#i headcanon that he likes sewing and embroidery
i love that there are a couple traits consistent among seemingly all spider-man variants. their wit, they’re dorky-ness, their intelligence. their queerness
but i think my favorite has got to be their artistic creativity. the og peter parker takes photos, miles draws + graffitis, gwen plays the drums, hobie plays guitar, etc.
which only just adds to the un-spider-man-ness of movie!miguel that he, seemingly, doesn’t have any artistic interest or pursuits. his life is so consumed by this need to justify his trauma and make it useful that he doesn’t have anything to healthily express himself and have fun through. he doesn’t have any room left for any personality because he’s too busy being a leader and a weapon.
this also plays into that quick little line from miles in the counselor's office where he mentions not doing much art anymore,,,he's so consumed by this one mission of his (similar to miguel) to figure out how to travel across universes to meet his friends (falsely thinking that will just automatically solve his loneliness) that he's losing that art that makes him happy, purposefully ignoring it because it's not "useful". i think it's also relevant to note that gwen, the character who's defined by her aimlessness, (literally her only goal is survival. like just the bare minimum of "don't be homeless tomorrow", just simple, normal, human self-preservation) opens the movie by going to town on her drum set. on the opposite end of the spectrum miguel and miles are on, she has no goal at all and is fully leaning into her artistic abilities for comfort. ultimately, the difference lies in where these characters are choosing to find comfort. in the pursuit of a singular goal that suppresses emotion in the name of efficiency, or in moment-to-moment explosive self expression that doesn't ultimately make strides towards an end goal?
(honorable mention: hobie and his music. the guitar, ie his art, symbolic of being in touch with your emotions, is something he keeps close with him and uses productively in pursuit of his goals. it's strong, but focused. he's very in control of it. he has figured out how to hit a perfect balance between the two, adding to this big brother/mentor image in relation to gwen and miles.)
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olenvasynyt · 1 month
Random Lucien headcanons, let’s go!
1. Lucien’s favorite alcoholic drink is whiskey. He likes old-fashioned, Summer-style whiskey lemonade, whiskey sours, Autumn-style hot toddy with cinnamon and honey, in his coffee, etc
2. He has insomnia and struggles to fall asleep. Probably gets 4-5 hours a sleep on a good day.
3. Is a big morning person: will call 8 am “sleeping in”. (Day Court heir rises with the sun!)
4. He is very fashionable (of course, we all know this) but he loves wearing mismatched socks. He has the biggest assortment of socks ever, including the fancy dress socks, hiking socks, fuzzy sleeping socks, and socks so old he sews patches in them
5. Knows how to sew and is pretty good at it. LoA taught him embroidery and he’ll embroider random leaves on his clothes when he’s bored.
6. Collects trinkets and always has a random assortment of things in his pocket: a cool stone he found; a key he stole from his brother and refuses to give it back after 200 years; a gem that popped off his knife handle; a rabbit’s foot, etc. He’s a lil crow for sure
7. Loves sleeping in hammocks. One of his go-tos when he goes camping by himself
8. Can juggle. Yes, I know, but picture him shirtless with his hair draping over his bare chest, his muscled arms moving elegantly as he juggles 5 flaming balls of fire 7 feet above his head…
9. Could not sit still as a kid. He was always running around and fiddling with stuff, kicking his feet when he sits, etc
10. Has his ears pierced (tbh I headcanon that most fae have their ears pierced. Fancy, excessive is a High Fae fashion)
11. Loves interior design. Constantly argues with Vassa about how to decorate the manor they occupy in the human lands; he HATES her taste
11.5. Modern headcanon: Lucien loves thrifting and always looks for vintage furniture, wall decor, etc at second-hand stops and estate sales.
12. Never liked hunting as a kid (family hunts were always torture for him) but he grew to appreciate it as a survival skill, as well as a way to enjoy and respect nature.
13. Was raised to worship the Mother, but disliked how his father’s court used it to oppress people. Lady of Autumn is religious and taught him the kind and true side of religion. The Mother and the Cauldron became a way for him to connect with his mother, especially after he ran from Autumn and couldn’t see her.
14. His love language is gifts (obviously) but also physical touch. He loves giving massages and can warm up his hands with fire magic to give heated massages for cold feet, hands, etc. He is clingy and loves to hold hands and cuddle.
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cainhart · 1 month
The symbolism of the snake embroidery on Vergil's clothes and my theories on how he might have acquired his outfit. (he's broke asf he didn't get it with money guys)
In the first Devil May Cry novel we learn that teenager Dante had his red jacket custom made. He is actually pissy about it when it gets ruined with bullet holes. He then wears a fuckass black jacket, which makes him look embarrassing.
Dante was drinking and using firearms when he was 15 or 16 years old; but he had a job (albeit his job being a MERCENARY. Also twins being European really shows because he was having drinking contests as a fucking 15 year old, god), so he had enough money to buy himself a custom made jacket. But the thing is, we don’t know how teenager Vergil got his outfit. It’s too well made to be bought in a normal store. Vergil probably had no money—though it is hinted that after Mundus' attack, young Vergil may have used public transportation (I also have a headcanon that he didn't know how to open a portal until he was at least 12 so that makes sense) and even bought himself food. These may have happened before or after the attack but let's say after the attack since Sparda, Eva, and the twins were living a secluded life. Still, being homeless and constantly on the run, his concept of the value of money is more like ‘money’ and ‘a LOT of money.’ He had no use for finance; what important was to get powerful and gain knowledge.
So, he probably didn’t get it with money. Vergil was never in one place long enough to earn money. I also don't see him as someone who would kill or hurt people to steal their money (he actually kinda did it in VoV,,, but that was different), so the idea of custom made clothing bought with human currency doesn't sit with me.
He might have used demonic magic to create his outfit. We see a demonstration of this in DMC5 with Trish, who uses her magic to literally recreate her entire outfit. This is very weird and left unexplained, which frustrates me because I need to rationalize things. Perhaps demons can do this because they can infuse anything with their demonic energy, and since the clothes they wear are made of organic material, they can recreate or even sew them back together. In Vergil's case, it's more like 'create a whole new outfit in mind's eye and boom now you have a ridiculous cravat.'
Another possibility is that he had it custom-made, but not with human currency. Demons, or at least a certain demonic/supernatural entity (the God of Time, aka the Divinity Statue), accept red orbs as a form of payment.
Vergil probably visited many places on his trauma blind journey of gaining power. I might overdo here, but what if he came across a strange tailor and they made a deal like, "You give me 70 thousand red orbs, and I give you a slutty vest, a ridiculous cravat, nice shoes and a cool coat with snake embroidery on it." and Vergil was like "Aight." Maybe he was intending to infuse his outfit with his magic anyway. It was a win-win situation.
It's funny to imagine Vergil designing his outfit, just being a teenager for once.
So, Vergil could have saved up red orbs to get a cool coat. Demonic establishments are kind of canon, so that’s a possibility. He was a teenager it’s only natural that he liked teenager things, even in his traumatized and hunted state. At a certain point in his life, he became strong enough to indulge in some of his likes.
Speaking of snake embroidery, Vergil has SO MUCH snake symbolism on him, and on his clothes too! Snakes were adored and respected throughout history before paganism started to get shitted on. Snakes represent wisdom, REBIRTH, healing, transformation, and knowledge. That’s why Satan, disguised as a snake, gave Eve the apple (knowledge) (also, knowledge of the occult was really given to women first). The snake detail on his clothes might even be magic, too. It's nearly an occult symbol on its own. Maybe a sigil? I know sigils aren't a thing in DMC but I don't care I'll go apeshit with my theories.
Whether the serpent detail was intentional or unintentional, it’s still a great detail considering his story and character. He goes through transformation (Nero Angelo), then rebirth (Vergil rebirth party in DMC5), and healing (basically the whole plot of Visions of V).
So, just teenager Vergil researching the occult and being fascinated with the symbolism of the serpent. OR he straight up stole it. :l This bitch split his demonic and human self apart and like 1 day after his human self came to existence he had to deal with money and his first thought was to steal it. Anyway, that's all. Have a good day!
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unicornsacorn · 4 months
wild kratts headcanons
feeling very drained so I'm gonna just ramble off some headcanons I think are funny
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*Martin was in charge of picking up Chis from school and once he knew Chris wasn't paying attention he'd blast any and all music at top volume just to mess with him
*During a team sleepover Jimmy had been accidentally left outside and was locked out for 5 minutes, he still hasn't forgive everyone yet
*Martin was often left in charge of Chris when his parents had to go out of town, They would spend all night watch TV and nothing but junk food
*Jimmy does smoke weed but because the others don't like the smell he smokes outside or waits till everyone is asleep
*Chris did try smoking weed with Jimmy, but he found it made him over think to the point where he was trying to redesign the CPS, Martin wasn't happy about that
*Koki is so good at sewing and embroidery to the point the boys always bring they're gear to her specifically, so she can make little animal embroidery on the inside of they're gear
*Zack is so close to his mother he makes it a point to call her every Sunday around noon, everyone knows this and doesn't plan or do anything in those hours
*Aviva has a bit of a sweet tooth when ever Jimmy does some baking she's always the first to try his recipes
*Zach does have a crush on Chris but denys it, but he's not exactly subtle about it so Chris takes every opportunity to flirt with Zach just so he can see him get flustered, Martin just wants to go home during these times
*The ability for Chris being able to sleep anywhere is something he kept from his college years during cram weeks, the team gets very concerned when they caught him sleeping in a tree
*The reason the team sleeps in hammocks is because they're easier to clean and take less space than an actual bed
*During flu seasons Both Jimmy and Martin will fight tooth and nail not to get shots, it'll take an hour and bribery just to get then to sit down. It takes Chris has to hold both their hands to get them to calm enough to get the shot.
*The Tortuga gang can drink and often have drinks together during peaceful nights or after very stressful nights. Martin would always joke that Chris and koki were too much to drink, earning him a quick shoulder punch or an eye roll
*After the Chris bot incident the brothers joked that with the CPS they could be actually power house villans if they wanted too, Aviva knowing they were joking but not taking the chance locked the CPS for a week while she worked on fails safes in case that happened
*The Kratts have been sued by many poachers after either interfering with they're hurting or for the brothers attacking them after they've been shot at. In actual court the poachers always lost when the judges sided with the kratts for way reasons including, they were poaching on government protected land and it's very clean to tell actual animals from those that look blue and green and can talk
*Mama Kratt makes it a her responsibility to call her boys every week and for them to visit her every mother's day. When they visit she always has they're favorites ready and showers them in so many kisses the lipstick wouldn't wash off for a month.
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 11 months
Could I request headcanons of Ruggie, Trey, and Jamil with an s/o who's good at textile design 🪡 (sewing, knitting, embroidery, etc)?
Of course!! Also, did you guys know that Crewel’s name isn’t just a play on “Cruel”, it’s also a type of embroidery?
Ruggie, Trey, and Jamil + S/O that’s good at textile design!
Ruggie Bucchi
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Ruggie won’t say it out loud, but he really does like it when you give him things you embroidered. It makes him feel special; knowing that you went out of your way to give him something handmade.
He is definitely flaunting your work to anyone willing to listen. And some who aren’t. It’s gotten to the point where even Leona knows about your skills.
The best way to get him to practically swoon is by patching up some of his old clothes without being asked. Something about you noticing it and going out of your way for him makes the poor guy’s heart flutter.
He’s gonna try to get you to make a business out of your skills. There’s definitely a market out there for custom embroidery, and you two could definitely get in on it!
“Hey, just think about it. You could make a killing doing this for the students. They’d pay a stupid amount of cash to make them stand out a little!”
Trey Clover
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Trey enjoys watching you work on your projects. He loves how focused you are and how much you love doing it.
He’d never ask you to, he knows how stressful it is to be a student here already, but he’d love it if you put some of your own touches on his clothing.
Finds himself getting inspired by your work while thinking of how to decorate his cakes. Obviously frosting and fondant are very different from string, so it isn’t a perfect replica, but he does get pretty close to it.
Going back to an earlier point, if you embroider something small like roses or really anything you’d like, he would spend forever admiring each and every detail.
“How you can add so much detail on such a small space is something I can never understand. It’s really incredible.”
Jamil Viper
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While I’m sure Jamil has some skill with a needle, it’s mostly just to stitch up some holes quickly. He honestly doesn’t think about it until he sees what you’re able to do with it.
He’s very impressed with your patience while sewing, he knows that he’d get frustrated if he attempted something similar.
If you give him something you made yourself he’d treat it like it was made of gold. He hardly lets anyone touch it, partly out of fear of damaging it and partly out of his own pride.
He enjoys watching you plan out your next projects, helping you choose the colors and designs. If you ask nicely, he might model some of them for you.
“Does this look how you pictured it? It does suit me quite well, I must admit.”
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candychasse · 3 months
Hiii! I asked this question on the ‘Osana’ Reddit and you said you had more, SOOOO: What are all of your headcanons for the Male Rivals?? General Headcanons pretty pretty please :3
Haiii! Good to see you on here ^w^ & ofc!
(Also ignore the fact half of them don't get fun pictures or a gif I'm posting from the app lol xD)
General Male Rivals Head cannons!
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Osano Najime
He is stupidly good at playground games (like rock paper scissors, go fish, etc) to the point where nobody wanted to play with him as a kid because they knew he'd win.
Favorite Pixar movie is inside out.
He actually is really good friends with Hanako. They both spend a ridiculous amount of money on blind bags together. And whenever Osano goes to the store he keeps an eye out for ones Hanako would like.
And Hanako has made him a friendship bracelet, which Osano being the tsundere he is, promptly pretended to hate it but still wears it as an anklet to this day.
Has helped organize fund raisers for local animal shelters and veterinary emergency rooms.
I feel like he has contact lenses and wore glasses in middle school. Whenever he's doing his judgemental stare his friends if he's put his contacts in that day.
He gets really into decorating and customizing his phone, like changes his whole layout, stick, phone charms, pop socket, app overlays, wallpaper, depending on what season it is.
Reads shojo manga but pretends to hate it.
^ his favorite is fruits basket
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Amao Odayaka
One time he was at his great grandma's house making sourdough bread, and he accidentally slammed it on the old wooden counter so hard that he made a hole which the dough fell through to the cabinet shelf below. So not only did he break a counter he also had to scrap the whole batch. That memory haunts him and keeps him up at night.
Impulsively buys every apron he sees. He has a whole section of his closet purely dedicated to aprons.
Favorite movie is ratatouille, naturally.
He is uh, a little dense when it comes to social cues. He's nice don't get me wrong, just he isn't very good at getting sarcasm.
His favorite deserts to make are macarons and pound cake.
He has a love-hate relationship with the Gordon Ramsay show 'Hell's Kitchen' because he gets ridiculously mad at the condition the kitchens are always in. But he loves seeing the before and afters.
He runs the cooking club like a pirate ship tbh, he usually has to break up fights between the members. Except for Saki because she minds her own beeswax.
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Kizano Sunobu
He has played many, many, roles in theater such as: The Wicked Stepmother From Cinderella, The Phantom of the opera, The Rat King, King George the third in Hamilton, and many more.
He can sing quite well, and took gymnastics lessons as a child so he could very much be considered a quadruple threat. (Singing, Acting, Dancing, and Acrobatics.)
Went to a preforming arts high school, but due to his family moving he had to transfer to Akademi.
His favorite animated movies are Leap! And Anastasia. Although he does have a love for old Disney aesthetics.
He has quite sensitive skin, being allergic to glycerin, so he has to be very particular about what products he buys.
Kizano plans on becoming a Broadway actor once he graduates, and because of that he is fluent in both Japanese and english, and is working on learning Spanish.
He really appreciates the club members who are stage hands, always making sure to thank them after every show.
While he is cocky, egotistical, and down right self centered at times, he does truly appreciate his club members.
He has some, interesting opinions on the other club leaders...
He likes and appreciates Amao, mainly because they both have an unyielding passion for their respective fields.
He hates and despises Asuo, because he finds him too relaxed and annoyingly positive.
He in fact does not know Oko exists.
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Oko Ruto
Is very good at sewing due in part to the fact he likes to replace the button hole embroidery on his white shirts to a beige tone and the buttons to match his eyes, making it look like his buttons are eyeballs. Also because sewing comes in handy for occult/supernatural shenanigans.
Likes to visit graveyards to see if there's any intriguing tomb stones. Like funny last words, statues of the dead, intriguing ways a person died, ect.
^ he is very respectful though, only really approaching graves that are particularly old.
The occult club does more than just stalking students and summoning demons. they also practice ways to tell the future, speak to ghosts, birth chart and palm readings, and alien investigation night. (Held every other Tuesday.)
He watches BuzzFeed unsolved supernatural. Because weirdly enough true crime gives him the creeps but not ghosts and ghouls.
His favorite animated movies are, Spirited Away, Alice in wonderland, and Paranorman.
His father was a paranormal investigator, but has major Dale Gribble vibes so safe to say he runs an occult goods shop with tarot cards, oujia boards, future reading tea and eggs, and more now after being 'encouraged to retire'.
His mother is a practicing psychic who was actually brought in to help solve the murders at Akademi. She now runs an in store future reading service. Personality wise she's very much so like Jessica Rabbit, sweet charming, and a showman at heart.
Asuo Rito
This man seems like a golden retriever and he is, but sweet Lord does he not actually process his emotions. Everytime he gets upset over something he just throws himself further into training regiments.
Has like seven dogs currently and overall in his life he's had twenty.
Enjoys all sports but knows he should be focusing on just one, but he just can't pick. He enjoys track and field best, but that could just because that's what he wins the most medals for....
Took one martial arts lesson when he was ten and Budo accidentally broke his nose. Swore off martials arts ever since.
Speaking of which, childhood friends with Budo, although at first they didn't like each other because they were on opposing soccer teams.
He in fact does not know Kizano has one sided beef with him. He thinks of all the club leaders as his friends, except Kaga, he finds him creepy.
Favorite animated movie is the Incredibles.
Man is his and his teams own cheerleader, doing full on chants and cartwheels at swim meets.
^ has accidentally cartwheeled into the pool, DURING A RACE.
Mujo Kano
This man would make a better mortician than a nurse! He always gets hung up on fixing patients hair rather than filling out important paperwork.
Studying to be a pediatrician, specifically specializing in infants.
Has an unhealthy build a bear problem. He builds a bear every week and they have invaded his couch, bed, and shelves.
He is a walking disaster. Someone save him.
Osoro Shidesu
Chain smoker, no further elaboration.
He's weirdly stoic, like definitely not a party person, despite being a delinquent hooligan he reminds sorta like an old timey knight.
Rbf to the max, man came into this world with a scowl. There's not a single picture of him in his childhood where he doesn't look like a hell spawn.
Good at cooking in the same way a shady Denny's chef is good at cooking. Like cigarette in hand, cussing under his breath, while making the best funfeitti pancakes known to man.
It brings joy to his grinchy little soul to see a slug bug. Like in ironically giggles when he sees one.
Also thinks clowns are hilarious. In another life he'd be a shady circus owner.
He either has the cutest softest smile known to man, or the creepiest smirk ever.
Favorite animated movie, Up and lady and the tramp.
At his core he does believe in fairness. If a guy is harassing a waitress he won't hesitate to take him outside iykyk.
Hanako Yamada
Has gotten his arm stuck in an arcade machine after trying to just grab the plushie he wanted. The fire station was called and had to help get him out.
Wears keychains on his belt loops of his favorite characters like Keroppi, Hello Kitty and Mimi, and Happy from fairy tail.
Is actually not that social around those he doesn't know, personally I like to think he has some form of social anxiety which prevents from getting close to many people.
The reason why he dresses so cutely is that he figured that even if people stared at him, at least he'd know why rather than just being clueless.
Favorite animated movie is the toy story saga which he cries to every time he rewatches.
Really enjoys playing matchmaker with people he knows, for example in middle school he introduced his aunt to his homeroom teacher, leading for them to get married three years later.
Loves playing animal Crossing (and spending a ridiculous amount on leaf tickets in pocket camp)
Has an absurd amount of plushies, except he does know how to stack them properly to make it seem like he only has a few.
Is studying to be an architect or interior designer, he hasn't quite decided yet but he hopes to someday make homes that'll reflect his clients essence.
Has two pet hamsters, Hamtaro and Hamantha.
Megamo Saikou
Denser than cement when it comes to how much things cost. Not like business expenses because he's been trained for that, but he does think a loaf of bread costs twenty bucks.
Was a premature baby and had a heart problem causing him to be rushed into surgery nearly immediately after being born.
Would be studying to be a brain surgeon if he wasn't set in stone to inherit the company.
Actually rather appreciates the arts, such as art galleries and musical theater.
Favorite animated movie is sleeping beauty.
Likes to people watch, he finds it amusing to see how others live.
Is a horrible cook, like cannot make box Mac n cheese.
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jynxeddraca · 4 months
Small, Soft BG3 Things
Just an ongoing list of small headcanons for Team Tadpole.
Astarion learned how to sew and embroider from his mother. She loved to embroider poems that she sold at market. Most of his word based embroidery looks like her handwriting, even though he doesn't remember that.
He's the go-to member of Team Tadpole for mending because he's the best out of all of them at it. More importantly: as he comes to view them as friends, the basic mending is supplemented with subtle embroidery.
Every child that he ends up spending time around learns some slight of hand trick and/or how to use a knife.
When everyone is asleep and he's particularly at ease, he'll quietly sing to himself while doing other things.
As the self-appointed cook - come time to set up camp, Gale might fuss about the bizarre assortment of food stuff they find on their travels, but he secretly revels in the challenge of making filling, delicious foods out of what they're able to scavenge.
Cooking was how his mother and him bonded as he grew up so now it's his favorite way of showing affection/appreciation to others.
Spoils Tara with all her favorite foods when they're reunited (also I headcanon Tara joins the camp most nights in Act 3).
When he was younger, he specifically created an enchantment to enchant his mother's favorite rocking chair so that when it was activated, mage hands would appear and give her shoulders and feet a massage.
He learned to whittle from an uncle and the knife he uses today for his carvings was given to him by his mother - whose favorite animal was ducks.
Halsin likes to go sit in Bloomridge park when the city gets to him, taking Yenna with him if she's agreeable. He has taught her and several other random children how to braid flower crowns.
When he returns to Reithwin Town, he teaches Art how to whittle and Art teaches Halsin how to play the lute.
On nights where Halsin is keeping watch will offer to turn pages for Tara so she can read a book or two.
Will turn into a cat/dog to give comfort to children if they are inconsolable.
Takes an afternoon with Halsin - both in wildshape - to show him how nature and the city can be more harmonious than he originally thought.
The lullaby she knows how to play on the tin whistle was one taught to her by her late husband - she has put all her children to sleep to it's tune.
Teases Tara about her treating Gale like her kitten.
The rats that show up in camp do give her updates on other Harpers - but most of the time they are updates about her children.
Clive - her teddy bear - was knitted by her mother and she considers him her 'good luck charm'. Before the infernal engine was forced onto her, he could often be found tucked into Karlach's belt at any given point of the day or in her purse/pouch.
Karlach almost left Avernus without Clive, and risked missing the Nautiloid to go back to grab him.
Because she calls Halsin "Bear Man" Arabella starts calling him that too. At the same time, Karlach starts calling Withers "Bone Man" because of Arabella.
Her parents used to dance around the living room with her - in camp she'll get Arabella and later, Yenna, to do the same. When she's especially energetic, she makes Wyll join her.
While she originally hates everything about Faerûn, she becomes especially fond of the sunrises and finds she enjoys sunflowers.
After the egg is acquired, she does softly sing an old githyanki lullaby to when she tends to it.
Because she feels it is an important skill to have for when the egg hatches, she learns to sew by watching Astarion. Eventually, she asks him for tips.
Lae'zel seems well-read (on githyanki literature anyways) in my opinion so I feel like even though she's a very skilled fighter, she also spent much of her time in the creche library growing up. In camp, she raids Gale's library bag often.
When Karlach started calling her 'Lae', she began referring to Karlach as 'Kar'.
Minsc and Boo:
When Boo isn't around Minsc, he spends time around Shadowheart curled up on her shoulder or sitting beside her as she meditates.
Amused that it baffles people who can speak with animals, Boo purposefully does not allow them to understand him and sticks with his telepathic communications with Minsc.
Minsc enjoys finding excuses to tell stories and is a good storyteller.
Teaches Tav a few Rashemen songs and stories.
Minsc and Boo both have a faint smell of warm stone about them due to being statues for a while.
When meditating, sometimes unknowingly hums an old lullaby her parents used to sing her.
Still sometimes mutters "Lady of Sorrows" when exasperated, and at one point while very tired said "Lady of Sil-rrows" instead.
Has started keeping seeds and nuts on hand for Boo.
Talking to Astarion and Halsin in Elvish is soothing to her, and sometimes it triggers memories of her father.
Was gifted a stuffed bunny by her dad when she was a baby. His name is Biscuit.
Biscuit was handed down to Temerity (Tav's little sister) while they were in the orphanage and he currently lives on Temerity's pillow.
Tav and Karlach have introduced Clive (Karlach's teddy bear) to Biscuit.
The smell of leather oil reminds her of her father.
Has a soft spot in his heart for trashy romance novels and anything related to mermaids. An aside: even though he hasn't been home in years, the merfolk around Baldur's Gate remember him fondly as a child trying to swim deep enough to see them.
Actually enjoys debating Astarion about laws and their effects - even though they have wildly different views on the laws.
Has a secret tattoo, and yes, it's mermaid themed.
Offered to teach Lae'zel to use a rapier if she showed him how to wield a longsword.
Also enjoys cooking and likes to show Gale different ways to season/cook in the wilds.
The rapier he has at the start of the game was gifted to him by his father.
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doodle-pops · 7 months
Caranthir with Pregnant Reader and as a Father
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Request: May I request a headcanon about Caranthir expecting kids? How would Cara react to the news? And how would he behave with his wife (reader) and his kid? (I think Cara would be an amazing father ^_^ I love him so much) – anon
A/N: I know you suggested reader with multiple pregnancies like twins or triplets, however, I decided to settle on just one baby for a start. I’d be happy to write a headcanon with him expecting twins another time.
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➽ The idea of you becoming pregnant is certainly a distant dream of his which recently came into reality. The words leaving your lips with a smile while cradling your non-existent bump leaves him speechless.
➽ Quickly Caranthir falls into silence which prompts humour in your mind at his facial expression. In his mind, he was attempting to figure out just how much luck he was capable of having—first courting and marrying you, now having a child.
➽ When he breaks out of this trance, he rushes forward to embrace you in a supportive hug and reaches his hands downwards to your non-existent bump while whispering praises and thanks for such a priceless gift.
➽ Through your pregnancy, Caranthir becomes more doting. He finds it difficult to deny you anything you request since he wants to ensure your comfort during the entire duration. The only things he denies you are your weird cravings ‘if’ you have any. You will not be spared a look of judgment as he watches you eat a banana in tomato sauce.
➽ Consult the healers to learn all about dealing with your pain and nausea, all the herbs that are safe to make tea with or rub on your skin as it stretches and if your cravings are…acceptable.
➽ All your clothes will be tailored to fit your body as your stomach enlarges, and he will also participate in frequently tailoring new dresses of the same high quality, so you don’t have to wear less than what you deserve. However, you prefer to wear lighter materials since your stomach weighs you down.
➽ His hand will be on your belly often as he speaks to your unborn child, speaking to them of what their parents are like, how much he adores them already, or how miserable their mummy can be at times. It brings him the utmost joy when he feels them wiggling around whenever he speaks or rubs your tummy.
➽ When the baby does arrive, let’s not pretend that he was impatient and angry during your labour because you were in pain and he couldn’t take it away, he waits until you have fallen asleep to steal the baby away. Cooing silently and playing with each finger and toes, he’ll introduce himself to his child in a soft voice.
➽ Speaking of Caranthir sewing, he’s going to be making clothes for the baby so you or he and your little one can match. Tiny robes adorned in exquisite embroidery or lavish beads would be placed on tiny mannequins. He comes in every other week to show off the new dress or tunics he made like the proud father he is.
➽ He’ll accompany you on walks when he can, and ask the guards or your handmaids to assist when he cannot. It’s worse when he’s in the middle of a meeting and one of your handmaidens walks in to inform him that you’ve disappeared to walk alone. He drops everything to go find you chilling in the garden at peace.
➽ Moryo cannot help himself from releasing a string of words that expresses his concerns before rushing over. “Weren’t you in a meeting with officials?” “Yes, but it doesn’t matter, I’m here now. Shall we continue the walk?”
➽ This occurs frequently which prompts his meetings to be rescheduled and you annoyed at his hovering. You have to remind him that you aren’t handicap and you’re capable of managing on your own perfectly.
➽ “Hello little one, I’m your atar.” In between, he pauses to check if anyone caught him being all soft with his little one.
➽ For the early months when it came to caring for them, he helped out after turning to the healers for guidance. If they woke up crying, he would sprint from the bed to comfort which led to exhaustion before the day was over after walking multiple times a night.
➽ He keeps the existence of your child a secret from his brothers, except Maedhros, Maglor and the twins who would send gifts for your little one in the form of jewellery (obviously) and clothes.
➽ Throughout their life, Caranthir does his best to keep the outside world away from them, solely due to the reputation his house has earned for themselves. When they’re older, he would speak with them should they ever confront him about rumours and whatnot.
➽ His little one is his second weakness who could do almost anything and he would simply smile at them affectionately. He hates to be the one to scold them since he doesn’t want his temper to light up or appear as the bad guy–you’ll have to be the one to do the scolding.
➽ Note that your child will be spoilt from birth, and you cannot tell Caranthir to ease up because he will give you the look. “How can you tell me not to spoil my own child? I mean look at them! They deserve to be given everything.” He says as he makes them wear a bracelet which gets slobbered in drool.
➽ Should they ever cry, the entire palace gets shut down to assess the situation. “Who made my little pumpkin cry?!” Your little one made themselves cry by performing their acrobatics believing they were invincible.
➽ Moryo adores hosting conversations with his little one even though all they do is babble gibberish. “Oh really?! Ammë didn’t give you a kiss this morning? I know right! Mommy’s horrible! You should bite her next time. Oh, you will? I support!”
➽ Sometimes when you’re searching for your little one, it’s because they’re curled up in Caranthir’s lap while he’s busy writing up tax reports or speaking to an official. He’s nonchalant when it comes to what they do; they could tug or chew his hair, yank his circlet off his head, tug on his necklace (says something about always ordering better ones) or dribble all over his clothes.
➽ Does not allow anyone else to hold his child except you or his two older brothers, and even then, he HOVERS. He gets teased for how soft he has become for his little one by his brothers. They’ll reminisce on Moryo when he was little and whether or not his baby shares similarities.
➽ As your child grows and learns of the world around them, Caranthir ensures they are blessed with the best scholars and their interests are respected. Whatever trade they wish to embark on, he supports and solidifies their foundations, so they can excel.
➽ He’s proud of their accomplishments and boasts about them, even hosting celebratory dinners in their honour.
➽ He fears as they grow older and learn of the outside world, their views of him will change, and he isn’t prepared to face them on that topic. For now, he does his best to maintain a healthy relationship with them.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @ladyenchanted @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @hermaeuswhora
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anarchy-and-piglins · 9 months
*offers idea* Philza sews enchantments into his clothes as hidden embroidery so he can wear backed tops and robes for The Aesthetic. Silly little things like physics and "you physically can't move your joints like that" won't stop him when he can cheat reality and have a warm and cozy back.
Ooooh, that's really fun and clever, I'll be yoinking that for my own headcanon. An enchantment that specifically only allows his wings to phase through, embroidered into the back of his shirt YesYes!
I think in general we should capitalize more on the fact that Minecraft is a universe where magic exists. And we don't need to restrict ourselves to just canon enchantments and potions either. You can have a lot of fun with that (Both for angst or fluff)
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Hi 😁 i really loved your Obey Me post about an MC who crochets, and I was wondering if you could you could do something similar with a seamstress MC (preferably femMC but gn is fine too if thats what you are more comfortable with), but where the boys come to MC all the time for wardrobe fixes like stitching/patching up holes or alterations or to commition entire outfits and MC secretly adds little bits embroidery that are unique to each brother like a peacock feather for Lucifer, cats for Satan, or crows for Mammon, etc.
If you are unable to do this, that is totally fine, and I completely understand. I hope you are doing well and remember to stay hydrated 💓
Hello there!
I'm so sorry this took me so long to get to! What can I say, I got sidetracked. And even though requests are currently closed, this was a cute idea and I wanted to write it. I was surprised how well that headcanon post about crocheting did! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I have far less knowledge about sewing than crocheting, so this is just kind of my general understanding of such things. I did have fem!MC in mind, but it's a little hard to tell since I'm still using the you/yours.
Thanks for the request!
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the brothers react to fem!MC who is a seamstress
Warnings: none!
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Due to a slight obsession with socks, this is probably the item Lucifer brings to you most often. He cares a lot about his clothes in general, though. So you can be sure he'll be bringing you anything that needs attention. A button that's falling off, holey socks, loose threads, he's bringing it all to you.
If you add some embroidery to something, he will notice immediately. MC, didn't he only ask you to sew up the hole in these socks? Why is there a peacock feather there now? If you're going to make him something so beautiful, please put it on something that will be seen. His socks are unworthy.
Absolutely commissions you to make him a fancy suit. He might say he wants it cut a certain way and that he wants it in a specific color scheme, but if he knows you can do embroidery, he will leave that part up to you. Feel free to embellish it for him. He wants to see what you think will look good on him.
Lucifer will only wear those clothes on special occasions. He knows he looks amazing in the outfits you make for him. He'll still want something he can wear every day, too. Just something small. Maybe you add a little flourish to his usual tie or to the collar of the shirt he wears under his RAD uniform. Whenever he thinks of you, he touches it without realizing.
Mammon is quite conscious about his clothes and how he treats them. He likes nice things and he doesn't want to mess them up by being careless. However, if he has a problem with a hole or a button, you can be sure he'll be bringing it to you. He knows you'll fix everything so it looks good as new.
He might not notice hidden embroidery at first. He'll wear that jacket you fixed for him multiple times before he spots the little embroidered crow on the inside where the hole used to be. When he does see it, he's so overcome by it, he blushes instantly. He'll be too embarrassed to tell you how much he likes it.
He will commission you to make things or embellish things that he's got to wear for upcoming modeling gigs. If he's at all in charge of what he wears, he will want you to make it. He knows ya got great style, MC! And he knows how good your skills are… might even take this opportunity to let you know he appreciates the embroidery you do.
You can really fluster him if you make something matching for the two of you. He's going to pretend that he's not into it, but he totally is. Even if you just make your outfits correspond, he's going to be thrilled. He won't be able to keep himself from touching your clothes all the time, just to remind himself that you're real.
He can probably fix all his own clothes, but he brings them to you anyway. Why would he do it himself when he can have a hole fixed by you? He'll find any reason to bring you something - a zipper that's starting to come undone, pants that are just a little too long, pretty much anything he can find.
He will notice any additional embroidery pretty quickly. Is this a little Ruri-chan, MC?! Oh boy now he wants to learn your ways. Teach him how to embroider, please, he's got to employ this on all of his cosplay from here on out. Whether he really does or not is questionable, but he is so happy to spend time learning from you.
Since Levi makes his own cosplay, he is going to ask you for help as soon as he knows you can sew. He has so many ideas and now he runs them all by you first. Asks for your help in picking out fabrics and threads. Will bring anything especially tricky to you, hoping you'll help him out with it.
If you make a special clothing item just for him, he'll wear it all the time. He thought about maybe only wearing it for special occasions, but it turns out he can't wait to have it on. He loves the way you made it perfectly for him. How can he not wear it constantly?
He probably cares less about his clothes than some of the other brothers do, but he also doesn't want to look disheveled. He cares about being neat and tidy. So if he's having a problem with holes or buttons or needing alterations, you are the one he goes to. He knows you will do an excellent job and he trusts you with his clothes.
Depending on where you leave your hidden embroidery, he might not notice it at first. The second he finds a little embroidered cat on one of the items he left with you, though, he's going to lose his mind. Not only is that cat the cutest thing he's ever seen, but you made it. Blushes like crazy before composing himself so he can tell you how much he loves it.
Yes, of course he would be thrilled if you made some clothes for him, MC, but have you considered making little cat clothes? Think of the adorable embroidery you could do on a little kitty sweater. You can bring them to cats at cafes or just make them for the strays that hang out in the House of Lamentation garden.
If you do make him an outfit, he will save it for special occasions. Deliberately wears it if he's going on a date with you because he likes the way you blush when you see him in it. He will take care of those clothes better than he cares for anything else.
He might already know how to mend his own clothes, but he probably doesn't especially enjoy doing it. So if you're willing to, he will happily bring you anything and everything that may have even a slight issue. Probably brings you things that you maybe wouldn't get from the others - like a sequin that's out of place or some beading that's coming loose.
Maybe you decide to leave a little scorpion or a trail of hearts embroidered on some of his clothes. He will notice instantly. He'll probably notice the second you hand them over. And then he's gushing about it because wow MC, you're so talented! This is so cute and he loves it!
Definitely commissions you for full on outfits. Brings you design sketches of exactly what he's looking for. He knows you'll make something perfect for him. He loves to model the finished products for you, too. He'll put on a whole matching make up look just for you to see how it goes with what you made.
Asmo will commission you the most, so you can be sure he'll be wearing something you made on any given day. He's also likely to request that you decorate some things for him with your embroidery. This means there's always something in his outfit that was either made by you or decorated by you. Just knowing it makes him so happy.
He probably has a lot of problems with ripping clothes considering how active he is, but he never bothered to fix them before. Always just got new stuff. But now that you're here, he brings it all to you. Every item you've ever mended for him becomes something extra special to him. Thank you for always fixing things for him, MC.
He might not notice right away if you've embroidered something special for him, but he will certainly find it soon enough. You might think you're taking a risk by embroidering cheeseburgers on his clothes, but Beel won't try to eat them. He loves them so much and probably just looks at them whenever he's feeling extra hungry. Just to get him through until he can eat again.
He probably won't ask you directly for a full outfit, but you make him one anyway. Something fancy for a special occasion and he'll only wear it sometimes. He loves it of course, but he's very protective of anything you make or give to him. So he keeps it safe most of the time.
You might end up mending his Fangol uniforms the most. Likely they get holes and tears all the time, so you will have a steady stream of work to do in this area. Other demons on the team begin to notice when one day they see Beel completely trash a uniform only for him to come back the next day with it looking good as new. You might get roped into being the official team seamstress if you're not careful.
He doesn't have too many issues with clothing mishaps, just the usual wear and tear that happens when you wear stuff a lot. But you might find him bringing you things like pillow cases and blankets, too. Especially the cow print pillow since he always seems to take it around everywhere. There's no way it doesn't get a little beat up after a while.
He won't notice any embroidery on his clothes right away, but if you add a little something to one of his pillows, he'll see it immediately. A little cow on the cow print? A little sheep on one of his other pillow cases? He's going to love it so much, but he's just going to mention it casually so as not to give away how much it means to him. He likes the embroidery you added to his pillows, MC.
Belphie likely won't ask you for an outfit, either, but he'll secretly want one. So if you make him one for something special, it will mean a lot to him. He will ask you for pajamas, though. He probably has all kinds of fabrics he wants you to use, too. He just wants to be comfy and you have the skills.
Never wears pajamas made by anyone else ever again. Once you start making them for him, it's all over. He gets spoiled and refuses anything different. He doesn't need new ones too often though since you can mend the ones you've already made. Make yourself some matching ones for when the two of you nap together and you'll have one happy cozy demon on your hands.
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the crochet headcanons
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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Fellowship hobbies/relaxation activities
When the day of adventuring is done what they do at home.
Long horse ride-also duh
Attending elvish concerts
Spending time with Arwen alone-they’re so often surrounded by courtiers and lords so Aragorn likes it when just the two of them can spend time together
Once saw a headcanon about Boromir having a pet falcon and I love the idea that he would be into falconry
He likes to help train the young guards-like he did with Merry and Pippin
Go out for drinks with Faramir
Go for a ride around Pelenor
Party boi like all of the Mirkwood elves
Likes to wax poetic walking around the woods
Sings to himself also
Archery practice
Works on braiding his or Gimli’s hair
Drinks a lot but not in a dysfunctional way just likes to party-so does Gimli so this works out
Wildlife watching-this includes following Aragorn around and commenting on him like he’s Steve Irwin
Jewelry making-makes lots of stuff for Legolas
Kinda into sculpting but isn’t that great at it
Sorting his armor and weapons
Going for a walk through the glittering caves
Is really into crystals and likes to sit and talk to them-Legolas thinks this is weird
Get drunk with Legolas
Smoke that zah
Like his main hobby is smoking weed
Also likes to chill at the pub with Pippin and get involved in other people’s affairs
Chill with Pippin and cause minor trouble
They tried to make fireworks one time-this did not end well
Pippin has a hard time just sitting and doing one thing
But he decompresses by hanging out with friends
Drinks and smoke with Merry, Frodo, and Sam
Loves to dance
Going with the movie he plays the banjo in a hobbit band-his dad thinks this is kinda unbecoming of the future thain but doesn’t get involved because it keeps Pippin occupied
Gardening is his job but he also loves it and continues to do so after he is no longer officially the Baggins gardener because he likes to
Cooking-especially with Frodo
Wood carving-he likes to make pipes for his friends
Going for walks in the woods with Frodo
Writing poetry but he is very shy about who he shares it with
Likes to sketch, mostly sketches the garden or Frodo sleeping
Listening to Frodo read Elvish poetry
Also is an avid reader
Like Sam loves to read, they both always have a book they’re in the middle of
Knitting, crochet, embroidery, sewing any kind of fiber art really he likes to have something to do with his hands
Plays the harp, used to play the accordion but it was a lot harder with only nine fingers so he switched to the harp-he learned it in Rivendell as music therapy
Loved to go for walks with Bilbo and then Sam when he was younger. After the quest this is a bit harder for him but he does have a pretty durable wheelchair made by Gimli which he wills go on strolls with Sam in
Bitching with Bilbo or Elrond
Hanging out with Radagast and his animals
Rides on Shadowfax
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vhstown · 10 months
gwen stacy ★ general headcanons
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content/warnings: mentions of underage drinking, implied & mentions of death
a/n: hey 😁 a levels beating my arse. thx 2 @qiupachups 4 helping w these 🫡 give it up for gwendy ‼️ (unedited)
Gwen is a collector — but not of collectibles. She has a secret empire of the most random things, and is thoroughly embarrassed when anyone finds it: tickets, pins, soda can tabs, cool-looking clothing tags, mismatched hair clips, paper clips, little things stolen from school, etc. Anything she things is remotely interesting has a place in a very specifically organised box under her bed, tucked away from the world and taken out occasionally to be adjusted or stared at. It's essentially the same as being a collector, right...?
She had a fashion hobby she grew out of, but it re-kindles when she has to design a suit for herself. Initially, it's made up of thermal sportswear but she comes up with actual designs at some point, modifying it overtime to include the hood and to integrate it with her ballet slippers.
When it comes to art, Gwen's style would be a lot like a fashion student's. I headcanon her to have aphantasia so her main strength is drawing clothing, and a lot of her drawings are based on herself as a reference (she can literally only draw herself well...) Rather than a sketchbook, she has a journal that's also full of photographs and writing as well as her drawings, and the occasional crumpled up drum score.
Has a knack for sewing and customises some of her clothes, though it's more personal touches and the occasional crop rather than completely overhauling a piece of clothing. Everyday items of hers have at least a little embroidery or design on them and she likes doing patterns on like bags and converse for her friends. Wants to make plushies and things but always manages to get distracted so there's a bunch of unfinished projects in her closet. (I would totally buy from her on Etsy though 😁)
Gwen did ballet as a kid and developed the enraging habit of cracking EVERY joint in her body. She's the mf that twists in the chair in front of you and stares deep into your soul while cracking her back. Cracks things you don't even know you could crack without shame my girl is a whole instrument 😭
Ballet is something her dad pushed her towards, alongside music (though he preferred she did something more traditional). Initially Gwen did feel out of place in her classes. A lot of the other children at her classes were already well-versed in it, and a lot of times she found she wanted to quit. Only after learning that her mom Helen did ballet did she willingly pick it up again at an older age, incorporating the technique into her fighting style.
Gwen used to play a few different instruments as a kid but none of them really stuck. For a while, she thought she hated music when she did piano and the recorder, but when she got her hands on a drumkit at her school and a couple lessons, she knew it was the one.
Her drumming is definitely more freestyle, and even though she's good she has a lot of problems with her high energy, spontaneous and emotive style. That means she breaks her drumsticks ALL the time. There's no way she's banging all that out on the drums without an unfortunate snap or two, so she always keeps another pair handy. She's broken her drumsticks so much that there's a collection of them torn up at the bottom of her bag (she never bothers to throw them out, and might've given herself a splinter reaching in to find something 💀)
Speaking of drumsticks, she has one lucky pair she uses for important performances, carrying them practically everywhere. They've essentially rotted in their fancy little fabric case since she'd gottem them, the custom "GWENDOLYN MAXINE STACY" imprinted on it having almost completely eroded away.
Though, she's only ever used them once; her dad had bought them for her for a school performance, which she had to bail last minute when her Spider-sense suddenly activated. Running off to fight a villain not a street away, Peter Parker follows her, and he realises just who Spider-Woman really is.
While she was planning to use them at her prom performance with her band... that never happened. After that, everything reminded her of that night, and her relationship with The Mary Janes dwindled until she quit altogether. The band only lasted a few months prior, and since they never got to perform at prom, Gwen found herself playing for no reason at all, other than to get rid of her pent-up energy and forget about the fact that she's basically a wanted criminal.
When she's living in Hobie's universe, she ends up breaking her "lucky" drumsticks and is, understandably, a little shattered by it, but Hobie gets her another pair, "GWENDY" written in mismatched letters on the side. That "G" was definitely a last-minute addition, though. He also teaches her how to stop breaking them so often. "Bit of advice — use the wrists, not just the arms."
Gwen's definitely not meant to drink, so whenever Hobie goes to the pub he makes sure not to, suggesting his friends don't get pissed out of their minds either (though she might steal a sip of something fruity now and again.)
Hobie takes her to gigs all the time, and sometimes she drums for his ones. The first time she does it, she's nervous of course, but her sound immediately gets the crowd going and it's the talk of the town for a week straight (and her drumsticks didn't break!)
There's no shortage of junk food, of course. Just like all the takeout she'd have back at home, Hobie would make sure to take her around all the local spots. Although it's not exactly the same, anything beats the plasticky cafeteria food in 2099. Stopping for a kebab or two in the middle of anomaly-hunting isn't really against the rules anyway.
Gwen is friendly with pretty much everyone in the Spider-society because everyone knows who "Gwen Stacy" is, but she never really wants to meet another version of herself (given how unsettling it is with context). Also very awkward around any MJs — or Peters. Peter B essentially being an older 65!Peter definitely freaks her out a little at first.
Misses Miles, obviously, and probably had something she wanted to make for him back in her universe that she could never retrieve. Maybe when she gets Hobie's watch she'll bring it along with her — would Miles like a knitted neckwarmer?
SO best friends with Margo. Her tech lets Gwen see into her universe sometimes (Miguel wouldn't let her 😞) and Margo is super keen on learning about her universe. They both hang out with Peni and it's a fun little girl trio (Peni totally takes them to her universe to see all the giant mechs 😁 "Girls night!" BOOM!)
Number 1 girlfail. She hasn't broken those new drumsticks yet! But drumming can wait — and all those projects at the back of her closet, and her unresolved dispute with MJ and the band, and her dad at home. Going from her small world to having an entire multiverse against her and her friends, Gwen's got one hell of a show to put on, right?
“I never found the right band to join, so I started my own, with a few old friends.”
“You want in?”
@phoenixinthefiles (it's cause of you im always writing hcs 😭😭😭 /pos)
hi bunklies 😁 ive been averaging like 4h of sleep cuz of skl but ill fix up soon trust... hope you are all doing okay ! ive never written anything for gwen before so i hope this is an okay start lol
atsv masterlist here! reblogs always appreciated :) see u around <3
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knightscendant · 9 months
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I like to think Astarion was a mama’s boy….(young Astarion headcanons below)
They didn’t grow up wealthy, but she valued what few finery they had (she was a seamstress, so she made all their clothes and she was DAMN GOOD at it)
Astarion looked just like her. Silvery hair in waves that curled at the bottom, blue eyes with gold flecks, pale skin common among moon elves.
She taught him how to sew/embroidery
As Astarion grew older, his knack for light fingered antics and deception wasn’t encouraged, but it also wasn’t unwelcome. She wanted her son to be safe, but she was also proud of his cunning and intelligence.
The look on her face when he came home at the age of 30, with fake documents proving their noble status, and another a forged law degree….she could only laugh as she pulled her son’s ear, chastising him while he cheekily grinned back. He wanted them to have a better life, and it was about to begin.
He would purchase garments that they would’ve not been able to afford prior, but complain they lacked the fine stitching that she possessed (she would make adjustments to them when he was away). He bought her the best materials for sewing garments, even thought he kept reminding her she didn’t have to work anymore. But she liked sewing.
When he took her to their first ball, she would sit in the back of the ballroom, watching her magistrate son enchant and dazzle his new fellow lawmen and nobles, smiling with pride into her chalice, but also with a tinge of worry…she wanted her son to be safe…
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cethlyarlo · 11 months
Imagine this with me for a sec, I'm here to break your heart with this silly little headcanon:
Baylan and Shin made their outfits.
When Shin was young and living with her family, she learned to sew because it was something commonly taught to all people within her community (like driving or riding a bike in ours). This means she grew up with the craft and is familiar with how to both sew by hand and with a machine. She knows how to darn, mend, and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she knew a thing or two about embroidery, crochet, or knitting.
(oh my golly, imagine Sabine finding out Shin can crochet)
Anyways, fast forward to the first few years she and Baylan spent together on the run. Shin is officially an apprentice and they work together to survive, take contracts, teach, and learn. They do everything together, and because of their profession, they feel like they need ✨outfits✨ to appear more reputable to potential clients.
Now, if you look at the stitching on Shin's tunic compared to Baylan's, it's a lot neater. The color of fabric is uniform and overall, it's looks like it's held up fairly well to the abuse it's been through. Baylan's is... a little less neat, but still durable and it serves it's function.
Here's where I'm going with this:
Shin, in this scenario, is a relatively experienced seamster, or at least more experienced than most. This means that she probably had to teach Baylan a thing or two when it came to creating their outfits respectively, hence why the craftsmanship in Shin's appears a tad better than in Baylan's.
Now just imagine Baylan's pride towards trying to learn this new skill from his apprentice and inevitably succeeding after many failed attempts. He knows his handiworks isn't the best in the world, but he did it and it was his own apprentice that taught him how. It made his apprentice smile and that's really all that mattered in the end. It was probably a defining series of moments/activity in their relationship and it probably brought them closer as a Master and his Apprentice, or more like, a Father and his Daughter.
That's all 🙃
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dr-chosenberg · 1 month
On my recent rewatch I felt the inspiration to design my headcanon for what Dr. Potterswheel's late wife might have looked like! Born Marie-Thérèse Praxineaux, her maiden name is based off of the Praxinoscope which is an animation device that came after the Zoetrope
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Voice: https://youtu.be/2MaiJtecGmI?si=H6h5nLCUQsk9039K
CW: Dr Potterswheel's gore fetish, infection, death, miscarriage,
She moved to Moralton because you know The War and was shunned because of the rumors around town of her being a foreigner and France being a place of sin and lust. The librarian there gave her a job because she assumed no moralton man was going to be interested because of her reputation and took pity on her. Oh another reason the moraltons hate her lol, France is a majority Catholic country. Marie was part of the minority there that was Protestant but obviously the Moraltons didn’t care.
In comes a young Quentin.
He was studying for his medical school exams and often came in, staying the often inaccurate statesotan medical books for long hours. Sometimes when it was just the librarian and the two of them she would avoid him at all costs, not wanting to further her reputation.
He was aware of Marie-Therese, she was pretty and always helpful when she knew where to find a book he needed.
One day some kind of accident happened, not serious enough that she was in any real danger but enough that she needed medical assistance. Maybe a bookcase fell on her and she needed some stitches?
M-T was not one to speak up or make a fuss, but Quentin had a handsome deep voice and spoke with so much authority. He did his best to reassure her she would be ok and in a sense it coaxed the words right out of her. She had a way with words and could describe her pain like she was painting a picture, I like to think she enjoyed writing poetry, but you and I both know that’s not why it attracted him so intensely.
Despite the town doing its best to shun her she still attended church every Sunday and every Sunday Quentin would inquire about her wounds progress and ask to see it. One day a few weeks after her wound had healed they were conversing and Marie-Therese joked sadly that they could no longer be seen together as she didn’t have the excuse of being his practice patent.
At which point Quentin proposed. It wasn’t the most romantic affair to most, he said it matter of factly as he does most things. But that was ok, she would have the bedside manner and the way with words for them both.
Their relationship itself….well they had a foot up on many Moralton couples as they were truly in love. Many would consider Marie a fool as he was not the most romantic man. He was soft when she would fuss or worry (think about the way he spoke to Bloberta when she said her wound was bad) but when she really took issue with something he wouldn’t get more emotional, but even less, she found herself at times disheartened at the way he would dismiss her worries and talk down to her. She insisted to her newfound housewife friends that they just didn’t know him like she did, which was *sort* of true.
She honestly didn’t mind his “preferences” she assumed that taking charge was what a husband was meant to do in the bedroom, and that a “little” pain was just what a good Christian woman had to put up with after a life of chastity. When she had other wounds and he would take a bit too much of a vested interest she thought it was just his way of showing he cared. She never understood why he would discourage what he called “unnecessary” medications like, allergy meds, antacids, etc. always feeding her a line about the lord helping those who help themselves.
She tried her best to become more like the other wives of Moralton, she even took up sewing and embroidery. She made a comment once about how she was just like him, sewing up patients. He stroked her head and smiled, “How cute. You’d worry yourself sick if anything important was counting on your little stick ‘n’ pokes.”
Things got better when they got the wonderful news that Marie was pregnant. Her pregnancy was very rough, unlike anything Quentin had ever seen. He would comfort her by telling her of the many strong mothers he had seen in his career so far, if she couldn’t handle the pain of the pregnancy how could she handle the birth? The smile he would give her when she would nod in agreement was all the soothing she needed.
She was nearing the worst of it when she used the last of her energy to embroider a handkerchief for him, with his initials on it. Sometimes he would use it to clean her face when she would cough up one thing or another, or wet it to soothe her forehead.
Of course she wasn’t *just* facing pregnancy complications, she had caught a whole other sickness entirely, an infection. The days went by and Quentin got more desperate. Out of love for his wife? Out of a need to prove his abilities as a doctor? Who knows. He would never admit fault for anything let alone a patient, he sure as hell wasn’t going to take the blame for losing the woman he cares for. He tried everything, except actual medical science.
Finally he relented and began to give her painkillers. I believe it would be more in character if he didn’t tell her. Visitors from the town and a young Reverend Putty suspected it but she was none the wiser. She used to say things like, “Ma moitié having you pray for me and care for me is so healing, I am feeling better already.”
When she could form full coherent sentences.
With the way medicine was at the time while some painkillers are safe for pregnant women these probably weren’t, but they weren’t what took her. It got to the point that she wasn’t herself anymore but spent her days lying in bed in a haze, barely awake.
She swore sometimes that she could see Quentin there at her side, watching her, even feel him stroke her hand. But when she got her eyes to focus he wasn’t there anymore.
One day Quentin went in for a morning check up and the sheets were covered in blood. He had lost his wife and his child in one fell swoop.
It was a horrific scene but she looked so serene. So comfortable. She was clutching his handkerchief.
This takes place with the assumption that Moralton is not modern day, I headcanon Quentin to be around 50
This was fun, nothing is set in stone truly as this was part of a stream of consciousness conversation with my friend @cheonsa-n I’m fully up for criticism if anything seems out of character. I’m also happy to explain the reasoning behind certain choices!
I don’t personally buy the idea that Quentin killed his wife on purpose, a man with Quentin’s disposition who actually committed a murder wouldn’t resort to almost stabbing the man who accused him of it, that’s how you get people to think you killed your wife on purpose lol.
I hope you guys enjoy what I came up with. Their relationship isn’t fully this way as he was attracted to her and subjected her to some of the same treatment we saw Bloberta go through, but their marriage in my mind had a bit of a Madonna-whore complex flavoring to it. I also believe this is somewhat of an origin story for his habit of treating everything with almost exclusively painkillers. Marie-Thérèse couldn’t be saved but she was, as Quentin puts it, very comfortable when she passed.
In the AU where she lives she still suffered a miscarriage and Clay calls Dr. Potterswheel a babykiller instead. She is still as sweet as the day she and Quentin met but she isn’t particularly keen on giving Orel the time and attention he needs either, it’s too painful. When she does give him advice she tends to advise him to wait things out and not rock the boat. She tells him that good things come to those who wait.
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adding onto the sewing headcanon (not the og poster) but i think customization of clothing, weapons, other things that are hard to break and are always carried on the person (like out of game meta communicators) are all bedazzled with embroidery and staining and designs.
like leowooks texture pack, he has his armor and gear practically screaming his name. everyone knows what's leo's, and while it's similar to zam's, zam decks his things out with suns and smiles and leo's is more geometric.
it's personal, and overall a huge waste of time, but what else is there to do when villagers are restocking or youre waiting for potions to brew or youve just been mercilessly killed and it's unsafe to leave your base until your teammate gets back? what else is there to do in a world that wants to tear you down for all youre worth? you show your dedication and it's locked within your gear and your under clothes.
it's personal. s4 when mapicc kills zam in his castle he takes his sun ensconced weapons and wields them (he refuses to wear his shitty diamond armor). when mapicc lets himself die zam patches up the tears in his clothes with the fabric from mapicc's hoodie. zam finds periwinkle stitching throughout it.
after jumper kills minute in the fake trap she gifts him a ribbon with rabbit ears embroidered to the ends of them. he switches out his bowtie for it.
every time spoke dies because planet starts something spoke always gets a new armor and gear set ensconced in rainbow and pink-purple-blue gradients. spoke silently seethes over more than just the gear loss when he sees subz wearing it after he kills him.
it's a show of time and love and friendship and honor. while names of armor and tools are good indicators (and the newly added armor trims im obsessed with those), personalization within lifesteal is everywhere and everything from their base designs to the stitching on their clothes pinpoints a person. there's confusion with a person's teammates and enemies but it's made apparent soon enough. shoutout individuality #awesome
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