#i haven't watched these since I was like 16 but been reading a book that has made me watch to rewatch a bunch
fer3112 · 4 months
Watched the restaurant fight episode from "One day"... category 10 incident hundreds injured fifty dead
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dirt-mccracken · 1 year
Being a horror fan and also a crybaby is a very funny cycle
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batbabydamian · 6 months
Hey, I started reading Robin son of Batman because of your recommendation (I literally have a print of your post on my phone to not forget lol). Honestly? One of the best things I ever read!!!
Thank you for opening my eyes! Damian has been one of my favorite characters for over a year, but I didn't read/watch much of him because of school, life (and probably an executive dysfunction in the mix).
Maya is incredible. I loved her.
I haven't finished all the issues yet, but do you have any other recommendations?
WAH this makes me so happy, i'm glad you still gave it a shot even with how busy life is!! ;v;
i’d love to give reccs, and i’ll try to go a beginner friendly route! tbh you can pick up whatever here, but since you've read R:SOB i’d immediately follow up with Batman and Robin (2011) #1-8! this first arc is what’s referred to in Maya’s introduction, and it's just. so good.
Main Books
Batman and Robin (2009)
Dick as Batman with Damian as his Robin!
#20-22 Tree of Blood: Dark Knight vs White Knight arc is done by Tomasi and Gleason, the team for the next Batman and Robin series
*Batman and Robin (2011)
Bruce and Damian figuring out their relationship as both Batman & Robin and father & son
imo you can enjoy the ride and read straight through this but i’ll add context to avoid as much confusion as possible since there’s the occasional tie-in or offscreen events, like Damian’s death nbd
Batman Incorporated (2012) #1-10
events leading to Damian's death - affects Batman and Robin (2011) from issue #18
kind of a tough read especially with how Talia's written, but a lot of iconic bits like Batcow, Damian's vegetarian declaration, Alfred the cat, "We Were the Best, Richard."
Robin (2021)
another self-discovery adventure, particularly after Alfred’s death and a fallout with Bruce (and questionable writing choices from his last Teen Titans run)
Batman and Robin (2023)
currently ongoing! after a number of events, Bruce and Damian are back as a duo
Damian Dynamics!
Batman: Streets of Gotham (2009) #7, 10-12
arc where Damian meets one of his first Gotham friends, Colin Wilkes
Batgirl (2009) #5-7, #17
Steph and Damian dynamic! "the bad cop, worse cop" dysfunctional duo
Red Robin (2009) #13-14
early Tim and Damian dynamic that of course includes fighting haha. funny enough, accidentally my first intro to Damian LOL
Teen Titans (2003) #89-92
Dick!Batman has Damian join the Teen Titans. Start of Damian and Rose Wilson dynamic that’s extended in Robin (2021)
Batman: Gates of Gotham (2011)
Damian meets Cass and has a brief team up
Gotham Academy (2015) #7
Damian meets Maps Mizoguchi! they have a few other meetings, but outside of that the series itself is a great read!
Robin War Event (2015)
Robin War (2015) #1, Grayson (2014) #15, Detective Comics (2011) #47, We Are Robin (2015) #7, Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #7, Robin War (2015) #2
Duke and Damian dynamic! not exactly beginner friendly but these are the main issues in order for the event! you can also read the TPB version for everything including Tie-Ins
Nightwing (2016) #16-20, #42, #43
#16-20 Nightwing and Robin arc!
#42 Dick on a mission to save Damian! the one appearance of "Wiggles" the dragon
#43 Dick, Roy, and Damian team-up
New Talent Showcase 2018 "Catwoman: Pedigree"
Selina, Damian, and Alfred the cat
Batman: Prelude to the Wedding - Robin vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2018)
Selina, Damian, and Cheese Viking - Damian's fav game shown in Nightwing: Rebirth (2016)
Monkey Prince (2022) #1-4
Marcus Sun Shugel-Shen's main comic, but Damian features as a fun dynamic here before they're in more serious circumstances in Batman VS Robin (2022)/Lazarus Planet event
Superman (2016) #10 - 11
the beginning of the Super Sons! featuring Maya!
Super Sons (2017)
solitary arcs but there’s a few event tie-in issues later
Adventures of the Super Sons (2018)
literally more Super Sons adventures lol galactic shenanigans yeehaw
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) 
Super Sons time shenanigans feat. the Justice League
Robin 80th Anniversary (2020)
"Boy Wonders" - brief Damian feature as Tim considers his next step in life
"My Best Friend" - Jon's thoughts on Damian and their dynamic
"Bat and Mouse" - refers to Damian's unfortunate Teen Titans (2016) run at the time of release which follows up with Teen Titans Annual #2 where Damian briefly gives up Robin
Extra Comics!
Superman/Batman (2003) #77
Kara and Damian in a Halloween team-up! also the appearance of "Li'l Matches" lol
DCU Halloween Special '09 "Cavity Search"
Damian out on a solo mission for Halloween night. Immediately after is Tim's Red Robin story "Then and Now: Our Father's Sins" which is more somber in contrast but also a good read!
DCU Halloween Special 2010 "Robin the Vampire Slayer"
a Dick!Batman and Robin story featuring the vampire Andrew Bennett
Cursed Comics Cavalcade (2018) "The Devil You Know"
Halloween themed comic with a sweet short story of Damian alongside Solomon Grundy
DC's Terrors Through Time (2022)
"Trick or Treat" a Super Sons Halloween story
"The Haunting of Wayne Manor" Damian and Deadman story - in the end, Boston kinda refers to Nezha's possession of Damian in Batman VS Robin (2022) which was happening at the time of this release
Batman: Li'l Gotham (2013)
lighthearted series that instantly makes me smile with the silliness and Dustin Nguyen’s art i love this dearly
Secret Origins (2014) #4 "A Boy's Life"
a retelling of Damian's origin story
Detective Comics (2016) #1001-1005
Batman and Robin vs the Arkham Knight (unrelated to the game)
Truth & Justice (2021) #6/#16 - 18 Digital First version
cute story of Damian’s birthday! Juni Ba’s art is so fun!!
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration (2021) “Special Delivery”
short story about Damian! and poisoned pizzas. completely forgot the artist Sami Basri drew Rebirth Damian here before catboy Damian lol Cass’s story “Sounds” is also cute! Marcus makes his first appearance in "The Monkey Prince Hates Superheroes"
DC VS Vampires (2021)
Damian makes appearances throughout this elseworlds book, but the one-shot DC VS Vampires: Hunters (2022) is vampire Damian-centric!
Batman: Black and White (2021) #5
“Father & Son Outing” short story written and drawn by Jorge Jimenez!
Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #20-23
#20 “My Son” Talia and Bruce focus
#20 - 23 “The Murder Club” 4 Parts
Tiny Titans (2008) #33, #39, #45, #47
a few appearances but SO CUTE, LOOK AT HIM
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*Batman and Robin (2011) reading guide
i'm mostly trying to avoid the "what did i just walk in on?" kinda feeling when i first started reading comics LOL i'll list the comics where events take place, but you don't necessarily have to read them to go through this book since things are usually explained as quickly as possible in the first page or so
#0 Someday Never Comes
Talia and baby Damian before he grows up to meet Bruce
#1-8 Born to Kill
just an incredibly solid arc for Bruce and Damian!
#9 Court of Owls Tie-In Issue
Damian VS a Court of Owls Talon. While Bruce is occupied with a home invasion of Talons, Alfred makes a call for allies to protect targeted Gotham public figures from Talons. During Batman (2011) #1-11
#10-12 Terminus
Damian challenges the previous Robins sans Steph
Batman Incorporated (2012) is occurring at this time where Talia has placed a bounty on Damian and there's small mentions of that
#13-14 Eclipsed/Devoured
mostly solitary arc! end of it leads into the Death of the Family event
#15-16 Death of the Family Tie-In Issues
Damian and Joker face-off... Alfred's been kidnapped by the Joker, and Damian goes looking for him. During Batman (2011) #13-17
#17 Life is but a Dream - Death of the Family Epilogue
a sort of subconscious check-in through the dreams of Damian, Alfred, and Bruce. Nightwing (2011) #17 features Damian encouraging Dick after Death of the Family events
#18 Undone "Requiem"
Bruce dealing with Damian's death from Batman Incorporated #8
other reactions to Damian's death: Dick in Nightwing (2011) #18, Tim in Teen Titans (2011) #18
#19-23 Denial, Rage, The Bargain, Despair, Acceptance
Bruce through the stages of grief with some batfam appearances in each. also introduces Carrie Kelley into continuity as Damian's acting tutor.
Batman (2011) #19-20 also addresses Bruce's loss
these could be skipped - villain stories, also related to Forever Evil event.
#24-28 The Big Burn
optional Batman and Two-Face/Harvey Dent arc, #23.1 is part of this story!
Damian's resurrection and return
#29-32 The Hunt for Robin
Ras took Talia and Damian's bodies from their graves, and Bruce goes after him.
-> Robin Rises: Omega
continues events from #32. if you don't want to jump to this, basically, Glorious Godfrey and a bunch of parademons from Apokolips are here for a chaos shard which Ra's put in Damian's sarcophagus. at some point, Bruce gets a hold of the shard where he sees a vision that leads him to believe Damian can be resurrected. Godfrey ends up taking the shard, along with Damian's body since it was emitting the same energy.
#33-37 Robin Rises
Bruce hellbent on retrieving Damian from Apokolips and reviving him
-> Robin Rises: Alpha
necessary to read and continues events from #37! Damian's back with a bang lol
#38-40 Superpower
Damian adjusting to having superpowers and being alive again
Annual #1 2013 Batman Impossible
sweet (and funny) one-shot of Damian sending Bruce on a meaningful scavenger hunt around the world while Damian gets to be the cutest Batman for a bit
Annual #2 2014 Batman and Robin: Week One
one-shot takes place during Damian's absence. after Bruce and Alfred find a mystery gift left for Dick, Dick recounts a story he had told Damian from his Robin days.
Annual #3 2015 Moonshot
one-shot Batman and Robin adventure on the moon!
...and of course after Batman and Robin (2011), Damian's story continues in his first solo Robin: Son of Batman (2015)!
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ghost1yv · 3 months
where the brothers find out that teen!mc, who they practically see as a little sister now has a crush on somebody, how would they react? — gn!mc thats around 16-17 years old
small note_ im gonna say the demon that MC has a crush on is somehow the same age.. dont ask how just go along with it!
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MC could not stop getting distracted while they were on cooking duty with Satan. They obviously had something on their mind that was distracting them but everytime that he asked they just brushed it off and tried— key word tried to focus on the task at hand. He also noticed before that they would get distracted or seemed to be lost in their mind during other ocasions. Now that just got him curious, what could be distracting MC so much? He wantsd to figure it out himself but he decided to consile his brothers about it, even if he didnt exactly like that the idea.
"Satan what did you call all of us in here for?" Lucifer asked while crossing his arms, it was after dinner and he decided to call all of his brothers to the living rook while MC was in their room. "Yeah.. I was just getting ready to have an anime marathon with MC!" Levi said sulking— not very excited to be out of his room espcially since Satan interupted him while he was setting up his room so him and MC could watch one of his favorites together.
Before any of his other brothers could complain sbout how he interupted them and whatever they were doing Satan sighed and said, "Well haven't you all noticed that MC has seemed lost in their thoughts recently?"
"I haven't noticed anything about that idiot lately." Belphegor says looking half asleep, but truthfully he had noticed that they seemed to be more distracted recently. Asmo chimes in, "Well.. whenever im hanging out with MC they seem to barely be listening anymore!" He pouts thinking about whenever hes been painting his nails with MC, or going out to shop with them that they haven't really been paying attention.
"They've been ignoring me too!" Mammon says before Beel responds, "Maybe they're just thinking about food." I mean thats what he's almost always thinking about... "Thats what you always think about.." Levi says
"Back to what I was saying.." Satan says— with an annoyed expression, "I've been trying to think of what could be distracting them so much." He continues and now all of them are trying to guess what could MC possibly be thinking about that causes them to lose focus or start ignoring them?
Mammon laughs, "Definitely money!"
Belphegor rolls his eyes before saying, "Probably 'bout sleep."
"Ohh!!! Maybe they're thinking about their favorite anime or.. characters, maybe even games!" Levi says excitedly about the idea of MC having the same thoughts as him
"Cats? Or maybe they read a book that they enjoyed and can't seem to get their mind off it." Satan suggests
Lucifer sighs shaking his head, annoyed at his younger brothers, "Isn't this supposed to be what MC is thinking about?"
Asmo seemed to have an idea and gasped dramatically, "Wait.. what if our little human has a crush..?" He says whike smiling, happy to be a your wingman if you do! Oh and he can dress you up for your dates, aslong as whoever your crushing on is good for you though!
All the brothers fall silebt for a second before Mammon says, "Hah, No way!" He brushed off the idea before Satan cuts in, "No.. that could be it."
he wasnt very pleased with this idea, espcially since that definetely seems like that is whats distracting you
extra protective, he would be anyway— but its a demon..
and demons are known to trick humans.
he HAS to see who your crushing on and make sure theyre not gonna try anything
oh but dont think your off the hook if they have no bad intentions hes still overprotective
.. but if they have no ill intent then hes more open
no sleepovers though!
basically an overprotective parent
hes not happy with this either..
not like lucifer though, hes more open
he'll even sneaks you out and help you avoid lucifer
and trys to be your wingman!
probably going to have to convince him with grimm or puppy dog eyes— hes weak to those..
also has to see who your crushing on and hes going to pratically interogate them to see if theyre good for you..
that poor demon just wanted to have some peace before they got bombarded with questions
but after he knows theyre good for you hes pretty chill
not very happy either!
though its only because he still wants to spend time with you
where your actually paying attention..
so you'll need to assure him that you will spend with him and you'll listen to him
after that he doesnt really care
though he also wants to make sure that your crush would actually be good for you if you try to pursue them
he wont sneak you out or anything but he wont snitch if your going to hang out with them
so also chill, as long as the demon you like isn't going to hurt you in anyway
had mixed feelings— he was intruiged on how you came to like this demon but also wasnt very happy that it was some unknown demon
if it was someone he knew wouldnt have any ill intentions he wouldve erased the second part but it was some unknown demon..
but after he sees the demon and knows they dont have any bad intentions then hes okay with it
he still warns you to be cautious though
he'll help sneak you out only to see lucifer angry
although most are probably cheesy, he'll try to give you some tips on how to ask someone out that he's read in romance novels or seen some people do
basically another one that doesnt care that much
he is beyond excited about this!
of course— he'll make sure the demons good for you but after that he is now your wingman!
will help you talk to them, or even talk to them for you!
oh and cant wait til you guys start dating! oh hunny he is going to make you look so good!
he absolutely supports it! maybe a little too much..
also helps you sneak out and see whoever you like
but its all in good nature!
hes happy for you and doesnt care that much
he also warned you to be cautious
again, he made sure he was good for you
but he did ask you to meet them or at least see them
after that he didnt care— covered for you if your sneaking out
but hes probably not the best option to hide it.. once lucifer offers him food then he snitches
but hes really sorry for doing so, he just couldnt resist food
he'll listen to you ramble about them as he eats
pretty much just happy for you
similiar to satan— he had mixed feelings
he didnt really care for the most part
but definitely needed to see who this demon was and made sure they werent going to use you
also sneaks you out to make lucifer angry— sometimes to annoy you he will snitch
gets annoyed when your wont stop going on about your crush to him while hes trying to sleep
he does tease you about it though, a lot.
other than that he really doesnt care
end_ if you couldnt tell this was supposed to be a small fic.. but i got lazy
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seek--rest · 10 months
Final Thoughts on The Dumb Teen Show
I'm too old for this media, this media is not written or meant for me.
Alas, we move:
It's the finale and I must finally speak my truth. I have not nor will I ever give a shit about Taylor and Steven. Taylor was a terrible friend to Belly and I'm sorry, I never forgave her for that. Cheating is despicable and I know that's rich coming from a show that's highlighting a love triangle between brothers but that's just how it is. Taylor is boring and annoying, Steven is grating as a person and as a brother and all the chatter of how "this show is bad but at least we have Steve and Taylor" I simply cannot relate to any of you!! They're bad people and not even in an interesting can't wait to root for them kind of way they're just Bad and more offensively, Boring.
JEREMIAH GET BEHIND ME. The way you deserve so much better in this show and in this universe. I've long been Team Jeremiah in the sense that everyone needs some fucking therapy (himself included) and that he needs to be in a better universe, with a better show and better writers. This is a boy that is consistently pulled around, has to fake a smile because that's all that is expected of him and the (1) time he actually shares his frustrations in a way that isn't absolutely perfect, he's mistreated by damn near everyone including the fandom. Everything about him in the last episode is a person that has so much maturity in a way that just doesn't make sense considering the hell he's been through. He's the better person.
Which was no help to fucking Susannah!!!!!!!! I've long since lamented that the show dropped the ball on exploring the real, tangible grief of Laurel in losing her Susannah and the more the season went on, the more frustrated I was because SUSANNAH IS A TERRIBLE MOTHER. She's arguably a shit sister. She is, within the narrative itself without looking for subtext, someone who is really fucked up! And what do we have to show for it! Nothing! The show did absolutely NOTHING with what they set up for her and never once interrogates how fucking demented she is to tell a fucking sixteen year old on her death bed to watch out for Conrad. poor Conrad. You love Conrad. He loves you. This isn't even because I think Jeremiah is the better person/brother (I do) but on any level you swing it, that is seriously fucked up to ask that of a teenager. As a grown ass woman!! What is wrong with you! Why are you asking her to watch out for your grown ass son AND ONLY the one son? When Jeremiah walked into the room after that?? It's like fuck did you forget you're a mother to TWO people here?
Removing Jeremiah entirely, that would still be so supremely fucked up and that is just one thing of the many things that have shown cracks in Susannah's life and experiences that now? We'll never get to explore. Laurel, hold my hand. Go to therapy with me. You will see the truth in time.
Conrad is a fucking terror of a human being. I'm sorry, I cannot understand how or why he has so many fucking defenders especially from anyone with a fully developed prefrontal cortex. "He's mourning his mother" "he doesn't know how to express his feelings" "love it when he's petty! king!" like what is wrong with all of you. This isn't to say "omg your ship is soooo bad because it's unhealthy" because whatever, do what you want. But for so many to argue with their whole chests that Conrad is like an angel sent from heaven that is tortured and misunderstood and to mean that with utter sincerity has me convinced 1) every single one of you is also 16, never been in love before and/or in love with the toxicity of an emo bad boy or 2) loves the toxic drama. Which if it's the second, that's fine! But it's rare (if ever) that it's someone acknowledging that Conrad is a big fucking red flag.
I know the drill. I know what the endgame is. I haven't read the books but I don't have to. I understand Narratives. Conrad is going to "grow" and "develop" and the narrative will "prove" that fuck whatever Belly chooses, fuck the objectively more mature and more insightful and person who actively communicates with Belly even as a teenager that is Jeremiah, the show will contrive some way to bring Belly and Conrad together because they're Meant to Be or some shit.
Fuck fate. Fuck having to be emotionally manipulated and twisted around. Fuck having to being told that you're not mature enough and grow up from the same person throwing constant temper tantrums. Fuck the age difference honestly. Fuck the fact that this person always saw her as a little kid until she flirted with someone else.
I don't condone violence but Laurel's slap? Idk I think Belly needed that reality check. She needs to leave both of these boys alone. She needs to be in therapy, she needs to be single, and needs to let go of this idea that the world revolves around her.
I hate this dumb show so fucking much.
Can't wait for the next season.
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theflyingfeeling · 5 months
doing all those tag games I've been tagged in recently all at once lol
tagged by: @gloryforthegreedy
post your lockscreen, last song you listened to, and last saved picture of a famous person
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tagged by: @kaunisbaby @lnights @another-sun
"if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!"
I moved away from home when I was 16 (to study)
When I was little I was terribly afraid of dogs (traumatized by my uncle's dobermann)
I studied Spanish as my minor in uni
tagged by: @kaunisbaby
Star Sign: Gemini ♊
favourite holiday: I don't think I really have one, but if I had to choose it would probably be Christmas I guess (I'm not one of those Christmas enthusiasts though, I like it a "normal" amount lol)
last meal: breakfast (rye bread and yoghurt+banana)
current favourite musician: Blind Channel
last music I listened to: see above (I haven't heard that song before so I was curious lol)
last movie I watched: still, Peruna
last tv show I watched: just finished the second season of World on Fire the other night 😭
last book finished: it's been way to long since I last finished a book, so I can't remember 💀
last book abandoned: can't remember this one either
currently reading: fanfiction mostly yeah (nothing in particular atm though)
last thing researched for writing/art: just some sauna related vocabulary 😂
favourite fandom online memory: too many to choose from 🥺
temping project you're trying to reign in/don't have time for: just any of my planned fics/WIPs 😩 (the modern royalty AU, the Gran Hotel AU, Olli/Allu university AU...)
thanks for tagging me!! ✨
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hughungrybear · 5 months
Me while watching Last Twilight Ep. 12 (Final Ep.):
Okay, we'll finally see if we should take P'Aof's offer and storm GMMTV if the finale for this episode is unsatisfactory 😂
1. Hmmm, so Day was never able to get a successful surgery to restore his sight? I guess I could understand since endings that are *remotely* happy does not need to mean that he will be able to see again.
2. So after three years, Mhok is now a sous chef? Also, is this episode going the Bad Buddy route??? Cause if it is, I need to get ready 😂😂😂
3. Oof. They are trying to fool us with Porjai saying the "groom will be here" right after they show Mhok trying to call Porjai's phone <after 5 seconds> There it is! Seriously, I would like Night to be loved and happy for the rest of his life as he truly deserves it 🥹🥹🥹
4. At least, they weren't fooling us with the location. They have indeed met accidentally on the escalators of a hotel, not an airport. <after 5 seconds> P'Aof!!!!! I almost thought you'll never appear in this series 😂😂😂
5. Didn't Day got sus with the "usher"? I mean, Mhok still smells the same, right? RIGHT???? <after a few irritating scenes of Mhok in denial> I knew that perfume will make an appearance eventually. I mean, pretty sure at this point it is an official GMMTV merch 😂
6. Aaaaaaargh. Day wrote a book entitled "Begin with same person"??? With him and Mhok at the top of that mountain as a book cover??? It even has Day's voice for the audiobook??? 😱😱😱 No wonder Mhok's smile is from ear to ear.
7. I'm beginning to hate (affectionate) Mhok and Day 😅😅😅 What kind of flirting is this??? 😂😂😂
8. Night saying out loud that he is not paying for Mhok's "excellent care service" sends me 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I kennat 🤣🤣🤣
9. If looks could kill, Porjai would be dead on the spot 🤣🤣🤣 Night and Porjai playing cupids is the dream tag team lol
10. Mhok is freaking relentless 😂😂😂 Also, Day, you can go with Mhok to the US. I mean, you're rich enough to hire an assistant for your book shop. 😂
11. Don't worry Mhok. I also did not get why Day broke up with you lol (not until I read the series' writer's thoughts about Ep 11). <after 5 seconds> Ngl, that's a good conversation between the two. 🥹🥹🥹
12. Glad that Mum have accepted Porjai without difficulties 🥹🥹🥹 Their scene did managed to activate my tearducts 😭😭😭
13. Oh? Dad is also here. Will Mum and Dad have a fresh start too? I mean, Mum looks a bit shook and concerned at the same time. Also, why is Night just calling people to give improptu speeches? 😅
14. Oh, boy. NightPorjai's wedding is just full of happy tears and I have feelings 😭😭😭
15. Ugh. I hate it when the self-reflection is so late, it ends up with them rushing to the airport (or a bus terminal) to catch their romantic partner before they go away for good. But then again, Night and Porjai running in their wedding attire to look for Mhok is effing epic (even Porjai lying to the airport's information counter get Mhok is just 🤌🤌🤌) 😂😂😂
16. Wait, if Night knew that Mhok returned to the hotel, why the fvck did they all run in their wedding gear all throughout the airport looking for Mhok??? Does Porjai know about this? 😂😂😂
17. At least, it looks like we are going to get a happy ending. I really thought we are going to get an open ending based on previous events and the end credit song lyrics. Although, I am still not sure if this a good thing for the series as a whole.
18. Day can finally see (although again, it would have been more acceptable if he had stayed blind since a happy ending should not hinged on his ability to see). Also, Night hitting Day for being more excited to see Mhok rather than their mum (or him, for that matter) is 🤣🤣🤣
19. Oh? Is that Gee and August? Are they a thing now or just badminton partners???
20. Looks like they repainted Rung's car. I guess, it also symbolises a fresh start for it.
21. Two chefs in the family? I'm envious (and also hungry. I haven't eaten breakfast yet 😅). Also, Porjai's preggy again!
22. And they are back to the mountain top again. I hope it's much easier hiking this time around 😅. Also, Day, why are you lying? What d'you mean Mhok (Jimmy) is not handsome??? Lol
And it's ended. And it's happy (though a tad fairy tale-ish) 😭😭😭 Now, it was rumoured that 23.5 degrees will take the Friday time slot. I wonder if it's true. Can't hardly wait for it 😭😭😭
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le-panda-chocovore · 4 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "le-panda-chocovore "?
Oh I think I can actually answer that without rambling too much !! (<- took an entire week to answer the ask and select the fics, and I commented on each one of them lol) It won't be a Top in order of preference tho, there's no actual classment, it's just the ones I loved the most.
The Way I Behaved - EraserMic (MHA)
This fanfic gave me the inspiration to write my greatest work (still unfinished to this day) and literally changed so many things about me. It also made me discover a whole genre of music that I've never listened to before and with which I am entirely in love now. Prepare to cry tho, because this is deeply heartbreaking. It's a Villain Mic AU where Aizawa was never a teacher. And it is good.
What if Percy did become a God - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (based on the books !!! do not read if you just watched the show !!!)
The title says everything. This is not a happy story, you will cry, I promise. It's short, like a 1k word OS, it's really poetic, it's deep, it's beautiful, and also, it's painful. Humans were never meant to be gods, not even Percy. It's written like a poem, I read it so many times and it hurt me every time.
Demon and Angel Professors - Ineffable Spouses (Good Omens)
Not a fanfiction but a serie of short works about Crowley and Aziraphale and the people around them. A teachers AU very nice to read with many Original Characters (the students) who are all captivating and appreciable. The story is extremely queer-positive and neurodivergent inclusive and physical handicap representative, honestly, you want to read it. There's everything inside it. If you have chronic pain or if you're a closeted queer or even a curious ally who wants to understand their peers, this is what you need. The love is so pure it's overwhelming.
Honor and Vengeance on the High Sea - Zuko (ATLA)
Tbh this deserves to be published, it's a novel itself (I haven't finished it yet). The author reappropriated the Avatar universe to write something completely new. It's an AU where Zuko becomes a Pirate after his banishment and fights against the Fire Nation Navy, and eventually joins the Avatar's team. There's a whole work around internalized homophobia, the discovery of the self, acceptance, injustice, family trauma and everything. Original Characters are cool too. Chapters are long and very, very complete, you can see the author has historical and cultural knowledge.
Strength, the meaning of - Asano Gakuhou (Assassination Classroom)
I can't believe a fanfic about this total asshole made it to my top 10, but it is beautifully written. The progressive mental breakdown of a man who used to stand proud above everyone, the slow fall down to hell without even realizing it. There's also his son's POV here, which is equally beautifully written. I really hate the man and I don't like the fact that the end of AssClass completely disregard the consequences of what happened on the character's mental state, and reading how even him wasn't okay at all is very pleasant to read. That's karma my bitch.
Je suis assis - BokuAka (Haikyuu)
Yeah it's in french and on wattpad. It has been a while since I read it but I still remember the principal. It's a OS anyway so it's not very long (we didn't do that 20k words OS on Wattpad, this madness is only popular on AO3 lol). Since I'm sensitive to everything that is around handicap, it touched me. It ended up being cute and warm. Honestly I was more thinking of another BokuAka fanfiction but I couldn't remember the name nor found it online so I put this one.
25 - Riren (SnK)
Yeah yeah I know, pedo ship etc, but I was 14 and this is a High School AU where they're both 16 so, it's okay I guess. Yes the name of the fanfic is twenty-five. It's in french, it's on wattpad, and there's Eren's POV too. I don't know how I'm supposed to describe it... I think you have to read it, it's not actually strange or weird but, it's a whole experience.
Here there be dragons - Centennial Husbands (the Sandman)
This is the exact definition of love. What is love to me ? This fanfiction. Engagement, devotion, caring, this is it, this fanfic has the meaning of all these words. I had a hard time reading it because I hate ultra-long OS (I need CHAPTERS, give me a BREAK) but it was soooo enjoyable, and I was crying the whole time 'cause it's so pure and beautiful.
Palm to Palm - KaRen (Assassination Classroom)
Yes I am a part of the extremely tiny fandom that ships Karma and Ren (I do ship Karma with multiple people throughout the manga lmao) but only in THIS specific context. And this is beautifully written, I can't stop re-reading it. Also, the name of the ship makes me laugh. Karma and Ren relationship after losing Gakushuu -the boy they both love above everything else- is peak romance.
Le goût du chocolat - L x Light (Death Note)
I honestly don't remember a thing about this fanfiction except a single sentence, but I do know that I totally fell in love with it. It was one of my fave fanfic when I was full active on Wattpad, and I even archived it because I didn't want to lose it. I should read it again now that I found it again.
Alright that's 10 !!! Finally !!
Oh it was so fun to fall back into all the things I read before ! But it was harder than I expected because, well, I only have AO3 for 3 years and I've been on Wattpad for 7 years, but I started reading fanfiction even before that, I just didn't have any account back then. So, I kinda forgot about some of the things I read more than 4 years ago, and I couldn't find the gems I discovered when I was 12. Most of the books that made out to this list are my recent lectures, it's a bit biased I guess.
Anyway, thank you for the ask ! It was fun to analyze all my bookmarks and everything !
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aidaronan · 9 months
Tagged by @doilooklikebees in this little "get to know you better" game
Favorite color: green. like mint. like emerald. like a forest bursting with life and love and ancient mysteries.
Currently reading: Carrie Soto Is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid. It's the last book in the TJR extended universe that I haven't read yet. Idk if anything can surpass Evelyn Hugo for me, but I've been having fun with all these messy fictional celebs.
Last TV series: The stuff I'm watching currently is... Taskmaster Series 16 and Bob's Burgers lol I am ofc excited for the pirates to return.
Sweet, savory or spicy: sweet and savory simultaneously.
Currently working on: 1. Continuing to slowly work on Blood and Water with my witchy steddie girls. 2. Started an Eddie biography project I've been wanting to do since s4 aired. I needed a good sfw project to work on during downtime/breaks at work, and this def fit. 3. Cooking up my first ever double author collab with @sparklyslug but so far we're still in the yelling in each other's DMs phase. It's a rock star Eddie fic. I can say that and effectively give nothing else away. lol Thinking of people I want to know better and forgetting every person i've ever even heard of in my entire life ummm 🤔 @starryeyedjanai @steves-strapcollection @wormdebut @sidekick-hero (no pressure tags ofc)
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Rehibilitation | Tim Drake x Son of Circe reader
Summary: Tim Drake and Y/n L/n have been penpals for almost 2 years now, and when Y/n is let out of Arkhum Asylum, Batman and Wonder Woman ask Tim to watch over his rehabilitation.
Request: Yes / No
Warnings: childhood trauma
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Rain poured outside the Wayne Manor as an armored van pulled into the driveway. The two women driving the van got out, one going to the back to unlock it, the other going to the door. When the van doors opened, a boy around 16 got out, cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders. He looked at the woman who opened the door and smiled at her.
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"Thanks Zatanna, you know, the benches back her are sooooo uncomfortable." He dropped down, and walked in front of her, the muddy ground clumping on his white shoes. "Diana, I got to say, moms stories do not do you justice." His smile never faltered, even as the Amazonian glared at him. When the doors opened, Y/n tilted his head at the old man in front of him. "Huh, I assumed the Big Bad Bat would have been way hotter." The elderly man was unimpressed and stepped to the side, letting the trio in. Zatanna pushed Y/n into a room on the side, where two men stood in the center. Batman, in his suit, and... "Tim!" Y/n ran forward, dodging the hands of Zatanna and Wonder Woman. Tim ran forward too, wrapping his arms around Y/n in a hug. "Almighty Aphrodite, it is so good to actually see you, to hold you." Y/n cupped Tim's face with his cuffed hands and rested his forehead on his. A cough ruined their moment, the two looking up at Batman. He had his arms crossed and and eyebrow raised. "How can I see your raised eyebrow if you're wearing a cowl?" Y/ asked, ignoring the very obvious question Batman asked without asking. "You two know each other?" Diana put a hand on Y/n's shoulder, pulling him back. "Uh, yeah. We're pen pals, you know, we write letters to each other and stuff." Tim laughed nervously, scratching his neck and looking at the floor. "We'll discuss this later." Batman put a hand on Tim's shoulder and looked at Y/n. "You're here so you can prove that you're not like your mother. To prove you're not evil." Y/n smiled at the man. "I haven't seen my mother since I was 9. If anything turned me evil, it was being locked in an asylum when I was 10." Everyone in the room tensed when he said that, Wonder Woman removing her hand from his shoulder in shock. "Oh, did you not know that? I suppose you wouldn't. Thats something they don't like to promote." Y/n still had a smile on his face, but a small tear formed on his eye and slid down his face. "So, are you gonna take these off me or not? Cuz I got and itch and I just can't get to it chained up." He held his hands to Batman, who glowered at him and unlocked his cuffs. "Thanks Batsy. Now, who's my chaperone? I was told thqt I'd have someone watch over me to make sure I'm a good little boy." He said batting his eyelashes and putting a hand on his hip. "It was originally going to be me, but I think that I have a better idea." Zatanna said, crossing her arms and looking at Tim.
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Week 1: Part 1: Dick
Y/n sat in the Batcave, his feet on the keyboard of the Batcomputer. He was flicking through the pages of Tim's History textbook, his brow furrowed as he did. "Hey Jay... What are you doing down here?!" Y/n looked up to see Dick staring at him with wide eyes. "Uh, reading. Obviously." Y/n looked back at the book and his eyes squinted. "Why is Ancient Africa as a whole only one chapter, but every single European country gets their own?" Y/n stared at Dick, waiting for his answer. "Uhh, well, you see... I think I hear Bruce calling me, got to go!" Dick spun around and left the Cave. Y/n smirked and looked back at the book. "I knew that would get rid of him." He whispered to himself and flipped a page. "But that is a good question." Tim said from his spot under the computer. "One we both know the answer to." Y/n flipped the page. "The answer to numer 5 is Constantinople." Tim wrote the answer down and they moved on.
Week 1: Part 2: Damian
Y/n poked his head into the kitchen, looking around for Alfred before slipping in. He snuck to the pantry and opened it as silently as he could. "You would think living with assassins would make you sneakier." Y/n turned around and stared at Damian, who held a sword in one hand and was petting Ace with the other. "What are you doing? Planting a bug, or maybe a bomb?" Damian said, stepping closer. "You caught me Damian, I'm a secret agent for my mother, who I haven't seen in 7 and a half years, and she told me to put a bomb, which is made out of wires and science and not the magic that me and her have, inside the house of a superhero she has met once." Y/n said, sitting crossed legged and eating a cookie he took from the cupboard. Damian stared at y/n and nodded before walking away. Before he left the room, he pointed at his eyes, and then at y/n and then left the room. "That kid has so many issues." Y/n said and pulled the entire package of Chips Ahoy out of the cupboard and left the kitchen, sneaking back upstairs. He tossed the cookies at Tim, who caught them and pressed play on the movie. "Thanks." Tim said as y/n sat next to him, snuggling into his side. "Your little brother accused me of trying to put a bomb in the kitchen." Y/n said, eating a cookie. "Yeah, Damian has issues. Yet again, so does everyone here." Tim said, resting his head on y/ns.
Week 1: Part 3: Stephanie
Y/n punched the red hologram in front of him, before turning and kicking the one behind him. The last one showed up behind him, pointing a gun at his head. Y/n dropped down as soon as he pulled the trigger, causing him to miss, then pushed himself up, grabbing the gun, turning the safety one and snapping the holograms arm. "Wow, 1 minute and 14 seconds, that's better than the Bat himself." Tim wrapped an arm around his shoulders and walked with him upstairs. Stephanie walked past them, her eyebrows scrunched together and her eyes glaring at the floor. Y/n stopped and sent Tim up without him, before following her to the training simulation. "Hey, Steph, are you okay?" He asked, as she went to turn on the machine. "I'm fine." Y/n walked to her, covering the on button with his hand. "I know I've only been here 3 days, but I do know you're lying to both of us when you say that." Stephanie looked at him, anger and sadness on her face. "Y/n, this isn't your problem, so leave it alone." She tried to push his hand away so she could turn the machine on, but he stepped in front of her, blocking the way. "Steph, I cant let you do this while your in this state. You could get hurt. Badly." Steph clenched her fists, squeezing her eyes shut. "I won't force you to talk about it, that's not why I'm here. But I want to make sure that you're okay, and that you won't hurt yourself." She looked up at him, tears in her eyes, and surged forward. She wrapped her arms around him and cried into his chest. He hugged her, rubbing her back. "It'll be okay, you have Barbara, Cass, Dick, Tim, Damian, me, everyone here is here for your if you need to talk, rememebr that. And promise me you won't do anything that might get you hurt until you feel better." Y/n looked into her eyes, watching as she nodded. They stood there, hugging each other for a few more minutes before y/n went to meet Tim upstairs. "You know you're not supposed to be down there without Tim." Jason said, his arms crossed. "Stephanie is down there crying, so get one of the non-emotionally constipated Batkids to go down there and make sure she knows we're here for her. I got to get back to Tim." Y/n said, glaring at Jason and walking away.
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Week 5: Part 1: Barbara
Y/n sat upside down on the couch, struggling to levitate the origami swan in front of him. Zatanna released small amounts of his magic a few days ago, enough for him to turn a book page or thread a needle, but he was trying to get it to do bigger tasks. "Hey, what's got you so stressed?" Babs asked, rolling over to him. Y/n sat up right and looked at her before putting his face in his hands. "I used to be able to open portals to Hades and summon typhoons, but now, now I can barely lift paper." Y/n flicked the swan away, and crossed his arms. "Hmm, I don't know much about magic, but maybe its like the rest of your body parts. The less you use them the less you can do with them. And you went how many years without using magic?" He looked back up at her, his eyebrows ceased. "6 years." He looked at his hands, opening and closing his fists, wiggling his fingers and moving his wrist. "So, all you have to do is work the magic out like you would your arms and legs. By starting small." Y/n scratched his chin before smiling at her and standing up. "You are so smart Babs." He hugged her and went to Tim's room, which is basically his room with how much time he spends in there. Y/n grabbed a piece of paper off Tim's desk and laid it flat on the floor. "What are you doing?" Tim asked, looking up from his laptop. "Starting small." Y/n said folding the corner of the page.
Week 5: Part 2: Jason
Y/n and Jason stared at each other from across the table, both of them glaring and neither of them blinking. "What are they doing?" Tim asked Cass. "I dont know, but they've been staring at each other for 10 minutes, and neither of the have blinked." They stood there for a few more minutes before they realized that Y/n was snoring. "Wait, is he sleeping with his eyes open?" Steph asked, poking his cheek. "Does that mean I win?" Jason asked, blinking and looking at Tim. "No, cuz you just blinked." They all looked at a smirking y/n, who crossed his arms and smiled at a flustered Jason. Jason got up and left the room without saying anything. "Hey, he likes you." Steph says punching his arm. "Yeah, if he didn't, he probably would have shot you for that." Tim wrapped his arms around Y/n's shoulders and laid his chin on the top of his head. "Well R.I.P. I guess." Y/n stood up and walked with Tim to their room.
Week 5: Part 3: Duke
Y/n walked into the living room, where Duke was sitting on the couch texting someone. Y/n hopped on the back of the couch, falling onto it and landing upside down. "Hey Duke, who ya texting?" The man jumped when y/n plopped on the couch, staring at him with wide eyes. "Uh, no one important." Y/n shrugged and looked at the tv. "Okay." The two sat there for a few minutes, Duke texting someone and Y/n watching tv. "Hey, Y/n, do you... Do you think you could help me with something?" Y/n sat up, twirling around so he was sitting right next to Duke. "Thank the gods, I've been waiting for you to say something." Y/n looked at the phone, going over the messages. "She can't hang out because her parents took the car, but if you go down and drive her she will be able to. She wants to, but she can't." Y/n looked up at Duke, who scrunched his forehead. "Why didn't she just say that?" Y/n rolled his eyes, "she did. Right there." He pointed at a message and Duke slapped his forehead. "Its okay to not be able to read, I dont think Jason can either." Y/n stood up and walked away. "Hey, whats up?" Tim entwined his fingers with y/n's as they walked down the hallway. "Im pretty sure the only one here who has any type of mental abilities is Damian." Tim nodded and they kept walking. "Wait, does that include me?" Tim looked at y/n who laughed. "It took you 4 minutes to ask me that. You answered your own question before you asked it." Y/n laughed, laying his head on Tim's shoulder.
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Week 10: Part 1: Alfred
Y/n pushed open the door of the kitchen, walking in and right past Alfred. "May I help you Master Y/n?" Y/n looked up at him, shaking his head and blinking. "Sorry Alfred, I didn't see you. Me and Tim are having a movie dat.... We're watching a movie and need snacks." Alfred looked down at him, then he chuckled, his mouth moving into a small smile. "Here. You can have some of my secret stash." Alfred opened a cabinet, pulling out a bag of cookies and handed it to him. "I will put the Jiffy Pop on, you kids seem to like it. Now, head back up to you date." Y/n blushed, looking at the cookies then Alfred before hugging him. "Thanks Alfred." Y/n ran back upstairs the cookies floating behind him as he pulled his phone out and texted Tim.
I think Alfred finally likes me.
That's good
Did you get the snacks?
Yes, Alfred gave me some of his secret stash cookies.
Wow, he really does like you.
Week 10: Part 2: Cassandra
Y/n sat on a rooftop, his hair blowing in the wind. "Hey, everything okay?" Y/n turned around and saw Cass staring at him from a window. "Yeah, just remnants from my mysterious past." Y/n made a funny face before letting out a pained laugh. Cass nodded before crawling out and sat next to him. "I get it. My dad raised me to be one of the best assassins in the world. He trained me to notice everything, so I could kill better." Y/n nodded, wiggling his toes and staring at the ground. "Mom taught me to hate the gods, specifically Athena because she took the sister I never met, and to despise Wonder Woman. She trained me in magic so that she could use me as a weapon against the two. Then Diana found out about me, and along with the gods, she took me from my mom and gave me to a government she had too much faith in. They stripped my magic and locked me in Arkhum Asylum when I was only 10. Do you know what that does to a child? Having to be in the same place as the Joker, the Riddled, and Scarecrow and not have the one thing that could protect you?" He looked at Cass, who was biting her lip and looking at the ground. He laid his head on her shoulder and they just sat there for the rest of the day.
Week 10: Part 3: Bruce
Y/n was sitting in the cave on Tim's lap while they watched Barbara type on the computer. "Take a right." She said into the comms, her fingers flying on the computer. Y/n moved closer into Tim's chest, laying his head on his shoulder. "Shoot, Tim they need you!" Barbara yelled and Y/n rolled off of Tim's lap so he could move. "On it!" Tim ran to get changed. Y/n stood up and walked to the computer, looking at the situation. "Wait, is that... Gods no!" Y/n ran out of the Cave, ignoring Babs yells for him to come back. He swirled his hand around him, his clothes changing from his sweatpants and hoodie to a black body suit with an eye mask and cape. He flew to where the Bat Family was, landing on a rooftop, watching as everyone fought a Hydra. It had 8 heads, and there were 3 currently on the ground. Y/n saw Cass, Steph and Dick laying on the ground behind the batmoblie. Bruce, Damian, Jason, Duke, and Tim stood infront of the car, all of them ready to fight. Tim was the only one without cuts and scratches. Y/n floated into the air, watching closely as the Hydra charged them, 2 of the heads going straight towards Tim. "No!" He screamed, dropping right in front if Tim, purple magic flowing from his hands causing the Hydra to stop in its tracks and float into the air. Y/n floated up with him. "You attack my city, you attack my family, but worse, you attack my boyfriend. You have gone past death, your punishment is eternal imprisonment." The purple magic swirled around the the Hydra causing it to shrink until the magic was a a ball the size of a baseball. Y/n floated forward and reached his hand into the ball and pulled out a small metal amulet with an 8 headed hydra on it. Y/n ties the leather cord around his neck and floated down to Tim. The pair hugged, y/n crying into his shoulder. "Y/n." He looked at Batman, who stood in front of him. "Bruce." Tim and y/n seperated and y/n crossed his arms and stared into the Bats eyes. "You saved the kife of me, and my children. You have more than proven you're not your mother." Bruce pulled him into a hug which shocked everyone there.
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Week 15: Final part
Y/n laod on the couch with his head on Tim's lap, a book floating above him and origami swans and butterflies flying around the room, with more being folded by Damian on the floor. "Hey, whats with the air show?" Jason asked, walking into the room and leaning against the couch. The book above Y/n moved to the side and he watched as the birds and insects swirled through the air. "Damian was wondering if I would bring his origami to life." Y/n explained, going back to his book. "Huh, well, y/n can you come with me for a few minutes?" Y/n raised an eyebrow, looking at him with suspicion. "Come on, trust me." Y/n stood up, the birds and butterflies flying around him as he followed Jason, Tim and Damian walking behind him. "Jason, whats going... On." y/ns eyes widened in shock as he walked into the dining room. The entire Justice League, the Teen Titans, and the Bat Family was standing in front of him under a homemade banner that said "❤Happy Rehibilitation!❤". Y/n put a hand over his mouth, a laugh escaping from it. "Wow, I dont know what to say." Y/n turned around to see Tim holding a cake. "Don't say anything babe." He kissed y/ns forehead and walked him over to the table where everyone stood. "Thank you, everyone. Thus is amazing." Y/n pulled the two closest people, Tim and Wonder Woman, into a hug. Diana patted his head while Tim kissed his cheek. Y/n looked at the cake with a smile before he looked up, rolled his eyes and said "Bart, don't touch my swan." Everyone looked behind Y/n and saw Impulse holding his finger an inch away from one of the flying swans. Everyone laughed and went back to mingling. "So, you do like it?" Tim said, wrapping his arms around y/ns waist. "I love it." Y/n said, wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing him.
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tumblezwei · 6 months
Randomly selected 10 things I liked this year in no particular order
- Final Fanasy 16
It was good and fun. I haven't gotten the DLC yet tho and probs won't for a while. I have too many games I need to finish atm
- Witch from Mercury season 2
the best gundam series as said by someone who has only watched 2
- One Piece
I'm like, 90% sure that I started seriously getting into it this year. Genuinely so much better than I ever expected it to be
- SSS-Class Revival Hunter
This one's recent. If you're like me and upon reading Solo Leveling thought: "man, I wish this series had literally any type of character development, emotional stakes, characters worth investing into, well-developed worldbuilding, or anything that even remotely resembled an interesting plot" then read this instead.
- Half-Life 2
the Half-Life that's good (said with love)
- Foundryside
good book, will read sequels eventually when my motivation for reading comes back
- Honkai Star Rail
holy shit it's actually been nearly a year since I decided to play this damn game. Live Laugh Love March 7th
- Little Goody Two Shoes
Yuri and horror. That's it that's the post.
- Endo and Kobayashi Live
And I will STAY praising mediocre shoujo adaptations until my dying breath!!!! It was cute, it was fun, it and every other of it's kind deserve the production value of JJK but without the devastating worker exploitation.
- I'm in Love with the Villainess
this goes out to all the yuri anime we got this year and especially this one
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theladyofbloodshed · 6 months
Hi. I really admire your writng and love all your fic very much. Really,as a reader i cant wrap my head around how incredible your writing are. But as a fellow writer, it got me thinking how you balance your day working-personal life-reading-writing. I just enter corporate life and it was exhausting. How do you manage your time to write and is it hard for you to keep your interest in writing while working?
Thank youu and no, i think your chrismast deco look very beautiful. If I visit your house i would love staying around the tree with a dim light and a warm tea.
Thank you so much for the message. That's incredibly kind of you. You are welcome for a cup of tea any time!
I will break down my day under the read more.
05:40 - partner wakes up for work (waking me up) 06:10 - partner leaves for work and I get up 07:00 - in the car to work 07:30 - at work. I don't get paid until 08:30 but I literally would not be ready for the kids if I came in at that time, plus I'm already awake (and definitely a morning person). I'm usually alone in the class until around that time so I tend to have an audiobook on while I'm getting the class ready. I teach in a different classroom every single day, so I have to be organised. 16:00 - finish work 16:30 - home for a cup of tea and usually go on social media/write 18:00 - cook dinner which usually takes about an hour After that, I either spend time with my partner, read, or write. The only day I haven't written something was when I had to be at work until nearly 9pm for a halloween party, but generally, I write every single day. I will be honest in that I don't really have a social life. I've only really got one friend and she lives 60 miles away. I cancelled my gym membership because I hate going after work in winter and I've been so ill for the last couple of months that it was a waste of money. At the weekends, my partner and I might go to a coffee shop or a walk, but most of the time I am writing. It's nothing I have to force. I look forward to writing every single day. If I found it a chore, I wouldn't do it. Sometimes, I am super tired from work too and have a low output, but in those times I'll lay on the bed or take a bath with some music on and still be imagining scenarios. If you are exhausted, don't push it. If I've imagined a scene enough then I know exactly how it will play out to make the writing easier. My brain almost thinks in a writer mode now, like instead of seeing the scene, I'll also be narrating it.
I am constantly thinking about my writing. When I drive, I am imagining scenarios/dialogue. If I go for a walk alone, my headphones are on to dissociate and imagine. For me, it's all consuming. Weirdly, none of my new colleagues know I have any books and I've just mentioned it in passing to my family because we're not close and they don't really care. Even my partner has no clue about character names or anything because he hasn't read them. It's got to the point where I have RSI in my hand from typing so much. Today, I've written about 5000 words and have written 100k words for a single book since October.
It is hard for me to switch off sometimes. I do wonder if I have some sort of ADHD because I have to be doing something at all times. When I'm at work for my planning time, I'm usually doing all 8 jobs on my to do list at the same time, like this page is loading so I'll start this email then go back to that lesson plan then reply to that other person. I cannot just sit and watch tv, I either have to be sewing, or writing by hand, or typing. The only time I do nothing is when I sleep lmao. I've always been that way though.
In terms of reading, I've really struggled this year. Most books have been 2/3 star reads for me - which is really unlike me. I'm usually super generous with 5 stars. I've had to force myself to sit and read a lot because I'll just scroll on my phone otherwise when I'm bored.
I wish I had kids, but I don't, and thankfully my partner also cooks and cleans so if its his turn to cook, I can carry on writing. Sometimes it has caused arguments so I try to make a conscious effort to put my laptop down and spend quality time together. Writing is just everything to me. I love it. It's all I ever want to do. But, I'm also not a night person, so my laptop is usually off before 9pm and I'm asleep by half past 9 nearly every night ha.
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Nice Jewish Character Showdown 2023 -- Round One Eliminations
Well folks, the first round of the 2023 event has concluded, and 16 hopefuls have been taken out of the running for this year's crown. While we wait for the polls to go live for round two, let's take a second to debrief with those contenders, and break down what makes them such Nice Jewish Characters.
Match One Elimination: James Wilson, House MD Apologies to the House MD fans who kept trying to push the vote in your guy's favor, I honestly did not expect 9 to have such a high turnout (I'll elaborate on his inclusion another time). I'm going to make my way around to watching this show eventually I promise, in the meantime all I can reference to validate his Judaism is the textual reference to his Judaism in dialogue, the enthusiasm from my Jewish mutuals, and his entry on Jew or Not Jew (which, although considerably dated, was a popular site for me and my Hebrew School peers to browse between classes).
Match Two Elimination: Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5 While I haven't watched Babylon 5, I was pleasantly surprised to discover just how Jewish this Trek-adjacent show is, at least, in terms of canonicity. The second in command of the titular ship, Ivanova is textually Ashkenazi, Russian specifically. I can't speak on specifics since I, again, haven't watched the show, but it sounds like her relationship with her ancestry is tied significantly into her personal plot arc, as she reconnects with it over the seasons.
Match Three Elimination: Avigdor, Yentl Oh, Mandy Patinkin, the communal zeyde of the Jewish internet. While Avigdor may not be the Nicest of Jewish Characters, we gotta remember dramatic context! And yes, the absolute Gender of Yentl is no small factor in his popularity. I don't regret the picture I used, but I'm sure he would have had a bit of a swing vote if I used the picture of him wet and shirtless. Ah, well. Not like this is the first time Yentl's been snubbed for awards season.
Match Four Elimination: Samwise Gamgee, Lord of the Rings Yes, the books have the unfortunate way they've reflected on antisemitic stereotypes with the portrayal of the dwarves. But when you look at the hobbits, don't they feel like citizens of a shtetl? Aren't you filled with the warmth of shabbos when you think about a hobbit hole? And when thinking about Samwise's unending hope for good, even in the darkest parts of the journey, are you not reminded of something?
Match Five Elimination: George Costanza, Seinfeld Yeah I knew this one was going to infuriate some people. George Costanza, you textually Jewish in every way but literal prince, you are the perfect example of the transitive property of Jewish media (Jason Alexander has been quoted as saying that Costanza is Jewish because he's being played by a Jewish actor). Doing readings on invisible Jewish representation through the lens of Seinfeld (and the associated eras of television) is FASCINATING, btw.
Match Six Elimination: Schmidt, New Girl A very Jewish cast and crew brought this 2010's icon to our screens, and while the humor might not have always been the kindest to his Jewish identity, it's no surprise that he has such a continuing popularity within the former viewing audience. Someone get him a cookie, please?
Match Seven Elimination: Cher Horowitz, Clueless Written by a Jew, directed by a Jew, played by a Jew, Cher Horowitz is a great example of the transitive property of Jewish media. Plus, with a last name like Horowitz and a lawyer father, there are plenty of reasons to interpret the 90's darling as such. This Kveller article is full of fun facts about the Jewish background of the production!
Match Eight Elimination: Barbara Millicent Roberts, Barbie Watch Tiny Shoulders if you don't think Barbie belonged in this showdown. Barbara Millicent Roberts, you've been so popularized and Americanized that we've forgotten your roots, my darling! Ruth Handler, Barbie's creator, comes from a distinctly Jewish background, and her family's Ellis Island history is a good way of looking at the way Barbie's been assimilated. Sure she's got her Christmas-y ties, but most Christmas media comes from us anyways, so I think she can get a pass.
Match Nine Elimination: The Baudelaires, A Series of Unfortunate Events Okay, I'll admit it, I never read ASOUE. It freaked me out too much as a kid, and I've never circled back to it. But it's been on the back of my mind for a while, and now that I'm aware of just how Jewish the source material is, I'm this close to looking up the audiobooks on Libby. This is a step above the transitive property of Jewish media, this is textual. I guess it's characteristic for the Baudelaires to lose, but they can be comforted in how close the vote was.
Match Ten Elimination: Tommy Pickles, Rugrats So I grew up with public access television, and when I finally got cable it felt a bit like I'd missed the boat on Rugrats, age-group wise. But seeing the VHS cases on the library shelves of my synagogue, I always knew that show was a good case of Jewish representation. The Rugrats was revolutionary in their central Judaism in children's media: not just giving it to a side character for special episodes, but giving it to the main character and spending ample time discussing it. Consider putting the Passover or Hannukah specials into your holiday circulation.
Match Eleven Elimination: The Strilondes, Homestuck Somewhat surprising to me, but not really since they lost round one last time, the Strilondes have been taken out of the running. What makes Dave Strider and Rose Lalonde Jewish? Siblings through manipulation of genetic cloning, we witness a Very Jewish Wedding in the Snapchat Credits Sequence to Homestuck, where Rose and her wife, Kanaya, are in the center of a horah dance, lifted above the crowd in chairs (here's the timestamp). Besides that, Homestuck can be interpreted through a very Jewish lens (at least to me, someone who has a John Egbert statuette on their bookshelf). Plus, Homestuck has an answer to the Great Frog Debate (their answer is the biggest frog possible).
Match Twelve Elimination: Frankenstein('s Monster), Frankenstein Sorry Adam, I know losing twice in a row is hard, but to be fair you DID go up against werewolves last time. Why is Adam Frankenstein('s Monster) Jewish? He has a complicated relationship with the concept of a higher power (and in his case, a complicated familial relationship with his own creator). Plus, when I look at him, I see the most famous golem in pop culture. Jewish Frankenstein supremacy <3 (Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, a general plug for the book version of Monster High, published in 2010, which has a VERY Jew-coded interpretation of the titular monsters, imo.)
Match Thirteen Elimination: The Baker, Into The Woods Musical theater is inherently Jewish, so is it any surprise that a Sondheim character made it to the showdown? Into the Woods is a masterpiece, and when you look at it through a Jewish lens it gets even more so -- especially in the second act. The Baker is one of several characters in the show that really become aware of the constraints of their fairy tale lives, and choose to circumvent them. I'm going to restrain myself from discussing it more since the entire original cast recording is available to watch here, and it's one of my favorite musicals ever so I'd just get incoherent in further analysis if you haven't seen the source material.
Match Fourteen Elimination: Will Byers, Stranger Things I knew this was going to happen on the #CecilSweep website, but it still hurts a little bit to see Will Byers lose with such a sweep. Maybe it's the fact the Byers house has readily available Christmas lights. Why was he a contestant? Well, observing the transitive property of Jewish media (as discussed earlier), Noah Schnapp AND Winona Ryder's Judaism is more than enough to validate a Jewish reading of the Byers family -- in my mind, they're a mixed household, and kept celebrating Xmas after Lonnie left because the kids grew up with it (plus, they're in Indiana in the 80's, so...)
Match Fifteen Elimination: The Lorax, The Lorax Did you go to Hebrew School in the United States if you didn't watch or read The Lorax for Tu B'ishvat? I mentioned the VHS library at my synagogue earlier, and this tape was a standard on the wheelie box tv set-up, often used to distract the younger kids who would get bored at the High Holy Days services. He's just a lil' man who loves the trees, that's a mensch to me.
Match Sixteen Elimination: Worf, Star Trek: The Next Generation I feel like I have to apologize for putting the two Trek characters against each other up front. It's another place where my textual knowledge slips a bit, so when I found out just how Jewish Worf is I was pleasantly surprised. Trek has a very odd relationship with just how Jewish it has been since conception (thank you, Nimoy!) , so for Worf's parents to be all but declared to be Jewish is like. You could have just made them Jewish. Why didn't you make them Jewish (we know why).
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spurious · 12 days
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @audioletter 🧡 who did hers here
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? m a r r i e d
02) What was your dream growing up? i wanted to be a vet until i realized i would have to deal with animals in pain lol
03) What talent do you wish you had? not to steal audioletter's answer here but also drawing tbh.
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? one of those fancy starbucks iced lime drinks with the green coffee beans
05) Favorite vegetable? oooooh hm. broccoli?
06) What was the last book you read? poking at a reread of Catch-22
07) What zodiac sign are you? scorpio sun, gemini moon, cancer rising
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? several tattoos and 2 ear piercings
09) Worst Habit? according to @audioletter, sleeping diagonally on the bed. according to Lemon, forgetting to refill her automatic feeder
10) What is your favorite sport? i like watching basketball
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? uh. i don't really think of myself as an optimist but i think i kind of am a bit of one.
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. two of my chromosomes are stuck together
13) Do you have any pets? cat & borbs
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? if i had to choose one of those adjectives I'd go with scary but i'm not, like, super scared of clowns?
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? i would give myself an ass so that i can sit on hard surfaces in greater comfort
16) What color eyes do you have? blue
17) Ever been arrested? no
18) Bottle or can soda? can
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? we haven't left the country since before covid so. plane tickets
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? home tbh
21) Do you believe in ghosts? not actively but like. i wouldn't be surprised if there were.
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? video games, crochet, watching tv, going for meandering walks
23) Do you swear a lot? i don't know what constitutes a lot? i feel like i do.
24) Biggest pet peeve? people who get on a crowded train and stand around by the doors instead of moving into the far less crowded aisles
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? ummmmmmmm. odd
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? yes! i'm weird at it but i like it.
27) Favourite and least favourite food? fave: probably cheese. least fave: shrimp
28) Do you believe in God? probably?
29) What makes you happy: sound of the cat purring. sitting in bed with my wife and playing our games and talking. sour candy.
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: The Mountain Goats - Jenny from Thebes
31) Favourite place to spend time: i like! to be! at home!
32) Favourite lyric:
And I am this great, unstable mass of blood and foam / And no emotion that’s worth having could call my heart its home
33) Recommend a film: Clue!
34) Recommend a book: Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: have you heard of the mountain goats :)
36) Recommend a TV show: Freaks and Geeks
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I'm from metro Detroit, Michigan, and I've lived there, in Ohio for school, and then in Ibaraki, Japan, followed by Osaka where I've lived forrrrrrrr. 13 years or so?
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? Lemon was found after a typhoon when I lived in Ibaraki. Niles and Nesmith came from the bird store where everyone wanted the fancy baby budgies and they were being ignored for being too Standard lol
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? WELL. If you don't know, some regions of Japan eat whale meat, and some regions of Japan use whale meat in their school lunch. So uh. One day when I worked at an elementary school I was blithely eating my school lunch only to be asked by one of the kids how I was liking the whale meat. 😐 (it's not even good)
40) How did you 'find' fandom? i actually don't totally remember? my first fic reading experience was cardcaptor sakura, and i think it was on a fansite or something rather than ff.net....and then i found my way to LJ and HP fandom.
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. I'm at my desk at work so: rainbow glitter fountain pen, ps5 devkit, photo from our wedding, coworkers, "everything is fine" 10 of swords card from the modern witch tarot deck
42) How do you style your hair? currently a bob with bangs. i have started carrying a little comb in my handbag for this
I'm gonna tag people!
@alienfuckeronmain @sga-owns-my-soul @stargatebarbie @texasdreamer01 @acrowbyanyothername
@colonelshepparrrrd @queen-x-ishtar @hearteyesmcgarrett
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
ello bones hope youre doing good
just found even more cool songs thanks to you, how do you always have more???
also WE COULDVE HAD YOU DOING ASL??? aw man :( (/lh)
anyway, I just turned in my paper that ive been working on for the last few months (yay, finally, it ate like all of my free time and energy) and suddenly I have too much free time and not much too read or watch (I had saved so many fics I cant manage to read anymore)
any coming of age books (or fics) or movies recommendations? (I need me some honey and tangerines vibes yk? ive been listening to the playlist too much again. one day I think ill read that fic again, but today is not the day)
much love to go you all in the ask box, eli <3
I'm doing pretty good! went to a yoga class tonight and I'm seeing the tommyinnit live show tomorrow so it's shaping up to be a pretty great weekend!
I actually filmed a video to post here on language day and everything but I wanted to redo it so my face wasn't fully in frame but then I just didn't get around to it :( oh well next time
OOO congrats on turning in that paper!! that's a huge accomplishment, I hope you get a great grade on it. and yay for free time!
oh boy ok coming of age recs I can do this. I haven't read any coming of age books since I was a teenager though so keep in my my memory of these are all hazy
the perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky - hallmarker of the coming of age genre, read this when I was 16 and cried, even if you've seen the movie I highly recommend the book
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe by benjamin alire saenz - literally was one of my favorite books for so many years. I read it when I was 15 and became obsessed with it. I still look back on it so warmly it's just such a great book
it's kind of a funny story by ned vizzini - also read this one when I was like 16ish. I remembered enjoying it but not as much as the other two I've listed here. still very good though!
cha cha real smooth (2022) - actually one of my favorite coming of age films I've ever seen. it's a coming of age film about a guy in his early 20s instead of in his teens which is refreshing in its own. it hit particularly hard for me because I saw it when I was 22 and freshly graduated from college unsure what to do, the main character is 22 and freshly graduated from college unsure what to do. it's also a very unique setup and I really loved how they pulled it off
the edge of seventeen (2016) - this might be a controversial pick because the main character is actually pretty insufferable in this, but that's part of why I enjoyed it. the character is meant to be insufferable. she's a teenage girl dealing with the hell of being a teenage girl and she sucks! it's an intentional thing and it does it very well! I would say it still falls flat in some areas, but I'm mainly recommending it because it's so refreshing to have an mc genuinely be a shitty person
sing street (2016) - I count this as a coming of age movie but it's also kind of a music movie? it's incredibly fun no matter what. the songs are so catchy, the characters are all great, and the relationships are just all very well done
the kings of summer (2013) - genuinely why do I never hear anyone talk about this movie. I haven't seen it in so long but I remember it being incredibly funny with a great dose of summertime whimsy
hunt for the wilderpeople (2016) - tbh I never thought of this as a coming of age movie and it might be a bit different than most of the films on here but I was looking up lists of coming of age movies to try and remember which ones I've seen and I saw this one mentioned a few times. if you're a fan of taika waititi films, in my opinion this is his best one hands down. it's hilarious but also incredibly sweet and heartwarming at the same time
moonrise kingdom (2012) - very charming and storybook esque in the way all wes anderson films are, but with a really sweet story between two kids at its core. again, different from most of the ones on this list, but definitely an enjoyable one all the same
hope this list helps!
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icescrabblerjerky · 8 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @senseandaccountability THANK YOU!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 200 exactly! I did not know this until I just went and checked.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 1,222,468 - I too have been at it for a long time, about fifteen years (and there is more of it on other sites lol)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Rusty Quill Gaming, Baldur's Gate 3, SWTOR (and other star wars related fandoms), Dragon Age, The Magnus Archives, Final Fantasy XIV, uh... and lots of little one offs for books and tiny podcast fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Mbmbam Archives (mbmbam/magnus crossover) with 949 (this still makes me laugh so much)
Seven Days (RQGaming, Zolf/Oscar) at 458
Sex, Death and Plants or: Four Seasons Total Landscaping (RQGaming AU, Zolf/Oscar/Grizzop) at 425
Willing to Wait for It (RQGaming, genfic) at 394
A Little Help (RQGaming, again Zoscar) at 384
Rusty Quill Gaming folks are super super supportive and awesome and I'm forever grateful they went on my dumb journeys with these characters with me.
5. Do you respond to comments? Always! I hope! I know sometimes I miss them when I'm away from my computer but they are definitely always read.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Mmmm, angsty-est?? I'm not one really for angsty endings, although I like angst in all the other bits. Probably the fic I wrote where Zolf is mourning Oscar. I honestly can't remember what it was called.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Sex Death and Plants ends in a massive polycule and the take down of a fascist asshole billionaire so I think it deffo qualifies as the happiest of my endings :D.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm LOL. Never directly. I have reports of people who dislike what I write but they never tell me to my face for some reason, it always gets around to me, usually about two years later, on the underground.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do. I love writing smut. I don't write very graphic smut as a general rule but most of my fics will have one or two scenes in it and I've done a couple of kinktobers. Love it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've got a couple. One Dragon Age/Lucifer crossover that I wrote specifically for a friend. One aborted Firefly/Dragon Age Crossover that lives on FF.net I think if that site hasn't destroyed itself.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I've had enquiries about translating some into Russian but I've never actually seen if they followed through.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! Quite a few actually. Some of them haven't been published :D.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? I should say Zoscar. So I will. I love them your honour.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Gods I got a comment on my old Rebels fic "Talking to Strangers" and I read it again and went "this shit's good I should finish it" but that would involve me actually watching the rest of Rebels and I don't really watch TV any more and it just ends up being too hard.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and character voices, I think - at least for fic. I have a lot of fun trying to make what characters say feel like it could be lifted directly from the source material but isn't.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Description. Fucken' hate it. I'll do it but I'll moan about it for every single sentence.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Very risky IMO and not something I'll do any more although I used to when I first started out. These days I'll write it in English but indicate which language it should be in in other ways.
19. First fandom you wrote for? If we wanna get technical I wrote my first fanfic when I was about ten years old. It was Sherlock Holmes fanfiction (the stories, not the series, since the series didn't come out for another twenty five years lol). Self insert time travel fic. I may still have it somewhere lol.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? I love all my fanfictions equally (I really don't care for Mbmbam Archives). No that was a joke, I really do love all of them, my favourite tends to be the one I'm writing at the present moment. That said honourable mention should go to The Nature of Crystal (G'raha/WOL smut) because that one just arrived fully formed in my head one morning and tickled me.
I'll tag @feralkwe, @wishflower4, @zombolouge @makesometime and anyone else who would like to do it!
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