his watch shuffling down his arm slightly at the motion.
The camera holds for a minute, taking in Sarah's expressions before Ryan prompts the cameraman to move on. Wards facade slips slightly at the action whilst the others seem too preoccupied with their own thoughts to notice.
“That Cameraman needs firing! I don’t know who the hell he thinks he is, but that’s my daughter! My daughter!! And he’s got his pervy eyes on her while in my own home. Unacceptable! I want him gone by tomorrow, Sarah is NOT living in a house with someone like that, when he’s filming a family show. That’s wrong. It’s disgusting and he’s vile!”
He sat in the office, on his leather couch as his finger waved in the air with each word that left his mouth. You could tell just by his facial expression alone that he was more than pissed.
“I pay him SO much money to film this for us. Not to be gawking over my daughter!!-”
He sits quietly for a minute, the cameras sat on his face as it shows a small cog turning inside his head. His eyes widen as he presses his hands to the seat of the couch and pushes himself off calmly. He walks out the room slamming the door heavily as he makes his way into the living room.
“Where is he??”
“Wheres who Ward?”
“That man!! The one with the blonde hair, and that weird moustache!”
“Umm me..?”
Wards eyes widen again, before squinting, his eyebrows furrowing as he clenches his fist beside his thigh. “You..”
He steps closer to him so he was nose to nose with the guy, “Get. Out. My. House. Now!!!” He points his finger at the door. The man stood still in shock, watching Wards eyes.
“OUT!!” Ward grabs his arm and chucks him into the direction of the exit, making him stumble over his own feet. The man didn’t even hesitate; grabbing his camera and his bag before running out the door, not turning back once.
The camera pans back to Ward once more, a grin showing on his lips. The first time all day, Ryan felt almost intimidated by him.
Ward was proud of his family as he looked over them, as if he were some King admiring his people. He gives Sarah a reassuring nod; tugging a small smile to her lips.
“Right where were we..” He coughs to clear his mind and the tension in the air. The new cameraman slightly on edge as he keeps his eyes nowhere but on Ward himself. “Oh right! Yes I do know that none of them wanted to do the show! Well.. Wheezie did! I can always count on her to make me happy. And Rafe? He gave a very different reaction when I brought it up the first time. But now? I don’t even know what to say, he’s so.. interested? Like he wants to talk about everything. Which even for Bella is rare! He goes to her a lot but she never gets anything out of him. So him so willing to share his life with the island so suddenly, if you ask me, he’s on something. And no that’s not a joke..” He scoffs at his own words, his eyes rolling.
“I know that Rafe sometimes does drugs and other substances. Only because I know that Bella’s brother, Cal, does it. And those boys, they are very easily influenced by one another. They all have this underlying power over each other, I’m just glad they don’t bring Bella down with them! If anything they try to avoid it around her, especially Rafe which I found very surprising. She has this hold on him, he has this liking towards her that makes him softer, more human you could say. It’s refreshing to see Rafe under a different light. It’s one of the reasons I don’t mind her being friends with him. He wants what’s best for her, and he knows how to give her that. It’s cute actually. Rafe’s always been a lone wolf. Always doing everything by himself even if he had friends around. But now he’s met Bella, there’s this different side to him that he doesn’t care to show. The real him. And it makes me happy to know that there’s still that part of him in there. After his mum left he went off the walls! And he turned to drugs and other methods to cope. He was only young. So knowing that there is still a small part of him that’s okay and can find happiness in something other than illegal methods is quite relieving. I have my son back. I don’t say it often but I do love him. And it makes me happy to see him the way he is with her. She doesn’t know how grateful I am! Well I guess she will after this huh.” He chuckles to himself, ignoring the small glisten in his eyes as tears ball in the corners under his lashes.
Ryan nods with the same grin on his face from minutes before, "So, how is everyone feeling?"
A mixture of "goods” and “fines” were thrown around the room, causing a small furrow in the hosts brow. He coughs to clear the air, opening his mouth to speak before a voice interrupts.
"How're you?" He looks over to notice the voice was Wheezie, a bubbly expression accompanied her words.
Ryan can't help but light up at the question, normally he's the one to ask all the questions, the attention never being on him. "I'm.. yeah I'm good thank you! Excited to be here with you guys. It's a pleasure."
She smiles to his answer; Ward's face lifting at the enthusiasm from atleast one person he loves. "I'm glad you're here too! It's exciting to be able to have an opportunity like this, especially when I've been trying to sort it for a few weeks now! It kind of felt like a lost cause at one point." He chuckles away to himself, pushing the tension of the previous situation out his head.
"Hm, yeah I had to put a few mentions out there to make this happen for you!"
"Well thank you, as you can tell we're all very much looking forward to it." He jokes as he looks around at the bored expressions over on the couch.
Ryan laughs with him, "I can very much tell!"
"Are you going to ask questions or can I go do the laundry?" From previous moments you could tell Rose was holding back from speaking, but the jokes were only causing more irritation. The three kids give each other ‘the look’ and start giggling to one another.
"Honey don't be rude, it's nice to have a bit of small talk beforehand; get to know what your getting yourself into. You'll get the laundry done soon I promise.." He whispers the last part, trying his best to comfort her. He knows she doesn't like people bothering her but he also knows that with some pushing, she'll warm up to the cameras.
One look at Ward and her body immediately melts, her face softening and a smile tugging at her cheeks. She nods to him, batting her lashes, "Okay.. sorry."
"Don't worry, we'll be doing the interviews privately so you have plenty of time to do your housework."
She nods, but stays silent. Any next word that comes out her mouth will only cause more tension.
“Yeah Rose isn’t the most enthusiastic when it comes to anything outside her comfort zone. But it doesn’t mean she won’t do it. She only accepted to do the show because she knew I wanted to do it so badly. Same with the kids really. Rose has a very set mindset. A set routine of how everything works. And if anything, like the cameras, gets in her way or adds extra stress to her already stressful day then she can’t function properly. I feel bad for her I really do, but I made sure to tell Ryan not to put the cameras on her too much through the week! Although when she found out that there were cameras everywhere and were going to be on 24/7, she did have a mini panic. Almost making me cut off the idea completely. Thankfully Ryan came to a compromise and will cut out all her scenes if she wants him to. He’s actually a very sweet guy. I’m glad he’s our host!”
Silence holds the air for a minute or two before Ryan clears his throat, "Right."
He looks around at everyone, "I was going to talk to you all as a family first but you all seem to have things you need to do so..Ward!" He raises his hand to gesture towards him, "I'll speak to you first. The rest of you can stick around and I'll get you when we're ready." He gives them a nod as each of them don't hesitate to get up from the couch, removing themselves from the situation almost instantly.
Rate stands around for a moment, hands in his trouser pockets, a small frown tugging at his brow.
"You okay, son?" Ward questions as he moves himself into a better position for the focus of the camera.
Rafe's shoulders raise at his question, "Just-Yeah I'm fine." He nods, pushing away his frustration as he gives the camera a little smile.
"Is Bella free? Maybe she and Callum could come round to keep you occupied while you wait!" Ward suggests, trying his best to satisfy Rate's needs, which isn't always the easiest thing to do.
"Yeah I'll go see. Can I be next?" The eagerness that radiated from Rate caused a smile upon Wards face.
"You know Rafe, you're the only person actually willing to give something to this show at the moment. I really appreciate it, thank you! And yes I'm sure you can go next."
Rafe smiles once more as the host butts in, "Of course you can! We won't be long." Ryan reassures him as Rafe makes his way to the garden to make a phone call.
"Right shall we start?"
"I think that's best!" Ward chuckles, smoothing out his hair and repositioning his watch on his wrist as he adjusts himself to face the camera again.
"May I start off by asking, who's Bella and Callum?"
Ward lets out a small laugh as a smile pulls at his lips, more genuine than the last, and his eyes light up by the simple mention of their names. "They are.." He coughs to clear his throat as just the thought of them alone makes him bubble with happiness. "They are my adopted children. Well.. I've raised them from a very young age so they're practically my own. I wouldn't have asked for it any other way if I'm being honest. Wait that sounds.. I mean.. nevermind! But they're Rafe's best friends if that's what you were asking."
"Ah okay, so.. I'm assuming their parents are out the picture then? Or do you help?"
"I'm sorry I don't really think that's my place to say. They're very sensitive to the topic. Could we get back to the show please?"
Ryan pauses for a moment, seeing how defensive Ward got almost instantly after his question, he smiled a little before realising what he said, "Yes sorry of course! Sorry for the question."
"So Ward, you're the man behind the plan. Tell us, what was your thought process when deciding to make your own reality show."
"Well, I'm a man from nothing, I'm a 'Pogue' as the kids call it. I built this life for myself and my family from the ground up, and I'm proud of myself. I feel like making this show isn't about showing off our money, it's about showing off the type of people we are and proving that working hard gets you far! We are all proud of where we stand, but it also comes with its disadvantages. And I felt like having a show of our own to show everyone that money doesn't make everything easier, is necessary. Because people think that we take advantage of our money when in reality all it does is pay for our bills, not our happiness."
Ryan gives him a small smile as he nods his head along, “Ward could you tell the audience a little about yourself."
"Okay. Um, I'm Ward Cameron, I'm fifty-six, and I own a business called Cameron Developments; but I mostly stay at home and just file the paper work, make sure everyone's doing their jobs properly! I have three beautiful children, and two amazing adopted children. I have a perfect wife who has taken in my children as her own since she's joined our family. Annnnd.. I think that's it haha."
"What would you say is your favourite part about this family?"
"God, only one? Uhh.. Well. I think l'd have to say, how different we all are. The kids aren't the closest but it means we always have something to talk about. Rafe always telling us about his friends' drama, Sarah always coming up with crazy stories and Wheezie talking about her new hobbies. Aswell as the additional arguments between Callum and Bella; it always makes for a very interesting dinner. The family talks are definitely my favourite l'd say!"
"And.. who would you say you're the closest to?"
"Definitely my angel, Sarah. Bella comes a close second. I just spent the most time with Sarah growing up so we have the most in common. And Bella's just a sweetheart to be around. Always making me smile."
"So Bella is a big part of your life then?"
"Yeah l'd say so. I raised her, taught her everything she needs to know, and now she walks around as one of my own. She's here almost everyday, and she's always up for anything. I love her."
“Are you not worried about talking about your favourites like that? I mean, Bella isn’t even in your family and you say you’re closer to her than your other two.”
“Well I’m not going to lie! Yeah I admit, I’m closer to Bella. Thats because Rafe’s never around and Wheezie’s independent. It’s not my fault in the slightest. I’m sure if you asked them, they’d all agree that I love everyone in this family equally!”
His face falls as his eyes widen, realising the insanity of his words, “Actually scrap that! Could you cut this? Dont ask them that!!”
“Is it okay to ask about Bella and Callum now? How did you end up meeting them?”
It was again later in the day, after all the interviews and the tour. Now Rose was cooking dinner and the kids were occupied with one another. Ward had some time in his office to have a deeper talk about everyone.
“Umm.. well I’m guessing you aren’t going to let up. So I’d say.. Well me and their parents were very close back in the day. Not so much when they had the kids but we still kept in touch every once in a while! It was only when I got the news about their dad that I really got involved again. I had to stay with the both of them whilst they waited in the hospital. Then after that, I took them in! I raised Rafe and at the time I was raising two babies aswell. It wasn’t new to me so I thought what’s the harm in two more? And I guess ever since I’ve kind of just looked at them as my own! Although Callum likes to disagree but that’s completely reasonable, he had a very close relationship with his dad and didn’t want to replace it. On the other hand Bella was neglected. There’s a whole ‘reasoning’ behind it I guess but it’s not okay either way. So she obviously gravitated closer to me than her brother. And I felt like it was my place to treat her like one of my own as she didn’t have parents before that. Thats why I’m so close to her. And why Callum isn’t really in the picture.”
"You have to be careful with Rafe." Ward explains, now moved outside. The sun almost completely covered by the sea edge and the wind had picked up since the last shot of him, made evident in the way he let his hair follow the winds lead. "He doesn't think before he speaks. But he also doesn't care for others feelings that much, he likes to speak his mind. So yeah I had to stick around for his interview to make sure he doesn't talk about anything unnecessary or out of pocket. He tends to do it quite a lot with all of us and it does cause some tension. It's one of the reasons why we like having Bella and Cal' around, because they seem to occupy his mind and also take over the cause of disagreement."
"Well Ward unless there's anything else you'd like to talk about I think that's it!"
"Oh great! I think I'm all good, did you want to start on the tour?"
"I think that, well.. uh.." The door opens and Ryan watches Wards face to see if he should carry on or wait. Ward stays looking in the direction of the voices giving Ryan the hint to wait.
"Haha no I don't think that's how it works Тор-" A familiar voice travels round into the room Ward was sat in. Immediately recognising her, his face lights up and he removes himself off the couch.
"Oh shit." Kelce mumbles as he notices the cameras. None of them being told that filming started today.
"Bella! Rafe called you then?"
"Yes I did! We're going on the boat call me when your rea-"
"I'm ready for you Rafe."
Rafe's eyes roll, his shoulders slump as a heavy breath leaves his mouth. He goes to protest before Bella takes his hand. "We won't do anything fun without you, promise!" A smirk pulls at the corner of his lip as he pulls away from her grip, following Ward over to the couch.
Topper, Kelce, Bella and what Ryan could only assume was her brother Callum, all grabbed some cans before going outside.
"Okay well there's Bella and Callum then!" Ryan chuckles as he fixes his bow tie, placing himself back down on the chair opposite Rafe. "I was just going to ask when we could meet them."
"Well there you go!" Ward laughs, sitting down on the poker table just off the shot of the camera.
"Ward, we can do the tour after all the interviews if that's okay?"
He gives Ryan a nod, Rafes eyes not taking off of him. A small furrow pulls onto his brow.
"Whatre you doing?"
"What do you mean, son?"
"Why're you sitting there? Dont you have work to do or something?"
"No I'm all good, just watching my son do his thing if that's okay with him."
Rafe can't fight against the smile, also not wanting to make a huge deal when the cameras are still on. No one knows what's being put into the show and they never know what's being exposed to the world.
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kaineillian · 2 years
"Poe is a timid, cute looking man who enjoys writing books about you and him together, married and having sex—"
Would you be willing to write parts of this weird books?
Also your amazing<3
Ehe, thank you anon! ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
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Warning(s) : Suggestive, a little gore, freak poe.
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Poe fantasizes about you all the time yet he cant bring himself to make a move towards you. So, to cope up with it he made books about the both of you together. The first book is called ' My lover and I'.
-Edgar Allan Poe's Point of view.
On a faithful and sunny day , is where i met my first love. I had been stressing out on my newbie partner, he's clumsy and would trip and fall on air. He is starting to annoy me but he is too nice to get yelled at and me being so timid that i can't even talk properly.
Oh no, thats not a good sign—
"AHHH! POE-SAN I AM SO SORRY! "... My documents... My project... Its wet... ohhhh NOOoO! Boss is going to kill me! I have to pass this by tomorrow and i now its wet! I just finished it awhile ago are you serious?!
I looked down feeling miserable;ignoring my clutz of a partner apologizing to me. I grabbed my things and head out without a word. I mean, who would forgive and forget about this! This is by due tomorrow! And i have to start all over again!
Now you might think im being overacting and saying i should just blowdry it but no. My boss is too picky and when he sees a mess on any report he will make them re-write it again and decreasing their pay check for a week. And i can't have that! The limited edition Karl plushie is already out;i need to get that plushie! I've been working my ass off because just to buy that thing. And its expensive as hell! If i wont buy it there will be no next time.
-3rd person Point of view.
Poe grumbled stomping on the ground;cursing the world. Bystanders looked at him with a confused and weird expression, with poe acting like that no-one walked near him and kept their distance. They might have think he's a madman.
"verfluche diese heilige Welt. Verbrennen Sie es zu knusprig mit diesen sich einmischenden Leuten darin. verflucht alles. verflucht..."
(curse this sacred world. burn it to crisp with these meddling people in it. curse it all. curse it..)
A man heard his strange curses and was intrigued by poe. He listened to poe continually curse the world and more specifically—his clutz of a partner. He laugh quietly making his way towards poe. "Du solltest solche Leute nicht verfluchen, weißt du?". Poe got startled by the sudden voice and looked up to see a man in black. Poe stood completely still by the man's beauty. Poe knows German but he isn't fluent enough to understand it well.
"Pardon...? "
"Oh, you don't understand me? I thought you know german. "
"Well, yes. I do know german but im not that good yet so i don't understand what you said... " The man smiled and translated what he said in English (you shouldn't curse people like that you know?).
"Ohhhhh... " Poe nodded then blushed when he realize that the man understood him. 'Ah! How embarrassing!'.
The man laugh at poe's red face with poe even more embarrassed. "You look like a good lad, what's your name?i am (Male name)" With his short introduction, his coat flew up from the wind, his hair flying back ever so slightly. Poe saw his hidden face, he could feel his heart beat.
"Poe.... Edgar Allan Poe... " He whispered enough to (Male name) to hear. "Its nice to meet you, edgar. "
I think im inlove...
Now, after your interaction. Poe seems to be very attached to you. When both of you got in a. Relationship with each other, poe clings onto you whenever you go. Poe cooks for you, cleans for you and works for you. He insisted to do everything and for you to relax in the house, but of course you cant let your dearest boyfriend to get overworked. So you continued your job with poe doing all the house works.
Few years later. Both of you are married and started a family. You two had adopted a boy that was named ' Cooper ' .
A very romantic and fluffy book eh? Now. Lets head on to the erotic ones.
If i remember it correctly... Poe only haves 3 or 5 books that are fluff and romantic while the others are erotic. 10 to 15 erotic books...
How bizarre.
How bizarre.
-3rd person point of view.
Edgar Allan Poe... What a beautiful name, no? A tall handsome man, such cute features, his waist so small, his eyes rolling back every time (Male name) thrust in him. The timid mans eyes always capture his lovers attention.
(Male name) always loved his eyes, those eyes looking at him, those eyes covered by poe's hair, those beautiful violent eyes that someday he will gouged out of those eye socket of his. He tried to test his waters and asked poe what he would do if he would have gouged his eyes out during intimacy. Poe supringly, didn't mind and agreed on the idea! He even said to keep his eye so it would remind (Male name) that por is always watching him.
With a bright and petite look comes with a messy mind and kinks.
(Male name) recently knew that poe is a masochist and a freak which is a good combination. He himself is a sadistic maniac too. How bloody romantic.
Maybe one day they will drank their bloods as a promise.
-3rd person point of view.
Poe scribbled on his paper with karl clearly disturbed sitting on his shoulder reading the paper. You can almost feel like the raccoon said 'What the fuck'. Karl could not handle such gore anymore and jumped off poe's shoulder.
"Ah! Karl, where are you going? " poe halted his writing looking down at the raccoon.
"Rawr." Im getting the fock out of here away from your twisted ass.
"Huh?! You we're reading my notes! " Poe blushed heavily, feeling embarrassed that his friend raccoon saw his sick mind.
"Rawr, rawr. " Of course i am, i got curious on what you were writing. And you were also panting. You're such a weirdo. Im telling (Male name).
And there goes the two bolting outside the office, karl went to start his journey on finding the man while Poe is starting his hunt;trying to find the small raccoon.
Little did they know that ranpo and (Male name) was behind poe all this time.
"Damn, i didn't know he had this in him. " Ranpo chewed on his lollipop looking at the paper poe had written.
"I definitely did not see this coming. " Ranpo snicker at him, ranpo took out his phone and took a picture of the paper .
"What are you going to do with that? " "Blackmail."
" Understandable. "
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